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No. 04 [v. 06]
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15.01.2014 9:17:23
2 GES 04|2013
Kasimov Nikolay S.
Lomonosov Moscow State
University, Faculty of Geography
Kotlyakov Vladimir M.
Vandermotten Christian
Russian Academy of Sciences Université Libre de Bruxelles
Institute of Geography
Tikunov Vladimir S. (Secretary-General)
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Faculty of Geography, Russia
Babaev Agadzhan G.
Turkmenistan Academy of Sciences,
Institute of deserts, Turkmenistan
Baklanov Petr Ya.
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Pacific Institute of Geography, Russia
Baume Otfried,
Ludwig Maximilians Universitat Munchen,
Institut fur Geographie, Germany
Chalkley Brian
University of Plymouth, UK
Dmitriev Vasily V.
St-Petersburg State University, Faculty of
Geography and Geoecology, Russia
Dobrolubov Sergey A.
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Faculty of Geography, Russia
D’yakonov Kirill N.
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Faculty of Geography, Russia
Gritsay Olga V.
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Geography, Russia
Gunin Petr D.
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russia
Guo Hua Tong
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Hayder Adnane
Association of Tunisian Geographers,
Himiyama Yukio
Hokkaido University of Education,
Institute of Geography, Japan
Kolosov Vladimir A.
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Geography, Russia
Konečný Milan
Masaryk University,
Faculty of Science, Czech Republic
Kroonenberg Salomon,
Delft University of Technology
Department of Applied Earth Sciences,
The Netherlands
gi413.indd 2
O’Loughlin John
University of Colorado at Boulder,
Institute of Behavioral Sciences, USA
Malkhazova Svetlana M.
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Faculty of Geography, Russia
Mamedov Ramiz
Baku State University,
Faculty of Geography, Azerbaijan
Mironenko Nikolay S.
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Faculty of Geography, Russia
Nefedova Tatyana G.
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Geography, Russia
Palacio-Prieto Jose
National Autonomous University of Mexico,
Institute of Geography, Mexico
Palagiano Cosimo
Universita degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”,
Instituto di Geografia, Italy
Radovanovic Milan
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić”, Serbia
Richling Andrzej
University Warsaw, Faculty of Geography
and Regional Studies, Poland
Rudenko Leonid G.
National Ukrainian Academy
of Sciences, Institute of Geography
Solomina Olga N.
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Geography, Russia
Tishkov Arkady A.
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Geography, Russia
Thorez Pierre
Université du Havre – UFR “Lettres
et Sciences Humaines” France
Vargas Rodrigo Barriga
Military Geographic Institute, Chile
Viktorov Alexey S.
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Environmental Geosciences, Russia
Zilitinkevich Sergey S.
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland
15.01.2014 9:17:23
Svetlana M. Malkhazova, Varvara A. Mironova, Tatyana V. Kotova, Natalya V. Shartova,
Dmitry S. Orlov
Dmitry P. Nesterenko, Nikolay I. Alexeevsky
OF THE VOLGA RIVER BASIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3 GES 04|2013
Vitaly S. Belozerov, Vladimir S. Tikunov, Alexander A. Cherkasov, Aydyn Ibrahimov,
Vedat Caliskan
URBANIZATION IN RUSSIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Vitaliy A. Ivanov, Mikhail V. Shokurov, Vladimir A. Dulov, Vladimir N. Kudryavtsev,
Takvor Soukissian
IN THE BLACK SEA REGION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Vadim Yu. Rumiantsev, Alexey A. Golubinsky, Mikhail S. Soldatov, Alexandre Husson,
Dmitry A. Khitrov
THE END OF THE XVIII CENTURY  XXI CENTURY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Sergey P. Gorshkov, Laurent Touchart, Olga I. Mochalova, Andrey Yu. Ozerskiy,
Larissa S. Evseeva
FROM PONDS TO MANMADE SEAS IN RUSSIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Bernd Cyffka, Christian Rumbaur, Martin Kuba, Markus Disse
AND THE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES APPROACH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Leonid G. Rudenko, Alexandr G. Golubtsov, Sergei A. Lisovskyi, Evgenia A. Marunyak,
Yuri N. Farion, Viktor M. Chekhniy
PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Vladimir A. Kolossov
IGU REGIONAL CONFERENCE IN KYOTO AUGUST 49, 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
gi413.indd 3
15.01.2014 9:17:23
Svetlana M. Malkhazova1, Varvara A. Mironova1*, Tatyana V. Kotova2,
Natalya V. Shartova3, Dmitry S. Orlov1
1Department of Biogeography, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State
University, 119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, Tel: +7 (495) 9394717
2Scientific Laboratory of Complex Mapping, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov
Moscow State University, 119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1,
Tel: +7 (495) 9392354
3Department of Landscape Geochemistry and Soil Geography, Faculty of
Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991, Russia, Moscow,
Leninskie Gory, 1, Tel: +7 (495) 9392123
*Corresponding author; e-mail: mironova.va@gmail.com
ABSTRACT. The paper discusses a mapping
method for compilation of maps for a
medical-geographical Atlas of Russia “Natural
Focal Diseases” and potential that this Atlas
presents for assessment and monitoring of
the epidemiological situation in a number
of diseases. A series of analytical, integrated,
and synthetic maps shows disease incidence
in the population at both the national and
regional levels for the last 15 years. The
Atlas contains maps of the mean annual
incidence of certain infections and maps of
incidence dynamics and nosological profiles
that allow detailed analysis of the situation
for each of 83 subjects of the Russian
Federation. The degree of epidemic hazard
in Russia by naturally occurring is reflected in
a synthetic medical-geographical map that
allows one to estimate the risk of a disease
manifestation in a given region.
KEY WORDS: natural focal diseases, atlas
mapping, medical-geographical atlas,
morbidity rate.
The outcome document of the United
Nations Conference on Sustainable
Development, held in Rio de Janeiro on 20–
22 June 2012, emphasized the notion that
health is a fundamental condition, the result,
and an indicator of sustainable development.
People’s health remains a vitally important
gi413.indd 4
criterion for measuring the impact economic,
environmental, and social policy because its
outcomes are readily assessable and health
concerns are immediate, personal, and local
[UN, 2012]. Therefore, special attention should
be paid to research of environmental factors
that may have an adverse effect on the health
of the population.
Numerous natural focal diseases represent
a serious risk to human health; while their
agents and vectors are part of natural
landscapes. Therefore, medical geography
has an important task – to evaluate the risk
of epidemic hazard of natural ecosystems
and to provide public health authorities with
recommendations necessary to prevent mass
disease outbreaks and conduct activities for
full remediation of the focal territory. In
recent decades, increasing human activities
(e.g., the economic development of new
regions, intensive suburban construction
areas around the cities, the expansion
and growth of recreational pressure) have
led to a significant increase of contacts
among of the population and the natural
foci and the creation of epidemiological
conditions for the spread of natural focal
diseases. “Humans have come closer to the
like never before have approached sources
of infections that exist in the nature as they
have never done before” [Bogomolov, 2008].
In addition, there is a growing inflow of
migrants from epidemic-prone areas, many-
15.01.2014 9:17:23
methodological mapping approaches make
it difficult to obtain a complete picture of the
distribution of natural focal diseases within
the Russian Federation territory [Malkhazova
and Kotova, 2010]. Despite the existence of
several cartographic products that reflect the
distribution of natural focal diseases in Russia, a
cartographic summary showing the geography
of natural focal diseases for Russia as a whole,
i.e., at the national level, is still lacking.
Despite the increased attention to this issue
in the past decade, many research questions
of natural focal diseases remain unanswered.
These questions include the development of
the principles and methods of synthesizing
the medical-geographical information and
obtaining new knowledge about the spatial
distribution patterns of natural focal diseases
using mathematical and cartographic models.
Currently, the Faculty of Geography at the
Lomonosov Moscow State University is
working on the compilation of a medicalgeographical atlas of Russia “Natural Focal
Diseases”. The concept and the main issues
related to the compilation of the atlas are
described in a number of publications
[Malkhazova and Kotova, 2010; Malkhazova et
al., 2011a; Malkhazova et al., 2011b; Kotova et
al., 2012; Malkhazova et al., 2012]. The purpose
of the Atlas is to reflect the spatiotemporal
distribution of natural focal diseases for Russia
as a whole taking into consideration a set of
conditions and factors that influence it. The
main goals associated with the compilation of
the atlas were as follows:
One important aspect of such studies is
atlas mapping, combining general scientific
methods (system, integrated, historical, etc.)
and specific (statistical, landscape, medicalgeographical, etc.) approaches with geographic
information technologies. The experience of
the Soviet and Russian medical-geographic
medical-geographical mapping is rather
extensive. The scientific and methodological
basis of medical-geographical mapping that
uses the landscape approach, methods of
mathematical statistics, multivariate analysis,
conjugate mapping studies, and synthesis of
the information is well developed [Vershinsky,
1964; Prokhorov, 1968; Malkhazova et al., 2001,
Malkhazova et al., 2011b; Malkhazova and
Shartova et al., 2011, etc.]. However, the scientificmethodological and practical experience of
the national medical-geographical mapping,
in particular, mapping of natural focal diseases
is significant in the field of regional and local
mapping only and is extremely limited in the
overview mapping at the federal (national)
level. In terms of the status of cartographic
studies of natural focal diseases for Russia as a
whole, it may be stated that the coverage of
the territory is not consistent in reliability and
level of detail of cartographic representation.
Differences in quality and incompleteness of
the initial information and the use of different
gi413.indd 5
fold increase of tourist flows, and increase
in international traffic that also elevate the
risk of infections, due to natural conditions.
Monitoring of the epidemiological situation
and the development of sanitary measures
to protect public health requires investigation
of the geography of natural focal diseases,
natural and socioeconomic background of their
distribution, and spatial structure of the focal
areas at different spatial and temporal levels.
systematization and analysis of the role of
natural and socioeconomic factors in the
spread of natural focal infections;
mapping of natural foci of infections in
the territory of Russia and some of its
regions; identification of the most active
foci and assessment of their potential
danger to humans;
analysis of the incidence of natural focal
diseases in the population in Russia in
general and in some model regions.
According to these goals, the atlas has seven
thematic blocks and 110 maps:
1. Introductory section.
2. Natural conditions.
3. Demographic
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4. Agents and vectors of focal diseases.
5. Distribution ranges of natural focal
6. Disease incidence in the population.
7. Organization of public health system and
preventive measures for natural focal diseases.
A significant part of the themes is
implemented in the maps supplemented by
charts, graphs, and text material. The main
scales of the maps for the territory of Russia
are 1:20 000 000 and 1:30 000 000, and
for the maps of the individual regions are
1:4 000 000 and 1:10 000 000, respectively.
The work on the atlas includes several stages.
To date, the maps on natural focal disease
incidence have been compiled for Russia
in general. This allows for analysis of the
obtained cartographic material. This paper
discusses the potential of the atlas to assess
and monitor the epidemiological situation
for a number of diseases.
The background data for the atlas included
the ROSSTAT statistics on socioeconomic
indicators and the data of the Federal
Service on Customers’ Rights Protection and
Human Well-Being Surveillance, representing
the statistics on the disease incidence in
the population (for infectious and parasitic
diseases). In addition, the atlas used other
materials available to the authors: mapping of
the natural environment; previously compiled
maps of the federal and regional atlases; field,
report, and archival material; and the results of
interpretation of satellite images.
The work on the section included the
following steps: 1) preparation, update, and
analysis of the database on infectious and
parasitic natural focal diseases within the
Russian territory; 2) selection of mapping
methods; 3) mathematical-cartographic
modeling; and 4) medical-geographical
gi413.indd 6
analysis based on the compiled maps.
The process of the maps’ compilation may
be broken.in two stages: compilation of
analytic (inventory) maps and compilation of
integrated and synthetic (assessment) maps.
Twenty two nosological units were covered
in the maps: 14 infectious diseases (rabies,
Lyme disease, brucellosis, hemorrhagic
fever with renal syndrome [HFRS], tickborne rickettsiosis of North Asia, tick-borne
encephalitis, legionellosis, leptospirosis, Q
fever, ornithosis, pseudotuberculosis, anthrax,
tetanus, tularemia) and eight parasitic diseases
(diphyllobothriasis, opisthorchiasis, beef
tapeworm infection, taeniasis, toxocariasis,
trichinosis, trichuriasis, echinococcosis).
The section “Morbidity Rate” includes several
groups of maps; one of the maps shows the
average long-term incidence of certain natural
focal infections and another – its multiannual
dynamics. In addition, the section contains six
maps on the dynamics of the incidence of the
natural focal infections, the most relevant to the
Russian Federation, and one comprehensive
map of nosological profiles of the administrative
units (federal subjects of Russia).
The maps of the mean annual morbidity
were compiled using the cartogram method
and reflect the relative and absolute values
for each administrative unit.
The maps of the multiannual dynamics of
morbidity show variations in the number of
cases in relation to the average annual value.
The line diagrams for the federal subjects
reflect the positive and negative deviations
of the values of the incidence data from the
mean annual values. Thus, each region has its
linear diagram where each year is depicted
with its own color, which makes it possible
to compare specific years and variations of
disease incidence at the national level.
The compilation of a series of maps on the
types of dynamics was done using the data
of mathematical-cartographic modeling, the
analysis of the relative parameters of disease
morbidity for 1996–2010, and the typological
15.01.2014 9:17:23
12 2
13 16
14 18
lyme disease
hemorrahgic fever
with renal syndrome (HERS)
tick-borne rickettsiosis of North Asia
no data
no cases
The charts for the federal subjects labeled with numeric characters are shown ne[t to the map legend
Fig. 1. A fragment of the map “Nosological profiles of federal subjects of the Russian Federation”
classification of disease morbidity using the
methodology introduced by V.S. Tikunov
[1997]. At this stage of work, we have
identified the main spatiotemporal patterns
in the distribution of this parameter for the
six diseases relevant to the territory of the
Russian Federation: tick-borne encephalitis,
Lyme disease, HFRS, beef tapeworm disease,
opisthorchosis, and trichuriasis.
The map of the nosological profiles shows the
sets of specific natural focal diseases in the
gi413.indd 7
context of the Federal subjects presented in
the form of a matrix showing the presence or
absence of a disease in the population for each
year for 11 years. The matrices are arranged
vertically by nosological units (diseases) and
horizontally – by the years (Fig. 1).
The maps included in Section “Disease
Morbidity” are based on the national
statistics. Because of the nature of the
15.01.2014 9:17:23
data collection and submission based on
the administrative-territorial principle, the
basic map units are the administrative units
of the Russian Federation. These maps
represent the level of disease incidence
for a given period. With their help, one
can evaluate the general characteristic
of a specific disease in a particular area,
identify the most affected regions, and
improve the understanding of the natural
confideness of the endemic territories.
These maps can be easily updated with
new temporal data.
Map “Nosological Profiles” shows characteristics of the distribution of the most
important natural focal diseases at the
national level and can be used in assessment
of the representativeness of the nosological
units and frequency of manifestation of
certain infections in different regions. It
reflects the most common natural focal
Mean annual cases
1997 - 2010 гг.
less than1 1-8 12-24 34-56 62-95 118-176 245-415
Mean annual cases
incidence per 100 000
No cases
less than 1
Fig. 2. The incidence of tick-borne encephalitis: A: mean annual incidence (a map fragment)
gi413.indd 8
15.01.2014 9:17:23
SCALE 1:40 000 000
no cases
The types of dynamics of tick-borne
encephalitis incidence (1997 - 2010
Fig. 2. The incidence of tick-borne encephalitis: B: the types of dynamics of the disease (a map fragment)
incidence per 100 000
incidence per 100 000
gi413.indd 9
15.01.2014 9:17:23
infections in Russia, among which, as the
maps’ analysis has shown, the leading role
is played by Lyme disease, leptospirosis,
and HFRS that occur in most parts of Russia,
as well as by tick-borne encephalitis and
For example, in order to analyze the
incidence of certain diseases, let us consider
the maps showing the incidence of tickborne encephalitis, i.e., one of the most
dangerous natural focal infections in the
Russian Federation (Fig. 2).
vectors, and disease agents, and their
natural and socioeconomic determinants.
This approach allows creating maps of
distribution ranges of diseases and, in the
end, an integrated medical-geographical
map of natural focal diseases in the territory
of Russia. In the future, the maps at the
federal level will be supplemented by the
regional and more detailed maps with
in depth assessment of the character of
distribution of the foci and spread of the
natural focal diseases.
The map (Fig. 2A) reflects the distribution
of the morbidity over 14 years. The map
on the typological classification of the
Russian Federation by the dynamics of the
encephalitis incidence parameters (Fig. 2B)
reflects different subtypes of taxa derived
from the estimated indices and semantic
analysis of the results. Each subtype is
characterized by the reference path of the
dynamics of the disease incidence in the
population for a given period (decrease,
increase, with significant or insignificant
fluctuations in amplitude, etc. – five taxa
in total). This map gives an indication
of the degree of uniformity of epidemic
outbreaks of tick-borne encephalitis in
different regions, which provides a tool
for the optimization of planning control
Mapping the morbidity for such large
territorial units, as the federal subjects of
the Russian Federation, is a necessary but
not sufficient element in the assessment
of the spread of natural focal diseases.
This representation is the epidemiological
characterization of the population rather
than that of specific diseases, whose ranges
are determined primarily by the parameters
of the environment. However, the nature of
the information on disease incidence in the
population at a small scale (i.e., covering a
large area) does not allow using the natural
boundaries. In order to overcome this
limitation, along with the maps on disease
incidence, the atlas contains sections on
the distribution ranges of the main hosts,
gi413.indd 10
The compiled series of maps “Disease
Morbidity” allows to:
1) determine the spectrum of the most
diagnosed natural focal diseases observed
over the past 15 years at the level of the
subjects of the Russian Federation and the
country as a whole;
2) quantify disease morbidity in both
absolute and relative terms;
3) forecast incidence based on the types
of dynamics of disease incidence using
mathematical-cartographic modeling for
the current natural focal diseases;
4) identify the most visual ways of
cartographic representation of the dynamics
of disease incidence;
5) carry out medical and geographic analysis
of the territory for the spread of the basic
nosoforms of natural focal diseases in the
regions of the Russian Federation and in the
territory of Russia as a whole.
Taken together, the maps allow assessing
the persistence in the manifestation of the
diseases and the degree of specific diseases
spread risk of the territories. The results of
analysis can be used for the purposes of
health monitoring and targeted preventive
measures, especially in the areas of new
development and the areas affected by the
recreational load. 15.01.2014 9:17:24
2. Kotova, T.V., Malkhazova, S.M., Orlov, D.S., Shartova, N.V. (2012). Atlas of natural focal diseases. Mapping study for the territory of Russia / / Proceedings of the RGS, Vol. 144, No. 1,
pp. 16–26.
3. Malkhazova, S.M., Kotova, T.V., Mironova, V.A., Orlov, D.S., Shartova N.V., Kisileva, N.M. (2012).
Natural focal disease incidence: methodological aspects of atlas mapping. Sustainable
development: GIS theory and practice // Proceedings of the Intern. scientific conference.
Smolensk, Saint-Diй-des-Vosges 26 June–4 July 2012. Smolensk, pp. 486–489.
4. Malkhazova, S.M., Shartova N.V. (2011). Regional specific features of population health:
medical-geographical assessment and mapping. Problemy regionalnoy ecologii, No. 1,
pp. 106–11.
1. Bogomolov, B.P. (2008). Natural focal infectious diseases – a regional and global issue of
our time. http://www.terramedica.spb.ru/5_2008/bogomolov.htm
5. Malkhazova, S.M. (2001). Medical and geographical analysis of areas : mapping, assessment, forecast, M., Nauchnyi Myr. 240 p.
6. Malkhazova, S.M., Kotova, T.V. (2010). “Natural focal diseases” in atlas mapping in Russia.
InterKarto/InterGIS-16. Sustainable Development of Territories: GIS theory and practical
experience // Proceedings of the Intern. scientific conference. Rostov-on-Don, Salzburg,
3–4 July 2010. Rostov-on-Don: SSC RAS Press. pp. 306–312.
7. Malkhazova, S.M., Kotova, T.V., Mironova, V.A., Shartova, N.V., Ryabova, N.V. (2011a). Medicalgeographic atlas of Russia “Natural focal diseases”: the concept and the initial results //
Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 5, Geography. No. 4, pp. 16–23.
8. Malkhazova, S.M., Kotova, T.V., Tikunov, V.S. (2011b). Natural focal diseases: the draft of
medical-geographical atlas of Russia. InterKarto/InterGIS-17. Sustainable Development
of Territories: GIS theory and practical experience // Proceedings of the Intern. scientific
conference. Perm, Gent. 29 June–5 July 2009. Perm, Vol. 2. pp. 480–484.
9. Prokhorov, B.B. (1968). Principles and methods of mapping of comprehensive medicalgeographical health assessment of territories // Principles and methods of medicalgeographical mapping Irkutsk, pp. 154–184.
10. Tikunov, V.S. (1997). Modeling in cartography. Mosc. Univ. Press. 405 p.
11. United Nations (2012). UN Sustainable development knowledge platform. The future
we want. Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 27 July 2012. http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/futurewewant.html
12. Vershinsky, B.V. (1964). Mapping of natural focal diseases in the study of geography in the
USSR // Medical geography. Results. Prospects. – Irkutsk, pp. 62–98.
Svetlana M. Malkhazova has a degree of Doctor of Geographical
Sciences. She is Professor, Head of the Department of
Biogeography, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State
University. The main research interests relate to the problems of
biogeography, ecology, and medical geography. She is the
author of over 250 scientific publications, including 10 books,
several textbooks, and medical and environmental atlases.
gi413.indd 11
15.01.2014 9:17:24
Varvara A. Mironova is PhD in Geography, she is Scientific
Researcher at the Department of Biogeography, Faculty of
Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Her main
research interests include medical geography, especially
problems related to nosogeography of natural focal and natural
endemic diseases, medico-geographical mapping and ecological
and evolutional parasitology. She is the author of 30 scientific
Tatyana V. Kotova is PhD in Geography, works at the Faculty of
Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University since 1964. At
present she is Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Integrated
Mapping. The main area of research interests is integrated thematic,
biogeographic, and ecological mapping. She published over 180
papers and participated in creation of complex cartographic
products as a managing editor, an editor, or an author of individual
chapters (World Atlas of Resources and Environment, 1998; Atlas
of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region – Ugra, 2006; Atlas of
Kuril Islands, 2009; The National Atlas of Russia, 2007, 2009, etc.).
Natalya V. Shartova is PhD in Geography, she is Scientific
Researcher at the Department of Landscape Geochemistry and
Soil Geography, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow
State University. Her main research interests are in medical
geography and human ecology, particularly in relation to the
problems of urban ecology and urban population health. She is
the author of 30 scientific publications.
Dmitry S. Orlov graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State
University in 2008. At present he is Scientific Researcher, Faculty
of Geography, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. His
main scientific interests include ecology, medical geography
and environmental epidemiology. He is the author of 20 scientific
gi413.indd 12
15.01.2014 9:17:24
ABSTRACT. The estimation of the area of
the territories which are under the threat
of flooding is of great importance. The
technique, based on a principle of conformity
of the area of a floodplain massif, averaged
within the part of the river with a particular
order, to this order has been proposed. The
stream order, according to the Scheidegger
scheme, were calculated for the mouths of
9907 rivers in the Volga river basin. For 96
rivers of the Volga basin, which has length of
more than 200 km, changes of stream order
within the entire extent were calculated and a
map was compiled using the obtained results.
For several rivers in the Volga river basin,
change of the average floodplain areas
along the rivers was estimated. It allowed
establishing dependences between the
average floodplain areas and the stream
order, with higher order corresponding to
bigger floodplain areas.
KEY WORDS: Volga; floodplain areas; water
Spring high water period is a hydrological
season of a year with a greater risk to
hydroecological safety of the population
and economy. River floods can cause
considerable social, economic, and
ecological damage. The loss increases with
greater frequency, depth, and duration of
gi413.indd 13
Dmitry P. Nesterenko1*, Nikolay I. Alexeevsky2
1* Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;
Leninskie gory, 1, 1199911, Tel. + 7 495 9391533, e-mail: d.p.nesterenko@gmail.com
Corresponding author
2 Head of the Department of Hydrology, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow
State University, Moscow, Russia; Leninskie gory, 1, 1199911, Tel. + 7 495 939 1001,
e-mail: n_alex50@mail.ru
flooding [Taratunin, 2000]. It also increases
with growing population, settling area in
valleys of the rivers, and growing cost of
basic assets [Dobrovolsky, Istomina, 2007].
Though the territory of the Volga river
basin includes the zones with rather small
risk of flooding, annual damages from this
dangerous natural and social phenomenon
in the Volga river basin can reach 200 million
Russian roubles and more.
Let us assume that, at some water level Hm ,
flooding of a river segment with the initial Hp
water level starts. At Hmn m H < Hp , the water
stream is limited with the low-water period
level and is not a danger for the population
and the social and industrial objects located
on the floodplain. Difference Hm – Hmn =
ΔH characterizes a natural range of change
of water levels on the river segment. It
depends on the size of the river (its rank
NSh) [Nesterenko, Kositsky, 2010] and the
watershed area F. In the Oka river basin, for
example, at F < 15 000 км2, this difference is
(in cm) ΔH = 0,04F + 160 [Samokhin, 2006].
The value of ΔH depends on a
geomorphological type of a river channel
(broad-floodplain, altered, or incised). In the
Volga river basin, there prevail (80%) broadfloodplain river channels, for which periodic
or annual flooding of the both sides of the
15.01.2014 9:17:24
river is characteristic. The rivers with altered
channels usually have a floodplain on one
side (on the opposite bank, there is usually
a slope composed of solid rocks). In the Volga
river basin, altered segments of rivers occupy
about 5% of the river network. Within the
watershed area F = const and in the floodplain
zones, ΔH of broad-floodplain and altered river
channels changes slightly. Approximately 15%
of the Volga basin channel network belongs to
the extended incised channel type with a very
small or completely absent floodplain. For the
incised channels, there is no danger of flooding
of the area because the slopes of such rivers
are abrupt, and banks are high and can contain
seasonal maxima of water levels that can cause
The type of water regime of the Volga
basin (according to V.D. Zajkov) does not
significantly influence the spatial change
of ΔH because the overwhelming majority
of the rivers of this basin have identical
type of the intra-annual distribution of the
river flow (East European type). Small- and
medium-size rivers in the south and the
southeast of the territory represent the
exception; there, the water regime belongs
to the Kazakhstan type. The intra-annual
distribution of river flow defines, to a greater
degree, the frequency and duration of water
discharge and water levels at which flooding
occurs on a high floodplain. According to
the data [Morphology and dynamics..., 1999],
the duration of flooding of the Volga basin
floodplains does not exceed 50 days (Fig. 1).
For the most parts of the basin, short flooding
of the floodplains (on average, it proceeds
for less than 10 days) is characteristic. In
the Kaluga, Kirov, Moscow, Ryazan, and
Tver regions, the Perm territory, Republic of
Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Udmurtiya, and
Chuvashiya, this period is longer (10–30 days).
Only occasionally floodplains of some rivers
(Vetluga, Mologa) are flooded for more than
Fig. 1. The map of the duration of floodplain flooding in the Volga River basin
gi413.indd 14
15.01.2014 9:17:24
The frequency of flooding of the Volga basin
floodplains can be estimated only for the
territories with the hydrological posts. Only
in this case it is possible to evaluate daily
water discharge (long-term average) for
conditions of steady flooding of a floodplain.
This frequency corresponds to the highest
interval of channel-forming water discharges
Qbff [Vlasov, Chalov, 1991], which, in long-term,
is most objectively characterizes the regime
of its flooding. Value of Qbff is connected with
the size of the river (its area, stream order NSh)
by the power equation (Fig. 2):
1.76 NSh
Qbff = 2
Recurrence of the water discharge Qbff and
corresponding duration of the phenomenon
characterizes average (for the long-term
period) duration of flooding of floodplains.
Data processing on 132 posts in river Volga
basin in period from 1877 to 1980 has shown
that duration of flooding of floodplains
doesn’t exceed 27 days. Recurrence of water
discharges Qbff varies from 0,01 % to 7,5 %
[Vlasov, Chalov, 1991]. The maximal value of
this parameter is characteristic for the rivers
in the upper courses of the rivers White,
Vyatka, Oka, and Kama. With an increase
in the size (stream order) of the frequency
of river water discharges, Qbff increases
somewhat. The frequency is much greater
on broad-floodplain channels compared to
adapted and incised channels.
The information on the area of flooding Ff in
the river valleys is of high importance for the
evaluation of flooding damage. Such data allow
estimating potential damage and economic
efficiency of the investments necessary for
flooding control. Other things being equal, the
increase in this area is associated with a linear
(or nonlinear) increase of social and economic
damages. Nowadays, there are no methods of
defining this important characteristic for large
territories located in the valleys of small, average,
and large rivers.
30 days. Floodplains of some small rivers in the
Volgograd and the Samara regions are very
seldom flooded in a high water periods or are
not affected by flooding in the modern hydroclimatic conditions. The mountain and semimountain rivers of the western slope of the
Ural Mountains have no floodplains or they are
fragmentary, which allows considering them
as rivers with no risk of flooding.
The problem analysis shows that for this
purpose, it is necessary to identify regional
(or basin) dependences between the area
of floodplains Ff and the stream order. The
existence of consistent dependences between
the parameters (average area of floodplain
for a river segment with NSh = const and the
corresponding value NSh) and between the
distribution of the rivers within the territory
and their size (length, stream order) make
it possible to identify potentially flooded
parts of floodplain areas within the Russian
Federation regions or individual river basins
(and potential damages from this dangerous
hydrological phenomenon).
In order to test this statement, we used
the data on the number of tributaries
shorter than 10 km in the Volga basin river
network [The Hydrological scrutiny, 1966].
We estimated the stream order (according to
A. Scheidegger scheme) using formula:
NSh = 1 + log2S,
Fig. 2. Dependence of the size of the top interval
of channel-forming water discharges Qbff
on stream order (NSh) in the Volga river basin
gi413.indd 15
where S is the total number of
the tributaries shorter than 10 km.
15.01.2014 9:17:24
Fig. 3. The map of stream order in the Volga River basin
This procedure was conducted for
the mouths of 9907 rivers in the Volga
basin to estimate their hydrographic
For 96 largest rivers of the Volga basin
(longer than 200 km), we estimated changes
of the stream order (Fig. 3). The changes
are associated with an increase of the
Table 1. Distribution of the rivers (according to the value of stream order in the mouth)
in the Volga River basin
gi413.indd 16
Value of stream order
NSh in the mouth
Number of the rivers
with the corresponding
value of NSh
Value of stream order
NSh in the mouth
Number of the rivers
with the corresponding
value of NSh
Data is not available
15.01.2014 9:17:25
For the calculation of the floodplain areas
for segments of the rivers with changing
size (stream order), 67 topographic maps,
1:50 000 scale, for the Oka river basin territory
were used. The calculation was carried out
using a software program AcrView GIS 3.2. In
the program, the raster image (topographic
map) was georeferenced to the geographical coordinates, then, according to
characteristic features – relief, borders of
settlements, and character of vegetation,
the floodplain areas were delineated and
the area was calculated automatically by
the program.
The estimates of the floodplain areas of the
tributaries of the Volga river depending on
their length (the rivers Moskva, Pahra, and
Oka) were obtained. If the stream order of
the rivers for which the floodplain areas
were defined, changed within unity (for
example, from 5,1 to 5,7 or from 12,2 to
12,6), their average value was defined. It
was compared according to the stream
order (e.g., 5 or 12) (Fig. 4).
Change of the average areas of the
floodplains depends on the stream order
and is described by nonlinear increasing
function. Fig. 4 indicates that the increase
of the average floodplain area coincides
with the increase in the stream order. The
existing dispersion of the points specifies
the dependence of the floodplain area
on the morphological features of the river
valleys and geomorphological type of the
river-segment channels. For example, the
average area of the Oka river floodplain
at NSh =12 is equal to 13,5 km2, and for
NSh = 13, is equal to 7,3 km2, which is due to
the change of the channel type.
majority of hydrological parameters of the
rivers from their beginnings to mouths
because of inflowing tributaries. Discharge
through river branches is characteristic
of the Volgo-Ahtubinskaya floodplain and
the Volga delta. For the majority of the
river mouths in the Volga basin, rank NSh
does not exceed 7 (Table 1). The maximal
number of the rivers have NSh = 3•5. The
number of the rivers with NSh > 11 does
not exceeded 10.
The established dependency between the
average areas of the floodplains and the
stream order of the rivers opens prospects
for defining the Ff for the unstudied
parts of the river valleys with hydrographic
information and data on the river
channel geomorphological type. Using
dependence F f = f(N Sh) it would be
possible to estimate the areas of manaltered territories in the river valleys
potentially affected by flooding. It is
possible to objectively plan flood-control
actions in different parts of the Volga river
basin through assessing the frequency
of floodplain flooding and potential damage
considering the value of basic assets and
the population in the areas of flooding risk.
Fig. 4. Relation between the average area Ff
of floodplains of the Volga basin rivers
and their stream order NSh
gi413.indd 17
The study is supported by the Russian
Foundation for Basic Research (the
project no. 12-05-00069) and the Russian
Federation Government Grant for the
State Support of the Scientific Research
under the Supervision of Leading
Scientists in the Russian Higher Schools
and Universities (the project no. 11.G.
34.31.0007). 15.01.2014 9:17:25
1. Dobrovolsky, S.G., M.N. Istomina. (2006). World flooding. Moscow: “GUOS” Publishing
House, 255 p.
2. Morphology and dynamics of channels of the rivers of the European part of Russia and
the adjacent states. (1999). The Map of scale 1:2000000 from a series “Maps for higher
educational institutions.” Russian Federal Service for Geodesy and Cartography.
3. Nesterenko, D.P., A.G. Kositskiy. (2010). Channel network of the river Volga and its indication features. Materials of the VIII Scientific seminar of young scientists at the Interuniversity Council on problems of erosion, channel, and estuary processes at the Lomonosov
Moscow State University (April 21–24, 2010).
4. Surface water resources of the USSR. The hydrological study. (1966). Vol. 10. The Upper
Volga area. Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat.
5. Surface water resources of the USSR. The hydrological study. (1966). Vol. 11. Middle Ural
Mountains and Priural’e. Part. 1. Kama. Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat.
6. Surface water resources of the USSR. The hydrological study. (1966). Vol. 12. The Lower Volga region and the Western Kazakhstan. Part. 1. The Lower Volga region. Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat.
7. Samokhin, M.A. (2006). Genetic features of the level regime formation of the rivers in various regions of Russia. Abstract of the PhD dissertation in geographical sciences. Moscow:
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 31 p.
8. Taratunin, A.A. (2000). Flooding in the territory of the Russian Federation. Yekaterinburg.
“Aerokosmoekologiya” Publishing House, 375 p.
9. Vlasov, B.N, R.S. Chalov. (1991). Districts division of the European territory of Russia based
on the flow conditions of channel-forming water discharges on the rivers. The Moscow
State University Bulletin. Series 5. Geography. N 6.
Dmitry P. Nesterenko studied at the Lomonosov Moscow State
University, graduated in 2009 with a Master’s degree. Since 2010,
he is Engineer at the Department of Hydrology (Faculty of
Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University). The focus of
his research is on water regime of rivers and floodplains.
Nikolay I. Alexeevsky studied at Lomonosov Moscow State
University, graduated in 1978, and received his PhD in 1981 and
DSc degree in 1994 (from the Moscow State University). Since
1995, he is Professor and Head of the Department of Hydrology
(Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University). His
research is in the theory of hydrology and hydroecology, and
river channel and mouth processes.
gi413.indd 18
15.01.2014 9:17:26
Vitaly S. Belozerov1, Vladimir S. Tikunov2*, Alexander A. Cherkasov1,
Aydyn Ibrahimov3, Vedat Caliskan3
1North Caucasian Federal University, Russia, 355029 Stavropol, Kulakova prosp., 2;
2Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia 119991
*Corresponding author; e-mail: tikunov@geogr.msu.su
3Department of Geography, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart
University, Terzioglu Campus, 17020, Canakkale, Turkey
ABSTRACT. The paper discusses the use of
geoinformation technologies in studies of ethnic
aspects of urbanization in Russia. It analyzes the
level of urbanization, urbanization transition in
ethnic groups, and changes in the geography
of population settlement of the country with
centrographic and other methods.
KEY WORDS: Geoinformatics, system, urbanization, ethnic processes, urbanization
transition, modeling, geography of settlement.
The transformation of the ethnic structure
of the population of the Russian Federation
is determined by the course of urbanization,
the nature of migration, demographic
processes, and other factors. At present, the
ethnic factor has often a dominant influence
on the socio-political, economic, cultural,
and historical processes.
The modern world is a mosaic of different
people coexisting with each other. Cities are
particularly diverse. As noted by G.M. Lappo,
“Cities concentrate much more mixed, in
respect to the national origin, population
compared to rural areas...” [Lappo, 2005]. Cities
are the catalysts for social and ethnic processes.
To effectively address inter-ethnic issues, it is
very important to monitor ethnic processes,
synthesize knowledge, and integrate it in the
gi413.indd 19
social and state systems [Belozerov 2001]. GIS
technology is an important tool in modern
geographic studies of ethnic processes.
The problem of ethnic processes in Russia has
been addressed by many national scientists:
sociologists, ethnologists, and geographers.
Many authors, such as L.A. Arutyunyan,
V.A. Avksentyev, V.S. Belozerov, P.M. Polyan,
V.A. Tishkov, O.I. Vendina, L.L. Rybakov, and
other, are well known in this area. Many
authors made significant contribution
to the area of urban studies: G.M. Lappo,
A.I. Treyvish, Ye.N. Pertsik, Yu.L. Pivovarov,
R. Popov, N.A. Sluka, and others.
The research presented herein is based on
the information contained in the following
documents: the State Statistics Committee
of the Russian Federation; the State Statistics
Committees of the Stavropol Kray, of the
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Districts (AD),
of the Yamal-Nenets AD, and of the Astrakhan
Oblast; and material published in the scientific
literature and periodicals. The set of the data
used provided for the reliability of the results
and assured valid theoretical conclusions.
The creation of a GIS-based monitoring
system is the priority goal in the study of
ethnic aspects of urbanization in Russia. This
system is based on knowledge about ethnic
15.01.2014 9:17:26
aspects of urbanization in Russia and other
factors affecting the process. The system has
specific features of the architecture and of
its components [Belozerov, Panin, Cherkasov,
2012]. The main steps of the construction of
this GIS application are:
1) selection of the logical structure and
creation of the spatial geodatabase based
of the material collected; preparation of
cartographic framework;
2) compilation of the geodatabase on the
ethnic structure of the population of Russia
and its regions;
3) construction of the spatial-temporal
models of the ethnic dimensions of
urbanization in Russia and its regions;
4) assessment and monitoring of the ethnic
structure at different territorial levels.
Multi-scale monitoring of ethnic processes
using geospatial and statistical analysis
utilizes geoinformation and mathematical
software products and applies them to the
information stored in a geodatabase [Butler,
2011]. This approach allows detailed study
of ethnic processes, including the ethnic
aspects of urbanization.
The software component of our system was
based on ArcGIS Spatial Analyst (ESRI). ArcGIS,
like other powerful information systems, has
a well-defined model for working with data,
especially spatial. This product has a number of
features that facilitate monitoring of multi-scale
ethnic processes; the tools for modeling and
mapping of processes have diverse functionality.
A geodatabase (e.g. file or personal) stores
spatial and non-spatial data and enables
efficient data retrieval. The data stored in
the system can be accessed and rendered
through geostatistical analysis. Our system
utilized vector data formats (polygon, point,
and line objects); the data in the database
were organized logically and hierarchically,
which improved data management because
it integrated many different types of geographic
gi413.indd 20
features in a single space while preserving the
initial characteristics of its elements. Spatial
relationships within this data model were
particularly important in solving complex
analytical problems (Andrianov, 2004).
Data representation in a vector model is
similar to traditional paper maps. Points
represent geographic objects that are too
small to be shown as lines or polygons;
lines represent narrow objects that cannot
be shown as polygons; polygons represent
closed and homogeneous objects. All
geographic objects that make up the spatial
component are assigned a unique ID; the
associated non-spatial information is stored
in the attribute tables of ArcGIS.
A conceptual scheme of the GIS-based
monitoring approach that we have
developed and that comprehensively reflects
features of the ethnic structure of Russia is
presented in Fig. 1. The experience of the
laboratory “Population and GIS Technologies”
of the North Caucasus Federal University was
instrumental in the creation of the conceptual
schemes of the geoinformation monitoring
of ethno-demographic [Panin, 2005] and
demographic processes [Rauzhin, 2011]. As
any working GIS system, the GIS-monitoring
approach described herein includes five key
components: hardware, software, data, users,
and methods1 . The spatial objects in our GIS
1 Hardware: is a computer that is running GIS. Nowadays, GIS
applications work on different types of computing platforms,
from centralized servers to separate or connected by a network
desktop computers (in our case).
GIS software: provides the functions and tools needed to store,
analyze, and visualize geographic (spatial) information. Key components of the software are tools for entering and manipulating
geographic information, a database management system (DBMS),
tools supporting spatial queries, analysis and visualization (maps),
and a graphical user interface (GUI) for easy access to tools.
Data: is the most important component of GIS. Data on the
spatial position (geographical data) associated with tabular data
can be collected and prepared by the user, purchased from commercial suppliers, or taken from other sources. In the process of
spatial data management, GIS integrates spatial data with other
types and sources of data, and can also use DBMS; DBMS is used
by many entities to organize and support available data.
Operators: wide application of GIS technology is not possible without people who work with software products and design their application for solving real problems. GIS users can be technical experts,
developing and maintaining the system, and regular employees (endusers) that use GIS to solve current issues and everyday problems.
Methods: the success and effectiveness (including socio-economic) of the GIS application depends on a well-designed plan
and work rules prepared in accordance with specific tasks.
15.01.2014 9:17:26
Fig. 1. The conceptual scheme of GIS for monitoring of the ethnic aspects of urbanization in Russia
approach are tied to the local conditions in
the Cartesian coordinate system.
The GIS-monitoring approach for the study
of the ethnic dimensions of urbanization
in Russia was built on the administrativeterritorial division (ATD) of the Russian
Federation in 2010, since it is the most useful
gi413.indd 21
for comparing data in the GIS environment
for 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989, 2002, and 2010,
and allows most consistent analysis.
The cartographic GIS-monitoring approach
is based on the territorial structure for
the key regions (Astrakhan Oblast [AO],
Stavropol Kray [SK], Khanty-Mansi and Yamal-
15.01.2014 9:17:26
Nenets ADs [KMAD and YNAD, respectively],
Karachai-Cherkess Republic [KChR], Moscow,
etc.). The attribute database contains both
the original and derived information. The
original information includes statistical
sources, each with its own characteristics.
The statistical forms differ in regularity,
consistency formats, parameters, and units
of measure. This statement refers to the
census data for RSFSR, Russian Federation,
AO, SK, KMAD, YNAD, KChR, Moscow, etc.
The design of the logical structure required the
identification of specific information available.
This information defined the selection of its
thematic blocks. We identified four blocks,
each with a set of two-dimensional tables
related to each other on the key fields (Fig. 2).
The blocks “Urbanization”, “Dynamics of the
ethnic structure of Russia”, “Dynamics of the
urban ethnic structure of Russia”, and “Regional
features of the ethnic structure” contain data
for Russia and the regions (AO, SK, KChR,
KMAD, and YNAD – at the level of cities and
administrative districts; and Moscow).
The blocks “Urbanization”, “Dynamics of the
ethnic structure of Russia”, and “Dynamics
of the urban ethnic structure of Russia” are
utilized in the GIS-application at different
territorial levels of the Russian Federation
ATD and provide statistical geodata on the
population of the country’s regions and the
ethnic structure of the population in general
and separately for urban areas.
The block “Regional features of the ethnic
structure” is the most complex because it
includes five additional sub-blocks. Each
sub-block addresses a separate region in
the research. The following regions were
chosen as the study areas: the regions
currently industrially developed and with
intensive changes in the ethnic structure
of the population [KMAD and YNAD], multiethnic centers of the capitals (Moscow, St.
Petersburg), industrial-agro multi-ethnic
regions – SK, AO; and agro-industrial national
territorial districts (KChR). This structure of the
GIS-monitoring approach determined the
thematic divisions that include cartographic
components on the ethnic aspects of
urbanization in Russia. Table 1 presents the
names and content of the blocks of the
spatial database. The first three blocks are
the cartographic models of the ATD of the
Russian Federation (subjects and cities).
The first block contains information on the
urban network at the time of the censuses
Fig. 2. The thematic blocks of the attribute GIS database for monitoring of the ethnic aspects
of urbanization in Russia
gi413.indd 22
15.01.2014 9:17:26
Table 1. The structure of the thematic components of the GIS-monitoring approach
for studying ethnic aspects of urbanization in Russia
1. Urbanization
Urban network 1897–2010,
Number of agglomerations 1897–2010,
Number of population, share of urban
2. Dynamics of the ethnic structure of Russia
RF Regions
Ethnic structure of population, Ethnic structure of urban population
3. Dynamics of the ethnic structure of cities
West Siberia
Ethnic structure of population of
regions, Ethnic structure of urban
population of regions
Territories of
studied regions
ATD of cities,
municipal districts, cities
Ethnic structure of population of
regions, Ethnic structure of urban
population of regions
4.1. Currently industrially developed regions
ATD of these
regions, cities,
and districts
Ethnic structure of population, Ethnic structure of urban population
4.2. Multi-ethnic centers of the
Moscow, St.
Ethnic structure of urban population
of regions (1959–2010)
4.3 Multi-ethnic industrial-agro
ATD of regions,
cities, and districts
Ethnic structure of population, Ethnic structure of urban population,
4.4. Multi-ethnic industrial-agro
ATD of regions,
cities, and districts
Ethnic structure of population, Ethnic structure of urban population,
4.5. Agro-industrial national territorial district
ATD of regions,
cities, and districts
Ethnic structure of population, Ethnic structure of urban population
4. Regional features of the population ethnic structure
and the share of the urban population in
the regions. The next two blocks reflect
the ethnic structure of the population in
Russia, especially the ethnic structure of
urban population and its regional features.
The fourth thematic block includes the
cartographic basis of the ATD of the regions
under study (the ethnic structure of the
population in these regions, especially the
ethnic structure of the urban population).
The use of this GIS-monitoring application
enabled a comprehensive analysis of the
ethnic aspects of urbanization in Russia. Based
on the quantitative characteristics of the ethnic
aspects of urbanization, we have developed
a typology of ethnic groups in terms of
the urbanization features and urbanization
transition. This typology makes it possible to
analyze the participation of different regions
of Russia in the process of urbanization.
gi413.indd 23
of operation
The overall urbanization transition in Russia
occurred in 1958 [Popov, 2005]. Each of the
ethnoses participated, to a greater or lesser
extent, in rapid urbanization of the territory of
modern Russia in the XXth–XXIth centuries.
By the nature of participation in the
urbanization process, the ethnoses may be
divided into the following groups:
– ethnoses with early urbanization transition that was recorded in the 1959 census
or earlier (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians,
Georgians, Uzbeks, Armenians, Moldavians,
Azerbaijanis, Latvians, and Lithuanians);
– ethnoses, whose urbanization transition
was recorded in the censuses of 1970
and 1979 (Ossetians, Tatars, Laks, Balkars,
and Germans);
– ethnoses with late urbanization transition recorded in the censuses of 1989,
15.01.2014 9:17:26
gi413.indd 24
15.01.2014 9:17:26
Fig. 3. The level of urbanization and the urbanization transition of the ethnoses in Russia
(Russians, Jews, Belarusians, Ukrainians,
and Germans);
– ethnoses with the failed transition to
urbanization in 2010:
– ethnoses with rapidly changing, in the last
decades, geography of settlement (Avars,
Chechens, Armenians, and Azerbaijanis);
a) ethnoses approaching the transition
to urbanization – urban population
ranges from 45,1 to 49,9% (Adyghes,
Kabardians, Udmurts, Buryats, and
b) ethnoses with 45,0% share of the urban
population (Maris, Ingushs, Chechens,
Dargins, etc.) [Belozerov, Cherkasov, 2012].
Analysis of the quantitative characteristics
of the ethnic dimensions of urbanization
revealed differences in urbanization level of
the individual ethnoses in Russia (Fig. 3). Due
to different historical and socio-economic
factors, some ethnoses were included in the
orbit of urban life earlier than others. However,
the trend toward a greater involvement in
urbanization processes was common to all
groups. Overall, based on this typology, it is
possible to state that urbanization in Russia
was occurring with a phase-gate inclusion
of the ethnoses in urbanization processes
[Cherkasov, 2011]. Currently, the share of the
ethnoses in Group I is 81,5% of the population.
Together with Groups II and III, the people who
underwent urbanization transition comprise
87,9% of the population of Russia.
The spatial-temporal and mathematical
modeling is one of the key aspects of monitoring
of the ethnic aspects of urbanization in Russia
[Tikunov, 1997]. In the study, we used the
centrographic method [Polian, Treyvish, 1990].
This method allows not only assessing whether
the ethnoses living in the territory of Russia are
in the state of “balance” or “imbalance”, but
also identifying the displacement vector of
the center of gravity of the population groups
that have deferent intensity of changes in
geography of settlement. The following groups
were identified with this approach:
– ethnoses with changing, over a long
period of time, geography of settlement
gi413.indd 25
– ethnoses with a relatively stable center of
gravity of the population (Tatars, Kazakhs,
and Bashkirs). (Fig. 4).
Currently, the share of the urban population
of the ethnoses with changing geography of
settlement is high; all of them have undergone
urbanization transition. In the ethnoses with
rapidly changing, in the last decades, settlement
geography, Armenians and Azerbaijanis
comprise a high proportion of the urban
population as they underwent urbanization
transition in the early stages of urbanization.
At the same time, Avars and Chechens have
not yet completed the urbanization transition.
The ethnoses with a relatively stable center
of gravity of the population have a low share
of the urban population; they have not yet
undergone the urbanization transition.
2002, and 2010 (Mordovians, Lezgins,
Kumyks, and Kalmyks);
Let us consider the center of gravity of
settlement for Russians, as the ethnic group
with settlement geography changing over
time. The largest shift of the center of gravity
of the Russian settlement to the east of the
country took place in 1959–1970. The center
of settlement shifted to the north-west of
the Orenburg region on the territory of the
Republic of Bashkortostan (the western part
of the region) and, then, the shift to the east
continued until 1989, when the center of
the Russian settlement reached the central
part of the country. After 1989, the center
of gravity has changed its vector from the
east to the west. Between 1989 and 2002,
there was a shift to the west; the center of
gravity of the Russian settlement in 2002
coincided with that in 1979. By 2010, the
center moved to the level of 1970. These
trends are supported by other models; thus,
the point method showed the same trends
in the distribution of the Russian population:
a shift eastward until 1989 and to the west in
the subsequent years.
15.01.2014 9:17:26
gi413.indd 26
15.01.2014 9:17:26
Fig. 4. The centers of gravity of the population settlement in Russia, 1959–2010
The titular ethnoses of the former Soviet
Union Trasncaucasus republics have a rapidly
changing, in the last decades, geography of
settlement. For example, the center of gravity
of Azerbaijanis underwent rapid change in
the geography of settlement to the northeast of the country: in 1959–1970, there was
a shift of the center of gravity of Azerbaijanis
from the east of the Astrakhan region to
its south-western part; in 1970–2002, the
direction changed to the north-east and
the center moved to the north-western part
of the Orenburg region. In 2002–2010, the
center of gravity reached certain equilibrium
and remained almost at the same level with
only a slight shift to the south-west.
Armenians also belong to the ethnoses
with a rapidly changing, in the last decade,
geography of settlement. The censuses of
1959, 1970, and 1979 indicate a consistent
position of the center of gravity in the southeastern part of the Rostov oblast. After
1979, the center of gravity of the Armenian
settlement began to shift rapidly in the
north-eastern direction. In 1989, the center
was located in the south-western part of
the Volgograd Oblast; in 2002 it moved to
the central part; and in 2010, it was in the
northern part of the oblast.
Ukrainians, for a long time, have also been
included in the group of ethnoses with
changing geography of settlement. This
ethnos has had a significant shift in the
center of gravity of settlement. From 1959
to 1970, the center moved to the northwest and stopped at the eastern border of
the Chelyabinsk region in Kazakhstan. From
1970 to 1989, the center of gravity was
moving east into the territory of Kazakhstan.
After 1989, the center of gravity changed
its vector to the north-west; during this
time, its direction changed significantly and,
in 2002, it moved to the boundary of the
Chelyabinsk Region and the Republic of
Bashkortostan. In the subsequent period,
the trend continued and, in 2010, the center
of gravity of settlement of Ukrainians in
Russia was located in the central part of the
Republic of Bashkortostan.
Geographic information technologies
present a great opportunity for the use of
mathematical methods in the construction
of cartographic models; GIS provides for
the flexibility to quickly update data as
new statistics appears. This approach to
the monitoring of the ethnic dimensions
of urbanization in Russia allowed grouping
the ethnic groups by their participation in
the urbanization processes, modeling of the
centers of gravity of the population with
the centrographic method, and, with the
method of settlement distribution modeling,
analyzing the settlement patterns of the
peoples of Russia.
The prospects for further research include
creation of a unified specialized geographic
information system for monitoring of the
ethnic processes in Russia. This system would
provide analytical support to decisionmaking aimed at regulation and stabilization
of the inter-ethnic, ethno-demographic,
and migration processes in the Russian
This study was supported by the grant RFBR
12-06-00310. REFERENCES
1. Andrianov, D.Ye. (2004). Processing and analysis in GIS / D.Ye. Andrianov and A.P. Gureev
// Methods and data processing systems. Collection of articles. M.: Hot Line – Telecom,
p. 77–82.
2. Belozerov, V.S. (2001). Monitoring ethnic processes of the North Caucasus with GIS //
Settlement, ethno-cultural mosaic, geopolitics, and security of highland countries: Proceedings of the International Conference. – SSU. – P. 226.
gi413.indd 27
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3. Belozerov, V.S., Cherkasov, A.A. (2012). Study of ethnic aspects of urbanization in Russia
with the help of GIS technology // Bulletin of the Stavropol State University, Issue 80 (3):
The Journal – Stavropol, SSU Press. – pp. 183–188.
4. Belozerov, V.S., Panin, A.N. Cherkasov, A.A. (2012). GIS in the study of ethnic processes in
Russia // “InterCarto-InterGIS – 18” Sustainable Development of Territories: GIS theory and
practical experience // Proceedings of the International Conference. Smolensk, June 26–28,
2012, Smolensk. – P. 276–280.
5. Butler, J. Allison. (2011). Designing geodatabases for transport. – Moscow: Data+. – 494 p.
6. Cherkasov, A.A. (2011). The main features of the ethnic dimensions of urbanization in Russia //
Global social turbulence and Russia: International Scientific Conference “Sorokin Readings –
2011”: Abstracts. V.I. Dobrenkov (Ed.). – M., Moscow University Press. – P. 666–667.
7. Lappo, G.M. (2005). The outcomes of Russian urbanization by the end of XX century //
Russia and its regions in the XX century: the territory – settlement – migration // O. Glezer
and P. Polyana (Eds.). – Moscow: OGI. – P. 187–214.
8. Panin, A.N. (2005). The atlas information system “Ethno-demographic processes in the
Stavropol Kray”: Thesis of Ph.D. Dissertation (Geography Science). – Stavropol. – 21 p.
9. Panin, A.N., Furschik, M.A. (2011). GIS for the strategic management of multi-ethnic areas:
opportunities and prospects // ArcReview. – M. – No. 2 (58).
10. Polyan, P.M., Treyvish, A.I. (1990). The centrographic method of research of territorial structures: development and application // Proc. of AS. No. 2. – P. 92–105.
11. Popov, R. (2005). Urbanization of the Russian regions in the second half of the XX century //
Russia and its regions in the XX century: the territory – settlement – migration // O. Glezer
and P. Polyana (Eds.). – Moscow: OGI. – P. 215–245.
12. Rauzhin, I.G. (2011). Multi-scale monitoring of demographic processes in Russia using GIS
technology: Thesis of Ph.D. Dissertation (Geography Science). – Stavropol. – 24 p.
13. Tikunov, V.S. (1997) Modeling in cartography. – M., Moscow University Press, 405 p.
Vitaly S. Belozerov is Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor,
Head of Department of Economic and Social Geography of the
Institute of Natural Sciences, and Vice Provost for Academic
Affairs and Academic Development of the North Caucasus
Federal University. He has led a number of Russian and
international projects. Some of his research results have been
incorporated in different atlases: The Ethnic Atlas of the Stavropol
Region, Migration Processes in Russia, The Educational System of
Stavropol Territory, etc. He is regional Chairman of the Community
Advisory Council for Migration under the Department of the
Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Stavropol Kray. He is
the editor of one and a member of the editorial boards of four scientific journals. Beginning
in 1998, he has organized 8 international and national conferences on the issues of
resettlement, ethno-demographic and migration processes, and geoinformation
monitoring. He published more than 150 scientific works, including 8 monographs and
gi413.indd 28
15.01.2014 9:17:26
Vladimir S. Tikunov is Professor, Head of the Integrated Mapping
Laboratory, Geography Faculty of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow
State University, and Director of the Center of the World Data
System for Geography. He has led a number of Russian and
international projects. His work has been used in many
thematic maps and atlases: National Atlas of Russia (editor-inchief of Vol. 3), Environmental Atlas of Russia, Atlas of SocioEconomic Development of Russia, Atlas of the Khanty-Mansi
Autonomous District – Yugra, etc. He is a recipient of the D.N.
Anuchin Award for his work in mathematical cartographic
modeling. He is also a recipient of the Award in Science and
Technology of the Russian Federation Government for the development of
environmental and natural-resources atlases of Russia. He was Vice-President and,
currently, is Chairman of the commission of the International Cartographic Association
and a member of the Commission on Geographic Information Science of the
International Geographical Union. He has been a member of the editorial boards of 9
Russian and international journals. He lectured at a number of national and international
universities. He has been organizing, beginning in 1994, the annual international
conferences InterCarto-InterGIS “Sustainable Development of Territories: GIS Theory
and Practical Experience” that take place both in Russia and abroad. He published over
500 scientific works, including 14 monographs, texbooks, and manuals in 28 countries
of the world and in 14 languages.
Alexander A. Cherkasov is a faculty member of the North
Caucasus Federal University and Instructor in cartography
and geoinformatics of the Institute of Natural Sciences. He is
Head of the Student Scientific Innovation Center “TerraGIS”,
Head of the Cartography Department at center for strategic
territorial planning SSU “CSTP-SSU”. He has led and
participated in a number of projects, including the
preparation of territorial planning documents – the schemes
of territorial planning, master planning, land use and
development, investment certificates of the territories, etc.
He is one of the organizers of the annual events at NCFU:
International Day of GIS and International Migrants Day. He is
a member of Russian and international conferences and competitions, for example,
the ESRI Conference in Russia and the CIS and InterCarto-InterGIS “Sustainable
Development of Territories: GIS Theory and Practical Experience”. He has been
involved in the study of ethnic processes in Russia and the application of GIS
technology. His work has been incorporated in a series of thematic maps and atlases,
including “Migration Atlas of Russia”, and the atlas information system “The
Resettlement of Peoples in Russia”. He is the author of 20 scientific works, including
patents, certificates, and computer programs.
gi413.indd 29
15.01.2014 9:17:27
Aydyn Ibrahimov graduated from the Geography Faculty of
Baku University and entered graduate studies in 1972. He
received his Ph.D. in 1975 (Regional Policy of Turkey). In 1981, he
was appointed Head of the Department for Economic and
Political Geography of Foreign Countries of Baku University. From
1988 to 1991, he was in the higher doctoral candidacy program
in the Institute of Geography of the RAS. He received his Higher
Doctor of Science Degree in 1992 (Regional Policy of Developing
Countries). From 1993, he has been involved in teaching and
scientific research in Turkey. From 1993 to 1996, he was Professor
of the Geography Division of the Humanities Faculty of Ege
University in Izmir. From 1996 to the present time, he is Professor
of the Geography Division of the Natural and Humanities Faculty of Chanakkal University.
He is the author of a monograph and a textbook and nearly 130 scientific papers on
different issues of social-economic and political geography. He participated in different
international conferences and symposia.
Vedat Caliskan after his graduation from the Geography Division of
the Humanities Faculty of Istanbul University in 1991, studied in
the master and doctoral programs there and received his Ph.D.
From 2002 to 2004, he was Head of the Geography Division of
the Ishik College in Istanbul. From 2004 to the present time, he
has been Senior Instructor and from 2012, he has been Associate
Professor of the Geography Division of the Natural and Humanities
Faculty of Chanakkal University. His research interests include
geography of tourism and geography of culture. He published
two monographs and one textbook. He is the author of over
20 papers on different issues of geography, including assessment
of tourism potential of the Gallipoli Peninsula. He participated in 21 scientific conferences.
gi413.indd 30
15.01.2014 9:17:27
Vitaliy A. Ivanov1, Mikhail V. Shokurov1, Vladimir A. Dulov1*, Vladimir N.
Kudryavtsev1,2, Takvor Soukissian3
1 Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Sevastopol, Ukraine
2 Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Saint Petersburg, Russian
3 Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Oceanography, Athens, Greece
*Corresponding author, e-mail: dulov1952@gmail.com
ABSTRACT. Means for operational regional
forecast of catastrophic weather events
in the Black Sea region are presented. It
is shown that the flooding in Krasnodar
Region, Russia, July 7, 2012 was predicted
five days before the tragic events, and the
catastrophic storm of November 11, 2007
off the coast of Crimea was also predicted
three days in advance. Quality of the regional
forecast and its advantages over the global
forecast are discussed. The operational
regional modeling of the atmosphere in
the Marine Hydrophysical Institute (National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) could
become an important element of a possible
early warning system for weather disasters in
the Azov-Black Sea region.
KEY WORDS: forecast of weather
disasters, regional mesoscale atmospheric
models, early warning system of weather
disasters, Azov-Black Sea region, mesoscale
atmospheric processes.
Nowadays, EWS (Early Warning Systems)
are discussed at the scientific, national
and global levels (see, e.g., [United Nations
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction,
2006; Basher, 2006; World Meteorological
Organization, 2012; Russian Federation.
Ministry for Civil Defense, Emergency and
Eliminations of Consequences of Natural
Disasters, 2013; Shaw et al., 2013]). It is
well known how much effort is made to
gi413.indd 31
create reliable early warning systems of
earthquakes and tsunamis. The structure
and principles of EWS are described in a
number of papers and documents (see, e.g.,
[United Nations International Strategy for
Disaster Reduction, 2006; United Nations,
2006; Waidyanatha, 2010]). The most
successful implementations of the national
EWS are given in [Golnaraghi, 2012; Shaw et
al., 2013]. Early warning systems of regional
and subregional disasters related to weather
conditions traditionally focus on warning
about violent storms, heavy rainfalls and
thunderstorms dangerous for aviation (see,
e.g., [Clark et al., 2012]).
Development of a regional early warning
system of weather disasters in the Black
Sea region would be a natural step both
from the point of view of its relevance and
of modern prediction capabilities. Flooding
of 6–7 July 2012 in the Krasnodar Region,
Russian Federation caused a loss of more
than 170 lives and huge economic damage
[Volosukhin, Schursky, 2012]. However, the
forecast of rainfall intensity had appeared
five days before the flood at free access on
the Internet website [Marine Hydrophysical
Institute, 2013]. Regional early warning
system would have allowed to make a
conclusion about the impending disaster in
Krymsk and thus saved many lives.
Another impressive example is a hazardous
storm of 11 November 2007 near the
Crimean coast. As a result of this disaster,
15.01.2014 9:17:27
tanker “Volgoneft-139” spitted in half in
the Kerch Strait and two thousand tons
of fuel oil spilled into the sea. Dry-cargo
ship “Volnogorsk” carrying more than two
thousand tons of sulfur sank in Port-Kavkaz.
Tanker “Volgoneft-123” loaded with oil was
severely damaged. Dry-cargo ships “Kovel”,
“Khash-Izmail”, “Nakhichevan” sank and more
than 20 members of the crews were missing.
This sad list can be continued [Ovsienko et
al., 2008]. However, the forecast of the wave
height appeared on the Internet in free
access on the website [Marine Hydrophysical
Institute, 2013] three days before the storm.
That allowed to make conclusions about
the extreme dangers for vessels in the Kerch
Strait, Sevastopol Bay and other coastal areas
where many accidents happened.
A key element of an early warning system
of weather disasters is an atmospheric
model capable of making a reliable shortterm forecast of meteorological fields in the
region of interest (see, e.g., [Clark, 2012]).
Currently, the leading global weather forecast
operational centres, such as NCEP/NCAR
(National Center for Environmental Prediction/
National center of Atmospheric Research) and
ECMWF (European Center for Medium range
Weather Forecast), are implementing a global
weather forecast with a spatial resolution of
50 km and 30 km. This can reliably predict
development and movement of synoptic
cyclones with a lead time of several days.
However, global operational forecasting
models underestimate extreme values of
wind speed and intensity of precipitation due
to their coarse spatial resolution [Clark, 2012].
This fact is critical for predicting regional
weather disasters. To improve prediction of
extreme weather phenomena, it is necessary
to use regional mesoscale models with a
more detailed spatial-temporal resolution.
This article aims to present the means
of operational regional modelling of the
atmosphere, which already exist in Marine
Hydrophysical Institute of National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine (MHI), as a possible
element of the future system of early
warning of weather disasters in the Azov-
gi413.indd 32
Black Sea region. The MHI system of shortterm regional meteorological forecast is
described below as well as the advantages
in terms of forecast of weather disasters in
relation to systems of global modeling of
the atmosphere. The examples above of the
two disasters in the Azov-Black Sea region
show that the forecast of MHI obviously
contained their predictions. The capabilities
and reliability of the regional forecast system
are discussed.
Nowadays, the leading global operational
weather centers, such as NCEP/NCAR and
ECMWF make global operational weather
forecasts with a lead time of up to 15 days.
The forecast is made every 6 hours, four
times a day. In order to analyze the state of
the atmosphere all available data is used:
ground-based measurements, vertical
sounding of the atmosphere, satellite data
and other (see forecast description given
at the websites [Environmental Modeling
Center, 2013; European Centre for MediumRange Weather Forecasts, 2013]). Spatial
resolution of the global atmospheric models
used for forecast, is currently 50 km for
the NCEP/NCAR and 30 km for ECMWF.
This resolution allows us to predict the
development and movement of synoptic
cyclones reliably with a lead time of a few
days. However, global operational forecasting
models underestimate the extreme values of
wind speed and precipitation due to their
coarse spatial resolution.
In order to improve the forecast of extreme
weather phenomena, it is necessary to use
regional mesoscale models which are run
for a single small region and have a spatial
resolution up to 1 km. In this case, the results
of global forecast are used as boundary
conditions for the regional models. MM5
mesoscale atmospheric model and its more
modern variant, WRF (Weather Research
and Forecasting), have been developed by
the U.S. National Center of Atmospheric
Research for both scientific research of
15.01.2014 9:17:27
The mesoscale model must be adapted
to a particular region, which implies
selecting the most appropriate schemes for
parameterization of physical processes, as
well as a more detailed setting of properties
of the underlying surface in the region,
especially orographic peculiarities. Among
the examples of such adaptation are synoptic
and climate researches in the high latitudes
of the Greenland and Antarctic [Box et al.
2004], as well as regional operational forecasts
for the United States and some parts of Asia,
Central and South America, which are given
on the web pages [Mesoscale Prediction
Group, 2013; Fovell, 2013; Wilson, 2013].
MM5 model, which was adapted to the Black
Sea region in MHI, was used for retrospective
studies of individual mesoscale atmospheric
processes and extreme events – quasitropical cyclone of 25–30 September 2005
[Efimov et al., 2008], breeze circulation
[Efimov, Barabanov, 2009], precipitation
leading to extreme floods in the Crimean
rivers [Ivanov et al., 2012b]. The results of
MM5 and WAM models calculations were
used to analyze the conditions of formation
of the 12-meter rogue waves on 1 February
2003, near Gelendzhik [Ivanov et al.,
2012a]. Verification of models using direct
measurements in the Black Sea region was
discussed in [Shokurov, 2011].
Mesoscale operational forecast is made
with the use of MM5 model with a spatial
gi413.indd 33
resolution of 10 km. Computational area covers
the whole Black Sea (39°–49° N, 25°–45° E) and
allows to analyze both weather patterns and
mesoscale features. We use the results of the
NCEP/NCAR GFS operational forecast with
the resolution of 0,5°–0,5° for every 6 hours
as lateral boundary conditions. Forecast
results were repeatedly tested by hindcasts
using the WRF model.
MHI started to perform the operational
weather forecast in the Black Sea region in
2007 using MM5 model. Spatial resolution
for the entire Black Sea region was 10 km
with the forecast lead time of 3 days. In the
beginning of 2011 we also started making
forecasts for the Crimean region with a
resolution of 3 km, and in the middle of
2011 the lead time was increased to 5 days.
In addition to the weather forecast, wind
waves forecast for the whole Black Sea area is
made using WAM model of wind waves (see,
e.g., [WAMDI Group, 1988; Holthuijsen, 2007].
Forecast results are available in graphical
and digital formats in open access on the
Internet at http://vao.hydrophys.org [Marine
Hydrophysical Institute, 2013]. This site shows
the fields of pressure at the sea level, air
temperature at the height of 2 m, wind speed
and direction at the height of 10 m, intensity
of rainfall, also heights, periods and direction
of waves with discrete time of 3 hours.
mesoscale weather phenomena, and for
operational forecasts and regional reanalyses [Skamarock et al., 2008]. Mesoscale
atmospheric model describes air movement
and transfer of heat and moisture in the
atmosphere using the high-quality
numerical schemes. It realistically accounts
the transfer of IR and visible solar radiation,
the process of clouds and precipitation
formation, cumulus convection, turbulent
fluxes of momentum, heat and moisture in
the planetary atmospheric boundary layer
and in the surface layer, the transfer of heat
and moisture in the upper soil layer and
other physical processes.
During the period of forecast performing,
the two above-mentioned major regional
natural disasters happened in the Black Sea
region – the severe storm of 11 November
2007 off the Crimean coast and the flood of
6–7 July 2012 in Krymsk, Russia. Predictions
of both disasters in the form of prognostic
fields of wind speed, wave height and
precipitation intensity were obtained and
presented on the Internet in free access. The
information about this catastrophic storm
was published 3 days before the event, and
the data about the hazardous precipitation
rate was published 5 days before.
The forecast system described above can
be used as an element of an early warning
system of weather disasters in the Azov-
15.01.2014 9:17:27
Black sea region. We will use two examples
to show that the results of the forecast
presented on the site unambiguously mean
the predictions of disasters. We will also
show that the results of the global forecast
did not allow to draw conclusions about the
impending disasters.
Synoptic situation during the storm was
discussed in [Ovsienko et al., 2008]. As follows
from the standard maps of operational
meteorological analysis based on groundbased observations and satellite images of
cloudiness from Meteosat satellite, the
disastrous storm of 11 November 2007 was
connected with a cyclone passage, which
belongs to a category of the so-called
“southern” cyclones. Having emerged over the
Aegean Sea, it moved to the North-East over
the Western part of the Black Sea and the
Crimea. Such synoptic situation is typical of
the Black Sea region – “southern” cyclones pass
over the Western part of the Black Sea quite
often. Sometimes they are intense, but they
result in catastrophic storms quite seldom.
Examples of such extreme events are storms
of 9 October 2003 and 9–10 November 1981.
Currently synoptic processes, such as
occurrence and movement of cyclones, are
reliably predicted for up to three days and
even more in the international and national
centers of global analysis and forecast of
atmospheric circulation. The shape and
movement trajectory of the considered
cyclone in the global and regional forecasts
were almost identical. This is because
the cyclone is fairly large in size, and its
behavior inside the computational area of
the mesoscale model is determined by the
boundary conditions, which are taken from
the global model of operational forecast.
However, coarse resolution of global models
(50 km) leads to an underestimation of
extreme wind speeds. The use of low wind
speeds over the Black Sea as input data for
the wave model causes underestimation
of the energy of the surface waves and,
consequently, underestimation of the
danger such storm represents.
Fig. 1a shows a map of wind speed at 10 m above
the Black Sea level according to the model of the
global operational analysis and forecast of the
American center NCEP/NCAR with a resolution
of 0,5°–0,5° at the time of 06:00 UTC on 11
November 2007 [NOAA Operational Model
Archive Distribution System, 2013]. As it follows
from the figure, and also from the calculations
using global models for the other time points,
wind speed over the Black Sea does not exceed
25 m/s. Fig. 1b shows a map of the wind speed
over the Black Sea obtained from the QuikSCAT
satellite scatterometer at the time of 03:35 UTC,
11 November 2007 [Ocean Surface Winds Team,
2013]. It is obvious in comparing the figures that
the real wind speed significantly exceeded the
results of calculations with the global model.
It is confirmed by standard measurements at
the meteorological stations (see Table. 1). These
measurements were carried out every 3 or
Table 1. Maximum wind speeds 11 November 2007
Meteorological station
WMO Code
Wind speed, m/s
Time UTC
gi413.indd 34
6:00, 9:00
15.01.2014 9:17:27
6 hours and lasted for 10 minutes.
The table shows the average and
maximum (in parentheses) values.
The measured values of wind
speed reached and exceeded 30
m/s. In particular, the maximum
wind speed in Genichesk equaled
35 m/s. Fig. 1c shows the results of
the regional forecast for wind speed
at 10 m level at the time of 06:00
UTC on 11 November 2007 [Marine
Hydrophysical Institute, 2013]. This
figure proves that the maximum
wind speed reached 32 m/s. For
other time points, the wind speed
was also higher than in global
Results of the atmospheric forecast
were used to predict the wind wave
field with a resolution of 10 km
using the WAM. Fig. 2 shows two
variants of significant wave height
calculations for various inputs
of WAM at a time of 10:00 UTC on
November 11, 2007. In Fig. 2a the
wind speed of NCEP/NCAR GFS
global model of 0,5° resolution was
used as an input. Fig. 2b shows
the wave forecast presented on
the Internet 3 days before the
storm based on the operational
forecast of MM5 mesoscale model
of 10 km resolution. Note that the
same color scale is used in both
figures. According to the figure, the
maximum significant wave height
in Sevastopol area reached 5 m
for the global model and 7 m for
the mesoscale model. In the Kerch
Strait, where many ships sank, the
maximum wave heights were 5 m
and 9 m respectively.
Fig. 1. Wind field during the catastrophic storm.
a – Map of wind speed resulting from global operational forecast NCEP/NCAR GFS with 0,5°–0,5° spatial resolution at
a time of 06:00 UTC on November 11, 2007. [NOAA Operational Model Archive Distribution System, 2013].
b – Map of wind speed derived from satellite measurements of November 11, 2007 (QuikSCAT scatterometer, 12,5 km
spatial resolution) [Ocean Surface Winds Team, 2013].
c – Map of wind speed resulting from regional operational forecast using MM5 model with 10 km spatial resolution at a
time of 06:00 UTC on November 11, 2007. [Marine Hydrophysical Institute, 2013].
Only contours of wind speed exceeding 15 m/s are shown in fig. 1a and 1c
gi413.indd 35
15.01.2014 9:17:27
Fig. 2. Results of the forecast of wind waves for November 11, 2007, 10:00 UTC.
a – wind from global operational forecast; b – wind from MM5 forecast with 10 km resolution.
Contours show significant wave height, arrows indicate direction of the waves
The maps of wind waves parameters
obtained through the forecast allow tracing
the evolution of the wave field for the Black
Sea basin with 1 hour discreteness. As follows
from such analysis, the waves that arrived at
the Kerch Strait travelled from the region
adjacent to the Bosporus. Note that Fig. 1
and 2 show the fields of wind and waves at
06:00 and 10:00 respectively. However, the
waves travelled over about 800 kilometers
for approximately 24 hours. During this
period the cyclone significantly shifted to the
North-East. As a result the waves remained
under the impact of South-West wind along
the entire wave fetch. Thus the wind waves
off the Crimean coast appeared as a result of
long-term wave development from Istanbul to
Kerch. As it is known the significant wave height
is approximately proportional to the square of
the wind speed (see, e.g., [Holthuijsen, 2007]).
Therefore, in this case underestimation of
wind speed in the global forecast caused a far
more significant underestimation of the wave
height. As a result, the global forecast did not
contain predictions of an extremely hazardous
storm, while the regional forecast based on
MM5 and WAM models clearly indicated the
impending disaster.
Synoptic conditions of the disaster in
Krasnodar Region was discussed in [Kuklev
et al., 2013] on the basis of baric maps
gi413.indd 36
of the global forecast. The cyclone, which
caused extreme precipitation in Krasnodar
Region, was formed to the East of the Black
Sea and slowly moved to the South-West.
During 6–7 July, the center of the cyclone
almost didn’t shift. The authors of [Kuklev et
al., 2013] consider this circumstance as the
main cause of the heavy rains on a limited
area, explaining the “halt” of the cyclone by
a process of convection over the heated Sea
of Azov. It will be shown below that regional
atmospheric modeling allows to obtain a
deeper and more adequate interpretation of
meteorological reasons of the flood.
Fig. 3 shows a standard weather map of the
cyclone, a map of the average intensity of
precipitation over two days, which depicts
the localization of catastrophic rainfall, and
Meteosat satellite images of cloudiness, which
describe the evolution of the cyclone in the
period under consideration. The map of
precipitation was made using the Giovanni
online data system [Goddard Earth Sciences
Data and Information Services Center, 2013].
The satellite images were obtained from
an open site [Dundee Satellite Receiving
Station, 2013]. The large-scale features of
such synoptic conditions were predicted by
both global prognostic models and regional
forecast. However, the NCEP/NCAR GFS global
prediction models showed insignificant
quantities of precipitation. It is shown in Fig. 4a
where the 2 days sum of precipitation in the
vicinity of Novorossiysk is about 60 mm. The
15.01.2014 9:17:27
Fig. 3. Characteristics of synoptic situation.
a – Standard map of operational meteorological analysis for 6 July 2012, 12:00 UTC;
b – Map of average intensity of precipitation for two days
[Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center, 2013];
satellite images of cloudiness in the thermal range [Dundee Satellite Receiving Station, 2013] for time points (UTC):
c – 6 July 2012, 12:00, d – 6 July 2012,18:00, e – 7 July 2012, 00:00, f – 7 July 2012, 06:00
same quantity of precipitation follows from
the map in Fig. 3b. It should be emphasized
that this map was obtained through indirect
estimates based on the IR-radiometer
data [Goddard Earth Sciences Data and
Information Services Center, 2013]. However,
according to the direct measurements at the
gi413.indd 37
meteorological stations, the 2 days sum of
precipitation was much higher. It reached 283
mm in Novorossiysk, 275 mm in Gelendzhik,
and 171 mm in Krymsk.
Results of mesoscale operational forecast
of MM5 model with 10 km resolution are
15.01.2014 9:17:27
shown in Fig. 4b. Exactly the same
precipitation map was presented in
free access on the Internet 5 days
before the disaster. It shows the
two days sum of precipitation in
the vicinity of Novorossiysk which
is three times higher than the
predictions of global models and are
consistent with the measurements
at meteorological stations during the
Unlike global models, where the
processes of cumulus convection
are parameterized, regional models
perform direct calculation of these
processes [Clark et al., 2012]. Apart
from clarifying the forecast, it also
allows to thoroughly investigate the
physics of the phenomena. Such
analysis, in turn, allows obtaining
interpretation of the disastrous
weather event. In this case, as follows
from the analysis of the calculated
atmospheric physical characteristics,
the South-West air flow started to
move upward after encountering the
Markhotsky ridge near Novorossiysk.
This air lifting initiated deep cumulus
convection and local heavy rainfalls
which lasted for several hours. It was
this that caused the catastrophic
This explanation of the phenomenon
under consideration disagree with the
conclusions of [Kuklev, 2013] based
only on standard meteorological
analysis. This explanation is also
impossible in the framework of
global modeling, because it requires
Fig. 4. Forecast results of 2 days
precipitation sum for 6–7 July 2012.
gi413.indd 38
a – global operational forecast of 0,5°–
0,5° resolution;
b – MM5 operational forecast of 10 km
c – WRF hindcast of 5 km resolution
15.01.2014 9:17:27
To illustrate and verify the conclusions
which follow from the results of
regional forecast, we made a hindcast
using the WRF model of 5 km
resolution. The obtained map of 2
days sum of precipitation is shown in
Fig. 4c, while Fig. 5a shows its zoomed
fragment. Note that the forecast
gives a very small area of localization
of extreme precipitation. As it can
be seen from Fig. 4c and 5a, the
characteristic size of the area, where
the two days sum of precipitation
exceeded 100 mm is 50 km. However,
the heaviest rainfalls, with the two
days sum exceeding 200 mm, were
localized into only about 20 km area.
This circumstance might have led to a
quantitative underestimation of rainfall
from satellite IR-radiometer data (see
Fig. 2b), because the spatial resolution
of radiometer is 0,25°–0,25° that is not
enough to identify such a small area. At
the same time, significant localization
of extreme precipitation events
was observed actually [Volosukhin,
Schursky, 2012, Kuklev, 2013].
cumulus convection continued for at
least 18 hours, from 12:00 on July 6 up
to 6:00 on July 7. It was in this period
that the heavy rainfall took place in
the area of Novorossiysk.
Fig. 5b illustrates the mechanism of
heavy rainfall on a small area. It shows
Fig. 5. Localization of catastrophic rainfall
the field of the air flow speed at the
and its mechanism
level of 400 meters. Horizontal speed
a – zoomed fragment of Fig. 4c (2 days sum of precipitation);
is shown with streamlines while
b – air flow speed at the level of 400 meters above the underlying
vertical speed is shown with color
surface for synoptic time of 7 July 2012 00:00 UTC.
Horizontal wind speed is shown using streamlines and vertical
scale and contour lines. The air flow
velocity is shown in color and contours
related to cyclone had South-West
direction near Novorossiysk. When the
accounting for the regional orography. At air volumes arrived at the Markhotsky ridge,
the same time, this interpretation of the they started rising at a high vertical speed
situation is well consistent with the satellite up to 14 cm/s. This, in turn, initiated the
images of cloudiness (see Fig. 3). The deep cumulus convection and heavy local
brightest areas of the images correspond rainfalls. Since the cyclone hardly moved
to the dense cumulonimbus clouds, which during 6–7 July, the mechanism described
visualize the process of deep cumulus above kept working for several hours and it
convection. According to the figures, deep resulted in a disastrous flood.
gi413.indd 39
15.01.2014 9:17:28
Thus, the regional forecast taking into account
the microphysics of the atmospheric processes
presented a correct prediction of disastrous
rainfalls in the vicinity of Novorossiysk. At the
same time, in the frame of the global forecast
or traditional meteorological analysis, such
prediction was impossible.
We shall consider the quality of short-term
forecasting for the Black Sea region for all
the time of operation of the system in MHI.
Fig. 6 shows the results of forecasting of
rainfall intensity in the area of Novorossiysk
since 2007 till present days (the system
temporarily did not work in the period from
December 2007 to July 2008). The daily
sum of precipitation for the model grid
point closest to Novorossiysk is presented
depending on time. As follows from the
figure, the forecast system does not issue
“false alarms”. At the same time the graphs
leave no doubt that the forecast of abnormal
Fig. 6. Results of the operational forecast of MHI for 2007–2013.
gi413.indd 40
15.01.2014 9:17:28
Daily precipitation totals in grid point of the model which is the closest to Novorossiysk
gi413.indd 41
15.01.2014 9:17:28
rainfall intensity on 7 July 2012 could be
easily identified. Fig. 7 shows the results of
forecast of significant wave height near the
Kerch Strait in the point with coordinates
45° N, 36,6° E. As can be seen in the figure,
the catastrophic storm on 11 November
2007 is easy to detect in the form of
abnormal values of the forecast. Fig. 6 and
7 confirm high reliability of the system for
short-term regional forecast implemented
in MHI.
It is known that the quality of the forecast
can be improved using parallel calculation of
several variants of numerical models [Clark
et al., 2012]. At present, MHI has already
implemented a short-term weather forecast
for the Azov-Black Sea region with the
Fig. 7. Results of the operational forecast of MHI for 2007–2013.
gi413.indd 42
15.01.2014 9:17:29
Significant waves height in the Black Sea in area near the Kerch Strait
gi413.indd 43
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parallel use of MM5 and WRF mesoscale
atmospheric models.
It should be stressed that for flood forecasting
in mountainous areas, precipitation forecasts
with a high spatial resolution are not enough.
In addition to the results of the forecast, a
realistic model of river flow is needed, which
uses the results of mesoscale atmospheric
modeling as an input. Such system is already
implemented for the South Crimea area
(see, e.g., [Ivanov, 2012b]). It should also
be noted that WAM can only be applied
for wave forecast in the deepwater part of
the Azov-Black Sea basin, where the depth
exceeds half the length of dominant surface
waves (see, e.g., [Holthuijsen, 2007]). In order
to involve the Azov Sea and North-Western
part of the Black Sea in the forecast area, the
wave model should be supplemented by
appropriate SWAN or WAVEWATCH models
[Holthuijsen, 2007]. These are the obvious
directions of improvement for the MHI
forecast system.
This paper uses the examples of two
catastrophic weather events in the Black
Sea region to demonstrate the high quality
and reliability of mesoscale atmospheric
predictions, and their advantages comparing
to the global forecast. The use of such
forecasts could lead to significant reduction
in human losses and economic damage
from catastrophic weather events. The
means of operational regional modeling of
the atmosphere in the Marine Hydrophysical
Institute of the NAS of Ukraine could become
an element of a prospective early warning
system for weather disasters in the AzovBlack Sea region.
The authors gratefully acknowledge that
the system of regional meteorological
forecast was created by the employees
of the Department of Interaction of the
Atmosphere and Ocean of MHI NAS of
Ukraine, under the guidance of Professor
V.V. Efimov. This work was performed
under the European Community’s Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013)
under Grant Agreement No. 287844 for the
project “Towards COast to COast NETworks
of marine protected areas (from the shore to
the high and deep sea), coupled with seabased wind energy potential (COCONET)”
with partial support of the State Fund for
fundamental research of Ukraine under the
contract Ф53/117–2013 and Mega-grant of
the Russian Federation Government under
Grant 11.G34.31.0078. REFERENCES
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16. Marine Hydrophysical Institute (2013). 5-day weather forecast over the Black Sea. Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction Department of Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Sevastopol,
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30. Wilson T. (2013). Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, USA, http://www.atmos.ucla.edu/~wilson28/BOULDER/main.html
31. World Meteorological Organization (2012). WMO Disaster Risk Reduction Work Plan
(2012–2015), Geneva, 5 July 2012, 10 р.
Vitaliy A. Ivanov, Dr. Sc., Professor (hydrophysics), is Academician
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He is Director of
Marine Hydrophysical Institute (MHI) (Sevastopol, Ukraine),
Research Director of the Sevastopol Branch of the Lomonosov
Moscow State University, Director of Instrument Designing &
Engineering Bureau of MHI, and Head of Shelf Hydrophysics
Department of MHI. His activities include research in hydrophysics
of the sea shelf with the focus on sea currents, long-wave
processes, ecology of the environment, and development of
marine resources. He is the author and co-author of over 350
scientific publications including books and textbooks; the most
recent of them is “Oceanography of the Black Sea”.
Mikhail V. Shokurov, Dr. Sc., is Leading Scientist of the
Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction Department at Marine
Hydrophysical Institute. The focus of his research is in numerical
modeling of the mesoscale atmospheric processes over the sea.
He is the author of about 70 scientific publications.
gi413.indd 46
15.01.2014 9:17:29
Vladimir A. Dulov, Dr. Sc., is Research Leader of the Laboratory
of Applied Physics of the Sea at Marine Hydrophysical Institute.
He has been involved in the field studies of the sea since 1979
after graduating from Moscow Physical Technical Institute. His
activities include research on wind waves with the focus on
wave breaking and nonlinear interactions of waves, remote
sensing of the sea, turbulent boundary layers near the sea
surface. He is the author and coauthor of over 100 scientific
Vladimir N. Kudryavtsev, Dr. Sc., is professor at Russian State
Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg, also leading
scientist at Remote Sensing Department, Marine Hydrophysical
Institute. His research interests: air-sea interaction, atmospheric
and oceanic boundary layers, passive and active microwave
remote sensing of the ocean. He is the author and co-author of
about 120 scientific publications.
Takvor Soukissian holds a PhD in Ocean Hydrodynamics from
the Dept. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at the
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Since 1995 he
holds a research position at the Institute of Oceanography of the
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HMCR). He is also lecturer in
the post graduate studies program “Marine Science and
Technology” of the Dept. of Naval Architecture and Marine
Engineering at the NTUA, co-organized by NTUA and HCMR. His
research interests include stochastic modelling and forecasting
of sea waves and climate parameters, extreme wave analysis,
design and implementation of ocean monitoring systems and
offshore wind and wave energy. He has participated in over 30 research European and
national projects, mainly as scientific coordinator or principal researcher. He is author of
several papers published in scientific journals and proceedings of international and
national conferences and books or chapters in books.
gi413.indd 47
15.01.2014 9:17:29
Vadim Yu. Rumiantsev1*, Alexey A. Golubinsky2, Mikhail S. Soldatov1, Alexandre
Husson3, Dmitry A. Khitrov4
1. Department of Biogeography, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State
University; Leninskiye Gory, 1, 119234, Moscow, Russia; tel.: 8 (495) 9394717,
fax: 8 (495) 9328836
2. The Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents (RSAAD). Faculty of History,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Lomonosovsky prospect, 27–4, 119992,
Moscow, Russia; tel. 8 (495) 9395440, fax 8 (495) 9392390
3. University Paris I Panthйon-Sorbonne, France. Faculty of History, Lomonosov
Moscow State University, Lomonosovsky prospect, 27–4, 119992, Moscow, Russia;
tel. 8 (495) 9395440, fax 8 (495) 9392390
4. Department of Russian History to the beginning of the XIX century, Faculty
of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Lomonosovsky prospect, 27–4,
119992, Moscow, Russia; tel. 8 (495) 9395440, fax 8 (495) 9392390
* Corresponding author. e-mail: vyurum@biogeo.ru
ABSTRACT. The paper investigates the data
on the fauna of the European Russia at
the end of the XVIII century, contained in
the materials of the General Land Survey,
in comparison with contemporary data.
The distribution ranges of the majority
of large mammals observed in the study
area two centuries ago, have not changed
significantly, but the biological diversity has
increased due to the emergence of new
KEY WORDS: General Land Survey,
biogeographical and historical research,
mammals, human impact on nature.
One of the key processes of the Russian
history of the XVI–XIX centuries is its fast
territorial expansion, which has helped
to partially offset the adverse natural
impact of the country’s historic center on
the agriculture [Milov, 2006]. This feature
dramatically distinguishes Russian history
in the early modern period from the history
gi413.indd 48
of other European countries, and makes
it very interesting from the point of view
of the study of how the human impact
changed the environment. Rapid population
growth, while maintaining almost exclusively
agrarian nature of the economy, was secured
by involving in the agricultural use a vast
lands and developing new agricultural areas,
especially in the South and East of the
country. Since the beginning of the XVII
century and until the end of the XVIII century,
the total area of arable land increased almost
4 times [Vodarskii, 1988] and this process
continued into the next century. The main
growth occurred in the European part of the
country where the boundaries of agricultural
settlement moved many hundreds of
kilometers to the South and East.
The question of how it affected the
composition of the fauna has not been
previously discussed by the historians of
Russia, although similar works in other
regions of the world exist and constitute a
rapidly developing interdisciplinary research
direction of environmental history [Rackham,
15.01.2014 9:17:30
In the public opinion, there is a fairly stable
view that the economic development has
led to a sharp decline of biological resources.
This idea was carried out in Russian classical
literature, for example, in the books by
S.T. Aksakov, P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky, N.I.
Nekrasov, and I.A. Bunin. Having become
quite common, it also had a visible impact
on the historians. V.O. Kluchevskii [1987]
singled out the massive deforestation and
the reduction of the number of wild animals
as one of the characteristic features of the
process of the Russian colonization. This
trend was most fully embodied in the works
of M.K. Lubavskii [1996, etc.].
Thus, in the fiction and historical literature the
view has formed that the diversity of fauna of
the European territory of Russia (hereinafter,
ETR) decreased significantly in the XVIII – first
half of the XIX centuries, and this was directly
linked with the agricultural development
of the territory and deforestation. Sources
allow testing the validity of this opinion only
in part. Only limited information is available
on the number of animals that lived on that
territory. However, the information on their
spatial distribution can be collected from the
historical sources from the second half of the
XVIII century onwards. In particular, they are
systematically presented in the materials of
the General Land Survey (hereinafter, GLS).
surveyors had to gather an extensive range
of data on each of the surveyed settlements,
based on the reports of the local population
and on their own observations. In the
generalized textual documents of each uezd
(district), called“Economic Notes” (hereinafter,
EN), in addition to the information on the
lands, human settlements and population,
the lists of animals, birds and fishes presented
it the area were recorded. It is crucial that
all this information is gathered with the
purposes that we would now identify as
scientific, which designates its rather high
Unfortunately, this “additional” information is
not cited in all volumes of the EN. According
to the typology of L.V. Milov [1965], it is
available in the “Notes to the General Plan”,
and “Full” and, partly, in the “Cameral” sections
of the EN. In the “Concise” and “Pavlovian”
sections that make up the majority of the
surviving volumes, they are omitted.
Started in 1765, the GLS continued for
more than 50 years and was the largest
archival complex of pre-revolutionary Russia,
consisting of more than 1,3 million units. The
survey description covers the major part of
the ETR, and both the primary documents
(field notes of land surveyors and plans of
dachas), and the generalized materials of
all levels were supplemented with wellpreserved different-scale maps [Golubinsky
et al., 2011].
Data on the wildlife that we find in the ‘Full’
section of the EN were collected in the
following way. The review of the “internal
situation” of each of the landholdings was
the task of a Junior Surveyor; this work
was considered less important then the
survey itself, and, unfortunately, was poorly
regulated and almost not documented. We
can suggest, however, that the surveyors
often received information directly from the
local population, according to the so-called
“skazki” (reports) of the peasants who served
as witnesses during the survey process
(“poverennye krestyane”). Unfortunately,
only a small number of these interesting
documents survived – now, only 400 of them
are found [Milov, 1960]. The most detailed
type of these documents describes the
status of agriculture, forestry etc. “Poverennye”
were elected among the most informed and
educated peasants, often the headmen of
the peasant communities or the bailiffs of
local landlords.
For us, it is particularly important that, in
addition to its purely utilitarian task – to
distinguish the borders of land holdings, the
The list of wildlife species is given in the ‘Full’
EN in the form of the description of each
“dacha” (i.e., a landholding); sometimes it
gi413.indd 49
2001; Extinctions ..., 2010; Ouchley, 2010,
15.01.2014 9:17:30
had a notation: “the animals and birds in the
forests, and fish in the rivers are the same
as it is written in the description NN”. In
many cases, in neighboring dachas, these
lists coincide. The special research revealed
that the differences mainly concern the
dachas with few forests when the surveyors
excluded the species in the forests from the
list. It seems unlikely that the information on
the fauna was collected specifically for each
of the surveyed landholdings. The “skazki”
were composed, as a rule, for the settlements,
where the form of the description required
the data on crafts, rental obligations, and
other information. We can assume that for
the non-populated holdings, as well as
the small villages, the data from the large
neighboring estates were copied. Moreover,
as a rule, the number of variants of the list of
animals was limited to 3 or 4 per uezd.
This paper is the first in a planned series
of studies of the historical changes of the
wildlife of the ETR based on the materials of
the GLS.
The EN mentions three classes of wildlife:
Mammals, or animals (Mammalia), Birds (Aves)
and Fishes (Osteichthyes). At the first stage of
the work, the mammals were selected as a
research object, being a component of the
fauna, small enough (in terms of species
number) for the convenience of the analysis
and important for the humans in different
The purpose of the study is to estimate the
changes in the composition of the mammals
fauna of the ETR from the late XVIII century
to the present day using the data contained
in the EN. The main objectives were:
1. To compile a list of names of animals (the
same name in the EN may refer to more
than one species), mentioned in the EN, and
to evaluate the frequency of occurrence of
each of them.
2. To distinguish the animals that particularly
attracted the attention of the surveyors,
or on the contrary, were ignored by them,
gi413.indd 50
despite the obvious importance and to
attempt to explain this.
3. To compare the data on the distribution
of animals in the EN with the data on their
modern distribution and to analyze the
revealed changes.
This paper explores the information on
mammals of the ETR contained in the EN.
The provinces of the ETR, where we have
complete or nearly complete sets of the
EN containing information of interest to us,
in the Survey archive in the Russian State
Archive of Ancient Documents (RSAAD),
Moscow, Russia. For each of them, only part
of the existing data is examined here.
Keeping in mind the structure of the data
discussed earlier, it seems unnecessary to
handle each volume of the EN entirely –
a representative sample is sufficient for
achieving our goal. It is possible that (1) the
lists of animals, specific to the uezd, may
be incomplete due to the structure of land
use in a particular dacha (e.g., the forest
species may be excluded in the treeless or
sparsely wooded landholdings) and (2) in
some cases, the differences in the lists can
reflect the real state of affairs – the presence
of the species in one part of the uezd and its
absence in another. So, a mechanical sample
was made: every 25th–35th landholding was
selected from each volume of the EN (one
record per 25 pages of the manuscript, on
average). For small volumes, the number of
selected dachas was increased, especially
for the uezds with the low fragmentation of
land ownership.
Only the populated dachas were selected,
with the percentage of forests no lower
than the average for the uezd and with the
description containing the list of species
(the references to other descriptions were
excluded). This technique has allowed us
to compile a sufficiently complete list of
mentioned animals. A control sample, which
included 4 randomly selected records from
15.01.2014 9:17:30
The sample includes 7 provinces, 33 uezds
within them, and 330 dachas. The territorial
distribution of the actual material is shown
in Fig. 1. Although it doesn’t cover the whole
territory of the ETR, the sample provides a set
of zoogeographic observations, unique for
the period of the XVIII – early XIX centuries,
regarding its level of detail and territorial
coverage. It should be noted that the EN were
previously used by the zoologists as a source
of data on historical changes of the wildlife of
Russia (for example, the works of S.V. Kirikov
[1959; 1966, etc.]). However, the data used
by them were fragmented in terms of area
coverage or set of species analyzed.
Fig. 1 shows that the territory in the sample
includes almost all the modern vegetation
zones (subzones) within the territories
covered by the GLS. Accordingly, the sample
should, to some extent, reflect the state of
the animal world of the whole ETR (except
for the extreme northern and southern
For each dacha, a list of mentioned animals
was compiled. It should be mentioned that
the transcript was quite accurate, as the
names of the species didn’t change much
since the time of the GLS. On the contrary,
for the fishes, the surveyors often use the
obsolete local names. It presents some
difficulty to identify them, which will be a
subject of the further research.
each volume, confirmed this – no new
species of animals were found.
Fig. 1. The studied sample on the map of the modern vegetation zones and subzones of the ETR
(Vegetation zones and types ..., 1992, modified).
Vegetation zones and subzones. 1–5 – Taiga zone. Subzones: 1 – northern taiga; 2 – middle taiga;
3 – southern taiga; 4 – sub-taiga (mixed forest); 5–6 – Broad-leaved forest zone. Subzones: 5 – broad-leaved
forest; 6 – forest-steppe; 7–8 – Steppe zone. Subzones: 7 – northern (bunch-grass-turf) steppe; 8 – middle (dry) steppe;
9 – Mountain areas; 10 – Borders of provinces included in the sample; 11 – Borders of uezds; 12 – Uezds included in the
sample; 13 – Modern border of Russia
gi413.indd 51
15.01.2014 9:17:30
The primary lists of species were aggregated
at the uezd, province, and, finally, the whole
sample levels. At each stage, the number of
mentions of each species was calculated.
Finally, the database was compiled
containing also modern scientific names of
the mentioned animals.
All mentions of each specie were located
on the map (at the uezd level) by means of
GIS MapInfo Professional. Then, the results
were compared with the data on the present
territorial distribution of these animals,
known from the literature and other sources.
In the sample, 24 names of mammals are
mentioned, belonging to 11 families and
5 orders. Their list, correlated with the
modern system of mammals, as well as the
frequency of occurrence of each, on the
province, uezd, and dacha levels, is shown
in Table 1. Here, we must make some
1. Currently, more than 250 species of
terrestrial mammals live in Russia, belonging
to 7–8 orders and more than 30 families
[Dinets, Rothschild, 1996, etc.]. More precise
calculations are impossible because of the
many discrepancies in interpretations of the
taxonomic categories. System of the wildlife
is ambiguous and is constantly changing,
especially in recent decades. We should
also take into account that a significant
proportion of the species live outside the
ETR or in the ETR not covered by the GLS and
are not present in our sample.
2. The scientific names (English and Latin) of
species and higher taxonomic categories can
be different in different sources. Especially it
concerns English names, for which, unlike
Latin, there are no strict rules of taxonomic
3. The individual names of animals in the
sample can match two species – for instance,
hares and polecats (see Table. 1). This issue
will be discussed in more detail below.
gi413.indd 52
The results of the analysis of occurrence
(number of the mentions) of species on the
three levels of aggregation are presented in
the Fig. 2.
In the Fig. 2, animals can be divided into
5 groups according to the number of
references to their names in the sample:
– a – maximum frequency of occurrence.
These are: hares (312 references), wolves
(226), foxes (186) and squirrels (184)
mentioned in all provinces and almost
all uezds.
– b – relatively high frequency of occurrence.
These are stoats (93) and bears (42)
mentioned in almost all provinces and
more than a half of uezds.
– c – average frequency of occurrence.
These are martens (17), marmots (13) and
polecats (11) mentioned in 2-3 provinces
and 4–7 uezds.
– d – low frequency of occurrence. These
are mooses, otters, wild goats, weasels,
lynxes, deer, and chipmunks. For each of
them, we have 2–5 references in 1–3
provinces and 1–3 uezds.
– e – minimum frequency of occurrence.
These are hedgehogs, moles, wolverines,
badgers, minks, sousliks, beavers,
hamsters. Each of them is mentioned
once in the sample, i.e., 1 province and
1 uezd.
Cartographic analysis was used to compare
the locations of animals according to the
EN to its modern areas within the ETR. The
modern boundaries of areas, not defined
precisely for all the species, were specified
using available literature and, largely, on the
basis of materials contained in the database
of the Information System “The communities
of terrestrial vertebrates of Russia” developed
at the Department of Biogeography of the
Faculty of Geography, MSU [Rumiantsev,
Danilenko, 1998; Danilenko, Rumiantsev,
15.01.2014 9:17:30
Fig. 2. Frequency of the mentions of animal names in the sample
(ranged by the decrease of frequency).
a–e – groups of animals conditionally chosen on frequency of their mentions (discussion in the text)
The analysis revealed the fact that almost all
of locations of the animals mentioned in the
sample are within their modern distribution
ranges. The only apparent exception is brown
bear. According to the EN, in the period of
the GLS its areal extended far to the south
beyond the modern southern border of
the range (Fig. 3). There are several other,
less visible examples – so, lynx is recorded
in Masalsk uezd in the Kaluga province. This
territory is now nominally included in the
range [Bobrov et al., 2008 a.o.], but actually
the lynx does not live there, only rare visits
are possible.
gi413.indd 53
Two general assumptions are made when
discussing the results.
1. If the animal is mentioned in the EN, then it
lived in this particular area. Thus, the reliability
of the surveyor’s observations is postulated
and the possibility of errors is ignored.
2. If the animal is NOT mentioned in the EN,
this does not mean that it did not live there.
It is already obvious that the numerous
species, important for the humans, significant
and common today, were never or very rare
recorded in the EN.
15.01.2014 9:17:30
gi413.indd 54
15.01.2014 9:17:30
Family Canidae
Gray wolf
Red fox
Family Ursidae
Brown bear
Family Felidae
Eurasian lynx
Family Mustelidae
Wolverine Wolverine
European badger
Pine marten
European polecat
Steppe polecat
European mink
Least weasel
Stoat (Ermine)
European otter
Ursus arctos
Felis lynx
Gulo gulo
Meles meles
Martes martes
Mustela putorius
Lutra lutra
Canis lupus
Vulpes vulpes
Talpa europaea
Erinaceus europaeus
Modern name
Family Erinaceidae
Hedgehog European hedgehog
Family Talpidae
European mole
Name in
EN (24
Tver (1/5)
Tula (5/30)
Table 1. The frequency of mentions of animal species in the sample of "Full" EN (the animal names are given in systematical order)
(33 uezds, 330
gi413.indd 55
15.01.2014 9:17:30
Modern name
Cricetus cricetus
Castor fiber
Sciurus vulgaris
Tamias sibiricus
Marmota bobak
Spermophilus major
Tver (1/5)
Tula (5/30)
(33 uezds, 330
Notes: "8/53" – number of uezds / number of landholdings ("dacha’") in the sample for given provinces; Uz- number of uezds, for which the EN mentions the given species; Lh - number of
landholdings ("dacha"), for which the EN mentions the given species; Pr - number of provinces, for which the EN mentions the given species.
The animal names taken from the EN are generally used further in the text.
Mentioned animal names in the sample from EN – in total
Family Sciuridae
Eurasian red squirrel
Chipmunk Siberian chipmunk
Steppe marmot
Family Castoridae
Eurasian beaver
Family Cricetidae
Eurasian hamster
Family Leporidae
White hare European Lepus timidus L. eurohare
Alces alces
Cervus elaphus
Capreolus capreolus
Family Cervidae
Red deer
Wild goat Western roe deer
Name in
EN (24
Fig. 3. The distribution of brown bear in the sample.
1 – Vegetation zones and subzones (see Fig. 1). 2 – Borders of provinces included in the sample.
3 – Uezds included in the sample. 4 – Uezds, for which the presence of bear is marked.
5 – Approximate modern position of the southern border of the bear distribution. 6 – Modern border of Russia
The frequency of occurrence of certain
animals in the EN can presumably be
explained by the following factors.
1. Significance for humans. The animal
might be a hunting resource, a pest for
agriculture, etc.
2. Visibility. Most animals are quite concealed,
and many of them, even quite ordinary ones,
are rarely observes by the humans. On the other
hand, the notable animals may be mentioned,
even having no economic significance.
3. The link with the specific phenological
milestones in the life of nature (for example,
gi413.indd 56
certain species may be important for the
“peasant calendar”. This criterion is more
important for birds, possibly, for some
mammals, too.
Let us consider the species listed in the
sample, starting from the most frequently
mentioned (see Fig. 2).
The absolute leaders is hare (312 references in
330 dachas). We should remember, however,
that we are talking about two species –
white hare and European hare, not separated
in the EN (see Table 1). White hare is a
species of taiga and tundra and, accordingly,
originally inhabited the northern part of the
15.01.2014 9:17:30
Next are wolf (226), fox (186), and squirrel
(184). Their high statistics does not raise any
questions also. Up to the present day, they
live almost throughout the entire ETR; the
number of wolves is obviously much smaller
today than in the period of the GLS, but foxes
are common, and sometimes numerous.
Wolf is a traditional object of hunting, a
serious threat for cattle breeding, and, in the
past, a real danger to humans. It can rarely be
observed, but in the areas of habitation, it is
often heard (howling). Fox is, too, important
for hunting, and a well-known threat for
the poultry. It is more noticeable than
wolf, and is often observed near human
habitation. Fox, at the time, was the main
reservoir of the most dangerous infections –
rabies. The infected foxes interacted with
domestic dogs that could pass the disease
to humans, and represented a real danger in
the XVIII century, when medicine was nearly
powerless against rabies.
Squirrel is noticeable and economically
important. In the Soviet Union, it held
the leading position in the fur production
(regarding the number of pelts, but not their
gi413.indd 57
value). Of course, squirrel was an object of
hunting at the time of the GLS, and, as in
the case of hare, mainly by traps, making this
resource potentially accessible to everyone.
The high frequency of mentions of stoat (93)
presents some interest. Stoat lives almost
everywhere in the ETR, but are not too
numerous and noticeable. In the past, it
was a valuable fur resource – as a “royal”
fur used for the mantles of monarchs. But
it is doubtful whether its production was
widespread. On the other hand, weasel
(4), is mentioned very rarely, although it is
distributed as widely as stoat and is more
numerous. These animals look alike, both in
summer and winter; the most clearly visible
difference is black “brush” (terminal hair) of
the stoat’s tail, which weasel does not have.
Weasel, which is not a fur resource, is known
as a malignant pest of poultry. Sightings of
this animal should have been much more
frequent than those of stoats.
region. European hare tends to open spaces
and originally dwelt in its southern part. Now
in the vast territories of the ETR, they live
together, dividing the territory biotopically:
white hare in the forest areas, European
hare in the fields. It is likely that the same
situation could have occurred in the times
of the GLS in the forest-steppe zone (see
Fig. 1) where the hybrids of these species
popularly called “tumak” have been known
for a long time. Hares fully meet the criteria
of relevance and visibility. As the object of
hunting, they always attracted attention,
and they could be trapped, without the use
of remote weapons, which is important for
the peasants. Hares are pests of a number
of vegetable and horticultural crops to the
present day. The role of hares in the life of
the Russian peasants is widely reflected in
the literature and folklore. Therefore, the
high number of references in the EN is quite
Bear (42). As it was said earlier, brown bear
is the only specie referred in the sample,
for which we have the observations of the
GLS located far enough outside the current
range (see Fig. 3). Bear is mentioned in
one uezd of the Tula province and, what
is particularly interesting, in three uezds
of the Voronezh province. These territories
lie within the forest-steppes and northern
steppes, while bear needs large forest areas
for the stable existence of its population.
It was noted earlier that the range of bear
in the past reached the steppes [Dinets,
Rothschild, 1996, etc.]. Today in Voronezh
region, there are two State Nature Reserves –
Voronezhsky and Khopersky that include
mainly the forest ecosystems. But there is
no bear even in these large protected forest
areas [Reserves ..., 1989].
The particular attention of the surveyors
to bear can be easily explained. Although
its practical importance for the population
was hardly very significant, bear was (and
remains) one of the most well known
animals. It can be assumed that the presence
of bear in the three uezds of the Voronezh
15.01.2014 9:17:30
province was connected with the fact that
vast woodlands were preserved there,
considered as protected in the XVII – early
XVIII centuries. Anyway, it is obvious that this
question deserves a special study.
The group of animals with the average
frequency of occurrence (see Fig. 2) includes
martens (17), marmots (13), and polecats (11),
Marten was once an important object of
the fur trade, but by the time of the GLS, its
economic significance in the major part of
ETP was probably lost. These animals are not
very cautious, nor do they present any threat
for the peasant economy. Perhaps, marten
was mentioned in the regions where they
still retain some commercial value. All these
mentions are within the modern range of
the species.
Marmot (steppe marmot, or bajbak), on the
contrary, is extremely noticeable, both the
animals themselves, and the traces of their
activity (holes, etc.). Marmot, in the period of
the GLS, was probably not of great practical
importance for the humans, as it neither
caused any significant damage to agriculture,
nor could be systematically hunted [Bibikov,
Rumiantsev, 1997]. However, the surveyors
apparently could not but mention marmots,
where they lived, due to their cautioness.
In addition, marmot is one of the few
animals that meet the “phenological” criteria
mentioned above. Seasonal events in the
life of marmot (in spring, it comes out of
holes and makes “the first whistle” and in
autumn, it starts hibernation) could serve
as important indicators of certain natural
phenomena for the rural population. In the
sample, marmot is mentioned in all the
territories where they could live at the time
and where they live today.
Polecat. As with hare, two species are called
by this name in the GLS materials – European
(black, dark) and steppe (light) polecat. Their
areas correspond to their names and, in
the forest-steppe belt, they can live in one
area, but in different biotopes. Not being
an object of hunting, they were (and are)
gi413.indd 58
some of the worst pests of poultry. Getting
into a coop, the polecat often kills all the
birds, although it obviously cannot eat them.
The attention of the GLS respondents to
polecat is quite understandable, and they
are mentioned in the same areas where they
are common today.
Of particular interest are the animals, now
common in specific areas, often significant,
but very rarely mentioned in the EN. This
category includes 15 names (see Table 1,
Fig. 2). First, for some of them, the low
frequency of mentioning is understandable.
These are hedgehog and mole. It is hard to
imagine a peasant who does not know these
animals. But on the other hand, they were,
apparently, considered to be self-evident,
and not deserving special attention.
We have already discussed weasel. Otter and
mink, although they are quite widespread
valuable fur-bearing animals, are not
numerous and are very rarely seen by the
people who have no special interest in
hunting them.
Lynx, wolverine, and chipmunk are taiga
animals, although lynx (see above) can
penetrate quite far to the south. All of them
have no discernible economic value in the
ETR. Wolverine in the sample (see Table 1)
is mentioned only in the territories where it
lives in the present. Chipmunk is mentioned
only in the Kazan province (see Table 1);
today, they penetrate farther to the west,
and may be encountered in many taiga
areas of the ETR.
Souslik and hamster. Judging by the
localization of the only reference (the Kazan
province), we are talking about large-toothed
souslik and Eurasian hamster. They are quite
common in the areas noted in the sample.
Souslik originally lived on the left-bank of the
Volga river, but now, it penetrated into the
right bank of the Volga. Hamster originally
dwelt almost everywhere in the steppe and
forest-steppe zones of European Russia,
but now spread far to the north in the
forest zone. Both of these species can cause
15.01.2014 9:17:30
Bardger is widespread, although not very
visible. They are objects of hunting (the
badger fat is widely used in the traditional
medicine). They are mentioned only once
(in the Voronezh region), which is difficult
to explain.
Beaver. Eurasian beaver, since ancient times,
was one of the most important fur-bearing
animals of Russia. The value of fur and the
relative ease of hunting resulted in almost
complete disappearance of beaver on the
ETR, but in recent decades, it again becomes
common and even numerous everywhere
where suitable conditions exist. In the
sample, it is mentioned once in the Kazan
province, despite the obvious importance
and high visibility. The sample includes the
territories, where in the XX century, beaver
was there even during the peak period
of depression (the Voronezh region); the
EN does not mention it, however. It can
be assumed, that by the GLS period, the
number of beaver in the EPR has decreased
so dramatically, that almost everywhere “only
toponyms remained” (quite common in the
Artiodactyl is mentioned in the sample very
rarely: deer (2), moos (5), and wild goat (4).
Deer (red deer) is extremely rare at the ETR
today. They are animals of deciduous forests,
now nearly lost in the study area, at least,
in the areas, sufficient for the existence of
stable populations of deer. In addition, in
the XX century, sika deer (Cervus nippon)
gi413.indd 59
was introduced from the Far East, making
a strong competition for the aboriginal
species. Supposedly, deer was extremely rare
in the times of the GLS, too, but in the Kazan
province, where it is mentioned by the EN, it
lives even now.
Moose originally inhabited nearly the entire
forest and forest-steppe zones of Russia, and
from the middle of the XX century, due to
the intensive planting of forest belts, have
moved far to the south. Today, it is common,
even in densely populated areas of the
European part of Russia, and one of the
main objects of sports hunting. In the period
of the GLS, moose was probably equally
common in forests, although its importance
for the population is difficult to assess.
Moose still lives in all the territories where it
was recorded in the sample; it is somewhat
surprising, however, that the mentions are
rare or even absent in some instances (for
example, in the Smolensk province).
some damage to agriculture, but are not
numerous and are not objects of hunting.
Therefore, their absence in the EN materials
is understandable. But why is speckled souslik
(Spermophilus suslicus) not mentioned? It
is very widely found in the steppe and
forest steppe zones (to the Volga river), in
the Voronezh province, and to the south of
the Tula province within the borders of the
sample. This specie is detrimental to the
crops much more than those mentioned
above, and very noticeable. But there are no
mentions of the specie in the sample.
The term “wild goat” supposedly means
western roe deer in the EN. The other
contenders for this title are not present in
the wildlife of the ETR. The natural optimum
of roe deer habitats lies in the forest-steppe
subzone, but today, the area extends to the
north and south. Roe deer is also one of the
most important objects of sport hunting. It
is more visible than moose, though we can
not assess its relevance to the population
during the GLS. In the sample, the mentions
of deer are associated with the Voronezh
and Tver provinces. It is not clear why there
is no mentions in, for instance, the Kaluga
and Tula provinces, where it is now quite
And finally, the animals, generally not
mentioned in the sample. Based on the
total number of modern mammal species
in the ETR (see above), they are much more
numerous, than those mentioned. For the
vast majority of such species the explanation
of this fact is quite obvious.
The mammalian fauna of the ETR (and Russia
as a whole, and other areas) is much more
15.01.2014 9:17:30
than 50% formed by the species belonging
to the category of having no taxonomic
status, and traditionally, although quite
arbitrary, are called “Small mammals –
Micromammalia.” These include (in the ETR)
the following groups of animals:
– In the insectivorous – shrew (Soricidae).
– In the rodents – so-called “mouse-like
rodents”. There are actually mouse, rat,
birch mouse, dormouse, vole, small hamster,
etc. (the Latin names of the groups are
not shown).
– All the bats (Chiroptera).
The reasons for the lack of references to
the animals in this category are easy to
explain. Sometimes, their presence is selfevident; sometimes, they do not deserve the
attention; and sometimes, both. It should
be taken into account that even today, a
rare non-specialist knows the differences
between mouse, vole, and birch mouse.
Bat, among the mammals are so aloof, that
the question arises, if they were supposed
to be animals at the times of the GLS. (что
вы хотели сказать? [они были, конечно
же представителями животного мира?] но
жили ли тогда?)
Certain species of this category could be
mentioned in the EN, for example, garden
dormouse (Eliomys quercinus), greater mole
rat (Spalax microphtalmus), and some others.
Dormouse is quite common in most of the
areas covered by the sample and, today,
often causes considerable damage to fruit
crops. Mole rat is widely distributed in
northern steppes and forest-steppes of the
ETR. Although the animal itself is almost
impossible to observe, the traces of its life
(soil emissions – что здесь имеется в виду?)
are extremely noticeable. In addition, mole
rat can cause significant damage to truck
crops – especially root. In any case, these
animals are well known for the contemporary
rural population of the territories. However,
the lack of mentions of these species in not
gi413.indd 60
There are very few species left, that could
or should be mentioned in the EN, but such
mentions are not found in the sample. We
have already discussed the case of speckled
souslik (see above). In addition, wild boar (Sus
scrofa), Russian desman (Desmana moschata)
and European bison (Bison bonasus) should
be mentioned.
Wild boar is now common in almost all the
ETR, except for the northern regions. But
originally it was spread far west of this area.
Active natural expansion of boar to the east
and northeast began in the XX century and
continues to this day. This process is traced
in detail in the literature [Bobrov et al, 2008,
etc.]. At the time of the GLS, boar did not
inhabit the territories covered by the sample.
Russian desman is a valuable fur-bearing
animal; it originally dwelt only in the ETR
(west of the Volga river), but during the XIX
and early XX centuries, its number and area
have drastically decreased, both because
of uncontrolled hunting and deterioration
of the environment (pollution of rivers and
lakes leading to the deterioration of food
resources). In the XX century in the Soviet
Union, extensive work was carried out to
restore desman in the areas of former habitat
and to advance its area beyond. As a result,
the modern area of desman is noticeably
larger than the original, but in general, it
is still quite rare. In the period of the GLS,
desman could still be quite common in
some territories covered by the sample. This
animal can not be considered prominent, but
where the desman population was sufficient,
it was almost certainly an object of hunting.
Accidentally, desman could be observed
in different situations too, for example, it
could get in fishing nets. However, it is not
mentioned in the sample.
European bison in the distant times inhabited
almost the entire middle belt and the south
of European Russia. However, by the time
of the GLS, it was, apparently, completely
extinct, although there are indications of
its presence in the XVIII century within the
territory of the Voronezh province [Bobrov et
15.01.2014 9:17:30
24 names (26 species) of mammals are found
in the studied sample. They are mentioned
at different rates – from very high to a single
mention. This, apparently, is determined by
two main factors, namely, the importance
of animals to the humans and their visibility.
Nearly all the species that could attract the
attention of the surveyors are mentioned.
The analysis revealed that all the species
mentioned in the sample inhabit the
corresponding territories and today, and
many of them are quite common or even
numerous. Almost all the locations of
animals found in the sample are within their
current ranges. No specie has disappeared
from the ETR.
At some territories included in the sample,
certain significant and noticeable species
are present, not mentioned in the EN either
generally or for those specific areas. This may
be due either to the natural expansion of
the areas of some species (wild boar, moose,
chipmunk, etc.) or due to the human activities
on their breeding widely conducted in the
XX century. For example, at least 4 mammal
species, intentionally imported from other
regions of Russia or from abroad live in the
ETR today.
In some cases, it is hard to give an
unambiguous explanation to the low
frequency of mentions or even to its absence.
Perhaps, this is due to the insufficient sample
size at the province level. However, one
should take into account the fact that the
real state of the mammals in the period of
the GLS is generally very poorly known.
Thus, our analysis leads to the main
conclusion, which directly opposes the
prevailing (as noted above) ideas about the
reduction of the abundance of the ETR
gi413.indd 61
fauna since the end of the XVIII century. The
faunal diversity in the study area is much
greater today than in the time of the GLS, at
least for mammals, both for the entire ETP
and for specific regions. Of course, certain
species could have disappeared from certain
locations, but the sources do not allow us to
observe these changes.
For an environmentalist, the explanation
of this fact is quite obvious. The postulated
depletion of the fauna is usually associated
with the agricultural development of
the territories and the accompanying
deforestation. But for animals, this factor is
rather positive than negative. The species,
requiring the large continuous forests, are
rare in the ETR (brown bear). The majority
of the species are most comfortable within
a highly mosaic territory, i.e., when forest
and open areas alternate. Some species (e.g.,
roe deer) are inherently “marge” animals.
Initially, these biotypes were forest-steppe,
but, now, they have extended far to the
north. Agriculture also offers many new
kinds of food, nutritious and plentiful. On the
other hand, the field-protective afforestation
actively carried out in the south of the study
area in the middle of the XX century, has
created the conditions for the expansion
of the forest species (such as moose) to the
south. As a result, today in the ETP, we can
observe a mix of southern and northern
faunas, which greatly improves the overall
faunal diversity.
al., 2008, etc.]. Currently, wild European bison
is not found anywhere. Due to the efforts to
restore the specie, the semi-wild populations
exist in a number of reserves.
In addition, in the XX century, one
more important factor came into effect,
specifically, the governmental programs for
conservation, restoration, and enrichment
of Russian (USSR) fauna. Their result was
the revival of many species disappeared
completely (zubr) or almost completely
(muskrat, beaver, marmot, and others), as
well as the introduction of new species.
Now, the Central regions of the ETR by the
diversity of terrestrial vertebrates occupy one
of the leading places in Russia – along with
some districts in southern Siberia and the
southern Far East [Rumiantsev, Danilenko,
15.01.2014 9:17:31
The research is supported by the RFBR,
project 12-06-33035. The authors
express their gratitude to A.Yu. Arutunov,
A.A. Bogomazova, M.V. Khatskevich, and
V.D. Zhukov who participated in the
archival research and compiling of the
database. REFERENCES
1. Bibikov D.I., Rumiantsev V.Yu. (1997). Current and past relations between people and marmots in the countries of the former Soviet Union // Informations of the National Academy
of Sciences and Arts of the Chuvash Republic. No. 2, pp. 93–104 (In Russian).
2. Bobrov V.V., Warshavsky A.A., Khlyap L.A. (2008). Alien mammals in the ecosystems of Russia. Moscow: KMK Scientific Press Ltd., 232 p. (In Russian).
3. Danilenko A.K., Rumiantsev V.Yu. (2008). Mapping of terrestrial vertebrate communities
based on geoinformation technologies // Biogeography in Moscow University. 60 years
of the Department of Biogeography. – Moscow: GEOS, pp. 119–133 (In Russian).
4. Dinets V.L., Rotshild E.V. (1996). Animals. The encyclopedia of a nature of Russia. Moscow:
ABF, 344 p. (In Russian).
5. Extinctions and Invasions: A Social History of British Fauna (2010). / Ed. by T. O’Connor,
N. Sykes. London.
6. Golubinsky A.A., Khitrov D.A., Chernenko D.A. (2011). The materials of the General Land
Survey: The potential of aggregation and analysis // Journal of Moscow University, Series
8, History. No. 3, pp. 35–51 (In Russian).
7. Kirikov S.V. (1959). Modifications of the wildlife in natural zones of the USSR (XIII–XIX c.).
Steppe zone and forest-steppes. Moscow: Izd-vo AS of USSR, 173 p. (In Russian).
8. Kirikov S.V. (1966). Hunting wildlife, environment, and people. Мoscow: Nauka, 348 p. (In
9. Kluchevskii V.O. (1987). Collected works. Vol. 1. Moscow (In Russian).
10. Lubavskii M.K. (1996). The Overview of the History of Russian Colonization. Moscow
(In Russian).
11. Milov L.V. (1960). The “reports” of the poverennye peasants as a source for the Economic
Notes of the General Land Survey // Archaeography yearbook. 1959. Moscow (In Russian).
12. Milov L.V. (1965). Research on “Ecomonic Notes” to the “General Land Survey” Moscow (In
13. Milov L.V. (2006). The Ploughman of Great Russia and the Characteristics of Russian Historical Process. 2 ed. Moscow (In Russian).
14. Ouchley K. (2010). Flora and Fauna of the Civil War: An Environmental Reference Guide.
Louisiana City.
gi413.indd 62
15.01.2014 9:17:31
16. Reserves in the USSR. Reserves of European Russia. Part II (1989). / V.E. Sokolov and
E.E. Syroechkovsky Eds. – Мoscow: Mysl, 301 p. (In Russian).
17. Rumiantsev V.Yu., Danilenko A.K. (1998). The Information System “The communities of
terrestrial vertebrates of Russia” // Problems of ecoinformatics. The 3rd international symposium. Moscow, pp. 126–129 (In Russian).
18. Rumiantsev V.Yu., Danilenko A.K. (2007). Species diversity of terrestrial vertebrates. Map
1:40000000 // National Atlas of Russia (4 chapters). Chapter 2. Environment (Nature).
Ecology. Moscow: Roskartographia, p. 364 (In Russian).
15. Rackham O. (2001). The History of the Countryside: The Classic History of Britain’s Landscape, Flora and Fauna. Camb. (???)
19. Vegetation zones and types of vegetation belts in Russia and adjacent territories (1992).
Map (1:8000000) / Ed. by G.N. Ogureeva. M.: Izd-vo LLP “Ecor” (In Russian).
20. Vodarskii Ja.E. (1988). Nobles Landholding in Russia, XVII – early XIX c. Moscow. (In Russian).
Vadim Yu. Rumiantsev has a PhD in Geography. He is Senior
Researcher at the Department of Biogeography, Faculty of Geography,
Lomonosov Moscow State University. His main research interests
include mammalian environmental geography, biogeographic
mapping, and the use of GIS technology in biogeography. His current
main scientific activities are in the field of theoretical, methodological,
and practical aspects of geoinformation mapping of the distribution
of terrestrial vertebrates. He is the author and a co-author of 230
scientific publications, including more than 80 thematic map-sheets
in complex national and regional atlases.
Alexey A. Golubinsky has a PhD in History. He is Specialist at the
Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents (RSAAD), Moscow,
Russia. Main objects of his scientific interests are: General Land
Survey, peasant literacy, quantitative history. He published over
20 scientific papers.
gi413.indd 63
15.01.2014 9:17:31
Mikhail S. Soldatov has a PhD in Geography. He is Senior
Researcher at the Department of Biogeography, Faculty of
Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University. His scientific
interests include a broad range of aspects of botanical geography,
biogeographic mapping, and medical geography. He published
80 scientific papers.
Alexandre Husson studied in Strasbourg University (MA in
History, 2011). Now, he is a doctoral student at Paris I PanthйonSorbonne.
Dmitry A. Khitrov has a PhD in History. He is Associate Professor
at the Department of Russian History to the beginning of XIX
century, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
specializing in the social and economic history of Russia in XVII–
XVIII centuries. He is Executive Secretary of the Board of the
‘Milovskie Chtenia’ congress, one of the largest and most
influential scientific forums on Russian history of the early
modern period, a member of the Board of the Agrarian
Symposium for the History of Eastern Europe. He is the author of
50 scientific publications.
gi413.indd 64
15.01.2014 9:17:31
Sergey P. Gorshkov1*, Laurent Touchart2, Olga I. Mochalova3, Andrey Yu.
Ozerskiy4, Larissa S. Evseeva1
1 Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University
* Corresponding author, e-mail: spgor-smir@yandex.ru
2 The University of Orleans
3 Environmental Initiatives Centre, Design Bureau, LLC
4 Krasnoyarsk Mining and Geological Company
ABSTRACT. Russia has more than 2200
reservoirs and large ponds. As time went by,
ponds lost their importance in some aspects
of human life, while newly created man-made
seas impacted the nature and the people in
two ways. The costs involved in designing,
constructing, and operating the artificial seas,
especially on the plains, have been too high to
consider them as an undisputed achievement
of the Soviet scientists transforming the nature.
This paper discusses the problem of ponds and
man-made seas in Russia.
Construction of ponds was wide-spread in
Russia before the 1917 revolution. At the turn
of the 20th, city ponds were mostly used for
recreational purposes. Water released from
the ponds in rural areas of Nechernozemye
provided power for mills and sawmills.
This was the main function of local ponds,
although they were also used in goose and
duck breeding and for other purposes. Ponds
became widespread in the arid areas primarily
because of the need to supply the agricultural
lands with water. Construction of ponds
played a significant role in the economy and
recreational infrastructure of the Tsarist Russia.
development, which was only natural
under the existing totalitarian regime. The
Civil War of 1917–1922, confiscation of food
by the government, crop failures and famines
in the early 1920s and 1930s, dekulakization
and collectivization, and industrialization
aimed at developing the military industry
took place amid the repressive crackdown
and GULAG camps. Under the circumstances,
the authorities had to make some highly
questionable decisions relating to land
ownership and the public. Josef Stalin and his
henchmen took extremely tough social and
economic measures to make a quantum leap in
the military and industrial development using
coercion, punitive measures, and propaganda.
Providing economy with electric power was
one of the main problems facing the country
at that time. Large hydroelectric power stations
were regarded as a way of dealing with this
issue. Man-made seas were created with this
purpose in mind. This looked more like an
obsession with gigantic projects. It was forced
upon and imposed by Josef Stalin. In the 1930s,
the country had about 60,000 water engines.
By the 1950s, almost all water and wind engines
were out of operation due to wear and tear, as
well as massive overflows of reservoirs, which
caused the agricultural lands to be flooded.
Many ponds, though still remaining in the
rural areas, gradually fell into disuse due to
lack of proper care. Therefore, their recreational
potential also diminished. Urban ponds were
not managed in the best way either. Some of
them were scrapped altogether.
The post-revolutionary period after
October 25, 1917, saw hard times for pond
In 1956, the cult of Stalin was exposed and
shortly after that, the GULAG network was
KEY WORDS: mega projects, quantum leap,
overflowing, giant reservoir, large industrial
complex, environmental damage, drift wood,
abrasion, landslide processes, intensification
of karst, disintegration of family relationships.
gi413.indd 65
15.01.2014 9:17:31
abandoned. More benevolent totalitarian
regime meant fewer possibilities for
exploiting convicts. However, technological
power of the country, which won the World
War II, grew significantly. With the help of the
propaganda campaign, the construction of
the tallest dam in the world or the creation
of an enormous man-made sea was made
to look almost like an achievement equal to
the first human space flight of Yuri Gagarin.
In this way Russia became the country with
the largest man-made seas that flooded
hundreds of settlements, several cities, huge
areas of arable land, grasslands, steppe,
woody, and even tundra pasture lands,
as well as vast areas of marshes, forests,
archaeological sites, ancient monuments,
churches, bridges, and civil engineering
The return to capitalism in the 1990s did not
bring any improvement to the pond sector
of the Russian Federation. Even in Moscow,
the quality of water from ponds now is more
likely to be poor than good. Most ponds have
lost their natural capacity for self-purification,
while the banks are not protected against
washouts and sliding. However, the program
of ponds reclamation recently got underway
in Moscow, and it is being implemented,
though partially. The tradition of conquering
the nature did not change in terms of major
rivers. It has become increasingly difficult
to attract funds to finance mega projects
in the water industry. However, there is no
guarantee that fragmentation of the great
Russian rivers and overflowing of man-made
seas, which were disastrous for wildlife and
damaging to the population, are a thing
of the past. Meanwhile, the biosphere
mechanism controlled by the fine-tuned
interaction between the planetary biota
and non-living matter is already very much
disturbed by the unbridled exploration of
the planet.
There were far more ponds in the past.
To give you an example, Moscow ponds
were used for breeding fish. They provided
gi413.indd 66
water for fighting fires. People used them
for washing clothes and even for bathing.
During the last few centuries, the city
authorities shut down about 700 ponds.
Now, many of them can only be found
in historical records or on the pages of
works of fiction. The present-day Moscow’s
Yaroslavsky Railway Station is located at the
site of the ancient Red Pond, which was also
called the Great Pond. That was one of the
oldest ponds in Moscow, which was referred
to as the Great in the Annals since 1423.
Later, a royal village called Krasnoselskoye
was founded not far from the pond, so
from that time on the pond became known
as Krasnoselsky. Its area was 23 hectares.
However, it has being shrinking gradually. In
the 19th century, the Krasnoselsky Pond was
used for sewage disposal and in 1910 it was
shut down.
In the 17th century, the Zhivotinny Dvor
slaughterhouse was located next to
Chistoprudny Boulevard. Wastewater was
discharged into the pond called Pogany
(Rotten) for that reason. During the reign of
Peter the Great, Prince Alexander Menshikov
bought this land plot. The building on the
corner of the street at the Myasnitsky Gate
had belonged to him since 1699. The Prince
built a church deep in the courtyard, which
was nicknamed Menshikov Tower, cleaned
the pond and ordered to stop polluting it.
Since then, the pond is referred to as Chistye
Prudy (Clean Ponds) (Fig. 1).
Nowadays, Moscow has some 76 ponds
(Fig. 2). They are mainly used for recreation.
Some ponds are reserved for swimming.
Ponds are filled with surface-, subterranean-,
and rainwater. The quality of water in
Moscow’s ponds is often rather low. Most
of the ponds have lost their natural capacity
for self-purification and the banks are not
protected against washouts and sliding.
Activities aimed at keeping the ponds within
the sanitary standards include: pumping of
polluted water, collecting litter, dredging,
covering the bottom with gravel and sand,
protecting from sewage waters, landscaping
the banks, filling with fresh water, reclaiming
15.01.2014 9:17:31
Fig. 1. Chistye Prudy in Moscow
the adjacent terrain, introducing aquatic
organisms, installing feeders for birds, and a
number of other activities [Moscow Ponds
..., 2007].
Both in the Tsarist Russia and during the
Soviet era before the collectivization,
which led to the compulsory formation of
collective farms, watermills and sawmills
running on water from the ponds were
commonly used in the agricultural sector.
The Nechernozemye region, since it was
well-supplied with water resources, had
the best potential for the creation of pond
Ponds were in especially high demand in
arid areas of Central and Southern European
Russia since the 19th century due to the
increased damage from severe droughts and
crop failures. These disasters were especially
devastating in 1890–1892. V.V. Dokuchayev
offered to capture and accumulate moisture
in agricultural soils: a) by compacting snow
on the fields; b) by creating forest strips
gi413.indd 67
to accumulate snow and to prevent snow
from being blown away by wind; and c) by
accumulating water in the ponds during the
thaw, after which this water is redirected
to the lowland meadows and fields to
temporarily flood them. Deployment of
these and some other emergency measures
in such arid regions as Voronezh, Kharkov,
and Dnepropetrovsk proved to be efficient.
Experimental fields showed improved
microclimate and increased yields. About
60,000 water engines were still in operation
in the country in the 1930s. By the 1950s,
almost all water and wind engines were
out of operation due to wear and tear, and
because of massive overflows of reservoirs,
which caused the rural lands to be flooded
[Shipunov, 1988].
The idea to tap the power of the largest
Russia’s rivers has originated a long time
ago. The project of the Zhiguli Hydropower
Station (presently the Kuybyshevskaya
15.01.2014 9:17:31
Hydropower Station) on the Volga was
developed in 1913 by G.M. Krzhizhanovsky.
The Bratsk Hydropower Station project on the
Angara was presented to the governor-general
of Irkutsk by A. Krutikov as early as in 1906. The
political situation in Europe in 1920s–1930s
forced Josef Stalin and his entourage to use
tough social and economic measures in order
to make a quantum leap in the field of military
and industrial development using coercion,
Fig. 2. Map of Moscow ponds [Moscow Ponds ..., 2007]
gi413.indd 68
15.01.2014 9:17:31
The Volga River basin. The rise in power
supply for industrial enterprises in the
Central and Eastern parts of the European
area of the USSR is largely associated
with the construction of the Volga-Kama
cascade of HPP. The priority was given to
its construction firstly in the Volga upper
reaches due to the need for electric power
in the country’s center, including Moscow.
The Ivankovskaya, Uglichskaya, and partly
Rybinskaya HPP that were constructed before
the World War II provided power supply to the
military plants and other facilities in Moscow,
Moscow region, and several neighbouring
cities. Out of those three, the Rybinskaya HPP
was the main power generating facility. The
Rybinsk man-made sea of 4,6 thousand sq.km
was the world’s largest at that time.
Its construction proved to be a real tragedy
for the people living in the Upper parts of
the Volga River. This project ruined the lives
of people who had been living in the area
for centuries. For example, 130 thousand
people were relocated from the MologoSheksna interstream area and 20 thousand
had to move out from the Upper Volga valley.
People had to leave their old comfortable
houses that they worked very hard to build
and graves of their family members and
loved ones. The Rybinsk Sea dam gates were
shut down on April 13, 1941. Spring waters of
the Volga, the Sheksna, and the Mologa rivers
overflowed the banks, flooded the plain and the
Mologo-Sheksna interstream area together with
gi413.indd 69
the city of Mologa. Almost 27,000 households
went to the bottom of the Rybinsk reservoir,
and over 4,000 households got into the flooded
area. About 800 villages had gone under water,
thousands of hectares of fertile land, the famous
flood plain meadows, pastures, oak forests,
3,675 sq. km of woods, ancient monuments,
and cultural sites had also gone. The MologoScheksna area, once a land of plenty, was turned
into a huge grave of water. When water level in
the Rybinsk sea falls, one can sometimes see
street pavements, house foundations, and a
cemetery with gravestones. In commemoration
of this disaster, the Mologa Region Museum was
opened in Rybinsk [Danilov, 2003].
punitive measures, and propaganda. Providing
industry with power supply was one of the
top priorities. Large hydroelectric power plants
(HPP) were regarded as a way of dealing with
this issue. This signalled the advent of manmade seas in the country. The plan was to build
the plants with maximal capacity. It is rumoured
that Stalin personally adjusted the designs, and
his corrections often meant that power stations
capacities exceeded the limits established by
common sense and science. At the same time,
man-made seas were becoming even more
boundless and were beating all of the world
records [Cherkasova, 1989, p. 20].
By some miracle, the Rybinskaya,
Uglichskaya, and Ivankovskaya HPP were
not destroyed by bombing in the autumn of
1941 [Burdin, 2010]. All three hydroelectric
power stations were in the near-front zone.
In the above-mentioned case, the Upper
Volga gigantic dams became one of the
factors which helped saving Moscow from
the German troops. Moscow needed electric
power, which was produced converting the
energy of the Great Volga. The true cost of
construction and miraculous preservation
of these three HPP, which were vital for
defending Moscow, was immeasurably
high. In addition to the above-mentioned
environmental and social damage and
sufferings of local people, one should take
into consideration that the power stations
were constructed basically by the GULAG
convicts, many of whom died of this grinding
toil and awful living conditions.
Construction of hydroelectric power stations
continued in the Volga basin after World War
II. The largest of those, Kuybyshevskaya HPP,
was constructed between 1950 and1959. In
October 1958, N.S. Khrushchev participated
in its commissioning (Fig. 3). The Kuybyshev
sea area is 6,500 sq. km and it is the second
largest water-storage basin in the world
among the valley reservoirs. Its gross storage
capacity is 58 cub. km and reservoir live storage
is 34 cub. km. Backwater level near the dam is
29 m high. The HPP provides 27% of power
generated by the Volga-Kama cascade.
15.01.2014 9:17:31
Fig. 3. N.S. Khrushchev at the opening of the Zhigulevskaya HPP in October, 1958
Professor of the Kazan State University,
V. Yakovlev, emphasized in 2005 that 50 years of
existence of the Kuybyshev sea had resulted
in more harm than good, as claimed by
many scientists and experts. Water quality in
the Volga River worsened with the construction
of the reservoir and still continues to deteriorate.
The banks of the mighty Russian river are being
destroyed, fish is dying, buildings and structures
are being flooded, and people are suffering.
There are dozens of magnificent islands that
were considered natural sanctuaries, churches,
cemeteries, and entire villages and even cities,
for example, Spassk that are now at the bottom
of the giant reservoir. Was it correctly decided
on the construction of the Kuybyshev water-
Fig. 4. Map of the Volga-Kama cascade of reservoirs
gi413.indd 70
15.01.2014 9:17:31
The entire area of the Volga-Kama cascade
reservoirs is around 26,000 sq. km (Fig. 4).
Dams, reservoirs, and the HPP are located on
the rivers of the Volga basin, the Moskva-Volga
Canal and on the Don River at the lower end
of the Volga-Don ship canal. By the beginning
of the 2010s, the total rated output power
of the cascade exceeded 12,870 MW, and
the annual average primary power output
was 38,5 billion kWh, which is equivalent to
almost 4% of the country’s output and is the
most valuable on-peak energy. It is also 22%
of renewable energy of the country.
The Ob River basin. The activities there
represent an obsession with gigantic projects
aimed at taking immediately from nature as
much as anyone, anywhere, and at any time
could. The projects followed. A meeting of
the governmental expert Commission of
the State Planning Committee took place
in Moscow in January, 1963. The meeting
had to decide about the construction of
the HPP in the lower reaches of the Ob
River. The experts expressed a preference
for the option of the Nizhne-Obskaya HPP
with a dam of 42 m high, a reservoir area
of 113,000 sq. km, and a volume of 1,600
cub. m, with the annual runoff of the Ob of
400 cub. km per year, producing 35 billion
kWh of power per year, which is just as
much as the power generated by the whole
Volga-Kama cascade [Novosti Yugry ..., 2011].
N.S. Krushchev banned this construction at
the request of the President of the Siberian
Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences
M.A. Lavrentyev. The scientist appealed that
the monstrous-sized man-made sea would
flood the area, where geologists promise
to discover soon the richest deposits of
hydrocarbon crude, which in fact was done
shortly after the project was banned.
The Ob was blocked off in Novosibirsk. The
sea of Novosibirsk has an area of 1,082 sq.
km, its gross storage capacity is 8,8 cub. km,
gi413.indd 71
its reservoir live storage is 4,4 cub. km, and
the dam height is 28 m. The hydroelectric
power station was built in 1953–1959.
The HPP capacity is 455 MW with the power
output of 1,7 billion kWh per year. The
water-storage basin flooded low and some
elevated areas mostly covered with black
earth. The floodland in the tailwater pool
of the reservoir was made suitable for boat
traffic and lost its forage value, as well as the
Don River floodland in the tailwater pool
of the Tsymlyansk reservoir. Signs of boat
traffic in the floodland can be tracked within
300 km downstream below the dam. The
Zaysanskaya HPP (banked-up lake) and the
Kamenogorskaya HPP were constructed in
the Irtysh River (left tributary of the Ob River).
storage basin and the whole great Volga-Kama
cascade? In the opinion of V. Yakovlev, this is
not only an environmental issue. It refers to our
history as well.
The Yenisei River basin. Rich in hydropower
and other diverse natural resources, the Siberia
to the East of the Yenisei River interested
hydraulic engineers more than other regions.
Here, in addition to the Yenisei River, there is
the Angara River which has always been the
most attractive one for engineers for it has a
relatively regular annual run-off due to the
fact that the river flows from the Baikal Lake.
In 1920, A.A. Velner suggested constructing
a HPP cascade in the middle reaches of the
Angara River as a contribution to the GOELRO
plan. Professor N.N. Kolosovsky associated the
development of the Angara energy resources
with the creation of a large industrial complex
in the Middle Angara region. The idea was
implemented in the post-war years.
In pursuit of a momentary super-efficiency,
hydraulic engineers tried to have a stab at the
integrity of the Baikal Lake in 1957. They thought
it possible to spend part of the ancient lake water
resources. They suggested making a 25-meter
slot in the headwater rocks of the Angara by
means of explosion. The Baikal Lake water level
could have been lowered by 4 m. However, as
you can see from the previous figures, it was
also possible to drop the untouchable lake’s
water level by the larger amount of water.
N.A. Grigorovich, working at the Moscow
Gidroenergoproyekt, was the author of this
15.01.2014 9:17:32
project. The biologists managed to ban this
dangerous project [Plyusnina, Dalzhinova 2008].
At present, the statistics on the Angara
Cascade HPP (Fig. 5) is as follows:
The Irkutsk man-made sea: 31,965 sq. km
with Baikal Lake (31,500 sq. km to the storage
pond). The height of the Irkutsk dam is 44 m.
The level of the Baikal Lake was raised by 1
m, sometimes it goes up by 1,4 m. The HPP
was constructed between 1950 and 1958. Its
capacity is 662 MW with the power output of
4,1 billion kWh per year.
The Bratsk man-made sea: Its area is 5,470
sq. km, the gross storage capacity is 169 cub.
km, reservoir live storage is 35.4 cub. km,
and drawdown level is 7 m. The construction
occurred between 1954 and 1967. The dam
height is 147 m. The HPP capacity is 4,515
Mw. It generates from 19,0 to 26,5 billion
kWh of power per year.
The Ust-Ilimsk man-made sea: its area is
870 sq. km, the gross storage capacity is
59,4 cub. km, reservoir live storage is 2,8
cub. km, and drawdown level is 1,5 m.
the construction of this HPP was done
Fig. 5. Map of the Angara cascade of HPP
(construction of the Boguchanskaya HPP
is not completed)
gi413.indd 72
between 1963 and 1980. The dam is 105
m high. The HPP capacity is 3,840 MW, the
average annual production is 21,7 billion
Here are the losses that occurred due to the
construction of the Angara cascade:
– 7,600 sq. km of land was flooded, including 2,300 sq. km of plough-lands and
pastures, 5,000 sq. km of forests, and 300
sq. km of other lands, including residential
areas with the cities of Balagansk and Old
Bratsk, as well as more than 300 villages.
The bridge over the Angara River went
underwater together with 110 km of the
railway track.
– Several hundred thousands hectares
of forest and steppe-forest lands were
transformed into urban and rural areas in
order to accommodate 102,000 residents
relocated from their previous places of
residence, which were flooded due to the
– Forests were cut during preparation
of the reservoir beds; there were
some attempts of burning the forest
in humid weather; part of the cut
wood and living forests (35 mln. cub.
m) were submerged, the waters of
the Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk man-made
seas were clogged by drift wood, and
bottom waters of the water body were
contaminated with hydrogen sulphide
from wood decay. Eutrophication
took place. Valuable fish species such
as sterlet, sturgeon, cisco, grayling,
taimen, and lenok disappeared.
– Over 5,300 ha of the reservoir coastland
was destroyed and lost due to abrasion,
landslide processes, land masses
detachment, as well as to flooding,
intensification of karst, and subsurface
erosion. Over 500 houses and farms
were either destroyed or relocated.
Several thousands residents had to
move. Over 3 mln. cub. m of wood went
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Choked ice floodings are quite often in
winter and spring during the seasonal flood.
This is dangerous for the coastal residential
areas. There are some other negative effects
of the river fragmentation caused by the HPP
dam [Gorshkov, Mochalova, et al., 2010].
– The Angara cascade of reservoirs affects
the climate and phenological phases of the
adjacent areas, extending the cold period
in spring and the warm period in autumn.
The Sayano-Shushenskoye sea area is 633 sq.
km, gross storage capacity is 31,3 cub. km,
and reservoir live storage is 15,3 cub. km. The
HPP dam height is 245 m. It was constructed
between 1963 and 2000. The HPP provided
22,8 billion kWh per year in 2000 and only
12,0 kWh per year in 2010 after the accident
that happened on August 17, 2009.
– The Angara River does not freeze in winter:
polynyas stretch from the Irkutsk, Bratsk and
Ust-Ilimsk HPP dams. The above-mentioned
facts are the reason for high air humidity and
fogs, accumulation of pollutants in urban air,
deterioration of health of the Siberians, and
transport operation issues [Gorshkov, 2001].
– Coastal abrasion of the choked Baikal Lake
which stretches for 1,800 km with the water
level raised by 1 m. The coastline moved
back by 4–20 m. The Trans-Siberian railway
subgrade was washed out in some places.
Spawning conditions deteriorated on the
coastal shelf and fish yield fell by 2,5 times.
Two man-made seas were created on the
Yenisei River.
The Krasnoyarsk sea: its area is 2,000 sq.
km, gross storage capacity is 73,3 cub. Km,
reservoir live storage is 30,4 cub. km, and
the dam is 124 m high. It was constructed
between 1956 and 1972. The maximum level
fluctuation rate is 19 m. The HPP capacity is
6,000 MW. The power output is 20,0 billion
kWh per year.
Violent fluctuations of the water body level
sometimes bring about earthquakes in the
city of Krasnoyarsk. Low water temperature
(around 12 °C degrees) in summer makes
swimming in this sea impossible. Increased
air humidity coming from the Yenisei,
embraces the whole city throughout the
year but especially in winter, causing fogs
and smog. During warm winters, polynya in
the tailwater pool of the reservoir stretches
for 500 km downstream below the dam.
gi413.indd 73
– The biosphere lost almost 100 mln. tons
of phytomass due to the flooding of 5,000
sq. km of taiga and 2,300 sq. km of steppeforest. There was also environmental
damage caused by out-migrants moved
from the flooded area.
Social changes caused by the HPP manmade seas in Siberia, according to L.A.
Bezrukov and S.P. Yelin, are as follows:
– The situation becomes very complicated
when the would-be bed of a reservoir is being
prepared for flooding due to the relocation
of penal colonies, deforestation, and other
preparatory activities. Areas populated by
released convicts have increased crime rate,
alcohol abuse, debauchery, and disorderly
– Relocation of people from the area to be
flooded by a reservoir unwittingly activates
the disintegration of family relationships.
– It is particularly hard for the elderly: old people
hold on to their homes and gardens literally
until the last moment. They feel themselves
aliens at the new places being torn from their
homes and the graves of the ancestors.
– Economic activities of the local residents
are brought to an end or significantly limited
if we consider farming combined with
cattle-breeding, fishing and hunting, as well
as homemade crafts [Gorshkov, 2001].
Looking ahead, we should note that the
major concern is the giant Evenkiyskaya HPP
on the Nizhnyaya Tunguska River, to the
East of the Turukhansk village put forward
in the 1980s. Taking into consideration
the maximum dam height of 200 m, the
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flooded area would cover almost 10,000
sq. km and the water body would stretch
for 1,200 km. According to a moderate
option, the dam height would be 140 m. In
both cases, flooding would cover the north
taiga subzones of reindeer pastures. High
valley slopes of the river and its tributaries
would remain above water. Mostly they
are covered with lifeless rock streams. Here,
permafrost is underlain by cryopegs and that
is the bed of a would-be reservoir. These are
brines with mineralization of up to 300–400 g/l
[Borisov, 1996]. There is a risk of their increasing
penetration into the lake-sea. Signs of this can
be seen even now. Therefore, water with salt
content can be found in winter in the Nizhnyaya
Tunguska River near the Tura village, the capital
of the Evenk Autonomous Area. Its salinity level
is 1,5 g/l. Estimates show that the Evenk sea
will have water with significant salt content.
With regard to unstable temperature conditions
during winter, which have been typical of
Central Siberia for the last 20 years, there can be
icing-up of wires and even power-transmission
towers. Industrial accidents are highly probable.
A similar situation happened in Quebec in the
late 1990s and early 2000s within the overhead
lines connecting the HPP cascade on the LaGrande River to the cities located down to
the south of the province. Consumers of the
cascade were to buy electric power from the
USA in wintertime. The Quebec cascade disaster
was reported at the World Climate Conference
that took place in Moscow in 2003. The HPP
construction on the Nizhnyaya Tunguska River
is not feasible, taking into consideration that oil
and natural gas deposits are located in a close
proximity to the Turukhansk village.
Construction of ponds was a prominent
part of the economy and recreational
development of Tsarist Russia. No changes to
the better took place during the totalitarian
regime era after the revolution of October
25, 1917. The civil war, confiscation of food by
the government, crop failures and famines in
the early 1920s and 1930s, dekulakization
and collectivization, and industrialization
aimed at developing the military industry
gi413.indd 74
took place against loss of life in World War II
amid repressive crackdown and the GULAG
camps. All the above-mentioned influenced
negatively the governmental strategy aimed
at interaction between man and the nature.
Natural resources were used destructively
by the ministries and authorities [Sidorenko,
1967]. An obsession with gigantic projects
gained a foothold in the country. Decisionmakers in the sphere of natural resources,
both in the Russian Federation and the
former USSR, in view of inertia of the past
and other circumstances are not, in fact,
ready to combine efforts to defend social,
economic, and environmental human rights
as it is the case in the developed countries.
This, in particular, is the reason for their
sluggish attitudes towards the remnants of
the pond construction system in our country
and preservation of plans for construction
of environmentally hazardous large HPP
reservoirs in the basin of the Amur River,
on the Angara River, and what is totally
unacceptable, of a giant dam and the sea
for the Evenkiyskaya HPP on the Nizhnyaya
Tunguska River.
Something other is required by time. Slightly
less than one-half of the living matter
remained on the Earth by the end of the 20th
century due to the unbridled development
of the terrestrial parts of the world [Watson,
et al., 2000]. In the developed countries, and
recently also in China and India, forests are
being restored, environmental framework is
being shaped, and different types of green
economy are being introduced. That has a
positive impact on the Earth’s climate. Keeping
to the strategy of man-made seas construction
and fragmentation of major rivers with dams
in Russia looks unacceptable compared to the
contemporary international approach. The
impact is hazardous to the human beings and
nature not only at the regional level. It causes
a multifaceted damage to the environmentshaping mechanism of the biosphere. It also
has a negative impact on the natural links
between the in-land river basins and the
pericontinental ocean zone. Its condition is
important primarily for the quality of the world
waters and, consequently, for the functioning
15.01.2014 9:17:32
Protection measures should be taken to
preserve the system of in-land river basins
and the pericontinental ocean zone. REFERENCES
1. Borisov, V.N. (1996). Features of the climate and technogenesis impact on hydrosphere
in the brine-bearing areas of cryolithic zone (case study of the North Siberian platform).
In: Modern changes in the lithosphere under the influence of natural and anthropogenic
factors. Ed. by V.I. Osipov. М., Nedra, pp. 93–113.
2. Burdin, E.A. (2010). Hydraulic engineering in Russia: from Volgostroy to the Great Volga
(1930–1980). Ulyanovsk, the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, 222 p.
of the main heating mechanism of the Earth
[Lisitsyn, 2004; Gorshkov, 2007]. It is necessary
to raise this issue at the international level.
3. Cherkasova, M. (1989). Hydro gigantohegemony: where are its roots? Znaniye-Sila Publishing House, No. 4, pp. 20–27.
4. Danilov, A.Yu. (2003). Mologa. Rybinsk Reservoir. History and contemporaneity. Rybinsk,
Rybinskoye Podvorye Publishing House, 208 p.
5. Gorshkov, S.P. (2001). Conceptual basics of geoecology. 2-nd ed. Moscow, Zheldorizdat,
570 p.
6. Gorshkov, S.P. (2007). Doctrine of the biosphere. Introduction. M., Faculty of Geography,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, 118 p.
7. Gorshkov, S.P., O.I. Mochalova, L.S. Evseeva (2010). Specific features of the temperature
signal in Central Siberia during the second half of the XX century. In: Geographical education and science in Russia: past and present. St.-Petersburg, VVM, pp. 235–242.
8. Lisitsyn, A.P. (2004). Sediment and contaminant fluxes in the World Ocean and global monitoring methods. Stockholm, Rio, Johannesburg: crisis milestones. M., Nauka, pp. 133–193.
9. Moscow Ponds (past and present): technology and brief characteristics of ponds, technological features (2007) Ed. by S.V. Kryuchkov (authors V.P. Grinev, K.A. Gromov, V.N.
Ivanchenko, etc.). M., Galereya, 176 p.
10. Novosti Ugry (News of Ugra), December 8, 2011.
11. Plyusnina, V.V., Dalzhinova, I.A. (2008). The Angara cascade. Environmental impact (2nd
half of the 20th century). Ulan-Ude. Publishing House of the Buryat University, 144 p.
12. Shipunov, F.Ya. (1988). Look at your house. М., Sovremennik, 240 p.
13. Sidorenko, A.V. (1967). Man, Technology, Earth. М., Nedra.
14. Watson, R.T., Noble, I.R., Bolin, B., et al. (2000). Land use, land-use change, and forestry.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 377 p.
Sergey P. Gorshkov is Professor of the Lomonosov Moscow
State University, Faculty of Geography, PhD in geologicalmineralogical sciences, DSc in geography. In 1956 after
graduating as geomorphologist he was engaged in field research
in the Krasnoyarsky krai, Murmansk region, Tyva and Khakass
republics. During recent 40 years Sergey Gorshkov has been
taking up the problems related to the biosphere and mankind
interaction on local, regional and global levels. He is author of
more than 200 publications, including 8 monographs.
gi413.indd 75
15.01.2014 9:17:32
Laurent Touchart is Professor of University of Orleans, geographer,
limnologist, the author of more than 100 publication, including
12 monographs. He is the author of several books on
biogeography and climatic characteristics of Russia. He has a
number of articles on climate change in the Eastern Siberia. He
studies the thermal regime and water quality of the ponds in
Limousin, France.
Olga I. Mochalova – PhD, Head of the department at the
Environmental Initiatives Center, geographer, geoecologist. She
studies the climate change in the Eastern Siberia, the
transformation of the landscape structure due to the creation of
reservoirs on the Angara River and Rhone, so as the linear
construction of transport infrastructure in the Mzimta valley. She
is the author (co-author) of about 30 publications.
Andrey Yu. Ozerskiy, PhD in geological-mineralogical sciences,
Head of the Geoecological Department of the Krasnoyarsk
Mining-Geological Joint Stock Company, awarded marks of the
Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology “Excellent
prospecting” and “Honorary Prospector”. He is the author of over
150 publications on hydrogeology, geochemistry, ecology; coauthor of monographs: “Kansko-Achinskiy Coal Basin” (1996),
“Coal Base of Russia” (2003), author of the textbook “Fundamentals
of Environmental Geochemistry” (2008).
Larissa S. Evseeva – PhD, Senior Researcher of the Department
of Hydrology, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State
University. She engages in hydrological runoff calculations,
studies global environmental changes, the influence of reservoirs
on natural complexes transformation in river valleys, the influence
of ponds and wetland basins on the runoff formation. She is the
author of more than 100 scientific works.
gi413.indd 76
15.01.2014 9:17:32
Bernd Cyffka1*, Christian Rumbaur2, Martin Kuba1, Markus Disse2
1Applied Physical Geography, Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt,
Ostenstra@be 18, 85072 Eichst@att, Germany.
*Corresponding author, e-mail: bernd.cyffka@ku.de
2Hydrology and River Basin Management, Technical University Munich,
Arcisstrasse 21, 80333 M@unchen, Germany
ABSTRACT. In north-western China, the
endorheic Tarim River is running along the
northern rim of the Taklamakan desert. It is the
solely water source for the oases in the region
as precipitation is low. The river is mainly fed
from water of snow and glacier melt, causing
floods in the summer months. Due to global
climate change the annual water discharge
is increasing. However, not sufficient water
flows downstream, as the region is the main
production area of cotton in China, and much
water is needed for irrigation. A conflict arises
between water users of the upper reaches
and water users of the lower reaches of
the Tarim River as well as with the natural
vegetation. The central question of the
Sino-German SuMaRiO project (Sustainable
Management of River Oases) is how to
manage land use, i.e. irrigation agriculture
and utilization of the natural ecosystems, and
water use in a very water-scarce region, with
changing water availability due to climate
change, such that ecosystem services and
economic benefits are maintained in the best
balance for a sustainable development. The
overall goal of the project is to support oasis
management along the Tarim River under
conditions of climatic and societal changes
by: i) developing methods for analyzing
ecosystem functions/ecosystem services,
and integrating them into land and water
management of oases and riparian forests; ii)
Involving stakeholders in the research process
to integrate their knowledge and problem
perceptions into the scientific process;
gi413.indd 77
iii) Developing tools (Decision support
system) with Chinese decision makers that
demonstrate the ecological and socioeconomic consequences of their decisions in
a changing world.
KEY WORDS: China, Tarim Basin, Sustainable
Management, Ecosystem Services
The Tarim River is located in the northern
rim of the Taklamakan Desert in the Xinjiang
Uyghur Autonomous Region in the Northwest
of P.R. China (see Fig. 1). The basin is bounded
by the Tian Shan in the North (up to 7000 m
asl.), by the Kunlun Shan in the South (up to
6000 m asl.), by the Pamir Mountains in the
West (up to 7000 m asl.) and is at an altitude
of 1000 Meters above sea level in average.
The Taklamakan Desert dominates the basin.
The Tarim River is the longest endorheic river
in China flowing eastward ending in the
Taitema Lake. The Tarim River forms at Aksu
City through the confluence of the Yarkant
River from the West, Hotan River from the
South and Aksu River from the North. The
latter river contributes about 70% to the Tarim
River’s discharge.
The climate in the Tarim River Basin is
continental and arid [Kottek et al., 2006]
with monthly average temperatures of
–7°C in January and 26°C in July and
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Fig. 1. The study area
Southern Xinjiang is rich in various ecosystems.
Especially there are desert and semi-desert
ecosystems as well as the riparian vegetation
along the rivers called ‘Tugai’. The Tugai
ecosystem consists mainly of Euphrat Poplar
(Populus euphratica), Tamarix species (e.g.
Tamarix ramosissima), reed (e.g. Phragmites
australis) [Halik et al., 2011] and shrubs as
well as special adapted plants. In the oases
agriculture plays the dominant role with cotton
and orchards, but there is also peri-urban and
urban vegetation. These ecosystems provide
various ecosystem services.
Xinjiang’s primary sector (natural resources)
has a share of 16%, whereas the secondary
sector (industry) has a share of 50% on the
provincial’s gross domestic product. Farming,
besides forestry and fishing, had a share of 67%
of the agricultural production in 2008 [China
Statistic Press, 2009]. The main agricultural
product is cotton. In Xinjiang 40% of the total
Chinese cotton is produced [Chadhuri, 2005],
that is about 15% of the worldwide produced
cotton. In 2011 the cotton production area
was 1 129 700 ha. Cotton production is very
water intensive. In China 3000 to 5000 cubic
meters of water are used per hectare.
Human activities have taken place in the
Tarim River Basin since several thousand years,
and the region is permanently inhabited
since several hundreds of years. The Tarim
River provided a corridor for the ancient Silk
Road along which settlements were founded
in the oases. The Silk Road made it a centre of
exchange and commerce in those days.
Starting in the 1950’s, a rapid development
of the region puts growing pressure to the
land and water resources of the Basin. During
these times the Chinese government promotes
the development of the western provinces of
China and encourages people to move to the
gi413.indd 79
"West". The on-going settlement in this region
is causing conflicts between human needs
and nature. The water supply in this region is
solely depending on river water. Thus, water
management is crucial to keep human and
nature needs in balance. Most of the water
is used by agriculture, especially the water
intensive production of cotton. Additionally, it
uses most of the agricultural land. Due to the
overuse of fertilizers and pesticides, water and
land are prone to salinization. This leads to land
grabbing and desertification.
50 mm precipitation in average per year.
In the surrounding mountains the average
precipitation is 400 mm. The average potential
evaporation rate for the entire basin is about
1600 mm per year. Additionally, the region has a
high duration of sunshine per year (2500 hours).
In Fig. 2 the regional problem is sketched.
Due to the low precipitation and the high
evaporation rates, the region’s water supply
depends solely on the river water. Fresh water
flows mainly in summer into the Tarim River.
This glacier and snow melt water causes
floods and fills the reservoirs and channels.
In the last five decades the annual average
temperature rose by 0,4°C. The global climate
models predict a continuation of this trend in
the next fifty years, probably causing a surplus
of water and thus the expansion of cotton
fields in the upper reaches in the next years.
In the study region, two major conflicts
do exist: First, the conflict of water use
between human needs and natural
vegetation; second, the conflict of land use
between cotton production and unspoiled
land. The effects of these conflicts are land
degradation and desertification.
In the scope of SuMaRiO project research on
climate change, agricultural impacts on the
environment, ecosystem services and socioeconomics in the region has been carried out.
The results of the project will be used to set
up a decision support system. This decision
support system will support a sustainable
water and land use management in the region.
On an international level the Convention of
Biodiversity and the Convention to Combat
Desertification are implemented by the project.
Besides irrigation, the water is used for industrial
production, households and is needed by the
natural Tugai vegetation. However, the biggest
water user is the agriculture. The Chinese
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Fig. 2. Sketch of the regional problem on land and water management
The cotton production helps the farmers to
increase their income and their standard of
living in the rural areas. Smallholders who do
not have installed a drainage system in their
fields leave the saline fields behind and utilize
new land for their cotton production to secure
their livelihood. In fields with no drainage
system, the groundwater table is rising due
to heavily irrigation. With capillary rise of the
shallow groundwater, salt is transported to
the soil surface making the field unsuitable
for further cotton production. This causes a
vicious cycle of land grabbing, and expansion
of the desert which is threatening the
ecosystems and the livelihoods of the farmers.
Research of Germany in the Sustainable
Land management funding measure. The
project consortium comprises eleven
German and nine Chinese Universities and
Research Institutions and various Chinese
Stakeholders. The project started in March
2011 and has duration of five years.
The central question is how to manage land
use, i.e. irrigation agriculture and utilization
of the natural ecosystems, and water use in a
very water-scarce region, with changing water
availability due to climate change, such that
ecosystem services and economic benefits
are maintained in the best balance for a
sustainable development. The overall goal
of SuMaRiO is to support oasis management
along the Tarim River under conditions of
climatic and societal changes by:
Developing methods for analyzing
ecosystem functions/ecosystem services,
and integrating them into land and
water management of oases areas and
floodplain forests;
Involving stakeholders in the research process
to integrate their knowledge and problem
perceptions into the scientific process;
Developing tools with Chinese decision
makers that demonstrate the ecological
and socio-economic consequences of
their decisions in a changing world;
Jointly identifying options for optimizing
economic, ecological, and societal utilities.
The project comprises five work blocks
(see Fig. 3). Work Block 1 is organizing and
coordinating the project. Work Block 2 is
dealing with the regional climate change
and the discharge of Tarim tributaries. This
work block includes the modelling and
monitoring of glaciers and snow melt.
The SuMaRiO project is funded by
the Federal Ministry of Education and
Work Block 3 is working on sustainable water
and land use management from plot scale
gi413.indd 81
government promoted cotton production in
Xinjiang starting in the 1980’s. The dry climate
and the high duration of sunshine hours make
the region potentially suitable to produce
cotton with high quality. But the cotton in
Xinjiang requires an average of 4,000 cubic
meters of water per hectare. High yields can
only be reached on the poor silty soil with
a high input of fertilizers and pesticides. The
fertilizer and pesticide residues are washed
deeper into the soil by the irrigation water. On
a field with an existing drainage system, the
polluted water is drained into the drainage
channel. This highly saline water is led back into
the Tarim River causing an increase of salinity of
the river water towards the lower reaches of the
Tarim River. The salinization of the Tarim River
water is increasing even more, as the already
saline water is used along the Tarim River again
for irrigation and thus more and more fertilizer
residues are added to the water. The biggest
area of cotton production along the Tarim River
is on the upper reaches, with the freshest water,
using and storing most of the water coming
from the Aksu River. The lower reaches are
falling dry in winter and spring. Farmers in that
region are pumping groundwater to produce
cotton or to irrigate their orchards. This causes
the drop of the groundwater level on which the
natural vegetation is depending.
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Fig. 3. SuMaRiO project structure
Work Block 4 is studying the ecosystem
services and ecosystem functions in the
following ecosystems: i) riparian ecosystem
(Tugai vegetation), ii) non-irrigated land use
systems, iii) urban and peri-urban ecosystems.
The mainly investigated ecosystem services in
the project are: a) provisioning services with
water supply, food and fodder, fibre and raw
material and natural medicine; b) regulating
services with water purification, soil fertility, air
quality and local climate; c) supporting services
with genetic resources, biomass production,
nutrient cycling and water cycling; d) cultural
services with recreation, aesthetic appreciation
and scientific discovery.
Work Block 5 assesses on several levels the
socio-economic situation of the region.
With contingent valuation method the
social value of a more sustainable water
management program (willingness to pay)
and thus water pricing is assessed. Family
farms, large scale farms and farms of the
Xinjiang Production and Construction
Corps (state farms) are analyzed. The
utilization potential of native plants, like
Apocynum pictum and Phragmites australis
(reed) is estimated. A transdisciplinary
assessment is conducted of the ecosystem
services for urban areas regarding dust
and heat stress.
(farmer’s field) via farm scale to regional scale
(Tarim Basin) on agricultural ecosystems.
On plot scale studies on water use and
evaporation of cotton plant is carried out.
On the regional scale plant parameters like
biomass and leaf area index is taken from
satellite images. Along the length of the Tarim
River a model with water users is set up.
The outcome of the project will be a decision
support system. This tool will enable the
stakeholders to see the consequences of
their actions in terms of water and land
Fig. 4. Outline of the decision support system of the SuMaRiO project. Source: Marie Hinnenthal,
Universitaet der Bundeswehr, Muenchen
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On the way to develop the decision support
system, the multi-level stakeholder dialogue
is an important tool for the implementation of
the project results. The dialogue involves the
local farmers earning their livelihood mainly
from agriculture. There are family farmers from
the Uyghur minority and from the Han Chinese
being interviewed on their livelihoods. Stakeholders on county level, city level and provincial level are being interviewed. The feedback
on the scientific work in SuMaRiO and the
needs from the different stakeholder levels will
provide input to the decision support system.
The decision support system (Fig. 4) will combine
the Integrated River Basin Management and
ecosystem services. The decision support
system is based on two external scenarios.
There will be a scenario dealing with the
regional economy and ecology. In this scenario
“business as usual” and “regional sustainable
management” with its consequences on the
ecosystems will be implemented. The scenario
on climate and hydrology will comprise the
trends in climate change in the region and their
impact on the hydrology in the region.
The step “Alternatives” will give the user the
possibility to implement measures (e.g. policy
measures), other options or the combination of
several measures. In the Step “Consequences/
Effects” first the status quo is indicated. The
changes based on the observations of past
and future scenarios (e.g. climate change)
according to the prompted measures will
be illustrated. According to the results of the
decision support system the user can see the
consequences of her/his action, for example
an implemented policy measure.
On an international level the SuMaRiO
project implements goals stated in the
Convention of Biological Diversity and the
Convention to Combat Desertification.
gi413.indd 84
Under the Convention on Biological Diversity
the international community adopted
the Strategic Plan of the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD) or the so called
Aichi Targets in 2010. The Aichi targets are
20 headline targets, organized under five
strategic goals that address the underlying
causes of biodiversity loss, reduce pressure
on biodiversity, safeguard biodiversity at
all levels, enhance the benefits provided
by biodiversity, and provide for capacity
building [Secretary of CBD, 2010].
Under the strategic goal to address the
causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming
biodiversity across government and society,
the SuMaRiO-project contributes to the
Aichi targets 2, 3 and 4 by reaching out to
stakeholders at all levels and taking steps to
implement sustainable production and to
integrate ecosystem services into planning
in the region. The reduction of the direct
pressures on biodiversity and promotion of
sustainable use is the second strategic goal
of the Convention of Biological Diversity
and is implemented by the SuMaRiOproject under the Aichi targets 5, 7 and
8. The project is assessing the status quo
of natural habitats, especially forests,
agriculture and studies the impact of land
use on degradation (soil salinization) and
vice versa. The third goal of the CBD is
to improve the status of biodiversity by
safeguarding ecosystems, species and
genetic diversity. Under the Aichi Target
11, the study along the Tarim River assesses
the extinction risk of the Tugai vegetation
and evaluates the ecosystem services and
benefits from protected areas. The benefits
from biodiversity and ecosystem services
to all should be enhanced, as stated in the
fourth strategic goal of the CBD. SuMaRiO
evaluates ecosystem services which are
related to water, health (dust transport),
well-being and the function of the urban
vegetation. It also analyzes ecosystems
supporting livelihoods and the well-being
of local communities and will provide a
tool to manage natural resources conflicts.
These tasks are under the Aichi Targets 14
and 15. In the project the implementation
15.01.2014 9:17:33
To implement the Convention on Biological
Diversity, each country has its own National
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP).
The Chinese NBSAP promotes large-scale
projects on biodiversity with international
capital and to strengthen the international
exchanges and cooperation with the focus
on capacity building in biodiversity. The
project, furthermore, promotes the harmony
between man and nature and has the
strategy to strengthen the ecosystems. The
SuMaRiO project, having a focus on land
use, is carried out in the national priority
area 2 (the northwestern ecologically fragile
territories) a typical desert ecosystem. The
impact of climate change on biodiversity
is assessed and the conservation of
biodiversity and wetlands is integrated
into sectoral and regional planning. The
project investigates, assesses and monitors
biodiversity in different ecosystems in the
region (action field 3) and aims to improve
sustainable use policies (action field 1). In the
stakeholder dialogue the project encourages
stakeholders to actively participate in
biodiversity conservation and sustainable
use to improve the implementation capacity.
Objectives of the Convention to Combat
Desertification (CCD) are also implemented
by SuMaRiO. The project aims to improve
the living conditions of the local populations
by assessing the socio-economic and
environmental vulnerability to climate
change. The focus of SuMaRiO is sustainable
land management and the sustainable use
of biodiversity which generates a global
benefit via the production of sustainable
produced cotton. Awareness raising on land
degradation and education is promoted
in the stakeholder dialogues and the
exchange with students. In the process
gi413.indd 85
of developing a decision support system,
policy, institutional and socio-economic
drivers of land degradation and barriers to
sustainable land management are assessed.
With the help of the decision support system
recommendations to remove these barriers
are developed. The results of the project will
improve knowledge of interactions between
climate change adaption and restoration of
degraded land in an ecological fragile area.
In the SuMaRiO project the Convention of
Biological Diversity and the Convention to
Combat Desertification are considered in
one large region. The project’s results will
contribute to the Convention of Biological
Diversity and the Convention to Combat
Desertification and the Chinese national
biodiversity strategy and action plan. The
recommendations are found in a rational
discussion between various stakeholders.
The decision support system is a crucial
tool for finding quantifiable results of
the planned measures and supports the
stakeholder’s discussion. The implemented
policies are described in point 3 of this
extended abstract.
through participatory planning, knowledge
management and capacity building, the fifth
strategic goal of the CBD, is a major part. With
the stakeholder dialogue, representatives
from all levels are involved in the creation
of the decision support system. The projects’
decision support system will meet the
postulation of Aichi Target 19.
The concept of EcoSystem Services (ESS) was
first used in the 1960’s and has been formalized
and brought to a general public by the United
Nations Millenium Ecosystem Assessment
program, launched in 2001. In the Millenium
Ecosystem Assessment Report (MA) Ecosystem
Services are defined as ‘ the benefits people obtain
from ecosystems’’ [MA, 2003]. This definition refers
to the definitions given by Costanza et al. [1997]
and Daily et al. [1997]. It takes natural as well
as man-made or man-modified ecosystems
into account and refers to material as well as
intangible benefits [MA, 2003].
Usually Ecoystem Services are classified
to four categories [according to MA, 2003,
Mace et al., 2011] (see also Fig. 5):
Provisioning Services:
obtained from ecosystems. E.g.: Food,
Fresh Water, Fiber, Genetic resources
15.01.2014 9:17:33
Fig. 5. Ecosystem Functions and Ecosystem Services as discussed in the SuMaRiO framework
Regulating Services: Benefits obtained
from ecosystem processes. E.g.: Climate
regulation, Water purification, Disease
Cultural services: Intangible benefits
obtained from ecosystems. E.g.: Recreation,
Tourism, Aesthetic, Educational
Supporting Services: Necessary for
production of all other services. E.g.:
Soil formation, Nutrient cycling, Primary
The concept of ecosystem services, as
introduced, is a very holistic approach
aiming to maintain or improve human
well-being. Human well-being is strongly
dependent on functioning ecosystems
that satisfy fundamental human needs
like fresh air, drinking water and food to
gi413.indd 86
name only some. Ecosystems and their
ability to deliver ecosystem services are
affected by human impacts as well as
natural environmental change. The aim
of the Ecosysem Service concept is ‘‘to
enhance the contribution of ecosystems to
human well-being without affecting their
long-term capacity to provide services’’ [MA,
2003]. It propagates a sustainable use of
natural resources. Ecosystem services are
underpinned by biodiversity. In most cases
a stable delivery of ecosystem services
increases with biodiversity [Norris et al.,
Ecosystem services can be seen as a tool
for integrating ecosystems into decisions
of all kind (especially landuse decisions)
and conduct them towards a sustainable
direction. Daily et al. [2009] give a framework
on how ecosystems and their services are
15.01.2014 9:17:33
Fig. 6. Linkage between ecosystems and decisions. Source: Daily et al., 2009 (altered)
linked to decision making and figures out
the transdisciplinarity of the concept, which
is introduced in the Fig. 6.
An ecosystem consists of certain structures
and functions, which are interacting. The
United Nations Convention on Biological
Diversity defines an ecosystem as ‘a dynamic
complex of plant, animal and microorganism communities and their nonliving
environment interacting as a functional unit’
[United Nations, 1992]. These functions
and structures have to be assessed and
modeled using natural science methods.
In cooperation with local stakeholders
(e.g. administration, local population) the
services delivered by an ecosystem are
identified. The importance of each service is
dependent and differing on the stakeholders’
point of view and the particular scale that a
project is dealing with. Using economic and
cultural models the provided services are
valued. A valuation can be achieved using
several methods. For example the travelcost method, where people are asked, how
much they would be willing to pay to
visit the reviewed ecosystem [European
Environment Agency, 2010].
Fig. 7. Research scheme for the potential of Tugai forests regarding ‘‘sand fixation’’
gi413.indd 87
15.01.2014 9:17:33
Amongst others within SuMaRiO a costbenefit analysis used to valuate the
ecosystem service ’sand fixation’, provided
by the Tugai vegetation at the lower
reaches of Tarim River. Since there is a
national highway accompanied by the
vegetation belt this protective function
can be valuated by comparing the costs
of road maintenance at sections with
and sections without natural vegetation,
respectively the costs for artificial lining.
Figure 7 shows the research scheme which
is applied in the SuMaRiO project to make
research on the ESS ‘sand fixation’ of Tugai
The depicted values are to be embedded
in institutions. This can happen in form of
pilot projects, demonstrating the usefulness
of sustainable decisions. It is important to
try to strengthen representative existing
institutions and provide information on the
merits of certain decisions.
The step from institutions to decisions mainly
is about financial incentives. The question
is how decision makers can be motivated
to decisions taking the ecosystem values
into account. Especially within the SuMaRiO
research area a merge of modern techniques
and knowledge and traditional management
approaches has a high potential to create a
conservation approach.
The circle is fulfilled with the step from
decisions to ecosystems. Here is examined
how made-decisions are feed backed
by the ecosystem. This deals with the
retrospective as well as a projection to
the future, using different scenarios. The
scientific task lays in the developing of
these scenarios and monitoring the effects
of decisions on ecosystem structures and
We like to thank the German Federal Ministry
of Education and Research for funding
the SuMaRiO project. Huge thanks must
be applied on all our Chinese colleagues,
institutions and stakeholders for helping us in
China. Without them SuMaRiO would not be
possible. And of course all the other German
SuMaRiO colleagues should be mentioned
for SuMaRiO works only as a team. REFERENCES
1. Chadhuri Debasish (2005). A survey of the economic situation in Xinjiang and its role in
the twenty-first century. China Report 41, 1, pp. 1–28.
2. China Statistic Press (2009). Xinjiang Statistical Yearbook, 2009.
3. Costanza, R., R. D’Arge, R.S. de Groot, S. Farber, M. Grasso, B. Hannon, K. Limburg, S. Naeem,
R.V. O’Neill, J. Paruelo, R.G. Raskin, P. Sutton, and M. van den Belt, 1997: The value of the
world’s ecosystem services and natural capital. Nature, No. 387, 6630, pp. 253–260.
4. Daily, G.C., 1997b: Introduction: What are ecosystem services? In: Daily, G.C. (ed.) Nature’s
Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems, Washington DC: Island Press, pp.
5. Daily G.C.; S. Polasky, J. Goldstein; P.M. Kareiva; H.A. Mooney et al. (2009): Ecosystem services in decision making: time to deliver. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, No. 7,
1, pp. 21–28.
6. European Environment Agency (2010): Scaling up ecosystem benefits –A contribution to
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) study. EEA Report 4/2010.
7. Halik, U., Z. Chai, H. Arkin, B. Cyffka, & C. Opp (2011): Response of Populus euphratica to
Groundwater Level after Water Diversion to Lower Reaches of Tarim River. Bulletin of Soil
and Water Conservation, 31,5, pp. 18–22.
gi413.indd 88
15.01.2014 9:17:34
9. MA (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment) (2003): Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: A
Framework for Assessment. Washington DC: Island Press, 245 p.
10. Mace G.M., I. Bateman, S. Albon, A. Balmford, et al. (2011): Conceptual Framework and
Methodology. The UK National Ecosystem Assessment Technical Report. UK National
Ecosystem Assessment, Cambridge: UNEP-WCMC, pp. 11–26.
11. Norris, K.; M. Bailey; S. Baker; R. Bradbury; D Chamberlain et al. (2011): Biodiversity in the
Context of Ecosystem Services. IN: The UK National Ecosystem Assessment Technical
Report. UK National Ecosystem Assessment, Cambridge: UNEP-WCMC, pp. 63–104.
8. Kottek, M.; Grieser, J.; Beck, C.; Rudolf, B.; Rubel, F. (2006). World Map of the Kцppen-Geiger
climate classification updated. Meteorol. Z., No. 15, pp. 259–263.
12. Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2010). A new era of living in harmony
with nature is born at the Nagoya Biodiversity Summit. Press release, URL http://www.
13. United Nations (1992): Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. United Nations, New York, NY.
Bernd Cyffka is professor for Applied Physical Geography at the
Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt and head of the
Floodplain Research Institute Neuburg. He studied geography,
botany, geology and regional planning at the University of
Goettingen, and worked there at the Institute of Geography as
junior and senior scientist. His PhD thesis (1991) was on runoff
behavior of small catchments, followed by his habilitation thesis
(2000) on the possibilities of sustainable development of landscapes
in Russian Lapland. He took over his current positions in 2005. His
research focuses on hydrology, geobotany and soil science with a
special regard to floodplain areas. Besides, his focus is on
interdisciplinary topics like land use changes, restoration measures, sustainability, ecosystem
services and flood risk mitigation. Bernd Cyffka is vice-leader of the SuMaRiO-project.
Christian Rumbaur graduated from the Technical University
Freiberg and obtained Diploma of Geology in 2002. After his
studies he participated in several Chinese and Sino-German
research projects at the Hohenheim University in cooperation
with the China Agricultural University in Beijing with extensive
field experience in the North China Plain. In 2004 he got a
Scholarship from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and
the Chinese Ministry of Education. In 2009, he received his PhD
in soil science from the Technical University Freiberg in
cooperation with the Hohenheim University and the China
Agricultural University in Beijing. Since 2011 he is scientific
assistant at the Technical University of Munich at the professorship for Hydrology and River
Basin Management coordinating the Sino-German SuMaRiO-project.
gi413.indd 89
15.01.2014 9:17:34
Martin Kuba is scientific assistant at the Catholic University of
Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, chair of Applied Physical Geography and at
the Floodplain Research Institute Neuburg. He studied physical
geography, environmental psychology and (eco-) climatology at
the Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt and TU Munich and
graduated with a diploma thesis about avalanche hazards in the
Bavarian Alps. His current research focus is on measurement and
modelling of soil moisture and its relation to ecosystem function
and ecosystem services within the SuMaRiO-project at the Tarim
River in Xinjiang/China and on the Danube floodplain in Bavaria.
Markus Disse is professor for Hydrology and River Basin
Management and the Technical University of Munich (Technische
Universität München, TUM). He worked at the Institute of
Hydrology and Water Management, Karlsruhe University, since
his PhD in 1995. Until 2003 he was employed at the German
Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) in Koblenz where he
conducted research on the morphology of water bodies and
flood modelling. From 2003 until 2013 he held the position of a
professor of Water Management and Resources Protection at the
University of the German Federal Armed Forces in Munich. His
research interests focus on three different areas: process-based
hydrological modelling of river basins, flood risk management and the sustainable
management of water resources. His experimental research concentrates on hydrological
processes in steep drainage basins with the main emphasis on runoff generation and
concentration as well as snow measurement and modelling. He is the leader of the
gi413.indd 90
15.01.2014 9:17:34
Leonid G. Rudenko1, Alexandr G. Golubtsov2*, Sergei A. Lisovskyi3, Evgenia A.
Marunyak4, Yuri N. Farion5, Viktor M. Chekhniy6
1 Institute of Geography, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Ukraine,
Kiev, 01034, Vladimirskaya Str, 44. Tel: +38 (044) 2346163, Fax: +38 (044) 2343230,
e-mail: l.g.rudenko@rambler.ru
2 Institute of Geography, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Ukraine,
Kiev, 01034, Vladimirskaya Str, 44. Tel: +38 (044) 2341451, Fax: +38 (044) 2343230,
* Corresponding author: e-mail: golubtsovoleksandr@gmail.com
3 Institute of Geography, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Ukraine,
Kiev, 01034, Vladimirskaya Str, 44. Tel: +38 (044) 2342176, Fax: +38 (044) 2343230,
e-mail: salisovsky@rambler.ru
4 Institute of Geography, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Ukraine,
Kiev, 01034, Vladimirskaya Str, 44. Tel: +38 (044) 2341451, Fax: +38 (044) 2343230,
e-mail: janegeo@rambler.ru
5 Institute of Geography, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Ukraine,
Kiev, 01034, Vladimirskaya Str, 44. Tel: +38 (044) 2341451, Fax: +38 (044) 2343230,
e-mail: farion.u@gmail.com
6 Institute of Geography, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Ukraine,
Kiev, 01034, Vladimirskaya Str, 44. Tel: +38 (044) 2341451, факс +38 (044) 2343230,
e-mail: chekhniy@gmail.com
ABSTRACT. The paper presents the results
of the first, in Ukraine; project on landscape
planning widely accepted in European
countries. Under the project implemented in
2010–2013, a landscape-planning program
has been developed for the Cherkassy oblast.
This is the first document of this kind in
Ukraine. The program is mainly based on
the experience of the German and Russian
schools of landscape planning and on research
and assessment conducted by the authors,
which allowed identifying approaches to
landscape planning, principles of the national
policy, and characteristics and potential of
environmentally friendly planning in Ukraine.
The paper discusses the main phases of the
work on the development of the landscape
program for the oblast. It also identifies the
main stages and key concepts and principles
of landscape planning. The paper presents
the results of integrated research on the
identification and classification of conflicts
in land use and the integral concept of the
gi413.indd 91
developmental goals for the oblast. The
results can be the foundation for adopting
management decisions and development of
action plans for the lower hierarchal branches.
KEY WORDS: landscape, planning, environmental management, conflict, development.
The interests of society to manage spatial
development can be met through different
planning approaches and instruments.
Planning is “a complex process leading to a
consensus based on the recognition of all
problems and assessment and identification
of the goals. The ultimate goal is to develop
a ‘template/model for future development’”
[Landscape Planning and Conservation,
2006, p. 46]. An important tool for the
European planning, which is developing in
Ukraine and ensures the implementation of
the principles of sustainable development,
15.01.2014 9:17:34
Planning: Implementation, 2012; Rudenko
et all, 2011; Rudenko, Marunyak, 2012]. LP
is accepted as a key planning tool aimed at
the conservation of nature and landscape
management. One of the most important
LP tasks is research on the impact of natural
resource use in a particular region, on finding
ways to deal with and prevent the existing
conflicts between users, and on preventing
the loss of natural landscape properties as
a result of the destructive impact of human
activities. Environmental objectives in LP are
achieved through transparent and democratic
decision-making by fostering communication
and engaging in dialogue all stakeholders –
everyone who lives and works in a particular
region, makes management decisions, or
invests ideas or funds in its development.
Ukraine, with its changed landscapes and
complexity caused by the transformed
natural components, indeed, needs the
development of the new approaches
to the environmentally friendly spatial
development. Among the most important
approaches, is the development of the
concept of sustainable development and
creation of projects on its implementation,
and design of methodological and practical
steps for the LP implementation.
In 2010–2013, the authors of this
paper examined the experience of
landscape programs (LaPro) in Germany
[Landschaftsprogramm Brandenburg, 2009;
Landschaftsprogramm Saarland, 2009;
Landschaftsprogramm Schleswig-Holstein,
1999; etc.], refined and modified the principles
and methods of LP developed in Germany
[Auhagen, Ermer, Mohrmann, 2002; Heiland,
May, 2009; Landschaftsplanung, 2004; Riedel,
Lange, 2002] and Russia [Alekseyenko,
Drozdov, 2011; Drozdov, 2006, Guidelines
for landscape planning, 2001; Landscape
Planning: Tools..., 2005], and applied them
in a specific spatial planning project. Thus,
they have designed a LaPro for the Cherkassy
gi413.indd 92
oblast. According to the works of German and
Russian colleagues [Landscape Planning and
Conservation, 2006, p. 50], a LP program is
a planning document that is “developed at
the level of the federal land (districts, cantons,
regions, etc.), which states the general purpose,
requirements, and activities for the preservation
of the nature and landscape management. It
establishes a framework for the lower branches
of planning”.
The concept of “landscape” in LP is treated
in a broad sense and takes into account
the different views on the definition. In
our study, in accordance with the LP
approaches [ILN, 1998] and the definition
of the European Landscape Convention,
landscape is treated as a “an area [Golubtsov
et all, 2011], whose original character is
recognized by people and is the result of the
action and interaction of natural factors and/
or human activity” [The European Landscape
Convention, 2004; section 1a]. Depending
on the type of assessment, the landscape
can be interpreted in different ways: the
point of view in relation to the soil or plant
species is different from the understanding
of the landscape, for example, considering
its attractiveness and aesthetic perception
[Landschaftsplanung, 2004, p. 22].
Obviously, the different interpretations of
landscape do not contradict, but complement
each other; it is important to identify which
one is the most suitable for a particular
task [Grodzinsky, 2005]. Therefore, in LP, the
selection and interpretation of landscape
from different points of view is inevitable.
For example, the assessment of the most
attractive areas for tourism and recreation
activities (one of the main objectives of
LaPro) includes different approaches to the
systematic analysis of the landscape structure:
– classical genetic and morphological
approach to determine the natural
preconditions for such activities;
– analysis of man-made landscapes based
on the types of land use –arable land,
hayfields and pastures, industrial sites;
15.01.2014 9:17:34
– cultural studies approach –the
identification of the “mental” landscape
of historical and cultural artifacts, such as
Kholodnyi Yar and Kanevsky Hills.
The purpose of this paper is the discussion
of the methodological aspects of LP and the
main results obtained in Ukraine during its
implementation. The paper presents, in detail,
the inventory and assessment stages of this
type of planning, the features of the analysis of
existing and potential conflicts associated with
the use of natural resources, and approaches
to the development of the concept of the
goals of land use. While working on the LaPro,
we have identified the sectoral goals of using
the territory of the Cherkassy oblast, focused
on a specific component of the environment
(climate, air, flora and fauna species and
habitats, surface- and groundwater, soil, and
landscape shape) for a specific type of human
activities. The integral concept of the goals is a
final document that, in a map format, reflects
the agreed upon differentiation of the territory
by the protection goals and the enhancement
and development of the landscapes.
The framework conditions for planning in
the Cherkassy oblast are an integral part of
the preparation of landscape plans and have
been discussed in the previous publications
[Rudenko et all, 2011]. We want to emphasize
that this phase is usually associated with a
general spatial analysis and identification of the
conditions for a particular area (institutional,
social, economic, natural, and environmental)
and objectives and tasks of planning.
was to systematize data on the natural and
socio-economic conditions of the study
area. We conducted a targeted analysis of
this information to determine the sensitivity
of natural resources to the negative impacts
of economic development and their
significance to various human activities.
In the course of development of the LaPro
for the Cherkassy oblast, the inventory of all
available information on the socio-economic
development conditions, characteristics
of the natural resource use, and all the
components of the natural resources was
conducted [Golubtsov et all, 2011; Landscape
Planning: Implementation, 2012]:
– socio-economic conditions: parameters
that characterize the structure of industry,
agriculture, transport infrastructure, foreign
trade, demographics, labor market, social
security infrastructure, etc. This information
is important for setting the planning goals
and identifying general directions and
opportunities for development of the territory;
it is necessary, therefore, for the selection of
appropriate types of territorial assessment. For
example, based on the structure of production
(the dominance of agriculture) and the data
on employment (high unemployment), one
of the goals of the framework LP project was
to define the recreational potential of the area
as an alternative to the traditional industries;
therefore, it was necessary to assess the
attractiveness of the landscape for tourism
and recreation;
– natural resource use: features and
structure of the natural resources,
the structure of land use, emissions,
waste disposal, hazardous objects, etc.
These data is the basis for defining the
anthropogenic load on the landscape,
identifying conflicts between the natural
environment and human activities,
finding the ways to optimize the structure
of agricultural land and expand protected
areas, and other activities;
The main purpose for the inventoryassessment phase of the LaPro development
– climate and air: solar radiation, atmospheric circulation, atmospheric pres-
gi413.indd 93
– subject approach –the perception of
holidaymakers of certain spaces –a
large forest stand, a large forested
area, combination of woods and fields,
settlements, river valleys;
15.01.2014 9:17:34
sure, wind direction, temperature
of air and soil, precipitation, and
atmospheric phenomena; the local
climate (mesoclimate) and mesoclimatic
regionalization; air emissions of individual
pollutants from stationary sources;
– surface water and groundwater:
reserves of groundwater and surface
water, surface water quality, water
consumption, the depth of groundwater,
groundwater aquifers (interstratal water)
and their characteristics (distribution,
thickness, chemical composition, etc.);
– species of flora and fauna, biotopes:
the distribution of species of flora and
fauna, the main biotope types, ranges of
concentration of rare species of plants
and animals listed in the Red Book;
– soil: the distribution of soils, soilforming rocks, physical and chemical soil
characteristics (size distribution, cation
exchange capacity, humus content,
pH, water permeability), areas with
manifestation of adverse economic activity
processes (salinization, waterlogging,
eroded soils). Radioactive contamination
from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
– landscapes: natural territorial complexes,
modern landscapes, landscape image,
geographical localization and characterization of the cultural and historical
heritage, visual observation and
The systematized and processed information
is incorporated in the LaPro in a text format
supplemented with the descriptions of the
nature and society and the cartographic
material developed and organized using
GIS techniques (ArcGIS software). The
geographic information system for the
Cherkassy oblast in the LaPro consists of the
raster (topographic and thematic) and vector
maps (basic scale –1:200 000) positioned
in the same coordinate system and linked
with the databases on the territorial
characteristics. The data on the current
gi413.indd 94
land use and territorial planning of the area
became the basis for the determination of
conflicts between the existing and planned
human activities and landscape functioning.
The important principles of the inventory
phase of the study is the maximal level of the
integral scope of work, which is consistent
with a reasonable selectivity of data screening
(evaluation of the data utility at the inventory
stage) and flexibility of decision-making (the
interchangeability of data and possible use
of expert assessment). These principles are
particularly relevant considering the situation
in Ukraine, namely, obsolete data, their deficit
and inconsistencies, and the immature system
of environmental monitoring.
According to the modern LP concept
[Auhagen, Ermer, Mohrmann, 2002;
6/Guidelines for landscape planning, 2001;
Landschaftsplanung, 2004; 16/Riedel, Lange,
2002], ASSESSMENT in LP is used, first, for spatial
differentiation of landscape features significance
and, secondly, for identification of areas most
vulnerable to the negative impacts of human
activities. The evaluation criteria, according to
the experience acquired to date, must meet
the following requirements. They should focus
on the goals of the territorial use stated in the
framework project, correspond to the modern
conditions of the natural environment, forecast
possible changes of conditions of the natural
components in the course of the implementation
of the main directions of the territorial use,
and identify the allowable level of such use
[Guidelines for landscape planning, 2001, Vol. ІІ,
pp. 14–15]. Two categories of assessment are
used in LP, namely, significance and sensitivity,
each represented, as a rule, by 3–5-point ranking
scales [Auhagen, Ermer, Mohrmann, 2002;
Heiland, May, 2009; Landschaftsplanung, 2004].
A 3-point scale is used in the LP program in the
Cherkassy oblast: for sensitivity/significance, it is
high, medium, and low.
Significance means the level of
correspondence of the conditions of the
natural components to their reference state
and is used to identify the optimal level of
targeted use-functions, individual for each
15.01.2014 9:17:34
Sensitivity is generally regarded as the intensity
and speed of reaction of natural components
to certain impacts (chemical pollution, soil
plowing, recreational activities, etc.), the
elasticity with respect to its return to the
original state (a state of the components prior
to or at the beginning of the intensification of
anthropogenic impact) [Landschaftsplanung,
2004, p. 84]. “High” (“low”) sensitivity means
the higher (lower) probability of a component
to degradation due to the impact.
natural component (for example, significance
of soil to cereal or other crops production
corresponds to the natural soil fertility)
[Guidelines for landscape planning, 2001,
Vol. ІІ, p. 15]. The important criteria for defining
the significance are such characteristics of
the components as productivity, diversity,
rarity, uniqueness, historical significance,
and aesthetical attractiveness. Obviously,
the same range has different significance for
different landscape functions [Heiland, May,
2009]. “High” significance of landscape means
that the target use within its boundaries
is realized to the most optimal level; “low”
significance means that there are few or no
preconditions for such use. For example,
the elevated and strongly dissected by
gullies landscape of Kanevsky dislocation is
highly important for the natural protection
and tourism, but has low significance for
In the development of the LaPro for the
Cherkassy oblast, the focus was on the types of
assessment of sensitivity and significance of the
natural resources (Table 1) that correspond to
the framework goals of planning [Rudenko et
all, 2011]: development of agriculture, recreation
activities, and tourism; optimization of water
supply and consumption; and protection of
bio- and landscape diversity (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Ukraine. The landscape program of the Cherkassy oblast. The sensitivity of biotopes to
anthropogenic impact (a) and biotope significance (b) (fragments)
a) Sensitivity of biotopes to anthropogenic and
natural impacts
Legend: 1. High –Biotopes with the highest sensitivity
(low stability) to the anthropogenic impact (forest stands,
wetlands); 2. Medium –Biotopes with the medium level
of sensitivity (stability) to the anthropogenic impact
(perennial stands, hay-fields, forest protective belts)
3. Low –Biotopes with a relatively low sensitivity (high
stability) to the anthropogenic impact (arable land
territories of settlements)
gi413.indd 95
b) Significance of the “Species and biotopes”
Legend: 1. High –Biotopes with insignificant
anthropogenic change that provide for the
environmental conditions close to natural; 2. Medium –
Biotopes with notable anthropogenic change that
provide conditions for habitat for some species; 3. Low –
Biotopes with significant anthropogenic impact and
poor biodiversity
15.01.2014 9:17:34
Table 1. Ukraine. The landscape program for the Cherkassy oblast.
Assessment of sensitivity and significance of the components
Climate and air
Significance of climatic conditions to human livability
Significance of climatic conditions to recreation
Sensitivity of air to chemical substances pollution
Significance of climatic conditions to agriculture
Significance of climatic conditions to solar and wind
energy generation
Ground and surface water
Significance of groundwater (interstratal) to water
Sensitivity of groundwater to chemical pollution
Availability of water resources
Quality of surface water
Species of flora and fauna; biotopes
Sensitivity of biotopes to anthropogenic and natural
Significance of the component “Species and biotopes”
Sensitivity of soils to chemical pollution
Natural productivity of soils (significance to crop production)
Sensitivity of soils to water erosion
Sensitivity of soils to wind erosion
Landscapes and landscape image
Significance of landscapes to tourism and recreation
It is well known that most of the
environmental problems that arise in the
course of natural resource use exist not
because of their fundamental unresolved
uncertainty, but due to the collision of
interests of users of natural resources in the
absence of effective practices of conflict
management and population unawareness
of their possible negative effects. Thus, the
analysis of the methodology for territorial
assessment through the prism of the
geographical environment and production
indicates that “the elimination of territorial
conflicts is the most important task of
optimizing natural resources. There are
“intensive,” “spatial,” and “environmental” ways
of solving the problem” [Socio-economic
geography, 2011]. At the same time, conflict
resolution techniques using LP methods
assume accounting for all these approaches
depending on the situation, potential, and
intentions of the process participants.
gi413.indd 96
The Cherkassy oblast is a region of Ukraine
with a relatively favorable environmental
state. At the same time, as shown by a
detailed analysis, there are a number of
problems and conflicts in natural resource
use, whose solution is required to ensure
the continued sustainable development.
Some of them are historically caused by
the features of the productive forces in the
USSR, while others formed in a significant
economic downturn after Ukraine gained its
A conflict associated with the inefficient
use of agricultural land and crop-rotation
structure is a wide spread and growing
phenomenon. The region has problems
of the national level and scale: radiation
pollution from the Chernobyl nuclear power
plant, environmental conditions of water
resources, primarily, of the Dnieper river
valley and adjacent territories, and aging of
capital assets and infrastructure facilities. The
processes have different type of dynamics
15.01.2014 9:17:34
The following groups of conflicts were
considered in the study region:
– the time of occurrence (those that have
arisen in the past, today, or may arise in
the future);
– scale (national, regional, or local level);
– the duration and frequency of
manifestation (permanent, seasonal, or
The social sector was considered in a special
block (unemployment, morbidity, poor
quality of public services, and the aging of
the population). Processing of information
on conflicts and assessment of their impact
at the final phase of work (including
representation in a specially compiled
map) indicate that there are two groups of
conflicts (existing and potential). This has
allowed taking into account existing natural
resource use conflicts and problems in the
region by identifying the territories with
maximal intensity of their manifestation in
the present and future.
The final phase of the LaPro creation was
the development of the INTEGRAL CONCEPT
OF THE GOALS. The main goal of the LP
program, i.e., the highest hierarchal level of
LP, is the identification of the main functional
zones of the territorial use, general goals of
the use development, and requirements
to the protection of the nature and
landscape management. According to LP
approaches, there are three types of the
goals, namely, preservation, development,
and enhancement (Table 2).
and regime. There are potential difficulties
associated with functioning and protection
of practically all natural components.
The goals were derived based on the
assessment of landscape conditions with
all available data on the evaluation of the
landscape components significance and
sensitivity (Table 2; Development principles).
This was achieved by the superimposition
of the evaluation maps on each component
[Guidelines for landscape planning, 2001].
Thus, the assessment and analysis of each
evaluated component result in the maps on
the sectoral goals. Mapping the sectoral goals
allowed delineating the main directions of the
balanced use of the natural resources: surface
and groundwater, climate and air, soil, flora and
fauna species, and landscapes.
At the final stage of the LaPro development,
the sectoral goals were integrated in the
Table 2. Ukraine. The landscape program of the Cherkassy oblast.
Types of goals and principles of their development
[based on 6/Guidelines for landscape planning, 2001, Vo. II, p. 29; 12/ Landschaftsplanung, 2004]
gi413.indd 97
Types of goals
Types of actions and activities
Principles of development
Preservation of the existing environmental conditions, which is only
possible when the territory either is
not used or is not intensively used.
Is adopted in the cases when landscapes have the highest significance and the highest sensitivity to impacts.
For the especially significant landscapes, the use is restricted and a regime similar to the nature-reserve (the
regime of special protection) is established.
Territorial development is allowed
at either low- or high intensity
level. The implementation of the
“Development” goal results in the
preservation or decrease of its protection status (environmental protection) by one level.
Is adopted for the rest of the territory with special attention given to the level of assessment of sensitivity to
the negative impacts. For the development of the existing and planned land use, landscapes with the high
level of stability are suitable. The natural resource use is
achieved in compliance with the existing legal requirements.
Only a complex of activities for territorial enhancement is allowed.
This relates to the territories that
have been or are affected by the
intensive use and have a high level
of sensitivity of different destructive impacts.
Is adopted for the territories characterized by low significance. All natural complexes affected in the course
of use are combined into one zone for enhancement
and rehabilitation. For the territories under the danger
of irreversible changes or for the landscapes with a
low ability to regeneration, special additional activities
should be undertaken.
15.01.2014 9:17:34
Fig. 2. Ukraine. The landscape program for the.
Cherkassy oblast. The integral concept of the goals (a fragment).
Legend: 1 –Environmental protection. Maintenance and control of the existing territories for environmental
protection. Possible use: ban on agricultural use; scientific research; regulated tourism related to studies of the nature.
Territorial characteristics: landscapes with high sensitivity and presence of rare and typical types of plants and animals,
specifically, 2 –spawning grounds. 3 –Preservation of natural and cultural heritage. Possible use: controlled
development for landscape preservation; tourism development; preservation of the traditional types of agriculture.
Territorial characteristics: historical cultural landscapes with a significant number of cultural heritage objects. 4 –Balanced
environmentally friendly agriculture. Possible use: crop rotations; controlled use of machinery and proper use of
fertilizers; promotion of biodiversity; biotope maintenance in settlements; maintenance and development of the regional
green corridors. Territorial characteristics: agricultural landscapes with high natural soil fertility and low sensitivity to
pollution and erosion. 5 –Balanced land use with emphasis on resources that require protection. Possible use:
development of different types and forms of land use; promotion of environmentally friendly agriculture and horticulture;
promotion of tree planting; controlled use of soils subjected to erosion. Territorial characteristics: agricultural landscapes with
higher sensitivity to water erosion; forest management areas; river valleys; orchards and tree belts. 6 –Balanced land use
with emphasis on the development of the tourism and environmental network. Possible use: forest management to
maintain natural conditions and increase of forest planting; controlled hunting; production of goods typical for the region;
development of recreation opportunities in attractive landscapes and historical sites; development of the environmental
network. Territorial characteristics: Landscapes attractive for tourism and recreation; with high bio- and landscape diversity
and special importance as habitats for rare species, e.g., large forested areas. Special attention –7 –distribution ranges
and concentration of rate species of plants and animals, potentially, the cores of the network; special natural resources use
regime and controlled tourism. 8 –Mitigation of negative impacts on landscape for environmental improvement.
Possible use: non-intensive, special land use for rehabilitation of resources that require protections; enhanced monitoring
of negative impacts and phenomena. Territorial characteristics: landscapes subjected to such negative impacts –9 –water
erosion; 10 –abrasion of river banks; 11 –wind erosion; 12 –consequences of radioactive pollution of soils highly sensitive
to chemical pollution; 13 –continual flooding. 14 –Mitigation of negative impacts on landscape for the population
livability enhancement. Possible use: decrease or cessation of negative impacts, e.g., noise or chemical pollution. Territorial
characteristics: sites of large communities near industrial areas and automobile highways
gi413.indd 98
15.01.2014 9:17:34
The consolidation of the sectoral goals
invariably raises the question of selecting
the priority targets. The highest priority, as
a rule, is given to the goals associated with
rehabilitation or enhancement: mitigation
of impact (e.g., pollution or erosion) or
prevention of landscape degradation due
to negative impacts. Given the choice
between alternative uses at the same site,
the preference should be given to the
preservation objectives of the current highvalue landscapes, not to the development
goals with an uncertain outcome: thus,
the preservation of highly significant
productive agricultural soils are of higher
priority than the development of the
recreational potential there. However, the
main goal is to preserve and maintain the
high level of biodiversity, rather than to
develop any other economic sectors.
It should be emphasized that any of
the types of the goals for the relatively
large territory under the LaPro
framework at a scale 1:200 000 should
be regarded as a recommendation for
the priority for this territory, but without
excluding other uses (goal types) within
smaller areas. The practice of LP [e.g.,
Landschaftsprogramm Brandenburg,
2009; Landschaftsprogramm Saarland,
2009; Landschaftsprogramm SchleswigHolstein, 1999;] suggests that the types of
goals at the level of LP programs are not
always clearly separated from each other.
However, the fundamental differences
between them must be understood, since
these differences play an important role
in determining the priorities for related
purposes at the subsequent levels of
gi413.indd 99
The LaPro for the Cherkassy oblast is the
modern planning document developed for
the first time ever in Ukraine. This is the first
official document of this kind, in line with
the traditions and practices of the European
LP. The program for the Cherkassy oblast
contains an explanatory note and maps, 10
in total, at a basic scale of 1:200 000, and
more than 40 maps on a smaller scale.
final map “The integral concept of the
goals”, which highlights the functional
areas and the priority objectives of further
action in relation to the landscape and
outlines the future of natural resource
management in the region (Fig. 2).
The map also takes into account the
existing and potential conflicts related to
environmental management.
At the core of the LaPro are the digital maps
compiled using the integral assessment of
the regional territory and applying modern
software products (ArcGIS). The GIS-based
LaPro contains information on the components
of the nature (climate and atmosphere, surface
and groundwater, soil, and flora and fauna),
anthropogenic load on the landscapes, and
existing and potential conflicts associated with
this load. Thus, besides the planning goals, the
LaPro promotes compilation of the regional
database that can be used for other purposes
The main resulting document of the LaPro is
the map “The integral concept of the goals”
that presents the main directions of the
natural resource use in the Cherkassy oblast
complying with the principles of sustainable
development. The map utilized the results
of the assessment of landscape sensitivity
to the existing and potential negative
impacts and their significance to the priority
types of natural resource use. The LaPro
identifies general goals for the preservation,
development, and enhancement of the
landscapes. These goals have to be further
refined and developed in detail at the
subsequent stages of LP.
The LaPro has been coordinated with the
materials of the territorial planning of the
Cherkassy oblast and is a comprehensive
framework for the management and
investment decisions and the development
strategy that provides territorially “bound”
sollutions to issues related to the placement
of certain objects and types of economic
activity. 15.01.2014 9:17:34
1. Alekseyenko, N., A. Drozdov (2011). Map set of landscape planning. Experience, problems,
and suggestions. Saarbrucken, Lambert Academic Publishing, p. 197.
2. Auhagen, A.; Ermer, K.; Mohrmann, R. (Hrsg.) (2002): Landschaftsplanung in der Praxis.
3. Drozdov, A.V. (2006). Landscape Planning in Russia: the preception and reality // Landscape
studies: theory, methods, regional studies, practice: Proceedings of the XI International
landscape Conference / Ed. Board: K.N. Dyakonov (Ed.). Kasimov, N.S. etc. Moscow: Moscow State University, Department of Geography, pp. 608–610.
4. European Landscape Convention. Florence, 20.X.2000 [Electronic resource] // Site: “Council of Europe.” http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/EN/Treaties/Html/176.htm
5. Golubtsov, O.G. (2011). Assessment of natural components in the design of landscape
planning program of the Cherkassy oblast (Ukraine) / A.G. Golubtsov, Yu.M. Farion, V.M.
Chekhniy // Modern problems of landscape planning: Proceedings of the All-Russian
Scientific Conference / Ed. Board: K.N. Dyakonov (Editor-in-Chief ), T.I. Kharitonova (Scientific Secretary), N.S. Kasimov, etc. Moscow: Russia, Moscow State University Press, pp.
6. Grodzinsky, M.D. (2005). Cognition landscape: place and space / Grodzinsky M.D –Kyiv
publishing center “Kyiv University”. –Vol. 1. –P. 431.
7. Guidelines for landscape planning. Moscow: State Center for Environmental Programs.
Vol. I. The principles of landscape planning and the concept of its development in Russia.
(2000). p. 136, Vol. II. Guidelines for landscape planning. (2001). p. 73.
8. Heiland S., A. May. (2009). Spatial planning in Germany –a tool for prevention of environmental problems of territories // Ukrainian Journal of Geography. No. 4. pp. 3–10.
9. Landscape Planning and Conservation: German–Russian–English dictionary catalog
(2006) / [A. Antipov (Ed.)]. Irkutsk: The Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of
Sciences Press.
10. Landscape Planning: Implementation in Ukraine (case study “the landscape planning
program for the Cherkassy Oblast”) (2012) / L.H. Rudenko, E.O. Marunyak, S.A. Lisovskyi, et
al. / Ukraine: Geography of goals and opportunities. Collection. scient. works. –Kiev: “Obrii”
Press. Vol. I, pp. 291–295.
11. Landscape Planning: Tools and experience in the application (2005) / A.N. Antipov, V.V.
Kravchenko, Yu.M. Semenov, et al. Irkutsk: The Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences Press. p. 165.
12. Landschaftsplanung (2004) / [mit Beitr. von: Claus Bittner]. Christina von Haaren (Hrsg.). –
Stuttgart: UTB, Ulmer. –527 S.
13. Landschaftsprogramm Brandenburg / [Electronic resource] http://www.mugv.brandenburg.de
gi413.indd 100
15.01.2014 9:17:35
15. Landschaftsprogramm Schleswig-Holstein, (1999) / [Electronic resource] http://www.
16. Riedel, W., Lange, H. (Hrsg.) (2002): Landschaftsplanung. Heidelberg, Berlin, New York.
17. Rudenko, L.G. Framework conditions and the organization of work on the implementation of landscape planning in Ukraine / L.G. Rudenko, E.A. Marunyak, A. May // Modern
problems of landscape planning: Proceedings of the sci. and pract. conf. –Moscow: Moscow State University Press, 2011. pp. 81–86.
14. Landschaftsprogramm Saarland. Begr@undung und Erl@auterungsbericht. (2009) / [Electronic resource] http://www.saarland.de/dokumente/thema_geoportal/Landschaftsprogramm_Saar_06-09.pdf
18. Rudenko, L.G., E.O. Marunyak (2012). Landscape planning and its role in addressing the
challenges of sustainable landscape development of Ukraine // Ukrainian Journal of Geography. No. 1. pp. 2–8.
19. Socio-economic geography: history, theory, methods, and practice: Collection of papers
(2011). Smolensk: “Universum” Press. p. 25.
20. The European Landscape Convention [electronic resource] // site “Liga-zakon”: http://
21. ILN (Institut fur Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz der Universitaet Hannover) (1998): Definitionen aus dem Bereich von Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz. Manuskript, unveroeff.
Leonid G. Rudenko is Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor,
Academician of the National Academy of Science (NAS) of
Ukraine, Director of the Institute of Geography (IG) of the NAS of
Ukraine. He graduated from the Department of Geography,
Shevchenko Kiev State University, and the graduate school of
Lomonosov Moscow State University. The area of his scientific
interests is geography and cartography. He is the author of 280
scientific publications, including 19 monographs. He is Editor-inChief of the National Atlas of Ukraine and the author of many
notes and maps in the Atlas.
Alexandr G. Golubtsov has PhD in Geography (2009). He is a
candidate for a Doctor of Sciences degree at the IG of the NAS of
Ukraine. He graduated (2002) from the Department of Physical
Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Geography, Shevchenko
Kiev State University. In 2005–3008, he studied in the graduate
school of the same university. In 2013, he conducted scientific
work at the Institute of Landscape Architecture at the Dresden
University of Technology (TU Dresden). His scientific interests
include geoinformation analysis of landscapes, landscape
geochemistry, and landscape planning. He is the author of over
20 scientific publications.
gi413.indd 101
15.01.2014 9:17:35
Sergei A. Lisovskyi is Doctor of Geographical Sciences (2004). He is
Deputy Director for Research of the IG of the NAS of Ukraine. In 1982,
he graduated from the Faculty of Natural Geography of Gorkyi Kiev
Pedagogical Institute. The area of his scientific interests includes the
ecological and geographical platform for sustainable development,
territorial aspects of interaction between society and nature, sociogeographic issues for sustainable development, environmental
consequences of the economic integration of Ukraine in the world’s
economy. He is the author and co-author of 135 scientific publications,
including 9 monographs and 2 booklets. He authored the monographs:
“Society and nature: balance of interests in Ukraine” (2009) and “Platform
for sustainable (balanced) economic, social, and environmental development” (2007).
Evgenia A. Marunyak graduated from the Faculty of Geography of
Shevchenko Kiev State University and has PhD in Geography (2005). She
is Scientific Secretary of the IG of the NAS of Ukraine, Senior Research
Associate (2007) of the Department of Natural Resource Use and
Sustainable Development, and a manager of a number of projects. She
is a laureate of the Prize of The President of Ukraine for Young Scientists
(2010). The area of scientific interests covers spatial development,
territorial and landscape planning, problems of globalization and
international integration, socio-economic problems of activities of
transnational corporations, and natural resource use and sustainable
development. She is the author of over 90 scientific publications,
including monograph “Globalization and its influence on the regional development in Ukraine.”
Yuryi N. Farion is Junior Research Associate of the Department
of Landscape Studies of the IG of the NAS of Ukraine. He
graduated from the Faculty of Geography of the Chernovtsy
State University in 1999. His scientific interests include historical
landscape studies, geoinformation systems, and landscape
planning. He is the author of 15 scientific works.
Viktor M. Chehnyi has PhD in Geography (2004). He is Senior
Research Associate and Acting Head of the Department of
Landscape Studies of the IG of the NAS of Ukraine. He graduated
from the Faculty of Natural Geography of Mikhail KotsubinskyVinnitsa
State Pedagogical University. He studied at the graduate school of
the IG of the NAS of Ukraine in 1998–2001.
gi413.indd 102
15.01.2014 9:17:35
In the period between International
Geographical Congresses in Cologne (2012)
and Beijing (2016) Regional Conferences
are held each year. They are destined, firstly,
to integrate geographical communities
of different macro-regions of the world
and, second, to strengthen the contacts
between IGU sub-disciplinary and problem
commissions. The Regional Conference in
Kyoto was the first of this series. It was the
major and rather successful event in IGU
activity this year. The Conference gathered
1431 participants from 61 countries – more
than the organizers originally expected.
About 600 participants represented Japan
– the country which hosted the conference,
and the others came from different parts of
the world. A great number of them were
from the Asian-Pacific region, which justifies
the very idea of regional conferences.
The days spent by the participants in the
ancient Japanese capital were filled with
an intense and rich dialogue – between
geographical sub-disciplines, human
and physical geography, geography and
other sciences, between researchers and
practitioners, between different generations
of geographers, East and West, North and
The Conference’s motto was “Traditional
Wisdom and Modern Knowledge”. The
scientific program included the sessions
organized by 39 of the 40 IGU Commissions
as well as meetings held on the initiative of
separate groups, key lectures and special
sessions devoted to the perspectives of our
Union and to the main IGU interdisciplinary
projects (International Year of Global
Understanding and Our Sustainable Cities).
In particular, the audience enjoyed the key
lectures by Professors Sarah Radcliffe from
the University of Cambridge (UK) entitled
“Plural Knowledges and Modernity: Social
Difference and Geographical Explanations”,
gi413.indd 103
Paul Robbins from the University of
Wisconsin-Madison (USA) on the political
ethics in environmental issues and JeanRobert Pitte from the University of Paris-IY
(France) on the role of human geography
in global forecasts. Professors Kenji Satake,
Itsuki Nakabayashi and Mikiko Ishikawa
(Japan) offered three key lectures at the
special plenary session devoted to the
reasons, the consequences and the lessons
of the 2011 East Japan earthquake disaster.
They stopped also on spatial planning issue
and the restoration of the regions which
suffered from this disaster.
103 News and Reviews
(AUGUST 4–9, 2013)
The Conference proved again how important
it is to build joint projects and to develop
cooperation within and between IGU
Commissions. As Claude Bernard once said,
“Art means “I”, Science means “We”. So, in
coming together at such large conferences,
the global geographical community becomes
stronger, and realizes how important and
influential it can and should be.
The Conference showed that IGU, facing new
challenges, was able to find new directions
and forms of activity. I refer to new ideas
approved at the meeting of Commissions’
Chairs and the IGU Executive, the initiatives
concerning a broader involvement of young
scholars, particularly through the contacts
with the association of Young Earth Scientists
(YES), the preparation of the extraordinary
International Geographical Congress on the
occasion of the IGU centennial in 2022,
the relations with ICSU, ISSC and other
global scientific organizations. New national
geographical communities which have
recently applied for membership in IGU or
updated it were welcome.
The Conference marked a step in the
promotion of geographical education in
both secondary schools and universities. In
15.01.2014 9:17:35
104 News and Reviews
gi413.indd 104
many countries we observe an attempt to
replace geography by “synthetic” courses
of natural or social disciplines or simply to
remove it from school curricula altogether.
The declaration signed by IGU, Eugeo and
Eurogeo in early September in Rome is a
direct result of our meetings in Kyoto.
I particularly appreciated the special session
on the status of geographical journals, the
issues of their ranking and open access.
There is a pressing need to improve the
ways in which the output of scientific
research is evaluated by funding agencies,
academic institutions, and other parties.
The presentation by Professors Christian
Vandermotten, Mike Meadows and Ton Dietz
at this session demonstrated that the abuse
of citation indices and of journals impact
factor those who evaluate our activity is a
serious threat to the future of geographical
departments and can undermine the
personal careers of many scholars. Using
calculation based on the geographical
journals’ data bases compiled by IGU and
by the journal Belgйo, the authors showed
that this index strongly discriminated
publications in national languages (nonEnglish), in the field of geography as a
whole and particularly in human geography,
and on regional issues. It was agreed that
IGU should endorse the San Francisco
Declaration on Research Assessment (www.
homeofgeography.org/news2013/June) and
that IGU should develop recommendations
on the matter to national research and
education governmental institutions.
IGU and the Local Organizing Committee
paid special attention to supporting
young researchers: they set for them a low
registration fee and distributed a number
of travel grants. The authors of the best
poster presentations by young researchers
were awarded during the closing ceremony.
The special exhibition “Traditional Wisdom
and Modern Knowledge presented in
Maps” was held in honor of the IGU Kyoto
Regional Conference at the Kyoto University
famous for its excellent collection of old
maps. Tea masters from Urasenke, the largest
traditional tea ceremony school, presided
over authentic tea ceremonies.
Finally, the Conference in Kyoto was so
successful due to the exemplary work of its
Local Organizing Committee. We all noticed
the rapid and efficient registration facilities,
the tireless work of volunteers, always
active and helpful, a user friendly program
handbook, a memorable opening ceremony
and many more highlights.
Vladimir A. Kolossov
15.01.2014 9:17:35
The scientific English language journal “GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY”
aims at informing and covering the results of research and global achievements in the
sphere of geography, environmental conservation and sustainable development in the
changing world. Publications of the journal are aimed at foreign and Russian scientists –
geographers, ecologists, specialists in environmental conservation, natural resource use,
education for sustainable development, GIS technology, cartography, social and political
geography etc. Publications that are interdisciplinary, theoretical and methodological
are particularly welcome, as well as those dealing with field studies in the sphere of
environmental science.
105 GES 04|2013
Among the main thematic sections of the journal there are basics of geography and
environmental science; fundamentals of sustainable development; environmental
management; environment and natural resources; human (economic and social) geography;
global and regional environmental and climate change; environmental regional planning;
sustainable regional development; applied geographical and environmental studies; geoinformatics and environmental mapping; oil and gas exploration and environmental
problems; nature conservation and biodiversity; environment and health; education for
sustainable development.
1. Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality, original work: scientific papers according
to the scope of the Journal, reviews (only solicited) and brief articles. Earlier published
materials are accepted under the decision of the Editorial Board.
2. Papers are accepted in English. Either British or American English spelling and punctuation
may be used. Papers in French are accepted under the decision of the Editorial Board.
3. All authors of an article are asked to indicate their names (with one forename in full for
each author, other forenames being given as initials followed by the surname) and the name
and full postal address (including postal code) of the establishment(s) where the work was
done. If there is more than one institution involved in the work, authors’ names should be
linked to the appropriate institutions by the use of 1, 2, 3 etc superscript. Telephone and
fax numbers and e-mail addresses of the authors could be published as well. One author
should be identified as a Corresponding Author. The e-mail address of the corresponding
author will be published, unless requested otherwise.
4. The GES Journal style is to include information about the author(s) of an article. Therefore
we encourage the authors to submit their photos and short CVs.
gi413.indd 105
15.01.2014 9:17:35
106 GES 04|2013
5. The optimum size of a manuscript is about 3 000–5 000 words. Under the decision
(or request) of the Editorial Board methodological and problem articles or reviews up to
8 000–10 000 words long can be accepted.
6. To facilitate the editorial assessment and reviewing process authors should submit
“full” electronic version of their manuscript with embedded figures of “screen” quality as a
.pdf file.
7. We encourage authors to list three potential expert reviewers in their field. The Editorial
Board will view these names as suggestions only. All papers are reviewed by at least two
reviewers selected from names suggested by authors, a list of reviewers maintained by GES,
and other experts identified by the associate editors. Names of the selected reviewers are not
disclosed to authors. The reviewers’ comments are sent to authors for consideration.
Before preparing papers, authors should consult a current issue of the journal at http://www.
geogr.msu.ru/GESJournal/index.php to make themselves familiar with the general format,
layout of tables, citation of references etc.
1. Manuscript should be compiled in the following order: authors names; authors affiliations
and contacts; title; abstract; key words; main text; acknowledgments; appendices (as
appropriate); references; authors (brief CV and photo)
2. The title should be concise but informative to the general reader. The abstract should
briefly summarize, in one paragraph (up to 1,500 characters), the general problem and
objectives, the results obtained, and the implications. Up to six keywords, of which at least
three do not appear in the title, should be provided.
3. The main body of the paper should be divided into: (a) introduction; (b) materials and
methods; (c) results; (d) discussion; (e) conclusion; (f ) acknowledgements; (g) numbered
references. It is often an advantage to combine (c) and (d) with gains of conciseness and
clarity. The next-level subdivisions are possible for (c) and (d) sections or their combination.
4. All figures (including photos of the authors) are required to be submitted as separate files in
original formats (CorelDraw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator). Resolution of raster images
should be not less than 300 dpi. Please number all figures (graphs, charts, photographs, and
illustrations) in the order of their citation in the text. Composite figures should be labeled A,
B, C, etc. Figure captions should be submitted as a separate file.
5. Tables should be numbered consecutively and include a brief title followed by up to several
lines of explanation (if necessary). Parameters being measured, with units if appropriate,
should be clearly indicated in the column headings. Each table should be submitted as a
separate file in original format (MS Word, Excel, etc.).
6. Whenever possible, total number of references should not exceed 25–30. Each entry must
have at least one corresponding reference in the text. In the text the surname of the author
and the year of publication of the reference should be given in square brackets, i.e. [Author1,
Author2, 2008]. Two or more references by the same author(s) published in the same year
should be differentiated by letters a, b, c etc. For references with more than two authors, text
citations should be shortened to the first name followed by et al.
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15.01.2014 9:17:35
Journal references should include: author(s) surname(s) and initials; year of publication (in
brackets); article title; journal title; volume number and page numbers.
References to books should include: author(s) surname(s) and initials; year of publication (in
brackets); book title; name of the publisher and place of publication.
References to multi-author works should include after the year of publication: chapter title;
“In:” followed by book title; initials and name(s) of editor(s) in brackets; volume number and
pages; name of the publisher and place of publication.
107 GES 04|2013
7. References must be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper and numbered
with Arabic numbers. References to the same author(s) should be in chronological order.
Original languages other than English should be indicated in the end of the reference, e.g.
(in Russian) etc.
8. Authors must adhere to SI units. Units are not italicised.
9. When using a word which is or is asserted to be a proprietary term or trade mark, authors
must use the symbol ® or TM.
10. As Instructions for Authors are subjected to changes, please see the latest “Example of
manuscript style” at http://www.geogr.msu.ru/GESJournal/author.php
Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts electronically. Electronic submissions
should be sent as e-mail attachments to GESJournal@yandex.ru
gi413.indd 107
15.01.2014 9:17:35
108 GES 04|2013
ISSN 2071-9388
No. 04(v. 06) 2013
FOUNDERS OF THE MAGAZINE: Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State
University and Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The magazine is published with financial support of the Russian Geographical Society.
The magazine is registered in Federal service on supervision of observance of the legislation
in sphere of mass communications and protection of a cultural heritage. The certificate of
registration: ПИ МФС77-29285, 2007, August 30.
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow 119991 Russia
Leninskie Gory,
Faculty of Geography, 2108a
Phone 7-495-9392923
Fax 7-495-9328836
E-mail: GESJournal@yandex.ru
Advertising and Publishing Agency “Advanced Solutions”
Moscow 119071 Russia
Leninskiy prospekt, 19, 1
Phone 7-495-7703659
Fax 7-495-7703660
E-mail: om@aov.ru
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E-mail: periodicals@eastview.com
Sent into print 16.12.2013
Order N gi413
Format 70 ½ 100 cm/16
8.78 p. sh.
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Circulation 600 ex.
gi413.indd 108
15.01.2014 9:17:35