poster abstracts
poster abstracts
POSTER ABSTRACTS POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR THE EFFECT OF PLAYING A MATURE-RATED VIDEO GAME ON ATTITUDES TOWARD DEVIANT BEHAVIOR IS MODERATED BY SELF-INVOLVEMENT Participants who played a mature-rated video game under induced compliance (perceived choice) conditions reported greater tolerance for deviant behavior than did participants who were simply assigned to play the same game. This was primarily true for participants high in Private Self-Consciousness; those low in Private Self-Consciousness showed the reverse pattern. Anna Prescott1, Jay Hull1 1Dartmouth College SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR THE DIFFERENTIAL IMPACT OF ANGRY RUMINATION AND SCHIZOTYPAL PERSONALITY DISORDER ON VIOLENT AND NON-VIOLENT CRIME Schizotypal symptoms (SS) moderated the impact of angry rumination (AR) on crime. AR is positively related to violent and non-violent crime for those low and average in SS. For those high in SS, AR did not significantly impact violent crime, whereas AR marginally decreased non-violent crime. Heather McLernon1, William Pedersen1, Robert Schug1 1California State Univ., Long Beach SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR THE IMPACT OF DIFFERENTIATION OF SELF AND TRAIT DISPLACED AGGRESSION ON AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR Trait Displaced Aggression (TDA) moderated the effect of Differentiation of Self (DoS) on displaced aggression. Specifically, DoS doesn’t impact those low in TDA, but there is a negative relationship for participants high in TDA, such that lower levels of DoS are associated with more displaced aggression. Hector Aguilar1, William Pedersen1 1California State Univ., Long Beach SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR PREDICTING INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE VS. DISPLACED AGGRESSION IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS: THE ROLE OF ATTACHMENT ANXIETY AND SELF-CONTROL This research investigated when individuals commit intimate partner violence toward partners who provoked them versus displaced aggression toward blameless individuals. Two studies demonstrated that individuals higher in attachment anxiety were more likely to aggress against bystanders than their provoking partners. Additionally, these individuals displaced aggression only if high in self-control. Jessica Grom1, Brenden Tervo-Clemmens2, Erica Slotter1 1Villanova Univ., 2Univ. of Pittsburgh SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR THE IMPACT OF COLLECTIVE RUMINATION ON AGGRESSION This study assessed whether collective rumination produces higher levels of aggression relative to individual rumination. Results indicate that collective rumination produced significantly higher amounts of aggression. Additionally, those who engaged in collective rumination reported feeling more offended, which in turn mediated the effect of collective rumination on subsequent aggressive behavior. Jennifer Ellison1 1California State Univ., Long Beach SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR BULLYING ON THE SCHOOL BUS: DELETERIOUS EFFECTS ON PUBLIC SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS We examined how school bus drivers are affected by student bullying during their routes. Bus drivers (n = 117) reported victimization from students during their bus route. The bullying of bus drivers had effects on driver outcomes (i.e., anxious driving, occupational self-efficacy, emotional exhaustion, cynicism) indirectly through its effects on job stress. Alan Goodboy1, Matthew Martin1, Elizabeth Brown1 1West Virginia Univ. 2 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR CAN’T YOU TAKE A JOKE?!: TOWARD A SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF PRANKING Based on 91 undergraduates’ responses, prank victims enjoyed watching and performing pranks more than nonvictims did. Pranksters’ pre- and post-event joy/excitement and post-event satisfaction predicted rating their experiences positively. Regret dampened positive evaluations, but not the desire to prank again. Given the salience of pleasure/satisfaction, pranking arguably exemplifies sadistic behavior. Rebecca Leitch1, Christopher Burris1 1St. Jerome’s Univ. SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR COMBATING THE STING OF EXCLUSION WITH THE PLEASURE OF REVENGE: A NEW LOOK AT HOW EMOTION SHAPES AGGRESSIVE RESPONSES TO REJECTION Rejection reliably damages mood, leaving individuals motivated to repair their negative affect. Rejected individuals may then harness revenge’s associated positive affect to repair their mood. Across four studies (total N=1,202), we observed that the rejection-aggression link is exacerbated by mood repair motives and results in actual mood repair. David Chester1, C. Nathan DeWall1 1Univ. of Kentucky SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR LEFT OUT VERSUS ATTACKED: PERCEPTUAL AND AFFECTIVE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EXCLUSION AND AGGRESSION Which is worse: being socially attacked or rejected? We sought to answer that question by having participants imagine themselves in scenarios where they were excluded, aggressed upon or included by other group members. We found that overall, being excluded is indeed more threatening to fundamental needs than being aggressed on. Frederico De Paoli1, Gayathri Pandey1, Vivian Zayas1 1Cornell Univ. SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR GOSSIP IS THE WEAPON OF THE WEAK In a scenario study, we investigated whether competence-related negative gossip is used as a strategic resource for gaining information, influence or support from others. We showed that the power level of both gossip sender and gossip receiver shape negative gossip behavior. Elena Martinescu1, Onne Janssen1, Bernard Nijstad1 1Univ. of Groningen SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR EVERYDAY SADISM PREDICTS VIOLENT VIDEO GAME PREFERENCES Two studies examined the association between everyday sadism and violent video game play. In fact, results revealed a positive link between everyday sadism and the amount of violent video game exposure. This relation statistically held when controlling for the impact of trait aggression, the Dark Triad and the Big Five. Tobias Greitemeyer1 1Univ. of Innsbruck SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR “EYE FOR AN EYE” : BELIEFS IN PURE GOOD AND PURE EVIL AS PREDICTORS OF MERCY, VENGEANCE AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PUNISHMENT We examined how fundamental beliefs in religion and the potential for good and evil in humanity relate to recommendations for lethal punishment. Our results suggest it may be individuals’ beliefs in the potential nature of humanity, not their beliefs in religious dogma, which compel them toward mercy or vengeance. Colleen Geller1, Madelyn Ray1, Amanda Martens1, Russell Webster1, Donald Saucier1 1Kansas State Univ. SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR GUNS PROHIBITED IMAGES PRIME AGGRESSIVE COGNITIONS The current study examines the effects of guns-prohibited imagery on aggressive thoughts. Results suggest that when individuals are primed with guns-prohibited images, they show just as much accessibility to aggressive thoughts as those exposed to gun images. Arlin Benjamin Jr.1, Meagan Crosby1, Brad Bushman2 1Univ. of Arkansas-Fort Smith, 2The Ohio State Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 3 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR WHEN JAIL INMATES ARE MINDFUL: IMPLICATIONS FOR CRIMINAL THINKING AND RECIDIVISM Mindfulness of 210 male inmates, assessed during incarceration, negatively predicted recidivism at one year postrelease via its influence on emotion regulation and low criminal thinking. However, there was a positive direct effect of mindfulness on criminal thinking, largely due to low self-judgment. Mindful adaptations of interventions for inmates are needed. Ashley Dobbins1, June Tangney1, Jeffrey Stuewig1 1George Mason Univ. SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR A DOUBLE EDGED COGNITIVE SWORD: THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL STATUS ON PROCESSING BOTH HOSTILE AND BENIGN SOCIAL CUES Social status plays an import role in cognitive processing of ambiguous provocations. Reaction time data reveal that those with low social status process both hostile and benign social cues faster than those with high status. Results may explain how low status is associated with both hostile reactivity and prosocial behavior. Sierra Farley1, Carnetta Green2, Chioma Uduko2, James Davis2 1DePaul Univ., 2Chicago State Univ. SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR VALIDATING THE HOT SAUCE PARADIGM AS AN AGGRESSION MEASURE This study investigated the validity of the hot sauce paradigm (Lieberman, Soloman, Greenberg, & McGregor, 1999) as a measure of aggression. Amount of hot sauce dished out was marginally significantly and positively correlated with another verbal aggression measure, indicating that hot sauce administration can be considered a valid measure of aggression. Dorothee Dietrich1 1Hamline Univ. SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR IT TOOK TWO MOVIES TO KILL BILL: REVENGE BEHAVIOR ACROSS MULTIPLE OPPORTUNITIES We investigated how harming a person impacts subsequent decisions to harm that person by providing participants with one or two opportunities to harm an ostensible partner who sent participants either a neutral or insulting message. Non-insulted participants denied more resources later if they had an initial opportunity to harm. Kristen Hull1, Curtis Phills1 1Univ. of North Florida SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR EMPATHIC CONCERN MODERATES THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN NEUROTICISM AND ALCOHOLRELATED AGGRESSION Researchers associated trait neuroticism with increased alcohol-related aggression among individuals low, but not high in emotional empathy. Cognitive facets of empathy did not moderate this association. According to Alcohol Myopia Theory, alcohol narrows attention onto salient emotional cues which, in the case of those high in trait empathy, are aggression-inhibiting. Olivia Subramani1, Ruschelle Leone1, Dominic Parrott Ph.D.1 1Georgia State Univ. SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR IMPULSIVITY AND AGGRESSION The current study provides an examination of how different facets of impulsivity relate to aggression. We contrast multiple dimensions of emotion- and non-emotion-relevant impulsivity with aggression in a large undergraduate sample. Jordan Tharp1, Sheri Johnson1 1Univ. of California, Berkeley SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR “I HATE THIS HEAT:” A TEST OF THE HEAT-AGGRESSION HYPOTHESIS USING 10 MILLION FACEBOOK STATUS UPDATES Using a dataset of over 10 million Facebook status updates and the Linguistic Inquiry Word Count paradigm, we find a positive correlation between expressions of anger to higher ambient temperatures, but not other types of emotional expression. Results are discussed in terms of cognitive mechanisms linking heat and aggressive behavior. Sean Rife1, David Stillwell2, Michal Kosinski3 1Murray State Univ., 2The Psychometrics Centre, Univ. of Cambridge, 3 Stanford Univ. 4 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR THE EFFECTS OF CHARACTERISTIC OF AUTISM SPECTRUM, AGGRESSIVENESS AND ALEXITHYMIA ON AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR We investigated to predict aggressive behavior (ABS) by the interaction of characteristic of autism spectrum (AQ) and aggressiveness (BAQ), and alexithymia (TAS). Participants responded to the questionnaire of AQ, BAQ, TAS and ABS. The results indicated that ABS was predicted by the interaction of AQ and BAQ, and TAS. Nozomi Yamawaki1, Shoko Kono1 1Nagoya Univ. SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR PSYCHOPATHS TELL THE TRUTH?: EXAMINING PREDICTORS OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OFFICIAL RECORDS AND SELF-REPORTED ARRESTS OF FORMER JAIL INMATES We investigated whether levels of psychopathy, substance dependence, and a number of demographic variables predicted agreement between former inmates’ self-report and official arrest records. Overall0.5% of participants’ self-reports of arrest matched up with their official record. Strong levels of agreement generalized across different individual characteristics. Jordan Daylor1, Dan Blalock1, Tess Davis2, William Klauberg1, Emily Boren1, Jeff Stuewig1, June Tangney1 1George Mason Univ., 2Virginia Commonwealth Univ. SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR CAN FAMILY VARIABLES MODERATE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ETHNIC DISCRIMINATION AND AGGRESSION OF LATINO EMERGING ADULTS? This study examined whether the relationship between ethnic discrimination and aggression is moderated by perceived parental rejection, parental acceptance and family cohesion (n=745 Latino university students). Results indicated significant direct effects for discrimination, rejection, acceptance and cohesion for men and women; rejection and cohesion were significant moderators for Latino men. Lisa Dalati1, Jose Estrada1, Scott Plunkett1 1California State Univ., Northridge SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR PROTECTIVE FACTORS RELATED TO CHILDREN’S EARLY EXPERIENCES WITH CYBER, RELATIONAL AND PHYSICAL VICTIMIZATION We examined whether social responsibility, leadership and social competence protects children from cyber and faceto-face victimization. We surveyed fifth- and sixth-graders at the beginning (n = 714) and end (n = 638) of one school year. Differences in associations between protective factors and type of victimization emerged in path models. Brett Holfeld1, Bonnie Leadbeater1 1Univ. of Victoria SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR DON’T LET IT BUG YOU: EXAMINING THE ROLE OF SELF-AFFIRMATION IN THE DISTRESS CAUSED BY KILLING This study used a bug-killing paradigm to determine if self-affirmation alleviates or leads to more distress after killing. Interestingly, results of Study 1 revealed that self-affirmed participants who chose the amount of bugs to kill reported less distress, but when forced to kill 10 bugs (Study 2), self-affirmation increased distress. Jamin Blatter1, Jeff Schimel1, Kerry Howell1, Michael Sharp1 1Univ. of Alberta SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR FROM REJECTION TO AGGRESSION: SOCIAL STIGMA PREDICTS AGGRESSION FOLLOWING SOCIAL REJECTION Stigma may lead to psychological defensiveness, including aggression, because of a lower sense of social worth. Black and Latino participants assigned more hot sauce to a rejecting party, but not if they affirmed their social worth. This suggests a sense of social worth may combat the negative impact of stigma. Geoffrey Wetherell1, PJ Henry2 1DePaul Univ., 2New York Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 5 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR THE ROLE OF MENTALIZATION IN THE RELATION BETWEEN BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER AND TEEN DATING VIOLENCE Individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are at an increased risk for teen dating violence (TDV). A heightened ability for detecting others’ negative mental states may increase this risk. The present study is the first to investigate mentalization as a moderator in the relation between personality disorder and TDV. Jessica Davis1 1Univ. of Houston SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR WHAT WOULD OFFENDERS REQUIRE IN ORDER TO RESOLVE THEIR NEGATIVE EMOTIONS? What would offenders require in order to resolve their negative emotions? From results, it was clear the more an offender is influenced by their negative experiences, the more likely their ability to maintain conflicts and not to act out decreases; their antisocial behaviors increase, they can ‘t cope for resolving stresses. (50/50) Shoko KONO1 1Nagoya Univ. SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR DOES PUNITIVENESS OR CONCERN FOR TRUTH MORE STRONGLY MOTIVATE TORTURE? Our research found that participants, independent of ideology, supported using more torture techniques on an uninformed violent detainee compared to a nonviolent detainee withholding critical information. Both within-subjects and between-subjects analyses revealed this preference. Multiple regression analyses confirmed punitiveness as a stronger predictor of torture support than informational concern. Denae Stallings1, Ian Hansen1, Bennett Callaghan2 1York College, 2Yale Univ. SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR HOW LIBERAL VS. CONSERVATIVE FRAMING AFFECTS IDEOLOGICAL PREDICTION OF TORTURE ATTITUDES We examined how a liberal vs. conservative (LvC) framing affected (a) attitudes towards torture and (b) the way aspects of conservatism (religiosity and authoritarianism) related to such attitudes. LvC framing disrupted the opposing relationship of religiosity and authoritarianism to opposition to torture, but inconsistently affected torture-related attitudes and behaviors. Mariame Soukoule1, Ian Hansen1, Savbtrie Budhu2 1York College, 2Manhattan College SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR TWO ORTHOGONAL PREDICTORS OF SUPPORT FOR TORTURE Our research employed several scales tapping two orthogonal dimensions of value difference identified in Moral Foundations Theory. One (Ingroup-Authority-Purity) is more relevant to the liberal-conservative divide than the other (Care-Fairness). Scales for both dimensions predicted support for torture about equally, positively and negatively, respectively, in a large online sample. Abraham Dickey III1, Ian Hansen1, Gabriela Cedillo2 1York College, 2Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR PRIMING MORAL TRANSCENDENCE ATTENUATES SUPPORT FOR TORTURE INDEPENDENT OF IDEOLOGY Our research found that priming transcendent moral schema elicited attitude changes regarding interrogation. Activating moral transcendence decreased support for using coercive techniques on hypothetical detainees and the degree to which participants associated utilitarian and retributive concerns with support for these techniques. Conservative ideology was unrelated to such support. Bennett Callaghan1, Ian Hansen2 1Yale Univ., 2York College 6 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR DO PARENTING BEHAVIORS PREDICT ADOLESCENTS CHILDREN’S AGGRESSION? A large-scale survey study examined relations between dimensions of parenting behaviors (Meunier & Roskam, 2007) and adolescents children’s aggression. As predicted by social learning theory (Bandura, 1973), harsh punishment was related to increased physical and relational aggression. In contrast, positive parenting was related to lower physical, verbal and relational aggression. Charlotte Moser1, Russell Jackson2, Zhihan Su1 1Iowa State Univ., 2Brigham Young Univ. SESSION: A - AGGRESSION/ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR HOW DO STUDENTS RESPOND WHEN THEIR EXPECTATION ARE MANIPULATED? We tested the expectation disconfirmation framework by examining people’s interpersonal responses to manipulated expectations. We found that people were more likely to provide negative evaluations and aggress toward a target who provided incorrect expectations about an impending outcome, compared to a target who provided correct expectations. Rebecca Carter1, Kayla McKissick1, Ho Phi Huynh1 1Armstrong State University SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY REASONED ACTION APPROACH (RAA) TO UNDERSTANDING HEALTH BEHAVIORS Researchers report two tests of Reasoned Action Approach (RAA) for health behaviors. RAA includes sub-components of attitudes (instrumental/affective), norms (injunctive/descriptive) and perceived behavioral control (self-efficacy/ perceived control). For both studies, all constructs except perceived control were significant predictors of intentions; intentions, affective attitudes and descriptive norms were significant predictors of action. Mark Conner1 1Univ. of Leeds SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY FRAMING EFFECTS IN SPORT COMMENTARY: CAN ONE WORD MAKE THE DIFFERENCE? We first failed to replicate Loftus and Palmer (1974) as participants assigned similar speed estimates based on modified post-event information when watching a hockey collision. On-going sport commentary affected participants’ speed estimations, but the rank-order contradicts the original study suggesting that the hierarchy may be domain specific. Jason Kowalczyk1, Mark Sheptock1, Kacey Kim1, Nadav Goldschmied1, Yair Galily2 1UC San Diego, 2Interdisciplinary Center SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY SOCIAL SUPPORT AND COPING IN FEMALE SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTIMS: A LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS Social support influences coping following sexual assault, yet few longitudinal studies exist. This three-wave longitudinal study of a large sample of 1863 adult female sexual assault victims examines bidirectional relationships between social support and coping using structural equation modeling to better understand how post-assault behaviors and social networks affect each other. Sarah Ullman1 1Univ. of Illinois at Chicago SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY DOES EMPATHETIC OBSERVATION INCREASE INDIVIDUALS’ AWARENESS OF THEIR VULNERABILITY TO SCAMS? In the present study, we investigated whether empathetic observation decreases attribution of responsibility to fraud victims and therefore increases individuals ‘ awareness of their vulnerability to scams. The results of the survey demonstrated that participants perceived themselves to be less vulnerable to frauds, as they attributed more responsibility to the victims for being defrauded. Yasuhiro Daiku1, Ako Agata1, Naoki Kugihara1 1Osaka Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 7 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY CAN COMFORT FOOD SOOTHE THE REJECTED SOUL?: EFFECTS OF COMFORT FOOD FOR SOCIAL AND PHYSICAL DISTRESS In two studies, participants received comfort food to consume (pre- or post-task), comfort food as a gift (pre- or post-task), or nothing and completed a social pain or pressure pain task. Participants in the comfort food consumption conditions experienced significantly less distress after their task compared to the other conditions. Heather Scherschel1, Traci Mann1, Marti Gonzalez1 1Univ. of Minnesota SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY USING MESSAGES TO ENCOURAGE MEAT-CONSUMPTION REDUCTION The present study sought to determine the effectiveness of meat-reduction messages in changing individuals’ future meat consumption. Generally, messages did not change participants’ intentions to eat meat, which suggests that people’s meat eating habits are difficult to influence and may not be easily swayed. Chelsea Schnabelrauch Arndt1, Laura Brannon1 1Kansas State Univ. SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY THE SPREAD OF BEHAVIOR: WHEN DO PROENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIORS SPREAD TO OTHER PEOPLE AND OTHER BEHAVIORS? Persuasive messages that link a target behavior to a range of environmental issues should increase participants’ efforts to spread their behavior to others and their engagement in non-targeted behaviors. Daily behavior data over two weeks confirmed that the message influenced the spread of behavior to other people and other behaviors. Alexander Maki1, Alexander Rothman2, Mark Snyder 2 1Vanderbilt Univ., 2Univ. of Minnesota SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY THE PSYCHOLOGY OF DEBT: AVOIDING THE UNAVOIDABLE The existing literature on debt lacks clarity regarding the role that psychological factors play in debt, and as such has failed to provide suitable interventions to improve financial decision-making. Therefore, I present my current research which identified key psychological factors in indebtedness, (i.e., avoidance) and reverses them utilizing novel contemplation interventions. Ben Harkin1 1Univ. of Sheffield SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY INTUITIVE CONTROL AND POSITIVE COMPETITIVE STATE ANXIETY: NEW ASSESSMENTS FOR THE PREDICTION OF CLUTCH PERFORMANCE IN SPORT Students and collegiate athletes completed two new assessments, the Intuitive Control Inventory and the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-Positive, and shot basketball free throws under a pressure manipulation. Factor analyses favored one-factor solutions for both scales, and a path analysis suggested that intuitive control mediated the relationship between anxiety and performance. Alfredo Leon1, Mark Otten1, Deanna Prez2, Sehvan Sherikian1, Stefanee Van Horn3, Rocky Zamora1 1California State Univ., Northridge, 2Boston Univ., 3West Virginia Univ. SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY THE WORLD IS CHANGING AND SO AM I: THE IMPACT OF BELIEF IN A CHANGING WORLD ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTIONS AFTER AN ENTREPRENEURIAL FAILURE The current research explores the relationship between belief in a changing world and entrepreneurial intentions after an entrepreneurial failure. We hypothesized and found that belief in a changing world positively affected entrepreneurial intentions via incremental theory, both when the changing-world belief was manipulated (Study 1) and measured (Study 2). Ning Chen1 1Clarion Univ. of Pennsylvania 8 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AGEISM IN ADVERTISING: RESOURCE SCARCITY AND ADVERTISING BUDGET ALLOCATION We propose one reason why people discriminate against older individuals is resource scarcity. An experiment demonstrated that when an advertising budget was scarce, participants allocated a lower proportion of the budget to a station with older listeners than to one with younger listeners. We discuss implications for ageism theory. Cameron McClure1, Aaron Wallen1 1Columbia Univ. SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY THE EFFECTS OF EXPECTATIONS ABOUT PARTNER’S EXPERTISE AND INTENTION ON THE DIVISION OF LABOR IN MEMORIZATION TASKS A laboratory experiment investigated the effects of expectations about partner’s expertise and intention on the division of labor in memorization tasks. The results revealed that an individual’s performance in his/her non-specialized areas decreased when he/she had expectations about partner’s intention for the division of labor. Koichi Nishimura1, Takashi Oka1 1Nihon Univ. SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY CHILDREN AND PARENTS’ ACCULTURATION DISCREPANCIES: LONGITUDINAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE WELLBEING OF IMMIGRANT CHILDREN Researchers longitudinally studied acculturation discrepancies between immigrant children to Chile and their perception of their parents’ preferences. Children had higher life satisfaction when parents had relatively higher “desire for contact,” and higher self-esteem when parents had relatively lower “desire for Culture Adoption” and higher “desire for culture maintenance” than them. Cecilia Cordeu1, Rupert Brown1 1Univ. of Sussex SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BAD BUT UNBLAMEABLE? THE EFFECT OF STIGMA CONTROLLABILITY ON JUDGMENTS OF RULE BREAKERS An examination of how stigma controllability affected evaluations of ingroup leaders. Participants evaluated a transgressive in-group leader that carried different types of stigma. Researchers also measured Group-based emotions, perceived leader’s prototypicality and stereotypicality. Uncontrollable stigma led to less negative evaluations of transgressions, which was mediated by higher perceived prototypicality of leader. Ioanna Kapantai1, Giovanni Travaglino1, Dr Dominic Abrams1 1Univ. of Kent SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY DIGITAL INFORMATION, SUPERFICIAL EDUCATION: RECORDED LECTURES REDUCE DEPTH-OFPROCESSING AND UNDERMINE CONCEPTUAL KNOWLEDGE In a single experiment, we delivered lectures through both live and digital formats to investigate the effects on processing factual and conceptual types of information. Our results indicate that participants who experience a live lecture process conceptual, but not factual, knowledge more deeply than those who experience a digital lecture Shane Schwikert1, Adrian Ward2 1Univ. of Colorado Boulder, 2Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY WE BELIEVE, THEREFORE WE ACT?: SOCIAL CLASS MODERATES THE LINK BETWEEN CLIMATE CHANGE BELIEFS AND ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION Personal beliefs do not always lead to relevant action. Across three studies, we found that climate change beliefs are more closely associated with pro-environmental action for upper-class than lower-class individuals. Sense of control explains this class-based difference in the extent of association between climate change beliefs and environmental action. Kimin Eom1, Heejung Kim1, David Sherman1 1Univ. of California, Santa Barbara SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 9 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY APPLYING THE INVESTMENT MODEL TO COLLEGE STUDENTS: DOES IT APPLY EQUALLY TO TRANSFER AND NON-TRANSFER STUDENTS? The current study investigated the degree to which the Investment Model predicted commitment and satisfaction among transfer and non-transfer college students, using data from 127 students. Among non-transfer students, but not among transfer students, rewards significantly predicted satisfaction. Similarly, among non-transfer students, but not among transfer students, satisfaction predicted commitment. Nancy Frye1, Michele Dornisch1 1Long Island Univ. SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY SNACKING BEHAVIOR IN STUDENTS: THE MODERATING EFFECT OF CONSTRUAL LEVEL IN ACTIONINACTION ACTIVITY PRIMING Researchers primed 62 students in an abstract vs. concrete mindset using Freitas, Gollwitzer and Trope (2004) task. After, researchers primed participants with action or inaction activities and asked for, then tasted a snack. Individuals who saw the action pictures and were primed in an abstract mindset ate more snacks. Dolores Muñoz1, Pilar Carrera1, Amparo Caballero1, Iciar Fernández2 1Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY MODERATED MEDIATION OF NORMATIVE INTERVENTION EFFECTS ON ADOLESCENT RISKY SEXUAL BEHAVIOR: ATTITUDES, SOCIAL DESIRABILITY AND PARENT NORMS ARE IMPORTANT! Researchers evaluated a community-based normative intervention targeting adolescent condom use and accumulation of sexual partners, randomizing parents and adolescents to treatment or control groups. Parent and youth norms and youth sexual attitudes fully mediated intervention effects. Researchers discussed social desirability moderated effects of parent norms and attitudes. Intervention implications. Amber Anthenien1, David MacPhee2 1Univ. of Houston, 2Colorado State Univ. SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY THE IMPACT OF VIDEO AND FACE-TO-FACE COMMUNICATION ON SELF-DISCLOSURE AND INTERPERSONAL INTIMACY Using a between-subjects design, our study aimed to explore these two kinds of communication approaches’ unique effects when strangers are building up their relationships, mainly focused on their self-disclosure level and generated intimacy, which are measured by Relational Communication Questionnaire (Burgoon, 1987) and interview content analysis. Lingjie Mei1, Yifei Huang2 1East China Normal Univ., 2Peking Univ. SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY PARENTHOOD AS MORAL IMPERATIVE: PENALIZATION OF WOMEN AND MEN WHO ARE CHILDFREE BY CHOICE Participants (N=204) evaluated a male vs. female married target who had chosen to have 0 vs. 2 children. Relative to targets with two children, participants perceived childfree targets less favorably and elicited greater moral outrage. Findings offer the first empirical evidence for the notion of parenthood as a moral imperative. Leslie Ashburn-Nardo1 1Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Indianapolis SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY FROM MATERNAL WALL TO PARENTAL WALL Examining the permanence of the maternal wall effect, when the age of children is varied, we find evidence for a parental wall, with parents of young children perceived as less competent, committed and worthy of promotion than others. Subsequent studies examine the effect of race and childcare on ratings. Hadiya Roderique1, Jennifer Berdahl2 1Univ. of Toronto, 2Univ. of British Columbia 10 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY WHO WANTS TO SHARE MEDICAL DECISIONS?: MODERATION EFFECT OF REGULATORY MODE How do motivational differences influence satisfaction with help in medical decisions? Compared to assessors who want to make the right choice, locomotors who want to make change happen prefer to work together with their physician to decide on treatment rather than having an expert-physician choose the best treatment for them Ilona Fridman1, Svetlana Komissarouk 2, E. Tory Higgins2 1Columbia Business School, 2Columbia Univ. SESSION: A - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY INFORMATION EXCHANGE IN A MULTIPLE GOAL CONTEXT: THE ROLE OF REGULATORY MODES Exchanging information with others is crucial to successful collaborations, yet collaborations such as those that occur in work organizations create complex, multi-faceted motivational contexts. This experiment considered the implications of locomotion and assessment regulatory modes for motivated sharing of information in a multiple (individual and joint) goal context. Melvyn Hamstra1, Edward Orehek 2, L. Maxim Laurijssen3, P. Marijn Poortvliet4, , 1Maastricht Univ., 2Univ. of Pittsburgh, 3Univ. of Groningen, 4Wageningen Univ. SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION AMBIVALENCE AND THE ATTITUDE SIMILARITY EFFECT ON ATTRACTION Researchers have robustly demonstrated the link between attitude similarity and attraction; however, little research has examined attitude strength effects on interpersonal attraction. The present research provides a first investigation of the moderating role of attitudinal ambivalence (a strength-related attitudinal property) on attraction to a target sharing or opposing the attitude. Kathleen Patton1, Duane Wegener1, Vanessa Sawicki2 1The Ohio State Univ., 2The Ohio State Univ. - Marion SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION THREAT, NOT NEGATIVITY, DRIVES ATTENTION: AN INITIAL TEST OF THE DUAL IMPLICIT PROCESSES (DIP) MODEL We extend dual-process models by distinguishing between two implicit processes. Implicit 1 reflexively responds to immediate physical threat and precedes Implicit 2, which responds to the full negative-to-positive continuum. Consistent with the DIP model, persons more quickly detected negative-threatening than negative-non-threatening images. Thus, threat processing precedes other evaluative processes. David March1, Lowell Gaertner1, Michael Olson1 1Univ. of Tennessee SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION TESTIMONIAL AND DISTRIBUTORSHIP INFORMATION PERSUADE COLLEGE MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING TARGETS We examined social cognitive factors that affected the receptiveness of college multi-level marketing targets to a persuasive message, including individual differences and manipulated components of a sales pitch. Types of information influenced targets’ familiarity with MLM and affected beliefs that MLM is a desirable model for consumers to purchase products. Robert Mather1, Dustin Belden1, Heather Sherwood1 1Univ. of Central Oklahoma SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION THE EFFECTS OF MESSAGE CONGRUENCY ON CONSUMERS’ ATTENTION TOWARD WEB ADVERTISEMENTS This study tests the hypothesis that people who assign importance to food selection criteria included in online messages pay more attention to commercials than do people who assign no importance to this criteria. Eye-tracking data collected from 42 subjects looking at four websites supports the hypothesis. Masami Okano1, Masao Okano1 1Bunkyo Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 11 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION SOCIOPOLITICAL IDEOLOGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE DENIAL: SOCIAL DOMINANCE ORIENTATION AS A PRIMARY PREDICTOR Three studies investigated the effects of sociopolitical ideology variables on climate change denial and found social dominance orientation (SDO) to outperform political orientation, right-wing authoritarianism and system-justification. Further, the SDO-denial relation was found to be stable (across two conditions), reflecting partly dominant personality and partly acceptance of social hierarchies. Kirsti Jylhä1, Nazar Akrami1 1Uppsala Univ. SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION THE EFFECT OF LISTENING-FOR-UNDERSTANDING ON SPEAKER’S ATTITUDE CLARITY We compared the effects of listening-for-understanding characterized by an empathic and non-judgmental approach, versus regular listening on two aspects of attitude certainty: attitude clarity and attitude correctness. Listening-forunderstanding increased speaker’s attitude clarity, but not attitude correctness, via an increase in reflective selfawareness and a decrease in social anxiety. Guy Itzchakov1, Kenneth DeMarree2, Avraham Kluger1 1The Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, 2Univ. at Buffalo SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION SELF-PERCEIVED KNOWLEDGE ON CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES: DIVERGENT EFFECTS ON ATTITUDE CLARITY AND CORRECTNESS In three experiments, participants who received bogus feedback that they were less (versus more) knowledgeable about an issue than their peers subsequently reported lower attitude clarity, which in turn led them to communicate more submissively in an ostensible debate on the issue with another person Rebecca Totton1, Kimberly Rios1 1Ohio Univ. SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION EVALUATIVE STATEMENTS ARE MORE EFFECTIVE THAN EVALUATIVE PAIRINGS IN SHIFTING IMPLICIT ATTITUDES This project investigated the effectiveness of evaluative statements versus evaluative pairings in shifting implicit social and nonsocial attitudes. Based on three studies (total N = 2781), we conclude that implicit attitudes can be changed quickly and effectively via evaluative statements. Evaluative pairings do not add value beyond evaluative statements. Benedek Kurdi1, Mahzarin Banaji1 1Harvard Univ. SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION EXPLORING WHY REPEATED EXPRESSION RESULTS IN GREATER EXTREMITY Why does repeated expression lead to more extreme judgments? Judgments made on an ambiguous rating scale became more extreme with increased response frequency. Judgments did not become more extreme with an unambiguous rating scale, suggesting that people may misinterpret ambiguous response scales and respond based on confidence rather than extremity. Meghan Norris1, Jenalee Dymond2, Leandre Fabrigar2, Duane Wegener3, Richard Petty3, Catherine Calnan4 1Purdue Univ., 2Queen’s Univ., 3The Ohio State Univ., 4Trinity College SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION ARGUMENT EFFECTS ON SOURCE IMPRESSIONS: THE EFFECTS OF MOOD AND ARGUMENT STRENGTH ON SOURCE LIKABILITY EVALUATIONS Participants rated likeable or dislikeable sources, completed happy vs. sad mood inductions, then read strong vs. weak arguments. After reporting issue attitudes, they re-rated source likeability. Message elaboration increased liking when strong arguments were presented, but decreased liking with weak arguments. Low elaboration participants did not change their likeability evaluations. Sean Moore1, Robert Sinclair2 1Univ. of Alberta-Augustana Campus, 2Laurentian Univ. 12 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION APPROACH-AVOIDANCE TRAINING EFFECTS ARE MODERATED BY AWARENESS OF STIMULUSACTION CONTINGENCIES We observed that effects of approach-avoidance training on implicit and explicit evaluations of novel faces are moderated by participants awareness of the stimulus-action contingencies. These findings challenge the standard view that approach-avoidance training effects are the product of implicit learning processes, such as the automatic formation of associations in memory. Pieter Van Dessel1, Jan De Houwer1, Anne Gast2 1Ghent Univ., 2Univ. of Cologne SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION REDUCING UNSAFE TANNING BEHAVIORS THROUGH APPEARANCE AND HEALTH-FOCUSED MESSAGES This study examined the effects of appearance- versus health-focused messages on tanning attitudes and intentions. Contrary to previous findings, health-focused messages were found to decrease the amount of time participants intended to spend sunbathing, as well as decrease the intended frequency of sunbathing for those who believe tanning is attractive. Aaron Entringer1, Laura Brannon1 1Kansas State Univ. SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION DO WISHES FACILITATE CONCEPTUAL ASSOCIATION IN IAT?: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN IDEAL LOVER AND IMPLICIT MEASURES OF ROMANTIC FANTASY The study investigated the possibility that respondents’ wishes could facilitate construct association in Implicit Association Test (IAT), in the case of romantic fantasy (partner-Prince Charming association). Our results indicated respondents ‘ wishes for, but not their perception of, their partners could have facilitated the association with Prince Charming constructs in IAT. Naoko Asoh1, Akira Sakamoto1 1Ochanomizu Univ. SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION NEWS MEDIA DEPICTIONS OF OBAMA INFLUENCE AUTOMATIC EVALUATIVE ASSOCIATIONS: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE OBAMA EFFECT Incidental exposure to positively or negatively contextualized media portrayals can impact evaluative associations toward public figures. Participants rated images of Obama from more negatively than analogous images from Participants with weaker political attitudes incidentally exposed to versus depictions of Obama evinced increased SC-IAT bias toward Obama. Katherine Fritzlen1, David March1, Richard Kendrick1, Michael Olson1 1Univ. of Tennessee SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION THE MANIPULATION OF PERCEIVED AFFECT AND COGNITION ON ADVOCACY INTENTIONS Correlational research has shown that the perceived affective versus cognitive basis of one’s attitude predicts the type of pro-attitudinal advocacy the person intends to do (proactive or reactive). In this research, we experimentally manipulated the perceived affective versus cognitive basis of attitudes and found the same pattern for advocacy intentions. Jacob Teeny1, Rich Petty1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION USING FACIAL EXPRESSIONS IN EVALUATIVE CONDITIONING TO REDUCE IMPLICIT BIAS TOWARDS RIVAL OUTGROUP MEMBERS: A TEST OF THE IMPLICIT MISATTRIBUTION MODEL An experiment varying the facial expressions exhibited in the conditioned stimuli tested the Implicit Misattribution Model of evaluation conditioning. Pairing rival university fans who were smiling, as opposed to frowning, with positive stimuli facilitated attitude change toward the rival university, as measured by a personalized Implicit Association Test. Elise Bui1, Allie Fridstein2, Russell Fazio1 1The Ohio State Univ., 2Boston College SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 13 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE: SOCIAL VIGILANTISM, NEGATIVE AFFECT AND SOCIAL CHALLENGE Social vigilantism (SV) has been linked to behavioral responses following challenges or insults to opinions. However, these reactions may simply be behavioral manifestations of emotions after an individual’s opinion is insulted. We tested this possibility and found that SV predicted behavioral reactions above and beyond individuals’ experiences of emotions following insult. Qiwu Zhu1, Conor ODea1, Donald Saucier1 1Kansas State Univ. SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION THE EFFECT OF PERSUASIVE MESSAGES ON ENHANCING EXTREME WEATHER ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIORS Gain/challenge message framing should facilitate extreme weather preparedness and adaptation, compared to loss/ threat framing. Gain/challenge framing had unique or combined benefits on extreme weather preparedness and adaptation attitudes, intentions and behaviors. Persuasive messages can efficiently and effectively help communities mitigate and adapt to extreme weather events. August Capiola1, Tamera Schneider1 1Wright State Univ. SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION “THOSE ON TOP, STAY ON TOP”: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COLLEGE STUDENT’S POLITICAL AFFILIATION AND ATTITUDES Researchers examined the relationship between political affiliation, sexist attitudes, social dominance orientation and empathy. The results from 118 participants revealed that those who identified as Republican reported higher overall sexist and social dominance attitudes compared to their political counterparts. Republicans also reported lower empathy than those who identified as Libertarian. Hyeyeon Hwang1, Amy Quearry1 1Univ. of Central Missouri SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION METACOGNITION MATTERS: ATTITUDE IMPORTANCE MODERATES SIMILARITY EFFECTS ON ATTRACTION Past research suggests that attitude similarity produces attraction regardless of attitude importance. The current research proposes that attitude importance moderates similarity effects on attraction for people relatively high, but not low in Need for Cognition. Ignoring Need for Cognition, no Similarity X Importance interaction on attraction emerged, replicating past research. Vanessa Sawicki1, Duane Wegener1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION CHANGING CATEGORY-LEVEL BELIEFS AND ATTITUDES: THE IMPACT OF INTERMEDIATE CATEGORYLEVEL REPRESENTATION AT BELIEF FORMATION AND PERSUASION We investigated how level of representation of information (i.e., global category, intermediate category or individual) at belief formation and persuasion influenced attitude and belief change regarding global categories of objects. We found that the interaction between formation and persuasion qualified the level of representation at persuasion. Matthew Kan1, Catherine Calnan1, Leandre Fabrigar1, Christina Nestor1, J. Paik1 1Queen’s Univ. SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION TESTING ABSTRACTION LEVEL IN DESIRED AND ACTUAL ATTITUDES Building on Construal Level Theory, two studies examine whether desired attitudes are more abstract than actual attitudes. Study 1 supported the idea that desired attitudes were seen as more stable across time and situations than actual attitudes. Study 2 showed desired attitudes are not impacted by changes in feasibility, whereas actual attitudes are. Pilar Carrera1, Amparo Caballero2, Dolores Muñoz2, Itziar Fernández3, Cristina Jiménez2, Kenneth DeMarree4 1Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, 2Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 3Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 4Univ. at Buffalo 14 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION THE EFFECTS OF COGNITIVE DISSONANCE ON ABSTRACT THINKING: DISSONANCE LEADS TO AN ABSTRACT MINDSET This study integrated Dissonance Theory and Action Identification Theory by predicting that dissonance would produce a more abstract mindset. Researchers randomly assigned participants into three conditions. One condition inflicted dissonance and two others functioned as control conditions. As predicted, dissonance did in fact lead to a significantly more abstract mindset. Sebastian Cancino-Montecinos1, Torun Lindholm1, Fredrik Björklund2 1Stockholm Univ., 2Lund Univ. SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION FUNCTIONAL RESISTANCE: THE POWER OF DIVERSE MOTIVES TO ELICIT PSYCHOLOGICAL REACTANCE TOWARDS VOLUNTEERING We extend reactance research beyond motivations for freedom. Participants faced threats to one of six volunteer motivations, or none, and then responded to a volunteering request. Reactance occurred in each threat condition, and was highest when threatened motives were personally endorsed. This broadens reactance theory, and implicates important individual differences. Keven Joyal-Desmarais1, Mark Snyder1 1Univ. of Minnesota SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION RESTORING FREEDOM: APPLYING ALTERNATIVE RESTORATION POSTSCRIPTS TO REDUCE REACTANCE IN ORGAN DONATION PROMOTIONAL MESSAGES Four studies tested indirect forms of restoration postscripts intended to reduce effects of psychological reactance without disregarding the persuasive message, as traditional postscripts may encourage. Within organ registration research, researchers identified no differences between traditional and alternative postscripts in reducing reactance, and none were effective at reducing all reactance components. Norma Leon1, Danielle Blazek1, Thomas Staunton1, Samuel Weinberger1 1Claremont Graduate Univ. SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION THE EFFECTS OF APPLE, INC. REBRANDING ON CONSUMERS’ LOYALTY ATTITUDE AND FUTURE PURCHASING The current study investigated how corporate rebranding affects consumers’ brand loyalty verses non-brand loyalty on future purchasing decisions, specifically alteration of logo. Researchers hypothesized that brand loyalty was positively associated with future purchasing, but moderated by strength of identity. Piyachat Chatpaitoon1, Dr.Kerry Kleyman1 1Metropolitan State Univ. SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION PREDICTORS OF ATTITUDE COMMITMENT These studies examined whether manipulations previously found to influence extremity and accessibility affect selfreports of attitude commitment. Study 1 found that a mere thought manipulation did polarize attitudes, but did not affect attitude commitment. Study 2 found that a repeated expression manipulation increased attitude accessibility, commitment and willingness to discuss. Kelly Kane1 1Iowa State Univ. SESSION: A - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION THE MULTIPLE ROLES OF VOCAL PITCH IN ATTITUDE CHANGE Researchers examined the mechanisms by which vocal pitch influenced persuasion under high- and low elaboration. Moderated mediation analyses revealed pitch influenced perceptions of confidence under high elaboration, which then affected persuasion via biasing cognitive responses. Under low elaboration, pitch also influenced confidence, which then served as a peripheral cue to directly influence persuasion. Joshua Guyer1, Leandre Fabrigar1, Matthew Kan1 1Queen’s Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 15 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - FIELD RESEARCH/INTERVENTIONS A SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTION FOR IMPROVING STUDENT RETENTION A long-standing concern for educators is how to improve student retention in school. To address that concern, we developed an intervention program. Our intervention was effective for improving student retention, and the effect of the intervention was significant one year later. JongHan Kim1, Terry Pettijohn II1, Kerry Smith1, Abby Boytos1 1Coastal Carolina Univ. SESSION: A - GENDER “I THOUGHT WE WERE EQUAL, RIGHT?”: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COLLEGE STUDENT’S MODERN SEXIST AND SOCIAL DOMINANCE ORIENTATION-EGALITARIANISM ATTITUDES This study examined the relationship between the egalitarian attitude from social dominance orientation and modern sexism. The results from 118 participants showed that those who endorsed higher egalitarian beliefs based on the egalitarian dimension of social dominance orientation (SDO-E) also reported higher levels of modern sexist attitudes. Amy Quearry1, Hyeyeon Hwang1 1Univ. of Central Missouri SESSION: A - GENDER CONCERNS ON GENDER NONCONFORMITY: APPEARANCE VS. BEHAVIOR Gender nonconforming children often experience negative (e.g. bullying) and/or concerned reactions. This study found that these concerned reactions were dependent on the child’s gender and how gender norms were broken. For example, participants were more concerned for boys that acted feminine and for girls that looked masculine. Deborah Wu1, Wendi Gardner1 1Northwestern Univ. SESSION: A - GENDER GENDER MODERATES THE IMPACT OF INDUCED EMPATHY ON ATTRIBUTIONS OF BLAME IN SEXUAL ASSAULT Empathy-bolstering interventions can reduce endorsement of sexual violence, but their effect on blame attributions remains unclear. Study participants (empathy vs control) made attributions of blame after watching a video depicting sexual assault. Males in the empathy condition attributed more perpetrator blame than males in the control. Females showed no effect. Carrianne Leschak1, Richard Pond, Jr.2 1Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 2Univ. of North Carolina Wilmington SESSION: A - GENDER THE FAIRER SEX OR FAIRER GENDER?: EXPLAINING AND ERASING DIFFERENCES IN MEN AND WOMEN’S UNETHICAL BARGAINING BEHAVIOR Drawing on theories of psychological gender, we hypothesize that competitiveness, typically more expressed by men, promotes unethical behavior whereas empathy, typically more expressed by women, has the opposite effect. Four experiments confirm our hypotheses and reveal that ethical differences between men and women appear and disappear depending on situational cues. Jason Pierce1, Leigh Thompson2 1Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, 2Northwestern Univ. SESSION: A - GENDER PANTS VS. PUMPS: GENDER EXPRESSION AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION AS PREDICTORS OF BODY IMAGE DISCREPANCY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS Using the theoretical framework offered by Self-Discrepancy Theory, the present study extends previous findings comparing differences between lesbian and heterosexual women in body image dissatisfaction by assessing the hypothesized interaction between sexual orientation and gender expression in predicting body image discrepancy and body dissatisfaction. Karen Tannenbaum1 1Claremont Graduate Univ. 16 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - GENDER THE ROLE OF MASTER NARRATIVES IN PERSONAL IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT: AN EXAMINATION OF GENDER ROLES This study examined contemporary gender master narratives and how they relate to identity processes. Coding of personal narratives about gender roles revealed that most participants resisted a traditional narrative. Resisting the traditional narrative was associated with higher identity exploration, while endorsing it indicated higher identity commitment. Hannah Shucard1, Kate McLean1, Moin Syed2 1Western Washington Univ., 2Univ. of Minnesota SESSION: A - GENDER WHO COUNTS AS HUMAN?: ANTECEDENTS TO ANDROCENTRIC BEHAVIOR Androcentrism treats men as the standard and women as “other.” The present studies investigated social factors that influence people’s likelihood of making androcentric choices. Though androcentric thinking was evident, there was also evidence that female partipants resisted the thinking, those exposed to gender-salient wording and those with high SPS scores. April Bailey1, Marianne LaFrance1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: A - GENDER DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES IN HETEROSEXUAL AND QUEER WOMEN’S COLLECTIVE SELFESTEEM AND GENDER TYPICALITY The current research compared heterosexual and queer women’s collective self-esteem regarding their gender ingroup and their self-rated gender typicality. Results indicate that heterosexual women report higher collective self-esteem regarding their gender ingroup, but that for both groups of women gender typicality is a significant, positive correlate of collective self-esteem. Mercedes Pearson1, Charlotte Tate1 1San Francisco State Univ. SESSION: A - GENDER PERCEIVED DIRECT COMPARISON AMONG WOMEN IN AN ACADEMIC ENGINEERING SETTING IS RELATED TO “QUEEN BEE” OUTCOMES “Queen Bee” research suggests that women feel threatened by other women’s successes. This study tested whether this is related to perceptions that one will be compared to another woman in male-dominated settings. Female participants reported feeling compared to another woman, and these perceptions correlated with their attitudes regarding her performance. Veronica Derricks-Mosher1, Denise Sekaquaptewa1 1Univ. of Michigan-Ann Arbor SESSION: A - GENDER GENDER NORM CONFORMITY AND ENDORSEMENT OF THE HOOKUP CULTURE Endorsement of the hookup culture involves the beliefs that hooking up is harmless and fun, enhances one’s peer status, allows the assertion of control over one’s sexuality, and reflects one’s sexual freedom. Conformity to norms of masculinity and lack of conformity to femininity predicted endorsement of the hookup culture. Sal Meyers1, Marissa Belau1, Tayler Peterson1 1Simpson College SESSION: A - GENDER GENDER EFFECTS IN THE FRAMING OF HEALTH MESSAGES Gender plays an important role in health. This study investigated the interplay between gender and message framing. Females reported higher exercise intentions after a gain-framed message than a loss-framed one, and this was partially mediated by attitudes and norms. Males tended to show the opposite framing pattern, albeit less strongly. Olivia Aspiras1, Jason Rose1 1Univ. of Toledo SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 17 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - GENDER CISGENDER PEOPLE’S UNDERSTANDING OF THE WORD TRANSGENDER Researchers asked college students to write definitions for the terms transgender person, transgender man or transgender woman. Coders found that most participants (75%) provided a correct definition. Incorrect definitions were more frequently characterized by a mix up of the definitions for transgender man/woman than conflating being transgender with being gay. Naomi Skarsgard1, Kristi Lemm1, Alex Czopp1 1Western Washington Univ. SESSION: A - GENDER IMPACT OF A PSYCHOLOGY OF MASCULINITIES COURSE ON GENDER ROLE CONFLICT AND ATTITUDES TOWARD MALE GENDER ROLES This study examined the impact of taking a university course on the psychology of men. Female students decreased their endorsement of traditional male role norms during the course, and male students reported reductions in gender role conflict. Content analysis of students’ definitions of “man/masculinity” demonstrated further changes in gendered beliefs. Sylvia Kidder1, Eric Mankowski1 1Portland State Univ. SESSION: A - GENDER EFFECTS OF BENEVOLENT SEXISM ON MATH MOTIVATION IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS IN JAPAN Researchers investigated effects of benevolent sexism (BS) on math motivation in 7th and 8th grade girls (N=100) in Japan using scenarios where they were praised for their high math performance. An additional BS remark evoked negative emotions and decreased math motivation, especially among those with low self-esteem. Yasuko Morinaga1, Kiriko Sakata1, Kodai Fukudome1, Yoshiya Furukawa1 1Hiroshima Univ. SESSION: A - GENDER ANYTHING YOU CAN DO, I CAN DO TOO: ATTITUDES TOWARD COUPLES WHO VIOLATE MARRIAGE PROPOSAL TRADITIONS The current study examines attitudes toward married couples who violate marriage traditions. Through qualitative and quantitative analyses, we show that there is wide variation in how nontraditional couples are perceived. Further, we demonstrate that much of this variation can be attributed to individual differences in participants’ ambivalent sexism and religiosity. Nikki Luu1, Carrie Underwood1, Rachael Robnett1 1Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas SESSION: A - GENDER ROMANTIC PRIMING EFFECTS ON BACKLASH AGAINST SELF-PROMOTING WOMEN The present study examined the effects of romantic and intelligence priming on the social-desirability and hireability of self-promoting and communal female job applicants. Results showed that participants rated the self-promoting and competent applicant as the most hirable, while the communal and competent applicant was rated the most socially desirable. Samantha Douglas1, Brianna Ambrose1, Juanita Cole2 Pacific Univ., 2Trinity Washington Univ. 1Azusa SESSION: A - GENDER A LEADER AND A WOMAN: GENDER IDENTIFICATION MODERATES THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FRAMING ON LEADERSHIP SELF-EFFICACY Blending feminine traits into leadership styles could increase leadership self-efficacy especially for highly genderidentified women. Women read about a successful leader with communal or agentic traits or a non-leader group member (control) before reporting their leadership self-efficacy. Highly gender-identified women felt less self-efficacy in the agentic than the communal condition. Lauren Hawthorne1, Shannon McCoy1 1Univ. of Maine 18 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - GENDER RESPONSES TO SUCCESS AND FAILURE: THE ROLE OF GENDER AND DOMAIN The current project used a two (feedback) by two (STEM-relevance) by two (gender) design to examine responses to success and failure feedback on a novel task in terms of performance attributions, perceptions of performance, domain devaluation, performance state self-esteem and interest in repeating the task. Elizabeth Lawner1, Diane Quinn1 1Univ. of Connecticut SESSION: A - GENDER EFFECTS OF I-SHARING AND GENDER THREAT ON MEN’S LIKING FOR A GAY MAN We asked whether sharing a subjective experience with another (I-sharing) mitigates the negative effects of a gender threat on men’s antigay and defensive reactions. As expected, men who I-shared with a gay partner liked him more, and I-sharing with him increased their willingness to publicize their gender-threatening feedback to others. Caitlin Bronson1, Jennifer Bosson2, Elizabeth Pinel3 1Rutgers, 2Univ. of South Florida, 3Univ. of Vermont SESSION: A - GENDER GENDERED LANGUAGE STYLES: PERSON PERCEPTION AND LANGUAGE STYLE MATCHING WITH STYLISTICALLY VARIED TEXTS To explore the social effects of sex differences in language style, participants read and responded to texts written to be feminine or masculine in style and topic. Authors’ perceived socioeconomic status was higher for feminine texts, and language style matching was higher when texts’ topic and style gender was congruent. Micah Iserman1, Molly Ireland1 1Texas Tech Univ. SESSION: A - GENDER HOSTILE SEXISTS: EXPRESSING, MAINTAINING AND DESERVING POWER We conducted two studies to examine participants’ perceptions of sexist individuals. Consistent with hypotheses and the justification-suppression model of prejudice, our findings suggest that individuals may ascribe characteristics to sexists that contribute to the maintenance of sexist behavior by rewarding sexists with characteristics often associated with success. Amanda Martens1, Katie Mosher1, Evelyn Stratmoen1, Donald Saucier1 1Kansas State Univ. SESSION: A - GENDER FEELING AFFIRMED AND NO LONGER WANTING TO LEAD: STEREOTYPE THREAT AND SELFAFFIRMATION EFFECTS ON WOMEN’S INTEREST IN LEADERSHIP We examined the interaction of stereotype threat and self-affirmation on leadership identification among female university employees. Consistent with a reactance response, stereotype threat predicted higher levels of stress and leadership identification, which were reduced by self-affirmation. Ironically, self-affirmation to reduce stereotype threat may lead to stereotype-consistent outcomes in some domains. Jennifer Spoor1, Sarah Ballard1 1La Trobe Univ. SESSION: A - GENDER THE EFFECTS OF MASCULINITY THREATS ON RISK-TAKING AND ANTI-ENVIRONMENTALISM Across three studies (N=1088), findings linked masculinity threats to greater risk-taking, dominance over the environment and use the environment, as well as decreased inclinations toward environmental conversation. Findings suggest that attempts to deal with environmental threats may be enhanced by an understanding of the consequences of masculinity threats. Marlaina Laubach1, Theresa Vescio1, Nathaniel Ratcliff1, Jonathan Gallegos1 1The Pennsylvania State University SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 19 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS THE SAME OR DIFFERENT? HOW LAY BELIEFS ABOUT APPROACH AND AVOIDANCE EXPLAIN THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN PERFORMANCE ACHIEVEMENT GOALS Three studies investigated the positive association between performance-approach (PAP) and performance-avoidance (PAV) goals. Findings suggest that the positive and well-replicated PAP-PAV correlation of self-reported goal adoption is largely influenced by whether respondents consider approaching norm-based success as being qualitatively different from avoiding norm-based failure. Emily Greenwood1, Andrew Elliot1 1Univ. of Rochester SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS PSYCHOLOGICAL NEED SUPPORT AND REGULATORY FOCUS AS PREDICTORS OF SELFCOMPASSION Three experiments suggest that need support in an activity can enhance self-compassion. Participants reported more need support in promotion-focused (vs. prevention-focused) activities. They also reported more self-compassion in more need-supportive activities. Support for relatedness and competence together predicted self-compassion in all studies, but self-esteem accounted for the effect of competence. Leigh Ann Vaughn1, Emma Hayden1 1Ithaca College SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS PROTECTING STUDENT ENGAGEMENT IN SCIENCE: THE INTERACTIVE EFFECT OF BELONGING UNCERTAINTY AND TRIGGERED INTEREST We examined whether high science interest at the beginning of the semester buffers the effect of belonging uncertainty on end-of-the-semester science engagement for underrepresented minority students (URMs) in science. Results suggest that belonging uncertainty negatively predicted later science engagement for those with low, but not high, science interest. Gregg Muragishi1, Garam Lee1, Jeanette Zambrano1, Matthew Jackson1, Dustin Thoman1 1California State Univ., Long Beach SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS SAYING GOOD-BYE AND SAYING IT WELL: HOW TO END A CONVERSATION Although individuals face various endings across their life span, there is little research on how individuals perceive and cope with upcoming endings. We showed in two studies, that (1) people benefit from finding a well-rounded ending and that (2) they can be effectively supported to find such a well-rounded ending. Bettina Schwörer1, Gabriele Oettingen2 1Univ. of Hamburg, 2New York Univ. SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS THE EFFECTS OF A GROWTH-MINDSET INTERVENTION ON STUDENTS’ COMPUTER SCIENCE INTEREST OVER TIME The current study examines the effects of an intervention designed to encourage growth mindsets relevant to computer science (CS) in a sample of 491 college students. Students in the intervention condition experienced significantly less decline in their interest in CS over time than did students in the control condition. V. Michelle Russell1, Jeni Burnette1, Crystal Hoyt2, Carol Dweck3, Eli Finkel4, 1North Carolina State Univ., 2Univ. of Richmond, 3 Stanford Univ., 4Northwestern Univ. SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS GROWING TOGETHER: MASTERY CLASSROOM ORIENTATION LEADS TO STEM COMMUNAL AFFORDANCES AND INTEREST Perceptions that STEM fulfill communal goals predict STEM interest (Diekman et al., 2015). In two studies, mastery classroom orientation indirectly leads to STEM interest by predicting increased helping of others, which in turn predicted STEM communal affordances, which finally predicted STEM career interest. Melissa Fuesting1, Amanda Diekman1, Dana Manson1, Brianne Safer1 1Miami Univ. 20 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS THE MORE (YOU THINK) YOU KNOW: PERCEIVED KNOWLEDGE OF CLIMATE CHANGE PREDICTS PRO-ENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIOR This research examines the relationship between perceived and objective climate change knowledge and their roles in predicting pro-environmental behavior. We find that it is not how much people actually know about climate change that predicts pro-environmental behavior, but how much they think they know. Kristina Howansky1, Shana Cole1 1Rutgers Univ. SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS FACTOR STRUCTURE OF THE INTERPERSONAL GOAL CONFLICT SCALE Researchers developed a new scale to assess goal conflict between romantic partners, and chose a three factor solution that corresponded to general goal conflict, sacrifice of one’s goals and resource conflict. Researchers wrote additional items to represent the entirety of the relationship. Exploratory structural modeling confirmed this factor structure. Jacob Gray1, Daniel Ozer1 1Univ. of California-Riverside SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS GIVE ME SOMETHING TO DO: MORTALITY SALIENCE AND THE AVERSION TO IDLENESS After considering either mortality or physical pain, researchers gave participants an option to spend a brief period of time being physically busy or idle. Participants who considered mortality (vs. pain) were more likely to choose busyness, suggesting that death concerns may make people averse to idleness. Ross Rogers1, Matthew Vess2 1Ohio Univ., 2Montana State Univ. SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS DISTRACTED AND SUPERSTITIOUS: COGNITIVE FAILURE AND ILLUSORY PATTERN PERCEPTION Why do we sometimes think that two seemingly unrelated events are somehow connected? Drawing from compensatory control theory, we propose people are motivated to perceive illusory connections in the world when their mental control ability is threatened. Anyi Ma1, Aaron Kay1, Jayanth Narayanan2 1Duke Univ., 2National Univ. of Singapore SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS END-STATES VS. DIRECTIONS: GOALS AS OBJECTIVES VS. COMPASS POINTS We propose that goals sometimes indicate the directions that people want to be headed (e.g., take care of my mother) instead of the outcomes that people want to accomplish (e.g., lose five pounds). Three studies showed that when goals are viewed as directions, people feel more positive affect. Long Ha1, Jennifer Crocker1, Kentaro Fujita1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS REDUCING REACTIVITY TO NEGATIVE SOCIAL EVENTS: SELF-AFFIRMATION AND SOCIAL AVOIDANCE Our study tested self-affirmation as a means to reduce social avoidance motives. Participants completed either a selfaffirmation writing exercise or a control exercise and reported on their social interactions for one week. We found that self-affirmed participants reacted with less negativity to any negative social interactions that may have occurred. Mitchell Fajardo1, Jason Anderson1, Shelly Gable1 1Univ. of California, Santa Barbara SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS HOPE, VALUES AND GOALS: PREDICTING GOAL SUCCESS AND MENTAL HEALTH OUTCOMES High-hope individuals tend to achieve their goals more successfully and have better psychological functioning than their lower-hope counter-parts. This may be due to concordance between values and goals at high levels of hope. We found that values, particularly benevolence, are positively related to hope. Additionally, we examined the relation between hope and concordance between goals and values. Madison Guter1, Jennifer Cheavens1 1The Ohio State Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 21 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS GOAL COMPLEXES AS PREDICTORS OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT BEHAVIOR Goal research has distinguished between standards of competence (task/self-based or other-based) and standpoints on competence (developing/demonstrating competence), but these can be combined as the aims and underlying reasons of achievement behavior. These reason-aim combinations, goal complexes, were used to predict academic performance and intrinsic motivation in a university course. Rachel Korn1, Andrew Elliot1 1Univ. of Rochester SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS EAT FRESH: APPROACH MOTIVATION ACCOUNTS FOR THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LOCOMOTION AND POSITIVE AFFECT Researchers found evidence for the mediational role of approach motivation in accounting for the impact of locomotion (i.e., walking) on positive affect in two double-blind studies. People felt more positive affects after locomotor activity in part because such activity increased people’s approach motivation in the form of reward sensitivity. Jeffrey Miller1, Zlatan Krizan2 1Saint Xavier Univ., 2Iowa State Univ. SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS VALUING THE LONGEVITY OF OBJECTS TO ESCAPE DEATH The present research investigated an existential motivation underlying people’s propensity to value older objects (i.e., the longevity bias). Hypotheses derived from a terror management framework posited death reminders may lead to greater valuation of older items because they foster a sense of temporal continuity and symbolize a transcendence from death. Michael Bultman1, Simon McCabe2, Jamie Arndt1, Melissa Spina1 1Univ. of Missouri, 2Univ. of Stirling SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS FINANCIALLY CONTINGENT SELF-WORTH: CONSEQUENCES OF BASING SELF-ESTEEM ON FINANCIAL SUCCESS Financial success is an important life goal, yet it is often associated with negative psychological outcomes. Results of three studies (total n = 885) suggest that the pursuit of financial success may be detrimental to wellbeing because of its connection to the pursuit of self-esteem via financial contingencies of self-worth. Deborah Ward1, Lora Park1 1Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS WHEN THE “BAD” BECOMES THE “GOOD” AND THE “GOOD” BECOMES THE “BAD”: PREVENTION ORIENTATION REVERSES THE PERFORMANCE-APPROACH AND -AVOIDANCE GOALS’ EFFECTS ON PERFORMANCE Performance-approach goals predict positive achievement, while performance-avoidance goals predict negative achievement. In two studies, we demonstrate that these effects depend on the prevention strategy orientation. Under a low level of prevention, performance-goals yield the classical pattern of effects on performance, while under a high level these effects tend to reverse. Wojciech Swiatkowski1, Benoit Dompnier1 1Univ. of Lausanne SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS SOCIAL COMPARISON, PERSONAL RELATIVE DEPRIVATION AND MATERIALISM Four studies showed that materialism is driven, in part, by personal relative deprivation (PRD), which predicted materialism over and above potential confounders (e.g., objective deprivation). PRD mediated the relation between social comparison tendency and materialism, and a manipulation of PRD increased participants’ desires for money relative to charitable giving. Hyunji Kim1, Mitchell Callan1, William Matthews2 1Univ. of Essex, 2Univ. of Cambridge 22 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS PERCEIVING AN ENTITY THEORY IN THE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT INCREASES MATH ANXIETY AND LOWERS TEST PERFORMANCE In this field study, student perceptions of entity theories in the classroom predict increased math anxiety independent of personal intelligence theories. An incremental perspective, both when perceived in the classroom and when held personally, acts as a buffer leading to lower math anxiety, and in turn, better academic performance. Jordan Vossen1, Joyce Ehrlinger1, Kali Trzesniewski2, Catherine Good3, Julia Singleton2, Mycah Harrold1, Bethany Spring4 , 1Washington State Univ., 2Univ. of California Davis, 3 Baruch College, 4 Arizona State Univ. SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS INFLUENCE OF EASE-OF-LEARNING (EOL) JUDGMENT ON REHEARSAL AND RECALL PERFORMANCE: MANIPULATIONS OF ACHIEVEMENT GOALS This study examined interaction effects of cost and goals for the Ease-of-Learning (EOL) judgment in learning among 72 Japanese university students. As results of mixed-effects model, research showed interaction effects of the EOL judgment, achievement goals for rehearsal, and the EOL judgment and rehearsal or achievement goals. Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi1 1Hosei Univ. SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS THE EFFECTS OF GIVING AND RECEIVING SOCIAL SUPPORT ON COMPASSIONATE GOALS Two studies investigated the effects of social support on compassionate goals. Using multilevel modeling, we found that giving and receiving social support both uniquely predicted increased compassionate goals across relationships (Study 1) and over time (Study 2). Notably, different mechanisms explained the effects of giving and receiving social support. Shuqi Li1, Jennifer Crocker1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS THE EFFECT OF VELOCITY ON FRUSTRATION: MORE THAN PROJECTIONS OF FUTURE SUCCESS? Velocity in goal regulation is the rate of progress made toward a goal. We expected velocity to be associated with emotional outcomes beyond goal expectancy. In this study, we manipulated perceived velocity while holding actual velocity constant. Participants experiencing a negative change in velocity reported greater frustration, controlling for expectancy. Jeffrey Hughes1, James Beck1, Abigail Scholer1 1Univ. of Waterloo SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS AN ATTRIBUTION-BASED TREATMENT INTERVENTION: THREE-YEAR PERSISTENCE EFFECTS IN COMPETITIVE ACHIEVEMENT SETTINGS Attributional retraining (AR), a motivation-enhancing treatment based on Weiner’s theory (1985, 2014), increased college students’ persistence three years post-AR. For those receiving AR (vs. no-AR), students with low (vs. high) high-school-grades registered for and completed more course credit hours, amounting to one course more each year over three years. Raymond Perry1, Jeremy Hamm1, Judith Chipperfield1, Steve Hladkyj1, Patti Parker1, Launa Leboe-McGowan1 1Univ. of Manitoba SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS MAKING PLANS STICK: CONCRETE (VS. ABSTRACT) THINKING FACILITATES TRANSLATING EXERCISE PLANS INTO ACTION After committing to an exercise goal and completing a construal level manipulation, participants (N= 210) provided daily reports of exercise plans, behavior and goal-related affect for two weeks. The concrete (vs. abstract) group was more effective at translating exercise plans into behavior. Differences in goal-related affect explained this relationship. Allison Sweeney1, Antonio Freitas1 1Stony Brook Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 23 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS ADOPTING A SELF-DISTANCED PERSPECTIVE ON STEREOTYPE THREAT REDUCES ATTRIBUTIONS TO LOW ABILITY IN A STEREOTYPED DOMAIN One hundred and five women adopted either a self-distanced or a self-immersed perspective on receiving negative feedback in science (a stereotype threat induction). They then completed an open-ended response assessment of their current thoughts and feelings. Women who self-distanced from stereotype threat related feedback reported fewer internal attributions compared to those who self-immersed. Adrienne Dougherty1, Denise Sekaquaptewa1 1Univ. of Michigan SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS THE EFFECT OF FEELING OF TIME SCARCITY ON MOTIVATION TOWARD GROWTH This study examined the effect of the feeling of time scarcity on motivation toward growth. The results suggested that individuals who imagined the time-scare situation more strongly attributed a failure to their ability and stopped allocating more effort to grow it than individuals who imagined the time-plentiful situation. Hiroki Takehashi1, Junko Toyosawa2 1Tokyo Future Univ., 2Osaka Kyoiku Univ. SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF AN INTERPRETATION OF EXPERIENCED EASE AND DIFFICULTY SCALE Everyday, we encounter experiences of ease and difficulty. How one interprets these experiences has consequences for motivation, task engagement and their self-concept. We present a scale designed to measure how people respond to metacognitive experiences of ease and difficulty and how this influences behavior. Oliver Fisher1, Daphna Oyserman1 1Univ. of Southern California SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS MEASURING INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN PERCEIVED MOVEMENT OF TIME Whether people perceive themselves as moving through time (“ego-moving”), or perceive time as moving toward them (“time-moving”), has been linked to emotional and motivational outcomes. We present the development and validation of a scale that measures individual differences in how the the relative movement of time is perceived. Eric Horowitz1, Daphna Oyserman1 1Univ. of Southern California SESSION: A - MOTIVATION/GOALS WILL YOU GO BEYOND AVERAGES OR GO ALONG WITH AVERAGES?: THE ROLE OF INDIVIDUALISMCOLLECTIVISM IN WORK MOTIVATION IN GROUPS We examined a workgroup context where a majority of average performers are faced with a high performing individual. Consistent with the Collectivistic Independence Model (Choi, 2014), results indicated that the combination of a collectivistic value orientation and independent self-representation enhanced average performers’ work motivation. Soohyun Lee1, Hoon-Seok Choi1 1Sungkyunkwan Univ. SESSION: A - OTHER GRATITUDE AND SELF-IMPROVEMENT IN THE WORKPLACE We investigated the capacity of gratitude to bolster efforts towards self-improvement. Each week for four weeks, researchers prompted French employees to write a gratitude letter or to complete a neutral writing activity before focusing on self-improvement. Expressing gratitude led to greater connectedness, autonomy, empowerment and job performance via increased elevation. Christina Armenta1, Kristin Layous2, Katie Nelson3, Joseph Chancellor4, Sonja Lyubomirsky1 1UC Riverside, 2Cal State East Bay, 3 Sewanee, 4Univ. of Cambridge 24 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - OTHER TOWARD A PSYCHOLOGY OF SOCIAL CHANGE: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FROM LITERATURE REVIEW Dramatic social change (DSC) affects millions of people worldwide. While sociological theory aims to understand its precipitants, the psychological consequences remain relatively poorly understood. Researchers performed a largescale literature review to construct a workable definition of social change to address this imbalance. Roxane de la Sablonnière1, Nada Kadhim2, Matthew Davidson3, Lily Trudeau-Guévin1 1Université de Montréal, 2McGill Univ., 3Univ. of Queensland SESSION: A - OTHER FROM MINDLESS TO ATTENTIVE CHOICE: INTROSPECTION INCREASES BELIEF-DECISION CORRESPONDENCE BY CALLING ATTENTION TO IMPORTANT DECISION CRITERIA People often make mindless decisions, especially when unimportant information attracts attention. We demonstrate that introspecting about how to make decisions increases the extent to which people use and attend to criteria they believe are most important. Introspection decreases reliance on salient information and aligns decisions with prescriptive beliefs. Kellen Mrkva1, Michaela Huber2, Leaf Van Boven1 1Univ. of Colorado Boulder, 2Technische Universitat Dresden SESSION: A - OTHER POVERTY AND DISORDER: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIAL CLASS AND PERCEPTIONS OF CHAOS Lower social class individuals are typified by chaotic conditions. Given this exposure to chaos, we hypothesized that lower-class individuals would perceive the world as more chaotic than higher-class individuals, with expectations of chaos in their future. We found a negative relation between social class and perceptions of chaos. Oswaldo Rosales1, Paul Piff1, Daniel Stancato1 1Univ. of California, Berkeley SESSION: A - OTHER GENERALIZATION AS A FUNCTION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTANCE In two experiments, we used a predictive learning task to test how generalization around S+ and discrimination between S+ and S- are affected by psychological distance, specifically temporal distance and hypotheticality. Results from both experiments showed that although learning was not affected by distance, generalization was. Hadar Ram1, Nira Liberman1 1Tel Aviv Univ. SESSION: A - OTHER POSTTRAUMATIC GROWTH AND REDEMPTION IN LIFE STORY NARRATIVES OF GEORGIAN SAMPLE: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF IDPS AND NON-IDP CITIZENS OF GEORGIA Researchers studied posttraumatic growth measured via self-report questionnaire and redemption as coded in life story narratives of IDPs and ordinary citizens of Georgia. Cross-cultural adaptation/validation of the inventory resulted in PTGI-Geo, which was administered to 100 participants. Researchers recorded and coded life story narratives for redemption sequence. Lili Khechuashvili1 1Tbilisi State Univ. SESSION: A - OTHER FEELING POWERFUL DECREASES THE USE OF BASE RATE INFORMATION IN PROBABILITY ESTIMATES Having more of less power can drastically impact how one attends to and processes information. In one experiment (n=100), we investigated how power affects individuals’ tendency to neglect the base rate in making estimates, finding that the powerful are neglect base rate information significantly more than less powerful individuals. Katie Van Loo1, Robert Rydell1 1Indiana Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 25 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - OTHER SAVE THE FOREST FOR THE NEW CENTURY, IN THE LOVING PLACE: PROMOTING FOREST PRESERVATION BY VIRTUE OF “FAR-FUTURE” GENERATION AND PLACE ATTACHMENT We predict that consideration of far-future generation and strong attachment to local areas promote positive attitudes towards forest preservation. 1 1 SESSION: KAZANE - KUWAHARA Nagoya University 1, , , , , , , , , , 1Igarashi SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION FACING POWER: PERCEPTUAL BIASES IN HOW POWERFUL AND POWERLESS PEOPLE VISUALIZE SUPERIORS AND SUBORDINATES The current work (N=171) uses reverse-correlation techniques to demonstrate that power influences how people visualize superiors and subordinates. Results support a role-matching hypothesis, such that faces of bosses generated by powerful people and faces of employees generated by powerless people are rated more favorably than the inverse. Jason Deska1, Jonathan Kunstman1, Emily Lloyd1, Kurt Hugenberg1 1Miami Univ. SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION THE ROLE OF VICARIOUS PERCEIVED PERSPECTIVE TAKING IN STUDENTS’ IMPRESSIONS OF TEACHERS In two studies, I examined how students get information about teachers through online rating websites and how the valence of online comments interacts with information about the ability of the teacher to take on the perspectives of students to affect ratings of empathy, liking, similarity, and self-other overlap. Leslie Zorwick1 1Hendrix College SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION DOES HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL DISRUPT THE ASSESSMENT OF MATE QUALITY THROUGH KISSING? Twelve blindfolded female college students kissed between four and seven blindfolded males for ten seconds. Females not using hormonal birth control showed significant positive correlations between the attractiveness of a kiss and attraction to the corresponding man in photographs. Females on hormonal birth control showed no such relationship. Francis McAndrew1, Zachary Lawrence1, Joseph Knutson1, Elizabeth King1, Victoria Klimaj1 1Knox College SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION RACE, FACIAL APPEARANCE AND PERCEIVED HOMOSEXUALITY: GENDER INVERSION HEURISTICS IN FIRST IMPRESSIONS Men with gender-inverted faces are likely to be judged gay. But whose faces look gender-atypical? We repeatedly found that men with high facial femininity, low Afrocentricity, and smiling facial expressions were most likely to be judged gay, and that this was especially true when the men in question were African-American. Christopher Petsko1, Galen Bodenhausen1 1Northwestern Univ. SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION PERCEPTIONS OF INCONSISTENCY IN IMPRESSION FORMATION: REVISITING THE RELATIONS BETWEEN WARMTH, COMPETENCE AND NEGATIVITY BIAS Perceptions of inconsistencies, rather than commonly employed judgment ratings, can offer new insights into impression formation phenomena. In an expectancy-violation paradigm, participants viewed warmth and competence as positively related and gave equal importance to expectancy-violating positive and negative information irrespective of the particular dimension. Skylar Brannon1, Dario Sacchi2, Bertram Gawronski1 1Univ. of Texas at Austin, 2Univ. of California, Davis 26 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION PARENTS’ IMPRESSIONS OF CHILDREN AND CHILD PHYSICAL ABUSE: A META-ANALYSIS The current research meta-analyzed the extant research comparing the impressions that abusive/high-risk-for-abuse parents and non-abusive/low-risk-for-abuse parents form about children. Overall, we found a reliable difference of about one third of one standard deviation in the hypothesized direction (k = 26 N = 1,497, d = 0.33, 95%CI [0.19, 0.47]). Randy McCarthy1, Michael Wagner1, Caicina Jones12, Francis McAndrew3 1Northern Illinois Univ., 20, 3 Knox College SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION DO PERCEIVERS CATEGORIZE FACES IN TERMS OF INTERSECTIONAL OR SUPERORDINATE IDENTITIES? Across two studies, participants sorted faces of White and Asian men and women into their race, gender, and intersectional categories. Participants categorized faces more efficiently into their single identities than intersectional identities, indicating a lack of support for intersectionality theory at the categorization stage of person perception. Samantha Snyder1, Jessica Remedios1 1Tufts Univ. SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION PERCEPTIONS OF INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS WHO ARE CONCERNED ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT Participants (N=180) provided perceptions about those who are labeled as “green” or as “environmentalists.” Results indicate these people are perceived as more knowledgeable, responsible, sensitive, caring, ambitious, active, assertive and environmentally aware. We also think of these words regarding these people: recycle, natural, green, tree hugger, environment and hippie. Dave Kolar1 1Univ. of Mary Washington SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION THE EFFECT OF RACE ON PERCEPTIONS OF FAT TALK AMONG COLLEGE WOMEN Researchers randomly assigned Caucasian undergraduate female participants (157) to read one of three vignettes describing a fat talk situation. The race of a primary target was identified as Caucasian, African American or not specified. Fat talk was perceived as more normative for a Caucasian than an African American female target. Crystal Thornhill1, Lisa Curtin2, Doris Bazzini2, Denise Martz2 1Purdue Univ., 2 Appalachian State Univ. SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION OBSERVERS DISLIKE EXPLICIT SELF-SUPERIORITY CLAIMS FROM IN-GROUP BUT NOT FROM OUTGROUP MEMBERS Observers dislike explicit self-superiority claims (“I am better than others”) more when these refer to the observer’s group than to another group, because such claims suggest that the claimant views the observer negatively. Claimants are thus evaluated based on how they supposedly view the observer rather than themselves. Carolien Van Damme1, Joke Claes1, Vera Hoorens1 1KU Leuven SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION UNLOCKING ANXIETY EXPRESSIONS IN AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS: A HUMAN AND COMPUTERIZED OBSERVATIONAL APPROACH TO THE ASSESSMENT OF ANXIETY AND PREDICTION OF BIOLOGICAL STRESS RESPONSES Here we compare observational ratings of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders to age-matched typically developing ones during experimentally-induced stress and validate the observations using self- and parent-report anxiety ratings and salivary cortisol. In addition, we test the validity of computerized facial emotion recognition. Aleksandra Kaurin1, Argyris Stringaris1, Emily Simonoff1, Mathew Hollocks1 1King’s College London SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 27 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION TRAITS, WHAT ARE THEY GOOD FOR?: FUNCTIONS AND AFFORDANCES OF PERCEIVING BIG FIVE PERSONALITY ATTRIBUTES Functionalist accounts of personality suggest that perceiving differences among others affords some benefit to perceivers (Srivastava, 2010). This study is aimed at uncovering specific functions of perceiving Big Five personality attributes. We discuss implications for studying the social functions of traits and the role of interpersonal perception in person-situation transactions. Cory Costello1, Sanjay Srivastava1 1Univ. of Oregon SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION SPONTANEOUS TRAIT AND GOAL INFERENCES: THE ROLE OF BEHAVIOR CONSISTENCY AND PERCEIVER’S MOTIVATION We showed that people implicitly make both trait and goal inferences from others’ behaviors when those behaviors are consistent over time. When no consistency information was provided, perceiver goals determined the type of inference made. Goal inferences were more robust than trait inferences under such conditions. Irmak Olcaysoy Okten1, Gordon Moskowitz1 1Lehigh Univ. SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION EFFECTS OF SELF-MONITORING ON PERCEIVED AUTHENTICITY IN DYADS The present study examines how a target’s level of self-monitoring influences perceptions of that target’s authenticity. Researchers analyzed Data using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model for indistinguishable dyads, and found that persons higher in the other-directness component of self-monitoring are perceived by their acquaintances as lower in authenticity. Jessica Stetler1, Lauren Hernandez1, Willie Hale1, Meghan Crabtree1, David Pillow1 1Univ. of Texas at San Antonio SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION COMPETENCE CAN EXPLAIN THE SURPRISING CREDIBILITY BOOST OF STRATEGIC LIARS In past work, strategic liars were perceived as more credible than people who provided false information because they were mixed up. In the current study, liars’ credibility advantage disappeared after equating competence across lying and mixed-up witnesses, suggesting that competence explains part of strategic liars’ credibility advantage. Bethany Lassetter1, Elizabeth Tenney2, Sara Hodges3 1Univ. of Iowa, 2Univ. of Utah, 3Univ. of Oregon SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION EXPECTANCY VIOLATION THEORY AND GENDER BIASES IN THE PERCEPTION OF PARENTAL ALIENATION We tested expectancy violation theory to see whether positive and negative (alienating) parenting behaviors would be rated as more acceptable for mothers or fathers to display. Although parental alienating behaviors were rated unacceptable by 228 parents using an on-line survey, they were more acceptable for mothers to exhibit than fathers. Jennifer Harman1, Zeynep Biringen1, Ellen Ratajack1, Pearl Outland1, Allyson Kraus1 1Colorado State Univ. SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION IMPROVING SCIENCE COMMUNICATION: THE EFFECTS OF IMPRESSION FORMATION ON PERCEPTIONS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH An impression formation study illustrated that people define “good” scientists as competent and moral, but less sociable and attractive, whereas they define “interesting” scientists as competent and attractive. In a subsequent reallife application, participants were more likely to choose a scientific communication (e.g., article, video) associated with an “interesting”-looking scientist. Ana Gheorghiu1, William Matthews2, Mitchell Callan1 1Univ. of Essex, 2Univ. of Cambridge 28 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION SPONTANEOUS TRAIT INFERENCES IN COMMUNION AND AGENCY DOMAINS Spontaneous trait inferences (STIs) are stronger for moral than agentic behaviors. Two experiments showed STIs on positive moral behaviors. The subsequent two experiments, based on process dissociation procedure, explain that this effect relates to automatic processing. The lack of STI effect for negative moral behaviors corresponds to controlled processing implying deliberative comprehension. Michal Klosowski1, Wieslaw Baryla1, Bogdan Wojciszke1 1Univ. of Social Sciences & Humanities SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION CONTINUOUS JUDGMENTS OF PERSONALITY: HOW AND WHEN WE MAKE JUDGMENTS OF EXTRAVERSION In an attempt to identify how and when perceivers make accurate judgments of target Extraversion, participants used a dial to generate continuous judgment estimates while viewing a videotaped target interaction. Aspects of the continuous judgment data indeed predicted the target’s actual standing on Extraversion. Andrew Beer1 1Univ. of South Carolina Upstate SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION A TEST OF ACCURACY IN JUDGING PERSONALITY FROM TEXT EXCERPTS This research describes a new test of accurately judging personality from short text excerpts (Assessing Personality from Text; APT). In six studies, researchers provided norms and correlations with perceivers’ gender, personality traits, interest in personality, empathy scores, cognitive ability, reading habits and accuracy on audiovisual tests of interpersonal judgment accuracy. Judith Hall1, Jin Goh1, Marianne Schmid Mast2 1Northeastern Univ., 2Univ. of Lausanne SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION THE INFLUENCE OF CATEGORICAL AND INDIVIDUATED PROCESSING ON THE ABILITY TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN TRUE AND FALSE SMILES IN AN INTERGROUP CONTEXT Researchers induced categorical or individuated processing in 93 non-Black participants, who then rated the happiness of White and Black faces with true and false smiles. Results demonstrated that participants in the categorical, but not individuated condition differentiated more between true and false smiles for White than Black faces. Regis Caprara1, Kerry Kawakami1, Justin Friesen2, Curtis Phills3, Amanda Williams4, 1York Univ., 2Univ. of Winnipeg, 3Univ. of North Florida, 4 Sheffield Hallam Univ. SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION YOU COMPLETE ME; I HOPE: HOW SELF-DISCREPANCIES GUIDE IMPRESSIONS OF POTENTIALMATES As people prefer mates who (a) are attractive and (b) possess their desired traits, we examined whether people would attribute their desired traits from which they were discrepant to attractive potential-mates. We found that people did attribute their discrepant traits to mates more when they considered those mates more attractive. J. Adam Randell1, Jeff Seger1, Robert Mather2, Daniel Smith1 1Cameron Univ., 2Univ. of Central Oklahoma SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION SMILE!: HOW FACIAL EXPRESSIONS INFLUENCE PERCEIVED TRAITS Using four independent samples (total N=381), we assessed how the perceived traits of criminality, maturity, intelligence, masculinity and attractiveness were influenced by whether photo targets (volunteers and convicted criminals) portrayed either a smile or a neutral facial expression. We discussed results, implications and future directions. Jason Trent1, Nicole Wilson1 1Hood College SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 29 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION “NO OFFENSE, BUT…”: EXAMINING THE IMPACT OF TEMPORAL ORDER ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DISCLAIMERS Participants listened to a recording when the disclaimer “no offense” was used either before or after a compliment, or not used at all. Results indicated that participants perceived the speaker as more rude and less liked when a disclaimer was used, especially when the disclaimer was mentioned after the compliment. Gregory Preuss1 1North Carolina Wesleyan College SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION YOU SAID I’D LOVE IT, BUT I DIDN’T…: FAILED RECOMMENDATIONS AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES FOR INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS This research aims to understand the psychology of recommendations. In a series of scenario studies, individuals give more critical and more honest feedback following disappointing recommendations than following disappointing gifts. People make equally negative inferences about how well their friends know them after failed recommendations and failed gifts. Kathleen Tomlin1, Leah Payne1 1Univ. of Colorado - Colorado Springs SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION HEAVY MATTERS: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN JUST NOTICEABLE DIFFERENCES IN PERCEPTIONS OF FACIAL ADIPOSITY AND FACIAL ATTRACTIVENESS Facial adiposity has great effects on social perceptions, including attractiveness and employment judgments. Here, we determined the change in body mass index (BMI) required to make people appear lighter, and separately, more attractive from their faces. These results have implications for social psychologists and individuals personally interested in weight change. Daniel Re1, Nicholas Rule1 1Univ. of Toronto SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION RACIAL AND GENDER AMBIGUOUS PERSON PERCEPTIONS MAY FUNCTION TO RESTORE THE BASIC NEED FOR CONTROL Ambiguous people challenge an orderly and structured world by undermining well-defined social categories. Consistent with the idea that people with higher personal control needs wish to impose order on their social world, two studies show that these individuals exhibit relatively fast heuristic face processing of racial and gender ambiguous faces. Alexandra Margevich1, Luis Rivera1 1Rutgers Univ. SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION DISADVANTAGES OF THE CORNER OFFICE: POWER, ATTRIBUTIONAL AMBIGUITY AND PERSON PERCEPTION Leaders may sometimes wonder, “Does positive feedback reflect subordinates’ true respect or merely ingratiation?” Compared to controls, we found that high-power participants discounted subordinates’ praise. Moreover, in the highpower condition, discounted praise mediated the relationship between power and perceptions of feedback, negative emotions and negative partner perceptions. Christina Fitzpatrick1, Jonathan Kunstman1, Pam Smith2 1Miami Univ., 2Univ. of California San Diego SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION CONCERNS ABOUT REPUTATION AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH PERSONALITY AND GOALS The goal of this study was to examine the relationship between concern over reputation and self-other agreement in personality characteristics and to explore aspects of everyday life that are related to concern over reputation. Outcomes in personality, self-other agreement, and situation-specific goals are discussed. Dylan Owsiany1, Ashley Bell Jones2, Nicolas Brown1, Ryne Sherman1 1Florida Atlantic Univ., 2Florida Atlantic Univesity 30 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION HOW DO WE THINK TURNING POINTS FOR OTHERS ARE FATED? THE ROLE OF COUNTERFACTUAL THOUGHT AND PERSPECTIVE TAKING IN MEANING-MAKING Previous research has found that counterfactuals help people make meaning out of turning points in their own lives. In this research, we examined fate perception about others by asking participants to undergo counterfactual thought from another person’s perspective and then report their perceptions of fate for the target person. Andrew Jordan1, Leslie Zorwick1 1Hendrix College SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE?: HOW DARK TRIAD PERSONALITY AFFECTS PERCEPTIONS OF DARK TRIAD CHARACTERS IN FILM AND TELEVISION The Dark Triad (DT) is composed of three subclinical personality traits: narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism. Participants completed a measure of DT and viewed film trailers with and without DT characters. High DT participants liked DT characters more and reported seeing themselves in DT characters more than low DT participants. Carrie Smith1, Timothy Davis1, Grace Snyder1 1Univ. of Mississippi SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS EXPLORING DEFINITIONS AND FEATURES OF STRONG SITUATIONS This study explored multiple approaches to quantifying situation strength and examined the features of situations that make them strong. Participants described their personalities, and research assistants provided ratings of participants’ situations and behavior in three lab-based interactions. Situations and features of situations both provide insights into situation strength. Patrick Morse1, David Funder1 1Univ. of California, Riverside SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS SELF-FOCUSED ATTENTION AND INTERPERSONAL CONSISTENCY OF SELF-COGNITION The present study examined the detailed process of self-focused attention’s effect on social adaptation, by focusing on the interpersonal consistency of self-cognition. The result suggested that self-rumination, which is maladaptive type of self-focused attention, impairs social adaptation by increasing interpersonal inconsistency of self-cognition. Miho Nakajima1, Yoshihiko Tanno1 1The Univ. of Tokyo SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS BENEFICIAL OR HARMFUL?: SOCIAL COMPARISON TENDENCIES AMONG GRANDIOSE AND VULNERABLE NARCISSISTS Grandiose narcissists use social comparisons in a self-enhancing way; do vulnerable narcissists do the same? When recalling recent social comparisons, grandiose narcissists made numerous positive self-evaluations and reported positive affect, whereas vulnerable narcissists made very few positive self-evaluations and reported negative affect. Researchers discuss implications and future directions. Ashley Brown1, Stephanie Freis1, Robert Arkin1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS SANDBAGGING AND THE SELF: LOWERING EXPECTATIONS AS AN EGO-PRESERVING STRATEGY The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between sandbagging and self-esteem, specifically by exploring the mediating role of narcissistic vulnerability and narcissistic grandiosity. We found both subscales fully mediated the relationship. Henry Ansah1, Joel Flores1, Thomas Mullins1, Michael Barnett1 1Univ. of North Texas SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS PERSONALITY TRAITS ASSOCIATED WITH PHILANTHROPIC GIVING Our study examined the personality factors associated with giving to a nonprofit organization. We surveyed 153 students at a Christian liberal arts college. The results indicated that personality, particularly emotional stability, introversion and neuroticism, were significant predictors of a willingness to give, or not to give, to a nonprofit organization. James Grandpre1, Steven Rouse1, Drew Hacker1 1Pepperdine Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 31 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS PERFECTIONISM AND MINDFULNESS: EFFECTIVENESS OF A BIBLIOTHERAPY INTERVENTION This study examined the effectiveness of a mindfulness-based bibliotherapy intervention to reduce perfectionism and associated distress via a randomized controlled trial that compared an intervention and wait-list control (WLC) group. Results hold positive implications for the treatment of maladaptive perfectionism and perceived stress via mindfulness-based approaches. Tessa Wimberley1 1Univ. of Florida SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS I MAY GET BURNED, BUT YOU’LL GET BURNED WORSE!: SPITEFULNESS PREDICTS INCREASED AGGRESSION IN A MODIFIED HOT SAUCE AGGRESSION PARADIGM The present study examined spitefulness in a modified hot sauce-aggression paradigm. Participants made a twominute personal video and received positive or negative feedback from their ostensible partner. Results revealed that individuals with higher levels of spitefulness behaved more aggressively than those with lower levels of spitefulness after receiving negative feedback. Ashton Southard1, Virgil Zeigler-Hill1 1Oakland Univ. SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS PSYCHOLOGICAL ENTITLEMENT, SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS AND EQUITY: WHEN YOU DESERVE BETTER TREATMENT THAN THE VERY BEST A manipulation of psychological entitlement increased perceptions of value relative to hypothetical high-performing co-workers. The manipulation had differential effects on student satisfaction responses as a function of participant socioeconomic status (SES). Researchers discussed entitlement’s basic connection to social comparison and the effect of priming entitlement among the wealthy. Randall Gordon1 1Univ. of Minnesota, Duluth SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL SUPPORT AS PREDICTORS OF HEALTH SYMPTOMS AMONG GAY MEN AND LESBIAN WOMEN Gay men and lesbian women have poor health compared to their heterosexual counterparts. This study examined social support and personality traits as predictors of health symptoms. Results indicated that neuroticism was the strongest predictor of health symptoms for both gay men and lesbian women, regardless of participants’ degree of support. Autumn Nanassy1, Jenna Harvey1, Michelle Dixon1, Charlotte Markey1, Christopher Nave1, Kristin August1 1Rutgers Univ. - Camden SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN BITTER TASTE PREFERENCES ARE ASSOCIATED WITH ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY TRAITS Two online studies demonstrated that bitter taste preferences are associated with antisocial personality traits, with the most robust relation to everyday sadism and psychopathy. The data thereby provide novel insights into the profound relationship between personality processes and the ubiquitous behaviors of eating and drinking. Christina Sagioglou1, Tobias Greitemeyer1 1Univ. of Innsbruck SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS DIFFERENT DEGREES OF HEAD INJURY AND PERSONALITY DISORDERS This study compares the scores on the clinical personality scales of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory – III among different head injury groups. Researchers observed significantly higher scores on the antisocial personality scale of the MCMI-III in the TBI group when compared to the no head injury group. Jeremy Feiger1, Heather McLernon1, Gianni Geraci1, Esther Kim1, Leidy Partida1, Jennifer Ostergren1, Robert Schug1 1California State Univ., Long Beach 32 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS OPPOSING ROLES OF GUILT- AND SHAME-PRONENESS IN TRAIT SELF-FORGIVENESS: A MOTIVATIONAL ANALYSIS We examined trait shame- and guilt-proneness in dispositional self-forgiveness. We meta-analyzed nine samples in Study 1; guilt-proneness positively predicted, and shame-proneness negatively predicted, self-forgiveness. Study 2 found these differences mediated by motivational dimensions of shame (withdrawal) and guilt (repair). Results support motivational models of shame and guilt in self-forgiveness. Thomas Carpenter1, Stefanie Tignor2, Jo-Ann Tsang1 1Baylor Univ., 2Northeastern Univ. SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS PERSONALITY TRAITS PREDICT OBSERVED PARENT-ADOLESCENT INTERACTIONS: AN OBSERVATIONAL STUDY USING MEXICAN ORIGIN FAMILIES We evaluated how personality traits predict observed interactions between Mexican Origin 7th graders (N = 674) and their parents. Adolescent Effortful Control and Aggressiveness predicted warmth and hostility expressed by both the adolescents and their parents. Parental Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism predicted observed warmth. D. Angus Clark1, M. Brent Donnellan2, Rand Conger3, Richard Robins3 1Michigan State Univ., 2Texas A & M Univ., 3Univ. of California, Davis SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A WHITE OR BLUE CHRISTMAS: THE ROLE OF VARYING TYPES OF PERFECTIONISM The present study examined need satisfaction as the underlying mechanism of the opposing effects of self-critical and personal standards perfectionism on students’ affect over the holidays. Results revealed need satisfaction is an important mediator of this phenomenon and highlighted the unique relation between personal standards perfectionism and competence and autonomy. Brenda Harvey1, Richard Koestner1, Nora Hope1, Anne Holding1 1McGill Univ. SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS MINDFULNESS AND STRESS APPRAISALS MEDIATE THE EFFECT OF NEUROTICISM ON PHYSICAL HEALTH Two studies examined the impact of mindfulness on the relation between neuroticism and physical health. Mindfulness was a significant partial mediator (but not moderator) of the neuroticism-health relation; researchers identified stress appraisals as a second (proximal) mediating mechanism. These studies support the role mindfulness plays linking neuroticism and negative outcomes. Ryan O’Loughlin1, James Fryer2 1Nazareth College, 2State Univ. of New York at Potsdam SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS BUT FIRST, LET ME TAKE A SELFIE: PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL NETWORKING BEHAVIOR The current experiment examined whether narcissism and self-esteem could predict the number of photographs posted to an individual’s social networking site (SNS). To test, participants completed questionnaires and their personal SNS was monitored for two weeks. Results suggest that narcissistic individuals post more photos than individuals with high self-esteem. Alexis Hingle1, Jennifer Joy-Gaba1, Charles Calderwood1 1Virginia Commonwealth Univ. SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS WANTING MORE THAN LIKING DRUGS IN DRUG ADDICTION IS ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED SENSATION-SEEKING Reward valuation is critical to personality theories. In an application to addiction, cocaine-addicted individuals, compared to healthy controls, reported more incentive motivation (wanting) than pleasure (liking) in drug rewards, especially when recalling an “under drug influence” situation, in positive correlation with sensation-seeking. Wanting>liking (including for) drugs could dispositionally enhance drug-seeking. Anita Kalaj1, Scott Moeller1, Rita Goldstein1 1Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 33 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS SHAPING PERSEVERANCE: EVIDENCE OF SHARED ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ON GRIT AND A TASKBASED MEASURE OF PERSISTENCE Can persistence be shaped? We report sizable shared environmental effects of persistence in a self-report measure from the Tennessee Twin Study (N=212) and a task-based measure from the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (N=12,686). Both studies show persistence has substantial shared environmental effects, implying that experience can shape the trait. Joyce Zhu1, S. Mason Garrison1, Joseph Rodgers1, David Zald1 1Vanderbilt Univ. SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS HUMILITY AS INTELLECTUAL VIRTUE: DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF AN INTELLECTUAL HUMILITY SCALE Using a virtue epistemological and philosophical theoretical basis, researchers developed and validated a new scale of intellectual humility. Across two studies, a model of three factors – limitations-owning, attentiveness to limitations and love of learning – best fit the 13-item measure of intellectual humility. Megan Haggard1, Joseph Leman1, Benjamin Meagher2, Wade Rowatt1 1Baylor Univ., 2Franklin & Marshall College SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS WHAT DOES HONESTY LOOK LIKE? A PERSONALITY PROFILE OF HONEST PEOPLE USING THE BIG FIVE FACETS Participants rated honest and dishonest people using the Big Five Factors; they perceived honest people to be higher on facets of Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Openness than dishonest people. Participants perceived dishonest people to be higher on Neuroticism than honest people. Results were consistent with selfgenerated descriptions of honest people. Kimberly Hardy1, Patrick Beach2, Stephen Crowley1, Jared Talley1, Sharlynn Thompson1 1Boise State Univ., 2Coastal Carolina Univ. SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS SELF-AWARENESS AND PERCEIVED LEADER EFFECTIVENESS We examined the impact of self-awareness on perceived leadership factors. We found that self-aware and humble people were perceived to be better leaders than overconfident people. We discuss implications for selection to and composition of leader development programs. Jordon Swain1, Victoria Brescoll1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS HEALTHY NEUROTICISM OR UNHEALTHY CONSCIENTIOUSNESS?: PERSONALITY PROCESSES AND LIFELONG MORTALITY RISK Relationships between conscientiousness, neuroticism and health have been extensively studied, but trait combinations have received little attention. We examined whether “healthy neuroticism” (high conscientiousness/high neuroticism) in childhood (1922) and adulthood (1940) was related to mortality in the lifespan Terman data (N=1528). Results have implications for lifelong personality pathways and processes. Katherine Duggan1, Howard Friedman1 1Univ. of California, Riverside SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS USING MULTIDIMENSIONAL ITEM RESPONSE MODELS AND DIFFERENTIAL ITEM FUNCTIONING TO EVALUATE THE AUTHENTIC AND HUBRISTIC TRAIT PRIDE SCALE This study used multidimensional item response models to assess the Authentic and Hubristic Pride scale. Results confirm a two-factor model of pride. Additionally, the study evaluated differential item functioning across gender and Asians and Caucasians. There were no differences in the items across ethnicity. Across gender, several items function differently. Pega Davoudzadeh1, Katherine Sorensen1, Joanne Chung2, Kevin Grimm3, Richard Robins1 1Univ. of California, Davis, 2Tilburg Univ., 3Arizona State Univ. 34 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS ‘LEANING IN’ DURING GROUP MEETINGS: DO WOMEN PREFER LOW-POWER SEATS? We tested Sandberg’s hypothesis: women sit away from the table because they lack self-esteem. Participants ranked their seating preference. Women preferred high-power seats less, and high Self-Esteem predicted power-seat choices, but women were not lower in Self-Esteem. This study of college students provides partial support for the ‘Lean-In’ hypothesis. Natalia Van Doren1, Jia Wei Zhang1, Oliver John1 1UC Berkeley SESSION: A - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIOSEXUAL ORIENTATION AND THE SITUATIONAL EIGHT DIAMONDS IN EVERYDAY SITUATIONS Does an individual’s sociosexual orientation affect how they think, feel, and behave in their daily situations? This poster presents results from a lifelogging study of situations. Multilevel model analysis revealed that participants who scored higher on the SOI tended to perceive more Mating in their everyday situations. Noadia Doirin1, Nicolas Brown1, Ryne Sherman1 1Florida Atlantic Univ. SESSION: A - PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/GENETICS BLUE GENES?: UNDERSTANDING AND MITIGATING NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES OF PERSONALIZED INFORMATION ABOUT GENETIC RISK FOR DEPRESSION Leading participants to believe they had tested positive for elevated genetic susceptibility to depression negatively affected their moods and confidence in their own ability to self-regulate depressive symptoms. However, psychoeducation intervention focused on the non-deterministic nature of genes’ effects on depression mitigated these negative consequences. Matthew Lebowitz1, Woo-kyoung Ahn1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: A - PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/GENETICS MY GENES MADE ME DRUNK: THE EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE TO A TEST OF ONE’S GENETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY TO ALCOHOLISM In a randomized experiment, researchers led participants to believe that they were / were not genetically susceptible to alcoholism. Results indicated that participants who learned they had the susceptibility allele showed predicted changes in affect, lower perceived personal control over drinking and heightened openness to interventions, among other findings. Ilan Dar-Nimrod1 1Univ. of Sydney SESSION: A - PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/GENETICS FEAR, ANGER AND DNA: THE ROLE OF EMOTION IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GENETIC INFORMATION PROVISION AND HEALTH BEHAVIOR INCLINATIONS Emotional influences may partially explain existing discrepancies in the relationship between genetic information and health behavior. Eight hundred and forty-seven overweight women received an emotion induction and either genomic or behavioral information about weight from a digital doctor. Women in a fear state who received genomic information exhibited reactions consistent with defensive processing. Susan Persky1, Rebecca Ferrer2, William Klein2 1National Human Genome Research Institute, 2National Cancer Institute SESSION: A - PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/GENETICS CAN UNHEALTHY BEHAVIORS AMPLIFY GENETIC DISEASE RISK?: THE MOTIVATIONAL IMPLICATIONS OF BELIEFS ABOUT GENE-BEHAVIOR INTERACTIONS IN HIGH-RISK FAMILIES Among 124 high-risk family members receiving melanoma genetic counseling, beliefs that genetic risk could be increased by unhealthy behaviors and decreased by healthy behaviors were endorsed more strongly than deterministic beliefs, remained high following genetic counseling, and predicted motivation to adhere to prevention and screening recommendations, particularly among mutation carriers. Lisa Aspinwall1, Tammy Stump1, Wendy Kohlmann2, Sancy Leachman3 1Univ. of Utah, 2Huntsman Cancer Institute, 3Oregon Health and Science Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 35 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/GENETICS CHILDHOOD MALTREATMENT AND A NEUROPEPTIDE Y POLYMORPHISM: THE MEDIATING ROLE OF COGNITIVE FLEXIBILITY ON DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS Among undergraduate students (N=120), researchers linked childhood maltreatment to depressive symptoms through cognitive flexibility. This relation was absent in the presence of a neuropeptide Y (NPY) polymorphism that increases NPY availability. The polymorphism might increase cognitive control processes, but also limits sensitivity to negative early-life physical and psychological abuse. Marc Bedard1, Robbie Woods1, Alicia Morton1, Jamie Wiley1, Hymie Anisman1 1Carleton Univ. SESSION: A - PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/GENETICS COORDINATION OF THE CORTISOL AND TESTOSTERONE RESPONSES: A DUAL AXIS APPROACH TO UNDERSTANDING THE RESPONSE TO SOCIAL STATUS THREATS Participants performed tasks in front of evaluators. Within-person analyses suggested cortisol and testosterone rise and fall together (coupling). Men with higher anxiety and boys/girls with higher parent-reported negative affectivity had stronger coupling. A coordinated hormone response may be part of an evolved system, responding to threats to social status. Maria Lechtreck1, Wesley Browning1, Jennifer Tackett2, Bulent Turan1 1Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham, 2Univ. of Houston SESSION: A - PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/GENETICS CHILDHOOD MALTREATMENT AND THE BDNF VAL66MET POLYMORPHISM: RELATIONS TO SOCIAL PERCEPTIONS AND DEPRESSION Social support, multiple group membership and identity all mediated the relationship between maltreatment and depression. However, the Val66Met polymorphism on the BDNF gene moderated the relationship between social support and depressive symptoms, such that this relationship was stronger among Val/Val carriers. Robbie Woods1, Marc Bedard1, Aaron Lorenz1, Kim Matheson1, Hymie Anisman1 1Carleton Univ. SESSION: A - PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/GENETICS EXAMINING CROSS-CLASS INTERACTIONS USING THE BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL MODEL OF CHALLENGE AND THREAT In this study, individuals of low-SES background who completed a Remote Associates Test (RAT) with a high-SES partner exhibited cardiovascular reactivity consistent with the threat index of the biopsychosocial model of challenge and threat. These results are suggestive of health detriments in low-SES individuals in a high-SES context. Stephen Anderson1, Ryan Pickering1, Shannon McCoy2 1Allegheny College, 2Univ. of Maine SESSION: A - PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/GENETICS USING THE BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL MODEL OF THREAT AND CHALLENGE TO UNDERSTAND THE OCCURRENCE OF PLACEBO EFFECTS Can the Biopsychosocial Model (BPS) of Threat and Challenge explain the occurrence of placebo effects? Consistent with this model, during a difficult performance task, participants given a positively framed placebo expectation displayed a challenge response, whereas those given a negatively framed placebo expectation or no expectation displayed a threat response. Fawn Caplandies1, Andrew Geers1, Jason Levine1, Ceara Hershberger1, Marissa Arite1, Emaleigh Miranda1, Diana Eby1 1Univ. of Toledo SESSION: A - PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/GENETICS EVALUATING THE EFFECTS OF A PRE-GENETIC CANCER RISK ASSESSMENT TELEPHONE INTERVENTION ON ANXIETY AND CANCER GENETICS KNOWLEDGE The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a change in anxiety and cancer genetics knowledge (CGK) among participants who received a pre- genetic counseling risk assessment telephone intervention. Results showed a negative correlation between CGK and anxiety. Researchers did not observe significant differences among all three interventions. Tanya Chavez1, Kai Yang1, Bita Nehoray1, Charité Ricker2, Gloria Nuñez1, Dina Arreola1, Veronica Villarreal3, Ivan Balán, Mariana Niell-Swiller1, Kimlin Ashing1, Nancy Feldman3 1City of Hope, 2USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, 3Olive View Medical Center, 4 Columbia Univ. 36 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/GENETICS PSYCHOPATHIC TRAITS AND PREFRONTAL CORTICAL ACTIVITY: A TEST OF THE INTERHEMISPHERIC IMBALANCE HYPOTHESIS We tested the interhemispheric imbalance hypothesis of psychopathy using electroencephalography (EEG). Our results show that greater relative left frontal EEG asymmetry was associated with disinhibition, but not with meanness or boldness. These results are consistent with the possibility that disinhibition may be associated with an interhemispheric imbalance in neural activity. Chelsea Southard1, Alexa Tullett2, Martin Sellbom3, Andrea Glenn1, Brett Grant1 1Univ. of Alabama, 2Univ. of Toronto, 3Australian National Univ. SESSION: A - PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/GENETICS ACADEMIC RISK TAKING BUFFERS EFFECTS OF STIGMA FOR WOMEN IN STEM In science and engineering, women are stigmatized and underrepresented. Academic risk taking has been shown to increase academic achievement and identity, which may buffer negative effects of stigma. The present results show that higher perceived sexism and stereotype threat predict self-reported and physiological threat among those with lower risk taking. Zachary Petzel1, Bettina Casad1 1Univ. of Missouri - St. Louis SESSION: A - PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/GENETICS NATURE, NURTURE OR BOTH?: BELIEFS ABOUT GENETIC ATTRIBUTIONS ACROSS DISORDERS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL TRAITS We evaluated the extent to which people believe that genetics, behavior and environment contribute to sixty-six conditions representing a variety of disorders, personality traits, behaviors, abilities and physiological attributes. As mean genetic attributions increased, perceived medication efficacy also increased, but perceived behavioral efficacy, physical health and health interest all decreased. Bradley Turnwald1, Alia Crum1, Carol Dweck1 1Stanford Univ. SESSION: A - PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/GENETICS RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LEVELS OF RUMINATION AND PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL STRESS RESPONSE Can rumination personality factor describing the degree to which individuals compulsively focus on one’s distress predict physiological response to an acute laboratory stressor? Results demonstrate that high levels of rumination interact with pharmacological manipulation (propranolol and dexamethasone) to produce a dampened stress response to a public speaking and mental math challenge only for women. Zaijia Liu1, Ellie Jin2, Robert Josephs2 1Columbia Univ., 2The Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY SELF AND SOCIAL IDENTITY CHARACTERISTICS ASSOCIATED WITH SEXUAL MINORITIES’ IDENTITY MISCLASSIFICATION Three hundred and fifty-eight sexual minorities participated in a study that demonstrated the frequency with which they are mistaken as “straight” was negatively associated with stereotypicality, outness, sexual identity and the need to belong to the LGBT community. Participants positively associated felt devaluation with stereotypicality, outness, sexual identity and the need to belong. Kevin McLemore1 1Univ. of California, Davis SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY DO IMPLICIT AVOIDANCE OF IWM MODULATE THE SELF-PRIME EFFECT ON ATTACHMENT LEXICON PROCESSING? Using an implicit measure (Fujii et al., 2015) of the internal working model (IWM) of attachment (anxiety and avoidance) and a go/no-go association task, we examined whether IWM avoidance modulates self-prime’s effect on attachment lexicon processing. We found that with high avoidance, emotional interactions between self and others were inhibited. HISASHI Uebuchi1, Taiki Matsumura1, May Takahashi1, Yuri Kawamura1, Marie Uebuchi2 1Tokyo Gakugei Univ., 2Kyoritsu Women’s Junior College SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 37 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY THE TEMPORAL SIZE OF THE SELF INCREASES WITH AGE Research suggests that people sometimes think about distant future selves as if they were other people. A study of 604 adults aged 18-73 finds that the “temporal size of the self” – the window of time around the present that strikes us as “me” – increases in size with age. Christina Starmans1, David Rand1, Paul Bloom1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY DOES DEVELOPMENTAL PERIOD INTERACT WITH MULTICULTURAL IDENTITY INTEGRATION IN THE PREDICTION OF WELLBEING? The objective of this study was to examine if multicultural identity integration interacted with the developmental period when predicting wellbeing. Multicultural individuals reported their age, identity integration and wellbeing in an online questionnaire. A 2 X 3 ANOVA captured significant interactions between identity integration and developmental period when predicting wellbeing. Melisa Arias-Valenzuela1, Catherine Amiot1 1Université du Québec à Montréal SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY A WONDERFUL READ: READING LITERATURE PREDICTS ENHANCED TRUE SELF-KNOWLEDGE AND WELLBEING The current research examined how reading is associated with a sense of knowing one’s true self and happiness. In two correlational studies, we found that the self-reported reading frequency significantly predicted enhanced true selfknowledge and subjective wellbeing above and beyond other relevant variables such as purpose in life. Jinhyung Kim1, Joshua Hicks1, Rebecca Schlegel1, Amy Arndt1 A&M Univ. 1Texas SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY BASKING IN REFLECTED TRAGEDY Basking in Reflected Glory (Cialdini, 1976) describes people’s tendency to associate themselves with others’ success. Interestingly, another way by which individuals may bolster their self-image is by associating themselves with tragedies, or Basking in Reflected Tragedy (BIRT). The current research provides the first empirical demonstration of BIRT. Naomi Grant1, Joy Hodgson1, Kelsie Moore1 1Mount Royal Univ. SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY DOES SELF EQUAL VALUE? AN FMRI STUDY ON THE NEURAL DISTINCTION OF SELF- AND VALUERELATED PROCESSING IN VMPFC Humans favor self-related entities and use themselves as referents when ascribing value. Overlap between self- and value-related processing in the brain begs the question: are self and value related but separate concepts, or inherently overlapping? We report fMRI evidence for the former and discuss implications for preferences and choice behavior. Christin Scholz1, Nicole Cooper1, Emily Falk1 1Univ. of Pennsylvania SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY APPROPRIATING IDENTITY: SATISFYING DIFFERENTIATION AND BELONGINGNESS NEEDS BY ADOPTING OUTGROUP SYMBOLS Outgroup members routinely adopt symbolic representations of group identity to self-enhance. After confirming group symbols convey trait information (Study 1), we demonstrated that compared to desires for differentiation, a heightened need to belong motivated Asian women to adopt and publicly use White identity symbols (Study 2). Mark Kurai1, Erica Li1, Alison Ledgerwood1 1Univ. of California, Davis SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY SELF-SEXUALIZATION OF YOUNG WOMEN: A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY American and South Korean women read a fictional article that either endorsed female empowerment via selfsexualization or via intellectualism. Korean women preferred the sexualization article (p = .02), and both samples correlated endorsement of the sexualization article with both self-objectification and with sexism (ps = .03). Wind Goodfriend1, Stephanie Anders1 1Buena Vista Univ. 38 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY USING SELF- AND GROUP-AFFIRMATIONS TO DIFFERENTIATE THE INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIAL SELVES WITHIN THE SELF-SYSTEM We examined White Americans’ prejudice after self- or group-affirmation using values or traits. Only value selfaffirmations reduced prejudice, whereas value and trait group-affirmations reduced prejudice for strongly identified group members. We propose that group-affirmations directly assuage group-level needs, suggesting the social self is a system unique from the individual self. Adrian J. Villicana1, Donna Garcia2 1Univ. of Kansas, 2California State Univ. San Bernardino SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY THE EFFECT OF EXPRESSIVE WRITING ABOUT PAST EVENT FOR HEALTH, MOOD, WORKING MEMORY AND DISCREPANCY BETWEEN REAL- SELF AND POSSIBLE SELVES This research examined the effect of expressive writing for health, mood, working memory and discrepancy between real-self and possible selves. Researchers randombly assigned participants to write about their negative past event, positive past event, or control topic for 15 minutes for three times. Yuna Ishiyama1, Naoto Suzuki1 1Doshisha Univ. SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY ARE YOU WARM OR ARE YOU COLD?: SELF-PRESENTATION AS A FUNCTION OF CLOSENESS AND PERCEPTIONS OF INTERACTION PARTNER Two hundred and two participants completed measures of self-presentational behaviors and personas, closeness and positive and negative characteristics in the interaction partner concerning six different interactions partners. Results revealed significant interactions between closeness and positive characteristics in predicting self-presentational behaviors, and between closeness and negative characteristics in predicting self-presentational personas. Camilla Øverup1 1Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY GAINING KNOWLEDGE INCREASES CLAIMS OF INVENTED KNOWLEDGE When do people claim knowledge of concepts and terms that are entirely invented? We find that this overclaiming behavior increases as people gain true knowledge in the relevant domain. At the end (vs. beginning) of the semester, students overclaimed more knowledge of invented course-related concepts, but not of course-unrelated concepts. Stav Atir1, Emily Rosenzweig2, David Dunning3 1Cornell Univ., 2Tulane Univ., 3Univ. of Michigan SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY SELF-COMPASSION AS A UNIQUE CONSTRUCT: IS SELF-COMPASSION GREATER THAN ITS PARTS? Researchers combined multiple studies to explore the explanatory power of self-compassion on self-esteem and several emotions. Hierarchical linear regressions suggest that self-compassion may have unique predictive ability above its individual components for self-esteem and positive emotions. However, there is little evidence that selfcompassion uniquely predicts negative emotions. Jennifer Barton1, Ashley Allen2 1Univ. of North Florida, 2Univ. of North Carolina at Pembroke SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY SELF-PERCEIVED AUTHENTICITY IS CONTAMINATED BY THE VALENCE OF BEHAVIOR Two studies tested whether people judge their positive actions as more authentic than their negative actions. Results showed that people’s judgments of the authenticity of their behavior are contaminated with their perceptions of the valence of their behavior even when the objective authenticity of the behavior is held constant. Katrina Jongman-Sereno1, Mark Leary1 1Duke Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 39 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY SORORITY RECRUITMENT AND THE SELF-CONCEPT: INCLUDING SORORITIES INTO THE SELF HAS POSITIVE EFFECTS ON HAPPINESS AND SELF-CONCEPT CLARITY Researchers tested fifty-eight college women participating in sorority recruitment before and after joining a sorority. There was a greater change over time in how much women included the sorority they joined into their self-concept compared to the others. The more they did this, the greater their happiness and self-concept clarity. Stephanie Richman1, Louis Friello Jr.1, Kayleigh Gill1, Lydia Moss1 1Westminster College SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY EMBODIED COGNITION AND POWER: THE EFFECTS OF EMBODIED HIGH HEELS AND POWER PRIMES Two studies explored the effects a mimicked high heel posture would have on women. Analysis revealed that the mimicked posture had differential effects based upon the situation given to the participant. Researchers saw mitigating effects for negative variables for women mimicking the posture while primed to feel powerless. Travis Crone1 1Univ. of Houston-Downtown SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY MEANINGFUL VARIATIONS ON THE BETTER-THAN-AVERAGE EFFECT IN INDIA People evaluate themselves, on various dimensions, as superior to most others. In India, which values modesty, I found that this Better-Than-Average Effect (BTAE) varies meaningfully for character traits, but not for competence traits, even when Indians were made to feel superior on these dimensions. This establishes that BTAE is culturally bounded. Ashwini Ashokkumar1, Kai Qin Chan1 1Ashoka Univ. SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY SELF-COMPASSION: AN EXISTENTIAL EXPLORATION This study examines the relationships self-compassion shares with existential anxiety and implicit self-esteem. We hypothesized that self-compassion would be negatively correlated with existential anxiety and positively correlated with implicit self-esteem. Researchers found a significant negative relationship between self-compassion and existential anxiety, and no relationship with implicit self-esteem. Roberto De La Rosa1, Dev Ashish1, Alfred Kaszniak1 1The Univ. of Arizona SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY SELF-TRANSCENDENCE AS A PSYCHOLOGICAL PARENTHOOD MOTIVE: WHEN MORTALITY SALIENCE INCREASES THE DESIRE FOR ADOPTED OFFSPRING Mortality salience increases desire for offspring. In line with terror management theory, Study 1 shows that mortality salience increases self-transcendence (but not other) parenthood motivations. Further, mortality salience increases willingness to adopt if transcendence by nurture seems likely (Study 2) or biological reproduction seems impossible (Study 3). Annedore Hoppe1, Immo Fritsche1, Nicolas Koranyi2 1Univ. of Leipzig, 2Univ. of Jena SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY SOCIAL IDENTITY, NETWORK PERCEPTIONS AND BELONGING Resources and opportunities flow through a social network depending on the connections that are perceived, then mobilized, between contacts. The present research examines how experiences with racial stigmatization affect perceptions of a social network’s structure (i.e., degree of interconnection among contacts) and subsequent feelings of belonging in an academic context. Kyonne-Joy Isaac1, Adam Pearson2, Stacey Sinclair1 1Princeton Univ., 2Pomona College SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY SELF-COMPASSION AND WELLBEING IN OLDER ADULTHOOD In a study of older adults, researchers explored the association between self-compassion, wellbeing and physical health. Self-compassion buffered the effects of perceived stress and health stressors on depressive symptoms. These findings highlight a psychological mechanism of successful aging that could be targeted in clinical interventions. Sarah Liu1, Carsten Wrosch1 1Concordia Univ. 40 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY ONE OR THE OTHER: SELF-PRESENTATION, IDENTITY AND INCLUSION OF WOMEN IN STEM Two studies investigated the relationship between multiple identity components and strategic self-presentation among women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Both female STEM professionals (Study 1) and undergraduate STEM majors (Study 2) were found to shift their self-presentation styles based on situational context and audience composition. Alexandra Garr-Schultz1, Wendi Gardner1 1Northwestern Univ. SESSION: A - SELF/IDENTITY INSTAGRAM, SNAPCHAT, AND TWITTER ADDICTION: THE EFFECT OF HIGHER USAGE ON RELATIONSHIP AND ACADEMIC SATISFACTION The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the amount of time spent on social media and relationship satisfaction, GPA, academic satisfaction, and self-presentation tactics (e.g., taking many photos to achieve the perfect selfie). Pamela El Gergi1 1Nevada State College SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION WHAT I DO MATTERS: LOCUS OF CONTROL AND HEALTH-RELATED BEHAVIORS IN COLLEGE STUDENTS The current study sought to assess the influence of locus of control induction on health-related behaviors during a student’s freshman year. Researchers assessed immediate and longer-term health-related behavior changes using behavioral and self-report data. Results suggest interesting connections between locus of control induction and changes in health-related behaviors. Cheryl Welch1, Jaime Kurtz1 1James Madison Univ. SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION SELF-REGULATION AND WORKING MEMORY CAPACITY: HOW WORKING MEMORY CAPACITY MODERATES THE EFFECTS OF EGO DEPLETION We examined the effects of working memory capacity (WMC) on self-regulation following ego depletion in 107 Japanese undergraduate students. High (vs. low) WMC participants performed better on an error detection task in both ego depletion and control conditions. There was no significant effect of WMC on self-regulation following ego depletion. Ayano Yoshida1 1Tohoku Fukushi Univ. SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION A BRIEF MINDFULNESS TRAINING PREVENTS NEGATIVE AFFECT AND FOOD CRAVING How does mindfulness work to increase wellbeing? In three experiments, researchers trained participants to adopt the perspective that thoughts are transient mental events (“decentering”). This prevented negative affect and food craving in response to unpleasant memories and tempting snacks, suggesting that “decentering” is a crucial component for mindfulness effects. Mike Keesman1, Esther Papies1, Henk Aarts1, Michael Häfner 2 1Utrecht Univ., 2Berlin Univ. of the Arts SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION VALENCE WEIGHTING TENDENCIES AND SELF-CONTROL We examined the relation between individual differences in the weighting of positive versus negative valence. We assessed these differences via a performance-based measure of individuals’ attitude generalization tendencies, and self-control. These were operationalized both as responses on a self-report trait measure and as performance on a behavioral task that required exercising self-control. Peter Zunick1, Aaron Hatchett1, Russell Fazio1 1The Ohio State Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 41 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION TOO TIRED FOR A REWARD: INTENSE DEPLETION INHIBITS REWARD SENSITIVITY We present an experiment designed to study whether heightened need to conserve energy following severe depletion can actively inhibit reward seeking tendencies. We found that, when observing images depicting potential rewards, pupils of participants who engaged two, rather than one, depleting tasks were less dilated, thus indicating reduced interest. Mauro Giacomantonio1, Jennifer Jordan2, Bob Fennis2 1Univ. of Rome “Sapienza”, 2Univ. of Groningen SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION STRATEGICALLY HIDING HIGH SELF-CONTROL TO AVOID HURTING OTHERS Despite high self-control being a nearly universally valued social characteristic, we find that people hide high selfcontrol from low self-control friends (especially low self-esteem ones) to try to protect their friends’ feelings. If unable to hide self-control behaviors from such friends, people are less likely to engage in self-control behaviors. Peggy Liu1, Stephanie Lin2 1Duke Univ., 2Stanford Univ. SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION MAKING PREDICTIONS ABOUT FUTURE SELF-CONTROL: THE ROLE OF CONCRETE AND ABSTRACT MINDSETS ON PREDICTIONS An experiment examined whether concrete (vs. abstract) mindsets lead to less optimistic predictions about future selfcontrol. Participants in a concrete mindset thought self-control would be more difficult in the future than participants in an abstract mindset, suggesting that optimism about future self-control may be reduced by a concrete mindset. Julie Delose1, Michelle vanDellen2 1Univ. of Georgia, 2Unviversity of Georgia SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION YOU’RE NOT YOURSELF WHEN YOU’RE DEPLETED: EGO DEPLETION AND GLUCOSE IN FOOD CRAVINGS This study found that individuals in a state of depletion, resulting from a diminished self-control resource after completing a self-control act, craved foods that supply more glucose than those who were not depleted. These cravings were also more intense for those who were depleted as well. Sarah Lee1, Jana Hackathorn1 1Murray State Univ. SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION “WANT-TO”DESIRES AND “HAVE-TO” DESIRES IN EVERYDAY LIFE: INVESTIGATING FREQUENCY, INTENSITY AND CONSEQUENCES Desires, which are soley based on impulses, may be experienced as something you want to do. However, at times, they accompany senses of obligation and are experienced as something you have to do. An experience sampling survey revealed distinctive patterns concerning the daily experience of these two types of desires. Yuka Ozaki1, Takayuki Goto2, Takumi Kuraya1, Michihiro Kaneko1, Mayuka Minato1, Gaku Kutsuzawa1 1Toyo Univ., 2Kyoto Univ. SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION THE INFLUENCE OF PEOPLE’S BELIEFS ON THE EFFECTIVE SELF-CONTROL AGAINST EVERYDAY TEMPTATIONS In the present two studies, researchers examined participants’ self-control against everyday temptations using a dessert menu paradigm. The results provide evidence that participants’ mindset and their belief about ways of overcoming temptations can influence the effectiveness of their self-control, as evidenced in their choice of desserts. Su Hean Park1, James Shah1 1Duke Univ. 42 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION DO RESIDENTIAL MOBILITY AND MOTIVES FOR ACTIVITIES AFFECT REGULATORY FOCUS?: AN INDIVIDUAL- AND REGIONAL-LEVEL PERSPECTIVES This study examined whether residential mobility at the individual and regional levels and motives for activities predict regulatory focus. Results showed individual residential mobility was negatively associated with prevention focus in the mobile region. Furthermore, results postively associated pleasure and eudaimonia with prevention focus regardless of regional residential mobility. Ryosuke Asano1 1Hamamatsu Univ. School of Medicine SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION SELF-REGULATION AND IMPLICIT THEORIES OF WRITING ABILITY AND WILLPOWER: THE IMPORTANCE OF THE AMOUNT OF REVISION NEEDED This study found that students’ reactions to feedback on a paper draft depend on both students’ implicit theories and the extent to which the paper needs substantial revision. Whether implicit theories of ability or willpower are most relevant depends on whether the paper is pretty good or requires substantial revision. Brian Smith1, Sal Meyers2 1Graceland Univ., 2Simpson College SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION RESOURCE-DEPLETION: OUTCOME OF FAILED ENERGY MANAGEMENT OR ADAPTIVE EMOTION? Motivational explanations of “resource depletion” have increased in popularity. This study tested a motivational theory that predicts that “depleted” participants should perform better than non-depleted participants on rewarded trials of cognitive control tasks. Contrary to this prediction, rewards had a greater influence on control participants, supporting a depleted capacity theory. Curtis Von Gunten1, Bruce Bartholow1 1Univ. of Missouri SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION DEPLETION AND BAS INTERACTIVELY PREDICT MOUSE TRAJECTORIES IN RESPONDING TO TEMPTATION OBJECTS In a mouse-tracking paradigm, researchers tracked and analyzed participants’ mouse trajectories for temptation and non-temptation objects. Relative to non-temptation objects, participants’ mouse deviation for (an impulse to partake in) temptation objects was negatively predicted by BAS in the non-depletion condition, but positively predicted by BAS in the depletion condition. Lile Jia1, Shaun Zhixian Ang1, Xuewen Huang1, Shermaine Yun Jie Chionh1 1National Univ. of Singapore SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION STATES OF SELF-CONTROL: REGIONAL DIFFERENCES IN TWO DIMENSIONS OF SELF-REGULATION We examined if self-control exists at a broad social-level. We used a variety of behaviors measured at the level of U.S. states to create inhibitory and initiatory indices of self-control. These indices uniquely predicted various outcomes. This study represents the first attempt to model self-control at a social level. Matthew Findley1, Ryan Brown2 1Austin College, 2The Univ. of Oklahoma SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION POST-TRANSGRESSIONS: VICTIMS’ RESPONSES AFFECT TRANSGRESSORS’ SELF-CONTROL This study examined if the way victims responded to transgressions would differentially affect transgressors’ selfcontrol. As predicted, victims’ post-transgression responses did differentially impact self-control such that unforgiving responses led to less self-control capacity than forgiving responses. Joshua Guilfoyle1, Elizabeth van Monsjou1, Ward Struthers1, Eghbali Nikan2 1York Univ., 2York Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 43 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION BIOLOGICAL UNDERPINNINGS OF SELF-CONTROL: GLUCOSE AND ADENOSINE One byproduct of glucose metabolism, and thus another potential biological factor underlying self-control, is adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Using caffeine, an antagonist of adenosine, we test this with two self-control tasks. Our findings support the glucose theory of self-control and suggest that adenosine may be the self-control depletion signal. Heather Maranges1, Roy Baumeister2 1Florida State Univ., 2Florida Stat Univ. SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION MINDFULNESS, SELF-REGULATORY CAPACITY AND REGULATION OF HEALTH BEHAVIORS The current study examined whether the benefits of mindfulness (induced via meditation) following cognitive depletion extend to health behaviors (indexed by temptation resistance). As hypothesized, participants who meditated ate significantly fewer of a tempting food option: cookies. Researchers explored several mediators, including blood glucose level. Whitney Heppner1, Elizabeth McCrary2 1Georgia College, 2Western Kentucky Univ. SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION SELF-REGULATION OF APPEARANCE-BASED SOCIAL COMPARISONS If-then plans geared at ignoring the focal dimension of social comparison (appearance) abolished the characteristic impact of exposure to attractive targets on body satisfaction in the lab (Study 1, N=124) and the impact of dispositional tendencies for upward social comparisons on body satisfaction in the field (Study 2, N=50). Paschal Sheeran1, Hariet Baird2 1UNC Chapel Hill, 2Univ. of Sheffield SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION “HOW” TO PUSH THROUGH: CONCRETENESS INCREASES PERFORMANCE AND NEURAL MARKER OF APPROACH MOTIVATION FOR ANXIOUS PEOPLE A concrete construal manipulation interacted with trait anxiety (BIS) to predict neural markers of approach motivation (left frontal asymmetry) and handgrip squeeze performance (n= 117). Researchers manipulated concrete construal using a how vs. why thought task. Results suggest concreteness is motivating and improves performance for high BIS individuals. Alexander Tran1, Ian McGregor1 1Univ. of Waterloo SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION MECHANISMS OF SELF-CONTROL: SENSITIVITY TO MEANS RELATES TO HIGH SELF-CONTROL In a single study, participants’ chronic self control was found to relate to their sensitivity to the potential helpfulness of means for their work, social and health goals, as well as their sensitivity to how little help non-means would be for pursuing these same goals. Mallory Roman1, James Shah1 1Duke Univ. SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION THE COGNITIVE CONSEQUENCES OF MOVING: THE EFFECTS OF A RESIDENTIALLY MOBILE MINDSET ON SELF-CONTROL AND THE NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE TO ERRORS Residential mobility induces anxiety, loneliness and stress. These variables have each been linked to self-control, but research has not explored the relationship between residential mobility and self-control. In two studies, we found that a mobile mindset heightens self-regulation and the neurophysiological response to error monitoring (the error-related negativity). Brandon Ng1, James Morris1, Shigehiro Oishi1 1Univ. of Virginia 44 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN COMPASSIONATE GOALS AND SELF-REGULATION The current study examined the relationship between compassionate goals and self-regulation. The results showed that compassionate goals predicted less self-regulation failure for students who had high self-regulatory demands, which suggests that being constructive and supportive toward others may facilitate one’s self-regulation when his/her energy resource is low. Tao Jiang1, Jennifer Crocker1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION USING SELF-REGULATION TO OVERCOME THE EFFECTS OF LOW POWER IN NEGOTIATIONS Low power leads to poor outcomes in negotiations. This research shows that making if-then plans helps to overcome these detrimental effects. Low power negotiators who had formed if-then plans reached higher individual gains and conceded less than low power negotiators without self-regulatory aid in both face-to-face- and computer-mediated negotiations. Andreas Jäger1, David Loschelder1, Malte Friese1 1Saarland Univ. SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION ON THE FIRST, I’LL BE BETTER: DELAYING GOAL PURSUIT UNTIL A FRESH START In six experiments, people were more optimistic about initiating future goal pursuit on a day that designated a new beginning (e.g., Tuesday, 6/1 presented as “June 1st” vs. “next Tuesday”). Consequently, anticipated “fresh starts” led to later initiation plans, resulting in costly missed opportunities to begin earlier. Marie Hennecke1, Benjamin Converse2 1Univ. of Zurich, 2Univ. of Virginia SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION EFFECTS OF SELF-CONTROL ON LEVEL OF CONSTRUAL We examined whether a successful act of self-control, operationalized as performing an incongruent trial of the Stroop task, affects level of construal, as operationalized in the Navon task. Our findings suggest that exerting self-control enhances global processing. This new view on self-control may further the scope of understanding self-control. Britt Hadar1, Nira Liberman1, Lilach Shalev1 1Tel Aviv Univ. SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION SELF-REGULATORY DEPLETION ENHANCES SOCIAL REWARD FOR EXTRAVERTS This study demonstrated that self-regulatory depletion increases social reward, as measured by likeability ratings of happy and neutral faces. Trait extraversion moderated the effect of depletion on ratings, such that extraverts rated happy faces higher following depletion, but introverts did not. Andrea Worsham-Courtney1, Todd Heatherton1, William Kelley1 1Dartmouth College SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION PREFRONTAL MEDIATORS OF DELAY ABILITY AND BODY MASS INDEX This fMRI study examined how delay ability impacts children’s health. Delay ability predicted lower body mass, but lateral prefrontal recruitment during regulation of craving mediated this effect. Thus, delay ability’s effects on health are supported by prefrontal control circuitry. Jennifer Silvers1, B. J. Casey2, Kevin Ochsner1, Walter Mischel1 1Columbia Univ., 2Weill Cornell Medical College SESSION: A - SELF-REGULATION BEYOND MISCHEL’S MARSHMALLOWS: HOW HABITS UNDERMINE SELF-REGULATORY SUCCESS Self-control dilemmas have traditionally been viewed as a struggle to behave in one’s long-term best interest while resisting short-term temptations. The current two studies demonstrated that habit cuing is often the culprit in failures to change behavior, and yet participants lacked insight into this process and instead made volitional attributions. Jennifer Labrecque1, Wendy Wood1 1Univ. of Southern California SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 45 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE WITH AND RESPONSES TO CYBERBULLYING: A COMPARISON OF RESPONSES FROM ADOLESCENTS AND THEIR PARENTS Adolescents and their parents favored ignoring a cyberbully over other potential responses. The mothers indicated they would encourage their adolescents to seek advice about how to deal with a cyberbully from their mother, father and teachers more than the adolescents anticipated seeking advice from these individuals. Tucker Jones1, Mark Barnett1, Taylor Wadian1, Tammy Sonnentag2, Emily Ewert1, Courtney Langley3 1Kansas State Univ., 2 Xavier Univ., 3Univ. of Kansas SESSION: A - SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT WHEN (OR WHEN NOT) TO ADOPT HER VIEW? ADULTS AND CHILDREN CONSIDER OTHERS’ EPISTEMIC STATES TO SELECTIVELY TAKE THEIR VISUAL PERSPECTIVES Prior work suggests taking others’ visual perspectives can be effortful. Here we show that adults and even children (4-5 yrs) know when to take others’ viewpoint for describing an ambiguous object by spontaneously considering their epistemic and intentional states. Higher-level mental state inferences can modulate visual perspective taking. Xuan Zhao1, Bertram Malle1, Hyowon Gweon2 1Brown Univ., 2Stanford Univ. SESSION: A - SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ADOLESCENTS USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND VIDEO GAMES: A COMPARISON OF RESPONSES FROM ADOLESCENTS AND THEIR PARENTS Adolescents reported spending a significant proportion of their day text/instant messaging and, among boys, playing mature video games. Both mothers and fathers rated themselves as monitoring their adolescent’s use of the various social technologies and video games significantly more than the adolescents rated their parents’ monitoring of these activities. Taylor Wadian1, Mark Barnett1, Tucker Jones1, Tammy Sonnentag2, Lauren Pino1, Mary Hellmer1, Courtney Langley3 1Kansas State Univ., 2 Xavier Univ., 3Univ. of Kansas SESSION: A - SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH LATE ADOLESCENTS’ CARING, JUST AND BRAVE SITUATION-SPECIFIC TENDENCIES TO STAND UP FOR THEIR BELIEFS AND VALUES We examined the roles of moral identity (MI) and moral courage characteristics (MCC) in late adolescents’ caring, just and brave expressions of the tendency to be a moral rebel. The MCCs (but not MI) were found to positively predict the expressions of the tendency to be a moral rebel. Tammy Sonnentag1, Sarah Bailey1, Matthew Gretz1, Taylor Wadian2 1Xavier Univ., 2Kansas State Univ. SESSION: A - SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PEER REJECTION OR RACIAL BIAS?: HOW BLACK AND WHITE CHILDREN EVALUATE INTERRACIAL AND SAME-RACE PEER INTERACTIONS African-American and European-American 9- to10-year-old and 13- to14-year-old participants (N = 204) judged peer inclusion and exclusion in interracial and same-race peer contexts. African-American children were more likely to expect inclusive behavior in interracial contexts than were European-American children, and to view interracial exclusion as more wrong than same-race exclusion. Shelby Cooley1, Melanie Killen1 1Univ. of Maryland SESSION: A - SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPARISON OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT STYLES OF ADOLESCENTS IN CHINA, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA, AND U.S. The purpose of this study was to investigate cross-cultural differences in conflict management styles of adolescents between selected Asian countries and U.S. Researchers conducted a questionnaire survey on 1548 university students in China, Japan, Korea, and U.S. Analyses showed interaction effects of country x intimacy for each style. Noriko Hamaie1, Tatsuo Ujiie1, Jiro Takai1, Yukari Okamoto2, Yoshihiro Shima3, Hiroki Maruyama4, Patrick Pieng2 1Nagoya Univ., 2Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, 3 Kagoshima Univ., 4 Aichi Shukutoku Univ. 46 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT SOCIAL IDENTITY COMPLEXITY IN ETHNIC MINORITY YOUTH: IMPLICATIONS FOR ADOLESCENT HEALTH Ethnic minority youth often report poorer health than dominant group members, a consequence of chronic stress following racial mistreatment. As hypothesized, we find that greater social identity complexity improves physical health over time by fostering greater academic engagement in a sample of Latino middle schoolers (N=298) from diverse multiethnic schools. Ariana Bell1, Casey Knifsend2, Jaana Juvonen1 1Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 2California State Univ., Sacramento SESSION: A - SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT INFANTS’ SOCIAL EVALUATIONS OF TRUSTWORTHY AND UNTRUSTWORTHY FACES We report studies exploring whether infants spontaneously infer social traits from others’ facial appearance, specifically the social trait of trustworthiness. Results from these studies suggest that like adults, infants can differentiate between the two faces and expect trustworthy and untrustworthy characters to behave in a way consistent with their appearance. Ashley Lyons1, Alexander Todorov2, Erik Cheries1 1Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, 2Princeton Univ. SESSION: A - SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT CHILDREN’S REPRESENTATION OF GENDER-DOMINANCE RELATIONSHIPS Given the evolutionary and socio-cultural demand to perceive and interpret dominance hierarchies, we investigated children’s (ages 3-8) gendered representations of behaviors associated with physical dominance, trait dominance and social dominance. Data suggests that children as young as three have robust gender and dominance stereotypes. Sa-kiera Hudson1, Mahzarin Banaji1 1Harvard Univ. SESSION: A - SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DOING THE RIGHT THING DESPITE SOCIAL PRESSURE: ROLE OF MORAL IDENTITY AND COURAGE We examined the independent and interactive roles of moral identity (MI) and moral courage characteristics (MCC) in young adults’ general tendency to be a moral rebel. The MCCs (but not MI) were found to consistently independently predict the tendency to be a moral rebel. Matthew Gretz1, Sarah Bailey1, Tammy Sonnentag1 1Xavier Univ. SESSION: A - SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT GRATITUDE’S UNIQUE EMOTIONAL FUNCTION IN DEVELOPMENT: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF ADOLESCENTS Gratitude and prosocial behavior are assumed to go together. While experiments have shown this in the short term, longitudinal research has not. This study assesses gratitude, prosocial behavior, and well-being in adolescents over 4 years to test this and examine if gratitude is functionally unique from positive emotions in development. Marlene Cortes1, Jason Sender1, Sunehra Ali1, Giacomo Bono1 1California State Univ. Dominguez Hills SESSION: A - SPECIAL SESSION THE MODERATING ROLE OF CONSTRUAL LEVEL ON EMBODIED COGNITION Combining evidence from three experiments, we found that high construal levels favored embodied phenomena, but only when they were based on sensorimotor representations that were formed before the judgment process (i.e., off-line embodiment). In contrast, low construal level enhanced the immediate effect of sensorimotor information on judgments (i.e., on-line embodiment). Caterina Suitner1, Mauro Giacomantonio2, Alessia Alessandri1 1Univ. of Padova, 2Univ. of Rome SESSION: A - SPECIAL SESSION I UNDERSTAND YOU ARE ANGRY NOW AND SAD LATER: EFFECTS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTANCE ON EMOTIONAL MIMICRY AND CONTAGION We explore if and how psychological distance affects emotional mimicry and contagion. We find that from temporal proximity, participants tend to mimic anger more intensively than sadness. Also, they report subjectively feeling more anger than sadness. Mimicking anger versus sadness might be more relevant in the immediate situation. Janet Wessler1, Jochim Hansen1 1Univ. of Salzburg SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 47 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - SPECIAL SESSION PLEASE ADVISE: THE IMPACT OF ADVICE-GIVING ROLES ON PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSTRUAL AND REASONING OVER SOCIAL ISSUES We explore the impact of advice-giving on psychological construal and reasoning over social issues. Across three studies, researchers randomly assigned participants to be in an advice-giving role or not, and discussed various social issues (e.g., intergroup conflict). Results suggest that advice-giving broaden the construal of issues and facilitate wiser reasoning. Alex Huynh1, Igor Grossmann1 1Univ. of Waterloo SESSION: A - SPECIAL SESSION TELLTALE SIGNS: DETAIL-ORIENTED BEHAVIORS SIGNAL LOW LEVELS OF LEADERSHIP FIT We explore the impact of using a detail-oriented style to direct others on perceptions of leadership. Consistent with a power/construal link, observers perceive those who use a detail-oriented approach to be less fit for high-level leadership positions, an effect that is unanticipated by those who adopt a potential leader’s perspective. Roshni Raveendhran1, Cheryl Wakslak1 1Univ. of Southern California SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE PREDATOR OR PARASITE: DIVERGENT METAPHORS FOR IMMIGRANTS INTERACT WITH EMOTIONAL PREDISPOSITIONS TO STRUCTURE DISTINCT THREAT PERCEPTIONS Researchers testerd the moderating impact of dispositional emotions on the relationship between metaphor exposure and outgroup threat assessments. Exposure to an “immigrants-are-predators” metaphor increased perceptions of safety threat as individuals increased in anger, while exposure to an “immigrants-are-parasites” metaphor decreased perceptions of resource threat as individuals increased in disgust. Caroline Tipler1, Janet Ruscher1 1Tulane Univ. SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE RACIAL STEREOTYPING OF STUDENTS AND SCHOOLS Across two studies, we investigated racial stereotypes about students and schools. Stereotypes about White (e.g., clean) and Black (e.g., rundown) schools were stronger and more polarized than those about White (e.g., well-behaved) and Black (e.g., deviant) students. Results suggest that school (vs. student) focused stereotyping may independently affect educational inequality. Caitlyn Yantis1, Courtney Bonam1 1Univ. of Illinois at Chicago SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE SOUNDING AMERICAN: BELIEFS ABOUT ACCENT CONTROLLABILITY AFFECT PREJUDICE AGAINST NONNATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKERS In two studies, we demonstrated that people who were dispositionally high on the belief or were led to believe that accents are controllable were more likely to derogate nonnative speakers. Attribution about the speaker’s motivation to assimilate into American culture mediated the relationship between accent belief and speaker evaluation. Christy Zhou Koval1, Grainne Fitzsimons1 1Duke Univ. SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE USING IMAGINED INTERGROUP CONTACT TO REDUCE TRANSPREJUDICE Participants rated transgender targets as less likeable and hirable than the equivalent cisgender (i.e., non-transgender) target in a gender-neutral workplace environment. Completing an imagined intergroup contact intervention increased ratings of transgender targets’ hireability, but not their likeability. Helena Rabasco1, Corinne Moss-Racusin1 1Skidmore College 48 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE LEADING THROUGH DIVERSITY: THE EFFECT OF LEADER GENDER ON RACIAL DISCRIMINATION CLAIMS Two studies investigated the effect of a leader’s gender on Black Americans’ discrimination-claiming expectations. In Study 1 and 2, Black participants perceived female leaders as less prejudiced than male leaders. Additionally, both studies provide evidence that perceived prejudice mediates the effect of leader gender on discrimination-claiming expectations. Stefanie Simon1, Laurie O’Brien1, Meagan Magaldi1, James Fitzpatrick1 1Tulane Univ. SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE BACKLASH AGAINST MALE ELEMENTARY EDUCATORS We investigated the existence and processes underscoring backlash against male elementary school educators. As expected, male applicants encountered backlash (i.e., were rated as more likely to be gay, less likeable, and more threatening than identical female applicants). Perceived sexuality mediated this backlash, which was unaffected by behavioral attributions. Elizabeth Johnson1, Corinne Moss-Racusin1 1Skidmore College SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE DO PERFORMANCE-AVOIDANCE GOALS MODERATE THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF STEREOTYPE THREAT ON WOMEN’S MATH PERFORMANCE? Using an online sample of American women, we test the effect of stereotype threat on women in mathematics, and the buffering effect of performance-avoidance goals under threat. The results question both of these effects. We suggest that publication bias may have inflated the effect size of stereotype threat. Katherine Finnigan1, Katherine Corker2 1Univ. of California, Davis, 2Kenyon College SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE BEHAVIORAL SYNCHRONY AND STEREOTYPE THREAT Two studies investigated whether behavioral synchrony with various social targets (e.g. male math student, female math student) evoked stereotype threat. Furthermore, reserachers measured a number of mediating factors, such as self-other overlap, liking and anxiety. Steven Sherrin1, Eliot Smith1 1Indiana Univ. SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE HIV-RELATED STIGMA, LONELINESS AND SLEEP QUALITY IN MEN AND WOMEN LIVING WITH HIV We examined the links between HIV-stigma, loneliness and sleep quality in 181 people living with HIV (PLWH) who completed an online self-report questionnaire. Results suggested that the indirect effect of stigma on poorer sleep through increased loneliness was significant. Researchers will address implications for research on stigma and health. Erin Fekete1, Stacey Williams2, Matthew Skinta3 1Univ. of Indianapolis, 2East Tennessee State Univ., 3 Palo Alto Univ. SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE GAMER IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATIONS OF PREJUDICE Many people play video games and most report the gaming environment as bigoted. We tested the relationship between gamer identification and perceptions of bigotry and demonstrate that the more strongly a person identifies as a gamer, the more positively they feel towards perpetrators of sexism (Study 1) and homophobia (Study 2). Lindsey Cary1, Alison Chasteen1 1Univ. of Toronto SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE PREDICTORS OF ANTI-BLACK PREJUDICE: A META-ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF RELIGION AND POLITICAL ORIENTATION This study examined the impact of religion and political orientation constructs on anti-Black racial prejudice through meta-analysis. Researchers analyzed 153 independent samples with a random effects model. Religious constructs had a negligible relationship with racial prejudice, whereas political orientation constructs had a small-magnitude relationship with anti-Black prejudice. Kristin Broussard1, Helen Harton2 1Saint Louis Univ., 2Univ. of Northern Iowa SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 49 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE RETHINKING PERCEPTIONS OF PREJUDICE: SUBJECTIVE INTERPRETATION REDUCES PERCEPTIONS OF AFRICAN-AMERICANS AS THREATS We reduced the link between negative affect and judgments of anger on African-American faces when we encouraged participants to conceptualize their negative affect as sympathy versus fear. Further, participants demonstrated smaller skin conductance responses to images of African-Americans when encouraged to conceptualize their negative affect as sympathy versus fear. (N=140) Kent Lee1, Kristen Lindquist1, B. Payne1 1Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE STRENGTH IN NUMBERS?: EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE TO MULTIPLE CLAIMS OF DISCRIMINATION Across three studies, White participants exposed to multiple (five v. one) Black discrimination claimants perceived anti-Black bias to be less prevalent, yet increased exposure to White discrimination claimants increased the perceived prevalence of anti-White bias. Status hierarchy beliefs moderate the effect of exposure to multiple discrimination claims. Evelyn Carter1, Mary Murphy2 1Purdue Univ., 2Indiana Univ. SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE WHO HUMANIZES OTHERS?: THE ROLE OF OPENNESS IN HUMANIZATION OF PEOPLE WITH MENTAL ILLNESS AND OLD PEOPLE This study examined the relationship of the Big Five personality traits with levels of humanization of people with mental illnesses and old people. We found that controlling for baseline favorability towards the groups, those high in Openness ascribed human characteristics to people with mental illnesses and the old. Brandon Labbree1, Matthew Hackman1, Andres Martinez2, Wayne Chan1 1Rutgers Univ., 2Univ. of California, Berkeley SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE BAMBOO CEILING OR STEEPER STAIRS? ARE ASIAN-AMERICANS HELD TO A HIGHER STANDARD? In this experimental study, we examined perceptions of academic performance between Asians, Asian-Americans and Americans by asking participants to evaluate the impressiveness of several ostensible scholarship applicants of differing levels of performance. Participants rated Asian-American academic performance as less impressive and less eligible for scholarship compared to Asians and Americans. Andy Chiou1, Shu Yang2, Justin Boone1 1SUNY Farmingdale State College, 2Baruch College, CUNY SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE MENTALLY SIMULATED INTERACTIONS AND ATTITUDES TOWARD CATEGORIES OF PEOPLE Content analysis of participants’ descriptions of their visual images of eight categories of people revealed that narratives describing target traits were negatively related to attitudes, while narratives describing interactions with targets were positively related to attitudes. Mental simulations of interactions may override trait attributions as bases of attitudes about people. John Edwards1, Thomas Colville1 1Loyola Univ. Chicago SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE EFFECT OF VALUE VIOLATIONS ON PREJUDICE TOWARD MUSLIMS In Study 1, participants perceived Muslims as less supportive of gender equality than Christians. Furthermore, perceptions of Muslims’ support for gender equality were correlated with Islamophobia. In Study 2, increasing perceptions of Muslims’ support for gender equality decreased Islamophobia. This research suggests value violation may help explain prejudice toward Muslims. Amanda Van Camp1, Aaron Moss1, Laurie O’Brien1, Alison Blodorn2 1Tulane Univ., 2Univ. of California Santa Barbara 50 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE AT THE ROOT OF CLASSISM: THE ROLE OF OPPOSITIONAL IDENTITY AND IDENTIFICATION IN CLASSISM This study proposed oppositional identity and oppositional identification as antecedents to classism. Results supported the predictions and provided some of the first empirical support that downward (i.e. toward the poor) and upward (i.e. toward the wealthy) classism models hold for a wide range of social classes. Ana Kent1 1Saint Louis Univ. SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE FREQUENCY OF “BRILLIANT” AND “GENIUS” IN TEACHING EVALUATIONS PREDICTS THE REPRESENTATION OF WOMEN AND AFRICAN AMERICANS ACROSS ACADEMIA Because of stereotypes associating white men more than women or African Americans with intellectual brilliance, fields prizing this trait might be unwelcoming to these stigmatized groups. Consistent with this proposal, uses of “brilliant” and “genius” in 14 million reviews predicted women’s and African Americans’ representation at the Ph.D. level. Zachary Horne1, Daniel Storage1, Andrei Cimpian1, Sarah-Jane Leslie2 1Univ. of Illinois, 2Princeton Univ. SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE CONTENT ANALYSIS OF JUSTIFICATIONS OF HOMOSEXUAL DISCRIMINATION IN ADOPTIONS Results from two studies indicate that gender norms and heterosexism predict homosexual discrimination in adoptions. Participants indicated their first and second choices from three given couples and provided explanations for their decisions. Researchers conducted content analyses on the explanations of their decisions, presented results and discussed implications. Evelyn Stratmoen1, Thomas Hancock 2 1Kansas State Univ., 2Univ. of Central Oklahoma SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE EXPLAINING THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF STIGMA THROUGH SENSE OF MASTERY This study examined the effect of stigma on affect and life satisfaction. Consistent with previous literature, stigma was negatively correlated with positive affect and life satisfaction. Evidence from this study suggests that sense of mastery plays a mediating role in this relationship, providing insight on how stigma affects its targets. Parker Dreves1, Stacey Williams1 1East Tennessee State Univ. SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE SPORT AS THE DEFAULT FAN ACTIVITY AND STIGMATIZATION OF NON-SPORT FAN GROUPS We examined the default “fan” and stigma associated with non-typical fan groups. The results suggest that sport is the default fan group. Furthermore, fans of non-prototypical fan interests received greater stigma. Natasha Eckelberry1, Jennifer Shaw1, Stephen Reysen1 1Texas A&M Univ. - Commerce SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE COGNITIVE MODELING OF DECISIONS TO SHOOT: WHAT A DRIFT DIFFUSION ANALYSIS CAN TELL US ABOUT RACE BIAS IN LABORATORY SHOOTER TASKS We introduce the diffusion model to understand the cognitive processes that lead participants to show race bias in shooting behavior. Objects in stereotype-congruent trials (Black-Gun, White-Nongun) provide more evidence per unit of time in the evidence accumulation process, yielding the race X object interactions for error rates and RTs. David Johnson1, Joseph Cesario1 1Michigan State Univ. SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE STEREOTYPE AGAINST WOMEN’S INTELLIGENCE IMPAIRS THEIR PERFORMANCE ON A WORKING MEMORY TASK Current stereotypes portray women’s intelligence in a negative light. Two experiments tested the effects of these stereotypes on women’s intellectual performance. Women performed more poorly than men on a working memory task said to test their “general intelligence,” but not when the same task was said to measure “focused attention.” Daniel Storage1, Andrei Cimpian1, Sarah-Jane Leslie2 1Univ. of Illinois, 2Princeton Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 51 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE FEELING UNSAFE AND ENDORSING RACIAL VIOLENCE: THE MEDIATING ROLES OF PROTECTIVE PATERNALISM AND TRUST IN POLICE We examined links between women’s perceptions of safety, protective paternalism and attitudes about police. Women who felt less safe endorsed more protective paternalism, which related directly and indirectly to support for police violence against racial minorities. Support for excessive force against minorities may be another insidious consequence of benevolent sexism. Jean McMahon1, Kimberly Kahn1 1Portland State Univ. SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE PERVASIVE BIAS AGAINST WOMEN IN CONTEXTS THAT EMPHASIZE INTELLECTUAL TALENT Current stereotypes portray women as less “brilliant” than men. We hypothesized that, given these stereotypes, people would exhibit stronger biases against women in contexts that emphasize brilliance. The results of three experiments were consistent with this prediction, suggesting that women were undervalued and underpaid in brilliance-focused (but not effort-focused) contexts. Lin Bian1, Andrei Cimpian1, Sarah-Jane Leslie2 1Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2Princeton Univ. SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE EFFECT OF HEALTH STATUS ON SUBJECTIVE EVALUATIONS OF OLDER ADULTS From the perspective of terror management theory, older adults may be reminders of mortality, potentially contributing to negative attitudes about aging. The present research found that health status affects how older adults are viewed and has implications for the degree to which they may serve as mortality reminders. Caitlin Tyrrell1, Abigail Weber1, Molly Maxfield1 1Univ. of Colorado - Colorado Springs SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE INFLUENCE OF “STAND YOUR GROUND” LAWS ON ERRONEOUS SHOOTING OF BLACKS IN A SHOOTER GAME Researchers examined motivations and the role of real-world contexts (“Stand Your Ground” laws) underlying racial discrepancies in shooting paradigms. Participants completed a Police Officers Dilemma variant that elicits fear-based and anger-based aggression. Increased fear-based aggression explained racial discrepancies; however, SYG contexts led to increased discrepancies in anger-based aggression. Eric Splan1, Adam Magerman1, Chad Forbes1, Sam Gaertner1 1Univ. of Delaware SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE “BENEFITING FROM STIGMATIZED IDENTITIES?” – DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF INTERACTIONS REGARDING SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER AND ETHNICITY IN HIRING DECISIONS In four studies (N = 1374), using experimental designs, we manipulated targets’ sexual orientation, gender and ethnicity and found processes that influence discrimination on the basis of different social identity categories. Researchers presented interaction effects and mediators resulting from participants’ ratings on applicant’s task competence, social skills and hireability. Claudia Niedlich1, Melanie Steffens1, Marcel Cattarius2, Caroline Michel3 1Univ. of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau, 2Univ. of Konstanz, 3Univ. of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE BOOSTING IDENTIFICATION, BELONGING, PERSISTENCE AND PERFORMANCE THROUGH STEREOTYPE SELF-REGULATION TRAINING AMONG WOMEN IN ENGINEERING A self-regulation of prejudice intervention taught female engineering students about the operation of gender-STEM stereotypes, self-regulation of stereotype application, and adaptive ways of responding to adversity. Results indicate the intervention buffered students against negative consequences of adversity for engineering identity, belonging, persistence, grades and implicit gender-stem bias across a semester. Laura Ruth Parker1, Margo Monteith1, S. Weldon1, Beth Holloway1 1Purdue Univ. 52 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE GENDER-STEREOTYPING OF SEXUAL MINORITIES AT THE INTERPERSONAL LEVEL Participants read a fake student’s autobiography whose gender and sexual orientation were manipulated. They rated how much they thought the student would be interested in pursuing female-stereotypical and science careers. Significant interactions showed that people feminized the gay man and masculinized the lesbian woman in terms of perceived career interest. Jin Xun Goh1, Mollie Ruben2, Judith Hall1 1Northeastern Univ., 2VA Boston Healthcare System SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE STEREOTYPE VALIDATION AND INTELLECTUAL PERFORMANCE: POSITIVE IMPLICATIONS FOR FUTURE ACHIEVEMENT Recent research suggests that activating group stereotypes after a task can validate the performance perceptions of stigmatized individuals. To date, this work has focused exclusively on stereotypes related to negative task performance. The current research demonstrates that this phenomenon can extend to positive performance stereotypes. Kelsey Thiem1, Jason Clark1 1Univ. of Iowa SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE SHARING THE PIE: ZERO-SUM BELIEFS MODERATE SES AND PREJUDICE Zero-sum beliefs moderated the relationship of socioeconomic status (SES) and prejudice. At high levels of zero-sum beliefs, White Americans reported more desired social distance from Asians and African Americans as their subjective SES increased. At low levels of zero-sum beliefs, there was no relationship between subjective SES and social distance. Chelsea Atkins1, Ruth Warner1 1Saint Louis Univ. SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE I LIKE, THEREFORE I AM: INCREASING ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN THE SELF AND BLACKS WITH EVALUATIVE TRAINING We investigated if evaluative training reduces prejudice and increases identification with a target group (i.e., Blacks). Potential moderators (e.g., need for affiliation/NFA) were tested. Among high NFA participants, training to associate positive concepts with Blacks increased identification with Blacks. Meditational analysis found that identification increases were caused by prejudice reductions. Danielle Krusemark 1, Curtis Phills1 Univ. of North Florida1 SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE IS THAT A MAN OR A WOMAN: PHYSICAL ANDROGYNY, STEREOTYPES AND LOSS OF MEANING The current study investigates how people form impressions of the physically androgynous. We hypothesize that participants who view androgynous partners will have increased feelings of uncertainty, approach motivation, just world beliefs, and negative stereotyping of physically androgynous individuals. Matthew Olah1, Curtis Edward Phills1, Elizabeth Brown1 1Univ. of North Florida SESSION: A - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE PERCEPTIONS OF HYPERFEMININE WOMEN The purpose of this study is to determine whether women with hyperfeminine traits are perceived less favorably than women with more “typical” feminine traits. Participants will view online profiles of hyperfeminine vs. feminine women and will judge these profiles on other traits such as perceived competence and intelligence. Lynn Martell1, Trevor Waagen1, Hannah Borhart1, Heather Terrell1 1Univ. of North Dakota SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS NARCISSISM, INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC ROMANTIC IDEALS, AND RELATIONSHIP SATISFACTION This study examined the relation between narcissism and the importance of intrinsic (warmth, loyalty) or extrinsic (status, attractiveness) relationship ideals, and the extent that narcissism moderates the association between satisfaction and ideal-standards match. Meeting intrinsic ideals was more important for non-narcissists and meeting extrinsic ideals was more important for narcissists. Gwendolyn Seidman1 1Albright College SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 53 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS MOTIVATION MODERATES THE EFFECTS OF INVISIBLE SUPPORT Prior research suggests that indirect (“invisible”) social support is typically more beneficial than direct (“visible”) support. This work is among the first to demonstrate how motivational states moderate invisible support’s effects. Results indicate that recipients motivated by “assessment” preferred invisible support, whereas recipients motivated by “locomotion” preferred visible support. Katherine Zee1, Justin Cavallo2, E. Tory Higgins1 1Columbia Univ., 2Wilfrid Laurier Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS CHOOSING TO ENJOY: THE ADVANTAGES OF MALLEABLE BELIEFS ABOUT ENJOYMENT We predicted that people holding malleable beliefs of enjoyment should experience greater positive life outcomes due to heightened control over affective reactions to life events. Participants’ survey scores on malleability of enjoyment (created for this study) were found to be associated with higher self-control, self-esteem, general happiness and relationship satisfaction. Lauren Hernandez1, Steven Seidel1 1Texas A&M Univ. - Corpus Christi SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS BRAND VS. PARTNER: WHEN THINKING ABOUT YOUR BRAND MAKES YOU HAPPIER THAN YOUR PARTNER In the present research, we explore how reminders of your partner vs. your brand affect happiness depending upon perceptions of control. We find that when feeling high in control, reminders of a brand make individuals happier than reminders of a partner. Furthermore, we find that individuals largely underestimate this effect. Danielle Brick1, Tanya Chartrand1, Gavan Fitzsimons1 1Duke Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS HOW DO I FEEL ABOUT US? JUST LOOK AT MY FACEBOOK PAGE We conducted a mixed qualitative and quantitative study to examine how avoidant and anxious attachment behaviours may manifest on Facebook. Participants associated avoidance, but not anxiety, with more maladaptive relationship feelings and behaviours. Results suggest that attachment styles manifest in the public domain, which may affect relationship outcomes. Tamara Sucharyna1, Marian Morry1, Sarah Petty1 1Univ. of Manitoba SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS RECALIBRATING REJECTION-SENSITIVE INDIVIDUALS’ WEIGHTING OF POSITIVES VS. NEGATIVES PRODUCES GROWTH IN FRIENDSHIP NETWORKS Individuals differ in the extent to which they weight positive versus negative information - their weighting bias. We recruited individuals who were likely to have a negative weighting bias, those high in rejection sensitivity. Recalibrating these individuals’ weighting bias toward positivity led them to make more friends over a two-week period. Matthew Rocklage1, Evava Pietri2, Russell Fazio3 1Northwestern Univ., 2Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Indianapolis, 3The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS YOU GOT WHAT I NEED(ED): SOCIAL SUPPORT SEEKING AND SATISFACTION DURING WAITING PERIODS This study examines support seeking and support satisfaction in the context of uncertain waiting experiences. Participants recounted waiting for important news, as well their support seeking and support satisfaction during this waiting period. Findings establish the importance of differentiating between types of support during times of uncertainty. Mike Dooley1, Kate Sweeny1 1Univ. of California, Riverside 54 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS SELF-DETERMINATION THEORY AND INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE (IPV): ASSESSMENT OF RELATIONSHIP CAUSALITY ORIENTATIONS AS PREDICTORS OF IPV Based on self-determination theory, study 1 (N=837) developed the Relationship Causality Orientation Scale (RCOS), which assesses motivation orientations toward romantic relationships, providing evidence of convergent, discriminant and predictive validity. Studies 2 (N=324) and 3 (N=274) showed that autonomous and controlled orientations predicted less and more IPV, respectively. C. Raymond Knee1, Camilla Øverup2, Benjamin Hadden1 1Univ. of Houston, 2Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS I THINK THEREFORE WE ARE: SELF-REGULATION, NARRATIVE COHERENCE AND RELATIONSHIP STABILITY In a study of 100 couples, lower attachment avoidance, anxiety, higher vagal tone and lower negative conflict behavior predicted greater narrative coherence. Conflict behavior mediated the link between vagal tone and narrative coherence and coherence predicted relationship stability one year later. Results document self-regulatory processes associated with key dyadic outcomes. KC Haydon1, Cassandra Jonestrask1 1Mount Holyoke College SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS WHO ARE “WE”?: COUPLE SELF-CLARITY AND ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP QUALITY Just as people vary in individual self-concept clarity, do they also differ in their understanding of who they are as a couple? The present research found that couple self-clarity is uniquely associated with romantic relationship quality, using correlational (Study 1a and 1b), experimental (Study 2) and longitudinal (Study 3) methodologies. Lydia Emery1, Wendi Gardner1 1Northwestern Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS INTERNAL ATTRIBUTES TRUMP ENVIRONMENTAL ANTECEDENTS OF WOMEN’S INTRASEXUAL COMPETITION Previous research suggests that female-biased sex ratios and promiscuously-dressed rivals increase intrasexual competition in women. In this study, we manipulated sex ratio and rival’s clothing, then measured women’s intrasexual competition, romantic confidence, physical attractiveness and sociosexual orientation. Internal attributes better predicted romantic confidence and intrasexual competition than environmental factors. Hannah Bradshaw1, Kristine Kelly2 1Texas Christian Univ., 2Western Illinois Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS A COMPARISON OF COLLEGE STUDENTS’ COMMITMENT AND INVESTMENT IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS AND FRIENDSHIPS Previous research has found that behavior expectations about romantic partners are usually higher than expectations about friends. Our first study replicates this finding and extends the pattern to measures of relationship commitment and investment. The second study offers a conceptual replication with reports of support provided by friends and partners. Robert Fuhrman1, Tiffany Berzins1 1The Univ. of Texas at San Antonio SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS AUTONOMY IS SEXY: THE BENEFITS OF AUTONOMOUS REPRESENTATIONS IN RELATIONSHIP INITIATION The present research (N = 329) manipulated self-determination (i.e., autonomy) in the context of personal dating advertisements. Findings suggest that more autonomous personal advertisements were perceived as more attractive to single, potential dating partners. These results held when controlling for emotions associated with advertisements as well as rater-reported, personality-level autonomy. Zachary Baker1, C. Raymond Knee1 1Univ. of Houston SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 55 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS SHARED REALITY INCREASES INTERPERSONAL CLOSENESS IN ROMANTIC AND UNACQUAINTED DYADS We examined how shared reality influences interpersonal closeness. In Study 1, shared reality in romantic relationships predicted closeness beyond other standard relationship measures. In Study 2, experimentally manipulating shared reality also increased closeness between strangers. Thus, shared reality may foster interpersonal closeness at multiple relationship stages. Maya Rossignac-Milon1, Niall Bolger1, E. Tory Higgins1 1Columbia Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS SELF-DETERMINATION THEORY AND INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE: AN APIM MODEL OF NEED FULFILLMENT AND IPV We tested Self-Determination Theory’s need fulfillment in couples as a predictor of intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration. Results suggest that dyadic need fulfillment plays an important role such that when either one’s own needs or one’s partner needs are met (or both), one is less likely to report IPV perpetration. Whitney Petit1, C. Knee1, Lindsey Rodriguez1, Benjamin Hadden1 1Univ. of Houston SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS “LET’S MAKE IT FACEBOOK OFFICIAL”: COGNITIONS RELATED TO POSTING ONE’S STATUS ON FACEBOOK “Facebook official” refers to a coupled relationship status on one’s Facebook page. We asked participants about the decision to post, or not to post, a relationship status on Facebook. This study discusses themes relating to these decisions along with the topics of “linking” profiles and the “It’s Complicated” relationship status. Sarah Petty1, Marian Morry1, Tamara Sucharyna1 1Univ. of Manitoba SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS REALISTIC MOCKED-UP FACEBOOK PROFILES AFFECT PEOPLES’ COGNITIVE INTERPRETATIONS ABOUT THEIR OWN RELATIONSHIP People activate social comparisons and attachment when uncertain. We manipulated an upward or downward relationship social comparison using Facebook. Comparison direction and attachment predicted relationship social comparison interpretations (RSCI). Bootstrapping indicated direct effects of avoidance and RSCI, and indirect effects of comparison direction on relationship quality and attention to alternatives. Marian Morry1, Tamara Sucharyna1, Sarah Petty1 1Univ. of Manitoba SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS SELF-EXPANSION MOTIVATED GOAL PURSUIT IN RELATIONAL AND NON-RELATIONAL DOMAINS FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DIFFERENT ATTACHMENT STYLES Two studies integrate attachment theory, the self-expansion model and goal pursuit. Study 1 revealed for individuals high in avoidance, thinking of the partner as facilitative towards personal (vs. relationship) goals led to increased self-expansion through the relationship. However, Study 2 revealed that facilitation valence for personal goals did not matter. Ying Tang1, Leonard Newman2, Laura VanderDrift2, Richard Gramzow2 1Youngstown State Univ., 2Syracuse Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS YOU DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH YOU MEAN TO ME: HOW WITHHOLDING AFFECTION AFFECTS NEED SATISFACTION AND RELATIONSHIP SATISFACTION IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS The purpose of this study was to investigate whether withholding affection, the deliberate act of abstaining from giving affection to a partner, negatively affects need satisfaction (autonomy, competence, relatedness; Ryan & Deci, 2000) and/or relationship satisfaction. Results indicated that withholding affection was indeed negatively associated with these outcomes. Julie Biemer1 1The Univ. of Texas at Dallas 56 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS CONSUMPTION OF SEXUALLY EXPLICIT INTERNET MATERIAL AND WELLBEING: A SELFDISCREPANCY APPROACH Drawing on self-discrepancy theory, we explored whether consumption of sexual explicit Internet material (SEIM) contributes to consumers’ subjective sexual, relational sexual and psychological wellbeing. In our path model, SEIM consumption positively predicted the magnitude of ideal-actual sexual discrepancy, and this discrepancy predicted lower subjective and relational sexual wellbeing. Hio Tong Kuan1, Donna Garcia1 1California State Univ. San Bernardino SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS “SHE SAID NO!”: RELATIONSHIP OUTCOMES WHEN A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL IS DECLINED What happens when a marriage proposal is declined? We analyzed 400 (200 unsuccessful) written accounts of proposals. Ninety-one percent of unsuccessful couples broke up by the time of writing. Fifty percent of those who did not break up eventually got married. Not discussing marriage beforehand might be why some proposals are unsuccessful. Lisa Hoplock1, Danu Anthony Stinson1 1Univ. of Victoria SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ASSESSING THE PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF THE INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS ANXIETY QUESTIONNAIRE This two-part study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Interpersonal Relationships Anxiety Questionnaire (IRAQ; Rohner Research Publications, 2013), used to measure participants’ anxiety in their relationships. The results revealed that the IRAQ is a one-factor measure with strong construct and convergent validity, internal consistency reliability and test-retest reliability. Carrie Brown1, Brien Ashdown2, Nastacia Pereira1, Abigail Camden1 1Agnes Scott College, 2Hobart & William Smith Colleges SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS OH, NO! WHERE’S MY CELL PHONE? To what degree does cell-phone dependence relate to sleep quality, romantic relationship quality and anxiety levels? This study examined the relationships among these variables. As expected, significant relationships exist between cellphone dependence, sleep quality and anxiety. Researchers examine the relationship between cell-phone dependence and romantic relationship quality for future research. Patricia Lyons1, David de Leon1 1Mountain View College SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ROMANTIC INTEREST IN OPPOSITE-SEX FRIENDSHIPS In exploring the popularly known Friend Zone, we found evidence for a romantic critical period in which women more quickly categorized someone as a friend versus a romantic partner; men were more flexible. For example in recalled rejection experiences, women rejectors estimated less hope for future romantic or sexual relationships. Mingi Chung1, Rae Williams1, Nicole Henniger1, Christine Harris1 1UC San Diego SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS GOING GREEN FOR LOVE: HOW ECO-FRIENDLY DECISIONS AFFECT ROMANTIC ATTRACTION We investigated how eco-friendly versus luxury product choices affect romantic attraction. This experimental study (n = 531) revealed that targets who make eco-friendly choices are viewed as warmer and more competent, but less attractive: desirable for long-term but not short-term relationships. Findings suggest social costs (and rewards) for going green. Theresa DiDonato1, Brittany Jakubiak 2 1Loyola Univ. Maryland, 2Carnegie Mellon Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 57 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ATTACHMENT DIMENSIONS AND “BIG FIVE” PERSONALITY FACETS AMONG ADULTS WITH COOCCURRING DISORDERS Research suggests that attachment constructs are associated but not redundant with Five-Factor Model constructs. The following study assessed the relationships among attachment dimensions and “big five” personality facets in a sample of adult outpatients with co-occurring substance use and other mental disorders. Our findings primarily support prior research. Mark Teles1, Robert Teel1, Tina Tram1, Joscelyn Rompogren1, Patricia Judd2 1Alliant International Univ., San Diego, 2Univ. of California, San Diego SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS WHY DO PEOPLE EXPERIENCE LONELINESS WHEN USING SOCIAL MEDIA? In this study, we re-evaluated and expanded the cognitive discrepancy model of loneliness by examining the predicted linear and nonlinear relationships between the quality of desired and actual relationships and feeling of loneliness. Results indicated that a discrepancy of the expectation and achievement on maintaining existing social relationships through social media causes loneliness. WENZHEN XU1, Jiro Takai1 1Nagoya Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS HOW ARE SOCIAL APPROACH AND AVOIDANCE MOTIVATION INFLUENCED BY PERSONAL NETWORKS? Using a panel survey on relationships with friends, I demonstrated that individuals sharing a large network with the same values as themselves increase their avoidance motivation. In contrast, developing a network with different values cultivates the individuals’ approach motivation. I concluded that both approach and motivation are influenced by individuals’ personal network. toshihiko soma1 1Hiroshima Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE ADVANTAGES OF GROUPS: HOW IDENTIFYING WITH AND BEING SUPPORTED BY A GROUP ALTERS STRESS RESPONSES Researchers investigated whether interdependence type (i.e., relational or collective) and support source (i.e., a group or a single person) impacted cortisol reactivity during a speech stressor task. Results from an experiment manipulating support source revealed that receiving group support and having an orientation towards groups benefited individuals experiencing a stressor. Saira Fazalbhai1, Charles Berndt1, Megan Mosele1, Aimee Slagle1, Katherine Rodgers1, Erin Crockett1 Univ. 1Southwestern SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS HUSBANDS’ IMPLICIT PARTNER BODY PREFERENCES AND WIVES’ BODY SIZE PREDICT HUSBANDS’ MARITAL SATISFACTION Men prefer physically attractive partners and are most relationally satisfied when their outcomes match their ideals. Thus, we examined the association between husbands’ body-size preferences, wives’ BMI, and husbands’ marital satisfaction. Results demonstrated that husbands were more satisfied to the extent that their wives’ BMI matched their implicit body-size preferences. Kristyn Jones1, Andrea Meltzer 2 1John Jay College, CUNY, 2Florida State Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS LANGUAGE STYLE MATCHING AND COMMITMENT ORIENTED SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT IN MARRIED COUPLES This study investigated links between Language Style Matching (LSM), commitment and attention to alternatives in support and conflict interactions between married couples. With LIWC, researchers analyzed transcribed videotaped conflict and support interactions of fifty-two couples. Results suggest that LSM reflects commitment-oriented social engagement in conflict interactions between couples. Julia Briskin1, Gabrielle Dorchak1, Tiffany Szymanski1, Ryan Calcaterra1, Richard Slatcher1 1Wayne State Univ. 58 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE WAY I MAKE ME FEEL: COMPASSIONATE GOALS, BASIC NEED SATISFACTION AND RELATIONSHIP OUTCOMES Previous research has found that basic needs fulfillment leads to greater compassionate goals, and greater partner relationship satisfaction. Participants (n=267) completed measures of basic need satisfaction, compassionate goals and relationship satisfaction. Results revealed that compassionate goals mediated the association between basic need satisfaction in relationships and trust, commitment and satisfaction. Amber Hijazi1, Baber Sami1, Camilla Øverup1, Benjamin Hadden1 1Univ. of Houston SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE INFLUENCE OF RELATIONSHIP GOALS ON RELATIONSHIP QUALITY AND AFFECTIVE WELLBEING This longitudinal study examined how the proportion of one’s goals focusing on a romantic partner influenced changes in relationship quality and wellbeing over time. Higher relationship goal proportions predicted decreased positive affect, relationship satisfaction, commitment and increased thoughts of breaking up, but did not predict negative affect or life satisfaction. Karly Cochran1, Judith Gere1 1Kent State Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU TIRED OF “US”?: BIAS AND ACCURACY IN COUPLES’ PERCEPTIONS OF RELATIONAL BOREDOM The current study investigated the interplay of directional bias, tracking accuracy and assumed similarity in romantic partners’ perceptions of each other’s relational boredom, as well as the relationship implications of these perceptions. Kiersten Dobson1, Sarah Stanton1, Lorne Campbell1 1Univ. of Western Ontario SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS DEVELOPMENT OF A MEASURE OF SEXUAL REGRETS: THE SEXUAL REGRET SCALE Researchers developed a 10-item scale to assess regrets after casual sexual encounters, the Sexual Regret Scale. Two subscales emerged (Emotional and Self-Judgment Regret) with good psychometrics. Those low in sexual regret reported higher needs for sexual intimacy/desire, had higher self-esteem and lower levels of anxiety/depression. Researchers discussed scale implications. William Marelich1, Mason Wright1, Staci Ziegler1, Jamie Henry1 1CSU Fullerton SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS EXISTENTIAL ISOLATION, ATTACHMENT AND DEATH THOUGHT ACCESSIBILITY In a series of studies, correlational studies have verified the theoretical connection between avoidant attachment and feelings of existential isolation (EI). In an experimental context, those primed with EI had increased death-thought accessibility (DTA) compared to controls, which was moderated by pretest levels of EI. Peter Helm1, Uri Lifshin1, Jeff Greenberg1 1Univ. of Arizona SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS “IT’S NOT ME, IT’S YOU”: SOCIO-SEXUALITY AND PERCEPTIONS OF THE PARTNER OVER TIME This study examined whether socio-sexuality (SO) predicts a negative perception of a partner’s traits over time. Results indicated an interaction between SO and time on perceptions of the partner’s interpersonal skills, status and family desire. Individuals with high SO decreased positive perceptions over time, an opposite pattern from low SO individuals. Jana Hackathorn1 1Murray State Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS EMOTIONAL EXTREMES INHIBIT EMOTIONAL CLARITY Extremely weak and extremely strong emotions may be harder to understand than moderate ones. Participants reflected on the details of falling in love or going through a breakup; those who reported experiencing extreme emotions during this reflection reported lower levels of emotional clarity than those who reported experiencing moderate emotions. Leigh Smith1 1The Univ. of Texas at Austin SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 59 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ME OR US?: CONTROLLING THE BALANCE BETWEEN PERSONAL AND RELATIONAL CONCERNS Romantic partners strive to achieve an optimal balance in their dedication to personal and relational concerns, but they are challenged in doing so successfully. In three studies, we showed that self-control promotes such balance, and this is an important mechanism through which self-control enhances personal and relationship wellbeing. Mariko Visserman1, Francesca Righetti1, Madoka Kumashiro2, Paul van Lange1 1VU Univ. Amsterdam, 2Goldsmiths, Univ. of London SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS LEAPING INTO LOVE: EARLY DATING BEHAVIORS AS A FUNCTION OF REGULATORY MODE Adopting a motivational approach, the current research examined the transition from casually dating to exclusively committing to a partner. Across three studies, we found that locomotors were more likely to leap into love in newer relationships, and assessors were more likely to compare a dating partner to past partners. Kassandra Cortes1, Abigail Scholer1 1Univ. of Waterloo SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS REGULATION OF INTIMACY IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS: TOWARDS OPTIMAL COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES Researchers investigated strategies aimed at regulating intimacy. These strategies varied according to their underlying goal (increasing intimacy, maintaining status quo) and level of autonomy support (AS). Results showed that, regardless of the strategies’ goal, romantic partners perceived high AS strategies as more acceptable and efficient than low AS strategies. Marie-Pier Allen1, Geneviève Mageau1 1Université de Montréal SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS EVIDENCE FOR THE IMPORTANCE OF PARTNER INVESTMENTS ON COMMITMENT The present research examines the notion that partner investments affect individuals’ commitment within the context of the investment model. Results indicated that partner investments influenced commitment but not the other investment model predictors. These findings provide evidence for partners having a direct influence on commitment independent of the other predictors. Anthony Coy1 1Univ. of South Florida - Sarasota-Manatee SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS PERCEIVING CRUEL INTENTIONS: DO PEOPLE WITH A DARK TRIAD PARTNER KNOW WHEN THEY’RE BEING MANIPULATED? We investigated perceptions of manipulative behaviors in romantic couples and how these perceptions are moderated by Dark Triad personality. Although the partners of “dark” persons tend to assume they are being manipulated, they are unable to accurately detect precisely when their partner manipulates them, which undermines their commitment and trust. Sarah Stanton1, Paige Bastow1, Lorne Campbell1 1Univ. of Western Ontario SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS WHEN GOOD NEWS IS BAD NEWS: PHYSIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF CAPITALIZING WITH A RESTRICTIVE PARTNER Romantic couples engaged in a hypothetical discussion wherein one person, the discloser, revealed he/she had just gotten into his/her dream job or school. Disclosers with partners high (vs. low) in restrictiveness were physiologically threatened, found the conversation cognitively demanding, engaged in more emotional suppression, and thought partners were less constructive. Brett Peters1, Jeremy Jamieson1, Harry Reis1 1Univ. of Rochester 60 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS CELEBRITIES, CEOS AND ATHLETES: GENDER DIFFERENCES IN INTEREST IN CASUAL SEX AMONG ADULTS Consistent with Sexual Strategies Theory, the current study (N = 1802) of adults found large gender differences in men’s and women’s minimum, maximum and ideal number of sex partners, including greater openness to casual sex with celebrities, athletes, models and people with high status (e.g., CEOs). Jenna Alley1 1Chapman Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE TWO-SIDED EFFECTS OF SOCIAL SUPPORT ON GOAL-PURSUIT: HOW YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR SOCIAL SUPPORT MATTERS Social support can promote personal goal-pursuit. However, people may put less effort into a goal (and conserve their resources) when they expect to receive help from others. We provide insight into the paradoxical effects of social support by demonstrating that how people think about their social support influences goal-pursuit. David Lee1, Oscar Ybarra1 1Univ. of Michigan SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE VICARIOUS SPOTLIGHT EFFECT The present research found that when people feel connected to their romantic partners, and include them in their sense of self, they feel their partner’s behavior reflects on them, leading them to experience a “vicarious” spotlight effect when their partner engages in certain types of behavior. Joel Armstrong1, Sarah Stanton1, Lorne Campbell1 1The Univ. of Western Ontario SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS RELATIONAL INSECURITY AND UNCERTAINTY AS CHALLENGES TO NOVEL COUPLE ACTIVITY ENGAGEMENT Two studies examined relational insecurity and uncertainty as challenges to engaging in novel couple activities. Results suggest that people anticipate greater challenges when planning a novel (vs. familiar) date and report being less likely to engage in novel couple activities when they are more uncertain about their relationship. Chantal Bacev-Giles1, Cheryl Harasymchuk1 1Carleton Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS HOW QUICK DO THEY CLICK?: INITIAL DYADIC INTERACTIONS BETWEEN GAY MEN AND STRAIGHT WOMEN We hypothesized that gay male-straight female (GS) dyads would exhibit a unique pattern of interactive behavior compared to straight male-straight female (SS) dyads. Our results revealed that GS dyads were more mutually engaged in their conversations and exhibited greater positive affect with one another compared to SS dyads. Eric Russell1, William Ickes1 1The Univ. of Texas at Arlington SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS I LIKE IT LIKE THAT: ATTACHMENT INSECURITY AND DETECTION OF A ROMANTIC PARTNER’S SEXUAL LIKES In a study of dating couples, we found that individuals’ attachment style and gender affected how accurately they perceived their romantic partner’s sexual likes. Males and highly anxious women were the most sexually accurate, in line with gender expectations and attachment theory. Differences in sexual accuracy may contribute to satisfaction. Jessica Maxwell1, Megan Rossi1, Geoff MacDonald1 1Univ. of Toronto SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 61 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS CRACKING THE CODE: AN EXAMINATION OF MOTIVATIONS FOR POSTING CRYPTIC UPDATES ON FACEBOOK We examined participants’ motivations for posting cryptic (i.e., vague, mysterious) updates on Facebook. Findings associated post crypticness (as rated by coders) with participants’ self-reported desire to get things off one’s chest and to elicit others’ emotional sharing with oneself. Rebecca Walsh1, Amanda Forest1 1Univ. of Pittsburgh SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS RELATIONAL EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE PREDICTS COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES IN A HYPOTHETICAL CONFLICT WITH A CLOSE FRIEND OVER TRAIT EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Although trait emotional intelligence (EI) is theoretically associated with adaptive interpersonal behaviors, evidence supporting this claim is lacking. We propose that EI is a dyadic phenomenon and examine the predictive validity of a relational EI over trait EI. In three studies, relational EI predicted communication strategies in a conflict scenario. Valerie Guilbault1, Frederick Philippe1 1Univ. of Quebec at Montreal SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS WHEN DOES PERSONALITY INFLUENCE THE TIMING OF DIVORCE?: A DYADIC AALEN REGRESSION OF PEER-RATED PERSONALITY OVER 45 YEARS When does personality influence the length of marriage? Using marriage outcomes from the Kelly/Connolly Longitudinal Study (1934-present), we examined the relationship between personality and marriage duration in 300 engaged couples. Results suggest that acquaintance-rated personalities influence marital duration during the first 20 years of marriage, yet only agreeableness is influential throughout. S. Mason Garrison1, James Connolly2, Madeleine Leveille2, Joshua Jackson3 1Vanderbilt Univ., 2Connolly Consulting, 3Washington Univ.- St. Louis SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS RELATIONSHIP CONTINGENCIES AND MATE-RETENTION BEHAVIOR Relationship-contingent self-esteem (RCSE) refers to self-worth derived from romantic relationships. This study examined whether or not RCSE was associated with mate retention behaviors (i.e., actions performed to keep partners in relationships). We found that individuals with high levels of self-esteem and high RCSE engaged in the most benefitprovisioning mate retention behaviors. Christopher Holden1, Virgil Zeigler-Hill1 1Oakland Univ. SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS SHOULD I STAY? INFIDELITY AND IMPLICIT THEORIES OF RELATIONSHIPS This study tested the relationship between implicit theories of relationships (destiny and growth beliefs) and outcomes of infidelity. We found that implicit beliefs do not predict actual infidelity outcomes (most people who experience infidelity break up), but they do predict imagined infidelity outcomes, i.e. willingness to stay together. Tatum Jolink1, Jennifer Shukusky1, Paul Eastwick1, Lucy Hunt1 1The Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: E - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS UNATTACHED AND UNPREPARED: DATING IN THE MODERN AGE FOR THE MIDDLE-AGED The current study investigates single, middle-aged adults seeking partners in the modern world. Specifically, this study aims to investigate the relationships between current status (single or married), well-being, and personality. Findings will further contribute to our understanding of the dating experiences of these adults in later life. Casey Bedell1, Delia Paskos1 1St. Edward’s University 62 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CULTURE IMPACT OF ETHNIC GROUP DIFFERENCES ON THE LEARNING AND SOCIALIZING PREFERENCES OF HONG KONG CHINESE CHILDREN We examined the impact of ethnic group differences on the learning and socializing preferences of young Hong Kong Chinese children. Overall, children preferred to learn and socialize from ingroup members over outgroup members. Outgroup member ethnicity, kindergarten type, and individual participant characteristics impacted children’s learning and socializing preferences differently. Eva Chen1, Kathleen Corriveau2, Veronica Lai3, Kristy Poon3, Sze-wan Ngai4, 1The Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology, 2Boston Univ., 3 Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology, 4Yan Oi Tong SESSION: E - CULTURE WIVES’ EXPERIENCES AND PERCEPTIONS: THE INFLUENCE OF CULTURE OF HONOR AND MATE GUARDING ON SATISFACTION Married women across the U.S. reported their relational experiences and perceptions of controlling behaviors as positive displays of commitment. Results indicate that culture of honor norms interact with experiences and positive perceptions of mate guarding to predict marital satisfaction and perceived length of time marriages will persist. Kiersten Baughman1 1Dickinson College SESSION: E - CULTURE INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN PERCEPTION AND SYSTEMS OF BELIEF: A CROSS-CULTURAL COMPARISON BETWEEN INDIAN AND AMERICAN COLLEGE STUDENTS The present study explores the role culture plays in shaping people’s beliefs about randomness and structure in the world. Overall, Indian students were better at accurately perceiving images in random stimuli and had a higher need for personal structure in their life, while American students were more religious. Gwen Gardiner1 1Univ. of California - Riverside SESSION: E - CULTURE FEAR OF SOCIAL DISTANCE AS A MEDIATOR OF INTERDEPENDENT SELF-CONSTRUAL AND FEAR OF POSITIVE EVALUATION AMONG ASIAN-AMERICAN STUDENTS This study investigates the relationship between the fear of positive evaluation and self-construal amongst Asian American students by examining the role of fear of social distance in academic success. Culture specific recommendations for educational settings include increasing instructor awareness to peer relations within the classroom and strengthening group-efficacy in addition to self-efficacy. Alexander Krieg1, Spencer Choy2 1Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa, 2Occidental College SESSION: E - CULTURE CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS ASSOCIATED WITH SEXUAL PREJUDICE Using the World Values Survey (Ns = 17 - 72 countries), traditionalism and individualism-collectivism, but not tightness-looseness, were associated with sexual prejudice. Study 2: Using a diverse, heterosexual sample (N = 1,047), generational status was negatively associated with sexual prejudice and affected the relation between culture and prejudice. Katherine Sorensen1, Kevin McLemore1 1Univ. of California, Davis SESSION: E - CULTURE I AM NOT AN ANIMAL – I AM AN AMERICAN: DISASSOCIATION FROM ANIMALS AND WORLDVIEW DEFENSE Terror management theory posits that cultural worldviews help people believe they are more than just animals. In six studies, we found that validation of cultural worldviews reduces participants’ perceptions of similarity to animals, and the extent of perceived similarity to animals moderates the effect of mortality salience on worldview defense. Uri Lifshin1, Jeff Greenberg1, Peter Helm1, Daniel Sullivan1 1Univ. of Arizona SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 63 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CULTURE HOW AND WHY FACEBOOK MAY SUSTAIN CULTURAL DIFFERENCES: THE CASE OF CAUSAL INFERENCES The current research demonstrated that Americans and Koreans had different beliefs about Facebook and also that, due to these differences in lay beliefs, they engaged in different activities on Facebook. Moreover, independent vs. interdependent activities on Facebook led to analytic vs. holistic reasoning, suggesting that Facebook may sustain cultural differences. Seung Beom Hong1, Jinkyung Na2 1The Univ. of Texas at Dallas, 2Sogang Univ. SESSION: E - CULTURE CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN THE MODERATING ROLE OF SOCIAL CONSTRAINTS IN THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN ACCULTURATIVE STRESS AND MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS The present study proposed and examined the moderating role of social constraints in the association between acculturative stress and mental health problems, and investigated potential cultural differences. Results suggested that acculturative stress is particularly detrimental to mental health for Asians with high levels of social constraints. Ching Yee Wong1, Alma Correa1, Qian Lu1 1Univ. of Houston SESSION: E - CULTURE CULTURE AND CONCEALABLE STIGMATIZED IDENTITIES: ANTICIPATED STIGMA BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND TURKEY The aim of this study was to learn the effects of anticipated stigma on anxiety and depression in Turkish and American individuals living with concealable stigmatized identities. Turkish individuals reported higher levels of anticipated stigma and higher levels of depression than their American counterparts. Further analyses demonstrated that the effect of culture on depression was fully mediated by anticipated stigma. Elif Ikizer1, Nairan Ramirez-Esparza1, Diane Quinn1 1Univ. of Connecticut SESSION: E - CULTURE THE CONSCIOUS AND BEHAVIORAL INFLUENCES OF CHINESE CULTURAL SOCIAL SKILLS TRAINING PROGRAMS ON JAPANESE PEOPLE: THE COMPARISON BETWEEN EXPERIMENTAL AND CONTROL GROUP In order to examine the conscious and behavioral influence of a Chinese cultural social skills training (ChC-SST) programs to Japanese, researchers divided 62 undergraduates into experimental/control group and attended ChCSST/non-ChC-SST programs respectively. The score of the experimental group improved both on the Chinese-cultural social skills scale and the Chinese-cultural behaviors self-evaluations. Xinhua Mao1, Masanori Kimura2 1Kobe Gakuin Univ., 2Kobe College SESSION: E - CULTURE SOCIAL SUPPORT AS A RELATIONSHIP-RETENTION BEHAVIOR IN HIGH RELATIONALLY MOBILE SOCIETIES: A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY BETWEEN CANADA AND JAPAN Based on a socioecological perspective, we propose that social support is a relationship-retention strategy, which is more adaptive in high relationally mobile societies. We found that no-support scenarios caused greater intention for relationship termination than support scenarios, and such difference was greater among Canadians (high relational mobility) than Japanese. Mie Kito1, Junko Yamada2, Masaki Yuki2 1Meiji Gakuin Univ., 2Hokkaido Univ. SESSION: E - CULTURE HARM IN HARMONY: COLLECTIVISTS USE COVERT TACTICS IN INTERPERSONAL CONFLICTS We provide evidence that Collectivists are more likely than Individualists to use covert tactics in interpersonal conflicts. Compared to Americans, Korean participants tend to repress their anger and covertly retaliate against an irresponsible coworker (Study 1) and Chinese participants tend to perceive ambiguous others doing covert, harmful things (Study 2). Shi Liu1, Garriy Shteynberg2 1Columbia Univ., 2Univ. of Tennessee 64 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CULTURE SOCIAL CLASS, PERCEIVED SOCIAL MOBILITY AND RISK TAKING In four studies, we investigated the relationship between people’s social economic status and risk taking behavior. Results suggested that individuals from higher social class tended to be more risk taking (e.g., stronger preference for risky choices) than their lower-class counterparts. Moreover, this effect was modulated by individuals’ perceived social mobility. Yafei Guo1, Shenghua Jin1, Xue Wang2 1Beijing Normal Univ., 2Univ. of Hong Kong SESSION: E - CULTURE CULTURE ORIENTATION, POWER AND CORRUPTION Through four experiments with various measurements, we found that for individuals who have higher individualism than collectivism, possessing power will increase their possibility of corruption, while for individuals who have higher collectivism than individualism, losing power will increase their possibility of corruption. Wei Cai1, Song Wu2, Ana Guinote3, Yu Kou1 1Beijing Normal Univ., 2Shenzhen Univ., 3Univ. College London SESSION: E - CULTURE LOSING CONFIDENCE OVER TIME: TEMPORAL CHANGES IN SELF-ESTEEM IN JAPAN We examined temporal changes in self-esteem in Japan between 1992 and 2014, and analyzed two time-series surveys from large, representative samples. We found that unlike the U.S., self-esteem decreased among a broad range of people from elementary school students to elderlies. This relationship remained even after controlling economic factors. Yuji Ogihara1, Yukiko Uchida2, Takashi Kusumi2 1Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2Kyoto Univ. SESSION: E - CULTURE A MULTILEVEL STUDY OF ANGER COMPONENTS This study explored the effects of psychological and cultural variables on self-reported emotional prototypes of anger. Researchers collected data among 5,006 college students from 25 countries. Being female, instrumentality, HDI and the interaction between country-level HDI competitiveness predicted internal processes and behavioral outcomes of anger prototypes. Itziar Fernandez1, Pilar Carrera2, Dario Paez3, Amparo Caballero2, Dolores Muñoz2 1Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 2Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 3Universidad del Pais Vasco SESSION: E - CULTURE “GOING OUT” OF THE BOX: INTERCULTURAL DATING ENHANCES CREATIVITY A longitudinal study compared the effects of intercultural romantic relationships and friendships on creativity. Over ten months, intercultural dating predicted increases in divergent and convergent forms of creativity, while intercultural friendships did not. This finding advances theoretical predictions that the depth (rather than breadth) of multicultural experiences catalyzes creativity. Jackson Lu1, Andrew Hafenbrack 2, William Maddux3, Adam Galinsky1, Paul Eastwick4, 1Columbia Univ., 2Catholic Univ. of Portugal, 3INSEAD, 4Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: E - CULTURE RETHINKING THE MULTICULTURAL EXPERIENCES-CREATIVITY LINK: THE INTERACTIVE PERSPECTIVE ON ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABILITY AND DISPOSITIONAL PLASTICITY The present study purposed an interactive perspective with regards to both multicultural experiences and dispositional plasticity as indispensable conditions for the cultivation of creativity. The results supported this perspective that only bicultural individuals who were high on dispositional plasticity could benefit from their multicultural experiences, thereby enhancing their creative performance. Jen-Ho Chang1 1National Taiwan Normal Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 65 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CULTURE TO SHARE OR NOT TO SHARE: CULTURAL VARIATION IN SHARING POSITIVE EVENTS WITH OTHERS We examined how European Americans and East Asians would differ in sharing their positive event with others. Results show that East Asians tell others about their good fortunes less than European Americans because they are more concerned about disrupting their relationships. Moreover, these cultural differences explain mean-level differences in wellbeing across cultures. Hyewon Choi1, Ji-eun Shin2, Shigehiro Oishi1 1Univ. of Virginia, 2Yonsei Univ. SESSION: E - CULTURE WHICH HONOR CULTURE?: EXAMINING THE VALIDITY OF COMMONLY USED MEASURES OF U.S. STATE HONOR CULTURE This study compared two commonly used measures of U.S. state honor culture. Though often used interchangeably, Gastil’s Index (criminology) and Cohen’s classification (psychology) showed differential correlations with predicted outcomes (murder and suicide rates). We also test alternative longitudinal measurement approaches. Our findings qualify the interpretation of earlier honor-culture research. Marisa Crowder1, Markus Kemmelmeier1 1Univ. of Nevada, Reno SESSION: E - CULTURE CROSS-CULTURAL PREFERENCES FOR OFFENSIVE AND DEFENSIVE STRATEGIES We examined 350 Euro-Canadians and 419 Chinese on their preferences for offensive and defensive strategies, and found that, contrary to our predictions (based on dialecticism and regulatory focus), Chinese preferred offensive strategies more than Canadians, and Canadians preferred defensive strategies more than Chinese. We will discuss potential reasons. Mark Khei1, Li-jun Ji1 1Queen’s Univ. SESSION: E - CULTURE CULTURE, CONTEXT AND DEFERENCE TO AUTHORITY The current study investigated the influence of prudential concerns and liking on deference to an authority figure among European Americans and Indians. We observed both commonality and cultural variability in the effect of these factors on the decision to defer as well as the evaluation of this decision. Matthew Wice1 1The New School for Social Research SESSION: E - CULTURE TEMPORAL INFLUENCES ON THE SELF AND SOCIAL PERCEPTIONS OF STUDENT VETERANS Varying lengths of military service contribute to the heterogeneity of the veteran population. Two studies found that service length and time in college interact to influence veteran academic self-concept, performance and perceived cultural distance between college and military, suggesting different mechanisms behind successful transition for groups of student veterans. Joseph Barbour1, Virginia Kwan1 1Arizona State Univ. SESSION: E - CULTURE A CROSS-CULTURAL APPROACH TO THE TWO SIDES OF EMOTION The current study aims to explore the degrees of both positivity and negativity within each specific emotion across four countries: the U.S., Canada, Korea and China. Results suggest that positivity and negativity of emotions are independent constructs, and they differ across counties (the U.S., Canada, Korea and China). Sieun An1, Li-Jun Ji2, Michael Marks3 1Peking Univ., 2Queen’s Univ., 3 New Mexico State Univ. SESSION: E - CULTURE WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS: CULTURAL FACTORS UNDERLYING THE USE OF ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS AMONG SAUDI ARABIAN AND UK USERS Our aim in this study was to investigate whether cultural differences in values, self-construals and relational mobility account for cultural differences in online motivations and behavior. Mediation analyses showed that sample differences in online motivations and behavior were partially explained via self-construals, values and relational mobility. Heyla Selim1, Karen Long1, Vivian Vignoles1 1Univ. of Sussex 66 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CULTURE BETTER THAN AVERAGE: SELF-EVALUATIONS IN AN INDIAN SAMPLE We studied the better-than-average effect (BTAE) in an English-speaking sample of 55 young adults in India. A BTAE on character traits was statistically significant. Over 75% of individuals showed the effect, and respondent personality correlated with the BTAE. These results suggest consistency across culture, albeit in a select Indian sample. Neil Lutsky1, Ashwini Ashokkumar2 1Carleton College, 2 Ashoka Univ. SESSION: E - CULTURE CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN PEOPLE’S EMOTIONAL RESPONSES TOWARDS SUCCESSFUL VS. FAILED OUTCOME IN LIFE Canadians expressed more high arousal positive and high arousal negative feelings in their drawings of success and failure, respectively, than Chinese did. Independent participants rated Canadians’ drawings that depict success as being more positive and likeable, and those that depict failure as being more negative and unlikeable, compared to Chinese’s drawings. Li-Jun Ji1, Suhui Yap1, Yuen Pik Chan1 1Queen’s Univ. SESSION: E - CULTURE PROMOTION AND PREVENTION FOCUSED PROSOCIAL BEHAVIORS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND JAPAN The study investigated cultural differences in promotion-focused and prevention-focused prosocial behaviors (i.e., approaching others to help vs. to avoid causing negative consequences to others). By examining the incidents participants reported about their actual prosocial actions, the study found that Japanese were more preventionfocused in their prosocial behaviors than British. Toshie Imada1, Keiko Ishii2 1Brunel Univ. London, 2Kobe Univ. SESSION: E - CULTURE IDENTITY INTEGRATION PREDICTS TOLERANCE: EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTRAPERSONAL AND INTERPERSONAL CULTURAL MIXING Interpersonal cultural mixing happens when individuals interact with others whose values differ from their own. Intrapersonal cultural mixing occurs when individuals negotiate between social identities that prescribe different values. Across two studies, individuals who perceive higher levels of overlap between their intrapersonal cultures are more tolerant during interpersonal cultural mixing. Sarah Huff1, Fiona Lee1, Ying-Yi Hong2 1Univ. of Michigan, 2Nanyang Technological Univ. SESSION: E - CULTURE CULTURAL CONTAMINATION: CULTURAL MIXING ELICITS DISGUST EVALUATIONS We examined whether mixing own- and foreign-cultural elements may be perceived as contamination. Four studies revealed that mixing of own- and foreign-cultural elements were rated as more disgusting than viewing the two cultural elements simultaneously. Patriotism was predictive of stronger disgust towards cultural mixing relative to simultaneous presentations. Bobby Cheon1, George Christopoulos1, Ying-Yi Hong2 1Nanyang Technological Univ., 2Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong SESSION: E - CULTURE A TWO-DIMENSIONAL MEASURE OF INDIVIDUALS’ CULTURAL ORIENTATION IN KOREA Building on a combinatorial approach of individualism-collectivism (I-C) that distinguishes values and selfrepresentation, we developed a two-dimensional measure of I-C in Korea. Reliability and validity of the scale were established in three studies involving college students and adults. We discuss the strength of the scale and directions for future research. Ha-yeon Lee1, Soohyun Lee1, Hyun Euh2, Hoon-Seok Choi1 1Sungkyunkwan Univ., 2Univ. of Minnesota SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 67 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CULTURE CULTURAL ASYMMETRY BETWEEN PERCEPTIONS OF PAST AND FUTURE PERSONAL CHANGE We found that British expected less personal change to occur in the future than they recall having occurred in the past, whereas Chinese expected similar amount of change in the future as they recall having occurred in the past. Subjective temporal distance accounted for such cross-cultural difference. Tieyuan Guo1, Roy Spina2 1Univ. of Macau, 2Univ. of Chichester SESSION: E - CULTURE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDIGENOUS KOREAN “WOORI” (WE-NESS) SCALE IN WORK CONTEXTS “Woori¡,” translated as “we¡,” is a central notion in the psychology of Koreans. We developed a scale capturing four indigenous psychological states necessary for a healthy form of “woori”: sincerity, affection, equanimity and autonomy. We established reliability and validity of the scale in surveys involving organizational workers and college students. Hyun Euh1, Hoon-Seok Choi2 1Univ. of Minnesota, 2Sungkyunkwan Univ. SESSION: E - CULTURE A MULTI-NATIONAL INVESTIGATION OF CROSS-CULTURAL COOPERATION A comprehensive investigation of cross-national cooperation behavior between individuals from 10 countries revealed that individuals hold transnationally shared expectations regarding cooperation behavior of various nations. These expectations are incorrect stereotypes that correlate negatively with reality and have considerable consequences for people from the respective countries. Angela Dorrough1, Andreas Glöckner1 1Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods SESSION: E - CULTURE UNDERSTANDING CULTURAL SELF DURING CULTURAL EXPOSURE: THE ROLE OF COGNITIVE ENGAGEMENT Cultural exposure increases awareness of one’s cultural self via cognitive engagement during the exposure. Two studies showed that individuals had a clearer sense of cultural self (1) when they learned more from their multicultural experience, and (2) when they thought longer and deeper about a new culture they have encountered. Chieh Lu1, Ching Wan1 1Nanyang Technological Univ. SESSION: E - CULTURE DO CHINESE AND EUROPEAN AMERICANS PERCEIVE AND EVALUATIVE THEIR ROMANTIC PARTNERS DIFFERENTLY?: AN EXAMINATION OF DIALECTICISM IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP CONTEXTS The current research examines how Chinese and European Americans perceive and evaluate their romantic relationships and partners differently. Based on the cultural theory of naïve dialecticism, we found that, compared to European Americans, Chinese showed more contradictory perceptions of their romantic partners, and they were more ambivalent when evaluating their partners. Ben Chun Pan Lam1, Susan Cross1, Sylvia Xiaohua Chen2, Jin-lin Zhang3, Li-jun Zheng3, Kai Seng Chan1, Meredith Durbahn1, Victor C. Y. Lau, , , 1Iowa State Univ., 2Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., 3 Hangzhou Normal Univ. SESSION: E - CULTURE INVESTIGATING MODERATORS OF USING THE SELF AS A REFERENCE FOR BEHAVIOR Two studies explored the relationship between internal dispositions and disposition-related behaviors. Researechers found a stronger disposition-behavior relationship for participants in an ancestral (v. modern) mindset when measuring a heritable trait (Study 1), but there was no effect of mindset on the disposition-behavior relationship using a low heritability trait (Study 2). Jacqueline Newbold1, Leonard Martin1 1Univ. of Georgia 68 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CULTURE FOOD ATTITUDES AND WELLBEING: THE ROLE OF ACCULTURATION This study explores the relationship between food attitudes and wellbeing in different cultures. Researchers collected data from 215 Euro-American, 101 Hispanic Americans and 125 Costa Rican participants. Correlations and mean comparisons were done on the variables of interest. Results demonstrate that culture moderates the relationship between food attitudes and wellbeing. Gloriana Rodriguez-Arauz1, Nairan Ramirez-Esparza1, Vanessa Smith-Castro2 1Univ. of Connecticut, 2Universidad de Costa Rica SESSION: E - CULTURE SOCIAL CLASS AND CONNECTION TO OTHERS IN FACE-TO-FACE AND COMPUTER-MEDIATED LEARNING We examined effects of social class in computer-mediated (CM) versus face-to-face (FtF) learning. Lower class students felt less socially connected in a CM versus FtF section of an actual college course. In a simulation, lower class students felt less shared reality in and showed lower liking of a CM environment. Peter Leavitt1, Daniel Sullivan1 1Univ. of Arizona SESSION: E - CULTURE RECOGNITION OF RESPONSIBILITY OR APPRECIATION OF SELF?: EXAMINING CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN NORM ADHERENCE IN MARITAL RELATIONSHIPS We conducted two studies assessing reciprocal norms in hypothetical marriages among Taiwanese and U.S. college students. Researchers predicted marital satisfaction by responsibility in Taiwan, whereas by fairness in the U.S. Analyses revealed that the above relation is moderated by culturally varied interpretation of marital norms in high self gender-role stereotyping. Chiung-Yi Tseng1, Joan Miller2 1Ming Chuan Univ., 2New School for Social Research SESSION: E - CULTURE THE IMPACT OF INTERNALIZATION OF WESTERN STANDARDS OF APPEARANCE ON ANTI-FAT BIAS IN KENYAN AMERICANS Studies show an anti-fat bias in Western populations. Researchers hypothesized that Kenyan-American participants high in internalization of Western standards of appearance would have significantly higher ratings of anti-fat bias compared to those lower in internalization. Findings suggest that internalization of Western standards of appearance contributes to increased anti-fat bias. Fanice Thomas1, Kerry Kleyman1 1Metropolitan State Univ. SESSION: E - CULTURE CULTURE AND HUMILIATION This study investigated the role of culture in the situations that elicit humiliation. European-American and Latin@/US Hispanic participants described situations in which they felt devalued by others and completed scales measuring honor values and importance of social image. Situation descriptions should parallel value differences between EuropeanAmerican and Latin@/US Hispanic participants. Lucy De Souza1, Patricia Rodriguez Mosquera1 1Wesleyan University SESSION: E - CULTURE FEAR OF SOCIAL DISTANCE AS A MEDIATOR OF INTERDEPENDENT SELF-CONSTRUAL AND FEAR OF POSITIVE EVALUATION AMONG ASIAN-AMERICAN STUDENTS This project examines the mediating role of fear of social distance (FSD) in academic success in the relationship between fear of positive evaluation and self-construal among Asian-American undergraduates. Results indicated that FSD accounts for some of the influence of self-construal (partial mediation). Culturally sensitive applications for educational settings are discussed. Spencer Choy1 1Occidental College SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 69 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - CULTURE LONG-TERM LIFE DECISIONS AND PRINCIPLES: A BICULTURAL STUDY This study seeks to investigate two main concepts: the differences in long-term life decisions of individualist and collectivist influenced samples and comparing in-group consistency of pre and post questionnaires in order to find trends in concluding that decisions were culturally influenced. Sharmin Alam1 1California State Univ. Northridge SESSION: E - DISABILITY ACKNOWLEDGING THE NEED FOR HAPPINESS: AN ANTIDOTE FOR LIFE WASTING Rarely is the construct of happiness found in literature salient to the concerns of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This mixed design study explored the subjective experiences of individuals with intellectual disabilities and individuals with autism through personal narratives, and measures of life satisfaction and subjective happiness. Lori Dotson1 1Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis SESSION: E - DISABILITY MOMENTARY EXPERIENCES OF DISCRIMINATION AND INTERNALIZED STIGMA FOR PERSONS LIVING WITH HIV: AN EXPERIENCE SAMPLING STUDY This study used experience sampling method and questionnaires to examine associations between discrimination and internalized stigma in men living with HIV, as well as examining psychosocial moderators of this relationship. Michael Owens1, Pariya Fazeli1, James Raper1, Michael Mugavero1, Bulent Turan1 1Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham SESSION: E - DISABILITY OUTGROUP HOMOGENEITY EFFECT AND INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES: HOW CONTACT AND KNOWLEDGE AFFECT PERCEPTIONS OF SIMILARITY AMONG THOSE WITH INTELLECTUAL AND PHYSICAL DISABILITIES We hypothesized that participants with greater contact and knowledge would be less likely to engage in the outgroup homogeneity effect (the perception that people with disabilities are more similar than those without disabilities). Participants reported knowledge, contact, and perceptions of individuals with disabilities. Results provide insight into reducing disability stigmas. Amber Graf1, Melanie Vert1, Katie Estey1, Molly Moloney1 1Carroll College SESSION: E - DIVERSITY BUILDING UNITY IN DIVERSITY: THE JOINT IMPACT OF COLLECTIVISTIC VALUE ORIENTATION AND INDEPENDENT SELF-REPRESENTATION ON ATTITUDES TOWARDS MULTICULTURALISM We examined under what conditions members of a majority are likely to endorse multiculturalism. Results indicated that the combination of collectivistic values and independent self-representation promoted beliefs in multiculturalism, which in turn led to support for pro-minority policies and intention to engage in collective actions promoting minority rights. Yujin Jeong1, Hoon-Seok Choi1 1Sungkyunkwan Univ. SESSION: E - DIVERSITY WHOSE GAY IDENTITY: IS PERCEIVED MEMBERSHIP IN THE GAY COMMUNITY BASED ON SOCIAL CLASS? Previous research has shown that social class (e.g. income, education) is related to sexual self-expression and gay community involvement (Barrett & Pollack, 2005). The current research extends these findings to include subjective measures of social class and other measures of gay identity and psychological wellbeing. Researchers also conducted mediation analyses. Ryan Pickering1, Ellen Newell2, Joseph Wellman3, Shannon McCoy4, , 1Allegheny College, 2Wilkes Univ., 3 CSU San Bernadino, 4Univ. of Maine 70 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - DIVERSITY PHILOSOPHY’S LEAKY PIPELINE: SELF-PERCEIVED COMPETENCE OUTPERFORMS STEREOTYPING AND IDENTITY IN PREDICTING ACADEMIC ENGAGEMENT Undergraduates enrolled in introductory philosophy courses completed stereotyping and identity measures following exposure to a stereotype reduction intervention. Researchers observed masculinity-philosophy associations, which were mitigated by the intervention. However, academic engagement (e.g., intentions to take philosophy courses) was unrelated to stereotyping and identity, and best predicted by self-perceptions of philosophical ability. Garrett Marks-Wilt1, Philip Robbins1 1Univ. of Missouri SESSION: E - DIVERSITY IS IT NATURAL TO BECOME A U.S. CITIZEN?: PSYCHOLOGICAL PROCESSES BEHIND IMMIGRANTS’ RELUCTANCE TO NATURALIZE We investigated the psychological factors underlying the motivation to become U.S. citizens among Lawful Permanent Residents. Perceived benefits of citizenship, sense of belonging to the U.S., and social support for becoming citizens predicted motivation to naturalize. We compared patterns among Europeans, Latinos and Asians. Researchers discuss psychological underpinnings of naturalization. Nur Soylu1, Ludwin Molina1, Gallal Obeid1 1Univ. of Kansas SESSION: E - DIVERSITY HOW METAPHORS SHAPE ATTITUDES TOWARD DIVERSITY Participants high in personal need for structure and those least clear in their understanding of diversity endorsed metaphors most strongly, evidence that metaphors promote cognition of difficult concepts. Preference for Researchers associated certain metaphors with diversity attitudes; those who preferred “melting pot” metaphors had less positive attitudes towards diversity. Nader Hakim1 1Univ. of Kansas SESSION: E - DIVERSITY BEING WORKING-CLASS IN A MIDDLE-CLASS WORLD: HOW FIRST-GENERATION COLLEGE STUDENTS NAVIGATE SOCIAL CLASS CULTURE CLASH First-generation college students (FGs) face a social class culture clash in college that undermines their success. How do FGs who persist in college navigate this culture clash? A survey of 418 undergraduates suggests that FGs who persist in college tend to endorse values that align with universities’ middle-class values. Laura Brady1, Yuichi Shoda1 1Univ. of Washington SESSION: E - DIVERSITY NEIGHBORHOOD DIVERSITY INCREASES ALTRUISM A common claim is that increasing racial diversity will reduce people’s trust in others and therefore their likelihood of helping others. However, in five studies, we found that people in more diverse neighborhoods and countries are more likely to help others and this was due to a broadened social identity. Jayanth Narayanan1, Jared Nai1, Ivan Hernandez2, Jeremy Tan3, Krishna Savani4, 1National Univ. of Singapore, 2Northwestern Univ., 3 Singapore Management Univ., 4Nanyang Business School SESSION: E - DIVERSITY DEMOGRAPHICS AND DIVERSITY: THE IMPORTANCE OF COLLECTING DEMOGRAPHICS IN UNDERGRADUATE SAMPLES Demographics collected from five experiments from 2012 to 2015 at two Atlantic Canadian universities in the same city (N = 712) demonstrated substantial variation. Specifically, variation in socioeconomic status and ethnicity. We discuss the importance of measuring demographics, as well as contextual measures that could be administered with diverse samples. Shavonne Pye-Strowbridge1, Katelynn Carter-Rogers2, Steven Smith1, Adena Brown1, Davey Chafe1 1Saint Mary’s Univ., 2Maastricht Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 71 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - DIVERSITY WHAT FACTORS BEST PREDICT ACADEMIC MAJOR CHOICE AND EXPLAIN THE GENDER GAP IN STEM? This study examined the independent contribution of eleven factors to choice of a pSTEM major. In addition to efficacy, belonging, role models and communal goals, a deterministic belief in gender (differences are real, meaningful, driven by biology) predicted pSTEM major status and partially explained the gender gap in pSTEM major choice. Erin McPherson1, Sarah Banchefsky1, Bernadette Park1 1Univ. of Colorado Boulder SESSION: E - DIVERSITY DIVERSITY INITIATIVES INCREASE SENSITIVITY TO DETECTING ANTI-WHITE BIAS AMONG WHITES AND MINORITIES Do organizational diversity initiatives increase sensitivity to anti-White bias among Whites, as well as racial minorities? Results from a study with 310 White and 93 minority participants revealed that the presence of a diversity initiative lead both groups to become more sensitive to anti-White bias. Gary Xia1, Cheryl Kaiser1 1Univ. of Washington SESSION: E - DIVERSITY WHAT ARE WE MEASURING WHEN WE MEASURE “COLORBLINDNESS”? The literature on colorblind ideology is notoriously inconsistent. These inconsistencies may exist in part because measures to assess “colorblind ideology” reflect multiple distinct constructs. Factor analyses of the items in these measures identified several orthogonal and conceptually distinct constructs, which relate differently to preference for hierarchy and symbolic racism. Karen Chang1, Yuichi Shoda1 1Univ. of Washington SESSION: E - DIVERSITY THE STATISTICAL EYE: HOW RACE BIAS INFLUENCES VISUAL PERCEPTION OF DIVERSE CROWDS Perceivers rapidly generate visual summaries of crowds. We discovered that racial bias penetrates this basic visual phenomenon. Americans overweight White people in visual summaries of racially-diverse crowds. This bias, together with race essentialism and racial categorization, develops from accumulated exposure to crowds in which common behavior is more frequently intraracial than interracial. Sarah Lamer1, Timothy Sweeny1, Elric Elias1, Max Weisbuch1 1Univ. of Denver SESSION: E - DIVERSITY SHOULD WOMEN TALK ABOUT BEING A WOMAN WHEN THEY APPLY TO GRADUATE SCHOOL?: DIFFERENTIAL IMPLICATIONS FOR THE STEM VS. SOCIAL SCIENCE FIELDS Although the frequency of gender acknowledgement by female applicants in personal statements for graduate school is still low, it was associated with better outcomes (wait-listed before rejected) than non-acknowledgment, particularly in Social Science fields. Applicants’ decisions concerning how to present gender identity may influence their evaluations during the application processes. Jennifer Wessel1, Nao Hagiwara2 1Univ. of Maryland College Park, 2Virginia Commonwealth Univ. SESSION: E - GENDER ACCULTURATION AND ACTION: CULTURAL CONNECTIONS IMPACT WOMEN’S RESPONSES TO GENDER DISCRIMINATION How does acculturation impact collective action when sexism comes from a host versus heritage culture perpetrator? We found that when exposed to a host culture perpetrator, among visible minority women with little host culture connection, greater heritage culture connection predicted higher collective action, active coping, planning and support. Eden Hennessey1, Mindi Foster1 1Wilfrid Laurier Univ. 72 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - GENDER NEGATIVE FEEDBACK FROM MALE SUPERVISORS DISCOURAGES WOMEN FROM PURSUING LEADERSHIP ROLES One cause of women’s underrepresentation in leadership roles may be the gender of their workplace supervisor. Women who received negative feedback from male supervisors (vs. female supervisors) were more likely to attribute the feedback to gender stereotypes and had less desire for leadership roles. H. Wenwen Ni1, Yuen Huo1 1UCLA SESSION: E - GENDER THE EFFECTS OF GENDER AND STATUS WHEN TALKING ABOUT STEM We examined which participants talked more in conversations between 77 dyads made up of undergraduate and graduate students in the same science fields. Undergraduate males and females did not differ in talking time; graduate students talked more than undergraduates; and undergraduate males—graduate female dyads showed closest to a 50% split. Megan Bruun1, Emily Jacobs1, Adrienne Wise1, Sara Hodges1 1Univ. of Oregon SESSION: E - GENDER MRS?: PERCEPTIONS OF WOMEN WHO DO NOT CHANGE THEIR SURNAME AFTER MARRIAGE Two studies examined how women are perceived when they choose to keep their surname after marriage. Findings demonstrated that women who retain their surname are viewed as lower in marriage commitment, and that the tendency to view them as less committed varies according to sociodemographic variables and social dominance orientation. Carrie Underwood1, Rachael Robnett1, Nikki Luu1, Kristin Anderson2 1Univ. of Nevada Las Vegas, 2Univ. of Houston-Downtown SESSION: E - GENDER PERCEIVED CAMPUS SAFETY AS A MEDIATOR OF THE LINK BETWEEN GENDER AND MENTAL HEALTH IN A NATIONAL COLLEGE SAMPLE This study examined the impact of perceived campus safety on psychological distress and sleep quality in female college students. Analyzing data from the 2010 National College Health Assessment-II (N = 95.712) showed that perceived campus safety partially mediates the relationships between gender and psychological distress and gender and poor sleep. Aubrey Etopio1 1Univ. of Nevada SESSION: E - GENDER MASCULINITY THREATS PROMOTE QUID-PRO-QUO SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND RAPE DISMISSAL The type of woman-directed aggression ensuing masculinity-threats is unclear. Across three studies (N=436), we found that threatened (vs. non-threatened) men report higher anger, public discomfort, anti-femininity, and a higher propensity to sexually harass and dismiss rape. Masculinity-threats may help understand the contexts in which men promote sexual aggression towards women. Jonathan Gallegos1, Marlaina Laubach1, Theresa Vescio1 1The Pennsylvania State Univ. SESSION: E - GENDER WHAT FEMALE SCIENTISTS LOOK LIKE TO HOSTILE SEXISTS: EXPLORING THE WARMTH AND COMPETENCE OF STEM FACES IN THE MINDS OF PARTICIPANTS Using reverse-correlation image classification techniques, we estimated participants’ ideas of the face of a female/ male scientist/homemaker. Raters assessed estimates on various dimensions. Study 1: Male-homemaker face rated highest warmth, lowest competence. Study 2: High-hostile-sexism participants’ image of female scientist rated more masculine, less warm, less attractive vs. low-hostile-sexism participants’ image. Alison Young1, Russell Fazio2, Evava Pietri3 1Olivet Nazarene Univ., 2The Ohio State Univ., 3Yale Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 73 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - GENDER HOW SEXISM, WORLD VIEWS AND CONSERVATISM PREDICT PREFERENCES OF LAW IMPLEMENTATIONS OF GENDER EQUALITY Research shows that sexism and gender legitimize gender inequality as seen in ratings of preference of proposed law implementations of gender equality in one study. In the second study, only sexism was found to be a significant predictor while mediated by world views and political orientation in the model. Maria Sandgren1, Philip Gustafsson1, Henry Montgomery2, Girts Dimdins3 1Södertörn Univ., 2Stockholm Univ., 3Univ. of Latvia SESSION: E - GENDER GENDER DIFFERENCES IN DESIRE TO MARRY Researchers manipulated perception of marriage (benefits or costs) to assess gender differences of young, nevermarried women’s and men’s desire to marry. Never-married women expressed more desire to marry than nevermarried married men when focusing on benefits of marriage; however, gender differences were eliminated when the costs of marriage were considered. Mea Benson1, Nyla Branscombe1 1Univ. of Kansas SESSION: E - GENDER WHEN WOMEN ARE CALLED “GIRLS”: THE EFFECT OF INFANTILIZING LABELS ON WOMEN’S SELFPERCEPTIONS This research investigated the psychological consequences for women of being called “girls.” Results indicated that being called “girl” rather than “woman” in a job application scenario made participants feel less confident that they would obtain the position, as well as less mature, adult and professional. Implications are discussed. Heather MacArthur1, Jessica Cundiff2 1The Pennsylvania State Univ., 2Missouri Univ. of Science & Technology SESSION: E - GENDER UNDERSTANDING THE ROLE OF PERCEIVED GENDER IN JUDGMENTS OF INDIVIDUALS WITH INTERSECTIONAL IDENTITIES This study explores the role of perceived femininity as a moderating factor of judgments between intersectional individuals (those with two subordinate identities on the basis of gender and race or gender and sexual orientation) and people with only one subordinate identity (on the basis of gender, race or sexual orientation). Rebecca Mohr1 1Columbia Univ. SESSION: E - GENDER MASCULINITY’S ROLE IN THE NARCISSISM-BENEVOLENT SEXISM RELATIONSHIP Narcissism and masculinity have been connected to sexism, but masculinity’s role in the link between narcissism and sexism has been little studied. An online study showed that masculinity fully mediated the association between narcissism and benevolent sexism. Thus, it appears that masculinity wholly drives the narcissism-BS relationship. Alison Patev1, Shaquela Hargrove1, Audrey Alexander1, Kristina Hood1 1Mississippi State Univ. SESSION: E - GENDER I DID WELL. SHOULD I TELL?: GENDER DIFFERENCES IN ACADEMIC SUCCESS DISCLOSURES Scant attention has been paid to gender differences in positive event disclosures despite evidence that such disclosure predict wellbeing. The current study provides evidence that third- to eighth-grade girls are more likely than boys to disclose positive achievement events to friends. Perceived norms and perceived responses mediate this gender difference. Ellen Altermatt1, Jackson Painter2 1Hanover College, 2Univ. of Louisville 74 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - GENDER MATH IF FOR BOYS, LANGUAGE IS FOR GIRLS: STEREOTYPE THREAT AFFECTS MALE STUDENTS’ LANGUAGE PERFORMANCE Male foreign language majors are more underrepresented than female physical science majors in the U.S. We demonstrate that male students may be negatively affected by stereotype threat in language domains such that exposure to gender stereotypes about language aptitude negatively affects performance via belief in a female advantage. Kathryn Chaffee1, Mantou Lou1, Kimberly Noels1 1Univ. of Alberta SESSION: E - GENDER MUSCLE PADS INCLUDED: A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF GENDER-RELATED PERSONAS AND SEXUALIZING CHARACTERISTICS IN HALLOWEEN COSTUMES Researchers conducted a content analysis of Halloween costumes marketed to adults, teens, children and toddlers to determine whether there are gender differences in costume personas or sexualizing features. Sexualizing costumes were more common for girls and women. Researchers discuss findings within the framework of objectification theory and gender role norms. Allison Musvosvi1, Lisa Harrison1 1California State Univ., Sacramento SESSION: E - GENDER THE EFFECT OF SUPPRESSION OF STEREOTYPE THREAT ON SELF-EVALUATIONS AND CROSSGENDER INTERPERSONAL EVALUATIONS Female participants who suppressed feelings of stereotype threat reported more positive expectations about how a male partner would evaluate them than did those who did not suppress. Suppression of gender-based stereotype threat did not lead to differences in confidence on a gender-stereotypical task, nor in evaluations about a cross-gender interaction. Zheng Li1, Helen Harton1 1Univ. of Northern Iowa SESSION: E - GENDER MORE THAN A FEELING: SYSTEM JUSTIFICATION BELIEFS MODERATE EMOTIONAL REACTIONS TO GENDER IMBALANCE IN STEM Does justification of the status quo moderate negative emotional reactions to information regarding the gender balance (imbalance) in STEM? Results revealed that individuals high in GSJ beliefs show more of a disparity in their emotional reactions to the different portrayals of STEM fields than do individuals low in GSJ beliefs. Elise Lundequam1, David Marx1 1San Diego State Univ. SESSION: E - GENDER THE ROLE OF SEXISM AND MASCULINITY IN MISCONCEPTIONS OF INTENTIONS FOR SEXUAL RISK Two studies distinguished between aspects of traditional masculinity (gender role conformity versus sexism) in predicting sexual risk behavior among heterosexual males. Hostile sexism was associated with sexual risk taking indirectly, through temptation for unsafe sex. Masculinity and benevolent sexism did not predict temptation for unsafe sex. Inna Saboshchuk1, Sarit Golub2 1The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2Hunter College, CUNY SESSION: E - GENDER THE PERCEPTION OF THE RELATIVE BODY PROPORTIONS OF THE SELF AND OTHERS Despite having ample perceptual information, people’s perceptions of their bodies show characteristic distortions. We tested whether these distortions generalize to others’ bodies. Results showed that people have distorted perceptions of body proportions even when viewing the bodies of others, and were greater when viewing those of the same gender. Kathleen McCulloch1, Sally Linkenauger1, Laura Kirby1, Matt Longo2 1Lancaster Univ., 2Birkbeck Univ. of London SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 75 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - GENDER MASCULINITY THREATS IMPACT ON SUPPORT FOR FEMALE LEADERS AND LGBT RIGHTS The current study examines how threats to masculinity influence support for female leaders and LGBT rights. Threat was shown to decrease support for female leaders and LGBT rights. Threatened individuals may engage in compensatory behaviors by distancing themselves from out-groups who violate gender norms. Maranda Martinez1, Juan Manibusan1, Patrice Horton1, Nadia Solis1, Elizabeth Halprin2, Dylan Turmeque-Lamont1, Clara Wilkins2, Joseph Wellman, , , 1California State Univ. San Bernardino, 2Wesleyan Univ. SESSION: E - GENDER PRIMARY IDENTITY AND DIFFERENCES IN PERCEIVED DISCRIMINATION Researchers investigated the interaction between women’s self-identity and perceived discrimination in an online survey, and considered primary group identity and identity suppression possible influences on perceived discrimination. This could help explain the personal/group discrimination discrepancy. Researchers found differences in perceived gender discrimination between primary identities and identity suppression levels. Kristin Donaldson1, Jeannetta Williams1 1St. Edward’s Univ. SESSION: E - GENDER ACTUAL AND PERCEIVED GENDER DIFFERENCES IN ENJOYMENT OF SEXUAL PRACTICES College participants rated their enjoyment of five sexual practices associated with women’s orgasm. Results showed no gender differences in enjoyment for most of these sexual practices. In Study 2, perceptions of gender differences were consistent with reported enjoyment in Study 1 but differed from Armstrong, England & Fogarty’s (2012) findings. Ashley Kate Malcom1, Diana Dinh1, Lisa Brown1 1Austin College SESSION: E - GENDER BEYOND SEXUAL PURITY: AN EXAMINATION OF MODERN AND TRADITIONAL CONCEPTUALIZATIONS OF FEMININE HONOR. While the construct of masculine honor has been established, the literature on feminine honor has been more limited. Through three studies we found that conceptualizations of feminine honor extend beyond sexual purity, having both traditional and modern ideological manifestations, and that perceptions of feminine honor are moderated by individual differences. Emily Nelsen1, Quinmill Lei1, Amanda Martens1, Stuart Miller1, Donald Saucier1 1Kansas State Univ. SESSION: E - GENDER EFFECT OF MISGENDERING: A MIXED METHODS APPROACH This research examined the effect of misgendering using a mixed methods approach. Qualitatively, college students were interviewed about their experiences being misgendered with an emphasis on academic settings. Experimentally, participants imagined themselves being misgendered in a gender identity heightened situation (e.g. a public restroom) and reported self-esteem, anxiety, and self-consciousness. Olivia Anderson1, Shane Giraldo1, Kristin Dukes1 1Simmons College SESSION: E - GENDER GENDER BIAS UNDERMINES STUDENTS’ STEM ENGAGEMENT Students who were exposed to the reality of STEM gender bias demonstrated greater awareness of STEM gender bias and less positive attitudes toward STEM, sense of belonging in STEM, and aspirations to pursue STEM careers relative to students who were told that gender bias does not exist in STEM. Nava Caluori1, Helena Rabasco1, Corinne Moss-Racusin1 1Skidmore College SESSION: E - GENDER GIRLS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (GIST): IMPACT OF A SCIENCE OUTREACH WORKSHOP ON SCIENCE IDENTITY This study examined the impact of a science outreach event led by female scientists on a racially diverse group of adolescent girls. Workshop participation increased science identification; however, girls from underrepresented racial minority groups had lower science identification than White girls at both pre- and post-test. Caroline Dickens1, Laurie O’Brien1, Donata Henry1, Aline Hitti1 1Tulane University 76 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - GENDER THE TEENAGE GIRL’S PLIGHT: SEEKING SUPPORT AND SELF-COMPASSION IN A CULTURE OF EFFORTLESS PERFECTION Adolescent girls’ stress is often fueled by pressure to be “effortlessly perfect” which can deter support seeking. We investigated barriers to seeking support among female high school students (N = 33). Findings indicate that selfcompassion and growth mindset are important factors that predict support seeking and healthy risk-taking. Abigail Hiller1, Michele Tugade1, Rachel Simmons2 1Vassar College, 2The Girl’s Leadership Institute SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS YOU DON’T LOOK LIKE YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO LOOK: CONSERVATIVES DEROGATE COUNTERSTEREOTYPICAL INDIVIDUALS IN THE SERVICE OF CATEGORIZATION Across three studies we found that conservatives (but not liberals) derogated people who deviated from both real and artificial stereotypes. Additionally, conservatives only derogated individuals who deviated from stereotypes when they expected to use those stereotypes to categorize people in the future, suggesting evaluations occurred in the service of categorization. Chadly Stern1, Tessa West1, Nicholas Rule2 1New York Univ., 2Univ. of Toronto SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS UNITED IN POLITICAL SOLIDARITY: HOW MULTICULTURAL ENDORSEMENT AND GROUP IDENTITY INSPIRE INTERGROUP POLITICAL SOLIDARITY AMONG MEMBERS OF LOWER STATUS GROUPS This research investigated when lower-status groups prefer solidarity with higher-status groups. Researchers primed Latino (Experiment 1) and LGBTQ (Experiment 2) participants to believe that a higher-status group endorsed multiculturalism or colorblindness, and then reported solidarity. Endorsement of multiculturalism (versus colorblindness) increased solidarity, and group identification moderated that relation (Experiment 2). Justine Calcagno1, Tracey Revenson2 1The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2Hunter College & the Graduate Center, CUNY SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS FAMILY MATTERS: PEOPLE’S PERCEPTIONS OF FAMILY MEMBERS DATING INTERRACIALLY Family members’ support is vital for the survival of a romantic relationship, yet interracial couples suffer much disapproval. We found that people felt more positively towards their brother dating interracially compared to their sister;. however, positive feelings towards sisters dating interracially increased as attitudes towards minorities improved. Maria Iankilevitch1, Alison Chasteen2 1Univ. of Toronto, 2Univeristy of Toronto SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS TERRORISM NEW AND OLD: AN INTEGRATIVE COMPLEXITY ANALYSIS OF ISIL AND AL-QAEDA Research compared a modern terrorist group (ISIL) to more traditional terrorist network al-Qaeda on integrative complexity. Findings suggested: (1) ISIL was less complex than al-Qaeda, and (2) as ISIL became increasingly separate from al-Qaeda, it became less complex. These data offer insight into the psychological uniqueness of modern terrorist groups. Shannon Houck1, Meredith Repke1, Lucian Conway, III1 1Univ. of Montana SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS THE SECRET LIES IN THE APPROACH: HOW TO EFFECTIVELY CONFRONT ANTI-GAY AND ANTILESBIAN PREJUDICE WHILE MINIMIZING INDIVIDUAL COSTS We found that confronting anti-gay and anti-lesbian bias with a suggestive tone while avoiding specific calls of homophobia is less costly to confronters and as effective as stronger-toned confrontations. This suggests that confrontation of prejudice need not be aggressive in order to be effective. Jonathan Cadieux1, Alison Chasteen1 1Univ. of Toronto SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 77 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS STEPPING INTO PERPETRATORS’ SHOES: HOW INGROUP TRANSGRESSIONS AND VICTIMIZATION SHAPE SUPPORT FOR JUSTICE THROUGH PERSPECTIVE TAKING OF PERPETRATORS In three studies, participants demanded significantly less justice when the ingroup was portrayed as the perpetrator rather than victim in an intergroup conflict. Ingroup glorification moderated this effect (Study 1), which can be explained by perspective taking of perpetrators (Study 2). We further showed that the differential justice demands in response to transgressions versus victimization are limited to conflicts that involve the ingroup. Mengyao Li1, Bernhard Leidner1, Silvia Fernandez-Campos2 1Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, 2New School for Social Research SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS EGO-DECENTERED REASONING REDUCES OUTGROUP BIAS IN INTERGROUP CONFLICTS Outgroup biases exacerbate intergroup conflicts. Drawing from wisdom philosophies, we examine how ego-decentered reasoning (EDR), reasoning processes that minimize self-biased ideologies, can reduce bias amid intergroup conflicts. Across four public surveys on real-world conflict events and one intervention, EDR consistently predicted less outgroup bias and more prosocial conflict resolution strategies. Franki Kung1, Justin Brienza1, Melody Chao2 1Univ. of Waterloo, 2Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS CHANGING BELIEFS OF GROUP MALLEABILITY AS A LONG TERM INTERVENTION FOR CONFLICT RESOLUTION Intractable conflicts are perpetuated by destructive emotions. Previous work has suggested that changing peoples’ beliefs about group malleability can efficiently assist in the regulation of these emotions. We examined this idea by conducting an intervention with 510 Israelis, leading to changes in emotions and attitudes two months after the intervention. Eran Halperin1, Amit Goldenberg2, Carol Dweck 2, James Gross2 1Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, 2Stanford Univ. SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS ARE ALL ANIMALS EQUAL?: TESTING HOW CONTACT WITH DIFFERENT ANIMAL TYPES IS ASSOCIATED TO IDENTIFICATION WITH ANIMALS This study examined how contact with different animals predicts identification with animals, which was more strongly linked to contact with pets than to contact with farm animals or wild animals. Positive emotions during contact specifically predicted identification with animals. These results are consistent with the cross-group friendship literature. Beatrice Auger1, Catherine Amiot1 1Univ. of Quebec in Montreal SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS POWER IN THE MONEY, MONEY IN THE POWER: THE EFFECT OF MONEY AND SEXUAL OBJECTIFICATION ON SOCIAL DOMINANCE ORIENTATION We hypothesized that the sexual objectification of women legitimizes social dominance, but only when the tools of dominance are salient. Participants endorsed social dominance to a greater extent the more they objectified women after encountering a money prime, but not when they tended to objectify women in a control condition. Maya Aloni1, Christopher Bartak 2 1Western Connecticut State Univ., 2The Univ. of Oklahoma SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS GROUP MEMBERS’ WILLINGNESS TO TAKE RISKS TO HARM A THREATENING OUTGROUP An outgroup either threatened or did not threaten participants. Both sexes felt equally angry when threatened, but only males were willing to take risks to harm the threatening group. Self-uncertainty mediated this interaction; threatened males felt self-uncertain, which was associated with more willingness to take risks to harm the outgroup. Elizabeth Niedbala1, Zachary Hohman1 1Texas Tech Univ. 78 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS MINORITY GROUP SIMILARITY PERCEPTIONS AS A MODERATOR OF WHITES’ REACTIONS TO FUTURE POPULATION CHANGES In a study investigating the relationship between perceptions of minority groups as similar and perceptions of minority group population increase, Whites who perceived minority groups as similar and perceived rapid minority group population increase evaluated minority groups most negatively. Mitchell Lorenz1, Chelsea Atkins1, Ruth Warner1 1Saint Louis Univ. SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS REMINDERS OF CONFLICT ENHANCE MEANING AND FUEL A DESIRE FOR FURTHER CONFLICT We investigated whether conflicts provide a sense of meaning of which individuals are hesitant to let go. We found that conflict reminders (Revolutionary War or 2014 NYC “hatchet attack”) increase meaning and a desire to ramp up military efforts, suggesting that conflicts can self-perpetuate because they are perceived as meaningful. Daniel Rovenpor1, Thomas O’Brien1, Bernhard Leidner1 1Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS THE CASE AGAINST MULTICULTURALISM: ESSENTIALIST BELIEFS AT WORK Findings from two studies showed that promotion of multicultural (vs. colorblind) ideology can backfire. Specifically, we found that after being exposed to multicultural (vs. colorblind) ideology, individuals who endorsed stronger essentialist beliefs showed negative reactance, exhibiting stronger intergroup baises. Melody Chao1, Justin Brienza2, Franki Kung2 1Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology, 2Univ. of Waterloo SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS THE UPSIDE OF ENTITATIVITY Three studies investigated the moderating role of entitativity in perceptions of groups. Across studies, participants liked groups that were prosocial, engaged in positive behavior and had a more positive impact on participants. Entitativity did not moderate these effects; participants liked high entitative groups more than low entitative groups. Kathleen Oltman1, John Dovidio1, Anna Newheiser2 1Yale Univ., 2Univ. at Albany, SUNY SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS WHY DOES PERSPECTIVE TAKING REDUCE INTERGROUP BIAS? MOTIVATION FOR OPENNESS VS. CLOSURE The present research investigated a novel motivational explanation for the link between perspective taking and more positive intergroup attitudes. Across three studies, both cultural and interpersonal forms of perspective taking predict reduced intergroup bias through (1) greater motivation for openness and (2) reduced motivation for closure. David Sparkman1, John Blanchar1, Scott Eidelman1 1Univ. of Arkansas SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS BRIDGING THE GAP: THE ROLE OF EMOTION REGULATION IN INTERGROUP EMPATHY The “intergroup empathy gap” is the tendency for people to experience less empathy for outgroup versus ingroup individuals. However, the mechanisms underlying this tendency, remain unclear. This investigation examined whether people employ strategic emotion regulation in empathy-inducing situations, and whether these strategies are utilized distinctly in intergroup versus intragroup situations. Jennifer Perry1, Keith Maddox1, Heather Urry1 1Tufts Univ. SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS FOREIGNNESS AND INFERIORITY: EVIDENCE FOR A NEW MODEL OF RACIAL POSITION Three studies support a two-dimensional model of racial position, such that the four largest U.S. racial groups are located into four distinct quadrants as defined by their perceived unassimilable foreignness as well as perceived inferiority. This model effectively captures the distinct stereotypes and forms of prejudice that different groups face. Linda Zou1, Sapna Cheryan1 1Univ. of Washington SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 79 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS THE FABRIC OF THE AMERICAN IDENTITY: VARIABILITY IN ETHNIC-NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Variations in the extent to which the American identity is associated with ethnic groups reflect two conceptually distinct principles. On one end, they are linked to features of the socio-structural context. On the other end, they stem from group interests. Conceptions of American identity are anchored in dynamic ethnic relations. Thierry Devos1 1UC San Diego SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS WHO IS A TRUE AMERICAN?: WHITES’ DEFENSE OF THEIR PROTOTYPICALITY IN AMERICA Across two experiments, Whites’, but not Non-Whites’, perceptions of a declining share of the U.S. population predicted increased support for assimilation. These reactions were uniquely explained by experiences of threat to Whites’ status as the most prototypical ethnic group in America. Felix Danbold1, Yuen Huo1 1Univ. of California, Los Angeles SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS GROUPS’ SEARCH FOR MEANING: REDEMPTION NARRATIVES AS A PATH TO INTERGROUP RECONCILIATION Three studies investigated redemption narratives as an intergroup intervention. Engaging in redemption narratives increased collective guilt and reparative intentions among perpetrators (S1), and increased empowerment, forgiveness and reconciliation among victims (S2). Further, victims exposed to perpetrators’ redemption stories expressed greater willingness to reconcile and perceived more change among perpetrators (S3). Katie Rotella1, Jennifer Richeson2, Dan McAdams2 1Johnson & Johnson, 2Northwestern Univ. SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS CROSS-GROUP CONTACT AND ADVANTAGED GROUP HELPING FOR SOCIAL CHANGE Cross-group contact can improve advantaged group member’s intergroup attitudes, but it remains unclear whether it increases willingness to assist disadvantaged groups in producing social change. This research shows that perceived injustice and support for multiculturalism influence the relationship between contact and willingness to participate in actions to reduce group-based inequality. Lexi Seida1, Stephen Wright1, Odilia Dys-Steenbergen1 1Simon Fraser Univ. SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS THE PSYCHOLOGY OF GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP: IMPLICATIONS FOR INTERGROUP TRUST Some people identify as global citizens who express global concern, competence and participate in global affairs. In two studies, we constructed a psychological profile of global citizens and investigated intergroup trust outcomes. Participants associated identifying as a global citizen with openness, abstraction, love, tolerance and universality, and predicted increased trust. Janet Pauketat1, Diane Mackie1 1Univ. of California Santa Barbara SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS ATROCITIES, JUSTIFICATIONS AND APOLOGIES: FROM INDIVIDUAL MEMORIES TO SHARED MNEMONIC REPRESENTATIONS Collective memories about atrocities such as the Armenian Genocide or Sri Lankan civil war can be different based on group membership. This project, consisting of lab and field experiments, investigates the selective recollection of atrocities, justifications and apologies as a function of perpetrator group membership. Kulani Panapitiya Dias1, Alin Coman1 1Princeton Univ. 80 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM OUR FRIENDS: THE IMPACT OF CROSS-GROUP FRIENDSHIP ON ACCULTURATION PREFERENCES This study explored how intergroup similarity and outgroup trust mediate the effects of cross-group friendship on acculturation preferences. Researchers predicted cross-group friendship to affect acculturation over time, and these relationships would be partly mediated by outgroup trust and intergroup similarity. Results confirmed that cross-group friendship longitudinally predicted both acculturation preferences. Tabea Hässler1, Roberto González2, Siugmin Lay3, Jorge Astudillo2, Michelle Bernardino2, Hanna Zagefka3, Rupert Brown4, Brian Lickel, Linda Tropp5 1Univ. of Zurich, 2Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 3 Royal Holloway, Univ. of London, 4Univ. of Sussex, 5Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS COMPENSATION BETWEEN COMPETENCE AND WARMTH: BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AND UNDERLYING PSYCHOLOGICAL PROCESSES Three studies reveal that compensation is more likely when groups are in asymmetrical relation and share a cooperative view. Also, compensation is associated with social creativity among low status group members whereas, illustrating the the “noblesse oblige” effect, it is a means to appear non-discriminatory for high status group members. Vincent Yzerbyt1, Laurent Cambon2 1Université catholique de Louvain, 2Université de Nice SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS SHAPING HELPING TENDENCIES THROUGH QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY INTERGROUP CONTACT Across two studies, we explored the effect of quality intergroup contact on outgroup helping tendencies. Results showed that quality contact was associated with an increase in empathy (and a decrease in anxiety), which not only influenced the kinds of help given, but also increased the commitment to help an outgroup. Mari Noelle Malvar1, Brian Johnston1 1The Graduate Center, CUNY SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS THE ROLE EMPATHY IN BYSTANDERS’ INFORMATION SEEKING AND HELPING RESPONSES TO INGROUP AND OUTGROUP PROTEST The current study tested the role of empathy on bystanders’ responses to ingroup and outgroup protest. Results indicated that participants spent more time reading about ingroup protest than outgroup protest. Participants’ empathy toward protestors significantly predicted participants’ willingness to learn more about the protest and help the protest. Prabin Subedi1 1The Graduate Center, CUNY SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS UNPACKING THE COMPLEXITY OF IMMIGRANT ATTITUDES: IMMIGRANT AGE PREDICTS ATTITUDES TOWARD IMMIGRANTS Across three studies, we found that people held more negative attitudes toward older immigrants than younger immigrants. We found that this was explained by the belief that older immigrants are less likely to benefit the economy and will have more difficulty adapting to a new culture than younger immigrants. Amanda Sharples1, Alison Chasteen1 1Univ. of Toronto SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS THE DEVOTED ACTOR: SACRED VALUES, IDENTITY FUSION AND COSTLY SACRIFICE FOR COMRADES AND CAUSE Previous research has associated identity fusion with extreme actions in defense of a group, and sacred values with extreme sacrifices for a cause. We present evidence from Lebanon, Morocco and Spain demonstrating that, under heightened tensions, sacred values and identity fusion interact to boost the willingness to make extreme sacrifices. Hammad Sheikh1, Jeremy Ginges1, Angel Gomez2 1New School for Social Research, 2Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 81 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS WHEN DIVERSITY IS NOT ENOUGH: INTEGRATION AS A BETTER PREDICTOR OF DISCRIMINATION AWARENESS Researchers examined the effect of integration over diversity on awareness of discrimination using a segregation index. Analyses revealed that integration was a better predictor than diversity alone of essentialism and perceived status of Blacks, such that integration was associated with greater awareness of discrimination (i.e., lower essentialism and perceived status). Kimberly Chaney1, Diana Sanchez1 1Rutgers, The State Univ. of New Jersey SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS WHEN WE DON’T KNOW WHO WE ARE: THE EFFECT OF ENTITATIVITY THREAT ON UNCERTAINTY The present experiment shows that outgroup threat to ingroup’s entitativity increased collective identity uncertainty among high identifiers (a) when outgroup’s numerical strength was salient (b) and the threatening information was from a credible source (c). Researchers conducted the study in the context of history controversies between China and Korea (N=160). Michael Hogg1, Jiin Jung1, Andrew Livingstone2, Hoon-Seok Choi3 1Claremont Graduate Univ., 2Univ. of Exeter, 3 Sungkyunkwan Univ. SESSION: E - INTERGROUP RELATIONS THE ROLE OF FRIENDSHIP NETWORKS AND MOTIVATIONAL GOALS IN INTERRACIAL INTERACTION This research investigates how a partner’s friendship network diversity (same race vs. diverse race) interacts with motivational goals (performance vs. learning) to shape downstream experiences of identity threat during interracial interaction. We hypothesized and found that learning goals diffused the experience of threat that resulted from homogenous friendship networks. Zachary Chacko1, Elise Ozier1, Mary Murphy1, Daryl Wout2 1Indiana Univ., 2 John Jay College SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING PREDICTING NEGOTIATION DECISIONS WITH BRAIN ACTIVITIES We demonstrate that the left dorsal anterior insula, known to be an emotion-related brain region, shows a different pattern of activity for different types of offers during negotiations. Relying on such differences, we show that we can predict whether the negotiator concedes, holds or asks for more during negotiations. Eunkyung Kim1, Sarah Gimbel1, Aleksandra Litvinova1, Jonas Kaplan1, Morteza Dehghani1 1Univ. of Southern California SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING HACKING FOR THE GREATER GOOD: HACKTIVISM AS A PRODUCT OF DEINDIVIDUATION, POWER AND SOCIAL INJUSTICE We utilize a game theoretic framework to examine hacktivism as a product of risks and payoffs. We examine whether (1) group-focused plural pronouns, (2) language inducing status/power and (3) feelings of social injustice, all prevalent in Anonymous slogans, influence perceptions of risks, payoffs, and attack likelihood among computer science/ engineering majors. Jessica Bodford1, Virginia Kwan1 1Arizona State Univ. SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING ABSTRACT MIND-SET PROMOTES WILLINGNESS TO SAVE Researchers conducted two studies in order to examine a hypothesis that enhancing high-level construals would lead to greater savings. The studies induced participants to high- vs. low-level construals and asked them to make choices between spending and saving. The results show that participants with an abstract mind-set decided to save more. Joanna Rudzi?ska-Wojciechowska1 1Univ. of Social Sciences & Humanities SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING CONTRASTING COMPENSATION CLAIMS: FRAUDULENT DAMAGE CLAIMS INCREASE COMPENSATION FOR HONEST CLAIMS In a field study, we reveal an undocumented cost associated with fraudulent claims for monetary compensation; claims processors award more compensation to an honest claim when it is preceded by a fraudulent claim than when it is not. Anna Steinhage1, Gabrielle Adams1 1London Business School 82 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING REEXAMINING LOSS AVERSION IN LOTTERY DECISION-MAKING We revisit a recent investigation by Walasek and Steward (2015) who argued that decision-sampling theory could explain loss aversion. In three studies, we offer an alternative explanation for the prevailing phenomenon; people are sensitive to the range of gains and losses and actively engage with the values they make decisions about. Phoebe Wong1, Minah Jung2, Clayton Critcher1, Leif Nelson1 1Univ. of California, Berkeley, 2New York Univ. SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING ENLARGING THE MARKET YET DECREASING THE PROFIT: COMPETITIVE BEHAVIOR WHEN INVESTMENT AFFECTS THE PRIZE Do high competitive investments benefit or harm society? In an experimental competition game, subjects invested more when they increased their potential prize, often actually diminishing their earnings compared to sitting out the competition. Conversely, subjects tended to invest less when investments decreased the opponent’s prize, leading to higher overall gains. Einav Hart1, Judith Avrahami1, Yaakov Kareev1 1The Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING GOING FOR IT ON FOURTH DOWN: EFFECTS OF RIVALRY ON RISK TAKING Recent work has begun to elucidate how competitions between rivals may be fundamentally different than competition between non-rivals. Using experimental studies and data from the National Football League, we extend this perspective by finding that competition against a rival increases risky behavior. Research tested and discussed psychophysiological causal mechanisms. Christopher To1, Gavin Kilduff1, Lisa Ordonez2, Maurice Schweitzer3 1New York Univ., 2Univ. of Arizona, 3Univ. of Pennsylvania SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING PRESTIGE BIAS OR EXPERTISE EFFECTS? Prestige and expertise influenced participants when rating agreement with factual statements. They agreed to a greater extent with statements ostensibly endorsed by individuals high in expertise and prestige. This was true regardless of whether statements were true or false. Jennifer Vonk1, Zachary Willockx1, Brock Brothers1 1Oakland Univ. SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING TOMORROWLAND IS WORTH MORE TODAY: THE SUBJECTIVE DEVALUATION OF FILMS THROUGH THEIR LIFECYCLE Across four experiments, we find that within three months from release, the subjective value of a film drops by approximately 50%, depending on initial price, delay in viewing, viewing conditions and the consumer’s income. Consumers are especially impatient when given the chance to advance rather than delay the film viewing. Vaishali Mahalingam1, Maarten Bos1 1Disney Research SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING DETERRENTS TO HEEDING A SEVERE WEATHER WARNING People sometimes fail to heed weather warnings. We found that priming thoughts of hurricane dangerousness lead people to feel vulnerable to hurricane threat. Priming thoughts of obligation to prepare along with other factors such as home type and income affected trust of weather reporters and likelihood to prepare. Joy Losee1, James Shepperd1, Gregory Webster1 1Univ. of Florida SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING EFFECTS OF FRAMING ON EARTHQUAKE RISK PERCEPTION: LIFETIME FREQUENCY DATA ENHANCE RECOGNITION OF THE RISK Five frames with logically identical but semantically different statements described the earthquake risk to the population of a city. Participants rated the frame that describes the risk in a 50-year time frame and uses frequency data (10% chance of 1600 dead in 50 years) more risky than the other frames. John McClure1, Liv Henrich1 1Victoria Univ. of Wellington SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 83 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING A NEW LOOK AT INTERGROUP DECISIONS: TRACKING THE COGNITIVE PROCESSES INVOLVED IN COOPERATION WITH IN- AND OUTGROUP MEMBERS We investigate the processes underlying decision making in intergroup contexts using eye tracking. We replicate ingroup bias in choice behavior, and report systematic differences in visual information search of decision makers in in- vs. outgroup decisions depending on SVO. Researchers discuss implications for intergroup research and resolutions for intergroup conflict. Rima-Maria Rahal1, Carsten de Dreu2, Susann Fiedler1 1Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, 2Univ. of Amsterdam SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING SLEEP DEPRIVATION AND ADVICE TAKING We compared participants with one night of total sleep deprivation to participants with a night of regular sleep, and manipulated quality of advice within subjects. Sleep deprived participants show increased advice taking. Moreover, sleep deprived participants benefit more from high quality advice than well rested participants. Jan Häusser1, Johannes Leder1, Charlene Ketturat1, Martin Dresler2, Nadira Faber3 1Univ. of Hildesheim, 2Radboud Univ. Medical Centre, 3Univ. of Oxford SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING PERSONAL TRAUMA AND AFFECTIVE FORECASTING: REACTIONS TO LARGE AND SMALL SCALE PUBLIC TRAGEDIES The current study extends the affective-forecasting literature to diverse regions, and has implications for work on insensitivity to large-scale tragedies. It also introduces the role of past trauma in people’s emotional predictions towards public tragedies. Our work supports trauma’s lingering effects on people’s daily decision-making and predictions. Jala Rizeq1, Doug McCann1 1York Univ. SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING TELL ME WHAT I WANT TO HEAR: LAY PEOPLE ASSIGN HIGHER AUTHORITY TO FINANCIAL EXPERTS WHOSE ADVICE CONFIRMS CONSUMERS’ EXPECTATIONS We examined in three experiments how lay people perceive epistemic authority in the field of financial expertise. We showed that people assign higher authority to the expert whose recommendations confirm either their own opinions or, when own opinions are not salient, the common norm of certain financial behaviors. Tomasz Zaleskiewicz1, Agata Gasiorowska1 1SWPS Univ. of Social Sciences & Humanities SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING WHEN I AM WEAK, THEN I AM STRONG: SELF-OTHER DIFFERENCES IN EVALUATION OF SHOWING VULNERABILITY Many important life situations require individuals to make themselves vulnerable. Is showing vulnerability perceived differently in oneself than in others? A series of experiments show that individuals evaluate the act of showing vulnerability as more negative in oneself than in others. Anna Bruk1, Sabine Scholl1 1Univ. of Mannheim SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING FLUENCY AS A CUE VS. FLUENCY AS A HEURISTIC IN SOCIAL JUDGMENTS The present contribution discusses two ways processing fluency may influence social judgments (e.g., familiarity, fame, or truth): a Brunswikian cue-learning model (Unkelbach & Greifeneder, 2013) and fluency as a heuristic (Hertwig et al., 2008). Four experiments support fluency as a cue in judgments, rather than fluency as a heuristic. Christian Unkelbach1, Rainer Greifeneder2 1Univ. of Cologne, 2Univ. of Basil 84 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING BRAND NAME FLUENCY AND PRODUCT CHOICE: A CONFORMITY ACCOUNT Across three studies, we find that products with fluently processed brand names are perceived as more popular. Hence, products with fluent brand names are more likely to be chosen when consumers want to “fit in” rather than “stand out,” independent of whether that motive is manipulated or chronic. Francesca Valsesia1, Norbert Schwarz1 1Univ. of Southern California SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING THE PREFERENCE-CATEGORIZATION EFFECT: PREDICTING BEHAVIOR FROM EVALUATIVE CATEGORIZATION PREFERENCES Previous research shows that people prefer more scale points when evaluating liked (vs. disliked) categories. One important question is whether this has implications for predicting behavior with category items. The present research extends previous research by examining how preference and scale length selection predicts engagement with liked (vs. disliked) items. Brittney Becker1, Rachel Smallman1 1Texas A&M Univ. SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING QUERY THEORY A AS TOOL TO ASSIST RESTRAINED EATERS Researchers conducted this current study to understand the thought processes chronic dieters (CD) use when making decisions to keep or not keep a food item (ice cream) and a nonfood item (shampoo). Findings suggest a CD’s selfcontrol is not limited to just food consumption, but that it extends to other paradigms. Sudy Majd1, Elke Weber1 1Columbia Univ. SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING DID THE EBOLA OUTBREAK INFLUENCE THE 2014 U.S. FEDERAL ELECTIONS (AND, IF SO, HOW)?: LONGITUDINAL ANALYSES OF PRE-ELECTION POLLING DATA Longitudinal analyses of pre-election polls tested whether perceived threat of Ebola predicted voting intentions preceding the 2014 U.S. federal elections. Results showed that the salience of Ebola predicted increased support for conservative candidates, and that this effect was moderated by a tendency to conform to local voting norms. Alec Beall1, Marlise Hofer1, Mark Schaller1 1The Univ. of British Columbia SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING REDUCING IDENTITY DISCLOSURE ONLINE THROUGH WARNINGS Two experiments manipulated warnings designed to trigger systematic, rather than heuristic, processing in attempts to reduce disclosure of personal information that is considered safe to share (i.e., date of birth). Warnings that recommended an alternative to full disclosure (i.e., fake the month) succeeded in reducing disclosure. Sandra Carpenter1, Michael Shreeves1, Payton Brown2, Feng Zhu1, Mini Zeng1 1The Univ. of Alabama in Huntsville, 2Intergraph Corporation SESSION: E - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING NUDGE ME IF YOU CAN – THE INTERPLAY OF DEFAULTS AND ATTITUDE STRENGTH In two pre-registered studies, we examine the influence of default options and attitude strength on peoples’ choices of an electricity provider. Study 1 presents an extended replication of a previous study by measuring attitude strength. In Study 2, we manipulate attitude strength to assess its interplay with default settings. Max Vetter1, Florian Kutzner1 1Heidelberg Univ. SESSION: E - LANGUAGE JUDGMENTS OF SELF-IDENTIFIED GAY AND HETEROSEXUAL MALE SPEAKERS OF AMERICAN ENGLISH: WHICH PERSONALITY TRAITS ARE ASSOCIATED WITH EACH GROUP OF SPEAKERS? This study investigated which personality traits listeners associated with gay and heterosexual speakers. Upon hearing a spoken utterance, listeners identified traits associated with each speaker. Participants described heterosexual speakers as sad and mature, gay speakers as friendly and whiny, and both groups as angry and confident. Erik Tracy1, Kelly Charlton1 1Univ. of North Carolina at Pembroke SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 85 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - LANGUAGE SEMANTIC PROSODY AND SOCIAL JUDGMENT: WHY IS “PRODUCING” WORK GOOD BUT “CAUSING” WORK BAD? We test whether semantic prosody, the tendency for a word to appear in a valenced context, affects the inference drawn from synonymous words. In five studies, ambiguous concepts (medical outcomes, trait impressions, policy initiatives) were evaluated more positively (negatively) when described with a synonymous word of positive (negative) semantic prosody. David Hauser1, Norbert Schwarz2 1Univ. of Michigan, 2Univ. of Southern California SESSION: E - LANGUAGE ARTICULATION MOVEMENTS AS APPROACH-AVOIDANCE INDUCTIONS Words were construed for which the muscle stricture spots for articulating the consonants wander either from the front to the rear of the mouth (inward, e.g., MENIKA) or reversed (outward, e.g., KENIMA). Because oral inward (outward) wanderings resemble ingestion (expectoration) movements, inward words elicited more positive attitudes than outward words. Sascha Topolinski1 1Univ. of Cologne SESSION: E - LANGUAGE TORTURE BY ANY OTHER NAME: “ENHANCED INTERROGATION TECHNIQUES” AND DIMINISHED PERCEPTIONS OF SEVERITY We test whether a common euphemism for torture evokes less severe images of the act. Participants considered it less likely that an act causes extensive physical and mental damage, and is illegal, when the headline referred to “enhanced interrogation techniques” rather than “torture.” Leslie Berntsen1, Norbert Schwarz1 1Univ. of Southern California SESSION: E - LANGUAGE MEASURING LATENT SEMANTIC SIMILARITY IN INITIAL ONLINE DYADIC INTERACTIONS Researchers examined an index of semantic similarity, Latent Semantic Similarity (LSS), to determine its role in initial online dyadic interactions. Results demonstrated that LSS declines over the course of each dyad’s online interaction, suggesting that dyad members are not motivated to achieve high LSS after the initial stages of interaction. Vivian Ta1 1Univ. of Texas at Arlington SESSION: E - LANGUAGE SERIOUSLY DECEPTIVE: RESPONSE LATENCY AND LIE SERIOUSNESS The current study investigated the relationship between lie seriousness and the ability to deliver well-timed, credible responses. Participants enacted a scripted conversation, which contained lies that varied in their seriousness. The results indicated that participants delivered responses that were more calibrated to the conversational tempo for serious versus trivial lies. Ellen Reinhart1, Kathryn Ross1, Marilyn Boltz1 1Haverford College SESSION: E - LANGUAGE HOW DOES TALKING ABOUT SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS CONTRIBUTE TO WELLBEING? Previous research has focused on measuring subjective components of quality of life (QOL) via self-report methods. A preliminary study (N = 253) attempting to validate a narrative-based QOL measure suggests that elements of word-use reflecting social processes, particularly ‘family’ but not ‘friend’ words, are significantly associated with self-reported wellbeing. Angela Carey1, Matthias Mehl1 1Univ. of Arizona 86 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - LANGUAGE GENDER DIFFERENCES IN LANGUAGE USE FOR PREDICTING MARITAL OUTCOMES This study investigated how couples’ non-conscious behaviors (i.e. pronoun use) and conscious perceptions of behaviors (i.e. how one believes he/she treats a partner) influence one’s predictions of marital success. Researchers associated self-reported relationship behaviors with marital prediction for men but not women, and the opposite was true for pronoun use. Tiffany Szymanski1, Julia Briskin1, Ryan Calcaterra1, Gabrielle Dorchak1, Richard Slatcher1 1Wayne State Univ. SESSION: E - LANGUAGE MANAGE WITH YOUR HEAD OR LEAD FROM YOUR HEART?: THE HEAD-HEART METAPHOR SHAPES THINKING ON LANGUAGE USAGE A head-heart metaphor demonstrates two different concepts: use your head vs. follow your heart. The present research explored how the head-heart metaphor is associated with thinking styles and how to use the metaphor to influence thinking. By manipulating the head-heart metaphor, different thinking styles could be elicited. Yi-Tai Seih1 1National Taiwan Univ. of Science & Technology SESSION: E - LANGUAGE THE SOUNDS OF KIND AWARENESS: OBSERVABLE MANIFESTATIONS OF MINDFULNESS AND SELFCOMPASSION IN DAILY LIFE Mindfulness and self-compassion are key constructs in contemplative science, yet little is known about how they relate to concrete, real-world behaviors. Using baseline data from a meditation trial (N=196) collected with the Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR), we identified shared and distinct observable manifestations of mindfulness and selfcompassion in daily life. Deanna Kaplan1, Thaddeus Pace1, Charles Raison2, Matthias Mehl1 1Univ. of Arizona, 2Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison SESSION: E - LANGUAGE EXPERIENCES OF A NATION: ANALYZING THE PSYCHOLOGY OF DAY-TO-DAY LIFE USING FACEBOOK AND TWITTER How does a typical day unfold? This study analyzed the experiences of 1,500,000 social media users, using over 20 million Tweets and nearly 20 million Facebook statuses, exploring weekly and daily experiential trends of working, socialization, mating, positivity and negativity. Further, homosexuals experience higher levels of Negativity and Adversity. David Serfass1, Ryne Sherman1, Michal Kosinski2, David Stillwell3 1Florida Atlantic Univ., 2Stanford Univ., 3Univ. of Cambridge SESSION: E - LANGUAGE COMPUTATIONAL EGO LEVEL: LARGE DATA AND NEW METHODS ILLUMINATE THE CONSTRUCT OF EGO DEVELOPMENT We apply linguistic analysis to examine ego development in two large datasets, examining response functions to reveal words which “appear” or “drop out” at particular developmental levels. The project both explicates the construct of ego development and generates dictionaries for the analysis of new texts, including social media ( Rachel Pauletti1, Daniel Lopez2, Kevin Lanning2 1Lynn Univ., 2Florida Atlantic Univ. SESSION: E - LANGUAGE ACTIVE AND FUTURE-ORIENTED TWEETS PREDICT LOWER COUNTY-LEVEL HIV PREVALENCE IN THE U.S. Tweets provide a naturalistic snapshot of community-level personality. Independent of population density and demographics, U.S. counties that talk more about the future (would, tomorrow) and action (going, getting) have lower HIV rates. Results suggest that Big Data approaches to text analysis can enrich person x situation models of health behavior. Molly Ireland1, Hansen Schwartz2, Lyle Ungar3, Dolores Albarracin4, , 1Texas Tech Univ., 2The State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook, 3Univ. of Pennsylvania, 4Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 87 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - LANGUAGE SHOW ME THE MONEY: THE INFLUENCE OF MONEY-RELATED METAPHORS ON FINANCIAL ANXIETY AND SPENDING This research examined the effects of money-related metaphors. Results revealed that completing a “finding a fortune” word search (where the word “fortune” was found) attenuated money anxiety (Studies 1-3) and heightened consumer spending (Study 3) versus completing a “searching for wealth” metaphor (where the word “wealth” could not be found). Christian Sullivan1, Mike Kersten1, Erin Van Enkevort1, Cathy Cox1 1Texas Christian Univ. SESSION: E - LAW INFLUENCE OF VICTIM AND OFFICER RACE AND VICTIM SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS FOR CASES OF POLICE BRUTALITY: A MOCK JUROR STUDY The purpose of this study was to examine how victim and arresting officer race, as well as victim SES, influence juror decisions for cases involving police brutality. Results showed jurors were more punitive toward the officer (regardless of race), and found this officer more culpable for the European-American and high SES victim. Russ Espinoza1, Sarah Kilcullen1, Hailey Harris1 1California State Univ., Fullerton SESSION: E - LAW WHO IS BLAMED THE MOST? AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE AMOUNT OF BLAME ATTRIBUTED TO VICTIMS OF CRIME This study examined whether the type of crime and gender of perpetrator/victim had an effect on victim blame. Results indicated that type of crime significantly affects victim blame, as well as the gender of the perpetrator when the victim is male. Lauren Rubenstein1 1High Point Univ. SESSION: E - LAW THE DUAL EFFECT OF JURY INSTRUCTION SIMPLIFICATION Three studies examined the dual effect of jury instruction simplification. While simplification enhanced mock jurors’ application of the instructions to decide a verdict, it also led mock jurors to choose to hear both fewer opinions of their fellow mock jurors, and more opinions that were consistent with their own opinion. Chantelle Baguley1, Blake McKimmie1, Barbara Masser1 1The Univ. of Queensland SESSION: E - LAW THE INFLUENCE OF APPEARANCE CHANGE INSTRUCTIONS ON EYEWITNESS ATTENTION AND IDENTIFICATION ACCURACY Researchers examined the influence of appearance-change instructions (ACI) on eyewitnesses’ attention and identification accuracy. Preliminary results indicate that the ACI decreases both correct identifications of the guilty suspect and false identifications of innocent suspects. No impact of the ACI on attention to specific suspect features was evident. Jacob Kraft1, Sean Jordan1, Haeley Hendrickson1, David Matz1, Nancy Steblay1 1Augsburg College SESSION: E - LAW CHOICE BLINDNESS AS MISINFORMATION: MEMORY DISTORTION IN AN EYEWITNESS IDENTIFICATION TASK The current study investigated the long term-effects of choice blindness in an eyewitness identification paradigm. Resulted revealed that participants exposed to manipulated versions of their own identification decision shifted their identification on a subsequent lineup to be consistent with this misinformation, particularly when they failed to detect the misinformation. Rachel Greenspan1, Kevin Cochran1, Elizabeth Loftus1 1Univ. of California, Irvine 88 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - LAW CAN YOU SEE ME NOW?: EXAMINING THE MAXIMUM DISTANCE OF EYEWITNESS IDENTIFICATIONS The present study utilized a realistic paradigm to measure distance’s effect on memory and facial identifications. Lineup accuracy and the number of accurate details reported decreased as distance increased. However, distance had little effect on inaccurate information reported. This study also reported witnesses’ responses to other diagnostic measures (e.g., confidence). Christopher Altman1 1Florida International Univ. SESSION: E - LAW CRIMINAL JUSTICE ATTITUDES IN POLICE CADETS AND COLLEGE STUDENTS Police cadets and college students completed attitudinal measures related to the criminal justice system; researchers found several significant differences. Students were more oriented toward mercy, less harsh punishment, and more likely to believe that false conviction is possible. Cadets presumed less innocence at trial and scored higher on racism. Katherine Knight Tuttle1 1Hanover College SESSION: E - LAW A STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODEL OF JUROR SENTENCING DECISIONS IN A RACE-BASED HATE CRIME Using structural equation modeling, we examined the direct and indirect relationship between racial prejudice and sentencing decisions in a race-based hate crime. Our SEM indicated that racial prejudice was a strong predictor of sentencing and that racial prejudice influenced attributions of blame toward the perpetrator, which in turn predicted sentencing. Bradlee Gamblin1, Karen Vanderzanden1, Kelly Jones1, Andre Kehn1, Joelle Ruthig1 1Univ. of North Dakota SESSION: E - LAW WILL PUTTING CAMERAS ON POLICE OFFICERS REDUCE POLARIZATION? This study finds that factfinders given video footage of a police-citizen altercation show similar levels of polarized beliefs as compared to factfinders given written descriptions. Further, fact-finders who identify strongly with the police, but not those who identify weakly, become more confident in their judgments when presented with video evidence. Roseanna Sommers1 1Yale SESSION: E - LAW DID YOU SEE THAT @#$% WHO CUT ME OFF?: WRONGDOERS’ STATUS AND VICTIMS’ ATTENTION TO WRONGDOING Wrongdoers’ status affected victims’ attention to a traffic scenario and reactions toward/punishment of the wrongdoer. Participants used contextual information more for a clunker than for a fancy car, and attended more to the scenario involving the clunker. However, under cognitive load, they responded similarly to both cars. Wen Bu1, Kenworthey Bilz1 1Univ. of Illinois SESSION: E - LAW BEYOND RETRIBUTION: CHILDREN’S REASONING ABOUT THE FUNCTIONS OF PUNISHMENT Children ages 5-8 (N=80) expected punishment to deter perpetrators, but expected no effect on others’ behavior. Punishment also communicated social information to children, including messages about the status of victims, and children’s understanding of the value of punishment to the social contract increased strikingly with age. Jessica Bregant1, Katherine Kinzler2, Alex Shaw1 1Univ. of Chicago, 2Cornell Univ. SESSION: E - LAW STIMULUS MATERIAL FORMAT EFFECTS ON JUROR SENSITIVITY TO EYEWITNESS ACCURACY FACTORS Are jurors sensitive to eyewitness testimony details relating to identification accuracy? Meta-analysis and experimentation examined sensitivity based on testimony presentation formats. This study presented good/poor eyewitness viewing conditions in audiovisual, audio-only or written formats. When jurors heard/saw testimony, this led to a breakdown of the application of testimony details to verdicts. J. Marie Hicks1, Steven Clark1 1Univ. of California, Riverside SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 89 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - LAW THE FIRST-NAME BIAS IN CRIMINAL SENTENCING OF AFRICAN AMERICANS In an archival study of 255 criminal sentences given between 1998-2006 by judges in Florida, the first names of African American males conveyed racial stereotypes, not class stereotypes. African Americans with stereotypically Black names (“Terrell” vs. “Tyler”) received harsher prison sentences, even after controlling for perceived socioeconomic status based on their first name. Dushiyanthini Kenthirarajah1, Gregory Walton1, Geoffrey Cohen1, Irene Blair2, Charles Judd2 1Stanford Univ., 2Univ. of Colorado Boulder SESSION: E - LAW EFFECTS OF DECISION-MAKER GENDER ON CHILD CUSTODIAL DECISIONS IN CASES INVOLVING CHILD ABUSE We explored whether decision-maker gender influences child custodial decisions. Participants read a vignette depicting a neglectful mother who lost child custody, but was attempting to regain custody. Women were less likely than men to grant the mother full custody, an effect mediated by women’s belief that the mother was incapable. Taylor Wornica1, Emily Denne1, Margaret Stevenson1 1University of Evansville SESSION: E - LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT OVERESTIMATING FUTURE HEALTH IN MID-TO-LATE LIFE: CONSEQUENCES FOR 15-YEAR HOSPITALIZATION Our 15-year study examined the long-term implications of overestimating future health in mid-to-late life. Results point to the potential detriments of overly optimistic expectations, as those who overestimated future health were 68% more likely to be hospitalized than their peers who underestimated future health. Jeremy Hamm1, Stefan Kamin2, Judith Chipperfield1, Raymond Perry1, Frieder Lang2 1Univ. of Manitoba, 2Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg SESSION: E - LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT FATHERING QUALITY PREDICTS DIFFERENCES IN AFFILIATION WITH SEXUALLY RISKY PEERS AND PARENTAL MONITORING AMONG DAUGHTERS WITHIN-FAMILIES The current research revealed that older sisters from biologically disrupted families with greater exposure to low quality fathering may engage in more risky sexual behavior in adolescence due to these daughters (a) affiliating with friends who engage in similarly risky sexual behavior and (b) receiving less parental monitoring. Danielle DelPriore1, Gabriel Schlomer 2, Bruce Ellis1 1Univ. of Arizona, 2Pennsylvania State Univ. SESSION: E - LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’: A MIXED-METHODS LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF BOB DYLAN’S LYRICS THROUGHOUT HIS 50 YEAR CAREER This mixed-methods study examined the lyrical content of songs written by musician and songwriter Bob Dylan. Quantitative results found the most pronounced change throughout his career in social referents, cognitive complexity and religion. Qualitative analysis revealed social themes that primarily consisted of hardships, romance, family, religion, politics and oppression. Konrad Czechowski1, Dave Miranda1, John Sylvestre1 1Univ. of Ottawa SESSION: E - LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT THE NARRATIVE CONSTRUCTION OF LIFE CHALLENGES: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY Participants (N = 155) narrated their greatest life challenge and completed a battery of measures once a year for five years. Family and work related challenges were most common. Furthermore, those with higher levels of ego development provided more complex narratives while happier participants tended to provide more positive stories. Grace Hanley1, William Dunlop1, Dan McAdams2 1Univ. of California, Riverside, 2Northwestern Univ. 90 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT THE EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE TO ELDERLY VETERANS WITH AND WITHOUT DEMENTIA ON THE MORTALITY SALIENCE OF YOUNG ADULTS Participants will volunteer with elderly residents at a long-term care facility who do or do not have dementia. Mortality salience and death-related anxiety will be assessed between each group. We expect that participants volunteering with demented individuals will have significantly greater levels of mortality salience and anxiety. Destiny Brooks1, Jeremy Heider1 1Southeast Missouri State University SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING IS HAPPINESS A WARM PUPPY?: EXAMINING THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN PETS AND WELLBEING An online study of American adults found that pet owners were more satisfied with life than non-owners, but did not differ in other aspects of wellbeing or personality. Dog owners were higher in wellbeing, more conscientious, less neurotic, and marginally more extraverted and agreeable than cat owners. Katherine Jacobs Bao1, George Schreer1, James Macchia1 1Manhattanville College SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING HOW YOUR BANK BALANCE BUYS HAPPINESS: THE IMPORTANCE OF “CASH ON HAND” TO LIFE SATISFACTION In a sample of UK bank customers, liquid wealth, or checking and savings account balances, was indirectly associated with higher life satisfaction, controlling for income and other measures of wealth. Our results suggest that immediate access to money, rather than raw earnings, is of primary importance to life satisfaction. Peter Ruberton1, Joe Gladstone2, Sonja Lyubomirsky1 1Univ. of California, Riverside, 2Univ. of Cambridge SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL: SMILE INTENSITY IN PHOTOGRAPHS PREDICTS WORK PERFORMANCE IN AN ASIAN BUSINESS SCHOOL Smile intensity in photographs can predict important life outcomes such as marriage and longevity. However, all research on the benefits of happiness has been conducted in the US where happiness is highly valued. The present study examined whether smile intensity can predict success in a culture that values happiness less. Jing Han Sim1, Christie Scollon1, Sharon Koh1 1Singapore Management Univ. SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING EFFECT OF HIGH REJECTION AVOIDANCE DEVELOPED UNDER LOW-RELATIONAL-MOBILE SOCIETIES ON PEOPLE’S SENSE OF FREEDOM AND WELLBEING We examined how wellbeing is affected by the psychological tendency that is likely to develop among people living in a certain type of social ecology (N = 600). The results showed that high rejection avoidance, likely to be developed in lowrelational-mobile societies, lowered wellbeing by decreasing the sense of freedom. Naoki Nakazato1, Yasuko Morinaga1, Ken’ichiro Nakashima1 1Hiroshima Univ. SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING SEARCH FOR MEANING IN LIFE: EVIDENCE FOR NUANCED ASSOCIATIONS WITH PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH Searching for meaning in life has been conceptualized as integral for mature development but typically shows negative associations with psychological health. We present evidence for more nuanced relations between search for meaning with personality, mental health and existential/religious struggles across seven large-scale studies (total N = 10,067). Nick Stauner1, Joshua Wilt1, Matthew Lindberg2, Julie Exline1, Kenneth Pargament3 1Case Western Reserve Univ., 2Youngstown State Univ., 3 Bowling Green State Univ. SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING GLOBAL MEANING VIOLATION: VULNERABILITY AND PROTECTIVE FACTORS Results of a longitudinal prospective study of 190 college students extend our knowledge of meaning violation. They suggest that vulnerabilities to violation by a subsequent stressor may be conferred not only by the content of individuals’ meaning systems, but also by their baseline levels of spiritual struggle and life satisfaction. Crystal Park1, Ian Gutierreez1 1Univ. of Connecticut SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 91 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING EMOTIONALLY DIVERSE EXPERIENCES IN NATURAL ENVIRONMENTS: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS OF NATURE CONTACT AND EMOTIONAL DIVERSITY Based on two experimental studies, we examined whether experiences in nearby nature are more emotionally diverse than similar experiences in built environments. Participants randomly assigned to take a brief walk in nature reported a greater diversity of positive (but not negative) emotions compared to those who walked indoors. Colin Capaldi1, John Zelenski1 1Carleton Univ. SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING SAVORING LIFE EXPERIENCES: EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SAVORING THE MOMENT AND EXPERIENTIAL BUYING Savoring amplifies one’s positive experience. We examined the relation between savoring and the tendency to buy life experiences instead of material items. Mediation demonstrated that people who savor are more likely to buy life experiences and this consumer habit is why they are happier in life. Ella Tarnate1, Ryan Howell1 1San Francisco State Univ. SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING THE ROLE OF GRATITUDE AND MINDFULNESS IN PERCEIVED SOCIAL SUPPORT This study examined the effects of inducing mindful awareness and gratitude on an individual’s sense of social support, and how individualistic tendencies may lessen this effect. Participants in the mindfulness and gratitude conditions reported greater tangible support rather than greater belonging support, and individualistic tendencies did not influence perceived support. Erika Bailey1, Rhonda Swickert1, Joana Wensing2, Andrew Spector1, Margaret Woodwell1 1College of Charleston, 2Univ. of Bremen SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING WEIGHT-BASED THREAT AND ATTENTION TO THREAT: AN EXPLORATION OF MODERATORS Heavy and thin adult men and women completed a measure of attention to weight-related threat after being exposed to a weight-stigmatizing or control condition. Heavy people in the weight stigmatizing condition showed heightened vigilance for weight-related threat, but only if they reported getting little sleep in the past 24 hours. Asia McCleary-Gaddy1, James Hodge1, Carol Miller1 1Univ. of Vermont SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING “I DON’T NEED HELP, BUT YOU DO”: THE ACTOR-OBSERVER BIAS AS A BARRIER TO THE IDENTIFICATION AND TREATMENT OF MENTAL ILLNESS We investigated the effect of the actor-observer bias on perceptions of mental illness. Participants who imagined themselves experiencing depressive symptoms were significantly less likely to see those symptoms as indicative of mental illness or of warranting treatment, relative to participants who imagined someone else experiencing the exact same symptoms. Ava Casados1, Molly Crossman1, Rebecca Connelly1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING THE MEANING OF ACTION: WHAT SELF-REGULATORY TENDENCIES PRODUCE A PURPOSEFUL LIFE? Three studies (N=877) investigated potential sources of a sense of purpose in life and found that moving toward one’s desired outcomes (locomotion self-regulatory mode) positively predicts a sense of purpose, while carefully comparing and selecting the best outcomes to pursue (assessment self-regulatory mode) negatively predicts a sense of purpose. Anna Vazeou-Nieuwenhuis1, Edward Orehek1 1Univ. of Pittsburgh 92 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING SELF-CONTROL, PERSEVERATING THINKING AND INTERNALIZING PSYCHOPATHOLOGY: A METAANALYTIC REVIEW There have been relatively few studies that have simultaneously tested the direct and indirect effects of self-control and perseverative thinking on psychopathology. This meta-analysis provides insights about the mediating role of selfcontrol and perseverative thinking in understanding anxiety and depression, as well as the prevention and treatment of related symptoms. Aashna Sunderrajan1, Yara Mekawi1, Chinmayi Tengshe1, Sophie Lohmann1, Colleen Hughes2, Aishwarya Balasubramaniyan1 1Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2Univ. of Indiana, Bloomington SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING EXAMINING THE EFFECTS OF RESPONSE STYLES ON DEPRESSION AMONG JAPANESE ADULTS Our study examined the structure of response styles and its relationship with depression amongst Japanese adults. We conducted an Internet survey and participants (N = 520) answered questionnaires. The results revealed that there were significant negative effects of rumination on depression, especially among men ages twenty to thirty. Atsushi Kawakubo1, Takashi Oguchi1 1Rikkyo Univ. SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING WHAT CONTRIBUTES TO LIFE SATISFACTION?: NEW INSIGHTS FROM LARGE SCALE DATA ON THE ROLE OF NEGATIVITY On the basis of large scale panel studies, we investigate which life domains influence individuals’ overall life satisfaction most strongly. The findings reflect a negative bias; those domains with which individuals are least satisfied and those domains in which they experienced a decrease contribute most to their overall life satisfaction. Julia Engel1, Herbert Bless1 1Univ. of Mannheim SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING SCREENING FOR PERSONALITY DISORDERS: DIAGNOSTIC ACCURACY OF THE NEO-FFI Despite the prevalence of personality disorders in clinical settings, there are no established self-report screening measures. We tested the diagnostic accuracy of the NEO-FFI in 725 psychiatric patients. We found that the NEO-FFI had promising diagnostic abilities, suggesting that brief self-reports can detect the presence of a personality disorder. Josh Jordan1, Quyen Tiet1 1California School of Professional Psychology SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING INCOME, POSITIVE AFFECT AND MEANING IN LIFE Although financial success is often considered unrelated to meaning in life (MIL), we provide evidence that income is associated with MIL, and that this relationship is moderated by positive affect. We also demonstrate that people’s forecasts about the associations between these variables are similar to the actual data. Sarah Ward1, Laura King1 1Univ. of Missouri-Columbia SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING SOCIAL EXCLUSION AND DISCRIMINATION AS PREDICTORS OF MENTAL HEALTH IN ASEXUAL INDIVIDUALS This study tested the hypotheses that asexual participants would report higher social exclusion, negative affect and anxiety than heterosexual and non-heterosexual (i.e. gay, lesbian and bisexual) participants as a group. In addition, it tested social exclusion and discrimination due to sexual orientation as potential mediators. Sarah Bostrom1 1Claremont Graduate Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 93 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING HIDING IN THE (ATHEIST) CLOSET: IMPLICATIONS OF CONCEALING A STIGMATIZED IDENTITY FOR HEALTH AND WELLBEING Two studies assessed the consequences of concealing a stigmatized identity on wellbeing. Participants associated concealing an atheist identity with greater emotion and thought suppression (Study 1) and lower sense of control (Study 2). Emotion and thought suppression and sense of control mediated the relationship between identity concealment and wellbeing. Michael Doane1 1Univ. of Nevada, Reno SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING THE MEDIATING ROLE OF DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMATOLOGY BETWEEN NEUROTICISM AND SOMATIZATION WITH ADDITIONAL FOCUS ON INSOMNIA AND GENDER College students who score high in neuroticism typically exhibit additional depressive symptomatology and have co-occurring somatic symptoms. A complex relationship exists, one that beckons further investigation. Depressive symptoms substantially mediated the relationship between neuroticism and somatization. Researchers also found a significant three-way interaction at the second stage of the mediation. Cory Knight1, Catheryn Orihuela1, Jessica Perrotte1, Mary McNaughton-Cassill1 1Univ. of Texas at San Antonio SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING FAMILY MATTERS: PERCEPTIONS OF FAMILY BREADTH OF INCLUSION PREDICT WELLBEING AND RESILIENCE UNDER STRESSFUL CIRCUMSTANCES We examined how perceptions of breadth of family inclusion (i.e., including a broader array of entities in one’s definition of family) related to family qualities and wellbeing. Three studies measured or manipulated breadth of family inclusion. Broader views of family predicted better family experiences and greater wellbeing, especially under stress. Tonya Buchanan1, Allen McConnell2 1Central Washington Univ., 2Miami Univ. SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING WHEN DO OUR PURCHASES MAKE US HAPPIEST? EXAMINING HEDONIC WELLBEING THROUGHOUT CONSUMPTION The goal of this study was to measure the values of happiness across the timeline consumption (e.g., pre-purchase, purchase, consumption and remembered) between experiences and material items, and test whether the social dimension has an effect on this relationship. Kristine Tom1, Ryan Howell1 1San Francisco State Univ. SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING PARENTAL INFLUENCES ON ADOLESCENT DEPRESSION AND MARIJUANA USAGE Path analyses based on a nationally representative survey indicate that parental influences (parental warmth and parental monitoring) mediate the relationship between depression and marijuana usage in adolescents. The results indicate that parental influence may play an important preventive role in marijuana usage in adolescents with depression. Andrea Ruybal1 1Claremont Graduate Univ. SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING A GRATITUDE AND A HOPE INTERVENTION EFFECTS ON SUBJECTIVE WELLBEING We compared the effects with a gratitude intervention and a hope intervention on subjective wellbeing, psychological wellbeing and mental health. The results showed that gratitude intervention decreased negative affect, hope intervention led to increased purpose in life and autonomy on psychological wellbeing. Both interventions seemed to improve mental health. Erika Sakai1, Kazuya Horike1 1Toyo Univ. 94 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING WOMEN’S HORMONAL FLUCTUATION AND HAPPINESS JUDGMENT: PHYSICAL ATTRACTIVENESS MATTERS MORE DURING HIGH FERTILITY PHASE Social comparison of physical attractiveness (PAT) had a different effect on women’s happiness judgement across the ovulatory cycle. Women became highly sensitive to the frequency of PAT social comparison in their happiness judgement during the high (r = -.473, p = .01), but not low fertility phase (r = -.093, ns). Ahra Ko1, Eunbee Kim1, Eunkook Suh1 1Yonsei Univ. SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING COMPARING AND CONTRASTING THE RELATIVE HEALTH BENEFITS OF EXPRESSIVE WRITING AND GRATITUDE JOURNALING Expressive writing and gratitude journaling’s effect on physical and psychological well-being are compared pre/post intervention and at a one-month followup. While expressive writing yields health benefits through heightened negative affect experiences and decreased negative coping behaviors, gratitude journaling achieves similar effect via increased positive affect experiences and social support seeking. Weiqiang Qian1, Leslie Kirby1 1Vanderbilt University SESSION: E - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING THE AMBIVALENT RELATIONSHIP OF IDEOLOGY TO LIFE SATISFACTION When examining Schwartz Value subscales, Haidt’s (2012) Moral Foundations subscales, and scales measuring religiosity, authoritarianism and Social Dominance Orientation, we found life satisfaction was correlated in opposite directions with different aspects of conservatism (vs. liberalism). The findings suggest that life satisfaction is largely independent of the ideological divide, broadly conceived. Nicole James1, Ian Hansen1, Karen Longmore1 1York College, CUNY SESSION: E - META-ANALYSIS A META-ANALYTIC EVALUATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERSPECTIVE-TAKING AND EMPATHY Researchers have widely used perspective-taking instructions to experimentally manipulate empathy. However, schoalrs have recently questioned the efficacy of the manipulation. This poster presents a series of meta-analytic tests estimating the effect size of the relationship, corrected for publication bias, between perspective-taking and empathy. William McAuliffe1, Michael McCullough1, Alexander Snihur1 1Univ. of Miami SESSION: E - META-ANALYSIS WHAT ABOUT THE POWERLESS?: THEORETICAL AND EMPIRICAL CONSEQUENCES OF SCIENCE’S OBSESSION WITH THE POWERFUL A large-scale meta-analysis of published studies on power found that few studies include adequate control conditions that allow conclusions to be drawn about the powerless. The obsession with the powerful and neglect for understanding the powerless makes it challenging to interpret the robustness, directionality, and size of the effects. Christilene du Plessis1, Michael Schaerer2, Andy Yap2, Stefan Thau2 1Erasmus Univ., 2INSEAD SESSION: E - META-ANALYSIS A META-ANALYSIS EXAMINING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN 2D:4D RATIO, AMNIOTIC TESTOSTERONE AND SALIVARY TESTOSTERONE ON MENTALIZING In the current work, we examined the relationship between three measures of testosterone and mentalizing. Our analysis suggests differential relationships between testosterone and mentalizing, depending on whether testosterone is measured using amniocentesis (negative), digit ratio (positive), or salivary hormone assays (null). Researchers discussed potential moderators of these relationships. Colton Christian1, Azim Shariff1 1Univ. of Oregon SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 95 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - META-ANALYSIS THE BENEFITS OF KINDNESS: META-ANALYSIS OF THE LINK BETWEEN PROSOCIALITY AND WELLBEING Studies on prosociality and wellbeing have been proliferating over the past several decades. However, no relevant meta-analysis has been conducted since the last one published 16 years ago. We meta-analysed the association between prosociality and wellbeing under different operationalizations of both prosociality and wellbeing, covering 115 independent studies. Bryant Pui Hung Hui1, Erica Berzaghi2, Lauren Cunningham-Amos1, Alex Kogan1 1Univ. of Cambridge, 2 Anglia Ruskin Univesity SESSION: E - META-ANALYSIS PERCEIVED DISCRIMINATION AND PHYSICAL HEALTH: AN UPDATE OF PASCOE AND RICHMAN’S (2009) META-ANALYSIS Researchers updated Pascoe and Richman’s (2009) meta-analysis on the relationship between discrimination and health to examine the link between perceived discrimination and physical health. Results suggested that increased discrimination was related to physical health. Three subcategories of physical health were also examined: symptomology, general health and physical conditions. Elizabeth Pascoe1, Micah Lattanner 2, Laura Richman2 1Univ. of North Carolina - Asheville, 2Duke Univ. SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS TACIT: AN OPEN-SOURCE TEXT ANALYSIS, CRAWLING AND INTERPRETATION TOOL Automated text-analysis has become increasingly important for measuring psychological phenomena; however, a unified open-source tool does not exist for this purpose. We introduce TACIT: an open-source, user-friendly, adaptive plugin-architecture with three main components: data acquisition (crawlers), corpus management and analysis (e.g., word count, topic modeling, clustering/classification, sentiment analysis). Morteza Dehghani1, Kate Johnson1, Justin Garten1, Vijayan Balasubramanian1, Anurag Singh1, Yuvarani Shankar1, Aswin Rajkumar1, Niki Parmar, Joe Hoover1, Linda Pulickal1, Reihane Boghrati1 1Univ. of Southern California SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS INVESTIGATING SELF-SELECTION BIAS IN MINDFULNESS RESEARCH To evaluate the influence of recruitment wording on self-selection bias, the current research posted two different advertisements that varied only by a single word, “mindfulness” or “personality,” and then measured participants’ personality traits, religiosity and mindfulness. More participants selected the “personality” study, but researchers observed no evidence of self-selection bias. Jenna Shrewsbury1, Kara Gabriel1 1Central Washington Univ. SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS MANY LABS 2: INVESTIGATING VARIATION IN REPLICABILITY ACROSS SAMPLE AND SETTING Researchers conducted replications of 28 psychological effects across 106 unique samples around the world (total N = 15,022). This session will discus results from the project with a focus on the primary question of cross-site variability in replication effect size. Richard Klein1, Kate Ratliff1 1Univ. of Florida SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS A SIMPLE EFFECT-SIZE DRIVEN SEQUENTIAL ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Researchers proposed a new sequential analysis procedure. A researcher without effect size precedence can check for the existence of large, medium and small effects throughout collection, stop collection after detecting an effect, maintain the desired power for detecting each effect, and all without p-hacking. Stephen Martin1 1Baylor Univ. 96 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS NULL HYPOTHESIS SIGNIFICANCE TESTING IS PREJUDICED Null hypothesis significance testing can identify differences between groups, but is mathematically incapable of demonstrating similarities. Thus, it encourages stereotyping, ingroup favoritism and hate crimes. To demonstrate that groups are similar to each other, researchers should instead present confidence intervals for differences that are narrow and close to zero. Kimberly Barchard1 1Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS WILL THE REAL FWBS PLEASE STAND UP? Friends with Benefits Relationships (FWBR) share friendship and sexual relationship characteristics. This study found no differences between those who initially (n=497) and eventually (n=120) endorsed being in a FWBR in a larger study on FWBR which is relevant to research on ambiguous relationships because relationship characteristics might yield overlapping populations. Jacqueline Schnapp1, Ashley Tracas1, Allison Vaughn1 1San Diego State Univ. SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS GETTING TROLLEYS BACK ON TRACK: REVISITING CRITICISMS OF MORAL DILEMMA RESEARCH VIA PROCESS DISSOCIATION Recent research has questioned the validity of moral dilemmas because dilemma judgments often correlate with measures of antisociality better than prosociality. However, such work employs traditional data-analytic techniques, which are problematic. Five studies (N=1150) using process dissociation suggest that traditional methods misinterpret how prosociality and antisociality relate to dilemma judgments. Paul Conway1 1Florida State Univ. SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS SURVEY ITEM DIRECTIONALITY AND ONLINE PARTICIPANT RESPONSES: A CAUTION FOR MTURK DATA COLLECTION Mechanical Turk data collection has increased with cross-sectional survey data studies. The current study provides boundary conditions concerning item directionality, positive and/or negative wording. Data indicates survey item wording opt for either all positively or negatively worded statements, not both. Joseph Goodman1, Nathan Hartman1, Grant Corser2 1Illinois State Univ., 2Southern Utah Univ. SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS ARTICLE LEVEL METRICS DO NOT PREDICT MANY LABS REPLICATION OUTCOMES Across the effects in Many Labs 1 and 3, I find that p-curve, replication index, test of insufficient variance and average sample size do not predict replication outcomes. These results suggest caution in using paper-level metrics to infer the evidential value of individual effects. Erika Salomon1 1Univ. of Illinois SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS ITS ALL FUN AND GAMES UNTIL YOU’RE IN CHAINS: A LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS OF ADOLESCENT RISK PREDICTORS ON ADULT BINGE DRINKING AND ARRESTS This study longitudinally assessed the relationship between parental behaviors and environmental factors to forecast an individual’s likelihood of binge drinking and being arrested. Teen use, alcohol access and parent alcohol use predicted binge drinking. Binge drinking, teen use, parent use and parent expectancies were predictive of an arrest record. Candice Donaldson1, Lindsay Handren1, William Crano1 1Claremont Graduate Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 97 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS ASSESSING THE PROTECTIVE AND PREDICTIVE POWER OF PARENT, PEER AND SELF-RELATED FACTORS ON ADOLESCENT ALCOHOL USE AND MISUSE: A PATH ANALYSIS Utilizing path analytical models, research revealed factors predictive of and protective against adolescent alcohol use. Parental monitoring impacted both self-esteem and self-derogation, which yield differential effects on alcohol abstinence or use. Adequate monitoring is linked to high self-esteem and curtailed use; low monitoring predicts increased self-derogation, linked to increased use. Lindsay Handren1, Candice Donaldson1, William Crano1 1Claremont Graduate Univ. SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS DEPENDING ON THE MEAN AND THE MIDPOINT, RANDOM RESPONDERS CAUSE TYPE 1 ERROR Most researchers do not identify random responders (RR) in data because their effects on statistics are believed to be negligible. This study showed that rates of Type 1 error rose with increasing rates of RR contaminated data and detecting RR was easy with the 5-item Conscientious Responders Scale. Zdravko Marjanovic1, Tsz Yin Fung1, Noor Shubear1, Lisa Bajkov1 1Thompson Rivers Univ. SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS VIRTUALLY THERE FOR YOU: SOCIAL SUPPORT PROCESSES IN IMMERSIVE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS How does the mind and the body respond when a physical threat is posed to a loved one? Using immersive virtual reality technology, this study examines psychological, physiological and behavioral responses as individuals watch their romantic partner (vs. a stranger) walk across a narrow plank suspended over a pit. Nancy Collins1, Lauren Winczewski1, Jeffrey Bowen1, William Ryan1, Jim Blascovich1 1Univ. of California, Santa Barbara SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS TWO APPROACHES FOR MODELING REGULATORY PROCESSES IN PANEL AND DAILY DIARY DESIGNS Diary and panel designs present challenges to modeling regulatory processes longitudinally. Using both empirical and simulation studies, we evaluate two approaches to navigating these challenges. The first uses differential equation modeling, and the second models the nonlinear trajectories directly. The results favor the nonlinear approach under appropriate conditions. Christopher Burke1, Masumi Iida2 1Lehigh Univ., 2 Arizona State Univ. SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS COMPARING IN-PERSON, SONA AND MECHANICAL TURK MEASUREMENTS OF THREE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY CONSTRUCTS We examined the equivalency three scales when administered across three different modalities: in-person, online through Sona Systems and online through Mechanical Turk. Results indicated equivalence for two scales (Modern Racism Scale and Social Dominance Orientation Scale), but the Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale showed significant equivalency issues when administered through Mechanical Turk. Emily Carstens Namie1, Bradlee Gamblin1, Matthew Winslow2, Benjamin Lindsay2, Andre Kehn1 1Univ. of North Dakota, 2Eastern Kentucky Univ. SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS CONSTRUCT VALIDITY OF THE SUBJECTIVE IMPORTANCE OF SMOKING SURVEY (SIMS): PREDICTING ITS RELATION TO ABSTINENCE Nearly 70% of adult cigarette smokers reported wanting to quit. Thus, there is a desire to quit, yet not all are successful. The subjective importance of smoking (SIM) to a smoker’s sense of self may influence quitting. Our findings suggest that education is an effect moderator of shame on likelihood of abstaining in those with greater than HS education. Daniel Rodriguez1, Tiffanie Goulazian1 1La Salle Univ. 98 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS OMNIBUS TESTS OF THE INDIRECT EFFECT IN STATISTICAL MEDIATION ANALYSIS WITH A MULTICATEGORICAL INDEPENDENT VARIABLE We evaluate several tests of mediation of X’s effect on Y by M when X is a multicategorical variable. We find that various complex proposals perform no better and even worse than a simple test of joint significance of the effect of X on M and M on Y. Patrick Creedon1, Andrew Hayes1, Kris Preacher2 1The Ohio State Univ., 2Vanderbilt Univ. SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS AN ATHEORETICAL EMPIRICAL METHOD FOR THE IDENTIFICATION AND ORGANIZATION OF CONTENT-BASED DIFFERENCES IN PORNOGRAPHY Differences in depictions across pornographic media moderate some impacts of exposure to sexual materials. Two studies identified and organized relevant features of pornographic content as they related to sexual arousal responses. The results indicated that variation in sexual arousal responses could be largely accounted for by few content-based features. Taylor Kohut1 1Univ. of Western Ontario SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS HOW TO SET FOCAL CATEGORIES FOR BRIEF IMPLICIT ASSOCIATION TEST (BIAT)?: “GOOD” IS BETTER THAN “BAD” Researchers conducted three studies to examine how the validity of an attitude Brief Implicit Association Test (BIAT, Sriram & Greenwald, 2009) varies with the choice of shared focal category. Results showed that the BIAT with “good” category rather than “bad” one as shared focal category is valid. Huajian Cai1, Yuanyuan Shi1, Yiqin Shen2, Jing Yang3 1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2Univ. of Washington, 3 Huaqiao Univ. SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS PARTICIPANT DISCLOSURE OF PRIOR STUDY KNOWLEDGE The purpose of this study is to determine the frequency in which participants inform experimenters of previous knowledge that may compromise their results. Trevor Waagen1, Lynn Martell1, Travis Clark1, Heather Terrell1 1Univ. of North Dakota SESSION: E - METHODS/STATISTICS THE RELIABILITY OF CROWDSOURCING: LATENT TRAIT MODELING WITH MECHANICAL TURK This study aims to understand the utility of Amazon’s Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing service for latent trait modeling. Researchers will administer a verbal reasoning scale to 500 Mechanical Turk workers, and perform Differential Item Functioning analysis to compare the resulting Item Characteristic Curves to those of an existing normative sample. Matt Baucum1, Steve Rouse1, Cindy Miller-Perrin1, Elizabeth Krumrei1 1Pepperdine University SESSION: E - MORALITY EXPLORING MORAL AND POLITICAL IDEOLOGY IN GROUP-BASED COGNITION Few studies have examined the functioning of moral foundations theory on political attitudes at the intergroup level; the present research demonstrated that the moral patterns associated with political ideologies change when thinking about intergroup contexts, and show different relationships for prejudice and threat. Brandon Stewart1, David Morris1 1Univ. of Birmingham SESSION: E - PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT CHILDHOOD TRAUMA LINKED TO ELEVATED EMPATHY IN ADULTHOOD Volumes of research have explored the negative outcomes that result from traumatic events, but little is known about its positive outcomes on personality development. Here we present data from two studies (Ns = 829) showing how the experience of childhood trauma is linked to enhanced empathy levels in adulthood. David Greenberg1, Simon Baron-Cohen1, Nora Rosenberg1, Peter Rentfrow1 1Univ. of Cambridge SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 99 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT HOW PERCEIVED PARENTAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTROL IS RELATED TO ADOLESCENT NEED SATISFACTION AND ANGER AND AGGRESSION Adolescents’ perception of parental psychological control is related to adolescents’ need satisfaction, trait emotions (anger, sadness and guilt), personality (neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness and extraversion), attitude towards justice (vengeance and belief in a just world), and aggression. These relationships were shown through correlation and mediation with behavioral and longitudinal data. So Young Choe1, Stephen Read1 1Univ. of Southern California SESSION: E - PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHANGES IN CONSCIENTIOUSNESS AND CHANGES IN SOCIAL SUPPORT This study examines the relationship between conscientiousness and social support. Conscientiousness was positively and negatively correlated with positive and negative social support, respectively, for all relationship types. Similar relationships exist between changes in conscientiousness and changes in PSS and NSS, but only for two relationship types associated with NSS. Lauren Nickel1 1Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign SESSION: E - PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT THE VALUE OF REGRET: VIOLATIONS OF THE VALUES HIERARCHY AND THE EXPERIENCE OF REGRET This study examined the relation between regret and the hierarchy of values. Regretful experiences were associated with self-enhancing (vs. self-transcendent) values, and the intensity of past regret was related to increased variability in the values hierarchy over time. Values may serve as an important antecedent to the experience of regret. Tina Donaldson1, James Fryer2 1Univ. at Albany, 2Univ. at Potsdam SESSION: E - PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONALITY AND PARENTING IN RELATION TO EMPATHY DEVELOPMENT OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Identifying personality and social antecedents of empathy is important. Using self-report data from university students, researchers used dominance analyses to identify which personality (emotional intelligence, vulnerability, kindness, positive expressivity) and parenting (support, positive reasoning, intrusiveness) variables were most important in predicting perspective taking, empathic concern, responsive joy and responsive distress. Vivian Tran1, Scott Plunkett1 1Cal State Northridge SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY VIRTUES OF THE FLESH: THE IMPACT OF IMPLICIT AUDIENCE REACTIONS TO SEXUAL MOTIVES A study using subliminal primes found that disapproving implicit audiences, whether human or divine, do not diminish endorsement of prosocial sexual motives that focus on the partner’s pleasure and wellbeing. However, they do discourage sexual motivation wherein the partner is objectified and treated as an object for personal pleasure. John Rempel1, Christopher Burris1 1St. Jerome’s Univ. SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY BIBLICAL BELIEFS DIFFERENTIATING RELIGIOUSLY FUNDAMENTALIST AND NON-FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIANS Despite basing their beliefs on a common text , Christians differ on the extent to which they hold fundamentalist views. The present study presented participants with a Q-Sort task to rate the centrality of different Biblical passages to their belief system, identifying passages that loaded on a factor with religious fundamentalism. Steven Rouse1, Heather Haas2, Kyle Eastman1, Brian Lammert1 1Pepperdine Univ., 2Univ. of Montana Western 100 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY SUPERNATURAL BELIEF AND PROSOCIALITY: THE MEDIATING EFFECT OF SPIRITUALITY The relationship between supernatural beliefs and prosociality in secular contexts has yet to be systematically studied. To fill this gap, we found that supernatural belief predicted the prosocial trait of compassionate love among nonreligious individuals. This link was significantly mediated by spirituality, highlighting the significance of spirituality as a fundamental mechanism. Mengchen Dong1, Song Wu1, Yijie Zhu1, Shenghua Jin1 1Beijing Normal Univ. SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY THE EFFECT OF RELIGIOSITY ON OUTGROUP PREJUDICE DURING EXISTENTIAL THREAT The present study examines the moderating effects of religious fundamentalism and religious orthodoxy on the relationship between mortality salience primes and outgroup attitudes. Participants who scored highly in religious fundamentalism and religious orthodoxy, that were exposed to a morality prime, viewed outgroups more negatively than those in the control condition. Brock Rozich1, Lauren Coursey1, Jared Kenworthy1 1Univ. of Texas at Arlington SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY THOU SHALT NOT STEAL: RELIGIOSITY PREDICTS THE DELEGATION OF DECEPTION In three deception game studies, participants could send a message to another individual, having a choice between costly honesty and self-interested deception. Alternatively, they could delegate this decision to a third person. We found that, in contrast to religious prosociality, religiosity predicted the self-interested delegation of deception. Matthias Forstmann1, Alexa Weiss1 1Univ. of Cologne SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY CAN YOUR COGNITIVE STYLE INFLUENCE YOUR FAITH?: RELIGIOSITY’S ASSOCIATION WITH COGNITIVE FLEXIBILITY AND ACTION IDENTIFICATION Religious belief is associated with health benefits and increased lifespan. However, it remains largely unknown why this association exists. Theorizing that these benefits emerge from religiosity being linked to unique cognitive processing styles, we found that higher cognitive flexibility and higher action identification are associated with increased religiosity. Sophie Cobb1, Christine Darracott1, Jay Michaels1 1Presbyterian College SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY THE EFFECTS OF PERFORMING RITUALS ON PERCEIVED FUTURE BENEFITS FOLLOWING GAINS VERSUS LOSSES Through two studies, we consistently found there were significant interaction effects of outcomes (gains vs losses) and performing rituals on perceived future benefits. Specifically, people perceived more future benefits of a loss if they performed rituals, whereas they perceived less future benefits of a gain if they performed rituals. Xiaoyue Tan1, Jan-Willem van Prooijen1, Paul van Lange1 1VU Univ. SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY VIEWS OF GOD AND THE CONSEQUENCES FOR BEHAVIOR In a large sample of adolescents, we tested the association between views of God and prosocial and antisocial behavior. Participants associated belief in a loving God with greater prosocial behavior and less antisocial behavior. However, belief in a punitive God was largely unrelated to either prosocial or antisocial behaviors. Nikolette Lipsey1, Gabrielle Pogge1, Wendi Miller2, James Shepperd1 1Univ. of Florida, 2Univ. of North Florida SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY THE ROLE OF ADOLESCENT SPIRITUALITY IN THE PROCESSING OF SOCIAL INTERACTIONS AND BELIEFS ABOUT THE SELF Adolescents’ perception regarding the interconnection between themselves and others is significant to their overall wellbeing and satisfaction. Spiritual beliefs about transcendence can impact the processing of their relationships. Individuals who feel connected to a higher power have a greater sense of self-efficacy and self-control, leading to higher levels of virtues such as gratitude. Nanyamka Redmond1, Benjamin Houltberg1, Sarah Schnitker1 1Fuller Seminary School of Psychology SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 101 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY PASSION FOR RELIGION, MENTAL HEALTH AND DRINKING Based on Vallerand’s theory of passion, researchers examined harmonious and obsessive passion for religion in relation to psychological health and drinking behaviors. Harmonious passion for religion and fewer drinking problems were indirectly related through higher satisfaction with life, whereas obsessive passion for religion was unrelated. Mary Tomkins1, Clayton Neighbors1 1Univ. of Houston SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY THE EFFECT OF RELIGIOUS CERTAINTY ON HEALTH BEHAVIORS Researchers designed this study to test the hypothesis that certainty plays a causal role in the relationship between religion and health. Participants induced to feel more certain in their religious beliefs or nonbeliefs subsequently chose more healthy foods than participants made to feel uncertain. Tammy Core1, Jessica Alquist1, Roy Baumeister2, Zachary Hohman1 1Texas Tech Univ., 2Florida State Univ. SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY UNDERSTANDING COMPLEXITY OF THOUGHT ABOUT RELIGIOUS ISSUES: ELABORATIVE AND DIALECTICAL COMPLEXITY OF THOUGHT IN RELATION TO INDIVIDUAL RELIGIOSITY Across two studies, we advanced our understanding of religion and cognitive complexity. We examined the relationship between individual religiosity, including Quest, religious fundamentalism and faith maturity, and the elaborative versus dialectical complexity of thinking in individuals’ responses to religious and non-religious prompts. Matthew Weeks1, Suzanne Geisler2 1Rhodes College, 2 Augustana College SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY RELIGIOUS PERSON PERCEPTION IN A SECULAR AGE How can we explain the perseverance of religiosity in a secular-scientific age? We show that religious and non-religious participants implicitly rate high-religion individuals as more positive than low-religion individuals, even though nonreligious participants explicitly prefer non-religious others. Further studies show that this explicit matching effect is explained by personality inferences. Joshua Jackson1, Michele Gelfand1, Nailah Ayub2 1Univ. of Maryland, 2King Abdulaziz Univ. SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY MORTALITY SALIENCE MODERATES THE EFFECT OF AGENCY ON IMPLICIT AND EXPLICIT RELIGIOSITY One account of religiosity argues that belief results from an agency detection device that motivates people to impose supernatural agency on inexplicable forces. We show that ambiguous agency primes actually decrease implicit and explicit belief, but that this relationship is reversed if agency is preceded by a mortality salience manipulation. Jamin Halberstadt1 1Univ. of Otago SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY DUAL PROCESS RELIGIOSITY: IMPLICATIONS FOR FOXHOLE ATHEISM Religion and existential anxiety have been linked by decades of theory, but researchers still debate the relationship between these two constructs. We show in five studies that mortality salience explicitly polarizes non-believers and believers, but universally increases implicit religiosity. We also show that religion primes can reduce implicit death anxiety. Jonathan Jong1, Matthias Blumke2, Jamin Halberstadt3 1Oxford Univ., 2Univ. of Heidelberg, 3Univ. of Otago SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY THE FACE OF ATHEISM: PEOPLE INTUITIVELY ASSUME THAT UNTRUSTWORTHY FACES ARE ATHEIST Anti-atheist prejudice stems largely from distrust and moral suspicion. We explored intuitive trust judgments of atheists in the absence of cues to actual behavior. Participants intuitively viewed untrustworthy-looking faces as more representative of atheists and theists. These results suggest that there is a physical component to atheist stereotypes. Maxine Najle1, Will Gervais1 1Univ. of Kentucky 102 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY EXPLAINING THE RELIGIOSITY-HEALTH RELATIONSHIP: THE POWERFUL ROLE OF POSITIVE AFFECTIVE EXPERIENCES Although religiosity has been consistently linked to physical health, attempts to unpack this relationship remain incomplete. A series of studies were used to identify and characterize a specific type of positive affect, episodic feelings of inner peace, that was found to partially mediate the relationship between religiosity and health. Taryn Ahmed1, Kristen Haeberlein1, R. Brian Giesler1 1Butler University SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE POLITICAL IDENTIFICATION MODERATES ATTITUDES FORMED TOWARD A TRANSGENDER TARGET Three studies explored whether political orientation influences impressions of a transgender target. More liberal participants were more positive toward a transgender target. Less liberal participants reported less desired closeness with the transgender target. These results show that liberals and conservatives respond differently to a transgender target depending on the evaluative dimension. John Conway1, Kate Ratliff1, Gregory Webster1 1Univ. of Florida SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE “IF YOU DON’T LIKE GAY MARRIAGE, DON’T GET ONE!”: A QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ATTITUDES TOWARD SAME-SEX MARRIAGE. This paper took a qualitative perspective of attitudes toward marriage equality. Despite the population of positive responses, researchers found negative attitudes toward marriage equality were associated with concerns regarding same-sex parenting, traditional definitions of marriage, religion and morality. Stephanie Webb1, Jill Chonody2, Phillip Kavanagh1 1Univ. of South Australia, 2Indiana Univ. Northwest SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE “IF THEY GUNNED ME DOWN”: THE EFFECT OF STEREOTYPICALITY OF IMAGES ON BLAME Is the same person in the same situation blamed differently based on cues associated with stereotypes (e.g., clothes and posture)? Participants read a news story paired with one of two images of a Black man. The man was blamed more when he was dressed stereotypically than when he was not. Analia Albuja1, Shana Cole1 1Rutgers Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE SEEING HUMAN: CONFIGURAL PROCESSING AND PREJUDICE We examined a novel way in which configural face processing can lead to increased expression of prejudice. Participants who were told the Implicit Association Test (IAT) is an “invalid” measure of true beliefs, and those who saw inverted faces expressed greater anti-Black prejudice than those in the upright face or “valid” measure conditions. Kathleen Stanko1, Robert Rydell1 1Indiana Univ. - Bloomington SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE HOW COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNICATION PARTNERS INTERACT: EFFECTS OF INFORMATION STEREOTYPICALITY AND COMPLEXITY ON SHARING WITH CLOSE AND DISTANT OTHERS Five studies examined communication of information, varying in complexity and stereotypicality. Researchers measured the likelihood of information sharing, given communicators’ relationship (emotional closeness and interaction time); or perceived relationship between speakers who shared information. Results suggest stereotypicality and complexity influence relational perceptions, and the three interact when measuring sharing likelihood. Elizabeth Collins1, Lúcia Ferreira1, Fabio Fasoli1, Diniz Lopes1, Eliot Smith2 1CIS, ISCTE-Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, 2Univ. of Indiana, Bloomington SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 103 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THREAT DOES NOT MAKE THE MIND WANDER: RECONSIDERING THE EFFECT OF STEREOTYPE THREAT ON MIND-WANDERING After hearing a Stereotype Threat (ST) manipulation for an upcoming math test, participants completed a mindwandering task. Consistent with the mere effort account, ST participants underperformed controls on this task when it was described as unrelated to the manipulated stereotype, but outperformed controls when this task was introduced as stereotype-relevant. Adam Brown1, Stephen Harkins1 1Northeastern Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE DEVELOPMENT OF MEASURES OF IMPLICIT AND EXPLICIT PREJUDICE TOWARD INDIVIDUALS WITH DWARFISM Thirty-three participants completed the Dwarfism Implicit Association Test (D-IAT) and Attitudes Toward Little People (ATLP) scale. The D-IAT yielded significant implicit bias against little people. The ATLP exhibited three factors: negative traits, positive traits and little people as objects of ridicule. The D-IAT positively correlated with the third ATLP factor. Jeremy Heider1, Anna Steffel2, Cory Scherer3, John Edlund4, , 1Southeast Missouri State Univ., 2George Washington Univ., 3 Penn State Univ.-Schuylkill, 4Rochester Institute of Technology SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE SELF-VERIFICATION OF SEXISM According to self-verification theory, people seek out interactions and information that reinforces their self-concept. The results of the present research showed that individuals self-verify with respect to prejudice. Specifically, participants with higher levels of explicit sexism chose to read a summary of their personality that portrayed them as prejudiced. Jessica Nolan1, Kavita Shah2, Andrew Milewski1, Gillian Naro2, Casey Althouse1 1Univ. of Scranton, 2Fordham Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE INITIAL VALIDATION OF THE RACIAL CATEGORIZATION STROOP TASK: A MEASURE OF COGNITIVE PROPENSITY TO INHIBIT RACE-BASED CATEGORIZATION Researchers examined the psychometric properties of a picture-based Stroop task measuring the ability to inhibit racial categorization. Results indicate an automatic tendency to utilize racial categorization, and while this measure is uncorrelated with IAT scores, individual differences predict bias in tasks where racial inhibition is necessary. Brian Drwecki1, Jasa Perry1, Frances Ridings1, Michael Olson1, Amie Webb1 1Regis Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE PUNISHING COUNTERNORMATIVE BEHAVIOR: PERCEIVED SOCIAL GROUP MEMBERSHIP OF THE NORM VIOLATOR PREDICTS SOCIAL CONTROL We investigated how reactions to norm violations were predicted by group membership. Consistent with prejudice theories, norm violators with intellectual disabilities were given more paternalistic social control reactions than Black norm violators; White norm violators were less liked than other norm violators. Results contribute to understanding treatment of stigmatized groups. Jessica McManus1, Don Saucier2 1Carroll College, 2Kansas State Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE COMMON POLICE OFFICER’S DILEMMA: RACIAL BIAS IN POLICE OFFICER LENIENCY DECISIONS Researchers examined racial bias in police officer leniency decision in a stimulated video game, but did not find evidence for a pro-White leniency bias at the group level. However, at the individual level, racial biases in the experience of state empathy were strongly associated with racial biases in leniency (r=.58, p<.001). Michael Olson1, Amie Webb1, Frances Ridings1, Brian Drwecki1 1Regis Univ. 104 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE PERCEPTIONS OF RACISM IN THE CONTEXT OF POLICE SHOOTINGS: FALSE-POSITIVES OR FALSENEGATIVES IN OBSERVERS’ ATTRIBUTIONS TO PREJUDICE? We examined observers’ propensities to make attributions to prejudice as related to perceptions of racism when White police officers shoot Black suspects. Our results suggest that tendencies to deny that prejudice is expressed, even when expressions are blatant, may represent more of a cognitive bias than tendencies to perceive prejudice. Stuart Miller1, Navanté Peacock1, Donald Saucier1 1Kansas State Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE DECISION IMPORTANCE, NEED FOR COGNITION AND MOCK-JURORS’ BIAS AGAINST OUTGROUP DEFENDANTS In three experiments, Black, Hispanic and non-Hispanic White mock-jurors read a case summary and trial transcript in which the defendant either matched (ingroup) or did not match (outgroup) their race/ethnicity. Across participant groups, outgroup defendants were more likely to be judged guilty, but only when manipulated decision importance was high. Michael Leippe1, Christopher Gettings2, Nikoleta Despodova1, Donna Eisenstadt1 1John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, 2Graduate Center of the City Univ. of New York SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE EXPOSURE TO NONPREJUDICED PEERS REDUCES CONCERNS ABOUT BEING MISIDENTIFIED AS GAY/LESBIAN Contagion concerns are apprehensions about interacting with gay men/lesbians for fear of being misidentified as gay/ lesbian. Altering perceptions of peers’ sexual prejudice decreased participants’ own contagion concerns. Participants who saw videos of other students espousing nonprejudiced attitudes expressed significantly lower contagion concerns than participants who saw control videos. Jessica Cascio1, E. Ashby Plant1 1Florida State Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE CONFRONTATIONS CAN PACK A PUNCH: HOW CONFRONTATIONS ABOUT BIAS TOWARD AFRICAN AMERICANS CAN IMPACT ATTITUDES TOWARD OTHER MINORITY GROUP MEMBERS Prior research supports the utility of confrontations to reduce bias in a single laboratory session. The present study suggests that participants confronted about a racial bias are more likely to report (approximately one week later), greater support and openness to minority group members compared to participants not confronted. Aimee Mark1 1Univ. of Southern Indiana SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE DO RACIAL CATEGORY LABELS REALLY MATTER?: HOW THE TERMS BLACK VS. AFRICAN AMERICAN AFFECT IMPLICIT ASSOCIATIONS. We examined the effect of racial category labels on implicit evaluations. Pro-White biases emerged on an Implicit Association Task (IAT), regardless of Black/White or African-American/European-American labels. Greater endorsement of Blacks/African-Americans as warm, positive and friendly resulted in less pro-White biases. Racial categories influenced socioeconomic status (SES) judgments. Additionally, African-Americans were rated significantly higher-SES than Blacks. Samantha Moore-Berg1, Andrew Karpinski1 1Temple Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE PERSPECTIVE-TAKING AND IMPLICIT RACIAL ATTITUDE CHANGE: THE ROLE OF TARGET PROTOTYPICALITY Actively considering the psychological experiences of an individual outgroup member elicited member-to-group generalization of positive implicit racial attitudes, but only when targets were prototypical of their racial group (i.e., a Black man or Asian woman). These findings identify an important boundary condition under which perspective-taking may not improve intergroup attitudes. Austin Simpson1, Andrew Todd1 1Univ. of Iowa SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 105 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE WHEN MEMES ARE MEAN: RESPONSES TO STEREOTYPIC MEMES This research investigated how others’ responses, personal stereotype-supporting beliefs, and characteristics of the message affect responses to stereotypical memes, images spread through the Internet by imitation. Participants objected more often when another person (but not from the target group) objected; participants higher in stereotype support were less likely to object. Katie Duchscherer1, John Dovidio1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE WE ARE ALL RACISTS: THE EFFECT OF STRESS AND RACE IN THREAT RECOGNITION Male and female college students viewed pictures of African American and European American males and rated perceived level of threat of the targets, both with and without the presence of stress. This study highlights how individuals perceive targets as a threat depending on levels of physical stress and race presented. Shawn Davis1, Hyeyeon Hwang1 1Univ. of Central Missouri SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE EFFECTS OF EGALITARIANISM AND MALE ROLE NORMS ON HOMOPHOBIA We investigated people ‘s expression of homophobia toward gay men from the perspective of JustificationSuppression Model. The results indicated that male role norms affect prejudice toward gay men among both females and males and that egalitarianism suppresses expression of homophobia only among females but not among males. Nahoko Adachi1, Tomoko Ikegami1 1Osaka City Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE SELF-AFFIRMATION INFLUENCES PARTICIPANTS’ RESPONSES TO FEEDBACK ABOUT THEIR IMPLICIT BIASES We investigated whether self-affirmation could boost the effectiveness of an anti-prejudice intervention by reducing defensive responses. Medical students completed measures of mental health stigma at two timepoints. Feedback about implicit bias led to reductions in implicit bias one month later, but only when participants self-affirmed before receiving this feedback. Eleanor Miles1, Alice Wates1 1Univ. of Sussex SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE HOW DOES RACE MODIFY GENDER STEREOTYPING? How might race modify perceived differences between men and women? Two studies investigated whether gender stereotypes are applied to Black targets the same way they are applied to Whites. Results indicate that gender is racialized. Notably, perceiving women as more communal than men was evident only for White targets. Natalie Daumeyer1, Galen Bodenhausen1 1Northwestern Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE OBSERVING BIAS: HOW EXPOSURE TO BIAS SHAPES LEARNING AND THE TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE This study examined how exposure to subtle, blatant and no bias shaped the downstream learning and transfer of knowledge of Black and Latino individuals. Results revealed that bias type shaped learning and the transfer of knowledge. Elise Ozier1, Mary Murphy1 1Indiana Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF POSITIVE ELDERLY EXEMPLARS ON HOPELESSNESS PREDICTED BY NEGATIVE PERCEPTIONS OF AGING Researchers compared the presentation of positive elderly exemplars to a control. The positive exemplars buffered the effects negative self perceptions of aging on hopelessness. David Hancock1, Mindi Price1, Amelia Talley1, Jessica Alquist1, Kelly Cukrowicz1 1Texas Tech Univ. 106 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE DOES INTERSECTIONALITY MITIGATE (OR ENHANCE) THREAT? The current research uses a new intersectionality approach to investigate whether a combination of identities can mitigate a threat elicited by a group’s stereotypes. Different groups have different stereotypic profiles that would need specific intersections in order to mitigate group threat. Jeremy Becker1, Alex Czopp1 1Western Washington Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE PERCEPTIONS OF ANTI-BLACK AND ANTI-WHITE RACISM: NOT TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN We found Whites’ tendencies to believe anti-Black prejudice is a prevalent, non-trivial problem predicted by attributions of White-on-Black prejudice. Additionally, the tendency to perceive White-on-Black racism was unrelated to perceptions of Black-on-White racism. Thus, the perceptions of anti-Black and anti-White racism as prevalent and problematic in society may be categorically different. Navanté Peacock1, Stuart Miller1, Donald Saucier1 1Kansas State Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE SOUL FOOD = SOUL MATE? FOOD PREFERENCES AS INTERRACIAL IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT White people want to appear non-prejudiced, and may use food preference as self-presentation in interracial contact situations. White participants orally completed a food survey on ethnic foods and rated racial/cultural foods more favorably when asked by a Black interviewer than a White interviewer but only when race was salient. Emily Stafford1, Alana Temple1, Alex Czopp1 1Western Washington Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE ROLE OF NON-DOMINANT FEMALE STEREOTYPE ACTIVATION IN SUPPRESSING DOMINANT FEMALE STEREOTYPES The present experiment examined the effectiveness of non-dominant female stereotypes as replacement thoughts in suppressing dominant female stereotypes. Forty-three undergraduates participated in the experiment. The results indicated that non-dominant female stereotypes as replacement thoughts decreased the paradoxical effects of suppressing dominant female stereotypes. Mana Yamamoto1, Takashi Oka1 1Nihon Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE REACTIONS TO DISCLOSURE OF SEXUAL ORIENTATION We tested how valence and extremity of reactions to a sexual orientation disclosure influence perceptions of those reactions. Both heterosexual and sexual minority participants perceived positive reactions more favorably than negative reactions. Sexual minorities perceived mildly positive reactions more favorably than extremely positive reactions, whereas heterosexual participants perceived the reverse. Lisa Huang1, Kevin McLemore1 1Univ. of California, Davis SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE AN INVESTIGATION ON CONTEXTUAL MODERATION OF IMPLICIT PREJUDICE TOWARD PEOPLE LIVING WITH AIDS This study examines whether a positive nonsocial context moderates implicit prejudice toward AIDS. Participants read a scenario depicting a person with AIDS with positive or neutral contextual information and engaged in the Go/No-Go Association Task. The positive context did reduce fear of infection, but did not affect moral reproach. Yumika Osawa1, Tomoko Ikegami1 1Osaka City Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE IS THE EVIDENCE FROM RACIAL BIAS SHOOTING TASK STUDIES A SMOKING GUN?: RESULTS FROM A META-ANALYSIS Researchers have examined laboratory shooting behavior to understand why racial-minorities are more likely to be killed in accidental shootings. We meta-analyzed 42 studies and found that relative to White targets, participants were quicker to shoot armed Black targets, and more likely to have a liberal shooting threshold for Black targets. Konrad Bresin1, Yara Mekawi1 1Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 107 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE COSTS OF BEING TREATED LIKE AN ANIMAL: THE EFFECT OF DEHUMANIZATION ON RACIAL SHOOTER BIASES Research using a shooter task finds that dehumanization is associated with greater racial shooter bias. In Study 1, we manipulated dehumanization and found that Black dehumanization causes participants to shoot Black targets faster than White targets. Study 2 aims to replicate this finding and identify a potential mechanism, out-group threat. Yara Mekawi1, Konrad Bresin1, Carla Hunter1 1Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE WEIGHT STIGMA AND FOOD CHOICE: FEARING FAT IS ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED CALORIE SELECTION AMONG THE OVERWEIGHT Weight stigmatizing images influence calorie selection among average and overweight individuals based on their fear of fat (FoF). Participants viewed stigmatizing or non-stigmatizing images of the overweight, or neutral images. FoF predicted increased calorie selection among the overweight and decreased calorie selection among the average weight in the stigmatizing condition. Krissy Ruiz1, Ashley Araiza1, Reyna Martinez1, Mary Guirguis1, Joseph Wellman1 1California State Univ. - San Bernardino SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE WHERE IGNORANCE IS BLISS: EFFECT OF INTERGROUP CONTACT ON META-STEREOTYPES Intergroup contact is encouraged, but it also creates anxiety for those who take part. We explored how prior intergroup contact affects meta-stereotypes (beliefs about how their group is viewed by the other group). Researchers found that participants with less (vs. more) prior contact held most positive meta-stereotypes. Tomoyuki Kobayashi1, Masanori Oikawa1 1Doshisha Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE EFFECT OF SKIN TONE ON PERCEPTIONS OF BLACK WOMEN’S MATE-VALUE Black women are the most unmarried racial group in the United States. We test the hypothesis that men assign more negative mate-value to black women who possess darker skin tones. Participants rated the mate-value of photos of black women, whose skin tone was altered to appear light, moderate or dark. Jason Piccone1, Melanie Milo1 1Nova Southeastern Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE MEASURING IMPLICIT ASSOCIATIONS FROM PERSPECTIVES OF VARIOUS SOCIAL GROUPS We examined whether implicit associations exist of preferences from nonself perspectives toward various social categories (“implicit meta-attitude”). Using modified versions of the Implicit Association Test, we demonstrated that implicit associations from perspectives of social categories one does not belong to can be mentally represented and measured. HyangSu Lee1, HyeonJeong Kim1, Yeong Ock Park1, Sang Hee Park1 1Chungbuk National Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE HETEROSEXUAL, BISEXUAL AND GAY/LESBIAN PERCEPTIONS OF SEXUAL ORIENTATIONS We examined heterosexual, bisexual and gay/lesbian participants’ ratings of heterosexual, bisexual and gay/lesbian targets. While heterosexual participants evaluated bisexual and gay/lesbian targets least positively, bisexual and gay/ lesbian participants evaluated heterosexual targets least positively. Bisexual people, unlike non-bisexual people, rated bisexuality as stable as other sexual orientations. Sara Burke1, Marianne LaFrance1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE HOW A CHANGING GENDER STATUS HIERARCHY PROMOTES STEREOTYPES OF WOMEN System justification theory proposes that system stability threats can increase people’s motivated defenses. Researchers exposed participants to a stable or unstable gender status hierarchy; participants then responded to a measure of gender stereotypes. Men reported more system-justifying stereotypes of women in the unstable condition, while women showed the opposite pattern. Sophie Kuchynka1, Jennifer Bosson1 1Univ. of South Florida 108 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE LIMITS AND CONSEQUENCES OF COLORBLIND STRATEGIES In a study demonstrating the potential adverse affects of colorblind strategies, results supported the prevalence of these strategies and demonstrated that, for participants high in implicit prejudice, the colorblind strategy led to increased explicit prejudice, whereas for those low in implicit prejudice, explicit bias did not increase. Elysia Vaccarino1, Kerry Kawakami1, Francine Karmali1, Justin Friesen1, Curtis Phills2, Amanda Williams3, John Dovidio4 , 1York Univ., 2Univ. of North Florida, 3 Sheffield Hallam Univ., 4Yale Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE ETHNIC AND SEXUAL MINORITY STATUS SHAPES FREQUENCY AND IMPACT OF OBSERVED AND EXPERIENCED DISCRIMINATION Ethnic and sexual minority students report higher frequencies of both experiencing and observing discrimination than majority students. For minority students, experiencing discrimination predicted mental health whereas for majority students, observing discrimination predicted mental health. Importantly, university identification mediated the impact of either observing or experiencing discrimination on mental health. Alexandria Jaurique1, Desiree Ryan1, Heather Smith2 1Humboldt State Univ., 2Sonoma State Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE USING SELF-AFFIRMATION TO INCREASE RESPECT: CHANGING MALE ENGINEERS’ IMPLICIT AND EXPLICIT ATTITUDES TOWARD FEMALE ENGINEERS Male engineers often treat female colleagues with little respect. We compared contact with an intervention, affirming men and persuading them about women’s engineering abilities. Contact and the affirmation-based intervention increased respect toward female colleagues with whom they had direct contact, but only the affirmation-based intervention generalized to other female colleagues. Amrit Litt1, Christine Logel1, Mark Zanna1, Steven Spencer1 1Univ. of Waterloo SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE SPREAD OF STEREOTYPICAL BELIEFS ON TWITTER: AN ANALYSIS OF LINGUISTIC ABSTRACTNESS AND RETWEETS The present study examined characteristics of stereotype-relevant “tweets,” and their relationship to the frequency of retweeting. We analyzed the existing tweets in Japanese to test the hypotheses. Stereotype-relevant tweets were more likely to be retweeted, and included more abstract words than concrete words, compared to stereotype-irrelevant tweets. Yuri Tanaka1, Minoru Karasawa1, Sosuke Miyamoto2 1Nagoya Univ., 2Meijigakuin Univ. SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE ROLE OF BACKLASH IN SELECTING NON-NORMATIVE BIRTH METHODS We examined the role of backlash for women selecting non-normative birth methods. Women choosing home births received more backlash compared to birth center or hospital births, and were viewed as equally feminist as women choosing birth centers. Among home births only did stereotypical feminist attributes lead to lower warmth ratings. Christy Perrin1, Amanda Sesko1 1Univ. of Alaska Southeast SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE BULLYING AS A POTENTIAL SOURCE OF POSTTRAUMATIC GROWTH IN CHILDREN WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS Research has emphasized the negative consequences suffered by victims of bullying, yet few studies have focused on the potential existence of posttraumatic growth (PTG), or positive psychological changes, in such individuals. The current study examined bullying experiences as a potential source of PTG in children with visual impairments. Sarah Holland1, Nancy Armfield1, Jennifer Ratcliff1, Lauren Lieberman1 1The College at Brockport, SUNY SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 109 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE LGB STEREOTYPE ACTIVATION DIFFERS DEPENDING UPON TARGET SEX AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION Heterosexuals generated thoughts related to LGB groups; we then compared bisexual and gay men and women to determine whether the stereotypes differed. Results suggest that heterosexuals view different LGB groups differently depending upon the stereotype activated—disease, promiscuity, values, and gender role violations. Emma Donley1, Jenna Lee1, Angela Pirlott2 1Univ. of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2Saint Xavier University SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE STEREOTYPE ACTIVATION: HETEROSEXUAL PERCEIVE LGB TO POSE SPECIFIC THREATS We examined heterosexuals’ stereotypes about different sexual orientation groups. Heterosexuals generated comments about heterosexual, bisexual, or gay male or female targets. Results suggest heterosexuals’ stereotypes about LGB reflect concern about oppositional values clashing with ingroup (heterosexual) values—that they are disgusting, are immoral, violate gender roles, and hold opposing values. Jenna Lee1, Emma Donley1, Angela Pirlott2 1Univ. of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2Saint Xavier University SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE EFFECTS OF STEREOTYPE THREAT ON RHYTHMIC MOTOR DYNAMICS: A DRUMMING STUDY We investigated stereotype threat effect on rhythmic task. In the threat condition, participants were told that they were about to complete a task that measure rhythmic ability and that Blacks outperformed Whites on the task. Movement kinematics and performance were measured to reveal how task behavior changes under stereotype threat. Adrian Rivera-Rodriguez1, Kris Ariyabuddhiphongs2, Brian Eiler 2, Rachel Kallen2 1The Univ. of Kansas, 2Univ. of Cincinnati SESSION: E - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE INVISIBILITY OF STEREOTYPES ABOUT BLACK WOMEN Research has shown that Black women are not considered by society to be prototypical examples of Blacks. Our research found explicit stereotyping of Black men is a better predictor of explicit prejudice against Blacks in general than explicit stereotyping of Black women. Rachel Arnold1, Curtis Phills2, Jennifer Wolff2, Amanda Williams3 1Capital University, 2Univ. of North Florida, 3 Sheffield-Hallam University SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION ANXIETY SENSITIVITY WORSENS THE PAINFUL EFFECTS OF FEELING BURDENSOME TO OTHERS: THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN PERCEIVED BURDENSOMENESS, ANXIETY SENSITIVITY AND PAIN We found that those with high Anxiety Sensitivity (AS), specifically social concerns, felt greater social and physical pain after participating in a perceived burdensomeness manipulation. These findings suggest that AS may exacerbate the already painful effects of feeling burdensome to others, and may have important implications for pain-related interventions. Angie LeRoy1, Christopher Fagundes2, Michael Zvolensky1, Qian Lu1, Larissa Gonzalez1 1Univ. of Houston, 2Rice Univ. SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION SELF-WORTH CONTINGENCIES PREDICT SPECIFIC ATTENTIONAL BIASES ON THE DOT PROBE TASK We hypothesized that attentional biases to rejection are domain specific. We primed participants with failure or success in different self-worth contingency domains during an online dot probe task. We observed greater attentional biases to rejection on trials primed with failure in a self-relevant domain. Amanda Ravary1, Mark Baldwin1 1McGill Univ. SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE BALANCE: SOLITUDE EXPERIENCES The prevailing literature has focused on the ill effects of solitude. We hypothesized and found that there are psychological benefits of solitude experiences and too much or too little solitude motivatea individuals to adopt behaviors that allow them to restore the optimal balance between sociality and solitude. Dongning Ren1, Kipling Williams1, Aundrea Sellers1 1Purdue Univ. 110 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION YOUR DIFFICULTIES MADE IT EASIER FOR ME: THE BENEFITS FOR FEMALE ENGINEERING STUDENTS TO READ ABOUT A SUCCESSFUL MALE ENGINEER WHO HAD DIFFICULTY BELONGING For women in male-dominated disciplines, not feeling accepted is common and discouraging. We hypothesized that female engineering students could find it motivating to read about a successful male engineer who had similar difficulty belonging; indeed, it was more motivating than reading about a female engineer who overcame similar difficulties. Regine Debrosse1, Jiwon Lee1, Sahar Balvardi1, Donald Taylor1 1McGill Univ. SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION BEING OUT OF THE LOOP FROM NEGATIVE INFORMATION IS ESPECIALLY THREATENING We explored whether information valence moderates the threatening nature of out of the loop experiences using a novel paradigm involving a mock advice column. Consistent with evolutionary theory, participants out of the loop from negative information reported more threatened fundamental needs than participants out of the loop from positive information. Megan McCarty1, Nicole Iannone2, Janice Kelly3 1Amherst College, 2Penn State Fayette, 3 Purdue Univ. SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION SUPERFICIAL OR SIGNIFICANT?: ASSESSING THE LONG-TERM EMOTIONAL EFFECTS OF REJECTION DURING SORORITY RECRUITMENT The sorority recruitment process offers a unique, real-life opportunity to examine how students deal with social evaluation and potential rejection. Data from two consecutive years of sorority recruitment suggests that rejected students experience both short and long-term decreases in wellbeing across a variety of measures. Researchers discuss potential mechanisms. Julie Martin1, Mark Leary1, Laura Richman1 1Duke Univ. SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION SAD, DISLIKED AND AGGRESSIVE: A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON SOCIAL EXCLUSION We predicted social exclusion leads to feeling disrespected and results in anger and aggression. Participants wrote an essay about a time they were excluded. A content analysis suggested that participants reported high rates of sadness, feeling disliked and aggression. Sadness and anger were related to feeling disliked and disrespected respectively. Robert Wright1, Darius McClain1, Natarshia Corley1, Amber DeBono1 1Winston Salem State Univ. SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION REPRESENTATIONS OF CONNECTIONS: CELL PHONE PRESENCE MAY ACTIVATE REPRESENTATIONS OF SOCIAL TIES AND DECREASE FEELINGS OF EXCLUSION Two studies tested the prediction that the presence of one’s mobile phone can distinctly impact perceptions of social connectedness and belonging. Megan Reed1, Diane Mackie1 1UC Santa Barbara SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION THE ROLE OF GROUP SIZE IN REACTIONS TO OSTRACISM IN A SOCIAL MEDIA CONTEXT In two experiments (N=536), we examined whether group size moderated the effects of ostracism on belonging and related needs in a social media context. Participants reported lower levels of belonging and meaningful existence when their online introductions were ignored by a larger group, in part because they were more embarrassed. Stephanie Tobin1, Sarah McDermott2, Luke French2 1Australian Catholic Univ., 2Univ. of Queensland SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION CONDITIONAL EMPATHY: EMPATHY FOR REJECTED OTHERS BASED ON RACE AND EXPERIENCE How does being rejected influence empathy for others who have had the same experience? Empathy research suggests that shared experience promotes empathy, whereas rejection research suggests an emotional numbness that disrupts empathy. The current results suggest that the effect of rejection on empathy depends on similarity with the target. Carolyn Gibson1, Kristina McDonald1, Alexa Tullett1 1Univ. of Alabama SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 111 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION THE IMPACT OF GENDER ON SOCIAL REJECTION BELIEFS AND DECISIONS How does gender impact willingness to reject? The present studies find that 1) women think they will reject less than men, but 2) there are no gender differences for anonymous rejection; however, 3) face-to-face, women reject less than men, and 4) women are perceived more negatively than men for rejecting. Gili Freedman1, Janell Fetterolf2, Jennifer Beer3 1Roanoke College, 2Rutgers Univ., 3Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION INDIVIDUALIZING MORAL FOUNDATIONS MODERATE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHRONIC OSTRACISM AND DISHONESTY This research showed that individualizing moral foundations moderated the relationship between chronic ostracism and dishonesty. The positive association between chronic ostracism and dishonesty was only observed among participants who did not endorse these foundations. These findings highlight the role of chronic ostracism and moral foundations in predicting people’s dishonest intention. Kai-Tak Poon1, Zhansheng Chen2, Xue Wang2 1The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 2The Univ. of Hong Kong SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION COLD SHOULDERS TO COLD FACES?: FACIAL APPEARANCE INFLUENCES MORAL JUDGMENTS OF SOCIAL EXCLUSION Two experiments investigate how facial appearance of excluded individuals influences observers’ moral judgment about social exclusion. Participants perceived it as less acceptable to exclude a warm-and-incompetent looking and more acceptable to exclude a cold-and-incompetent looking person. It was perceived as especially inacceptable if a cold-looking group excluded a warm-looking person. Selma Rudert1, Leonie Reutner1, Rainer Greifeneder1, Mirella Walker1 1Univ. of Basel SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION I’LL SHOW YOU MINE…: A GENERATIONAL COMPARISON OF SEXTING ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIORS Modern changes to relationships include the use of sexting as a means of expressing sexuality. These behaviors may occur more frequently among Millennials, who are perceived as lacking impulse control. A multigenerational survey on sexting attitudes and behaviors revealed sexting was more frequent among Millennials, and riskier when anonymous. Brittany Rademacher1, Valerie Wilwert1, Kerry Kleyman1 1Metropolitan State Univ. SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION IS IT REALLY HELPFUL?: SOCIAL SUPPORT AS A PROTECTIVE FACTOR FOR BULLIED CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS This study investigated perceived social support as a protective factor in bullied adolescents. Hierarchical regression and simple slope analysis revealed that social support was significant in moderating anxiety, but did not protect against depression or low self-esteem. There was a stronger association between bullying and anxiety with high social support compared to low social support. Seandra Cosgrove1, Mary Lou Kelley1 1Louisiana State Univ. SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION WHITE OSTRACISM REDUCES AFRICAN-AMERICANS’ RECONNECTION DESIRES: NON-PREJUDICE REASSURANCES ELIMINATE THOSE RACE EFFECTS. Researchers assured (or not) African-Americans of co-players’ non-prejudice, then were ostracized/included by Black or White co-players. Ostracism decreased reconnection to White ostracizers (not Blacks), while non-prejudice reassurances restored reconnection desires, eliminating race impacts. This suggests “bracing for loss” and/or differing anticipatory construals based on ostracizer/includer race, which may moderate ostracism’s impacts. Ingrid Mood1, Dominique Hubbard1, Adea Kelly1, Joanna Smith1, Candice Wallace2, Lloyd Sloan1 1Howard Univ., 2Hampton Univ. 112 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION DISLIKING FOR OSTRACIZER/INCLUDERS MEDIATES BLACKS’ DESIRE TO RECONNECT WITH WHITES, BUT NOT BLACKS Black or White co-players ostracized (or included) African-American students after being forewarned, or not, of coplayers’ racism. Ostracism reduced reconnection desires with Whites, and this was mediated by co-player disliking, supporting inferred racism notions. Forewarning improved reconnecting to Whites, suggesting anticipatory construals or “bracing for loss” possibilities. Adea Kelly1, Dominique Hubbard1, Joanna Smith1, Ingrid Mood1, Candice Wallace2, Lloyd Sloan1 1Howard Univ., 2Hampton Univ. SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION TRIGGERING SOCIAL CONTEXTS AND THEIR RESPONSES This study investigated whether rejection or acceptance contexts could be triggered after having been conditioned to neutral cues. Analyses revealed that, for participants with low self-esteem or high social anxiety, those in an acceptance-tone condition showed greater bias toward acceptance and reported feeling less tense and lesser physiological arousal than those in a rejection-tone condition. Vanessa Simard1, Stephane Dandeneau1 1Univ. of Quebec in Montreal SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION THE EFFECT OF REMINDERS OF MONEY ON LONELINESS We hypothesized that reminders of money facilitated loneliness. In the experiment, participants were randomly assigned to money or neutral condition. In money condition, participants completed a task that activated the concept of money. Next, all participants evaluated loneliness. The results indicate that reminders of money increased the extent of loneliness feeling. Juri Kato1, Koji Murata1 1Hitotsubashi Univ. SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION COPING WITH A COPYCAT: SOCIAL EXCLUSION AND BEHAVIORAL MIMICRY To examine buffering effects of mimicry, participants experienced chatroom exclusion and were either mimicked or not mimicked afterward. For non-mimicked participants only, self-reported rejection and mood were positively correlated and estimation of chatroom comments and physiological stress were positively correlated. Researchers discussed implications regarding self-regulation and rejection. Margaret Hance1, Sarah Savoy1 1Stephen F. Austin State Univ. SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION STOMACHING REJECTION: SELF-COMPASSION BUFFERS THE EFFECTS OF DAILY SOCIAL REJECTION ON UNHEALTHY FOOD CRAVINGS AND DISORDERED EATING BEHAVIORS Daily diaries among college women revealed that experiences with social rejection were significantly related to more unhealthy food cravings and disordered eating, greater negative affect and reduced perceived control over time. However, trait self-compassion buffered rejection’s effects on food cravings and disordered eating, but not affect and control. Janine Beekman1, Michelle Stock1 1The George Washington Univ. SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION IMPACT OF SELF- AND GROUP-AFFIRMATION ON RESPONSE TO INGROUP AND OUTGROUP OSTRACISM This research investigated self- and group-affirmation as potential buffers against the aversiveness of strong and moderate ostracism by ingroup and outgroup members. With strong ostracism, neither kind of affirmation was effective. With moderate ostracism, self-affirmation significantly reduced the aversiveness of exclusion by ingroup members, compared to group- and no-affirmation. Injung Ko1, John Levine1 1Univ. of Pittsburgh SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 113 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION AFTER EGO THREAT: DEBRIEFED BUT STILL TROUBLED? Explicitly discredited information can persevere. We tested whether post-experimental debriefings after ego-threat reestablish participants’ pre-study conditions. False negative feedback about participants’ intelligence (Study 1) and attractiveness and likeability (Study 2) led to lower wellbeing. Disconcertingly, the same pattern occurred when participants had been debriefed before wellbeing was measured. This raises ethical issues. Stefanie Miketta1, Malte Friese1 1Saarland Univ. SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION OSTRACISM AND EYE TRACKING: DECREASED PUPILLARY REACTIVITY TO EXCLUSION CUES In two studies, we used pupillometry to distinguish the immediate reaction to ostracism in terms of it primarily representing a pain-oriented response or a conflict-detection response. We measured the pupillary reaction during a game of Cyberball and found results consistent with a pain-oriented response. Willem Sleegers1, Travis Proulx1, Ilja Van Beest1 1Tilburg Univ. SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION IT’S ALL MY FAULT: THE CONSEQUENCES OF ATTRIBUTING REJECTION TO THE SELF This research investigates whether type of attribution for rejection moderates behavioral intentions. Participants who attributed their rejection to internal causes were significantly less pro-social and more anti-social than socially accepted participants. Those who attributed rejection to external causes did not differ from accepted participants. Researchers discussed implications of this work. Ryan Nicholls1, Heather Claypool1, Christina Fitzpatrick1 1Miami Univ. SESSION: H - BELONGING/REJECTION WHO IS EXCLUDING ME?: OSTRACISM, HUMANITY ATTRIBUTIONS AND SOCIAL CATEGORIZATION In one experiment, we investigated whether being ostracized by ingroup members vs. non-categorized individuals may affect humanity attributions. We found that ostracism, but not categorization, influenced humanity perceptions, namely, being excluded reduced the humanity ascribed to the self, to ostracizers, and meta-attributions of humanity, regardless of ostracizers’ membership. Dora Capozza1, Gian Antonio Di Bernardo1, Rossella Falvo1, Jessica Boin1 of Padova 1Univ. SESSION: H - CULTURE STATE CORRUPTION AND THE ENDORSEMENT OF TIGHT-LOOSE SOCIAL NORMS Researchers pilot tested novel priming stimuli as a novel experimental paradigm to test Gelfand’s model of tight/ loose norm development. Results indicated priming of perceived corruption in the U.S. These primes are being used to further experimentally test the effect of state corruption on endorsement of tight-loose social norms. Larissa Hall1, Nicholas Schwab1 1Univ. of Northern Iowa SESSION: H - CULTURE POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS AND CULTURE We investigated the role of culture in efficacy of positive psychological interventions. Study 1 examined three cultural groups: Anglo-American, Asian-America and Indian, and found that Indian participants experienced more negative and positive emotions after performing Gratitude activity. Study 2 replicated these results with cultural mindset induction performed in a laboratory setting. Milla Titova1, Acacia Parks2 1Univ. of Missouri, 2Hiram College SESSION: H - CULTURE SENSORY PREFERENCES IN ROMANTIC ATTRACTION IN GEORGIA, RUSSIA AND PORTUGAL These studies explored the role of several sensory factors (visual, auditory, tactile-kinesthetic, olfactory) in physical attraction toward a romantic partner. Participants from Georgia, Russia and Portugal completed the questionnaire, rating the importance of these sensory factors in their attraction to a romantic partner. These studies revealed crosscultural and gender differences. Elena Zarubko1, Victor Karandashev2, Veronika Artemeva3, Félix Neto4, Lali Surmanidze5 1Tyumen State Univ., Russia, 2 Aquinas College, 3 Saint-Petersburg State Univ. of Architecture & Civil Engineering, 4Universidade do Porto, Portugal, 5Tbilisi State Univ. 114 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - CULTURE SENSORY PREFERENCE IN ROMANTIC ATTRACTION: AMERICAN-CARIBBEAN-PORTUGUESE CROSSCULTURAL COMPARISON This paper explores cross-cultural sensory preferences in romantic attraction. A survey of participants from U.S. (n = 512), Caribbean (251) and Portugal (248) about preferred visual, auditory, tactile-kinesthetic and olfactory factors in romantic attraction showed similarities and differences in their sensory preferences in a partner amongst the cultural groups and genders. Kai Morgan1, Makesha Evans2, Stephanie Hutchenson3, Victor Karandashev4, Félix Neto5 1Univ. of the West Indies, Mona Campus, 2International Univ. of the Caribbean, Kingston, 3 College of the Bahamas, 4 Aquinas College, 5Universidade do Porto, Portugal SESSION: H - CULTURE THE IMPACT OF CULTURE ON COUNTERFACTUAL THINKING We investigated how culture influences counterfactual thinking. Arab and American students read counterfactual scenarios. Americans reported more counterfactual thinking when outcomes resulted from exceptional, rather than routine action, whereas Arabs’ attributions were not affected by condition. This difference was due partially to cultural differences in attributions to luck. Angela Maitner1, Amy Summerville2 1American Univ. of Sharjah, 2Miami Univ. SESSION: H - CULTURE THE ROLE OF PERSONALITY IN PREDICTING DISPLAY RULES Individuals’ behaviors are influenced by both culture and personality. The relative contribution of each is moderated by aspects of the situation, such as type of interactant. The current study investigated the strength of personality and cultural factors as predictors of individuals’ norms regarding emotional expressivity towards different interactants. Sara Lieber1, Frank Du1, Seung Hee Yoo1 1San Francisco State Univ. SESSION: H - CULTURE DO JAPANESE CONCEAL THEIR HIGH SELF-ESTEEM EVEN IN AN ANONYMOUS SITUATION?: A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY IN RESPONSE TO THE ROSENBERG SELF-ESTEEM SCALE COMPARING JAPAN AND THE U.S. We found that Japanese displayed higher self-esteem when asked to “tell-the-truth” than in a “default” version, whereas Americans did not differ between conditions. The cross-national differences in “default” were mediated by differences in concerns with evaluations from others. We discuss the role of a default strategy for immediate incentive structures. Kosuke Sato1, Hirofumi Hashimoto2 1Nagoya Univ., 2Yasuda Women’s Univ. SESSION: H - CULTURE THE SOCIAL ROLE OF IDEAL AND ACTUAL AFFECT IN TWO COLLECTIVIST CULTURES (BRAZIL AND JAPAN) THROUGH CULTURAL PRODUCTS AND A QUESTIONNAIRE STUDY This research aimed to investigate how emotions are presented in socialization (through the analysis of children books from both cultures) and how emotions relate to the tendency of one becoming social marginalized (through a questionnaire study with university students). Igor De Almeida1, Yukiko Uchida1 1Kyoto Univ. SESSION: H - CULTURE OH DARLING, THIS TOO SHALL PASS: HOLISTIC THINKING KEEPS YOU IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS LONGER The present research examines how one’s perception of change (cyclic vs. linear) influences interpersonal decisions. Across three studies, we demonstrate that a cyclic perception of change, a central feature of holistic thinking (vs. analytic thinking), keeps people in romantic relationships longer due to the belief that “this too shall pass.” Emily Hong1, Incheol Choi2 1Queen’s Univ., 2Seoul National Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 115 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - CULTURE BIGGER AUDIENCE, BIGGER FAILURE: A CROSS-CULTURAL DIFFERENCE IN SELF-JUDGMENTS WHEN PERFORMING POORLY IN A LARGE VS. SMALL AUDIENCE We examined how people from Face and Dignity cultures differ in making judgments about themselves depending on audience size. When imagining themselves performing poorly on tasks either in front of 10-others or 1-other, we found Chinese judged their performance more negatively in the large (vs. small) audience, but Americans did not. Minjae Seo1, Young-Hoon Kim1 1Yonsei Univ. SESSION: H - CULTURE WHEN INTERDEPENDENCE FAILS IN JAPAN: WORK ATTACHMENT IN DOMESTIC VERSUS FOREIGNOWNED COMPANIES We surveyed 196 Japanese workers at domestic companies and at foreign-owned companies assessing each worker ‘s interdependent self-construal, work attachment and perceived bilateral adoption of merit-pay system. As predicted, interdependent self-construal positively predicted work attachment by workers at foreign-owned companies, but not at domestic companies due to lower perceived bidirectionality. Satoshi Akutsu1, Fumiaki Katsumura1, Shinobu Kitayama2, Yukiko Uchida3 1Hitotsubashi Univ., 2Univ. of Michigan, 3 Kyoto Univ. SESSION: H - CULTURE CULTURAL TIGHTNESS AND LOOSENESS MEASURES CROSS-VALIDATED Between-country and within-country measures of cultural tightness and looseness were cross-validated. They correlated highly with each other at the U.S. divisional level (r =.92) and with theoretical variables of interest. Convergence of results with measures computed via maximally different methods increases confidence in the validity of these two CTL measures. Irem Uz1, Sinan Alper2 1TOBB Univ. of Economics & Technology, 2Middle East Technical Univ. SESSION: H - CULTURE HONOUR ENDORSEMENT AFFECTS JUDGMENTS OF GENDER-CONFORMING AND GENDER– NONCONFORMING PEOPLE Examining individuals in an honour-oriented culture (Turkey, N = 233) and a dignity-oriented culture (UK, N = 220), the current studies explore how endorsement of an honor ideology affects judgments of gender norm violators. Results suggest that high-honor minded males make harsher judgments of other men who violate their gender norms. Pelin Gul1, Ayse Uskul1 1Univ. of Kent, England SESSION: H - CULTURE CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN THE ROLE OF SOCIAL POWER IN PERSPECTIVE TAKING AND EMPATHY: COMPARISON BETWEEN JAPANESE AND AMERICAN EMPLOYEES Culture differs in the meaning and the role of sense of power in social contexts. Employees in the United States and Japan who are more communally oriented responded in a more other-oriented way. However, sense of power and social hierarchy endorsement for Japanese employees only mediated this tendency. Eunsoo Choi1, Yukiko Uchida2 1Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2Kyoto Univ. SESSION: H - CULTURE THE ROLE OF ETHNORACIAL COLLECTIVE SELF-ESTEEM AND LATINO VALUES IN RISKY BEHAVIOR Two studies examine the gender-distinct associations between collective self-esteem (CSES-ER), traditional machismo and caballerismo, and various health risk behaviors (e.g. alcohol and drug use) in Latinos. Subscales of the CSES-ER negatively predicted many risky behaviors, but tests of moderation indicated this relationship is largely influenced by traditional cultural values. Jessica Perrotte1, Raymond Garza1, Michael Baumann1 1Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 116 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - CULTURE WHEN AND WHY CULTURAL ACCOMMODATION IS WELCOMED The present research explores how cultural beliefs influence evaluations of cultural accommodation and decisions to accommodate to foreign cultures. We found that people believing in cultural interaction and mutual influence accommodated their behaviors to a foreign culture and evaluated a foreigner’s behavioral accommodation positively. Jaee Cho1, Michael Morris1, Hayley Blunden2 1Columbia Univ., 2Harvard Business School SESSION: H - CULTURE CULTURAL TRANSMISSION OF ATTITUDES THROUGH PARTICIPATION IN JOINT ACTIVITIES Cultural practices and attitudes can be transmitted from one generation to next by participation in joint activities. In a new experimental paradigm, we show that behavioural practices can be transmitted by imitation in joint participation, but attitudes may be transmitted via cognitive routes of behaviour observation and attitude inferences. Yoshihisa Kashima1, Simon Laham1, Bianca Levis1, Melissa Wheeler1 1Univ. of Melbourne SESSION: H - CULTURE WHEN AND WHY DO RETOLD STORIES GROW MORE STEREOTYPICAL OR COUNTERSTEREOTYPICAL?: CULTURAL INGROUP VERSUS OUTGROUP AUDIENCES AND MEMORY PROCESSES People’s daily communications contribute to culture stability and changes. In a serial reproduction experiment, stories became more stereotypical when retold to cultural-ingroup audiences but counter-stereotypical to cultural-outgroup audiences. This pattern also emerged in a recall task that provided no retelling expectation, indicating that the biases originate in constructive memory processes. Zhi Liu1, Michael Morris1 1Columbia Univ. SESSION: H - CULTURE CULTURE INFLUENCES GIVING THROUGH IDEAL AFFECT: BEHAVIORAL AND NEURAL EVIDENCE Does culture influence to whom we give? We predicted that European Americans and Koreans would give more money during a Dictator Game to recipients whose affective expressions matched participants’ ideal affective state. Our findings supported this prediction; Koreans gave less to excited (vs. calm) recipients than European Americans. BoKyung Park1, Jeanne Tsai1, Brian Knutson1 1Stanford Univ. SESSION: H - CULTURE INVESTIGATIONS OF INTERGROUP TRUST AND INGROUP BIAS IN NEPAL We examined intergroup trust between high and low caste groups in Nepal using two economic games. While only lower-caste participants showed ingroup bias in the trust game, in which people’s decisions were public, both groups showed ingroup bias in the faith game, in which people’s decisions were private. Joanna Schug1, Gagan Atreya1 1College of William & Mary SESSION: H - CULTURE INFLUENCE OF CULTURE AND CONFORMITY ON VALUE JUDGMENT Across two studies, independent versus interdependent self-construal led to differential effects of social influence on value judgments. Participants, from an independent or interdependent population, made objective and subjective (value) judgments, both before and after viewing in-group members’ judgments. Interdependent individuals changed their value judgments more often than did independent individuals. Stephanie Carpenter1, Emily Falk 2, Carolyn Yoon1 1Univ. of Michigan, 2Univ. of Pennsylvania SESSION: H - CULTURE SOCIAL CLASS AND THE SOCIOCULTURAL SHAPING OF RELATIONSHIPS A form of culture, social class influences how people understand and act in their relationships. While working-class participants are more likely to maintain relationships in response to conflicts, and middle-class participants are more likely to end old and begin new relationships, priming interdependence or independence influences this pattern of behavior. Rebecca Carey1, Hazel Markus1 1Stanford Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 117 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - CULTURE MODESTY IN A SELF-PROMOTING CULTURE?: MODESTY, WELLBEING AND CULTURAL VARIATION In an era of rampant digital self-promotion, what are the psychological costs for people who are modest? Both European American and Asian American modest individuals reported experiencing greater negative emotions after being exposed to self-promoting Facebook postings. However, modesty predicted less happiness and more loneliness only among Asian Americans. Kaidi Wu1, Brendon Cho1, Donna Nagata1 1Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor SESSION: H - CULTURE NOUNS VS. VERBS: THE PART OF SPEECH EFFECT ON CONSTRUAL LEVEL AND ITS IMPLICATIONS TO CULTURAL COMPARISONS Americans (vs. Japanese) tend to have higher construal. We examined whether the cultural difference would be weakened when controlling for the form of BIF items to be nouns or verbs. As a result, when BIF items were presented in nouns (verbs) forms, the cultural difference was weakened (still exist). Yumi Inoue1, Satoshi Akutsu1, Toshio Yamagishi1 1Hitotsubashi Univ. SESSION: H - CULTURE INITIAL MAINSTREAM CULTURAL ORIENTATIONS PREDICT EARLY SOCIAL PARTICIPATION IN THE MAINSTREAM CULTURAL GROUP Two longitudinal studies of international students (N=98 and N=60) newly arrived in Canada show that more positive cultural orientations toward the mainstream group early after migration prospectively predict higher social participation (regular interlocutors and friendships) specifically in the mainstream cultural group within the following months (seven and five months, respectively). Marina Doucerain1, Sonya Deschenes1, Jean-Philippe Gouin1, Catherine Amiot2, Andrew Ryder1 Univ., 2Universite du Quebec a Montreal 1Concordia SESSION: H - CULTURE MEANING IN LIFE AND LIFE SATISFACTION: A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN KOREANS AND FRENCH Researchers conducted a cross-cultural study comparing French and Koreans on the search for meaning and the life satisfaction, finding that Koreans searched more for a meaning in life than did French, and that culture moderated the relationship between search in meaning and life satisfaction. Joane adeclas1, Taekyun Hur1 1Korea Univ. SESSION: H - CULTURE THE ROLE OF CULTURE AND ATTACHMENT STYLE IN FRIENDSHIP NETWORK ACROSS 21 NATIONS We investigated how culture and attachment style predicted perception and management of friendship networks. Multilevel modeling of data from 21 nations revealed that people living in more collectivistic environments have smaller and denser social networks, and perceived friendship as more important. Jessica Allison1, Xian Zhao1, Omri Gillath1, Itziar Alonso-Arbiol2, Amina Abubakar3, Byron Adams3, Frédérique Autin4, Audrey BrassardUniv. of Hong Kong, Rodrigo Carcedo6 Or Catz7, Cecilia Cheng8 1Univ. of Kansas, 2Univ. of the Basque Country, 3Tilburg Univ., 4Univ. of Lausanne, 5Université de Sherbrooke, 6Univ. of Salamanca, 7Ashkelon Academic CollegeUniv. of Hong Kong SESSION: H - CULTURE CULTURE AND COOPERATION: A CROSS-CULTURAL LINKAGE STUDY IN THE ULTIMATUM GAME The current study examined the cross-cultural linkage between collectivism, individualism, intolerance of uncertainty, neuroticism and the influence of uncertain context on cooperative behavior. The participants played both roles of a responder and a proposer in the Ultimatum Game with an anonymous partner. In the experimental condition, higher uncertainty was elicited. Kodai Kusano1, David Matsumoto1 1San Francisco State Univ. 118 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - CULTURE THE AFFORDANCE OF CHOICE AND THE ATTRACTIVENESS EFFECT Physically-attractive people experience better life-outcomes than unattractive people. We tested whether these attractiveness effects are pronounced in high relational-mobility settings that afford an experience of relationship as voluntary association between inherently free agents. Results revealed the anticipated relationship between attractiveness and expected life-outcomes, but offered mixed support for hypotheses. Alexander Weakley1, Juwon Lee1, Glenn Adams1 1Univ. of Kansas SESSION: H - CULTURE A HOLISTIC CONSIDERATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DAILY BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY ACROSS 16 COUNTRIES Across 16 countries, the current research seeks to understand country-level relationships between personality and daily behavior. Results indicate significant associations between attributes of daily behavior and extraversion, conscientiousness, openness and neuroticism. Here, we gain a holistic understanding of the daily behavior patterns of particular countries and their relationship with personality. Erica Baranski1, David Funder1 1The Univ. of California - Riverside SESSION: H - CULTURE “IT’S OK BECAUSE WE’RE SO CLOSE”: CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN THE RECEPTION OF NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE FEEDBACK IN RELATIONSHIPS We examined cultural differences in the reception of negative and positive feedback in varying relationships. Compared to European Americans, East Asians felt less distant and offended by negative comments, but responses differed based on the level of the relationship. We will discuss cultural differences in schemas involving friendship interactions. Jeong Min Lee1, Beth Morling1 1Univ. of Delaware SESSION: H - CULTURE CULTURAL DIFFERENCES AND LINGUISTIC CORRELATES OF PERSONALITY AMONG ARABS AND AMERICANS We assessed personality differences between Arab and American samples using Big Five self-reports and computerized text analysis of self-descriptive Arabic and English writing. Arabs reported being less conscientious and open to new experiences but more gregarious than Americans. Linguistic correlates of personality in Arabic paralleled English correlates in some ways. Nadeem Dabbakeh1, Molly Ireland1 1Texas Tech Univ. SESSION: H - CULTURE NORMATIVE TIME-SPACE CONCEPTS AND RESILIENCE TO CHILDHOOD ADVERSITY Does the tendency to think of time and space as abstract, distinct dimensions confer resilience against psychopathology that impacts spatio-temporal perception? We found that as individuals with a history of adverse childhood experiences construe time more independently from space, they also report less dissociation. Roman Palitsky1, Daniel Sullivan1 1Univ. of Arizona SESSION: H - CULTURE PARENTS, A BOON OR BANE?: DIFFERENTIAL EFFECTS OF CHILDHOOD PARENTAL ATTACHMENT ON ACCULTURATION IN ADULTHOOD We tested whether childhood relationships with parents influences adaptation to new cultures in adulthood. A longitudinal study with overseas exchange students found that students whose mothers were overprotective reported more perceived discrimination and hate. Students whose fathers were overprotective reported more difficulty and stress in coping with the new environment. Desiree Phua1, Michael Meaney2, Ying-yi Hong1 1Nanyang Technological Univ., 2McGill Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 119 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - CULTURE THE RISE OF INDIVIDUALISM: THE UNIVERSALITY AND CULTURAL SPECIFICITY OF CULTURAL CHANGE We examined change in individualistic family structure (e.g. smaller families, more people living alone) in 42 countries over 50 years. Changes in income, education, occupational prestige, urbanization and the frequency of natural disasters accompanied changes in individualistic family structure, and this rate of change is faster for culturally loose countries. Henri Carlo Santos1, Igor Grossmann1 1Univ. of Waterloo SESSION: H - CULTURE CONGRUENT VS. INCONGRUENT CULTURAL FRAME SWITCHING OF IDENTITY, VALUES AND BEHAVIORS Mexican American bilinguals were more likely to engage in cultural frame-switching for Mexican identity than for Mexican behaviors or Mexican values. Those who switched their endorsement of Mexican values incongruently (e.g., greater endorsement in English vs. Spanish) were more likely to identify as Mexican rather than as Mexican American. Lang Lee Lee1, Angela-MinhTu Nguyen1 1California State Univ., Fullerton SESSION: H - CULTURE CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN IDEAL AFFECT REFLECTED IN LEADERS’ SMILES We examined whether cultural differences in ideal affect, or the emotions that people ideally want to feel, are reflected in the expressions of national leaders. As predicted, the more nations valued high- and low-arousal positive states, the more likely leaders were to show excited and calm smiles, respectively. Elizabeth Blevins1, Jeanne Tsai1, Jen Ang1, Julia Goernandt1, Helene Fung2, Da Jiang2 1Stanford Univ., 2Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong SESSION: H - CULTURE RECEIVED FUNCTIONAL SUPPORT AND AMBULATORY BLOOD PRESSURE IN JAPAN This study examined received social support and ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) in Japan. Belonging support predicted lower ABP, while informational support predicted ABP increases. Stress moderated tangible support’s effects. This study highlights the importance of examining support by separable functions. Kimberly Bowen1 1The Univ. of Utah SESSION: H - CULTURE COMPLAINING EXPLORED ACROSS CULTURES In the U.S., complaining, whining and griping are words with negative connotations. Generally Americans favor positivity, and complaining is seen as having negative self and relationship consequences. We investigated whether complaining would have the same consequences in the U.S. and Romania. Results indicate that complaining has greater utility in Romania. Smaranda Lawrie1, Daniela Moza2, Heejung Kim1 1Univ. of California Santa Barbara, 2West Univ. of Timisoara, Romania SESSION: H - CULTURE INSULT AS A MOTIVATION TO SUCCEED We examined whether receiving a derogatory treatment would lead to enhanced performance among Asian Americans vs. Anglo Americans. Results suggested that when insulted, Asian Americans (but not Anglo Americans) were more motivated to perform in the math task, but not in the verbal task. Emily Kim1, Dov Cohen1 1Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign SESSION: H - CULTURE CULTURAL VARIATION IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIAL MOTIVES DRINKING AND ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS Drinking motivated by social interaction with others may not be associated with negative outcomes among cultures that value interpersonal closeness, such as Latino culture. Results from our study supported this hypothesis, showing that social drinking motives were associated with more drinking problems for European- and Asian- Americans, but not Latinos. Arezou Mortazavi1, Jose Soto1 1The Pennsylvania State Univ. 120 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - CULTURE CROSS CULTURAL ANALYSIS OF DAILY SITUATIONS AND BEHAVIORS AROUND THE WORLD The International Situations Project investigates the nature of situations experienced by college students around the world. Here, we utilize participants’ open-ended responses to compare the objective attributes of the situation with those that are psychologically meaningful. Moreover, we investigate within and between cultural variation of situational experience and daily behavior. Shazia Parekh1, Erica Baranski1, David Funder1 1UC Riverside SESSION: H - CULTURE HOLDING OUT FOR TRADITION: A CLOSER LOOK AT VIRGINITY IN COLLEGE This study sought to distinguish the differences in beliefs about virginity from individuals with different cultural backgrounds. We wanted to know which race of individuals valued virginity the most; while also seeing the differences between males and females. We used the virginity beliefs scale to record their responses. Rickey Aubrey1, Crystal Dao1 1Univ. of North Texas SESSION: H - CULTURE RELATIONAL MOBILITY, FILIAL PIETY, AND INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS Mainstream research portrays prioritization of love/care in mating versus kin relations as a standard of adult functioning. Three studies provide evidence that this “standard” pattern is not a context-general law, but instead reflects ecologies of relational mobility that weaken ideologies (particularly the authoritarianism component) of filial piety. Dongyu Li1, Xian Zhao1, Glenn Adams12 1Univ. of Kansas, 2NA SESSION: H - CULTURE WHAT DOES INDEPENDENCE LOOK LIKE FOR FIRST-GENERATION COLLEGE STUDENTS? First-generation college students’ (FGs) experience of independence may differ from continuing-generation students’. 500 participants described thoughts of new experiences in college. Findings suggest independence may occur later in college for FGs, and it may be tied more to leaving one’s family than to discovering oneself or making one’s own decisions. Alicia Mendez Sawers1, Laura Brady1, Yuichi Shoda1 1Univ. of Washington SESSION: H - EMOTION CONTEXT X CULTURE INTERACTION IN PREFERENCE FOR POSITIVE EMOTIONS Context moderates cultural differences in preference for positive emotions. We found that, compared to Asians, European Americans preferred to feel more positive emotions in contexts where they perceived higher utility of positive emotions (e.g. exam), but such cultural difference was attenuated in other contexts (e.g. interacting with a stranger). Xiaoming Ma1, Yuri Miyamoto1 1Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison SESSION: H - EMOTION EFFORT AND ABILITY PERCEPTIONS CAUSE THE DIFFERENTIAL ELICITATION OF GUILT AND SHAME Cognitive antecedents have been theorized to differentiate shame and guilt experiences. The current study tested this assumption by manipulating feedback following failure on a socially relevant task. Participants in the low-effort condition reported elevated levels of guilt, but only evidenced shame in the low-ability condition. Elizabeth Ferguson1, Benjamin Wilkowski1 1Univ. of Wyoming SESSION: H - EMOTION WHAT EVERY BODY IS SAYING: PHYSIOLOGICAL AROUSAL AND THE USE OF EMBODIED LANGUAGE IN NARRATIVES ABOUT ANGRY AND SAD EVENTS Embodied cognition work proposes links between physiological experience and cognitive and linguistic processes. Results from two studies indicate that higher physiological arousal during an experience is linked to greater use of embodied language in narrating that event. Further, this relationship may differ by the particular emotion involved (angry vs. sad). Kristina Oldroyd1, Monisha Pasupathi1 1Univ. of Utah SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 121 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - EMOTION POSITIVE AFFECT MEDIATES THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF EMOTION SUPPRESSION IN AMERICANS AND HONG KONG CHINESE Across cultures, people showed lower life satisfaction when they were induced to believe that they have suppressed their emotions. This negative effect of emotion suppression was mediated by positive affect, showing that people who suppress emotions more experience less positive affect, and in turn showed lower life satisfaction. Heewon Kwon1, Young Hoon Kim1 1Yonsei Univ. SESSION: H - EMOTION BELIEFS ABOUT EXPRESSIVE SUPPRESSION AFFECT EMOTIONAL OUTCOMES Westerners experience negative outcomes when using expressive suppression, whereas Easterners show an attenuation of these negative outcomes. This may be due to Easterners’ belief that expressive suppression is beneficial, while Westerners believe it is harmful. By changing beliefs regarding expressive suppression from harmful to beneficial, these negative consequences are attenuated. Lawrence Tello1, Darwin Guevarra1, Shinobu Kitayama1, Ethan Kross1 1Univ. of Michigan SESSION: H - EMOTION VISUAL IMAGERY PERSPECTIVE AND CONCEPTUAL PROCESSING OF CORE AFFECT We investigated how manipulating visual imagery perspective (first-person vs. third-person), which differentially facilitates qualitatively distinct processing styles (Libby & Eibach, 2011), influences the experience of core affect as emotion. Findings suggest third-person (versus first-person) imagery facilitates the experience of core affect as emotion. Courtney Hsing1, Lisa Libby1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: H - EMOTION AGING IMPACTS ON THE EMBODIMENT OF EMOTION: OLDER ADULTS’ EMOTION CONCEPT KNOWLEDGE CONTAINS LESS INTEROCEPTIVE INFORMATION THAN YOUNGER ADULTS’ Older adults experience interoceptive declines, which may impact how they conceptualize and experience emotion. In two studies, we demonstrate that older adults associate interoceptive properties (e.g., “heart racing” or “breathless”) with emotion concepts to a lesser extent than do younger adults. Findings have implications for older adults’ emotion experiences. Jennifer MacCormack1, Kristen Lindquist1 1Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SESSION: H - EMOTION AWE CAN MAKE YOU AWFUL: AWE, MEANING THREATS AND COMPENSATORY AFFIRMATION Recent work investigating the consequences of feeling ‘awe’ posits that this emotion is profoundly prosocial. Here, this portrait of awe is called into question. We demonstrate that awe might actually induce prosocial motivations as a compensatory response to threatened meaning structures. Adam Baimel1, Ara Norenzayan1, Steven Heine1 1Univ. of British Columbia SESSION: H - EMOTION DETERMINING WHICH PEOPLE WHO FEEL GUILT SACRIFICE EITHER THEMSELVES OR A THIRD PERSON IN ORDER TO COMPENSATE THEIR VICTIMS: MODERATING PERCEIVED RELATIONAL MOBILITY The present research (N = 315) investigated whether relational mobility moderates whether people who feel guilt compensate their victims at the expense of a third person or themselves. Results suggested that people in lowrelational mobility sacrificed their own money, while people in high-relational mobility sacrificed a third person ‘s money. Yoshiya Furukawa1, Kenichiro Nakashima1, Yasuko Morinaga1 1Hiroshima Univ. 122 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - EMOTION GENDER DIFFERENCES IN DISGUST SENSITIVITY IS NOT UNIVERSAL Gender differences in disgust sensitivity (measured with various scales) is strong and robust (d > .70), but samples tended to come from Europe/U.S. Here we show that in India, this gender difference in disgust sensitivity, measured using the disgust sensitivity scale-revised (Olatunji et al., 2007), is completely absent. Kai Qin Chan1 1Ashoka Univ. SESSION: H - EMOTION EMOTION PERCEPTION BIAS: AN INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCE MEASURE ASSOCIATED WITH NEGATIVE AFFECT DURING RELATIONSHIP CONFLICT This research tested whether emotion perception variation helps explain negative affect experienced during relationship conflict. We found that people exhibit systematic tendencies to prioritize either positive or negative information when perceiving facial expressions, and associate a negativity with increased negative affect during conflict in romantic relationships. Yewon Hur1, William Brady1, Emily Balcetis1 1New York Univ. SESSION: H - EMOTION HETEROGENEITY OF LONG-HISTORY MIGRATION PREDICTS EMOTION RECOGNITION ACCURACY Historical heterogeneity, or number of source countries that contributed to a nation’s current population, predicts the degree to which people endorse higher emotion expressivity (Rychlowska 2015). Here we re-analyzed data from 90 cross-cultural emotion recognition studies to demonstrate that people from heterogeneous cultures produce more universally recognizable expressions. Adrienne Wood1, Magdalena Rychlowska2, Paula Niedenthal1 1Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 2Cardiff Univ. SESSION: H - EMOTION THE ROLE OF LANGUAGE IN THE EXPERIENCE AND PERCEPTION OF EMOTION: A NEUROIMAGING META-ANALYSIS We performed a meta-analysis of the neuroimaging literature on emotion to assess neural activity when emotion words are present v. absent in experimental tasks. Consistent with psychological constructionist accounts of emotion, areas of activation suggest that language aids in making meaning of otherwise ambiguous affective states. Holly Shablack1, Jeffrey Brooks1, Maria Gendron2, Ajay Satpute3, Michael Parrish1, Katie Hoemann2, Kristen Lindquist1 1Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2Northeastern Univ., 3 Pomona College SESSION: H - EMOTION THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN COGNITION AND EMOTION: PRIOR COGNITIVE TASK PERFORMANCE REDUCES EMOTIONAL RESPONSES Emotion influences cognitive task performance, but does the converse effect hold? Participants performed a flanker task and viewed emotional images in counterbalanced order. Participants who did the flanker task first reported weaker emotional responses compared to those who viewed the images first. Performing cognitive tasks can blunt emotions. Anna Finley1, Brandon Schmeichel1 1Texas A&M Univ. SESSION: H - EMOTION THE ROLE OF INGROUP DIRECTED EMOTIONS IN PREDICTING GROUP-RELEVANT BEHAVIOR Group identification has typically been used to explain pro-ingroup behaviors; however, we suggest that ingroupdirected emotions might be better predictors. In two studies, we establish first that emotional profiles towards one’s ingroup are more differentiated than those for identification, and then that these differentiated ingroup emotions do indeed predict behavior. Asha Weisman1, Diane Mackie1, Eliot Smith2 1UC Santa Barbara, 2Indiana Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 123 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - EMOTION YELP, I NEED SOMEBODY, YELP, NOT JUST ANYBODY: THE POWER OF NEGATIVE REVIEWS FROM POSITIVE PEOPLE Using Yelp profiles and restaurant reviews, we examined whether opinions from those whose trait affect and opinion valence differ are most valuable. Negative reviews from positive and neutral people were especially valuable, although positive reviews from these people were not disregarded. Thus, opinions from positive and neutral people are powerful. Nicole Iannone1, Megan McCarty2, Janice Kelly3, Andrea Hollingshead4, , 1Penn State Fayette, 2 Amherst College, 3 Purdue Univ., 4Univ. of Southern California SESSION: H - EMOTION BABY FEVER: DIALING UP EMPATHY AND THE DESIRE TO HAVE CHILDREN Biologists, sociologists, economists and psychologists have all ventured to answer an important question—what motivates the decision to have children? In four studies using multiple methods, we find that momentary feelings, specifically, empathic emotions, play a pivotal role in shaping young adults’ (i.e., ages 18-35) desire to have children. Katherine Nelson1, Lisa Cavanaugh2 1Sewanee: The Univ. of the South, 2Univ. of Southern California SESSION: H - EMOTION EMOTION RECOGNITION ACCURACY IN MUSIC PERFORMANCE EVALUATION We investigated the role of emotion recognition accuracy (ERA) in the context of music expertise. We hypothesized that music experts may have better ERA, which affect music performances’ evaluation. Results show a positive link between music expertise and ERA. However performances’ evaluation is only influenced by music expertise but not by ERA. Elena Canadas1, Marianne Schmid Mast1, Donald Glowinski2, Didier Grandjean2, Marc Rappaz3 1Univ. of Lausanne, 2Univ. of Geneva, 3 Haute École de Musique-Genève SESSION: H - EMOTION EMOTION WORDS: “FACING” CHANGE We assessed how language affects a person’s ability to detect a change in moving emotional faces. Participants took less time to detect a change in emotion when first primed with an emotion word (vs. control word). Emotion words increase a person’s ability to detect a change in an emotional stimulus. Jennifer Fugate1, Wec Emmanuel1, Nicole Ziino1, Matt Ziperman1 of Massachusetts-Dartmouth 1Univ. SESSION: H - EMOTION BELIEVE IT OR NOT: REGULATING NEGATIVE EMOTIONS WITH NON-DECEPTIVE PLACEBOS Although studies have shown placebos to facilitate emotion regulation, researchers and clinicians have historically believed that their translational value is limited by the fact that people have to be deceived for them to work. Here we demonstrate that the emotion regulatory benefits of placebos can be harnessed without deception. Darwin Guevarra1, Ethan Kross1 1Univ. of Michigan SESSION: H - EMOTION IGNORANCE IS BLISS: UNPLEASANT TASKS SEEM WORSE IF THEY ARE EXPECTED TO HAPPEN AGAIN Does knowing an unpleasant task has to be done twice influence how bad it seems the first time? Results showed that people who knew they had to do a boring task twice rated the task as worse than those who did not expect to do it a second time. Lauren Spencer1, Karen Gasper1 1The Pennsylvania State Univ. SESSION: H - EMOTION PERCEPTIONS OF EERINESS: ELECTRODERMAL ACTIVITY AND SELF-REPORT RESPONSES TO THE UNCANNY VALLEY This study examines eeriness in response to humanoid figures, a phenomenon known as the uncanny valley. Participants compared reports of eeriness, fear and disgust across a series of videos. Individuals experience increased arousal in response to the uncanny valley, as indicated by physiological and self-report responses. Alexandra Beauchamp1, Matthew Wilkinson1, Keith Markman1, Stephen Patterson1 1Ohio Univ. 124 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - EMOTION MODERATING EFFECTS OF DYADIC COPING ON THE STRESS SPILLOVER PROCESS AND NEGATIVE EMOTIONS IN SAME-SEX RELATIONSHIPS Stress is an all too common experience for couples, and same-sex couples may experience additional stressors due to their sexual minority status. Using 14-day daily diary reports from 81 same-sex couples, this study examined concurrent and lagged spillover effects of stress on negative emotions, and moderating effects of dyadic coping. Chun Tao1, Jessica Borders1, Kelsey Walsh1, Ashley Randall1, Casey Totenhagen2 1Arizona State Univ., 2Univ. of Alabama SESSION: H - EMOTION IT PAYS TO BE CUTE: RESPONSIVENESS TO CUTENESS PREDICTS PARENTAL SATISFACTION AND (DIS)APPROVAL OF HARSH DISCIPLINE TOWARD THEIR CHILDREN In Study 1, we developed the Cuteness Responsiveness (CR-15) scale that measures individual differences in responsiveness to cuteness. In Study 2, we recruited parents with a child/children under age six to examine predictors of harsh discipline by using the CR-15 scale. Results showed responsiveness to cuteness predicted attitudes toward parenting and (dis)approval of using punitive means to discipline children. Reina Takamatsu1, Jiro Takai1 1Nagoya Univ. SESSION: H - EMOTION DISSIMILARITY OF THE TARGET FROM THE SELF LOWERS CONFIDENCE AND IMPLEMENTATION OF EXTRINSIC ANGER REGULATION Participants rated to what extent they tried to regulate their own anger, similar other’s anger, and dissimilar other’s anger after being provoked by a fourth person. They also rated their confidence in successfully regulating each target’s anger. Results suggest that self-other dissimilarity is a factor making extrinsic emotion regulation difficult. Yuki Nozaki1 1Kyoto Univ. SESSION: H - EMOTION BELIEFS ABOUT EMOTION REGULATION EFFECTIVENESS AND USE Participants indicated beliefs about effectiveness (N=285) and use (N=284) of 13 emotion regulation strategies in a range of scenarios. Effectiveness beliefs favored situation modification, attention and some cognitive strategies; preferences favored situation modification and attention. Gender differences emerged for certain effectiveness beliefs; correlations with age emerged for certain preferences. Kimberly Livingstone1, Derek Isaacowitz1 1Northeastern Univ. SESSION: H - EMOTION THE MECHANICS OF NOSTALGIA Why does nostalgizing make us feel good? The present work shows that individuals induced to experience nostalgia tend to describe their past and present selves with a similar affective tone. Thus, a process whereby the past self is integrated into the present self may be responsible for nostalgia’s positive benefits. Hannah Osborn1, Keith Markman1 1Ohio Univ. SESSION: H - EMOTION BLINDED BY OUR EMOTIONS: HOW AFFECT INTERFERES WITH EMOTION RECOGNITION SENSITIVITY The aim of this study was to investigate the role of current emotional states in the ability to recognize other people’s emotions. Our results suggest that the more positive or negative affect people feel, the less sensitive they are to other people’s facial expressions of the opposite emotional valence. Kibby McMahon1, Kwanguk Kim2, Caitlin Fang1, Mark Rosenthal1 1Duke Univ., 2Hanyang Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 125 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - EMOTION WE ARE FAMILY: COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND INTEGRATED IDENTITY ARE ASSOCIATED WITH AFFECTIVE FLEXIBILITY IN LESBIAN, GAY AND BISEXUAL INDIVIDUALS While studies have highlighted the protective role of identity and community connectedness in preventing poor mental health outcomes in lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals, few have considered the role of affective processes in facilitating this relationship. The present study examined affective flexibility within this context. Ilana Seager1, Amelia Aldao1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: H - EMOTION EFFECTS OF DISCRETE POSITIVE EMOTIONS ON ATTITUDES TOWARD MUSLIMS The present research sought to examine how images eliciting specific positive emotions (awe, nurturant love) might affect people’s attitudes toward Muslims, as compared to a neutral emotional state. Participants in the awe condition reported more negative attitudes toward Muslims, compared to neutral control. Makenzie O’Neil1, Souhaila Kouteib1, Michelle Shiota1 1Arizona State Univ. SESSION: H - EMOTION LANGUAGE AND EMOTION: NONSENSE LABELS INFLUENCE PERCEPTION OF NOVEL EMOTION CATEGORIES Language supports the formation of perceptual categories for novel emotions. Pairing novel facial actions with nonsense labels helped participants acquire perceptual categories for entirely novel “emotions” that in turn affected perceptions of subsequently viewed faces. These results suggest that language plays an integral role in emotion perception. Cameron Doyle1, Jin Kang1, Kristen Lindquist1 1Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SESSION: H - GENDER DIALECTICAL MEDIA REPRESENTATIONS OF GENDERED NONVERBAL CUES: ANDROGYNY AMONG KOREAN MEN Cultural norms may shape gendered expectations; East Asian epistemologies emphasize dialecticism, “opposites” co-existing. We tested whether gendered displays of nonverbal cues were more relaxed in East Asian versus American media representations. Certain gender stereotypes were upheld across cultures; however, men in Korean magazines stood out as the most gender flexible. Brenda Gutierrez1, May Ling Halim1, Florrie Ng2, Keumjoo Kwak3, Sara Ortiz-Cubias1 1California State Univ., Long Beach, 2Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, 3 Seoul National Univ. SESSION: H - GENDER SUPPORTIVE OR PATRONIZING?: PERCEPTIONS OF WOMEN-TARGETED PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS Despite benefits, women-targeted programs (e.g., “Women in Engineering”) may unintentionally convey that women are perceived as incompetent and needing help. Across two studies, women and men perceived a company less positively and as more biased against women when it offered a professional development program targeted toward women vs. everyone. Jessica Cundiff1, Sohee Ryuk 2, Katie Cech2 1Missouri Univ. of Science & Technology, 2Colgate Univ. SESSION: H - GENDER THE IMPACT OF TARGETS AND QUOTAS ON FEMALE REPRESENTATION IN LEGISLATIVE BODIES Targets and quotas have been implemented in 74 countries to increase female representation in leadership. Countries with higher levels of quotas for women achieve higher representation and countries that impose strong enforcement mechanisms are likely to achieve larger female representation relative to countries with higher goals but weaker enforcement. Melissa Wheeler1, Robert Wood1, Sally Wood2, Victor Sojo1 1Univ. of Melbourne, 2Univ. of Sydney 126 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - GENDER JUDGE, JURY AND GENDER: EXAMINING THE IMPACT OF GENDER ON JURY INSTRUCTIONS The present study examined whether instructions to disregard evidence against a defendant are influenced by the gender of the judge. Participants were less confident in their verdict and rated the defendant as MORE guilty after receiving instructions to disregard incriminating evidence from a female judge (but not male) judge. Mark Oakes1, Cathy Crosby-Currie1, Anna Schwarz1, Brittany McDonald1 1St. Lawrence Univ. SESSION: H - GENDER TRAILBLAZERS OR TRAILBLOCKERS? THE EFFECT OF FEMALE LEADERS ON EVALUATIONS OF OTHER WOMEN In three studies, we provide evidence that gender salience, stemming from the atypicality of women in male-typed leadership positions, leads to a generalization from the performance of female leaders to expectations of success for female candidates. Our results suggest that exposure to female leaders is not unequivocally positive. Francesca Manzi1, Madeline Heilman1 1New York Univ. SESSION: H - GENDER PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF SEXUAL OBJECTIFICATION We tested whether being objectified by others would lead to self-objectification. Participants imagined being evaluated by observers of the opposite sex on appearance (or not). Objectification manipulation affected the perception of being evaluated on appearance, which in turn was associated with various facets of self-objectification. Dasom KIM1, HyeonJeong KIM1, Sang Hee Park1 1Chungbuk National Univ. SESSION: H - GENDER THE INFLUENCE OF GENDER-PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY INTEGRATION ON FEMALE PROFESSIONALS’ STEREOTYPE ENDORSEMENT AND SOCIAL PERCEPTIONS We investigated the effects of female professionals’ gender-professional identity integration (G-PII) on female gender stereotypes endorsement and perceptions of other female professionals. We found that female professionals with higher G-PII were less likely to endorse female gender stereotypes, but were more likely to judge other female professionals stereotypically. Amy Lim1, Cheng Chi-Ying1 1Singapore Management Univ. SESSION: H - GENDER SHOULD WOMEN BE “ALL ABOUT THAT BASS?”: DIVERSE BODY-ACCEPTANCE MESSAGES AND WOMEN’S BODY IMAGE A survey assessed women’s responses to messages promoting a thin, curvy or fit body ideal, or “personhood” messages emphasizing inner qualities. Controlling for age and body type, positive reactions to thinness and personhood messages generally predicted positive body image outcomes, whereas positive reactions to curvy messages generally predicted negative outcomes. Laura Ramsey1, Diana Betz2 1Bridgewater State Univ., 2Siena College SESSION: H - GENDER EDX AS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EDUCATION PROVIDER: THE ABSENCE OF STEREOTYPE THREAT IN ONLINE CLASSROOMS Research has not explored the development of online courseware as a means to mitigate the effects of stereotype threat for women in STEM fields. We evaluated 641,138 students in Harvard and MIT EdX courses and substantiated that the effects of stereotype threat for women were minimized in online courses. Roxanne Moadel-Attie1, Rami Al-Rfou’1 1Stony Brook Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 127 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - GENDER THE EFFECT OF POINT OF VIEW ON SUPPORT FOR VICTIMS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT We examined responses to sexual violence and empathy toward victims by manipulating point of view. Participants read one of two scenarios regarding an act of sexual violence. Results show higher sexism, masculinity and entitlement predict lower victim support. However, support and empathy increased when participants read from the victim’s perspective. Amber Garcia1, Michelle Baker1 1The College of Wooster SESSION: H - GENDER MINORITY STRESSORS AND TRANSITIONING IN A TRANSGENDER SAMPLE Transgender people may experience stress associated with their minority status; these minority stressors may influence their likelihood of transitioning. In a convenience sample, internalized prejudice was most strongly related to the degree of discrepancy between the number of desired transition steps and the number of steps they have taken. Karen Bittner1 1Iowa State Univ. SESSION: H - GENDER THE CORRELATES AND CONSEQUENCES OF ESSENTIALIZING GENDER Existing research on gender essentialism suffers from lack of a reliable measurement tool. Across three studies, we used Item Response Theory to develop the Gender Essentialism Scale; identified the personal, relational and epistemic correlates of gender essentialism; and assessed emotional reactions to gender disparities after manipulating participants’ conceptions of gender. Karisa Lee1, Harry Reis1 1Univ. of Rochester SESSION: H - GENDER LAY PERCEIVERS MISUNDERSTAND MEN WHO CHALLENGE BENEVOLENT SEXISM We tested whether laypeople perceive an illusory negative association between men’s hostile (HS) and benevolent sexism (BS). Low-BS men were judged more negatively than high-BS men, and perceivers’ estimates of low-BS men’s attitudes matched those of actual high-HS men significantly, demonstrating that men who challenge BS are misunderstood as anti-women. Amy Yeung1, Richard Eibach1 1Univ. of Waterloo SESSION: H - GENDER LA MUJER IDEAL: CROSS-CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN SEXISM IN SPAIN AND THE U.S. Women are evaluated on their adherence to gender norms. This study compared evaluations of a feminine or masculine woman in Spain and the U.S. Spaniards had more positive evaluations of feminine women as a result of benevolent sexism, whereas Americans more negatively evaluated the woman due to hostile sexism. Savannah Roberts1, Alex Czopp1 1Western Washington Univ. SESSION: H - GENDER BIG BOYS DON’T CRY: THE ROLE OF SEXISM IN PERCEPTIONS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE This study examined the role of sexism on perceptions of domestic violence, dependent on offender and victim gender, and manipulating level of violence as a moderator. A significant interaction was seen between participants’ scores in benevolent sexism and their scores in perceptions of domestic violence. Megan Siedschlag1, Kerry Kleyman1 1Metropolitan State Univ. SESSION: H - GENDER THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID: THE ROLE OF JOKE TELLER GENDER AND JOKE TYPE IN PERCEPTIONS OF SEXIST HUMOR Subtly sexist jokes were rated funnier, more entertaining and less offensive than overtly sexist jokes. Participants found a sexist event marginally more funny and entertaining after reading subtly, rather than overtly, sexist jokes. Subtly sexist jokes were rated more positively when told by a woman than someone of unspecified gender. Kaitlin McCormick1, Kevin Weaver1, Heather MacArthur1, Reginald Adams, Jr.1 1The Pennsylvania State Univ. 128 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - GENDER GAMER OR MAN: CONCEALMENT OF GAMER IDENTITY PREDICTS TOLERANCE OF MEN’S HARASSMENT OF FEMALE GAMERS Men who identified more as gamers were less tolerant of men harassing a woman in an audio clip, but men who concealed their gamer identity more often were more tolerant of harassment. Gamers who desire to fulfill hegemonic masculine norms may conceal that they are gamers and reject femininity. Kevin Weaver1, Theresa Vescio1 1The Pennsylvania State Univ. SESSION: H - GENDER THE ROLE OF GENDER IDENTITY AND STEREOTYPE AWARENESS ON SEXUAL NEGOTIATION STRATEGIES FOR WOMEN This study used quantitative and qualitative research methodologies to explore how gender identity, in conjunction with the awareness of gender-based stereotypes, may affect condom negotiation strategies for women. Results indicate that differential levels of gender identity were linked to the use of specific condom negotiation strategies among women. Or’Shaundra Benson1, Christine Reyna1 1DePaul Univ. SESSION: H - GENDER THE IMPACT OF EVALUATOR MASCULINITY ON DYADIC HIRING DECISIONS Participants evaluated and selected one job candidate based on resumes, first by themselves, and then again with a partner. Regression analyses revealed that less masculine participants were more inclined to yield to the more masculine partner’s evaluation and selection. Results highlight an interesting bias concerning the masculinity of an evaluator. Lindsay Rice1, Eric Greenlee2 1The Citadel, 2 Air Force Research Lab SESSION: H - GENDER THE DOUBLE THREAT OF RACE AND GENDER: BLACK AND WHITE WOMEN’S EVALUATIONS OF SEXUALIZED AND NONSEXUALIZED DEPICTIONS OF BLACK WOMEN In the current research, White and Black female participants (N=314) rated either sexualized or nonsexualized images of Black women on 17 adjectives. All participants evaluated images in the sexualized condition as more promiscuous, less competent, less moral and less feminine, with Black women rating the images more harshly on promiscuity. Morgan Jerald1, Elizabeth Cole1, Monique Ward1 1Univ. of Michigan SESSION: H - GENDER A SELF-DETERMINATION-THEORY INTERVENTION THAT SUPPORTS WOMEN IN STEM IMPROVES EVERYONE’S JOB SATISFACTION We created an ADVANCE-funded institutional-level intervention to support women STEM faculty by fostering the psychological needs of relatedness, autonomy and competence with three university initiatives. As hypothesized, greater faculty involvement with these initiatives lead to increased need satisfaction generally (especially among STEM women), which in turn predicted higher job satisfaction. Ian Handley1, Jessi Smith1, Sara Rushing1, Elizabeth Shanahan1, Elizabeth Burroughs1, Rebecca Belou1, Monica Skewes1, Joy Hoena, Elizabeth Brown3, Kelli Klebe4, 1Montana State Univ., 2Montana State Univ. - Billings, 3Univ. of Northern Florida, 4Univ. of Colorado - Colorado Springs SESSION: H - GENDER PLAY MY PART: THE DRAMATURGICAL PERSPECTIVE INCREASES WOMEN’S ASSIMILATION TO BENEVOLENT SEXISM Does viewing the self as an actor on the social stage moderate women’s assimilation to benevolent sexist ideologies? Three experiments show that women exposed (vs. not exposed) to this “dramaturgical perspective” responded to benevolent sexist messages with increased self-doubt, decreased personal control, and restricted life choices on a behavioral measure. Ariel Mosley1, Mark Landau1, John Dovidio2 1Univ. of Kansas, 2Yale Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 129 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - GENDER MALE ALLY OR FOE?: MEN’S CONFRONTATION OF SEXISM AS A FUNCTION OF MASCULINE ROLE BELIEFS Men’s (N=157) primary motivation for confronting sexism for socially close women (girlfriend, sister, friend), but not for socially distant women (acquaintance, stranger), was their endorsement of a masculine duty to protect women. Confrontation of sexism was therefore rooted in a benevolent sexist ideology of women as the weaker sex. Jessica Good1, Corinne Moss-Racusin2, Diana Sanchez3 1Davidson College, 2Skidmore College, 3 Rutgers Univ. SESSION: H - GENDER EFFECT OF GENDER ON THE PERCEPTION OF AGGRESSION IN TEXT MESSAGING Text messaging is quickly becoming the primary means of communication for young people. At the same time, text messaging inhibits individuals from receiving nonverbal emotional cues of communication such as vocal intonations and facial expressions. This study investigated whether the gender of the sender affects perceived aggression in text messages. Katherine Marano1, Elyse Addonizio1, Brenda Hernandez1, Maureen Kim1 of the Holy Cross 1College SESSION: H - GENDER IN A BARBIE WORLD: ON THE IMPLICATIONS OF SEX-TYPED ENVIRONMENTS Gender essentialism maintains that differences between women and men are biologically-rooted. We found that participants with motivation to maintain gender-inequities endorsed essentialism when shown sex-typed faces, but not when shown androgynous faces. Therefore, endorsement of essentialism depends both on motivation to maintain inequity and exposure to evidence of biological sex-differences. Bryn Babbitt1, Sarah Lamer1, Crystal Hoyt2, Max Weisbuch1 1Univ. of Denver, 2Univ. of Richmond SESSION: H - GENDER ONLINE SELF-PRESENTATION IN SOCIAL MEDIA: THE EFFECTS ON SELF-OBJECTIFICATION, BENEVOLENT SEXISM, AND SELF-PERCEPTION Participants created online profiles and answered questions on self-perception. I hypothesize a three-way interaction, such that women, but not men, who write for a romantic audience will be more likely to self-objectify and accept benevolently sexist statements than women who write for the purpose of friendship or for no audience. Laura Hildebrand1, Leslie Templeton1 1Hendrix College SESSION: H - GENDER STUDENTS’ IMPRESSIONS OF POTENTIAL EMPLOYERS: ARE MEN AND WOMEN EVALUATED DIFFERENTLY? This study investigated gender-related workplace biases by examining college students’ evaluations of hypothetical male and female employers. It was hypothesized that (a) the same professional biography would lead to more favorable evaluations if attributed to a male than a female employer, and (b) perceived role congruency would mediate these effects. Marissa Belau1 1Simpson College SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES THE ROLE OF DIVERSITY STRUCTURES AND GROUP IDENTIFICATION IN RESPONSE TO CLAIMS OF DISCRIMINATION. We examine how group identification (GID) influences reactions to claims of discrimination when diversity structures are present. GID predicted increased positive behavioral intentions towards the claimant and decreased perceptions of the company’s fairness towards minorities. GID was unrelated to behavioral intentions and perceptions in the absence of diversity. Chris Morin1, Cody Kennedy1, Matthew Collins1, Joseph Wellman1 State Univ. - San Bernardino 1California 130 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES WHO IS COMMITTED TO GROUPS? THE ROLES OF SELF-ESTEEM, GROUP ESTEEM AND ATTACHMENT Two studies examined relationships among self-esteem, group esteem and group attachment, and their roles in commitment to groups. Results indicated group esteem matters more than self-esteem in attachment to a group. Also, participants associated attachment insecurities with different levels of commitment, and mediated the relationship between group esteem and commitment. Tina DeMarco1, Anna Newheiser1 1Univ. at Albany, SUNY SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES THE EFFECT OF INGROUP BIAS ON CONSUMERS’ PRODUCT EVALUATIONS Consumers demonstrate ingroup favoritism through product preference. Researchers utilized the minimal group paradigm to examine if membership within an arbitrary ingroup elicits ingroup favoritism in product preference. Participants evaluated products associated with their arbitrary ingroup more favorably and were willing to pay a price premium compared to similar outgroup products. Caitlin Hall1, Alexander Czopp1 1Western Washington Univ. SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES PERCEPTIONS OF RACIAL SLURS USED BY BLACKS TOWARD WHITES: DEROGATION OR AFFILIATION? Research has shown that social groups may reappropriate derogatory racial slurs to use among their ingroup to convey affiliation. We examined whether Black racial slurs used by Blacks toward Whites would be perceived affiliatively. We found that racial slurs, ironically, may be used to build social affiliation between groups. Conor ODea1, Donald Saucier1 1Kansas State Univ. SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES A FEW BAD APPLES?: OBSERVING OVERT RACISM REINFORCES AN ENTITY THEORY OF PREJUDICE Observing overt racism may reinforce laypeople’s belief that prejudice is an unchangeable, individual character flaw. Results showed that reading about an incident of discrimination led participants to endorse an entity (vs. incremental) theory of prejudice, which in turn polarized white vs. racial minority participants’ estimates of the prevalence of prejudice. Richard Eibach1, Matthew Wilmot1, Steve Spencer1 1Univ. of Waterloo SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES THE SELECTIVE IMPACT OF PERCEIVED CONSENSUS ON ULTIMATUM BARGAINING We examined the impact of discussion-induced perceived consensus on bargaining. Compared to participants in the no-discussion condition, participants in the discussion condition were more likely to offer at least half of the resource to the other side; however, this was only when the other side was a fellow discussant. Dong-Won Choi1, Yvonne Marroquin1 1California State Univ. East Bay SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE?: INGROUP AUDIENCES INFLUENCE WHITES’ OUTGROUP RESPONSES High-prejudice Whites show more outgroup approach and prosocial behavior in the presence of an ingroup audience than in private. All Whites show this tendency when primed with egalitarianism (versus meritocracy). The ingroup can nudge some toward engaging in positive, interracial contact by evoking self-presentational concern. Cydney Dupree1, Stacey Sinclair1 1Princeton Univ. SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES RISK AND MARGINALIZATION: BEING PUSHED TO THE BOUNDARIES LEADS TO INCREASED RISK Being marginalized within a group is a negative experience that increases one’s self-uncertainty. Individuals who have been marginalized may be more willing to take certain risks. Results from this study found that marginalized participants were significantly higher on risk than non-marginalized, but only among those participants high in uncertainty. Ethan Dahl1, Zachary Hohman1 1Texas Tech Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 131 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES RELYING ON THE GOOD OLD DAYS: HOW NOSTALGIA FOR AMERICA’S PAST PROTECTS AGAINST COLLECTIVE GUILT In Study 1, participants rated nostalgic recollections of America’s past as more representative of “true” America. In Study 2, historical nostalgia protected participants against feelings of guilt. In Study 3, historical nostalgia prompted exclusion of America’s past wrongdoing from America’s true identity, particularly for highly identified Americans. Matthew Baldwin1, Mark White2, Daniel Sullivan3 1Social Cognition Center Cologne, 2Univ. of Kansas, 3Univ. of Arizona SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES THE INFLUENCE OF FLOW ON STANDARD AND ADAPTIVE PERFORMANCE IN TEAMS Flow should facilitate performance during a virtual team task. Flow predicted higher self-reports of adaptability and better standard performance, but worse adaptive performance. Positive affect partially mediated the flow-self-reported adaptive performance link. Flow is deleterious for team adaptation, and positive affect may bias reports of adaptability. Jennifer Baumgartner1, Tamera Schneider1 1Wright State Univ. SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES THE BENEFITS OF BEING IGNORED: THE EFFECTS OF OSTRACISM AND INCLUSION ON IDENTIFICATION AND FUNDAMENTAL NEEDS Participants played two rounds of Cyberball while being ostracized or included. Participants who were first ostracized and then included met their fundamental needs and identified more than participants who were only included. Being ostracized by a group first and then accepted leads to more positive feelings about group membership. Zachary Hohman1, Elizabeth Niedbala1, Ethan Dahl1 1Texas Tech Univ. SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES GROUP MEMBERSHIP ALTERS PERCEIVED SIMILARITY Social projection is stronger for in-group than out-group members (Robbins & Krueger, 2005). This study examined perceptual projections. Participants rated the similarity between pairs of faces, including one’s own face, prior to and after learning group membership. Results suggest an increase in perceived similarly between oneself and in-group members. Holly Earls1, Tim Curran1, Josh Correll1 1Univ. of Colorado Boulder SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES SUBJECTIVE SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS IS POSITIVELY ASSOCIATED WITH IMPLICIT PREFERENCE FOR WHITE OVER BLACK In two independent datasets, researchers found subjective socioeconomic status (SES) to be positively associated with Implicit Association Test (IAT) scores, indicating implicit racial preference for White over Black. This association held when controlling for several key variables, including race/ethnicity, gender, political orientation and age. Jake Moskowitz1, Sean Wojcik 2, Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton3, Alex O’Connor4, Paul Piff1 1Univ. of California, Irvine, 2Upworthy, 3Univ. of California, Berkeley, 4Independent Researcher SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES CALL ‘EM LIKE YOU SEE ‘EM: JUSTIFICATION OF RACIAL SLURS AGAINST STEREOTYPIC VS. NONSTEREOTYPIC TARGETS We examined the offensiveness of racial slurs used against Black men who did or did not behave stereotypically. Consistent with hypotheses, participants perceived racial slurs as less offensive when targeting Black men who behaved stereotypically. Thus, majority group members may perceive individuals who behave stereotypically as more deserving of prejudice. Angelica Castro1, Mariah Petersen1, Conor ODea1, Donald Saucier1 1Kansas State Univ. 132 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES THE COMPLEXITY OF LOYALTY CONCEPTIONS AND THEIR RELATION TO WHISTLEBLOWING We explored lay conceptions of group loyalty and their relationship to whistleblowing regarding ingroup transgressions. We identified multiple distinct loyalty construals, and found that some construals (loyalty as ingroup preference, loyalty as conformity) consistently negatively predicted willingness to whistleblow, whereas others (loyalty as dependability/ integrity) positively predicted whistleblowing under specific conditions. Nick Ungson1, Dominic Packer1 1Lehigh Univ. SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES HYPODESCENT OR HYPERDESCENT?: MULTIRACIAL IDENTITY CHOICE INFLUENCES PERCEPTIONS OF GROUP MEMBERSHIP Research regarding perceptions of Multiracials focuses on the use of hypodescent. Less explored is the use of hyperdescent. The present study explores how Multiracial identity choice influences the categorization and recollection of a Black/White target. Results show use of both hypodescent and hyperdescent that is influenced by Multiracial identification. Olivia Holmes1, Courtney Bonam1 1Univ. of Illinois at Chicago SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES FOR ALL IT’S WORTH: “NEGATIVE” RITUAL ACTIONS INCREASE MONETARY VALUATIONS OF RITUAL OBJECTS In two studies, we test and find support for the hypothesis that the type of ritual action performed influences valuations of ritual objects. Specifically, we found that ritual actions that create a spatial distance between participants and the object increase monetary valuations, compared to actions that decrease distance. Natasha Thalla1, Michael Gill1, Dominic Packer1 1Lehigh Univ. SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES HOW WE JUDGE CHEATERS: A SUBJECTIVE GROUP DYNAMICS ANALYSIS Researchers utilized the subjective group dynamics model to investigate judgments toward cheaters. Participants (N = 99) evaluated a prototypical or non-prototypical student who either cheated or was late. Results showed that high (not low) identifiers judged prototypical cheaters more favorably than non-prototypical cheaters. Results extend the SGDM to cheaters. Jeff Ramdass1 1Claremont Graduate Univ. SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES WHO THREATENS AMERICAN NATIONAL IDENTITY?: THE PERCEIVED INFLUENCE OF IMMIGRANT STEREOTYPES The present research examined the influence of stereotypes of immigrants on American national identity. National identity has been represented by two distinct constructs: civic value (e.g., political rights) and ethnic value (e.g., ancestry). We demonstrated that threat from competitive immigrants is a relevant factor for civic national identity of Americans. Saori Tsukamoto1, Susan Fiske2 1Nagoya Univ., 2Princeton Univ. SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES GROUP NORM CHANGE AS AN EFFECT OF TYPE OF NORM DEVELOPMENT AND GROUP TASK PERFORMANCE The current study examined how type of group norm development and success/failure at group task performance affect group members’ willingness to change their group norms. We found that participants wanted to change the group norm when it was determined by the experimenter as well as when they failed. Young-Mi Kwon1, Craig Parks2 1Sungkyunkwan Univ., 2Washington State Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 133 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES TRUST AS A MECHANISM OF SUSTAINING SOCIAL INEQUALITIES This work shows how trust may contribute to sanctioning and sustaining social inequalities through psychological mechanisms of system justification. In a series of four experiments using the trust game, I manipulated the relationships of status between interaction partners and observed how it affected the players’ propensity to trust one another. Katarzyna Samson1 1Univ. of Social Sciences & Humanities SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES FACING DEATH TOGETHER: ENGAGING IN MORTALITY SALIENCE WITH OTHERS BUFFERS DEATH ANXIETY Participants that considered their mortality alone showed higher Self-Esteem Striving to defend against death anxiety. However, when they perceived themselves as a group considering mortality together, this effect disappeared. Meanwhile, these participants also exhibited higher Implicit Self-Esteem. These results suggest that group affiliation pre-emptively buffers death anxiety. Yia-Chin Tan1, Lile Jia1 1National Univ. of Singapore SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES WAVE OR HIDE THE FLAG?: USING GROUP SYMBOLS TO MANAGE GROUP PERCEPTION We propose that people strategically use symbols to manage group impressions, given that symbols can increase perceived entitativity and group cohesion. In an intergroup scenario, when the goal was competitive, people prioritized displaying group symbols over other behaviors, but when the goal was cooperative, people de-emphasized group symbols. Shannon Callahan1, Alison Ledgerwood1 1Univ. of California, Davis SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES “SIDEWALK CHICKEN”: SOCIAL STATUS AND PEDESTRIAN BEHAVIOR The current study examined how social status (indexed by gender, race/ethnicity, skin color, attractiveness) would impact walking behavior. Women trended towards yielding to men, African-Americans and Latinos yielded to Whites, darker-skinned women yielded to lighter-skinned women, and unattractive or average-looking individuals yielded to very attractive individuals at greater than chance levels. Natassia Mattoon1, Elizabeth Campbell2, Greysi Vizcardo2, May Ling Halim2 1California State Univ., Long Beach, 2California State Univ. - Long Beach SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES “IT’S NOT EASY BEING GREEN?”: HOW PERSONALITY SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES RELATE TO TEAM PERCEPTIONS This study examined whether, in team settings, there is an optimal degree of distinctiveness for individual personality in relation to team personality for some team-related outcomes (i.e., satisfaction with the team, team cooperation), or if there are cases in which similar personalities are better for these outcomes. Christine Smith1, Eric Knudsen1, Kristen Shockley2 1The Graduate Center & Baruch College, CUNY, 2Baruch College, CUNY SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES PRIMING JUSTICE: THE IMPACT ON SYSTEM LEGITIMIZING BELIEFS AND REACTIONS TO CLAIMS OF GENDER DISCRIMINATION Priming individuals with images of justice (e.g. lady justice; gavel) increased system-legitimizing beliefs relative to a neutral prime. Participants in the justice prime were less supportive of a claimant of gender discrimination and more supportive of their employer relative to the neutral prime. Researchers discuss implications for system justification theory. Kristen Cheong1, Alicia Rodriguez1, Chantal Rodriguez1, Clara Wilkins2, Joseph Wellman1 1California State Univ. - San Bernardino, 2Wesleyan Univ. 134 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES IT’S BIGGER THAN HIP-HOP: STEREOTYPE THREAT, RAP LYRICS AND AFRICAN AMERICANS The current study is the first to investigate whether exposure to rap music lyrics can impair the cognitive performance of African Americans. Results provide initial evidence that violent/misogynistic rap lyrics can induce stereotype threat for Black individuals impairing their verbal performance. Researchers discuss limitations and implications. Simon Howard1, Samuel Sommers1 1Tufts Univ. SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES ASIAN’S ATTITUDES TOWARD INTERRACIAL DATING Asian men reported less warmth towards White male/Asian female couples than they did towards Asian male/White female couples. Asian women did not differentiate between Asian male/White female couples and White male/Asian female couples. Attitudes towards interracial couples might be shaped by the perceived scarcity of same-race dating partners. Yun Ju “Roxie” Chuang1, Clara Wilkins1, Caroline Mead1 1Wesleyan Univ. SESSION: H - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES FAMILIARITY AND AFFILIATION WITH ANGLO NAMES AFFECT PURCHASE DECISIONS OF CHINESE FOOD Drawing on self-categorization theory, this study examined how the familiarity of a Chinese dish and its affiliation with an Anglo or Chinese name affected purchase decisions. For an unfamiliar Chinese dish, the total purchase was increased when it was affiliated with an Anglo name than with an original Chinese name. Yee Ming Khaw1, Xian Zhao1, Monica Biernat1 1The Univ. of Kansas SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES JUDGMENTAL DECISIONS: DOES MY FIRST IMPRESSION OUTWEIGH YOUR OPINION? The experiment (N = 171) assessed whether information given after an initial meeting, but before being presented with an ambiguous scenario, influenced judgments (trust and competence). It is suggested that simply encountering a person for a short time (even through a photo) can creates a resilient first impression of that individual. Katelynn Carter-Rogers1, Steven Smith2 1Maastricht Univ., 2Saint Mary’s Univ. SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES INTOLERANCE OF UNCERTAINTY PREDICTS RUMINATIVE PROCESSING BIASES AND CAUSES RUMINATION Two studies explored the link between intolerance of uncertainty (IU), the tendency toward discomfort when outcomes of situations are unknown, and rumination about past experiences. Study 1 provided evidence that IU predicts tendencies toward ruminative processing of ambiguous material. Study 2 demonstrated that heightened IU causes greater rumination. Rebecca Shiner1, Chelsea Dale1, Alexandra Lamm2 1Colgate Univ., 2Fordham Univ. SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES PLANET, POLITICS AND PERSONALITY: INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN THE ACCEPTANCE OF ANTHROPOGENIC CLIMATE CHANGE An online survey of US citizens investigated personality, political ideology and acceptance of anthropogenic (humaninduced) climate change. Participants identifying as politically conservative scored more internal on locus of control and reported lower tolerance for ambiguity. All of these variables were related to greater denial of human influence on climate change. Zohaib Jessani1, Paul Harris1 1Rollins College SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 135 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES THE MODERATING EFFECT OF ATTACHMENT STYLES IN PEOPLE’S PREFERENCE FOR RELATIONAL OR NON-RELATIONAL SELF-EXPANSION This study examines whether attachment styles moderate people’s preferences for relational or non-relational routes to self-expansion (operationalized in two ways). Researchers found that anxiety was not a significant moderator, yet avoidance positively correlated with preferences for non-relational self-expansion, as well as the residual preference for relational over non-relational expansion. Leonard Newman1, Ying Tang1, Laura VanderDrift1, Richard Gramzow1 1Syracuse Univ. SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES MILITARY VETERANS’ SATISFACTION WITH AND EASE OF ADJUSTMENT TO CIVILIAN LIFE The current literature lacks evaluation of potentially positive effects of belonging to the service on reintegration to civilian life. The current study was interested in positive military experiences, ease of adjustment and satisfaction with life. Results indicated that positive military experience variables predicted adjustment and satisfaction with life. Jennifer Coons1, Daniel Ozer1 1Univ. of California, Riverside SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES SO FAR, YET SO CLOSE: SOCIAL VIGILANTISM, POLITICAL EXTREMISM, AND POLARIZED POLITICAL ATTITUDES Social vigilantism (i.e., the tendency to feel one’s beliefs are superior and should be impressed on others) predicted extreme political orientations and polarized political issue attitudes. Social vigilantism may be important in understanding the etiology and nature of extreme ideologies and polarized attitudes on both ends of the political spectrum. Derrick Till1, Stuart Miller1, Donald Saucier1 1Kansas State Univ. SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES BUILDING YOURSELF UP BY KNOCKING OTHERS DOWN: INVESTIGATING THE RELATIONS OF AGENCY AND COMMUNION TO PREJUDICE We examined whether prejudice, which sometimes serves a self-enhancement function, is influenced by motives for agency (“getting ahead”) and communion (“getting along”). Our results suggest that prejudice can be affected by high agency or low communion. Individuals high in communion and low in agency were least prejudiced. Courtney Lunt1, Christian Jordan1 1Wilfrid Laurier Univ. SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES FEMALE BUSINESSPERSONS’ GENDER-PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY INTEGRATION (G-PII) AND CREATIVITY Drawing on social identity theory and identity integration research, researchers hypothesized that when female professionals have a male-dominant profession (e.g., female businesspersons), their levels of gender-professional identity integration (G-PII), the extent to which one’s gender and professional identities are perceived as compatible or not, influence their creativity. Chi-Ying Cheng1 1Singapore Management Univ. SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN VIEWING PEOPLE AND THINGS: EVIDENCE FOR SELECTIVE ATTENTION PROCESSES Individuals are differentially interested in their social and physical environments, but little is known about how cognitive processes relate to these variations. The current study demonstrated that individuals attend selectively to interestcongruent image content. These findings provide evidence supporting the theoretical claims and construct validity of Person and Thing Orientations. Miranda McIntyre1, William Graziano1 1Purdue Univ. 136 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES RUMINATION AND PERFORMANCE IN DYNAMIC TEAM SPORTS In our previous research, we found that being high in rumination was associated with success for musicians. In two new studies, we found that professional male soccer players from Germany and female field hockey players on the US national team appeared to benefit from being lower in rumination than non-athletes. Michael Roy1, Anastasia Frees1, Daniel Memmert2, Jean Pretz1, Joseph Radzevick3 1Elizabethtown College, 2German Sport Univ., 3 Gettysburg College SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES INTERPERSONAL BENEFITS OF COGNITIVE STRATEGIES: DEFENSIVE PESSIMISM AND NEGATIVE FOCUS INTERACT TO PREDICT POSITIVE EVALUATION This study investigated the effects of cognitive strategies (defensive pessimism/strategic optimism/realistic pessimism) and focused on negative possibilities for an upcoming event on evaluation by a partner and interpersonal friction in a conversation. Negatively-focused DPs were rated better than control DPs, and negatively-focused RPs reported more interpersonal friction than DPs. Haruka Shimizu1, Ken’ichiro Nakashima1, Yasuko Morinaga1 1Hiroshima Univ. SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES SOMETIMES CUES OF BEING WATCHED DO NOT MATTER, BUT INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES DO: THE ROLE OF PROSOCIAL PERSONALITY TRAITS IN VOLUNTEER BEHAVIOR Empirical findings from two studies reignite the person-situation debate by suggesting that personality may account more than situational cues for variation in volunteer behavior. We showed that two prosocial personality traits, namely Social Value Orientation and Social Mindfulness, significantly affect volunteer behavior. Cues of being watched had no significant effect. Zoi Manesi1, Paul Van Lange1, Thomas Pollet1 1VU Univ. Amsterdam SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES WHEN DOES SACRIFICING THE PRESENT FOR THE FUTURE OR SACRIFICING THE FUTURE FOR THE PRESENT ENHANCE SATISFACTION WITH LIFE? IMPLICIT THEORIES OF CHANGE AND STABILITY MODERATE THE EFFECTS OF TEMPORAL FOCUS ON LIFE SATISFACTION. Over five studies, we found that incremental theorists (change believers) feel more control over future goals than entity theorists (stability believers), and derive greater life satisfaction when sacrificing present rewards for (potential) future benefits. Entity theorists see the future as predestined and less controllable, and derive greater life satisfaction from pursuing immediate goals over future ones. Cindy Ward1, Anne Wilson1 1Wilfrid Laurier Univ. SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES PREDICTING RELIGIOSITY USING THE “GOD IS LIGHT” METAPHOR In accordance with balance principles and Conceptual Metaphor Theory, we predicted that greater preferences for light would occur among people with higher religiosity. Three studies (total N = 389) confirmed these predictions in the context of individual differences in religious beliefs and perceptions of the religiosity of others. Michelle Persich1, Becker Steinemann1, Adam Fetterman2, Michael Robinson1 1North Dakota State Univ., 2Knowledge Media Research Center, Tübingen SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES TWEETS, HASHTAGS AND LIKES: HOW IS SOCIAL MEDIA USE RELATED TO EMPATHY? Three studies examine the relationship between dispositional empathy and social media usage. Empathic concern and perspective taking are related to less social media use, while fantasy and personal distress are associated with more. Overall, we find that empathy is related to the frequency and emotional implications of social media usage. Sasha Zarins1, Michael McFerran2, Emily Mahurin2, Ava Le3, Sara Konrath1 1Indiana Univ., 2Butler Univ., 3Univ. of Indianapolis SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 137 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES INDIVIDUAL- OR CULTURE-BASED DIFFERENCES?: INDEPENDENT AND INTERDEPENDENT SELFCONSTRUALS AS MEDIATORS OF THE RELATION BETWEEN AUTHENTICITY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ADJUSTMENT Four hundred and eighteen Taiwanese and American undergraduates participated in the current study, which examined cultural self-construals as mediators of the relation between authenticity and psychological adjustment. The results indicated that independent self-construal mediated the relation between authenticity and psychological wellbeing, whereas interdependent self-construal mediated the relation between authenticity and social friction. Reese Tou1, Jenny Su2 1Univ. of Houston, 2St. Lawrence Univ. SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES PHYSICAL ATTRACTIVENESS AND ENDORSEMENT OF THE JUST WORLD HYPOTHESIS Previous research indicated that individuals privileged by society tend to be stronger endorsers of the just world hypothesis. Two studies examined the effect of perceived physical attractiveness on this belief. Consistent with our predictions, our findings suggest a relationship between physical attractiveness and belief in a just world. R. Shane Westfall1, Murray Millar1 1Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES THE (CAUSAL) COMPLEXITY OF CLOSE CALLS: COUNTERFACTUAL THINKING MODERATES THE EFFECT OF CAUSAL COMPLEXITY ON EQUIFINAL THOUGHTS Counterfactual thoughts are negatively related to equifinal thoughts; all paths lead to same outcome. Although past research observed that belief in causal complexity (belief in a complex causal structure) is positively related to equifinal thoughts, the present research shows that this relationship is reversed after reading a counterfactual scenario. Nicholas Sosa1, Keith Markman1 1Ohio Univ. SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES NORMATIVE CHANGE OF FOCUS ON OPPORTUNITIES, FOCUS ON LIMITATIONS, THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR CONCURRENT, LONGITUDINAL CHANGE IN SATISFACTION WITH LIFE AND THE MEDIATING ROLE OF ENVIRONMENTAL MASTERY Future time perspective can be separated into two factors: focus on opportunities and focus on limitations. The normative change showed distinct curvilinear patterns for the two factors. Focus on limitations predicted lower life satisfaction because of reduced environmental mastery. Teodora Tomova1, Jia Wei Zhang2, Oliver John1 1Univ. of California Berkeley, 2Univeristy of California Berkeley SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN TRAITS, COGNITION AND BEHAVIOR PREDICT ADOLESCENT SUBSTANCE USE INITIATION: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF MEXICAN-ORIGIN YOUTH This study examined the effects of individual differences on substance use initiation in adolescence. Results show that individual differences have both protective (effortful control) and harmful (intent to use, deviance, access to substances) effects on early initiation. Reseearchers discussed moderating and mediating pathways, with implications for future research and prevention. Olivia Atherton1, Rand Conger1, Emilio Ferrer1, Richard Robins1 1Univ. of California, Davis SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN PERCEIVED COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN COMMUNION AND AGENCY: A NEW CONSTRUCT AND MEASURE In four studies, we created and validated a measure of perceived compatibility between communal and agentic values – including two sub-scales assessing compatibility of communion with achievement and with power. We provide first evidence that internalizing communion might be hindered by perceived incompatibility with agency, possibly leading to consequences for wellbeing. Katharina Block1, Toni Schmader1 1The Univ. of British Columbia 138 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES ATTACHMENT AND APOLOGY This study examined whether adult attachment styles would relate to how apologetic individuals are. Although attachment was an overall predictor, not all attachment styles affected likelihood of apologizing in the predicted ways. Secure individuals were actually less apologetic. Elizabeth van Monsjou1, Joshua Guilfoyle1, Ward Struthers1 1York Univ. SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES SOCIAL CAPITAL IN GENES: A JAPANESE TWIN STUDY This study examined genetic and environmental etiologies of individual differences in social capital. Researchers administered a postal survey to 592 Japanese twins. Behavior genetic analyses revealed that two of the three indices of social capital were differentially heritable. Only the highest occupational prestige in one’s network showed no genetic influences. Shinji Yamagata1, Chizuru Shikishima2, Kai Hiraishi3, Yusuke Takahashi4, Juko Ando3 1Kyushu Univ., 2Teikyo Univ., 3 Keio Univ., 4Kyoto Univ. SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES DEPTHS OF SELFHOOD AND GROWTH: DISTINGUISHING AFFECTIVE TONES AND MOTIVATIONAL THEMES IN GROWTH NARRATIVES Growth narratives simultaneously feature, affective tones (e.g., gain, redemption or recovery sequences) and motivational themes (e.g., hedonic self-improvement or eudaimonic growth). Using two studies of emerging and midlife adults, this presentation examines how to distinguish tones and themes quantitatively and reliably, with results showing independent contributions to well-being. Jack Bauer1, Julie Prosser1, Ashley Marshall1, Madeline Auge1, Mary Holzhauser1, Alena Greco1 1Univ. of Dayton SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES MORE METAPHORIC THAN OTHERS: INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN METAPHOR USE AND THEIR ROLE IN METAPHOR AND EMBODIMENT EFFECTS We created and validated a Metaphor Usage Measure (MUM), and found the MUM to moderate the strength of “black is bad,” “sweet is nice,” and “the head is rational” metaphoric influences. These effects were particularly present for those who scored high, but not low, in metaphor use. Adam Fetterman1, Michael Robinson2 1Univ. of Essex, 2North Dakota State Univ. SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES FRIGHTENINGLY SIMILAR: RELATIONSHIP METAPHORS ELICIT DEFENSIVE INFORMATION PROCESSING Prior research shows that individuals who are more avoidantly attached, defensively avoid information about close relationships. In two studies, we tested whether relationship (vs. alternative) metaphors would elicit this tendency toward otherwise non-threatening targets. We found that both dispositional and situational attachment avoidance decreased recall of relationship-metaphoric information. Lucas Keefer1, Mark Landau2 1Univ. of Dayton, 2Univ. of Kansas SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES ON UNDERSTANDING OTHERS AND BEING HAPPY: A LOOK AT PERSPECTIVE-TAKING, IMPLICIT THEORY OF INTELLIGENCE AND LIFE SATISFACTION Researchers tested incremental theory of intelligence and perspective-taking as predictors of life satisfaction using structural equation modeling. Data from 264 MTurk participants (Mage=34.71, 63.8% female, 78.5% Caucasian) indicated that both predictors were significant, Bs=.277 & .358, ps<.001. The overall model showed good fit to the data, X^2(82)=130.597, RMSEA=.047, CFI=.987, TLI=.983. Douglas Colman1, Barbara Roberts1, Tera Letzring1, Maria Wong1 1Idaho State Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 139 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISM AND ATTITUDES TOWARD THE INSANITY DEFENSE: THE MEDIATING ROLES OF CRIMINAL ATTRIBUTIONS AND MENTAL ILLNESS PERCEPTIONS Researchers used structural equation modeling to test whether personal attributions or authoritarian attitudes toward mental illness better explained (mediated) the link between religious fundamentalism and negative attitudes toward the insanity defense. Results suggest that both personal attributions and authoritarian attitudes predict different facets of insanity defense. Logan Yelderman1, Monica Miller1 1Univ. of Nevada, Reno SESSION: H - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES GENDER AND SELF-FORGIVENESS: EVIDENCE FOR DIFFERENT PATHWAYS We examined gender differences in self-forgiveness and moral emotions. Although overall self-forgiveness levels were comparable, women’s self-forgiveness was indirectly higher as mediated by increased guilt-proneness and decreased externalization. Men’s self-forgiveness was indirectly higher as mediated by increased detachment and decreased shame-proneness. Results suggest gender differences in pathways to self-forgiveness. Katherina Daczko1, Carl Sallee1, Thomas Carpenter2 1Seattle Pacific Univ., 2Seattle Pacific University SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING EFFORTFUL ANCHORING: THE PARADOXICAL EFFECT OF DEPLETION ON THE ANCHORING BIAS The anchor-and-adjustment bias behaves differently than other heuristics. Depletion and self-reported mental fatigue decrease the use of provided anchor values. Short response windows also weaken the anchoring bias, as do positive mood inductions. Participants who are more confident anchor less, but anchoring also serves to increase confidence in one’s answer. Zoë Francis1, Michael Inzlicht1 1Univ. of Toronto Scarborough SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING DIFFERENCES IN IMPLICIT AND EXPLICIT JUDGMENTS OF TEMPORAL DISTANCE AND ABSTRACTNESS Using IATs, researchers found participants (n=121) to associate the past as more abstract than the future, but not more distant. In contrast, participants explicitly marked past-related words (e.g. previous) as more distant than future-related words (e.g. next) on a timeline, but did not rate past-related words as more abstract. Jessie Briggs1, Andrew Karpinski1 1Temple Univ. SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING SINS OF THE FATHER The current study investigated how people perceive an individual based on their genetic background regarding guilt and sentencing. Participants read about an individual borne of “bad/criminal” parents, “good/upstanding” parents, or “bad/ criminal” parents, but was adopted. Researchers obtained main effects and an interaction. Mike Ransom1, Ria Mitchell1 1Fairmont State Univ. SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING EFFECTS OF PUTATIVE CONFESSION INSTRUCTION ON PERCEPTIONS OF CHILD VERACITY Putative confession instruction (PC) increases accurate disclosures in children, but is it perceived as suggestive? In judging honest and deceptive statements concerning possible toy breakage, PC increased credibility of all denials and moderately decreased credibility of honest disclosures. PC didn’t improve participant’s inability to differentiate between true or false denials. Jennifer Gongola1, Nicholas Scurich1, Thomas Lyon2, Jodi Quas1 1UC, Irvine, 2Univ. of Southern California 140 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING WANTING WHAT WE DON’T USE: CHANGES IN BASE-RATE NEGLECT THROUGH THE DECISIONMAKING PROCESS Do individuals know what information they will use when making a decision? Across four studies, we examined whether participants’ preferences for aggregate over anecdotal evidence when distanced from a decision failed to translate to their actual decisions when faced with conflicting information. We discussed moderators and boundary conditions. Yanine Hess1, Alison Ledgerwood2, Heather Lucke1 1Purchase College, SUNY, 2Univ. of California, Davis SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING POOR MINDSET AND PREFERENCE TO DISCOUNT FOODS: A LIFE HISTORY THEORY APPROACH This study examined whether poor mindset preferred a food that satisfied hunger immediately. Researchers assigned sixty-nine undergraduates to poor or rich condition, and asked whether to buy it. Contrary to the hypothesis, poor mindset preferred a decision not to buy it. Feeling of financial insufficiency might affect this result. Junko Toyosawa1, Hiroki Takehashi2 1Osaka Kyoiku Univ., 2Tokyo Future Univ. SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING DECISION-MAKING ABILITY BELIEFS (DAB) SCALE DEVELOPMENT Researchers created two subscales assessing perceived ability regarding speeded and deliberative decision-making. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed a two-factor structure. Correlations with existing scales demonstrate convergent and discriminant validity. Decision-making ability beliefs, difficulty and time constraints jointly predict satisfaction and certainty in imagined forced-choice decisions between department stores. Nicholas O’Dell1, Jeremy Gretton1, Duane Wegener1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING SEEKING ADVICE – A SAMPLING APPROACH TO ADVICE TAKING We assessed the self-determined sample size of advice revealing for the first time relations between seeking and the subsequent integration of advice. Moreover, distance and heterogeneity of advice increased both sampling and integration tendencies. Consequently, participants appear willing to explore and adapt to the information ecology when given the opportunity. Fabian Ache1, Mandy Hütter1 1Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING TESTING THE APPROACH INHIBITION THEORY OF POWER AGAINST THE SOCIAL DISTANCE THEORY OF POWER We adapted a paradigm from information-processing research to test the approach/inhibition theory of power against the social distance theory of power. We found different patterns regarding the processing of feasibility and desirability information for high and low power individuals in student and professional samples. Ulf Steinberg1, Kristin Knipfer1, Claudia Peus1 1Technische Universität München SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING SAD IS TRUE IN THE HERE AND NOW: HOW PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTANCE MODERATES THE NEGATIVITY BIAS IN JUDGMENTS OF TRUTH The negativity bias holds that the same messages are more frequently deemed true if framed negatively than positively. Here we investigate the interplay between the negativity bias and psychological distance. Consistent with Construal Level Theory, the negativity bias is observed in conditions of psychological proximity but not distance. Mariela Jaffé1, Rainer Greifeneder1 1Univ. of Basel SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING ORGANIZATION: A HEURISTIC FOR JUDGING KNOWLEDGE IN THE DIGITAL AGE Two studies examined relations between confidence in knowledge and features of digital storage. Participants who maintained better organized repositories were more confident in their knowledge. We propose that people use an organization heuristic to judge confidence in knowing, regardless of the actual knowledge location. Kristy A. Hamilton1, Thomas Coverdale1, Paula T. Hertel1, Kevin P. McIntyre1 1Trinity Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 141 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING I’VE UNDERSTOOD YOUR TRICK: THE UNCONSCIOUS AS A SENSITIVE INFORMATION-DETECTION SYSTEM We examined whether people are unconsciously aware of the trick in magic performances, finding that the indirect measure of accuracy in trick detection was superior to the direct measure. This suggests that although humans cannot consciously detect magic tricks, they have a sense of what occurred on a less-conscious level. Naoaki Kawakami1, Emi Miura2 1Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2Univ. of Tsukuba SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING VISUAL SEARCH AND SELF REGULATION: EFFECTS OF RESPONSE SELECTION ON DEPLETION Within the ego depletion literature, it has been shown that exertion of self-control taxes a proposed cognitive resource, which in turn leads to impaired performance on subsequent tasks that require self-control. This research examines the basis of thesis effects through decision making within a visual search paradigm. Andrew Ray1, Dale Dagenbach2 1Wake Forest Univ., 2Laboratory for Complex Brain Networks SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING DOES CONSIDERING CLIMATE CHANGE AS A DELAY DISCOUNTING SCENARIO INFLUENCE ENVIRONMENTAL DECISION-MAKING? We investigated the effect of framing climate change as a delay discounting scenario. Consistent with prior research, participants who viewed natural (versus built) images donated more to an environmental cause in the control condition, but this effect was completely reversed when climate change was presented as a delay discounting scenario. Meredith Repke1, Meredith Berry1, Shannon Houck1 1The Univ. of Montana SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING THE DETRIMENT OF APPEARING MATERIALISTIC Participants allocated a smaller bonus towards another student who appearred materialistic, compared to experientialistic because they perceive the student as materialistic, possess negative personality traits, and have less desire to hire the student. The results indicated that simply appearing materialistic could be detrimental to important life outcome. Shun Ting Yung1, Jia Wei Zhang1, Ryan Howell2 1Univ. of California Berkeley, 2San Francisco State Univ. SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING FOSTERING GRATITUDE AND GIVING THROUGH EXPERIENTIAL CONSUMPTION Researchers have shown that feelings of gratitude increase wellbeing and pro-social behavior. One possible naturalistic practice that may promote gratitude may be the consumption of experiences. Six studies demonstrate that people experience greater feelings of gratitude and exhibit more pro-social behavior when consuming experiential as opposed to material purchases. Jesse Walker1, Amit Kumar2, Thomas Gilovich1 1Cornell Univ., 2Univ. of Chicago SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING THE EFFECT OF SEX RATIO ON DELAY DISCOUNTING OF GAINS AND LOSSES Previous studies on sex ratio showed different effects on economic habits in China and America. The present study examined how the sex ratio influences the inter-temporal choice in China. Results showed that on contrary to the study in America, men discounted future much more in a female-biased sex ratio in China. Xingyun Song1, Lingjie Mei1, Yongfang Liu1 1East China Normal Univ. SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING WHEN GOOD IS STICKIER THAN BAD: SEQUENTIAL FRAMING EFFECTS IN THE GAIN DOMAIN Sequential framing research in the loss domain suggests that negative frames are cognitively stickier than positive frames. We show that this pattern reverses in the gain domain, and is further moderated by novelty. Positives tend to stick in the mind more than negatives for novel, but not familiar issues. Jehan Sparks1, Alison Ledgerwood1 1UC Davis 142 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING EXCESSIVE OPTIMISM WHEN EVALUATING OTHERS’ ADVICE Human participants exhibited overly optimistic perceptions of others’ accuracy in a financial decision-making task. Computational models reveal that this bias reflects both optimistic initial expectations and confirmation bias when incorporating new information. These biases in social learning further lead individuals to overweight others’ advice when making their own financial decisions. Yuan Chang Leong1, Jamil Zaki1 1Stanford Univ. SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING HOW ATTITUDES ARE CAUGHT: FIRST EVIDENCE OF EVALUATIVE CONDITIONING IN PRESCHOOLERS In two experiments, we investigated attitude formation in 3- to 6-year-old children using an evaluative conditioning procedure. Attitudes were formed and generalized irrespective of age, although age moderated accuracy for source memory. We discuss implications of this dissociation for the underlying processes of attitude formation in early childhood. Georg Halbeisen1, Eva Walther1, Michael Schneider1 1Univ. of Trier SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING ANTICIPATED COMMUNICATION IN INTERGROUP CONFLICT: WHEN THINKING OF INTERGROUP DIFFERENCES IMPROVES THE ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE OUTGROUP. In two studies, participants reported their own opinion on a topic of intergroup conflict and estimated the opinion of a partner with whom they anticipated to converse about the topic. After anticipating to communicate with an outgroup (vs. ingroup member), participants reported a more positive attitude towards the outgroup as a whole. Judith Knausenberger1, Gerald Echterhoff1 1Univ. of Münster SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING A COGNITIVE FLUENCY-BASED MORE-LESS ASYMMETRY IN COMPARATIVE COMMUNICATION A more-less asymmetry occurs in comparative communication. As compared to “less than” statements, people use “more than” statements more often, like them better and more often agree with them or consider them true. Supporting a cognitive fluency explanation, expecting disfluency while processing “less than” statements reduces the asymmetry. Vera Hoorens1, Susanne Bruckmüller 2 1Univ. of Leuven, 2Univ. of Koblenz Landau SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING MORE BETTER THAN AVERAGE: GREATER SELF-ENHANCEMENT FOR AVOIDING THE NEGATIVE THAN DOING THE POSITIVE Across three studies, U.S. university students’ tendency to self-enhance in comparative judgments was greater when they reported how much they avoided negative behaviors than when they reported how much they engaged in positive behaviors. Research found this pattern for health and social behaviors, and whether comparisons were direct or indirect. Sara Hodges1, Colton Christian1 1Univ. of Oregon SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING UNPACKING THE POSSIBILITIES: HOW MENTAL SIMULATION SHAPES THE MEANING OF LIFE EVENTS Research suggests counterfactual thinking increases the perceived meaning of events. Two experiments examine this possibility in light of support theory. We propose the effect of mental simulation on meaning is determined by the type of simulation (counterfactual vs. semifactual) and its impact on the perceived probability of the actual event. Emily Stagnaro1, John Petrocelli1 1Wake Forest Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 143 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING THINK IT THROUGH BEFORE MAKING A CHOICE: THE IMPACT OF DELIBERATION ON SOCIAL MINDFULNESS Based on the spontaneous cooperation effect (Rand, Greene, & Nowak, 2012), we test whether the construct of social mindfulness (Van Doesum, Van Lange, & Van Lange, 2013) also counts as a measure of cooperation by showing higher intuitive social mindfulness. Inversely, we find slightly higher social mindfulness behavior under deliberation. Anna Mischkowski1, Isabel Thielmann2 1Univ. of Goettingen, 2Univ. of Koblenz Landau SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING THE INFLUENCE OF SVO ON INFORMATION SEARCH IN A STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT: AN EYETRACKING ANALYSIS Little is known about cognitive processes underlying social preferences in strategic social dilemmas. Here, we develop a study investigating differences in information search depending on SVO in a symmetric Prisoners Dilemmas, finding that prosocials are more likely to attend to the cooperative strategy and the partner’s payoff than individualists. Minou Ghaffari1, Susann Fiedler1 1Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING THE ROLE OF REFERENCE POINTS IN BALANCING RISK SEEKING AND RISK AVERSION BEHAVIOR How do reference points affect aversion to uncertainty? As variation increases in steepness from 15% to 50% of a base price (reference point), we find that people become more averse and seek to prevent uncertainty. However, as the reference point increases, people become less sensitive to variation and more risk-seeking. Iris Wang1, Christopher Hydock 2 1Univ. of Michigan, 2Georgetown McDonough School of Business SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING THAT ESCALATED QUICKLY: THE EFFECT OF DISTANCE ON THE EXPERIENCE OF KILLING Undergraduate participants (N=79) engaged in a remote-controlled insect-killing task, dropping ladybugs into an ostensible “killing chamber.” Participants who killed insects in the same room enjoyed the task less (M=2.67, 9-point scale) than participants who killed insects from a different room (M=3.77, t=1.82, p=.07), although they killed no fewer insects (p=.90). Brittney Pasion-Perez1, Johnny Goukassian1, Carlos Santiago1, Nvart Karapetyan1, Shiba Bechara1, Robert Youmans2, Abraham Rutchick1 1California State Univ., Northridge, 2Google SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING KNOWING VS. CARING: TOWARDS A GREATER UNDERSTANDING OF THE ROLE OF EXPERTISE IN MOTIVATED OPTIMISM The current studies offer a nuanced conceptualization of how expertise affects decision-making biases, one that considers that the experts in a given area tend to be the same people who are psychologically engaged/committed to it. Across three studies, we show that expertise can indeed both amplify and attenuate bias. Fade Eadeh1, Stephanie Peak1, Alan Lambert1 1Washington Univ. SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING TO TEST OR NOT TO TEST: AN EMPIRICALLY-BASED MODEL OF HIV TESTING DECISIONS UNDER AVOIDANCE/FEAR MOTIVATIONS This poster explores the social psychological processes that inhibit at-risk individuals from getting tested for HIV. A systematic review of all publications measuring HIV testing avoidance produced a total of four distinct factors that drove people to avoid testing: stigma, fear, education and behavior change. Devon Price1, Seth Kalichman1 1Univ. of Connecticut 144 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING TEMPORAL DISTANCE INCREASES RELIANCE ON AGGREGATE MEDICAL INFORMATION FOR CANCER SCREENING DECISIONS When making important health decisions, people often prioritize personal anecdotes over aggregate medical information. What can be done to overcome this? Two studies suggest that psychological distance increases the use of aggregated information (vs. anecdotal experiences) in the context of cancer screening decisions. Researchers discussed implications for health interventions. Amber Sanchez1, Cheryl Wakslak 2, Alison Ledgerwood1 1Univ. of California, Davis, 2Univ. of Southern California SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING PERCEIVED BREADTH AS A DETERMINANT OF BIAS CORRECTION This research examined breadth of a perceived bias as a determinant of bias correction. After a dot counting task, participants were labelled over-/under-estimators and told that the bias was broad/narrow. For estimates dissimilar to dot counting, participants in the broad condition showed more correction than participants in the narrow condition. Jeremy Gretton1, Duane Wegener1, Michael McCaslin2, Richard Petty1 1The Ohio State Univ., 2Nationwide Insurance SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING EXAMINING THE IMPACT OF A LOW DOSE MINDFULNESS INTERVENTION ON COGNITIVE PROCESSES Two studies found that individuals exposed to a 10-day mindfulness intervention showed varying cognitive processes compared to controls. The intervention group showed more self-reflection tendencies compared to the control group (Study 1). Individuals in the intervention group were also stricter in worldview defence following a mortality salience manipulation (Study 2). Faizan Imtiaz1, Li-Jun Ji1 1Queen’s Univ. SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING SOCIAL CATEGORIZATION AND PROCEDURAL JUSTICE IN A CRIMINAL CONTEXT: A DEVELOPMENTAL INVESTIGATION We examined if 4- to 8-year-olds’ and adults’ (N=190) judgments about social group membership varied by language (generic versus non-generic) and by whether group membership constituted a crime. Results revealed developmental effects of language, criminality and procedural justice views. However, beliefs about procedural justice did not predict conviction rates. Katie Kennedy1, Kristin Lagattuta1, Deborah Goldfarb1, Hannah Kramer1, Sarah Tashjian2 1Univ. of California, Davis, 2Univ. of California, Los Angeles SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING GRATITUDE LEADS TO RATIONAL ECONOMIC DECISION-MAKING Gratitude is considered as a moral emotion which leads to moral and prosocial acts by reinforcing previous prosocial acts (Haidt, 2003; McCullough et al., 2001; Tangney et al., 2007). In this experiment, we examined whether gratitude may lead to rational economic decision-making. Gewnhi Park1, Siyan Gan1, Maryann Slama1, Benjamin Bledsoe1, Matthew Kriege1 1Azusa Pacific Univ. SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING REVISITING THE ROLE OF THE COMPARATIVE QUESTION IN THE STANDARD ANCHORING PARADIGM: ANCHORING IS ROBUST Anchoring tasks include a comparative question and an absolute judgment. In the present experiment (N = 606), anchoring effects emerged in 9 of 11 anchoring tasks regardless of the answer to the comparative question, which contrasts with previous research suggesting that answers to the comparative question determine whether anchoring occurs. Nathan Cheek1, Julie Norem2 1Swarthmore College, 2Wellesley College SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 145 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING SURROUNDING PEOPLE AND INFERENCES OF PREFERENCE FOR GOODS AMONG DIFFERENT CULTURES The present study examines the influence of surrounding people on the inferences of preference for goods among different cultures. The results revealed that the existence of other people have interactional effect between culture and gender on the inference of preference for goods. Masayo Noda1, Joanna Roszak 2 1Kinjo Gakuin Univ., 2Univ. of Social Sciences & Humanities SESSION: H - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY OF THE WISHFUL THINKING EFFECT Wishful thinking effects have revealed that people are more likely to predict desired rather than undesired events. We are exploring how this effect may differ between cultures. Using a standard paradigm, we are comparing American college students and Chinese college students. Mengzhu Fu1, Paul Windschitl1, Jillian O’Rourke Stuart1, Shanon Rule1, Yingyi Chang1 1Univ. of Iowa SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING DETERMINANTS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS AMONG PARENTS WITH PRESCHOOL CHILDREN: USING QUANTILE REGRESSION ANALYSIS We used quantile regression analysis to examine the determinants of psychological distress among parents with preschool children. We conducted an online survey of 644 parents. We found that direct social support negatively affected to psychological distress only parents at a moderate level of psychological distress. Takashi Nishimura1, Kaichiro Furutani2, Toshihiko Soma3, Takami Naganuma4, , 1Hiroshima International Univ., 2Hokkai Gakuen Univ., 3 Hiroshima Univ., 4 Soka Univ. SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING THE CONTENT OF A LARGE SAMPLE OF CORE BELIEFS EXAMINED IN AN ONLINE COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY PROGRAM Computerised cognitive behavior therapy users provided a core belief (n=1813) derived through the downward arrow technique. Women were more likely, and men were less likely (than chance), to provide an attachment-related core belief; men were more likely, and women less likely, to provide a self-competence-related core belief. Kathy Carnelley1, Abigail Millings2 1Univ. of Southampton, 2Univ. of Sheffield SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING UNDERSTANDING HUMOR IN THE CONTEXT OF MEANING Two studies (N=266) explored the relationship between humor and meaning in life (MIL), and its role in making sense of stressful experiences. Self-enhancing and affiliative humor were positively associated with MIL, and finding humor when reflecting on stressful experiences was associated with making sense of and accepting the experience. William Davis1 1Mount Holyoke College SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING FINDING MEANING IN ROUTINE EXPERIENCES In two studies, participants reported, at four timepoints following football games (N’s = 99; 102), the degree to which their gameday behaviors followed a routine and how meaningful they found each game. Multilevel modeling revealed a positive association between routine adherence and finding meaning in the games across each season. Samantha Heintzelman1, Laura King1 1Univ. of Missouri SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING WORK-LIFE BALANCE AND SATISFACTION: IT’S NOT WHAT YOU DO BUT HOW YOU FEEL How does work-life balance (WLB) affect life satisfaction? Based on a nationally representative sample (N=1,614), we found that subjective perceptions of WLB and busyness are stronger predictors of life satisfaction than objective indicators of WLB (i.e., the number of hours spent at work vs. leisure). Steve Strycharz1, Vivian Zayas1, Joshua Tabak1 1Cornell Univ. 146 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING INHERENT VICE: HOW VIEWING PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS AS PART OF THE “TRUE SELF” MAY BE A BARRIER TO TREATMENT-SEEKING We investigated whether people perceive mental illness symptoms as part of one’s true, essential self. Participants reported seeing depression symptoms as part of the true self, and these beliefs predicted beliefs that the symptoms could not and should not be changed, pointing to important barriers to treatment use. Rebecca Connelly1, Ava Casados1, Molly Crossman1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING SELF-OTHER VALUE IMPORTANCE AS PREDICTORS OF ANTICIPATED ANXIETY TO VALUE VIOLATIONS Using hierarchical linear modeling, the values perceived to be true of others (society in general) as well as values reported by others (friends and parents) produce similar patterns of influence—values that are simultaneously important to the self and others create the highest level of anxiety anticipated from value violations. Phuong Linh Nguyen1, Michael Strube1 1Washington Univ.- St. Louis SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING NOT A CURE BUT A CATALYST: USING “SAVORING” TO INCREASE HELP-SEEKING INTENTIONS FOR DEPRESSION Depressive symptomology is negatively associated with the likelihood to seek treatment. Investigators tested a savoring induction, previously used in the clinical realm, as an approach to increase help-seeking for depression. Individuals with depression who completed a savoring exercise versus a control task reported greater help-seeking intentions through increased positive affect. Tasha Straszewski1, Jason Siegel1 1Claremont Graduate Univ. SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING COMING OUT AS LGBT: EXAMINING THE ROLE OF AUTONOMY SUPPORT USING A MULTI-METHOD APPROACH Researchers assessed LGBT participants’ perceptions of autonomy support during identity disclosure and the impact of these perceptions on the experience of coming out. Physiological reactivity, self-report and narrative analyses converge to suggest that perceptions of autonomy support relate to more positive coming out experiences, greater wellbeing and reduced physiological threat. William Ryan1 1Univ. of California, Santa Barbara SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING USING MOBILE TECHNOLOGY TO UNDERSTAND STUDENT ADJUSTMENT In our study, students used a smartphone application to report their psychological states and daily activities. The application also collected objective behavioural information through mobile sensing (e.g., physical activity from the accelerometer, location from the GPS). We show the characteristic behaviours of well-adjusted students. Sandrine Müller1, Gillian Sandstrom1, Neal Lathia1, Cecilia Mascolo1, Jason Rentfrow1 1Univ. of Cambridge SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN PLAYING VIDEO GAMES, MOOD AND HEALTH AMONG YOUTH WITH ASTHMA Using naturalistic observation methods (the Electronically Activated Recorder, or EAR) to assess video game playing in daily life, along with daily diary reports of mood and asthma symptoms, we found increased video game playing was significantly associated with increased positive mood, decreased negative mood, and decreased daily asthma symptoms. Stefan Terleckyj1, Ledina Imami1, Erin Tobin1, Daniel Saleh1, Heidi Kane2, Richard Slatcher1 1Wayne State Univ., 2The Univ. of Texas at Dallas SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 147 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING KEEP MOVING: THINKING ABOUT PAST CHANGE ENHANCES PRESENT MEANING Reflecting on personal change, versus personal stability, enhances meaning-in-life, but only recent change. Greater change over the past year (but not five years or decade) predicted greater present meaning-in-life (Studies 1-2). Experimentally manipulating people’s focus on change or stability replicated these patterns (Study 3). Researchers discuss mechanisms and theoretical contributions. Michael Kardas1, Ed O’Brien1 1Univ. of Chicago SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING INCREMENTAL THEORY OF PHYSICAL ATTRACTIVENESS AND HAPPINESS AMONG KOREANS Why are East Asians so concerned about physical attractiveness (PAT)? The vast majority of Koreans seem to view PAT as a malleable personal characteristic, more so than personality, intelligence or morality. Also among Koreans, PAT predicted happiness more strongly among incremental than entity theory holders. Eunbee Kim1, Ahra Ko1, Eunkook Suh1 1Yonsei Univ. SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS FOLLOWING A GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS: A NATIONAL STUDY OF AMERICANS’ REACTIONS TO EBOLA A national probability sample completed a longitudinal online study of responses to the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing and the 2014 Ebola crisis. Prior mental health, acute stress responses to the Boston Marathon Bombing, and Ebola-related media exposure were associated with increased worry about Ebola, psychological distress and functional impairment. Rebecca Thompson1, Roxane Silver1 1Univ. of California, Irvine SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING THE UNIQUE ROLE OF STRESSFUL LIFE EVENTS IN SUICIDAL THOUGHTS AND BEHAVIORS AMONG ADOLESCENTS Understanding the role of stressful experiences in predicting suicide in adolescence is of paramount importance. Analysis of a nationally representative sample of adolescents (N=6503) indicated that having previously experienced a stressful event with long-lasting emotional implications (e.g., death of parent, friend’s suicide) significantly predicted increased odds of suicidal ideation. Frank Deryck1, Roxane Silver1 1Univ. of California, Irvine SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING RELATIONAL MOBILITY AT THE WORKPLACE AND BURNOUT This paper examined whether relational mobility at the workplace influences burnout. Low relational mobility increases burnout in two steps. It first raises external locus of control and then depresses autonomous motivation, which results in burnout. However, prevention focus and relationship quality moderate these effects. Results were in line with predictions. Alvaro San Martin1 1IESE Business School SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING PERCEIVED STRESS INFLUENCES VISUOMOTOR PERFORMANCE ON A STAR-TRACER TASK This study examined the influence of naturally occurring perceived stress on visuomotor performance during a difficult star-tracer task. Results revealed college student participants reporting higher stress made significantly more errors during the star-tracer task versus those reporting low stress. This has implications for the influence of stress on academic performance. Christopher Gomez1, Timothy Casasola1, Amanda Acevedo1, Sarah Pressman1 1Univ. of California, Irvine 148 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING THE EFFECT OF TEMPORAL CONSTRUAL ON THREAT APPRAISAL The present experiment examined temporal construal’s effect on threat appraisal of a stressful event, where the manipulation involved university students imagining a medical procedure in the near- or distant-future. Researchers measured threat by a self-report questionnaire, as well as an Implicit Association Test, and discuss implications from a theoretical perspective. Rachelle Sass1, Esther Greenglass1 1York Univ. SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING MECHANISMS OF MINDFULNESS IN PREDICTING HEALTH-ENHANCING BEHAVIORS The present study investigated the mechanisms connecting mindfulness and health behaviors. Results revealed that higher levels of mindfulness enhanced psychological flexibility and reappraisal use, leading to a reduction in perceived stress, which then increased physical activity, fruit and vegetable consumption and sleep quality. Sara Sagui1, Sara Levens1 1Univ. of North Carolina, Charlotte SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING KINDNESS-BASED POSITIVE INTERVENTIONS IN TWO CULTURES Americans and South Koreans wrote about a time when they were kind, a time in which someone was kind toward them, or listed what they did over the past seven days (control). South Koreans wrote more in the control condition than Americans, as much as the experimental conditions. Lilian Shin1, Kristin Layous2, Megan Fritz1, Sonja Lyubomirsky1 1Univ. of California, Riverside, 2Stanford Univ. SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING DO MOTIVATIONS FOR USING FACEBOOK MODERATE THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN FACEBOOK USE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING? We found that motivations for using Facebook moderated the association between quantity of Facebook use (e.g., time) and psychological wellbeing. Quantity of use had positive effects when users primarily accessed Facebook to maintain existing relationships, but negative effects when users primarily accessed the site to create new relationships. Susan Lonborg1, James Rae2 1Central Washington Univ., 2Univ. of Washington SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING WAIT FOR ME!: THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA USE AND FEAR OF MISSING OUT (FOMO) ON WELLBEING The present research tested the associations between social media use, Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) and three dimensions of wellbeing (physical, emotional and cognitive). Social media use was often not related to wellbeing beyond FoMO, suggesting that FoMO may be a more revelatory predictor of wellbeing than social media use. Heather Krieger1, Zachary Baker1, Angie LeRoy1 1Univ. of Houston SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING JOB SATISFACTION AND SUBJECTIVE WELLBEING: TEST OF A MODERATED MEDIATION MODEL We tested the mediational role of rumination in the relationship between job satisfaction and subjective wellbeing (SWB), and investigated the moderational role of self-efficacy in this mediation. The results suggested that people who are less satisfied with their job ruminate more and, therefore, they feel less satisfied with their lives and less happy. Serdar Karabati1, Nurcan Ensari2 1Istanbul Bilgi Univ., 2 Alliant International Univ. SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING ACCEPTANCE, REAPPRAISAL AND RUMINATION: THE EFFECTS OF EMOTION REGULATION FOLLOWING AN INTERPERSONAL TRANSGRESSION Following an interpersonal transgression, participants were randomly assigned to learn an emotion regulation strategy (reappraisal, acceptance or rumination). Results revealed that vengefulness decreased only for reappraisers across visits. Participants in all three conditions reported positive changes in acceptance, anxiety, avoidance, benevolence, blame, emotional flexibility, life satisfaction and rumination. Lindsey Root Luna1, Charlotte Witvliet1, Sydney Timmer-Murillo2, Brittany Lawson1 1Hope College, 2Marquette Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 149 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING EFFECTS OF SELF-DISTANCING AND MINDFULNESS INSTRUCTIONS ON ANXIETY AND APPROACH MOTIVATION Two experiments tested the effects of self-distancing and mindfulness instructions on approach motivation and state anxiety. Results with both fly-on-the-wall and mindfulness manipulations revealed that both manipulations increased self-reported approach motivation only for trait anxious participants. Neither self-distancing nor mindfulness had an effect on self-reported anxious distress and negative affect. Eldar Eftekhari1, Nikan Eghbali1, Constantine Sharpinskyi1, Alex Tran1, Richard Zeifman1, Ian McGregor1 1York Univ. SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING BELIEFS ABOUT ENCOURAGING PEERS TO SEEK HELP FOR DISORDERED EATING We examined beliefs about encouraging peer help seeking for disordered eating. Expectations of rejection and not being taken seriously negatively correlated with help-seeking intentions. Those who reported peer unhealthy weight control behaviors endorsed greater expectations of not being taken seriously. We discuss implications regarding social norms and peer help seeking. Sarah Savoy1, Margaret Hance1 1Stephen F. Austin State Univ. SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING THE INFLUENCE OF DISPOSITIONAL MINDFULNESS ON INHIBITORY CAPACITY IN A TRAUMAEXPOSED SAMPLE Veterans with (n=19) and without PTSD (n=20) were administered two mindfulness measures before completing a standard Go-NoGo task. We hypothesized that those participants who endorsed more mindfulness skills would exhibit faster reaction times and lower error rates on the task, above and beyond PTSD symptom severity, reflecting greater inhibitory capacity. Tina Wang1, Carolyn Davies1, Lisa Burkland2, Jared Torre1, Matthew Lieberman1, Michelle Craske1 1Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 2Defense Group, Inc. SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING EARLY ADOLESCENT AFFECT PREDICTS ADULT PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH To examine the potential role of subjective wellbeing as a long-term predictor of critical life outcomes, we examined indicators of positive and negative affect at age 14 as a predictor of adjustment outcomes a decade later at age 25 controlling for family income and gender. Jessica Kansky1, Joseph Allen1, Ed Diener1 1Univ. of Virginia SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING THE CONSUMER HABITS OF GRATEFUL PEOPLE Previous research has demonstrated a positive relation between gratitude and materialism. The present research examined the relation between gratitude and the tendency to buy life experiences using both implicit and explicit methods. Our results suggest grateful people are likely to be experientialists regardless of how their consumption is measured. Eric Nestingen1, Patrick Kerwin1, Mer Zandifar1, Ryan Howell1 1San Francisco State Univ. SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING THE MENTAL HEALTH HELP-SEEKING ATTITUDES AND INTENTIONS OF FUTURE HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS: A MODEL OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR The current study examined the mental health help-seeking attitudes and intentions of future healthcare professionals (FHPs) within the theory of planned behavior (TPB) framework. FHPs’ help-seeking attitudes accounted for 25% of the variance of their help-seeking intentions, but the three attitudinal components of the TPB were not similarly predictive. Dustin Summers1 1Midwestern Univ. 150 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING WHETHER CAREER SUCCESS AND SUBJECTIVE WELLBEING CAN COEXIST?: A STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMPLOYEES’ CAREER SUCCESS AND SUBJECTIVE WELLBEING Our study explores the relationship between employees’ career success and subjective wellbeing. Moreover, based on person-situation interactionist perspective, the current research introduces self-efficacy as the mediator and organization-based self-esteem, social comparison as moderators to reveal the “black box” of the relationship. Ming Kong1, Haoying Xu2, Xiaojun Qian1 1Tsinghua Univ., 2Central Univ. of Finance & Economics SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING DO DIFFERENT MECHANISMS OF HIV-RELATED STIGMA PREDICT HEALTH OUTCOMES DIFFERENTIALLY? A CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF STIGMA AND ITS ROLE IN HEALTH OUTCOMES FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV. We examined how eight conceptually different types of HIV-related stigma predict health outcomes differentially for people living with HIV. Affective/cognitive factors and medication adherence were uniquely predicted by internalized stigma, interpersonal outcomes by anticipated stigma from others, and physical health outcomes by experienced stigma from health care workers. Wesley Browning1, Henna Budhwani1, Janet Turan1, Bulent Turan1 1Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING EFFECTS OF PRACTICING MINDFULNESS ON WELL-BEING AND COGNITIVE COMPLEXITY We sought to examine the relationship between mindfulness and an individual’s relationship to the natural and social worlds. Use of a mindfulness phone application did increase some elements of mindfulness. Measures of mindfulness correlated with measures of well-being, connectedness to nature, causal complexity and systems thinking in the expected directions. Esther Choi1, Linnea Kirby1, Cynthia Frantz1 1Oberlin College SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING SEX DIFFERENCES MODERATE THE EFFECTS OF DEXAMETHASONE AND PROPRANOLOL ON ELECTRODERMAL REACTIVITY DURING AN ACOUSTIC STARTLE TASK Do men and women have fundamental differences in the response of the autonomic nervous system to stress? Results show that suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and sympathetic nervous system through pharmacological methods significantly lowered physiological responses to a startle probe in men but not in women. Emily Daskalantonakis1, Ellie Shuo Jin1, Sean Minns1, Robert Josephs1 1The Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING STRESSED IS JUST DESSERTS SPELLED BACKWARDS: THE MEDIATION EFFECTS OF A HEALTHY DIET ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERCEIVED STRESS AND SELF-RATED HEALTH This investigation tests if the relationship between perceived stress and self-rated health is mediated by a healthy diet (or lack thereof). Participants completed stress, diet, and health questionnaires. Multiple regression analysis revealed healthy diet fully mediates the relationship between stress and health (? = .04; CI = .0097 to .1006). Arianna Ulloa1, Cindy Bergeman2 1Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2Univ. of Notre Dame SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING THE IMPACT OF BRAIN-BASED VS. BEHAVIORAL EXPLANATIONS OF EFFICACY ON THE PERCEIVED CREDIBILITY OF TREATMENTS FOR DEPRESSION Understanding attitudes toward treatment credibility is essential to reducing barriers to mental health treatment. We examined whether perceptions of treatment credibility are affected by messages about the mechanisms of action of treatments for depression. Results reveal differences in the perceived credibility of treatments described in brain vs. behavioral terms. Caitlin Murphy1, Rosanna Thai1, Laura Knouse1, Casey Caruso1 1Univ. of Richmond SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 151 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - MENTAL HEALTH/WELL-BEING UNDERSTANDING THE RELEVANCE AND IMPACT OF TRIGGER WARNINGS In 2014 the APA called attention to the lack of research on Trigger Warnings – a much debated new form of content advisory (see Smith, 2014). The present study tests the effects of trigger warnings, content notes, and no advisory label on the perception of content they precede. Jacob Hurlburt1, Emily Leskinen1 1Carthage College SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION ANXIETY PROJECTION IN DYADIC INTERACTIONS What contributes to peoples’ perceptions of how anxious their interaction partners are? We examined this question and found that a person’s perception of their interaction partner’s anxiety is unrelated to their partner’s actual anxiety level, and instead is primarily driven by the person’s own anxiety level during the interaction. Kelly McDonald1, Pamela Sadler1, Erik Woody2 1Wilfrid Laurier Univ., 2Univ. of Waterloo SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION REGULATORY FOCUS AS A CUE OF MATING STRATEGY We examined whether men and women use the regulatory focus (promotion- vs. prevention-focused) of potential partners as a cue to their mating strategy (short- vs. long-term). We found that women use men’s regulatory focus as cues of their mating strategy, whereas men did not use women’s focus as a cue. Rebecca Pullicar1, Ashalee Hurst2, Jeff Segger1, J. Adam Randell1, Elizabeth Brown1, Darcy Reich2 1Cameron Univ., 2Texas Tech Univ. SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION THAT PROFESSOR IS EVIL!: BELIEFS IN PURE EVIL AND BELIEFS IN PURE GOOD AS PREDICTORS OF STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF PROFESSOR We examined beliefs in pure evil (BPE), beliefs in pure good (BPG), and locus of control (LOC) as predictors of perceptions of professors. Consistent with hypotheses, our results suggest that BPE and BPG inform the understanding of student-faculty relations overall, but particularly in the potentially adversarial domain of performance assessment. Madelyn Ray1, Amanda Martens1, Donald Saucier1 1Kansas State Univ. SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION DO PEOPLE KNOW WHAT THEY WANT, WHAT THEY REALLY, REALLY WANT?: REVISITING IDEAL PARTNER PREFERENCES IN THE CONTEXT OF SPEED-DATING In the current study, we investigated whether speed-dating participants report greater levels of attraction, connection and sexual chemistry toward partners that have been rated as meeting their Ideal Partner Preferences. Results suggest that participants rate caring interaction partners more favorably if they hold higher Ideal Partner Preferences for caring. Conrad Corretti1, Robert Ackerman1 1The Univ. of Texas at Dallas SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION PERSPECTIVE DIFFERENCES ON CAUSAL ATTRIBUTIONS IN THE STIGMATIZATION PROCESS We examined the role of perspective in the stigmatization process, and recruited 139 participants who rated attributions and reactions to stigmas from either an individual or group perspective. Perspective contributed to controllability ratings for mental, but not physical stigmas. Positive emotions and helping behaviors also varied according to perspective. Karen Key1, Sierra Cronan1, Allison Vaughn1 1San Diego State Univ. SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION TELL ME WHY YOU’RE TEXTING!: EFFECT OF CELL PHONE USE ON INTERPERSONAL INTERACTIONS A two-part study investigated whether providing an excuse for texting mitigates negative effects associated with cell phone use. Study 1 consisted of a cell phone use survey. In study 2, participants conversed with a confederate who texted. Findings suggest providing a valid excuse affects empathic concern, connectedness and companion’s feelings. Daniela Avelar1 1Franklin & Marshall College 152 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION DRESSED TO IMPRESS: FACES OF FASHIONABLE INDIVIDUALS ARE REMEMBERED MORE FAVORABLY Using an innovative reverse correlation paradigm, the present study showed that perceivers remembered the face of a target who wore fashionable (vs. unfashionable) clothing more favorably—as more attractive, trustworthy, and competent. These findings suggest a novel mechanism that likely accounts for the effects of clothing on impression formation. Gul Gunaydin1, Zeynep Arol2, Jordan DeLong3 1Bilkent Univ., 2Middle East Technical Univ., 3Indiana Univ., Bloomington SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION FACES ENHANCE SUBJECTIVE PERCEPTION OF COLOR DIFFERENCES We test whether color differences on facial stimuli are subjectively perceived as greater than color differences on nonfacial stimuli. Results indicate that people perceive greater color differences for facial stimuli than for non-facial stimuli, even when the objective color differences are identical. Christopher Thorstenson1, Adam Pazda1, Andrew Elliot1 1Univ. of Rochester SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION POLARIZED PERCEPTIONS OF THE POOR, ESPECIALLY AMONG THE AFFLUENT: WORK ETHIC AND PERCEIVED ADVANTAGE Participants from diverse social class backgrounds reported their affective, cognitive and behavioral responses to targets varying in SES (rich/poor), work ethic (lazy/hardworking), and receipt of class-based advantages. Especially among affluent perceivers, reactions (contempt, admiration) to poor targets’ work ethic were more extreme than for rich targets. Hilary Bergsieker1, Alex Huynh1, Ann Marie Russell2, Susan Fiske2 1Univ. of Waterloo, 2Princeton Univ. SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION BODIES SHAPED BY RACE, GENDER AND AGE: BIDIRECTIONAL ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN SOCIAL CATEGORY INFORMATION AND PERCEIVED BODY WEIGHT We tested whether social categories biased body weight perceptions. Heavier bodies were categorized as Black / masculine / older and lighter bodies as Asian / feminine / younger. The reverse was also true: Black / masculine / older targets were rated heavier and Asian / feminine / younger targets lighter. Nicholas Alt1, David Lick 2, Kerri Johnson1 1Univ. of California Los Angeles, 2New York Univ. SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION ACCULTURATION’S EFFECT ON CROSS-CULTURAL MENTAL STATE INFERENCES We examined the effect of acculturation on Caucasian and East Asian participants’ performance on a cross-cultural version of the Reading the Mind in the Eyes (RME) test. Results showed that East Asians’ degree of acculturation to Canada increased their RME accuracy, particularly for Caucasian targets. R. Thora Bjornsdottir1, Nicholas Rule1 1Univ. of Toronto SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION WHY DON’T PEOPLE ASK MORE QUESTIONS?: QUESTION-ASKING IMPROVES INTERPERSONAL PERCEPTION IN INITIAL ENCOUNTERS Does question-asking improve interpersonal perception? We find that higher question-asking increases liking in initial encounters and the number of second dates in speed dating. However, people fail to anticipate this effect. Furthermore, the effect disappears for third-party observers, suggesting that question-asking improves liking only when the questions allow for self-disclosure. Karen Huang1, Mike Yeomans1, Alison Brooks1, Julia Minson1, Francesca Gino1 1Harvard Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 153 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION SMELLING IS TELLING: HUMAN OLFACTORY CUES INFLUENCE INTERPERSONAL JUDGMENTS How does body odor influence friendship formation? We show that 1) women perceive consistent olfactory signals at realistic social distances, which inform friendliness impressions; and 2) perfume may affect perception of body odor signals. Ecologically relevant future studies should account for fragrance choices as well as natural body odor. Jessica Gaby1, Vivian Zayas1 1Cornell Univ. SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION RECONSIDERING THE EVALUATION DIMENSIONS OF EXCUSE: “HESITATING TO ASK” AS A NEW EVALUATION DIMENSION We examined the evaluation dimensions of excuses. Based on the preliminary investigation, participants devised 15 representative excuses, and 369 undergraduates evaluated those excuses in terms of externality, uncontrollability, unintentionality, instability, unpredictability, severity and forgiveness. Principle component analysis suggested following two evaluation dimensions: non-participation of excuse-maker and hesitating to ask. Itsuki Yamakawa1, Shinji Sakamoto1 1Nihon Univ. SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION COMPENSATORY JUDGMENTS AS A DEFENSIVE MECHANISM AMONG EGALITARIANS The present study examines whether compensatory judgments based on competence and warmth in person perception serve to defend one ‘s egalitarian worldview. As predicted, compensatory judgments were most likely to occur among those who believed that society should be equal and were told that a significant economic disparity exists in Japan. Naoya Yada1, Tomoko Ikegami1 1Osaka City Univ. SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION COMPENSATION BETWEEN COMPETENCE AND WARMTH IN STRATEGIC SELF-PRESENTATION Three studies examined compensation between warmth and competence in people’s self-presentation as they tried to reach a desired goal. When competence was critical for goals, participants downplayed their warmth relative to competence, whereas in a context where warmth was central, they chose to downplay competence. Researches discuss possible further explorations. Torun Lindholm1, Vincent Yzerbyt2 1Stockholm Univ., 2Université catholique de Louvain SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION INTERPERSONAL ACCURACY DURING SHARED EXPERIENCES OF STRESS HINDERS GOAL ACHIEVEMENT Dyads in which actors were stressed before interacting with partners and control dyads solved math problems. Only stressed actors showed tracking accuracy of their partner’s liking and desire for friendship. We argue that partners engaged in affiliation attempts, providing cues for actors’ judgments, but distracting partners from the task goal. Katherine Thorson1, Tessa West1, Chad Forbes2 1New York Univ., 2Univ. of Delaware SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION BIASED PERCEPTIONS OF PARTNER BEHAVIOR EXPLAIN WHY HOSTILE SEXISM LEADS TO RELATIONSHIP AGGRESSION Why does hostile sexism lead to relationship aggression? Three dyadic studies using longitudinal, experience-sampling and behavioral observation methods reveal that men who endorse hostile sexism perceive female partners as more negative and less supportive than is justified. These negatively biased perceptions, in turn, produce greater aggression and derogation of partners. Matthew Hammond1, Nickola Overall1 1Univ. of Auckland 154 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION CYBERABUSE ON FACEBOOK: IMPACT ON IMPRESSION FORMATION To assess the impact of cyberabuse, we measured impressions of Facebook profiles differing in the number of comments others had posted (few, many), their valence (positive, negative) and their source (single, multiple individuals). Valence impacted all impressions with source affecting Employability and all factors interacting on perceived Social Attractiveness. Graham Scott1, Stacey Wiencierz1, Christopher Hand2 1Univ. of the West of Scotland, 2Glasgow Caledonian Univ. SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION SLEEP LOSS NEGATIVELY AFFECTS EMPLOYABILITY AND PERCEIVED LEADERSHIP SKILLS Researchers photographed 24 subjects after normal sleep and after two nights of restricted sleep. Sixty-one observers rated these photos. When sleep deprived, subjects were perceived as worse leaders, less employable, and less trustworthy, but no less intelligent. These findings encourage prioritizing sleep before job interviews and other social interactions. Tina Sundelin1, John Axelsson1 1Karolinska Institutet SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION HOW INFERRED CONTAGION BIASES DISPOSITIONAL JUDGMENTS OF OTHERS The current work represents the first inquiry into the impact of contagion on dispositional judgments of others. Results from four experiments indicate that when a target’s behavior is inconsistent with a source of contagion, people make stronger dispositional judgments of the target. Justin McManus1, Sean Hingston1, Theodore Noseworthy1 1York Univ. SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE HEXACO-60 PERSONALITY FACTORS AND IMPRESSION EFFICACY AND MOTIVATION Individuals’ possess unique levels of confidence and motivation in regards to impression management. The current study examined whether personality was related to individuals’ impression efficacy (IE) and impression motivation (IM). Participants (N = 110) completed surveys involving the HEXACO60 and SMSE. These results indicate associations between personality, IM and IE. Michelle Dixon1, Christopher Nave1, Autumn Nanassy1, Jenna Harvey1 1Rutgers Univ. SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION TARGET TYPICALITY ELICITS DISTINCT SUB-CATEGORIZATION PROCESSES Three experiments explored how varying typicality on two dimensions (racial phenotypicality and social role) elicits these distinct processes. Results suggest that the typicality of social roles can interact with racial phenotypicality to elicit either subtyping or subgrouping process of categorization. Lindsay Hinzman1, Keith Maddox1 1Tufts Univ. SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION THE DOWNSIDE OF SOCIAL CHOICE: PEOPLE OVERESTIMATE THEIR WILLINGNESS TO EMBRACE CHALLENGING SOCIAL SITUATIONS When given the choice, people may avoid beneficial social challenges in favor of easier experiences. Experiment participants judged that other people would choose insufficiently challenging social experiences, but claimed they would personally welcome these challenges. Participants also judged that social challenges were more necessary for other people than for themselves. Marissa Lepper1, Maia Castillo1, Brigitte Taylor1, Harry Wallace1 1Trinity Univ. SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION COMING OF AGE: HOW MARKERS OF MATURITY SHAPE MIND PERCEPTION As children age, they gradually become more agentic. Because people struggle to perceive gradual change, we suggest that children’s transition to adulthood is perceived in discrete increases, signaled by “markers of maturity.” Four studies show that these markers (i.e., driver’s license, job, puberty) increase perceptions of agency, accounting for age. Neil Hester1, Kurt Gray1 1UNC at Chapel Hill SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 155 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION SATISFACTION, GUARANTEED: MY PERCEPTIONS OF YOU ARE MORE PREDICTIVE OF NEGOTIATION SATISFACTION THAN YOUR ACTIONS In a naturalistic negotiation interaction, same-sex dyads (63 female dyads; 53 male dyads) negotiated over the allocation of 10 small items (e.g. pens, snacks). Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) analyses showed that outcome satisfaction was based on trusting one’s partner. Trust in turn was based on perceptions of partner’s truthfulness and actor’s Machiavellianism. Devin Howington1, Sara Hodges1 1Univ. of Oregon SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION “HE’S SO GAY!”: HETEROSEXUAL MEN’S EVALUATIONS OF GAY MEN DEPEND ON ATTIRE-BASED PRESENTATION This research explored heterosexual men’s evaluations of gay men using attire presentation that conforms to (butch) or violates (femme) expectations for men. Results indicate that heterosexual men’s attitudes about men in general depend on attire presentation more so than on sexual identity, revealing tacit assumptions about gay men’s attire presentation. Laurel Somers1, Charlotte Tate1 1San Francisco State Univ. SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION SILHOUETTES SAY A LOT ABOUT NEAT OR SLOPPY PERSONALITY: IMPRESSION FORMATION BASED ON MINIMAL BODY-SHAPE INFORMATION Two studies examined the effects of minimal body shapes on interpersonal impressions. Participants judged obesity (Study 1) or tidiness (Study 2) of human body-shape silhouettes. The silhouettes of higher BMI (body-mass index) tended to be judged as more obese and sloppy with the same levels of cutoff points (BMI 28-29). Ryuta Same1, Tasuku Igarashi1 1Nagoya Univ. SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION DESCRIPTOR DOMAIN MODERATES THE EFFECT OF DESCRIPTOR BREADTH ON LEVEL OF ABSTRACTION IN PERSON CONSTRUAL Two studies explored how descriptor domain (i.e. physical appearance vs. trait) interacts with breadth to influence person construal. We found that trait descriptors are generally broader than physical descriptors. Targets described with broad (vs. narrow) physical descriptors were construed more abstractly; the reverse was true for trait descriptors. Yilin Wang1, Alison Ledgerwood1 1Univ. of California, Davis SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION IS KNOWLEDGE ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK OF YOU AN INTERPERSONAL SKILL? This research tests if meta-accuracy predicts interpersonal problems (N = 134) and social functioning (N = 326). Metaaccuracy predicted fewer problems, whereas metaperceptions that diverged from others’ impressions, particularly for communal attributes (agreeableness and conscientiousness), predicted more problems. These results suggest that meta-accuracy is a core feature of social functioning. Nicole Costentino1, Erika Carlson1 1Univ. of Toronto SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION CONSTRUAL LEVELS AND EMPATHIC ACCURACY This research shows that construal level affects the recognition of emotions from facial cues. In three studies, participants in whom high-level construals were activated, compared with those in whom low-level construals were activated, more accurately (Study 1 and 2) and more rapidly (Study 3) recognized emotions in facial expressions. Martina Kaufmann1 1Univ. of Trier 156 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION FACES SUBTLY MODELED TO REFLECT DIFFERENT PERSONALITY DIMENSIONS: THE BASEL FACE PERSONALITY DATABASE Individuals agree in their interpretation of facial characteristics when judging the personalities of strangers. Such consensual interpretations likely create a socially shared reality. To help investigating implications of such a socially shared reality in various contexts, we present a face database with different identities systematically modeled regarding different personality dimensions. Mirella Walker1, Rainer Greifeneder1, Sandro Schönborn1, Thomas Vetter1 1Univ. of Basel SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION DEPRESSION STIGMATIZATION AND THE ROLE OF DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOM SEVERITY Depression stigma was examined by assessing participants’ reactions to a target described as having no depression, moderate depression, severe depression, or severe depression with suicide ideation. Results confirm that depressive symptomatology is stigmatized, however the degree to which someone is stigmatized depends on the severity of his or her symptoms. Greg Erickson1, Taylor Wadian2 1Kansas State Univ., 2Kansas State University SESSION: H - PERSON PERCEPTION/IMPRESSION FORMATION THE UNDERDOG NARRATIVE IN MOVIES: WHEN OUR MEMORY FAILS US We explored participants’ recollections of two underdog boxing movies. As predicted, participants accurately remembered the underdog prevailing in Cinderella Man while failing to recall Rocky losing in Rocky I. We propose that the underdog schema is of eventual triumph and this narrative will influence memories to fit the narrative. Sydney Olagaray1, Jessica Ruiz1, Nadav Goldschmied1 1UC San Diego SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY THE VARIETIES OF RELIGIOUS DISBELIEF AND ANTI-ATHEIST PREJUDICE Recent studies of supernatural beliefs identify cognition and culture as causal factors. The present research examined these factors: Study 1 found that analytic thinking and existential security were associated with lower belief in God among disbelievers. Study 2 found that analytic thinking as an explanation for disbelief promoted anti-atheist prejudice. Jordan Huzarevich1, Jericho Hockett2 1Western Washington Univ., 2Washburn Univ. SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY PRIMING GOD CONCEPTS INCREASES PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR IN AN ANONYMOUS ECONOMIC GAME?: REPLICATION STUDY OF GOD IS WATCHING YOU (SHARIFF & NORENZAYAN, 2007) This study failed to replicate the findings of God Is Watching You (Shariff & Norenzayan, 2007) where participants primed with religious/moral-related words behaved more prosocially than participants primed with neutral words in an anonymous dictator game. In a Japanese sample (n=106), moral prime words increased prosocial behavior of theist participants. Sanae Miyatake1, Masataka Higuchi1 1Sophia Univ. SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY THINK, PRAY, DECIDE: THE EFFECTS OF PRAYER ON DECISION MAKING Research examined the influence of prayer on intuitive and deliberative thinking. Researchers proposed that prayer would lead individuals to engage in more intuitive thinking, but not at the cost of deliberative thinking. Additionally, they examined situational self-awareness as a potential mechanism for these effects. Results provided support for these hypotheses. Jennifer Valenti1, Shira Gabriel1, Galen Bodenhausen2, Ariana Young3, Anneke Buffone1 1Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY, 2Northwestern Univ., 3 California Lutheran Univ. SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY BIDIRECTIONAL PATHWAYS BETWEEN THE BELIEFS IN FATE AND BELIEFS IN GOD Two experiments showed that subtle cues of God affect fate attributions in causal reasoning (Study 1), and that subtle cues of fate affect people’s perception of God (Study 2). These effects, most pronounced among religiously devoted participants, highlight bidirectional processes in religious reasoning and the moderating role of religious devotion. Albert Lee1, Yue Ting Woo1, Li Qin Tan1 1Nanyang Technological Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 157 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY PERSONALITY AND ADOLESCENT ALCOHOL USE: ASSOCIATIONS WITH LATENT CLASSES OF RELIGIOSITY The current study used latent class analysis to identify six latent classes of religiosity in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health. Each latent class holds a unique combination of religious beliefs and practices, as well as distinct mean levels of conscientiousness, neuroticism, and frequencies of alcohol use. Meredith Hoyland1, Wade Rowatt1, Shawn Latendresse1 1Baylor Univ. SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY THE INFLUENCE OF COGNITIVELY ACCESSIBLE RELIGIOUS THOUGHTS ON MORAL PERFORMANCE Most religious moral studies have been correlational. In addition, belief intensity (Hunter, 2000) has been demonstrated to have varying relationships with moral performance. This study implemented a religious prime and belief intensity measure. It was found that participants with low belief intensity made less consistent moral choices when primed. Krisstal Clayton1 1Western Kentucky Univ. SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY SELF-ESTEEM AND MEANING MAKING WHILE UNDER DEATH AWARENESS: A PERSPECTIVE ON ATHEISM Although a large body of research argues for the strength of religious belief in mitigating death anxiety, secular beliefs can also serve as a powerful defense mechanism against existential concerns. Atheists can bolster self-esteem to combat mortality salience by relying on beliefs in science, education and activism. Robert Arrowood1, Thomas Coleman III2, Ralph Hood Jr2 1Univ. of Tennessee - Chattanooga, 2The Univ. of Tennessee-Chattanooga SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY THE IMPACT OF MORTALITY AWARENESS ON IDEOLOGICAL DOGMATISM, RELIGIOUS BELIEF AND NEED FOR COGNITION AMONG RELIGIOUS AND NON-RELIGIOUS INDIVIDUALS Three studies showed that 1) mortality salience increased dogmatism among Christians and Muslims but reduced it among atheists; 2) this effect was mediated by respective shifts in support of, or rejection of, religious worldview content; and 3) that MS reduced need for cognition among Christians, but increased it among atheists. Kenneth Vail1, Jamie Arndt2, Abdol Abdollahi3, Kennon Sheldon2 1Cleveland State Univ., 2Univ. of Missouri, 3The Univ. of Texas at El Paso SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY EXPLORING THE UNIQUE FUNCTION OF RELIGION IN OFFERING MEANING IN THE FACE OF DEATH According to terror management theory, religious individuals and atheists may have unique responses to dealing with concerns about death. Following reminders of death, atheists showed decreased meaning in life while Christians’ levels of meaning were unaffected. Religious beliefs may help individuals maintain meaning in the face of mortality reminders. Melissa Soenke1, Kenneth Vail III2 1California State Univ. Channel Islands, 2Cleveland State Univ. SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY RELIGIOUS GUILT: ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN EXTRINSIC RELIGIOSITY, INTRINSIC RELIGIOSITY, SHAME AND GUILT Researchers tested religious motivation orientation as a predictor of shame and guilt, moderated by motivation orientation. Significant interactions revealed a positive association between both intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity and guilt, with lower autonomy moderating the relationships in opposite directions. Intrinsic religiosity is also associated with shame, moderated by higher autonomy. Michelle Quist1, Chelsie Young1, Clayton Neighbors1, C Knee1 1Univ. of Houston 158 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY THERE IN GRANDEUR IN THIS VIEW OF LIFE: AWE AS A SCIENTIFIC EMOTION Awe and theism are thought to go hand in hand, challenging the idea of “secular” awe. However, scientists often suggest that awe motivates them to investigate the natural world. We find that dispositional awe relates to (i) understandings of the scientific enterprise, (ii) decreased teleological reasoning and (iii) rejections of creationism. Sara Gottlieb1, Tania Lombrozo1, Dacher Keltner1 1Univ. of California, Berkeley SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY THE “SUNDAY EFFECT” ON TWITTER This study demonstrated the “Sunday effect” using public Twitter data. In study one, positive emotion and virtue words increased on Sundays, corresponding to state-level church attendance. In study two, researchers compared Christian and Muslim users, and the linguistic shift occurred on Fridays for Muslims, demonstrating that “Sunday” can vary by affiliation. Stephanie Kramer1, Joseph Hoover2, Adam Norris1, Azim Shariff1 1Univ. of Oregon, 2Univ. of Southern California SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY RELIGION AS AN EXCHANGE SYSTEM: THE INTERCHANGEABLE ROLES OF GOD AND COUNTRY Can religion serve as an exchange system where people believe in God in exchange for various benefits? Study 1 and 2 use aggregated data to examine whether the existence of another provider (government) moderates the relation between needs and religiosity. Study 3 manipulates need states to change religiosity. chen li1, Miron Zuckerman1 1Univ. of Rochester SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY MUNDANE YET MIRACULOUS: THE CENTRAL ROLE OF DIVINE ATTRIBUTION IN RELIGIOUS ENHANCEMENT OF DAILY GRATITUDE AND WELLBEING Researchers asked religious and non-religious participants to causally explain significant personal events from the past week. Resulting gratitude and wellbeing were also assessed. Divine attribution fully mediated the effect of religiosity on event-contingent gratitude. Gratitude fully mediated the effect of divine attribution on wellbeing in Christians, but not in Muslims. Jonathan Ramsay1, Eddie Tong2 1SIM Univ., 2National Univ. of Singapore SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY THE EFFECTS OF PERCEIVED RELIGIOUS PRESSURE ON INTRINSIC RELIGIOSITY, ZEAL AND MEANING SEEKING Perceived coercion to practice a religion was negatively correlated with individuals’ intrinsic religiosity (N=357). Also, perceived opposition towards one’s religion and freedom of practicing religion were both positively associated with higher zeal. Finally, compared to Christians, Muslims who perceived high opposition (society derogating their religion) were higher in meaning seeking. Nikan Eghbali1, Eldar Eftekhari1, Constantine Sharpinskyi1, Elizabeth van Monsjou1, Joshua Guilfoyle1, Ian McGregor1 1York Univ. SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY RELIGIOUS DIFFERENCES IN MORAL PERCEPTION OF OTHERS Research on moral judgments in the context of the trolley problem generally found that people are less willing to intentionally cause direct bodily harm, even if it means saving more lives. However, we hypothesize that the religious are more inclined to judge deontological acts as more moral than utilitarian acts, but the nonreligious will display opposite effects. Ben Ng1, Will Gervais1 1Univ. of Kentucky SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 159 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY NARCISSISM AND INTER-RELIGIOUS HOSTILITY Both individual narcissism and collective religious narcissism are positively independently related to inter-religious hostility, with religious narcissism explaining more of the variance. However, when controlling for demographics and other commonly-used personality measures suggestive of religious narcissism (authoritarianism, exclusivity, fundamentalism, dogmatism), only individual narcissism remained as a significant independent predictor. Karen Longmore1, Ian Hansen1, Nicole James1 1York College, CUNY SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY PSYCHOLOGICAL ESSENTIALISM AND THE TRUE-SELF CONCEPT Two studies assessed whether essentialist tendencies were present in reasoning about the “true self.” In Study 1, the degree to which participants essentialized traits their inclusion in the “true self”. In Study 2, researchers found more essentialist features in reasoning about the “true self” than the “actual self.” Andrew Christy1, Rebecca Schlegel1, Andrei Cimpian2 1Texas A&M Univ., 2Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY ARE YOU PLUGGED IN?: DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF PLUGGED IN SCALE The current study investigates a new phenomenon, conceptualized as “plugged in.” Plugged in individuals share characteristics of addiction, dependency and obsession towards their smartphones. This repeated use is linked to higher stress levels. Results from EFA reveal a final instrument that reliably captures the construct of “plugged in.” Katelyn Schwieters1, Kerry Kleyman1 1Metropolitan State Univ. SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY INVESTIGATING THE EFFECT OF SELF-COMPASSION ON HELP-SEEKING BEHAVIOR The present study investigated the relationship between self-compassion and help-seeking behavior towards close friends. Because self-compassion involves the acceptance of personal inadequacies, researchers hypothesized that self-compassionate people would feel less reluctant to disclose their weaknesses to close friends, which would promote help-seeking behavior. Results supported this prediction. Yuki Miyagawa1, Junichi Taniguchi1 1Tezukayama Univ. SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY EGOCENTRIC SOCIAL NETWORKS AFFORD SELF-ESTEEM Social situations can provide opportunities for self-enhancement. Participants created egocentric networks and wrote about network members. Results suggest some network members are better at disseminating positive information (objectively and subjectively). Additionally, writing about a network member with greater promoter potential decreases the need derogate others, but increases positive self-evaluations. Bridget Lynch1, Matthew Meisel1, Sierra Corbin2, W. Keith Campbell1, Michelle vanDellen1 1Univ. of Georgia, 2Univ. of Dayton SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY SELF-COMPASSION AND THE NEED OF SELF-PRESERVATION A series of studies investigated the role of self-compassion in buffering death anxiety using a terror management theory paradigm. Results suggest that high self-compassionate people may process death thoughts more deeply and show an increase in DTA, but they perhaps do not suppress these thoughts and, thus, show less defensiveness. Dev Ashish1, Daniel Sullivan1, Alfred Kaszniak1 1The Univ. of Arizona SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY RELIGION AND STIGMA: RESULTS OF A NATIONAL STUDY OF PROTESTANTS, CATHOLICS, JEWS AND MUSLIMS IN THE U.S. Members of four religious groups in the U.S. completed an online survey designed to assess predictors and consequences of religious stigma and the effects of an experimental identity threat manipulation. Results suggest that societal beliefs about religion can be stigmatizing and a source of identity threat when made salient. Michael Pasek1, Jonathan Cook 2 1The Pennsylvania State Univ., 2Pennsylvania State Univ. 160 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY CHANGES IN SELF-DEFINITIONS IMPEDE RECOVERY FROM REJECTION Four studies explore beliefs that prevent recovery from rejection. Entity theories of personality (i.e., personality cannot be changed) prompted people to tie experiences of rejection to their core self-definitions and caused rejection’s impact to linger. We explore this in both people’s reflections on past rejections and imagined novel rejection experiences. Lauren Howe1, Carol Dweck1 1Stanford Univ. SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY THE EMOTIONAL CONSEQUENCES OF SOCIAL MISPERCEPTIONS We investigated how social misperceptions impact belonging and friendship formation. Across two longitudinal studies (N=393; N=789), first year college students generally overestimated their peers’ social successes relative to their own, and the degree to which individuals overestimated their peers’ social successes was negatively associated with feelings of belonging. Ashley Whillans1, Alexander Jordan2, Frances Chen1 1Univ. of British Columbia, 2VA Boston Healthcare System SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY EXPANDING THE SELF WITHOUT COMPROMISING CLARITY Recent work suggests that individuals with low self-concept clarity (SCC) are less likely to self-expand compared to their high SCC counterparts, because self-expansion risks lowering clarity further. However, researchers have not examined the effects of self-expansion on SCC. Across two studies (N = 1041), neither measured nor manipulated selfexpansion predicted SCC. Miranda Bobrowski1, Brent Mattingly2, Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr.3, Kenneth DeMarree1 1Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY, 2Ursinus College, 3 Monmouth Univ. SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY DISASSOCIATING THE AGENT FROM THE SELF: UNDERMINING BELIEF IN FREE WILL INCREASES DEPERSONALIZATION Two experiments (N = 517) examined how lowering free-will beliefs increases depersonalization such that actions of the self and agent become distinct from one another. Results indicated that attenuating free-will led participants to feel more alienated from their selves and report that their actions do not reflect who they are. Elizabeth Seto1, Joshua Hicks1 1Texas A&M Univ. SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY THE IMPORTANCE OF DISTINGUISHING THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ITEMS ON THE SELFCOMPASSION SCALE: EVIDENCE FROM TWO DAILY DIARY STUDIES The Self-Compassion Scale was intended to measure the overarching construct of “self-compassion.” However, recent work suggests that positive and negative scale-items represent distinct constructs. Analyses of two longitudinal samples indicated that these items differentially predicted important outcomes. This is strong evidence for examining subscales separately rather than the full-scale score. Benjamin Armstrong III1, David Zuroff1 1McGill Univ. SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY SOCIAL COMPARISON AND INCORPORATION OF BEHAVIOR INTO SELF-IDENTITY Three studies among young adults who smoke demonstrated that behaviors are incorporated into self-identity, thereby considered self-defining. When a favorable perception of the typical actor is salient, perceived similarity to the typical actor is high, and social comparison tendencies are strong. We interpret results in terms of social comparison processes. Andrew Hertel1, Alexander Sokolovsky2 1Knox College, 2Univ. of Illinois at Chicago SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 161 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY SELF-CONCEPT COHERENCE ACROSS DEVELOPMENT: A PORTAL TO FUTURE MENTAL TIME TRAVEL Although the structure and content of the self-concept is widely considered important for autobiographical memory, its relevance for episodic prospection (narratives about anticipated future events) has been largely overlooked. We present results from a novel study suggesting that self-concept coherence plays a critical role in episodic prospection across development (N=155). Christine Coughlin1, Richard Robins1, Simona Ghetti1 1Univ. of California, Davis SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY THE AMERICAN DREAM AND ME: HOW CURRENT SOCIAL CLASS IS LINKED TO EXPECTED, HOPEDFOR AND FEARED SOCIAL CLASS POSSIBLE SELVES In two studies, we explore how current social class impacts one’s future social class possible selves. Using measurements of current along with expected, hoped-for and feared social class selves, results show that current social class positively predicts all of these possible selves, but especially expectations about one’s future social class. Arianna Benedetti1, Serena Chen1 1UC Berkeley SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY TAKING THE VICTIM OUT OF SEXUAL ASSAULT: THE EFFECT OF SELF-COMPASSION ON SEXUAL ASSAULT SURVIVORS This study assessed whether a short self-compassion induction would impact women’s (N = 141) responses to an imagined sexual assault scenario. Women who received the induction experienced less negative effects than those in the control condition. The self-compassion induction was more effective for women with no previous sexual assault experience. Stephanie Cazeau1, Ashley Allen2 1Univ. of North Florida, 2Univ. of North Carolina at Pembroke SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY DON’T TOUCH, BUT PLEASE SPEND MORE MONEY!: PROHIBITION OF PRODUCT TOUCH INCREASES MONEY SPENT IN-STORE AND CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION Despite lay theory that prohibiting (vs. encouraging) in-store product touch should negatively influence consumers’ purchase behavior (Experiment 1), a retail field experiment revealed that prohibiting (vs. encouraging) product touch during an in-store product demonstration increased money spent in-store, the number of products being purchased, and conspicuous consumption (Experiment 2). Tobias Otterbring1 1Karlstad Univ. SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY MATERIALISM TRIGGERS SELF-OBJECTIFICATION AMONG WOMEN: THE MODERATING ROLE OF SELF-CONCEPT CLARITY This research examined the influence of materialism on self-objectification among women. We found that women who endorse materialistic beliefs, either measured or experimentally primed, reported higher self-objectification tendency. Moreover, women’s self-concept clarity moderated this effect such that only women with low self-concept clarity had higher self-objectification tendency following materialism reminder. Fei Teng1, Kai-Tak Poon2, Hong Zhang3 1South China Normal Univ., 2The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 3 Nanjing Univ. SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY HOW DO I KNOW WHERE I STAND?: DETERMINANTS OF SOCIAL STANDING ACROSS CONTEXTS Different factors might figure in people’s judgments of their own subjective social status, depending on cultural context. American students focus on motivation and location; Turkish students focus on morality and culture. Subjective status is related to objective SES indicators among Americans, but no relationship exists among Turks. Roza Kamiloglu1, Nur Soylu2, Bihter Nigdeli1, Zeynep Cemalcilar1 1Koc Univ., 2Univ. of Kansas 162 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY FRIENDS, ENEMIES, AND THE (IN)FAMOUS: NEUROCOGNITIVE REPRESENTATIONS OF THE SELF AND OF OTHERS VARYING IN RELEVANCE AND VALENCE Is the self salient because it is chronically relevant, positive, or both? This behavioral/fMRI study provides evidence that day-to-day relevance and valence may facilitate the processing of other-associated entities relative to the self. Imaging data isolate regions responsive to the self and/or the relevance and valence of others. Bradley Mattan1, Pia Rotshtein1, Kimberly Quinn2 1Univ. of Birmingham, 2DePaul Univ. SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY COLLEGE MAJOR AS AN IDENTITY SIGNAL Consumer psychology research on “identity signaling” is applied to college major choice. College students viewed major as identity-relevant, more so than classic signals like hairstyle. As with other identity signals, less similarity to a major’s students (but not less liking) predicted more perceived social costs at being misidentified for that major. Diana Betz1, Samantha Martinez1, Kathryn Zambrano1 1Siena College SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY POWER IN NUMBERS: RELATIONALITY AS A COPING MECHANISM IN RESPONSE TO SOCIAL STIGMATIZATION The current research explored whether relationality is caused by social stigmatization. Through a series of three studies, our project shows that ruminating about ones own stigma made participants more relational, while thinking about stigma experienced by fellow group members is related to a decrease in relationality. Researchers discussed implications. Elizabeth Fles1, Garriy Shteynberg1 1Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY I WANT TO DIE FOR MY GROUP AND I WANT MY GROUP TO DIE FOR ME: IDENTITY-FUSION PROMOTES SELF-SACRIFICE AND GROUP-SACRIFICE We tested the idea that identity-fusion, a sense of oneness with a group, involves a reciprocal association between the personal and social identity. Indeed, fused-persons were willing to make extreme sacrifices for their group, but they were also willing to have their group make extreme sacrifices for their personal self. Amy Heger1, Lowell Gaertner1 1Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY UNCERTAINTY THREAT LEADING TO CULTURAL IDENTIFICATION OF JAPANESE STUDENTS The present study examined what kind of uncertainty threat leads to strong identification to one ‘s own culture amongst Japanese students. We examined two types of uncertainty threats: self-uncertainty and relational uncertainty. Results indicated that only relationship uncertainty threat elicited cultural identification. Yuto Terashima1, Jiro Takai1 1Nagoya Univ. SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY I’LL BE BETTER TOMORROW: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF PERCEIVED VERSUS ACTUAL PERSONAL CHANGE We used a longitudinal design to examine how predictions of personal change related to actual change over one year. Although people overwhelmingly predicted positive change, actual and remembered change were much more variable. Additionally, expectations of future improvement were uncorrelated with actual improvement or satisfaction at yearend. Sarah Molouki1, Daniel Bartels1, Oleg Urminsky1 1Univ. of Chicago SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 163 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY A LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF HOW OBJECTIVE SES AND SES-BASED SOCIAL IDENTITY THREAT RELATE TO COLLEGE ADJUSTMENT AND PERFORMANCE In a longitudinal study from freshman to sophomore year of college, objective SES and SES-based identity discrepancy (SSID) were associated with students’ adjustment and GPA. Though low objective SES was initially correlated with poorer adjustment, SSID predicted decreasing adjustment over time and mediated the negative relationship between SES and GPA. Elyse Adler1, Adela Scharff1, Benjamin Le1, Jennifer Lilgendahl1 1Haverford College SESSION: H - SELF/IDENTITY TELLING MORE THAN WE KNOW: HOW LANGUAGE DYNAMICS AFFECT THE DISCLOSURE EXPERIENCE How much do we tell when we reveal stigmatizing information about ourselves? This project investigates how the dynamics of language play a role in disclosure outcomes of concealable stigmatized identities. Using Discursis, a text analysis tool, we can examine themes that arise during disclosure and how they change over time. Anthony Foster1, Hannah Douglas1, Veronica Romero1, Rachel Kallen1 of Cincinnati 1Univ. SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE IS YOUR BOSS AN ALARM BELL OR A USEFUL TOOL?: HOW SOCIAL RANK SHAPES LOW LEVEL VISUAL ATTENTION We examined how visual attention responds to the knowledge about where another person of higher or lower social rank looks. Using behavioral and neuroscientific measures, we find evidence that, similar to a useful tool, higher rank guides onlookers’ attention in service of the task at hand. Matthias Gobel1, Thomas Bullock1, Barry Giesbrecht1, Heejung Kim1, Daniel Richardson2 1Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, 2Univ. College London SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE AVOIDANCE MOTIVATION MEDIATES MORTALITY SALIENCE EFFECTS ON CULTURAL CLOSEDMINDEDNESS: NEURAL AND MEDIATIONAL EVIDENCE We present neurobehavioral evidence from two studies for a mediational role of avoidance motivation in mortality salience effects on cultural closed-mindedness. We measured avoidance motivation by right prefrontal brain activation. Need for closure moderated mortality salience effects on avoidance motivation. Eva Jonas1, Dmitrij Agroskin1, Johannes Klackl1 1Univ. of Salzburg SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE AN ERP INVESTIGATION OF STATUS-BASED EVALUATIONS A study of status-based evaluations revealed an enhanced P3 amplitude following targets of low moral and high financial status, relative to targets of high moral and low financial status, suggesting that even though high status is linked to importance and prestige status-based evaluations may depend on the status dimension. Ivo Gyurovski1, Carlos Cardenas-Iniguez1, Jasmin Cloutier1 1Univ. of Chicago SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE DOMAIN SPECIFIC EFFECTS OF NEGATIVE EMOTIONS ON LATERAL PREFRONTAL CORTEX ACTIVITY DURING INFERENCE OF OTHERS’ MIND The present study investigated whether negative emotions affect lateral prefrontal cortex (lPFC) activity while inferring others ‘ mind in a social domain-specific or -general manner. Our results suggest that negative emotions enhance left lPFC function during tasks involving inferring of others ‘ mind in a social domain-specific manner. Toshiyuki Himichi1, Hiroyo Fujita1, Megumi Masuda2, Yuta Kawamura2, Daiki Hiraoka2, Michio Nomura2 1Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2Kyoto Univ. 164 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE POLYMORPHISM OF OXYTOCIN RECEPTOR GENE MODULATES BEHAVIORAL AND ATTITUDINAL TRUST AMONG MEN BUT NOT AMONG WOMEN We examined the relationship between the oxytocin receptor gene rs53576 and behavioral and attitudinal trust, finding that the choices of GG men were more trusting and also higher on attitudinal trust than AA men. However, this pattern was not observed among women. Haruto Takagishi1, Kuniyuki NISHINA1, Miho Inoue-Murayama1, Toshio Yamagishi1 1Japan SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE COMPASSIONATE GOALS AS A BUFFER AGAINST INFLAMMATION-ASSOCIATED SOCIAL DISCONNECTION: A STUDY OF ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED COUPLES This study examines the interaction between inflammation, as assessed by the marker C-Reactive Protein, and relational context, as assessed by compassionate goals held toward one’s partner, on perceptions of closeness within that relationship. Findings suggest relational context moderates the effects of inflammation on perceptions of closeness within a romantic relationship. Alexis Keaveney1, Jennifer Crocker1, Katie Lewis1, Baldwin Way1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE THE SOCIAL SIDE-EFFECTS OF ACETAMINOPHEN Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is a popular physical painkiller. Across three experiments, 1000 mg acetaminophen relative to placebo reduced empathic cognition and affect when witnessing pain and increased willingness to inflict pain on others, especially among participants low in dispositional empathic concern. These findings raise questions about the psychosocial costs of acetaminophen. Dominik Mischkowski1, Jennifer Crocker1, Baldwin Way1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE DOES ESSENTIALISM AFFECT INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN RACIAL CATEGORIZATION THRESHOLD? We investigated the relationship between racial essentialism (RE) and racial categorical threshold in Japanese subjects. The participants only showed a higher categorization threshold for the gWhite h category. This modulation appears to be mediated by activity in the bilateral ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Hiroyo Fujita1, Michio Nomura2 1Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2Kyoto Univ. SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE NEURAL ACTIVITY DURING SEXUALLY RISKY DECISION-MAKING MEDIATES THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TRAIT NEGATIVE URGENCY AND RISKY SEX One hundred and seven gay men played a computer game making decisions about sexual risk. Real-life risky sex behavior correlated with trait negative urgency. Riskier subjects had more BOLD contrast in a group of brain regions. Within those regions, left hemisphere activity mediated the relationship between negative urgency and risky sex across participants. Benjamin Smith1, Feng Xue1, Emily Barkley-Levenson2, Vita Droutman1, Lynn Miller1, Stephen Read1 1Univ. of Southern California, 2Hofstra Univ. SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE PERSONAL DISTRESS AND NEURAL MECHANISMS OF SOCIAL INFLUENCE This study examined whether individual differences in personal distress can predict behavioral conformity in an fMRI social influence task. Findings provide insight about neural mechanisms involved when people who experience high self-focused emotional response to uncomfortable social settings change their behavior to conform to popular opinion. Elisa Baek1, Christopher Cascio1, Matthew O’Donnell1, Joseph Bayer2, Francis Tinny, Jr.2, Emily Falk1 1Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2Univ. of Michigan SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 165 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE OPIOID RECEPTOR BLOCKADE INHIBITS INTIMATE DISCLOSURE DURING SOCIAL INTERACTIONS The current study tested the hypothesis that endogenous opioid activity contributes to the formation of social bonds among humans. Previously unacquainted dyads receiving the opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone reported engaging in less intimate self-disclosure during a closeness-building lab task, although feelings of interpersonal connection were not significantly affected. Kristina Tchalova1, Geoff MacDonald2 1McGill Univ., 2Univ. of Toronto SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE NEUROENDOCRINE RESPONSES TO SOCIAL INTERACTIONS: A DUEL OF THE DUAL HORMONES The current study investigated young men’s neuroendocrine responses (i.e., cortisol fluctuations) when interacting with either highly similar or highly dissimilar others who either included or excluded the participant during a group task. Cortisol increased when participants were excluded by dissimilar others, especially when participants had low baseline Testosterone levels. Robert Hitlan1, Cathy DeSoto1 1Univ. of Northern Iowa SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE VISUAL BIAS: STEREOTYPES ALTER THE NEURAL REPRESENTATION OF RACE In two studies combining neuroimaging and mouse-tracking, we show the neural representation of a face’s race is biased by stereotypic expectations based on contextual categories of gender and emotion (Black-male, Asian-female, Black-angry). Thus, stereotyping is not only a consequence of initial categorization but affects initial perceptions of the category itself. Ryan Stolier1, Jon Freeman1 1New York Univ. SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE SOCIAL EXPECTATIONS REVERSE THE EFFECTS OF ACETAMINOPHEN ON ECONOMIC DECISIONMAKING Drawing on recent work that has shown that acetaminophen to blunt affective evaluations, we used a battery of economic games (i.e. trust and ultimatum) to demonstrate that acetaminophen has consistent effects on decisionmaking, but that the direction of the effects depend on whether the individual has high or low expectations. Ian Roberts1, Ian Krajbich1, Baldwin Way1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE STEREOTYPE THREAT ENGENDERS AMYGDALA-BASED MEMORY ENCODING THAT HAS DOWNSTREAM CONSEQUENCES ON PERFORMANCE We investigated the effects of stereotype threat on memory and math performance. Stereotype threatened women exhibited better memory for wrong feedback to the extent they elicited increased amygdala activity to wrong feedback. Further, increased communication between emotion and memory regions to negative feedback predicted underperformance on a math test. Adam Magerman1, Chad Forbes1, Kelly Duran1, Mengting Liu1 1Univ. of Delaware SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE I AM MY OWN REWARD: NARCISSISTS’ VALUATION SYSTEMS DISPROPORTIONATELY REWARD SELF-CENTERED PERSON PERCEPTION AND SOCIAL COGNITION What drives narcissists’ excessive self-absorption in both person perception and social cognition processes? We found that individual differences in narcissism were predicted by heightened neural activation in core reward valuation systems while viewing images of oneself (relative to group members) and making trait judgments about oneself (relative to group members). Noam Zerubavel1, Kevin Ochsner1 1Columbia Univ. 166 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE ADOLESCENTS’ RESTING STATE BRAIN CONNECTIVITY IS POSITIVELY RELATED TO SOCIAL MEDIA USE, BUT NEGATIVELY RELATED TO NON-SOCIAL MEDIA USE 64 adolescents (aged 14-18) reported their social and non-social media use and underwent a resting-state fMRI. Social media use was positively related to default mode network connectivity, while non-social media use was negatively related. Media use may influence social brain development. Shawn Rhoads1, Vivian Rotenstein1, Xiao-Fei Yang1, Mary-Helen Immordino-Yang1 1Univ. of Southern California SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE CLARIFYING RACIAL AMBIGUITY: DIFFERENCES IN NEURAL PROCESSING OF MULTIRACIAL FACES The categorization of racially ambiguous individuals has been found to involve multiple different processes that distinguish them as part of the ingroup or outgroup. Using EEG to analyze event-related potentials (ERPs), we are able to investigate the neural processes involved in the perception of racially ambiguous faces. John Nguyen1, Gandalf Nicolas2, Cheryl Dickter1 1College of William & Mary, 2Princeton University SESSION: H - SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE WHERE IS THE LOVE? INTRANASAL OXYTOCIN IS ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASES IN HOSTILITY. Despite oxytocin being referred to as the “love hormone” data suggests a more complex influence. Loneliness and hostility were measured pre and post random assignment to intranasal oxytocin or a placebo administration. There were no group differences on loneliness but oxytocin was associated with increases in hostility Billy Hagee1, Tiffany Migdat1, Chelsea Romney2, Julianne Holt-Lunstad1 1Brigham Young Univ., 2UCLA SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION THE BUFFERING EFFECT OF SECURITY PRIMING ON INDIVIDUALS’ CHANGES IN CORTISOL IN RESPONSE TO EXCLUSION Researchers examined buffering effects of security priming against participants’ changes in cortisol in response to exclusion. Among participants high in attachment anxiety, security priming was associated with milder increases in cortisol. Negative experiences with early caregivers are associated with physiological dysregulation, which can be treated with security-enhancing stimuli. Maria Frias1 1Univ. of California, Davis SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION INVESTIGATING HOME AS A “SAFE HAVEN” FROM SOCIAL DISTRESS This study tested whether, like social relationships, valued places can provide a distress-buffering “safe haven.” As predicted, when socially excluded, those primed with their home, versus classroom, reported lower felt ostracism. Unexpectedly, secure home attachment predicted greater anxiety, perhaps due to lack of home access among the college sample. Carrie Morrison1, Michael Poulin1 1Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION AWESOME AND TERRIFYING: THE THREATENING SOCIAL IMPACT OF AWE The experience of awe was experimentally compared to other positive and neutral feeling states to assess its affect on social motivations. Experiences of awe show no effect on desires to affiliate with others, but threaten social needs for control, personal meaning, esteem and belonging. Peter Kearns1, James Tyler1 1Purdue Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 167 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION FORECASTING BELONGING: HOW OTHER PEOPLE CAN BENEFIT FROM COMMUNAL AND AGENTIC STRATEGIES WHEN REGULATING BELONGING IN GROUP SETTINGS How are communal (other-oriented) and/or agentic (self-oriented) behavioral strategies associated with feelings of belonging in novel situations? Communion and agency were positively associated with belonging. Furthermore, although researchers forecasted both communal and agentic strategies as important, following a novel situation feeling less belonging was associated with increased communal strategy recommendations. Elizabeth Brown1, Jill Allen2, Jessi Smith3, Christina Collins1, Isidro Landa4, Christina Curti4, Gregg Muragishi4, Dustin Thoman, , , 1Univ. of North Florida, 2Drake Univ., 3 Montana State Univ., 4 California State Univ., Long Beach SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION SINGLE VS. MULTIPLE SOCIAL STRESSORS DIFFERENTIALLY EFFECTS BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVELS AND SELF-REGULATION We examined how a single social stressor (i.e., exclusion during cyberball) versus multiple social stressors (i.e., receiving “future alone” feedback and exclusion during cyberball) impacted blood glucose levels and self-regulation in college students (N = 109). Our findings indicate frequency of stressors differentially impact physiological functioning and self-regulatory responses. Jennifer Knack1, Kara McTamaney1, Danielle Cuddeback1, Brittany Sharlow1, Samantha Williams1, Andrea Loiacano1, Maureen Hannan1 1Clarkson Univ. SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION REGULATORY FOCUS AND RESPONSES TO SOCIAL EXCLUSION The current study examined the effect of social exclusion on participants’ regulatory focus motivations (i.e., promotion vs. prevention focus). Results showed that excluded (vs. accepted) participants demonstrated higher levels of promotion focus. Regulatory focus also had implications for participants’ social reconnection efforts. Katherine Adams1, James Tyler 2 1Purdue Univ., 2Purdue Univesity SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION SOCIAL EXCLUSION, PERCEIVED CONTROL AND ANTICIPATING PHYSICAL HARM Drawing on theory and research linking social and physical vulnerability, we demonstrate that perceived control – both general and event specific – reduces pessimistic predictions of future physical harm among socially excluded (vs. accepted and control) individuals. Kristy Dean1, Joseph Langlois1 1Grand Valley State Univ. SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION COMMUNAL GOAL AFFORDANCES PROMOTE BELONGING AND PERSISTENCE AMONG STEM MAJORS From the goal congruity perspective, we investigate the relationship between the communal perceptions of STEM, belonging in STEM, and plans to continue in the field among STEM undergraduates. Communal perceptions of STEM predict greater STEM belonging. Greater STEM belonging then predicts greater intentions to persist in STEM. Aimee Belanger1, Amanda Diekman1 1Miami Univ. SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION COMFORT OR AFFILIATION?: BEHAVIORAL PREFERENCES FOLLOWING PAIN, FAILURE AND THWARTED BELONGINGNESS Researchers assessed interest in comforting solitary and comforting social behaviors in response to vignettes representing pain, failure and thwarted belongingness. Results suggest previous findings of increased affiliation following thwarted belongingness may be related to the restriction of behavioral choices in the experimental design. Janet Bennett1, Michael Baumann1 1Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 168 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION RISING ABOVE AND SINKING BELOW: REJECTION SENSITIVITY MODERATES THE IMPACT OF POWER ON WISE REASONING We randomly assigned participants a high (supervisor) or low (subordinate) power role in a hypothetical workplace conflict and measured their rejection sensitivity (RS) and wise reasoning (WR). RS did not impact supervisors’ WR. However, subordinates low in RS reasoned more wisely than supervisors, while subordinates high in RS did not. Harrison Oakes1, Igor Grossmann1 1Univ. of Waterloo SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION SIMULTANEOUS AGGRESSIVE AND AFFILIATIVE RESPONSES TO SOCIAL EXCLUSION Research has shown that social exclusion results in both aggressive and affliative motives. However, research has yet to test whether excluded individuals experience both motives simultaneously. To test this question participants received a version of the GNAT test. Results suggest that social exclusion yields both aggressive and affiliative cognitions simultaneously. Kyle Moxley1, Rusty McIntyre2 1Wayne State Univ., 2Eastern Michigan Univ. SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION TALL TALES: WHEN STRETCHING THE TRUTH INCREASES CLOSENESS This research investigated the impact of stretching the truth when sharing a previous experience. Participants watched a video of another student recalling events in an accurate or exaggerated way. Participants reported greater feelings of closeness to the other student after watching the exaggerated recalling compared to the accurate recalling. Holly Cole1, Denise Beike1, Nicole Brandon1 1Univ. of Arkansas SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL EXCLUSION ON PROSOCIAL AND ANTISOCIAL TENDENCIES: A METAANALYSIS Some studies show that social exclusion increases prosocial intentions, whereas other studies show that social exclusion increases antisocial intentions. This meta-analysis examines how between-study variations of situational variables (e.g. type of rejection, relative behavioral cost of reconnection versus aggression, relationship value) can explain these effects of social exclusion. Chin Ming Hui1, Chi Kit Ng1, Judith Choi1 1Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION DOES NEWCOMERS, FULL MEMBERS AND OLD TIMERS EXPERIENCE OF AND RECOVERY FROM OSTRACISM DIFFER? Newcomers’, full members’ and old timers’ experience negative mood and needs threat to a similar extent following ostracism. However, newcomers’ recovery is more efficient, which may be a result of knowing that their status as newcomers is temporary or of previous expectancy to experience difficulties when joining a new group. Maayan Dvir1, Kipling Williams1, Richard Moreland2 1Purdue Univ., 2Univ. of Pittsburgh SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION SAYING REMAINS BELIEVING – EVEN AFTER OSTRACISM In two studies, we investigated subtle positive behavior of ostracized individuals towards the ostracizers. Both ostracized and included individuals tuned their message to those who had previously ostracized vs. included them. In addition, they later showed a memory bias corresponding to that attitude. Anna Giesen1, Gerald Echterhoff1 1Univ. of Münster SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION THE VELVET HAMMER: DO OSTRACIZED TARGETS EXPEL OR EMBRACE THE UNCERTAINTY? The present research investigated factors shaping people’s certainty seeking when rejected for unknown reasons. Using correlational (Study 1) and experimental (Study 2) methods, certainty seeking was repeatedly shown to be affected by the perceived impact of ostracism and targets’ causal attribution. Zhansheng Chen1, Henry Ng1, Kai-Tak Poon2, Kipling Williams3 1The Univ. of Hong Kong, 2The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 3 Purdue Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 169 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL RESPONSES TO AMBIGUOUS ELECTRONIC REJECTION Questionnaires assessed undergraduates’ experiences with being rejected and their responses to interpersonal scenarios. When the receiver/s of an electronic message did not send a response, message senders, especially those with more experiences being rejected, were likely to perceive the lack of response as rejection. Chelsea Esmeier1, Tammy Sonnentag1 1Xavier Univ. SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION PRIMING SOCIAL CLASS IDENTITIES AFFECTS OCCUPATIONAL INTEREST In three studies, we investigated the effects of social class identities (e.g., lower class (LC) vs. working class (WC)) on vocational interest. After measuring group identification and affect (Study 1), we showed that self-identified (Study 2) and experimentally-primed (Study 3) WC college students demonstrate elevated preferences for stereotypical WC occupations. Peter R Ondish1, Michael Kraus1 1Univ. of Illinois SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION EXPRESS YOURSELF!: OSTRACIZED TARGETS REBOUND BETTER USING CONFRONTATION AS A COPING STRATEGY We examined the consequences of confrontation following ostracism. Participants engaged in a virtual group interaction during which they were ostracized. They were allowed to message the ostracizing players. Researchers measured need fulfillment before and after confrontation. Confronters had a quicker recovery of belonging and selfesteem compared to non-confronters. Carla Zimmerman1, Adrienne Carter-Sowell1 1Texas A&M Univ. SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION SOCIAL HYPERSENSITIVITY INJURES SELF-ESTEEM AFTER CYBERBALL EXCLUSION People who were more socially hypersensitive, compared to those less hypersensitive, reacted with decreased selfesteem after Cyberball exclusion. Of the five feedback conditions manipulated in the experiment (exclusion, inclusion, fair, ambiguous exclusion and ambiguous inclusion), only the exclusion condition interacted with social hypersensitivity to predict a change in self-esteem. Kaite Yang1, Mina Cikara2, Joan Girgus3 1Stockton Univ., 2Harvard Univ., 3 Princeton Univ. SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION THE ROLE OF LONELINESS IN SMOKING BEHAVIORS AND INTENTIONS In a survey study, feelings of loneliness predicted being a smoker and extent of smoking behavior. Further, the motive to smoke to connect mediated this effect. In an experiment, people in a rejection condition reported more craving and intention to smoke if their strong social ties were smokers. Michael Prentice1, Andrew Hertel2 1Univ. of Missouri, 2Knox College SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION PRESENT BUT INVISIBLE: PHYSICAL OBSCURITY FOSTERS SOCIAL DISCONNECTION We feel disconnected when others avoid our gaze. Do we feel similarly when others are unable to meet our gaze? In three studies, we examined whether feelings of loneliness and disconnection can arise when others are unable to sense our physical presence. Findings confirm that invisibility induces loneliness. Megan Knowles1, Kristy Dean2 1Franklin & Marshall College, 2Grand Valley State Univ. SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL SUPPORT BENEFITS MOOD FOR THE TARGETS OF REJECTION BUT NOT THE FRIENDS WHO PROVIDE THE SUPPORT Following rejection, undergraduate students were randomly assigned to one of four levels of social support from a close friend to examine any mood benefit to the dyad. Direct support resulted in better mood outcomes than non-direct support for the target of rejection but not for the friend providing the support. Jennifer Zwolinski1, Kelly McCarthy1, Ingrid Filakousky1 1UC San Diego 170 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION CHOOSING “FRIENDS” OVER FRIENDS: PARASOCIAL CHOICES FOLLOWING REJECTION Previous research has examined outcomes of assigned parasocial vs. social reparation strategies following rejection, but who chooses a parasocial strategy over a social one, and what are the outcomes of such a choice? We present evidence regarding individual differences in both the tendency to make, and consequences of parasocial reparation. Lindsey Osterman1, Carolyn Powell1, Michalla Braford1, Alexander Carr1 1Roanoke College SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION TEXT MESSAGE VS. FACE-TO-FACE CRITICISM FOLLOWING A STRESSFUL TASK: DOES MODE OF COMMUNICATION MATTER? The impact of negative interactions via text message is not well understood. Using a lab-based experimental design, the current study aimed to determine if there are differences in self-reported stress and affect when receiving criticism face-to face or via text message following an acute stressor. Drew DeClerck1, Alison Tracy1, Nicole Legg1, Michael Woodworth1, Susan Holtzman1 1Univ. of British Columbia SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION PREDICTIVE RELATIONS BETWEEN CHILDREN’S REJECTION SENSITIVITY, NEGATIVE EMOTIONALITY AND PROBLEM BEHAVIOR IN A FOUR-WAVE LONGITUDINAL STUDY This study derives children’s angry and anxious rejection sensitivity (RS) scores from the California Child Q-sort (CCQ) to investigate the longitudinal relationship between children’s RS, negative emotionality and problem behavior across a four-wave study spanning six years. Findings demonstrate these variables’ reciprocal effects on each other during child development. Theresa Murzyn1, Daniel Hart1, Nancy Eisenberg2 1Rutgers Univ. - Camden, 2 Arizona State Univ. SESSION: I - BELONGING/REJECTION LACKING VS. WANTING SOCIAL SUPPORT: THEIR UNIQUE ROLES IN MEDIATING THE LINK BETWEEN PEER VICTIMIZATION AND HEALTH Peer victimization is associated with myriad of negative mental and physical health outcomes. However, little is known about how being bullied affects the way people process information. Our findings provide evidence that this association is accounted for by both the need to belong and thwarting of relatedness needs. Aaliyah Gibbons1, Jennifer Knack1, Lisa Legault1 1Clarkson University SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS HAPPIER ALL TOGETHER: REPORTS OF CLOSENESS TO BABY PREDICTS MARITAL CLOSENESS DURING THE TRANSITION TO PARENTHOOD Longitudinal daily diaries of couples transitioning into parenthood indicate that both own reports of felt closeness to baby and perceptions of partner’s closeness to baby are predictive of marital closeness. Predictive power of own and partner’s closeness to baby varies between mothers and fathers as well as across diary period. Courtney Walsh1, Marci Gleason1 1Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE IMPACT OF GRIT ON RELATIONSHIP QUALITY This study sought to determine the influence grit has on relationship quality (satisfaction, commitment and investment). The results from 155 participants show that those high in grit had significantly higher relationship satisfaction, commitment and investments, and that grit’s association with each was fully mediated by relationship self-efficacy. Martika Hubbard1, Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr.2 1UC San Diego, 2Monmouth Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 171 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS LEARNING TO LET IT GO: RELATIONSHIP AUTONOMY PREDICTS MORE FORGIVENESS AND ACCOMMODATION IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS The present research examines the role of motivation in pro-relationship behaviors. Two studies (one cross-sectional, one diary, N=330) provide evidence that autonomous motivation for being in one’s relationship is positively associated with accommodation (Study 1) and forgiveness (Studies 1 and 2). This research furthers emerging research on motivation in relationships. Benjamin Hadden1, Zachary Baker1, C. Knee1 1Univ. of Houston SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS WE HYPOTHESIZED THAT PHYSICAL ATTRACTIVENESS CUES ATTENTION TO OTHERS’ SELFCONTROL, PARTICULARLY AMONG PEOPLE WHO HAVE HIGH SELF-CONTROL THEMSELVES. INDIVIDUALS HIGH IN SELF-CONTROL PERCEIVED ATTRACTIVE OTHERS’ SELF-CONTROL MORE ACCURATELY AND WERE INTERESTED IN FURTHER CONVERSATION WITH ATTRACTIVE OTHERS ONLY WHEN THE ATTRACTIVE OTHERS WERE ALSO HIGH IN SELF-CONTROL. We hypothesized that physical attractiveness cues attention to others’ self-control, particularly among people who have high self-control themselves. Individuals high in self-control perceived attractive others’ self-control more accurately and were interested in further conversation with attractive others only when the attractive others were also high in self-control. Jerica Bornstein1, Michelle vanDellen2 1Univ. of Texas, 2Univ. of Georgia SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS YOU’RE ONLY AS OLD AS YOU TYPE: THE USE OF MEDIATED INTERACTION ACROSS THE LIFESPAN How do people use technology-mediated interactions in their social lives? We collected data from three samples (n=813). Participants report 30+ hours of mediated interaction over two days, and media use correlates differently with attitudes, outcomes and individual differences across age groups. Jenna Clark1, Sara Algoe1, Melanie Green2 1Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2Univ. at Buffalo SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE ROLE OF PATHOLOGICAL NARCISSISM IN MAKING ACCURATE JUDGMENTS OF DISCLOSURE AND SOCIAL SUPPORT The research investigated whether pathological grandiosity and vulnerability are linked to the degree of bias (i.e., assumed similarity) and accuracy (i.e., self-informant agreement) in reports of disclosure and social support in a sample of 103 college roommates. Results suggest that both phenotypic expressions are related to accuracy. Iseel Yanez1, Conrad Corretti1, Robert Ackerman1 1The Univ. of Texas at Dallas SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS GETTING WHAT YOU WANT VS. WHAT YOU NEED: IDEAL PREFERENCES, NEED FULFILLMENT AND RELATIONSHIP OUTCOMES We examined the contributions of ideal partner preferences and need fulfillment on relationship outcomes. Greater ideal-current partner match and greater need fulfillment predicted more positive relationship outcomes. Both need fulfillment and ideal preferences uniquely contributed to satisfaction and dissolution consideration; however, only idealcurrent match predicted relationship-enhancing behavioral intentions and commitment. Sabrina Thai1, Michelle Hu1, Penelope Lockwood1 1Univ. of Toronto SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ATTACHMENT STYLE, EMPATHY AND SCHADENFREUDE: HOW CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS INFLUENCE REACTIONS TOWARD OTHERS IN NEED We investigated the role of individual differences on empathy, distress and schadenfreude toward advantaged and disadvantaged targets. Participants reported more distress (especially anxious people), more empathy and less schadenfreude toward suffering, disadvantaged others. We also developed and validated a new scale of “trait” schadenfreude, as no such scale currently exists. Alison Baren1, Claudia Brumbaugh2 1The Graduate Center, City Univ. of New York, 2Queens College, City Univ. of New York 172 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS EVOLUTIONARY EXPLANATIONS FOR SEX DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES IN NONMARITAL BREAKUP EXPERIENCES This self-report online survey study (N=410) investigates recovery period required for a nonmarital breakup based on evolutionarily relevant characteristics of an ex-partner. It also investigates sex differences in post-breakup emotions based on evolutionary theory. Results revealed sex differences in post-breakup emotions, not sex differences in expartner characteristics affecting recovery period. Tara DeLecce1, Glenn Weisfeld1 1Wayne State Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE PERSONALITY STRUCTURE OF PERSONS WITH CONTEXT-DEPENDENT INSECURE ATTACHMENT Context-Dependent Insecure Attachment (CDIA) is where anxious or avoidant tendencies manifest depending on relational context. Participants used the CAQ to describe their personality, while CDIA was assessed via interview. CDIA was related to automatic and moralistic thinking, sullenness, emotional constriction, superficial interpersonal behavior emphasizing sexuality and a lack of self-insight. Kevin Carlson1, Isabelle Kaplan1 1Scripps College SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS SEEKING RELATIONSHIP ADVICE: FOR WHOM COMMITMENT MATTERS We explored predictors of relationship advice-seeking in a sample of 259 college students. Using measures of adviceseeking, attachment and relationship commitment, we found that attachment anxiety significantly and positively predicted advice-seeking, whereas attachment avoidance reached significance in predicting advice seeking only when participants reported higher levels of relationship commitment. Ezgi Besikci1, Christopher Agnew1 1Purdue Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS MEANS AND ENDS IN RELATIONSHIPS: TRANSFERENCE SHIFTS THE “HOW” OF GOAL PURSUIT Three experiments examined the hierarchical nature of goal pursuit in interpersonal relationships. In the context of transference, the relationship with the activated significant-other representation contextualizes the pursuit of the superordinate goal by prompting the precise subgoal that is more proximally pursued, i.e., the means of superordinate goal pursuit. Janet Ahn1, Susan Andersen2 1Columbia Univ., 2New York Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS BEAUTY AND THE BREADWINNER: AN ONLINE-DATING EXPERIMENT EXAMINES MEN’S ATTRACTION TO A WOMAN AS A FUNCTION OF HER PHYSICAL ATTRACTIVENESS AND FINANCIAL SUCCESS Researchers examined men’s impressions of women as a function of the woman’s physical attractiveness and income. An online-dating experiment showed that men display less attraction towards typically attractive women who are of high-income compared to low-income, and towards highly attractive women who are of low-income compared to high-income. Alexandra Fisher1, Danu Stinson1 1Univ. of Victoria SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS DON’T EVEN ASK: HOW PERCEIVING A PARTNER AS HAVING LOW SELF-ESTEEM CAN INFLUENCE SOCIAL SUPPORT Perceptions of partner’s self-esteem influences interpersonal processes. Two studies demonstrated that individuals who perceived their partners as having low self-esteem view them as less capable, leading to a decreased willingness to share their problems (Study 1) and to solicit support (Study 2). This process also undermined perceived relationship quality. Alex Hirniak1, Justin Cavallo1 1Wilfrid Laurier Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 173 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS SPOUSAL AUTONOMY SUPPORT AND WELL-BEING OF INDIVIDUALS WITH CHRONIC PAIN: A DYADIC LONGITUDINAL STUDY We examined the association between spousal autonomy support and psychological well-being of individuals with chronic pain (ICPs). We collected dyadic longitudinal data from 130 ICPs and their spouses. Perceived spousal autonomy support predicted higher well-being of ICPs and partner-reported autonomy support moderated this association. Ahmet Uysal1, Esra A?ç?gil1, Gamze Turunç1 1Middle East Technical Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS SUPPRESSING NEGATIVE AND AMPLIFYING POSITIVE EMOTIONS IS ASSOCIATED WITH COSTS TO AUTHENTICITY AND WELL-BEING DURING PARENTAL CAREGIVING How do parents feel when they regulate their emotional expressions? Across an experiment and 7-day daily experience study, suppressing negative and amplifying positive emotions predicted lower felt authenticity for parents during childcare. In turn, lower authenticity detracted from parents’ emotional well-being, relationship quality and responsiveness to their children’s needs. Bonnie Le1, Emily Impett2 1Univ. of Toronto, 2Univ. of Toronto Mississauga SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE ROLE OF PARTNER RESPONSIVENESS IN PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL WELL-BEING: FINDINGS FROM A 10-YEAR LONGITUDINAL STUDY Partner responsiveness predicted steeper (i.e., healthier) diurnal cortisol profiles and higher psychological well-being 10 years later. Long-term declines in trait negative affect mediated the effect of responsiveness on cortisol, and reduced negative reactivity to daily stressors mediated the effect of responsiveness on psychological well-being. Emre Selçuk1, Anthony Ong2, Richard Slatcher3, Gül Günayd?n4, David Almedia5 1Middle East Technical Univ., 2Cornell Univ., 3Wayne State Univ., 4Bilkent Univ., 5The Pennsylvania State Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS TWO FACES OF FORGIVENESS: MOTIVES FOR FORGIVENESS SHAPE RELATIONSHIP WELL-BEING FOLLOWING TRANSGRESSIONS With few exceptions, the forgiveness literature has largely overlooked how victims affect relationship recovery. We examined how motives for forgiveness shape both partners’ outcomes. Results from two studies suggest that victims’ other-focused motives led to both people’s positive outcomes, whereas their other-focused motives led to negative outcomes for both. Amy Canevello1, Nicole Hilaire2 1Univ. of North Carolina, Charlotte, 2Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS PERCEIVED MENTOR AFFIRMATION: THE KEY TO MENTEE WELLBEING? This research examines how perceived mentor affirmation affects mentee personal wellbeing and satisfaction with the mentoring relationship. Findings from two experimental studies revealed that as predicted, mentees expected to experience greater movement towards their career goals, positive affect and satisfaction with an affirming mentor compared to other types. Mubeena Nowrung1, Madoka Kumashiro1, Nigel Guenole1 1Goldsmiths, Univ. of London SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS HOW ARE IDEAL PARTNER PREFERENCES JUDGED IN FACES? This research explored the validity of using highly variable face stimuli as measures of Fletcher et al.’s (1999) ideal partner factors and it investigated which factors are prioritised. Findings revealed a three-factor structure, in which a vitality-attractiveness factor (sexy, attractiveness, adventurousness and vitality) accounted for 50% variance of partner preferences. Jennifer South Palomares1, Prof. Andy Young1 1Univ. of York 174 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE LONG-TERM ATTRACTIVENESS OF WIDOWERS This study tested the attractiveness of widowers in two experiments. The first experiment showed that relationship status had a significant effect on participants’ perceptions of the target as a long-term mate with the widowed man as the most attractive. The second experiment replicated the first experiment with a non-college sample. Cory Scherer1, Hartmut Heep1 1Penn State Univ.-Schuylkill SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE POWER OF DISNEY’S PRINCESS MOVIES: LONGITUDINAL LINKS BETWEEN MOVIE CONSUMPTION, RELATIONSHIP BELIEFS AND ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP QUALITY Structural models (N=1388 participants) and path models (N=95 couples) suggested engaging Disney movies predicted increases in growth-oriented beliefs and decreases in distorted views on conflict over six months. Romantic ideals and distorted views on conflict predicted residual drops in partner’s satisfaction whereas growth oriented beliefs predicted residual increases in satisfaction. Ronald Rogge1, Shelby Campo1 1Univ. of Rochester SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS RELATIONSHIP QUALITY AND SEXUAL HEALTH IN FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS RELATIONSHIPS Friends with benefits relationships (FWBR) are sexual relationships with friendship components. Researchers assessed relationship quality, commitment, trust and sexual health among participants in FWBR, who tended to be either supportive or ambivalent. While ambivalent relationships were associated with poorer relational variables, they were not associated with poorer sexual health outcomes. Sarah Haydock1, Ashley Tracas1, Allison Vaughn1 1San Diego State Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS JEALOUSY AS AN INDICATOR OF LESS THAN OPTIMAL SELF-EXPANSION This study investigated the relationship between discrepancies in perceived self-expansion and jealousy. We hypothesized a positive correlation between desiring more expansion and jealousy, due to perceived threat to selfexpansion opportunities. Results supporting our main hypothesis approached significance, having implications on the conceptualization of jealousy and breadth of the self-expansion model. Jabeene Bhimji1, Xiaomeng (Mona) Xu1, Jennifer Tomlinson2 1Idaho State Univ., 2Colgate Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS WORD USE AS A REFLECTION OF DYADIC ADJUSTMENT IN COUPLES COPING WITH BREAST CANCER Dyadic adjustment manifests itself though everyday word use in marriage. The Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR) recorded sound-clips from couples coping with breast cancer over one weekend. Actor Partner Interdependence Models (APIM) estimated positive relationships between positive-words and adjustment, while negative-words related negatively. Spouses’ I-talk and patients’ you-talk also positively related. Word use can objectively reflect marital quality. Alex Karan1, Robert Wright1, Megan Robbins1 1Univ. of California, Riverside SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE NEWSFEED BLUES: LONELINESS, MOOD AND SOCIAL OBSERVATION ON FACEBOOK A daily diary study of Facebook activity examined the effect of social observation of friends and one’s romantic partner via Facebook on loneliness and mood. Participants associated viewing the Facebook activity of friends and one’s romantic partner with greater daily loneliness and negative mood, but not with positive mood. Melissa Johnson1, Carolyn Cutrona1 1Iowa State Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 175 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS COMPARING COMMUNICATION STYLES IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN ASIANS AND WHITES This research investigated whether Asians and Whites use different communication styles in their romantic relationships. Findings indicated that Asians engaged in more indirect communication in romantic relationships than did Whites, even after controlling for people’s perceptions of the qualities of communication, such as appropriateness, effectiveness and positivity. Fiona Ge1, Paula Pietromonaco1 1Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS HELPING EACH OTHER GROW: BENEFITS OF PARTNER SUPPORT FOR SELF-EXPANSION IN RETIREMENT A longitudinal study of 100 couples examines how partner support for self-expansion predicts positive changes in self-concept size and diversity six months later during the transition to retirement. Additionally, a more expanded selfconcept at Time 1 predicts increased self-expansion, growth goals, health and satisfaction with retirement at Time 2. Jennifer Tomlinson1, Brooke Feeney2 1Colgate Univ., 2Carnegie Mellon Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION AMONG OLDER COUPLES: IMPLICATIONS FOR NEGATIVE MARITAL QUALITY This study examined links between dyadic patterns of drinking and negative marital quality among older couples. Longitudinal models revealed that couples with discordant drinking status (drank at all in the last three months paired with nondrinker) reported greater negative relationship quality over time. Kira Birditt1, James Cranford1, Jasmine Manalel1, Wylie Wan1 1Univ. of Michigan SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS BELIEF-THREAT INCREASES COMMITMENT TO CLOSE OTHERS WHO HOLD MAJORITY BELIEFS IN ONE’S CLOSE SOCIAL GROUP Exposure to evolution evidence led people with religious friends to increase commitment to belief-shared relationships and decrease commitment to belief-unshared relationships. However, following the same evidence, people with nonreligious friends increased commitment to belief-unshared relationships and decreased commitment to belief-shared relationships. Matthew Goldberg1, Cheryl Carmichael1, Curtis Hardin1 1Brooklyn College, CUNY SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS LATE ADOLESCENCE: A CRITICAL PERIOD FOR FRIENDSHIP INVESTMENT STRATEGY? This study examines whether mobility during a particular developmental period predicts more diversified friendship strategy. Adult MTurkers who had changed schools during ages 19-22 tended to spread time and energy across more friends and show stronger attachments to parents over friends, compared with those who did not change schools. Claire Yee1, Oliver Sng1, Michelle Shiota1, Douglas Kenrick1 1Arizona State Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS WILL YOU BE THERE FOR ME?: COMMITMENT AND THE ROLE OF PERCEIVED PARTNER FUTURE ROMANTIC PLANS We examined whether individuals consider their partner’s future romantic plans for the relationship in determining their own commitment levels. Results showed that perceived partner future plans predicted one’s own commitment level, and that inducing one to think about perceived future plans from one’s partner increased one’s commitment level as well. Kenneth Tan1, Christopher Agnew1 1Purdue Univ. 176 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS IMPLICIT THEORIES OF RELATIONSHIPS: EXAMINING THEIR ROLES IN ATTRIBUTIONS AND COPING FROM A LONGITUDINAL PERSPECTIVE This is a longitudinal study examining how intimates’ Implicit Theories of Relationships affect relationship outcomes over time. Research shows time 1 Growth and Destiny beliefs to predict Time 2 attributions for relationship events and coping styles, as well as Time 3 relationship satisfaction. Justus Wee1, Evelyn Au1 1Singapore Management Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS REASSESSING THE INTEGRATED MODEL OF ADVICE-GIVING IN SUPPORTIVE INTERACTIONS: THE MODERATING ROLES OF NEED FOR COGNITION AND COMMUNICATION STYLE The present study tested the moderating effects of need for cognition and communication style in advice with EPA sequence (Emotional support; Problem inquiry and analysis; Advice). Results showed that need for cognition and communication style moderated the effect of advice with or without emotional support on recipients’ facilitation of coping. Ildo Kim1, Bo Feng1, JooYoung Jang1, Bingqing Wang1 1Univ. of California, Davis SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS CHEERING-UP IN THE BEDROOM! POSITIVE AFFECTIVE CONSEQUENCES OF HAVING SEX: THE MEDIATING ROLE OF AFFECTIONATE EXCHANGES To investigate the momentary effects of sex on mood, researchers conducted an experience sampling study of 106 couples. Multilevel analyses showed that sexual activity reports were associated with more positive affect the following morning. Experiences of affection partially mediated this association. Moreover, the sex-mood association predicted long-term partner relationship satisfaction. Anik Debrot1, Nathalie Meuwly1, Dominik Schoebi1 1Univ. of Fribourg, Switzerland SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN PERCEIVED PARTNER RESPONSIVENESS AND WELLBEING ARE MODERATED BY CULTURE AND SELF-CONSTRUAL This study investigated the moderating effects of country and interdependent self-construal on the association between perceived partner responsiveness and wellbeing. The comparison between the U.S. and Japan revealed stronger effects of PPR on wellbeing for the U.S., while interdependent self-construal was found to attenuate the effects of low PPR. Elena Corriero1, Richard Slatcher1 1Wayne State Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS CONCORDANCE BETWEEN ADOLESCENTS’ AND THEIR MOTHERS’ EVALUATION OF MATERNAL AUTONOMY SUPPORT Researchers explored concordance between adolescent and mother evaluations of maternal autonomy support (AS). Results showed that adolescents who perceive high AS report higher life satisfaction regardless of mothers’ perception. However, for adolescents with more controlling mothers, participants reporterd higher life satisfaction when mothers recognize their tendency to use controlling strategies. Marie-Claude Beaudet-Ménard1, Fanny Grenier1, Jean-Michel Robichaud1, Joëlle Carpentier 2, Diana Cardenas1, Roxane de la Sablonnière1, Geneviève A. Mageau, Ph.D.1 1Université de Montréal, 2Université McGill SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS IT’S ABOUT BEING BETTER: SEXUAL NARCISSISTS AND SEXUAL SOCIAL COMPARISONS IN RELATIONSHIPS Are sexual narcissists more strongly influenced by sexual social comparisons, and does this influence sexual satisfaction? To investigate, we conducted four studies in which participants made sexual social comparisons. Sexual narcissists were more sensitive to sexual social comparisons than those low in sexual narcissism, which led to lower sexual satisfaction. Lisa Day1, Amy Muise1, Emily Impett1 1Univ. of Toronto SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 177 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS POLYAMOROUS RELATIONSHIPS: UNDERSTANDING RELATIONSHIP ACCEPTANCE AND ROMANTIC SECRECY WITH PRIMARY AND SECONDARY PARTNERS In a convenience sample of 3,530 polyamorous individuals, we compared relationship acceptance and romantic secrecy across participants’ primary and secondary relationships. Meaningful differences emerged, such that participants reported less acceptance from friends and family and greater romantic secrecy for secondary partners compared to primary partners. Rhonda Balzarini1, Lorne Campbell1, Bjarne Holmes2, Justin Lehmiller3, Jennifer Harman4, Nicole Atkins5 1Univ. of Western Ontario, 2Champlain College, 3 Ball State Univ., 4 Colorado State Univ., 5Portland State Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE EFFECT OF RELATIONSHIP VIOLENCE ON WOMEN’S SEXUAL RISK-TAKING: THE ROLE OF ATTACHMENT AND REGULATORY FOCUS Three studies assessed the association between women’s experiences of relationship violence and risky sex. We found that victimization increases the likelihood of risky sex. Avoidant attachment mediates this relationship, and prevention regulatory focus moderates it. These effects are specific to sexual behavior, and do not extend to other risk behaviors. Jackie Woerner1, Catalina Kopetz1 1Wayne State Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES OF ONLINE DECEPTIVE ROMANCE (AKA CATFISH RELATIONSHIPS) Catfishing refers to online deception with the intent to pursue a romantic relationship. We examined the degree of satisfaction, intimacy, passionate love and commitment in catfish relationships. Levels of each construct were low compared to traditional relationships and perpetrators reported greater satisfaction and passionate love than victims. Rachel Milburn1, Silvana Johnson1, Nina Calub1, Kelly Campbell1 1California State Univ. San Bernardino SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS HOW DO CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS CHANGE THE SELF-CONCEPT?: A TWO-DIMENSIONAL MODEL Individuals in close relationships perceive self-concept changes across four distinct processes: self-expansion (gain positive traits), self-adulteration (gain negative traits), self-contraction (lose positive traits) and self-pruning (lose negative traits). Across two studies, these self-processes predicted a variety of positive (e.g., commitment, accommodation) and negative (e.g., dissolution, revenge) relational variables. Kevin P. McIntyre1, Brent A. Mattingly2, Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr.3 1Trinity Univ., 2Ursinus College, 3 Monmouth Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS RELATIONAL IDENTITY PREDICTS REFLECTION, SOCIAL COMPARISON AND CARE IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS Relational identity is a stable personality trait with multiple components capturing how people define themselves via close relationship partners. In 164 individuals (82 romantic couples) measured, relational identity components predicts the past month’s engagement in a variety of relationship behaviors. Researchers discussed the individual and dyadic implications. Jennifer Hirsch1, Margaret Clark1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS PEOPLE PREFER TO INTERACT WITH EMOTIONALLY SYNCHRONOUS PARTNERS We assessed participants’ interest in interacting with a partner based on the degree of similarity between their reported emotional reactions to a video. Participants expressed greater interest in interacting with partners who shared their exact emotions, rather than either those who shared their broad affect, or who reported opposite emotions Grace Larson1, Wendi Gardner1 1Northwestern Univ. 178 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS RELATIONAL DISCREPANCIES AND RELATIONAL OUTCOMES IN EMERGING ADULT DATING COUPLES This study utilized Relational Discrepancy Theory (RDT; Robins & Boldero, 2003) to explore the evaluation processes romantic partners engage in. RDT states that perceived self-partner discrepancies on salient relational domains influence relational outcomes. Supporting RDT, findings indicated strong associations between perceived self-partner discrepancies and emotions, conflict and overall relationship satisfaction. Leela Holman1, Kris Bursik1 1Suffolk Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS WOMEN’S RELATIONSHIP COMMITMENT PREDICTS SELF-PRESENTATION WITH AVAILABLE ALTERNATIVES Does relationship commitment predict self-presentation with alternative partners? Women chose outfits for a hypothetical dinner with an available or unavailable male friend. Less (vs. more) committed women chose more attractive outfits for dinner with the available other, suggesting that women’s self-presentation toward available alternatives fluctuates as a function of commitment. Kori Krueger1, Amanda Forest1, Ed Orehek1 1Univ. of Pittsburgh SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS “GAYMING” ALL NIGHT LONG: OUTNESS AND SOCIAL SUPPORT OF LGBT GAMERS This study examined the online social support of LGBT gamers. Although time online predicted low levels of outness and negative experiences and coping mechanisms, feelings of rejection and using denial, emotional support, and instrumental support to cope predicted reports of receiving social support by an online gaming friend. Adam Everson1, Alicia Lyon Limke1 1Univ. of Central Oklahoma SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE POWER OF CREATIVITY AND CREATIVE MINDSETS IN SPARKING ROMANTIC PASSION Four studies tested the hypothesis that creativity, both dispositional and momentarily induced, may increase romantic passion in established relationships. Results from experimental, longitudinal and correlational designs suggest that creative individuals experience more romantic passion for their partners and that priming creativity can boost romantic passion. Kathleen Carswell1, Eli Finkel1 1Northwestern Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS A TEST OF TWO MATE-ATTRACTION STRATEGIES: EXAMINING THE ROLE OF CLOTHING COLOR AND TYPE ON SEXUAL RECEPTIVITY We manipulated shirt color (red/white, Study 1; red/blue, Study 2) and type (tank-top/long-sleeved) to assess its effect on ratings of sexual receptivity and attractiveness. Women viewed women in red and in the red tank-top as more sexually receptive, whereas men viewed the woman in the tank-top as more sexually receptive. Christine Kershaw1, Angela Receveur1, Charles Hunt1, Erin O’Mara1 1Univ. of Dayton SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS HUMAN MATE POACHING TACTICS ARE EFFECTIVE: EVIDENCE FROM A DYADIC PROSPECTIVE STUDY ON OPPOSITE-SEX “FRIENDSHIPS” Forty-seven pairs of opposite-sex friends completed five weekly surveys. Researchers found that actors’ mate poaching behaviors are effective in reducing targets’ commitment to romantic rivals, increasing targets’ perceptions of actors’ mate value, and increasing targets’ romantic and sexual desire for actors, over time. Noah Wolf1, Edward Lemay1 1Univ. of Maryland SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 179 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS LOVING UNCONDITIONALLY: DEMOGRAPHIC CORRELATES OF THE AGAPIC LOVE STYLE Agapic (also called compassionate or altruistic) love is of interest to relationship scholars in part because of its association with prosocial behavior. This investigation explored demographic correlates of agapic love among university students. Men scored significantly higher than did women; however, neither age nor ethnicity was correlated with love scores. Pamela Regan1, Susan Sprecher2 1CSU Los Angeles, 2Illinois State Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS A QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF DESIRE AND AROUSAL IN LESBIAN WOMEN Few studies have examined the sexual response of women in same-sex relationships. Researchers interviewed 20 lesbian women regarding subjective experiences, influences and changes concerning sexual desire and arousal. Results indicated that experiences of sexual response were variable, both responsive and spontaneous, and highly dependent upon the context of the relationship. Jessica Wood1, Ashley Ronson1, Robin Milhausen1 1Univ. of Guelph SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS CONSTRUAL LEVEL AND CONFLICT COGNITION IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS Two studies investigated the effect of construal level manipulations on how individuals in romantic relationships think about unresolved conflict. Compared to a low construal induction, high construal manipulations led to more use of relationship-focused language and stronger intentions to address and resolve important sources of disagreement. Marika Yip-Bannicq1, Patrick Shrout1, Yaacov Trope1 1New York Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ATTACHMENT, SAFE SEX DISCUSSIONS AND CONDOM USE INTENTIONS As condom use is inconsistent among young adults, it is important to explore factors that impact safe sex. This study sought to show how attachment styles and safe sex discussion impact condom use intentions. Results yielded that safe sex discussions mediate the link between avoidant attachment and condom use intentions. Bryce Moore1, Patricia Cartwright1, Alison Patev1, Kristina Hood1 1Mississippi State Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS “BABY, LET’S TALK IT OUT”: THE KEY ROLE OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS The ways in which couples communicate with each other play an imperative role in how satisfied they are in their romantic relationship. The current study sheds light on the significant mediating role of conflict management strategies regarding the relation between self-esteem and relationship satisfaction in both interracial and intraracial relationships. Parnia Haj-Mohamadi1, Shanhong Luo2 1Univ. of Kansas, 2Univ. of North Carolina Wilmington SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ATTITUDES TOWARD MORALLY AMBIGUOUS BEHAVIOR IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS The ethical boundaries for behavior that occurs within adolescent romantic relationships may be difficult to discern. Selterman & Koelva (2013) demonstrated that a permissive view of morally ambiguous behavior could be predicted using measures of morality. We extended this finding by including a host of trait and relationship-experience predictor variables. Melissa Heerboth1 1Mercyhurst Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS MENTAL REPRESENTATION DURING RELATIONSHIP THREAT: THE ROLE OF CONSTRUAL LEVEL IN INTERPERSONAL SELF-CONTROL Romantic partners encounter myriad threats to relationship maintenance. Commitment coupled with self-control helps them to resist these temptations. Across three studies examining attribution for partner behavior and devaluation of alternatives, we investigate whether abstract mental construal helps to facilitate self-control in the face of relationshipthreatening temptation for committed partners. Jeffrey Bowen1, Nancy Collins1 1Univ. of California, Santa Barbara 180 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS SEEKING RELATIONSHIP ADVICE: FOR WHOM COMMITMENT MATTERS We explored predictors of relationship advice-seeking in a sample of 259 college students. Using measures of adviceseeking, attachment and relationship commitment, we found that attachment anxiety significantly and positively predicted advice-seeking, whereas attachment avoidance reached significance in predicting advice seeking only when participants reported higher levels of relationship commitment. Ezgi Besikci1, Christopher Agnew1 1Purdue Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS AUTONOMY AND THE BIGGER PICTURE: MOTIVATION AND COGNITION IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS How does motivation affect relationship cognition? This study examined the association between motivation and construal level in romantic relationships. We found that more intrinsic and identified motivations were associated with higher-level relationship construals, and that autonomous motivation and higher-level construals were positively associated with relationship quality. Serena Chapman1, M. Joy McClure1 1Adelphi University SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS BEYOND THE SELF: EFFECTS OF INVISIBLE SOCIAL SUPPORT ON SITUATIONAL AND INTERPERSONAL ATTRIBUTIONS Prior research suggests that “invisible” (indirect) support is often more beneficial than “visible” (direct) support. This research identifies implications of receiving visible versus invisible support for recipients’ feelings of indebtedness and appraisals of a laboratory stressor. Results reveal that the effects of support visibility color perceptions of the social context. Emma Routhier1, Abdiel Flores1, Katherine Zee1, Niall Bolger1 1Columbia Univ. SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE EFFECTS OF BIOLOGICAL SEX, RELIGIOSITY, AND PAST EXPERIENCES WITH CHEATING ON PERCEPTIONS OF INFIDELITY The relationship between past experiences with infidelity, biological sex, and religiosity was examined when predicting perceptions of infidelity. A significant interaction was produced demonstrating that those who reported being both religious and cheated on in a previous relationship reported more items as constituting infidelity, however this only held for females. Kimberlee Staats1, Alexander Nagurney1 1Univ. of Hawaii at Hilo SESSION: I - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME: NARCISSISM AND PERCEPTIONS OF SEXUAL INTEREST The current study examined the relationship between narcissism, psychological entitlement, and perceptions of sexual interest from others. Narcissism and psychological entitlement was positively correlated with perceived sexual interest. However, narcissism was unrelated to interest in the target, whereas psychological entitlement had a negative relationship with interest. Elizabeth Lundholm1, Anthony Hermann122 1Bradley University, 2n/a SESSION: I - EMOTION AWE AND SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION Three studies examined the relationship between awe and attitudes towards scientific explanation as a source of compensatory control. Awe decreased the perceived explanatory power of science for the theistic, and increased preference for scientific theories emphasizing order (vs. randomness) for the non-theistic. Jun Park1, Sara Gottlieb2, Piercarlo Valdesolo3 1Pomona College, 2Univ. of California, Berkeley, 3 Claremont McKenna College SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 181 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - EMOTION TRAIT SELF-CONTROL PREDICTS ATTENTIONAL BIAS TO REWARD Self-control may help individuals to regulate emotions by focusing on rewards versus threats. In this experiment, participants exercised self-control or did not, and then completed a dot-probe task. Participants with higher trait selfcontrol showed a reward bias, but only in the no depletion condition. Adrienne Crowell1, Brandon Schmeichel1 1Texas A&M Univ. SESSION: I - EMOTION WHEN POWER INCREASES GRATITUDE Contrary to previous research we find evidence in three studies that individuals high in power are also high in feelings of gratitude. We employed both correlational and experimental designs and across all three studies found large relationships between Sense of Power and the GQ-6. Monica Bartlett1, Mark Ornelas1, Piercarlo Valdesolo2 1Gonzaga Univ., 2Claremont McKenna College SESSION: I - EMOTION RELIGIOUS-BODY AFFIRMATIONS PROTECT BODY ESTEEM FOR WOMEN WHO BASE SELF-WORTH ON APPEARANCE OR OTHER’S APPROVAL Women who base self-worth on appearance or others’ approval are at risk when viewing thin models. Religion might protect their body esteem. Our experiment manipulated the type of body-affirming statements and assessed body esteem before and after women viewed thin models. Reading religious body-affirmations increased feeling loved, which increased weight esteem. Mary Inman1 1Hope College SESSION: I - EMOTION KIND-HEARTEDNESS CONNECTS THE WORLD: NEED FOR RELATEDNESS AS KEY ATTACHMENT OF GRATITUDE AND CHARITABLE DONATION We hypothesized that gratitude promotes charitable behavior by fulfilling the need for relatedness. After researchers manipulated 167 participants into their feeling of gratitude, participants were given the opportunity to donate money for charity from their remuneration. As expected, gratitude indirectly promoted donation behavior via fulfilling the need for relatedness. Yuma Shiraki1, Tasuku Igarashi2 1Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2Nagoya Univ. SESSION: I - EMOTION SEX AND GENDER DIFFERENCES IN STRESS SYSTEM REGULATION: IMPACT ON MOOD AND EMOTION-REGULATION Researchers frequently study sex and gender differences in biological stress; however, cross-talk between stress-systems and the effects on mood and emotion are poorly understood. Biological stress systems were pharmacologically manipulated in men and women before stress. Sex-specific physiological and psychological outcomes provide potential insight into the differential vulnerability to psychopathology. Nida Ali1, Cory Cooperman1, Jens Pruessner2 1McGill Univ., 2McGill Centre for Studies in Aging SESSION: I - EMOTION PUTTING ALL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET?: THE TRADEOFF BETWEEN SEEKING OPTIMAL SUPPORT VS. RELATIONSHIP CLOSENESS WHEN SEEKING EMOTIONAL SUPPORT We investigated how people distribute their emotion-regulation needs across different emotion-specific regulation relationships (“emotionships”) and their consequences for individual and relationship well-being. Whereas diversifying emotion-regulation needs across multiple specialized relationships appeared to benefit individual well-being, concentrating a wide range of emotional needs on romantic partners appeared to benefit relationship well-being. Elaine Cheung1, Wendi Gardner1, Jason Anderson2, Lara Kammrath3 1Northwestern Univ., 2Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, 3Wake Forest Univ. 182 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - EMOTION EMOTIONSHIPS: GREATER UTILIZATION OF SUPPORT-RELEVANT EMOTION REGULATORS PREDICTS IMPROVEMENTS IN WELL-BEING The ability to effectively regulate emotional experiences varies across individuals in our social networks. We found that utilizing individuals nominated as effective at regulating distinct emotions (emotionships) for support predicted improvements in well-being across the first six months of college. However, seeking others (non-emotionships) did not predict changes in well-being. Jason Anderson1, Shelly Gable1, Elaine Cheung2, Wendi Gardner2 1Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, 2Northwestern Univ. SESSION: I - EMOTION INHIBITING A PHYSIOLOGICAL EXPERIENCE OF DISGUST REDUCES DISGUST FEELINGS AND ALTERS MORAL JUDGMENTS Is disgust causally related to moral judgments? We experimentally interfered with the physiological experience of disgust, and found reductions in: (a) disgust experienced in response to disgust-eliciting photos, and (b) deontological (vs. utilitarian) judgments in the trolley dilemma. Results suggest that subjective feelings of disgust contribute to moral reasoning. Conor Steckler1, Jessica Tracy1 1Univ. of British Columbia SESSION: I - EMOTION THE COMMITMENT FUNCTION OF ANGRY FACIAL EXPRESSIONS Do angry faces increase the credibility of threats? Participants decided how much money to offer a partner depicted by an angry or a neutral facial expression together with a written threat. Proposers were more likely to accede to threats accompanied by an angry rather than a neutral expression. Lawrence Reed1, Peter DeScioli2, Steven Pinker3 1McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School, 2Stony Brook Univ., 3 Harvard Univ. SESSION: I - EMOTION DO JUDGMENTS OF DISGUSTING AGENTS REFLECT PATHOGEN AVOIDANCE OR GROUP IDENTIFICATION? People attribute disgusting behavior to the person rather than external circumstances, and give little weight to disgusting agents’ intentions during moral judgment. On one account, these judgments protect individuals from exposure to pathogens. We report evidence against this account, and propose that disgusting behaviors reflect the agents’ group membership. Alek Chakroff1, Liane Young1 1Boston College SESSION: I - EMOTION EVALUATION OF MERCHANDISE BASED ON IMPLICIT AFFECTIVE STATES When evaluation merchandises, we use our affective states as the basis of judgments. The participants answered IPANAT (Implicit Positive Affect and Negative Affect Test) scale and explicit affect measure after responding the merchandise evaluations. In the results, implicit affective states predicted more about their evaluations of merchandises (r=46 p<.001) than explicit measure. Hideya Kitamura1 1Kansai Univ. SESSION: I - EMOTION PRIMING CAUSAL UNCERTAINTY WITH REAL-WORLD EVENTS The current research tested whether real-world events could activate causal uncertainty beliefs and feelings. We found that reading about an unexpected, social event led to more uncertainty surrounding the event and more general feelings of uncertainty than did reading about an unexpected but non-social event, or a neutral event. Eliane Boucher1, Bridget Thompson1 1Providence College SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 183 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - EMOTION I FEEL YOUR PAIN: SOCIAL CONNECTION AND THE EXPRESSION AND PERCEPTION OF REGRET Individuals believe that expressing regret fosters social connection. However, it is unclear if this truly occurs. Three studies examined the impact of regret expressions on expressers and recipients of these expressions. Overall, recalling a past regret expression did not foster connection as predicted. Researchers discussed implications and limitations of findings. Joshua Buchanan1, Amy Summerville2 1Central Washington Univ., 2Miami Univ. SESSION: I - EMOTION ARE GRUESOME PHOTOGRAPHS MORE PREJUDICIAL THAN PROBATIVE? Gruesome photographs have been seen to elicit negative emotion in mock jurors. Mock jurors in the gruesome photographic condition experienced greater negative emotion than mock jurors in the neutral photographic condition. There was no significant difference between conditions when it came to giving either a guilty or not guilty verdict. Christian Koeu1, Rebecca Grady1, Dana Joudi1, Elizabeth Loftus1 1UC Irvine SESSION: I - EMOTION AWE PREDICTS MULTICULTURAL EXPERIENCES VIA CURIOSITY We found that awe, compared to amusement and pride, uniquely predicts multicultural experiences (time lived in other country and exposure to different cultures). More importantly, awe prone people reported more multicultural experiences because of heightened curiosity (no support for reverse mediation). Maria Monroy1, Jia Wei Zhang2, Dacher Keltner1 1Univ. of California Berkeley, 2Univeristy of California Berkeley SESSION: I - EMOTION USING DISCRETE POSITIVE EMOTIONS TO ENCOURAGE ORGAN DONOR REGISTRATION Researchers conducted two studies to test how the discrete, positive emotions of elevation, humor and hubris influenced prosocial behavior within the context of organ donation registration. Results indicate that positive emotions generally enhanced intentions and registration behavior, but there is a differential impact on prosocial behavior between discrete emotions. Danielle Blazek1, Jason Siegel1 1Claremont Graduate Univ. SESSION: I - EMOTION WHY STRESSFUL PEOPLE LIKE PRODUCTS, THEY FEEL LESS HOPE AND WANT TO RESTORE IT How might buying products help consumers cope with stress? Students working in a library indicated how much their next deadline stressed them, and thus how they feel less hopeful. They subsequently viewed a travelling advertisement, and stressed students liked the advertised vacation more. Buying products may thus regulate stress by inducing hope. XiYueyao LUO1 1Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam SESSION: I - EMOTION BEYOND SELF-REPORT: EXPRESSIVE SKILL AND EMOTIONAL KNOWLEDGE PREDICT INFLAMMATORY MARKERS AND DEPRESSION Emotion regulation predicts mental and physical health outcomes. However, researchers have based prior studies on self-reported trait regulation, and have not tested whether the ability to regulate emotions also predicts outcomes. This report demonstrates that the ability to express socially facilitative emotions predicts lower depression and inflammation. Natalie Tuck1, Rosie Grant2, Anna Brooks1, Nathan Consedine1 1Univ. of Auckland, 2Otago Univ. SESSION: I - EMOTION SHARED EXPERIENCES ARE AMPLIFIED WHEN CO-EXPERIENCERS ARE SALIENT Merely sharing an experience with another person, without communicating, can amplify that experience. However, this effect depends upon the salience of one’s co-experiencer, which we manipulated in two laboratory studies. Participants enjoyed chocolate more when it was tasted simultaneously with a co-experiencer who was physically present and interpersonally familiar. Erica Boothby1, Leigh Smith2, Margaret Clark1, John Bargh1 1Yale Univ., 2Univ. of Texas at Austin 184 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - EMOTION “DO YOU EXPRESS MORE TO FEEL LESS?”: EMOTIONAL EXPRESSIVITY MODERATES AMYGDALA ACTIVITY DURING AFFECT LABELING AND REAPPRAISAL Our findings show that, to the extent people can manifest their negative emotions behaviorally, they show reduced amygdala activity during standard affect labeling and reappraisal asks. This suggests that people who are more expressive of their negative feelings may be more equipped to regulate their emotions when confronted by aversive events. Yuki Shimura1, Jared Torre1, Andrea Niles1, Kate Haltom1, Tristen Inagaki1, Catherine Mulvenna1, Annette Stanton1, Matthew Lieberman, , , 1Univ. of California, Los Angeles SESSION: I - EMOTION EXPRESSIVE WRITING AND ANXIETY OUTCOMES: PREDICTING IMPROVEMENT FROM NEURAL ACTIVATION An fMRI study examining whether involvement of prefrontal cortex regions associated with emotion regulation can predict anxiety outcomes following completion of an expressive writing paradigm. Reduced left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex activation during cognitive reappraisal predicted greater improvements of anxiety in the expressive writing group, but not in the control group. Shosuke Suzuki1, Jared Torre1, Andrea Niles1, Kate Haltom1, Tristen Inagaki2, Catherine Mulvenna3, Annette Stanton1, Matthew Lieberman, , , 1Univ. of California Los Angeles, 2Univ. of Pittsburgh, 3Yale Univ. SESSION: I - EMOTION PERCEIVED CONTROL AND THE MOTIVATIONS OF ENVY A study of recalled envy experiences manipulated perceived control by having participants either describe a concrete self-improvement plan or obstacles preventing the attainment of what they envied. This manipulation significantly increased participants’ perceived control, allowing the evaluation of the effect of attainability on self-directed and otherdirected envious behavioral motivations. Nicole Henniger1, Christine Harris1 1Univ. of California, San Diego SESSION: I - EMOTION UNIVERSALITY OF HAPPY AGING The current study examined age differences in wellbeing across adulthood in the two cultures. Researchers measured positive and negative affect and subjective perceptions of past, current and future life satisfaction. Both cultures showed similar trends in affect, but different patterns in life satisfaction ratings of past, present and future. Joanna Hong1, Susan Charles1 1Univ. of California, Irvine SESSION: I - EMOTION EMOTION PERCEPTION AND REGULATION CAN BE IMPROVED: FOLLOW-UP EFFECTS IN A RANDOMIZED CONTROL GROUP DESIGN We evaluated a program designed to improve the abilities to perceive and regulate emotions. A sample of 187 business students participated in an (1) emotion perception and regulation, (2) emotion regulation or (3) time-management training. Researchers found specific improvements in emotional abilities in the training groups in a pre-post-postdesign. Sarah Herpertz1, Astrid Schütz1, John Nezlek 2 1Univ. of Bamberg, 2College of William & Mary SESSION: I - EMOTION DO WE LAUGH JUST BECAUSE OTHERS DO?: COGNITIVE, AFFECTIVE AND BEHAVIORAL RESPONSES TO CANNED LAUGHTER We investigated how canned laughter within a video clip elicits a humor experience, and whether public selfconsciousness is implicated in this experience. Results indicated that both high and low public self-conscious persons experienced cognitive, affective and behavioral responses from canned laughter, suggesting that conformity was not involved. Shuji Uko1, Yuko Amaya2 1Nagoya Univ., 2Nagoya City Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 185 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - EMOTION DOES AWE REALLY MAKE PEOPLE GET THE BIG PICTURE?: AWE’S EFFECT ON VISUAL ATTENTION Does awe, like positive emotions in general, “broaden” attention and help getting the big picture? Two experiments showed the opposite: awe (1) increased “zooming” attention in remembering stimuli depicted in proximity with, rather distance from, each other and (2) lead to more local choices in a global-local visual processing task. Claire Prade1, Vassilis Saroglou1 1Univ. of Louvain SESSION: I - EMOTION PERCEIVED CONTROL AND LEARNING-RELATED EMOTIONS: EXAMINATION OF THE MEDIATING ROLE OF PERFORMANCE AND MODERATING ROLE OF GRADE EXPECTANCY We examined if the perceived control-emotion relationship is mediated by test performance for students varying in grade expectancies. For high-expectancy students, performance mediated the effects of PC on pride, happiness, helplessness and shame. Implications suggest the importance of grade expectations and the facilitation of test performance in the PC-emotion relationship. Patti Parker1, Raymond Perry1, Jeremy Hamm1, Judith Chipperfield1, Elisabeth Meier2, Kristina Loderer2 1Univ. of Manitoba, 2Univ. of Munich SESSION: I - EMOTION PUTTING YOUR BEST FACE FORWARD: VARIATIONS IN EXPRESSIVITY ACROSS COLLECTIVISTIC CULTURES We demonstrate expressive differences between collectivistic cultures despite shared social context values. Studies 1-2 demonstrate that Chinese and Brazilian collectivist cultures consider social context more than Americans. Studies 3-4 demonstrate that, despite similar attention to social context, Chinese are less emotionally expressive than Brazilians and Americans. Stephanie Chen1, Richard Nisbett1 1Univ. of Michigan SESSION: I - EMOTION WHAT MAKES FIRSTS SPECIAL: INSIGHT ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TRANSITIONS AND SENTIMENTAL VALUE Three studies investigate whether objects that represent “firsts” hold greater sentimental value than non-firsts objects. Results indicate that firsts appear to possess more sentimental value, regardless of the relationship between item and rater (Study 1 and 3). This finding may be due to firsts representing transitions (Study 2). Talya Lazerus1, Jeff Galak1 1Carnegie Mellon Univ. SESSION: I - EMOTION MENTAL STATES: HOW THEY HAVE AN IMPACT ON EMOTIONAL INFORMATION PROCESSING Mental states correspond to the mental output of diverse emotional regulation strategies. Our studies showed that a mental state of dysregulation was associated with a state of ego-depletion after reading an emotion-inducing article, while denial prevented the encoding of its emotional information. Iliane Houle1, Frederick Philippe1 1Univ. of Quebec at Montreal SESSION: I - EMOTION THE AWE-SOME POWER OF MUSIC: THE EFFECTS OF PERSONALITY AND MUSIC PREFERENCE ON AESTHETIC AWE Research demonstrates a variety of positive and negative affective consequences of music; however, no research has examined the affective inputs to the experience of aesthetic awe in music. This study examined the ability of music to induce awe and its relationship to personality, felt emotion and perceived affect. Leanne Craig1, J. Norris2, Jana Hackathorn1 1Murray State Univ., 2Berea College 186 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - EMOTION I BELIEVE IT HELPED ME: CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN BELIEFS ABOUT THE FUNCTIONAL AND DYSFUNCTIONAL IMPACT OF SADNESS AND PITY Beliefs about the ways in which negative emotions affect functioning may be shaped by culture. Russians (n = 68) and Americans (n = 54) reported that negative emotions impacted their self, relationships and body in more dysfunctional/ less functional ways than positive emotions. These beliefs were less pronounced for Russians. Yulia Chentsova Dutton1, Gerrod Parrott1, Dimitry Lyusin2 1Georgetown Univ., 2Moscow Higher School of Economics SESSION: I - EMOTION INTERPERSONAL INSTRUMENTAL EMOTION REGULATION Interpersonal instrumental emotion regulation occurs when people try to influence others’ emotions to attain personal goals. In three studies, we show that people try to make others feel anger and fear to attain personal (Study 1) and group (Studies 2-3) goals. Liat Netzer1, Eran Halperin2, Maya Tamir3 1Hebrew Univ., 2IDC Herzliya, 3The Hebrew Univ. SESSION: I - EMOTION FEELING NOSTALGIC OR MISSING YOU?: DISTINGUISHING TWO ABSENCE-RELATED EMOTIONS This research distinguished the emotions of missing someone and nostalgia. The two emotions correlated moderately and both relate to social connectedness. But missing someone is evoked by thoughts about a close other who is physically absent and motivates contact with that other. Each emotion explains unique variance in attachment anxiety. Denise Beike1 1Univ. of Arkansas SESSION: I - EMOTION DISPOSITIONAL MINDFULNESS PREDICTS AFFECT STABILITY FOLLOWING SELF-ENHANCEMENT AND SELF-PROTECTION. Contemporary theories of mindfulness suggest it reduces cognitive biases and promotes adaptive emotion regulation. The present research explored whether mindfulness would promote affect stability following opportunities to protect or enhance the self. Study findings contribute to understanding the role of mindfulness in promoting adaptive affective responses following self-protection and self-enhancement. Taylor West1, Madison Theis1, Robert Goodman1, Heidi Wayment1 1Northern Arizona University SESSION: I - EMOTION EMOTION AND MORALITY: DISENTANGLING COGNITIVE APPRAISALS’ IMPACTS ON MORAL JUDGMENTS We investigated the impact of emotion on moral judgments of blame from a cognitive appraisal theory perspective, hypothesizing that certainty appraisals would predict variation in blame judgments for valence-matched emotions. Our findings suggest that emotion’s impact on moral judgment depends on patterns of appraisals, such as certainty and other-responsibility. Emorie Beck1, Bertram Malle1 1Brown Univ. SESSION: I - EMOTION EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND SEX: INCREASING MASTURBATION AND CONDOM USE As sexually transmitted infections rise for college populations (CDC, 2010), the need to understand factors that influence sexual behaviors continues. This study examined emotional intelligence and a variety of sexual behaviors. Results indicate emotional intelligence may serve as a protective buffer against risky sexual behaviors by promoting safer sexual behaviors. Amy Davis1, Amber Baumann2, Bristyn Thompson2, Jessica Steele2 1Western State Colorado Univ., 2Western State Colorado University SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 187 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - EMOTION THE INFLUENCE OF PARENTING PRACTICES ON CHILDREN’S ABILITY TO DECODE VERBAL ANGER Early social experiences with parents are likely to shape children’s social-emotional development. We found that punitive parental disciplines were negatively correlated with how accurate Chinese Canadian girls were at decoding subtle verbal anger. In particular, parental verbal hostility most strongly predicted children’s accuracy in anger recognition. Yachen Li1, Kyla McDonald2, Nancy Cohen3, Fataneh Farnia1 1Univ. of Toronto, 2Ryerson University, 3Univ. of Toronro SESSION: I - EMOTION THE ROLES OF RELATIONAL CLOSENESS AND OXYTOCIN ON ENVY Our goal was to understand the roles of a) relational closeness and b) oxytocin in benign and malicious envy. We found people reported more benign envy in closer relationships and malicious envy for general relationships (e.g. acquaintance). Also, oxytocin affected benign and malicious envy differently. Yaunye Wang1, Sieun An1, Yaozhong Li1, Shihui Han1 1Peking University SESSION: I - EVOLUTION SEXUAL SELECTION, PROXIMATE MATING MOTIVES AND AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR IN MEN A mating prime increased aggression among men, but not women (Experiment 1). Furthermore, men aggressed primarily against viable intrasexual rivals, including a male partner depicted as socially dominant (Experiment 2) and single (Experiment 3). This provides evidence that male intrasexual aggression is aimed strategically at asserting dominance over sexual rivals. Sarah Ainsworth1, Jon Maner2 1Univ. of North Florida, 2Northwestern Univ. SESSION: I - EVOLUTION WOMEN’S EVALUATIONS OF OTHER WOMEN’S BODY ODOR DEPEND ON TARGETS’ FERTILITY AND HORMONAL CONTRACEPTION USE Do women, like men, find women more attractive near ovulation? Women rated the body odor of naturally-cycling women at low and high fertility (hormonally-verified) and of hormonal contraceptive users. Women preferred naturallycycling women’s high-fertility samples over their low-fertility samples, but preferred HC-users’ samples over naturallycycling women’s high- and low-fertility samples. Kelly Gildersleeve1, Melissa Fales1, Martie Haselton1 1UCLA SESSION: I - EVOLUTION AGE MODERATES THE EFFECT OF ATTRACTIVENESS DISCREPANCIES ON THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING ATTRACTIVE We examined the effects of self-discrepancies and age on the importance women place on attractiveness. We found that younger women with larger attractiveness discrepancies placed more importance on attractiveness than did women that were older. Elizabeth Brown1, J. Adam Randell1, Jeff Seger1 1Cameron Univ. SESSION: I - EVOLUTION SLEEP CHANGES IN “HOMO ERECTUS”: THE IMPLICATIONS FOR CREATIVITY AND EMOTIONALITY IN LATER HOMININS Psychologist Coolidge and anthropologist Wynn (2009) propose sleep pattern changes in Homo erectus, a successful hominin arising 1.9 mya. We take the authors’ model of lengthened sleep period, REM sleep and full muscle atonia, and trace hypothetical consequences for a longer paper on “The Emotional Brain Hypothesis.” Margaret Boone Rappaport1, Christopher Corbally2 1The Human Sentience Project, 2U of Arizona/Vatican Observatory 188 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - EVOLUTION BEHAVIORAL REACTIONS TO EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL INFIDELITY: MATE ABANDONMENT VS. MATE RETENTION The study examined the effect of sex on how people behaviorally react to infidelity. Women were more likely to retain their mate in response to sexual infidelity, and men more likely to retain their mate in response to emotional infidelity. Both genders endorsed more abandonment in response to sexual infidelity. Mandy Walsh1, Murray Millar1 1Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas SESSION: I - EVOLUTION FACIAL RESEMBLANCES GENERATE FAVORITE The present study mainly discussed the influence of facial resemblance between parent and child on the parent-child relationship based on the theory of evlutionary psychology and Chinese patriarchal culture. Results showed that human behaviors are not just influenced by the evolutionary mechanism, but also social and cultural contexts. Yu Quanlei1, Zhang Qiuying2, Jin Shenghua1 1Beijing Normal Univ., 2Univ. of Miami SESSION: I - EVOLUTION ROMANTIC MOTIVES MAKE THE RELATIVE ASPECTS OF HAPPINESS SALIENT When is happiness a relative experience? Females with higher romantic motives (trait as well as state level) placed more importance on the relative than absolute dimensions of wealth in their projections of happiness. This result is conceptually consistent with recent findings that ovulating women seek relative rather than absolute gains. Ji-eun Shin1, Eunkook Suh1, Jong Dae Kim1, Ahra Ko1 1Yonsei Univ. SESSION: I - EVOLUTION OTHER WOMEN’S FERTILITY STATUS PREDICTS FEMALE JEALOUSY In two studies, we tested the hypothesis that women act more jealously toward other women who are near (versus far from) peak fertility. Participants reported more jealousy after imagining their partners with a high (versus low) fertility woman. As participants approached peak fertility, they reported more jealousy directed at them. Ashalee Hurst1, Jessica Alquist1 1Texas Tech Univ. SESSION: I - EVOLUTION ATTITUDES TOWARD PREGNANT WOMEN AS A TEST OF THE EVOLUTIONARY SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE The current research examined attitudes towards pregnant women from a contemporary reproductionist evolutionary psychology perspective. Results demonstrate that norm adherence influences these attitudes and that participant gender moderates the norm adherence influence. Thus, social information necessarily interacts with the affordance management system to generate varied attitudes towards pregnant women. Lea Folsom1, Charlotte Tate1 1San Francisco State Univ. SESSION: I - EVOLUTION MEN’S PERCEIVED PARTNER COMMITMENT AND BEHAVIORAL JEALOUSY: THE MODERATING ROLE OF WOMEN’S HORMONAL CONTRACEPTIVE USE Male jealousy is an adaptive interpersonal process that functions to maintain relationships. However, hormonal contractive (HC) use may interrupt this process. Indeed, husbands’ perceived commitment was negatively associated with jealousy among husbands whose wives were not using HCs, but unassociated among husbands with wives who were using HCs. Juliana French1, Andrea Meltzer1, Jon Maner2 1Florida State Univ., 2Northwestern Univ. SESSION: I - EVOLUTION DISGUST SENSITIVITY PREDICTS INTERPERSONAL ATTRACTION Person-to-person contact is a significant route of infectious disease. Thus, people should be motivated to avoid interpersonal relationships with partners who pose a disease-threat. In the current study, participants who were high in disgust sensitivity rated novel faces as less attractive and likable than those low in disgust sensitivity. John Terrizzi, Jr.1, Amanda Fleming1 1Texas Woman’s Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 189 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - EVOLUTION THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL AND FERTILITY ON WOMEN’S SEXUAL DECISION MAKING This experiment examined the effects of intoxication and fertility status on women’s perceptions of men during speeddating interactions. Fertility status and manipulated alcohol condition influenced women’s relationship interest in and sexual risk assessment of interaction partners. These findings hold implications for alcohol myopia and evolutionary theories of sexual risk behavior. Emma Altgelt1, Tina Zawacki1, Andrea Fernandez1, Alexander Wang1 1The Univ. of Texas at San Antonio SESSION: I - EVOLUTION AN EVIDENCE-BASED ANALYSIS OF THE ACCURACY OF INDIRECT OVULATION PREDICTION METHODS COMPARED WITH A HORMONAL MEASURE OF OVULATION We quantified the accuracy of methods used to characterize women’s fertility against actual ovulation determined from LH tests. Neither the backwards- nor forwards-counting methods predicted ovulation above 50% accuracy. We herein provide standardized protocols for achieving >95% accuracy rates, supporting studies that necessitate comparisons at fertile and non-fertile cycle phases. Khandis Blake1, Barnaby Dixson2, Siobhan O’Dean1, Tom Denson1 1Univ. of New South Wales, 2The Univ. of Queensland SESSION: I - EVOLUTION UNDERSTANDING THE ATTRACTION OF VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES: INSIGHTS FROM EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY We derived and tested predictions from evolutionary psychology that explain attraction to violent video games. Several studies reveal that playing violent video games makes people feel sexier, stronger and tougher and men prefer to play violent video games prior to engaging in a physical strength competition and when romantically rejected. Thomas Denson1 1Univ. of New South Wales SESSION: I - EVOLUTION NEUROENDOCRINE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESPONSES TO A SOCIETAL INTER-GROUP DOMINANCE CONTEST: EVIDENCE FROM THE 2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION In 113 voters during the 2012 Presidential Election, losers of the competition (Romney-supporters) showed greater increases in testosterone on election night, relative to winners (Obama-supporters). The degree to which individuals identified with their groups moderated the hormone changes, and these endocrine fluctuations predicted changes in political attitudes. Smrithi Prasad1, Keith Welker2, Bethany Lassetter3, Pranjal Mehta1 1Univ. of Oregon, 2Univ. of Massachusetts, 3Univ. of Iowa SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS IMPLICIT WEALTH ATTITUDES PREDICT TOLERANCE FOR RICH PEOPLE’S LOWER WARMTH BEHAVIOR The present experiment examined how attitudes shape responses to a Rich versus Middle-class confederate. Participants with strong implicit pro-rich attitudes liked a moderately warm wealthy confederate as much as an extremely warm confederate. Our work suggests that implicit favoritism may “license” rich people to behave less warmly. Suzanne Horwitz1, John Dovidio1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS THE EFFECT OF THREAT ON COMMUNITY IDENTIFICATION AND INVOLVEMENT This research investigated the effect of group-based threat on community identification and community involvement. Threat was not directly associated with community involvement; however, taking into account community identification strengthened the relationship between threat and involvement. Participants who reported experiencing more threat were less identified, but more involved with their community. Emily Shaffer1, Lauren Ruelens1, Lisa Molix1 1Tulane Univ. 190 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS ACCURACY OF RACE AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION CATEGORIZATIONS IN LATINO TARGETS: IMPLICATIONS FOR PERSON PERCEPTION RESEARCH The accuracy of sexual orientation judgments varies based on the target’s race. However, these effects have not been examined in Latino targets, who are difficult for Whites to categorize by race. As hypothesized, we find Latinos are disproportionately miscategorized on race and sexual orientation compared to Asians, Blacks and Whites. Kevin Castro-Moino1, Ariana Bell1, Sandra Graham1 1UCLA SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS I SPY WITH MY LITTLE EYE SOMEONE WHO IS COLORBLIND: THE INTERPERSONAL CONSEQUENCES OF ENDORSING COLORBLINDNESS AND MULTICULTURALISM While members of racial majority groups endorse colorblind ideologies, these individuals often mention race in irrelevant circumstances. The present research suggests that race relevance leads people to be perceived more positively. Further, the interpersonal effects of mentioning race varies as a function of one’s internal motivation to respond without prejudice. Lauren Ruelens1, Emily Shaffer1, Dr. Lisa Molix1 1Tulane Univ. SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS REPRESENTATIONS OF INDIAN HISTORY AS TOOLS FOR IDENTITY- RELEVANT CONCERNS: A CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS The project explores the bi-directional relationship between collective memory and national identity. In studies 1 and 2, national identity predicted recollections of India’s past, and preferential selections of historical representations. In studies 3 and 4, selective exposure to historical representations influenced identity and perception of current injustices in Indian society. Sahana Mukherjee1 1Gettysburg College SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS ADOLESCENTS’ BELIEFS ABOUT THE NATURE OF ETHNICITY, GENDER AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION: THE ROLE OF ESSENTIALIST THINKING IN INTERGROUP ATTITUDES AND PEER RELATIONS Urban, ethnically diverse adolescents rated whether people are born LGBT or whether gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation can be changed and reported on their intergroup attitudes. Consistent with the essentialism framework, irrespective of the identity, lower malleability was associated with more favorable attitudes and greater willingness to form cross-group friendships. Negin Ghavami1 1UCLA SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS THEIR PERSPECTIVE, THEIR EXPERIENCE: OVERCOMING TRAIT PERSPECTIVE-TAKING AND ENGAGING OUTGROUP EXPERIENCE This study compares the effects of perspective-taking and experience-taking on prejudice towards and merger with African Americans as an outgroup. Findings indicate similar effects for perspective and experience-taking, with no effects on prejudice; however, both manipulations have similar effects on measured experience-taking, which may overcome the effects of dispositional perspective-taking on prejudice. Linas Mitchell1, Beth Pontari1 1Furman Univ. SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS CHILDREN RECTIFY INEQUALITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED GROUPS Adults consider groups’ rights when making resource allocation decisions. This experimental study on responses to social resource inequality demonstrates the development of children’s concern for disadvantaged groups’ rights to resources. Findings reveal how children integrate their knowledge of race and status in a resource allocation context. Laura Elenbaas1, Michael Rizzo1, Melanie Killen1 1Univ. of Maryland SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 191 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS YOUNG CHILDREN’S INTERGROUP EVALUATIONS: THE ROLE OF SOCIAL-COGNITIVE COMPETENCIES Research demonstrates that across development children struggle with intergroup relations (Killen, Hitti, & Mulvey, 2014). This talk will review three new studies examining children’s (3 to 8 years) intergroup judgments. Findings demonstrate that children evaluate in and outgroup contexts differently, but that with age, and social-cognitive competence, ingroup preferences diminish. Kelly Lynn Mulvey1 1Univ. of South Carolina SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS WHAT CAN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY LEARN FROM EVIDENCE FROM STUDIES OF INTERGROUP DYNAMICS IN CHILDHOOD? Adults’ intergroup biases are quite ubiquitous, but are they really “social” rather than merely cognitively or biologically inevitable? Three experimental studies on children’s intergroup dynamics in teams and stigmatized categories, are used to make the case that the social basis of adult biases can be illuminated through their social-developmental origins. Dominic Abrams1, Kiran Purewal1, Julie Van de Vyver1 1Univ. of Kent SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS WHAT APPLIES TO ME APPLIES TO YOU: VALUE-BASED STANDARDS GUIDE INFERENCES OF SEXISM In a series of four studies in the sexism domain, we illustrate that absent normative standards, people use their own personal standards to judge the behavior of both themselves and others. The more stringent people’s personal standards, the more readily they infer sexism in others, experience anger and confront a sexist perpetrator. Chelsea Mitamura1, Patricia Devine1 1Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS CONCERN ABOUT THE RELATIONAL IMPLICATIONS OF APPEARING PREJUDICED We tested whether some White people experience prejudice concerns for reasons beyond fear of social sanction. Among people externally motivated to respond without prejudice, those high (vs. low) on internal motivation were more concerned about Black partners’ well being, accepted more responsibility for creating prejudiced impressions, and reported greater self-reprisal. Emily Dix1, Patricia Devine1 1Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS THE EYES HAD IT: DISRUPTING FACE PROCESSING ATTENUATES PREFERENCE FOR INGROUP MEMBERS’ EYES Two studies investigated how altering target face configuration (inversion or eye gaze) eliminates greater attention to the eyes of ingroup than outgroup members. White participants attended more to White (compared to Black) target’s eyes when targets were presented upright or with direct gaze. Inversion or gaze aversion eliminated this bias. E. Paige Lloyd1, Steven Almaraz1, Mary Frame1, Jason Deska1, Kurt Hugenberg1, Kerry Kawakami2, Allen McConnell1 1Miami Univ., 2York Univ. SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS WHEN “HAVES” GIVE TO “HAVE NOTS”: THE AFFECTIVE CONSEQUENCES OF GENEROSITY ACROSS THE STATUS DIVIDE The affective rewards that typically accompany giving and receiving money might be diminished when the monetary gifts signal socioeconomic differences. In four experiments, we assessed the affective consequences experienced by both parties when higher-SES givers are generous toward lower-SES receivers. Researchers discuss moderators of and mechanisms underlying observed effects. Alyssa Croft1, Toni Schmader1, Gillian Sandstrom2, Navio Kwok3 1Univ. of British Columbia, 2Univ. of Essex, 3Univ. of Waterloo 192 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS CELEBRATE DIVERSITY OR HIGHLIGHT HISTORY?: THE CONSEQUENCES OF BLACK AND WHITE BLACK HISTORY MONTH DESIGNS Three studies used a cultural-psychological perspective to investigate differences in Black and White individual’s representations of Black History Month (BHM). Results indicated that cultural products are imbued with the designer’s racial identification and psychological traces of their worldview subsequently impacts viewers. Researchers discuss implications for public policy and intergroup relations. Stacey Rieck1, Andrea Haugen1, Phia Salter1 1Texas A&M Univ. SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS THE EFFECTS OF RACE ON SPATIAL PERSPECTIVE TAKING This work is a culmination of two studies, investigating the effects of race on spatial perspective taking. Both studies employ the use of photographs, the Modern Racism Scale, and the Empathy Quotient. Results reveal no significant effects for race, but raise important questions about perspective taking. Cassie Whitt1, Matthew Winslow1 1Eastern Kentucky Univ. SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS FOUNDATIONS OF MATH-GENDER STEREOTYPE THREAT IN PRESCHOOL This study examined the developmental foundations of math-gender stereotype threat. Among girls ages 3-6 beliefs about math and gender predicted their susceptibility to stereotype threat on a measure of Approximate Number System (ANS) aptitude. Thus, prior to formal schooling, beliefs about math and gender can directly influence girls’ underlying number sense. Antonya Gonzalez1, Andrew Baron1 1Univ. of British Columbia SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS EXPLICIT AND IMPLICIT FORMS OF RACIAL BIAS IN CHILDHOOD Racial prejudice in childhood reflects implicit and explicit bias. In two studies findings with 7 – 10-year-olds (N = 302) and 9 - 14-year-olds (N =204) revealed racial bias as a function of the age and race of the participant, and the composition and context of peer encounter. Melanie Killen1, Shelby Cooley1 1Univ. of Maryland SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS EXAMINING THE ROLE OF CATEGORIZATION IN CHILDREN’S IMPLICIT RACIAL BIAS White children’s (6-8, 9-11 years) implicit intergroup bias may reflect category salience and ingroup preference. Only younger children demonstrated ingroup positivity on priming measures (APT, AMP), despite showing stable intergroup bias on IATs across age. When race was salient within a priming task, ingroup positivity predicted bias on the IAT. Amanda Willams1, Jennifer Steele2 1Sheffield Hallam Univ., 2York Univ. SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NATIONALISM AND NARCISSISM This study explored individuals’ psychological foundations of nationalism and patriotism. We proposed that narcissism would be one of the psychological foundations of nationalism, while assuming self-esteem as one of the bases of patriotism. A survey revealed that self-esteem and narcissism positively predicted patriotism and nationalism, respectively, when the other was controlled. Shang-Hui Shin1, Jeongmyung Kim1, Sun Park1, Ariel Lee2, Taekyun Hur1 1Korea Univ., 2Seoul International School SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS JUDGING A BOOK BY ITS LOVER: PERCEIVING ETHNIC IDENTITY FROM ROMANTIC PARTNER CHOICES Participants observed couples’ photos in which both were Asian, Black, White, one Asian/one White and one Black/ one White. They viewed photos with both or one partner(s). Participants perceived lower ethnic identity in interethnic couples when seen together than alone because Asians/Blacks in monoethnic couples were seen as more prototypically ethnic. Lisa Brown1, Jazmin Kelly1, Diana Dinh1, Ashley Malcom1 1Austin College SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 193 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS CHILDREN’S INFERENCES ABOUT RACE-BASED SOCIAL PREFERENCES Participants (7-10 years old; N=208) heard a story about a Target child befriending two others in their classroom, either belonging to the numerical minority or the numerical majority group. Results indicated children inferred race-based social preferences only when the Target’s friends were the numerical minority group. Arianne Eason1, Jessica Sommerville1, Cheryl Kaiser1 1Univ. of Washington SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS JUSTIFIED AND UNJUSTIFIED HOSTILITY ATTRIBUTIONS FOR NEGATIVE TREATMENT OF MINORITIES PREDICT PERCEPTION OF BIAS IN POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE TREATMENT OF BLACK PEOPLE We found that attribution of bias to unjustified hostility predicted perceiving ambiguous negative treatment of a Black person as racist and a punitive reaction. In contrast, attribution of bias to justified hostility predicted perceiving the ambiguous positive treatment of a Black person as mere political correctness and a punitive reaction. Nicholas Santascoy1, Sara Burke1, John Dovidio1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL PERCEPTIONS OF THE POLICE We explored the structure of social perceptions of the police by asking MTurk workers to rate police in various ways. Multidimensional scaling and factor analysis of the ratings suggested that police were viewed as competent but relatively high on threat. Black participants rated cops as significantly more threatening than Whites. Crystal Clarke1, Patrick Shrout1 1New York Univ. SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS HOW DOES PRIMING PEOPLE WITH THE CONFEDERATE FLAG IMPACT THEIR ATTITUDES? In the current experiment, we explored how priming people with a symbol of disunity (i.e., the Confederate Flag) versus a symbol of unity (i.e., an Olympic flag) impacted their attitudes. Findings revealed that compared to Blacks individuals, non-Blacks endorsed significantly less group equality after being exposed to the Confederate flag. Brian Goldman1, Pearl Chang1, Heather Ness1, Jamal El-Amin1, Pinky Patel1 1Clayton State Univ. SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS VIEWS OF THE INGROUP AS MORALLY HYPOCRITICAL UNDERMINE SUPPORT FOR HELPING OUTGROUPS Two studies demonstrate that learning about a hypocritical image of one’s own group reduces support for the ingroup to intervene on behalf of other groups by first reducing ingroup attachment, the form of group identification that usually promotes prosocial behavior toward other groups. Thomas O’Brien1, Bernhard Leidner1 1Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS THE EFFECT OF SCENE INCONSISTENCY ON PREJUDICE AGAINST MINORITY People have prior knowledge about an object with its context. An object appearing in an unexpected context is inconsistent with people’s prior knowledge, which forms a relatively inconsistent scene. We investigated the effect of scene inconsistency on prejudice in the present research by the case of Tibetan Chinese. Xiaoxiao Zhang1 1Beijing Normal Univ. SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS EMPATHIC JOY IN POSITIVE INTERGROUP RELATIONS RESEARCH, THEORY AND PRACTICE Empathy can improve negative intergroup attitudes and promote helping. But research has focused on empathic sorrow with scant research on empathic joy. In two studies of white teachers working with ethnic minority students, we demonstrate empathic joy’s particular role in effective positive intergroup relations. Todd Pittinsky1, R. Montoya2 1Stony Brook Univ., 2Univ. of Dayton 194 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS I DIDN’T WANT TO LIKE YOU, BUT YOU’RE COOL: RWA, QUALITATIVE CONTACT AND CHRISTIAN AND JEWISH ATTITUDES TOWARD ATHEISTS IN THE U.S. The present survey finds for U.S. Christians and Jews, Right Wing Authoritarians (RWA) predicts negative attitudes towards Atheists and predicts less relational closeness with Atheists. Although RWA negatively predicts the quality of relationships that Christians and Jews have with Atheists, qualitative direct contact still mediates the association between RWA and attitudes towards Atheists. C. Malik Boykin1, Fiammetta Brugo2, Arthur Aron1, Shelly Zhou3, Stephen Wright4, Steven Spector5 1Univ. of California Berkeley, 2Univ. of Bologna, 3Univ. of Toronto, 4 Simon Fraser Univ., 5Stony Brook Univ. SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS ‘CONTACT-CAM’: A NEW ELECTRONIC CONTACT PARADIGM ‘Contact-Cam’ is a new, electronic contact paradigm in which participants complete a simulated webcam interaction with confederates. Confederates’ characteristics (e.g., ethnicity, religion) are manipulated to create intra/inter group contact conditions. Pilot data will be presented and potential ways of implementing this paradigm to examine interesting research questions will be discussed. Alexandra Godwin1, Andrea van Dommelen1, Karen Gonsalkorale1, Lisa Zadro1 1Univ. of Sydney SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY USE IN STUDENT-FACULTY RELATIONSHIPS The appropriateness of using cell phones, text messages, and other technology for various two-way communications between professors and students will be examined using an online survey. The authors predict that undergraduate students will see many informal ways of communication as appropriate, even when they are not classroom-related. Candice Heider1, Gail Overbey1 1Southeast Missouri State Univ. SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS CONSTRUAL LEVEL AND COMMUNICATION AMONG INTRA-MINORITY INTERGROUP RELATIONS Construal level theory may provide strategic methods of communication among intra-minority intergroup relations. Predicting that socially distant (vs. proximal) groups would use more abstract (vs. concrete) language, we measured level of abstraction in language and thinking. Results showed that goals focused on forming (vs. maintaining) groups facilitated more abstract thinking. Tina Nguyen1, Maureen Craig2, Kentaro Fujita2 1Univ. of Oklahoma, 2The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS ENCOURAGING ANTI-GAY BIAS CONFRONTATION THROUGH THREAT REDUCTION: REAFFIRMING MASCULINITY TO COMBAT BIAS IN OTHERS. Two experiments explored the relationship between masculinity threat and anti-gay bias confrontation among men. Experiment 1 found that inducing masculinity threat reduced confrontation rates. Experiment 2 found that mitigating masculinity threat through affirmation increased confrontation rates. Results suggest a causal role for masculinity threat in men’s confrontation of anti-gay bias. Kayne Mettert1, Kathryn Kroeper1, Mary Murphy1 1Indiana University SESSION: I - INTERGROUP RELATIONS POSITIVE INTERGROUP CONTACT INCREASES SOCIAL CAPITAL IN A CAMPUS COMMUNITY: AN EXPERIMENTAL TEST. 74 undergraduate participants took part in an experiment linking positive intergroup contact to social capital. They were randomly assigned to have an interaction in either same-class-year or different-class-year pairs, then completed individual surveys. Results indicate higher levels of social capital after a cross-group interaction than after a samegroup interaction. Emily Janik1, Kristin Ressel1 1Hobart and William Smith Colleges SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 195 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING PERCEIVED JUDGMENT OF CRIMINAL FACES: AN EVALUATION OF GENDER AND CRIMINALITY IN A DECISION MAKING TASK Researchers found differences for initial judgments for male versus female faces. For males, participants perceived faces of guilty individuals as less trustworthy, competent, likable and more deceitful and criminal (attractiveness non-significant). For females, only attractiveness proved significant, with guilty individuals being perceived as more attractive (though no more criminal). Davey Chafe1, Katelynn Carter-Rogers1, Shavonne Pye-Strowbridge1, Steven Smith1, Miriam Habib1 1Saint Mary’s Univ. SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING EFFECTS OF UNCONSCIOUS THOUGHT ON LIE DETECTION ABILITY This study investigated effects of unconscious thought and personality traits on lie detection among university students (N = 52). Results indicated that truth or falsehood of the speech and some personality traits (e.g., state anxiety) affected the lie detection rate. However, unconscious thought did not have any influence. Yosuke Ito1, Makoto Hirakawa1, Nakashima Kenichiro1, Yasuko Morinaga1 1Hiroshima Univ. SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING DO “FREE” OFFERS MAKE YOU FEEL GUILTY?: DIFFERENT MOTIVATIONAL EFFECT OF “FREE” PROMOTIONAL OFFERS The present research examined whether “free” offers could negatively affect consumers’ product evaluation and behavioral intention, contrary to retailers’ main objectives. Three experiments showed that “free” offers elicit feelings of guilt on consumers through eliciting doubt about seller motives, norm of reciprocity, and misalignment with the expected market norm. Jen Heewon Park1 1New York Univ. SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING FLUENCY OF SOCIAL CATEGORIZATION PREDICTS PREJUDICE AGAINST TARGETS WITH CONCEALABLE, BUT NOT OVERT, STIGMAS The fluency with which perceivers categorized targets’ social identities from facial features predicted prejudice against gay and bisexual individuals (Studies 1-2), but not Black individuals (Study 3). These findings contribute to theories of prejudice formation by revealing that ease of social categorization guides evaluations related to concealable stigmas. David Lick1, Kerri Johnson2 1New York Univ., 2Univ. of California, Los Angeles SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING EASE IN SOCIAL CONTEXT: ON THE FLEXIBLE IMPACT OF PROCESSING FLUENCY Fluency impacts important social judgments. However, its influence is tricky because fluency depends on the contextspecific experience of perceivers. I will show how fluency “flips” with context, generating several paradoxical effects. Because social life serves as context, this perspective elucidates dynamical changes in the association between fluency and social judgment. Piotr Winkielman1 1Univ. of California, San Diego SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING DISFLUENCY STIMULATES POSITIVE MENTAL IMAGERY Several experiments show that disfluent prompts, rather than fluent ones, stimulate people to generate more positive mental imagery about a variety of events and experiences. These results suggest that inducing processing difficulty could be an effective tool for stimulating positive mental imagery, which in turn encourages goal-directed action. H. Min1, Heather Kappes2, Adam Alter3 1Univ. of Colorado - Boulder, 2The London School of Economics and Political Science, 3 New York Univ. 196 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING SOCIAL PROBLEMS, GENETIC ANSWERS: HOW CAUSES OF SOCIAL ISSUES AFFECT CHOICE OF SOLUTIONS What are the psychological consequences of media coverage regarding genetic influences on behavior? Participants read a news article that highlighted either a genetic or environmental cause of aggression. Participants who read about genetic factors attributed less personal responsibility, endorsed biological/medical solutions more strongly, and recommended greater funding of bio-medical research. Bianca Dreyer1, Anne Wilson1, Roger Buehler1 1Wilfrid Laurier Univ. SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING THE EFFECTS OF EXPLANATION ON THE PREFERENCES OF PAINTINGS Researchers examined the effects of two types of explanations, reason and descriptive. After participants explained why they liked two kinds of paintings, one abstract and the other representational, they liked the two paintings almost equally, whereas after they simply described the paintings, they showed clear preferences for the representational. Midori Toyama1 1Gakushuin Univ. SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING USE OF INTUITION VERSUS REFLECTION AS RESULT OF SYNCHRONY BETWEEN CHRONOTYPE AND TIME OF DAY People display a higher cognitive performance at a time of day that matches their chronotypes (Synchrony Effect; May & Hasher, 1998). In one study, we provide evidence of greater use of intuition at non-optimal compared to optimal times of day, through the responses to the Cognitive Reflection Test (Frederick, 2005). Filipe Loureiro1, Teresa Garcia-Marques1 1ISPA-IU SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING MONEY VS. TIME IN JUDGMENTS OF POLITICAL PROPOSALS: TIME IS KING This study judged pairs of political proposals with respect to feasibility, desirability and preferability. The availability of specified amounts of time and money constrained the implementation of the proposals. Amount of available time, but not amount of available money, influenced how the proposals were judged and evaluated. Henry Montgomery1, Philip Gustafsson2, Maria Sandgren2, Girts Dimdins3 1Stockholm Univ., 2Södertörn Univ., 3Univ. of Latvia SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING ELIMINATION MAKES BETTER IDEA SELECTION: REMOVING THE LEAST CREATIVE IDEAS ENHANCES CREATIVE IDEA SELECTION People perform sub-optimally when they use the default idea selection strategy – directly choose the most creative idea from an idea pool. In one study, we replicated this phenomenon and found that their performance can be improved when people make the selection by removing the least creative idea in succession. Yuxi Zhu1, Simone Ritter1, Ap Dijksterhuis1 1Radboud Univ. SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING AFFIRMATIVE CONSENT AND ASSAULT AMBIGUITY: EFFECTS ON PERCEPTIONS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES This study investigated the influence of affirmative consent policies on perceptions of sexual assault on college campuses. Results indicate that these policies may not be enough to make significant changes in how people label and perceive sexual assault. Researchers discuss implications and future research. Amanda Dale1, Abbey Riemer1, Michelle Haikalis1, Sarah Gervais1 1Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 197 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING INDUCED MINDFULNESS POLARIZES MORALITY CHOICE CERTAINTY IN IMPERSONAL VS. PERSONAL DILEMMAS Mindfully induced (or not) undergraduates made personal versus impersonal moral dilemma choices and indicated decision certainty. Sacrificing one to save many by personal versus impersonal action was less moral, less endorsed and engendered less certainty; this certainty polarized greatly under an increased mindfulness condition, suggesting simplified or modified cognitive/judgment processing. Imer Arnautovic1, Lloyd Sloan1, Amanda ElBassiouny2 1Howard Univ., 2Spring Hill College SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING IDENTITY INTEGRATION AND THE ROLE OF OTHERS IN DECISION-MAKING Three studies examine how individual differences in identity integration, perceptions of compatibility between one’s social identities, affect the role others play in decision-making. Those with lower integration reported caring more about others when making decisions. Interestingly, lower integration was associated with going against others’ preferences, particularly for identity-relevant decisions. Kathrin Hanek1, J. Yates1 1Univ. of Michigan SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING CULTURE INFLUENCES THE ROLE OF CLOSE OTHERS IN CONSUMER DECISIONS Few previous studies have examined how people from different cultures use information about others’ preferences to make consumer decisions. We find that people from collectivistic cultures (vs. individualistic cultures) are more likely to rely on information from close others. Interestingly, these effects are moderated by relational distance and choice target. Steven Tompson1, Sarah Huff1, Shinobu Kitayama1, Carolyn Yoon1 1Univ. of Michigan SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS MODERATES NEURAL MECHANISMS ASSOCIATED WITH SOCIAL INFLUENCE The current study aims to examine how SES moderates the underlying mechanisms associated with social influence, including neural regions associated with reward, conflict, detection and self-processing. These neural systems may offer insight into why certain populations are differently influenced by social information, which may contribute to health decisions. Christopher Cascio1, Matthew O’Donnell1, Elizabeth Beard1, Emily Falk1 1Univ. of Pennsylvania SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING NEURAL MECHANISMS ACROSS DISTINCTIVE SOCIAL INFLUENCE ACTIVITIES The current study examined whether brain regions implicated in mentalizing during peer feedback predicted susceptibility to social influence in adolescents within an fMRI task, and while driving with peers one week later. Results provide insight about mechanisms of social influence and understanding the minds of others in susceptibility to influence. Elizabeth Beard1, Christopher Cascio1, Matthew O’Donnell1, Joseph Bayer2, Francis Tinny, Jr.2, C. Bingham2, Jean Shope2, Marie Ouimet, Anuj Pradhan2, Bruce Simons-Morton4, Emily Falk1 1Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2Univ. of Michigan, 3Univ. of Sherbrooke, 4National Institute of Child Health and Human Development SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING PLANNING TO FAIL: INTENTIONS ABOUT PRENUPTIAL AGREEMENTS We investigate intentions related to planning for failure, specifically intentions to create a prenuptial agreement. While only 3% of married couples have a prenup, we find that 46.25% of unmarried participants intend to create a prenup in the future. We consider why this gap between intentions and behavior may exist. Natalie Wheeler1, Eugene Caruso1 1The Univ. of Chicago 198 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING TRUST AS A SOCIAL NORM: OBSERVERS IGNORE DISTRUST BUT PAY TO REWARD TRUSTING BEHAVIOR It is unclear whether trust is a social norm. We argue for an actor/observer asymmetry in the perception of trust, where actors overestimate observers’ judgments of their behavior. Observers in a trust game were unwilling to pay to punish distrust, yet were willing to do so to reward trusting behavior. Patrick Heck1, Julia Elia1 1Brown Univ. SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING ARE YOU BIASED AND YOU KNOW IT?: MOTIVATED REASONING, AWARENESS AND CONSEQUENCES Are people aware that their beliefs bias their evaluation of evidence? In contrast to current theory, participants expressed some awareness of their bias when evaluating belief-relevant evidence, under some circumstances more than others. These findings have important implications for determining how to reduce confirmation bias in science. Stephanie Anglin1 1Rutgers Univ. SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING WHAT YOU THINK YOU KNOW: KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES AND BIASED EVALUATION OF SCIENCE Why might smart, knowledgeable individuals be more vulnerable to allowing pre-existing attitudes to affect their evaluations of information? Several operationalizations of knowledge were compared and regressed on a measure bias. Across studies, greater self-perceived knowledge and stronger attitudes (vs. cognitive ability, thinking style, etc.) exacerbated biased interpretations of scientific information. Brittany Liu1 1Kalamazoo College SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING THE EFFECTS OF OBJECTIFICATION, PERSPECTIVE AND COPING KNOWLEDGE ON SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND PERFORMANCE IN WORK CONTEXTS This study examined the effects of objectification, perspective and coping knowledge on sexual harassment and performance in work scenarios. Consistent with hypotheses, objectification contributed to greater performance decrements and more sexual harassment, but these effects were particularly pronounced for predictors and observers relative to experiencers. Coping knowledge had no effect. Andreas Miles-Novelo1, Abigail Riemer1, Richard Wiener1, Sarah Gervais1 1Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING SNAP JUDGMENTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: WHAT WE INFER FROM 140 CHARACTERS OR LESS We examined how people make snap judgments from trait-implying information on social media. The results of six experiments show that key characteristics of microblogging updates (self-generated; viewed simultaneously) enabled people to make trait inferences, but there was a limit to the extent they spontaneously did so while browsing. Ana Levordashka1, Nicole Muscanell1, Sonja Utz1 1Leibniz Institute for Knowledge Media SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING REPRESENTING OTHER MINDS This study uses advanced fMRI analyses to test existing and novel psychological theories about how we understand others’ minds. Analyses show that three dimensions, rationality, social impact and valence, account for approximately one-third of the variation in the neural representation of mental states. Mark Thornton1, Diana Tamir2 1Harvard Univ., 2Princeton Univ. SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING FEAR APPEALS AND ATTITUDES: IMPACT OF NUMERACY ON RESPONSES TO SEVERE BUT RARE RISKS How do fear appeals change long-held positive attitudes? One study assessed participants’ attitudes toward ibuprofen before and after learning about a severe, but rare, reaction to ibuprofen. Low-numerate individuals perceived more risk from ibuprofen than the highly numerate, but only when given time to think about the reaction. Niraj Patel1, Laura Scherer1 1Univ. of Missouri SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 199 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING CATEGORIZING BLACK/ASIAN BIRACIALS The current research examines if Black/Asian biracial targets of varying racial ratios (2:2, 1:3, and 3:1) are categorized using hypodescent in comparison to Minority/White biracial targets. Participants rated the Black/Asian target as more of the lower status racial group in comparison to the Black/White and Asian/White targets. Aeroelay Vinluan1, Courtney Bonam1 1Univ. of Illinois-Chicago SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING THE ASYMMETRY OF ARROGANCE This study reported evidence for experimentally induced arrogant behavior. We manipulated participants’ sense of superiority (inferiority, neither) and measured their discounting of other’s opinions. In four studies, we found greater discounting in the superiority than in the control and the inferiority conditions; interestingly, the last two did not differ. Maxim Milyavsky1, Arie Kruglanski1 1Univ. of Maryland SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING JURORS’ SENSITIVITY TO FALSE POSITIVE EVIDENCE REGARDING DNA IDENTIFICATIONS DNA is compelling evidence; however, jurors do not adequately utilize error rates in analyzing DNA. One experiment examines whether jurors will use error rate evidence to discount a DNA match when the non-forensic evidence is exculpatory. Results suggest jurors are not sensitive to error rate evidence. Lauren Reiser1, Nicholas Scurich1 1Univ. of California - Irvine SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING POWER AND TEMPORAL DISCOUNTING In seven studies, we examined if social power decreases temporal discounting, as reported in Joshi & Fast (2013). Researchers manipulated power by semantic priming, role assignment and experience recall. Despite our various attempts, including direct replications of two published studies, we found no evidence for any effect of power on discount rate. Min Zhang1, Pamela Smith1 1Univ. of California, San Diego SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING ME FIRST, THEN YOU…MAYBE. We test the idea that judgments of personal entitlement are automatically egocentric. Participants are asked to divide money between themselves and an “other” while under cognitive load, or not. We hypothesize egocentricism will increase (participants will give themselves more money) when participants are placed under cognitive load. Austin Eubanks1 1Univ. of Arkansas SESSION: I - JUDGMENT/DECISION-MAKING SCENARIO IMPACT ON MONETARY DECISION-MAKING AND EMPATHY Scenarios often change how people respond and may affect their levels of empathy. The purpose of our study was to see if a given scenario could affect how much or less a person is willing to receive in a monetary situation, as well as, the participant’s empathy levels. Sam Worrall1, Lindsey Chesus1, Evelyn Chun1, Matthew Apodaca1, Ronald Bonneau II2, T.L. Brink1 1Crafton Hills College, 2Crafton Hills College SESSION: I - MORALITY THE EFFECT OF READING FICTION VS. NONFICTION ON MORAL JUDGMENTS. Kidd and Castano (2013) reported that participants demonstrated greater theory of mind ability after reading fiction than after non-fiction. Other research has shown that ToM influences moral judgment (Knobe, 2005). We extend such work by testing the effect of reading material on ascription of blame (Study1) and moral permissibility judgments (Study2). Jessica Black1, Jennifer Barnes1 1Univ. of Oklahoma 200 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - MORALITY CORPORATE MORAL REASONING: DO PEOPLE BELIEVE ORGANIZATIONS SUBSCRIBE TO MORAL DUTIES? Across four studies, we investigate how people respond to organizations’ moral justifications. Because people believe organizations cannot experience emotions, they also believe that they, compared to other entities, cannot reason deontologically, but can reason consequentially. The way organizations justify their decisions can ultimately influence people’s opinions of them. Arthur Jago1, Kristin Laurin1, Tamar Kreps2 1Stanford Univ., 2Univ. of Utah SESSION: I - MORALITY COSTLY PUNISHMENT AND LEADERSHIP IN YOUNG CHILDREN Group-based origins of human evolution suggest that individuals will be particularly motivated to ensure the cooperative behavior of group members. This study shows this prediction to be true, even at personal cost, and among children as young as four. Daniel Yudkin1, Jay Van Bavel1, Marjorie Rhodes1 1New York Univ. SESSION: I - MORALITY THE UNRESPONSIVE BY-STANDER: WHY DOESN’T HE RETALIATE? In three experiments in which we implemented a sound blast measure of aggression, we find that purely disinterested witnesses of insults do not robustly experience anger or impose punishment on insulters. However, people do reliably experience anger and impose punishment in response to insults directed at themselves and their friends. Michael McCullough1, Eric Pederson1, William McAuliffe1 1Univ. of Miami SESSION: I - MORALITY A CHOICE MINDSET INCREASES PERPETRATOR-BLAMING People blame a perpetrator more under a choice mindset. Participants primed with choice (vs. action) rated a perpetrator as more unethical and more blameworthy (Study 1). Furthermore, this effect depended on the target of focus. Focusing on the perpetrator increased perpetrator-blaming, while focusing on the victim increased victimblaming (Study 2). Simone Tang1, Krishna Savani2, Richard Larrick1, Adam Galinsky2 1Duke Univ., 2National Univ. of Singapore SESSION: I - MORALITY MORAL FOUNDATIONS AND THE EXPERIENCE OF KILLING Undergraduates (N=79) engaged in an insect-killing task, dropping ladybugs into an ostensible “killing chamber,” then completed questionnaires, including the Moral Foundations Questionnaire. Participants higher in Harm enjoyed the task less (r=-.32, p<.01) and killed marginally fewer ladybugs (r=-.22, p=.09); participants higher in Authority enjoyed the task relatively more (r=.25, p=.04). Denise Barth1, Amanda Allen1, Cynthia Carrillo1, Nicole Kalinowski1, Ryan McManus1, Abraham Rutchick1 1California State Univ., Northridge SESSION: I - MORALITY NOT ALL HISTORICIST NARRATIVES ATTENUATE BLAME: CAUSAL SUFFICIENCY MATTERS Two studies investigate the role of causal sufficiency in the blame-mitigating effectiveness of historicist narratives. Results suggest that causal sufficiency, and not perceived suffering, is the critical mechanism by which narratives reduce blame for intentional transgressions. Conversely, causally insufficient narratives do not mitigate blame. Stephanie Cerce1, Michael Gill1 1Lehigh Univ. SESSION: I - MORALITY CONSUMER THEFT, CHEATING, AND PUNISHMENT IN RESPONSE TO PERCEPTIONS OF BRAND DISPOSITIONAL HARMFULNESS Through six studies, we demonstrate that when certain brands are perceived as dispositionally harmful, consumers view these brands as deserving lower moral worth and subsequently will feel morally justified in stealing, cheating and punishing these brands, despite the absence of an overt transgression. Jeff Rotman1, Mansur Khamitov1 1Ivey Business School SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 201 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - MORALITY THE SIGNALING FUNCTION OF INTUITIVE MORAL JUDGMENTS We show that people who make characteristically deontological judgments are preferred as social partners, perceived as more moral and trustworthy, and trusted more in economic games. These findings support a functional account of moral judgments serving as signals of trustworthiness, elucidating why intuitive moral judgments often align with deontological theories. Jim Everett1, David Pizarro2, Molly Crockett1 1Univ. of Oxford, 2Cornell Univ. SESSION: I - MORALITY MORAL JUDGMENTS OF JUST AND UNJUST SOLDIERS In two studies, we investigated whether people’s moral judgments of soldiers align with Just War Theory. Contrary to the theory, participants did not judge soldiers on either side of a war equivalently; rather, judgments of soldiers were influenced by the perceived justness of the cause those soldiers were fighting for. Hanne Watkins1, Geoff Goodwin2 1The Univ. of Melbourne, 2The Univ. of Pennsylvania SESSION: I - MORALITY EMPATHY AND COMPASSION ARE PSYCHOLOGICALLY DISTINCT We demonstrate that empathy and compassion are psychologically distinct. Furthermore, empathy is neither necessary nor sufficient for prosocial behavior, whereas compassion is for altruism and cooperation. Matthew Jordan1, Dorsa Amir1, Paul Bloom1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: I - MORALITY GAIN OR NON-LOSS: THE MESSAGE MATCHING EFFECT OF REGULATORY FOCUS ON MORAL JUDGEMENT OF OTHER-ORIENTATION LIES Two experiments examined the message matching effect of regulatory focus on moral judgement of other-orientation lies, and found that individuals in promotion focus judged gain-framed other-orientation lies to be more moral, while individuals in prevention focus judged nonloss-framed other-orientation lies to be more moral. Song Wu1, Wei Cai2, Shenghua Jin2 1Shenzhen Univ., 2Beijing Normal Univ. SESSION: I - MORALITY DYADIC COMPLETION: AUTOMATIC PERCEPTIONS OF SUFFERING FROM SIN When people see immorality, they also see harm, whether in gay rights or GMOs. Research reveals that this perceived harm is automatic and intuitive, and not clever “lawyering.” Seeing suffering in sin is the inevitable consequence of the moral dyad, the cognitive moral template found in both liberals and conservatives. Chelsea Schein1, Kurt Gray1 1Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SESSION: I - MORALITY MINDSET AND OTHERS’ FAILURES: AN ENTITY THEORY OF EMPATHY IS MORE FORGIVING An incremental, as opposed to entity, mindset may have advantages for oneself: we explore whether such advantages can be accompanied by greater judgmental harshness of others’ failures. We find induced incremental views increase others’ responsibility. Only for empathy (not aggression or motivation), though, does this increase judgmental harshness. Arseny Ryazanov1, Benedicte Walle2, Nicholas Christenfeld1 1UC SanDiego, 2Univ. of Oslo SESSION: I - MORALITY IS SOCIAL REJECTION A MORAL ISSUE?: MORAL VIOLATION PERCEPTIONS IN RESPONSE TO CYBERBALL REJECTION In this study (N = 278), participants watched a game of cyberball (electronic “catch”) that either involved social rejection, or not. Particularly participants who care about moral rule adherence indicated that social rejection entailed a moral violation, and rated rejectors as relatively immoral people. Rebecca Friesdorf1, Paul Conway2, Yanine Hess3, Tamar Valdman3 1Wilfrid Laurier Univ., 2Florida State Univ., 3 State Univ. of New York at Purchase 202 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - MORALITY HOW DEFAULTS AFFECT JUDGMENTS OF SELFISH AND SELFLESS OPTIONS We explore how varying default options in a choice set affect judgments about the morality of those options. Selfless options (e.g., donating money) show a different pattern of results from selfish options (e.g., keeping money), implying that people use distinct processes to judge the morality of other-centered vs. self-centered behaviors. Julian Zlatev1, Dale Miller1 1Stanford Univ. SESSION: I - MORALITY BEHAVIORAL REACTIONS TO MORAL REFUSERS: SELF- AND OTHER-DIRECTED AGGRESSION Do people who take a moral stance evoke aggressive behavior from others? In study 1, we demonstrate that people allocate more beer to moral refusers (vs. non-moral refusers). In study 2, we show that people endure more selfinflicted pain after confrontations with moral refusers. Florien Cramwinckel1, Kees Van den Bos1, Eric Van Dijk 2 1Utrecht Univ., 2Leiden Univ. SESSION: I - MORALITY ONCE A THIEF, ALWAYS A THIEF?: HOW TIME, IMPLICIT THEORIES AND RACE AFFECT MORAL JUDGMENTS We examined how implicit theories of change, passage of time, and offender race affect moral judgments of long-past crimes. Entity theorists made harsher judgments for past offenses. High modern racists (judging Black offenders) reported feeling subjectively closer to even long-past crimes, fostering harsher judgments and more punitive justice principles. Sarah Williams1, Anne Wilson1 1Wilfrid Laurier Univ. SESSION: I - MORALITY DIFFERENT VIEWS ON MORAL ESSENTIALISM We document that people’s view of how central morality is to one’s identity differs depending on whether we are judging ourselves or others. Specifically, morality is important for both our own and others’ identities, but we value our own desires as much or more than our capacity for morality. Shane Schweitzer1, Maryam Kouchaki1, Francesca Gino2 1Northwestern Univ., 2Harvard Univ. SESSION: I - MORALITY JUDGMENTS OF CASUAL SEX THROUGH A MORAL FOUNDATIONS THEORY PERSPECTIVE In two studies using an experimental design, participants imagined someone either accepting or rejecting an offer for casual sex. Participants rated the targets as less loyal, pure, intelligent/successful and ethical when the target accepted a casual sex offer. Ratings on pure/disgusting and loyal mediated these effects. Dylan Selterman1, Spassena Koleva2, Amy Moors3 1Univ. of Maryland, College Park, 2New York Univ., California State Univ. Los Angeles, 3Univ. of Michigan SESSION: I - MORALITY WITH US OR AGAINST THEM: IDENTITY AS A LENS THROUGH WHICH MORAL VALUES MOTIVATE ACTION Morality serves an important social function by binding individuals together into communities of shared values. We provide evidence that individual-level moral beliefs are related to internalized identities as well as identification with domain-specific social groups. Group identification helps to explain engagement—and disengagement—in groupendorsed moral behavior and intergroup conflict. Kate Johnson1, Jesse Graham1 1Univ. of Southern California SESSION: I - MORALITY NOT IN MY LIFETIME: TIME METRICS MATTER, CONNECTING IDENTITIES TO SUSTAINABLE ACTION Whether the environment requires action on one’s own part, or in support of policy changes at the government level, is hotly contested across identity groups. We demonstrate that identity-congruence with important social identities mediates the extent that people experienced climate change as imminent, are willing to take action. Daphna Oyserman1, Neil Lewis Jr.2 1Univ. of Southern California, 2Univ. of Michigan SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 203 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - MORALITY NOT IN MY LIFETIME: TIME METRICS MATTER, CONNECTING IDENTITIES TO SUSTAINABLE ACTION Whether the environment requires action on one’s own part, or in support of policy changes at the government level, is hotly contested across identity groups. We demonstrate that identity-congruence with important social identities mediates the extent that people experienced climate change as imminent, are willing to take action. Neil Lewis Jr.1, Daphna Oyserman2 1Univ. of Michigan, 2Univ. of Southern California SESSION: I - MORALITY ANGER AND PERCEPTION OF UNFAIRNESS AND HARM: COUNTRY DIFFERENCES IN NORMATIVE PROCESSES THAT JUSTIFY SANCTION ASSIGNMENT In Chinese culture, moral decisions tend to be norm-based; in contrast, moral decisions tend to be preference-based in American culture. Furthermore, although people tend to respond to anger with punishment and contempt and disgust with social exclusion, in high mobility culture (e.g., U.S.), individuals tend to socially isolate the wrongdoer. Letty Kwan1 1Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong SESSION: I - MORALITY WHAT DO CRIMINAL PSYCHOPATHS VALUE?: AN EXAMINATION OF JAIL INMATES’ VALUES We asked 40 male jail inmates what they most valued in life. Those higher in psychopathy (assessed by the PCL:SV) were less likely to value employment (r = -.35, p = .029) and more likely to value success (r = .31, p = .056). Emily Boren1, Eliana Hadjiandreou2, Jeff Stuewig1, June Tangney1 1George Mason Univ., 2Clark Univ. SESSION: I - MORALITY A DIFFERENT TRUTH?: HOW SIMILARITY SHAPES DISHONESTY Three studies employing a deception game and a new dice roll paradigm investigated how interpersonal similarity shapes individual and collaborative lying. Perceiving similarities, as opposed to differences, with another individual or a group reduced self-interested lying. In contrast, perceiving similarities with a collaborator increased dishonest behavior at the others’ expense. Alexa Weiss1, David Saxler1, Thomas Mussweiler1, Shaul Shalvi2, Bernd Irlenbusch3 1Univ. of Cologne, 2Ben-Gurion Univ., 3 Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods SESSION: I - MORALITY MORALITY IS A CULTURALLY CONDITIONED RESPONSE: A DYNAMIC VIEW OF CULTURE AND MORAL JUDGMENT Participants who were primed with liberal American or modern Chinese cultural icons gave priority to care, fairness and liberty, while those primed with conservative American or traditional Chinese cultural icons gave more value to loyalty, authority and purity. The present research indicates that morality is embedded in cultural contexts. Xiaomeng Hu1, Shengtao Wu2, Sean Stevens1, David Wilder1 1Rutgers Univ., 2 Arizona State Univ. SESSION: I - MORALITY EXPLORING WHEN WE SEE MORAL VALUES AS FACTS: THE PROTECTIVE FUNCTION OF MORAL OBJECTIVISM The present study investigates the extent that potential contact with foreign values prompts endorsements of moral objectivism. Participants exhibited increased moral objectivism when a foreign culture with moral values incongruent with participants’ beliefs was described as culturally and economically interconnected with the world as opposed to isolated. Curtis Puryear1, Joseph Vandello1 1Univ. of South Florida SESSION: I - MORALITY MORAL REFORM IN THE AFTERMATH OF WRONGDOING After committing a transgression, individuals with fixed implicit person theories about moral character are less likely to be motivated to reform than those with malleable implicit person theories about moral character. However, selfreflection enables those with fixed implicit person theories to overcome the limitations of such beliefs. Madeline Ong1, David Mayer1 1Univ. of Michigan 204 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - MORALITY DON’T FEAR THE REAPER: THE UNEXPECTED POSITIVITY OF DEATH Death is generally depicted as a terrifying experience. However, research suggests that people do not often affectively forecast their future emotions accurately. Four studies suggest that individuals used more positive emotion words and less negative emotion words as death nears, suggesting that death may not be so frightening after all. Amelia Goranson1, Ryan Ritter2, Adam Waytz3, Michael Norton4, Kurt Gray1 1Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2Univ. of Illinois, 3 Northwestern Univ., 4Harvard Univ. SESSION: I - MORALITY I APPRECIATE YOUR EFFORT: ASYMMETRIC EFFECTS OF AN ACTOR’S EFFORT ON EVALUATIONS OF DEONTOLOGICAL VERSUS CONSEQUENTIALIST DECISIONS Are differences between Consequentialist and Deontological positions based on principles or perceptions of character? In two studies, negative perceptions of a Consequentialist actor were eliminated by alleviating concerns about the actor’s character. Thus, negative perceptions of the Consequentialist position appear to be driven more by character judgments than by principles. Jeffrey Robinson1, Jason Plaks1 1Univ. of Toronto SESSION: I - MORALITY SPECIFIC PERCEPTIONS OF THE MORALITY OF ATHEISTS The current study examined specific perceptions of the morality of atheists versus theists among American undergraduate students. Participants perceived atheists to value the moral foundations of harm/care, ingroup/loyalty, authority/respect and purity/sanctity less than theists. However, the differences for fairness/reciprocity were not significant. Linda Kang1, Joseph Leman1, Wade Rowatt1 1Baylor Univ. SESSION: I - MORALITY NOT OUR FAULT: JUDGMENTS OF APATHY VS. HARM TOWARDS SOCIALLY PROXIMAL VS. DISTANT OTHERS In the current study, we examined whether increased social distance differentially attenuates the severity of moral judgements concerning acts of apathy and harm. The results of three studies show that judgement concerning omission of care are dependent on social distance, but that judgements concerning commission of harm are not. Yair Ben David1, Michael Gilead2 1Tel Aviv Univ., 2Columbia Univ. SESSION: I - MORALITY EXPLORING AFFECTIVE, FAMILIAL, SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS CONTRIBUTIONS TO MORAL CONVICTION What role do affect (e.g., anger, intuition), family (e.g., parents), non-familial social forces (e.g., friends, news, political party), and religious beliefs play in shaping people’s moral convictions about issues? Are these factors moderated by political orientation? Our results show that some, but not most, influences change across the political spectrum. Timothy Carsel1, Linda Skitka1, Brittany Hanson1 1Univ. of Illinois at Chicago SESSION: I - MORALITY IN A JUST WORLD, SEX OFFENDERS DO NOT WIN THE LOTTERY (EVEN IF MURDERERS SOMETIMES DO) We found that people’s contempt for sex offenders intensified following the latter’s good fortune (e.g., winning the lottery), prompting people to support GPS monitoring and confiscating, or severely restricting winnings/inheritances. These effects were greater for sex offenders than murderers in some cases, and held even when a suspect was acquitted. Chaz Lively1, Colleen Berryessa1 1Univ. of Pennsylvania SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 205 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - MORALITY APPLYING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL THEORY OF POLITICAL IDEOLOGY TO MORAL FOUNDATIONS THEORY Unlike previous research using the Moral Foundations Questionnaire, we treat political ideology as two dimensions rather than one. High levels of Right-Wing Authoritarianism showed an inversion (not just a convergence) of the lowRWA MFQ profile. Social Dominance Orientation is strongly negatively correlated with harm/care, which was unrelated to RWA. Bill Altermatt1, Jordan Martell1, Miranda Reinhart1, Bre Nevils1, Matthew Brown1, Elizabeth Stine1 College 1Hanover SESSION: I - MORALITY PUTTING THE “I” IN VICTIM: CONCERN FOR THE SELF MODERATES JUST-WORLD BELIEFS IN VICTIM BLAME We suggest that just-world beliefs, thought to explain victim blame, do not sufficiently or reliably predict blame. Three studies involving victims of assault and disaster find that the interaction of just-world beliefs and concern for the self is necessary to produce blame though a mechanism of invoked personal threat. Yael Granot1, Emily Balcetis1, James Uleman1 1New York Univ. SESSION: I - MORALITY U.S. SENATORS’ REFERENCES TO MORAL FOUNDATIONS: THERE’S MORE TO MORALITY THAN JUST PARTY AFFILIATION We used content analysis to determine the frequency with which moral foundations-related words were mentioned in commercials for the 2014 U.S. Senate election. Moral foundations-related word frequencies depended on incumbency status and seat competitiveness, but not on party affiliation. The findings are inconsistent with Haidt’s Moral Foundations Theory. Sarah Gavac1, Markus Brauer1 1Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison SESSION: I - MORALITY DOES POWER MAKE ONE MORAL? THE INFLUENCE OF POWER ON MORAL DECISIONS IN VIDEO GAMES The current research explored the effect power has on moral decision making. Seventy-five participants were given either a power, powerlessness, or neutral prime, and then played a popular video game requiring moral decision making. Participants primed with power made the moral decision more often than participants primed with powerlessness. Hernan Escobar1, Travis Crone1 1Univ. of Houston-Downtown SESSION: I - MORALITY MORAL FOUNDATIONS AND ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS Participants will complete the Moral Foundations Questionnaire for themselves and an ideal partner as well as budget allocation task to determine the most important moral foundations dimensions in an ideal partner. Relationships between participants’ moral foundations and the moral foundations of an ideal partner will be examined. Rebecca Topp1, Travis Clark1, Heather Terrell1 1Univ. of North Dakota SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE PERCEPTIONS OF “THE AVERAGE” ARE NOT AVERAGED PERCEPTIONS: OUTLIERS IN PERCEPTIONS OF SOCIAL NORMS We examined how newcomers to a group inferred social norms. In three experiments, participants viewed distributions of skewed and non-skewed behavior and were asked to infer social norms. Individuals were accurate when inferring norms from normally distributed behavior, but in skewed distributions in which they overweight the behavior of outliers. Jennifer Dannals1, Dale Miller1, Lindred Greer1 1Stanford Univ. 206 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE INITIAL EVIDENCE ON ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS, SOCIAL NETWORKS AND FINANCIAL PLANNING INTENTIONS Individual money saving behavior is important to effective financial planning, and yet it is unclear exactly what factors are associated with saving intentions. Using quantitative survey data, this study examined socioeconomic status, time orientation and social network characteristics as potential determinants of people’s interest in saving for the future. Sarah Parvanta1, Laura Richman2, Brian Southwell1 1RTI International, 2Duke Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE “RACHEL IS TYPING…”: THE INFLUENCE OF INSTANT MESSAGING ON ANXIETY, LIKEABILITY AND RELATIONAL EVALUATION The experiment investigated whether the length and speed of instant messaging responses impact individuals’ anxiety, relational evaluation and likeability. Seventy-four undergraduates participated in an experiment in which researchers manipulated message length (short vs. long) and speed (immediate vs. delayed). Significant main effects for length emerged for likeability and relational evaluation. Antoine Lebeaut1, Ashley Strunk1, Matthew Landy1 1Franklin & Marshall College SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE THE MECHANISMS UNDERLYING THE EFFECT OF COMPLIMENTS ON COMPLIANCE: LIKING, MOOD AND RECIPROCITY Researchers assessed three mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of compliments as a compliance strategy: liking, mood and reciprocity. Researchers found compliments increase compliance. Analyses suggested that reciprocity and liking, but not mood, accounted for the positive effect of compliments on compliance. Laura Krieger1, Naomi Grant2, Leandre Fabrigar1, Harrison Nemirov1, Meghan Norris3 1Queen’s Univ., 2Mount Royal Univ., 3 Purdue Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE APPEARANCE CONCERNS AMONG WHITE AND ASIAN AMERICAN WOMEN: SOCIOCULTURAL PREDICTORS OF BODY, FACE AND EYE SATISFACTION Asian American women experience sociocultural pressures that can increase risk of body dissatisfaction. More Asian American than White women (N = 1158) reported low appearance evaluation in Study 1 (d = .31) and Study 2 (d = .50), and this difference was largely explained by ethnic difference in face satisfaction. Gaganjyot Sandhu1, David Frederick1 1Chapman Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE REDUCING THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF MEDIA EXPOSURE ON BODY IMAGE: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SUBVERTISING AND WARNING LABELS. We examined the effectiveness of adding warning labels and subvertisements to media images of slender women. Women (n = 820) exposed to images with these warning labels did not report better body image than women exposed to images without them, suggesting the importance of developing alternative body image interventions. Yasmin Akbari1 1Chapman Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE HOOKING UP IN COLLEGE: CAN A NORM MISPERCEPTION INTERVENTION BROCHURE HELP UNBLUR THE LINES? College students reported past and desired future hookup behaviors at pre-test, and then read either a norm misperception or control brochure. Women who read the norm misperception brochure reported engaging in marginally fewer sexual hookups at the follow-up, whereas men who read this brochure reported engaging in more sexual hookups. Jacob Shuman1, Catherine Sanderson1 1Amherst College SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 207 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE VICARIOUS POWER Two studies demonstrated that people can gain power vicariously from figures with which they are psychologically. The results indicate that people can gain power vicariously from both powerful close others (Study 1) and powerful fictional characters with which they identify (Study 2). Ning Zhang1, Li-Jun Ji1 1Queen’s Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE DOING IT FOR THE RIGHT (OR LEFT) REASONS: IDEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATIONS UNDERLIE IDEOLOGICAL AGREEMENT In today’s polarized climate, how can competing ideological groups reach agreement? According to Group Ideological Influence Theory (GIIT), social groups’ values define the meaning of issues for group members. Our study shows that whether conservatives and liberals agree or disagree on social issues is predicted by their interpretations of them. Timothy Hayes1, Coby Crosby1, Wendy Wood1 1Univ. of Southern California SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH DATING ANXIETY IN INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE SUFFERERS This study investigated and compared levels of dating anxiety in individuals with inflammatory bowel disease and healthy individuals. In addition, researchers investigated the predictors that contribute to dating anxiety in each group, and found global predictors for both groups and unique predictors for each group. Joshua Patenaude1 1Sam Houston State Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE THE NORMATIVE CONTEXT OF POWER: IMPLICATIONS FOR DYADIC CREATIVE PERFORMANCE The research examines how power influences creative performance in dyads. Findings of three experimental studies indicate that power has a detrimental effect on dyadic creativity. This effect of power is moderated by the normative context: it increases in contexts that endorse equality values and decreases when power values are endorsed. Tammy Rubel - Lifschitz1, Lilach Sagiv1 1The Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE SOCIAL BELONGINGNESS MODERATES PROSPECTIVE ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN INJUNCTIVE NORMS AND DRINKING Social belongingness provides a new way to explore previously inconsistent relationships between perceived injunctive norms and drinking outcomes. Higher levels of belongingness predict a more positive relationship between injunctive norms and levels of alcohol consumption, as well as between injunctive norms and alcohol-related problems. Clayton Neighbors1, Mary Tomkins1, Nisha Quraishi1, Kristen Lindgren2 1Univ. of Houston, 2Univ. of Washington SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE SWORDS AND SHIELDS: USING RACIAL HUMOR TO CONFRONT PREJUDICE We examined racial humor’s potential to confront prejudice. Disparaging humor was interpreted as disparaging, loosening norms of prejudice expression. Ironically, humor intended as confrontational was frequently interpreted as disparaging. When interpreted as confrontational, participants perceived it as more anti-racist. These interpretations were moderated by individuals’ propensities to make prejudiced attributions. Donald Saucier1, Stuart Miller1 1Kansas State Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE EFFECT OF ANTI-GAY HUMOR ON PREJUDICE SUPPRESSION AND REBOUND Disparagement humor alleviated pressure to suppress prejudice (Experiment 1) and attenuated rebound effects that follow suppression (Experiment 2). People higher in anti-gay prejudice censored their opinions about same-sex adoption and subsequently rated a gay man more stereotypically. This suppression and rebound was attenuated for high-prejudice people who encountered anti-gay jokes. Kyle Richardson1, Sabrina Teeter2, Thomas Ford2 1Univ. of Alabama, 2Western Carolina Univ. 208 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE IMAGINED VERSUS ACTUAL CONFRONTATION OF SEXIST AND RACIST JOKES We examined anticipated versus actual confrontation of sexist and racist jokes and statements. Anticipated confronting was high, especially for racist messages, regardless of whether the message was a joke or statement. Actual confronting was infrequent and slightly more likely to occur in response to a joke than a statement. Julie Woodzicka1, Jake Burnett1, Darby Lundquist1 1Washington and Lee Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE RAPE AS THE “NEW BLACK”: REACTIONS TO SUBVERSIVE AND REINFORCING RAPE HUMOR We examined individuals’ reactions to rape humor intended to either subvert or reinforce rape culture. Neither type of humor was consistently understood as intended, suggesting that use of this humor may carry risks. Further, individuals’ pre-existing beliefs about rape moderated interpretation of the jokes. Megan Strain1 1Univ. of Nebraska - Kearney SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE ANONYMITY AND DISINHIBITION DURING ONLINE INTERACTIONS The present study explored how anonymity impacts the way people react to sharing personal information online. Results showed that greater anonymity negatively affected how people felt during online interactions, but not the amount of information they chose to share. These findings indicate a lack of personal connection when engaging via the internet. Anna Maria Behler1, Ricardo Almonte2, Claudia Brumbaugh3 1Virginia Commonwealth Univ., 2CUNY Queens College, 3 CUNY Graduate Center SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE THE EFFECTS OF MORTALITY SALIENCE, SELF-ESTEEM AND BODY-ESTEEM ON CONFORMITY TO CONTEMPORARY FEMININE NORMS We examined the effects of mortality salience, global self-esteem and body-esteem on women’s conformity to eight contemporary feminine norms. Mortality salience increased endorsement of two individual norms: caring for children and maintaining the home. Our discussion focuses on the likely complex and conflicting roles feminine norms play in women’s lives. Russell Webster1, Melinda Gaddy2, Donald Saucier3 1Pennsylvania State Univ. - Abington College, 2VA Eastern Kansas Health Care Systems, 3 Kansas State Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE THE INFLUENCE OF CONSPIRACY: HIV ATTITUDES AND PREVENTION BELIEFS Attitudes toward HIV have been linked to beliefs about prevention of HIV, but the influence of conspiracy theory beliefs on this relationship has been little studied. An online survey yielded that beliefs in HIV conspiracy theories mediated the link between HIV attitudes and perceived ability to prevent HIV. Katrina Speed1, Alison Patev1, Shani Hudson1, Kristina Hood1 1Mississippi State Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE COMPENSATING FOR WHAT?: DISENTANGLING THREAT AND UNCERTAINTY IN COMPENSATORY BOLSTERING EFFECTS Psychological defense theories can generally be classified as those favoring uncertainty and those favoring threat. However, the current research was the first to manipulate feelings of threat and uncertainty in a belief bolstering study and found that the combination of the two led to more bolstering than either alone. Lucas Hinsenkamp1, Richard Petty1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE HEADS UP!: CAN SOCIAL NORMS INTERVENTIONS IMPROVE MALE COLLEGE STUDENT ATHLETES’ CONCUSSION-REPORTING BEHAVIORS? College athletes reported concussion attitudes and behaviors at pre-test and were randomly assigned to one of four interventions created by a 2 (Norms: Coach vs. Player) X 2 (Education: Coach vs. Player) between-subjects design. Those in Coach Education/Player Norms reported significantly larger improvements in perceptions of teammates’ attitudes and beliefs than those in General Education after one month. Jake Turrin1, Quincy McDougal1, Catherine Sanderson1 1Amherst College SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 209 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE STRONG NORMS SHAPE THE EXPERIENCE OF TEMPTATION We present evidence that certain temptations are less likely to arise, and are easier to resist if they do arise, in strongly socially constrained situations. Strong norms may relieve some of the burden of self-regulating by narrowing the space of “conceivable” behaviors from which we realize we can choose. Cayce Hook1, Hazel Markus1, Gregory Walton1 1Stanford Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE COPING MOTIVES MODERATE THE EFFICACY OF A PERSONALIZED NORMATIVE FEEDBACK ALCOHOL INTERVENTION AMONG HEAVY DRINKING COLLEGE STUDENTS The personalized normative feedback intervention reduced drinking, but not alcohol-related problems at three and six month follow-ups more effectively for individuals reporting stronger coping drinking motives. Changes in drinking norms mediated Intervention effects for those lower in coping drinking motives, but not for those higher in drinking motives. Chelsie Young1, Clayton Neighbors1, Angelo DiBello2, Carla Sharp1, Michael Zvolensky3, Melissa Lewis4 1Univ. of Houston, 2Brown Univ., 3 MD Anderson Cancer Center, 4Univ. of Washington SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE RATE MY PROFESSOR Previous research has indicated that narcissistic tendencies are invaluable in certain workplace environments. This study aimed to see how narcissistic tendencies were viewed in professors and elementary school teachers. Zack Speer1, Stephanie Simon1, Harry Wallace1 1Trinity Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE THE ROLE OF CONSCIOUS ATTENTION IN HOW WEIGHT SERVES AS AN EMBODIMENT OF IMPORTANCE Three studies tested the hypothesis that weight can act as an embodiment of importance unless people consciously process the object weight. Results revealed a curvilinear relationship between increased weight and importance ratings, and drawing participants’ attention to the weight eliminated the difference in importance ratings between heavy and light objects. Colin Zestcott1, Jeff Stone1 1Univ. of Arizona SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE CANNABIS INJUNCTIVE NORMS AND OUTCOME EXPECTANCIES AMONG YOUNG ADULTS This study examined cannabis injunctive norms and outcome expectances among young adults. Results suggest that frequent cannabis users, relative to non-frequent users/abstainers, perceived peers and parents as being more approving of cannabis use. Further, while frequent users held more positive expectancies than non-frequent users/ abstainers, negative outcome expectancies were similar. Dawn Foster1, Kristin Dukes2, Carolyn Sartor3 1Yale School of Medicine, 2Simmons College, 3 Connecticut Medical Health Center SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE EFFECTS OF VULNERABLE NARCISSISM ON MOTOR PERFORMANCE UNDER PRESSURE Our experiment investigated the effects of vulnerable narcissism on accuracy-based motor task performance under pressure. Participants were assigned to either a low or high pressure condition to evaluate whether the trait affected their susceptibility to “choke” under pressure. Results indicated that vulnerable narcissism inhibits accuracy when under pressure. Robert Evans1, Kelly Hohl1, Millie Sareen1, Harry Wallace1 1Trinity Univ. 210 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE GOOD DAY FOR LEOS: HOROSCOPE’S INFLUENCE ON PERCEPTION, COGNITIVE PERFORMANCES AND CREATIVITY Is reading one’s horoscope without consequences? In three experiments, researchers found reading a positive versus negative personal horoscope to increase positive interpretation of ambiguous events, cognitive performance and creativity. Horoscopes are more than mere entertainment, but influence people’s perceptions and cognitive performances. Magali Clobert1, Marianne Bourdon2, Patty Van Cappellen3, Adam Cohen4, , 1Stanford Univ., 2Nantes Univ., 3Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 4 Arizona State Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE MEASURING PEER CROWDS AND PEER CROWD TOBACCO USE Measurement tools are critical to assessing peer crowd prevalence and risk behaviors. Researchers present data on two picture-based instruments that are intended for identification of prevalent peer crowds, participant screening for peer crowd-specific samples, and post-hoc peer crowd segmentation for analysis. These instruments are important for formative and evaluation research. Dana Wagner1, Matthew Walker 2, Carolyn Stalgaitis1, Leah Hoffman2, Lori Garibay1, Tesfa Alexander 2, Jeff Jordan1 1Rescue Social Change Group, 2Food and Drug Administration Center for Tobacco Products SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE PROFESSORS WITH HIGHER GRANDIOSE NARCISSISM SCORES ARE MORE LIKELY TO BELIEVE THAT OTHERS FIND THEM HELPFUL Narcissists are infamous for their selfish, antisocial behavior, but in some contexts, their path to self-glorification may require projecting helpfulness. Consistent with this possibility, our study found that professors at an undergraduatefocused college who were relatively narcissistic were more likely to believe that students viewed them as helpful. John Kelley1, Anna Hagee1, Harry Wallace1 1Trinity Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE DOES GROUP ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION MOTIVATE BINGE DRINKING BEHAVIOR? In a study of binge drinking among university students, expectations of acceptance due to drinking were associated with increases in binge drinking, after controlling for norms. Expectations of acceptance for abstention was associated with less binge drinking. Neither cues of rejection for drinking nor abstaining were related to binge drinking. R. Thomas Beggs1, Mamta Vaswani1, Kevin Kilarski1, Ian Newby-Clark1, Benjamin Giguère1 1Univ. of Guelph SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE THE EYES HAVE IT?: USE OF DYNAMIC EYE TRACKING IN NARRATIVE EFFECTS RESEARCH We explore the use of physiological measures of narrative engagement. Eye-tracking data during exposure to film clips containing alcohol use in a social context were combined with self-reports of narrative engagement and beliefs about alcohol (e.g., alcohol expectancies). Attention to alcohol drinking in the film clips (assessed with eye-tracking) was significantly related to increased willingness to drink. Sonya Dal Cin1, Alicia Giordamiana1, Roberto Guedes de Nonohay1, Karen Nielsen1, Thomas Wills2, Frederick Gibbons3 1Univ. of Michigan, 2Univ. of Hawaii Cancer Center, 3Univ. of Connecticut SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE PUBLIC SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS AS A MODERATOR OF NORMATIVE INFLUENCES ON TAILGATING DRINKING This study examined whether public self-consciousness moderates the influence of perceived norms on drinking. College student tailgaters (N=253) completed online surveys. Perceived norms predicted drinking among those high on self-consciousness, suggesting those who care more about how they are viewed by others will change their behavior to match their peers. Kira Hutchinson1 1Colorado State Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 211 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE DIFFERENT CONVERSATION TYPES INFLUENCE THE ATTENTION AND MEMORY OF BYSTANDERS Our previous research demonstrates that bystanders who overhear cell phone conversations report more distraction and better memory of a conversation than bystanders who overhear regular conversations. This study investigates the effects of one-sided and two-sided conversations and conversation type—juicy or boring—on task performance, distractibility, and memory. Kelly Birch1, Christopher Dishop1, Matthea Monroe1 1UC San Diego SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE EFFECTS OF ATTRACTION ON PERSEVERANCE AND CONFORMITY The current study looked to see if participant behavior was affected by the presence of an attractive experimenter. Participants were given conformity and persistence tests by either an attractive or an average looking experimenter. Results showed that participants acted differently when in the presence of an attractive experimenter Sean McErlane1 1Mercyhurst Univ. SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE THE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL NORMS AND SELF-AFFIRMATION ON CHANGES IN SUGAR-SWEETENED BEVERAGE CONSUMPTION Examination of the relative efficacy of a social norms and a self-affirmation intervention found that participants who performed a self-affirmation task displayed healthier sugar-sweetened beverage consumption intentions and behaviors in response to risk information, as opposed to norms information, whereas non-affirmed participants were more impacted by norms information. Petrona Gregorio-Pascual1, Carlos Rosas1, Alyssa Martinez1, Stephanie Price1 1California State Univ. San Marcos SESSION: I - NORMS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL IDENTITY AND RACIAL SALIENCE ON JUDGMENTS OF POLICE AND CIVILIAN INTERACTION A study that looks into the effects of social identity and racial salience on the judgments made by participants in reaction to police force. This is done in an attempt to understand whether or not racial influences guide moral decision making processes, which would imply an unconscious root in stereotyping. Bryce Ritt1, Joseph Pelletier1 1California Baptist University SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS PERSONALITY FACTORS AS PREDICTORS OF STRESS AND WORK ENGAGEMENT AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS AND FACULTY MEMBERS The study examined how Big Five personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness) and dimensions of perfectionism (self-oriented, other-oriented, socially prescribed) were associated with faculty members’ perceptions of stress and level of engagement at work and university students’ perceptions of stress and level of engagement at school. Jessica Gladstone1, Erica Jordan2, Allan Wigfield1 1Univ. of Maryland, 2Univ. of West Florida SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS MONEY BUYS HAPPINESS IF SPENDING FITS OUR PERSONALITY In a field study with over 76000 bank transaction records, we find that individuals spend more money on products that match their personality, and that those whose purchases better match their personality report higher levels of life satisfaction. A follow-up experiment (N=79) shows that the effect is causal. Sandra Matz1, Joe Gladstone1, David Stillwell1 1Univ. of Cambridge 212 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS HOW THE QUEST FOR PERFECTION IMPAIRS INTERPERSONAL SATISFACTION: EVIDENCE FROM A LONGITUDINAL EXPERIENCE SAMPLING STUDY We examined the relationship between perfectionistic self-presentation (PSP) and social interactions in a sevenday experience sampling study. Multilevel modeling analyses indicated that PSP predicted less felt intimacy and relationship satisfaction. Furthermore, the link between PSP and low relational intimacy was mediated by low selfdisclosure and less perceived partner responsiveness. Chang Chen1, Paul Hewitt1, Gordon Flett2 1Univ. of British Columbia, 2York Univ. SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS BEYOND THE BIG FIVE FACETS: ROLE OF FEEDBACK SEEKING IN UNCOVERING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AGREEABLENESS AND JOB PERFORMANCE We explore why nice (i.e. highly agreeable) individuals often have weak job performance, and demonstrate that compassion and politeness, two facets of agreeableness, are, respectively, positively and negatively related to job performance through their impact on feedback seeking behaviors. We further demonstrate how employees’ communication skills affect these relationships. Nalin Srivastava1, Amit Nandkeolyar1, Greg Stewart2 1Indian School of Business, 2Univ. of Iowa SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS CAN I TRUST YOU? CONNECTIONS BETWEEN GRANDIOSITY, ENTITLEMENT AND TRUST DURING CONFLICT This work used same-sex strangers to investigate whether interpersonal behavior can explain links between narcissistic grandiosity and entitlement and post-conflict trust. Participants debated a controversial topic and reported their partner’s behavior and their own trust. Results suggest that grandiose individuals are trusted less partially due to their colder behavior. Kevin Carson1, Aparna Surya1, Robert Ackerman1 1The Univ. of Texas at Dallas SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS STARVED FOR AFFECTION? SENSITIVITY TO SOFT TOUCH RELATES TO INSECURE ATTACHMENT FOLLOWING EARLY ADVERSITY Using a conditioning task, we assessed whether the relation between early adversity and attachment depends on sensitivity to rewarding soft touch, a critical stimulus for promoting social bonds. We report that individuals who conditioned to soft touch, but not non-conditioners, had strong positive effects of early adversity on attachment insecurity. Sarah Moore1, Tayler Eaton1, Richard Depue1, Adam Anderson1 1Cornell Univ. SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS AUSTISM QUOTIENT SCORES ARE HIGHER IN INDIVIDUALS WHO MEET THE CRITERIA FOR TYPE D PERSOANLITY Researchers have not yet investigated the relationship between Type D personality and Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ). Using standardized questionnaires in a UK sample, AQ scores were shown to be significantly higher in participants who met the criteria for Type D personality than those who did not. Gillian Bruce1, Graham Scott1, Anne Keitel2, Sara Sereno2 1Univ. of the West of Scotland, 2Univ. of Glasgow SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN INTEGRATION AND DIFFERENTIATION Integration and differentiation are positively correlated at the between-person level, but we expected them to have opposite effects on object sorting behavior. Participants sorted 12 sets of objects into piles. As expected, integration was positively correlated with normalized height (reflecting larger piles) and differentiation was negatively correlated with normalized height. Victoria Oleynick1, Todd Thrash1, William Belzak1 1College of William & Mary SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 213 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS “I’M SORRY, WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!”: AN EXAMINATION OF HOW PERSONALITY TRAITS IMPACT SELF-DISCLOSURE ON SOCIAL MEDIA SITES. We examined the influence of personality traits on online disclosure, and found that extraversion is positively correlated with disclosing values and pastimes, and neuroticism is positively correlated with disclosing emotions. This study includes the development of an online disclosure measure that categorizes and quantifies disclosure on major social networking websites. Lisa Taylor1, Sean Rife1 1Murray State Univ. SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS PERSONALITY, MUSIC-ELICITED EMOTIONS AND SELF-ESTEEM: A FIVE FACTOR MODEL CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROCESSES OF MUSICAL ENJOYMENT The current study investigated the relationship between the big five personality traits, emotional responses to music and self-esteem within a sample of university students. Researchers tested a structural equation model and revealed that extraversion, openness and positive emotional responses to music are positive predictors of high self-esteem. Joao Oliveira1 1Universidade Lusofona SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS SLEEP PROBLEMS, GOAL DISENGAGEMENT AND EMOTIONAL WELLBEING IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS: THE MEDIATING ROLE OF COPING This study identifies changes in coping strategies (i.e. actor active coping and partner self-blame) as the mechanism by which goal disengagement elicits buffering effects on longitudinal increases in depressive symptoms in individuals confronted with high levels of partner sleeping problems. Meaghan Barlow1, Carsten Wrosch1 1Concordia Univ. SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS CHANGE IN PERSONALITY BETWEEN FAN AND NON-FAN IDENTITIES In three studies, researchers found fans (furries, sport fans) rated their personality differently depending on the salient group category (fan identity or personal identity). A social identity theoretical explanation is suggested to explain the differences in personality depending on salient identity. Adam Ray1, Stephen Reysen1, Courtney Plante2, Sharon Roberts2, Kathleen Gerbasi3 1Texas A&M Univ. - Commerce, 2Univ. of Waterloo, 3 Niagara County Community College SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS A DIRECT COMPARISON OF THE EXPERIENCE SAMPLING METHOD (ESM) AND THE DAY RECONSTRUCTION METHOD (DRM) The day reconstruction method (DRM; asking participants to detail yesterday’s events) purports to provide information similar to that of ESM without the need for repeated measurements. A direct comparison of the two found high similarity in reported affect and situations, supporting the use of DRM in collecting cross-situation data. Carol Tweten1, Ivana Anusic1, Richard Lucas1, M. Donnellan2 1Michigan State Univ., 2Texas A&M Univ. SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS THE DAYDREAMER: EXPLORING THE PERSONALITY UNDERPINNINGS OF DAYDREAMING AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR WELLBEING Results suggest that positive styles of daydreaming, or thoughts, images and emotions independent of external stimuli, are associated with personality traits that involve introspection, sensitivity and openness to one’s internal world. Furthermore, positive, as opposed to negative, styles of daydreaming positively predict indicators of wellbeing. Eve-Marie Blouin-Hudon1, John Zelenski1 1Carleton Univ. 214 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS HOMOSEXUAL PROFESSIONAL OR PROFESSIONAL HOMOSEXUAL?: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SEXUAL-PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY INTEGRATION AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE IN THE WORKPLACE Using a correlational design, this study examined the relationship between sexual-professional identity integration (SPII) and social influence. Results showed that SPII was associated with influence strategies as well as perceived work environment. Findings suggest that SPII is a psychometrically sound measure of identity integration for nonheterosexual professionals in the workplace. Kyle Simon1, Jacob Henicheck1, Melanie Henderson1 1Ohio Wesleyan Univ. SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS DEVELOPMENT OF THE GENERAL BELIEF SUPERIORITY (GBS) SCALE Belief superiority, belief that one’s opinions are more correct than alternatives, is tied to attitude extremity, motivated reasoning and interpersonal conflict across several domains. Using two distinct samples, we develop and validate a short domain-general scale using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, and examine correlates of general belief superiority. Kaitlin Raimi1, Katrina Jongman-Sereno2, Mark Leary2 1Univ. of Michigan, 2Duke Univ. SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS AGREEABLENESS AND PERCEPTIONS OF “VICTIMLESS” TRANSGRESSIONS We examined how agreeableness influences perceptions of transgressions with a direct versus an ambiguous victim. Participants rated “direct” transgressions more negatively than “ambiguous” transgressions, though this difference was marginally weaker for those high in agreeableness. Agreeable people rated the “ambiguous” transgression more negatively than those lower in agreeableness. Sara Branch1, Matthew Kassner 2, William Graziano3 1Hobart & William Smith Colleges, 2Centre College, 3 Purdue Univ. SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS DO WORLDVIEWS CONTRIBUTE TO MEANING IN LIFE?: RIGHTWING AUTHORITARIANISM AND THE EXPERIENCE OF MEANING Worldviews are thought to function as meaning systems. Rightwing Authoritarianism (RWA) is such a worldview; does it relate to the experience of meaning in life (MIL)? In an adult sample (N=780), RWA was positively related to MIL controlling for numerous covariates. Additional analyses examine the underpinnings of this relationship. Jake Womick1, Laura King1 1Univ. of Missouri Columbia SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS APPROACHES TO ABBREVIATED MEASURES OF PERSONALITY: COMPARISONS AND IMPLICATIONS Different approaches to developing shorter measures of personality assessment can have important implications for statistical aspects and outcomes of the measure. We compare several approaches to creating a short measure of the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) and discuss the practical and theoretical considerations of the different approaches. Ashley Bell Jones1, Ryne Sherman1 1Florida Atlantic Univ. SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS WHEN SHORTCUTS TAKE YOU IN THE WRONG DIRECTION: PROBLEMS SURROUNDING THE DESIGN AND USE OF EXTREMELY SHORT MEASURES Using both primary studies and meta-analytic data, we review the problems associated with using extremely short measures including lack of construct breadth, construct drift, unreliability and structural problems and how these issues can lead misleading results. We discuss common misunderstandings about scale and survey design and propose solutions. Peter Harms1, Marcus Crede2, Justin DeSimone3, Seth Spain4, , 1Univ. of Alabama, 2Iowa State Univ., 3Univ. of Cincinnati, 4Binghamton Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 215 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS USING FORCED-CHOICE ITEMS FOR BUILDING SHORT FORMS We present an option for creating short form personality assessments using forced-choice items. We compare alternatives for creating short forms using this approach, and compare our results to multidimensional forced-choice short forms using common evaluation criteria (e.g., reliability, correlations with existing scales, factor structure) Jeff Foster1, Blaine Gaddis1 1Hogan Assessment Systems SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS THE IMPACT OF GUILT PRONENESS ON FAVOR PERFORMANCE IN ORGANIZATIONS How are decisions to perform favors at work influenced by guilt proneness (GP)? Two online studies found that participants associated GP with a higher likelihood of favor performance across four different contexts, and this effect was mediated by concerns about benefits to others and morality. Amanda Weirup1, Taya Cohen1 1Carnegie Mellon Univ. SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS RETHINKING THE LINK BETWEEN NARCISSISM AND SOCIOSEXUALITY: IS IT MAINLY A GUY THING? Narcissism has long been linked with unrestricted sociosexuality (i.e., willingness to engage in sexual behavior outside of committed relationships). In the present studies, we show that this link is stronger and more reliable for men compared to women. Theories regarding narcissism and sexuality should take this sex difference into account. Joshua Foster1, Levi Shiverdecker1, Imani Turner1 1Univ. of South Alabama SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS WHAT DOES THE NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY INVENTORY MEASURE ACROSS ITS TOTAL SCORE CONTINUUM? Traits reflecting intrapersonally positive qualities increment most rapidly within the lower half of the NPI total score continuum; traits reflecting interpersonally negative qualities increment most rapidly within the upper half of the continuum. These differences have implications for the meaning of NPI scores and how they correlate with other variables. Imani Turner1, Joshua Foster1, Levi Shiverdecker1 1Univ. of South Alabama SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOCIAL VENGEANCE SCALE Vengeance is generally defined as the infliction of harm in return for perceived wrong, an expression that has been connected to concrete constructions of actions and goals. The study proposes a Social Vengeance scale with two factors: abstract and concrete. Results revealed adequate psychometric properties and model fit of the two-factor scale. Miriam Alvarez1, Paola Balcazar1, Sandra Oviedo1, Osvaldo Morera1 1The Univ. of Texas at El Paso SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS CAN PERSONALITY PREDICT WHY PEOPLE THINK THEIR SITUATIONS CHANGED? Research has not explored whether situation change is related to an individual’s personality. Participants wore a lifelogger for one day and rated why their situations changed (total N= 2408).Regression analyses revealed that there were no statistically significant differences between the six broad personality traits and self-reported reasons for situation change. Rachel Zambrano1, Nick Brown1, Ryne Sherman1 1Florida Atlantic Univ. SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS PERSONALITY AND BELIEF CORRELATES OF IMPOSTER FEELINGS Undergraduates (n=136) completed measures of imposterism and a variety of personality, belief, and individual differences. Imposter feelings were found to be associated with neuroticism, socially prescribed perfectionism, and conscientiousness. Results suggest that some people might be predisposed to experience imposter feelings. Elizabeth Carlson1, Deborah Danzis1 1High Point University 216 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS SELF-OTHER AGREEMENT IN PERSONALITY USING THE NARCISSISTIC ADMIRATION AND RIVALRY QUESTIONNAIRE AND CALIFORNIA ADULT Q-SET How are narcissistic people perceived by their peers? This study examined self-other agreement with the Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire and the California Adult Q-set. Results demonstrated that the perceptions of narcissistic people are seen differently by the self and their acquaintances using the CAQ. Bianca Pond1, Nick Brown1, Ryne Sherman1 1Florida Atlantic Univ. SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS THE ‘MILITARY PERSONALITY PROFILE:’ IS IT CONDUCIVE TO POST-SERVICE SUCCESS? Previous research has shown that individuals joining the military are less agreeable and more neurotic than their civilian counterparts. Contrary to previous findings, we found no differences in these personality dimensions between student veterans and other college students. However, agreeableness influenced the academic progress of these groups differently. Aimen Vanood1, Katie Gandee1, Joseph Barbour1, Virginia S.Y. Kwan1 1Arizona State Univ. SESSION: I - PERSONALITY PROCESSES/TRAITS USING REAL-TIME ASSESSMENT TO EXPLORE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HAPPINESS AND BEHAVIOR THROUGHOUT THE WEEK This study employed experience-sampling methodology to examine fluctuations in state level happiness throughout the week. Additionally, we examined how variations in happiness are associated with behavior in a given situation. Sydney Coman1, Ashley Bell Jones1, Ryne Sherman1 1Florida Atlantic Univ. SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY INCREASING ENVIRONMENTALISM WITH GROUP CONNECTION AND CHOICE OF REFERENT Participants who considered how they became part of their environmentally-friendly campus (other-referent) expressed greater pro-environmental attitudes than those who considered how their campus became part of them (self-referent). Campus connection correlated with environmental identity, attitudes, norms and intentions only in the other-referent condition, showing the self aligned with the group. Daniel Nadolny1 1Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, Grenfell Campus SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY THE ROLE OF PARENTAL AUTONOMY SUPPORT IN ADOLESCENTS’ IDENTITY CRISIS ABOUT OCCUPATIONAL FUTURE Researchers examined the role of maternal autonomy support in occupational identity development. Results showed that adolescents with more autonomy-supportive mothers were more likely to develop an achieved identity, whereas controlling parenting was positively linked to identity diffusion. Unexpectedly, both maternal autonomy support and controlling parenting were positively associated with foreclosure. Fanny Grenier1, Marie-Claude Beaudet-Ménard1, Jean-Michel Robichaud1, Joëlle Carpentier 2, Diana Cardenas1, Roxane de la Sablonnière1, Geneviève A. Mageau, Ph.D.1 1Université de Montréal, 2Université McGill SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY PRIMING A MULTIPLE IDENTITY MIND-SET AFFECTS CREATIVITY IN ADULT AND CHILD POPULATIONS Do multiple identities increase creativity? Priming a multiracial’s racial identity boosted creativity, whereas priming a monoracial’s racial identity showed no effect (Study 1). Reminding monoracials about their multiple identities increased creativity (Study 2), but a multiracial-identity prime showed no effect (Study 3). This study discussed current research exploring children’s multiple identities\. Sarah Gaither1, Jessica Remedios2, Diana Sanchez3, Samuel Sommers2, Samantha Fan1, Katherine Kinzler1 1Univ. of Chicago, 2Tufts Univ., 3 Rutgers Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 217 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF A MEASURE OF FACEBOOK SELF-PRESENTATION STRATEGIES This study represents the first stage in development of a measure of Facebook users’ self-presentation strategies. Exploratory factor analysis of the self-presentation items yielded a three-factor solution: Strategic control, disclosure ease and ambivalent utilization. Future research will focus on confirmation and validation of the measure’s factor structure. Meghan Crabtree1, Jessica Stetler1, Lauren Hernandez1, Willie Hale1, David Pillow1 1Univ. of Texas at San Antonio SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY VIVIDNESS OF THE FUTURE SELF AND EXERCISE BEHAVIOR The current studies examined present-future self-continuity in the context of health. People who felt more continuity with their future selves reported being healthier (Study 1). People induced (via a writing task) to feel more connected to their distant future selves exercised more in the subsequent two days (Study 2). Monica Reyes1, Hal Hershfield2, Abraham Rutchick1 1California State Univ., Northridge, 2Univ. of California, Los Angeles SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY THE AFFIRMED SELF: LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF A BRIEF ONLINE AFFIRMATION ON ONE’S SENSE OF SELF Three studies explore whether a brief online affirmation can durably enhance self-integrity and self-efficacy. Participants discussed a long-term goal and then completed an affirmation or control exercise. Seven months later, though affirmed participants were no more likely to achieve their goal, they reported greater self-integrity and selfefficacy compared to controls. Mabelle Bong1, Shannon Brady2, Geoffrey Cohen2 1UCSD Rady School of Management, 2Stanford Univ. SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY NEIGHBORHOOD DISADVANTAGE AND GENDER AMONG FORMER INMATES: DIFFERENTIAL RELATIONSHIPS TO FEELING CONNECTED TO THE COMMUNITY Upon release from jail, individuals return to communities ranging in level of neighborhood disadvantage (e.g., percent of households receiving public assistance, unemployment rates). Neighborhood disadvantage relates to different forms of community connectedness - for men, connectedness to the criminal community, but for women, connectedness to the community at large. Johanna Folk1, Carle Wirshba2, Ashley Dobbins1, June Tangney1, Jeffrey Stuewig1 1George Mason Univ., 2Binghamton Univ. SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY WANTING TO KNOW BUT NOT WANTING TO TELL: SELF-OTHER ASYMMETRIES IN THE SHARING OF SOCIAL FEEDBACK People seem eager to receive feedback that could help them to self-improve, while being reluctant to give such feedback to others. In a trio of studies, we explored the antecedents to this asymmetry as well as the expected outcomes of sharing social feedback in the context of friendship. Jane Tucker1, Timothy Wilson1 1Univ. of Virginia SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY DRIVING YOUR WAY TO SELF-COMPLETION: COMPENSATORY VEHICLE PREFERENCES We examined whether people attempt to compensate for discrepancies between their actual- and desired-selves by purchasing products which possess their desired qualities. We found that people were more willing to purchase vehicles which possessed traits they themselves were discrepant from. Daniel Smith1, Jeff Seger1, J. Adam Randell1 1Cameron Univ. 218 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY SELF-COMPASSIONATE MATERIALISTS DO NOT EXHIBIT THE TYPICAL ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES OF MATERIALISM Self-compassionate materialists allocated less of their income toward material consumption and were less likely to judge other’s true self based on material purchases. Materialists who were induced to be self-compassionate, compared to feeling self-esteem, sold their favorite pair of jeans at a lower price. Adriana Bastardas-Albero1, Jia Wei Zhang2, Ryan Howell3 1Autonomous Univ. of Barcelona, 2Univeristy of California Berkeley, 3 San Francisco State Univ. SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY WHO I WAS, WHO I AM AND WHO I WANT TO BE: WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM IDENTITY TRAJECTORIES? We adapted a multidimensional social identity scale (Leach et al. 2008) to measure past, present and ideal identities. Ideal identification predicted current ingroup-defining behavior. Increasing identification over time predicted current ingroup affiliation. Ideal levels of identification and identity trajectories over time add nuance and predictive power beyond existing identity measures. Margaret Haupert1, Eliot Smith1, Stephanie Lochbihler1 1Indiana Univ. - Bloomington SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY LIFE NARRATIVES AND THE PROSOCIAL PERSONALITY Life narratives reflect individual identities. In a two-part study, researchers expected that prosocial personality would predict focus of life stories. Results indicated that individuals with prosocial attributes described their life experiences in terms of relationships rather than personal achievements. Prosocial attributes also predicted redemptive themes and story generation ease. Adrienne Austin1, Kristi Costabile1 1Iowa State Univ. SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY A MATTER OF TASTE: SOCIAL CLASS AND THE CENTRALITY OF CULTURAL CAPITAL We tested the relationship between social class and the importance of cultural capital. Upper-class individuals were more likely to emphasize having refined taste as an aspect of their identity that they desire to signal to others. The emphasis placed on taste during their upbringing explained this effect. Daniel Stancato1, Paul Piff2, Dacher Keltner1 1Univ. of California, Berkeley, 2Univ. of California, Irvine SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY PERCEIVED DISCRIMINATION, ETHNIC IDENTITY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ADJUSTMENT AMONG MEXICAN AMERICAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS In a sample of 810 Mexican American students, this study shows that ethnic identity serves as a suppressor on the relationship between perceived discrimination and adjustment, and also buffers the effects of perceived discrimination such that discrimination is more weakly related to adjustment among high- than low-ethnic identity individuals. Jorge Martins1, M. Lynne Cooper1 1Univ. of Missouri SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN GENDER TYPICALITY OF NAMES AND PERCEIVED GENDER ROLE IDENTITY We hypothesized that gender typicality of ones’ name would influence their satisfaction and perceived experiences involving it, which in turn would impact their gender role identity. The result showed that satisfaction with name gender typicality mediated between both subjective and objective gender typicality of name and gender role identity. Sang Hee Park1, Hyeon Jeong Kim1, Hyang Su Lee1, Dasom KIM1 1Chungbuk National Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 219 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY IMAGINING BEING A DIFFERENT YOU: TESTING THE ASSUMPTIONS OF SELF-VERIFICATION THEORY Self-verification theory proposes that self-verification motive serves to confirm and stabilize existing self-view even when the self-view is negative, so as to maintain a sense of coherence, predictability and controllability. In contrast, we found that individuals with low self-esteem preferred to maintain only a positive, but not negative, identity. Wing Yee Cheung1, Aiden Gregg1, Constantine Sedikides1 1Univ. of Southampton SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY THE OVERLY-QUANTIFIED SELF: TRACKING PERSONAL HABITS MAY REDUCE AUTHENTICITY AND EMOTIONAL STABILITY We argue that closely monitoring one’s progress towards goals may come at a cost. Specifically, interest in habittracking was related to self-alienation (e.g., “I feel as if I don’t know myself very well”), and in turn, to emotional instability. This pattern held when controlling for self-improvement motives. Jane Klinger1, Steven Spencer1 1Univ. of Waterloo SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY EXPLORING THE EVOLUTIONARY ROOTS OF SOCIAL COMPARISON: EVIDENCE FROM CROWS AND HUMANS We investigated the evolutionary foundations of social comparison using a co-acting paradigm in crows and humans. Facing the co-actor’s manipulated feedback, humans assimilated to moderate and contrasted away from extreme standards. Though crows did not show contrast, they assimilated to moderate standards. We discuss evolutionary explanations and further implications. Corinna Michels1, Thomas Bugnyar2, Julia Fischer3, Thomas Mussweiler1 1Univ. of Cologne, 2Univ. of Vienna, 3 German Primate Center SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY SELF-EVALUATIVE EFFECTS OF DIMENSIONAL AND SOCIAL COMPARISON This research examined the interplay of dimensional and social comparison during self-evaluation. Participants received manipulated dimensional and social comparison information about their performance on a quantitative test and a verbal test. Both comparison types significantly influenced self-evaluations. However, the effect of social comparison was significantly larger than dimensional comparison. Ethan Zell1, Jason Strickhouser1 1Univ. of North Carolina at Greensboro SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY IF FESTINGER HAD A FACEBOOK: SOCIAL COMPARISON AND SELF-PRESENTATION ON SOCIAL MEDIA Social networking sites are changing the nature of social comparison targets by providing detailed, positive social information. Studies 1-2 suggest a connection between Facebook use and self-esteem. Studies 3-5 suggest that users high in social comparison orientation use Facebook more heavily and experience more negative effects of Facebook use. Erin Vogel1, Jason Rose1 1Univ. of Toledo SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY PERSONALITY: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN METATRAITS AND ETHNIC IDENTITY We tested the relationship between personality metatraits – stability and plasticity – and ethnic identity exploration and commitment. Using structural equation modeling, stability and plasticity are each related to ethnic identity commitment and exploration. Further analyses found three significant direct effects: stability and commitment, stability and exploration, and plasticity and exploration. Adam Beaupre1, Richard Lee1, Moin Syed1 1Univ. of Minnesota - Twin Cities 220 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY DOUBTING GOD AND GOVERNMENT UNDERMINE SELF-CONCEPT CLARITY Do beliefs influence self-perceptions? To test this, participants wrote about their belief in God or government and then provided reasons why they were confident or doubted that belief. The results showed that those who contemplated their confidence had greater self-concept clarity than those who contemplated their doubts about these beliefs. Michael Kitchens1, Jennifer Kitchens1 1Lebanon Valley College SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY FRIENDING YOUR FUTURE: AN ECOLOGICAL APPROACH FOR INCREASING FUTURE SELFCONTINUITY This research proposes an ecological approach to increase future-self continuity by manipulating positivity, similarity and vividness toward their future. Participants will create a simulated social media profile for their future self. A longitudinal study will measure the effects of the manipulations on subsequent future-self continuity and academic performance. Heather Smyth1, Virginia S.Y. Kwan1 1Arizona State Univ. SESSION: I - SELF/IDENTITY INCREASING GROUP IDENTIFICATION FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH CONCEALABLE STIGMATIZED IDENTITIES Evaluation of an identity intervention for people with mental illness and people who are lesbian, gay, and bisexual and its effects on well-being and internal stigma. Implications for people with concealable stigmatized groups will be discussed. Angela Cobb1, Acacia Parks1, Michelle Nario-Redmond1 1Hiram College SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM REDUCING THE BEHAVIORAL AND AFFECTIVE CONSEQUENCES OF CONTINGENT SELF-WORTH: SHIFTING FOCUS FROM “‘ME, THE STUDENT,” TO “‘ME, THE SAINT” In two studies, we demonstrate that when threats to self-worth are experienced in an important domain (e.g., negative academic performance feedback), priming a different important part of self-worth (e.g., virtue) reduces selfhandicapping (Study 1) and prevents lowered self-esteem and negative affect (Study 2). Sarah Taylor1, Mark Alicke1 1Ohio Univ. SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM BODY DISSATISFACTION: LINKS WITH ATTACHMENT STYLE AND PERSONALITY IN A NATIONAL SAMPLE OF ADULTS Researchers have linked personality and attachment style with psychological wellbeing. Adult women (N = 8,964) completed measures of personality, attachment and satisfaction with weight, appearance and muscle tone/size. Consistent with the hypotheses, secure, extroverted individuals exhibited higher body satisfaction, whereas anxious and neurotic women reported lower body satisfaction. Milad Khosravi1, Patrick Morse1, David Frederick1 1Chapman Univ. SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM RESPONSES TO PERFORMANCE FEEDBACK IN PEOPLE WITH DEFENSIVE VS. SECURE SELF-ESTEEM Following receipt of false feedback on a speech, people with defensive (high explicit/low implicit) self-esteem rated negative feedback as more negative than did those with secure (high explicit/implicit) self-esteem, felt sadder after receiving it, and were more likely to attribute their performance, whether positive or negative, to task difficulty. Jennifer Borton1, Katherine Delesalle1, Sarah Ohanesian1 1Hamilton College SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 221 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TWO LATENT FACTORS OF THE ROSENBERG SELF-ESTEEM SCALE AND THE AGGRESSION QUESTIONNAIRE IN JAPANESE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS We proposed that the Rosenberg fs Self-Esteem Scale comprised two factors, positive self-esteem (PSE) and negative self-esteem (NSE), and predicted hostility would be more strongly related with NSE than with PSE. SEM (N = 251) suggested a serial causal relationship where NSE negatively affected hostility and positively affected physical aggression. Kodai Fukudome1, Ken’ichiro Nakashima1, Yasuko Morinaga1 1Hiroshima Univ. SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM SELF-COMPASSION PROMOTES WELLBEING AFTER A BODY CHECKING TASK: INVESTIGATING THE MEDIATING ROLE OF SITUATIONAL SELF-ESTEEM This study sought to determine whether situational self-esteem may explain how trait self-compassion positively influences wellbeing in an ego-threatening situation. Mediation analyses revealed that after an ego-threat (body checking task), self-compassion had beneficial effects on wellbeing (e.g. body appreciation, state anxiety) mainly by preserving situational self-esteem. Isabelle Almgren-Dore1, Stephane Dandeneau1 1Univ. of Quebec in Montreal SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM THE ROLE OF SELF-ESTEEM AND AWARENESS IN THE CONTAGION OF NEGATIVE MOODS When aware of the possibility of “catching” a bad mood, people with lower self-esteem (LSEs) were in as good a mood as those with higher self-esteem, regardless of whether they were exposed to a negative mood induction. LSEs’ moods may improve when they can attribute a negative mood externally. Linden Timoney1, Amanda Forest2, Joanne Wood1 1Univ. of Waterloo, 2Univ. of Pittsburgh SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM COMBATTING THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF THIN-IDEAL MEDIA: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WARNING LABELS, SUBVERTISING AND DOWNWARD SOCIAL COMPARISONS In a between subjects experiment (N = 1268), we examined the effectiveness of different strategies for minimizing the negative effects of exposure to thin-ideal media. Adding warning labels or subvertising messages were not protective, but there was some evidence that inducing downward social comparisons was protective. Terri Scott1, Gagan Sandhu1, Yasmin Akbari1, David Frederick1 1Chapman Univ. SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM MORTALITY SALIENCE WEAKENS ENCODING OF SELF-RELATED INFORMATION: BEHAVIORAL AND NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE Behavioral research suggests that mortality salience (MS) provoke avoidance of self-focused mental state. However, the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying MS effects on the processing of self-related information remain elusive. We tested the hypothesis that MS suppresses the elaborated encoding of self-related information during a selfreferential task. Juan Yang1, Yu Chen2 1Southwest Univ., 2Southwest Universiy SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM MAKING SURE YOU SEE THE REAL ME: THE MODERATING ROLE OF SELF-ESTEEM IN ANTICIPATORY SELF-EXPANSION TO ADOPT POSITIVE VS. NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES Two studies examined how self-esteem moderates the integration of a potential partner’s characteristics into the selfconcept. When motivated to increase romantic closeness to a prospective partner, low self-esteem individuals tended to adopt negative attributes over positive ones, whereas high self-esteem individuals tended to take on positive over negative attributes. Lyuboslava Kolarova1, Erica Slotter1 1Villanova Univ. 222 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM FACEBOOK, YOU’RE AGING WELL: AGE AND ONLINE SOCIAL COMPARISONS Compared to younger adults, older adults make fewer social comparisons, including fewer upward comparisons, while browsing their Facebook newsfeeds. Moreover, older adults report better mood and state self-esteem than younger adults after using the site, and making fewer upward Facebook comparisons partially explains these more positive outcomes for older people. Claire Midgley1, Erin Courtice2, Penelope Lockwood1, Alison Chasteen1 1Univ. of Toronto, 2Univ. of Ottawa SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM REEXAMINING NO INCREASE OF NEGATIVE AFFECT IN TERROR MANAGEMENT THEORY: FEAR MEDIATES THE EFFECT OF MORTALITY SALIENCE ON WORLDVIEW DEFENSES AMONG ADOLESCENTS We examined whether mortality salience (MS) can enhance fear for people in their twenties and fifties (Total N = 1223). Participants in MS condition (vs. control) showed higher levels of fear. Further, we found a significant indirect effect of MS on worldview defense through fear among participants in their twenties. Akihiro Toya1, Ken’ichiro Nakashima1, Yasuko Morinaga1 1Hiroshima Univ. SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM INITIMACY AS A MEDIATOR BETWEEN CONTINGENT SELF-WORTH AND RELATIONSHIP SATISFACTION Individuals with more contingent self-worth in a domain also tend to have more suspicion of their romantic partner’s feedback in that domain, and that this suspicion accompanies lower levels of relationship satisfaction. Results indicate that this process is mediated by intimacy, but only for contingencies related to romantic relationships. Jesse Poucher1, Karen Prager1 1Univ. of Texas at Dallas SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM PREFERENCE FOR “ONE’S OWN NAME” AS AN IMPLICIT MEASURE OF GLOBAL SELF-ESTEEM AMONG JAPANESE PEOPLE We applied Gebauer et al.’s (2008) method of implicit self-esteem to Japanese people. Japanese participants answered self-report scales and preference for his/her name. Results revealed that the preference was significantly higher than the theoretical midpoint, and was not significantly correlated with explicit self-esteem nor social desirability. Tsutomu Fujii1, Takafumi Sawaumi2, Atsushi Aikawa3 1Center for Research on Educational Testing, 2Kanagawa Univ., 3Univ. of Tsukuba SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM THE MODERATING EFFECT OF INSTABILITY OF SELF-ESTEEM ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN IDENTIFICATION WITH THE GROUP AND DRINKING We examined the associations between identification with the group (IWG), instability of self-esteem (ISE) and drinking among heavy drinking college students (N=886). Higher IWG or perceived group superiority was associated with greater drinking, especially among people higher in ISE. Higher deference predicted more drinking among individuals also higher in ISE. Mai-Ly Steers1, Mary Tomkins1, C. Knee1, Clayton Neighbors1 1Univ. of Houston SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM POWERLESS NOT HELPLESS: REPARATIVE EFFECTS OF PSYCHOSOCIAL RESOURCES FOR THE POWERLESS Lack of social power has been shown to impair executive function. We demonstrate that this impairment is not immutable. In three studies, we tested whether reinforcing a psychosocial resource, i.e. self-worth, enhances executive functioning of the powerless. Sumaya AlBalooshi1, Mehrad Moeini-Jazani1, Bob Fennis1, Luk Warlop1 1BI Norwegian Business School SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 223 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM GAMING-CONTINGENT SELF-WORTH: MEASUREMENT AND RELATIONSHIP WITH INTERNET GAMING DISORDER This study created a measure of contingent self-worth based on Crocker and Wolfe’s (2001) construct to assess selfesteem contingent on different facets of Internet gaming. Factor analysis was used to identify a 32-item measure with four factors of Gaming-Contingent Self-Worth. Additional analyses revealed significant relationships between GCSW and problematic gaming. Charlotte Beard1, Robert Wickham1 1Palo Alto Univ. SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM DEATH AWARENESS, DECREASED CREATIVITY, AND INTRINSIC RELIGIOSITY Terror Management theory suggests religion is used as a worldview defense which is inextricably linked to a decrease in open-mindedness. Creativity scores between high and low intrinsic religiosity following mortality salience are examined. Creativity was decreased in those with high intrinsic religiosity scores and those who underwent a MS task. Sally Swanson1, Robert Arrowood2, Ralph Hood2 1The Univ. of Tennessee-Chattanooga, 2The Univ. of Tennessee at Chattanooga SESSION: I - SELF-ESTEEM THE ROLE OF SUBJECTIVE ATTRACTIVENESS AND ESTEEM IN STRESS REACTIVITY Subjective physical attractiveness has a significant impact on overall self-esteem. Low self-esteem is correlated with various psychopathologies. Results demonstrate that subjective physical attractiveness positively predicted subjective response to a socially evaluative public speaking task. Joy Njiribeako-Josephs1, Ellie Shuo Jin1, Katie McDermott1, Leslie Rice1 1The Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY SOCIAL CAPITAL IN THE ACHIEVEMENT IN EDUCATION: FOCUS ON DROPOUT RATES AND GRADUATION RATES OF UNIVERSITIES IN JAPAN Social capital of undergraduate students is associated with dropout rates and graduation rates of Japanese universities. It implies that social capital is the most important factor for achievement in education. Michimasa Haga1, Keisuke Takano2, Shinji Sakamoto1 1Nihon Univ., 2Leuven Univ. SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY PRACTICING WHAT YOU PREACH: INJUNCTIVE NORMS MEDIATE THE INFLUENCE OF GROUP IDENTIFICATION ON WILLINGNESS TO BEHAVE PROENVIRONMENTALLY Participants primed to identify with a relevant ingroup reported higher group identification. Group identification predicted setting stricter injunctive norms and more willingness to engage in proenvironmental behaviors. Injunctive norms mediated the relationship between group identification and willingness, suggesting a novel way to prompt environmentally friendly behaviors through self-policing. Anne Herlache1, Sage Comstock1, Zlatan Krizan1 1Iowa State Univ. SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PERSON- AND THING- ORIENTATIONS AND CONSUMER SHOPPING PREFERENCES Researchers explored shopping preferences in light of Person- and Thing Orientations (PO/TO). Increased PO was significantly associated with increased liking for shopping in a brick-and-mortar store, but not online. Increased TO was significantly associated with increased liking for shopping online, but not in brick-and-mortar stores. Meghan Norris1, Jeongho Han1, Shavonne Pye-Strowbridge2 1Purdue Univ., 2Saint Mary’s Univ. SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY PRO-ENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIORAL SPILLOVER FROM EATING VEGAN TO TIMING SHOWERS Despite assumptions, few studies have tested whether performing one pro-environmental behavior spills over to others. Our quasi-experimental field study found some evidence of positive spillover as diners who ordered a vegan meal were more likely to agree to use shower timers, but only after viewing a poster promoting the meal. Heather Truelove1, Kam Yeung1, Shaquille Rainge1 of North Florida 1Univ. 224 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY FEELINGS OF LONELINESS AND SENSE OF COMMUNITY AMONG ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORK USERS Use of online social networking sites (SNS) can have positive and negative effects. The current study examined whether frequency of SNS usage, SNS engagement behavior, and number of SNS are associated with feelings of loneliness and sense of community. Active engagement behavior was associated with sense of community. Daniel Kern1, Kristin Schneider1 1Rosalind Franklin Univ. of Medicine & Science SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY MEASURING THE PROPENSITY TO WORK SICK: THE DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF A NEW MEASURE Sickness Presence is just as prevalent as sickness absence, yet few studies investigate the issue, and no measurement tools yet exist. This study aims to validate a new scale, by demonstrating acceptable reliability, and convergent and discriminant validity coefficients with variables of theoretical interest. Researchers discussed implications for its use. Ludwig Eriksson1, Christopher Warren1 1California State Univ., Long Beach SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY DON’T TAKE A PICTURE, IT WON’T LAST LONGER: PICTURE-TAKING AND SOCIAL MEDIA CHANGE EXPERIENCES AND MEMORY OF EVENTS How does the act of taking pictures and posting them onto the Internet change our everyday experiences? The present study finds that participants instructed to take pictures during a tour were less “present” during the tour and scored lower on a surprise memory test than control participants. Emma Templeton1, Diana Tamir2, Jamil Zaki1 1Stanford Univ., 2Princeton Univ. SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY INFLUENCING UNREALISTIC OPTIMISM IN YOUNG WOMEN’S PERCEIVED RISK OF SKIN CANCER Individuals are generally unrealistically optimistic about their health. Researchers manipulated factors previously shown to influence unrealistically optimistic health perceptions (images, peer information, listing personal factors) to examine effects on women’s perceived risk of skin cancer. Results showed women who viewed Peer Information had significantly lower absolute and comparative risk estimates. Karen Vanderzanden1, Joelle Ruthig1, Andre Kehn1, Heather Terrell1, Bradlee Gamblin1 1Univ. of North Dakota SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY EFFECTS OF EXPECTING FUTURE INTERACTIONS ON FACTORS AFFECTING DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION OVER THE INTERNET TO A STRANGER Researchers investigated effects of expecting future interactions on factors affecting disclosure of personal information when chatting with a stranger over the Internet. In the high expectancy condition, information privacy did not correlate with disclosure of personal information, although motivation for chatting correlated positively with disclosure. Naoya Tabata1, Hirotsune Sato2 1Aichi Gakuin Univ., 2Shinshu Univ. SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY WHAT PREVENTS US FROM BEING EFFECTIVE NETWORKERS?: POWER-BASED REJECTION SENSITIVITY AND TIE FORMATIONS Present research investigated situationally evoked a psychological mechanism that prevents people from building networks with powerful contacts. Three studies demonstrated anticipating building a network with a powerful person itself evoked high level of power-based rejection sensitivity. Results also found people were less likely to approach powerful person to establish a tie. Jung Won Lee1, Xi Zou2 1Univ. College London, 2London Business School SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 225 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BEHAVIORAL ADAPTABILITY AND INTERACTION OUTCOMES Is adapting one’s behavior to the different expectation of one’s social interaction partner linked to better interaction outcomes? In a field study with 61 physicians and 244 patients, we confirmed for women physicians that the more they adapted their behavior among different patients, the better the patient outcomes. Valérie Carrard1, Marianne Schmid Mast1 1Univ. of Lausanne SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY PRESERVING HISTORY OR A REMINDER OF A PAINFUL PAST: DIVERGENT PERCEPTIONS OF ANTEBELLUM ARCHITECTURE Preserving historic buildings is important, both to honor proud moments in our history and to acknowledge and redress shameful ones. However, in two studies, we find that Black (but not White) participants dislike Antebellum architecture and feel unwelcome in buildings of that style, even when built in the present day. Sara Driskell1, Sophie Trawalter2 1Indiana Univ., 2Univ. of Virginia SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY THE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL INTERACTION ON NICOTINE CONSUMPTION AND PERCEIVED SOCIAL REWARD Participants consumed nicotine or non-nicotine electronic cigarette vapor with others or alone. For alone participants, non-nicotine vapor consumption was greater than nicotine consumption; for participants with others, there was no difference in nicotine/non-nicotine vapor consumption. Social interaction while smoking (versus no interaction) significantly increased perceived reward of the smoking experience. Stephanie Lochbihler1, Daniel Miller 2 1Indiana Univ., 2Indiana University- Purdue University Fort Wayne SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PERCEPTIONS OF PROVIDER COMMUNICATION, SELF-EFFICACY AND PATIENT PAIN This study examines the relationships between patients’ perceptions of provider communication, pain intensity and self-efficacy for managing chronic disease. Results showed more positive perceptions of provider communication were related to lower levels of pain intensity and this relationship was significantly mediated by higher levels of self-efficacy for chronic disease. Mollie Ruben1, Barbara Bokhour1, Nancy Kressin2, Mark Meterko3 1Boston Univ., 2Boston Univ., 3VA Boston Healthcare System SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY PATIENT-PROVIDER COMMUNICATION’S ASSOCIATION WITH DECREASED LUNG CANCER STIGMA Two studies examined lung cancer stigma’s association with negative psychosocial outcomes and patient-provider communication. Results indicate that lung cancer stigma is associated with higher levels of anxiety and depression (Study 1, n=141), and good patient-provider communication is associated with lower levels of lung cancer stigma (Study 2, n=231). Megan Shen1, Heidi Hamann2, Anna Thomas2, Jamie Ostroff3 1Weill Cornell Medical College, 2Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 3 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY THE ROLES OF ANXIETY AND EMPATHY WHEN GIVING BAD NEWS In two studies, (total N=394) we examine how participants’ anxiety and empathy influence their bad news delivery strategies. Through self-report, LIWC analyses and coded videos, we demonstrate that highly anxious and highly empathetic participants deliver bad news differently than their less anxious and empathetic counterparts. Angela Legg1, Kate Sweeny2 1Pace Univ., 2Univ. of California, Riverside SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY DISGUST SENSITIVITY, BELIEFS IN A DANGEROUS WORLD AND CONSERVATISM The purpose of this study was to examine the relations among disgust sensitivity, beliefs in a dangerous world and conservatism. Disgust sensitivity was positively correlated with beliefs in a dangerous world and conservatism. In addition, dangerous world beliefs mediated the relation between disgust sensitivity and conservatism. Shelby Boggs1, Cameron Ford1, Natalie Shook1 1West Virginia Univ. 226 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY MINING CREATIVE POTENTIAL Video game play involves abstract thinking, imagination and problem solving. This is one of the first studies to investigate what effect video games can have on measures of creativity. Results show significant difference between playing a creative game versus watching a show and playing a non-creative game. Jorge Blanco-Herrera1, Douglas Gentile1 1Iowa State Univ. SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY CONTENT ANALYSIS OF VALUES-AFFIRMATION ESSAYS Values-affirmations have proven to be an effective intervention tool in a number of domains. However, the content of the text produced across interventions warrants further attention. Combining data from multiple studies, we computationally identify important themes and topics in values-affirmation essays, focusing especially on differences between younger and older writers. Sowmya Bhagavatula1, Robert Backer1, Travis Riddle1, Smaranda Muresan1, Valerie Purdie-Vaughns1 1Columbia Univ. SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY GENDER REPRESENTATION AT SPSP This study investigates women’s underrepresentation at SPSP by examining 10 years of symposia presentations. Findings include: women chairs are more likely to have other women as presenters; women are underrepresented as speakers relative to their membership in SPSP; underrepresentation is greater in some subdisciplines; and representation is increasing over time. Camille Johnson1, Pamela Smith2, Chunlei Wang1 1San Jose State Univ., 2UC San Diego SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY SHIFTING CLIMATES People holding a growth mindset (Dweck 1999) of the world (vs. fixed) were more likely to believe that climate change is real, human made, a fundamental threat, and were more likely to say they would donate money, writing to their political representatives and to engage in a discussion with someone holding a fundamentally different opinion. Michael Hahn1, Rodolfo Cortes Barragan1, Carol Dweck1 1Stanford Univ. SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY JUSTIFYING EXPECTATIONS OF THE FUTURE: THE CONTENT, CORRELATES AND TEMPORAL PATTERN OF EXPLANATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE PREDICTIONS Research confirms the importance of managing one’s expectations for the future. The present research tracked law graduates’ and undergraduates’ explanations for their performance predictions over two waiting periods (awaiting bar exam results and midterm grades, respectively) and found that expectations formed in response to current emotions reflect more difficulty waiting. Angelica Falkenstein1, Kate Sweeny1 1Univ. of California, Riverside SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY COMPUTER-MEDIATED SELF-DISCLOSURE YIELDS GREATER POST-DISCUSSION CLOSENESS THAN FACE-TO-FACE SELF-DISCLOSURE This research investigated how closeness changes when self-disclosing via computer-mediated communication. Dyads initially self-disclosed by texting, e-mailing or sitting face-to-face, then had a five minute conversation. Participants reported greater gains in closeness after the five minute conversation when they initially self-disclosed via text messaging or e-mail compared to face-to-face. Nicole Brandon1, Denise Beike1, Holly Cole1 1Univ. of Arkansas SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY COLOR ME BAD This study tested how perceptions of an authority figure are impacted by the color clothing they wear. Results demonstrated that an authority figure wearing black (versus white) clothing is perceived as more negative when providing negative (versus positive) feedback. Amber Lupo1, Julie Alvarez1, Michael Zárate1 1Univ. of Texas at El Paso SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 227 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AN EXISTENTIAL EXPLANATION FOR VIOLENCE AGAINST DOCTORS: PEOPLE BLAME DOCTORS TO COMPENSATE FOR THREATS TO CONTROL IN DISEASES We provide an existential explanation for patients’ violence against doctors in China; blaming doctors compensates for threats to control in diseases. People tend to blame doctors when they dispositionally lack control (Study 1), when disease course is chaotic (Study 2) and when disease causes sudden death (Study 3). Qian Yang1, Shi Liu2, Kejun Zhang1 1Zhejiang Univ., 2Columbia Univ. SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY EMPATHY AND EXTRAVERSION: KEY PREDICTORS OF CONNECTEDNESS AND WELLBEING IN SOCIAL NETWORKS We examined whether trait empathy and extraversion would predict social network connectedness in two freshmen dorms. The findings demonstrated that only empathy may facilitate closer and more reciprocal social ties. We also found that empathy and extraversion may help boost positive affect across the two social networks. Rucha Makati1, Sylvia Morelli1, Desmond Ong1, Matthew Matthew Jackson1, Jamil Zaki1 1Stanford Univ. SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY SIMILAR, BUT NOT THE SAME: DIFFERENCES BETWEEN NOMOTHETIC AND IDIOGRAPHIC MEASURES IN PREDICTING PERSISTENCE AMONG ENGINEERING STUDENTS Social Cognitive Career Theory has served as a useful perspective for modeling persistence among historically underrepresented science and engineering students. However, these models have relied upon nomothetic measures despite the inherently idiographic nature of key variables. Here we duplicate previous (nomothetic) models and examine the incremental validity of idiographic data. Lara Mercurio1, Daniel Cervone1, Carmen Lilley1 1Univ. of Illinois at Chicago SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BY THE (YOUNG) PEOPLE: INTERGROUP DYNAMICS OF YOUTH PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING IN CLUJ-NAPOCA (ROMANIA) Youth participatory budgeting (YPB) prompts progress beyond civic engagement; YPB presents inclusive spaces for crucial intergroup processes. I conducted 50 semi-structured interviews in Romania exploring: (1) growth in political practices; (2) changes in power distance; (3) effects of online communication, and (4) the application of Allport’s Intergroup Contact Theory. Ashley Brennan1, Daniel Schugurensky1, Oana Almasan1 1Arizona State Univ. SESSION: L - APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY THE EFFECTS OF TIMEOUTS PSYCHOLOGICAL MOMENTUM We examined archived play-by-plays of 650 volleyball matches to determine if timeouts can diminish psychological momentum in sports competitions. We compared the rate of scoring a point after a timeout to the rate of scoring a point during typical play. We found that timeouts have no effect on psychological momentum. Kayla McKissick1, Rebecca Carter1, Ho Phi Huynh1 1Armstrong State University SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS YOU DON’T KNOW US: COUPLE-LEVEL IDENTITIES MANIFESTED IN COGNITIVE BIASES ABOUT OWN AND OTHER COUPLES Supporting the existence of couple-level identities, two studies examined individual self-other cognitive biases, but with regard to romantic couples. For example, just as people believe they know other individuals better than others know them, they also believe they know another couple better than others know their own couple. Meiyi Amanda Wang1, Serena Chen1, Arthur Aron2 1Univ. of California, Berkeley, 2The State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook 228 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS AUTOMATICALLY CAPTURING THE INTERPERSONAL IMPLICATIONS OF EVOLVED PREFERENCES: SEX SHAPES IMPLICIT, BUT NOT EXPLICIT, PARTNER EVALUATIONS The authors seek to reconcile ambiguous findings from previous research concerning the association between sexual frequency and relationship satisfaction by utilizing implicit rather than explicit evaluations. One cross-sectional and one three-year study of relationships revealed a positive association between sexual frequency and implicit, but not explicit, relationship evaluations. Lindsey Hicks1, James McNulty1, Andrea Meltzer1, Michael Olson2 1Florida State Univ., 2Univ. of Tennessee SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE INTERSECTION OF IMPLICIT THEORIES AND MOTIVATIONAL ORIENTATIONS ON COMMITMENT IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS This research examines the connection between implicit theories and self-determination theory in relationships. Results from undergraduates suggested motivational orientations mediated the association between growth/destiny belief and commitment. Growth beliefs were associated with higher commitment through intrinsic motivation, whereas destiny was associated with lower commitment through increased extrinsic motivation. Katherine Lee1, Lindsey Rodriguez1 1Univ. of New Hampshire SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS CAN THE COLOR RED IMPROVE MEN’S PERCEIVED MATE VALUE?: EXAMINING THE INTERACTIVE EFFECTS OF FACIAL MASCULINITY AND COLOR ON FEMALE EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL MATES We manipulated facial masculinity (masculine-morph/feminine-morph) and color (red/white) to examine its effect on social status and attractiveness ratings for men. When paired with red, women rated the masculine and feminine faces higher in attractiveness and social status. Social status increased for faces paired with red as women neared peak fertility. Alejandro Trujillo1, Erin O’Mara1 1Univ. of Dayton SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE ROLE OF DOUBT IN RELATIONSHIP EVALUATIONS: RELATIONAL UNCERTAINTY PREDICTS RELATIONSHIP QUALITY DURING NEGATIVE MOMENTS MORE THAN DURING POSITIVE MOMENTS This study investigated whether experiencing uncertainty in a romantic relationship affects the malleability of relationship evaluations. Regardless of uncertainty, writing about a positive interaction with a partner (vs. a neutral event) uniformly caused more positive evaluations. In contrast, after writing about a negative interaction, greater uncertainty amplified participants’ initial evaluations. Christine Daly1, Ximena Arriaga1 1Purdue Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS INTERDEPENDENT EMOTION REGULATION AS SIGNAL VALUE IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS Two studies explored why individuals constantly seek out romantic partners for emotional regulation needs and how regulation seeking may be perceived as a signal indicating relational value. Both studies revealed individuals are aware of potential negative consequences of constantly seeking out one’s partner, but also understand the potential relationship-deepening benefits. Rachel Galvin1, Wendi Gardner2 1Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY, 2Northwestern Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS PERSONALITY AND ITS AFFECT ON SOCIAL SUPPORT PROCESSES BETWEEN ROMANTIC COUPLES Findings have shown that within dyadic relationships, direct social support may not be as effective in alleviating stress, whereas indirect social support can decrease distress. This study examines how personality traits of the support recipient predict the type of support provided. Sharon Chiang1, Alexandra Suppes1, Matthew Riccio1, Kenzie Snyder1, Niall Bolger1 1Columbia Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 229 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE MEDIATING AND PROTECTIVE ROLE OF ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP ATTACHMENT IN THE LINK BETWEEN SLEEP PATTERNS AND HEALTH OUTCOMES AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS We examined romantic relationship attachment as a mediating and protective factor of the sleep to overall mental and physical health link (N = 183). Poor sleep was associated with poor health; low attachment security was a mediator. Sleep-deprived students were at risk for poorer health when experiencing insecure attachment. Dilbur Arsiwalla1, Adam Butler1, Dacia Oberhelman1 1Univ. of Northern Iowa SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE EFFECT OF CONFLICT FREQUENCY AND SELF-ESTEEM ON RELATIONSHIP RESILIENCE We examined whether a curvilinear (U-shaped) relationship exists between experiencing conflict-of-interest (COI) situations and resilient responses to relationship threat. As expected, people high in self-esteem demonstrated the most resilient responses to a relationship threat when they had previously reported moderate numbers of COI situations in their relationship. We will discuss implications. Veronica Lamarche1, Mark Seery1, Cheryl Kondrak1, Lindsey Streamer1, Thomas Saltsman1 1Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS CONTEXT-DEPENDENT INSECURE ATTACHMENT AS A PRODUCT OF PARENTAL DYNAMIC Context-Dependent Insecure Attachment is a new dyadic construct characterized by shifting anxious and avoidant attachment tendencies, depending on the relational context. It is theorized to be a product of spending a childhood in a two-parent household, where each parent modeled anxious and avoidant tendencies. Isabelle Kaplan1, Kevin Carlson1 1Scripps College SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF LONELINESS AND THE PERCEIVED PROVISION AND RECEIPT OF RESPONSIVE BEHAVIOR WITHIN CAPITALIZATION INTERACTIONS This study explored the effects of transient loneliness on individual and interaction partner perceptions during a capitalization interaction. Participants low in chronic loneliness experienced greater consequences of state loneliness on outcomes of the interaction. Findings demonstrate consequences of transient loneliness which could contribute to the maintenance of loneliness over time. Sarah Arpin1, Cynthia Mohr2 1Gonzaga Univ., 2Portland State Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE SEXUAL REJECTION SCALE: IDENTIFYING SEXUAL REJECTION BEHAVIORS AND THEIR IMPACT ON RELATIONSHIP QUALITY Researchers conducted a series of studies to develop and validate the Sexual Rejection Scale, a novel measure identifying the different ways people reject their romantic partner’s sexual advances. They discussed four distinct sexual rejection behaviors, as well as their impact on relationship outcomes. James Kim1, Amy Muise2, Emily Impett2 1Univ. of Toronto, 2Univ. of Toronto Mississauga SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS “WE” ARE DIFFERENT WHEN DIFFERENT TYPES OF VALUES ARE AFFIRMED: SELF-AFFIRMATION MODERATED THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WE PRONOUN AND WELLBEING The psychological meaning of the first-person plural pronoun varied when individuals affirmed different values. For those who affirmed self-transcendent values, the more they used the “we” pronoun during the discussion, the better psychological adjustment they achieved. In contrast, for individuals affirmed self-enhancement values, the “we” pronoun positively correlated with negative outcomes. Wei-Fang Lin1, Yi-Cheng Lin1, Chin-Lan Huang2 1National Taiwan Univ., 2National Taiwan Univ. of Science & Technology 230 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS FILLING-THE-VOID: TESTING WRITING EXERCISES TO BOLSTER ATTACHMENT SECURITY OVER TIME A longitudinal experimental study (N=90) found support for the hypothesis that a writing exercise to help individuals perceive their romantic partners as more trustworthy decreased attachment avoidance six weeks later, compared to writing about partner compliments, positive partner behaviors, or a control condition, but attachment anxiety was not affected. Madoka Kumashiro1, Ximena Arriaga2 1Goldsmiths, Univ. of London, 2Purdue Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS VALUE PRIORITIES IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS We propose that basic human values may play an important role in relationship processes that define a wellfunctioning relationship. The findings of this study suggest that the endorsement of self-enhancement vs. selftranscendence values is associated with less relationship satisfaction, and a more negative attitude toward forgiveness, fidelity and sacrifice. Reine van der Wal1, Johan Karremans2, Greg Maio3 1Utrecht Univ., 2Radboud Univ. Nijmegen, 3 Cardiff Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS COORDINATED SMILING PREDICTS LIKING AND COOPERATION In a study of 160 stranger dyads, smile coordination over the course of a “getting to know you” conversation significantly predicted both liking and cooperation (prisoner’s dilemma) above and beyond each partner’s average smiling level. Researchers discuss the meaning and importance of dynamic affiliative signal coordination. Alexander Danvers1, Michelle Shiota1 1Arizona State Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS SOCIAL INCLUSION COUNTERACTS THE EGO DEPLETION EFFECT Social exclusion has been reported to deplete self-control performance, but little is known about the effect of social inclusion. This paper presents four studies showing that social inclusion does not enhance self-control in a nondepleted status, but it does recover self-control after prior ego depletion. Henry Ng1, Zhansheng Chen1 1The Univ. of Hong Kong SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS NOT SO HARMLESS?: FLIRTING WITH OTHERS CAN UNDERMINE RELATIONSHIP QUALITY Romantically involved individuals (N = 180) were generally less satisfied with their relationships when they reported 1) that they flirted with others or 2) that their partner flirted with others. However, if individuals perceived their partner to have high mate value, their satisfaction was relatively unaffected by their partner’s flirting. John Kim1 1Lesley Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS WHY IS THIS RELATIONSHIP SO IMPORTANT FOR MY IDENTITY?: UNDERSTANDING THE LINK BETWEEN IDENTITY MOTIVES SATISFACTION AND COUPLE IDENTITY Researchers executed a cross-sectional and a longitudinal study to test whether identity motives (self-esteem, efficacy, continuity, distinctiveness, belonging, meaning) associated with one’s couple identity predict couple identity importance and whether they impact individual and couple adjustment. Results show that identity motives satisfaction are crucial for couple identity. Camillo Regalia1, Claudia Manzi1, Vivian Vignoles2 1Catholic Univ. of Milan, 2Univ. of Sussex SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ACCURACY AND PROJECTION OF EMOTION EXPERIENCE IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS One hundred and eighteen romantic couples (236 individuals) rated how much emotion their partner had recently experienced. These judgments were based on the amount of emotion the partner actually felt (accuracy), but also on the amount of emotion raters themselves felt recently (projection). Accuracy and projection effects differed depending on the emotion’s functions. Katherine Von Culin1, Margaret Clark1 1Yale Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 231 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS IMPLICIT DESIRES VS. EXPLICIT PREFERENCES: WHAT MATTERS MORE FOR ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP EVALUATIONS? Implicity Association Test (IAT) and questionnaire data collected from 203 unmarried adults demonstrated that the correspondence between both explicit and implicit mate preferences and people’s ratings of their romantic partners uniquely predicted relationship outcomes. Notably, the predictive validity of explicit versus implicit preference-partner fit depended on several factors, including trait type and gender. Carrie Bredow1, Natasha Bernal1 1Hope College SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE MEDIATING ROLE OF COMMITMENT BETWEEN IMPLICIT THEORIES OF RELATIONSHIPS AND ACCOMMODATION: A DYADIC APPROACH People differ in their beliefs about romantic relationships––whether relationships are meant to be or are cultivated. The present study employed the actor-partner interdependence mediation model to investigate whether the effect of these implicit theories of relationships on accommodation is mediated by commitment in romantic partners. Eri Sasaki1, Tsai Fen-Fang1 1National Univ. of Singapore SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE SEXUAL HEALTH AND RELATIONSHIP BENEFITS OF BEING FRIENDS BEFORE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE FOR FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS PARTNERS The friends with benefits relationship (FWBR) varies widely and there is not one agreed upon definition. This study found implications for FWBR differences. Having a friendship before beginning a sexual relationship resulted in higher levels of relationship quality and safer sex practices compared to partners who were previously not friends. Ashley Tracas1, Allison Vaughn1 1San Diego State Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS SINCE YOU’VE BEEN GONE: COPING WITH A RELATIONSHIP BREAKUP We examined the role of continuing bonds and attachment on grief after relationship breakup (n = 103). We found continuing bonds predicted breakup grief over and above the effects of attachment. As with bereavement, results suggest that use of continuing bonds following relationship dissolution may be cause for concern. Danay Novoa1, Darcie Valois1, Chris Davis1 1Carleton Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS I’M OPEN TO THAT: A REEXAMINATION OF UNRESTRICTED SOCIOSEXUALITY IN MATING RELATIONSHIPS Sociosexuality refers to the extent to which individuals endorse uncommitted sexual activity. Some previous work, though, treats unrestricted sociosexuality as a proxy for short-term mating motivation. This work explores sociosexuality as flexibility in mating strategy as well as an important predictor of long-term relationship characteristics (e.g., satisfaction, commitment). Brian Wilkey1, Paul Eastwick1 1The Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE ANGEL AND THE DEMON ON YOUR SHOULDERS: FRIENDS MITIGATE AND EXACERBATE 21ST BIRTHDAY DRINKING-RELATED CONSEQUENCES This research examined how specific friends can exacerbate or mitigate participants’ experience of 21st birthday drinking-related consequences. Participants experienced fewer drinking-related consequences when their friend reported (in advance) helpful intentions, an effect moderated by relationship closeness. Further, these helpful intentions buffered participants from the influence of friends’ harmful intentions. Jennifer Fillo1, Lindsey Rodriguez2, Clayton Neighbors1, Christine Lee2 1Univ. of Houston, 2Univ. of New Hampshire 232 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS WILLINGNESS TO EXPRESS EMOTION IN RELATIONSHIPS: THE EFFECT OF RELATIONSHIP SATISFACTION AND COMMUNAL ORIENTATION This study examines the factors that affect individual’s willingness to express emotion to their intimate relationship partner. We found that people high in communal orientation and people in satisfactory relationships are more willing to express their emotions. Yan Ruan1, Harry Reis1 1Univ. of Rochester SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS DIVIDED ATTENTION FROM COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IN GET-ACQUAINTED INTERACTIONS We tested whether get-acquainted interactions conducted over Skype are affected by one partner having access to messages through communication devices. We found little support for a proposed negative effect of divided attention in social interactions due to the use of a communication device that provides messages from one’s social network. Susan Sprecher1, Adam Hampton1, Hannah Jones1, Diane Felmlee2 1Illinois State Univ., 2Pennsylvania State Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN?: JEALOUSY, SELF-AFFIRMATION AND SELF-DEFAMATION Studies 1 and 2 aimed to extend the study of jealousy using self-affirmation theory (SAT) by using SAT to reduce jealous thoughts and behaviors. Study 1 results suggest SAT was effective at reducing jealous thoughts and behavioral intentions. Moreover, the results of study 2 replicated the findings of study 1. Angelo DiBello1, Clayton Neighbors2, Kristen Lindgren3, C. Raymond Knee2 1Brown Univ., 2Univ. of Houston, 3Univ. of Washington SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS DISCUSSING PLANS TO MARRY PRIOR TO ENGAGEMENT: CAN YOU PLAN TOO FAR AHEAD? Engaged and married individuals (N=392) completed a survey about pre-engagement relationship discussions, becoming engaged and relationship quality. Discussing the possibility of marriage more frequently was associated with higher relationship quality. However, the frequency with which couples discussed the proposal, engagement ring and wedding was associated with poorer relationship outcomes. Elizabeth Keneski1, Taylor Anne Morgan1, Timothy Loving1 1The Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS DEROGATION OR ENHANCEMENT? HOW PEOPLE RATE THEIR REAL-LIFE POTENTIAL PARTNERS To determine whether people in relationships derogate attractive alternatives or if single people enhance the attractiveness of potential partners, participants rated naturally occurring interaction partners and submitted photos of 508 targets. Both groups, especially singles, rated targets higher than the target’s objective attractiveness level (i.e., enhancement). Jennifer Shukusky1, Paul Eastwick1 1The Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES FOLLOWING RELATIONSHIP DISSOLUTION: HOW DO THE FEELINGS OF INDIVIDUALS WHO REKINDLE DIFFER FROM THOSE WHO REMAIN APART? The end of a romantic relationship can be a very difficult time. The current work presents data from two studies examining the different emotional experiences of individuals who remained apart following the termination of their relationship and those who later rekindled their union. Sadie Leder-Elder1 1High Point Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS WHO ARE MARRIED WOMEN BEST FRIENDS WITH?: AN EXAMINATION OF MARRIED WOMEN’S SOCIAL INTERACTIONS WITH THEIR PARTNERS AND OTHERS In our study, we use a naturalistic observation method to study social interactions of married women. The findings provide a closer look on the quality of social interactions women have with their partners and others, and shed light at the role of others in women’s wellbeing. Selin Goktas1, Elif Ikizer1, Gloriana Rodriguez-Arauz1, Maria Fernandez-Gomez1, Nairan Ramirez-Esparza1 1Univ. of Connecticut SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 233 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS BYE FELICIA!: ATTACHMENT AND SUPPORT IN LGBT INDIVIDUALS This study examined attachment and social support in LGBT individuals. Attachment avoidance (but not anxiety) was negatively associated with perceptions of love, approval, encouragement, feeling heard and support by friends, online friends and partners. Attachment anxiety (but not avoidance) was positively associated with empathy and reports of giving emotional support. Alicia Lyon Limke1, Adam Everson1 1Univ. of Central Oklahoma SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE DETERMINANTS OF THE NEGATIVE ATTITUDE TOWARD ROMANTIC LOVE AND THEIR EFFECTS ON MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH This study revealed the determinants of the negative attitude toward romantic love and their effects on mental and physical health. After controlling for the influence of self-esteem, as participants had more negative attitude toward romantic love, they felt more depressive, physical unhealthier, and lonelier. Junichi Taniguchi1 1Tezukayama Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS IS AN EMPTY NEST BEST?: CORESIDENCE WITH ADULT CHILDREN AND PARENTAL MARITAL QUALITY Coresidence with adult children may be detrimental to parental marital quality. Two hundred and eighty-nine middleaged adults reported martial quality and coresidence in 2008 and 2013. Mothers living with a child had lower marital quality than those who did not, but only in 2008. For fathers, there was no association at either timepoint. Eden Davis1, Kyungmin Kim1, Karen Fingerman1 1The Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS RELATIONSHIP NORM STRENGTH AND RELATIONSHIP QUALITY: A RECIPROCAL ASSOCIATION Three studies tested the association between relationship norm strength and relationship quality. Study 1: Relationship norm strength was positively associated with relationship quality. Study 2: Recalling high relationship quality moments caused reports of stronger relationship norms. Study 3: Recalling moments of strong relationship norms caused reports of greater relationship quality. John Sakaluk1, Monica Biernat2 1Univ. of Toronto Mississauga, 2Univ. of Kansas SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS TESTOSTERONE AND PARTNER SELF-BLAME: PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL REACTIONS TO DISCUSSIONS OF MARITAL PROBLEMS We examined physiological correlates of newlywed couples’ tendencies to blame one another during discussions of marital problems. Increases in actor’s testosterone predicted partners’ perception that they were the source of the problem and needed to change, and this association was mediated by actors’ tendencies to act confrontationally. Anastasia Makhanova1, James McNulty1, Jon Maner2, Lisa Eckel1, Larissa Nikonova1 1Florida State Univ., 2Northwestern Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE MEDIATIONAL ROLE OF REJECTION SENSITIVITY IN TRAUMATIC CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES AND SEXUAL COMMUNICATION The present study examined the direct and indirect influences of childhood trauma and rejection sensitivity on effective sexual communication among 168 women recruited from a large, Southwestern community. Path analyses revealed that childhood trauma was significantly negatively associated with effective sexual communication; however, rejection senstivity mediated this association. Alexander Wang1, Andrea Fernandez1, Emma Altgelt1, Tina Zawacki1 1Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 234 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS CUE THEM WITH KINDNESS: A SOCIAL-EVOLUTIONARY APPROACH TO THE EARLY IDENTIFICATION OF CARING PARTNERS Can we identify who is going to be good at providing quality support before we invest time and resources into a new relationship? The present study seeks to identify if and how we use information from the face to identify and select romantic partners before an irrecoverable investment is made. Molly Metz1 1Miami Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS REGULATING AUTOMATIC PROCESSES: IMPACT OF CONSTRUAL LEVEL ON TRANSFERENCE Across two experiments we show that inducing an abstract frame of mind facilitates regulation of significant-other knowledge and its problematic behavioral consequences in transference based on encountering a new person minimally resembling a significant other with whom one tends to engage in such behavior and would rather not. Rugile Tuskeviciute1, Susan Andersen1 1New York Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS DOES YOUR MINDFULNESS AFFECT ME?: EXAMINING ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN MINDFULNESS AND DAILY RELATIONSHIP MOOD THROUGH ACTOR-PARTNER INTERDEPENDENCE MODEL Researchers used Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) to examine both actor and partner effects regarding the influences of mindfulness and conflict on daily relationships mood. Couples (N=47) participated in 24-day daily questionnaires. Ones’ own mindfulness and partners’ mindfulness were associated with relationship emotions and moderated the association between conflict and emotions. Alyson Shapiro1, Masumi Iida2 1San Diego State Univ., 2 Arizona State Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS DISENTANGLING WOMEN’S POST-HOOKUP EMOTIONS: MOTIVES, SATISFACTION OR DUALEFFECTS Hookups lead to both positive and negative emotional outcomes. How to explain this contradiction? We assessed three hypotheses: hookups’ effects are: 1) moderated by motives; 2) simultaneously positive and negative; 3) depend on satisfaction within hookups. We collected weekly reports of hookups. Multivariate HLMs found support for all three hypotheses. David de Jong1, Harry Reis1 1Univ. of Rochester SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS EXPLORING MENTAL REPRESENTATIONS OF INTIMATE PARTNERS: WHEN ARE THEY COUPLES AND WHEN ARE THEY INTERDEPENDENT INDIVIDUALS? In two studies of 12 measures of relationship quality and structure (N=341), we consistently found a three-factor structure regarding how people mentally represent their intimate relationships. The three factors were Satisfiedconfided, Balanced-equitable and Structurally-linked. Rather than being mutually exclusive, these three representations were only modestly related. Qi Xu1, Patrick Shrout1 1New York Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY: ATTACHMENT AS A PREDICTOR OF RELATIONSHIP INFLUENCE People of differing attachment styles may utilize various strategies when trying to influence their partner. Insecure attachment was associated with increased use of indirect, unilateral influence tactics. Avoidant individuals additionally reported less influence on their romantic partners. These findings underscore the importance of attachment in understanding influence within romantic relationships. Amy Newberg1, Paula Pietromonaco1 1Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 235 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS BUFFER THE EFFECTS OF MORTALITY SALIENCE AMONG DEPRESSED INDIVIDUALS Utilizing a terror management theory perspective, we examined what highly depressed persons think about following reminders of death (close relationships; Study 1), and whether activating thoughts of close others provide protection against mortality salience on the accessibility of death-related thought and worldview defense (Study 2). Kiely Alfieri1, Austin Lemke1, Mike Kersten1, Cathy Cox1 1Texas Christian Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ANIMALS AS FRIENDS AND MORE: ANTHROPOMORPHISM AND ITS BENEFITS FOR SOCIAL NEEDS FULFILLMENT Our research explores how anthropomorphism plays a critical role in how people develop meaningful relationships with animals in their lives. We report several studies, correlational and experimental, demonstrating pets can replenish basic needs fulfillment following social rejection, and that individual differences in anthropomorphism help explain the wellbeing benefits people receive. Allen McConnell1, E Paige Lloyd1, Christina Brown2, Tonya Buchanan3 1Miami Univ., 2 Arcadia Univ., 3 Central Washington Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS YOUR FRIEND OR MINE: DIFFERENCES IN PERCEIVED ACCEPTABILITY OF VIOLATIONS IN OPPOSITESEX FRIENDSHIPS We examined if friend relation (either a personal or a romantic partner’s friend) would affect perceived disapproval of norm violations in same- and cross- gender friendships. Participants were harsher on violations committed by crossgender friends of their partner than their own friends. Mallorie Miller1, H. Colleen Sinclair1, Rebecca Goldberg1 1Mississippi State Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS EFFECTS OF DYADIC COPING ON THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN ACUTE EXTERNAL STRESS AND RELATIONSHIP QUALITY IN SAME-SEX COUPLES Recent research has pointed to the beneficial effects of supportive dyadic coping on relational wellbeing. Using dyadic data from 95 same-sex couples, we examined acute external stress as a predictor of relationship quality and hypothesized that supportive dyadic coping would weaken the association between acute external stress and relationship quality. Jessica Borders1, Chun Tao1, Kelsey Walsh1, Ashley Randall1, Casey Totenhagen2 1Arizona State Univ., 2Univ. of Alabama SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS LOOK WHO’S TALKING BACK!: SOCIAL INTERACTIONS AND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT ACROSS TIME The study uses a naturalistic longitudinal observation method and reports the social interactions between parents and their children. The study demonstrates that the way parents speak to their children matters for language development. Those children that have more one-on-one interactions are more likely to speak back to their parents. Nairan Ramirez-Esparza1, Adrian Garcia-Sierra1, Patricia Kuhl2 1Univ. of Connecticut, 2Univ. of Washington SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS SAYING “YES!” AND SAYING “I DO”: RELATIONSHIP DYNAMICS DURING ENGAGEMENTS AND WEDDINGS Engaged and recently married participants (N=392) reported their experiences with their recent relationship transitions. For most participants, the proposals, engagement rings and weddings (either being planned or recently experienced) met or exceeded their expectations. Greater satisfaction with the proposal, ring and wedding was associated with greater relationship satisfaction. Taylor Anne Morgan1, Elizabeth Keneski1, Timothy Loving1 1The Univ. of Texas at Austin 236 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS EQUITABLE DECISION-MAKING POWER MODERATES THE DETERIORATING EFFECT OF FINANCIAL CONFLICTS ON RELATIONSHIP STABILITY AND QUALITY IN AFRICAN AMERICAN MARRIAGES Spouses who argue frequently about money often see their marriages as unstable and dissatisfying. We hypothesized that the long-term effects of financial conflicts would be amplified in marriages where decision-making power is inequitable. Data from 170 African American marriages supported this hypothesis, irrespective of which spouse actually had more power. Frederick Clavel1, Carolyn Cutrona1, William Abraham1 1Iowa State Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ACCURACY OF PEOPLE’S FORECASTED EMOTIONS TOWARD EVERYDAY EVENTS IN THEIR ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS People regularly make predications about how future events may impact their emotions. We examined how depressive symptoms impact the accuracy of people’s forecasted reactions to common positive and negative events in romantic relationships using daily diaries. Those showing signs of depression displayed an inverse pattern of affective forecasting. Nicole Hilaire1, Amy Canevello1 1Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ALL SUPPORT IS NOT EQUAL: SUPPORT FOR POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EVENTS DIFFERENTIALLY BUFFERS THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL EXCLUSION This experiment examined whether supportive feedback to sharing good news (capitalization) could buffer stress in a similar manner to supportive feedback for a negative event, and whether stress-buffering effects were moderated by attachment security. Participants with higher attachment anxiety experienced enhanced stress buffering benefits after recalling capitalization versus support events. Agnes Wolowiec1, Cheryl Carmichael1 1Brooklyn College, CUNY SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS BC TO FWB: COMMUNICATION ACROSS RELATIONSHIP TYPES Across two studies, we examined communication within different types of relationships (friends-with-benefits (FWB), booty calls (BC) and committed relationships (CR)). Participants described their communication (e.g., texting) with either a hypothetical relationship partner or most recent partner. Participants communicated the most in CRs, followed by FWBs and the least in BCs. Tara Collins1, Tori Horn1 1Winthrop Univ. SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS HOW MEN COPE WITH PAIN: ATTACHMENT RESULTS FROM A HYPOTHETICAL CAR ACCIDENT This study assessed attachment-based responses to a hypothetical pain event – a vehicular accident resulting in serious injuries – in 82 male undergraduates. Insecure attachment predicted theoretically meaningful differences in fear of pain, pain vigilance, desire for solicitous responses to painful injuries and confidence in partner assistance in coping with pain. Carol L Wilson1, Mary Havers1, Kaitlyn Matty1, Jessica Stoker1, Kayla Beatty1 1Penn State Erie, The Behrend College SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ATTACHMENT INSECURITY PREDICTS LESS CONSTRUCTIVE SEXUAL CONFLICT COMMUNICATION IN COHABITING COUPLES In 124 cohabiting couples, attachment insecurity predicted negative perceptions of behaviour and increases in negative affect following a sexual conflict discussion in the laboratory, which in turn predicted couples’ sexual dissatisfaction. Jennifer Pink1, Roanne Millman1, Rebecca Cobb1 1Simon Fraser Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 237 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS PROTECT ME FROM WHAT I WANT: WOMEN’S MOTIVATIONS FOR HOOKING UP AND CONDOM USAGE One hundred and thirty-eight women participated in a study evaluating motivation for hookups and condom usage. Researchers identified relationships between a) motivations and the negotiation of condom usage and b) motivations and perceived stigma associated with condoms for both men and women. Marie-Joelle Estrada1 1Univ. of Rochester SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS WHO PAYS AND WHO STRAYS?: IMPACTS OF INCOME DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN HETEROSEXUAL PARTNERS DEPEND ON GENDER AND ASSESSMENTS OF RELATIONSHIP BENEFITS The rise of the female breadwinner challenges traditional gender roles in relationships. We provide experimental evidence that income discrepancies in heterosexual couples cause changes in partners’ sex drive and attention to alternative partners, but that the nature of these changes depend on gender and assessments of other relationship benefits. Kelley Robinson1, Cara Samuel1 1Univ. of Winnipeg SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS “YES, THIS IS MY CHILD” THE LIVED EXPERIENCED OF MOTHERS WITH BI-RACIAL CHILDREN This study is to get a better understanding of mothers with bi-racial children by hearing about their experiences in motherhood. This study is unique because it focuses on the cultural differences between the two partners. Malik Rogers1, Roudi Roy2 1California State Univ. - Long Beach, 2Cal State University Long Beach SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS MAXIMIZING THE BENEFITS OF EXPRESSIVE WRITING BY USING SPECIFIC PROMPTS TO DEEPEN REFLECTION. Can we maximize the benefits of expressive writing on relationship quality? We randomized 83 respondents to 3 days of unstructured writing or writing using specific anchors focusing on key relationship themes. Analyses of participants’ writing suggested those who responded to specific prompts used more constructive and less negative language. Madalina Vlasceanu1, Dev Crasta1, Ronald Rogge1 1Univ. of Rochester SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS SUBJECTIVE ASPECTS OF EXPERIENCE PREDICT INCREASING ATTACHMENT SECURITY IN THE TRANSITION TO COLLEGE Across the first year of college, a time of relationship transition and identity change, rank-order stability of attachment was low and mean-level change indicated increasing security. Subjective aspects of experience predicted increasing security: positive endings in romantic high point narratives predicted decreasing avoidance while college adjustment predicted decreasing anxiety. Adela Scharff1, Elyse Adler1, Benjamin Le1, Jennifer Lilgendahl1 College 1Haverford SESSION: L - CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS THE GHOSTS OF ROMANCE PAST The current study investigates people’s most salient romantic regrets. Through content analysis of open ended responses five distinctive themes emerged; missed romantic opportunity, time, emotional response, being with the wrong person, sexual behavior, and cheating. These categories detail one of the most commonly reported life domains where regret occurs. Jordan Boeder1, Thomas Chan2 1Whittier College, 2Claremont Graduate University 238 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - EMOTION WANTING TO KNOW AND WANTING TO CARE: CURIOSITY PREDICTS GREATER EMPATHIC CONCERN AND DECREASED PERSONAL DISTRESS Two studies examined relationships between curiosity and emotional empathy. Study 1 showed dispositional curiosity correlates positively with trait empathic concern and negatively with personal distress. In Study 2, participants’ greater state curiosity toward a victim predicted higher empathic concern and willingness to help. These results were moderated by attachment security. Athena Cairo1, Jeffrey Green1 1Virginia Commonwealth Univ. SESSION: L - EMOTION THE WHOLE IS NOT THE SUM OF ITS PARTS: SPECIFIC TYPES OF POSITIVE AFFECT INFLUENCE SLEEP DIFFERENTIALLY This study demonstrates that positive affect (PA) improves sleep in college students both in general and during times of stress. Interestingly, vigor drove this association rather than low arousal calm. Findings were not due to related positive constructs or negative affect, indicating that PA may be uniquely tied to this restorative behavior. Brooke Jenkins1, Sarah Pressman1, Tara Kraft2, Heather Rasmussen3, Michael Scheier4, 1Univ. of California, Irvine, 2St. Alexius Medical Center, 3 Northcentral Univ., 4 Carnegie Mellon Univ. SESSION: L - EMOTION EFFECTS OF A POSITIVE AFFECT SKILLS INTERVENTION FOR PEOPLE NEWLY DIAGNOSED WITH HIV In a randomized trial of a positive affect skills intervention (N = 160) for people recently diagnosed with HIV, we found that both intervention and attention control conditions improved significantly on positive affect (PA). However, intervention participants had significant greater decreases on PTSD and rumination and improvements in mindfulness compared to controls. Judith Moskowitz1, Michael Cohn2, Adam Carrico2, Larissa Duncan2, Abigail Batchelder 2 1Northwestern Univ., 2Univ. of California San Francisco SESSION: L - EMOTION SELF-SYMPATHETIC LEARNING IN EMOTION RECOGNITION TRAINING This pilot study investigated whether a new emotion recognition training program could produce higher improvement rates in micro-expression recognition than standard training methods alone. Findings are encouraging and suggest that further studies of the self-sympathetic learning method be taken beyond healthy participants to populations with emotion recognition deficits. Patrick McGuinness1, Viola Zhuri1, Jared Curboy1, Tina Le1, Emily Schmidt1 1College of the Holy Cross SESSION: L - EMOTION HOW DO YOU LET THEM KNOW: CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN EXPRESSION OF GRATITUDE To test the potential for cultural differences in demonstrated gratitude, researchers recruited American and Taiwanese participants to record a video in which (s)he thanked someone. Videos were observationally coded on several theoretically-derived dimensions. Americans were more inclined to hug their benefactors, whereas Taiwanese showed more self-improvement motivation and behavior. Yen-Ping Chang1, Sara Algoe1 1Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SESSION: L - EMOTION DOES PERSPECTIVE TAKING INCREASE EMPATHY WITH SPECIFIC EMOTIONS? Does perspective taking make people empathize with specific emotions? Subjects read a letter from someone who was sad or angry. They took the other’s perspective, remained objective, or received no instructions. Remaining objective decreased multiple vicarious emotions, but perspective taking did not increase empathy with specific emotions. Josh Wondra1 1Univ. of Michigan SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 239 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - EMOTION EMERGENCE OF PERSONAL DISTRESS FEELINGS IN RESPONSE TO OTHERS’ MISFORTUNE DOES NOT NECESSARILY COMPROMISE THE EMPATHY FOR OTHERS The research explored when and why personal distress hinders empathic response to others’ misfortune. Findings suggested that the emergence of distress feelings doesn’t necessarily compromise empathy; rather, lacking the ability or the motivation to accommodate stress moderates the impact of distress on empathy. Jacob Israelashvili1 1Tel Aviv Univ. SESSION: L - EMOTION AFFECT CHANGES UNDER MORTALITY SALIENCE: AN INDEPENDENT CONFIRMATION THAT TERROR MANAGEMENT IS NOT AFFECT-FREE Hundreds of studies using mortality salience inductions have failed to find general negative affective consequences. When we tested the effects of mortality salience and dental pain on specific emotions, compared with a neutral control, we found that both MS and the aversive control caused reliably higher fear and anxiety. Jessica Lopez1, Aaron Wichman2 1Trinity Washington Univ., 2Western Kentucky Univ. SESSION: L - EMOTION AGE DEFICIT IN EMOTION PERCEPTION, BUT NOT OTHER INTERPERSONAL PERCEPTION TASKS A mixed pattern of age differences and similarities has emerged among interpersonal perception tasks. The present study investigated younger and older adults’ performance on three interpersonal perception tasks: one image-based and two video-based. We found more age similarities than differences; however, the interrelationships among the tasks differed with age. Matthew Murry1, Derek Isaacowitz1 1Northeastern Univ. SESSION: L - EMOTION BEING ENVIED BY OTHERS SWEETENS THE EXPERIENCE OF SUCCESS We examined effects of envy on satisfaction with success. For participants in the earned success condition, those who were the target of malicious envy were significantly more satisfied with their success than control (t = -2.441, p = .017) or benign envy (t = -2.161, p = .034) participants. Stephen Ratliff1, Lauren Brewer1, Kyle Conlon1 1Stephen F. Austin State Univ. SESSION: L - EMOTION THE EFFECTS OF FACIAL FAMILIARITY ON EMOTION RECOGNITION ACCURACY This study examined the effects of facial familiarity on emotion recognition accuracy by using neutral expressions to manipulate familiarity within-subjects and testing participants on emotional expressions from familiar and unfamiliar faces. Results indicated that facial familiarity affects emotion recognition accuracy differently depending on the emotion that is being judged. Jeff Spitzer Jr.1, David Matsumoto1 1San Francisco State Univ. SESSION: L - EMOTION A FLEXIBLE INFLUENCE OF AFFECTIVE FEELINGS ON CREATIVE AND ANALYTIC PERFORMANCE Considerable research shows that positive affect improves performance on creative tasks. Consistent with the idea that positive and negative affect signal the value of accessible processing inclinations, the influence of affective feelings on performance on creative tasks was flexibly responsive to the relative accessibility of different styles of processing. Cara Ray1, Jeffrey Huntsinger1 1Loyola Univ. Chicago SESSION: L - EMOTION DOES CHARITABLE GIVING REDUCE GUILT? IT DEPENDS ON HOW MUCH YOU COULD HAVE GIVEN We find that charitable giving reduced both explicit and implicit guilt for past transgressions, but only among lowincome participants. High-income participants, conversely, exhibited greater implicit guilt after donating. We interpreted results in light of the specific transgressions recalled, and differences in the donation’s relative financial significance for the donor. Benjamin Ruisch1, Cheskie Rosenzweig2, Melissa Ferguson1 1Cornell Univ., 2Columbia Univ. 240 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - EMOTION MINDS OF A FEATHER: INTER-SUBJECT SIMILARITIES OF NEURAL RESPONSES TO NATURALISTIC STIMULI PREDICT SOCIAL NETWORK PROXIMITY By combining naturalistic neuroimaging with the characterization of participants’ real-world social network, we demonstrate that people respond to and interpret their surroundings more similarly to one another if they are friends, and more generally, to the extent that they are close to each other in their social network. Carolyn Parkinson1, Adam Kleinbaum1, Thalia Wheatley1 1Dartmouth College SESSION: L - EMOTION EGOCENTRIC NETWORK STRUCTURE AND NEUROCOGNITIVE RESPONSES We consider whether two quantified social network characteristics, size and density, act as social resources that attenuate neural responses to social threat. Combining logged Facebook network data and fMRI brain imaging, we find that individuals who communicate with a more densely connected personal network may be more sensitive to exclusion. Joseph Bayer1, Matthew O’Donnell2, Christopher Cascio2, Emily Falk 2 1Univ. of Michigan, 2Univ. of Pennsylvania SESSION: L - EMOTION “EMOTIONAL CONTAGION” AND THE SENSE OF SMELL IN CONTEXT: DISCRETE EMOTIONS OR CORE AFFECT? Humans can communicate emotions from a sender to a receiver by means of body odor (chemosignals). Past research has not examined whether body odor exposure elicited contagion of discrete emotions versus core affect (valence, arousal). Receivers showed contagion of high arousal negative affect, particularly in congruent audiovisual contexts. Jasper de Groot1, Monique Smeets1 1Utrecht Univ. SESSION: L - EMOTION REGULATING FOR A REASON: LINKS BETWEEN GOAL PURSUIT AND EMOTION REGULATION STRATEGY USE We examined whether habitual pursuit of various emotion regulation goals is associated with habitual strategy use (N = 399). Suppressors pursued more impression management goals, while reappraisers pursued more hedonic goals and fewer contra-hedonic goals. These findings suggest that habitual goal pursuit may influence emotion regulation strategy use. Lameese Eldesouky1, Tammy English1 1Washington Univ.- St. Louis SESSION: L - EMOTION AWE’S EFFECTS ON EXISTENTIAL AND SCIENTIFIC BELIEFS OF NON-BELIEVERS Awe increases spirituality, more clearly among believers, but what are its effects among non-believers? In an online experiment, induction of awe, compared to a neutral condition, made non-religious participants more highly accept mystery (inexplicability) in the world, and, those additionally open to experience, to believe less in science. Filip Uzarevic1, Vassilis Saroglou1 1Université catholique de Louvain SESSION: L - EMOTION EFFECT OF THE ABILITY TO RECIPROCATE AND THE HELPER’S AWARENESS OF THIS ABILITY ON THE RECIPIENT’S EMOTION We investigated the effect of the ability to reciprocate and the helper ‘s awareness of this ability on gratitude and indebtedness. Results showed that indebtedness is affected only by the ability to reciprocate and that gratitude is affected by the interaction between both of two factors. Akitomo Yamamoto1, Masataka Higuchi1 1Sophia Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 241 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - EMOTION AFFECTIVE REACTIONS TO EXPERIENCES OF DESIRES IN EVERYDAY LIFE Researchers investigated the effects of desire types on affective reactions using an experience sampling survey. gWant-to h desires, which are based on impulses, and ghave-to h desires, which are based on obligation, have different effects on affective reactions based on the interaction between conflicts with and enactments of the desires. Michihiro Kaneko1, Mayuka Minato1, Gaku Kutsuzawa1, Yuka Ozaki1, Takayuki Goto2, Takumi Kuraya1 1Toyo Univ., 2Kyoto Univ. SESSION: L - EMOTION HOW ARE POSITION AND FELT POWER ASSOCIATED WITH POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE AFFECT? The empirical evidence about the relationship between power and affect is not clear. In four studies whose results have been meta-analytically combined, we show that felt power, rather than position power, is associated with positive emotions. Felt power encompasses more situational aspects and is therefore a better predictor of affect. Dario Bombari1, Marianne Schmid Mast1, Manuel Bachmann2 1Univ. of Lausanne, 2Bern Univ. of Applied Sciences SESSION: L - EMOTION USING STIMULUS VALENCE TO FORM INDUCTIVE SPATIAL CATEGORIES Participants estimated the locations of positive and negative words that were either randomly located in space or clustered by valence. Patterns of bias in spatial memory indicated that participants formed spatial categories based on common valence when available. Participants’ current mood contributed to category learning, but only for emotionallyrelevant stimuli. Elyssa Twedt1, L. Elizabeth Crawford2 1St. Lawrence Univ., 2Univ. of Richmond SESSION: L - EMOTION BEYOND SELF-REPORTS: ARE MIXED EMOTIONS EXPRESSED IN THE FACE? We videotaped 98 participants’ facial expressions to provide stronger tests of competing hypotheses about whether people can simultaneously feel happy and sad. Observers assigned to one of two moment-to-moment rating tasks detected more mixed emotions while participants watched bittersweet film scenes, than while they watched pleasant, unpleasant and neutral scenes. Nicholas Coles1, Jeff Larsen1 1Univ. of Tennessee SESSION: L - EMOTION NEUROCOGNITIVE MECHANISMS OF SOCIAL INFLUENCE ON AUTOMATIC EMOTION REGULATION Emotional stimuli in the environment trigger automatic emotion regulation processes that often occur in the absence of conscious intentions. Here, we demonstrate that social information about the intensity of emotional stimuli can trigger such processes, influencing both initial appraisals and subsequent reappraisals. Emily Willroth1, Matthew Hilimire1, Bina Kakusa1 1College of William & Mary SESSION: L - EMOTION MINDFULNESS AND COMPASSION: AN EXAMINATION OF MECHANISM AND SCALABILITY Emerging evidence suggests that meditation engenders prosocial behaviors. However, the robustness, underlying mechanisms, and potential scalability of such effects remain open to question. Following a three-week, mobile-app based training in mindfulness meditation, participants assigned to the mindfulness condition demonstrated enhanced levels of prosociality which is not explained by empathic accuracy. Daniel Lim1, Paul Condon1, David DeSteno1 1Northeastern Univ. SESSION: L - EMOTION DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY: POSITIVE MOOD REDUCES THE EFFECTS OF NEGATIVE EXPECTATIONS Expecting unpleasant treatment side effects can increase the occurrence of unpleasant side effects. This experiment tested whether a positive mood induction can reduce the negative effects of expectations. In a pain paradigm, we found that a positive mood induction can successfully reduce the unwanted effects of negative expectations. Shane Close1, Myranda Earhart1, Kiley Stevenson1, Joel Wager1, Andrew Geers1 of Toledo 1Univ. 242 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - EMOTION HOPE IN A CONSUMERISTIC CULTURE: THE PREDICTIVE VALUE OF INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC ASPIRATIONS Intrinsic (e.g., personal growth) and extrinsic aspirations (e.g., financial success) predicted hoping (the active state of staying engaged) for an outcome, but not hopefulness or optimism, which are more strongly related to the perceived likelihood of an outcome occurring. Researchers discuss implications for living in a consumer culture. Patricia Bruininks1, Jenna Reardanz1 1Whitworth Univ. SESSION: L - EMOTION P3A AS A NEURAL MARKER OF ANXIETY A randomly assigned (n = 78) self-affirmation manipulation significantly reduced P3a amplitude, elicited using a passive, two-tone auditory oddball procedure. Lower P3a also correlated with higher Emotional Stability. Selfaffirmation may free self-control and orienting resources for focal tasks (cf., Legault, Al-Khindi, & Inzlicht, 2012) by disengaging them from the self. Constantine Sharpinskyi1, Alex Tran1, Johannes Klackl2, Dmitrij Agroskin2, Eva Jonas2, Eldar Eftekhari1, Nikan Eghbali1, Ian McGregor, , , 1York Univ., 2Univ. of Salzburg SESSION: L - EMOTION GENDER DIFFERENCES IN EMPATHY ON APPROACH AND AVOIDANCE Women are arguably more empathetic than men. Our study used a tool that measures approach and avoidance to word stimuli whose valence ratings were gender-skewed (gun, family). Surprisingly, men accurately changed their responses to match female preferences and dislikes, but women did not change their responses to match males (n=62). Constance Imbault1, Victor Kuperman1 1McMaster Univ. SESSION: L - EMOTION IT’S NOT YOU, IT’S ME: THE INFLUENCE OF GENES AND OBJECTIFICATION ON EMOTION AND INTERGROUP RELATIONS This work examined the impact of the 5-HY neurotransmitter system and objectification on women’s confidence and power, as well as perceptions of objectifiers using objectification theory. These results suggest that gene X environment interactions are useful to understanding objectification, but the effects are more nuanced that previously thought. Tran Le1, Emmilie Baker1, Gwenith Nuss1, Christa Christ1, Grace Sullivan1, Scott Stoltenberg1, Sarah Gervais1 1Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln SESSION: L - EMOTION A BIDIRECTIONAL LINK BETWEEN MOTION AND EMOTION: PHYSICAL MOVEMENT IS TIED TO SOCIAL SCHEMAS UNDERLYING THE EXPERIENCE OF REGRET Physical motion of the self relative to the environment (self- vs. environment-motion) influences social schemas of personal causality. We demonstrate a bi-directional link between motion and perceived personal causality such that experiencing ego-motion (vs. environment-motion) increases regret (Study 1), while experiencing regret (vs. disappointment) increases preference for ego-motion (Study 2). Micah Goldfarb1, Lisa Libby1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: L - EMOTION FACES WITH RESIDUAL EMOTION CUES CHANGE PERCEPTION Through a series of studies, we show that individuals are able to detect subtle hints of residual emotion on otherwise “neutral” faces, suggesting that, at some level, emotion residue is detectable and can influence behavior. We go on to show that faces with emotion residue change impression formation. Daniel Albohn1, Troy Steiner1, Reginald Adams, Jr.1 1The Pennsylvania State Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 243 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - EMOTION IN EMOTIONS WE (MIS)TRUST: THE IMPACT OF EMOTION EXPRESSION ON PERCEPTIONS OF TRUTHFULNESS Two studies tested the impact of emotion expression on the perceived truthfulness of statements regarding an employee’s own role in a failure event. Statements that were accompanied by a neutral expression were perceived as more truthful, showing the force of normative expectations of emotional restraint for the appraisal of expressions. Ursula Hess1, Shlomo Hareli2 1Humboltd Univ., Berlin, 2Univ. of Haifa SESSION: L - EMOTION THE SAME, BUT DIFFERENT: COMPARING EUROPEAN, ASIAN AND LATIN AMERICAN EMOTION NORMS Using latent class analysis, we identified patterns of emotion norms that were shared across European (n=491), Asian (n=464) and Latin American (n=666) contexts, and others that were culturally unique. Latin-American patterns of norms share some features with Asian-American patterns, others with European-American patterns, yet, in key ways, are unique. Nicole Senft1, Belinda Campos2, Michelle Shiota3, Yulia Chentsova-Dutton1 1Georgetown Univ., 2UC Irvine, 3Arizona State Univ. SESSION: L - EMOTION ADOLESCENTS’ REASONING ABOUT THE COMMUNITY VIOLENCE THEY HAVE WITNESSED PREDICTS SUBSEQUENT EMPATHIC EMOTIONAL RESPONDING TO NOVEL TRUE STORIES Adolescents from low-SES immigrant families living in high-crime LA neighborhoods (aged 14-17; n=33) were interviewed about the interpersonal violence they have witnessed. The more complexly participants reasoned about others’ perspectives, feelings, and motives, the more emotionally they reported feeling to subsequently-presented novel true stories. Social cognition may facilitate compassion. Vivian Rotenstein1, Rebecca Gotlieb1, Xiao-Fei Yang1, Mary-Helen Immordino-Yang1 1Univ. of Southern California SESSION: L - EMOTION EXAMINING THE EFFECT OF SAD IMAGES ON EMPATHY The purpose of the study is to understand situational and personality-based influences on compassion. We are examining whether having favorable attitudes toward animals makes the participants more or less likely to avoid viewing suffering about animals. Xiaotian He1, Daryl Cameron1 1Univ. of Iowa SESSION: L - EMOTION LOOKING OUTWARD: THE INFLUENCE OF AWE ON PREJUDICE AND DIVERSITY We examined the relationship between the dispositional tendency to experience awe and attitudes toward racial bias and multiculturalism. We found that one’s tendency to experience awe predicted favorable attitudes toward multiculturalism and greater internal motivation to respond without prejudice, even when controlling for other positive emotions and demographic factors. Bradley Hughes1, Daniel Stancato1, Dacher Keltner1 1UC Berkeley SESSION: L - EMOTION THE ASSOCIATIONS AMONG PARENTING STYLES, EMOTIONS AND DIFFICULTIES IN EMOTIONAL REGULATIONS Utilizing a longitudinal diary method, our study revealed that parental involvement, warmth, and autonomy support were significantly associated with greater positive emotions and less negative emotions in daily social interactions among 91 undergraduates. These findings suggest the importance of parenting styles on emotional experiences in social interactions. Yuan Zhou1, Chang Chen1, Paul Hewitt1, Gordon Flett2 1Univ. of British Columbia, 2York University 244 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - EMOTION THE MEDIATING ROLE OF SOCIAL SUPPORT ON THE AMBIVALENCE OVER EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION AND MENTAL WELL-BEING The present study examined the potential differential mediating roles of specific social support types on the association between ambivalence over emotional expression and mental well-being among the Asian American breast cancer survivors. Jennie Ho1, Qian Lu1, Celia Ching Yee Wong1 1Univ. of Houston SESSION: L - EMOTION YOU MAKE ME SICK: DAILY RELATIONAL STRESS MEDIATES THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROTECTING AND CHANGING WITH SOMATIC SYMPTOMS Relational stress may effect health. In a study of 75 couples, we found that daily stress fully mediates the relationship between daily protecting (c, p < .001, c’, p >.05), and partially mediates the relationship between daily changing (c, p < .001, c’, p < .05), with daily somatic symptoms. Lauren Gouker1, Melissa Flores1, Emily Butler1 1The Univ. of Arizona SESSION: L - MORALITY NO CHILD LEFT ALONE: MORAL JUDGEMENTS AFFECT RISK JUDGMENTS Seven studies show that when a child is left alone intentionally, people judge the situation to be riskier than when the child is left alone unintentionally. This finding suggests that these estimates of danger are systematically elevated in order to justify the feeling that leaving a child alone is morally wrong. Ashley Thomas1, P. Stanford1, Barbara Sarnecka1 1Univ. of California, Irvine SESSION: L - MORALITY THE ACCIDENTAL CONSCIENCE: GUILT IS CONSIDERABLY HIGHER FOR UNINTENTIONAL THAN INTENTIONAL VIOLATIONS These studies demonstrate that guilt, often regarded as “internalized blame,” critically diverges from blame. Regardless of the severity of a norm violation, intentional violations elicited significantly more blame than guilt, yet unintentional violations elicited significantly more guilt than blame. We consider how a theory of guilt can explain these findings. Julia Franckh1, Fiery Cushman2, Bertram Malle1 1Brown Univ., 2Harvard Univ. SESSION: L - MORALITY NOT ALL PUNISHMENT IS CREATED EQUAL: THIRD PARTY PUNISHMENT IS ENFORCED BY NORMS MORE THAN SECOND PARTY PUNISHMENT Explanations for cooperation relying on punishment broadly come in two favors: those which propose biologically evolved motivations for punishment, and those postulating culturally maintained norms promoting punishment. We demonstrate that, between two varieties of punishment, second- and third-party punishment, third-party punishment has a stronger foundation in norms. Justin Martin1, Jillian Jordan2, David Rand2, Fiery Cushman1 1Harvard Univ., 2Yale Univ. SESSION: L - MORALITY THIRD-PARTY PUNISHMENT AS A COSTLY SIGNAL OF TRUSTWORTHINESS We provide support for the theory that TPP functions as a costly signal of trustworthiness. We present evidence that punishers are trusted more, and actually are more trustworthy, than non-punishers. However, these effects are attenuated and rates of TPP decline when a more informative signaling mechanism is available. Jillian Jordan1, David Rand1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: L - MORALITY DIFFERENTIAL IMPACTS OF EXPECTATION VERSUS EXPERIENCE OF POWER ON MORAL JUDGMENT Research shows that power increases the use of deontological judgments. The present research demonstrates that the impact of power on moral judgment depends on the “focus of power.” When the focus is shifted from experience of power to expectations of power, powerful individuals use deontological reasoning less than the powerless. Alireza Golmohammadi1, Ronn Smith1 1Univ. of Arkansas SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 245 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - MORALITY INDIVIDUATION AND MORAL JUDGMENT In a series of studies, we found that moral transgressions referencing a general agent (e.g., “a man”) were judged to be more permissible than scenarios in which an agent was individuated by a name or initials. Our results imply that moral decisions may be affected by perceptions of specificity. Kristin Donnelly1, Nicholas Christenfeld1 1Univ. of California, San Diego SESSION: L - MORALITY LAY THEORIES OF MORALITY PREDICT SPECIFIC MORAL CONCERNS Study 1 demonstrated that different lay theories about the essence of morality predicted differences in judged wrongness of moral violations in domains of harm, fairness, loyalty, authority and purity. Studies 2 and 3 demonstrated that these lay theories also altered the effect of intentions on judged wrongness across such domains. Monica Gamez-Djokic1, Daniel Molden1 1Northwestern Univ. SESSION: L - MORALITY PAYING EXCESSIVE ATTENTION TO OUR LOOK MAY BRING IN SOME CRITICAL COSTS: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CONCERN FOR PHYSICAL APPEARANCE AND MORALITY In the present study, we examined whether individuals who have high (vs. low) concern for their physical appearance would be more likely to cheat when opportunities are given. We found that participants who were judged by two experts as having high concern (vs. low) about their physical appearance cheated more. DaEun Han1, Joo Lee1, YoungHoon Kim1 1Yonsei Univ. SESSION: L - MORALITY BLAMING THE BAD INTENTION OF A GROUP’S WRONGDOING: THE ROLE OF AFFECT AND PERCEIVED COLLECTIVE AGENCY This study examined the role of negative affects associated with perceived intentionality in blaming collective agents for their wrongdoing. In two online studies, Japanese participants rated scenarios depicting corporate transgressions. Perceived mindful agenticity of the companies consistently elicited both outrage and intentionality inference, which jointly determined moral and legal blame. Minoru Karasawa1, Asami Ohji1, Saori Tsukamoto1 1Nagoya Univ. SESSION: L - MORALITY THE EFFECTS OF POWER FRAMES ON THE MORAL PERCEPTION OF BOTH SELF AND OTHER Two studies examined the effects of power, framed as either the capacity to reward vs punish, on the perceived morality of both self and other. We find punishment-framed power reduces the intensity of moral judgments we make towards others and decreases the perceived immorality of behaviors we engage in ourselves. Kurt Schuepfer1, Jonathan Kunstman1 1Miami Univ. SESSION: L - MORALITY PROBING MORAL PERCEPTION WITH A NOVEL MORAL IMAGE SET We develop a standardized moral image set with over 1200 images, representing five foundational moral values, and use these images to probe aspects of moral perception. Using rating data and questionnaires, we explore differences in value perception across moral dimensions, and the relation between value concerns and value perception. Damien Crone1, Stefan Bode1, Carsten Murawski1, Simon Laham1 1The Univ. of Melbourne SESSION: L - MORALITY DIFFERENT VALUES MAKE YOU BETTER: RELIGIOSITY MODERATES THE EFFECTS OF VALUES ON MORAL REASONING AND BEHAVIOR In three studies, we show that religiosity group moderates the predictive power or effect of values on moral disengagement attitudes (Studies 2 and 3) and the effect of values on prosocial behaviour (study 3). Together, our findings show that different values affect moral behaviour as a function of religiosity group. Noga Sverdlik1, Eyal Rechter, , , , , , , , , 1Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev 246 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - MORALITY CROSS-CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN MORAL LICENSING EFFECTS We explored cultural differences in moral licensing behavior when participants were led to feel environmentally responsible. While Americans who felt environmentally responsible donated less money to charity, as predicted by moral licensing, Chinese participants donated more money, demonstrating moral consistency. Our work suggests that moral self-regulation depends on culturally-specific self-conceptions. Summer Xia1, Louisa Egan Brad2 1Bryn Mawr College, 2Univ. of Portland SESSION: L - MORALITY DEMYSTIFYING MORALITY: THE ROLE OF REGULATORY MEANS IN PROCESSES OF MORAL COMPENSATION AND MORAL CONSISTENCY We investigated regulatory mechanisms underlying moral behaviors. When describing behaviors as promotionoriented, considering temporally distant behaviors yielded subsequent moral consistency, whereas considering temporally recent behaviors yielded moral compensation (consistent with previous consistency/compensation research). Critically, describing behaviors as prevention-oriented reversed the pattern, suggesting the importance of regulatory focus for consistency/compensation. Thomas Saltsman1, Cheryl Kondrak1, Lindsey Streamer1, Veronica Lamarche1, Mark Seery1 1Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY SESSION: L - MORALITY PERSONALITY BEHIND BARS: EFFECTS OF INCARCERATION ON PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT We found that personality predicts incarceration and that incarceration subsequently impacts personality development. Specifically, higher levels of impulsivity predicted incarceration, and although on average individuals decreased in impulsivity over time, incarcerated individuals did not change. This work highlights the important roles that both personality and environment play in development. Kathryn Bollich1, Joshua Jackson1 1Washington Univ.- St. Louis SESSION: L - MORALITY PROSOCIALITY IN THE TWITTERVERSE: MORAL SENTIMENT PREDICTS INTENT TO DONATE Applying a novel natural language processing method to seven million tweets posted during Hurricane Sandy, we show that the moral sentiment loadings of a tweet predict whether it signals prosocial behavior. Loyalty concerns are the strongest predictors of prosociality, but fairness and harm concerns are more stable across geographic categories. Joe Hoover1, Reihane Boghrati1, Morteza Dehghani1 1Univ. of Southern California SESSION: L - MORALITY THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE POLITICS OF ABORTION: POLITICAL IDEOLOGY, MORAL FOUNDATIONS AND ABORTION VIEWS This study investigated whether moral foundations mediate the relationship between political ideology and abortion views. Results found that the sanctity-degradation, authority-subversion and loyalty-betrayal moral foundations partially mediated this relationship for both men and women. Kelly Martin1, Patrick Melugin1, Mallory Gerner1, Michael Barnett1 1Univ. of North Texas SESSION: L - MORALITY THE MORALIZATION OF PERSONALITY TRAITS Two studies explored whether personality traits are moralized to regulate social relationships. As predicted, people found it more natural than awkward to recall traits that are relevant to the moral evaluation of others (Study 1), and moralized traits exhibited the same consequences as other social regulatory moral convictions (Study 2). Allison Mueller1, Linda Skitka1 1Univ. of Illinois at Chicago SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 247 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - MORALITY EQUALLY MOTIVATED, BUT FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES: MORAL SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES ACROSS THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM Three studies tested hypotheses from the Moral Motives Model (Janoff-Bulman & Carnes, 2013) about how liberals and conservatives differ in their sense of morality and moral motivation. Results were generally consistent with the MMM; social justice predicted liberal morality and moral motivation, whereas social order predicted these for conservatives. Daniel Wisneski1, Linda Skitka2 1Saint Peter’s Univ., 2Univ. of Illinois at Chicago SESSION: L - MORALITY DISENTANGLING THE BADNESS AND ILLEGALITY OF TRANSGRESSIONS IN EVERYDAY MORAL CRITICISM Intense interpersonal acts of blame are judged as more appropriate as the badness of moral transgressions increases. However, we found that this tendency is weaker for illegal transgressions than for non-illegal transgressions. These findings suggest that disentangling badness and illegality is necessary for understanding the psychology of everyday morality. Boyoung Kim1, John Voiklis1, Bertram Malle1 1Brown Univ. SESSION: L - MORALITY HOW BIASED IS SELF-INTEREST BIAS IN JUDGMENTS OF OTHERS’ BEHAVIOR? Previous studies (Bocian & Wojciszke, 2014) showed that the observer’s self-interest biases moral perception of others’ unethical actions. Moreover, affective changes in attitudinal responses towards the perpetrator of an immoral act drives the bias. In the present studies, we attempted to answer the question whether people are aware of the self-interest bias in their judgments of others’ behavior. Konrad Bocian1, Bogdan Wojciszke1 1Univ. of Social Sciences & Humanities SESSION: L - MORALITY WHOSE FAULT IS IT?: THE INTERACTION BETWEEN PERPETRATOR-BLAME AND VICTIM-BLAME The present research examines the interaction between perpetrator-blame and victim-blame. Results from four studies, both correlational and experimental, indicate that when it comes to perpetrators and victims, blame seems to be zero-sum. Adding blame to the victim actually mitigates blame for the perpetrator. Mediation analyses examine several possible mechanisms. Rebecca Dyer1, David Pizarro1, Dan Ariely2 1Cornell Univ., 2Duke Univ. SESSION: L - MORALITY MORAL CONVICTION’S LIMIT ON SUPREME COURT LEGITIMACY: A NATURAL EXPERIMENT INVOLVING SAME-SEX MARRIAGE We examined reactions to the U.S. Supreme Court pre-and-post ruling on the legal status of same-sex marriage (SSM). Strength of moral conviction about same-sex marriage predicted post-decision perceptions of outcome fairness, decision acceptance and legitimacy, with affective and cognitive mediators. Brittany Hanson1, Linda Skitka1, Daniel Wisneski2 1Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, 2Saint Peter’s Univ. SESSION: L - MORALITY WHEN CHRISTIANS BELIEVE OTHERS OF THEIR FAITH ARE MORALLY SUPERIOR—AND WHEN THEY DON’T: THE ROLE OF SOCIAL DISTANCE Christian respondents’ self-reported moral choices are below what they estimate “typical” Christians indicate. We hypothesized this effect would diminish if participants estimated moral choices of specific fellow Christians. After a task imagining several individuals they see regularly at religious services, perceived moral differences dissipated. Travis Clark1, Casey Swanson1, Heather Terrell1 1Univ. of North Dakota 248 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - MORALITY A HISTORICAL SHIFT IN THE MORAL FOUNDATIONS OF PUBLIC PERSUASION Using automated text analysis, we find a sharp, lasting change with the onset of the Great Depression in the moral foundations which politicians use to justify their public arguments. Starting in 1929, politicians replace their appeals to authority in their messages with appeals to the virtue of the ingroup. Nicholas Buttrick1, Shigehiro Oishi1 1Univ. of Virginia SESSION: L - MORALITY FOLK JUDGMENTS OF NORMALITY: PART STATISTICAL, PART MORAL How do people determine whether an outcome is “normal” or “abnormal”? The results of four studies indicate that ordinary judgments of normality blend together a statistical notion (the average) with a moral notion (the ideal). Joshua Knobe1, Adam Bear1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: L - MORALITY THE SELF-SERVING QUALITY OF OTHERS’ IMMORALITY Moral as opposed to immoral behavior from a member of an opposing political party was associated with positive consequences regarding fulfillment of self-needs. Identification and perception of threat moderated the impact on selfrelated needs. Verena Graupmann1, Simona Sacchi2, Marco Brambilla2 1DePaul Univ., 2Università Degli Studi Di Milano Bicocca SESSION: L - MORALITY THE INFLUENCE OF SMILING ON MORAL DECISION-MAKING Researchers used a simple facial muscle manipulation to explore how smiling affects moral decision-making. Participants evaluated four moral dilemmas while activating facial muscles associated with either a smile or a neutral facial expression. Smiling participants were more likely to choose the utilitarian option than participants holding a neutral facial expression. Daniel Faraci1, Clint McKenna1, Mariya Smirnova1, Marie Cross1, Peter Ditto1, Sarah Pressman1 1Univ. of California, Irvine SESSION: L - MORALITY HARNESSING HYPOCRISY: COMPARING THE EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT MORAL PROCLAMATIONS ON BEHAVIOR In three studies, we find that people are more likely to perform behaviors after they say other people should perform them than after they say they themselves should perform them, perhaps because making the former proclamation does more to heighten the moral relevance of the behaviors. Peter Meindl1, Jesse Graham1 1Univ. of Southern California SESSION: L - MORALITY THE PROFIT PARADOX: IMMORAL PROFIT FLOWS FROM VIRTUOUS PREMISES People generally endorse the Protestant work-ethic (hard work is virtuous) and the equity principle (outputs should match inputs), so does it follow that money-making is virtuous? Six studies reveal that profit is perceived to signal immorality. Surprisingly, this effect disappears only when profit’s premises (hard work, fair pay) are violated. Jonathan Keeney1, Kurt Gray1 1Univ. of North Carolina SESSION: L - MORALITY THE INFLUENCE OF SMILING ON CHEATING The present research examined whether smiling, which has been shown to increase feelings of positivity, can increase cheating behavior. Participants were more likely to cheat on math equations when they were smiling, compared to when they were holding a neutral facial expression. Mariya Smirnova1, Clint McKenna1, Daniel Faraci1, Marie Cross1, Sarah Pressman1, Peter Ditto1 of California, Irvine 1Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 249 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - MORALITY MORAL AND RELIGIOUS CONVICTION HAVE DISTINCT TIES TO PERCEIVED OBJECTIVITY This study examined whether the degree to which a person perceives an attitude as objectively true is predicted by how strongly they vest that attitude with (a) moral conviction and (b) religious conviction. Although moral conviction generally predicted perceived objectivity, religious conviction predicted objectivity for those high but not low in religiosity. G. Morgan1 1Drew Univ. SESSION: L - MORALITY WHAT WOULD PEOPLE DO TO AVOID REPUTATION DAMAGE? What would people do to avoid reputation damage? Participants said that hypothetically they would rather go to jail, amputate a limb or die than be known as untrustworthy, a criminal or child molester. In lab, participants reached into a pile of disgusting worms to avoid being considered racist. Andrew Vonasch1, Tania Reynolds1, Bo Winegard1, Roy Baumeister1 1Florida State Univ. SESSION: L - MORALITY THE INFLUENCE OF SMILING ON EVALUATING MORAL FOUNDATION TRANSGRESSIONS This study investigated the effects of smiling, previously shown to induce positive affect, on ratings of moral transgressions concerning Moral Foundations Theory. Smiling participants reported no effects on any foundations even adjusting for individual differences, suggesting that smiling may not be related to specific instances of immoral judgments. Clint McKenna1, Mariya Smirnova1, Daniel Faraci1, Marie Cross1, Sarah Pressman1, Peter Ditto1 1Univ. of California, Irvine SESSION: L - MORALITY WHEN AUDITORS FAIL: THE ROLE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CLOSENESS IN UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR This study investigated how psychological closeness influences the failure to report unethical behavior committed by others in the context of client-auditor relationships. Findings revealed that feeling psychologically close to clients led auditors to fail to report client cheating. Researchers discuss suggestions for how auditors may behave more ethically. Lily Morse1, Taya Cohen1 1Carnegie Mellon Univ. SESSION: L - MORALITY CAN WE REBUILD OUR JUDGMENTS AS EASILY AS WE CAN TARNISH THEM?: THE EFFECTS OF MITIGATING INFORMATION ON JUDGMENTS OF VIRTUE AND VICE We investigated a potential negativity bias in judgment change following new information. Results revealed that judgments and behaviour could be repaired when positive mitigating information is offered. However, it was easier for judgments to be damaged with mitigating information than to be repaired, thus demonstrating moral asymmetry and a negativity bias. Nina Powell1, Bryan Yoon1 1National Univ. of Singapore SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS WOMEN’S COMPETITION THROUGH INFORMATION Because women’s bodies are unilaterly involved in reproduction, physical competition is more costly for them than men. Therefore, women should compete in in non-physical domains. Hess and Hagen have argued that women compete using information and reputations. Across four studies we found support for women’s use of informational warfare. Tania Reynolds1, Roy Baumeister1, Bo Winegard1 1Florida State Univ. SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS PERSPECTIVE SWITCHING IN INTERACTIVE SETTINGS Spatial perspective taking is often used to assess the social function of perspective taking while typically displaying non-interactive settings. We test whether interactive settings facilitate own (egocentric) or other (allocentric) perspective taking. Results show a decrease in perspective taking in interactive settings but only using an explicit task instruction. Tim Faber1, Kai Jonas1 1Univ. of Amsterdam 250 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS ASSOCIATING FOOD TEMPTATIONS WITH HIGH-LEVEL CONSTRUAL FOR DIETING SUCCESS We test whether associating temptations with high-level (vs. low-level) construal distinguishes those who are successful vs. unsuccessful at self-control. Two studies revealed that more successful dieters (as assessed by body mass index) tend to associate desserts with abstract vs. concrete concepts in a Single Category Implicit Association Test. Nicole Dusthimer1, Jessica Carnevale1, Karen MacGregor1, Kentaro Fujita1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS THE ROLE OF ELABORATION IN SELF-CONTROL This study applied research on attitudes to self-control conflicts. In two studies, we hypothesized and found that decisions made with high elaboration are more resistant to change and predictive of behavior than those made with low elaboration, regardless of the direction of thoughts. Researchers discussed implications for self-control. Jennifer Belding1, Pablo Brinol1, Richard Petty1, Kentaro Fujita, , , , , , , Ohio State Univ. 1The SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS IS PERSISTENCE GOVERNED BY EMOTIONS?: A LATENT TRANSITION ANALYSIS INVESTIGATING THE UNIQUE INFLUENCES OF AFFECT ON PERSEVERANCE This study used latent transition analysis to examine the influences of specific emotions on persistent and avoidant behaviors of 213 five-year-olds during a challenging task. The findings suggested that particular forms of anger, worry and sadness (e.g., longer duration vs. higher intensity) predicted transitions from persistent to avoidant states. Travis Miller1, Hasmik Tokadjian1, Sara Berzenski1 1California State Univ., Northridge SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS FAILURE AT THE TOP: HOW POWER UNDERMINES THE CREATIVITY OF TEAMS Creativity and innovative thinking are important skills leaders must possess. In three studies, we found that groups of high power individuals will tend perform worse on creative tasks when a high level of coordination is required, but will perform better when a low level of coordination is required. John Angus Hildreth1, Cameron Anderson1 1Univ. of California, Berkeley SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS “PUTTING OFF” ON A GLOBAL SCALE: QUALITY OF LIFE’S ROLE IN PROCRASTINATION Procrastinators delay the completion of tasks for irrational reasons and experience anxiety over the delay. It’s possible that procrastination fluctuates with quality of life. We examine procrastination from across 93 different countries, comparing procrastination scores to the country’s Human Development Index. Results show procrastination has a curvilinear relationship with HDI. Tom Tibbett1, Joseph Ferrari2 1Texas A&M Univ., 2DePaul Univ. SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS REGRET FOR SOME, REGRET FOR ALL: INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES, OUTCOME SEVERITY AND FEELINGS OF REGRET Two studies investigated the relationship between traits of conscientiousness and negative consequences following failure to meet achievement-related goals on feelings of regret. Results demonstrated that regret was significantly affected by personality factors related to conscientiousness and the severity of the outcomes that followed failure to meet goals. Timothy Valshtein1, Catherine Seta1 1Wake Forest Univ. SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS AIMING FOR REGULATORY FIT: GUNS AS A PREVENTION-FOCUSED TACTIC. We examined whether guns are a prevention-focused tactic. Prevention-focused individuals, or individuals who completed a vigilant strategy manipulation, were willing to pay more for a gun. Further, prevention-focused individuals who completed the vigilant strategy manipulation were willing to pay the most. Jeff Seger1, J. Adam Randell1 1Cameron Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 251 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE FLAMES: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMERGENT GOALS AND GOAL DISENGAGEMENT This prospective longitudinal study sought to examine how goal disengagement affects unplanned “emergent” goals. Results showed that increased goal disengagement was associated with less controlled goal striving, and increased goal progress for the emergent goal. Thus, goal disengagement may have important implications for motivational and self-regulatory processes in emergent goals. Anne Holding1, Nora Hope1, Brenda Harvey1, Richard Koestner1 1McGill Univ. SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS BEYOND SATISFACTION: THE MODERATING EFFECT OF INTRINSIC MOTIVATION ON JOB SATISFACTION AND TURNOVER INTENTION This study evaluated the moderating effect of intrinsic motivation between employee satisfaction and their turnover intention. Results showed that intrinsic motivation is a significant interaction between satisfaction and turnover intention, with a stronger change in the slope of turnover intention when employee satisfaction was high. Junseok Song1, Youngwoo Sohn1 1Yonsei Univ. SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS CAN’T STAND THE HEAT: THE ROLE OF DISTRESS TOLERANCE IN STUDENTS’ GOAL STRIVING AND WELLBEING OVER TIME In a prospective study on 196 students as they pursued three personal goals, we examined the role of distress tolerance in goal pursuit. Low distress tolerance predicted controlled and avoidance-oriented reasons for goals, and moderated the relationship between close other autonomy-support and goal progress. Nora Hope1, Anne Holding1, Richard Koestner1 1McGill Univ. SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS HOW THE CONTENT AND FUNCTION OF UTOPIAN VISIONS MOTIVATE SOCIETAL ENGAGEMENT FOR CHANGE Utopian visions can play a role in motivating action for social change. In three studies, we investigated the content and function of ordinary people’s utopias. Two prominent themes of utopias – “Green” and “Sci-Fi” – were identified, and primed utopian visions were shown to elicit greater desire for engagement with society. Julian Fernando1, Nicholas Burden1, Yoshihisa Kashima1 1Univ. of Melbourne SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS REDUCING THE GENDER GAP: A SELF-DETERMINATION THEORY PERSPECTIVE ON FACILITATING FEMALE INTEREST AND PERFORMANCE IN STEM Using the principles of self-determination theory, this research examined the factors that enhance female interest and performance in STEM courses. Results suggest motivating (vs. demotivating) teachers were perceived as more need supportive and facilitated more autonomous motivation for learning, which in turn predicted higher grades in STEM courses. Kaitlyn Werner1, Christopher Niemiec2 1Univ. of Victoria, 2Univ. of Rochester SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS PRIMING POWER TO LESSEN FEARS OF DEATH: EXAMINING POWER AS A POTENTIAL EXISTENTIAL ANXIETY BUFFER The study examines power as a potential existential anxiety buffer. Through terror management theory’s postulate that cultural worldviews assuage death anxiety, researchers hypothesized that priming high vs. low power will decrease self-reported fear of death. The findings support this hypothesis and suggests that power may protect against death anxiety. Aaron Szczech-Johnson1 1Metropolitan State Univ. 252 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS WANTING TO BE KIND VS. WANTING TO APPEAR KIND: SELF-IMAGE AND COMPASSIONATE GOALS IN JAPAN We developed a scale specifically for Japan to measure compassionate goals to support the wellbeing of others, and self-image goals to promote one’s desired self-image. Self-image goals correlated exclusively with interdependence, whereas compassionate goals correlated exclusively with independence, suggesting that Japanese interdependence may reflect an egoistic rather than altruistic motive. Yu Niiya1 1Hosei Univ. SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS INDIRECT INTERGROUP CONTACT INCREASES THE NEED OF SPECIFIC PHYSICAL CLEANSING Our studies suggest that physical cleansing may be simulated in response to intergroup contact. After imagining or observing an intergroup contact crossing the boundaries of groups defined by sexual orientation and ethnicity, participants express increased desirability for cleansing products, cleansing specifically the body parts engaged in the contact. Agnieszka Golec de Zavala1, Cláudia Simão2, Sven Waldzus3, Simone Schnall4, Carla Murteira5 1Goldsmiths, Univ. of London, 2ISPA & ISCTE, 3 CIS-ISCTE, 4Univ. of Cambridge, 5ISCTE SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS HOW PERFORMANCE-APPROACH GOALS INFLUENCE ACHIEVEMENT IN HIGH-SCHOOL CLASSROOMS: A FIELD EXPERIMENT ON THE ROLE OF TEST ANTICIPATION ON GRADES We examined whether pursuing performance-approach goals (i.e. aiming at outperforming others) leads students to study preferentially before scheduled examinations. We manipulated test announcement (scheduled vs. pop quiz), and found that performance-approach goal adoption predicted students’ test performance under scheduled—and not under unscheduled—test condition, but only for low-achievers. Marie Crouzevialle1, Fabrizio Butera1 1Univ. of Lausanne SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS MEANING AND PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR Meaning in life can arise from transcending the self. Thus, prosocial behavior may be related to meaning. Study 1 revealed a significant association between meaning and prosocial behavior. Study 2 provided longitudinal evidence that meaning predicts committing fewer future relational offenses. We discuss a reciprocal relationship between meaning and prosociality. Daryl Van Tongeren1, Jeffrey Green2 1Hope College, 2Virginia Commonwealth Univ. SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS THE IMPORTANCE OF FEEDBACK APPRAISALS WHEN WOMEN SHARE INTERESTS IN STEM We demonstrate gender differences in the roles of social interaction and feedback about one’s science interest for the development of science career interest. In particular, women with initially less secure science identity may be most strongly influenced by appraisals of social feedback when talking about their interest in science. Christina Curti1, Jeanette Zambrano1, Garam Lee1, Matthew Jackson1, Dustin Thoman1 1California State Univ., Long Beach SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS PARENTS’ VIEWS OF FAILURE AS GOOD OR BAD PREDICT THEIR CHILDREN’S INTELLIGENCE MINDSETS Mindsets about intelligence (as fixed or malleable) robustly influence children’s motivation and learning. Yet, surprisingly, research has not clearly linked parents’ intelligence mindsets to their children’s. We propose and test a different mindset that may be more visible to children, parents’ failure mindsets, and that therefore may shape children’s beliefs. Kyla Haimovitz1, Carol Dweck1 1Stanford Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 253 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS LET’S NOT TALK ABOUT IT: THE IRONIC HARM OF AVOIDING TALKING ABOUT STEM INTEREST TO PROTECT BELONGING Greater science stereotype endorsement among early STEM majors is associated with greater avoidance of talking about science interest for those high, but not low, in personal science identity. Avoidance, in turn, is associated with a depleted sense of belonging which predicts lower science career investment. Isidro Landa1, Ronald Flores1, Matthew Jackson1, Dustin Thoman1 1California State Univ., Long Beach SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS MOTIVATION FOR FINANCIAL DECISIONS AND REGRET This study employed Self-Determination Theory to explore the role of motivation for financial decisions. Participants reported their plan for spending their tax refund and associated motivation. Identified reasons for spending tax refund money was associated with less regret one month later. Cody DeHaan1, Edward Deci1 1Univ. of Rochester SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS CONNECTING ACTION TO IDENTITY: DEVELOPING AN ATTAINMENT VALUE INTERVENTION Based in Eccles’ expectancy-value theory, we tested a novel attainment value intervention in a math-learning paradigm, and compared it to a well-established utility value intervention and control group to see whether it was possible to promote perceptions of attainment value, and if these perceptions would promote interest and performance. Cameron Hecht1, Elizabeth Canning1, Yoi Tibbetts1, Stacy Priniski1, Judith Harackiewicz1 of Wisconsin-Madison 1Univ. SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS IMPROVING PERFORMANCE AND RETENTION IN INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY WITH A UTILITY VALUE INTERVENTION In the context of a year-long introductory biology class, researchers randomly assigned students to write three utility value or control essays. Students who completed the utility value writing assignments earned higher grades in the course and were more likely to enroll in the second semester of the course. Elizabeth Canning1, Stacy Priniski1, Yoi Tibbetts1, Judith Harackiewicz1 1Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS WAS DR. FOX PAID OR A VOLUNTEER?: EFFECTS OF INSTRUCTOR EXPRESSIVENESS AND MOTIVATION ON STUDENT OUTCOMES Through combining the Dr. Fox effect and cognitive evaluation theory, we found that teacher expressiveness positively influenced students more than perceived teacher motivation. Additionally, an interaction effect was present for students’ subjective learning, with the congruent conditions leading to higher subjective learning than the incongruent conditions. Jamie Taxer1, Anne Frenzel1 1Univ. of Munich SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS LEARNING TO GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY: PERCEPTIONS OF SCIENCE AS PROSOCIAL AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF MINORITY STUDENTS’ SCIENCE IDENTITY Results from a longitudinal study demonstrated that minority students who enter freshman year with a greater belief that science can help their communities identified with scientists more strongly over time. This relationship did not hold for their white peers, suggesting a uniquely important factor for increased diversity in the sciences. Matthew Jackson1, Dustin Thoman1 1California State Univ., Long Beach SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS INCREMENTAL THEORIES PREDICT ACADEMIC SUCCESS THROUGH TIME SPENT STUDYING The current study identified time spent studying as a behavioral explanation for previously studied academic success of incremental theorists. Compared to entity theorists, high-school incremental theorists spent more time completing practice questions, which led to better performance on the questions themselves and on a test of sustained learning. Mycah Harrold1, Joyce Ehrlinger1, Kali Trzesniewski2, Jordan Vossen1, Julia Singleton3, Bethany Spring4 1Washington State Univ., 2Univ. of California Davis, 3UC Davis, 4 Arizona State Univ. 254 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS THE SECURITY SYSTEM MODEL: A PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION UTILIZING STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING Debate exists in the existential threat literature regarding the relative importance of self-esteem, meaning and relationships, but rarely are all three resources simultaneously compared. SEM was used to examine the security system model of psychological self-defense. This study modeled relationships between existential resources, shedding light on the function of these resources. Isaac Young1, Roman Palitsky1, Daniel Sullivan1, Joshua Hart2 1Univ. of Arizona, 2Union College SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS INVESTIGATING THE MAINTENANCE OF UNFULFILLED GOALS OVER TIME: DO THEY OCCUPY EXECUTIVE RESOURCES? Recent research suggests that unfulfilled goals interfere with executive control. Two experiments tested the time course of this effect. Results conflict with previous research and find no effect of the unfulfilled goal on executive control. This poster will explore why these mixed results may have occurred. Katie Garrison1, Ian Handley1 1Montana State Univ. SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS ACADEMIC SELF-CONCEPT MEDIATES THE EFFECTS OF PARENTING PRACTICES ON ACADEMIC MOTIVATION AND ACHIEVEMENT The current research examined academic self-concept as a mechanism through which parenting practices (both supportive and coercive) may affect academic achievement and motivation. Parental conditional regard and parental warmth were significant predictors of academic achievement and self-determined motivation; these effects were partially mediated by the student’s academic self-concept. James Fryer1, Amanda Whelan1 1SUNY Potsdam SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS IT’S YOUR FAULT, NOT MINE: THE HIDDEN COST OF GROWTH MINDSETS In the face of low performing students, whose strategies should change: teachers’ or students’? Participants rated student strategy-change as more important than teacher strategy-change when presented with knowledge of the benefits of growth mindsets than when presented with knowledge of the benefits of good teaching practices. Maryam Gooyabadi1, Catherine Good1 1Baruch College, CUNY SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS THE ROLE OF PERCEIVED SOCIAL NORMS AND PARENTS’ VALUE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTEREST IN BIOLOGY Among high school biology students, perceptions of peer norms and parental values for science predicted perceptions of greater relevance of the material to students’ lives, which led to increased interest. In contrast, teacher behaviors led to increase success expectancies, which also led to increased interest in biology. Chris Hulleman1, Anna-Lena Dicke2, Jeff Kosovich1, Dustin Thoman2 1Univ. of Virginia, 2Univ. of California-Irvine SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS DIFFERENT VERSIONS OR DIFFERENT INTERVENTIONS?: PERSONAL AND INTERPERSONAL UTILITY VALUE WRITING AFFECT DIFFERENT MOTIVATIONAL PROCESSES In utility-value (UV) interventions, students write either essays connecting course material to their own lives or letters connecting material to others’ lives. We manipulated format (essay vs. letter) and target (self vs. others) of UV writing in a laboratory experiment and found that these different assignments address different motivation processes. Stacy Priniski1, Judith Harackiewicz1 1Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 255 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS WHO OPTS FOR JOB CHALLENGE: THE ROLE OF GOALS AND GENDER Who opts for challenging job? Learning goals predicted more challenge-seeking (needing fewer skills at the start of a job), whereas ability goals (wanting to demonstrate ability) predicted less challenge. Importantly, women opted for less challenge than men, and such gender difference was reduced when women endorsed learning goals. Fiona Lee1, Carol Dweck1 1Stanford Univ. SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS MINDSET CHALLENGE: REAPPRAISING MATH TO ENCOURAGE PERSISTENCE We developed and evaluated a novel intervention, which encouraged students to reappraise challenging math as an opportunity to practice their persistence. The intervention improved the math performance of a large sample of middle school students (N = 768) over the duration of the fall semester. Anqing Zheng1, Evan Nesterak1, Lauren Eskreis-Winkler1, Angela Duckworth1 1Univ. of Pennsylvania SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS NAVIGATING THE ECONOMIC ROLLER COASTER: HOW ECONOMIC THREAT IMPACTS COLLEGE STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION TO COMPLETE COMPREHENSIVE EXAMS IN RESPONSE TO A STRONG VERSUS WEAK ARGUMENT Do economic threats (economy doing well/poorly) disrupt motivational preferences for strong versus weak arguments? After reading about the economy doing well, participants were more swayed by a strong argument in favor of comprehensive exams. However, this motivational preference was eliminated when participants read about the economy doing poorly. Sam Hawkins1, Rachel Rogers1, Elizabeth Brown1, Curtis Phills1 1Univ. of North Florida SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS READING OUTSIDE THE LINES: BROADENING SCIENCE RESEARCH PARTICIPATION THROUGH PROSOCIAL UTILITY VALUE CONNECTIONS IN SCIENCE TEXTBOOKS One way students can learn about prosocial connections is through course textbooks, which sometimes prompt prosocial connections through sidebar text or end-of-chapter questions. We found that underrepresented minority students who remembered seeing these prosocial connections in their science textbooks reported greater interest in joining a research lab. Garam Lee1, Jeanette Zambrano1, Christina 1California State University, Long Beach Curti1, Dustin Thoman1 SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS SACRIFICING PERSONAL GOAL PURSUITS: EFFECTS OF PARTNER ENTITLEMENT ON SAVING AND HEALTH GOAL PURSUIT This study investigates if people alter personal goal pursuits in order to make a romantic partner feel special. Participants rated how special a dinner event would be depending on what the occasion was and which individuals were present. Birthday dinners with significant others were rated most special among conditions. Hannah Carlson1, Robert Martin1, LeeAnn Beam1, Michelle vanDellen1 1University of Georgia SESSION: L - MOTIVATION/GOALS THE MOTIVATIONAL EFFECTS OF GOAL ORIENTATION, SELF-EFFICACY, AND PERCEIVED CHOICE Our research explores relationships between intrinsic motivation, choice, autonomy, and self-efficacy. Intrinsically motivated individuals have increases in perceived choice, as well as self-efficacy while completing tasks autonomously. The present research manipulates goal orientation with either an approach-mastery goal or with an approachperformance goal manipulation, in addition of manipulating informational feedback. Charles Elliott1, Paul Story1 1Kennesaw State University 256 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR EXPLORING A MODEL OF LEADERSHIP OUTCOMES: THE IMPACT ON JOB STRESSORS, MORALE, IDENTIFICATION AND INTENTIONS TO STAY IN THE MILITARY In two military samples (N = 772; N = 767), members’ perceptions of their leaders predicted occupational stress (i.e., role ambiguity, role conflict and role insufficiency), which predicted morale and identification with the military. Morale and identification, in turn, predicted intentions to stay in the military. Erinn Squires1, Jennifer Peach1 1Department of National Defence SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR POWER AND WORKPLACE WELLBEING: A COMPARISON OF RANK GROUP DIFFERENCES IN THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES This study conducted rank group comparisons with Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel (N = 862). Analyses revealed that Junior Non-Commissioned Members (NCMs) rated their immediate supervisor’s more negatively, experienced more occupational stress, and reported lower morale and identification with the CAF compared to Senior NCMs, Junior Officers and Senior Officers. Jennifer Peach1, Erinn Squires1 1Department of National Defence SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS OF TEAM COMMUNICATION WITHIN WORK TEAMS This study aimed to visualize the development process of work team communication with business microscope. The results of our investigation for 12 teams comprising a total of 136 members indicated team communication converged on the certain level of quantity and the lower density. Naomi Tabaru1, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi2 1Seinan Gakuin Univ., 2Kyushu Univ. SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR BREAKING NEW GROUND: THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRUST AND IDENTITY AMIDST CONFLICTING LOGICS This longitudinal study examines how the development of newcomers’ organizational identification, trust and self-efficacy are affected by the extent to which their expectations about institutional logics are met by their new organization. We find that if newcomers’ expectations are not met, identification, trust and in turn, self-efficacy decrease over time. Laura Smith1, Nicole Gillespie2, Victor Callan2, Terrance Fitzsimmons2, Neil Paulsen2 1Univ. of Bath, 2Univ. of Queensland SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR SELF-EXPANSION IN THE WORKPLACE: IMPLICATIONS FOR BURNOUT AND ENGAGEMENT Given that workplace self-expansion is associated with greater job resources, we hypothesized that workplace selfexpansion would predict lower levels of job stress and employee burnout and higher levels of employee engagement. Results across two studies support our predictions (overall N=302), suggesting the importance of workplace selfexpansion within organizations. Cheryl E. Gray1, Kevin P. McIntyre1, Brent A. Mattingly2, Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr.3 1Trinity Univ., 2Ursinus College, 3 Monmouth Univ. SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR ORGANIZATIONAL LAY THEORIES SHAPE PEOPLE’S ORGANIZATIONAL PERCEPTIONS AND CHEATING BEHAVIOR Two experiments examined how organizational lay theories of intelligence impact people’s organizational perceptions and cheating behavior. Participants perceived entity and incremental organizations to differ in their cheating norms and achievement goals. Moreover, participants cheated more in the entity (vs. incremental) organization, even after receiving praise from it. Katherine Emerson1, Mary Murphy1 1Indiana Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 257 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR DO WOMEN REALLY HATE WORKING FOR OTHER WOMEN?: EVIDENCE AGAINST THE MYTH Female employees’ extra-role behavior was higher when the supervisor was female (vs. a male), but did not vary for male employees. Female supervisors reported higher appreciation for female (vs. male) employees (no effect for male supervisors). These findings suggest in-group favoritism rather than competition on the part of women. Andrea Vial1, Tom Tyler1, Victoria Brescoll1, Jaime Napier1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR BARGAINING ZONE DISTORTION IN NEGOTIATIONS: THE ELUSIVE POWER OF MULTIPLE ALTERNATIVES Although negotiators prefer more over fewer alternatives, we show that having multiple alternatives can be detrimental to negotiation outcomes. Negotiators with multiple alternatives suffered from distorted perceptions of the bargaining zone, made lower first offers, and achieved less profitable deals than negotiators with a single alternative. Michael Schaerer1, Roderick Swaab1, David Loschelder2 1INSEAD, 2Saarland Univ. SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR MEMBERSHIP IN A STABLE ORGANIZATION CAN SUSTAIN INDIVIDUALS’ SENSE OF CONTROL High social identification with a stable (as compared to relatively unstable) organization is associated with an increased sense of personal efficacy (Study 1). Furthermore, perceived organizational stability moderates the extent to which those who recently experienced a threat to personal control seek increased organizational identification (Study 2 and Study 3). Devon Proudfoot1, Aaron Kay1 1Duke Univ. SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR A MODERATED MEDIATION TEST OF CAUSAL CLARITY AND PERCEIVED SUPPORT ON OSTRACIZED EMPLOYEES The current study outlines the effects of being ostracized by one’s leader on supervisory-directed organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB). Results from a vignette study indicate that ostracized participants reported lower levels of supervisory-directed OCB; perceived supervisor support served as the underlying mechanism, while causal clarity served to moderate this relationship. John Fiset1 1Memorial U. of Newfoundland SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR DOES SHARED TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP DECREASE STRESS RESPONSES?: DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS OF SHARED TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP ON STRESS RESPONSES Shared leadership was negatively related to anxiety, fatigue and physical symptoms, and positively related to these stress responses through the mediation of challenge stressors. The later relationship might be positively related to “death by overwork.” However, this possibility has been little investigated and deserves the attention of future research. Wei WANG1, Ryo Hayase2, Kiriko SAKATA1 1Hiroshima Univ., 2CHUBU Univ. SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR POWER DECREASES MOTIVATION TO AFFILIATE WITH OTHER PEOPLE BOTH WITHIN AND OUTSIDE POWER RELATIONSHIPS Because high-power people are less dependent on their low-power counterparts than vice versa, they are less motivated to affiliate with others. In four studies, research associated power with lower willingness to engage in intimate self-disclosure, and less motivation to get to know other people both within and outside power relationships. Yidan Yin1, Pamela Smith1 1Univ. of California, San Diego 258 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR ALONG WITH BAD FEEDBACK, BIG FISH IN A SMALL POND IS BORED TO DEATH: PERCEIVED OVERQUALIFICATION, FEEDBACK AND BOREOUT. The economic downturn brought fewer job positions, fiercer competition and consequently higher qualifications for the job, leading the perceived overqualification inevitable. The present study examined the mechanism between perceived overqualification and boreout. The results revealed the significant parallel multiple mediator model with both feedback quality and feedback delivery as mediators. Gihyun Kim1, Min Young Yoon1, Young Woo Sohn1 1Yonsei Univ. SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR EFFECTS OF JOB ADVERTISEMENT INFORMATION ON RECOMMENDATIONS TO AGENTIC AND COMMUNAL INDIVIDUALS We tested the effect of job advertisement information on recommendations of job opportunities to agentic and communal individuals. Results revealed recommenders aligned the gender wording of job postings with the agency and communal attributes of recommendees. Pay information (basis, range) also influenced job recommendations to agentic individuals. Katherine Sosna1, Samantha Conroy2, Shannon Rawski3, Emilija Djurdjevic4, , 1Univ. of Arkansas, 2Colorado State Univ., 3Univ. of Wisconsin–Oshkosh, 4Univ. of Rhode Island SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR INCREASING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT TRAINING THROUGH LEARNER ENGAGEMENT The present study investigated how training impacts the likelihood to harass and the belief in sexual harassment myths, as well as how trainer engagement supports training. Results indicate engaging training achieved a significantly higher decrease in likelihood to sexually harass and higher satisfaction with training, but not in myth acceptance. Anya Garmin1, Rachel Gentz1, Caren Topete1, Christopher Warren2, David Whitney1 1California State Univ., Long Beach, 2Long Beach State SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR IS OBSESSIVE PASSION ALWAYS MALADAPTIVE?: THE MODERATING EFFECT OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE IN PERFORMANCE OF OBSESSIVE PASSION This study examined whether there are organizational contexts where obsessive passion (OP), known to be maladaptive, can have positive outcomes. Results showed that job-demanding and competition moderated the relationship between OP and subjective performance. The relation of OP to subjective performance was positive when the context was highly job-demanding and competitive. Minseong Hong1, Yeseul Jung1, Hyunjin Koo1, Youngwoo Sohn1 1Yonsei Univ. SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR “I PERCEIVE YOUR ENVY, AND I BEHAVE WELL” : MODERATING ROLES OF FEAR OF NEGATIVE EVALUATION AND NEED TO BELONG IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERCEIVED ENVY AND ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR The current study examined the relationship between perceived envy and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The results showed that there is a positive relationship between perceived envy and OCB. In addition, fear of negative evaluation (FNE) and need to belong (NTB) moderated the relationship between perceived envy and OCB. Min Young Yoon1, Gihyun Kim1, Suran Lee1, Young Woo Sohn1 1Yonsei Univ. SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR PERSISTENCE IS AN UNDERVALUED ROUTE TO CREATIVE PERFORMANCE Seven studies investigated the prediction that people underestimate the value of persistence for creative performance. People consistently underestimated how productive they would be while persisting on creative tasks and the subjectively experienced difficulty, or disfluency, of creative thought accounted for this effect. Persistence is an undervalued determinant of creativity. Brian Lucas1, Loran Nordgren2 1Univ. of Chicago, 2Northwestern Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 259 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR MIND-BODY DISSONANCE: A CATALYST TO CREATIVITY Mind-body dissonance, which occurs when bodily-displayed expressions contradict mentally-experienced states, enhanced creativity through a heightened sense of incongruence. This effect was attenuated by the frequency with which individuals endured mind-body dissonance in the past, and was eliminated when incongruence was attributed to a cause that is irrelevant to the creativity tasks. Li Huang1 1INSEAD SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR DRAINED YET INSPIRED: RESOURCE DEPLETION FUELS CREATIVITY Although one might first expect resource depletion to impede creativity, we make the counterintuitive prediction that resource depletion may facilitate creativity by allowing individuals to escape their entrained ways of thinking. Five studies reveal that resource depletion can fuel creativity. Furthermore, the use of broader, more inclusive cognitive categories drives this effect. Eileen Chou1, Rachel Ruttan2, Yan Rong3 1Univ. of Virginia, 2Northwestern Univ., 3Tsinghua Univ. SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR INTERPERSONAL CONFLICTS INDUCE SEVERE CYBERLOAFING AT WORKING PLACES We explored the causes of severe cyberloafing like checking pornographic websites and online gambling. Results revealed the frequency of cyberloafing was positively related to interpersonal conflicts. This finding suggests that different approaches are needed to prevent each type of infraction. Ako Agata1, Naoki Kugihara1 1Osaka Univ. SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR TRUST AND VIOLATION: THE IMPACT OF TRUST VIOLATIONS ON DIFFERENT FORMS OF TRUST We examine how different forms of trust change after trust violations. Our findings show that the same incident results in greater trust decrease when the initial trust is higher rather than lower. The study reflects the complex reality of trusting and explains the dynamics between trust and violation. Xuchang Zheng1, Sankalp Chaturvedi1, Jonathan Pinto1 1Imperial College London SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR WEAKENING THE DOMINANCE-LEADERSHIP LINK: INCONGRUENT EXPRESSIONS OF DOMINANCE REDUCE LEADERSHIP PREFERENCES FOR HIGH DOMINANT FACES IN RELINQUISHING POWER DECISIONS This research tested the hypothesis that low dominant facial expressions (i.e., fear) would influence the degree to which power is relinquished to co-workers with structurally dominant faces. Using computer-generated avatars, a bias toward relinquishing power to coworkers with high (vs. low) dominant faces was eliminated when dominant faces displayed fear. Nathaniel Ratcliff1, Theresa Vescio1 1The Pennsylvania State Univ. SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN IMPLICIT AND EXPLICIT MEASURES OF BURNOUT AND WORK ENGAGEMENT AND THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL DESIRABILITY Using gold-standard self-report measures and an adapted Implicit Association Task, researchers examined the relationship between explicit and implicit levels of burnout and engagement and the impact of social-desirability. Although social-desirability effects were not as predicted, the correlation between IAT effect and explicit exhaustion suggests the potential for implicit measurement in this domain. Catherine Calnan1, Sarah-Jane Cullinane1, Leandre Fabrigar2, Janine Bosak3 1Trinity College Dublin, 2Queen’s Univ., 3 Dublin City Univ. 260 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR ORGANIZATIONAL FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO OUT-OF-SCHOOL-TIME WORKERS’ PROMOTION OF YOUTH VOICE This study combines Person-Environment Fit Theory with Positive Youth Development Theory to examine perceived organizational factors that contribute to youth voice promotion among out-of-school-time program staff. Researchers utilized structural equation modeling to examine organizational factors (e.g., role clarity, decision making ability, professional efficacy) prediction of youth voice promotion among workers. Lisa Maletsky1, William Evans1 1Univ. of Nevada, Reno SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR GOSSIPS FIERCER THAN TIGERS: EFFECT OF WORKPLACE NEGATIVE GOSSIP ON EMPLOYEE’S INNOVATIVE BEHAVIOR Workplace negative gossip is defined as informal and negative evaluative talk in an organization.The conclusion of the research is that there is significant negative effect of workplace negative gossip on employee’s innovative behavior. More over, we test and verify the mediating effect of organizational-based self-esteem. Ming Kong1, Haoying Xu2, Xiaojun Qian1 1Tsinghua Univ., 2Central Univ. of Finance & Economics SESSION: L - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR ORGANIZATIONAL STRESS MODERATES MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDER ADAPTABILITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT This study examined the moderating role of organizational stress on adaptability and commitment among mental healthcare providers. Results suggested that, compared with less adaptable providers, more adaptable providers had increased commitment when organizational stress was low and decreased commitment when stress was high. Christopher Dishop1, Amy Green2, Gregory Aarons2 1UC San Diego, 2University of California, San Diego SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR HOW STATUS SHAPES SOCIALITY: SES AFFECTS NEURAL RESPONSES TO OTHERS’ EMOTIONS AND ACTIONS Socioeconomic status (SES) affects the extent to which people are attuned to others. In study 1, we found that lower SES was linked to stronger empathic P2 responses to images of others in pain. In study 2, we found that lower SES was linked to stronger Mu-suppression when observing others’ actions. Michael Varnum1, Chris Blais1, Gene Brewer1 1Arizona State Univ. SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR POWER AND SOCIAL PERCEPTION Participants were primed to high, low or neutral power prior to an action observation task. Motor resonance (MR) was assessed using TMS and was lowest for the high power group, highest for the low power group and moderate for the neutral group. Such changes in MR could be socially significant. Sukhvinder Obhi1 1McMaster Univ. SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR HIGHER-STATUS INDIVIDUALS GIVE MORE WHEN PUBLICLY RECOGNIZED Past research suggests that high-status individuals engage in less prosocial behavior than low-status individuals. However, we find that higher-status individuals donate more money to charity when they are publicly recognized (versus anonymous). Thus, the effects of social status on prosocial behavior are not stable and shift across motivational contexts. Brittany Torrez1, Sylvia Morelli1, Jamil Zaki1 1Stanford Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 261 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR THE EFFECT OF INTERGROUP HELPING ON SOCIAL JUSTICE ATTITUDES: AN EXAMINATION OF MEDIATORS This research examined the effect of intergroup helping on social justice attitudes, and the relative contributions of cognitive and affective mediators. Participation in an extended intergoup helping experience increased favorability toward social justice ideals, and this effect was partially mediated by aspects of attributional complexity and empathy. Jared Wymer1, Margaret Brown1 1Seattle Pacific Univ. SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF THE MOTIVES2DONATE SCALE We developed and validated a comprehensive scale of why people are motivated to make charitable donations. The final 24 item Motives2Give scale has eight factors: Trust, Altruism, Social, Tax benefits, Egoism, Self-Esteem, Constraints and Guilt. We present evidence for the scale’s internal reliability, test-retest reliability and construct validity. Sara Konrath1, Femida Handy2 1Indiana Univ., 2Univ. of Pennsylvania SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN HELPING AND RECEIVING HELP ACROSS THE UNITED STATES AND INDIA Participants read vignettes of helping behaviors and indicated the extent to which the person involved was likely to help someone else. Helping expectations were similar across genders and types of situations for the U.S., but in India, men were expected to help more than women. Salomi Aladia1, Helen Harton1 1Univ. of Northern Iowa SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR THE SCROOGE EFFECT REVISITED: MORTALITY SALIENCE INCREASES THE SATISFACTION DERIVED FROM PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR In three experiments using two different economic games and a quasi-naturalistic giving situation, we found that mortality reminders (compared to control condition) led people not only to act more prosocially, but also to derive more satisfaction from prosociality. This satisfaction, in turn, was associated with greater suppression of death thoughts. Agata Gasiorowska1, Tomasz Zaleskiewicz1, Pelin Kesebir2 1SWPS Univ. of Social Sciences & Humanities, 2RTI International SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN EMPATHIC CONCERN AND HELPING IS MODERATED BY PSYCHOLOGICAL CLOSENESS Participants indicated how much sympathy they would feel, and their likelihood of helping, for hypothetical targets needing bone marrow transplants. Targets varied in their psychological closeness to the participant. The size of the ECHelping relationship was strongest for the intermediate-distance targets and lower for the targets closest and farthest away. Mark Davis1, James Carter1, Rose Kraemer-Dahlin1, Evan Seidenberg1 1Eckerd College SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR CARELESS OR MALICIOUS?: INATTENTION AS A POSSIBLE SOURCE OF IMMORAL ACTION Do people often fail to help others simply because they do not notice morally relevant information? Using data from two studies (N=79; N=158), this secondary analysis explores the role of attention in helping behavior. Non-helpers fail to remember moral situations, whereas helpers remember helping situations. Kassidy Velasquez1, William Fleeson1, Michael Furr1, Anselma Hartley1 1Wake Forest Univ. SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS While victims sacrifice punishment-based power by forgiving, we argue that victims gain power by forgiving. Across four studies, we investigate and find that victims who forgave, relative to those who did not, experienced a heightened sense of power over their transgressors. Re-appropriation of control over the transgression mediated this effect. Medha Raj1, Scott Wiltermuth1 1Univ. of Southern California 262 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR OPPORTUNISTIC AND COMPENSATORY STRATEGIES IN A COLLECTIVE-RISK DILEMMA EXPLAINED BY INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN PERSONALITY Participants played in an experimental collective-risk social dilemma against fair or unfair confederates in a week-long game. We show that depending on fair or unfair behaviour of others, participants adjust their behaviour and are either opportunistic or compensate for others. Researchers explained individual strategies by impulsivity and sensitivity to punishment. Anya Skatova1, Benjamin Kuper-Smith2, Benjamin Bedwell1 1Univ. of Nottingham, 2Univ. College London SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR CULTURAL SELF-CONSTRUAL AND RELATIONSHIP TYPE ON HELP-SEEKING INTENTIONS This study examined effects of cultural self-construal and relationship type (classmates and coworkers) on helpseeking among Japanese undergraduates. Researchers found significant main effects for relationship type (classmate > coworkers) and interdependence (high > low). Interaction between relationship type and independence was significant; difference of relationship type is compressed by independence. Takeshi Hashimoto1 1Shizuoka Univ. SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR PROACTIVE AND REACTIVE HELPING IN CHILDREN FROM A SMALL-SCALE, RURAL ISLAND SOCIETY This study examined proactive and reactive helping in nineteen 2- to 5-year old children from a small-scale, island society in rural Vanuatu. In both tests, significantly more children offered help when the experimenter needed help (experimental condition) compared to when the experimenter did not need help (control condition). Hilary Aime1, Lara Aknin1, Felix Warneken2, Tanya Broesch1 1Simon Fraser Univ., 2Harvard Univ. SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR DIVERSE ONTOGENIES OF CONTINGENT RECIPROCITY AND PROSOCIALITY: COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT IN FIJI AND THE U.S. Contingent reciprocity is a likely foundation of human cooperation, and here I found that reciprocity develops similarly across three societies (urban and rural Fiji, urban U.S.) by age 7-8, even though prosociality develops differently. Overall, there were more developmental differences across cultural groups than across rural and urban populations. Bailey House1 1Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR CLASS IMPRESSIONS: HIGHER SOCIAL CLASS ELICITS LOWER PROSOCIALITY Researchers have found self social class to predict prosociality. But how prosocially do people treat others they perceive as coming from lower, middle or higher social classes? Across three studies, we find that participants behave less prosocially toward higher class interaction partners relative to lower, middle and class-wise unspecified partners. Niels Van Doesum1, Joshua Tybur1, Paul Van Lange1 1VU Univ. Amsterdam SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR DONATIONS PREDICT SOCIAL CAPITAL GAINS FOR LOW SES, BUT NOT HIGH SES INDIVIDUALS AND COUNTRIES We suggest kindness promotes social capital gains, but only for the poor. We found that donating was positively related to more Facebook friends, but only among poor people and nations; people tended to enjoy interacting with partners they perceived as prosocial only if they believed the partner to be poor Rui Sun1, Joseph Chancellor1, Aleksandr Kogan1 1Univ. of Cambridge SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 263 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR THE INFLUENCE OF PROSOCIAL EMBODIMENT ON VOLUNTEERING TO HELP A SPECIFIC TARGET IN NEED The study investigated the influence of prosocial embodiment on rates of volunteering. Researchers compared effects of prosocial gesturing and prosocial vocalizations directed towards a specific target in need (either black or white). Results indicated an interaction effect in which gesturing, but not vocalizations, increased volunteering when the target was white. Shana Stites1 1Univ. of Colorado - Boulder SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR VALUE-HEURISTIC DYNAMICS MODULATE THE TEMPORAL DYNAMICS OF PEOPLE’S FAIRNESS DECISION MAKING Scholars debate the question of whether behaving fairly is slow or fast. Across seven studies, we distinguish between fairness values and heuristics, and show that, in intuitive process, people obey the simple even-split heuristic. In deliberative process, they consider further contextual to make their decisions more fair. Sai Li1, Joseph Chancellor1, Aleksandr Kogan1 1Univ. of Cambridge SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR WEALTH AND PSYCHOLOGICAL BENEFIT OF DONATION: BEFORE AND AFTER THE GREAT EAST JAPAN EARTHQUAKE This research investigated the relationship between wealth and psychological benefit of donation in Japan before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake. While before the Earthquake, only among the poor, donators reported higher happiness than non-donators, after the Earthquake, donators reported higher happiness than non-donators among both rich and poor. Masataka Takebe1 1Hitotsubashi Univ. SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR CONCEALED DISTRUST IN STRANGERS AMONG DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE IN THE CONTEXT OF JUST-WORLD THREATS: EVIDENCE FROM LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS AND A META-ANALYSIS This paper argues that in the context of just-world threats, judgments of trust in strangers tend to be concealed by perceived belongingness to socially disadvantaged groups. Three laboratory experiments and a meta-analysis support these assumptions when experimentally varying participants’ social disadvantage status or measuring it by socioeconomic status and gender. Bianca von Wurzbach1, Herbert Bless1 1Univ. of Mannheim SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR GENDER DIFFERENCES IN THE EFFECTS OF POWER, SOCIAL STATUS AND HIERARCHICAL INSTABILITY ON PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR Hierarchy can be based on power (control over resources) or social status (respect, admiration). We tested the effects of power and social status in stable and unstable hierarchies on prosocial behavior, using realistic manipulations and measures. Prosociality was similar across conditions, except men acted less prosocially when power was unstable. Octavia Zahrt1, Dana Carney2, Jon Maner3 1Stanford Univ., 2Univ. of California, Berkeley, 3 Northwestern Univ. SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR THE ROLE OF STRESS ON EMPATHIC ACCURACY: DIFFERENTIAL EFFECTS IN MEN AND WOMEN Empathy is critical for healthy social functioning. We investigate the effect of stress on empathic accuracy (EA). Analyses revealed a significant interaction of gender on empathy, with men’s EA increasing after stress, whereas women’s EA showing a decline from baseline. Jonas Nitschke1, Cecile Sunahara1, Jens Pruessner2, Jennifer Bartz1 1McGill Univ., 2McGill Centre for Studies in Aging 264 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR RATIONAL EMOTIONS: THE ADAPTIVENESS OF AFFECT IN STRATEGIC DECISIONS In the study of cooperation, emotions are often considered “irrational” while game theory is considered “rational.” We explore how emotions can serve as efficient proximate mechanisms for optimal responses in contextualized and conventional economic games. We show situational variation in when emotions are adaptive and when they lead us astray. Gordon Kraft-Todd1, David Rand1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR DISTRUSTING YOUR MORAL COMPASS: THE IMPACT OF DISTRUST MINDSETS ON MORAL DILEMMA JUDGMENTS Responding to moral dilemmas entails ambivalence because there are two options: causing harm or maximizing overall outcomes. Employing process dissociation, three experiments reveal the impact of ambivalence-related mindsets (i.e., distrust vs. trust) on moral dilemma processing. Pascal Burgmer1, Paul Conway1, Alexa Weiss1, Thomas Mussweiler1 1Univ. of Cologne SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR EXAMINING THE EFFECTS OF AGENCY, EMPATHY AND MINDFULNESS ON PROSOCIAL BEHAVIORS Recently Choshen-Hillel and Yaniv (2011) found participants were more prosocial when they had control over outcomes (i.e., agency). Our study examined how mindfulness, empathy and other individual differences affect prosocial behavior. Results indicated that agency and extraversion led to increased prosocial behaviors. Surprisingly, empathy and mindfulness did not. Christopher Buchholz1, Lydia Fujimura1, Rebecca Smith1, Kathryn Duggan1, Diane Nguyen1, Victoria Peterson1 1Roanoke College SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR POWER AND PEACEMAKING: APPROACH, SOCIAL DISTANCE AND THIRD-PARTY INTERVENTION IN CONFLICT Four studies investigate how power influences third parties’ decisions to intervene in others’ conflicts. Findings demonstrate that the facilitating influence of heightened approach tendencies is stronger than the inhibiting influence of social distance, leading high-power role holders to intervene in others’ conflicts more than equal-power role holders. Sora Jun1, Nir Halevy1 1Stanford Univ. SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR HIGH SPEED RECIPROCITY: EVIDENCE FOR THE AUTOMATIC NATURE OF RECIPROCAL BEHAVIOR Despite the importance of reciprocal behavior for many areas of social life, little is known about its cognitive aspects. In three experiments, using two different social exchange situations, we found support for the automatic nature of both negative and positive reciprocal behavior. Reciprocating compared to non-reciprocating reactions were implemented faster. Eliran Halali1, Yoella Bereby-Meyer2, Nachshon Meiran2 1Bar-Ilan Univ., 2Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR THE EFFECT OF REPUTATIONAL CONCERNS ON ALTRUISTIC BEHAVIOR Using an online survey (N=416), we investigated whether two types of reputational concern affect altruistic behavior. Results suggested that praise seeking is positively correlated with altruistic behavior, regardless of social norms. However, when norms for altruistic behavior are weak, rejection avoidance is negatively correlated with altruistic behavior. Yuta Kawamura1, Takashi Kusumi1 1Kyoto Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 265 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR A FUNCTIONAL APPROACH TO ALUMNI GIVING Researchers explored a functional approach to alumni giving using an adapted version of the multi-motive Volunteer Function Inventory. Social motivations were significantly associated with increased likelihood of giving, whereas people with career motivations were less likely to give. Among those with a history of giving, protective motivations predicted larger gifts. William Johnson1, Mark Snyder1 1Univ. of Minnesota SESSION: L - PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR DOES RACE INFLUENCE COLLEGE STUDENTS’ DECISION TO HELP THEIR PEERS?: THE EFFECTS OF AVERSIVE AFFECT AND RACISM ON THE DECISION TO HELP WHITE, BLACK, OR NATIVE AMERICANS We investigated how aversive affect and helping decisions influence discrimination in helping. Participants completed racism measures, read passages by White, Black, or American Indian students, provided advice, and reported their feelings and decision to help. We hypothesize aversive affect predicts discrimination and that Whites take less responsibility for helping outgroups. Melanie Vert1, Amber Grad1, Katie Estey1, Molly Moloney1 1Carroll College SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY EXAMINING THE EFFECTS OF SELF-REGULATION ON THE EXPRESSION OF SELF-ENHANCEMENT In two experiments, we tested the role of self-regulatory depletion on self-enhancement by randomly assigned participants to a thought-suppression task (depletion condition) or to a non-depletion task (control), and then measured explicit and implicit self-enhancement. Depleted participants reported higher levels of explicit, but not implicit, self-enhancement versus control participants. Greg Eisenhauer1, Erin O’Mara1 1Univ. of Dayton SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY MANAGING THE MULTIPLE IDENTITIES OF WOMEN IN STEM Researchers invited female STEM majors to either a living room (social condition) or classroom (academic condition) to complete the study. Participants associated blending one’s gender and professional identities with higher self-esteem and stronger intentions to pursue a STEM career in the academic, but not the social, condition. Angela-MinhTu Nguyen1 1California State Univ., Fullerton SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY THE IMPACT OF FEMALE SCIENTIST ROLE MODELS ON GIRLS’ SCIENCE SENSE OF FIT This study tested the impact of female role models on mitigating the negative effects of gendered STEM stereotypes. Girls attended a one-day intervention that exposed them to female scientist role models. Findings indicate that encouraging girls to identify with role models helps improve their science sense of fit. Aline Hitti1, Laurie O’Brien1, Patricia Gilbert1, Emily Shaffer1, Amanda Van Camp1, Donata Henry1 1Tulane Univ. SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY NARCISSISM AND JUSTICE: TWO NAMES FOR ONE PROCESS? Raut and Trafimow (in press) have suggested that narcissism can be an effect of injustice. The present research tests this observation by systematically varying subjective feelings of victimhood and privilege, at the personal and social identity levels, and measuring the effect on narcissism scores. Yogesh Raut1, David Trafimow1 1New Mexico State Univ. SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY TAKING THE MESSAGE WITH YOU: BENEFITS OF A SOCIAL-BELONGING INTERVENTION PERSIST THROUGH SUBSEQUENT TRANSITIONS The social-belonging intervention frames difficulties in the transition to college as common and transitory and can improve college outcomes. The present study finds that intervention benefits extend to post-college wellbeing and work satisfaction. Coding of open-ended responses indicated greater internalization of the intervention message compared to control participants. Shoshana Jarvis1, Shannon Brady2, Laura Cullen3, Shannon Cain3, Geoffrey Cohen2, Gregory Walton2 1Columbia Univ., 2Stanford Univ., 3Willamette Univ. 266 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY PSYCHOLOGICAL REACTIVITY TO POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE FEEDBACK IN A NOVEL INTERPERSONAL SITUATION This research serves as the initial test of a novel paradigm designed to assess peoples’ psychological reactivity to interpersonal feedback. Participants created a profile video and received either positive or negative feedback from two confederates. Effects of the feedback manipulation were evident on a number of psychological variables. Gaven Ehrlich1, Richard Gramzow1, Jennifer Borton2, Mark Oakes3 1Syracuse Univ., 2Hamilton College, 3 St. Lawrence Univ. SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY WHO’S TO BLAME? FOLLOW THE MONEY!: A STUDY ON HOW FINANCIAL MINDSET AND STATUS AFFECT PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY How Financial Status Affects Personal Responsibility Participants consisted of undergraduate students. Utilizing questionnaires, researchers found a positive relationship between personal responsibility and future financial confidence. Additionally, they found a negative relationship between financial status and personal responsibility. The hypothesis that affluence and personal responsibility are inversely correlated was supported. Trent Wondra1 1Guilford College SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY FROM GRITS TO GIVING: IDENTITY SHAPES VALUATION ACROSS NON-SOCIAL AND SOCIAL PREFERENCES People’s preferences regularly reflect important identities, which carry motivational significance. Across four studies, we show that identification with social groups influences the anticipated and perceived pleasantness of food consumption, as well as neural indices of vicarious reward. These findings indicate that identity shapes valuation across non-social and social domains. Leor Hackel1, Michael Wohl2, Géraldine Coppin3, Jamil Zaki4, Jay Van Bavel1 1New York Univ., 2Carleton Univ., 3 Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research, 4 Stanford Univ. SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY THE RELATIONS BETWEEN SELF, GROUP AND REWARD BIASES IN PERCEPTUAL MATCHING We assessed the relations between self, group and reward biases in perceptual matching. Self- and team-biases correlated, suggesting common underlying mechanisms, but self- and reward-biases did not. Neural findings characterized a shift in VMPFC from a common currency for value to independent representations of self across an anterior-posterior axis. Jie Sui1, Glyn Humphreys1 1Univ. of Oxford SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY FINDING MEANING IN FANTASY: FANTASY PRONENESS ATTENUATES THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TRUE SELF-KNOWLEDGE AND MEANING IN LIFE Two studies assessed participants’ perceived true self-knowledge, fantasy proneness and perceptions of meaning in life. In both studies, the difference in meaning between people high and low in true self-knowledge was attenuated at high levels of fantasy proneness, suggesting that engagement with fantasy provides meaning for some people. Russell Hoeldtke1, Matthew Vess1 1Montana State Univ. SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY HEALTH OPTIMISM MEDIATES THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NOSTALGIA AND PHYSICAL WELLBEING The current research examined the interplay between nostalgia and physical wellbeing. The results revealed that nostalgia increased health optimism (Studies 1-3), which in turn, yielded greater health aspirations and intentions to exercise (Study 2), and increased activity levels over a two week period (i.e., Fitbit activity trackers; Study 3). Mike Kersten1, Kiely Alfieri1, Christian Sullivan1, Erin Van Enkevort1, Cathy Cox1 1Texas Christian Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 267 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY DOES THE FUTURE LOOK BRIGHT?: VISUAL PERSPECTIVE QUALITATIVELY CHANGES THE PROCESS OF FORMING EXPECTATIONS We varied the visual imagery perspective people used to imagine upcoming events and form expectations about how well they would turn out. Changing perspective qualitatively changed the processes people used: experiential (captured by valence weighting-bias) from first-person vs. conceptual (captured by self-reported optimism) from third-person. Zachary Niese1, Lisa Libby1, Russell Fazio1, Richard Eibach2 1The Ohio State Univ., 2Univ. of Waterloo SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY DOES SELF-CONCEPT CLARITY MEDIATE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN IMPULSIVITY AND HIGHRISK BEHAVIORS? Impulsivity and self-concept play a role in high-risk activity, including self-harm. However, the relationship among these variables is unclear. Undergraduates (N=776) completed self-report measures assessing these constructs. Mediation analyses revealed that self-concept clarity partially explained the relationship between impulsivity and self-harm, but not general reckless behavior. Researchers discuss theoretical implications. Benjamin Johnson1, William Ellison2, Kenneth Levy1 1The Pennsylvania State Univ., 2Trinity Univ. SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY DOES SELF-PRESENTATIONAL SUCCESS IN THE MULTIPLE AUDIENCE PROBLEM AFFECT PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING? The current research focused on how self-presentational success in the multiple audience problem affects positive affect. Participants interacted in live multiple audience problems and conveyed multiple impressions simultaneously to two other participants. Results suggest new antecedents of MAP success and provide support for using MAP success to predict positive affect. Austin Nichols1, Catherine Cottrell2 1North South Univ., 2New College of Florida SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY OPEN TO DEATH: A MODERATING ROLE OF OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE IN TERROR MANAGEMENT This study examined the moderating role of openness to experience on mortality salience effects. As predicted, participants low in openness were more willing to punish moral transgressors following mortality salience relative to a control, which in turn decreased death thought accessibility, whereas individuals high in openness were insulated from such effects. Patrick Boyd1, Jamie Goldenberg1 1Univ. of South Florida SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY IMPLICIT CRIMINAL AND VICTIM IDENTITIES ARE RISK FACTORS FOR POOR MENTAL HEALTH: THE MODERATING ROLES OF GENDER AND PAST CRIMINAL AND VICTIM EXPERIENCES Two experiments demonstrated that among women whose criminal experience was made temporarily salient (Study 1), and among men whose victim experience was chronically salient (Study 2), strong implicit criminal and victim identities, respectively, were associated with high levels of depression. Nicole Sachs1, Bonita Veysey1, Luis Rivera1 1Rutgers Univ. SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY MEASURING THE CRIMINAL MIND: DO IMPLICIT CRIMINAL IDENTITIES PREDICT CRIMINAL ACTS? Two samples from a high-crime city completed measures of speeded associations between the self and criminality and of criminal justice system involvement. Cross-sectional and longitudinal data demonstrate that strong implicit criminal identities increased odds of justice involvement, above and beyond odds associated with criminal-related demographics, explicit cognition and past behavior. Marina Henein1, Luis Rivera1, Bonita Veysey1 1Rutgers Univ. 268 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY IF ME = CRIMINAL AND CRIMINAL = BLACK, THEN ME = BLACK?: A NETWORK OF IMPLICIT CRIMINAL COGNITIVE ASSOCIATIONS Two experiments examined implicit cognitive associations among identifications with criminality and Blacks, and the stereotype that Blacks are criminal. Non-Black participants primed with criminality exhibited a link from an implicit criminal identification to an implicit identification with Blacks (Experiment 1) and to implicit stereotypes that Blacks are criminals (Experiment 2). Bonita Veysey1, Luis Rivera1, Marina Henein1 1Rutgers Univ. SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY MASTERY ORIENTATION, CREATIVE SELF-EFFICACY AND CREATIVE ROLE IDENTITY AMONG PROFESSIONAL AND EVERYDAY CREATORS Are professional artists different from non-professionals when it comes to personal creative projects? This study analyzes differences among these types of creators in mastery, creative self-efficacy (confidence in ability to achieve results), creative role identity (seeing self as creative) and the impact of these constructs on approach to creative projects. Victoria Springer1, Peter Martini2, Stephanie Vezich3, Samuel Lindsey1 1Adobe Systems, Inc., 2Univ. of Nevada, Reno, 3Univ. of California, Los Angeles SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY I’LL SHOW YOU MY TOWN IS NOT MISERABLE!: ENDORSEMENT OF THE PROTESTANT WORK ETHIC MODERATES IDENTIFICATION WITH DEVALUED COMMUNITIES Protestant work ethic (PWE) suggests people have a responsibility to work hard and this effort can improve social status. Across two studies, we show that PWE appears to motivate individuals to identify with, commit to living in and improve devalued geographic communities, but only when devalued community membership is made salient. Ellen Newell1, Steven Stravinski1 1Wilkes Univ. SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY DISPELLING DOUBTS ABOUT BISEXUALITY: IMPLICIT SEXUAL IDENTITY MATCHES SELFIDENTIFICATION Self-identified gay (n = 135), straight (n = 216) and bisexual (n = 74) participants completed a sexual identity Implicit Association Test. Implicit identities were consistent with self-ascribed identities; gay participants identified as more gay/less straight than bisexual participants, who in turn identified as more gay/less straight than straight participants. Sally Merritt1, Teri Kirby2, Sarah Baillie3, Lori Malahy3, Cheryl Kaiser3 1Tulane Univ., 2Univ. of Exeter, 3Univ. of Washington SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY AUTHENTICITY ATTENUATES THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT ON DAILY WELLBEING A 14-day diary study examined the role of trait authenticity in buffering individuals from the negative effects of interpersonal conflict. Analyses revealed negative concurrent and lagged effects for interpersonal conflict predicting daily self-esteem and life-satisfaction. The concurrent association was weaker among individuals reporting higher levels of trait authenticity. Robert Wickham1, Rachel Williamson1, Charlotte Beard1, Charlene Kobayashi1, Tom Hirst1 1Palo Alto Univ. SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY CULTURAL IDENTIFICATION AND SOCIAL MEDIA USE AMONG EXPATRIATE AMERICANS We examined cultural identity in an understudied population: young American adults who spent the majority of their childhood living abroad with their families. Results indicated that American cultural identification was inversely related to participants’ identification with the first country they lived in as expatriates. Social media use moderated this effect. Del Guynes1, Rosanna Guadagno1, Kristin Drogos1 1Univ. of Texas at Dallas SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 269 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY POVERTY AS A THREAT TO ADAPTIVE ADEQUACY: SELF-AFFIRMATION AND COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING Does poverty negatively impact cognitive functioning by threatening a sense of adaptive adequacy? Poor participants who affirmed self-relevant values exhibited improved fluid intelligence after experimentally-induced thoughts about finances compared with nonaffirmed participants. Research found no differences among rich participants. Results suggest self-affirmation buffers threats to adaptive adequacy among the poor. Michael Schwalbe1, Geoffrey Cohen1 1Stanford Univ. SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY FUTURE SELF-CONTINUITY BUFFERS THE EFFECT OF ACADEMIC SETBACKS ON GRADE EXPECTATIONS This research examines future self-continuity in an undergraduate academic setting. We found that higher levels of future self-continuity buffered the impact of initial academic performance on expected later performance. Lowperforming students with higher future self-continuity maintained higher expectations, which predicted higher grades. Rob Adelman1, Sarah Herrmann1, Joseph Barbour1, Oliver Graudejus1, Morris Okun1, Virginia Kwan1 1Arizona State Univ. SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY POSITIVE BELIEFS ABOUT SELF-COMPASSION PROMOTE RESILIENCE We examined relationships among beliefs about self-compassion, and self-compassion and coping. Beliefs about self-compassion and self-compassion itself predicted distinct coping strategies. The relationship between positive self-compassion beliefs and positive reframing and support seeking was fully mediated by self-compassion. Selfcompassion and beliefs about self-compassion are overlapping, yet distinct, constructs promoting resilience. Christina Chwyl1 1Stanford University SESSION: L - SELF/IDENTITY THE BALLERINA’S SELF-CONCEPT: SELF-ASPECT IMPORTANCE, SOCIAL COMPARISON, AND INSTRUCTOR FEEDBACK AT AN INTENSIVE SUMMER PROGRAM We tested if dancers’ tendency to engage in social comparison and feedback from instructors predicted self-concept changes at a 5-week summer intensive. Dancers decreased positive upward comparisons (PUC) and increased negative upward comparison (NUC). PUC predicted increased dance importance and decreased reduced sense of accomplishment. NUC predicted reduced dance importance. Katarina Walker1, Beth Pontari1 1Furman University SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION HOW WINNERS QUIT: INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN GOAL DISENGAGEMENT Mturk workers completed a measure of goal disengagement capacity along with several indicators of self-regulatory skill before reflecting on goals they had let go of in their lives. Goal disengagement capacity wasn’t positively related to self-regulatory skill but participants’ open-ended responses suggest that skilled self-regulators are discerning disengagers. Hannah Moshontz1, Erin Davisson1, Rick Hoyle1 1Duke Univ. SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION TASK ENJOYMENT, BUT NOT IMPORTANCE, PREDICTS INTENSITY OF TEMPTATION DURING LABOR/ LEISURE DECISIONS Why does resisting temptation feel difficult sometimes but not others? Two studies explore how perceptions of task enjoyment and importance influence temptation strength during labor/leisure decisions. Students who enjoy academic work are less tempted to engage in leisure. In contrast, perceptions of task importance do not influence temptation strength. Brian Galla1 1Univ. of Pittsburgh 270 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION NOW I GET IT!: FELT UNDERSTANDING PREDICTS SELF-CONTROL PERFORMANCE This study examined whether or not greater understanding of the nature of self-control leads to better self-control performance. Participants read an essay about self-control and then completed a self-control task. Results indicated that those who felt they better understood self-control after reading the essay performed better on the subsequent measure of self-control. Thomas Hatvany1, Edward Burkley1 1Oklahoma State SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY “FRIENDS”: AN EXPERIMENT OF SOCIAL SUPPORT BY VIRTUAL STRANGERS TO INCREASE HEALTHY EATING This experiment investigated whether and how virtual strangers’ support in social media groups can promote healthy eating. The results showed that fruit and vegetable consumption was unaffected, but that unhealthy snacking significantly decreased in the social support compared to the control group. Increased action control mediated the effect. Jennifer Inauen1, Niall Bolger1, Melanie Kuenzli2, Pamela Rackow2, Urte Scholz2 1Columbia Univ., 2Univ. of Zurich SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION EXAMINING THE RELEVANCE OF DAILY SOCIAL SUPPORT FROM ONE’S PARTNER FOR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN THE CONTEXT OF A SELF-REGULATION INTERVENTION This study investigated within-subject associations of partner support and physical activity in 116 couples participating in a self-regulation intervention. On days with more received social support, participants were more likely to be physically active, particularly during days following the intervention. These findings show how social support can facilitate behavior change. Corina Berli1, Urte Scholz2, Niall Bolger1 1Columbia Univ., 2Univ. of Zurich SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION PARTNER SOCIAL SUPPORT PREDICTING IMPROVED HEALTH BEHAVIORS AMONG AFRICANAMERICAN WOMEN WITH DIABETES We tested whether partner social support predicted improved health behaviors among African-American women who were diabetic, pre-diabetic or had normal blood glucose levels. Over four years, partner support predicted improved diet and activity, but only among women with diagnosed type-2 diabetes, highlighting the importance of motivation when testing social support efficacy. Carolyn Cutrona1, Daniel Russell1 1Iowa State Univ. SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION REGULATORY FIT AND LEADERS-FOLLOWERS EMOTIONAL REACTIONS In a study of coaches and players, we show that regulatory mode predicts coaches’ and players’ affective reactions to each other. Hierarchical linear modeling analysis reveals fit effects between coaches’ and players’ regulatory mode in predicting players affective reactions. These findings highlight the importance of regulatory mode to the leadership. Eyal Rechter1 1Ono Academic College SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION DESIRE ESCALATION: AN INTERACTIVE MODEL OF DESIRE EMERGENCE We investigated the role of stimulus properties, learning history and need states in triggering desire. In line with the Dynamical Model of Desire, we found a three-way interaction-effect in such that desire was strongest when being hungry, having positive experiences with a specific stimulus and under confrontation with that stimulus. Amir Ghoniem1, Wilhelm Hofmann1 1Univ. of Cologne SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 271 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION UNCERTAINTY INCREASES CANDY CONSUMPTION FOR CONTROLLED EATERS This study tested the hypothesis that being uncertain impairs self-regulation. Among participants who reported being able to control their eating, participants who were left uncertain about what they would be doing later in the study ate a greater amount of candy than participants who were certain of an undesirable task. Jessica Alquist1, Tammy Core1, Roy Baumeister2, Dianne Tice2 1Texas Tech Univ., 2Florida State Univ. SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION TAILORING MESSAGES TO REGULATORY FOCUS IN A SELF-DIRECTED WEIGHT LOSS INTERVENTION A weight control intervention examined regulatory focus-based message framing. Overall, participants in the promotion condition lost more weight than those in prevention or control conditions. Dispositionally promotion-focused participants performed well in the promotion and control conditions; unexpectedly, prevention-focused participants performed well in both the promotion and prevention conditions. Paul Fuglestad1, Jennifer Linde2, Alexander Rothman2 1Univ. of North Florida, 2Univ. of Minnesota SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION INFLUENCES ON SELF-REGULATORY CAPACITY: A MULTIPLE BEHAVIORAL FRAMEWORK As cannabis use becomes increasingly common, one important question for social-health psychologists concerns the potential negative impacts of cannabis use on self-regulation, as well as possible mitigating factors. In a sample of 96 undergraduates, we examined associations between days of cannabis use, exercise frequency and scores on the Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire. Arielle Gillman1, Tiffany Ito1, Angela Bryan1 1Univ. of Colorado Boulder SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION MENTAL CONTRASTING WITH IMPLEMENTATION INTENTIONS (MCII) REGULATES EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION IN RELATIONSHIPS The present study tested whether a self-regulatory technique, mental contrasting with implementation intentions (MCII) helps partners selectively communicate depending on how beneficial communicating will be for the relationship (N = 84). MCII led to expectancy-dependent communication, suggesting that participants were able to act with the health of their relationships in mind. Julie Cachia1, Katherine Thorson1, Gabriele Oettingen1 1New York Univ. SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION SOCIAL TRUST AND WILLINGNESS TO DELAY GRATIFICATION IN NOTORIOUSLY IMPULSIVE POPULATIONS Social trust influences whether people will delay gratification. We tested the role of trust in two notoriously impulsive populations, children and criminals. Children were less willing to delay gratification with an untrustworthy adult relative to a trustworthy adult. Criminals reported lower trust, and less willingness to delay gratification than controls. Laura Michaelson1, Yuko Munakata1 1Univ. of Colorado Boulder SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION THE INFLUENCE OF THINKING ABOUT SELF-CONTROL ON CHILD’S ECONOMIC CHOICES Researchers verified the hypothesis that the child’s spending vs. saving behavior can be modified by drawing the attention to the importance of self-control. Results of the experiment (160 children, aged 9-12) showed that the reinforcement of self-control increases saving behaviors. Researchers discuss the results in the context of economic socialization. Agata Trzci?ska1, Katarzyna Sek?ci?ska1, Dominika Maison1 1Univ. of Warsaw 272 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION IMPLEMENTATION INTENTIONS AS A SUCCESSFUL AUTOMATIC STRATEGY FOR REDUCING THE FALSE CONSENSUS EFFECT Two experimental studies found that implementation intentions (if-then plans) can successfully decrease false consensus. Participants who memorized implementation intentions exhibited lower levels of false consensus than those who memorized a goal intention, or those in a no treatment control condition. Results have implications for automatic self-regulatory strategies altering cognitive biases. Anton Gollwitzer1, Bettina Schwoerer2, Klaus Michael Reininger 2 1Yale Univ., 2Univ. of Hamburg SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION FOCUSED AND FIRED UP: THE EFFECTS OF NARROWED ATTENTION ON GOAL-RELEVANT EXERCISE BEHAVIOR Two studies demonstrate the influence of narrowed attention on distance perceptions and physical activity. Using a longitudinal design, Study 2 also investigates the effects of a narrowed attention strategy on longer-term goal relevant action. Results suggest that narrowed attention may be one sustainable social cognitive strategy to promote exercise behavior. Matthew Riccio1, Shana Cole2, Dustin Duncan3, Emily Balcetis1 1New York Univ., 2Rutgers Univ., 3 New York Univ. School of Medicine SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION SELF-VIEWS AND SELF-REGULATION: IMPLICATIONS FOR WELLBEING Compassion has a buffering effect that may make it a stronger predictor of overall well-being compared to other strategies. When comparing compassion styles and emotion regulation strategies, the strongest predictor of subjective well-being was compassion for others, followed by self-compassion, then reappraisal and lastly suppression. Zaviera Reyes1, Frank Du1, Sarah Wagner1, Eugene Eusebio1, Seung Hee Yoo1, Seung Hee Yoo1 1San Francisco State Univ. SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION MENTALLY ATTAINING FINANCIAL RESOURCES VIA POSITIVE FANTASIES In two experiments, participants who positively fantasized about attaining financial resources discounted delayed rewards less compared to participants who questioned the desirability of attaining financial resources and participants in a no-fantasy comparison group. John Sciarappo1, Elyse Norton1, Gabriele Oettingen1, Peter Gollwitzer1 1New York Univ. SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION IMPLEMENTATION INTENTIONS AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTION The relationship between implementation intentions (IIs) and executive function abilities (EFAs) remains unclear. We tested whether the efficacy of II to control implicit race bias depends on EFA. Greater EFA predicted greater bias control. However, all Ps (regardless of EFA) were able to control bias with or without II. Meredith Johnson1, Curtis Von Gunten1, Marc Halusic1, Laura Scherer1 1Univ. of Missouri SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION IMPROVING SELF-CONTROL BY REGULARLY PRACTICING IMPULSE INHIBITION: INVESTIGATION OF A DAILY TRAJECTORY The present study investigated whether self-control can be improved by practicing small acts that involve inhibiting impulses. In particular, we focused on daily progress in the development of self-control capacity. This significantly improved especially when participants reported experiencing more impulse restraint, more effort and more fun during practice. Gaku Kutsuzawa1, Yuka Ozaki1 1Toyo Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 273 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION INHIBITORY SPILLOVER AND RISKY SEXUAL DECISION MAKING Automatic bodily control processes have been shown to increase cognitive control. We tested whether this applied to close relationship processes. By manipulating bladder pressure, we found higher urination urgency led to safer decisions regarding sexual risk, but only in men. This demonstrates automatic control processes generalize to the sexual domain. Juwon Lee1, Omri Gillath1 1Univ. of Kansas SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION SUPPRESSING A MORBID MENTALITY: THE EFFECTS OF AVOIDING EXISTENTIAL CONCERNS ON COGNITIVE DEPLETION AND RESTORATION Suppressing unwanted thoughts zaps mental energy. Although a boost in mood can typically counter suppression’s depleting effects, we show that boosting self-esteem, but not positive affect, effectively neutralizes impairments in self-control caused by suppressing death-related thoughts. These findings demonstrate how certain self-relevant cognitions can uniquely affect states of self-regulatory depletion. Trevor Swanson1, Mark Landau1, Ariel Mosley1 1Univ. of Kansas SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION WHAT CAN SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE TELL US ABOUT SELF-CONTROL?: PHENOMENOLOGY HAS CONTEXT-DEPENDENT AND CONTEXT-INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONS WITH GOAL-DIRECTED ACTIONS What can subjective experience tell us about self-control? In three studies using within-subjects designs, we asked if self-control is systematically related to intra-individual fluctuations in subjective feelings. Our results revealed both context-dependent and context-independent associations between control and emotions, promoting a situated account of interactions between emotion and self-regulation. Blair Saunders1, Michael Inzlicht1 1Univ. of Toronto SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION TO TRY OR NOT TO TRY: HOW THE WILLPOWER BIAS IMPAIRS HABIT PERFORMANCE How do people use conscious, declarative knowledge and automatic habits when pursuing important goals? When the stakes are high, people have a bias toward using willpower and effort, given the transparency of habit knowledge. This bias has the ironic effect of impairing performance at tasks that depend on habit knowledge. Lucas Carden1, Wendy Wood1, David Neal2, Anthony Pascoe3 1Univ. of Southern California, 2Catalyst Behavioral Sciences, 3Teletech SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION SEIZING OPPORTUNITY VS. GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS: THE IMPORTANCE OF AUTONOMY IN LEARNING STRATEGIES Dyslexic students are unlikely to improve their reading unless their efforts are applied through appropriate learning strategies. A correlational study with 408 dyslexic students found that only students high in autonomy benefited from greater use of learning strategies. This discussion focuses on promoting autonomy when promoting strategies that can feel prescriptive. Joseph Powers1, Geoffrey Cohen1 1Stanford Univ. SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION CAN MINDFULNESS OVERCOME CYBERBALL?: AN OSTRACISM STUDY This study looks at whether mindfulness moderates feelings of ostracism. Participants, half of which were induced state mindfulness, played the ostracism paradigm Cyberball before completing a scale assessing self-esteem, meaningful existence, control, belonging, and mood. We hypothesize the experimental group will be less negatively affected by ostracism through mindfulness. Jesse DeLaRosa1, Joan Michael1 1North Carolina State Univ. 274 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION EMANCIPATING THE LIBERATING EFFECT OF GOAL PROGRESS: IMPLEMENTATION INTENTIONS REDUCE GOAL INHIBITION AFTER PERCEIVED GOAL PROGRESS. Perceiving goal progress licenses one to inhibit focal goal pursuit and switch to potentially detrimental alternative goals, whereas perceiving goal commitment spurs further focal goal pursuit. Forming implementation intentions moderates the “liberating effects” of perceived goal progress on subsequent actions, such that focal goal pursuit is maintained. Allison Price1, Steven Buzinski1 1Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION THE EFFECTS OF MINDFULNESS TECHNIQUES ON RESTRAINED EATING THROUGH THE LENS OF THE GOAL CONFLICT MODEL OF EATING BEHAVIOR We predict that after priming with food cues, participants in a mindfulness training condition will eat less compared to a neutral condition, demonstrating mindfulness may influence participants to turn toward weight control goals rather than enjoyment goals, consistent with the goal conflict model of eating. Hanna Sprute1, Garrett Pollert1, Jennifer Veilleux1 1Univ. of Arkansas SESSION: L - SELF-REGULATION TAMING TEMPTATION: VISUAL PERSPECTIVE IMPACTS CONSUMPTION AND WILLINGNESS TO PAY FOR UNHEALTHY FOODS By reducing the sensory components (e.g., taste) that accompanied mental simulations, third-person (cf. first-person) imagery decreased consumption of and willingness to pay for unhealthy foods. Brittany Christian1, Lynden Miles2, Sophie Kenyeri2, Jennifer Mattschey2, C. Neil Macrae2 1Concordia University Chicago, 2University of Aberdeen SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE INCOME INEQUALITY IN PRESCHOOLERS: HOW GENDER STEREOTYPES INFLUENCE CONCEPTIONS OF MERIT Income inequality between men and women constitutes a major social justice issue. Gender stereotyped notions of merit/ability influence career choices, hiring decisions and wages. Surprisingly, young children’s merit-based allocations of rewards are also influenced by gender stereotypes. Thus, gender-based prejudice begins early in development, highlighting the importance of early intervention. Michael Rizzo1, Laura Elenbaas1, Sarah Meirama1, Melanie Killen1 1Univ. of Maryland SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE WELCOME TO THE U.S. BUT CHANGE YOUR NAME!: ADOPTING ANGLO NAMES AND DISCRIMINATION In two experiments, we investigated how White Americans react to foreigners who present themselves either using original names or Anglo names. Use of Anglo names caused more favorable responses, and acculturation ideologies moderated this effect. The results indicate that adopting Anglo names can reduce, but not eliminate, discrimination. Xian Zhao1, Monica Biernat1 1Univ. of Kansas SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE MOTIVATED AND UNMOTIVATED RESPONSE BIAS IN THE WEAPONS IDENTIFICATION TASK The current study investigates the role of “response bias” in measures of implicit stereotyping. In three experiments, we explore the impact of including (versus excluding) response bias parameters in mathematical models. The data further suggests that estimates of response bias predict important individual differences in the motivation to control prejudice. Andrew Rivers1, Heather Rees1, Jeffrey Sherman1 1UC-Davis SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 275 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE ROLE OF RACE AND EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION IN IMPLICIT ATTITUDES We examined attitudes toward targets that differed simultaneously by race and emotional expression. Using an implicit measure of attitudes (AMP) containing smiling Black, neutral Black, smiling White and neutral White faces, we found that both race and emotion influenced attitudes, with greater implicit positivity emerging following smiling and White primes. Meghan George1, Jacob Schlosser1, Jennifer Steele1 1York Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE PREDICTORS OF ATTITUDES TOWARDS GAY AND LESBIAN COUPLES An investigation of biases and attitudes towards gay and lesbian couples in a proposed adoption scenario used individual difference variables and a novel orientation-blind attitudes scale to better understand the underlying sources of prejudice towards gay and lesbian prospective parents. Patrick Curme1, Kerry Kleyman1 1Metropolitan State Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE DOES THE “MANNY” UPSET THE GENDER HIERARCHY?: GENDER STATUS QUO AND BACKLASH AGAINST GENDER-DEVIANT MEN. Behaving counter-stereotypically can lead both men and women to suffer backlash. What motivates prejudice against gender-deviant men (e.g., “manny “; male nanny)? In the current study, researchers manipulated system threat, revealing that defending the gender hierarchy was a motivation behind backlash against men who work and succeed in highly-feminized occupations. Takumi Kuraya1 1Toyo Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE WHAT TRIGGERS RACE-BASED DISTRESS IN ASIAN AMERICANS?: THE ROLE OF NEUROTICISM We find that neuroticism is specifically related to anxious expectations of race-based rejection among Asian Americans (but not among non-Asian Americans). Further, neuroticism predicts psychological distress of Asian Americans after rejection by a cross-race confederate, but not when confederate race is unknown. Wayne Chan1 1Rutgers Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE ATTITUDES TOWARD PROMISCUITY IN LGBT INDIVIDUALS AND HETEROSEXUAL MEN AND WOMEN Previous research shows that men and homosexual individuals are perceived as having more sexual partners. We found that, while no differences in acceptable number of partners between gay and straight individuals exist, there was a significant effect for gender. The number of acceptable partners was higher for men than women. Bailey Brotherton1, Alison Patev1, Kristina Hood1 1Mississippi State Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE COOPERATION-ENHANCING SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS HAVE DISSOCIATED EFFECTS ON REACTION TIME AND ACCURACY-BASED INDICES OF IMPLICIT RACIAL BIAS This study demonstrates a mixed impact of cooperation-enhancing institutions on different indices of implicit racial bias. Although third-party punishers in economic games attenuated anticipatory ingroup preferences assessed by reaction times, they also increased racial bias as indexed by accuracy scores. Researchers will explore intriguing dissociations between accuracy and response speed. Shiang-Yi Lin1, Dominic Packer1 1Lehigh Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE EVALUATING INTENT AND HARM IN APOLOGIES FOR PREJUDICED BEHAVIOR This study examined how intent and harm expressed in an intergroup apology influence judgments of the apology, the apologizer and the victimized minority group. Findings reveal that intent and harm influence perceptions of prejudice, disadvantage and the apology’s strength, but only harm influenced warmth toward the victim. Jennifer Jackson1, Hannah Bentley1, Angela Bell1, Melissa Burkley1 1Oklahoma State Univ. 276 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE AVOIDING FAT PEOPLE LIKE THE PLAGUE: HOW DISEASE CONCERNS MIGHT IN PART EXPLAIN WEIGHT BIAS In an empirical test of the disease avoidance hypothesis as an explanation of weight bias, we found that fat people (vs. thin people) are more often perceived as ill and that this perception leads individuals to avoid physical contact with them. This pattern did not emerge when examining race bias. Gina Roussos1, Yarrow Dunham1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE GENDER STEREOTYPE THREAT INFLUENCES MALE INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ CULTURAL ADJUSTMENT Previous research suggests that males are stereotyped as less competent in learning foreign languages. Our experiment found that this stereotype threat negatively influenced male international students’ cultural adjustment and self-esteem. Results show that males can be the target of gendered stereotype threat, and also provide implications for cultural adjustment. Mantou Lou1, Kathryn Chaffee1, Kimberly Noels1 1Univ. of Alberta SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE OUTGROUP FRIENDSHIPS ON FACEBOOK PREDICT POSITIVE RESPONSES TOWARD AFRICAN AMERICANS A correlational study using coded Facebook profiles of White undergraduates demonstrated that outgroup Facebook friendships are positively associated with intergroup efficacy and negatively associated with racial prejudice, even when controlling for participants’ coded number of ingroup Facebook friendships and estimates of “real life” outgroup member friendships. Jennifer LaCosse1, E. Ashby Plant1 1Florida State Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE A RELIABLE, FLEXIBLE METHOD FOR MEASURING SOCIAL JUDGMENT BIASES Participants evaluated more and less qualified honor society applicants. Participants favored the physically attractive (Study 1) and ingroup members (Studies 2-4). Bias was present among participants who reported not showing or not wanting to show favoritism on the task, suggesting that it occurred outside of conscious awareness or control. Jordan Axt1, Helen Nguyen1, Brian Nosek 2 1Univ. of Virginia, 2Center For Open Science SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE RESPONSES TO IMPLICIT COUNTER-STEREOTYPES This poster focuses on responses to counter-stereotypes that occur at the implicit level, and the role played by identity processes. We exposed women to implicit counter-stereotypes and found that implicit counter-stereotypes elicit motivated responses; traditionally identified women showed backlash effects against their in-group on the Moral Choice Dilemma task. Jolien van Breen1, Russell Spears1, Soledad de Lemus2, Toon Kuppens1 1Univ. of Groningen, 2Univ. of Granada SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE CULTURAL METACOGNITIVE PROCESSES MODERATE CHANGES IN STEREOTYPE VARIABILITY In our research, we investigate perceptions of out-group variability, associated with reduced prejudice and discrimination (Brauer & Er-Rafiy, 2011), among individuals high versus low on cultural metacognition—an individual difference associated with intercultural competence. Shira Mor1, Stefania Paolini2 1Rotterdam School of Management, 2Univ. of Newcastle SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 277 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE EFFECT OF NATIVE AMERICAN MASCOTS ON NEGATIVE STEREOTYPES AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS NATIVE AMERICANS This research shows that greater approval of Native American sport mascots (NASM) leads to more negative attitudes toward Native Americans (NA). In addition, NASM are likely to activate negative stereotypes of NA among people high in RWA. These stereotypes partially mediate the relationship between RWA and negative attitudes toward NA. Stephanie Cross1, Mauricio Carvallo1, Heather Shotton1, Christopher Bartak1 1Univ. of Oklahoma SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE CREATING BETTER CONFRONTATIONS: THE ROLE OF CONTEXT-FOCUSED CONFRONTATIONS IN ADDRESSING RACIAL BIAS An experiment explored the effectiveness of context-focused confrontations—confrontations that emphasize the cues/contexts that create racially disparate outcomes—as a response to racial bias. Although people who engaged in context-focused confrontations were perceived as more insightful than those using individual-focused confrontations, insightfulness reduced backlash toward Black (but not White) confronters. Kathryn Kroeper1, Shahana Ansari1, Mary Murphy1 1Indiana Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE IMPLICIT BIAS AND INTERPERSONAL BEHAVIORS IN PHYSICIANS: A VIRTUAL CLINIC STUDY Physicians’ implicit biases may impact interpersonal behavior in clinical care. Sixty physicians participated in a virtual clinical encounter with a digital patient of low or high SES and black or white racial background. Implicit racial bias interacted with patient race to influence nonverbal and paraverbal physician behaviors. Melissa Moss1, Susan Persky1, Khadijah Abdallah1, Harold Neighbors2, Lisa Cooper3, Vence Bonham1 1National Human Genome Research Institute, 2Univ. of Michigan, 3 Johns Hopkins School of Medicine SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE EFFECTS OF AGE-RELATED STIGMA ON SELF-CONTROL Older adults who read fictional news articles describing the negative cognitive effects of aging performed worse on a measure of self-control than older adults who read fictional articles describing the positive cognitive effects of aging. This suggests that age-related stigma temporarily impairs self-control. Mindi Price1, Jessica Alquist1, David Hancock1, Amelia Talley1, Kelly Cukrowicz1 1Texas Tech Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE TOO GAY TO PLAY: UNDERSTANDING THE ROLE OF STEREOTYPE CONSISTENCY IN COLLEGE ATHLETES’ JUDGMENTS ABOUT TEAMMATES What form does sexual prejudice take within collegiate football? Ninety-nine football players made judgements about a potential recruit in a 2(gay vs straight orientation)X2(masculine vs feminine gender-role interests) design. Sexual prejudice was evident only for recruits who were both gay and feminine. Researchers discussed the role of reaffirming masculinity. Maxwell Burns1, Jessi Smith1 1Montana State Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THINKING ABOUT YOURSELF IN THE DISTANT FUTURE IMPROVES VIEWS OF OLD AGE Young adults who reflected on who they would be 40 years from now had more positive views of old age than those who reflected on either who they are now or who they would be five years from now. Findings suggest that views of old age can be improved with a brief intervention. Sarah Raposo1, Tamara Sims1, Laura L. Carstensen1 1Stanford Univ. 278 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE YOU’RE HIRED! BUT WHAT’S YOUR NAME AGAIN?: THE ROLE OF INVISIBILITY IN EVALUATIONS AND MEMORY OF BLACK WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE Participants evaluated applicants on a series of attributes, and completed a person memory task. While Black women were less subject to pro-male gender bias, they were less likely to be remembered correctly; White women were evaluated less positively than White men, but were more likely to be remembered. Amanda Sesko1, Monica Biernat2 1Univ. of Alaska Southeast, 2Univ. of Kansas SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE TERRORISM IS SKIN DEEP White participants read about a White or Arab suspect found with marijuana or explosives. The type of crime committed affected participants’ memory of the suspects’ appearance. White suspects were remembered as having a more stereotypically Arab appearance when they were accused of terrorism than when accused of a drug crime. Juliana Manrique1, Clara Wilkins1, Joseph Wellman2 1Wesleyan Univ., 2California State San Bernardino SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE EFFECT OF MENTAL ABSTRACTION ON THE PROCESSES UNDERLYING STEREOTYPIC IMPRESSION FORMATION Previous research has found a positive relationship between abstraction and stereotyping behavior. However, little is known about the process underlying this relationship. Using a process model that allowed for the dissociation of stereotype activation and application, we found that an abstract mindset leads to more stereotyping by increasing stereotype application alone. Heather Rees1, Jeff Sherman1 1UC Davis SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE OF GENDER DOUBLE STANDARD OF AGING: FEMALE CANDIDATES SUFFER FROM AGEISM MORE THAN MALES IN ELECTION Two studies investigated whether ageism in elections were influenced by candidate’s sex. Subjects were less likely to vote for older candidates than younger candidates. However, this decrease in likelihood was steeper for females as compared to male candidates. This provides evidence for a gender double standard against older females. Yiqin Shen1, Yuichi Shoda1 1Univ. of Washington SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE STEREOTYPE THREAT EFFECTS ON OLDER ADULTS’ MOTOR PERFORMANCE This study examined stereotype threat effect on motor performance of older adults, as past research has been mixed in reporting this effect. Researchers manipulated stereotypes within-individuals in a dual-task paradigm, in which older adults performed a walking task and a Stroop task simultaneously. Results showed stereotypes effects on Stroop performance. Aïna Chalabaev1, Estelle Palluel1, François Ruchaud2 1Univ. Grenoble Alpes, 2Paris West Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE ROLE OF HOMONEGATIVE MICROAGGRESSIONS IN PERCEPTIONS OF DISCRIMINATION This work examined perceptions of discrimination toward sexual minorities. Minority and majority individuals agreed that the minority group experienced more discrimination than the majority group. Researchers found an indirect model of influence: group membership, sensitivity to microaggressions, and ratings of personal discrimination frequency predicted ratings of minority group discrimination frequency. Sarah Moroz1 1Univ. of Western Ontario SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 279 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE RACIAL BIAS IN COMPUTER-SIMULATED BEHAVIORAL DISTANCING We developed a computer-based task to examine whether people would stop the approach of outgroup (vs. ingroup) members faster. Korean participants pressed the spacebar when they started to feel uncomfortable toward approaching target. Participants reacted significantly faster at Black targets and slower at White targets, compared to East Asian targets. Hyeon Jeong Kim1, Sang Hee Park1 1Chungbuk National Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE DEVIATING FROM THE “NORM” IN SOCIETY: DISEASE PREVALENCE PREDICTS INCREASED IMPLICIT AND EXPLICIT PREJUDICE Cross-sectional studies and lab experiments have shown that exposure to diseases/parasite related primes increases intergroup prejudice. Using Project Implicit’s IAT database, we show through multilevel analysis that residents in the U.S. with increased prevalence of diseases predict heightened prejudice towards the Elderly, Disabled, Homosexuals, Females, Natives Blacks and Asians. Brian O’Shea1, Corey Fincher1, Derrick Watson1, Gordon Brown1 1Univ. of Warwick SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE BAYESIAN UPDATING WHEN INFORMATION IS STEREOTYPIC, BUT LESS SO WHEN INFORMATION IS COUNTERSTEREOTYPIC Bayes’ rule is a normative model for how people should update their beliefs upon learning new information. Researchers have yet to identify when people update as this model prescribes. We find that when people learn stereotypic, but not counterstereotypic information, people update their beliefs as a Bayesian model would. Jack Cao1, Max Kleiman-Weiner2, Mahzarin Banaji1 1Harvard Univ., 2Massachusetts Institute of Technology SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE SHIFTING BIOLOGICAL LAY THEORIES ABOUT GENDER REDUCES NEGATIVE ATTITUDES TOWARDS SEXUAL MINORITIES Sexual minority prejudice is one way of maintaining gender norms, particularly for men. Two experiments demonstrate that shifting biological lay theories about gender (i.e., essentialism), through gender assessment (Study 1) and scientific journalism (Study 2), reduce negative attitudes towards sexual minorities. Danielle Young1, Diana Sanchez2 1Manhattan College, 2Rutgers Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE PARENTING STYLE, PARENTS’ ATTITUDES AND FAMILY CLIMATE AS DETERMINANTS OF PARENTCHILD SIMILARITY IN PREJUDICE TOWARD IMMIGRANTS What determines parent-child similarity with regard to prejudice toward immigrants? Relatively little is known about the formation of prejudice during adolescence. We examine the extent to which adolescents’ own experiences with immigrants, as well as their parents attitudes and family climate determine adolescents’ prejudice toward immigrants. Meta van der Linden1, Cecil Meeusen1, Colette van Laar1 1Univ. of Leuven SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ATTITUDES TOWARD NATIVE AMERICANS SCALE Attitudes of majority group members toward Native Americans have not been studied thoroughly. Across two studies using MTurk workers (Study 1) and undergraduate students (Study 2), we begin to develop the Attitudes Toward Native Americans Scale. Initial exploratory factory analysis indicates a multi-factor attitude structure. Researchers discuss future research. Margaret Thomas1, Jensen Pennock1, Allison Sturm1 College 1Earlham 280 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE ROLE OF THE PERCEPTION OF UNWANTED SEXUAL INTEREST IN NEGATIVE ATTITUDES TOWARD HOMOSEXUALS This research aimed to deepen the understanding on how unwanted sexual interest would contribute on the formation of negative attitudes toward homosexuals. Two studies showed the increased negativity under the presence of sexual context, and the moderating role of self-perceived mating value in the negativity toward sexual minorities. Paloma Benavides1, Chae Rin Lee1, Hye Jin Kim1, Taekyun Hur1 1Korea Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE USING RACE TO MAKE SENSE OF ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE This study investigates ethnic stereotypes suggesting that black people are superior when it comes to innate athletic abilities, but white people are superior when it comes to work ethic and mental abilities in terms of their impact upon how people evaluate professional athletes and make sense of athletic performance. Zig Ingraffia1 1Ohio Univ. SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE RACIAL MICROAGGRESSIONS AGAINST LATINA/O COLLEGE STUDENTS Relationships among racial microaggressions, levels of academic self-efficacy, participation in diversity-supporting organizations, and college stress among Latina/o college students were examined through online surveys to university campuses. Preliminary results show a significant positive correlation between students’ experiences with racial microaggressions and levels of college stress, and participation and stress. Stephanie Miller1 1Westminster College SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE THE COSTS OF CLAIMING ONE VERSUS MULTIPLE FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION One study investigated the costs of claiming one versus multiple forms of discrimination. The results indicate compared to females, males react more negatively to female targets claiming multiple forms of discrimination, and reactions to compound claims of discrimination are shaped by the unique stereotype content of each group. J. Taylor Ballinger1, Jessica Remedios2, Samantha Snyder 2 1Indiana University, 2Tufts University SESSION: L - STEREOTYPING/PREJUDICE UPVOTE THAT YAK! While some say we are in a post racial America, our study shows what happens in different cities when race is discussed on an anonymous online application. Using a popular social media platform, we have looked at what types of cities foster positive, and negative, race based discussions. Brent Noborikawa1, Heather Zezeck1 1Univ. of Hawaii SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION SEXUALIZED BREAST CANCER AWARENESS ADVERTISEMENTS IMPACT WOMEN’S SELFOBJECTIFICATION AND HEALTH BEHAVIOR Viewing sexualized breast cancer awareness advertisements (compared to other ad types) caused women (N=609) to self-objectify, which predicted increased avoidance of their breast cancer risk information and increased desire to avoid mastectomy if diagnosed with breast cancer. Further, women liked the sexualized ads less, which predicted decreased breast self-exam intentions. Elizabeth Focella1, Victoria Shaffer2, Jamie Arndt2 1Univ. of Wisconsin Oshkosh, 2Univ. of Missouri SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION CONSIDERING A MESSAGE IN LIGHT OF A DISTINCT VALUE INCREASES PRO-ENVIRONMENT INTENTIONS AMONG HIGH ATTITUDE CERTAINTY RECIPIENTS We examined whether presenting a pro-environment message that highlights a different value than before would increase intentions. When Self-Transcendence was primed, a Hedonism-focused message produced more positive intentions than a benevolence-focused message. This pattern occurred among recipients who hold initial attitudes with high certainty, but not those with low certainty. Ya Hui Michelle See1, Ying Min Mary Lim1 1National Univ. of Singapore SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 281 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION THE EFFECTIVENESS OF COUNTERCONDITIONING AND INSTRUCTIONS IN CHANGING IMPLICIT AND EXPLICIT EVALUATIONS Expanding on the debate between dual-process and single-process theories, we investigated the effectiveness of counterconditioning and instructions in changing implicit and explicit evaluations. Although both manipulations reversed initially conditioned explicit evaluations, initially conditioned implicit evaluations were changed only in response to actual counterconditioning, but not in response to instructions. Xiaoqing Hu1, Bertram Gawronski1 1Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION ON THE AFFECTIVE NATURE OF ATTITUDINAL AMBIVALENCE: A FACIAL EMG STUDY ON THE ROLE OF CHOICE AND EVALUATIVE CONTEXT IN SHAPING AFFECTIVE RESPONSES TO AMBIVALENCE Using facial EMG in a person perception task, we showed that attitudinal ambivalence only results in negative affect when evaluatively conflicting information is inconsistent in a choice situation. In the absence of a forced choice or when information is not inconsistent, ambivalent information elicits the same affective response as positive information. Hannah Nohlen1, Frenk van Harreveld1, Mark Rotteveel1, Jeff Larsen2 1Amsterdam Brain & Cognition Centre, 2Univ. of Tennessee SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION EFFECTS OF AFFECT AND COGNITION ON THE AVOIDANCE OF FOOD FROM FUKUSHIMA: FOCUSING ON THE DUAL-PROCESS THEORY This study examined the effect of personal attributions on purchasing foods from Fukushima after the Tohoku earthquake while focusing on the dual-process theory. Participants completed online questionnaires. The results showed that even if participants had sufficient knowledge, negative affect might still lead to avoidant purchasing. Daisuke Kudo1 1Doshisha Univ. SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION HOW DOES QUANTITY OF REVIEWS AFFECT INTENTION TO PURCHASE WHEN PROPORTION OF POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE REVIEW IS FIXED? We examined the effects of absolute quantity of consumer review on intention to purchase when the ratio was fixed. Absolute quantity of review was varied as 5(Positive):1(Negative) vs. 45:9 vs. 510:102. In the 45:9 condition, the intention to purchase was significantly higher than in the other two conditions. Yeseul Nam1, Haein Lee1, Younghoon Kim1 1Yonsei Univ. SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION BREAST IS THE BEST?: THE STUDY OF COLLEGE STUDENT’S ATTITUDE TOWARD BREASTFEEDING Researchers examined perceptions of breastfeeding in a collegiate sample. They compared knowledge of breastfeeding, exposure to breastfeeding, sexual self-esteem and attitudes toward gender roles with attitudes toward breastfeeding, and found significant correlations. Discussion focuses on the possible future approach to study breastfeeding attitude and new directions for positive breastfeeding campaigns. Hailie Leahy1, Kristin Whited1, Michelle Moore1, Dr. Ellie Hyeyeon Hwang1 1Univ. of Central Missouri SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION SELF-ASPECT ACTIVATION, PERSUASION AND DOMAIN COMPETENCE We examined how activating self-aspects related or unrelated to a counterattitudinal appeal affects persuasion. When one’s student (vs. social) self-aspect was activated, strong (but not weak) appeals to institute comprehensive exams triggered persuasion, but student with pre-existing academic excellence were less persuaded by stronger arguments and show threat-like responses instead. Hayley Skulborstad1, Allen McConnell1 1Miami Univ. 282 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION SHALL I FORGIVE YOU?: THE ROLE OF DELIBERATE SELF-PERSUASION STRATEGIES IN DECISIONS TO FORGIVE The present study examined whether people can deliberately convince themselves to forgive someone who transgressed against them. Over a three-week period, participants reported their reactions to a current transgression committed by their partner. Results suggest that deliberate self-persuasion strategies plays a role in decisions to forgive. Irene Cheung1 1Huron Univ. College SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION EVALUATIVE DISCREPANCIES IN DEPRESSION AND INFORMATION SEARCH Previous work suggests discrepancies between implicit and explicit attitudes produce greater information processing of messages relevant to the discrepancy. Examining depression attitudes, the present work investigates if evaluative discrepancies also predict discrepancy-relevant information search. Results revealed as implicit-explicit discrepancy increased, participants were more likely to seek discrepancy-related (vs. discrepancy-unrelated) information. India Johnson1, Heather McDonough-Caplan1 1Elon Univ. SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION HOW OR WHY DO WE DISAGREE?: PEOPLE REACT DIFFERENTLY TO DISAGREEMENT DEPENDING ON ACTION IDENTIFICATION TENDENCY We examined whether reaction to disagreement varies depending on people’s baseline action identity style. Participants exhibited significant attitude reaction regardless of identity style. However, those with higher level identities did not exhibit emotional reaction while those with lower level identities did. Thus, low level agents may be more socially influenced. Jay Michaels1, Robin Vallacher2, Larry Liebovitch3 1Presbyterian College, 2Florida Atlantic Univ., 3Queens College, City Univ. of New York SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION OUR LAUNDRY DETERGENT SUPPORTS THE RAINFOREST AND SO SHOULD YOU!: INVESTIGATING THE FOOT-IN-THE-DOOR TECHNIQUE IN CAUSE-RELATED MARKETING Investigating the foot-in-the-door technique, this experiment examined commitment manipulation strength and exposure frequency. The stronger commitment manipulation was associated with increased favorability toward a cause-related marketing product. Additionally, with increased exposure, the stronger manipulation experienced a directional increase in product favorability, whereas the weaker manipulation experienced a directional decrease. Aurèle Bachoux1, Michael Coolsen2 1Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, 2Shippensburg Univ. SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION PERCEIVING ADVOCATES AS BIASED: MOVING BEYOND AGREEMENT What factors contribute to perceiving a source as biased? Previous work has found that people tend to perceive others as biased when they disagree with them and unbiased when they agree with them. The current work demonstrates that more message-based factors such as argument quality also affect perceptions of bias. Laura Wallace1, Duane Wegener1 1The Ohio State Univ. SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION APPLYING CONGRUENCY PRINCIPLES TO ENHANCE THE TASTE OF HEALTHY SNACKS Researchers applied congruency principles to see if tastiness of sugar-free foods increased when product descriptions fit targets’ motivational orientations. Although hypotheses weren’t supported when gain-framed, when products were described using a loss-framed ad, avoidance motivation positively predicted how enjoyable the sampled food tasted, the ad’s perceived quality and positive affect. Ernest Park1, Amanda Hammill2, Lauren Berry1 1Grand Valley State Univ., 2Cleveland State Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 283 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION DEFENSIVE HIGH SELF-ESTEEM AND UNMITIGATED AGENCY IN THE REAL MODEL FOR THE IAT We applied the ReAL model to general, agency and communion self-esteem IATs to distinguish attitudinal associations and recoding in them. Recoding affected all IATs, whereas associations affected the general and communion IATs only. Participants with high explicit but low implicit associations (not recoding) displayed high levels of detrimental unmitigated agency. Wan Wang1, Miranda Giacomin1, Franziska Meissner2, Christian Jordan1 1Wilfrid Laurier Univ., 2Friedrich Schiller Univ. Jena SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION RELATIONAL MOBILITY BREEDS INCLUSIONARY REACTIONS TOWARD CULTURE-MIXING In three studies, we demonstrated that relational mobility (measured or manipulated) enhanced participants’ acceptance of the mixing of foreign cultures with their heritage cultures. The results suggested that relational mobility bred approach-oriented mindset, which in turn motivated individuals to integrate foreign cultures with their heritage cultures. Yongyuan Chen1, Luluo Peng2, Xiaoying Zheng3 1Beijing Normal Univ., 2Hunan Univ., 3 Nankai Univ. SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION SOCIAL SUPPORT VS. SOCIAL PRESSURE IN EXERCISE NARRATIVES Participants received instructions to perspective-take or remain objective before reading a persuasive narrative that portrayed either social support or social pressure to exercise. There was no effect of the social support/social pressure manipulation for individuals who were perspective-taking, but social support was more effective for individuals who remained objective. Matthew Little1, Melanie Green2 1Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2Univ. at Buffalo SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION PROCESS OF BEING PERSUADED BY TWO INDIVIDUALS WITH DIFFERENT OPINIONS This study examined recipients ‘ process of being persuaded by two individuals with different opinions, each belonging to different social groups. Participants read persuasive messages from both in- and out-groups and reported their attitudes. These results suggest that two different persuasive messages might not be processed separately, but together. Saki Nakamura1, Asako Miura1 1Kwansei Gakuin Univ. SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION FEAR OF NEGATIVE APPEARANCE EVALUATION, BODY IMAGE AND COSMETIC SURGERY ATTITUDES AMONG MIDLIFE WOMEN This study examined the predictors of interest in, and desire to obtain, cosmetic surgery among midlife women. Results showed a negative relationship between appearance and weight esteem and positive cosmetic surgery attitudes. Fear of negative appearance evaluation mediated the relationship between appearance and weight esteem and cosmetic surgery attitudes. Jamie Dunaev1, Jessica Schulz2, Charlotte Markey1 1Rutgers Univ. - Camden, 2Univ. of Delaware SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION EFFECTS OF RESEARCH-BASED METANARRATIVES ON ATTITUDES TOWARD EMERGING ADULTS Researchers studying the transition to adulthood have developed three distinct metanarratives about emerging adulthood: optimism, emphasizing open possibilities, heterogeneity, highlighting experiences of understudied groups and narcissism, focusing on overconfidence and self-focus. Using data collected at the Minnesota State Fair, we examine the effects of these metanarratives on attitudes toward youth. Lauren Mitchell1, Moin Syed1 1Univ. of Minnesota - Twin Cities 284 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION IT’S NOT THE RIGHT TIME: UNDERSTANDING DEFENSIVE REACTIONS TO INGROUP CRITICS UNDER THREAT Critics protect groups from dangerous decisions. While people are less defensive to ingroup than outgroup critics, is that still true under threat? We found less defensiveness in response to ingroup rather than outgroup critics without threat, which disappeared with threat. We also show that perceived negative intentions underlie these findings. Levi Adelman1, Nilanjana Dasgupta1 1Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION TRANSPORTATION AND ELABORATION: NOT THE SAME IN ALL CONTEXTS During persuasion, transportation predicts intentions mediated by perceived elaboration. However, in a narrativeframed vs. editorial experiment, the path from perceived elaboration to intentions was mediated by relevant belief change only following an editorial. Perceived elaboration in this context was predicted by an interaction of transportation and explicit thought. Ann Lewis1, Kevin Blankenship1 1Iowa State Univ. SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION USING MORAL FOUNDATIONS THEORY TO EXAMINE ATTITUDES TOWARD THE CLIMATE CHANGE AND DEBT CRISES American society is currently facing two seemingly intractable intergenerational dilemmas, climate change and federal debt, which are not easily resolved. Researchers performed an experiment to examine attitudes toward these dilemmas using moral foundations theory and a generational manipulation to gauge support for remediation of each problem. David Nalbone1, John Szura1 1Purdue Univ. Calumet SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION IF YOU LIKE IT, KEEP A RING ON IT: WEDDING RING REMOVAL’S EFFECT ON RELATIONSHIP PERCEPTION Wedding bands are used to symbolize commitment in close relationships. Guided by insights from embodiment theory, we examined the possibility that removing one’s wedding band, given its conceptual linkage with fidelity and commitment, might affect one’s attitudes and beliefs in ways that promote infidelity. Christopher Holland1, Christopher Rodeheffer1, Sarah Hill1, Charles Lord1 1Texas Christian Univ. SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION DAM AGING In the present research, we investigated whether age is related to the tendency to have more positive versus negative attitudes in general (a trait termed the dispositional attitude). Dispositional attitudes significantly predicted the valence of novel attitudes while controlling for theoretically relevant traits, differing by age of participant. Theresa Skaar1, Kerry Kleyman2, Justin Hepler1 1Univ. of Nevada, Reno, 2Metropolitan State Univ. SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION PARTS OUTWEIGH THE WHOLE (WORD) IN UNCONSCIOUS ANALYSIS OF MEANING II: PARADOXICAL PRIMING EXTENDS TO SINGLE LETTERS We demonstrate priming at the sub-word level; word fragments and consonant strings acted as evaluative primes in a semantic priming task. Priming effects where targets function in opposition to their semantic meaning was demonstrated with (a) valence words and their anagrams and (b) male and female names and their anagrams. James Rae1, Dario Cvencek1, Anthony Greenwald1, Richard Abrams2 1Univ. of Washington, 2California State Univ., Northridge SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 285 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION CONTENTED, CONFLICTED OR COMBATIVE: PSYCHOLOGICAL AND BEHAVIORAL CORRELATES OF ATTITUDES TOWARD MEAT EATING This research examines individuals’ level of conflict/contentment about eating meat, and its relation with meat consumption, willingness to slaughter animals, beliefs about the naturalness, niceness, normality and necessity of eating meat, as well as the moral, spiritual, aesthetic, health and social meaning they derive from their food choices. Matthew Ruby1, Naomi Arbit1, Paul Rozin1 1Univ. of Pennsylvania SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION STRESS-INDUCED SELF-REGULATORY FAILURE AND IMPLICIT BIAS Stress-induced self-regulatory failure may cause implicit biases to be exhibited more strongly. I assessed students’ implicit biases under more versus less stress. Results revealed that students more strongly associated AfricanAmericans with negativity and Christians with conservatism while under stress. Thus, stress may deplete our ability to control implicit bias expression. Carmel Saad1 1Westmont College SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION TRUTH OR TRUTHINESS?: HOW DESIRES INFLUENCE TRUTH ASSOCIATIONS How do people resolve the discrepancies between desired and actual outcomes? One possibility is that they don’t. In five studies, we find evidence that associations with the truth are shaped by one’s desires, and that truth associations mediate the link between desires and desire-congruent beliefs about the outcomes of events. Calvin Lai1, Colin Smith2, Brian Nosek3 1Harvard Univ., 2Univ. of Florida, 3 Center For Open Science SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION DO SUCCESS STORIES MOVE PEOPLE MORE THAN FAILURE STORIES?: VALENCE OF A STORY AND NARRATIVE PERSUASION This research showed that people could equally transport themselves into positive and negative stories, but narrative transportation into a story in which the protagonist experiences positive events led to stronger attitude change about a topic, than transportation into a negative story. Megumi Komori1 1Shitennoji Univ. SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION TIME AND TALK HEAL ALL WOUNDS: THE EFFECT OF CONFLICT MEDIATION ON FORGIVENESSRELATED OUTCOMES We examined the effect of victim-offender mediation techniques on conflict-related outcomes. Participants who met individually with mediators and those who participated in addition in mediated exchanges with their conflict partners reported greater forgiveness, improved health, and more positive affect, compared to control participants. All participants improved over time. Allison Williams1, Marti Gonzales1 1Univ. of Minnesota SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION THE KEY TO PERSUASION: A LOOK AT THE INFLUENCE OF MEMORY ON THE PERSUASION OF PROENVIRONMENTAL MESSAGES We examined pro-environmental behavior and intentions as a function of gain/loss-framing with memory as a mediating factor. Consistent with previous findings, participants who read the loss-framed pro-environmental message were more likely to remember details from the passage. This, in turn, led to increased donation behaviour and stronger pro-environmental intentions. Theresa He1, Danu Stinson1 1Univ. of Victoria 286 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION PREREQUISITES AND CONSEQUENCES OF ACCURATELY PREDICTING ONE’S IMPLICIT BIASES Contrary to presentations of Implicit Association Test (IAT) scores as representing “unconscious attitudes,“ participants can accurately predict the pattern of their IAT scores. Two new studies show that predicting IAT scores, but not IAT completion alone, can lead to changes in self-perceived and expressed prejudice through adaptation of explicit evaluations to implicit evaluations. Adam Hahn1, Bertram Gawronski2 1Univ. of Cologne, 2Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION FACING A HARD TRUTH: WHEN DO PEOPLE ACCEPT AND WHEN DO THEY DENY THEIR RACIAL PREJUDICE? Two studies investigated how people structure their self-concept to acknowledge or deny their prejudice. Although people can be defensive about their prejudice, they tend to respond rationally when confronted with evidence of their prejudice via either a race-based IAT or face-to-face confrontation. Aaron Moss1, Stefanie Simon2, Laurie O’Brien1 1Tulane Univ., 2Carleton College SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION IT’S NOT WHAT YOU SAY, BUT HOW YOU SAY IT: EFFECTS OF CONFRONTATION FRAMING ON THE REDUCTION OF RACE AND GENDER STEREOTYPING Three experiments examined the effectiveness of confrontation framings on subtle stereotyping. Results indicated that autonomy-supportive and autonomy-restrictive confrontations reduced stereotyping equally, unless the autonomyrestrictive framing was antagonistic. Results held regardless of personal motivations to control prejudice, for racism and sexism, and across a two-day delay between confrontation and stereotyping assessment. Mason Burns1, Margo Monteith1 1Purdue Univ. SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION BEESEARCH: THE EFFECTS OF EMPATHY AND SENSE OF SELF-PRESERVATION ON HUMAN PERCEPTIONS OF BEES Bees are of fundamental importance for food production. This research indicates that the way bees are described influences cognitions and emotions about bees, as well as anticipated pro-bee behaviors. Empathy toward animals also impacts responses to bees. Given the importance of bees, this research provides easy ways to impact attitudes. Genevieve Lewis1, Margaret Thomas1 1Earlham College SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION EXPLORING RACIAL AND POLITICAL DIFFERENCES IN THE PERCEPTION AND UNDERSTANDING OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE This study explores racial and political differences in perceptions of Nevadans on child abuse sexual prevention. Through an understanding of this state level data, it is possible to develop effective, ecological programming for child abuse and neglect prevention. Patricia Haddad1, Amanda Haboush-Deloye2 1Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2University of Las Vegas Nevada SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION MOTIVATED REASONING AND BELIEFS ABOUT SEXUAL ORIENTATION We investigated the possibility that people’s beliefs about what causes a gay sexual orientation are influenced by the perceived likelihood that certain explanations will promote gay rights. We found that LGBT+ allies and non-allies both favored explanations that were perceived to be effective at promoting their position on gay rights. Kevin Silberman1, Kevin Silberman1, Donna Garcia1, Michelle Fabros1 1California State Univ. San Bernardino SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 287 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION REACTIONS TO IAT RESULTS AFTER EXPERIENCING COGNITIVE INCONSISTENCY To examine reactions to the Implicit Association Test (IAT), participants took counterbalanced IATs and reported each test’s accuracy. Results indicated completing the Bug-Flower (BF) IAT first resulted in perceiving the IAT as valid compared to taking the Race-IAT (R) first and participants changed their validity beliefs after completing the R-IAT. Dana Pensoneau1, Veronica High1, Beth Wiese1, Meg Cloud1, Abdiel Flores2, Bettina Cassad1 1Univ. of Missouri-St. Louis, 2Columbia University SESSION: P - ATTITUDES/PERSUASION STRIVING FOR MORE EFFECTIVE TRANSLATIONAL TEACHING: UNDERSTANDING INSTRUCTOR ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOURS TOWARDS SERVICE-LEARNING This study measured faculty knowledge complexity, attitudinal structure, and behavior with respect to service-learning with the intent to identify how service-learning can be improved for the benefit of faculty, students, and the community. This study was conducted using an online survey at a small Canadian university. Data analysis is underway. Emily Baxendale1, Katelynn Carter-Rogers2, Meghan Norris2 1Saint Mary’s University, 2Saint Mary’s University SESSION: P - EMOTION MODELING THE DYNAMICS OF GOAL PURSUIT ACROSS TIME WITH MULTILEVEL STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING (MSEM) AND CROSS-LAG PANEL MODELING (CLPM) The dynamics of goal pursuit and regulation were examined with multilevel structural equation modeling (MSEM) and cross-lag panel modeling (CLPM). Undergraduates rated goal meaningfulness, effort, patience and progress for 10 selfgenerated personal projects across five measurement occasions. Person-level characteristic adaptations accounted for the most variance, but within-goal cross-lag effects were also significant. Sarah Schnitker1, Ryan Thomas1 1Fuller Seminary Graduate School of Psychology SESSION: P - EMOTION THE ROLE OF EMOTION REGULATION IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ACHIEVEMENT ORIENTATION AND YOUTH OUTCOMES IN MARATHON TRAINING In a sample of young people training for a marathon, contingency self-worth based on performance was directly related to less self-control and indirectly related to negative affectivity and life satisfaction via emotion dysregulation. Altruistic motivations and interpersonal generosity were related to positive outcomes directly and indirectly through emotion regulation. Benjamin Houltberg1, Nathaniel Fernandez1, Christa Nelson1 1Fuller Seminary Graduate School of Psychology SESSION: P - EMOTION LINK BETWEEN FAMILY EMOTIONAL EXPRESSIVITY AND EMOTION REGULATION AMONG HIGH-RISK ADOLESCENTS: THE MODERATING ROLE OF PUBERTAL DEVELOPMENT AND OXYTOCIN RECEPTOR GENE The results showed that family emotional expressivity were significantly related to emotion regulation (ER) for low (but not high) pubertal development adolescents. While positive expressivity was related to ER among youth with AA or AG oxytocin gene allele, negative expressivity was associated with ER among adolescents with the GG allele. Michael Criss1, Amanda Morris1, Jennifer Byrd-Craven1, Benjamin Houltberg2 1Oklahoma State Univ., 2Fuller Seminary Graduate School of Psychology SESSION: P - EMOTION THE RELATION OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN AUTONOMY TO GRATITUDE AND INDEBTEDNESS Individuals’ level of autonomy was positively correlated with feelings of indebtedness when receiving a hypothetical gift or favor, and inversely related to feelings of gratitude. In study two, participants higher in autonomy reported less gratitude and lower valuing of gratitude as an emotion. These results illuminate possible downsides of autonomy. Suzanne Parker1, Kate Stewart1, Anthony Ahrens1 1American Univ. 288 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - EMOTION POSITIVE EMOTIONS ENHANCE PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF DISTRACTION COPING ON REPEATED STRESS The literature on distraction coping has evolved from categorizing it as a deleterious avoidance strategy to providing recent experimental evidence that it may be useful in certain circumstances. The present study extends this literature by focusing on positive distraction, a potentially powerful coping strategy, especially for repeated or chronic stressors. Elaine Shing1, Christian Waugh2 1Wake Forest School of Medicine, 2Wake Forest Univ. SESSION: P - EMOTION CONTEXT AND GENDER INFLUENCES ON RESPONSES TO DISGUST SENSITIVITY SCALES This study tested the hypothesis that men and women would adjust their responses to disgust sensitivity (DS) scales in opposite directions when self-reporting disgust out-loud versus on standard written forms. Men’s DS was significantly increased and women’s DS significantly decreased when responding out-loud to an experimenter, compared to using pen-and-paper responses. Alexander Skolnick1 1Saint Joseph’s Univ. SESSION: P - EMOTION ATTITUDES ABOUT EMOTION EXPRESSION MEDIATES THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LONELINESS AND SUPPRESSION We hypothesized that lonely people suppress their emotions because they expect negative consequences for expressing emotions. Accordingly, results demonstrated that lonely individuals held more negative attitudes about emotion expression and were more likely to suppress their emotions. The relationship between loneliness and suppression was significantly mediated by attitudes towards expressivity. S. Pooya Razavi G.1, Frank Du1, Seung Hee Yoo1 1San Francisco State Univ. SESSION: P - EMOTION ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN FIVE-FACTOR MODEL PERSONALITY TRAITS AND SELF-REPORT MEASURES OF EMOTION REGULATION Researchers examined five-Factor Model personality traits as they relate to self-reported emotion regulation (ER) difficulties and cognitive reappraisal and suppression as ER strategies. Personality traits were differentially associated with overall difficulties in ER and specific difficulties in ER were associated with different ER strategies. Alexander Daros1, Anthony Ruocco1 1Univ. of Toronto SESSION: P - EMOTION PICK YOUR EMOTIONAL POISON: LAY THEORIES ABOUT EMOTIONAL INFLUENCE ON JUDGMENTS How do people believe their emotions will influence their judgments? Participants chose either an anger or sadness emotion induction before making sadness-related judgments (helping the poor) or anger-related judgments (guilt for serious crimes). Participants preferred the emotion induction matching the task, indicating judgment-relevant emotions were believed to produce less bias. Samuel Baker1, Laura Scherer1 1Univ. of Missouri SESSION: P - EMOTION NEW TESTS TO MEASURE EMOTIONAL UNDERSTANDING/EMOTION KNOWLEDGE We present two new tests measuring the ability to understand all components of the emotional process (appraisals, action tendencies, bodily reactions, expressions, feelings). A first study demonstrated the excellent psychometric properties of both tests and substantial correlations with other emotional and cognitive abilities. Katja Schlegel1, Klaus Scherer2 1Northeastern Univ., 2Univ. of Geneva SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 289 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - EMOTION TOWARD UNDERSTANDING INTERPERSONAL EMOTION REGULATION: BEING PRESENT, LISTENING, RESPONDING This study presents a new, dyadic model of emotion regulation. Mere partner presence dampens negative emotion. Mere (silent) sharing of experiences heighten both positive and negative emotional reactions to those experiences. Merely expressing negative emotion to trusted partners heightens positive emotion. Of course, partners also actively and successfully regulate partner emotion. Margaret Clark1, Erica Boothby1, Aleena Hay1, Katherine Von Culin1 1Yale Univ. SESSION: P - EMOTION HAPPINESS AND DISGUST BOTH LEAD TO MORALLY SEVERE JUDGMENTS BUT THEIR EFFECTS DEPEND ON ACCESSIBLE COGNITIVE PROCESSING STYLES This study tested whether cognitive processing styles (global vs. local) and emotions (happy vs. disgust) interact to influence moral impressions. The findings demonstrate that when participants are globally primed and feeling happy, they make more severe judgments than those feeling disgust. This pattern reversed under local priming conditions. Elicia Lair1, Linda Isbell2 1Univ. of Mississippi, 2Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst SESSION: P - EMOTION GRATITUDE AND POLITICAL PERSUASION: WHEN AND WHY DO GRATITUDE EXPRESSIONS LEAD PEOPLE TO COMPLY WITH POLITICAL MESSAGES? Participants felt that messages including gratitude expressions would more positively influence their vote, and I found evidence for processes mediating this influence. However, results also suggest that gratitude expressions in political contexts don’t always lead to greater compliance, and may even backfire in some cases. Patrick Dwyer1 1Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SESSION: P - EMOTION FEAR AND RESPECT IN FEELINGS OF AWE: A POSITIVE COGNITIVE EMOTION IN THE U.S. AND SOCIALLY-ENGAGED EMOTION IN JAPAN To investigate cultural differences of awe, researchers conducted a situation sampling and emotional content survey on Japanese undergraduates. Results showed “fear” as a frequently present element. A content analysis also revealed that “implied vastness” was more prominent in Japan than the “physical vastness” that is key to American awe. Pamela Taylor1, Yukiko Uchida1 1Kyoto Univ. SESSION: P - EMOTION STOIC FACIAL EXPRESSIONS AND THE PAIN-RELATED PHYSIOLOGICAL STRESS RESPONSE This study examined the associations between naturalistic facial expressions and physiological responses to a stressful cold task. Results revealed that more neutral (i.e., stoic) expressions were associated with lower diastolic blood pressure (DBP) stress reactivity during cold stress, but also with less DBP recovery following stress. Jacquelyn Shader1, Amanda Acevedo1, Sarah Pressman1 1Univ. of California, Irvine SESSION: P - EMOTION PSYCHOTIC EXPERIENCES AND EMOTION REGULATION The present research aimed to investigate the relationship between psychotic experiences (PEs) and emotion regulation in the general population. High levels of PEs were associated with a maladaptive pattern of strategy use and high scores on a measure of emotion regulation difficulties. Kenneth Osborne1, Emily Willroth2, Matthew Hilimire1 1College of William & Mary, 2UC Berkeley SESSION: P - EMOTION COPING WITH THE INEVITABLE: THE ROLE OF PERCEIVED CONTROL The perceived ability to exercise control over adverse events seems beneficial, but only when events are actually controllable. This set of studies shows that an elevated sense of agency may cause greater sense of responsibility and subsequent negative emotions even when adverse events are entirely beyond one’s control. Ljubica Chatman1, Betsy Sparrow2 1Columbia Univ., 2Williams College 290 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - EMOTION SELF-COMPASSION MEDIATES LINK BETWEEN BODY SURVEILLANCE AND BODY-RELATED SHAME AND PRIDE AMONG ADOLESCENT GIRLS IN SPORT This study examined self-compassion as a potential mechanism between body surveillance and appearance-focused self-conscious emotions among 215 adolescent girls participating in sport. Self-compassion was a serial mediator of the relationship between body surveillance and body-related shame and pride. Interventions should target selfcompassion to improve emotions among young female athletes. Eva Pila1, Jenna Gilchrist1, Catherine Sabiston1 1Univ. of Toronto SESSION: P - EMOTION COLOR INFLUENCES EMOTION RECOGNITION FOR HAPPY AND ANGRY FACIAL EXPRESSIONS Context is an important factor in emotion recognition (Righart & de Gelder, 2008). We found that background color affects emotion recognition, such that red facilitated the recognition of angry expressions and yellow marginally facilitated the recognition of happy expressions. Thus, color can act as a contextual cue to recognizing emotions. Ravin Alaei1, Viktor Domashniev1, Nicholas Rule1 1Univ. of Toronto SESSION: P - EMOTION AVOIDANCE OF HAPPY MUSIC BY SAD INDIVIDUALS: EVIDENCE FOR AFFECTIVE MISFORECEASTING Researchers conducted a set of three experiments to investigate whether sad individuals were able to make prudent choices in their musical selections to aid mood repair efforts. The results provided evidence that individuals’ underestimated the efficacy of favorite happy songs in self-regulatory efforts to repair a sad mood state. Stan Zavoyskiy1, Ronald Friedman1, Christa Taylor1 1Univ. at Albany, SUNY SESSION: P - EMOTION FEELING BLUE AND SEEING RED: THE PREVALENCE OF ANGER AMONG ADULTS WITH A HISTORY OF DEPRESSION The experience of anger in depression has largely been ignored. Our daily-diary study found that people with a depression history experienced more daily anger than sadness or anxiety. Furthermore, anger, more so than anxiety or sadness, distinguished the daily emotional lives of people with a depression history from those without. Emily Urban1, Susan Charles1, Linda Levine1, David Almeida2 1Univ. of California, Irvine, 2The Pennsylvania State Univ. SESSION: P - EMOTION ARE BIGGER EMOTION VOCABULARIES BETTER FOR YOU?: INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCE CORRELATES OF EMOTION LANGUAGE VARIABILITY We developed a method for analyzing the size of naturally occurring emotion vocabularies using the language of bloggers (N=35,545) and undergraduates recording their stream of consciousness (N=1,573). People who used more diverse words to describe negative emotions were unhappier, less healthy, less socially adapted and experienced worsened mood while writing. Vera Vine1, James Pennebaker2 1Yale Univ., 2Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: P - EMOTION DATA VERSUS SPOCK: LAY THEORIES CONCERNING WHETHER EMOTIONS HELP OR HINDER PREDICT ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND EMOTIONAL ADJUSTMENT Star Trek’s Spock viewed emotion as maladaptive. In an online study (N = 628), undergraduates’ beliefs that emotions hinder reasoning predicted lower GPA, more sick days during the previous term and less happiness. However, viewing emotions as helping reasoning predicted better performance on a stressful reasoning task and more happiness. Melissa Karnaze1, Linda Levine1 1Univ. of California, Irvine SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 291 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - EMOTION DEVELOPMENT OF A SELF-REPORT MEASURE OF EMOTION FUNCTIONALITY This poster reports development of a self-report questionnaire for describing the functionality of everyday emotions. It reduces laypersons’ reliance on folk theories by asking about the presence and usefulness of 28 specific emotional symptoms, and by separating functionality from positive valence. The questionnaire may be useful to other researchers. W. Parrott1 1Georgetown Univ. SESSION: P - EMOTION ON THE INNOCENCE OF MEASUREMENT: THE CASE OF SELF-REPORT OF EMOTIONS Although it’s generally accepted that measurements are not perfect, the common assumption is that measurements are merely incapable of assessing the true experience that exists “out there.” In four experiments, we examined the effect of self-reports on different emotions and found that measurements can, indeed, alter the phenomenon under observation. omesh johar1 1Univ. of St. Thomas SESSION: P - EMOTION RELATIONS BETWEEN MINDFULNESS, EXPERIENTIAL AVOIDANCE AND EMOTIONAL DISTRESS: A CLUSTER ANALYTIC APPROACH This study utilized cluster analysis to examine interrelations among experiential avoidance (EA), mindfulness and distress. Five profiles emerged: two with higher mindfulness, lower EA, lower depression, lower anxiety; two with lower mindfulness, higher EA, higher depression, and higher anxiety. One group showed low scores across measures. Researchers discuss future research implications. D. Lee McCluskey1, Natalie Shook1 1West Virginia Univ. SESSION: P - EMOTION DO CHILDREN ENJOY “JUST THINKING”? Wilson and colleagues (2014) found that adults do not enjoy entertaining themselves by “just thinking.” Do children who engage in pretend play enjoy thinking more? Preschoolers engaged in free thought, and then completed enjoyment and executive function assessments. Children did not enjoy thinking more, but greater executive function predicted enjoyment. Jessica Taggart1, Angeline Lillard1, Timothy Wilson1 1Univ. of Virginia SESSION: P - EMOTION WHEN “JUST THINKING” FEELS JUST RIGHT: THE EUDAEMONIC BENEFITS OF AUTONOMOUS SOLITUDE In recent studies, people have reported spending time “just thinking” to be relatively aversive. Across two surveys and one experiment, we show that freely choosing to be alone with one’s thoughts enhances well-being and authenticity compared to being forced or to not having choice, both of which undermine well-being. James Masciale1, Peter Caprariello2 1Connected Psychology, LLC, 2Stony Brook Univ. SESSION: P - EMOTION BEING ALONE AND UNOCCUPIED: CULTIVATING THE VALUE OF DAILY SOLITUDE THROUGH INTERNALIZATION In a diary study, subjects spent some time with themselves every day, while unoccupied by daily activities. While having this type of solitary experience decreased daily affective arousal, those who internalized the value of being with themselves felt less stress and more calm and relaxed at the end of the day. Thuy-vy Nguyen1, Richard Ryan1, Edward Deci1 1Univ. of Rochester 292 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - EMOTION ENJOYABLE INTENTIONAL THOUGHT REQUIRES MENTAL CONTROL Many people do not enjoy intentional thinking, possibly because it requires considerable mental control. In an experience sampling study, people enjoyed desirable spontaneous thoughts more than desirable intentional ones. In the lab, people enjoyed thinking more when prompted with topics (low cognitive demand) than with no prompting (high cognitive demand). Erin Westgate1, Timothy Wilson1 1Univ. of Virginia SESSION: P - EMOTION SOCIAL CATEGORIZATION ELIMINATES THE MODERATING INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL CATEGORY CUES ON EMOTION RECOGNITION To further investigate how prior experiences affect how social category cues influence emotion perception, participants categorized expressions on faces varying in race or age before, or after a race or age categorization task. Race and age only moderated emotion categorization speeds when the emotion task was completed first. Belinda Craig1, Ottmar Lipp1 1Curtin Univ. SESSION: P - FIELD RESEARCH/INTERVENTIONS PAIR DYNAMICS IN A WEIGHT-LOSS INTERVENTION This project explored pair dynamics in a weight-loss intervention using a dyadic growth curve model in which dyads consisted of intervention participants and in-home partners. Initial BMI and BMI change significantly related to initial BMI of the other dyad member, indicating that social factors have nontrivial effects on health outcomes. Talea Cornelius1, Amy Gorin1 1Univ. of Connecticut SESSION: P - FIELD RESEARCH/INTERVENTIONS CREATING A CULTURE OF INNOVATION The textile mills of Northern India are better known for their difficult work conditions than for their cultures of innovation. SPARQ is working with several mills to identify, test and scale management practices that empower employees to innovate. Results suggest that firms with interdependent values and practices better scaffold innovation. Alana Conner1, Kyla Haimovitz2, Hazel Markus2, Amrita Maitreyi1 1Stanford SPARQ, 2Stanford Univ. SESSION: P - FIELD RESEARCH/INTERVENTIONS INDIVIDUAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FACTORS THAT PREDICT DEHUMANIZATION AND ABUSE OF WORKERS BY SUPERVISORS We examined attitudes of workers and supervisors in 14 South Asian factories. Female workers reported lower life satisfaction and worse health than male workers. Among supervisors, cognitive load was associated with more dehumanization and tolerance of verbal/ sexual harassment; however, a growth mindset and greater organizational accountability counteracted these trends. Laura Babbitt1, Negin Toosi2, Elyse Voegeli1, Drusilla Brown1 1Tufts Univ., 2Technion - Israel Institute of Technology SESSION: P - FIELD RESEARCH/INTERVENTIONS PLANTING THE SEEDS OF A HEALTHY TRAJECTORY Community gardening may shift people onto a healthy trajectory by changing various health-relevant thoughts and behaviors collectively. We compared the trajectories of participants who were randomly selected to receive a garden plot to participants on a waitlist control to assess the effects of gardening on health behaviors and personality. Dietlinde Heilmayr1, Howard Friedman1 1Univ. of California, Riverside SESSION: P - FIELD RESEARCH/INTERVENTIONS INTEGRATING INTERVENTIONS: A COMBINED SELF-AFFIRMATION AND IMPLEMENTATION INTENTIONS INTERVENTION DECREASES DRINKING AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS This study examined whether combining self-affirmation and implementation intentions, two interventions that influence health behaviors through different theoretical mechanisms, can work together to reduce alcohol consumption. Participants completed an online intervention and reported their drinking one and two weeks post intervention. Self-affirmation and implementation intentions worked together to decrease drinking. Phillip Ehret1, David Sherman1 1Univ. of California, Santa Barbara SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 293 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - FIELD RESEARCH/INTERVENTIONS THE CHARLIE HEBDO TERROR ATTACK IN PARIS: FOLLOW-UP OF FRENCH CITIZEN’S TERRORIST THREAT PERCEPTION AND ITS CONSEQUENCES The present research investigates French citizen’s responses to Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack of 7th January 2015 in Paris. Researchers examined terrorist threat perception, behavioral changes, social sharing and perceived socioemotional climate using the social stage model of collective coping with disasters. Results demonstrated participants’ responses evolved over time. Petra Pelletier1, Ewa Drozda-Senkowska1 1Paris Descartes Univ. (France) SESSION: P - FIELD RESEARCH/INTERVENTIONS GENERALIZING AND REFINING PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES THROUGH REAL-WORLD EXPERIMENTATION AND PERSONALIZATION IN TECHNOLOGY: THE MOOCLET FRAMEWORK This study presents the concepts and methodology of the MOOClet Framework for guiding the use of technology to conduct experimental research and collect large scale data in real-world environments. Experiments in online courses provide an example of how the framework enables alignment between research, practical needs and ethics and technology constraints. Joseph Jay Williams1, Neil Heffernan2 1Harvard Univ., 2Worcester Polytechnic Institute SESSION: P - FIELD RESEARCH/INTERVENTIONS BACK TO THE BEGINNING: REDISCOVERING INEXPERIENCE HELPS EXPERTS GIVE ADVICE Individuals with more knowledge and expertise tend to forget about the experience of inexperience. A series of experiments investigates how rediscovering the feeling of being a novice, either by rediscovering documentation of past experiences or making a mastered skill feel new again, influences experts’ ability to advise novices. Ting Zhang1 1Columbia Univ. SESSION: P - FIELD RESEARCH/INTERVENTIONS HOW WELL DO SELF-AFFIRMATION AND ROLE MODEL INTERVENTIONS COMBAT STEREOTYPE THREAT IN LAB AND FIELD SETTINGS? We meta-analyzed research on two widely studied, but theoretically distinct, stereotype-threat interventions, selfaffirmation and role model exposure, to gauge how successful they are when applied in real-world contexts. Findings suggest that these interventions effectively combat stereotype threat underperformance, especially for lab studies; average effect sizes for field studies were non-significant. Bradley Weisz1, Elizabeth Lawner1, Diane Quinn1, Blair Johnson1 1Univ. of Connecticut SESSION: P - FIELD RESEARCH/INTERVENTIONS BELIEVING THAT AN INSTITUTION HELPS YOU PURSUE PROSOCIAL GOALS INCREASES TRUST: EVIDENCE FROM A LONGITUDINAL EXPERIMENT IN AN URBAN MIDDLE SCHOOL This study examined the effects of a pro-social purpose for learning on adolescents’ trust in school. In a study at a public middle school, 7th and 8th grade students who completed a computer-based intervention designed to foster students’ pro-social purpose for learning reported greater trust in school four weeks later. Quinn Hirschi1, Stephanie Reeves2, Geoffrey Cohen3, David Yeager1 1The Univ. of Texas at Austin, 2Univ. of Waterloo, 3 Stanford Univ. SESSION: P - FIELD RESEARCH/INTERVENTIONS VALUES AFFIRMATION AS A TOOL FOR BOOSTING ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE DURING CRITICAL TRANSITIONS A three-year field experiment at a diverse middle school tested whether values affirmations can improve educational outcomes for students during a shared social threat: the transition from elementary to middle school. Indeed, students (N=161) in the affirmation condition got better grades, had better attendance and had fewer discipline incidents over time. Kevin Binning1, Jonathan Cook 2, Valerie Purdie-Vaughns3, Julio Garcia4, Nancy Apfel5, David Sherman6 Geoffrey Cohen7 1Univ. of Pittsburgh, 2Pennsylvania State Univ., 3 Columbia Univ., 4Univ. of Colorado Boulder, 5Yale Univ., 6UC Santa Barbara, 7Stanford Univ. 294 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - FIELD RESEARCH/INTERVENTIONS REAPPRAISING ADVERSITY IMPROVES STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT, BEHAVIOR AND WELL-BEING Adversity is unavoidable, but how individuals interpret adversity is controllable and malleable. In a randomized controlled trial across district sixth-graders, a reappraisal intervention had positive and persistent effects on students’ GPA, behavior, attendance and well-being. Additionally, racial achievement and behavioral referral gaps, as compared to control students, were significantly reduced. Christopher Rozek1, Jaymes Pyne2, Paul Hanselman3, Rachel Feldman3, Geoffrey Borman, , , , , , 1Univ. of Chicago, 2Univ. of California, Irvine, 3Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSES TO IMAGES OF PROTEST AND POLICE VIOLENCE IN BLACK AND WHITE This study investigated White and Black individuals’ physiological reactivity to images of Black protest and police violence against African-Americans. Findings indicate that Whites demonstrated greater cognitive processing of images of violence, but less physiological reactivity. Blacks experienced greater physiological reactivity to images of violence, facilitated by Black protest. Mora Reinka1, Charity Whitehead1, Colin Leach1 1Univ. of Connecticut SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES CAN I SAY THAT?: HOW SOCIAL CONTEXT INFLUENCES COLORBLIND STRATEGIES In two studies, we examined whether adults in a racially-diverse environment would exhibit strategic colorblindness. Contrary to past research, both White and non-White adults did not adopt a colorblind strategy. This social context may influence how people think about and utilize race, which allow them to freely mention race. Chanel Meyers1, Amanda Williams2, Kristin Pauker1, Evan Apfelbaum2 1Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa, 2Sheffield Hallam Univ. SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES MULTIRACIAL DIVERSITY IN HAWAII: WHITE INDIVIDUALS’ REDUCTION IN RACE ESSENTIALISM OVER TIME We tested the effect of exposure to a large multiracial population on White individuals’ essentialist beliefs about race. White individuals’ endorsement of race essentialism decreased over time, which compelled greater social category and cognitive flexibility. Exposure to diverse social environments led to cognitive benefits for majority group members. Colleen Carpinella1, Danielle Young2, Diana Sanchez3 1Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa, 2Manhattan College, 3 Rutgers Univ. SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES ESSENTIALIST BELIEFS MODERATE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CONTACT QUALITY AND ATTITUDES TOWARD GAY MEN AND LESBIAN WOMEN Past studies have found that essentialist beliefs relate to both higher and lower levels of sexual prejudice. Examining quality of contact with gay men and lesbian women provides a potential explanation for this variability. The current study found that essentialist beliefs moderated the relationship between contact quality and attitudes. Ashley Lytle1, Christina Dyar1, Sheri Levy1 1Stony Brook Univ. SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES SENSE OF COMMUNITY FOR FAN AND LOCAL COMMUNITIES IN FOUR FAN CATEGORIES We examined fans’ sense of community with fan and local communities. With the exception that fans felt greater influence in their local than fan community, the results largely support prior research showing fans’ high degree of connection with fandoms over local communities. Daniel Chadborn1, Patrick Edwards2, Stephen Reysen1 1Texas A&M Univ. - Commerce, 2USC Upstate SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 295 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES WHAT CAUSES IDENTITY FUSION?: EXPLORING THE IDENTITY-SHAPING POWER OF INTENSE COLLECTIVE EXPERIENCES What causes identity fusion? Three experiments show that highly emotional, singular experiences shared with ingroup members (e.g., 9/11, 11M attacks) can shape individuals’ narrative selves and in turn fuse them with large collectives. Researchers discuss implications for the determinants of self-sacrifice and prosocial action. Michael Buhrmester1, Angel Gomez2, Alexandra Vasquez2, Jonathan Lanman3, Bill Swann4, Harvey Whitehouse1 1Univ. of Oxford, 2UNED, 3Queen’s Univ., Belfast, 4Univ. of Texas at Austin SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES IDENTITY SAFETY OR ECONOMIC REWARD?: HOW STIGMATIZED AND NON-STIGMATIZED PEOPLE CHOOSE JOB OPPORTUNITIES The present research employs two models of decision-making to examine the tradeoffs that stigmatized individuals might make when considering workplaces that suggest identity threat or identity safety. Consistent with identity threat theory, researchers found women to prefer identity-safe workplace environments to economic reward, whereas men preferred larger financial incentives. Heidi Williams1, Mary Murphy1 1Indiana Univ. SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES SINS OF THE FATHER: TOWARDS A GREATER UNDERSTANDING OF THE DYNAMICS OF WITHINFAMILY TAINTING Four studies provide insight into the nature of cross-generational “tainting.” Pertaining to criminals’ offspring, we address (a) an important dissociation between attributions of personal responsibility vs. general aversive reactions (e.g. behavioral avoidance), (b) key systematic predictors of reactions (e.g. honor ideology, interdependence), and (c) the effect of punishing the criminal. Stephanie Peak1, Fade Eadeh1, Alan Lambert1 1Washington Univ.- St. Louis SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES A GROUP-BASED MORAL COMPASS: THE IMPACT OF THE SPECIFIC GROUPS INVOLVED IN MORAL VIOLATIONS ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POLITICAL ORIENTATION AND MORAL VALUES Prior work has found conservative-liberal differences in moral values. We provide preliminary evidence that the relationship between political orientation and moral values may depend on whether the specific groups involved in the perceived moral violations are ingroup or outgroup members (i.e., U.S. citizens or undocumented immigrants). Jacob Brookfield1, David Sherman1 1Univ. of California, Santa Barbara SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES IDENTITY UNCERTAINTY DYNAMICS IN DUAL NESTED IDENTITIES Six empirical studies (N=567) explicated identity uncertainty dynamics in dual nested identities. Identity uncertainty about one group can be compensated by strengthened identification with another group. Two boundary conditions are relative identity centrality and category hierarchy. Under dual uncertainty where compensatory identification is not feasible, researchers used entitativity enhancement strategy. Jiin Jung1, Michael Hogg1, Hoon-Seok Choi2, Gary Lewis3 1Claremont Graduate Univ., 2Sungkyunkwan Univ., 3Univ. of York SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES DENYING REALITY, DENYING RACISM We successfully extended previous findings (Nelson, Adams, Salter, 2012) examining the denial of racism. We found that Whites denied systemic racism more than Blacks, Asians and Latinos, and were less attuned to reality compared to these minority groups. We will discuss implications for reductions in racial inequality. Vinoadharen Nair Das1, Courtney Bonam1 1Univ. of Illinois at Chicago 296 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES HOW POWER AND PERSONALITY BRING OUT THE BEST STRATEGIES FOR TEAM SUCCESS We examined how legitimate/expert power and Big-Five personality traits affect preferences for competitive/ cooperative strategies in a three-member team. A scenario-based experiment revealed that openness to experience promoted competition; extroversion and agreeableness promoted cooperation, but neuroticism promoted cooperation only when another team member had high legitimate power. Konomi Tasaki1, Tasuku Igarashi1 1Nagoya Univ. SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES ETHICS IS ONLY GOOD WHEN USEFUL TO US: REASSESSING ETHICAL BEHAVIOR CONSIDERING THE LEADER’S GROUP MEMBERSHIP This research shows that ethical leaders positively influence organizational team’s dynamics, especially if they belong to the outgroup. The opposite pattern is revealed; ingroup unethical leaders affect less negatively such dynamics than outgroup unethical leader. In this sense, judgments and group dynamics are flexible, depending on leaders’ behavior and membership. Catarina Morais1, Georgina Randsley de Moura1, Ana Leite1, Dominic Abrams1 1Univ. of Kent SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES SOCIAL INFLUENCE IN FREELY INTERACTING GROUPS: BIASED INFORMATION ACQUISITION AFTER GROUP DISCUSSIONS The results of two experimental studies show that after simultaneous minority and majority influence in dissent groups, majorities exhibit a balanced information search, whereas minorities tend to converge to their own position; this can be the majority position if the minority has converted. Andreas Mojzisch1, Stefan Schulz-Hardt2 1Univ. of Hildesheim, 2Univ. of Goettingen SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES BLURRED LINES: THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL STATUS ON PUBLIC PERCEPTIONS OF POTENTIALLY CRIMINAL INCIDENTS In three studies, researchers asked participants to make judgments about an incident in which the social status of the alleged victim and offender were manipulated. Results suggest that the social status of the involved parties influenced how newsworthy and criminal the incident was perceived, and the public’s willingness to intervene. Satia Marotta1, Samuel Sommers1 1Tufts Univ. SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES MAKING US LOOK BAD: THREAT TO THE IMAGE OF AN INTIMACY GROUP PREDICTS THE NORMATIVITY OF WITNESSES’ CONFRONTATION OF BIAS We aimed to investigate the prescriptive normativity of verbally confronting a friend (vs. a stranger) who expresses bias. Results show that confronting a friend is more normative, because a friend who expresses bias threatens more the image of a highly entitative group, granting people psychological standing to confront bias. Susana Lavado1, Cicero Pereira2, John Dovidio3, Jorge Vala1 1Univ. of Lisbon, 2Federal Univ. of Paraíba, 3Yale Univ. SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES “BEING EVERYONE’S FRIEND” IS SHUNNED BY EVERYONE: SOCIAL NETWORKING MOTIVATIONS AS ORIGINS OF SOCIAL SELECTION PROCESS We examined network formation processes based on motivations for networking, such as safety, status seeking and weak-ties/betweenness (a please-all policy). Analysis of peer-nomination data among 73 freshmen identified two different processes: one is “balancing” between those with safety and status-seeking motivations, and the other is “shunning” those with weak-ties/betweenness motivation. Tasuku Igarashi1, Taro Hirashima1 1Nagoya Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 297 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES PLURALISTIC IGNORANCE IN THE CLASSROOM: HOW STUDENT ASSUMPTIONS INFLUENCE LEARNING Pluralistic ignorance regarding socializing, work and school can cause maladaptive outcomes like more drinking, risky sexual behavior, less workplace commitment and more cheating in the classroom. Extending the literature, I found that students suffer pluralistic ignorance of study behavior, and the extent of that ignorance is related to exam performance. Steven Buzinski1 1Univ. of North Carolina SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES DOES SOCIAL MOBILITY MAKE US FORGET WHERE WE ARE FROM?: UPWARD MOBILITY AND ATTITUDES TOWARD THE INHERITED GROUP Amongst French participants living in border regions of Switzerland, we observed that upward mobility, as well as anticipated upward-mobility, leads to a lower concern for the inherited group. Reduction in French ingroup identification explains the effect of social mobility on ingroup concern. We discuss this discounting identity management strategy. Marion Chipeaux1, Clara Kulich1, Vincenzo Iacoviello1, Fabio Lorenzi-Cioldi1 1Univ. of Geneva SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES “ILLEGAL” BY ASSOCIATION: AN EXPERIENCE OF CATEGORIZATION THREAT AMONG LATINOS Across two studies, we tested the hypothesis that group identities shared by phenotypically indistinguishable subgroups are threatening for higher status subgroup members if they will lead to being mistaken and treated as lower status subgroup members. Researchers recruited Latino participants for this study, with undocumented Latinos as low status subgroup. Jesus Serrano-Careaga1, Yuen Huo1 1Univ. of California, Los Angeles SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES THE EFFECT OF GROUP GENDER COMPOSITION ON WOMEN STEM MAJORS’ PERCEIVED MATH ABILITY AND SOCIAL COHESION Women STEM majors solved problems in either all-female or male-dominated groups. Assuming these women are experienced with group problem-solving, we expected their math aptitude to shine through, regardless of gender composition. Consistent with expectations, their perceived math ability and social cohesion were equally high in both all-female and male-dominated groups. Sarah Grover1, Tiffany Ito1, Bernadette Park1 1Univ. of Colorado Boulder SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS AFFECTS SOCIAL IDENTIFICATION PATTERN In two experiments (N=184), we investigated identification patterns (self-definition: individual self-stereotyping, ingroup homogeneity; self-investment: solidarity, satisfaction, centrality) between high and low socio-economic status groups. Results showed that low group status compared to high group status decreases self-investment aspects of identification, particularly satisfaction, while leaving self-definition aspects mostly unaffected. Jenny Roth1, Markus Barth2, Agostino Mazziotta3 1TU Dresden, 2Univ. of Leipzig, 3Univ. of Hagen SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES ATTENTION ALLOCATION TO MINIMAL GROUP MEMBERS NOT DETERMINED BY THREATASSOCIATION This study measured attention allocation to minimal groups with the dot-probe. Participants displayed an attentional bias to ingroup members, even though outgroup members were rated as more threatening. This provides evidence that threat-related processing may not always play a primary role in attention allocation and highlights the importance of social categorization. Heidi Blocker1, Kateri McRae1 1Univ. of Denver 298 SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES EFFECTS OF RACE AND GAZE ON PROCESSING AND RECALL OF INGROUP AND OUTGROUP FACES If target relevance underlies cross-race memory bias (CRE), such should be reflected in approach-avoidance behavior. Consistent with predictions, faster avoidance of direct gaze, but faster approach to direct gaze was larger to ingroup than outgroup targets. Researchers also replicated the CRE for direct but not indirect targets. Muhammad Mamsa1, Joshua Jones1, Melody Sadler1 1San Diego State Univ. SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES OVERCOMPENSATION NATION: THREATS TO THE NATIONAL STATUS ARE MASCULINITY THREATS FOR PATRIOTIC WHITE MEN Threats to America changes patriotic White men’s self-views. Rodolfo Barragan1, Michael Hahn1 1Stanford Univ. SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES ANGLO-NAMES AND RECOGNITION AMONG ETHNIC MINORITIES From the perspective of invisibility psychology, this research found preliminary results that adopting Anglo names may make ethnic minorities more likely to be recognized by the majority. The results of this research may expand our knowledge of the cognitive processes of discrimination and increase understanding of acculturation. Natalie Peppercorn1, Xian Zhoa1, Monica Biernat1 1Univ. of Kansas SESSION: P - GROUPS/INTRAGROUP PROCESSES HOW WILL YOU FEEL ABOUT YOUR ROBOTIC COWORKER? As technology spreads, robot and human interaction will become more prevalent in the workplace. Will humans see robots as competition or as co-workers? The present experiment tested this with both highly and minimally interactive robots completing tasks alongside humans. Survey and behavioral results extend theories on intergroup interaction to nonhumans. Benjamin Oistad1, Catherine Sembroski1, Kathryn Gates1, Margaret Krupp1, Marlena Fraune1 1Indiana University SESSION: P - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES CONCERN FOR OTHERS LEADS TO SUCCESSFUL CONFLICT RESOLUTION Two studies considered whether traits relating to having feelings of concern for, or taking an interest in, the thoughts and emotions of others are positively associated with adopting positive conflict behaviors, and with successful resolution. Agreeableness was the strongest predictor of adopting positive conflict behaviors and with achieving optimal resolution. Kirsten Johnson1 1Northeastern Univ. SESSION: P - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES HOW DO DAILY ACTIVITIES AND PERSONALITY PREDICT CHANGES IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC AND SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT? Students’ academic and social engagement contributes to desirable academic outcomes. The current research seeks to better understand how various predictors influence changes in student engagement. Results indicate that both academic and social engagement at Time 1 are strong predictors of engagement at Time 2 beyond students’ activities and personality. Kristina Mouzakis1, Daniel Ozer1 1UC Riverside SESSION: P - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES SITUATIONAL AND INTERPERSONAL VARIATION IN PSYCHOLOGICAL NEED SATISFACTION AND ITS RELATION TO WELLBEING We examined whether different people derive the same psychological need satisfaction from a given situation, and how these perceptions relate to wellbeing and personality. Although the situation played a larger role than individual differences, general need satisfaction and neuroticism still predicted situational experiences. Situational need satisfaction uniquely predicted situational wellbeing. Leyla Bagheri1, Marina Milyavskaya1 1Carleton Univ. SPSP 2016 ANNUAL CONVENTION 299 POSTE R AB STR ACT S SESSION: P - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES A SHORT VERSION OF THE PARENTAL CARE AND TENDERNESS SCALE Researchers eveloped and validated a 10-item short version of the Parental Care and Tenderness Scale. The short version correlates highly with the original scale, has high internal consistency, and a two-factor structure. These factors have unique predictive implications, and the short version predicts a wide range of social psychological phenomena. Marlise Hofer1, Erin Buckels2, Alec Beall1, Mark Schaller1 1Univ. of British Columbia, 2Univ. of Manitoba SESSION: P - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES INFERENCE OR INTEGRATION?: SOCIAL COGNITIVE DEFICITS IN ADULTS WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS Understanding social cognition deficits in autism can provide insights into typical social cognition. In two studies, we explored competing accounts of these deficits. We found that while adults with ASD struggle to make social inferences, they have a preserved ability to understand behavior using existing inferences. Joanna Korman1, Tiziana Zalla2, Bertram Malle1 1Brown Univ., 2Institut Jean Nicod, CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure SESSION: P - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES EARLY LANGUAGE EXPERIENCE HAS LONG-LASTING IMPACT ON THE NEURAL BASIS OF THEORY OF MIND Is the “social brain” hardwired or driven by extensive experience during development? Deaf children born into hearing families have delayed access to language and, accordingly, social cognition. These delays cause reduced selectivity and spontaneous recruitment of social brain regions and compensatory recruitment of non-social regions, both during development and adulthood. Jorie Koster-Hale1, Naomi Caselli2, Jennie Pyers3, Rebecca Saxe4, , 1Harvard Univ., 2Tufts Univ., 3Wellesley College, 4MIT SESSION: P - INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES TASK VS. INTERPERSONAL FOCUS IN COMPETITION We developed two sub-scales to assess how much individuals care about task performance vs.