February 2012 Tiger Times


February 2012 Tiger Times
“Homo praesumitur bonus...
An Analy High School Student Publication
February 2012
...donec probetur malus”
How Applying to College Made SOPA and
Me a… Different Person
Melody Stein
Back in early December,
when I sat tapping happily away
at my computer, marveling about
the strength of character and writing skills the college application
process gave me, I decided to write
an article called “How Applying to College Made Me a Better
Person.” Cliché, I know, but then
again, so is my life. Now, almost
two months later, I sent out my last
college application, begged good
riddance to the whole process, and
sat down to write my article. But
did applying to college actually
make me a better person? In the
end, the whirlwind college search,
ceaseless writing, and intense
stress definitely changed me, but
not altogether for the better.
Most seniors apply to about
six schools. Three “matches;”
schools that will probably accept
them, a few “reaches;” exclusive
schools that the applicant probably
won’t be accepted to, and a “safety” or two; schools that are almost
certain to accept them. I applied
to fifteen different colleges, most
of them falling into the match or
reach list. I continually added and
subtracted schools from the everchanging list until the last minute.
Friends and relatives would ask,
“where are you going to college?”
or “where have you applied?” to
which I would give the elusive
response “everywhere that won’t
take me, and a few places I don’t
want to go.” The truth is, I didn’t
want to admit failure by naming
specific schools and having to
potentially break the unfortunate
news of rejection.
The thing that stands out
most about applying to college is
Goats, Ponies, Oh My!
Pauline Allen
“Goats! Ponies! Did you
see them?” The murmurs ran
around school, yet the question
remained; why were there goats
and ponies by the school garden?
They were there in preparation for
gardening because, not only do
they eat the weeds, but they also
provide fertilizer- yes you know
exactly what I mean- and they aerate the ground with their hooves.
Aeration is a process of making holes in the ground to loosen
compacted soil and to allow oxygen and water to reach the roots of
plants more easily.
Ok, so the animals were
there to weed, but why were there
goats one day and ponies the next?
Goats (and sheep) are nibblers and
will eat the tops of plants. Also, the
goats were too friendly and easily
distracted from their job by all the
“Ponies” continued on p. 2
the writing. Endless writing. But
the worst part was that it wasn’t,
in fact, endless: three 2000 character essays for one school, two
500-word essays for another, and
dozens of short answer prompts.
Around the last week of
December, I realized that I had
long ago stopped writing essays
and instead wrote something
similar to TV commercials: short
snippets containing a sound bite
of personality or some supposedly
pithy remark. It’s impossible to explain one’s entire life story in 500
words. It’s impossible to explain
one’s entire life story in a three
volume memoir.
But the worst type of essay
of all is the character-limited essay.
The online application will actually cut off the response if it’s so
much as a character—or a space—
over the limit. By mid January, I
could sit down and write essays
that ended within three characters
of the limit. When I printed out
a rough draft of an old essay for
school, I was surprised to find the
differences in my writing style.
The school essay was long, meaty,
almost flowery, while the character
limits had cropped out nearly all of
my old style.
Stress. I didn’t know what
it was until I sat before my computer on Christmas day typing
another college essay for a school
I had added to my list the night
before. I didn’t know what it was
until I destroyed two stress balls
“Colleges” continued on p. 3
Tiger Times Articles
Page 2
Gina Hervey gives us a sweet
chocolate truffle recipe and other
Valentine’s Day food-related topics
Page 3
Juliet Hadid discusses standardized
testing: What is it good for?
The final round of WASC is coming. Learn what it entails in Natalie
Ambrosio’s article
Page 4
In the Mood: A report on the Night
of Jazz by Jonathan Stewart
Photo Credit: Nicholas Campbell
At the School Board meeting on January 25th. From left to right,
President Kellie Noe, Superintendent Keller McDonald.
NEW SECTION: See what was in
the Analy paper fifty years ago.
David Hua
The following article will mention
these creative acronyms:
SOPA: Stop Online Piracy Act
Real Online Threats to Economic
Creativity and Theft of Intellectual
Property Act (it’s in all caps for a
OPEN: Online Protection and Enforcement of digital trade act
ACTA: Anti-Counterfeiting Trade
On January 18, 2012,
around 115,000 websites “blacked
out” their page, participating in the
largest internet protest ever, against
two US bills, SOPA (introduced in
the House of Representatives by
Lamar Smith (R-TX)) and PROTECT IP (introduced in the Senate
by Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT)).
These two bills were designed to
curb online piracy (such as illegal
song downloading, torrenting, or
other infringements of copyright
policy), allowing the US government to shut down any websites
that use pirated content. The US
Chamber of Commerce states
that “Rogue websites that steal
America's innovative and creative
products … threaten more than 19
million American jobs.” If this is
“SOPA” continued on p. 2
Page 5
Straight From the The Tiger’s
Mouth. Two months’ worth!
Brooke Johnson gives us some
strange sports quotes
Teacher Insight: What didn’t you
know about Mr. Goldberg?
Page 6
Quote the GOP Candidates: Kota
Mizutani reviews the Republican
Horoscopes: What’s in your future?
Page 7
How can you get beautiful skin?
Read Mariana Leal’s article to find
TIGER TIMES, February 2012
Page 2
How to Make that
Special Someone Fall in
Love with You (r Food)
Gina Hervey
Thanks to About.com: Foods of
Valentine’s Day… Top with your
choice of toppings, some we like:
colored sugar, chocolate sprinkles,
and colored sprinkles!”
A few Valentine’s Day foods:
Asparagus: It was very
common to be fed to 19th century bridegrooms, and can now be
seen as a symbol of luck to a long,
healthy marriage.
Almonds: Symbol of health
and happy memories since ancient
times. And they smell good!
Arugula: served in many
salads, was used in 1st century AD
as a symbol for healthy relationships.
Chocolate: Enhances serotonin level, which makes a person
feel happier—a great characteristic
to have when “making friends”.
Fruit: High in vitamin C
fruits like blueberries tend to make
people feel comfortable, and thus
more open to “making friends”.
Figs: in history they symbolized health and well being; who
doesn’t want that?
A great way to enjoy Valentine’s Day, or simply any day, is
with Chocolate truffles.
A few notes: use dark chocolate
(62% or more), and the more fat
the better it tastes, though not the
better for you. (from Allrecipies.
Luscious Chocolate Truffles
By: Stace Bobbitt
Servings: 72
Original Recipe Yield 6 dozen
3 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 (14 ounce) can sweetened
condensed milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
In large saucepan, melt
chocolate chips with sweetened
condensed milk. Remove from
heat and stir in vanilla. Transfer
the mixture into a medium bowl.
Cover and chill 2 to 3 hours or
until firm.
Shape mixture into 1 inch
balls; roll in desired covering and/
or decorate them. Refrigerate in a
tightly covered dish.
Nutritional Information:
Amount Per Serving Calories: 53 |
Total Fat: 2.5g | Cholesterol: 2mg
“These are very rich and
enticing. Use red sprinkles for
Data from ESHA Nutrient Database
“Ponies” from p. 1
clear brush, which can be about
$300 a day, but price varies with
acreage. Even Google and Yahoo
have rented goats instead of lawn
movers. Dan Hoffman, Google’s
director of real estate and workplace services, wrote on Google’s
blog, “Instead of using noisy mowers that run on gasoline and pollute
the air, we’ve rented
some goats...to do the
job for us (we’re not
So the ponies and
goats spending time by
Analy’s garden represent yet another of our
school’s steps into the
eco-friendly world,
as we share weeding techniques with
students visiting them. So, then
came the ponies, who are grazers
and will eat all the weeds.
As an eco-friendly substitute to chemicals, using goats
for brush clearing is increasing in
popularity (ponies not so much).
Many people will rent a herd to
“SOPA” from p. 1
the case, then why are millions of
people against the legislation? I
shall attempt to answer this in three
SOPA or PIPA doesn’t actually stop piracy. If a foreign site is
caught using copyrighted material,
internet providers would have to
remove this site from their DNS
database. In simple terms, if www.
example.com was caught using a
copyrighted picture of a cat, the US
government would tell the companies that provide your internet
(Comcast, AT&T, etc) to block the
site so no one in the US could view
it. In theory, at least. In reality,
there are many ways to use foreign
DNS databases to bypass this filter
and the foreign websites could just
start a new website, like www.
example1.com, which wouldn’t
be blocked. The law doesn’t do
anything about the piracy itself, but
just blocks access to it. In addition, if an internet service provider
suspects a website is using copyrighted material, they can block
the website, even if they have no
evidence, since the entire process
bypasses US courts.
The cost to legitimate companies would be great. Say www.
example.com was determined to
host copyrighted material. All sites
linking to that link will be forced to
remove it immediately. That means
if you post on Facebook www.example.com, Facebook would have
to remove your post immediately,
or face legal punishments, which
can ultimately lead to the shutdown
of a legitimate site. Since the list of
“banned” websites will constantly
grow, this “self-policing” would be
difficult to attain for large companies, such as Google, Twitter, and
Facebook, and almost impossible
for smaller companies with fewer
resources. This would discourage
the formation of new start-ups,
negatively impacting the economy.
The user: if you are found
guilty of streaming 10 pieces of
copyrighted music or movies
within a six-month period, you
could face legal prosecution and be
placed in jail for 5 years. Oh dear.
The good news? SOPA and
PIPA were originally scheduled
to be voted on in late January,
but this date has been postponed
indefinitely due to the massive
online protest. How massive was
it? 162 million people worldwide
visited Wikipedia’s “blackout”
page alone, and 8 million people
in the US looked up the phone
number of their Congressperson on
Wikipedia. 7 million people signed
Google’s anti-SOPA petition
online. 3.9 Million SOPA-related
tweets were sent over Twitter. Representative Smith is reconsidering
his support for SOPA, but Senator
Leahy is still pushing for PIPA.
How about the OPEN Act?
This was proposed as an alternative
to PIPA by Representative Issa (RCA) that would include an appeals
process and would apply only to
websites that “willingly” promoted
copyright violation, and not just
any site that happened to link to the
site. This bill is supported by all
the big internet companies, including Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Hollywood is against this act as
they say it goes too easy on infringing websites.
There’s also ACTA, an
international “trade agreement”
attempting to protect intellectual
rights, including preventing copyright theft over the internet. This,
highly similar to SOPA, is considered by many to be more dangerous than SOPA as it is beyond
Congressional control and does not
require the approval of Congress.
There are currently protests across
Europe over ACTA. Why? The
treaty allows Internet service providers to actively monitor everything you do online to make sure
you’re not violating copyrights by
downloading music illegally. If a
person or company accidentally
infringed on a copyright, it could
be considered a criminal act. After
the latest revision to the text late
January, the agreement has become
less strict, but is still considered
significantly worse than SOPA.
So even after our long
battle against SOPA and PIPA, the
battle to keep the internet open and
free for all is not over yet.
Fun Facts:
- Representative Lamar Smith, who
introduced SOPA, used a copyrighted picture, without the permission from the original owner, on
his website (thus illegally).
- Godaddy.com, a webhosting
company, was originally in support
of SOPA but soon withdrew their
support after “selfprodigy,” a user
on the social news website Reddit,
urged people to boycott the company. This later inspired similar
- On the day of the great internet
blackout, Congress switchboards
were overloaded since so many
people were trying to call or send
emails to their Congressperson
about the bill. The Senate page
containing the phone numbers
and emails of the Senators had to
be temporarily taken offline for
“technical difficulties.” Congress
received over 400,000 calls and 3
million emails that day.
- The day after the Blackout, 18
senators switched sides from saying “Yes” to saying “No.”
TIGER TIMES, February 2012
“Colleges” from p. 1
on the same day by somehow ripping them to pieces. I didn’t know
what it was until I was pounding
my head against my keyboard at
11:58 the night one of my applications was due at midnight. Now, I
know. The stress eats away every
moment. It makes my hair fuzzy.
Going back to school after winter
break was relaxing. When we sit in
physics class, we think about physics. When we take a test, we think
about the test. We don’t stay up
all night wondering over and over
“what if I just don’t get in? What
shall become of me?”
Two days ago, I received
my first acceptance letter to the
School of the Art Institute of
Chicago. I’m still waiting on the
others and I still have the “what
shall become of me?” moments,
but the first semester of senior year
is slowly fading into the beautiful
vacuum of memory.
Over the last few months,
I’ve seen the college application process bring out the worst
in many. The insecurities, secret
fears, fierce competition, and occasionally outright despair make old
friends strangers as everyone deals
with falling from the past into the
future. But I’ve also seen it bring
out the best. There’s an inner peace
in saying, “I’ve done it. I may not
get in everywhere, but I tried. I’ve
done the thing I thought was impossible.”
The application process is
a struggle through and through,
but we’re seniors, and sometimes a
struggle is just what we need.
The Standardized
Testing Debate
Juliet Hadid
While students study
dutifully for their usual exams,
another test lurks in the backs of
their minds: the STAR tests this
spring. Students nationwide take
similar tests by national mandate,
but many students, teachers, education officials, parents, and the
public in general are beginning to
question the value of these tests.
“Two lines in a plane always
intersect in exactly
one point.”
Which of the following best
describes a
counterexample to the assertion above?
A coplanar lines
B parallel lines
C perpendicular lines
D intersecting lines
The agricultural changes
which took place in
England during the 1600s
contributed to England’s
later industrial development by
A strengthening the
importance of the family
B breaking large estates
into smaller farms.
C encouraging city
dwellers to return to
D producing more food
with fewer workers.
Do they really give an accurate
view of our schools’ progress, or
are they, as many people believe,
merely a one-dimensional snapshot
of the students’ test-taking abilities?
Let’s take a look at some
sample STAR tests. Here are a
handful of samples from the tenth
grade level. The correct answer is
Which is a factor of
A B C D What causes tomatoes to
ripen much more slowly in a
refrigerator than they do if
left on a table at room temperature?
A Tomatoes need sunlight to ripen.
B Humidity accelerates the ripening process.
C Low temperatures
reduce the action of
ripening enzymes.
D Enzymes produced
by bacteria inhibit ripening.
Page 3
WASC: Putting Our
Best Face Forward for
the Final Lap
Natalie Ambrosio
The final stages of our
WASC accreditation draw near.
Our hardworking staff, aided by
some students and parents, have
completed out self-study report,
which can be accessed here: www.
analyhighschool.org/wasc/ . The
last activity in our accreditation
process involves a team of volunteer teachers, administrators, and
one student who are from other
districts in California. They will be
here from Sunday February 26th to
the 29th.
They will have a busy four
days, getting to know Analy as
much as possible. The purpose of
this team is to validate our report.
They have read it beforehand, and
just come to make sure our reality
matches our nicely compiled statement.
While they are here, the
members of this team will visit
To answer each of these randomly selected questions correctly,
students must display a body of
discreet knowledge, memorization
of random facts that have little or
no importance in the “real world”.
Research has shown that the human brain struggles to retain large
quantities of this type of information. It does better with knowledge of concepts as opposed to
knowledge of facts. Furthermore,
knowledge of concepts will serve
students better as they advance
through classes, and as they join
the work force.
The STAR tests in their
current incarnation are more of a
hindrance to learning than an accu-
every single class, meet with the
five focus groups, the parents, the
school board, the leadership class,
and some random students.
After spending some indepth days with the Analy community this group sends a report
to WASC (Western Association of
Schools and Colleges). This report
will recommend an accreditation
term to WASC (as described in
a previous article). Our last two
evaluations gave us a six year
accreditation with a three year
visit. However we will not receive
WASC’s final decision until June.
This team of volunteers
is the important last step in this
lengthy process that our school
has been working on all year. So if
you see strangers walking around
campus from February 26th-29th,
smile! If they ask you to chat,
gladly give them a few minutes of
your time. Let’s show these visitors
how wonderful we are!
rate assessment of it. The modern
trend of “teaching to the test” is an
inefficient form of education, and
a waste of our resources. In times
of such economic struggles, we as
a nation should be spending every
penny of our education budget trying to further the students’ understanding of the world, not developing better scores on irrelevant tests.
The California STAR test
doesn’t do the job it was designed
for, and it should either be dramatically revised or completely
replaced with a better system of
assessment altogether.
TIGER TIMES, February 2012
Page 4
Get In the
Jonathan Stewart
For today’s article, I will be
openly endorsing lots of dancing
and drinking in a social setting.
No, I’m not talking about
Kota Mizutani, a.k.a. the Samurai of the Saxophone. Dillon Jackson, a.k.a. Hercules, God of Trombones.
a high school party; I’m talking
about In the Mood, an event put
on by the Analy Band Wagon and
To give a brief descripband room office.
fun while supporting a very awesponsored by the Sebastopol Comtion, In the Mood is a fundraiser
If you find yourself walksome and worthy cause.
munity Center and the law firm of
for the band program, with every
Let me give you a checklist
Spaulding, McCullough and Tansil
cent earned going straight to the
soon, check out some storefront
of reasons to get your parents to go
for adults age 21 and older.
program. In the Mood features
windows. You will be able to
to In the Mood:
This event marks the first
the music of the Analy Jazz Band,
Support a worthy cause
time that the Analy High School
wine, drinks, and appetizers for
promotional poster, designed by
Listen to a great band while
Jazz Band has ever made a public
sale, and an appearance from Stesophomore
eating and drinking fine food and
appeal to the community to supphen Nordquist, a renowned dance Athena Wheaton. And while your
port our music program. And, in
instructor who will be giving a
Your dad doesn’t have a
case you haven’t heard, our music
lesson on swing. In the Mood will Street, have them pop into CopValentine’s Day gift for your mom
program is pretty awesome. Stabe held at the Sebastopol Commu- perfield’s Bookstore to purchase an
tistically speaking, our program
nity Center from 7:30 to 11 PM on advance ticket for $20 (and, as a
Your parents want someis the most powerful in the state.
Friday, February 24. For more insort of prize for buying early, each thing to do on a Friday night
About 220 of the total 1,300 Analy
formation, have your parents visit
advance ticket comes with one free And finally, the jazz band
students are involved in band or
has been getting to school at 6:45
orchestra, which gives us the highTeachers and staff, listen
So, if your parents are the
every day. Please have your
est percentage of music program
up! You guys get a 2-for-1 distype
parents support our hard work and
participation in California. So,
count on advance ticket purchases
eating, and drinking while listening lack of sleep.
why not support this awesomeness
if you talk to the music program
to music, then please inform them
by sending your parents to In the
coordinator, Dawn Johnson, in the
about this great opportunity to have
What Was Happening Then...
By Maria Chiarotino
Many girls have queries
about what should be worn to the
Turnabout. Analy has two formal
events within a school year, those
being the Senior Ball, held during
the first semester, and the Junior
Senior Prom, which usually takes
place in May. For those who have
attended both of these formal dances in the past, you can understand
that without being too indulgent,
one can spend an uncomfortable
amount for just one evening. Many
girls have spent up to $75 and $85
on one formal evening.
The Prom will soon be
here. Saving a lovely formal that
you’re ever-so-anxious to wear, for
the prom is much more practical
and economical, especially if every
dance requires something new.
For these reasons Miss
Lorrain is asking all girls to wear
a “dressy” dress. You may wonder just what is meant by a dressy
dress. That term would exclude
a strapless dress, or a full-length
Controversial “Twist”
Dance is here to stay (oh!)
gown. A sheath in brocade, satin,
or a pretty, party wool would make
a very appropriate “dressy” dress.
Use one of your favorite “neverbefore-seen” summer cottons,
dressed up with heels, gloves, and
perhaps a little contrasting jacket
to make it really new. If you insist
on being the “belle of the ball”
add a fluffy, rippling chiffon, apron
skirt in a misty color to a simple
polished cotton. This can be very
easily made at home.
In whatever you choose,
remember that it is much less
conspicuous and embarrassing to
under dress than overdress.
This article originally appeared
in the February 9, 1962 edition of
The Analyan, the Analy student
newspaper of many years ago.
What is the subject causing
the most controversy in the world
No, it’s not the East-West
contest, it’s the Twist.
This “towel-rubbing, cigarette-smashing” monster (which
would in all probability have been
passing fancy if the parents had not
caught on) is here to stay.
The infant Twist was
brought into the world by Dick
Clark and Chubby Checker about
one year ago. It was semi-popular,
but soon died down.
Then with a tremendous
boost from the Peppermint Lounge,
a night spot in New York where
the twist became the main attraction, the full grown demon began
spreading with a jet-age tempo.
It began “bugging” Paris
last spring; it’s in England and
even way out in Lebanon, where
great protest is being made. The
Lebanese leaders claim it’s ruining the morals of their youth, and
have ordered policemen to raid
spots where the twist is done. One
police man remarked upon observing some teenagers twisting, “It
doesn’t seem immoral, they don’t
even touch each other.”
There are opinions for and
against the twist. It’s dancing in
a way, expression in movement.
It’s fun; it’s a stimulating topic of
But, on the other side of
the picture, there are the wrenched
backs, and the girl in New York
who broke her leg twisting. AND
there are the parents who have not
caught on.
This article originally appeared
in the February 9, 1962 edition of
The Analyan, the Analy student
newspaper of many years ago.
TIGER TIMES, February 2012
Straight From the
Tiger’s Mouth
“I feel naked without my hat.”
- Village Three
“Can you speak without
- Room 110
- Band
“Have you killed anyone
since you started playing?”
- Street
“That was my scorn...
spraying all over you.”
- Second Floor
“You guys get a
vehicle yet?”
- Safeway
“Can we stop for a miniscule
minute while I tie my shoe?”
- First Floor
“She said my sneeze is
like a small roar.”
- Room 203
“‘Fish are very absentminded.’
‘We need to learn to read minds
so we can study goldfish.’”
- Room 203
What’s your all time favorite
It’s a tossup between “Fingertips Part 2” by Stevie Wonder, or
Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony.
What’s the first thing you notice
about people?
Well, there are two things: whether
they have bilateral symmetry, and
when girls’ eyes don’t point in the
same direction, which I find attractive. But when I tell them they
don’t always get that it’s a good
thing in my opinion.
If you were a shoe what kind of a
shoe would you be?
Well, ok, a loafer for when I just
want to kick back, or um… or a
stiletto high heel, which is the wild
and crazy side of me.
Page 5
He Slud
Into Third
“Referee Richie Powers
called the loose bowel foul
on Johnson.”
Excerpted by Brooke Johnson
from Uncle John's Curiously
Compelling Bathroom Reader:
“It’s a great advantage to be
able to hurdle with both legs.”
Verbal gems actually uttered on the
air by sports announcers
“If only faces could talk.”
- Pat Summerall,
NFL announcer
“Hector Torres, how can you
communicate with Enzo Hernandez when he speaks Spanish
and you speak Mexican?”
- Jerry Coleman,
San Diego Padres announcer
“A lot of good ballgames on
tomorrow, but we’re going to
be right here with the Cubs and the
- Thom Brennaman,
Chicago Cubs announcer
“Lance Armstrong is about to
join a list which includes only
- Mark Brown,
ESPN sports analyst.
“I don’t think anywhere is
there a symbiotic relationship
between caddie and player
like there is in golf.”
- Johnny Miller,
Golf analyst.
- Frank Herzog, Washington
Bullets basketball announcer.
- David Coleman,
British sports announcer.
“The Minutemen are not tall
in terms of height.”
- Dan Bonner,
college basketball analyst.
“Jose Canseco leads off the 3rd
inning with a grand slam.”
- John Gordon,
Minnesota Twins announcer.
“The offensive linemen are
the biggest guys on the field,
they’re bigger than everybody
else, and that’s what makes them
the biggest guys on the field.”
- John Madden,
NFL announcer.
“Watch the expression on his
- Harry Neale,
hockey analyst.
“The Game’s in the refrigerator,
folks. The door’s closed, the
light’s out, the eggs are cooling, the butter’s gettin’ hard,
and the Jell-O’s a-jigglin’.”
- Chick Hearn,
L.A. Lakers announcer.
The Bathroom Readers Institute. “He Slud Into Third.” Uncle John’s
Curiously Compelling Bathroom Reader. 19th ed. Ashland: Bath
room Reader’s Press, 2006. Pag. 257. Print.
Have you ever been in a food
Interviewed by Ashton Fandel
Where did you grow up?
The Brooklyn Projects, in New
York City. I lived on Schenck (pronounced “skank”) Avenue. It was
kind of the ghetto.
What is your dream vacation?
It would be in a very large spacecraft with half G gravity, and I
would have a nice romantic time
with my wife.
Do you have any nicknames?
Yeah, I have a few. Hercules.
Peppy. Jaybo.
Of course. One time I was in a
submarine and we hadn’t come up
for air for three weeks, and we all
got sick of spaghetti.
How was your high school experience?
Let’s just say that I have a lot of
admiration for seniors because they
work harder than I did… But there
are only two things that I remember from my high school physics
class. The first thing is the shape of
my teacher’s head, and the second
thing I can’t tell you until you’re
Want to see pictures of yourself? Interested in submitting
an article? Yearning to see past Tiger Times? Visit us at
www.analy.org/tigertimes or find us on Facebook!
TIGER TIMES, February 2012
Page 6
Quote the
Kota Mizutani
This year’s GOP (Grand
Old Party) primary election to
select the man who will oppose our
current president, Barack Obama,
has been filled with controversy,
comedy, and quarrels that have left
citizens inspired and disappointed. And whether or not you’re
a Republican or Democrat, it’s
always a good idea to know your
presidential candidates so that you
have a slight idea of who might be
running your country in less than a
year. It’s also a good idea to know
how intentionally or unintentionally funny these politicians can be.
So let’s look at the weird, embarrassing, and lesser-known quotes
of our Republican contestants.
And if you don’t know what some
of them mean, go look up the issues. Trust me, it’s a worthy read.
scandals. Nonetheless, Gingrich is
an accomplished educator and politician and has seen much success
in South Carolina, making him a
formidable Republican nominee.
“I believe we are now in a
struggle over whether or not we are
going to save America.”
“If the Soviet empire still
existed, I'd be terrified. The fact
is, we can afford a fairly ignorant
presidency now.”
“A mere forty years ago,
beach volleyball was just beginning. No bureaucrat would have
invented it, and that's what freedom is all about.”
“I believe we will elect a
new President in 2012.”
Ron Paul
Commonly poked at for his
small size, it is said that Ron Paul’s
government will be as small as he
is. A former Libertarian, Paul has
shown durability in politics and is
arguably the most politically experienced candidate.
“Capitalism should not be
condemned, since we haven't had
“Everyone assumes AmerNewt Gingrich
ica must play the leading role in
Perhaps one of the most
crafting some settlement or comcriticized and attacked Republican promise between the Israelis and
presidential candidates, Newt Gin- the Palestinians. But Jefferson,
grich has been noted for his various Madison, and Washington ex-
February Horoscopes
January 20 – February 18
Could February be your
birthday? If it is, and especially if
it’s the 29th (extra day), get ready
for your best year yet. Make new
friends but keep the old. Remember the past, but celebrate the next
great adventure!
February 19- March 20
The planets are aligned and
you are one lucky fish! February is
a highly auspicious month for you.
Go forth and do great things!
March 21- April 19
The phases of the moon
affect you more than other people.
Be conscious of your behavior and
responses to friends and family.
Remember that a full moon can
throw you off course, a new moon
can cause you to feel lost, and
quarter moons will leave you calm
and refreshed.
April 20 – May 20
All you need is love!
February is Valentine’s Day! This
Valentine’s Day will find you
showered in candy, flowers, cards,
and love. Enjoy your good fortune,
but remember that not everyone is
as lucky, and make a few simple
valentines for friends.
May 21- June 20
The symbol for Gemini is a
pair to twins. This month you will
encounter many twins in your life.
This isn’t very relevant, but important nonetheless. Even if you are
not a twin yourself, you are blessed
to be born under the sign of twins.
June 21 – July 22
February is not a good
Mystery Club Bulletin
What a whirwind holiday we had Mystery Club Members. Journeys to
The Place are continuing, and each and every one of us must visit that
location by next month. In the meantime remain on look out for Him, as
he has yet to be spotted.
plicitly warned against involving
ourselves in foreign conflicts.”
“As recent as the year
2000 we won elections by saying
we shouldn't be the policemen of
the world, and that we should not
be nation building. And it’s time
we got those values back into this
“Just think of what Woodrow Wilson stood for: he stood for
world government. He wanted an
early United Nations, League of
Nations. But it was the conservatives, Republicans, that stood up
against him.”
Mitt Romney
Currently considered to be
the front-runner for the Republican race, Mitt Romney’s moderate stances have earned him not
only criticism from his own party
but praise from many Americans.
Mostly known for being the Mormon candidate, Romney’s unique
background and experience have
allowed him to advance considerably compared to the last election
in 2008.
“Even though I love solar
and love wind, like most people do,
I like the renewable sources, they
alone are not going to get America
energy independent.”
“I could have possibly beaten Senator McCain in the primary.
Then I could have been the candi-
month for you. You will have bad
luck on matters of chance. This is
very unfortunate, but with perseverance you can tough it out.
Things will be looking up by the
18th, and by the 28th life will be just
peachy again.
July 23- August 22
There may or may not be a
leap second this year in addition to
the leap year! Stay active in your
community and stand up for the
things you believe in. If counting
seconds is what you love to do,
share the joy!
August 23- September 22
Spread the love! Valentine’s Day is here and although you
remain single, it’s never too late to
pick up a quick bouquet or two, or
write a nice card. You may even
find yourself a valentine after all.
September 23 – October 22
The moon’s tidal effect
on the earth may cause it to slow
down and lose a second or two
every few years, but for you it tips
the scales of fortune in your favor.
Any career opportunities are bound
date who lost to Barack Obama.”
“America is not better off
than it was $1.8 trillion dollars
“Massachusetts children
cannot only lead the nation in test
scores, they can be competitive
with the best in the world. And the
gap in achievement among races
can virtually disappear.”
Rick Santorum
A heavily religious candidate, Santorum has attracted Evangelical citizens and Republicans
from all walks of life. The new kid
on the block, Santorum has shown
considerable strength and endurance during this primary.
“Isn't that the ultimate
homeland security, standing up and
defending marriage?”
“The idea is that the state
doesn't have rights to limit individuals' wants and passions. I disagree
with that. I think we absolutely
have rights because there are consequences to letting people live out
whatever wants or passions they
“My feeling is, well, if it's
my money, I have a right to judge.”
“Candidly, I believe most
corporations actually don't mind
big government.”
to prove profitable.
October 23 – November 21
Consider this poem:
Love Equals Swift and Slow by
Henry David Thoreau
Love equals swift and slow,
And high and low,
Racer and lame,
The hunter and his game.
November 22- December 21
You are always looking for
new opportunities and guess what?
This February is full of new and
exciting prospects. 2012 is a leap
year, which means that when your
Valentine’s Day candy is all gone,
and you’re left staring out the window mourning the loss of February, you have a whole extra day to
make your dreams come true!
December 22- January 19
What a winner! This is your
month to win the prize! Enter competitions and play games of chance
because your name is sure to win
the jackpot. Beware of strain with
family relations come the 17th,
TIGER TIMES, February 2012
Steps to
Mariana Leal
So, we didn’t have a newspaper in January. Which means that
all the planning that went into my
New Year’s Resolution themed
article was for naught? False! January has come and gone, as have
most of our attempts at fulfilling
those pesky resolutions. Now, as
February gets rolling, you can
focus on other goals for yourself,
because the hype has died down.
So, ladies and gents, let’s
talk about an easy resolution to
maintain: getting clear skin! All it
really takes is good quality products and diligently sticking to a
routine. And, before you finish the
article and look up in disbelief, let
me tell you that I will not be endorsing any one brand or product,
which means no recommendations.
Spring Cleaning
First: go through all of your
makeup and skin care products.
Throw out everything too old.
Foundation is too old if it’s been
open for two years. I don’t care if
it’s Chanel; throw it out! Mascara
caps at 3 months, six if you really
like to push the envelope. Any
older, throw it out. Yeah, you might
have half a bottle left, but you
don’t want pink eye, or other eye
Go through all of the skin
care products you own: if it has
something listed as alcohol (but
not cetyl-alcohol, which is found
in a lot of lotions and is fine) or it
smells like rubbing alcohol, throw
it out. It’s doing a number on your
skin, and I’ll talk about that a little
If it’s a facial exfoliating
scrub, it’s probably not great for
your skin, either, since the particles
can damage skin cells. Any SPF
older than a year has probably lost
its effectiveness.
Also, packaging is important: you want the product to be
shielded from sunlight and air, so
opaque, pump top bottles are the
best choice when you are making a
purchase. Oh, and before I forget,
essential oils are skin irritants and
should be avoided in large amounts
or in any amounts by those of us
with sensitive skin.
Now, don’t rush to the store
just yet to stock up on new makeup
and lotions and creams. Wait just
two weeks to see if you feel any
major differences in your skin.
What’s Your Type?
Second, an important step:
determine your skin type. This is
pretty easy; first, cleansing your
face when you wake up and don’t
apply any other products--that
means no moisturizer, no toner,
no acne treatment, no makeup
(not even mascara or blush or eye
shadow). I mean nothing. Then,
about four hours later, take a good
look at your face.
After first congratulating
yourself on looking so good without even trying to, analyze your
skin. Are you shining, and not just
because of your inner beauty? You
probably have oily skin. Is your
skin tight or scaly looking? It probably tends toward dryness. Is your
t-zone (forehead, nose and chin)
oily and are your cheeks feeling
tight? You likely have textbook
combination skin.
A side note on combination
skin: you can have any combination of really oily, mildly oily or
normal skin in your t-zone and
super dry, dry or normal skin on
your cheeks, and depending on the
contrast between your skin’s dryness and oiliness, you may need to
get separate products for the different zones on your face.
And for you lucky, lucky
ladies and gents, you might feel
like you apply to none of those categories because you have normal
skin. Luckies.
Now, any skin type can be
sensitive, not just people with dry
skin. So, is your skin red or irritated often, or, you know, sensitive?
If it is, stay away from irritants,
like alcohol.
Making Your Schedule
Now, you must decide on a
regime! This is kind of fun, even
if some research is involved. An
easy way to check out some wellreviewed options for your skin
is to go to beautypedia.com and
search all reviews, narrowing down
the list by skin type. You need an
appropriate cleanser (a milky one
if you have drier to normal skin or
a foamy one for oilier skin), and
exfoliator, a toner (maybe) and a
great moisturizer for day and night.
Cleaners should not contain alcohol. Duh. A great reason
why, for all of you with combination skin is this: Imagine alcohol
being applied to normal skin. Now
imagine the t-zone becoming oilier
and the cheeks becoming drier as a
result. Now, combination skin has
appeared where normal skin was
before. It’s like magic, only sinister. So, no alcohol. Your exfoliator can be one of 3 things: your
mild cleanser and a soft washcloth
(cheapest option and best substitute
for an exfoliating scrub), an AHA
exfoliator (great for getting rid of
Page 7
blackheads) or a BHA exfoliator
(good for all kinds of acne).
What Not To Do
Now, some of you are probably wondering why I included
“maybe toner.” It’s because toner
can be a great way to get antioxidants to oily skin (instead of using
a moisturizer), but most are made
from witch hazel and/or alcohol.
Both of them equal awful, bad
news for your skin. Steer clear.
The other major category
of toner is essentially “scented face
water” which does nothing for your
skin and just makes you smell like
you fell face first into a rose bush,
not to mention the essential oils
can make those of us with sensitive
skin and ruddy faces actually look
like we did.
Since toners are mostly
hit or miss, feel free to skip on
them. However, moisturizers are
really important. Look for one
with naicimine and antioxidants,
packaged in an opaque, pump top
bottle! And get one with SPF 30
(at least) for day wear. A similarly
formulated cream, minus the SPF,
for night is a nice addition to any
regime. And I can tell that exactly
51.29998% of my male readership
never finished this paragraph. But
for those of you who did, yes, guys
can use moisturizer and toner and
cleanser and exfoliators (not in that
order) and, no one will ever know
if you’re embarrassed about it. The ladies will just think
that your clear, healthy looking
skin is a nice addition to your subtly put together, classy look. You
did read that first article, right? A
note on acne treatments: make sure
you exfoliate the area first and then
apply saylic acid or benzyl peroxide (the two most researched and
recommended treatment choices)
to the area, and finish up with a
little moisturizer.
The most important thing
you can do now is follow your
routine. Cleanse, exfoliate, (tone)
and moisturize every day, twice
a day (morning and night). Do it
religiously. Use on the spot treatments as needed to fix break outs.
However, you’ll have less and less
breakouts if you follow said ritual
with fanatic zeal. And, when your
friends ask what makes your skin
so perfect and your pores so small
(I don’t know that that would apply to guys. Would they just ask,
“Dude, where’d all your zits go?”)
you can just brag about how your
genes are just that awesome or you
can claim a new soul for the clear
skin revival. Hallelujah!
To all administrators
and faculty: Happy
Valentine’s Day
Hey it’s Quinn!
Leave a message!
David Hua, it’s a
*Stomp! Clean out!
-Clara & Dakota
Attack of the
TIGER TIMES, February 2012
Page 8
Analy Choir presents...
Benefit Variety Show!!
This Friday, 7pm in the Auditorium.
$5 admission students, $10 adults
All proceeds go to Food For Thought
I’ve always loved you,
loved you since Apple
Your Secret Admirer
I like turtles.
Hey it’s Quinn!
Leave a message!
Fallon Salomon
Look at me when I’m not here.
Wipe away my tears.
Dress me up in grey and green.
So that maybe I’ll be seen.
Touch me when I cannot feel.
Take off my bandages.
Lock me up and lose the key.
So that maybe I’ll be free.
To Miles Pepper:
To Anonymous,
Who Am I?
Rita, Frita,
Maria Band
February’s Sudoku (Difficulty: medium)
Hear me when I cannot speak.
Untie my weak lips.
Hide me from this place.
So maybe then I won’t be
Dance with me when I cannot
Make me smile and make me
Bring me into a ballroom dance.
So maybe then I’ll have a
Some say I am the wind.
Dancing in the air,
Some say the empty space.
Just standing in this place.
Solution to December’s Sudoku
Who am I? Not fear,
But Love.
Gina Hervey
Forever and always are be-
coming common words to see
around town
Enchanting whispers of pas-
Leadership Updates
Tiger Times Staff
Editor in Chief - Natalie Ambrosio
Assistant Editor - Grayson Dimick
Advertising Coordinator Madeline Camilleri
Advertising Coordinator Mimi Pinna
Staff Photographer - Alyssa Mintz
Layout Designer - David Hua
Layout Designer - Josh Fandel
Faculty Advisor - Joel Stickel
Visit us on the web at
Greetings everyone! Welcome back to an exciting second semester,
jam-packed with awesome activities!
Running for an ASB office? (You should!) Applications are due
February 14th at 3PM to Ms.Apkarian’s office. Don’t be late!
Thank You to everyone who donated blood at our Blood Drive!
Singing Valentines will be delivered February 14th.
WASC will be visiting our school February 26-29. Please refer to the
article on Page 2 of this issue of the Tiger Times.
Turnabout tickets are on sale now! $10 with ASB sticker until this
Friday, $15 Feb 21-22, $20 Feb 23-24. Turnabout is March 3rd.
Prom is April 14th at the Academy of Sciences in SF. Bids are on
sale beginning March 5th at $100 w/ ASB sticker, $110 without.
The documentary film Race to Nowhere tickets are on sale now for
$11.50 online at www.rtnanalyhs.eventbrite.com. The movie will be
aired in the auditorium February 22, 7-9:30pm.
No School February 16th-February 20th. Enjoy your break!
Student Senate is March 6th during SSR in Choir Room,
Tiger Transition is February 14th during SSR in the Big Gym.
David Hua
ASB Business Manager
sion attempt to make hardly a
Because it’s nearing Valentine’s day
Rudolf has left, and we must
Under the stress of unending
Alluring dreams sneak in of
a summer pool
Ready or not, homework
keeps on comin’
You have to, darn it, keep on