2357 OUBC The Foot 4_05 (Page 2)
2357 OUBC The Foot 4_05 (Page 2)
March 2005 THE FOOT Old Blues and Isis Newsletter Bosporos BC and the 2005 Blue Boat race at Wallingford W ith the 2005 Boat Race only weeks away, this is the first Foot newsletter to commemorate the three Olympic successes of our Old Blues and Isis. All 560 OBI around the world must have got up, stayed up or stayed put to watch Matthew Pinsent (Blue ’90, ’91, ’93) and Ed Coode (Blue ’98) win their Gold Medals in the GB coxless Four. This was followed by a Silver Medal for Gerritjean Eggenkamp (Blue ’02) as the Dutch Eight won the battle behind a USA Eight that had led from the start. We had a wonderful opportunity to celebrate their successes at the December Bosporos BC Dinner at Simpsons in the Strand. Attended by well over 100 OBI, squad and coaches. it was another demonstration that Bosporos BC is very much alive and well in its seventh year. If you would like to join and be part of similar events, please email Pete Bridge on pete.bridge@abnamro.com After last year’s result, we’re all hoping that the 2005 Boat Race on 27 March will be another cause for celebration. Details of the dinner at the Dorchester organised by Martin Watts (Isis ’89, Blue ’90) are on the last page of The Foot. Martin steps in after many years of Dick Fishlock’s hard work and superb organisation. All our thanks must go to Dick for these Dinners It looks to be a really exciting Race ahead in 2005, with two superb Blue Boats. After a very strong performance against Leander on 12th March, it’s a confident Blue Boat that enters the last two weeks preparation. We wish both the Blue Boat, the Blues-strengthened Isis and the coaching team the best of luck on March 27th. Tom Barry, Old Blues and Isis Representative The 2005 Boat Race Eight named ‘Daniel Topolski’ We’re now in our third year of an OUBC ‘tradition’ – naming our new boats after significant members of OUBC. This year, in a ceremony attended by over 110 Old Blues, Isis, current squad, coaches, friends and family, the sun shone on cue at the Wallingford site as the new Empacher eight was named ‘Daniel Topolski’. Miles Morland, OUBC President in 1965 when Dan first came up to New College, gave a wonderful review of Dan’s achievements, including his own initial advice that Dan was far too small to row and should try his hand at tennis. Miles was equally insistent that this must have been the lucky prompt to ensure Dan never stopped rowing, coaching and giving so much of his life to OUBC over 40 years and named the boat with a minimum of Formula One champagne spraying. Sean Morris (Blue ‘63, ‘65) and Rachel Quarrell (Isis ‘92) Dan then rowed at bow in the Bosporos BC crew, racing the newly formed Blue Boat, and lunch followed with further words from Boris Rankov, Michael Barry and Dan. It was a wonderful, well attended and fitting occasion. 'Dan in the bow seat with Hugh Corroon (Blue ‘95) Neil Chugani (Isis ‘90, Blue ‘91) and Matt Smith (Blue ‘00 - ‘03) Two generations of Topolski Dan and Suzy Topolski Miles Morland (Blue ‘63, ‘64, ‘65) and Dan Topolski Giles Vardey (Isis ‘75, Blue ‘77) and John Wiggins (Blue ‘76, ‘77, ‘79) From the coach’s launch… Chief Coach Sean Bowden gives the story of the preparation and development of the 2005 squad for the Boat Race on 27th March. Nearly seven months in preparation… Squad training started at the beginning of September, with four athletes who had been at the Athens Olympics joining in later in the month. Perhaps the most striking thing about this year’s initial group was the depth of quality athletes, with twelve rowers having represented their country at senior or U23 level. In the initial squad there was a strong North American contingent, with international and top level collegiate experience, as well as three members of the British Rowing Team including this year’s President, Robin Bourne-Taylor, back in Oxford after his year in the Olympic Eight. It was, however, by no means just about the new graduate intake, as they joined last year’s Blue Boat stern four with their own Great Britain U23 experience. With several good junior internationals coming in as freshmen, a choice of capable coxswains and some rowers from the colleges, the 2005 squad looked to have enough ingredients to make for a very competitive year and two strong crews at the end. The only disappointment was that the total number of trialists was less than 25. With a number of last year’s Isis rowers choosing not to put themselves forward, and only a few rowers from the summer’s development activities presenting themselves for training, it means that we started running with only twenty two rowers and four coxswains. Each season starts with a 2 km ergometer test and a wide selection of physiological tests to assess each rower’s physical capacity. This testing procedure has been developed over the last five years within our programme and provides valuable information about how best to bring each athlete to his best for race day. Training is not all about the laboratory and with the Pairs Head, Fours Head, Indoor Rowing Championships, Upper Thames Small Boat Head and the National Team Trials ahead of them, there is more than enough opportunity for the rowers to show what they can do. The Michaelmas Term climaxes with the Trial Eights on December the 14th. As traditional as this event is, it still provides the best race situation for the rowers to get to understand the Boat Race, even if its role within the selection process has diminished. The Christmas break is followed with the January training camp in Mequinenza in Spain. With its basic facilities and mile upon mile of still water, the squad is able to get on with some excellent training in a tough but very focused environment before returning to England for the final stages of selection. With The Blue Boat and Isis selected by early February, the Hilary term is all about getting ready to race. The emphasis of the training shifts away from the voluminous endurance training of the first term towards those specific workouts that emphasise the intensity and technique needed for the Race. Warm up fixtures have been arranged, including the traditional one with with Leander on March 12th to put the final edge on the crews. It is then the last two weeks on the Tideway preparing to avenge last year’s ignominious defeat and make it four wins out of the last six Races! The newly formed Blue Boat prepares to race Bosporos BC at Wallingford on 13th February. OUBC Boat House Appeal The Appeal is now well and truly launched and we are making solid progress towards our £3.6 million target and to start building on the magnificent site at Wallingford. By now, all OBI should have received a brochure and/or a phone call from a fellow crew member to discuss the Appeal and your possible donation. In addition, Joe Michels (Blue ’91, ’92, ’93) is currently co-ordinating the US and Canadian Appeal and Ian Gardiner (Blue ’’92, ’93) the Australian Appeal. We have had a wide range of individual and crew donations including £50,000 raised from the 1965 “Krew of Steel”. It shows the huge support for what will be a home for the combined Men’s and Women’s University Boat Clubs. If you haven’t received a call or a brochure and would like to discuss the Appeal or make a donation, please call Tom Barry on 07970 724253 or email tom.barry@oubc.org.uk OUBC at Henley Royal Regatta 2004 Colin Smith (OUBC stroke ’04, Isis ‘05) overhauls the GB selected I.J.Lawson of Leander on the Friday of HRR. Colin went onto the Final of the Diamond Challenge Sculls but lost to the seeded M. Hacker of Germany.When was the last time an OUBC sculler got to the Final of the Diamonds? The Isis crew of the Men’s Student Coxed Fours, with Steve Royle and coach Johnnie Singfield.With two ’04 Isis and two squad spare men, they got to Sunday with some determined rowing on all three days, but lost narrowly to Imperial in the Final. Gerritjean Eggenkamp (Blue ’02) at 6 in the Hollandia Roeiclub Grand crew.This crew went onto win the Grand and took the silver medal in the Athens Olympics. Details of this year’s Boat Race and where to support DATE: SUNDAY MARCH 27TH TIMES: Isis v Goldie at 2.35pm Oxford v Cambridge at 3.05pm OXFORD OUTING TIMES UP TO THE RACE: OUBC boat from Westminster School BC and there’s generally launch space to follow the crews in the days before. Check with Steve Royle (Tel: 07990 523404 or stephen.royle@oubc.demon.co.uk) for details beforehand. The OUBC website www.oubc.org.uk will have regular updates. WATCHING THE RACES AT PUTNEY: Imperial College BC We’ve decided to move our OUBC families and supporters room this year from TRC to next door Imperial College BC. IC have provided us with a much needed bigger room, but the excellent view of the start remains, with the rest of the Races shown on a large television. It is a wonderful place to base yourself for the afternoon’s activities. As before, there is a small charge for the room and tea, of £7.50 per person, admission by ticket only. Please email me on tom.barry@oubc.org.uk with your requirements and send a cheque (to ‘OUBC’) to me at 11 Theresa Road, London, W6 9AQ. I’ll send or email you the tickets. MV Salient Richard Fishlock has again organised the MV Salient as the base for the ‘on water’ viewing of the Races and has some tickets available. It’s a fantastic place to watch from and Richard always provides a superb fare and appropriate celebrations. Tickets from Richard Fishlock on 01865 310319. Boat Race Dinner You will hopefully have received your invitation to this year’s Boat Race Dinner at the Dorchester. If you have not received one, or are still to reply, please contact Martin Watts by email at Martin.Watts@CharterChambers.com or by phone on 07956 911 501. Contact details and websites to visit: OUBC Stephen Royle, OUBC Director of Rowing Tel: 01865 790268 e-mail: stephen.royle@oubc.demon.co.uk website: www.oubc.org.uk. Barbara Wilson, OUBC Administrator Tel: 01865 790268, email: admin.oubc@sport.ox.ac.uk The Boat Race website, updated each day www.theboatrace.org Bosporos Boat Club Peter Bridge Tel: 020 8748 0053 e-mail: pete.bridge@uk.abnamro.com website: www.bosporos.com OBI and Veterans Boat Race Tom Barry Tel: 07970 724253 e-mail: tom.barry@oubc.org.uk Graphic Design by: ic design limited - Tel: 020 8748 2536 People and Events March 2005 OLD BLUES AND ISIS Henley Royal Regatta 2004 Having arranged the hire of a launch for OBI and guests at HRR for the first time in 2004, I was not a little concerned to see how it all worked out! It was a resounding success and has started an OUBC ‘tradition’. I have already booked launch Arethusa for this year’s HRR Friday and Saturday. Let me know if you’re interested. You could either join others on board or take the launch for your own party for an hour or so. Richard Manners (Blue ’93), wife Emma and their son at the OUBC Saturday drinks.Such devotion to OUBC that David and Emma have created a small but perfectly formed Blue’s blazer for the next generation to wear early! Good to know it still fits. Peter Saltmarsh (Blue ’67, ’68, ’69) Arethusa leaving Leander with a full OUBC complement. Henry Morris (Isis '02,'05, Blue '03, '04) smiling and John Ducker (Isis at HRR, 1958) waving. Liz Chick (Blue ’92, ’94), Kingsley Poole (Isis ’90, Blue ’92, ’93, ’94), Ed Haddon (Isis ’92) and Ed Bellamy (Blue ’96, Isis ’97) enjoying themselves? Keith Mason (Blue ’56, ’57) and David Hardy (Isis ’59) OUBC 2004 Summer Family Day O ne of the highlights of the OUBC summer 2004 was the 150th Race celebration Family Day in Christ Church. After a service at the Cathedral, 100 OBI and their families had lunch in the President’s Garden. Excellent food, good wine and great company. We surely can’t wait another 150 years to do something like this again! Jim Rogers (Isis ’65, Blue ’66) and Michael Barry (Blue ’46) and past OUBC Treasurer. Chris Freeman (Blue ’66 and ’67) flew over from Canada to join the lunch. Preparing the event… Lynton Richmond (Isis ’83, ’84 and Blue ’85) and OUBC Treasurer with future OUWBC potential. Head of the Charles 2004 Bosporos Boat Club raced in the HOTC in Senior Eights, coming seventh in the Division, beating Crabtree BC and improving on previous times. Very windy, very cold and superbly organised by stroke Nick Holland (Isis ’80, Blue ’82), now in Washington DC. Andrew Gordon-Brown (Isis ‘93, Blue ‘94) Jerry Dale (Blue ‘69, ‘70, ‘71) The Crew: Alexander Lindsay, Jerry Dale, Nick Holland, Tom Barry, Andrew-Gordon Brown, Stephen Plunkett, Duncan Spencer, Abi Chapman (Mark Dunstan, not present) Steve Royle and Heather Boxer OUBC and Isis crossed oars Polo shirts and long sleeved tops watching the IVs Head in November from Hammersmith Bridge. Heather has housed, fed and supported the Blue Boat during their final Putney fortnight for many years. We’ve long had OUBC and Isis clothing available for purchase but Jonathan Scarlett (Blue ’62) has widened the variety available. Most pictures are worth a thousand words…. 150th Anniversary Race Champagne in support of the Boat House Appeal There is still some of this delicious champagne, first publicised in the last issue of The Foot, available to OBI. It is the product of a family owned vineyard 5 miles NE of Reims and available to us through the energies of Keith Mason (Blue ’56, ’57). The specially designed label and bottles are shown here. David Livingston, (Blue ’03, ’04 and Isis ‘05) wears the OUBC crossed oars Polo shirt. Henry Morris, (Isis '02,'05, Blue '03, '04) in the long sleeved version At £89.70 for a six bottle case (£14.95 a bottle) it is wonderful value and all surplus will go directly to the Boat House Appeal. Contact Jonathan on 07973 780838 or qanda@linens-uk.com to order. Contact Barbara Wilson at Iffley Road. Cases can be collected from either Iffley Road or Hammersmith. OUBC Tie We still have a few OUBC silk ties left from the 2002 production, designed by 2002 President Ben Burch. It has the Oxford crossed blades with crown above, and is worn by Giles Vardey in his photo (front page) at the recent Boat Naming Ceremony. It is available from Barbara Wilson at OUBC Iffley Road for £26 (including P+P). Cheques made out to OUBC and sent to Iffley Road Sports Centre, Iffley Road, Oxford, OX4 1EQ or arranged by telephone on 01865 790268. Graphic Design by: ic design limited - Tel: 020 8748 2536