the porthole - CCSPS Portholes
the porthole - CCSPS Portholes
TH E PORTHOLE Cape Cod Sail and Power Squadron, Inc. District 14 A unit of United States Power Squadrons® Sail and Power Boating – America’s Boating Club® January 2005 COMMANDER’S MESSAGE Cdr Jean Turnbull, SN January is a very busy month in the squadron’s Educational Department. In addition to the commencement of our public introductory boating course in Orleans, the Engine Maintenance course will be offered to squadron members. This course has not been taught in the last couple of years, and it is sure to be of relevance and interest to active boaters. In addition to these offerings, two one-day seminars are planned for Saturday, 29 January. Once again, our own D/Lt/C Art Kimber, SN, and P/V/C Bob David, SN, team up to lead the Operations Training Program not only for our squadron but also for members of the other seven squadrons in our District. This program facilitates the sharing of perspectives among all eight squadrons and is the best general overview of all aspects of USPS®. It explains how the national, district and squadron units of our organization work together to produce success in our mission to educate the boating public and advance the educational and fraternal aspects of squadron life for members. A very interesting part of the program is the administration of an abbreviated version of the MyersBriggs evaluation which assists participants in determining their own leadership and communication styles. Upon completion of this seminar (there is no exam!), you will know much more about the organization to which you belong and have the opportunity to meet members from other squadrons in southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Details about registering for this program may be found elsewhere in this Porthole. Lt Garry Stephens, S, our Cooperative Charting chairman, has been working diligently to put together a one-day seminar to instruct members on how to collect and report data relevant to the updating of the nautical charts used in our local boating area. Prior to attending the seminar, Lt Stephens will provide direction to VOLUME 43 ISSUE 1 participants in their completion of a couple of hours of field work. At the seminar, the data collected in the field will be organized and entered into the U.S. Government’s computerized data base. Types of information to be gathered include the current status of such items as marine facilities (boat ramps and marinas), tidal benchmarks, geodetic marks, and navigational landmarks visible from the water. Details about registering for this program may be found elsewhere in this Porthole. During the cold and dark month of January, we encourage you to take the opportunity to “THINK SUMMER” by participating in one or more of our squadron’s educational offerings. OTHER SQUADRON HAPPENINGS WEDDING BELLS ARE RINGING BIG NEWS!! Two of our squadron members just got engaged!! On 18 December, Terry Wilcox, P, proposed to Lt Barbara Garrett, P, and Barb said “yes”!! Wedding bells will be ringing in St. Thomas in January. Congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy life together. FOUNDERS DAY CELEBRATION Every year in February we look back with gratitude for the foresight of Roger Upton in founding the United States Power Squadrons in 1914. We celebrate our good fortune to be his successors in furthering the mission and vision of this great organization. Join in the 91st Anniversary celebration on 5 February at White's Restaurant, Westport, MA. A reservation form is attached. For more information call D/Lt/C Art Kimber, SN at 508-778-2476. Reservations are due by 26 January The Porthole 1 50 YEARS OF MEMBERSHIP CELEBRATED 2004 marks 50 years of USPS® membership for two of our squadron members. P/C Carl Wolsieffer, AP, and David Hinckley were presented with a beautiful plaque and lapel pin by District 14 Commander, Lee Blackburn, SN, and CCSPS Commander, Jean Turnbull, SN. The presentations were memorialized with pictures followed by spirited conversations of boating experiences. Congratulations to both Carl and David; we greatly appreciate your long-term support of our organization. [ P/C Carl Wolsieffer, AP David Hinckley TAX TIME IS APPROACHING The new year is accompanied by the preparation of our annual income tax returns. The USPS® and Cape Cod Sail and Power Squadron, Inc. are tax-exempt organizations under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. As an active member you may be entitled to a charitable contribution deduction on your tax return if you itemize deductions. While you cannot deduct the value of your time or services, you may be able to deduct some of the expenses you incur as an officer, board member or a member providing boating safety and education services to the public. The following are examples of expenses which may be deductible if they are not reimbursed; are directly connected to the charitable services; and are not personal, living or family expenses. • Car expenses at a standard mileage rate of 14 cents a mile plus parking and tolls or actual outof-pocket expenses for gas, parking and tolls. • Uniforms that are not suitable for everyday use. • Travel expenses, meals and lodging if you are away from home overnight on USPS business. • Cash donations and property donations (at fair market value). • Miscellaneous expenses, postage, telephone, supplies, etc. if they are not reimbursed. • Dues which exceed the value of benefits received. Since National places a value of $10 on the annual subscription to the Ensign, the balance is deductible. The above expenses may be deductible if incurred while attending Executive Committee meetings, District and National meetings, teaching or proctoring a class, vessel safety inspections, cooperative charting activities, etc. However, expenses related to social functions and monthly dinner meetings do not qualify. The above information is not meant to be a full and comprehensive list of all expenses which may be deducted. Consult your tax advisor prior to taking any deduction. OPERATIONS TRAINING Get your questions about the organization to which you belong answered! Learn about the relationship of our Squadron to the District and National units. Get to know how our Squadron functions through its component parts - Executive, Educational, Administrative, Secretary and Treasurer - with the Commander holding it all together. The information you derive from Operations Training is bound to make your participation in USPS more meaningful and rewarding. It only takes a little effort to complete this no-exam program. Operations Training is being offered on Saturday, 29 January 2005 at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Buzzards Bay (the Harrington Building) from 0900 to 1500. Bring your lunch and $10 to cover materials. In order to insure sufficient materials, please pre-register by calling Art Kimber at 508-778-2476 by 15 January. A two hour follow-up session will be planned at the convenience of participants to round our the program. The Porthole 2 HOLIDAY PARTY SHARING Three Cape helping organizations were the recipients of the food and cash collected at our Holiday Party on 11 December. • Non-perishable food items with a value of approximately $250 were delivered to the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry at St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, where our own Don Chase is a regular Friday morning volunteer. • The Hands of Hope Outreach Center on Rt. 28 in Dennisport, which operates a food pantry and clothing distribution center, received a donation of $235 to assist in its program of food and toy distribution to needy families during the holiday season. • The final recipient, A Baby Center, which serves the needs of infants and their mothers Cape wide, received $240 to purchase infant formula, diapers, medications and clothing items. Thanks to all who contributed to this program of sharing, and thanks to Ben Pihl for rounding up our cash donations. SUNSHINE COMMITTEE Lt/C Larry Cole, AP* Patricia Darlene (Covington) Jensen, wife of Past Commander (1997) Robert Jensen, AP, passed away on December 11th. A Celebration of Life Ceremony was held on December 19th at the Brewster Baptist Church, where Pat was a deacon and active member. Two rows of squadron members attended. Anecdotes from Pat's full, varied and very contributory life were shared with celebrants by the Jensen's elder son Christian. Anyone who has knowledge of a CCSPS member who might benefit from a bit of cheering up, or a member who is experiencing an important event, please call 508-432-2464 or email Larry Cole. WELCOME ABOARD Lt/C Larry Cole, AP* A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. From the Spring Basic Boating course: Pamela Summersall of Marstons Mills. From the Fall Basic Boating course: Jane Brown, an experienced boater from Mashpee; John Dundas of Truro and Keene, NH, where he looks down the “World’s Widest Paved Main Street” from Central Square, which is, of course, a round common; Roberta Gough, an experienced sailor from Centerville, whose 30’ Timshel has its homeport in Hyannis; Richard Mannal, a sailor from Centerville; Randall Monte of Marstons Mills, skipper of a 20’ Searay; Michael and Jean O’Toole of Dennis, who have Moonshadow, a 26’sailboat, and a 22’ power boat (his and hers?) whose homeport is the Bass River; and Nancy Sicard, a seasoned sailor from West Barnstable, whose 27’ sailboat, Piper, has its home port in Prince Cove in Marstons Mills. There’s also a 15’ Whaler in the family (hers and his?). The welcome mat is also out for two new associate members: Robert Cook of the Hartford squadron, and of S. Yarmouth, who survived the seamanship course with Hutch, and Edward Mitchell, along-standing CCSPS member who transferred to San Carlos, FL, will keep in touch with his Cape Cod friends as an associate member.. We look forward to seeing you at our meetings and hope you will participate in our educational programs as well as attend our social functions. CO-OP CHARTING SEMINAR 29 JANUARY Lt Garry Stephens, S Six of our members having accumulated 144 credits for submitting reports for geodetic mark recovery and/or small craft facilities reports. Due to their efforts, the Cape Cod Sail and Power Squadron has made the Co-op Charting Honor Roll for 2004. To better that for 2005, I propose to conduct a seminar on Saturday, 29 Jan., 2005 to teach others how they can get involved with this very important activity. The seminar will be held at the Harwich Council on Aging computer facility where there are six computers connected to the internet via DSL and locally connected to that by Bluetooth wireless. The Porthole 3 The seminar will teach how to log onto CCWEB (the Cooperative Charting web site), how to prepare a report and how to file the report with NOAA for credit. For those that volunteer, I will prepare work sheets for one specific assignment per person for completion prior to the seminar. Field work venues will be convenient to where the participant lives. As a result, each participant will have some real data to work with at the seminar. Assisting me at the seminar will be the District 1and District 14 Cooperative Charting Chairmen. Our own P/C Bob Jensen, AP, is very familiar with the workshop facility and plans to help with the setup and operation of the classroom as well as proctoring at the seminar. The District 1 Chair has collaborated with another member to make a comprehensive booklet which I expect to hand out. At the very least, the booklet will be posted on our web site. After logging on and submitting each person’s first report, we will browse the CCWEB site where you will be amazed to find some very useful free information, and learn the various subjects of desired discovery and reporting (there are at least 8 different types of chart-related data being requested). This is an excellent way for our squadron to begin gathering data for updating our local Cape Cod navigational chart # 13229. The Saturday seminar has room for 10 students. I propose that it begin at 1000 and run through 1400 with lunch in the middle. $15.00 per person ought to cover the cost of the books and the lunch. Volunteer participants please contact me at When you do, please indicate your computer skill level (i.e., rookie, novice, pretty good, almost as good as my teenager, nerd, whiz, etc.). CCSPS WEBSITE Lt Dave Cash, AP* Don't forget to visit our website at We currently have educational courses, social events and Porthole deadlines on the web page. If you have a CCSPS event or pictures for the website, you can contact Dave at 508-428-1097 or you can e-mail him at DIRECTORY OF CAPE COD POWER SQUADRON BRIDGE 2004-2005 Commander - Jean Turnbull, SN PO Box 445, Cummaquid, MA 02637-0445 508-362-3495 Email- Executive Officer - Lt/C Ronald H. Kessel, JN* 28 Main Street - #151, Mashpee, MA 02649 508-539-3377 Email - Educational Officer - Lt/C Derek W. Hughes, SN 17 Argyle Avenue, Centerville, MA 02632 508-771-2248 Email- Administrative Officer - Lt/C Joan C. Croft, AP 1753 Old Stage Road., West Barnstable MA 02668 508-420-9023 Email - Secretary - Lt/C Lawrence P. Cole, AP* 3 Parson's Path, Harwich, MA 02645-3307 508-432-2464 Email - Treasurer - Lt/C Marie E. Creonte-Hanson 88 Longview Drive, Centerville, MA 02632 508-790-0179 Email - Asst Educational Officer - 1st Lt Evan C. Croft, AP 1753 Old Stage Road., West Barnstable MA 02668 508-420-9023 Email - Porthole Editor - Lt James C. Reed 350 Scudder Avenue., Hyannis, MA 02601 508-771-4974 Email - If you need answers to any questions, please call one of these officers and they will be happy to help you in any way. EDUCATIONAL NEWS Lt/C Derek Hughes, SN Status of Fall Courses: Piloting [P/R/C Don Chase, N]-16 students took the open book exam and are awaiting exam results Boating Course [Lt Karl Davis, P, and Lt June Webber, S]-21 students were certified. Cruise Planning [D/Lt/C Art Kimber, SN]-All 7 students took and passed the closed book exam. Congratulations to Penelope Bach, Robert Bach, Barbara Garrett, Jim Morse, Maryanne Morse, Bill Sindt and Terry Wilcox. The winter Boating Course under the direction of Lt. Karl Davis, P, and Lt June Webber, S, begins on Tuesday 18 January 2005 at the Orleans Yacht Club. The Porthole 4 Craig Ashworth [Tel:508-775-0457] has stepped forward to take over the Engine Maintenance Course starting on Tuesday, 1 February through 5 April 2005, at the Centerville Fire Station. Craig has extensive experience with boat and engine maintenance having designed several boats from scratch. Please contact Craig as soon as possible, so we can order the necessary student manuals. S.O.S. – SENSIBILITY OR STUPIDITY Lt Barbara F. Garrett, S This article appeared in the Cape Cod Times this past August: P/C George Pettengill, AP, will begin the next Instructor Development on 9 February at the Brewster Police Station. Kindly contact him at 508-896-7653 if you plan to take this course. Finally ,Advance Piloting run by P/R/C Don Chase, N, will begin on Wednesday 8 March, at the Hyannis Airport Conference Room. For those persons wishing to take this course, please phone Don at 508-775-9183. DINNER MEETING VENUES, PROGRAMS Lt/C Joan Croft, AP PLEASE NOTE: When possible, reservations and checks received by mail in advance are appreciated. This effort by all makes the administrative officer’s planning more efficient for record keeping and when dealing with meal counts to accommodate a restaurant’s deadline. 27 JANUARY – Country Inn, Harwichport Guest speaker: Lt/C Morey Waltuck, N Topic: Antarctica – Including a hike that retraced Ernest Shackleton’s last five miles to the South Georgia whaling station 24 FEBRUARY – Chatham Wayside Inn, Chatham Guest speaker: Ruth Herrold Carmichael, Ph.D. Topic: Effects of Nitrogen Loading on Shellfish 24 MARCH – Yarmouth House, West Yarmouth Annual Meeting Guest speaker: Captain Ron Sicard Topic: Ferry Crossings – A Captain’s View from the Bridge Although it is an extreme result of someone boating while intoxicated, it should be a wakeup call to anyone who is drinking and then deciding to take his boat out on the water. The laws in Massachusetts are very specific as to the legal limits of alcohol when boating and the consequences if convicted of this offense. A person’s balance, coordination, and judgment are all affected when alcohol is consumed. Also, certain factors such as heat, glare, engine noise, motion through the water, and vibration may cause fatigue and slow one’s reaction time, which, when combined with alcohol, can be deadly. Alcohol will decrease a person’s coordination. Capsizing or falling overboard cause most boating fatalities. One needs to be able to maintain his balance, something a moving boat tends to test. It is more difficult to swim after consuming alcohol, since the disorientation is intensified when water enters the ears. So, think twice before you head out in your boat. Be sensible and leave the alcohol for another time. Don’t be stupid and jeopardize your life or someone else’s. 28 APRIL – Hyannis Golf Club Change of Watch 26 MAY – Orleans Inn Orleans rotary Guest Speaker: Jim Coogan Topic: Cape Cod Folklore: Ashore and Afloat The Porthole 5 JOIN THE FUN! SPRING DISTRICT 14 CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS Lt/C Joan Croft, AP Save the dates: 11-13 March. The event: The District 14 Spring Conference hosted by the Cape Cod Sail and Power Squadron, Inc. Here are seminar highlights for a weekend of food and fun, hospitality, raffles, the Annual District 14 Change of Watch, and a visit from the witty and wise Mark Twain. Find weekend location, program and reservation details in the flyer enclosed in the January district newsletter, Ma-ri-ner. Spouses and guests are welcome. Reserve early! Informative and entertaining seminars “Marine Traffic Control on the Cape Cod Canal” – A marine traffic controller from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers takes us inside the command and control center. Find out about electronic systems and protocols used to monitor and direct commercial ship and recreational boat traffic. A discussion follows advice for recreational boaters making a canal transit. Would you like to know “What to Expect from a Professional Surveyor?” Retired USCG Master Chief Machinery Technician Timothy Pitts is principal surveyor for his company and a visiting lecturer at MMA. “Why do I need a marine survey?” From answers to that basic question to avoiding pitfalls and problems, to ultrasonic testing, to client advocacy in insurance claims, come prepared for a Q&A session. Do you know what it takes to go “Cruising the Eastern Seaboard”? Join Cdr Jean Turnbull, SN, as she offers a real-world view of planning and cruising. There will be some tale telling from the Intracoastal to cocktails? Where better than on Cape Cod to reap the bounty of the cold Atlantic waters for “Gathering and Cooking Cape Cod Seafood”? Lt Don Bell, JN, shares his firsthand experience and classroom know-how. Armed with regulatory facts, proper licenses and lots of essential equipment, discover where to find seafood delicacies on Cape Cod, and prepare to savor your culinary creations. “And Now…Mark Twain!” Our dinner speaker is the legendary Mississippi River pilot and renowned author. The evening is a glimpse back in time at the life and work of America’s foremost humorist from Mark Twain’s unique perspective of life on the Mississippi. Born Samuel Clemens, from 1857 to 1861 he set about “the stupendous task of learning the twelve hundred miles of the Mississippi River between St. Louis and New Orleans – of knowing it as exactly and unfailingly, even in the dark, as one knows the way to his own features.” His pseudonym was, as everyone knows, the call of a Mississippi steamer’s “leadsman” when a depth of two fathoms had been sounded. The solo performance by New York theater and television professional Richard Clark is full of wit and wisdom. It is a special brand of storytelling that made Mark Twain a legend in his time. This performance comes to us much heralded and not to be missed! Save the weekend! Get involved! D/Lt/C Carl Johnson, AP, swears in as D/Cdr Come out and support our squadron and our own CCSPS district bridge officers Sunday, 13 March at the Annual District 14 Change of Watch. D/Lt/C Carl Johnson, AP, swears in as District Commander. D/Lt/C Arthur Kimber, SN, swears in as District Executive Officer. As hosts of the District 14 Spring Conference to be held at the Ramada Inn Hyannis, 11-13 March, our members have a great opportunity to come out in force to participate and support CCSPS at the district level. Details for seminars, Saturday dinner speaker (“And Now…Mark Twain!”), hospitality, raffles and meal reservations will be in the January district newsletter, Ma-ri-ner, and on the district website ( and CCSPS web site ( Volunteers, step forward! Contact Lt/C Joan Croft, AP, 508.420.9023. Those who already have volunteered for registration, hospitality and raffle solicitations, the committees thank you and will be in touch. If you have a source for raffle items, contact Raffle Committee Chairs Arlene Richardson, P,, and 1st Lt Wayne Richardson, P (508.255.6381). The Porthole 6 A TRIP TO ANTARCTICA EDITOR'S NOTE Lt/C Joan Croft, AP Lt James Reed Let’s hope the Country Inn in Harwichport has the heat turned up for our monthly dinner meeting on the evening of Thursday, 27 January. The deadline for the next Porthole is 28 January 2005. Please e-mail me at if you have an article, pictures or information for the Porthole Not only is the month notoriously frigid, so is the geographic location of our speaker’s presentation – Antarctica. Morey Waltuck includes his hike that retraced Ernest Shackleton’s last five miles to the South Georgia whaling station. Come along on Morey’s Antarctica adventure by way of the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and Elephant Island. Sweeping vistas set the stage for penguins, seals, whales and natural ice sculptures. Lt/C Morey Waltuck, N, is SEO and webmaster of the Attleboro Sail and Power Squadron. He races a 19-foot Flying Scot sailboat. His wife Mary crews. Morey and Mary have traveled to six of the seven continents. Imagine spending a week living on a boat on the Amazon River and fishing for piranha! Could that be a topic for another dinner meeting? Please note there are two Dinner Meeting sign up sheets following. Please pick the right one for the right occasion. Meander II (Ken & Marge Mercer) and Jitterbug (Craig &Peggy Ashworth) share Shelter Island, NY with Swan and Optimist sailors---Summer 2004 The Porthole 7 Squadron Calendar of Events January 2005 05-09 13 18 27 28 29 29 USPS Annual Meeting, Orlando Fl CCSPS Executive Board Meeting, Poyant Realtors, Hyannis Basic Boating Course, Orleans Yacht Club, Orleans CCSPS Monthly Dinner Meeting, Country Inn, Harwichport Porthole Deadline Seminar- Cooperative Charting, Harwich Council on Aging, Harwich Seminar: Operations Training, Mass. Maritime Academy 01 05 09 10 12 24 25 Engine Maintenance course, Centerville Fire Station, Rte 28, Centerville District 14 Founders Day Dinner, White’s Restaurant, Westport Instructor Development Course, Brewster Police Station, Brewster CCSPS Executive Board Meeting, Poyant Realtors, Hyannis District 14 Founders Day Dinner, White’s Restaurant, Westport CCSPS Monthly Dinner Meeting, Wayside Inn, Route 28, Chatham Porthole Deadline 08 10 11-13 24 Advanced Piloting course, Hyannis Airport Conference Room CCSPS Executive Board Meeting, Poyant Realtors, Hyannis District 14 Spring District Conference, Ramada Inn, Hyannis CCSPS Monthly Dinner Meeting & Bridge Officers’ Annual Reports, Yarmouth House February 2005 March 2005 The Porthole is the newsletter of the CCPS, Inc., D/14, a Unit of USPS® and publishes nine issues a year. Articles and opinions do not necessarily reflect USPS® policy or endorsement unless so designated.
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