wapiti wind - Elks Lodge Lake Havasu City, Arizona


wapiti wind - Elks Lodge Lake Havasu City, Arizona
ALL AMERICAN LODGE 2003,04,08,09,10,11,12,13
January, 2014
The Lodge’s mandatory Elks Memorial Service was held
on the first Sunday in December and was conducted by
ER Jim Joubert and the Lodge Officers: Denny Dunkirk,
Jackie Turcotte, Floyd Davis, Winslow Quick, Jim Barton, Sherry Joubert, Mike Vail with PER Ace Johnson.
Mae Blevins, widow of Conard Blevins, representing all
surviving spouses, was greeted by Elkettes Kay
Wdowiak and Maridee Dunkirk with PER Marilyn Webber. Each surviving spouse was presented with a carnation and escorted to a seat.
Seventy nine of our members passed from the light unto ever lasting
peace and their passing was solemnized by lighting a candle. Candle
lighting by Floyd Davis and Jackie Turcotte with Exalted Ruler Jim
Exalted Ruler’s Message.
At this time of year many of us make some
New Year resolutions. “I am going to go on a
diet and lose those extra pounds ” or if you are
a smoker, you might say, “I am going to quit
smoking this year”. Great ideas that will likely
improve your self esteem and add to your
longevity. But how many of us will actually
be successful? It takes a strong resolve and
determination to make these good ideas a reality.
I would like to see our members resolve to help their Lodge
more this coming year. We have over 3,000 members and yet it
seems only a small nucleus actually get things done. Where are
the rest? If you are too busy to volunteer your time, how about a
little support on getting our mortgage paid off? As of this writing
the outcome of the vote to pay down the mortgage is unknown.
If it passes, we will be much closer to paying off the whole thing.
If half of our membership would donate just $50 to the Moving
Forward Board we could make it happen ! 1500 X $50 =
$75,000; wouldn’t that be great! We could finally get going on a
much needed expansion of our Lodge. All it takes is a little resolve to git ‘er done.
I notice that some new plaques have recently been added to
the board; including one from the newly formed Country Dance
Club. A big thanks to these members for supporting their Lodge.
Let’s make this the year that all of our members join in to ensure
the continued success of our Lodge. Have you done your part
On December 1st we had our Elks Memorial Day service to
remember our brother and sister Elks who have gone before us.
It was quite sobering to count the number of candles we lit in
their remembrance. Seventy nine of our members passed away
this past year ! If we continue to lose members at that rate, our
Lodge’s ability to support charitable causes and provide our
members with the level of benefits we enjoy today will certainly
be diminished.
To counter this unavoidable attrition rate, we all need to keep
our eyes open for new members. Your friends, fellow workers,
and neighbors are all potential new members. If you think they
might enjoy the Elks Lodge, invite them to come up for dinner,
music and dancing. We have a lot to offer and an evening at the
Lodge is a great way to showcase the good times we enjoy as
Elks. If you need a membership application you can pick one up
at the office or ask Ed or Lewis at the door for one. Let’s all
work to keep our Lodge membership strong.
I welcome any positive suggestions on how we can keep
our Lodge moving forward on a course to bigger and better
things. “Look Forward - Aim High”. Please contact me at
erjim2399@yahoo.com or 714-625-5038
Jim Joubert Exalted Ruler
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Wapiti Wind
Jim Joubert
Dennis Dunkirk
Jackie Turcotte
Floyd Davis
Winslow Quick
Lester (Jim) Barton
Sherry Joubert
Mike Vail
Tom Bradford
Richard Ross
Jim Travis
Jerry L. Gillen
Richard Conway
Tim Fairbank
Ed Wdowiak
Wapiti Wind
The Wapiti Wind is published by BPOE
2399 to communicate with members of the
lodge. The Wapiti Wind is published at the
discretion of the lodge, normally 10 times per
year. Deadline for submitting material is
the 10th of the month prior to publication.
Material should be typed.
Lodge No. 2399
3532 McCulloch Blvd.
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406
928-855-2800 928-453-3557
Carolyn Dieter
Karen Turpin
Sam Monteleone
Lodge: Tuesday Jan.7& Tuesday
Jan.21 @ 7:30 PM
House Committee & Trustees:
Jan. 14 @ 7:00 PM
Elkettes: Tuesday Jan 14 @
7:00 PM
PER Jan. 3 @ 6:30 PM
January, 2014
Sue Thomas’ Elves: Janet Cumberson, Ann Chieu, Bud Thomas, Ron Mathews
Your Lodge made Christmas a little brighter for 62 Havasu children with a
clothing shopping adventure for $111.00, a personal present and breakfast. Each
child was accompanied by an Elk/Elkette volunteer to assist them with their shopping.
My thanks to all who participated in this year’s Cloth-A-Child whether it was
financially or with your time because it could not have happened without your
support. It was so satisfying to see the 62 smiling faces as they shopped and received a present on their way out. Sue Thomas Clothe-A-Child chair.
The following individuals or organizations stepped up to help monetarily: Al
Lampman, June Traverner, Trudy Bales, Wilma Ehrhardt, Karin Hyatt, Lake
Havasu Marine Corps League, Lodge PERs, Elks Vagabonds, Elks Golfers, Elks
Fr. Card Players, Jerry Kaser, Elks Yacht Club, AEA Social Welfare, Elks Fishing
Club and Gail Sims.
Auditing & Acct.
Activities Committee
Blood Drive
Christmas Baskets
Community Activities
Dart League (Thur.)
Dart League (Mon.)
Decorating Committee
Drug Awareness
Elks Jr Golf
Fishing Club
Golf League
Hamburger Night
Hi-Way Cleanup
Hoop Shoot
Information Technology
Lodge Activities
PER President
Public Relations
RV Club (Vagabonds)
Burnell Dacus
Jan Kahle
June Coppola
Al Long
Tom Bradford
Tom Bradford
Sue Thomas
Ace Johnson
Cindy Oates
Al Jedrey
Mike Arlowe
Jim Toy
Jerry Boyce
Jim Lammes
Bill Horton
Hank Thonnard
Sandy Mac Nevin
Tim Fairbank
Robert Piche
Mario Perez
Judy McGrath
Ace Johnson
Bruce Joy
Rick/Lisa Stilson
Richard Chinn
Soccer Shoot
HR Radtke
Spaghetti Night
Bob Rogers
Special Olympics
Larry Sears
Ways & Means
Ed Thomas
Yacht Club Commodore
George Schnittgrund
Youth Activities
HR Radtke
Fraternal Committee
All American Lodge/Training Richard Conway
Robert Piche
Constitution & By-Laws
Richard Conway
Elks National Foundation
Jerry Gillen
Flag Day
Dennis Dunkirk
Government Relations
Ron Allen
Guest Monitoring
Jack Zehr
Interview Committee
Jan Kahle
Lapsation /Orientation
Marti Johnson
Lodge Inspection/Accident
Ed Wdowiak
Long Range Planning
Jim Goodine
Major Projects
Dennis Dunkirk
Richard Conway
Marti Johnson
Memorial Service
Floyd Davis
Presiding Justice
Mike Centofanti
Royce Morris
Ritual Coach
Bart Sherwood
Veteran Services
Bud Watts
Visiting Committee
Ace Johnson
Wapiti Wind
Ace Johnson
January 2014
May Your Prosperity Be
Exceeded Only By Your
Brotherly Love.
Happy New Year
1Office Closed 2
Happy New
No Lunch
No Ribs
No Lunch
Chicken, fish,
stk sandwich or
special 4-7 pm
Bingo ~ 6 pm
Darts ~ 6 pm
Karaoke ~ 6:30 pm
Lunch 11-2 pm
Hot Dogs 11-2 pm
Dinner Menu
4:00 ~ 8:00 pm
PER Meeting 6:30 pm
Dinner Menu
4:00 - 8:00 pm
Music ~ Steve
Music - Steve
6Hot Dogs
8Dance Class 9am 9
10Ritual Contest 11 Ritual Contest
Hot Dogs 11-2 pm
11-2 pm
Lunch 11 - 2 pm
Lunch 11-2 pm
Vagabonds Lunch/
LHC Elks 2399
Lunch 11-2 pm
4:00 - 7:00 pm
Meeting - 12 pm
Spaghetti Nite
4:00 - 7:00 pm
Pork Baby Back Ribs
Lunch 11 - 2pm
Chicken, fish,
stk sandwich or
special 4-7 pm
Dinner Menu
4:00 ~ 8:00 pm
LHC Elks 2399
Fishing Club 1 pm
Hot Dogs 11-2 pm
Rummage Sale
8:00 am
Dinner Menu
4:00 ~ 8:00 pm
New Country
Dance 7:30 9:30 pm
Lodge Meeting
7:30 pm
4 - 7 pm
Music ~ Steve
Bingo ~ 6 pm
Darts ~ 6 pm
Karaoke ~ 6:30 pm
Music ~ Steve
13Hot Dogs
15Dance Class
Hot Dogs 11-2 pm
11-2 pm
Lunch 11 - 2 pm
Lunch 11 - 2pm
Chicken, fish,
stk sandwich or
special 4-7 pm
Lunch 11-2 pm
Hot Dogs 11-2 pm
Leading Knight
Clinic - LHC Elks
Lasagna Nite
4:00 - 7:00 pm
New Country
7:30 - 9:30 pm
4:00 - 7:00 pm
House Mtg -7pm
Elkette Mtg - 7 pm
Trustee Mtg - 7pm
Lunch 11-2 pm
Pork Baby Back Ribs
4 - 7 pm
Dinner Menu
4:00 ~ 8:00 pm
Music ~ Steve
Bingo ~ 6 pm
Darts ~ 6 pm
Karaoke ~ 6:30 pm
Music ~ Steve
Music ~ Steve
EYC Meeting
2 pm
Dinner Menu
4:00 ~ 8:00 pm
Music ~ Steve
20Hot Dogs
22 Dance Class
25 Hot Dogs
Hot Dogs 11-2 pm
11-2 pm
Lunch 11 - 2 pm
9 am
Lunch 11 - 2pm
Chicken, fish,
stk sandwich or
special 4-7 pm
Lunch 11-2 pm
11-2 pm
Bingo for Hospice
Dinner Menu
4:00 ~ 8:00 pm
11am ~ 4 pm
Dinner Menu
4:00 ~ 8:00 pm
Music ~ Steve
Special Olymics
Spaghetti Nite
4:00 - 7:00 pm
7:30 pm
New Country Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
4:00 - 7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Lunch 11-2 pm
Pork Baby Back Ribs
4 - 7 pm
Music ~ Steve
Bingo ~ 6 pm
Darts ~ 6 pm
Karaoke ~ 6:30 pm
Music ~ Steve
27Hot Dogs
Hot Dogs 11-2 pm
11-2 pm
Lasagna Nite
4:00 - 7:00 pm
Lunch 11 - 2 pm
Lunch 11-2 pm
Lunch 11-2 pm
4:00 - 7:00 pm
Pork Baby Back Ribs
Lunch 11 - 2pm
Chicken, fish,
stk sandwich or
special 4-7 pm
11 am
Bunco - 12pm
New Country Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
4 - 7 pm
Music ~ Steve
Bingo ~ 6 pm
Darts ~ 6 pm
Karaoke ~ 6:30 pm
Dinner Menu
4:00 ~ 8:00 pm
Music ~ Steve
Saturday Feb.
1, 2014
5:00 PM
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Wapiti Wind
January, 2014
How Do You Like the Wapiti Wind in Living Color?
The parking Lot Elk (donated by departed
member Gene “Pappy” Rorah) received a
much needed coat of paint and thanks to
Leading Knight Denny Dunkirk volunteering the Elk got his new coat. Our thanks,
Saturday February 1, 2014
Social Hour 5:00PM
Dinner 6:00PM
Menu: Beef Wellington or
Salmon en Papillote
Music For Your Dancing Pleasure by
Steve Wayman.
Traditionally the Charity Ball has been a
formal affair, that is Tuxedos for the
men and Formals for the ladies. However, if you prefer to wear semi formal, a
sport coat and tie for the gentlemen and
semi formal attire for the ladies is also
The Charity Ball is our way of raising
money to support the many charitable
causes in our community. If you are
unable to attend the Ball, a donation to
support our Lodge in this worthy effort
will be appreciated.
Letters have been sent to all members,
but if you still have questions call the
Lodge office @ 928-453-3557.
I am sure most will agree that getting the pictures in color adds a
lot to each issue. It’s a pretty safe bet that in the near future most publications will be in an electronic version as it is much easier to publish
and it eliminates distribution costs as well.
During this transition period, we have readers who are comfortable
with electronic media; some that enjoy browsing the color version of
the Wapiti but still want a paper copy, and those who are not into
computers but need to know what’s going on at the Elks.
We want to accommodate all three groups as best we can and still
control costs. Some of those who signed up for the Email version
have commented that they did so to save the Lodge money and wonder why they are still receiving a paper copy; that leads us to phase B
of cutting costs. We wanted everyone to have the opportunity to see
the Wapiti in living color. After seeing the difference, most prefer
color to the traditional black and white version. However, those who
prefer to receive a paper copy should be able do so.
To sort this out and achieve our goal of cutting costs, we need to
identify those who are currently receiving the email version and no
longer wish to receive a paper cop of the Wapiti Wind please send an
email to info@elks2399.org and let us know.
Those who do not respond will continue to receive a paper copy as
well as an email copy.
Thanks for your help in controlling these costs.
Are You Ready For the Queen of Hearts?
The Queen of Hearts Committee chaired by Floyd Davis and members Paul Blankenship and Mike Lomeli have finalized the rules for
playing the Queen of Hearts game in the Lodge.
Basically, the Queen of Hearts is a raffle wherein players purchase
a ticket or tickets to play the game, tickets are $1.00 each. At the
close of ticket sales, a ticket is drawn to determine a winner. The winning ticket holder will have the opportunity to select a sealed envelope
from the Queen of Hearts Board. This board will have a standard
deck of 54 cards (including Jokers) in sealed envelopes attached to it
under locked glass. The board will be opened for the winner to select
an envelope. The card in the selected envelope will determine how
much you win. Cards 2 thru 9 win $10, 10 thru King win $20, Aces
win $30, Jokers Win $40 and the big prize, the Queen of Hearts, wins
50% of the jackpot.
The Jackpot is progressive; It will start at $200 plus the total tickets
sold for that evening. If 100 tickets are sold the jackpot would be
$300. If the winner for the evening selects an Ace he will win $30.
The remaining jackpot money ( $270 ) will then roll over into the next
weeks jackpot. If 100 tickets are sold, the following week the jackpot
will then be $370. It doesn’t take long for the jackpot to add up to
some serious money!
This game is a lot of fun to play and there is always a chance to
win the jackpot. It is very popular in other Lodges and we expect it to
be a big hit here as well. Tickets will be sold on Monday nights from
4PM to 6:30 PM. A drawing will be held at 7PM to determine who the
lucky winner is. You must be present to win. More details on how the
game is played are posted near the Queen of Hearts Board. Our first
drawinf will be on Monday January 6, 2014.
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Wapiti Wind
Happy New Year Elkettes, OK, it’s officially 2014, where did 2013 go? Have I
been that busy the last three months that
I totally slept through Christmas? Yes, I
think I did. Last I remember it was just
November and we were working on the
Craft/Bake Sale, which was a great success thanks to all the Elkettes who volunteered. Then I believe I remember there was Kids Turn to Shop, and all the
work that Jane Sahno and Barbara Blankenship did putting
together an amazing shopping experience for all the kids
in our community, along with the outstanding Elkette volunteers who shopped with each and every one of the kids,
picking out just the right gift for that special person on
their Christmas shopping list. I think I remember a few of
the kids talking about sitting on Santa’s (Pooch) lap, and
there was a very nice Elf (Linda Wick) who assisted Santa,
said they even gave them candy canes because they were
such good kids through the year! From what I can remember all the children had so many great treasures to buy,
thanks to all the wonderful Elks and Elkettes who donated
to this heart filled experience.
OK, I think this dream is starting to come back to me just a
little more. I think I must of fallen asleep for a long while,
after the Elkettes Christmas dinner dance, as I think I can
remember seeing the Dixie Bells dance a few numbers,
along with some singing from a few members from Grace
Arts. Not sure if this was a dream, but it seemed all were
having a great time dancing with a SNOWMAN on the
dance floor to the music of Fritz….maybe that’s why my
feet hurt. Could I have been dancing in my dream? Maybe!
January, 2014
If this has been a dream, I know you all had just as much
fun as I did, and enjoyed the delicious dinner put together
by our club manager, Sam Monteleone. If you were one of
the lucky ones to win a raffle basket, hope you enjoyed the
goodies; all the baskets are put together and donated by
So, now that it is official, January is here and I’m obviously awake, we have our annual Rummage Sale on Jan. 11th
between 8 & 11AM. Donna Goodine is chairing this fund
raiser, so bring your items to the lodge on the 10th while
Donna and volunteers are putting items out and pricing.
Please welcome a few new members to the Elkettes, Barbara Hartnett, Lynn Hall, Eddye Glenn, and Margaret Elliott.
We look forward to your friendship and getting to know
you. Hope you enjoyed the Christmas party.
Some things to remember as we enter into January. Our
nominating committee will be talking with perspective
board members. Please if they approach you don’t tune
them out; please take this time to think about a position on
our board. We have three major positions that need to be
filled, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership. These are
three key position on our board; we cannot operate without
any of them.
Our next board meeting will be held on Jan.7th, at 10am.
The Membership meeting will be on Tuesday, Jan. 14th, at
7pm. Hope to see you then.
Sweet Dreams Elkettes,
Kay Wdowiak, Elkette President
The Elkettes did it
again! Another
successful event
What a pleasure to
see Children’s
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Wapiti Wind
January, 2014
Lodge Happenings
Three Guest Rule Questions
The recent enactment of the three guest rule has
raised a few questions that need answering. The Rule,
found in section six of our bylaws, states that certain
people are exempt from this rule and others are not. The
following information should help members understand
how to apply the guest rule.
1. A member’s immediate family are allowed
as guests an unlimited number of times.
“Immediate family” includes Parents,
Spouse, Children, Spouses of children, and
Inlaws are considered immediate family.
2. Guests who live in the Lake Havasu area
and are eligible to join our Lodge are limited to three visits at which time they must
decide to join the Lodge if they wish to
come back. Guests who do not live in our
area or are not American citizens are not
limited by this rule.
3. A member may bring in their Significant
Other an unlimited number of times if that
member has completed a Significant Other
declaration form in the Lodge office.
To summarize: A guest who lives in the Lake Havasu
Area and is eligible to join our lodge may only visit
the lodge three times as a guest. Immediate family
members, significant others and foreign nationals
are not affected by this rule.
Jack & Jill Bowling
Sunday February 16, 2014
Cost $16.00/person for 3 lines of bowling,
prize money and pizza.
All Elk members are eligible to participate. A team consists of an Elk member
and partner of the opposite sex.
Entry forms are available at either the Lodge
office or at the front desk at Havasu Lanes.
Questions? Call Gary Sigler @ 543-3972
Clothe A Child
Veterans Phone Cards
Veterans (Prescott)
Military Moms
From Elkettes:
Beacon of Hope
From Yacht Club:
From Elks Golfers (HAVEN) 105.00
Sunday February 2, 2014
Pizza Served From 2 to 5 PM
Take Out Pizza Available.
Super Bowl Game Time 4:20 PM
Winners of the PER raffle To Be Drawn At Halftime
The PERs have mailed tickets to all members, $5 for
one, $10.00 for 3 or $18.00 for 6 tickets. First prize
is a 60” LED TV or $1,000.00 cash, 2nd prize
$500.00 cash and there will be 5, 3rd place winners
at $50.00 each.
A special Early bird drawing for 2 Phoenix Open
Golf Tournament will be held on January 14 for all
you golf enthusiasts.
Come and enjoy the game at the lodge on one of the
several TVs, conveniently located, have a refreshing
libation and the best pizza in town.
Proceeds from this raffle fund the ongoing charity
work of the PERs.
For any additional information call Raffle chairman
Larry O. Lee at 706-0763.
The Lodge’s Long Range Planning Committee meets the
first Tuesday of each month at 9:00 AM.
This committee was formed to study the long range needs
of the Lodge and to present their plans to the Trustees and
the Lodge Members for approval.
Anyone interested in the plans for lodge expansion, general improvements and renovations should plan on attending one the meetings.
There are several plans in progress to accommodate lodge
expansion which should be of interest to all members.
Elk of the Month Robert
Watts has been a staunch
supporter of the Elks National Foundation (ENF)
over the years giving
generously each month.
His last significant donation was most generous.
April 2013
Penny Heredia
May 2013
Ace Johnson
June 2013
Bill Horton
July 2013 Don & Sandy MacNevin
August 2013
Jim Goodine
September 2013 HR Radtke
October 2013
Jim Toy
November 2013 Robert Watts
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
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Wapiti Wind
January, 2014
The dates for the January Fishing Derby are:
Wednesday the 8th and Wednesday the 22nd from
7:00 AM until Noon with weigh-in at Windsor
Beach South. Lunch to follow at the lodge following the fish cleaning.
Special Note: Reclamation is lowering the
lake level to 445 ft. until mid February which means we may
not be able to launch our boats. The club will keep members
informed of situation by email.
Our first December Derby was cancelled due to high winds.
The Christmas party was well attended with over 50 raffles
and a 50/50 drawing. The following trophy’s were presented for
Big Fish of the year: 10lb. Striper-Jerry Boyce, 4.79lb. Large
Mouth Bass-Roger Kohler, 18.2lb. Catfish-Roy Grotz, 1.32lb.
Red Ear-Jerry Koch. Biggest Fish of the year in all categories
was an 18.25lb. Catfish caught by Roy Grotz. The well earned
trophy for Volunteers of The Year went to Joe and Cippy
Election of officers for the coming year was held during the
December meeting and all current officers elected to serve one
more year. However, the office of Secretary is vacant and anyone wishing to fill this vacancy contact any officer.
Club dues of $30 for 2014 are due and payable January1,
This past year we lost two of our members, Dallas Fuller and
Tom Molzen. Donations were made in their names to the Elks
National foundation.
The next board meeting will be on Monday January 6, 2014
at 11:00 AM. The next Fishing Club meeting will be on Saturday January 11, 2014 at 1:00 PM at the lodge.
Want to join the Elks Fishing Club? Applications are located
on the Fishing Club bulletin board in the back of the lounge
next to the bar. After filling out the form, place the application
in the blue box. Any questions call Jerry Boyce @
Supporting Havasu Youth Soccer
Pictured from left: Terra Pierce, Lodge Youth Activity chair HR
Radtke, Soccer League Advisor Jeff Evans, Parker Evans
Lodge Organist/Musician Retires
After man years of faithful service Lucille (Lue)
Tidmarsh has retired. She is remembered for her
support of such events as: Elkettes Fashion Show,
1940s USO Dinner Dance, Memorial Services
and spicing up all Lodge Meetings. Lue also
spent many years as award winning Youth Activities chairperson. Sorry to see you go Lue, you
will be missed.
We are looking for a Lodge Organist. Please contact lodge office @ 928-453-3557
Lue with her well
earned awards.
Elks Vagabonds RV Club
The November outing was
at River Island State Park,
hosted by Bill and Jean
Ansberry from November 11
through the 17th. This outing
was so well attended that it
was expanded to two parks.
Thanks to Nondo for taking over after Jean’s
On December 11 we held our Christmas
dinner with a short meeting following. Cocktail hour was followed by an excellent meal
and lots of fun.
The January outing will be our annual trip
to Quartzite on January 18th through January
26th. This is when the big tent program is in
full force with so much to see and do. There
will be maps available to direct you to the different events.
Plans have been made to attend the TriState outing in April hosted by the Sun City
Elks. This is always a fun event and an excellent fund raiser for the lodge charities.
The Queen of Hearts game resumed during
the November meeting with a winner already.
The game will continue in January so bring
your money. Any Vagabond member is eligible to play.
Anyone interested in joining the Elks Vagabonds can attend a meeting or contact Bruce
Page 8
Wapiti Wind
BPO Elks A Fraternal
3532 N McCulloch Blvd
Lake Havasu City
Arizona 86406
January, 2014
Linda Carter
Richard R. Daly
Dallas O. Fuller
Milton C. Patten
Elks Yacht Club Parade of Lights Boat
Parade Entry.
Bon fires, good food and camaraderie overcame a chilly night for a large turnout to enjoy the annual Boat parade.
Elks National Foundation (ENF)
All members of your lodge 2399 will soon be receiving a dues notice for the coming fraternal lodge year. Please consider donating at
least $10.00 to the ENF fund. This charitable arm of the Elks organization supports youth activities, veterans programs and state major
projects along with many other charities. Your support helps us to
maintain our All-American Lodge status and reach our per capita
Our thanks to the following for their generous donations: Robert
Watts $200.00 and Norma Isbell, Asay (Ace) Johnson and Jim
Goodine $100.00.
Jerry Gillen Lodge Trustee and Lodge ENF Chairman.
Well we made it through the
fun packed month of December.
The Parade of Lights boat parade
in the channel was a huge success
thanks to Gary and Deborah
Haines. Our Elk stood tall and
shined along with “Pooch” as
Santa on his sleigh. Great work
The Commodore’s Ball was
fabulous. We all cleanup so well!
Thanks to Sandy Bigham for putting this event together from seating all, arranging for food and
decorations. Her crew did a perfect job.
The New Year brings a whole
new 12 months of fun.
January will be a trip to the
Desert Bar, (weather permitting)
then on to the tail gate burn in the
RV corral at the lodge, Lobsterfest, Pentathalon, Sunday Brunch
and on and on.
Please check your emails for
dates and events, but the best way
is to attend the Yacht Club meetings on the 3rd Saturday of each
month @ 2 PM in the lodge.
Come early for hot dogs and
seating and a chance to win big
with the attendance or the 50/50
Volunteer for one or more of
these events and see how much
fun we really have.
Questions or problems call
Yacht Club Commodore George
Schnittgrund @ 303-249-9424.
Linda Wick.