Royal Rangers - AG Web Services


Royal Rangers - AG Web Services
Royal Rangers
Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery - Prices effective March 1, 2013
Traditional Bows from SKY Archery - $120.00/ea
SKY Breeze - Youth recurve
SKY Hurricane - Youth longbow
Select Bows
Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery
Breeze - RH
Standard shipping included to commercial addresses in lower 48 states
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How to order:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Breeze - LH
1) print order form and complete information below
2) select bows and quantity
Hurricane - RH
3) send completed order form
if paying by check - mail to: Centershot Ministries
PO Box 490067, Minneapolis, MN 55449
if paying by credit card - Fax to 763-784-2484 or email to:
Shipping to (circle one): Residential Address
Hurricane - LH
Total Bows x $120.00 = ________
Commercial Address
Organization:____________________________________ Contact Name:_________________________________________________
Shipping Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________
City, State & Zip Code:___________________________________________________________________________________________
Billing Address (if different):_______________________________________________________________________________________
City, State & Zip Code:___________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone:____________________ Fax:____________________ E-mail:____________________________________________________
Payment Method:
Check #__________________
Credit Card (circle one):
Name on Card:______________________________________
Expiration Date:___________________________________
Master Card
Account number: ____________________________________________
Security Code:_____________________________________
I authorize Centershot Ministries Inc to make the above charges to my credit card
All archery equipment sold to non-profits are for Organizational use only and are not to be resold
First time orders must submit a copy of your 501(c)(3) AND state sales tax exemption