City Times (Spring 2011) - City College Brighton and Hove


City Times (Spring 2011) - City College Brighton and Hove
City times
Spring 2011
of City
Back in 2006, the current site of City
College East on Wilson Avenue was bestknown as COMART (East Brighton College of
Media Arts), which had gained widespread
negative media coverage as a ‘failing
school’ before being closed by Brighton &
Hove City Council. Since then, the site has
undergone a remarkable transformation as a
City College campus with a vital role in the
education of the city’s young people.
and County Cup treble in its first season and
the thriving new Boxing Academy is one of
just 6 in the country.
Meanwhile, filmmaking students are making
films for outside organisations such as
Rockinghorse, Aim Higher Sussex, Brain
Injuries Trust and Talking Jobs and music
students are regularly performing at key local
venues such as the Komedia as well as running
their own record label. Also, the College’s
cohort of 14-16 learners attending college
either one or two days per week now includes
360 students from across the city’s secondary
schools and the College has increased its
adults in Brighton
so that they can
Spring Awards 2011 gain
Prince’s Trust Licence
in the construction
City Jobs link with Pier Since the College first took over the site,
student numbers have increased from 300
to 1200. CCE has become a vibrant place to
study with a great sense of community and
a varied curriculum offer that now includes
Motor Vehicle, Music, Acting, Dance,
Filmmaking, Building Trades, Journalism,
Sport and Public Services. The Sport offer
is new to the College and now has over 150
students. In football, the College won a
College’s National League, County League
P.6 City Business
P.8 City Arts
“The development of the City College East
campus has been one of the most significant
successes at the College over the last five
years”, said Principal, Phil Frier. “It’s a great
example of a Pheonix rising from the ashes
of the former school campus. The previous
schools on the site always had a chequered
history but we can now be proud of the fact
that over a thousand students are benefiting
from the lively and dynamic atmosphere of
the campus. It’s a remarkable testament
to David Williams and his team and all the
staff based there that there’s been such a
positive turn around of its fortunes.”
P.11 City Sports
Keep up-to-date with College News (username: CityColl) or follow us on
College actor on the rise P.8
Hat-trick for Morgan
Achie’s on the ascendent P.12
Tel: 01273 667788
Student Success Celebration
Spring Awards 2011
elcome to the Spring edition of
City Times, the quarterly magazine
dedicated to bringing you the latest
news from City College Brighton and
As you’ll see within these pages, 2011
is already proving to be an exciting
year for the College with high-profile
visitors from Westminster descending
upon Pelham Street to find out the
secrets of our success and students
excelling themselves not just in
terms of academic achievement but
also regarding their involvement in a
wide range of creative events, charity
fundraising and community projects.
As we approach the Summer term our
recruitment season is hotting up for our
full-time, part-time and adult courses
starting in September 2011.
With three winners and a runner-up to its credit, City
College has been celebrating outstanding success
in this year’s FE Sussex Spring Awards which was
recently hosted at the Brighton Hilton Metropole.
As ‘lead College’ in this year’s celebrations, the
College provided fine dining service and a dynamic
entertainment segment incorporating acting, street dance and live
music. In the prestigious ceremony, major players in the training and
development world in Sussex and beyond joined together to celebrate the
best and brightest achievements in training, development and lifelong
learning. Here are our award-winners’ stories.
If you are interested in applying please
go to or call 01273
Best wishes
Phil Frier
Principal & Chief Executive
College News
City Business
City Arts
City Alumni
City Sports
About City Times
City Times is produced by the City
College Marketing Department.
If you have any comments about this
publication please contact Brian Bell
on 01273 667788 Ext. 488 or email
Pictured left to right: Karina Carrick, Helen Ansell, Phil Frier (Principal),
Wendy Tunnicliffe & Lewis Tydeman
Helen Ansell
Winner, The University of Brighton Award for Widening Participation in Higher
Returning to education as a mature student is always a challenging experience and Helen
Ansell, a qualified counsellor who works with young people with mental health issues,
initially faced the setback that her preferred Access to Literature programme was full. Helen
accepted advice to start a Psychology course and her patience and determination to study
literature enabled her to be transferred once a place became available. Helen became one
of the course’s high-achieving students but then had to suddenly deal with a devastating
personal bereavement.
“Helen’s determination and commitment to continue her studies throughout extremely
traumatic personal circumstances was incredible”, says her tutor Karen Mason. “Most
people experiencing such tragedy would have would have found studying in addition to all
this emotional stress too much and withdrawn from the course. Helen didn’t do that and
from a combination of her own determination and support that was provided, she was able
to continue. Her Spring Award is a wonderful achievement and I hope it will inspire other
mature students to consider the Access route into Higher Education.”
College News
Lewis Tydeman
Winner, Sussex Work Based Learner of the Year
Lewis Tydeman had to overcome a number of barriers before reaching his goal of becoming a
plumbing apprentice. Firstly, he didn’t have the grades to be accepted onto the programme
due to his disrupted schooling after injuries sustained during a violent assault and he also
didn’t have an employer in place to mentor him through the apprenticeship programme. His
City College Skills Adviser Lyn Drysdale set goals with Lewis and it was clear to Lyn that he
would do everything possible to achieve these. He attended sessions to improve his English
& Maths on top of holding down two jobs and co-parenting his young son. Next, he had to
sit an aptitude test as well as literacy & numeracy tests. He found this daunting because of
his dyslexia but with help from Lyn and sheer hard work, Lewis was successful in making
the course acceptance grade.
Through the College, Lewis then secured an apprenticeship with Mid-Sussex Plumbing
and has since matured into an outstanding apprentice. “I’d really encourage other small
businesses to take on apprentices as I think they’ll reap the benefits”, says Arthur Huntley,
Director of Mid-Sussex Plumbing. “Lewis’s confidence has come on in leaps and bounds,
he’s very methodical and diligent in his work and I know I can rely on him. The combination
of learning at City College and learning on the job has given Lewis an excellent grounding and
his Spring Award is a great source of pride both for him and for Mid-Sussex Plumbing.”
Wendy Tunnicliffe
Winner, Hilton Brighton Metropole Hospitality Student of the Year
‘Diversity Week’ success
Students from as far afield as Lebanon,
Bangladesh, Japan, Afghanistan and
Kenya recently took part in a week of
events to celebrate diversity at City
College. The event hosted by international
students offered fellow students the
chance to ask them questions about their
respective countries and sample some
national dishes.
Mature student Wendy Tunnicliffe has overcome literacy problems to achieve a remarkable
hat-trick of achievement awards in one year. Having won an Adult Learner of the Year award
in May 2010, Wendy went on to be named as City College’s Catering & Hospitality City
Achiever 2010 in October before achieving a prestigious Spring Award. Wendy is a highachieving student on a Level 2 NVQ professional cookery programme, she’s also taught
healthy eating classes at her local community centre and is now working part-time as a
Teaching Assistant working with special needs students at City College after her tutors put
her forward for the job.
For more information on study
opportunities for International students
at City College, see
Wendy says: “I’d lied all my life about my literacy problems, even my parents didn’t know.
I did anything I could to get out of trying to read, pretending I’d lost my glasses and asking
someone else to fill a form in for me. Coming back into education has totally transformed
me as a person and the satisfaction I’m getting through both my studies and my Teaching
Assistant work has given me a real sense of purpose and direction in life.” “The way in which
Wendy has overcome her literacy problems and thrived within City College’s catering &
hospitality department is remarkable” adds Wendy’s tutor, Allan Paul. “The deep fulfilment
she’s discovered through finding her true vocation has been a pleasure to behold.”
An external moderation report by OCNSER
(Open College Network South East Region)
has praised City College for “…clearly
demonstrating best practice and offering
a great service to Access students” by
OCNSER’s Access Quality Manager Sylvia
Waghorn. The report also made positive
reference to the fact that 94.4% of City
College students who gained the Diploma
held offers of places in Higher Education
compared to the OCNSER regional figure of
79%. The full achievement of the Diploma
by City College Access students was 90%
compared to the regional figure of 69%.
Karina Carrick
Runner-up, NCFE Sussex Learner of the Year
Karina had no background in art or design before coming to City College, having left school
with no GCSEs and then studied IT for two years. After a period of working in care for the
elderly, Karina came to the College to study Interior Design at Level 1, excelled in her studies
and has since progressed to the Level 3 Advanced course. During her first year, she was
heavily pregnant and had a 2 year old son at home. She had her baby in November 2010
at home with no midwife present and amazed her tutor and fellow-students by returning to
college without missing a day.
“Karina is a star pupil regardless of the challenges she’s faced outside of College which
have been quite considerable,” says her tutor Eduardo Guimaraes. “She stands out in the
class both for enthusiasm and her high levels of achievement. It would have been expected
that her pregnancies and subsequent childcare responsibilities would have hindered her
progress but they never did. I can see no reason why Karina won’t make a successful career
in this field and winning a Spring Award has been a tremendous boost for her during a
challenging period of her life.”
Access to HE courses
praised for “great service”
“Our Access team have shown great
determination in offering their students
the best possible experience of FE”,
said Itziar Leighton, Access Head of
Curriculum. “Not only have we had
outstanding feedback from external
assessors, we’ve also recently had it
confirmed that we’ve got the second
highest success rates for Access courses
in the country which is testament to the
commitment of our teaching staff.”
City College is currently interviewing for
Access courses starting Sept 2011. See for more information.
College News
Ministers hail College’s partnership with Jobcentre Plus
Skills Minister John Hayes and Employment Minister Chris Grayling recently visited City
College to hear about how it is meeting the challenge to help people who are unemployed
get back to work by increasing their skills. Mr Hayes and Mr Grayling met staff from
Brighton Jobcentre Plus and staff and learners from City College to hear about what they
have achieved to date and how things are working on the ground. The Ministers held a
roundtable discussion with local representatives from employers, the Probation Service,
learning providers, Next Step careers advice, Local Enterprise Partnerships, Jobcentre Plus
and Brighton and Hove City Council.
The Ministers acknowledged the excellent relationship City College has established with
Jobcentre Plus who refer jobseekers to the College so that it can provide them with the
skills and training they need to get back into work. In the last 12 months, of the 200
previously unemployed (six months plus) learners who have been on the College’s workfocussed training courses, nearly half secured work after three months.
John Hayes, Minister for Further Education, Skills & Lifelong Learning, said: “In terms of
the relationship with Jobcentre Plus, City College are providing a fantastic example that
can be followed by others. Part of the reason I’m here with Chris Grayling is so that we can
cement what we do in public policy in terms of encouraging the spreading of that type of
good practice.”
Andy Burnham MP visits
City College
Andy Burnham MP, the Shadow Minister
for Education and former Labour leadership
contender, recently visited City College to find
out about the impact that the government’s
scrapping of EMA (Educational Maintenance
Allowance) will have on students. Mr.
Burnham was accompanied by Labour group
leader councillor Gill Mitchell and Brighton
and Hove City councillor - and City College
governor - Pat Hawkes. “City College is a
brilliant place which is full of activity and
you get a great feeling from being here”,
said Mr. Burnham. “The young people I
met were very impressive and clear about
what they wanted to achieve. The FE sector
is fundamental to our economy because
it helps build the workforce of the future.
This often gets overlooked in the education
debate which is something that must be
corrected and I’m determined to address
that as Shadow Education Secretary.”
Prince’s Trust team make a difference
A group of young people on City College’s
Prince’s Trust TEAM programme recently
helped the residents of Wavertree House,
a purpose-built residential facility for
older blind and partially sighted people,
by undertaking a variety of gardening and
painting & decorating tasks around the
premises. The TEAM Programme focuses on
developing self confidence, team building
and employability skills.
For more information on Princes’ Trust programmes at City College
starting in June, please email or telephone
01273 667788 ext 402.
News in Brief
Students’ ‘life-changing experience’ in
The ‘Give to Gambia’ project run by the college’s construction
department in conjunction with Sussex-Central YMCA, aims to
get students from engagement pathways to use their skills to
help a school in one of the most disadvantaged nations in the
world. Last December, three students studying for a construction
apprenticeship as part of the 14-16 Engagement Programme,
joined a 15-strong YMCA group in visiting Kafuta Lower Basic
School in Brikama. In what several of the group described as, “a
life-changing experience”, students first met with families at a
local hospital, before buying timber from a local yard and arriving
at the school to begin the project which involved making 5-aside goal posts and repairing shelves in the school library. Come
December, the seven students and three staff going to Gambia
are aiming to transform the whole library with a new bookcase,
re-painted walls and new book supplies. According to tutor
Steve Wilkins: “The students are specifically chosen because
mainstream education isn’t working out for them, for one reason
or another, and they all come back changed as individuals and
with a different outlook.”
Anyone wishing to contribute to ‘Give to Gambia’ please contact
Lisa Beresford at City College at
Rich Hook - NCTJ Journalism student
Motor Vehicle students rev up their results
Level 2 Motor Vehicle students have been celebrating some
outstanding success in their exam results. They each recently
sat four exams in four different subjects in a day - all externally
moderated on-line - and achieved an overall pass rate of 95%.
Motor Vehicle Team Leader Steve Philliben said: “We’ve got a
really committed cohort of students this year and with an equally
committed tutor in the shape of Ronnie Dawson, the department
is really proud of this success but not entirely surprised!”
Students help transform
empty properties
A team of carpentry students, whose ages range from 14year-olds to a mature student in his forties, are lending
their skills to help put some of Brighton and Hove Council’s
empty properties back into use. The initiative is collaboration
between the Council, City College and social housing repairs
& maintenance company Mears. “This project has enabled
the students to get a taste of real life when it comes to the
construction industry and as a learning exercise, it’s a perfect
extension of what they’re learning in the workshop”, said
Tom Dowds, Carpentry Team Leader. Alex Fox, the Council’s
Building Maintenance Surveyor, added: “Together with our
principal contractor Mears, we recognised the benefit ‘real
world’ experience would bring to the students. In turn, their
training will help return a number of the council’s empty
properties back into use. So, better training for students and
more properties back into use for the council is a real win-win
situation for the community.”
The College is currently recruiting for full-time Motor Vehicle
courses starting in September 2011. To apply, see our full-time
prospectus or see
Journalism students have the ‘Latest Word’
Students on the NCTJ multimedia one year and fast track
courses had a four page supplement ‘Latest Word’ published
in popular Brighton publication Latest 7. The weekly magazine
is read by over 100,000 people every week and is available at
over 1,000 outlets across the South. The project involved the
students getting hands-on experience of writing all the copy for
the supplement as well as working alongside staff in the Latest
7 production and advertising departments. “It was nice for us to
work through the process with them from start to finish to give
them a flavour of what it was like working on a real magazine”,
said Latest 7’s Production Director Fiona McTernan. “I think they
did a really good job and when they look back there will be a lot
they can learn from it and to me that’s what made this much a
worthwhile project.”
The College is currently recruiting for Journalism courses starting
in September 2011. For more details, see
City Business Providing training, skills & staff development programmes
Top Brighton salon backs
City Jobs joins forces with Brighton Pier
City College’s new free employment service, City Jobs, is working with Jason Mannix, HR
Manager for Brighton Pier, to find candidates for the Pier’s summer season recruitment
drive. City Jobs has links with students from all vocational areas, including those on a
variety of short work focussed courses, where learners gain skills and qualifications in areas
such as customer service, retail and hospitality while also preparing them to start work
immediately in these sectors. Using City Job’s direct links to work-ready job-seekers and
students, Brighton Pier are able to save time and resources usually spent on their recruitment
process, whilst also getting staff that are fully prepared to start work within that industry.
“This is an excellent example of the College working in partnership with a local business to
provide a link between job seekers and employers” said Employment Partnership Manager
Dan Shelley. “It’s exactly the sort of initiative involving local employers that City Jobs is
focussed on getting involved with.”
To find out more about City Jobs
FREE employment support service
assisting students and local residents
into jobs and work placements.
please contact Eddie or Alice
Tel: 01273 232642 / 01273 232645
One of Brighton’s most popular Hairdressing
salons, The Point, has recently taken on two
apprentices - Anne Lazarus and Jasmin Field
- who are studying for their apprenticeships
through the College’s City Business Skills
department. “Apprenticeships are the way
forward for independent Brighton businesses
to have trainees working on the shop floor
and learning their trade”, said The Point’s
Director Ian Habben. “When it comes
to setting up the apprenticeships, we’ve
always had a fantastic relationship with City
College and the communication between us
has always been excellent.”
City College is currently working with over
350 employers in regards to Apprenticeship
provision and in the last 18 months, the
College has recruited 376 Apprentices and
Advanced Apprentices in areas as diverse
as Accountancy, Childcare, Motor Vehicle
Maintenance and Education.
For more information on taking on
Apprenticeship Co-ordinator Krystle Holford
tel 01273 667788 x 303
Apprenticeship team go
‘back to the floor’
City College’s City Business Skills
apprenticeship team went ‘back to
the floor’ recently as part of National
Apprenticeship Week. The team went
to work in businesses who employ
apprentices - these ranged from retail
outlets to hairdressers and childcare
providers - to see what life as an apprentice
is really like. The day was invaluable to
the team as it gave them a real insight
into the current practices, trends and
challenges facing businesses today.
Professional networking for
employers and business owners
in the Brighton area
To join contact:
T: 01273 667756 (option 4) /cbs
Students get industry insights from Brighton
music biz insider
Music Production students recently got some valuable insider’s insights into what makes
Brighton’s music industry tick from Lisa Holloway. Former Chief Executive of the Brighton
Music Network, Lisa is The Great Escape’s Fundraising Manager, Presenter of the popular
arts and entertainment event The Space, Director of a new literary festival First Fictions
and Chair of creative industries leadership group Creative Brighton. “It’s essential that our
students are kept in touch with the up to the minute going-ons in today’s music industry,
especially what’s happening here in Brighton” said Course Leader Matthew Hodson. Lisa
Holloway added: “I really enjoyed my visit to City College and was impressed with the
bright and motivated individuals I met. They had pertinent questions and a hunger to
understand. They know it’s very important that they capitalise on opportunities for industry
visits because this knowledge will set them apart when they start to forge their careers
outside of their course.”
Students promote City
Travel’s special offers
Travel & Tourism students recently
organised an event to promote special
deals that City Travel has arranged with
Neilson, the outdoor and adventure
activity holiday specialists. City Travel,
based at City College’s central campus
on Pelham Street, is an independent
travel agency that is fully ABTA bonded.
The agency is a member of the Hays
Travel consortia which means the agency
has the ability to compete with all of the
high street travel agencies as well as
the internet. City Travel is run by Clare
Embleton, who has 10 years experience
in the travel and tourism industry. City
College staff and students are eligible to
a 5% discount off any package holiday
and any profit that is made is put straight
back in to the college.
“As well as getting hands-on experience
of working at the agency, Travel & Tourism
students also get the opportunity to
work on promotional events like this that
help them achieve the marketing unit of
their course”, said Claire. “It also helps
raise awareness of the range of what
the agency can offer staff, students and
members of the public.”
City Travel currently has some
excellent deals on Neilson Beachclub
Holidays which includes free sailing,
and wakeboarding, tennis tuition,
association training courses and evening
childcare. For more details, contact:
Clare Embleton on 01273 667788 ext.
638 or email
City College has Music Technology & Music Production courses at Level 3, Foundation
Degree and Degree levels starting in September 2011. Visit our website for more details,
College builds links with leading Games corporation
As part of the Games Design Department’s ongoing commitment to developing industry
links, the College recently welcomed Quality Assurance Specialist Sam Watts and his team
from Gamania, a leading PC online game and digital entertainment corporation, to run a
Focus Group for their online gaming title Lucent Heart. This involved first and second year
Level 3 Games Design students working in teams to test and constructively comment on
every aspect of the game.
After an introductory talk explaining the testing process and the value of effective reporting,
the students were allocated roles as observers or testers. Working on a schedule of timed
game play all of the students were able to engage in both roles, complete marketing and
reporting documents, and discuss their findings in groups for reporting back to the Gamania
team at the end of the session.
“The students benefited immensely from the hands on session and proved themselves well
equipped for the task with their keen attention to detail and thorough approach to reporting”,
said tutor Paul Grant.”They were able to provide useful insight and feedback, highlighting
areas that the Gamania team hadn’t thought of and confirming others that they had.”
City College has Creative Media and Games Development courses at Level 2 and 3 starting
in September 2011. For more details, see
College helps retailers create Portas magic
Brighton retailers flocked to City College recently to pick up some golden tips to get the cash
tills ringing. Retail guru TV star, Mary Portas, has designed a program with the National Skills
Academy for Retail. The College hosted a free taster workshop to encourage businesses to
sign up for a range of courses on topics including Window Display, Visual Merchandising
and Customer Service.
A wide range of businesses were represented. Charmaine Davies from the Scope charity shop
in George Street, said it was not all bad news for Brighton Retailers: “We have experienced
a much bigger footfall since the downturn.” Sarah Kelly was new to retailing, having just
invested in an existing equine retail outlet. By contrast, David Sewell, the third generation
owner of the Pavilion Gardens Café, wanted to learn some finer points of customer service,
and was already an enthusiastic student at the College’s retail evening classes.
A series of seven masterclasses, starting with ‘My shop, my future’ will run from April 7
2011 at City College and to book on this course call the City Business Skills team on 01273
667756 or email
Tanya Paulo - NCTJ Journalism student
City Arts News from City College’s Creative Community
City College actor on the rise
Orrin Davis, a Level 3 Performing Arts
student, has recently experienced some
exciting breaks in his budding acting
career. Orrin (19) came to study acting at
City College with the encouragement of his
mum after an unsatisfying stint on a PE and
football coaching course at another College.
“It all started clicking into place for me
when I did my first performance after we’d
been put into groups on our first day and
had to devise a ten minute piece based
around song lyrics”, explains Orrin. “ We got
‘There’s a Light that Never Goes Out’ by The
Smiths and that’s when I really thought ‘I
really like this and I can really do it’ and it
felt really natural.”
Orrin’s natural ability was soon spotted by
agent Mark Jermin who began putting him
forward for acting roles and he’ll soon be
appearing in Seamonsters, a forthcoming
feature film directed by Julian Kerridge.
Alongside British screen legend Rita
Tushingham, the film stars up-and-coming
talent such as Jack McMullen (Waterloo
Road) Reece Noi (Emmerdale) and Georgia
Henshaw (Skins). The story concerns a group
of teenagers growing up at the seaside and
torn apart by suicide. “Julian’s a really good
director and it was a lot of fun to work with
such a talented young cast”, says Orrin.
Another memorable acting job came about
when Orrin got an audition to appear in a
TV commercial for the AA: “I got offered the
job which was exciting in itself and when
I turned up on the day, John Cleese was
there! I’ve been a big fan of his since I was
a kid watching Fawlty Towers so that was
amazing. He was really friendly with the cast
and really professional and did it all in such a
short time frame. I’d liked to have had more
time to talk to him but it was still really cool.
He’s just got that aura where confidence is
oozing from him which inspires everyone
else to think ‘we can do this’.”
Orrin attributes much of this recent success
to his course at City College: ”The support
that all the tutors have given me has guided
me down the right route and it’s been
brilliant”, he says. “As an actor, I’ve learnt
so many more new skills and picked up tips
and just being around people who’ve worked
in the profession means that even when you
don’t realise you’re learning, you’re picking
stuff up all the time.”
Orrin is currently focussing on the College’s
end-of-year play and is committed to getting
a good qualification but admits that “... if
my agent has anything else in the pipeline
I’ll be very interested!”
“In the future I’d just like to be able to look
back and have done a good film or a play
that I was happy with and had performed
well in - just to have a sense of achieving
something”, says Orrin.” I don’t really care
too much about the whole fame thing, I
could do without that.”
City College has a range of Acting, Drama
and Dance courses starting in September
2011. For more details, see
‘Little Lamp’ shines bright
Students turn ‘Rags to
Riches’ for Martlets
Art Foundation and National Diploma
Fashion & Textile students were recently
involved in a collaborative fashion-design
project using unwanted charity shop
garments. The students only had 8 days
to design and make their outfits and came
up with a diverse range of stunning fashion
collections. The project culminated in ‘Rags
to Riches’ - a free fashion show extravaganza
at the College’s Main Hall. The event raised
over £500 for the Martlets Hospice.
“I thought the students put on a fantastic
show” said Clem Hunnisett, Martlets
Community Events Fundraiser. “I was amazed
that they’d had such a short time to make
their outfits because it looked like they’d
been working on them for months and it was
such a professional, polished event. It’s a
brilliant fundraising effort for the hospice and
the fact that the students had also organised
their own cake sale raising hundreds before
this event was even more impressive.”
Fundraising success of
‘Blanc de Blanc’ fashion
Using only white paper, card and wire,
Art & Design students came up with some
spectacular creations for a stunning fashion
show, Blanc de Blanc, held at the College’s
Main Hall. The students’ brief was to come
up with designs based on either 20th
century fashion movements or specific
national cultures from around the world. The
students were only four months into their
course and had less than a fortnight to work
on designing and making either head-wear
or body adornments. The event was also
held as a fund-raiser for the Chestnut Tree
House Children’s Hospice in Arundel and
nearly £500 was raised on the day.
City College is currently recruiting for a
range of Foundation, Intermediate and
Advanced level Art & Design courses starting
in September 2011. For more details, see
Access student Mary Parnwell has found
time outside her studies to launch ‘Little
Lamp’ a collaborative project that brings
artists, designers, writers, poets and
musicians together to create events that
excite and inspire people. Over the last few
months, Mary’s been involved in putting on a
number of highly successful events at Kemp
Town’s Redroaster Coffee House involving
live music, spoken word and artwork. Mary
moved to Brighton in 2004 to have her son
and having already gained carpentry and
Swedish massage skills at the College, she’s
now halfway through an Access to Higher
Education in English course. “Improving my
own creative writing and incorporating it into
Little Lamp projects is one of my goals and
taking this Access course has also meant that
I can apply for English and Drama Studies
at Sussex”, says Mary. If you are interested
in getting involved in Little Lamp, contact
Mary via
Mayor’s charity show
success for ‘Acouschicks’
At Hove Town Hall recently, a packed
audience gathered for a fundraising event
to support the Mayor’s charities - The
Alzheimer’s Society, MacMillan Cancer
Support, The Martlets Hospice and the
Sussex Heart Charity. In an eclectic and
varied show, one of the standout acts was a
talented all-female band from City College’s
Music Technology course, Acouschicks. The
band’s polished and lively set consisted of
cover-versions and original compositions
and the band went down so well that the
audience demanded an encore.
Digital Photography student Keith Soutter has received funding from
Brighton and Hove Council to form a photography community group,
‘The Clickers’, in East Moulsecoomb. The group have also received
funding from LINK to undertake a project working with individuals
with mental health issues by using photography to help express how
their mental health impacts on their life thereby improving their self
worth and increasing public awareness and knowledge. The Clickers
now employ City College photography tutor Denise Felkin part time as
their trainer and together they are approaching funders to work with
Moulsecoomb Garden Project to produce an educational ‘grow your
own food’ calendar project. For more information on The Clickers,
contact Keith at
City College has a wide range of photography courses running
throughout the year. For more details, see
photo: nick dockree
Keith’s ‘Clickers’ snap-happy in Moulsecoomb
City Alumni Life after City College
News in Brief
Carpentry students
renovate Normandy chateau
A group of Carpentry students spent two
weeks in Normandy where they worked
on renovating an eighteenth century
chateau. The project was run by the
Leonardo Foundation, whose CEO, Charlie
Turner was there to oversee the work. The
students were a real credit to City College,
working exceptionally hard, often through
their break times. They managed to knock
out and clear the walls of 10 rooms and
lay a new floor which measured more than
120 square metres. Charlie was delighted
with the standard of the work. Carpentry
students plan to return to do further work
in the summer term.
Elliott Moore
General Manager of Catering
at Brighton & Hove Albion’s
Amex Stadium
Elliott Moore
Beaut y
Relax & unwind in this hidden city retreat
City Revival is the refreshingly different
hair and beauty salon offering relaxing
treatments, therapies, stylish cuts and
sports therapy at fantastic value.
Book an appointment
To book a weekday appointment:
Tel: 01273 667790 (Beauty)
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Coming Up!
New Summer Short Courses
for Adults in:
• Art
• Photography
• Printmaking
• Jewellery
• Cookery
• Massage
Venues across the city
Since studying at City College on BTEC
National Diploma in Hospitality from 1993
to 1995, Elliott Moore has gone on to achieve
great success in the hospitality industry with
Azure, the premium catering and hospitality
provider specialising in the Stadia, Sports
& Leisure markets. At Brighton and Hove
Albion’s new Amex
Stadium at Falmer,
Elliott is Azure’s
responsibility for the
delivery of catering
and hospitality for
match day and non”
match day activities,
providing top quality food and drink for
corporate events, public restaurants and
kiosks and catering for a huge range of
events from weddings to trade fairs.
It doesn’t have to be highbrow, just good
quality food and service. In short, good food
and good company. I’m also a fan of real
ale and cheese and we’re blessed with some
fantastic breweries and cheese makers in
Sussex, so I’m in my element.”
Of his time at City
College, Elliott says:
“The most valuable
thing I learnt was
basics of catering.
The course gave me a
great understanding of
what is required in the
industry and I gained a
great overall knowledge - from how to make a
white sauce right up to full Gueridon Service
in a restaurant. But to be honest, what stands
out for me most about my time at the College
is probably the friends I made. I’m still in
contact with all of my classmates now and
I’m pleased to report that they’ve all stayed
in the industry in a variety of positions and
locations around the world.”
most catering
managers would kill
to have my job and
I love it
Asked whether he lives to work or works to
live, Elliott says: “… most catering managers
would kill to have my job and I love it - but
with two small children I do try and share my
time between work and home.” He adds that
his idea of a good time is “having a big meal
with all my family in a local restaurant.
For more details of the range of Catering
courses at City College see
Wanted: SUccess Stories
Are you an ex-City College student who has started their
own business or has a success story to tell us about? If
so, City Times would love to hear from you!
01273 667744
for more details
Contact: Brian Bell
Tel: 01273 667788 x 488
City Sports Excellence in Football, Boxing, Rugby & Golf
‘Man of the Match’ hat-trick for Morgan
After losing 10 players from the double winning team last year,
this season was always going to be a tough one and started with
3 straight defeats. However, since then, there has been a spell of
just 1 defeat in 10 games. Some stand out results were a 6 – 1 win
against Woking plus 4 – 0 and 4 – 1 home and away victories over
Sussex Downs.
A key performer has been commanding centre back and Captain,
Morgan Bull, with 3 ‘Man of the Match’ performances. Top goal
scorer has been Brazilian sensation Bruno Accorsi with 9 goals,
including a 4 goal haul in one match. This has led to him training
with the Albion youth team. Each player has contributed well and
they have built a solid foundation to push on and really challenge
for trophies next year.
With the majority of last year’s 2nd XI taking the step up into the
1st XI, this year’s 2nd XI is almost a completely new team. With
that in mind and the fact that they would be playing most of their
games against other colleges’ 1st teams, there has been some
really positive results. George Rudwick and Nima Shahnaazi have
formed an impressive partnership together in centre midfield. A few
additions to the team next year should see them challenging for the
league top spot.
This year, for the first time, City College has also run a 3rd XI that
competed in the Sussex Schools 2nd XI league. There have been
impressive wins against Woodard with a 7 – 2 win, a 6 – 0 win over
Portslade Community College and a 13 – 0 win over Plumpton. The
team will look to build on this good start next year.
Rugby League ‘Centre of Excellence’ formed
with Sussex Merlins
Headed up by ex-professional Rugby Union player and former
Scotland Rugby League International Fin Macmillan, City College’s
rugby team has made great strides in its first year of existence. An
exciting 34-22 win over Cardinal Newman recently saw them reach
the South East colleges’ regional finals and, most significantly, a
partnership has been formed with Sussex Merlins, the county’s only
Rugby League team, to develop a centre of excellence for Rugby
League in Brighton.
There is a mix of experience among the team ranging from novices to
a former England international and the season got off to a good start
with a victory over local rivals Varndean. The team also managed to
make it through the first 2 rounds of the Sussex Schools cup until they
were beaten in a hard fought match with BHASVIC. “This has been
a really positive season with improvements in each performance”
says Fin Macmillan. “With the Rugby Union season coming to an
end, we’ll start competing in Rugby League competitions and this
will be completely new to almost all of the team but the lads are
determined to train hard and show they can be competitive in this
form of the game too.” With a year’s experience under their belt
and a few new players coming in next year, the Rugby team are now
looking to bring back some silverware next year.
For more information on studying Sport
at City College visit our website.
Building Futures team meet Albion hero
Former Brighton & Hove Albion Goal Keeper Michel Kuipers, recently met with a group of
City College students to learn about the successful Building Futures programme. Michel,
who now plays for Crawley Town, visited the group fresh from his appearance at Old Trafford
in the FA Cup against Manchester United. Michel was keen to learn about the free training
on offer to unemployed residents who are being given an opportunity to learn skills in
Carpentry, Brickwork and Tiling to help them find work in the construction industry.
To find out more about Building Futures courses please contact the Community Skills &
Learning team at Brighton Town Hall on 01273 294287.
City Sports Excellence in Football, Boxing, Rugby & Golf
City Diary
Thurs 7th April from 6pm
(Main Hall, Pelham Street)
Hairdressing Annual Event: Myths,
Legends & Fairytales and launch event
for the College’s ‘City Revival’ hair &
beauty salons
19th April, 7.30am - 10am
(Sussex County Cricket Ground)
City Business Club - PR: Dark Arts,
Rough Trade or Common Sense
Tues 10th May, Afternoon only
(Pelham Street)
Interview Day for full-time applications
Archie’s on the ascendant
Weds 11th & Thursday 12th May at
7.30pm (Main Hall, Pelham Street)
Acting students perform Haroun and
the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie
Archie Hutchins, one of City College’s most
promising young boxers, recently won a
unanimous decision in Tadley near Reading
against Jake Foley of Finchley ABC in a
senior Middleweight contest. “I felt good
and the punches flowed and towards then
end of the bout, I almost stopped him…
I’m very happy with my performance,” says
Mon 16th & Tues 17th May at 7.30pm
(Main Hall, Pelham Street)
Acting students perform Arabian
Nights by Dominic Cook
Meanwhile, 6ft 7 light heavyweight Luke
Batstone won his Southern Counties open
class ABA semi final in Portsmouth against
a tough opponent from Heart of Portsmouth
ABC. In a tricky fight with a clash of styles,
Luke landed the cleaner shots utilising his
range and jab. With a number of good spells
in the last round, Luke took a unanimous
decision. In the final, Luke was up against
Chevron Clarke of Gravesham - a talented,
powerful boxer who had won 20 of his 22
bouts, stopping 14 on the way. His power
unfortunately proved too much for Luke.
Generally in the academy, through continued
use of their training diaries, the boxers
have monitored their technical, tactical,
physical and mental development and are
making great strides. They are now eagerly
anticipating a College trip to Sheffield
to visit the Team GB coaches and have
a training session with them. “This will
allow them to see where the bar is really
set” says coach Adam Haniver. “I know
they’ll relish this experience and they fully
deserve opportunities like the Sheffield trip
for all their hard work both physically and
academically. It’s a pleasure to see them
develop both as athletes, students and as
College’s Marathon effort
Over 200 City College students and staff
are looking forward to either running or
volunteering at the upcoming Brighton
Marathon on the 10th of April. The event
has pitched itself as ‘bigger and better’ than
last year, and City College has risen to the
challenge of contributing to this fantastic
community event in even better ways than
The College has taken over part of the
course with over 200 volunteers, covering
the notorious ‘road to hell’ and the ‘mad
mile’, where runners last year suffered the
most. Their suffering will be a little less this
year with the enthusiastic College support
and help, which includes a water station
team at mile 22.
Elite runners from the Brighton area will be
rewarded by the City College trophy - and
prize money - for the first Brightonian male
and female past the finish line. The College
will also be providing the trophy awarded to
the winners of the much-hyped corporate
challenge. The distinctive designs for these
trophies come from Cadi Froehlich and Jo
Brown, students on the Fine Art Foundation
Degree course.
Mon 23rd May at 7.30pm
(Main Hall, Pelham Street)
Street Dance students perform Dance!
- A celebration of a year’s work
24th May 7.30am - 10am
(Gallery Restaurant, Whitecross Street)
City Business Club - Apprenticeships:
how they really work
Thurs 2nd June at 7pm
(Drama Studio, City College East)
Acting students perform Contemporary
Theatre Scenes
Thurs 9th June at 7pm
(Cross-campus, City College East)
Acting students perform Site Specific
Tues 28th June from 7pm (Main Hall)
Care Department’s Awards Evening
Thurs 30th June, Afternoon only
(Pelham Street)
Interview Day for full-time applications
Thurs 30th June (Main Hall)
Access Department’s Progression
Event for new students (10am)
plus Certificate Presentation &
Talent Show (5pm)
Keep up-to-date with College News (username: CityColl) or follow us on
Tel: 01273 667788