Untitled - US MotorGlider


Untitled - US MotorGlider
Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
pages removed
pages inserted
Date of
11 iii, iv, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3
iii, iv, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3
Jan 27. 2003
12 iii, iv, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3
iii, iv, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3
Mar 16. 2005
13 iii, iv, v, 4-1..4-3, 5-8,
9-1.1, 9-1.2, 9-2..9-4
iii, iv, v, 4-1..4-3, 5-8,
9-1.1, 9-1.2, 9-2..9-4
May 25. 2005
Page: iii
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
Date of
14 i, iii..v, viii, 1-1, 3-17, 3-19..3- i, iii..v, viii, 1-1, 3-17, 3-19..3- Nov. 30. 2007
21, 3-37, 3-38, 3-40, 3-53,
4-1..4-3, 5-2, 6-9, 6-13,
7-9..7-17, 7-23, 7-32, 10-1,
Annex E
21, 3-37, 3-38, 3-40, 3-53,
4-1..4-3, 5-2, 6-9, 6-13,
7-9..7-17, 7-23, 7-32, 10-1,
Annex E
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Doc. No. A40-11-122
Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: iv
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
0.2 List of Effective Pages
This list is only valid for the Serial No. specified on title page. The list contains all amendments of the
Maintenance Manual, effective until final approval of this Serial No. Amendments added later must be
Am. No.
Am. No.
Am. No.
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 30. 2007
Dec 14. 2001
Nov 11. 1999
Dec 14. 2001
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 11. 1999
Dec 14. 2001
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 11. 1999
Dec 14. 2001
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 11. 1999
May 25 2005
Nov 11. 1999
Mar 18. 1998
Dec 14. 2001
Nov 30. 2007
Dec 14. 2001
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Dec 14. 2001
Dec 14. 2001
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 30. 2007
Aug 12. 1998
Aug 12. 1998
Aug 12. 1998
Dec 14. 2001
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
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Doc. No. A40-11-122
Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: v
Date: Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 30. 2007
Nov 30. 2007
Jul 22. 1998
Mar 23. 1998
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 30. 2007
Dec 14. 2001
May 25 2005
May 25 2005
May 25 2005
Mar 18.1998
Nov 11. 1999
May 25 2005
Nov 11. 1999
May 25 2005
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Cover sheet
Annex A
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 11. 1999
Nov 30. 2007
Cover sheet
Annex C
Am. No.
Cover sheet
Annex B
Cover sheet
Annex D
Cover sheet
Annex E
Doc. No. A40-11-122
Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: viii
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
7.2 Cockpit
7.2.1 Canopy
7.2.2 Equipment and Systems
7.3 Controls
7.3.1 Controls in Fuselage
7.3.2 Controls in the Wing
7.3.3 Controls in Tail Cone/Vertical Tail
7.3.4 Deflection of Control Surfaces, Control System Friction, Control Forces
7.3.5 Slackness of Control System Bearings
7.4 Powerplant
7.4.1 Engine
7.4.2 Lubrication System
7.4.3 Cooling System
7.4.4 Air Induction System
7.4.5 Exhaust System
7.4.6 Fuel System
7.4.7 Engine Controls / Monitoring
7.4.8 Fire Protection
7.4.9 Cowlings
7.4.10 Propeller
7.4.11 Drive Shaft System
7.4.12 Front Gear, Mounting and Support
7.4.13 Propeller operation
7.5 Landing Gear
7.5.1 Main Landing Gear
7.5.2 Tailwheel
7.6 Flight Control Instruments and Pitot and Static Pressure System
7.6.1 Calibration of Stall Warning System:
7.6.2 Maintenance on the Static Pressure System
7.7 Electrical System
7.7.1 General
7.7.2 Batteries
7.7.3 Grounding
7.7.4 E-Box
7.8 Communication and Navigation Equipment
7.9 Oxygen Equipment
8. List of Placards and their Positions
9. Equipment
9.1 Minimum Equipment List
9.2 Supplementary Equipment
9.3 Additional Equipment and Systems
9.3.1 Additional Equipment
9.3.2 Optional Systems
10. List of Special Tools
11. List of Maintenance Documents for Parts Being Approved Independently from
the Aircraft.
Annex A: Supplementary Instructions for Maintenance and Care, Maintenance
Annex B: Service Bulletins, Airworthiness Directives
Annex C: Documents (Inspection and Operation Reports)
Annex D: Maintenance and Inspection Forms.
Annex E: Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914
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Doc. No. A40-11-122
Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: 1-1
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
1. General Remarks on Maintenance
-*The legal owner of the STEMME S10-VT is obliged to ensure that, according to the specific national laws
and regulations, the maintenance of the aircraft follows the instructions of this manual. Among others, there
scheduled maintenance,
exchange of fluids and lubricants,
exchange of parts after expiry of their service life,
minor repairs.
Any maintenance work must be documented (a/c logbook).
The manufacturer has to be informed immediately in case of any change of ownership. The message must
be confirmed by the manufacturer, so that all information concerning airworthiness (AD´s, SB´s) can be given
to the legal owner.
For maintenance work the following documents are relevant:
1. This Maintenance Manual for the powered glider STEMME S10-VT,
2. STEMME - "Flight Manual for the powered glider STEMME S10-VT",
3. ROTAX - "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”,
4. ROTAX - "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types ROTAX 912 and 914
5. ROTAX - "Operating Manual“ ROTAX 914 F,
6. ROTAX - "Installation Manual“ ROTAX 914 F,
7. ROTAX - "Main Overhaul Manual“ ROTAX 914 F
8. ROTAX - "Spare Parts List“ ROTAX 914 F
9. STEMME Doc. No. A26-11AM-M: Technical Specification of the ROTAX 914 F2/S1
10. Maintenance instructions for the "L'Hotellier" quick-disconnects in flight control system,
11. Manufacturer's documents referring to the equipment listed in the equipment list of the corresponding S/N,
12. SB´s published by STEMME, ROTAX and manufacturer of other equipment installed,
13. Maintenance Instructions from STEMME,
14. Service Information's from ROTAX.
The amount and kind of maintenance work depend on the a/c utilization, the climate, airfield conditions,
storing facilities and other factors, irrespective of the periodic checks. E. g., in sandy environs it might be
necessary to clean all filters before every commencement of operation; on the other hand in coastal or in
rainy regions it is important to take more care of the conservation of the a/c. The instructions in this manual
are valid under normal conditions and use.
Use only spare parts from the manufacturer or according to the manufacturer's requirements.
NOTE: Materials required and recommended procedures for minor repairs on composite materials are
indicated in the repair guide "Minor repair to components of fibrous composite material" in Annex A of
this Maintenance Manual.
In case of any incident endangering airworthiness the manufacturer must be informed immediately.
Maintenance work must be performed by qualified personnel.
NOTE: This Maintenance Manual does not include instructions for assembly, daily inspection and Pre-Flight
inspection, which are provided in section 4 "Normal Operating Procedures" of the Flight Manual. To
perform these procedures, the Flight Manual must be available to the maintenance personnel.
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Doc. No. A40-11-122
Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: 3-17
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
3.4 Power Plant (Fig. 3.4.a)
3.4.1 Engine
Engine description:
See "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types
ROTAX 912 and 914 Series”, section 71
Upper Engine Attachment:
A tubular steel frame at the upper engine flanges, mounted in two vibration
absorbing elements in the upper lateral tube of the fuselage frame
Lower Engine Attachment:
A separate tubular steel frame at the lower engine flanges in two vibration
absorbing elements in the forward lateral framework junctions
ROTAX 914 F2/S1 (modified ROTAX 914 F Aircraft engine, propeller shaft
design with flange for fixed pitch propellers)
The ROTAX 914 F2/S1 is modified by STEMME and based on the type ROTAX 914 F2. The modification
was completed as a co-operation with ROTAX and with acceptance of ROTAX. The base engine ROTAX 914
F2 is certified according to JAR-E / FAR 33. It is turbocharged and has an electronic dual-ignition system.
The modified version ROTAX 914 F2/S1 was specially developed for the model S10-VT, a derivative of the
powered glider STEMME S10. The engine modifications are certified together with the S10-VT according to
JAR 22. The modified version ROTAX 914 F2/S1 has the STEMME (internal) production No. 11AM-M.
The ROTAX 914 F2/S1 is based on the Engine-Production No. 37.914.0120.06 (ROTAX 914 F2 without
mech. tachometer and without external generator) resp. on No.37.914.1120.06 (ROTAX 914 F2 without
mech. tachometer, but with external generator). The external generator is standard equipment for the
S10-VT. By definition, it is not considered as part of the engine but an accessory of the airframe.
Due to special requirements for installation in the central fuselage, the following modifications were made:
− The most significant modification is the relocation of the turbocharger unit to the aft of the engine to stay
within the outlines of the S10-VT fuselage. The turbocharger unit is supported by five struts aft of the
engine. In between the turbocharger and the carburetors a supercharger intercooler is installed.
− Relocation of the turbocharger unit required modifications of the exhaust system. The exhaust bends are
attached to the turbocharger by springs, positioning bends in spite of the high thermal stress.
− It was also necessary to modify the layout of the oil pipes for the turbocharger.
− The exhaust bends and the muffler are shrouded by temperature-resistant material, thus thermally
isolating the system from the engine bay. The turbocharger unit and the airbox are isolated by radiation
protective shields.
− The original ROTAX engine mounting is not used. STEMME specially developed an engine mounting for a
center installation, consisting of two upper and one lower supporting elements.
− In the liquid cooling system, the combined function of the expansion reservoir and refill container was split
up in two separate containers, with the expansion reservoir located above the engine and the refill
container on the left side of the fire-wall.
− The ignition unit is installed above of the engine slightly behind the original position.
− The throttle levers on the carburetors have been slightly modified (modification does not affect the throttle
rigging of the original engine) and additional springs have been installed (pulling towards full-power
position) to compensate for friction due to the long control cables in between cockpit and engine bay.
Engine performance data of the ROTAX 914 F2/S1 are identical to those of the ROTAX 914 F:
T/O power
84.5 kW (113.2 hp)
Max continuos power:
73.4 kW (98.4 hp)
Max. T/O RPM:
5800 RPM
Max. continuos RPM:
5500 RPM
Reduction ratio (engine reduction gear):
1 : 2.43
Max. Propeller RPM:
2387 RPM
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Doc. No. A40-11-122
Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: 3-19
Date: Nov 30. 2007
3.4.2 Lubrication System
System description:
Refer to "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types
ROTAX 912 and 914 Series”, section 79
The ROTAX 914 is equipped with a dry-sump pressure lubrication system. The pumps are part of the engine.
It was necessary to modify the routing of the oil pipes between oil pump and turbocharger.
The oil tank is standard from ROTAX. It is installed behind the fire-wall on the LH side of the fuselage frame.
The oil filler cap is below a service access in the upper center fuselage fairing.
Oil is taken in flexible pipes from the oil tank through the fire wall to the engine bay. Any flexible oil lines in the
engine compartment are shrouded by fire protective sleeves.
The oil cooler is installed on the RH side of the fuselage frame and supplied by air from the RH cowl flap.
3.4.3 Cooling System
System description:
Refer to "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types
ROTAX 912 and 914 Series”, section 75
Engine cooling is attained by liquid cooled cylinder heads, ram air cooled cylinder straight shanks and by
cooling the oil.
Liquid cooling
The radiator for the coolant is installed on the LH side of the fuselage frame, supplied by ram air from the LH
cowl flap. The refill container is installed on the forward left side of the upper fire wall. A thin tube links the
relief valve in the refill container with the overflow container, which is installed in the LH landing gear bay. The
quantity of the coolant can be checked at the scale on the overflow container and must be between min and
max markings.
The coolant lines consist of flexible coolant hoses and aluminum tubes. To allow relative movements, the
rigid components of the system are connected by flexible hoses.
Ram Air Cylinder Cooling:
Ram air for cylinder cooling is guided from the RH cowl flap through a duct to a distributor on the engine
upper side. The distributor is made of special heat-resistant GFRP.
Inlet Cowl Flaps
Oil cooler, radiator, intercooler, ram air cylinder cooling and carburetor are supplied with ram air from the LH
and RH cowl flaps in the lateral engine cowlings. To avoid low engine temperatures during high cruising
speeds or descents from high altitudes, the cowl flap aperture can be reduced with a handle on the
instrument panel. During T/O, climb and at high OAT´s, the cowl flaps should be fully open. Five reduced
apertures can be set for different conditions. It is not possible to close the cowl flaps completely as long as
the propeller-dome is open. The cowl flap control is linked to the propeller dome operation: closing of the
propeller-dome also closes the cowl flaps and opening of the propeller dome opens the cowl flaps to the
position set by the cowl flap handle.
Outlet Cowl Flap
The warmed air streams of the engine compartment via the lower outlet cowl flap. The aperture of the outlet
cowl flap, like the inlet cowl flaps, is controlled by the dome operation as well as by the cowl flap handle on
the instrument panel. The shape of the small fuselage fairing behind the outlet cowl flap keeps a slot when
the cowl flap is closed with the propeller dome, to allow a permanent ventilation of the engine compartment.
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Doc. No. A40-11-122
Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Amendment No.: 14
3.4.4 Air Induction System
System description:
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Page: 3-20
Date: Nov 30. 2007
Refer to "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types
ROTAX 912 and 914 Series”, section 73
The engine induction air is guided from the RH inlet cowl flap via duct, air filter and a short elastic tube to the
turbocharger unit. The compressed air is guided via two tubes through the intercooler to the airbox. The
intercooler with a drain at its lowest point is installed on the RH side of the center fuselage frame.
Cooling air for the intercooler is taken from the RH inlet cowl flap, directed into the engine bay and to the
outside via the lower outlet cowl flap.
The airbox is supported by two rubber mounts on the diagonal strut of the turbocharger unit. The airbox
drainage lines are routed to the outlet cowl flap, in order to allow the drained fuel to leave the engine
3.4.5 Engine Exhaust incl. Turbocharger and Attachment
System description:
Refer to "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types
ROTAX 912 and 914 Series”, section 78
Turbocharger attachment:
Five steel tube struts at aft engine mounts
The turbocharger unit, consisting of turbocharger and muffler, is installed aft of the engine and supported by
five struts on the crankshaft housing. The turbocharger is supplied with oil by oil suction and oil pressure
pipes from the engine oil pump.
The exhaust bends are installed below the engine, constructed using original ROTAX connecting elements.
The bends are isolated from heat sensitive components. The exhaust bends are attached to the turbocharger
by springs, positioning the bends in spite of the thermal effects.
The exhaust bends are shrouded by a temperature-resistant glass-fiber-tape (Frenzelit „Isotherm 1000“). The
tape terminals are fixed by special spring-loaded brackets.
The muffler is covered by formed elements of an insulation material (Frenzelit „Isosafe“ 12 mm). To avoid
heat radiation, heat protective shields (stainless steel) are installed close to the turbocharger unit. The
exhaust pipe of the muffler is routed through a hole in the LH engine cowling.
In order to protect overflowing fuel from contact with hot exhaust system parts, drain lines from the drip trays
below each carburetor are routed to the lower cowl flap.
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Doc. No. A40-11-122
Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: 3-21
Date: Nov 30. 2007
3.4.6 Fuel System (Fig. 3.4.6)
Wing Tanks Volume:
2 x 45 Liter / 2 x 11.9 US gal / 2 x 9.9 imp.gal
(2 x 60 Liter / 2 x 15.8 US gal / 2 x 13.2 imp.gal optional)
Unusable Fuel Volume:
2 x 1.5 Liter / 2 x 0.4 US gal / 2 x 0.33 imp. gal.
The engine fuel supply is by two wing tanks and a pump system with electrically driven fuel pumps, installed
in the fuselage. Two pumps (main and aux) are assigned to each wing tank. The pumps are controlled by an
electrical fuel selector switch (two level switch), which selects fuel supply from the left tank, the right tank or
both tanks, and the aux pump switch, which additionally to the main pumps selected switches on the
respective auxiliary pumps.
Design of the fuel system
One fuel tank is installed in each outboard area of the central wing between spar and leading edge. The
tanks are made of a hybrid laminate. To ensure long-time resistance, the internal surfaces of the tanks are
coated with a fuel-resistant protective film „Scotch-Clad 776“ (3M Company; fulfills spec. MIL-D-1795-B). One
fuel filler cap with a spring loaded lock is provided for each tank, to be opened and closed by means of a
screw driver.
Each wing tank has a vent line (aluminum pipe), laid from a point in the tank close to the filler cap towards the
fuselage through the inner side wall of the tank and then back to the vent outlet, located at the end rib of the
central wing. The ventilation opening is below the wing at the separation between central and outer wing.
A common drainage and supply pipe (aluminum pipe ∅ 20 x 1 mm / 0.79 x 0.04 in.) from the lowest point of
each wing tank to the root ribs of the central wing makes the connection of the wing tanks to the fuel system
in the fuselage. A quick release coupling is clamped to each pipe terminal at the LH and RH root ribs by
means of short tubings, which include the coarse filters. The tubings are transparent and easily removable
(screw clamps) to allow inspection and cleaning of the coarse filters.
The counterpart of each quick release coupling (LH and RH) is connected to a fuel hose, routed to a water
separator, which separates drainage and fuel supply from the respective tank. The drain line includes a
transparent filter to increase the fuel sump volume and is laid to the respective, self sealing drain valve (one
for each tank), installed between the lower connections of the elbow levers of the L/G.
The supply suction line of each tank, including a fine filter and a check valve, is routed from the water
separator to the respective pump assy. The check valve prevents return fuel from being pumped back to the
tank. The pump assy is mounted in the LH and RH L/G bay, respectively. It consists of one main and one aux
pump, mounted opposite on a GFRP angle and acting in series. To allow function of the series installation
with one pump (main or aux) operating only, two check valves are installed parallel to the pumps. The supply
pressure lines from the LH and RH pump assies are coupled by a Y-connector and laid forward to the fuel
cock, mounted on the console between the backrests of the seats, back to the firewall penetration on the
rear, upper firewall and to the pressure regulator in the engine compartment. The excess fuel return line is
routed from the pressure regulator through the firewall penetration and, after a division in a LH and RH
branch, via Y-connection to the respective supply suction line of one tank. Each branch of the return line
includes a check valve to prevent the pump assies from being supplied from more than one, respective tank.
The main pumps are energized by the internal generator, thus operating independently of the electrical
system provided the engine is running. The auxiliary pumps are energized by the external generator and the
battery, respectively. Each pump has a separate CB on the instrument panel.
Fuel indication and warning system
The fuel system is controlled by two lights and two quantity indications on the instrument panel. The green
aux pump status light is ON, if the aux fuel pumps (one or both) are energized. The red fuel pressure warning
light is steady ON, if the fuel differential pressure (exit of fuel pressure regulator and airbox) is below the limit
of 150 hPa. The red light flashes, if the fuel pressure is above the limit of 350 hPa. A quantity sensor in each
wing tank is connected to the fuel quantity indicator (combi instrument for both, LH and RH tank quantity).
Figure 3.4.6 shows a diagram of fuel system including indications.
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Doc. No. A40-11-122
Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: 3-37
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
3.7.6 Engine Electric
The electric system layout for the engine control and monitoring is mainly based on the requirements related
to the installation of the engine ROTAX 914 F2. The connection of the generator to the electric a/c system,
the connection and control of the fuel pumps, the design of the electric circuit for the starter (apart from the
Ignition Retarder Module combined additionally) as well as the connection of the TCU are designed according
to the Installation Manual for the ROTAX 914 F2.
Electronic components, not directly attached to the engine, are installed outside of the fire-wall. Wiring is in
accordance with the Installation Manual of ROTAX. Wherever possible, original ROTAX - cables are
The starter relays is installed in direct vicinity to the battery at the forward ring frame of the tail boom. The fuel
pumps are installed on the RH and LH side of the landing gear bay. The TCU is installed on a separate
mounting in the rear, RH part of the steel-tube frame outside the fire-wall.
All electric engine equipment is supplied from the Engine Bus 3VV, which is energized from the Main Bus
2VV, if the propeller-dome is open and locked. The engine-backup-switch on the instrument panel allows to
bypass the safety switch on the propeller-dome and connects the Main Bus and the Engine Bus directly. The
main fuel pumps are not energized by the engine bus, but always connected to the internal generator. The
voltage regulator of the internal generator is installed on the lower side of the E-box.
3.7.7 Engine Monitoring
System description:
Refer to "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types
ROTAX 912 and 914 Series”, section 76
There are two kinds of engine monitoring:
• certain parameters are sensed and conventionally displayed on analogue instruments on the RH
instrument panel, and
• engine operation is monitored and controlled by an autonomous electronic system.
Conventional indications are:
• oil pressure and oil temperature (combined indication),
• cylinder head temperatures, cylinder No. 2 (first LH side) and cylinder No. 3 (last RH side) on a combiinstrument.
The engine electronic system generates outputs for following signals:
• 2 warning lights,
• tachometer (engine RPM),
• TCU emergency OFF.
The engine electronic system consists of the following components:
Turbo-Control-Unit (TCU),
Servo actuator, controlling the waste-gate of the turbocharger,
Ignition-box A,
Ignition-box B,
The Turbo-Control-Unit (TCU) generates a pulse, which is analyzed by the electronic ROTAX tachometer. It
also generates a turbo-boost warning signal in case of overboost, triggering a steady red warning light (LED
module) on the RH instrument panel. If the engine is operated for more than 5 minutes above max continuos
power (>100% throttle position), the red TCU warning light starts flashing. With a delay of about 5 minutes
after power reduction, the red flashing warning light is extinguished. In addition, the TCU generates a TCU
malfunction signal, shown by a yellow flashing caution light on the RH instrument panel.
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Doc. No. A40-11-122
Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Page: 3-38
Amendment No.: 14
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
With the propeller-dome locked in open position and the electric master switch ON, the Engine Bus 3VV and
by this the TCU is energized. An automatic self-test is triggered by energizing the TCU, including the two
TCU lights, which are lighted for 1-2 seconds during the self-test. If this is not observed, an inspection
according to the "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series” is required
and the engine may not be operated until the problem is solved.
3.7.8 Instruments on the Instrument Panel
See also Fig. 3.2.a
• Tachometer:
The electronic tachometer (ROTAX) is driven by a pulse, generated by the TCU.
• Oil pressure and oil temperature as a combined indication:
Indications are based on variable resistance, depending on the signal. Original ROTAX sensors are
installed. The Filser-indicators are tuned to the range of the ROTAX sensors. The oil temperature sensor
is screwed into the LH side of the oil pump housing (side to oil filter). The oil pressure transducer is
installed on the RH side of the oil pump housing.
• Cylinder Head Temperature of 2. cylinder (first on LH side) and 3. cylinder (last on RH side) as a
combined indication:
Temperature sensors are screwed directly into the cylinder heads thus measuring temperature of the
material directly. The temperature sensors are of temperature dependent variable resistance type.
• Voltmeter and Ammeter as a combined indication:
The indication on the voltmeter is the difference of voltage between the Main Bus and the common ground.
By selecting the electric master switch ON, the Main Bus is connected to the battery. Voltage on another
bus is indicated when operating a push-button. If this push-button is operated while the engine is not
running, the voltage of the optional additional battery (if installed) is indicated. When the engine is running,
the additional battery is charged via relay from the Main Bus. In this case, the voltage indicated when the
push-button is operated is also that of the Main Bus.
The signal for the ammeter is measured with a shunt (1 A / 1 mV). The shunt is installed between battery and
main relay, allowing to measure current to the electronic equipment. Only the energy for the engine starter
motor is taken directly from the battery.
• Fuel Quantity, combined indication for RH and LH wing tanks
The fuel quantity transmitter is of angular float-type, transforming angular motion to varying resistance.
3.7.9 Warning, Caution and Status Lights on the Instrument Panel:
See also Fig. 3.2.a
Warning, caution and status lights are combined on the RH side above the engine instrumentation. This
allows for good control of a/c and system status. Arrangement from left to right is:
• Red Fuel Pressure warning (refer to section 3.4.6)
• Green status indication for Aux Fuel Pump operation (refer to section 3.4.6)
• Red warning light for Manifold Pressure (boost pressure, refer to section 3.7.7)
• Yellow caution light for Malfunction of TCU, (refer to section 3.7.7)
• Red warning light for malfunction of the External Generator (battery charge control)
The red generator warning light is ON, if the engine electric system is energized (master switch ON and
either propeller-dome open and locked or engine back-up switch ON) and the engine is not running.
During the engine running, the light indicates, that the battery is not being charged, either because the
generator switch is OFF or due to malfunction of the generator.
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Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: 3-40
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
• Auxiliary Fuel Pump Switch:
The auxiliary fuel pump switch is installed on the switch plate in the center instrument panel. In position ON, it
closes the circuits of the aux pumps selected by the Fuel Selector Switch. At the same time, position ON
energizes the green status light (ref. to section 3.7.9), indicating operation of the aux fuel pumps.
• Fuel Selector Switch:
The Fuel Selector Switch is a two level switch controlling both, main and aux pumps. It has the positions
"LEFT", "BOTH" and "RIGHT" and connects the respective main pumps to the internal generator and the
respective aux pumps to the Engine Bus 3VV.
• Electric Master Switch:
When the Master Switch (two levels) is selected ON, the main relay is activated, connecting Battery Bus
(1VV) to Main Bus (2VV). The second level of the Master Switch connects the additional battery (if
installed) to the Main Avionic Bus (4VV-1). If the engine is running and the external generator energizes
the Generator Bus (5VV), this connects the additional battery and the Main Avionic Bus (4VV-1) to the
Main Bus (2VV). These functions are for position UP of the Avionic/Battery switch. This logic is realized
with three relays. The electric Master Switch is installed on the switch plate on the center instrument
• External Generator Switch:
With this switch, the external generator is connected or disconnected to the a/c electric system. Generator
output and exciter coil are simultaneously engaged by two relays. With the Generator Switch the control
circuits of the two relays are activated simultaneously. The Generator Switch is in series with the dome
locking limit switch, so the generator can only be connected in powered configuration and is deselected
automatically in glider configuration.
• Engine Backup Switch:
The Engine-Backup switch is installed on the switch plate in center instrument panel. With this switch, the
engine master limit switch can be bypassed in case of malfunction of the engine starter due to malfunction
of the engine master limit switch. The engine master limit switch is operated by the propeller-dome lever
and connects the engine bus to the main bus in the open and locked propeller dome position. If the engine
instruments do not indicate after opening and locking the propeller dome, a malfunction of the engine
master limit switch is probably the reason. In this case, the Engine Bus can be connected directly to the
Main Bus by switching the Engine-Backup switch „ON“.
The Engine-Backup switch is protected by a black safety plate against unintended operation.
• TCU Emergency Switch
The TCU Emergency Switch is installed on the switch plate in the center instrument panel to switch off the
wastegate actuator in case of a TCU malfunction.
(Refer to "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types ROTAX 912 and 914 Series”,
section 76)
If the turbocharger-wastegate, controlled by TCU and actuated by a servo actuator, starts oscillating, a stable
operation normally can be restored by switching the TCU Emergency Switch to its upper position,
separating the servo motor from the TCU, and a few seconds later re-connect TCU and servo by
switching the TCU Emergency Switch back to the lower position. After separation of TCU and servo, the
servo actuator maintains in the last position prior to operating the switch. After re-connecting TCU and
servo, the TCU performs a self-test and after that normally operates properly.
The TCU Emergency Switch is protected by a red safety plate against unintended operation.
• Engine Master Limit Switch:
The Engine Master Limit Switch is a micro switch, controlled by the propeller dome handle. It is installed at
the drive shaft tunnel below the center instrument panel and is actuated by the control rod of the handle.
The Engine Master Limit Switch has two levels. One level is to select the control circuit of a relay, which
connects the Engine Bus 3VV and the Main Bus 2VV. The second level switches the control circuit of the
generator relay. This design ensures that, when locking or unlocking the propeller-dome handle, the
generator relay and the Engine Bus are switched simultaneously.
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Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
LBA - approved
Page: 4-3
Date: Nov 07. 2007
(1) Extension of service life exceeding 6000 h can be achieved only for individual airplanes after a comprehensive inspection of the airframe carried out by the manufacturer according to an approved program.
(2) Please refer to the actual issue of the appropriate manufacturer's Service Bulletin. Maintenance Manuals
or Instructions of the manufacturer must be strictly adhered to (for L'Hotellier Ball and Swivel Joints
contained in the Annex to the Maintenance Manual).
(3) The stated times are provisional within the TBO development programs. Based on sufficient operating
experience they may be further raised or reduced if necessary (extension of TBO and/or service life is
intended) and will be notified by a new issue of this Service Bulletin.
The TBO expires in each case of:
• impact stop (possible ground touch of the propeller);
• Non-observance of the periodical inspections as they are fixed in the Maintenance Manual;
• replacement of essential parts.
Damaging by ground contact, bird strike, stone strike or similar which require a „large repair“, the
manufacturer decides which parts of the complete drive system are affected and if a repair may be
practicable or if an overhaul or replacement have to be performed.
(5) see also ROTAX SB 914-027 “Extension of the Time Between Overhaul (TBO)“.
For Engines ROTAX 914F2/S1 up to S/N: 4.420.313 after performing of the ROTAX SB 914-027, for all
other engines from S/N: 4.420.314 without any more actions.
(6) Replacement required after heavy overloadings (e.g. due to an accident); hereto refer also to the
operating instructions of the manufacturer.
(7) All rubber parts of the engine Rotax 914 F2/S1 must be renewed. Subject to this action are: the
carburetor venting hoses (between airbox-carburetor float chambers-fuel pressure control and pressure
sensor), the air hoses between Turbo Charger-Intercooler-Airbox, the connecting hoses on the
compensating tube, the V-belt, all rubber hoses of the cooling system, and the rubber diaphragms and
the rubber flange on both carburetors.
(8) For the STEMME supported model of the engine type Rotax 914, the TBO is established by this SB on
the basis of that published by Rotax, and in general it will not differ. Overhaul of engines model
Rotax 914 F2/S1 must be carried out by a workshop that is authorized by STEMME in accordance with
(9) The drive shaft cannot be overhauled. Instead of an overhaul it will be checked by a load test at
(10) After 5 years the variable pitch propellers 10AP-V and 11AP-V will not be overhauled. The propeller will
be inspected only. During the inspection the propeller will be disassembled, inspected and reassembled.
(11) During the overhaul of the gear suspensions 10AA, 14AA and 11AA all rubber parts are replaced
(overhaul program: D40-10AA; D40-14AA or D40-11AA). The metal parts will be used again.
(12) The fuel check valves can not be overhauled. The check valves will be checked visually after 5 years.
Indications of a brittleness or change of the original colour must be specially observed. The parts must
be untimely replaced if such a indication were found.
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Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Page: 5-2
Amendment No.: 14
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
A scheduled maintenance task may be performed before having reached the hour limit if operational
requirements necessitate this. In this case it must be observed, that all higher level inspections also have to
be advanced by the same time to avoid enlarged intervals.
If the first 100 flight hours are attained before the first 25 engine hours, in any case the more extensive
scheduled maintenance type 1 must be performed. In this case the first type 2 inspection applies after 200
flight hours.
The items to be checked are given in section 5.3 "Check List for Periodical Inspections". A detailed
description of maintenance procedures, adjustment data, tolerances etc. may be found in section 6 (for
details of the complete aircraft) and section 7 (for specific assemblies). The relevant subsection is indicated
in each inspection item.
In addition, special inspections which may be prescribed by the manufacturer or by the Airworthiness
Authority must be performed in accordance with the issued directives. For instructions relevant to
maintenance of equipment installed refer to Annex A, "Supplementary Instructions for Maintenance and Care,
Maintenance Instructions".
The inspection list in section 5.3 for periodical checks covers the complete a/c including propeller and engine
and substitutes for Section 05-20 (“Maintenance Schedule”) of the "Maintenance Manual (Line
Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series” (Annex E). The latter section of the original ROTAX
Maintenance Manual needs not be observed during maintenance.
5.2.2 Unscheduled Maintenance
In addition to scheduled maintenance described above, manufacturers or authorities may require special
inspections and additional measures, e. g. if incidents are known. Normally, they are made public by a SB
(Service Bulletin of a/c manufacturer or manufacturer of equipment) or AD (Advisory Directive published by
the authority) including a deadline for accomplishment. SB and AD are mandatory, and in case of an AD, the
Certificate of Airworthiness of the a/c expires if the required corrective action is not performed as instructed
prior to the given deadline.
5.2.3 Annual Inspection
Inspections must be performed by a licensed inspector according to the national legal regulations. In USA,
FAR pt. 91.409 requires both 100 h and Annual Inspection to be in accordance with FAR pt. 43. The type 3
inspection program includes all issues provided by FAR 43 pt. 43 Annex D.
in case of commercial use of the a/c
5.2.4 General Remarks on Maintenance
• Any screws and nuts have to be clean. If a screw connection is disconnected, seats and course of thread
must be checked for damage and replaced if necessary.
• Self-locking nuts, disconnected once, must be renewed.
• Observe tightening torques:
for the airframe refer to Maintenance Manual section 6.8,
for the engine refer to "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914
Series” (Annex E) and "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types
ROTAX 912 and 914 Series”
• Renew used gaskets, washers, lock rings, O-rings and shaft seals at re-assembly.
• Condition of electrical wires: Checking of condition of electrical wires always includes inspection for
chafing, decay of insulation material and wear of terminals or connection to terminals. In case of any
deficiency the wire must be renewed, or at least repaired if only the terminal is affected. Investigate and
eliminate the cause of defect.
• Condition of flexible hoses: Checking of condition of flexible hoses always includes check for chafing,
leakage, decay due to thermal or chemical effects and damage of connections (specially for cracks at
clamps). In case of any deficiency the hose should be renewed. Investigate and eliminate cause of defect.
WARNING: Prior to any maintenance work switch OFF Master Switch and Ignition!
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Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: 6-9
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
6.5 Lubrication
6.5.1 General Remarks
For friction bearings steel-on-steel and roller bearings use lubricants and oils based on MoS2. For bearings
containing brass, bronze or copper components, only MoS2-free lubricants and oils shall be used.
For lubrication of the engine, the instructions according to the "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for
ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00, (Annex E) have to be observed.
Bearings of Control System and Control Surfaces:
The control system bearings in the fuselage and in the wings are provided with permanent greasing and do
not require any service for a long period.
The control surface bearings (except rudder bearings) are coated and normally greasing is not required.
However, greasing may be necessary in aggressive environmental conditions when bolts show first signs of
corrosion. In this case use MoS2-free grease.
The rudder hinges must be greased depending on the degree of exposure to contamination (specially the
lower hinge).
Connection of the Propeller Extension Shaft to the Clutch on the Engine side (splined joint):
Shafts without hard film coating
(Glaencer Spicer, MAN in some cases):
Shafts with hard film coating:
(MoS2-free) lubrication during special inspection.
Commercially available Teflon spray or non-acid
grease can be used for lubrication if there is only
minor damage to the hard film coating.
Typical identification for drive shafts without hard film coating is the blank metall surface on
the splined joint.
Canopy Locking:
Always keep well-greased. Use MoS2-free lubricant, since the rod bearing within the canopy frame is made of
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Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Page: 6-13
Amendment No.: 14
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
6.8 Tightening Torques of Screwed Joints:
The tightening torques listed below apply to hexagon nuts, hexagon bolts and hexagon socket screws of
quality class 8.8 or higher:
Non-self-locking connection
[lbf ft]
[lbf ft]
Self-locking connection
The above tightening torques are reduced by 25% if LOCTITE or lubricated bolted joints are used.
Important: Take due note of the differing data for the respective assembly units (see Chapter 7)
Non-standard tightening torques include the following (for example):
Tightening torque
[Lbf ft]
M8 connecting clutch and propeller flange of the engine
M10 connecting clutch and flexible disk (drive shaft)
M10 connecting flexible disk and forked sleeve of the drive 243
M10 connecting drive shaft and flexible disk (front gear)
M10 connecting flexible disk and front gear
M8 connecting front gear in the gear suspension
M8 fastening screws of the propeller hub on the front gear without
1st step: 10
2nd step: 30
1st step: 7.4
2nd step: 22.1
M8 locking nut on the propeller fork
- not included in normal maintenance
Yield bolt fastening the fork on the propeller hub
Warning: - screw thread lubricated.
- not included in normal maintenance
1st step: 50
2nd step: 16
1st step: 36.9
2nd step: 11.8
Magnetic screw in the front gear
15 - 20
11.1 – 14.7
Caution: The screw locking Loctite 638 is substituted by Loctite 243!
For tightening torques of screw connections on the engine refer to "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance)
for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series” (Annex E) and "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX
Engine Types ROTAX 912 and 914 Series”.
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Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: 7-9
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
7.4 Powerplant
7.4.1 Engine
See section 3.4.1
According to "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types ROTAX
912 and 914 Series” and section 6.5, as applicable. General
Except for the inspection list provided in section 5, the maintenance of the engine ROTAX 914 F2/S1 is
basically performed according to the instructions in the "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX
Engine Type 914 Series” (Annex E) and "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine
Types ROTAX 912 and 914 Series”. Procedures affected by the modifications made for the S10-VT are
included in this section. Otherwise a reference to the relevant section in the original Maintenance Manuals
given above is indicated.
Technical Service, specially maintenance of the engine ROTAX 914 F2/S1, may be performed by STEMME
as well as by authorized distributors and service centers indicated by ROTAX (refer to www.rotax-aircraftengines.com).
Service of modified components are carried out by STEMME only, as well as delivery of modified spar parts.
For identification of components affected by the modifications and in any case of doubt it is recommended to
contact STEMME:
Flugplatzstrasse F2 Nr. 7
D - 15344 Strausberg
++49 - (0)3341 - 3612 - 0
++49 - (0)3341 – 3612-30
e-mail: service@stemme.de Removal and installation of the engine
a) Removal
disconnect battery
remove fire wall sheets
remove V-supports of the steel frame below the engine
loosen clutch on engine side and push it forward on the sliding joint.
NOTE: do not lose bushes of screw joints!
disconnect electrical wiring, fuel hoses below the fire wall, bowden cables, the oil and lubricant hoses
attached to the engine, the air induction hoses.
Support the engine. Then loosen front engine mount at the attachment to the frame, loosen upper engine
mountings to the frame.
NOTE: Mark distancing bushes LH/RH for re-installation!
lower down the engine
b) Installation
In the opposite order as removal Cleaning of the Engine
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 2.1, (Annex E)
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Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: 7-10
Date: Nov. 30. 2007 Visual Check of Engine
Special attention must be payed to the condition and the proper attachment of the two metal oil lines between
turbocharger and oil pump. In particular check the condition of the brazes between the pipe and it’s fittings
(watch for cracks).
Further information see "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914
Series”, section 12-00, subsection 2.2, (Annex E). Leakage Check
Special attention during the leakage check must be payed to the brazes of the two metal oil lines between
turbocharger and oil pump.
Further information see "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914
Series”, section 12-00, subsection 2.3, (Annex E). Inspection of External Engine Components
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
(Annex E). Check of Waste-Gate
Deviating from the figures in the ROTAX-manual the waste-gate control of the ROTAX 914 F2/S1 has been
modified according to the following figure. The servo cable and the spring are now attached to an additional
swiveling lever ①, which is mounted on the original lever of the waste-gate.
Information provided by the "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”
will remain valid in an analogous sense.
Spare parts for the modified waste-gate-control can only be supplied by STEMME.
a) Check the components
In particular make sure that the whole waste-gate-control (cable, waste-gate inclusive the swiveling lever ①)
moves smooth and easily.
Further information see "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types 912
and 914 Series”, section 78-00, subsection 3.6, (Annex E).
b) Check the waste-gate position
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 2.9, (Annex E).
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Amendment No.: 14
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Date: Nov. 30. 2007 Check of Gearbox
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 05-50,
subsection 2.1, (Annex E) Inspection of the Magnetic Plug
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 5.4, (Annex E) Examination of Drive Gear Set
See "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types 912 and 914 Series” Check of the Carburetor
To access the right carburetor, folding up of oil cooler is required.
Visually check carburetor assy: Check for proper installation, general condition and secure attachment of the
carburetor assy (carburetors, airbox, controls).
See also "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”,
section 12-00, subsection 4, (Annex E) Check of Engine Wiring
Check wiring in engine compartment for proper routing and support, tight connections and condition of
cables. Check wiring for mechanical damages (chafing, brittle parts, poor connections) and signs of
overheating (observe section 5.2.4).
See also section 7.7 "Electrical System" and "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX
Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00, subsection 6.1, (Annex E) Check of V-Belt Tension
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 2.7, (Annex E) Renewal of Spark Plugs
The radiator on LH side can be removed prior to renewal the spark plugs.
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 6.2, (Annex E) Checking of Spark Plug Connector
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 6.1, (Annex E) Check of Compression
According to the "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series” the check of
compression follows the pressure difference method. To perform this method two pins can be screwed in the
clutch to lock the freewheel, allowing adjustment of the ignition T.D.C. by means of the propeller. Metrical
shank screws (M6) should be used.
CAUTION: Remove locking pins in freewheel clutch after performing the compression test! Engine start with
screws installed may cause major damage to the propeller!
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 2.6, (Annex E) Test Run of Engine
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 2.11, (Annex E)
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Amendment No.: 14
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Date: Nov. 30. 2007 Inspection of Engine Mountings
Check upper and lower engine mountings frames for damages. Repair damage of the paint and remove
corrosion. If damages from chafing have occurred, determine and eliminate the cause of chafing. Check
parts of the frames near to the force transmitting fittings, specially the welding seams, for cracks. Check
screws for tight connection. Check condition of elastic elements (embrittlement).
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”,section 12-00,
subsection 2.4, (Annex E)
7.4.2 Lubrication System
System Description:
see section 3.4.2 Visual and Leakage Check of Oil System
(oil tank, oil cooler, oil lines)
Check oil tank, oil cooler and lines for leakage. Check suspension of oil tank and oil cooler for condition and
tight fit. Check condition of flexible lubricant hoses specially close to clamps and tight attachment of hoses on
connections (observe section 5.2.4). Check condition and tight fit of fire-wall penetration connections. Check
routing of oil lines for clearance from hot parts, and for sufficient support of lines. Check condition,
attachment and routing of drainage line from oil tank to rear lower fairing. Check condition of oil transfer lines
to and from turbocharger, specially close to the collar nut connections, and the line support to frame for tight
CAUTION: Check operating time of lubricant hoses. Refer to section 4, "Airworthiness Limitations Section".
See also "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”,
section 12-00, subsection 2.2-2.3, (Annex E) Oil Level Check
Oil specification:
see section 3.4.14
See also "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”,
section 12-00, subsection 5.1, (Annex E)
CAUTION: If the engine is operated with AVGAS, do not use fully synthetic motor oil. Oil Change
Additionally to the procedure in the the "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type
914 Series”, fold up oil cooler (loosen lower camlocks) to drain old oil. In addition to the drain screw of the oil
tank remove one drain screw on the crankcase bottom side (rear plug screw) to completely drain oil. Inspect
both screws for metal particles or foreign matter. Clean screws, refit and wire secure screws before refilling
new oil.
Oil specification:
see section 3.4.14
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”,section 12-00,
subsection 5.2, (Annex E) and "Operating Manual for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”
CAUTION: If the engine is operated with AVGAS, do not use fully synthetic motor oil. Oil filter - Replacement and Inspection
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 5.3, (Annex E)
7.4.3 Cooling System
System Description:
see section 3.4.3
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Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: 7-13
Date: Nov. 30. 2007 Visual and Leakage Check of the System
(radiator, expansion reservoir, refill container, overflow container and coolant lines)
Check radiator, expansion reservoir, refill container and overflow container for condition, attachment and
leakage. Check condition and leakage of flexible coolant hoses, specially close to clamps and tight
attachment of hoses on connections (observe section 5.2.4). Check tight connections of flexible hoses and
aluminum pipes. Check routing of lines for clearance from hot parts and for sufficient support of tubes. Check
condition, attachment and routing of drainage line from overflow container in landing gear bay.
CAUTION: Check operating time of coolant hoses. Refer to section 4, "Airworthiness Limitations Section".
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”,section 12-00,
subsection 3.1, (Annex E)
Coolant Level Check and Replenishing:
Coolant level in overflow container should be between min and max marking. If level is below min marking, fill
completely refill container on the LH firewall, then replenish overflow container to max marking. After a short
time engine running, check level again and repeat if necessary.
WARNING: Never open refill container cap when cooling system is hot. For safety's sake, cover cap with a
cloth and open cap slowly. Sudden opening of the cap would provoke exit of boiling coolant and in
consequence scalds.
Coolant specification:
see section 3.4.14 Rinsing of Cooling System
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 3.3, (Annex E) Coolant Renewal
Additionally to instructions of "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”:
To drain the entire liquid cooling system, open the two valves installed in aluminum tubes below the engine.
To improve ventilation during refilling of new coolant, loosen screw on expansion reservoir on engine. Close
screw after renewal!
Coolant specification:
see section 3.4.14
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 3.2, (Annex E) and "Operating Manual for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series” Ram Air Cooling
Check condition of composite distributor on cylinder shafts. Check tight fit, routing and condition of air hose
from distributor to aluminum coupling sheet. Check condition and attachment of the sheet to the fuselage
steel frame and condition of its rubber sealing to the RH cowling.
7.4.4 Air Induction System
System Description:
See section 3.4.4 Intercooler and Airbox
Check condition and tight fit of air hoses (observe section 5.2.4) and routing between turbocharger and
airbox. Check condition of intercooler, tight fit of intercooler and condition of its suspension. Check tight fit of
airbox on the carburetors (clamps) and condition of connection tube. Check lower rubber support of airbox on
turbocharger suspension strut.
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Amendment No.: 14
Page: 7-14
Date: Nov. 30. 2007 Air filter
Additionally to instructions in "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”
check condition and tight fit of air hose assy between turbocharger inlet and filter, including composite sealing
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 2.5, (Annex E)
7.4.5 Exhaust System
System description
See section 3.4.5 Turbocharger / Muffler Mountings
Check tight fit of screw connections of the mounting struts, on engine housing and turbocharger/muffler side,
and tight fit of turbine-compressor and turbine-muffler screw connections. Check tight fit of the clamp
supporting the muffler. Check condition of struts (cracks, specially close to welding seams, corrosion, e.g.
from chafing). Check proper position of turbocharger unit (clearance of exhaust bends to fuselage steel
frame, specially cross-strut below engine). Exhaust bends
Remove heat insulation tape. Visually check condition of bends (deformation and cracks, specially
connecting ends with spring supports and flanges). Check condition of screw connections on engine and
manifold (Nuts M8, tightening torque 20 Nm / 14.7 lbf ft) with cold engine. Check condition of springs and
proper overlapping of connecting ends of the exhaust bends (min. 5 mm / 0.2 in.). Check condition of support
plate on lower engine mounting frame below engine, and tight connection of bend to the support plate. Heat Insulation
Check of Heat Insulation Tape on Exhaust Bends
Check condition of glass-fiber heat insulation tape on exhaust bends, specially close to spring clamps.
Renew if fiber tape is brittle (fibers fall off when touched), holey or fray. Check condition of spring clamps.
Renewal of Heat Insulation Tape
If required or at the latest after maximum 100 engine hours the heat insulation tape (type see section 3.4.5,
available from STEMME) must be renewed:
• remove spring clamps and insulation tape
• Fix beginning of new tape by means of a suitable glue
• wind new tape round the exhaust bend with an overlapping of approx. 50% with some tension.
• fasten tape ends by means of the spring clamps. The bends of Cyl. 1 and 2 have an additional clamp half
the tube length.
Check of Muffler Heat Insulation
Check condition of insulation cover and its fastening fittings. Check tight fit of springs and condition of
securing wire to connect end wall insulation. Renew insulation if surface of cover is brittle or if fittings are
loose (type see section 3.4.5, available from STEMME).
Renewal of Muffler Heat Insulation
• remove upper heat protection steel sheet (M5 screw)
• remove end wall insulation (cut off securing wire)
• remove springs on muffler heat insulation
• remove muffler insulation to the back
• re-assemble with new insulation in opposite order
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Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: 7-15
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
Heat Protection Shields
Check condition (cracks, deformation) of the heat protection shields (stainless steel). Check condition and
tight fit of fastening elements (clamps, screws).
7.4.6 Fuel System
System description:
See section 3.4.6
See section 3.4.14
Fuel lines, general
The condition of the flexible fuel lines of the entire fuel systems must be checked and the flexible lines must
be renewed if required according to section 5.2.4.
CAUTION: Check operating time of fuel hoses and check valves. Refer to section 4, "Airworthiness
Limitations Section".
WARNING: Specially fuel lines in the engine compartment must be inspected carefully, because leakage of
these lines under operating fuel pressure will probably result in fire.
Quick Release Couplings
In the fuel supply lines quick release couplings are installed, to allow for easy connecting wing and fuselage
fuel system during rigging. Keep the couplings clean, check for leakage, proper locking and condition of
rubber sealings. Renew couplings if condition is poor. Fuel System in the Wing
Check condition and clamp connections of supply line at wing root. Look for damages or chafing from rigging.
Check condition of vent line outlet assy at each end rib of central wing. Check condition of electrical
connections of fuel quantity transmitter. Check condition and function of quick release couplings
Check fuel filler cap for leakage and proper locking. To check for leakage of wing tanks look for signs of fuel
issuing from drain holes of the central wing.
To clean both coarse filters in LH and RH supply lines , loosen clamps at flexible hoses between root ribs and
quick release couplings and remove quick release couplings to access and remove the coarse filters. Fuel System in the Fuselage
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 2.3, (Annex E)
Check condition and function of quick release couplings in supply lines. Check condition, routing (sufficient
supports, clearance to moving components, kinks), tight fit of clamp connections of supply, return and drain
lines outside the engine compartment.
Clean fine filter or renew if required.
Change of Fine Filters (at the latest after 200 engine hours)
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 2.10, (Annex E)
• loosen clamps of fuel lines and remove filters in LH and RH supply line.
• install new filter using clamps of original type (spare parts available from STEMME)
Check fuel pump assy in LH and RH L/G bay for proper installation, condition and routing of lines (kinks), for
leakage of terminals and check valves and tight fit of clamps. Check condition of GFRP mounting, tight
attachment of fuel pumps and condition of electrical connections.
Function Check of Fuel Pumps
Perform this function check with wings installed and some fuel in both wing tanks:
• Switch master switch on, open and lock dome, switch fuel selector switch to positions "LEFT", "BOTH"
and "RIGHT": Main fuel pumps must work corresponding to the switch positions. Observe pressure
warning light.
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Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Page: 7-16
Amendment No.: 14
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
• switch auxiliary fuel pump switch on, switch fuel selector switch to positions "LEFT", "BOTH" and
"RIGHT": Additionally to main pumps, auxiliary fuel pumps must work corresponding to the fuel selector
switch positions and green status light must come on. Observe pressure warning light.
• To check aux pump function separately, pull CB's of main fuel pumps and switch fuel selector switch to
positions "LEFT", "BOTH" and "RIGHT": Observe pressure warning light.
• push aux pump CB's
Check fuel cock and both drain valves for tight fit and function. After drainage, the drainer must close without
leakage. If the screw joint of the drainer leaks, carefully tighten up drainer. If required, renew drainer affected.
Check firewall penetration assembly of fuel lines for tight fit and for leakage. Check clearance between airbox
and firewall penetration assy.
Check condition and routing (clearance to moving components, kinks) of supply and return lines inside the
engine compartment. Check for tight fit of clamp connections at firewall penetration and pressure regulator.
Check condition, routing and tight fit of fuel lines from pressure regulator to both carburetors, pressure
connection hoses (airbox, carburetors, pressure sensors) and compensating tube assy at carburetors.
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 2.2, (Annex E)
Check condition, attachment and routing (clearance to hot surfaces) of drainage lines from carburetor trip tray
and airbox to outlets above lower cowl flap.
7.4.7 Engine Controls / Monitoring
System description:
See section 3.4.7
Adjustment of Carburetors:
See "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914 Series”, section 12-00,
subsection 4.1, (Annex E)
Check of Throttle Assy
Check throttle lever in cockpit for condition, smooth operation and tight fit of screws fixing throttle lever gate
(defining 115% stop) and rear idle stop. Adjust friction of throttle lever brake via knurled screw LH side of
lever assy. Check condition of bowden cable and spring on both carburetors. With throttle lever on 115%,
spring on both carburetors must keep a small tension. Check stop positions of 115% and idle via
corresponding positions of both carburetor throttle valve levers.
Check of Trottle Lever Stops
• Adjust throttle lever to forward stop (end of gate): throttle valve lever on both carburetors must reach
115% stop
• Adjust throttle lever to aft idle stop: throttle valve lever on both carburetors must reach screw stop for idle
Check of Throttle Valve Positions by Means of TCU Communication Program
Perform this check by means of the TCU communication program. Usage is described described
"Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types 912 and 914 Series”
See "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types 912 and 914 Series”,
section 76-00, subsection 3.1.1
Check of Choke Assy
Check condition and smooth operation of choke lever. Adjust friction of choke lever brake via knurled screw
RH side of lever assy. Check condition of bowden cable and spring on both carburetors Check reaching of
endstops of carburetor choke lever with forward and aft choke lever positions in cockpit.
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Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: 7-17
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
Check of TCU and Waste-Gate Servo
Check condition, attachment and wiring of the TCU. Check pressure hoses (observe section 5.2.4). Check
condition of the waste-gate servo assembly. Check condition of the bowden cable driving the waste-gate.
CAUTION: It is most important to check condition and smooth operation of the bowden cable actuating the
waste-gate. Poor condition of the bowden cable can result in uncontrolled waste-gate positions
and engine malfunction in spite of intended function of the waste-gate servo.
Check of Engine Instruments
Overview of Engine Monitoring Instruments: see equipment lists (section 9.1 and 9.3)
Perform this check during engine test run, refer to section Check all engine instruments installed for
intended function. Check tachometer indication by means of the TCU-Communication program. Usage is
described "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types 912 and 914 Series”,
section 76-00, subsection 3.1.1
Check of Engine Control and Indication Sensors
See "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types 912 and 914 Series”,
section 72-00 - 80, in the first subsection each
Check condition, tight fit, leakage if applicable and wiring of sensor assemblies of TCU, oil pressure, oil
temperature, cylinder head temperature (if installed), fuel pressure and fire warning.
Check of Ignition Lock Shorting Cable Assy
Check condition of shorting cables and connections on rear firewall lower LH side.
Functional Check of Ignition Retarder Module
System Description:
See section 3.7.11
In addition to the periodical check (see sect. 5.3.13) the Ignition Retarder Module must undergo a functional
check after a failure during engine start.
To perform the following check, remove instrument panel cover. The module is mounted on the electronics /
CB plate on the RH side of the panel. Correct function can be examined by means of two LED´s mounted on
the circuit board, discernible through an opening in the module housing.
• Disconnect the control line from the starter relay (located next to the main battery at the formost ring
frame of the tail boom).
• Open and lock the propeller dome to switch the engine bus "ON".
• Switch ignition/starter key switch to position "START" and hold in this position:
− one red and one green LED must shine simultaneously,
− after 3 seconds, the green LED must extinguish,
− the red LED must shine as long as the key position "START" is holded.
• Unlock the propeller dome.
• If the check showed normal function, reconnect control line to starter relay.
• If the check revealed malfunction, check lines and connectors. When still not satisfying, the module must
be exchanged. Never start the engine with a defective ignition retarder module.
7.4.8 Fire Protection
System Description:
See section 3.4.8
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Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: 7-23
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
7.4.11 Drive Shaft System
System description:
See section 3.4.11
Check of Freewheel Clutch
Rotate propeller: Check smooth rotation in normal running direction and heavy friction in opposite direction.
Check tight fit of screw connections of freewheel clutch on engine flange.
NOTE: Prior to function check, remove locking screw in freewheel clutch if installed for assembly or
disassembly of drive shaft unit.
Check of Drive Shaft
For inspection of the drive shaft remove propeller gear and drive shaft assy.
Check condition of composite shaft (e. g. chafing, cracks) and steel ends (e. g. corrosion, wear, abrasion of
surface treatment). Check connection between composite shaft and steel ends.
Check of Cardanic Rubber Disc Joints
Check condition (cracks and embrittlement of rubber) and tight screw connections of cardanic rubber disc
joints on freewheel clutch and on forward drive shaft. To inspect rubber discs for cracks and embrittlement,
apply a torsional load on the discs and observe rubber surface.
Removal of Drive Shaft:
The propeller shaft can be removed together with front gear and the propeller in one step:
• Remove the propeller dome: lift off left and right leg room coverings in the cockpit, loosen clamping screw
at the guide block of the propeller dome, pull out locking screw with dome spring, disconnect flexible
hoses, disconnect the antenna connection to transponder/GPS, withdraw the dome to the front.
• Disconnect the control cable of the propeller brake on the connector.
• Disconnect the electrical connection (carbon brush).
• Loosen fastening screws on the front gear supports (shockmounts), loosen balancing spring on top of the
front gear.
• Pull out front gear with propeller shaft.
• The freewheel clutch remains on the engine. Removal by loosening of the attachment screws on the
engine flange.
• Disconnect the drive shaft on the gear (3x M10)
CAUTION: The freewheel clutch remains on the engine. Removal by loosening of the attachment screws on
the engine flange.
Installation of Drive Shaft:
In the reverse sequence as removal. For tightening torques observe section 6.8.
CAUTION: Clean the serration and check the condition of the surface coating. No signs of corrosion should
be detectable in and around the serration, and the colour of the tooth profiles should be the
same.(see section 6.5.1)
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Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: 7-32
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
7.7 Electrical System
See section 3.7 and and "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type
914 Series” (Annex E)
7.7.1 General
Check wiring of entire electric system (observe section 5.2.4). Specially check cable routing for sufficient
supports, for chafing in the area of penetrations of cable (e. g. fire wall) and for signs of overheating. Check
condition of CB's, renew if required.
Check any electrical device and all switches for proper installation, tight fit and proper cable connections.
Check electrical switches in the cockpit for intended function. Perform this check during an engine test run,
refer to section
Regulator Voltage:
13.75 V
14.2 V
The values indicated are valid for both busses (Engine-bus with internal generator and main bus with
external, belt driven generator).
7.7.2 Batteries
Check condition of main battery (housing, contacts, state of charge) and additional battery (if applicable).
Check mounting assy of main battery in forward tail cone.
Voltage drop of a charged main battery as new at approximately 15° C during starter operation: 2 V.
For maintenance on the batteries, please refer to the manufacturer’s instructions (Annex A).
WARNING: During any maintenance on the electrical system should, if battery energy is not required for test
purposes, the negative connection to the battery should be disconnected. To remove the battery,
disconnect the negative cable first. To install the battery, connect the positive cable first, then
connect the negative.
The engine must never be started from the auxiliary, external electrical port (if fitted) without the
battery installed.
7.7.3 Grounding
Check condition of cables and connections and tight fit of main grounding cable battery-engine suspension
frame, grounding cable on LH engine suspension shockmount and grounding cables on fastening bolts of
linear actuators (spindles) of landing gear. Check condition of cables and connections and tight fit of
grounding cables on fuel pumps.
7.7.4 E-Box
Check condition of electric distribution box assy on rear fuselage steel frame. Check tight fit of connections,
tight fit of auxiliaries (capacitor, regulator) and CB's.
Open E-box (loosen and fold down front plate with regulator and remove cover sheet to the front) and check
cables, connections and components for damage, fastening, foreign objects and moisture.
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Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Amendment No.: 14
Page: 10-1
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
10. List of Special Tools
The following list includes tools, which may be required for maintenance of the S10-VT in addition to standard
tools normally available in facilities performing maintenance on light a/c.
• Precision protractor for propeller blade adjustment
• Torque wrench
• Gauge for moment of ignition
• Valve clearance gauge
• Sparking plug wrench
• Endoscope
• Micro-meter
• Spring scale (up to approx. 250 N / 56 lbf)
• TCU Communication Program (ROTAX Monitoring Kit, refer to "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance)
for ROTAX Engine Types 912 and 914 Series”, section 76-00, subsection 3.1.1
• Further tools and devices for maintenance of the engine:
See "Maintenance Manual (Heavy Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Types 912 and 914 Series”,
section 00, subsection 10.6
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Doc. No. A40-11-122
Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997 Cover Sheet Annex: E
Amendment No.: 14
Date: Nov. 30. 2007
Annex E: Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine
Type 914 Series
(Issue 1 May 01. 2007)
This Annex comprises the original "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for ROTAX Engine Type 914
Series” (Issue 1, May 01 2007). As far as not stated differently in this Maintenance Manual of the powered
glider S10-VT, it is valid for the modified engine ROTAX 914 F2/S1 installed in the powered glider.
This Maintenance Manual is subject to changes by the manufacturer of the original engine, ROTAX.
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