ScanBook for Windows
ScanBook for Windows
Version 7.x Training Workbook Scantron Corporation, World Headquarters 1313 Lone Oak Rd, Eagan, MN 55121-1334 INTENTIONAL BLANK PAGE FOR NOTES ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Table of Contents MODULE 1 - INTRODUCTION .......................................................... 1-1 CONTACTING SCANTRON ...................................................................... 1-1 WHAT'S NEW? .................................................................................. 1-2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND UPGRADES FROM EARLIER VERSIONS ....................... 1-4 USING THE TRAINING WORKBOOK ........................................................... 1-4 THE "WHOLE PICTURE"........................................................................ 1-5 MANAGING PARSCORE .................................................................. 1-6 ADMINISTRATOR LOGIN ....................................................................... 1-6 CREATING USER ACCOUNTS .................................................................. 1-7 ADMINISTRATOR'S DEFAULT GRADING CRITERIA ........................................... 1-7 MODULE 2 - STARTING PARSCORE................................................. 2-1 USER LOGIN .................................................................................... 2-1 SCANNER CONFIGURATION .................................................................... 2-4 PARSCORE STANDARD FORMS .............................................................. 2-5 CREATING A NEW COURSE .................................................................... 2-6 WHAT ARE THE 5 TABS IN PARSCORE ....................................................... 2-8 MODULE 3 - SETTING UP THE ROSTER .......................................... 3-1 CREATING A SCORE COLUMN ................................................................. 3-1 STUDENT ENROLLMENT ........................................................................ 3-3 STUDENT PROFILE DATA ...................................................................... 3-4 GRADING CRITERIA ........................................................................... 3-6 ANSWER KEYS ................................................................................. 3-8 AUTOMATIC CREDIT AND MULTIPLE ANSWERS ........................................... 3-11 QUESTION WEIGHTING ..................................................................... 3-12 SAVING THE ANSWER KEY .................................................................. 3-13 RESCORE ROSTER ........................................................................... 3-13 PARTIAL CREDIT AND EXAMPLES ........................................................... 3-14 BONUS QUESTIONS .......................................................................... 3-16 MODULE 4 - SCORING A TEST ........................................................ 4-1 SCORING A TEST ............................................................................... 4-1 MODULE 5 - REVIEWING THE ROSTER ........................................... 5-1 SORTING OPTIONS ............................................................................. 5-1 VIEWING SCORES IN DIFFERENT MODES .................................................... 5-2 SCORE COLUMN SETUP ........................................................................ 5-2 DELETING A STUDENT ......................................................................... 5-3 VIEWING STUDENT'S RESPONSES ............................................................ 5-3 USING THE SCORE WIZARD ................................................................... 5-5 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook WORK ATTEMPTED ONLY & DROP LOW SCORES ......................................... 5-5 WEIGHTING ................................................................................... 5-6 RAW SCORE AJUSTMENT .................................................................... 5-7 REVIEWING THE GRADING CRITERIA ......................................................... 5-9 EXPORTING DATA ............................................................................. 5-11 MODULE 6 - PRINTING REPORTS & SUBTESTING .......................... 6-1 LIST OF AVAILABLE REPORTS ................................................................. 6-1 SORTING OPTIONAL DATA .................................................................... 6-2 ANSWER KEY REPORT ...................................................................... 6-3 CLASS RESPONSE REPORT ................................................................ 6-4 CONSOLIDATED ITEM ANALYSIS .......................................................... 6-6 COURSE LIST & ERROR LOG REPORT .................................................... 6-8 GRADING CRITERIA REPORT ............................................................ 6-10 ITEM ANALYSIS REPORT ................................................................. 6-11 TAKING A LOOK AT THE ITEM ANALYSIS DATA ............................................ 6-12 MASTERY GROUP PERFORMANCE CHARTS ................................................. 6-15 PROGRESS & ASSIGNMENT SHEET REPORT ................................................ 6-17 ROSTER REPORT .............................................................................. 6-19 SCORE DISTRIBUTION - PERCENTILE & HISTOGRAM REPORTS .......................... 6-23 STUDENT ENROLLMENT REPORT ............................................................ 6-25 STUDENT PROFILE DATA REPORT ........................................................... 6-26 STUDENT TEST REPORT ...................................................................... 6-27 TEST SCORE DISTRIBUTION CHART ........................................................ 6-29 SUBTESTING .................................................................................. 6-31 CREATING A NEW SUBTEST .............................................................. 6-32 VIEW AND/OR POST SUBTEST RESULTS ................................................. 6-33 SAVING A SUBTEST FILE .................................................................. 6-33 IMPORTING A PARTEST FILE ............................................................ 6-33 PRINTING SUBTEST REPORTS ........................................................... 6-34 SUBTEST CRITERIA .................................................................... 6-35 INDIVIDUAL SUBTEST REPORT ....................................................... 6-35 SUBTEST CLASS SUMMARY REPORT .................................................. 6-36 SUBTEST CLASS REPORT .............................................................. 6-36 VIEWING SUBTEST RESULTS DISTRIBUTION CHARTS ................................. 6-37 EXPORT OF SUBTEST CLASS REPORT DATA .............................................. 6-39 MODULE 7 - INTEGRATION WITH PARTEST & PARTEST ONLINE ... 7-1 IMPORTING THE ANSWER KEY FILE ........................................................... 7-1 SCORING THE TEST ............................................................................. 7-2 POSTING THE ITEM ANALYSIS DATA TO THE PARTEST ITEM BANKS ....................... 7-2 PARSCORE QUICK START GUIDE ......................... END OF WORKBOOK V7.x Revised: 07.15.2011 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 1 – Introducing ParScore Introduction What is ParScore? ParScore is a versatile software application that enables you to develop and manage student records and test data. This information can easily be stored, recalled, edited, copied, saved, manipulated, and exported to other programs. Contacting Scantron Product Support Our Technical Support Department can be reached at (800) 445-3141 or by Fax at (714) 437-4210 or by E-mail: We are open Monday through Friday – 5:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Pacific Time Zone). Closed Weekends and Holidays. On the Web:, select Support for online chat. For updates, click Support, Software Updates. Scroll to ParSystem to choose Single User or LAN, based on your purchase type of software. Telephone: (800) 722-6876 Address: World Headquarters Scantron Corporation 1313 Lone Oak Road Eagan, MN 55121 1-1 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 1 – Introducing ParScore What’s New? ParScore v includes the following enhancements: ParScore Admin now supports Domain users. Support for Windows® 7 32-bit and 64-bit Editions and Windows Server® 2008 R2. 64-bit, are now supported (including UAC compliance). Default output data directories are now subdirectories under the “Data” directory: – Submitting/Merging courses = “<CommonDocuments>\Scantron\ParScore\Data\CourseSubmit” – Backup/Add courses = “<CommonDocuments>\Scantron\ParScore\Data\CourseBackup” – DataBin directory = “<CommonDocuments>\Scantron\ParScore\Data\Bin”Test The following scanners are now supported: – iNSIGHT™ 4ES – OpScan® 4ES – iNSIGHT 20 – iNSIGHT 30 – iNSIGHT 4 – OpScan 6 – OpScan 8 Export Wizard now supports the following file formats: – .ACCDB (Microsoft® Access) – .CSV (delimited with comma) ScanMark™ scanners can now exit scanning by clicking the “End button” in the application, as well as by pressing the “End button” on the scanner. General Feature Changes Data base migration to version 7.0 must be performed on the same PC where v6.5 is currently installed. If you plan to install ParScore, ParTest, and ParTest Online on the same computer, the computer must use a Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 (32-bit) operating system (ParTest and ParTest Online are not yet supported on Windows 7). Files names (including path) cannot exceed 255 text characters. 1-2 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 1 – Introducing ParScore Features Removed Attendance scanning is no longer supported. The “Scoring Mode Feature” is no longer supported. Import Quiz Results from “Classroom Wizard/Global Access” is no longer supported. Form #F-11691-PAR-L is no longer supported. The default installation of ParScore v7.0 does not support any existing custom forms that were created for ParScore 6.5. Contact your Sales Representative if you have a custom form that you want to use with ParScore 7.0. Export Wizard no longer supports the following file formats: .DBF .XLS .MOD .WKS .WR1 .WRK .DIF .MOD .SDF .SYLK Differences in Features Sorting optional (custom) fields in the Student Tab will no longer be reflected in the Roster Tab. Sorting on common (standard) fields will be reflected. When selecting grids, click in any non-active space to select. The following form is supported on ScanMark scanners or OpScan 4ES and iNSIGHT 4ES in ScanMark Mode only: – X-101864-PAR-L 1-3 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 1 – Introducing ParScore System Requirements for ParScore 7.x • Windows XP (Pentium Processor, 500 MHz or greater) is minimum, Windows 7. Support for Windows® 7 32-bit and 64-bit Editions. • Windows 2003 minimum. Windows Server® 2008 R2 64-bit, are now supported (including UAC compliance). • HP-compatible laser printer (HP Laserjet 4 or greater recommended). Please refer to the “Installing ParScore and ParScore Admin.PDF” before migrating your database or installing the LAN version of ParScore. Backup all courses before migrating your database from an earlier version of ParScore 6.5 to 7.01. Backup all courses before installing the LAN version of ParScore 6.5 to 7.0. Using the Training Workbook: The Training Workbook is designed for use during instructor led training. The information contained in this workbook may be referenced with the page number that corresponds to the User’s Guide. Please refer to the User’s Guide for complete details. Icons used in this Training Workbook: Note regarding topic Caution/Warning! 1-4 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 1 – Introducing ParScore The “Whole” Picture Administration Create a Course Setup the Roster Enter the Answer Key Score a Test Print Reports Backup of Rosters Postback if Using ParTest 1-5 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 1 – Introducing ParScore Managing ParScore System Administration ParScore has security features, which are designed to preserve data integrity. The system administrator tasks are to grant and remove user accounts and set up the Default Grading Criteria. Users must have an active account to login and use ParScore. The “Login name” is attached to the course created by the user. Secondary rights can be assigned to each course. Administrator Login 1. Select Start, Programs 2. Scantron 3. ParScore 4. ParADMIN 5. The default Administrator’s Login Name and Password are a. Login Name: administrator b. Password: ParScore 1-6 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 1 – Introducing ParScore Creating User Accounts 1. Select “Add User” 2. Enter the User Name a. b. The Password will be the same as the Login name. The User will have the ability to change their password during the Login process. If a user forgets their password – Delete the user and Add the user again with the exact spelling used prior. Administrator’s Default Grading Criteria ParScore ships with predefined Grading Criteria that is provided as a starting point and as an example. It can be used as is or edited. The Administrator can define Default Grading Criteria so that each ParScore user may apply the set to their newly created course automatically. 1. If you need to make any modifications to the Default Grading Criteria – a. Select the Options pull-down menu to make any necessary changes. • The ParScore user will only see these changes if they select “Use Default Grading Criteria from the Administrator” in the ParScore Options pull-down menu once they Login to their Course List screen. You will not see the new Criteria additions until you finish by clicking Close. 1-7 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 1 – Introducing ParScore Intentional Blank Page 1-8 ParScore v7.0 Training Workbook Module 2 – Starting ParScore Starting ParScore After opening ParScore, log in to your account. TIP: If you do not yet have an account or unsure of your login, see your system administrator. Logging In: 1. Select Start, Programs, Scantron, ParScore or the ParScore icon if it is available. 2. In the ParScore Login dialog, enter your login name in the User field. 3. 4. Enter your Password. Click OK to log in and open the ParScore main window. To Change Your Password: After you log in for the first time, we recommend that you change your password immediately. 1. 2. Type your login name and password, but do not click Login. Click Change Password. 3. 4. Type a new password. Enter your new password again to confirm it. a. This must match the password you typed in the previous step. b. Passwords must contain between two and 20 characters. Passwords are not case sensitive, but they are space sensitive. 2-1 ParScore v7.0 Training Workbook 5. Click Change. 6. Login using your new password. Module 2 – Starting ParScore NOTES: 2-2 ParScore v7.0 Training Workbook 1. Module 2 – Starting ParScore After you Login to ParScore (This screen may be re-sized for better viewing) 2. 3. The Course List will be displayed after you have created a roster Click Reports to display the Course List Report. a. The Report is a way to keep track of current courses. 2-3 ParScore v7.0 Training Workbook Module 2 – Starting ParScore Scanner Configuration Before you can begin scanning, you need to Verify Communications with your Scantron Scanner. 1. Make sure your OpScan or iNSIGHT scanner drivers have been installed on the computer you scan on. 2. Select the Options pull-down menu. 3. Select Scanner Configuration. 4. Select the “Detect Scanner” button. 5. Click the forms you plan to use. a. If you have an enrollment form, put a check mark on the enrollment form number and the test form for the same number. b. If you a test form(s), put a check mark on the form(s) you are using. The “Detect Scanner” option sends a signal to the specified COM Port. The scanner responds and displays the message “Scanner Detection Completed”. If the scanner detection fails, try sliding the bar further to the right. Choose your form(s) by putting a check mark in the box on the left-hand side. 2-4 ParScore v7.0 Training Workbook Module 2 – Starting ParScore ParScore Standard Forms and Scanners Forms Supported F-288-PAR F-289-PAR F-1712-PAR F-17355-PAR F-3652-PAR F-11852-PAR (Barcode form for 4000/5500) F-14501-PAR F-14507-PAR X-101864-ERI Combo form for ScanMark 48 Channel and Test Scoring Machines Ink Read Scanners can only use forms printed with “Red tones.” Form list will only show if you have the menu set for ES emulation on the OpScan ES scanners. With most scanners, the form selection will be automatic. Scanners Supported 2010 2260 2800 iNSIGHT™ 4ES OpScan® 4ES iNSIGHT 20 iNSIGHT 30 iNSIGHT 4 OpScan 6 OpScan 8 A Custom form can be added to ParScore. Contact your Scantron Sales Representative for complete details. A Form Definition MUST be created in order for ParScore to recognize the form. Custom form definitions are a Professional Service. All custom forms used in previous versions MUST be redone for version 7.0 to be recognized. Loading the custom form definition into ParScore version 7.0 is an additional Professional Service. Please contact your sales rep for futher information. NOTES: 2-5 ParScore v7.0 Training Workbook Module 2 – Starting ParScore Creating a New Course 1. Select “New” from the Course List screen. 2. Enter the Information for the Course: a. Instructor (20 characters) b. Course # (15 characters) c. Course Title (20 characters) d. Description (30 characters) e. Time (10 characters) f. Day (5 characters) g. Term (10 characters) 3. Select “OK” when finished 4. C:\Program Files\Scantron\ParScore for the Single User Version 5. See your IT person for your exact path for the LAN version Optional Required Required Optional Optional Optional Optional You will now be returned to the Course List screen. NOTES: 2-6 ParScore v7.0 Training Workbook Module 2 – Starting ParScore Opening a Course: 1. Select the “Open” button. 2. Double-click on the highlighted Course. 3. Press “Enter” on the highlighted Course. The Course Files should be backed up on a regular basis. There are two ways to back up courses. Auto Back up: 1. Highlight Options. 2. Highlight Automatic Back up Setup. 3. Put a check in the box. 4. Click OK.. 5. When opening the course, you will be prompted for the location to back files up to; with or without a password. Manual Back up: 1. Highlight the Course. 2. Select Backup. 3. Type Password for security protection. 4. Backup files to another location other than your ParScore directory (such as your network drive dedicated for backing up critical data). If the course is corrupted, you can restore your files using the backup files. The “Add” is used to restore the backup course files. “Check-In” and “Check-Out” are used to move the course files from two stand-alone installations of ParScore. A single Secondary user can be assigned to each course if needed. 2-7 ParScore v7.0 Training Workbook Module 2 – Starting ParScore After the Course is open, you will see pull-down menus at the top of the screen and toolbars on each of the 5 Tabs: What are the 5 Tabs used for? Roster: Contains rows and columns that hold student data, test scores, and grades. Criteria: Supplies ParScore with the information needed to assign grades to students. Keys: Answer Keys provide the information necessary to score tests. Answer keys can be scanned, imported, or entered by the keyboard. Prior to “Scoring a Test,” the Answer Key MUST be entered. You can Import from ParTest, ParTest Online, Scan a ParScore form, enter the key by the keyboard, or import from a CSV file. Scoring: This tab is for scanning in student’s test forms. You can choose Auto Enrollment, Printing Option (dependent on scanner), and Inspect Multiple and/or Omitted marks. Student: Contains the Student Enrollment records. Students can be enrolled during or prior to scanning. You may Add, Edit, and/or Delete Student Enrollment records. 2-8 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Setting up the Roster Your first step is to add at least one score column in order to save any imported or scanned data. 1. Select the Add Score Columns icon (shown below). Hint: It looks like 3 birthday candles. a. Select a Category (the maximum is 99 columns). b. Enter the Number of Columns (the maximum is 99 columns). c. Enter the Possible Score (optional). d. Add a Subtotal Column (optional). e. Select “Add.” Repeat steps a - e if you wish to add score columns for another category. 3-1 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Set Order & Edit Label: Select “Set Order” if you need to rearrange the order of the score columns. For Example: I selected “Exam, Midt, Rept, and Finl” for my columns and I use the “Set Order” option to place “Rept” before the “Midt” column. Select “Edit Label” if you need to change the default label name(s). For example: I need a “Test” column, instead of Quiz. 3-2 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Student Enrollment In order for ParScore to score a test, it needs to have Enrollment records for each student. These records can be imported from a file, Scanned with a ParScore Enrollment form, entered by the keyboard, or using the Auto Enrollment feature. The Auto Enrollment allows you to enroll students and score a test at the same time. The Student ID Length can be configured from 1 digit up to 10 digits. ParScore uses a default Student ID Length of 9 characters. If you need to change this, select Enrollment Setup located under the Options pull-down menu. All students must have the same length of characters for their Student ID. A unique ID number with all students sharing the same number of digits is REQUIRED for each student. This number is used by ParScore to track each student. Enrollment Data consists of: ID Number, Name, Telephone Number, Code, and eight Optional Data fields. 1. 2. 3. Select Options. Check “Allow Blank Name” if you are using a form without a name grid or you do not need the student name in ParScore. a. “Allow Blank Name” works with the Auto Enrollment feature. Set the length of the Student ID number (1-10 digits). Contact your Scantron Sales Representative regarding custom forms for customized alphanumeric ID and/or optional fields. 3-3 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Student Profile Data If you wish to include more student profile information, you may customize up to eight optional columns with headings of your choice. These optional columns may be used for demographic information. The optional columns are available for importing, exporting, and reporting. The Optional fields are 20 characters in length – A to Z and 0 to 9. You can have a custom form created to utilize these fields or you can use the ParScore default form F-14501-STC that contains 3 optional fields. Your scanner must have a second read-head in order to read the form. Customize the Headings: Erase the Contents: 3-4 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Importing Student Enrollment From a File: Most Student Information Systems have export capabilities to allow for the export of data into other programs. The reports have filters allowing users to extract only the fields they need and in the order required. The file format is an ASCII comma delimited TEXT file. ParScore requires the following fields in order: 1. Student ID 2. Student Last Name 3. Student First Name 4. Student Middle Initial 5. Code 6. Student Telephone Number 7. Comments 8. Optional Field One 9. Optional Field Two 10. Optional Field Three 11. Optional Field Four 12. Optional Field Five 13. Optional Field Six 14. Optional Field Seven 15. Optional Field Eight The fields are used for demographic filtering in all reports. You do not have to use the any of the fields or you can use some of the fields. The image below shows what the file would look like if you opened it in Notepad®. Note how Charles Brown has several fields accounted for, but Lucy Green has multiple commas. The extra commas tell ParScore there will be no data for those fields. All eight Optional fields allow for 20 characters of data. 3-5 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Grading Criteria ParScore ships with predefined Grading Criteria that is provided as a starting point. It can be used as is or edited. Changes that are made to the Grading Criteria can differ from course to course. The Grading Criteria can be saved to a file for importing into new or existing courses. In the Grading Criteria, you are defining the Minimum Percent required to receive the grade indicated. The failure or lowest grade must be at “0.00”. The Code of “??” is a blank code or if a student marks a invalid code on the form, it will default back to the blank “??” code for the grade assignment. 3-6 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Adding a Criteria Record: 1. Select add a criteria record. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enter a unique code or ??. Enter a description (optional). Enter a minimum percent. Enter a grade and Select “Add.” Continue steps 2 to 5 until finished (Click Close). Saving Grading Criteria to a File: You can save the Grading Criteria to a file (.ACCDB extension) for use in a new or existing course. The Grading Criteria will be available to all users of ParScore. Importing Grading Criteria from a File: Once you have saved your Grading Criteria to a file, you can import the information into a new or existing course. Deleting Grading Criteria: 1. 2. Select the Criteria to delete. Select the single trashcan to complete the deletion. 3. You can also delete All Grading Criteria. 3-7 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Answer Keys Answer Keys provide the information necessary to score tests. Answer keys can be scanned, imported, or entered by the keyboard. Prior to “Scoring a Test,” the Answer Key MUST be entered. ParScore supports: A maximum of 200 Questions A maximum of 26 versions of the test A maximum of 26 responses per question Verify the scannable form being used for the maximum number questions, test versions, and responses. The scanned form has no way of indicating (for each question) whether a multiple mark should be treated as an AND or OR answer. When scanning a key, set the scanner to initially treat all multiple marks as And/Or. Edit in the answer column if you have a mix of both. 3-8 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Using a standard ParScore form: 1. Bubble in the correct answers. 2. Bubble in the Test Form Version. 3. Bubble in the Exam Number to Add your Total Possible Essay Points. 4. Select “Scan Keys” to begin. Keyboard Entry: 1. Select Add. 2. Enter the number of test items. 3. Select OK. 4. Enter the correct answer for each question. 5. Select OK. 3-9 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Importing the Answer Key: Answer Keys can be imported from ParTest, ParTestOnline, and from a saved ParScore file. .PSK or .PXKParScore Saved Answer Key .MDB ParTest Test File .TOL ParTest Online Test File .CSV ParScore CSV Answer Key File 1. 2. Selecting the import option will bring you to a list of the ParTest directory. Select the desired user and the desired test file. 3. Select a File From System for (.PSK, PXK, EXM, TOL, or CSV files). a. Browse to the correct drive and directory. b. Select the appropriate file. c. Choose “Select” to complete the import process. d. Verify the imported data. 3-10 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Automatic Credit & Multiple Answers: Within the Answer Key Tab you can specify Automatic credit and Multiple Answers. Automatic Credit: 1. Change the Answer to: * a. All students receive credit for the question. b. You can specify a point value or a zero point value. Multiple “AND” Answers: 1. Enter all required Answers: A+B a. All students receive credit for marking ALL. b. Partial credit is not allowed. Multiple “OR” Answers: Enter all possible Answers: ABC All students receive credit for marking ANY. 3-11 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Modifying the Question Weight/Point and Penalty: The Question weighting and penalty points can be changed by selecting the “edit” button located on the tool bar (icon shown below). Enter the value desired for all items or on a group of items. If you need to change an individual item, just select it from the Key Tab. Possible Essay Points: Essay points can be added by filling in the EXAM Number field on the ParScore standard form. If Essay points are NOT being added – leave the Exam number field on the KEY blank. As long as the KEY is left blank, the system will NOT add Essay points to the test. NO Essay Points 50 Essay Points Removing Unused Version of the Key: If you are going to perform subtesting you will need to remove the unused version of the test key. Select each unused version and select “Remove.” 3-12 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Saving the Answer Key: You can save the current Answer Key for reuse in another ParScore course. 1. 2. 3. 4. Select Save Answer Keys. Select the folder where you wish to save the answer key. Save the answer key with a .PSK extension. Select Save. Rescore Roster: If you need to make changes to your key, the student’s scores can be updated without having to re-scan the test forms. If you make changes to the key and select another ParScore tab,select “Yes” to the displayed message. 3-13 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Partial Credit: To add Partial Credit points, simply go to the Keys tab and check the box next to ‘Show Partial Credit’ on the answer key grid. Then enter the partial credit point values beneath the appropriate choices. (See Rules below.) If the student chooses an answer that is not the correct answer but has partial credit points assigned to it, then the student will receive the partial credit points associated with that answer. The Answer Key Report will also show partial credit if entered. Rules of Use for Partial Credit 1. Partial credit points can be entered for all answer options except for the correct answer(s). The correct answer(s) will receive full credit. Note: This does not apply when using the “AND” option for correct answers. (See #3 below.) 2. If there are multiple correct answers using the “OR” option, only the remaining answer options may be assigned partial credit. The correct answer options will receive full credit. 3. If there are multiple correct answers using the “AND” option, partial credit may only be assigned to the correct answer options. It is not necessary for the partial credit totals to equal the full possible points. Partial credit is not allowed on remaining answer options. 4. If a student selects more answer choices than the number of correct choices, then the answer will be marked incorrect. This prevents students from selecting all answer choices and receiving credit. Example: If the correct answer is A and a student selects A and B, the answer is incorrect. 5. If there are penalty points assigned to a question, they are activated when a student chooses an answer that is not correct and has no partial credit assigned, or when a student chooses more answers than the number of correct answers. 3-14 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Example Partial Credit Scenarios Case I – Single Correct Answer Correct Answer: Possible Points: Penalty Points: Partial Credit: A 10 5 A 5 Student Answer: Points Received: B 4 C 3 D E A 10 B 5 C 4 D 3 E -5 AB -5 BC -5 BCD -5 Blank 0 E -5 AB -5 BC -5 BCD -5 Blank 0 AB 10 AC 4* BC 3* CD -5 ABC -5 Case II – Multiple Correct Answers Using “OR” Correct Answer: Possible Points: Penalty Points: Partial Credit: A or B 10 5 A 5 Student Answer: Points Received: B 6 C D E A 10 B 10 C 5 D 6 Case III – Multiple Correct Answers Using “AND” Correct Answer: Possible Points: Penalty Points: Partial Credit: A and B 10 5 A 4 Student Answer: Points Received: B 3 C D E A 4 B 3 C -5 D -5 * There are 2 correct answers, so the student is allowed to enter up to 2 answers and receive any partial credit that applies. 3-15 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 3 – Setting up the Roster Bonus Questions To mark a question as a “Bonus” question, simply check the box under the Bonus column on answer key grid in the Keys tab. The points associated with this question will not be counted as part of the total possible points on the test, allowing students to score above 100%. Note: Questions that are given Auto Credit cannot be assigned as Bonus questions. 3-16 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 4 – Scoring a Test Scoring a Test In ParScore, you can score from the scanner or from a File. Scoring from a file can be from a Comma Delimited file or from ParTest Online (see Module 7). In order for ParScore to Score a Test, the Answer Keys MUST be entered for all versions of the test. See Appendix F in your ParScore User’s Guide for complete details on the Comma Delimited format. During scoring you can: 1. Inspect Multiple Marks 2. Omitted Marks 3. Print Date on Form (Dependent on Scanner Options) 4. Print Raw Score on Form (Dependent on Scanner Options) 5. Print Total Score on Form (Dependent on Scanner Options) 6. Auto Enrollment 7. Reprocess Forms with Errors (Dependent on Scanner Options) Note: Printing is unavailable for: Clarity Scanners Reprocess Forms with Errors is available: ScanMark 4000, ScanMark 5000, and ES2800. • If the answer key form contains a subjective score and the student form doesn’t, a form error will display on the scanner’s LCD panel. • If the student forms are scanned before the key form, the scanner will stop and a form error will display on the scanner’s LCD panel. 4-1 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 4 – Scoring a Test Scoring a Test: 1. Select the Category from the Score Tab. 2. Select your Score Method. 3. Select your Scoring Options. 4. Select Score to begin. 5. Press the “END” on the Scanner when finished. On-line Editing: During the Scoring process you will be prompted to correct any invalid Student ID Numbers. The Student ID Length is verified against the Enrollment Setup under the Options pull-down menu. The Processing Scores screen shows the errors seen during scanner allowing you to edit to fix the errors. If you have selected Inspect Multiple and/or Omitted Marks, you will be prompted to “Edit” the errors or to “Continue” scanning. You have the option to browse the current enrollment if the student marks in a partial Student ID Number. You also have the option to correct forms with the version left blank on the form. 4-2 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 5 – Reviewing the Roster Reviewing the Roster: After you have finished scoring a test, you need to return to the Roster tab to view the results. If you want to view the Roster in order by the Last name, double-click on the column heading. The first time you double-click it will be A to Z. The second time you double-click for the same column it will be Z to A. 1. You can sort every column, except the Middle Initial. 2. Double-click on the Student ID if you need to modify the number. 3. Click on the Name fields on the screen if you need to modify the information. 5-1 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 5 – Reviewing the Roster Viewing Scores in different modes: You can view of the scores as Percent, Stanine, T-Score, Z-Score, Percentile, and User Defined T-Score. Percent supports 2 decimal places. When you change the view from Raw to one of the other views, some of the options on the tool bar will become unavailable (Score Wizard, Browse Student’s Responses, Subtesting, Lock a Score Column for editing, Add Score Columns, and Import Scores). Score Column Setup: Within the Score Column Setup you can modify the Possible Points, Add a Test Date and/or Description, and Delete the Column or Score. The Test Date and Description will be displayed on the Key & Score tab, the Progress and Student Test report. The Delete Option allows you to delete the column entirely (including the key and any posted student’s scores) or just the scores under the score column. 5-2 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 5 – Reviewing the Roster Deleting a Student: The Student’s record can be deleted entirely or you can enter “I for Incomplete” or “W for Withdrawal” under the Student’s Code. 1. In order to delete the student, you will need to tag the student for deletion by highlighting their name. a. Select the single trashcan to remove the marked students. You can also delete All Students by clicking on the small trash can. This will only purge the enrollment, but will retain all Score Columns, Grading Criteria and Answer Keys. Viewing Student’s Responses: 1. Select the student’s score under the Score column. 2. Select the “Browse or Rescore Test Data for a Specific Student” icon (shown above) to view and modify the test data. You can edit the student’s responses and the essay points listed under the Exam Number field. The Test Version and Student ID cannot be modified. 5-3 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 5 – Reviewing the Roster Intentional Blank Page 5-4 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 5 – Reviewing the Roster Using the Score Wizard: The Score Wizard includes the following functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Work Attempted Only. Drop Low Scores. Weighting Scores. Raw Score Adjustment. 1. Work Attempted Only: If you have someone that is enrolled and misses a test, you can use the Work Attempted Only to not count the missing score as a zero. This feature is also useful if you add all your Answer Keys at once and do not want the student’s graded against them yet. 2. Drop Low Scores: You can use the Drop Low Scores against one or more score columns. The lowest score is based on the percentage received for the student against the possible points. Work Attempted Only and Drop Low Scores can be used in combination, the Work Attempted values are calculated first and then the Drop Low Scores. 5-5 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook 3. Module 5 – Reviewing the Roster Weighting Scores: You can use the Weighting feature to change the percentage counted towards the final grade. This significantly affects the calculation of the final scores. The weighting must add up to 100%. For example: All Quizzes are worth All Exams are worth The Final is worth 10% 30% 60% The percentage applied counts for the entire category. If each Exam has a different weight, you would need to create unique categories for each Exam using the Add Score Columns. Weighting, Work Attempted Only, and Drop Low Scores work in conjunction with each other (Note: As long as you have one score posted to each category). If you apply weighting at the beginning of the course, you will need to return to the weighting function to apply the values scored in the Roster. 5-6 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook 2. Module 5 – Reviewing the Roster Raw Score Adjustment: You can use the Raw Score Adjustment to Scale the Column, Add or Subtract a constant value. This setting is permanent. If you need to restore the original scores, return to the Keys tab and ReScore the Roster. After making the necessary adjustments, you will receive the following confirmation. The scores will be adjusted permanently. In order to recover the original scores, return to the “Keys” tab and “Rescore” the score column. No audit trail is available to show scores changed or how the scores were changed. 5-7 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 5 – Reviewing the Roster Intentional Blank Page 5-8 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 5 – Reviewing the Roster Reviewing the Grading Criteria: If you need to make any changes to the Grading Criteria, ParScore will automatically recalculate the student’s grades. You can view a distribution of the grades on the Criteria tab. Select the View Data selection of each line needed. 1. Select view data for all grading criteria. 2. Update student’s grades and score distribution on the Criteria tab. 3. View the grade distribution in MSGraph. 5-9 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 5 – Reviewing the Roster Intentional Blank Page 5-10 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 5 – Reviewing the Roster Exporting Data: You can export data from ParScore for use in other programs. Two export options are available: Export Wizard and Export Student Response Data. Select the desired function under the Options pull-down menu. Exporting is available for the Roster Data, Student Enrollment records, the Student Test Responses, and the Student Profile Data. The export is available in 4 formats. Such as, Access, delimited files with comma, and space or tab. The Student Response data is: “New” is Comma Delimited and “Old” is a Fixed Length format. 5-11 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 5 – Reviewing the Roster Intentional Blank Page 5-12 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Printing Reports & Subtesting Once your data is in the Roster, you are ready to generate reports. The following reports are available in ParScore for Previewing and Printing: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Answer Key Report Class Response Report Consolidated Item Analysis Report (for use with ParTest) Course List Report Error Log Report Grading Criteria Report Item Analysis Report Mastery Report and Chart Progress & Assignment Sheet Report Roster Report Score Distribution – Percentile and Histogram Report Student Enrollment Report Student Profile Data Report Student Test Report Subtest Reports and Charts Test Score Distribution Chart A default Heading can be setup for all reports or you can modify the report heading separately for each report. 6-1 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting If you are using Optional Data fields, you specify up to 4 of those fields to filter your data (as shown below): 6-2 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Answer Key Report: Prints the Answer key for a selected Category. 1. Select the Category and the Version. 2. Select Print or Preview. 6-3 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Class Response Report: Prints a list of the students test responses for each version of the test. 1. Select the Category and the Version. 2. Select if you want the Answer Key included. 3. Select Print or Preview. 6-4 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Print Student Names and Select Optional Fields on Class Response Report: Within the Class Response report dialog, you can print a report with or without student names. You can select the ‘Print Student Name’ option to activate this feature. The Class Response report will be printed in Landscape orientation in this case. To print the Class Response report by Optional Fields, click the Select button. Similar to other reports, you have the option to specify up to four Optional Field choices. Select OK to save the settings. The following page shows the layout of a Class Response report by Optional Fields and printed with student names and answer key. 6-5 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting 6-6 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Consolidated Item Analysis Report: (ParTest required) This is a statistical report that provides a detailed distractor analysis based on raw scores. A consolidated Item Analysis combines all versions into one report. See page 6-11 for details about Item Analysis data. 1. Select the Category. 2. Select Print or Preview. Optional: 3. Select the Report Type (Standard or Detailed). 4. Change the Response Range if needed (choices beyond “E”). 6-7 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Export of Consolidated Item Analysis Report Data: To export the data from the Consolidated Item Analysis Report, select Consolidated Item Analysis Report from the Reports menu. Then, highlight the appropriate test in the Consolidated Item Analysis Report dialog box and click the Export button. The consolidated item analysis data will load. You will then be prompted to save the data in CSV format to your computer. 6-8 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Course List Report: The Course List Report prints a list of the Courses from the Course List Screen to track the courses currently in the login account. 1. Select Print or Preview. Error Log Report: This report tracks the rejected forms that occurred during scanning. 1. Select Print or Preview. 6-9 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Grading Criteria Report: This report prints the data displayed on the Criteria tab or the graph format from MSGraph. 1. Select Print or Preview. 6 - 10 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Item Analysis Report: This is a statistical report that provides a detailed distractor analysis based on raw scores. Each test version is generated separately. See page 6-12 for details about Item Analysis data. 1. 2. Select the Category. Select Print or Preview. Optional: 3. 4. Select the Report Type (Standard or Detailed). Change the Response Range if needed (choices beyond “E”). 6 - 11 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Taking a look at the Item Analysis data: After an objective test has been administered and scored, it is desirable to evaluate the effectiveness of the items. In order to improve items, it is necessary to examine whether or not they are doing the job for which they were designed. An item analysis provides four kinds of important information about the quality of the test items: Reliability Coefficient (KR20): The Kuder-Richardson formula 20 (KR20), for example, calculates a reliability coefficient based on the number of test items (k), the proportion of the responses to an item 2 that is correct (p), the proportion of responses that are incorrect (q), and the variance (σ ). Consistency is a measure of reliability through similarity within the test, with individual questions giving predictable answers every time. The Kuder-Richardson reliability assesses inter-item consistency of a test by looking at two error measures: • Adequacy of content sampling • Heterogeneity of domain being sampled It assumes reliable tests contain more variance and are thus more discriminating. Higher heterogeneity leads to lower inter-item consistency. The Reliability Coefficient should fall between 0.4 and 0.7 for best results. Item difficulty is the percentage of the total group that got the item correct. The item difficulty is important because it tells you whether an item is too easy or too hard. Many test experts believe that for a maximum discrimination between high and low achievers, the optimal level is 50%. However, because of the guessing factor, it is advisable to make a test somewhat easier. This reduces the guessing factor and consequently increases the test reliability. For true-false items a 75% difficulty level is recommended. That is, “on the average,” 75% of the students should get the item correct. Multiple-choice items: 3 alternative multiple-choice = 67% 4 alternative multiple-choice = 63% 5 alternative multiple-choice = 60% Items that have percentages less than 30% or more than 90% definitely need attention. Items that have difficulty levels that are too hard or too easy should either be revised or replaced. The only exception to this standard occurs with items that appear at the beginning of a test. The first few items should be easy (Difficulty level = 90% or higher) for psychological reasons. To identify items as easy, medium or difficult, the following helps to read the Item Analysis Report. The first column refers to the difficulty: 1. If more than 75% of the students get the question correct, the item is considered easy. 2. If 50 to 74% of the students get the item correct, the item is considered medium in difficulty. 3. If less than 50% of the students get the item correct, the item is considered difficult. Item Discrimination is the single best measure of the effectiveness of an item is its ability to discriminate between students who vary in their degree of knowledge of the material tested. If we had two groups of students, one of which was composed of students who had mastered the material and the other of students who had not, we would expect a larger portion of the former group to correctly answer any test item. Item discrimination attempts to give us this information by measuring how well an item discriminates between these two groups. 6 - 12 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting ParScore provides the percentage of the upper and lower groups that got a particular item correct. If desired, you can calculate the item discrimination ration by using the following simple formula: IDR = (Upper Group % Correct) - (Lower Group % Correct) The maximum item discrimination ration of an item occurs if the discrimination ration = 100%. This would occur if all those in the upper group got the item right and none of those in the lower group got it correct. Zero discrimination occurs when equal numbers in both groups got it correct. Negative discrimination occurs when more students in the lower group than the upper group get an item correct. Zero and negative discrimination items should be discarded or vastly improved before the item is used again on the next test. An acceptable level of discrimination for classroom tests is at or above 25%. An item having a ratio lower than this would be considered a poorly discriminating item. That is, it would not discriminate between those who really knew the material and those who were less knowledgeable. Items having ratios above 40% are considered excellent items. Columns two and three (Upper and Lower 27%) refer to the discrimination. The easiest way to calculate the discrimination at a glance when viewing the Item Analysis Report is the following: Upper 27% - Lower 27% = Discrimination When looking at the differences the following holds true: 1. If the discrimination is 40% and above, the discrimination is high. This is preferred. 2. If the discrimination is 25% to 39%, the discrimination is medium. This is acceptable. 3. If the discrimination is below 25%, the discrimination is low. This indicates the item should be reworked or it is material you expect your students to know. Point Biserial Correlation Coefficient (PBCC) measures the correlation between the correct answer on an item and the total test score of a student. The PBCC is the preferred method of measuring item discrimination because it identifies items that correctly discriminate between high and low groups, as defined by the test as a whole (instead of only the upper and lower 27% of a group). The following criteria may be used to evaluate test items: 1. .30 and above Very good item 2. .29 to .20 Reasonably good item (subject to improvement). 3. .19 to .09 Marginal items (needs improvement). 4. below .09 Poor items (reject or improve). 6 - 13 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Rescoring a Test: A Quick Fix: ParScore provides a powerful tool for resolving (or at least partially resolving) problems. After studying the item analysis report, the answer key may need to be modified. Items can be removed from the test or automatically given to all students. Inspection of distracters would suggest that perhaps the wrong answer was marked on the key. This item may need to have the answer changed or possibly more than one answer should be allowed to be correct. Review the columns labeled “Response Frequencies.” This provides information on the number of students that chose each alternative. If needed, return to the answer key tab and modify the desired items. The test will be rescored automatically, without having to rescan the student’s test forms. Distracters and their effectiveness: By looking at the pattern of responses to alternatives, the instructor can often determine how the test can be improved. A multiple-choice question is only as good as its distracters. If two distracters in a four-choice item are completely implausible, the question is, in effect, a two-choice or true-false item and made easier. It is important for an instructor to know if the distracters are really “distracting” or just taking up space on paper. ParScore automatically identifies those distracters of each item that did not “distract” students. 6 - 14 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Export of Item Analysis Report Data To export the data from the Item Analysis Report, select Item Analysis Report from the Reports menu. Then highlight the appropriate test in the Item Analysis Report dialog box and click the Export button. The item analysis data will load. You will then be prompted to save the data in CSV format to your computer. Your export will look similar to the image below. 6 - 15 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Mastery Group Performance Chart You can select three combinations of optional fields from the Mastery Report dialog box and view a bar graph of the information, known as the Mastery Group Performance Distribution Chart. 1. To view the graph: a. Select ‘Mastery Report and Chart’ from the Reports menu. b. In the dialog box, select the test. c. Select the one to three groups for grouping the students. d. Click the radio button next to Mastery Group Performance Distribution Chart. e. Before printing or previewing, click the graph icon in the dialog box to make sure the data labels from your selections are loaded. f. Click Print or Preview. 6 - 16 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Progress & Assignment Sheet Report: This report is generated per student and indicates their progress based on the Assignment sheet you create. 1. Select “New” (the Report Name of Untitled can be modified). 2. Select the Categories to include on the report. 3. Select “Print Options.” 4. Remove or modify the available selections. 5. Select Print or Preview. 6 - 17 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting 6 - 18 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Roster Report: This report contains the details displayed on the Roster tab. Multiple options are available to customize the look of the report. 1. 2. Select the Category Selection: All, Total & Grade, or Selective Categories. View each tab for the selections: • Students: Select All Students or Selective Students. 6 - 19 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook • • • • • • • Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Report Layout: Print Average Score Print Without Student Name No. of Student ID Digits to be Crossed Out Orientation: Portrait or Landscape Score Format: No or Two Decimal places Sorting Order 3. You can apply the Optional Field criteria to the selected student criteria. 4. You can further filter students with the Codes tab. 6 - 20 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Print Roster Report By Select Students: You can now print a Roster Report by select students and then apply additional criteria to those selected students. After selecting a category, choose to either print All Students or Select Students. If you click the Select button, the Select Specific Students dialog box is displayed. You can select multiple students from the list. The selected students’ IDs are displayed on the Roster report interface after you click Select. You can manually remove students from the list by selecting the ID and pressing the Delete key. You can customize the report by applying the options provided on the Report Layout tab. The features on this tab are the same as the previous version. 6 - 21 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting 6 - 22 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Score Distribution Report: This is report provides an analysis of how student scores are distributed for the total or a specific test. A Percentile or Histogram view is available. 1. Select Total or Specific Score. 2. Select the Percentile or Histogram View. 3. Select Print or Preview. 6 - 23 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting 6 - 24 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Student Enrollment Report: This is report provides a list of the enrolled students. 1. Select Report. Select Student Enrollment Report. 2. 3. Select Print or Preview. 6 - 25 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Student Profile Report: This report provides the three optional columns from the student tab in the categories you select, with or without the student name. 1. Select the desired customized columns and category selections. 2. Select the desired Report Format. 3. Select Print or Preview. 6 - 26 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Student Test Report: This is report provides the student’s with details on a specific test. The Answer Key is not included by default. You will have multiple options to customize the layout of the report. 1. Select the Category. 2. Select the Report Layout: Detailed, Standard, or Basic Test Report. 3. Select the Sort Order. 4. Select All Students or Selective Students. 5. Include: Answer Key, Cumulative Score, Comments from Roster. 6. Select Print or Preview. Note: The Sort Order determines the order sent to the Printer. 6 - 27 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Omitted Items Displayed on Detailed Student Test Report: The Detailed Student Test Report now displays Omitted Items at the bottom of the report in addition to Multiple Marks. 1. To view the report, select Reports. 2. Select Student Test Report. 3. In the dialog box, choose Detailed Test Report in the top center. 4. Select Print or Preview. 6 - 28 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Test Score Distribution Chart: Bar graphs of results from each score column on the Roster tab can be generated using the Test Score Distribution Chart. 1. To view the bar graph, click anywhere in the score column you would like to view. 2. Select the Reports menu. 3. Select Test Score Distribution Chart or click the graph icon in the Roster tab. From the Reports menu: You can produce a graph based on a specific group of students by clicking the Select button and choosing optional fields, similar to other reports. 6 - 29 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Before printing or previewing, click the graph icon in the Test Score Distribution Chart dialog box to make sure the data from your selections is loaded. Select Print or Preview. 6 - 30 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Subtesting Subtesting provides an unlimited way to break down a test into categories and examine the student’s performance on each category. If you give a 100-question test and you want to find out how the questions from the Video, a Textbook, or a Lecture are doing, you can use the subtesting to break down the questions into these categories. A test must be scored into a column and any unused versions of the key must be removed before you can perform subtesting. Subtesting can be performed once the test is scanned using standard ParScore forms or once the ParTest Online test file has been scored. Subtests can be created before scoring a test once your key has been scanned. Subtest reports can be printed and the scores can be posted back to the main roster. When the scores are posted to the main roster, it is for information only and does not affect the grades. The column can be deleted with the Score Column Setup. To choose a Subtest Reports: 1. 2. Click on Reports. Select Subtest Reports And Charts. 3. 4. Select the test for reporting. Click Continue. 6 - 31 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Creating a New Subtest: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Enter the Subtest Name (maximum of 8 characters). Enter a Subtest Description (optional). Enter the Number of Items. Enter the Minimum % to Pass. Select the questions needed. Select “OK” to finish. 6 - 32 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting View and/or Post Subtest Results: Once the subtest is created you can view the results online, and, if needed, Post the results back to the Roster. If you post the results back to the Roster, a column will be created with the subtest name. You can post one subtest column or all columns at the same time. Importing a ParTest File: The ParTest Key file can be imported into the subtesting module. The Keyword List assigned to each question is used to combine the questions into subtest names. The first 8 characters are used for the subtest name. You will need to select the Drive and Directory for the ParTest or ParTest Online file to import. Saving a Subtest File: If needed, you can Save the Subtest setup for use in another course. 6 - 33 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Printing Subtest Reports: Once the Subtests are created or imported, you can print a Class Report, Class Summary, Individual, or the Subtest criteria report. 6 - 34 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting 6 - 35 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting 6 - 36 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Subtest Results Distribution Chart You can generate a Subtest Results Distribution Chart to view the percentage of students who passed each subtest or the mean score on each subtest. To generate the graph, go to the Subtesting dialog box by clicking a score column and selecting the subtest icon on the Roster tab, or by selecting Subtest Reports and Charts under the Reports menu as described above. Check the boxes under the Select column for the subtests you would like to view. You can view up to 15 subtests at a time for each individual test. In the Subtest Results Distribution Chart dialog box, select any optional field contents for filtering by clicking Select to choose whether to view the percentage of students who passed each subtest or the average score on each subtest. 6 - 37 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Before printing or previewing, click the graph icon in the dialog box to make sure the data from your selections are loaded. Select Print or Preview. 6 - 38 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 6 – Printing Reports & Subtesting Export of Subtest Class Report Data 1. To export data from the Subtest Class Report: a. Select by clicking the subtest icon on the Roster tab or selecting Subtest Reports and Charts from the Reports menu. b. Select the subtests you would like to include. c. Click the printer icon to go to the subtest reports. d. In the Subtesting Reports dialog box, select the Subtest Class Report e. f. Click Export. The subtest data will load and you will then be prompted to save the data in CSV format to your computer. Intentional Blank Page 6 - 39 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 7 – Integrating ParTest/ParTest Online Integration with: ParTest AND / OR ParTest Online ParScore’s companion products, ParTest and ParTest Online, allow you to create your test in ParTest and have the students take the test on a computer using ParTest Online. The data from ParTest and ParTest Online can be imported into ParScore for generating reports and posting the data back to the ParTest Item Banks. 1. 2. 3. Import the Answer Key File. Score the Test. Post the Item Analysis data to ParTest. Step 1: Import the Answer Key File (KEY tab): In order to have the correct answers from ParTest or ParTest Online in ParScore, you will need to import the answer key file. 1. 2. Select the icon shown above to import the ParTest answer key file. .MDB ParTest .TOL ParTest Online .PSK -,or .PXK ParScore saved key file .EXM ParTest DOS .PXK, PSK & .EXM are not available for posting the Item Analysis data to the ParTest Item Banks. Select the correct drive and directory for ParTest or ParTest Online. 7-1 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 7 – Integrating ParTest/ParTest Online Examples of Directory locations: ParTest LAN Version X:\PARTESTWIN LAN\U8762364\ ParTest Single Version C:\PARTEST\U6549072 The “U” folder is your User folder in ParTest. View the Properties of your Item Bank or Test to view this location. ParTest Online X:\PARTESTOnline\Users\your login name ParTest Online will reside on your network server. The test file will reside under the User’s Folder, under a folder with the login name used to access ParTest Manager. “X” - insert the drive letter for your server location 3. Select the file for ParTest (.MDB) or ParTest Online (.TOL). 4. Verify the number of items, versions, and the correct answers. Step 2: Score the Test (Scoring tab): 1. Select the same drive and directory you have for your answer key file. 2. See information below for ParTest or ParTest Online. ParTest Select Score from Scanner. Select your Scoring Options. Select Score. Scan in the completed Student’s Forms. ParTest Online Select Score from File. Select the .POS file. Select your Scoring Options. Select Score. The student’s responses will be read from the file. Step 3: Post Item Analysis data to ParTest: Once your test is completed, you can post the Item Analysis data to the questions within the ParTest Item Banks. First you will need to specify the location of the ParTest Depository directory. The next time you open ParTest, it will check the posting file created by ParScore and add the data to the questions within the Item Bank. The Posting file will only be accessed if it belongs to the Primary user who is opening ParTest. 7-2 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook 1. 2. 3. Module 7 – Integrating ParTest/ParTest Online Select the Options pull-down menu. Select Specify ParTest Depository Path. Use the Select button to locate the Depository Path. a. C:\ParTest\Depository or X:\PARTESTWINLAN\Depository Posting the Item Analysis Data: 1. Select the Options pull-down menu. 2. Select POST Item Analysis to ParTest. 3. Select the Category for your test. 4. Select POST to finish. NOTE: MAKE SURE ParTest IS CLOSED BEFORE CONTINUING THIS PROCESS. 5. Close ParScore before opening ParTest. The next time the Primary user logins to ParTest, the Item Analysis data will be posted to the questions within the Item Bank. 7-3 ParScore v7.x Training Workbook Module 7 – Integrating ParTest/ParTest Online Congratulations! You have successfully completed your Scantron Software Training! 7-4 Intentional Blank Page v7.0 Quick Start Guide First Time Setup: 1. After installing ParScore, you need create a Login name for each user. 2. Select Start, Programs, Scantron, ParScore, ParAdmin. a. The default login name is: administrator b. The password is: parscore 3. Select Add User. 4. Enter the desired Login name for each user. Note: The default password will be the same as the Login name. When the User signs into ParScore they will have the ability to change their password. 5. Starting ParScore for the first time. 6. Select Start, Programs, Scantron, ParScore, ParScore 7. Use your Login name that was added to ParAdmin. Once ParScore opens, you will be at the Course List screen. 8. Scanner Configuration. Before you begin scanning, you will need to verify communications with your Scantron Scanner. 9. Select the Options pull-down menu. a. Select Scanner Configuration. b. Select the Detect Scanner button to the left side of the screen. The Detect option will send a signal out to the specified COM / USB Port to Detect your Scanner Model. c. Once the Scanner Detection is completed, click Close Page 1 of 4 V7.x Revised: 07.18.2011 v7.0 Quick Start Guide The “Basic Steps” 1. Starting ParScore: a. Select Start. b. Programs, Scantron, ParScore, ParScore. c. Use your Login name that was added to ParAdmin. d. Once ParScore opens, you will be at the Course List screen. 2. Creating a New Course: a. Select New. b. Enter the Course Information (Course # and Title are required fields). Select OK. c. Double-click on the course to Open it, or use the Open button. 3. Adding Score Columns: a. From the Roster Tab, Select the Add Score Columns icon on the tool bar (shown below). b. Select the Category and the number of desired columns. c. Select Add when finished. If desired, select another category name and continue the process until all the columns needed have been added. Then, select Add. Page 2 of 4 V7.x Revised: 07.18.2011 v7.0 Quick Start Guide 4. Enrollment Options: a. The default Student ID Length is 9. b. Select the Options menu, Enrollment Setup to make any changes. ParScore requires the Student ID number, which can be from 1 to 10 digits. ParScore has an Auto Enrollment feature (under the Scoring Tab), where you can add a student to the Roster at the same time you score tests. This works for forms that include both enrollment and test data. Adding students to the Roster (before scoring a test) is completed under the Student Tab. 5. Adding the Answer Key: a. Select the Keys Tab. b. Select the Category for the Answer Key you are adding. c. Select the Scan Keys button (located on the bottom right side of the screen). d. Wait for tFeed Form to display on your Scanner’s LCD window. e. Scan the Answer Key. f. Make sure you have the correct answers and test form field (A, B, C, or D) filled out. The test form field is the version of the Answer Key. The Exam Number field on the key is used to add Essay Points (Subjective Score). g. ParScore will display an Edit screen for anything found invalid on the key. Press the END button on the scanner when finished. Note: Subjective Score should be blank if Essay Points are NOT being added to the test. Page 3 of 4 V7.x Revised: 07.18.2011 v7.0 Quick Start Guide 6. Scoring the Student’s Tests: a. Select the Scoring Tab. b. Select the category that matches the test you are scanning. Select the scoring options, such as Auto Enrollment, Inspect Multiple, and/or Omitted Marks. c. Select the Score button to begin the scanning process. d. During scanning, an Edit box will be displayed for anything found incorrect on the form. Press the END button on the scanner to complete the process. e. Select the Roster Tab to view the results. 7. Printing Reports a. Select the Reports pull-down menu. b. Select the reports you want to Print or Preview. Page 4 of 4 V7.x Revised: 07.18.2011