Technical details 2700 / 2750 / 2710
Technical details 2700 / 2750 / 2710
10 Technical details Compact design with integrated controller scanCONTROL 2700/2710 combines technology and performance in a single device, providing the dual benefits of an integrated controller and compact dimensions. 2700 / 2750 / 2710 - z-axis measuring range up to 300mm - x-axis measuring range up to 148mm - Profile frequency up to 2,000Hz Multiple scanner applications - Measuring rate up to 1,280,000 points per second For many applications, it is necessary to measure or acquire data simultaneously using multiple sensors. With its combination of compact design, simple wiring and attractive price, scanCONTROL 2700 / 2710 is ideally suited to performing multi scanner applications. - z-axis reference resolution <4μm - Resolution x-axis up to 640 points Alternating laser toggle scanCONTROL 2700 When using multiple sensors for a measuring task, it is sometimes necessary to work with overlapping laser lines. To rule out optical interference, the scanCONTROL 2700 and 2750 have a special synchronisation feature. This „180° phase shift“ mode provides an alternating laser ON/OFF. The laser beam of one sensor is switched off for a fraction of a second while the other sensor performs measurements. This is done automatically and has no effect on the overall measurement frequency. The scanCONTROL 2700 sensors are the most economic sensors for static and dynamic applications. The sensor provides a profile frequency of 100Hz and up to 64,000 measuring points per second. scanCONTROL 2750 The scanCONTROL 2750 sensors offer everything you need for advanced high speed 3D applications. Up to 1,280,000 points per second with a profile frequency of up to 2,000Hz are possible using these sensors. Extended measuring ranges for large targets Extended measuring ranges are available for larger objects. Using software, the user can switch over from the standard range to the extended range. To document the measuring ranges, each sensor is equipped with a calibration protocol. Protective cover plate for harsh environments A protective cover plate is available for harsh industrial environments. This plate can be equipped with a purge air system. The cover plate is attached to the sensor and has a protective window, through which the beam passes through. scanCONTROL 2710 The smart series scanCONTROL 2710 offers a Plug & Play solution with integrated controller for simple measurement tasks. The sensor design is identical to the 2700 and 2750 series. 11 Compact and HighSpeed: Calibrated profile data The scanCONTROL 2700 and 2750 models are used for the transfer of calibrated profile data for external profile analysis, for example in a PC. The sensor can be configured via a FireWire or Ethernet interface. The profile information is also transferred via this same interface. Details of the software interface can be found in the „Integrating scanCONTROL in application software“ chapter. The programmable RS422 port can be used as a trigger or encoder input. scanCONTROL 2700-25 scanCONTROL 2750-25 scanCONTROL 2700-50 scanCONTROL 2750-50 scanCONTROL 2700-100 scanCONTROL 2750-100 Scope of delivery: Sensor, power supply cable 4.5m, RS422 connector, Demo-CD, SDK, sensor protocol Profile transfer scanCONTROL 2700: 64,000 measuring points per second scanCONTROL 2750: 1,280,000 measuring points per second Power supply FireWire Ethernet Trigger Encoder SMART: Profile analysis The SMART series scanCONTROL 2710 offers a Plug & Play solution within the integrated controller for simple measurement tasks such as step, angle, seam and groove inspection. The sensor is programmed via a PC using the scanCONTROL Configuration Tools. This setup is stored inside the integrated controller. The sensor can run in the standalone mode without a PC. In addition to the measurement output via RS422, switch outputs and analogue measuring values are available via the external output unit. The RS422 can be programmed as a serial interface (measurement value output) or as a trigger input. Power supply scanCONTROL 2710-25 scanCONTROL 2710-50 scanCONTROL 2710-100 Scope of delivery: Sensor, power supply cable 4.5m, RS422 connector, sensor protocol, software Configuration Tools Setup Output Unit IEEE 1394 PHY ISO ASYN C B D 24V 0V I/O 01 02 03 04 Trigger RS422 13 01 02 A 13 14 14 A A C B D + Ñ C B D 13 14 C B D + + + + - - - - - - + - 15 16 S 750-531 750-550 750-626 A C B D A1 A2 + + PE PE Analogue measurement values 13 14 A M M Digital output S 750-600 Measurement values 5.6±1 A 34 30 C max. ø10 10 max. ø18 1 34.5 29 ø 17.9 109.5 73.2 12 20.5 0 scanCONTROL 2700-25 / 2750-25 / 2710-25 0 0 69 68 73 63 0 53.3 18 13 5 0 84.4 R 20 ø8 13 13 0 0 81 65 20.5 34.5 extended measuring range 22 sensor field of view 85 90 115 125 85 90 Standard measuring range Extended measuring range 102.5 115 125 23 25 27 extended measuring range 29 laser line 20° 0 18 13 127 R1 0 117 B 106 84 64 0 5.5 4x thread M4 for protection cover plate mounting; not intended for sensor mounting 29 30 34.5 34 Three mounting holes M4x5 on each side A, B, C 63 ø5.5 73 12 0 12 13 Model Compact Highspeed SMART 2700-25 2750-25 2710-25 scanCONTROL Start of measuring range z-axis (height) Standard measuring range 25mm Extended measuring range 40mm Linearity 1) x-axis (width) 102.5mm End of measuring range 115mm Start of measuring range 85mm End of measuring range 125mm ±0.2% FSO (3sigma) ±50μm Resolution Reference resolution 90mm Midrange 0.04% FSO 10µm Start of measuring range 23mm 4µm 2) 3) Standard measuring range Extended measuring range Midrange 25mm End of measuring range 27mm Start of measuring range 22mm End of measuring range 29mm Point distance Midrange 40µm Resolution x-axis 640 points/profile Profile frequency Measurement rate 100Hz 2,000Hz 100Hz 64,000 points/sec 1,28 mio points/sec - FireWire Ethernet RS422 4) Trigger 4) Counter (encoder) 4) Interfaces profile data Signal output SMART RS422 4) Analogue 5) Switching signal 5) Display (LED) 1x laser, 1x power/error/status Protection class IP 64 Operating temperature 0°C up to 50°C Storage temperature -20°C up to 70°C up to 20m Cable length Ethernet with Switch FireWire with HUB Weight up to 50m appr. 700g Only at RS422, no isolation of 24V-supply, internal circuit and FireWire bus. If isolation necessary, external 24V-DC-DC-converter required Galvanic isolation Vibration 2g / 20 ... 500Hz Shock 15g / 6ms Supply 8-30 VDC, 500mA Light source semiconductor laser 658nm Aperture angle laser line Laser power 20° standard 10mW (class 2M) optional 20mW (class 3B) Laser off Permissible ambient light (fluorescent light) 2) Standard measuring range 2) Measuring object: Micro-Epsilon standard object (metallic, diffusely reflecting material) 3) According to a one-time averaging across the measuring field (640 points) 4) Programmable as serial interface or synchronisation input or encoder input 5) Only with Output Unit FSO = Full scale output 1) via software (standard) / via external contact (optional) 10,000lx 5.6 ±1 A 34 30 C max. ø10 max. ø18 10 0 1 34.5 29 0 ø 17.9 124.5 93.3 21 12 0 scanCONTROL 2700-50 / 2750-50 / 2710-50 69 68 12 0 18 13 63 73 29 34.5 R10 130 B 121.2 99.2 77 0 5.5 4x thread M4 for protection cover plate mounting; not intended for sensor mounting 30 34 Three mounting holes M4x5 on each side A, B, C 142 5.5 73 63 64.9 0 18 13 5 0 105 R20 ø8 13 13 0 0 102 85 21 34.5 0 14 laser line 20° extended measuring range 41 sensor field of view 160 160 175 175 200 225 Standard measuring range Extended measuring range 225 260 260 44 50 56 extended measuring range 64 15 Model z-axis (height) Smart 2750-50 2710-50 175mm Midrange 200mm Extended measuring range 100mm 1) End of measuring range 225mm Start of measuring range 160mm End of measuring range 260mm ±0.2% FSO (3sigma) ±100μm Resolution Reference resolution x-axis (width) Highspeed 2700-50 Start of measuring range Standard measuring range 50mm Linearity Compact scanCONTROL 0.04% FSO 20µm Start of measuring range 44mm 10µm 2) 3) Standard measuring range Extended measuring range Midrange 50mm End of measuring range 56mm Start of measuring range 41mm End of measuring range 64mm Point distance Midrange 80µm Resolution x-axis 640 points/profile Profile frequency Measurement rate 100Hz 2,000Hz 100Hz 64,000 points/sec 1,28 mio points/sec - FireWire Ethernet RS422 4) Trigger 4) Counter (encoder) 4) Interfaces profile data Signal output SMART RS422 4) Analogue 5) Switching signal 5) Display (LED) 1x laser, 1x power/error/status Protection class IP 64 Operating temperature 0°C up to 50°C Storage temperature -20°C up to 70°C up to 20m Cable length Ethernet with Switch FireWire with HUB Weight up to 50m appr. 800g Only at RS422, no isolation of 24V-supply, internal circuit and FireWire bus. If isolation necessary, external 24V-DC-DC-converter required Galvanic isolation Vibration 2g / 20 ... 500Hz Shock 15g / 6ms Supply 8-30 VDC, 500mA Light source semiconductor laser 658nm Aperture angle laser line Laser power 20° standard 10mW (class 2M) optional 20mW (class 3B) Laser off Permissible ambient light (fluorescent light) 2) Standard measuring range Measuring object: Micro-Epsilon standard object (metallic, diffusely reflecting material) According to a one-time averaging across the measuring field (640 points) 4) Programmable as serial interface or synchronisation input or encoder input 5) Only with Output Unit FSO = Full scale output 1) 2) 3) via software (standard) / via external contact (optional) 10,000lx A 34 30 C max. ø10 10 max. ø18 1 5.6±1 34.5 29 ø17,9 152.5 125.3 20.5 12 0 scanCONTROL 2700-100 / 2750-100 / 2710-100 0 0 69 68 12 0 82 18 13 5 0 137.4 R 20 ø8 13 0 13 0 134 117 20.5 34,5 sensor field of view laser line 20° 300 Standard measuring range Extended measuring range extended measuring range 76 300 350 350 400 450 450 88 100 112 extended measuring range 148 600 600 0 18 13 29 34.5 63 30 34 Three mounting holes M4x5 on each side A, B, C R 1 160 0 170 73 63 B 149.2 127.2 77 0 5.5 4x thread M4 for protection cover plate mounting; not intended for sensor mounting 73 ø5.5 0 16 17 Model scanCONTROL z-axis (height) Linearity 1) x-axis (width) SMART 2750-100 2710-100 350mm Midrange 400mm End of measuring range 450mm Start of measuring range 300mm End of measuring range 600mm ±0.2% FSO (3sigma) ±200μm Resolution Reference resolution Highspeed 2700-100 Start of measuring range Standard measuring range 100mm Extended measuring range 300mm Compact 0.04% FSO 40µm Start of measuring range 88mm Midrange 100mm End of measuring range 112mm 15µm 2) 3) Standard measuring range Extended measuring range Start of measuring range 76mm End of measuring range 148mm Point distance Midrange 160µm Resolution x-axis 640 points/profile Profile frequency Measurement rate Interfaces profile data 100Hz 2,000Hz 64,000 points/sec 1,28 mio points/sec - FireWire Ethernet RS422 4) Trigger 4) Counter (encoder) 4) Signal output SMART 100Hz RS422 4) Analogue 5) Switching signal 5) Display (LED) 1x laser, 1x power/error/status Protection class IP 64 Operating temperature 0°C up to 50°C Storage temperature -20°C up to 70°C up to 20m Cable length Ethernet with Switch FireWire with HUB Weight up to 50m appr. 850g Only at RS422, no isolation of 24V-supply, internal circuit and FireWire bus. If isolation necessary, external 24V-DC-DC-converter required Galvanic isolation Vibration 2g / 20 ... 500Hz Shock 15g / 6ms Supply 8-30 VDC, 500mA Light source semiconductor laser 658nm Aperture angle laser line Laser power 20° standard 10mW (class 2M) optional 20mW (class 3B) Laser off Permissible ambient light (fluorescent light) 2) Standard measuring range 2) Measuring object: Micro-Epsilon standard object (metallic, diffusely reflecting material) 3) According to a one-time averaging across the measuring field (640 points) 4) Programmable as serial interface or synchronisation input or encoder input 5) Only with Output Unit FSO = Full scale output 1) via software (standard) / via external contact (optional) 10,000lx
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