super nice 3-bedroom brick home 2 baths • full basement carport
super nice 3-bedroom brick home 2 baths • full basement carport
arth E the ialty g lin Spec l e S ur O s i N io SUPER NICE 3-BEDROOM BRICK HOME 2 BATHS • FULL BASEMENT CARPORT LARGE SHADED LOT t c Saturday, Aug. 15 • 10 a.m. u A Location: 155 Cottage Drive, at Roadside Park at White Plains turn on Cottage Drive to property. Signs posted. This nice 3-bedroom, 2-bath home has living room, den, kitchen, dining room, and utility, hardwood and carpet. A clean home ready to move into. Full unfinished basement, central heat and air, 2 blacktop drives, one drives into basement. In the city, close to everything, This is the one for you Mr. Retiree. PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONAL PROPERTY: Totally Today set of china, radio, maple table and 6 chairs, tea cart, hobnail lamp, bench, Ken Holland print, desk, 4 ladder-back chairs, round table, organ, couch and chair, Christmas items, 2 lamps brass, large mirror, glassware, small kitchen table, recliner, rocker, loveseat, 2 round tables, TV, TV stand, Fred Thrasher print, 3-piece maple bedroom suite, 2 Rainbow vacuums, 2-piece antique bedroom suite, marble-top table, tea set, small basket, 2-piece cherry bedroom suite, 2 Louisville Slugger bats Pete Rose, All Star game Santo Lewis, microwave, washer, old bottles, old lamps, old bassinet, swing, hen on nests, harvest table, low boy dresser, exercise bike, chest freezer, rifle, wagon wheel metal rims, Toro push mower, leaf wagon, hand tools, had press, woodworking table, metal lawn chairs, small Honda 3-wheeler, screws, nuts, bolts, rocker, top of car storage container, wheel barrow, ladder, Allen County High School print, much, much more. DON’T MISS THIS SALE This home was built before 1978; lead-based paint could be present. Make your inspections on or before Friday, Aug. 14, 2015. Purchaser will be required to sign an inspection waiver prior to signing a sales and purchasing contract at the sale on Saturday, Aug. 15, 2015. TERMS: 15% down, balance in 30 days, 7% buyer’s premium added to bid on property. PERSONAL PROPERTY CASH DAY OF SALE MARVIN NICHOLS ESTATE Roger Pitchford Broker/Auctioneer 237-7653 Mackie Shelton, Broker/Auctioneer (270) 237-0670 Steve Meador, Auct. Pitchford & Dyer Auction/Realty, Inc. 1545 Old Gallatin Road • Scottsville, Ky. 42164 (270) 237-3987 • (800) 879-9949 Chris Skaggs, App. Auct. Caleb Shelton, App. Auct. Michael Willson, App. Auct. Barry Dyer Broker/Auctioneer 622-1601 Brian D. Dyer App. Auctioneer (270) 622-8726 Danny Howell, App. Auct. Announcements made on sale day take precedence over advertising. Information on this property has been obtained from sources thought to be reliable. However, agents will not be responsible for errors or omissions. Neither owners nor agents will be responsible in case of accident or injury.
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