Center of Controversy


Center of Controversy
See Story
on page Q2
Interview with ‘The L Word’
Star Katherine Moenning
We’ve Got
Sonny & Cher, Babe
See Story
on Back
White Party Revenue Falls
Slightly Short of Goal
Care Resource Programs will not
be Affected by Shortfall
Volume 5, Number 2
January 12, 2004
See story on page 10
Center of Controversy
Plan to Sell GLCCSF Property Stirs Storm of Criticism
By Phil LaPadula
Managing Editor
“Save Our Center!” says the e-mail
circulated late last week by Doug White,
president of the South Florida Social Circle.
White is one of several prominent members
of the local gay and lesbian community who
are speaking out against the proposed sale
of the gay community center’s property on
Andrews Avenue in Fort Lauderdale to a
developer. But some other high-profile
community members say that the sale may
be the best—or only—option available to
the financially troubled center.
Last month, Bill Peters, executive director
of the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of
South Florida (GLCCSF), announced that the
center’s board had voted to proceed with
negotiations with Terragon Realty to develop
the property. The mixed-use plan includes
condominiums but also a new two-story
building for the gay center. Although smaller,
Peters says the new 10,000-square-foot
building would offer more “usable space”
than the current 16,000-square-foot building.
But critics say that the new space would
be too small to accommodate big events and
other community needs. They point out that
the plan includes only 46 parking spaces,
compared with the current center’s 100-plus
spaces. Furthermore, they object to the
center’s board proceeding with the sale
without consulting with the community,
including the donors who support the center.
“The community center is not just a piece
of concrete, it is the living, breathing and
growing heart of our community,” White told
The Express. White pointed out that the new
center would have a capacity of only 200
people compared with 430 people in the
current center. The lack of parking would
make it “almost impossible for multiple groups
to meet,” White said.
White was also critical of the plan to
have the center own the new building but
not the land it sits on. “It’s like owning a
trailer in a trailer park,” he said.
Furthermore, White said that two board
members told him that the negotiations are
See GLCCSF on page 2
Photo by Steven Shires
Bill Peters, executive director of GLCCSF, says the proposed new center would be
more efficient in its use of space.
Tampa Gay Community on Edge
Activists Mobilize in Response to Murders, Missing Persons
By Phil LaPadula
Managing Editor
Equality Florida, a statewide gay rights
organization, hosted a town hall meeting Jan.
10 at its Tampa office to address growing
worries in the local community after a dead
body found in the back of a Jeep Cherokee
was identified as a missing gay man.
The apparent murder victim is Michael
W. Wachholtz, 26, who went missing on Dec.
20. On the same day, another local gay man,
Jason R. Galehouse, also 26 years old,
vanished after leaving a gay bar with two
unidentified men. According to local gay
Michael W. Wachholtz, who went missing
on Dec. 20, was found dead in his Jeep
Cherokee, an apparent murder victim.
activists, at least two other gay men have
disappeared in the Tampa area since 1995,
and a transgender person was murdered in
Largo in early December. Local community
leaders are concerned that a serial killer may
be targeting gay men in the Tampa area.
Members of the Tampa Bay police
department attended the town hall meeting.
“We’ve gotten dozens of e-mails from
members of the community wanting to help
and to separate fact from fiction,” said Brian
Winfield, communications director for
Equality Florida. The organization posted
information about the missing persons cases
and the photos of the two men on its Web
Michael Wachholtz worked at Bahama
Breeze, a nightclub on the Courtney Campbell
Causeway. According to his roommate,
Wachholtz left their home in Rocky Point on
Saturday evening, Dec. 19. According to
Equality Florida’s Web site, an eyewitness
reported talking to Wachholtz late Saturday
evening or Sunday morning when he requested
a jump start for his maroon Jeep Cherokee.
The witness reported seeing Wachholtz and a
“couple of other guys” working on his vehicle
around 3:30 a.m. Dec. 20.
Galehouse was last seen at the 2606
Club, a gay bar located at 2606 N. Armenia
Ave. in Tampa, on Dec. 20 at about 2:45 a.m.
He told friends that he was leaving with two
unknown males. The 6-foot, 185-pound man
has not been seen or heard from since.
“Both men went missing on the same
day, but there is no other connection
between the two men that we are aware
of,” said Joe Durkin, spokesperson for the
Tampa Police Department.
On Friday, Jan. 9, Tyler Hall, who has been
a friend of Galehouse for the past seven years,
was preparing to lead a search of the
Hillsborough River and nearby area. Hall said
he was disappointed in the police response so
far, but he was hopeful that the town meeting
would produce some positive results.
Hall described Galehouse as a “very
outgoing, artistic person” who worked at a
flower shop and was majoring in interior
design at Hillsborough Community College.
“He had no enemies,” Hall said.
Equality Florida has sent a letter to
Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist asking
him to respond to a rash of anti-gay violence
incidents in the Tampa Bay area in recent
months. Besides the murders and
disappearances, there have been two gaybashing incidents in the past 16 months.
The latest incident occurred in
November 2003 when a gay couple and their
friends were attacked and brutally assaulted
at a Tarpon Springs restaurant. In July 2002,
three people were assaulted after a gay pride
event at the Florida Aquarium. Although the
Jason R. Galehouse was last seen
leaving the 2606 Club in Tampa with two
unidentified men on Dec. 20, 2003.
Anyone who has seen him or has
information about the case should call
the Tampa police at 813.276.3200.
21-year-old attacker in that assault, Devon
Angus, cracked the victim’s skull and a tooth,
he was sentenced as a youthful offender and
received no jail time.
Jason R. Galehouse has brown hair and
green eyes. Anyone who has information
about the case is asked to call Det. Chip
DeBlock at 813.276.3575 or Det. Jerry Keith
at 813.276.3507, or call Tampa Police
Information at 813.276.3200. • January 12, 2004 1
Plan to Sell GLCCSF Property Stirs Storm of Criticism
Managing Editor
Phil LaPadula
GLCCSF from Front Page
Arts & Entertainment Editor
Mary Damiano
Features Editor
Andy Zeffer
Sales and Marketing Manager
Kevin Hopper
Account Executives
Craig Combs
Anthony Verrico
Daniel Wasinger
Classifieds Manager
Ralph Lankford
over. “The sales agreement has been signed,
and they are moving ahead with the sale,”
White wrote in his e-mail. “Did anyone ask our
community what we thought or wanted?”
White also pointed out that the center will
be receiving a substantial sum of money from
John Graves’s estate and that Broward County
recently gave a grant of $200,000 to the center.
“These people are crying wolf,” White said.
White, who organized a fundraising cruise
for the center in 2000, said he was considering
becoming a “founder” (donor) “until all this
happened.” He questioned why the center didn’t
do a national search for a developer. “Why didn’t
they put it out to bid?” he asked.
Ed Nicholas, who was executive director
of the center from April 2001 to April 2002,
blamed the current board of director’s for the
facility’s plight. “My understanding is that the
board has been so inept at fundraising that the
center is in horrible financial shape, and they
now have little choice but to sell the property.
The sale is symptomatic of an organization that
has lost its direction, that doesn’t know where
it is going, that’s growing smaller instead of
bigger. They’re grabbing at straws.”
Nicholas, who did not draw a salary when
he served as the center’s director, contends that
the facility was financially solvent during his
tenure, but he said his successor, Sandra Norton,
was an ineffective fundraiser and “ran the center
Photo by Steven Shires
into the ground.” “When I left in April 2002, they
has sharply
were paying the mortgage on time, they had a
criticized plans to sell the GLCCSF property to a developer. He says
positive cash flow, and it was so substantial as a
the proposed new center would be too small to accommodate the
nonprofit that the Community Foundation of
needs of the community and would have inadequate parking.
Broward invited the center to be one of a very
select group of nonprofits to participate in the Kresgee now, we have to cool an entire hall, with an 18-foot-high
Challenge to build an endowment.” At one point, Nicholas ceiling,” he said.
suggested tearing down the existing building and putting up a
Regarding potential parking problems, Peters pointed
new one, but that would have required a capital campaign.
out that the “minimum number of spaces would be 46.” “We
Nicholas questioned how the center would be able to don’t use 100 spaces except for two or three big events per
raise money when construction starts and it has to move to a year,” he said. “And there are other places besides the center
temporary facility. He thinks the board should just give up. where we could hold big events. My belief is that people will
“They should give up, and maybe in a few years, some real find parking spaces.” He suggested that the center could
community leaders with some vision can come forward and make arrangements with the two nearby gay bars, Jackhammer
create a new community center.”
and Boardwalk, to provide spillover parking for some events.
While he concedes that the building that houses the
Nicholas questioned why Peters is scheduling a public
center has problems, Nicholas noted that the center’s meeting in March when the sale could already be a done deal
auditorium has a stage that is used for dances and theatre by then. When he announced the pending deal in December,
productions. “It’s an important symbol, a whole city block Peters said he expected to know if it will happen or not after
devoted to a gay center,” Nicholas said.
60 days. “I think they just want to give the community a ‘fait
An inside source, who didn’t want to be identified, told accompli,’” Nicholas said. He added that his sources told
The Express that the center has been late with its $6,000-per- him that the transaction was in the “due diligence” stage,
month mortgage payments for the past five months and had meaning it is not yet a done deal.
to pay $350 late fees. The same source said the center has
Another concern of community members is the fate
problems paying its utility bills and had to be bailed out with of the Stonewall Library, which currently rents space in
an “emergency donation” to pay an $18,000 tax bill. “They the same building as the center. “There’s not going to be
are so broke,” the source said. “In the long run, it might be a a space for the library,” White said. “It’s the cultural
good idea to sell.” The source said the developer is buying center of the community. John Graves must be turning
the property for a total of about $2 million. The source said over in his grave.”
that the center’s property was originally purchased for
But Rob Nathans, president of the board of directors of
$850,000, and the proposed sale is below market value.
Stonewall Library & Archives, said he’s not worried about
Bill Peters, the center’s executive director, conceded that finding a new space. “We have many options, at least a
the GLCCSF has “financial challenges.” “This is why the dozen,” Nathans said. “We can negotiate with the developers,
board, in its fiduciary responsibility, is looking to any solution or we can find our own free-standing building.”
to keep the center open.”
Nathans noted that the library is in a stronger position
Peters also insisted that the sale “is not a done deal; than the center is. “We’re doing great,” he said. “Our financial
that’s a fact.” He said the board will meet with the center’s position is extremely healthy. We’ve grown tremendously
major donors at the end of January to update them on where over the past two years, and we’re looking for a bigger space.”
the transaction stands. He said the center will also host a
Nathans thinks the sale is the best option for the GLCCSF.
town hall meeting in March to get community input.
“I think it’s great for the GLCCSF,” he said. “They’re tired
Peters thinks some community members are losing sight and overwhelmed with building management because they
of the benefits that the deal offers. “Most importantly, the do have a white elephant of a building. The electricity needs
center will own this building clear and outright, and we will overhauling, and the air conditioning is in disrepair.”
own it debt-free,” he said. “It will allow us to pay off our
White, who has been active in the community for years,
existing mortgage and to have a sufficient reserve.”
reminisced about the center’s early days. “We used to meet
Peters noted that even though the current building is with Alan Schubert [the center’s founder] in the little office
16,000 square feet, most of it is open space that is inefficient above his garage in Victoria Park planning the community
and unusable for multiple purposes. “We would have a brand- center,” White recalled.
new, two-story building—10,000 square feet of space designed
White thinks the center’s board is giving up too easily
for the use of a community center and the multiple uses of a on the existing facility. “The community center is like a child;
community center.” He said the building would also be more it’s 10 years old. If you’re child was a little slow learning,
energy efficient. “When we have to use the air conditioning would you put it up for adoption?”
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2 • January 12, 2004
Center of Controversy
January 12, 2004
Volume 5, Number 2 Issue 163 • January 12, 2004 3
Artist Bares His Talent with Series of Nudes
Stonewall Library Exhibit Features Paintings of George Hester
By Andy Zeffer
Features Editor
Hester said. “As an art director, I sent him so
much work he couldn’t do it all, so I told him
I would help him out and picked up the camera
myself. But after a while, he became jealous
of the fashion end of it, so I decided I would
try and do a book of nudes.”
At first, it was very tough for him to find
willing models in those days. But he was an
established photographer with reputable
New York modeling agencies such a Ford
and Wilhelmina, so he eventually earned the
In the world of photography, George
Hester is nothing short of a pioneer. His
books, The Classic Nude (1973), Man (1975)
and Woman (1975), were the first published
books of nude photography. The nude has
also been the subject of his other love,
painting. ArtsUnited has brought a collection
of Hester’s male nude paintings to the
Stonewall Library and Archives in Fort
Lauderdale, where the works will be
on display through Jan. 31. The artist
spoke about his life and career during
the show’s opening reception Jan. 5.
Hester’s life is as colorful as his
paintings. He began painting at a
young age, and continued to do so
while stationed in Iwo Jima during
World War II, where Hester was a
gunner aboard aircrafts. The young
soldier painted watercolors of the
planes in his squadron, P-51s and B29s. In fact, the Enola Gay, the plane Photo by Pompano Bill
that dropped the atomic bomb on
George Hester, ArtsUnited’s Artist of the
Japan, was part of Hester’s squadron. Month, next to one of his paintings at Stonewall
After the war, Hester began a Library in Fort Lauderdale on Jan. 5.
career as an art director, starting at
the New York department store Bonwit Teller. models’ trust. By word of mouth he was able
From there, he became a freelance art director, to find subjects, sometimes doing fashion
working on catalog assignments for well- shoots and headshots in return.
known department stores such as Neiman
“With a lot of these people I
Marcus and Wanamaker’s. It was while doing photographed, I painted as well,” Hester said.
this work that he began his life as a “And my books sold so well that I was able
to leave the city with the money I earned and
“I had a friend that was a photographer,” bought an apple orchard upstate with 10,000
4 • January 12, 2004
trees.” The orchard was in a town called
Kinderhook, which is just below Albany.
Hester sometimes incorporated the
negatives from his photography into his
paintings. He works with oils, and has had
his paintings in storage for a long time.
“You don’t show paintings like that
everywhere,” Hester said.
Many of Hester’s nudes have stories
behind them. He pointed out a painting of a
muscular man whose wife asked Hester to
paint him. Hester agreed to paint the husband
but only if he could do two paintings and
keep one for himself.
“One time I was at the Metropolitan
Opera for an affair, and Mayor Lindsay was
there,” Hester recalled. “He was sitting at
my table and asked everyone what they did.
When I told him I was a photographer, they
asked what subject matter I shot, and I said
nudes. An English lady approached me
afterward and asked if I would like to
photograph her children. I said I would love
to, and she came to my studio with her
children and a nanny. Of course when I
photographed children, the mother or father
was always there; I wouldn’t do it
Hester has painted all sizes and shapes
of men, women and children, including an
obese man who he describes as a “very
charming fellow.” Now that he has lost sight
in one eye, it is difficult for him to get the dot
in his subject’s eyes where he wants it, so he
is now switching to a broad technique and
painting landscapes. But for this exhibition,
however, all of the subjects in his paintings
are well-formed men with muscular
Six months ago, Hester spoke to Chris
Yoculan, vice president of ArtsUnited, about
his work.
The young soldier
painted watercolors of
the planes in his
squadron, P-51s and
B-29s. In fact, the
Enola Gay, the plane
that dropped the
atomic bomb, was part
of Hester’s squadron.
“I was amazed at the stacks and stacks
of the paintings,” Yoculan told the crowd
during the reception. “And I’m very honored
to be the one to go through those stacks and
put together an exhibition with George. With
the help of 9 Muses Art Center, Gallery, and
Frame Shop, we were able to display these
paintings to the public.”
Hester’s work seemed to be a hit with
the crowd at the library. Four of his paintings
sold at the opening night reception.
George Hester lives in Wilton Manors
with his partner of 30 years, Alfredo. The
two also have a house in Jamaica, where they
spend a lot of time. His work can also be
viewed on
Bargains Abound at Art for AIDS Auction
Attendance Down, But Event Raises $35,000 for APFL’s Programs
By Phil LaPadula
Managing Editor
The Ninth Annual Design World
Cares Art for AIDS Auction drew a smaller
crowd than last year’s event, but those
who attended took advantage of bargain
prices on quality artworks and other items.
Held at the Design Center of the Americas
in Dania Beach on Jan. 8, the event raised
$35,000 for AIDS Project Florida (APFL),
about 20 percent less than last year’s
APFL Executive Director Norm Kent
pointed out that APFL has recently added
other fundraisers to its repertoire, so
potential donors could be saving their
cash for other events such as Dining Out
for Life, in which 60 restaurants will
participate on Feb. 5. In fact, APFL will
hold a total of 10 different events this year
to raise money. The crowd also may have
been smaller because this year’s event was
held on a Thursday evening, while last
year’s auction took place on a Saturday.
Nevertheless, Kent was disappointed
in the turnout. “I’m disappointed that the
gay community isn’t participating the way
they used to,” he said. “We need a
renaissance in the gay community’s
commitment to fighting AIDS.”
A new feature this year were mimes,
who showed off their silent performance
art, including one who towered above the
crowd on stilts.
Among the donated artwork was a
portrait by Allison Lefcort, whose work
Hawaii and South Florida, most of
has been collected by Hillary Clinton,
Meara’s paintings are of palm trees,
Barbra Streisand and Luciano
the ocean, flowers, boats and
Pavarotti. Lefcort’s $7,000 portrait sold
bamboo. He uses 300-pound paper
at the live auction for $3,600.
to enhance the effect.
For participating artist Susan
The smaller than expected
Moss, helping to raise money to fight
crowd produced big bargains for
AIDS has special meaning because of
some lucky bidders. A sculpture of
her own successful battle against a
a mother dolphin and her child
serious illness. Moss said she beat
frolicking in the waves by Laran
breast and uterine cancer with the help
Ghiglieri sold for $750. The piece
of a holistic program that included
has a retail value of $7,500. “That’s
spiritual and mental therapies, diet,
a steal,” commented auctioneer
exercise and topical, natural
Jack Russo.
treatments. She wrote a book about
A “Romantic Weekend in
her experience titled Keep Your Breast,
Boca,” valued at $1,274, sold for
which was published in 1994.
$450. A Gentlemen’s Diamond Ring
She was inspired to get involved
by Jon Paul Jeweler, worth $5,500,
in AIDS fundraising by the death of a
sold for $3,500. A 24-week-old
gay friend whom she met while she
miniature poodle, worth $950, sold
was single and feeling lonely after her
for $200. A $1,450 glass sculpture
Susan Moss—an artist, writer and cancer survivor—
stands next to her painting, which sold for $350 at
divorce in 1974. “Before then, I hadn’t
of two dolphins from Wyland
the Art for AIDS Auction Jan. 8.
had much interaction with gay
Galleries sold for $600. A Symitar
people,” she said. “He was also a
Console Table, valued at $5,680,
painter. He got involved in some rough movement, and I try to create depth with sold for $700.
partnerships and got sick in the late 70s. layering,” she said. One of her paintings
Finally, “Sandstorm,” a painting by
Since then, I’ve had many gay friends and sold for $350 at the auction.
nationally acclaimed artist Byron Keith
supported many AIDS groups. By helping
It was the first Art for AIDS Auction Byrd, which was featured on the event’s
people with AIDS, I create a certain amount for artist Douglas Meara. One of his invitation, sold for $2,400. It had a retail
of positive karma for myself.”
vibrantly colored watercolors sold for value of $6,500.
Moss, who has an art degree from the $225. He has gotten $1,000 for his work,
The event attracted some local
University of Nevada and also attended but he noted that $225 is a good price for politicians. Wilton Manors Mayor Jim
Otis Art Institute, said her abstract an auction because of the competition. He Stork attended, along with Fort Lauderdale
paintings depict “both my inner and my was happy to be contributing to a good City Commissioner Dean Trantalis and
outer landscapes.” “I like the idea of cause. Influenced by years of living in mayoral candidate Joe Grano. • January 12, 2004 5
A Fresh Way to Enjoy Saturdays
Farmers Market Sells a Variety of Wholesome Products on Wilton Drive
By Andy Zeffer
Features Editor
The landscape of Wilton Manors was
altered on Nov. 8 when the weekly farmers
market was born, bringing the wholesome
products of country living to the Island City.
Green and white striped tents lined up along
the parking lot of the newly renovated Hagen
Park at 2020 Wilton Drive. Produced by
Wilton Manors Main Street Inc., the farmers
market offers a wide variety of farm-related
products, including produce, plants, flowers,
baked goods and organic food. The market
operates every Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.,
through April 28.
“Because Wilton Manors Main Street
Inc. is part of the revitalization of Wilton Drive
and NE 26 th St., we wanted to create a
community involvement that would bring
Wilton Manors together and also bring more
traffic to Wilton Drive,” says Kim Werner of
the Wilton Manors Main Street Office. “So
we created the farmers market. This is a true
green market, and we are growing it every
Saturday. We have everything from fresh
produce, a wonderful plant vendor, gourmet
guacamole, fresh baked bread and more.”
All the market’s vendors are local.
Werner is also trying to recruit a tea vendor,
kettle corn, natural soaps, a bonsai plant
vendor and a spice vendor.
She says the market provides a soothing
and calm way to spend part of the weekend.
There is a merchant there named Juices &
Bites that makes freshly squeezed orange and
grapefruit juices. Vendors also make
smoothies throughout the day.
The market is seeking local
entertainment to enhance the shopping
experience. Local musician Nick Granado,
who plays regular gigs every Friday and
Saturday at Hamburger Mary’s, has already
The Wilton Manors Main Street Program
has a booth at the market that updates people
about the program. Main Street officials sell
water, T-shirts, polo shirts and offer
“Each week a different nonprofit
organization participates at no charge,”
Werner says. “One weekend we had a cancer
research organization, and they had a bake
sale. Another weekend Cocker Rescue was
there to raise money for the dogs they care
for, and they were able to find homes for four
The idea to have a farmers market began
when Main Street Executive Director Hal
Miksch was asked to spend a week studying
downtown West Palm Beach as part of an
Urban Land Institute program. He spoke with
Peter Robinson, then executive director of
the West Palm Beach Farmers Market, to see
how he could put a farmers market together
on Wilton Drive.
Siegi Constantine, who had worked at A
Taste of Oakland Park/Wilton Manors event,
along with Shaun Paul Thomas of Ocean
Breeze Consulting, volunteered many hours
to help put the farmers market together. • January 12, 2004
Customers examine the fresh produce at the Wilton Manors Farmers Market, which
is held every Saturday in Hagen Park on Wilton Drive.
“We went looking at The Delray and
Pompano Beach farmers markets to see how
they were set up and what kinds of vendors
they had,” Thomas says. “We also did some
investigating in the Boca and West Palm
Beach markets as far as getting a list of their
vendors. One thing that we saw which we
liked in Delray and Pompano Beach is they
had exclusive vendors. In other words, they
didn’t have 90 different flower people cutting
each other’s throats.”
Warner says that the farmers market is
always looking for volunteers and more green
vendors who offer products that aren’t
currently available at the market. The market
also plans to have special events in the future,
such as art fairs and events for children.
Residents and visitors to Wilton Manors can
expect the farmers market to continue to grow
and become a vibrant part of the community. • January 12, 2004 7
8 • January 12, 2004
U.S. Schools Struggling with Gay Issues
Legislators Step in as Students Face Discrimination
By Joe Crea
From the trend of forming Gay Straight
Alliances to the problem of socially
conservative administrators disciplining gay
students, American schools are increasingly
confronting gay-related issues in the
Thomas McLaughlin, a 14-year-old
Arkansas student said his principal forced
him to read biblical passages out loud last
year after he told a friend that a certain boy
was “cute.”
Then there was Marcus McLaurin, the
7-year-old second-grader in Louisiana who
was disciplined late last year for telling
another student that his mom is gay.
Last year saw numerous cases around
the country involving students who alleged
discrimination and harassment because of
their sexual orientation.
With a new study showing a direct
relationship between in-school harassment
and student performance, along with several
recent legal settlements favorable to gay
students, many advocacy groups plan this
year to continue implementing a variety of
programs designed to improve the
atmosphere for gay students.
On Tuesday, the Morgan Hill Unified
School District in California, where gay
students claimed they faced repeated
harassment and discrimination, agreed to more
than a $1.1 million settlement along with new
sweeping changes in staff, student training
programs and policy protections. The
American Civil Liberties Union said the
settlement ends a five-year-old federal lawsuit.
The students involved in the lawsuit claimed
they faced years of discrimination, which
included physical violence. One student,
Freddie Fuentes, was allegedly beaten, kicked
and called “faggot” while he was waiting for a
bus when he was in the 7th grade.
Another student, Alana Flores, claimed
she suffered severe harassment, including
having her locker defaced with anti-gay epithets
and receiving a picture of a naked woman,
bound and gagged, with her legs spread and
her throat slashed taped to her locker with the
words, “Die, die…dyke bitch, fuck off. We’ll
kill you,” scrawled at the bottom.
Lawyers familiar with the case said it also
produced a historic ruling from the Ninth
Circuit Court of Appeals that if a school
knows anti-gay harassment is taking place,
it is obligated to take “meaningful” steps to
end it and protect students from
collaborative effort between activists
and the school system, something
concrete has happened out of it.”
Bochenek said that harassment
often begins at an early age, primarily
with verbal harassment in elementary
school and escalating to violence in
middle and high school years. He said
that the most effective way to address
these types of behaviors is to have
“age appropriate programs in
elementary schools,” that would be
effective tools in discouraging
“The fundamental issue is that
kids need to feel safe in schools and
free of harassment,” Bochenek said.
“The curriculum tools used for the
elementary levels are different than
those designed for middle schools. At
a younger age, teachers can talk about
harassment to their students in very
broad terms of being nice to fellow
Lambda Legal is also engaged in
the school safety issue for gay
Fred Shank, public information
coordinator for Lambda Legal, said
Study: Gay Students
that his group would unveil later in
Face Harassment
the year an “action kit” designed to
inform gay students of their rights in
The Gay, Lesbian & Straight
Thomas McLaughlin, a 14-year-old student from
Education Network released a study
Arkansas, said he was harassed and disciplined by
“It’s going to include a wallet card,
last year showing that gay students
primer, fact sheet for teachers on
who experience considerable
the law is and how to protect
harassment are likely to have low
safety,” Shank said. “It’s going
Choe said that his project also launched
grade point averages and less of a desire to
something that they can
a Web site last year,,
attend college than others.
own schools or lives.”
The 2003 National School Climate Survey that is designed to encourage grassroots
he found it “heartening”
also found that four out of five gay students activism. One component of the site provides
were “able to recover”
reported being verbally, sexually or information on how communities can ensure
they experienced. He
physically harassed at their school because the safety of schools and school districts.
administrator or
Michael Bochenek, counsel to the
of their sexual orientation.
Officials with GLSEN could not be Children’s Rights Division of Human Rights
“The small action on the part of teachers
Watch and author of the 1998-99 report
reached by press time.
helps,” Bochenek said. “The students
Studies, like the GLSEN report, have “Hatred in the Hallways,” said that his group
me that because they saw a poster
encouraged groups to take a more proactive decided to work with the second largest
‘gay’ on it or they heard
role in preventing student discrimination. The school district in the country and developed
a teacher who told of an
ACLU project, which assists gay students a three-year plan to train administrators,
who was gay, in a way
in legal disputes, is moving toward a more teachers and students in how to deal with
or demeaning, that
proactive approach by providing anti-gay discrimination and harassment.
really can
“We did a series of workshops for
communities with tools to improve schools,
make gay
teachers in one sub-district that included nine
Choe said.
“We have a model, a training session, comprehensive high schools,” Bochenek
on how to make a school or school district a said of his work with the Los Angeles School
safe one,” Choe said. “We also have an anti- District. “Shortly afterwards, the teachers For more information about the Gay,
harassment policy that actually encourages took over. That was a really nice Lesbian & Straight Education
schools to adopt safety requirements for gay accomplishment and a nice first step. Nice Network, call 212.727.0135 or log onto
that, as a result of this report and the
and lesbian students.”
“The schools have to do
something meaningful, showing that
they aren’t being deliberately
indifferent when there is a case of
anti-gay harassment,” said Ken Choe,
a lawyer with the ACLU Lesbian &
Gay Rights and AIDS Projects.
Choe said that while the ruling
only affects states that fall under the
Ninth Circuit’s jurisdiction, including
California, Oregon, Washington,
Arizona, Montana, Idaho, Nevada,
Alaska and Hawaii, that he hopes that
other courts in the country will be
persuaded to adopt a similar ruling.
Eleven states in the United
States currently have laws that
prohibit discrimination against gay
students in public schools. The
essence of the laws, which differ
slightly, is the explicit prohibition of
harassment in schools. Last summer,
Maryland became the eleventh state
to bar anti-gay discrimination in public
schools after the state’s Board of
Education voted in July to add new
regulations aimed at protecting gay
students. • January 12, 2004 9
White Party Revenue Falls Slightly Short of Goal
Care Resource Programs will not be Affected by Shortfall
By Michael W. Sasser
Miami-Dade Correspondent
While the final net numbers are still
being tabulated, Flash Back–Fast Forward
White Party 2003 week failed to meet its
anticipated gross revenue.
However, the director of Care Resource,
the HIV/AIDS resource organization that
sponsors and benefits from the fundraiser,
said that the net numbers will end up being
just off projection and that the many services
provided by the long-time community
institution will continue unhindered.
Early estimates on ticket sales reveal that
11,500 guests from across the globe attended
White Party 2003 events, including about
1,700 revelers who attended the 19th annual
White Party at Vizcaya. Muscle Beach drew
over 1,500 participants, and White Dreams
at the Miami Seaquarium attracted more than
2,000 partygoers. Those same early estimates
had White Party raising some $775,000,
somewhat below what was expected.
“Actually it is looking like we might have
taken in closer to $800,000 when all the
numbers are done,” said Care Resource
Executive Director Rick Siclari. “That falls
short of the budget amount which was about
$930,000. The good news is that when we
started to see ticket sales falling short, we
cut expenses. So, net, I think we are more
likely to have fallen short between $25,000
and $35,000.
“That will allow us to continue all
programs and services we offer that depend
on White Party revenues,” Siclari added.
“Overall, we’re very pleased, and we think
the events themselves were terrific.”
Projections for income this year were
based on last year’s results, meaning financial
numbers were down in 2003 even more than
in the more economically challenging
November 2002. Siclari thinks both the
economy—which did not begin to generate
strong positive numbers until late November
and December—and competition hurt
attendance this year.
“White Party has a lot more competition
out there these days,” Siclari said. “But it is
one of the few events that is a fundraiser,
which sets us apart.”
Still, for Siclari, the good news is that
Care Resource can continue its many
programs without interruption. Some 86
percent of total revenues are used for Care
Resource programming and 30,000 free
services to clients in Miami and Fort
Lauderdale. Miami has the highest AIDS rate
in the nation, and Fort Lauderdale is third.
Among Care Resource’s services provided
to the community are HIV clinical trials and
research, Partners in Faith outreach program,
Riccardia Children and Families program,
volunteer services and operational costs
related to HIV case management, counseling,
prevention education, testing and
information services and administration.
White Party provides a sizable portion of
funds necessary to maintain the
organization’s many initiatives. • January 12, 2004
The Vizcaya Museum hosts the White
Party’s crown jewel event.
Photo by Carole Fawcett
As for the events themselves, Tony
Miros, Care Resource’s public relations and
marketing coordinator, said all was well.
“The events went very well all around,”
Miros said. “The pool party had more people
than I remember ever being there before and,
of course, the big events like Muscle Beach
and White Dreams, and at Vizcaya itself were
very well attended. There was definitely a good
energy among participants and a sense of fun.”
This year’s White Party 2004 will be the
20th anniversary of the circuit fundraiser
event, and organizers says there will be
numerous changes and additions to mark the
occasion. “People at this White Party were
already excited about the 20th anniversary,
and they should be,” Miros said. “We want
people to feel like we’ve been going at it for
20 years and can still shake it up.”
For information on Care Resource’s
programs and services or plans for White
Party 2004, call 305.576.1234.
Top General in the Marriage Battle
Attorney Mary Bonauto Offers Insider’s View of Historic Massachusetts Case
groundwork for marriage. Since
1994, I’ve given maybe 60 speeches
As the lead attorney on the
a month and written countless
articles, not just for legal journals,
marriage case, as well as cobut for newspapers and magazines
counsel in the case that brought
and newsletters. Basically, no
civil unions to Vermont, Mary
group was too small for us to speak
Bonauto has been at the center
of the ongoing battle to win legal
Even within the gay and lesbian
recognition for gay and lesbian
community, there remains debate
couples. With the victory in
Massachusetts, her record is
recognizing the benefits of legal
now two wins, no losses. In fact,
recognition, many in our own
she has garnered a national
community look at the history of
reputation as the individual who
marriage and question if this is
has done the most in the courts
something we as a movement really
to bring gay and lesbian marriage
want to champion. Sometimes that’s
to the brink of reality.
particularly strong within lesbian
Bonauto, 42, is director of
circles, given the history of
the Civil Rights Project for the
marriage with respect to women.
Gay and Lesbian Advocates and
Did you ever have any internal
Defenders (GLAD), a legal
struggles over fighting for
organization based in Boston
that champions gay rights cases
I’m perfectly aware of the
throughout New England. She
troubled history of the institution
wrote the legal briefs for the
of marriage. But today, officially at
Massachusetts case while she
least, it is a legal institution of
was pregnant with twins. The
gender equality and racial equality,
Express first spoke with her the
and it should be neutral to us, too.
day after the historic court
We should have the right to make
Mary Bonauto, attorney for seven same-sex couples
challenging the state’s prohibition on gay marriage, argues
decision, and again on the
this choice.
before the Supreme Judicial Court in Boston on Tuesday,
weekend, from her home in
What was it like to work on
March 4, 2003. (AP Photo/Julia Malakie, Pool)
Portland, Maine, on the heels of
this case? Did you have a sense that
an exciting and frenzied week.
you were making history here?
The nation was still abuzz
[Laughter] I didn’t have time
from the court ruling and all that it may—or We thought we weren’t ready.
to think about that. I filed this case on April
may not—mean. But from her home in placid
I remember the first day I came into the 11, 2001. I got pregnant a few days later. It
Portland, some two hours north of the hectic office, in March 1990, there was a request on feels as if I was awake almost constantly,
hubbub of her Boston office, Bonauto took my desk from two women in western between filing briefs and taking care of my
a few moments to reflect on the magnitude of Massachusetts for a marriage case. We said kids. [Bonauto has twin daughters who will
the court decision and the battles that remain no.
turn 2 years old this December.] I’d be up
And there were many times after that, until midnight, writing documents, then
painful calls over the years. One time, a about to go to bed when one of the kids
Mubarak Dahir: It’s a long commute woman called crying, saying she wasn’t would wake up and cry. But the good thing
from Portland to Boston, isn’t it?
being allowed to say goodbye to a dying was that I was doing the two things I cared
Mary Bonauto: Yes. I do the commute partner in the hospital. Another woman called about most in my life.
about half the week, and work from home the from a pay phone, as the moving van was
What were you doing when you found
other half. Luckily, I can work on the bus. literally taking her stuff from the home she’d out about the court decision on Tuesday?
Sometimes I do watch the James Bond movie. been evicted from after her partner died. She
Well, at 8 a.m., the court posts on its
found she had no rights. It was very hard to Web site the names of cases it will be handing
So was marriage always a passion for talk to these people and tell them I couldn’t down decisions for that day. The actual
help them. Their stories were always in the decisions then come down at 10 a.m. This
Well I didn’t grow up a little girl dreaming back of my mind.
was one of two days the whole year I figured
of walking down the aisle in a white dress, if
So what changed between 1990, and the court wouldn’t do Goodridge, because
that’s what you mean. [More laughter]
when you filed this case in April 2001?
it was the next to last day of the legislative
But I’ve always wanted to get married,
The legal arguments have been the same session, and I figured the court would wait
and so I have always been interested in it. for the past 30 years. What’s changed is the until the legislature was out.
But you know, when I came to GLAD in 1990, cultural climate, the cultural readiness.
I was in the car driving to Connecticut,
we didn’t want marriage cases on the docket.
We’ve spent years laying the where I was going to brief a handful of
By Mubarak Dahir
Special to The Express
legislators on the marriage issue. My cell
phone rang, and someone said, “It’s up on
the Web site.” It took me a minute to realize
what they meant.
Then my cell phone started going wild
with calls.
What did you do next?
I turned around and went back to the
How were you feeling in the time
between knowing the decision was about to
be handed down, but not yet knowing what it
would be?
I felt strangely calm. I knew I had done
everything I could do, and now, it was up to
And when the decision came down?
Well, I wanted to obtain a personal copy,
I didn’t want to read it on the Web site. So I
went to the court to get a hard copy for myself.
I stood in line, was handed a copy, and then
found a place to sit down and read it. I was
shocked. My stomach fell to the ground, and
all I could think was, “Wow. We won.”
Were you surprised? Didn’t you have a
feeling the court would rule in your favor?
I desperately wanted to win, but I wasn’t
over-confident. Being right doesn’t necessarily
mean the court will agree with you.
Since the decision was announced,
politicians have said they will try to invoke
civil unions, not marriage. Has this tempered
the joy of the decision itself?
Well, immediately, as soon as the
decision came down, we’ve had to fight this
pretense that we didn’t win. I feel a mix of
things. The hardest thing about the case was
knowing there were people in the Attorney
General’s office who worked against us, even
though they believed in our equality.
Listen, this is a big deal, and some people
will be desperate to do anything to keep us
from getting marriage. Fear mongers are going
to come into Massachusetts from all around
the country and make it ugly. But that’s not
Who knows what our opponents will
dream up in the next six months? We know
they want to do an end-run around marriage,
but that’s not acceptable. If we have to, we’ll
go back to court.
What about you, personally? Do you
have a partner? And do you think you’ll be
getting married?
Yes, I’ve been with Jennifer [Wriggins,
a professor of law at the University of Maine]
for 16 years. We’ve talked about it, but we
haven’t set a date. But there are undoubtedly
wedding plans in my future. • January 12, 2004 11
Ombudsman’s Column Fuels N.Y. Times Flap
Okrent Responds to Gay Poll in First Column
from a Dec. 17 Times article
written by Washington
correspondent Elisabeth
ombudsman for the New
York Times, appointed
“The elision in the Seelyefollowing last year’s
Elder article was not, as several
Jayson Blair scandal,
of my correspondents insist,
devoted his first official
‘politically motivated,’ or
column to addressing
‘unethical’ or a ‘blatant
concerns raised by gay
manipulation of the facts.’ It
activists over a Dec. 21
was a simple mistake,” Okrent
Times story that critics
say distorted President
Okrent declined to clarify
Bush’s position on the
whether he believes the
omission was due to an editing
New York Times ombudsman
mistake or a reporting error.
Daniel Okrent said the
truncation of President
exaggerated the level of
Bush’s quote in a story about
public support for the
characterize it,” Okrent said.
gay marriage was a “simple
“I wanted to let readers come
mistake” and not politically
The Times story,
to their own conclusions.”
motivated. (Photo by Hadas
written by Katharine Q.
The Dec. 21 article
Seelye and Janet Elder,
triggered a storm of protests
did not fully report President Bush’s from both conservative gays—upset over
comments made during an ABC News the altered Bush quote—and liberal activists
interview last month in which he said, “If dismayed by the article’s use of anti-gay
necessary, I will support a constitutional quotes.
amendment which would honor marriage
between a man and a woman, codify that.” GLAAD Not Satisfied
The Times article left off the portion of
Cathy Renna, news media director for
Bush’s comment that said, “if necessary,” the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against
reporting only that “last week Mr. Bush for Defamation, who strongly condemned the
the first time voiced his support, saying, ‘I Times’ Dec. 21 piece, said she was “pleased”
will support a constitutional amendment that Okrent addressed readers’ concerns but
which would honor marriage between a man still strongly disagreed with the Dec. 21
and a woman, codify that.’”
article’s headline, “Strong support is found
The Times’ ombudsman, Daniel Okrent, for ban on gay marriage.” She said that it
wrote that Seelye lifted the incomplete quote contradicts the paper’s own poll done in
By Joe Crea
12 • January 12, 2004
conjunction with CBS.
“[Okrent and I] will have to agree to
disagree,” Renna said. “This article is not
the standard in the way they cover our
issues. I still think the headline was
inaccurate. I don’t think it conveyed a real
sense of what it takes to amend the
Constitution. Just because you have some
level of majority in a poll does not mean that
is going to create the support for a
constitutional amendment.”
The Times poll indicated that 54 percent
of respondents oppose civil union laws while
40 percent support such measures. Sixty-one
percent opposed gay marriage and 34 percent
favored it.
Renna said that as the ombudsman,
Okrent “doesn’t have the authority to go and
castigate people” in the Times newsroom, but
said he “did make a very public statement to
the readers that there was clearly a problem.”
Renna said she still had problems with
the proportion of anti-gay quotes used in
the Dec. 21 article.
“I thought this article in particular was
an example of how easy it is for the media to
find extremely vitriolic quotes that frankly I
don’t think they would include if the issue
was about other groups of people,” Renna
“I have these conversations with
journalists on the merit of going to people
like Lou Sheldon. While they will comment
on the article’s topic, they often go out of
their way to bash members of the
community,” she said. Sheldon is a California
minister who founded the ultra-conserative
Traditional Values Coalition.
Cliff Kincaid, editor of Accuracy in
Media, a conservative, nonprofit
“watchdog” of the news media, said that
GLAAD is trying to “intimidate The New York
Times, which is already in the GLAAD camp
“Questions about the president’s
quotation and whether 55 percent is
substantial or not are beside the point,” wrote
Kincaid in an e-mail response. “GLAAD will
not be satisfied until the Times reads like
another version of the [Washington] Blade.
“But the Times is apparently clever
enough not to fall completely into that trap,”
Kincaid said. “However, it shows the power
of the homosexual media lobby that the new
Times ombudsman, Daniel Okrent, would
spend time on this matter in an effort to please
GLAAD. Mr. Okrent should spend more time
exposing GLAAD’s efforts at media
manipulation and the power of the
homosexual lobby in the media.”
Okrent argued that the “imbalance of
interview subjects” was because the
newsworthy aspect of the poll was the
apparent growing opposition to gay marriage.
“When man bites dog, you talk to the dog,”
he said. “The news here was the increased
support for the proposed amendment relative
to previous polls.”
Renna disagreed, calling the issue of the
Federal Marriage Amendment a personal one
that has a “huge impact on our community.”
“To completely exclude any type of
comment from gay and lesbian people is a
pretty big omission.” • January 12, 2004 13
Gays Play Key Roles in Gephardt Campaign
Elmendorf Joins Mixner and Gephardt’s Lesbian Daughter
By Lou Chibbaro Jr.
Steve Elmendorf, a New Jersey native,
served as chief of staff for U.S. Rep. Richard
Gephardt (D-Mo.) since 1997. He joined
Gephardt’s staff in 1992 as an openly gay
Now Elmendorf works as chief of staff
at Gephardt’s presidential campaign
headquarters in Washington, D.C. He shares
duties as the campaign’s liaison to the gay
community with Chrissy Gephardt, the
candidate’s lesbian daughter, and David
Mixner, the longtime gay Democratic fundraiser and business consultant, who serves
as co-chair of the Gephardt campaign.
Elmendorf said Gephardt stands apart
from his Democratic rivals, in part, because
he served as Democratic leader of the House
of Representatives for eight years, fighting
on the front lines on a wide range of issues,
including gay rights legislation.
“He has led the Democrats in fighting
for gay issues,” Elmendorf said.
Elmendorf acknowledges Gephardt’s
vocal support for gay civil rights began in
the late 1980s and early 1990s, considerably
later than for many Democratic members of
“Like most people in his generation, he
did not start out as a strong supporter on
gay issues, but he has changed,” Elmendorf
“He has always had open gays in his
office and in positions of authority,”
Elmendorf said. “And he has always
“He thinks we ought to lift the ban
been strong on civil rights.”
completely on gays in the military,”
Since the early 1990s, Gephardt
Elmendorf said. “He thinks ‘Don’t Ask,
has signed on as a co-sponsor to all
Don’t Tell’ has been a failure.”
major gay civil rights and AIDS related
Elmendorf notes that Gephardt
bills. Among them is the Employment
strongly opposes a constitutional
Non-Discrimination Act, or ENDA,
amendment to ban gay marriage and
which calls for banning employment
has used his role as House Democratic
discrimination based on sexual
leader to help fend off anti-gay
amendments and bills.
Gephardt, however, joined most of
Although his daughter Chrissy’s
his Democratic colleagues in the
decision to come out as a lesbian has
House in 1996 to vote for the Defense
strengthened Gephardt’s resolve on
of Marriage Act, which defines
gay issues, Elmendorf notes that
marriage under federal law as a union
Chrissy Gephardt came out to her
only between a man and a woman and
parents just two years ago, long after
provides that states may legally refuse
Gephardt became a vocal supporter on
to recognize gay marriages from other
gay issues.
states. In 1993, Gephardt also voted
Nevertheless, Elmendorf said
for an immigration amendment that
Chrissy Gephardt “adds a unique
Chrissy Gephardt, left, openly lesbian daughter of
barred people with HIV from entering
element” to Gephardt’s profile on gay
Democratic presidential candidate Dick Gephardt,
the United States.
D-Mo., and her partner Amy Loder wave from the
Like five of his eight rival
“She is going to be a very strong
convertible car they were riding in during the St.
Louis PrideFest Parade in St. Louis Sunday, June
Democratic presidential candidates,
advocate for the community,” he said.
29, 2003. (AP Photo/James A. Finley)
Gephardt opposes legal recognition of
On the Gephardt campaign Web
gay civil marriage but said he supports
site, Chrissy Gephardt discusses her
civil unions. He has said he favors granting Human Rights Campaign, a national gay role in a Gephardt White House if her father
federal and state marriage-related rights and political group.
were to win the presidency.
benefits to gays in civil unions, including
Gephardt also stated on the HRC
“I tell people that I am like a live-in
Social Security survivor benefits.
questionnaire that he would “ensure gender lobbyist,’ she said. “I am a social worker who
“I believe civil unions are the best way identity is included in any federal measure fights for social justice on a daily basis. Since
to provide legal recognition to the designed to outlaw discrimination in the this issue is near and dear to my heart, I will
relationships of same-sex couples and workplace,” indicating he favors adding be fighting for equal rights for gays and
guarantee their rights,” Gephardt said in a protection for transgendered people in lesbians when my dad gets to the White
candidates’ questionnaire issued by the ENDA.
House,” she said. • January 12, 2004
Sister Speak
Jan. 15—Come join Sister Speak at their
next spoken word event. Doors open at 8 p.m.
and the show starts at 8:30 p.m. The stage is
open to all women who wish to share their
original work. Performances and readings are
limited to five minutes unless prior
arrangements are made. The event takes place
at the Pride Factory, 845 N. Federal Hwy., Fort
Lauderdale. To sign up or for more info, e-mail or call 954.772.0324.
An Evening with
Deepak Chopra
wrote the famous 1981 wedding scene for
General Hospital’s Luke and Laura. He was
also once roommates with Brad Pitt.
The Lady Chablis, of Midnight in the
Garden of Good and Evil fame, will serve as
mistress of ceremonies for the “Bound for
People” fundraiser. Admission will be $75 per
person and $110 per couple, and will include a
catered reception, open bar and live jazz.
Racina will also sign copies of his book at
Borders bookstore on Sunrise Boulevard in
Fort Lauderdale on Jan. 17, from 2 to 5 p.m.,
and at the Borders in Plantation on Jan. 18,
from 3 to 6 p.m.
The Flamingo Inn Amongst the Flowers
is located at 2727 Terra Mar St. in Fort
Lauderdale. For more information about the
“Bound for People” fundraiser, call
Jan. 17—Religious Science of Fort
Lauderdale presents an evening with Deepak
Chopra, M.D., author of books such as Grow
Younger, Live Longer and Ageless Body,
Timeless Mind. The lecture begins at 7:30 p.m.
at the Greater Fort Lauderdale, Broward County
Antiques Show to Attract
Convention Center. Tickets are available for
$30, $50 and $75 online at or by International Dealers
Jan. 23-25—More than 400 international
phone at 954.566.2868. VIP packages are also
dealers will convene in South Florida
available and include a special VIP reception.
to exhibit at the first major antiques show of
Best-Selling Mystery
the winter 2004 season. The 27th Annual Miami
Author to Appear
National Antiques Show & Sale will be held at
the Radisson Expo Centre adjacent to the
at SunServe Fundraiser
Jan. 21—Best-selling author Thom Racina Miami Merchandise Mart.
The “Airport Show,” as it is commonly
will autograph copies of his new book, Deadly
attracts serious collectors, interior
Games, from 5 to 7 p.m. at The Flamingo Inn
and antiques enthusiasts from
Amongst the Flowers in Fort Lauderdale.
Select dealers from across
Proceeds from the event will benefit SunServe,
Europe and South
the social services agency of the MCC
range of highSunshine Cathedral.
Racina’s latest book is a mystery with a
timely message about using religion for evil
purposes. Part of the novel is actually set at and Tiffany lamps. Prices will range from $10
The Flamingo Inn Amongst the Flowers. to $100,000.
Show hours will be Friday, noon to 9 p.m.;
Besides writing novels, Racina has also
noon to 8 p.m.; and Sunday, noon to
produced scripts for soap operas. In fact, he
6 p.m. Admission will be $10 and will cover
return entry all weekend. Children under 12
will be admitted free. The Radisson Expo Centre
is located at 777 N.W. 72nd Ave. For more
information during the show, call the show
office at 305.261.4200. For information prior to
the show, call Bob Smith & Dolphin
Promotions, Inc. at 954.563.6747.
The Outlawz First
Jan. 24—The Outlawz are known for
providing an alternative gay country-western
dance experience for cowboys and their
friends. Their first anniversary shindig takes
place at Manhattan South, 6890 N. Powerline
Road in Fort Lauderdale at Peachtree Plaza on
the corner of Powerline and McNab. The event
will be held from 7 p.m. to midnight. There is
no cover charge. For more information, visit
FAU to Host Symposium on
Same-Sex Marriage
Jan. 26—Florida Atlantic University
diversity initiatives series presents a
symposium on the subject of same-sex
marriages/unions. The symposium will offer
scholarly perspectives in order to foster an
informed and respectful dialogue on the
The event will take place at the Live Oak
Pavilion, Boca campus, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. It
is free and open to the public.
GLSEN Monthly Meeting
Jan. 27— The Gay, Lesbian and Straight
Education Network holds its monthly
meeting at the Floridian Restaurant, 1410 E.
Las Olas Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. Social time
begins at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting starts at
7:30 p.m. For information e-mail
‘Making Porn’ Returns
to Fort Lauderdale
Feb. 4-29—The stage at Cinema Paradiso
in Fort Lauderdale heats up this winter with
the long-awaited South Florida return
engagement of Making Porn, the sizzling offBroadway smash hit about the gay
pornography industry. Ronnie Larsen’s
comedy explores the “ins” and “outs” of the
gay adult porn business and examines the
lives of six people. For this limited four-week
engagement, superstar Matthew Rush will be
in town to play one of the main roles.
Rush, the biggest and hottest name in
gay porn today, will be starring as Jack Hawk,
straight actor turned gay porn icon. This is the
same role Rush debuted on stage in San Diego
in 2003, and also performed in Boston and San
Francisco. Recently signed by Falcon Studios
as a lifetime exclusive star, and only the second
person in adult movie history to be offered
such a contract, Rush burst onto the scene
and immediately became GayVN’s 2002 Award
winner for “Best Newcomer.” He is the star of
such mega-hits as Hazed, Alone With, Ready
for More, Bounce and Good as Gold.
Making Porn received its world premiere
at the Theatre Building in Chicago in July of
1995, where it became an instant sensation.
Cinema Paradiso is located at 503 S.E. Sixth
Street in Fort Lauderdale. Performances will be
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 8 p.m.;
Saturday at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m.; and Sunday at
7 p.m. There is also one special matinee
scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 1 at 2 p.m. For
tickets, please call TicketWeb toll-free at
800.965.4827 or visit online at Group sales are available
at 323.650.0282. • January 12, 2004 15
New Year’s Wish List
Some Things to Hope for in 2004
By Steve Weinstein
One of the Bush
daughters comes out.
make it a ritual — rather than switching from
the foreplay to the whum-whump, where the
condom magically appears?
Apparently, having the vice president’s
daughter be an out-lesbian hasn’t influenced
either of the Cheneys in their attitudes about
gay issues. And it certainly hasn’t had any
effect on President Bush, who has been
creeping out of the closet—for a
constitutional amendment barring same-sex
The only thing that would be more
delicious than Jenna or Barbara declaring a
Sapphic bent would be to have her caught
on tape mixing it up with Paris Hilton.
Cirque du Soleil admits
it was wrong.
Gays serve openly
in the military.
This one seems like such a no-brainer,
it’s embarrassing. The trés gay-friendly (or
so it seems) Montreal troupe apparently has
refused to allow an HIV-positive gymnast to
perform because he might pose a threat to
others. This has as much validity as divers
at the Olympics worried about a little blood
on the board when Greg Louganis bumped
his head or basketball players worried about
guarding Magic Johnson.
I had thought that, in 2003, we had
worked through these medieval opinions. I
was wrong.
It’s become increasingly obvious to just
about everyone—excepting, perhaps, the
The Supreme Court strikes
joint chiefs of staff — that this is going to
happen, and probably sooner rather than down the “RAVE” Act.
In the midst of the broad attack on our
later. With NATO countries falling over
liberties, the rights of a few thousand
themselves to let gay people openly serve,
may seem petty. But this omnibus
the United States is finding itself increasingly
it makes the Patriot Act
look as though it were ACLU sponsored.
What makes it even sadder is that a
Everyone ignores
presumably “liberal” Democratic senator,
Rev. Fred Phelps.
Joseph Biden of Delaware, is the progenitor
Phelps is the media version of the of these laws.
proverbial tree falling in the forest. What
would happen if he showed up somewhere,
The Democrats don’t
spewing his asinine rhetoric, and everyone
just ignored him? You know: Treat him the implode.
Many years ago, comedian Will Rogers
way you do those insufferable “Black
Israelites” you see around or that guy who famously said, “I’m not a member of any
plays the awful saxophone at the subway organized political party. I’m a Democrat.”
Nothing much has happened to change that
attitude. The Democrats have a nice way of
Harvey Milk School fields grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory, as
amply demonstrated by Al Gore’s insistence
intramural sports teams.
that Bill Clinton not campaign for him.
The New York City high school for gays, (Arkansas’ six electoral votes would have
now a part of the public school system this meant that he could have conceded Florida
year for the first time, has already expressed and still won the election).
an interest in various teams. Aside from the
Now we have the spectacle of all of the
fact that it would undoubtedly have the most candidates ganging up on the presumptive
fabulous team jerseys, Milk School teams front-runner, Howard Dean, before a single
would inspire widespread interest among vote is cast. Typical.
New York’s movers and shakers in the city’s
woebegone athletic programs.
Showtime scraps the
creative team for
“The L Word.”
I suggest the suits fire everyone
involved in this misbegotten production and
move everything to New York. Local
chauvinism aside, a good strong dose of
Gotham hardscrabble reality would be the
perfect antidote to the New Agey, selfabsorbed characters in this lesbian version
of “Queer as Folk.”
Safer sex becomes sexy.
Gay men are so good at fetishizing. So
why can’t we fetishize condoms? Instead,
gay men continue to fantasize about raw sex.
After 20 years of promoting condom use,
obviously something isn’t going down here.
How about if the producers of porn films
show the guys putting on the rubber — and
Rapid HIV tests are sold
over the counter.
Now we have a 10-minute test — if
you’re a hospital worker. The rest of us have
to go through the onerous motions of
scheduling a doctor’s visit, waiting two
weeks, coming in for the results, getting
counseling, and so on. No wonder most
people who are infected with HIV don’t know
If a woman can handle a home rabbit
test that tells her if she’s pregnant, people
should have the right to test themselves for
HIV infection. These tests should be no
harder to come by than the nearest pharmacy.
Finally, more than anything, I wish for:
An end to AIDS, and all of my friends and
my Tom back.
Happy New Year!
Steve Weinstein is editor of the New York
Blade. He can be reached at • January 12, 2004
Letters to the editor
Gay Cruise Director Responds to ‘Bashing’ Stories
I was taken aback by the powerful negatives expressed on your “Letters to the Editor”
page. My heart goes out to those who experienced any type of “bashing” along with former
ship employee Ms. Smith.
However, having served and still serving as cruise director for two major cruise lines
over the past 16 years, and being openly gay throughout it all, I want your readers to know
that ships are not “hell.” Like your friends, the company you keep and the places you
choose to patronize, cruise ships are as varied as any other choices made in life.
My company not only has an anti-discrimination policy based on sexual orientation,
it also offers partner benefits, including health coverage, life insurance, partner cruise privileges,
etc. As well, every ship in the fleet of our company hosts a “Friends of Dorothy” gettogether on the first full day of every cruise to encourage gay and lesbian guests to meet,
socialize and make new friendships. These get-togethers are published in the ship’s daily
newsletter along with all other activities. The meetings are held in a large public lounge,
complete with rainbow flags to celebrate the gathering and make everyone attending feel
more comfortable and welcomed.
In addition, we are hosting two full gay/lesbian charters this year, and the company has
gone to great lengths to train and “sensitize” the crew to be as gracious and accommodating
to the guests on these charters as they are on any given sailing.
As cruise director, I am in charge of the onboard entertainment department. Of all
departments on board, the entertainment department has the majority of gay/lesbian
employees. But it doesn’t end there—we have gay directors in our corporate office, gay
waiters, lesbian waitresses, gay and lesbian casino dealers and photographers. Our gay crew
are just as varied as any land-based business, and they live their lives openly, without fear of
violence, verbal abuse or any type of “retribution” from the company simply because of
their sexuality.
So to all gay and lesbian cruisers, or those considering a career at sea, take it from me—
choose your company wisely, and the rewards are plentiful.
David “Cole” Snook
Fort Lauderdale
Alvear’s Judgmental Column on
Rosie O’Donnell Was Mean-Spirited
In Michael Alvear’s column in the Jan. 5 edition of The Express, he made some
comments about Rosie O’Donnell that were disappointing, and I feel like his tone of
judgment was destructive.
I have read so many articles, written by so many like Alvear, who feel that they can
somehow speak for the “gay community” (which, if you dig below the surface of white
parties and political activism, is comprised of many populations). Alvear dictates that a
particular person should follow a set of guidelines, and if they don’t, then he labels them as
disloyal, cowardly or ungrateful.
Did Rosie make choices about when she decided to come out? Absolutely. Do we have
to agree with her? Absolutely, we do not. And yet, Alvear’s venom toward her was stronger
and more hateful than that of any heterosexual columnist, satirist or opposing counsel that
I have read. His malice was evident, and it saddens me to read once again how we are hardest
on our own, when we preach love and tolerance.
Alvear criticizes Rosie for not coming out sooner, and suggests that if she had, she
would have provided an opportunity for others to be humanized. What in his article served
to humanize Rosie O’Donnell? I suggest that he did nothing to humanize her. Instead, he
chose to dehumanize her, on the basis of her wealth and power. Has Alvear been wealthy and
powerful in his life? Does he have any idea what she risked by coming out earlier? I suspect
not. I also suspect that Alvear hasn’t a clue of the other things Rosie considered as she
agonized over this decision. Remember: Rosie O’Donnell is a real person, who juggles
personal as well as professional decisions.
So, after all of the battles, marches, protests and everything else that we have been
through, I see that we are still tempted to expect others to conform to our rigid standards and
expectations of what it means to be “who we are.” When they don’t, we rebuke them, shame
them and dehumanize them. That sounds awfully familiar, doesn’t it?
One more thing—Alvear criticizes Rosie for her poor choice of metaphors, as she described
her decision to wait to come out. And yet, he suggests that, by not apologizing for not coming
out sooner, she is “like the child who killed her parents and threw herself on the mercy of the
court claiming she was an orphan.” It seems to me that Rosie is not throwing herself on the
mercy of any court, nor is she seeking Alvear’s approval or forgiveness. She is a person who has
been through something that most of us will never experience, both good and bad. While it may
be titillating to flay someone publicly, please remember that the power that comes with media
also carries responsibility. I encourage you to be more compassionate.
Dan Morgan
Miami, Florida
A Monster of a Role
Charlize Theron Amazes as Lesbian Serial Killer
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Playwright
Nilo Cruz Premieres New Play
Review by Mary Damiano
Arts & Entertainment Editor
The surest way for a beautiful actress to
win an Academy Award, or at least garner a
nomination, is to ugly herself up and play
against type. It worked for last year’s winner,
Nicole Kidman, and it could very well work
for Charlize Theron, who proves she’s much
more than just a pretty face in her new film,
Monster is about Aileen Wuornos, a
prostitute who was convicted of killing seven
men and executed by the state of Florida in
2002. As Wuornos, Theron is unrecognizable,
disappearing into her role under extra pounds,
baggy clothes and stringy hair. But while her
physical transformation is extraordinary,
there is much more at work here, including
Theron’s eyes, with which she does a great
deal of her acting. They are alternately wild,
cold and determined, yet possess a hurt that
will make you feel for her character, even
though she’s just pumped a whole lot of
bullets into an unsuspecting john.
Theron’s outward appearance is
extraordinary and has been at the center of
any talk about Monster, which has eclipsed
the fact that Monster is a very good movie.
It focuses on the relationship of Wuornos,
called Lee in the film, and Selby Wall, a young
woman with whom she falls in love.
Selby, played by Christina Ricci, is all
wide-eyed innocence, even though she’s the
one who puts the moves on Lee. Although
Lee tells her right off that she doesn’t like
girls, Selby’s kindness toward Lee allows Lee
to open up and experience love for the first
Review by Mary Damiano
Arts & Entertainment Editor
time. But it’s that love that becomes partly
responsible for Lee’s killing spree, as she
hooks and kills to get the money to support
Selby and keep her happy.
Both actresses are terrific, and both
deserve Oscar nominations. But the film
should not be overlooked either. Writer and
director Patty Jenkins has put together a
movie with tension and conflict, which asks
some tough questions about what made
Wuornos kill—her sad upbringing, her life
on the streets, abuse from men or the desire
to impress her girlfriend. The film lets the
audience draw their own conclusions,
proving that when it comes to the tough
questions, there are no easy answers.
Monster will be screened Monday, Jan.
12, at the Regal Cinemas South Beach at
the corner of Lincoln and Alton roads. The
screening is presented by the Miami Gay
& Lesbian Film Festival. For more
information, visit
Monster opens at theatres throughout
South Florida on Friday, Jan. 16.
In his new play Beauty of the Father,
out playwright Nilo Cruz again weaves
literature and poetry into the everyday lives
of a unique family, as he did with Anna in
the Tropics, the play that earned him last
year’s Pulitzer Prize for drama.
While Anna Karenina was the
common thread in Anna in the Tropics, in
Beauty of the Father it is Federico Garcia
Lorca, the Spanish poet who was executed
for his political views and his homosexuality,
who plays a big part. In fact, Lorca’s ghost is
a main character in Beauty of the Father,
acting as a conscience, guardian angel and
confidante to the play’s father, Emiliano.
The result is a lyrical, sultry work that
infuses the lives of everyday people with
poetry, and elevates their lives—which are
really the stuff of a typical episode of Jerry
Springer—to another level.
The story takes place near Grenada,
Spain, in 1998, the centennial year of Lorca’s
birth. While the country plans celebrations
to honor the slain poet, his ghost, dressed in
a dapper white suit, is hanging out with
Emiliano, a sculptor who is working on a bust
of Lorca. Emiliano is at an interesting point
in his life. He leads a seemingly idyllic
existence, with his perky, mothering
companion, Paquita, and the young man he
lusts after, Karim. But everyone’s life is
changed by the arrival of Marina, the
daughter Emiliano abandoned years ago to
explore his homosexuality.
Marina’s arrival upsets the delicate
balance of everything. She is attracted to
Karim, becoming her father’s rival for the
young man’s attentions. Paquita begins to
question her own relationship with Karim.
Emiliano is conflicted, experiencing feelings
of guilt and jealousy toward Marina and
Karim. And through it all, Lorca’s ghost
watches, comments and sometimes interferes
to prevent tragedy.
The performances are terrific, especially
by Euriamis Losada as Karim, and Ursula
Freundlich as Marina, who share a very erotic
seduction scene. The star of the show,
however, is Carlos Orizondo as Lorca.
Orizondo adds wisdom, comic relief and
introspection to the proceedings, and he
shines whenever he’s on stage.
If there is a problem in Beauty of the
Father, it is the lack of real conflict and the
development—an arrangement that Marina
makes with Karim—that is never fully
explored. Instead, the poetic nature and
lyrical language of the play allow it to
languish and never fulfill its potential.
Beauty of the Father runs through Feb.
15 at New Theatre, 4120 Laguna St.,
Coral Gables. Call 305.443.5909 or visit for tickets and
information. • January 12, 2004 17
For Some Men, Sex Is a Drug
If Misused, Online Hook-Up Sites Can be Addictive
Dear Mark,
I have this friend whom I think is
becoming addicted to those online hook-up
sites. We ran into each other recently and I
asked him what he’d been up to
the weekend prior as I hadn’t
seen him or heard from him. He
said he’d stayed in all weekend
chatting on his computer with
guys from all over. He told me one
of the sites he was on, so I
checked it out. I then did a bit of
searching on some other sites
and found his profile on four
different hookup/meet-for-sex
sites. It’s been two weeks, and
so far as I know, he’s online every
night and all weekend long, chatting with these
guys either via IMs or on the phone. The thing
is, he used to go out with us all the time. Do I
say something to him or let this current
obsession run its course and hope that
eventually he’ll realize life is passing him by
right outside his window?
Signed, Cyber Cautious
Dear Cyber Cautious,
Say something to him. Take
him out to lunch, if you can pry
him away from the computer, and
let him know what you are
thinking. Tell him what you just
wrote to me. Say that you miss
him as a friend and you think he’s
missing out on life. He might be a
little miffed or even upset with
you, but it’s a chance you should
think about taking. He most likely will not take
your advice to heart right away. He may even
try to back away from you as a friend. But, if
you can, try not to let him. The temptation is
there to just leave him alone and
let him figure this out for himself.
And, most likely, if you did back
away, he would do just that.
Most men that have come
into my practice with this concern
eventually understand the toll it
is taking on their lives. They
intellectually understand the
basic shallowness of online,
anonymous sex and make a
conscious effort to change their
behavior. Most men eventually
realize they want something more out of the
connection, like a relationship. I say “most
men” because some men have a very hard time
letting this addiction go. Some men never come
back from it at all.
Sex can become addictive in nature if it is
used as an escape like a drug. As is the case
with other drugs, such as alcohol or crystal
meth, men can become addicted to it.
Some men can have all the
sex in the world and not
be addicted just like some
men can drink a lot of
alcohol and not have it be
a problem for them. If sex
is being used as a drug,
there is a good chance the
person using sex will have
some issue around
addiction. • January 12, 2004
All this being said, there is nothing wrong
with online sex sites. They provide a relevant
place for men to meet each other. Men use them
all the time and love them. They are a great
alternative to the bar scene. If sex is what you
are looking for, it definitely cuts out the middle
man. Gay men, in particular, feel freer to express
themselves sexually and to experience a wide
variety of sexual situations. Like Martha says,
“It’s a good thing.” Just be wary of the potential
for problems and know when to say “enough is
enough.” I have seen some great relationships
that started out of an online hookup. So keep
telling your friend this and, hopefully, eventually
his eyes will open and he will expand his search
to include something more.
Dear Mark,
Whenever my boyfriend and our close
group of friends get together there has to be a
porno video on all the TVs in the house. Don’t
get me wrong, I like to watch porn too, but all
they do is sit there and make comments about
this guy’s ass, or this one’s dick. Since we are
all good friends, none of us has any intention
of having sex together, so why watch all this
porn with your friends without getting
aroused? Is this common for gay men? How
can I stop them from watching porn morning,
noon and night?
Signed, Porn Overload
Dear Porn Overload,
“Why?” would be one of the questions I
would be asking as well. Porn has always had
a place within the gay male community. Guys
love it, and rightfully so. Watching a video of
two (or three or four or five) men having sex
has a voyeuristic quality of being the
proverbial fly on the wall while all the action is
going on. However, it is customarily used as a
prelude to sex. It can be utilized as a mood
enhancer or something to get you into the
mood. Or if you’re alone (sometimes the best
sex there is), it can be a great companion while
you’re masturbating.
I have never heard of it being used as a
background to a social event unless it is a sex
party. This use of it as sort of “gay elevator
music” is more confusing than it is troubling. I
would ask your friends what their purpose for
playing all this porn is. You said they have no
intentions of having sex with you. Are you so
sure? Maybe they secretly hope that all that
man-on-man action will get one of you in the
mood, and your desire will take over. I would
get, ahem, straight to the point and ask them
why they have to play all this porn. Let them
know that, although you enjoy porn as much
as the next guy, you would appreciate it if they
didn’t play it all the time. If they are your
friends, they will be willing to work on a
compromise. If absolutely necessary, maybe
they could play it in the bedroom for those
interested and leave the living room for more
appropriate things like last season’s DVD of
Sex and the City.
Mark Rutherford is a licensed
psychotherapist in private practice in
South Florida. He can be reached at
561.835.6821 or by e-mail at
Vets Are Key to Eliminating Anti-Gay Military Bias
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Breeds Deception, Harassment and Distrust
When President Bill Clinton moved to honor, integrity and teamwork. The
lift the discriminatory ban on gays in the divisive law breeds deception, harassment
military 11 years ago, veterans bombarded and distrust—hardly the attributes of a
well-oiled fighting machine.
Capitol Hill with angry letters
What’s more, our entire nation
and phone calls. Clinton and
is less well-defended every
the gay community got a
time talented, trained members
quick, painful education about
of the armed forces—linguists
the clout of America’s 27
fluent in Arabic, for example—
million veterans and the nearly
are booted out for being gay.
500 groups that represent
In fact, veterans ought to
them: When veterans talk,
be the ones leading the charge
Congress snaps to attention.
up Capitol Hill to demand an
Now, leading critics of the
end to this dangerously
resulting Don’t Ask, Don’t
misguided policy.
Tell law are working to turn
“We should not view
that lesson to the advantage
of gay Americans—and the nation. As they veterans as our enemy,” says retired Army
try to build support in Congress to repeal Major Jeff Cleghorn, who recently
the ban, they are for the first time focusing launched the Military Education Initiative
on changing the hearts and minds of the ( “They are
conservative, but that doesn’t make them
veterans community.
Arguments against Don’t Ask, Don’t anti-gay or mean-spirited as a class of
people.” He wants
Tell usually emphasize
to “engage them in
how it harms patriotic
Our entire nation is less
a civil, reasoned
gay Americans. But
well-defended every time
heterosexual veterans
talented, trained members dialogue.”
especially need to hear
of the armed forces—
dialogue won’t
that there also are
linguists fluent in Arabic,
come easy. Just
excellent national
three years ago, the
security reasons for
for example—are booted
2.8 million-member
the military to stop
out for being gay.
American Legion,
misfiring weapon.
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell weakens veterans group, reaffirmed its support for
military readiness, unit cohesion and troop reverting to the total ban that predated
morale by gnawing away at the essential Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, which purports to
bonds knit by an allegiance to truthfulness, allow gay Americans to serve if they
remain closeted and
Since active-duty gay
soldiers can’t speak up for
themselves, Cleghorn plans
to draw on both the 1
million gay vets and on
supportive heterosexual
vets to speak at veterans
gatherings to recruit new
allies. Cleghorn’s battalion
will stress research
documenting the positive
experiences of Britain,
Canada, Israel and other
countries that lifted their
His organization is one of several new
groups dedicated to speeding up the
demise of the U.S. ban. Their creation
comes amid other positive signs:
A Dec. 5-7, Gallup poll found record
support for allowing gays to serve openly
in the armed forces. That support is voiced
by 79 percent of Americans, including 73
percent of men, 74 percent of Southerners,
68 percent of those 65 and older and a
whopping 91 percent of 18- to 29-yearolds.
The gay ban is also opposed by
retired four-star Army Gen. Wesley Clark,
a leading Democratic presidential
candidate. And two generals and an
admiral recently came out to fight it,
making them the highest-ranking openly
gay veterans.
The other new groups include:
Gen. Wesley Clark
• Two military college alumni groups—
Citadel Gay and Lesbian Alliance and USNA
Out (for U.S. Naval Academy grads).
• The Military Community Services
Network, a support group for gay vets and
the partners of gay soldiers.
• Gay and Lesbian Service Members for
Equality (, for gay soldiers.
“The emergence of the coalition of
groups suggests that the policy’s days are
limited,” says Aaron Belkin, director of the
Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in
the Military.
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell doesn’t help our
military. Veterans ought to persuade
Congress to torpedo it.
Deb Price of The Detroit News writes the
first nationally syndicated column on gay
issues and is the co-author of Courting
Justice: Gay Men and Lesbians v. the
Supreme Court. • January 12, 2004 19
20 • January 12, 2004
Anti-Muslim Hysteria Is Similar to Anti-Gay Bias
Military Charges Three Men for Having Dinner Together
If Capt. James J. Yee ends up going to
jail, it won’t be because of some grand scheme
to undermine the United States
government or send secret
documents to foreign
countries. It will be because of
his identity as a Muslim.
The same is true for
Senior Airman Ahmad alHabibi, and civilian translator
Ahmed Mehalba.
The “crime” that these
three men committed? Being
Muslin in a hysterical
environment of suspicion and
prejudice that pervades not
only the United States military, which arrested
the three on alleged espionage charges, but
which remains pervasive in the general
American population.
The only thing these three Muslim men
are really guilty of is having dinner alone
together, and passing out baklava (a popular
Middle Eastern dessert) to captives of the
Afghanistan war. (The military has dropped
the specific charge against Airman al-Habibi
of passing out the crusty sweets without
There was much hype when the three
men were arrested last fall. All three had been
working with captives from the
Afghanistan war, held at
Gauntanamo Bay, Cuba. Capt. Yee,
a native-born American of Chinese
descent, was a Muslim chaplain,
administering to the prisoners.
Airman al-Habibi was an Air Force
translator at the camp. And Mehalba
was a civilian translator.
When the three were arrested,
within weeks of each other, military
leaders made a big public splash
about how they had broken up a
“cell” of Muslim operatives trying
to send classified military
information to “hostile” governments, most
notably Syria. (Capt. Yee had studied Islam
in Syria. Airman al-Habibi is of Syrian
But, as detailed in a recent New York
Times article, the espionage cases against
the men have crumbled under scrutiny, and
it appears that the men are victims of antiMuslim hysteria.
However, that isn’t preventing an
embarrassed military from continuing to
press some kind of charges against the men.
If convicted, Capt. Yee still faces up to 13
years in prison, but not for any exotic James
Bond-like spy mystery. Instead, it turns out
the man had an affair with a female officer, a
fact uncovered during the
investigation against him as an
alleged spy. Now, without any
substance to the initial cloak-anddagger drama, the military had
originally fantasized about, Capt.
Lee is being hung out to dry on
adultery charges.
Oh, of course, there are still
some espionage-related charges
classified material without the
proper security container.” Call in
the Marines!
Never mind that one of the reservists
who first raised suspicions about Capt. Yee
was also charged with the exact same “crime”
for supposedly mishandling papers. But the
reservist was not arrested or detained, as was
Capt. Yee. After all, that guy was a “real
American,” not a suspicious Muslim.
It’s useful to look at how and why the
cases against these three men materialized,
and how they advanced as far as they did.
According to the Times story, the
reservists acting as counter-intelligence
agents at the camp were green, and quite
It wasn’t too long ago
that we as gay, lesbian,
bisexual and
transgender people
were considered to be
threats to “national
security” simply
because of who we are.
other characteristic that can be called part of
one’s identity—such as being black, or being
Jewish or being gay—there would be a
national outcry and outrage.
But we live in a time and a country where
everyone Muslim is easily believed to be a
terrorist and an enemy, where civil rights
concerns are handily pushed aside in the
name of “national security” and where voicing
dissent to the violations and prejudices
makes you “un-American.”
I can already hear some readers asking
why this column is running in a gay and
lesbian newspaper.
For me, the answer is obvious: It wasn’t
too long ago that we as gay, lesbian, bisexual
and transgender people were considered to
be threats to “national security” simply
because of who we are. At a gay party
recently, I was regaled with the stories of a
lesbian activist who recalled how, in the
1970s, her phone was tapped and the FBI
shadowed her because of her activities as a
lesbian political agitator. Even holding
meetings with other gays and lesbians in the
privacy of their homes was potentially
enough to get them arrested. Being gay or
lesbian was considered “a threat.” Until just
recently, in many places here in the United
States, it was still considered criminal. And
even now, we are still prone to being the
victims of “gay hysteria.”
Yet, as a group, many of us continue to
be blind to the strikingly similar and alarming
violations and prejudices in this country
toward Muslims.
In fact, I remember when Capt. Yee was
arrested in September 2003—it was a gay man
who actually said to me, after news of the
arrest made headlines: “See, we just can’t
trust Muslims.”
Imagine the outcry if someone dare
uttered a slightly altered version of that
statement: “See, we just can’t trust
As a group that has historically been
persecuted because of our identity, and as a
group of people who continue to be
discriminated against for it, we are in a unique
position to question the same kind of
prejudice and hysteria against other
misunderstood and misrepresented
minorities. Indeed, we have an intellectual
and moral responsibility to do so.
The naysayers will say that it’s worth
sacrificing Capt. Lee and the other men in
the interest of stopping terrorism. But the
truth is that putting these three men behind
bars doesn’t make anyone safer. In fact,
such actions pose a real threat and danger
to all of us.
Mubarak Dahir receives e-mail at
jittery about the possibility of “missing”
anything. And senior officers there were
suspicious of anyone who was Muslim or
Arab-American being involved in helping
with the foreign prisoners.
That suspicion—I call it prejudice—was
so high, that because of the simple act of
socializing privately sometimes by dining
alone, the Muslims were automatically
considered shady.
But what’s really shady is how these
men’s lives are being ruined, it appears,
simply because they are Muslims.
If this were happening because of any • January 12, 2004 21
22 • January 12, 2004 • January 12, 2004 23
By Charlene Lichtenstein
For the week of 1/12/04
Magical Mercury re-directs and moves into strategic Capricorn. Our communication
has been on a wilde Sagittarian tear (oops and oops again!) but now we are all
buttoned up. Will they recognize you?
Think in the grand scheme and let your best ideas take flight. Travel to exotic
and ... ahem... stimulating locales. Get Out in the world and get ready; Mercury
in Cap cranks up your charisma for corporate pursuits. Spread it around and
don’t slip on it.
Queer Bulls are thrust into the center of the sexy action. Hang on and enjoy the ride;
These opportunities don’t come around often enough. Before you know it, Mercury
moves on and you’ll be just another face in the crowd. Now you are The Face.
Relationships show signs of life when Mercury redirects. It is an opportunity to
understand your partner’s viewpoint. Pink Twins who are in the market for a
hot tomato, it is a fruitful time to search. Just don’t squeeze too hard when
Mercury moves into Cap.
You tackle any onerous job and conquer it easily thanks to direct Mercury. You
regain your power of concentration. Put it to good use before Mercury moves
on. Queer Crabs procrastinate but don’t be tempted to put off to tomorrow what
you can grab today.
Fun or creative pastimes just didn’t have any joi de vivre. Now Mercury changes
course and so do you. No longer will you feel like a old bag at a tea dance. You drip
with charm. Make up for lost time while you still have your good looks and
before Mercury moves on.
As Mercury changes course, gay Virgins find joy in their surroundings. It’s amazing how
much you accomplish when the planets pull your tide. Redecorate or renovate if the
mood strikes you. Of course, you can also just plotz in front of the tube and delegate.
Charismatic Mercury redirects. Use this energy for the good of our community.
When words fail you, which is rather unlikely right now, you can always communicate
telepathically. So what am I thinking? (Clean the house, gay Libra...)
Mercury encourages all prideful Scorps to open up their wallet and enjoy some of the
finer things in life. It may be possible to successfully invest your nest egg. Be sure that
you either consult an expert or do your own homework to hatch a winner.
Mercury redirects in your own sign and infuses gay Archers with charisma. Graciousness
wins the prize. Smart Sags score a financial coup and inch towards early retirement as
Mercury advances. Pack the habatchi and grill some bull and bear.
Gay Caps are in the pink psychically and can divine the most divine things. But
don’t rest on your crystal ball, cousin. Explore community Out reach. It’s never
to early (or too late) to pile on the good gay karma.
Aqueerians dive into the social swim when Mercury redirects. Surround yourself with
convivial compadres. But be sure that you are truly in sync with the group dynamic
and not straining to conform. Don’t be a triangular peg forced into a square hole.
Corporate stratagems fall into place. Guppies can put dormant corporate plan into
action with excellent results. Revenge, if you decide to seek it, is yours. Savor it with
your loyal following when Mercury moves into Cap. Some bastards have all the luck.
© 2004 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Cruise for prescient horoscopes and insightful articles. Madam is the author of the highly
acclaimed “HerScopes; A Guide To Astrology For Lesbians” from Simon & Schuster. This book would have
won the Pulitzer had the voting not been rigged.
24 • January 12, 2004 • January 12, 2004 25
Hollywood, Fla. – The Art and
Culture Center of Hollywood
seeks volunteer tour guides (also
known as docents and junior
docents). Docents and junior
docents (who are ages 13-19)
give tours of the Center’s gallery
exhibitions to school groups and
other organizations. They also
participate in theme-based,
interactive, hands-on visual and
performing arts activities with the
Center’s education department
staff. Recruitment and training
for volunteer tour guides is
provided. For more information,
please call (954) 921-3274.
The Art and Culture Center of
Hollywood is a vibrant, regionally
distinct, contemporary visual and
performing arts organization
offering visual art exhibitions,
theatre, music and dance
performances. Educational
programming includes adult and
children's arts classes, afterschool programs, camps and
other art curriculum. The Center
is committed to creating
opportunities for all people to
experience the visual and
performing arts. More information
is available at
Interested in making a difference in the
community? Become a Foster Parent
with Kids In Distress. Free training &
treat benefits. Pleasecall
954.390.7654 ext 287 for more info.
subscriptions are easy and
convenient. Cost is:
$50 Three Months (13 Issues)
$100 Six Months (26 Issues)
$150 9 Months (39 Issues)
$200 One Year (52 Issues)
Papers arrive bi-weekly in a plain
envelope. Send check or money
order w/ your mailing address
attached, to:
Subscriptions; 1595 NE 26th St.,
Wilton Manors FL 33305.
If you prefer, charge your
subscription over the phone by
calling 954.568.1880, Mon-Fri, 9am5pm, or go on line to and fill
out the form there. We accept
Visa, Mastercard &Amex
The Mental Fitness Center, a nonprofit Counseling Center offering
services by donation. Sliding Scale.
Need singers, director, pianist &
New support group for same-sex binational couples in South Florida.
Talk about stress management,
immigration fears and concerns,
practical problem solving, keeping
your relationship alive under harsh
conditions etc. Not a political
advocacy group.
Tel: 305 751 9759
Come and chill with other youth
ages 13 to 23 from the tri-county
area. We meet Thursdays from
7:15 pm to 9:00 pm at the GLCC,
1717 N Andrews Ave. We then go
to Denny’s at 1555 North Federal
Highway for dinner. For more
information contactMichael at
For men without partners. Monthly
Dinner - Make New Friendships
Phone: Wayne Morris 305.965.8682
A group for those newly
diagnosed HIV+ A 5 wk program
lead by Richard Mayora, LCSW,
designed to meet immediate
needs in dealing with your
diagnosis. No fixed fee for
membership. Sunshine Cathedral
Series 1: Monday evenings
7-8:30pm, Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27,
Nov. 3 Series2: Monday
evenings 7-8:30pm, Nov. 17, 24,
Dec. 1, 8, 15 Registration
necessary 954.764.5557, ext 1
An 8 wk bereavement group for
gay men, lesbians, their friends
& families, led by Rev. Dr. Keith
Riddle. No fixed fee for
membership. Sunshine Cathedral
Series 1: Monday evenings
7-9pm, Oct. 20 thru Dec 8
Series2: Monday evenings
7-9pm, Jan 12 thru Mar 2
Registration necessary
954.764.5557, ext 1
Can be a powerful, life long
journey! SunServe Counseling &
Psychotherapy Located at the
Sunshine Cathedral Has a group
of specially trained peer
counselors as well as mental
health pros, that can give the
encouragement, support &
guidance you seek thru
individual mentoring
954.764.5557, ext 1
a social group for ages 20 - 29.
Every Fri @ 7:30 pm. At the
PrideLines Bldg. 180 NE 19th St.
Miami, FL. with peer to peer
support every week at 6:30 pm.
Contact Kevin 305.528.5072
Meets Mon - Wed 10:15-11:15
A.M. Religious Science - NE
15th Ave @ 26th Street (Begins
9/3/03) No Dues or Fees
ACDC is a fun, activity-oriented
group for gay and gay friendly sailors
and boating enthusiasts. Visitors to
the area and new residents are
welcome. There are a variety of
sailing/boating events planned
throughout the year in Miami and Ft.
Lauderdale, as well as the Keys and
beyond. For more information visit
our web site at
or email us at
500 Gulfstream Blvd, Delray
Bch. FL
Sunday services 10:30 am
Contemporary Service 1:00 pm
3703 Galt Ocean Drive, Ft.
Lauderdale 954.568.1002 Sunday
Services and Children’s school at
10:30 am Weekly classes
Thursday 7:15 pm plus other
events.If you have an expanded
consciousness and open heart
Come share with others of like
Worship is at the Sheraton Hotel
in Fort Lauderdale (Cypress
Creek Rd.W. and I-95) every
Sunday morning at 10am. A
"church on fire" with a passion to
worship God and lead others into
the life-changing knowledge of
Jesus Christ. Real people, real
life problems, real solutions...
check us out! 954.418.8372.
2750 McFarlane Rd Coconut
Grove, 305.448.2601 Sunday
Mass: 8 AM (low) 10 AM (sung).
Laying-on-of-Hands, AIDS
Ministry. A welcoming and
inclusive spiritual hospice with no
outcast bringing the healing of
Christ to all. Rev. Willie Allen
Faiella, Rector
First United Methodist Church
4760 Pine Tree Drive, Miami
Beach, Fl, 33140. 305.531.7166
Pastor: Dr. L. Annette Jones.
“Where God comes to us in all
colors of the rainbow!”
We have consultants, clergy,
chapel, hall and the rest!
Sunshine Cathedral 954.462.2004
Sunday’s 9:00 am, 10:20 am
The Sunshine Cathedral 1480
S.W. 9th Ave.Ft. Lauderdale
Grant Lynn Ford, Pastor
3970 Northwest 21st Ave
Oakland Park FL, 33309
954.564.9232 A spiritual home for
Gay & Lesbian Jewsin South
Rev. Carlos Cruz, 305.535.2287
Sunday Services 11:00 am. 6:30
pm 21 St. Recreation Center
2100 Washington Ave Miami
Beach “ The Soul of the
2749 NE 10th Ave., Wilton
Manors, 954.567.1930. Mass
Sun 11AM, Mon 10AM, Sat
7:30PM. Call for locations.
Weddings and Holy Unions.
Father John Joseph Reid, Pastor
The definative Gay Guide to
Real Estate in Ft. Lauderdale and
South Florida. Search homes,
condos and rentals.
Cali loft style townhouse, 3/2.5, 1
car garage, all tile, new appl & A/C.
$264,000.00 Buy Owners website
#55325.Call 954.240.5936
4/2 plus 1/1 Cottage.
Over 2,500 sq ft of luxury.
All new, lg corner lot.
Owner says "BRING OFFERS"
Open House Sun 1/18/03 2-4 PM.
640 NW 27th St.
Call Diane or Bryan A 1 Florida
Realty 954.564.2773
3/1 split bdrms, new kit, new
appl. new carpet & tile, lg fenced
yd,Quiet street, owner motivated, make an offer.
$166,000. Tony, K W Real estate
2BR/2BA approx 1,500 sq ft.
easy convert to 3/2. Excellent
lot & location. Best value in area.
4 Sale by owner. 954.563.8990
2BR/2BA Middle River Waterfront. One of the few true
waterfront homes with ocean
access on Townhous Isle...Right
on the River. Completely
redone...From the Wiring to the
Plumbing...even the walls. This
is basically a brand new unit.
Hardword floors with beautifully
done baths. Granite Kitchen.
Private couryard, Deck &
carport...Asking $399,000
Terry Bush, Re/Max Partners
Huge 2 BR/1BA w/huge enclosed
FL rm/3rd BR. Beautiful design &
lines. XLNT neighborhood and
street. Screened in porch w/hot
motivated...must sell.
List price: $217,000 Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker 954.309.6155
New roof, A/C, paint, landscape,
huge yard! Huge fenced yard
ready for pool, RV, etc.! Great
floor-plan, immaculate condition. 3
Bedrooms. List Price: $264,000
Rick Gibson, Coldwell Banker
954 309 6155
Pool home, 3 BR/2 BA, incredible
location and subdivision.Like
new! List price: $274,900
Rick Gibson, Coldwell Banker
Great big pool home under
total renovation! 4BR/1.5BA with
pool and huge fenced yard
and gardens.
List price: $229,000
Rick Gibson, Coldwell Banker
Great property for first time
buyer or investor! 3 bedrooms,
new floors, xlnt condition, new
Rick Gibson, Coldwell Banker
954 309 6155
List Price: $124,900
3 bedroom, 2 bath home is split
with an efficiency for rental
income. Great neighborhood, xlnt
condition. Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker 954 309 6155
List Price: $174,000
Two Duplexes on a huge corner
lot in HOT South Middle River.
Seller would like to sell together
but is offering at 219,000 each.
Great courtyard between two
buildings. Each building/duplex
has two, 2 BR/1 BA units, plus
separate storage. Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker 954.309.615
Waterfront Townhouse on the
Middle River. Minutes to Wilton
Drive. Just built in September
2002. Only 15 units in complex.
Covered parking/pool BR/2.5BA.
"Owners Transferred" $299,900
Terry Bush, Re/Max Partners
Seminole Drive of Coral Ridge.
This waterfront home is on Lake
Seminole.No fixed bridges to
ocean, a great turning basin for
boaters amidst all multi-million
dollar homes. 3BR/2BA Great
pool area! $849,000 Terry Bush,
Re/Max Partners 954.661.4550
Over 2500 Sq ft. 4BR + sep. inlaw apt. All new, ceramic,
windows, highhats, crown, 2
fireplaces, carport and much
more!! Welcome to paradise.
Asking $389,000.00.
OFFERS" call to view. Diane or
Bryan A 1 Florida Realty
Duplex excellent for owner/
occupant in Middle River Terrace!
3 BR/2 BA with Living room,
family room in front, big single
car garage, plus 1 BR/1BA Apt.
Completely updated. List price:
$329,500 Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker 954.309.6155
1985 construction duplex!
2 BR/2 BA each upstairs and
downstairs. Shows beautifully!
List price: $349,000
Rick Gibson, Coldwell Banker
3BR/2.5BA Gated community, lake
front, beautiful home 2,500 sq ft, 2
car garage, new kitchen, 1,200 sq ft
patio w/pool, beautiful view. Must
See! 399K 561.736.6333
Heart of Ft. Laud Bch, lg 2/2,
ocean & city views, pet friendly,
NO realtors. $249K.
954.537.7504 & 954.732.9763
1BR/1BA, deep water, SE 15th St.,
pool, new carpet, paint & tile.
$745.00 mo 954.566.2813
CONDO 2BR/2BA vaulted
ceilings, W/D, dog up to 40 lbs,
$160 maintenance fee, tastefully
furnished. $130,000
James MacDonald, Coldwell Banker,
Gay friendly bldg directly on the
Intracoastal. 1BR/1.5BA Magnificent
pool, walk to beach, movies,
restaurants & Galleria Mall.
Motivated Seller. $219,500
This 2/2 is on the 3rd floor and
kitchen is brand new. Rooms have
been redone for that special
Terry Bush, Re/Max Partners
2 BR/2 BA convertible in prestigious
Allington Towers. Direct Ocean view
in this intracoastal front complex!
List price: $192,500
Rick Gibson, Coldwell Banker
15th Floor, Incredible views of ocean and
Intracoastal. Extreme contemporary
renovation. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bath, 2400
sq ft., 24/7 security, dockage available.
Must see! List Price: $669,000
Rick Gibson, Coldwell Banker
3 BR2 BA waterfront condo with
outrageous views in elegant building.
Corner unit has great light, dockage
available and shows beautifully! List
Price: $392,000 Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker 954.309.6155
2 BR/2 BA convertible in prestigious
Allington Towers. Direct Ocean view
in this intracoastal front complex!
List price: $192,500 Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker 954.309.6155
Corner 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit in
complex that states 55+ community.
Nice amenities, great floor plan!
Enclosed Patio, xlnt condition! List
Price: $58,000 Joyce Cates,
Coldwell Banker 954.914.6428
Rent a cozy cottage, bachelor studio
or classic home in the heart of the
city, blocks to Las Olas, starting at
$600 per mo. 954.764.4663
2/2, 1,400 sq. ft, pool, tennis, W/
D, fenced yd, pets welcome, near
TY Park. $1,250 mo avail 2/1/04.
Call 954.566.1610 ask for Shari or Ellie
Lg one bedroom, private cottage
w/ separate computer room.
All new, very cozy $750/mo
for info. Call 954.733.3394
2/1 townhouse, end unit. tile,
spacious F/L/S $875.00 mo
Jay 954.270.0304
Beautifully updated, new kitchen
cabinets & appl, micro, WIC,
F/L/S $725 mo. Jay 954.270.0304
3BR/2BA, Lg Family Rm, Central
A/C, W/D, D/W, Dock, SW Ft
Lauderdale. New paint, carpet &
windows. Very private.
1721 SW 23rd Ave, $1,595 mo.
1BR, 412 SE 9th St. Great condition
& location. Spacious with nice yd, lg
bay window in living rm. W/D on
premises. It feels nice! $695 mo.
Lg 1BR Duplex, 1733 NE 16th Ave.
New Mexican tile floors throughout,
Central A/C, fireplace and new
kitchen. Big yard. $850 mo.
3BR/1BA House. Great condition, new
paint, new berber carpet & big yard
$1250. 954.394.3750
Cottage 3BR/1.5BA remodeled
baths, ceil fans, off street pking.
lg yard. pool, $1,100 F/L/S Call
3/2 home plus office & laundry
room. Central air & fireplace.
Oversized lot. Pets OK.
$1,490/month including lawn service.
Owner/agent 954-563-5311
Spacious 3/2 on quiet cul-de-sac
(2298 sqft). Dance hall size family
room, large library with built-in
bookshelves could be 4th bdrm.
Formal living room, dining room,
eat in kitchen, carport, laundry/
storage room. $1700/month.
First Service Realty 954-563-5311
Lg 2/1, carport, newly painted, tile
& pergo. W/D. 4 car parking,
fenced back yd, most pets OK.
Drive by to see notice w/telephone
#. 1383 NE 39th St. between Dixie
& Fed Hwy $1450 mo
3BR/2BA across from Tropics,
Pets Allowed....may take 6 mo
lease, $1,200 mo 954.661.4550
3/2 pool home just minutes from
Downtown Wilton Manors Pets
allowed. $1,400.00 monthly 1st
and Security reqd 954.566.2599
2BR/3BA Townhome with pool,
screened balcony & patio $1,200 mo.
Avail Feb 1. Call 954.564.4498
Furnished 2/2, pool, home with
upscale furn, fax, computer,
DVD, VCR, etc. Close to
everything. Long term also
considered 954.563.6262 or
HUGE 3 BR/2.5 BA
Condo on the intracoastal with
stunning views, no expense
spared, dockage, 24/7 security.
List price: $514,900
Rick Gibson, Coldwell Banker
Incredible townhome..walk to
Georgies! 2 BR/1.5BA, pets
okay, LOTS of charm in this
complex! Must see! Call for a
showing today…. $750/mo.
Chris Garcia, Coldwell Banker
2 BR/2BA
Half of a two story contemporaray
duplex built in '85! Huge master
BR, walk-in closets, washer/dryer
in unit. Pets okay, Big living area!
$950/mo. Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker 954.309.6155
Walk to Georgies! 2 BR/1.5BA,
pets okay, LOTS of charm in this
complex! $800/mo. Rick Gibson
Coldwell Banker 954.309.6155
$3,750/mo Seasonal Rental New
Town-Home RE/MAX Partners,
Call Bruce Freeman 954.396.5166
$1,200/mo 2BR/1BA, Off Las
Olas RE/MAX Partners, Call Bruce
Freeman 954.396.5166
Celebrity owned guesthouse on
Intracoastal with dock and boatlift
outside your door. Furnished or
not. Private entrance and parking.
Attached to $2.5 million mansion
and landscaped grounds with use
of 60 ft. pool and prvt. courtyard.
Utilities and satellite TV included
$1800/ mo. with 6 month min.
plus 1 mo. deposit. References a
must. 917.543.8433
Cottage 3BR/1.5BA remodeled
baths, ceil fans, off street pking.
lg yard. pool, $1,100 F/L/S Call
3 BR/2BA, Family Rm, Central
A/C, Dock, SW Fort Lauderdale,
$1,600 mo.
Very Private $ Excellent
Condition 954.205.0436
2 Bed 1.5 Bath, 2 story, new
renovated condo in small quiet bldg.
$900 per mo + elec. F/L/S
Lg 2BR/1.5BA townhouse/condo.
Patio, gated, parking, racket ball,
tennis, gym, pool. Sm pet OK. New
paint, W/D hookup, A MUST SEE!
Close to shops, beach & nightlife.
$100 condo appl fee.
1 yr lease $875.00 mo + elec,
F/L/S 954.563.6079
One Bedroom- NE 40th St. Oakland
Park, 2nd Floor Condo For Rent Vail.
Sept. 1st 2003 $595/mo.2/1 - 270
Oakland Park 2nd Floor Condo For
Rent Avail NOW!!! $695/mo Both
Require one year lease complex has
pool, $50 Condo Fee Appl. Fee F/L/
S & Credit check required
1/1.5 townhome near Young Circle.
Gated, new paint & carpet, Cent A/
C, entertain downstairs, privacy
upstairs. Close to beach &
shopping. $700. mo F/S leave
msg at 954.817.5479
1/1 near NOVA & 595. Swimming
pool, sauna, rec rm, laundry. New
carpet/paint, clean. $700. mo F/S
leave msg at 954.817.5479.
Lg 2BR/1BA in small gay-owned
building. Quiet area, convenient
location, walk to Wilton Dr.
Recently removated. Central
AC, separate walk-in closet,
dishwasher & disposal in kit,
on-premise laundry, patio w/gas
barbecue. Spacious yd, most
pets OK. Off-street parking.
Owners live on premises to
maintain quality. $895 mo.
Call Steve 954.614.6450
Office: 954.568.1880•Fax: 954.568.5110•Email:
26 • January 12, 2004
2/1 half duplex. Central A/C. Tile, circular
drive, FL rm, fenced yd & huge, screened
back porch. No pets. $975. F/L/S Ref
& credit. Call Ceci 954.563.0304
548 NE 32 St. - 2400 total sq. 10 car parking
& fenced yard. Chris Evert @
Coldwell Banker 954.608.9516
Beautiful & New. Sm 1/1 garden
apt. w/sundeck, new appl, AC,
Mex tile. All Util inc. Cable w/HBO.
$690 mo 954.530.0005
1/1 on lake near 13 St & Fed, big
bright rms, inc DSL, local phone,
DirecTV, W/D, D/W, prkng. share
$850, exclusive $1,000 call for
details 954.525.6919
1BD/1BA, balcony over pool, furn,
free phone, cable TV, water,
1st $50.00 elect. $250 wk rent, $275
security deposit 954.522.4400
2/2, 750 sq ft, 2nd fl. of bldg. 300 sq ft
Sundeck overlooking ocean. W/D on
premises. Split bedroom plan. $1,600
mo, util not included. 954.680.2426
All redone 2BR1BA unit in charming
duplex. 2 parking spaces W/D!
Fenced grassy front yard! Small dog
OK. Easy drive to shops, nightlife,
beach...only $795/month...
Call David, owner/agent: 954.873.2035
1BR/1BA, W/D, patio.$695 mo.
plus util.Call 954.568.6860
Lg 2/2, tiled, central AC, pvt deck,
pet OK $925 mo, Lg 1/1, tiled, central AC, pet OK, $800 mo, incl util,
W/D at site 954.732.1462
1 & 2 bedroom apt in Pointsettia
Heights, $650 & $825. New tile,
water incl. Laundry rm, pool, F/S Pls call anytime
2BR/BA, freshly painted & fully
renovated, $950. mo. Evelyn Knowles
Coldwell Banker 954.806.7513
Sunny apartment near Neumarket
Square; Cuban cigars and direct
marijuana/hash are legal; 1 sleeps
4 direct canal location and view
fully furnished and equipped
central location and near Metro;
Big windows $1200 2 week
minimum maid service included,
917.375.5159 or
Pool home in exclusive neighborhood,
furnished, pvt, bed & bath. $500/mo.
Includes all except phone.
Non-smoker. 954.566.0497
Share beautiful condo, pool, parking
furnished private bed/bath suite,
premium cable, utilities, laundry, kitchen,
prof male, no drugs. 600/mo + security
Home 2 Share. $600. incl. util. Bike
to beach, walk to downtown & park.
Cool roomie.561.541.3700
FREE RENT - 12 mo lease gets 13
mo FREE, W/D, CLEAN! Close to
Wilton Manors; 1273 NE 38 St.
$625+sec. 954.821.1201.
Professional gay male wanted,
immediate occupancy. Owner
travels for job, brand new 3 story
villa, private bath, laundry, covered
garage, beach access.
1 year lease, $700.00 mo. email:
1 BR in beautiful spacious 2 br/2 ba
condo, lg balcony, bay view, pool, utilities
incl, no drugs $650 mo. 954.822.8484
Lease with option 3BR/2BA lg fenced
yd. W/D, C A/C. Near GLCC & night
life. Pets OK $1,050 mo, F/S to
move in. Call 954.630.1390
Gay male wanted to share 2br/2ba
condo in Oakland Park. Room has
private bath. $425 per month plus
1/2 electric. Non-smoker. Complex
has 3 pools, gym. Across the
street from waterfront park with
tennis courts, jogging trails. Call
P/T employment, 2 - 4 days a wk,
gardening & landscaping, not lawn wk.
$8.00 hr. Great outdoor job to keep
you in shape! Phil 954.563.6193
I'm looking for a reliable, stable, industrious, outgoing, self-starter to assist me
at my home office with well established
(1996) adult website marketing business,
as well as my every day personal business. You must be web savvy and love
the Internet, especially the adult aspect of
it. Marketing and/or Windows/Linux
experience a plus. You must have
references, stable employment history,
clean driving record and reliable transportation, and pass background check.
This position has great growth potential for
the right candidate, as I am looking for
someone who desires a long term career
and to assist in running the company.
Salary based on experience and begins at
$400-$500+/wk. Excellent Health Insurance and other benefits, casual, relaxed
atmosphere, just north of Sample Rd &
Federal Hwy. Please email your resume/
qualifications (required) to
or fax to 954-252-4003 or call this
number if you have additional questions.
The Broward Center for the Performing
Arts is looking for candidates for ticket
sales. The individuals must possess a
can-do attitude, be self-motivated and
resourceful, with one year call center exp
a plus. They must also be able to work a
flexible schedule in accordance with
business needs, including nights and
weekends. This is a great opportunity
for the right applicants. Email resume to
$9/hr starting salary.
Part-time, flexible hours, work
from home 561.637.8338
The Express seeks a news and feature
writer tocover the Palm Beach County
gay and lesbian community. Previous
newspaper ormagazine writing experience
required. Journalism degree a plus. E-mail
resume to
Mail resume and clips to The Express,
Attn.: Phil LaPadula, 1595 NE 26th St.,
Wilton Manors, FL 33305.
Sales person wanted. Commission and
draw. To sell exclusive new topical liquid
Viagra product. 954.524.5050 ext 102
Experienced Retail Manager
needed, computer literate.
Excellent customer service skills,
detail oriented with a strong work
ethic and ability to control &
motivate staff. Competitive
salary, annual bonus, retirement
plan. Call 954.524.5050 or fax
resume to 954.524.2288
A Leading Distributor In The Advertising
Promotional Industry Is Seeking
Salespeople. Commissions Up To 50%.
Work In A Fun & Exciting Environment.
Call Charlene 954.630.1700
Must have retail/men’s clothing
experience Call 954.537.6055
Take phone orders. Computer literate.
Customer service experience helpful.
Must have a good attitude & pleasant
personality. Also need dedicated and
experienced retail sales associates.
Competitive Salary, annual bonus,
retirement plan.Bi-lingual helpful.Call
954.524.5050 or fax resume to
Brand New 400 unit apartment
community in Lake Park has an
immediate opening for a Leasing
Consultant. Ideal candidate should
have property management
experience, a “roll-up-your-sleeves”
personality and a winning smile!
Competitive salary plus bonus
compensation. Excellent benefits
package and opportunity for growth.
Please email resume to or
fax to 561.841.5696 attn: Christina.
Desk Clerk Positions Available full time/
relief night auditor positions & am shift
busy airport/ cruise port/convention
center hotel is seeking person with
outgoing personality, previous hotel and
computer experience preferred but will
train the right person, friendly work
atmosphere, pre-employment drug test
is required. We pay top hourly wages in
Ft. Lauderdale hotel industry plus great
benefits package including paid over
time, holidays, vacations, excellent
health plan and 401K available. Please
call James Rashotsky, Front Office
Manger at 954.767.8700 or apply in
person at 1800 S. Federal Hwy
(3 blocks N. of Coliseum on East side
of Federal Hwy just South of SE 17th
St Causeway or fax resume to
FT - duties include reception, setting
appointments, filing, invoicing.
Computer proficiency required. Busy
office - diversified clientele - flexibility
and Experience an MUST!
Fax resume 954.630.8277 - Att:David
Full-Time. Experienced working with
frail elders. New McArtor Adult Day
Care Center. BA Degree Preferred.
EOE/$27, 500 & BENEFITS
Resumes to:
Area Agency on Aging
of Broward Co.,
5345 NW 35th Ave., Ft.
Lauderdale, FL 33309-6315
Full-Time; Adult Day Care Center in
Ft. Lauderdale. Experience with frail
elders preferred; current Florida
License required; assessment/
activities skills. EOE - $30,000 benefits. Resumes to: Area Agency
on Aging of Broward County, 5345
NW 35th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale,
FL 33309-6315.
Adult Day Care Center;
Ft. Lauderdale; Full or Part-Time;
$9.00 per hour; EOE; Applications to: CNA , Area Agency on
Aging; 5345 NW 35th Avenue,
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 6315
Advertising background, previous
catalog layout & design helpful.
Creative and can work without
supervision. Ability to adhere to
deadlines. Knowledge of Photoshop,
Quark, Illustrator, and Graphic
Animation, MP3, HTML, VML, MIVA
and Cold Fusion Web skills desired.
Competitive salary or work freelance.
Fax resume to 954.524.2288 Attn:
Human Resources or call
524.5050 ext 102
ASE cert required, great
opportunity to be a part of your
community, helpers needed.
Busy executive seeks 18-35
attractive & in-shape (a must).
Duties include running errands,
caring for waterfront home and
workout partner. Good part time job
for student. Call Jim 954.630.3025
Motivated/energetic/skilled 43 yo
male w/home/office exp.
considering all offers can tell
friends/family about; discreet
about all others including live-in
help. Email details:
For ads & clothing catalogs (nonnudes) or catalog video work
(nude). No experience
necessary, but must have an
excellent body. All types
needed. Call National Marketing
Looking for people who like
helping other people. Do you
keep your options open? If yes,
call Mark 954.815.7852
Experienced stylist, Aesthetician,
Massage Therapists, Nail Techs
wanted. Bonus w/ signing. Fax
résumé to 954.568.1918 or
Residential & Commercial, 7 days a
week, Dade & Broward Free Estimates
305.620.3954, beeper 305.472.0102
25 years experience, local references
avail. Call Terrence 954.763.5356
Serving our community for over 15
years. We are Painters, not
Handymen. We show up and do it
right the first time. 954.720.9605
Everything Matters marketing solutions
focuses only on helping our clients
become more profitable. Our Domestic
Partner documentation packages provide
protection for GLBT relationships,
finances, health and children.
Call Jason Rodgers at 954.763.6850
Dogs need to be excercised to be
healthy and happy. Excellent
References with 7 year history of
dog happiness. Seeking customers
in the area of Victoria Park and Las
Olas. Stephane 954.832.0556
Top dollar for used gay magazines,
DVD’s, CD’s & videos and club wear.
Call to set up an appt. Mon-Sun
954.524.5050 Will pay top dollar for
mannequins. Call 954.524.5050 ext 110
Visco queen set. In plastic w/wrnty
Sacrifice - $695 954.775.5052
***PAY 3 NIGHTS***
Beautiful Studio & One BR Apts,
full kitchens, pool, laundry. Near
Gay Dania Beach. Affordable
Daily/Weekly & Extended stay.
954.927.0090 or visit
South Beach’s Premiere Gay
Guesthouse. One block to beach,
walk to bars, restaurants, shopping.
Complimentary breakfast & weekend
happy hour. Florida Resident
Specials.1428 Collins Avenue (800)
382-2422 or (305) 864-2422
Local Hunk will sooth away your
stress and tension. 6', 205lbs-49"c,
32"w, 18"a. Blonde buzz cut, blue
eyes, smooth. Boy Billy avail too
enjoy the company, of a an
experienced and hot latin guy.
Brunette & tanned. 5’9" $100 2
hours Murelo. 786.357.3880
Let us do all the work so you can
have all the fun! We are an exclusive
matchmaking service for affluent gay
men seeking a life partner. Visit our website
to learn more:
Looking for a successful guy?
Miami 305.503.4191 Ft. Lauderdale
954.880.9700 Call Toll FREE
1.888.399.MALE FREE TRIAL Use
Code 6542 Must be 18+
Office: 954.568.1880•Fax: 954.568.5110•Email: • January 12, 2004 27
The Elysium Resort
552 N. Birch Rd.
Fort Lauderdale......................954.564.9601
Inn Leather
610 SE 19th St.
Fort Lauderdale......................954.467.1444
Island House South Beach
1428 Collins Avenue
South Island House South Beach
1428 Collins Avenue
South Beach...…800.382.2422...305.864.2422
Liberty Apartment & Garden Suites
1501 SW 2nd Ave
Dania Beach...........................954.927.0090
Orton Terrace
606 Orton Ave
Fort Lauderdale..................... 954.566.5068
Personal Automotive Service
5095 NE 12th Ave
Fort Lauderdale…….........……954.772.7780
Daily Details
Putting life in it’s place
Broward Co ............................954.536.0955
Maid Brigade
Solutions for a cleaner home.
Broward/Boca ...................... 954.345.5565
Smith Barney - David Starkey, Sr. VP.
350 E LasOlas Blvd, Suite 1200
Fort Lauderdale......................954.762.3012
William Cohen, CPA
Accounting & Tax Services
Delray Beach.....…….........….561.330.7067
Thomas Marshall Madison, Jr. CPA, P.A.
2701 E. Oakland Park Blvd. Ste. C
Fort Lauderdale......................954.561.8959
Nelson Sabbagh, CPA
Accounting & tax services
Miami ....................................305.632.0865
ACA Air Conditioning
4700 West Prospect Road, Ste. 109
Fort Lauderdale ….....…..….954.492.5510
Expert Air Advice, INC.
Cooling is what we do best!
Fort Lauderdale......................954.764.1990
Rosen’s Prestige Automotive
600 W Broward Blvd. (1-mile E of I-95)
Fort Lauderdale.……............…954.467.2234
ATCO Autos
Fort Lauderdale……...............954.462.7514
Jay Estis - Braman BMW
2901 Okeechobee Blvd.
West Palm Beach....................561.436.1261
Joe Faust - King Auto Mall
700 E Sunrise Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale........................954.240.6373
Bar & Stool Emporium
2201 N. Dixie Hwy.
2301 NE 26th St.
Fort Lauderdale........................954.568.5944
Airboat Tours
Fort Lauderdale.……...............954.389.0202
Florida Gay Cruise
Fort Lauderdale .......................954.524.1234
LAMBDA Passages Bookstore
Brandy Bail Bonds
Fort Lauderdale………….........954.463.4333
Fernando J. Gutiérrez, EdD, Esq.
Member CA Bar, Am. Imm. Lwyers. Assn.
80 SW 8th St. #2000 Miami....305.423.7063
Shari L. Moidel, Esq.
Member of NY Bar, Am. Imm. Lawyers. Assn.
3471 N Federal Highway Suite #300
Fort Lauderdale ………......… 954 566.1610
David I.Witz, Esq.- Amer. Imm. Law Assc.
West Palm Beach...................561.655.8090
House Carpet Cleaning
Tim House, Owner
Fort Lauderdale........................954.360.0069
Lauderdale Memorial Ceneteries
Fort Lauderdale.…............…..954.745.2140
Cabieses Chiropractic Centers
1776 N Pine Island Rd Plantation.
456 W 51st Place Hialea.......954.559.1999
Dr. Michael Cohen, D.C
2631 E. Oakland Pk. Blvd., Ste. 104
Fort Lauderdale.......................954.537.5558
Gimbel Chiropractic Center
Dr. Bruce Gimblel/Dr. Denise Gimbel
1907 North Andrews Ave.
Wilton Manors.........................954.567.1924
Monaissa Chiropractic & Wellness Center
11200 Pines Blvd. Ste 101
Pembroke Pines.....................954.880.0101
Peele Chiropractic
Dr. Kathy Ragone/Dr.Beth Cooper
3296 NW 9th Ave.
Oakland Park..........................954.566.7222
Second Presbyterian Church Worship Sun 10:30
1400 N. Federal Hwy.
Ft. Lauderdale..........................954.564.7600
Church of the Holy Spiritsong
Deerfield Beach 33442 .......... 954.418.8372
Congregation ETZ Chaim
3970 NW 21st Ave.
Fort Lauderdale ..................... 954.564.9232
Holy Angels National Catholic Church
2330 Wilton Drive
Sun. 11 am, Wkdys incl. Sat. 5:30 pm
Wilton Manors.................................954.565.4642
or ......................................................954.731.8173
Divine Mercy American Catholic Church
2749 Northeast 10th Ave.
Wilton Manors......................... 954.561.4545
Sunshine Cathedral, MCC
1480 SW 9th Ave.
Fort Lauderdale ...................... 954.462.2004
Scuderi Automotive
801 W. Broward Blvd
Fort Lauderdale.......................954.522.4697
For Brakes and More
160 E. Prospect Road
Fort Lauderdale.................…. 954.563.7254
Ford of Pompano
Collision Center......................954.818.9720
Parts Dept...............................954.781.9800
Service Dep............................954.868.5833
28 • January 12, 2004
Affordable in Home Training /
Trouble Shooting
Broward/ Dade / West Palm...954.925.1801
Compudoc Makes Housecalls
Fort Lauderdale.954.584.6053 or 881.7013
K-Laser Information Technologies, Inc
1256 5th St.West
Palm Beach............................800.785.9399
Financial Asset Management Corp.
Sean R. Cherry, Certified Financial Planner(R)
Fee-only financial planning
West Palm Beach ............... 800.435.2463
Law Offices of Robin L. Bodiford, PA
2550 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 20
Fort Lauderdale......................954.630.2707
David L. Jacovitz, Esq.
South Trust Building - 1 East Broward Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale......................954.630.8847
Jerome & Fischer, PA
4331 N. Federal Hwy. Ste 403
Fort Lauderdale......................954.489.1011
Bruce J. Kirsch Esquire
3800 S. Ocean Drive, Ste. 218
Elizabeth F. Schwartz, P.A.
407 Lincoln Rd. Ste 4D
Miami Beach………………….305.674.9222
Jeffery Seth Selzer, PA
2550 NE 15 Ave.
Wilton Manors………………..954.567.4444
Randy Strauss
Wilton Manors.………...…….954.566.5297
Dean Trantalis
2255 Wilton Drive
Fort Lauderdale……………..954.566.2226
qualifications and experience.
Stork’s Bakery
Bakery & Coffee House
2505 NE 15th Ave................ 954.567.3220
Joe Gallo Construction, Inc.
840 NW 7th Ave.
Fort Lauderdale ……........… 954.766.9850
Palmetto States Properties, Inc.
Studios – 2-Bedrooms; $600-1500
Fort Lauderdale......................954.525.0210
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be
based solely upon advertisement, before you decide, ask the
attorney to send you free written information about his or her
Boat Blossums Wholesale Florist
3001 Griffin Rd.
Fort Lauderdale......................954.961.9141
Art and Culture Center of Hollywood
1650 Harrison Street
Hollywood............................... 954.921.3274
Studio Gallery 425
David Mulvenna proprietor
Old Cutler Dental Associates, P.A.
Cosmetic and General Dentistry
20335 Old Cutler Road Suite 200
21ST Century Dental
Don Nadel, D.D.S, M.P.H
3038 N Federal Highway Build H
Fort Lauderdale......................954.568.9788
Andrews Dental
2654 N. Andrews Ave.
Wilton Manors……............…954.567.3311
Bal Harbour Dental Center
2026 NE 19th St.
Fort Lauderdale.…............….954.566.5428
Oakland Park Dental
Howard R. Cunningham, D.D.S.
2020 E Oakland Park Blvd
Fort Lauderdale.……........…..954.566.9812
Peter Babinski, M.D., PH.D.
Fort Lauderdale.....................954.463.5406
Printing Xcetera
145 SE 11th Street
Deerfield Beach…….……..….954.420.0084
Hair Industry
2000 Harrison St.
Hollywood, Fl……….................954.920.8220
Heclynn’s Barber, Beauty & Nail Studio
3801 N Andrews Ave
Oakland Park......................….954.566.9776
Styling & Profiling Hair Emporium
Hollywood.…...954.923.1818 • 954.791.8159
The LaserWorks
2480 E. Commercial Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale........................954.202.5870
William Borawski
hlth nutr
Fort Lauderdale........................954.649.2067
Auto, Home, Business
Shawn Young, Kyle
Allstate Insurance/Karl Grace
2171 Wilton Drive
Wilton Manors……….....……..954.537.5321
Correct Coverage Insurance
Jim Rakvica
Fort Lauderdale……...............954.565.1731
Affordable Interiors
Window Treatment Specialist
12 Years
Ft. Lauderdale.........................954.629.5829
A Dog’s Best Friend
A1 Electric Service
Scott Conley, Master Electrician
Fort Lauderdale.....................954.764.8090
The Electrician
1536 NW 5th Ave Ft Lauderdale
Broward, Palm Beach, Dade..954.522.3357
A-Hinze Fence Contractors
Marty Hinze, Owner 721 NE 12th ST
Fort Lauderdale......................954.763.7658
A.G. Edwards Matt Gill, Investment Advisor
Ft. Lauderdale, FL..................954.761.1060
Edward Jones Investments
Darcy J. Beeman
Fort Lauderdale......................954.566.4252
Morgan Stanley
Stephanie Small - Financial Advisor
Fort Lauderdale......................954.267.5672
Blue Zebra Landscapes
1017 SW 15th Ter
Fort Lauderdale........................954.764.1149
Exotic Landscaping Design
PO Box 4580
Fort Lauderdale........................954.567.4133
R.H. Ireland & Sons
3080 S. Oakland Forest Dr.
Fort Lauderdale ……............. 954.240.9701
Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.
Cynthia Lyle…….............…... 954.916.2031
Curtis McCoy ..................…… 954.723.7745
Luminosity Studio & Gallery
Tony Beall 981 NE 45th Street
Oakland Park.......................954.202.NEON
Sterling Services
Broward & Dade Counties........888.239.9200
Ita Schenkel, CLTC, CSA
Long-Term Care Insurance Specialist
N. Miami Beach........................305.653.5116
Everything Matters, LLC
Marketing Solutions
Fort Lauderdale........................954.763.6850
Professional Speedy Painting Gus Flores
Painting & general repair work around the house.
Fort Lauderdale........................954.540.9316
HELEN, Advisor on love, career, marriage.
Helps reunite the separated.
Call for appt.............................954.771.0207
Keyes/Todd Paulk
1520 E. Sunrise Blvd
Fort Lauderdale.....................954.523.0796
Keyes Company/ Al Kuntz
10101 S. Dixie Highway
Kim Garvy, Broker/Remax Consultants
1625 SE 17th Street Causeway
Fort Lauderdale……...….…...954.767.1166
Rick Gibson / Coldwell Banker
2495 E. Commercial Blvd
Fort Lauderdale.....................954.309.6155
Russotto Realty Inc.
Craig White
2242 Wilton Drive .................954.296.4236
Re/Max Partners/Dan O’Flaherty
2810 E OaklandBlvd
Fort Lauderdale..…….....…...954.396.5965
Terry Bush/Re/Max Partners
Fort Lauderdale…….........….954.661.4550
Tom Clephane, LMT
Lic.# MA0019978.....................954.579.5044
Terry DiVincenzo, LMT
Swedish & Therapeutic Massage
Lic.# MA 022936 …............…..954.491.8180
Michael Quintal, LMT
Shiatsu, Thai, Swedish Massage
Lic# MA 38874.........................954.818.2223
Brian L. Wright MS, LMT, CR
Shiatsu, Reflexology,
Swedish Massage
Lic.# MA33341.........................561.582.1177
Alliance Mortgage Funding, Inc.
Brian “Tyler” Leonard
2200 NE 26th St Fort Laud.......954.568.0108
Countrywide Home Loans
Rod Pans - Home Loan Consultant
Serving East Ft.
Mortgage Bankers
Carole Fawcett
Fort Lauderdale........................954.972.3990
Pride Mortgage Incorporated
2455 E. Sunrise Blvd., Suite 804
Fort Lauderdale........................954.565.9665
Scott Brill/GMAC Mortgage
500 W Cypress Creek Rd Suite 190
Fort Lauderdale....................... 954.771.4420
Transcontinental Lending Group
Mario Petri
Fort Lauderdale........................954.240.8090
Harper Bros. Termite & Pest Control
2122 SW 60th Terr.
Miramar ………....................…
Hugh Turner Pest Control, INC.
840 NW 33rd Street
Oakland Park...........................954.564.0037
Club Bow Wow
Doggy Daycare, TLC and styling for small to
medium dogs.
Boca Raton......................561.391.6439
The Red Canary
849 NW 41 St. - Exotic Birds, Cages &
Accessories since 1960
Oakland Park………………….954.566.9988
Rover the Rainbow
929 North Federal Hwy., (Sears Town)
Fort Lauderdale........................954.525.6988
Yuppy Puppy & Co. Show & Pet Grooming
Catering to those who want the Very Best!
Coral Springs...........................954.753.7647
Commcare Pharmacy
2817 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Ste# 303
Fort Lauderdale........................954.568.6212
ProScript Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Fort Lauderdale........................954.797.5041
StatScript Pharmacy
2605 N. Dixie Hwy.
Wilton Manors .......................954.568.3789
Always Moving (licensed/insured)
Know what your paying before you move.
NationStorage, Inc.
812 NW 1st Street
Fort Lauderdale…….........……954.525.4767
Art and Culture Center of Hollywood
1650 Harrison Street
Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale
1 E Las Olas Blvd
Fort Lauderdale….............…...954.525.5500
Andy Armano
Fort Lauderdale........................954.854.5679
Dennis Dean
Fort Lauderdale…...….......….. 954.463.8299
Michael Murphy
Toll Free...................................877.564.8555
Noel de Christian
Fort Lauderdale........................954.485.6659
Miami...............…..............….. 305.553.2099
Shires Photography
Fort Lauderdale........................954.523.4527
David Greco-Brooks, PH.D.
Individual and Couples Psychotherapy
Fort Lauderdale.......................954.776.0406
Orlando J. Gonzalez L.M.H.C., P.A.
407 Lincoln Road Suite 2F
Miami Beach..........................305.531.1400
Anita MacGregor, M.S.,
Michael G. Mele, LCSW, P.A.
Fort Lauderdale.…..................954.564.8997
Patrick Mulhall, L.C.S.W., C.ST, C.HT, PA
3475 Sheridan Street Suite 312
Lisa C. Niebling Ph.D., LMHC, CST
11388 Okeechobee Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach...................561.798.2310
Dr. Carmine Pecoraro, Psy.D. & Assocs.
Counseling, Evaluations & Psychological Testing
Fort Lauderdale.......................954.463.2723
Diana Promuto, LCSW, ACSW
218 Commercial Blvd., Ste. 208M
Lauderdale by the Sea............954.771.5040
Psychological Alliance, Pl
Carole A. Wartenberg, Ph D
Laura Hohnecker Ph D
8358 W Oakland Park Blvd #304
Mark Rutherford, LCSW
West Palm Beach...................561.835.6821
Eric Schoenfeld, PHD Psychologist
224 Datura St. Suite 402 Downtown West
M. Ross Seligson, Ph. D., PA (PY2686)
Lic. Psychologist. Indiv. & Couples Psychotherapy.
915 Middle River Drive Suite 401
Fort Lauderdale 33304............954.563.2800
Susan A. Smith, L.C.S.W.
6250 N. Andrews Ave Suite 108
Fort Lauderdale ……….......... 954.730.4902
South Fla. Center For Counseling & Therapy
Fred Schneider, LMHC & David Fawcett, LCSW
1975 E. Sunrise Blvd Ft. Laud...... 954.764.6466
Robin Traiger, LCSW
2624 NW 6th Avenue
Wilton Manors........................954.565.8650
The Women’s Institute
for Incorporation Therapy
Hollywood Pavillion 1201 N 37th Ave
Hollywood ..........................… 954.962.1355
Cora Wujceak, LCSW
1909 N. Andrews Ave.
Wilton Manors………..............954.567.1008
Phillip Collins, Rekki Master Therapist
Healing/Energetic, Hands-On-Healing Session 1 hr
Ft.Lauderdale Bch............................954.630.0788
or..................................................... 917.863.9184
Treemont on the Park
3881 NE 3rd Ave., Oakland Park
Fort Lauderdale ….............…954.563.0276
1747 N. Federal Highway
Fort Lauderdale.....................954.566.8500
Cassini Tailor Shop
934 NE 20th Ave
Fort Lauderdale.....................954.764.5245
All County Title Company
4875 N Federal Hwy 10th Floor
Fort Lauderdale.….............…954.629.5525
Rio Bravo Translations, John Chellino
Miami…..................….......… 305.576.0031
1700S Powerline Rd. Suite H-I
Deerfield Beach...................… 954.881.7013
Downtown Opticians
800 Broward Blvd
Fort Lauderdale……............… 954.764.6962
Dr. Jeffrey C. Hilton, O.D.
South Beach.............................305.534.0539
Broward Boy’s Painters/ Jerry
Fort Lauderdale....................... 954.720.9605
Do. It. Rite Wallcover + Painting
Fort Lauderdale……….............954.786.0287
Professional Interior Painting Bill Mears
Wilton Manors..........................954.309.4089
Budget Framer
263 E. Commercial Blvd.
Lauderdale by the Sea……......954.267.9202
Smith’s Picture Framing and Art Gallery
719 E. Broward Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale........................954.462.4391
Akro Plumbing
Skimmer’s Pools Service and Repair
P.O. Box 70021 Oakland Park, FL 33307
Broward County........................954.938.0208
Intracoastal Detective Agency
1511 E Commercial Blvd
Fort Lauderdale…...................954.564.5455
Bob Benson/Infante & Associates
Fort Lauderdale.......................954.261.9956
Blair Colby
Galleria Collection of Fine Homes
Coldwell Banker/Andy Weiser
2495 E. Commercial Blvd
Fort Lauderdale……...............954.679.9972
Coldwell Banker
Paul Nolan
Fort Lauderdale.......................954.258.4654
Coldwell Banker/Tim Singer
Realtor & Associates
Fort Lauderdale.......................954.463.1373
John Castelli & Jason Johnson
Re/Max Partners 1507 E Las Olas Blvd
Fort Lauderdale ......................954.377.5051
Darrin Spardello Community Real Estate
Palm Beach/WPB/ Lake Worth..561.262.4780
Eastside Properties/ Tony Naples
Fort Lauderdale.....................954.562.6355
Howard Elfman/Distinctive Homes Realty
1512 E Broward Blvd., Suite 201
Fort Lauderdale………..…....954.764.4552
Island Mountain Travel
2852 E. Oakland Pk. Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale.....................800.622.4262
Capital Plaza Animal Hospital
2372 N. Federal Hwy.
Fort Lauderdale.....................954.537.3505
Dr. Vincent Guerrero, DVM
“House Call Veterinarian”
Fort Lauderdale……..............954.581.5334
TForce Communications, Inc.
Design & Hosting, Training and Support
South Florida.........................954.564.0782
Rev. Geri Posner, Interfaith Minister
• January 12, 2004
30 • January 12, 2004
Photo by Steven Shires
Photo by Steven Shires
Alan Mulqueen and Julian Tome at the
GLCCSF open house
John Cunningham and Thom Leffler
Photo by Pompano Bill
Rick Sherman and Phil Commins at
ArtsUnited exhibit at Stonewall Library
Photo by Steven Shires
Photo by Steven Shires
Anthony Borka and Joe Millman at the GLCCSF
Photo by Pompano Bill
Event coordinator Jonathan Santarsiero and
GLCCSF Director Bill Peters
Len Paoletti at ArtsUnited exhibit
Photo by Pompano Bill
Photo by Steven Shires
Photo by Steven Shires
Joel Glass, Jim Smith, Doug White and Julio Ajon
Photo by Pompano Bill
Chris Dietz, Robert Nolan, Dr. George Kling,
David Litty and Scott Tuff
Joseph Lavinio and Paul Harris
Robert Hyde and Wayne Whiston, facilitator
of Man to Man Talk, held at the GLCCSF
Mondays at 7 p.m.
Photo by Pompano Bill
Candice Russell at ArtsUnited exhibit
Photo by Steven Shires
Photo by Pompano Bill
S.A.G.E. members at the GLCCSF open house. Front row: Debbie, John G., Mary, John
F., Betty. Back row: Bob, Raquel, Doris, Sandy, Jean and Rick
Chris Yoculan with featured artist George Hester
at ArtsUnited exhibit at Stonewall Library
Photo by Pompano Bill
Chase Springer at ArtsUnited exhibit
Photo by Pompano Bill
George Hester, Nate Klarfeld and Howard Dimond
Photo by Carole Fawcett
Wilton Manors Mayor Jim Stork gives Gwen Graham Logan, key advisor to Gov.
Howard Dean, a $1,000 check from “At Your Door In 2004”
Photo by Pompano Bill
Ken Eyer and Chuck Williams
Photo by Pompano Bill
Evan Kaiser at ArtsUnited exhibit • January 12, 2004 31
December 12, 2004
Volumne 5, Number 5
Call 954-568-1880
for advertising Information
or Online at
We’ve Got Sonny & Cher, Babe
‘Express’ Online Poll Offers Chance to Win DVD
The Express is giving away four copies
of The Sonny & Cher Ultimate Collection, a
fun-filled array of more than nine hours of
pure 1970s entertainment. Just log onto The
Express’s Web site and take our quick
readers’ poll. The lucky winners will receive
The Sonny & Cher Ultimate Collection,
which has a suggested retail price of $79.99.
The DVD collection features dozens
of musical performances, including such
signature Sonny & Cher hits as “All I Ever
Need Is You,” “The Beat Goes On” and, of
course, “I Got You Babe.” It also includes
Cher’s solo number one hits—”Gypsies,
Tramps & Thieves,” “Half Breed” and “Dark
Lady.” The collection is a who’s-who of guest
stars, including Burt Reynolds, Farrah
Fawcett, Michael Jackson and the
Jackson 5, and Tina Turner. Among the
DVD’s highlights are the outrageous
sketches that made the Sonny & Cher
comedy shows so popular, including
“Vamp,” “At the Launderette” and
“Sonny’s Pizza.”
The DVD also contains such
extras as a brand-new audio
commentary by Cher,
interviews with original
Sonny & Cher
producers Allan Blye
and Chris Bearde,
the very rare 1969
pilot, Sonny & Cher
karaoke, original
network promos and a
To fill out the poll,
which takes just a few
onto • January 12, 2004
Log onto for
your chance to win The Sonny &
Cher Ultimate Collection.