corporate sponsorship opportunities
corporate sponsorship opportunities
C O R P O R AT E S P O N S O R S H I P OPPORTUNITIES C h a t t a h ooc h e e R i v e rk e e p e r — 2 0 1 4 K eep in g Watch O v e r O u r Wa te rs H E A D WAT E R S O F F I C E AT L A N TA O F F I C E 615F Oak St. Suite 1000 Gainesville, GA 30501 916 Joseph E. Lowery Blvd. NW Suite 3 Atlanta, GA 30318-5280 (770) 531-1064 (404) 352-9828 w w w.cha tta hoochee. org M I D D L E C H AT TA H O O C H E E REGION OFFICE 35 South LaFayette Square LaGrange, GA 30240 (706) 882-3701 Our Vision All of the waterways within the Chattahoochee River Basin will be healthy for the safe use and enjoyment of people and wildlife. Our Mission CRK’s mission is to advocate and secure the protection and stewardship of the Chattahoochee River, its tributaries and watershed, in order to restore and preserve their ecological health for the people and wildlife that depend on the river system. Our River The Chattahoochee provides water for drinking, business and recreation for nearly 4 million Georgians, and is the main source of water for metro Atlanta. The portion of the Chattahoochee’s watershed, or drainage area, which lies above Atlanta and Lake Lanier is the smallest watershed serving any major metropolitan area in the country, and the river system is strained from overuse, pollution and waste. From the north Georgia mountains to the Florida border, the Chattahoochee River Basin is impacted by . . . • Poorly planned development • Polluted stormwater runoff from industries, roads, and construction sites • Discharges from sewage treatment plants and other facilities Withdrawals from the river, its tributaries and lakes by cities and industries also affect its health through loss of water that is not returned to the river system, which can have a negative effect on water quality, recreation and ecological health. Our Work CRK actively uses advocacy, education, monitoring, outreach, research, communication, cooperation, and, when needed, legal action to protect and preserve the Chattahoochee and its watershed. This year we celebrate two decades of being the leading nonprofit voice for the protection and preservation of this vital resource. For the past 20 years, CRK has been . . . • On the water, conducting investigations and taking water samples. • At work in the community, pulling tons of trash and debris from creeks and streams. • Educating students on board our floating classroom, holding rain barrel workshops, and teaching citizens about water conservation. • Responding to citizen hotline calls and using the law to protect the river system that is critical to our communities and families. With the support of our more than 7,000 members, volunteers, and donors, CRK is hard at work to ensure that we have enough clean water now and in the future for all who depend on this irreplaceable resource, the Chattahoochee River. H O W C H AT TA H O O C H E E RIVERKEEPER CAN HELP GROW YOUR BUSINESS Nothing draws customers like a good cause. That’s what cause-marketing can do for your business. Our 20-year history shows that companies can enjoy increased sales when linking their products or services to Chattahoochee Riverkeeper (CRK) — the only environmental non-profit organization dedicated solely to protecting metro Atlanta’s life source … the Chattahoochee River. As part of a multi-tiered promotional partnership, we believe that your company can see strong sales while simultaneously raising awareness for conservation, and reaching customers in a way that traditional advertising cannot. Cause marketing creates brand loyalty and can show a return on your marketing investment as follows: • Increased Sales. Several studies have shown that consumers are drawn to companies that are associated with a social cause or issue, translating into increased product sales. • Strengthen Your Brand. In an environment where more and more businesses are “going green,” your company will receive a positive association aligning with the only organization dedicated solely to preserving and protecting the Chattahoochee River. This will enhance and reinforce your brand and positioning activities as a responsible corporate citizen while building more brand credibility. • Market Differentiation. In a crowded marketplace, connections with CRK can help your company distinguish itself from competitors by offering consumers the opportunity to contribute to something meaningful that’s more than just the bottom line. • Outreach to General or Niche Markets. CRK members, volunteers, community business partners, and donors span all ages and incomes. We can help your company reach a broader demographic or connect to a specific target demographic or geographic market. • Motivate and Create Loyalty with Employees. A Cone Roper survey reports that 87% of employees at companies with a cause program indicate a stronger sense of loyalty to their employer. Let your employees join in your marketing program! • Create Community Ties. A marketing partnership can foster a genuine, unique relationship between your company and the more than 3.5 million people we serve throughout metro Atlanta and the Chattahoochee watershed. • PR & Media Coverage. A program with CRK can generate favorable media coverage for your company. Chattahoochee Riverkeeper will work to promote significant joint efforts to both internal and external audiences. • Create an Emotional Connection. Through an affiliation with CRK, your consumers and employees will know that you care about the river system that sustains our quality of life and our future prosperity. From year-round events and annual dinner sponsorships, to more intimate outreach events such as cleanups or a lunch-and-learn at your place of business, CRK’s experienced development and outreach team is ready to discuss the levels of support available to you! H O W Y O U C A N G E T I N V O LV E D Events Special events are an integral part of Chattahoochee Riverkeeper’s public awareness and fundraising efforts. Through these events, we educate and inspire our members and other supporters, while raising the necessary funds to continue our mission of protecting the Chattahoochee River, our drinking water. There is an event for everyone: our multi-site Sweep the Hooch cleanup in April, the River Revival party in May, Back to the Chattahoochee River Race and Festival in June, a Film Festival in August, our Patron Dinner in October, and our Member Celebration in November. Our sponsorship benefits are designed to increase brand recognition and highlight your business not only during the event, but also in the months prior. Employee Involvement • Volunteer Day – A Cone Roper survey reports that 87% of employees at companies with a cause program feel a stronger sense of loyalty to their employer. Show your employees that it’s more than just the bottom line, by giving back to your community and joining CRK for a stream cleanup or other volunteer projects. You can also contact CRK and schedule a service project just for your employees. For a $1,000 donation, we will organize a trash cleanup for your employees to help restore our waterways. • Lunch and Learn – Can’t afford to leave the office for a day of service on the river? Bring our important message to your employees by hosting a Lunch and Learn in your office! Our Tapped Out: The Drying up of Atlanta presentation is sure to leave your employees engaged and caring more about the issues important to the well-being of our region. We also can provide a general program on the river. • Water Conservation – Host a Rain Barrel Workshop. Our staff will show your employees how to assemble a rain barrel, discussing the importance of water conservation for the future of our watershed. The cost is $40 per person and each person goes home with a rain barrel. 25 registrant maximum capacity and 12 registrant minimum per workshop. Program Support • Floating Classroom – Each year our Lake Lanier Aquatic Learning Center brings more than 4,500 students and teachers from across metro Atlanta and north Georgia to participate in an incredible on-the-water learning experience on board our 40-foot catamaran, The Chota Princess II. Four years ago we started a scholarship program, and, to date, have brought nearly 4,000 inner-city and disadvantaged youth on board the floating classroom free of charge. Opportunities for sponsorship include: our scholarship program, general support, printing costs for materials, and more! •Neighborhood Water Watch Program Neighborhood Water Watch (NWW), is a collaboration between CRK and neighborhood groups in our watershed with the goal of improving water quality in urban tributaries. Some of the streams flowing into the Chattahoochee River are polluted with high levels of bacteria due to cracked and overflowing sewers, failing septic systems, and industrial activities. Consuming or coming into contact with water contaminated in this way poses a serious health risk. CRK has stepped up to meet this task, empowering citizens to help protect water quality in their own neighborhoods and local communities. Due to ongoing budget cuts, local and state agencies are not able to use their resources to test the water and track pollution sources. The NWW Program connects CRK with local community members and government agencies to conduct routine water quality monitoring to identify and stop pollution and human health threats that would otherwise go undetected. Opportunities for sponsorship include: testing supplies, start-up fees for low-income neighborhoods who want to participate in NWW, general support, and more! • We have a variety of other programs that have opportunities for sponsorship and our development staff would be happy to discuss different ways your brand could be promoted through support. We also offer year-round sponsorship opportunities for those who wish to sample more than one of our events, hold an employee service project, and/or support one of our programs. Please contact our office to discuss these options in further detail: 404-352-9828. C H AT TA H O O C H E E R I V E R K E E P E R 2014 EVENT SCHEDULE SWEEP the hooch 1 day. 1 river. 18 locations. many hands. A lot of trash. 4 TH AN NUA L S W E E P T HE HOOC H C L E A NUP Sa tu rd a y, A p r il 1 2 , 2 0 1 4 Ch a tta h o o c h e e R iv e r Na t io n a l R e c r e a t io n A r e a 2 0 T H AN NI V E R S A RY R I V E R R E V I VA L Th u rsd a y, M a y 8 , 2 0 1 4 Term i n a l We s t 1 2 T H AN NUA L B A C K T O T HE C HAT TA HOOC HE E RIVER R A C E & F E S T I VA L Sa tu rd a y, J u n e 1 4 , 2 0 1 4 Ro swel l , G a . MO U N TA I NF I L M ON T OUR F I L M F E S T I VA L F ri d a y, A u g u s t 2 2 a n d S a t u r d a y, A u g u s t 2 3 , 2 0 1 4 Th e Pl a za 2 0 T H AN NI V E R S A RY G A L A Tu esd a y, Oc t o b e r 1 4 , 2 0 1 4 In terCo nt in e n t a l B u c k h e a d AN N U AL M E M B E R M E E T I NG N o v em b e r 2 0 1 4 TBD E X E C U T I V E S U M M A RY 2 0 1 4 — E V E N T S P O N S O R S H I P F O R M Company/Organization Name:______________________________________________________________________ Contact Name:_____________________________________________ Title:__________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________________________ State:____________ Zip:______________________ Phone:_______________________________________ Email:______________________________________________ Please select the sponsor level for each event you wish to support: BACK TO THE CHATT RIVER RACE River Benefactor $10,000 River Defender $5,000 River Advocate $2,500 River Conservator $1,000 River Patron $500 Friend of the River $250 RIVER REVIVAL 20th ANNIVERSARY GALA River Benefactor $10,000 River Defender $5,000 River Advocate $2,500 River Conservator $1,000 River Patron $500 Friend of the River $250 River Supporter $100 20th Anniversary Platinum Sponsor $20,000 Gala Champion $15,000 Gala Benefactor $10,000 Gala Table Host $5,000 Gala Advocate $2,500 Gala Patron $1,000 Please contact Becca Klein at for additional information regarding sponsorships. Payment Amount: $_______________ Payment Type: Check (payable to CRK) | Visa | MasterCard | Amex | Discover | Please invoice me If paying by credit card: Card Number:_______________________________________________Security Code (3-4 Digit Code):________ Expiration date:____________________Printed Name as on card:_____________________________________ Billing Address (if different than above)___________________________________________________________ Authorized signature:___________________________________________________________________________ Please complete this form and return to: Chattahoochee Riverkeeper 3 Puritan Mill, 916 Joseph Lowery Blvd., Atlanta, GA 30318 ~ or FAX the form to: (404) 352-8676 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Please keep a copy of this form for your records. Tax ID# 58-2095413 2 0 T H A N N I V E R S A RY R I V E R R E V I VA L T h ursday, M ay 8 , 2 0 1 4 a t Term i n a l We s t ©Ian Rawn 2012 River Revival brings CRK members, guests, and sponsors together in a party atmosphere to celebrate the river while enjoying live music and the “who’s who” of Atlanta’s environmental social scene. This year, we are pleased to announce the reinvention of this annual event, with a new venue, a headliner you won’t want to miss, and more! Since this year’s Revival will take place just days after the New Orleans Jazz Fest ends, we decided to bring a little bit of Cajun, jazz, funk, blues, roots, and soul to Atlanta. It will be a party you won’t want to miss! ©Ian Rawn 2012 In addition to live music, guests will enjoy the chance to purchase raffle tickets to win three amazing prizes, the option to purchase delicious cuisine from Stationside (Terminal West’s new restaurant), beer discounts, and the opportunity to purchase drinks at the three full bars at the venue! We will also present our River Rock Star Awards to companies, groups, or individuals who have used their creative gifts or innovative methods to benefit the Chattahoochee River and the environment. In 2012, we honored three individuals for their local, regional, and national work supporting good environmental practices: Atlanta musicians Gareth Asher and Johnny Colt and Kentuckian Ben Sollee (who also doubled as the evening’s music headliner). River Revival is organized with the help of an active host committee. If you are interested in joining this committee, please contact Becca Klein at In 2012, 650 guests attended this event, and we raised $80,000. With your help, we hope to make this event bigger and better in 2014! Previous sponsors include: Cox Conserves, SweetWater Brewing Company, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Park Tavern, NewFields, Inc., Southwire Company, Turner Broadcasting System, Republic Services, 99X, Rock 100.5, 755 Restaurant Corporation, Colonial Pipeline, Weedman Lawncare, Ellis Communications, and more. 2 0 T H A N N I V E R S A RY R I V E R R E V I VA L Thursday, May 8, 2014 SPONSORSHIP LEVELS $10,000 River Benefactor • Logo on “Save the Date” e-blast to 7,000+ people • Logo on e-invite to 7,000+ people • Business category exclusivity • Afternoon Lake Cruise for 20 on board our Chota Princess II • Recurring recognition/mentions through all social-media vehicles (posts/shares/likes, tweets/ retweets, videos, etc.) • Logo on event signage • On-screen acknowledgement with logo during program • Name on press release before event • Recognition in CRK’s RiverCHAT newsletter (4,000 copies) and RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people). • Recognition on CRK website with a link to your website • 10 tickets to River Revival $5,000 River Defender • Logo on “Save the Date” e-blast to 7,000+ people • Logo on e-invite to 7,000+ people • Recurring recognition/mentions through all social-media vehicles (posts/shares/likes, tweets/ retweets, videos, etc.) • Logo on event signage • On-screen acknowledgement with logo during program • Name on press release before event • Recognition in CRK’s RiverCHAT newsletter (4,000 copies) and RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people). • Recognition on CRK website with a link to your website • 8 tickets to River Revival $2,500 River Advocate • Logo on e-invite to 7,000+ people • Logo on event signage • On-screen acknowledgement with logo during program • Name on press release before event • Recognition in CRK’s RiverCHAT newsletter (4,000 copies) and RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people). • Recognition on CRK website with a link to your website • 6 tickets to River Revival $1,000 River Conservator • Name on event signage • On-screen acknowledgement with name during program • Recognition in CRK’s RiverCHAT newsletter (4,000 copies) and RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people). • Recognition on CRK website • 4 tickets to River Revival $500 River Patron • Name on event signage • Recognition in CRK’s RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people). • Recognition on CRK website • 4 tickets to River Revival $250 Friend of the River • Name on event signage • Recognition on CRK website • 2 tickets to River Revival $100 River Supporter • Recognition on CRK website • 2 tickets to River Revival For Sponsor Levels of $2,500 and up, additional benefits may be available to meet your marketing objectives. For more information, please contact Becca Klein at 404-352-9828, ext. 19 / email 2 0 T H A N N I V E R S A RY R I V E R R E V I VA L Thursday, May 8, 2014 S P O N S O R R E P LY F O R M Company/Organization Name:______________________________________________________________________ Contact Name:_____________________________________________ Title:__________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________________________ State:____________ Zip:______________________ Phone:_______________________________________ Email:______________________________________________ Sponsor Name – as you would like it to appear on printed materials Please print:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Note: Please email your logo to in .jpeg, .png, .eps or .tif format, 300 dpi. Tickets that are part of the benefit of your sponsorship will be available at Will Call under the contact name provided on this form. We will sponsor at the following level: River Benefactor $10,000 River Conservator $1,000 River Defender $5,000 River Patron $500 River Advocate $2,500 Friend of the River $250 River Supporter $100 We regret that we cannot attend. Enclosed is our contribution for $_______________ We are interested in providing an auction item for this event. Please send the auction donation form. Payment Type: Check (payable to CRK) | Visa | MasterCard | Amex | Discover | Please invoice me Payment Amount: $_______________ If paying by credit card: Card Number:_______________________________________________Security Code (3-4 Digit Code):________ Expiration date:____________________Printed Name as on card:_____________________________________ Billing Address (if different than above)___________________________________________________________ Authorized signature:___________________________________________________________________________ Please complete this form and return to: Chattahoochee Riverkeeper 3 Puritan Mill, 916 Joseph Lowery Blvd., Atlanta, GA 30318 ~ or FAX the form to: (404) 352-8676 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Please keep a copy of this form for your records. Tax ID# 58-2095413 1 2 T H A N N U A L B A C K T O T H E C H AT TA H O O C H E E R I V E R R A C E A N D F E S T I VA L Sa t u rday, June 1 4 , 2 0 1 4 Organized and presented by Chattahoochee Riverkeeper (CRK) in partnership with the National Park Service, Fulton County, and the city of Roswell, the event is designed to celebrate the Chattahoochee and foster a sense of community around the river that provides water, electricity and recreation for nearly four million Georgians and 75% of metro Atlantans. The race begins at Garrard Landing Park on Holcomb Bridge Road and ends at Riverside Park in Roswell, the site of the free festival, music and the awards presentation. Paddlers of all ages and skill levels participate. The race begins at 9 a.m. and includes open and recreational categories, various age divisions, solo and tandem canoe divisions, kayak and sea kayak divisions, as well as stand up paddle boarders. Open class/ competitive paddlers as well as recreational paddlers will traverse an 8-mile course. There are more than 400 paddlers participating with timing officials provided by Georgia Canoeing Association. Awards will be presented in all categories at the conclusion of the race, including awards for Best Costume and Best Boat Decoration. The race also includes a Team Challenge Award as a way to build pride, morale and camaraderie among your employees. The festival at Riverside Park, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., is free and family-friendly. Highlights of the festival include live music, Riverside Park’s “spray ground”, face painting, balloon artists and other family-friendly activities, as well as more than 70 vendors and an array of environmental exhibits. More than 1500 visitors attended the festival in 2013. With your help, we hope to make this event bigger and better in 2014. Previous Sponsors Include: MeadWestvaco, AJC, 97.1 The River, Another Broken Egg Café, Cox Enterprises, Inc., Federal Home Loan Bank, SignUp4, Southwire Company, Weed Man Lawn Care, 755 Restaurant Group, The CocaCola Company, City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management, Georgia Canoeing Association, Mountain High Outfitters, MWH | KHAFRA, A Joint Venture, Porsche Cars North America, Republic Services, SweetWater Brewing Company, and Upper Chattahoochee Chapter Trout Unlimited. 1 2 T H A N N U A L B A C K T O T H E C H AT TA H O O C H E E R I V E R R A C E & F E S T I VA L ~ S a t u r d a y, J u n e 1 4 , 2 0 1 4 April 25, 2014: Deadline for listing on printed invitation postcard May 30, 2014: Deadline to be included on the t-shirt SPONSORSHIP LEVELS $10,000 River Benefactor • Logo on invitation postcard to members (7,000) • Special recognition by executive director during awards ceremony with the opportunity to address the audience • Recurring recognition/mentions through all social-media vehicles (posts/shares/likes, tweets/ retweets, videos, etc.) • (3) 10x10 exhibit spaces (1,500+ festival attendees) • Logo on event signage • Name on press release before event • Logo on CRK website with link to your website • Recognition in CRK’s RiverCHAT newsletter (4,000 copies) and RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people) • Business materials in racer bags (approx. 500 bags given to racers) • Community Service Day organized for your employees with CRK • 15 registrations to participate in River Race (boating equipment not included) $5,000 River Defender • Logo on invitation postcard to members (7,000) • Special recognition by executive director during awards ceremony • Recurring recognition/mentions through all social-media vehicles (posts/shares/likes, tweets/ retweets, videos, etc.) • (2) 10x10 exhibit spaces (1,500+ festival attendees) • Logo on event signage • Name on press release before event • Logo on CRK website with link to your website • Recognition in CRK’s RiverCHAT newsletter (4,000 copies) and RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people) • Business materials in racer bags (approx. 500 bags given to racers) • 10 registrations to participate in River Race (boating equipment not included) $2,500 River Advocate • Logo on invitation postcard to members (7,000) • (1) 10x10 exhibit spaces (1,500+ festival attendees) • Logo on event signage • Name on press release before event • Name on CRK website with link to your website • Recognition in CRK’s RiverCHAT newsletter (4,000 copies) and RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people) • Business materials in racer bags (approx. 500 bags given to racers) • 8 registrations to participate in River Race (boating equipment not included) $1,000 River Conservator • Name on event signage • Name on press release before event • Name on CRK website • Recognition in CRK’s RiverCHAT newsletter (4,000 copies) and RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people) • Business materials in racer bags (approx. 500 bags given to racers) • 6 registrations to participate in River Race (boating equipment not included) $500 River Patron • Recognition on CRK website • Recognition in CRK’s RiverCHAT newsletter (4,000 copies) and RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people) • Business materials in racer bags (approx. 500 bags given to racers) • 4 registrations to participate in River Race (boating equipment not included) $250 Friend of the River • Recognition in RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people) • 2 registrations to participate in River Race (boating equipment not included) For Sponsor Levels of $2,500 and up, additional benefits may be available to meet your marketing objectives. For more information, please contact Tammy Bates at 1 2 T H A N N U A L B A C K T O T H E C H AT TA H O O C H E E R I V E R R A C E & F E S T I VA L ~ S a t u r d a y, J u n e 1 4 , 2 0 1 4 S P O N S O R R E P LY F O R M Company/Organization Name:______________________________________________________________________ Contact Name:_____________________________________________ Title:__________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________________________ State:____________ Zip:______________________ Phone:_______________________________________ Email:______________________________________________ Sponsor Name – as you would like it to appear on printed materials Please print:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Please email your logo to by the appropriate deadline in .jpg, .png, .eps or .tif format, 300dpi. Team Challenge: Each sponsored paddler is required to individually register online for this event no later than June 2, 2014. Additional details will be emailed to you. Each paddler is required to provide their own boating equipment (Canoe/Kayak, paddle and personal floatation device). Team Name:_____________________________________ Team Coordinator:________________________________ We will sponsor at the following level: River Benefactor $10,000 River Advocate $2,500 River Patron $500 River Defender $5,000 River Conservator $1,000 Friend of the River $250 We regret that we cannot attend. Enclosed is our contribution for $_______________ We are interested in exhibiting at the festival. Please send me the Exhibitor Registration Form. Payment Type: Check (payable to CRK) | Visa | MasterCard | Amex | Discover | Please invoice me Payment Amount: $_______________ If paying by credit card: Card Number:_______________________________________________Security Code (3-4 Digit Code):________ Expiration date:____________________Printed Name as on card:_____________________________________ Billing Address (if different than above)___________________________________________________________ Authorized signature:___________________________________________________________________________ Please complete this form and return to: Chattahoochee Riverkeeper, Att.: Becca Klein 3 Puritan Mill, 916 Joseph Lowery Blvd., Atlanta, GA 30318 ~ or FAX the form to: (404) 352-8676 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Please keep a copy of this form for your records. Tax ID# 58-2095413 20TH ANNIVERSARY GALA O c t ober 14, 201 4 a t In terCo n ti n en ta l B u c k h e a d This year Chattahoochee Riverkeeper will celebrate its 20th anniversary with a gala benefit, co-chaired by Shearon and Taylor Glover and Jim and Sarah Kennedy. A reception at 6 p.m. will be followed by dinner at 7 p.m. and an inspirational program that will look back at the past two decades of accomplishments and the people, foundations and companies who have helped make Chattahoochee Riverkeeper one of the premier water advocacy organizations in the country. We also will be saluting Sally Bethea, our founding director and riverkeeper, prior to her retirement at the end of this year. CRK’s new leadership team will be introduced, as well. You will not want to miss this special event! In 2013, approximately 450 guests gathered to celebrate the river, honorees, and the 19 years of dedicated service CRK has provided for the millions of people and wildlife that depend on the Chattahoochee. Thanks to our sponsors, plus an incredible selection of live and silent auction items, this event raised $210,000. With your help, we look forward to making this event even bigger and better in 2014. Our 2013 honorees: River Guardian Award: Cox Enterprises River Sustainability Award: UPS River Hero Award: Jerry McCollum River Awareness Award: Fran Burst (Burst Video/ Film) and Brandon Danowski (Beast) Past honorees include: 2012 River Guardian Award: Bert Ellis River Steward Award: Warren Budd River Sustainability Award: TOTO USA River Advocate Award: April Ingle Past sponsors include: Cox Enterprises, Colonial Pipeline, Turner Enterprises, Merrill Lynch, NewFields, PNC, Southwire, Arthur Blank Family Foundation, US Trust, Home Depot, MeadWestvaco, Smith Gambrell & Russell, United Distributors, JST Foundation, Ray Anderson Foundation, Davis Pickren & Seydel, Toto USA, The Coca-Cola Company, encyclomedia, Shearon and Taylor Glover, Debbie and Bert Ellis, Debbie and Jess Austin, and eventologie. 20TH ANNIVERSARY GALA October 14, 2014 August 15, 2014: Deadline for listing on printed invitation October 3, 2014: Deadline for listing in the evening program and ad (if applicable) SPONSORSHIP LEVELS $20,000 20th Anniversary Platnium Sponsor • Name on gala invitation • Recognition by executive director during program • Name or logo featured on-screen during reception • One-page ad in event program, on-screen logo acknowledgement at event, name on press release before event, and logo on CRK Website with a link to your Website • Recognition in CRK’s RiverCHAT newsletter (4,000 copies) and RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people). • Cruise on the Chota Princess II for 20 guests • 30 tickets (three VIP tables) to the Anniversary Gala and Reception • 8 tickets to the pre-event VIP Party $15,000 Gala Champion • Name on gala invitation • Recognition by executive director during program • ½ page ad in event program, on-screen logo acknowledgement at event, name on press release before event, and logo on CRK website with a link to your website • Recognition in CRK’s RiverCHAT newsletter (4,000 copies) and RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people). • One hour river outing on CRK patrol boat for 4 people • 20 tickets (two VIP tables) to the Anniversary Gala and Reception • 6 tickets to the pre-event VIP Party $10,000 Gala Benefactor • Name on invitation • Recognition by executive director during program • ¼ page ad in event program, on-screen logo acknowledgement at event, name on press release before event, and recognition on CRK website with a link to your website • Recognition in CRK’s RiverCHAT newsletter (4,000 copies) and RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people). • 10 tickets (one VIP table) to the Anniversary Gala and Reception • 4 tickets to the pre-event VIP Party $5,000 Gala Table Host • Name on invitation • On-screen logo acknowledgement at event, acknowledgement in program, name on press release before event, recognition on CRK website with a link to your website • Recognition in CRK’s RiverCHAT newsletter (4,000 copies) and RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people). • 10 tickets (one table) to the Anniversary Gala and Reception $2,500 Gala Advocate • Acknowledgement in event program, name on press release before event, recognition on CRK website with a link to your website • Recognition in CRK’s RiverCHAT newsletter (4,000 copies) and RiverFLASH eblast (7,000 people). • 4 tickets to the Anniversary Gala and Reception $1,000 Gala Patron • Acknowledgement in event program • 2 tickets to the Anniversary Gala and Reception For Sponsor Levels of $5,000 and up, additional benefits may be available to meet your marketing objectives. For more information, please contact Becca Klein at 404-352-9828, ext. 19/ email 20TH ANNIVERSARY GALA October 14, 2014 S P O N S O R R E P LY F O R M Company/Organization Name:______________________________________________________________________ Contact Name:_____________________________________________ Title:__________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________________________ State:____________ Zip:______________________ Phone:_______________________________________ Email:______________________________________________ Sponsor Name – as you would like it to appear on printed materials Please print:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Note: Please email your logo to by the appropriate deadline in .jpg or .tif format, 300dpi. Guest Names attending event: (or email names to no later than September 23, 2014) Please print:______________________________________________________________________________________ We will sponsor at the following level: 20th Anniversary Platnium Sponsor $20,000 Gala Champion $15,000 Gala Benefactor $10,000 Gala Advocate $2,500 Gala Table Host $5,000 Gala Patron $1,000 We regret that we cannot attend. Enclosed is our contribution for $_______________ We are interested in providing an auction item for this event. Please send the auction donation form. Payment Type: Check (payable to CRK) | Visa | MasterCard | Amex | Discover | Please invoice me Payment Amount: $_______________ If paying by credit card: Card Number:_______________________________________________Security Code (3-4 Digit Code):________ Expiration date:____________________Printed Name as on card:_____________________________________ Billing Address (if different than above)___________________________________________________________ Authorized signature:___________________________________________________________________________ Please complete this form and return to: Chattahoochee Riverkeeper 3 Puritan Mill, 916 Joseph Lowery Blvd., Atlanta, GA 30318 ~ or FAX the form to: (404) 352-8676 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Please keep a copy of this form for your records. Tax ID# 58-2095413 2013 BY THE NUMBERS C h a t t a h ooc h e e R i v e rke e p e r (C R K) The successes listed below could not have been accomplished without the support of our members, volunteers, partner organizations, board and other supporters. Thank you! 1 • We were one of ten medium-sized charities selected as “worth-watching” by Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator. • Georgia Project WET Organization of the Year with our partner Elachee Nature Science Center for our collaborative success — Georgia’s only floating classroom! • #1 Adopt-A-Stream group in Georgia for third consecutive year for most volunteer water samples collected. • Stakeholder process with CRK representing environmental interests that resulted in improved erosion, sediment and pollution control regulations. • Year of water quality monitoring at five locations in Snake Creek, a tributary to the Chattahoochee in Carroll County — and completion of a stream assessment report. • Bill stopped that would change Georgia water law to allow the state to control “augmented flows” and weaken our regulated riparian water rights system (SB 213). 2 • Major sewage spills identified and stopped in Atlanta’s Tanyard Creek which flows through a city park. 8 • Public hearings where testimony was offered on stormwater, buffer legislation, federal permitting and resource management. • Comment letters submitted on proposed permits, policies, buffer variances, zonings. 12 4 • Years of nutrient monitoring at ten locations on Lake Lanier — 91 samples collected annually and provided to the state and others to support a lake cleanup plan. • Outings organized including paddle and boat trips, hikes and facility tours. 14 16 24 71 • Tons of trash removed from waterways, 1.4 tons recycled. 1,280 • Volunteers participated in stream, lake and river cleanups, including 553 in the 3rd Annual Sweep the Hooch multi-site cleanup. • Student interns trained • Industrial facilities brought into compliance with clean water laws — auto salvage yards, food processing plants, concrete and steel pipe manufacturers, railroads, and paving, recycling and oil companies. • Volunteers trained in five Adopt-a-Stream workshops and 60 volunteers trained in three Get the Dirt Out workshops. 190 870 1,200 • Citizen Hotline Response Program calls handled with 71 field investigations and 14 enforcement actions taken. • Citizens, officials, students and business leaders provided water conservation program with CRK’s updated Tapped Out presentation and No Time To Waste materials. • Hours spent by CRK staff working with the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint Stakeholders Group to resolve the decades-long tristate water conflict. 1,452 • Rain barrels provided at 46 conservation workshops reaching more than 2,000 people. 1,482 • Water samples taken by two dozen volunteers at 45 urban stream locations as part of our Neighborhood Water Watch Program 3,353 • People attended river awareness events: Film Festival, River Race and Festival, Patron Dinner, Member Celebration, Outings and other events 4,552 • Students educated onboard our floating classroom with partner Elachee Nature Science Center, including 960 underserved youth who received scholarships. 7,224 • CRK members celebrated, including 1,369 new members in 2013! As of 11/15/2013