TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEX................................................................................i TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................1 VENTLESS COOKING SYSTEMS Universal Ventless Hoods......................................................................... 11 Canopy, Canopy & Cap Hoods................................................................ 12 Convection Oven Base.............................................................................. 13 Double Drawer Warmer Base.................................................................. 14 Double Door Cabinet Base...................................................................... 15 Open Auto-lift Fryers, Electric with Filter............................................ 16 Ventless Accessories................................................................................... 17 BUILT-IN/DROP-IN WARMERS Warmers, Single Pan 12 x 20, Top Mount......................................... 19 Warmers, Single Pan 12 x 27, Top Mount......................................... 19 Warmers, Two Pan 12 x 20, Top Mount............................................. 20 Warmers, Two Pan 12 x 20, Narrow Top Mount............................. 20 Warmers, Two Pan 12 x 27, Top Mount............................................. 20 Warmers, Three Pan 12 x 20, Top Mount.......................................... 21 Warmers, Three Pan 12 x 20, Narrow Top Mount.......................... 21 Warmers, Three Pan 12 x 27, Top Mount.......................................... 21 Warmers, Four Pan 12 x 20, Top Mount............................................ 22 Warmers, Four Pan 12 x 27, Top Mount............................................ 22 Warmers, Five Pan 12 x 20, Top Mount............................................. 23 Warmers, Five Pan 12 x 27, Top Mount............................................. 23 Warmers, Round Top Mount..............................................................24-29 Warmers, Single Pan, Top Mount........................................................... 31 Warmers, Single Pan, Bottom Mount, Square Corners.................. 32 Warmers, Single Pan, Bottom Mount, Round Corners................... 33 Warmers, Fractional Size, Top Mount................................................... 34 Cook’N Hold.................................................................................................. 35 Warmers, Bain Marie, Top Mount........................................................... 37 Warmer Accessories.............................................................................38-39 REFRIGERATED & DUAL-TEMPERATURE HOT/COLD PANS Hot/Cold Wells, 12 x 20.......................................................................... 42 Dual Temperature Slim Lines & Slim Line Slope Top....................... 42 4-3rd Size Dual Temperature NSF-7...................................................... 43 4-3rd Size Dual Temperature NSF-7, slope tops............................... 43 Refrigerated Wells, 12” x 20”.................................................................... 44 RCP Slim Lines & Slim Line Slope Top................................................... 44 RCP Series 7 Slope Tops............................................................................. 44 4-3rd Size Standard Deep Depth NSF-7.............................................. 44. Refrigerated Wells, 12” x 20” NSF-7........................................................ 45 RCP Series 7 Slim Line & Slim Line Slope Top.................................... 45 RCP Series 7 Slope Tops............................................................................. 45 4-3rd Size Standard Depth NSF-7.......................................................... 45 Ice-Cooled Wells 12” x 20”......................................................................... 46 Ice Pans, Slim Line ...................................................................................... 46 Ice Pans, Slim Line Slope Tops................................................................. 46 Ice Pans, Slope Tops.................................................................................... 46 Frost Tops....................................................................................................... 47 Frost Tops, Slim Line .................................................................................. 47 Wells Remote System Info ....................................................................... 48 Refrigerated Counter Top Server .......................................................... 49 Cold Pan/Refrigeration Accessories...................................................... 49 COOKING PRODUCTS Fryers, Open Auto-Lift, Electric.........................................................50-51 Oil Disposal Caddy...................................................................................... 51 Fryers, Single Frypot, Electric & Gas................................................52-53 Fryers, Dual Frypot, Electric...............................................................54-55 Fryer Accessories......................................................................................... 56 Half Size Convection Oven....................................................................... 57 Griddles, Electric....................................................................................58-59 Teppan Griddle............................................................................................. 60 Griddles, Gas...........................................................................................60-61 Char Broilers, Gas......................................................................................... 62 Hotplates, Gas............................................................................................... 63 Char Broilers, Electric...........................................................................64-65 Hotplates, Ceramic, Electric...............................................................66-67 Hotplates, Spiral, Electric....................................................................66-67 Hotplate, French, Electric....................................................................66-67 Instant-On Hotplate................................................................................... 68 Water Saver Disher Well............................................................................ 69 COUNTERTOP WARMING Drawer Warmers, Free Standing............................................................ 70 Drawer Warmers, Built-In.......................................................................... 71 Countertop Warmers, Rectangular & Square.................................... 72 Cook’N Hold, Heavy-Duty........................................................................ 73 Deluxe Soup Cooker/Warmers............................................................... 73 Hydro Surge Pot Washer........................................................................... 74 Warmers Accessories.................................................................................. 75 WAFFLE BAKERS & SYRUP DISPENSER Electronic Waffle Bakers............................................................................ 76 Heated Dispenser........................................................................................ 77 NOTES PAGE Organize Your Thoughts.....................................................................78-79 Placing Orders, Return Policy Orders & Return Policy............................................................................... 80 WARRANTY Warranty & Service Policy......................................................................... 81 QUICK-SHIP Quick-Ship is the fastest way to ship our top selling cooking, food warming equipment directly from our warehouse to your operation. The equipment will leave our warehouse within 2 shipping days after you place your order. Items in the price book highlighted in red are Quick-Ship items. Quick-Ship products sent in 12:00 p.m. (Noon) Central Time will be shipped within the next two days. (Received on Tuesday, will go out by Thursday or sooner) Standard domestic models only, export models excluded. WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 1 Let’s Talk Ventless! VENTLESS HOODS Why Ventless? Wells Ventless Hoods are a great alternative to traditional Type-1 ventilation for several reasons: Historic buildings prohibit traditional ducted hoods and/or roof top fans Extensive duct-work for traditional hoods may be cost prohibitive in high-rise buildings, stadiums and arenas Many building designs such as malls, food courts, airports, etc., do not lend themselves to traditional hood installations Because Ventless Hoods are considered equipment and may be depreciated quickly, they provide a valuable tax benefit Since Ventless Hoods are a Historic Buildings portable asset they are a perfect solution for leased spaces A Ventless kitchen can fit into very small spaces When no hood space is available, they create added capacity and/or make menu expansion possible Food Courts Airports Stadiums & Arenas Malls Bars Wells-Bloomfield — 10 Sunnen Drive, St. Louis, MO 63143 U.S.A. Phone: 314.678.6314 | Fax: 314.781.5445 www.wellsbloomfield.com © 2012 Wells Bloomfield | Printed in the U.S.A. 2 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com VENTLESS HOODS Ventless Hoods WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 3 VENTLESS HOODS Wells Universal Ventless Systems give you the option to use almost any commercial electric cooking equipment such as ovens, deep-fat fryers, ranges, griddles, hot plates, rethermalizers, woks, steamers, combi ovens, induction hot plates and more! Horizontal Clean Air Outlet (customer’s choice) 4 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com VENTLESS HOODS WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 5 VENTLESS HOODS Vent Anywhere Anytime VCS 2000 Series Wells Ventless Cooking Systems (VCS) offer the opportunity to “set up shop” in any well-ventilated room, with a wide variety of equipment to match any menu. Quick & Easy — because it’s all included in one complete package! (4) (1) WVOC-2HFG (3) (2) WVG-136RW All-in-One — Integrated Ventless hood and cooking equipment in one, ready-to-use package 19 Models to choose from 12 3 4 First Stage: Second Stage: Third Stage: Fourth Stage: Cords & Plugs provided on 3Ø Models Available in various voltages and phases 4-Stage Filtration Stainless Steel Baffle Filter Fire Rated Pre-Filter High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter Carbon / Charcoal Filter WVF-886 Wells-Bloomfield — 10 Sunnen Drive, St. Louis, MO 63143 U.S.A. Phone: 314.678.6314 | Fax: 314.781.5445 www.wellsbloomfield.com © 2012 Wells Bloomfield | Printed in the U.S.A. 6 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com VENTLESS HOODS Venting Solutions VCS with Convection Oven Base WVO2HFG WVO2HSG WVO4HF WVO4HS WVOG136 WVFGRW WVG136RW WVF886RW WV4HFRW WV4HSRW WVFG WVG136 WVF886 WV2HF WV2HS VCS with Drawer Warmer Base WV2HGRW W2HSGRW VCS with Cabinet Base WV2HSG MADE IN THE U.S.A. WV2HG Made in the U.S.A. WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 7 VENTLESS HOODS Please See Page 51 for Oil Caddy Details 8 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com VENTLESS HOODS WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 9 VENTLESS HOODS Universal Ventless Hoods NEW WVU-26 Shown with standard solid base. Equipment sold separately 10 WVU-72 Shown with standard solid base. Equipment sold separately WVU-48 Shown with standard solid base WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com VENTLESS HOODS Universal Ventless Hoods WVU-96 Shown with standard solid base. Equipment sold separately Model Number Part Number Description Size W x D x H (in) Voltage HOOD SPECS WVU-26 5N-WVU-26 Universal 26” opening for single appliance Up to 26”+ cooking zone (660mm) WVU-48 5N-WVU-48SS Phase Amps Ship Weight Lbs. Price OVERALL DIMS 31 x 42.5 x 80 208/240 1 6 553 $19,200.00 Universal 50” opening for multiple appliances Up to 50”+ cooking zone (1,220mm) 61.9 x 50.0 x 120.0 208/240 1 3.5 890 $30,900.00 5N-WVU-48-50HZ Universal 50” opening for multiple appliances Up to 50”+ cooking zone (1,220mm) 61.9 x 50.0 x 120.0 208/240-50HZ 1 3.5 890 $30,900.00 5N-WVU-48FB Universal 50” opening for banks of fryers Up to 50”+ cooking zone (1,220mm) 61.9 x 50.0 x 120.0 208/240 1 3.5 890 $30,900.00 5N-WVU-48FB Universal 50” opening for banks of fryers Up to 50”+ cooking zone (1,220mm) 61.9 x 50.0 x 120.0 208/240-50HZ 1 3.5 890 $30,900.00 5N-WVU-72 Universal 72” opening for multiple appliances Up to 72”+ cooking zone (1,829mm) 87.9 x 50.0 x 120.0 208/240 1 3.5 1,500 $40,300.00 5N-WVU-96 Universal 100” opening for multiple appliances with stand Up to 100”+ cooking zone (2,438mm) 113.9 x 50.0 x 120.0 208/240 1 8 2,004 $55,500.00 NSF/ANSI 2 UL710B UL710B CATEGORY YZCT RECIRCULATING SYSTEM FILE NO. MH48408 WVU-48 NSF/ANSI 2 UL710B UL710B CATEGORY YZCT RECIRCULATING SYSTEM FILE NO. MH48408 WVU-48FB NSF/ANSI 2 UL710B UL710B CATEGORY YZCT RECIRCULATING SYSTEM FILE NO. MH48408 WVU-48FB NSF/ANSI 2 UL710B UL710B CATEGORY YZCT RECIRCULATING SYSTEM FILE NO. MH48408 WVU-72 NSF/ANSI 2 UL710B UL710B CATEGORY YZCT RECIRCULATING SYSTEM FILE NO. MH48408 WVU-96 NSF/ANSI 2 UL710B UL710B CATEGORY YZCT RECIRCULATING SYSTEM FILE NO. MH48408 SEE SPECIFICATION SHEET FOR APPLIANCE LIMITATIONS | Electric Appliances only See page 17 for replacement filters & accessories ALL V E NT LE SS MOD E LS A R E N O N- R E TUR NA BL E WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 11 VENTLESS HOODS Canopy, Countertop & Cap Hoods Model WVC-46 Designed to accommodate electric convection, combi, bakery and cook & hold ovens Model WVU-31CT NEW Model Number Part Number Model WOV-30 Description Size W x D x H (in) HOOD SPECS Voltage Phase Amps Ship Weight Lbs. OVERALL DIMS WVC-46 5N-WVC-46 Canopy Hood with on-board fire ANSUL designed for all oven types 46.0 x 52.33 x 27.72 208/240 1 3.5 675 $21,700.00 WVC-46X 5N-WVC-46X Canopy Hood ANSUL ready (by others) designed for all oven types 46.0 x 52.33 x 27.72 208/240 1 3.5 645 $18,900.00 WVU-31CT 5N-WVU-31CT Universal counter top hood for multi appliances 31.2 x 34.4 x 57.0 208/240 1 3.5 445 $16,000.00 WOV-30 N/A Oven Mounted Ventless Hood Available for many popular oven brands 35.4 x 33.5 x 14 208/240 1 3.5 445 $7,700.00 See page 17 for replacement filters & accessories ALL V E NT LE SS MOD E LS A R E N O N- R E TUR NA BL E 12 Price WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com VENTLESS HOODS VCS 2000 Series Convection Oven Base WVOC2HFG Convection Oven Base – All 3Ø units ship with NEMA 15-60P, 60Hz Only Model Number V Part Number Description Voltage Phase KW Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price Griddle with 2 French Top Hot Plates Cooking Platform WVO2HFG 5M-WVO2HFG2081 Griddle with two French plates 208 1 12.8 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 754 82 $45,800.00 WVO2HFG 5M-WVO2HFG2083 Griddle with two French plates 208 3 12.8 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 754 82 $45,800.00 WVO2HFG 5M-WVO2HFG2401 Griddle with two French plates 240 1 12.8 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 754 82 $45,800.00 WVO2HFG 5M-WVO2HFG2403 Griddle with two French plates 240 3 12.8 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 754 82 $45,800.00 WVO2HFG 5M-OC2HFG-208GF Griddle with two French plates & fully grooved griddle 208 3 12.8 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 754 82 $47,200.00 WVO2HFG 5M-WVO2HFG2401 Griddle with two French hot plates & 6” grooved griddle, right side 208 3 12.8 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 754 82 $46,500.00 V Griddle with 2 Spiral Hot Plates Cooking Platform WVO2HSG 5M-WVO2HSG2083 Griddle with two spiral hot plates 208 3 13.7 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 756 82 $45,800.00 WVO2HSG 5M-WVO2HSPG2083 Chrome plated griddle with two spiral hot plates 208 3 13.7 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 756 82 $47,000.00 1 11.5 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 680 82 $44,500.00 V 4 French Top Hot Plates Cooking Platform WVO4HF 5M-WVO4HF-2081 Four French plate cooktop 208 WVO4HF 5M-WVO4HF-2083 Four French plate cooktop 208 3 11.5 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 680 82 $44,500.00 WVO4HF 5M-WVO4HF-2401 Four French plate cooktop 240 1 14.1 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 680 82 $44,500.00 WVO4HF 5M-WVO4HF-2403 Four French plate cooktop 240 3 14.1 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 680 82 $44,500.00 208 3 13.3 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 677 82 $44,500.00 V 4 Spiral Hot Plates Cooking Platform WVO4HS V 5M-WVO4HS-2083 Four spiral Cooktop Single Large Griddle Cooking Platform WVOG136 5M-WVOG136-2081 Single, large griddle cooktop 208 1 12.2 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 793 82 $47,000.00 WVOG136 5M-WVOG136-2083 Single, large griddle cooktop 208 3 12.2 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 793 82 $47,000.00 WVOG136 5M-WVOG136-2401 Single, large griddle cooktop 240 1 15 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 793 82 $47,000.00 WVOG136 5M-WVOG136-2403 Single, large griddle cooktop 240 3 15 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 793 82 $47,000.00 WVOG136 5M-OCG136-208GF Single, large griddle cooktop, fully grooved 280 3 12.2 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 793 82 $48,800.00 WVOG136 5M-OCG136R2-208 Single, large griddle cooktop, 12" grooved right section 280 3 12.2 42-3/8 x 34-5/8 x 80-9/16 793 82 $48,100.00 If Your Option for Grooving or Chrome is Not Defined above, add the following to the base price: Option Add Option Add 6” Grooving $750 24” Grooving $1,780 12” Grooving $1,100 Chrome Plate $1,275 18” Grooving $1,400 Grooving is not available with chrome-plated surface. AL L V EN T L ES S MO D EL S A R E N O N-R E TUR N A B L E See page 17 for replacement filters & accessories WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 13 VENTLESS HOODS VCS 2000 Series Drawer Warmer Base WVG136RW Drawer Warmer Base – All 3Ø units ship with NEMA 15-60P, 60Hz only Model Number Part Number Description Voltage Phase KW Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price V Griddle with 2 French Top Hot Plates Cooking Platform WV2HGRW 5M-WV2HGRW1 Griddle with 2-French hot plates 208/240 1 8.7 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 775 82 $42,800.00 WV2HGRW 5M-WV2HGRW3 Griddle with 2-French hot plates 208/240 3 8.7 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 775 82 $42,800.00 WV2HGRW 5M-2HFGRW-GF Griddle with 2-French hot plates with fully grooved 18” griddle 208/240 3 8.7 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 775 82 $44,300.00 V Griddle with 2 Spiral Hot Plates Cooking Platform WV2HSGRW 5M-WV2HSGRW1 Griddle with 2-spiral hot plates 208/240 1 12 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 770 82 $40,300.00 WV2HSGRW 5M-WV2HSGRW3 Griddle with 2-spiral hot plates 208/240 3 12 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 770 82 $40,300.00 V Griddle with 15lb Fryer WVFGRW 5M-WVFGRW-2081 Griddle with fryer 208 1 11.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 738 82 $43,500.00 WVFGRW 5M-WVFGRW-208 Griddle with fryer 208 3 11.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 738 82 $43,500.00 WVFGRW 5M-WVFGRW-240 Griddle with fryer 240 3 12.6 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 738 82 $43,500.00 WVFGRW 5M-WVFGG1RRW208 Griddle with fryer & 6” grooved griddle, right side 208 3 11.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 738 82 $44,300.00 WVFGRW 5M-WVFGGRW-208V Fully grooved 18” griddle with fryer 208 3 11.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 738 82 $45,000.00 V Single Large Griddle Cooking Platform WVG136RW 5M-WVG136RW1 Griddle large cooktop 208/240 1 7.3/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 738 77 $40,300.00 WVG136RW 5M-WVG136RW Griddle large cooktop 208/240 3 7.3/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 738 77 $40,300.00 WVG136RW 5M-WVG136RW-400 Griddle large cooktop 380/415 EU 380/413 3N 11 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 738 77 $41,400.00 WVG136RW 5M-WVG136CRW Griddle large Chrome Plated 208/240 3 7.3/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 738 77 $41,600.00 WVG136RW 5M-WVG136RW6GL Griddle large with 6” grooved left side 208/240 1 7.3/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 738 77 $41,100.00 WVG136RW 5M-G136RW-GL Griddle large with 12” grooved left side 208/240 1 7.3/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 738 77 $41,500.00 WVG136RW 5M-G136RW-GR Griddle large with 12” grooved right side 208/240 3 7.3/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 738 77 $41,500.00 WVG136RW 5M-G136RW-GF Fully grooved griddle 208/240 3 7.3/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 738 77 $42,200.00 WVG136RW 5M-G136RW-GL Griddle large with 12” grooved left side 208/240 3 7.3/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 738 77 $41,500.00 V Twin Fryer Cooking Platform WVF886RW 5M-WVF886RW2083 Twin fryer cooktop 208 3 12 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 696 77 $40,400.00 WVF886RW 5M-WVF886RW2401 Twin fryer cooktop 240 1 12 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 696 77 $40,400.00 WVF886RW 5M-WVF886RW2403 Twin fryer cooktop 240 3 12 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 696 77 $40,400.00 V 4 French Top Hot Plate Cooking Platform WV4HFRW 5M-WV4HFRW-1 4 French hot plate cooktop 208/240 1 7/9.1 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-1/4 655 77 $39,300.00 WV4HFRW 5M-WV4HFRW 4 French hot plate cooktop 208/240 3 7/9.1 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-1/4 655 77 $39,300.00 V 4 Spiral Top Hot Plate Cooking Platform WV4HSRW 5M-WV4HSRW-1 4 Spiral hot plate cooktop 208/240 1 8.7/11.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-1/4 650 77 $39,100.00 WV4HSRW 5M-WV4HSRW 4 Spiral hot plate cooktop 208/240 3 8.7/11.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-1/4 650 77 $39,100.00 If Your Option for Grooving or Chrome is Not Defined above, add the following to the base price: 14 Option Add Option Add 6” Grooving $750 24” Grooving $1,780 12” Grooving $1,100 Chrome Plate $1,275 18” Grooving $1,400 Grooving is not available with chrome-plated surface. AL L V EN T L ES S MO D EL S A R E N O N-R E TUR N A B L E See page 17 for replacement filters & accessories WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com VENTLESS HOODS VCS 2000 Series Double Door Cabinet Base WVF886 Double Door Cabinet Base – All 3Ø units ship with NEMA 15-60P, 60 Hz only Model Number Part Number Description Voltage Phase KW Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price V Griddle with 2 French Top Hot Plates Cooking Platform WV2HG 5M-WV2HG-2081 Griddle with 2-French hot plates 208 1 8 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 657 82 $35,800.00 WV2HG 5M-WV2HG-2083 Griddle with 2-French hot plates 208 3 8 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 657 82 $35,800.00 WV2HG 5M-WV2HG-2401 Griddle with 2-French hot plates 240 1 9.9 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 657 82 $35,800.00 WV2HG 5M-WV2HG-2403 Griddle with 2-French hot plates 240 3 9.9 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 657 82 $35,800.00 WV2HG 5M-WV2HGGR2-208 Griddle with 2-French hot plates & 12” Grooved Griddle Right Hand Side 208 3 8 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 657 82 $36,900.00 V Griddle with 2 Spiral Hot Plates Cooking Platform WV2HSG 5M-WV2HSG-208 Griddle with 2-spiral hot plate cooktop 208 3 8 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 650 82 $38,000.00 WV2HSG 5M-WV2HSG-240 Griddle with 2-spiral hot plate cooktop 240 3 9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 650 82 $38,000.00 V Griddle with 15lb Fryer WVFG 5M-WVFG-2081 Griddle with fryer cooktop 208 1 10.8 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 656 82 $38,000.00 WVFG 5M-WVFG-2083 Griddle with fryer cooktop 208 3 10.8 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 656 82 $38,000.00 WVFG 5M-WVFG-2401 Griddle with fryer cooktop 240 1 11.7 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 656 82 $38,000.00 WVFG 5M-WVFG-240 Griddle with fryer cooktop 240 3 11.7 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 656 82 $38,000.00 WVFG 5M-FG-208V-G6L Griddle with fryer grooved griddle 6” left hand side 208 3 10.8 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 656 82 $38,800.00 WVFG 5M-FG-208V-G12L Griddle with fryer grooved griddle 12” left hand side 208 3 10.8 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 656 82 $39,200.00 WVFG 5M-FG-208V-GF Griddle with fryer fully grooved griddle 208 3 10.8 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 79-1/8 656 82 $39,500.00 V Single Large Griddle Cooking Platform F WVG136 5M-WVG1361 Large griddle cooktop fully grooved 208/240 1 7.9/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 664 77 $35,200.00 WVG136 5M-WVG1363 Large griddle cooktop, 12” grooved right side 208/240 3 7.9/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 664 77 $35,200.00 WVG136 5M-WVGG1361R2 Large griddle cooktop, 12” grooved right side 208/240 1 7.9/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 664 77 $36,300.00 WVG136 5M-WVG136-400 Large griddle cooktop with chrome plate 380/415 3NAC 3 WITH NEUTRAL AC 4 11 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 664 77 $36,300.00 WVG136 5M-WVG136C-2081 Large griddle cooktop with chrome plate 208/240 1 7.9/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 664 77 $36,500.00 WVG136 5M-WVG136C3 Large griddle cooktop grooved 6” left side 208/240 3 7.9/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 664 77 $36,300.00 WVG136 5M-G136-G6R Large griddle cooktop 12” grooved left side 208/240 3 7.9/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 664 77 $36,300.00 WVG136 5M-G136-GL Large griddle cooktop 12” grooved left side 208/240 3 7.9/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 664 77 $36,300.00 WVG136 5M-G136-GR Large griddle cooktop 12” grooved right side 208/240 3 7.9/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 664 77 $36,300.00 WVG136 5M-G136-GF Large griddle cooktop 208/240 3 7.9/9.5 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 664 77 $37,000.00 V Twin Fryer Cooking Platform F F WVF886 5M-WVF886-2081 Twin fryers cooktop 208 1 12 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 606 77 $35,100.00 WVF886 5M-WVF886F-208 Twin fryers cooktop 208 3 12 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 606 77 $35,100.00 WVF886 5M-WVF886D-208 Twin Fryers VCS 208V 3PH with drain 208 3 12 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 606 77 $35,400.00 WVF886 5M-WVF886-240-1 Twin fryers cooktop 240 1 11.7 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 606 77 $35,100.00 WVF886 5M-WVF886-240 Twin fryers cooktop 240 3 11.7 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 606 77 $35,100.00 WVF886 5M-WVF886D-240 Twin Fryers VCS 240V 3PH with drain 240 3 11.7 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 606 77 $35,400.00 WVF886 5M-WVF886-400 Twin fryers cooktop 380/415 3 NAC 3 WITH NEUTRAL AC 4 12 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 606 77 $36,100.00 WVF886 5M-WVF886D-400 Twin Fryers VCS EU 400V 3N with drain 380/415 3 NAC 3 WITH NEUTRAL AC 4 12 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-3/16 606 77 $36,400.00 V 4 French Top Hot Plate Cooking Platform WV4HF 5M-WV4HF-2401 4 French hot plate cooktop 208/240 1 6.2/8.4 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-1/4 565 77 $34,600.00 WV4HF 5M-WV4HF 4 French hot plate cooktop 208/240 3 6.2/8.4 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-1/4 565 77 $34,600.00 V 4 Spiral Top Hot Plate Cooking Platform WV4HS 5M-WV4HS-2401 4 Spiral hot plate cooktop 208/240 1 8.1/10.8 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-1/4 556 77 $33,900.00 WV4HS 5M-WV4HS 4 Spiral hot plate cooktop 208/240 3 8.1/10.8 42-3/8 x 35-3/8 x 77-1/4 556 77 $33,900.00 See page 17 for replacement filters &| accessories WELLS MANUFACTURING Phone: 314-678-6314 AL L V EN T L ES S MO D EL S A R E | Nwww.wellsbloomfield.com O N -R ET U R N A B L E | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 15 VENTLESS HOODS High Capacity Ventless Open Auto-lift Fryers WVAE55F/FS WVAE30F Model Number Part Number Description Voltage Phase KW Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price V 55lb. Fryers with Auto Lift and Mechanical Timers WVAE55F 5M-WVAE55F-208 50 lb fryer with mechanical timer & filter 208V 3 17 15-13/16 x 43-11/16 x 76-3/8 556 60 $33,400.00 WVAE55F 5M-WVAE55F-240 50 lb fryer with mechanical timer & filter 240V 3 17 15-13/16 x 43-11/16 x 76-3/8 556 60 $33,400.00 V 55lb. Fryers with Auto Lift and Solid State Computer Controls WVAE55FC 5M-WVAE55FC2081 50 lb fryer with solid state computer controls 208V 1 17 15-13/16 x 43-11/16 x 76-3/8 525 60 $34,500.00 WVAE55FC 5M-WVAE55FC208 50 lb fryer with solid state computer controls 208V 3 17 15-13/16 x 43-11/16 x 76-3/8 525 60 $34,500.00 WVAE55FC 5M-WVAE55FC2401 50 lb fryer with solid state computer controls 240V 1 17 15-13/16 x 43-11/16 x 76-3/8 525 60 $34,500.00 WVAE55FC 5M-WVAE55FC2403 50 lb fryer with solid state computer controls 240V 3 17 15-13/16 x 43-11/16 x 76-3/8 525 60 $34,500.00 ALL V ENT LE SS MOD E LS A R E NO N- R E TUR NA BL E Open Auto-Lift Fryer Accessories Part Number Description Ship Weight 22692 Rear leg kit, 2 rear legs to be used when remote fire pull station is field installed on WVPE & WVAE models 22913 22796 Price Ventless Fryers 16 4 $250.00 Full-size basket ( WVAE55F/FS) - $925.00 Half-size basket ( WVAE55F/FS) 6 $385.00 21647 Heating element cleaning brush - $110.00 22516 Frypot cleaning brush - $55.00 22515 Chicken stirring paddle 2 $95.00 22402 High-Efficiency HEPA Filter 8 $530.00 22403 Charcoal Filter 2 $285.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com VENTLESS FILTERS & ACCESSORIES Universal Ventless & VCS Accessories Part Number Description Ship Weight Price Universal Ventless Hood WVU-LK Set of 4 each adjustable 10” to 12” legs with flanged feet for WVU-48, WVU-72 and WVU-96 12 $290.00 WV48-BPK Stainless steel back panel kit for WVU-48 - $745.00 WV72-BPK Stainless steel back panel kit for WVU-72 - $1,000.00 WV96-BPK Stainless steel back panel kit for WVU-96 - $1,250.00 22649 Rear Leg Kit, 2 rear legs to be used when a remote fire pull station is field installed on all VCS-2000 Models 5 $255.00 22650 Caster Kit, 2 swivel casters with brakes to replace front legs where remote fire pull station is not required 6 $335.00 21376 Oven Rack for WVOC models 4 $80.00 VCS2000 Combination Ventless Cooking Systems Ventless Replacement Filters Part Number Description Ship Weight WVU-26 (WVU-1) Requires one HEPA Charcoal filter pack only WL0107 HEPA Charcoal filter pack WVU-48 Requires two Pre filters and one HEPA Charcoal Filter Pack 22618 Pre-Filter 23312 HEPA Charcoal Filter pack Price Universal Ventless Systems $1,280.00 $135.00 $1,280.00 WVU-72 Requires two Pre filters and two HEPA Charcoal Filter Packs 22618 Pre-Filter WL0711 HEPA Charcoal filter pack WVU-96 Requires four Pre filters and two HEPA Charcoal Filter Pack 22618 Pre-Filter 23312 HEPA Charcoal Filter pack All Models Requires one Pre-Filter and one HEPA Charcoal Filter Pack 22618 Pre-Filter 3 $135.00 22619 HEPA Charcoal Filter Pack 11 $920.00 WVC-46, WVC-46X Requires one Pre-Filter and one HEPA Charcoal Filter Pack 23324 Pre-Filter - $135.00 23325 HEPA Charcoal Filter Pack - $740.00 WVU-31CT Requires one Pre-Filter and one HEPA Charcoal Filter Pack 302579 Pre-Filter - $135.00 WL0422 HEPA Charcoal Filter Pack - $1,260.00 WOV-30 Requires one Pre-Filter and one HEPA Charcoal Filter Pack Z20118 Grease baffle filter - $135.00 WL0747 HEPA Charcoal Filter Pack - $435.00 WVAE55 Requires one HEPA and one Charcoal Filter 22402 HEPA Filter 5 $530.00 22403 Charcoal filter 6 $285.00 $135.00 $1,260.00 $135.00 $1,280.00 VCS Systems Canopy Style Hoods Countertop Ventless Cap Style Hood Ventless Fryer Systems Stainless Baffle Filter HEPA & CarbonCharcoal Filters Pre-Filter WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 17 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS 18 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Single Pan Top-Mount Auto Fill Models Available MOD100 Model Number Part Number V F F Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Infinite Control 120V, 1Ø, 1200W 208/240V, 1Ø, 900/1200W CSA model available: 120V 10A, 208V 4.3A, 240V 5.0A 13-3/4 x 21-3/4 24 4.15 Price Single Pan 12” x 20”, Top-Mount MOD100-120 MOD100 20459 20460 MOD100D-120 MOD100D 20530 20531 Infinite Control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 1200W 208/240V, 1Ø, 900/1200W 13-3/4 x 21-3/4 24 4.15 MOD100T-120 MOD100T MOD100T-230 21277 21015 22372 Thermostat control 120V, 1Ø, 1650W 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W 220-240V, 1Ø, 1650W 13-3/4 x 21-3/4 24 4.15 MOD100TD-120 MOD100TD MOD100TD-230 21278 21017 22373 Thermostat control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 1650W 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W 220-240V, 1Ø, 1650W 13-3/4 x 21-3/4 24 4.15 MOD100TDAF 21920 Autofill, Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W each 14-3/4 x 23-1/2 30 4.15 N/A N/A 6 cord & plug for Thermostatic Control models only (MOD100s in 120V) $60.00 N/A N/A 6 cord & plug for Thermostatic Control models only (MOD100s in 208/240V) $60.00 V $895.00 $895.00 $865.00 $865.00 $905.00 $940.00 $940.00 $990.00 $1,630.00 Single Pan 12” x 27”, Top-Mount MOD127T 22940 Thermostat control 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W each 14-3/4 x 30-1/2 25 5.2 MOD127TD 22939 Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W each 14-3/4 x 30-1/2 25 5.2 22938 Autofill, Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W each 14-3/4 x 30-1/2 30 5.2 MOD127TDAF $81000 $810.00 $1,165.00 $1,295.00 $1,980.00 Optional cords and plugs are available on Thermostatic Control models only (120V & 208/240V models) AutoFill models require a water connection. Please refer to the operator’s manual and installation instructions for details Accessories Page 38 & 39 | Export models cannot be returned WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 19 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Two Pan Top-Mount MOD200TDM Model Number Part Number V Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Infinite control 208/240V, 1Ø, 900/1200W each CSA model available: 208V 8.7A, 240V 10A 29-1/2 x 23-5/8 51 7.89 Two Pan 12” x 20”, Top-Mount MOD200 20448 20449 Infinite control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 900/1200W each 29-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD200D 22027 Infinite control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 1Ø, 900/1200W each 29-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD200DM 21016 Thermostat control 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W each 29-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD200T 21233 Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W each 29-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD200TD 22028 Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W 29-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD200TDM 21921 Autofill, Thermostat control with Drain Manifold,208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 29-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD200TDMAF N/A Autofill, Thermostat control with Drain NO Manifold,208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 29-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD200TDAF V $2,010.00 51 7.89 $2,155.00 51 7.89 $2,215.00 51 7.89 $2,145.00 53 7.89 $2,355.00 51 7.89 $2,385.00 65 7.89 $3,140.00 65 7.89 $3,100.00 Two Pan 12” x 20” Slim Line, Narrow-Width, Top-Mount 23218 Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W each 45-7/8 x 15-3/4 MOD200TDN 23211 Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W each 45-7/8 x 15-3/4 MOD200TDMN 23212 Autofill, Thermostat control with Drain Manifold, 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 45-7/8 x 15-3/4 MOD200TDMNAF N/A N/A V 6’ cord & plug for Thermostatic Control models only (MOD200s in 208/240V) 51 10.55 $2,560.00 60 10.55 $2,595.00 65 10.55 $3,285.00 - - $60.00 Two Pan 12” x 27”, Top-Mount 22275 Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 1Ø , 1240/1650W each 29-1/2 x 30-9/16 MOD227TDM 22279 Autofill, Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold, 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 29-1/2 x 30-9/16 MOD227TDMAF 65 10.15 $2,975.00 65 10.15 Optional cords and plugs are available on Thermostatic Control models only (120V & 208/240V models) AutoFill models require a water connection. Please refer to the operator’s manual and installation instructions for details 20 Price WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com $3,715.00 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Three Pan Top-Mount MOD300TDMN/AF Slim Line Model Number Part Number V Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Infinite control 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 900/1200W each CSA model available: 208V 13.5A, 240V 15A 43-1/2 x 23-5/8 73 10.54 Three Pan 12” x 20”, Top-Mount $2,620.00 MOD300 20363 20697 Infinite control, with Drain 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 900/1200W each 43-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD300D 20366 Infinite control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 900/1200W each 43-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD300DM 21892 Thermostat control 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 43-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD300T 21891 Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 43-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD300TD 21890 Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W 43-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD300TDM 21922 Autofill, Thermostat control with Drain Manifold,208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 43-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD300TDMAF - Autofill, Thermostat control with Drain NO Manifold,208/240V, 3Ø, 1240/1650W each 43-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD300TDAF V 74 10.54 $2,930.00 78 10.54 $2,980.00 75 10.54 $2,845.00 75 10.54 $3,175.00 78 10.54 $3,310.00 90 10.54 $4,050.00 90 10.54 $3,875.00 Three Pan 12” x 20” Slim Line, Narrow-Width, Top-Mount 23219 Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240v, 3Ø, (1Ø) 1240/1650 W each 67-15/16 x 15-3/4 MOD300TDN 23213 Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 67-15/16 x 15-3/4 MOD300TDMN 23214 Autofill, Thermostat control with Drain Manifold, 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 67-15/16 x 15-3/4 MOD300TDMNAF V Price 82 10.54 $3,365.00 85 10.54 $3,395.00 78 10.54 $4,140.00 Three Pan 12” x 27”, Top-Mount N/A Thermostat control, NO Drain 208/240V, 3Ø, 1240/1650W each 43-1/2 x 30-9/16 MOD327T N/A Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 3Ø, 1240/1650W each 43-1/2 x 30-9/16 MOD327TD 22276 Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 43-1/2 x 30-9/16 MOD327TDM 22280 Autofill, Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold, 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 43-1/2 x 30-9/16 MOD327TDMAF 90 12.45 $3,780.00 90 12.45 $4,085.00 90 12.45 $4,120.00 90 12.45 $4,860.00 All MOD300’s ship 3Ø and are field convertible to 1Ø AutoFill models require a water connection. Please refer to the operator’s manual and installation instructions for details Accessories Page 38 & 39 | Export models cannot be returned WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 21 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Four Pan Top-Mount MOD400 MOD427TDM Model Number Part Number V Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Infinite control 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 900/1200W each CSA model available: 208V 18.3A, 240V 20A 57-1/2 x 23-5/8 95 13.56 Four Pan 12” x 20”, Top-Mount MOD400 20364 20698 Infinite control, with Drain 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 900/1200W each 57-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD400D 20367 Infinite control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 900/1200W each 57-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD400DM 21895 Thermostat control 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 57-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD400T 21894 Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 57-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD400TD 21893 Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W 57-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD400TDM - Autofill, Thermostat control with Drain, NO Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø, 1240/1650W each 57-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD400TDAF 21923 Autofill, Thermostat control with Drain, Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 57-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD400TDMAF 57-1/2 x 23-5/8 22705 Autofill, Single control panel, Thermostat control with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each MOD400TDMAFS V MOD427TDM MOD427TDMAF MOD427TDMAF1 $3,495.00 95 13.56 $4,010.00 98 13.56 $4,340.00 98 13.56 $3,680.00 105 13.56 $4,235.00 105 13.56 $4,485.00 112 13.56 $5,460.00 112 13.56 $5,280.00 112 13.56 $5,280.00 Four Pan 12” x 27”, Top-Mount Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 57-1/2 x 30-9/16 22277 57-1/2 x 30-9/16 22281 Autofill, Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 57-1/2 x 30-9/16 22707 Autofill, Single control panel, Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 112 15.85 $5,525.00 112 19.15 $6,320.00 124 19.15 All MOD300’s ship 3Ø and are field convertible to 1Ø AutoFill models require a water connection. Please refer to the operator’s manual and installation instructions for details Accessories Page 38 & 39 | Export models cannot be returned 22 Price WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com $6,320.00 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Five Pan Top-Mount MOD500 Model Number Part Number V Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Infinite control 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 900/1200W each CSA model available: 208V 23A, 240V 25A 71-1/2 x 23-5/8 105 16.57 Price Five Pan 12” x 20”, Top-Mount MOD500 20365 20669 Infinite control, with Drain 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 900/1200W each 71-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD500D 20368 Infinite control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 900/1200W each 71-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD500DM 21898 Thermostat control 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 71-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD500T 21897 Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 71 1/2 x 23 5/8 MOD500TD 21896 Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W 71-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD500TDM 136 16.57 $6,140.00 - Autofill, Thermostat control with Drain, NO Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø, 1240/1650W each 71-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD500TDAF 136 16.57 $6,340.00 21924 Autofill, Thermostat control with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 71-1/2 x 23-5/8 MOD500TDMAF 71-1/2 x 23-5/8 126 16.57 22706 Autofill, Single control panel, Thermostat control with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each MOD500TDMAFS V $4,375.00 16.57 $4,875.00 118 16.57 $5,350.00 116 16.57 $4,570.00 116 16.57 $5,290.00 122 16.57 $5,495.00 $6,340.00 Five Pan 12” x 27”, Top-Mount 22278 Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 71-1/2 x 30-9/16 MOD527TDM 22282 Autofill, Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each 71-1/2 x 30-9/16 MOD527TDMAF 71-1/2 x 30-9/16 22708 Autofill, Single control panel, Thermostat control, with Drain Manifold 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 1240/1650W each MOD527TDMAFS 116 136 19.15 $6,760.00 232 37.30 $7,715.00 232 37.30 $7,715.00 All MOD300’s ship 3Ø and are field convertible to 1Ø AutoFill models require a water connection. Please refer to the operator’s manual and installation instructions for details Accessories Page 38 & 39 | Export models cannot be returned WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 23 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS FULLY INSULATED ROUND WARMERS Choose between models that are fully insulated around the sides and bottom or standard non-insulated models. Fully insulated models SAVE ENERGY and may be installed in nonmetal counters. SAVE GREEN! 24 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS 7-quart Auto Fill Models available SS10TDU Q Listed models with infinite controls use these controls Q Listed models with Thermostatic Controls use these controls (Conduit and enclosed box not supplied) V Listed models with Thermostatic Controls use these controls (Only cULus Listed models come with conduit and enclosed control box) LETTER OPTION T THERMOSTAT CONTROLS U UL APPROVED C CORD & PLUG I INSULATED D DRAIN AF Auto Fill WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 25 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Round Warmers Top-Mount SS10TD SS8 Approvals OLD Model Number SS10TDU NEW Model Number Part Number Description Size Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price Round Warmers, Top-Mount, 4 Quart, Non-Insulated QN SS4-120 SS4-120 21247 4 quart, Infinite control 120V, 1Ø, 450W CSA Models available 120V, 3.75A, 450W, 8-1/4” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 0.82 $530.00 QN SS4 SS4 - 4 quart, Infinite control 208V, 1.62A, 338W, 240V, 1.87A, 450W 8-1/4” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 0.82 $530.00 QN SS4D-120 SS4D-120 21249 4 quart, Infinite control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 450W 8-1/4” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 0.82 $635.00 QN - SS4T-120 - 4 quart, Thermostatic control 120V, 1Ø, 825W 8-1/4” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 0.82 $690.00 VN SS4ULT-120 SS4TU-120 21553 4 quart, Thermostat control 120V, 1Ø, 825W 8-1/4” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 0.82 $730.00 VN SS4ULT SS4TU 21554 4 quart, Thermostat control 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 8-1/4” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 0.82 $730.00 VN SS4ULTD-120 SS4TDU-120 21555 4 quart, Thermostat control with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W 8-1/4” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 0.82 $760.00 VN SS4ULTD SS4TDU 21556 4 quart, Thermostat control with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 8-1/4” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 0.82 $760.00 VN SS4TUC-120 SS4TUC-120 - 4 quart, Thermostat control 120V, 1Ø, 825W. With cord and plug 8-1/4” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 0.82 $780.00 VN SS4TUC SS4TUC - 4 quart, Thermostat control, 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W. With cord and plug 8-1/4” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 0.82 $780.00 VN SS4TDUC-120 SS4TDUC-120 - 4 quart, Thermostat control with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W. With cord and plug 8-1/4” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 0.82 $815.00 VN SS4TDUC SS4TDUC - 4 quart, Thermostat control with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W. With cord and plug 8-1/4” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 0.82 $815.00 Round Warmers, Top-Mount, 4 Quart, Insulated 26 VN SS4TUI-120 SS4TUI-120 - 4 quart, Thermostat control, 120V, 1Ø, 825W 8-1/4” O.D. 9.6 lbs. 4.4 kg 0.82 $855.00 VN SS4TUI SS4TUI - 4 quart, Thermostat control 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 8-1/4” O.D. 9.6 lbs. 4.4 kg 0.82 $855.00 VN SS4TDUI-120 SS4TDUI-120 - 4 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W 8-1/4” O.D. 9.6 lbs. 4.4 kg 0.82 $910.00 VN SS4TDUI SS4TDUI - 4 quart, Thermostat control with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 8-1/4” O.D. 9.6 lbs. 4.4 kg 0.82 $910.00 VN SS4TUCI-120 SS4TUCI-120 - 4 quart, Thermostat control, 120V, 1Ø, 825W 8-1/4” O.D. 9.6 lbs. 4.4 kg 0.82 $910.00 VN SS4TUCI SS4TUCI - 4 quart, Thermostat control 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 8-1/4” O.D. 9.6 lbs. 4.4 kg 0.82 $910.00 VN SS4TDUCI-120 SS4TDUCI-120 - 4 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W 8-1/4” O.D. 9.6 lbs. 4.4 kg 0.82 $970.00 VN SS4TDUCI SS4TDUCI - 4 quart, Thermostat control with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 8-1/4” O.D. 9.6 lbs. 4.4 kg 0.82 $970.00 Accessories Page 38 & 39 | Export models cannot be returned WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Round Warmers Top-Mount OLD Model Number Approvals NEW Model Number Part Number Description Size Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price Round Warmers, Top-Mount, 7 Quart, Non-Insulated QN SS8-120 SS8-120 20126 7 quart, Infinite control 120V, 1Ø, 450W CSA Models available 120V, 3.75A, 450W, 208V, 1.62A, 338W, 240V, 1.87A, 450W 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $460.00 QN SS8 SS8 20128 7 quart, Infinite control 208/240V, 1Ø, 338/450W 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $460.00 QN SS8D-120 SS8D-120 20127 7 quart, Infinite control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 450W 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $525.00 QN SS8D SS8D 20129 7 quart, Infinite control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 338/450W 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $525.00 QN SS8T-120 SS8T-120 20965 7 quart, Thermostat control 120V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $535.00 QN SS8T SS8T 20951 7 quart, Thermostat control 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $535.00 QN SS8TD-120 SS8TD-120 21018 7 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $600.00 QN SS8TD SS8TD 21019 7 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $600.00 VN VN SS8ULT-120 SS8TU-120 21560 7 quart, Thermostat control 120V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $630.00 SS8ULT SS8TU 21561 7 quart, Thermostat control 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $630.00 F SS8EUT-230 SS8EUT-230 22376 7 quart, Thermostat control 220-240V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $655.00 V N V N SS8ULTD-120 SS8TDU-120 21562 7 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $705.00 SS8ULTD SS8TDU 21563 7 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $705.00 F SS8EUTD-230 SS8EUTD-230 22379 7 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 220-240V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $730.00 SS8TUC-120 SS8TUC-120 - 7 quart, Thermostat control 120V, 1Ø, 825W, With cord and plug 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $720.00 SS8TUC SS8TUC - 7 quart, Thermostat control 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W, With cord and plug 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $720.00 SS8TDUC-120 SS8TDUC-120 - 7 quart, Thermostat control with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W. With cord and plug 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $760.00 SS8TDUC SS8TDUC - 7 quart, Thermostat control with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W, With cord and plug 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $760.00 SS8TDU-230 SS8TDU-230 - 7 quart, Thermostat control with Drain 220-240V, 1Ø, 825W, With cord and plug 10-1/16” O.D. 6 lbs. 2.8 kg 1.62 $760.00 V V V V N N N N F Round Warmers, Top-Mount, 7 Quart, Insulated V V V V V V V V N N N N N N N N SS8TUI-120 SS8TUI-120 - 7 quart, Thermostat control 120V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 10.3 lbs. (4.7) kg 1.62 $760.00 SS8TUI SS8TUI - 7 quart, Thermostat control 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 10.3 lbs. (4.7) kg 1.62 $760.00 SS8TDUI-120 SS8TDUI-120 - 7 quart, Thermostat control with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 10.3 lbs. (4.7) kg 1.62 $840.00 SS8TDUI SS8TDUI - 7 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 10.3 lbs. (4.7) kg 1.62 $840.00 SS8TUCI-120 SS8TUCI-120 - 7 quart, Thermostat control 120V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 10.3 lbs. (4.7) kg 1.62 $840.00 SS8TUCI SS8TUCI - 7 quart, Thermostat control 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 10.3 lbs. (4.7) kg 1.62 $840.00 SS8TDUCI-120 SS8TDUCI-120 - 7 quart, Thermostat control with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 10.3 lbs. (4.7) kg 1.62 $905.00 SS8TDUCI SS8TDUCI - 7 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 10.3 lbs. (4.7) kg 1.62 $905.00 Accessories Page 38 & 39 | Export models cannot be returned WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 27 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Round Warmers Top-Mount Approvals OLD Model Number NEW Model Number Part Number Description Size Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price Round Warmers, Top-Mount, 11 Quart, Non-Insulated Q N SS10-120 SS10-120 20130 11 quart, Infinite control 120V, 1Ø, 450W CSA Models available 120V, 3.75A, 450W, 208V, 1.62A, 338W, 240V, 1.87A, 450W 12” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $470.00 Q N SS10 SS10 20132 11 quart, Infinite control 208/240V, 1Ø, 338/450W 12” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $470.00 Q N SS10D-120 SS10D-120 20131 11 quart, Infinite control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 450W 12” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $535.00 Q N SS10D SS10D 20133 11 quart, Infinite control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 338/450W 12” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $535.00 Q N SS10T-120 SS10T-120 20966 11 quart, Thermostat control 120V, 1Ø, 825W 12” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $555.00 Q N SS10T-208 SS10T 20967 11 quart, Thermostat control 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 12” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $555.00 F SS10T-230 SS10T-230 22371 11 quart, Thermostat control 220-240V, 1Ø, 825W 12” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $645.00 Q N SS10TD-120 SS10TD-120 21020 11 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W 12” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $630.00 QN SS10TD SS10TD 21021 11 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 12” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $630.00 F SS10TD-230 SS10TD-230 22371 11 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 220-240V, 1Ø, 825W 12” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $720.00 VN SS10ULT-120 SS10TU-120 21567 11 quart, Thermostat control 120V, 1Ø, 825W 12” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $630.00 VN SS10ULT SS10TU 21568 11 quart, Thermostat control 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 12” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $630.00 VN SS10ULTD-120 SS10TDU-120 21569 11 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W 12” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $695.00 VN SS10ULTD SS10TDU 21570 11 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 12” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $695.00 VN SS10TUC-120 SS10TUC-120 - 11 quart, Thermostat control 120V, 1Ø, 825W, With cord and plug 12” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $685.00 VN SS10TUC SS10TUC - 11 quart, Thermostat control 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W, With cord and plug 10-1/16” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $685.00 VN SS10TDUC-120 SS10TDUC-120 - 11 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W, With cord and plug 10-1/16” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $750.00 VN SS10TDUC SS10TDUC - 11 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W, With cord and plug 10-1/16” O.D. 7 lbs. 3.2 kg 1.62 $750.00 VN SS10TUI-120 SS10TUI-120 - 11 quart, Thermostat control 120V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 12.4 lbs. (5.6) kg 1.62 $755.00 VN SS10TUI SS10TUI - 11 quart, Thermostat control 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 12.4 lbs. (5.6) kg 1.62 $755.00 VN SS10TDUI-120 SS10TDUI-120 - 11 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 12.4 lbs. (5.6) kg 1.62 $820.00 VN SS10TDUI SS10TDUI - 11 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 12.4 lbs. (5.6) kg 1.62 $820.00 VN SS10TUCI-120 SS10TUCI-120 - 11 quart, Thermostat control 120V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 12.4 lbs. (5.6) kg 1.62 $820.00 VN SS10TUCI SS10TUCI - 11 quart, Thermostat control 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 12.4 lbs. (5.6) kg 1.62 $820.00 VN SS10TDUCI-120 SS10TDUCI-120 - 11 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 12.4 lbs. (5.6) kg 1.62 $900.00 VN SS10TDUCI SS10TDUCI - 11 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 12.4 lbs. (5.6) kg 1.62 $900.00 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Round Warmers, Top-Mount, 11 Quart, Insulated Accessories Page 38 & 39 | Export models cannot be returned 28 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Round WarmersFully Insulated With Auto FIll Model Number Approvals Part Number Description Size Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price Round Warmers, Top-Mount, 7 & 11 Quart, Fully Insulated with Auto Fill NV NV NV NV VN VN VN VN SS8TDUIAF120 - 7 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 10.3 lbs. (4.7) kg 1.62 $1,390.00 SS8TDUIAF - 7 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 10.3 lbs. (4.7) kg 1.62 $1,460.00 SS8TDUCIAF12 - 7 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 825W 10-1/16” O.D. 10.3 lbs. (4.7) kg 1.62 $1,460.00 SS8TDUCIAF - 7 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 10.3 lbs. (4.7) kg 1.62 $1,460.00 SS10TDUIAF12 - 11 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 828W 10-1/16” O.D. 12.4 lbs. (5.6) kg 1.62 $1,390.00 SS10TDUIAF - 11 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 12.4 lbs. (5.6) kg 1.62 $1,390.00 SS10TDUCIA12 - 11 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 828W 10-1/16” O.D. 12.4 lbs. (5.6) kg 1.62 $1,460.00 SS10TDUCIAF - 11 quart, Thermostat control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W 10-1/16” O.D. 12.4 lbs. (5.6) kg 1.62 $1,460.00 AutoFill models require a water supply connection. Please refer to the operator’s manual and installation instructions for details. When manifolding auto fill models with non-auto fill models, use all new warmers manufactured starting in 2015. Accessories Page 38 & 39 | Export models cannot be returned WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 29 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Q Listed models with infinite controls use these controls Q Listed models with Thermostatic Controls use these controls (Conduit and enclosed box not supplied) V Listed models with Thermostatic Controls use these controls (Only cULus Listed models come with conduit and enclosed control box) 30 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Single Pan Top-Mount Model Number Part Number SS276TDU SS206TDU SS206D Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Infinite Control 120V, 1Ø, 1200W 208/240V, 1Ø, 900/1200W CSA Models available 120V-10AMPS, 1200 W 208V-4.3AMPS, 900 W, 240V-5.0AMPS, 1200W 13-11/16 x 21-3/4 16 2.97 Infinite Control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 1200W 208/240V, 1Ø, 900/1200W 13-11/16 x 21-3/4 16 2.97 Thermostat Control 120V, 1Ø, 1200W 208/240V, 1Ø, 900/1200W 220-240V, 1Ø, 1200W CSA Models available 120V-10AMPS, 1200 W 208V-4.3AMPS, 900 W, 240V-5.0AMPS, 1200 W 13-11/16 x 21-3/4 16 2.97 Price Single Pan 12” x 20”, Top-Mount Q Q Q F V Q F V SS206-120 SS206 20120 20121 SS206D-120 SS206D 20122 20123 SS206T-120 SS206T SS206ET-230 21269 21270 22377 SS206TU-120 SS206TU 21575 21576 Thermostat Control 120V, 1Ø, 1650W 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W 13-11/16 x 21-3/4 20 4.15 SS206TD-120 SS206TD SS206TD-230 21271 21265 22378 Thermostat Control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 1200W 208/240V, 1Ø, 900/1200W 220-240V, 1Ø, 1200WV 13-11/16 x 21-3/4 15 2.97 SS206TDU-120 SS206TDU 21594 21577 Thermostat Control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 1650W 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W 13-11/16 x 21-3/4 21 4.15 $580.00 $580.00 $675.00 $675.00 $645.00 $645.00 $805.00 $725.00 $725.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $790.00 $790.00 Single Pan 12” x 27”, Top-Mount V SS276TU-120 SS276TU 22101 22102 Thermostat Control 120V, 1Ø, 1650W 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W CSA Models available 120V, 1Ø 1650W, 208/240 V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W 13-1/2 x 28-1/2 22 3.85 V SS276TDU-120 SS276TDU 22103 22104 Thermostat Control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 1650W 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W CSA Models available 120V, 1Ø 1650W, 208/240 V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W 13 -1/2 x 28-1/2 22 3.85 $915.00 $915.00 $940.00 $940.00 Accessories Page 38 & 39 | Export models cannot be returned WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 31 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Single Pan Bottom-Mount With Square Corners SS206ET BMW206STDU Model Number Part Number Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price Single Pan 12” x 20”, Bottom-Mount, Square Corners 20124 20125 Infinite Control 120V, 1Ø, 1200W 208/240V, 1Ø, 900/1200W 13-11/16 x 21-3/4 SS206E-120 SS206E 20521 20522 Infinite Control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 1200W 208/240V, 1Ø, 900/1200W 13-11/16 x 21-3/4 SS206ED-120 SS206ED 15 2.97 21286 Thermostat Control 208/240V, 1Ø, 900/1200W 13-11/16 x 21-3/4 SS206ET 13-11/16 x 21-3/4 15 2.97 SS206ETD-120 SS206ETD 21272 21273 Thermostat Control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 1200W 208/240V, 1Ø, 900/1200W - Thermostat Controls, with drains, Higher wattage 208/240V, 1Ø, 1365W 13-11/16 x 21-3/4 SS206TD6HI Q 21542 Thermostat Control 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W 13-11/16 x 21-13/16 BMW206ST V N/A Thermostat Control 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W 13-7/8 x 21-15/16 BMW206STU N/A Infinite Control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 1000W 208/240V, 1Ø, 1000/1330W 13-7/8 x 21-15/16 BMW206SDU Q 21544 Thermostat Control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W 13-11/16 x 21-13/16 BMW206SDT V 22 2.97 22479 Thermostat Control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W 13-7/8 x 21-15/16 BMW206STDU Thermostat Control, with Drain, Low Wattage 120V, 1Ø, 1000W 208/240V, 1Ø, 1000/1330W 13-7/8 x 21-15/16 24 2.97 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q N/A BMW206STDL120 BMW206STDL208 14 2.97 $575.00 $575.00 14 2.97 $665.00 $665.00 $665.00 $685.00 $685.00 15 2.97 $685.00 22 2.97 $630.00 24 2.97 $680.00 24 2.97 $680.00 22 2.97 $665.00 $740.00 Accessories Page 38 & 39 | Export models cannot be returned 32 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com $710.00 $710.00 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Single Pan Bottom-Mount With Round Corners SS206ERD Model Number Part Number Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price Single Pan 12” x 20”, Bottom-Mount, Round Corners Q Q Q Q V V V 20788 20789 Infinite Control 120V, 1Ø, 1200W 208/240V, 1Ø, 900/1200W 13-7/8 x 21-15/16 SS206ER-120 SS206ER 20790 20791 Infinite Control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 1200W 208/240V, 1Ø, 900/1200W 13-7/8 x 21-15/16 SS206ERD-120 SS206ERD 21546 Thermostat Control 120V, 1Ø, 1200W 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W 13-11/16 x 21-13/16 BMW206RT 21547 21548 Thermostat Control, with Drain 120V, 1Ø, 1200W 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W 13-11/16 x 21-13/16 BMW206RTD120 BMW206RTD 22 2.97 - Thermostat Control 120V, 1Ø, 1200W 13-7/8 x 21-15/16 BMW206RTU-120V 22 2.97 22482 Thermostat Control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W 13-7/8 x 21-15/16 BMW206RTDU 13-7/8 x 21-15/16 24 2.97 23052 Autofill, Thermostat Control, with Drain 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W BMW206RTDAFU 14 2.97 $580.00 $580.00 14 2.97 $675.00 $675.00 22 2.97 $645.00 22 2.97 $645.00 $655.00 $725.00 $750.00 $1,395.00 Accessories Page 38 & 39 | Export models cannot be returned WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 33 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Half-Size Pan Top-Mount BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS HMP6 HMP6DU HSW6 & HSW6D Model Number Part Number Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price Single Pan Fractional Size Rectangular Warmers, Top-Mount, Thermostat Control R R HMP6-120 HMP6D-120 21050 Half Size Long, Holds a 6 x 20 pan F U U Half Size Long, Drain, Holds a 6 x 20 2.54 $1,105.00 6-3/8 x 20-3/4 11 2.54 $1,125.00 6-3/8 x 20-3/4 14 pan 120V, 1Ø, 750W, without Wellslok™ HMP6DU-120 21477 pan 120V, 1Ø, 750W, without Wellslok™ 2.54 $1,155.00 HMPDU - 208/240V without Wellslok, 1Ø, 620/825W 2.54 $1,155.00 HMP6T-230 22367 220-240V, 1Ø, 575W 2.54 $1,235.00 2.16 $1,240.00 Half Size, Holds a 12 x 10 pan HSW6-120 20986 HSW6D-120 21232 120V, 1Ø, 450W, with Wellslok™ HSW6D 22605 208/240V, 1Ø, 620/825W, with Wellslok™ Half Size, Drain, Holds a 12 x 10 pan HSW6TDAF 11-5/8 x 13-7/8 18 120V, 1Ø, 825W, with Wellslok™ Drop IN Pasta Rethem with Auto Fill Half- U 11 120V, 1Ø, 750W, without Wellslok™ 21056 Half Size Long, Drain, Holds a 6 x 20 U 6-3/8 x 20-3/4 11-5/8 x 13-7/8 18 2.16 $1,240.00 $1,240.00 11-5/8 x 13-7/8 18 2.16 Size Holds 12” x 10” pan Thermostatically controlled with drain . 208V, 1, 900 W, with Wellsloc 240V, 1. 1200 W with Wellslok™ Accessories Page 38 & 39 | Export models cannot be returned 34 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com $1,925.00 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Cook’N Hold HW106D Shown with 54”” Wire Lead Model Number Part Number U HW106D-120 HW106D 20623 20656 HWSMP6D 21402 Description HWSMP6D Size Ship Weight Cubic Feet 12 1.60 Price Cook’N Hold, Thermostat Control, with Drain 11 quart Round 120V, 1Ø, 1650W 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W CSA model available: 8.2A/7.1A, 50/60Hz, 208/240V, 1Ø Hold one 12 x 20 pan 2 to 4 deep 208/240V, 1Ø, 1350/1800W 12 O.D. $1,075.00 $1,075.00 14-3/4 W x 23-1/2D 26 3.85 $1,360.00 Accessories Page 38 & 39 | Export models cannot be returned WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 35 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS 36 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMERS Bain Marie Style Warmers HT300 Model Number Part Number V Description HT200AF Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price Bain Marie Style Warmers, Top-Mount HT200 22309 Opening 25 3/4 x 19 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø, 1800/2400W 29-1/2 x 23-5/8 56 7.89 $2,060.00 HT300 22310 Opening 39 3/4 x 19 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø, 2700/3600W 43-1/2 x 23-5/8 63 10.54 $2,445.00 HT400* 22311 Opening 53 3/4 x 19 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø (3Ø), 3600/4800W 57-1/2 x 23-5/8 98 13.56 $2,900.00 HT500* 22312 Opening 67 3/4 x 19 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø (3Ø), 4500/6000W 71-1/2 x 23-5/8 115 16.57 $3,290.00 V Bain Marie Style Warmers, Top-Mount, Large Capacity Opening 59 10.15 $2,580.00 22606 Large Capacity, Opening 25 3/4 x 26 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø, 2480/3300W 29-1/2 x 30-5/8 HT227 85 12.45 $3,265.00 22607 Large Capacity, Opening 39 3/4 x 26 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø, 3720/4950W 43-1/2 x 30-5/8 HT327 126 15.85 $4,170.00 22608 Large Capacity, Opening 53 3/4 x 26 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø (3Ø), 4960/6600W 57-1/2 x 30-5/8 HT427* 122 19.15 $5,000.00 22609 Large Capacity, Opening 67 3/4 x 26 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø (3Ø), 6200/8250W 71-1/2 x 30-5/8 HT527* V Bain Marie Style Warmers, Top-Mount, Autofill 57 7.89 $2,965.00 22416 Autofill, Opening 25 3/4 x 19 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø, 1800/2400W 29-1/2 x 23-5/8 HT200AF 65 10.15 $3,420.00 22610 Autofill, Large Capacity, Opening 25 3/4 x 26 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø, 2480/3300W 29-1/2 x 30-5/8 HT227AF 77 10.54 $3,330.00 22313 Autofill, Opening 39 3/4 x 19 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø, 2700/3600W 43-1/2 x 23-5/8 HT300AF 96 15.85 $4,345.00 22611 Autofill, Large Capacity, Opening 39 3/4 x 26 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø, 3720/4950W 43-1/2 x 30-5/8 HT327AF 98 13.56 $3,825.00 22314 Autofill, Opening 53 3/4 x 19 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø (3Ø), 3600/4800W 57-1/2 x 23-5/8 HT400AF* 122 19.15 $5,250.00 22612 Autofill, Large Capacity, Opening 53 3/4 x 26 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø (3Ø), 4960/6600W 57-1/2 x 30-5/8 HT427AF* 117 16.57 $4,525.00 22315 Autofill, Opening 67 3/4 x 19 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø (3Ø), 4500/6000W 71-1/2 x 23-5/8 HT500AF* 136 37.30 $6,385.00 22613 Autofill, Large Capacity, Opening 67 3/4 x 26 7/8 208/240V, 1Ø (3Ø), 6200/8250W 71-1/2 x 30-5/8 HT527AF* *Select models are field convertible from 1Ø to 3Ø Accessories Page 38 & 39 | Export models cannot be returned WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 37 BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMER ACCESSORIES NEW Slope Top Adapters for MOD, SMPT & TMPT Warmers Use one adapter per well Continuously welded and polished corner seams Mix & match on multiWells® warmers One piece welded and polished HD stainless steel Standard 12” x 20” Slim Line 12” x 20” Adapts 12” x 20” warmers @ 5° Raised NO-DRIP-LIP on top Easily installs and removable with out tools Part Number Description Ship Weight Price SLOPE TOP ADAPTERS 38 STA1220 Slope Top Adapter - Standard (one per well) 2 $330.00 STALS1220 Slope Top Adapter - Slim Line (one per well) 2 $330.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com BUILT-IN / DROP-IN WARMER ACCESSORIES Round & Built-In/Drop-In Warming Accessories Part Number Description Ship Weight Price ADAPTER TOPS FOR ROUND WARMERS 20177 Adapter Top, Converts 7 quart models to hold 4 quart inset 1 $64.00 20822 Adapter Top, Converts 11 quart models to hold 4 quart inset 2 $74.00 20175 Adapter Top, Converts 11 quart models to hold 7 quart inset 2 $74.00 ADAPTER TOPS FOR 12 x 20 ROUND CORNER WARMERS 23138 Adapter Top, Converts warmer to hold one 4 quart and one 11 quart inset 2 $64.00 23139 Adapter Top, Converts warmer to hold one 7 quart and one 11 quart inset 2 $64.00 23142 Adapter Top, Converts warmer to hold three 4 quart insets 2 $64.00 ADAPTER TOPS FOR 12 x 20 SQUARE CORNER WARMERS 20176 Adapter Top, Converts warmer to hold two 7 quart insets 2 $120.00 20434 Adapter Top, Converts warmer to hold two 4 quart and two 2 1/2 quart insets 2 $130.00 21615 Adapter Top, Converts warmer to hold three 4 quart insets 2 $95.00 21621 Adapter Top, Converts warmer to hold one 7 quart and one 11 quart inset 2 $110.00 21624 Adapter Top, Converts warmer to hold four 2 1/2 quart insets 2 $113.00 ADAPTER TOPS FOR 12 x 27 SQUARE CORNER WARMERS 22589 Adapter Top, Converts warmer to hold three 7 quart insets 1 $210.00 23115 Adapter Top, Converts warmer to hold two 11 quart insets 1 $195.00 20774 4 quart Round Inset, Fits 6 1/2 opening 2 $116.00 20587 7 quart Round Inset, Fits 8 1/2 opening 3 $130.00 20908 11 quart Round Inset, Fits 10 1/2 opening, with handles and slotted lid 4 $245.00 21057 11 quart Round Inset, Fits 10 1/2 opening, with hinged lid, NO handles 6 $290.00 21860 8 ounce Soup Ladle 1 $54.00 INSETS WITH LIDS & LADLE BUILT-IN WARMER MISCELLANEOUS 21709 Drain Screen 20385 Drain Valve Extension Kit, Extension from drain to counter front with remote handle, for use with “D” models only, excluding “DM” models. Includes 1/2 brass drain valve. 22592 Wellslok™ Extension Kit*, For UL listed non-insulated circular warmers only to adapt to wood countertops up to 1 1/2 thick 1 $95.00 22593 Wellslok™ Extension Kit*, For UL listed 12 x 20 warmers only to adapt to wood countertops up to 1 1/2 thick 1 $120.00 WL0330 Wellslok Extension kit for Fully Insulated Round Warmers only to adapt to wood countertops up to 1 ½” thick 1 $90.00 N/A Optional 72 Wiring Thermostatically controlled warmers, per well Infinite Switch controlled warmers, per well Please contact factory for availability of optional wiring 1 $22.00 $230.00 $72.00 *Wellslok™ Extension Kits for UL listed units approved for installation in wood countertops. One well unit requires one kit. Two to three well units require two kits. Four to five well units require three kits. ADTBAR-HT Adapter bar for Bain Marie Style Warmers 1 $44.00 N/A 6’ cord & plug for Thermostatic Control models only (MOD100s in 120V) 1 $60.00 N/A 6’ cord & plug for Thermostatic Control models only MOD100s in (208/240V) 1 $60.00 N/A 6’ cord & plug for Thermostatic Control models only MOD200s in (208/240V) 1 $60.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 39 REFRIGERATED AND DUAL-TEMPERATURE HOT/COLD PANS 40 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com REFRIGERATED AND DUAL-TEMPERATURE HOT/COLD PANS WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 41 REFRIGERATED AND DUAL-TEMPERATURE HOT/COLD PANS Hot and Cold Pans COMPLIES WITH NSF-7 HRCP7200 Model Number Part Number U V Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Hot/Cold Wells for 12” x 20” Pans NSF 7 HRCP7100 N/A One pan, (HOT) 134A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 1.9/2.5W, 9.0/10.4A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/4HP, 4.9A, 1Ø, 134A refrigerant 19-1/8 x 27-1/8 175 11.3 $9,935.00 HRCP7200 22840 Two pans, (HOT) 134A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 1.9/2.5W, 9.0/10.4A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/4HP, 4.9A, 1Ø, 134A refrigerant 32-3/4 x 27-1/8 220 18.3 $10,400.00 HRCP7300 22841 Three pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 3.8/5.0W, 14.4/16.7A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/3HP, 5.6A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 46-1/2 x 27-1/8 240 25.8 $10,865.00 HRCP7400 22842 Four pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 3.8/5.0W, 18.1/20.8A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/2HP, 6.4A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 60-1/4 x 27-1/8 275 33.3 $12,065.00 HRCP-7500 22843 Five pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 6.0/8.0W, 28.9/33.3A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 3/4HP, 15.2A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 74 x 27-1/8 298 41.0 $13,350.00 HRCP7600 22844 Six pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 6.0/8.0W, 28.9/33.3A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 3/4HP, 15.2A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 87-3/4 x 27-1/8 320 47.8 $13,580.00 U V Dual Temperature Slim Lines 12” x 20” Pans NSF 7 HRCP7200SL N/A Two pans, (HOT) 134A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 1.9/2.5W, 9.0/10.4A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/4HP, 4.9A, 1Ø, 134A refrigerant 49 x 19-1/8 220 18.26 $11,490.00 HRCP7300SL N/A Three pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 3.0/4.0W, 14.4/16.7A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/3HP, 5.5A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 70 x 19-1/8 240 25.78 $11,950.00 HRCP7400SL N/A Four pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 3.8/5.0W, 18.1/20.8A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/2HP, 8.9A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 92 x 19-1/8 275 33.3 $13,535.00 U V Dual Temperature Slim Line, Slope Top 12” x 20” Pans NSF 7 HRCP7200SLST N/A Two pans, (HOT) 134A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 1.9/2.5W, 9.0/10.4A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/4HP, 4.9A, 1Ø, 134A refrigerant 49 x 19-1/8 220 18.26 $12,035.00 HRCP7300SLST N/A Three pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 3.0/4.0W, 14.4/16.7A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/3HP, 5.5A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 70 x 19-1/8 240 25.78 $12,520.00 HRCP7400SLST N/A Four pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 3.8/5.0W, 18.1/20.8A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/2HP, 8.9A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 92 x 19-1/8 275 33.3 $14,180.00 Export models available, contact factory for details and pricing. Accessories Page 48 | Export models cannot be returned REMOTE SYSTEMS AVAILABLE SEE PAGE 48 FOR DETAILS 42 Price WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com REFRIGERATED AND DUAL-TEMPERATURE HOT/COLD PANS Hot and Cold Pans COMPLIES WITH NSF-7 HRCP7300ST Model Number Part Number U V Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price 4-3rd Size Pans - Dual Temperature NSF 7 HRCP7143 N/A One pan, (HOT) 134A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 1.9/2.5W, 9.0/10.4A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/4HP, 3.9A, 1Ø, 134A refrigerant 19-1/8 x 34-1/4 115 11.3 $11,320.00 HRCP7243 N/A Two pans, (HOT) 134A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 1.9/2.5W, 9.0/10.4A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/4HP, 3.9A, 1Ø, 134A refrigerant 32-3/4 x 34-1/4 140 18.3 $13,235.00 HRCP7343 N/A Three pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 3.8/5.0W, 14.4/16.7A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/3HP, 6.2A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 46-1/2 x 34-1/4 175 25.8 $17,015.00 HRCP7443 N/A Four pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 3.8/5.0W, 18.1/20.8A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/2HP, 7.0A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 60-3/4 x 34-1/4 210 33.3 $19,065.00 HRCP7543 N/A Five pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 6.0/8.0W, 28.9/33.3A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 3/4HP, 15.8A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 74 x 34-1/4 245 41.0 $23,400.00 HRCP7643 N/A Six pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 6.0/8.0W, 28.9/33.3A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 3/4HP, 15.8A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 87-3/4 x 34-1/4 285 47.8 $25,265.00 U V Dual Temperature 12” x 20” Pans, Slope Top, NSF 7 HRCP7100ST N/A One pan, (HOT) 134A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 1.9/2.5W, 9.0/10.4A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/4HP, 4.9A, 1Ø, 134A refrigerant 19-1/8 x 27-1/8 175 11.3 $11,810.00 HRCP7200ST N/A Two pans, (HOT) 134A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 1.9/2.5W, 9.0/10.4A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/4HP, 4.9A, 1Ø, 134A refrigerant 32-3/4 x 27-1/8 220 18.3 $12,740.00 HRCP7300ST N/A Three pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 3.8/5.0W, 14.4/16.7A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/3HP, 5.6A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 46-1/2 x 27-1/8 240 25.8 $13,275.00 HRCP7400ST N/A Four pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 3.8/5.0W, 18.1/20.8A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 1/2HP, 6.4A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 60-1/4 x 27-1/8 275 33.3 $14,735.00 HRCP7500ST N/A Five pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 6.0/8.0W, 28.9/33.3A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 3/4HP, 15.2A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 74 x 27-1/8 298 41.0 $15,675.00 HRCP7600ST N/A Six pans, (HOT) 404A Refrigerant, 208/240V, 6.0/8.0W, 28.9/33.3A, 1Ø (COLD) 115V, 3/4HP, 15.2A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 87-3/4 x 27-1/8 320 47.8 $16,340.00 Export models available, contact factory for details and pricing. Accessories Page 48 | Export models cannot be returned REMOTE SYSTEMS AVAILABLE SEE PAGE 48 FOR DETAILS WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 43 REFRIGERATED AND DUAL-TEMPERATURE HOT/COLD PANS Drop-In Refrigerated Cold Pans RCP300 Model Number Part Number U V Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet NEW Refrigerated Wells for Fractional Size Pans, NSF Series 2 RCP-050 - One 1/2-size pan, R-134-A refrigerant, 115V, 1Ø, 1/6 HP, 2Amp, NEMA-5-15P 17-3/8 x 15 76 0.68 $3,975.00 RCP-067 - One 2/3-size pan, R-134-A refrigerant, 115V, 1Ø, 1/6 HP, 2Amp, NEMA-5-15P 17-3/8 x 18-1/2 79 0.89 $3,990.00 U V Refrigerated Wells for 12” x 20” Pans, NSF Series 2 RCP100 22087 One pan, R-134-A refrigerant, 115V, 1Ø, 1/5 HP, 2.8A, NEMA-5-15P 17-3/8 x 25-3/8 89 9.5 $4,085.00 RCP200 22088 Two pans, R-134-A refrigerant, 115V 1Ø, 1/5 HP, 2.8A, NEMA-5-15P 31 x 25-3/8 182 16.0 $4,525.00 RCP300 22089 Three pans, R-404-A refrigerant, 115V, 1Ø, 1/4 HP, 5.5A, NEMA-5-15P 44-3/4 x 25-3/8 194 23.0 $4,795.00 RCP400 22090 Four pans, R-404-A refrigerant, 115V 1Ø, 1/3 HP, 6.5A, NEMA-5-15P 58-1/2 x 25-3/8 258 30.0 $5,215.00 RCP500 22091 Five pans, R-404-A refrigerant, 115V 1Ø, 1/2 HP, 6.4A, NEMA-5-15P 72-1/4 x 25-3/8 278 36.5 $5,845.00 RCP600 22092 Six pans, R-404-A refrigerant, 115V, 1Ø, 1/2 HP, 6.4A, NEMA-5-15P 86 x 25-3/8 290 43.5 $6,016.00 46-1/4 x 17-3/8 182 16 $5,495.00 U V RCP Slim Lines, NSF Series 2 RCP200SL N/A Two pans, 134A refrigerant, 115V, 1/4 HP, 4.9A, 1Ø NEMA 5-15P RCP300SL N/A Three pans, 134A refrigerant, 115V, 1/3 HP, 5.6A, 1Ø NEMA 5-15P 67 x 17-3/8 194 23 $6,125.00 RCP400SL N/A Four pans , 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/2 HP, 6.4A, 1Ø NEMA 5-15P 87-3/4 x 17-3/8 258 30 $6,295.00 U V RCP Slim Line, Slope Top, NSF Series 2 RCP200SLST N/A Two pans, 134A refrigerant, 115V, 1/4 HP, 4.9A, 1Ø NEMA 5-15P 46-1/4 x 17-3/8 182 16 $6,405.00 RCP300SLST N/A Three pans, 134A refrigerant, 115V, 1/3 HP, 5.6A, 1Ø NEMA 5-15P 67 x 17-3/8 194 23 $7,115.00 RCP400SLST N/A Four pans , 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/2 HP, 6.4A, 1Ø NEMA 5-15P 87-3/4 x 17-3/8 258 30 $7,345.00 U V RCP Series Slope Tops, 12” x 20” Pans, NSF Series 2 RCP100ST N/A One pan, 134A refrigerant, 115V, 1/5HP, 5.5A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 19-1/8 x 27 89 9.5 $5,230.00 RCP200ST N/A Two pans 134A refrigerant, 115V, 1/5HP, 5.5A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 31-7/8 x 27 182 16.0 $6,065.00 RCP300ST N/A Three pans 134A refrigerant, 115V, 1/4HP, 5.5A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 44-3/4 x 27 194 23.0 $6,710.00 RCP400ST N/A Four pans 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/3HP, 5.6A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 57-3/8 x 27 258 30.0 $6,935.00 RCP500ST N/A Five pans 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/2HP, 6.4A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 70-1/8 x 27 278 36.5 $7,600.00 RCP600ST N/A Six pans 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/2HP, 6.4A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 82-7/8 x 27 290 43.5 $8,075.00 U V 4-3rd Size Standard Deep Depth Cold Pans, NSF Series 2 RCP143 N/A One pan, 134A refrigerant, 115V, 1/4HP, 4.9A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 17-3/8 x 32-1/2 114 11.6 $6,505.00 RCP243 N/A Two pans 134A refrigerant, 115V, 1/4HP, 4.9A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 31 x 32-1/2 232 20.2 $6,890.00 RCP343 N/A Three pans 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/3HP, 5.6A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 44-5/8 x 32-1/2 269 28.8 $8,980.00 RCP443 N/A Four pans 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/2HP, 6.4A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 58-1/4 x 32-1/2 358 37.4 $9,420.00 RCP543 N/A Five pans 404A refrigerant, 115V, 3/4HP, 7.2A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 71-7/8 x 32-1/2 403 46.1 $11,115.00 RCP643 N/A Five pans 404A refrigerant, 115V, 3/4HP, 7.2A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 85-1/2 x 32-1/2 440 54.7 $11,515.00 REMOTE SYSTEMS AVAILABLE SEE PAGE 48 FOR DETAILS Export models available, contact factory for details and pricing. 44 Price Accessories Page 48 | Export models cannot be returned WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com REFRIGERATED AND DUAL-TEMPERATURE HOT/COLD PANS Drop-In Refrigerated Cold Pans COMPLIES WITH NSF-7 RCP7300 Model Number Part Number U V Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price NEW Refrigerated Wells for Fractional Size Pans, NSF Series 7 RCP-7050 - One 1/2-size pan, R-134-A refrigerant, 115V, 1Ø, 1/6 HP, 2Amp, NEMA-5-15P 19-1/8 x 16-3/4 84 0.89 $4,315.00 RCP-7067 - One 2/3-size pan, R-134-A refrigerant, 115V, 1Ø, 1/6 HP, 2Amp, NEMA-5-15P 19-1/8 x 20-1/4 89 1.14 $4,325.00 115 11.3 $4,445.00 U V RCP7100 22449 Refrigerated Wells for 12” x 20” Pans - NSF 7 One pan, 134A refrigerant, 115V, 4.9A, 1Ø, 1/4 HP, NEMA 5-15P 19-1/8 x 27-1/8 RCP7200 22450 Two pans, 134A refrigerant, 115V, 4.9A, 1Ø, 1/4 HP, NEMA 5-15P 32-3/4 x 27-1/8 140 18.3 $5,260.00 RCP7300 22451 Three pans, 404A refrigerant, 115V, 5.6A, 1Ø, 1/2 HP, NEMA 5-15P 46-1/2 x 27-1/8 175 25.8 $5,380.00 RCP7400 22452 Four pans, 404-A refrigerant, 115V, 6.4A, 1Ø, 1/2 HP, NEMA 5-15P 60-1/4 x 27-1/8 210 33.3 $5,650.00 RCP7500 22453 Five pans, 404A refrigerant, 115V, 15.2A, 1Ø, 3/4 HP, NEMA 5-20P 74 x 27-1/8 245 41.0 $6,165.00 RCP7600 22454 Six pans, 404A refrigerant, 115V, 15.2A, 1Ø, 3/4 HP, NEMA 5-20P 87-3/4 x 27-1/8 285 47.8 $6,890.00 U V RCP Slim Line, 12” x 20” Pans, NSF 7 RCP7200SL N/A Two pans, 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/4 HP, 4.9A, 1Ø NEMA 5-15P 49 x 19-1/8 220 18.26 $5,865.00 RCP7300SL N/A Three pans, 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/3 HP, 5.6A, 1Ø NEMA 5-15P 70-1/2 x 19-1/8 240 25.78 $6,465.00 RCP7400SL N/A Four pans , 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/2 HP, 6.4A, 1Ø NEMA 5-15P 92 x 19-1/8 275 33.3 $6,720.00 U V RCP Slim Line, Slope Top, 12” x 20” Pans, NSF 7 RCP7200SLST N/A Two pans, 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/4 HP, 4.9A, 1Ø NEMA 5-15P 49 x 19-1/8 220 18.26 $6,780.00 RCP7300SLST N/A Three pans, 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/3 HP, 5.6A, 1Ø NEMA 5-15P 70-1/2 x 19-1/8 240 25.78 $7,470.00 RCP7400SLST N/A Four pans , 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/2 HP, 6.4A, 1Ø NEMA 5-15P 92 x 19-1/8 275 33.3 $7,780.00 U V RCP Slope Tops, 12” x 20” Pans, NSF 7 RCP7100ST N/A One pan 134A refrigerant, 115V, 1/4HP, 5.5A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 17-1/8 x 25-1/8 115 11.3 $5,680.00 RCP7200ST N/A Two pans 134A refrigerant, 115V, 1/4HP, 5.5A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 29-7/8 x 25-1/8 140 18.3 $6,415.00 RCP7300ST N/A Three pans 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/3HP, 6.5A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 42-5/8 x 25-1/8 175 25.8 $7,055.00 RCP7400ST N/A Four pans 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/2HP, 7.5A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 55-3/8 x 25-1/8 210 33.3 $7,345.00 RCP7500ST N/A Five pans 404A refrigerant, 115V, 3/4HP, 15.8A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-20P 68-1/8 x 25-1/8 245 41.0 $7,955.00 RCP7600ST N/A Six pans 404A refrigerant, 115V, 3/4HP, 15.8A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-20P 80-7/8 x 25-1/8 285 47.8 $8,670.00 19-1/8 x 34-1/4 115 11.3 $6,980.00 U V RCP7143 N/A 4-3rd Size Cold Pans NSF 7 One pan 134A refrigerant, 115V, 1/4HP, 5.5A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P RCP7243 N/A Two pans 134A refrigerant, 115V, 1/4HP, 5.5A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 32-3/4 x 34-1/4 140 18.3 $7,425.00 RCP7343 N/A Three pans 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/2HP, 6.5A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 46-1/2 x 34-1/4 175 25.8 $9,530.00 RCP7443 N/A Four pans 404A refrigerant, 115V, 1/2HP, 7.5A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P 60-1/4 x 34-1/4 210 33.3 $10,000.00 RCP7543 N/A Five pans 404A refrigerant, 115V, 3/4HP, 15.8A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-20P 74 x 34-1/4 245 41.0 $11,755.00 RCP7643 N/A Six pans 404A refrigerant, 115V, 3/4HP, 15.8A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-20P 87-3/4 x 34-1/4 285 47.8 $12,165.00 REMOTE SYSTEMS AVAILABLE SEE PAGE 48 FOR DETAILS Export models available, contact factory for details and pricing. Accessories Page 48 | Export models cannot be returned WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 45 REFRIGERATED AND DUAL-TEMPERATURE HOT/COLD PANS Drop-In Ice-Cooled Pans Model Number Part Number N Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price 17-3/8 x 25-3/8 89 9.5 $1,400.00 Ice-Cooled Wells for 12” x 20” Pans ICP100 22093 One pan ICP200 22094 Two pans 31 x 25-3/8 182 16 $1,640.00 ICP300 22095 Three pans 44-3/4 x 25-3/8 194 23 $1,920.00 ICP400 22096 Four pans 58-1/2 x 25-3/8 258 30 $2,245.00 ICP500 22097 Five pans 72-1/4 x 25-3/8 278 36.5 $2,500.00 ICP600 22098 Six pans 86 x 25-3/8 290 43.5 $2,860.00 N Ice Pans, Slim Lines ICP200SL N/A Two pans, slim 46-1/4 x 17-3/8 182 9.2 $2,050.00 ICP300SL N/A Three pans, slim 67 x 17-3/8 194 13.3 $2,340.00 ICP400SL N/A Four pans, slim 87-3/4 x 17-3/8 258 17.4 $2,765.00 46-1/4 x 17-3/8 182 9.2 $2,380.00 N Ice Pans, Slim Line, Slope Top ICP200SLST N/A Two pans, slim ICP300SLST N/A Three pans, slim 67 x 17-3/8 194 13.3 $2,720.00 ICP400SLST N/A Four pans, slim 87-3/4 x 17-3/8 258 17.4 $3,230.00 ICP100ST N/A 17-3/8 x 25-3/8 89 9.5 $1,900.00 N 46 Description Ice Pans, Slope Tops One pan, slope top ICP200ST N/A Two pans, slope top 31 x 25-3/8 182 16.0 $2,250.00 ICP300ST N/A Three pans, slope top 44-3/4 x 25-3/8 194 23.0 $2,570.00 ICP400ST N/A Four pans, slope top 58-1/2 x 25-3/8 258 30.0 $3,060.00 ICP500ST N/A Five pans, slope top 72-1/4 x 25-3/8 278 36.5 $3,485.00 ICP600ST N/A Six pans, slope top 86 x 25-3/8 290 43.5 $3,785.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com REFRIGERATED AND DUAL-TEMPERATURE HOT/COLD PANS Frost Tops Model Number Part Number V N FT-1 N/A Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price 21-1/4 x 29-1/4 103 9.6 $6,190.00 Frost Tops One pan, 115V, 1/4HP, 4.9A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P, 134A refrigerant FT-2 N/A Two pans, 115V, 1/4HP, 4.9A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P, 134A refrigerant 39-1/4 x 29-1/4 125 17.2 $6,595.00 FT-3 N/A Three pans, 115V, 1/3HP, 5.6A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P, 404A refrigerant 57-1/4 x 29-1/4 140 24.8 $7,580.00 FT-4 N/A Four pans, 115V, 1/2HP, 6.4A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P, 404A refrigerant 75-1/4 x 29-1/4 155 32.4 $9,150.00 FT-5 N/A Five pans, 115V, 3/4HP, 15.2A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-20P, 404A refrigerant 93-1/4 x 29-1/4 170 40 $10,715.00 FT-6 N/A Five pans, 115V, 3/4HP, 15.2A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-20P, 404A refrigerant 111-1/4 x 29-1/4 187 47.6 $11,235.00 V N Frost Tops, Slim Lines FT-2SL N/A Two pans, 115V, 1/4HP, 4.9A, 1Ø, 134A refrigerant 55-1/4 x 21-1/4 105 19.2 $7,180.00 FT-3SL N/A Three pans, 115V, 1/3HP, 5.6A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 81-1/4 x 21-1/4 119 28 $8,740.00 FT-4SL N/A Four pans, 115V, 1/2HP, 6.4A, 1Ø, 404A refrigerant 107-1/4 x 21-1/4 142 36.8 $10,420.00 Export models available, contact factory for details and pricing. REMOTE SYSTEMS AVAILABLE SEE PAGE 48 FOR DETAILS WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 47 REMOTE SYSTEM DETAILS Wells Remote Systems Refrigeration Specifications 3 types of remote systems are available for any model. Choose any model RCP, HRCP or Frost Top from pages 42 through 47 then choose the type of remote system that best meets your application. When ordering add RC or PCL or NC to the end of the standard model number. Each type system has different pricing. Contact factory for prices. RC Series-Remote Condenser/Compressor housing is included but is not connected to Unit. Without: Quick Disconnects and Pre-charged Refrigeration Lines Includes: Cold pan is shipped unattached to the compressor base assembly. The refrigeration lines protrude out the bottom, have a vacuum pulled and are filled with nitrogen, crimped then soldered shut. Compressor housing that is normally shipped attached to the pan instead ships loose in the crate and attached to a galvanized base. There is 10’ of refrigeration copper tubing provided and is connected to the compressor on one end, have a vacuum pulled, and are filled with nitrogen, crimped and soldered shut. No refrigerant is provided. It would be up to the installer to mount the base assembly within the 10’ line length to be able to connect to the pan. On/off switch and thermostat are mounted to the compressor base along with sight glass and TXV valve. HRCP family pans in this series are shipped with the control panel temporarily attached to the bottom of the pan on a 3’ lead. PCL Series- Remote Condenser/Compressor housing included but is not connected to Unit. INCLUDES Quick Disconnects and Pre-charged Refrigeration Lines. Includes: Cold pan is shipped unattached to the compressor base assembly. The refrigeration lines protrude out the bottom and have a quick connect attached to the ends, they have been pre-charged with the proper refrigerant. Compressor housing that is normally shipped attached to the pan instead ships loose in the crate and attached to a galvanized base. There is 10’ of refrigeration copper tubing provided and is connected to the compressor on one end, the other end has a quick connect and the lines have been pre-charged with refrigerant. It would be up to the installer to mount the base assembly within the 10’ line length to be able to connect to the pan. On/off switch and thermostat are mounted to the compressor base along with sight glass and TXV valve. HRCP family pans in this series are shipped with the control panel temporarily attached to the bottom of the pan on a 3’ lead. NC Series - No Condenser/Compressor”-No Condenser/Compressor housing, this unit is to “tie into” another Refrigeration system. Unit comes with Refrigeration lines “stubbed” out the bottom of the Unit, vacuum is pulled, lines charged with nitrogen, crimped then soldered shut. No refrigerant is provided. HRCP family pans in this series are shipped with the control panel temporarily attached to the bottom of the pan on a 3’ lead. Does not include the following: Applicable Solenoid Valve and Expansion valves for size of unit. Refrigeration Controls, thermostat, with mounting bracket. Wiring diagram from Thermostat to solenoid valve(s). 48 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com REFRIGERATED AND DUAL-TEMPERATURE HOT/COLD PANS Refrigerated Counter Top Server Shown with night cover. Sold separately Model Number Description Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight 15-1/8 x 25-7/8 x 10-1/2 70 Price Refrigerated Counter Top Server RCTS-4 Refrigerated Server, 120V, 1/16HP, 2A, 1Ø, NEMA 5-15P, 134A refrigerant RCTS-4-CVR Night Cover $1,995.00 $300.00 Cold Pan Accessories Part Number Description Ship Weight Price ADTBAR-RCP Adaptor Bar for RCPs & HRCPs 2 $110.00 ADTBAR-RCP43 Adaptor Bar for RCP-43 and HRCPs Extra Deep 2 $110.00 ADBAR-SL Adaptor Bar for RCP and HRCP Slim Lines 2 $110.00 22107 Perforated Bottom Strainer Plate, for RCP100 or ICP100 (1 piece) 5 $295.00 22108 Perforated Bottom Strainer Plates, 1” thick, for RCP200 or ICP200 (2 pieces) 11 $350.00 22109 Perforated Bottom Strainer Plates, 1” thick, for RCP300 or ICP300 (2 pieces) 14 $500.00 22110 Perforated Bottom Strainer Plates, 1” thick, for RCP400 or ICP-400 (2 pieces) 18 $595.00 22111 Perforated Bottom Strainer Plates, 1” thick, for RCP500 or ICP-500 (2 pieces) 26 $770.00 22112 Perforated Bottom Strainer Plates, 1” thick, for RCP600 or ICP600 (3 pieces) 24 $965.00 5O-WL0296 Perforated Bottom Strainer Plate, 3” thick, for HRCP7100 or RCP7100 (1 piece) 9 $195.00 23199 Perforated Bottom Strainer Plate, 3” thick, for HRCP7200 or RCP7200 (1 piece) 11 $540.00 23200 Perforated Bottom Strainer Plates, 3” thick, for HRCP7300 or RCP7300 (2 pieces) 14 $630.00 23201 Perforated Bottom Strainer Plates, 3” thick, for HRCP7400 or RCP7400 (2 pieces) 48 $770.00 23202 Perforated Bottom Strainer Plates, 3” thick, for HRCP7500 or RCP7500 (2 pieces) 60 $770.00 22696 Pan Rail, For RCP7100 3 $155.00 22697 Pan Rail, For RCP7200 6 $175.00 22698 Pan Rail, For RCP7300 9 $178.00 22699 Pan Rail, For RCP7400 12 $184.00 22700 Pan Rail, For RCP7500 15 $195.00 22701 Pan Rail, For RCP7600 18 $205.00 N/A 6’ extended lead for remote mounting of on/off switch RCPs only - $365.00 N/A 6’ extended lead for remote mounting of control panel for HRCPs only (3’ lead standard) - $475.00 WEL 1 EXTENDED WARRANTY/LABOR - 2nd Year Parts & Labor - NET Price - NO discounts, can only be purchased at point of sale - $375.00 WEL 5 Extended Warranty - 5 year Compressor (4 additional years) - NET Price - NO discounts, can only be purchased at point of sale - $175.00 Export Models Contact factory for details and pricing - Contact Wells WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 49 COOKING PRODUCTS Automatic basket lifts maximize handling safety Mechanical or Solid State Programmable Controls (Model F55FS) Automatic temperature controls ensure precise and even temperatures Repeat cycle timer activates using a single push-button operation Standard paperless oil filtration system reduces labor while cleaning oil more 50 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com COOKING PRODUCTS Floor Fryers High Production WFAE55F/FS Model Number Part Number V F WFAE55F-208 WFAE55F-240 22532 22533 WFAE55FC-208 WFAE55FC-240 WFAE55FC 22460 22461 22559 Description Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet 263 35 Price Open Auto-Lift Fryer, Electric, Single Basket (55 lb.) Mechanical timer, oil filter 208V, 3Ø, 17.0KW 240V, 3Ø, 17.0KW 15-11/16 x 37-5/16 x 45-11/16 (55 lb.) Solid State control, oil filter 208V, 3Ø, 17.0KW 240V, 3Ø, 17.0KW Open Auto-Lift Fryer, Single Basket with Filter 380-415V, 3Ø, 17100W 15-11/16 x 37-5/16 x 45-11/16 $19,960.00 $19,960.00 249 35 $21,010.00 $21,010.00 $22,060.00 *Select models are field convertible from 3Ø to 1Ø Accessories Pages 56 | Export models cannot be returned Oil Disposal Caddy Dependable Cast iron valve-type bidirectional pump Easy-To-Use Geometrically designed FastMove 50lbs. of oil in less than 3 minutes Large Capacity Up to 100lb. oil capacity Flexible Great for counter top or floor fryers WAOC1 Model Number Part Number Description Safe (4) Locking swivel casters Ship Weight Price Mobile Oil Disposal Floor Caddy WAOC1 22470 With manual pump 78 $2,930.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 51 COOKING PRODUCTS Countertop Fryers Single Pot Snap-action thermostat ranges from 200°F to 375°F and provides quick response to temperature change. One-piece 15 lb. lift out stainless steel kettle is standard for easy straining of oils Two large nickel-plated steel mesh side hanging baskets (4”W x 4-3/4”D x 11”L) provide continuous flow of product during peak periods. Immersion-type tubular heating elements provide even heat distribution and precise temperature control. All stainless steel cabinet for maintenance free operation. High-limit safety thermostat, on-off switch and two indicator lights provide safe and easy operation. Model Number Part Number U F Accessory full basket (8-3/4”W x 5-1/4”D x 10”L) available F15 Description Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet 34 4.95 Price Single Pot Fryers - Electric 21498 21499 (14 lb.) Two half-size baskets, Cord set 120V, 1Ø, 1.8kW, TCS, NEMA 5-15P 208/240V, 1Ø, 3.4/4.5KW, TCS, NEMA 6-30P 11 x 21-7/8 x 13-1/8 LLF14-120 LLF14 N/A (15 lb.) Two half-size baskets, Cord set 208/240V, 4.32/5.75KW, TCS, NEMA 6-30P 12x24x16-3/4” F15 20832 20833 (40 lb.) Two half-size baskets 208V, 3Ø, 17.25KW, TCS 240V, 3Ø, 17.25KW, TCS 15 x 29-1/2 x 18 F1725-208 F1725-240 $1,345.00 $1,345.00 47 4.5 $1,855.00 79 7.29 $5,085.00 $5,085.00 Accessories Pages 56 | Export models cannot be returned NEW GF-15 Model Number Part Number U 52 • Snap action thermostat ranges from 200°F to 375°F • Automatic pilot light for quick and easy ignition • Units are compact requiring only 12” or 24” of counter space Description GF-30 Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price Single Pot Fryers - Gas GF-15 N/A (15 lb.) Gas, Two Half-Size Baskets 30,000 BTUH, NG or LP 12x25-1/8x23-3/8” 75 6.5 $3,215.00 GF-30 N/A (30 lb.) Gas, Two full-size baskets 70,000 BTUH is NG or 65,000 BTUH in LP 24x25-1/8x23-3/8” 118 13.6 $3,955.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com COOKING PRODUCTS Built-In Fryers Single Pot A red signal light indicates any over temperature condition Auto Lift models available (F-586) Manual reset safety thermostats provide added protection from overtemperatures F586 Flat-blade, low-watt density Elements for quick heating and longer oil life Wellslok™ standard for easy installation Terminal block provided for connection to power supply Model Number Part Number R Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet 36 4.51 Price Single Pot Built-in Fryers - Electric 21156 21157 (15 lb.) Two half-size baskets 208V, 1Ø, 5.75KW, TCS 240V, 1Ø, 5.75KW, TCS 14-3/4 x 23-1/2 F556-208 F556-240 21162 21163 (15 lb.) Auto-Lift, One full-size basket 208V, 1Ø, 5.75KW, 60 Hz, TCS 240V, 1Ø, 5.75KW, 60 Hz, TCS 14-3/4 x 23-1/2 F586-208 F586-240 $2,350.00 $2,350.00 45 4.51 $3,790.00 $3,790.00 Accessories Pages 56 | Export models cannot be returned WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 53 COOKING PRODUCTS Countertop Fryers Dual Pot Swing-up elements for ease of cleaning Signal light indicates when heating elements are energized Elements have a spring-loaded support to secure elements in a raised position Heavy-duty, deep-drawn stainless steel fry pots F30 Nickel-plated wire baskets included Model Number Part Number U F30 N/A Description Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet 24X24X16-3/4” 81 9 Dual Pot Fryer - Electric (30 lb.) Auto-Lift, Two full-size baskets 208/240V, 8.64/11KW Accessories Pages 56 54 Price WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com $3,240.00 COOKING PRODUCTS Built-In Fryers Dual Pot A red signal light indicates any over temperature condition Wellslok™ standard for easy installation Terminal block provided for connection to power supply Manual reset safety thermostats provide added protection from over-temperatures F856 Flat-blade, low-watt density elements for quick heating and longer oil life Model Number Part Number R F856-208 F856-240** 23241 23242 Description Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet 24-13/16 x 23-9/16 77 8.85 Price Dual Pot Fryer (30 lb.) Two full-size baskets 208V, 3Ø, 11.5KW 240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 11.5KW $4,635.00 $4,635.00 **Select models are field convertible from 3Ø to 1Ø Accessories Pages 56 | Export models cannot be returned WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 55 FRYER ACCESSORIES Floor Fryer Accessories Part Number Description Ship Weight Price 22913 Full-size basket (WFAE55F/FS) 12 $925.00 22796 Half-size basket (WFAE55F/FS) 6 $385.00 21647 Heating element cleaning brush - $110.00 22516 Frypot cleaning brush - $55.00 22515 Chicken stirring paddle 2 $95.00 22685 Round basket (WFAE30F) - $590.00 Countertop Single Pot Fryer Accessories Part Number Description 21506 Basket, half-size (2 per fry pot) (LLF14) Ship Weight 2 Price $90.00 22728 Cord set, 30 AMP, 1Ø, NEMA 6-50P (F55) 1 $485.00 20820 Basket, half-size (2 per fry pot) (F1725) 2 $100.00 20519 Fry Pot, replacement (F1725) 9 $1,005.00 20161 Basket, half-size (2 per fry pot) (LLF14/F49/55/58) 2 $80.00 20162 Basket, full-size (1 per fry pot) (F49/55/58) 2 $90.00 20690 Crumb cradle (1 per fry pot) (F49/55/58) 1 $160.00 20169 Fry pot, 15 lb. capacity (F49/55/58) 7 $175.00 21010 Fry pot cover (F49/55/58) 3 $160.00 20563 Legs, set of four, 4 adjustable (F49/55/58) 5 $110.00 530TBR 1/2 size basket (right hanging) - $195.00 530TBL 1/2 size basket (left hanging) - $195.00 216FRB Full size basket (right hanging) - $250.00 216FBL Full size basket (left hanging) - $250.00 Built-In Single Pot Fryer Accessories Part Number Description 20161 Basket, half-size (2 per fry pot) Ship Weight 2 Price 20162 Basket, full-size (1 per fry pot) 2 $90.00 20690 Crumb cradle (1 per fry pot) 1 $160.00 20169 Fry pot, 15 lb. capacity 7 $175.00 $80.00 Countertop Dual Pot Accessories Part Number Description Ship Weight Price 20161 Basket, half-size (each) (two per fry pot) 2 20162 Basket, full-size (one per fry pot) 2 $90.00 20690 Crumb cradle (one per fry pot) 1 $160.00 20169 Fry pot, 15 lb. capacity 7 $175.00 20563 Legs, set of four, 4 adjustable (F1725) 5 $110.00 530TBR 1/2 size basket (right hanging) - $195.00 530TBL 1/2 size basket (left hanging) - $195.00 216FRB Full size basket (right hanging) - $250.00 216FBL Full size basket (left hanging) - $250.00 $80.00 Built-In Dual Pot Fryer Accessories Part Number Description Ship Weight Price 20161 Basket, half-size (each) (2 per fry pot) (F49, F85) 2 20162 Basket, full-size (1 per fry pot) 2 $90.00 20690 Crumb cradle (1 per fry pot) 1 $160.00 20169 Fry pot, 15 lb. capacity 7 $175.00 $80.00 Built-In Dual Pot Fryer Accessories Part Number 56 Description Ship Weight Price Z17210 Celsius knobs in lieu of Fahrenheit knobs (1 each) (LLF14, F49, F55, F556) ($50.00 PER KNOB) 2 $53.00 Z17210 Celsius knobs in lieu of Fahrenheit knobs (2 each) (F67, F68, F676, F686) ($50.00 PER KNOB) 2 $105.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com COOKING PRODUCTS Half Size Convection Oven Two-speed fan is perfect for bakery items Ergonomic, cool-touch door handle Fully insulated for maximum efficiency and energy savings High wattage for rapid pre-heat and quick recovery Easy-to-use, programmable controls Stainless steel exterior and interior for durability, reliability and ease of cleaning Heavy-duty power cord and NEMA 6-30P plug is standard Model Number Part Number N V OC1 - Description Model OC2 Five fully adjustable racks for 13” x 18” pans Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Amps Price 30-1/8 x 25-1/4 x 31 height includes 6" legs 253 (lbs) 24.0 24.0 $7,250.00 $7,250.00 506 (lbs) 24.0 24.0 $14,500.00 $14,500.00 Half Size Convection Oven 208V, 1Ø, 5,000 watts, NEMA 6-30P 240V, 1Ø, 5,600 watts, NEMA 6-30P INTERIOR DIMENSIONS 15-3/8 x 20-1/2 x 20 OC2 - 208V, 1Ø, 5,000 watts, NEMA 6-30P 240V, 1Ø, 5,600 watts, NEMA 6-30P 30-1/8 x 25-1/4 x 56 height includes 6" legs Accessories Part Number Description Ship Weight Price 21330 Caster set (set of four) 12 $206.00 21342 Stacking kit allows one oven to be stacked on top of another. If casters are used, they must be installed on the lower oven 15 $155.00 21376 Oven rack, replacement 4 $80.00 23035 Venting kit for single oven - $52.00 21445 Oven prep top - turns the top of your oven into a work surface - $412.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 57 COOKING PRODUCTS Countertop – Griddles- Electric ½” thick griddle plate provides even heat distribution Grooved or chrome-plated surfaces available Removable splash guard for ease of cleaning A terminal block is provided for field wiring to main power source (G-60 has two) 4” adjustable legs standard on countertop models Front-mounted controls come with ring guards to prevent accidental temperature changes Model Number Part Number U F F F F F G13** G13-480** G13-400 20052 90800* 21596 G19-208** G19-240** G19-480** G19-400 20060 20062 90804* 21598 G23-208** G23-240** G23-480** G23-400 20068 20070 90806* 22395 G24-208** G24-240** G24-480** G24-400 20076 20078 90808* 22397 G60-208** G60-240** G60-480** G60-400 90810* 90810* 90810* N/A Description Four-quart capacity, removable, front mounted grease drawer (G-60 has two) G13 Number of Thermostats Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Cooking Surface 22W x 18D 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 6.75/9.0KW 480V, 3Ø (1Ø), 9.0KW 380-415V, 3NAC, 3Ø, 10800W *Optional Chrome-Plated Griddle Surface CSA model available: 9kW, 60Hz, 208V or 240V, 1Ø or 3Ø 2 24-3/16 x 23-9/16 x 16 140 6.77 Cooking Surface 34W x 18D 208V, 3Ø (1Ø), 12.0KW 240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 12.0KW 480V, 3Ø (1Ø), 12.0KW 380-415V, 3NAC, 3Ø, 16100W *Optional Chrome-Plated Griddle Surface CSA model available: 12.0kW, 60Hz, 208V or 240V, 1Ø or 3Ø 2 36-1/2 x 23-9/16 x 16 190 9.70 Cooking Surface 34W x 24D 208V, 3Ø (1Ø), 16.0KW 240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 16.0KW 480V, 3Ø (1Ø), 16.0KW 380-415V, 3NAC, 3Ø, 16000W *Optional Chrome-Plated Griddle Surface CSA model available: 16.0kW, 60Hz, 208V or 240V, 1Ø or 3Ø 4 36-1/2 x 29-9/16 x 16 260 14.52 Cooking Surface 46W x 24D 208V, 3Ø (1Ø), 21.5KW 240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 21.5KW 480V, 3Ø (1Ø), 21.5KW 380-415V, 3NAC, 3Ø, 21000W *Optional Chrome-Plated Griddle Surface CSA model available: 21.0kW, 60Hz, 208V or 230V, 1Ø or 3Ø 4 49 x 29-9/16 x 16 326 19.47 Cooking Surface 67W x 24D 208V, 3Ø (1Ø), 32.0KW 240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 32.0KW 480V, 3Ø (1Ø), 32.0KW 380-415V, 3NAC, 3Ø, 32.0KW *Optional Chrome-Plated Griddle Surface CSA model available: 32.0kW, 60Hz, 208V or 240V, 1Ø or 3Ø 8 69 x 29-9/16 x 16 545 26.04 Price Griddles $3,300.00 $3,950.00 $3,785.00 Add $1,220.00 $4,010.00 $4,010.00 $4,795.00 $4,795.00 Add $1,450.00 $5,590.00 $5,590.00 $6,725.00 $6,045.00 Add $1,760.00 $7,400.00 $7,400.00 $8,840.00 $7,925.00 Add $2,010.00 $9,325.00 $9,325.00 $11,250.00 $9,815.00 Add $2,250.00 Optional grooved Surface First 6, must specify location* Optional grooved Surface Each additional 6 incremental widths* * Built to Buyer’s specification. May not be returned. Voltage needs to be specified at time of order. **Select models are field convertible from 3Ø to 1Ø Export models cannot be returned. | Grooving is not available with chrome-plated surface. 58 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com Add $770.00 Add $350.00 COOKING PRODUCTS Built-In – Griddles – Electric Wellslok™ standard for easy installation G236 Model Number Part Number R Description Number of Thermostats Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet 24-3/16 x 23-9/16 120 5.84 Price Griddles F 20054 90801 21597 Cooking Surface 22W x 18D 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 6.8/9.0KW 480V, 3Ø (1Ø), 9.0KW 380-415V, 3NAC, 3Ø, 10800W *Optional Chrome-Plated Griddle Surface 2 G136* G136-480** G136-400 F 20064 20066 90805 21598 Cooking Surface 34W x 18D 208V, 3Ø (1Ø), 12.0KW 240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 12.0KW 480V, 3Ø (1Ø), 12.0KW 380-415V, 3NAC, 3Ø, 16100W *Optional Chrome-Plated Griddle Surface 2 G196-208** G196-240** G196-480** G196-400 F 20072 90807 90807 22396 Cooking Surface 34W x 24D 208V, 3Ø (1Ø), 16.0KW 240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 16.0KW 480V, 3Ø (1Ø), 16.0KW 380-415V, 3NAC, 3Ø, 16000W *Optional Chrome-Plated Griddle Surface 4 G236-208** G236-240** G236-480** G236-400 F 20080 90809 90809 22398 Cooking Surface 46W x 24D 208V, 3Ø (1Ø), 21.5KW 240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 21.5KW 480V, 3Ø (1Ø), 21.5KW 380-415V, 3NAC, 3Ø, 21000W *Optional Chrome-Plated Griddle Surface 4 G246-208** G246-240** G246-480** G246-400 90811 90811 90811 Cooking Surface 67W x 24D 208V, 3Ø (1Ø), 32.0KW 240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 32.0KW 480V, 3Ø (1Ø), 32.0KW *Optional Chrome-Plated Griddle Surface 8 G606-208** G606-240** G606-480** $3,445.00 $4,080.00 $3,850.00 Add $1,220.00 36-1/2 x 23-9/16 180 9.70 $4,080.00 $4,080.00 $4,950.00 $4,830.00 Add $1,450.00 36-1/2 x 29-9/16 292 14.52 $5,815.00 $5,815.00 $6,855.00 $6,050.00 Add $1,760.00 49 x 29-9/16 331 19.47 $7,660.00 $7,660.00 $9,160.00 $8,125.00 Add $2,010.00 69 x 29-9/16 517 28.02 $10,430.00 $10,430.00 $12,445.00 Add $2,250.00 Add $770.00 Add $350.00 *Optional Grooved Surface First 6, must specify location *Optional Grooved Surface Each additional 6 incremental widths Grooving is not available with chrome-plated surface | Export models cannot be returned *Custom grooved surfaces cannot be returned. **Select models are field convertible from 3Ø to 1Ø Accessories - Countertop Electric Griddles Part Number 20632 Description Splashguard G-13 & G136 Ship Weight 3 Price $250.00 20634 Splashguard G-19 & G196 4 $260.00 20635 Splashguard G-23 & G236 4 $270.00 20636 Splashguard G-24 & G246 8 $325.00 20637 Splashguard G-60 & G606 10 $470.00 20651 Scraper, for grooved griddles 1 $125.00 Z17209 Celsius knobs in lieu of Fahrenheit knobs (2 each) G13, G19, G136, G196 ($50.00 PER KNOB) 1 $105.00 Z17209 Celsius knobs in lieu of Fahrenheit knobs (4 each) (G23, G24, G236, G246) ($50.00 PER KNOB) 2 $210.00 Z17209 Celsius knobs in lieu of Fahrenheit knobs (8each) (G60 & G606) ($50.00 PER KNOB) 3 $420.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 59 COOKING PRODUCTS Japanese Teppan Griddle JG246UL Model Number Part Number V JG246UL* Description Size W x D (in) Cubic Feet 415 22.28 Price Japanese Teppan Griddle, No Grease Trough, Plate Size 46 13/16” x 27 5/16” Cooking Surface 24 x 20 208/240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 6.0/8.0KW 22227 Ship Weight 49-3/16 x 29-11/16 $6,600.00 *Select model is field convertible from 3Ø to 1Ø Gas Griddles Stainless Steel, hinged front panel protects control knobs Grooved or chrome-plated surfaces available 3/4” thick griddle plate provides even heat distribution Snap-Action Thermostatic Controls located every 12” for precise temperatures Natural or LP Gas Full-width front-mounted grease trough for ease of cleaning 4” adjustable legs standard Model Number Part Number 2424G Large capacity, removable grease drawer for easy clean up Description Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet 210 11.30 o Thermostatic Control 21457 Cooking Surface 23 13/16W x 20 1/2D Natural Gas, 50,000 BTU/hour, 2 burners *Optional chrome-Plated Surface 23-13/13 x 25-3/8 x12-3/8 2424G 21458 Cooking Surface 35 13/16W x 20 1/2D Natural Gas, 75,000 BTU/hour, 3 burners *Optional chrome-Plated Surface 35-13/16 x 25-3/8 x 12-3/8 2436G 21459 Cooking Surface 35 13/16W x 24D Natural Gas, 75,000 BTU/hour, 3 burners *Optional chrome-Plated Surface 35-13/16 x 30 x 12-3/8 325 3036G 21460 Cooking Surface 47 13/16W x 24D Natural Gas, 100,000 BTU/hour, 4 burners *Optional chrome-Plated Surface 47-13/16 x 30 x 12-3/8 423 3048G Price $4,765.00 $6,085.00 291 17.32 $6,195.00 $7,770.00 21.24 $7,705.00 $9,380.00 26.71 $8,660.00 $10,800.00 Add $770.00 Add $350.00 Optional grooved surface First 6, must specify location* Optional grooved surface Each additional 6 incremental widths* Grooving is not available with chrome plated surface * Built to Buyer’s specification. May not be returned. Accessories 60 Part Number Description Ship Weight 20563 Legs, set of four, 4 adjustable 5 $110.00 20651 Scraper, for grooved griddles 1 $125.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com Price COOKING PRODUCTS Front-mounted grease trough for ease of cleaning HD Gas Griddles Natural or LP Gas Each burner has adjustable air shutter control for optimum combustion 3/4” thick griddle plate provides even heat distribution Manual or thermostatic controls located every 12” for precise temperatures Stainless steel removable front panel for ease of access to components Large capacity, stainless steel, removable grease drawer for easy clean up Model Number Part Number HDG2430G 4” adjustable legs standard Description Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price o Manual Control - Natural Gas HDG2430G 23143 Cooking Surface 23-3/4W x 23-3/4D Natural Gas, 60,000 BTU/hour, 2 burners 24-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 249 12.85 $1,965.00 HDG3630G 23144 Cooking Surface 35-3/4W x 23-3/4D Natural Gas, 90,000 BTU/hour, 3 burners 36-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 397 17.99 $2,645.00 HDG4830G 23145 Cooking Surface 47-3/4W x 23-3/4D Natural Gas, 120,000 BTU/hour, 4 burners 48-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 507 22.70 $3,335.00 HDG6030G N/A Cooking Surface 60-1/8W x 23-3/4D Natural Gas, 150,000 BTU/hour, 6 burners 60-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 640 30.2 $4,340.00 o Thermostatic Control - Natural Gas HDTG2430G 23250 Cooking Surface 23-3/4W x 23-3/4D Natural Gas, 60,000 BTU/hour, 2 burners 24-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 249 12.85 $3,325.00 HDTG3630G 23251 Cooking Surface 35-3/4W x 23-3/4D Natural Gas, 90,000 BTU/hour, 3 burners 36-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 397 17.99 $4,210.00 HDTG4830G 23252 Cooking Surface 47-3/4W x 23-3/4D Natural Gas, 120,000 BTU/hour, 4 burners 48-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 507 22.70 $5,485.00 HDTG6030G N/A Cooking Surface 60-1/8W x 23-3/4D Natural Gas, 150,000 BTU/hour, 6 burners 60-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 640 30.2 $7,315.00 Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price Natural gas models are field convertible to LP Gas – LP Gas regulators and orifices included. Model Number Part Number Description o Manual Control - LP Gas HDG2430G-LP 23143 Cooking Surface 23-3/4W x 23-3/4D LP Gas, 60,000 BTU/hour, 2 burners 24-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 249 12.85 $2,040.00 HDG3630G-LP 23144 Cooking Surface 35-3/4W x 23-3/4D LP Gas, 90,000 BTU/hour, 3 burners 36-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 397 17.99 $2,745.00 HDG4830G-LP 23145 Cooking Surface 47-3/4W x 23-3/4D LP Gas, 120,000 BTU/hour, 4 burners 48-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 507 22.70 $3,465.00 HDG6030G-LP N/A Cooking Surface 60-1/8W x 23-3/4D LP Gas, 150,000 BTU/hour, 6 burners 60-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 640 30.2 $4,505.00 o Thermostatic Control - LP Gas HDTG2430G-LP 23250 Cooking Surface 23-3/4W x 23-3/4D LP Gas, 60,000 BTU/hour, 2 burners 24-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 249 12.85 $3,455.00 HDTG3630G-LP 23251 Cooking Surface 35-3/4W x 23-3/4D LP, 90,000 BTU/hour, 3 burners 36-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 397 17.99 $4,370.00 HDTG4830G-LP 23252 Cooking Surface 47-3/4W x 23-3/4D LP, 120,000 BTU/hour, 4 burners 48-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 507 22.70 $5,695.00 HDTG6030G-LP N/A Cooking Surface 60-1/8W x 23-3/4D LP, 150,000 BTU/hour, 6 burners 60-1/8 x 33-1/4 x 17 640 30.2 $7,400.00 Accessories Part Number Description 20563 Legs, set of four, 4 adjustable Ship Weight 5 Price $110.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 61 COOKING PRODUCTS HD Gas Char Broilers Cast iron radiants for even & consistent heat Cast iron top grates – adjustable and reversible Cast iron burners for higher maximum temperatures & consistency Natural or LP Gas Easily removable front panel for simple access to components Each burner has adjustable air shutter control for optimum combustion HDCB2430G Each burner has ON/OFF control valves for infinite heat adjustment Model Number Part Number o Removable drip pan for easy clean up Description Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price Radiant - Natural Gas 139 5.19 $1,875.00 23215 Cooking Surface 12W x 30D Natural Gas, 40,000 BTU/hour, 2 burners 14 x 30-1/2 x 18-1/8 HDCB1230G 293 18.71 $2,450.00 23191 Cooking Surface 24W x 30D Natural Gas, 80,000 BTU/hour, 4 burners 24-1/8 x 30-1/2 x 18-1/8 HDCB2430G 401 19.70 $3,285.00 23192 Cooking Surface 36W x 30D Natural Gas, 120,000 BTU/hour, 6 burners 36-1/8 x 30-1/2 x 18-1/8 HDCB3630G 514 25.61 $4,510.00 23193 Cooking Surface 48W x 30D Natural Gas, 160,000 BTU/hour, 8 burners 48-1/8 x 30-1/2 x 18-1/8 HDCB4830G Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Natural gas models are field convertible to LP Gas – LP Gas regulators and orifices included. Model Number Part Number o Description Price Radiant - LP Gas 139 5.19 $1,955.00 23215 Cooking Surface 12W x 30D LP Gas, 40,000 BTU/hour, 2 burners 14 x 30-1/4 x 18-1/8 HDCB1230G-LP 293 18.71 $2,545.00 23191 Cooking Surface 24W x 30D LP Gas, 80,000 BTU/hour, 4 burners 24-1/8 x 30-1/4 x 18-1/8 HDCB2430G-LP 401 19.70 $3,415.00 23192 Cooking Surface 36W x 30D LP Gas, 120,000 BTU/hour, 6 burners 36-1/8 x 30-1/4 x 18-1/8 HDCB3630G-LP 514 25.61 $4,685.00 23193 Cooking Surface 48W x 30D LP Gas, 160,000 BTU/hour, 8 burners 48-1/8 x 30-1/4 x 18-1/8 HDCB4830G-LP Accessories 62 Part Number Description 20563 Legs, set of four, 4 adjustable Ship Weight 5 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com Price $110.00 COOKING PRODUCTS HD Gas Hotplates Durable cast iron burners provide consistent high temperatures and gentle low heat Heavy-duty, cast iron top Grates are built to last Each burner has ON/OFF control valves for infinite heat adjustment Each burner has adjustable air shutter control for optimum combustion Easily removable front panel for simple access to components HDHP2430G Natural or LP Gas Adjustable 4” legs standard Model Number Part Number Description Removable drip pan for easy clean up Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price o Standard - Natural Gas HDHP1230G 23146 Two Burners Natural Gas, 53,000 BTU/hour 12 x 30-1/8 x 14-11/16 89 3.74 $1,105.00 HDHP2430G 23147 Four Burners Natural Gas, 106,000 BTU/hour 23-3/4 x 30-1/8 x 14-11/16 225 12.85 $1,665.00 HDHP3630G 23148 Six Burners Natural Gas, 159,000 BTU/hour 35-1/2 x 30-1/8 x 14-11/16 304 17.99 $2,225.00 Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Natural gas models are field convertible to LP Gas – LP Gas regulators and orifices included. Model Number Part Number Description Price o Standard - LP Gas HDHP1230G-LP 23146 Two Burners LP Gas, 43,000 BTU/hour 12 x 30-1/8 x 14-11/16 89 3.74 $1,150.00 HDHP2430G-LP 23147 Four Burners LP Gas, 86,000 BTU/hour 23-3/4 x 30-1/8 x 14-11/16 225 12.85 $1,730.00 HDHP3630G-LP 23148 Six Burners LP Gas, 129,000 BTU/hour 35-1/2 x 30-1/8 x 14-11/16 304 17.99 $2,315.00 Accessories Part Number Description 20563 Legs, set of four, 4 adjustable Ship Weight 5 Price $110.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 63 COOKING PRODUCTS Countertop Char Broilers - Electric Removable cast iron grates makes clean up a breeze Dual heating action using both radiant and conductive heat Element frame has a spring –loaded support to secure element(s) when in a raised position Signal light illuminates when element(s) are energized Self-cleaning element(s) are positioned between broiler grate ribs to protect from direct contact with food and from spatulas Front mounted control comes with protective guard ring to prevent accidental temperature adjustments Lift-out drip-pan has handles for easy clean up Model Number Part Number U B50 Wellslok™ standard on Built-in models for ease of installation Description Temperature is regulated by infinite controls with positive off position Number of Controls Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet 24-3/4 x 23-1/2 x 15-3/8 80 7.81 19-7/16 x 29-9/16 x 15-3/8 85 36-1/2 x 29-1/2 x 15-3/8 159 Char Broilers F 20002 20001* 21520 Cooking Surface 21 1/2W x 14 1/2D 208V, 3Ø (1Ø), 5.5KW 240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 5.5KW 380-415V, 3Ø, 5400W 2 B40-208** B40-240** B40-400 F 20007 20005* 21603 Cooking Surface 16W x 20D 208V, 3Ø (1Ø), 5.5KW 240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 5.5KW 380-415V, 3Ø, 5400W 1 B44-208** B44-240** B44-400 F 20011 20010* 21824 Cooking Surface 32W x 20D 208V, 3Ø (1Ø), 11.0KW 240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 11.0KW 380-415V, 3Ø, 10800W 2 B50-208** B50-240** B50-400 * Built to Buyer’s specification. May not be returned. $4,815.00 $4,815.00 $5,015.00 8.02 $4,650.00 $4,650.00 $4,995.00 14.46 Export models cannot be returned **Select models are field convertible from 3Ø to 1Ø 64 Price WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com $8,305.00 $8,305.00 $8,825.00 COOKING PRODUCTS Built-In Char Broilers- Electric B406 B446 Model Number Part Number R Wellslok™ standard for easy installation Description Number of Controls Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet 24-3/4 x 23-1/2 68 8.55 Char Broilers 20004 20003* F Cooking Surface 21 1/2W x 14 1/2D 208V, 3Ø (1Ø), 5.5KW 240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 5.5KW 380-415V 3Ø (1Ø), 5.5KW 2 B406-208 B406-240 B406-400 20009 20008* F Cooking Surface 16W x 20D 208V, 3Ø (1Ø), 5.5KW 240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 5.5KW 380-415V , 3Ø (1Ø), 5.5KW 1 B446-208 B446-240 B446-400 20013 20012* Cooking Surface 32W x 20D 208V, 3Ø, 11.0KW 240V, 3Ø (1Ø), 11.0KW 380-415V, 3Ø (1Ø), 11.0KW 2 B506-208 B506-240 B506-400 F Price $4,820.00 $4,820.00 $5,040.00 19-7/16 x 29-9/16 80 8.02 $4,775.00 $4,775.00 $4,995.00 36-1/2 x 29-1/2 142 14.46 $8,420.00 $8,420.00 $8,935.00 * Built to Buyer’s specification. May not be returned. Accessories Countertop & Built-In Char Broilers Part Number Description Ship Weight Price 21708 Wire Broiler Brush 3 $22.00 20141 Cord set, 30 AMP, 1Ø, NEMA 6-30P (B40 and B44) 1 $54.00 20202 Grease Pan, replacement (B40 & B406) 5 $295.00 20174 Grease Pan, replacement (B44, B50, B446 & B506) 4 $295.00 21707 Broiler Grate (B40 & B406) 20 $285.00 21706 Broiler Grate (B44, B50, B446 & B506) 25 $335.00 20563 Legs, set of four, 4 adjustable 25 $110.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 65 COOKING PRODUCTS Countertop HotplatesElectric Self cleaning elements Solid surfaces are easy to clean HC125 H70 Reduced cook times saves energy Heats five-times faster than convention hot plates Model Number Part Number V H63 Smooth easy-toclean surface works with all types of pans and skillets Larger surface area provide even heat distribution for larger pots & pans Description Drip trays are removable for ease of cleaning Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet 12-5/8 x 12-5/8 x 6-3/4 14 1.63 Ceramic Hotplates HC100 22328 Single 7 element, 1 legs 120V, 1Ø, 1.4KW, NEMA 5-15P 22305 22418 Single 9 element, 1 legs 208/240V, 1Ø, 1.9/2.5KW, NEMA 6-15P 220-240V, 1Ø, 2500W 14-3/4 x 14 x 6-3/4 15 3.00 F HC125 HC125 22307 22419 Dual 9 elements, 1 legs 208/240V, 1Ø, 3.8/5.0KW, NEMA 6-30P 220-240V, 1Ø, 5000W 14-3/4 x 24-5/8 x 6-3/4 29 4.15 F HC225 HC225 U $1,020.00 $1,180.00 $1,180.00 $1,855.00 $1,855.00 Spiral Hotplates H33 20192 Single 6 element, 4 legs 120V, 1Ø, 1.5KW, NEMA 5-15P 12-5/8 x 12-5/8 x 10 12 1.62 $640.00 H115 20436 Dual 6 elements, 1 legs 120V, 1Ø, 1.65KW, NEMA 5-15P 14-3/4 x 23-9/16 x 7 21 3.35 $1,060.00 H63* 20093 14-3/4 x 23-1/2 x 12-3/8 28 4.51 H63CD* 21622 U F Price H70* H70 20523 22384 Dual 8 elements, 4 legs 208/240V, 1Ø (3Ø), 3.9/5.2KW, No cord set **CSA model available: 208V or 240V, 60Hz 1Ø or 3Ø 208/240V, 1Ø (3Ø), 3.9/5.2KW, NEMA 6-30P $1,225.00 $1,345.00 French Hotplates Dual 9 elements, 4 legs 208/240V, 1Ø (3Ø), 3.0/4.0KW, No cord set 220-240V, 1Ø, 4000W **CSA model available: 208V or 240V, 60Hz 1Ø or 3Ø *Select models are field convertable from 1Ø to 3Ø 14-3/4 x 23-1/2 x 12-3/8 35 4.36 $1,315.00 $1,345.00 Export models cannot be returned **Note: For 3 phase CSA models max line currents are as follows: Volts L1L2L3 208 16.38.1 8.1 240 18.89.3 9.3 Accessories 66 Part Number Description 21109 Legs, set of four, 1 plastic for countertop electric hotplates Ship Weight 1 20314 Legs, set of four, 4 adjustable plastic for all countertop electric hotplates 1 $44.00 20563 Legs, set of four, 4 adjustable nickel-plated alloy for all countertop electric hotplates 5 $110.00 21705 Drip Tray, model H63 5 $48.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com Price $48.00 COOKING PRODUCTS Built-In Hotplates Electric H336 HC1256 H706 Wellslok ™ standard on built-in models for ease of installation Model Number Part Number U F F Size W x D (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet 12-5/8 x 12-5/8 15 3.13 22329 Single 7 element 120V, 1Ø, 1.4KW 22308 22420 Single 9 element 208/240V, 1Ø, 1.9/2.5KW 220-240V, 1Ø, 2500W 14-3/4 x 14 HC1256 HC1256-230 22270 22421 Dual 9 elements 208/240V, 1Ø, 3.8/5.0KW 220-240V, 1Ø, 5000W 14-3/4 x 24-5/8 HC2256 HC2256-230 R $1,115.00 3.50 31 4.15 $2,030.00 $2,075.00 Spiral Hotplates Single 6 element 120/208V, 1Ø, 19.5/26.0KW 10 Diameter 20092 20094 Dual 8 elements 208/240V, 1Ø (3Ø), 3.9/5.2KW 14-3/4 x 23-1/2 H636 20739 22385 19 $1,220.00 $1,250.00 H336 H706 H706-230 Price Ceramic Hotplates HC1006 R F Description 6 0.74 $665.00 24 2.58 $1,330.00 French Hotplates Dual 9 elements 208/240V, 1Ø (3Ø), 3.0/4.0KW 220-240V, 1Ø, 4000W 14-3/4 x 23-1/2 29 2.58 $1,380.00 $1,445.00 Export models cannot be returned WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 67 COOKING PRODUCTS Gas Hotplates Model Number H2412G Part Number Description o Instant-On Hotplate 23185 Instant-On, Two Burners Natural Gas, 24,000 BTU/hour Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet 12-1/8 x 23-3/4 x 13-1/2 31 3.85 Price $2,075.00 Accessories 68 Part Number Description Ship Weight 20563 Legs, set of four, 4 adjustable 5 $110.00 23179 Drip Tray 1 $125.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com Price HEATED DISHER WELL Water Saver Heated Disher Well HDW-2 *Patent Pending* Model Number Part Number U HDW-2 N/A Description N/A Ship Weight 7.5 x 7.5 x 9.25 n/a Price Water-Saver Heated Disher Well 120V, 300W, 2.8 AMPS 5-15 Plug with 6 cord $1,600.00 WxDxH with optional faucet ACCESSORY HDWF Size W x D x H (in) Heated Disher Well Faucet 7.5 x 7.77 x 10.4 $137.00 It’s Easy to SAVE GREEN With the Water Saver Heated Disher Well Saves Water Saves Environmental Fees Saves Energy Food Safe- Protects Customers WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 69 WARMERS Heavy-Duty Drawer Warmers Free Standing RW1HD RW2HD Adjustable front vent allows for humidity control for each individual drawer Individual thermostatic controls per drawer for maximum versatility Large 12” x 20” x 6” deep stainless steel pans accept standard inset pans Choose between standard thermostatic controls, electronic thermometer with digital readouts or dial thermometers Model Number Part Number V F Description Fully insulated for heat retentions and energy savings Drawers Thermostat Controls Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet 1 29-1/4 x 21-1/2 x 14-7/8 77 7.93 29-1/4 x 21-1/2 x 25 126 Heavy-Duty Drawer Warmers 21470 21471 4” legs 120V, 1Ø, 450W, NEMA 5-15P 208/240V, 1Ø, 338/450W, NEMA 6-15P 1 RW1HD-120 RW1HD 21480 21481 22335 4 legs 120V, 1Ø, 900W, NEMA 5-15P 208/240V, 1Ø, 676/900W, NEMA 6-15P 220-240V, 1Ø, 900W 2 RW2HD-120 RW2HD RW2HD-230 21482 21483 4 legs 120V, 1Ø, 1350W, NEMA 5-15P 208/240V, 1Ø, 1014/1350W, NEMA 6-15P 3 RW3HD-120 RW3HD 2 $2,215.00 $2,215.00 13.80 $3,825.00 $3,825.00 $4,015.00 3 29-1/4 x 21-1/2 x 31-1/8 170 19.20 $5,380.00 $5,380.00 Electronic thermometer with digital readout or bulb & capillary with dial thermometer. PER DRAWER. Specify when ordering. V Add $175.00 Heavy-Duty Narrow-Width Drawer Warmers 22058 22059 4 legs 120V, 1Ø, 450W, NEMA 5-15P 208/240V, 1Ø, 338/450W, NEMA 6-15P 1 RWN1-120 RWN1 22060 22061 4 legs 120V, 1Ø, 900W, NEMA 5-15P 208/240V, 1Ø, 676/900W, NEMA 6-15P 2 RWN2-120 RWN2 22062 22063 4 legs 120V, 1Ø, 1350W, NEMA 5-15P 208/240V, 1Ø, 1014/1350W, NEMA 6-15P 3 RWN3-120 RWN3 1 2 3 20-1/4 x 26-5/16 x 14-7/8 69 20-1/4 x 26-5/16 x 25 110 20-1/4 x 26-5/16 x 31-1/8 165 7.93 $2,350.00 $2,350.00 13.80 $3,955.00 $3,955.00 Electronic thermometer with digital readout or bulb & capillary with dial thermometer. PER DRAWER. Specify when ordering. 19.20 $5,420.00 $5,420.00 Add Export models cannot be returned Accessories Page 75 70 Price WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com $175.00 WARMERS Heavy-Duty Drawer Warmers Built-In RW16HD DRAWER WARMER EXAMPLE ONLY Durable and tough stainless steel tracks and bearings provide smooth and trouble-free operation Drawers fully extend for ease of loading and unloading Model Number Part Number V F F Narrow width models save space while accommodating standard 12” x 20” pans Exclusive self-latching mechanism provides easy, one-touch and secure closing RW16HD Description Drawers Thermostat Controls Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price Heavy-Duty Drawer Warmers RW16HD-120 RW16HD RW16HD-230 21500 21501 22336 120V, 1Ø, 450W 208/240V, 1Ø, 338/450W 220-240V, 1Ø, 450W CSA model available: 120V 3.75A, 208V 1.63A, 240V 1.87A 1 1 29-1/4 x 21-1/2 x 10-7/8 68 7.93 $2,280.00 $2,280.00 $2,425.00 RW26HD-120 RW26HD RW26HD-230 21534 21535 22337 120V, 1Ø, 900W 208/240V, 1Ø, 676/900W 220-240V, 1Ø, 900W CSA model available: 120V 7.50A, 208V 3.25A, 240V 3.75A 2 2 29-1/4 x 21-1/2 x 21 115 13.80 $3,750.00 $3,750.00 $3,875.00 RW36HD-120 RW36HD 21536 21537 120V, 1Ø, 1350W 208/240V, 1Ø, 1014/1350W CSA model available: 120V 11.25A, 208V 4.88A, 240V 5.62A 3 3 29-1/4 x 21-1/2 x 31-1/8 191 19.20 $5,225.00 $5,225.00 Add $175.00 Electronic thermometer with digital readout or bulb & capillary with dial thermometer. PER DRAWER. Specify when ordering. V Heavy-Duty Narrow-Width Drawer Warmers RWN16-120 RWN16 22064 22065 120V, 1Ø, 450W 208/240V, 1Ø, 338/450W 1 1 20-1/4 x 26-1/2 x 10-7/8 63 7.93 $2,315.00 $2,315.00 RWN26-120 RWN26 22066 22067 120V, 1Ø, 900W 208/240V, 1Ø, 676/900W 2 2 20-1/4 x 26-1/2 x 21 120 13.80 $3,865.00 $3,865.00 RWN36-120 RWN36 22068 22069 120V, 1Ø, 1350W 208/240V, 1Ø, 1014/1350W 3 3 20-1/4 x 26-1/2 x 31-1/8 191 19.20 $5,390.00 $5,390.00 Add $175.00 Electronic thermometer with digital readout or bulb & capillary with dial thermometer. PER DRAWER. Specify when ordering. Export models cannot be returned Accessories Page 75 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 71 WARMERS Countertop Warmers – Rectangular and Square Tubular elements are positioned under the warmer pan for quick heating (standard models) Warming pans are deepdrawn stainless steel for strength & durability Positive-off thermostats provide adjustable and consistent temperatures Cook ‘n hold models have elements inside the well for rapid heat transfer (wet operation only) SMPT Protective ring guards prevent accidental temperature changes Model Number Part Number U F Description Accepts standard 12” x 20” and / or fractional inset pans (SW-10 & HW-10 accepts 11-quart round inset pans) Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet 14 1.62 Heavy-Duty Warmers - Thermostat Control 11 quart round, 1 leg 120V, 1Ø, 825W, NEMA 5-15P 12-5/8 x 12-5/8 x 9-3/8 Holds one 12 x 20 pan, 4 legs 120V, 1Ø, 1650W, NEMA 5-15P 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W, NEMA 6-15P with drain 220-240V, 1Ø, 1650W 14-3/4 x 23-1/2 x 12-3/8 Holds four 1/3 pans, 4 legs 120V, 1Ø, 1650W, NEMA 5-15P 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W, NEMA 6-15P with drain 14-3/4 x 30-1/2 x 12-3/8 22322 22323 Holds two 12 x 20 pans, 4 legs 120V, 1Ø, 1800W, NEMA 5-20P 208/240V, 1Ø, 1800/2400W, NEMA 6-15P with drain 29-9/16 x 23-1/2 x 12-3/8 50 21360 21361 14 SW10T-120 20907 SMPT-120 SMPT SMPT-D SMPT-230 20971 20936 SMPT27-120 SMPT27 SMPTD27 TMPT-120 TMPT TMPT-D 22374 U $660.00 27 4.51 $985.00 $985.00 $1,140.00 $1,015.00 33 5.20 $1,180.00 $1,180.00 $1,400.00 9.11 $1,720.00 $1,720.00 $2,000.00 Heavy-Duty Cook’N Hold 20574 20926 Square 11 quart round, 1 leg 120V, 1Ø, 1650W, NEMA 5-15P 208/240V, 1Ø, 1240/1650W, NEMA 6-15P 12-5/8 x 12-5/8 x 9-3/8 HW10-120 HW10 20969 20970 Holds one 12 x 20 pan 2 or 4 deep, 4 legs 120V, 1Ø, 1800W, NEMA 5-15P 208/240V, 1Ø, 1350/1800W, NEMA 6-15P 14-3/4 x 23-1/2 x 12-3/8 HWSMP-120 HWSMP 1.60 $895.00 $895.00 25 4.51 Export models cannot be returned Accessories Page 75 72 Price WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com $980.00 $980.00 WARMERS Round Soup Cookers Anodized aluminum well High-wattage soup cookers for rapid heating of refrigerated foods Handles for easy moving Deluxe Models Only Stainless steel well and outer housing for strength and durability LLSC11 Band element that surrounds the heat well for quick preheat SC6411WA Fully insulated for cooler outer temperatures, maximum efficiency and energy savings Thermostatically controlled to maintain precise holding temperatures Model Number Part Number U Description Deluxe dual heating elements provide fast and efficient operation Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet Price Heavy-Duty Cook’N Hold 21830 Round Soup Cooker 7 quarts 120V, 1Ø, 850W, NEMA 5-15P 10 3/4 Diameter 8 1.62 $440.00 LLSC7WA-120 N/A Round Soup Cooker INCLUDES 7 QUART INSET, LID AND LADLE 120V, 1Ø, 850W, NEMA 5-15P 10 3/4 Diameter 8 1.62 $460.00 LLSC11-120 21540 Round Soup Cooker 11 quarts 120V, 1Ø, 1100W, NEMA 5-15P 12 5/8 Diameter 10 1.62 $500.00 LLSC11WA-120 12006 Round Soup Cooker INCLUDES 11 QUART INSET, HINGED LID AND 8 OZ. LADLE 120V, 1Ø, 1100W, NEMA 5-15P 12 5/8 Diameter 10 1.62 $535.00 LLSC7-120 U Deluxe Soup Cookers SC6411 21732 Deluxe Round Soup Cooker/Warmer 11 qt round 120V, 1Ø, 1000W, NEMA 5-15P 10-1/2 x 10-1/2 16 1.58 $905.00 SC6411WA 21794 Deluxe Package, Includes part number 21732 Deluxe Round Soup Cooker/Warmer, 11 quart inset, hinged lid and 8 oz. ladle 120V, 1Ø, 1000W, NEMA 5-15P 10-1/2 x 10-1/2 16 2.20 $970.00 F SC6423 - Deluxe Round Soup Cooker/Warmer 11 qt round 230V, 4.3A 1Ø, 989W, Cord Included 10-1/2 x 10-1/2 16 1.58 $945.00 F SC6423WA - Deluxe Package, Includes part number 21732 Deluxe Round Soup Cooker/Warmer, 11 quart inset, hinged lid and 8 oz. ladle 230V, 4.3A 1Ø, 989W Cord Included 10-1/2 x 10-1/2 16 1.58 $1,010.00 Accessories Page 75 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 73 BUILT-IN PRODUCTS Hydro Surge Pot Washer PW106 Model Number Part Number U PW106 PW 106-EU50 PW 106-UK50 PW 106-UK60 74 20621 Description Size Ship Weight Cubic Feet 11-1/2w x 10-1/4h 36 1.77 Price Hydro Surge Pot Washer 120V, 1Ø, 60 Hz, 1/3 HP, NEMA 5-15P 220/240V 50 1 with UKBS1363 plug 230V 50 1 with UKBS1363 plug 230V 60 1 with UKBS1363 plug WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com $2,870.00 WARMER ACCESSORIES Warmers - Accessories Part Number Description Ship Weight Price DRAWER WARMERS 20624 Humitrol Rack, 11/16 high, one per drawer 3 $118.00 21488 Replacement Pan, 12 x 20 (RW series) 10 $185.00 22228 Replacement Pan, 12 x 20 (RWN series) 10 $185.00 21607 Leg Kit, set of (4) 6 adjustable, stainless steel body, plastic foot 6 $185.00 20576 Leg Kit, set of (4) 6 stainless steel 6 $305.00 20563 Leg Kit for drawer warmers 6 $110.00 21034 Caster Kit, set of (4) 2 with front brakes, raises unit 10 nominal height (RW series) Includes welded base frame for added support 16 $580.00 21947 Caster Kit, set of (4) 2 with front brakes, raises unit 3-1/2 nominal height (RW series) 19 $505.00 22025 Caster Kit, set of (4) 2 with front brakes, raises unit 2-1/4 nominal height (RW series) Includes welded base frame for added support 12 $580.00 22073 Caster Kit, set of (4) 2 with front brakes, raises unit 10 nominal height (RWN series) Includes welded base frame for added support 10 $580.00 22201 Caster Kit, set of (4) 2 with front brakes, raises unit 3-1/2 nominal height (RWN series) 13 $385.00 22409 Caster Kit, set of (4) 2 with front brakes, raises unit 2-1/4 nominal height (RWN series) 10 $490.00 21860 Soup Ladle, 8 oz.. 1 $54.00 20587 Round Inset, 7 qt with lid, fits 8-1/2 opening 3 $130.00 20908 Round Inset, 11 qt with handles and slotted lid, fits 10-1/2 opening 4 $245.00 20774 Round Inset, 4 qt with lid, fits 6-1/2 opening (SW10T, SMPT, & TMPT) 2 $116.00 21057 Round Inset, 11 qt with hinged lid, no handles (SW10T, SMPT, & TMPT) 6 $290.00 20822 Adapter top, to convert 11 qt warmer to hold 4 qt inset (SW10T) 2 $74.00 20175 Adapter top, to convert 11 qt warmer to hold 7 qt inset (SW10T) 2 $74.00 20176 Adapter top, to convert 12 x 20 square corner warmer to hold (2) 7 quart insets (SMPT & TMPT) 2 $120.00 20434 Adapter top, to convert 12 x 20 square corner warmer to hold (2) 4 qt & (2) 2-1/2 qt insets (SMPT & TMPT) 2 $130.00 21615 Adapter top, to convert 12 x 20 square corner warmer to hold (3) 4 qt insets (SMPT & TMPT) 2 $95.00 21621 Adapter top, to convert 12 x 20 square corner warmer to hold (1) 4 qt and (1) 7 qt inset (SMPT & TMPT) 2 $110.00 21624 Adapter top, to convert 12 x 20 square corner warmer to hold (4) 2-1/2 qt insets (SMPT & TMPT) 2 $113.00 22589 Adapter top, to convert 12 x 27 square corner warmer to hold (3) 7 qt insets (SMTP27) 1 $210.00 23115 Adapter top, to convert 12 x 27 square corner warmer to hold (2) 11 qt insets (SMTP27) 1 $195.00 20314 Leg Kit, set of (4) 4 adjustable plastic 1 $44.00 20563 Leg Kit, set of (4) 4 adjustable nickel plated alloy 5 $110.00 20605 COUNTERTOP WARMERS Leg Kit, set of (4) 2 plastic 2 $34.00 21109 Leg Kit, set of (4) 1 plastic 1 $48.00 STA1220 SLOPE TOP ADAPTER FOR 12 X 20 WARMERS – ONE PER WELL - $310.00 STASL1220 SLOPE TOP ADAPTER FOR 12 X 20 SLIM LN WARMER – ONE PER WELL - $310.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 75 WAFFLE BAKERS Waffle Bakers Stainless steel, removable drip trays for easy clean up 7” diameter 1/4” deep aluminum cast grids Operator-controlled, programmable digital temperaturecontrols allow the operator to precisely establish the perfect bake time & temperature LED digital displays illuminate time and temperature settings Model Number Part Number Stainless steel exterior for strength, durability and ease of cleaning An audible electric alarm beeps when the baking cycle is complete WB1E Description Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight Cubic Feet 15 1.60 Price Traditional Waffle bakers with Electronic Controls F WB1E-120V WB1E-240V WB1E--230V F WB2E-120V WB2E-240V WB2E-230V V Single 7 Grid, 1/2 legs 120V, 1Ø, 900W, NEMA 5-15P 208/240V, 1Ø, 675/900W, NEMA 6-15P 220/240V, 1Ø, 750/900W, CEE7/7 10-1/8 x 13-1/2 x 8-3/4 V Dual 7 Grids, 1/2 legs 120V, 1Ø, 1800W, NEMA 5-20P 208/240V, 1Ø, 1350/1800W, NEMA 6-15P 220/240V, 1Ø, 1500/1800W, CEE7/7 19-13/16 x 13-1/2 x 8-3/4 V F BWB1SE-120 BWB1SE- 240V BWB1SE- 230V 21216 $1,385.00 $1,385.00 $1,385.00 28 3.00 $2,315.00 $2,315.00 $2,315.00 Belgian Waffle Baker with Electronic Controls Belgian Single 7 Grid, 1/2 legs 120V, 60Hz, 1Ø, 900W, NEMA 5-15P 208/240V, 60Hz, 1Ø, 9676/900, NEMA 6-15P 220/240V, 60Hz, 1Ø, 900W, CE VII 436U 10-3/16 x 14 x 10-9/16 (closed) 30.2 2.93 $2,965.00 $2,965.00 $2,965.00 Export models cannot be returned Accessories Part Number Description 21489 Replacement Drip Tray, for models WB1 and WB2 Ship Weight 1 $70.00 21107 Replacement Drip Tray, for model BWB1S 1 $60.00 7” diameter 5/8” deep aluminum cast grids Price Stainless steel, removable drip trays for easy clean up Operator-controlled, programmable digital temperaturecontrols allow the operator to precisely establish the perfect bake time & temperature Stainless steel exterior for strength, durability and ease of cleaning An audible electric alarm beeps when the baking cycle is complete LED digital displays illuminate time and temperature settings 76 BWB1SE WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com SYRUP DISPENSER Heated Syrup Dispenser Durable stainless steel body and lid for durability and ease of cleaning 2 ½ gallon capacity for high volume operations Stainless steel handles for easy transport 140° F fixed temperature thermostat insures consistent product Temperature ready indicator light illuminates when product reaches temperature Model Number Part Number U HD8799 22873 Description No-drip faucet and drip tray keeps service station clean HD8799 Size W x D x H (in) Ship Weight 9 x 9 x 20-11/16 11 Cubic Feet Price Heated Dispenser 2.5 gallons, 140°F, no legs 120V, 1Ø, 200W, 1.7 AMP, NEMA 5-15P 1.5 $925.00 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 77 NOTES MODEL NUMBER 78 PAGE NUMBER NOTES WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com NOTES MODEL NUMBER PAGE NUMBER NOTES WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com 79 ORDERING INFO PLACE AN ORDER Customer Service or to Place an order: Phone: 314-678-6314 Fax: 314-781-5445 International Sales Phone: 314-781-2777 Fax: 314-781-4344 Email: orders@wellsbloomfield.com (equipment) eorders@wellsbloomfield.com (parts) Parts & Service: Phone: 314-678-6314 Fax: 314-781-2714 International Parts & Service PURCHASE PARTS ONLINE! https://www.starholdingsparts.com/estar/ Phone: 314-781-2777 Fax: 314-781-4344 Mail Orders To: WELLS MANUFACTURING P.O. BOX 430129 | 10 SUNNEN DRIVE ST. LOUIS, MO 63143-3800 IF UNABLE TO MAIL OR FAX AN ORDER , please call a Wells Sales Representative or the factory. Wells Customer Service Department hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time. NOTE: If placing order by phone, please send confirming order to a Wells Sales Representative or the factory. Make sure to mark written order “CONFIRMING” to avoid duplicate orders, and please send to the attention of the person with whom you placed the order. NEW ACCOUNT MINIMUM ORDER POLICY Contact your local sales representative to fill out application. $4000 minimum first time order required. All applications are subject to approval. REQUIRED INFORMATION ON ORDERS A. Purchase order number. B. SHIP TO and BILL TO addresses. C. Phone number and person to contact in case of questions. D. Product numbers, descriptions and electrical specifications of all items ordered. E. Note any special shipping instructions. EXPLANATION OF PHASE SYMBOLS 1Ø: single phase. 3Ø: three phase. 3Ø (1Ø): three phase, field convertible to single phase. 1Ø (3Ø): single phase, field convertible to three phase. INDEPENDENT LABORATORY CERTIFICATIONS U R : means product is LISTED by Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. NOTE: Special voltage requests may impact UL certification. : means product is approved under the component recognition program of Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. NOTE: Installation of Recognized Units requires additional evaluation to Underwriters Laboratories Standards. o : means product design is certified by the CSA Gas Division, for use in USA and Canada. C : means product design is certified by the CSA Gas Division, for use in USA only. N : all catalog items are certified by the National Sanitation Foundation, unless otherwise noted. : means product is listed by Intertek testing laboratories. EXPORT ORDERS Please consult factory. RETURN POLICY 1. DAMAGES AND SHORTAGES A. Inspect your shipments immediately. The transportation company is responsible for the merchandise while it is in transit to you. B. If there is a shortage or damage to your shipment, action must be taken by you to notify carrier within 48 hours of receipt of shipment to assure approval of claim. It is the duty and responsibility of the delivering carrier to give you a written report of such shortage or damage following notification. C. For visible shortage or damage do not accept delivery unless the condition is noted on your copy of the freight bill and signed by the driver. If damaged and unacceptable, please advise the carrier of this and also notify Wells Manufacturing. D. C ONCEALED DAMAGE: If the damage is concealed, notify the carrier within 48 hours by phone and in writing, asking them to send their agent to complete an inspection report. Retain all cartons and merchandise for their inspection report and claim approval. E. It is critical that you file a written claim with the carrier within 48 hours of receipt of shipment for any shortage or concealed damage. Enclose with your claim: 1. Carrier’s Inspection Report 2. Paid freight bill 3. Original or Certified Copy of invoice 2. RETURNS Goods may not be returned without prior approval from Wells Bloomfield. In order for merchandise to be returned, it must be in the original carton and unopened. Product must be less than six months old from date of invoice. Special merchandise built to a buyer’s specifications may not be returned. Returned goods must be shipped to Wells prepaid and will be credited at invoice less 30% restocking charge. The restocking charge will be reduced to 20% if a replacement unit is ordered. ALL CARTONS RETURNED MUST BE MARKED WITH RETURN AUTHORIZATION NUMBER. A NUMBERED FORM WITH THE CARTON LABEL WILL BE MAILED TO THE CUSTOMER FOR EACH REQUEST. MULTIPLE CARTONS MUST EACH BE MARKED WITH THE RETURN AUTHORIZATION NUMBER. A return authorization request will only be issued for a minimum purchase of $200 list price. 3. ORDERS FOR NON-STOCK EQUIPMENT Orders for non-stock equipment built to a buyer’s specifications will be subject to a 50% charge to the dealer in the event of cancellation. 4. PRICES Prices are subject to change without notice. All prices in U.S. dollars. 80 WELLS MANUFACTURING | Phone: 314-678-6314 | International Phone: 314-781-2777 | Fax: 314-781-5445 | www.wellsbloomfield.com
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