BYC Shutdown August 24 - 31
BYC Shutdown August 24 - 31
BYC MEMBER NEWS & EVENTS Poop BYC – Established 1946 Independence Day BBQ July 4 Seafood Buffet July 3 & August 7 Fiesta Friday July 10 & August 14 HomeStyle Buffet July 17 Shrimp & Suds July 24 & August 21 Fortune Friday July 31 BYC Shutdown August 24 - 31 JUlY/AUGUST 2015 Deck Lat. N 027° 31.50 Long. W 082° 36.72 From The Helm OOO MARK H. BERTÉ Commodore Hello BYC members, it has been a few years since I came to you writing monthly sail cruising articles. I have now taken the watch as your Commodore for the 2015-16 fiscal year. Thank you to all those who have supported me on committee work, volunteer efforts and cruises. All these BYC interactions with you are what motivated me to stay involved beyond sail cruising and eventually to this year’s Commodore’s post. There may be a subtle message here to newer members; that is, to explore your interests at the Club, become involved if you wish and share your camaraderie or even expertise with the other members. You may find yourself involved with a committee or perhaps leading one. As we begin a new year at BYC, we have some great things going for us this summer. The much needed reconstruction of the pool curb was successful. This not only remedied the often poor aesthetics of the aging original curb, but also created a much safer condition for our members and guests. Also, we will soon be toasting our new pool bar venue. I’m sure many at BYC have become sidewalk superintendents enjoying watching the progress as the structure went up and finishes were coming together. Manasota Commercial Construction has enabled this project to stay on course for us. When you see Clay Johnson around the Club, thank him for a great building. I am hopeful these two projects coming to fruition will bring more folks out to the Club this summer and enjoy all the BYC has to offer. I’m reminded often of the great Club we have and also the privilege of reciprocity in the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs. If you have friends at other clubs, suggest they come and see what is new at BYC. In fact, I’m writing you from shall we say the “Poopdeck” of Swamp Rabbit our 33’ sloop. Denise and I are returning in the Gulf from a cruise to the Venice Yacht Club. Today it is mostly clear with a southeast breeze of JUly/august 2015 about 10 knots. As we gently roll north with a light, quartering swell, I am making out the condos on Lido Key. We continue making our way toward Longboat Key, Anna Maria Island and eventually our easterly turn through passage inlet and familiar Bean Point. Short cruises like this are to Denise and I, what living on the West Coast of Florida is all about. It’s made possible because we belong to the BYC and we have a long history as one of the founding yacht clubs in the FCYC. Remember all these great aspects and the value of your BYC membership as you complete your Club renewals for 201516. Again, at BYC, we offer much to share and entertain. I look forward to this year as your Commodore and to continuing BYC’s success. I am humbled in my position, given that we will be entering our 70th year as the Bradenton Yacht Club. That reflects a long tradition of success all made possible by those who cared, got involved, shared and participated. Find your place at BYC and enjoy this year with Denise and I. Thanks again and I’ll see you around the Club. – Mark In Memoriam Linda Kelly Wife of member, Robert Kelly UNSEEN On the Cover: Scottish bagpiper at our annual Memorial Service. Pictured above: Some of the attendees and participants at the Memorial Service. •2 Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear. Author ~ Sir Victor Magnus JUly Need to Know Features BYC Event Cancellation Policy: Reservations are a must for BYC Special Functions. Cancellations must be made 48 hours prior to function or account will be charged. Meals may be picked up in lieu of attending, if Club has not been notified prior to 48 hours. This applies to all BYC events and special functions Food & Beverage Kitchen Kibitzing Rolling right along, it seems like just a few months ago that I started working at the BYC, but it has been almost 9 months! I guess time flies when we are having fun. Speaking of time acceleration, the finishing touches are just being put into place for the new pool bar and I can’t wait for it to be open! It will add a very nice socializing venue for the BYC. Summer is upon us and not a favorite time for many to cook at home. I invite you to join us here at the Club to let us cook up some tasty food and beverages for you to enjoy! For the local fishermen, we can and will cook your day’s catch for you right here at the Club. We do charge a nominal fee to cover the cost of seasonings and sides; no reservations are needed…just drop on by and let your server know. Enjoy your dog days of summer! – Chef Brian My greatest memories of summer are harvesting my own clams from the creek behind our house and steaming them not much more than an hour after harvest. Through the years I experimented with all types of different recipes…this one is one of my favorites with the addition of apples from the apple orchard just down the street, Wickham’s fruit farm in Cutchogue, NY. CLAMS STEAMED IN APPLE CIDER WITH CALVADOS (Serves 4) Directions: Ingredients 2 lbs. clams (30-40) 1 cup apple cider 2 cups heavy cream 4 large shallots, peeled and minced 1 Granny Smith or Macintosh apple, peeled, cored and sliced 1 teaspoon each of chopped sage and thyme Juice of one lemon 2 tbsp. Calvados apple brandy Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste Chopped chives to garnish BYC Lunch Buffet! Tuesday through Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Enjoy fresh greens, garden fresh veggies, house made salads, fresh dressings, 2 delicious soups, & a Hot Entree! Eat a little, eat a lot, Soup Bar $6 ++, Soup & Salad Bar $7 ++, the whole shebang, only $9 ++ Set a large, heavy pan over medium-high heat. Add the apple cider to the pan and reduce by half. Add the minced shallots, apples and clams and cover. Turn on oven to “warm” setting. Steam clams until they open; begin to remove them from the pan. When all clams are removed from the pan, keep them warm in the oven. Add cream to the existing juice and reduce by half. Add chopped sage and thyme along with the juice of the lemon and cook another 2-3 minutes. Add the Calvados, season with salt and pepper, and remove from the heat. Arrange clams in a bowl. Spoon cider cream over the clams, garnish with the chopped chives, and serve. Grilled bread is a nice accompaniment to use as a sauce sponge for this dish. Independence Day Saturday, July 4, 2015 Fun day, noon to 7:00 p.m. The Buffet is Noon to 6:00. You will still have plenty of time to get downtown to see the live bands and the fireworks! The Clubhouse closes @ 7:00 p.m. today! The Tiki Bar will remain open until 10:00 p.m. Call for reservations, 941-722-5936 Two for Tuesdays Drink Specials 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. 2 for 1, drafts, well drinks, & house wines, plus 2 Small Plate dinners from our special menu for $20.00 + + all night! NEW! Wok It Wednesday Tonight’s specials are Asian Inspired, such as California Roll & Spring Roll Appetizers, Orange Chicken, Mongolian Beef, Cashew Chicken, Teriyaki Salmon, etc 6:00 to 9:00 Three for Thursdays! Tonight’s Specials are complete with 3 courses Appetizer, Entrée, and dessert for 1 reasonable price! The Clubhouse will be closed August 25 to 31 for repairs, refurbishing, renovations and vacation. We apologize for this necessary inconvenience. We work the Clubhouse hard all season…she could use a little nip, tuck here and there! Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding! – Ken Menu: Slow Smoked Pork Shoulder with Honey BBQ Sauce, Grilled, Sliced Flank Steak, Fried Chicken, Three Cheese Macaroni, Burgers, Bratwurst, Dogs and Chef’s Composed Salads, Watermelon and more! Only $18.99 + +, Kids 5 to 12 only $10.99 + +, Little Kids are free with their parents meal! We will have a waterslide, Coin Dive, and fun and games!! Steel Drums by Frankie Catalina. This is sure to be a blast! •3 Ken Nyhus, CCM, GM/COO Around Your Club As I assemble this article, the days are getting longer, the temperature is rising, the humidity is almost 100%, and the rains have started…boy have they started! Even though it is not yet, June 21, I think summer has definitely arrived. July marks a new beginning at the BYC, the beginning of a new fiscal year, the beginning of our year with a new Commodore, and the start of many wonderful days ahead. I want to personally welcome all of the new Board Members and Committee Members to our great group of BYC Volunteers. Serving in this capacity is rewarding, and I look forward to working with you all, to help steer the BYC to another great year! If you are looking for ways to enhance your membership, meet new people, learn more about the Club, or you just want to give a little back, get involved…join a Committee. If you like to party, or decorate, the Entertainment Committee is looking for new ideas and new members. If you are friendly and outgoing, or if you have ideas how to get the word out about the BYC, the Membership Committee would love to have your input. If you are creative and computer literate, maybe a stint on the Communications Committee is good for you, or if you are considered a visionary by your friends, Long Range planning is for you, and if you are handy, or know construction, the House Committee is always looking for a few good men and women! The Basin Committee too can use some new members, I am sure they would love to have you! There are many, many opportunities to get involved. I can tell you those members who do, enjoy their membership so much more. If you want to know more about how to get involved, contact me; I will point you in the right direction. As we start the new fiscal year, so too starts the new membership year. We will be sending out your new 2015-2016 Membership Cards soon; please replace your outdated card when you get your new one. As we do every year, we will be stepping up checking membership cards the first couple of months of the new year. Don’t forget to renew your Dependent Cards too; let us know if you want cards for your children, as outlined in the Club’s Rules & Regulations. It is this time too, that we say goodbye to some members who, for one reason or another find it necessary to leave the Club. To you all we say, thank you for your participation and I hope our individual bearings bring us together again in the future! We have replaced the old yellow bicycles with 6 new red ones…3 for the guys and 3 for the gals. They are undercover next to the dockmaster shed. Let one of our Dock/Maintenance guys know if you wish to ride. They would be happy to help you get at the bikes. We have also added a new Xbox 1 with Kinect to the River Room. We have several games and controllers that members can sign out to use and play with. Please keep an eye on children in the room… popcorn seems to find its way into every nook and cranny down there sometimes. Leaving the room close to how you found it would be great for the next kids or members in there, and it is just good manners. At the end of this month, you should receive an Operational Survey in the mail. Please take the time to fill it out. We need your help to determine your feelings on our operations, to gauge where you think we are, so that our Management team can then train where you feel we need to, and hone the skills of those who serve you! I have said it many times…I know our team swings for the fence whenever they are up to bat…even the best pros hit a foul ball or strike out on occasion! Our goal is to get our team to put the ball in play every time, while hitting the occasional home run! Letting us know your opinion and constructive criticisms will validate our successes and provide us direction to improve! Thank you in advance for filling it out and returning it. To all of our members who continue to enjoy the BYC, I say thank you. We, the Management team and staff, are here to serve you, and I appreciate your ongoing confidence and your continued support of the Club. God Bless, see you around the Clubhouse! – Ken Note: The Clubhouse will be closed August 25 to 31 for repairs, refurbishing, renovations and vacation. We apologize for this necessary inconvenience. We work the Clubhouse hard all season… she could use a little help here and there! Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding! Tony DeStefano Owner •4 JUly/august 2015 Ph:941-962-8963 Fx:941-986-8200 JULY & August Events Sail Cruising Fleet Dinner Wednesday July 1, 2015 6:30 p.m. cocktails, 7:00 p.m. Dinner Pre-Order from a limited menu, please make reservations 941-722-5936 Janie Finck Entertainment Well I guess since this is my first attempt at doing an article as the new Entertainment Chair. I will introduce myself for those that may not know me. I am Janie Finck and my husband Bob & I have been members of the Club for over 10 years and have gradually gotten more involved as time has gone by. What really made the difference though is when I joined the Membership Committee with the urging of Evan Guido who was chair at the time. I say this because I would like to urge anyone who has not gotten involved in the Club yet, to please think about joining a committee. I would love to have you think about coming to an Entertainment Committee Meeting and just checking us out and seeing how much fun we have!! Help us plan the events for the coming year!! Our committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm. We have a lot of ideas swirling around in our heads and I look forward to talking about them at our first meeting in July!! Our committee really hopes to get off to a great start for the new year and have some fun new ideas in mind. If you don’t think you have the time to actually join a committee, I would love to hear from you either by phone, in person or email your ideas or suggestions for entertaining our members for the upcoming year!!! Thanks so much for the opportunity to be the Entertainment Chair of your Club!! Let’s all have a great year!! – Janie BYC’s First Friday Friday, July 3 and August 7, 2015. Live Music in the Lounge 6:00 to 7:00 by Backstreet on July 3rd, and the T-Bone Trio on August 7th. Buy One, Get One Free, on all Well Drinks, Domestic Beer, & House Wine, PLUS, Complimentary Appetizer Buffet, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Seafood Buffet Friday, July 3 and August 7, 2015, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Enjoy a Smorgasbord of Seafood Items at our popular Seafood Buffet. This Chef’s favorite event features Fresh Fish Specials, Shellfish such as Shrimp, Oysters and Mussels, BYC Favorites such as Oysters Rockefeller, Smoked Fish Spread & Snow Crab Legs, and even something for the Land-Lubber in you! All this plus a Salad Bar, Chef’s Sides and a Dessert Bar! Only $28.99 + + Please call for reservations and bring your appetite! Fiesta Friday, South of the Border Buffet Friday, July 10 and August 14, 2015, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Enjoy a buffet of Tacos, Fajitas, Enchiladas, Carne Asada and more, plus Margarita & Corona Specials. $18.99 + + Reservations Please, Music by the T-Bone Trio Band July 10th, and Scott Curts August 14th. Home Style Buffet Friday, July 17, 2015, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Meat Loaf, Chicken Potpie, Fried Catfish, Pork Roast with Apples, Chef’s accompaniments and dessert $19.99 + +, Reservations, Please, Music by Rob Satori Friday Night Shrimp & Suds Friday, July 24 and August 21, 2015, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m Serve yourself Buffet of Boiled You-Peel-Em Shrimp, Fried Shrimp, Coconut Shrimp and Shrimp Scampi, with Salad Bar & Chef’s Sides only $19.99 + +, Reservations, please. Music by Caribbean Cowboy July 24th, TBA for August 21st. Fortune Friday, Asian Buffet Out going Entertainment Chair Troy Brown (center) pictured with committee members at their final meeting. (L to R: Sonia Klauber, Janie Finck, Ginny Broadbent, Anita Stein, Jill Brown, Raquel Abarca and Denise Berte’.) Friday, July 31, 2015, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Serve Yourself of Buffet of Asian Inspired dishes with Salad Bar & Dumpling Station. Music by Version 3.0, All-you-care-to–eat, $19.99 + + •5 THE ALL NEW STEP INTO THE EVOLUTION OF PERFORMANCE & STYLE The completely new Jupiter 38’ HFS has evolved to provide boaters more performance, features, and comforts than ever before. Jupiter’s dependable world-class performance is built for serious big game pursuits or the leisure cruiser onboard. Step into one today. 26’ FS 30’ FS 32’ FS/CUDDY 34’ FS/T 38’ HFS/T/CUDDY 41’ EX/SB I F YO U E N J OY T H E F I N E R T H I N G S I N L I F E , D E M A N D T H E V E R Y B E S T ! For more information, contact Jupiter Marine at 941.729.5000 or visit •6 POWERED BY Janet Amar Membership IT’S BEEN A RECORD BREAKING YEAR!!! This is the FINAL update for our 2014-2015 Membership year. Total members including reinstates for this year is 91. Our Total Membership count now stands at 600 for our year ending June 30, 2015!!! Have a great summer and be safe. Out going Membership Chair Janet Amar NEW MEMBERS June 2015 #2682 Thomas & Christine Tollette Cortez, FL #2683 Chris & Dana Harwell Lakeland, FL #2684 Gerald & Meridith Slavin Cortez, FL 43’ Silverton – Gradito #2685 Allen & Pam Weinstein Bradenton, FL #2686 Eric & Laurie Simpson Apollo Beach, FL #2687 Robert Sket & Christine Fioritto-Sket Parrish, FL #2688 Richard & Lisa Brakefield Holmes Beach, FL #2689 James Huntington & Ilene Skeen Bradenton, FL #2690 Brooks Amerson & Niki Calcatera Palmetto, FL #2692 Michael & Margie Wallace Bradenton, FL 22’ Action Craft #2693 Allison Cabanillas-Joule & Jason Joule Palmetto, FL #2694 Robert & Deidre Miller Palmetto, FL #2695 Robert & Sandra Kraus Ellenton, FL #2696 Sharon & Glenn Heath Palmetto, FL #2697 Thomas & Linda Barrett Bradenton, FL #2698 Vincent & RaNae Contarino Palmetto, FL #2699 James Davis Miami, FL #2700 Jefferson & Julienne Riddell Ruskin, FL #2701 George Vraney Palmetto, FL #2702 Kenneth & Julie Scott Palmetto, FL #2703 Kyra & Thomas Perry Bradenton, FL 21’ Grady White #2704 Jeb & Breanne Mulock Bradenton, FL #2706 Thomas & Karen Peacock Palmetto, FL #2707 Richard Jennette Palmetto, FL #2708 Robert & Cory-Jeanne Cox Wimauma, FL #2709 William & Shanna Sherman Palmetto, FL #2710 Rick & Sue Forness Parrish, FL #2711 Randy & Wendy Greely Bradenton, FL #2712 Eric & Rita Bonnett Bradenton, FL #2714 Mark & Dianne Pickhardt Bradenton, FL #2715 Keith & Dawn Tanner Sarasota, FL #2716 Aylee Nielsen & Josh Wallace Palmetto, FL REINSTATED MEMBERS #856 Jerry Marlar Bradenton, FL #2561 Holly Harding & David Sandoro Longboat Key, FL #2691 Nancy & Richard Wolfe Bradenton, FL #2705 Rodney G’Sell Barnhart, MO 48’ Sea Ray – Builder’s Risk #2713 George & Jo Hoagland Bradenton, FL 40’ Tiara – Rebel SUMMER MEMBERS #8157 Steve & Linda Hoffman Palmetto, FL #8158 Scott Barfield & Sarah Cornwell Barfield Ellenton, FL •7 Sportfishing Fleet Troy Brown I am thrilled to take on my duties as the new Sportfishing Captain. Having been a boater since I was eight years old and growing up on the Manatee River as a youth, I know the joy of fishing our local waters. I got my first boat at 11 years old (a 14 foot alumicraft with a 20 hp Johnson). These adventures as a youth led me to my next boat which was a 16 foot Boston Whaler that I motored all over the river and Tampa Bay. I took up cast netting and even made my own 8 foot SUE LEBEL Assistant Manager 5225 SNEAD ISLAND ROAD, PALMETTO, FLORIDA 34221 (941) 722-2400 / FAX 722-9650 net and caught plenty of mullet and sheepshead. As I got older, I discovered shark fishing. I would go to the tackle shops and buy all the giant hooks, leaders and crimping devices and made my own double hook shark rigs; then spent the night in the boat off the north point of Anna Maria Island waiting for the big one to zing the clicker on my 9 0tt Penn Reel. Next came spearfishing and I was amazed that you could catch a fish that was not hungry by shooting it. I bought a pole spear at the local scuba shop, drove my little Ford Ranger to the edge of the Skyway Bridge, jumped in the water and came home with dinner. So my history of growing up on these local waters makes me so proud to serve in this position at the Bradenton Yacht Club. So a few things I would like to share. First of all, I would like to feature a member fisherman or woman every month for a brief bio so we can get to know some of our expert and novice anglers and hear some of their wonderful stories. I would also like to feature a recipe favorite every month from one of our anglers, since we all have our favorite ways to cook the fish we catch. There is much more to come as far as fun events and things we can plan. I am genuinely looking forward to this endeavor! – Troy Brand New – Home and Lot Package $1,534,900 3 Car Garage and Pool •8 Nearly 1 Acre on the Manatee River & Buying or Selling? We are your real estate team! Sarah Whisnant Jordan Chancey 941.238.8624 941.545.8816 8268 US Hwy 301 North, Parrish, FL 34219 Monday’s Yacht Club Night Come meet and Greet with Locals 2 for 1 House Wines & Wells •9 July 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY thursday 1 LUNCH BUFFET11:30-2pm Wok-It Wednesday Club & Fuel Docks Closed on Mondays 5 Tiki Closes @ Dusk, Clubhouse Closes @ 8:00, Kitchen open until 8:30 p.m. 6 6-9pm HOUSE COMMITTEE 5:30pm LRP 6:30 p.m. Sail Cruising Dinner 6:30pm 7 Water Aerobics 8am Rotary, 11:00 Club & Fuel Docks Closed on Mondays Wok-It Wednesday Two For Tuesday COMMUNICATIONS 5:15pm MEMBERSHIP 6:30pm ENTERTAINMENT 6pm Tiki Closes @ Dusk, Clubhouse Closes @ 8:00, Kitchen open until 8:30 p.m. 13 Club & Fuel Docks Closed on Mondays 14 Water Aerobics 8am Rotary, 11:00 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Two For Tuesday 6-9pm GREAT MATES BOOK CLUB 6pm Power Fleet, 6:30 19 BYC Scuba Class 8:30am 20 Club & Fuel Docks Closed on Mondays Tiki Closes @ Dusk, Clubhouse Closes @ 8:00, Kitchen open until 8:30 p.m. Water Aerobics 8am Rotary, 11:00 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm 6-9pm 15 Wok-It Wednesday 6-9pm EXECUTIVE 6pm BOARD OF DIRECTORS 6:30pm 22 Club & Fuel Docks Closed on Mondays Water Aerobics 8am LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm 6-9pm Sail River Races 6:30pm Water Aerobics 8am LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm FINANCE 6:30pm BRIDGE 6:45 pm Three For Thursdays! 6-9pm Sail River Races 6:30pm Water Aerobics 8am LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm BRIDGE 6:45 pm Three For Thursdays! 6-9pm Sail River Races 6:30pm Water Aerobics 8am LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm 6-9pm 6-9pm BRIDGE 6:45 pm Investment Club 6:30 Sail River Races 6:30pm Wok-It Wednesday Three For Thursdays! USCGA 6:30pm 28 Three For Thursdays! 23 6-9pm 27 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm BASIN 5:30pm BRIDGE 6:45 pm 16 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Two For Tuesday Tiki Closes @ Dusk, Clubhouse Closes @ 8:00, Kitchen open until 8:30 p.m. 26 21 Water Aerobics 8am 9 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm 6-9pm 12 8 2 29 30 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Wok-It Wednesday 6-9pm Water Aerobics 8am LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm BRIDGE 6:45 pm Three For Thursdays! 6-9pm Sail River Races 6:30pm friday 3 LUNCH BUFFET11:30-2pm saturday 4 Independence Free Appetizers & Drink Specials Day BBQ Backstreet Clubhouse Closes at 7:00, Tiki Bar open until 10:00 Seafood Buffet 6-9pm IN THE LOUNGE 10 LUNCH BUFFET11:30-2pm Noon to 7:00 11 Fiesta Friday South of the Border Buffet 6:30pm Commodore Cocktail Party 6:30pm T-Bone Trio IN THE LOUNGE 17 18 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Homestyle Buffet 6-9pm BYC Scuba Class 8:30am Concealed Weapons Permit Class 9am Rob Satori IN THE LOUNGE 24 25 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Shrimp & Suds Buffet 6-9pm Caribbean Cowboy IN THE LOUNGE 31 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Fortune Friday Asian Inspired Buffet 6-9pm Version 3.0 IN THE LOUNGE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY thursday August 2015 friday saturday 1 Tiki Bar hours: Fridays, 4:00 to 11:00 p.m. Saturdays, Noon to 11:00 p.m. Sundays, Noon to Dusk, Weather permitting! The Tiki Bar will close during an Electrical Storm, or driving rain 2 Tiki Closes @ Dusk, Clubhouse Closes @ 8:00, Kitchen open until 8:30 p.m. 3 4 Water Aerobics 8am Rotary, 11:00 Club & Fuel Docks Closed on Mondays LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Two For Tuesday 6-9pm ENTERTAINMENT 6pm 9 Tiki Closes @ Dusk, Clubhouse Closes @ 8:00, Kitchen open until 8:30 p.m. 10 11 Club & Fuel Docks Closed on Mondays Water Aerobics 8am Rotary, 11:00 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Two For Tuesday 6-9pm GREAT MATES BOOK CLUB 6pm Power Fleet, 6:30 16 Tiki Closes @ Dusk, Clubhouse Closes @ 8:00, Kitchen open until 8:30 p.m. 17 18 Water Aerobics 8am Club & Fuel Docks Closed on Mondays Rotary, 11:00 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Two For Tuesday 6-9pm 5 LUNCH BUFFET11:30-2pm Wok-It Wednesday Tiki Closes @ Dusk, Clubhouse Closes @ 8:00, Kitchen open until 8:30 p.m. 30 BYC Closed for SHUTDOWN 24 25 Water Aerobics 8am LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm BASIN 5:30pm BRIDGE 6:45 pm 6-9pm HOUSE COMMITTEE 5:30pm LRP 6:30 p.m. Sail Cruising Dinner 6:30pm Three For Thursdays! 12 13 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Wok-It Wednesday 6-9pm COMMUNICATIONS 5:15pm MEMBERSHIP 6:30pm 19 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Wok-It Wednesday 6-9pm EXECUTIVE 6pm BOARD OF DIRECTORS 6:30pm USCGA 6:30pm 23 6 26 6-9pm Sail River Races 6:30pm Water Aerobics 8am 7 LUNCH BUFFET11:30-2pm Free Appetizers & Drink Specials Seafood Buffet 6-9pm T-Bone Trio IN THE LOUNGE 14 LUNCH LUNCH BUFFET BUFFET11:30-2pm 11:30-2pm Fiesta Friday FINANCE 6:30pm South of the Border BRIDGE 6:45 pm Buffet 6:30pm Three For Thursdays! 6-9pm Sail River Races 6:30pm 20 Water Aerobics 8am LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm BRIDGE 6:45 pm Three For Thursdays! 6-9pm Sail River Races 6:30pm 27 8 15 Scott Curts IN THE LOUNGE 21 22 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Shrimp & Suds Buffet 6-9pm TBA IN THE LOUNGE 28 29 Club & Fuel Docks Closed on Mondays BYC Closed for SHUTDOWN 31 BYC Closed for SHUTDOWN BYC Closed for SHUTDOWN BYC Closed for SHUTDOWN BYC Closed for SHUTDOWN Club & Fuel Docks Closed on Mondays BYC Closed for SHUTDOWN •9 September 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY thursday 1 Water Aerobics 8am Tiki Closes @ Dusk, Clubhouse Closes @ 8:00, Kitchen open until 8:30 p.m. Club & Fuel Docks Closed on Mondays Rotary, 11:00 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Two For Tuesday 6-9pm 2 LUNCH BUFFET11:30-2pm Wok-It Wednesday 6-9pm HOUSE COMMITTEE 5:30pm LRP 6:30 p.m. Sail Cruising Dinner 6:30pm ENTERTAINMENT 6pm 6 7 8 9 LUNCH BUFFET11:30-2pm Wok-It Wednesday Tiki Closes @ Dusk, Clubhouse Closes @ 8:00, Kitchen open until 8:30 p.m. 6-9pm COMMUNICATIONS 5:15pm MEMBERSHIP 6:30pm Power Fleet 6:30pm BYC Closed Pool Party & BBQ 12-7pm 13 Tiki Closes @ Dusk, Clubhouse Closes @ 8:00, Kitchen open until 8:30 p.m. 14 Club & Fuel Docks Closed on Mondays 15 Water Aerobics 8am Rotary, 11:00 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Two For Tuesday 6-9pm 16 3 Water Aerobics 8am LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm BASIN 5:30pm BRIDGE 6:45 pm Three For Thursdays! 6-9pm Sail River Races 6:30pm 10 Water Aerobics 8am LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm FINANCE 6:30pm BRIDGE 6:45 pm Three For Thursdays! 6-9pm Sail River Races 6:30pm 17 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Wok-It Wednesday 6-9pm EXECUTIVE 6pm BOARD OF DIRECTORS 6:30pm Kick Off Regatta Tiki Closes @ Dusk, Clubhouse Closes @ 8:00, Kitchen open until 8:30 p.m. 27 Tiki Closes @ Dusk, Clubhouse Closes @ 8:00, Kitchen open until 8:30 p.m. •12 21 Club & Fuel Docks Closed on Mondays 22 Water Aerobics 8am Rotary, 11:00 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm 23 Water Aerobics 8am LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm BRIDGE 6:45 pm Three For Thursdays! 6-9pm 24 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm 6-9pm 6-9pm BRIDGE 6:45 pm Investment Club 6:30 Sail River Races 6:30pm Wok-It Wednesday Three For Thursdays! 6-9pm 6pm 28 Club & Fuel Docks Closed on Mondays 29 Water Aerobics 8am Rotary, 11:00 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Water Aerobics 8am LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Two For Tuesday 30 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Wok-It Wednesday 6-9pm 4 LUNCH BUFFET11:30-2pm saturday 5 Free Appetizers & Drink Specials Seafood Buffet 6-9pm TBA IN THE LOUNGE 11 LUNCH BUFFET11:30-2pm 12 Patriot Night All American Buffet 6:30pm Shot Night! Get your Flu Shots!!! 6-8pm Sequel IN THE LOUNGE 18 USCGA 6:30pm 20 friday LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Shrimp & Suds Buffet 6-9pm Scott Curts 19 Kick Off Regatta IN THE LOUNGE Kick Off Regatta 25 26 LUNCH BUFFET 11:30-2pm Fiesta Friday South of the Border Buffet 6:30pm Rob Satori IN THE LOUNGE BYC Bandstand Cocktails 6:30pm Dinner 7:30pm •13 Serving Manatee County for more than 45 years This and That Banquet Banter Summer is here and that means it’s time to slow down, enjoy the weather and plan your next celebration here at the BYC. The banquet staff and myself are ready and waiting to help you plan and celebrate all things: birthday, anniversary, celebration of life and more. Fun Fridays in July, August and September are available with a special discount for you and your group. Call me for details at ext. 205. We can plan anything from breakfast meetings, shower lunches, cocktail parties, charity events to full dinners from as little as 10 up to 200. We have been lining up the pool parties for the kids and even some weddings, too! It is never too early to start planning your holiday events for yourself or your company; December is filling up quick. Our delicious food such as refreshing tropical fruit platters, mouthwatering entrees and delectable desserts combined with great service will have your guests raving about your party for weeks to come. We are also hoping you will recommend us to your non-member friends and coworkers to experience their event here as well. Email me to check availability of dates for your next function at: Thank You and Happy Planning! – Brie Barstow, Banquet Sales Coordinator S ORLD C W Selling OR Captain Dave. SA HT LE SS YAC LA Over 1500 vessels sold locally and globally over the past 10 years. We put your boat IN the market, not ON it! Captain Dave Werning Sales Executive USCG Licensed 100 Ton Master BYC Member (877) 901-BOAT From a simple helping hand with housekeeping and meals, or help with personal care, hygiene and activities of daily living, to skilled nursing as needs may change. In-Home services are available 4 to 24 hours per day. Contact us for a confidential, no obligation discussion and FLEXIBLE & assessment. Serving the local and West AFFORDABLE Florida area. In-Home Care & Assisted Living --Joyce & Ron Rowe AARON HOME CARE & STAFFING HELPERS • COMPANIONS • AIDES • NURSES / 941-751-8055 Lic. NR30211292 •14 Comprehensive Eye Exams 1-Hour Service Designer Frames, Glasses and Contact Lenses Glaucoma and Cataract Evaluations Pediatric Eye Care Our Board Certified Optometrists Dr. Michael A. Mackie | Dr. Sarah S. Mackie Dr. Paige A. Gillenwaters | Dr. Brad S. Laudicina Three convenient locations – call to schedule your appointment: CortezOfficeManateeOfficeParrishOffice 2003CortezRoad5106ManateeAveW8947USHwy301N (941)756-20/20(941)795-20/20(941)776-5770 Coming Soon - NEW Parrish location at: 8312 US Hwy 301 North Power Fleet Dinner Power Fleet Tim Rocklein As we bid farewell to Ron and Gracia Ciamaga, I want to commend them for their “care and feeding” of the Power Fleet over the past year. I know they’re looking forward to returning to their sailing roots aboard their new Beneteau, but we’ll miss their enthusiasm and oversight. Thanks, Ron and Gracia! Thanks also go to some of our Power Fleet veterans who have stepped forward and offered to help me during the transition: Ken Sosville and Fred Smith have provided me a wealth of information regarding past cruises and potential future cruise destinations and Barry Sikes has volunteered to make preliminary arrangements to our next two cruise destinations. Having access to such a treasure trove of corporate knowledge will make my job so much easier and our Fleet so much more successful. Thanks, Gentlemen. Speaking of cruises: Barry has arranged an August cruise to The Field Club, to arrive on Friday, August 14th and depart Sunday the 16th. They’re prepared to handle 4 – 6 boats, and we’re planning to pre-position at least one SUV at the Field Club so we’ll have “wheels” during our visit. (There are numerous stores and restaurants within a mile or so of the Field Club, but a two-mile round-trip walk in August Tuesday July 14, 2015 6:30 p.m. cocktails, 7:00 p.m. Dinner Pre-Order from a limited menu, please make reservations 941-722-5936 in Sarasota is not high on my list of things to do….) Please let us know if you’d like to join us, as there may be a standby list. For September, Barry has penciled us in at the Boca Grande Marina on the weekends of September 11th and 18th. If you have a preference as to which weekend you’d like to cruise to Boca Grande, please let us know and we’ll go with the one that is more popular. This could be a very interesting trip, perhaps with a Thursdaynight stop at one of the yacht clubs along the way. We’ll have more information on these cruises at our Power Fleet meeting on July 14. Please note that we will not be holding a joint meeting with the Sail Fleet on July 1 as had been previously scheduled. Nel and I look forward to meeting folks we have yet to meet and I look forward to hearing from any of our members who have ideas and suggestions regarding our Fleet. Please email me at or with questions, comments, suggestions or offers to volunteer, and we’ll make the Power Fleet an even more vibrant, interesting and fun organization than it’s been in the past. – Tim The World’s First Hybrid Container Gardening System with 28 Gallon Reservoir • Grow stronger, healthier vegetables, herbs and flowers in half the time! • Reduce Your Grocery Cost • Handsfree for 30 Days Indoor Gardening Carefree Gardening 941-753-5151 Grow Year Round! • Perfect for your porch, patio or even indoors • No Guesswork High Yields MADE IN THE U.S.A. Solar Powered Water Pump ©2013 SimGar Bradenton, FL U.S.A. Patents Pending •15 Photo unavailable Bob Enberg Sail Fleet NEW LEADERSHIP - Three new captains will lead Bradenton Yacht Club sailing activities beginning in July. Bob Enberg is Fleet Captain Sail and will coordinate the sailing activates of cruising and racing, as well as representing sailing activities on the board. John Broshears is Captain of Sail Cruising and Tom Grubb is Captain of Sail Racing. John will lead the monthly sail fleet meetings and is responsible for cruising activities; Tom is responsible for both the weekly races and the quarterly regattas sponsored by BYC. Bob Enberg took up sailing relatively late in life, after failing miserably at golf. When a friend invited him to go sailing one Sunday afternoon, he quickly accepted. He was hooked after the first sail. Later, when his friend casually mentioned that he was selling the boat, Bob and his wife, Linda, bought it immediately. Then at the time of Bob’s retirement, the Enberg’s bought an Island Packet, which they used extensively for summertime sailing. They took the boat up and down the Atlantic seaboard and made trips to the Bahamas during the last two summers. They now have an Island Packet 420, Tropical Spirit, which lives near the northern Chesapeake. Bob is a retired physician, having spent most of his career as an asthma specialist and administrator at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. He is passionate about improving medical care through the use of computers. Sail Cruising Fleet John Broshears began sailing in 1978 Trio Dinner during his Navy days Wednesday August 5, 2015 while living in San 6:30 p.m. cocktails, 7:00 p.m. Dinner Diego. He was hooked at the first “Helm’s Pre-Order from a limited menu, please alee!” After tiring of make reservations 941-722-5936 renting small sloops for day sails, he bought a 25 ft. Catalina, sailing it on the St. Johns River. There, he learned that sometimes a depth gauge only tells one how deep the water is when he runs aground. Then after being boatless for years, his latent interest in sailing was reactivated like a dormant virus as John discovered bare boat chartering. For the last 15 years, he and his wife, Anna, chartered boats in Florida and the Caribbean. After following Anna to Indianapolis in 2000, the opportunity arose to return to his previous job in Florida in 2011. With some hesitation and a period of transition, they sold their house in Indianapolis and moved to a condominium in Palmetto. John is a pathologist in Bradenton. Anna gradually retired from her cytotechnologist job after thirty years at Indiana University Medical Center and now takes more time to pursue her long time interest in painting. The Hunter Passage 420 they purchased in 2011 was originally named Mary Lou. Of course, they had no idea who Mary Lou was, but wisely John re-christened their new vessel Anna Marie, and his wife is pleased. In 2001, Tom Grubb started doing the weekly BYC fun-races with his step-mom, Joyce Grubb, on Don and Robin Sayer’s boat, Zephyr. •16 Larry and Linda Scott with Jim and Pat Keller at the Columbia Restaurant on St. Armand’s Circle. He continued sailing on their J/24 Black Star before eventually purchasing his own J/24 Silver Streak. He has been an avid weekly racer ever since. Over the years, he’s participated in many regattas in the Tampa Bay area including Suncoast Raceweek, our own BYC Kick Off Regatta, and multiple one-design races in the region. He’s also been fortunate enough to race to Isla Mujeres, Mexico, twice on Chris Cantolino’s boat, Sweet Melissa. Tom graduated from Campbell University in North Carolina while enlisted in the Air Force. He met his wife, Paula and her son, Patrick, while stationed in Anchorage, Alaska. They moved back to Bradenton in 2000, where Tom now works in the field of wealth management at Merrill Lynch. When not sailing, Tom enjoys playing guitar (not too well, he confesses), visiting other yacht clubs with Paula and Pat, and sampling local Micro Brews. He is a dog enthusiast, as indicated by his ownership of Lisa, Peanut and Cinco. CRUISES - Larry and Linda Scott aboard their Island Packet 35, Island Attitude, accompanied Cruise Captains Jim and Pat Keller to Sarasota Yacht Club on May 25. The outing included dining at Columbia Restaurant on St. Armand’s as well as the Sarasota Yacht Club. Although this was their first trip with BYC, the Scotts have done extensive cruising including the 6000 mile Great Loop. Tom and Ann Rose were Cruise Captains for the BYC June Cruise to Venice Yacht Club June 12. Six boats participated in this two day event. AWARDS - Jim Keller presented the annual coveted, and not so coveted, awards during the June 3rd meeting. The Caribbean Cruise Award went to Tom Rose for his participation in the Caribbean 1500 race. His crew included Charles and Cricket Clifton and Tom Dugan. Tom made an excellent presentation about the trip at the May Sail Cruise Meeting. Distance Cruise Awards went to two couples that brought their newly purchased sailboats to homeport at BYC. Ron and Gracia Ciamaga delivered Gracia from Texas. Howie and Anita Stein brought Tiki from Pensacola. BYC gift certificates were awarded to each couple who captained a cruise this last year including Frank and Diana Wendt (two cruises), Steve and Keri Hockett, Bob and Linda Enberg, Fred and Trish Ruggerio, David Laber and Leslie Ripp, Carl and Barbara Bretko, Joe and Casey McClash, Jim and Pat Keller, and Tom and Ann Rose. Finally, Brian Smith is the unfortunate winner of this year’s BYC Tough Luck Award. After several years of having his monohull Pinguino in charter in the islands, he decided to bring it back to Bradenton to use it here. He and his Looking Toward September Seafood Buffet Friday, September 4, 2015 • 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. crew were delivering the boat when Pinguino hit a shoal near the ship channel by Egmont Key. The Pinguino and crew were about an hour from the Club when it sank and was a total loss. PROGRAMS - The June program arranged by Charles Clifton featured Bill Cullen presenting Some Great Gadgets and Ideas to have Aboard While Cruising. Bill was one of the presenters at the Caribbean 1500 pre-start lectures and presently lives in Tampa. He presented a pot pourri of items that were ingeniously useful, simple, and inexpensive…the trifecta of cruiser’s Nirvana. A visit to his website www., is highly recommended. Excellent programs are scheduled for the next few months. The July 1st speaker is Jacob J. Munch of Munch and Munch, P.A. from Tampa. His presentation will be on “Legal Issues for Boaters, Towing vs Salvage”. On August 5th, Jack and Phyllis Black, Manatee/Sarasota Tow Boat US Operators, will discuss local knowledge on area waterways and towing issues. The September 2nd program features Winston Fowler, a BYC member and one of the owner/ operators of the website “Salty SE Cruisers Net”. The subject will be the website, its uses and its recent changes. All BYC members are welcome to attend Sail Cruising dinners. – Bob Enjoy a Smorgasbord of Seafood Items at our popular Seafood Buffet. This Chef’s favorite event features Fresh Fish Specials, Shellfish such as Shrimp, Oysters and Mussels, BYC Favorites such as Oysters Rockefeller, Smoked Fish Spread & Snow Crab Legs, and even something for the Land-Lubber in you! All this plus a Salad Bar, Chef’s Sides and a Dessert Bar! Only $28.99 + + Please call for reservations and bring your appetite! Patriot Night, American Buffet Friday, September 11, 2015 • 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Enjoy American Classic foods, such as New England Clam Chowder, Brunswick Stew, Salisbury Steak, Fried Catfish, Yankee Pot Roast, Macaroni and Cheese, and Apple Pie $19.99 + +, Reservations Please, Music by Sequel Fiesta Friday, South of the Border Buffet Friday, September 25, 2015, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Enjoy a buffet of Tacos, Fajitas, Enchiladas, Carne Asada and more, plus Margarita & Corona Specials. $18.99 + +, Reservations Please, Music by Rob Satori BYC Bandstand Saturday, September 26, 2015, Cocktails @ 6:30, Dinner @ 7:30 “We’re goin’ hoppin’ (Hop!) We’re goin’ hopin’ today’ Where things are poppin’ (Pop!) The BYC way’ We’re goin’ drop in (Drop!) On all the music they play On the Bandstand!” BANDSTAND! While there will be no Dick Clark, MCing our Band Stand, It will be a Peachy Grand Time! Join us for a party of the 50’s & 60’s, complete with food and music of the period. More to come later, only $21.99 + + per person! Reservations, please! Tom Rose with his Caribbean Cruise Award. •17 Anna Broshears Great Mates One year ago this month, my husband John and I joined the BYC. A few months later we saw on the BYC calendar that Great Mates were having a dinner meeting with a presentation on the “Urban Coyote”. We thought the topic sounded interesting and decided we should go. I am so glad we did! For only one dollar each, we became members and have continued to enjoy every presentation and event sponsored by Great Mates. I was honored when Jeanne Reeves approached me this past Spring and asked if I would be willing to run for a board position. So, here I am, Great Mates new President. Originally from Indianapolis, Indiana, we moved here four years ago. We bought a sailboat and joined the BYC. Joining Great Mates was another positive move for us. Great Mates is a lot fun, but more importantly it raises scholarships for students in need as well as assistance for community outreach programs. It is a great way to meet people, have fun, and help students achieve their dreams. If you are a new member, or even a seasoned member, I strongly encourage you to give the Great Mates a try. In the Fall, keep an eye on the BYC calendar for our meeting topics (always on the third Thursday of the month) and plan to attend at least one. Great Mates Vice-President, Cecile Stanley, has already begun lining up incredible speakers for the upcoming year. Enrich your life, make some new friends, and do some good along the way. It you’re like me, you’ll be glad you did! – Anna Broshears •18 Is it time for a second opinion? Contact my office for a complimentary retirement income plan review and a sample of our three-bucket investment strategy. Evan R. Guido The Evan Guido Group Senior Vice President Private Wealth Management One Sarasota Tower Two North Tamiami Trail, 12 Floor Sarasota, FL 34236 941-906-2829 . 888-366-6603 ©2015 Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated. Member SIPC. MC-44500. Bridge Club Bradenton Yacht Club - FLAG OFFICERS MARK Berté Commodore CHRIS CANTOLINO Vice Commodore JANET AMAR Rear Commodore MIKE REEVES Past Commodore Photo unavailable Bob Enberg Fleet Captain Sail Tim Rocklein Fleet Captain Power TROY BROWN Fleet Captain Sportfishing Bradenton Yacht Club - DIRECTORS & COMMITTEE CHAIRS JACK GORMAN Kathy Kalitta-Hindman JOHN MILLARD Treasurer Secretary House SUSAN TIBBITS Long Range Planning Janie Finck Entertainment If you are interested in playing Bridge, please join us on Thursday nights for dinner at 5:30 pm and Bridge at 6:45 pm. May 70 First: Newell and Mary Yaple Second: Gary and Carla Morgan Third: Dave Tyler and Chris Grobaker May 14 First: Tom and Sylvia Gibson Second: Bob and Anna Beltz Third: Dixie Keeney and Ann Wolpers May 21 First: Barry Schneider and Freda Logan Second: Dixie Keeney and Ann Wolpers Third: Newell and Mary Yaple May 28 First: Dixie Keeney and Ann Wolpers Second: Newell and Mary Yaple Third: Gary and Carla Morgan June 4 First: Barry Schneider and Freda Logan Second: Art and Carmen DaCosta Third: Tom and Sylvia Gibson BYC Magazine CINDY RHATEGAN Communications Director JEANNE REEVES Web Master Keri Hockett Social Media Tim Lancaster Art/Graphic Designer Lancaster Design Inc. Bob Stone Printer/Mailing Sarasota Minuteman Press Patricia Baker CINDY RHATEGAN CHARLES CLIFTON Membership Communications Basin & FCYC Representative • B O A R D I N G A V A I L A B L E P A L M E T T O Animal Clinic ANNA BROSHEARS Great Mates Communications Committee, BYC Members & Staff – Ads, Photos, & More! • Dr. Jack E. Beal, Jr. 941-722-2456 Monday-Friday: 8:00am - 5:30pm • Saturday: 8:00am - 12:00pm 220 7th Street West • Palmetto, FL 34221 •19 PRE-SRT STD. US POSTAGE PAID MANASOTA, FL PERMIT #160 BYC 4307 Snead Island Rd Palmetto, Florida 34221 FACEBOOK: WEB: k ( ) b Denise Berté To Lead Newell Yaple To Lead Leslie Ripp To Lead by Annie Proulx July 14 by Beryl Markham August 11 club Meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month, 6-7 p.m. Everyone is welcome. No reservations required. Deborah Iaboni, Chair • 847.207.7622 by Joanne Lipman & Melanie Kupchynsky September 8 B Y C H O U R S O F O P E R A T I O N • R E S E R V AT I O N S : 9 4 1 - 7 2 2 - 5 9 3 6 • FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICE • Lunch Menu DINNER Menu OFFICE Tuesday through Saturday Tuesday through Thursday Tuesday through Friday 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday Friday & Saturday Saturday 11:30a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday FUEL DOCKS Dockmaster Cell Phone 941-374-2310 Closed Monday Open Tuesday through Thursday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Open Friday thru Sunday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm (Weather permitting) Tiki Bar Hours: Fridays, 4:00 to 11:00 p.m. Saturdays, Noon to 11:00 p.m. Sundays, Noon to Dusk, Weather permitting! (The Tiki Bar will close during an electrical storm, driving rain, or when the temperature is below 40 degrees)
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