Jan 2008 PRES - Evergreen Presbyterian Church
Jan 2008 PRES - Evergreen Presbyterian Church
Evergreen Pres Evergreen Presbyterian Church 613 University Memphis, Tennessee 38107 (901) 274-3740 Pastor: Dr. Kenneth S. Letterman Parish Associate: Rev. Amy Howe General Information: info@evergreenmemphis.org website: http://www.evergreenmemphis.org January 2008 From the Pastor’s Pen As we read the Bible we see that it is full of “turning points.” One of those great turning points for the people of Israel can be seen in the book of Joshua as they prepare to enter the promise land. The book recounts the transition from a wandering people to a people possessing the gift God has given them. In the opening verses the stage is set with the people being called upon to be faithful to God if they hope to remain and be secure in this new land. “Turning points” are not restricted to the pages of the Bible. They are there in all parts of our life – personal; family; work; school; church; and the list continues. And the real issue is really not the turning point itself, but how we deal with it in faith. In a classic Peanuts’ cartoon Charlie Brown says to Lucy, “Someone has said that we should live each day as if it were the last day of our life.” “Aaugh!” Lucy cries. “This is the last day! This is it!” She runs away screaming, “I have only 24 hours left! Help me! Help me! This is the last day! Aaugh!” “Some philosophies,” says Charlie Brown, “aren’t for all people.” Living each day as if it were the last day of our life is not a bad philosophy. However, living each day as if it were the first day of our life just might be a better one. 2008 is a new year filled with exciting new possibilities. The old year is gone. The mistakes were made and the obstacles we have overcome are now in the past. A new year has arrived. Speaker Danny Cox tells about a Broom Hilda cartoon (yes - I like cartoons) in which her troll-like, naïve, innocent little friend Irwin puts on a long-tail tuxedo jacket, picks up a conductor’s baton and walks into the woods alone. Irwin steps up on a fallen tree log and begins to wave his arms as if to conduct. There are no musicians, only rocks, trees and flowers. Soon, musical notes pour from the rocks, trees and flowers and fill the area. Finally, Irwin turns and confidently says, “It’s all in there; you just have to work on getting it out.” As we look at this new-year, a turning point in the life of Evergreen, we know it is filled with all kinds of wonderful possibilities. “They’re all in there; we just have to work at getting them out.” As we continue to be a light to the world, sharing the Good News in ministry and mission we, like the ancient people of Israel, are called to be faithful. This is a new year – a new beginning. May we live every day as if it is our first. Serving together, P AGE 2 JANUARY 20078 January Birthdays Faith Cooper ……………. Sophie Merchant ……………. Matthew Condren……………. Harriet McLean ……………. Jameson Jones ……………. Elizabeth Nathan ……………. Lester Van Middlesworth.……. Diane Row ……………. Joe Sohm ……………. William Graves III…...………. Doris Madsen ……………. Merrie Jo Crumpley…………. Alba Castro ……………. Chuck Wallace………………. Paige Southard ……………. Patty Wiley ……………. Celeste Bursi ……………. Jean Phelps ……………. Andrew Miller………………. Sue Miller ……………. Joan Wilkinson ……………. Mike Letterman ……………. Matthew Letterman……….…. 2 3 3 5 8 11 13 15 17 17 18 19 22 24 25 25 28 30 30 30 30 31 31 PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN The January meetings of Circles 1-4 will be held on January 15th at 10:15am in Millard Hall. Presbyterian Women will gather at 10:30 with the Bible Study being led by Rev. Amy Howe. The Coordinating Team will meet in the Session Room at 9:45am. Circle 5 will meet on the second Saturday, January 12, at the home of Jane McIntosh, 5110 Rich Road. Thank you— from the Lettermans Christmas is that wonderful time of year when we become ever more mindful of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and all that incredible event means to our lives. The season also brings a deeper sense of how thankful we are for one another. Melinda and I are grateful for our Evergreen family and all the special acts of kindness that have been shown to us this season, it means so much to us. But even more importantly, we thank you for the support and prayers for our children as Matt returned from Iraq and Jennifer deployed this year. A most blessed New Year to each of you and those you love. Ken, Melinda, our children and their families Change of Address If your home address or email address has changed, please notify the church office. We need to be able to continue to communicate with you, especially those of you who have indicated that you would like to receive The Pres via email! Many are being returned as “undeliverable”! Your cooperation is truly appreciated S.A.M.S. The Scottish American Military Society Post #1943 meets regularly. If you are interested or want to find out more about S.A.M.S. you can contact Pastor Ken or go to their website at www.S-A-M-S.org. P AGE 3 E VERGREEN P RES WEDNESDAY EVENINGS AT EVERGREEN STARTING BACK JANUARY 9 Wednesdays continue to be Wonderful at Evergreen! Our new term begins January 9th. Please join your Evergreen Family for dinner, fellowship, and spiritual enrichment. Dinner begins at 5:30. Adult meal is $6.00; children’s meal of peanut butter and jelly is $2.00 Children’s Choir and Program 6:00-7:15 Youth, led by James Hanrahan and Matt Bowman 6:00-7:15 Adult Program 6:15-7:15 WEDNESDAY NIGHT PROGRAM January 9 To be Announced January 16 The Beatitudes, led by Dr. Mitzi Minor January 23 The Beatitudes, led by Dr. Mitzi Minor January 30 The Beatitudes, led by Dr. Mitzi Minor Dr. Minor is a long time favorite of Evergreen. She is the New Testament professor at Memphis Theological Seminary. She opens up the New Testament in powerful and transforming ways. Don’t miss this opportunity to delve deeper into the beloved words of Christ found in The Beatitudes. WEDNESDAY NIGHT MENUS January 9 Spaghetti with meatballs, green beans, tossed salad, apple pie January 16 BBQ chicken, baked apples, scalloped potatoes, red velvet cake January 23 Meatloaf, macaroni and cheese, tossed salad, banana pudding January 30 Beef tips over noodles, English peas, garden salad, pecan pie J ANUARY 2008 P AGE 4 Deacon Orientation and Training ALL Deacons, both newly installed and those serving for another year, are asked to attend a short orientation meeting on Tuesday, January 22, at 7:00pm. We will meet in the Session Room. We willl discuss the duties and responsibilities of being a deacon in the church, as well as train for our ushering duties at Sunday morning worship and other worship events in the church. Please make every effort to attend and RSVP to me at harriet@tslf.net, or call me at 726-5711 Harriet Schneider SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT The spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because the Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners. Isaish 61:1 News from Youth Ministry – THANK YOU FROM RECREATION MINISTRY for a successful 2007! Recreation Ministry send s a big THANK YOU to everyone involved in making 2007 a successful year for us and those we serve. 2007 Recreation Ministry at Evergreen would not have been possible without the Recreation Committee, Evergreen Church staff & officers, and the children, families and friends who participate and keep us going day in and day out. I would like to recognize Recreation Committee members—Kevin McDonell, Anna Lee Burkle, Pete Harris, Beth Bowman, Gina Walker, Steve Humbert, & Leslie Montgomery. I wish it were appropriate and that I had the time to list all of the many accomplishments for Evergreen Church as a result of these individuals’ time and energy, but there are far too many to even begin. Recreation Ministry wishes everyone a healthy and happy new year and prays that you all will know the peace, grace and many blessings of our Lord in 2008! Evergreen Youth Ministry The Youth of Evergreen held a Christmas Babysitting Fundraiser and it was very successful. We had children from the Recreation and Playschool Ministry and children from the community who were experiencing Evergreen for the first time! The fundraiser was very successful and we are excited about the 2008 year! We are currently raising money for our mission trip for the 2008 summer. Please be looking for our other upcoming fundraising events in 2008! Evergreen Basketball The basketball season is going very well. Mini-Jammerse begins this month and we will have over 25 children. If anyone would like to come and volunteer and help with Mini-Jammers practice and games, please contact James at 278-4430. It is so wonderful watching these 4,5, and 6 year olds playing basketball. Practices and games are always on Saturday. They begin at 9:30am and they only last for 1 hour. E VERGREEN P RES P AGE 5 Heartfelt Sympathy Our Christian love and sympathy is extended to the family of Charles W, Canon who united with the Church Eternal during Advent. May God bless and console you and gently wipe every tear from your eyes. ATTENTION! URGENT! St. John’s Soup Kitchen Remember, the Evergreen family has been asked to cook and serve a meal for the homeless at St. John’s United Methodist Church on Tuesday, January 8, 2008. Please consider preparing a casserole (vegetable or potato) or dessert, as well as assisting with serving the meal from 4:00pm until 6:00pm. This year, we will also need donations of meat already prepared and sliced, or you may contribute to the cost by designating checks to the “Soup Kitchen.” Please bring food to Evergreen by 3:00pm and use disposable dishes. Thank you, Evergreen, for your service to those less fortunate in the Memphis community. Throughout the year, many of you have borrowed books from Pastor Ken’s Library—if you’re finished with these books, please return them. There are others who would like to borrow them as well. Thanks! 2007 GIVING STATEMENTS Statements will be mailed around the week of January 2nd. Please contact me no later than January 13 with any corrections or changes to the statements. Thank you. Cheryl Williams, Bookkeeper J ANUARY 2008 P AGE 6 Music Notes — The New Year is here! A time for new beginnings and New Year’s resolutions. Resolutions? Oh, those things we promise to do that usually involve something about dieting or EXERCISE, but somehow quietly get dropped by the wayside somewhere around January 16th. Well, how about a resolution that doesn’t involve dieting, or hard exercise, or doing without; yet, is not only good for you, but good for a lot of other people, too? How about making a resolution to join one of Evergreen’s music ensembles? You can enjoy a rich (non-fattening) diet of music and fellowship, and the opportunity to enrich the music ministry of Evergreen. You not only get the satisfaction and joy of serving God in a unique way, but you also get the joy of touching others with your gift of music. You never know when a piece of music that you have helped bring to life in worship will touch the heart of someone out there in the congregation. That’s one of the special joys of serving God through music. You may never know that a person has been touched, have found peace or comfort or joy through the music, but they will keep the music in their heart as they leave the service to go out into the world. Music ministry is a ministry, and is so much more than just making music. Our Adult Choir and Handbell Choir are open to both adults and youth, and our Children’s Choir is for our young singers, ages 4-5th grade. Many, many thanks to the members of the Adult choir, Handbell Choir, and children’s Choir who have given so much of their time and talents over the past year to the music ministry of Evergreen. Your dedication and hard work are deeply appreciated. There would be no music ministry if it weren’t for these dedicated volunteers who have taken the gifts that God has given them and shared them with our congregation. Thank You! Be sure to check out the music board across from Dr. Ken’s office for music happenings at Evergreen and around town! HANDBELLS Handbell rehearsals resume on Sunday, January 13, immediately after the worship service. We will be working on new music, and new ringers are always welcome to come and join the handbell choir at any time. It would be wonderful to have the bells ring more often in worship, but in order to do so, we need more ringers. No experience is necessary! What is necessary, though, is a willingness to make a commitment to attend rehearsals regularly. All of the ringers depend on each other, and it is indeed a team effort. If one or more members of the “team” are missing, it affects the quality of the rehearsal. If you love music, would like to ring handbells or learn to ring handbells, and you are able to make that commitment to attend rehearsals regularly, then we encourage you to become a member of the Handbell Team! Dates to Remember: Wednesday, January 9 Sunday, January 13 Children’s Choir resumes Handbell rehearsals resume immediately after church HAPPY NEW YEAR! Melanie P AGE 7 E VERGREEN PRES AFTERSCHOOL MINISTRY The Evergreen Afterschool program continues to have an urgent need for tutors during homework time (3:30-4:00, Monday through Thursday) to work especially with the K-2nd grade. We currently have around 20 children in this age group with only 2 staff members to answer all of their questions, help with spelling, math, etc. If you would like to make a difference in a child’s life by volunteering (it can be one day, every day, or whatever time you are able to give), please contact Leslie at 278-4430. The following items are used on a regular basis at Afterschool, so if anyone would like to donate any of these items, we would be truly grateful: pencils, erasers, and drawing paper. As you can see from these huge smiles, everyone thoroughly enjoyed our Thanksgiving program. With the dawning of a new year, we look forward to discovering the new blessings of 2008! A special THANK YOU to everyone who has been so supportive of our Playschool Ministry. J ANUARY 2008 P AGE 8 STEWARDSHIP AS OF NOVEMBER 2007 EVERGREEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, PC USA Year-to-Date Actual (This Year) Year-to-Date Budget (This Year) REVENUES Pledges Plate Collection 4200—Presbyterian Women Memorials Total Designated Funds 4500—Mayo Interest (Budgeted—Used) Anticipated Funds Mission and Outreach Playschool Recreation Total Revenues $ 305,066 3,154 550 2,200 11,000 10,000 57,196 $ 304,273 3,209 550 4,584 11,000 18,334 45,833 372,862 302,317 112,142 124,621 864,170 814,721 $ 860,359 $ 884,732 EXPENSES Total Expenses Evergreen Presbyterian Church 613 University Memphis, Tennessee 38107 The Evergreen Pres Vol. 43, No. 1 January, 2008 Remember Evergreen in Your Will Evergreen Presbyterian Newsletter THE EVERGREEN PRES (USPS 778760) is published monthly by Evergreen Presbyterian Church, 613 University, Memphis, TN 38107-5198. Periodicals postage paid at Memphis, TN. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to “The Evergreen PRES” 613 University, Memphis, TN 38107-5198.