J U N E 2009 C O N D O M I N I U M H O M E O W N E R S ’ A S S O C I A T I O N O F BC eco strata guide a green guide for multi-family dwellings in metro vancouver investing in the future, using fewer resources, living better, saving money Features: • The Home Renovation Tax Credit For the complete eco strata guide, go to the CHOA web site and click on Resources & Publications, or contact the CHOA office for a print copy. • HPO Maintenance Matters #7 1.877.353.2462 INSIDE THIS EDITION 3 Safety Authority Information Bulletin 5 The Home Renovation Tax Credit 9 Maintenance Matters Building Envelope Maintenance Bulletin 32 CHOA Business Members The CHOA Journal is printed by Still Creek Press Ltd., Burnaby, BC CONDOMINIUM HOME OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION OF BC The Condominium Home Owners’ Association of BC promotes the understanding of strata property living and the interests of strata property owners by providing: advisory services; education; and resource support for its’ members. Contact the CHOA Office: Tel: Fax: Toll-Free: Website: E-mail: 604-584-2462 604-515-9643 1-877-353-2462 Suite 202 – 624 Columbia Street New Westminster, BC V3M 1A5 CHOA JOURNAL ADVERTISERS WELCOME The CHOA Journal is published quarterly by the Publisher. For advertising information and rates, please contact our office. DISCLAIMER Tel: 604-584-2462 Fax: 604-515-9643 This publication is designed to provide informative material of interest to its readers. It is distributed with the understanding that it does not constitute legal or other professional advice. Although the published material is intended to be accurate neither we nor any other party will assume liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on this material. Appropriate legal advice or other expert assistance should be sought from a competent professional. The services or products of the advertisers contained in the CHOA Journal are not necessarily endorsed by the Condominium Home Owners’ Association. MEMBERSHIP INQUIRIES New members are always welcome. Contact CHOA for more information. CHOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bill Miller, President – LMS1000 Broc Braconnier, Vice President – KAS1884 Iris McEwen, Treasurer/Sec – LMS1965 Melanie Lietuvinikas – NW0429 Heinz Maassen – NW 955 Marion Mitchell – LMS 358 Mary Stojanovic – VR 53 Website: Emma Thibodeau – VAS24 Eli Mina – BCS 1871 Keith Davis – VIS 2044 Evelyn Barry – NW 1370 Allyson Baker, Business Member Adrienne Murray, Business Member Jackie Haywood – VR1994 Bill Thorburn – VIS5081 STAFF Tony Gioventu, Executive Director Leo Wang, Accounting & Reception Heidi Marshall, Communications Officer Lynne Arling, Advisor Interior Sharon Kelly, Advisor Vancouver Island Deanna Ferguson, Member Services Co-ordinator Tom Carr, Advisor Lower Mainland Member’s Password: pine CH OA Journa l | June 2009 3 4 C H OA J o u r n a l | June 2009 The Home Renovation Tax Credit John Nagy, FCGA, Director, Reid Hurst Nagy Certified General Accountants, May 2009 I n January 2009, the federal budget announced a new Home Renovation Tax Credit (HRTC) as part of its economic stimulus package. This credit will be available to individuals when they file their 2009 personal income tax returns. The credit is non-refundable, that is, you cannot get a refund as a result of the credit if you do not have any tax payable. It is available to individuals only and will be calculated at 15% of the amount spent on a renovation in excess of $1,000 to a maximum of $10,000. This results in a maximum credit of $1,350. The amount of the credit is the same no matter what your income level might be. So owners can choose which family member claims the credit, as there is only one credit available per family. A family may include husband, wife and any children under 18. Eligibility Criteria Qualifying renovations must be “eligible expenditures” to an “eligible dwelling” during the “eligibility period” • Eligible expenditures essentially mean significant renovations or alterations, not just ordinary maintenance and minor repairs. The purchase of appliances is not eligible. • Eligible dwellings are those that the owner, their spouse or their minor children ordinarily occupy. A cottage or ski cabin that is not ordinarily rented out would also qualify. Rented properties are not eligible. • The eligibility period will be for work performed or goods purchased after January 27, 2009 and before February 1, 2010. This means that only work completed before Feb 1, 2010 will qualify for the credit. The Home Renovation Tax Credit and Strata Owners The credit will be available to strata owners for their share of any common area renovations which meet the eligibility requirements. There is no apparent restriction on where the funds for the renovation come from. In other words, it appears that the payment for the work can come from the Contingency Reserve Fund, from a special levy, from a previously established and funded special purpose fund, or from general operating funds. It is the use of the funds that will apparently determine the eligibility of the expenditure, not the source. When renovations are completed and paid for by the strata corporation, each owner will be able to claim their proportionate share of those renovations based on their unit entitlement. If the common area expenditures are not enough to get the full credit, owners can also claim additional credits for any renovations they may have done inside their own units. On the other hand, if an owner’s renovations cost more than $10,000, they may not need to use any of the common property renovations for the credit. It is entirely up to the owners to decide which amounts they want to claim for the credit. Allocating Credit for Funds Spent on Qualified Projects or Expenses The proration of common renovations will be similar to the allocation prepared when a budget is approved and each unit’s monthly fees are established. The property manager will need to keep records of projects that would qualify for the credit. Since many of these projects will come out of the CRF (Contingency Reserve Fund) or out of a special purpose fund, this will not be a big problem. The costs associated with those renovations will already be accounted for in a separate account. However, if the renovations are being charged as part of repairs and maintenance in the General or Operating Fund, we recommend that separate accounts be established for each project to clearly identify the total costs associated with that project. It would be helpful to do that within the CRF or Special Purpose Fund as well if there is more than one project completed in the period. Providing the Necessary Supporting Documents to Strata Owners Canada has a self-assessing system of tax. That means that we calculate our own tax payable, fill out the forms and send them in to CRA. There is generally no requirement to send in receipts and in most cases, CRA will accept the filings we submit. They do, however, have the right to request supporting information and often will do so. They have the ability to request the information at any time in the three years after you send in your return. So it is critical that supporting documents are available to owners when they are requested by the CRA. On the other hand, it is very possible that only a few of the owners in a particular building will be asked to provide such required documents. Thus, it would not make sense financially, or ecologically, for the property manager to provide all supporting information unless requested by an owner. It would seem that if the Property Manager were to provide a summary statement to each owner, outlining the details of the project, when it was completed, what the total cost was and what each owners’ proportionate share was, the majority of owners would have adequate information to file their claims. The Property Manager should simply make it very clear in this summary that if CRA requests further information from the owner, such information can be obtained from the Property Manager. CRA has outlined what will be considered as acceptable documentation in support of a claim. Essentially, you will need an invoice from the supplier of the goods or services which includes the following information: Continued on page 7 CH OA Journa l | June 2009 5 C a n a d a M o r t g a g e a n d H o u s i n g C o r p o r a t i o n ( C M H C ) free information for owners and managers of multi-unit buildings Better Buildings Case Studies CMHC’s Better Buildings series provides building owners and managers with case studies that highlight improvements to multi-unit housing buildings. Providing factual information and plentiful illustrations, Better Buildings provides decision makers with an overview and concrete examples of the type of work their buildings may require. TO P I C S C OV E R E D I N C L U D E : Conversions and Retrofits Walls and Windows Roofs, Balconies and Terraces Acoustic Mechanical Systems Disasters VISIT KEYWORD ‘Better Buildings’ E - n ew s l e t t e r S u b s c r i p t i o n Interested in the latest housing technology or socio-economic housing research? CMHC has it covered with two free e-newsletters. Housing Technology topics include building envelope, moisture management, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, building operation, residential water use and much, much, more. Housing Research topics include sustainable community planning, housing and population health, updates on household and housing conditions and trends, and housing solutions for “at risk” groups such as persons with disabilities, seniors, Aboriginals, immigrants, low-income Canadians and more. VISIT 6 C H OA J o u r n a l | June 2009 KEYWORD ‘E-newsletters’ Continued from page 5 • Information that clearly identifies the vendor/contractor, their business address and, if applicable, the GST/ HST registration number; • A description of the goods and the date when the goods were purchased; • The date when the goods were delivered (keep your delivery slip as proof) and/or when the work or services were performed; • A description of the work performed including the address where the work was performed; • The amount of the invoice; and • Proof of payment. Receipts or invoices must indicate paid in full or be accompanied by other proof of payment, such as a credit card slip or cancelled cheque. These requirements will put a significant burden on the Property Managers in terms of collecting information for owners to enable them to make their claims. In particular, keeping copies of all invoices, together with the related cheques for payment will involve a change in the way many Property Management companies maintain their records. We are attempting to obtain clarification from CRA regarding this requirement as it relates to strata corporations. It would seem that a summary statement as previously described from a licensed property management company should be adequate support for an owner’s claim. Unfortunately, at this time, we have been unable to obtain any information from CRA beyond their published documents. Until we are able to obtain other advice from CRA, our recommendation is that all invoices for a qualifying project be copied or scanned to a separate folder together with copies of the payment cheques, once they have cleared the bank. Once the project is complete, a ledger printout of the relevant account which adds up to the amounts that have been reported to the owners should also be produced. These printouts, together with the supporting invoice and cheque copies, could then be provided to the owners on an “as needed” basis. Outstanding Query with the CRA Regarding the HRTC As with any new idea, the devil is in the details. The HRTC has resulted in a number of questions which need to be answered by CRA and we are making concerted attempts to get those answers. Unfortunately, the focus at CRA has been on the individual homeowner and there is very little information for condominiums. The following questions are being posed to CRA but have yet to be answered: 1. Will a summary statement from a property manager, without supporting invoices or cheques, be adequate support for an owner’s claim? 2. Will a new owner acquiring a unit during the year get the full benefit of the renovation even though it was completed before they bought the property? 3. Is a project that started before Jan. 27, 2009, but completed after that date and before Feb. 1, 2010 eligible? 4. What if a project takes more that the eligible period to complete? How are the costs to be allocated? 5. How do we treat deposits paid before Jan. 27, 2009 for work done after that date? We will continue to press CRA officials for answers to these and other questions as they come up. If you have any other queries that you would like us to put to CRA, please email them to For additional charts & information go to the CHOA website. YOUR NEW LEGAL TEAM FOR STRATA MATTERS Elaine McCormack, formerly of McCormack & Company Law Corporation, is pleased to announce her new role as Associate Counsel with leading Vancouver-based law firm Alexander Holburn Beaudin & Lang LLP. For more information, contact Elaine McCormack at 604 484 1704 or 2700 - 700 West Georgia St. Vancouver BC CANADA V7Y 1B8 (Tel) 604 484 1700 (Fax) 604 484 9700 CH OA Journa l | June 2009 7 Order Yours Today! Name: _______________________________________________________ Strata No. __________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________________ Postal Code: _______________________ Tel: ____________________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________ VISA Card Number: _________________________________________ Amount: ____________________ Signature: _________________________________________________ Expiry Date: __________________ Fax orders to: (250) 741-1441 Tel: (250) 753-0353 • Toll-Free: 1-888-298-7999 APEX Property Maintenance Strata & Condo Specialist • Window Cleaning • Pressure Washing • Vinyl Siding Cleaning • Gutter Cleaning & Repairs Liability & WCB Insured Over 20 Years Experience serving the Lower Mainland Tel: 604.341.5831 Fax: 604.943.1951 Property Managers ‘who care’ and deliver Enjoy quick response from trades website: 604-251-1717 8 C H OA J o u r n a l | June 2009 8IJMFUIFHSBEVBM #VJMEJOH&OWFMPQF .BJOUFOBODF#VMMFUJO .O -AINTENANCE -ATTERS 7 "UILDING%NVELOPE-AINTENANCE AND2ENEWALS0LANNING EFUFSJPSBUJPOPGCVJMEJOH BTTFUTJTJOFWJUBCMF UIFTQFFEBUXIJDI UIJTQSPDFFETDBOCF SFHVMBUFE /VERTHELIFEOFEVERYBUILDINGOWNERSAREREQUIREDTOPERIODICALLYMAKE DECISIONSANDTAKEACTIONTOMAINTAINANDRENEWTHEVARIOUSPHYSICAL COMPONENTSOFTHEIRBUILDINGS%ACHOFTHESEDECISIONSANDACTIONSCAN IMPACTTHELIFESPANOFTHEBUILDINGCOMPONENTS 5IFUFSN®BTTFUT¯SFGFSTDPMMFDUJWFMZUPBMMNBKPSCVJMEJOHDPNQPOFOUTUIBU BSFQBSUPGUIFDPNNPOQSPQFSUZ5IJTBSUJDMFBEESFTTFTBTTFUTDPNQSJTJOH UIFCVJMEJOHFOWFMPQFTVDIBTSPPGTXBMMTXJOEPXTBOEEPPST)PXFWFSUIF EJTDVTTJPOSFHBSEJOHUIJTTFMFDUTFUPGBTTFUTJTFRVBMMZBQQMJDBCMFUPBMMPUIFS CVJMEJOHBTTFUT 5IFEFHSFFUPXIJDINBJOUFOBODFJNQBDUTUIFTFSWJDFMJGFPGCVJMEJOH BTTFUTXJMMEFQFOEPOUIFJSEVSBCJMJUZBOEUIFJSFYQPTVSFDPOEJUJPOTBTXFMMBT 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and Repair Costs: 5IFTF • Renewals Costs: 5IFTFJODMVEFDPTUTUP • Adaptation Costs: 5IFTFJODMVEFFYQFO EJUVSFTSFRVJSFEUPBEBQUUIFCVJMEJOHUPUIF FWPMWJOHOFFETPGUIFVTFSTBOEUPBEESFTTOFX MFHJTMBUJWFSFRVJSFNFOUTBOETUBOEBSETUIBUNBZ CFJNQPTFECZQVCMJDPSEFST"OFYBNQMFPGUIJT NBZCFUIFSFRVJSFNFOUUPSFUSP¹UUIF¹SFTBGFUZ FRVJQNFOUJONVMUJVOJUSFTJEFOUJBMCVJMEJOHT (OW7E3PEND-ONEYON"UILDINGS 0XOFSTBSFUIFTUFXBSET PGUIFBTTFUTGPSUIF TFSWJDFMJGFPGUIFJSCVJME JOHTBOEBSFSFRVJSFEUP JOWFTUJOWBSJPVTUZQFT PGBDUJWJUJFTUPTVTUBJO UIFQFSGPSNBODFBOE NBJOUBJOGVODUJPOBMJUZPG UIFBTTFUT 7 SFQMBDFPSSFGVSCJTIUIFBTTFUTXIFOUIFZIBWF SFBDIFEUIFFOEPGUIFJSTFSWJDFMJWFT3FQMBDF NFOUPGUIFSPPGFWFSZ UP ZFBSTJTPOF DPNNPOFYBNQMFPGUIJTUZQFPGBDUJWJUZ 5IFRVBMJUZPGUIFEFTJHOBOEDPOTUSVDUJPOPG BCVJMEJOHIBTBTJHOJ¹DBOUJNQBDUPOUIFMJGF FYQFDUBODZPGUIFCVJMEJOHBTTFUTBTXFMMBTPOUIF NBJOUFOBODFBOESFOFXBMSFRVJSFNFOUTBTTPDJBUFE XJUIUIFTFBTTFUT*OUIFDBTFPGOFXCVJMEJOHT TUSBUBPXOFSTIBWFOPDPOUSPMPWFSEFTJHOBOE DPOTUSVDUJPOEFDJTJPOT)PXFWFSJOUIFDBTFPG 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B J O UF O B O D F . B UUF S T )MPACTOFMAINTENANCE ONTHESERVICELIFEOFA ROOF DPTUTJODMVEFBDUJWJUJFTUPLFFQBTTFUTJOHPPE XPSLJOHDPOEJUJPO&YBNQMFTPGSPVUJOFNBJOUF OBODFBDUJWJUJFTGPSUIFCVJMEJOHFOWFMPQFTZTUFN XPVMEJODMVEFDMFBOJOHPGEFCSJTGSPNSPPG ESBJOTXBTIJOHPGUIFXJOEPXTPSJOTQFDUJOH UIFTFBMBOUT4NBMMSFQBJSTBSFPGUFOJODMVEFEJO UIFTBNFDBUFHPSZBTNBJOUFOBODFDPTUT 2OOFDRAINCLEANING 7INDOWCLEANING %KIAKSJAN-NKPA?PEKJ,BBE?A Continued on page 13 CH OA Journal | June 2009 11 We secure competitive prices with the most comprehensive protection for our strata clients and their condominium unit owners. We are proud of our specialized, dedicated team of strata insurance professionals. We are supported by reputable, committed and stable insurance companies. Madison Centre 700 - 1901 Rosser Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 6R6 12 C H OA J o u r n a l | June 2009 Telephone: 604-294-3301 Toll Free: 1-800-263-3313 TUFXBSETIJQSPMF4PNFPOFJTBMXBZTJODIBSHF ¬FJUIFSUIFPXOFSTNBOBHFUIFJSBTTFUTPSUIF BTTFUTXJMMNBOBHFUIFPXOFST &GGFDUJWFTUFXBSETIJQ +EY$OCUMENTSTO3UPPORT%FFECTIVE -AINTENANCEAND2ENEWAL0LANNING $ISTRIBUTIONOFLIFECYCLECOSTSOFATYPICALBUILDING 5IFTUFXBSETIJQPGUIFCVJMEJOHBTTFUTPWFSUIF TFSWJDFMJGFPGUIFCVJMEJOHDPOTVNFTUIFHSFBUFTU DPTUBOETIPVMEUIFSFGPSFSFDFJWFUIFBQQSPQSJBUF MFWFMPGNBJOUFOBODFBOESFOFXBMQMBOOJOHBOE NBOBHFNFOU 7HATIS"UILDING!SSET -ANAGEMENT "TTFUNBOBHFNFOUDPOUFNQMBUFTUIFDPOUJOVBM TUFXBSETIJQPGUIFCVJMEJOHBTTFUT&GGFDUJWF TUFXBSETIJQSFRVJSFTQSVEFOUQMBOOJOHFBDI ZFBSBOEQSPQFSPWFSTJHIUJOPSEFSUPFOTVSFUIBU SFRVJSFEJOTQFDUJPONBJOUFOBODFBOESFOFXBMT UBTLTBSFVOEFSUBLFO 4UFXBSETIJQDPOUJOVFTUISPVHIPVUUIFUJNF UIFCVJMEJOHBTTFUTBSFJOTFSWJDFBOEFWFOUVBMMZ SFUJSFEGSPNTFSWJDF 8IFOTFUUJOHVQBQSPHSBNGPSUIFFGGFDUJWF TUFXBSETIJQPGCVJMEJOHBTTFUTPXOFSTNBLF EFDJTJPOTSFMBUJWFUPUIFJSUPMFSBODFGPSSJTLUIFJS ¹OBODFTFYQFOEJUVSFTBOESFUVSOPOJOWFTUNFOU UIFJSMFHBMPCMJHBUJPOTBOEUIFJSOFFEGPSSFMJBCMF BOEGVODUJPOBMBTTFUT"WBSJFUZPGUFDIOJRVFT IBWFCFFOEFWFMPQFEUPBTTJTUCVJMEJOHPXOFSTJO NPOJUPSJOHUSBDLJOHBOETUFFSJOHUIFQSPDFTTPG NBOBHJOHUIFJSCVJMEJOHBTTFUT 5IFLFZUPSFTQPOTJCMFBOEFGGFDUJWFCVJMEJOH BTTFUNBOBHFNFOUJTUPFNCSBDFUIFUBTLPG NBOBHJOHUIFCVJMEJOHBTTFUTPOBDPOTJTUFOUBOE POHPJOHCBTJT5IJTEPFTOPUNFBOUIBUPXOFST IBWFUPEPUIFXPSLUIFNTFMWFTIPXFWFSUIFZ EPIBWFUPFOTVSFUIBUTPNFCPEZJTDIBSHFEXJUI UIFSFTQPOTJCJMJUZGPSQMBOOJOHBOEUIFPOHPJOH "UUIFDPNQMFUJPOPGBOFXDPOTUSVDUJPOQSPKFDU PSSFIBCJMJUBUJPOQSPKFDU UIFPXOFSTSFQSFTFOUFE CZUIFTUSBUBDPVODJMNVTUCFQSPWJEFEXJUIB QBDLBHFPGSFGFSFODFEPDVNFOUTSFHBSEJOHUIF OFXCVJMEJOHBTTFUTUIBUIBWFCFFOQMBDFEJO TFSWJDF5IFIBOEPWFSPGUIFTFEPDVNFOUTGSPN UIFCVJMEJOHEFTJHOBOEDPOTUSVDUJPOUFBNJT JOUFOEFEUPFNQPXFSUIFPXOFSTUPBDIJFWFTFMG TVG¹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• Drawings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• Specifications: 4QFDJ¹DBUJPOTQSPWJEFJOGPS PSCVJMEJOHFOWFMPQF NBUJPOSFMBUFEUPNBUFSJBMTBOEDPNQPOFOUT PGUIFCVJMEJOH6OGPSUVOBUFMZTQFDJ¹DBUJPOT BSFOPUBMXBZTQSPWJEFEUPUIFPXOFSTGPSOFX DPOTUSVDUJPOQSPKFDUT SFIBCJMJUBUJPOQSPKFDU • Warranty Certificates: 8BSSBOUZDFSUJ¹DBUFT BSFDPOUSBDUTTQFDJGZJOHUIBUUIFNBUFSJBMTBOE PSXPSLNBOTIJQPGEJGGFSFOUBTTFUTXJMMNFFUB %KIAKSJAN-NKPA?PEKJ,BBE?A Continued on page 14 15 CH OA Journal | June 2009 13 BC’s Condo Advocate Working for you! Condo Building Problems? #4 1365 Johnston Road, White Rock, B.C. V4B 3Z3 T: 604 538-8239 F: 604 538-8439 Contact us for unbiased professional advice 604.940.9322 14 C H OA J o u r n a l | June 2009 FWFOUTOPSNBMXFBSBOE UFBSOPSNBMBHJOHNJT VTFBOEBCVTFBOEGBJM VSFUPDBSSZPVUBEFRVBUF NBJOUFOBODFEVSJOHUIF XBSSBOUZQFSJPE • Safety and Test Certificates: 5IFTFBSF EPDVNFOUTUIBUEFNPOTUSBUFUIFOFDFTTBSZ JOTQFDUJPOTBOEPUIFSNBJOUFOBODFXPSLBTTPDJ BUFEXJUIDFSUBJOBTTFUTIBTCFFODPNQMFUFE "TTFUTXJUIJNQPSUBOUTBGFUZJNQMJDBUJPOTTVDI BTFMFWBUPSTSPPGBODIPST¹SFTVQQSFTTJPO TZTUFNTCPJMFSTBOECBDLºPXQSFWFOUJPOWBMWFT NVTUCFUFTUFEQFSJPEJDBMMZ5IFUFTUDFSUJ¹ DBUFTNVTUCFDMFBSMZQPTUFEFJUIFSJOUIFVUJMJUZ SPPNTOFBSUIFDPSSFTQPOEJOHFRVJQNFOUPSCF LFQUPO¹MFJOBEFTJHOBUFETJUFPG¹DF • Colour Schedule: 5IFDPMPVSTDIFEVMFQSP WJEFTBTVNNBSZMJTUPGUIFCBTJDDPMPVSTBOE TPNFUJNFTBMTPUIFUFYUVSFT UIBUXFSFVTFE POUIFWBSJPVT¹OJTIFTJOTUBMMFEEVSJOHPSJHJOBM DPOTUSVDUJPOPSBTQBSUPGBSFOFXBMQSPKFDU5IJT JOGPSNBUJPOJTVTFGVMUPUIPTFVOEFSUBLJOHNBJO UFOBODFBOESFOFXBMTUBTLTXIFSFJUJTJNQPSUBOU UPNBUDIDPMPVSTUPUIFFYJTUJOHBQQFBSBODF • Asset Inventory: "OBTTFUJOWFOUPSZJTB • Contact List: "MJTUPGBMMUIFDPOUSBDUPST DPOTVMUBOUTBOEPUIFSQBSUJFTJOWPMWFEJOUIF DPOTUSVDUJPOPSSFIBCJMJUBUJPOQSPKFDUJTIFMQGVM TJODFUIFTFDPNQBOJFTIBWF¹STUIBOELOPX MFEHFSFHBSEJOHUIFCVJMEJOHBTTFUT TUSVDUVSFEMJTUPGBTTFUTUIBUJODMVEFTJOGPSNB UJPOSFMBUFEUPTPNFPGUIFCBTJDBUUSJCVUFTPG UIFBTTFUTTVDIBTUIFJSBHFRVBMJUZNBOVGBD UVSFSBOEFTUJNBUFEVTFGVMMJGF • Equipment and Supplies Inventory: • Manufacturers’ Product Literature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• Inspection Forms and Logbooks: 5IF . B J O UF O B O D F . B UUF S T DFSUBJOMFWFMPGQFSGPSNBODFPWFSBTQFDJ¹FEQF SJPEPGUJNF&TTFOUJBMMZXBSSBOUJFTBSFJOUFOEFE UPQSPUFDUUIFDPOTVNFSBHBJOTUQSFNBUVSF GBJMVSFPGBTTFUTEVSJOHUIFTQFDJ¹FEXBSSBOUZ QFSJPET8BSSBOUJFTBSFDBSFGVMMZXPSEFEEPDV NFOUTUIBUDPOUBJOFYDMVTJPOTBOEEJTDMBJNFST • Charts, Labels and Markers: &RVJQNFOU UBHTJOEJDBUFUIFJOTQFDUJPOEBUFTPGDFSUBJO FRVJQNFOUTVDIBT¹SFTBGFUZEFWJDFTBOECBDL ºPXQSPUFDUJPOWBMWFT-BCFMTBMTPJOEJDBUFUIF MPDBUJPOPGJNQPSUBOUFRVJQNFOUBOEQSPWJEF TBGFUZXBSOJOHTUPQFSTPOTDBSSZJOHPVUXPSLJO DMPTFQSPYJNJUZUPTPNFPGUIFFRVJQNFOU • Maintenance Guides: 7BSJPVTPSHBOJ[B UJPOTIBWFQSPEVDFENBJOUFOBODFHVJEFT JOGPSNBUJPOCVMMFUJOTBOEPUIFSSFGFSFODFEPDV NFOUTUPBTTJTUPXOFSTXJUIUIFNBJOUFOBODF BOETUFXBSETIJQPGCVJMEJOHBTTFUT5IF )PNFPXOFS1SPUFDUJPO0G¹DF)10 IBT QSPEVDFETFWFSBM .BJOUFOBODF.BUUFST CVM MFUJOTSFHBSEJOHUIFNBJOUFOBODFPGNVMUJVOJU CVJMEJOHFOWFMPQFT5PPCUBJOUIFTFQVCMJDBUJPOT PSGPSBEEJUJPOBMSFTPVSDFTDIFDLUIF 'PS.PSF *OGPSNBUJPOTFDUJPOJOUIJTCVMMFUJO %KIAKSJAN-NKPA?PEKJ,BBE?A 17 Continued on page 14 CH OA Journal | June 2009 15 Unsettling Condo Dispute? LESPERANCE MENDES LAWYERS MEDIATORS ARBITRATORS LITIGATORS Bylaw Enforcement Building Envelope Claims HPO Warranty Claims Disputes Between Owners John G. Mendes 16 C H OA J o u r n a l | June 2009 Strata Collections Bylaw Drafting Resolution Drafting Disputes Between Stratas 410-900 Howe Street, Vancouver B.C. V6Z 1M2 Phone: 604-685-3567 Fax: 604-685-7505 Paul G. Mendes 0WFSUJNFUIFPXOFSTSFQSFTFOUFECZUIFTUSBUB DPVODJMXJMMFOUFSJOUPBHSFFNFOUTXJUIWBSJPVT QBSUJFTGPSSPVUJOFJOTQFDUJPOTQFSJPEJDNBJO UFOBODFBOEFWFOUVBMSFOFXBMTFSWJDFTSFMBUJOH UPUIFCVJMEJOHBTTFUT5IFUZQFTPGBHSFFNFOUT XJMMEFQFOEPOUIFSPMFUIFPXOFSTBOEQSPQFSUZ NBOBHFSXJTIUPUBLFJOUIFPOHPJOHNBJOUF OBODFQSPHSBNBOEMPOHSBOHFTUFXBSETIJQPG UIFCVJMEJOHBTTFUT5IFUZQFTPGTFSWJDFDPOUSBDUT XJMMBMTPCFEFUFSNJOFECZUIFEFTJSFETUBOEBSE PGDBSFUIBUUIFPXOFSTXJTIUPBDIJFWFBTXFMM BTUIFPXOFST±UPMFSBODFGPSSJTL 5IFUZQJDBM0.4*QBDLBHFNBZDPNQSJTFTFWFSBM IVOESFETPGQBHFTPGTVQQPSUEPDVNFOUT*UJT IFMQGVMJGBMMDPNQPOFOUTPGUIF0.4*BSFLFQU JOFMFDUSPOJDGPSNBUGPSMPOHUFSNBSDIJWJOH BOEBDDFTTQVSQPTFT*UJTJNQPSUBOUUIBUBMM EPDVNFOUTBSFLFQUJOBTJOHMFSFQPTJUPSZBOEJG BOZBSFSFNPWFEGSPNUIFSFQPTJUPSZUIBUUIFZBSF JNNFEJBUFMZDPQJFEBOESFUVSOFEUPUIFSFQPTJUPSZ 5IFEPDVNFOUSFQPTJUPSZDBOUBLFUIFGPSNPGB TJNQMF¹MJOHDBCJOFUPSTPGUXBSFEBUBCBTF -OVING&ROM±(ANDOVER²TO ±(ANDSON² 4PNFUJNFTUIFQBDLBHFPG®IBOEPWFS¯EPDVNFOUT JODMVEFTXIBUJTSFGFSSFEUPBTB®NBJOUFOBODF NBOVBM¯"MUIPVHINPTUQFPQMFBSFGBNJMJBS XJUINBJOUFOBODFNBOVBMTUIBUDPNFXJUIUIF QVSDIBTFPGBOFXDBSPSBQQMJBODFJUJTIFMQGVMUP EJTUJOHVJTICFUXFFOTPNFNBJOUFOBODFUFSNTUIBU BSFVTFEJOUFSDIBOHFBCMZ%JTUJODUJPOTTIPVMECF NBEFCFUXFFOGPVSDMPTFMZSFMBUFEDPODFQUT • Maintenance Manual: 5IJTJTBIBOECPPL DPOUBJOJOHJOTUSVDUJPOTSVMFTPSHVJEFMJOFT GPSQFSGPSNJOHQBSUJDVMBSNBJOUFOBODFUBTLT $BSTBQQMJBODFTBOEFMFDUSPOJDHPPETBSFTPME XJUI®NBOVBMT¯UIBUUBLFBWBSJFUZPGGPSNT'PS FYBNQMFBNBJOUFOBODFNBOVBMXJMMDPOUBJOUIF GPMMPXJOHUZQFTPGJOGPSNBUJPO®*OTQFDUUIFSPPG ESBJOTBOESFNPWFBOZWFHFUBUJPOBOEEFCSJTUIBU JTPCTUSVDUJOHUIFESBJOBHFQBUI¯5IJTUZQF PGEPDVNFOUJTSFRVJSFEUPCFQBSUPGUIFIBOE PWFSEPDVNFOUTGPSCPUIOFXBOESFIBCJMJUBUJPO DPOTUSVDUJPOQSPKFDUT NFOUDPNNJUUJOHUIFPXOFSTUPBQBSUJDVMBS TUBOEBSEPGNBJOUFOBODF5IFQPMJDZJTJOUFOEFE UPHVJEFGVUVSFEFDJTJPONBLJOHSFHBSEJOHUIF EFWFMPQNFOUBOEJNQMFNFOUBUJPOPGUIFNBJOUF OBODFQMBO'PSFYBNQMF®*UJTPVSQPMJDZUPXBTI UIFFYUFSJPSJOBDDFTTJCMFXJOEPXHMBTTUXJDFFBDI ZFBS¯ • Maintenance and Renewals Plan: 5IJT JTBTDIFNFPSNFUIPEGPSUIFDPPSEJOBUJPOBOE HSPVQJOHPGBMMNBJOUFOBODFBOESFOFXBMTUBTLT XJUIJOBQSFTDSJCFEUJNFMJOF*UPGUFOUBLFTUIF GPSNPGUBCMFT'PSFYBNQMFBTJOHMFMJOFFOUSZJO BUBCMFNJHIUCF®3FQMBDFPVSSPPGEVSJOHUIFESZ TVNNFSNPOUIT¯ BOEJUXPVMEMJLFMZJOEJDBUFUPCF SFRVJSFEJOBQBSUJDVMBSZFBS5IJTUZQFPGEPDV NFOUJTOPUOFDFTTBSJMZQSPWJEFEXJUIUIFIBOE PWFSEPDVNFOUTBOENBZOFFEUPCFEFWFMPQFE CZUIFPXOFSTXJUIBTTJTUBODFGSPNBDPOTVMUBOU 2OOFINSPECTION 7 • Maintenance Service Agreements: • Maintenance Policy: 5IJTJTBGPSNBMTUBUF • Maintenance Program: 5IJTJTUIF / P UFSNJOPMPHZJTOPUGBNJMJBSUPNPTUPXOFSTJUJT VTFGVMUPIBWFBHMPTTBSZPGUFSNTUPEF¹OFUIF WBSJPVTDPNQPOFOUTBTTPDJBUFEXJUIUIFCVJME JOHBTTFUT DPNNJUNFOUPGUIFPXOFST±¹OBODJBMSFTPVSDFT UPBTQFDJ¹DQMBOPGNBJOUFOBODFBOESFOFXBMT BDUJWJUJFTGPSBQBSUJDVMBSUJNFGSBNF*UJT UIFDVMNJOBUJPOPGQMBOOJOHGPSUIFFGGFDUJWF BOEPOHPJOHCVJMEJOHBTTFUTUFXBSETIJQ'PS FYBNQMFPXOFSTTIPVMECFBCMFUPTBZ®8FIBWF BOBQQSPWFECVEHFUJODMVEJOHUIFDPOTVMUBOUT BOEDPOUSBDUPSTUPVOEFSUBLFUIFXPSLBOEIBWF BNPOUIMZTDIFEVMFPGBDUJWJUJFTUPFOTVSFUIBUXF DBODPNQMFUFBMMUIFOFDFTTBSZNBJOUFOBODFBOE SFOFXBMTXPSLGPSUIJT¹TDBMZFBS¯ 5IFTQFDJ¹DJOTUSVDUJPOTDPOUBJOFEJOUIF NBJOUFOBODF®NBOVBM¯BSFPSHBOJ[FEJOUPB CSPBEFS®QMBO¯5IFQMBOJTUIFOJNQMFNFOUFE UISPVHIUIFDPPSEJOBUFEBDUJWJUJFTJOUIF®QSPHSBN¯ 8JUIPVUBQSPHSBNUIFNBOVBMXJMMMJLFMZHBUIFS EVTUPOBTIFMG 0XOFSTPGIPNFTXJUIIPNFXBSSBOUZJOTVSBODF DPVMEMJNJUUIFJSDPWFSBHFBTBSFTVMUPGOFHMJHFOU PSJNQSPQFSNBJOUFOBODFUPUIFIPNF-JDFOTFE 3FTJEFOUJBM#VJMEFSTXBSSBOUZQSPWJEFSTIBWFB SFTQPOTJCJMJUZUPQSPWJEFNBJOUFOBODFJOGPSNBUJPO UPUIFPSJHJOBMCVZFSTPGBIPNFJGUIFZXBOU UPNBLFIPNFXBSSBOUZJOTVSBODFDPWFSBHF DPOEJUJPOBMVQPOQSPQFSNBJOUFOBODF5IF )PNFPXOFS1SPUFDUJPO"DUSFHVMBUJPOTEPOPU TQFDJGZUIFDPOUFOUTTUBOEBSETBOEPSHBOJ[BUJPO PGUIFTF®NBOVBMT¯5IJTJTHFOFSBMMZMFGUUPUIF CFTUKVEHFNFOUPGUIFEFTJHOBOEDPOTUSVDUJPO UFBN5IFSFGPSFJUNBZCFOFDFTTBSZUPBVHNFOU UIFDPOUFOUPGUIFNBOVBMUIBUJTSFDFJWFE . B J OUF O B O D F . B UUF S T • Glossary of Terms: 4JODFDPOTUSVDUJPO 5IF)PNFPXOFS 1SPUFDUJPO"DUSFHVMBUJPOT BSFBWBJMBCMFPOMJOFBU XXXIQPCDDBJOUIF 1VCMJDBUJPOTTFDUJPO Continued on page 19 CH OA Journal | June 2009 17 18 C H OA J o u r n a l | June 2009 5IFNBJOUFOBODF ®NBOVBM¯QSPWJEFT !CTION0LAN4IPS JOTUSVDUJPOTSFHBSEJOH XIBUOFFETUPCFEPOF 5IFNBJOUFOBODF ®QMBO¯TFUTPVUUIF UBTLTJOBOPSHBOJ[FE NBOOFS5IFNBJOUF OBODF®QSPHSBN¯DPPS EJOBUFTUIFSFTPVSDFTUP BDIJFWFUIFQMBO 7HO-AKES)T(APPEN 5IFPXOFSTNVTUFTUBCMJTIXIPXJMMPWFSTFFUIF JNQMFNFOUBUJPOPGUIFNBJOUFOBODFBOESFOFXBMT QMBO5IF®DVTUPEJBO¯JTBUFSNVTFEUPSFQSFTFOU UIFQBSUZUIBUJTSFTQPOTJCMFGPSTBGFHVBSEJOHUIF NBJOUFOBODFBOESFOFXBMTQMBOBOEGPSPWFSBMM DPPSEJOBUJPONBOBHFNFOUBOETVQFSWJTJPOPG UIFNBJOUFOBODFBDUJWJUJFT5IFDVTUPEJBOJT FTTFOUJBMMZUIF®UJNFLFFQFS¯BOEUIF®HBUFLFFQFS¯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±T'JOBODJBM *OTUJUVUJPOT$PNNJTTJPO BOEJTBWBJMBCMFPOMJOFBU XXX¹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YOUR POWER. Commercial Buy Low, Not High. Take advantage of this opportunity to secure your Natural Gas rate at an Unbelievably low price. Get the right advice, Access Gas Services can provide you with a cost saving strategy tailored to your strata to help reduce your natural gas costs. 1.877.519.0862 ext 223 er w w w. a c c e s s g a s . c o m ACCESS G A S S E RV I C E S D I V I S I O N Access Gas Services Testimonials With today’s volatile natural gas market, the importance of closely monitoring energy costs and adopting a cost saving strategy has increased dramatically. Baywest Management Corp. Access Gas Services Inc. (AGS) is a first class energy brokerage, delivering a full suite of natural gas services to industrial, commercial, and residential customers throughout British Columbia. Unlike other marketers, we are not a gas producer nor are we owned by a utility. We are strictly a natural gas consultant/broker and our sole focus is to provide our clients with quality advice on energy cost saving and risk management strategies. Historically, strata’s were limited to purchasing their natural gas on a variable rate plan from the utility (Terasen Gas). They now have the option to purchase the commodity on either a variable or fixed rate plan from an independent broker such as AGS. AGS offers several combinations of the two, with each cost saving strategy tailored-suited to the volume of gas your strata currently burns. Contact us today for a free energy assessment. We are confident that our service will have a positive impact on your annual budget, and provide you with the opportunity to stabilize your strata fees. 20 C H OA J o u r n a l | June 2009 “As a property management company that handles over 30, 000 units, it is of the utmost importance to deal with a natural gas brokerage company who can provide flexible products, competitive pricing and quality advice. I have been a client of Access Gas Services Inc. for just over one year. In that time frame my dedicated natural gas broker has saved me $9,260.59 on my natural gas bill. Working with them has been easy, without complications and extremely beneficial.” Leo Buonassisi, Strata Manager, Baywest Management Corp, Strata Plan NW1799 Martello Property Services Inc. “Staying up to date and well informed with the happenings of the energy markets is vital to the success of cost savings strategies. My account manager at Access Gas Services consistently provides me with market updates and recommendations that support my budgeting needs. This value added service enables me to discuss energy opportunities with strata councils in a timely manner.” Don Dingman, Vice President Strata Division, Martello Property Services Inc. PROJECT MANAGER, INFORMATION MANAGER ASSET MANAGER, MAINTENANCE MANAGER We have completed over 120 projects valued from $50,000 to $25,000,000. We have the ability to provide owners with the best project team and price. Our Services Straight Talk. There is nothing quite like it when you're faced with contingency reserve fund shortfalls. Whether it be for energy retrofits, major refurbishing and repairs or additions and improvements, the Maxium Condo Finance Group is an experienced partner that will work with you to develop and deliver a customized and cost-effective financing solution. ➤ Building Envelope & Rehabilitation ➤ Building Maintenance & Restoration ➤ Real Estate Development & Construction ➤ Regular Site Inspections ➤ Build a due diligence paper trail ➤ Assemble the right team for the project ➤ Oversee the project on behalf of the owners ➤ Electronic archiving of all project documents Call or visit our website for more information: For more info call Paul McFadyen at 604-985-1077 Or email Paul McFadyen at Tel: 604-216-8782 Fax: 604-739-3110 327 Renfrew Street, Vancouver, BC V5K 5G5 Members of BBB, CHOA CH OA Journal | June 2009 21 ABBOTSFORD CALGARY COURTENAY KELOWNA NANAIMO RICHMOND SURREY VICTORIA BUILDING ENVELOPE CONDITION ASSESSMENT BUILDING ENVELOPE REMEDIATION MAINTENANCE MANUALS RESERVE FUND STUDIES ROOF ASSESSMENTS AND REPLACEMENT NEW CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT/REMEDIATION HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SURVEY/ ABATEMENT MOULD ASSESSMENT AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY ENERGY EFFICIENCY MODELLING tel: 604.278.1411 Audit Services Easy FOR STRATA CORPORATIONS MADE At Reid Hurst Nagy, we are not your typical accounting firm. We make your audit process easy to understand and we fully explain the results to you. We have provided audit services for over 25 years and are experienced in serving strata corporations. C a l l Te rri Ba i ns, CG A or Bruce Hurst, CGA at: Call us today to find out how we can make your audit easier. (604).273-9338 22 C H OA J o u r n a l | June 2009 YOUR SOURCE FOR PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE The Institute of Roofing, Waterproofing and Building Envelope Professionals RCI’s professional members have extensive experience in the science of roofing and waterproofing. Visit RCI’s website: to find a member near you. &RQVLGHULQJD5HSLSH" Consider CuraFlo® We’ve been restoring pipes and peace of mind for local building owners since 1996 :LGHVWUDQJHRIUHVWRUDWLRQRSWLRQV %HVWZDUUDQW\LQWKHLQGXVWU\ Call CuraFlo 604-298-7278 ZZZEFFXUDÁRGHDOHUFRP CH OA Journal | June 2009 23 • Auditing • Bookkeeping • Small Business Consulting • Taxes: Corporate/Personal/Estate George Wilson-Tagoe BSc., CGA -ILLERª4HOMSONª,,03 #ONDOMINIUM ,AWª'ROUP Wilson-Tagoe & Co ,YNNæ2AMSAYæ1# -ARIæ7ORFOLK -ICHAELæ7ALKER (ENRYæ,EUNG CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT Suite 1000 – 355 Burrard St. Vancouver Ph: 604-608-6156 Cell: 604-818-0127 æSPEAKSæ#ANTONESEææ-ANDARIN 7EªHAVEªEXTENSIVEªEXPERIENCEªSERVINGªTHEª LEGALªNEEDSªOFªTHEªSTRATAªCOMMUNITYªª4HEª SERVICESªWEªPROVIDEªINCLUDE "YLAWæDRAFTINGæANDæENFORCEMENT 3TRATAæREORGANIZATIONS 3TRATAæFEEæCOLLECTIONS $ISPUTEæRESOLUTIONæANDæAVOIDANCE 3TRATAæGOVERNANCEæANDæMEETINGS &ORæMOREæINFORMATIONæPLEASEæCONTACT -!2)æ!æ7/2&/,+ MWORFOLK MILLERTHOMSONCOM 2OBSONæ#OURTææ(OWEæ3TREET 6ANCOUVERæ"#ææ6:æ- 4ELæ &AXæ WWWMILLERTHOMSONCOM æ 6!.#/56%2æ 4/2/.4/æ #!,'!29æ %$-/.4/.æ ,/.$/. +)4#(%.%27!4%2,//æ '5%,0(æ -!2+(!-æ -/.42±!, 24 C H OA J o u r n a l | June 2009 STRATA-DATA.COM Worldwide access & secure storage for your strata data Are your strata documents stored safely from fire, flood, and wear and tear? Can you access your strata documents anytime and anywhere in the world? Our Services ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Green initiative Profitable partnership program Secure digital storage for your strata data List of contractors, consultants, lawyers, etc. Customized service package to the specific needs of each client A new centralized information management solution for condominium owners, strata councils, and property managers. An online source for all strata documents, easily accessible from anywhere in the world. Call or visit our website for more information 327 Renfrew Street, Vancouver, BC V5K 5G5 Tel: 604-341-4598 ■ Fax: 604-739-3110 CH OA Journal | June 2009 25 26 C H OA J o u r n a l | June 2009 NOWORRIES We’ll take care of it. Our condo insurance expertise means you’ll always get solid advice on coverages and premiums. So when the unexpected happens, you’ll be covered. With 14 locations, InsuranceCentres is the largest independent insurance broker on Vancouver Island. Visit or see our ad in your local Yellow Pages. A U T O • R E S I D E N T I A L • FA R M • C O M M E R C I A L • M A R I N E • T R AV E L • U M B R E L L A • I N V E S T M E N T S Victoria • Ladysmith • Nanaimo • Parksville • Qualicum • Courtenay • Comox • Cumberland Campbell River • Quathiaski Cove • Gold River • Port Hardy CH OA Journal | June 2009 27 MICHAEL A. SMITH DUCT CLEANING “HI-RISE & STRATA SPECIALISTS” • • • • • • • DRYER DUCT CLEANING DRYER VENT / AIR-FLOW READINGS HI-ANGLE RAPPELLING SERVICES DUCT / VIDEO INSPECTION SERVICES NEW VENTS & SCREENS INSTALLED BOOSTER FANS INSTALLED (FOR LONG WET OR PROBLEM DRYER DUCTS) HEATING, COOLING & VENTILATION UNITS & BUILDING - (HVAC) - SYSTEMS CLEANING For Free Quotation and Professional Service Call: 604-589-2553 R ESIDENTIAL - C OMMERCIAL Email: Serving BC Lower Mainland since 1998 ALL INCLUSIVE SERVICE PROGRAMS. 28 C H OA J o u r n a l | June 2009 Apex Building Sciences Inc. Tel: 604-575-8220 Fax: 604-575-8223 #233 – 18525 – 53rd Ave., Surrey, BC V3S 7A4 Building Envelope Consultants • Building Envelope Condition Assessments • Building Envelope Engineering • Project Administration • Rehabilitation Design / Specifications • Maintenance Programs • Waterproofing Systems • Int. & Ext. Painting • Drywall Repairs • Texture Ceiling • Pressure Washing • Traffic Line Marking • Industrial Painting Liability & WCB Insured Fax: 604-460-6582 Visit us at Erratum: In the December 2008 issue an advertisement was printed which incorrectly stated that Apex Building Sciences Inc. was formerly Aqua Coast Engineering Ltd. This advertisement was made in error and with no improper intention on the part of Apex Building Sciences Inc. We want to take this opportunity to clarify that Apex Building Sciences Inc. and Aqua Coast Engineering Ltd. are two separate and unrelated companies, and we apologize for any inconvenience this error may have caused. 604.331.5264 / # 1700 – 1030 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC, V6E 2Y3 CH OA Journal | June 2009 29 Tokue Suda Head Instructor, Abbotsford Judo Club WE EARNED OUR BLACK BELT IN ENERGY CONSERVATION BEING POWER SMART MAKES BUSINESS SENSE Determined to improve their lighting, the Abbotsford Judo Club visited the BC Hydro Power Smart website for information. To their surprise, they ended up with more than just better lighting. By replacing their old fluorescent lighting with energy-efficient fluorescents, the Club received a financial incentive through the Power Smart Product Incentive Program. The new energy-efficient lighting has not only provided a revitalized environment to work and train, it is an upgrade that will pay off for years to come. The Club will be saving up to $600 a year in electricity costs. When it comes to conserving energy, the Abbotsford Judo Club truly has it mastered. Looking for new ways to highlight your business? Simply visit or call 1 866 522 4713. 30 C H OA J o u r n a l | June 2009 Bring new life to a great view You have lots of reasons to renovate… and improved energy efficiency and cost savings are just some of them. Let All Weather Windows help you improve the comfort and value of your home, and make a difference on your monthly energy bill. All Canadian made for all Canadian weather All Weather Windows is a CSA Certified Manufacturer Vancouver - Kelowna - Visit to find a dealer near you Edmonton - Red Deer - Calgary - Lethbridge - Saskatoon - Regina - Winnipeg - To r o n t o - Halifa x CH OA Journal | June 2009 31 CHOA Business Members BUILDING ENVELOPE MAINTENANCE Accurate Cedar Ltd. Richmond 604-273-3329 Maintenance Operations Program Inc. Cloverdale 604-574-6435 New City Contracting Ltd. Vancouver 604-215-7374 Pacific Building Envelope Maintenance Delta 604-940-6056 PCM Pomeroy Building Maintenance Ltd. Burnaby 604-294-6700 CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING ENVELOPE RESTORATION Coastpro Contracting Ltd. Langley 604-881-7011 Columbia Restoration Co. Surrey 604-574-1580 EPS Westcoast Construction Ltd. Surrey 604-538-8249 JDP Construction Vancouver 604-319-9383 PDF Construction Management Ltd. Richmond 604-270-7106 Sequoia Springs West Development Inc. Campbell River 250-287-7272 DRYER VENT CLEANING Commercial Vent Cleaning Ltd. Langley 604-251-1717 Michael A. Smith Duct Cleaning Surrey 604-589-2553 National Air Technologies Surrey 604-730-9300 32 ENGINEERING Apex Building Sciences Inc. Surrey 604-575-8220 BC Building Science New Westminster 604-520-6456 Chatwin Engineering Burnaby 604-291-0958 Halsall Associates North Vancouver 604-924-5575 JRS Engineering Burnaby 604-320-1999 Levelton Consultants Richmond 604-278-1411 Morrison Hershfield Vancouver 604-454-0402 RDH Building Engineering Ltd. Vancouver 604-873-1181 Victoria 250-544-0773 Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd. Vancouver 604-738-0048 Canstar Restorations Port Coquitlam 604-944-1461 Seafirst Insurance Brokers Ltd Sidney 250-656-9886 Remedios & Company Vancouver 604-688-9337 Easy Care Restoration Ltd. Richmond 604-278-4646 Vancouver Island Insurance Centres Campbell River Robert E. Groves Kelowna 250-712-9393 GOVERNMENT & ASSOCIATIONS LEGAL & DISPUTE RESOLUTION Better Business Bureau Vancouver 604-681-0312 Adrienne Murray Law Corporation White Rock 604-538-8239 Better Business Bureau of Vancouver Island Victoria 250-386-6348 Alexander Holburn Beaudin & Lang LLP Vancouver 604-484-1700 BC Apartment Owners & Managers Assoc. Vancouver 604-733-9440 BWF Fodchuk Law Corporation Vancouver 604-730-9900 Homeowner Protection Office (HPO) Vancouver 604-646-7050 I. C. B. A. of BC Vancouver 604-298-2295 Roofing Contractors Assoc of BC (RCABC) Langley 604-882-9734 INSURANCE C.D. Wilson & Assoc. Nanaimo 250-741-1400 Clark, Wilson LLP Vancouver 604-687-5700 Fischer & Company Kelowna 250-712-0066 Grant Kovacs Norell Vancouver 604-609-6699 Touwslager Engineering Burnaby 604-299-1906 Aon Reed Stenhouse Vancouver 604-443-2483 Haddock & Company North Vancouver 604-983-6670 Trow Associates Inc. Burnaby 604-709-4630 BFL Canada Insurance Services Inc. Vancouver 604-678-5403 Hammerberg, Altman, Beaton & Maglio Vancouver 604-269-8500 CMW Insurance Services Burnaby 604-294-3301 Lesperance Mendes Vancouver 604-685-4894 Coastal Insurance Services Ltd. Port Coquitlam 604-944-1700 Miller Thomson LLP Vancouver 604-687-2242 FINANCIAL & ACCOUNTING Berris Mangan Vancouver 604-682-8492 Lisa Fibiger – Leasing Agent, Dominion Lending Centres Victoria 250-882-2427 Maxium Condo Finance Group North Vancouver 604-985-1077 Reid Hurst Nagy Inc Richmond 604-273-9338 FIRE & FLOOD RESTORATION ABK Restoration Services Penticton 250-493-6623 C H OA J o u r n a l | June 2009 Fournier Agencies Prince George 250-564-3600 Nixon Wenger Vernon 250-542-7273 Hamilton Insurance Services Inc. Vancouver 604-872-6788 Okanagan Mediation & Dispute Resolution Oliver 250-498-6097 Normac Appraisals Vancouver 604-221-8258 Pacific Centre for Dispute Resolution 604-696-1996 Reliance West Consulting Services Inc Vancouver 604-267-7077 Pazder Law Corp. Vancouver 604-682-1509 Thompson & Elliott Vancouver 604-742-2280 PAINTING New Life Painting & Decorating Ltd. Surrey 604-575-2987 Pacifica Painting & Restoration Ltd. Vancouver 604-709-4100 Prostar Painting & Restoration Vancouver 604-876-3305 Remdal Painting & Restoration Inc. Langley 604-882-5155 Sherwood Painting & Decorating Ltd. Langley 604-539-1872 Vanguard Painting Ltd. Vancouver 604-732-4223 PLUMBING CuraFlo of BC Burnaby 604-298-7278 Spears Sales & Service Vancouver 604-872-7104 Trotter and Morton Facility Services Inc. Burnaby 604-525-5462 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Brewster Engineering & Management Ltd. Victoria 250-213-5059 Condo Advocate Delta 604-940-9322 Hestia Management Coquitlam 604-526-8062 SteelToe Management Vancouver 604-828-8597 CHOA Business Members J. Taylor Associates Ltd. New Westminster 604-524-9442 ROOFING Adanac Roofing & Exteriors ULC Langley 604-888-1616 Burrard Roofing & Drainage North Vancouver 604-986-1812 Design Roofing Services Port Coquitlam 604-944-2977 Roofix Services Inc. Burnaby 604-444-4342 STRATA MANAGEMENT & REAL ESTATE Accent Property Management Ltd. Vernon 250-542-1533 Alliance Strata Property Parksville 250-951-0851 Ascent Real Estate Management Corp. Burnaby 604-431-1800 Associated Property Management Ltd. Kelowna 250-712-0025 Atira Property Management Inc. Vancouver 604-439-8848 Bayside Property Services Burnaby 604-432-7774 Baywest Property Management Services Surrey 604-591-6060 Blackbrant Management Parksville 250-752-2409 Bradshaw Strata Management Ltd. Surrey 604-576-2424 Campbell Strata Management Ltd. Abbotsford 604-864-0380 C & C Property Group North Vancouver 604-987-9040 CA Realty Ltd. Richmond 604-288-7346 Dodwell Management 604-922-3237 West Vancouver Centre Group Real Estate Service Corp. Kelowna 250-763-2300 Century 21 – Kootenay Homes Rossland 250-362-2144 Century 21 Performance Realty & Management Squamish 604-892-5954 Century 21 Property Management Div. Richmond 604-273-1745 Citybase Management Vancouver 604-708-8998 CML Properties Kamloops 250-372-1232 Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty Kelowna 250-860-1411 Colliers Macaulay Nicolls Vancouver 604-662-2675 Columbia Property Management Ltd. Kamloops 250-851-9310 Colyvan Pacific Real Estate Vancouver 604-683-8399 Complete Residential Property Management Victoria 250-370-7093 Cornerstone Properties Victoria 250-475-2005 Desert Aire Realty Osoyoos 250-495-2238 ECM Strata Management Abbotsford 604-855-9895 Fraser Property Management Realty Services Ltd. Maple Ridge 604-466-7021 Gateway Property Management Corp. Delta 604-635-5000 Harbourside Property Management Ltd. Surrey 778-571-0572 Highland Property Mgmt Cranbrook 250-489-3222 Holywell Properties Sechelt 604-885-3460 Homelife Glenayre Realty Chilliwack Ltd. Chilliwack 604-858-7368 Homelife Merritt Real Estate Ltd. Merritt 250-378-6184 Pace Property Management Prince George 250-562-6671 Pacific Quorum Properties Inc. Vancouver 604-685-3828 Paradise Vacation Homes Vernon 250-503-1506 Peak Property Management Inc. 604-931-8666 Proline Management Co. Victoria 250-475-6440 Quay Pacific Property Management Ltd. New Westminster 604-521-0876 Hutton Condominium Services Victoria 250-598-5148 Rancho Management Vancouver 604-684-4508 J.P. Property Management Garibaldi Highlands 604-898-9118 Re/Max Camosun Victoria BC 250-744-3301 Kelowna Condominium Services Ltd. Kelowna 250-860-5445 Re/Max Property Management Richmond 604-821-2999 Kyle Properties Vancouver 604-732-5263 Realty Executive Cranbrook Agencies Cranbrook 250-426-3355 Lodging Ovations Whistler 604-938-9899 Malaspina Realty & Property Management Sechelt 604-741-0720 Martello Property Services Inc. Vancouver 604-681-6544 Mountain Creek Properties Invermere 250-341-6003 Narod Properties Corp. Vancouver 604-732-8081 Northwest Strata Managment Ltd. North Vancouver 604-980-4729 Norwich Real Estate Services Inc. Kelowna 250-717-5000 Okanagan Strata Management Kelowna 250-868-3383 Realty Executives Penticton Penticton 250-493-4372 Royal Property Management Ltd. Salt Spring Island 250-537-2583 Schoenne Property Services Ltd. Vernon 250-542-2222 Stanmar Services Ltd. Penticton 250-493-5072 Strata Choice Property Management Ltd Abbotsford 604-864-6400 Tazmeen Woodall – Re/Max Crest Realty North Vancouver 604-988-2449 The Wynford Group Vancouver 604-261-0285 Total Concept Management & Realty Campbell River 250-287-4427 TML Management Group Richmond 604-207-9001 Trimstyle Consulting Vancouver 604-909-7777 VI Condos Commercial Real Estate Nanaimo 250-716-8822 Warrington Management Vancouver 604-602-1887 Whistler Premier Resort Accommodations Whistler 604-935-5708 Whistler Resort Management Ltd. Whistler 604-932-2972 WASTE DISPOSAL Metro Compactor West Burnaby 604-291-8485 OTHER Access Gas Services Inc. Delta 604-519-0862 Action Glass Inc. Burnaby 604-525-5365 Coinamatic Pacific Ltd. Richmond 604-270-8441 D. W. Optimum Hvac Services Richmond 604-273-2200 Stratawest Management North Vancouver 604-904-9595 EPG Equity Protection Group Surrey 604-542-9697 Taylor Conroy – Re/Max Camosun Victoria 250-744-3301 FPI Fireplace Products Int. Delta 604 946 5155 Mountainside Enterprises Kamloops 250-573-0010 CH OA Journal | June 2009 33 34 C H OA J o u r n a l | June 2009 ROOFING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA