current:07-2016 Mercedes-Benz 280
current:07-2016 Mercedes-Benz 280
current:07-2016 Mercedes-Benz 280 - 500SL + SLC W107 (R107-C107) Note: This PDF-catalogue may include dated informations. Click on an article description toskip to this article in the online catalogue and get updated information about current price and delivery situation as well as photos if applicable. All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges SLS GmbH Ersatzteile für Mercedes-Benz Fahrzeuge Industriestraße 2 - 4 · D-22885 Barsbüttel Tel. +49(0)40 656 939-0 · Fax +49(0)40 656 939-399 I-net: · e-mail: All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 1 Table of content Mercedes_Benz_280_500SL_+_SLC_W107_R107_C107 .............................................................................. 2 01, 03, 05 Motor M110, mechanical components ..................................................................................... 2 01, 03 M110 Eng.Block, Pistons, Crankshaft ................................................................................. 2 01, 05, M110 Cylinder Head Housing ............................................................................................ 3 05 M110 Timing Chain, Camshaft, Valves ...................................................................................... 4 01-05, 18, .. Motor M116/M117, Mechanik .............................................................................................. 5 01.b, 03, 05 Motor M116/M117 ...................................................................................................... 5 01.c, 05 Cylinder heads 3.5 and 4.5 ............................................................................................... 6 01.d, 05 Cylinder heads 380/420/500/560 ...................................................................................... 7 05 Timing Chain drive M116/M117 ................................................................................................ 8 01.c, 03, 05 Motor M103 .......................................................................................................................... 9 07.a-b D-Jetronic EFI Components ......................................................................................................... 10 07.a D-Jet EFI components 280SL/SLC ........................................................................................ 10 07.b D-Jet EFI components 350/450SL/C ..................................................................................... 11 07.e-h K-Jet (CIS) Injection ..................................................................................................................... 12 07.e M110 KA Injection ................................................................................................................ 12 07.f V8 KA (K-U) Injection / Idle Air .............................................................................................. 13 07.g M103 Injectors and Flow Devider ......................................................................................... 14 07.h V8 KE Injection / Idle Air ...................................................................................................... 15 09 Engine Air Ducts ................................................................................................................................ 16 09.b M110 K-Jet Hoses: Vent and Idle Air .................................................................................... 16 09.e M103 Air Filter, Vent and Idlea Air ...................................................................................... 17 09.i M110/116/117 Info hidden position engine air duct .............................................................. 18 15, 18, 20 Engine Service + Ignition ...................................................................................................... 19 15.i Info Spark Plugs ..................................................................................................................... 19 Eng.Maintenance + Ignition Parts ............................................................................................... 20 15.b Generator + Starter ........................................................................................................................ 22 18 Oilpump, Oil-lines .............................................................................................................................. 23 22, 24, 25 Engine Mounting and Clutch ................................................................................................. 24 27.a Automatic to 03.80: K4A, W4B, W3A, W3B .................................................................................... 25 29 Pedals + hydraulic clutch .................................................................................................................. 26 32.i Info nec. find correct Spring ............................................................................................................ 27 33 Front suspension ............................................................................................................................... 28 35 Rear suspension ................................................................................................................................. 29 42.a Brake small compendium ................................................................................................................ 31 42.b Brake, front wheel brake parts only ............................................................................................... 32 42.c Front wheel brake up to 02.1980 .......................................................................................... 32 42.d Front wheel brake 03.1980-08.1985 ..................................................................................... 33 42.e Front wheel brake from 09.1985 .......................................................................................... 34 42.e Info Axle-type<-Brake hoses ........................................................................................................... 35 46.a Steering Gear and Linkage LHD 1st Generation ............................................................................ 36 46.c Power steering pump V8 early ........................................................................................................ 37 47 Gas Tank and Fuel Pump ................................................................................................................... 38 47.a Fuel System 1971-1976 ........................................................................................................ 38 47.b Pumpenpakete zwischen 76 und 85 ...................................................................................... 39 47.c Fuel System from 09.'1985 ................................................................................................... 40 49 Exhaust System .................................................................................................................................. 41 49.a Exhaust System ..................................................................................................................... 41 49.b Exhaust Fitment Parts .......................................................................................................... 42 50, 20, 83 Cooling System ...................................................................................................................... 43 50, 20, 83 Radiator and Waterhoses, main ................................................................................... 43 50.a, 20, 83 Cooling System 3.5 / 4.5 only .................................................................................... 44 54.a, Electric, Body; Cockpit, Contol Units ............................................................................................ 45 15, 54 El. Control Units ................................................................................................................ 45 46, 54 Cockpit ............................................................................................................................... 46 54.b, 61 Rubbergrommets ...................................................................................................................... 47 54.c, 62 Firewall Grommets, Plugs, Insulation ....................................................................................... 48 61, 63 Raw Body Floor+Frame ............................................................................................................... 49 Body Floor+Frame ........................................................................................................................ 49 Floor and Frame ........................................................................................................................... 50 61b, 62 Body Frame Front ...................................................................................................................... 51 63, 64 Raw Body Tail .............................................................................................................................. 52 Body rear Panelling, SL only ........................................................................................................ 52 Body rear Panelling, SLC only ...................................................................................................... 53 67 SLC Windows, weatherstrips ............................................................................................................. 54 67, 81, 69 Windscreen Attachment Parts ............................................................................................... 55 68.a, 81 Interior Covering ...................................................................................................................... 68.b Insulation mats, passenger comp. .................................................................................................. 68.c, 69 Covering and trim, rocker panel/pillars .................................................................................... 68.d, 81, 78 SLC Roof Attachment Parts ................................................................................................ 68.e, 69, Covering trunk / boot ............................................................................................................... 69-72.i Stopfen Zierstabbefestigung ...................................................................................................... 72..c Karosseriedichtungen in Sets ........................................................................................................ 72.a Doors ............................................................................................................................................... Door .............................................................................................................................................. Doorwindow .................................................................................................................................. 75, 69, .. Rear Body mounted Parts ........................................................................................................ 77 Softtop ............................................................................................................................................... 77, Softtop .................................................................................................................................... 77.c Softtop Sonnenland-Bezug .................................................................................................... 79 a Hardtop Storage ............................................................................................................................. 79 Hardtop .............................................................................................................................................. 80 Vacuum System ................................................................................................................................. 80.a Vacuum Reservoirs ............................................................................................................... 80.b Lighting distance control ...................................................................................................... 80.e Central locking, vacuum devices .......................................................................................... 80.g Vacuum seat locking ............................................................................................................. 81 Rear View Mirror ............................................................................................................................... 82.a Lighting Installation ........................................................................................................................ Lighting installation Export / US .................................................................................................. Lighting Installation Standard/Euro ............................................................................................. 82.b, 86 Wash and Wipe Assy Windscreen & Headlights ....................................................................... 82.b, 86 Wash and Wipe Assy ....................................................................................................... 86 Waschwasser Behälter, Pumpe, Leitungen, Düsen .................................................................. 82.e, Antenna .......................................................................................................................................... 83 Heater System ................................................................................................................................... Operation early Type .................................................................................................................... Radiator Assy up to 08.´81 ........................................................................................................... Water Circuit Duovalve, LHD from 81 .......................................................................................... 88.a Panelling front ................................................................................................................................ 88.b Bumpers .......................................................................................................................................... Bumpers, small / standard ............................................................................................................ Export Bumpers ............................................................................................................................ 91 Color Info Carpet + Softtop ............................................................................................................... 96 Info Sonnenland Softtopcolors ................................................................................................. 98 Info Carpetcolors Loop ............................................................................................................ 99 Info Carpetcolors Velour .......................................................................................................... 91 Seat, mech. parts ............................................................................................................................... 94 Special Interior Equipment ................................................................................................................ Terms and conditions ................................................................................................................................... 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 63 65 66 67 67 68 69 70 71 71 72 73 74 75 76 76 77 79 79 80 81 82 82 83 84 85 87 87 88 89 89 89 89 89 90 91 01, 03 M110 Eng.Block, Pistons, Crankshaft 0.12 € 36 Big end br. set M110 47,00mm ............................ 703564 99.37 € 3 disc, flywheel to autm drive 127FN,110 .............. 203105 27.37 € 36 Big end br. set M110 47,75mm ............................ 703561 99.37 € 5 Ring gear, starter, all M127,129,130 ................... 203200 82.11 € 41 Plate , cover, gearbox case .................................. 225056 28.56 € 12 Seal sing cranksh. frt M127 early ........................ 303046 10.12 € 45 Lower pan, oil pan, 280SL replaced styl .............. 201214 47.01 € 13 Ring, spacer, M110 .............................................. 703045 20.83 € 45 Set 20pcs bolts+shims e.g. sump ........................ 701315 5.95 € 17 Dichtsatz Kurbelgehäuse ..................................... 702201 77.35 € 46 Sump gasket 250late, 280 (130+110) ................. 201801 15.35 € 20 Pilot bearing ......................................................... 103093 11.90 € 46 Gasket, sump 250late, 280.. ELRING .................. 201001 19.64 € 21 Cover, pilot bearing ............................................. 103094 1.67 € 46 Dichtsatz Kurbelgehäuse ..................................... 702201 77.35 € 25 Main bearing set 59,25mm .................................. 703353 226.10 € 52 Gasket at crankcase, 190SL, M110 early, ........... 109004 0.48 € 25 Main bearing set 60,00mm .................................. 703350 226.10 € 25 Main bearing set 59,50mm .................................. 703352 226.10 € 52 53 Gkt.Rt.h. cover .982(7)986,990 ............................ 709004 Screw engine mount rear ..................................... 222025 2.14 € 0.56 € 25 Main bearing set 59,75mm .................................. 703351 226.10 € 54 Spring Washer M8 ............................................... 799911 0.18 € Cylinder block cover, 6-hole ................................ 201026 11.66 € shim Washer 6,4 x 11 yellow zinced ............................. 799914 30 Piston M110 86,50mm rep.-size 1 ........................ 703281 179.40 € 60 30 Piston M110 87,00mm rep.-size 2 ........................ 703282 179.40 € 61 Gasket,valve cover, 6-hole ................................... 201029 2.20 € 31 Piston ring set M110 86,00mm ............................ 703285 333.20 € 61 Dichtsatz Kurbelgehäuse ..................................... 702201 77.35 € 34 Con Rod Bolt, M110 FN ....................................... 703275 7.14 € 62 Sealing plate , 3 hole, 280SL ............................... 201027 4.49 € 36 Big end br. set M110 47,25mm ............................ 703563 99.37 € 63 Gasket,valve cover,vlrub ...................................... 201028 0.86 € 36 Big end br. set M110 48,00mm ............................ 703560 99.37 € 65 Seal ring e.g. fuel damp housg ............................ 207178 1.19 € 36 Big end br. set M110 47,50mm ............................ 703562 99.37 € 66 Sump plug, version inhex ..................................... 299300 4.51 € 67 Sealing ring e.g. oil pan ....................................... 299301 1.09 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 2 01, 05, M110 Cylinder Head Housing 10 Zylinderkopfdichtung M110 .............................. 701820 20.02 € 40 Ventilführung A M110 Rep.II. 15,40mm ........... 705263 10.57 € 12 Gasket M110 cam shaft housing ....................... 701811 14.14 € 41 Ventilführung E M110 Rep.I. 14,20mm ............ 705242 13.09 € 13 Gasket set valve cover M110 ............................ 701810 14.99 € 41 Valve guide In, M110 14.04mm ........................ 705241 6.94 € 13 Gkt. set, Rt. box. cover M110 ............................ 701010 43.44 € 41 Ventilführung E M110 Rep.II. 14,40mm ........... 705243 10.57 € 13 seal, spark plug hollow M110 ........................... 707811 2.62 € 50 Sender unit, coolant temp.gauge ...................... 754097 17.85 € 20 Oil filler cap,plastic/snap on ............................. 250102 4.77 € 52 Temp. sender unit, e.g. water/D-Jet .................. 754396 47.01 € 30 Cylinder head bolt 144mm ................................ 701144 2.26 € 62 Seal ring ............................................................ 701299 1.19 € 30 Head bolt 145mm, early style ........................... 201145 7.14 € 63 Washer .............................................................. 143039 2.98 € 32 Zyl.-Kopfschraube 119mm, z.B. M110 5x ......... 701119 2.98 € 64 Seal ring 14mm Alu ........................................... 207186 0.60 € 40 Ventilführung A M110 Rep.I. 15,20mm ............ 705262 13.09 € 65 Copper seal ring ................................................ 207115 0.62 € 40 Valve guide exh.M110, 15,04mm ...................... 705261 12.50 € 66 Seal ring, copper ............................................... 142039 0.46 € 67 Copper seal ring ................................................ 207115 0.62 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 3 05 M110 Timing Chain, Camshaft, Valves 1 Nockenwelle Einl.M110 MOTORNUMMER ............ 705289 202.30 € 35 Set, valve stem seals M110, eng-no req! ................. 705090 12 Bushing .................................................................... 105112 37.95 € 44 Valve collet, 1 half, '67-> (from 250) ....................... 205035 0.60 € 16 Bushing, intermediate sprocket shaft ...................... 205020 11.90 € 46 Rocker M110 FEBI .................................................. 705030 29.75 € 20 Timing chain 130 lnks (shorten,if nec) .................... 105003 55.93 € 48 Ball bolt, threaded M110 ......................................... 705039 12.50 € 21 MasterLink Duplex chain (content of chn ............... 199013 5.36 € 52 A1100520816 Chainguide, M110, Lt., shor ............. 705029 4.17 € 30 Valve, Inlet, M110 ................................................... 705250 26.78 € 53 A1100520816 Chainguide, M110, Lt., shor ............. 705029 4.17 € 32 Valve,Exhaus, 4.2/5.0/5.6 and 110 fromF ................ 705570 47.60 € 55 alu seal ring M12, eg.eng.block @ chain ................. 298712 0.65 € 32 Valve, Exhaust, 2.8 / 3.5 up to eng.-no .................... 705270 42.84 € 57 Seal ring f. bolt 705004 ........................................... 705005 0.63 € 35 Valve seal set, i/o, 250-280SL .................................. 205090 30.58 € 70 Chain tensioner M110 ............................................. 705140 52.54 € 75 O-ring chain tensioner inner .................................... 705147 0.80 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 4 29.85 € 01.b, 03, 05 Motor M116/M117 Gasket per exh-channel V8 up to 4.5 ............. 714390 4.15 € 10 Gkt. set, crankcase, V8 FN ............................. 702301 Kettenspanner M116/117 3.5+4.5 ................. 705130 196.35 € 10 Gasket, chain tensioner 4.5 US ...................... 705137 3.27 € Dichtring, Verschlussmutter Kettensp. .......... 705146 1.44 € 10 Gasket, oil pan 350/450SL/C .......................... 701301 11.31 € Chain guide rail upper, 3.5/3.8/4.2 new ......... 705325 4.11 € Kettenspanner M117 spät USA ...................... 705133 225.65 € 10 10 O-ring chain tensioner inner .......................... 705147 Gkt. set, crankcase, V8 fm. 80 ........................ 702302 0.80 € 152.44 € shim Washer 6,4 x 11 yellow zinced ....................... 799914 0.12 € 10 Lower seal crankcase V8 rear ........................ 703049 14.28 € Chain tensioner, Alloy-V8 ............................... 705131 124.95 € 10 Gasket chain tensioner, fits Alu-V8 ................ 705135 4.76 € O-ring chain tensioner inner .......................... 705147 0.80 € 10 Set 20pcs bolts+shims e.g. sump ................... 701315 5.95 € Gkt. set, crankcase 350/450 late. ................... 702401 154.70 € o.a. rail 148.75 € 1 Gasket, inlet plenum -> head L or R .98 ........ 714352 13.09 € 10 1 Gkt. set, cyl. head 500/5.0 .............................. 702560 58.31 € 10 Rear seal ring V8 Rep.-Version ...................... 703048 14.28 € 1 Gkt. set, cyl. head 420SL Lt. .......................... 702451 98.18 € 10 Oil pan gasket, upper,V8 .960 div, FN ........... 701402 13.55 € Ölwannendichtung ......................................... 701418 12.57 € 1 Gkt.set,cyl head 380SL/C FN Rt ..................... 702361 77.35 € 10 1 Gkt. set, cyl. head M117 Lt ............................ 702450 89.25 € 10 Gkt. set, crankcase, V8 FN ............................. 702402 154.70 € 1 Gasket set cyl.head 350SL/SLC right ............. 702860 75.67 € 40 1 Pair CS bearing shells 63,75mm ................. 703341 136.85 € 1 Pair CS bearing shells 63,50mm ................. 703342 89.25 € 1 Gasket intake/head LH FN ............................. 714341 13.09 € 40 1 Gkt.set, cyl.head 500late/560 Rt. ................... 702561 112.40 € 50 Pistonring set M116/117 92.00mm, std. ........ 703220 47.30 € 1 Gkt. set, cyl. head 500/5.0 Lt. ........................ 702550 113.05 € 50 Piston 93.02mm Mahle, e.g. 116.982,.. .......... 703327 172.55 € 1 Gkt. set, cyl. head 380SL RH from FN ........... 702362 119.00 € 50 Piston 92.50mm M116 E35 ............................ 703325 178.50 € 1 Gkt.set,cyl.head 380SL/C Lt up to FN LT ...... 702351 46.41 € 60 Big end br. set 48.00mm FN .......................... 703555 124.95 € 1 Gkt.set,cyl.head350SL/SLC Rt. ...................... 702360 90.14 € 60 Big end br. set 52.00mm FN .......................... 703550 178.50 € 1 Zyl.Kopf-Dichtsatz V8 früh links ..................... 702850 76.86 € 70 Duplex chain M117 198 links ......................... 799014 93.42 € 1 Gkt.set, cyl.head 500late/560 Rt. ................... 702551 112.40 € 70 Duplex chain M116 186 links ......................... 799013 77.35 € 1 Gkt. set, cyl. head 420SL Rt. .......................... 702461 98.18 € 71 MasterLink Duplex chain (content of chn ...... 199013 5.36 € 1 Gkt. set, cyl. head 380 LH. late FN ................ 702352 119.00 € 120 Oil pump V8: 380/420/500/560SL/SLC... ....... 718406 285.60 € 1 Gkt. set, cyl. head M117 Rt ............................ 702460 89.25 € 121 Chain, oil pump M116/117 FN ....................... 799029 16.10 € 1 Gkt.set,cyl.head 350SL/SLC lft ...................... 702350 90.14 € 121 Chain, oil pump M116/117 FN ....................... 799819 12.97 € 1 Gasket intake/head RH FN ............................. 714342 9.88 € 125 Oilfilter R/C107 except 300SL ........................ 718042 9.40 € 125 Oil filter R/C 107, except 300SL ..................... 718842 5.36 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 5 01.c, 05 Cylinder heads 3.5 and 4.5 Copper seal ring M6, filled ............................... 899305 0.83 € 80 Gasket per exh-channel V8 up to 4.5 ................ 714390 4.15 € Nut M8, exh manifold early M116, ... ............... 714008 1.31 € 80 Zyl.Kopf-Dichtsatz V8 früh links ....................... 702850 76.86 € Oil filler cap,plastic/snap on ............................. 250102 4.77 € 80 Gkt. set, cyl. head M117 Lt ............................... 702450 89.25 € 25 Ventilführung E.Rep.-Maß 14,20mm ................ 705362 12.85 € 80 Gasket, cyl head lt, 3.5 / 4.5 ............................. 701350 62.48 € 25 Seal to 705361 .................................................. 705998 1.55 € 82 Gkt.set,cyl.head350SL/SLC Rt. ......................... 702360 90.14 € 25 Valve guide inlet M116.982..14,04mm ............. 705361 9.40 € 82 Gasket set cyl.head 350SL/SLC right ............... 702860 75.67 € 25 Ventilführung E.Rep.-Maß 14,40mm ................ 705363 10.28 € 82 Gasket, cyl head rt, 3.5 / 4.5 ............................. 701360 80.92 € 26 Valve guide outlet M116.982..15,02mm ........... 705371 10.77 € 82 Gkt. set, cyl. head M117 Rt ............................... 702460 89.25 € 26 Ventilführung A.Rep.-Maß 15,40mm ................ 705373 10.77 € 85 Gasket V8 head cover LH ................................. 701318 7.14 € 26 Ventilführung A.Rep.-Maß 15,20mm ................ 705372 10.77 € 85 Seal, rocker box, V8, lt. ..................................... 701310 8.33 € 30 Nockenwelle 3.5 links D-Jet/Euro ..................... 705303 217.18 € 85 Copper seal ring M6, filled ............................... 899305 0.83 € 30 Nockenwelle rechts 4.5 K-Jet/Euro ................... 705411 252.88 € 86 Seal, rocker box, V8, rt. .................................... 701320 8.21 € 38 Rep.-Kit Oil pipe @ cam, V8 early ..................... 705042 4.76 € 86 Copper seal ring M6, filled ............................... 899305 0.83 € 50 Inlet Valve 3.5 / 3.8 only.960 / 4.2 .................... 705330 26.78 € 86 Gasket, V8 head cover RH ................................ 701328 7.14 € 51 Valve, Exhaust, 2.8 / 3.5 up to eng.-no ............. 705270 42.84 € 55 Hydro rocker adjuster M116/M117 from.. ........ 705045 39.70 € 87 Seal, oil filler cap .............................................. 701355 90 Seal to 705361 .................................................. 705998 2.14 € 1.55 € 57 Rocker arm, all V8 116+117 REST ................... 705040 30.35 € 90 Valve stem seals per head, 3.5 + 4.5 en ........... 705091 36.30 € 63 Valve collet, 1 half, '67-> (from 250) ................ 205035 0.60 € 98 exh-manif. bolt M8x42 eg M117 US FN ........... 714995 1.07 € 80 Gkt.set,cyl.head 350SL/SLC lft ......................... 702350 90.14 € 98 Exh-manif bolt M8 x 46 e.g. M103 .................... 714996 1.83 € 8 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 6 01.d, 05 Cylinder heads 380/420/500/560 sets Gkt. set, cyl. head 420SL Rt. ........................... 702461 98.18 € 55 Hydro rocker adjuster M116/M117 from.. ...... 705045 39.70 € sets Gkt.set,cyl.head 380SL/C Lt up to FN LT ........ 702351 46.41 € 57 Rocker arm, all V8 116+117 REST ................. 705040 30.35 € sets Gkt.set, cyl.head 500late/560 Rt. .................... 702551 112.40 € 63 Valve collet, 1 half, '67-> (from 250) ............... 205035 0.60 € sets Gkt. set, cyl. head 500/5.0 ............................... 702560 58.31 € 76 Rubber seal / valve guide K-Jet div. ................. 707415 2.02 € sets Gkt. set, cyl. head 420SL Lt. ........................... 702451 98.18 € 76 Rubber, K-Jet, 110.986/990,116/7.960-EU ...... 707219 1.55 € sets Gkt. set, cyl. head 500/5.0 Lt. .......................... 702550 113.05 € 77 Seal ring injector support->head V8 KA ......... 707424 1.15 € sets Gkt. set, cyl. head 380SL RH from FN ............ 702362 119.00 € 80 Cyl.-head gasket LH, 380SL/C ELRING .......... 701370 62.48 € sets Gkt.set,cyl head 380SL/C FN Rt ...................... 702361 77.35 € 80 Head gasket LH ............................................... 701490 61.88 € sets Gkt. set, cyl. head 380 LH. late FN ................. 702352 119.00 € sets Gkt.set, cyl.head 500late/560 Rt. .................... 702561 112.40 € 80 82 Head gasket LH 116.96X FN ........................... 701371 Head gasket RH 116.96X FN .......................... 701381 58.31 € 58.31 € 4.77 € 82 Head gasket RH ............................................... 701500 61.88 € Cyl.-head gasket RH, 380SL/C ELRING .......... 701380 62.48 € 8 Oil filler cap,plastic/snap on ............................ 250102 16 Rubber buffer,fuel pump,early ........................ 247028 2.98 € 82 16 Rubber mount .................................................. 247828 3.57 € 85 Gasket V8 head cover LH ................................ 701318 7.14 € 18 Copper seal ring M6, filled .............................. 899305 0.83 € 85 Seal, rocker box, V8, lt. ................................... 701310 8.33 € Seal, rocker box, V8, rt. ................................... 701320 8.21 € 25 Ventilführung E.Rep.-Maß 14,40mm ............... 705363 10.28 € 86 25 Ventilführung E.Rep.-Maß 14,20mm ............... 705362 12.85 € 86 Gasket, V8 head cover RH ............................... 701328 7.14 € 25 Valve guide inlet M116.982..14,04mm ............ 705361 9.40 € 87 Seal, oil filler cap ............................................. 701355 2.14 € 26 Valve guide Exh rep2 = 15,40mm ................... 705383 17.26 € 88 Gasket LH, head->inlet 3.8/4.2/5.0 ................. 714452 6.66 € 26 Valve Guide OUT, 15.034 ................................ 705381 11.90 € 88 Gasket RH, head->inlet 3.8/4.2/5.0 ................. 714451 6.66 € 26 Valve guide Exh rep1 = 15,20mm ................... 705382 17.26 € 88 Gasket intake/head LH FN .............................. 714341 13.09 € 38 Rep.-Kit Oil pipe @ cam, V8 late (Alu) ............. 705043 7.26 € 88 Gasket intake/head RH FN .............................. 714342 9.88 € 45 Sender unit, coolant temp.gauge .................... 754097 17.85 € 89 Gasket per exh-channel V8 from 5.0 ............... 714490 4.34 € 46 Seal ring 14mm Alu ......................................... 207186 0.60 € 89 Gasket per exh-channel V8 up to 4.5 ............... 714390 4.15 € 50 Inlet Valve 3.5 / 3.8 only.960 / 4.2 ................... 705330 26.78 € 90 Rep.set,valve seals per head,V8 late ............... 705092 19.75 € 50 Valve,Exhaus, 4.2/5.0/5.6 and 110 fromF ........ 705570 47.60 € 90 Rep.-Kit valve seals e.g.117.962 FN 2re ......... 705095 12.00 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 7 05 Timing Chain drive M116/M117 1 Duplex chain M117 198 links .................................. 799014 93.42 € 17 Rail lower RH (curved) Alu-V8 ................................. 705420 10.12 € 1 timing chain M116 US early (single row) ................ 799015 79.73 € 18 Gleitschiene 4.5/5.0 .......................................... 705425 4.22 € 1 Duplex chain M116 186 links .................................. 799013 77.35 € 18 Chain guide rail upper, 3.5/3.8/4.2 new .................. 705325 4.11 € 2 Master Link, Single Chains (Cam/Pump..) ............... 799038 2.48 € 20 Kettenrad Kurbelwelle ............................................. 703411 103.83 € 2 MasterLink Duplex chain (content of chn ............... 199013 5.36 € 21 Cam wheel V8 L or R, fits Duplex chain .................. 705302 63.19 € 5 Pad, chain guide 3.8/4.2/4.5 .................................... 705327 4.46 € 21 Kit, timing chain 3.8 "Duplex" ................................. 705380 575.95 € 5 Pad, fits tensioner rail M117 FN ! ........................... 705427 5.36 € 37 Seal ring 14mm Alu ................................................. 207186 0.60 € 6 Rail, fits chain tensioner 3.8/4.2 eng. ...................... 705329 41.06 € 50 Kettenspanner M116/117 3.5+4.5 .......................... 705130 196.35 € 15 Gleitschiene V8 unten links ..................................... 705326 2.34 € 51 Gasket, chain tensioner 4.5 US ............................... 705137 3.27 € 15 Rail lower LH, all Alu-V8 ......................................... 705426 5.36 € 55 O-ring chain tensioner inner .................................... 705147 0.80 € 16 Chain guide rail upper, 3.5/3.8/4.2 new .................. 705325 4.11 € 57 Dichtring, Verschlussmutter Kettensp. ................... 705146 1.44 € 16 Gleitschiene 4.5/5.0 2x .................................... 705424 4.70 € 60 Chain tensioner, Alloy-V8 ........................................ 705131 124.95 € 17 Chain guide RH lower, 3.5 / 4.5 ............................... 705320 5.89 € 61 Gasket chain tensioner, fits Alu-V8 ......................... 705135 4.76 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 8 01.c, 03, 05 Motor M103 10 Gkt. set, crankcase 300SL ..................................... 702303 59.50 € 70 Sprocket wheel, crankshaft 300SL ........................ 703311 113.05 € 10 Seal set, head gasket 300SL .................................. 702300 93.42 € 75 Innenteil Gleitschiene links 300SL ........................ 705629 12.50 € 18 Sump screw M103 ................................................. 799330 1.71 € 76 Außenteil Gleitschiene links 300SL ....................... 705625 8.93 € 19 Seal ring 14x20x1,5 copper, e.g. oilpan ................ 799306 0.36 € 78 Gleitschiene am Kettenspanner ............................. 705628 37.49 € 20 Seal, head gasket 300SL ....................................... 701321 62.30 € 79 Belag, Gleitschiene ................................................ 705627 5.31 € 22 Seal crankshaft e.g.300SL rr standard .................. 705347 14.88 € 80 Chain tensioner 300SL .......................................... 705141 49.43 € 23 Seal crankcase front 45x67x8 ............................... 703046 7.97 € 85 Camshaft 300SL, std., refund ................................ 705300 351.05 € 24 Sump gasket 300SL ............................................... 701338 4.71 € 88 exhaust valve 300SL .............................................. 705670 29.75 € 26 Seal, stick tube 300SL FN ..................................... 701344 1.17 € 88 admission valve 300SL .......................................... 705630 20.83 € 30 Rocker box gasket set 300SL ................................ 701306 11.85 € 91 valve guide admission 14,05mm M103 ................. 705661 12.50 € 31 Seal ........................................................................ 701309 1.43 € 91 valve guide exhaust 14,05mm M103 ..................... 705671 12.50 € 35 Seal, oil filler cap ................................................... 701355 2.14 € 94 Set 12 hydrolifter + cover seal M103 .................... 705310 160.65 € 36 Oil filler cap,plastic/snap on .................................. 250102 4.77 € 94 Hydraulic element 300SL Valves ........................... 705048 15.47 € 39 Seal, Camshaft->distributor 300SL ....................... 705309 7.74 € 95 Plate, rocker arm 1,8mm ....................................... 705643 3.81 € 55 hub front, crankshaft 300SL .................................. 703358 101.15 € 56 A1030300512 Counterweight + flywheel 30 ......... 703359 113.05 € 96 Ball pan 3,0mm ...................................................... 705641 97 Swing lever 300SL late / repl. ............................... 705340 2.56 € 51.31 € 57 A1020320205 Starter ring, flywheel 300S ............ 703201 53.55 € 98 Rep.set valve seals 300SL ..................................... 705096 21.85 € 60 Pilot bearing .......................................................... 103093 11.90 € 102 110° Schalter, AC-Zusatzlüfter .............................. 754398 17.85 € 65 Roller chain 300SL ................................................ 799037 47.01 € 103 Sender unit, coolant temp.gauge ........................... 754097 17.85 € 66 Master Link, Single Chains (Cam/Pump..) ............. 799038 2.48 € 104 Geber, K-Jet, 300SL ............................................... 754397 65.45 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 9 07.a D-Jet EFI components 280SL/SLC bits Gummikappe, El.Anschluss zB Warmlaufg. ...... 754170 8.93 € 19 bracket, injector hold down, M110 D-Jet .......... 707208 5.95 € bits Cap, ptr.,con. thermoswitch .............................. 254125 7.74 € 19 Gasket, start valve,air distributor ..................... 707209 0.67 € bits Set 9 pcs rubber boots D-Jet wiring 6-C ........... 754830 69.02 € 31 Gasket, cold start air valve ............................... 720090 3.57 € bits Small lug, engine pipe ...................................... 754188 0.35 € 34 Hose Clamp 80-100mm, fits air hose ................ 709204 1.79 € Rubber buffer e.g. air filter housing ................. 709406 3.57 € 41 Water hose, 12/21mm per metre ...................... 250023 15.47 € 4.95 € 1 damper unit D-Jet .............................................. 707381 77.36 € 45 Pipe, vacuum, per mtr. ...................................... 715027 2 Fuel pressure regulator, D-Jet .......................... 707380 116.62 € 54 Grommet,angled,18/25mm oval ........................ 798765 8.21 € 5 1m. Fuel hose 7,5x13,0 flat surface .................. 247007 8.50 € 58 Circuit board, fits throttle switch D-J ................ 754345 95.20 € 5 1m Fuel hose tank->pump 11/17mm, fabric ..... 247005 8.93 € 60 1-2-3 distributor, fits 2.8 D-Jet .......................... 715801 327.25 € 14 Rep. set 2x valve connectors late ...................... 707113 16.18 € 66 Sender unit, coolant temp.gauge ...................... 754097 17.85 € 14 Hose clamp 13mm ............................................ 747997 1.37 € 67 see 207115 Copper shim ................................... 799309 1.06 € 16 Sealingring/injector guide D-Jet lower ............. 707316 1.43 € 68 Temp. sender unit, e.g. water/D-Jet .................. 754396 47.01 € 16 green cap, injector ............................................ 707217 1.43 € 70 Temp.sender unit, suction pipe,D-Jet ................ 754096 59.50 € 17 rubber ring, D-Jet valve holddown .................... 707815 1.37 € 997 Hose clamp 13mm ............................................ 747997 1.37 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 10 07.b D-Jet EFI components 350/450SL/C bits Cap, ptr.,con. thermoswitch ............................. 254125 7.74 € 31 Gasket, cold start air valve .............................. 720090 3.57 € set Set: D-Jet injector mounting ............................. 707350 64.26 € 55 Gasket, throttle flap housing ............................ 714012 2.38 € bits Small lug, engine pipe ...................................... 754188 0.35 € 59 Rubber buffer,fuel pump,early ......................... 247028 2.98 € bits Gummikappe, El.Anschluss zB Warmlaufg. ..... 754170 8.93 € 62 Rubber ring on manifold 8-cyl .......................... 714865 4.64 € 1 damper unit D-Jet ............................................. 707381 77.36 € 63 Pipe, vacuum, per mtr. ..................................... 715027 4.95 € 2 Fuel pressure regulator, D-Jet ......................... 707380 116.62 € 66 Wiring harness/loom FN !! ............................... 754763 511.70 € 5 1m. Fuel hose 7,5x13,0 flat surface ................. 247007 8.50 € 66 Wiring harness/loom M117 early / FN !! ......... 754760 511.70 € 10 Injector, D-Jet, e.g.450SL ................................. 707103 196.35 € 67 Grommet,angled,18/25mm oval ....................... 798765 8.21 € 11 Injector, D-Jet Startvalve V8 ............................ 707303 220.15 € 73 Circuit board, fits throttle switch D-J ............... 754345 95.20 € 14 Hose clamp 13mm ............................................ 747997 1.37 € 75 Rep-Kit Jetronic pointers (V8 "D") .................... 715309 505.75 € 16 Sealingring/injector guide D-Jet lower ............. 707316 1.43 € 81 see 207115 Copper shim .................................. 799309 1.06 € 16 blue cap for D-Jet nozzle 4.5 ............................ 707417 0.49 € 82 Sender unit, coolant temp.gauge ..................... 754097 17.85 € 16 cap, yellow, injectors D-Jet 3.5 EUR ................ 707317 3.33 € 83 Temp. sender unit, e.g. water/D-Jet ................. 754396 47.01 € 17 rubber ring, D-Jet valve holddown ................... 707815 1.37 € 84 Sealing ring, hollow bolt .................................. 227023 0.48 € 19 Gasket, start valve,air distributor .................... 707209 0.67 € 85 Temp.sender unit, suction pipe,D-Jet ............... 754096 59.50 € 997 Hose clamp 13mm ............................................ 747997 1.37 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 11 07.e M110 KA Injection Kat Idle air hose / distrib FN .................................. 709415 30.94 € 26 Sealing ring for hollow screw .......................... 220011 0.62 € 1 Injector, K-Jetronic, (except V8-85->) .............. 707105 47.90 € 40 Mebrane Daempfer .......................................... 707281 129.71 € 2 Rubber, K-Jet, 110.986/990,116/7.960-EU ...... 707219 1.55 € 54 Sealing ring for hollow screw .......................... 220011 0.62 € 4 Seal ring e.g. K-Jet injector M110 ................... 707215 0.77 € 58 Pipe, vacuum, per mtr. .................................... 715027 4.95 € 11 half clamp, metal, 2-lines-mount ...................... 207008 4.21 € 60 Vacuum pipe, 2/4mm,per mtr .......................... 215027 1.79 € 16 Copper seal ring .............................................. 207115 0.62 € 62 Hose clamp 13mm ........................................... 747997 1.37 € 21 Seal ring under K-jet control housing .............. 707298 0.71 € 80 Inj-Distrib-Rep-Kit 280 "Iron casted" ............... 707506 124.95 € 22 Seal ring, sump plug ........................................ 299303 0.30 € 80 Inj-Distr-Rep-Kit 280 Alloy-K-A ........................ 707507 124.95 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 12 07.f V8 KA (K-U) Injection / Idle Air 10 Injector, K-Jetronic, (except V8-85->) ............. 707105 47.90 € 60 Vacuum pipe, 2/4mm,per mtr .......................... 215027 1.79 € 11 Rubber seal / valve guide K-Jet div. ................. 707415 2.02 € 65 Fuel hose, return, 8-Cyl. EUR ->85 ................. 747041 24.40 € 11 Rubber, K-Jet, 110.986/990,116/7.960-EU ...... 707219 1.55 € 66 Idle air hose / distrib FN .................................. 709415 30.94 € 13a Seal ring injector support->head V8 KA ......... 707424 1.15 € 68 Idle air hose L or R V8 up to .962 .................... 709411 10.12 € 13 Seal ring injector support->head V8 KA ......... 707424 1.15 € 71 Hoseclamp 12mm to 22mm ............................. 250042 1.79 € 16 Drain plug screw M14 (rad. / eng,..) ............... 250027 2.56 € 75 Mebrane Daempfer .......................................... 707281 129.71 € 18 Gasket, start valve,air distributor .................... 707209 0.67 € 77 Thermo switch, idle M116 US ......................... 707326 47.60 € 19 Sealing ring for hollow screw .......................... 220011 0.62 € 80 Inj Distr Rep Kit V8 3rd Generation ................ 707513 130.90 € 21 hose at warmup unit 3.5 / 4.5 .......................... 709308 10.53 € 80 23 Gasket, cold start air valve .............................. 720090 3.57 € 28 Seal ring, sump plug ........................................ 299303 29 35 Inj Distr Rep Kit V8 2nd Generation ................ 707511 124.95 € 0.30 € 80 Inj Distrib Rep Kit 350/450 "Iron" ................... 707510 104 del-t: clamp inlay ............................................. 747038 124.95 € 1.61 € Sealing ring for hollow screw .......................... 220011 0.62 € 105 rubber inlay, clamp .......................................... 747039 1.84 € Seal, air filter housing to inj-body ................... 714025 11.90 € 106 Clamp, fuel pipes ............................................. 247049 1.94 € 1.69 € 41 Pipe, vacuum, per mtr. .................................... 715027 4.95 € 106 Fuel and brake line clamps .............................. 147014 42 Rubber ring on manifold 8-cyl ......................... 714865 4.64 € 106 Clamp,3 way, fuel pipes, 113EUR 7x req ........ 247040 1.79 € 46 Lock f. 9mm clamp .......................................... 109035 1.79 € 109 Screw w. washer .............................................. 188036 5.83 € 3.45 € 46 1m metal strip, 9mm clamp ............................. 109030 2.20 € 110 Clamp, e.g. wiring, inner width 15mm ............ 254069 47 1m fuel hose 7,5x12,5 fabric surface ............... 247807 4.76 € 111 Counter sunk screw, eg wing to rail ................ 799930 0.36 € 47 1m. Fuel hose 7,5x13,0 flat surface ................. 247007 8.50 € 111 Panelling screw (hex head 8mm) ..................... 288059 0.48 € 2.20 € 52 Sealing ring for hollow screw .......................... 220011 0.62 € 112 Grommet 6/26, 45°, e.g. hydr-line clutc .......... 299001 54 Seal ring, copper ............................................. 142039 0.46 € 114 Rubber trumpet, fuel tank ventilation ............. 747079 9.81 € 115 wire strap, replaces hose clamp ...................... 250099 0.48 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 13 07.g M103 Injectors and Flow Devider 10 Fuel pressur regulator e.g. 103 KE ................. 707290 347.48 € 31 Seal ring under K-jet control housing .............. 707298 0.71 € 11 connector hose, fuel regulator breather .......... 707189 3.69 € 35 Injector, K-Jetronic, (except V8-85->) ............. 707105 47.90 € 16 Sealing ring for hollow screw .......................... 220011 0.62 € 36 Rubber seal / valve guide K-Jet div. ................. 707415 2.02 € 24 Seal ring, sump plug ........................................ 299303 0.30 € 36 Rbr guide tube, KE-jets, M103 early ............... 707319 2.38 € 25 Threaded fitting w. filter ................................. 707478 5.36 € 51 Potentiometer, Jetronic, Repro ........................ 707854 65.45 € 28 Seal ring, sump plug ........................................ 299303 0.30 € 51 Potentiometer, Jetronic, New Bosch ................ 707354 208.25 € 29 Sealing ring for hollow screw .......................... 220011 0.62 € 60 Trottle flap w.body + el-switch e.g.M10 .......... 714300 214.20 € 80 Inj Distrib Rep Kit 6-Cyl "K-E" ......................... 707508 113.05 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 14 07.h V8 KE Injection / Idle Air 10 Injector 420SL, 500 from M.964 ...................... 707104 70.21 € 46 1m metal strip, 9mm clamp ............................. 109030 2.20 € 11 Rubber-Kit "fix false air leak" V8-KE ............... 707509 59.50 € 50 Repro IAC-valve "KE"-V8 from '85 ................... 707520 399.00 € 11 Rubber seal / valve guide K-Jet div. ................. 707415 2.02 € 51 Potentiometer, Jetronic, Repro ........................ 707854 65.45 € 13 Seal ring injector support->head V8 KA .......... 707424 1.15 € 51 Potentiometer, Jetronic, New Bosch ................ 707354 208.25 € 18 Gasket, start valve,air distributor .................... 707209 0.67 € 57 Hose, IAC valve->air distrib duct .................... 709518 3.51 € 19 Sealing ring for hollow screw .......................... 220011 0.62 € 59 Hose, head to idle breather ............................. 709519 6.55 € 24 Copper seal ring M12 e.g. Autm transm .......... 799303 0.65 € 60 Seal, air filter housing to inj-body ................... 714025 11.90 € 24 Sealing ring for hollow screw .......................... 220011 0.62 € 62 Wing nut, ..................................... 154089 2.20 € 25 Threaded fitting w. filter .................................. 707478 5.36 € 63 Hose Eng breather to filter V8 from K-J .......... 709504 10.00 € Threaded fitting w. filter .................................. 707478 5.36 € 66 Rbr hose idle air V8 late LH ............................ 709509 31.95 € 28 Sealing ring for hollow screw .......................... 220011 0.62 € 66 Rubber-Kit "fix false air leak" V8-KE ............... 707509 59.50 € 28 Copper seal ring M12 e.g. Autm transm .......... 799303 0.65 € 68 Idle air hose L or R, V8 from KE-Jet ................ 709508 6.55 € 29 Copper seal ring M12 e.g. Autm transm .......... 799303 0.65 € 29 Sealing ring for hollow screw .......................... 220011 0.62 € 68 Rubber-Kit "fix false air leak" V8-KE ............... 707509 70 Airfilter R/C107, V8 K-Jet+KE, MANN ............ 709400 59.50 € 39.87 € 41 Gasket LH, head->inlet 3.8/4.2/5.0 ................. 714452 6.66 € 75 Presure regulator ............................................. 707580 379.61 € 41 Gasket RH, head->inlet 3.8/4.2/5.0 ................. 714451 6.66 € 80 Inj Distr Rep Kit V8 3rd Generation ................ 707513 130.90 € 42 Rubber ring on manifold 8-cyl ......................... 714865 4.64 € 80 Inj Distr Rep Kit V8 from 9.'85 -> .................... 707514 116.62 € 46 clamp strap w locks, 3m+8pcs ........................ 909030 35.70 € Idle air hose L or R V8 up to .962 .................... 709411 10.12 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 15 09.b M110 K-Jet Hoses: Vent and Idle Air 1 Pipe, vacuum, per mtr. ..................................... 715027 4.95 € 22 Hose, 110.986 idle air control .......................... 709211 18.92 € 2 Vacuum pipe, 2/4mm,per mtr .......................... 215027 1.79 € 24 hose, air-distr.->intake M110 up to FN ........... 709219 12.50 € 7 'Y'-connector, vac.hose ..................................... 707180 1.00 € 33 Gasket, throttle flap housing ............................ 714012 2.38 € 8 X-Verbinder für Vac-Ltg. .................................. 707181 1.29 € 35 Gasket, start valve,air distributor .................... 707209 0.67 € 17 Hose M110 idle air distrib. .............................. 709217 8.93 € 40 Hose, 110.986 air valve .................................... 709206 12.73 € 20 Hose, M110.986 Eng-vent from FN ................. 709215 19.04 € 42 Hose, 110.986 air valve .................................... 709206 12.73 € 21 Hose, 110.990 iA->intake from eng-no ............ 709203 17.14 € 42 Hose, 110.990 iAC-valve->iAC-Distrbtr ........... 709207 12.14 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 16 09.e M103 Air Filter, Vent and Idlea Air 1.79 € 32 Idle breather hose M103 ............................ 709317 5.36 € 1 Airfilter 300SL MANN ............................... 709402 21.00 € 33 Hose to idle arir valve M103 ...................... 709318 3.51 € 5 Breather hose, eng. to filter housg ............ 709319 10.12 € 42 Buffer ......................................................... 714097 4.46 € 6 Vent hose M103 headcover ........................ 709314 4.76 € 43 Hose clamp 20-32mm ................................ 750042 1.90 € 30 Idle air control valve M103 BOSCH ........... 707320 255.85 € 50 Adhesive label "Hochspannung" ................ 799946 14.28 € hose Vacuum pipe, 2/4mm,per mtr .................... 215027 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 17 09.i M110/116/117 Info hidden position engine air duct V8 Rubber-Kit "fix false air leak" V8-KE .............. 707509 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges V8 Rubber ring on manifold 8-cyl ........................ 714865 59.50 € 18 4.64 € 15.i Info Spark Plugs Sparkplugs 300SL low comp. ................................. 715221 3.50 € Sparkplugs 300SL .................................................. 715220 3.69 € S'plugs M110,116,117 K-Jetr. ................................ 715218 4.64 € Spark plug, NGK BP7ES ........................................ 215019 2.98 € Spark plug Bosch W9 DC0, V8 Cat Export ............ 715919 4.28 € Spark plug Bosch W5DC ........................................ 215919 4.64 € Spark plug Bosch W6DC ........................................ 215918 3.39 € Spark plug BOSCH WR8-DC+, K-Jet late ............... 715219 4.46 € Spark plug, NGK, ................................................... 215018 3.15 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 19 Eng.Maintenance + Ignition Parts set Maintain kit,sparkplugs+filter280SL76-> ......... 700025 86.28 € 21 Dist. cap V8 FN -> 8'85 ...................................... 715408 77.35 € set Set sparks+filters V8 K-Jet European ................ 700045 113.05 € 22 Distributor cap 300SL ........................................ 715206 91.09 € Rubber buffer e.g. air filter housing .................. 709406 3.57 € 23 Sleeve above distributor cap M103 ................... 715325 10.12 € set Set Filters+Spark Plugs V8 early, NGK.. ........... 700035 76.16 € 25 Rotor 280 with limiter 6600 ............................... 715213 55.93 € set Set Filters+Sparkplugs 300SL FN ..................... 700030 82.11 € 25 Rotor 280 from 110.990 Bosch .......................... 715212 10.47 € set Set sparks+filters V8 early-US-cat-type ............ 700038 113.05 € 26 Rotor V8 ca. '81-'85 ............................................ 715313 23.56 € set Set sparks+filters 380+560SL US-Version ........ 700056 107.10 € 26 Rotor arm V8 09.85-> ........................................ 715412 37.49 € 10 Spark plug BOSCH WR8-DC+, K-Jet late ........... 715219 4.46 € 26 Rotor 380SL from FN, 350 early ........................ 715312 20.83 € 10 Sparkplugs 300SL low comp. ............................. 715221 3.50 € 26 Rotor 450 and 5.0 early ..................................... 715411 46.41 € 10 Spark plug, NGK, ............................................... 215018 3.15 € 27 Rotor arm 300SL ................................................ 715314 37.49 € 10 Sparkplugs 300SL .............................................. 715220 3.69 € 28 Sealing ring, dist cap, 300SL ............................. 715319 3.57 € 15 Ign.cbl.set 420-500SE/SEC/SL/SEL (SAE) ......... 715425 174.93 € 30 pointers M110 up to br.-less, BOSCH ................ 715215 8.33 € 15 Ign.cbl.set 450SL/SLC s/o .................................. 715420 129.12 € 30 1-2-3 distributor, fits 2.8 D-Jet ........................... 715801 327.25 € 15 Ign.cbl.set 300CE,E,SE,SL,TE SAE fem. ............ 715025 139.83 € 31 Pointer set 3.5 late, 4.5, til br.-les ...................... 715415 9.76 € 15 Ign.cbl.set 280-screw-on (gen. D-Jet) ................. 715022 98.47 € 31 Pointer set 350SL/C early w.cap ........................ 715315 13.69 € 15 Plug, see picture ................................................ 715015 8.33 € 35 1-2-3 distributor, fits 2.8 D-Jet ........................... 715801 327.25 € 15 Rubber grommet 22/26mm, ign leads, ... ........... 798774 2.38 € 36 Rep-Kit Jetronic pointers (V8 "D") ...................... 715309 505.75 € 15 Ign.cbl.set 380,500SE/SL/SLC/SEC/SEL ............ 715422 157.68 € 40 Air filter element NoName ................................. 209402 11.90 € 15 Ign.cbl.set 3.5 -push on, SL/SLC/SE .................. 715321 121.98 € 40 Air filter element MANN .................................... 209400 27.19 € 15 Ign.cbl.set M110 fits cap w.SAE plugs ............... 715024 129.12 € 42 Airfilter V-8 früh (round) .................................... 709401 47.42 € 15 Ign.cbl.set 450SL/SLC "push on" ....................... 715421 129.12 € 43 Airfilter 300SL MANN ........................................ 709402 21.00 € 15 Ign.cbl.set 350SL/SLC s/o .................................. 715320 121.98 € 43 Aux Air filter, if add air pump ............................ 709502 13.09 € 15 Ign.cbl.set280SL/SLCs/o,K-Jet ........................... 715023 98.47 € 43 Airfilter R/C107, V8 K-Jet+KE, MANN ............... 709400 39.87 € 15 Kerzenstecker 1kOhm M103 BERU ................... 715818 10.71 € 43 Airfilter R/C107, 8-cly. FN, NoName ................. 709403 16.90 € 20 Distributor cap 280SL/C late Beru ..................... 715240 52.30 € 49 rubber band, airfilter bracket ............................ 709390 1.19 € 20 Distributor cap 280SL/SLC ................................ 715208 64.80 € 55 Sealing ring,air filter top ................................... 214020 4.17 € 20 Verteilerkappe 280SL/SLC früh (Beru) .............. 715237 41.65 € 60 Oilfilter R/C107 except 300SL ........................... 718042 9.40 € 20 Distributor cap 280SL late, SAE, Bosch ............. 715210 57.72 € 60 Oilfilter 300SL .................................................... 718041 7.68 € 20 Distributor cap 280SL/SLC er. ........................... 715207 47.60 € 70 F.pump 06.76->08.85+300SL ............................ 747006 77.35 € 20 Verteilerkappe 280SL/SLC mitte (Beru) ............ 715238 53.55 € 70 Benzinpumpe V8 '85-> (2x erf.) ......................... 747047 157.08 € 20 Distributor cap 280SL ........................................ 715209 83.30 € 70 Fuel pump, Replacement ................................... 747905 303.45 € 21 Distr. Cap V8 early (push-on) BOSCH ................ 715307 43.85 € 70 F.pump 06.76->08.85+300SL ............................ 747007 208.25 € 21 Dist. cap M116/117 middle ................................ 715308 89.25 € 71 Fuel filter R/C 107 -> 06.'76 .............................. 747702 36.35 € 21 Dist. cap V8 09.85-> SAE-Bolts ......................... 715409 136.85 € 71 Fuel filter 82,5x147mm M12M14 BOSCH ......... 947709 23.80 € 21 Distr.Cap V8 early (push on) BERU ................... 715337 40.46 € 71 Fuel filter 6.'76 up to FN, D75mm "Mann ......... 747700 41.65 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 20 71 Fuel filter D 80mm,"Mann", all from '85 ............ 747701 35.11 € 99 V belt 13 X 850 ................................................... 799116 9.94 € 98 Label "Danger High Voltage" D/EN/FR .............. 799961 23.80 € 99 V belt 10 X 875 eg. 230SL Alternator ................ 299106 12.85 € 98 Hose, air filter to air pump ................................ 709313 28.32 € 99 Water pump M110-Limo: 280/C/C/SE VIN!pl .... 620020 85.68 € 99 V belt alt./wapu/fan 10 x 980 ............................. 799113 9.83 € 99 'V' belt, 10 x 800 ................................................ 299110 7.79 € 99 V belt 10 X 913 ................................................... 799115 8.93 € 99 V belt 13 X 750 e.g. PWS-pump ......................... 299102 10.06 € 99 V belt 10 x 925 eg. 250SL LHD series ............... 299107 8.63 € 99 Ribbed fan belt 2175mm, e.g. M103 no A/ ......... 999106 33.50 € 99 V belt 10 X 900 ................................................... 299105 8.57 € 99 V belt 10 X 1100 ................................................. 799118 13.39 € 99 'V' belt, 10 x 935 ................................................ 299109 11.75 € 99 V belt alt./wapu/fan V8 ....................................... 799114 8.59 € 99 V belt 13 X 1060 ................................................. 299101 12.50 € 99 V belt 13 X 1285 ................................................. 799110 9.45 € 99 V belt 10 x 1200 , WaPu/p.w.s.(2xreq) ............... 799117 11.90 € 99 Ribbed fan belt 2257mm, e.g. 103 A/C .............. 999108 38.26 € 99 V belt 10 X 960/965 ............................................ 799119 11.25 € 99 V belt 10 X 771 ................................................... 299108 8.93 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 21 15.b Generator + Starter 1 Alt. 65A exch., 280SL FN, M117 US ................. 715286 387.94 € 50 Starter exch. 450/450-5.0SL/SLC er. ................ 715451 451.01 € 1 Alt. 55A new 280,350,450SL/SLC LHD ............. 715280 593.81 € 50 Starter motor GF, exc. ....................................... 215240 315.35 € 1 Alt. 65A new, 280SL FN, M117 US ................... 715285 684.25 € 50 Starter motor GF, reconditioned ....................... 215743 414.12 € 1 Alt. 70A new, 380/450SL/SLC ........................... 715381 261.80 € 50 Starter new 450-5.0/500SL/C er. ....................... 715450 624.75 € 1 Alternator 55A Bosch-exchanged, see pic ......... 715281 267.75 € 50 Starter motor GF, new. ..................................... 215243 731.85 € 1 Alt. 70A neu, 380/450/500SL/C ......................... 715380 796.11 € 50 Starter 300SL in exchange ................................ 715301 317.73 € 1 Gen.55A,exchange, ............................... 215280 315.35 € 50 Starter 300SL new ............................................ 715300 505.75 € 8 Carbon brush set for alt. 70A ............................ 715383 7.91 € 55 Cap, starter terminal ......................................... 154056 4.70 € 8 Carbon brush set Alt. 55A fr.'74 ........................ 715283 10.90 € 55 Starter solenoid 300SL ...................................... 715302 89.25 € 28 Rubber dust boot (at Gen. .) .............................. 254051 2.68 € 55 Starter solenoid 450SL/SLC, 5.0/500 er. ........... 715502 111.50 € 29 Alt. regulator internal 55A ................................ 715282 34.51 € 55 Solenoid switch, str,'GF' .................................... 215242 121.38 € 39 Regulator for alt. 70A ........................................ 715382 50.69 € 59 n.a. Pinion w. f/w.350SL FN 'EF' ....................... 215041 44.63 € 49 Bearing several generators, front ..................... 215221 9.52 € 59 Pinion w. f/w.300SL repl. .................................. 715342 46.29 € 49 Set nuts,bolts,washers - Alt. .............................. 715289 22.02 € 59 Pinion w. f/w.300SL orig. .................................. 715341 27.37 € 49 woodruff key W4 H5 .......................................... 215077 0.83 € 63 Carbon brush set, starter 715450/1 .................. 715297 16.18 € 49 Bearing rr side, div.generators 12x32 ............... 215226 8.93 € 63 Brush support cplt, fits 715300/1 ...................... 715299 53.55 € 49 Bearing fits several generators, rear ................ 715336 10.12 € 64 A0001513615 Set nuts,bolts,washers 300S ...... 715298 29.16 € 49 Bearing frt side div generators, 17x47 .............. 215222 16.66 € 65 Seal kit set, starter ............................................ 715509 26.42 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 22 18 Oilpump, Oil-lines 5 Oil pump V8: 380/420/500/560SL/SLC... .......... 718406 285.60 € 40 Oil pipe lower 280SL/C FN hex27/2 ................. 718208 47.60 € 6 Oil pump 300SL ................................................ 718408 214.20 € 41 Oil pipe upper 280SL/C (.982) hex27/2 ............ 718209 58.31 € 10 El. sns. oil level M116/117 FN .......................... 718454 30.35 € 50 Oil pipe 3.5 lower early hex22/2 ....................... 718308 53.55 € 20 Chain, oil pump M116/117 FN ......................... 799029 16.10 € 50 Oil pipe 3.5/4.5 lower late hex22/2 ................... 718310 53.55 € 30 Master Link, Single Chains (Cam/Pump..) ........ 799038 2.48 € 52 Oil pipe 3.5 upper early hex22/2 ...................... 718309 53.55 € 30 Chain, oil pump drive 300SL ............................ 799039 20.29 € 52 Oil pipe 3.5/4.5 upper FN hex22/2 ................... 718311 53.55 € 32 Chain tensioner, 300SL .................................... 718439 3.39 € 55 Oil pipe 5.0 lower early hex22/2 ....................... 718312 24.99 € 35 Gear, oil pump 300SL ....................................... 718438 33.62 € 55 Oil pipe 3.8 lower,5.0 FN hex22/2 .................... 718314 53.55 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 23 22, 24, 25 Engine Mounting and Clutch 3.57 € 30 Clutch disc 300SL ................................................. 725011 208.25 € 1 Engine bearing 280SL/C ca. up to 76 ................... 722012 89.25 € 30 Kupplungsscheibe 280SL/C, 5-Gang .................... 725801 148.75 € 2 Engine mount 450SL/C lt from ca 06-74 .............. 722014 117.81 € 30 Clutch disc 280SL/C, 5-gear ................................. 725001 148.75 € 2 Engine mount V8 late RH ..................................... 722019 89.25 € 30 Clutch disc R113; 107-2.8 4-gear, F&S ................ 225000 184.45 € 2 Engine mount V8 late LH ..................................... 722016 89.25 € 30 Clutch disc 350SL/SLC ......................................... 725900 199.92 € 2 Eng mount 350/450 L or R, FN ! .......................... 722013 53.55 € 30 Clutch disc R113, 107-2.8 4-speed LUK ............... 225800 160.65 € 10 Engine mount rear FN MEYLE ............................. 722020 41.65 € 31 Clutch press. plate 300SL .................................... 725012 148.75 € 10 Engine mount rear, from 07.72, FEBI .................. 722021 38.08 € 31 Clutch press. plate 3.5, updated design ............... 725010 222.53 € 20 Eng.damper '81-> total L 218mm, repl'78 ........... 724013 35.11 € 31 Kupplungsdruckplatte 300SL ............................... 725812 124.95 € 20 Engine r'damper. 06.'72-04.78 ............................. 724011 89.25 € 31 Clutch press. plate 280SL/C, S/SE/SEL ................ 725002 124.95 € 20 Engine damper total-L210mm 04.78-ca.'81 ......... 724014 47.01 € 32 Clutch release bearing 300SL .............................. 725014 43.79 € 20 Engine r'damper. to 06.'72 ................................... 724010 59.50 € 32 T/O bearing 280SL/C, 350SL/C, see photo ........... 725004 69.62 € sack Lever bellow, rubber repro, 115,123,.. ................ 726805 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 24 27.a Automatic to 03.80: K4A, W4B, W3A, W3B 20 Copper seal ring M12 e.g. Autm transm .......... 799303 0.65 € 37 Oilseal ring,autom.exit,e.g. K4A040 ................. 727040 4.17 € 20 Autom.oil filter+gasket,6-cyl->8.77 ................. 727003 29.75 € 41 Sealing ring, Autm. link->Grbox K4A040 ......... 727066 3.33 € 20 Autom.oil filter+gasket,8-cyl->3.80 ................. 727002 47.15 € 45 Sealing ring, hollow bolt .................................. 227023 0.48 € 20 Gasket, Autm Oil pan e.g. W4A 040 late .......... 727304 5.36 € 46 alu seal ring M12, eg.eng.block @ chain ......... 298712 0.65 € 20 Auto.oilfilter+gasket 280SL/C 77->80 ............. 727006 21.42 € 50 Seal ring speedo/rev drive ................................ 126039 4.05 € 25 Gasket set, autom.gearbox W4B 025 ............... 727102 172.55 € 60 el. switch autm.lever, reverse.. from G ............ 727402 27.37 € 25 Gasket set gearbox W3A 040 late .................... 627102 220.15 € 65 Change lever bearing, autom. .......................... 726110 1.43 € 30 Gasket autom.-oil sump .................................... 727009 1.86 € 66 clip, e.g. autm.-shift link ................................... 726045 0.71 € 35 Oil seal ring Autom/In shaft eg. W3 ................. 727445 7.14 € 73 Nut, to shaft ..................................................... 526071 4.17 € 35 Oil Seal ring, Autm/IN shaft ............................. 727045 6.55 € 80 Hose autm-oil ->radiator, except 300SL .......... 727001 16.90 € 35 Seal ring,primary pump, au. ............................. 227045 5.65 € 96 friction disc (autm clutch) eg W4B025 ............. 727225 10.41 € 36 'O' ring, primary pump, autm. .......................... 227047 2.00 € 96 Disc, auto g.b. ................................................... 227225 13.09 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 25 29 Pedals + hydraulic clutch Ball, acc shaft mount, fits 830998 .................... 830999 1.19 € 15 Rep.-Satz Nehmerzylinder ............................... 729032 27.97 € bushing, acc shaft with 830999 ....................... 830998 1.13 € 15 Rep.-Satz Nehmerzylinder ............................... 729033 26.24 € Man gear lever 4-speed, Vinyl, black ............... 726000 9.52 € 20 Hose, clutch hydraulic ..................................... 729107 29.75 € 1 Mastercyl. 280/350SL/C early 19,05mm .......... 729102 101.15 € 30 Sealing disc, rbr. 26mm ................................... 298782 1.07 € 1 Clutch mastercyl R107 6-cyl from 4.84 ............ 729104 129.29 € 35 Grommet 6/26, 45°, e.g. hydr-line clutc ........... 299001 2.20 € 5 Rep-Kit Cl-M-cyl.fits 729102 (280->3.84 ......... 729103 18.66 € 45 Rubber pad, brake pedal .................................. 229005 2.73 € 5 Rep.-Kit Cl-mastercyl R107 from 4.84 ............. 729105 32.43 € 45 rubber, brake pedal "wide" (Autom.) ............... 729805 5.36 € 10 Slave cylinder 6-cyo from 09.'81, ATE ............. 729101 53.55 € 60 Pedal rubber brake "wide" (Autom) ................. 729005 4.64 € 10 Slave Cyl 280SL/C ->08'81 .............................. 729002 40.90 € 70 Switch,stop light, current style ........................ 254019 11.31 € 10 Nehmerzylinder 350SL/C ................................. 729003 76.76 € 85 Grommet, acc linkage->firewall ...................... 798775 4.76 € 15 Rep.-kit, clutch slave cyl., 350SL/C .................. 729031 22.67 € 90 Rubber dust boot (at Gen. .) ............................. 254051 2.68 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 26 32.i Info nec. find correct Spring Rubber distancer 14mm, rr upper ................................ 732022 7.14 € Buffer, rubber, front, 13mm .......................................... 732012 6.55 € Buffer, rubber, front, 18mm .......................................... 732013 6.55 € Vorderfeder ................................................................... 732002 92.82 € Spring, front, 2.8:SE, 3.5:SE ......................................... 732010 97.58 € Rubber distancer 19mm, rr upper ................................ 732023 7.74 € Frt spring 6-Cyl->80 1SW/ 80->3SW 15,30 .................. 732005 97.58 € Buffer, rubber, front, 23mm .......................................... 732014 6.19 € Rubber distancer, 9.5mm rr upper ............................... 732021 6.43 € Spring,rear R/C 107 350mm ......................................... 732090 89.25 € Frt spring 2.8: 3SW, 3.5: 2-3SW ................................... 732006 97.58 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 27 33 Front suspension 2 Buffer, rubber, front, 18mm ............................. 732013 6.55 € 16 Tie rod, '85->, joints by brand FEBI ................. 733190 38.08 € 2 rubber buffer, frt spring, 18mm ....................... 732813 3.57 € 16 Tie rod 113,107-115..;joints brand FEBI .......... 233190 51.17 € 2 Buffer, rubber, front, 13mm ............................. 732012 6.55 € 16 Tie rod,'85->, joints by brand MEYLE .............. 733790 38.08 € 2 rubber buffer, frt spring, 13mm ....................... 732812 2.74 € 17 Tie rod end, Rt. thread ..................................... 233092 18.86 € 2 Buffer, rubber, front, 23mm ............................. 732014 6.19 € 17 Tie rod end, Lt. thread ...................................... 233091 18.50 € 3 Bilstein shocker R/C107fr.9.85 ......................... 732105 168.98 € 17 Tie rod end, Rt. thread, brand Meyle ............... 233192 17.85 € 3 Bilstein shocker R/C107to 8.85 ........................ 732101 184.45 € 17 Tie rod end, Lt. thread, brand MEYLE ............. 233191 17.85 € 4 torsion bar mount kit 85-> ............................... 733071 54.74 € 19 Drag Link 280-500SL/SLC FEBI ....................... 746180 49.98 € 4 Repr.kit, torsion bar, ->85, /8,.. FEBI .............. 733070 39.87 € 20 Steering damper ............................................... 246080 38.68 € 5 Frt axle mount kit "Meyle" ............................... 758801 160.65 € 21 Steering arm repair kit from '68 FEBI ............. 246062 32.37 € 5 Repr.kit, front sub-frame .................................. 758101 71.40 € 6 Bolt f. rep.set str. upper inner .......................... 733929 2.98 € 22 Wheel br. set R/C107 from 9.85 FEB ............... 733081 22 small kit wheel bearg frt 114,107 early ........... 733083 26.48 € 29.16 € 6 Repr. kit, swing arm, upper in. FEBI ................ 733020 62.48 € 23 Wheel bearing, outer ........................................ 142630 17.08 € 16.96 € Repr. kit, swing arm, lower in. ......................... 733030 53.85 € 24 Wheel bearing, inner, 06.61 -> 89 ................... 142580 7a Bolt, lower ctrl arm, inner, 1pce ...................... 733031 7.14 € 25 Seal ring frt wheel bearg 1985-> ..................... 733089 3.21 € 8 Self-locking nut M14 ........................................ 733121 1.99 € 25 Seal ring eg.frt wheel bearg.114...107 ............. 733082 9.52 € 8 Knuckle jt.(lower) 114..,107 up to 85 ............... 733110 49.98 € 28 Contact spring .................................................. 233078 3.09 € 13 Knuckle jt. upper, R/C107 up. to 8.85 .............. 733112 26.18 € 29 Cap, wheel bearing hub '85-> .......................... 733079 1.07 € 14 control arm lower right ->08.85 ....................... 733849 296.31 € 31 locking plate, caliper frt '66-12'76 ................... 242008 4.05 € 14 control arm lower left ->08.85 ......................... 733847 296.31 € 32 Bolt, lock nut fro 85, M6x20 10.9,in-he ............ 233076 1.01 € 51.17 € 48 Knuckle jt. R/C107 lr. fr. 9.85 ........................... 733111 17.85 € 7 16 Tie rod 113,107-115..;joints brand MEYL ........ 233790 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 28 35 Rear suspension lock Locking plate ,caliper ............................................ 242036 2.86 € 39 bellow, shaft inner, fits "star"-joint ....................... 735131 39.27 € 2 Rubber shim, rr spring, 9,5mm ............................. 732821 4.17 € 39 Repr. kit, drive shaft sleeve, star-typ .................... 735130 38.73 € 2 Rubber distancer, 9.5mm rr upper ....................... 732021 6.43 € 42 seal ring rr ctrl link ............................................... 735162 7.74 € 2 rubber shim, rr spring, 19mm ............................... 732823 5.36 € 42 Bearing, brake caliper/torsion bar ........................ 735171 113.05 € 2 Rubber distancer 19mm, rr upper ........................ 732023 7.74 € 44 Seal ring rr.whl.bearg.,outer ................................ 735226 6.19 € 2 Rubber distancer 14mm, rr upper ........................ 732022 7.14 € 45 Shaft seal ring rr.whl. bearing .............................. 735225 4.76 € 3 Bilstein shocker R/C107 rear ................................ 732111 172.55 € 50 Repr.kit,cardan disc,rear 300SL ........................... 741000 53.55 € 4 Rebound buffer, rear axle ..................................... 732880 8.93 € 50 Flex disc, prop shaft late/large (FN!) .................... 741121 65.45 € 4 Rebound buffer, rear axle ..................................... 732080 6.55 € 50 Repr.kit,prop-disc 2.8 autm. late .......................... 741002 85.68 € 6 Diff. Support, to 8.85 ............................................ 735030 71.16 € 50 Repr.kit,cardan disc,fr. 300SL .............................. 741010 43.91 € 7 Repr. kit, rear subframe SLC ................................ 735022 142.80 € 50 Set prop shaft disc, late, (FN!), large ................... 741120 105.91 € 8 Rubber bush, swing arm ....................................... 735064 10.17 € 50 Repr.kit,cardan disc .............................................. 741003 58.91 € 9 Linkage, rear torsion bar ...................................... 732085 14.88 € 50 Repr.kit,cardan disc,rear 280SL/C cn ................... 741001 57.72 € 10 Rep-kit rr ctrl arm bushings .................................. 733813 24.99 € 54 Ball bearing, e.g. prop shaft .................................. 241015 15.39 € 11 Rubber bush, diff.,rr.up.,from '85 ......................... 735036 9.52 € 55 Trans.shaft middle br. fr. 08.85 ............................ 741019 32.75 € 12 Rubber bush, diff.,,from 09.'85 ...................... 735037 16.66 € 55 Trans.shaft middle br. to 08.85 ............................. 741018 29.93 € 13 Rubber bush, diff.,fr.up.,from 09.'85 .................... 735038 14.88 € 55 ctr prop bearing, set, from '85, pls VI ................... 741119 43.47 € 14 Rubber bush, diff. front lower, late ....................... 735035 22.61 € 57h Bushing prop shaft 4.gen ...................................... 741041 39.98 € 25 Seal ring Diff / rr axle shaft ................................... 735221 6.28 € 57v Bushing prop shaft 4.gen ...................................... 741041 39.98 € 25 Seal ring rr axle->drive shafts FN ........................ 735220 8.33 € 66 Set 20 pcs Wheel bolts for steel rims .................... 240105 26.18 € 25 Seal ring Diff axle shaft eg. 107.041 ..................... 735223 7.14 € 66 Reifenventil, Gummiausführung ........................... 740034 2.38 € 25 'O' Ring, diff. housing ............................................ 735210 1.31 € 66 Wheel bolt, steel wheel, 35mm ............................. 240005 1.49 € 25 Seal ring diff-out L/R 114/107 2.8 FN ................... 535210 1.12 € 69 Set 20 pcs Wheel bolts for steel rims .................... 240105 26.18 € 27 Seal ring, diff. pinion shaft .................................... 735015 8.45 € 69 bolt, Alloy-wheel 1985 ........................................... 740004 8.21 € 28 Nut,diff.end,350/450SL/C FN& ............................. 735230 3.63 € 69 Wheel bolt, steel wheel, 35mm ............................. 240005 1.49 € 32 Kit, wheel bearing, rear, 107 , 115-126 ................ 733085 58.31 € 69 Set 20 pcs wheel bolts for "Alu Barock" ............... 740105 46.41 € 32 Rear wheel bearing kit, no name .......................... 735885 33.32 € 69 Wheel bolt+cap,alloy 85 ............................ 740005 3.15 € 33 Wheel bearing, rear, outer .................................... 735005 28.56 € 70 Wheel bolt+cap,alloy 85 ............................ 740005 3.15 € 39 Manschette innen,RINGGELENK 350-420 DIV .... 735133 42.07 € 70 Set 4 pcs "Barock" 7x15 rim ................................. 740028 630.70 € 39 Manschette innen,RINGGELENK ......................... 735218 27.01 € 70 Set 20 pcs wheel bolts for "Alu Barock" ............... 740105 46.41 € 39 Repr. kit, drive shaft sleeve .................................. 733218 25.88 € 70 Alloy rim "Barock" 7x15" ....................................... 740008 174.00 € 39 Shaft bellows, outer, '85-> (no Set) ...................... 735939 11.78 € 72 Rest: Bolt fits late rim, w.Inox-cap ........................ 740814 8.33 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 29 72 Reifenventil, Gummiausführung ........................... 740034 2.38 € 72 Rest:Bolt fits late rims, w.cap polishe ................... 740714 8.63 € 72 Set 20 pcs. bolts "brushed cap" 740814 ............... 740124 136.85 € 72 bolt, Alloy-wheel 1985 ........................................... 740004 8.21 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 30 42.a Brake small compendium line Brake line: 180mm, 230frt Lt.,107 rear ..... 742104 10.71 € 5 Caliper R/C107 rear Rt. ............................. 742052 175.00 € line Brake pipe, front Rt.,late ........................... 242067 9.22 € line Set brake lines 350SL LHD early ............... 742350 59.38 € 5 5 Caliper 300-500SL ATE ......... 742012 Caliper 01.73->08.85 fr. Rt. ....................... 742020 416.50 € 279.65 € set Set br-hoses ->8.85 rr-direct@caliper ....... 743056 59.50 € 5 Caliper 350SL/SLC f.Lt. FN ....................... 742009 261.80 € line Bremsltg. ABS-Gerät -> Rad v.l.251cm ..... 742167 39.58 € 6 Rep-kit calip.frt.01.73->02.80 .................... 742016 32.13 € line Brake pipe master cyl./junction, LHD ........ 742065 13.39 € 6 Caliper repair kit, rear, all ......................... 742026 22.02 € set Set br-hoses V8 9.85-> .............................. 743058 54.98 € 6 Rep-kit, '85-> frt per caliper (4piston ........ 742017 54.74 € set Set br-hoses div. ->8.85 ............................. 743055 58.91 € 6 Brake caliper seal kit, fits ATE 66-72 ........ 242015 32.90 € line Nut ............................................................. 742199 0.30 € 6 Caliper repr. kit,fr.03.80->08.85 ............... 742015 33.14 € line Brake line 103cm, e.g. rr m / rr rt ............. 742066 11.31 € 7 35.70 € line Brake line, 190SL w.T-50, front Rt. ........... 142013 12.50 € 7 Brk.pads 280/350/450SL/SLC frt 73-80 AT 742030 ................................................................... Brk.p.set 300-500SL, fr. fm.'85 .................. 742033 set Set brake hoses 300SL ............................... 743057 65.45 € 7 Brake pad set R/C107 rear ......................... 742088 22.61 € line Bremsltg. HBRZ->ABS-Gerät LHD 229,5cm 742166 ................................................................... line Brake line, Mastercyl.->Wheel drv-side ..... 742068 29.99 € 7 Setbrakepadsfrt.calipers'65-'72,ATE ......... 242030 35.11 € 7.74 € 7 Set of brake pads ....................................... 242088 35.11 € 57.12 € 1 B.m.c.280/350/380/450/500SL/C ............... 743012 255.85 € 7 Brk.p.s.280/380/450/500SL/C fr ................ 742031 29.75 € 1 Mastercyl ATE, ABS Cars from 09.'85 ....... 743014 164.22 € 8 Brake shoes and fitment parts ................... 242200 50.28 € 1 B.m.c. 07.74->08.75 ................................... 743011 208.25 € 9 Fitting kit, brk.pads, fr. fm 3.80 ................. 742029 11.72 € 1 Master cylinderFN ..................................... 243011 208.25 € 9 Accessories, brake pads ............................. 242082 11.31 € 1 Mastercyl ATE ca. 07.83 - 08.85 ................ 743013 184.45 € 9 Wear contact, brake pad ............................ 742025 2.26 € Accessories, brake pads ............................. 242081 12.85 € 2 rbr cap @ reservoir "ATE" ......................... 743049 5.83 € 9 2 Rubber grommet, Mastercyl. ..................... 243019 4.96 € 10 Discs, set 300-560SL front ......................... 743400 77.35 € 3 Repair kit m.c.FN ....................................... 243015 118.41 € 10 Discs, set, fr. 350SL/C ->12.72 273mm! .... 743100 124.95 € 3 Repr. kit, b.m.c.280-450SL/SLC ................. 743016 83.30 € 10 2x brake discs, rear W107-113 .................. 243300 58.85 € 3 Repr. kit, b.m.c. 07.83->08.85 ATE ........... 743018 65.45 € 10 Discs, set, fr. 03.80->08.85 ........................ 743300 101.15 € 3 Repr. kit, b.m.c.280-450SL/SLC ................. 743017 83.30 € 10 Discs, set, fr. ->02.'80 278mm ! ................. 743200 91.04 € 15.17 € 4 Brake Servo 300-500SL fr. '85 ................... 743030 303.45 € 11 Brake hose, front Lt.or Rt. ......................... 242040 4 Brake booster T52-9 TandemFN ................ 243030 547.40 € 11 Brake hose R/C107,C114,116rr. ................ 742105 14.28 € 5 Caliper V8, rear Rt., V8 EUR 73-> FN ! .... 742054 208.25 € 11 Brake hose,rr, fits "direct@caliper" ........... 742106 14.88 € 5 Caliper R/C107 rear Lt. .............................. 742051 175.00 € 11 Brake hose, 300-500SL fr. ......................... 742101 22.02 € 5 Caliper 03.80->08.85 fr. Rt. ATE ............... 742021 267.75 € 12 Brk. cable fr. R/C107 FN ............................ 742080 17.85 € 5 Caliper 01.73->02.80 front Lt. ................... 742010 279.65 € 12 knob "brake release" .................................. 742079 14.28 € 5 Caliper V8, rear Lt., FN ............................. 742053 208.25 € 13 Brk. cable SL rr. V8 FN, Lt. ....................... 742085 14.91 € 5 Cal. 300-500SL frt rt 09.85-> ATE ............. 742022 416.50 € 13 Brk. cable SLC LH. 450 from 8.76, 500 ..... 742075 22.61 € 5 Caliper 03.80->08.85 front Lt. ATE ........... 742011 267.75 € 13 Brk. cable SL rr. FN+300 Lt.+Rt. .............. 742081 50.58 € 5 Caliper 350SL/SLC f.Rt. FN ....................... 742019 261.80 € 13 Brk.cable SLC rr L/R simple axle from'7 ... 742072 23.80 € 13 Brk. cable SLC RH, 450 from 8.76, 500 ..... 742076 22.61 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 31 42.c Front wheel brake up to 02.1980 10 Caliper 01.73->08.85 fr. Rt. ..................... 742020 279.65 € 261.80 € 15 Brk.pads 280/350/450SL/SLC frt 73-80 AT 742030 ................................................................. 20 Rep-kit calip.frt.01.73->02.80 ................. 742016 35.70 € 10 Caliper 350SL/SLC f.Lt. FN ..................... 742009 10 Caliper 01.73->02.80 front Lt. ................. 742010 279.65 € 20 Brake caliper seal kit, fits ATE 66-72 ...... 242015 32.90 € 10 Caliper 350SL/SLC f.Rt. FN ..................... 742019 261.80 € 25 Accessories, brake pads ........................... 242081 12.85 € 11 Valve, brake cyl bleeder ........................... 242001 6.25 € 26 Wear contact, brake pad .......................... 742025 2.26 € 12 Bleeder valve cap ..................................... 143041 1.31 € 30 Discs, set, fr. ->02.'80 278mm ! .............. 743200 91.04 € 14 locking plate, caliper frt '66-12'76 ........... 242008 4.05 € 35.11 € 30 Discs, set, fr. 350SL/C ->12.72 273mm! 743100 ................................................................. 34 Bracket brake hose frt RH ....................... 742998 124.95 € 15 Setbrakepadsfrt.calipers'65-'72,ATE ....... 242030 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 32 32.13 € 1.56 € 42.d Front wheel brake 03.1980-08.1985 10 Caliper 03.80->08.85 fr. Rt. ATE ................. 742021 267.75 € 20 Caliper repr. kit,fr.03.80->08.85 ................. 742015 33.14 € 10 Caliper 03.80->08.85 front Lt. ATE ............. 742011 267.75 € 25 Fitting kit, brk.pads, fr. fm 3.80 ................... 742029 11.72 € 11 Valve, brake cyl bleeder ............................... 242001 6.25 € 26 Wear contact, brake pad .............................. 742025 2.26 € 12 Bleeder valve cap ......................................... 143041 1.31 € 30 Discs, set, fr. 03.80->08.85 .......................... 743300 101.15 € 15 Brk.p.s.280/380/450/500SL/C fr .................. 742031 29.75 € 34 Bracket brake hose frt RH ........................... 742998 1.56 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 33 42.e Front wheel brake from 09.1985 10 Cal. 300-500SL frt rt 09.85-> ATE ................ 742022 416.50 € 20 Rep-kit, '85-> frt per caliper (4piston ........... 742017 54.74 € 10 Caliper 300-500SL ATE ............. 742012 416.50 € 25 Fitting kit, brk.pads, fr. fm 3.80 .................... 742029 11.72 € 12 Bleeder valve cap .......................................... 143041 1.31 € 26 Wear contact, brake pad ............................... 742025 2.26 € 15 Brk.p.set 300-500SL, fr. fm.'85 ..................... 742033 57.12 € 30 Discs, set 300-560SL front ............................ 743400 77.35 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 34 42.e Info Axle-type<->Brake hoses Brake hose R/C107,C114,116rr. ... 742105 Brake hose R/C107,C114,116rr. ... 742105 14.28 € Brake hose,rr, fits "direct@caliper" All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 35 14.28 € 46.a Steering Gear and Linkage LHD 1st Generation Sealing repair order steering box .......................... 746211 773.50 € 70 PWS hose 4.5 USA, middl. Gen FN ........................ 799422 124.95 € 50 Rep.-Set Lenkschnecke .......................................... 746129 59.23 € 70 PWS hose 4.5 USA early ........................................ 799421 89.25 € 51 Gasket set pws steerg.gear up to '85 .................... 746115 22.61 € 71 1m PWS oil return hose ......................................... 799020 29.75 € 51 Gasket kit steerg-box '85-> (107, 123) .................. 746106 42.54 € 71 1m oil hose pws-return line ................................... 299020 22.61 € 60 Steering coupling, repro, no maintenanc .............. 746075 61.88 € 99 Kombischalter ab 09.'75 ........................................ 746802 95.08 € 70 PWS hose V8 LHD FN ........................................... 799322 101.15 € 135 Lenkstange orig ..................................................... 746980 62.18 € 70 PWS hose V8 LHD early ........................................ 799321 113.05 € 135 Drag Link 280-500SL/SLC FEBI ............................ 746180 49.98 € 70 PWS-hose 280SL/C LHD 1st gen. FN .................... 799221 119.00 € 140 Steering arm repair kit from '68 FEBI .................. 246062 32.37 € 70 PWS hose V8 LHD from ca. 82 .............................. 799521 109.48 € 145 Steering damper .................................................... 246080 38.68 € 1 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 36 46.c Power steering pump V8 early "Vickers" 8 Short gasket kit , pws pump "cyl-shaft" ............ 246104 27.43 € 40 PWS hose V8 LHD from ca. 82 ......................... 799521 109.48 € 8 Gasket set, pws pump "kone shaft" .................. 746105 4.76 € 40 PWS hose V8 LHD FN ....................................... 799322 101.15 € 10 Filter, pws. fluid tank ........................................ 299022 14.76 € 40 PWS hose 4.5 USA early ................................... 799421 89.25 € 14 Sealing ring, fluid tank cap ............................... 299023 2.98 € 40 PWS-hose 280SL/C LHD 1st gen. FN ............... 799221 119.00 € 19 O-Ring pws-reservoir->pump, small ................. 746243 1.07 € 40 PWS hose V8 LHD early .................................... 799321 113.05 € 20 O-ring Vickers pump,housing,reservoirV8 ........ 746246 1.67 € 41 1m PWS oil return hose .................................... 799020 29.75 € 20 hollow screw, oil reservoir @ VT27 .................. 746089 13.09 € 41 1m oil hose pws-return line .............................. 299020 22.61 € 25 woodruff key, pump shaft pws .......................... 246116 4.76 € 50 Seal kit PWS-pump 8-cyl early (Vickers) .......... 746101 32.13 € 30 Fan belt 10 x 1184, z.B. 3.5 Servo,FN .............. 799123 14.64 € Oil seal, PWS pump VT27 ................................. 246144 5.36 € 30 Fan belt 10 x 1160, z.B. 4.5 Servo,FN .............. 799126 12.50 € Seal ring PWS-Pump "ZF" ................................. 746144 7.14 € 35 Milled nut, pws reservoir .................................. 799462 1.43 € O Ring, pressure valve ...................................... 246145 2.98 € 40 PWS hose 4.5 USA, middl. Gen FN ................... 799422 124.95 € O-ring Vickers pump,housing,reservoirV8 ........ 746246 1.67 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 37 47.a Fuel System 1971-1976 Hose clamp 13mm ................................................... 747997 1.37 € 68 Seal ring 14mm Alu ................................................. 207186 0.60 € 15 Gasket, sender ......................................................... 147015 1.07 € 74 1m Fuel hose 5,5mm e.g. 107-fuel vent. .................. 247047 6.55 € 16 Sealing ring fuelsender unit 12.'72--> ..................... 747316 1.75 € 75 1m Fuel hose tank->pump 11/17mm, fabric ........... 247005 8.93 € 30 Fuel cap, plastic, no lock, FEBI ............................... 747009 10.77 € 75 1m. Fuel hose 7,5x13,0 flat surface ......................... 247007 8.50 € 31 Fuel tank cap w.lock black plastic ........................... 747011 21.42 € 76 1m Fuel hose tank->pump 11/17mm, fabric ........... 247005 8.93 € 32 Seal ring @ gas cap ................................................. 247010 2.98 € 76 Fuel hose 12 x 19mm, plain mantle ......................... 747027 20.50 € 40 Fuel pump, Replacement ......................................... 747905 303.45 € 77 1m Fuel hose tank->pump 11/17mm, fabric ........... 247005 8.93 € 40 Cap, ptr.,various cable con. ..................................... 299018 2.08 € 85 Clamp,3 way, fuel pipes, 113EUR 7x req ................ 247040 1.79 € 40 F.pump 06.76->08.85+300SL ................................. 747007 208.25 € 85 Clamp, fuel pipes ..................................................... 247049 1.94 € 45 Fuel filter R/C 107 -> 06.'76 .................................... 747702 36.35 € 86 Fuel and brake line clamps ...................................... 147014 1.69 € 53 Rubber buffer,fuel pump,late .................................. 247023 3.21 € 89 rubber inlay, clamp .................................................. 747039 1.84 € 61 1m Fuel hose tank->pump 11/17mm, fabric ........... 247005 8.93 € 91 Rubber protect. 2+1 pipes in clamp ........................ 247839 5.83 € 61 Fuel hose 12 x 19mm, plain mantle ......................... 747027 20.50 € 91 del-t: clamp inlay ..................................................... 747038 1.61 € 65 Rubber with tank-fitting .......................................... 747004 16.48 € 95 Screw w. washer ...................................................... 188036 5.83 € 67 Threaded fittig to filter 747702 ............................... 747147 8.33 € 97 Rubber trumpet, fuel tank ventilation ..................... 747079 9.81 € 98 Hose, 8,5/15mm, 1 metre ........................................ 247050 8.93 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 38 47.b Pumpenpakete zwischen 76 und 85 2 Seal ring, sump plug ................................................ 299303 0.30 € 40 Rubber with tank-fitting .......................................... 747004 16.48 € 4 Hollow screw M12 x 1,5 .......................................... 747146 2.38 € 40 Fuel hose 13x21 w. threaded fitting ........................ 747002 11.90 € 5 threaded cap, fuel studs .......................................... 747143 3.39 € 41 Fuel hose 13x21 w. threaded fitting ........................ 747002 11.90 € 10 F.pump 06.76->08.85+300SL ................................. 747006 77.35 € 42 Fuel hose 13x21 w. threaded fitting ........................ 747002 11.90 € 11 F.pump 06.76->08.85+300SL ................................. 747006 77.35 € 50 Fuel hose line, pump to filter ................................... 747138 13.69 € 12 F.pump 06.76->08.85+300SL ................................. 747006 77.35 € 50 1m fuel hose 7,5x12,5 fabric surface ....................... 247807 4.76 € 15 Fuel filter 6.'76 up to FN, D75mm "Mann ............... 747700 41.65 € 55 Fuel hose filter->damper K-Jet->78 ........................ 747110 13.09 € 20 Kraftstoffspeicher K-Jet bis 02.'79 ........................... 747709 196.35 € 59 1m Fuel hose 5,5mm e.g. 107-fuel vent. .................. 247047 6.55 € 21 Fuel pressure accumulator 80-85 ............................ 747710 196.35 € 60 Fuel hose, damper->feed line, FN ! ........................ 747148 9.52 € 22 Fuel pressure accumulator 80-85 ............................ 747710 196.35 € 60 Fuel hose line, filter to feed-line .............................. 747028 20.05 € 35 1m Fuel hose tank->pump 11/17mm, fabric ........... 247005 8.93 € 62 Fuel hose line, filter to feed-line .............................. 747028 20.05 € 35 1m Fuel Hose 14/22mm ........................................... 747029 29.16 € 63 Fuel hose, return, 8-Cyl. EUR ->85 ......................... 747041 24.40 € 35 Fuel hose 12 x 19mm, plain mantle ......................... 747027 20.50 € 65 Fuel hose line, filter to feed-line .............................. 747028 20.05 € 36 1m Fuel Hose 14/22mm ........................................... 747029 29.16 € 36 Fuel hose 12 x 19mm, plain mantle ......................... 747027 20.50 € 66 Fuel hose, filter->feed line ...................................... 747127 68 1m Fuel hose 5,5mm e.g. 107-fuel vent. .................. 247047 16.54 € 6.55 € 37 1m Fuel Hose 14/22mm ........................................... 747029 29.16 € 81 Counter sunk screw, eg wing to rail ........................ 799930 0.36 € 20.50 € 86 Rubber buffer,fuel pump,late .................................. 247023 3.21 € 90 Bolt M5 x 40 eg. FP-support .................................... 799847 0.54 € 37 Fuel hose 12 x 19mm, plain mantle ......................... 747027 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 39 47.c Fuel System from 09.'1985 14 Spring washer M8 .......................................... 233059 0.20 € 54 F.pump 06.76->08.85+300SL ........................ 747006 15 Shim, Exh/Tank support ................................. 298776 2.61 € 54 Cap, ptr.,various cable con. ............................ 299018 77.35 € 2.08 € 17 1m Fuel hose 5,5mm e.g. 107-fuel vent. ........ 247047 6.55 € 54 Benzinpumpe V8 '85-> (2x erf.) ..................... 747047 157.08 € 21 Sealing ring fuelsender unit 12.'72--> ........... 747316 1.75 € 58 Isolierstück Kraftstoffpumpe .......................... 747129 4.17 € 25 Fuel cap, plastic, no lock, FEBI ...................... 747009 10.77 € 59 Rubber buffer,fuel pump,late ......................... 247023 3.21 € 28 Washer, Star/frame ........................................ 288047 0.46 € 61 Nut, 5mm Rt. Hd. Threads ............................. 199095 0.24 € 29 Spring clip nut, 4,2, e.g. wing 107,.. .............. 299028 0.29 € 64 1m. Fuel hose 7,5x13,0 flat surface ............... 247007 8.50 € 32 1m Fuel hose 5,5mm e.g. 107-fuel vent. ........ 247047 6.55 € 71 1m. Fuel hose 7,5x13,0 flat surface ............... 247007 8.50 € 35 Fuel hose 13x21 w. threaded fitting ............... 747002 11.90 € 38 1m Fuel Hose 14/22mm .................................. 747029 29.16 € 82 90 Hose, filter->feed line 85-> ............................ 747131 Grommet 6/26, 45°, e.g. hydr-line clutc ......... 299001 21.37 € 2.20 € 38 Fuel hose 12 x 19mm, plain mantle ................ 747027 20.50 € 92 1m. Fuel hose 7,5x13,0 flat surface ............... 247007 8.50 € 40 1m Fuel hose 5,5mm e.g. 107-fuel vent. ........ 247047 6.55 € 95 Clamp,3 way, fuel pipes, 113EUR 7x req ....... 247040 1.79 € 40 Cable binder 160mm with rivet ...................... 854087 1.07 € 96 Screw w. washer ............................................. 188036 5.83 € 5.83 € 41 pump 1 to pump 2 line .................................... 747140 29.99 € 96a Screw w. washer ............................................. 188036 43 Hollow screw M12 x 1,5 ................................. 747146 2.38 € 97a Hex nut M6, yellow zinc. ................................ 181023 0.18 € 44 Seal ring, sump plug ....................................... 299303 0.30 € 97 Hex nut M6, yellow zinc. ................................ 181023 0.18 € 45a threaded cap, fuel studs ................................. 747143 3.39 € 103 Clamp, fuel pipes ............................................ 247049 1.94 € 45 threaded cap, fuel studs ................................. 747143 3.39 € 104 Seal ring, wiper screw .................................... 282407 0.76 € 46 Hex Nut, M4 ................................................... 799919 0.13 € 105 del-t: clamp inlay ............................................ 747038 1.61 € 1.79 € 46 Nut, 5mm Rt. Hd. Threads ............................. 199095 0.24 € 106 Clamp,3 way, fuel pipes, 113EUR 7x req ....... 247040 50 Fuel filter BOSCH 300-560SL '85-> ............... 747781 34.51 € 106 Fuel and brake line clamps ............................. 147014 1.69 € 50 Fuel filter D 80mm,"Mann", all from '85 ........ 747701 35.11 € 111 Hex nut M6, yellow zinc. ................................ 181023 0.18 € 112 Seal ring, wiper screw .................................... 282407 0.76 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 40 49.a Exhaust System 10 Frontpipe 280SL/SLC, Lt. FN .......................... 749901 107.10 € 41 Ctre silencer 280-450SLC ................................ 749821 398.65 € 11 Frontpipe 280SL/SLC, Rt. FN .......................... 749902 107.10 € 41 Exh.-kit 280SLC LHD late, Aftermarket ........... 749524 522.41 € 12 Frontpipe 280SL/SLC LHD, late, LH ............... 749003 107.10 € 41 Exh.-kit 280SLC LHD early, Aftermarket ......... 749523 522.41 € 13 Frontpipe 280SL/SLC LHD late RH ................. 749004 107.10 € 41 Ctre silencer SLC->'80,zn-al-plated ................. 749121 208.25 € 30 Lambda sond e.g. 300SL M103 ........................ 754319 196.35 € 42 Ctre silencer 380SL, Aftermarket .................... 749824 267.75 € 40 Ctre silencer 280-450SL->8.85,zn-al ............... 749120 148.75 € 50 Rr.silencer->8.85,Walker ................................. 749131 160.65 € 40 Exh-kit 280SL LHD 77-84 ................................ 749521 474.81 € 50 Rr.silencer->8.85,zn-al-plated ......................... 749130 160.65 € 40 Exh.-kit 280SL LHD 74-77, Aftermarket .......... 749520 474.81 € 51 End box 300/420/500SL from 09.1985 ............ 749835 236.81 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 41 49.b Exhaust Fitment Parts Satz Auspuffmontageteile 350SLC .................... 749494 67.29 € 53 Exh.clamp 36mm, 8-cyl. fr. w/o cat. .................. 749058 2.61 € 10 Short-kit mountg bits early V8 exhausts ........... 749345 15.47 € 55 Exh.clamp 53.5mm, ->03.80 ............................. 749057 2.26 € 10 Basic fittings,280,350,450SL/SLC ..................... 749045 17.85 € 56 Exhaust clamp, 51mm ....................................... 149017 2.98 € 12 Add. fittings, V8: 03.80->08.85 ......................... 749041 26.78 € 75 'T' bracket, SL/SLC ............................................ 749046 7.14 € 14 Additional fittings 300SL ................................... 749043 39.72 € 80 Manif.ring 350/350SL/C ->11.78 ...................... 749066 1.19 € 14 Small bits kit Exh.-mounting 560SL(Kat) .......... 749599 23.68 € 82 Flange w. cone 280SL/C ab 07.76 ..................... 749055 3.33 € 16 Fittings, 420-500SL 09.85-> ............................. 749040 42.25 € 83 Ball ring 280SL/C FN ........................................ 749064 14.88 € 20 Rubber ring, rear exh hanger ........................... 249019 1.13 € 87 Sintered metal ring 46mm ................................ 749062 4.17 € 21 'O' ring, long 280-500SLC, mid. ........................ 749038 4.94 € 87 Sintered metal ring 41mm ................................ 749061 2.80 € 22 Hanger, rbr., end box 09.85-> .......................... 749019 8.93 € 89 Al. gr. ring 45mm, 09.85-> rr.Rt. ...................... 749063 4.11 € 23 Rubber mount ring, ctre, from 09.85 ................ 749059 1.19 € 89 Steel gauze seal ring, frt pipe 49mm ................ 749068 5.65 € 24 'O' ring, front V8: 5 Ltr+300,420SL .................. 749072 2.38 € 94 Tail pipe, pipe shape, chrome ........................... 749031 27.50 € 35 Rubber buffer, exhaust ...................................... 798747 0.77 € 95 Tail pipe, chrome, short .................................... 749033 22.02 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 42 50, 20, 83 Radiator and Waterhoses, main 2 Fan blade M116/M117 from FN .............................. 720403 160.65 € 20 Rad.hose lr.280SL/C FN .......................................... 750014 2 Radiator 380/500SL '81->'85 .................................. 750006 482.55 € 21 Lower Rad hose 380SL/C Export(AUS/S/JP) ............ 750037 7.20 € 2 Plastic rivet e.g. lower fan duct ............................... 788992 0.36 € 21 Rad.hose 350/450SL/C ............................................ 750024 14.88 € 3 Plastic rivet e.g. lower fan duct ............................... 788992 0.36 € 21 Cooling hose set 350SL/SLC .................................... 750350 133.28 € 4 Plastic rivet e.g. lower fan duct ............................... 788992 0.36 € 23 Rad.hose lr.420/500SL fr.09.85 ............................... 750027 57.24 € 4 Radiator 420SL, 500SL from 09.'85 ........................ 750008 434.35 € 24 Water pump M110-Limo: 280/C/C/SE VIN!pl .......... 620020 85.68 € 4 Lüfterkupplung 8-Zyl ab FN .................................... 720430 292.15 € 24 Rad.hose to WaPu 280SL/C ..................................... 750033 8.93 € 4 Plug rivet, lower rad.cover ...................................... 788991 1.13 € 30 Hose clamp 20-32mm .............................................. 750042 1.90 € 9 Radiator cap ->08.'85 .............................................. 750016 13.09 € 31 CL hose heater, feed, all RHD, LHD->82 ................ 750881 16.66 € 9 Radiator cap 09.'85->, Index "140" ......................... 750017 7.08 € 32 CL hose, heater return R6 RHD (LHD:>82) ............ 750880 16.66 € 10 Rad.hose280SL/C Rad./thermo ................................ 750012 17.85 € 41 CL hose heater, feed, 3.5 , 3.8 FN ........................... 750879 16.66 € 11 Rad.hose up. 350/450SL/C ...................................... 750019 16.48 € 41 CL hose heater, feed, M117 w.vac-valve ................. 750876 13.09 € 11 Cooling hose set 350SL/SLC .................................... 750350 133.28 € 42 CL hose heater, feed, all RHD, LHD->82 ................ 750881 16.66 € 11 Rad.hose upper, 380/500SL 09.81-> ....................... 750022 10.06 € 43 Pipe, 116.984 heater return .................................... 783384 65.45 € 13 Rad.hose up. 420/500SL 09.85-> ............................ 750020 9.52 € 43 Heater return hose, early V8 (Vac-valve ................. 750877 16.66 € 49 Pipe, 116.984 heater return .................................... 783384 65.45 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 43 8.33 € 50.a, 20, 83 Cooling System 3.5 / 4.5 only 1 Überholung Kühler 350/450SL ................................ 750203 470.05 € 46 Hoseclamp 12mm to 22mm ..................................... 250042 11 Rubber support, radiator LH ................................... 750057 4.76 € 47 Hose clamp 20-32mm .............................................. 750042 1.79 € 1.90 € 12 Rubber support, radiator RH ................................... 750058 4.76 € 50 A117200380180 ....................................................... 720920 124.95 € 13 see 207115 Copper shim ......................................... 799309 1.06 € 50 water pump 3.5/4.5 .................................................. 720020 113.05 € 17 Coolg liquid reservoir, mid.generation .................... 750031 107.46 € 57 visco blower clutch V8, Water Pump new ............... 720330 178.50 € 22 Radiator cap ->08.'85 .............................................. 750016 13.09 € 60 thermostat 350-500SL/SLC, 75°C+o-ring ............... 720009 26.95 € 25 Cooling hose set 350SL/SLC .................................... 750350 133.28 € 61 Seal ring .................................................................. 220016 1.13 € 25 Rad.hose 350/450SL/C ............................................ 750024 14.88 € 65 V belt alt./wapu/fan 10 x 980 ................................... 799113 9.83 € 27 Rad.hose up. 350/450SL/C ...................................... 750019 16.48 € 65 Fan belt 10x1025 z.B. 4.5 US FN ............................ 799124 8.93 € 27 Cooling hose set 350SL/SLC .................................... 750350 133.28 € 65 V belt 10 X 913 ........................................................ 799115 8.93 € 28 water hose, V8 return pipe to thermhous ................ 750304 7.02 € 65 Fan belt 10x1000 eg 4.5 generator FN ................... 799121 8.48 € 29 Hose,thermostate housg. 3.5/4.5 K-Jet .................... 750404 17.85 € 65 Fan belt 10 x 950 egM116early generator .............. 799122 10.41 € 30 Heater return hose, early V8 (Vac-valve ................. 750877 16.66 € 32 CL hose heater, feed, 3.5 , 3.8 FN ........................... 750879 16.66 € 66 Fan belt 10 x 1184, z.B. 3.5 Servo,FN ..................... 799123 66 V belt 10 x 1200 , WaPu/p.w.s.(2xreq) .................... 799117 14.64 € 11.90 € 32 CL hose heater, feed, M117 w.vac-valve ................. 750876 13.09 € 66 Fan belt 10 x 1160, z.B. 4.5 Servo,FN ..................... 799126 12.50 € 34 CL hose heater, feed, all RHD, LHD->82 ................ 750881 16.66 € 67 Keilriemen 13 x 868 Klima V8 FN ........................... 799128 12.36 € 36 Rubbergrommet, heat.return Rt. ............................. 799003 10.71 € 67 V belt 13 X 850 ........................................................ 799116 9.94 € 37 de-t: Foam ring ........................................................ 750395 2.98 € 72 Thermoschalter 100° ALTBESTAND ....................... 207863 9.98 € 47.60 € 1.14 € 75 Thermo switch, idle M116 US ................................. 707326 40 Hose V8 waterpump->intake, D42/L40 ................... 750105 8.33 € 76 Seal ring 14mm Alu ................................................. 207186 0.60 € 41 Water hose, i/D 18mm per metre ............................ 250019 17.85 € 78 Sender unit, coolant temp.gauge ............................. 754097 17.85 € 42 Water hose, 8/15mm per metre ............................... 250016 21.42 € 78 Temp. sender unit, e.g. water/D-Jet ......................... 754396 47.01 € 42 Hose CL overflow T-pipe ......................................... 750316 29.75 € 79 Sealing ring, hollow bolt .......................................... 227023 0.48 € 45 Hose clamp 45-55mm .............................................. 750346 1.90 € 91 el. Lüfter, Zusatzkühlung ........................................ 750251 277.27 € 37 Gummiring bei Wasseranschluss ............................. 750396 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 44 15, 54 El. Control Units 10 Control box KE-Jet 300SL ->09.87 .................. 754309 1184.05 € 34 Ign. coil 280SL ab 09.'81 BOSC ...................... 754021 77.35 € 10 Control box KE-Jet 500SL ................................ 754314 1392.30 € 34 Ign. coil 113 transist-ign + 107 early .............. 754820 105.91 € 10 Control box KE-Jet 300SL 09.87->,exch. ......... 754311 856.80 € 34 Ign. coil 380/500SL/SLC, BOSCH .................... 754022 83.30 € 15 Fuel pump relay, V8 from '85 .......................... 754325 21.90 € 34 Zündspule zB 280SL ab ca. 81 BERU .............. 754821 105.91 € 15 Control box,tickover,420/500SL ...................... 754320 229.08 € 34 Ign.coil 113TCI + R/C107 early, BOSCH ........ 754020 95.91 € 15 Fuel pump relay 3.8 / 4.5 US, FN ! ................. 754384 60.15 € 36 Resistor, 0.4 Ohm ............................................ 254266 33.32 € 15 Pump relay 280SL/SLC 3.80-8.81 .................... 754323 113.05 € 36 Ballast resistor .6 Ohm, silver, TSZ ................. 254166 34.51 € 15 FP relay e.g. 300SL from FN ........................... 754321 190.40 € 38 Ign. coil 420/500SL ......................................... 754024 120.79 € 15 Relay, idle meas to fuel-pump ......................... 754305 65.15 € 38 Ign. Coil 420/500SL ......................................... 754824 113.05 € 22 Trans.ign. D-Jet V8 2.gen. ............................... 754290 493.85 € 38 Ign. coil 300SL(107/129), others, BERU ......... 754823 101.75 € 24 Trans.ign.380/500SL->8.85 ............................. 754295 529.55 € 38 Ign. coil 300SL(107/129), ... , BOSCH ............. 754023 119.00 € 24 Trans.ign. Hella ............................................... 754993 148.75 € 38 Ign. coil 300SDL (107/129) no-name-bran ...... 754883 46.41 € 26 Sender, UDC, e.g. M110.986, ..990, 116F ...... 715264 54.74 € 45 Gen.control unit, 65->74 BERU ...................... 254121 66.64 € 26 RPM Sensor e.g. 103.982 FN .......................... 715364 59.50 € 45 Extr. reg.,alternators '65->'74 ........................ 254021 164.22 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 45 46, 54 Cockpit o.A. Cable binder 160mm with rivet ............................. 854087 1.07 € 58 el.switch, glovebox,bonnet... ................................. 782885 oA Clips clamp, plastic, 13mm .................................... 754069 0.95 € 59 Switch, flat connectors .......................................... 282031 9.89 € o.A. Gummikappe, El.Anschluss zB Warmlaufg. ........... 754170 8.93 € 62 Multiswitch LHD fr. 09.75 ..................................... 746302 127.00 € 13 Bulb, e.g. switch-knob ........................................... 299097 1.70 € 67 Spiral element, cigar lighter ................................. 154049 17.26 € 13 Bulb, passenger compt. FN ................................... 299096 1.79 € 70 Horn,335Hz = deep tone ....................................... 754014 33.92 € 15 Speedo cbl. 280SL/C, auto.LHD -->03.80 ............. 754120 31.42 € 70 Loud horn 400Hz (higher note) ............................. 754013 29.16 € 15 Speedo cbl. 350-450SL/C auto.LHD-->03.8 .......... 754100 38.68 € 79 Relay, indicator ->08.'77 ....................................... 782355 99.96 € 15 Speedo cbl. 280SL/C, 4-gear LHD -->03.8 ............ 754115 31.15 € 81 Fuel pump relay, V8 from '85 ................................ 754325 21.90 € 15 Speedom.shaft 350SL/C RHD ,4-speed ................. 754110 36.82 € 81 Fuel pump relay 3.8 / 4.5 US, FN ! ........................ 754384 60.15 € 15 Speedom.shaft 280SL RHD ,autom. ...................... 754135 42.65 € 81 Relay, idle meas to fuel-pump ............................... 754305 65.15 € 15 Speedo cbl. 350SL/C, 4-gear LHD -->03.8 ............ 754105 34.62 € 81 Pump relay 280SL/SLC 3.80-8.81 .......................... 754323 113.05 € 15 Speedom.shaft 350/450SL/C RHD ,autom. ............ 754125 42.65 € 81 Control box,tickover,420/500SL ............................ 754320 229.08 € 31 El. switch, rr.window heater ................................. 782370 24.40 € 84 El. relay, see pict, div. applications ....................... 754329 22.41 € 34 El. switch, hazard indicator ................................... 782359 11.90 € 35 el. switch SE seat heater l/r .................................. 782369 102.01 € 84 Relay, 6-pole, several applications ........................ 954329 87 Relay ...................................................................... 754238 23.80 € 41.65 € 36 El. switch,powr windw,81-87 Lt.+Rt.,see .............. 782379 41.65 € 87 Relay, overvoltage control ..................................... 754338 67.06 € 36 Switch, el.w.,300-500SL ........................................ 782371 29.75 € 110 wire strap w. plug, short (120mm) ........................ 554087 1.07 € 36 el. Schalter EFH 81->87 li/re REPRO ................... 782979 12.20 € 110 5-pole block terminal ............................................. 154054 39.27 € 36 Switch, el.w.,300-500SL Rt. fr.87 .......................... 782372 23.95 € 116 Sold on sleeve 4mm ............................................... 254055 1.40 € 49 Bulb 12V/0,5W, see picture ................................... 799083 1.43 € 116 metal pin f. el. connectors ..................................... 754054 0.36 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 46 2.38 € 54.b, 61 Rubbergrommets oA Clips clamp, plastic, 13mm ................................ 754069 0.95 € 21 Rubber grommet 2/18 121,113,107... ................ 199010 1.37 € 1 Rubber buffer 5mm,121,113,10 ......................... 298066 0.74 € 21 Grommet 4/18mm, 1 hole ................................... 798778 2.38 € 2 rubber disc 18mm .............................................. 798153 1.67 € 21 Grommet 2/13mm, 1 hole ................................... 798784 1.79 € 5 Rubber stopper e.g. filler door ........................... 798787 1.55 € 25 threaded plug, belt holes ................................... 799099 1.19 € 5 Rubber plug 12mm ............................................. 798746 1.19 € 30 Grommet,angled,18/25mm oval ......................... 798765 8.21 € 5 Rbr plug 10mm .................................................. 798781 0.95 € 33 Cover above fuel sender, plastic,black ............... 347014 7.14 € 5 plug, 9,5mm ....................................................... 298788 1.05 € 36 Sealing disc, rbr. 26mm ..................................... 298782 1.07 € 6 Sealing disc, rbr. 34mm ..................................... 798154 1.36 € 38 Grommet,cable,bulkhead 17/40 ......................... 299007 2.50 € 7 Rubber plug, oval ............................................... 598782 1.84 € 39 Grommet 17/53mm, multihole ........................... 798757 4.76 € 7 Stopfen oval, zB. Schweller ................................ 798770 1.76 € 41 Grommet,mutiple holes, /35 ............................... 298789 2.50 € 8 Rubber stopper, 20mm ...................................... 298780 0.77 € 46 Cap, ptr.,various cable con. ............................... 299018 2.08 € 10 Rbr plug 17,5mm ............................................... 398995 0.95 € 46 Gummikappe, El.Anschluss zB Warmlaufg. ....... 754170 8.93 € 11 Sealing disc, rbr. 34mm ..................................... 798154 1.36 € 50 Grommet, 5/10mm ............................................. 182005 2.08 € 16 Rubber plug, 22mm ............................................ 798763 6.43 € 51 Cap, starter terminal .......................................... 154056 4.70 € 17 Rubber plug 30mm ............................................. 798783 2.38 € 53 Rubber grommet 11/30, bulkh(190),107,.. ......... 299017 1.31 € 18 Grommet 4/20mm, 1 hole, drain ........................ 399009 1.40 € 55 Sealing disc, rubber 41mm ................................ 798184 2.38 € 20 Grommet,multihole 27mm ................................. 798777 2.14 € 21 Grommet 3 cable 3/20 ........................................ 199008 1.00 € 58 Rubber hose grommet, doors to pillar ............... 780920 59 Grommet, acc linkage->firewall ......................... 798775 4.28 € 4.76 € 21 Grommet 6/26, 45°, e.g. hydr-line clutc ............. 299001 2.20 € 93 Sleeve, prt., h'lamp cables ................................. 754046 22.61 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 47 54.c, 62 Firewall Grommets, Plugs, Insulation set9 Grommet set firewall 6 pce ............................ 799350 39.27 € 13R Seal profile f.a. inlet ....................................... 783819 Set rubber bits hidden firewall heater ........... 799835 47.60 € 13L Seal, firewall cover ->08.81 ........................... 783037 1 Grommet 17/53mm, multihole ........................ 798757 4.76 € 15 Rubberseal, firewall heater aperture ............. 783810 13.69 € 2 Grommet,mutiple holes, /35 ........................... 298789 2.50 € 16 Seal, heater fan .............................................. 783036 20.23 € 4 Rubbergrommet, heat.return Rt. .................... 799003 10.71 € 18 Foam shim, wiper linkage to body ................. 782248 0.71 € 5 de-t: Foam ring ............................................... 750395 2.98 € 20 Grommet, large, firewall 107 ......................... 798759 13.09 € 7 Grommet, acc linkage->firewall ..................... 798775 4.76 € 21 Seal ring, wiper screw .................................... 282407 0.76 € 8 Grommet,mutiple holes, /35 ........................... 298789 2.50 € 24 Grommet 6/26, 45°, e.g. hydr-line clutc ......... 299001 2.20 € 10 Grommet,angled,18/25mm oval ..................... 798765 8.21 € 24 Sealing disc, rbr. 26mm ................................. 298782 1.07 € 11 Rubbergrommet, e.g:waterpipe ..................... 799004 8.21 € 26 Sealing disc, rbr. 34mm ................................. 798154 1.36 € 12 Rubbergrommet, e.g:waterpipe ..................... 799004 8.21 € 26 Grommet 6/26, 45°, e.g. hydr-line clutc ......... 299001 2.20 € 13L Seal profile f.a. inlet ....................................... 783819 4.52 € 26 Rbr plug 17,5mm ............................................ 398995 0.95 € 13R Seal, firewall cover ->08.81 ........................... 783037 4.64 € 27 Sealing disc, rbr. 34mm ................................. 798154 1.36 € 30 Rubber stopper, 20mm ................................... 298780 0.77 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 48 4.52 € 4.64 € Body Floor+Frame "SL" 280SL 350SL 380SL 450SL 500SL etc 2 Set 4pcs SL-floors, no kat buckle .................. 761001 305.00 € 45 Outer sill SL, LH, Repro ................................ 763011 380.80 € 2 Rep.Floor panel front left .............................. 761031 81.22 € 46 Cap, outer rail RT frt ..................................... 763006 30.94 € 3 Set 4pcs SL-floors, no kat buckle .................. 761001 305.00 € 46 Cap, outer rail LT frt ..................................... 763005 30.94 € 3 RR floor section LH ....................................... 761035 87.47 € 47 Reinforcment ring, jacking tubes .................. 763110 9.52 € 6kat Frt RH 107 floor, kat buckle version ............. 761042 65.60 € 48 Rep. section SL around jackhole frt RH ........ 763825 91.63 € 6 Set 4pcs SL-floors, no kat buckle .................. 761001 305.00 € 48 Rep. section SL around jackhole frt LH ........ 763815 91.63 € 6 Rep.Floor panel frt RH early (no cat) ............ 761041 81.22 € 49 Rep. section SL around jackhole rr LH ......... 763835 79.73 € 6kat Set 4pcs SL floors, RH with kat-buckle ......... 761002 298.10 € 49 Rep. section SL around jackhole rr RH ......... 763845 79.73 € 55a del-t: Spare tire well R/C107 ......................... 761800 232.05 € 7 Rep.Floor panel rear right ............................ 761045 87.47 € 7 Set 4pcs SL-floors, no kat buckle .................. 761001 305.00 € 55 fixing mount, spare tire 3rd gen. .................. 740015 10 Rail under frt-floor LH Repro ........................ 761831 73.19 € 55 Grommet,multihole 27mm ............................ 798777 2.14 € 11 Rail RH Repro "no Cat / flatfloor" ................. 761832 73.19 € 12 Rail RH floor@ Cat-bubble ............................ 761834 76.76 € 57 59 Trunk floor LH near bowl .............................. 761410 Boot floor, Lt. R/C107 ................................... 761070 46.41 € 98.77 € 34 Cover round, strut, sp.tyre well, .. ................ 268070 4.64 € 62 Trunk floor RH,Repro "Batt in trunk" ........... 761881 327.25 € 40 Rail 107Cab inner RH up to FN .................... 761820 362.95 € 62 Trunk floor RH,Repro "Batt@front" .............. 761880 291.55 € 40 Rail 107Cab LH inner, Repro ........................ 761810 362.95 € 62 Grommet,multihole 27mm ............................ 798777 2.14 € Rep.panel trunk floor right ........................... 761083 73.41 € 34.51 € 41 drain panel in SLC-rail LH ............................ 763007 24.99 € 65 41 drain panel in SLC-rail RH ............................ 763008 24.99 € 65 Grommet,multihole 27mm ............................ 798777 2.14 € 45 Outer sill SL, RH, Repro ................................ 763021 380.80 € 80 support, bumper eye inner rr. ....................... 761415 20.83 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 49 Floor and Frame "SLC" 280SLC 350SLC 380SLC 450SLC etc set Set Floor Panels SLC, 6 pcs. ........................ 761003 415.31 € 11 Rail RH Repro "no Cat / flatfloor" ................ 761832 2 Set 4pcs SL-floors, no kat buckle ................. 761001 305.00 € 34 Cover round, strut, sp.tyre well, .. ............... 268070 4.64 € 2 Rep.Floor panel front left ............................. 761031 81.22 € 41 drain panel in SLC-rail LH ........................... 763007 24.99 € 2 Set Floor Panels SLC, 6 pcs. ........................ 761003 415.31 € 41 drain panel in SLC-rail RH ........................... 763008 24.99 € 3 Set 4pcs SL-floors, no kat buckle ................. 761001 305.00 € 43 Jacking point SLC, rr L+R,frt R ................... 761029 45.22 € 3 Set Floor Panels SLC, 6 pcs. ........................ 761003 415.31 € 46 Rail patch outer SLC Rt, simplified .............. 763026 99.96 € 3 RR floor section LH ...................................... 761035 87.47 € 47 Cap, outer rail LT frt .................................... 763005 30.94 € 4 Set Floor Panels SLC, 6 pcs. ........................ 761003 415.31 € 47 Cap, outer rail RT frt .................................... 763006 30.94 € 4 Floor panel SLC, rear Rt. ............................. 761060 69.02 € 48 Reinforcment ring, jacking tubes ................. 763110 9.52 € 4 Floor panel C107, rear Lt. ............................ 761050 69.02 € 49 Rep-section rear sill SLC LH ........................ 763816 89.25 € 6 Set Floor Panels SLC, 6 pcs. ........................ 761003 415.31 € 49 Rep-section rear sill SLC RH ....................... 763826 89.25 € 6 Set 4pcs SL-floors, no kat buckle ................. 761001 305.00 € 54 fixing mount, spare tire 3rd gen. ................. 740015 34.51 € 6 Rep.Floor panel frt RH early (no cat) .......... 761041 81.22 € 7 Set 4pcs SL-floors, no kat buckle ................. 761001 305.00 € 55a del-t: Spare tire well R/C107 ........................ 761800 57 Trunk floor LH near bowl ............................. 761410 232.05 € 46.41 € 7 Set Floor Panels SLC, 6 pcs. ........................ 761003 415.31 € 59 Boot floor, Lt. R/C107 .................................. 761070 7 Rep.Floor panel rear right ........................... 761045 87.47 € 62 Grommet,multihole 27mm ........................... 798777 2.14 € 10 Rail under frt-floor LH Repro ....................... 761831 73.19 € 65 Rep.panel trunk floor right .......................... 761083 73.41 € 80 support, bumper eye inner rr. ...................... 761415 20.83 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 50 73.19 € 98.77 € 61b, 62 Body Frame Front Rep section bulkhead @ blower box ............ 762838 416.50 € 48 Set side wall RH 3-pcs ................................. 762340 368.90 € 18 Cap, outer rail LT frt .................................... 763005 30.94 € 48 Set side wall LH 3-pcs .................................. 762330 368.90 € 18 Cap, outer rail RT frt .................................... 763006 30.94 € 50 Rest: Inner wing repair piece, rt. ................. 762141 21.42 € 20 Rail under frt-floor LH Repro ....................... 761831 73.19 € 50 Rest: Inner wing repair piece, lt. ................. 762131 21.42 € 21 Rail RH floor@ Cat-bubble ........................... 761834 76.76 € 53 wheelarch reinforcement RH ....................... 762820 35.70 € 21 Rail RH Repro "no Cat / flatfloor" ................ 761832 73.19 € 53 wheelarch reinforcement LH ....................... 762810 35.70 € 33 tube, radiator support .................................. 762038 99.66 € 56 Shock absorber support LH ......................... 762135 94.01 € 48 Inner wing, front, Rt. ................................... 762140 279.65 € 56 Shock absorber support RH ......................... 762145 94.01 € 48 Inner wing, front, Lt. .................................... 762130 279.65 € 84 Battery holder frame R/C107 ....................... 761226 52.36 € 2 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 51 Body rear Panelling, SL only 1 Rail 107Cab LH inner, Repro ........................... 761810 362.95 € 45 Washer 6.4 large, yellow zinced ...................... 299276 0.18 € 1 Rail 107Cab inner RH up to FN ....................... 761820 362.95 € 45 Trennwand Kofferraum/Innenraum R107 ........ 769100 618.84 € 5 drain panel in SLC-rail RH ............................... 763008 24.99 € 48 Rep. section SL around jackhole frt LH ........... 763815 91.63 € 5 drain panel in SLC-rail LH ............................... 763007 24.99 € 48 Rep. section SL around jackhole frt RH ........... 763825 91.63 € 10 Outer sill SL, LH, Repro ................................... 763011 380.80 € 49 Rep. section SL around jackhole rr RH ............ 763845 79.73 € 10 Outer sill SL, RH, Repro .................................. 763021 380.80 € 49 Rep. section SL around jackhole rr LH ............ 763835 79.73 € 15 Cap, outer rail RT frt ........................................ 763006 30.94 € 52 Whl.arch R107 rear Rt. .................................... 763083 93.71 € 15 Cap, outer rail LT frt ........................................ 763005 30.94 € 52 Whl.arch R107 rear Lt. .................................... 763073 93.71 € 17 Reinforcment ring, jacking tubes ..................... 763110 9.52 € 66 Rubber stopper e.g. filler door ......................... 798787 1.55 € 30 Inner wheel arch R/C107 rr.RH ....................... 763060 124.95 € 69 Boot floor, Lt. R/C107 ...................................... 761070 98.77 € 30 Inner wheel arch R/C107 rr.LH ....................... 763050 124.95 € 79 M5 riveted nut eg lic-plate ............................... 764099 0.60 € 35 Run-off hose (box drain) ................................... 779032 10.71 € 80 cover, rear panel, inner .................................... 269033 30.94 € 90 support, bumper eye inner rr. .......................... 761415 20.83 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 52 Body rear Panelling, SLC only Whl.arch R107 rear Lt. ................................ 763073 93.71 € 15 Cap, outer rail LT frt ................................... 763005 30.94 € set Set SLC-patches RH, rear wing ................... 763888 154.70 € 15 Cap, outer rail RT frt ................................... 763006 30.94 € Whl.arch R107 rear Rt. ............................... 763083 93.71 € 17 Reinforcment ring, jacking tubes ................ 763110 9.52 € set Set SLC-patches LH, rear wing ................... 763878 154.70 € 30 Inner wheel arch R/C107 rr.LH ................... 763050 124.95 € 5 drain panel in SLC-rail LH .......................... 763007 24.99 € 30 Inner wheel arch R/C107 rr.RH .................. 763060 124.95 € 5 drain panel in SLC-rail RH .......................... 763008 24.99 € 53 Repr. skirt SLC rear Rt., repro .................... 763088 81.22 € 8 Jacking point SLC, rr L+R,frt R ................... 761029 45.22 € 53 Repr. skirt SLC rear Lt., repro. ................... 763078 81.22 € 9 Jacking point SLC, rr L+R,frt R ................... 761029 45.22 € 66 rubber buffer, e.g. tank filler door .............. 398795 1.02 € 11 Rail patch outer SLC Rt, simplified ............. 763026 99.96 € 69 Boot floor, Lt. R/C107 .................................. 761070 98.77 € 12 Rep-section rear sill SLC LH ....................... 763816 89.25 € 79 M5 riveted nut eg lic-plate .......................... 764099 0.60 € 12 Rep-section rear sill SLC RH ....................... 763826 89.25 € 80 cover, rear panel, inner ............................... 269033 30.94 € 90 support, bumper eye inner rr. ..................... 761415 20.83 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 53 67 SLC Windows, weatherstrips Body main rubberseal kit SLC .......................... 772605 669.38 € 21 Seal, rear window SLC, OE-quality ................... 767033 77.35 € 1a Set WS-Glass mounting (glue etc) .................... 967001 28.50 € 34 Inlay, rubber. lifting channel ............................ 767509 13.21 € 1 Set WS-Glass mounting (glue etc) .................... 967001 28.50 € 45 Brush profile, inner Rt. rear ............................. 773512 12.50 € 1 Window glass transport carton ......................... 967994 29.75 € 45 Brush profile, inner Lt. rear .............................. 773513 12.50 € 1a W/Sglasstrans.carton ........... 967999 113.05 € 46 Brush profile, outer Rt. rear ............................. 773510 13.09 € 1b W.S. SLC green+gn stripe aftm. ....................... 767220 238.00 € 46 Brush profile, outer Lt. rear .............................. 773511 13.09 € 1 W/Sglasstrans.carton ........... 967999 113.05 € 47 Clip for brush 872500 + near 772511/512 ....... 772503 1.49 € 1b Set WS-Glass mounting (glue etc) .................... 967001 28.50 € 48 Clip for brush 872500 + near 772511/512 ....... 772503 1.49 € 1a Window glass transport carton ......................... 967994 29.75 € 53 Clip, door seal ................................................... 873159 0.60 € 1a Windscreen SLC,green aftm. ............................ 767200 243.95 € 58 Clip, dec. strip to door ...................................... 772505 2.98 € 1 226.10 € 61 Seal, 1/4 window, front Rt. SLC ........................ 767222 48.79 € 1b Window glass transport carton ......................... 967994 29.75 € 61 Seal, 1/4 window, front Lt. SLC ........................ 767221 48.79 € 1b W/Sglasstrans.carton ........... 967999 113.05 € 63 Stopper for seal ................................................. 772159 0.35 € Set WS-Glass mounting (glue etc) .................... 967001 28.50 € 70 Seal, SLC side window, Rt. ............................... 772211 130.90 € 18 Screw, R/C107, R113 ........................................ 272724 0.23 € 70 Seal, SLC side window, Lt. ............................... 772216 130.90 € 19 Self tapping screw, chromed ............................ 268133 1.07 € 90 Window crank handle 63-70 replacemt ............ 276001 117.81 € 2 Windscreen SLC,clear aftm. ............................. 767100 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 54 67, 81, 69 Windscreen Attachment Parts sets Set sunvisors SL incl brackets LHD grey ....... 781175 399.99 € 28 Screw, 6x16 e.g. door catch, .. ....................... 777021 1.07 € sets Set sunvisors SL incl brackets LHD blac ....... 781195 356.99 € 29 Ring, rubber on casing ................................... 777015 2.20 € sets Set sunvisors SL incl brackets LHD blue ....... 781155 399.99 € 32 Screw, interior mirror .................................... 799928 0.48 € sets Set sunvisors SL incl brackets LHD beig ....... 781185 356.99 € 40b W.S.R107,green+gn.stripe aftm. ................... 767020 208.25 € 1 Sunvisor SL w/o brackets LH grey ................. 781173 159.98 € 40a W/Sglasstrans.carton ........ 967999 113.05 € 1 Sunvisor SL w/o brackets LH creme .............. 781123 159.98 € 40b W.S.R107,green+blue stripe ......................... 767022 226.10 € 1 Sunvisor SL w/o brackets LH black ............... 781191 159.98 € 40 Windscreen R107, clear aftm. ........................ 767110 196.35 € 1 Sunvisor SL w/o brackets LH blue ................. 781151 159.98 € 40a Windscreen R107, green aftm. ...................... 767010 315.35 € 4 Sunvisor SL w/o brackets RH blue ................. 781152 169.99 € 40 Window glass transport carton ...................... 967994 29.75 € 4 Sunvisor SL w/o brackets RH grey ................ 781174 169.99 € 40b W/Sglasstrans.carton ........ 967999 113.05 € 4 Sunvisor SL w/o brackets RH creme ............. 781124 169.99 € 40 W/Sglasstrans.carton ........ 967999 113.05 € 4 Sunvisor SL w/o brackets RH black ............... 781192 169.99 € 8rep Dismountable pin,inner visor support SL ...... 781800 35.70 € 40b Window glass transport carton ...................... 967994 40a Window glass transport carton ...................... 967994 29.75 € 29.75 € 8rep Mounts 1 Visor, inner, grey ........................... 781504 32.73 € 42 Set WS-Glass mounting (glue etc) ................. 967001 28.50 € 8rep Mounts 1 Visor, inner, dark blue ................... 781501 32.73 € 44 Clip, dec. strip ................................................ 798735 0.18 € 8rep Mounts 1 Visor, inner, brasil ......................... 781506 32.73 € 49 Rivet, rear window drip strips ....................... 270691 0.19 € 8rep Mounts 1 Visor, inner, parchment ................. 781503 32.73 € 51 Seal, 'A' pillar, R107 Rt. ................................. 772220 117.81 € 8rep Mounts 1 Visor, inner, black .......................... 781500 32.73 € 51 Seal A-pillar R107 leftrepro ........................... 772825 46.78 € 8rep Mounts 1 Visor, inner, henna red .................. 781505 32.73 € 51 Seal, 'A' pillar, R107 lft. ................................. 772225 117.81 € 8rep Mounts 1 Visor, inner, palomino .................... 781502 32.73 € 51 Seal A-pillar R107 rightrepro ......................... 772820 46.78 € Screw, sealing rail 230SL .............................. 272723 0.48 € 9 Escutcheon on 267003/4 ................................ 267014 0.46 € 57 11 Interior light without bulb, version'77 ........... 782829 4.64 € 58 Self tapping screw, chromed ......................... 268133 1.07 € 12 Bulb, 5W, torpedo .......................................... 299098 1.07 € 80 visor rod w. metal bracket RH, black ............. 781512 62.48 € 16 Screw ............................................................. 799929 0.36 € 80 visor rod w. metal bracket RH, unpainte ....... 781514 59.50 € 23 Self tapping screw, chromed ......................... 268133 1.07 € 80 visor rod w. metal bracket LH, black ............. 781511 62.48 € 25 Screw ............................................................. 799931 0.24 € 80 visor rod w. metal bracket LH, unpainte ....... 781513 59.50 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 55 68.a, 81 Interior Covering Dashboard repr. cover blue ....................... 768852 184.45 € 93L Kunststoffniete ........................................... 769034 0.36 € Dashboard repr. cover brown LHD ............ 768851 184.45 € 93L cover, glovebox lid date ............................. 768864 237.77 € Dashboard repr. cover black ..................... 768850 184.45 € 100 Speaker, dashboard 107 ............................ 768015 34.51 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 56 68.b Insulation mats, passenger comp. 1 Foam pad attach carpet LHD, RH & LH .................. 768252 178.50 € 25 Floor ins. SL, well, lt., early ..................................... 768195 98.10 € 15 Pedal footwell ins. LHD rt., late .............................. 768223 41.65 € 25 Floor ins. SL, well, rt., ............................................. 768196 98.10 € 25 Floor ins. SL, well, rt., late ...................................... 768198 8.90 € 26 1sqm mat, Terodem SP300 self adhesive ................ 968170 59.98 € 25 1sqm mat, Terodem SP300 self adhesive ................ 968170 59.98 € 30 1sqm mat, Terodem SP300 self adhesive ................ 968170 59.98 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 57 68.c, 69 Covering and trim, rocker panel/pillars Counter sunk screw 3,9 Phillips ........................ 281139 2.95 € 34 Verkl.unter Armat-brett in.RHD Schalter .......... 768788 Screw ................................................................. 799931 0.24 € 34 Clip, covers, 113 late, 111, 107, .. ..................... 268276 0.65 € del-t:1 pair mats color "date" b-qualit ............... 768832 49.90 € 34 Verkl.unter Armat-brett in.RHD ........................ 768786 90.44 € 14 Senkschraube LiKo VA, 4,2 x 16 ........................ 999932 0.54 € 34 Verkl.unter Armat-brett re.RHD ........................ 768784 90.44 € 14 Counter sunk screw 4,2x14 ............................... 799932 2.30 € 34 Cover board RH LHD (not heater channel) ....... 768768 53.55 € 20 Fußraumverkleidung li. schwarz ....................... 768070 13.69 € 40 Gkt., R107 B-pillar upper Rt. ............................. 772206 16.66 € 20 Fußraum Seitenverkleidung blau ...................... 768072 9.76 € 40 Chrome cover R107 ->8.81 B-pillar LH ............. 769230 224.91 € 21 Fußraum Seitenverkleidung blau ...................... 768082 17.85 € 40 Dichtung R107 B-Säule ..................... 772816 9.52 € 30 Cover board above pedals LH LHD Autm .......... 768753 53.55 € 40 Gkt., R107 B-pillar upper Lt .............................. 772106 16.66 € 30 Covering LH, LHD/man, upper footcomp. ......... 768751 99.96 € 40 Chrome cover R107 ->8.81, B-pillar RH ........... 769240 224.91 € 30 Clip, covers, 113 late, 111, 107, .. ..................... 268276 0.65 € 40 Flat headed screw M4x7 chrome ...................... 269243 0.48 € 40 Dichtung R107 B-Säule .................... 772826 9.52 € 1 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 58 90.44 € 68.d, 81, 78 SLC Roof Attachment Parts 10 S'shine roof SLC cremegrey ................... 769800 289.71 € 45 Slider,s'shine roof, middle ...................... 778975 26.18 € 15 Clip, e.g. s'roof vinyl frame ..................... 798737 1.11 € 61 Water run-off hose, per metr .................. 778945 25.50 € 29 Spire nut for handle ................................ 798739 0.36 € 85 Roof interior light SLC front ................... 782026 8.15 € 92 Bush,sunvisor, beige ............................... 781229 26.18 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 59 68.e, 69, Covering trunk / boot rr speaker SLC ....................................................... 768016 35.01 € 60 Trennwand Kofferraum/Innenraum R107 ............. 769100 618.84 € 4 Cover boot LH, black paper ->'75 ......................... 768611 69.02 € 69 nut, coverings ........................................................ 799097 1.07 € 5 Boot covering RH(blck card style,->'76) ............... 768612 41.65 € 86 1m sealing profile .................................................. 799996 2.46 € 11 screw countersunk PH 2,9x13 stainless ................ 769179 0.24 € 87 Grommet,multihole 27mm ..................................... 798777 2.14 € 11 Set 8 screws rr boot carpet trims .......................... 769178 1.79 € 89 Rubber grommet 11/30, bulkh(190),107,.. ............ 299017 1.31 € 14 cover, rear panel, inner ......................................... 269033 30.94 € 100 Trunk carpet set R107 2-tone blue ........................ 793959 327.25 € 14 Tapping screw Phillips 4,2x9,5 .............................. 799936 0.13 € 101 Trunk carpet set black ........................................... 792189 282.03 € 15 Rivet part of snap .................................................. 177004 0.27 € 101 Trunk carpet set SLC black ................................... 792179 282.03 € 15 Cap part of snap .................................................... 177005 1.79 € 101 Trunk carpet set R107 2-tone blue ........................ 793959 327.25 € 16 Spring eye part of snap ......................................... 177006 0.39 € 101 Kofferraumteppichsatz Velours schwarz ............... 792159 295.00 € 16 Ball to screw, part of snap ..................................... 177003 0.43 € 105 Stopnut w.retainer, metal, MB-orig ....................... 267905 21.73 € 17 Clip, covers, 113 late, 111, 107, .. ......................... 268276 0.65 € 105 Fastener for window frame ................................... 267105 1.12 € 56 fixing mount, spare tire 3rd gen. ........................... 740015 34.51 € 119 Clip, eg door covering ........................................... 772229 0.50 € 60 nut, coverings ........................................................ 799097 1.07 € 119 Clip on door trim (16x veh.) ................................... 772228 0.42 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 60 69-72.i Stopfen Zierstabbefestigung Bushing for clip, white ............................ 772005 0.38 € Plug, trim fitment, grey .......................... 772082 0.89 € Clip, dec. strip, SLC ................................ 772055 0.60 € Trim plug, red ......................................... 772083 0.21 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 61 72..c Karosseriedichtungen in Sets 1 Weatherstrip set, main, OE ..................................... 772600 612.85 € 4 Set frequently asked rubbers, Hardtp or ................. 779105 199.92 € 1 Body main rubberseal kit SLC ................................. 772605 669.38 € 6 Grommet set firewall 6 pce ..................................... 799350 39.27 € 2 Set frequently required S/T rubbers ....................... 777105 122.57 € 7 Set rubber bits hidden firewall heater .................... 799835 47.60 € 3 Set small body rubbers: underlay, lamps ................ 781600 221.94 € 8 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL ...................................... 769163 54.38 € 4 Set frequently asked rubbers, REPRO ! .................. 779805 99.96 € 9 Set mounting bits for 1 frt wing .............................. 788817 36.89 € 11 Set rubbers @ b-pillars, roadster->85 ..................... 772185 58.31 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 62 Door plug rubber disc 18mm ................................................. 798153 1.67 € 50 Countersunk screw, lock frame ............................ 277265 0.77 € 34.27 € 55 C.d.c.Lt., Rt., 09.85-> ........................................... 772054 72.60 € Door cover foil sheet, non self adhesiv ................. 772195 4.76 € 55 C.d.c.Lt., Lt., 09.85-> ........................................... 772053 72.60 € Door seal ->12.82. Rightrepro .............................. 772819 50.24 € 56 distancer 0,5mm flat , door catch '69-> ............... 872012 4.76 € 10 Door seal R/C107 Lt.01.'83-> ............................... 772102 134.95 € 56 Distancer, 1,5mm, door catch '69->.. ................... 572012 4.76 € 10 Door seal ->12.82. LeftRepro ............................... 772809 50.24 € 57 Screw, 6x16 e.g. door catch, .. ............................. 777021 1.07 € 10 Door seal R/C107 Rt.->12.'82 ............................... 772200 117.81 € 57 Countersunk screw, lock frame ............................ 277265 0.77 € 10 Door seal R/C107 Rt. 01.'83-> .............................. 772202 134.95 € 57 Chr. plate, door lock, Rt. ...................................... 172028 58.96 € 10 Door seal R/C107 Lt.->12.'82 ............................... 772100 117.81 € 57 Edging, door lock, Lt. ........................................... 272019 41.65 € 13 Clip, door seal, rear .............................................. 772158 0.51 € 57 Chr. plate, door lock, Lt. ....................................... 172029 41.65 € 14 Clip, door seal, rear .............................................. 772158 0.51 € 58 Screw, door catch surround ................................. 777029 1.79 € 15 Locking clips, door catch bolt ............................... 772118 0.71 € 69 Guide, door opener rod ......................................... 798005 0.82 € 26 Underlay,door handle, Lt.+Rt.->8.85 ................... 776140 2.32 € 70 Inner lever, R/C107 Rt. ......................................... 776012 119.00 € 30 Dec. strip, door, R/C107 Rt. .................................. 772260 82.11 € 70 Lever separate for inner lock link L/R .................. 776811 83.30 € 30 Set only: Trims SL, 6 pcs ...................................... 772303 389.00 € 85 Rbr bellow, vac element, early locking ................. 780875 17.85 € 30 Dec. strip, door, R/C107 Lt. .................................. 772250 82.11 € 100 Screw, countersunk, 3,5 door-chr. ....................... 799927 1.07 € 30 Dec.strip set R107(6 pieces)2nd choice ............... 772302 199.00 € 105 Screw, countersunk, 3,5 door-chr. ....................... 799927 1.07 € 30 Dec. strip set R107,6 parts ................................... 772301 297.50 € 107 Screw, countersunk, 3,5 door-chr. ....................... 799927 1.07 € 30 Set only: Trims SLC 6 pcs ..................................... 772403 440.00 € 107 Chromblenden-Set an Tür hinten ......................... 772321 63.97 € 32 Clip, part of trims (1 each trim) ............................ 772002 0.36 € 109 Screw, countersunk, 3,5 door-chr. ....................... 799927 1.07 € 32 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL ................................... 769163 54.38 € 118 Rubberseal RH ...................................................... 783804 14.88 € 33 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL ................................... 769163 54.38 € 118 Rubberseal LH ...................................................... 783803 14.88 € 34 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL ................................... 769163 54.38 € 119 Rubber hose grommet, doors to pillar .................. 780920 4.28 € 34 Clip ....................................................................... 772003 0.15 € 120 Profile, door inner->glass, late style .................... 772510 34.99 € 35 Bushing for clip, white .......................................... 772005 0.38 € 120 1m brush profile, door windows up to 82 ............. 872500 17.79 € 35 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL ................................... 769163 54.38 € 121 Clip, brush strip, inner ......................................... 772504 0.39 € 36 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL ................................... 769163 54.38 € 122 Clip, brush strip, inner rear (2req) ....................... 772506 2.98 € 37 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL ................................... 769163 54.38 € 129 Dichtung R107 B-Säule ........................ 772816 9.52 € 37 Washer, entry trim strip,fr. .................................. 268132 0.18 € 129 Gkt., R107 B-pillar upper Lt ................................. 772106 16.66 € 37 Spring washer M4, e.g. trim fixing ....................... 799918 0.12 € 129 Dichtung R107 B-Säule ....................... 772826 9.52 € 39 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL ................................... 769163 54.38 € 129 Gkt., R107 B-pillar upper Rt. ................................ 772206 16.66 € 41 Clip, dec. strip to door .......................................... 772505 2.98 € 130 Seal B-pillar, Lt. SLC ............................................ 772182 21.42 € 45 1m brush profile, door windows up to 82 ............. 872500 17.79 € 130 Seal B-pillar, Rt. SL->'85 ...................................... 772280 16.09 € 45 Profile, door outer->glass, late style .................... 772500 11.72 € 130 Seal B-pillar, Rt. SL'85-> ...................................... 772281 33.92 € 46 Clip for brush 872500 + near 772511/512 ........... 772503 1.49 € 130 Seal B-pillar, Lt. SL->'85 ...................................... 772180 16.09 € 46 Clip, fits new style inner brush (77251 ................ 772508 0.54 € 130 Seal B-pillar, Rt. SLC ............................................ 772283 17.85 € 5 Door lip dec. strips,(2), rear ................................. 772999 8 10 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 63 130 Seal B-pillar, Rt. SLC ............................................ 772282 21.42 € 150 Door cover inner blank w/o 3D-parts ................... 772133 46.41 € 130 Seal B-pillar, Lt. SL'85-> ...................................... 772181 33.92 € 158 Clip on door trim (16x veh.) .................................. 772228 0.42 € 159 Clip, eg door covering .......................................... 772229 0.50 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 64 Doorwindow 22 Seal, mirror plate, outer ...................................... 772782 3.45 € 42 glass supporting rail, door RH ............................. 772074 119.00 € 30 Profile, door inner->glass, late style ................... 772510 34.99 € 47 Grub screw .......................................................... 270722 1.27 € 31 Profile, door outer->glass, late style ................... 772500 11.72 € 48 Rubber washer,adjusted slide rail inser .............. 270723 0.83 € 32 Clip for brush 872500 + near 772511/512 .......... 772503 1.49 € 49 Sliding jaw with washer and spring .................... 272752 9.94 € 33 Clip, brush strip, inner ........................................ 772504 0.39 € 55 2 pole terminal ..................................................... 154052 24.99 € 34 Clip, brush strip, inner rear (2req) ...................... 772506 2.98 € 56 Fensterkurbelpolster grau ................................... 776087 2.38 € 41gn Door glass SL LH green, no brackets .................. 772811 208.25 € 61 Switch, el.w.,300-500SL Rt. fr.87 ........................ 782372 23.95 € 41cl Door glass SL LH, clear, no brackets .................. 772710 196.35 € 61 Switch, el.w.,300-500SL ...................................... 782371 29.75 € 41cl Door glass SL RH, clear, no brackets .................. 772720 196.35 € 66 El. relay, see pict, div. applications ..................... 754329 22.41 € 41gn Door glass SL RH, green, no brackets ................. 772821 208.25 € 67 Fuse box, additional,2 fuses ................................ 254099 8.95 € 42 119.00 € 68 Terminal, 12 bushings ......................................... 254062 33.80 € Glass supporting rail, door LH ............................ 772073 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 65 75, 69, .. Rear Body mounted Parts 10 Boot lid, C107, steel, + holes .......................... 775005 952.00 € 11 Heckdeckeldichtung R107 Repro ................... 775820 43.99 € 63 Seal B-pillar, Rt. SLC ...................................... 772282 64 Gkt., R107 B-pillar upper Lt ............................ 772106 11 Boot seal, 280-500SL '71-'89 .......................... 775020 93.89 € 64 Dichtung R107 B-Säule ................. 772826 9.52 € 11 Boot seal 280-500SLC orig. ............................ 775025 164.22 € 64 Gkt., R107 B-pillar upper Rt. .......................... 772206 16.66 € 12 Grommet, star at boot lid '85-> ...................... 798756 0.36 € 64 Dichtung R107 B-Säule .................. 772816 9.52 € 13 Screw, M4 Phillips, e.g boot handle ............... 775899 0.19 € 71 Dec. strip, wing, SL rear Rt ............................ 769120 31.95 € 13 Boot lid handle R/C107, Repro ........................ 775710 95.20 € 71 Dec.strip SL 107 rear left B-Quality ............... 769118 29.75 € 13 trunk handle .................................................... 775810 109.48 € 71 Dec.strip set R107(6 pieces)2nd choice .......... 772302 199.00 € 14 Underlay, boot handle 107 .............................. 775811 7.14 € 71 Dec. strip, wing, SL rear Lt ............................. 769110 31.95 € 16 Dec. strip R/C107 rear Lt. ............................... 769052 153.51 € 71 Dec. strip set R107,6 parts ............................. 772301 297.50 € 16 Bolt M5 ........................................................... 769859 0.26 € 71 Dec.strip SL 107 rear right B-Quality ............. 769128 29.75 € 16 Dec. strip R/C107 rear Rt. .............................. 769062 153.51 € 72 Dec. strip, wing, SLC rear Lt. ......................... 769111 77.35 € 17 Bolt M5 ........................................................... 769859 0.26 € 72 Set only: Trims SLC 6 pcs ............................... 772403 440.00 € 17 Chrome trim ctre rear, fits late lock ............... 769072 296.31 € 73 Bushing for clip, white .................................... 772005 0.38 € 18 Fitting kit rear trims (bolts uncoated) ............ 769159 10.71 € 73 Special Nut M4 ............................................... 769158 3.57 € 18 Underlay,rbr, dec. strip, mi ............................ 769055 39.98 € 73 Clip .................................................................. 772003 0.15 € 18 screw countersunk PH 2,9x13 stainless ......... 769179 0.24 € 73 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL ............................. 769163 54.38 € 19 Buffer, trunk lid catch,fits casted bod ............ 775138 2.86 € 74 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL ............................. 769163 54.38 € 20 M5 riveted nut eg lic-plate .............................. 764099 0.60 € 74 Clip, part of trims (1 each trim) ...................... 772002 0.36 € 26 Seal Box cover repro ....................................... 775860 49.98 € 85 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL ............................. 769163 54.38 € 26 Seal, soft top compt. lid .................................. 775060 117.81 € 86 Mountg bits lower trims SL only ..................... 769164 43.97 € 28 Set screws, S/T-box trim mount ...................... 775351 71.40 € 86 Underlay, dec. strip, SL, Rt ............................. 769063 9.98 € 30 Esc. on lock, s. top c.lid .................................. 775112 69.97 € 86 Underlay, dec. strip, SL, Lt ............................. 769053 9.98 € 30 foam underlay ................................................. 775113 0.71 € 86 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL ............................. 769163 54.38 € 40 Distance ring under handle ............................ 777227 4.46 € 87 Spring washer M4, e.g. trim fixing ................. 799918 0.12 € 45 Chrome cover R107 ->8.81 B-pillar LH .......... 769230 224.91 € 87 Mountg bits lower trims SL only ..................... 769164 43.97 € 45 Chrome cover R107 ->8.81, B-pillar RH ......... 769240 224.91 € 87 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL ............................. 769163 54.38 € 54 Repr. skirt SLC rear Rt., repro ....................... 763088 81.22 € 87 Special Nut M4 ............................................... 769158 3.57 € 54 Repr. skirt SLC rear Lt., repro. ....................... 763078 81.22 € 88 Insertion clip, dec. strip .................................. 772006 0.54 € 60 C.d.c.Lt., Lt., 09.85-> ...................................... 772053 72.60 € 88 Mountg bits lower trims SL only ..................... 769164 43.97 € 60 C.d.c.Lt., Rt., 09.85-> ..................................... 772054 72.60 € 88 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL ............................. 769163 54.38 € 62 Seal, 1/4 window, front Rt. SLC ...................... 767222 48.79 € 89 Mountg bits lower trims SL only ..................... 769164 43.97 € 62 Seal, 1/4 window, front Lt. SLC ...................... 767221 48.79 € 89 Plug, trim fitment, grey ................................... 772082 0.89 € 63 Seal B-pillar, Lt. SL->'85 ................................ 772180 16.09 € 89 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL ............................. 769163 54.38 € 63 Seal B-pillar, Rt. SL'85-> ................................ 772281 33.92 € 89 Clip, dec. strip, SLC ........................................ 772055 0.60 € 63 Seal B-pillar, Rt. SL->'85 ................................ 772280 16.09 € 90 W'arch trim R107,long9.85->s.s. .................... 764007 81.04 € 63 Seal B-pillar, Lt. SLC ...................................... 772182 21.42 € 90 W'arch trim R/C107 short, s.s. ........................ 764001 81.04 € 63 Seal B-pillar, Lt. SL'85-> ................................ 772181 33.92 € 90 W'arch trimR/C107long ->'85s.s. .................... 764008 81.04 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 66 21.42 € 16.66 € 77, Softtop gurt Set S/T-frame belts, beige ..................................... 776702 44.63 € 24 Gkt. R107 Softtop, upper Lt. ................................. 772115 23.80 € Set: bolts S/T-frame link maint. ............................ 777290 92.82 € 25 Gasket S/T to door glass rr LH repro .................... 772845 15.65 € gurt Satz Spriegel-Gurtbänder schwarz ....................... 776701 26.78 € 25 Gkt. R107 Softtop, rr.Rt. ....................................... 772210 18.45 € 5 1 pair wires, S/T above side-window .................... 777090 13.09 € 25 Seal, ST rear RH Repro ........................................ 772840 15.65 € 6 wire, softtop rear ctre ........................................... 777004 12.00 € 25 Gkt. R107 Softtop, rr.Lt. ....................................... 772215 18.45 € 8 Chrome screw M4, e.g. wire at canvas ................. 277052 1.31 € 26 Grommet, softtop frame ........................................ 777096 2.26 € 9 escutcheon e.g. screw 277052, .. .......................... 277053 2.14 € 29 Run-off hose (box drain) ....................................... 779032 10.71 € 10 Rear wind., mid rr. clear ....................................... 777250 59.50 € 39 Washer, hood frame hinge .................................... 277019 2.62 € 10 Rear wind., mid rr. col. ......................................... 777251 59.50 € 11 Rear wind., Rt. rr. clear ........................................ 777240 26.95 € 42 45 Bolt at softtop frame, 8x req. ................................ 298022 Screw, softtop frame ............................................. 798025 3.33 € 6.31 € 11 Rear wind., Rt. rr. col. .......................................... 777241 23.80 € 46 Screw, softtop frame ............................................. 798026 7.44 € 11 Rear wind., Lt. rr. col. ........................................... 777231 23.80 € 47 Screw, softtop frame ............................................. 798027 4.40 € 11 Rear wind., Lt. rr. clear ........................................ 777230 26.95 € 49 Screw, softtop frame ............................................. 798029 6.19 € Screw, softtop frame ............................................. 798022 4.28 € 20 Seal, front, soft/hard top ....................................... 779010 17.49 € 52 21 Gkt., Rear s't frame 'bow' ..................................... 777002 23.68 € 53 Screw, softtop frame ............................................. 798023 3.81 € 21 Rubber seal rear s/t frame "bow" ......................... 777902 47.17 € 82 Buffer ring on lock ................................................ 277018 2.38 € Ring, rubber on casing .......................................... 777015 2.20 € 54.15 € 21 Seal, soft top compt. lid ........................................ 775060 117.81 € 82 23 Seal strip @ softtop hood, L .................................. 777007 18.45 € 83 2x roof handle R107, R113, see pict. .................... 777046 23 Seal strip @ Softtop hood, Rt ................................ 777006 18.45 € 85 Ring, rubber on casing .......................................... 777015 2.20 € Wind mesh "Weyer" R107 with rear seats ............ 786806 208.25 € 24 S/T seal upper RT, Repro ...................................... 772830 19.85 € 90 24 Gkt. R107 Softtop, upper Rt. ................................ 772110 23.80 € 90 Wind mesh "Weyer" R107 280-500SL, 2-sea ........ 786805 208.25 € 24 S/T seal upper RT, Repro ...................................... 772835 19.85 € 90 Fabric gripper rail, rt. ........................................... 777080 29.75 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 67 77.c Softtop Sonnenland-Bezug Softtop hood R107 blue/creme premium 776520 ................................................................. S/t. hood R107 ................... 776380 672.35 € Verdeckbezug R107 ............ 776391 535.50 € 535.50 € S/t. hood R107 d.blu/bl/clear ................... 776321 535.50 € S/t. hood R107 .................... 776330 571.20 € 672.35 € Verdeckbezug R107 ............. 776382 535.50 € S/t. hood R107 bl/be/coloured ................. 776302 583.10 € Softtop hood R107 black/black premium 776501 ................................................................. Verdeckbezug R107 aignerrot/sw/color 776443 ................................................................. S/t. hood R107 d.blu/bl/coloured ............. 776323 Verdeckbezug R107 aignerrot/sw/klar .... 776441 589.05 € 672.35 € S/t. hood R107 ..................... 776331 535.50 € Softtop hood R107 brown/creme premium 776530 ................................................................. S/t. hood R107 .................. 776390 Softtop hood R107 black/creme premium 776500 ................................................................. S/t. hood R107 bl/bl/coloured .................. 776303 672.35 € S/t. hood R107 .................... 776350 535.50 € 535.50 € Verdeckbezug R107 ......... 776392 535.50 € S/t. hood R107 ............... 776333 535.50 € S/t. hood R107 d.blu/be/col. .................... 776322 535.50 € S/t. hood R107 p-be/be/clear ................... 776730 535.50 € 672.35 € Verdeckbezug R107 .............. 776410 624.75 € Softtop hood R107 blue/black premium 776521 ................................................................. S/t. hood R107 maho/be/clear ................. 776371 S/t. hood R107 .................. 776360 589.05 € S/t. hood R107 bl/bl/clear ........................ 776301 535.50 € S/t. hood R107 d.blu/be/clear .................. 776320 571.20 € S/t. hood R107 bl/be/clear ....................... 777000 583.10 € S/t. hood R107 .............. 776332 535.50 € Verdeckbezug R107 ........ 776393 535.50 € Softtop hood R107 brown/black premium 776531 ................................................................. 672.35 € Verdeckbezug R107 creme/be/klar .......... 776740 535.50 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 68 589.05 € 535.50 € 535.50 € 696.15 € 79 a Hardtop Storage Hardtop hoist R107, mech. .............. 779998 220.15 € Hardtop hoist, simple version .......... 279998 180.88 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges Hardtop cart, R107/113/129, black 779980 ......................................................... Hardtop cart, R107/113/129,no cover 779981 ......................................................... Cover, grey, for HT-hoist .................. 779997 69 149.00 € 119.00 € 52.36 € 79 Hardtop 10 Hardtop rear glass. green tinted, heate .................. 779630 261.80 € 21 Clip, rbr-profile to rails ............................................ 272729 2.02 € 12 Seal, front, soft/hard top .......................................... 779010 17.49 € 51 Rubber washer, rear compt. .................................... 299036 0.13 € 13 Seal H/T rear lower, Repro ...................................... 779800 35.70 € 55 Rivet, rear window drip strips ................................. 270691 0.19 € 13 Gkt. R107, Hardtop rear lower ................................ 779100 105.91 € 59 Screw, countersunk ................................................. 288081 0.30 € 14 Dichtung über Scheibe li.Repro ............................... 779815 29.99 € 61 Screw, sealing rail 230SL ........................................ 272723 0.48 € 14 Gkt. over side wind. Rt. ........................................... 779210 47.01 € 62 Self tapping screw, chromed ................................... 268133 1.07 € 14 Dichtung über Scheibe re.Repro ............................. 779825 29.99 € 82 Buffer ring on lock ................................................... 277018 2.38 € 14 Gkt. over side wind. Lt. ............................................ 779215 47.01 € 83 2x roof handle R107, R113, see pict. ....................... 777046 54.15 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 70 80.a Vacuum Reservoirs 2.20 € 25 Vacuum valve ............................................... 780981 8.87 € 11 support, hidden vac bottle ............................ 780150 15.47 € 25 Vac Check valve 2 ports ............................... 780975 5.71 € 15 1 mtr vacuum hose ....................................... 780985 2.86 € 39 Clamp, expansion tank ................................. 247069 5.89 € 16 'Y'-connector, vac.hose ................................. 707180 1.00 € 39 Blechschraube 4,2x13 SW7 .......................... 299044 0.42 € 17 X-Verbinder für Vac-Ltg. .............................. 707181 1.29 € 39 Clamp small, e.g. ctrl cable pipes ................ 199011 4.76 € 18 Mehrfach-Verteilerstück, Unterdruck .......... 780969 4.59 € 39 Clamp, bulkhead ........................................... 242058 1.55 € 25 A0008000678 ............................................... 780971 7.14 € 39 panelling screw bumper 12 frt / 26 rr .......... 799938 0.30 € pipe 1m vac pipe 3/5mm white ............................. 780901 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 71 80.b Lighting distance control pipe 1m vac pipe 3/5mm white ................... 780901 2.20 € 15 1 mtr vacuum hose .............................. 780985 2.86 € 9 Vacuum valve ...................................... 780981 8.87 € 16 'Y'-connector, vac.hose ........................ 707180 1.00 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 72 80.e Central locking, vacuum devices 2.20 € 20 Cotter pin 1,5 x 15 .................................................. 126824 10 Rbr bellow, vac element, early locking ................... 780875 17.85 € 20 Rod fits trunk actor ................................................. 780889 8.33 € 20 Mutter M2,5 ............................................................ 799916 0.12 € 27 Rbr bellow, vac element, early trunk ...................... 780880 15.47 € 20 Rbr bellow, vac element, early trunk ...................... 780880 15.47 € 29 Vacuum valve .......................................................... 780981 8.87 € 20 Cotter pin 1,6 x 16 .................................................. 780888 0.12 € 37 Clamp e.g. 6mm lines, wiring, .. ............................. 398047 0.60 € 20 Rbr bellow, vac element, early locking ................... 780875 17.85 € 39 Grommet 3 cable 3/20 ............................................ 199008 1.00 € pipe 1m vac pipe 3/5mm white ....................................... 780901 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 73 0.12 € 80.g Vacuum seat locking pipe 1m vac pipe 3/5mm white .................... 780901 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 2.20 € 74 15 1 mtr vacuum hose ............................... 780985 2.86 € 16 'Y'-connector, vac.hose ......................... 707180 1.00 € 81 Rear View Mirror 37 mirror glass early lt. ................................ 781837 17.85 € 50 Ext. mirror,LHD,Lt., lg. man. .................. 781050 244.37 € 40 Ext. mirror,RHD,Rt., sm. man ................. 781540 253.53 € 58 DIY glass, late mirr LH/LHD ................... 781857 15.41 € 47 mirror glass early rt ................................ 781847 17.85 € 68 DIY mirr glass RH/LHD, late ................... 781867 15.41 € 49 Rubber sleeve, adj. handle ...................... 781049 1.74 € 68 Mirror glass, Rt., RHD ............................. 781567 53.55 € 69 Rubber sleeve, adj. handle ...................... 781049 1.74 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 75 Lighting installation Export / US set Kit LHD replacement SealedBeam to H1+H4 .... 782950 259.00 € 42 Slim washer, taillights, steerg,. .......................... 346009 1.95 € 5 Frame, h'lights, US, Rt. ....................................... 782062 107.10 € 42 Seal, rearlight, R/C107, right .............................. 782865 49.98 € 5 Frame, h'lights, US, Lt. ....................................... 782052 107.10 € 42 Seal, rearlight, R/C107, left ................................ 782855 49.98 € 15 Euro H4 lamp insert, fits US frame,pict ............. 782146 66.64 € 50 Fog light LH, Bosch-export-lens .......................... 782311 182.90 € 15 Euro H4 lamp insert, fits US frame,pict ............. 782746 24.99 € 50 Fog lamp RH, yellow lens (FR) ............................ 782322 182.90 € 17 Headlamp insert Euro, Highbeam H1 BO ........... 782148 85.68 € 50 Fog-light RH, Bosch-export lens ......................... 782321 182.90 € 17 LHD (RH traff) high-beam lamp, convex ............. 782745 24.99 € 50 Fog light LH, yellow lens (FR) ............................ 782312 182.90 € 21 Sleeve, prt., h'lamp cables .................................. 754046 22.61 € 51 Lens, fog lamp, export version ............................ 782332 41.65 € 25 Diffuser, ind. light, front,lt. ................................. 782072 113.05 € 51FR Yellow lens (FR), Fog lamps ................................ 782331 49.00 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 76 Lighting Installation Standard/Euro lens lens, lic-plate-light ............................................... 782354 16.66 € 8 Seal, indicator lens frt. LH Euro ......................... 782111 29.75 € bits Set mounting bits arround lamp skirts ............... 782955 17.85 € 8 Seal, indicator lens frt. RH Euro ......................... 782121 29.75 € bits PA washer M4 x 9 ............................................... 982359 0.12 € 27 Shims+nuts taillights->rr. panel ........................ 782159 19.04 € rbr seal Lic-plate-light ............................................... 782353 2.08 € 27 Slim washer, taillights, steerg,. .......................... 346009 1.95 € bits Screw, e.g. lic-lamp ............................................. 982358 0.20 € 27 Seal, rearlight, R/C107, right .............................. 782865 49.98 € bits plastic rivet, headlights (EU) to fende ................ 799091 2.80 € 27 Seal, rearlight, R/C107, left ................................ 782855 49.98 € 2 Lens, RH, LHD, Euro-Headlamp ......................... 782802 69.62 € 31 Interior light without bulb, version'77 ................ 782829 4.64 € 2 Lens, LH, LHD, Euro-Headlamp ......................... 782801 69.62 € 32 Roof interior light SLC front ............................... 782026 8.15 € 2 Spring Clip, glass lens upper, Euro .................... 782811 2.98 € 36 Trunk(boot) light and switch '59-'85 ................... 282022 21.96 € 3 Spring Clip, glass lens upper, Euro .................... 782811 2.98 € 36 Spring clip for Rt.+Lt. cable ............................... 254071 0.65 € 3 Seal, headlamp glass R107,R113 ........................ 282002 8.33 € 36 el.switch, glovebox,bonnet... ............................... 782885 2.38 € 4 Gasket,headlamp/wing, RH. orig-quality ............ 782945 32.13 € 40 Licence plate light, to 08.85 ............................... 782350 24.99 € 4 Gasket,headlamp/wing, Lt. .................................. 782035 19.99 € 41 Lens+seal Licence plate light ............................. 782352 21.42 € 4 Blechmutter zB Lampentopf, Heizungskast ........ 788099 0.48 € 41 Screw, e.g. lic-lamp ............................................. 982358 0.20 € 4 Gasket,headlamp/wing, Rt. ................................. 782045 19.99 € 48 Grommet 6/26 ..................................................... 299819 2.56 € 4 Gasket headlamp/wing LH Euro, orig-qual ......... 782935 32.13 € 50 Fog-light RH, Bosch-export lens ......................... 782321 182.90 € 4 Screw, e.g. Headlamp to Wing ............................ 788081 0.83 € 50 Fog light LH, Bosch-export-lens .......................... 782311 182.90 € 5 washer @ bolt height adjuster ............................ 799884 0.54 € 50 Fog light LH, yellow lens (FR) ............................ 782312 182.90 € 5 Rubber bushing at reflector ................................ 182807 2.38 € 50 Fog lamp LH. w. glass "BOSCH-HALOGEN" ...... 782310 204.98 € 5 flex-shaft, head light adjuster ............................. 782810 14.88 € 50 Fog lamp RH, yellow lens (FR) ............................ 782322 182.90 € 5 H4 Connector housg w.3x flag crimps ................ 282041 5.71 € 50 Fog lamp RH w. glass "BOSCH-HALOGEN" ....... 782320 204.98 € 5 Rubber bushing, reflector mounts ...................... 782807 2.38 € 51 Lens, foglamps, "Bosch-Halogen" ....................... 782330 77.35 € 5 small metal boot, adj. spring locking .................. 282804 0.65 € 51 Lens, fog lamp, export version ............................ 782332 41.65 € 5 plastic washer at adjuster bolts .......................... 782804 0.48 € 51FR Yellow lens (FR), Fog lamps ................................ 782331 49.00 € 5 Coil spring fits adjuster bolts .............................. 782808 1.31 € 52 Rubber seal fog light ........................................... 782832 21.42 € 5 Set Adjuster bolts, Headlamp w/o vacuum ......... 782818 23.21 € 53 Reflector fog light L/R ......................................... 782835 49.98 € 5 Bracket, adjuster screw to reflector ................... 782805 4.28 € 54 housing w. brackets ...RT .................................... 782834 52.96 € 5 Adjuster bolt ........................................................ 782806 1.61 € 54 3,9mm insulated crimp socket ............................ 954092 0.30 € 5 rubber washer, adjuster bolts ............................. 782803 0.48 € 54 Housing w.brackets.. LT ..................................... 782833 52.96 € 5 Small cup at spring adjuster screw ..................... 782809 1.79 € 54 3,9mm insulated crimp bullet ............................. 954091 0.30 € 5 washer @ adjuster bolt ....................................... 799882 0.48 € 55 Fog lens chrome rim ........................................... 782836 34.51 € 5 Bolt at adjuster flex shaft .................................... 799883 0.65 € 105 Bulb, passenger compt. FN ................................. 299096 1.79 € 6 Sleeve, prt., h'lamp cables .................................. 754046 22.61 € 105 Bulb, 55W Halogen H1 ........................................ 299090 5.41 € 7 Amber dir. lens, Euro Headlight LH ................... 782710 69.97 € 105 Bulb, e.g. trunk light ........................................... 282033 1.43 € 7 Set 2 x front dir.lamp lens + seals ...................... 782813 184.45 € 105 Glühlampe 12V 10W ............................................ 799089 0.77 € 7 Amber dir. lens, Euro-Headlamp RH .................. 782720 69.97 € 105 Bulb, 5W, torpedo ............................................... 299098 1.07 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 77 105 Bulb, 10W, torpedo, glovebox ............................. 299094 1.07 € 105 Bulb, e.g. switch-knob ......................................... 299097 1.70 € 105 Bulb 12V / 21W direction indicator ..................... 299085 1.07 € 105 Bulb, 55W Halogen H3,fog light ......................... 299091 4.39 € 105 Halogen bulb H4 55/60 watts (P43t) ................... 799090 3.57 € 105 Halogen bulb H4 55/60 watts (P43t) OSRA ........ 799190 5.94 € 105 Bulb, parking light, 12V/4W ................................ 299099 1.07 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 78 82.b, 86 Wash and Wipe Assy Cap, washer reservoir late ............................... 786027 2.14 € 24 Set Reservoir + 1 pump + bits '85-> ............... 786124 104.13 € 10 Pair wiper blades s-steel .................................. 782729 63.67 € 28 Tube grommet, pump to reservoir ................... 798771 0.95 € 10 W'blade,280-500SL, 350/450SLC FN ............... 782230 45.22 € 29 plug, 9,5mm ...................................................... 298788 1.05 € 10 Wiperblade 450mm see picture ....................... 782731 41.65 € 30 El. w'washer pump, 107 early, ... REPRO ........ 786802 17.26 € 10 1 pair of 450mm blades, SWF, black! .............. 782830 24.99 € 31 El. washer pump "@ reservoir hutch" .............. 786804 22.02 € 10 1 pair wipers 450mm incl spare rbrs ............... 782229 89.25 € 31 El. w'washer pump fits mould, NoName .......... 786004 13.09 € 11 W'blade, rubber 280-500SLC ........................... 782239 10.71 € 41 Hose, w'washer, rein.,per metre ...................... 786040 1.79 € 11 W'blade rubber 450mm fits Bosch ................... 782232 9.28 € 41 Hose, w'washer, flex.,per metre ....................... 186040 1.49 € 20 Washer reservoir early generation ................... 786820 39.98 € 48 Clip e.g.washer/hood,cables. ............................ 254074 0.71 € 24 Washer reservoir '85-> or earlier(Repl) ........... 786824 61.88 € 68 Clip, cable ......................................................... 254073 0.89 € 69 Grommet, 5/25,bulkhead .................................. 299012 1.73 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 79 86 Waschwasser Behälter, Pumpe, Leitungen, Düsen 2 El. w'washer pump, 107 early, ... REPRO ........ 786802 17.26 € 40 Hose, w'washer, rein.,per metre ...................... 786040 1.79 € 4 El. w'washer pump fits mould, NoName .......... 786004 13.09 € 46 Clip, cable ........................................................ 254073 0.89 € 20 Washer reservoir early generation .................. 786820 39.98 € 46 Clip e.g.washer/hood,cables. ........................... 254074 0.71 € 24 Set Reservoir + 1 pump + bits '85-> ............... 786124 104.13 € 56 Rubber plug 32mm ........................................... 398780 1.19 € 24 Washer reservoir '85-> or earlier(Repl) .......... 786824 61.88 € 56 Plug, 32mm, e.g. boot, .. .................................. 268309 1.79 € 27 Cap, washer reservoir late ............................... 786027 2.14 € 57 plug, 9,5mm ..................................................... 298788 1.05 € 35 Hose, w'washer, flex.,per metre ...................... 186040 1.49 € 58 Tube grommet, pump to reservoir ................... 798771 0.95 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 80 82.e, Antenna 1 Antenna e.g. W126 ..................................... 699975 220.15 € 2 Antenna insert 900mm ............................... 799970 26.78 € 2 Antenna insert late style (toothed core ...... 799971 27.38 € 3 Rbr seal plug, Hirschmann antenna ........... 799082 3.45 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 3 Rbr seal plug, Hirschm.antenna W123/126 ................................................................... 4 Wire,"Hirschmann"antenna,1xnut-end,150c ................................................................... 4 Wire,"Hirschmann"antennaa,1xnut-end,500 ................................................................... 5 Clip, cable ................................................... 81 699082 3.45 € 999974 19.64 € 999975 29.75 € 254073 0.89 € Operation early Type 7 Lever handle, vent. ctre ............................................. 783404 11.78 € 43 rubber grommet ........................................................ 798769 9 Lever handle, vent. Lt. ............................................... 783405 11.78 € 50 Part of housg. 2-pole connector w.nose ..................... 754955 1.51 € 9 Set 3 knobs, vent levers at dashb. ............................. 783400 33.62 € 60 El. vacuum control valve ........................................... 780054 38.68 € 9 Lever handle, vent. Rt. .............................................. 783406 11.78 € 62 Vacuum valve ............................................................. 780981 8.87 € 17 Symbol label, heater adj. wheel ................................. 783309 11.90 € 65 'Y'-connector, vac.hose .............................................. 707180 1.00 € 25 Ball insert, air jet ....................................................... 783071 12.41 € 66 1 mtr vacuum hose .................................................... 780985 2.86 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 82 0.60 € Radiator Assy up to 08.´81 1 Radiator (heater) LHD->08.81, RHD->89 ............. 783018 356.63 € 60 electronic resistor unit, blower ............................. 954823 321.30 € 7 Vac diaphragm, valve "closed housg" .................... 783145 16.66 € 60 El. motor,heater fan (not 85-> A/C) ....................... 783009 833.00 € 7 Vac Element e.g. heater ctrl FN ............................ 780103 83.30 € 60 Blower unit, repro .................................................. 783809 535.50 € 7 Vac-diaphragm, valve open housg ......................... 783146 16.66 € 61 Seal, heater fan ...................................................... 783036 20.23 € 15 Vac diaphragm, valve "closed housg" .................... 783145 16.66 € 70 Blechmutter zB Lampentopf, Heizungskast .......... 788099 0.48 € 15 Vac-diaphragm, valve open housg ......................... 783146 16.66 € 74 Screw, square head ............................................... 799034 1.49 € 33 Rubbergrommet, e.g:waterpipe ............................. 799004 8.21 € 95 Rubberseal RH ....................................................... 783804 14.88 € 34 Rubbergrommet, heat.return Rt. ........................... 799003 10.71 € 95 Rubberseal LH ....................................................... 783803 14.88 € 40 Cover above blower box ........................................ 783817 42.25 € 99 rubber grommet .................................................... 798769 0.60 € 41 Rubberseal, firewall heater aperture .................... 783810 13.69 € 100 Defrost vent jet Rt. ................................................ 783004 26.18 € 45 Seal profile f.a. inlet .............................................. 783819 4.52 € 120 Set 3 knobs, vent levers at dashb. ......................... 783400 33.62 € 47 Rivet,for cover in boot ........................................... 269034 0.30 € 120 Lever handle, vent. ctre ......................................... 783404 11.78 € 48 Grommet, large, firewall 107 ................................. 798759 13.09 € 121 Set 3 knobs, vent levers at dashb. ......................... 783400 33.62 € 51 Seal, firewall cover ->08.81 .................................. 783037 4.64 € 121 Lever handle, vent. Rt. .......................................... 783406 11.78 € 60 Blower motor fis A/C up to FN, adaptabl ............... 783808 107.10 € 121 Lever handle, vent. Lt. ........................................... 783405 11.78 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 83 Water Circuit Duovalve, LHD from 81 15 Hose clamp 20-32mm .............................................. 750042 1.90 € 42 Hose clamp 20-32mm .............................................. 750042 16 Rubber grommet 19/34mm, eg Heater tube ........... 799005 0.48 € 43 Hoseclamp 12mm to 22mm ..................................... 250042 1.79 € 26 Gummiring bei Wasseranschluss ............................. 750396 1.14 € 45 aux el pump, heater hose LHD, BOSCH .................. 783160 232.05 € 28 Hose clamp 20-32mm .............................................. 750042 1.90 € 53 Gummiring, Wasserschlauch Wälzpumpe ............... 750394 2.33 € 35 Rubbergrommet, taillight bucket,. .......................... 199020 0.89 € 55 Water hose, i/D 18mm per metre ............................ 250019 17.85 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 84 1.90 € 88.a Panelling front plug plastic rivet, headlights (EU) to fende ............. 799091 2.80 € 49 plastic rivet, headlights (EU) to fende ............. 799091 2.80 € 17 Seal ring, wiper screw ..................................... 282407 0.76 € 49 Set mounting bits for 1 frt wing ...................... 788817 36.89 € 18 Washer 4,3 yellow zinced ................................ 299282 0.08 € 49b Nut for panelling screw ................................... 798170 18 Grille RT, Repro, latest version ........................ 788066 29.75 € 50 splash guard RH ->'85 ..................................... 788860 18 Grille LT, Repro, latest version ........................ 788055 29.75 € 50 Panelling screw (hex head 8mm) ..................... 288059 0.48 € 18 Screw ............................................................... 799931 0.24 € 50 splash guard LH ->'85 ..................................... 788850 37.49 € 21 Rbr profile @ bonnet under chrome frame ...... 788804 3.45 € 51 Splash guard rubber seal ................................. 188055 6.25 € 25 Ground strap, bonnet ....................................... 754888 19.64 € 52 Set 2 pcs protection mudguards, 08.'85 .......... 788054 175.53 € 28 Hood catch, lower, short neck / Alu ................. 288002 290.36 € 52 Nut ................................................................... 999809 0.30 € 30 Buffer M6 ......................................................... 298801 2.38 € 56 Panelling screw 4,8 x 13 .................................. 799933 0.30 € 30 Hex Nut M6 flat shaped ................................... 299291 0.35 € 56 Blechmutter zB Lampentopf, Heizungskast ..... 788099 0.48 € 30 Buffer, bonnets, .. ............................................ 298201 2.38 € 58 Louvre, lower front right up to'85, Eur ........... 788088 23.74 € 31 Bowden cable, 350SL fr.004434 ...................... 788005 19.99 € 58 1 pair grille mesh, lower, Europe .................... 788280 38.08 € 35 Rivet,for cover in boot ..................................... 269034 0.30 € 58 Louvre, lower front left, up to'85, Eur ............. 788077 23.74 € 36 Seal profile f.a. inlet ......................................... 783819 4.52 € 64 Blechmutter zB Spoiler vorn an Schürze ......... 798167 0.36 € 40 Bonnet noise reduction 107, also 300SL ......... 768886 51.75 € 65 Blechmutter zB Spoiler vorn an Schürze ......... 798167 0.36 € 40 Bonnet noise red. 107, early exc.300SL .......... 768085 51.75 € 66 Plastic rivet e.g. lower fan duct ....................... 788992 0.36 € 41 Foam insulation rr part of bonnet .................... 788824 41.65 € 75 Dec.strip,R/C107,wing,fr.Lt. ............................ 769070 44.63 € 42 Buffer, bonnet @ fender slot ............................ 788601 0.42 € 75 Dec. strip set R107,6 parts .............................. 772301 297.50 € 42 Washer 4,3x8 ................................................... 799939 0.18 € 75 Dec.strip set R107(6 pieces)2nd choice ........... 772302 199.00 € 42 Screw 3,9 x 19 e.g. Bonnet-rubber .................. 788609 0.30 € 75 Dec.strip 107 front right B-Quality .................. 769088 35.70 € 45 Rubber pad, wing mount to A-pillar LH ........... 788059 1.79 € 75 Dec.strip,R/C107,wing,fr.ri. ............................. 769080 44.63 € 45 rubber pad, wing mount to A-pillar RH ........... 788069 1.79 € 75 Dec. strip 107 front left B-Quality .................... 769078 35.70 € 45 2,5mtr Sealing strip Terostat IV, 10mm .......... 599995 9.52 € 76 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL .............................. 769163 54.38 € 47 Repr. panel,fr. wing, rear Lt. ........................... 788013 41.65 € 77 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL .............................. 769163 54.38 € 47 Counter sunk screw, eg wing to rail ................ 799930 0.36 € 78 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL .............................. 769163 54.38 € 47 Repr. panel,fr. wing, rear Rt. ........................... 788023 41.65 € 78 Washer, entry trim strip,fr. .............................. 268132 0.18 € 48a Rest: Inner wing repair piece, rt. ..................... 762141 21.42 € 79 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL .............................. 769163 54.38 € 0.13 € 48 0.65 € 37.49 € Insul. strips, self adhesive ................................ 298001 5.71 € 79 Hex Nut, M4 ..................................................... 799919 48a Rest: Inner wing repair piece, lt. ..................... 762131 21.42 € 80 Clip ................................................................... 772003 0.15 € 49a Panelling screw SW10 6,2x20 .......................... 799924 0.77 € 80 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL .............................. 769163 54.38 € 49 rubber pad, wing mount to A-pillar RH ........... 788069 1.79 € 81 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL .............................. 769163 54.38 € 49 Rubber pad, wing mount to A-pillar LH ........... 788059 1.79 € 81 Bushing for clip, white ..................................... 772005 0.38 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 85 82 Clip, part of trims (1 each trim) ....................... 772002 0.36 € 90 Washer, entry trim strip,fr. .............................. 268132 0.18 € 82 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL .............................. 769163 54.38 € 90 Trim above headlamp @ RH wing ................... 788818 29.75 € 83 Mounting kit, Alu strips SL .............................. 769163 54.38 € 93 Sleeve, prt., h'lamp cables ............................... 754046 22.61 € 90 Recommended: screw on bits to 788818/19 .... 788815 2.98 € 95 W'arch trim R/C107 short, s.s. ......................... 764001 81.04 € 90 Nut ................................................................... 798174 0.24 € 95 W'arch trim R107,long9.85->s.s. ..................... 764007 81.04 € 90 Trim above headlamp @ LH wing .................... 788819 29.75 € 95 W'arch trimR/C107long ->'85s.s. ..................... 764008 81.04 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 86 Bumpers, small / standard support, bumper eye inner rr. ............................ 761415 20.83 € 27 Bolt, M8 x 12 zinced ........................................... 799942 1.00 € 1 panelling screw bumper 12 frt / 26 rr ................ 799938 0.30 € 36 Set mounting bits (92pc) frt Eur-bumper ........... 788308 49.98 € 7 chrome bumper joint, front & rear ..................... 788910 83.30 € 37 Blechmutter zB Spoiler vorn an Schürze ........... 798167 0.36 € 8 plastic plug cap .................................. 788995 0.89 € 40 panelling screw bumper 12 frt / 26 rr ................ 799938 0.30 € 10 Inner bracket shell, bumper frt LH Euro ........... 788795 190.40 € 42 chrome bumper joint, front & rear ..................... 788910 83.30 € 10 Inner bracket shell, bumper frt RH Euro ........... 788805 190.40 € 43 panelling screw bumper 12 frt / 26 rr ................ 799938 0.30 € 14 Bumper mount frt.LH.inn, Repro, steel .............. 788715 42.42 € 44 square washer, rear bumper .............................. 788109 5.36 € 14 Bumper mount frt.RH.inn, Repro, steel ............. 788716 42.42 € 18 Adapting mount frt.RH Eur-bmper to USca ....... 788720 60.87 € 44 Inner bracket shell, bumper rear RH Eur .......... 788834 44 Inner bracket shell, bumper rear LH Eur .......... 788833 92.82 € 92.82 € 18 Bumper mount frt..RH.outer, Repro, stee .......... 788712 51.65 € 45 Set inner shells, Euro-bumpers, 5-pcs ................ 788450 696.15 € 18 Adapting mount frt.LH Eur-bmper to USca ....... 788719 60.87 € 46 Set bits,mounting+assembling rr EUR bum ...... 788309 79.97 € 18 Bumper mount frt.LH.outer early, repro ............ 788711 51.65 € 48 Dampening layer, bumper to tail panel .............. 788112 1.07 € 18 Bumper mount frt.LH.outer, late, Repro ............ 788717 53.49 € 48 Inner bracket shell, bumper rear centre ............ 788835 190.40 € 22 Bumper rubber frt LH, Euro style, Repro .......... 788870 58.31 € 50 Profile rear bumper protection EURO ................ 788895 87.47 € 22 1 pair bumper rubbers frt. (L+R) Repro ............ 788875 105.91 € 51 Dec.skirt R/C107, rr. Lt., Alu .............................. 788236 59.50 € 22 Bumper rubber frt. RH Euro-style, Repro .......... 788880 58.31 € 51 Set rr skirt Euro-bmp, (std-steel) 3-pc ............... 788275 154.70 € 24 Rbr-strip, Euro-bumper R/C107 frt-ctre ............. 788175 53.55 € 51 Dec.skirt R/C107, rr. Rt., Alu ............................. 788246 59.50 € 24 Clip, prot. strip, front ......................................... 788097 0.54 € 51 Dec.skirt R/C107, rr. Lt.,std/Euro ...................... 788230 57.12 € 25 Profl.for insert R/C107 fr. ................................... 788098 5.57 € 51 Dec.skirt R/C107, rr. Rt.,std. .............................. 788240 57.12 € 25 Clip, prot. strip, front ......................................... 788097 0.54 € 55 Set rr skirt Euro-bmp, (std-steel) 3-pc ............... 788275 154.70 € 26 Clip, prot. strip, front ......................................... 788097 0.54 € 55 panelling screw bumper 12 frt / 26 rr ................ 799938 0.30 € 26 Join plate screw M8 e.g. bumper joints .............. 288105 1.00 € 55 Dec.skirt R/C107, rr. ............................... 788270 57.12 € 27 lic-plate support, Euro ........................................ 788086 17.85 € 55 Set rr skirt Euro-bmp, ALU, 3-pcs ...................... 788277 178.50 € 55 Dec.skirt R/C107, rr. mid.ALU ........................... 788276 70.21 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 87 Export Bumpers 9 Profile, bumperette, grey ...................... 189011 4.76 € 33 Impact absorber, US, f.LH .................... 788313 199.48 € 33 Impact absorber, US, f.RH .................... 788323 199.48 € 73 Bolt, bumper to body, M8 ...................... 799887 1.19 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 88 91 Seat, mech. parts Set hinge covers: SL,no armrest,'77-> .......... 791678 133.28 € 90 Guide for seat belt .......................................... 786150 22.00 € 40 Foam cushion seat SL ->'85 ........................... 791750 136.85 € Covering, seat hinge, lower left ..................... 791610 17.26 € 40 Foam pad, seat, SL 7.85-> fits L or R ............ 791151 255.85 € Covering, seat hinge, lower right ................... 791620 17.26 € 41 Foam cushion back rest '73->'85 ................... 791771 148.75 € Covering, seat hinge, upper left ->08.7 ......... 791630 17.26 € 60 Foam pad, SL rr extra, seat Rt.->8.85 ........... 791360 166.60 € Covering, seat hinge, upper right .................. 791640 17.26 € 61 Notsitz-Nachrüstsatz Leder ........................... 793195 1368.50 € Covering, if adjuster wheel at LH side ........... 791650 17.26 € 78 Sliding block, seat rail .................................... 791609 1.13 € Covering, seat hinge, upper ........................... 791660 17.26 € 80 oval eye, headrest rods .................................. 291843 1.77 € covering, at arm rest hinge, no hole .............. 791670 17.26 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 89 94 Special Interior Equipment jack fixing mount, spare tire 3rd gen. .......................... 740015 34.51 € 30 Buch SL 280-SL 73 AMG, Engelen R129 .............. 911301 59.38 € 2 Mats, prt., vel. silver grey LHD ............................. 768273 50.58 € 30 Book: Rep.-manual W116 '72->, 185pg ger .......... 611303 44.38 € 2 Mats, prt., vel. dark blue LHD .............................. 768275 50.58 € 30 Buch "SL's & SLC's Portfolio" eng. ....................... 711307 35.22 € 2 Mats, prt., loop,dark blue LHD ............................. 768175 50.58 € 30 Haynes Owners Manual 350/450 (Eng.) ............... 711301 35.70 € 2 Mats, prt., vel. beige LHD ..................................... 768279 50.58 € 30 Book, R/C107, Schrader, German ......................... 711312 17.14 € 2 Mats,prt.,vel. dk.anthraciteLHD ........................... 768271 50.58 € 30 Book W126 Rep-manual, german, 186 pages ....... 611305 44.38 € 2 Mats, prt., vel. black LHD ..................................... 768270 50.58 € 40 Indoor Car Cover "Premium XL", grey .................. 799910 69.02 € 2 Mats, prt., loop,anthracite LHD ............................ 768171 50.58 € 40 Indoor Car Cover Premium, "L", grey ................... 299909 65.45 € 9 Nardi-Classico wd/alu.comp. 39cm ....................... 746000 476.00 € 9 Nardi s'wheel horn button, 2-Pole ........................ 746009 99.96 € 40 40 Car cover 113..4,3m blue, light fabric .................. 299903 Car cover "FirstClass",Sport large blue ................ 799800 77.35 € 153.51 € 9 Nardi-Classico, wd/alu 39cm no hub ..................... 746010 370.09 € 50 professional battery charger 10A .......................... 954090 246.00 € 10 Nardi-hub, Mercedes fr.08.79 inc. ABE ................ 746005 139.40 € 55 Antenna insert late style (toothed core ................. 799971 27.38 € Antenna, Autm. Hirschmann, see picture ............. 299975 279.65 € 10 Nardi s'wheel horn button, 2-Pole ........................ 746009 99.96 € 55 10 Nardi-hub, Mercedes'76->07.79 w/o Tüv ............. 746006 97.58 € 55 Rbr seal plug, Hirschmann antenna ...................... 799082 3.45 € 11 Gear lever, burr walnut/man. ................................ 726024 65.45 € 55 Antenna insert 900mm .......................................... 799970 26.78 € 11 Gear lever auto./zebra fr. 85 ................................. 727025 62.48 € 55 Antenna, manual ................................................... 299974 117.22 € 11 Gear lever auto./b'walnut fr.'85 ............................ 727029 62.48 € 55 Rbr seal plug, Hirschm.antenna W123/126 .......... 699082 3.45 € 21 Anti-theft device 300-500SL chr. .......................... 798140 93.42 € 69 Speedo watch 450SL R/C107 ................................ 799993 129.00 € 30 Buch "Ein Stern strahlt wieder" T.Bittl ................. 711308 95.00 € 69 Speedo watch 500SL R/C107 ................................ 799990 129.00 € 30 Book "Buyers Guide R/C107" ................................ 711306 19.04 € 69 Speedo watch 380SL R/C107 ................................ 799992 129.00 € 30 Book (german) Engelen "MB Baureihe R107 ........ 711311 59.38 € 69 Speedo watch 300SL R/C107 ................................ 799968 129.00 € 30 Book: W116 Rep.-manual. 148pg german ............. 611304 44.38 € 69 Speedo watch R/C107 350SL ................................ 799994 129.00 € 30 Book: B.Long "MB-107-Series" 208 pages ............ 711309 47.60 € 69 Speedo watch 420SL R/C107 ................................ 799991 129.00 € 30 Book MB Roadster&Cabrios '49-'89 ...................... 911310 11.84 € 69 Speedo watch 280SL R/C107 ................................ 799997 129.00 € All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 90 Terms and conditions 1. All sales, either verbal by Telephone or agreements made with our agents, shall be legally binding to us only when acknowledged in writing. 2. Prices and terms of delivery are be nonbinding. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. 3. Placing an order shall be considered as acceptance of our Delivery and Sales Terms. Any other terms imposed by the purchaser shall be considered binding to us only when accepted and acknowledged in writing by us. The purchaser shall be entitled to withdraw only when the estimated delivery time has been exceeded by more than four weeks and when an adequate extension has been granted without success. This withdrawal must be received by us in writing. 4. Delivery will always be ex stock Hamburg at the risk of the purchaser and as determined by us. All deliveries will be payable cash on delivery (COD) to the purchasers account. Expenses for packing and shipment will be charged to the buyer at cost. Special packing, such as seaworthy packing, will be charged in addition. 5. All goods delivered shall remain our property until completely paid for. In the event of resale the respective selling price shall be considered assigned to us and shall be remitted to us immediately upon receipt of payment. 6. Complaint shall be accepted only within two weeks following delivery and shall be submitted to us free of postal charges. If complaints are recognized by us the goods shall be taken back by us for exchange or reimbursement. All other claims shall be excluded. 7. We are not responsible for any goods returned to us without our prior consent. 8. Shutdowns of any kind, also at our suppliers, shall release us free from our delivery obligations during the duration of the shutdown. Other influences beyond our control shall entitle us to cancel our agreements in part or in full 9. In case the purchaser does not accept the delivery or the delivery cannot be executed by purchaser’s means, we are allowed to withdraw from the obligation of delivery and are allowed to charge 25% of the order volume to cover our expenses. 10. Illustrations, weights and dimensions are approximate, we reserve the right of making changes. 11. Place of venue for delivery, payment and of jurisdiction shall be Hamburg. 12. The contractual relationship arising from the business is subject to German law. Barsbüttel, June 1st 2003 All prices incl. 19% german VAT and excl. freight charges 91
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