Go Central - Gateshead Council
Go Central - Gateshead Council
Sexual Health Clinic (Mon-Fri, various times), Bensham Hospital, Saltwell Road, Gateshead Telephone 0800 422 0200 Contraception Clinic (Tues 4.30pm-6.30pm), Health Centre, Prince Consort Road, Gateshead Telephone 0800 422 0200 Gateshead College, Baltic Campus, Quarryfield Road, Gateshead Telephone 0191 490 0300 Young People’s Homeless Prevention/Young People’s Tenancy Support Telephone 0191 433 6822/0191 433 6850 Citizen’s Advice Bureau, 5 Regent Terrace, Gateshead Telephone 0191 440 8117 Victim Support, Swinburne House, Swinburne Street, Gateshead Telephone 0191 477 8395 MIND, Dunsmuir Grove, Gateshead Telephone 0191 477 4545 Young People’s Health Development Worker (Central) Louise Lydall Mobile 0778 770 3660 SMART (drugs/alcohol support), High West Street, Gateshead Telephone 0191 499 8110 Useful contacts www.gatesheadyouthforum.org.uk Find out about youth events and activities in Central Gateshead www.gateshead.gov.uk Click ‘What’s On’ for leisure and cultural events www.extended.org.uk/ Out of school and holiday activities for school-age students www.connexions-tw.co.uk Includes careers and lifestyle advice, plus on-line job-search facility www.asaplive.com/Home/ Homework, gaming and teen book groups at the Central Library GemArts, Old Town Hall, West Street, Gateshead Telephone 0191 443 4666 Art/music production - various session times CoMusica, The Sage Gateshead, Gateshead Quays Culture and Personal Interest Telephone 0191 490 0848 All age community sessions and outdoor pitch space for BME/Faith groups Windmill Hills Community Centre, Chester Place, Gateshead Mobile Telephone 07960 869 422 Sat 2pm-6pm International African Youth Club, Trinity Centre, High Street, Gateshead Voluntary and Community Sector Telephone 0191 478 2839 Sea Cadet Corps, Pipewellgate, Gateshead Uniformed Youth Groups Telephone 0191 433 6829 Information, advice and guidance drop-in service, Mon-Fri 9.30am-5pm Connexions Gateshead, Interchange Centre, West Street, Gateshead Council Supported Youth Provision Town Centre and Windmill Hills Useful youth provision websites For young people in Deckham•Bensham•Saltwell•Town Centre Welcome GO:Central has been developed by the Children and Young People’s Service (Gateshead Council) as a first-step introduction to the local opportunities available to young people living in Central Gateshead. Central Gateshead boasts a strong and varied youth scene which is delivered by a range of organisations and groups. GO:Central lists these activities under themed interest areas and community headings for quick reference, showing that there are most definitely things to do (over 150 per week) and places to go (over 60 venues and spaces) for young people in the Central neighbourhood. The majority of activities listed in GO:Central are free but charges may apply for some sessions. Listings show regular sessions only - contact centres direct for information about opportunities in art, leisure, sport, residential events and holiday programmes. Always check fees, start times and venues with the contacts listed as all sessions may be subject to change. Central Gateshead Telephone 0191 440 4124 Diverse/BME arts events/projects Mobile Library Telephone 0191 433 6415 St Cuthbert’s Court, Mon 10am-10.20am Bridges Nursery, Mon 10.25am-10.50am Extended School Sites St Joseph’s, Prince Consort Road, Gateshead Telephone 0191 490 1517 Parks, Play Areas and Accessible Green Spaces Bridges Skate Park (Durham Road) Windmills Hills Park Route 14 National Cycle Network; from South Shore Road 19/08/2011 11:17:22 Gateshead Go Central A3 Youth Offer Leaflet August 2011.indd 1 Gateshead Go Central A3 Youth Offer Leaflet August 2011.indd 2 19/08/2011 11:17:22 Telephone 0191 477 1495 Exhibitions, events and activities for children and young people, Mon-Sat 10am5pm, Sun 2pm-5pm Shipley Art Gallery, Prince Consort Road, Gateshead Telephone 0191 478 2563 Amateur dramatics/theatre - various meeting times Progressive Players, Little Theatre, Saltwell View, Gateshead Amberley Street, Mon (fortnightly) Armstrong Street, Mon (fortnightly) Telephone 0191 433 6415 Mobile Library Telephone 0191 433 8435 Ink J Book Club, Sat (monthly) 10.30am-12noon (ages 11-14) Ink S Book Club, Fri (monthly) 4.30pm-6pm (ages 14-18) Warhammer Club, Sat (monthly) 10am- 12noon (ages 11-18), charges apply Anime/Manga Club, Fri (monthly) 5pm-6.30pm (ages 12+) Wii Club, Mon (weekly) 4pm-5.30pm (ages 10-17) Central Library, Prince Consort Road, Gateshead Culture and Personal Interest Telephone 0191 433 5733 Mon-Fri 7am-10pm, Sat 8am-6pm, Sun 8am-10pm Gateshead Leisure Centre, Alexandra Road, Gateshead Sport and Leisure Telephone 0191 490 1900 Gateshead Youth Assembly, 12 Gladstone Terrace, Gateshead Telephone 0191 477 7759 Young Women’s Outreach Project, 12 Gladstone Terrace, Gateshead Telephone 0191 478 4103 Information and support on voluntary opportunities Gateshead Voluntary Organisations Council, 8-9 Gladstone Terrace, Gatsehead Telephone 0191 490 1032 14-17 Club, Wed and Fri 3.30pm-6pm St Chad’s Community Project, Liddell Terrace, Gateshead Telephone 0191 478 5959 Advice, leisure and social activities for visually impaired young people 11-20, Mon-Fri 9.30am-4.30pm Sight Service, Bensham Hospital, Saltwell Road, Gateshead Voluntary and Community Sector Telephone 0191 444 1400 Mon 7pm (ages 13-17) Young Firefighters, Dryden Road, Gateshead Telephone 0191 388 2351 Mon and Wed 7pm-9pm (ages 12-18) Army Cadets, Alexandra Road, Gateshead Tue and Fri 7pm-9pm (ages 13-20) 361 Air Cadets, Alexandra Road, Gateshead Telephone 0191 490 0520 Beaver Scouts, Wed 5.45pm Cub Scouts, Thur 5.45pm Scouts Thur 7.15pm 7th Scouts, Mitchell House, Gladstone Terrace, Gateshead Uniformed Youth Groups Telephone 0191 433 6453 Support for teenage parents Bensham Children’s Centre, Liddell Terrace, Gateshead Telephone 0191 499 8209 After-school Clubs, Mon-Fri 4pm-6pm Homework Clubs, Sat 10am-2pm Muslim Society Community Centre, 2-4 Westbourne Avenue, Gateshead Telephone 0191 433 6450 Multi-cultural Young Women’s Group, Thur 5pm-7pm Volunteering, Gardening and Leisure Opportunities - ask for details of times and charges Bensham Grove Community Centre, Sidney Grove, Gateshead Carr Hill Park Reservoir Park Parks, Play Areas and Accessible Green Spaces Bede, Old Fold Road, Gateshead Telephone 0191 433 4135 Carr Hill, Carr Hill Road Telephone 0191 477 1203 South Street, Cramer Street Telephone 0191 477 3993 St Wilfrid’s, Old Fold Road Telephone 0191 487 7638 Extended School Sites Carr Hill School, Fri (fortnightly) 1.15pm-1.45 pm Old Fold Road Nursery, Fri (fortnightly) 2pm-2.40pm Elgin Centre, Fri (fortnightly) 2.55pm-3.35pm Mobile Library Telephone 0191 433 6415 Culture and Personal Interest Tues and Thurs from 7pm Saltwell Harriers, International Stadium, Neilson Road, Gateshead Telephone 0191 487 5325 Sport and Leisure Beaver Scouts Fri 5pm Cub Scouts Fri 6pm Scouts Fri 7.30pm 39th Gateshead, St Alban’s Centre, Millview, Windy Nook, Gateshead Telephone 0191 469 9620 Uniformed Youth Groups Telephone 0191 433 5633 Support for teenage parents Bede Children’s Centre, Old Fold Road, Gateshead Telephone 0191 433 6300 Deckham Children’s Centre, Elgin Centre, Elgin Road, Gateshead Girls’ Group Mon, 6pm-8pm Young Men’s Group, Thur 6pm-8pm Boxing Club, Thur 6.30pm-8.30pm (charges apply) Junior Youth Club, Fri 3.30pm-5pm (charges apply) Free Football for ages 11-21, Fri 5pm-8pm Café, Gym and Gardening Project, ask for details of times and charges Route 26, Elgin Centre, Elgin Road, Gateshead Telephone 0191 433 5665 Flawless Youth Club, open to people with additional needs, Mon 6pm-9pm Our Say, Our Way Focus Group, Tues 4pm-6pm Central Area Youth Forum, Tues 6pm-8pm Young Women’s Group, Wed 6pm-8pm Detached (street based) Youth Work, Tue 4.30pm-6pm, Wed, Fri 6pm-9pm, Sat 5.30pm-8.30pm Senior Youth Clubs, Fri 6pm-8.45pm Deckham Community Centre, Split Crow Road, Gateshead Telephone 0191 477 9210 Council Supported Youth Provision Deckham, Carr Hill and Sunderland Road North Avondale Park Barrington Road Park Bensham Butterfly Garden Bewick Road Park Elysium Lane Park Harry Cowan’s Park Hyde Park Street Community Park Norwood Nature Park Saltwell Park St Edmund’s Park Parks, Play Areas and Accessible Green Spaces Telephone 0191 477 4186 Kelvin Grove, Kelvin Grove, Gateshead Telephone 0191 477 2175 Corpus Christi, Dunsmuir Grove, Gateshea Telephone 0191 433 4095 Caedmon, Whitehall Road, Gateshead The Avenues Project, 61 Coatsworth Road, Gateshead Telephone 0191 478 6983 Drop-in - chat, chill, refreshments, advice, Mon-Thur 1pm-6pm, Fri 1pm-8.30pm Detached (street based) Youth Work, Mon-Fri 6pm-9pm Young Women’s Group, Tues 6.30pm-8.30pm Young Men’s Group, Wed 6pm-9pm Health Drop-in @ Joseph Swan, Fri 12noon-2pm Telephone 0191 421 8080 Brighton Avenue, Brighton Road, Gateshead Extended School Sites Council Supported Youth Provision Bensham, Saltwell and Shipcote