Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de planejamento e
Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de planejamento e
UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA CATARINA Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de planejamento e acompanhamento técnico e financeiro de projetos Luis Henrique Spoladore Amaral UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA CATARINA DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA E ESTATÍSTICA CURSO DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO TÍTULO: Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de planejamento e acompanhamento técnico e econômico de projetos AUTOR: Luis Henrique Spoladore Amaral ORIENTADOR: José Eduardo De Lucca BANCA EXAMINADORA: Delson de Valois Santos ; Rafael Savi Florianópolis, 26 de fevereiro de 2007. 2 Resumo Este trabalho descreve Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de planejamento e acompanhamento técnico e financeiro de projetos. Foram estudados os sistemas de gestão de projetos já existentes e dentre eles, destacou-se o software livre GanttProject, que atendia parcialmente os requisitos desejados. O sistema desenvolvido é então uma adaptação do sistema GanttProject, que implementa os requisitos estabelecidos para o projeto. Dentre as principais funcionalidades do sistema, destacam-se a possibilidade de definir tarefas, cronogramas, e alocação de recursos e também a excelente usabilidade da interface. A gerência de projetos é ainda hoje uma área considerada de menor importância em ambientes de laboratórios de pesquisa e pequenas empresas, que concentram seus esforços na área operacional. Espera-se que o sistema desenvolvido possa auxiliar tais laboratórios na gestão de projetos. O trabalho relata também a experiência no desenvolvimento de novas funcionalidades de um software mantido pela comunidade de software livre SourceForge. Palavras-chave: Gestão de projetos, GanttProject, Software Livre 3 Abstract This work describes the Development of a technical and financial, planning and accompaniment System. Existing Management Systems have been studied and GanttProject have been distinguished amongst them, supporting partially the desired requirements. So, the developed system is an adaptation of GanttProject that implements the established project requirements. Amongst the main system functionalities, distinguishes the possibility of tasks definig, schedules, resources allocation and the excellent interface usability. The project management area still is considered of lesser importance at research laboratories and small companies, wich concentrate its efforts on operational areas. Its expected that the developed system could help those laboratories to manage their projects. This work also reports the experience in development of new features on a software maintened by SourceForge, a free software community. Keywords: Project Management, GanttProject, Free Software 4 Sumário Resumo ...................................................................................................................... 3 Abstract ...................................................................................................................... 4 Lista de Figuras .......................................................................................................... 6 Lista de Tabelas ......................................................................................................... 7 1. Introdução .......................................................................................................... 8 2. Objetivos ............................................................................................................ 9 1.1 Objetivo Geral ................................................................................................ 9 1.2 Objetivos Específicos..................................................................................... 9 1.3 Limites............................................................................................................ 9 1.4 Estrutura ........................................................................................................ 9 3. Conceitos: ........................................................................................................ 11 3.1 Projeto.......................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Gerência de projetos.................................................................................... 12 3.3 Gráfico de Gantt........................................................................................... 13 3.4 PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) ................................... 14 3.5 Método Caminho crítico (CPM) .................................................................... 14 3.6 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)............................................................... 15 4 Levantamento de requisitos para um sistema de Gestão de Projetos ............. 16 4.1 Requisitos Funcionais: ................................................................................. 17 4.2 Requisitos Não Funcionais: ......................................................................... 18 5 Avaliação de ferramentas de Gestão de Projetos ............................................ 19 5.1 Open Workbench ......................................................................................... 19 5.2 GanttProject ................................................................................................. 20 5.3 dotProject..................................................................................................... 21 6 Proposta de solução para uma ferramenta de gestão de projetos................... 23 6.1 GanttProject ................................................................................................. 24 6.1.1 Estado Atual..........................................................................................24 6.1.2 Novas Funcionalidades.........................................................................31 7 Caso de uso da ferramenta.............................................................................. 36 8 Conclusões ...................................................................................................... 49 Trabalhos Futuros .................................................................................................... 50 Glossário .................................................................................................................. 51 Referências Bibliográficas ........................................................................................ 54 Bibliografia................................................................................................................ 56 Apêndices................................................................................................................. 57 Classes e arquivos alterados ................................................................................ 57 Classes e Arquivos criados................................................................................... 58 Código Fonte ........................................................................................................ 60 5 Lista de Figuras Figura 1 - Exemplo de Gráfico PERT .......................................................................... 14 Figura 2 - Exemplo de WBS......................................................................................... 15 Figura 3 - Tela Inicial - Tarefas .................................................................................... 24 Figura 4 - Tela principal de Recursos ......................................................................... 25 Figura 5 - Tela de propriedades gerais de Recurso .................................................. 26 Figura 6 - Tela de propriedades ferias de Recurso ................................................... 26 Figura 7 - Tela ilustrando a exibição de conflitos entre alocação de Recursos ...... 27 Figura 8 - Tela de propriedades gerais de Tarefa...................................................... 28 Figura 9 - Tela de notas da Tarefa .............................................................................. 28 Figura 10 - Tela de colunas customizadas da Tarefa................................................ 29 Figura 11 - Tela de recursos da Tarefa....................................................................... 29 Figura 12 - Tela de dependências da Tarefa.............................................................. 30 Figura 13 - Tela importação de projeto de servidor WebDAV .................................. 30 Figura 14 - Tela de propriedades gerais de Tarefa, agora com campo orçamento33 Figura 15 - Nova Tela de custos de Tarefa ................................................................ 33 Figura 16 - Nova Tela para execução de relatórios................................................... 34 Figura 17 - Relatório de Custos por Atividade............................................................ 34 Figura 18 - Relatório Financeiro .................................................................................. 35 Figura 19 - Definindo Projeto ...................................................................................... 37 Figura 20 - Definindo dias de folga.............................................................................. 37 Figura 21 - Definindo Tarefa ........................................................................................ 39 Figura 22 - Definindo relações de tarefas................................................................... 39 Figura 23 - Definindo custos de tarefa ........................................................................ 40 Figura 24 - Visualização do Gráfico Gantt .................................................................. 40 Figura 25 - Associando tarefas utilizando recurso de interface................................ 41 Figura 26 - Associando recursos à Tarefa.................................................................. 42 Figura 27 - Visualização de Gráfico de Alocação de Recursos................................ 42 Figura 28 - Visualização de comparação de estados de projeto.............................. 43 Figura 29 - Visualização do caminho crítico ............................................................... 44 Figura 30 - Gráfico de PERT........................................................................................ 44 Figura 31 - Relatório de Custos por Atividade............................................................ 45 Figura 32 - Relatório de Resumo de custos ............................................................... 46 Figura 33 - Configurando Servidor FTP ...................................................................... 46 Figura 34 - Relatório Web Gráfico de Gantt ............................................................... 47 Figura 35 - Relatório Web - Recursos......................................................................... 47 6 Lista de Tabelas Tabela 1: Requisitos no software Open Benchwork ................................................. 19 Tabela 2: Requisitos no software GanttProject .......................................................... 21 Tabela 3: Requisitos no software dotProject .............................................................. 22 7 1. Introdução A organização da sociedade capitalista foi profundamente alterada pela Revolução Industrial. Diversas transformações iniciaram, tornando o processo de controle das organizações cada vez mais complexo. Ao fim do século XIX, surge a administração, propiciando conhecimento científico ao gerenciamento das novas estruturas produtivas. Observa-se neste contexto, um empregado que diferencia-se dos demais quanto ao nível de autoridade. Identificado como gestor, suas atribuições e atividades executadas são objeto de estudo de diversas teorias da administração. FAYOL (1970) foi o responsável pela Teoria Clássica da Administração. Preocupado na organização da empresa como um todo, sistematizou os grupos necessários à atividade administrativa: planejar, organizar, comandar, coordenar e controlar. TAYLOR (1971) propôs a utilização de métodos científicos na administração de empresas, dando inicio à Administração Científica. Nela, foram identificados os princípios de planejamento, preparação dos trabalhadores, controle e execução. Ambas teorias preocupavam-se em atingir os objetivos de maior produtividade no trabalho e eficiência nas organizações. Desde então, diversas teorias e metodologias foram criadas no âmbito da gerência de projetos. Apesar da proposta de Fayol servir ainda a base para as práticas de gestão, estudos mais recentes ressaltam a natureza incerta dos projetos inserida em um ambiente mutável, em que dificilmente o projeto se mantém dentro do planejado, como afirmam REED (1989) e MINTZBERG (1990). Atualmente, a referencia na área de gestão de projetos é o PMI ( Project Management Institute. Este instituto é responsável pela publicação do PMBOK Project Management Body of Knowledge – que é um conjunto de conhecimentos para gerenciamento de projeto. Este trabalho esta baseado nos conceitos apresentados por este instituto. 8 2. Objetivos 1.1 Objetivo Geral O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um software livre para planejamento e acompanhamento técnico e financeiro de projetos que sirva como alternativa aos softwares proprietários. Espera-se que o mesmo possa auxiliar e incentivar laboratórios de pesquisa a planejar e gerenciar seus projetos. 1.2 Objetivos Específicos 1.2.1 Estudar os princípios de gerenciamento de projetos, de acordo com as entidades de referência da área. 1.2.2 Levantar as necessidades de gerenciamento de projetos em ambiente acadêmico/universitário. 1.2.3 Criar uma ferramenta livre que incorpore os conceitos básicos de gerenciamento de projetos aplicados ao ambiente acadêmico. 1.3 Limites O trabalho está voltado ao desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para auxiliar laboratórios de pesquisa a planejar e acompanhar seus projetos, o que não impede que pequenas empresas e usuários domésticos utilizem a ferramenta, dadas as características genéricas de gerência de projeto suportadas. 1.4 Estrutura Este trabalho esta estrutura em 8 capítulos. O primeiro capítulo apresenta uma introdução à gerência de projetos. O segundo descreve o trabalho em geral, apresentado seus objetivos gerais e específicos, limitações e estrutura. O terceiro aborda os conceitos relacionados à gerência de projetos, enquanto que o quarto capítulo busca identificar requisitos de software que possibilite a gestão de projetos em laboratórios de pesquisa. 9 Tendo definidos os requisitos, no quinto capítulo é descrita a avaliação de algumas ferramentas de gestão existentes atualmente. O sexto capítulo apresenta o software proposto e o seu desenvolvimento. Posteriormente, é exibido no sétimo capítulo um exemplo de caso de uso da ferramenta. No último capitulo são apresentadas as conclusões, resultados alcançados e sugestões para trabalhos futuros. 10 3. Conceitos: Neste capítulo serão apresentados os principais conceitos de gestão de projetos, utilizando como principal referência o PMBOK. 3.1 Projeto Projeto é um conjunto fechado de atividades ou tarefas, com prazos e custos bem definidos. Um temporário empreendido para criar um produto, serviço ou resultado exclusivo. [PMB04] 1 - Temporário Temporário significa que todos os projetos possuem um início e um final definidos. O final é alcançado quando os objetivos do projeto tiverem sido atingidos, quando se tornar claro que os objetivos do projeto não serão ou não poderão ser atingidos ou quando não existir mais a necessidade do projeto e ele for encerrado. Temporário não significa necessariamente de curta duração; muitos projetos duram vários anos. Em todos os casos, no entanto, a duração de um projeto é finita. Projetos não são esforços contínuos. Além disso, geralmente o termo temporário não se aplica ao produto, serviço ou resultado criado pelo projeto. A maioria dos projetos é realizada para criar um resultado duradouro. Por exemplo, um projeto para erguer um monumento nacional criará um resultado que deve durar séculos. Os projetos também podem com freqüência ter impactos sociais, econômicos e ambientais, intencionais ou não, com duração muito mais longa que a dos próprios projetos. A natureza temporária dos projetos pode também ser aplicada a outros aspectos do esforço: - A oportunidade ou janela do mercado geralmente é temporária—alguns projetos têm um prazo limitado durante o qual seu produto ou serviço deve ser gerado. - A equipe do projeto, como uma unidade de trabalho, dificilmente continuará a mesma após o projeto—uma equipe criada com o único objetivo de realizar o projeto realizará esse projeto e, em seguida, será desfeita e seus membros serão realocados quando o projeto for concluído. 11 2 - Produtos, serviços ou resultados exclusivos. Um projeto cria entregas exclusivas, que são produtos, serviços ou resultados. Os projetos podem criar: - Um produto ou objeto produzido, quantificável e que pode ser um item final ou um item componente. - Uma capacidade de realizar um serviço, como funções de negócios que dão suporte à produção ou à distribuição. - Um resultado, como resultados finais ou documentos. Por exemplo, um projeto de pesquisa desenvolve um conhecimento que pode ser usado para determinar se uma tendência está presente ou não ou se um novo processo irá beneficiar a sociedade. A singularidade é uma característica importante das entregas do projeto. Por exemplo, muitos milhares de prédios de escritórios foram construídos, mas cada prédio em particular é único—tem proprietário diferente, projeto diferente, local diferente, construtora diferente, etc. A presença de elementos repetitivos não muda a singularidade fundamental do trabalho do projeto. 3 – Elaboração Progressiva A elaboração progressiva é uma característica de projetos que integra os conceitos de temporário e exclusivo. Elaboração progressiva significa desenvolver em etapas e continuar por incrementos. Por exemplo, o escopo do projeto será descrito de maneira geral no início do projeto e se tornará mais explícito e detalhado conforme a equipe do projeto desenvolve um entendimento mais completo dos objetivos e das entregas. 3.2 Gerência de projetos O gerenciamento de projetos é a aplicação de conhecimento, habilidades, ferramentas e técnicas às atividades do projeto a fim de atender aos seus requisitos. O gerenciamento de projetos é realizado através da aplicação e da integração dos seguintes processos de gerenciamento de projetos: iniciação, planejamento, execução, monitoramento e controle, e encerramento. O gerente de projetos é a pessoa responsável pela realização dos objetivos do projeto. As funções da gerencia de projetos são [KLE98]: 12 • Liderança: para inspirar os participantes a atingir as metas e objetivos em um nível que atenda ou exceda suas expectativas. Esta é a única função de gerência de projetos que ocorre simultaneamente com as demais funções. O gerente de projeto pode utilizar a liderança para executar o projeto com eficiência e eficácia. • Definição: para determinar a visão global, metas, objetivos, escopo, responsabilidades e distribuições de recursos de um projeto. Uma maneira comum de capturar esta informação é através de um documento que delineia o projeto e é assinado por todas as partes interessadas • Planejamento: para determinar os passos necessários para executar o projeto, indicando as pessoas que irão executá-los e identificando as datas iniciais e finais. • Organização: para gerenciar os recursos eficazmente para a execução do plano. A organização envolve atividades como formar um time, alocar recursos, calcular custos, avaliar riscos, preparar a documentação do projeto e assegurar um bom canal de comunicação. • Controle: para avaliar o quanto o projeto atinge suas metas e objetivos. O controle envolve a coleta e avaliação de relatórios, controlar mudanças nas linhas de base, e responder a circunstancias que possam afetar negativamente os participantes do projeto • Finalização: para concluir um projeto com eficiência e eficácia. Finalizar um projeto envolve compilar estatísticas, liberar o pessoal e preparar um documento com os conhecimentos adquiridos. 3.3 Gráfico de Gantt Uma representação gráfica de informações relacionadas ao cronograma. Em um gráfico de barras típico, as atividades do cronograma ou os componentes da estrutura analítica do projeto são listados verticalmente no lado esquerdo do gráfico, as datas são mostradas horizontalmente na parte superior e as durações das atividades são exibidas como barras horizontais posicionadas de acordo com as datas [PMB04]. Foi desenvolvido em 1910 por Henry L. Gantt. Em sua forma inicial, ele exibe as atividades dispostas verticalmente e o tempo horizontalmente. É possível mostrar também a composição de tarefas e sub-tarefas. Atualmente, novos dados foram adicionados, de modo que é possível exibir não só a duração como também a dependência entre tarefas, porcentagem concluída e recursos alocados [WIK06a].. 13 3.4 PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) PERT, também conhecido como a técnica de estimativa dos três pontos, utiliza três estimativas de tempo para que uma tarefa seja completada. As três estimativas são: a mais provável, a mais pessimista e a mais otimista. A mais provável é o esforço (em dias, horas) para completar uma tarefa em condições normais. A mais pessimista é o esforço para completar uma tarefa nas piores circunstâncias. A mais otimista considera o esforço para completar a tarefa nas melhores condições. Esta técnica utiliza o método do caminho crítico para determinar a média ponderada de duração das tarefas [KLE98]. Foi em resposta a este problema que o PERT foi desenvolvido em 1957 em ação conjunta da Marinha dos EUA e a empresa de consultoria de Booz, Allen e Hamilton. O conceito foi originalmente aplicado ao projeto do submarino Polaris. O sistema PERT esta baseado na idéia de que estimativas são incertas, consequentemente é relevante utilizar escalas de durações e probabilidades de a duração de uma atividade estar nesta escala, do que assumir que uma tarefa será completada em uma quantidade de tempo fixa [LEW99]. Pode ser representado graficamente através de uma rede onde as atividades do projeto são apresentados na forma de um grafo direcional. Os eventos são representados pelos vértices e as arestas apresentam o peso das suas durações. Figura 1 - Exemplo de Gráfico PERT 3.5 Método Caminho crítico (CPM) O caminho crítico é a seqüência mais longa de tarefas partindo do inicio até o fim do projeto. É importante identificar o caminho critico por o atraso em uma tarefa desse caminho implica no atraso de todo o projeto [KNU91]. Dessa forma, é possível identificar quais tarefas merecem maior atenção. 14 3.6 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Uma decomposição hierárquica orientada à entrega do trabalho a ser executado pela equipe do projeto Ela organiza e define o escopo total do projeto. Cada nível descendente representa uma definição cada vez mais detalhada do trabalho do projeto [PMB04]. Sua tradução em português é Estrutura Analítica de Projetos. A WBS serve como base para a maior parte do planejamento de projeto. Figura 2 - Exemplo de WBS 15 4 Levantamento de requisitos para um sistema de Gestão de Projetos Será apresentado neste capítulo o levantamento de requisitos para um sistema de gerência de projetos. Tais requisitos foram identificados através de entrevistas informais e através da convivência com as pessoas responsáveis pela gerencia de projetos no laboratório GeNESS [GEN07]. Requisitos são uma descrição das necessidades ou desejos para um produto. O Objetivo básico da fase de requisitos é identificar e documentar o que é realmente necessário, em uma forma que comunica claramente essa informação ao cliente e aos membros da equipe de desenvolvimento [LAR00]. Requisitos de software podem ser classificados como funcionais ou não funcionais. Requisitos funcionais (RF) são as funções que o usuário esperam que o software faça. O termo função é uma operação genérica a ser realizada pelo sistema, através de comandos dos usuários ou eventos do sistema. Já os requisitos não funcionais (RNF) são as qualidades do software, como usabilidade, desempenho, tecnologia. Podem ser classificados também quanto ao seu grau de importância, em essencial, importante e desejável. Essencial é um requisito imprescindível, que deve ser implementado. Sem ele o sistema não entra em funcionamento. Importante é um requisito que, caso não seja implementado, permite que o sistema funcione, porém, de forma não satisfatória. Desejável é um requisito que não compromete o funcionamento satisfatório do sistema. Caso não haja tempo para implementa-lo, pode ser deixado para próximas versões. A seguir, uma descrição informal dos requisitos identificados: • Um software de gerência de projetos deve fornecer meios para, no mínimo, descrever o projeto, definir tarefas, indicar interdependência das tarefas, alocar recursos, definir cronograma e custos associados. • Deve ter boa usabilidade para proporcionar agilidade ao usuário planejar e re-planejar as tarefas constantemente. 16 • Deve rodar em rede ou, ao menos, permitir a publicação de relatórios na web, possibilitando que o cronograma e demais informações necessárias para a execução sejam acessadas convenientemente por todos os envolvidos no projeto. • Também deve ter interface para que os usuários alimentem o sistema informando o andamento de cada atividade e quais delas já foram concluídas, dados essenciais para o gerente monitorar o andamento dos projetos. • É necessário que seja um software livre, eliminando assim os gastos com licenças. É interessante também que o sistema seja multiplataforma, ou seja, que possa ser executado em diferentes sistemas operacionais, como Windows e Linux. • Os dados deverão ser salvos, preferencialmente, em banco de dados livre ou em arquivos formato XML, possibilitando futuras integrações. É interessante também que a instalação e configuração da ferramenta seja simples, não exigindo conhecimentos avançados de informática. Serão levantados requisitos detalhados que a ferramenta de gerência de projetos deve contemplar. 4.1 Requisitos Funcionais: • RF01: Definição de descrição dos projetos (Essencial); • RF02: Definição de tarefas (descrição e prazos) e suas interdependências (Essencial); • RF03: Definição e alocação de recursos para as tarefas (Essencial); • RF04: Definição de custos para as tarefas (Essencial); • RF05: Acompanhamento do andamento do projeto, permitindo a visualização e manutenção dos estados das tarefas, seus prazos e custos (Essencial); • RF06: Visualização de Gantt Chart (Importante); • RF07: Visualização de Pert Chart (Desejável); • RF08: Visualização do caminho crítico (Desejável); • RF09: Suporte a WBS - Work Breakdown Structure (Desejável) ; 17 • RF10: Geração de relatório das atividades (Importante); • RF11: Geração de relatório de custos (Importante); 4.2 Requisitos Não Funcionais: • RNF01: Deve executar localmente (offline) (Importante); • RNF02: Deve permitir execução em rede ou publicar relatórios web ( Importante); • RNF03: Deve ser uma ferramenta intuitiva para demandar o menor custo (de horas) possível no aprendizado de sua utilização (Importante); • RNF04: Deve ter boa usabilidade de forma que a atividade de gerência tome o menor tempo possível das pessoas para que não seja abandonada em prol de atividades de produção (Desejável); • RNF05: Deve ser implementado como software livre, disponibilizando o código fonte. (Essencial); • RNF06: Deve permitir a execução em nos sistemas operacionais Linux e Windows. (Importante); • RNF07: Os dados deverão ser armazenados em banco de dados livre ou em arquivos XML (Essencial); • RNF08: Suporte a língua portuguesa (Importante). • RNF09: Instalação simples (Desejável). Tendo definidos os requisitos para uma ferramenta de Gestão de Projetos, iniciou-se uma pesquisa dos softwares existentes atualmente. Os softwares, Open Workbench, GanttProject e dotProject, foram pesquisados verificando se os mesmos atendiam os requisitos especificados. 18 5 Avaliação de ferramentas de Gestão de Projetos 5.1 Open Workbench O software Open Workbench [OPE07], na versão 1.1.4, é uma ferramenta para desktop, desenvolvido utilizando as linguagens C++ e Java, voltado apenas para plataforma Windows. Foi desenvolvido pela empresa Niku e a partir de 2004 seu código fonte foi liberado. Hoje a empresa responsável pelo sistema é a Computer Associates. Seu código fonte está disponível em Sourceforge, sob a licença da proprietária e também através da licença pública Mozilla (MPL 1.1). Para trabalhar com os fontes, é necessário possuir uma licença de utilização do software Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 ou superior. Os dados dos projetos são armazenados em sistema de arquivos proprietários. Existe a opção de exportar e importar arquivos XML, porém, na última versão testada, essa funcionalidade possuía alguns bugs. É uma ferramenta que atende praticamente todas as atividades de gestão de projetos, incluindo seu planejamento e controle. Infelizmente sua interface não é intuitiva, exigindo um tempo dedicado ao aprendizado da ferramenta através de sua documentação. O sistema possui traduções para línguas as línguas inglesa, francesa e alemã, porém não suporta a língua portuguesa. Até o dia 12/01/2007, 176.383 downloads foram efetuados. Tabela 1: Requisitos no software Open Benchwork Requisito Atende RF01 RF02 RF03 RF04 Sim Sim Sim Sim RF05 Sim RF06 RF07 RF08 RF09 RF10 Sim Sim Sim Sim Não Observações Permite a definição de descrição dos projetos. Permite a definição de tarefas e suas interdependências. Permite a definição e alocação de recursos para as tarefas. Permite a definição de custos para as tarefas, através dos custos dos recursos a ela associados. Permite o acompanhamento do andamento do projeto, a visualização e manutenção dos estados das tarefas, seus prazos e custos. Permite a visualização de Gantt Chart. Permite a visualização de Pert Chart. Permite a visualização do caminho crítico. Possui suporte a WBS - Work Breakdown Structure. Não gera relatório de atividades. 19 RF11 Não Não gera relatório de custos. RNF01 RNF02 RNF03 Sim Não Não RNF04 Sim RNF05 Sim RNF06 RNF07 Não Não RNF08 RNF09 Não Sim O sistema é executado localmente. Não permite execução em rede nem publica relatórios web. A interface não é intuitiva, exigindo esforços para o aprendizado. Após o estudo e compreensão da interface, o usuário consegue executar a maioria das operações com bastante agilidade. O código fonte é disponibilizado, porem em linguagem proprietária. O sistema é executado apenas na plataforma Windows. Os dados são armazenados em arquivos proprietários e a opção para salvar em XML, na versão testada, não funcionava. Não possui tradução para a língua portuguesa. A instalação é simples, guiado através de um wizard. 5.2 GanttProject O software GanttProject [GAN05] foi desenvolvido inicialmente por Alexandre Thomas e Dmitry Barashev, através de seus estudos na universidade de Marne- laVallee na França em Dezembro de 2002. É um software livre, sob a licença GPL (General Public License), desenvolvido em Java e com código fonte disponível em Sourceforge. Recentemente, um departamento do governo francês desejando melhorar o sistema, contratou a empresa Actimage, para refinar o software e incorporar novas funcionalidades. Possui tradução em 13 idiomas, incluído o português. Até 12/01/2007, 699.943 downloads (incluindo versões anteriores) foram efetuados. A sua principal característica é a excelente usabilidade, através de uma interface amigável e intuitiva, proporcionando agilidade ao usuário. Permite alterar as tarefas manipulando diretamente os gráficos, com recursos do tipo arrastar e soltar. Atente grande parte das atividades relacionadas a gestão, porém não possuiu recursos para gerenciar custos. O Sistema é executado localmente e permite gerar relatórios em formato de páginas web. Permite, com algumas limitações, trabalhar em rede, através de um 20 servidor WebDAV. Os projetos são salvos em arquivos XML..A versão testada foi a 2.0-pre1. Tabela 2: Requisitos no software GanttProject Requisito Atende Observações RF01 RF02 RF03 RF04 RF05 Sim Sim Sim Não Sim Permite a definição de descrição dos projetos. Permite a definição de tarefas e suas interdependências. Permite a definição e alocação de recursos para as tarefas. Não permite a definição de custos para as tarefas. Permite o acompanhamento do andamento do projeto, a visualização e manutenção dos estados das tarefas, seus prazos e custos. Permite a visualização de Gantt Chart. Permite a visualização de Pert Chart. Permite a visualização do caminho crítico. Não possui suporte a WBS - Work Breakdown Structure. Permite gerar relatório de atividades, através de arquivos HTML, porem nao muito satisfatório. Não permite gerar relatório de custos. RF06 RF07 RF08 RF09 RF10 Sim Sim Sim Nao Sim RF11 Não RNF01 RNF02 Sim Sim RNF03 Sim RNF04 RNF05 RNF06 RNF07 RNF08 RNF09 Sim Sim Sim Sim Sim Sim 5.3 dotProject O sistema é executado localmente. Permite execução em rede através de um servidor WebDAV. Permite exportar relatórios em formato de paginas web. A interface é bem intuitiva, não exigindo esforços para o aprendizado. Tem excelente usabilidade a interface so sistema. O código fonte é disponibilizado, em linguagem Java. O sistema é executado em plataforma Windows e Linux. Os dados são armazenados em arquivos XML. Possui tradução para a língua portuguesa. A instalação é simples, guiado através de um wizard ou executado diretamente sem instalação. O sistema dotProject [DOT07], iniciado em 2000, é desenvolvido e mantido por voluntários, sem auxílio de nenhuma companhia. Até 12/01/2007, 423.702 downloads foram efetuados. A versão estável atual é a 2.0.4. É um software livre, sob as licenças BSD e GPL (General Public License), desenvolvido em PHP e seu código fonte esta disponível em Sourceforge. Possui traduções em mais de 20 21 idiomas, sendo português uma delas. Utiliza o conceito de modularidade, permitindo que novas funcionalidades sejam desenvolvidas e facilmente acopladas ao sistema. É um sistema para ser utilizado em rede, através de um browser web, permitindo a interação simultânea de vários usuários e essa é sua principal característica. Apesar disso, pode ser utilizado localmente. É executado em um servidor web Apache e seus dados são armazenados em uma base de dados MySQL. Atende todas as atividades de gestão de projetos. Seu ponto fraco é a interface com pouca usabilidade, característica de sistemas em ambiente web. Sua instalação também não é simples, exigindo instalar previamente o servidor web Apache e a base de dados MySQL. Tabela 3: Requisitos no software dotProject Requisito Atende RF01 RF02 RF03 RF04 Sim Sim Sim Sim RF05 Sim RF06 RF07 RF08 RF09 RF10 RF11 Sim Sim Sim Nao Sim Não RNF01 RNF02 Sim Sim RNF03 Sim RNF04 Não RNF05 RNF06 Sim Sim RNF07 RNF08 RNF09 Sim Sim Não Observações Permite a definição de descrição dos projetos. Permite a definição de tarefas e suas interdependências. Permite a definição e alocação de recursos para as tarefas. Permite a definição de custos para as tarefas, através dos custos dos recursos a ela associados. Permite o acompanhamento do andamento do projeto, a visualização e manutenção dos estados das tarefas, seus prazos e custos. Permite a visualização de Gantt Chart. Permite a visualização de Pert Chart. Permite a visualização do caminho crítico. Não possui suporte a WBS - Work Breakdown Structure. Permite gerar relatório de atividades, entre outros. Não permite gerar relatório de custos. O sistema é executado localmente. Permite execução em rede através de ambiente web, esse é o seu foco. A interface é bem intuitiva, não exigindo esforços para o aprendizado. Não apresenta usabilidade na interface, característica comum em ambiente web. O código fonte é disponibilizado, em linguagem PHP. O sistema é executado em plataforma Windows e Linux, utilizando um servidor Apache. Os dados são armazenados na base de dados MySQL. Possui tradução para a língua portuguesa. A instalação não é simples, exigindo a instalação do servidor web Apache e base de dados MySQL.. 22 6 Proposta de solução para uma ferramenta de gestão de projetos As três ferramentas avaliadas atendem bem as atividades de gestão de projetos, cada uma com as suas particularidades. O desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta que atenda tais requisitos exigiria muito tempo e recursos, extrapolando o objetivo de um trabalho de graduação. A alternativa proposta foi o desenvolvimento de novas funcionalidades em um dos softwares avaliados. Esta opção apresenta a vantagem de desenvolver a partir de um código que provavelmente foi testado, diminuindo as chances de erros de programação. Dentre eles, o sistema GanttProject foi o que mais atendeu aos requisitos exigidos. Faltava porem a atribuição de custos às tarefas e relatórios relacionados, bem como o suporte ao WBS. A seguir, é apresentada uma descrição mais detalhada do software GanttProject, explorando um pouco mais suas funcionalidades. 23 6.1 GanttProject 6.1.1 Estado Atual O software GanttProject destaca-se pela usabilidade de sua interface, requisito importante para uma ferramenta de gestão de projeto. As principais funcionalidades estão dispostas em uma barra horizontal superior. Na tela principal, ao lado esquerdo, existem duas abas: Gantt, utilizada para estruturar e manejar projetos e suas fases; e Recursos, utilizada para controle de recursos. No lado direito está a área do gráfico de Gantt, que exibe as tarefas, suas relações e outras informações. Todas as informações visíveis, tanto na área de abas, quanto na área do gráfico, podem ser customizadas, permitindo ao usuário escolher quais campos devem exibidos. Figura 3 - Tela Inicial - Tarefas 24 A área Recursos é utilizada para o controle do pessoal envolvido no projeto. Nome, telefone, e-mail, função no projeto e período de férias são algumas das informações que podem ser cadastradas aos recursos. Um gráfico Gantt informa na linha do tempo o período em que os recursos estão alocados para cada tarefa. A função de uma pessoa é escolhida dentro de uma lista de funções, que pode ser alimentada pelo ou usuário, ou carregada previamente durante a fase inicial de criação do projeto selecionando alguma lista já disponível. Um exemplo desse recurso é, o conjunto de funções para projetos de Desenvolvimento de Software que inclui, entre outras, as funções de desenvolvedor, analista, designer gráfico. O conceito de recurso neste sistema aqui pode ser aplicado também para recursos não humanos, como materiais e salas de reuniões. Figura 4 - Tela principal de Recursos 25 Figura 5 - Tela de propriedades gerais de Recurso Figura 6 - Tela de propriedades ferias de Recurso 26 A representação gráfica da utilização dos recursos permite a identificação de conflitos entre alocação de tarefas. Caso o mesmo recurso tenha sido alocado para tarefas que ocorram ao mesmo tempo, o conflito será exibido no gráfico como uma barra vermelha. As férias são exibidas em uma barra amarela. Figura 7 - Tela ilustrando a exibição de conflitos entre alocação de Recursos 27 Na área de tarefas, ativada através da aba Gantt, são exibidas as tarefas e relações e outras informações. Dentre os atributos de uma tarefa, pode-se citar: nome, prioridade, duração, porcentagem concluída, data de início e de fim. Tais atributos podem ser definidos na tela de propriedades da tarefa. Nas demais abas desta janela, é possível definir os recursos associados a tarefa, dependências, notas e também colunas customizadas. As colunas customizadas são úteis para adicionar informações às tarefas, como exemplo, um campo “Exige consultoria” do tipo booleano. É possível também, ao associar um recurso, definir a sua função nesta tarefa e também a sua porcentagem de alocação. Figura 8 - Tela de propriedades gerais de Tarefa Figura 9 - Tela de notas da Tarefa 28 Figura 10 - Tela de colunas customizadas da Tarefa Figura 11 - Tela de recursos da Tarefa As dependências entre tarefas podem ser criadas diretamente no gráfico, especificando que o início de uma tarefa depende do final de outra. Existem distintos tipos de dependências: Final-início (a tarefa só inicia após o final de outra tarefa) , Início-Fim (a tarefa termina antes do início de outra tarefa), Final-Final (a tarefa termina junto com outra tarefa), Início-Início (a tarefa inicia junto com outra tarefa). 29 Figura 12 - Tela de dependências da Tarefa O software permite geração de relatórios de um projeto em diversos formatos , que incluem PDF, arquivo separado por vírgula, imagens JPG, PNG ou ainda em páginas HTML. O compartilhamento do projeto entre diversos usuários é possível através de utilização de um servidor WebDAV [DAV06]. O servidor WebDAV é semelhante ao um servidor de arquivos FTP, com a vantagem do recurso de bloqueio, que não permite a edição simultânea de um arquivo por mais de um usuário. O software suporta a utilização desse servidor, possibilitando importar e exportar arquivos. Outra alternativa para o compartilhamento de informação é a exportação das páginas HTML diretamente a um servidor FTP, permitindo o acompanhamento do projeto por outros usuários. Figura 13 - Tela importação de projeto de servidor WebDAV 30 Além das funcionalidades citadas, a ferramenta possui também recursos para exportar e importar projetos em formato de arquivos separado por vírgulas e também de arquivos Microsoft Project, proporcionando maior interoperabilidade. Outro recurso interessante é a possibilidade de salvar estados do projeto e fazer comparações entre estes estados, permitindo ao usuário avaliar as mudanças ocorridas no cronograma. 6.1.2 Novas Funcionalidades Como citado anteriormente, para a ferramenta de gestão proposta, faltavam ainda os requisitos de definição de custos às tarefas, geração de relatório financeiro e suporte ao WBS. Este último, requisito classificado como desejável, não será implementado neste trabalho. Para atender os requisitos, foram definidas as seguintes funcionalidades: • Definição de um orçamento para uma tarefa • Definição de custos para uma tarefa Atributos de custo: data, valor, descrição. • Manipulação de custos para uma tarefa: inclusão, exclusão. • Exibição do total de custos para uma tarefa; • Criação de um relatório exibindo o resumo de custos por tarefas; • Criação de um relatório exibindo o detalhamento de custos por tarefas; Quando se pretende adicionar novas funcionalidades a um sistema, modificando o seu código, deve-se realizar um estudo prévio da sua documentação que pode conter diagramas de seqüência, diagramas de classe ou casos de uso , textos descritivos e outros. Neste caso, tais documentos não estavam disponíveis restando apenas o código-fonte. Uma alternativa para a falta de documentação quando se pretende trabalhar em código fonte já existente é a engenharia reversa. “Engenharia reversa é o processo de análise de um sistema para criar representações do sistema em um nível mais elevado de abstração” [CHI90]. Considerando o ciclo de desenvolvimento 31 de software, esse processo pode ser visto como “voltar atrás no ciclo de desenvolvimento” [WAR92]. Foi utilizado o software Enterprise Architect [ENT05] na tentativa de gerar diagramas de classe a partir do código fonte. O resultado não foi satisfatório pois os diagramas gerados eram muito complexos impossibilitando a sua compreensão. Ao todo, são 527 classes distribuídas em 66 pacotes. A solução para implementar as novas funcionalidades foi um amplo estudo do código fonte. O código estava bem organizado, seguindo os padrões de nomenclatura da linguagem Java, além de possuir comentários, características que auxiliaram a compreensão do código. O desenvolvimento das novas funcionalidades implicou na alteração de 19 classes e na inclusão de mais 35 arquivos, entre classes, arquivos de relatório e bibliotecas. Conforme os requisitos levantados, identificou-se a necessidade de relatórios que permitissem o acompanhamento financeiro. Foram desenvolvidos dois relatórios: um que exibisse o detalhamento dos custos das tarefas, apresentando..., e outro que relata síntese financeira, exibindo o orçamento, os custos e o montante disponível para cada tarefa. Tais relatórios foram desenvolvidos utilizando as ferramentas JasperReports [JAS05] e iReport [IRE05]. JasperReports é uma ferramenta de código aberto,em Java, que permite a elaboração de relatórios e exportação dos mesmos em diversos formatos como PDF, HTML, XML, entre outros. iReport também é uma ferramenta de código aberto em Java, utilizada para projetar e construir, visualmente, relatórios JasperReports. Ambas as ferramentas possuíam fácil adaptabilidade ao projeto por serem desenvolvidas em Java. As bibliotecas dessas ferramentas foram adicionadas ao código, logo, as mesmas não precisam ser instaladas para que os novos relatórios sejam executados. A seguir, serão apresentadas as interfaces com as novas funcionalidades. 32 Figura 14 - Tela de propriedades gerais de Tarefa, agora com campo orçamento Figura 15 - Nova Tela de custos de Tarefa 33 Figura 16 - Nova Tela para execução de relatórios Figura 17 - Relatório de Custos por Atividade 34 Figura 18 - Relatório Financeiro 35 7 Caso de uso da ferramenta Neste capítulo, será apresentado um caso de uso da ferramenta. O cenário, laboratório e recursos utilizados neste exemplo são fictícios. Projeto Inclusão Digital Consciente O objetivo do projeto é desenvolver uma ferramenta que sirva como um tutorial passo a passo de utilização de ferramentas básicas do computador como: • Editor de textos • Planilhas • Apresentações • Navegadores web • Busca de informações na web • Utilização de e-mail O publico alvo são alunos do ensino médio de colégios da rede pública, previamente selecionados. Será desenvolvido por bolsistas da universidade, que serão responsáveis também pelo treinamento dos professores dos colégios e pelas aulas introdutórias. 36 Figura 19 - Definindo Projeto Em seguida, foi definido o calendário, considerando sábado e domingo como dias de folga. Figura 20 - Definindo dias de folga 37 As seguintes tarefas foram definidas e agrupadas em módulos. Foram definidos também seus orçamentos e custos: Preparação • Captação de recursos em empresas privadas e órgãos do governo Início: 18/10/2006 Fim: 20/12/2006 • Seleção de bolsistas Início: 21/11/2006 Fim: Início: 22/11/2006 Fim: Início: 20/12/2006 Fim: Início: 29/01/2007 Fim: Início: 19/02/2007 Fim: Início: 05/03/2007 Fim: Início: 16/04/2007 Fim: Início: 23/04/2007 Fim: Início: 07/05/2007 Fim: 20/12/2006 • Seleção de colégios beneficiados 20/12/2006 Módulo 1 • Busca de referências bibliográficas 27/01/2007 • Levantamento de requisitos para a ferramenta 17/02/2007 • Avaliação de ferramentas similares 03/03/2007 Módulo 2 • Desenvolvimento da Ferramenta 14/04/2007 Módulo 3 • Instalação da ferramenta nos colégios 21/04/2007 • Treinamento dos professores 05/05/2007 • Aulas introdutórias da nos colégios 16/06/2007 38 Módulo 4 • Avaliação dos resultados obtidos nos colégios Início: 18/06/2007 Fim: 23/06/2007 • Elaboração e submissão de artigo na Semana da Extensão UFSC Início: 25/06/2007 Fim: 14/07/2007 Figura 21 - Definindo Tarefa Figura 22 - Definindo relações de tarefas 39 Figura 23 - Definindo custos de tarefa Figura 24 - Visualização do Gráfico Gantt 40 Foram definidas as relações entre tarefas, utilizando o recurso de interface arrastar-soltar. Figura 25 - Associando tarefas utilizando recurso de interface Foram definidos os seguintes recursos: ● Paulo Duarte. Função: Gerente de Projeto ● Júlio César Função Programador ● Ademir Macedo Função Programador ● Carla Florinda Função Instrutora 41 Estes recursos foram associados às tarefas. Figura 26 - Associando recursos à Tarefa Figura 27 - Visualização de Gráfico de Alocação de Recursos 42 O estado atual do projeto foi salvo. Para ilustrar este recurso, a tarefa inicial de captação de recursos teve seu término adiado para 06/01/2007, utilizando para isso o recurso de interface arrastar-e-soltar. Em conseqüência, todas as tarefas seguintes foram igualmente adiadas. O gráfico ilustra a diferença entre os estados, exibindo em vermelho a situação inicial. Esse recurso é extremamente interessante pois permite ao usuário acompanhar as diferenças entre o planejamento e a execução do projeto. Figura 28 - Visualização de comparação de estados de projeto 43 A seguir, os gráficos do caminho crítico, ilustrado no gráfico pela cor vermelha e barras em negrito. Figura 29 - Visualização do caminho crítico Figura 30 - Gráfico de PERT 44 Através do novo recurso de emissão de relatórios financeiros, foram gerados os relatórios de Custo por Atividade e Resumo de Custos. Figura 31 - Relatório de Custos por Atividade 45 Figura 32 - Relatório de Resumo de custos Foram também publicados relatório web em um servidor FTP. Figura 33 - Configurando Servidor FTP 46 Figura 34 - Relatório Web Gráfico de Gantt Figura 35 - Relatório Web - Recursos 47 Figura 36 - Relatório Web - Tarefas Dessa maneira, foi exemplificado um caso de uso da ferramenta, já com as novas funcionalidades implementadas. 48 8 Conclusões Uma ferramenta que permita planejar e acompanhar projetos foi proposta neste trabalho. Os principais conceitos da gestão de projetos foram abordados, servindo de base para o levantamento de requisitos para tal ferramenta. Softwares livres, já existentes foram avaliados, confrontando-os com os requisitos estabelecidos. Dentre eles, destacou-se o sistema GanttProject, com sua excelente usabilidade, porem sem suporte ao controle financeiro. Tal carência foi suprida mediante o desenvolvimento de novas funcionalidades. Para o desenvolvimento das novas funcionalidades, foi necessário grande esforço na tarefa de engenharia reversa, interpretando o código fonte, sendo este o único recurso disponível. Posteriormente foi demonstrado um caso de uso da ferramenta com as novas funcionalidades incorporadas Com este trabalho, foi demonstrado que é possível desenvolver à partir do código de um software livre existente, adaptando-o para atender às necessidades desejadas. Os objetivos propostos foram atingidos com satisfação, resultando como contribuição à comunidade de software livre, uma ferramenta gratuita, de código livre, para a gestão de projetos, que pode ser utilizada por laboratórios de pesquisa, pequenas empresas e usuários domésticos. 49 Trabalhos Futuros O requisito proposto ao suporte ao WBS não foi implementado neste trabalho, podendo ser implementado futuramente. É interessante também um estudo mais aprofundado de outras ferramentas de engenharia reversa, visando a obtenção de diagramas que facilitem o entendimento do código do sistema. Identificou-se também durante a fase de testes, a necessidade de detalhamento orçamentário. Atualmente, o orçamento é definido apenas em um campo e seria interessante decompô-lo, permitindo fazer comparações entre o os custos planejados no orçamento e os custos durante a execução. Identificou-se também a necessidade de definir custos aos recursos, como o salário por exemplo. Dessa maneira, o sistema poderia calcular automaticamente os custos totais no projeto de acordo com o tempo de utilização dos recursos. As funcionalidades desenvolvidas neste trabalho foram implementadas diretamente no código do sistema. Como conseqüência, novas versões lançadas pelos desenvolvedores do GanttProject não conterão tais recursos, sendo necessário um novo estudo do código para implementá-las. Recomenda-se então, estudar uma maneira de desenvolver o recurso como um plugin, que seja desacoplado do código central, permitindo a facilmente adaptação a novas versões. Essas alterações efetuadas no código foram enviadas para os líderes do projeto GanttProject, existindo a possibilidade de as mesmas serem incorporadas às novas versões. 50 Glossário Bug : é um erro no funcionamento comum de um software, também chamado de falha na lógica programacional de um programa de computador, que pode causar falhas no objetivo de uma ação na utilização de um programa de computador [WIK07i]. FTP : significa File Transfer Protocol (Protocolo de Transferência de Arquivos), e é uma forma bastante rápida e versátil de transferir arquivos (também conhecidos como ficheiros), sendo uma das mais usadas na internet [WIK06c]. GPL (General Public License) : é a designação da licença para software livre idealizada por Richard Stallman no final da década de 1980, no âmbito do projecto GNU da Free Software Foundation. A GPL é a licença com maior utilização por parte de projetos de software livre, em grande parte devido à sua adoção para o Linux [WIK07h]. HTML : deriva da expressão Hyper Text Markup Language. Trata-se de uma linguagem de marcação utilizada para produzir páginas na Internet. Esses códigos podem ser interpretados pelos browsers para exibir as páginas da World Wide Web [WIK06b]. Licença BSD : representa uma família de licenças de software livre, de domínio público. O original foi usado pela Distribuição de Software de Berkeley, um sistema operacional Unix, para o qual a licença foi nomeada. A licença BSD tem sido referenciada como copycenter, em comparação com o padrão copyrigth e copyleft de software livre: “Leve ao copycenter e faça quantas cópias você quiser” [WIK07g]. Offline : empregado na área da informática, significa que o cliente não esta conectado a uma rede. Request For Comments : documentos que definem normas e protocolos para a Internet e onde se fazem as discussões de nível técnico para a definição de novos protocolos [UFB98]. SourceForge : é um software de controle de desenvolvimento colaborativo. O sistema é administrado pela VA Software. Ele prove uma interface para um diversificado serviço do ciclo de vida no desenvolvimento de softwares e integra com um grande número de aplicações de código aberto (como PostgreSQL e CVS). é um localizador centralizado de desenvolvedores de software para controlar e manter o desenvolvimento de 51 open sources, e atua como um repositório de código fonte. Um grande número de projetos open source estão hospedados no site (ele atingiu 110.000 projetos e 1,2 milhões de usuários registrados), embora contenha um grande número de projetos dormentes ele é de longe o maior portal de código aberto [WIK07j]. Web (World Wide Web) : é uma rede de computadores na Internet que fornece informação em forma de hipermídia, como vídeos, sons, hipertextos e figuras. Para ver a informação, pode-se usar um software chamado navegador (browser) para descarregar informações (chamadas "documentos" ou "páginas") de servidores de internet (ou "sites") e mostrá-los na tela do usuário. O usuário pode então seguir os links na página para outros documentos ou mesmo enviar informações de volta para o servidor para interagir com ele. O ato de seguir links é comumente chamado de "navegar" ou "surfar" na Web [WIK07f]. WebDAV : ou Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning é um conjunto de extensões para o HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) que permite que os usuários editem e gerenciam cooperativamente arquivos em servidores Web remotos. Foi definido pelo IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) na RFC 2518. Suas principais funcionalidades são: - Controle de concorrência: previne que dois ou mais colaboradores escrevam no mesmo recurso sem antes avaliar as mudanças. Para isso são utilizados permissões de escrita compartidas e exclusividades de longa duração. Por se tratar de uma ferramenta de internet, em que as conexões podem ser interrompidas arbitrariamente e também para economizar recursos de rede, a duração das permissões é independente da conexão de rede. Ou seja, é possível manter o bloqueio a um recurso mesmo não estando conectado ao servidor. - Propriedades: um arquivo XML permite o armazenamento de propriedade como por exemplo a lista de autores dos recursos Web. Essas propriedades podem ser incluídas, excluídas e procuradas utilizando o protocolo DASL (DAV Searching and Locating), permitindo buscas de recursos Web baseadas em propriedades. - Manipulação de namespace: o protocolo permite que os recursos sejam copiados ou movidos. Coleções, que são similares a diretórios de arquivos, podem ser criados e listados [DAV06]. Wizard : em português, Assistente, é um utilitário interativo existente em muitos softwares, sua função é assessorar passo-a-passo o usuário à realizar uma tarefa. 52 XML : é um subtipo de SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language - Linguagem Padronizada de Marcação Genérica) capaz de descrever diversos tipos de dados. Seu propósito principal é a facilidade de compartilhamento de informações através da Internet [WIK06d]. 53 Referências Bibliográficas [KLE98] KLEIM, R & IRWIN, S.: Project Management Practitioner's Handbook. AMACOM Books, 1998. [PMB04] PMI: Um Guia do Conjunto de Conhecimentos em Gerenciamento de Projetos (Guia PMBOK®). Project Management Institute, Terceira Edição, 2004. [LEW99] LEWIS, P.: The Project Manager's Desk Reference A Comprehensive Guide to Project Planning, Scheduling, Evaluation, and Systems. McGraw-Hill, Segunda Edição, 1999. [LAR00] LARMAN, C.: Utilizando UML e padrões: uma introdução à analise e ao projeto orientados a objetos. Trad. Luiz A. Meirelles Salgado - Porto Alegre, Bookman, 2000. [KNU91] KNUDSON, J. & Bitz I.: Project Management. AMACOM Books, 1991. [CHI90] CHIKOFSKY,J.: Reverse Engineering and Design Recovery: A Taxonomy in IEEE Software, IEEE Computer Society, 1990, pg 13–17. [WAR92] WARDEN, R.: Software Reuse and Reverse Engineering in Practice. Londres, Chapman & Hall, 1992, pg 283–305 [GEN07]. GENESS. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 10 jan 2007. [GAN05] GANTTPROJECT. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 10 set 2005. [OPE07] OPEN Workbench. Disponível em: <> Acesso em 10 jan 2007. [DOT07] DOTPROJECT. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 10 jan 2007. [JAS05] JASPER Reports. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 11 nov 2005. [IRE05] IREPORT. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 11 nov 2005. 54 [ENT05] ENTERPRISE Architect. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 09 out 2005. Referências utilizadas no glossário: [DAV06] WEBDAV. In: WebDAV Resources: Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 18 abr 2006. [UFB98] REQUEST For Comments. In: Glossário LABCOMP – UFBA. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 20 abr 2006. [WIK06a] GANTT. In: Wikipédia: a enciclopédia livre. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 19 abr 2006. [WIK06b] HTML. In: Wikipédia: a enciclopédia livre. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 19 abr 2006. [WIK06c] FTP. In: Wikipédia: a enciclopédia livre. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 19 abr 2006. [WIK06d] XML. In: Wikipédia: a enciclopédia livre. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 19 abr 2006. [WIK07f] WEB. In: Wikipédia: a enciclopédia livre. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 16 jan 2007. [WIK07g] BSD License. In: Wikipédia: a enciclopédia livre. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 16 jan 2007. [WIK07h] GNU General Public License. In: Wikipédia: a enciclopédia livre. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 16 jan 2007. [WIK07i] BUG. In: Wikipédia: a enciclopédia livre. Disponível em: < > Acesso em: 16 jan 2007. [WIK07j] SOURCEFORGE. In: Wikipédia: a enciclopédia livre. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 16 jan 2007. 55 Bibliografia DUNCAN, W.: A Guide To The Project Management Body Of Knowledge. Charlotte, 1996. pg67-70 FAYOL, H.: Administração industrial e geral, 8. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1970. TAYLOR, F.: Princípios de administração científica. 7.ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1971 MINTZBERG, H.: “The manager’s job: folklore and fact”. Harvard Business Review, p.163176, Mar./Abr. 1990. REED, M.: The sociology of management. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989. CHARVAT, J.: “Project Management Methodologies: Selecting, Implementing, and Supporting Methodologies and Processes for Projects”. Canada, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2003 MARTIN, P. & TATE, K.: Getting Started in Project Management, Canada, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2001 BARBOSA, J. & TEIXEIRA R.: Gestão Estratégica nas empresas de pequeno e médio porte. Caderno de Pesquisas em Administração, São Paulo, v. 10, nº 3, p. 31-42, julho/setembro 2003. Disponivel em: <>. Acesso em: 3 Jan 2006. 56 Apêndices Classes e arquivos alterados - 17 classes e 2 arquivos i18n net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.GanttDialogProperties net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.GanttTaskPropertiesBean net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.taskproperties.CommonPanel net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskImpl net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskNode net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.MutableTask net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskProperties net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTreeTable net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTreeTableModel net.sourceforge.ganttproject.Mediator net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttProject net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.TaskTagHandler net.sourceforge.ganttproject.document.ProxyDocument Arquivos i18n: 57 Classes e Arquivos criados - 19 classes, 4 arquivos iReport, e 8 bibliotecas adicionadas net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Cost net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CostException net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CostImpl net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CostMutator net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.CostTagHandler net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CostsTaskCollection > inner MutableCostsTaskCollection __ CostMutatorImpl __ MutationCostInfo net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CostsTaskCollectionImpl net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.taskproperties.CostsPanel net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.CostsTableModel net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.GanttDialogCost Arquivos IReport: Bibliotecas adicionadas para iReport: commons-beanutils-1.5.jar 58 commons-collections-2.1.jar commons-digester-1.7.jar iReport.jar itext-1.3.1.jar jasperreports-1.1.0.jar jdt-compiler.jar xml-apis.jar 59 Código Fonte Classes e arquivos criados /** * Exception to be thrown in several cases : A custom column net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.already exists (and * someone tries to add a nex one Cost with the same name) A custom column does not * exists (and someone tried to get it) A class mismatch. package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task; * * @author LH (Luis Amaral) Oct 24, 2005 import java.util.Date; */ public class CostException extends Exception { /** public static final int ALREADY_EXIST = 0; * This class describes a cost. * @author Luis Amaral Oct 24, 2005 public static final int DO_NOT_EXIST = 1; * */ public static final int CLASS_MISMATCH = 2; /** * @author luisamaral /** * Oct 24, 2005 * Exception type. */ */ public interface Cost { private int type = -1; //String getId(); public CostException(int type, String message) { super(message); //void setId(String newId); this.type = type; } String getDescription(); public int getType() { void setDescription(String description); return type; } Date getDate(); } void setDate(Date date); net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task CostImpl double getValue(); package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task; void setValue(double value); import java.util.Date; String toString(); /** } * This class describes a ost. * @author Luis Amaral Oct 24, 2005 net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task. * CostException */ package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task; 60 /** * @author luisamaral public void setId(String newId) { id = newId; * Oct 24, 2005 */ } public class CostImpl implements Cost{ */ /** //private String id = null; * Returns the default value. * /** * @return The defautl value. * The column date. */ */ public String getDescription() { return description; private Date date = null; } private double value = 0; /** private String description = null; * Sets the default value. * /** * @param defaultValue * Creates an instance of CustomColmn. * */ */ public CostImpl() { public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; // = id; } } /** /** * Creates an instance of CustomColmn with a name, a type (class) and a * default value. * * @return The column name. public Date getDate() { return date; } The colmun type. * @param colDefaultValue * * The column name. * @param colType * * Returns the column name. */ * @param colName * The default value to be set. The default value. */ /** * Sets the column name. * public CostImpl(Date date, String description, double value) { = date; this.description = description; this.value = value; * @param name * The column name to be set. */ public void setDate(Date date) { } = date; } /* public String getId() { return id; } /** * Returns the column type. * 61 * @return The column type. import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CostImpl; */ import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task; public double getValue() { import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskManager; return value; } import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.TaskDependenc yException; /** * Sets the column type. * * @param type * import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.TaskDependenc y; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.constraint.Finish StartConstraintImpl; The column type to be set. import org.xml.sax.Attributes; */ public void setValue(double value) { this.value = value; public class CostTagHandler ParsingListener { } implements TagHandler, private final TaskManager myTaskManager; /** * Returns a string representation of the CustomColumn. public CostTagHandler(ParsingContext TaskManager taskManager) { context, myContext = context; * myTaskManager = taskManager; * @return A string representation of the CustomColumn. } */ public String toString() { return + " [" + this.description + "] <" + this.value + ">"; } } /** * @see net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.TagHandler#endElement(St ring, * String, String) */ net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task. public void endElement(String CostMutator sName, String qName) { package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task; public interface CostMutator extends * if ("dependencies".equals myDependenciesSectionStarted = } er.CostTagHandler /** * @see net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.TagHandler#startElement(S tring, * import java.util.Date; { */ } import java.util.List; (qName)) * false; } void commit(); import java.util.ArrayList; String /* MutableCostsTaskCollection { package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser; namespaceURI, String, String, Attributes) */ public void startElement(String sName, String qName, namespaceURI, String Attributes attrs) { import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTaskRelationship; /* import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Cost; 62 * if ("dependencies".equals myDependenciesSectionStarted = (qName)) } catch (Exception e) { { System.out.println("Erro na data" + e.getMessage()); * true; } */ } if ("cost".equals(qName)) { cost.setDescription(attrs.getValue("description")); /* GanttCostStructure gcs = GanttCostStructure(getContext().getTaskID(),cost); Found getCosts().add(gcs); * if (!myDependenciesSectionStarted) { throw new * RuntimeException("Invalid 'dependency' tag file format. new * without prior 'dependencies' tag"); } else { } */ } loadCost(attrs); } private List getCosts() { } return myCosts; } public void parsingStarted() { } private ParsingContext getContext() { return myContext; public void parsingFinished() { } for (int i = 0; i < getCosts().size(); i++) { GanttCostStructure getCosts().get(i); gcs = (GanttCostStructure) private List myCosts = new ArrayList(); myTaskManager.getTask(gcs.taskID).getCostsTaskCollection(). addCost(gcs.cost); private ParsingContext myContext; //System.out.println("Custo adicionado " + cost.getDescription() + " " + myTaskManager.getTask(getContext().getTaskID()).getName() ); private class GanttCostStructure { public int taskID; } } public Cost cost = null; protected void loadCost(Attributes attrs) { public GanttCostStructure(int taskID, Cost cost) { this.taskID = taskID; if (attrs != null) { this.cost = cost; } Cost cost = new CostImpl(); } String dateAsString = attrs.getValue("date"); } String valueAsString = attrs.getValue("value"); try { double Double.parseDouble(valueAsString); net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task. CostsTaskCollection value = cost.setValue(value); package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("Erro no e.getMessage()); valor" + import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ProjectResource; import java.util.Collection; } try { Date date Date(Long.parseLong(dateAsString)); cost.setDate(date); = /** new * @author lh */ 63 public interface CostsTaskCollection MutableCostsTaskCollection { extends //private ResourceManager myResourceManager; Cost[] getCosts(); public CostsTaskCollectionImpl(TaskImpl task) { Collection getCollection(); myTask = task; //myResourceManager = resourceManager; double getTotalCosts(); Cost getCost(String costId); } private CostsTaskCollectionImpl( CostsTaskCollectionImpl collection) { CostMutator createMutator(); myTask = collection.myTask; Cost[] costs = collection.getCosts(); void clear(); for (int i = 0; i < costs.length; i++) { } Cost next = costs[i]; Cost copy = new CostImpl(); interface MutableCostsTaskCollection { copy.setDate(next.getDate()); void addCost(Cost cost); copy.setDescription(next.getDescription()); copy.setValue(next.getValue()); void deleteCost(Cost cost); addCost(copy); } //Cost[] getCachedCosts(); } } net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task. CostsTaskCollectionImpl public void clear() { Cost[] costs = getCosts(); for (int i = 0; i < costs.length; i++) { package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; costs[i] = null; } } public Cost[] getCosts() { return (Cost[]) myCosts.values().toArray( import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ProjectResource; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ResourceManager; new Cost[myCosts.size()]); } public double getTotalCosts() { double total = 0; Cost[] costs = this.getCosts(); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.roles.Role; for (int i = 0; i < costs.length; i++) { total+=costs[i].getValue(); } class CostsTaskCollectionImpl implements CostsTaskCollection { return total; } private final Map myCosts = new HashMap(); public Collection getCollection() { return myCosts.values(); private final TaskImpl myTask; } 64 public void commit() { public Cost getCost(String costId) { List ArrayList(myQueue.values()); return (Cost) myCosts.get(costId); } mutations = new Collections.sort(mutations); for (int i = 0; i < mutations.size(); i++) { public CostMutator createMutator() { MutationCostInfo (MutationCostInfo) mutations.get(i); return new CostMutatorImpl(); } next = switch (next.myOperation) { case MutationCostInfo.DELETE: { CostsTaskCollectionImpl copy() { myCosts.remove(next.myCost.toString()); return new CostsTaskCollectionImpl(this); break; } } case MutationCostInfo.ADD: { //Cost result = next.myCost; public void deleteCost(Cost cost) { myCosts.remove(cost.toString()); } myCosts.put(next.myCost.toString(),next.myCost); //Talvez seja necessário criar public void addCost(Cost cost) { outro objeto myCosts.put(cost.toString(), cost); /* } * ResourceAssignment result = auxAddAssignment(next.myResource); result.setLoad(next.myAssignment.getLoad()); private Task getTask() { return myTask; result.setCoordinator(next.myAssignment.isCoordinator()); } result.setRoleForAssignment(next.myAssignment .getRoleForAssignment()); private class CostMutatorImpl implements */ CostMutator { } private Map myQueue = new HashMap(); default: break; public void addCost(Cost cost) { myQueue.put(cost.toString(), MutationCostInfo(cost, MutationCostInfo.ADD)); } } new } } } public void deleteCost(Cost cost) { MutationCostInfo (MutationCostInfo) myQueue.get(cost); info = private static class MutationCostInfo implements Comparable { if (info == null) { static final int ADD = 0; myQueue.put(cost.toString(), new MutationCostInfo(cost, static final int DELETE = 1; MutationCostInfo.DELETE)); } MutationCostInfo.ADD) { else if (info.myOperation == private final Cost myCost; myQueue.remove(cost.toString()); } private final int myOrder; } 65 private static int ourOrder; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; private int myOperation; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; public MutationCostInfo(Cost cost, int operation) { import javax.swing.ImageIcon; myCost = cost; import javax.swing.JButton; myOrder = ourOrder++; import javax.swing.JPanel; myOperation = operation; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JLabel; } import javax.swing.JScrollPane; public boolean equals(Object o) { import javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder; boolean result = o instanceof MutationCostInfo; import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; if (result) { import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; result = myCost.equals( import javax.swing.JFormattedTextField; ((MutationCostInfo) o).myCost); } import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttProject; return result; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.Mediator; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage; } import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CostsTaskCollection; public int compareTo(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof MutationCostInfo)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return myOrder - ((MutationCostInfo) o).myOrder; } } import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.CostsTableModel; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.GanttDialogCost; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.ResourcesTableModel; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.TestGanttRolloverButton; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CostImpl; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Cost; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CostImpl; } import org.jdesktop.jdnc.JNTable; net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui. taskproperties.CostsPanel package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.taskproperties; import org.jdesktop.swing.JXTable; import org.jdesktop.swing.decorator.AlternateRowHighlighter; import org.jdesktop.swing.decorator.Highlighter; import org.jdesktop.swing.decorator.HighlighterPipeline; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; /** * @author bbaranne Mar 4, 2005 */ public class CostsPanel extends CommonPanel { private static GanttLanguage GanttLanguage.getInstance(); language = import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; private JPanel costsPanel; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import java.text.NumberFormat; private JXTable costsTable; private JScrollPane costsScrollPane; 66 //costsTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).setPreferredWidt h(200); //private JTextField totalCostField = null; private JFormattedTextField totalCostField = null; costsTable.setHighlighters(new HighlighterPipeline( new Highlighter[] { new Highlighter( private NumberFormat costFormat; new Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), null) })); costsScrollPane = new JScrollPane(costsTable); private JLabel totalCostLabel = null; costsScrollPane.setPreferredSize(new 130)); Dimension(520, JPanel secondResourcesScrollPane = new JPanel(); private CostsTableModel myCostTableModel = null; secondResourcesScrollPane.setBorder(new TitledBorder( //new GanttProject.correctLabel(getLanguage() //private Task myTask = null; // .getText("human")))); new language.getText("costs"))); public CostsPanel(Task task) { super(task); EtchedBorder(), EtchedBorder(), secondResourcesScrollPane.add(costsScrollPane); //myTask = task; //this.initComponents(); JButton bremove = new TestGanttRolloverButton(new ImageIcon(getClass() } .getResource("/icons/delete_16.gif"))); public JPanel getComponent() { //bremove.setToolTipText(GanttProject.getToolTip(getLanguag e().getText( if (costsPanel == null) { // constructCostsPanel(); "removeResources"))); } bremove.setToolTipText(language.getText("deleteCost")); return costsPanel; bremove.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { } int[] selectedRow = costsTable.getSelectedRows(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedRow.length; ++i) { private void constructCostsPanel() { CostsTaskCollection getTask().getCostsTaskCollection(); costs if = (costsTable.getModel().getValueAt(selectedRow[i],1) != null) { try { costsPanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); myCostTableModel = new CostsTableModel(costs); costsTable = new JXTable(myCostTableModel); sumTotalCost(false,(NumberFormat.getCurrencyInsta nce().parse((String)costsTable.getModel().getValueAt(selected Row[i],1))).doubleValue()); } catch (Exception e) { //setUpResourcesComboColumn(resourcesTable); // set column editor System.out.println("Erro CostsPanel : " + e.getMessage()); //setUpCoordinatorBooleanColumn(resourcesTable); } //setUpRolesComboColumn(resourcesTable); costsTable.setRowHeight(23); costsTable.getModel().setValueAt(null, selectedRow[i],1); costsTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setPreferredWidth (80); } costsTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).setPreferredWidth (130); costsTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).setPreferredWidth (310); } } }); secondResourcesScrollPane.add(bremove); 67 JButton buttonAdd JButton(language.getText("add")); = new gbc.gridx = 0; buttonAdd.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { gbc.gridy = 2; costsPanel.add(totalCostPane, gbc); public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { } Cost cost = new CostImpl(); GanttDialogCost d = new GanttDialogCost(Mediator .getGanttProjectSingleton(), getTableModel()); public CostsTableModel getTableModel() { cost, return myCostTableModel; } d.setVisible(true); sumTotalCost(true,d.getValue()); private void sumTotalCost(boolean sum, double value) { } }); double actValue ((Number)totalCostField.getValue()).doubleValue(); = if (sum) secondResourcesScrollPane.add(buttonAdd); actValue+= value; else actValue-=value; GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; totalCostField.setValue(new Double(actValue)); gbc.insets.right = 15; } gbc.insets.left = 10; = 10; private void showTotalCost() { gbc.weighty = 0; JPanel commonFields = setupCommonFields(true); Cost[] costs getTask().getCostsTaskCollection().getCosts(); = double totalCosts = 0; for (int i=0;i <costs.length;i++) { addUsingGBL(costsPanel, commonFields, gbc, 0, 0, 1, 1); totalCosts+=costs[i].getValue(); } gbc.gridx = 0; totalCostField.setValue(new Double(totalCosts)); gbc.gridy = 1; } gbc.gridwidth = 8; gbc.gridheight = 1; } gbc.weighty = 1; costsPanel.add(secondResourcesScrollPane, gbc); //totalCostField = new JTextField(); net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui. CostsTableModel package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui; costFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); totalCostField = new JFormattedTextField(costFormat); import java.util.ArrayList; totalCostField.setColumns(15); import java.util.Arrays; totalCostField.setEditable(false); import java.util.Iterator; totalCostLabel = new JLabel(); import java.util.List; totalCostLabel.setText(language.getText("total")); import java.util.Date; showTotalCost(); import java.util.Vector; import java.text.NumberFormat; JPanel totalCostPane = new JPanel(); totalCostPane.add(totalCostLabel); import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; totalCostPane.add(totalCostField); 68 import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar; /** import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage; * Return the number of rows import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.HumanResource; */ import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ProjectResource; public int getRowCount() { return myCosts.size() + 1; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.roles.Role; } import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Cost; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CostsTaskCollection; /** import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CostMutator;; * Return the name of the column at col index */ public class CostsTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { public String getColumnName(int col) { private static GanttLanguage GanttLanguage.getInstance(); final String[] {language.getText("date"), language return columnNames[col]; = } columnNames = /** language.getText("value"), * Return the object a specify cell language.getText("description"), */ language.getText("id")}; public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) { Object result = null; if (row >= 0) { //private final CostsTaskCollection myCostsTaskCollection; if (row < myCosts.size()) { private final List myCosts; Cost cost = (Cost) myCosts //private static final int MAX_ROW_COUNT = 100; switch (col) { .get(row); case 3: result = cost.toString(); private final CostMutator myMutator; break; case 0: private boolean isChanged = false; result = new GanttCalendar(cost.getDate()); public costsTaskCollection) { break; CostsTableModel(CostsTaskCollection case 1: //myCostsTaskCollection = costsTaskCollection; myCosts = ArrayList(Arrays.asList(costsTaskCollection //result = new Double(cost.getValue()); new result = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(cost.getValue()); .getCosts())); break; myMutator = costsTaskCollection.createMutator(); case 2: } result = cost.getDescription(); break; /** default: * Return the number of colums result = ""; */ } public int getColumnCount() { } else { result = null; return columnNames.length - 1; } } else { } throw new IllegalArgumentException("I can't return data in row=" 69 + row); private void deleteCost(int row) { } String costString = (String) getValueAt(row,3); return result; Iterator it = myCosts.iterator(); } Cost cost = null; /* while (it.hasNext() && cost == null){ * JTable uses this method to determine the default renderer/ editor for cost = (Cost); * each cell. If we didn't implement this method, then the last column would if (cost.toString().equals(costString)) it.remove(); * contain text ("true"/"false"), rather than a check box. else */ cost = null; } public Class getColumnClass(int c) { switch (c) { myMutator.deleteCost(cost); case 3: fireTableRowsDeleted(row,row); } case 0: return Date.class; private void createCost(Object value) { case 1: if (value instanceof Cost) { //return Double.class; Cost newCost = (Cost) value; return String.class; myMutator.addCost(newCost); case 2: myCosts.add(newCost); return String.class; fireTableRowsInserted(myCosts.size(), myCosts.size()); default: } return String.class; } } } public List getCosts() { return myCosts; public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) { } return false; } void commit() { myMutator.commit(); /* * Don't need to implement this method unless your table's data can change. */ } public boolean isChanged() { return isChanged; public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) { } if (value == null) deleteCost(row); } else createCost(value); isChanged = true; net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui. GanttDialogCost package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui; // fireTableCellUpdated(row, col); import java.awt.BorderLayout; } import java.awt.CardLayout; 70 private JPanel panelText = null; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; private JTextArea textArea = null; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.Insets; private JLabel labelDate = null; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; private JButton buttonDate = null; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; private JLabel labelName = null; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; private JLabel labelValue = null; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; private JTextField fieldValue = null; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; private JLabel labelDescription = null; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; private JButton buttonOK = null; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; private JButton buttonCancel = null; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JLabel; private GanttCalendar date = null; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; private CostsTableModel myCostTableModel = null; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; public GanttDialogCost(Frame parent, CostsTableModel myCostTableModel) { import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; Cost cost, super(parent, language.getText("newCost"), true); this.cost = cost; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar; initComponents(); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.Mediator;, parent); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage; this.myCostTableModel = myCostTableModel; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Cost; } /** private void initComponents() { * Dialog opened to create a new cost. GridBagConstraints GridBagConstraints(); * constraints = new * @author lh Oct 24, 2005 */ labelName = new JLabel(language.getText("date") + ": "); public class GanttDialogCost extends JDialog { private static GanttLanguage GanttLanguage.getInstance(); labelValue = new JLabel(language.getText("value") + ": "); language = labelDescription = JLabel(language.getText("shortDescription") + ": "); /** fieldValue = new JTextField(); * Created Cost. fieldValue.setColumns(10); new */ private Cost cost = null; // Text textArea = new JTextArea(); 71 textArea.setWrapStyleWord(true); buttonCancel.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTE R); textArea.setLineWrap(true); textArea.setColumns(25); buttonCancel.setText(language.getText("cancel")); textArea.setRows(5); buttonCancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(textArea); public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { //panelText = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); cancel(); //panelText.add(jsp, BorderLayout.CENTER); } }); // Date ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/calendar_16.gif")); setResizable(false); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { date = new GanttCalendar(new Date()); closeDialog(); final GanttDialogDate dd = new GanttDialogDate(this, date, false); } }); labelDate = new JLabel(date.toString()); buttonDate = new JButton(icon); constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; buttonDate.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { JPanel panelMain = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // name; constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); date = dd.getDate(); constraints.gridx = 0; labelDate.setText(date.toString()); constraints.gridy = 0; } constraints.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 10, 10); panelMain.add(labelName, constraints); }); constraints.gridx = 1; constraints.gridy = 0; date = dd.getDate(); //constraints.gridwidth = 5; labelDate.setText(date.toString()); //constraints.ipadx = 100; panelMain.add(labelDate, constraints); //comboTypes = JComboBox(CostStorage.availableTypes); new constraints.gridx = 2; constraints.gridy = 0; //constraints.gridwidth = 10; //constraints.ipadx = 100; buttonOK = new JButton(); //constraints.insets = new Insets(0, 5, 0, 5); panelMain.add(buttonDate, constraints); buttonOK.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.CENTER) ; buttonOK.setText(language.getText("ok")); // type buttonOK.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { ok(); } constraints.gridx = 0; constraints.gridy = 1; constraints.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 10, 10); }); panelMain.add(labelValue, constraints); getRootPane().setDefaultButton(buttonOK); constraints.gridx = 1; constraints.gridy = 1; buttonCancel = new JButton(); //constraints.gridwidth = 5; 72 panelMain.add(fieldValue, constraints); Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().setAskForSave(true); // panelDefaultValue try { constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); constraints.gridx = 0; double value = (NumberFormat.getNumberInstance().parse(fieldValue.getText( ))).doubleValue(); constraints.gridy = 2; constraints.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 10, 10); if (fieldValue.getText().length() != 0) { panelMain.add(labelDescription, constraints); constraints.gridx = 1; if (cost != null) { constraints.gridy = 2; cost.setDate(date.getTime()); //constraints.gridwidth = 5; cost.setValue(value); //panelMain.add(panelText, constraints); cost.setDescription(textArea.getText()); panelMain.add(jsp, constraints); myCostTableModel.setValueAt(cost,0,0); } // buttonOK closeDialog(); constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); } else constraints.gridx = 3; fieldValue.requestFocus(); constraints.gridy = 3; } catch (Exception e) { constraints.anchor = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.EAST; fieldValue.requestFocus(); constraints.insets = new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10); } panelMain.add(buttonOK, constraints); } // buttonCancel public double getValue() { constraints = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints(); if (fieldValue.getText().length() == 0) constraints.gridx = 4; return 0; constraints.gridy = 3; else constraints.anchor = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.EAST; return Double.parseDouble(fieldValue.getText()); constraints.insets = new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10); } panelMain.add(buttonCancel, constraints); private void cancel() { // All getContentPane().setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); fieldValue.setText(""); //its important to the CostPanel -> totalCosts closeDialog(); constraints = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints(); } constraints.gridx = 0; constraints.gridy = 0; private void closeDialog() { constraints.gridwidth = 5; setVisible(false); constraints.gridheight = 5; dispose(); constraints.fill = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH; } constraints.weightx = 1.0; constraints.weighty = 1.0; getContentPane().add(panelMain, constraints); pack(); } // TODO change the default value for custom columns. private void ok() { } net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui. report.ReportDialog package; import javax.swing.Box; 73 if (sNode.equals(language.getText("report"))) import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent; settingPanel = new ReportPanel(appli); import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttProject; //else if (sNode.equals(GanttProject.correctLabel(language.getText("ab out")))) import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.GeneralDialog; // settingPanel = new AboutPanel(appli); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.about.AboutAuthorPanel; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.about.AboutJavaInfosPanel; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.about.AboutLibraryPanel; Box vb = Box.createVerticalBox(); vb.add(new TopPanel(" settingPanel import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.about.AboutLicensePanel; " + settingPanel.getTitle(), .getComment())); vb.add(settingPanel); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.about.AboutPanel; settingPanel.initialize(); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.options.TopPanel; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage; // - add the settingPanel into the main Panel mainPanel2.add(vb, 0); /** mainPanel2.repaint(); * @author Luis Henrique mainPanel2.validate(); // valide the changes */ } public class ReportDialog extends GeneralDialog { /** Coonstruct the menu settings. */ /** Constructor. */ public void constructSections() { public ReportDialog(GanttProject parent) { super(parent, GanttProject.correctLabel(GanttLanguage.getInstance() DefaultMutableTreeNode addObject(language reportNode = .getText("report"), null); .getText("report")) //DefaultMutableTreeNode + " - Ganttproject", false, new ReportPanel(parent)); addObject(GanttProject // aboutNode = .correctLabel(language.getText("about")), null); // hide the cancel button cancelButton.hide(); } } } /** Callback for the tree selection event. */ net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui. report.ReportPanel public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) { DefaultMutableTreeNode (DefaultMutableTreeNode) (e.getPath() node .getLastPathComponent()); String sNode = (String) (node.getUserObject()); =package; import; import; // - ask the settingPanel if parameters are changed // boolean bHasChange settingPanel.applyChanges(true); //no change to // do on this panel =import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ArrayList; import; // - remove the settingPanel import; mainPanel2.remove(0); import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; // - Create the new panel 74 import java.awt.event.ActionListener; vb.add(new JPanel()); JButton bViewReport JButton(GanttProject.correctLabel(language import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; = new .getText("reportTaskCost")), ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; new "/icons/settings_16.gif"))); bViewReport.setToolTipText(GanttProject.getToolTip(language import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttProject; .getText("reportTaskCost"))); // add a simple tool tip import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttSplash; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.GanttDialogInfo; // text :) import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.options.GeneralOptionPanel; bViewReport.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage; public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task; showTaskCostReport(); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskManager; } import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.util.BrowserControl; }); vb.add(bViewReport); import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager; JButton bViewCostResumeReport JButton(GanttProject.correctLabel(language import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint; = .getText("reportCostResume")), ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( import net.sf.jasperreports.view.JasperViewer; /** new new "/icons/settings_16.gif"))); * @author athomas The About panel. */ bViewCostResumeReport.setToolTipText(GanttProject.getTool Tip(language public class ReportPanel extends GeneralOptionPanel { .getText("reportCostResume"))); // add a simple tool tip private static final String "/edu/ufsc/ganttproject/report/TaskReport.jasper"; rel1 private static final String rel2 "edu/ufsc/ganttproject/report/CostsTaskReport.jasper"; // text :) = bViewCostResumeReport.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { = public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { showCostResumeReport(); private static final String costResumeRel "/edu/ufsc/ganttproject/report/CostsResumeReport.jasper"; = } }); private GanttProject gp = null; /** Constructor. */ public ReportPanel(GanttProject parent) { super(GanttProject.correctLabel(GanttLanguage.getInstance(). getText( "report")), GanttLanguage.getInstance().getText("settingsReport") , parent); gp = parent; vb.add(bViewCostResumeReport); applyComponentOrientation(language.getComponentOrientatio n()); } private void createTaskCollection(Task task, int depth, ArrayList arrayList) { Task[] nestedTasks task.getManager().getTaskHierarchy() = .getNestedTasks(task); 75 for (int i = 0; i < nestedTasks.length; i++) { GanttDialogInfo GanttDialogInfo(null, Task next = nestedTasks[i]; //String nextSerialized = serializeTask(next, depth); //out.append(nextSerialized); gdi = new GanttDialogInfo.ERROR, GanttDialogInfo.YES_OPTION, language.getText("msg21"), language.getText("error")); arrayList.add(next);; createTaskCollection(next, depth + 1, arrayList); } } } } private void showTaskCostReport() { private void showCostResumeReport() { if (!gp.getTaskManager().getTasksCollection().isEmpty()) { if (!gp.getTaskManager().getTasksCollection().isEmpty()) { ArrayList alTasks = new ArrayList alTasks = new ArrayList(gp.getTaskManager().getTasksCollection().size()); ArrayList(gp.getTaskManager().getTasksCollection().size()); createTaskCollection(gp.getTaskManager().getRootT createTaskCollection(gp.getTaskManager().getRootT ask(), 0, alTasks); ask(), 0, alTasks); //ReportCostDataSource ds = new //ReportCostDataSource ds = new ReportCostDataSource(gp.getTaskManager().getTasksCollecti ReportCostDataSource(gp.getTaskManager().getTasksCollecti on()); on()); ReportCostDataSource ReportCostDataSource(alTasks); ds = ReportCostResumeDataSource ds = new new ReportCostResumeDataSource(alTasks); // Parametros do relatorio // Parametros do relatorio Map parametros = new HashMap(); //Map parametros = new HashMap(); parametros.put("pathSubRel",rel2); //parametros.put("pathSubRel",rel2); JasperViewer viewer = null; JasperViewer viewer = null; try { try { JasperPrint impressao = JasperPrint impressao = JasperFillManager.fillReport(getClass().getResourceAsStream(rJasperFillManager.fillReport(getClass().getResourceAsStream( costResumeRel), null, ds); el1), parametros, ds); //exibe o relatório //exibe o relatório viewer JasperViewer(impressao, false); viewer new JasperViewer(impressao, false); = } catch (JRException jre) { } catch (JRException jre) { System.out.println("Erro: } } else { new;; jre.getMessage()); = " System.out.println("Erro: + jre.getMessage()); " + } } else { 76 GanttDialogInfo GanttDialogInfo(null, gdi = new * @param campos * @param itr GanttDialogInfo.ERROR, GanttDialogInfo.YES_OPTION, */ public ReportCostDataSource(Collection lista) { language.getText("msg21"), language.getText("error")); super();; this.itrTasks = lista.iterator(); } } } /* /** This method check if the value has changed, and assk for commit changes. */ * (non-Javadoc) * public boolean applyChanges(boolean askForApply) { * @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource#next() // nothing to do :) */ return bHasChange = false; public boolean next() throws JRException { } valorAtual = itrTasks.hasNext() ? : null; irParaProximoAluno = (valorAtual != null); /** Initialize the component. */ return irParaProximoAluno; public void initialize() { } // nothing to do :) } /* * (non-Javadoc) } * ReportCostDataSource * @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource#getFieldValue(net.sf .jasperreports.engine.JRField) */ package; import java.util.Iterator; public Object JRException { getFieldValue(JRField campo) throws Object valor = null; import java.util.List; Task task = (Task) valorAtual; import java.util.Collection; //teste import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task; if ("name".equals(campo.getName())) { import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource; valor = task.getName(); import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException; } else if ("CostsList".equals(campo.getName())) { import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRField; valor = new import JRBeanCollectionDataSource(task.getCostsTaskCollection().ge; tCollection()); } else if ("start".equals(campo.getName())) { public class ReportCostDataSource implements JRDataSource { private Iterator itrTasks; private Object valorAtual; private boolean irParaProximoAluno = true; valor = task.getStart().getTime(); } else if ("end".equals(campo.getName())) { valor = task.getEnd().getTime(); } else if ("budget".equals(campo.getName())) { valor = new Double(task.getBudget()); } else if ("totalCosts".equals(campo.getName())) { valor = Double(task.getCostsTaskCollection().getTotalCosts()); new } else if ("remain".equals(campo.getName())) { /** valor = new Double(task.getBudget() task.getCostsTaskCollection().getTotalCosts()); - 77 } /* * (non-Javadoc) return valor; * } } ReportCostResumeDataSource package; * @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource#getFieldValue(net.sf .jasperreports.engine.JRField) */ public Object JRException { getFieldValue(JRField campo) throws Object valor = null; import java.util.Iterator; Task task = (Task) valorAtual; import java.util.Collection; if ("name".equals(campo.getName())) { valor = task.getName(); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task; } else if ("start".equals(campo.getName())) { valor = task.getStart().getTime(); import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource; } else if ("end".equals(campo.getName())) { import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException; valor = task.getEnd().getTime(); import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRField; } else if ("budget".equals(campo.getName())) { public class ReportCostResumeDataSource JRDataSource { valor = new Double(task.getBudget()); implements } else if ("totalCosts".equals(campo.getName())) { valor = Double(task.getCostsTaskCollection().getTotalCosts()); private Iterator itrTasks; new } else if ("remain".equals(campo.getName())) { valor = new Double(task.getBudget() task.getCostsTaskCollection().getTotalCosts()); private Object valorAtual; - } private boolean irParaProximoAluno = true; return valor; /** } * @param campos } * @param itr */ public ReportCostResumeDataSource(Collection lista) CostsResumeReport { super(); package; this.itrTasks = lista.iterator(); /* * Generated by JasperReports - 03/02/06 17:39 } */ /* import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*; * (non-Javadoc) import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.*; * * @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource#next() import java.util.*; */ import java.math.*; public boolean next() throws JRException { import java.text.*; valorAtual = itrTasks.hasNext() ? : null; import*; irParaProximoAluno = (valorAtual != null); import*; return irParaProximoAluno; } import java.util.*; 78 public void customizedInit( import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*; Map pm, import*; Map fm, Map vm ) /** { * */ initParams(pm); public class CostsResumeReport extends JREvaluator initFields(fm); initVars(vm); { } /** * /** */ * private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE = null; private parameter_REPORT_CONNECTION = null; JRFillParameter */ private void initParams(Map pm) { parameter_REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE = private JRFillParameter (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE"); parameter_REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP = null; parameter_REPORT_CONNECTION = private JRFillParameter (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_CONNECTION"); parameter_IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION = null; parameter_REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP = private JRFillParameter (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP"); parameter_REPORT_CLASS_LOADER = null; parameter_IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION = private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_VIRTUALIZER (JRFillParameter)pm.get("IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION"); = null; parameter_REPORT_CLASS_LOADER private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_LOCALE = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_CLASS_LOADER"); null; parameter_REPORT_VIRTUALIZER private JRFillParameter (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_VIRTUALIZER"); parameter_REPORT_DATA_SOURCE = null; parameter_REPORT_LOCALE private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_SCRIPTLET = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_LOCALE"); null; parameter_REPORT_DATA_SOURCE private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_MAX_COUNT (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_DATA_SOURCE"); = null; private JRFillField field_totalCosts = null; private JRFillField field_start = null; private JRFillField field_end = null; private JRFillField field_budget = null; = = = = parameter_REPORT_SCRIPTLET (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_SCRIPTLET"); = parameter_REPORT_MAX_COUNT (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_MAX_COUNT"); = } private JRFillField field_remain = null; private JRFillField field_name = null; private JRFillVariable variable_PAGE_NUMBER = null; /** private JRFillVariable variable_COLUMN_NUMBER = null; * private JRFillVariable variable_REPORT_COUNT = null; */ private JRFillVariable variable_PAGE_COUNT = null; private void initFields(Map fm) private JRFillVariable variable_COLUMN_COUNT = null; { field_totalCosts = (JRFillField)fm.get("totalCosts"); field_start = (JRFillField)fm.get("start"); /** field_end = (JRFillField)fm.get("end"); * field_budget = (JRFillField)fm.get("budget"); */ field_remain = (JRFillField)fm.get("remain"); 79 value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); field_name = (JRFillField)fm.get("name"); break; } } case 4 : { /** value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); * break; */ } private void initVars(Map vm) case 5 : { variable_PAGE_NUMBER (JRFillVariable)vm.get("PAGE_NUMBER"); = variable_COLUMN_NUMBER (JRFillVariable)vm.get("COLUMN_NUMBER"); = variable_REPORT_COUNT (JRFillVariable)vm.get("REPORT_COUNT"); = variable_PAGE_COUNT (JRFillVariable)vm.get("PAGE_COUNT"); = variable_COLUMN_COUNT (JRFillVariable)vm.get("COLUMN_COUNT"); = { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); break; } case 6 : { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); break; } } case 7 : { /** value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); * break; */ } public Object evaluate(int id) throws Throwable case 8 : { { Object value = null; value (java.lang.String)(((java.lang.String)field_name.getValue())); = break; switch (id) } { case 0 : case 9 : { { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); value (java.util.Date)(((java.util.Date)field_start.getValue())); break; break; } } case 1 : case 10 : { { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); break; value = (java.lang.Double)(((java.lang.Double)field_budget.getValue())); break; } case 2 : } { case 11 : value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); break; { value (java.util.Date)(((java.util.Date)field_end.getValue())); } case 3 : { = = break; } case 12 : 80 value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); { value = (java.lang.Double)(((java.lang.Double)field_remain.getValue())); break; break; } case 4 : } { case 13 : value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); { break; value = (java.lang.Double)(((java.lang.Double)field_totalCosts.getValue( ))); break; } case 5 : { } value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); default : break; { } } case 6 : } { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); return value; } break; } case 7 : { /** value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); * break; */ } public Object evaluateOld(int id) throws Throwable case 8 : { { Object value = null; value = (java.lang.String)(((java.lang.String)field_name.getOldValue())); break; switch (id) } { case 0 : case 9 : { { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); value (java.util.Date)(((java.util.Date)field_start.getOldValue())); break; } break; } case 1 : { case 10 : { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); break; } value = (java.lang.Double)(((java.lang.Double)field_budget.getOldValue ())); break; case 2 : } { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); break; } case 11 : { value (java.util.Date)(((java.util.Date)field_end.getOldValue())); case 3 : { = = break; } 81 { case 12 : value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); { value = (java.lang.Double)(((java.lang.Double)field_remain.getOldValue ())); break; } case 4 : break; { } case 13 : value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); { break; value = (java.lang.Double)(((java.lang.Double)field_totalCosts.getOldVa lue())); break; } case 5 : { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); } break; default : } { case 6 : } { } value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); break; return value; } } case 7 : { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); /** break; * } */ public Object evaluateEstimated(int id) throws Throwable case 8 : { { Object value = null; value (java.lang.String)(((java.lang.String)field_name.getValue())); = break; switch (id) } { case 9 : case 0 : { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); { value (java.util.Date)(((java.util.Date)field_start.getValue())); break; break; } } case 1 : case 10 : { { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); value = (java.lang.Double)(((java.lang.Double)field_budget.getValue())); break; } = break; } case 2 : { case 11 : { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); break; value (java.util.Date)(((java.util.Date)field_end.getValue())); break; } case 3 : = } 82 case 12 : { value = (java.lang.Double)(((java.lang.Double)field_remain.getValue())); break; } case 13 : /** * */ private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE = null; { private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_CONNECTION = null; value = (java.lang.Double)(((java.lang.Double)field_totalCosts.getValue( private JRFillParameter ))); parameter_REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP = null; break; } default : { } } return value; } } sTaskReport package; /* * Generated by JasperReports - 03/02/06 15:43 */ import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.*; private JRFillParameter parameter_IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION = null; private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_CLASS_LOADER = null; private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_VIRTUALIZER = null; private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_LOCALE = null; private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_DATA_SOURCE = null; private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_SCRIPTLET = null; private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_MAX_COUNT = null; private JRFillField field_value = null; private JRFillField field_description = null; private JRFillField field_date = null; private JRFillVariable variable_PAGE_NUMBER = null; private JRFillVariable variable_COLUMN_NUMBER = null; private JRFillVariable variable_REPORT_COUNT = null; private JRFillVariable variable_PAGE_COUNT = null; private JRFillVariable variable_COLUMN_COUNT = null; import java.util.*; import java.math.*; import java.text.*; import*; import*; /** * */ public void customizedInit( Map pm, import java.util.*; Map fm, import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*; Map vm import*; ) { initParams(pm); /** initFields(fm); * */ initVars(vm); } public class CostsTaskReport extends JREvaluator { 83 /** * */ variable_PAGE_COUNT (JRFillVariable)vm.get("PAGE_COUNT"); = variable_COLUMN_COUNT (JRFillVariable)vm.get("COLUMN_COUNT"); = private void initParams(Map pm) } { parameter_REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE"); parameter_REPORT_CONNECTION (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_CONNECTION"); = /** * parameter_REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP"); */ public Object evaluate(int id) throws Throwable parameter_IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION (JRFillParameter)pm.get("IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION"); = parameter_REPORT_CLASS_LOADER (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_CLASS_LOADER"); = Object value = null; parameter_REPORT_VIRTUALIZER (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_VIRTUALIZER"); = switch (id) parameter_REPORT_LOCALE (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_LOCALE"); = parameter_REPORT_DATA_SOURCE (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_DATA_SOURCE"); = parameter_REPORT_SCRIPTLET (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_SCRIPTLET"); = parameter_REPORT_MAX_COUNT (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_MAX_COUNT"); = { { case 0 : { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); break; } case 1 : } { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); break; /** } * case 2 : */ { private void initFields(Map fm) value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); { break; field_value = (JRFillField)fm.get("value"); } field_description = (JRFillField)fm.get("description"); case 3 : field_date = (JRFillField)fm.get("date"); { } value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); break; } /** case 4 : * { */ value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); private void initVars(Map vm) break; { } variable_PAGE_NUMBER (JRFillVariable)vm.get("PAGE_NUMBER"); = variable_COLUMN_NUMBER (JRFillVariable)vm.get("COLUMN_NUMBER"); = variable_REPORT_COUNT (JRFillVariable)vm.get("REPORT_COUNT"); = case 5 : { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); break; } case 6 : 84 value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); { break; value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); } break; } case 1 : case 7 : { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); { break; value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); } break; } case 2 : case 8 : { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); { value (java.util.Date)(((java.util.Date)field_date.getValue())); = break; } break; case 3 : } { case 9 : value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); { break; value = (java.lang.String)(((java.lang.String)field_description.getValue()) ); break; } case 4 : { } value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); case 10 : break; { } value = (java.lang.Double)(((java.lang.Double)field_value.getValue())); break; case 5 : { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); } break; default : { } } case 6 : { } value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); break; return value; } } case 7 : { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); /** break; * } */ public Object evaluateOld(int id) throws Throwable case 8 : { { Object value = null; value (java.util.Date)(((java.util.Date)field_date.getOldValue())); = break; switch (id) } { case 9 : case 0 : { { 85 break; value = (java.lang.String)(((java.lang.String)field_description.getOldValu e())); } case 4 : break; { } case 10 : value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); { break; } value = (java.lang.Double)(((java.lang.Double)field_value.getOldValue() )); case 5 : { break; value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); } break; default : } { case 6 : } { } value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); break; return value; } } case 7 : { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); /** break; * } */ case 8 : public Object evaluateEstimated(int id) throws Throwable { { Object value = null; value (java.util.Date)(((java.util.Date)field_date.getValue())); = break; switch (id) } { case 9 : case 0 : { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); { value = (java.lang.String)(((java.lang.String)field_description.getValue()) ); break; break; } } case 1 : case 10 : { { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); break; value = (java.lang.Double)(((java.lang.Double)field_value.getValue())); break; } case 2 : } { default : value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(1)); { break; } } } case 3 : return value; { value = (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(0)); } 86 } CostsResumeReport.jrxml </band> </pageHeader> <columnHeader> <band height="44" isSplitAllowed="true" > <rectangle radius="0" > <reportElement <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- Created with iReport - A designer for JasperReports --> mode="Opaque" <!DOCTYPE jasperReport PUBLIC "//JasperReports//DTD Report Design//EN" ""> x="2" y="2" width="530" <jasperReport height="21" name="CostsResumeReport" 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value="*" /> <field name="description" class="java.lang.String"/> <field name="date" class="java.util.Date"/> <field name="value" class="java.lang.Double"/> <background> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/> <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Top" rotation="None" lineSpacing="Single"> <font fontName="Arial" pdfFontName="Helvetica" size="10" isBold="true" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isPdfEmbedded ="false" pdfEncoding ="Cp1252" isStrikeThrough="false" /> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.util.Date"><![CDATA[$F{date}]]></textFieldExpressi on> </textField> <textField isStretchWithOverflow="false" pattern="" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" > <reportElement </background> mode="Opaque" <title> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > x="76" y="5" </band> width="237" </title> height="17" <pageHeader> <band height="1" isSplitAllowed="true" > forecolor="#000000" backcolor="#FFFFFF" </band> key="textField-2" </pageHeader> stretchType="NoStretch" <columnHeader> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" </band> isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" </columnHeader> isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" <detail> <band height="25" isSplitAllowed="true" > isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" <textField isStretchWithOverflow="false" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy"leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Now" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" > bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/> <reportElement <textElement textAlignment="Left" mode="Opaque" verticalAlignment="Top" rotation="None" lineSpacing="Single"> x="5" 92 <font fontName="Arial"<summary> pdfFontName="Helvetica" size="10" isBold="true" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isPdfEmbedded ="false"<band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > pdfEncoding ="Cp1252" isStrikeThrough="false" /> </band> </textElement> </summary> <textFieldExpression </jasperReport> class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$F{description}]]></textField Expression> </textField> <textField isStretchWithOverflow="false" pattern="#,##0.00" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" > <reportElement mode="Opaque" x="318" y="4" width="63" Classes e arquivos alterados net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui. GanttDialogProperties height="17" forecolor="#000000" package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui; backcolor="#FFFFFF" key="textField-3" stretchType="NoStretch" positionType="FixRelativeToTop" isPrintRepeatedValues="true" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="false" isPrintInFirstWholeBand="false" import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.util.Hashtable; isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false"/> import javax.swing.JButton; <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000"import javax.swing.JCheckBox; rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" import javax.swing.JColorChooser; bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/> <textElement textAlignment="Right"import javax.swing.JComboBox; verticalAlignment="Top" rotation="None" lineSpacing="Single"> import javax.swing.JDialog; <font fontName="Arial"import javax.swing.JFrame; pdfFontName="Helvetica" size="10" isBold="true" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isPdfEmbedded ="false"import javax.swing.JLabel; pdfEncoding ="Cp1252" isStrikeThrough="false" /> import javax.swing.JSlider; </textElement> import javax.swing.JTextField; <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.Double"><![CDATA[$F{value}]]></textFieldExp import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; ression> </textField> import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar; </band> import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttGraphicArea; </detail> import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTask; <columnFooter> import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTree2; <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.Mediator; </band> import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage; </columnFooter> import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task; <pageFooter> import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskManager; <band height="1" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> /** </pageFooter> * Dialog to edit the properties of a task 93 */ /** GanttTask to edit */ public class GanttDialogProperties private Task ttask; extends JDialog /** GanttGraphicArea of the application. */ implements ActionListener { private GanttGraphicArea aarea; /** JTextField for the name of task */ /** Button to choose the date */ private JTextField jtfname; private JButton button; /** JConboBox for the mother task */ /** Store old percent state value */ private JComboBox jcbfather; int percentValue; /** JTextField for the begining of the task */ /** The language */ private JTextField jtfbegin; private GanttLanguage lang = GanttLanguage.getInstance(); /** JTextField for duration of task */ JFrame prj; private JTextField jtflength; int saveDuration; /** JList for depends of task */ //LH // private JList jldepend; double saveCost; /** JSlider for advent state of task */ Color saveColor; private JSlider spercent; /** true if the ok button was pressed */ /** JPanel for advancement label */ public boolean change = false; private JLabel advancementLabel; /** Color chooser dialog */ /** JCheckBox . Is is a meetin point??? */ private JCheckBox jcbbilan; /** Boolean to say if the task has child */ boolean haschild = false; /** The GanttTree of the application. */ private GanttTree2 ttree; protected static JColorChooser(); JColorChooser colorChooser = new // By CL private GanttTaskPropertiesBean taskPropertiesBean; private Task task; private GanttTask[] tasks; 94 setResizable(false); private GanttTree2 tree;, getParent()); private GanttGraphicArea area; applyComponentOrientation(lang.getComponentOrientation()); // GanttTask returnTask = taskPropertiesBean.getReturnTask(); private JFrame parent; // set the ok button as default action for enter if (getRootPane() != null) /** Constructor */ getRootPane().setDefaultButton(taskPropertiesBean.okButton); public GanttDialogProperties(JFrame parent, GanttTree2 tree, } Hashtable managerHash, GanttTask[] tasks, GanttGraphicArea area, /** Search a string on an array */ String tasksNames) { private int findTheIndex(Object s, String[] lot) { super(parent, GanttLanguage.getInstance().getText("propertiesFor") + " '" + tasksNames + "'", true); for (int i = 0; i < lot.length; i++) { if (s.toString() == lot[i]) { this.tree = tree; return i; this.tasks = tasks; } // this.task = tasks [0]; } saveDuration = tasks[0].getLength(); return 0; //LH saveCost = tasks[0].getBudget(); } this.area = area; /** When click on date button, it open the dialog to select date. */ this.parent = parent; public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { // tree.forwardScheduling(); taskPropertiesBean tasks, tree, = new if (evt.getSource() instanceof TestGanttRolloverButton) { GanttTaskPropertiesBean(this, TestGanttRolloverButton button = (TestGanttRolloverButton) evt managerHash); Container cp = getContentPane(); taskPropertiesBean.addActionListener(this); cp.add(taskPropertiesBean, BorderLayout.CENTER); .getSource(); if (button.getName().equals("start")) { GanttCalendar date = taskPropertiesBean.getStart(); GanttDialogDate dd = new GanttDialogDate(this, date, true); // this.setSize(600, 350); this.pack();; 95 // taskPropertiesBean.setStart(dd.getDate(), false); System.err.println("[GanttDialogProperties] // returnTask="+returnTask); } // returnTask.setTaskID(this.task.getTaskID()); // else if (button.getName().equals("finish")) { getTaskManager().setTask(returnTask); GanttCalendar date = taskPropertiesBean.getFinish(); DefaultMutableTreeNode father; GanttDialogDate dd = new GanttDialogDate(this, date, true); < returnTask.length; i++) { for (int i = 0; i tree.getNode(tasks[i].getTaskID()); .setUserObject(returnTask[i]); taskPropertiesBean.setEnd(dd.getDate(), false); // Refresh all father } else if (button.getName().equals("third")) { father = tree.getFatherNode(tree GanttCalendar date = taskPropertiesBean.getThird(); .getNode(tasks[i].getTaskID())); GanttDialogDate dd = new GanttDialogDate(this, while (father != null) { date); tree.forwardScheduling();; father = tree.getFatherNode(father); } taskPropertiesBean.setThird(dd.getDate(), false); } } } } }); else if (evt.getSource() instanceof JButton) { tree.getJTree().repaint(); JButton button = (JButton) evt.getSource(); tree.getJTree().updateUI(); tree.getTable().setRowHeight(20); if (button.getName().equals("ok")) { area.repaint(); change = true; this.setVisible(false); } dispose(); Mediator.getUndoManager().undoableEdit("Propertie else if (button.getName().equals("cancel")) { s changed", new Runnable() { this.setVisible(false); public void run() { dispose(); Task[] returnTask = taskPropertiesBean .getReturnTask(); } } 96 taskPropertiesBean.changeNameOfTask(); else if (evt.getSource() instanceof JTextField) { } JTextField textfield = (JTextField) evt.getSource(); } else if (evt.getSource() instanceof JComboBox) { JComboBox comboBox = (JComboBox) evt.getSource(); if (comboBox.getName().equals("third")) { if (textfield.getName().equals("length")) { if (taskPropertiesBean.getThird() != null) try { int duration Integer.parseInt(textfield.getText().trim()); = taskPropertiesBean.setThird(taskPropertiesBean.get Third(), false); taskPropertiesBean.changeLength(duration); else saveDuration = duration; } catch (Exception e) { textfield.setText(saveDuration + ""); GanttDialogInfo GanttDialogInfo(parent, gdiError = taskPropertiesBean.setThird(taskPropertiesBean.get Start() new .newAdd(0), false); } GanttDialogInfo.ERROR, GanttDialogInfo.YES_OPTION, } lang.getText("msg16"), lang.getText("error")); }; private TaskManager getTaskManager() { taskPropertiesBean.changeLength(saveDuration); return this.task.getManager(); } } }//LH } else if (textfield.getName().equals("cost")) { try { net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui. GanttTaskPropertiesBean double cost Double.parseDouble(textfield.getText().trim()); = taskPropertiesBean.changeBudget(cost); saveCost = cost; } catch (Exception e) { import java.awt.BorderLayout; textfield.setText(saveCost + ""); // TODO change the error message GanttDialogInfo GanttDialogInfo(parent, gdiError package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui; = import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; new import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.FlowLayout; GanttDialogInfo.ERROR, GanttDialogInfo.YES_OPTION, import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; lang.getText("msg16"), lang.getText("error"));; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.text.NumberFormat; taskPropertiesBean.changeBudget(saveCost); import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; } import java.text.NumberFormat; } // Change the name of task else if (textfield.getName().equals("name_of_task")) import javax.swing.JFormattedTextField; { import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; 97 import javax.swing.JCheckBox; * Real panel for editing task properties import javax.swing.JColorChooser; */ import javax.swing.JComboBox; public class GanttTaskPropertiesBean import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFormattedTextField; extends JPanel { import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; // Input attributes import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSpinner; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; // protected GanttTask selectedTask; //Task whose properties will be shown import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.JTextField; protected GanttTask[] selectedTasks; import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel; import javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder; protected Vector savePredecessors; import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; private GanttTree2 tree; // GanttTree that contain all the tasks information import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; private GanttLanguage language GanttLanguage.getInstance(); // language = import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttGraphicArea; // the panel import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttProject; // will import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTask; // display import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTree2; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.Mediator; private JDialog parent; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.taskproperties.CustomColumns // Output attributes: you can find the definition is GanttTask Panel; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.taskproperties.CostsPanel; // private String name; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.taskproperties.TaskAllocations private int length; Panel; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.taskproperties.TaskDependenc private int percentComplete; iesPanel; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.HumanResourceManage r; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.roles.RoleManager; private int priority; //LH private double budget; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.shape.JPaintCombo; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.shape.ShapeConstants; private GanttCalendar start; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.shape.ShapePaint; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task; private GanttCalendar end; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskImpl; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskMutator; private GanttCalendar third; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.util.BrowserControl; private boolean bilan; /** 98 private boolean isProjectTask; //LH JLabel budgetLabel1; private String notes; JLabel lblWebLink; // private GanttTask selectedTaskClone; JTextField tfWebLink; // private Hashtable managerHash; // JButton bWebLink; // private Hashtable assignedResources = new Hashtable(); // private attributes for internal use JPanel secondRowPanel1; // components in second row GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); JSpinner percentCompleteSlider; FlowLayout flowL = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 10, 10); JLabel percentCompleteLabel1; JTabbedPane tabbedPane; // TabbedPane that include theJLabel priorityLabel1; following four items JComboBox priorityComboBox; JPanel generalPanel; JPanel thirdRowPanel1; // componets in third row JPanel predecessorsPanel; JTextField startDateField1; JPanel resourcesPanel; JTextField finishDateField1; JPanel notesPanel; JTextField thirdDateField1; //LH JPanel costsPanel; // Components on general pannel JPanel firstRowPanel1; // components in first row JTextField nameField1; JTextField durationField1; //LH JLabel startDateLabel1; JLabel finishDateLabel1; JComboBox thirdDateComboBox; JButton startDateButton1; JButton finishDateButton1; JButton thirdDateButton1; //JTextField budgetField1; JFormattedTextField budgetField1; JPanel lastRowPanel1; // components in last row JPanel webLinkPanel; // components in web link panel JLabel nameLabel1; JLabel mileStoneLabel1; JLabel durationLabel1; 99 JCheckBox mileStoneCheckBox1; JPanel firstRowPanelNotes; JCheckBox projectTaskCheckBox1; JPanel secondRowPanelNotes; JButton colorButton; // Component on the SOUTH ok CANCEL buttons boolean isColorChanged; public JButton okButton; JButton colorSpace; JButton cancelButton; JPanel colorPanel; JPanel southPanel; /** Shape chooser combo Box */ private boolean onlyOneTask = false; JPaintCombo shapeComboBox; private String taskWebLink; // Components on predecessors pannel private boolean taskIsMilestone; JLabel nameLabel2; // first row, here the textfield is un-editable private GanttCalendar taskStartDate; JLabel durationLabel2; private GanttCalendar taskEndDate; JTextField nameField2; private GanttCalendar taskThirdDate; JPanel firstRowPanel2; private int taskThirdDateConstraint; JScrollPane predecessorsScrollPane; // second row, a table private boolean taskIsProjectTask; JLabel nameLabelNotes; private int taskLength; JLabel durationLabelNotes; private String taskNotes; //LH JLabel budgetLabelNotes; private int taskCompletionPercentage; JTextField nameFieldNotes; private int taskPriority; JTextField durationFieldNotes; //LH private double taskBudget; //LH //JTextField budgetFieldNotes; private boolean taskIsStartFixed; JFormattedTextField budgetFieldNotes; private boolean taskIsFinishFixed; JScrollPane scrollPaneNotes; private Color taskColor; JTextArea noteAreaNotes; private ShapePaint taskShape; 100 container.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); gbc.weightx = 0; private CustomColumnsPanel myCustomColumnPanel = null; gbc.weighty = 0; // private ResourcesTableModel myResourcesTableModel; gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; private TaskDependenciesPanel myDependenciesPanel; gbc.insets.right = 15; gbc.insets.left = 10; = 10; private TaskAllocationsPanel[] myAllocationsPanel; addUsingGBL(container, nameLabel, gbc, 0, 0, 1, 1); addUsingGBL(container, nameField, gbc, 1, 0, 1, 1); private CostsPanel myCostsPanel = null;; addUsingGBL(container, durationLabel, gbc, 2, 0, 1, 1); private boolean isStartFixed; gbc.weightx = 1; // addUsingGBL(container, durationField, gbc, 3, 0, 1, private boolean isFinishFixed; 1); //LH private final myHumanResourceManager; HumanResourceManager addUsingGBL(container, budgetLabel, gbc, 4, 0, 1, 1); addUsingGBL(container, budgetField, gbc, 5, 0, 1, 1); private final RoleManager myRoleManager; } private Task myUnpluggedClone; /** Construct the general panel */ private void constructGeneralPanel() { /** add a component to container by using GridBagConstraints. generalPanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); */ // first row private void addUsingGBL(Container container, Component+ ":"); component, nameLabel1 = new JLabel(language.getText("name") nameField1 = new JTextField(20); nameField1.setName("name_of_task"); GridBagConstraints gbc, int x, if (!onlyOneTask) { int y, int w, int h) { nameLabel1.setVisible(false); gbc.gridx = x; nameField1.setVisible(false); gbc.gridy = y; } gbc.gridwidth = w; gbc.gridheight = h; gbc.weighty = 0; durationLabel1 = JLabel(language.getText("length") + ":"); container.add(component, gbc); new durationField1 = new JTextField(8); durationField1.setName("length"); firstRowPanel1 = new JPanel(flowL); } //LH /** set the first row in all the tabbed pane. thus give them a budgetLabel1 = common look */ JLabel(language.getText("budget") + ":"); new //budgetField1 = new JTextField(8); private void setFirstRow(Container GridBagConstraints gbc, container, NumberFormat format JLabel nameLabel, JTextField nameField,NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); JLabel durationLabel, format.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); JTextField durationField, JLabel format.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); budgetLabel, JTextField budgetField) { = 101 thirdDateComboBox.setSelectedIndex(selectedTasks budgetField1 = new JFormattedTextField(format); [0] .getThirdDateConstraint()); budgetField1.setColumns(8); thirdDateField1 = new JTextField(12); budgetField1.setName("budget"); thirdDateField1.setEditable(false); setFirstRow(firstRowPanel1, nameField1, gbc, nameLabel1, ImageIcon icon = ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( durationField1, "/icons/calendar_16.gif")); durationLabel1, budgetLabel1, budgetField1); new // second row percentCompleteLabel1 = JLabel(language.getText("advancement")); // Progress startDateButton1 new TestGanttRolloverButton(icon); SpinnerNumberModel spinnerModel SpinnerNumberModel(0, 0, 100, 1); new percentCompleteSlider JSpinner(spinnerModel); = = startDateButton1.setName("start"); .getText("chooseDate"))); finishDateButton1 TestGanttRolloverButton(icon); // secondRowPanel1.add(percentCompleteField1); secondRowPanel1.add(percentCompleteSlider); = = new finishDateButton1.setName("finish"); secondRowPanel1.add(percentCompleteLabel1); finishDateButton1.setToolTipText(GanttProject.getTo olTip(language .getText("chooseDate"))); new thirdDateButton1 TestGanttRolloverButton(icon); secondRowPanel1.add(priorityLabel1); = new thirdDateButton1.setName("third"); priorityComboBox = new JComboBox(); ")); new startDateButton1.setToolTipText(GanttProject.getTool newTip(language secondRowPanel1 = new JPanel(flowL); priorityLabel1 JLabel(language.getText("priority")); = thirdDateButton1.setToolTipText(GanttProject.getTool priorityComboBox.addItem(language.getText("low")); Tip(language priorityComboBox.addItem(language.getText("normal .getText("chooseDate"))); priorityComboBox.addItem(language.getText("hight")) if (selectedTasks[0].getThirdDateConstraint() == 0) ; thirdDateButton1.setEnabled(false); priorityComboBox.setEditable(false); GridBagLayout GridBagLayout(); secondRowPanel1.add(priorityComboBox); new TitledBorder(new .getText("date"))); startDateField1.setEditable(false); new finishDateField1 = new JTextField(12); finishDateField1.setEditable(false); thirdDateComboBox = new JComboBox(); thirdDateComboBox.addItem(""); thirdDateComboBox.addItem(language.getText("earli estBegin")); thirdDateComboBox.setName("third"); new thirdRowPanel1 = new JPanel(flowL); thirdRowPanel1.setBorder(new EtchedBorder(), language startDateField1 = new JTextField(12); finishDateLabel1 = JLabel(language.getText("dateOfEnd") + ":"); = // TODO put the date // third row startDateLabel1 = JLabel(language.getText("dateOfBegining") + ":"); thirdRowPanel1Layout JPanel startDatePanel = new JPanel( new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 5, 0)); startDatePanel.add(startDateLabel1); startDatePanel.add(startDateField1); startDatePanel.add(startDateButton1); JPanel finishDatePanel FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 5, = new JPanel(new 0)); finishDatePanel.add(finishDateLabel1); finishDatePanel.add(finishDateField1); 102 new finishDatePanel.add(finishDateButton1); ActionListener() { JPanel thirdDatePanel = new JPanel( public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 5, 0)); colorButton thirdDatePanel.add(thirdDateComboBox); thirdDatePanel.add(thirdDateField1); .setBackground(GanttDialogProperties.colorChooser thirdDatePanel.add(thirdDateButton1); .getColor()); // thirdRowPanel1.add(startDatePanel); isColorChanged = true; // thirdRowPanel1.add(finishDatePanel); } // thirdRowPanel1.add(thirdDatePanel); } addUsingGBL(thirdRowPanel1, startDatePanel, gbc, 0, 0, 1, 1); addUsingGBL(thirdRowPanel1, finishDatePanel, gbc, 0, 1, 1, 1); ActionListener() { addUsingGBL(thirdRowPanel1, thirdDatePanel, gbc, 0, 2, 1, 1); , new public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // nothing to do for "Cancel" // fourth row } JCheckBox checkBox = constructCheckBox (); }); lastRowPanel1 = new JPanel(flowL); if (checkBox != null) /* lastRowPanel1.add(checkBox); * AbstractColorChooserPanel[] panels = * GanttDialogProperties.colorChooser.getChooserPanels(); JPanel shapePanel = new JPanel(); shapePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JLabel lshape = language.getText("shape") + " "); new JLabel(" " * GanttDialogProperties.colorChooser.removeChooserPanel(pan +els[0]); * newGanttDialogProperties.colorChooser.addChooserPanel(panels[ 0]); shapeComboBox = JPaintCombo(ShapeConstants.PATTERN_LIST); */ shapePanel.add(lshape, BorderLayout.WEST); shapePanel.add(shapeComboBox, BorderLayout.CENTER); GanttDialogProperties.colorChooser.setColor(colorBu tton colorButton = JButton(language.getText("colorButton")); new .getBackground());; colorButton.setBackground(selectedTasks[0].getColor ()); } final String language.getText("selectColor"); colorChooserTitle = }); colorButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { colorSpace = public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)JButton(language.getText("defaultColor")); { colorSpace.setBackground(GanttGraphicArea.taskDe faultColor); JDialog dialog; dialog JColorChooser.createDialog(parent, colorChooserTitle, true, GanttDialogProperties.colorChooser, new = nguage colorSpace.setToolTipText(GanttProject.getToolTip(la .getText("resetColor"))); colorSpace.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 103 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { bWebLink.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) colorButton.setBackground(GanttGraphicArea.taskDe { faultColor); // link to open the web link isColorChanged = true; try { } if (!BrowserControl.displayURL(tfWebLink.getText())) { }); GanttDialogInfo gdi = new GanttDialogInfo(null, colorPanel = new JPanel(); colorPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); GanttDialogInfo.ERROR, colorPanel.add(colorButton, "West"); colorPanel.add(colorSpace, "Center"); GanttDialogInfo.YES_OPTION, language colorPanel.add(shapePanel, BorderLayout.EAST); .getText("msg4"), language lastRowPanel1.add(colorPanel); .getText("error")); // ---Set GridBagConstraints constant; gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; } gbc.insets.right = 15; } catch (Exception ex) { gbc.insets.left = 10; } = 10; } addUsingGBL(generalPanel, firstRowPanel1, gbc, 0, 0, 1, 1); addUsingGBL(generalPanel, secondRowPanel1, gbc, 0, 1, 1, 1); addUsingGBL(generalPanel, thirdRowPanel1, gbc, 0, 2, 1, 1); }); gbc.gridy = 4; generalPanel.add(webLinkPanel, gbc); gbc.gridx = 0; } gbc.gridy = 3; gbc.gridwidth = 1; /** Add the differents action listener on the differents widgets */ gbc.gridheight = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE; public void addActionListener(ActionListener l) { gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbc.weighty = 1; nameField1.addActionListener(l); generalPanel.add(lastRowPanel1, gbc); startDateButton1.addActionListener(l); // The panel for the web link webLinkPanel = new JPanel(flowL); lblWebLink = JLabel(language.getText("webLink")); new webLinkPanel.add(lblWebLink); finishDateButton1.addActionListener(l); thirdDateButton1.addActionListener(l); tfWebLink = new JTextField(30); webLinkPanel.add(tfWebLink); bWebLink = ImageIcon(getClass() new thirdDateComboBox.addActionListener(l); TestGanttRolloverButton(new okButton.addActionListener(l); .getResource("/icons/web_16.gif"))); bWebLink.setToolTipText(GanttProject.getToolTip(lan cancelButton.addActionListener(l); guage .getText("openWebLink"))); durationField1.addActionListener(l); webLinkPanel.add(bWebLink); 104 budgetField1.addActionListener(l); } } /** construct the notes pannel */ /** Change the name of the task on all textfiled of task name */ private void constructNotesPanel() { public void changeNameOfTask() { if (nameField1 != null && nameFieldNotes != null) { String nameField1.getText().trim(); nameOfTask notesPanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); = // first row nameField1.setText(nameOfTask); if (onlyOneTask) nameLabelNotes JLabel(language.getText("name") + ":"); = new myDependenciesPanel.nameChanged(nameOfTask); nameFieldNotes = new JTextField(20); myAllocationsPanel[0].nameChanged(nameOfTask); nameFieldNotes.setText(nameOfTask); if (!onlyOneTask) { } nameLabelNotes.setVisible(false); } nameFieldNotes.setVisible(false); } private void constructCustomColumnPanel() { myCustomColumnPanel CustomColumnsPanel(Mediator = new durationLabelNotes JLabel(language.getText("length") + ":"); .getCustomColumnsStorage()); = new = new } //LH /** Construct the predecessors tabbed pane */ // TODO put string in properties budgetLabelNotes JLabel(language.getText("budget") + ":"); new private void constructPredecessorsPanel() { myDependenciesPanel = TaskDependenciesPanel(selectedTasks[0]); predecessorsPanel myDependenciesPanel.getComponent(); = } durationFieldNotes = new JTextField(8); //LH //budgetFieldNotes = new JTextField(8); /** Construct the resources panel */ budgetFieldNotes = new JFormattedTextField(NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance()); budgetFieldNotes.setColumns(8); private void constructResourcesPanel() { myAllocationsPanel = TaskAllocationsPanel[selectedTasks.length]; new nameFieldNotes.setEditable(false); for (int i = 0; i < myAllocationsPanel.length; i++) { myAllocationsPanel[i] TaskAllocationsPanel(selectedTasks[i], myHumanResourceManager, onlyOneTask); = new myRoleManager, if (i != 0) durationFieldNotes.setEditable(false); budgetFieldNotes.setEditable(false); firstRowPanelNotes = new JPanel(); myAllocationsPanel[i].getComponent(); setFirstRow(firstRowPanelNotes, nameLabelNotes, nameFieldNotes, } resourcesPanel myAllocationsPanel[0].getComponent(); gbc, = 105 durationLabelNotes, budgetLabelNotes, budgetFieldNotes); durationFieldNotes, gbc.weighty = 1; gbc.gridx = 0; secondRowPanelNotes = new JPanel(); gbc.gridy = 1; secondRowPanelNotes.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new EtchedBorder(), gbc.gridwidth = 1; language.getText("notesTask") + ":")); gbc.gridheight = 1; noteAreaNotes = new JTextArea(8, 40); noteAreaNotes.setLineWrap(true); notesPanel.add(secondRowPanelNotes, gbc); noteAreaNotes.setWrapStyleWord(true); 1.0f)); noteAreaNotes.setBackground(new Color(1.0f, 1.0f,} scrollPaneNotes = new JScrollPane(noteAreaNotes); //LH /** construct the costs pannel */ secondRowPanelNotes.add(scrollPaneNotes); private void constructCostsPanel() { JButton bdate = new TestGanttRolloverButton(newMediator ImageIcon(getClass() //costsPanel = new CostsPanel(selectedTasks[0], // .getCostStorage()); .getResource("/icons/clock_16.gif"))); myCostsPanel = new CostsPanel(selectedTasks[0]); bdate.setToolTipText(GanttProject.getToolTip(langua costsPanel = myCostsPanel.getComponent(); ge } .getText("putDate"))); bdate.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void /** Construct the south panel */ actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { noteAreaNotes.append("\n" GanttCalendar.getDateAndTime() +private void constructSouthPanel() { + "\n"); okButton = new JButton(language.getText("ok")); } }); okButton.setName("ok"); secondRowPanelNotes.add(bdate); if (getRootPane() != null) gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; getRootPane().setDefaultButton(okButton); // set ok the defuault // button when press gbc.insets.right = 15; // "enter" --> check // because gbc.insets.left = 10; // getRootPane()==null // !!! = 10; gbc.weighty = 0; cancelButton JButton(language.getText("cancel")); addUsingGBL(notesPanel, firstRowPanelNotes, gbc, 0, 0, 1, 1); = new cancelButton.setName("cancel"); 106 southPanel = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.TRAILING, 50, 10)); JPanel(new // set resources comboBox southPanel.add(okButton); /* * setUpResourcesComboColumn(((ResourceManager)managerH ash.get("HUMAN_RESOURCE")).getResources(), southPanel.add(cancelButton); * resourcesTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0)); //set column editor } */ /** Constructor */ /* public GanttTaskPropertiesBean(JDialog parent, GanttTask[] * tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); selectedTasks, constructGeneralPanel(); GanttTree2 tree, Hashtable managerHash) * tabbedPane.add("General", generalPanel); { * constructPredecessorsPanel(); this.parent = parent; tabbedPane.add("Predecessors", this.onlyOneTask = false; * predecessorsPanel); constructResourcesPanel(); if (selectedTasks.length == 1) this.onlyOneTask = true; this.selectedTasks = selectedTasks; * tabbedPane.add("Resources", constructNotesPanel(); resourcesPanel); * tabbedPane.add("Notes", add(tabbedPane); notesPanel); setInitialValues(selectedTasks[0]); */ savePredecessors selectedTasks[0].getPredecessorsOld(); = myHumanResourceManager (HumanResourceManager) managerHash =} .get(GanttProject.HUMAN_RESOURCE_MANAGER_ ID); /** Init the widgets */ public void init() { myRoleManager = (RoleManager) managerHash tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); .get(GanttProject.ROLE_MANAGER_ID); setTree(tree); tabbedPane.getModel().addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { init(); public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { changeNameOfTask(); // this.managerHash = managerHash; fireDurationChanged(); fireBudgetChanged(); setSelectedTask(); } }); constructGeneralPanel(); // set predecessor comboBox tabbedPane.addTab(language.getText("general"), new ImageIcon(getClass() // .getResource("/icons/properties_16.gif")), setUpPredecessorComboColumn(predecessorsTable.getColum generalPanel); nModel().getColumn(1), // predecessorsTable); //set column editor if (onlyOneTask) { // setUpTypeComboColumn(predecessorsTable.getColumnModel ().getColumn(2)); // //set column editor constructPredecessorsPanel(); tabbedPane.addTab(language.getText("predecessors "), new ImageIcon( 107 /** getClass().getResource("/icons/relashion.gif")), predecessorsPanel); * as the name indicated, it will not replace the original GanttTask in the * Tree. } */ constructResourcesPanel(); public Task[] getReturnTask() { GanttTask[] returnTask tabbedPane.addTab(GanttProject.correctLabel(langu GanttTask[selectedTasks.length]; age.getText("human")), new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/res_16.gif")), resourcesPanel); = new for (int i = 0; i < selectedTasks.length; i++) { if (myAllocationsPanel[0].getTableModel().isChanged()) { if (i != 0) constructNotesPanel(); copyValues(myAllocationsPanel[0].getTableModel(), tabbedPane.addTab(language.getText("notesTask"), new ImageIcon( myAllocationsPanel[i].getTableModel()); getClass().getResource("/icons/note_16.gif")), notesPanel); } myAllocationsPanel[i].getTableModel().commit(); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); returnTask[i] = selectedTasks[i]; add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); // returnTask.setTaskID(selectedTask.getTaskID()); constructSouthPanel(); TaskMutator returnTask[i].createMutator(); mutator = add(southPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); if (onlyOneTask) { constructCustomColumnPanel(); mutator.setName(getTaskName()); // getName() tabbedPane.addTab(language.getText("customColu mns"), new ImageIcon( mutator.setProjectTask (false); } getClass().getResource("/icons/custom.gif")), myCustomColumnPanel); if (this.taskWebLink !this.taskWebLink.equals(getWebLink())) != null && returnTask[i].setWebLink(getWebLink()); // getName() //LH if (mileStoneCheckBox1 != null) { if (onlyOneTask) { constructCostsPanel(); if (this.taskIsMilestone != isBilan()) tabbedPane.addTab(language.getText("costs"), new ImageIcon( mutator.setMilestone(isBilan()); returnTask[i].setChecked(false); getClass().getResource("/icons/custom.gif")), } costsPanel); else if (projectTaskCheckBox1 != null) { } } if (this.taskIsProjectTask != isProjectTask()) mutator.setProjectTask(isProjectTask()); // Input methods } if (!this.taskStartDate.equals(getStart())) 108 mutator.setStart(getStart()); if (((this.taskThirdDate == null) .equals((ShapePaint) shapeComboBox && (getThird() != null)) .getSelectedPaint())))) || ((this.taskThirdDate || ShapePaint( ((this.taskThirdDate != null) && (getThird() == null)) returnTask[i].setShape(new != null) && (!this.taskThirdDate (ShapePaint) shapeComboBox.getSelectedPaint(), .equals(getThird())))) Color.white, returnTask[i].getColor())); mutator.setThird(getThird(), getThirdDateConstraint()); if (returnTask[i].getShape() != null) returnTask[i].setShape(new ShapePaint(returnTask[i].getShape(), if (getLength() > 0) { if (this.taskLength != getLength()) returnTask[i].getColor())); Color.white, mutator.setDuration(returnTask[i].getManager() mutator.commit(); .createLength(getLength())); if (onlyOneTask) { myDependenciesPanel.getTableModel().commit(); } } if (!this.taskNotes.equals(getNotes())) returnTask[i].applyThirdDateConstraint(); } returnTask[i].setNotes(getNotes()); if getPercentComplete()) (this.taskCompletionPercentage != return returnTask; mutator.setCompletionPercentage(getPercentComple te()); } if (this.taskPriority != getPriority()) /** as the name indicated */ returnTask[i].setPriority(getPriority()); //LH public void setSelectedTask() { if (this.taskBudget != getBudget()) // this.selectedTask = selectedTask; returnTask[i].setBudget(getBudget()); if (this.taskIsStartFixed != isStartFixed) nameField1.setText(selectedTasks[0].getName()); returnTask[i].setStartFixed(isStartFixed); //LH // nameField2.setText(selectedTask.toString()); if (onlyOneTask) nameFieldNotes.setText(selectedTasks[0].toString()); myCostsPanel.getTableModel().commit(); // // setName(selectedTasks[0].toString()); if (this.taskIsFinishFixed != isFinishFixed) returnTask[i].setFinishFixed(isFinishFixed); durationField1.setText(selectedTasks[0].getLength() if (isColorChanged) + ""); returnTask[i].setColor(colorButton.getBackground()); if ((((this.taskShape == (shapeComboBox.getSelectedIndex() != 0))) || null) ((this.taskShape && ""); // durationField2.setText(selectedTask.getLength() + != null) && (!this.taskShape durationFieldNotes.setText(selectedTasks[0].getLeng th() + ""); 109 for (int j = 0; ShapeConstants.PATTERN_LIST.length; j++) { //LH + ""); j < if //budgetField1.setText(selectedTasks[0].getBudget() (selectedTasks[0].getShape().equals( budgetField1.setValue(new Double(selectedTasks[0].getBudget())); ShapeConstants.PATTERN_LIST[j])) { //budgetFieldNotes.setText(selectedTasks[0].getBudg shapeComboBox.setSelectedIndex(j); et() + ""); break; budgetFieldNotes.setValue(new Double(selectedTasks[0].getBudget())); } } percentCompleteSlider.setValue(new Integer(selectedTasks[0] } .getCompletionPercentage())); noteAreaNotes.setText(selectedTasks[0].getNotes()); percentCompleteLabel1.setText(language.getText("a dvancement")); setStartFixed(selectedTasks[0].isStartFixed()); // setFinishFixed(selectedTasks[0].isFinishFixed()); myUnpluggedClone priorityComboBox.setSelectedIndex(selectedTasks[0] selectedTasks[0].unpluggedClone(); .getPriority()); } = startDateField1.setText(selectedTasks[0].getStart().to String()); String()); /** as the name indicated */ finishDateField1.setText(selectedTasks[0].getEnd().to public void setTree(GanttTree2 tree) { this.tree = tree; if (selectedTasks[0].getThird() != null) { thirdDateField1.setText(selectedTasks[0].getThird().to} String()); setThird(selectedTasks[0].getThird().Clone(), true); // Output methods } /** as the name indicated */ setStart(selectedTasks[0].getStart().Clone(), true); public boolean isBilan() { setEnd(selectedTasks[0].getEnd().Clone(), true); bilan = mileStoneCheckBox1.isSelected(); bilan = selectedTasks[0].isMilestone(); return bilan; isProjectTask = selectedTasks[0].isProjectTask(); } if (mileStoneCheckBox1 != null) mileStoneCheckBox1.setSelected(bilan); public boolean isProjectTask() { else if (projectTaskCheckBox1 != null) isProjectTask = projectTaskCheckBox1.isSelected(); projectTaskCheckBox1.setSelected(isProjectTask); return isProjectTask; tfWebLink.setText(selectedTasks[0].getWebLink()); } if (selectedTasks[0].shapeDefined()) { 110 /** as the name indicated */ } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // } public GanttCalendar getEnd() { // // } return end; // // public void fireBudgetChanged() { } //String value = budgetField1.getText(); if (budgetField1.getValue() != null) try { /** as the name indicated */ public GanttCalendar getThird() { return third; } //double Double.parseDouble(value); budget = //double budget ((Number)budgetField1.getValue()).doubleValue(); = double budget = ((Number)NumberFormat.getNumberInstance().parse(budgetFi eld1.getText())).doubleValue(); public int getThirdDateConstraint() { changeBudget(budget); return thirdDateComboBox.getSelectedIndex(); } catch (Exception e) { } System.out.println("Budget Error:" + e.getMessage()); /** as the name indicated */ public int getLength() { length Integer.parseInt(durationField1.getText().trim()); } } =/** Set the duration of the task */ public void changeLength(int _length) { return length; if (_length <= 0) { _length = 1; } } //LH durationField1.setText(_length + ""); public double getBudget() { if (onlyOneTask) //budget Double.parseDouble(budgetField1.getText().trim()); = budget ((Number)budgetField1.getValue()).doubleValue(); = myDependenciesPanel.durationChanged(_length); myAllocationsPanel[0].durationChanged(_length); durationFieldNotes.setText(_length + ""); length = _length; // change the end date return budget; GanttCalendar _end = start.newAdd(length); this.end = _end; } finishDateField1.setText(_end.toString()); public void fireDurationChanged() { } String value = durationField1.getText(); /** Change the budget of the task on all textfiled of task budget */ try { int duration = Integer.parseInt(value); changeLength(duration); public void changeBudget(double _budget) { //budgetField1.setText(_budget + ""); 111 budgetField1.setValue(new Double(_budget)); /** Return the priority level of the task */ if (onlyOneTask) public int getPriority() { myDependenciesPanel.budgetChanged(_budget); priority = priorityComboBox.getSelectedIndex(); myAllocationsPanel[0].budgetChanged(_budget); myCostsPanel.budgetChanged(_budget); return priority; } //budgetFieldNotes.setText(_budget + ""); budgetFieldNotes.setValue(new Double(_budget)); public void setStartFixed(boolean startFixed) { budget = _budget; isStartFixed = startFixed; startDateField1.setForeground(isStartFixed Color.BLACK : Color.GRAY); } ? } /** as the name indicated */ // public String getNotes() { notes = noteAreaNotes.getText(); // isFinishFixed = startFixed; // finishDateField1 // Color.GRAY); // return notes; public void setFinishFixed(boolean startFixed) { .setForeground(isFinishFixed ? Color.BLACK : } /** Return the start date of the task */ } public GanttCalendar getStart() { start.setFixed(isStartFixed); /** Return the name of the task */ return start; } public String getTaskName() { String text = nameField1.getText(); return text == null ? "" : text.trim(); public GanttCalendar getFinish() { // } end.setFixed(isFinishFixed); return end; } /** @return the web link of the task. */ public String getWebLink() { String text = tfWebLink.getText(); return text == null ? "" : text.trim(); /** Change the start date of the task */ public void setStart(GanttCalendar dstart, boolean test) { if (test == true) { } startDateField1.setText(dstart.toString()); this.start = dstart; /** as the name indicated */ return; } public int getPercentComplete() { percentComplete percentCompleteSlider.getValue()) = .hashCode(); return percentComplete; ((Integer) startDateField1.setText(dstart.toString()); this.start = dstart; this.setStartFixed(dstart.isFixed()); if (this.start.compareTo(this.end) < 0) { adjustLength(); } } else { 112 GanttCalendar start.newAdd(length); _end this.third = null; = break; this.end = _end; finishDateField1.setText(_end.toString()); } } } } private void adjustLength() { myUnpluggedClone.setStart(this.start); /** Change the end date of the task */ public void setEnd(GanttCalendar dend, boolean test) { myUnpluggedClone.setEnd(this.end); length = myUnpluggedClone.getDuration().getLength(); durationField1.setText("" + length); if (test == true) { finishDateField1.setText(dend.toString()); // durationField2.setText(""+length); this.end = dend; myAllocationsPanel[0].durationChanged(length); return; durationFieldNotes.setText("" + length); } } finishDateField1.setText(dend.toString()); private void setInitialValues(GanttTask task) { this.taskWebLink = task.getWebLink(); this.end = dend; // (int) this.taskIsMilestone = task.isMilestone(); this.setFinishFixed(dend.isFixed()); this.taskStartDate = task.getStart(); this.taskEndDate = task.getEnd(); if (this.start.compareTo(this.end) < 0) { this.taskLength = task.getLength(); adjustLength(); this.taskNotes = task.getNotes(); } else { GanttCalendar _start = this.end.newAdd(length); this.taskCompletionPercentage task.getCompletionPercentage(); this.start = _start; this.taskPriority = task.getPriority(); startDateField1.setText(_start.toString()); //LH = this.taskBudget = task.getBudget(); } this.taskIsStartFixed = task.isStartFixed(); } // this.taskIsFinishFixed = task.isFinishFixed(); /** Change the third date of the task */ this.taskColor = task.getColor(); public void setThird(GanttCalendar dthird, boolean test) { this.taskShape = task.getShape(); this.taskThirdDate = task.getThird(); if (test) { thirdDateField1.setText(dthird.toString()); this.third = dthird; this.taskThirdDateConstraint task.getThirdDateConstraint(); = this.taskIsProjectTask = task.isProjectTask(); return; } } switch (thirdDateComboBox.getSelectedIndex()) { private void copyValues(ResourcesTableModel original, ResourcesTableModel clone) { case TaskImpl.EARLIESTBEGIN: for (int i = 0; i < clone.getRowCount(); i++) thirdDateButton1.setEnabled(true); clone.setValueAt(null, i, 1); thirdDateField1.setText(dthird.toString()); for (int j = 0; j < original.getRowCount(); j++) this.third = dthird; break; for (int k = 0; k < original.getColumnCount(); k++) case TaskImpl.NONE: clone.setValueAt(original.getValueAt(j, k), j, k); thirdDateButton1.setEnabled(false); thirdDateField1.setText(""); } 113 import javax.swing.JLabel; private JCheckBox constructCheckBox () { boolean =import javax.swing.JPanel; hasAParentOrDescendantProjectTask true; import javax.swing.JTextField; boolean isASuperTask = false; for (int i = 0 ; i < selectedTasks.length ; i++) { import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage; = import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task; DefaultMutableTreeNode node ((GanttTree2)tree).getNode (selectedTasks[i].getTaskID()); if (node.getChildCount() != 0) /** isASuperTask = true; //check if the task has a projectTask * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. User: bard descendant or parent */ if abstract class CommonPanel implements InternalStateListener (((GanttTree2)tree).haveParentOrDescendantProjectTask(node { )) { private final GanttLanguage language; hasAParentOrDescendantProjectTask = false; private JLabel nameLabel3; } } private JLabel durationLabel3; if (hasAParentOrDescendantProjectTask) projectTaskCheckBox1 = new JCheckBox (language.getText("projectTask")); private JTextField nameField3; private JTextField durationField3; if (projectTaskCheckBox1 (!isASuperTask)) { == null && mileStoneCheckBox1 = new JCheckBox(language.getText("meetingPoint")); // Milestone return mileStoneCheckBox1; } private JPanel firstRowPanel3; private FlowLayout flowL FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 10, 10); = new return projectTaskCheckBox1; } private GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); } private final Task myTask; //LH net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui. taskproperties.CommonPanel private JLabel budgetLabel3; //private JTextField budgetField3; private JFormattedTextField budgetField3; package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.taskproperties; public CommonPanel(Task task) { import java.awt.Component; language = GanttLanguage.getInstance(); import java.awt.ComponentOrientation; myTask = task; import java.awt.Container; } import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; protected void addUsingGBL(Container Component component, container, import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.util.Locale; GridBagConstraints gbc, int x, import java.text.NumberFormat; int y, int w, int h) { import javax.swing.JFormattedTextField; 114 budgetField3.setValue(new Double(newBudget)); gbc.gridx = x; } gbc.gridy = y; gbc.gridwidth = w; protected onlyOneTask) { gbc.gridheight = h; gbc.weighty = 0; JPanel setupCommonFields(boolean nameLabel3 = new JLabel(getLanguage().getText("name") + ":"); container.add(component, gbc); nameField3 = new JTextField(20); container.applyComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation nameField3.setText(getTask().getName()); .getOrientation(Locale.getDefault())); durationLabel3 = JLabel(getLanguage().getText("length") + ":"); } new durationField3 = new JTextField(8); /** set the first row in all the tabbed pane. thus give them a durationField3.setText("" common look */ getTask().getDuration().getLength()); + nameField3.setEditable(false); protected void setFirstRow(Container GridBagConstraints gbc, JLabel durationLabel, nameLabel, JTextField JTextField durationField, JTextField budgetField) { container, nameField, durationField3.setEditable(false); firstRowPanel3 = new JPanel(flowL); JLabel //Lh JLabel budgetLabel3 = budgetLabel, JLabel(getLanguage().getText("budget") + ":"); //budgetField3 = new JTextField(8); container.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); gbc.weightx = 0; gbc.weighty = 0; budgetField3 = new JFormattedTextField(NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance()); //budgetField3.setText("" + getTask().getBudget()); gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbc.insets.right = 15; new budgetField3.setValue(new Double(getTask().getBudget())); gbc.insets.left = 10; budgetField3.setColumns(8); = 10; budgetField3.setEditable(false); addUsingGBL(container, nameLabel, gbc, 0, 0, 1, 1); addUsingGBL(container, nameField, gbc, 1, 0, 1, 1); addUsingGBL(container, durationLabel, gbc, 2, 0, 1, 1); gbc.weightx = 1; setFirstRow(firstRowPanel3, nameField3, durationLabel3, budgetField3); gbc, durationField3, nameLabel3, budgetLabel3, addUsingGBL(container, durationField, gbc, 3, 0, 1, 1); addUsingGBL(container, budgetLabel, gbc, 4, 0, 1, 1); if (!onlyOneTask) { addUsingGBL(container, budgetField, gbc, 5, 0, 1, 1); nameLabel3.setVisible(false); nameField3.setVisible(false); } } return firstRowPanel3; public void nameChanged(String newName) { } nameField3.setText(newName); } protected GanttLanguage getLanguage() { return language; public void durationChanged(int newDuration) { } durationField3.setText("" + newDuration); } protected Task getTask() { return myTask; //LH public void budgetChanged(double newBudget) { } } //budgetField3.setText("" + newBudget); 115 net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task. Task package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task; import java.awt.Color; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTaskRelationship; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.shape.ShapePaint; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.TaskDependenc ySlice; ShapePaint getShape(); Color getColor(); String getNotes(); boolean getExpand(); // // relationships with other entities GanttTaskRelationship[] getPredecessors(); GanttTaskRelationship[] getSuccessors(); /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * // HumanResource[] getAssignedHumanResources(); ResourceAssignment[] getAssignments(); * @author bard Date: 27.01.2004 */ TaskDependencySlice getDependencies(); public interface Task extends MutableTask { TaskMutator createMutator(); // main properties TaskDependencySlice getDependenciesAsDependant(); TaskDependencySlice getDependenciesAsDependee(); int getTaskID(); ResourceAssignmentCollection getAssignmentCollection(); String getName(); //LH boolean isMilestone(); CostsTaskCollection getCostsTaskCollection(); Cost[] getCosts(); int getPriority(); // TaskActivity[] getActivities(); GanttCalendar getStart(); GanttCalendar getEnd(); TaskLength getDuration(); TaskLength translateDuration(TaskLength duration); int getCompletionPercentage(); boolean isStartFixed(); // Task getSupertask(); Task[] getNestedTasks(); void move(Task targetSupertask); void delete(); TaskManager getManager(); Task unpluggedClone(); // Color DEFAULT_COLOR = new Color( 140, 182, 206); not used boolean isFinishFixed(); 116 CustomColumnsValues getCustomValues(); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.TaskDependenc ySliceAsDependant; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.TaskDependenc ySliceAsDependee; boolean isCritical(); GanttCalendar getThird(); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.TaskDependenc ySliceImpl; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.hierarchy.TaskHierarchyItem; void applyThirdDateConstraint(); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit; int getThirdDateConstraint(); /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. void setThirdDate(GanttCalendar thirdDate); * * @author bard Date: 31.01.2004 void setThirdDateConstraint(int dateConstraint); */ public class TaskImpl implements Task { TaskInfo getTaskInfo(); private int myID; boolean isProjectTask (); private final TaskManagerImpl myManager; //LH private String myName; double getBudget(); private String myWebLink = new String("http://"); } private boolean isMilestone; net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task. TaskImpl boolean isProjectTask; private int myPriority; package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task; private GanttCalendar myStart; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; private GanttCalendar myEnd; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar; private GanttCalendar myThird; private int myThirdDateConstraint; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTaskRelationship; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.calendar.AlwaysWorkingTimeCale ndarImpl; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.calendar.GPCalendar; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.calendar.GPCalendarActivity; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.shape.ShapePaint; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.TaskDependenc ySlice; private int myCompletionPercentage; private TaskLength myLength; private List myActivities = new ArrayList(); private boolean isStartFixed; 117 // myManager.increaseMaxID(); private boolean isFinishFixed; } else { if (myManager.getTask(taskID) != null) { private boolean bExpand; throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is a task with ID=" // private final TaskDependencyCollection myDependencies = new + taskID + " already"); // TaskDependencyCollectionImpl(); } private ResourceAssignmentCollectionImpl myAssignments; myID = taskID; //LH } private CostsTaskCollectionImpl myCosts; //LH myCosts = new CostsTaskCollectionImpl(this); private TaskDependencySlice myDependencySlice; myAssignments = ResourceAssignmentCollectionImpl(this, myManager private myDependencySliceAsDependant; TaskDependencySlice private myDependencySliceAsDependee; TaskDependencySlice new .getConfig().getResourceManager()); myDependencySlice = TaskDependencySliceImpl(this, myManager new .getDependencyCollection()); myDependencySliceAsDependant TaskDependencySliceAsDependant(this, = new myManager.getDependencyCollection()); private boolean myEventsEnabled; myDependencySliceAsDependee TaskDependencySliceAsDependee(this, private final TaskHierarchyItem myTaskHierarchyItem; = new myManager.getDependencyCollection()); myPriority = 1; private ShapePaint myShape; myTaskHierarchyItem myManager.getHierarchyManager().createItem(this); = isStartFixed = false; private Color myColor; // isFinishFixed = false; myNotes = ""; private String myNotes; bExpand = true; myColor = null; private MutatorImpl myMutator; customValues = new CustomColumnsValues(); private CustomColumnsValues customValues = null; } private boolean critical; protected TaskImpl(TaskImpl copy, boolean isUnplugged) { myManager = copy.myManager; public final static int NONE = 0; if (!isUnplugged) { public final static int EARLIESTBEGIN = 1; myTaskHierarchyItem myManager.getHierarchyManager().createItem( = this); //LH } else { private double myBudget; myTaskHierarchyItem = null; } protected TaskImpl(TaskManager taskManager, int taskID) { myManager = (TaskManagerImpl) taskManager; importData(copy); } if (taskID == -1) { myID = myManager.getMaxID(); //TODO implementar importação de custos 118 protected void importData(TaskImpl copy) { myAssignments = ResourceAssignmentCollectionImpl(this, myManager throw new RuntimeException("Two mutators have been requested", new myException); } .getConfig().getResourceManager()); myMutator = new MutatorImpl(); myAssignments.importData(copy.getAssignmentCollection()); myException = new Exception(); myID = copy.myID; return myMutator; myName = copy.myName; } myWebLink = copy.myWebLink; isMilestone = copy.isMilestone; private Exception myException; isProjectTask = copy.isProjectTask; myPriority = copy.myPriority; // main properties myStart = copy.myStart; public int getTaskID() { myEnd = copy.myEnd; return myID; myThird = copy.myThird; } myThirdDateConstraint = copy.myThirdDateConstraint; myCompletionPercentage copy.myCompletionPercentage; = public String getName() { return myName; myLength = copy.myLength; } isStartFixed = copy.isStartFixed; // isFinishFixed = copy.isFinishFixed; public String getWebLink() { myShape = copy.myShape; return myWebLink; myColor = copy.myColor; } myNotes = copy.myNotes; bExpand = copy.bExpand; public boolean isMilestone() { // myDependencySlice = TaskDependencySliceImpl(this, myManager return isMilestone; new } .getDependencyCollection()); myDependencySliceAsDependant TaskDependencySliceAsDependant(this, = new public int getPriority() { return myPriority; myManager.getDependencyCollection()); myDependencySliceAsDependee TaskDependencySliceAsDependee(this, = myManager.getDependencyCollection()); new } public GanttCalendar getStart() { if (myMutator != null customValues = copy.getCustomValues().clone(); && myMutator.myIsolationLevel (CustomColumnsValues) TaskMutator.READ_UNCOMMITED) { == return myMutator.getStart(); } else { recalculateActivities(); return myStart; } } public Task unpluggedClone() { } TaskImpl result = new TaskImpl(this, true); return result; public GanttCalendar getEnd() { if (myMutator != null } public TaskMutator createMutator() { if (myMutator != null) { && myMutator.myIsolationLevel TaskMutator.READ_UNCOMMITED) { == return myMutator.getEnd(); 119 public boolean isStartFixed() { } else { return isStartFixed; if (myEnd == null) { } myEnd = getStart().Clone(); myEnd.add((int) getDuration().getLength()); } // return myEnd; // public boolean isFinishFixed() { return isFinishFixed; // } } } public boolean getExpand() { return bExpand; public GanttCalendar getThird() { } if (myMutator != null && myMutator.myIsolationLevel TaskMutator.READ_UNCOMMITED) { == public ShapePaint getShape() { return myMutator.getThird(); return myShape; } else { } return myThird; } public Color getColor() { } Color result = myColor; if (result == null) { public int getThirdDateConstraint() { if (isMilestone() || getNestedTasks().length > 0) { return myThirdDateConstraint; result = Color.BLACK; } } else { result = myManager.getConfig().getDefaultColor(); public TaskActivity[] getActivities() { List activities = myMutator myMutator.getActivities(); } == null ? null : } return result; if (activities == null) { } activities = myActivities; } return (TaskActivity[]) TaskActivity[activities .size()]); activities.toArray(new public String getNotes() { return myNotes; } } public GanttTaskRelationship[] getPredecessors() { public TaskLength getDuration() { return new GanttTaskRelationship[0]; // To change body of return (myMutator != null && myMutator.myIsolationLevelimplemented == TaskMutator.READ_UNCOMMITED) ? myMutator // methods use Options | File .getDuration() : myLength; // Templates. } } public GanttTaskRelationship[] getSuccessors() { public int getCompletionPercentage() { return new GanttTaskRelationship[0]; // To change body of return (myMutator != null && myMutator.myIsolationLevelimplemented == TaskMutator.READ_UNCOMMITED) ? myMutator // methods use Options | File .getCompletionPercentage() : myCompletionPercentage; // Templates. } } public ResourceAssignment[] getAssignments() { 120 } return myAssignments.getAssignments(); } public getAssignmentCollection() { public TaskDependencySlice getDependenciesAsDependant() { ResourceAssignmentCollection return myDependencySliceAsDependant; } return myAssignments; } public Cost[] getCosts() { public getDependenciesAsDependee() { TaskDependencySlice return myDependencySliceAsDependee; return myCosts.getCosts(); } } public TaskManager getManager() { public CostsTaskCollection getCostsTaskCollection() { return myManager; return myCosts; } } // TODO: remove this hack. ID must never be changed // protected void setTaskIDHack(int taskID) { public Task getSupertask() { TaskHierarchyItem container myTaskHierarchyItem.getContainerItem(); myID = taskID; = } return container.getTask(); private static interface EventSender { } void enable(); public Task[] getNestedTasks() { TaskHierarchyItem[] nestedItems myTaskHierarchyItem.getNestedItems(); void fireEvent(); = } Task[] result = new Task[nestedItems.length]; for (int i = 0; i < nestedItems.length; i++) { result[i] = nestedItems[i].getTask(); private class ProgressEventSender implements EventSender { private boolean myEnabled; } return result; public void fireEvent() { } if (myEnabled) { public void move(Task targetSupertask) { TaskImpl supertaskImpl = (TaskImpl) targetSupertask; TaskHierarchyItem targetItem supertaskImpl.myTaskHierarchyItem; myManager.fireTaskProgressChanged(TaskImpl.this); } = myEnabled = false; } myTaskHierarchyItem.delete(); targetItem.addNestedItem(myTaskHierarchyItem); public void enable() { } myEnabled = true; } public void delete() { getDependencies().clear(); getAssignmentCollection().clear(); } } public TaskDependencySlice getDependencies() { return myDependencySlice; private class EventSender { PropertiesEventSender implements private boolean myEnabled; 121 index++; } public void fireEvent() { while (index > myDates.size()) { if (myEnabled) { myDates.add(null); myManager.fireTaskPropertiesChanged(TaskImpl.this); } } if (index == -1) { myEnabled = false; myDates.add(0, date); } } else if (index == myDates.size()) { myDates.add(date); public void enable() { } else { myEnabled = true; myDates.set(index, date); } } } } private static class FieldChange { private int myMinLength = 0; String myFieldName; private List myDates; Object myFieldValue; } EventSender myEventSender; private class MutatorImpl implements TaskMutator { void setValue(Object newValue) { myFieldValue = newValue; private EventSender myPropertiesEventSender = new PropertiesEventSender(); myEventSender.enable(); private EventSender myProgressEventSender = new ProgressEventSender(); } } private static class DurationChange extends FieldChange { private FieldChange myCompletionPercentageChange; Date getCachedDate(int length) { if (myDates == null) { private FieldChange myStartChange; return null; private FieldChange myEndChange; } int index = length - myMinLength; if (index < 0 || index >= myDates.size()) { private FieldChange myThirdChange; return null; private DurationChange myDurationChange; } return (Date) myDates.get(index); private List myActivities; } void cacheDate(Date date, int length) { private final List myCommands = new ArrayList(); if (myDates == null) { myDates = new ArrayList(); private int myIsolationLevel; } int index = length - myMinLength; while (index <= -1) { myDates.add(0, null); public void commit() { try { boolean fireChanges = false; if (myStartChange != null) { 122 GanttCalendar start = getStart(); } TaskImpl.this.setStart(start); } public void setName(final String name) { if (myDurationChange != null) { myCommands.add(new Runnable() { TaskLength duration = getDuration(); public void run() { TaskImpl.this.setDuration(duration); TaskImpl.this.setName(name); myEndChange = null; } } }); if (myCompletionPercentageChange != null) { } int newValue = getCompletionPercentage(); public void setProjectTask(final boolean projectTask) { TaskImpl.this.setCompletionPercentage(newValue); myCommands.add(new Runnable() { } public void run() { if (myEndChange != null) { TaskImpl.this.setProjectTask(projectTask); GanttCalendar end = getEnd(); } TaskImpl.this.setEnd(end); } }); } if (myThirdChange != null) { GanttCalendar third = getThird(); public void setMilestone(final boolean milestone) { TaskImpl.this.setThirdDate(third); myCommands.add(new Runnable() { } public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < myCommands.size(); i++) { TaskImpl.this.setMilestone(milestone); Runnable next = (Runnable) myCommands.get(i); }; } }); } myCommands.clear(); myPropertiesEventSender.fireEvent(); public void setPriority(final int priority) { myProgressEventSender.fireEvent(); myCommands.add(new Runnable() { } finally { public void run() { TaskImpl.this.myMutator = null; TaskImpl.this.setPriority(priority); } } } }); } public GanttCalendar getThird() { return myThirdChange == null ? TaskImpl.this.myThird public void setStart(final GanttCalendar start) { : (GanttCalendar) myThirdChange.myFieldValue; if (myStartChange == null) { } myStartChange = new FieldChange(); public List getActivities() { myStartChange.myEventSender myPropertiesEventSender; } if (myActivities == null && (myStartChange != null) myStartChange.setValue(start); || (myDurationChange != null)) { myActivities = null; myActivities = new ArrayList(); TaskImpl.this.recalculateActivities(myActivities, = } getStart() .getTime(), getEnd().getTime()); } public void setEnd(final GanttCalendar end) { if (myEndChange == null) { return myActivities; 123 myEndChange = new FieldChange(); myEndChange.myEventSender myPropertiesEventSender; = // System.err.println("previously shift="+prevEnd); cached myDurationChange.setValue(length); } GanttCalendar newEnd; myEndChange.setValue(end); Date shifted; myActivities = null; if (prevEnd == null) { } // System.err.println("no length="+length.getLength()); public void setThird(final GanttCalendar third, length prev, shifted = TaskImpl.this.shiftDate(getStart().getTime(), final int thirdDateConstraint) { .getTimeUnit(), length.getLength()); myCommands.add(new Runnable() { } else { public void run() { // System.err.println("yes prev, // prevLength.getLength())); TaskImpl.this.setThirdDateConstraint(thirdDateConstraint); } length="+(length.getLength()- shifted = TaskImpl.this.shiftDate(prevEnd, }); length.getTimeUnit(), length.getLength() if (myThirdChange == null) { - prevLength.getLength()); myThirdChange = new FieldChange(); } myThirdChange.myEventSender myPropertiesEventSender; = // System.err.println("caching shift="+shifted+" for // duration="+length); } // myDurationChange.cacheDate(shifted, (int)length.getLength()); myThirdChange.setValue(third); myActivities = null; newEnd = new GanttCalendar(shifted); setEnd(newEnd); } myActivities = null; } public void setDuration(final TaskLength length) { if (myDurationChange == null) { public void setExpand(final boolean expand) { myDurationChange = new DurationChange(); myDurationChange.myEventSender myPropertiesEventSender; myCommands.add(new Runnable() { = public void run() { TaskImpl.this.setExpand(expand); myDurationChange.setValue(length); } } else { TaskLength currentLength myDurationChange.myFieldValue; = }); (TaskLength) } if (currentLength.getLength() - length.getLength() == 0) { public void setCompletionPercentage(final int percentage) return; } { if (myCompletionPercentageChange == null) { } myCompletionPercentageChange = new FieldChange(); TaskLength prevLength = (TaskLength) myDurationChange.myFieldValue; myCompletionPercentageChange.myEventSender = myProgressEventSender; // System.err.println("new duration="+length+" } // previous="+prevLength); myCompletionPercentageChange.setValue(new // Date prevEnd = Integer(percentage)); // } myDurationChange.getCachedDate((int)prevLength.getLength() ); Date prevEnd = null; public void setStartFixed(final boolean isFixed) { myCommands.add(new Runnable() { 124 public void run() { TaskImpl.this.setStartFixed(isFixed); public void addNotes(final String notes) { myCommands.add(new Runnable() { } public void run() { }); TaskImpl.this.addNotes(notes); } } // }); public void setFinishFixed(final boolean isFixed) { // myCommands.add(new Runnable() { // } public void run() { // TaskImpl.this.setFinishFixed(isFixed); // return myCompletionPercentageChange TaskImpl.this.myCompletionPercentage } // public int getCompletionPercentage() { }); == : myCompletionPercentageChange.myFieldValue) // // } null ? ((Integer) .intValue(); } public void setCritical(final boolean critical) { myCommands.add(new Runnable() { GanttCalendar getStart() { public void run() { return myStartChange == null ? TaskImpl.this.myStart TaskImpl.this.setCritical(critical); } : (GanttCalendar) myStartChange.myFieldValue; } }); } GanttCalendar getEnd() { return myEndChange == null ? TaskImpl.this.myEnd public void setShape(final ShapePaint shape) { myCommands.add(new Runnable() { : (GanttCalendar) myEndChange.myFieldValue; } public void run() { TaskImpl.this.setShape(shape); } TaskLength getDuration() { return myDurationChange TaskImpl.this.myLength }); == null ? : (TaskLength) myDurationChange.myFieldValue; } } public void setColor(final Color color) { myCommands.add(new Runnable() { public void shift(float unitCount) { public void run() { Task result = getPrecomputedShift(unitCount); TaskImpl.this.setColor(color); if (result == null) { } result = TaskImpl.this.shift(unitCount); }); cachePrecomputedShift(result, unitCount); } } public void setNotes(final String notes) { // System.err.println("[MutatorImpl] result="+result); myCommands.add(new Runnable() { setStart(result.getStart()); public void run() { setDuration(result.getDuration()); TaskImpl.this.setNotes(notes); } shift(): setEnd(result.getEnd()); } }); } public void shift(TaskLength shift) { 125 TaskImpl.this.shift(shift); public void setMilestone(boolean milestone) { } isMilestone = milestone; } public void setIsolationLevel(int level) { myIsolationLevel = level; public void setPriority(int priority) { } myPriority = priority; private void cachePrecomputedShift(Task result, float unitCount) { } } public void setStart(GanttCalendar start) { private Task getPrecomputedShift(float unitCount) { Date closestWorkingStart myManager.findClosestWorkingTime(start = .getTime()); return null; start.setTime(closestWorkingStart); } private TaskInfo myTaskInfo; GanttCalendar oldStart = myStart == null ? null : myStart.Clone(); myStart = start; if (areEventsEnabled()) { public TaskInfo getTaskInfo() { return myTaskInfo; myManager.fireTaskScheduleChanged(this, getEnd()); } oldStart, } recalculateActivities(); public void setTaskInfo(TaskInfo taskInfo) { myTaskInfo = taskInfo; } } public void setEnd(GanttCalendar end) { GanttCalendar oldFinish = myEnd == null ? null : myEnd.Clone(); //LH myEnd = end; public void setBudget(final double cost) { recalculateActivities(); myCommands.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { // System.err.println("we activities"); TaskImpl.this.setBudget(cost); } }); have "+myActivities.size()+" if (areEventsEnabled()) { myManager.fireTaskScheduleChanged(this, myStart.Clone(), oldFinish); } } } } public void setThirdDate(GanttCalendar third) { public void setName(String name) { GanttCalendar oldThird = myThird == null ? null : myThird.Clone(); myThird = third; myName = name; // recalculateActivities(); } // if (areEventsEnabled()) { public void setWebLink(String webLink) { // myManager.fireTaskScheduleChanged(this, myThird.Clone(), oldThird); // } myWebLink = webLink; } } 126 public void setThirdDateConstraint(int thirdDateConstraint) { GanttCalendar oldFinish = myEnd == null ? null : myEnd.Clone(); myThirdDateConstraint = thirdDateConstraint; myLength = length; } Date newEndDate = shiftDate(myStart.getTime(), public void shift(TaskLength shift) { length.getTimeUnit(), length.getLength()); float unitCount = shift.getLength(myLength.getTimeUnit()); if (unitCount != 0f) { myEnd = new GanttCalendar(newEndDate); Task resultTask = shift(unitCount); // myEnd = myStart.newAdd((int) length.getLength()); GanttCalendar oldStart = myStart; recalculateActivities(); GanttCalendar oldEnd = myEnd; if (areEventsEnabled()) { myStart = resultTask.getStart(); myManager.fireTaskScheduleChanged(this, myStart.Clone(), myLength = resultTask.getDuration(); myEnd = resultTask.getEnd(); oldFinish); if (areEventsEnabled()) { } myManager.fireTaskScheduleChanged(this, oldStart, oldEnd); } } recalculateActivities(); } } private Date shiftDate(Date input, TimeUnit timeUnit, long length) { public Task shift(float unitCount) { return shiftDate(input, myManager.getConfig() } if (unitCount > 0) { TaskLength length myManager.createLength(myLength.getTimeUnit(), = unitCount); private Date shiftDate(Date input, TimeUnit timeUnit, long length, GPCalendar calendar) { // clone.setDuration(length); Date shiftedDate = shiftDate(myStart.getTime(), length List activities = calendar.getActivities(input, timeUnit, length); length.getLength(), clone.setStart(new GanttCalendar(shiftedDate)); if (activities.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't set length=" + length + " start=" clone.setDuration(myLength); + input); } else { } // TODO: hack assuming unit=day Date result; // clone.setStart(clone.getStart().newAdd((int)unitCount)); clone length, .getCalendar()); Task clone = unpluggedClone(); .getTimeUnit(), RESTLESS_CALENDAR); timeUnit, if (length >= 0) { GPCalendarActivity lastActivity = (GPCalendarActivity) Date newStart = shiftDate(clone.getStart().getTime(), activities .get(activities.size() - 1); .getDuration().getTimeUnit(), (long) unitCount); result = lastActivity.getEnd(); clone.setStart(new GanttCalendar(newStart)); } else { clone.setDuration(myLength); } GPCalendarActivity firstActivity = (GPCalendarActivity) activities return clone; .get(0); } result = firstActivity.getStart(); } public void setDuration(TaskLength length) { return result; } 127 public TaskLength translateDuration(TaskLength duration) { GPCalendar calendar myManager.getConfig().getCalendar(); = List activities = calendar.getActivities(startDate, endDate); return myManager.createLength(myLength.getTimeUnit(), output.clear(); translateDurationValue(duration)); for (int i = 0; i < activities.size(); i++) { } GPCalendarActivity (GPCalendarActivity) activities private float translateDurationValue(TaskLength duration) { nextCalendarActivity = .get(i); if (myLength.getTimeUnit().equals(duration.getTimeUnit())) TaskActivityImpl nextTaskActivity; { if (nextCalendarActivity.isWorkingTime()) { return duration.getValue(); nextTaskActivity = new TaskActivityImpl(this, } nextCalendarActivity.getStart(), if nextCalendarActivity (myLength.getTimeUnit().isConstructedFrom(duration.getTimeU .getEnd()); nit())) { } else if (i > 0 && i + 1 < activities.size()) { return duration.getValue() nextTaskActivity = new TaskActivityImpl(this, / myLength.getTimeUnit().getAtomCount( nextCalendarActivity.getStart(), nextCalendarActivity duration.getTimeUnit()); } .getEnd(), 0); if (duration.getTimeUnit().isConstructedFrom(myLength.getTimeU nit())) { } else { continue; return duration.getValue() } * duration.getTimeUnit().getAtomCount( output.add(nextTaskActivity); myLength.getTimeUnit()); } } } throw new RuntimeException("Can't transalte duration=" + duration public void setCompletionPercentage(int percentage) { + " into units=" + myLength.getTimeUnit()); int oldPercentage = myCompletionPercentage; } myCompletionPercentage = percentage; if (oldPercentage != myCompletionPercentage) { private void recalculateActivities() { if (myEnd == null || myManager == null) { EventSender progressEventSender ProgressEventSender(); return; = new progressEventSender.enable(); } progressEventSender.fireEvent(); recalculateActivities(myActivities, myEnd.getTime()); myStart.getTime(), } } int length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < myActivities.size(); i++) { public void setStartFixed(boolean isFixed) { TaskActivity next = (TaskActivity) myActivities.get(i); isStartFixed = isFixed; if (next.getIntensity() > 0) { } length += next.getDuration().getLength( getDuration().getTimeUnit()); } } // public void setFinishFixed(boolean isFixed) { // isFinishFixed = isFixed; myLength =// getManager().createLength(myLength.getTimeUnit(), length); } } public void setShape(ShapePaint shape) { myShape = shape; private void recalculateActivities(List output, Date startDate, Date endDate) { } 128 public String toString() { public void setColor(Color color) { myColor = color; } return myName + ": " + myStart.getTime() + "-" + myLength; } public void setNotes(String notes) { public boolean isUnplugged() { myNotes = notes; return myTaskHierarchyItem == null; } } public void setExpand(boolean expand) { /** bExpand = expand; * Returns the CustomColumnValues. } * * @return The CustomColumnValues. public void addNotes(String notes) { */ myNotes += notes; public CustomColumnsValues getCustomValues() { } return customValues; } protected void enableEvents(boolean enabled) { myEventsEnabled = enabled; /** } * @inheritDoc */ protected boolean areEventsEnabled() { public void setCritical(boolean critical) { return myEventsEnabled; this.critical = critical; } } /** * Allows to determine, if a special shape is defined for this task. /** * @inheritDoc * */ * @return true, if this task has its own shape defined. public boolean isCritical() { return this.critical; */ public boolean shapeDefined() { } return (myShape != null); // TODO: implementation of this method has no correlation with algorithms } // recalculating schedules, /** // doesn't affect subtasks and supertasks. It is necessary to * Allows to determine, if a special color is defined for thiscall this task. // method explicitly from other * // parts of code to be sure that constraint fulfils * @return true, if this task has its own color defined. // */ // Method GanttCalendar.newAdd() assumes that time unit is day public boolean colorDefined() { public void applyThirdDateConstraint() { TaskLength length = getDuration(); return (myColor != null); if (getThird() != null) switch (getThirdDateConstraint()) { } case EARLIESTBEGIN: 129 // TODO: TIME UNIT (assumption about days) if (getThird().after(getStart())) { int difference = getThird().diff(getStart()); net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task. TaskNode GanttCalendar getStart().newAdd(difference); _start = package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task; GanttCalendar getEnd().newAdd(difference); _end = import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; setEnd(_end); setStart(_start); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar; setDuration(length); } /** break; * This class is the class to use to discribe the tasks hierarchy. } * } * @author bbaranne (Benoit Baranne) */ private TaskInfo myTaskInfo; public class TaskNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode { /** public TaskInfo getTaskInfo() { * The reference task return myTaskInfo; */ } private final Task task; public void setTaskInfo(TaskInfo taskInfo) { myTaskInfo = taskInfo; /** * Creates an instance of TaskNode with the given task as reference. * } * @param t public boolean isProjectTask() { return isProjectTask; * Task of reference. */ public TaskNode(Task t) { } super(t); task = t; public void setProjectTask(boolean projectTask) { isProjectTask = projectTask; } } /** private static final GPCalendar RESTLESS_CALENDAR = new AlwaysWorkingTimeCalendarImpl(); * Sets the priority of the task. * * @param priority //LH * public double getBudget() { return myBudget; The priority to be set. */ public void setPriority(int priority) { } task.setPriority(priority); } //LH public void setBudget(double cost) { myBudget = cost; } } /** * Returns the priority of the task. * * @return The priority of the task. 130 * @param endDate */ public int getPriority() { return task.getPriority(); * The end date of the task to be set. */ public void setEnd(GanttCalendar endDate) { } task.setEnd(endDate); } /** * Sets the name of the task. /** * * @param newName * Returns the end date of the task. * * The name to be set. */ * @return The end date of the task. public void setName(String newName) { */ task.setName(newName); public GanttCalendar getEnd() { return task.getEnd(); } } /** * Returns the name of the task. /** * * Sets the duration of the task. * @return The name of the task. * */ * @param length public String getName() { * return task.getName(); */ The duration to be set. public void setDuration(TaskLength length) { } task.setDuration(length); } /** * Sets the start date of the task. /** * * @param startDate * Returns the duration of the task. * * The start date of the task to be set. */ * @return The duration of the task. public void setStart(GanttCalendar startDate) { */ task.setStart(startDate); public int getDuration() { return (int) task.getDuration().getValue(); } } /** * Returns the start date of the task. /** * * Sets the completion percentage of the task. * @return The start date of the task. * */ * @param percentage public GanttCalendar getStart() { * return task.getStart(); } The percentage to be set. */ public void setCompletionPercentage(int percentage) { task.setCompletionPercentage(percentage); /** } * Sets the end date of the task. * /** 131 public void setBudget(double budget) { * Returns the completion percentage of the task. task.setBudget(budget); * } * @return The completion percentage of the task. */ /** public int getCompletionPercentage() { * Returns the budget of the task. return task.getCompletionPercentage(); * } * @return The budget of the task. */ public void setTaskInfo(TaskInfo info) { public double getBudget() { task.setTaskInfo(info); return task.getBudget(); } } public TaskInfo getTaskInfo() { return task.getTaskInfo(); } } /** * @inheritDoc net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task. MutableTask */ public String toString() { package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task; return task.getName(); } import java.awt.Color; /** import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar; * @inheritDoc import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.shape.ShapePaint; */ public Object getUserObject() { return task; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * } * @author bard Date: 06.02.2004 public void applyThirdDateConstraint() { if (task.getThird() != null) switch (task.getThirdDateConstraint()) { */ public interface MutableTask { void setName(String name); case TaskImpl.EARLIESTBEGIN: if (task.getThird().after(getStart())) { void setMilestone(boolean isMilestone); task.setStart(task.getThird().newAdd(0)); void setPriority(int priority); } } } void setStart(GanttCalendar start); /** void setEnd(GanttCalendar end); * Sets the budget of the task. void setDuration(TaskLength length); * * @param budget * The budget to be set. void shift(TaskLength shift); */ 132 // void setCompletionPercentage(int percentage); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage; void setStartFixed(boolean isFixed); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.TaskDependenc y; void setFinishFixed(boolean isFixed); void setShape(ShapePaint shape); /** * Class with which one can get any properties (even custom) from any task. * void setColor(Color color); * @author bbaranne * void setNotes(String notes); */ public class TaskProperties { void addNotes(String notes); public static final String ID_TASK_DATES = "taskDates"; void setExpand(boolean expand); public static final String ID_TASK_NAME = "name"; //LH void setBudget(double budget); public static final String ID_TASK_LENGTH = "length"; /** //LH * Sets the task as critical or not. The method is used be TaskManager after public static final String ID_TASK_BUDGET = "budget"; * having run a CriticalPathAlgorithm to set the critical tasks. public static final String ID_TASK_ADVANCEMENT = When "advancement"; * painted, the tasks are rendered as critical using Task.isCritical(). So, public static final String ID_TASK_COORDINATOR = * a task is set as critical only if critical path is displayed. "coordinator"; * * @param critical * <code>false</code> * public static <code>true</code> if this is critical,"resources"; otherwise. final String ID_TASK_RESOURCES = public static final String ID_TASK_ID = "id"; */ void setCritical(boolean critical); public static final String ID_TASK_PREDECESSORS = "predecessors"; void setTaskInfo(TaskInfo taskInfo); /** void setProjectTask (boolean projectTask); * Returns the task <code>propertyID</code>. property specified by * } net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task. TaskProperties package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task; import java.text.NumberFormat; * @param task * The task from which we want the property. * @param propertyID * The property ID which could be <code>ID_TASK_DATES</code>, * <code>ID_TASK_NAME</code>, ... or a custom column name. * @return the task <code>propertyID</code>. The property specified by 133 * close = true; result may be <code>null</code>. */ first = false; public static Object getProperty(Task task, String propertyID) sb.append("{"); { } Object res = null; if (j > 1) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(", "); if (propertyID != null) { } if (propertyID.equals(ID_TASK_DATES)) { sb.append(assignments[i].getResource().getName()); sb.append(" [ "); } sb.append(task.getStart() + " - " + task.getEnd()); sb.append(" ] "); } res = sb.toString(); if (close) sb.append("}"); } else if (propertyID.equals(ID_TASK_NAME)) { } sb.append(" " + task.getName() + " "); res = sb.toString(); res = sb.toString(); } else if (propertyID.equals(ID_TASK_RESOURCES)) { } else if (propertyID.equals(ID_TASK_LENGTH)) { ResourceAssignment[] task.getAssignments(); sb.append(" [ "); sb.append((int) task.getDuration().getLength() + " " assignments = if (assignments.length > 0) { + GanttLanguage.getInstance().getText("days")); sb.append(" "); sb.append(" ] "); for (int i = 0; i < assignments.length; i++) { res = sb.toString(); } else if (propertyID.equals(ID_TASK_BUDGET)) { //LH sb.append(assignments[i].getResource().getName()); sb.append(" [ "); if (i < assignments.length - 1) { //LH sb.append(","); //sb.append((double) task.getBudget() + " $"); } } sb.append(NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(task.g etBudget())); sb.append(" "); } sb.append(" ] "); res = sb.toString(); res = sb.toString(); } else (propertyID.equals(ID_TASK_ADVANCEMENT)) { if } else if (propertyID.equals(ID_TASK_ID)) { sb.append("# ").append(task.getTaskID()); sb.append(" [ "); res = sb.toString(); sb.append(task.getCompletionPercentage() + "%"); sb.append(" ] "); res = sb.toString(); } else if (propertyID.equals(ID_TASK_COORDINATOR)) } else (propertyID.equals(ID_TASK_PREDECESSORS)) { if TaskDependency[] dep task.getDependenciesAsDependant().toArray(); = int i = 0; { ResourceAssignment[] task.getAssignments(); assignments if (dep != null && dep.length > 0) { = for (i = 0; i < dep.length - 1; i++) if (assignments.length > 0) { boolean first = true; sb.append(dep[i].getDependee().getTaskID() + ", "); sb.append(dep[i].getDependee().getTaskID()); boolean close = false; } int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < assignments.length; i++) { if (assignments[i].isCoordinator()) { res = sb.toString(); } else { j++; if (first) { res = task.getCustomValues().getValue(propertyID); } 134 } import javax.swing.JTable; return res; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JTree; } } net.sourceforge.ganttproject. GanttTreeTable import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent; package net.sourceforge.ganttproject; import javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelListener; import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent; import java.awt.Color; import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener; import java.awt.Component; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel; import java.awt.Dimension; import javax.swing.table.TableColumn; import java.awt.Point; import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Toolkit; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.delay.Delay; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.GanttDialogCustomColumn; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumn; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumnsException; import java.text.ParseException; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumnsManager; import java.util.ArrayList; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskContainmentHierarchyFa cade; import java.util.Date; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskNode; import java.util.Enumeration; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.util.DateUtils; import java.util.EventListener; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import org.jdesktop.jdnc.JNTreeTable; import java.util.HashMap; import org.jdesktop.swing.decorator.AlternateRowHighlighter; import java.util.Iterator; import org.jdesktop.swing.decorator.HierarchicalColumnHighlighter; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.jdesktop.swing.decorator.Highlighter; import org.jdesktop.swing.decorator.HighlighterPipeline; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor; import org.jdesktop.swing.table.TableColumnExt; import org.jdesktop.swing.treetable.TreeTableModel; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.InputMap; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JScrollBar; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; /** * Treetable used to displayed tabular data and hierarchical data. * * @author bbaranne * @version 1.0 (20050301) (yyyymmdd) */ public class GanttTreeTable extends JNTreeTable { 135 /** */ * Unique instance of GanttLanguage. public GanttTreeTable(TreeTableModel model) { super(model); */ private static GanttLanguage GanttLanguage.getInstance(); language initTreeTable(); = } /** public void setAction(Action action) { * PopupMenu showed on right click (window, linux) on the table header. InputMap inputMap = new InputMap(); */ inputMap.put((KeyStroke) action.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY), private JPopupMenu popupMenu; action.getValue(Action.NAME)); /** * Map ColumnName -> MenuItem inputMap.setParent(getTreeTable().getInputMap(JComponent. WHEN_FOCUSED)); */ private Map mapColNameMenuItem; getTreeTable().setInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED, inputMap); /** * Point where the user has just right clicked on the table header. // Add the action to the component */ getTreeTable().getActionMap().put(action.getValue(Action.NAM E), action); private Point clickPoint = null; } /** * model of the treetable. private void updateDisplayedColumnsOrder() { */ Iterator it = this.listDisplayedColumns.iterator(); private GanttTreeTableModel ttModel; while (it.hasNext()) { DisplayedColumn dc = (DisplayedColumn); /** if (dc.isDisplayed()) { * stores the tableColum ColumnKeeper. it is used to associated with there String id = dc.getID(); String name = getNameForId(id); * retore the column at the same index it has been removed. int viewIndex getTable().convertColumnIndexToView( */ private Map mapTableColumnColumnKeeper = null; = getColumn(name).getModelIndex()); dc.setOrder(viewIndex); /** dc.setWidth(getColumn(name).getPreferredWidth()); * Menu item to delete columns. } */ } private JMenuItem jmiDeleteColumn; } DisplayedColumnsList listDisplayedColumns = null; public DisplayedColumnsList getDisplayColumns() { updateDisplayedColumnsOrder(); /** return this.listDisplayedColumns; * Creates an instance of GanttTreeTable with the given TreeTableModel. } * * @param model * public void setDisplayedColumns(DisplayedColumnsList displayedColumns) { TreeTableModel. 136 DisplayedColumnsList displayedColumns l = (DisplayedColumnsList) .clone(); } Iterator it = lToDel.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) if (displayedColumns.size() != 0) { getTable().removeColumn((TableColumn); this.listDisplayedColumns = displayedColumns; displayAllColumns(); getTable().setAutoCreateColumnsFromModel(false); hideAllColumns(); getTable().setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_SUBSE QUENT_COLUMNS); this.listDisplayedColumns = l; } Collections.sort(this.listDisplayedColumns); TableColumnExt tce1 = new TableColumnExt(0); tce1.setTitle(GanttTreeTableModel.strColType); Iterator it = this.listDisplayedColumns.iterator(); TableColumnExt tce2 = new TableColumnExt(1); while (it.hasNext()) { tce2.setTitle(GanttTreeTableModel.strColPriority); DisplayedColumn dc = (DisplayedColumn); TableColumnExt tce3 = new TableColumnExt(2); String id = dc.getID(); tce3.setTitle(GanttTreeTableModel.strColInfo); String name = getNameForId(id); TableColumnExt tce4 = new TableColumnExt(3); tce4.setTitle(GanttTreeTableModel.strColName); if (dc.displayed) TableColumnExt tce5 = new TableColumnExt(4); displayColumn(name); tce5.setTitle(GanttTreeTableModel.strColBegDate); else TableColumnExt tce6 = new TableColumnExt(5); hideColumn(name); tce6.setTitle(GanttTreeTableModel.strColEndDate); } TableColumnExt tce7 = new TableColumnExt(6); } tce7.setTitle(GanttTreeTableModel.strColDuration); TableColumnExt tce8 = new TableColumnExt(7); /** * Initialize the treetable. Addition of various listeners, tree's icons, tce8.setTitle(GanttTreeTableModel.strColCompletion); TableColumnExt tce9 = new TableColumnExt(8); */ tce9.setTitle(GanttTreeTableModel.strColCoordinator); public void initTreeTable() { TableColumnExt tce10 = new TableColumnExt(9); clickPoint = null; tce10.setTitle(GanttTreeTableModel.strColPredecessors); if(Mediator.getCustomColumnsManager() == null) TableColumnExt tce11 = new TableColumnExt(10); tce11.setTitle(GanttTreeTableModel.strColID); Mediator.registerCustomColumnsManager(new CustomColumnsManager(this)); //LH mapColNameMenuItem = new HashMap(); TableColumnExt tce12 = new TableColumnExt(11); mapTableColumnColumnKeeper = new HashMap(); ttModel = this.getTreeTableModel(); tce12.setTitle(GanttTreeTableModel.strColBudget); (GanttTreeTableModel) this.addColumn(tce1); Enumeration enumeration getTable().getColumnModel().getColumns(); = Collection lToDel = new ArrayList(); tc = (TableColumnExt) // System.out.println(tc.getTitle()); // if (!ttModel.titles.contains(tc.getTitle())) lToDel.add(tc); this.addColumn(tce3); this.addColumn(tce4); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { TableColumnExt enumeration.nextElement(); this.addColumn(tce2); this.addColumn(tce5); this.addColumn(tce6); this.addColumn(tce7); this.addColumn(tce8); this.addColumn(tce9); this.addColumn(tce10); 137 this.addColumn(tce11); dc6.setOrder(this.getTable().convertColumnIndexToView( this.addColumn(tce12); tce6.getModelIndex())); dc6.setWidth(tce6.getPreferredWidth()); listDisplayedColumns = new DisplayedColumnsList(); listDisplayedColumns.add(dc6); // Type // Duration DisplayedColumn dc1 = DisplayedColumn(getIdForName(tce1.getTitle())); new DisplayedColumn dc7 = DisplayedColumn(getIdForName(tce7.getTitle())); new dc1.setDisplayed(false); dc7.setDisplayed(false); dc1.setOrder(this.getTable().convertColumnIndexToView( dc7.setOrder(this.getTable().convertColumnIndexToView( tce1.getModelIndex())); tce7.getModelIndex())); dc1.setWidth(tce1.getPreferredWidth()); dc7.setWidth(tce7.getPreferredWidth()); listDisplayedColumns.add(dc1); listDisplayedColumns.add(dc7); // Priority DisplayedColumn dc2 = DisplayedColumn(getIdForName(tce2.getTitle())); // Completion new DisplayedColumn dc8 = DisplayedColumn(getIdForName(tce8.getTitle())); new dc2.setDisplayed(false); dc8.setDisplayed(false); dc2.setOrder(this.getTable().convertColumnIndexToView( dc8.setOrder(this.getTable().convertColumnIndexToView( tce2.getModelIndex())); tce8.getModelIndex())); dc2.setWidth(tce2.getPreferredWidth()); dc8.setWidth(tce8.getPreferredWidth()); listDisplayedColumns.add(dc2); listDisplayedColumns.add(dc8); // Info DisplayedColumn dc3 = DisplayedColumn(getIdForName(tce3.getTitle())); // Coordinator new DisplayedColumn dc9 = DisplayedColumn(getIdForName(tce9.getTitle())); new dc3.setDisplayed(false); dc9.setDisplayed(false); dc3.setOrder(this.getTable().convertColumnIndexToView( dc9.setOrder(this.getTable().convertColumnIndexToView( tce3.getModelIndex())); tce9.getModelIndex())); dc3.setWidth(tce3.getPreferredWidth()); dc9.setWidth(tce9.getPreferredWidth()); listDisplayedColumns.add(dc3); listDisplayedColumns.add(dc9); // Name DisplayedColumn dc4 = DisplayedColumn(getIdForName(tce4.getTitle())); new // Predecessors DisplayedColumn dc10 DisplayedColumn(getIdForName(tce10 dc4.setDisplayed(true); dc4.setOrder(this.getTable().convertColumnIndexToView( = new .getTitle())); tce4.getModelIndex())); dc10.setDisplayed(false); dc4.setWidth(tce4.getPreferredWidth()); dc10.setOrder(this.getTable().convertColumnIndexToView( listDisplayedColumns.add(dc4); tce10.getModelIndex())); // Begin date DisplayedColumn dc5 = DisplayedColumn(getIdForName(tce5.getTitle())); new dc10.setWidth(tce10.getPreferredWidth()); listDisplayedColumns.add(dc10); dc5.setDisplayed(true); dc5.setOrder(this.getTable().convertColumnIndexToView( tce5.getModelIndex())); dc5.setWidth(tce5.getPreferredWidth()); listDisplayedColumns.add(dc5); // End date DisplayedColumn dc6 = DisplayedColumn(getIdForName(tce6.getTitle())); dc6.setDisplayed(true); // ID DisplayedColumn dc11 DisplayedColumn(getIdForName(tce11 = new .getTitle())); dc11.setDisplayed(false); newdc11.setOrder(this.getTable().convertColumnIndexToView( tce11.getModelIndex())); dc11.setWidth(tce11.getPreferredWidth()); 138 public columnRemoved(TableColumnModelEvent e) { listDisplayedColumns.add(dc11); // nothing to do // LH // void } BUDGET DisplayedColumn dc12 DisplayedColumn(getIdForName(tce12 = new .getTitle())); dc12.setDisplayed(false); public columnMoved(TableColumnModelEvent e) { DefaultTableColumnModel (DefaultTableColumnModel) e dc12.setWidth(tce12.getPreferredWidth()); listDisplayedColumns.add(dc12); o = .getSource(); dc12.setOrder(this.getTable().convertColumnIndexToView( tce12.getModelIndex())); void TableColumn o.getColumn(e.getFromIndex()); ColumnKeeper ck mapTableColumnColumnKeeper tc = = ((ColumnKeeper) .get(tc)); if (ck != null) this.setDisplayedColumns(listDisplayedColumns); ck.setInitIndex(e.getToIndex()); if (Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton() != null) this.mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.put(tce1, null); this.mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.put(tce2, null); Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().setAskForSave( this.mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.put(tce3, null); true); this.mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.put(tce4, null); updateDisplayedColumnsOrder(); this.mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.put(tce5, null); } this.mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.put(tce6, null); this.mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.put(tce7, null); this.mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.put(tce8, null); public void columnMarginChanged(ChangeEvent e) { this.mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.put(tce9, null); // nothing to do this.mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.put(tce10, null); } this.mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.put(tce11, null); //LH this.mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.put(tce12, null); public columnSelectionChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { void // nothing to do } // the model must implement TableColumnModelListener }); getTable().getColumnModel().addColumnModelListener( (TableColumnModelListener) this.getTreeTableModel()); initColumnsAlignements(); getTable().getModel().addTableModelListener(new ModelListener()); // Highlighters to ease the reading of the table. getTable().getTableHeader().addMouseListener(new HeaderMouseListener()); setHighlighters(new HighlighterPipeline(new Highlighter[] { // The following is used to store the new index of a moved column in AlternateRowHighlighter.quickSilver, new HierarchicalColumnHighlighter() })); // order // to restore it properly. // set the CellEditor for the dates. getTable().getColumnModel().addColumnModelListener( new TableColumnModelListener() { getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColBegDate) public void columnAdded(TableColumnModelEvent .setCellEditor(new DateCellEditor(new JTextField())); e) { // nothing to do } getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColEndDate) .setCellEditor(new DateCellEditor(new JTextField())); 139 .getListeners(MouseListener.class); getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColName).s etCellEditor( for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) this.getTreeTable().getParent().removeMouseListener( new NameCellEditor()); (MouseListener) listeners[i]); setShowHorizontalLines(true); this.getTreeTable().getParent().addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( e.consume(); "/icons/simple_task.gif")); if (e.getClickCount() == 1) Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().getTree() setOpenIcon(null); .selectTreeRow(-1); setClosedIcon(null); else if (e.getClickCount() == 2 setCollapsedIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass() && e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { .getResource("/icons/plus.gif"))); setExpandedIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass() Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().getUndoManager() .undoableEdit("New .getResource("/icons/minus.gif"))); setLeafIcon(null); Task by click", new Runnable() { public void run() { Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton() createPopupMenu(); .newTask(); } this.setHasColumnControl(false); }); // this.getTable().moveColumn(0,2); } // List l = new ArrayList(); } // DisplayedColumn dc1 = new DisplayedColumn("tpd3"); }); // DisplayedColumn dc2 = new DisplayedColumn("tpd8"); // dc1.setDisplayed(true); // dc2.setDisplayed(true); } // l.add(dc1); // l.add(dc2); void addScrollPaneMouseListener(MouseListener ml) { this.getTreeTable().getParent().addMouseListener(ml); // this.setDisplayedColumns(l); // // hideColumn("Name"); if (listDisplayedColumns != null) this.setDisplayedColumns(listDisplayedColumns); } private void initColumnsAlignements() { // set the columns horizontal aligment. It also associate an // appropiate renderer according to the column class. else this.displayAllColumns(); Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { calculateWidth(); revalidate(); setColumnHorizontalAlignment(GanttTreeTableModel.strColTy pe, SwingConstants.CENTER); setColumnHorizontalAlignment(GanttTreeTableModel.strColPri ority, SwingConstants.CENTER); } }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(t); setColumnHorizontalAlignment(GanttTreeTableModel.strColInf o, SwingConstants.CENTER); // this.getTreeTable().getParent().setBackground(Color.WHITE); setColumnHorizontalAlignment(GanttTreeTableModel.strColNa EventListener listeners[] = this.getTreeTable().getParent() me, 140 // SwingConstants.LEFT); setColumnHorizontalAlignment(GanttTreeTableModel.strColBe gDate, SwingConstants.RIGHT); .setPreferredWidth(50); // getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColType).set MaxWidth(32); // setColumnHorizontalAlignment(GanttTreeTableModel.strColEn getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColPriority).s dDate, etMaxWidth(42); SwingConstants.RIGHT); setColumnHorizontalAlignment(GanttTreeTableModel.strColDur ation, SwingConstants.CENTER); // getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColInfo).set MaxWidth(32); // getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColName).s etMaxWidth(800); // setColumnHorizontalAlignment(GanttTreeTableModel.strColCo getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColBegDate) mpletion, .setMaxWidth(300); SwingConstants.CENTER); // getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColEndDate) setColumnHorizontalAlignment(GanttTreeTableModel.strColCo .setMaxWidth(300); ordinator, // getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColDuration) SwingConstants.CENTER); .setMaxWidth(300); // setColumnHorizontalAlignment(GanttTreeTableModel.strColPre getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColCompleti decessors, on).setMaxWidth(300); SwingConstants.RIGHT); // getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColCoordina setColumnHorizontalAlignment(GanttTreeTableModel.strColID, tor).setMaxWidth(300); SwingConstants.CENTER); } //LH void calculateWidth() { setColumnHorizontalAlignment(GanttTreeTableModel.strColBu dget, int width = 0; SwingConstants.CENTER); int nbCol = getTable().getColumnCount(); // Set the columns widths for (int i = 0; i < nbCol; i++) { getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColID) TableColumnExt tce = getTable().getColumnExt(i); .setPreferredWidth(32); if (tce.isVisible()) //LH width += tce.getPreferredWidth(); getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColBudget) } .setPreferredWidth(32); getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColType) .setPreferredWidth(32); getTable().setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(width, 0)); } getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColPriority) .setPreferredWidth(42); /** * Creates the popupMenu used to hide/show columns and to getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColInfo) add customs .setPreferredWidth(32); getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColName) .setPreferredWidth(120); getTable().getColumnExt(GanttTreeTableModel.strColDuration) * columns. It will associate each tablecolumn with an ColumnKeeper in * charge of adding and removing the tablecolumn. */ private void createPopupMenu() { 141 Iterator it mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.keySet().iterator(); }); = } mapColNameMenuItem.clear(); }); popupMenu = new JPopupMenu(); TableColumnModel this.getTable().getColumnModel(); tcModel = JMenuItem jmiDisplayAll JMenuItem(language.getText("displayAll")); // int nbCol = tcModel.getColumnCount(); new jmiDisplayAll.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { int nbCol mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.keySet().size(); = for (int i = 0; i < nbCol; i++) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().getUndoManager() // TableColumn column = tcModel.getColumn(i); .undoableEdit("displayAllColumns", jcbmi = new Runnable() { TableColumn column = (TableColumn); JCheckBoxMenuItem JCheckBoxMenuItem(column = public void run() { new displayAllColumns(); .getHeaderValue().toString()); } }); ColumnKeeper ck mapTableColumnColumnKeeper = (ColumnKeeper) } .get(column); }); if (ck == null) /* ck = new ColumnKeeper(column); * To delete a custom column the user has to right click on the column jcbmi.setSelected(ck.isShown); * header. If the colum header match with a custom column the menu item jcbmi.addActionListener(ck); * will be enable. Otherwise it is disable. mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.put(column, ck); */ jmiDeleteColumn = JMenuItem(language.getText("deleteCustomColumn")); new mapColNameMenuItem.put(column.getHeaderValue().toString( jmiDeleteColumn.setIcon(new ), jcbmi); ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( popupMenu.add(jcbmi); "/icons/removeCol_16.gif"))); } jmiDeleteColumn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { popupMenu.addSeparator(); public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JMenuItem jmiAddColumn = new JMenuItem(language Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().getUndoManager() .undoableEdit("deleteCustomColumn", .getText("addCustomColumn")); jmiAddColumn.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( public void run() { "/icons/addCol_16.gif"))); jmiAddColumn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // deleteCustomColumn(getTable().getColumnName(getTable().c olumnAtPoint(clickPoint))); int getTable().columnAtPoint(clickPoint); ind = if(ind >=0){ Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().getUndoManager() .undoableEdit("PopUpNewColumn", new Runnable() { new Mediator Runnable() { .getCustomColumnsManager() public void run() { Mediator.getCustomColumnsManager() .addNewCustomColumn(null); } .deleteCustomColumn(getTable().getColumnName(ind)); jmiDeleteColumn.setEnabled(false); } 142 } }); } else comp[i]).isSelected()) if (((JCheckBoxMenuItem) jcbmi.setEnabled(true); } } }); Collection col = mapColNameMenuItem.keySet(); jmiDeleteColumn.setEnabled(false); Iterator it2 = col.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { popupMenu.add(jmiDisplayAll); String s = (String); popupMenu.addSeparator(); int o = listDisplayedColumns.getOrderForName(s); popupMenu.add(jmiAddColumn); if (o == -1) popupMenu.add(jmiDeleteColumn); popupMenu.add((JMenuItem) mapColNameMenuItem.get(s), last); } private void reorderPopuMenu() { last = popupMenu.getComponentCount() - 5; int total = popupMenu.getComponentCount() - 5; } int last = popupMenu.getComponentCount() - 5; } for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) popupMenu.remove(0); Collections.sort(listDisplayedColumns); /** * Rename the MenuItem named <code>oldName</code> intor Collections.reverse(listDisplayedColumns); * <code>newName</code>. Iterator it = listDisplayedColumns.iterator(); * boolean disable = false; * @param oldName while (it.hasNext()) { * MenuItem old name. last = popupMenu.getComponentCount() - 5; * @param newName DisplayedColumn dc = (DisplayedColumn); * */ JMenuItem jmi = null; int pos = 0; MenuItem new name. private void newName) { if (dc.isDisplayed()) renameMenuItem(String oldName, String Component[] t = popupMenu.getComponents(); jmi = (JMenuItem) mapColNameMenuItem.get(getNameForId(; JCheckBoxMenuItem jcbmi = null; for (int i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { else { if (t[i] instanceof JCheckBoxMenuItem) { jmi = (JMenuItem) mapColNameMenuItem.get(getNameForId(; jcbmi = (JCheckBoxMenuItem) t[i]; pos = last; if (jcbmi.getText().equals(oldName)) { } jcbmi.setText(newName); popupMenu.add(jmi, pos); break; } } Component comp[] = popupMenu.getComponents(); } JCheckBoxMenuItem jcbmi = null; } for (int i = 0; i < comp.length; i++) { if (jcbmi != null) { if (comp[i] instanceof JCheckBoxMenuItem) mapColNameMenuItem.remove(oldName); if (jcbmi == null) { mapColNameMenuItem.put(newName, jcbmi); jcbmi = (JCheckBoxMenuItem) comp[i]; if (jcbmi.isSelected()) } } jcbmi.setEnabled(false); else jcbmi = null; /** * Displays all the table columns. 143 TableColumn c = (TableColumn); */ String n = (String) c.getHeaderValue(); private void displayAllColumns() { Iterator it mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.values().iterator(); if (n.equals(name)) { = ColumnKeeper ck mapTableColumnColumnKeeper while (it.hasNext()) { = (ColumnKeeper) .get(c); ColumnKeeper ck = (ColumnKeeper); if (indexView != -1) if (!ck.isShown) ck.index = indexView;; if (!ck.isShown) }; createPopupMenu(); break; } } } /** * Displays all the table columns. getTable().getColumnExt(name).setPreferredWidth(width); */ private void hideAllColumns() { Iterator it mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.values().iterator(); createPopupMenu(); = } while (it.hasNext()) { ColumnKeeper ck = (ColumnKeeper); private void hideColumn(String name) { if (ck.isShown) Iterator it mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.keySet().iterator(); ck.hide(); = while (it.hasNext()) { } TableColumn c = (TableColumn); createPopupMenu(); String n = (String) c.getHeaderValue(); } if (n.equals(name)) { ColumnKeeper ck mapTableColumnColumnKeeper /** * Display the column whose name is given in parameter. = (ColumnKeeper) .get(c); * if (ck.isShown) * @param name * ck.hide(); Name of the column to display. break; */ } private void displayColumn(String name) { } int indexView = -1; createPopupMenu(); int width = -1; } Iterator itDc = this.listDisplayedColumns.iterator(); while (itDc.hasNext()) { /** DisplayedColumn dc = (DisplayedColumn); * Adds a new custom column. The custom column will affect all tasks and if (getNameForId(dc.getID()).equals(name)) { indexView = dc.getOrder(); * future tasks. Several types are available for the custom columns (string, width = dc.getWidth(); * date, integer, double, boolean). A default value is also set. } */ } public void customColumn) { Iterator it mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { = addNewCustomColumn(CustomColumn if (customColumn == null) { customColumn = new CustomColumn(); 144 GanttDialogCustomColumn GanttDialogCustomColumn(Mediator d = if new (customColumn.getType().equals(GregorianCalendar.class)) align = SwingConstants.RIGHT; .getGanttProjectSingleton(), customColumn); setColumnHorizontalAlignment(newName, align); d.setVisible(true); } DisplayedColumn dc = new DisplayedColumn(Mediator if (customColumn.getName() != null) // if something has .getCustomColumnsStorage().getIdFromName(newName)); been entered dc.setDisplayed(true); { GanttTreeTableModel treeTableModel (GanttTreeTableModel) getTreeTableModel(); = dc.setOrder(getTable().convertColumnIndexToView( getColumn(newName).getModelIndex())); int nbCol = treeTableModel.getColumnCountTotal(); // + // treeTableModel.getCustomColumnCount(); dc.setWidth(getColumn(newName).getPreferredWidth()); String newName = customColumn.getName(); this.listDisplayedColumns.add(dc); ((GanttTreeTableModel) ttModel).addCustomColumn(newName); if (GregorianCalendar.class .isAssignableFrom(customColumn.getType())) getTable().getColumnExt(newName).setCellEditor( try { new DateCellEditor(new JTextField())); Mediator.getCustomColumnsStorage() .addCustomColumn(customColumn); } catch (CustomColumnsException ex) { if (ex.getType() CustomColumnsException.ALREADY_EXIST) // JCheckBoxMenuItem ==JCheckBoxMenuItem(newName); jcbmi = new jcbmi.setSelected(true); addNewCustomColumn(null); ColumnKeeper ck = new ColumnKeeper(t); return; jcbmi.addActionListener(ck); } mapColNameMenuItem.put(newName, jcbmi); mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.put(t, ck); TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade tchf = Mediator .getGanttProjectSingleton().getTaskManager() popupMenu.insert(jcbmi, popupMenu.getSubElements().length - 3); // .getTaskHierarchy(); setCustomColumnValueToAllNestedTask(tchf, tchf.getRootTask(), Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().setAskForSave(true); customColumn.getName(), customColumn.getDefaultValue()); } TableColumnExt t = new TableColumnExt(nbCol); Thread t = new Thread() { t.setMaxWidth(500); public void run() { t.setHeaderValue(newName); calculateWidth(); getTable().getColumnModel().addColumn(t); revalidate(); try { } if (clickPoint != null) }; getTable().getColumnModel().moveColumn( SwingUtilities.invokeLater(t); getTable().getColumnCount() - 1, getTable().columnAtPoint(clickPoint)); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } /** * Delete permanently a custom column. int align = SwingConstants.CENTER; 145 * * @param name * // CustomColumnsStorage level Name of the column to delete. Mediator.getCustomColumnsStorage().removeCustomColumn( name); */ public void deleteCustomColumn(String name) { // Every tasks try { TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade tchf = Mediator Mediator.getCustomColumnsStorage().getCustomColumn(nam .getGanttProjectSingleton().getTaskManager().getTaskHierarch e); y(); } catch (CustomColumnsException e) { tchf.getRootTask().getCustomValues().removeCustomColumn( name); // e.printStackTrace(); return; removeCustomColumnToAllNestedTask(tchf, tchf.getRootTask(), name); } // the column has to be displayed to be removed. // MenuItem this.displayColumn(name); popupMenu.remove(popupMenu .getComponentIndex((Component) mapColNameMenuItem.get(name))); // DisplayedColumns mapColNameMenuItem.remove(name); DisplayedColumn toDel = null; Iterator it = listDisplayedColumns.iterator(); // newBB Iterator it2 mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DisplayedColumn dc = (DisplayedColumn); = while (it2.hasNext()) { if (getNameForId(dc.getID()).equals(name)) TableColumn c = (TableColumn); toDel = dc; String n = (String) c.getHeaderValue(); } if (n.equals(name)) { if (toDel != null) mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.remove(c); listDisplayedColumns.remove(toDel); break; } int index getTable().getColumnModel().getColumnIndex(name); = int modelIndex getTable().convertColumnIndexToModel(index); = TableColumnModelEvent tcme TableColumnModelEvent(getTable() } Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().setAskForSave(true); = new .getColumnModel(), modelIndex, modelIndex); getTable().removeColumn(getTable().getColumnExt(name)); getTable().columnRemoved(tcme); } public void newName) { renameCustomcolumn(String name, String Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().setAskForSave(true); this.displayColumn(name); /* TableColumnExt tc = (TableColumnExt) * TODO There is a problem here : I don't remove thegetTable().getColumn(name); custom column from tc.setTitle(newName); * the treetablemodel. If I remove it there will be a problem Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().repaint(); when * deleting a custom column if it isn't the last created. renameMenuItem(name, newName); */ // TreeTableModel TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade tchf = Mediator ttModel.deleteCustomColumn(name); 146 try { .getGanttProjectSingleton().getTaskManager().getTaskHierarch y(); root.getCustomValues().setValue(colName, value); } catch (CustomColumnsException e) { tchf.getRootTask().getCustomValues().renameCustomColumn( name, newName); e.printStackTrace(); } renameCustomColumnForAllNestedTask(tchf, tchf.getRootTask(), name, Task[] tt = facade.getNestedTasks(root); for (int i = 0; i < tt.length; i++) { newName); ttModel.renameCustomColumn(name, newName); try { // newBB } catch (CustomColumnsException e1) { tt[i].getCustomValues().setValue(colName, value); Iterator it mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { TableColumn c = (TableColumn); e1.printStackTrace(); = } setCustomColumnValueToAllNestedTask(facade, colName, value); } String n = (String) c.getHeaderValue(); } if (n.equals(name)) { ColumnKeeper ck mapTableColumnColumnKeeper tt[i], = (ColumnKeeper) .get(c); ((TableColumnExt) c).setTitle(newName); /** * Remove permanetly the custom column for the task <code>root</code> and * all its children. break; * } * @param facade } * tasks. } TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade ot retrive nested * @param root // public void changeDefaultValue(String name, Object newDefaultValue) * Root task to start with. * @param colName * // { Name of the custom column to remove. // // this.displayColumn(name); */ // } private void removeCustomColumnToAllNestedTask( TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade facade, Task root, String colName) { /** * @param facade * tasks. // root.getCustomValues().removeCustomColumn(colName); TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade ot retrive nested Task[] tt = facade.getNestedTasks(root); * @param root * * @param colName * tasks. for (int i = 0; i < tt.length; i++) { Root task to start with. tt[i].getCustomValues().removeCustomColumn(colName); Name of the new custom column to add to the removeCustomColumnToAllNestedTask(facade, colName); * @param value * Value for this new custom column. tt[i], } } */ private void setCustomColumnValueToAllNestedTask( private void renameCustomColumnForAllNestedTask( TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade facade, Task root, TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade facade, Task root, String colName, String oldName, Object value) { String newName) { 147 int iColType // root.getCustomValues().renameCustomColumn(oldName,newN tcm.getColumnIndex(GanttTreeTableModel.strColType); ame); int iColPriority = tcm = Task[] tt = facade.getNestedTasks(root); .getColumnIndex(GanttTreeTableModel.strColPriority); for (int i = 0; i < tt.length; i++) { int iColInfo tcm.getColumnIndex(GanttTreeTableModel.strColInfo); = tt[i].getCustomValues().renameCustomColumn(oldName, newName); int iColName tcm.getColumnIndex(GanttTreeTableModel.strColName); = renameCustomColumnForAllNestedTask(facade, oldName, newName); int iColBegDate tt[i], tcm.getColumnIndex(GanttTreeTableModel.strColBegDate); = int iColEndDate tcm.getColumnIndex(GanttTreeTableModel.strColEndDate); = } } int iColDuration = tcm /** .getColumnIndex(GanttTreeTableModel.strColDuration); * Changes the language. The table headers change and int iColCompletion = tcm also the menu items. * For the moment when the user changes the language.getColumnIndex(GanttTreeTableModel.strColCompletion); every columns are int iColCoordinator = tcm * redisplayed (even if they were hidden). * .getColumnIndex(GanttTreeTableModel.strColCoordinator); * @param ganttLanguage int iColPredecessor = tcm */ public void ganttLanguage) { changeLanguage(GanttLanguage.getColumnIndex(GanttTreeTableModel.strColPredecessors); int iColID tcm.getColumnIndex(GanttTreeTableModel.strColID); /* * The following is ugly but it seems to work. I've had some problems //LH int iColBudget * when changing the language. the solution I'vetcm.getColumnIndex(GanttTreeTableModel.strColBudget); implemented is to get * the TableColum and set the new header name. tcm = ((GanttTreeTableModel) this.ttModel).changeLanguage(ganttLanguage); */ TableColumnModel this.getTable().getColumnModel(); = = tcm.getColumn(iColType).setHeaderValue(GanttTreeTableMod el.strColType); List listTableColumnToHide = new ArrayList(); tcm.getColumn(iColPriority).setHeaderValue( GanttTreeTableModel.strColPriority); Iterator it mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { = tcm.getColumn(iColInfo).setHeaderValue(GanttTreeTableModel .strColInfo); TableColumn tc = (TableColumn); ColumnKeeper ck = mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.get(tc); tcm.getColumn(iColName).setHeaderValue(GanttTreeTableMo (ColumnKeeper)del.strColName); tcm.getColumn(iColBegDate).setHeaderValue( if (!ck.isShown) { listTableColumnToHide.add(tc); // Integer(ck.getInitIndex()));; } } listColIndexToHide.add(new GanttTreeTableModel.strColBegDate); tcm.getColumn(iColEndDate).setHeaderValue( GanttTreeTableModel.strColEndDate); tcm.getColumn(iColDuration).setHeaderValue( GanttTreeTableModel.strColDuration); tcm.getColumn(iColCompletion).setHeaderValue( GanttTreeTableModel.strColCompletion); 148 tcm.getColumn(iColCoordinator).setHeaderValue( .setSelected(((ColumnKeeper) mapTableColumnColumnKeeper GanttTreeTableModel.strColCoordinator); tcm.getColumn(iColPredecessor).setHeaderValue( .get(tcm.getColumn(tcm.getColumnIndex(c GanttTreeTableModel.strColPredecessors); .getText())))).isShown); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { tcm.getColumn(iColID).setHeaderValue(GanttTreeTableModel. strColID); c.setSelected(false); //LH } } tcm.getColumn(iColBudget).setHeaderValue(GanttTreeTableM odel.strColBudget); } } this.createPopupMenu(); String getIdForName(String colName) { /* String id = null; * Presently when the language is modified, every columns if (colName.equals(GanttTreeTableModel.strColType)) are id = "tpd0"; * redisplayed even those which were hidden. else (colName.equals(GanttTreeTableModel.strColPriority)) */ if id = "tpd1"; // Collections.sort(listColIndexToHide); else if (colName.equals(GanttTreeTableModel.strColInfo)) // Collections.reverse(listColIndexToHide); id = "tpd2"; // System.out.println(listColIndexToHide); else (colName.equals(GanttTreeTableModel.strColName)) it = listTableColumnToHide.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if id = "tpd3"; // int i = ((Integer); else (colName.equals(GanttTreeTableModel.strColBegDate)) // System.out.println(i +" pour " + tcm.getColumnCount() + ", model if id = "tpd4"; else (colName.equals(GanttTreeTableModel.strColEndDate)) // : " + if id = "tpd5"; // i); else (colName.equals(GanttTreeTableModel.strColDuration)) ((ColumnKeeper) mapTableColumnColumnKeeper.get(; // TableColumnModelEvent TableColumnModelEvent(tcm,i,i); tcme if id = "tpd6"; = else new (colName.equals(GanttTreeTableModel.strColCompletion)) id = "tpd7"; // getTable().columnRemoved(tcme); } Component tcomp[] = popupMenu.getComponents(); if else (colName.equals(GanttTreeTableModel.strColCoordinator)) if id = "tpd8"; else if (colName.equals(GanttTreeTableModel.strColPredecessors)) for (int i = 0; i < tcomp.length; i++) { if (tcomp[i] instanceof JCheckBoxMenuItem) { JCheckBoxMenuItem c = id = "tpd9"; (JCheckBoxMenuItem) tcomp[i]; id = "tpd10"; // The following isn't well done... // catching an exception to set the menu slected or not is // ugly... // TODO make this more beautiful try { else if (colName.equals(GanttTreeTableModel.strColID)) //LH else (colName.equals(GanttTreeTableModel.strColBudget)) if id = "tpd11"; else c 149 id = Mediator.getCustomColumnsStorage().getIdFromName(colNam e); /** * Returns the vertical scrollbar. return id; * } * @return The vertical scrollbar. */ private String getNameForId(String id) { public JScrollBar getVerticalScrollBar() { String name = null; return scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar(); if (id.equals("tpd0")) } name = GanttTreeTableModel.strColType; else if (id.equals("tpd1")) public JScrollPane getScrollPane() { name = GanttTreeTableModel.strColPriority; return scrollPane; else if (id.equals("tpd2")) } name = GanttTreeTableModel.strColInfo; else if (id.equals("tpd3")) /** name = GanttTreeTableModel.strColName; * else if (id.equals("tpd4")) * @inheritDoc name = GanttTreeTableModel.strColBegDate; */ else if (id.equals("tpd5")) public void requestFocus() { name = GanttTreeTableModel.strColEndDate; else if (id.equals("tpd6")) name = GanttTreeTableModel.strColDuration; if (getDisplayColumns().isDisplayed(GanttTreeTableModel.strCol Name)) { int c = getTable().convertColumnIndexToView( else if (id.equals("tpd7")) name = GanttTreeTableModel.strColCompletion; else if (id.equals("tpd8")) getColumn(GanttTreeTableModel.strColName).getModelIndex() ); name = GanttTreeTableModel.strColCoordinator; NameCellEditor ed = (NameCellEditor) getTable() else if (id.equals("tpd9")) .getCellEditor(-1, c); name = GanttTreeTableModel.strColPredecessors; ed.requestFocus(); else if (id.equals("tpd10")) } name = GanttTreeTableModel.strColID; } //LH else if (id.equals("tpd11")) public void centerViewOnSelectedCell() { name = GanttTreeTableModel.strColBudget; int row = getTable().getSelectedRow(); else name Mediator.getCustomColumnsStorage().getNameFromId(id); int col = getTable().getEditingColumn(); = if (col == -1) col = getTable().getSelectedColumn(); return name; Rectangle rect = getTable().getCellRect(row, col, true); } scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar().scrollRectToVisible(rect); /** scrollPane.getViewport().scrollRectToVisible(rect); * Returns the JTree used in the treetable. * } * @return The JTree used in the treetable. */ public JTree getTree() { return this.getTreeTable().getTree(); } public void mouseListener) { addMouseListener(MouseListener super.addMouseListener(mouseListener); getTable().addMouseListener(mouseListener); 150 Iterator it = this.iterator(); getTree().addMouseListener(mouseListener); while (it.hasNext()) { this.getTreeTable().getParent().addMouseListener(mouseListen er); DisplayedColumn dc = (DisplayedColumn); if (getNameForId(dc.getID()).equals(name)) } return dc.isDisplayed(); } /** return false; * Adds the key listener to the Table, the tree and this. } */ public void addKeyListener(KeyListener keyListener) { public int getOrderForName(String name) { super.addKeyListener(keyListener); getTable().addKeyListener(keyListener); Iterator it = this.iterator(); getTree().addKeyListener(keyListener); while (it.hasNext()) { DisplayedColumn dc = (DisplayedColumn); } if (getNameForId(dc.getID()).equals(name)) return dc.getOrder(); void setDelay(TaskNode taskNode, Delay delay) { } try { int indexInfo getTable().getColumnModel().getColumnIndex( return -1; = } GanttTreeTableModel.strColInfo); indexInfo getTable().convertColumnIndexToModel(indexInfo); = public String getNameForOrder(int order) { Iterator it = this.iterator(); ttModel.setValueAt(delay, taskNode, indexInfo); while (it.hasNext()) { } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { DisplayedColumn dc = (DisplayedColumn); } if (dc.getOrder() == order) } return getNameForId(dc.getID()); } /* return null; * ----- INNER CLASSES ----} */ public class DisplayedColumnsList extends ArrayList { public boolean add(Object o) { if (o instanceof DisplayedColumn) { public DisplayedColumnsList() { DisplayedColumn dc1 = (DisplayedColumn) o; super(); Iterator it = this.iterator(); } while (it.hasNext()) { DisplayedColumn dc = (DisplayedColumn); /** if (dc.getID().equals(dc1.getID())) { * Returns <code>true</code> if the column name <code>name</code> this.remove(dc); return super.add(dc1); * is displayed, <code>false</code> otherwise. } * * @param name } * return super.add(dc1); Name of the column to check the display. * @return <code>true</code> if the column name <code>name</code> is * } displayed, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ return false; } public boolean isDisplayed(String name) { 151 } public Object clone() { DisplayedColumnsList l = new DisplayedColumnsList(); public int getWidth() { Iterator it = this.iterator(); return width; while (it.hasNext()) } l.add(((DisplayedColumn); public void setWidth(int width) { return l; this.width = width; } } } public Object clone() { DisplayedColumn dc = new DisplayedColumn(; public class DisplayedColumn implements Comparable { dc.setDisplayed(this.isDisplayed()); private String id = null; dc.setOrder(this.getOrder()); dc.setWidth(this.getWidth()); private boolean displayed = false; return dc; private int order = -1; } private int width = 0; public String toString() { public DisplayedColumn(String id) { return "[ID = " + id + ", displayed = " + displayed + ", order = " + order + "]"; = id; } } /* public void setID(String id) { * (non-Javadoc) = id; * } * java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object) public void setDisplayed(boolean disp) { @see */ this.displayed = disp; public int compareTo(Object o) { } if (o == null) public boolean isDisplayed() { if (o instanceof DisplayedColumn) { return 0; return this.displayed; DisplayedColumn dc = (DisplayedColumn) o; } if (this.order != dc.order) return this.order - dc.order; public String getID() { return; return; } } return 0; } public void setOrder(int order) { } this.order = order; } /** public int getOrder() { return this.order; * This actionListener manages the column to be hiden or displayed. It has a * TableColumn and hide it or display it 152 public int getInitIndex() { * return index; * @author bbaranne Mar 1, 2005 } */ class ColumnKeeper implements ActionListener { /** /** * the initial index of the table column. * Hides the table column. */ */ private int index; void hide() { getTable().getColumnModel().removeColumn(column); /** isShown = false; * True if the table column is displayed, false otherwise. String name = (String) column.getHeaderValue(); */ private boolean isShown = true; String id = getIdForName(name); /** Iterator it = listDisplayedColumns.iterator(); * The managed table column. while (it.hasNext()) { */ DisplayedColumn dc = (DisplayedColumn); protected TableColumn column; if (dc.getID().equals(id)) dc.setDisplayed(false); } /** * Creates TableColumn. a new ColumnKeeper for the // Thread t = new Thread(){ given // public void run(){ * calculateWidth(); * @param tc * revalidate(); TableColumn to manage. // } */ // }; public ColumnKeeper(TableColumn tc) { column = tc; // SwingUtilities.invokeLater(t); } index = column.getModelIndex(); } /** * Shows the table column. /** */ * Set the initial index of the table column. * boolean reloadInfo = false; * @param initIndex * void show() { The initial index of the table column. */ getTable().getColumnModel().addColumn(column); try { int columnViewIndexOld = index; public void setInitIndex(int initIndex) { index = initIndex; } int columnModelIndexActual column.getModelIndex(); = if (column.getIdentifier().equals( GanttTreeTableModel.strColInfo)) /** * Returns the initial index of the table column. reloadInfo = true; int columnViewIndexActual = getTable() * * @return The initial index of the table column. */ .convertColumnIndexToView(columnModelIndexActual); getTable() 153 hide(); .moveColumn(columnViewIndexActual, columnViewIndexOld); getTable().repaint(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } index = getTable().getModel().getColumnCount() - 1; }); } } isShown = true; String name = (String) column.getHeaderValue(); String id = getIdForName(name); boolean found = false; } /** * This class handles the mouse actions on the treetable header. Iterator it = listDisplayedColumns.iterator(); * while (it.hasNext()) { * @author bbaranne Mar 1, 2005 DisplayedColumn dc = (DisplayedColumn); if (dc.getID().equals(id)) { dc.setDisplayed(true); found = true; } * @version 1.0 Show the popupMenu when popup is triggered. */ class HeaderMouseListener extends MouseAdapter { /** * Creates a new HeaderMouseListener } if (!found && id != null) { DisplayedColumn dc = new DisplayedColumn(id); */ public HeaderMouseListener() { super(); dc.setDisplayed(true); listDisplayedColumns.add(dc); } } /* if (reloadInfo) if (Mediator.getDelayManager() != null) Mediator.getDelayManager().fireDelayObservation(); * Something ugly !! TODO find a means to display the popupmenu with the * right UI. */ boolean first = false; // Thread t = new Thread(){ // public void run(){ calculateWidth(); /** * @inheritDoc Shows the popupMenu to hide/show columns and to add revalidate(); * // } */ // }; public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { // SwingUtilities.invokeLater(t); custom columns. if (!first) { createPopupMenu(); } first = true; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // On windows e.isPopupTrigger doesn't work, strange... if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON3 Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().getUndoManager().undoab e.isPopupTrigger()) { leEdit( Component c = (Component) e.getSource(); "HIDE OR SHOW A COLUMN", new Runnable() { reorderPopuMenu(); public void run() {, e.getX(), e.getY()); if (!isShown) clickPoint show(); e.getPoint();//popupMenu.getLocationOnScreen(); else || = 154 } CustomColumn cc = null; try { cc Mediator.getCustomColumnsStorage().getCustomColumn( /** = * @inheritDoc getTable().getColumnName( */ getTable().columnAtPoint(e.getPoint()))); public Object getCellEditorValue() { } catch (CustomColumnsException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block return new GanttCalendar(date == null ? new Date() : date); } // e1.printStackTrace(); } /** if (cc != null) jmiDeleteColumn.setEnabled(true); else * @inheritDoc If the date is not correct, the textfield's background * jmiDeleteColumn.setEnabled(false); goes red until the user enters a correct date. */ } public boolean stopCellEditing() { } boolean res = true; } try { date = DateUtils.parseDate(field.getText(), language /** .getLocale()); * CellEditor that uses DateUtils.parseDate to parse the given date. field.setBackground(colorNormal); super.fireEditingStopped(); * } catch (ParseException e) { * @author bbaranne Mar 1, 2005 */ Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); class DateCellEditor extends DefaultCellEditor { field.setBackground(colorError); res = false; // textfield used for editing. JTextField field = null; } // normal textfield background color return res; } private Color colorNormal = null; } // error textfield background color (when the date isn't correct private final Color colorError = new Color(255, 125, 125); /** * The class replaces the cell editor used in the hierarchical column of // the returned date * the tree table. private Date date = null; * * @author bbaranne (Benoit Baranne) /** */ * Creates a new DateCellEditor. class NameCellEditor extends DefaultCellEditor { private JTextField field = null; * * @param field * JTextField used to edit the date. public NameCellEditor() { */ super(new JTextField()); public DateCellEditor(JTextField field) { field = (JTextField) this.editorComponent; super(field); } this.field = field; 155 public void requestFocus() { import java.util.Enumeration; this.field.requestFocusInWindow(); import java.util.GregorianCalendar; this.field.selectAll(); import java.util.List; } import java.util.Vector; public boolean stopCellEditing() { import javax.swing.Icon; if (field.getText().trim().length() != 0) super.stopCellEditing(); else { import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent; Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().deleteTasks(false); super.fireEditingCanceled(); import javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelListener; import javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode; import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode; } return super.stopCellEditing(); } import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.delay.Delay; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage; // public void cancelCellEditing() import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumnsException; // { import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.ResourceAssignment; // super.cancelCellEditing(); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task; // } import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskContainmentHierarchyFa cade; } import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskInfo; /** import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskLength; * This class repaints the GraphicArea and the table everyimport net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskLengthImpl; time the table import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskNode; * model has been modified. TODO Add the refresh import functionnality when net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.TaskDependenc * available. y; * * @author Benoit Baranne import org.jdesktop.swing.treetable.DefaultTreeTableModel; */ class ModelListener implements TableModelListener { public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) { // Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().getArea().repaint(); // getTable().repaint(); Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().repaint(); } } } net.sourceforge.ganttproject. GanttTreeTableModel package net.sourceforge.ganttproject; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This class is the model for GanttTreeTable to display tasks. * * @author bbaranne (Benoit Baranne) */ public class GanttTreeTableModel DefaultTreeTableModel implements extends TableColumnModelListener, TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade { private static GanttLanguage GanttLanguage.getInstance(); language = public static String strColType = null; public static String strColPriority = null; 156 */ public static String strColInfo = null; public GanttTreeTableModel(TreeNode root) { super(root); titles = new ArrayList(); public static String strColName = null; customColumns = new Vector(); changeLanguage(language); public static String strColBegDate = null; } public static String strColEndDate = null; /** public static String strColDuration = null; * Changes the language. * //LH * @param ganttLanguage public static String strColBudget = null; * public static String strColCompletion = null; public void changeLanguage(GanttLanguage ganttLanguage) { New language to use. */ strColType = language.getText("tableColType"); strColPriority = language.getText("tableColPriority"); public static String strColCoordinator = null; strColInfo = language.getText("tableColInfo"); strColName = language.getText("tableColName"); public static String strColPredecessors = null; public static String strColID = null; /** The colums titles */ public List titles = null; strColBegDate language.getText("tableColBegDate"); = strColEndDate language.getText("tableColEndDate"); = strColDuration language.getText("tableColDuration"); = //LH /** //TODO put string in properties * Custom columns list. strColBudget = language.getText("budget"); */ private Vector customColumns = null; /** * Number of columns (presently in the model) strColCompletion language.getText("tableColCompletion"); = strColCoordinator language.getText("tableColCoordinator"); = strColPredecessors language.getText("tableColPredecessors"); = strColID = language.getText("tableColID"); */ private int nbCol = 12; titles.clear(); //LH : private int nbCol = 11; //LH String[] cols strColPriority, strColInfo, /** * Number of columns (at all, even hiden) */ private int nbColTot = nbCol; = new String[] strColName, strColEndDate, strColDuration, { strColType, strColBegDate, strColCompletion, strColCoordinator, strColPredecessors, strColID, strColBudget }; /** for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) * Creates an instance of GanttTreeTableModel with a root. * titles.add(new String(cols[i])); } * @param root * The root. /** 157 * Invoked this to insert newChild at location index in parents children. customColumns.add(title); nbColTot++; * This will then message nodesWereInserted to create the } appropriate event. * This is the preferred way to add children as it will create the * appropriate event. /** */ * Delete a custom column. public void insertNodeInto(MutableTreeNode newChild, * * @param title MutableTreeNode parent, int index) { */ parent.insert(newChild, index); public void deleteCustomColumn(String title) { customColumns.remove(title); int[] newIndexs = new int[1]; this.columnRemoved(null); nbColTot--; newIndexs[0] = index; } nodesWereInserted(parent, newIndexs); } public void renameCustomColumn(String oldName, String newName) { /** customColumns.set(customColumns.indexOf(oldNam * Message this to remove node from its parent. This wille), newName); message } * nodesWereRemoved to create the appropriate event. This is the preferred * way to remove a node as it handles the event creation for// /** you. // * Returns the number of custom columns. */ // * @return public void removeNodeFromParent(MutableTreeNode node) { // */ MutableTreeNode node.getParent(); parent = (MutableTreeNode)// public int getCustomColumnCount() // { // return customColumns.size(); if (parent == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("node does not have a parent."); // } public int getColumnCount() { return nbCol; int[] childIndex = new int[1]; Object[] removedArray = new Object[1]; } childIndex[0] = parent.getIndex(node); public int getColumnCountTotal() { return nbColTot; parent.remove(childIndex[0]); removedArray[0] = node; nodesWereRemoved(parent, removedArray); } } childIndex, /** * {@inheritDoc} */ /** * Add a custom column to the model. * * @param title */ public void addCustomColumn(String title) { public Class getColumnClass(int column) { switch (column) { case 0: case 1: case 2: return Icon.class; 158 case 3: * @inheritDoc return hierarchicalColumnClass; case 4: */ public boolean isCellEditable(Object node, int column) { case 5: if (node instanceof TaskNode) return GregorianCalendar.class; case 6: return column != 8 && column != 9 && column != 10 && column !=2 && column !=11; return false; case 7: return Integer.class; } case 8: return String.class; // public Object getChild(Object parent, int index) // { case 9: return String.class; // // } case 10: return Integer.class; // // public int getChildCount(Object parent) //LH // { case 11: //return Double.class; return String.class; // // } default: { TaskNode tn = (TaskNode) this.getRoot(); // tn (TaskNode)tn.children().nextElement(); Object o = this.getValueAt(tn, column); /** = * @inheritDoc */ public Object getValueAt(Object node, int column) { Object res = null; if (o == null) { if (!(node instanceof TaskNode)) o = "erreur"; return null; System.err.println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); } TaskNode tn = (TaskNode) node; return o.getClass(); Task t = (Task) tn.getUserObject(); // if(tn.getParent()!=null){ } } switch (column) { } case 0: public String getColumnName(int column) { if (column < titles.size()) return (String) titles.get(column); if tn.getUserObject()).isProjectTask()) { res ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( (((Task) = new "/icons/mproject.gif")); try { return (String) customColumns.get(column titles.size()); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } else if (!tn.isLeaf()) res = ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/mtask.gif")); return (String) customColumns.get(column - new else if (t.isMilestone()) titles.size() - 1); res = new ImageIcon(getClass() } .getResource("/icons/meeting.gif")); } else res = ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/tasks2.png")); /** new break; 159 case 1: int nb = 0; Task task = (Task) tn.getUserObject(); for (int i = 0; i < tAssign.length; i++) { String path = (task.getPriority() == 0 ? "/icons/task1.gif" : task tAssign[i]; ResourceAssignment resAss = .getPriority() == 1 ? if (resAss.isCoordinator()) "/icons/task.gif" sb.append(nb++ == 0 ? : "/icons/task2.gif"); res = ImageIcon(getClass().getResource(path)); "" : ", ").append( new resAss.getResource().getName()); break; } case 2: // info // res = "Not implemented"; TaskInfo info = t.getTaskInfo(); res = sb.toString(); if (info != null) { break; if (info instanceof Delay) { int type } = ((Delay) (type == case 9: { info).getType(); String resStr = ""; if Delay.NORMAL) res = ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( TaskDependency[] t.getDependenciesAsDependant().toArray(); new int i = 0; dep = if (dep != null && dep.length > 0) { "/icons/alert1_16.gif")); for (i = 0; i < dep.length - 1; i++) else if (type Delay.CRITICAL) res = ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( == resStr dep[i].getDependee().getTaskID() + ", "; new resStr dep[i].getDependee().getTaskID() + ""; += += } "/icons/alert2_16.gif")); res = resStr; } break; } } break; case 10: case 3: res = new Integer(t.getTaskID()); res = tn.getName(); break; break; //LH case 4: case 11: res = tn.getStart(); res = new Double(t.getBudget()); break; break; case 5: default: res = tn.getEnd(); String this.getColumnName(column); break; case 6: colName = // System.out.println(" -> "+colName); res = new Integer(tn.getDuration()); break; // "+t.getCustomValues()); System.out.println(t+" res t.getCustomValues().getValue(colName); new break; case 7: res = Integer(tn.getCompletionPercentage()); : = } break; // } case 8: { ResourceAssignment[] tAssign t.getAssignments(); = // else // res =""; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); return res; 160 } ((TaskNode) node).setName(value.toString()); break; /** case 4: * @inheritDoc ((TaskNode) node).setStart((GanttCalendar) value); */ public void setValueAt(final Object value, final Object node, ((TaskNode) node).applyThirdDateConstraint(); final int column) { break; if (isCellEditable(node, column)) { // colonne: " + column); case 5: System.out.println("undoable ((TaskNode) node).setEnd((GanttCalendar) value); Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().getUndoManage r().undoableEdit( "Change break; case 6: properties column", new Runnable() { public TaskLength node).getUserObject()) void tl run() { = ((Task) ((TaskNode) .getDuration(); tl.getTimeUnit(); setValue(value, node, column); } ((TaskNode) TaskLengthImpl(tl.getTimeUnit(), }); node).setDuration(new ((Integer) value).intValue())); } else { break; // System.out.println("NOT undoable colonne: " + column); setValue(value, node, column); } case 7: ((TaskNode) node).setCompletionPercentage(((Integer) value) .intValue()); // System.out.println("node : " + node); break; // System.out.println("valeur : " + value); //LH Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().repaint(); case 11: Mediator.getGanttProjectSingleton().setAskForSave(t rue); ((TaskNode) value).doubleValue()); } node).setBudget(((Double) break; default: // custom colums /** try { * Set value in left pane cell ((Task) node).getUserObject()).getCustomValues() * @param value ((TaskNode) * @param node .setValue(this.getColumnName(column), value); * @param column } catch (CustomColumnsException e) { */ e.printStackTrace(); private void setValue(final Object value, final Object node, } final int column) { } switch (column) { case 0: } case 1: case 2: // info ((TaskNode) value); node).setTaskInfo((TaskInfo)/** * @inheritDoc case 8: */ break; public void columnAdded(TableColumnModelEvent arg0) { case 3: 161 nbCol++; } } /** /** * @inheritDoc * Purpose: Should return true if this Tasks has any nested subtasks. */ public void columnRemoved(TableColumnModelEvent arg0) { */ public boolean hasNestedTasks(Task container) { nbCol--; TaskNode r = (TaskNode) root; } if (r.getChildCount() > 0) { return true; /** } else { * @inheritDoc return false; */ } public void columnMoved(TableColumnModelEvent arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /** } * @inheritDoc */ /** public Task getRootTask() { * @inheritDoc return (Task) this.getRoot()).getUserObject(); */ public void columnMarginChanged(ChangeEvent arg0) { ((TaskNode) } // TODO Auto-generated method stub /** } * Returns the corresponding task node according to the given task. /** * * @inheritDoc * @param task */ * The task whom tasknode we want to get. public void columnSelectionChanged(ListSelectionEvent arg0) { * @return The corresponding task node according to the given task. // TODO Auto-generated method stub */ } public TaskNode getTaskNodeForTask(Task task) { Enumeration enumeration getRoot()).preorderEnumeration(); /** * @inheritDoc = ((TaskNode) while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { */ Object next = enumeration.nextElement(); public Task[] getNestedTasks(Task container) { if (!(next instanceof TaskNode)) TaskNode r = (TaskNode) root; continue; Enumeration e = r.children(); TaskNode tn = (TaskNode) next; Task t = (Task) tn.getUserObject(); Vector v = new Vector(); if (t.equals(task)) while (e.hasMoreElements()) return tn; v.add((TaskNode) e.nextElement()); } Task[] res = new Task[v.size()]; v.toArray(res); return null; } return res; 162 /** * @inheritDoc import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumnsStorage; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskManager; */ public Task getContainer(Task nestedTask) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskSelectionManager; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.undo.GPUndoManager; return null; } /** /** * This class allow the developer to get some useful references. - GanttProject * @inheritDoc * reference; - CustomColumnManager CustomColumnStorage reference. */ reference; - * public void move(Task whatMove, Task whereMove) { * @author bbaranne Mar 2, 2005 // TODO Auto-generated method stub */ public class Mediator { } /** * The unique GanttProject instance. /** */ * @inheritDoc private static GanttProject ganttprojectSingleton = null; */ public boolean areUnrelated(Task dependant, Task dependee) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } public int getDepth(Task task) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub /** * The unique CustomColumnsManager instance. */ private static customColumnsManager = null; CustomColumnsManager private static customColumnsStorage = null; CustomColumnsStorage return 0; } } net.sourceforge.ganttproject. Mediator private static TaskSelectionManager taskSelectionManager = null; private static RoleManager roleManager = null; private static TaskManager taskManager = null; package net.sourceforge.ganttproject; private static GPUndoManager undoManager = null; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.delay.DelayManager; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.options.model.ChangeValueDi spatcher; private static DelayManager delayManager = null; private static PluginManager(); PluginManager pluginManager = new private static List changeValueDispatchers = new ArrayList(); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.plugins.PluginManager; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.roles.RoleManager; /** import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumnsManager; * Regsiters the unique GanttProject instance. * 163 * @param gp * The unique GanttProject instance. public static addChangeValueDispatcher(ChangeValueDispatcher dispatcher){ */ public static void registerGanttProject(GanttProject gp) { void changeValueDispatchers.add(dispatcher); ganttprojectSingleton = gp; } } /** /** * Returns the unique GanttProject instance. * Regsiters the unique CustomColumnsManager instance. * * * @return The unique GanttProject instance. * @param managerThe */ * public static GanttProject getGanttProjectSingleton() { unique CustomColumnsManager instance. */ return ganttprojectSingleton; public static void registerCustomColumnsManager(CustomColumnsManager manager) { customColumnsManager = manager; } /** } * Returns the unique CustomColumnsStorage instance. * public static registerCustomColumnsStorage(CustomColumnsStorage storage) { void customColumnsStorage = storage; * @return The unique CustomColumnsStorage instance. */ public static getCustomColumnsStorage() { } CustomColumnsStorage return customColumnsStorage; } public static void registerTaskSelectionManager( TaskSelectionManager taskSelection) { /** taskSelectionManager = taskSelection; * Returns the unique CustomColumnsManager instance. } * * @return The unique CustomColumnsManager instance. public static roleMgr) { void registerRoleManager(RoleManager roleManager = roleMgr; */ public static getCustomColumnsManager() { } CustomColumnsManager return customColumnsManager; } public static taskMgr) { void registerTaskManager(TaskManager taskManager = taskMgr; public static getTaskSelectionManager() { } TaskSelectionManager return taskSelectionManager; } public static void registerUndoManager(GPUndoManager undoMgr) { undoManager = undoMgr; public static RoleManager getRoleManager() { return roleManager; } } public static delayMgr) { void registerDelayManager(DelayManager public static TaskManager getTaskManager() { delayManager = delayMgr; } return taskManager; } 164 import java.util.Date; public static GPUndoManager getUndoManager() { return undoManager; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; } import java.util.Iterator; public static DelayManager getDelayManager() { return delayManager; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; } import javax.swing.AbstractAction; public static PluginManager getPluginManager() { return pluginManager; import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.DefaultListModel; } import javax.swing.ImageIcon; public static List getChangeValueDispatchers(){ return changeValueDispatchers; } } net.sourceforge.ganttproject. GanttProject package net.sourceforge.ganttproject; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import java.awt.Color; import javax.swing.JPanel; import java.awt.Component; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import java.awt.ComponentOrientation; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import java.awt.Container; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import java.awt.Dimension; import javax.swing.JTable; import java.awt.Toolkit; import javax.swing.JToolBar; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import javax.swing.ToolTipManager; import java.awt.event.ComponentListener; import javax.swing.UIManager; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import javax.swing.event.TreeModelEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import java.awt.event.WindowListener; import javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode; import; import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel; import; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttGraphicArea.MouseSupport; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.CalculateCriticalPathAction; 165 import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.CopyAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.CutAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.DeleteAssignmentAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.filter.GanttMSProjectLFileFilter; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.filter.GanttPDFFileFilter; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.filter.GanttPNGFileFilter; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.DeleteHumanAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.filter.GanttXFIGFileFilter; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.GPAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.filter.GanttXMLFileFilter; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.ImportResources; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.GanttDialogCalendar; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.NewArtefactAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.GanttDialogInfo; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.NewHumanAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.GanttDialogPerson; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.NewTaskAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.GanttDialogProperties; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.PasteAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.GanttLookAndFeelInfo; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.RedoAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.GanttLookAndFeels; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.RefreshViewAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.GanttStatusBar; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.ResourceActionSet; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.GanttURLChooser; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.RolloverAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.TestGanttRolloverButton; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.ScrollGanttChartLeftAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.TipsDialog; import import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.UIConfiguration; net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.ScrollGanttChartRightAction import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.UIFacade; ; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.SwitchViewAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.about.AboutDialog; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.UndoAction; import; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.ZoomInAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.options.SettingsDialog; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.action.ZoomOutAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.previousState.GanttDialogCom pareToPreviousState; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.calendar.GPCalendar; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.calendar.WeekendCalendarImpl; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.chart.Chart; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.chart.ChartViewState; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.chart.ToggleChartAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.delay.DelayManager; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.previousState.GanttDialogSave AsPreviousState; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.projectwizard.NewProjectWizar d; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.scrolling.ScrollingManager; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.document.AbstractURLDocument; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.scrolling.ScrollingManagerImpl; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.document.Document; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.zoom.ZoomManager; import import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.importer.ImportFileAction; net.sourceforge.ganttproject.document.DocumentCreator; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.document.DocumentManager; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.importer.ImportFileWizardImpl; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.document.DocumentsMRU; import; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.document.FileDocument; import; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.document.HttpDocument; import; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.document.OpenDocumentAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.AllocationTagHandler; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.export.ExportFileAction; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.export.ExportFileWizardImpl; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.BlankLineTagHandler; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.filter.GanttCSVFilter; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.CustomPropertiesTagHandl er; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.filter.GanttHTMLFileFilter; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.filter.GanttJPGFileFilter; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.DefaultWeekTagHandler; 166 import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.DependencyTagHandler; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.CostTagHandler; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.TaskDependenc yException; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.constraint.Finish import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.HolidayTagHandler; StartConstraintImpl; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.GPParser; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.ParserFactory; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnitStack; import import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.PreviousStateTasksTagHan net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.gregorian.GPTimeUnitStack; dler; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.undo.GPUndoManager; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.ResourceTagHandler; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.RoleTagHandler; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.undo.UndoManagerImpl; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.util.BrowserControl; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.TaskDisplayColumnsTagHa /** ndler; * Main frame of the project import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.TaskPropertiesTagHandler; */ import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.TaskTagHandler; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.VacationTagHandler; public class GanttProject extends GanttProjectBase implements ActionListener, IGanttProject, ResourceView, KeyListener, UIFacade { import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.ViewTagHandler; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.print.PrintManager; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.print.PrintPreview; /** The current version of ganttproject */ public static final String version = "2.0-pre1"; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.AssignmentContext; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.HumanResource; /* List of calendar for the project */ private ArrayList listOfCalendar = new ArrayList(); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.HumanResourceManage r; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ProjectResource; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ResourceContext; /** Command line creation or gui creation */ public static boolean byCommandLine = false; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ResourceEvent; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ResourceManager; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ResourceView; /** The language use */ private GanttLanguage GanttLanguage.getInstance(); language = import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.roles.RoleManager; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.BlankLineNode; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumnsStorage; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task; /** The JTree part. */ private GanttTree2 tree; /** GanttGraphicArea for the calendar with Gantt */ private GanttGraphicArea area; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskContainmentHierarchyFa cade; /** GanttPeoplePanel to edit person that work on the project */ import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskManager; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskManagerConfig; private GanttResourcePanel resp; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskNode; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskSelectionManager; //LH /** The differents menus */ import public JMenu mProject, mMRU, mEdit, mTask, mHuman, net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.algorithm.AdjustTaskBoundsA mHelp, mServer, mReport, lgorithm; mCalendar; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.algorithm.RecalculateTaskCo mpletionPercentageAlgorithm; // public JMenu mView; 167 public PrjInfos prjInfos = new PrjInfos(); //LH /** The differetns menuitem */ /** Boolean to know if the file has been modify */ public JMenuItem miNew, miOpen, miOpenURL, miSave,public boolean askForSave = false; miSaveAs, miSaveAsURL, miPublishToWeb, /* miOpenDB,miSaveAsDB, */ /** The info for the look'n'feel */ miPrint, miPreview, miQuit, miCut, miCopy, miPaste, public GanttLookAndFeelInfo lookAndFeel; miOptions, miDeleteTask, miPropertiesTask, miUp, miDown, miDelHuman, /** Is the application only for viewer. */ miPropHuman, miSendMailHuman, miEditCalendar,public boolean isOnlyViewer; miPrjCal, miWebPage, miTips, miReport, miAbout, miManual, miRefresh, /** The list of all managers installed in this project */ miChartOptions; private Hashtable managerHash = new Hashtable(); public JMenuItem miUndo, miRedo; private ResourceActionSet myResourceActions; private static final int maxSizeMRU = 5; private boolean isApplet; private DocumentsMRU documentsMRU DocumentsMRU(maxSizeMRU); = new /** Frame for the help Viewer */ private JFrame helpFrame = null; /** The differents button of toolbar */ private TestGanttRolloverButton bExit, bNew, bOpen, bSave, private final TaskManager myTaskManager; bSaveAs, bPaste, bExport, bImport, bPrint, bPreviewPrint, bCopy, bCut, private FacadeInvalidator myFacadeInvalidator; bNewTask, bDelete, bProperties, bUnlink, bLink, bInd, bUnind, bUp, private UIConfiguration myUIConfiguration; bDown, bPrev, bScrollCenter, bNext, bZoomFit, bAbout; private TestGanttRolloverButton bShowHiddens; private static implements class TaskContainmentHierarchyFacadeImpl TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade { private JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu();; TestGanttRolloverButton bZoomIn, bZoomOut; private TestGanttRolloverButton bUndo, bRedo; private TestGanttRolloverButton bCritical; private Map myTask2treeNode = new HashMap(); private Task myRootTask; private List myPathBuffer = new ArrayList(); private GanttTree2 myTree; public TaskContainmentHierarchyFacadeImpl(GanttTree2 tree) private TestGanttRolloverButton bSaveCurrent, bComparePrev; { ArrayList allTasks = ((GanttTree2) tree).getAllTasks(); private TestGanttRolloverButton bRefresh; // comboBox.addItem("no set"); // for (int i = 0; i < allTasks.size(); i++) { /** The project filename */ public Document projectDocument = null; // DefaultMutableTreeNode (DefaultMutableTreeNode) treeNode = // allTasks.get(i); /** Informations for the current project. */ for (Iterator it = allTasks.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { 168 } TaskNode treeNode = (TaskNode); Task treeNode.getUserObject(); task = } (Task) return false; if (treeNode.isRoot()) { } myRootTask = task; } public Task getRootTask() { myTask2treeNode.put(task, treeNode); return myRootTask; } } myTree = tree; } public Task getContainer(Task nestedTask) { DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode (DefaultMutableTreeNode) myTask2treeNode public Task[] getNestedTasks(Task container) { = .get(nestedTask); Task[] result = null; DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode (DefaultMutableTreeNode) myTask2treeNode if (treeNode == null) { = return null; .get(container); } if (treeNode != null) { DefaultMutableTreeNode (DefaultMutableTreeNode) treeNode ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); for (Enumeration treeNode.children(); children children containerNode = .getParent(); = return containerNode == null ? null : (Task) .hasMoreElements();) { containerNode DefaultMutableTreeNode next = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) children .getUserObject(); } .nextElement(); if (next instanceof TaskNode) public boolean areUnrelated(Task first, Task second) { myPathBuffer.clear(); list.add(next.getUserObject()); } for (Task container = getContainer(first); container != null; container = getContainer(container)) { myPathBuffer.add(container); result = (Task[]) list.toArray(new Task[0]); } } return result == null ? new Task[0] : result; if (myPathBuffer.contains(second)) { return false; } } myPathBuffer.clear(); /** for (Task container = getContainer(second); container * Purpose: Returns true if the container Task has any nested != null; container = getContainer(container)) { tasks. myPathBuffer.add(container); * This should be a quicker check than using getNestedTasks(). * } * @param container if (myPathBuffer.contains(first)) { * return false; The Task on which to check for children. } */ return true; public boolean hasNestedTasks(Task container) { DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode (DefaultMutableTreeNode) myTask2treeNode .get(container); if (treeNode != null) { { =} public void move(Task whatMove, Task whereMove) { DefaultMutableTreeNode targetNode if (treeNode.children().hasMoreElements())(DefaultMutableTreeNode) myTask2treeNode .get(whereMove); = return true; 169 DefaultMutableTreeNode movedNode (DefaultMutableTreeNode) myTask2treeNode = treeModel.addTreeModelListener(this); } .get(whatMove); if (movedNode != null) { TreePath movedPath TreePath(movedNode.getPath()); = boolean isValid() { new return isValid; =} boolean wasSelected (myTree.getJTree().getSelectionModel() void reset() { .isPathSelected(movedPath)); isValid = true; if (wasSelected) { } myTree.getJTree().getSelectionModel().removeSelect ionPath( public void treeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent e) { movedPath); } isValid = false; } myTree.getModel().removeNodeFromParent(movedN ode); public void treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent e) { isValid = false; myTree.getModel().insertNodeInto(movedNode, targetNode, } targetNode.getChildCount()); public void treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent e) { if (wasSelected) { movedPath TreePath(movedNode.getPath()); Path( isValid = false; = new } myTree.getJTree().getSelectionModel().addSelection public void treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent e) { movedPath); } isValid = false; } } } else { private final GanttOptions options; myTree.addObjectWithExpand(whatMove, targetNode); private JMenuBar bar; } } // ! Toolbar of ui private JToolBar toolBar; public int getDepth(Task task) { DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode (DefaultMutableTreeNode) myTask2treeNode = private DefaultListModel iconList = new DefaultListModel(); .get(task); return treeNode.getLevel(); private JList list = new JList(iconList); } } private DefaultListModel DefaultListModel(); private static class TreeModelListener { FacadeInvalidator deletedIconList = new implements private JList deletedList = new JList(deletedIconList); private boolean isValid; // list.setName("list"); public FacadeInvalidator(TreeModel treeModel) { isValid = false; 170 // ! a status bar on the main frame if (!myFacadeInvalidator.isValid() || myCachedFacade == null) { private GanttStatusBar statusBar; myCachedFacade = TaskContainmentHierarchyFacadeImpl(tree); new myFacadeInvalidator.reset(); private NewTaskAction myNewTaskAction; } private NewHumanAction myNewHumanAction; return myCachedFacade; } private NewArtefactAction myNewArtefactAction; /** Constructor */ private CopyAction myCopyAction; public GanttProject(boolean isOnlyViewer, String filename, boolean isApplet) { ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().setInitialDelay(200); private PasteAction myPasteAction; ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().setDismissDelay(60000); private CutAction myCutAction; Mediator.registerRoleManager(getRoleManager()); private RefreshViewAction myRefreshAction; CustomColumnsStorage customColumnsStorage CustomColumnsStorage(); private DeleteHumanAction myDeleteHumanAction; Mediator.registerCustomColumnsStorage(customColumnsStora ge); private DeleteAssignmentAction myDeleteAssignmentAction; private myCachedFacade; TaskSelectionManager taskSelectionManager TaskSelectionManager(); = = new new TaskContainmentHierarchyFacadeImplMediator.registerTaskSelectionManager(taskSelectionManager) ; private List myRolloverActions = new ArrayList(); this.isOnlyViewer = isOnlyViewer; if (!isOnlyViewer) private ArrayList myPreviousStates = new ArrayList(); setTitle(language.getText("appliTitle")); else private MouseListener myStopEditingMouseListener = null; setTitle("GanttViewer"); setFocusable(true); private DelayManager myDelayManager; lookAndFeel = GanttLookAndFeels.getGanttLookAndFeels().getDefaultInfo(); options = new GanttOptions(getRoleManager(), isOnlyViewer); // private boolean bQuickSave;//to know if gantt has to quicksave the // Color color = GanttGraphicArea.taskDefaultColor; // project options.setUIConfiguration(myUIConfiguration); // private int currentQuickSave; options.setDocumentsMRU(documentsMRU); // private ArrayList aQuick;//List of all the quicksaves options.setLookAndFeel(lookAndFeel); // private int lastQuickSave; if (options.load()) { // private int firstQuickSave; language = options.getLanguage(); // private int undoNumber; GanttGraphicArea.taskDefaultColor options.getDefaultColor(); = private JSplitPane mySplitPane; lookAndFeel = options.getLnfInfos(); private Chart[] myCharts = null; public getTaskContainment() { HttpDocument.setLockDAVMinutes(options.getLockD AVMinutes()); } TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade myUIConfiguration = options.getUIConfiguration(); 171 class TaskManagerConfigImpl implements TaskManagerConfigGanttImagePanel { "tasks.png", 300, public Color getDefaultColor() { but = new GanttImagePanel("big.png", 42); return myUIConfiguration.getTaskColor(); tree.setGraphicArea(area); } // public GPCalendar getCalendar() { miChartOptions = JMenuItem(area.getOptionsDialogAction()); return GanttProject.this.getActiveCalendar(); } new getZoomManager().addZoomListener(area.getZoomListener()); public TimeUnitStack getTimeUnitStack() { return GanttProject.this.getTimeUnitStack(); myCopyAction = new CopyAction((GanttTree2) getTree(), options .getIconSize()); } myPasteAction = new PasteAction((GanttTree2) getTree(), options public ResourceManager getResourceManager() { return GanttProject.this.getHumanResourceManager(); .getIconSize()); myCutAction = new CutAction((GanttTree2) getTree(), options .getIconSize()); } myRefreshAction = new RefreshViewAction(getUIFacade(), options); } TaskManagerConfig TaskManagerConfigImpl(); taskConfig = myTimeUnitStack = new GPTimeUnitStack(getLanguage()); myTaskManager = TaskManager.Access.newInstance( new TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade.Factory() { public TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade createFacede() { newmyRolloverActions.add(myCopyAction); myRolloverActions.add(myPasteAction); myRolloverActions.add(myCutAction); myRolloverActions.add(myRefreshAction); tree.setActions(); // Create the menus return GanttProject.this.getTaskContainment(); bar = new JMenuBar(); } if (!isOnlyViewer) }, taskConfig); setJMenuBar(bar); Mediator.registerTaskManager(myTaskManager); this.isApplet = isApplet; // Allocation of the menus myZoomManager = new ZoomManager(this); mProject = new JMenu(); ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( mMRU = new JMenu(); "/icons/ganttproject.png")); mMRU.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/recent_16.gif"))); setIconImage(icon.getImage()); mEdit = new JMenu(); // mView = new JMenu (); // Create each objects tree = new GanttTree2(this, myTaskManager, getUIFacade()); mTask = new JMenu(); myFacadeInvalidator = newmHuman = new JMenu(); FacadeInvalidator(tree.getJTree().getModel()); mHelp = new JMenu(); area = new GanttGraphicArea(this, tree, getTaskManager(), //LH getZoomManager(), myUIConfiguration); getUndoManager(),mReport = new JMenu(); area.getMyChartModel().addOptionChangeListener( new area.getMyChartModel())); mCalendar = new JMenu(); mServer = new JMenu(); RowHeightAligner(tree, mServer.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( 172 getHumanResourceManager(), "/icons/server_16.gif"))); (AssignmentContext) getResourcePanel(), miUndo = new JMenuItem(new UndoAction(getUndoManager(), this); "16")); mEdit.add(miUndo); mHuman.add(myNewHumanAction); // miUndo.setEnabled(false); = miRedo = new JMenuItem(new RedoAction(getUndoManager(),myDeleteHumanAction DeleteHumanAction(getHumanResourceManager(), "16")); (ResourceContext) mEdit.add(miRedo); new getResourcePanel(), this); // miRedo.setEnabled(false); miDelHuman = new JMenuItem(myDeleteHumanAction); mEdit.addSeparator(); mHuman.add(miDelHuman); miPropHuman = createNewItem("/icons/properties_16.gif"); createProjectMenu(); mHuman.add(miPropHuman); miSendMailHuman createNewItem("/icons/send_mail_16.gif"); miRefresh = new JMenuItem(myRefreshAction); = // mHuman.add(miSendMailHuman); miRefresh.setAccelerator((KeyStroke)myRefreshAction.getValu e(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY)); mHuman.add(new ImportResources(getHumanResourceManager(), mEdit.add(miRefresh); mEdit.addSeparator(); getTaskManager(), getRoleManager(), this)); miCut = new JMenuItem(myCutAction); mEdit.add(miCut); //LH miCopy = new JMenuItem(myCopyAction); miReport = createNewItem("/icons/help_16.gif"); mEdit.add(miCopy); mReport.add(miReport); miPaste = new JMenuItem(myPasteAction); mEdit.add(miPaste); miEditCalendar = createNewItem("/icons/clock_16.gif"); mEdit.addSeparator(); mCalendar.add(miEditCalendar); miOptions = createNewItem("/icons/settings_16.gif"); miPrjCal = createNewItem("/icons/default_calendar_16.gif"); mEdit.add(miOptions); mCalendar.add(miPrjCal); myNewTaskAction = new NewTaskAction((IGanttProject) this); miWebPage = createNewItem("/icons/home_16.gif"); mTask.add(myNewTaskAction); mHelp.add(miWebPage); miDeleteTask = createNewItem("/icons/delete_16.gif"); miManual = createNewItem("/icons/help_16.gif"); mTask.add(miDeleteTask); try { // See if helpgui library is on the classpath miPropertiesTask = createNewItem("/icons/properties_16.gif"); Class.forName("net.sourceforge.helpgui.HelpGui"); mTask.add(miPropertiesTask); mHelp.add(miManual); // miManual.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("F 1")); // myNewHumanAction = NewHumanAction(getHumanResourceManager(), new} catch (Exception ex) { getRoleManager(), this, this) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { super.actionPerformed(event); getTabs().setSelectedIndex(UIFacade.RESOURCES // Not add the help button on the ui } miTips = createNewItem("/icons/about_16.gif"); mHelp.add(miTips); miAbout = createNewItem("/icons/manual_16.gif"); mHelp.add(miAbout); _INDEX); } }; myDeleteAssignmentAction = new DeleteAssignmentAction( if (!isApplet) { bar.add(mProject); // for a applet veiwer, Project menu is not // neccessary By CL 173 } getTabs().addTab(language.getText("gantt"), bar.add(mEdit); new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/tasks_16.gif")), JMenu viewMenu = createViewMenu(); mySplitPane, area); if (viewMenu != null) getTabs().addTab(language.getText("human"), bar.add(viewMenu); new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/res_16.gif")), // bar.add (mView); bar.add(mTask); bar.add(mHuman); getResourcePanel(), getResourcePanel().area); // bar.add(mCalendar); // pert area //LH getTabs().setTabLayoutPolicy(JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_L AYOUT); bar.add(mReport); getTabs().addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { bar.add(mHelp); public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { setMemonic(); bUnlink // to create a default project // createDefaultTree(tree); .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); JPanel left = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); bLink left.add(but, BorderLayout.NORTH); left.add(tree, BorderLayout.CENTER); .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); left.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(315, 600)); .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); // A splitpane is use if (language.getComponentOrientation() ComponentOrientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { == bInd left.setBackground(Color.white); mySplitPane = JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT); == new == bUnind == .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); == mySplitPane.setLeftComponent(left); mySplitPane.setRightComponent(area); bCut mySplitPane .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); .applyComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation. LEFT_TO_RIGHT); == bCopy } else { .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); mySplitPane.setRightComponent(left); mySplitPane.setLeftComponent(area); mySplitPane.setDividerLocation((int) (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() .getScreenSize().getWidth() == bPaste .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() -UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); left.getPreferredSize() == bCritical .getWidth())); mySplitPane .applyComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation. RIGHT_TO_LEFT); } mySplitPane.setOneTouchExpandable(true); .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); == bScrollCenter .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); == bComparePrev mySplitPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800, 500)); // Add Gantt Panel, Human resource pannel and RESOURCE panel .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); == 174 bPrev bSaveCurrent .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); == .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX == || getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX); bNewTask .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX bNext == || getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX); == == .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX == || getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX); == bDelete if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() ==UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX) { // Gantt .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX // Chart || getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX); == == bNewTask.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(la nguage bProperties .getText("createTask")))); .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX == bDelete.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(lang uage || getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX); == .getText("deleteTask")))); bProperties.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(l anguage bDown .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX .getText("propertiesTask")))); == || getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX); ==GanttOptions.ICONS) { bUp if (options.getButtonShow() != bNewTask.setText(correctLabel(language .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX == .getText("createTask"))); || getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX); bDelete.setText(correctLabel(language == .getText("deleteTask"))); bZoomIn .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX bProperties.setText(correctLabel(language == .getText("propertiesTask"))); || getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX); == } } else if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() == UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX) { // Resources bZoomOut // Chart .setEnabled(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX == bNewTask.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(la || getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX); nguage == 175 } .getText("newHuman")))); bDelete.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(lang uage public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent arg0) { } .getText("deleteHuman")))); }); bProperties.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(l this.addButtons(toolBar); getContentPane() anguage .add( .getText("propertiesHuman")))); if (options.getButtonShow() GanttOptions.ICONS) { toolBar, (toolBar.getOrientation() == JToolBar.HORIZONTAL) != ? BorderLayout.NORTH : bNewTask.setText(correctLabel(language .getText("newHuman"))); BorderLayout.WEST); // add the status bar bDelete.setText(correctLabel(language statusBar = new GanttStatusBar(); if (!isOnlyViewer) .getText("deleteHuman"))); getContentPane().add(statusBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH); bProperties.setText(correctLabel(language statusBar.setVisible(options.getShowStatusBar()); .getText("propertiesHuman"))); // add a keyboard listener } addKeyListener(this); } } SwitchViewAction switchAction = new SwitchViewAction(this); }); JMenuItem invisibleItem = new JMenuItem(switchAction); // Add tabpan on the content pane getContentPane().add(getTabs(), BorderLayout.CENTER); invisibleItem.setVisible(false); bar.add(invisibleItem); // Add toolbar toolBar = new options.getToolBarPosition()); JToolBar("GanttProject", // Open the the project passed in argument toolBar.setBorderPainted(true); if (filename != null) { toolBar.setRollover(true); Document document DocumentCreator.createDocument(filename); toolBar.setFloatable(true); = try { toolBar.addComponentListener(new ComponentListener() { openDocument(document); public void componentResized(ComponentEvent } catch (IOException ex) { arg0) { setHiddens(); System.err.println(language.getText("msg2") + "\n" + filename); refresh(); System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); } } } { public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent arg0)// update 18-03-2003 } addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() { public windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) { public void componentShown(ComponentEvent arg0) void exitForm(evt); { } 176 }); myTaskManager.addTaskListener(myDelayManager); // update 18-03-2003 } setDefaultCloseOperation(DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); =private cont) { Dimension screenSize Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); void addMouseListenerToAllContainer(Component[] for (int i = 0; i < cont.length; i++) { Dimension windowSize = getPreferredSize(); cont[i].addMouseListener(getStopEditingMouseListen // Put the frame at the middle of the screen setLocation(screenSize.width / 2 - (windowSize.width / 2), er()); screenSize.height / 2 - (windowSize.height / if (cont[i] instanceof Container) 2)); addMouseListenerToAllContainer(((Container) cont[i]) this.pack(); .getComponents()); changeLanguage(); } } /* * [bbaranne] I add a Mediator object so that we can get the /** GanttProject * singleton whereever we are in the source code. Perhaps* Returns a mouseListener that stop the edition in the ganttTreeTable. some of you * don't like this, but I believe that it is practical... * */ * @return A mouseListener that stop the edition in the ganttTreeTable. Mediator.registerGanttProject(this); */ private MouseListener getStopEditingMouseListener() { // changeUndoNumber (); if (myStopEditingMouseListener == null) changeLookAndFeel(lookAndFeel); changeLookAndFeel(lookAndFeel); // Twice call for update font{ on menu myStopEditingMouseListener = new MouseAdapter() public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (options.isLoaded()) { setBounds(options.getX(), options.getWidth(), options.getY(),e.getClickCount() == 1) if (e.getSource() != bNewTask && tree.stopEditing(); options.getHeight()); if } (e.getButton() if (options.getOpenTips() && !byCommandLine) { TipsDialog tips options.getOpenTips()); = new && TipsDialog(this,!(e.getSource() instanceof JTable); is the top == MouseEvent.BUTTON1 && !(e.getSource() instanceof AbstractButton)) { Task taskUnderPointer tips.toFront(); // somehow assure, that the TipsDialog = MouseSupport() // window an MacOS .findTaskUnderMousePointer(e.getX(), e.getY()); } if (taskUnderPointer == applyComponentOrientation(GanttLanguage.getInstance() null) { .getComponentOrientation()); tree.selectTreeRow(-1); myTaskManager.addTaskListener(new TaskModelModificationListener(this)); } if (ourWindowListener != null) { } addWindowListener(ourWindowListener); } } addMouseListenerToAllContainer(this.getComponents()); }; return myStopEditingMouseListener; myDelayManager = new DelayManager(myTaskManager, tree); } Mediator.registerDelayManager(myDelayManager); myDelayManager.addObserver(tree); 177 private void createProjectMenu() { result.add(miChartOptions); miNew = createNewItem("/icons/new_16.gif"); Chart[] charts = Mediator.getPluginManager().getCharts(); mProject.add(miNew); if (charts.length > 0) miOpen = createNewItem("/icons/open_16.gif"); result.addSeparator(); mProject.add(miOpen); mProject.add(mMRU); updateMenuMRU(); for (int i = 0; i < charts.length; i++) { mProject.addSeparator(); result.add(new ToggleChartAction(charts[i], miSave = createNewItem("/icons/save_16.gif"); JCheckBoxMenuItem(new getViewManager()))); miSave.setEnabled(false); } mProject.add(miSave); return result; miSaveAs = createNewItem("/icons/saveas_16.gif"); } mProject.add(miSaveAs); mProject.addSeparator(); public GanttProject(boolean isOnlyViewer, String filename) { // ImportFileAction importFile ImportFileAction(getUIFacade(), this); = this(isOnlyViewer, filename, false); new } = new/** mProject.add(importFile); ExportFileAction exportFile ExportFileAction(getUIFacade(), this, * Updates the last open file menu items. options); */ mProject.add(exportFile); private void updateMenuMRU() { // miExport = createNewItem("/icons/export_16.gif"); mMRU.removeAll(); // mProject.add(miExport); int index = 0; mProject.addSeparator(); Iterator iterator = documentsMRU.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { miOpenURL = createNewItem(""); index++; miSaveAsURL = createNewItem(""); Document document = (Document); miPublishToWeb = createNewItem("/icons/publish.gif"); mServer.add(miOpenURL); JMenuItem mi OpenDocumentAction(index, = new JMenuItem(new document, this)); mServer.add(miSaveAsURL); mMRU.add(mi); mServer.addSeparator(); mServer.add(miPublishToWeb); } mProject.add(mServer); } mProject.addSeparator(); miPrint = createNewItem("/icons/print_16.gif"); public String getXslDir() { mProject.add(miPrint); return options.getXslDir(); miPreview = createNewItem("/icons/preview_16.gif"); } mProject.add(miPreview); mProject.addSeparator(); /** @return the options of ganttproject. */ miQuit = createNewItem(""/* "/icons/exit_16.gif" */); public GanttOptions getOptions() { mProject.add(miQuit); return options; } } private JMenu createViewMenu() { JMenu result = changeMenuLabel(new language.getText("view")); public void restoreOptions() { JMenu(),options.initByDefault(); // options by default iconList = initIconList(); 178 deletedIconList = initDeletedIconList(); addButtons(); miQuit.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyE vent.VK_Q, MENU_MASK)); myUIConfiguration = options.getUIConfiguration(); GanttGraphicArea.taskDefaultColor = new Color(140, 182, 206); area.repaint(); // //--CUT---------------------------------// miCut.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_X, // MENU_MASK)); } // //--COPY---------------------------------/** @return the status Bar of the main frame. */ public GanttStatusBar getStatusBar() { // miCopy.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ C, return statusBar; // MENU_MASK)); } // //--PASTE---------------------------------- public String getXslFo() { // miPaste.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ V, return options.getXslFo(); // MENU_MASK)); } // --OPTIONS---------------------------------- /** Create memonic for keyboard */ miOptions.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(K eyEvent.VK_G, MENU_MASK)); public void setMemonic() { // --NEW TASK---------------------------------- int MENU_MASK = GPAction.MENU_MASK; // --NEW---------------------------------- // miNewTask.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent. VK_T, // miNew.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_N); // MENU_MASK)); miNew.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ N, MENU_MASK)); // --PROPERTIES TASK---------------------------------- // --OPEN---------------------------------- miPropertiesTask.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeySt roke( KeyEvent.VK_R, MENU_MASK)); miOpen.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ O, MENU_MASK)); // --DELETE TASK---------------------------------- // Open from the web miDeleteTask.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStrok e(KeyEvent.VK_D, // miOpenURL.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent. MENU_MASK)); VK_I, // --NEW HUMAN---------------------------------// MENU_MASK)); // // --SAVE---------------------------------miNewHuman.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEve miSave.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ nt.VK_H, S, MENU_MASK)); // MENU_MASK)); // --PRINT---------------------------------miPrint // miDelHuman.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent .VK_J, .setAccelerator(KeyStroke .getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_P, MENU_MASK)); // MENU_MASK)); miPropHuman.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStrok e(KeyEvent.VK_L, MENU_MASK)); // --UNDO---------------------------------- } miUndo.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ Z, MENU_MASK)); // --REDO---------------------------------- } miRedo.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ Y, MENU_MASK)); /** Create an item with a label */ if (!isOnlyViewer) { public JMenuItem createNewItemText(String label) { // --QUIT---------------------------------- 179 iconList.removeElementAt(i); JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(label); iconList.add(i, language.getText("separator").toUpperCase()); item.addActionListener(this); return item; } } } /** Create an item with an icon */ /** Change the style of the application */ public JMenuItem createNewItem(String icon) { public void changeLookAndFeel(GanttLookAndFeelInfo lookAndFeel) { JMenuItem item = url == null ? new JMenuItem() : newtry { JMenuItem( UIManager.setLookAndFeel(lookAndFeel.getClassNa new ImageIcon(url)); me()); item.addActionListener(this); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(this); URL url = getClass().getResource(icon); return item; this.lookAndFeel = lookAndFeel; } } catch (Exception e) { GanttLookAndFeelInfo info = GanttLookAndFeels /** Create an item with a label and an icon */ .getGanttLookAndFeels().getDefaultInfo(); public JMenuItem createNewItem(String label, String icon) { JMenuItem item ImageIcon(getClass() = new JMenuItem(label, new System.out.println("Can't find the LookAndFeel\n" + lookAndFeel.getClassName() + "\n" + lookAndFeel.getName() .getResource(icon))); + Look'n'Feel" + info.getName()); item.addActionListener(this); return item; "\nSetting the default try { } UIManager.setLookAndFeel(info.getClassName()); /** Function to change language of the project */ SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(this); public void changeLanguage() { this.lookAndFeel = info; } catch (Exception ex) { if (helpFrame != null) } helpFrame.dispose(); } helpFrame = null; // MetalLookAndFeel.setCurrentTheme(new GanttMetalTheme()); applyComponentOrientation(language.getComponentOrientatio // must force to do that instead of the task on tree are not in n()); // continuity of the calendar changeLanguageOfMenu(); if (tree.getTable().getRowHeight() <= 22) area.repaint(); tree.getTable().setRowHeight(20); getResourcePanel().area.repaint(); } getResourcePanel().refresh(language); // Correct the label of menu without '$' character this.tree.changeLanguage(language); public static String correctLabel(String label) { CustomColumnsStorage.changeLanguage(language); int index = label.indexOf('$'); applyComponentOrientation(language.getComponentOrientatio n()); // change the value of the separators in iconList for (int i = 0; i < iconList.size(); i++) if (iconList.getElementAt(i).getClass() TestGanttRolloverButton.class) { if (index != -1 && label.length() - index > 1) label = index).concat(label.substring(++index)); label.substring(0, return label; } != 180 menu.setMnemonic(Character.toLowerCase( /** Change the label for menu, in fact check in the label arAt(index))); contains a mnemonic */ public JMenu changeMenuLabel(JMenu menu, String label) { } else { int index = label.indexOf('$'); menu.setText(label); if (index != -1 && label.length() - index > 1) { // menu.setMnemonic(''); menu.setText(label.substring(0, index).concat( label.substring(++index))); } return menu; menu.setMnemonic(Character.toLowerCase( } arAt(index))); } else { menu.setText(label); /** Set the menus language after the user select a different language */ // menu.setMnemonic(''); private void changeLanguageOfMenu() { mProject = language.getText("project")); } return menu; changeMenuLabel(mProject, mEdit = changeMenuLabel(mEdit, language.getText("edit")); } // mView = language.getText("view")); changeMenuLabel(mView, /** mTask = changeMenuLabel(mTask, language.getText("task")); * Change the label for menuItem, in fact check in the labelmHuman = changeMenuLabel(mHuman, contains a language.getText("human")); * mnemonic mHelp = changeMenuLabel(mHelp, language.getText("help")); */ //LH public JMenuItem changeMenuLabel(JMenuItem menu, StringmReport = label) { language.getText("report")); int index = label.indexOf('$'); mCalendar = if (index != -1 && label.length() - index > 1) { menu.setText(label.substring(0, index).concat( changeMenuLabel(mReport, changeMenuLabel(mCalendar, language.getText("calendars")); miNew = language.getText("newProject")); changeMenuLabel(miNew, label.substring(++index))); miOpen = changeMenuLabel(miOpen, menu.setMnemonic(Character.toLowerCase( language.getText("openProject")); arAt(index))); mMRU = changeMenuLabel(mMRU, } else { language.getText("lastOpen")); menu.setText(label); // menu.setMnemonic(''); miSave = language.getText("saveProject")); changeMenuLabel(miSave, miSaveAs = changeMenuLabel(miSaveAs, language.getText("saveAsProject")); } return menu; } mServer = language.getText("webServer")); /** miOpenURL = changeMenuLabel(miOpenURL, language changeMenuLabel(mServer, .getText("openFromServer")); * Change the label for JCheckBoxmenuItem, in fact check in the label miSaveAsURL = changeMenuLabel(miSaveAsURL, language * contains a mnemonic .getText("saveToServer")); */ miPublishToWeb public JCheckBoxMenuItemlanguage changeMenuLabel(JCheckBoxMenuItem menu, = changeMenuLabel(miPublishToWeb, .getText("publishToWeb")); String label) { int index = label.indexOf('$'); if (index != -1 && label.length() - index > 1) { menu.setText(label.substring(0, index).concat( label.substring(++index))); miPrint = language.getText("printProject")); miPreview = language.getText("preview")); changeMenuLabel(miPrint, changeMenuLabel(miPreview, miQuit = changeMenuLabel(miQuit, language.getText("quit")); 181 miUndo = language.getText("undo")); changeMenuLabel(miUndo,// ////////////////////////////////////////// miRedo = language.getText("redo")); changeMenuLabel(miRedo, bExit miCut = changeMenuLabel(miCut, language.getText("cut")); .setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language miCopy = language.getText("copy")); changeMenuLabel(miCopy, miPaste = language.getText("paste")); changeMenuLabel(miPaste,bNew.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("newProject")))); miOptions = language.getText("settings")); changeMenuLabel(miOptions,bOpen.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("openProject")))); // miNewTask = changeMenuLabel(miNewTask, bSave.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language // language.getText("createTask")); .getText("saveProject")))); miDeleteTask = changeMenuLabel(miDeleteTask, language .getText("deleteTask")); miPropertiesTask language = bSaveAs.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("saveAsProject")))); changeMenuLabel(miPropertiesTask, bPrint.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("printProject")))); .getText("propertiesTask")); mHuman.insert(changeMenuLabel(mHuman.getItem(0), language .getText("newHuman")), 0); bPreviewPrint.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(languag e .getText("preview")))); bExport.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("export")))); miDelHuman = changeMenuLabel(miDelHuman, language .getText("deleteHuman")); bImport.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("import")))); miPropHuman = changeMenuLabel(miPropHuman, language .getText("propertiesHuman")); mHuman.insert(changeMenuLabel(mHuman.getItem(4), language .getText("importResources")), 4); miSendMailHuman language = .getText("quit")))); bNewTask.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("createTask")))); bCut.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language.getText( "cut")))); changeMenuLabel(miSendMailHuman,bCopy .setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("sendMail")); .getText("copy")))); miEditCalendar = changeMenuLabel(miEditCalendar, language bPaste .getText("editCalendars")); .setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language miPrjCal = changeMenuLabel(miPrjCal, language .getText("paste")))); .getText("projectCalendar")); bDelete.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("deleteTask")))); miWebPage = changeMenuLabel(miWebPage, bProperties.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language language.getText("webPage")); miReport = language.getText("report")); miAbout = language.getText("about")); changeMenuLabel(miReport, .getText("propertiesTask")))); bUnlink.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language changeMenuLabel(miAbout, .getText("unlink")))); miTips = changeMenuLabel(miTips,bLink language.getText("tipsOfTheDay")); miManual = language.getText("manual")); changeMenuLabel(miManual, .setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("link")))); miChartOptions = changeMenuLabel(miChartOptions, language bInd.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("chartOptions")); miRefresh = language.getText("refresh")); .getText("indentTask")))); changeMenuLabel(miRefresh,bUnind.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language 182 .getText("dedentTask")))); bUp /** Invoked when a key has been pressed. */ public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { .setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language final int MENU_MASK = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() .getText("upTask")))); .getMenuShortcutKeyMask(); bDown.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("downTask")))); bPrev.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("backDate")))); bScrollCenter.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("centerOnSelectedTasks")))); bNext.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language // System.out.println(e.getKeyCode()); /* * Consume the event to prevent it to go farther. */ int code = e.getKeyCode(); int modifiers = e.getModifiersEx(); .getText("forwardDate")))); bZoomIn.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language if (code == KeyEvent.KEY_LOCATION_UNKNOWN) .getText("zoomIn")))); e.consume(); bZoomOut.setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("zoomOut")))); bAbout switch (code) { case KeyEvent.VK_DELETE: e.consume(); .setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language if (!isOnlyViewer) { .getText("about")))); if UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX) bUndo == deleteTasks(true); .setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language .getText("undo")))); (getViewIndex() else if UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX) { bRedo (getViewIndex() == deleteResources(); deleteAssignements(); .setToolTipText(getToolTip(correctLabel(language } .getText("redo")))); } // bZoomFit.setToolTipText(getToolTip(language.zoomFit())); break; bCritical.setToolTipText(getToolTip(language.getText("criticalP // case KeyEvent.VK_INSERT : ath"))); // // if(!isOnlyViewer);newTask();break; bComparePrev .setToolTipText(getToolTip(language.getText("compa rePrev"))); case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER: if (!isOnlyViewer) { e.consume(); bSaveCurrent if .setToolTipText(getToolTip(language.getText("saveC InputEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK) InputEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK) { urrent"))); ((modifiers & == if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() bRefresh.setToolTipText(getToolTip(language.getText("refresh" == UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX) {// Gantt ))); // Chart bShowHiddens propertiesTask(); .setToolTipText(getToolTip(language.getText("showH iddens"))); getTabs().setTitleAt(1, correctLabel(language.getText("human"))); } else (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX) { // Resource if == // chart setButtonText(); getResourcePanel().propertiesHuman( } is); 183 } } } public static String getToolTip(String msg) { return "<html><body "</body></html>"; bgcolor=#EAEAEA>" + msg + } break; case KeyEvent.VK_TAB: { e.consume(); /** Set the text on the buttons. */ public void setButtonText() { if ((modifiers & InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK) == if (options.getButtonShow() == GanttOptions.ICONS) { InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK) { bExit.setText(""); tree.dedentCurrentNodes(); bNew.setText(""); } else bOpen.setText(""); tree.indentCurrentNodes(); bSave.setText(""); break; } bCut.setText(""); case KeyEvent.VK_F5: { bCopy.setText(""); e.consume(); bPaste.setText(""); repaint2(); bSaveAs.setText(""); break; bNewTask.setText(""); bImport.setText(""); } bExport.setText(""); // case KeyEvent.VK_F7: bPrint.setText(""); // { bPreviewPrint.setText(""); // if((modifiers & InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK) == bDelete.setText(""); // InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK) bProperties.setText(""); // { bUnlink.setText(""); // tabpane.setSelectedIndex((tabpane.getSelectedIndex()+1)% bLink.setText(""); // tabpane.getTabCount()); bInd.setText(""); // } bUnind.setText(""); // break; bUp.setText(""); // } bDown.setText(""); // case KeyEvent.VK_HOME : tree.selectTreeRow(0); break; //go at the bPrev.setText(""); // first task bNext.setText(""); bScrollCenter.setText(""); // case KeyEvent.VK_END : tree.selectTreeRow(tree.nbTasks1); break; bZoomOut.setText(""); // //go at the last task bZoomIn.setText(""); } bAbout.setText(""); } bUndo.setText(""); bRedo.setText(""); /** Invoked when a key has been released. */ bCritical.setText(""); public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { bComparePrev.setText(""); } bSaveCurrent.setText(""); bRefresh.setText(""); bShowHiddens.setText(""); /** Invoked when a key has been typed. */ public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } else { bExit.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("quit"))); } bNew.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("newPr oject"))); /** Return the tooltip in html (with yello bgcolor */ 184 bOpen.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("open bNext.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("forwar Project"))); dDate"))); bSave.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("saveP roject"))); bZoomOut.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("z oomOut"))); bSaveAs.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("sav eAsProject"))); mIn"))); bImport.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("impo rt"))); bZoomIn.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("zoo bAbout.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("about "))); bExport.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("expo rt"))); bUndo.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("undo" ))); bPrint.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("printPr oject"))); bRedo.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("redo") )); bPreviewPrint.setText(correctLabel(language.getText ("preview"))); bCritical.setText(language.getText("criticalPath")); bComparePrev.setText(correctLabel(language.getTex bCut.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("cut"))); t("comparePrev"))); bCopy.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("copy") )); bSaveCurrent.setText(correctLabel(language.getText ("saveCurrent"))); bPaste.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("paste "))); bRefresh.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("refr esh"))); // bShowHiddens.setText bNewTask.setText(correctLabel(language.getText(get Tabs() .getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX ? "createTask" // (correctLabel(language.getText("showHiddens"))); } == } : "newHuman"))); bs() bDelete.setText(correctLabel(language.getText(getTa /** Apply Buttons options. */ public void applyButtonOptions() { .getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX ? "deleteTask" ==setButtonText(); if (options.getButtonShow() == GanttOptions.TEXT) { : "deleteHuman"))); // remove the icons bProperties bExit.setDefaultIcon(null); .setText(correctLabel(language bNew.setDefaultIcon(null); .getText(getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX ? "propertiesTask" == : "propertiesHuman"))); bOpen.setDefaultIcon(null); bSave.setDefaultIcon(null); bSaveAs.setDefaultIcon(null); bImport.setDefaultIcon(null); bUnlink.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("unlin k"))); bExport.setDefaultIcon(null); bPrint.setDefaultIcon(null); bLink.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("link"))); bPreviewPrint.setDefaultIcon(null); bInd.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("indentT bNewTask.setDefaultIcon(null); ask"))); bUnind.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("dede ntTask"))); bUp.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("upTask" ))); bDelete.setDefaultIcon(null); bCut.setDefaultIcon(null); bCopy.setDefaultIcon(null); bPaste.setDefaultIcon(null); bDown.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("down Task"))); bPrev.setText(correctLabel(language.getText("backD ate"))); bProperties.setDefaultIcon(null); bUnlink.setDefaultIcon(null); bLink.setDefaultIcon(null); bScrollCenter.setText(correctLabel(language .getText("centerOnSelectedTasks"))); bInd.setDefaultIcon(null); bUnind.setDefaultIcon(null); bUp.setDefaultIcon(null); bDown.setDefaultIcon(null); 185 bPreviewPrint.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( bPrint.setDefaultIcon(null); bPrev.setDefaultIcon(null); "/icons/preview_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); bScrollCenter.setDefaultIcon(null); bZoomOut.setDefaultIcon(null); + bNewTask.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( bZoomIn.setDefaultIcon(null); "/icons/insert_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); bAbout.setDefaultIcon(null); bUndo.setDefaultIcon(null); + bDelete.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( bRedo.setDefaultIcon(null); bCritical.setDefaultIcon(null); "/icons/delete_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); bComparePrev.setDefaultIcon(null); + bProperties.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( bSaveCurrent.setDefaultIcon(null); bRefresh.setDefaultIcon(null); "/icons/properties_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); // bShowHiddens.setDefaultIcon(null); bCut.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( (RolloverAction) "/icons/cut_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + for (int i = 0; i < myRolloverActions.size(); i++) { RolloverAction myRolloverActions.get(i); next = next.isIconVisible(false); bCopy.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( next.setIconSize(options.getIconSize()); } "/icons/copy_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); } else { "/icons/exit_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); "/icons/paste_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bUnlink.setDefaultIcon(new "/icons/unlink_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bOpen.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/link_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bSave.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/indent_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bUnind.setDefaultIcon(new bSaveAs.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/saveas_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); bImport.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/import_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bInd.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( + ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/unindent_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bUp.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( + "/icons/up_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bDown.setDefaultIcon(new + ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( bExport.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/down_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); "/icons/export_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bPrint.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/prev_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + "/icons/print_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bLink.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/open_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); "/icons/save_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( bNew.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/new_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bPaste.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( // set the approrpiate icons bExit.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( + + bPrev.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( + 186 bNext.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( next.setIconSize(options.getIconSize()); "/icons/next_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + } } bScrollCenter.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( } "/icons/scrollcenter_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + /** Create the button on toolbar */ bZoomOut.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( public void addButtons(JToolBar toolBar) { +// toolBar.addSeparator(new Dimension(20,0)); "/icons/zoomm_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// bZoomIn.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/zoomp_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bExit = new ImageIcon(getClass() bAbout.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( TestGanttRolloverButton(new .getResource("/icons/exit_" +options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); "/icons/manual_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bExit.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { if (!myUIConfiguration.isCriticalPathOn()) public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { bCritical.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( quitApplication(); } "/icons/criticalPathOff_" + options.getIconSize() }); + ".gif"))); // if(isOnlyViewer) // { else // toolBar.add(bExit); bCritical.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( // toolBar.addSeparator(new Dimension(20,0)); "/icons/criticalPathOn_" // } + options.getIconSize() ".gif"))); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// bComparePrev.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( bNew = new ImageIcon(getClass() + "/icons/comparePrev_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); TestGanttRolloverButton(new .getResource("/icons/new_" + options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bNew.addActionListener(this); bSaveCurrent.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/saveCurrentAsPrev_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); // if(!isOnlyViewer) toolBar.add(bNew); + // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// bOpen = new ImageIcon(getClass() bRefresh.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( TestGanttRolloverButton(new .getResource("/icons/open_" + options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); "/icons/" myRefreshAction.getIconFilePrefix() + options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bOpen.addActionListener(this); // toolBar.add(bOpen); bShowHiddens.setDefaultIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/showHiddens.gif"))); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// bSave = new TestGanttRolloverButton(new ImageIcon(getClass() (RolloverAction) .getResource("/icons/save_" + options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); for (int i = 0; i < myRolloverActions.size(); i++) { RolloverAction myRolloverActions.get(i); next next.isIconVisible(true); = 187 "/icons/comparePrev_" bSave.setEnabled(false); + options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); bSave.addActionListener(this); bComparePrev.setEnabled(false); // toolBar.add(bSave); bComparePrev.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// compareToPreviousState(); bSaveAs = new TestGanttRolloverButton( if (myPreviousStates.size() == 0) new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( bComparePrev.setEnabled(false); "/icons/saveas_" + } options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); }); bSaveAs.addActionListener(this); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bSaveCurrent = new TestGanttRolloverButton(new /// ImageIcon(getClass() bImport = new TestGanttRolloverButton( .getResource( new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( // toolBar.add(bSaveAs); "/icons/import_" + "/icons/saveCurrentAsPrev_" + options.getIconSize() options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bImport.addActionListener(this); ".gif"))); // toolBar.add(bImport); bSaveCurrent.setEnabled(false); bSaveCurrent.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { /// saveAsPreviousState(); bExport = new TestGanttRolloverButton( new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/export_" } + options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); }); bExport.addActionListener(this); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// // toolBar.add(bExport); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// bCut = new TestGanttRolloverButton(new ImageIcon(getClass() bPrint = new ImageIcon(getClass() TestGanttRolloverButton(new .getResource("/icons/cut_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); .getResource("/icons/print_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + +bCut.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { bPrint.addActionListener(this); tree.cutSelectedNode(); bPreviewPrint = new TestGanttRolloverButton(new ImageIcon( setAskForSave(true); getClass().getResource( "/icons/preview_" } + options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); }); bPreviewPrint.addActionListener(this); // if(!isOnlyViewer)toolBar.add(bCut); // toolBar.add(bPrint); bCopy = new ImageIcon(getClass() TestGanttRolloverButton(new // .getResource("/icons/copy_" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); /// // toolBar.addSeparator(new Dimension(20,0)); bCopy.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { bComparePrev = new TestGanttRolloverButton( } new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( + tree.copySelectedNode(); }); 188 // toolBar.addSeparator(new Dimension(20,0)); // if(!isOnlyViewer)toolBar.add(bCopy); bPaste = new ImageIcon(getClass() TestGanttRolloverButton(new} .getResource("/icons/paste_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); bPaste.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { tree.pasteNode(); setAskForSave(true); } }); + // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// // bNewTask = new TestGanttRolloverButton(new // ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/insert_"+options.getI conSize()+".gif"))); myNewArtefactAction = new NewArtefactAction( new NewArtefactAction.ActiveActionProvider() { // bCut = new TestGanttRolloverButton(new public AbstractAction getActiveAction() { // return ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/cut_"+options.getIco getTabs().getSelectedIndex() == UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX ? nSize()+".gif"))); (AbstractAction) myNewTaskAction // bCut.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { : // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { (AbstractAction) myNewHumanAction; // tree.cutSelectedNode(); // setAskForSave(true); } // } }, options.getIconSize()); // }); // bCut = new TestGanttRolloverButton(myCutAction); // if(!isOnlyViewer)toolBar.add(bCut); // bCopy = new TestGanttRolloverButton(new bNewTask = TestGanttRolloverButton(myNewArtefactAction); new myRolloverActions.add(myNewArtefactAction); // bNewTask.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/copy_"+options.getI // if (tabpane.getSelectedIndex() == 0) {//Gantt Chart conSize()+".gif"))); // newTask(); // bCopy.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { // } else if (tabpane.getSelectedIndex() == 1) { //Resource chart // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // HumanResource people = new HumanResource(); // tree.copySelectedNode(); // GanttDialogPerson dp = new GanttDialogPerson( // } // GanttProject.this, getLanguage(), people); // }); //; // bCopy = new TestGanttRolloverButton(myCopyAction); // if (dp.result()) { // if(!isOnlyViewer)toolBar.add(bCopy); // getHumanResourceManager().add(people); // bPaste = new TestGanttRolloverButton(new // setAskForSave(true); // ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/paste_"+options.getI // } conSize()+".gif"))); // } // bPaste.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { // } // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // }); // tree.pasteNode(); // if(!isOnlyViewer) toolBar.add(bNewTask); // setAskForSave(true); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// // } // }); bDelete = new TestGanttRolloverButton( // /bPaste = new TestGanttRolloverButton(myPasteAction); new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( // if(!isOnlyViewer) { "/icons/delete_" + options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); // toolBar.add(bPaste); bDelete.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 189 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { "/icons/properties_" if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX) {// Gantt == + options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); bProperties.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { // Chart public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // deleteTask(); if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX) {// Gantt deleteTasks(true); == // Chart } else if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() == UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX) { // Resource propertiesTask(); // chart } else if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() == UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX) { // Resource final ProjectResource[] context = // chart getResourcePanel() .getContext().getResources(); getResourcePanel().propertiesHuman( is); if (context.length > 0) { } GanttDialogInfo gdi = new GanttDialogInfo( } }); GanttProject.this, GanttDialogInfo.QUESTION, // if(!isOnlyViewer) toolBar.add(bProperties); GanttDialogInfo.YES_NO_OPTION, getLanguage() .getText("msg6") // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// bUnlink = new TestGanttRolloverButton( new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( + getDisplayName(context) + "??", "/icons/unlink_" bUnlink.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {; if GanttDialogInfo.YES) { (gdi.res == public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() for (int i = 0; iUIFacade.GANTT_INDEX) {// Gantt // Chart < context.length; i++) { + options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); getLanguage().getText("question")); == unlinkRelationships(); getHumanResourceManager().remove(context[i], } } getUndoManager()); }); refreshProjectInfos(); // if(!isOnlyViewer) toolBar.add(bUnlink); // setQuickSave(true); } } } deleteAssignements(); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// bLink = new ImageIcon(getClass() TestGanttRolloverButton(new .getResource("/icons/link_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); + bLink.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { }); // if(!isOnlyViewer) toolBar.add(bDelete); if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX) {// Gantt // Chart // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// bProperties = ImageIcon(getClass() new .getResource( == linkRelationships(); } TestGanttRolloverButton(new } }); 190 }); // if(!isOnlyViewer) toolBar.add(bLink); // if(!isOnlyViewer) toolBar.add(bUp); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// bInd = new TestGanttRolloverButton( new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/indent_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); = new +bDown ImageIcon(getClass() .getResource("/icons/down_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); bInd.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX) {// Gantt TestGanttRolloverButton(new == + bDown.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { downDatas(); // Chart } // tree.indentCurrentNode(); tree.indentCurrentNodes(); }); setAskForSave(true); if (!isOnlyViewer) { // toolBar.add(bDown); } // toolBar.addSeparator(new Dimension(20,0)); } } }); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ScrollingManager scrollingManager = getScrollingManager(); /// // if(!isOnlyViewer) toolBar.add(bInd); TestGanttRolloverButton(newscrollingManager.addScrollingListener(area.getViewState()); bUnind = new ImageIcon(getClass() scrollingManager.addScrollingListener(getResourcePanel().are a .getResource( "/icons/unindent_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); bUnind.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX) {// Gantt // Chart // tree.dedentCurrentNode(); + .getViewState()); Action scrollLeft = ScrollGanttChartLeftAction(scrollingManager, new options.getIconSize()); ==myRolloverActions.add(scrollLeft); bPrev = new TestGanttRolloverButton(scrollLeft); bPrev.setAutoRepeatMousePressedEvent(300); // toolBar.add(bPrev); tree.dedentCurrentNodes(); setAskForSave(true); } } Action scrollCenter area.getScrollCenterAction(scrollingManager, = Mediator.getTaskSelectionManager(), options.getIconSize()); }); // if(!isOnlyViewer) toolBar.add(bUnind); myRolloverActions.add(scrollCenter); bScrollCenter = new TestGanttRolloverButton(scrollCenter); // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////bScrollCenter.setAutoRepeatMousePressedEvent(300); /// // toolBar.add(bScrollCenter); bUp = new TestGanttRolloverButton(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( scrollRight = new "/icons/up_" + options.getIconSize() +Action ScrollGanttChartRightAction(scrollingManager, ".gif"))); bUp.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { upDatas(); } options.getIconSize()); myRolloverActions.add(scrollRight); bNext = new TestGanttRolloverButton(scrollRight); bNext.setAutoRepeatMousePressedEvent(300); 191 // toolBar.add(bNext); * area.repaint(); } }); toolBar.add(bZoomFit); */ // Action undo = new UndoAction(getUndoManager(), //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////options.getIconSize()); /// myRolloverActions.add(undo); Action zoomOut = new ZoomOutAction(getZoomManager(), bUndo = new TestGanttRolloverButton(undo); options .getIconSize()); myRolloverActions.add(zoomOut); // bUndo = new TestGanttRolloverButton(new bZoomOut = new TestGanttRolloverButton(zoomOut); // ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/undo_"+options.getI conSize()+".gif"))); // toolBar.add(bZoomOut); // bUndo.setEnabled(false); // bZoomOut = new TestGanttRolloverButton(new // bUndo.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/zoomm_"+options.g // undo ();}}); etIconSize()+".gif"))); Action redo = new RedoAction(getUndoManager(), options.getIconSize()); // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////myRolloverActions.add(redo); /// bRedo = new TestGanttRolloverButton(redo); Action zoomIn options = new ZoomInAction(getZoomManager(),// bRedo = new TestGanttRolloverButton(new myRolloverActions.add(zoomIn); // ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/redo_"+options.getIc onSize()+".gif"))); bZoomIn = new TestGanttRolloverButton(zoomIn); // bRedo.setEnabled(false); // toolBar.add(bZoomIn); // bRedo.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { .getIconSize()); // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// redo ();}}); /// bAbout = new TestGanttRolloverButton( new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( "/icons/manual_" options.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); // toolBar.addSeparator(new Dimension(20,0)); // toolBar.add(bUndo); + // toolBar.add(bRedo); bAbout.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { aboutDialog(); } new options, getUIConfiguration()); myRolloverActions.add(critic); }); if (isOnlyViewer) { // toolBar.addSeparator(new Dimension(20,0)); // toolBar.add(bAbout); } Action critic = CalculateCriticalPathAction(getTaskManager(), tree, bCritical = new TestGanttRolloverButton(critic); // bCritical.setFocusPainted(false); // toolBar.addSeparator(new Dimension(20,0)); // toolBar.add(bCritical); // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// myRolloverActions.add(myRefreshAction); /// // bRefresh = new TestGanttRolloverButton(myRefreshAction); /* bRefresh = new TestGanttRolloverButton(new ImageIcon( * bZoomFit = new JButton (new getClass().getResource( * ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/zoomf.gif"))); "/icons/refresh_" + * bZoomFit.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { publicoptions.getIconSize() + ".gif"))); void bRefresh.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { * actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { area.fitWholeProject(false); public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 192 * sep.setMaximumSize(new sep.setMinimumSize(new getUIFacade().refresh(); } * Dimension(1,height)); Dimension(1,height)); }); Dimension(1,height)); sep.setPreferredSize(new * sep.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.GRAY)); TestGanttRolloverButton(new* toolbar.add(sep); JPanel sep2 = new JPanel(); sep2.setMaximumSize(new .getResource("/icons/showHiddens.gif"))); * Dimension(1,height)); sep2.setMinimumSize(new bShowHiddens = ImageIcon(getClass() new bShowHiddens.addActionListener(this); Dimension(1,height)); iconList = initIconList(); * sep2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1,height)); deletedIconList = initDeletedIconList(); * sep2.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.WHITE)) ; addButtons(); applyButtonOptions(); * toolbar.add(sep2); JPanel sepR.setMaximumSize(new } sepR = new JPanel(); * Dimension(width/2,height)); toolbar.add(sepR); } */ protected void saveAsPreviousState() { GanttDialogSaveAsPreviousState GanttDialogSaveAsPreviousState( ps = new private void aboutDialog() { this); AboutDialog agp = new AboutDialog(this);;; if (ps.isSaved()) { } bSaveCurrent.setEnabled(false); bComparePrev.setEnabled(true); //LH myPreviousStates.add(ps.getPreviousState()); private void reportDialog() { } ReportDialog agp = new ReportDialog(this);; } } public ArrayList getPreviouStates() { private String getDisplayName(Object[] objs) { return myPreviousStates; if (objs.length == 1) { } return objs[0].toString(); } protected void compareToPreviousState() { GanttDialogCompareToPreviousState GanttDialogCompareToPreviousState( StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); cp = newfor (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { result.append(objs[i].toString()); this); if (i < objs.length - 1) {; result.append(", "); } } } /** return result.toString(); * Adds a separator. } */ /* /** Move up the datas (resources or tasks) */ * private static void addToolBarSeparator(JToolBar toolbar, int private void upDatas() { width, int * height) { JPanel sepL.setMaximumSize(new sepL = new JPanel();if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() == UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX) {// Gantt * Dimension(width/2,height)); toolbar.add(sepL); JPanel sep = new JPanel(); // Chart tree.upCurrentNodes(); 193 } else if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX) { // Resource ==if (askForSave == true) {; // chart if (gdi.res == GanttDialogInfo.CANCEL) getResourcePanel().upResource(); return false; // getResourcePanel().setPeople(getResourcePanel().getPeople() ); if (gdi.res == GanttDialogInfo.YES) { boolean trySave = true; getResourcePanel().area.repaint(); do { } try { setAskForSave(true); trySave = false; } saveProject(); } catch (Exception e) { /** Move down datas (resources or tasks) */ System.err.println(e); private void downDatas() {; if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() == UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX) { // Gantt GanttDialogInfo.CANCEL) if (gdiSaveError.res == // Chart tree.downCurrentNodes(); } else if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX) { // Resource return false; trySave ==(gdiSaveError.res == GanttDialogInfo.YES); } // chart = } while (trySave); getResourcePanel().downResource(); } // } getResourcePanel().setPeople(getResourcePanel().getPeople() return true; ); getResourcePanel().area.repaint(); } } setAskForSave(true); /** A menu has been activate */ } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if (evt.getSource() instanceof JMenuItem) { /** Exit the Application */ private void exitForm(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) { quitApplication(); } String arg = evt.getActionCommand(); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// if (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("newProject")))) { newProject(); /** } * Check if the project has been modified, before creating a new one or open // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * another /// */ else if (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("openProject")))) { public boolean checkCurrentProject() { GanttDialogInfo gdi = new GanttDialogInfo(this, try { if (checkCurrentProject()) { GanttDialogInfo.WARNING, GanttDialogInfo.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, openFile(); language.getText("msg1"), language.getText("warning")); GanttDialogInfo gdiSaveError = new GanttDialogInfo(this, } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); GanttDialogInfo.ERROR, GanttDialogInfo.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, language.getText("msg12"), language.getText("error")); if (isVisible()) { GanttDialogInfo gdi = new GanttDialogInfo(this, 194 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// GanttDialogInfo.ERROR, GanttDialogInfo.YES_OPTION, language else if (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("saveToServer")))) { .getText("msg8"), language try { saveAsURLProject(); .getText("error")); } catch (Exception e) {; System.err.println(e); } else } System.out.println("\n====" language.getText("error") } + + "====\n" + language.getText("msg8") + "\n"); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// // else (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("export")))) { } if } // export();} // else if ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("publishToWeb")))) { /// ExportFileInfo else if (arg info = new ExportFileInfo(null, .equals(correctLabel(language.getText("openFromSe rver")))) { ExportFileInfo.FORMAT_HTML, options.getExportSettings()); if (checkCurrentProject()) { openURL(); statusBar.setFirstText(language.getText("htmlexport") , 2000); } // construct URL from settings } StringBuffer urlString = new StringBuffer(); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// urlString.append("ftp://"); urlString.append(options.getFTPUser()); else if (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("saveProject")))) { urlString.append(":"); urlString.append(options.getFTPPwd()); try { urlString.append("@"); saveProject(); urlString.append(options.getFTPUrl()); } catch (Exception e) { urlString.append("/"); System.err.println(e); urlString.append(options.getFTPDirectory() } == "" ? "" : options } .getFTPDirectory() // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// else if (arg + "/"); int confirm JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, language = .equals(correctLabel(language.getText("saveAsProje ct")))) { .getText("confirmFTPTransfer_1") try { +"" saveAsProject(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); + urlString.substring(urlString.indexOf("@") + 1) + language.getText("confirmFTPTransfer_2"), "\n" + } } language.getText("confirm"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); 195 /* * if GanttHTMLExport.publish( (confirm == 0) { try // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {/// else * urlString.toString(), prjInfos, this, tree,(arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("deleteTask")))) { area, if deleteTasks(true); * getResourcePanel().area, } * statusBar.setFirstText(language.getText("successFTPTransfer" // ), ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// * 2000); info.myStorageOptions); else if (arg * JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, * language.getText("successFTPTransfer"), .equals(correctLabel(language.getText("propertiesTa sk")))) { * language.getText("success") , * JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); (IOException e) { * JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, } propertiesTask(); catch } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// e.printStackTrace();/// * language.getText("error"), else e.getMessage(),(arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("upTask")))) { if upDatas(); * JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } } */ } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// else if (arg.equals(language.getText("hideTask"))) { else (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("downTask")))) { tree.hideSelectedNodes(); } else (arg.equals(language.getText("displayHiddenTasks"))) tree.displayHiddenTasks(); downDatas(); if } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// // else //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("indentTask")))) { /// tree.indentCurrentNodes(); else if setAskForSave(true); (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("printProject")))) { printProject(); if if } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if /// (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("dedentTask")))) { else if tree.dedentCurrentNodes(); (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("preview")))) { } setAskForSave(true); previewPrint(); } } // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// else (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("quit")))) { else if (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("unlink")))) { unlinkRelationships(); quitApplication(); } if } 196 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// else (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("link")))) {; } // if ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// linkRelationships(); else (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("manual")))) { } if (helpFrame == null) { // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// try { helpFrame net.sourceforge.helpgui.gui.MainFrame( else if (arg.equals(correctLabel(language if = new .getText("propertiesHuman")))) { "/docs/help/", "eclipse"); getTabs().setSelectedIndex(UIFacade.RESOURCES _INDEX); // french translation for the user manual getResourcePanel().propertiesHuman(this); } if (language.getText("shortLanguage").equals("fr")) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////new net.sourceforge.helpgui.gui.MainFrame( /// helpFrame = "/docs/help_fr/", "eclipse"); else if (arg .equals(correctLabel(language.getText("editCalendar s")))) { helpFrame.setTitle(language.getText("ganttManual")); GanttDialogCalendar dialogCalendar = new ImageIcon icon = new GanttDialogCalendar( ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( this); "/icons/ganttproject.png"));; } helpFrame.setIconImage(icon.getImage()); // helpFrame.setSize((int) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() /// else if (arg.equals(correctLabel(language .getScreenSize().getWidth() * 0.75), .getText("projectCalendar")))) { System.out.println("Project calendar"); (int) (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// else (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("webPage")))) { .getScreenSize().getHeight() * 0.75)); helpFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); if } catch (Exception e) { } try { } openWebPage(); helpFrame.setVisible(true); } catch (Exception e) { } System.err.println(e); } } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// else // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("about")))) { /// aboutDialog(); else if (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("tipsOfTheDay")))) { if } // TipsDialog tips = new TipsDialog(this,////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// options.getOpenTips()); /// 197 else (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("report")))) { new Runnable() { if public void run() { //LH reportDialog(); openStartupDocument((Document) ae.getSource()); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// else (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("sendMail")))) { getTabs().setSelectedIndex(1); } }); } if } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// // Test if it's buttons actions getResourcePanel().sendMail(this); else if (evt.getSource() instanceof JButton) { } if (evt.getSource() == bNew) // new // Newly added code /CL // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// // else (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("cut")))) { newProject(); else if (evt.getSource() == bOpen) { // open try { if if (checkCurrentProject()) // tree.cutSelectedNode(); openFile(); // setAskForSave(true); } catch (Exception ex) { // } System.err.println(ex); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// // else (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("copy")))) { } } else if (evt.getSource() == bSave) { // save try { if saveProject(); // tree.copySelectedNode(); } catch (Exception ex) { // } System.err.println(ex); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// // else (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("paste")))) { } } else if (evt.getSource() == bSaveAs) { // saveas if try { saveAsProject(); // tree.pasteNode(); } catch (Exception ex) { // setAskForSave(true); System.err.println(ex); // } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// else (arg.equals(correctLabel(language.getText("settings")))) { } } else if (evt.getSource() == bExport) { // export ExportFileWizardImpl ifExportFileWizardImpl(this launchOptionsDialog(); } wizard = new .getUIFacade(), this, this.getOptions());; } else if (evt.getSource() == bImport) { // import // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ImportFileWizardImpl wizard = new //// ImportFileWizardImpl(this // Test if it's a file name .getUIFacade(), this); } else if (evt.getSource() instanceof Document) {; if (checkCurrentProject()) { } else if (evt.getSource() == bPrint) { // print final ActionEvent ae = evt; printProject(); getUndoManager().undoableEdit("StartupDocument", } else if (evt.getSource() == bPreviewPrint) { // print previewPrint(); 198 } else if (evt.getSource() == bShowHiddens) { /** Create a new task */ showHiddenButtonsPaneMenu(); } public Task newTask() { } // repaint(); } getTabs().setSelectedIndex(UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); /** Launch the options dialog */ int index = -1; public void launchOptionsDialog() { MutableTreeNode Mediator // old options dialog box selectedNode = (MutableTreeNode) .getGanttProjectSingleton().getTree().getSelectedNod e(); /* * GanttDialogOptions GanttDialogOptions(this, dialogOptions * myUIConfiguration); (dialogOptions.change) { =; newif (selectedNode != null) { DefaultMutableTreeNode if(DefaultMutableTreeNode) selectedNode parent1 = .getParent(); * setAskForSave(true); } index = parent1.getIndex(selectedNode) + 1; */ tree.getTreeTable().getTree().setSelectionPath( new TreePath(parent1.getPath())); // new options dialog box statusBar.setFirstText(language.getText("settingsPreferences"), 2000); tree.getTreeTable().getTreeTable().editingStopped( SettingsDialog dialogOptions = new SettingsDialog(this); new ChangeEvent(tree.getTreeTable().getTreeTable()));; } getResourcePanel().reloadRoles(); area.repaint(); // TODO check if the following code (now commentted) is really } // necessary... // boolean editing tree.getTreeTable().getTreeTable().isEditing(); = public ProjectResource newHumanResource() { // TaskNode tn = (TaskNode) tree.getSelectedNode(); final HumanResource people = ((HumanResourceManager) // TaskNode parent; getHumanResourceManager()) // if (editing) { .newHumanResource(); // System.out.println("Editing"); people.setRole(getRoleManager().getDefaultRole()); GanttDialogPerson getLanguage(), dp = new GanttDialogPerson(this,// if (tn != null) { // if (tn.isRoot()) people); // parent = tn; dp.setVisible(true); // else if (dp.result()) { // parent = (TaskNode) tn.getParent(); getUndoManager().undoableEdit("new new Runnable() { // Task t = (Task) parent.getUserObject(); Resource",// tree.selectTask(t, false); public void run() { // } // } getHumanResourceManager().add(people); } }); } // GanttTask current = tree.getSelectedTask(); GanttCalendar cal = new GanttCalendar(area.getViewState() .getStartDate()); return people; } DefaultMutableTreeNode node = tree.getSelectedNode(); 199 // // For refresh all the parent task GanttLanguage lang = GanttLanguage.getInstance(); String nameOfTask = options.getTaskNamePrefix(); language.getText("newTask"); //// // while (tree.getNode(task.getTaskID()).isRoot() == false) { // // father = tree.getFatherNode(task); // if (current != null) { // // tree.refreshAllChild(father.toString()); // current.setMilestone(false); // // taskFather = (GanttTask) father.getUserObject(); // node = (TaskNode) tree.getSelectedNode(); // // taskFather.refreshDateAndAdvancement(tree); // cal = current.getStart(); // // father.setUserObject(taskFather); // if (!node.isRoot()) // // task = taskFather; // nameOfTask = current.toString(); // // } // } // } GanttTask task = getTaskManager().createTask(); area.repaint(); task.setStart(cal); setAskForSave(true); task.setLength(1); statusBar.setFirstText(language.getText("createNewTask"), getTaskManager().registerTask(task);// create a new task in the1000); tab if (options.getAutomatic()) { // paneneed to register it propertiesTask(new DefaultMutableTreeNode[] taskNode }); task.setName(nameOfTask + "_" + task.getTaskID()); task.setColor(area.getTaskColor()); } // if (current != null) { // setQuickSave(true); // if (current.colorDefined()) { tree.setEditingTask(task); // task.setColor(current.getColor()); repaint2(); // } return task; // if (current.shapeDefined()) } { // task.setShape(current.getShape()); // } public void deleteResources() { TaskNode taskNode = tree.addObject(task, node, index); myDeleteHumanAction.actionPerformed(null); } /* * this will add new custom columns to the newly created task. public void deleteAssignements() { myDeleteAssignmentAction.actionPerformed(null); */ Mediator.getCustomColumnsStorage().processNewTask(task); } /** AdjustTaskBoundsAlgorithm alg = getTaskManager() * Delete the currant task .getAlgorithmCollection().getAdjustTaskBoundsAlgorit hm(); *; * @param confirmation RecalculateTaskCompletionPercentageAlgorithm getTaskManager() alg2 =* */ .getAlgorithmCollection() .getRecalculateTaskCompletionPercentageAlgorithm( TODO public void deleteTasks(boolean confirmation) { getTabs().setSelectedIndex(UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); );; // refresh the differents tasks // if (current != null) { // tree.refreshAllChild(nameOfTask); final DefaultMutableTreeNode[] tree.getSelectedNodes(); = if (cdmtn == null || cdmtn.length == 0) { statusBar.setFirstText(language.getText("msg21"), 2000); // // DefaultMutableTreeNode father = tree.getSelectedNode(); // // GanttTask taskFather = null; cdmtn return; } 200 ttask.delete(); } else if (cdmtn[i] != null GanttDialogInfo gdi = new GanttDialogInfo(this, && GanttDialogInfo.QUESTION, GanttDialogInfo.YES_NO_OPTION, cdmtn[i] instanceof BlankLineNode) { language.getText("msg19"), language.getText("question")); ((GanttTreeTableModel) tree.getTreeTable() .getTreeTableModel()) if (confirmation); .removeNodeFromParent(cdmtn[i]); else } gdi.res = GanttDialogInfo.YES; } if (gdi.res == GanttDialogInfo.YES) { for (int i = 0; i < fathers.size(); i++) removed",{ getUndoManager().undoableEdit("Task new Runnable() { public void run() { ArrayList fathers = DefaultMutableTreeNode (DefaultMutableTreeNode) fathers new ArrayList(); father = .get(i); for (int i = 0; i < cdmtn.length; i++) { if (father.getChildCount() == 0) if (cdmtn[i] != null && cdmtn[i] instanceof TaskNode) { ((Task) father.getUserObject()) Task ttask = (Task) (cdmtn[i].getUserObject()); .setProjectTask(false); } DefaultMutableTreeNode father = tree } .getFatherNode(ttask); }); refreshProjectInfos(); tree.removeCurrentNode(); if (father != area.repaint(); this.repaint2(); null) { getResourcePanel().area.repaint(); GanttTask taskFather = (GanttTask) father setAskForSave(true); // setQuickSave (true); .getUserObject(); // quickSave("deleteTasks"); AdjustTaskBoundsAlgorithm alg = getTaskManager() } } .getAlgorithmCollection() /** Edit task parameters */ .getAdjustTaskBoundsAlgorithm(); public void propertiesTask() {; getTabs().setSelectedIndex(UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); // taskFather.refreshDateAndAdvancement(tree); if (tree.getSelectedTaskNodes() != null && tree.getSelectedTaskNodes().length > father.setUserObject(taskFather); 0) fathers.add(father); } propertiesTask(tree.getSelectedTaskNodes()); } getTaskManager().deleteTask(ttask); /** Edit task parameters */ 201 DefaultMutableTreeNode[] public void propertiesTask(DefaultMutableTreeNode[] nodes) { final tree.getSelectedTaskNodes(); final int rowHeight = if (cdmtn == null) { tree.getTreeTable().getTable().getRowHeight(); cdmtn = statusBar.setFirstText(language.getText("msg21"), if (nodes == null || nodes[0].isRoot()) { 2000); statusBar.setFirstText(language.getText("msg21"), return; 2000); } return; } else { getUndoManager().undoableEdit("Unlink", new Runnable() { statusBar.setFirstText(language.getText("editingPara meters"), 2000); public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < cdmtn.length; i++) { int nbTasks = nodes.length; if String tasksNames = ""; (cdmtn[i] != null && t = !cdmtn[i].isRoot()) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) GanttTask (GanttTask) (cdmtn[i].getUserObject()); if (nodes[i].isRoot()) { t.unlink(); nbTasks = nbTasks - 1; } break; // setQuickSave (true); } } } GanttTask[] tasks = new GanttTask[nbTasks]; }); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) area.repaint(); if (!nodes[i].isRoot()) { tasks[i] setAskForSave(true); (GanttTask) /* = (nodes[i].getUserObject()); * JFileChooser fc = JFileChooser(options.getWorkingDir()); = * FileFilter ganttFilter = new GanttXMLFileFilter(); if (!tasksNames.equals("")) tasksNames tasksNames + ", "; fc.addChoosableFileFilter(ganttFilter); tasksNames = tasksNames + * inputStream = tasks[i].getName(); new InputStream * null; int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(GanttProject.this); if } GanttDialogProperties GanttDialogProperties(this, tree, pd managerHash, = tasks, * (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { final JFileChooser jfc = new * fc; try { Document document = new FileDocument (new File area, * (jfc.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath())); inputStream = tasksNames);; * document.getInputStream(); (; } if (pd.change) { * catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block setAskForSave(true); * e.printStackTrace(); } } setRowHeight(rowHeight); */ getResourcePanel().getResourceTreeTableModel() //System.out.println } .updateResources(); } } } /** Unlink the relationships of the selected task */ /** Link the selected Tasks */ public void linkRelationships() { getTabs().setSelectedIndex(UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); public void unlinkRelationships() { final DefaultMutableTreeNode[] tree.getSelectedTaskNodes(); getTabs().setSelectedIndex(UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX); if (cdmtn == null) { cdmtn = 202 statusBar.setFirstText(language.getText("msg21"), 2000); ExportFileInfo info = selectExportFile(null); if (!info.equals(ExportFileInfo.EMPTY)) { return; doExport(info); } } } if (cdmtn.length < 2) { statusBar.setFirstText(language.getText("msg22"), 2000); private void doExport(ExportFileInfo info) { Chart resourcesChart = (Chart) getResourcePanel().area; return; Chart ganttChart = (Chart) getArea(); } Chart visibleChart = (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX) ? resourcesChart getUndoManager().undoableEdit("Link", new Runnable() { == : ganttChart; public void run() { ExportFileWizardImpl wizard = new ExportFileWizardImpl(info, for (int i = 0; i < cdmtn.length - 1; i++) { getUIFacade(), (IGanttProject) this, if (cdmtn[i] != null && cdmtn[i + 1]ganttChart, != null) { resourcesChart, visibleChart, options); GanttTask firstTask = wizard.doExport(); (GanttTask) (cdmtn[i] } .getUserObject()); ; /** Execute the export functions. */ GanttTask secondTask = (GanttTask) (cdmtn[i + 1] /** Refresh the informations of the project on the status bar. */ public void refreshProjectInfos() { .getUserObject()); if (tree.nbTasks == 0 && resp.nbPeople() == 0) try { statusBar.setSecondText(""); getTaskManager().getDependencyCollection() else statusBar.setSecondText(correctLabel(language.getT ext("task")) .createDependency(secondTask, firstTask, + " : " + tree.nbTasks + " " new FinishStartConstraintImpl()); + catch correctLabel(language.getText("resources")) + " : " } (TaskDependencyException e1) { + resp.nbPeople()); // e1.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch } // statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } } } } }); private ExportFileInfo selectExportFile(FileFilter currentFilter) { ExportFileInfo result = ExportFileInfo.EMPTY; FileFilter figFilter = new GanttXFIGFileFilter(); FileFilter pngFilter = new GanttPNGFileFilter(); FileFilter jpgFilter = new GanttJPGFileFilter(); FileFilter csvFilter = new GanttCSVFilter(); // setQuickSave (true); area.repaint(); setAskForSave(true); } FileFilter pdfFilter = new GanttPDFFileFilter(); FileFilter htmlFilter = new GanttHTMLFileFilter(); FileFilter msprojectFilter = new GanttMSProjectLFileFilter(); JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(options.getWorkingDir()); fc.addChoosableFileFilter(figFilter); /** Export the calendar on a png file */ public void export() { fc.addChoosableFileFilter(msprojectFilter); fc.addChoosableFileFilter(pngFilter); fc.addChoosableFileFilter(jpgFilter); 203 } else if (selectedFilter.equals(jpgFilter)) { fc.addChoosableFileFilter(csvFilter); fc.addChoosableFileFilter(pdfFilter); type = ExportFileInfo.FORMAT_JPG; fc.addChoosableFileFilter(htmlFilter); } else if (selectedFilter.equals(pdfFilter)) { if (currentFilter != null) type = ExportFileInfo.FORMAT_PDF; fc.setFileFilter(currentFilter); } else if (selectedFilter.equals(figFilter)) { type = ExportFileInfo.FORMAT_XFIG; // Remove the possibility to use a file filter for all files } else if (selectedFilter.equals(csvFilter)) { type = ExportFileInfo.FORMAT_CSV; FileFilter[] filefilters = fc.getChoosableFileFilters(); } else if (selectedFilter.equals(msprojectFilter)) { for (int i = 0; i < filefilters.length; i++) { if (filefilters[i] != figFilter && filefilters[i] != pngFilter type ExportFileInfo.FORMAT_MSPROJECT; && filefilters[i] != jpgFilter = } else { && filefilters[i] != csvFilter statusBar.setFirstText( && filefilters[i] != pdfFilter "Unknown file filter has && filefilters[i] != htmlFilter been selected : " && filefilters[i] != msprojectFilter) + selectedFilter, 2000); fc.removeChoosableFileFilter(filefilters[i]); throw new RuntimeException( } "Unknown file filter has been selected: " int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(this); + if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { selectedFilter); String filename = fc.getSelectedFile().toString(); } FileFilter selectedFilter = fc.getFileFilter(); changeWorkingDirectory(new File(filename).getParent()); File file = new File(filename); // if( the file exists, ask for overwriting if (new File(filename).exists()) { GanttDialogInfo GanttDialogInfo(this, gdi result = new newoptions.getExportSettings()); = GanttDialogInfo.WARNING, GanttDialogInfo.YES_NO_OPTION, ExportFileInfo(file, type, } return result; filename + "\n" language.getText("msg18"), language .getText("warning")); + } /** Print the project */; public void printProject() { if (gdi.res == GanttDialogInfo.NO) return selectExportFile(selectedFilter); Object selectedUserObject getTabs().getSelectedUserObject(); } if (selectedUserObject instanceof Chart) int type = -1; options = PrintManager.printChart((Chart) selectedUserObject, .getExportSettings()); if (selectedFilter.equals(htmlFilter)) { type = ExportFileInfo.FORMAT_HTML; if else (!fc.getFileFilter().accept(new System.err.println("not printable"); File(filename))) { filename += ".html"; } } else if (selectedFilter.equals(pngFilter)) { type = ExportFileInfo.FORMAT_PNG; // if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX) {// Gantt == // // Chart // GanttExportSettings bool = new GanttExportSettings(); 204 // // GanttDialogExport gde = new GanttDialogExport(this, bool, // Resources // // language); // // Chart // //; // preview = getResourcePanel().area, // // if (bool.ok) new GanttPreviewPrint(this, // getResourcePanel().area.getChartModel().getStartDate(), // // area.printProject(, bool.percent, bool.depend); // getResourcePanel().area.getChartModel().getEndDate()); // GanttExportSettings ges = options.getExportSettings(); // } // // ges.setStartDate(area.getChartModel().getStartDate()); // if (preview != null) // // ges.setEndDate(area.getChartModel().getEndDate()); // preview.setVisible(true); // ges.setStartDate(area.getStartDate()); // } // ges.setEndDate(area.getEndDate()); public void previewPrint() { // area.printProject(ges); // Date startDate, endDate; // // try // // { Object selectedUserObject getTabs().getSelectedUserObject(); // // ((GanttTree2)getTree()).getTreeTable().print(); Chart chart = null; = // // } // // catch (PrinterException e) if (selectedUserObject instanceof Chart) // // { chart = (Chart) selectedUserObject; // // // TODO Auto-generated catch block else { // // e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("not printable"); // // } return; // // } else if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX) } == try { // {// Resources startDate = chart.getStartDate(); // // Chart endDate = chart.getEndDate(); // getResourcePanel().area.printProject(options.getExportSettings } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { ()); startDate = null; // } else { endDate = null; // Component comp = getTabs().getSelectedComponent(); } // // Chart chart = (Chart)comp; PrintPreview preview = null; // PrintManager.printChart(chart, options.getExportSettings()); // } if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() == UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX) { startDate = area.getChartModel().getStartDate(); } endDate = area.getChartModel().getEndDate(); /** Preview the project before print */ // public void previewPrint() { // GanttPreviewPrint preview = null; // if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX) {// Gantt // // Chart // preview = new area.getChartModel() GanttPreviewPrint(this, // .getStartDate(), area.getChartModel().getEndDate()); // } else if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX) {// } else if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX) { == startDate getResourcePanel().area.getChartModel().getStartDate(); == endDate = = getResourcePanel().area.getChartModel().getEndDate(); } area,preview = new PrintPreview(this, chart, correctLabel(language .getText("preview")), startDate, endDate); if (preview != null) == preview.setVisible(true); 205 // GanttTask.resetMaxID(); } RoleManager.Access.getInstance().clear(); if (null != projectDocument) /** Create a new project */ projectDocument.releaseLock(); public void newProject() { getUndoManager().undoableEdit("Init Runnable() { new Project", newprojectDocument = null; // change title of the frame public void run() { if (!isOnlyViewer) if (checkCurrentProject()) { this.setTitle(language.getText("appliTitle")); else closeProject(true); 2"), this.setTitle("GanttViewer"); statusBar.setFirstText(language.getText("newProject setAskForSave(false); getTaskManager().clear(); 1500); refreshProjectInfos(); } } }); tree.clearTree(); tree.getTreeTable().initTreeTable(); Mediator.getCustomColumnsStorage().reset(); // getZoomManager().clear(); if (discardUndoEdits) getUndoManager().die(); prjInfos = new PrjInfos(); for (int i = 0; i < myPreviousStates.size(); i++) showNewProjectWizard(); ((GanttPreviousState) myPreviousStates.get(i)).remove(); myPreviousStates = new ArrayList(); } bSaveCurrent.setEnabled(false); private void showNewProjectWizard() { bComparePrev.setEnabled(false); NewProjectWizard wizard = new NewProjectWizard(); area.setPreviousStateTasks(null); wizard.createNewProject(this, getUIFacade()); Chart[] charts = Mediator.getPluginManager().getCharts(); } for (int i = 0; i < charts.length; i++) charts[i].reset(); /** } * Closes a project. Make sure you have already called checkCurrentProject() /** Open a local project file with dialog box (JFileChooser) */ * before. public void openFile() throws IOException { * // Create a filechooser * @see #checkCurrentProject() JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(options.getWorkingDir()); */ FileFilter ganttFilter = new GanttXMLFileFilter(); public void closeProject(boolean discardUndoEdits) { fc.addChoosableFileFilter(ganttFilter); // Clear the jtree // refresh graphic area // Remove the possibility to use a file filter for all files area.repaint(); FileFilter[] filefilters = fc.getChoosableFileFilters(); area.setProjectLevelTaskColor(null); for (int i = 0; i < filefilters.length; i++) { getResourcePanel().area.repaint(); if (filefilters[i] != ganttFilter) // reset people getResourcePanel().reset(); fc.removeChoosableFileFilter(filefilters[i]); } // getHumanResourceManager().clear(); prjInfos = new PrjInfos(); 206 lastDocument.setUserInfo(uc.userName, int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(GanttProject.this); uc.password); if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { openDoc = lastDocument; final JFileChooser jfc = fc; } else { openDoc newDocumentCreator.createDocument(uc.fileurl, getUndoManager().undoableEdit("OpenFile", Runnable() { = uc.userName, public void run() { uc.password); try { } openDocument(getDocumentManager().getDocument try { openDocument(openDoc); ( } catch (IOException e) { jfc.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath())); if (isVisible()) { } catch (IOException e) { // TODO GanttDialogInfo gdi = new Auto-GanttDialogInfo(this, generated catch block GanttDialogInfo.ERROR, GanttDialogInfo.YES_OPTION, e.printStackTrace(); } language.getText("msg11"), language changeWorkingDirectory(jfc.getSelectedFile().getPare nt()); .getText("error")); }; }); } else // changeUndoNumber (); System.out.println("\n====" } + language.getText("error") } + "====\n" + language.getText("msg11") + "\n"); /** Open a remote (GanttURLChooser) */ project file with dialog openURL(openDoc); box } public void openURL() { } openURL(projectDocument); } } /** Open a remote (GanttURLChooser) */ project file with dialog private void openDocument(Document boxIOException { document) throws if (document.getDescription().endsWith(".xml") || document.getDescription().endsWith(".gan")) { public void openURL(Document lastDocument) { InputStream document.getInputStream(); GanttURLChooser uc = new GanttURLChooser(this, true, (null != lastDocument.getURLPath() : null, lastDocument) ? (null != lastDocument.getUsername() : null, lastDocument) ? (null != lastDocument.getPassword() : null); lastDocument) ? inputStream = closeProject(true); boolean locked = document.acquireLock(); if (!locked) { GanttDialogInfo GanttDialogInfo(this, gdi = new; if (uc.change) { GanttDialogInfo.WARNING, GanttDialogInfo.YES_NO_OPTION, Document openDoc; if ((lastDocument instanceof AbstractURLDocument) && uc.fileurl.equals(lastDocument.getURLPath())) { language.getText("msg13"), language.getText("warning"));; if (gdi.res == GanttDialogInfo.NO) 207 return; opener.getContext(), taskManager); } opener.addTagHandler(customPropHandler); GanttXMLOpen GanttXMLOpen(prjInfos, area, opener TaskDisplayColumnsTagHandler taskDisplayHandler new= new TaskDisplayColumnsTagHandler( = this.tree.getTreeTable()); getTaskManager(), getUIFacade()); opener.addTagHandler(taskDisplayHandler); ResourceManager getHumanResourceManager(); hrManager = ViewTagHandler viewHandler ViewTagHandler(getUIFacade()); HolidayTagHandler HolidayTagHandler(this); RoleManager roleManager = getRoleManager(); = holidayHandler new = new opener.addParsingListener(taskDisplayHandler); TaskManager taskManager = getTaskManager(); opener.addParsingListener(customPropHandler); ResourceTagHandler ResourceTagHandler( resourceHandler = new opener.addTagHandler(weekHandler); opener.addTagHandler(previousStateHandler); opener.addTagHandler(viewHandler); hrManager, roleManager); DependencyTagHandler dependencyHandler = new DependencyTagHandler( opener.getContext(), opener.addTagHandler(holidayHandler); opener.addParsingListener(holidayHandler); opener.addParsingListener(taskPropHandler); taskManager); //LH CostTagHandler costHandler = new CostTagHandler( opener.addTagHandler(taskHandler); opener.addTagHandler(blankLineHandler); opener.getContext(), taskManager); AllocationTagHandler AllocationTagHandler( allocationHandler hrManager, = new ()); taskManager, roleManager); VacationTagHandler VacationTagHandler( vacationHandler = new opener.addTagHandler(opener.getDefaultTagHandler opener.addTagHandler(resourceHandler); //LH opener.addTagHandler(costHandler); opener.addTagHandler(dependencyHandler); hrManager); opener.addTagHandler(allocationHandler); RoleTagHandler rolesHandler RoleTagHandler(roleManager); = new TaskTagHandler taskHandler TaskTagHandler(taskManager, opener = new opener.addTagHandler(vacationHandler); opener.addTagHandler(rolesHandler); .getContext()); BlankLineTagHandler BlankLineTagHandler(tree); opener.addParsingListener(allocationHandler); blankLineHandler = new //LH TaskPropertiesTagHandler taskPropHandler = new TaskPropertiesTagHandler( opener.addParsingListener(costHandler); opener.addParsingListener(dependencyHandler); this.tree.getTreeTable()); opener.addParsingListener(resourceHandler); opener.addTagHandler(taskPropHandler); PreviousStateTasksTagHandler previousStateHandler = new PreviousStateTasksTagHandler( if (opener.load(document.getInputStream())) { this.getPreviouStates()); DefaultWeekTagHandler DefaultWeekTagHandler( weekHandler = new getActiveCalendar()); CustomPropertiesTagHandler customPropHandler = new CustomPropertiesTagHandler( // Add this project to the last opened project if (documentsMRU.add(document)) updateMenuMRU(); if (locked) { projectDocument = document; 208 if (!isOnlyViewer) ArrayList projectTasks = tree.getProjectTasks(); if (projectTasks.size() != 0) this.setTitle(language.getText("appliTitle") + " [" for (int i = 0; i < projectTasks.size(); i++) + getTaskManager().processCriticalPath( document.getDescription() + "]"); (TaskNode) else projectTasks.get(i)); this.setTitle("GanttViewer [" repaint2(); + document.getDescription() + "]"); } } setAskForSave(false); public void openStartupDocument(String path) { statusBar.setFirstText(language.getText("opening") + "" + 2000); if (path != null) { Document document DocumentCreator.createDocument(path); document.getPath(), openStartupDocument(document); = } if (myPreviousStates.size() != 0) bComparePrev.setEnabled(true); } } public void openStartupDocument(Document document) { } else { try { if (isVisible()) { GanttDialogInfo GanttDialogInfo(this, gdi = new openDocument(document); } catch (IOException ex) { if (document instanceof AbstractURLDocument) { GanttDialogInfo.ERROR, GanttDialogInfo.YES_OPTION, // if there are problems opening an AbstractURLDocument language.getText("msg2") + "\n" // (possibly because of bad authentication), + // give the user a chance, to enter correct document.getDescription(), language credentials openURL(document); .getText("error")); } else {; GanttDialogInfo GanttDialogInfo(this, } else { System.out.println("\n====" language.getText("error") + gdi = new + "====\n" GanttDialogInfo.ERROR, +GanttDialogInfo.YES_OPTION, language.getText("msg2") + "\n"); language.getText("msg2") + "\n" } + } document.getDescription(), language Chart[] charts = Mediator.getPluginManager().getCharts(); .getText("error")); for (int i = 0; i < charts.length; i++) {; charts[i].setTaskManager(myTaskManager); } charts[i].reset(); } } } getResourcePanel().reloadRoles(); // myDelayManager.fireDelayObservation(); // it is done in/** repaint2 * Open a XML stream that represent the file //By CL !@# addMouseListenerToAllContainer(this.getComponents()); * getTaskManager().processCriticalPath((TaskNode) * @param ins tree.getRoot()); 209 HolidayTagHandler HolidayTagHandler(this); */ public void openXMLStream(InputStream ins, String path) { holidayHandler = new opener.addTagHandler(holidayHandler); try { opener.addParsingListener(holidayHandler); tree.clearTree(); opener.addTagHandler(taskHandler); getResourcePanel().reset(); opener.addTagHandler(blankLineHandler); // getHumanResourceManager().clear(); opener.addParsingListener(taskPropHandler); // GanttTask.resetMaxID(); opener.addParsingListener(taskDisplayHandler); getTaskManager().clear(); opener.addParsingListener(customPropHandler); RoleManager.Access.getInstance().clear(); GanttXMLOpen GanttXMLOpen(prjInfos, area, opener = new()); opener.addTagHandler(opener.getDefaultTagHandler opener.addTagHandler(resourceHandler); getTaskManager(), opener.addTagHandler(dependencyHandler); getUIFacade()); ResourceManager getHumanResourceManager(); hrManager //LH = opener.addTagHandler(costHandler); RoleManager roleManager = getRoleManager(); ResourceTagHandler ResourceTagHandler( resourceHandler = opener.addTagHandler(allocationHandler); new opener.addParsingListener(allocationHandler); opener.addTagHandler(vacationHandler); hrManager, roleManager); DependencyTagHandler dependencyHandler = new DependencyTagHandler( opener.getContext(), opener.addParsingListener(dependencyHandler); //LH opener.addParsingListener(costHandler); getTaskManager()); opener.load(ins); //LH // addProjectFileToLastOpen(projectfile); CostTagHandler costHandler = new CostTagHandler( } catch (Exception ex) { opener.getContext(), GanttDialogInfo gdi = new GanttDialogInfo(this, getTaskManager()); AllocationTagHandler AllocationTagHandler( allocationHandler hrManager, = GanttDialogInfo.ERROR, new GanttDialogInfo.YES_OPTION, language getTaskManager(), .getText("msg2") getRoleManager()); VacationTagHandler VacationTagHandler( vacationHandler = new language.getText("error"));; hrManager); TaskTagHandler taskHandler TaskTagHandler(getTaskManager(), new} = setAskForSave(false); opener.getContext()); BlankLineTagHandler BlankLineTagHandler(tree); + "\n" + path, blankLineHandler = } new TaskPropertiesTagHandler taskPropHandler = new/** Save the project as (with a dialog file chooser) */ TaskPropertiesTagHandler( public boolean saveAsProject() throws IOException { this.tree.getTreeTable()); opener.addTagHandler(taskPropHandler); tree.displayHiddenTasks(); JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(options.getWorkingDir()); CustomPropertiesTagHandler customPropHandler =FileFilter ganttFilter = new GanttXMLFileFilter(); new CustomPropertiesTagHandler( fc.addChoosableFileFilter(ganttFilter); opener.getContext(), getTaskManager()); opener.addTagHandler(customPropHandler); // Remove the possibility to use a file filter for all files TaskDisplayColumnsTagHandler taskDisplayHandlerFileFilter[] filefilters = fc.getChoosableFileFilters(); = new TaskDisplayColumnsTagHandler( for (int i = 0; i < filefilters.length; i++) { this.tree.getTreeTable()); if (filefilters[i] != ganttFilter) opener.addTagHandler(taskDisplayHandler); fc.removeChoosableFileFilter(filefilters[i]); 210 if (uc.change) { } Document saveDocument = null; if (null != document) int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(GanttProject.this); if (uc.fileurl.equals(document.getURLPath()) if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { String projectfile = fc.getSelectedFile().toString(); && uc.userName.equals(document.getUsername()) (fc.getFileFilter().accept(new && if (!fc.getFileFilter().accept(new File(projectfile))) { if File(projectfile + ".gan"))) { uc.password.equals(document.getPassword())) projectfile += ".gan"; saveDocument = document; } if (null == saveDocument) } saveDocument DocumentCreator.createDocument(uc.fileurl, uc.userName, // if( the file exists, ask for overwriting uc.password); if (new File(projectfile).exists()) { GanttDialogInfo GanttDialogInfo(this, = saveProject(saveDocument); gdi = new return true; } GanttDialogInfo.WARNING, GanttDialogInfo.YES_NO_OPTION, return false; projectfile + "\n" language.getText("msg18"), + /* * ServerDialog sd = new ServerDialog(this);; return false; language.getText("warning"));; */ if (gdi.res == GanttDialogInfo.NO) } saveAsProject(); } /** Save the project on a file */ public void saveProject() throws IOException { saveProject(new FileDocument(new File(projectfile))); tree.displayHiddenTasks(); return true; saveProject(projectDocument); } } return false; } /** Save the project to the given document, if possible */ /** Save the project on a server (with a GanttURLChooser) */ public boolean saveAsURLProject() throws IOException { public void IOException { saveProject(Document document) throws if (null == document) { saveAsProject(); return saveAsURLProject(projectDocument); return; } } /** Save the project on a server (with a GanttURLChooser) */ if (!document.canWrite()) { GanttDialogInfo gdi = new GanttDialogInfo(this, public boolean saveAsURLProject(Document document) throws GanttDialogInfo.ERROR, IOException { GanttDialogInfo.YES_OPTION, language GanttURLChooser uc = new GanttURLChooser(this, false, (null document.getURLPath() : null, != document) ? (null != document.getUsername() : null, document) ? (null != document.getPassword() : null); document) ?; .getText("msg10"), language.getText("error"));; if (document instanceof AbstractURLDocument) { saveAsURLProject(document); } else { saveAsProject(); 211 } if (null != filepath) { return; changeWorkingDirectory(new File(filepath).getParent()); } } if (!document.acquireLock()) { setAskForSave(false); GanttDialogInfo gdi = new GanttDialogInfo(this, } GanttDialogInfo.ERROR, GanttDialogInfo.YES_OPTION, language public void changeWorkingDirectory(String newWorkDir) { .getText("msg14"), language.getText("error")); if (null != newWorkDir); options.setWorkingDirectory(newWorkDir); if (document instanceof AbstractURLDocument) { } saveAsURLProject(document); } else { /** @return the uiconfiguration. */ saveAsProject(); public UIConfiguration getUIConfiguration() { } return myUIConfiguration; return; } } if (document.getDescription().endsWith(".xml") /** Function that launch the dialog to edit project properties */ || document.getDescription().endsWith(".gan")) { GanttXMLSaver saver GanttXMLSaver((IGanttProject) this, tree, /* = getResourcePanel(), new* public void editSettings() { GanttDialogSettings ds = new * GanttDialogSettings(this, language);; if (ds.change) area,{ (UIFacade) this); * setAskForSave(ds.change); } }, version); */ statusBar.setFirstText(GanttLanguage.getInstance() /** Quit the application */ .getText("saving") + " " + 2000); public void quitApplication() { document.getPath(),options.setWindowPosition(getX(), getY()); options.setWindowSize(getWidth(), getHeight()); // Add this project to the last opened projects options.setUIConfiguration(myUIConfiguration); options.setDocumentsMRU(documentsMRU); if (documentsMRU.add(document)) options.setLookAndFeel(lookAndFeel); updateMenuMRU(); options.setToolBarPosition(toolBar.getOrientation()); if (projectDocument != document) {; if (projectDocument != null) projectDocument.releaseLock(); if (checkCurrentProject()) { closeProject(true); projectDocument = document; setVisible(false); } dispose(); } System.exit(0); } else { // change title of the window setVisible(true); if (!isOnlyViewer) this.setTitle(language.getText("appliTitle") + " [" + document.getDescription() } } + "]"); /** Open the web page */ else this.setTitle("GanttViewer document.getDescription() + "]"); String filepath = document.getFilePath(); [" +public void openWebPage() throws IOException { if (!BrowserControl.displayURL("")) { GanttDialogInfo gdi = new GanttDialogInfo(this, 212 GanttDialogInfo.ERROR, GanttDialogInfo.YES_OPTION, language } } catch (AccessControlException e) { // This can happen when running in a sandbox (Java WebStart) .getText("msg4"), language.getText("error"));; System.err.println(e + ": " + e.getMessage()); return; } } } statusBar.setFirstText(GanttLanguage.getInstance().getText("o pening") /** Print the help for ganttproject on the system.out */ + "", 2000); private static void usage() { } System.out.println(); // change by G. Herrmann System.out public void setAskForSave(boolean afs) { .println("GanttProject usage : java -jar ganttproject-(VERSION).jar <OPTIONS>"); if (isOnlyViewer) System.out.println(); return; System.out.println(" Here are the possible options:"); String title = getTitle(); System.out.println(" // String last = title.substring(title.length() - 11, title.length()); -h, --help : Print this message"); System.out bSave.setEnabled(afs); .println(" [project_file_name] a XML file based on ganttproject format to directly open (project.xml or project.gan)"); miSave.setEnabled(afs); if (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() == UIFacade.GANTT_INDEX) { System.out if (afs) .println(" -html [project_file_name] [export_directory_name], export directly a ganttproject file to web pages"); bSaveCurrent.setEnabled(afs); if (myPreviousStates.size() != 0) System.out bComparePrev.setEnabled(true); } .println(" -xsl-dir [xsl_directory] localisation of the xsl directory for html export"); askForSave = afs; System.out try { [pdf_file_name], pages"); if (System.getProperty("mrj.version") != null) { .println(" -pdf [project_file_name] export directly a ganttproject file to web System.out rootPane.putClientProperty("windowModified", .println(" -xsl-fo [xsl_fo_file] localisation of the xsl-fo file for pdf export"); Boolean .valueOf(afs)); // System.out see } else { if (askForSave) { .println(" -csv [project_file_name] [csv_image_filename], export directly a ganttproject file to csv document compatible with spreadsheets"); System.out /* setTitle(getTitle() + " .println(" -png [project_file_name] [png_image_filename], export directly a ganttproject file to * if (!last.equals(" (modified)")) {png image"); * (modified)"); } */ .println(" -jpg [project_file_name] [jpg_image_filename], export directly a ganttproject file to jpg image"); if (!title.endsWith(" *")) { System.out setTitle(getTitle() + " *"); } } System.out .println(" -fig/-xfig [project_file_name] [fig_image_filename], export directly a ganttproject file to xfig image"); System.out.println(); System.out 213 .println(" In all these cases thereturn myPasteAction; project_file_name can either be a file on local disk or an URL."); } System.out .println(" If the URL is passwordprivate ResourceActionSet getResourceActions() { protected, you can give credentials this way:"); if (myResourceActions == null) { System.out .println(""); System.out.println(" "); } myResourceActions ResourceActionSet((IGanttProject) this, = new (ResourceContext) getResourcePanel(), this); } return myResourceActions; public GanttResourcePanel getResourcePanel() { } if (this.resp == null) { this.resp = new GanttResourcePanel(this, getTree()); /** The main */ this.resp.setResourceActions(getResourceActions()); public static void main(String[] arg) { // TODO pass // resource // actions // // ------------------------------------------------------------ // created with // List result = new ArrayList(); // resource // String extensionPointID "net.sourceforge.ganttproject.chart"; // panel as // context getHumanResourceManager().addView(this.resp); } return this.resp; } = // IConfigurationElement[] configElements = Platform // .getExtensionRegistry().getConfigurationElementsFor( // extensionPointID); // for (int i = 0; i < configElements.length; i++) { // try { // Object test = configElements[i] // .createExecutableExtension("class"); public GanttLanguage getLanguage() { return this.language; } // result.add(test); // } catch (CoreException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); public GanttGraphicArea getArea() { // // throw new RuntimeException("Failed to instantiate chart", e); return this.area; // } } // } // public GanttTree2 getTree() { // // ------------------------------------------------------------ return this.tree; } if (arg.length > 0 help".equals(arg[0]))) { && ("-h".equals(arg[0]) || "-- // Help for the command line public Action getCopyAction() { usage(); return myCopyAction; System.exit(0); } } public Action getCutAction() { return myCutAction; } /* * If -xsl-dir with directory has been provided, use the xsls in this * dir instead of the ones from .ganttproject Can be used in both * interacive and -html/-export modes From Pawel Lipinski. And set the public Action getPasteAction() { 214 * new path as default. /* Splash image */ */ GanttSplash splash = new GanttSplash(); splash.setVisible(true); /** Create main frame */ GanttOptions options = new GanttOptions(null, false); GanttProject ganttFrame = new GanttProject(false, null); ganttFrame.setVisible(true); for (int i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) { if (arg.length > 0) { if (arg[i].equals("-xsl-dir") && (arg.length > i + 1)) { options.setXslDir(arg[i + 1]); // todo [bbaranne] remove this hack!!! break; if (!arg[0].equals("ganttproject-eclipsito-config.xml") } && !arg[0].equals("-pdelaunch")) } ganttFrame.openStartupDocument(arg[0]); for (int i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) { } else { if (arg[i].equals("-xsl-fo") && (arg.length > i + 1)) { // ganttFrame.showNewProjectWizard(); options.setXslFo(arg[i + 1]); } break; splash.close(); } } } if (arg.length > 0 && ("-html".equals(arg[0]) htm".equals(arg[0]) || "-export" || "-static boolean checkProjectFile(String[] arg) { if (!(arg.length > 1)) { .equals(arg[0]))) { System.out.println("ERROR...\nMust pass a project file"); if (checkProjectFile(arg)) return false; exportProject(arg); } System.exit(0); return true; } else if (arg.length > 0 && "-pdf".equals(arg[0])) { } if (checkProjectFile(arg)) exportPDF(arg); /** System.exit(0); * Possibility to export the project into HTML directly by command Line From } else if (arg.length > 0 && "-png".equals(arg[0])) { if (checkProjectFile(arg)) * Dmitry Barashev exportPNG(arg); */ System.exit(0); private static void exportProject(String[] args) { } else if (arg.length > 0 && "-jpg".equals(arg[0])) { try { if (checkProjectFile(arg)) byCommandLine = true; exportJPG(arg); GanttProject System.exit(0); } else if (arg.length > 0 && xfig".equals(arg[0]))) { exportXFIG(arg); || "- new GanttProject(false, if (args.length > 2) exportPath = args[2]; else exportPath = "htmlExport"; System.exit(0); } else if (arg.length > 0 && ("-csv".equals(arg[0]))) { if (checkProjectFile(arg)) File targetDir = new File(exportPath); if (!targetDir.exists()) { targetDir.mkdir(); exportCSV(arg); } = String exportPath; ("-fig".equals(arg[0]) if (checkProjectFile(arg)) System.exit(0); project args[1]); } else { if (!targetDir.isDirectory()) { 215 throw RuntimeException("File " + args[2] directory"); newGanttProject project = new GanttProject(false, args[1]); File targetFile = null; + " must be if (args.length > 2) targetFile = new File(args[2]); } } ExportFileInfo info = new ExportFileInfo(targetFile, System.out.println(targetDir.getAbsolutePath()); ExportFileInfo.FORMAT_PNG, GanttExportSettings()); String index = project.getProjectName(); new project.doExport(info); if (index == null || index.length() == 0) { } index = new String("ganttproject"); } else { /** Export directly in XFIG image */ index project.getProjectName().toLowerCase(); = private static void exportXFIG(String[] args) { } byCommandLine = true; File targetFile = new File(targetDir, index + ".html"); GanttProject project = new GanttProject(false, args[1]); System.err.println(targetFile.getAbsolutePath()); File targetFile = null; if (!targetFile.exists()) { if (args.length > 2) targetFile = new File(args[2]); targetFile.createNewFile(); } ExportFileInfo info = new ExportFileInfo(targetFile, ExportFileInfo info = new ExportFileInfo(targetFile, ExportFileInfo.FORMAT_XFIG, GanttExportSettings()); ExportFileInfo.FORMAT_HTML, new GanttExportSettings()); project.doExport(info); new project.doExport(info); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("IO error", e); /** Export directly in CSV image */ } private static void exportCSV(String[] args) { } byCommandLine = true; GanttProject project = new GanttProject(false, args[1]); /** Possibility to export the project into PDF directly byFile targetFile = null; command Line */ if (args.length > 2) private static void exportPDF(String[] args) { targetFile = new File(args[2]); byCommandLine = true; ExportFileInfo info = new ExportFileInfo(targetFile, GanttProject project = new GanttProject(false, args[1]); String exportFile; ExportFileInfo.FORMAT_CSV, GanttExportSettings()); if (args.length > 2) project.doExport(info); exportFile = args[2]; } exportFile = "ganttproject.pdf"; /** Export directly in JPG image */ new else File targetFile = new File(exportFile); private static void exportJPG(String[] args) { ExportFileInfo info = new ExportFileInfo(targetFile, byCommandLine = true; ExportFileInfo.FORMAT_PDF, GanttExportSettings()); project.doExport(info); newGanttProject project = new GanttProject(false, args[1]); File targetFile = null; if (args.length > 2) } targetFile = new File(args[2]); ExportFileInfo info = new ExportFileInfo(targetFile, /** Export directly in PNG image */ private static void exportPNG(String[] args) { ExportFileInfo.FORMAT_JPG, GanttExportSettings()); byCommandLine = true; project.doExport(info); new } 216 private GPCalendar WeekendCalendarImpl(); /** myFakeCalendar = new * The class able to export directly by command line From Dmitry private final ZoomManager myZoomManager; Barashev */ // private GPCalendar myFakeCalendar AlwaysWorkingTimeCalendarImpl(); public static class ExportFileInfo { public final File myFile; = new private final TimeUnitStack myTimeUnitStack; public final int myFormat; private ScrollingManager myScrollingManager; public final GanttExportSettings myStorageOptions; private DocumentManager myDocumentManager; public static final int FORMAT_HTML = 1; private ParserFactory myParserFactory; public static final int FORMAT_PNG = 2; private GPUndoManager myUndoManager; public static final int FORMAT_JPG = 3; private static WindowListener ourWindowListener; public static final int FORMAT_PDF = 4; // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IGanttProject implementation public static final int FORMAT_XFIG = 5; public String getProjectName() { return prjInfos._sProjectName; public static final int FORMAT_CSV = 6; } public static final int FORMAT_MSPROJECT = 7; public void setProjectName(String projectName) { public static final ExportFileInfo(null, -1, ExportFileInfo EMPTY = prjInfos._sProjectName = projectName; new setAskForSave(true); } null); public ExportFileInfo(File file, int format, GanttExportSettingspublic String getDescription() { options) { return prjInfos.getDescription(); myFile = file; } myFormat = format; myStorageOptions = options; } public void setDescription(String description) { prjInfos._sDescription = description; } setAskForSave(true); } public static final String HUMAN_RESOURCE_MANAGER_ID = "HUMAN_RESOURCE"; public String getOrganization() { // change return prjInfos.getOrganization(); // to } // public public void setOrganization(String organization) { public static final "ROLE_MANAGER"; String ROLE_MANAGER_ID =prjInfos._sOrganization = organization; setAskForSave(true); } 217 return myTimeUnitStack; } public String getWebLink() { return prjInfos.getWebLink(); public GanttLanguage getI18n() { } return getLanguage(); } public void setWebLink(String webLink) { prjInfos._sWebLink = webLink; setAskForSave(true); public GPCalendar getActiveCalendar() { } return myFakeCalendar; } public ResourceManager getHumanResourceManager() { ResourceManager result = (ResourceManager) managerHash public void setModified() { setAskForSave(true); .get(HUMAN_RESOURCE_MANAGER_ID); } if (result == null) { result = new HumanResourceManager(getRoleManager().getDefaultRole()); public void close() { closeProject(false); // result.addView(getPeople()); managerHash.put(HUMAN_RESOURCE_MANAGER } _ID, result); result.addView(this); private DocumentManager getDocumentManager() { } if (myDocumentManager == null) { return result; myDocumentManager = new DocumentCreator(this, getUIFacade(), } getParserFactory()); public TaskManager getTaskManager() { } return myTaskManager; return myDocumentManager; } } public RoleManager getRoleManager() { private ParserFactory getParserFactory() { RoleManager result = managerHash.get(ROLE_MANAGER_ID); (RoleManager)if (myParserFactory == null) { myParserFactory = new ParserFactoryImpl(); if (result == null) { } result = RoleManager.Access.getInstance(); return myParserFactory; managerHash.put(ROLE_MANAGER_ID, result); } } return result; public GPUndoManager getUndoManager() { } if (myUndoManager == null) { public Document getDocument() { myUndoManager UndoManagerImpl((IGanttProject) this, return projectDocument; = new getParserFactory(), getDocumentManager()); } Mediator.registerUndoManager(myUndoManager); } public ZoomManager getZoomManager() { return myZoomManager; return myUndoManager; } } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public TimeUnitStack getTimeUnitStack() { 218 } // ResourceView implementation public void resourceAdded(ResourceEvent event) { public GPSaver newSaver() { if (getStatusBar() != null) { return new (GanttTree2) getTree(), // tabpane.setSelectedIndex(1); getStatusBar().setFirstText( GanttXMLSaver(GanttProject.this, getResourcePanel(), GanttProject.correctLabel(GanttLanguage.getInstanc e() getArea(), getUIFacade()); } .getText("newHuman")), 2000); } setAskForSave(true); refreshProjectInfos(); public void setRowHeight(int value) { // setQuickSave (true); tree.getTreeTable().getTable().setRowHeight(value); } } } public void changeOrder(DefaultListModel buttonList, public void resourcesRemoved(ResourceEvent event) { DefaultListModel deletedButtonList) { // setQuickSave (true); iconList = new DefaultListModel(); } for (int i = 0; i < buttonList.size(); i++) iconList.addElement(buttonList.getElementAt(i)); // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// deletedIconList = new DefaultListModel(); // UIFacade for (int i = 0; i < deletedButtonList.size(); i++) public UIFacade getUIFacade() { return this; deletedIconList.addElement(deletedButtonList.getEle mentAt(i)); } addButtons(); options.setIconList(getIconPositions(iconList)); public ScrollingManager getScrollingManager() { options.setDeletedIconList(getIconPositions(deletedIconList)); if (myScrollingManager == null) { setHiddens(); myScrollingManager ScrollingManagerImpl(Mediator newrefresh(); = } .getTaskSelectionManager()); } private String getIconPositions(DefaultListModel list) { return myScrollingManager; String sIcons = ""; } DefaultListModel iconListValues = new DefaultListModel(); if (list != null) { public ChartViewState getGanttChartViewState() { int i = 0; return getArea().getViewState(); if (list.equals(deletedIconList)) } i++; for (; i < list.size(); i++) { // public JTabbedPane getTabpane() { if (!sIcons.equals("")) // return getTabs(); sIcons = sIcons + ","; // } if (list.elementAt(i).equals( private class ParserFactoryImpl implements ParserFactory { public GPParser newParser() { return new getTaskManager(), GanttXMLOpen(prjInfos, getUIFacade()); language.getText("separator").toUpperCase())) sIcons = sIcons + GanttOptions.SEPARATOR; getArea(), else if ((TestGanttRolloverButton) list.elementAt(i) == bExit) 219 sIcons = sIcons GanttOptions.EXIT; else list.elementAt(i) == bNew) if sIcons ((TestGanttRolloverButton) else if list.elementAt(i) == bUnlink) = sIcons GanttOptions.NEW; else list.elementAt(i) == bOpen) if sIcons if sIcons = sIcons sIcons = sIcons sIcons = sIcons sIcons = sIcons if sIcons = sIcons sIcons GanttOptions.PREVIEWPRINT; else list.elementAt(i) == bCut) if sIcons = sIcons if sIcons = sIcons if sIcons = sIcons sIcons = sIcons sIcons GanttOptions.DELETE; else if list.elementAt(i) == bProperties) sIcons if sIcons if sIcons if sIcons if sIcons if sIcons + GanttOptions.NEXT; sIcons if sIcons + GanttOptions.ZOOMOUT; sIcons ((TestGanttRolloverButton) else if list.elementAt(i) == bZoomIn) = sIcons + GanttOptions.ZOOMIN; ((TestGanttRolloverButton) else list.elementAt(i) == bUndo) = sIcons GanttOptions.NEWTASK; else if list.elementAt(i) == bDelete) if ((TestGanttRolloverButton) else if list.elementAt(i) == bZoomOut) GanttOptions.PASTE; else if list.elementAt(i) == bNewTask) + GanttOptions.CENTER; ((TestGanttRolloverButton) else list.elementAt(i) == bNext) GanttOptions.COPY; else list.elementAt(i) == bPaste) + GanttOptions.PREV; sIcons ((TestGanttRolloverButton) else if list.elementAt(i) == bScrollCenter) GanttOptions.CUT; else list.elementAt(i) == bCopy) + GanttOptions.DOWN; ((TestGanttRolloverButton) else list.elementAt(i) == bPrev) GanttOptions.PRINT; else if list.elementAt(i) == bPreviewPrint) + GanttOptions.UP; ((TestGanttRolloverButton) else list.elementAt(i) == bDown) GanttOptions.EXPORT; else list.elementAt(i) == bPrint) + GanttOptions.UNIND; ((TestGanttRolloverButton) else list.elementAt(i) == bUp) GanttOptions.IMPORT; else if list.elementAt(i) == bExport) + GanttOptions.IND; ((TestGanttRolloverButton) else list.elementAt(i) == bUnind) GanttOptions.SAVEAS; else if list.elementAt(i) == bImport) + GanttOptions.LINK; ((TestGanttRolloverButton) else list.elementAt(i) == bInd) GanttOptions.SAVE; else if list.elementAt(i) == bSaveAs) + GanttOptions.UNLINK; ((TestGanttRolloverButton) else list.elementAt(i) == bLink) GanttOptions.OPEN; else list.elementAt(i) == bSave) + sIcons GanttOptions.PROPERTIES; + GanttOptions.UNDO; ((TestGanttRolloverButton) else list.elementAt(i) == bRedo) = sIcons + GanttOptions.REDO; sIcons if sIcons if sIcons ((TestGanttRolloverButton) else if list.elementAt(i) == bCritical) = sIcons + ((TestGanttRolloverButton) = sIcons + ((TestGanttRolloverButton) = sIcons + ((TestGanttRolloverButton) = sIcons + ((TestGanttRolloverButton) = sIcons + ((TestGanttRolloverButton) = sIcons + ((TestGanttRolloverButton) = sIcons + ((TestGanttRolloverButton) = sIcons + ((TestGanttRolloverButton) = sIcons + ((TestGanttRolloverButton) = sIcons + ((TestGanttRolloverButton) = sIcons + ((TestGanttRolloverButton) = sIcons + ((TestGanttRolloverButton) = sIcons + ((TestGanttRolloverButton) = sIcons + ((TestGanttRolloverButton) 220 sIcons = sIcons +case (GanttOptions.NEW): GanttOptions.CRITICAL; else list.elementAt(i) == bAbout) list.addElement(bNew); if ((TestGanttRolloverButton) sIcons = sIcons GanttOptions.ABOUT; else if list.elementAt(i) == bSaveCurrent) +case (GanttOptions.OPEN): list.addElement(bOpen); ((TestGanttRolloverButton) sIcons GanttOptions.SAVECURRENT; = sIcons break; break; case (GanttOptions.SAVE): + list.addElement(bSave); break; else if ((TestGanttRolloverButton) list.elementAt(i) == bComparePrev) case (GanttOptions.SAVEAS): sIcons = sIcons + list.addElement(bSaveAs); GanttOptions.COMPAREPREV; break; else if ((TestGanttRolloverButton) list.elementAt(i) == bRefresh) case (GanttOptions.IMPORT): sIcons = sIcons + GanttOptions.REFRESH; list.addElement(bImport); break; } case (GanttOptions.EXPORT): } list.addElement(bExport); return sIcons; break; } case (GanttOptions.PRINT): public DefaultListModel initIconList() { DefaultListModel list = new DefaultListModel(); int[] icons = options.getIconList(); for (int i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) addButton(icons[i], list); list.addElement(bPrint); break; case (GanttOptions.PREVIEWPRINT): list.addElement(bPreviewPrint); break; case (GanttOptions.CUT): return list; list.addElement(bCut); } break; public DefaultListModel initDeletedIconList() { DefaultListModel list = new DefaultListModel(); if (options.getDeletedIconList() != null) { int[] icons = options.getDeletedIconList(); for (int i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) addButton(icons[i], list); case (GanttOptions.COPY): list.addElement(bCopy); break; case (GanttOptions.PASTE): list.addElement(bPaste); break; case (GanttOptions.NEWTASK): } list.addElement(bNewTask); return list; break; } case (GanttOptions.DELETE): public void addButton(int icon, DefaultListModel list) { switch (icon) { case (GanttOptions.SEPARATOR): list.addElement(language.getText("separator").toUpp erCase()); break; case (GanttOptions.EXIT): list.addElement(bExit); break; list.addElement(bDelete); break; case (GanttOptions.PROPERTIES): list.addElement(bProperties); break; case (GanttOptions.UNLINK): list.addElement(bUnlink); break; case (GanttOptions.LINK): 221 break; list.addElement(bLink); break; case (GanttOptions.REFRESH): list.addElement(bRefresh); case (GanttOptions.IND): break; list.addElement(bInd); break; default: break; case (GanttOptions.UNIND): list.addElement(bUnind); } break; } case (GanttOptions.UP): list.addElement(bUp); public void addButtons() { break; toolBar.removeAll(); case (GanttOptions.DOWN): for (int i = 0; i < iconList.size(); i++) { if (iconList.elementAt(i).equals( list.addElement(bDown); break; language.getText("separator").toUpperCase())) { case (GanttOptions.PREV): list.addElement(bPrev); break; case (GanttOptions.CENTER): int size Integer.parseInt(options.getIconSize()); // Dimension(size, size)); toolBar.addSeparator(new ImageIcon icon; list.addElement(bScrollCenter); break; ImageIcon iconV ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( case (GanttOptions.NEXT): list.addElement(bNext); break; break; ImageIcon iconH ImageIcon(getClass().getResource( if JToolBar.HORIZONTAL) = new (toolBar.getOrientation() == icon = iconV; else list.addElement(bZoomIn); icon = iconH; break; toolBar.add(new JLabel(icon)); case (GanttOptions.UNDO): } else { list.addElement(bUndo); toolBar.add((JButton) iconList.elementAt(i)); break; } case (GanttOptions.REDO): break; new "/icons/sepH_16.png")); case (GanttOptions.ZOOMIN): list.addElement(bRedo); = "/icons/sepV_16.png")); case (GanttOptions.ZOOMOUT): list.addElement(bZoomOut); = } } case (GanttOptions.CRITICAL): list.addElement(bCritical); break; case (GanttOptions.ABOUT): public DefaultListModel getButtonList() { return iconList; } list.addElement(bAbout); break; case (GanttOptions.SAVECURRENT): list.addElement(bSaveCurrent); public DefaultListModel getDeletedButtonList() { return deletedIconList; } break; case (GanttOptions.COMPAREPREV): list.addElement(bComparePrev); public Chart getActiveChart() { Chart resourcesChart = getResourceChart(); 222 recalculateCriticalPath(); Chart ganttChart = getGanttChart(); Chart visibleChart = (getTabs().getSelectedIndex() UIFacade.RESOURCES_INDEX) ? resourcesChart == try { : ganttChart; getTaskManager().getAlgorithmCollection() return visibleChart; .getRecalculateTaskScheduleAlgorithm().run(); } } catch (TaskDependencyException e) { public Chart getGanttChart() { // TODO Auto-generated catch block return (Chart) getArea(); e.printStackTrace(); } } public Chart getResourceChart() { getResourcePanel().getResourceTreeTableModel().updateRes ources(); return (Chart) getResourcePanel().area; getResourcePanel().getResourceTreeTable().setRowHeight(20 ); } myDelayManager.fireDelayObservation(); super.repaint(); public void setStatusText(String text) { } statusBar.setFirstText(text, 2000); } public void recalculateCriticalPath() { if (myUIConfiguration.isCriticalPathOn()) { public void repaint2() { // try getTaskManager().processCriticalPath((TaskNode) tree.getRoot()); // { ArrayList projectTasks = tree.getProjectTasks(); // Thread.sleep(10); if (projectTasks.size() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < projectTasks.size(); i++) // } // catch (InterruptedException e2) getTaskManager().processCriticalPath( // { (TaskNode) // // TODO Auto-generated catch block projectTasks.get(i)); // e2.printStackTrace(); } // } repaint(); try { } getTaskManager().getAlgorithmCollection() .getRecalculateTaskScheduleAlgorithm().run(); } public int getViewIndex() { if (getTabs() == null) // there was a bug when importing a project where a FF dependency // was under a supertask. return -1; return getTabs().getSelectedIndex(); // The supertask length was calculated as if it was a} FS dependency. List l = tree.getAllGanttTasks(); public void setViewIndex(int viewIndex) { Task[] t = new Task[l.size()]; if (myTabPane.getTabCount() > viewIndex) l.toArray(t); getTaskManager().getAlgorithmCollection() myTabPane.setSelectedIndex(viewIndex); } .getAdjustTaskBoundsAlgorithm().run(t); } catch (TaskDependencyException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } public static void windowListener) { setWindowListener(WindowListener ourWindowListener = windowListener; } 223 // } public int getGanttDividerLocation() { // return mySplitPane.getDividerLocation(); // public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) { } // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // public void setGanttDividerLocation(int location) { // } mySplitPane.setDividerLocation(location); // } // public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub public int getResourceDividerLocation() { // return getResourcePanel().getDividerLocation(); // } } // // public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) { public void setResourceDividerLocation(int location) { // System.out.println("mousePressed"); getResourcePanel().setDividerLocation(location); // } // } // public void refresh() { // public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) { // // ------------------------- // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // // Component glassPane = this.getGlassPane(); // } // setGlassPane(glassPane); // }); // glassPane.setVisible(true); // before worker thread // // // // ------------------------- // glassPane.addKeyListener(new KeyListener() { // try { getTaskManager().getAlgorithmCollection() // public void keyPressed(KeyEvent arg0) { // System.out.println("keyPressed"); .getRecalculateTaskScheduleAlgorithm().run(); // // } List l = tree.getAllGanttTasks(); // Task[] t = new Task[l.size()]; // public void keyReleased(KeyEvent arg0) { l.toArray(t); // System.out.println("keyReleased"); getTaskManager().getAlgorithmCollection() // // } .getAdjustTaskBoundsAlgorithm().run(t); // // public void keyTyped(KeyEvent arg0) { for (int i = 0; i < t.length; i++) // System.out.println("keyTyped"); getTaskManager().getAlgorithmCollection() // // } .getRecalculateTaskCompletionPercentageAlgorithm( ).run( // }); t[i]); // glassPane.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() { // } catch (TaskDependencyException e1) { // public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub e1.printStackTrace(); } // 224 getTaskManager().processCriticalPath((TaskNode) tree.getRoot()); ArrayList projectTasks = tree.getProjectTasks(); if (projectTasks.size() != 0) { int position = 10; // searching for hidden buttons for (int i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < projectTasks.size(); i++) getTaskManager().processCriticalPath( (TaskNode) projectTasks.get(i)); if (buttons[i].getClass() TestGanttRolloverButton.class) { == if JToolBar.HORIZONTAL) == } (toolBar.getOrientation() buttonSize = buttonSize = buttons[i].getWidth(); else try { getTaskManager().getAlgorithmCollection() buttons[i].getHeight(); position = position + buttonSize; .getRecalculateTaskScheduleAlgorithm().run(); if (position + 2 * bShowHiddens.getWidth() / } catch (TaskDependencyException e) { 3 < toolBarlength) { e.printStackTrace(); lastDisplayedIndex = i; } } else { menu.add(buttons[i]); getResourcePanel().getResourceTreeTableModel().updateRes ources(); } } else getResourcePanel().getResourceTreeTable().setRowHeight(20 ); position = position + separatorSize; } if (myDelayManager != null) myDelayManager.fireDelayObservation(); super.repaint(); // if there is hidden buttons } if (menu.getComponentCount() != 0) { for (int i = lastDisplayedIndex + 1; i < buttons.length; public void showHiddenButtonsPaneMenu() { i++) { toolBar.remove(buttons[i]); menu.applyComponentOrientation(language.getComponentOri entation());, bShowHiddens.getY()); } bShowHiddens.getX(), } toolBar.add(bShowHiddens); } } } public void setHiddens() { menu.removeAll(); addButtons(); int separatorSize = Integer.parseInt(options.getIconSize()); er TaskTagHandler package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser; double toolBarlength = 0.; int buttonSize = 0; int lastDisplayedIndex = 0; Component[] buttons = toolBar.getComponents(); import java.awt.Color; import; import; import java.util.Stack; if (toolBar.getOrientation() == JToolBar.HORIZONTAL) toolBarlength = toolBar.getSize().getWidth(); else import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTask; toolBarlength = toolBar.getSize().getHeight(); 225 task = getManager().createTask(taskId); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.shape.ShapePaint; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task; } import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskContainmentHierarchyFa cade; // import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskManager; if (taskName != null) { String taskName = attrs.getValue("name"); task.setName(taskName); import org.xml.sax.Attributes; } public class TaskTagHandler implements TagHandler { String meeting = attrs.getValue("meeting"); public TaskTagHandler(TaskManager context) { if (meeting != null) { mgr, ParsingContext task.setMilestone(meeting.equals("true")); myManager = mgr; } myContext = context; } String project = attrs.getValue("project"); if (project != null) public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String sName, String qName, task.setProjectTask(true); Attributes attrs) { String start = attrs.getValue("start"); if (qName.equals("task")) { if (start != null) { loadTask(attrs); } task.setStart(GanttCalendar.parseXMLDate(start)); } } /** Method when finish to parse an attibute */ String duration = attrs.getValue("duration"); public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String sName, String qName) { if (duration != null) { try { if (qName.equals("task")) { int myStack.pop(); length = Integer.parseInt(duration); } if (length == 0) { } length = 1; } private void loadTask(Attributes attrs) { task.setLength(length); String taskIdAsString = attrs.getValue("id"); GanttTask task = null; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw RuntimeException("Failed to parse the value '" if (taskIdAsString == null) { task = getManager().createTask(); new + duration + "' of attribute 'duration' of tag <task>", } else { e); int taskId; } try { } taskId Integer.parseInt(taskIdAsString); = //LH } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw RuntimeException("Failed to parse the value '" new if (budget != null) { + taskIdAsString + "' of attribute 'id' of tag <task>", e); } String budget = attrs.getValue("budget"); try { task.setBudget(Double.parseDouble(budget)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { 226 new// throw RuntimeException("Failed to parse the value '" // task.setFinishFixed(true); } + budget + "' of attribute 'budget' of tag <task>", String third = attrs.getValue("thirdDate"); e); if (third != null) { } } task.setThirdDate(GanttCalendar.parseXMLDate(third )); } String complete = attrs.getValue("complete"); String thirdConstraint = attrs.getValue("thirdDateconstraint"); if (complete != null) { try { if (thirdConstraint != null) { try { task.setCompletionPercentage(Integer.parseInt(comp lete)); task.setThirdDateConstraint(Integer.parseInt(thirdCon } catch (NumberFormatException e) { straint)); new throw RuntimeException("Failed to parse the value '" } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new RuntimeException( + complete + "' of attribute 'complete' of tag <task>", "Failed to parse the value '" e); } + thirdConstraint } + "' of attribute 'thirdDate-constraint' of tag <task>", String priority = attrs.getValue("priority"); e); if (priority != null) { } try { } task.setPriority(Integer.parseInt(priority)); String webLink_enc = attrs.getValue("webLink"); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw RuntimeException("Failed to parse the value '" new String webLink = webLink_enc; if (webLink_enc != null) try { + priority + "' of attribute 'priority' of tag <task>", e); webLink URLDecoder.decode(webLink_enc, "ISO-8859-1"); = } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) } { } e.printStackTrace(); } String color = attrs.getValue("color"); if (color != null) { if (webLink != null) { task.setWebLink(webLink); task.setColor(ColorValueParser.parseString(color)); } } String expand = attrs.getValue("expand"); String fixedStart = attrs.getValue("fixed-start"); if (expand != null) { task.setExpand("true".equals(expand)); if ("true".equals(fixedStart)) { task.setStartFixed(true); } } String shape = attrs.getValue("shape"); // String fixedFinish = attrs.getValue("fixed-finish"); // if ("true".equals(fixedFinish)) { if (shape != null) { 227 java.util.StringTokenizer java.util.StringTokenizer( st1 = newimport; import; shape, ","); 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int[] array = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttProject; String token = ""; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTree2; int count = 0; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.IGanttProject; while (st1.hasMoreTokens()) { token = st1.nextToken(); array[count] = Integer(token)).intValue(); count++; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.calendar.GPCalendar; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.UIFacade; (newimport net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.AllocationTagHandler; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.BlankLineTagHandler; task.setShape(new ShapePaint(4, 4, array, import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.CustomPropertiesTagHandl .getColor())); er; } Color.white, task } import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.DefaultWeekTagHandler; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.DependencyTagHandler; TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade taskHierarchy =import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.CostTagHandler; getManager() import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.GPParser; .getTaskHierarchy(); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.ParserFactory; myContext.setTaskID(task.getTaskID()); import Task lastTask = myStack.isEmpty() ?net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.PreviousStateTasksTagHan taskHierarchy.getRootTask() dler; : (Task) myStack.peek(); import getManager().registerTask(task); taskHierarchy.move(task, lastTask); net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.ResourceTagHandler; myStack.push(task); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.RoleTagHandler; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.TaskDisplayColumnsTagHa ndler; } private TaskManager getManager() { return myManager; } import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.TaskPropertiesTagHandler; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.TaskTagHandler; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.VacationTagHandler; private final ParsingContext myContext; private final TaskManager myManager; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.ViewTagHandler; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.HumanResourceManage r; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ResourceManager; private final Stack myStack = new Stack(); } net.sourceforge.ganttproject. document.ProxyDocument import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.roles.RoleManager; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskManager; /** * @author bard */ package net.sourceforge.ganttproject.document; class ProxyDocument implements Document { private final Document myPhysicalDocument; import; private IGanttProject myProject; 228 } private UIFacade myUIFacade; public String getPath() { return myPhysicalDocument.getPath(); private ParserFactory myParserFactory; } private boolean isLoaded; public String getFilePath() { ProxyDocument(Document project, physicalDocument, UIFacade uiFacade, IGanttProject return myPhysicalDocument.getFilePath(); } ParserFactory parserFactory) { myPhysicalDocument = physicalDocument; public String getURLPath() { return myPhysicalDocument.getURLPath(); myProject = project; myUIFacade = uiFacade; } myParserFactory = parserFactory; } public String getUsername() { public String getDescription() { } return myPhysicalDocument.getUsername(); return myPhysicalDocument.getDescription(); public String getPassword() { } return myPhysicalDocument.getPassword(); public boolean canRead() { } return myPhysicalDocument.canRead(); public void setUserInfo(String user, String pass) { } myPhysicalDocument.setUserInfo(user, pass); public boolean canWrite() { } return myPhysicalDocument.canWrite(); } public String getLastError() { public boolean isValidForMRU() { } return myPhysicalDocument.getLastError(); return myPhysicalDocument.isValidForMRU(); public void read() throws IOException { } FailureState failure = new FailureState(); SuccessState success = new SuccessState(); public boolean acquireLock() { return myPhysicalDocument.acquireLock(); } ParsingState parsing = new ParsingState(success, failure); OpenCopyConfirmationState OpenCopyConfirmationState( } = new parsing, failure); public void releaseLock() { myPhysicalDocument.releaseLock(); confirmation AcquireLockState lock AcquireLockState(parsing, confirmation); = new lock.enter(); public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { } return myPhysicalDocument.getInputStream(); private TaskManager getTaskManager() { } return myProject.getTaskManager(); public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { } return myPhysicalDocument.getOutputStream(); 229 FailureState myExitState; private RoleManager getRoleManager() { return myProject.getRoleManager(); /** } * @param parsing private getHumanResourceManager() { HumanResourceManager * @param failure */ return (HumanResourceManager) public myProject.getHumanResourceManager(); parsing, } OpenCopyConfirmationState(ParsingState FailureState failure) { myParsingState = parsing; private GPCalendar getActiveCalendar() { myExitState = failure; return myProject.getActiveCalendar(); } } void enter() throws IOException { private UIFacade getUIFacade() { return myUIFacade; } String message GanttLanguage.getInstance().getText("msg13"); = String title GanttLanguage.getInstance().getText("warning"); = if (getUIFacade().showConfirmationDialog(message, title)) { class AcquireLockState { OpenCopyConfirmationState myConfirmationState; myParsingState.enter(); } else { ParsingState myParsingState; myExitState.enter(); } /** } * @param parsing } * @param confirmation */ class ParsingState { public AcquireLockState(ParsingState parsing, FailureState myFailureState; OpenCopyConfirmationState confirmation) { myParsingState = parsing; SuccessState mySuccessState; myConfirmationState = confirmation; /** } * @param success void enter() throws IOException { boolean locked = acquireLock(); if (!locked) { * @param failure */ public ParsingState(SuccessState FailureState failure) { myConfirmationState.enter(); success, mySuccessState = success; } else { myFailureState = failure; myParsingState.enter(); } } } void enter() throws IOException { } GPParser myParserFactory.newParser(); class OpenCopyConfirmationState { ResourceManager getHumanResourceManager(); ParsingState myParsingState; RoleManager opener hrManager roleManager = = = getRoleManager(); 230 TaskManager taskManager = .getTreeTable()); getTaskManager(); ResourceTagHandler new ResourceTagHandler( resourceHandler = opener.addTagHandler(taskDisplayHandler); hrManager, roleManager); opener.addTagHandler(taskHandler); DependencyTagHandler dependencyHandler = new DependencyTagHandler( opener.addTagHandler(blankLineHandler); opener.getContext(), taskManager); opener.addParsingListener(taskPropHandler); //LH CostTagHandler costHandler = new CostTagHandler( opener.getContext(), opener.addParsingListener(taskDisplayHandler); opener.addParsingListener(customPropHandler); taskManager); AllocationTagHandler allocationHandler = new AllocationTagHandler( opener.addTagHandler(opener.getDefaultTagHandler hrManager, ()); getTaskManager(), getRoleManager()); VacationTagHandler new VacationTagHandler( vacationHandler opener.addTagHandler(resourceHandler); = opener.addTagHandler(dependencyHandler); hrManager); //LH PreviousStateTasksTagHandler previousStateHandler = new PreviousStateTasksTagHandler( opener.addTagHandler(costHandler); ((GanttProject) opener.addTagHandler(allocationHandler); myProject).getPreviouStates()); RoleTagHandler RoleTagHandler(roleManager); rolesHandler = new TaskTagHandler taskHandler TaskTagHandler(taskManager, opener = new opener.addParsingListener(allocationHandler); opener.addTagHandler(vacationHandler); opener.addTagHandler(previousStateHandler); .getContext()); opener.addTagHandler(rolesHandler); BlankLineTagHandler blankLineHandler = new BlankLineTagHandler(myUIFacade.getTree()); DefaultWeekTagHandler new DefaultWeekTagHandler( weekHandler opener.addTagHandler(weekHandler); opener.addTagHandler(viewHandler); = //LH getActiveCalendar()); ViewTagHandler ViewTagHandler(getUIFacade()); viewHandler = opener.addParsingListener(costHandler); new opener.addParsingListener(dependencyHandler); opener.addParsingListener(resourceHandler); TaskPropertiesTagHandler taskPropHandler = new TaskPropertiesTagHandler( if (opener.load(getInputStream())) { ((GanttTree2) mySuccessState.enter(); ((GanttProject) myProject).getTree()) } else { .getTreeTable()); myFailureState.enter(); opener.addTagHandler(taskPropHandler); } CustomPropertiesTagHandler customPropHandler = new CustomPropertiesTagHandler( opener.getContext(), } } getTaskManager()); class SuccessState { opener.addTagHandler(customPropHandler); void enter() { TaskDisplayColumnsTagHandler taskDisplayHandler = new TaskDisplayColumnsTagHandler( ProxyDocument.this.setLoaded(true); } ((GanttTree2) ((GanttProject) myProject).getTree()) } 231 public boolean bExportResourceMail = true; class FailureState { void enter() { public boolean bExportResourcePhone = true; } public boolean bExportResourceRole = true; } public boolean bFixedSize = false; private void setLoaded(boolean b) { isLoaded = b; public String sSeparatedChar = ","; } public String sSeparatedTextChar = "\""; } CSVOptions /** @return the csv settings as an xml schema. */ public String getXml() { String res = " package; // general options res += " /** * @author athomas Settings for exporting in csv format */ public class CSVOptions { <csv-export>\n"; res += " <csv-general \n"; fixed=\"" + bFixedSize + "\"\n"; res += " correct(sSeparatedChar) + "\"\n"; res += " correct(sSeparatedTextChar) public boolean bExportTaskID = true; separatedChar=\"" + separatedTextChar=\"" + + "\"/>\n"; public boolean bExportTaskName = true; // tasks export options res += " public boolean bExportTaskStartDate = true; public boolean bExportTaskEndDate = true; <csv-tasks\n"; res += " id=\"" + bExportTaskID + "\"\n"; res += " name=\"" + bExportTaskName + "\"\n"; res += " start-date=\"" + bExportTaskStartDate + res += " end-date=\"" + bExportTaskEndDate + res += " percent=\"" + bExportTaskPercent + res += " duration=\"" + bExportTaskDuration + "\"\n"; public boolean bExportTaskPercent = true; public boolean bExportTaskDuration = true; //LH "\"\n"; "\"\n"; "\"\n"; //LH public boolean bExportTaskBudget = true; public boolean bExportTaskWebLink = true; public boolean bExportTaskResources = true; res += " budget=\"" + bExportTaskBudget + "\"\n"; res += " webLink=\"" + bExportTaskWebLink + res += " resources=\"" + bExportTaskResources "\"\n"; + "\"\n"; res += " notes=\"" + bExportTaskNotes + "\"/>\n"; public boolean bExportTaskNotes = true; // resources export options res += " public boolean bExportResourceID = true; res += " res += " public boolean bExportResourceName = true; <csv-resources\n"; id=\"" + bExportResourceID + "\"\n"; name=\"" + bExportResourceName + "\"\n"; res += " mail=\"" + bExportResourceMail + "\"\n"; 232 res += " phone=\"" + bExportResourcePhone +*/ "\"\n"; public class GanttCSVExport { role=\"" + bExportResourceRole + // private GanttTree tree; res += " "\"/>\n"; // private GanttResourcePanel peop; return res += " </csv-export>\n"; private CSVOptions csvOptions; } private HumanResourceManager myHrManager; public String correct(String s) { String res; // ArrayList lot = new ArrayList(); res = s.replaceAll("&", "&"); Task[] myTasks; res = res.replaceAll("<", "<"); res = res.replaceAll(">", ">"); ArrayList resources = new ArrayList(); res = res.replaceAll("/", "/"); res = res.replaceAll("\"", """); int iMaxSize = 0; return res; } boolean bFixedSize = false; /** @return a list of the possible separated char. */ /** Constructor. */ public String[] getSeparatedTextChars() { public GanttCSVExport(IGanttProject csvOptions) { String[] charText = { " \' ", " \" " }; return charText; } package; CSVOptions myTasks = project.getTaskManager().getTasks(); myHrManager = (HumanResourceManager) project.getHumanResourceManager(); } GanttCSVExport project, this.csvOptions = csvOptions; } /** Save the project as CSV on a stream */ public void save(OutputStream stream) { try { import; import; OutputStreamWriter OutputStreamWriter(stream); out = new beginToSave(out); import; out.close(); import java.util.ArrayList; } catch (IOException e) { import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTask; System.out.println("Error in saving the csv file"); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.IGanttProject; } catch (Exception e) { import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.HumanResource; System.out.println(e); import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.HumanResourceManage r; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.roles.Role; e.printStackTrace(); } } import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.ResourceAssignment; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task; /** /** Start saving the csv document. */ public void beginToSave(OutputStreamWriter IOException { * @author athomas Class to export the project in cvs text format out) throws resources = myHrManager.getResources(); 233 + (bFixedSize bFixedSize = csvOptions.bFixedSize; ? "" : csvOptions.sSeparatedChar)); if (csvOptions.bFixedSize) // End Date getMaxSize(); if (csvOptions.bExportTaskEndDate) /* out.write(correctField(task.getEnd().toString()) * writeProjectInfos(out); out.write("\n"); + (bFixedSize ? "" : csvOptions.sSeparatedChar)); */ writeTasks(out); // Duration out.write("\n"); if (csvOptions.bExportTaskDuration) out.write(correctField("" task.getDuration().getLength()) writeResources(out); out.write("\n"); + + (bFixedSize } ? "" : csvOptions.sSeparatedChar)); /** Write the project information on the file. */ //LH private void writeProjectInfos(OutputStreamWriter out) throws IOException { // Duration if (csvOptions.bExportTaskBudget) out.write(correctField("" } + task.getBudget()) + (bFixedSize ? "" : csvOptions.sSeparatedChar)); /** Write all tasks. */ private void IOException { writeTasks(OutputStreamWriter out) throws // Percent complete // parse all tasks if (csvOptions.bExportTaskPercent) for (int i = 0; i < myTasks.length; i++) { out.write(correctField("" task.getCompletionPercentage()) Task task = myTasks[i]; + + (bFixedSize // ID ? "" : csvOptions.sSeparatedChar)); if (csvOptions.bExportTaskID) out.write(correctField("" + task.getTaskID()) + (bFixedSize ? "" : csvOptions.sSeparatedChar)); // Web Link if (csvOptions.bExportTaskWebLink) out.write((bFixedSize csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar) ? "" : + // Name correctField(getWebLink((GanttTask) task)) if (csvOptions.bExportTaskName) out.write((bFixedSize csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar) + (bFixedSize ? "" :? "" : csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar + + csvOptions.sSeparatedChar)); correctField(getName(task)) + (bFixedSize ? "" : csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar // associated resources if (csvOptions.bExportTaskResources) { + csvOptions.sSeparatedChar)); // Start Date if (csvOptions.bExportTaskStartDate) out.write((bFixedSize csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar)); ? "" : "" : out.write(correctField(getAssignments(task))); out.write((bFixedSize csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar out.write(correctField(task.getStart().toString()) ? + csvOptions.sSeparatedChar)); 234 } if (csvOptions.bExportResourcePhone) out.write((bFixedSize csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar) // Notes "" : + if (csvOptions.bExportTaskNotes) out.write((bFixedSize csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar) ? correctField(p.getPhone()) ? "" : + (bFixedSize ? "" : csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar + correctField(task.getNotes()) + csvOptions.sSeparatedChar)); + (bFixedSize // Role ? "" : csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar if (csvOptions.bExportResourcePhone) { + csvOptions.sSeparatedChar)); Role role = p.getRole(); String sRoleID = "0"; out.write("\n"); if (role != null) } sRoleID = role.getPersistentID(); } // end of write tasks out.write((bFixedSize csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar) /** write the resources. */ private void writeResources(OutputStreamWriter out) throws IOException { correctField(sRoleID) // parse all resources ? "" : + + (bFixedSize ? "" : csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar for (int i = 0; i < resources.size(); i++) { HumanResource p = (HumanResource) resources.get(i); + csvOptions.sSeparatedChar)); } out.write("\n"); // ID } if (csvOptions.bExportResourceID) +} // end of write resources out.write(correctField("" p.getId()) ? "" : csvOptions.sSeparatedChar)); + (bFixedSize/** set the maximum size for all strings. */ void getMaxSize() { // Name iMaxSize = 0; if (csvOptions.bExportResourceName) out.write((bFixedSize csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar) ? "" : for (int i = 0; i < myTasks.length; i++) { Task task = myTasks[i]; + correctField(p.getName()) if (csvOptions.bExportTaskID) { + (bFixedSize String s = "" + task.getTaskID(); ? "" : csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar if (s.length() > iMaxSize) + csvOptions.sSeparatedChar)); iMaxSize = s.length(); // Mail } if (csvOptions.bExportResourceMail) out.write((bFixedSize csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar) ? "" : if (csvOptions.bExportTaskName) { String s = "" + getName(task); + if (s.length() > iMaxSize) correctField(p.getMail()) iMaxSize = s.length(); + (bFixedSize ? "" : csvOptions.sSeparatedTextChar } + csvOptions.sSeparatedChar)); // Phone if (csvOptions.bExportTaskStartDate) { String s = "" + task.getStart(); 235 iMaxSize = s.length(); if (s.length() > iMaxSize) } iMaxSize = s.length(); } } if (csvOptions.bExportTaskEndDate) { String s = "" + task.getEnd(); // parse all resources if (s.length() > iMaxSize) for (int i = 0; i < resources.size(); i++) { HumanResource p = (HumanResource) iMaxSize = s.length(); resources.get(i); } if (csvOptions.bExportResourceID) { if (csvOptions.bExportTaskDuration) { String task.getDuration().getLength(); s = "" String s = "" + p.getId(); + if (s.length() > iMaxSize) iMaxSize = s.length(); if (s.length() > iMaxSize) } iMaxSize = s.length(); if (csvOptions.bExportResourceName) { } String s = "" + p.getName(); if (s.length() > iMaxSize) //LH iMaxSize = s.length(); if (csvOptions.bExportTaskBudget) { String s = "" + task.getBudget(); } if (s.length() > iMaxSize) if (csvOptions.bExportResourceMail) { String s = "" + p.getMail(); iMaxSize = s.length(); if (s.length() > iMaxSize) } iMaxSize = s.length(); } if (csvOptions.bExportTaskPercent) { String task.getCompletionPercentage(); s = "" if (csvOptions.bExportResourcePhone) { + String s = "" + p.getPhone(); if (s.length() > iMaxSize) if (s.length() > iMaxSize) iMaxSize = s.length(); iMaxSize = s.length(); } } if (csvOptions.bExportResourceRole) { if (csvOptions.bExportTaskWebLink) { String getWebLink((GanttTask) task); s = "" Role role = p.getRole(); + String sRoleID = "0"; if (role != null) if (s.length() > iMaxSize) sRoleID iMaxSize = s.length(); = role.getPersistentID(); } String s = "" + sRoleID; if (s.length() > iMaxSize) if (csvOptions.bExportTaskResources) { String s = "" iMaxSize = s.length(); + } getAssignments(task); if (s.length() > iMaxSize) } iMaxSize = s.length(); } } // get maxIndentation end if (csvOptions.bExportTaskNotes) { /** @return the name of task with the correct level. */ String s = "" + task.getNotes(); if (s.length() > iMaxSize) private String getName(Task task) { if (bFixedSize) 236 return task.getName(); import java.util.ArrayList; String res = ""; import java.util.Enumeration; int depth task.getManager().getTaskHierarchy().getDepth(task); =import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { import java.util.Iterator; res += " "; import java.util.List; } import java.util.Vector; return res + task.getName(); } import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; /** @return the link of the task. */ import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; private String getWebLink(GanttTask task) { return (task.getWebLink().equals("http://") task.getWebLink()); import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; ? "" } : import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError; import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler; /** @return the list of the assignment for the resources. */ import; private String getAssignments(Task task) { String res = ""; ResourceAssignment[] task.getAssignments(); assignment for (int i = 0; i < assignment.length; i++) import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar; = import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttGraphicArea; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttPreviousState; res += (assignment[i].getResource() + (i ==import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttPreviousStateTask; assignment.length - 1 ? "" import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttProject; : csvOptions.sSeparatedChar.equals(";") ? "," : ";")); return res; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttResourcePanel; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTask; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTaskRelationship; } import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTree2; private String correctField(String field) { String res = ""; for (int i = 0; i < iMaxSize - field.length(); i++) res += " "; res += field; return res; } import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTreeTable; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.IGanttProject; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.Mediator; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.calendar.GanttDaysOff; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.UIFacade; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.HumanResource; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.roles.Role; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.roles.RoleManager; } GanttXMLSaver package; import; import; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.roles.RoleSet; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.shape.ShapeConstants; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.shape.ShapePaint; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Cost; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumn; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumnsException; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumnsStorage; import; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumnsValues; import; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.ResourceAssignment; import; import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.BlankLineNode; 237 import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task; /** Replace a part of the string by another one */ import net.sourceforge.ganttproject.util.ColorConvertion; public String replaceAll(String notes, String s1, String s2) { return notes.replaceAll(s1, s2); import org.w3c.util.DateParser; } import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl; /** Simple write information of tasks */ public void writeTask(Writer fout, DefaultMutableTreeNode node, String space) { /** * Classe for save the project in a XML file String space2 = s + space; */ try { public class GanttXMLSaver implements GPSaver { if (node instanceof BlankLineNode) { private final IGanttProject myProject; fout.write(space + "<blankline />\n"); private final UIFacade myUIFacade; return; } private GanttTree2 tree; GanttTask node.getUserObject(); private GanttResourcePanel peop; task = (GanttTask) if (task.getTaskID() == -1) private GanttGraphicArea area; throw new RuntimeException( "A task can private HashMap usersId = new HashMap(); not has a number equal to -1"); ArrayList number = new ArrayList(); int id = task.getTaskID(); // List of tasks /* ArrayList lot = new ArrayList(); * if (id >= lot.size()) { return; } */ ArrayList lots = new ArrayList(); boolean haschild = false; int cpt; String s = " ArrayList tree.getAllChildTask(node); "; // the marge child = if (child.size() != 0) { /** The constructor */ haschild = true; public GanttXMLSaver(IGanttProject project, GanttTree2 tree, GanttResourcePanel GanttGraphicArea area, UIFacade uiFacade) { this.tree = tree; this.peop = peop; peop, } number.add(new Integer(id)); cpt++; this.area = area; myProject = project; myUIFacade = uiFacade; } // boolean (task.getSuccessorsOld().size() != 0 || // (task.getNotes() task.getNotes().length()>=0) || one != = null && // haschild); 238 + "\" "); boolean (task.getSuccessorsOld().size() == 0 one = if (task.isProjectTask()) fout.write("project=\"true\" "); && (task.getNotes() == fout.write("start=\"" + null || task.getNotes().length() == 0) && !haschild) task.getStart().toXMLString() + "\" "); && fout.write("duration=\"" + task.getLength() + Mediator.getCustomColumnsStorage() "\" "); //LH .getCustomColumnCount() == 0; fout.write("budget=\"" + task.getBudget() + "\" "); // Writes data of task fout.write(space + "<task task.getTaskID() + // lots.indexOf(task.toString()) id=\"" fout.write("complete=\"" +task.getCompletionPercentage() + "\" "); + fout.write("fixed-start=\"" // + //By CL + (task.isStartFixed() ? "\" "); "true" : "false") + "\" "); fout.write("name=\"" correct(task.getName()) + "\" "); + if (task.getThird() != null) { fout.write("thirdDate=\"" if (task.colorDefined()) { /* * (task.getColor().getRed() <= 15) { + task.getThird().toXMLString() + "\" "); fout.write("color=\"#"); if fout.write("thirdDate-constraint=\"" + * fout.write("0"); } task.getThirdDateConstraint() + "\" "); * fout.write(Integer.toHexString(task.getColor().getRed())); if } * (task.getColor().getGreen() <= 15) { fout.write("0"); } fout.write("priority=\"" + task.getPriority() + "\""); * fout.write(Integer.toHexString(task.getColor().getGreen())); * if (task.getColor().getBlue() <= 15) { fout.write("0"); } // write the web link of the task String sWebLink = task.getWebLink(); * fout.write(Integer.toHexString(task.getColor().getBlue())); if !sWebLink.equals("") (sWebLink * fout.write("\" "); != null && && !sWebLink.equals("http://")) */ fout.write(" webLink=\"" fout.write("color=\"" + URLEncoder.encode(sWebLink, "ISO-8859-1") + "\""); + ColorConvertion.getColor(task.getColor()) + "\" "); } // write if the task is expand or collapse fout.write(" expand=\"" + task.getExpand() + if (task.shapeDefined() "\""); && task.getShape() != new ShapePaint( if (!one) { ShapeConstants.BACKSLASH, task.getColor(), task fout.write(">\n"); } else { .getColor())) { fout.write("shape=\"" task.getShape().getArray() + "\" "); fout.write("/>\n"); + // fout.writeBytes(">\n"); } // Write notes fout.write("meeting=\"" ((task.isMilestone()) ? "true" : "false") + } 239 if (task.getNotes() task.getNotes().length() > 0) { != null .get(i); && fout.write(space2 /* fout.write(space2 + "<notes>"); "<depend id=\"" fout.write("\n" + relationship.getSuccessorTaskID() + "\"" + " type=\"" + space2 +s */+ + +s relationship.getRelationshipType() + + correct(replaceAll(task.getNotes(), "\n", "\n" "\" difference=\"" + relationship.getDifference() + "\"/>\n"); + space2 + s))); fout.write("\n" + space2 } + "</notes>\n"); } // Write the depends of the task /* * if (task.getDepend().size() //fout.writeBytes(space2+"<depends>\n"); != 0) CustomColumnsValues task.getCustomValues(); ccv = CustomColumnsStorage Mediator.getCustomColumnsStorage(); ccs = List {ccs.getCustomColumnsNames(); names = Iterator it = names.iterator(); * for (int i = 0; i < task.getDepend().size(); while (it.hasNext()) { i++) { String name, idc, value; * fout.write(space2 + "<depend id=\"" + tree.getTask( (String) name = null; idc = null; * task.getDepend().get(i)).getTaskID() + // changed By CL value = null; * //lots.indexOf( task.getDepend().get(i)) + "\"/>\n"); (String) try { name * //fout.writeBytes(space2+"</depends>\n"); } } = (String); */ idc = value = ccs.getIdFromName(name); ccv.getValue(name).toString(); //LH CustomColumn Cost[] costs = task.getCosts(); cc = ccs.getCustomColumn(name); for (int i = 0; i < costs.length; i++) { if fout.write(space2 /* +s */+ "<cost(GregorianCalendar.class.isAssignableFrom(cc.getType())) date=\"" + DateParser.getIsoDate(((GanttCalendar) ccv String.valueOf(costs[i].getDate().getTime()) + "\"" + " value=\"" + String.valueOf(costs[i].getValue()) + "\"" + " description=\"" value = .getValue(name)).getTime()); fout.write(s + s + s + + "<customproperty taskproperty-id=\"" costs[i].getDescription() //+ + "\"idc + "\" value=\"" + value + "\" />\n"); difference=\"" + relationship.getDifference() } catch (NullPointerException e) { + "\"/>\n"); } System.out.println(name + ", " + idc + ", " + value); e.printStackTrace(); // use successors to write depends } information Vector task.getSuccessorsOld(); successors for (int i = 0; i < successors.size(); i++) { GanttTaskRelationship relationship = (GanttTaskRelationship) successors = } // Write the child of the task if (haschild) { for (int i = 0; i < child.size(); i++) { 240 Task task2 = (Task) ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) child.get(i)) } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); .getUserObject(); int newid = -1; lot.lastIndexOf(task2); // } } for (int j = 0; j <public void writeTaskProperties(Writer CustomColumnsStorage customCol) { lot.size(); j++) { String a = task2.toString(); fout, try { if (a == null) fout .write(s System.out.println("nul"); String b +s = lot.get(j).toString(); +s if (a.equals(b)) { "<taskproperty id=\"tpd0\" valuetype=\"icon\" />\n"); name=\"type\" + type=\"default\" fout newid = j; .write(s } +s } +s writeTask(fout, (DefaultMutableTreeNode) child.get(i), space + s); "<taskproperty id=\"tpd1\" valuetype=\"icon\" />\n"); name=\"priority\" + type=\"default\" fout } .write(s +s } +s // end of task section if (!one) { fout.write(space + "</task>\n"); "<taskproperty id=\"tpd2\" valuetype=\"icon\" />\n"); name=\"info\" + type=\"default\" fout .write(s // fout.writeBytes(space+"</task>\n"); +s +s } && "<taskproperty id=\"tpd3\" // if (tree.getNode(task.toString()).isLeaf()valuetype=\"text\" />\n"); // !tree.getFatherNode(task).isRoot()) { name=\"name\" + type=\"default\" fout .write(s // return; +s // } +s // if (id == lot.size() - 1) { // return; // } // else { + "<taskproperty id=\"tpd4\" name=\"begindate\" type=\"default\" valuetype=\"date\" />\n"); fout .write(s // writeTask(fout, cpt, space); +s // +s // } 241 if + "<taskproperty id=\"tpd5\" name=\"enddate\" type=\"default\"(cla.equals(String.class)) valuetype=\"date\" />\n"); valueType = "text"; fout else .write(s +s if (cla.equals(Boolean.class)) valueType + s "boolean"; + "<taskproperty id=\"tpd6\" name=\"duration\" type=\"default\"(cla.equals(Integer.class)) valuetype=\"int\" />\n"); else if valueType fout = = "int"; .write(s else if + s (cla.equals(Double.class)) +s valueType = "double"; + else "<taskproperty id=\"tpd7\" name=\"completion\" type=\"default\" (cla.isAssignableFrom(GregorianCalendar.class)) // TODO valuetype=\"int\" />\n"); if // to fout // be .write(s +s // tested +s { + "<taskproperty id=\"tpd8\" name=\"coordinator\" type=\"default\""date"; valuetype=\"text\" />\n"); valueType = defVal = DateParser.getIsoDate(((GanttCalendar) cc fout .write(s .getDefaultValue()).getTime()); +s } +s + String "<taskproperty id=\"tpd9\" name=\"predecessors\" Mediator.getCustomColumnsStorage() type=\"default\" valuetype=\"text\" />\n"); //LH idcStr = .getIdFromName(cc.getName()); fout .write(s fout.write(s + s + s + + s "<taskproperty id=\"" + idcStr +s + "\" name=\"" + cc.getName() + "<taskproperty id=\"tpd10\" name=\"budget\" type=\"default\" valuetype=\"text\" />\n"); "\" type=\"custom\" valuetype=\"" + valueType + + "\" defaultvalue=\"" + defVal.toString() = Iterator it customCol.getCustomColumnsNames().iterator(); + "\" />\n"); while (it.hasNext()) { String colName =; } (String)(CustomColumnsException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); try { CustomColumn customCol.getCustomColumn(colName); Object defVal cc } = } = cc.getDefaultValue(); } catch (IOException e) { String valueType = null; Class cc.getType(); catch cla = e.printStackTrace(); } 242 + (p.getMail() != null ? correct(p.getMail()) : "") } + "\" phone=\"" public void writeTaskDisplayColumns(Writer fout) { + =(p.getPhone() != null ? correct(p.getPhone()) : "") List displayedColumns tree.getTreeTable().getDisplayColumns(); + "\" />\n"); if (displayedColumns != null) { usersId.put(p.getName(), Iterator it = displayedColumns.iterator(); new Integer(cpt_resources)); } while (it.hasNext()) { } catch (Exception e) { GanttTreeTable.DisplayedColumn (GanttTreeTable.DisplayedColumn) it dc = e.printStackTrace(); } .next(); } if (dc.isDisplayed()) try { /** Write the vacations on the file */ fout.write(s + public void writeVacations(Writer fout) { s + "<displaycolumn property-id=\"" try { + dc.getID() + "\" order=\"" + dc.getOrder() List resources = peop.getPeople(); int cpt_resources = 1; + "\" width=\"" + dc.getWidth() + "\" />\n"); for (int i = 0; i < resources.size(); i++, } catch (IOException e) cpt_resources++) { { HumanResource (HumanResource) resources.get(i); e.printStackTrace(); p = if (p.getDaysOff() != null) } for (int j = 0; j < } p.getDaysOff().size(); j++) { } GanttDaysOff } gdo = (GanttDaysOff) p.getDaysOff() .getElementAt(j); /** Write the resources on the file */ fout.write(s + public void writeResources(Writer fout) { s + "<vacation start=\"" try { + gdo.getStart().toXMLString() + "\" end=\"" List resources = peop.getPeople(); int cpt_resources = 1; + gdo.getFinish().toXMLString() for (int i = 0; i < resources.size(); i++, cpt_resources++) { + "\" resourceid=\"" + p.getId() + "\"/>\n"); HumanResource (HumanResource) resources.get(i); p = } } String string = p.getName(); byte[] btf8 } catch (Exception e) { = string.getBytes("UTF-8"); e.printStackTrace(); } fout.write(s + s + "<resource} id=\"" + p.getId() + "\" name=\"" + (p.getName() != null ? correct(p.getName()) : "") /** + "\" * Write all previous states of the project. + "\" function=\"" + p.getRole().getPersistentID() contacts=\"" * * @throws IOException */ 243 public void writePreviousStateTasks(Writer IOException { fout) throws for (int i = 1; i < lot.size(); i++) { Task ArrayList previousStates = ((GanttProject) myProject) ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) lot.get(i)) task = (Task) .getPreviouStates(); .getUserObject(); for (int i = 0; i < previousStates.size(); i++) { // ArrayList list = null; try { list users = ResourceAssignment[] ((GanttPreviousState)assignments = task.getAssignments(); = previousStates.get(i)).load(); for (int j = 0; j < assignments.length; j++) { } catch (Exception e) { block ArrayList task.getUsersList(); // TODO Auto-generated catch task.getTaskID();// (i-1); int task_id = e.printStackTrace(); ResourceAssignment next = assignments[j]; } Role roleForAssignment = next.getRoleForAssignment(); // ArrayList list = // ((GanttPreviousState)previous.get(i)).getTasks(); if (roleForAssignment == null) fout.write(s + s + "<previous-tasks name=\"" if (next.getResource() instanceof HumanResource) + ((GanttPreviousState) previousStates.get(i)).getName() roleForAssignment = ((HumanResource) next + "\">\n"); for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) { .getResource()).getRole(); GanttPreviousStateTask task = (GanttPreviousStateTask) list fout.write(s .get(j); + s + "<allocation task-id=\"" + task_id + fout.write(s + s + s + "<previous-"\" resource-id=\"" + next.getResource().getId() task id=\"" + task.getId() + "\" function=\"" + "\""); fout.write(" task.getStart().toXMLString() + "\""); start=\"" + fout.write(" duration=\"" + fout.write(" meeting=\"" + fout.write(" super=\"" + task.getDuration() + "\""); task.isMilestone() + "\""); + roleForAssignment.getPersistentID() + "\" responsible=\"" + next.isCoordinator() + "\" load=\"" + next.getLoad() + "\"/>\n"); } task.hasNested() + "\""); } fout.write("/>\n"); } catch (Exception e) { } e.printStackTrace(); fout.write(s + s + "</previous-tasks>\n"); } } } } /** Write all roles of the project. */ public void writeRoles(Writer fout) { /** Write the assignement between tasks and users */ public void writeAllocations(Writer fout) { try { try { // int id=RoleManager.Access.getInstance().DEFAULT_ROLES_NU MBER; 244 // String []roles=RoleManager.Access.getInstance().getRolesShort(); Role[] RoleManager.Access.getInstance() projectRoles } catch (TransformerFactoryConfigurationError e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block = e.printStackTrace(); } catch (TransformerException e) { .getProjectLevelRoles(); // TODO Auto-generated catch block for (int i = 0; i < projectRoles.length; i++) { e.printStackTrace(); Role next = projectRoles[i]; } catch (SAXException e) { fout.write(s + s + "<role id=\"" + // TODO Auto-generated catch block (next.getPersistentID()) e.printStackTrace(); + "\" name=\"" } + correct(next.getName()) + "\"/>\n"); } } catch (Exception e) { } private void startElement(String name, AttributesImpl attrs, TransformerHandler e.printStackTrace(); handler) throws SAXException { } handler.startElement("", name, name, attrs); } attrs.clear(); /** Correct the charcters to be compatible with xml format */ } public String correct(String s) { String res; private void endElement(String name, TransformerHandler handler) if (s != null) { throws SAXException { res = s.replaceAll("&", "&"); res = res.replaceAll("<", "<"); handler.endElement("", name, name); } res = res.replaceAll(">", ">"); res = res.replaceAll("/", "/"); res = res.replaceAll("\"", """); private void addAttribute(String AttributesImpl attrs) { name, String value, attrs.addAttribute("", name, name, "CDATA", value); } else res = s; } return res; private void emptyElement(String name, AttributesImpl attrs, } TransformerHandler handler) throws SAXException { public void save(OutputStream stream) { save(stream, "1.12"); } startElement(name, attrs, handler); endElement(name, handler); attrs.clear(); } /** Save the project as XML on a stream (including the XMLprolog) */ private void emptyComment(TransformerHandler public void save(OutputStream stream, String version) { throws SAXException { try { handler.comment(new char[] { ' ' }, 0, 1); OutputStreamWriter fout = new OutputStreamWriter(stream, "UTF-8"); } save(fout, version, true); handler) } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e); file"); public void save(OutputStreamWriter _fout, String version, boolean includeProlog) throws IOException, TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, // System.out.println("Error in saving the TransformerException, 245 SAXException { handler.endDocument(); AttributesImpl attrs = new AttributesImpl(); _fout.close(); try { StreamResult StreamResult(_fout); result = new } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); SAXTransformerFactory factory (SAXTransformerFactory) SAXTransformerFactory = } .newInstance(); TransformerHandler factory.newTransformerHandler(); Transformer handler.getTransformer(); } handler = private void saveViews(TransformerHandler handler) throws =SAXException { serializer new ViewSaver().save(getUIFacade(), handler); serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, } "UTF-8"); private void saveCalendar(TransformerHandler handler) throws SAXException { serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); new CalendarSaver().save(getProject(), handler); serializer.setOutputProperty( } "{}indent-amount", "4"); private void saveRoles(TransformerHandler handler) throws SAXException { handler.setResult(result); handler.startDocument(); AttributesImpl attrs = new AttributesImpl(); addAttribute("name", getProject().getProjectName(), attrs); RoleManager getProject().getRoleManager(); addAttribute("company", getProject().getOrganization(), attrs); roleManager = RoleSet[] roleSets = roleManager.getRoleSets(); for (int i = 0; i < roleSets.length; i++) { addAttribute("webLink", getProject().getWebLink(), attrs); RoleSet next = roleSets[i]; addAttribute("view-date", GanttCalendar(area.getViewState() new if (next.isEnabled()) { addAttribute("roleset-name", next.getName(), attrs); .getStartDate()).toXMLString(), attrs); emptyElement("roles", // TODO: 1.11 repair saving zoom state // area.getZoom(), attrs); addAttribute("view-zoom", addAttribute("view-index", myUIFacade.getViewIndex(), attrs); "" "" addAttribute("gantt-divider-location", "" + myUIFacade.getGanttDividerLocation(), attrs); + } } + // RoleSet projectRoleSet roleManager.getProjectRoleSet(); startElement("roles", attrs, handler); Role[] projectRoleSet.getRoles(); = Role next = projectRoles[i]; startElement("project", attrs, handler); addAttribute("id", saveViews(handler); saveCalendar(handler); projectRoles for (int i = 0; i < projectRoles.length; i++) { addAttribute("version", version, attrs); emptyComment(handler); = if (!projectRoleSet.isEmpty()) { addAttribute("resource-divider-location", "" + myUIFacade.getResourceDividerLocation(), attrs); attrs, handler); next.getPersistentID(), attrs); addAttribute("name", next.getName(), attrs); _save(_fout, version, false); emptyElement("role", attrs, handler); saveRoles(handler); } endElement("project", handler); endElement("roles", handler); 246 + correct(replaceAll(getProject().getDescription(), "\n", } } "\n" + s + s)) + "\n"); /** } * Save the project as XML on a writer fout.write(s + "</description>\n\n"); * * @throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError lot = tree.getAllTasks(); * @throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError lots = tree.getArryListTaskString(null); * @throws TransformerException * @throws SAXException // begin of tasks */ // fout.write(s + "<tasks>\n"); public void _save(OutputStreamWriter fout, String version, boolean includeProlog) throws IOException, // begin of tasks TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, TransformerException, fout.write(s + "<tasks "); fout.write("color=\"" ColorConvertion.getColor(area.getTaskColor()) SAXException { // String space=" "; + + "\""); number.clear(); /* * fout.write("color=\"#"); (area.getTaskColor().getRed() <= 15) { // StringWriter fout = new StringWriter(); if * fout.write("0"); } if (includeProlog) { * fout.write(Integer.toHexString(area.getTaskColor().getRed())); if // write header // version=\"1.0\"?>\n"); fout.writeBytes("<?xml * (area.getTaskColor().getGreen() <= 15) { fout.write("0"); } fout.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" * encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); fout.write(Integer.toHexString(area.getTaskColor().getGreen())); // fout.write("<!DOCTYPE project SYSTEM if // * (area.getTaskColor().getBlue() \"\">\n\n"); fout.write("0"); } fout.write("<!DOCTYPE>\n\n"); <= 15) { * fout.write(Integer.toHexString(area.getTaskColor().getBlue())); } * fout.write("\""); */ // fout.write("<project name=\"" + // correct(getProject().getProjectName()) + // "\" company=\"" correct(getProject().getOrganization()) + fout.write(">\n"); + fout.write(s + s + "<taskproperties>\n"); // "\" webLink=\"" + correct(getProject().getWebLink()) writeTaskProperties(fout, Mediator.getCustomColumnsStorage()); + // "\" view-date=\"" + area.getDate().toXMLString() + fout.write(s + s + "</taskproperties>\n"); // "\" view-zoom=\"" + // area.getZoom() + "\" version=\"" + version + "\">\n"); fout.write(s + "<description>"); if (!getProject().getDescription().equals("")) { fout.write("\n" cpt = 1; Enumeration children = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) tree.getJTree() .getModel().getRoot()).children(); while (children.hasMoreElements()) { +s +s DefaultMutableTreeNode (DefaultMutableTreeNode) children element = .nextElement(); 247 writeTask(fout, /* lot.indexOf(element) */element, s + s); fout.write(s + "<previous>\n"); } writePreviousStateTasks(fout); fout.write(s + "</previous>\n\n"); // end of tasks fout.write(s + "</tasks>\n\n"); // write the assign task to user // write the resources // end of project fout.write(s + "<resources>\n"); // fout.write("</project>\n"); writeResources(fout); fout.write(s + "</resources>\n\n"); // fout.close(); // // write the assign task to user fout.write(s + "<allocations>\n"); } writeAllocations(fout); fout.write(s + "</allocations>\n\n"); IGanttProject getProject() { return myProject; fout.write(s + "<vacations>\n"); } writeVacations(fout); fout.write(s + "</vacations>\n\n"); UIFacade getUIFacade() { return myUIFacade; fout.write(s + "<taskdisplaycolumns>\n"); writeTaskDisplayColumns(fout); } } fout.write(s + "</taskdisplaycolumns>\n\n"); about=$About add=Add addBlankLine=Insert a blank line addCustomColumn=New custom column advancement=Progress appliTitle=GanttProject apply=Apply assignTo=Assign To authors=Authors automaticLaunch=Automatic properties launch availableToolBar=Available toolbar buttons back=< Back backDate=Previous boolean=Boolean border3D=3D borders budget=Budget buttonIcon=Icons buttonIconText=Icons and text buttonText=Text calendars=$Calendars 248 cancel=Cancel centerOnSelectedTasks=Center on selected tasks chartOptions=Chart options chef=Chef chooseDate=Choose a date choosePaperFormat=Paper format choosePublicHoliday=Choose a public holidays calendar chooseRoleSets=Choose role sets chooseWeekend=Choose weekend close=Close colContact=Contact colMail=Mail colName=Name colPhone=Phone colRole=Default role colorButton=Color colors=Colors coma=Comma comparePrev=Compare to previous confirm=Acknowledgment \ confirmFTPTransfer_1=Do you want to transfer the current project to confirmFTPTransfer_2=This may take some time! coordinator=Coordinator copy=Copy copy2=Copy costs=Costs createNewProject=Create new project createNewTask=New task created createTask=$New Task... criticalPath=Critical path csvexport=CSV text export currentToolBar=Current toolbar buttons customColumns=Custom Columns cut=Cut dataBase=$Data-base date=Date dateOfBegining=Begin date dateOfEnd=End date days=Day(s) daysOff=Days off dedentTask=Unindent default=Default defaultColor=Default defaultDirectory=Default Directory defaultTaskColor=Default task color defaultValue=Default value 249 delay=Delay delete=Delete deleteCalendar=Delete Calendar deleteCost=Delete Cost deleteCustomColumn=Delete custom column deleteHuman=$Delete Resource deleteTask=$Delete Task... depends=Depends description=Description novo=New didYouKnow=Did you know ... displayAll=Display all displayHiddenTasks=Display hidden tasks displayWholeProject=Display whole project dotComa=Semicolon double=Double doubledot=Colon down=Down downTask=Down dragTime=Could drag time on chart duration=Duration earlierTasks=Previous tasks (earlier) earliestBegin=Earliest begin edit=$Edit editCalendars=$Edit Calendars editPublicHolidays=Edit public Holidays editingParameters=Edit parameters efficency=Efficiency end=End error=Error errorFTPConnection=The connection to your FTP-server could not be established! export=$Export exportAborted=Export aborted exportError=Export aborted exportSuccess=Export successful file=File fileFromServer=File path on web server filtercsv=CSV documents (csv) filterfig=XFig images (fig) filtergan=Projects (xml, gan) filterhtml=Web pages (html, htm) filterjpg=JPG images (jpg, jpeg) filterpdf=PDF documents (pdf) filterpng=PNG images (png) filterxsl=XSL documents (xsl) finishfinish=Finish-Finish 250 finishstart=Finish-Start fixedDate=Fixed date fixedWidth=Fixed width forwardDate=Next ftpdirectory=subdirectory ftpexport=FTP-server-settings ftppwd=password ftpserver=server-URL ftpuser=username gantt=Gantt ganttChart=Gantt Chart ganttReport=GanttProject Report ganttprojectFiles=GanttProject files general=General goTo=Go to help=$Help hideTask=Hide selected tasks hight=High home=Home htmlexport=HTML export human=$Resources id=ID impex.html.description=HTML Report impex.image.description=Raster image file impex.msproject.description="Microsoft Project files" import=$Import importCalendar=Import Calendars importResources=Import Resources... importerChooserPageTitle=Select importer importerFileChooserPageTitle=Select file to import from indentTask=Indent integer=Integer javadoc=Javadoc jinfos=Java Informations jpgexport=JPG export landscape=Landscape language=Language languages=Languages lastOpen=Recent Projects laterTasks=Previous tasks (later) left=Left length=Duration library=Library license=License link=Link lockDAV=Lock WebDAV resources (maximal locking time in minutes) 251 longLanguage=English looknfeel=Appearance low=Low mail=Mail manual=$Manual meetingPoint=Milestone motherTask=Parent task mpxLanguageSettingComment=Choose the MS Project language version that is used mpxLanguageSettings=MPX language settings mpxLanguageSettingsComment=Choose the MS Project language version that is used msg1=Do you want to save the project first? msg10=Could not save to the specified path.\n\ Please select a path, for which you have write permissions. msg11=Could not load from the specified path.\n\ Please select a path, for which you have read permissions. msg12=An error occured, while saving the file. Retry? msg13=Could not open the file in exclusive mode.\n\ Do you want to open a copy of the file? msg14=The specified path is currently locked.\n\ Please select another path. msg15=For export in PDF documents, you need\n\ the fop, batik and avalon libraries on your classpath\n\ ( msg16=Please enter numerical characters! msg17=Do you want to merge with the current project? msg18=already exists.\n\ Do you want to overwrite? msg19=Really delete the selected tasks? msg2=Unable to open the file\ msg20=The panel contains unsaved modifications.\n\ Do you want to save changes before exit? msg21=Selection is empty msg22=Selection must contain at least two tasks msg23=Do you really want to delete the assignment : msg24=Non valid dates msg25=Really delete the selected previous state? msg3=Really delete the task\ msg4=Cannot invoke a browser.\n\ Please Direct your browser manually to:\n\ msg5=Cannot invoke a browser.\n\ Please Direct your browser manually to:\n\ ../doc/index.html msg6=Really delete the entry for\ msg7=Malformed URL msg8=Unable to open the file 252 msg9=Unable to find the file name=Name narrowChart=Narrow chart newCalendar=New Calendar newCost=New Cost newCustomColumn=New custom column newHuman=$New Resource newProject=$New... newProject2=New project newTask=New task next=Next > nextMonth=Next month nextYear=Next year no=No none=none normal=Normal notes=Notes notesFor=Notes for\ notesTask=Edit Notes... of=of ok=Ok openFromServer=$Open from a server... openFromdataBase=$Open from a data-base openProject=$Open... openWebLink=Open the web link opening=Opening option.down.label=Below optionAdvanced.label="TO BE TRANSLATED" option.exporter.title=Select exporter option.exporter.html.advanced.label=HTML option.impex.image.fileformat.label=File format option.impex.msproject.fileformat.label=File format option.impex.msproject.fileformat.label=File format option.impex.msproject.mpx.language.label=Choose MPX language option.left.label=Left option.projectDates.label=Project start/end dates option.right.label=Right option.up.label=Above optionGroup.ganttChartColors.label=Colors optionGroup.ganttChartDetails.label=Details optionGroup.exporter.html.label=HTML optionPage.ganttChart.description= optionPage.ganttChart.title=Gantt chart settings optionValue.advancement.label=Task progress optionValue.coordinator.label=Task coordinator optionValue.down.label=Show below task bar 253 ID optionValue.impex.image.fileformat.jpeg.label=JPEG optionValue.impex.image.fileformat.png.label=PNG optionValue.impex.msproject.fileformat.mpp.label=MPP (proprietary binary format) optionValue.impex.msproject.fileformat.mpx.label=MPX (ASCII text file) optionValue.impex.msproject.fileformat.mspdi.label=MSPDI (MS Project XML format) optionValue.left.label=Show on the left side of task bar optionValue.length.label=Task duration name not show optionValue.predecessors.label=Predecessors optionValue.projectDates.label=Show optionValue.resources.label=Assigned resources optionValue.right.label=Show on the right side of task bar optionValue.taskDates.label=Task start/end dates optionValue.up.label=Show above task bar organization=Organization other=Other pageNumber=Number of pages: paperSize=Paper size: parameters=Parameters password=Password paste=Paste pdfexport=PDF export personData=Persondata pertChartLongName=PERT chart pertChartShortName=PERT pertCpm=PERT/CPM pngexport=PNG export portrait=Portrait predecessors=Predecessors preferences=Customize prevMonth=Previous month prevYear=Previous year preview=Pre$view before print previewBar=Preview previousStates=Previous states previousTasks=Previous tasks printProject=$Print... priority=Priority project=$Project projectCalendar=$Project Calendar projectDates=Begining and end project's dates projectProperties=Properties... projectTask=PRoject propertiesFor=Properties for 254 propertiesHuman=Human $Properties propertiesTask=Task $Properties... publishToWeb=Publish To Web punctuationSpace= putDate=Put the date and the time question=Question quit=$Quit redLine=Red line for today redo=Redo refresh=Refresh removeRelationShip=Remove the Relationship removeResources=Remove resources rename=Rename report=Report reportTaskCost=Report: Costs x Task reportCostResume=Report: Cost Resume resAnalysis=analysis resDeveloper=developer resDocTranslator=doc translator resDocWriter=doc writer \ resFields=Resource fields resGraphicDesigner=graphic designer resNoSpecificRole=no specific role resPackager=packager (.rpm, .tgz, ...) resProjectManager=project manager resTester=tester resUndefined=undefined resWebDesigner=web designer reset=Reset resetColor=Click here to reset color to default value. resourceData=Resourcedata resourceRole=Resource role resourcename=Resource Name resources=Resources resourcesChart=Resources Chart resourcesList=Resources List resourcesOverload=Resources (overload) resourcesUnderload=Resources (underload) restoreDefaults=Restore defaults right=Right role=Role roleSet.Default.displayName=Default roleSet.SoftwareDevelopment.displayName=Software Development save=Save saveAsProject=Save $As... saveCurrent=Save state 255 saveProject=$Save saveToDataBase=$Save to a data-base saveToServer=$Save to a server... saving=Saving selectColor=Select Color... selectDays=Select Days of week selectProjectDomain=Select your project domain selectProjectWeekend=Configure weekends and public holidays selectThemeDirectory=Select the theme directory selectThemeFile=Select the theme file sendMail=Send an e-mail separated=Separated separatedFields=Separated fields separator=Separator setEndDate=Set end date setStartDate=Set start date settings=$Settings settingsAbout=This dialog shows information about GanttProject\ settingsAuthors=Thanks a lot for all persons, who help in improving GanttProject (developers, translators, testers, ...) settingsCVSExport=Parameters for exporting the project in the CSV text format. settingsDefaultColor=The default colors are used for the creation of new tasks. settingsExport=Properties for the chart export. settingsFTPExport=Configure access to your FTP-server. This data is used to publish your projects to your project to your webserver. If you specify a subdirectory, it must exist on the server. settingsHTMLExport=Theme directory for the HTML export. You can download some themes from the GanttProject web site or create your own themes. settingsJavaInfos=Here are some informations about your Java system. settingsLanguages=Choose the language you want to use for GanttProject. settingsLibrary=Here is a list of the different libraries included in GanttProject. settingsLicense=GanttProject is under the GPL license. settingsLooknFeel=Choose the look'n'feel you want to use for GanttProject. settingsPDFExport=Xsl-fo file for pdf document export. You can download some themes from the GanttProject web site or create your own themes. settingsParameters=Edit the parameters for GanttProject's user interface. settingsPreferences=Editing the preferences settingsProject=Edit the project properties. settingsReport=Generate Reports. settingsRoles=Here, you can edit and create new functions for the resources of your project. settingsWelcome=Welcome to the settings panel. Here you can edit the parameters for GanttProject and for your project. shape=Shape shortDescription=Description shortLanguage=en show=Show showHiddens=Show hidden buttons showStatusBar=Show the status bar showTipsOnStartup=Show tips on startup space=Space 256 start=Start startfinish=Start-Finish startstart=Start-Start step=Step success=Success successFTPConnection=The connection to your web-server could be successfully established! successFTPTransfer=All files have been successfully transfered to your web-server! successors=Successors tableColBegDate=Begin date tableColCompletion=Completion tableColCoordinator=Coordinator tableColDuration=Duration tableColEndDate=End date tableColID=ID tableColInfo=Info tableColName=Name tableColPredecessors=Predecessors tableColPriority=Priority tableColResourceEMail=e-mail tableColResourceName=Name tableColResourcePhone=Phone tableColResourceRole=Default role tableColResourceRoleForTask=Assignment role tableColType=Type task=$Tasks taskDates=Begining and end task's dates taskFields=Task Fields taskNamePrefix=Task name prefix taskViewPreferences=Task view preferences taskname=Task name tasksList=Tasks List testFTPConnection=Test the FTP connection text=Text textFiles=Text files (*.txt) textSeparator=Text separator tips1=It is possible to move the entire project by dragging the project with the middle mouse button. tips10=You can organise your tasks by arranging them in a hierarchy using the "Indent" and "Unindent" functions. tips11=Ganttproject offers the possibility to publish a report as pdf format. You need the fop library and the batik library from the Apache foundation on your classpath. The export uses XSL-FO technology to create the document. There is a default xslfo file in the ganttproject library, but you can edit your own xslfo file to customize the export. tips12=By using the import menu, you can directly import a list of tasks from a text file.\n\ Each row is inserted into the project as a new task name. tips13=The selection of multiple tasks on the tree is now possible for some actions like up, down, delete, indent, unindent and unlink. tips14=If you've entered the email of the resource, you can directly send an email by the GanttProject menu. tips15=You can specify a prefix for task names, which is used when you create a new task. It can help you to automate the generation of new tasks.\n\ Edit -> Settings -> General -> Paremeters -> Task name prefix 257 tips16=You can hide columns in the 'Gantt View' by right clicking the table header. tips17=You can customize the Gantt chart view by right clicking in the Gantt view. Tasks names, dates, lengths, completion percentage or even resources could be displayed directly on the chart. tips18=GanttProject provides some MS Project compatibility features. You can both import and export MS Project files using the export and import features and choosing the MS Project file filter. tips19=In the Gantt view you can select several tasks by holding down the Ctrl or Shift key. tips2=You can directly edit the name of the task, on the tree. Press F2 key to enter edition, change the name and press enter. tips20=You can add custom columns in the tasks table by right clicking the table header and click 'Add a new custom column'.\n\ You can add and remove custom columns via the 'Custom colums' tab in the task properties dialog. tips21=GanttProject enables you to highlight the critical path of the current project. Click on the critical path icon. tips3=To export the project into HTML web pages, GanttProject uses XSL transformations. You can create customized xsl files, put them on a directory and use the new theme for your export. tips4=The "Automatic properties launch" option can be used, if you prefer the program to automatically open the properties dialog for newly created tasks. tips5=The "Import resources" command enables you to load resources from another project and put them into the current project. tips6=GanttProject supports working with project plans, that are stored on web servers. If such a server supports WebDAV, you can even save/publish a project plan to it. Of course you must have write permissions for this, so you may have to enter a username and a password for your server. Then you could work at distance by using internet connection and share a common project plan with your team.\n\ \n\ If you want to know more about WebDAV see:\n\ tips7=GanttProject is an OpenSource project and is developed by a community of developers all over the world. You can find some statistics, and information at the sourceforge page:\n\ tips8=The relationships between two tasks have several forms: Finish-Start, Finish-Finish, Start-Finish and Start-Start. This possibility could help you to edit a realistic plan for your projects. tips9=You can customize the roles for resources on the settings dialog box. The roles are saved on the XML file as <roles> entry. tipsOfTheDay=$Tips of the day total=Total type=Type typeClass=Type undo=Undo undoNumber=Number of undos unit=Unit unitsPerDay=Maximum units per day unlink=Unlink up=Up upTask=Up useSmalIcons=Use small icons userName=Username value=Value view=View warning=Warning web=Web webLink=Web Link webPage=$Web Page webServer=$Web Server 258 week=Week\ weekEnd=Week End welcome=Welcome to GanttProject wholeProject=Whole project widenChart=Widen chart xfigexport=XFIG export xslDirectory=Default theme directory\ xslFoFile=Default XSL-FO file yes=Yes zoom=Zoom zoomFit=Fit zoomIn=Zoom In zoomOut=Zoom Out about=$Sobre... add=Adicionar advancement=Avan\u00e7o appliTitle=GanttProject aplly=Aplicar authors=Autores automaticLaunch=Lan\u00e7amento autom\u00e1tico de propriedades assignTo=Atribuir \u00e0 back=< Anterior backDate=Anterior border3D=Bordas 3D budget=Or\u00e7amento buttonIcon=\u0049cones buttonIconText=\u0049cones e texto buttonText=Texto calendars=$Calend\u00e1rio cancel=Cancelar chef=Chefe chooseDate=Escolha uma data choosePublicHoliday=Escolha um calendario de feriados publicos chooseRoleSets=Escolha o conjunto de fun\u00e7oes chooseWeekend=Escolha os dias de folga close=Fechar colContact=Contato colMail=Mail colName=Nome colorButton=Cor 259 colors=Cores colPhone=Telefone colRole=Fun\u00e7\u00e3o coma=v\u00edrgula copy=Copiar copy2=Copiar costs=Custos csvexport=Exporta\u00e7\u00e3o de texto CSV createTask=$Nova tarefa... createNewTask=Nova tarefa criada createNewProject=Criar novo projeto cut=Cortar customColumns=Colunas Customizadas date=Data dataBase=Base de dados dateOfBegining=Data de in\u00edcio dateOfEnd=Data de t\u00e9rmino daysOff=Ferias defaultColor=Cor padr\u00e3o defaultDirectory=Diret\u00f3rio padr\u00e3o defaultTaskColor=Cor de tarefa padr\u00e3o delete=Excluir deleteCalendar=Apague calend\u00e1rio deleteCost=Excluir Custo deleteHuman=Excluir pessoa deleteTask=Excluir tarefa dedentTask=Recuar depends=Depend\u00eancias description=Descri\u00e7\u00e3o didYouKnow=Voc\u00ea sabia... downTask=Abaixo dotComa=Ponto e v\u00edrgula doubledot=Dois pontos dragTime=Poderia arrastar o tempo no diagrama edit=Editar editCalendars=$Edi\u00e7\u00e3o do calend\u00e1rio editingParameters=Editar par\u00e2metros efficency=Efici\u00eancia end=Fim error=Erro export=Exportar file=Arquivo fileFromServer=Caminho do arquivo no servidor web 260 filtercsv=Documento CSV filterfig=Imagens XFig filterjpg=Imagens JPG filterpng=Imagens PNG filterpdf=Documentos PDF filterhtml=P\u00e1ginas Web filtergan=Arquivos GanttProject (xml, gan) filterxsl=Documentos XSL finishfinish=Final-Final finishstart=Final-In\u00edcio fixedDate=Data fixa fixedWidth=Largura fixa forwardDate=Pr\u00f3ximo gantt=Gantt ganttChart=Diagrama Gantt ganttReport=Relat\u00f3rio GanttProject general=Geral help=Ajuda hight=Alta home=Home htmlexport=Exportar HTML human=Pessoa id=ID importCalendar=Importar Calend\u00e1rios indentTask=Avan\u00e7ar jinfos=Informa\u00e7\u00f5es Java importResources=Importar Recursos... import=$Importar javadoc=Javadoc jpgexport=Exportar JPG landscape=Paisagem language=Linguagem languages=Linguagens lastOpen=\u00daltimos abertos length=Dura\u00e7\u00e3o library=Biblioteca license=Licen\u00e7a link=Link lockDAV=Bloqueia recurso WebDAV (em minutos) looknfeel=Apar\u00eancia longLanguage=Portugu\u00eas do Brasil 261 low=Baixa mail=Mail manual=$Manual motherTask=Tarefa-m\u00e3e meetingPoint=Ponto de encontro msg1=Voc\u00ea gostaria de salvar o projeto antes? msg2=N\u00e3o consegui abrir o arquivo msg3=Deseja realmente deletar a tarefa msg4=N\u00e3o consegui abrir o navegador.\n Abra seu navegador manualmente em msg5=N\u00e3o consegui abrir o navegador.\n Abra seu navegador manualmente em ../doc/index.html msg6=Deseja realmente deletar a entrada para msg7=URL malformada msg8=N\u00e3o consegui abrir o arquivo msg9=N\u00e3o consegui encontrar o arquivo msg10=N\u00e3o consegui salvar no caminho especificado.\nPor favor selecione um diret\u00f3rio no qual voc\u00ea tenha permiss\u00f5es de escrita. msg11=N\u00e3o consegui abrir a partir do caminho especificado.\nPor favor selecione um diret\u00f3rio no qual voc\u00ea tenha permiss\u00f5es de leitura. msg12=Um erro aconteceu ao salvar o arquivo. Tentar novamente? msg13=N\u00e3o consegui abrir o arquivo em modo exclusivo.\nVoc\u00ea quer abrir uma c\u00f3pia deste arquivo? msg14=O caminho especificado est\u00e1 bloqueado.\nPor favor selecione um outro diret\u00f3rio. msg15=Para exportar um documento PDF, voc\u00ea precisa\ndas bibliotecas fop, batik e avalon em seu classpath\n(cf msg16=Por favor digite caracteres num\u00e9ricos! msg17=Voc\u00ea deseja unir com o projeto atual? msg18=J\u00e1 existe.\nVoc\u00ea deseja sobre-escrever? msg19=Realmente deletar a tarefa selecionada? msg20=O painel cont\u00e9m modifica\u00e7\u00f5es altera\u00e7\u00f5es antes de sair? n\u00e3o salvas.\nVoc\u00ea gostaria de salvar as msg21=Sele\u00e7\u00e3o vazia msg22=Sele\u00e7\u00e3o deve conter pelo menos duas tarefas name=Nome newCalendar=Calend\u00e1rio novo newCost=Novo Custo newHuman=Nova pessoa newProject=Novo newProject2=Novo projeto newTask=Nova tarefa next=Pr\u00f3ximo > nextMonth=Pr\u00f3ximo m\u00eas nextYear=Pr\u00f3ximo ano no=N\u00e3o none=Nenhuma normal=Normal notes=Notas notesFor=Notas para 262 notesTask=Editar notas ok=Ok openFromdataBase=$Abrir de base de dados openFromServer=$Abrir de servidor... openProject=Abrir openWebLink=Abrir um endere\u00e7o na rede opening=Abrindo organization=Organiza\u00e7\u00e3o other=Outro parameters=Par\u00e2metros paste=Colar password=Senha pdfexport=Exportar PDF pertCpm=PERT/CPM personData=Dados Pessoais pngexport=Exporta\u00e7\u00e3o PNG portrait=Retrato predecessors=Predecessores preview=$Visualizar impress\u00e3o prevMonth=M\u00eas anterior prevYear=Ano anterior printProject=Imprimir... priority=Prioridade project=Projeto projectCalendar=$Calend\u00e1rio do projeto projectProperties=Propriedades... projectTask=Ponto de Encontro propertiesFor=Propriedades de propertiesHuman=Propriedades dos recursos propertiesTask=Propriedades da tarefa putDate=Coloque a data e hora quit=Sair question=Quest\u00e3o redLine=Linha vermelha para hoje removeRelationShip=Remover relacionamento removeResources=Remover recursos report=Relat\u00f3rio reportTaskCost=Relat\u00f3rio: Custos x Tarefa reportCostResume=Relat\u00f3rio: Resumo de Custos resAnalysis=Analista resDeveloper=Desenvolvedor resDocTranslator=Tradutor de documenta\u00e7\u00e3o 263 resDocWriter=Escritor de documenta\u00e7\u00e3o resetColor=Clique aqui para restaurar a cor ao valor padr\u00e3o. resFields=Campos de recursos resGraphicDesigner=Designer Gr\u00e1fico resNoSpecificRole=Sem papel espec\u00edfico resourceData=Dados do recurso resourcename=Nome do recurso resourceRole=Papel do recurso resources=Recursos resourcesOverload=Recursos (sobrecarga) resourcesChart=Diagrama de recursos resourcesList=Lista de recursos resPackager=Empacotador (.rpm, .tgz ...) resProjectManager=Gerente de Projeto resTester=Testador restoreDefaults=Restaurar padr\u00f5es resUndefined=Indefinido resWebDesigner=Web Designer role=Fun\u00e7\u00e3o roleSet.Default.displayName=Padr\u00e3o roleSet.SoftwareDevelopment.displayName=Desenvolvimento de Software saveAsProject=Salvar como saveProject=Salvar saveToDataBase=$Salvar em base de dados saveToServer=$Salvar em servidor... saving=Salvando selectColor=Selecione a cor selectDays=Selecione dias da semana selectThemeDirectory=Selecione o diret\u00f3rio de temas selectThemeFile=Selecione o arquivo de temas selectProjectDomain=Selecione o seu dom\u00ednio de projeto selectProjectWeekend=Configure feriados e dias de folga sendMail=Enviar um e-mail separated=Separados separatedFields=Campos separados settings=$Configura\u00e7\u00f5es settingsAbout=Este di\u00e1logo mostra informa\u00e7\u00f5es sobre GanttProject settingsAuthors=Muito obrigado a todas as pessoas que ajudaram no melhora do GanttProject (desenvolvedores, tradutores, testadores...) settingsCVSExport=Par\u00e2metros para exporta\u00e7\u00e3 do projeto em texto formato CVS. settingsDefaultColor=A c\u00f4r padr\u00e3o \u00e9 usada na cria\u00e7\u00e3o de uma nova tarefa. settingsExport=Propriedades para a exporta\u00e7\u00e3o. settingsJavaInfos=Aqui h\u00e1 algumas informa\u00e7\u00f5 sobre o seu sistema Java. settingsHTMLExport=Diret\u00f3rio de temas para a exporta\u00e7\u00e3o HTML. Voc\u00ea pode baixar outros temas da p\u00e1gina GanttProject ou criar seus pr\u00f3prios temas. 264 settingsLanguages=Escolha a linguagem que voc\u00ea deseja usar no GanttProject. settingsLibrary=Aqui h\u00e1 uma lista de diferentes bibliotecas inclu\u00eddas no GanttProject. settingsLicense=GanttProject est\u00e1 sob licen\u00e7a GPL. settingsLooknFeel=Escolha a apar\u00eancia que voc\u00ea deseja usar no GanttProject. settingsParameters=Edite os par\u00e2metros para a interface de usu\u00e1rio do GanttProject. settingsPreferences=Editando as prefer\u00eancias settingsPDFExport=Arquivo Xsl-fo para a exporta\u00e7\u00e3o de documentos pdf. Voc\u00ea pode baixar outros temas da p\u00e1gina GanttProject ou criar seus pr\u00f3prios temas. settingsProject=Edite as propriedades do projeto. settingsReport=Gerar Relat\u00f3rio. settingsRoles=Aqui, voc\u00ea pode editar e criar novas fun\u00e7\u00f5es para os recursos do seu projeto. settingsWelcome=Bem vindo ao painel de ajustes. Aqui voc\u00ea pode editar os par\u00e2metros para GanttProject e para seus projetos. shape=Forma shortDescription=Descri\u00e7\u00e3o shortLanguage=pt_BR showTipsOnStartup=Mostrar dicas ao iniciar show=Mostra showStatusBar=Mostra a barra de acompanhamento space=Espa\u00e7o successors=Sucessores start=In\u00edcio startfinish=In\u00edcio-Fim startstart=In\u00edcio-In\u00edcio tableColBegDate=Data de In\u00edcio tableColEndDate=Data de Fim tableColName=Nome tableColPredecessors=Predecessor tableColPriority=Prioridade tableColResourceEMail=e-mail tableColResourceName=Nome tableColResourcePhone=Telefone tableColResourceRole=Fun\u00e7\u00e3o padr\u00e3oo tableColResourceRoleForTask=Fun\u00e7\u00e3o estabelecida tableColType=Tipo task=Tarefa taskFields=Campos de tarefas tasksList=Lista de tarefas taskname=Nome da tarefa taskNamePrefix=Prefixo do nome da tarefa textSeparator=Separador de textos tips1=\u00c9 poss\u00edvel mover todo o projeto arrastando o projeto com o bot\u00e3o do meio do mouse. tips2=Voc\u00ea pode editar o nome de uma tarefa diretamente, na \u00e1rvore. Pressione F2 para editar, modifique o nome e pressione enter. tips3=Para exportar o projeto em p\u00e1ginas HTML, GanttProject usa transforma\u00e7\u00f5es XSL. Voc\u00ea pode criar seus pr\u00f3prios arquivos xsl e us\u00e1-los como tema. 265 tips4=A op\u00e7\u00e3o "Lan\u00e7amento autom\u00e1tico de propriedades" pode ser usada, se voc\u00ea preferir que o programa automaticamente abra o dialogo de propriedades para a tarefa criada. tips5=O comando "Importar recursos" capacita voc\u00ea carregar recursos de outro projeto e coloc\u00e1-los no projeto corrente. tips6=GanttProject suporta armazenar projetos em servidores web. Se tal servidor suporta WebDAV, voc\u00ea pode salvar/publicar um projeto nele. Claro que voc\u00ea deve possuir permiss\u00e3o de escrita, ent\u00e3o voc\u00ea deve entrar com o nome de usu\u00e1rio e senha para o seu servidor. Ent\u00e3o voc\u00ea pode trabalhar \u00e0 dist\u00e2ncia usando uma conex\u00e3o da internet e compartilhando um projeto com a sua equipe de desenvolvimento.\n\nSe voc\u00ea quiser conhecer mais sobre WebDAV visite htttp:// tips7=GanttProject \u00e9 desenvolvido como OpenSource (programa aberto ou livre) por uma comunidade de desenvolvedores ao redor do mundo. Voc\u00ea pode achar algumas estat\u00edsticas e informa\u00e7\u00f5es na p\u00e1gina sourceforge: tips8=O relacionamento entre duas tarefas possui muitas formas: Final-In\u00edcio, Final-Final, In\u00edcio-Final e In\u00edcio-In\u00edcio. Isto possibilita voc\u00ea editar um plano real\u00edstico para os seus projetos. tips9=Voc\u00ea pode editar suas fun\u00e7\u00f5es de dados de pessoas na caixa de configura\u00e7\u00f5es. As fun\u00e7\u00f5es s\u00e3o salvadas no arquivo XML como entrada <roles>. di\u00e1logo de tips10=Voc\u00ea pode organizar suas tarefas em hierarquias usando os bot\u00f5es "Avan\u00e7ar", "Recuar", "Acima" e "Abaixo". tips11=Ganttproject oferece a possibilidade de publicar um relat\u00f3rio com o formato PDF. Voc\u00ea necessita da biblioteca fop e a biblioteca batik da funda\u00e7\u00e3o Apache em sua classpath. A exporta\u00e7\u00e3o usa a tecnologia ZSL-FO para criar o documento. H\u00e1 um arquivo xslfo padr\u00e3o na biblioteca ganttproject mas voc\u00ea pode editar o seu arquivo xslfo para personalizar a exporta\u00e7\u00e3o. tips12=Usando o menu de importa\u00e7\u00e3o, voc\u00ea pode diretamente importar uma lista de tarefas a partir de um arquivo texto.\nCada linha \u00e9 inserida no projeto como um novo nome de tarefa. tips13=A sele\u00e7\u00e3o m\u00faltipla em uma \u00e1rvore est\u00e1 habilitada para algumas a\u00e7\u00f5es como acima, abaixo, apagar, avan\u00e7ar, recuar e desvincular. tips14=Se voc\u00ea colocou o e-mail de um recurso, voc\u00ea pode enviar diretamente um e-mail pelo menu do GanttProject. tips15=O prefixo do nome da tarefa \u00e9 usado quando voc\u00ea cria uma nova tarefa. Ela pode ajudar na gera\u00e7\u00e3o autom\u00e1tica de nomes de tarefa. tipsOfTheDay=$Dicas do dia type=Tipo unlink=Desvincular unit=Unidade unitsPerDay=Unidades m\u00e1ximas por dia upTask=Acima userName=Nome de usu\u00e1rio useSmalIcons=Use \u00edcones pequenos value=Valor view=Vizualiza\u00e7\u00e3o warning=Aten\u00e7\u00e3o webLink=Liga\u00e7\u00e3o de p\u00e1gina webPage=P\u00e1gina web web=Web webServer=Servidor Web week=Semana welcome=Bem vindo ao GanttProject xfigexport=Exporta\u00e7\u00e3o XFIG xslDirectory=Diret\u00f3rio padr\u00e3o de temas XSL 266 xslFoFile=Arquivo padr\u00e3o xsl-fo yes=Sim zoomFit=Ajustar zoomIn=Ampliar zoomOut=Reduzir 267