Michael Matthew Groat Department of Computer Science This


Michael Matthew Groat Department of Computer Science This
Michael Matthew Groat
Department of Computer Science
This dissertation is approved, and it is acceptable in quality and form
for publication:
Approved by the Dissertation Committee:
Stephanie Forrest, Ph.D.
Wenbo He, Ph.D.
Carlos Fernando Esponda Darlington, Ph.D.
Terran Lane, Ph.D.
Jared Saia, Ph.D.
, Chairperson
Energy Conserving Privacy Enhancing
Algorithms for Resource-Constrained
Michael Matthew Groat
B.S., Computer Science, California State University, East Bay, 1997
M.S., Computer Science, California State University, East Bay, 2005
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Computer Science
The University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico
December, 2012
Michael Matthew Groat
To the disadvantaged among us,
and the people that support them.
I would first like to thank my adviser, Stephanie Forrest, for her guidance, counseling,
and opportunity to work as her research assistant. I thank my co-adviser, Wenbo
He, for her inspirational source of technical contributions, and, I thank the rest of my
committee for providing helpful and constructive advice: Fernando Esponda, Terran
Lane, and Jared Saia.
Much recognition goes to the members of the Adaptive Computation Laboratory for their help, discussions, and support: Elena Ackley, George Bezerra, James
Horey, Josh Karlin, Drew Levin, ThanhVu Nguyen, Terri Oda, Barbara Shirtcliff,
Eric Shulte, George Stelle, and Eric Trias. I would like to thank especially Benjamin
Edwards for his help, ideas, and assistance with the PerCom conference, and Ricardo
Villalon for his assistance with walking me through NesC, TinyOS, and TOSSIM.
I acknowledge and thank the various anonymous reviewers who helped shape
the content of the published papers that assisted in forming this dissertation. I
also acknowledge financial support from Motorola Inc., Reaching the Pinnacle, the
National Science Foundation, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and
Eli Lilly and Company.
This dissertation could not be completed without the support and encouragement
from my family, and, thank you Carol for your patience, wisdom and love. Most of
all, I thank God for inspiring and guiding me through graduate school.
Energy Conserving Privacy Enhancing
Algorithms for Resource-Constrained
Michael Matthew Groat
B.S., Computer Science, California State University, East Bay, 1997
M.S., Computer Science, California State University, East Bay, 2005
Ph.D., Computer Science, University of New Mexico, 2012
Resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensor networks, body area networks,
or smart phones collect confidential and sensitive information about their users. Traditional solutions to protect these data, such as encryption, consume a significant
amount of resources to be viable. In this dissertation, I present two energy efficient
information collection protocols based on the notion that by relaxing the definition
of privacy, such as using indistinguishability, energy use can be reduced. The first
protocol, multi-dimensional negative surveys (MDNSs), protects multivariate categorical data by perturbing sensed values to something other than what was actually
sensed, and transmits the perturbed values to a central information collection server,
providing privacy protection for information such as location. The second protocol, k-indistinguishable privacy-preserving data aggregation (KIPDA), protects the
privacy of data that are aggregated in wireless sensor networks. It is specialized
for the maximum and minimum aggregation functions and is one of the first techniques to provide protection from other adversarial nodes in the network. Sensitive
data are obfuscated by hiding them among a set of camouflage values. Because the
sensitive data are not encrypted, they can be aggregated easily and efficiently with
minimal in-network processing delay. While radio usage is expensive, I show through
analysis, simulations, and implementations that broadcasting a modest amount of
camouflage data is more energy efficient when encryption is eliminated. Simulations
and implementations on physical devices illustrate how both approaches can protect
the privacy of a participant’s data, while reducing energy use and allowing useful
aggregate information to be collected.
List of Figures
List of Tables
1 Introduction
2 Background and Preliminary Work
Wireless Sensor Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Concealed Data Aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Negative Surveys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preliminary Work: Negative Surveys Applied to Wireless Sensor Networks
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Node Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Base Station Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Privacy and Utility Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Privacy Metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Utility Metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Experimental Study of Trade-offs Between Privacy
and Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Analysis of Adversarial Information Gained
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dimensional Adjustment Improves Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dimensional Adjustment Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Trade-off Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Magnification of Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dimensional Adjustment Always Improves Utility . . . . . . .
Dimensional Adjustment is Expected to Reduce Privacy . . .
Summary of Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 KIPDA: k -Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation 45
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overview of Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aggregation Accuracy and Collusion Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pre-distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Base Station Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evaluation Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Energy Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Delay Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Simulations and Implementations
MDNS MATLAB Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cell Phone Radiation Threat Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reconstructing Continuous Values
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
KIPDA PowerTOSSIM-Z Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Simulation Setup: Design Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Implementations on Physical Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
MDNSs on Android Smart Phones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
KIPDA on Moteiv T-mote Invent Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Summary of Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
6 Discussion
Possible Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
MDNSs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Trade-offs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Strengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Limitations and Caveats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Previous Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Trade-offs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Strengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Limitations and Caveats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Comparisons of Energy Analysis, Simulations, and Implementations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
7 Related Work
MDNSs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
8 Future Work and Conclusion
Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
MDNSs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
KIPDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
General Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
A Publications from this Dissertation
List of Figures
Example of a wireless sensor network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example of a wireless sensor network with and without data aggre-
gation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example of a single-dimensional negative survey. . . . . . . . . . . .
Example of positive and negative multi-dimensional space for two
dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Effects of different original distributions on privacy and utility. . . .
Information gained by an adversary who captures negative responses. 36
Example of dimensional adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chernoff bounds where categories are fixed (left) and population is
fixed (right). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Illustrated KIPDA notations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example of a KIPDA aggregation scheme with three nodes. . . . . .
An adversary can determine that the sensitive value is in the |U | + 1
largest positions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of Figures
An adversary can determine that the sensitive value is in Rj of V i . .
Optimal size of the global secret set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
k versus the number of colluding nodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
KIPDA energy profile for the MicaZ architecture. . . . . . . . . . . .
KIPDA energy profile for the TelosB architecture. . . . . . . . . . .
KIPDA timing profile for the MicaZ and TelosB architectures. . . .
Example of a cell phone radiation detection scenario with 9 locations. 83
Technique to determine radiation threats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Results from Table 5.1 displayed graphically. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Percentage error of parameter reconstruction with negative surveys
on continuous data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Comparison of RDP to MDNSs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Comparison of RDP to MDNSs on discontinuous PDFs. . . . . . . .
Three different topologies used to test KIPDA and hop-by-hop encryption aggregation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total network energy consumption between KIPDA and hop-by-hop
encryption for three topologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Average energy used per node between KIPDA and hop-by-hop encryption for three topologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Comparisons of total network energy used between hop-by-hop encryption and KIPDA where the threshold ratio equals one. . . . . . 102
List of Figures
Experimental results of MDNSs on smart phones. . . . . . . . . . . 106
Topology used for the KIPDA implementations. . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Comparison of voltage used between KIPDA with a message vector
of 18 bytes and hop-by-hop aggregation with an AES cipher that
used 16 byte blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
NSPMs out perform other Warner type schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Original, negated, and reconstructed distributions of a spatial negative survey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
List of Tables
Two negative surveys illustrating dimensional adjustment. . . . . . .
KIPDA notations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bandwidth and energy usage of end-to-end data collection. . . . . .
Parameters used in the energy analysis equations. . . . . . . . . . .
Parameters aM U L and bM U L taken from Ganesan et al. [70]. . . . . .
Parameters aRISC and bRISC taken from Ganesan et al. [70]. . . . . .
Energy consumption of common operations on MicaZ and TelosB
motes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Costs to encrypt data on the MicaZ and TelosB motes. . . . . . . .
Energy usage of hop-by-hop encryption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Results of the cell phone radiation detection simulation. . . . . . . .
Various forms of encryption ciphers and their properties. . . . . . . .
Various encryption/decryption costs reported from AVRORA. . . . .
Average time to encrypt and decrypt on a T-mote Invent sensor. . . 109
List of Tables
Comparison between AES hop-by-hop encryption and KIPDA with
a message vector of 18 bytes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Results of a cell phone radiation detection simulation in Boston. . . 120
Comparison of different secure data aggregation technologies. . . . . 136
Number of categories in dimension i of a negative survey. If
no subscript is used, then only a single dimension exists.
The reconstructed distribution in a negative survey.
aggregation tree
The path through a wireless sensor network (WSN) that data
take to reach the base station. This path typically resembles
the minimum spanning tree of a WSN, with the base station
at the root.
base station
A central information collection server that receives data in a
WSN. A WSN can have more than one base station.
Concealed data aggregation. Data aggregation where data
are kept confidential and secure from intermediate nodes and
Sensitive value of data at node i. It is hidden in among |V i |−1
other values in node i’s message vector, V i .
Number of dimensions in a multi-dimensional negative survey
Dimensional adjustment. A technique that increases the number of dimensions and reduces the number of categories in a
single dimension. This increases utility and reduces privacy
non-linearly, with a higher increase in utility than the corresponding decrease in privacy.
data aggregation
The combining, merging, processing, or filtering of data while
in transit to the base station. This reduces packet size and
number of packets, thus conserving energy.
Global secret set. In KIPDA, the set stored at the base station that contains possible locations for the final network aggregated value.
honest but curious
A threat model that assumes an entity will follow the network
protocols but will use the protocols to collect information mischievously.
Index set of V i , ∀i, 1≤i≤N , where N is the number of sensors
in a wireless sensor network (WSN). I = {1, 2, ..., n}, where n
is the number of messages in a message vector.
k-Indistinguishable privacy-preserving data aggregation. A
CDA scheme in WSNs where data are camouflaged among
decoy values.
Kronecker technique A technique that converts a multi-dimensional negative survey (MDNS) to a single-dimensional negative survey, with the
same accuracy.
Low power listening. A technique used by sensors to conserve energy by putting the radio to sleep. The radio wakes
randomly to listen for transmissions.
Notation for the perturbation matrix of dimension i. If no
subscript is used, then only a single dimension exists.
Multi-dimensional negative survey. An information collection
scheme that perturbs multi-dimensional sensor data to obscure the data, but allows aggregate statistics to be reconstructed from the perturbed values.
message vector
Vector of the camouflaged and sensitive values sent to the next
hop in the aggregation tree. It is indexed by I.
Number of values in a message vector, n = |V i |, ∀i, 1≤i≤N .
Number of participants in a negative survey or number of
sensors in a wireless sensor network (WSN).
negative survey
A survey in which respondents (human or device) report a
value other than the correct value. For example, if a respondent drove a Chevrolet and was asked what make of car
she drove, she might report a Ford, but would not report a
Negative survey perturbation matrix. An α by α probability
matrix that maps category i to category j in a negative survey.
It contains 0’s down the diagonal and
everywhere else.
Index of the sensitive value in V i for node i. P i ⊂ Ri .
perturbation matrix
The matrix in random response techniques (RRTs) and negative surveys that gives the probabilities of perturbing a category to another category. In MDNS each dimension has a
Indices of the restricted camouflage values in V i for node i
with the union of the index of the sensitive value, P i .
Random data perturbation. A technique in privacy-preserving
data mining in which the original data is perturbed by adding
noise drawn from a known distribution. The perturbed data
is then reconstructed using an iterative algorithm based on
Bayes Theorem.
restricted values
Camouflaged values in the message vector that are greater
than the sensitive value for minimum aggregation (and less
for maximum aggregation).
Random response technique. A method in privacy-preserving
data mining that perturbs categorical information. Originally
developed to hide answers to yes or no questions, it has been
extended to multiple categories.
A small resource-constrained device typically equipped with a
radio of limited bandwidth, a simple central processing unit,
a limited amount of memory (either volatile and/or non-volatile), a limited amount of energy, and one or more environmental sensors. Used synonymously with node or mote.
Indices of the unrestricted camouflaged values in V i for node
i. U i = Ri = V i − Ri , where “−” denotes set difference.
unrestricted values
Camouflage values in a message vector that are either more
or less than the sensitive value in the message vector.
Values of V i for node i where ℓ = 1, 2, ..., n.
Notation for the message vector of node i. V i = {v1i , v2i , ...,
vni }.
The last message vector received by, or processed at, the base
Wireless sensor network. A network of sensors that monitors
its environment and communicates by radio transmissions.
The original or underlying distribution in a negative survey.
The perturbed, disguised, or negated distribution in a negative
Chapter 1
Introduction 1
Applications of sensor networks have shifted from monitoring non-sensitive data
about volcanoes [148] and forests [14] to collecting private and confidential information about people’s health, habits, and behaviors [27]. Because sensors now interact closely with people, it is vital to protect and secure the data they collect.
However, current forms of protection are expensive and consume resources such as
energy stored in batteries, processing time, and memory [97, 124, 144]. New forms
of privacy protection are required to alleviate this strain and protect sensitive data
on resource-constrained devices [135]. I propose that algorithms can trade-off strict
notions of privacy for data indistinguishability, reducing energy consumption as a
1 Some
material from this dissertation was previously published in “Enhancing Participa-
tory Sensing Applications with Multidimensional Data” which appeared in the Proceedings
of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
2012, and “KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation in
Wireless Sensor Networks” which appeared in the Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Internac
tional Conference on Computer Communications IEEE
2011. Reprinted with permission.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Novel methods of energy efficient privacy protection are important for several reasons. First, privacy protects individuals from a variety of negative consequences they
may suffer when data are leaked about them, for example, thefts of bank accounts
or social security numbers. The second reason is economical — relieving the load
on sensor resources prolongs the lifetime of these devices and the intervals between
needed maintenance [12]. Third, the growth of ubiquitous sensing will affect nearly
everyone. Sensors will exist in abundance in many commonplace locations such as
milk cartons [20], light bulbs [66], clothes [119], street lights [93], buses [72], and
bathrooms [116]. These devices may inadvertently capture information from unwilling participants. Finally, while a small sensor may not consume a large amount of
energy (especially when compared to a personal computer), their pervasiveness will
eventually affect energy budgets.
Creating new forms of privacy protection is not easy because of several challenges.
Eavesdroppers could intercept sensor radio communications. The devices themselves
can be physically captured by an adversary and have their memory contents examined, or they can be altered and re-released in the environment to masquerade
as benign sensors, mischievously collecting information or disrupting protocols. In
addition, there are several impediments to creating new privacy protection schemes:
• Encryption is expensive: Because of the limited resources of sensors, mainstream data privacy solutions such as asymmetric (public/private key) encryption are too memory and power intensive [97, 124, 144, 145]. Although some
research has demonstrated that certain types of symmetric encryption are possible [96, 125, 146], there remains a significant computational cost and other
issues such as key distribution and management [57]. For example, TinySec,
a common implementation of security protocols on sensors (that uses symmetric encryption) consumes 10% more energy than a comparable implementation
without the security protocols [96]. This is a conservative estimate given by
Chapter 1. Introduction
the creators of TinySec [96]. Although not huge, it can reduce a year of battery
life by at least a month.
• Encryption must ultimately trust the final recipient: All encryption
schemes eventually trust some person or entity with the decrypted information.
In some applications, this may not be desirable [85], e.g., consider a vehicle’s
speedometer and GPS sensor that report a speed of 80 miles per hour on
an open freeway. Encryption protects a message in transit to its destination.
However, once the message reaches its destination, its information can still be
compromised (even if the final recipient is trusted) through theft, negligence, or
search warrants. An important research challenge is protecting information in
this broader sense while allowing certain operations and queries over the data.
• Timing issues: Time delay is a common problem with encryption algorithms
on sensors [16]. The time to send one byte over a radio is informally known
as the byte time. If a node cannot encrypt the next byte in this amount of
time, the radio will have to wait, causing delay. If sensors are using low power
listening (LPL) [94], delay in the network can increase the amount of energy
consumed [42]. LPL puts a sensor’s radio in a low power state to conserve
energy. Additionally, the extra bytes from encryption protocol overheads (such
as ciphertext block sizes larger than plaintext sizes) increase packet length,
adding to time delay and energy consumption.
• Networks: The topology of sensor networks create an additional complication
because sensors typically route information over a wireless radio through each
other to reach a base station, or central information collection server. For
example, a node may transmit data to a base station that must be concealed
from the other nodes in transit. Yet, these other nodes may be configured to
perform certain tasks such as an aggregation of the sum or an average, which
are more easily accomplished with plaintext messages. This problem is known
Chapter 1. Introduction
as concealed data aggregation (CDA) [24, 25, 26, 29, 65, 73, 83, 128, 151] and
is discussed in more detail in Chapter 2, Section 2.
These four challenges: encryption costs, the need for universal privacy, time delays,
and the network topology of sensors are the focus of this dissertation.
Literature in the field that addresses these challenges is slowly moving away from
purely cryptographic solutions [24, 26]. This supports my argument that encryption
is not a panacea for every data privacy situation. Additionally, it suggests that a
trade-off may exist between the privacy level and the computation and communication resources.
This dissertation presents two new information collection protocols that protect
privacy and reduce energy usage. The first protocol, known as multi-dimensional
negative surveys (MDNSs), perturbs multivariate categorical sensed information and
reports the perturbed values to a centralized collector. The perturbation technique
has certain properties that allow statistics about the original sensed data to be reconstructed from the consolidated perturbed data. Improvements to the protocol are
described that reduce the number of samples needed to achieve accurate reconstruction. Two metrics are proposed for measuring (1) the amount of privacy a node will
have against an adversary, and (2) the utility of the reconstructed data.
The second protocol, known as k-indistinguishable privacy-preserving data aggregation (KIPDA), camouflages sensitive data among decoy values. While some energy
is spent transmitting decoy values over the radio, analysis and simulations show net
energy savings because encryption is avoided. KIPDA is a concealed data aggregation scheme because it allows sensors to perform aggregation functions without
knowing the sensitive values. The protocol is among the first to protect sensitive
data in MAX/MIN data aggregation from other in-network nodes, providing protection from node collusion and node capture attacks.
Chapter 1. Introduction
The MDNS protocols were simulated in MATLAB, while the KIPDA protocols
were simulated in an energy aware TinyOS Simulator, PowerTOSSIM-Z. Both protocols were implemented on real physical devices: Moteiv T-Mote Invent sensors for
KIPDA, and Android smart phones for MDNSs. These simulations and implementations demonstrate the feasibility of the protocols, suggest possible applications, and
compare the resource savings to privacy levels.
Several aspects of the algorithms are counter-intuitive, such as spending more
energy to communicate extra bytes over the radio, or reporting false information.
The ideas were inspired by natural processes: the natural human immune system’s
method of negative selection (MDNS), and an animal’s use of camouflage to protect
themselves from predators (KIPDA). In the human immune system, the thymus
educates T-cells to attack foreign cells or cells infected with foreign viruses. In
the MDNS protocol, data are perturbed to something other than self. Camouflage
allows an animal to blend into its environment to hide from predators. KIPDA
inserts sensitive data into a message vector to hide the value from adversaries. It is
also similar to immunocamouflage [32] which coats red blood cells with a polymer to
allow blood transfusions with non-compatible patients. Similarly, KIPDA “coats” the
sensitive data with extra information so that an adversary cannot attack or determine
the sensitive value. My solutions are appropriate for situations where the maximum
protection provided by encryption is not required, and where resource constraints
The main contributions of this dissertation include:
1. An information collection protocol, MDNSs, that can disguise efficiently multivariate categorical data and allow statistics to be reconstructed from the corpus
of disguised data.
2. A technique called dimensional adjustment that improves MDNSs by reducing
Chapter 1. Introduction
the number of samples required for accurate reconstruction, allowing practical
3. The first comparison of MDNSs to a popular perturbation technique, random
data perturbation (RDP), used in privacy-preserving data mining that operates
on continuous data.
4. A second information collection protocol, KIPDA, that camouflages sensitive
data among decoy values and is one of the first secure comparison techniques
that protects information from the nodes that perform aggregation.
5. Simulations in MATLAB and TOSSIM that illustrate potential applications
and quantify the levels of privacy attained against resource effectiveness.
6. Implementations on physical devices that demonstrate the feasibility of the two
information collection protocols.
Roadmap: The remainder of this dissertation is outlined as follows. Chapter 2 gives
background material on wireless sensor networks, privacy-preserving data aggregation, and negative surveys, and defines the assumptions used throughout the rest of
this work. Chapters 3 and 4 introduce the MDNS and KIPDA protocols respectively.
Chapter 5 illustrates the two protocols with several MATLAB and TOSSIM simulations, and presents real world implementations on Moteiv’s T-Mote Invent sensors
and Android smart phones. Chapter 6 provides a discussion and Chapter 7 compares
the two protocols with related work. The final chapter suggests future work and gives
the conclusion.
Chapter 2
Background and Preliminary Work
This chapter states the assumptions that are used throughout the rest of the dissertation and provides an overview of wireless sensor networks, concealed data aggregation, and negative surveys. Preliminary work that studies negative surveys applied
to wireless sensor network is also presented.
Wireless Sensor Networks
A sensor is a small device typically equipped with a radio transmitter, a small
micro-controller, one or more environmental sensors, some type of memory, and a
power source such as a battery or solar cell. The terms sensor, node, and mote are
used interchangeably. Sensors can vary in size from that of a loaf of bread to that
of a grain of rice or even dust, and because of their size and cost constraints, are
typically resource limited, including power, bandwidth, memory, and computational
ability [135]. When used together, they create a wireless sensor network.
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a spatially distributed network of resourceconstrained sensors. Each node is autonomous, yet the collection of nodes coop-
Chapter 2. Background and Preliminary Work
Figure 2.1: Example of a wireless sensor network. Because of the limited radio
range of the sensor nodes, they route information through each other to reach a base
eratively monitor certain physical or environmental conditions such as temperature,
pressure, pollutants, or sound. Sensors communicate directly with each other through
radio transmissions, but because of their limited radio range, nodes must route packets through their neighbors to reach one or more base stations, which are not typically
as resource-constrained. Figure 2.1 illustrates such a network. Although originally
developed for military battlefield use [101], they are now widely used by civilians
in many areas such as health care [36, 82, 98], geological surveys [148], and industrial [4], habitat [14, 27], structural [104], or traffic [34, 85] monitoring. WSNs are
modeled in this dissertation as a connected graph G(V, E), where sensor nodes are
represented as vertices V and wireless links as edges E. The number of sensor nodes
is defined as N = |V|.
Real world WSNs can deviate from this model in various ways. For example,
in the cell phone radiation detection simulation presented in Chapter 5, each node
communicates directly to the base station through cell phone towers. However, these
devices are still resource-constrained. Chapter 4 returns to a more traditional WSN
Chapter 2. Background and Preliminary Work
architecture and examines the problem of concealed data aggregation, discussed in
the next section.
Concealed Data Aggregation
WSNs designers employ a common technique called data aggregation to conserve
energy [1, 33, 44, 91, 92, 104, 137, 141]. Ideally, each node should report its entire
data set to the base station. However, this large amount of information can drain
the network of energy. If the base station does not need every measurement by
every node, WSNs can perform in-network processing on the data along its path
to the base station. Nodes can combine, change, filter, or process measurements to
limit the amount of data transmitted over the radio. For example, if a user is only
interested in the sum of the sensed values over a certain time period, nodes can sum
the information they receive and pass that information to the next node closest to the
base station. To accomplish this, routes in an aggregation scheme typically follow
a tree structure [109], such as the minimum spanning tree. Figure 2.2 illustrates
such a route and aggregation process. The sizes of the arrows are proportional to
the amount of information transmitted. On the left side, each node sends its sensed
value to the base station. On the right side, data are aggregated and the amount
of traffic is reduced. The data aggregation function is defined in this dissertation as
y(t) , f (d1 (t), d2 (t), · · · ,dN (t)), where di (t) is the individual sensor reading at time
t for node i.
Data aggregation is important because it saves energy by reducing the number
of packets and packet lengths. Every bit transmitted over a radio uses an equivalent
amount of energy to that for 800 to 2,000 clock cycles of execution on a microcontroller, depending on the architecture [145] and the distance to transmit. Consequently, reducing the number of bits that are transmitted is analogous to reducing
Chapter 2. Background and Preliminary Work
Figure 2.2: Example of a WSN with and without data aggregation. Width of the
arrows is proportional to the amount of data transmitted. Routes follow a tree
structure in the network. (Left) A WSN in which values are not aggregated. All data
values are reported to the base station. (Right) Same network with data aggregation.
Nodes combine information from their children to reduce the amount of information
the energy consumed.
Data aggregation can be trivially implemented in WSNs. However, it is more
challenging when privacy and security are a concern, as information can potentially
be disclosed to either outside observers, neighboring nodes in the network, or intermediate nodes performing the aggregation. Concealed data aggregation (CDA),
also known as privacy-preserving data aggregation, aggregates data while keeping
it confidential and protected [77, 82]. This is not trivial because of the following
• Intermediate node ignorance: Intermediate nodes need to aggregate data
without actually knowing the values.
Chapter 2. Background and Preliminary Work
• Base station ignorance: Sometimes it may be desirable for the base station
to collect information and obtain statistics from sensor nodes without knowing
any individual node’s information.
• Non-linear aggregation functions: Non-liner functions such as MAX and
MIN are difficult to securely aggregate [131] because they do not work well
with traditional forms of homomorphic encryption which rely on the linear
characteristics of polynomials.
• Energy conservation: CDA requires conservation of energy for each sensor
and the network as a whole to prolong the devices’ lifetimes.
Hop-by-hop aggregation [151] is a traditional approach that addresses these four
challenges. A node encrypts its sensed information before sending it to the next hop
(or parent) in the aggregation routing tree, where it is decrypted and aggregated
with other information. This aggregate is then encrypted and passed to the next hop
(parent’s parent). This technique protects data from outside observers, however,
plaintext is available at each node after decryption, which increases the risk of data
leakage through node capture attacks. Additionally, extra energy is spent and latency
is introduced, due to the repeated decryption and encryption process.
End-to-end encryption proposes solutions to these limitations. A set of algorithms
known as privacy homomorphism have been developed to aggregate encrypted data
without decrypting it [26, 73]. For example, if the aggregation functions are summation or multiplication, then the following properties hold:
x + y = Decrypt[Encrypt(x) ⊕ Encrypt(y)]
x ∗ y = Decrypt[Encrypt(x) ⊗ Encrypt(y)],
where ⊕ and ⊗ are special homomorphic addition and multiplication functions. Because data remain encrypted from one end of the network to the other, the problem
Chapter 2. Background and Preliminary Work
of data confidentiality from the intermediate nodes typically does not arise. Additionally, energy is saved because the repeated encryption and decryption phases
are avoided. For aggregation functions such as addition and multiplication, CDA
has been well addressed in WSNs. For example, Girao et al. [73] use the DomingoFerrer’s privacy homomorphism to aggregate the average and movement detection
However, research on more general nonlinear aggregation functions such as maximum and minimum has been limited. Rivest et al. [131] showed that homomorphic
encryption is insecure to ciphertext only attacks if comparison operators are supported. Attempts have been made to address this limitation with homomorphic
encryption based on public key technology [40], but these schemes are too expensive
for practical use on WSNs. Acharya et al. [3] efficiently tailored a method called
Order Preserving Encryption Scheme (OPES) [8] from databases to WSNs. In their
scheme, sensor nodes map their plaintext measurements into a set of ciphered values, which preserves the order of the measurements. Hence, aggregators are able
to compare the values and aggregate them without decrypting. Sensors manage to
hide the plaintext distribution, which secures the algorithm against ciphertext only
attacks. However, the scheme cannot prevent in-network neighbors from learning
private data if they use the same set of mapping functions. The KIPDA protocol
presented in Chapter 4 is designed specifically for secure comparison aggregation by
providing robustness against in-network neighbors from learning private data.
Negative Surveys
This section introduces negative surveys as background material for Chapter 3. First,
I present a generalized case from privacy-preserving data mining called randomized
response techniques (RRTs) [2, 10, 11, 18, 19, 31, 51, 67, 87, 89, 115, 147]. RRTs
Chapter 2. Background and Preliminary Work
disguise data by perturbing a categorical value to another value. For example, in
a survey of ethnicity, if a participant is Hispanic, the response might be randomly
perturbed to a new value, such as Asian. A perturbation matrix, denoted M , gives
the probabilities of perturbing category i to category j. It is an α × α square matrix,
where each entry Mi,j is the probability of responding with category j when category
i is detected.
Finding the optimal M that balances privacy and utility has been the subject of
earlier research [11, 89]. Warner described the RRT for binary data [147], which can
be extended to categorical data [10] using the following perturbation matrix, which
gives an initial suggestion for M :
M =
··· ,
where p is the probability that a category remains unchanged. Similar schemes
such as the Uniform Perturbation (UP) [10], and Framework for High-accuracy
Privacy-preserving Mining (FRAPP) [11] matrices perform similarly to the Warner
scheme [89].
The original data are estimated from the disguised data using the following equation [59, 63]:
b = M −1 Yb ,
where Yb = (Y1 , . . . , Yα )τ and Yi is the number of disguised values in the ith category.
b approaches the original
Since this is an unbiased maximum likelihood estimate, A
distribution as the population size increases. Equation (2.3) is known as the matrix
inversion approach. An iterative approach is given by Agrawal et al. [10] but is not
extended to multiple dimensions.
Chapter 2. Background and Preliminary Work
A special case of the Warner scheme, called negative surveys [59, 63, 85], uses
a perturbation matrix containing zeros on the diagonal entries and equal values
everywhere else where the columns sum to one, i.e., p = 0 in Equation (2.2). I will
call these matrices negative survey perturbation matrices (NSPMs) throughout the
rest of this dissertation.
Intuitively, a negative survey [59, 63, 143] is best explained in the context of a
traditional survey. Suppose you are asked which of the following cars you drive: Ford,
General Motors, Toyota, Honda, or Chevrolet. Assuming you drive one and only one
of the previous makes, then you could “truthfully” report the vehicle you regularly
drive. However, if this were instead a list of sexually transmitted diseases, you might
be more hesitant to answer. A negative survey asks you to “lie,” by reporting a
vehicle you do not drive. In the case of the sexually transmitted diseases, a person
might be more willing to answer the negative survey. An example is illustrated in
Figure 2.3.
Preliminary Work: Negative Surveys Applied
to Wireless Sensor Networks
As preliminary work and in collaboration with James Horey [85], negative surveys
were applied to WSNs. Two protocols were devised: the node and base station protocols. The first maps sensed data to its negative representation. Each node chooses
a category it did not sense with uniform probability and returns that “negative” information to the base station. In the base station protocol, the base station collects
the negative information from each node and reconstructs an estimate of the original data from the collected data. Instead of Equation (2.3), the following simpler
Chapter 2. Background and Preliminary Work
Figure 2.3: Example of a single-dimensional negative survey with 9 categories and
10,000 samples. Each sample from the sensed distribution is perturbed according to
the given perturbation matrix. The perturbed data is reconstructed with the given
equation where N = 10, 000 and α = 9.
reconstruction equation [59] can be used:
Ai = N − (α − 1) · Yi ,
where Ai is the reconstructed number of values in category i, and Yi is the reported
perturbed number of values in category i, with 1≤i≤α. N is the total number
of sensed values. Equation (2.4) has time complexity O(α), compared to O(α2 )
for Equation (2.3) (ignoring matrix inversion), while still remaining an unbiased
maximum likelihood estimate.
In Horey et al. [85], the difference between the original and reconstructed distributions, called utility [9, 105], was measured as the relative root mean squared error
Chapter 2. Background and Preliminary Work
(rRMSE) given as:
u α u 1 X Ai − Xi 2
rRM SE = t
α i=1
where Xi is the original number of sensed values in category i, and Ai and α were
previously given. In Chapter 3, utility is measured with the mean square error, and
is calculated more accurately with the variance of the negative surveys. Privacy was
not calculated in Horey et al. [85], but is calculated in Chapter 3 as the probability
of guessing the original data from the disguised values based on the maximum a
posteriori estimate.
The feasibility of negative surveys was illustrated in Horey et al. [85] with a traffic
monitoring simulation where cars reported to a stationary base station a speed at
which they were not traveling. Speeds where quantized into categories and the base
station reconstructed the perturbed information into histograms of driving speeds.
The histograms were accurate enough so that traffic behavior could be correctly
classified as either congested, normal, or speedy. It was determined that the method
was practical for the current levels of traffic.
The benefits of negative surveys in WSNs with respect to encryption are both
efficiency and privacy protection. The time complexity of the node protocol is only
a slight constant increase, O(1), from reporting the true sensed value. This is an
advantage over even the simplest encryption methods. The base-station (or any
other entity) does not have to be trusted, since the information it receives is perturbed. Negative surveys in WSNs also eliminate the need for key distribution and
management, which can be problematic [23, 28, 50, 57, 99, 107].
In the next chapter, negative surveys are extended to multivariate categorical
data, increasing the range of possible applications, two of which are presented in
Chapter 5.
Chapter 2. Background and Preliminary Work
This section presents the assumptions, threat models and notions of privacy that
are used throughout the rest of the dissertation. I distinguish between privacy, or
data confidentiality, which ensures that data are not discoverable by an adversary
in a feasible amount of time, versus security, or data integrity, which ensures that
data are not sabotaged, changed, or withheld, along the way to its destination. This
dissertation addresses data confidentiality, leaving data integrity for future work.
My proposed solutions sometimes provide less privacy than standard cryptography, such as adversaries who have partial knowledge of the secure information, or
a datum that is indistinguishable from other camouflage data. In other cases, my
notions of privacy are stronger than cryptography, such as the MDNS protocols that
protect data once it leaves a sensor device.
My threat model includes attacks from three different sources, each with its own
corresponding level of privacy:
1. Eavesdroppers: The first level of privacy prevents eavesdroppers from intercepting sensitive data over the radio. Hop-by-hop encryption with symmetric
keys [23, 28, 50, 107] is able to achieve this goal.
2. In-network nodes: The second level of privacy ensures that individual private information is not disclosed to in-network nodes. These honest but curious [75, 105] nodes will follow the network protocols but will mischievously try
to learn the sensitive data. This threat model is appropriate because sensors
deployed by a common authority can collaborate to fulfill a certain task and
it is reasonable that they can be trusted to follow the protocols. This level of
privacy is more stringent, but closer to real world situations [124, 144].
3. Base station: The third level of privacy ensures that data are not revealed to
Chapter 2. Background and Preliminary Work
anybody, including the final recipient or base station.
I assume that adversaries can capture only a partial number of nodes, information,
or packets, or only a partial number of nodes will collude (the amounts of which are
later quantified). Finally, I assume adversaries are limited to running in polynomial
time based on their input.
Chapter 3
MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional
Negative Surveys
The negative surveys described in Chapter 2, Section 3 focus on a single dimension.
This chapter extends that preliminary work to multiple dimensions, introducing privacy and utility metrics, a more efficient reconstruction algorithm, and a technique
to reduce magnification of error. Extending negative surveys to multiple dimensions
increases the range of possible applications, examples of which are given in Chapter 5.
Because this technique hides data from every entity, it is well suited to protect human data. Thus, this chapter focuses on participatory sensing applications, in which
many users join together to form communities, contributing their sensory information
to form a general interactive body of knowledge.
Participatory sensing applications [21] sense, collect, analyze, and share local information collected from a large population of people, enabling a wide range of appli-
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
cations such as urban planning [22], public health [36], and vehicular transportation
monitoring [85, 134]. In these applications, the privacy of the people being sensed
should be protected, especially when information travels across open wireless networks. On the other hand, there is great social utility in generating high quality
data for policymakers, researchers, and the public. Hence, trade-offs exist between
the privacy of the participants’ data and the utility gained from their content. This
trade-off must consider energy efficiency because of the resource-constrained nature
of participatory sensing devices.
This chapter applies negative surveys to multivariate categorical data, where
categories might be symbolic values (e.g., hair color, race) or a coarse-graining of
numerical data into bins. Multi-dimensional data are common in WSNs and participatory sensing applications, which can include several different environmental values
along with time and location data. For example, I present a radiation detection
scenario in Chapter 5 that determines the distribution of radiation levels at various locations. Participants disguise both dimensions: their geographic location, and
their local radiation level. This is important because values from one dimension
might inadvertently reveal information about another through correlation analysis.
If there are no correlations between sensitive and non-sensitive dimensions, then the
non-sensitive values can be reported directly.
Existing approaches for protecting the privacy of multi-dimensional data [5, 69,
113] are designed for database applications, where large numbers of records from different users are available to a centralized server that summarizes statistics about the
records [5, 113, 133, 139]. However, in participatory sensing applications, individual
participants typically only have access to their own sensed values. They might not
be willing to share information with other participants or trust a centralized server
to summarize statistics.
One limitation of previous work with negative surveys is the requirement for a
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
large number of participant samples to reconstruct the data accurately [85, 150].
A slight increase in the number of categories requires a significant increase in the
number of participants needed to maintain a given level of utility. The problem is
compounded when data are multi-dimensional, motivating the work in this chapter.
I present a method called dimensional adjustment that reduces error, for a given
number of participants. It accomplishes this by sacrificing a small amount of privacy
in return for a greater amount of utility, typically 2.5 times more.
Two simulations presented in Chapter 5 illustrate MDNSs. In one, cell phones
locate radiation threats such as unexploded dirty bombs, escaped radiation from
a nuclear reactor accident, or lost or stolen medical waste, while preserving the
privacy of participants’ locations. A second simulation reconstructs the underlying
probability density function of synthetically generated continuous data, illustrating
an alternative approach to random data perturbation (random data perturbation is
explained in Chapter 5, Section 1.2).
Abstracting negative surveys to multiple dimensions is not trivial for the following
reasons: (1) Different metrics need to be devised to handle multiple dimensions as
none currently exist. (2) A method must be devised to manage reconstruction error
as the number of dimensions increases. (3) There is little prior work. (4) And, the
natural extension of single-dimensional negative surveys (SDNSs) has an exponential
time complexity based on the number of dimensions. It is not clear on first inspection
that a polynomial time optimization exists.
Chapter Assumptions: The threat model for this chapter includes eavesdroppers
listening to radio communications who try to intercept packets, honest but curious
intermediate nodes that pass information to the base station, and an honest but
curious base station. I assume no data aggregation in the network.
Chapter Contributions: The main contributions of this chapter include: (1) an
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
extension of negative surveys to multivariate categorical data, including a more efficient reconstruction algorithm, (2) privacy and utility metrics for multi-dimensional
data, which could be applied to other fields such as privacy-preserving data mining, and (3) a reduction of the needed required participant samples to maintain a
given level of utility, given small decreases in privacy, which is also applicable to
the single-dimensional case. Chapter 5 extends this work to include: (4) a study
of the usability of MDNSs in terms of reconstruction error and the strength of privacy through theoretical analysis and simulations, and (5) a comparison of MDNSs
applied to continuous data to randomized data perturbation. Finally, Chapter 6
presents (6) a quantitative comparison of MDNSs to other perturbation approaches.
Chapter Roadmap: The remainder of this chapter is structured as follows. The
MDNS protocols are presented in Section 2, followed by Section 3 which describes
the privacy and utility metrics used in the analysis. Section 4 discusses the information gained from a MDNS. Dimensional adjustment is introduced and analyzed in
Section 5, and Section 6 summarizes this chapter.
Before describing the multi-dimensional node and base station protocols, we intro+
duce some notation. An individual participant senses vector ~x+ =<x+
1 , x2 , . . ., xD >
from its environment. Real-valued numbers are quantized into categories, if necessary. Each x+
x+ where 1≤i≤D, expresses that category xi was sensed in dimeni ∈~
sion i. xi is drawn from a set of categories, Ci ={1, 2, · · · , αi }, that form a proper
partition over the data in dimension i, where αi is the total number of categories for
dimension i. The “+” in ~x+ denotes the positive or sensed categorical information,
as opposed to the negated or perturbed information represented as ~x− . Subscripts
in ~xi denote the dimension (the ith dimension), while superscripts in ~x1 denote an
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
instance of ~x. The collection of participatory sensing application users is known as
the population. For the entire population, X, Y , and A are D-dimensional matrices
which represent the counts by categories of the original, disguised, and reconstructed
data sets respectively. For example, if D=3 (i.e. three different environmental variables are sensed) then X(a, b, c), Y (a, b, c), and A(a, b, c) are counts of the number
of times the ath , bth , and cth categories appear together in a data set.
Node Protocol
There are three phases to the node protocol:
1. Sensing: A node senses a multi-dimensional value ~x+ from its environment,
course-graining if necessary.
2. Negation: For each x+
x+ , the node selects uniformly at random a category
i ∈~
i to report to the base station from the set {Ci − {xi }}, where “−” denotes
set difference. Hence, x−
i 6=xi . This is performed independently for each di-
mension, creating the perturbed vector ~x− . The probability of selecting any
given category in dimension i is
αi −1
where αi is the number of categories of
dimension i. For example in Figure 3.1, a node has sensed ~x+ =<2, b> from its
environment, and must choose among the white cells, for instance ~x− =<3, c>,
for a negative value to report back to the base station.
3. Transmission: After negation, the node sends ~x− to the base station either
immediately, when queried, or according to another protocol.
Pseudocode for the node protocol is given in Algorithm 3.1. Since the number
of bits required to transmit either the positive or negative data is identical, there is
only a small increase in resources for this phase, due to the cost of obtaining random
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
Figure 3.1: Example of positive and negative multi-dimensional space for two dimensions. A sensor that reads <2, b> from its environment selects among the white cells
for a value to report to the base station.
Algorithm 3.1 MDNS Node Protocol:
1: for each node β do
procedure Sense
Sense ~x+ from the environment.
end procedure
procedure Negate(~x+ )
for each x~i + ∈ ~x+ do
x~i − = urand(Ci − {~
xi + }).
end for
return ~x− .
end procedure
procedure Report(~x− )
⊲ “–” denotes set difference.
Report ~x− to the base station immediately or when queried.
end procedure
14: end for
numbers. Also, because key distribution and management is eliminated, the node
protocol saves additional resources [85].
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
Algorithm 3.2 MDNS Base Station Protocol
1: procedure Base Station Protocol
Collect all perturbed information, Y , from the nodes.
Compute the estimated distribution, A, from the perturbed data, Y ,
with Equation (3.1), or the more efficient Algorithm 3.3.
4: end procedure
Base Station Protocol
The base station protocol first collects the reported data, Y , and then estimates the
original distributions of sensed values, A, with a reconstruction algorithm. Pseudocode is given in Algorithm 3.2. Since the protocol is straightforward, I focus on
the reconstruction algorithm in the following. First, I introduce a natural multidimensional extension to the single-dimensional equation and show that is has exponential time complexity, then I present a time optimization, and finally give an
algorithmic simplification.
Natural Extension of SDNSs to MDNSs
Single-dimensional negative surveys use Equation (2.4) [63, 85] to estimate the original distribution. A natural extension to D dimensions is:
(−1)k · Γ(~x, k),
Y (~y )
(αj − 1) ·
 j∈d
y s.t.
∀~x | A(~x) = N +
where Γ(~x, k) is given as:
Γ(~x, k) =
yi ∈~
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
and B({1, . . . , D}, k) are all the k length possible combinations of members of {1,
. . . , D}. For example, B({1, 2, 3}, 2) is {{1, 2},{1, 3},{2, 3}}. Y (~x) is the count of
the reported disguised sensed values that have categories specified by d from ~x. Each
dimension must use a NSPM. As an example, Equation (3.1) with D=3 is given as:
∀a, b, c | A(a, b, c) =
−(α3 −1)
x s.t.
x3 =c
Y (~x) − (α1 −1)
Y (~x)+(α1 −1)(α2 −1)
+(α2 −1)(α3 −1)
x s.t.
x2 =b,
x3 =c
x s.t.
x1 =a
Y (~x) − (α2 −1)
Y (~x)−(α1 −1)(α2 −1)(α3 −1)
Y (~x)
x s.t.
x2 =b
Y (~x)+(α1 −1)(α3 −1)
x s.t.
x1 =a,
x2 =b
Y (~x)
x s.t.,
x1 =a,
x3 =c
Y (~x).
x s.t.
x1 =a,
x2 =b,
x3 =c
The time complexity of Equation (3.1) is given as:
"D # " D X D
(D − i) · αmax
αi ·
where αmax is the maximum number of categories among the dimensions. There
are D
i=1 i total Y terms that require (D − i) calculations. αmax guarantees that
enough calculations are accounted for. Since ( D0 )+( D1 )+· · ·+( D
) = 2D , this equation
is exponential with respect to the number of dimensions.
Time Optimization: Matrix Memoization
The reconstruction algorithm shown in Equation (3.1) can be improved with the
more time efficient scheme presented in Algorithm 3.3. This algorithm uses matrix
memoization to improve the running time and generalizes to any perturbation matrix,
not just a NSPM. The inputs to Algorithm 3.3 are: (1) D, the number of dimensions,
(2) Y , the D-dimensional matrix of disguised values, (3) F = [α1 , . . . , αD ], a list
of the number of categories for each dimension, and (4) M = [M1 , . . . , MD ], the
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
perturbation matrices for each dimension. The symbol “:” denotes a slice operator,
an operation on a matrix designating every element in the dimension in which it
appears 1 ; τ is a function similar to transpose that takes a row, column, hyper-row, or
hyper-column, and transforms it into a vector appropriate for matrix multiplication.
index is constructed to be a vector of length D, with one member of the vector
consisting of “:”. When used as an index into R, it returns a vector.
The time complexity of Algorithm 3.3 is:
αi2 αj
αi2 ·
ignoring the cost of matrix inversion for each Mδ . Intuitively, the complexity arises
from the matrix multiplication with every possible vector in R. Each update of R
from Line 11 in Algorithm 3.3 stores information back in R for other overlapping
vectors to use, thus reducing the total amount of computation. Only one dimension
in R can be updated at a time or the algorithm will produce inaccurate results. The
technique also works for other perturbation matrices (e.g. RRTs). However, when a
NSPM is used for each dimensional perturbation matrix, the cost of Algorithm 3.3
reduces to:
O D·
because Line 11 in Algorithm 3.3 is replaced with the simpler Equation (2.4). Equation (3.6) is clearly an improvement over Equation (3.4).
1 The
part of Algorithm 3.3 that handles the slice operator and index variable was
designed by Benjamin Edwards, however the original algorithm to update each vector and
copy it back into R was designed by the author in a slightly different formulation.
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
Algorithm 3.3 Reconstruction Optimization for D Dimensions
1: function reconstruct matrix(Y, D, F, M )
for δ ∈ [1 : D] do
update_dim(R, D, [ ], δ, F, M )
end for
return R
7: end function
9: function update dim(R, D, index, δ, F, M )
if length(index) = D then
R(index) ← Mδ−1 ∗ R(index)τ
else if len(index) + 1 = δ then
new index ← index.append([:])
update_dim(R, D, new_index, δ, F, M )
for i ∈ [1 : F (length(index) + 1)] do
new index ← index.append([i])
update_dim(R, D, new_index, δ, F, M )
end for
end if
21: end function
Algorithmic Simplification
The Kronecker technique converts a MDNS to a single dimension. Although the
complexity cost is greater than Equation (3.6), this simplifies implementation and
allows the use of single-dimensional metrics, which produce the same values as their
multi-dimensional counterparts.
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
The Kronecker technique uses a perturbation matrix, M ′ , that is the Kronecker
product [86] of the individual perturbation matrices for each dimension, given as:
M ′ = (((M1 ⊗ M2 ) ⊗ M3 ) . . . ⊗ MD ),
where ⊗ is the Kronecker product operator. The Kronecker product of two matrices
is the tensor product with respect to a standard choice of basis [86]. Y is transformed
into a new vector Y ′ , an n×1 vector where n is the product of the number of categories
in each dimension. For example, if Y has three dimensions with 4, 3, and 2 categories
each, Y ′ is given as:
Y′ =
Y (1, 1, 1)
Y (1, 1, 2)
Y (1, 2, 1)
Y (1, 2, 2)
Y (1, 3, 1)
Y (4, 3, 2)
To obtain the estimated distribution, A, Y is multiplied with (M ′ )−1 according to
Equation (2.3). A is then transformed to a D-dimensional matrix, taking care that
the order of transformations corresponds to the order that the Kronecker products
were applied to the perturbation matrices. Although convenient, this technique is
not optimal because of the time complexity which is given as:
#2 
αi  ,
ignoring matrix inversion which is minimal because of the mixed-product property [86].
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
Privacy and Utility Metrics
Using privacy and utility metrics extended from Huang and Du [89], I quantify
the trade-offs between the accuracy of reconstruction and the amount of privacy
protected. Like their single-dimensional counterpart, the multi-dimensional formulations apply to any perturbation matrix, not necessarily a NSPM. The privacy metric
ranges from [0,1], while the utility metric ranges from [0, +∞). For both metrics
lower values are desirable. These privacy and utility metrics, and some terminology,
are borrowed from the privacy preserving data mining (PPDM) field. The terms
accuracy, reconstruction error, and utility are used interchangeably, as are the terms
disguise, perturb, and negate.
Privacy Metric
The privacy metric measures the probability of guessing the original data from the
disguised values, and is based on the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate. Huang
and Du [89] theorize that the MAP estimate is the “best that adversaries can achieve
when their estimation is consistent,” and it gives an upper bound on an adversary’s
threat. I extend their single dimensional metric to multiple dimensions as follows:
P rivacy =
Υ∈Y (~
cΦ ) · P (X
cΦ ),
P (Υ|X
cΦ = arg max P (Φ|Y ).
Equation (3.11) calculates for Equation (3.10) the optimal MAP estimate for a given
index, ~x, of Y (the maximum index, ~x, in each column of P (X|Y )).
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
If an adversary has no prior knowledge of the underlying distribution, I propose that privacy generalizes to k-indistinguishability. I define an item to be kindistinguishable if it cannot be identified with higher probability than guessing from
k−1 other items. A participant’s reported data in a SDNS with α categories has a
k-indistinguishability value of α − 1. An individual’s data in a MDNS with categories α1 , α2 , . . . , αD will have a k-indistinguishability value of (α1 − 1) · (α2 − 1) · . . .
·(αD − 1). This is different from k-anonymity in WSNs [6, 80, 113, 133, 139] which
preserves location information and measures the ability of an adversary to distinguish
a participant from a set of k − 1 nearby participants.
Utility Metric
Utility, also known as accuracy or reconstruction error, measures the difference between the original, X, and reconstructed, A, data distributions. I use the following
reasoning from Huang and Du [89]. Since A is an unbiased maximum likelihood
estimate of X, the mean of the estimate A is identical to the original distribution X.
Yet, each specific estimate A deviates from X by some amount. The closer A is to
X, the higher A’s utility. Hence, the mean square error (MSE), given as follows, is
used to quantify utility:
M SE = E[(A − X)2 ].
Huang and Du [89] actualized this equation by replacing X with the mean of A
to estimate A’s variance. Using Equation (2.3), they equate the variance of A and
M −1 Y , and state a theorem to compute the MSE. I extend this theorem to multiple
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
dimensions with the following equation:
M SE(X = ~xi )
α1 · . . . ·αD i
E[(P (A = ~xi ) − P (X = ~xi ))2 ]
α1 · . . . ·αD i
µ(~xi , ~xj ) ·var(~xj )
α1 · . . . ·αD i
2·µ(~x , ~x )·µ(~x , ~x )·cov(~x , ~x ) ,
U tility =
xk , ~
xℓ s.t.
xkγ 6= ~
xℓγ , ∀γ
µ(~x , ~x ) =
xnd ),
Md−1 (~xm
d ,~
denotes the product of the elements from the inverse of the perturbation matrix for
each dimension where the row and column correspond to the categories in the dth
dimension of ~xm and ~xn respectively. var and cov are given as:
·P (Y = ~xi )·(1 − P (Y = ~xi ))
cov(~x , ~x ) = − ·P (Y = ~xi )·P (Y = ~xj ),
var(~xi ) =
The actual variance and covariance of a MDNS are given as:
αi − 1
varM DN S (~x ) =
· P (Y = ~xi ) · (1 − P (Y = ~xi ))
αi − 1
· P (Y = ~xi ) · P (Y = ~xj ),
covM DN S (~x , ~x ) = −
and were verified using the Algorithmic Simplification in Section 2.2. When an
MDNS is converted to a single dimension, Equation (3.16) is equal to the singledimensional variance and covariance equations used in Esponda and Guerrero [63].
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
Experimental Study of Trade-offs Between Privacy
and Utility
The underlying distribution, X, affects utility and privacy. I use the following normalized version of Shannon’s entropy to illustrate the effects:
− P (X = ~x) log P (X = ~x)
D ,
where S is in [0, 1]. For example, a spiked distribution (all elements in one category)
has the lowest normalized entropy, S = 0, and provides the worst privacy, but the
highest utility. A uniform distribution, which has the highest normalized entropy,
S = 1, provides the worst utility, but the best privacy. All other distributions fall
between these two extremes. However, the underlying distribution affects privacy
significantly more than utility. For example in Figure 3.2, the spiked and uniform
distributions span 87.4% of the entire privacy metric. These two distributions span a
significantly smaller range of utility, 0.786 to 0.802, which corresponds to 1.6% of the
privacy metric. Since this effect on utility is so small, Groat et al. [78] interpreted
utility to be independent of the underlying distribution. This is a reasonable simplification because the number of categories and the number participants dominate
the metric’s value. It has the advantage of allowing WSN designers to determine the
utility of a negative survey without knowing the distribution of the original data.
Analysis of Adversarial Information Gained
The amount of information gained about the original sensed value by an adversary
who intercepts a response from a node in a SDNS was proved to be less than or equal
to what is gained with a positive survey by Esponda et al. [63]. Following this logic,
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
Figure 3.2: Effects of different original distributions on privacy and utility.
the amount of information that can be gained from a MDNS is formalized as the information gained from a positive survey minus the information gained from the same
survey where ~xs− has been removed. ~xs− is the negative data a node transmits to the
base station that contains one perturbed category from each dimension. The information gained by an adversary that intercepts ~xs− is formalized for a D-dimensional
MDNS as follows:
I(< i, j, ..., k >, ∀ i, j, ..., k|X 6= ~x ) = −
· log P (X =< ℓ, m, ..., n >)
α1 X
ℓ=1 m=1
P (X =< ℓ, m, ..., n >)
P (X =< ℓ, m, ..., n > |X 6= ~xs− )
s.t. ℓ 6= ~
s.t. m 6= ~
s.t. n 6= ~
· log P (X =< ℓ, m, ..., n > |X 6= ~xs− ).
where <i, j, ..., k> denotes a sample that has category i in the first dimension, category j in the second dimension, and category k in the Dth dimension. The proba-
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
bilities in Equation (3.18) reflect the distributions of the original environment.
Equation (3.18) reports the information gained by an adversary if one negative response is collected. The following discusses the possibility of an adversary collecting
many negative responses while the original sensed value remains the same. Eventually, after receiving all possible negative samples, the adversary will have gained all
information about the original sensed value. Assuming a uniform distribution for X,
Figure 3.3 illustrates this concept. On the left is a SDNS of 200 categories. When
199 unique categories have been received by the adversary, it has gained 7.6439 bits
of information about the original value, 27.6439 = 200. On the right, an adversary
receives information in 2 dimensions. It is possible that all categories except the
sensed category could be seen in the first dimension while only one category is seen
in the second dimension. This correlates to the front right corner in the surface plot.
The amount of information gain when all negative responses have been seen is also
7.6439, because there are 200 possible responses (10 by 20 categories).
Dimensional Adjustment Improves Efficiency
In this section, I introduce a technique called dimensional adjustment (DA) that
reduces the number of participants required to obtain reasonable utility. It accomplishes this by constructing extra dimensions while maintaining the total number
of categories. DA addresses a limitation of the previous work on single-dimensional
data [85, 150], namely, that as the number of categories increases for a given dimension, many additional samples are required to maintain a constant utility value. This
limitation is compounded in multiple dimensions, potentially limiting negative surveys to applications with a small number of categories. I propose DA to address this
challenge, discussing the privacy and utility trade-offs, explaining the magnification
of error, and illustrating that it always improves utility and is expected to reduce
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
Figure 3.3: (Left) The amount of information gained by an adversary in a 200 category SDNS who captures negative responses from a node, assuming the positive value
remains the same. (Right) The amount of information gained in a 20 by 10 MDNS
by an adversary that captures negative responses, assuming the positive information
remains the same. The maximum value in either graph is 7.6439, the number of bits
needed to represent 200 categories.
Dimensional Adjustment Algorithm
DA distributes a fixed number of categories into extra dimensions. For example,
a one-dimensional negative survey containing 64 categories can be remapped to: 2
dimensions of 8 categories each, 2 dimensions of 4 and 16 categories, or any number
of dimensions where the product of the number of categories in each dimension equals
64. Remapping dimensions is easy to implement and is similar to base conversion
with variable bases, as illustrated in Figure 3.4.
Splitting data into multiple dimensions with a smaller number of categories for
each dimension improves reconstruction accuracy (utility). Fewer dimensions with a
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
Figure 3.4: An example of dimensional adjustment where the alphabetic dimension
is adjusted to two dimensions of three categories each. A node that senses <c> must
choose among the white cells to report.
larger number of categories worsens utility (higher utility value). Intuitively, accuracy
is related to Figure 3.1 and the ratio of the white squares (negative information) to the
total number of squares. Figure 3.4 illustrates DA when a single dimension containing
9 categories is reduced to two dimensions of 3 categories each. As the number
of dimensions increases, and the number of distinct categories remains constant,
this ratio decreases, reducing the number of possible perturbations, which increases
accuracy of reconstruction. The next section analyzes these trade-offs.
Trade-off Analysis
Using DA to transform a low-dimensional survey into a high-dimensional survey involves trade-offs. For example, a one-dimensional negative survey with 64 categories
provides the highest privacy but the lowest utility. However, when the same data
are mapped to 6 dimensions with 2 categories each, the reconstruction provides the
lowest privacy but the best utility. The relationship between privacy and utility
is nonlinear, providing an opportunity to optimize. For example, in Table 3.1 with
1,000,000 samples and 10,000 categories, privacy degrades 35% while utility improves
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
Table 3.1: Two negative surveys of 10,000 total categories and 1,000,000 participants.
The second uses dimensional adjustment.
1 dimension of
10,000 categories
6 dimensions of
5x5x5x5x4x4 categories
86%, where percentage is calculated as:
Using Table 3.1 and the following estimate equations for privacy and utility, I
further illustrate these trade-offs. Without loss of generality, the original distribution,
X, is assumed to be normal. I use a simple empirically discovered linear model to
estimate utility for a SDNS given N participants and α categories:
U tilityEstimate =
(α − 2)
which has an R2 value of 0.9999 when either N or α varies. I estimate privacy as a
function of the number of categories in a SDNS as:
P rivacyEstimate =
(log2 (α))2 + 1.5
which has R2 = 0.976. While the utility estimate does not depend on the original
distribution, the privacy estimate does. The empirically discovered Equation (3.21)
will only estimate accurately the privacy of a reconstructed normal distribution.
Using Equations (3.20) and (3.21), I can estimate the population size, or number
of categories required to achieve a target utility or privacy value. For the data in Table 3.1, Equation (3.20) shows that one dimension of 10,000 categories and 71,414,286
participants is equivalent to 6 dimensions (where 4 dimensions have 5 categories and
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
2 dimensions have 4 categories) with 1,000,000 participants. The MDNS requires
fewer participants. When participants are fixed at 1,000,000, Equation (3.20) also
indicates that a MDNS of 10,000 categories using DA is equivalent to using 142
categories in a SDNS. Equation (3.21) indicates that when the population is fixed
at 1,000,000, a MDNS of 6 dimensions and 10,000 overall number of categories is
equivalent in privacy to a SDNS using 2,397 categories. Since privacy degrades and
utility improves when the number of categories decreases, the above information indicates a privacy degradation of 70.0% but a utility improvement of 98.58%. These
percentages will not linearly correlate with the privacy and utility metrics, yet they
do show how the privacy-utility trade-off is favorable for DA.
Magnification of Error
Previous works [85, 150] have suggested reasons why an increase in categories requires a significant increase in participants to maintain a given level of utility. Horey
et al. [85] suggest that an almost linear increase in the number of participants is
needed to maintain a given utility as the number of categories increase, when utility is measured with the relative Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). When utility is
measured with the MSE, as illustrated in Figure 3.5, the relation is indeed linear.
Xie et al. [150] suggests that the magnification of error is due to counting with integers, pointing to a gap between the floor and ceiling of the value (Xi )/(α − 1).
This gap introduces errors in the reconstruction process which are increased with
the total number of categories. They give an upper and lower bound of the error
for a given category to be ±(α − 1)2 . However, they also assume that the RMSE
is the measure of utility. Utility metrics based on the RMSE or MSE are misleading because they do not model how the perturbed distribution, Y , deviates from its
expected value. Values in Y that are closer to their expected values give a better
reconstructed distribution, A, that is closer to the original data distribution, X.
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
I introduce an alternative explanation using Chernoff bounds which better estimate the deviation of Y from its expected value. Since negative surveys are similar
to the balls and bins problem [24], its notation (balls are sensed values and bins are
categories) will be used for the rest of this section. In a negative survey with an original distribution, X, the balls in category Xi must be distributed among the other
α − 1 bins. This series of Bernoulli trials is binomially distributed. Chernoff bounds
approximate the binomial distribution and are especially good for representing the
tails far from the mean. The expected number of balls in the disguised bins, Y , is
calculated by first taking the inverse function of Equation (2.4) as follows:
E[Yi ] =
N − Ai
Since this is a maximum likelihood estimate, Ai can be replaced with Xi . This
equation and the following two assume a SDNS, but a MDNS would behave similarly,
if α in Equations (3.22) and (3.23) is replaced with all the possible categories a sensed
value could be perturbed to, i.e., α is replaced with (α1 − 1) · (α2 − 1) · . . . (αD − 1).
The Chernoff upper and lower bounds, which determine the probability that a
bin will be filled with δ more or less balls than the expected value, are represented
as follows:
P [Xi > E[Y ] + δ] =
P [Xi < E[Y ] − δ] =
(1 + δ)(1+δ)
(1 − δ)(1−δ)
Without loss of generality (and for graphing), δ is fixed at one normalized standard
deviation of the binomial distribution given as:
s 1
· 1−
Figure 3.5 gives the results of the Chernoff bounds when there are 10 categories
and the population varies, and then when the population is fixed at 1,000 and the
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
number of categories varies. In the figure (left), when the population increases, the
probability of a bin in Y being filled with more balls than one standard deviation
from its expected value decreases. If the y-axis is scaled logarithmically, the Chernoff
bounds form a straight line, suggesting that an increase in participants exponentially
(with an exponent of −0.70 in Figure 3.5 left) decreases the deviation of a bin in Y
from its expected value. Figure 3.5 (right) shows that when the number of categories
increases, the probability of a bin deviating from its expected value grows almost
logarithmically. To maintain a constant probability of deviation error for a given
change in the number of categories, the population is increased as follows:
Nincrease = α∆ · log(N ),
where α∆ is the increase in the number of categories, and N is the original population.
In this equation, the required number of participants increases linearly with the
number of categories. Any base can be used for the log, however, lower values give
lower Chernoff bound probabilities.
In Figure 3.5 (right), the probability of deviating from the expected value grows
almost logarithmically with an increase in categories, however, the initial increase
(from 3 to 150 categories) is significant. This significance increase of the Chernoff
bounds could explain the magnification of error associated with negative surveys.
As the number of categories increases, the values in Y have a higher probability of
deviating more than one standard deviation from the expected values. While the
utility metric uses a different unit of measurement, when compared to the Chernoff
upper and lower bounds, the metric underestimates the reconstruction error.
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
Upper Chernoff bound
Lower Chernoff bound
Utility metric
Upper Chernoff bound
Lower Chernoff bound
Utility metric
Probability of deviation from expected value
Probability of deviation from expected value
Figure 3.5: Chernoff upper and lower bounds showing the probability that the values
in Y deviate from their expected values. The number of categories are fixed at 10
and the population varies (left), and population is fixed at 1,000 and the number of
categories varies (right). The utility metric (green) is included, but uses a different
unit of measurement. However, compared to the Chernoff upper and lower bounds,
the metric underestimates the reconstruction error.
Dimensional Adjustment Always Improves Utility
In this section I argue that DA always improves utility. Assuming that no negative
survey has fewer than three categories2 , the limit of the Chernoff upper bound as α
approaches three from the right is:
N −X
(1 + δ)1+δ
The derivative of the Chernoff upper bound is given as:
N −Xi
log(eδ (δ + 1)−δ−1 )(N − Xi )(eδ (δ + 1)−δ−1 ) α−1
∂α (1 + δ)1+δ
(α − 1)2
which is always positive when α, N , δ, Xi are greater than zero, and δ<1 and Xi <N .
This indicates that the upper bound in Equation (3.23) is monotonically increasing
survey with 2 categories is simply the bitwise inverse of the data and provides no
privacy, and a survey with 1 category is not very interesting.
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
as α increases (or monotonically decreasing as α decreases). DA always reduces the
overall number of possible categories a value can be perturbed to. For instance, if a
Q k
dimension denoted as k has αk categories where αk = D
i=1 αi , then the number of
available categories when the dimension is dimensionally adjusted to Dk dimensions
is (αk,1 − 1) · (αk,2 − 1) · ... · (αk,Dk − 1). Since αk > (αk,1 − 1) · (αk,2 − 1) · ... · (αk,Dk − 1),
the number of possible categories to perturb to are always reduced. This will always
tighten the distribution of values for each bin in Y , i.e., the bins will be closer to
their expected amount. This improves the reconstructed distribution (A values are
closer to X), which improves utility.
Additionally, as the population size goes to infinity, the limit of the Chernoff
bound approaches 0, as given below:
N →∞
(1 + δ)(1+δ)
= 0.
This illustrates how reconstruction is a maximum likelihood estimate. More participants gives values in Y closer to their expected values.
Dimensional Adjustment is Expected to Reduce Privacy
Without loss of generality, any MDNS can be adjusted to a single-dimensional negative survey (see Section 2.2 in this chapter). When examining the joint probability
of X and Y in this case, some cells have zero entries because they are invalid perturbations (i.e., the original and perturbed values share at least one value). When
a SDNS or a dimension in a MDNS is dimensionally adjusted, zeros are added to
various cells in the joint probability. However,the other cells in the joint probability
are expected to increase, especially the maximum values in the columns. This will
increase the value of Equation (3.11), which will also increase the value of Equa-
Chapter 3. MDNSs: Multi-Dimensional Negative Surveys
tion (3.10), reducing privacy. While the privacy metric is not guaranteed to increase,
it is expected to increase, especially with large populations.
Summary of Chapter
Information can be collected through MDNSs of participants’ devices. Participants
report false information to preserve their privacy. However, the original distributions
across the dimensions can be reconstructed from this false information. In this chapter, I introduced the MDNS protocols to collect and reconstruct such information.
An efficient reconstruction algorithm was devised along with metrics for multiple
dimensions. A technique was put forward to reduce the inherent need for a large
number of participants. In the next chapter, I discuss another information collection protocol that also preserves privacy and reduces energy use, but performs data
aggregation on the information.
Chapter 4
KIPDA: k -Indistinguishable
Privacy-preserving Data
The previous chapter discussed privacy-preserving data transmission without aggregation in the network. Although data aggregation could be performed with MDNSs,
a separate value would have to be transmitted for each distinct category. In a MDNS
with many dimensions, this would defeat the purpose of saving energy. This chapter
presents KIPDA, a lightweight k-indistinguishable CDA algorithm for the maximum
(MAX) and minimum (MIN) aggregation functions. Instead of perturbing information as in the previous chapter, the data values are hidden in plain site among
camouflage values.
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
WSNs often combine, process, or filter data between the sensor and the final destination, a process previously described as data aggregation. This chapter is concerned
with the problem of maintaining privacy when the data are aggregated in the network. I introduce a non-cryptographic method called KIPDA, or k-indistinguishable
privacy-preserving data aggregation, which obfuscates data by adding a set of camouflage values. In KIPDA, the aggregates, referred to as the sensitive values, are
transmitted in plaintext so that the aggregation computation is efficient. These
sensitive values are disguised with camouflage values in a message vector, a onedimensional array of values which is defined as the union of the sensitive value with
the camouflage values. WSN nodes transmit message vectors to their parents in the
data aggregation tree, typically in a single packet. k-Indistinguishability of the sensitive values from the camouflage data is achieved by choosing the values and positions
of the camouflage data in the message vector in such a way that the sensitive values
are aggregated correctly and can be decoded at the final destination or base station.
The technique is counter-intuitive, because it takes extra energy to transmit camouflage values. However, I show through analysis, and in Chapter 5 with simulations,
that KIPDA is more energy efficient than using end-to-end data collection without
aggregation, or hop-by-hop aggregation with five current conventional encryption ciphers. KIPDA also excels at timing, and can aggregate and transmit significantly
more decoy values than hop-by-hop aggregation can aggregate and transmit one sensitive value. This could be important in delay intolerant networks [129].
KIPDA is one of the first MAX/MIN CDA techniques to protect information
from in-network nodes with energy-efficiency. It is robust to nodes that are captured
and re-programed to follow network protocols (so as to appear benign) to determine
sensitive data. The fewer nodes that are controlled by an adversary, the less abil-
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
ity the adversary has to distinguish sensitive values from camouflage values. This
is accomplished by using a method similar to a global symmetric key [99], except
that each node possesses a random part of the global key. Only when enough nodes
collude or are captured will privacy be broken. Neither hop-by-hop encryption aggregation or end-to-end aggregation with homomorphic encryption support MAX/MIN
aggregation with protection from in-network nodes (see Chapter 2, Section 2).
CDA MAX/MIN aggregation is very similar to secure multi-party computation,
which is a general case of the millionaire problem, where two people want to know
who is richer without revealing their true wealth. The only amount of information
gained is from the result of the answer. The solution to this problem is too resource
expensive to be applied to WSNs. For example, previous solutions to Yao’s Millionaire Problem [40, 152] leverage public-key cryptography, which is computationally
expensive and therefore problematic in resource-constrained WSNs.
Several applications could benefit from KIPDA and MAX/MIN aggregation. For
example, intelligent or smart meters for electric utilities send individual usage data to
a utility company, which then sends real-time data back to the end user to encourage
energy conservation [77]. Information from the meter is usually sent over an existing
cell phone infrastructure, radio transmission, or other unsecured network. Privacy
is essential in this setting, least others can infer daily activities by observing utility
consumption patterns [77]. Another potential application arises in medicine, if a
medical worker does not have the time or resources to monitor a large group of
patients individually. Determining the MAX or MIN value of an indicator could
show that the entire group is within the normal range, or that a patient is in trouble
and needs attention. Without privacy-preserving techniques, an eavesdropper could
observe values of a patient’s health data. A similar idea could be used to triage
patients at a disaster site [82].
Chapter Contributions: The contributions of this chapter include the following:
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
(1) a MAX/MIN CDA scheme that protects data from in-network nodes, (2) analysis
of the ability of an adversary to distinguish sensitive data from camouflage data
as a function of the number of nodes she has captured, (3) a detailed analysis of
the energy consumption and time delay of KIPDA compared to end-to-end data
collection and hop-by-hop aggregation encryption schemes. In Chapter 5, this energy
and time analysis is compared to the results from a power aware WSN simulator
(PowerTOSSIM-Z) and actual implementations on physical devices.
Chapter Assumptions: I assume in-network nodes that transmit message vectors
are honest but curious, along with the base station. Communications from each sensor node to the base station can also be monitored by an adversary. Communications
from the base station to each node is performed securely to distribute necessarily information about the positions of the camouflage data in a node’s message vector.
Chapter Roadmap: The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows: Section 2 provides an overview of the protocols. Section 3 discusses aggregation accuracy,
and analyzes the abilities of an adversary through node capture and collusion attacks.
Section 4 presents the protocols in detail. Section 5 analyzes the power consumption of KIPDA and compares it to similar techniques, and Section 6 summarizes this
Overview of Solution
Before I present the overview of my solution, I introduce notation which is summarized in Table 4.1 and illustrated in Figure 4.1. Let V i be the set of n values in a message vector for node i where (|V i | = n, ∀i, 1≤i≤N ), and where N is the number of
participating nodes in the network. The message vector is composed of the sensitive
value, di , of node i, and the restricted and unrestricted camouflage values. Restricted
camouflage values in a message vector are required to be greater or lesser than the
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
sensitive value for MIN and MAX aggregation respectively. Unrestricted camouflage
values can be either greater or lesser than the sensitive value. The message vector is
an array of values, where the sensitive data and the two types of camouflage values
are assigned to specific positions in the array according to predefined policies. Let
I = {1, 2, ..., n} be the set representing the positions of V i , ∀i, 1≤i≤N . The global
secret set (GSS), a subset of I, denotes the secret index values kept at the base
station to determine the final aggregated results. GSS contains the global secret
information, which is partially shared among the network nodes. The node’s secret
set (Ri ) is the secret information about GSS shared with node i. The base station
specifies Ri for each i to include all elements from GSS and a subset of elements
from GSS, i.e., GSS ∩ Ri 6= ∅. P i denotes the position of the sensitive value in V i
for node i. P i is always a subset of GSS for all i, 1≤i≤N , and |P i | = 1. P i is also a
subset of Ri ; hence Ri is the union of the index set of the restricted camouflage values
and index of the sensitive value. U i is the index set of the unrestricted camouflage
values, where U i ⊂ GSS, and U i = Ri = I − Ri (“−” denotes set difference).
This notation is formalized with the following four definitions which ensure the
correctness and functionality of KIPDA. Definition 1 ensures that the base station can correctly determine the final aggregated value. Definition 2 enforces the
requirement that any single node i cannot determine the entirety of GSS from P i ,
by enforcing that Ri − P i draws from both sets GSS and GSS. Definition 3 guarantees that the true maximum value is not filtered out by the aggregation process.
Definition 4 enables the correctness of the previous 3 definitions by ensuring that
the message vector is filled with the proper values.
Definition 1: The index, P i , of the sensitive value, di , is drawn from GSS:
P i ⊂ GSS, ∀i, 1≤i≤N, |P i | = 1.
Definition 2: Ri contains elements from both GSS and GSS. This is required to
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Table 4.1: KIPDA notations.
Vector of camouflage and sensitive value sent to
the next aggregator, indexed by I.
Values in the message vector that are greater than
the sensitive value for MIN aggregation and
less for MAX aggregation.
Values in a message vector that are either more or
less than the sensitive value, di in the message
Message vector of node i. V i = {v1i , v2i , ..., vni }.
Values in V i for node i where ℓ = 1, 2, ..., n.
Last message vector received by the base station.
Sensitive value of node i. It is hidden in plain
sight in V i where vℓi = di , if ℓ ∈ P i . The
sensitive value can be a sensed value or an
Index set of V i . I = {1, 2, ..., n}
Number of nodes in the network.
Number of values in a message vector, n = |V i |,
∀i, 1≤i≤N . Determined according to privacy
versus energy needs.
The global secret set kept at the base station that
contains possible locations for the final network
aggregated value.
The secret set for node i. Consists of the
union of the indices of the restricted camouflage
values and the index of the sensitive value.
Index set of unrestricted camouflage values
values of node i. U i = Ri = I − Ri
Index of the sensitive value, di , of node i.
hide the sensitive value in V i :
GSS ∩ (Ri − P i ) 6= ∅, ∀i, 1≤i≤N.
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Figure 4.1: Illustrated KIPDA notations.
Definition 3 Ri is a proper superset of GSS:
GSS ⊂ Ri , ∀i, 1≤i≤N.
Definition 4 A sensor node i fills in its message vector, V i = {v1i , v2i , ..., vni }, according to the following equation:
 urand(d , d )
min i
vℓ =
urand(di , dmax )
urand(dmin , dmax )
if ℓ ∈ P i , and computing MAX or MIN
if ℓ ∈ Ri , and computing MAX
if ℓ ∈ Ri , and computing MIN
if ℓ ∈ U i , and computing MAX or MIN.
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Figure 4.2: Example of a KIPDA aggregation scheme with three nodes.
where urand(x, y) generates a random number uniformly distributed between x and
y, and dmin and dmax are the theoretical network minimum and maximum values
To illustrate KIPDA, consider the three node example of MAX aggregation shown
in Figure 4.2. In this example, nodes 2 and 3 each want to send a single sensed
sensitive value to node 1, which aggregates these values along with its own, and
sends the aggregated sensitive value to the base station. Each node protects their
sensitive value by writing it to the message vector with camouflage data. In this
example, the message vector contains one sensitive value and six camouflage values.
Figure 4.2 illustrates the four phases of KIPDA for MAX aggregation: predistribution, sensing, aggregation, and base station processing. In the pre-distribu-
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
tion phase the base station determines, based on the above definitions, the elements
of sets, GSS, and P i and Ri for all nodes i where 1≤i≤3. In the figure, GSS is
determined to be {1, 3, 5}. P i , for i = 1, 2, and 3, is determined to be {1}, {5}, and
{3}, respectively. Ri , for i = 1, 2, and 3, is determined to be {1, 2, 3, 5, 7}, {1, 3, 4,
5, 7}, and {1, 2, 3, 5, 6}, respectively. U i can be trivially determined from Ri for each
i. The sets Ri are composed of three values from GSS, and two values from GSS
each. After the sets are determined, the base station distributes P i and Ri to each
node i. During the sensing phase, node 2 places its sensitive value, 34, in the 5th slot
in V 2 . Then it determines the rest of V 2 according to Equation (4.4). These values
could be picked randomly according to constraints such as the theoretical maximum
and minimum values. In this way, V 1 = {23, 18, 22, 25, 15, 27, 19}, V 2 = {18,
47, 27, 30, 34, 9, 4}, and V 3 = {6, 11, 12, 15, 1, 5, 10}. During the data aggre-
gation phase, when node 1 receives message vectors V 2 and V 3 from its children,
it determines the aggregated value where vℓ1 = max{vℓi } for each ℓ = 1, 2, ..., 7 and
i = 1, 2, 3. Hence, the aggregated message vector, V 1 , is {23, 47, 27, 30, 34, 27, 19},
and replaces the original V 1 , becoming the final message vector, V Ω , that is sent to
the base station. In the final phase, the base station determines the final network
aggregate among the maximum elements indexed by GSS. In the example, elements
at positions 1, 3, and 5 of the aggregated set V Ω are 23, 27, and 34. Hence, 34 is the
network MAX aggregate.
As described, this method might be prone to statistical analysis attacks. For
example, an adversary could examine the packets for statistical correlations and use
this information to guess Ri and U i for certain i, ultimately guessing GSS and
GSS of the base station. There are several methods to avoid this problem. In the
network, if the theoretical maximum and minimum values are known, then the values
in the message vector other than di could be chosen so the entire message resembles a
uniform distribution. If the size of Ri prevents this, it can be increased. Alternatively,
the sets could be changed or shuffled either after each network wide aggregation, or
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
after a fixed number of aggregations. The base station would choose a new set GSS,
and end-to-end encryption would distribute sets Ri and Pi to each node i. While
this is a cryptographic approach, it would occur sparingly to conserve energy. These
methods would also help if values of neighboring nodes are similar or correlated, or if
an adversary manipulated the environment so that some sensor values were known,
such as putting an ice block on top of a sensor that reports temperature.
Aggregation Accuracy and Collusion Attacks
This section explains the aggregation accuracy of KIPDA, the level of privacy protection, the robustness to node collusion (capture attacks), and the optimal sizes of
sets GSS and R. First, accuracy is guaranteed according to the following conjecture:
Conjecture 1: KIPDA accurately computes the MAX and MIN aggregation functions.
Informal Sketch: The aggregation result can be affected only by the unrestricted
camouflage values. However, the unrestricted camouflage values occur only in locations indexed by U i . Since GSS ⊂ Ri , and U i ⊂ GSS, ∀i, 1≤i≤N , the unrestricted
camouflage values do not affect the aggregated results in positions indexed by GSS
at each node. This is because the elements of GSS and GSS are disjoint. Assuming
paths to the base station follow a tree route with the base station as the root, any
subtree will contain the maximum or minimum aggregate value of that subtree in
GSS. The base station can always determine the sensitive network wide aggregate
from GSS of the final message vector.
Let us continue with some definitions:
Definition 5: A rogue node is a node compromised by an adversary that will collect
sensitive data, yet will still follow the network protocols, so to appear as uncompro-
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Definition 6: Given k items where k≥1, the items are said to be k-indistinguishable
if a sensitive value, d, from among the k items cannot be determined more accurately
than by guessing from the other k−1 items. A set with a single item has a k value
of one.
The following 2 claims provide support for Conjecture 2, which quantifies k when
a single rogue nodes tries to learn sensitive data. First, I present a change in notion.
Since the sizes of Rm and U m are the same for all m, 1≤m≤N , they will be denoted
as |R| and |U | with the indices removed.
Claim 1: A victim node i has k-indistinguishability where 1≤k≤|U |+1 when an
adversary has captured node j and uses set U j to determine di .
Informal Sketch: Only the unrestricted values can be higher or lower than di for
MAX and MIN aggregation respectively. The maximum number of these unrestricted
values is |U |. In the best case for victim node i, node j cannot determine what sets
the positions of these |U | values of V i are in: Ri , U i , or P i . In addition to the
|U | largest or smallest values, the rogue node cannot distinguish the position of the
sensitive value itself from the other |U | values, hence k is increased by one.
Take for example MAX aggregation in Figure 4.3, rogue node j (Node 2 from
Figure 4.2) knows the sensitive value of victim node i (Node 3 from Figure 4.2) will
be in one of the (|U | + 1) largest values in node i’s message vector, V i . These values
correspond to indices 2, 3, and 4. Here, indistinguishability is 3.
Claim 2: A victim node i has k-indistinguishability where 1≤k≤|R|−1 when an
adversary has captured node j and uses set Rj to determine di .
Informal Sketch: An adversary, after capturing node j, knows that the sensitive data,
di of node i is guaranteed to be in one of the positions denoted by Rj in V i . This is
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Node 3, i
6 11 12 15 1
5 10
Node 2, j (Adversary)
Figure 4.3: Nodes 2 and 3 are from Figure 4.2. An adversary can determine that the
sensitive value is in the |U | + 1 largest positions of V i for MAX aggregation.
because GSS ⊂ Rm for all m, 1≤m≤N . The adversary cannot determine the actual
location of di since she does not know whether any of the corresponding elements in
her Rj set are in the victim’s Ri , P i , or U i sets. Since the adversary knows at least
one position of GSS, k is reduced by one.
For example in Figure 4.4, the adversary after capturing node j (Node 2 from
Figure 4.2) knows the sensitive value is contained in one of the positions of node i’s
message vector denoted by the rogue node’s Rj set. Since the smallest value of the
positions denoted by Rj is contained in P j , k is reduced by one.
Conjecture 2: For any single rogue node j trying to collect the index of the sensitive
information, di , from node i, KIPDA provides the following k-indistinguishability
level where k is given as:
1 ≤ k ≤ min(|U | + 1, |R| − 1).
Informal Sketch: Since an adversary can choose either or both techniques from
Claims 1 and 2, it follows that k will be less than or equal to the minimum of
the two. Future work will consider if these two attacks are exhaustive.
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Node 3 , i
6 11 12 15 1
5 10
Node 2, j (Adversary)
Figure 4.4: Nodes 2 and 3 are from Figure 4.2. An adversary can determine that the
sensitive value is in Rj of V i .
The next two claims help determine the average value k a victim node has against
a single colluding node.
Claim 3: A victim node i has average indistinguishability k where k = Λ, against a
rogue node j when U j is used to determine di . Λ is given as:
Λ = (|U | − Ψ + 1)
where Ψ is the expected number of elements of the largest or smallest (|U | + 1)
values (for MAX or MIN aggregation respectively) in V i that are in positions that
are members of the set U j . When Λ equals |U | + 1, it is a special case of Claim 3
where no elements are shared between the positions of largest or smallest (|U | + 1)
values in V i and set U j . Ψ is defined as:
|U | · (|U | + 1)
Informal Sketch: k is reduced from |U |+1 by one for every element shared between
U j and the positions denoted by the largest or smallest |U | + 1 values in V i . Because
Um ∈
/ GSS for all m, 1≤m≤N , these value can be discounted as they do not contain
any sensitive information. The expected value, Ψ, is the product of the (|U | + 1)
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
number of largest or smallest elements, and all the possible positions of set U , divided
by all possible positions that the largest or smallest values can fall in, |I|.
For example in Figure 4.3 for MAX aggregation, position 2 can be ruled out
because it is a member of U j . Hence, k is reduced to 2. Also, it does not matter if
any of the |U | + 1 largest values are in position P j , because any of these values could
fall in P i , and the adversary does not know if P i = P j .
Claim 4: A victim node i has average indistinguishability k, where k = Π, against
a rogue node j when Rj is used to determine di . Π is given as:
P (g) · (g − 1)
where P (g) is the probability that the g th largest item appears in the position denoted
by P j in V i . This probability can be actualized as:
P (g) =
Informal Sketch: For MAX aggregation, the g th largest value in V i that is in the
position denoted by P j gives a k value of g−1. Because P j ⊂ GSS, any smaller values
in the positions denoted by Rj can be ruled out. This is because their positions are
either in GSS or GSS. If their positions are in GSS, none of them are the sensitive
value because they are smaller, and, if they are in GSS, they are camouflage data.
This leaves values larger than the g th value, (g−1 in total), as possible sensitive
values. di cannot be distinguished from the other g − 1 largest values, because the
adversary does not known whether these values are in the Ri , P i , or U i positions.
MIN aggregation would follow a similar logic and examine the smallest g th values.
For example in Figure 4.4, k is given as 4, because position P j in V i contains the
5th largest value.
Conjecture 3: Any victim node i has the following average k value against a single
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
rogue node j:
k = min(Λ, Π),
where Λ and Π are from Claims 3 and 4.
Informal Sketch: Since an adversary can choose either or both techniques from
Claims 3 or 4, it follows that k will be equal to the minimum of the two. Future
work will consider if these attacks are exhaustive.
KIPDA provides greater protection from eavesdroppers. To an outside observer
without knowledge of GSS, Ri , and P i for any i, k is equal to |V |. The following
claims and conjectures quantify k in the case when several nodes collude and their
objective is to determine the base station’s GSS and GSS sets. This is accomplished
in two ways. The first is to infer GSS from P j , and the second is to infer GSS from
Claim 5: The expected number of colluding nodes, E[x], that can determine all
|GSS| elements in GSS from P j , assuming P j is randomly selected from GSS is
given as:
E[x] = |GSS| · H|GSS| = |GSS| ·
X 1
where H|GSS| is the harmonic number of |GSS|.
Informal Sketch: This is an instance of the coupon collector’s problem [120]. Each
time a node colludes with another node, it is similar to collecting the coupon, P j ,
out of |GSS| coupons with replacement.
Claim 6: The expected number of nodes colluding, E[x], that can determine all
|GSS| elements from U j , assuming no bias when U j is selected from GSS, is given
|GSS| X 1
· H|GSS| =
E[x] =
|U |
|U |
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Informal Sketch: This is a slight variant of the coupon collectors problem. Instead
of collecting one coupon at each collusion, |U | unique coupons are collected, with
replacement. Equation (4.11) is based on the probability, pm , of choosing the mth
element of GSS, given as:
pm =
|U |(|GSS| − m + 1)
The optimal size of GSS can be determined using Claims 5 and 6. According to
Claim 5, with a fixed message vector size, |V |, the expected number of colluding nodes
needed to obtain GSS increases when the number of elements in GSS increases.
According to Claim 6, the expected number of colluding nodes required to discover
GSS decreases when the number of elements in GSS increases. Thus, the least
expected number of collusive nodes needed to infer either GSS or GSS is minimized
by taking the intersection of the lines specified by Equations (4.10) and (4.11).
For example in Figure 4.5, |I| is set to 20 and |R| varies between 18 and 14,
where each variation is given an approximate average value of k against a single
rogue node. Several values of |R| are included to illustrate the trade-offs between
the level of k-indistinguishability a victim node has against a single rouge node,
versus the expected number of colluding nodes needed to determine the sensitive
information. Better protection against a single rogue node will have less protection
against several rogue nodes colluding, and vice versa. Network designers can use this
trade-off to choose the optimal value of |R|. Figure 4.5 shows that if |R| = 17, the
optimal value of |GSS| is 6, and it is expected that 15 nodes would need to collude
before GSS or GSS are entirely known.
The optimal size of all sets can now be determined. Since |I| (or |V |) affects
bandwidth and power consumption, it cannot be too large. The optimal size is
decided according to the energy budget of the system balanced against the level of
desired indistinguishability and is discussed in Section 5.1 of this chapter. Once |I|
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Expected Num. of Colluding Nodes to Determine All GSS
Optimal Size of GSS, I = 20
Equation (4.10)
Equation (4.11), R = 18 (k ≈ 2.7)
Equation (4.11), R = 17 (k ≈ 3.4)
Equation (4.11), R = 16 (k ≈ 4.0)
Equation (4.11), R = 15 (k ≈ 4.5)
Equation (4.11), R = 14 (k ≈ 4.9)
Figure 4.5: The optimal size of GSS for |I| = 20 is given by the intersection of the
curve of Equation (4.10), with various curves of Equation (4.11). A trade-off exists
between lower values for |R|, which give a higher indistinguishability value against
a single rogue node (given as k in legend), and higher values for |R|, which require
more expected nodes to collude to determine GSS.
is determined, the sizes of sets GSS and Ri must be chosen carefully as discussed
above to achieve good performance against node collusion attacks.
The following gives an argument for the average k value when x nodes collude.
Claim 7: A victim node i has average indistinguishability k, where k=Λ, against x
colluding nodes when U j for all j colluding nodes is used to determine GSS. Λ is
given as:
Λ = (|U | − Ψ′ + 1) ,
where Ψ′ is the expected number of elements of the largest or smallest (|U |+1) values
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
(for MAX or MIN aggregation respectively) in V i that are in positions denoted by
the union of the sets U j for all colluding nodes j. Ψ′ is defined as:
Ψ′ =
|GSS Known | · (|U | + 1)
|V |
where |GSS Known | and |GSSknown | (seen later) are the inverses of Equations (4.10)
and (4.11) from Claims 5 and 6, and are given as:
x − 21
|GSSknown | =
W ( 12 eγ (2x − 1))
|GSS known | =
|U | · x − 12
W ( 12 eγ (2 · |U | · x − 1))
where γ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant, 0.577215, and W is the Lambert WFunction [37] or product log.
Informal Sketch: Because U m ⊂ GSS for all m, 1≤m≤N , the rogue nodes combine
their U j sets together (by taking the union of the sets) to build GSS Known . Building
off of Claim 3, the expected value of the shared number of elements between the
largest or smallest |U | + 1 elements in V i , for MAX or MIN aggregation respectively,
whose positions are in U j is modified, where an instance of |U | is replaced with
|GSS Known |.
Claim 8: A victim node i has average indistinguishability k, where k=Π, against x
colluding nodes when Rj , for all j colluding nodes, is used is to determine GSS. Π
is given as:
|V |−|GSS Known |
P (g) · (g − 1)
where P (g) is the probability that the g th largest values (or smallest values for MIN
aggregation) in V i fall into any positions denoted by GSSknown . It can be actualized
P (g) =
|GSSKnown |
|V | − |GSS known |
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Informal Sketch: Given Claim 4, |R| is replaced with |V | − |GSS Known |. This is
because when rogue nodes collude, the number of available restricted camouflage
values in V i (given the information known to the rogue nodes) is |V | − |GSS Known |.
The colluding nodes cannot determine if the values in V − GSS Known are in GSS or
not. As |V | − |GSS Known | decreases because more elements are found in GSS, more
elements in the union of Rj for all colluding nodes j are determined to be in GSS.
This reduces the possible elements in V i that can be indistinguishable. Eventually,
all elements that are left in Rj , as j increases, will be members of GSS.
Conjecture 4: Any victim node i has the following average indistinguishability
value k when x nodes collude:
 1
if |GSSknown | = |GSS| or |GSS Known | = |GSS|
 min(Λ, Π) otherwise.
Informal Sketch: Since an adversary can choose either or both techniques from
Claims 7 or 8, it follows that k will be equal to the minimum of the two. If all
members of sets GSS or GSS are determined, k reduces to one.
With just one rogue node, Equation (4.18) reduces to Equation (4.9). This is
because |GSS known | would equal |U |, and |V | − |GSS known | would equal |R|. An
example of Conjecture 4 is illustrated in Figure 4.6. The sizes of GSS and R are
chosen from the optimal values from Figure 4.5. When |R| = 15, |GSS| = 4,
and 3 nodes collude, a victim node has a k-indistinguishability value on average of
approximately 4.
There is one limitation of KIPDA. As explained before, the level of indistinguishability is based on the number of elements in U , and an adversary could examine the
m largest or smallest values in a message vector. However, over several iterations
of KIPDA (different aggregation epochs), an adversary might watch these positions.
She could eliminate the positions where the m values are not in the positions of the
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
k-Indistinguishability vs. Num. of Colluding Nodes, I = 20
|GSS| = 7, |R| = 18
|GSS| = 6, |R| = 17
|GSS| = 5, |R| = 16
|GSS| = 4, |R| = 15
|GSS| = 4, |R| = 14
|GSS| = 7, |R| = 13
Level of k−Indistinguishability
Number of colluding nodes
Figure 4.6: Level of indistinguishability, k, against the number of colluding nodes,
x. |I| = 20 and varies sizes of GSS and R are plotted.
previous iteration’s m values. In this way, the adversary could eventually determine
the location of the sensitive value for any node.
This threat can be addressed by changing the sets GSS, P i , and Ri at every
aggregation epoch, similar to a one time pad. The base station could distribute
the sets P i and Ri to each node, although this might be expensive. I suggest an
alternative solution that uses special random number generators with unique properties. Unique seeds for these generators would be shared by the specific nodes and
the base station. They could be distributed with standard encryption techniques or
with public/private key encryption such as TinyECC [106], since this would occur
occasionally. The unique properties of the generators would allow nodes to generate
one number from the set GSS and enough numbers from GSS to determine the
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
elements for the set U i ∀i, 1≤i≤N . However, a node would not be able to determine
all of GSS, but have enough knowledge to be able to draw the sets it needs: R, and
P . The exact implementation of these special random number generators is left for
future work.
In this section I describe the protocols for KIPDA. I assume aggregation trees are
constructed according to standard data aggregation protocols [109]. There are four
phases to KIPDA: pre-distribution, sensing, aggregating, and base station processing.
In the pre-distribution phase, the base station:
1. Determines the sizes of sets, I, GSS, and R, where |GSS| < |R| < |I|. The
optimal sizes of these sets were discussed previously.
2. Chooses unique elements of GSS, where GSS ⊂ I. These elements can be
chosen uniformly at random.
3. Determines P i for each node i, where |P i | = 1, and P i ⊂ GSS.
4. Determines Ri for each node i, by taking all the elements from GSS and
(|R|−|GSS|) elements from GSS. The elements in Ri are unique and can
be chosen uniformly at random.
5. Distributes the sets (1) P i and (2) either Ri or U i to each node i, depending
on which set contains less bits. There are many methods for distributing keys
securely in WSNs, (e.g. Perrig et al. [123] use a Faraday cage to ensure key
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Algorithm 4.1 KIPDA: Pre-distribution Phase for Base Station
1: procedure Pre-distribution
Determine |I|, |GSS|, and |R|, where |GSS| < |R| < |I|.
Determine elements of GSS such that GSS ⊂ I.
Determine for each node i, P i , where |P i | = 1, and P i ⊂ GSS.
Determine for each node i, Ri , containing all elements from GSS and
(|R| − |GSS|) random elements from GSS.
Distribute sets (1) P i and (2) either Ri or U i dependent on which
contains fewer bits, to all nodes i .
7: end procedure
secrecy, key authenticity, forward secrecy, and demonstrative identification),
which could easily be modified to distribute these sets.
This phase is summarized in Algorithm 4.1.
In the sensing phase, each node i determines the values for the set V i where V i =
{v1i , v2i , ..., vni }, and n = |I|. This step applies only to sensor nodes and not to
internal nodes that only aggregate and forward packets. Ri denotes the positions
in V i that behave according to the rules for restricted values, with the exception of
P i (P i ⊂ Ri ), which denotes the position in V i that is assigned di . If sensed values
are in the range [dmin , dmax ], the restricted camouflage values are drawn from [dmin ,
di ] for MAX aggregation, and from [di , dmax ] for MIN aggregation. The unrestricted
camouflages values are drawn from [dmin , dmax ], as described by Equation (4.4).
Different nodes can use different distributions to generate random values for the
restricted or unrestricted camouflages values so it is harder for others to infer the
sensitive value from V i . This phase is shown in Algorithm 4.2.
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Algorithm 4.2 KIPDA: Sensing Phase
1: for each node i do
procedure Sensing
Determine each vℓi in V i = {v1 , v2 , ..., vn } according to Equation (4.4).
end procedure
5: end for
In the aggregation phase, each node i receives from its children information to be
aggregated (unless it is a leaf node), aggregates the information, and passes the
aggregate to the next hop in the routing protocols either immediately, when queried,
or according to other protocols. If node i is a leaf node, aggregation is skipped,
and V i is transmitted according to the forwarding protocols (e.g. after waiting a
certain amount of time upon receiving the aggregation query). If node i has its
own message vector from sensing, that information is also aggregated along with the
children information. Aggregation is accomplished by computing the MAX or MIN
of vℓj for each ℓ = {1, 2, ..., n} among all children nodes j. In this way, V i is replaced
with the aggregated information. When finished or after a certain amount of time,
V i is forwarded to the next hop in the aggregation routing tree protocol. This phase
is shown in Algorithm 4.3.
For the MAX (or MIN) aggregation functions, the values in the message vectors
grow larger (or smaller) as they approach the base station, possibly compromising
privacy. One solution is to replace one or more values indexed by U i so that they
appear more uniformly distributed through [dmin , dmax ]. Nodes closer to the base
station might want to give the appearance of a distribution shifted to the upper or
lower ends of the maximum or minimum theoretical network value.
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Algorithm 4.3 KIPDA: Aggregation Phase
1: for each node i after receiving an aggregation query do
procedure Aggregation
if node i has children then
Receive from each child j, V j ,
Forward V i to the next hop according to forwarding protocols.
end if
for each ℓ in vℓj where j ∈ children of node i do
if node i also has sensed information then
i ∈ j.
end if
Determine aggregate (MAX or MIN) of vℓj , ∀j.
Place aggregated information in position ℓ in V i .
end for
Forward V i to the next hop according to forwarding protocols.
end procedure
18: end for
Base Station Processing
The final phase is performed on the base station which receives the last aggregated
message vector, V Ω . If other independent messages arrive at the base station, it first
performs Algorithm 4.3 on these messages to obtain V Ω . The final network aggregate
(the maximum or minimum value sensed in the network) is computed by selecting
the MAX or MIN from the values indexed by GSS in V Ω :
maxi∈GSS (viΩ ) for MAX aggregation,
mini∈GSS (viΩ ) for MIN aggregation.
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Algorithm 4.4 KIPDA: Base Station Processing Phase
1: procedure Base Station Processing
if more than one message received then
Perform Algorithm 4.3 on the messages to obtain V Ω .
Receive V Ω
end if
Determines the network aggregate:
maxi∈GSS (viΩ ) for MAX aggregation.
mini∈GSS (viΩ ) for MIN aggregation.
8: end procedure
This phase is summarized in Algorithm 4.4.
Evaluation Analysis
In this section, I compare KIPDA’s energy use and time delay to that of end-to-end
data collection and hop-by-hop encryption aggregation.
Energy Analysis
End-to-End Data Reporting
End-to-end data reporting without aggregation is energy-intensive because every reported value is transmitted to the base station. In the following analysis, values are
assumed to be 16 bits wide. (In cases with block encryption, more data are actually
sent over the radio because block sizes are larger than the size of the plaintext.)
Table 4.2 shows the number of bits transmitted (and the corresponding energy con-
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
sumption) per node for each level in an aggregation routing tree with a branching
factor of 5. This scheme is similar to that shown in Figure 2.2, left. The network
level is the number of hops away from the base station. Energy consumption per
transmitted bit is determined using calculations from Meulenaer et al. that assume
a MicaZ node architecture [42].
Nodes closer to the base station consume more bandwidth because more data pass
through them. To balance traffic loads among nodes, either the sink node sometimes
moves around or the nodes themselves migrate [26], both of which are impractical in
many cases. Therefore I assume a fixed network topology.
Average bandwidth consumption in end-to-end data collection with a branching
factor of 5 is O(log N ) per node, assuming no aggregation and N nodes in the
network. KIPDA’s average bandwidth consumption is O(|V i |) per node, i.e., the
number of values in a message vector, and is independent of the number of nodes.
For this scenario, energy usage grows more quickly with network size than with
KIPDA. Additionally, because nodes near the sink (base station) have to send more
information, there will be larger delays due to the time to transmit extra bits over
the radio.
Despite the energy cost, end-to-end encryption provides the best privacy protection. Outsiders and neighboring nodes are prevented from determining the sensitive
values. However, because aggregation is not performed, this scenario costs extra
Hop-by-Hop Encryption Aggregation
Hop-by-hop aggregation with encryption consumes less power near the sink than the
previous scenario, although, a large amount of power is consumed throughout the
network by the repeated decryption and re-encryption phases, which also introduces
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Table 4.2: Bandwidth energy usage of end-to-end data collection. Collection follows
a tree route with a branching factor of 5. Level is the number of hops away from the
base station.
of Nodes
Bits Sent
Per Node
MicaZ Radio Energy
Use per Node (µJ)
time delay. KIPDA is next compared to three hop-by-hop aggregation schemes that
use IDEA [100], RC5 [132], and RC4 [121] encryption. IDEA (International Data
Encryption Algorithm) is a symmetric encryption technique that uses 64 bit blocks
and a 128 bit key. RC5 uses variable blocks and key sizes, but my analysis considers
only blocks of 64 bits. RC4 is the most widely used stream cipher technique and is
found in such protocols as the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on the Internet, and WEP
that secures wireless networks. It operates on segments of 8 bits.
The first step is to determine the energy consumption of the three encryption
ciphers on a generic sensor architecture. I use the results from Ganesan et al. [70]
which generalize the costs of IDEA, RC4, and RC5 to any mote architecture and is
given as:
T imeEN C/DEC =
a + b · ⌈ text
block size
processor frequency · bus width
where variables a and b are given as follows:
a = aBASE + aM U L + aRISC
b = bBASE + bM U L + bRISC ,
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Table 4.3: Parameters aBASE and bBASE taken from Ganesan et al. [70].
blocksize (bits)
RC5 init/encrypt
RC5 init/decrypt
IDEA encrypt
IDEA decrypt
Table 4.4: Parameters aM U L and bM U L taken from Ganesan et al. [70].
w/ MUL instruction
w/o MUL instruction
aM U L
bM U L
Table 4.5: Parameters aRISC and bRISC taken from Ganesan et al. [70].
and where parameters aBASE and bBASE are given in Table 4.3. Parameters aM U L
and bM U L depend on whether a multiplication instruction is native to the architecture
and are given in Table 4.4, and aRISC and bRISC depend on whether a RISC or CISC
architecture is used, and are given in Table 4.5. aBASE , bBASE , aM U L , bM U L , aRISC ,
and bRISC were determined in Ganesan et al. [70] by minimizing the least square
relative error in their experiments.
I then apply these generalizations to two common architectures, MicaZ and
TelosB. The MicaZ architecture has a bus width of 8 bits and a processor that runs
at 7.37 MHz, and the TelosB architecture has a bus width of 16 bits and a processor
that runs at 4 MHz. The cost of their three frequent operations — compute one
clock tick, and transmit and receive one bit — were taken from Meulenaer et al. [42]
and are given in Table 4.6.
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Table 4.6: Energy consumption in microjoules, µJ, and nanojoules, nJ, of common
operations on the MicaZ (7.37 MHz) and TelosB (4 MHz) motes [42].
Compute for 1 Clock Tick
Transmit 1 bit
Receive 1 bit
3.5 nJ
0.60 µJ
0.67 µJ
1.2 nJ
0.72 µJ
0.81 µJ
Table 4.7: Time in seconds, number of processor clock ticks, and energy in microjoules to encrypt (Enc) and decrypt (Dec) data on the MicaZ and TelosB architectures.
IDEA Enc, MicaZ
IDEA Enc, TelosB
IDEA Dec, MicaZ
IDEA Dec, TelosB
RC5 Enc, MicaZ
RC5 Enc, TelosB
RC5 Dec, MicaZ
RC5 Dec, TelosB
RC4, Enc & Dec, MicaZ
RC4, Enc & Dec, TelosB
With this information, the time in seconds, the number processor clock ticks,
and the energy spent in Joules to perform the encrypt and decrypt primitives can be
estimated for the IDEA, RC5, and RC4 ciphers on the MicaZ and TelosB architectures. The time in microseconds is determined from Equation (4.20). The number of
clock ticks is determined by multiplying the time by clock frequency. Energy usage is
determined from the number of clock ticks according to energy spent per tick, given
in Table 4.6. The compiled results are given in Table 4.7. Since the time to encrypt
and decrypt for RC4 is the same, it is given only once per architecture.
To determine the energy consumption of a node in a hop-by-hop aggregation
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
Table 4.8: Energy consumption of hop-by-hop encryption per node for 10 bits of data
for the MicaZ and TelosB architectures, assuming 5 children nodes.
Method, Architecture
Energy µJ
IDEA, TelosB
RC5, MicaZ
RC5, TelosB
RC4, MicaZ
RC4, TelosB
method, I combine the information in Table 4.7 with the energy costs of the aggregation process: receiving packets, decrypting packets, aggregating the information,
encrypting the aggregate, and transmitting the encrypted aggregate. This is formalized in the following equation:
EHBH = c · (Rx(b) + Dec(b) + Agg) + Enc(b) + T x(b),
where c is the branching factor (number of children at each node in the network),
Rx(b) and T x(b) are the energy costs of receiving and transmitting b bits, Dec(b) and
Enc(b) are the energy costs of decrypting and encrypting b bits, Agg is the energy
required to compute the aggregate, assuming the time to aggregate c values is c clock
ticks, and b is the number of bits in a block or segment size. The energy to transmit
and receive 1 bit is taken from Table 4.6. The energy costs to encrypt and decrypt
are given in Table 4.7. The number of bits, b is determined from Table 4.3. The
results of the energy costs of hop-by-hop aggregation are shown in Table 4.8, which
gives the energy used when the branching factor, c, is set to 5.
The energy consumption of KIPDA consists of receiving data, aggregating it, and
transmitting the aggregate. However, this depends on the number of values in the
message vector, and the number of bits per value. The following equation formalizes
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
the energy consumption per node:
EKIP DA = m · (c · (Rx(b′ ) + Agg) + T x(b′ )) ,
where m is the number of values in a message vector, and b′ is the number of bits
per value. The following section assumes b′ = 10 and gives the results of KIPDA
and compares it with hop-by-hop aggregation. 10 bits were chosen because it allows
1,024 distinct values, which is enough to express a sensor reading in many WSN
Discussion of Results and Size of Set I
Figure 4.7 shows that KIPDA can use 34 to 35 values in a message vector before it
consumes the same energy as IDEA and RC5 for the MicaZ architecture. However,
it can send about 8 camouflage values before it uses the same amount of energy
as RC4. Figure 4.8 gives results for the TelosB architecture where RC4 works so
efficiently that the crossover point is about 2 values. For RC5 and IDEA on the
TelosB architecture the crossover point is 9 decoy messages. In the next Chapter,
these results are tested and compared to an energy aware wireless sensor network
simulator, PowerTOSSIM-Z.
The optimal size of I can now be determined. For KIPDA to achieve a net
power savings than using IDEA or RC5 hop-by-hop encryption, |I| for the MicaZ
motes needs to be less than 34. For the TelosB architecture, |I| needs to be less
than 10 for IDEA and RC5. KIPDA does not offer an energy advantage on the
TelosB architecture if RC4 hop-by-hop encryption were used, although, it will protect
information from in-network nodes. Also, as described in the next section, KIPDA
significantly reduces delay in the network. This would be appealing in networks that
require a fast response time, reasonable energy consumption, and privacy protection.
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
MicaZ Energy Profile
Energy in microJoules
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Number of Values in the Message Set
Figure 4.7: Energy profile of the MicaZ sensor architecture for a node performing data
aggregation in a WSN. Values in a message vector are 10 bits, and the aggregation
tree has a branching factor of 5. KIPDA can use 33 decoy values before it uses more
energy than hop-by-hop aggregation with either IDEA or RC5 encryption.
The plaintext size in all cases was 10 bits. Because IDEA and RC5’s block sizes
are both 64 bits, it required an extra 54 bits to transmit a message. RC4, however,
needed only two stream segments, to transmit 16 bits. This could explain why RC4
is more energy efficient, because extra bandwidth was not wasted on larger block
sizes. This is discussed in more detail in Chapter 5.
Delay Analysis
The time it takes for a node to perform hop-by-hop aggregation with encryption is
determined by the following equation:
THBH = c · DecT (b) + EncT (b) + (c + 1) ·
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
TelosB Energy Profile
Energy in microJoules
Number of Values in the Message Set
Figure 4.8: Energy profile of the TelosB sensor architecture for a node performing
data aggregation in a WSN. Values in a message vector are 10 bits, and the aggregation tree has a branching factor of 5. KIPDA can send 9 decoy values before it
uses more energy than hop-by-hop aggregation that uses IDEA or RC5 encryption
sending one value.
where b the number of bits in a block or segment (this equation only assumes one
block is used), DecT and EncT are the times to encrypt and decrypt b bits, and BW
is the bandwidth, which for both architectures is 0.25 bits per microsecond. Since
bandwidth is the same for both architectures, the results are the same. The equation
to determine the time for KIPDA is given as:
TKIP DA = (c + 1) ·
m · b′
The results are shown in Figure 4.9. KIPDA is compared to the time it takes for
hop-by-hop aggregation using IDEA, RC5, and RC4 encryption. 10 bits per value
are used and the network branching factor is 5. The analysis shows that KIPDA is
time efficient, and can process 47 decoy values before it reaches the same time used
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
MicaZ and TelosB Timing Profile
TelosB RC5
MicaZ RC5
TelosB RC4
MicaZ RC4
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Number of Values in the Message Set
Figure 4.9: The time delay of KIPDA versus hop-by-hop aggregation that uses the
IDEA, RC5, and RC4 ciphers. MicaZ and TelosB architectures are shown. KIPDA
can send 46 decoy messages before any other encryption technique on either architecture can perform the aggregation process.
by a node performing hop-by-hop aggregation with RC4 processing one value. For
IDEA and RC5 encryption, KIPDA can process about 160 decoy messages before it
uses the same amount of time these schemes use. If delay is intolerant, privacy is
a concern, and energy consumption needs to be conserved, KIPDA could consume
more energy by transmitting more camouflage values to achieve these three goals.
Summary of Chapter
Because KIPDA hides sensitive data in plain sight, data aggregation is easily and
efficiently computed, and the in-network processing delay can be reduced compared
Chapter 4. KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation
to hop-by-hop encryption methods. I have shown that KIPDA uses less energy than
hop-by-hop encryption even though more camouflage messages are communicated. I
quantified the energy efficiency of the proposed method in terms of the amount of
camouflage data used and studied the trade-offs between the protocol’s effectiveness
and its resilience against collusion and capture attacks. It is possible to conserve
energy and protect privacy by transmitting more information over a node’s radio, if
decoy values are used strategically. The next chapter confirms the energy analysis of
this chapter through simulations and implementations.
Chapter 5
Simulations and Implementations
This chapter presents simulations and implementations of the algorithms from the
previous two chapters. This includes simulations of MDNSs in MATLAB and KIPDA
in PowerTOSSIM-Z, in addition to implementations of MDNSs on Android OS smart
phones and KIPDA on Moteiv T-mote Invent sensors. Possible applications include
detecting radiation in a city, perturbing continuous data sets for privacy-preserving
data mining, or protecting medical data while monitoring simultaneously several
patients. The simulations and implementations illustrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the two protocols, how they can be adapted to real world applications, and
the trade-offs between energy and privacy. I study how MDNSs can perform given a
limited number of participants, how accurate they are given this limitation, and how
much energy is saved when encryption is eliminated. I also study how advantageous
it is for KIPDA to spend extra energy transmitting decoy messages.
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
MDNS MATLAB Simulations
MATrix LABoratory or, MATLAB, is an environment for numerical computing [111].
As of 2004, it had over one million users in research and industry [74]. Because it is
popular, easy to use, and a supports of a wide range of functionality, it was chosen
to simulate MDNSs. The first MATLAB simulation demonstrates how to detect
possible radiation threats in a city. The second simulation illustrates how MDNSs can
be applied to continuous data, which is compared with a popular privacy-preserving
data mining technique, random data perturbation. Each simulation is enhanced with
DA, showing the trade-offs between utility gained and privacy lost.
Cell Phone Radiation Threat Detection
Participatory sensing could potentially help detect and locate radiation threats in a
city, such as the detonation of a dirty bomb, loss of radioactive medical material,
or spread of radiation from a nuclear reactor accident. In this scenario, I assume
that cell phones are equipped with radiation monitors and GPS devices. Locations
are quantized into different quadrants, each with a unique label. I also assume that
individuals care about the privacy of their locations. With reasonable parameter
assumptions (number of locations, number of discernible radiation levels, and number
of participants), MDNSs can maintain location confidentiality and identify locations
containing radiation threats, if they exist.
Cell phones are ideal for radiation detection, and the United States Department
of Homeland Security has considered their use [68]. If radiation sensors were installed
at fixed locations, they might be tampered with or avoided, which is more difficult
with cell phones because they are owned by many independent individuals. As
an incentive to promote participation, aggregate information could be disseminated
freely to participants. Since readings from an individual cell phone might not be
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
as accurate as the combined readings from a larger population, access to aggregate
information would be advantageous. For an event such as the Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear accident, participants might prefer to send the unperturbed data and receive
more accurate readings. Either way, in such a situation, immediate feedback would
be beneficial, especially to determine if radiation has spread further than publicly
Simulation Setup
Before I explain the simulation setup, I give a small example of a geographic area
divided into a 3 × 3 grid, shown in Figure 5.1. The total population of cell phones
(participants) is 450,000 and is equally divided among the 9 locations. In the actual
simulation, I do not assume a uniform population distribution and instead follow a
more realistic model given by Bertaud et al. [17]. I simulate three radiation levels:
low, medium, and high. Depending on the level of radiation, each location’s distribution of reported levels will be shifted lower or higher. For example, in Figure 5.1,
location 6 contains a threat distribution, illustrated by the black histogram. This
distribution, exponentially shifted towards the higher range, contains 28,571 high radiation readings, half that number (14,286 medium radiation readings) in the medium
radiation level, and 7,143 readings that are low. Benign locations, characterized by
the non-threat distributions, are shown in black in locations 1-5 and 7-9. These distributions are skewed in the reverse direction: 28,571 participants with low readings,
etc. Figure 5.1 also shows the reconstructed distributions in light grey, which resemble the original distribution closely enough that important decisions could be made
such as where to send response teams.
San Francisco, which has roughly 46.7 square land miles, is used as an example
city. I chose the number of distinct locations to be 48, which works well with DA due
to its high number of composites. A hexagonal grid was used where each location
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Location 4
x 10
x 10
Location 7
x 10
x 10
Radiation Levels
Original Data
Radiation Levels
Negated Data
Location 8
Location 6
x 10
Location 5
x 10
Location 3
x 10
Location 2
x 10
Location 1
x 10
Location 9
Radiation Levels
Reconstructed Data
Figure 5.1: Histograms for a multi-dimensional negative survey of 9 locations and 3
radiation levels. The y-axis measures the number of participants per level of radiation (the x-axis). Location 6 is suspicious since its radiation levels form a threat
distribution. The other locations have non-threat distributions.
covers roughly one square land mile. This size would allow a response team with
more powerful equipment (such as helicopters equipped with radiation detectors) to
pinpoint the exact location of a threat.
San Francisco has a population of about 815,000, therefore, I varied the number
of participants from 100,000 to 500,000 in increments of 100,000 to study the effect
of the number of participants on utility. 500,000 is a good conservative maximum
estimate of the general population willing to participate [39]. As mentioned earlier,
the spatial distribution of participants is assumed to follow a standard urban model
taken from Bertaud et al. [17] where the population is concentrated at the central
business district and is gradually reduced further from this center.
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Radiation levels were divided into 3 categories, course graining continuous values
into one of the categories. While experiments show that more categories would
increase the granularity of the data, accuracy improves with fewer radiation levels
(Chapter 3, Section 5.3). However, if there were only 2 radiation levels, privacy
would be lost and adversaries could determine a participant’s location, if a threat
existed at a single location and the participant is at that location.
Each participant’s cell phone samples the environment for the radiation level
and notes its location. It then perturbs this information according to Chapter 3,
Section 2.1 and sends the perturbed values to the base station. After the base station
collects the perturbed data (one sample from each cell phone), it reconstructs the
original distribution according to the protocols from Chapter 3, Section 2.2.
The base station determines if a threat exists by computing the linear regression
at each location from its reconstructed histogram of radiation levels, assuming that
histogram bins are one unit apart. Figure 5.2 illustrates this technique. Ideally, a
location reporting elevated radiation levels will have a positive slope from the linear
regression, and a location with a typical distribution will have a negative slope. Yet,
this is not always the case. I chose the actual slope thresholds to minimize the
overall number of type I and type II errors. Thresholds could be adjusted to favor
one error type over another. For example, one strategy might send response teams
to investigate false positives, rather than allowing a false negative to slip through.
I chose the thresholds a posteriori, but in a real deployment these values would be
chosen a priori, with additional domain knowledge.
I ran the simulation 1000 times for each increment of participants, assigning the
threat distribution to a random location in 500 of the runs. In the other 500 runs I
assigned a non-threat distribution to all locations.
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Figure 5.2: Example of the technique used to determine radiation threats with the
slope of linear regression with a histogram.
Results and Analysis
Table 5.1 summarizes the results, showing the number of false positives and false
negatives, and accuracy. Accuracy is the percentage of true positives that correctly
determined the threat location. The average privacy and utility values (defined in
Chapter 3, Section 3) are also given. Figure 5.3 displays the same results graphically.
Because accuracy was low for a single dimension, shown in the first four rows of
Table 5.1, I next applied DA from Chapter 3, Section 5.1. The other rows in Table 5.1
show results for various DA settings. The location dimension of 48 categories was
factored into 2 dimensions of 6 and 8 categories; 3 dimensions of 4, 4, and 3 categories;
and 4 dimensions of 2, 2, 4, and 3 categories. With 4 dimensions, I obtain 100%
accuracy with 200,000 or more participants.
In summary, radiation monitoring with cell phones would be practical for an example city such as San Francisco, with 46 square land miles and a population around
900,000, even if only 200,000 people participated. Using the reconstruction Algorithm 3.3, I conclude that MDNSs with DA can accurately determine if a radiation
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Table 5.1: Results of the cell phone radiation detection simulation. Each test consisted of 1,000 runs, 500 runs contained a radiation threat in a random location, and
another 500 runs contained no threat.
False False
Acc. of True
Neg. Pos. Pos. % (Ratio) Privacy
1 locational dimension with 48 categories
5.5 (14/254)
0.0282 4.54E-04
7.8 (20/256)
0.0252 2.27E-04
18.0 (26/256)
0.0241 1.51E-04
18.9 (49/259)
0.0234 1.13E-04
19.9 (52/262)
0.0230 9.08E-05
2 locational dimensions with 8x6 categories
11.8 (30/254)
0.0350 1.90E-04
21.2 (53/250)
0.0319 9.48E-05
31.3 (87/278)
0.0307 6.32E-05
39.2 (119/301) 0.0300 4.74E-05
44.4 (136/306) 0.0296 3.79E-05
3 locational dimensions with 4x4x3 categories
56.6 (168/297) 0.0586 3.09E-05
81.7 (295/361) 0.0554 1.54E-05
92.5 (382/413) 0.0542 1.03E-05
94.3 (417/442) 0.0535 7.71E-06
98.3 (455/463) 0.0531 6.17E-06
4 locational dimensions with 2x2x4x3 categories
99.4 (480/483) 0.1444 4.41E-06
100 (500/500)
0.1411 2.20E-06
100 (500/500)
0.1398 1.47E-06
100 (500/500)
0.1392 1.10E-06
100 (500/500)
0.1387 8.81E-07
threat exists and where.
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Figure 5.3: Results from Table 5.1 displayed graphically. (Top left) Location is
treated as a single dimension of 48 categories. (Rest) Locations are dimensionally
adjusted to 2, 3 and 4 dimensions, with the number of categories given for each
Reconstructing Continuous Values
In addition to categorical data such as locations and radiation levels, MDNSs could
be applied to continuous data such as temperature or humidity. I reconstruct the
probability density functions of different underlying distributions and compare the
parameters of these distributions to the original parameters. This application is
potentially relevant in privacy-preserving data mining as an alternative to random
data perturbation [9].
1 The
idea for this application was suggested by Benjamin Edwards.
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Algorithm 5.1 MDNSs on Continuous Data
⊲ “-” denotes set difference.
⊲ || denotes concatenation.
⊲ Leading zeros can be applied to sensed value SV if needed.
1: for each numeral ni in sensed value SV , where SV = n1 ||n2 || . . . ||nx do
mi ← Select from {0, 1, . . . , 9} − {ni } with uniform probability.
3: end for
4: return m1 ||m2 || . . . ||mx
Simulation Setup
Any fixed point number can be represented as a collection of categories by labeling
each digit’s position (1’s, 10’s, 100’s,. . . ) with a value ranging from zero to nine.
Thus, a fixed point number with n digits can be treated as an n dimensional negative
survey, with each dimension having ten potential categories; it is then straightforward
to apply the protocols presented previously, as illustrated in Algorithm 5.1.
Samples were generated from the following two probability distributions, normal
and exponential, and rounded so that they contained only 2 and 3 significant digits:
N (µ, σ) = √
2πσ 2
E(µ) =
1 − µx
e .
Any distribution could be used. These two were chosen because of their ease to
determine their parameters from a collection of samples. Tests used N (500, 100)
and E(100), and the tails of the distribution were truncated at 0 and 1000. The
number of samples for the two distributions was varied from 1,000 to 9 billion in
exponential increments.
The base station reconstructed the frequency of each number of the D most
significant digits (the probability density function) of the underlying data according
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Percent Error
2D Exp, µ=100
2D Norm, µ=500
2D Norm, σ=100
3D Norm, µ=500
3D Norm, σ=100
3D Exp, µ=100
Number of Sensed Values
Figure 5.4: Parameter reconstruction error from the continuous negative survey simulation measured as a percentage difference from the original parameter. Each data
point is an average of 20 runs.
to the protocols in Chapter 3, Section 2.2. Distribution parameters were determined
for the reconstructed data set, A, using a maximum likelihood estimate. They were
then compared to the original parameters used to construct the data set X.
Results and Analysis
The percentage error was calculated from the difference between the estimated and
original parameters, divided by the original parameter. Each data point is an average
of 20 runs. Figure 5.4 shows these results. It suggests that the maximum achievable
accuracy depends on the parameter and its value, the distribution, and the number
of dimensions. All parameters are within 5% of the original parameter values after
200,000 sensed values.
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Comparison of MDNSs on Continuous Data to Random Data Perturbation
Random data perturbation (RDP) algorithms proposed by Agrawal, et al. [9] and later
Zhang et al. [155] perturb continuous data by adding noise drawn from a known distribution. RDP adds a randomized value, ri , drawn from the known distribution
over a finite range, to a datum, xi . The perturbed data is then reconstructed to
an approximation of the original data using an iterative algorithm based on Bayes
Theorem. Reconstruction uses an expectation maximization (EM) algorithm [43]
that provably converges to the maximum likelihood estimate of the original distribution [7]. RDP techniques assume that the data and the noise are drawn from a
continuous domain.
My preliminary research [85] in collaboration with James Horey compared the
original negative survey method to a modified categorical RDP technique. However, the accuracy of the comparison was compromised by the modification. Here, I
compare MDNSs on continuous data to the original RDP technique.
The original RDP algorithm proposed by Agrawal and Srikant [9] was implemented with a triangle, plateau, and step distribution. These distributions test the
ability of RDP and MDNSs to reconstruct discontinuous functions. A moving average of size 7 was used on the reconstructed distributions from the negative surveys
to help smooth the data. However, with enough participants this is not necessary.
MDNSs and RDP each have strengths and weaknesses. MDNSs require a large
number of samples to reconstruct the probability density function (PDF) accurately.
For example, in Figure 5.5, with 108 samples the root mean square error (RMSE)
of RDP for the triangle distribution is 419,732.8, while with MDNS it is 227,941.2,
a 45.7% improvement. For the plateau distribution with the same number of participants, the RDP has a RMSE of 63,521.3, while MDNS has 24,153.6, a 62.0%
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Figure 5.5: Comparison of RDP to MDNS. The PDFs of RDP (red) and MDNS
(green) are compared to the original PDF (blue).
improvement. However, with 105 samples, MDNSs could not reconstruct the PDFs
well enough to distinguish between the two distributions. MDNSs handle discontinuous PDFs and PDFs whose derivatives are discontinuous better than RDP as
illustrate in Figure 5.6. In addition, the stopping criteria for RDP is problematic [9],
and the running time is considerably larger than MDNSs.
In summary, I have shown that when approximately 22% of San Francisco’s population participates in a MDNS radiation detection scenario, radiation threats can be
determined accurately inside the city to within a square mile. This is accomplished
while maintaining individual location privacy and the conservation of energy in the
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Normalized Number of Participants
Normalized Number of Participants
Normalized Number of Participants
Attribute Value
Attribute Value
Attribute Value
Figure 5.6: Comparison of MDNSs to RDP. MDNSs outperform RDP on discontinuous PDFs (two left panels), and PDFs whose derivatives are discontinuous (right
participant’s cell phone because of the elimination of encryption, key management,
and key distribution. MDNSs on continuous data provide better reconstruction of
perturbed data sets if the number of samples are large enough. They can also reconstruct PDFs with discontinuities and PDFs with derivatives that have discontinuities
more accurately than RDP.
KIPDA PowerTOSSIM-Z Simulations
In this section, KIPDA is simulated on TOSSIM [103] with the aid of AVRORA [142]
and PowerTOSSIM- Z [122]. Attention is given to the amount of energy consumed,
comparing KIPDA to hop-by-hop encryption aggregation using various encryption
TOSSIM, or TinyOS Simulator, is a discrete event simulator of sensor networks
running the TinyOS operating system which can scale easily to thousands of simulated mote nodes. Developers can test, debug, and analyze their algorithms directly
from code written for TinyOS in a controlled and repeatable manner. TOSSIM (ver-
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
sion 2.1.1) was chosen for this simulation because it is readily available, widely used,
and can easily be configured for different topologies and noise models.
PowerTOSSIM-Z measures the amount of energy consumed by each node in the
TOSSIM simulator. It outputs debugging information which is parsed to obtain
the energy consumption per component per node in the network. These debugging
statements are generated each time a component changes power states.
KIPDA and hop-by-hop encryption aggregation were simulated in TOSSIM on
the MicaZ architecture, the only architecture in TinyOS 2.X that TOSSIM supports.
MicaZ is the architecture of a prototypical sensor mote, used by hundreds of research
groups. It contains an ATM128 micro-controller that runs at 7.37 MHz, at least
128KB of AT45DB flash memory, and a CC2240 radio chip that can run at a max
throughput of 250 Kbps, but realistic throughput can be half this amount [47].
Simulation Setup: Design Decisions
In this section, I describe seven steps the design decisions used to create the TOSSIM
1. The first step implemented a base station querying (or disseminating) data
to each node. I used the TinyOS Enhancement Proposal (TEP) 118 for the
dissemination scheme because (1) it is already implemented and (2) many of
the design decisions are decided by these protocols. Since each test uses the
same underlying protocols (TEPs) to disseminate information, the conditions
for each simulation are the same.
2. In the second step, each node sends a response to the base station’s query
without aggregation. I used the TEP 119 collection scheme, which is based on
the Collection Tree Protocol (CTP) (TEP 123). CTP does not promise 100%
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
reliability. “It is a best effort, but a best effort that tries very hard.” [118].
Duplicate packets were detected and dropped in the simulations. Creating a
technique to detect and retransmit dropped packets would involve higher energy
costs due to the extra network protocols, and would make direct algorithmic
comparisons difficult.
3. The third step aggregates the responses from the second step according to a
scheme similar to Tiny AGgregation (TAG) [110]. Timing is critical in aggregation. A node cannot send its aggregate too early or it will miss some
incoming information. If it waits too long, its parent may have already sent its
aggregate. Hence, each node must wait a specific amount of time. I base this
time on the number of hops a node is from the root node. This information is
recorded with 16 bits in the dissemination’s protocol beacon. Each node then
waits according to the following equation:
x · (Max Hop Level - Current Level)
where the unit is in seconds and x varies between 1 and 2. These values for x
give each node plenty of time to collect its children’s information.
The sum aggregate was used to test this step. Each node reported the value 1,
hence, the network aggregate would reflect the number of nodes in the network.
The correct aggregate was reported 98% of the time. Since radio noise levels are
consistent between all runs, and the same number of bytes are communicated
between KIPDA and hop-by-hop encryption, dropped packets should not affect
the simulations’ output.
Programming the aggregation was simplified by using CTP, which contains a
special function to intercept data en route to the base station. This intercept
function determines whether a message is forwarded or not (by returning true
or false respectively). Aggregation packets always return false (as opposed
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
to packets which report voltage use for each node). The information from
an aggregate message is stored in the node where it is aggregated with other
received information until a timer determines to send the combined aggregate
to the next hop.
4. The fourth step implemented PowerTOSSIM-Z to determine the amount of
energy used in the third step. This was relativity straightforward with one
exception: how the radio draws power. The scripts for PowerTOSSIM-Z assume
the radio is always in receive mode, unless it is transmitting. One way to stop
the radio is through a system call to the operating system. However, when the
radio is off, it cannot receive any information, including beacon information
from the lower network protocols. Low power listening (LPL) [94] suggests
a solution by having the radio sleep in a very low power state, waking after
a random amount of time to listen for a packet. If the radio does not hear
anything, it goes back to sleep. However, LPL is not implemented in TOSSIM
or PowerTOSSIM-Z. Therefore, I made two assumptions about radio usage:
• Since TOSSIM cannot distinguish between the lower transmit power levels, I assumed all radio transmissions occur at the highest power level.
• I assume a perfect LPL mode where power is drawn only when the radio
is broadcasting or receiving. This is an unrealistic ideal mode because
it assumes that the radio magically wakes up exactly when it needs to
receive a message.
5. The fifth step implemented hop-by-hop encryption in the network. The following encryption ciphers were used: AES [114], RC5 [132], Trivium [41], SkipJack [117], and TinyECC [106]. AES is a block cipher technique that operates
on blocks of 128 bits. RC5 uses variable key and block sizes, but for this research, the blocks are 64 bits. SkipJack is a also block cipher with 64 bit blocks.
Trivium is a stream cipher that works on segments of 16 bits, and TinyECC
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Size of block
or stream (bits)
Size (bytes)
Table 5.2: Various forms of encryption ciphers and their properties. *Trivium is a
streaming encryption technique and operates on segments of 16 bits, but needed an
extra 16 bits to determine its order in the stream.
is an asymmetric encryption scheme designed for resource-constrained devices
which uses 648 bits for its ciphertext. Table 5.2 gives the encryption technique
and their stream or block sizes. Optimized assembly code instructions existed
for RC5 and TinyECC on the MicaZ architecture and were included in the
There were two complications involved with this step:
• Trivium was treated as a special case because it is a streaming encryption
technique. Stream segments are 16 bits. However, I discovered from the
simulations that Trivium needs to transmit an extra 16 bits to denote
the ciphertexts’ positions in the encryption stream. Ciphertexts must be
encrypted and decrypted in the same order because these primitives keep a
running state. WSNs are known to drop or send duplicate packets. Hence,
a mote that receives a ciphertext without its predecessors can decrypt null
information as many times as needed before the ciphertext is decrypted.
Precautions were added to the simulations to handle out of order Trivium
• Second, PowerTOSSIM-Z did not initially measure the time spent en96
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Encrypt Primitive
CPU Cycles / ms / µJ
7,816 / 1.061 / 24.07
1,534 / 0.2081 / 4.72
3,353 / 0.4550 / 10.32
2,533 / 0.3437 / 7.78
25,600,393 / 3,470.0 / 78,821.0
Decrypt Primitive
CPU Cycles / ms / µJ
11,288 / 1.532 / 34.76
2,215 / 0.2883 / 6.543
2,672 / 0.3626 / 8.22
2,935 / 0.3982 / 9.03
19,538,454 / 2,650.0 / 60,157.0
Table 5.3: Encryption/Decryption cost in CPU cycles, microseconds, and microjoules
reported from the AVRORA simulator for 5 encryption ciphers. Costs are given
for encrypting and decryption one block or stream segment whose size is given in
Table 5.2
crypting on a mote’s microcontroller. This complicated careful measurement of energy usage. I addressed this problem by using an AVR microcontroller simulator, AVRORA [142], which fully emulates the microcontroller produced by Atmel that runs on the Mica2 and MicaZ architectures.
AVRORA recorded the time it took to run each encrypt/decrypt primitive
1,000 times for the AES, SkipJack, RC5, Trivium, and TinyECC ciphers.
The average was then taken for each primitive. The results are shown in
Table 5.3 and were incorporated into PowerTOSSIM-Z.
6. The sixth step implemented KIPDA. This was straightforward, given the experience from the previous five steps. Emphasis was given to energy use and
the size of the message vector, rather than implementing all possible security
7. The final step involved comparing hop-by-hop encryption to KIPDA. I used
the three different network topologies given in Figure 5.7. For each topology,
each encryption cipher was compared to KIPDA that used the corresponding
number of bytes sent over the radio, e.g., AES’s block size is 128 bits, hence
it was compared to KIPDA that sent 16 bytes of data over the radio. Each
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Base station
Base station
Base station
Figure 5.7: Example of three different topologies: chain, grid, and tree, used to
test KIPDA against hop-by-hop encryption. Squares represent the base stations and
circles represent the nodes. 49 nodes were used in all simulations.
test ran 40 times for 10,000 virtual seconds. When x=2 in Equation (5.2),
the maximum number of hops from the base station is set at 13, and the base
station waits an additional 4 seconds, an aggregation epoch took place every
30 virtual seconds. This gave a total of approximately 333 aggregations per
simulation. Because this is a small number, small differences in Figures 5.8, 5.9,
and 5.10 will be magnified over the complete lifetime of an actual network.
Simulation Results
Figures 5.8 reports the total energy used in the network for chain, grid and tree
topologies for each encryption cipher in hop-by-hop aggregation, and is compared to
KIPDA configured to send the same amount of information over the radio. TinyECC
is not represented because it uses a significant amount of energy. From Figure 5.8 it is
evident that KIPDA conserves energy. In addition, it protects sensitive information
from in-network nodes, which hop-by-hop encryption does not. Figure 5.9 gives the
average energy used per node. While network-wide energy use has little variance,
each node’s energy use varies significantly depending on its location. There has been
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
much research into the maximum lifetime routing problem in WSN [30], yet, this is
beyond the scope of this dissertation.
The results show that KIPDA conserves energy when broadcasting the same
amount of information over the radio compared to hop-by-hop encryption. I next
determine how many messages KIPDA can send before exceeding the energy used by
hop-by-hop aggregation for various encryption ciphers. A threshold ratio was defined
to compare energy use between the two schemes. The denominator represents hopby-hop encryption, while the numerator represents KIPDA. Values higher than one
indicate that KIPDA uses more energy, while values lower than one indicate that
KIPDA saves energy. The threshold ratio is given as follows:
Energy[T x(l bits) + Rx(l bits)]
Energy[T x(m bits) + Rx(m bits) + Enc(m bits) + Dec(m bits)]
where T x is transmit, Rx is receive, Enc is encrypt, Dec is decrypt, and Energy
is the energy used to perform these tasks. This ratio predicts and quantifies how
many decoy messages it takes to either conserve or waste energy in the network
compared to hop-by-hop encryption. Figure 5.10 illustrates when Equation (5.3)
is set to one, the same amount of energy is used between KIPDA and hop-by-hop
encryption aggregation.
The following justifies the threshold ratio. Given a network with N nodes, there
will be N aggregation messages sent by each node. Each message sent must also be
received by another node. The size of the message vector for KIPDA is l bits, while
for hop-by-hop encryption it is m bits. In hop-by-hop encryption, each packet must
also be encrypted and decrypted. This ratio measures the total network use, and as
a caveat, cannot predict any single node’s energy use.
The following can be observed from the simulation results:
• The threshold ratio predicts for most forms of encryption the number of bytes
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Energy in mJ
x 10
Chain Topology
x 10
Chain Topology
Energy in mJ
x 10
x 10
Grid Topology
x 10
Grid Topology
x 10
No Encryption
Grid Topology
x 10
Tree Topology
x 10
x 10
No Encryption
Tree Topology
Grid Topology
Radio Energy
Encryption Energy
Other CPU Energy
x 10
Tree Topology
Chain Topology
Radio Energy
Encryption Energy
Other CPU Energy
x 10
Energy in mJ
Chain Topology
x 10
Tree Topology
Radio Energy
Encryption Energy
Other CPU Energy
No Encryption
Figure 5.8: Total energy consumption for a WSN of 49 nodes using KIPDA
MAX/MIN aggregation and hop-by-hop aggregation using AES, SkipJack, RC5 and
Trivium encryption for three topologies from Figure 5.7. 333 Aggregations were
performed. The number after KIPDA indicates the number of bytes for a message
that KIPDA can use and still consume an equivalent amount of energy to that
of hop-by-hop encryption. However, KIPDA with 33 messages appears to use
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Energy in mJ
Chain Topology
Chain Topology
Grid Topology
Energy in mJ
Chain Topology
Grid Topology
Grid Topology
Tree Topology
Tree Topology
Tree Topology
No Encryption
Radio Energy
Enctyption Energy
Other CPU Energy
No Encryption
Tree Topology
Radio Energy
Encryption Energy
Other CPU Energy
Grid Topology
Energy in mJ
Chain Topology
Radio Energy
Encryption Energy
Other CPU Energy
No Encryption
Figure 5.9: Average energy used per node in a WSN using KIPDA MAX/MIN
aggregation and hop-by-hop aggregation using AES, SkipJack, RC5, and Trivium
encryption for three topologies from Figure 5.7. 333 Aggregations were performed.
The number after KIPDA indicates the number of bytes for a message vector.
more energy than hop-by-hop AES encryption. This could be attributed to
packet loss from transmitting 33 bytes of data. Because of the larger packet
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
x 10
Energy in mJ
Tree Topology
x 10
Tree Topology
x 10
Tree Topology
x 10
Tree Topology
x 10
Tree Topology
Radio Energy
Encryption Energy
Other CPU Energy
No Encryption
Figure 5.10: Comparisons of total network energy used between hop-by-hop encryption aggregation and KIPDA MAX/MIN aggregation where the threshold ratio
equals one. The number after KIPDA indicates the number of bytes for a message
size, there is a higher probability that at least one packet would be dropped
due to noise in the environment. Retransmitting these dropped packets could
account for the extra energy use.
• The standard deviation is low for the total encryption energy used in the network. The nodes themselves vary in their energy use, which is due to their
individual location in the network, e.g. closer or further to the base station.
• The results show that, as expected, a considerable amount of energy is spent on
the radio. This is due to the underlying dissemination and collection protocols
which often transmit beacon packets to discover the best routes.
• Sometimes it takes half as much energy to encrypt and decrypt a message as it
does to send and receive the message. For example, on the MicaZ architecture it
takes 24.07 microjoules to encrypt and 34.76 microjoules to decrypt using AES,
and 53.45 and 60.31 microjoules to send and receive the messages respectively,
assuming the average bandwidth of the MicaZ architecture is one half of the
maximum bandwidth.
• It is clear where KIPDA gets its energy advantage. AES uses 17,000 and 2,046
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
microjoules in the radio and encryption respectively. KIPDA takes advantage
of the eliminated 2,046 microjoules to communicate up to 33 bytes of data.
• Because of the timing inefficiency of the underlying dissemination and collection
protocols, KIPDA could not capture timing information. Future work can focus
on delay intolerant networks where timing is critical, such as the work by Quan
et al. [129].
I have shown that the elimination of encryption in KIPDA allows extra energy to be spent in the radio, allowing a modest amount of camouflage data to
be transmitted. This modest amount of data conserves overall energy use with kindistinguishable privacy.
Implementations on Physical Devices
The goal of this section is to measure the energy savings of the MDNSs and KIPDA
protocols on actual physical devices. MDNSs were implemented on Android smart
phones and two experiments were performed. The first experiment determined how
many more messages can be transmitted compared to messages that are encrypted
with the Secure Sockets Layer protocol. The second experiment illustrated the functionality and feasibility of MDNSs. It tested whether smart phones following the
MDNS protocol that sample their microphone can determine noisy locations on a
university campus.
KIPDA was implemented on Moteiv T-mote Invent sensors. Three experiments
were performed to determine that KIPDA, transmitting 18 bytes per message vector,
uses less energy than hop-by-hop aggregation with the AES cipher transmitting 16
bytes per message. First, I measured the time it took to drain the battery for each
method. Second, I measured the voltage level of each sensor after 10 aggregations.
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Third, I measured the time for the AES encrypt and decrypt primitives. Collecting
energy information from the Moteiv T-mote Invent sensors is challenging. While
voltage information could be obtained, current level could not be determined due to
the limitations of the devices. The state of the art solution would require electrical
engineering expertise. While none of these three methods are perfect, they do not
disprove that KIPDA can conserve energy when it transmits extra information over
the radio.
MDNSs on Android Smart Phones
Implementation Setup
The MDNS node protocol was implemented on Android OS smart phones. Two
experiments were performed:
• The first experiment tested the energy cost of communicating data with and
without the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. SSL was chosen because it
is popular and easily implemented on smart phones. In the first test, messages
were sent using SSL until the battery was drained to half its fully charged
level. The phone was then recharged and the experiment repeated without
SSL. To maintain uniform experimental conditions, the phone stayed at the
same location, all other non-essential applications were regularly closed every
15 minutes, and experiments were performed in the middle of the night to
prevent unwanted calls or text messages.
• The second experiment posed the task of identifying the noisiest locations on
the University of New Mexico’s campus. Three smart phones were programmed
to collect sound samples, approximately 7,300 in total. The three participants
carried their phones throughout the campus, spending about the same amount
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
of time in each different location. Latitude and longitude were divided into
4 and 6 categories respectively for a total of 24 different locations. Because
of the limited number of samples, longitude was dimensionally adjusted to
two dimensions of 2 and 3 categories. Sound was sampled from the phone’s
microphone and quantized into three different volume levels. Volume levels
were calibrated to 3 different categories corresponding to a room with normal
conversations, outside in a quiet environment, and outside next to rush hour
traffic. Since the campus is surrounded on 4 sides by busy streets, I expected
the highest noise from the perimeter locations. The phones sampled volume
and location, perturbed the information, and sent it back to a base station
implemented in Java.
For both experiments, location was obtained from GPS satellites. Although this
consumes more energy than other methods such as multilateration of radio signals
between cellular towers, I required precise location information because the experiments were performed in a small geographic area.
Implementation Results
For the first experiment, the base station was able to receive 8,612, or 16.22% more
messages without encryption, than the 7,401 messages that used SSL. It took 159.2
minutes to send the messages with SSL, and 143.6 minutes to send the messages with
no encryption. This implies that approximately 4.836 more milliseconds was spent
per message using SSL, which involves exchanging symmetric keys with asymmetric encryption, encrypting the data with the RC4 stream cipher, and calculating a
message authentication code (MAC). While this experiment is not a formal detailed
verification of energy use, it does illustrate how encryption consumes extra energy.
The results of the second experiment are shown in Figure 5.11. 7,433 samples were
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Figure 5.11: Experimental results of MDNSs accuracy when implemented on smart
phones. Sound levels were sampled from the phone’s microphone. Left panel: the
original distribution of sound levels sampled from the environment, X. Right panel:
the MDNS reconstructed distribution, A. Bright red squares are louder locations
while bright green are quieter. Black represents the mean. Yellow denotes roads. One
can conclude from the reconstructed distribution that the noisier locations correspond
to those that contain the roads.
collected from 3 smart phones. From the figure it is clear that the louder locations are
the perimeter locations, which appear as brighter red. The quieter locations inside
the campus appear brighter green. Black represents the mean sound level. Color in
the figure was determined from the slope of a linear regression with the reconstructed
histogram of volume levels at each location, assuming histogram bins are one unit
apart. Ideally, positive slopes indicates noisy environments. Samples were taken
from the campus during rush hour between 4pm and 6pm. With approximately 7,300
samples, MDNSs were able to reconstruct the profile of sound in the environment.
KIPDA on Moteiv T-mote Invent Sensors
KIPDA was implemented on Moteiv T-mote Invent sensors. These motes use the
TelosB architecture, have a bandwidth of 250 Kbps, and a CPU frequency up to
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Implementation Setup
Three experiments were performed. The first experiment measured the times it took
for the encrypt and decrypt primitives of the AES cipher. These times should reflect
with results in the literature. The second experiment measured the times it took for
each node to deplete its battery. Nodes using KIPDA should stay alive longer. The
third experiment was similar to the second, except voltage information was taken
from each node after 10 aggregations. With consistent current between all nodes and
techniques, hop-by-hop aggregation with the AES cipher should draw more voltage.
For all three experiments one sensor (mote 0) was connected to the base station,
a PC, which gave the device a constant supply of power. This mote communicated
with the PC through a virtual serial port over USB. The same code base used in the
TOSSIM simulations was used in the experiments with minor modifications, such
as communicating with the PC. 10 sensors were used in total, and their topology is
given in Figure 5.12.
Experiment One: This experiment measured the times to encrypt and decrypt for
AES, RC5, SkipJack, Trivium, and TinyECC on a single mote. The cipher primitives
(encrypt and decrypt) were performed 1000 times and averaged. Because timers on
the mote did not provide adequate precision, the standard deviation is not reported,
i.e., each individual measurement was below the minimum value of the timer.
Experiment Two: For the second experiment, I arranged the sensors in a tree
topology inside a building with no partitions. With 9 sensors at full charge, I ran
hop-by-hop multiplicative aggregation with AES encryption until each node’s energy
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Base Station
Figure 5.12: Topology used for the KIPDA implementations.
supply was insufficient to communicate. Since each node reported a unique prime
number and multiplication aggregation was used, I could determine when nodes
stopped communicating through prime factorization of the network-wide aggregate at
the base station. The sensors were then recharged and the experiment was repeated
with KIPDA sending 2 more bytes per message than AES. To determine when a
node using KIPDA stopped communicating, each node after 10 aggregations sent
its ID plus 100 to the base station. Nodes staggered their reporting between 10
aggregations, giving each a chance to tell the base station it was still alive. With
MAX aggregation, and by the way the other nodes chose their sensitive data, a
node’s ID plus 100 was guaranteed to be the reported network-wide aggregate. If a
node was down, the network-wide aggregate would be less than 100. Energy used
by the two different aggregation functions (multiplicative aggregation for hop-by-hop
encryption and MAX aggregation for KIPDA) is small enough that when compared
to radio and encryption energy use it does not affect the experiment’s outcome. For
both tests, the maximum hop depth was set to 6, and an aggregation took place
every 8 seconds.
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
Encryption Type
Time to encrypt (ms)
Time to decrypt (ms)
Table 5.4: Average time in microseconds to encrypt and decrypt a block or stream
segment (size of which is given in Table 5.2) on a T-mote Invent sensor.
Experiment Three: This resembled Experiment 2, except that voltage information was recorded from every node every 10 aggregations.
Implementation Results
Experiment One: The results of Experiment 1 are shown in Table 5.4.
Experiment Two: The results are shown in Table 5.5 and differ on average by
1.1%, with the exception of nodes 2 and 3 which crashed during the KIPDA run.
This small amount of difference between the two protocols was unexpected. It is possibly due to the variability of the underlying dissemination and collection protocols,
temperature in the room, electronic noise in the environment, etc. To obtain better
results, future work could re-design the underlying protocols, or have the sensors
forward aggregates repeatedly after a certain amount of time, eliminating the need
for the underlying dissemination and collection protocols.
Experiment Three: Assuming voltage drops are a proxy for the energy use in a
battery, Figure 5.13 illustrates the voltage of mote number one, using both KIPDA
and hop-by-hop aggregation with AES encryption. From the figure it is clear that
encryption draws more voltage. Other motes show similar behavior.
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
AES Encryption
Number of
Time to failure
Number of
Time to failure
Table 5.5: Comparison between AES hop-by-hop encryption and KIPDA with a
message vector of 18 bytes. Motes running KIPDA should have a longer lifetime,
even though 2 more bytes per packet are transmitted.
Figure 5.13: Comparison of voltage used between KIPDA with a message vector of
18 bytes, and hop-by-hop aggregation with the AES cipher that used 16 byte blocks.
Comparisons took place on Moteiv T-mote Invent (TelosB architecture) sensors.
It should be noted that these 3 experiments do not use state-of-the-art techniques
to measure energy usage in a device. For example, voltage alone does not give a
Chapter 5. Simulations and Implementations
sufficiently accurate estimate. A better technique would be to solder a resistor in
parallel to the battery and use a multimeter to determine current. With voltage,
current, and timing information, energy could then be measured accurately. This
hardware solution is beyond the scope of my dissertation. Instead, I used three
different low-technical experiments to measure energy, previously discussed. Two
of these three experiments indicate that KIPDA uses less energy than hop-by-hop
aggregation with AES encryption. The third was inconclusive. Future work can
investigate if the third technique sent uniform sized packets in the lower network
protocols, or if the amount of energy used in the lower networks protocols overshadow
the energy used in the application layer.
Summary of Chapter
In this chapter, I presented two MATLAB simulations which illustrate the feasibility
of using MDNSs to protect location privacy and data samples. TOSSIM simulations
show that motes using KIPDA have extra available bandwidth because encryption is
eliminated. While the privacy guarantee is not as strong as traditional encryption, it
does protect in-network nodes from easily learning the sensitive information. An implementation of MDNSs on Android smart phones and an implementation of KIPDA
on T-mote Invent sensors show that these techniques can be successfully deployed on
physical devices. In each application, economies of scale were leveraged to achieve
accurate reconstruction while protecting privacy and placing very low communication and computation overheads on the sensor nodes. The next chapter discusses
how these applications can be improved, the trade-offs involved, and their strengths
and limitations.
Chapter 6
In this chapter, I provide examples of other possible applications, and discuss the
strengths and limitations of MDNSs and KIPDA, along with their trade-offs between
energy and privacy. I also present previous approaches that gave rise to MDNSs, and
compare the three different techniques used to estimate energy usage of KIPDA: the
analysis in Chapter 4, Section 5, the TOSSIM simulations in Chapter 5, Section 2,
and an implementation on physical devices in Chapter 5, Section 3.2.
Possible Applications
Beyond radiation detection, perturbing continuous data, and determining noisy locations discussed in the previous chapter, there are several other possible application
scenarios for both KIPDA and MDNSs. One such scenario includes public health, for
example, collecting body temperatures and other data to detect disease outbreaks
such as influenza. In privacy-preserving data mining, a data set of financial transactions could be perturbed with the MDNSs protocols, then released, allowing patterns
of financial transactions to be discovered. Additionally, instead of detecting radiation
Chapter 6. Discussion
with MDNSs, sensors could be located on vehicles to monitor air pollution, communicating with existing cellular phone networks. This could protect location privacy
in the scenario presented by Zappi et al. [154]. Many eco-conscious drivers would
be willing to participate in such a scheme, and participants with health conditions
such as asthma could avoid certain parts of a city. Another scenario would include
usage statistics of cable television channels, protecting the information of what a
participant watches while allowing a station manager the ability to determine which
shows to air. Additionally, MDNSs could be deployed in Africa to query human
users through cell phones on their malaria [158] or HIV status, using their perturbed
locations to identify possible outbreaks.
The previous chapters presented algorithms, evaluation metrics, simulations, and a
prototype implementation for enhancing the privacy of participatory sensing applications with MDNSs. The approach is notable because it is computational and energy
efficient and does not rely on encryption, key management, or a trusted base station.
In this section, I summarize the tunable trade-offs among granularity (precision of
data), accuracy (utility) and privacy, which were illustrated by the simulations and
Android implementation. I then discuss the strengths and limitations of my current
work, indicating areas for future extensions. Finally, I touch on some prior work that
led to the current version of MDNSs.
The balance among privacy, data granularity and reconstruction accuracy can be
adjusted to meet the needs of a particular application as follows:
Chapter 6. Discussion
• Data granularity: Collecting information with finer granularity generally
enhances the quality of the data, provided the number of participants scales
accordingly. Given a constant number of participants, however, there is a
trade-off between data granularity and reconstruction error. In some settings
is may be preferable to report data with less precision (e.g., fewer locations,
each covering a larger area) in exchange for higher accuracy of the reconstructed
• Privacy: Privacy increases with granularity. As the number of categories
increases, it is more difficult for an adversary to guess the category that any
individual mote has sensed [58].
• Utility: Utility suffers when the data have been altered or perturbed to a
point that useful statistics can no longer be reconstructed. MDNSs manage
this trade-off, maintaining usefulness while preserving privacy. With a fixed
level of granularity, utility can be increased by adding more participants.
• Energy: While this may not be a tunable parameter in MDNS, it is worth noting the trade-offs between energy and privacy. Energy is conserved in MDNSs
but the notion of privacy relaxed from 100% inability to determine sensitive
data (such as in encryption) to k indistinguishability where the sensitive data
cannot be determined from k − 1 other data. This shows evidence of one of
the main themes of this dissertation: more privacy requires more energy. In
KIPDA, energy and privacy are actually tunable parameters.
MDNSs using NSPMs enhance privacy in resource-constrained devices. The algorithms are efficient, all samples are guaranteed to be perturbed, utility metrics can
be well-approximated regardless of the data distribution, they can be tuned using
Chapter 6. Discussion
DA to improve performance when the number of participants is limited, and they
are the optimal Warner scheme perturbation matrix when the data distribution is
not known a priori :
1. Efficiency: Because the algorithms at the nodes and the base station are so
simple, the method is energy and computation efficient. The time complexity
of the node protocol is O(1) for each sensed value. M does not need to be
stored or used in the perturbation process at the nodes. The base station’s
time complexity is the product of the number of categories for each dimension
and the number of dimensions.
2. All samples are guaranteed to be perturbed: My algorithms use a perturbation matrix with zeros on all diagonal entries. If the matrix has non-zero
values on the diagonal, a sample could, in principle, be reported with all of its
original values. In some cases this would be viewed as a privacy breach even if
it only occurred in 1 record out of a million [64].
3. Utility is nearly independent of the prior data distribution: The distribution of values in the environment is often not known before sensors are
deployed. In Chapter 3, Section 3.3, I show that with a NSPM the effect of
the underlying original distribution, X, on utility is small enough to safely
assume it is independent. Other methods, however, require prior knowledge
of the data distribution for computing an optimal perturbation matrix. For
example, Hung and Du [89] argue that NSPMs (or any Warner scheme) are
not the most optimal perturbation matrices for maximizing both privacy and
utility. They use genetic algorithms to evolve an optimal perturbation matrix,
taking privacy and utility metrics as components of the fitness function. Since
their privacy metric assumes an underlying original distribution, X, the only
way their scheme can evolve the best perturbation matrix is to know X.
Chapter 6. Discussion
4. DA improves performance of NSPMs when the number of participants is limited: Other perturbation matrices do not have straightforward
implementations of this idea.
5. NSPMs are the optimal Warner scheme when the prior data distribution is not known: Figure 6.1 illustrates the optimality of different Warner
scheme perturbation matrices when using 10 categories. The left panel of Figure 6.1 shows several data distributions (uniform, normal, random, uniform
50/50, exponential and spiked) with varying normalized Shannon entropies.
The right panel plots privacy and utility metrics (y-axis) against different values of p (x-axis) in Equation (2.2). The spiked distribution is omitted from
the right panel as its privacy is 1 for all values of p. Because utility is largely
independent of the underlying distribution, the values appear as a single curve
for all distributions. The underlying distribution, however, does affect privacy.
The uniform distribution provides the best privacy (lower values are better) as
it has the highest entropy.
The figure also illustrates the trade-offs between privacy and utility as p varies.
As p approaches 0.1, utility increases asymptotically for all distributions. This
occurs at 0.1 because if they are 10 categories, p = 0.1 implies that random
values are being reported independent of what is sensed. Values closer to 0.1
also provide excellent privacy, but because of the asymptotic increase in utility
(higher is worse) they are not viable parameter settings. Moving away from
0.1 improves utility symmetrically, but privacy does not degrade symmetrically.
Because of this, p = 0 provides the same utility as p = 0.2, but with better
privacy. Generally, lower p values will provide a better utility/privacy tradeoff, however this breaks down when the underlying distribution does not have
sufficient entropy, as is demonstrated by the exponential distribution.
Chapter 6. Discussion
Metric Value
Utility, All Distributions
Priv,, Uniform, 3.32
Priv,, Normal, 3.07
Priv,, Random, 3.05
Priv,, Unif. 50−50, 2.56
Priv,, Expon., 1.99
p Variable
Figure 6.1: (Left) Six representative distributions with 10 categories and 10,000
participants used to compute data in left panel. (Right) Privacy and utility values
using different values of p in Equation (2.2). Each curve represents the privacy value
of a different underlying distribution, listed in the legend with its Shannon entropy.
Utility is nearly the same for all 6 different distributions and is plotted once. I
exclude the spiked distribution because it has a privacy value of 1 for all p.
In the cell phone implementation, because the data are perturbed, it is almost
impossible for the collection server to determine a participant’s true location. (A
cell phone tower could potentially reveal the node’s location, but the base station
cannot determine individual locations from its own information.) Most, if not all,
encryption methods must eventually trust the final recipient of the data. In contrast, MDNSs do not require such trust because the data are never “decrypted.” My
method also does not incur the extra computational and energy costs associated
with encryption/decryption algorithms and the additional communication overhead
required to transmit encrypted data. Finally, it does not require a key distribution
and management system.
Chapter 6. Discussion
Limitations and Caveats
In the following, I discuss some limitations of the method and the experiments and
how they might be addressed.
A sensor node might be captured by an adversary and report faulty data, either
reporting the original sensed value or biasing the reported value in other ways. Similarly, if human inputs were solicited directly (e.g., please send us the name of one
candidate you did not vote for, or which malaria symptoms you do not have), their
(negative) answers might be biased [63]. This issue can be addressed if it is known
how the negative answers are distributed, for example by adjusting the perturbation
matrices used in reconstruction, Mδ , for each dimension δ, with the correct probabilities. A more extreme approach would authenticate the packets to ensure that they
originate from a secure sensor or device.
If a mobile sensor is stationary, moving slowly or following a regular pattern,
an adversary might be able to infer its location through long-term monitoring of
the transmitted (negative) values. This would be especially important if an ID was
required with the data. This threat can be mitigated if participants respond to a base
station query only if their location has changed since the last query or to limit the
amount of information sent to the base station if the participant’s device determines
more responses would decrease privacy.
For MDNSs that operate on continuous data with a small number of samples,
repeated samples from the participants can be accumulated at the base station over
a long period of time. For many participatory sensing applications, a long period of
sensing is expected. However, as explained in the previous paragraph, nodes that
continually sense the same information over long periods of time are prone to statistical attacks. Hence, this technique (continuous MDNSs) is more appropriate for
privacy-preserving data mining. In addition, DA can improve accuracy of continuous
Chapter 6. Discussion
MDNSs data by using a lower base or radix for the samples. Also, if the first dimension (the most significant digit) contains a smaller range of categories, e.g. 0-5, this
dimension can use fewer categories.
The reconstruction algorithm occasionally generates negative estimates for some
categories. This statistical artifact arises when the expected contribution for a particular category exceeds the actual reported total for that category. As the number
of samples increases, the number of negative estimates decreases, along with reconstruction error. If negative values appear in the reconstructed distribution, these can
be mapped to zero. If the total number of participants must be consistent, then the
negative amount can be deducted in equal amounts from the rest of the categories.
For example, if I had a negative survey of ten categories and category one was reconstructed to negative nine, this value could be changed to zero and one value removed
from each category between two and ten.
In the cell phone simulation each node reports directly to the base station. Routing in traditional wireless sensor networks is often organized as a tree with the base
station at the root. Data aggregation in the network can improve efficiency but
is challenging if privacy is important. This is an area of active investigation, for
example, the work of Castelluccia et al. [24] and KIPDA.
The implementations indicated that duplicate packets need to be prevented. This
could be solved with a unique user ID and packet ID numbers. The base station can
authenticate participants’ information, varying from an insecure but energy cheap
technique such as accepting a unique ID, to a more secure and energy intensive
technique such as signing the information with an asymmetric encryption key. Any
authentication will increase data integrity, however, data integrity is left for future
In another limitation of MDNS, privacy protection depends on underlying distri-
Chapter 6. Discussion
Table 6.1: Cell phone radiation detection simulation for an example city such as
Boston. Location was dimensional adjusted to 3 dimensions of 4, 4, and 2 categories
Locations adjusted to 3 dimensions of 4, 4
False False
Acc. of True
Samples Neg. Pos. Pos. % (Ratio)
98.5 (449/456)
100 (495/495)
100 (499/499)
100 (500/500)
100 (500/500)
and 2 categories each
0.1013 1.5479e-05
0.0989 7.7398e-06
0.0980 5.1600e-06
0.0976 3.8700e-06
0.0972 3.0960e-06
butions with a sufficient amount of entropy. Take for example the following scenario
that preserves location privacy. It is 3 am, there is only one night club in a city, and
sensors monitor noise. A sensor that returns a low amount of noise can be determined to be at the night club. This was explored in Chapter 5, Section 3.3, where
the spiked distribution (low entropy) from Figure 6.1 (left) gave a privacy metric
value of one, the worst privacy.
Another example of trade-offs occurs in the cell phone radiation detection simulation where the k value of k-indistinguishability with DA using 4 dimensions is 6.
If 32 locations are used, this increases utility, however, the granularity of a location
also increases. If the 32 locations use DA with 3 dimensions of 4, 4, and 2 categories
each, a higher k value of 9 is obtained. These parameters are realistic for a city such
as Boston, where each location would represent 1.5 square miles. Simulations similar
to those presented in Chapter 5, Section 1.1 were performed for this scenario and
the results are shown in Table 6.1. It takes twice as many samples to obtain 0 false
negatives and false positives and 100% determination accuracy than the simulations
presented in Chapter 5, Section 1.1, however, this simulation increases k from 6 to
MDNSs with DA do not perform well with a high number of categories. For
Chapter 6. Discussion
example, if DA sets all dimensions as two categories except for the last dimension,
which is set as three categories (this provides the best utility), I could only reconstruct
music usage statistics
with good enough utility to obtain in a reasonable order the
top 100 listened to artists when the overall number of categories (artists) was less
than 3,000.
Previous Approaches
The idea of MDNSs stemmed from spatial negative surveys where reconstruction is
based on the assumption that neighboring nodes have similar values. This assumption allows accurate reconstruction of the original environment from the perturbed
readings, as illustrated in Figure 6.2 for a gradient temperature map of a 1000x1000
grid of sensors. Each sensor perturbs its temperature reading once and sends the
perturbed datum back to the base station. The base station then takes a sliding
window over the environment centered on the node it is estimating. It assigns to this
node the value that appears least often in the window. The caveat with this technique is that the base station could infer the sensitive value for each node. However,
this technique gave rise to MDNSs.
It was originally thought that the reconstruction problem in MDNSs was NPcomplete. The first devised solution was based on the box packing problem. The
next solution was based on an extension to the SDNS reconstruction equation and
is similar to the inclusion exclusion principle [15] (also known as the sieve principle), yet, it also had exponential complexity. I then used the Kronecker technique
to further improve the running time. Finally, matrix memoization was created to
cache calculations back into the disguised distribution’s matrix to achieve reasonable
polynomial time complexity.
1 Data
set used was from the Yahoo KDD Cup Challenge [49].
Chapter 6. Discussion
Figure 6.2: A spatial negative survey. From left to right: The original environment,
the negated readings, the reconstructed environment. The sensors are evenly spaced
on a one hundred by one hundred grid. The z th dimension is the sensor readings.
Each sensor sends back only one reading.
In this section, I summarize the adjustable trade-offs between privacy, efficiency, and
accuracy which were illustrated by the analysis in Chapter 4, Section 5.1, the simulations in Chapter 5, Section 2, and the implementations in Chapter 5, Section 3.2;
I later discuss the accuracy of estimating energy usage between these three sections
and I present the strengths and limitations of KIPDA, indicating areas for future
There exists a spectrum of privacy-preservation versus energy usage. On one extreme
exists maximum privacy, for example public/private key encryption. Unfortunately
methods such as these consume a great deal of energy and other computing resources.
On the other end of the spectrum is the case of no privacy. This uses the least amount
of energy but provides no data protection. I examine the area in between and use
the following characteristics to aid in explaining this spectrum:
Chapter 6. Discussion
1. Privacy: Different notions of privacy ensure that data are either, 1) not revealed, 2) partially revealed, or are 3) indistinguishable from other data. Ideally
the sensitive value di of node i should not be known to any other nodes j in
the network, or outside observers listening to radio communications. However,
this notion can sometimes be relaxed to conserve energy. For example, KIPDA
provides k-indistinguishability that hides sensitive data among k − 1 items
of camouflage data. CDA schemes should also be robust enough to tolerate
collusion among several nodes, at least to some extent, such as with KIPDA.
2. Efficiency: Data aggregation is able to reduce the number of messages transmitted within the sensor network, thus reducing bandwidth and energy use.
However, additional overhead is introduced to protect privacy. If the energy
cost of a CDA scheme is greater than the benefit of data aggregation, it accomplishes nothing. A good CDA scheme should have low overhead. Bandwidth,
energy consumption, and delay are three important metrics to measure the
protocol efficiency. KIPDA reduces the overhead associated with encryption
for a modest increase in bandwidth. For optimal energy use, the increase in
bandwidth should be less than the overhead of encryption.
3. Accuracy or Utility: Accuracy is an important characteristic of any CDA
scheme, as a low or inaccurate aggregation result may affect the decisions made
from these results. Accuracy and utility are usually sacrificed to achieve privacy
and efficiency. However, KIPDA achieves 100% accuracy in an efficient manner,
at the cost of a different notion of privacy.
Trade-offs among privacy, efficiency, and accuracy are complicated and must be
tailored to different applications. These considerations highlight the importance of
choosing the proper parameters for different applications.
Chapter 6. Discussion
KIPDA keeps MAX/MIN information protected from other in-network nodes. To
determine the sensitive information several nodes have to collude. Thus, KIPDA
provides a level of privacy in an honest-but-curious network, and a higher level of
privacy to outside observers. It conserves overall energy usage in a network, but energy use can be increased to provide more protection. Additionally, KIPDA provides
fast aggregation, which can conserve energy if nodes use an LPL scheme.
Limitations and Caveats
If values are the same or even correlated after every aggregation epoch, the sets GSS
and Ri can be changed over time. This would also help against statistical attacks that
monitor message vectors. One solution involves the base station securely assigning Ri
and P i to every i. Because this consumes extra energy, it needs to occur occasionally.
One way to disseminate this information is to establish session keys. Session keys
can be distributed with an asymmetric (public/private key) encryption method such
as TinyECC. Once the session keys are distributed, cheaper symmetric encryption
can be used to disseminate Ri and P i .
Ideally, instead of continually distributing P i and Ri , a symmetric key could
be used in a random number generator that generates just enough information for
Ri and P i , but not enough so that i can determine Rj or P j for any j. In this
sense, the problem is not completely solved. Hopefully, this research will inspire a
new technique that can generate and keep secret a set of numbers that are partially
shared among nodes. This KIPDA random number generator is left for future work.
One possible attack is for an adversary to control the external property of a sensor
and examine the message vector to find the sensor’s restricted slots. For example,
Chapter 6. Discussion
she might put an ice block on top of a sensor so that the measured temperature is 0
degrees. Then, she can guess the restricted slots by looking at values less than 0 (for
MAX aggregation). A possible solution, assuming the adversary cannot examine the
internal state of a sensor, is to have the sets Ri and P i change every aggregation
epoch. Another solution is to have nodes vote out an aggregate that does not meet
the typical distribution in the environment. Another possibility is to tighten the
range camouflage values are drawn from to a range that is closer to the sensed value,
or, assume the environment will have a high enough entropy of sensed values.
KIPDA works best for data that have a small range, i.e., use a small number of
bits. Larger ranges such as 16 bits of data or more could use an excessive amount
of energy for some applications. There is a relatively small number of messages that
can be sent to maintain energy savings compared to the Trivium, RC5, and SkipJack
ciphers which the threshold ratio predicts as 7, 10, and 11 bytes respectively. Energy
use in KIPDA is compared to hop-by-hop encryption aggregation, however, hop-byhop encryption does not secure information against other nodes. If security against
in-network nodes is truly desired, and the energy is available, then the message vector
size in KIPDA could be increased. Additionally, the same argument applies if fast
aggregate responses are necessary. In this case, however, the underlying dissemination and collection protocol would need to be optimized for speed and energy. This
is left for future work.
It is difficult in MAX/MIN aggregation to fill the restricted set, if the theoretical
minimum or maximum values are sensed. One way to solve this is to assume that an
adversary does not know these theoretical values, and to increase the range of values
in the message vectors beyond them.
Chapter 6. Discussion
Comparisons of Energy Analysis, Simulations, and Implementations
This section compares the energy estimates between KIPDA and hop-by-hop aggregation with various forms of encryption from the analysis given in Chapter 4,
Section 5.1, the TOSSIM simulations given in Chapter 5, Section 2, and the implementation on T-Mote Invent sensors given in Chapter 5, Section 3.2.
Since RC5 on the MicaZ architecture was used in both the analysis in Chapter 4, Section 5.1 and the TOSSIM simulations in Chapter 5, Section 2, they can
be compared. From Table 4.7 in the analysis, the average RC5 primitive took 7.03
milliseconds, using 181.5 microjoules. From Table 5.3 in the TOSSIM simulation,
the average RC5 primitive took 0.2483 milliseconds and used 5.63 microjoules. The
analysis in Chapter 4, Section 5.1 overestimated encryption costs by 3,124% for energy and 2,821% for time. When comparing RC5 on the TelosB architecture, the
analysis in Chapter 4, Section 5.1 overestimated the time to encrypt and decrypt by
401% compared to the time reported by the implementation on a TelosB device in
Chapter 5, Section 3.2. Energy results for the encryption primitives of RC5 were not
obtained from the TelosB device, but could be obtained for future work.
When comparing encryption and decryption primitive times in the literature to
the TOSSIM simulations, RC5 and SkipJack come close to what is reported by
Singh and Muthukkumarasamy [136]. RC5 (the average between encrypt and decrypt primitives) deviates by 1.8 µs or 0.7%, while SkipJack deviates by 6 µs or
1.7%. The difference could be explained by the different architectures. Singh and
Muthukkumarasamy [136] used Mica2 physical devices, while I used a MicaZ emulator. Because the results from the simulator agree with what is in the literature, it
appears that the analysis in Chapter 4, Section 5.1 needs re-evaluation. However, this
is why I implemented KIPDA in simulators and on physical devices — to determine
Chapter 6. Discussion
the correctness of the analysis.
In summary, the original analysis, based on the estimates taken from the literature, overestimated the energy and time costs of encryption. Also, based from the
literature, the energy costs determined from the TOSSIM simulations appear close
to the actual energy and time costs observed on physical Mica2 devices.
Chapter 7
Related Work1
I begin with a general literature review, and then compare separately literature that
is specific to MDNSs and KIPDA.
Privacy-preserving algorithms have been developed for data mining [64, 90, 95,
127], data aggregation [26, 65, 71, 73, 83, 85], and other applications [108, 138].
There are four main classes of solutions: perturbation, k-anonymity, secure multiparty computation, and homomorphic encryption.
In data mining, data values are typically hidden by perturbing individual data or
query results [64, 90, 95]. To obtain accurate results, these methods typically assume
that the distribution of data/noise is known ahead of time. However, as shown
by Kargupta et al. [95] and Huang et al. [90], certain types of data perturbation
might not preserve privacy well. MDNSs on continuous data is another perturbation
approach for data mining which does not assume the distribution of data is known
ahead of time.
1 Related
work was left till later in the dissertation to give the reader enough information
to compare my approaches with existing techniques.
Chapter 7. Related Work
K-anonymization [5, 113, 133, 139] in WSNs makes a participant indistinguishable from k−1 other nearby participants. It was originally designed for privacypreserving data mining, but in participatory sensing applications individual participants can sense and share their own data. Thus, there is limited potential to mix
participants’ data with others’ data as required for k-anonymity. MDNSs protect
data before it leaves the individual’s device, with more potential to mix participants’
Secure multi-party computation (SMC) [38, 81, 88] methods specify a joint computation among a set of involved peers. This is problematic in a participatory sensing
setting, because of high communication or computation overhead when the participant population is large, and some participants may not trust their peers.
There is a growing body of work developing techniques for aggregating data that
have been encrypted using homomorphic functions [26, 56, 73], which allows a user
to calculate some aggregate values (e.g., product, or summation, or both) using
the encrypted values. However, encryption, such as those based on the DomingoFerrer’s [46] symmetric key technique, is energy-intensive, which can limit its applicability to resource-constrained devices. Additionally, only summation and/or
multiplication aggregate functions can be computed using these approaches, and for
some techniques, in order to interpret the final aggregation result, a server needs
to know which nodes reported data to know which encryption keys to use [24, 26],
which is not always desirable.
A slightly different approach from the previous four is taken in SMART [83],
which slices individual data, sending the slices through the aggregation network, and
reassembling the data pieces later. However, SMART requires the availability and
trust of neighboring peers, which may not always be available.
Chapter 7. Related Work
Randomized response techniques (RRTs) have been used to obtain answers to sensitive questions when respondents might be reluctant to answer truthfully [89, 147].
While originally designed for dichotomous populations, they were generalized by
Abul-Ela et al. [2] for polychotomous responses by using several different samples.
Bourke and Dalenius [18, 19] suggest a different scheme that uses a single sample.
While RRTs and my method both strive to protect privacy in surveys, RRTs use
the random device to choose among several questions, where at least one is sensitive;
while in negative surveys the perturbation matrix guarantees no one answers with
the sensitive question/data. The subjects in RRTs that are asked the sensitive questions must ultimately trust the information collector, while negative surveys never
require participants to respond honestly to any sensitive questions.
The most optimal perturbation matrix for RRTs has received some research.
Agrawal and Haritsa initially studied the problem [11]; however, they only focused
on symmetric matrices and used only accuracy (utility) for comparison. Huang
and Du achieved better results by using a multi-objective optimization technique
to study various matrices with measures of both privacy and utility [89]. However,
while they state their method can be used for multi-dimensional data, they only
studied one dimension. They argued that NSPMs, and ultimately all schemes based
on the Warner matrix are inferior, while Chapter 6, Section 2.2 suggests they have
an advantage in resource-constrained devices and WSNs.
A common practice for privacy applications is to remove users’ identifiers; however, multiple attributes of the records or external data can often be combined to
uniquely identify individuals [139]. Previous privacy-preserving proposals for multidimensional data were designed for databases and data mining, where a database
server stores records of multiple users. In this situation, the server is able to infer
Chapter 7. Related Work
users’ data from others [5, 113, 133, 139] and alter or change the responses to protect
privacy; however, this assumption is not true in participatory sensing applications,
where individual users have only their own sensed information to report. MDNSs
are a reverse of this scenario, where the client alters the response to protect herself
from the server.
In participatory sensing applications, data points are often tagged with location
information, and a rich set of location-based privacy and anonymity rules have been
developed for this situation [112, 126]. These schemes, however, typically hide or
perturb single-dimensional continuous location information. For multi-dimensional
data, privacy-preservation involves trade-offs among accuracy (or information completeness), computational complexity, and the level of anonymity. Aggarwal et al.[5]
has shown the curse of high dimensionality for k-anonymization in data mining,
even if k=2. MDNSs are able to handle about 3,000 categories before the curse of
dimensionality affects accuracy.
Dora et al. [48] present a similar idea that hides or lies about true information.
This idea works on delay tolerant networks with the store-carry-and-forward principle
by perturbing categorical information. Their work differs from mine because they
perturb a bit vector, a user interest profile, so that it cannot be linked to a user.
As a result of this perturbation, a node can hide its interest in a category so that
less messages of that category are stored, carried, and forwarded; or it can lie about
its interest in a category so that more messages are stored, carried, and forwarded.
MDNSs perturb the data that are sensed and communicated, instead of sending more
or less information.
Dwork et al. [54] introduced the term pan-private in the context of streaming
algorithms which can protect the state of information inside a node. This is useful
for protecting against node capture attacks that examine internal data. However, it
assumes a secure stream as a precondition of the algorithm. In contrast, the work
Chapter 7. Related Work
reported in Chapter 3 protects the stream of information in transit. Pan-private
algorithms, however, are preferable for complex aggregates such as the t-incidence
items, the t-cropped mean, and the fraction of k-heavy hitters [54].
Differential privacy [52, 53, 149] aims to provide the maximal accuracy of responses for users querying a statistical database, while minimizing the ability of
these users to identify the records in the database. Differential privacy assumes that
a trusted server handles and responds to the queries, while negative surveys, on the
other hand, do not assume that the server is trustworthy.
Negative surveys [59] are closely related to negative databases (NDBs) [60, 61, 62],
which are an alternative representation of information that stores the set complement
of data instead of the actual data. Both negative surveys and NDBs store or report
data in this way, yet NDBs differ because the information is stored in a compressed
form that adds additional security. It is provably NP-complete by a reduction to
3SAT, to try and extract the positive database from the NDB. Negative surveys,
unlike NDBs, do not store the entire set of the strings representing the data complement.
Silence in communication [157] is similar in spirit to the negative representations
of information, yet it does not attempt to provide anonymity. Instead, the protocols
attempt to reduce communication overhead. This is accomplished via start and stop
tokens, where the amount of time between the tokens represents the transmitted
data. This method has the advantage of low communication overhead, although
transmission bandwidth may suffer. Currently, a complete protocol based on this
unique idea does not exist, and would seem problematic with current carrier sense
multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) [140] protocols.
Gaussian negative surveys (GNSs) reduce the number of participants needed for
accurate negative survey reconstruction. Xie et al. [150] propose a special perturba-
Chapter 7. Related Work
tion matrix where the cells in each column of the matrix assume Gaussian distribution
values with the mean centered over the original category, which is represented as zero.
With location data, this perturbs an individual’s location a Gaussian random distance away from the original location. This special perturbation matrix eliminates
the need for reconstruction at the base station. However, GNSs with location data
do not protect privacy as well as traditional negative surveys. The privacy guarantee
of an individual participant depends on the variance of the Gaussian distributions
in the perturbation matrix. This variance must be small enough to maintain an
acceptable level of utility and number of participants, however, smaller values do not
perturb a location a sufficient amount of distance. This may make it easier for an
adversary to determine the general location of an individual participant. It is not
until the variance is increased to cover more than the entire column of the perturbation matrix that GNSs approach the same privacy guarantee as traditional negative
Quercia et al. [130] propose a randomized response technique similar to MDNSs.
Instead of perturbing a location to a different location, each location is perturbed
to a yes or no bit with a probability that includes whether a participant is at that
location. For each sample a bit vector whose size depends on the number of locations,
O(number of locations), is transmitted, while MDNSs transmit a smaller vector,
O(log(number of locations)).
MDNSs could use a scheme similar to the negative quad tree proposed by Horey
et al. [84] where locations are nested inside other locations. Each level would represent a dimension in MDNSs. In their scheme, levels were recursively divided into 4
categories. MDNSs can use an arbitrary and varying number of levels and categories.
However, using a negative quad tree or similar approach could increase the total area
coverage in the cell phone simulation from a city to a metropolitan area.
Chapter 7. Related Work
Data aggregation without privacy achieves bandwidth and energy efficiency in resource-limited WSNs [109]. Previous work [1, 33, 44, 91, 92, 104, 137, 141] addresses
data aggregation in various application scenarios with the assumption that all sensors
are working in trusted and friendly environments. However, sensor networks are likely
to be deployed in an untrusted environment, where links can be eavesdropped and
messages can be altered. LeMay et al. [102] summarize the functional characteristic of
wireless metering sensors and categorize attacks, where both privacy and security are
concerns in the given scenarios. Previous work [29, 128, 151] investigates secure data
aggregation against adversaries who try to tamper with the intermediate aggregation
result. CDA is also closely related to and has been studied in the data mining
domain [9, 90, 95] and peer-to-peer network applications [88].
The most secure data aggregation methods use either a symmetric or an asymmetric key approach. Symmetric keys, which use less resources, are similar to KIPDA
which uses a global symmetric key approach, but differs in the sense that each node
has a random part of the global key. The key is, in essence the set GSS. Only
by capturing enough nodes will an adversary determine the correct global key in its
KIPDA differs from hop-by-hop and end-to-end encryption aggregation. Information is kept confidential from other nodes, which is not the case with traditional
hop-by-hop encryption. End-to-end encryption is expensive since most implementations involve public/private key encryption. Other less expensive techniques that
use symmetric keys such as the one presented by Castelluccia et al. [26] require the
base station to know every node that participated in the aggregation.
Although the concept of camouflage has not to the best of my knowledge been
applied to data aggregation, it has been applied to routing methods [45, 76]. Conner
Chapter 7. Related Work
et al. [35] use decoy sinks and perturb network traffic to protect the location of the
real sink.
k-Indistinguishability is closely related to k-anonymity [5, 6, 13, 139] which is
designed to prohibit linking attacks. In a linking attack, an adversary matches auxiliary information with public or broad-casted information to determine the identity
of one or more individuals. In contrast, KIPDA ensures the indistinguishability of
the data itself instead of the identity of individuals or the source of the data.
Girao et al. [73] developed end-to-end encryption for the average and movement
detection functions using Domingo-Ferrer’s privacy homomorphism. Privacy homomorphism, however, was shown by Rivest et al. [131] to be insecure against ciphertext
only attacks, if a comparison operation is supported. As a response, Acharya et al. [3]
apply a type of privacy homomorphism developed by Agrawal et al. [8] called order
preserving encryption scheme (OPES), to WSNs. In this scheme, nodes map their
plaintext measurements to a set of ciphered values which preserves the order of the
measurements. However, this scheme cannot prevent in-network nodes from learning
private data if all sensors use the same set of mapping functions.
Zhang et al. [156] provide an aggregation of histograms where values are hashed.
However, they can only produce approximates of the maximum or minimum value
in the network, which will not work with WSNs that need accurate information.
Ertaul et al. [55] proposes an alternative scheme to OPES, where the maximum
and minimum functions are computed using addition in a secure homomorphic encryption scheme. They encrypt messages of zero and z, where z is non-zero. This
encryption does not have to take place at the sensor nodes as long as the results are
stored in the nodes. Their scheme is secure against eavesdropping, and node collusion. However, the communication cost does not scale well to large sensed values,
even sensed values that use 8 bits. This is because n encrypted messages need to
Chapter 7. Related Work
Girao et al. [73]
Ertual et al. [55]
Zhang et al. [156]
Yao et al. [153]
Groat et al. [79]
Level 1
Level 2
Table 7.1: Comparison of different secure data aggregation technologies.
be sent, where n is the largest sensed value. For sensed values with 16 bits, this is
over 65,000 messages per node, per aggregation. Additionally, each message needs
enough bits to protect against statistical attacks.
Yao et al. [153] provide another secure MIN/MAX scheme. Their scheme uses
more energy than hop-by-hop aggregation with RC5 encryption. Additionally, it is
insecure to eavesdroppers or colluding nodes if the global key is compromised, which
can be accomplished by capturing one node. With the global key, an adversary can
encrypt ranged HMAC messages such as [dadversary , dtop ] or [dbottom , dadversary ], where
dadversary is chosen by the adversary and dtop and dbottom are the max and min network
wide values. She could then test against captured non-range HMAC messages which
contain the sensitive value. The value dadversary can be lowered or raised iteratively
until the intersection of the captured message and the adversary ranged message are
no longer non null, which will reveal the sensitive information.
Chapter 8
Future Work and Conclusion
Future Work
In this section I outline future work for MDNSs and KIPDA, in addition to general
future work related to this dissertation.
A major assumption of negative surveys [85] is that the data from different sensor
nodes are not correlated. I assume that each measurement made by a sensor node
is independent of the other sensor nodes. However, this may not be the case in all
applications. Two sensor nodes placed in close geographic proximity may sense correlated temperature values. Therefore, by knowing the locations of these nodes, more
information could be gained from a single negative reply. Similarly, data reported
by a sensor node may be correlated with past data. This correlation could be used
to my advantage to estimate the individual data values and perhaps aggregate the
results. Future work will examine the effects of correlation in the underlying data in
Chapter 8. Future Work and Conclusion
single-dimensional and multi-dimensional negative surveys, quantifying the amount
of privacy lost, and finding a solution that perhaps aggregates the correlated data
Future work on MDNSs can examine non NSPMs that make the distribution of
disguised data uniform, with the constraint of zeros on the diagonals. I propose to
study whether the reconstruction error decreases if I choose the negative categories
with a non-uniform probability such that the distribution of negative histograms is
uniform. Preliminary results show that it is sometimes impossible to achieve complete
uniformity since it involves inverting a non-invertible matrix. Yet, if the probability
matrix were chosen to maximize uniformity of the negative histogram, this might
have a beneficial effect on the reconstruction error. The perturbation matrix could
then be transmitted instead of the negative data, especially if it is sparse.
Future work could examine the limits of DA on real-world data sets with large
numbers of categories. Although histograms are useful, other aggregates could be
explored. Additionally, a privacy metric for MDNSs based on indistinguishability
adjusted by the underlying distribution could be useful. Furthermore, I could devise
more complicated and accurate methods for threat determination in the radiation
detection simulation. Another possible idea is to report the histogram, but randomize
the bins in the histogram, perhaps at each hop level.
Energy usage of KIPDA could be compared to other schemes such as OPES, or the
schemes presented by Ertaul’s et al. [56] and Yao et al. [153]. Additionally, energy
comparisons with homomorphic encryption which provides a good level of privacy
protection would be beneficial if KIPDA could be extended to the summation and
multiplication aggregation functions.
Chapter 8. Future Work and Conclusion
KIPDA could be modified to use variable sizes for the sets I, GSS, and Ri .
Further future work could investigate how to distribute efficiently the sets Ri (or
U i ) and P i to each node. These two suggestions would help thwart adversaries
monitoring repeated aggregations.
Results from Meulenaer et al. [42] conclude that energy is wasted in an LPL
scheme when the radio has to wait for encryption. LPL could be implemented in
TinyOS, TOSSIM, and PowerTOSSIM-Z to verify if KIPDA has an advantage over
encryption aggregation schemes.
Additional future work could implement or use existing energy-conserving dissemination and collection protocols and convert KIPDA to report other order statistics
such as the mode, mean, median, or k-heavy hitters.
General Future Work
Future work in CDA could create a method that will not only securely report the
MAX or MIN aggregate, but securely report which node generated the value. Fast
data aggregation is starting to appear in the literature [129] which could benefit from
privacy-protection schemes similar to KIPDA. Additionally, future aggregation work
could devise a homomorphic compression scheme, where the aggregation function is
performed on the compressed data.
The computational power in WSNs may eventually increase to allow more complicated algorithms to run on them, such as those from machine learning. These
collaborative machine learning algorithms will depend on the amount of energy available to determine a sensor’s lifetime, and ultimately their ability to learn. While the
complexity for machine learning algorithms currently depends on their input, they
may eventually depend on the energy available 1 .
1 Idea
from Terran Lane.
Chapter 8. Future Work and Conclusion
Future work could incorporate data integrity into both MDNSs and KIPDA by
authenticating data and determining whether it has been altered. Also, indistinguishability and negative representations of data could be applied to different fields
such as cloud computing or privacy preserving data mining; future work will continue
to look for new applications that can incorporate these ideas.
Concluding Remarks
MDNSs provide a more efficient and robust way to protect individual information
while providing the utility to mine group information. Information such as physical
locations, driving speeds, or medical data can have devastating effects if intercepted
by adversarial parties. MDNSs perturb data for participatory sensing applications,
providing high levels of privacy. The privacy preservation problem addressed here is
challenging, because (1) users may not trust the information collection server, and (2)
embedded or sensor devices may have limited resources. Therefore, I do not rely on
standard encryption schemes or key distribution and management. MDNSs scale well
because the communication and computational overhead is low for the sensor nodes,
especially when compared to expensive encryption and key management schemes. An
advantage of my work is that privacy and accuracy can be managed by simply tuning
parameters of the protocols, as evident from the simulations and implementations in
Chapter 5. If the base station receives enough information, an aggregate distribution
in multiple dimensions can be reconstructed efficiently and accurately. The DA
technique produces less reconstruction error with the same number of participants.
Continuous MDNSs have implications for privacy-preserving data mining where there
is minimal research on reconstructing perturbed multi-dimensional categorical data.
KIPDA is the first work I am aware of that provides indistinguishability to CDA.
It saves energy and time even though more messages are transmitted over the radio.
Chapter 8. Future Work and Conclusion
While encryption provides a stronger level of privacy, I have shown in Chapter 4,
Section 5, and Chapter 5, Sections 2 and 3.2 that it is more energy efficient to
slightly increase radio usage with decoys than to use conventional methods of hopby-hop encryption. I have also shown how WSNs can protect confidentiality by hiding
sensitive values in plaintext along with decoy values. By allowing the sensitive values
to be in plaintext, aggregation can take place efficiently, which would otherwise be
difficult. Confidentiality is achieved through k-indistinguishability with the sensitive
aggregates hidden among k − 1 other values. Dividing a message vector into different
subsets (Ri , P i , and U i ) provides the capability to camouflage message vectors with
restricted and unrestricted decoys. A semi shared global key, GSS, creates resistance
to node collusion and capture attacks.
Trade-offs exist between energy and privacy. This dissertation has shown that by
relaxing the notion of privacy to k-indistinguishability, energy can be conserved. In
KIPDA, sensitive data in a message vector are indistinguishable from some of the
other members of the message vector depending on the number of nodes colluding,
or radio messages intercepted. MDNSs also provide k-indistinguishability, where
location information is indistinguishable from k other locations where k depends on
whether or not an adversary has knowledge of the underlying distribution. These
algorithms are appropriate for resource-constrained devices as they reduce energy
usage and protect what they are sensing.
A Publications from this Dissertation
Appendix A
Publications from this Dissertation
• M. Groat, B. Edwards, J. Horey, W. He, S. Forrest. “Applications and Analysis
of Multi-dimensional Negative Surveys in Participatory Sensing Applications.”
In submission to PMCJ 2012.
• J. Horey, S. Forrest, M. Groat. “Reconstructing Spatial Distributions from
Anonymized Locations.” In ICDE Workshop on Secure Data Management on
Smartphones and Mobiles, April 2012, Washington DC, USA.
• M. Groat, B. Edwards, J. Horey, W. He, S. Forrest. Enhancing Privacy in “Participatory Sensing Applications with Multi-dimensional Data.” In Proceedings
of the Tenth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom ’12), March 2012, pp. 144-152, Lugano,
• M. Groat, W. He, S. Forrest. “KIPDA: k-Indistinguishable Privacy-preserving
Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks.” In Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications
(InfoCom ’11), April 2011, pp. 2024-2032, Shanghai, China.
Appendix A. Publications from this Dissertation
• J. Horey, M. M. Groat, F. Esponda, S. Forrest. “Anonymous Data Collection in
Sensor Networks.” In Proceedings of the Fourth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking & Services (Mobiquitous
’07), August 2007, pp. 1-8, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
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