Drupal Beginner Track #4 Intro to Drupal 7 Theming
Drupal Beginner Track #4 Intro to Drupal 7 Theming
Drupal Theming “ A theme is a collection of files that define the presentation layer. https://www.drupal.org/node/171194 Theme Overview What are the different options when it comes to theming? contrib Free, open source! purchased Improved design YMMV How to pick a theme? ▧ ▧ ▧ ▧ ▧ ▧ ▧ ▧ How many reported installs? Do they have a stable release? Who wrote it? Good documentation? Any boobytraps in the issue queue? When was the last commit? Is it RESPONSIVE? HOW DOES IT LOOK? Custom From scratch From a base theme Base Themes LAB 1 Find a contrib theme & install it on your site http://www.drupal.org LAB 1 1. GO: http://www.drupal.org 2. Navigate to: Download & Extend > Most Installed Themes 3. Pick a theme (not a base theme) & download the zip 4. Unzip the theme 5. Copy the theme folder to sites/all/themes/contrib 6. Import site into Acquia ADD ○ Select the folder you copied to your laptop ○ Import the database from SANDcamp2016.sql 7. Log in as admin/sandcamp2016 8. Enable the DrupalAce theme & set as default under ‘Appearance’ Anatomy of a Theme Stuff you find inside a theme [theme_name].info css/ js/ img/ templates/ template.php Theme info Configuration settings Defined Regions CSS JavaScript Other Stuff plugins settings etc. LAB 2 Create your own custom subtheme LAB 2 1. Download & Install ‘Bootstrap’ base theme https://www.drupal.org/project/bootstrap 2. Create your subtheme Copy /sites/all/themes/bootstrap/bootstrap_subtheme to /sites/all/themes 3. Rename the bootstrap_subtheme folder to mytheme 4. In mytheme folder, rename bootstrap_subtheme.info. starterkit to mytheme.info 5. Customize mytheme.info Set ‘name’ to ‘My Custom Bootstrap Sub-theme’ Set ‘description’ to ‘My first custom theme’ 6. In your browser, go to ‘Appearances’ and set mytheme to “enable & set default” TPL files www.drupal.org/node/1089656 ▧ ▧ ▧ ▧ ▧ modules\system\html.tpl.php modules\system\page.tpl.php modules\system\region.tpl.php modules\node\node.tpl.php modules\block\block.tpl.php Search for *.tpl.php in your site installation folder and take a look at a few of them Putting business logic code in the *.tpl.php ▧ ▧ ▧ ▧ ▧ TPL File Precedence page--node--[nid].tpl.php page--[node-name].tpl.php page--node.tpl.php page--front.tpl.php (if front page) page.tpl.php ▧ ▧ ▧ ▧ ▧ TPL File Precedence page--node--[nid].tpl.php page--[node-name].tpl.php page--node.tpl.php page--front.tpl.php (if front page) page.tpl.php Customizing A View using template suggestions Advanced > Theme: Information LAB 3 Create your own custom region LAB 3 - Add a custom region to theme 1. Define the new region in mytheme.info regions[content_footer] = 'Content footer' 2. Copy .../bootstrap/theme/system/page.tpl.php to .../mytheme/templates/page.tpl.php 3. Print the new region content in ... /mytheme/templates/page.tpl.php After line 155: <?php print render($page['content']); ?> Add these three lines of code: <?php if (!empty($page['content_footer'])): ?> <?php print render($page['content_footer']); ?> <?php endif; ?> 4. Flush all caches!! 5. Create a new custom block 6. Place it in the new ‘Content Footer’ region LAB 4 Customize your CSS! LAB 4 - Add CSS 1. Open .../mytheme/css/style.css 2. Add CSS rule: body { background-color: #ffa500; } 3. In your browser, RELOAD LAB 5 Theme a block LAB 5 - theme a specific block 1. Create a new custom content block Structure > Blocks > Add Block Block title: leave blank (shown to user) Block description: My Custom Block (for admin) Body block: This is my custom block 2. Place block in the Footer region Structure > Blocks 3. Use a browser inspector to get the CSS ID of the block. It will be something like block-block-n 4. Open .../mytheme/css/style.css Add a CSS rule: #block-block-2 { background-color: #FFFF00; } 5. In your browser, RELOAD LAB 5 - block-block-2 1. Create a new custom content block Structure > Blocks > Add Block Block title: leave blank (shown to user) Block description: My Custom Block (for admin) Body block: This is my custom block 2. Place block in Right Sidebar (Secondary) Structure > Blocks 3. Use a browser inspector to get the CSS ID of the block. It will be something like block-block-n 4. Open .../mytheme/css/style.css Add a CSS rule: #block-block-1 { background-color: #FFFF00; } 5. In your browser, RELOAD DEMO 1 Automatically add “Copyright 2016” to the footer region where the year is generated dynamically as opposed to being static text. DEMO 1 1. Edit template.php in your mytheme folder and add these lines: function mytheme_preprocess_page(&$variables){ $variables['copyright'] = t("Copyright @date", array('@date' => date('Y'),));; } 2. Edit /templates/page.tpl.php in your mytheme folder and just below this line (almost at bottom of file): <?php print render($page['footer']); ?> Add: <?php if(isset($copyright)) : ?> <?php print $copyright; ?> <?php endif; ?> 3. Flush all caches (when in doubt flush twice or more!) DEMO 2 1. Turn on and configure Devel module with settings: Display $page array Rebuild the theme registry on every page load 2. Edit template.php in your mytheme folder and add these lines /** * Add plus sign to all block titles in the footer region */ function mytheme_preprocess_block(&$variables){ // dpm($variables['block']); // dpm($variables['block']->region); if ($variables['block']->region == "footer") { $variables['block']->subject = '-' . $variables['block']->subject; } // } dpm($variables['block']->subject); DEMO 2 1. Turn on and configure Devel module with: Display $page array Rebuild the theme registry on every page load 2. Edit template.php in your mytheme folder and add these lines (or copy from bootstrap-final) /** * Add plus sign to all block titles in the footer region */ function mytheme_preprocess_block(&$variables){ // dpm($variables['block']); // dpm($variables['block']->region); if ($variables['block']->region == "footer") { $variables['block']->subject = '-' . $variables['block']->subject; } // } dpm($variables['block']->subject); LAB 7 Configure for production service LAB 6 - Configure for production 1. In Drupal Admin, go to Configuration > Development > Performance 2. Turn on a. Cache pages for anonymous users b. Cache blocks c. Aggregate and compress CSS files d. Aggregate JavaScript files Additional resources http://meetup.com/San-Diego-Drupal-Users-Group/ https://groups.drupal.org/san-diego https://www.drupal.org/irc Extra Credit/Bonus ▧ CSS Injector module ▧ How to modify markup in Views ▧ Display Suite, Panes and Paragraph modules ▧ SimplyTest.me to try out new modules Thanks! Any questions? You can find me at: @richyumul rmy@sagetree.net