Saddle-Post Intelligencer
Saddle-Post Intelligencer
abcdefGhijklmnopqrstvwxyz Saddle-Post Intelligencer abcdefGhijklmnopqrstvwxyz The Voice of the Skagit Bicycle Club -Skagit County-Washington November 2015 abcdefGhijklmnopqrstvwxyz SLOBAT Ride: Saturdays, Laggards, Old Bicycles, and Tea A lazy, tweedy ride for self-indulgent cyclists December 5, 2015 10:30am Ride Leader Kathea Rasmussen, 360 766 8720 Skagit Bicycle Club Christmas Party Sunday, December 13th @ 5:30pm @ Skagit Vallley Gardens. 18923 Johnson Rd, Mt Vernon, WA 98273 Potluck: Food: If your last name starts with A through I: bring a dessert J through P: bring a salad R through Z: bring a side dish Fun: As always, this is a great party and we have a great time with the gift exchange so if you want to join in on that, bring a $15 - 20.00 “dollarish”gift and enjoy some real fun. If not, come anyway. Couples can either bring 1 or 2 gifts depending on whether they would like to play as a couple or as an individual. If you haven’t been to this party before you are in for a real treat with some over the top decorations. Hope to see you all there! Best Regards, Colby New Year’s Day Ride January 1, 2016 Multiple starting points: Burlington/Former Sears Auto Garage Parking area (Rose Ploeg); Washington School in Mt Vernon (Greg Vlasac), March Pt park & ride (Marty Johnson), Conway Red Barn (Jean Sattler-Will) and Stanwood area location TBA (Marshall Will) Rendevous at Laconner Tavern at noon. More details to come in next months Newsletter! Join us for a relaxed loafer of a ride. Meet at the Tattered Page Bookstore, 514 S. First St. , Mount Vernon AT 10:30 for a cup of coffee and some browsing. If the weather is suitable, we'll go for a ride and then tea. If the weather is unsuitable, we'll talk about the weather, admire the bikes, and go straight to tea--just as soon as we finish browsing. I'm celebrating the inaugural ride of my freshly assembled, antique Holdsworth bicycle. If all goes well, and we like this, there will be more SLOBAT rides in the future. (I’m not sure what the parking situation is near the Tattered Page Bookstore, you might need to park in the residential area south of town and ride in.) Ride Report By Shannon Good We had a wonderful 39 mile (well, I did anyway) ride in brilliant sunshine with blue skies today. There was a bit of a false start, since Jean's route took us into the Nookachamps and we ran into a lake on Swan Road. (Jean was home feeling unwell, with Sherman giving moral support) Some of us thought this might happen, since the paper showed a car by the side of a road in a big hole full of water, which was taken somewhere off Francis Road the previous day, but we thought it might be fun to go check it out anyway. Marshal thought we could surely find a way around the puddle. .. but the water gauge read 4' at the low spot past the bridge. So, Marshal threw out the idea of backtracking to College Way, heading for Hwy 9 and Lake McMurray. Most of us thought that was a grand idea - given the glorious day, what's a few more miles & some hills? Off we went. We took the high road on the West side of Big Lake - the shade was cold, but the hills warmed us up. Funny, I am always riding the opposite direction on this route, so I never really realized it's uphill almost all the way to McMurray. No wonder it's so much fun heading north! Once we turned west on the road heading for Conway, the wind started to increase the challenge. By the time we headed north on Dike Road, it was full on, in your face and cold. No worries, we were all little ponies, making for the Co-op feedbag. What's wind when a latte and cookies are sending out the siren call? After a great lunch and a warm up, our happy group split up and went our separate ways. Mine took me up one last hill to home and I was happy to get off the bike and tally up my total of 1738 for the season. I'm hoping for 2000 by the end of the year, which is going to take lots of cookies, pulling me along through wind and rain! In This Issue: Word of the Domestique Ride Calendar Club Info & Membership Form Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 abcdefGhijklmnopqrstvwxyz Word Of The Domestique The following is the opinion of the Super Domestique and is not intended to offend any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, gender, sexual orientation or individual. The views of the Super Domestique are his own or something he copied from someone else, and do not in any way reflect the views of the Skagit Bicycle Club. Furthermore, they do not necessarily reflect the views of the people who live in the same home, neighborhood or city. Please also note that the fact this piece is written in English is in no way meant to malign other languages nor to malign those who are illiterate visually impaired and thus are unable to read the piece. Complements can emailed to Complaints can be emailed to Colby at Please keep in mind Colby is a pretty busy guy so if you don’t get a reply he is probably to busy to respond to a bunch of whining mountain bikers. Happy Holidays! It’s the 12th hour and my Domestique piece is overdue (Par for the course). I like to consider myself someone who works well under pressure, as Rose can attest to. But being sick, with a head cold, the last few days have proven to be a bit much for my self induced shortened timetable. So, with that said, I’ll share some personal information that anybody who knows me will find unbelievable and mind blowing. I’m going to purchase a mountain bike. .. Yes, a mountain bike! Mind Blown! I have always considered Mountain- biking a non-sport that was fit for roadies that could no longer hang. . . .Sadly I have become that non-hanging roadie. If I’m going to ride again I’ll probably need to start on a mountain bike. As I‘m out of ideas and time I’ll share the work of Gunnar Waldman and illustrator Ryan Dee. Gunnar has written an article that classifies mountain bikers into 9 categories. This article in its entirety with cool and funny pictures can be found at http:// Well done Mr. Waldman. Well Done. #1 THE WANNABE PRO: Damn, he’s fast. Much faster than you. His bike is clean, his kit is brand new. He’s got a fair amount of factory gear, clothing and bike accessories he didn’t have to pay for. You’ll see him at CAT1 or Pro XC level races. There are Enduro flavors of this guy, but more often than not he’s XC. He can rock the spandex and is pretty skinny, wears a roadie shirt, no backpack, runs 2 bottles on his frame and packs everything he needs in the shirt or on a small frame bag. Tucks gels in the leg of his spandex shorts or tapes them to his toptube so he can slam them down quick while riding. You see this guy at the parking lot and at trail junctions when he stops to wait for the rest of the group – then he’s gone again. Rides a 29er, climbs like crazy. Descends like a baby giraffe - but spins it to win it. #2 THE WRENCH: Thank god for this guy. He carries a huge hydration pack with a bunch of shop-level hex wrenches (as well as a multi-tool), a few flavors of derailleur hanger, extra spokes, tubes in various sizes, a rotor fork, pump with gauge, C02 cartridges and a patch kit. He’s got quicklinks in 8, 9, 10 and 11 speed flavors as well as a spare shifter cable. While riding he’s constantly diagnosing a squeak or shimmy in some linkage bolt deep down in his frame. His bike is completely tuned before each ride, but 20 minutes in his rig is upside-down on the trail while he backs off a limit-screw or something. He wears slightly more padding than necessary but, mostly, looks pretty fly. Even though everyone in the group can change a tube, he’ll jump in and try to break the fix-a-flat speed record. #4 The Girl Thank you for being here. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Please show up again next time. You’re always welcome. #7 THE GUY WHO SHOULD WASH HIS GLOVES MORE: Seriously, please, and the armor. GWSWHGM is the opposite end of the spectrum from the Hedge Fund Fred. None of his kit matches, after each ride it all gets tossed in the back of his car (which you WILL NOT ride in) to dry out until the next ride. Thankfully, his presence makes group stops on the trail pretty short. He’s got a good attitude and his chill outlook on life is fun, though. I hope everyone enjoys this holiday season I promise I’ll have something fresh for next month when I begin my reign of terror from the presidential palace. Best Regards, Super Domestique Weight: 225 2 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 6 pm Board Meeting Dimensional Communications Colby Plagge 360.540.4554 11:00AM MRR March Point Park & Ride Dan Sandstrom 360.708.7108 Steve Jahn 425.830.4981 Hanspeter Gehrig 360.588.9149 11:00AM MRR March Point Park & Ride Dan Sandstrom 360.708.7108 Steve Jahn 425.830.4981 Hanspeter Gehrig 360.588.9149 Friday 10 am Brisk Washington School MV Jim Finch 360.424.8511 11am SRR/MRR Hedlin Farmstand LaConner at roundabout Phil McLoud 336.392.0641 10:30am SRR Tattered Page MtV Kathea Rasmussen 360.766.8720 10 amSRR/MRR Red Barn Ramble Conway Janice Lisherness 360.466.3030 11am SRR/MRR Hedlin Farmstand at roundabout LaConner Jane Monroe 360.391.9062 11am SRR/MRR Hedlin Farmstand at roundabout LaConner Whit 360.757.1357 Saturday Sunday j 1:30PM SRR RLH 17534 Fir Isl Rd Jeannette Folkertsma 360.445.5924 6pm Christmas Party Skagit Valley Gardens Mount Vernon 11am MRR 40miles Washington School Mt Vernon Shannon Good 360.336.3700 Newsletter Deadline Christmas 11:00AM MRR March Point Park & Ride Dan Sandstrom 360.708.7108 Steve Jahn 425.830.4981 Hanspeter Gehrig 360.588.9149 11:00AM MRR March Point Park & Ride Dan Sandstrom 360.708.7108 Steve Jahn 425.830.4981 Hanspeter Gehrig 360.588.9149 m 3 10am SRR/MRR RedBarn Ramble Conway Marty Johnson 425.478.8486 1:30 PM SRR RLH 1025 E Washington Ave Burlington Rose Ploeg 360 202 1716 abcdefGhijklmnopqrstvwxyz Skagit Bicycle Club Membership Form Use Pay Pal to join or renew your membership online at Annual Dues: Individual $15.00 Family $20.00 Check One: ____New Member ____Renewal Mail this form to: Skagit Bicycle Club P.O. Box 363 Burlington WA 98233 Name Address City State Postal Code Phones Email: You will receive your Newsletter via Email .......Unless you CHECK HERE ______ To receive the paper version (not in color) Via US Postal Service Club Information vbbzxcvbdsac Skagit Bicycle Club Officers & Board President Colby Plagge Vice President Mike Tallering Secretary Cheryl Calhoun Treasurer Shaun Bridge Past President Dan Sandstrom Board Members Steve Jahn Marty Johnson Cindy McGuiness Jane Monroe Scott Rittscher Jamie Wells Volunteer Positions Ride Coordinator Whit Whitford 360 757 1357 Spring Classic Coordinator: Colby Plagge Bridge Sweep Coordinators: Steve & Dian Jahn Membership List Marshall Will Website: Web masters: Jamie Wells Tom Jacobson Mailing Address The Skagit Bicycle Club P.O. Box 363 Burlington WA 98233 Saddle-Post Intelligencer Published by The Skagit Bicycle Club Editor Rose Ploeg See Ride Calendar for Deadline Bike Travel Cases: Deposit is $100 and is refundable upon the return of the case. The borrower is responsible for the pickup and drop off of the case. Bike Travel Trailer: “BOB” bike trailer with a water proof duffel. Club Bike Racks: Four Yakima bike carriers attach to a roof rack 1 inch round bars front and rear. Fork mount/ mounts for the front wheel. Currently kept in the Storage Unit in Mount Vernon. To check out and arrange a pick up of any of the above items contact Jane Monroe 360 391 9062 or Colby Plagge 360 540 4554 Membership benefits include 10% off at these local businesses. Please remember to show your membership card to receive your discount. Goody’s Rack Shop 1817 Bouslog Rd Burlington WA 9823 360.899.9903 Skagit Cycle Center 1704 S. Burlington Blvd. Burlington 360 757 7910 1620 Commercial Ave. Anacortes 360 588 8776 Arlington Velo Sport Bicycle Shop 401 N Olympic Ave Arlington, WA 98223 360-629-6415 If you are having issues with the email edition of the Newsletter please contact us through the website or call or email Marshall Will at 360 929 5003 or Copies of the newsletter will be mailed upon request. abcdefGhijklmnopqrstvwxyz Skagit Bicycle Club P.O. Box 363 Burlington WA 98233 5
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