Chapter U July - GWRRA, Indiana District
Chapter U July - GWRRA, Indiana District
GWRRA Chapter U - Angola, Indiana National Region D Est. 3-15-1988 JULY 2016 NEWSLETTER Volume 28 Issue 4 Assistant Chapter Directors Chapter Directors Larry & Allison Patton 260-609-0752 Marc & Robbie Nelson Marc 260-316-6082 Robbie 260-905-6250 Chapter Treasurer Jinger Kaufman 260-668-6410 M.E.C. Marv & Judy Gael 260-908-0666 Sunshine Robbie Nelson 260-905-6250 Chapter Educator Jay & Harriet Fansler 260-243-8667 Jay 260-243-0701 Harriet Assistant M.E.C. Cory Gael & Amanda Boviall 260-444-8090 Cory 260-573-0436 Amanda Chapter U Store Mike & Jinger Kaufman Mike 260-577-0080, Jinger 260-668-6410 Chapter Secretary Harriet Fansler 260-243-0701 Ride Coordinator Tom Hampshire 260-573-6227 Newsletter Editor Laura Bowen 260-908-4305 Director of GWRRA IN District Directors IN Asst. District Directors Ray & Sandy Garris 21423 N. 11th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85027 540-623-0447 Ray & Melinda Faber 765-307-0134 (Ray) 765-307-0661 (Melinda) Rick & Debbie Warmels 260-238-4148 Region D Directors Deputy Director Region D Lloyd & Becky Glydewell Jack Wagner FRIENDS FOR FUN, SAFETY & KNOWLEDGE Hello Chapter U, It's hard to believe that June has come and gone. Our Congratulations to AJ for graduating from Fremont High School. We wish the best to him! Marc & Robbie Nelson Marv and Judy led the June 18th dinner ride to Bible Park in Ohio. They provided the meat and all who attended brought a side dish. Thank you Marv and Judy for a change of pace. Cookouts are always fun. Congratulations to Laurie Siebert for riding to this event on her newly purchased Rebel. We are proud of you!!! She joined Mike and Jinger, Cory and Amanda and Marv and Judy. Robbie and I were in Fort Wayne because Robbie was participating in the Abate Class. She passed and proved to herself she is never too old to accomplish things on her bucket list. I wonder what is on her bucket list for next year? The Shaken Baby Syndrome Benefit Ride was a huge success. There were around 75 bikes. There was a silent auction, good fellowship and a good meal. All the proceeds went to the Ronald McDonald House. Thank you Lesley for organizing this benefit. Bill and Joyce led the Chapter to The Breakfast House in Kendallville on July 2nd. Wow what a great turnout, good food, and awesome fellowship. Guests Barry and Missy Wilcox joined us. Thank you Bill and Joyce! CHAPTER DIRECTORS We hope all had a terrific 4th of July. It was beautiful weather for outside grilling and family get togethers or just hopping on the goldwing and riding till you couldn't ride anymore. Thank you for all those who have served our country and are still fighting for our freedom. Other upcoming July events include: • July 23rd, Armstrong Space Museum in Wapakoneta, OH • July 27th, Byron Center Cruise In • July 28, 29, 30, Region D Rally in Coldwater, MI. The annual Hog Roast is coming up August 13th, 11:00 am - 1:00. A 1:30 the silent auction ends and the scenic ride begans. Hope to see you all there. Ian honored Tom and Teena with the Good Deed Award for helping him out in a time of need. Thank you Tom and Teena!! Until we meet again - Ride Safe! Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge, 2016 Chapter U Couple of the Year 2016 Chapter U Individual of the Year Mike & Jinger Kaufman JoAnn Taylor FRIENDS FOR FUN, SAFETY & KNOWLEDGE Excuse 1: Wearing a helmet when you crash can break your neck. According to Motorcycle Cruiser and Smarter USA. Org it doesn’t cause injuries. According to studies five review by the United States General Accounting Office all the studies reported a higher incidence of severe neck injuries for un-helmeted riders. It seems logical that if you put more weight farther out on the end of your neck, and when you are thrown off the bike that extra weight will create more pendulum force on your neck. It turns out that it doesn’t work that way. The energy absorbing qualities of a DOT helmet also absorb the energy that breaks riders necks in impacts. Studies have shown that helmeted riders have fewer neck injuries than riders who were not wearing a helmet JAY & HARRIET FANSLER Excuse 2: Helmets prevent hearing traffic noises. Helmets do not affect a riders ability to tell the difference between sounds. In fact some studies indicate that helmets are useful in reducing wind noise and protection hearing. The University of Southern California conducted 900 on-scene, in-depth investigations of motorcycle crash scenes ( the Hurt Study) and did not uncover a single case in which a rider would not detect a critical traffic sound. Vision is the predominant sense for detecting hazards not hearing. Excuse 3: Helmets reduce peripheral vision. Most people have 180 degrees of peripheral vision. Federal safety standards require 210 degrees of vision. Over 90 percent of crashes happen within a range of 160 degrees, with the majority of the remaining crashes occurring from behind. So very few came form the side. Excuse 4: Helmets aid in causing heat exhaustion. That was talked about last month, the helmet provides shade, it keeps the head cooler due to the insulation for impact resistance helps keep the head cool. Its safer to wear your gear all the time. Safe riding Jay LEVELS PROGRAM NAME LEVEL NOTE BROWER, MIKE FANSLER, HARRIET FANSLER, JAY GAEL, JUDY GAEL, MARVIN GILBERT, BILL GILBERT, JOYCE HAMPSHIRE, TEENA HAMPSHIRE,THOMAS KAUFMAN, JINGER KAUFMAN, MIKE 1 4 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 NAME KEESECKER, JERRY KLINE, BRIAN KLINE, PATTI KNOTEK, GEORGE NELSON, MARC NELSON, ROBERTA PATTON, ALLISON PATTON, LARRY WILCOX, PARRIS WILCOX, RODNEY LEVEL NOTE 3 2 2 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 NEED ARC/CRS NEED ERC NEED 2-UP FRIENDS FOR FUN, SAFETY & KNOWLEDGE CHAPTER EDUCATOR Excuses some use for not wearing a helmet: MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL July Birthdays Keep an eye on your expiration date and renew a month early as your renewal is now the beginning of the month. CHUCK THOMAS 7/8 JERRY CLARK 7/12 JUDY SWIFT 7/18 JERRY KEESECKER 7/19 TRACIE DUNN 7/25 TEENA HAMPSHIRE 7/28 GEORGE KNOTEK 7/29 July Anniversaries DON & SIERRA BOWMAN 7/7 JAMES & SHARON CRAGER 7/28 August Birthdays BRIAN KLINE 8/1 JOANNE BASSAGE 8/20 SHARON CRAGER 8/21 TERESA KNIGHT 8/25 AMANDA BOVIALL 8/27 MARY PAVKA 8/27 August Anniversaries CHAPTER U ANNUAL HOG ROAST COMMON’S PARK ANGOLA INDIANA AUGUST 13 MARC & ROBBIE NELSON 8/26 CORY & AMANDA 8/27 BILL & JOYCE GILBERT 8/30 ALL CHAPTERS WELCOME Mike & Jinger Kaufman Chapter Store PRICE Black Sweat Shirts Black Polo Shirts Yellow Polo Shirts Black Crew Neck T-Shirts Yellow Crew Neck T-Shirts Yellow Cool-Dry Shirt Orange Cool-Dry Shirt $23.00 $18.00 $23.00 $15.00 $15.00 $14.00 $14.00 Chapter U Blue Indiana Patch $2.00 (17) GWRRA Indiana Hoosier Pride Patch (20) State of Indiana Pride Pin $5.00 (14) GWRRA Co-Rider Education Patch (5) Certified Tour Rider Patch (2) Rider Education Patch (4) SMALL MEDIUM mkfourjs3 LARGE X-LARGE XX-LARGE 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Co-Rider Patch (1) Lg. Black & Gold Round GWRRA Patch $12.00 (4) Sm. Black & Gold Round GWRRA Patch $5.00 (2) Visitation Bars-Chapter U $1.00 (76) Red Neck Ties $2.00 (2) Chapter U Hats $10.00 (3) FRIENDS FOR FUN, SAFETY & KNOWLEDGE MEMBER’S PAGE Birthdays and Anniversaries July 2016 SUN 3 TUE MON 4 5 6 INDEPENDENCE DAY 11CHAPTER U 12 10 WED GATHERING 13 THU 7 14 1 FRI 8 CHUCK THOMAS 15 JERRY CLARK 17 18 MARV & JUDY GAEL 24 JUDY SWIFT 25 19 JERRY KEESECKER 26 20 21 22 SAT 2 BREAKFAST RIDE BILL & JOYCE GILBERT 9 16 DINNER RIDE JAY & HARRIET KAUFMAN 23 JUDY GAEL 27 28 29 30 TEENA HAMPSHIRE GEORGE KNOTEK TRACI DUNN 31 PARKE COUNTY BRYON HEALTH RUMBLE CENTER JAMES & SHARON BIKE & CAR CRAGER SHOW REGION D RALLY REGION D RALLY REGION D RALLY Chapter Gathering: 1st Monday of each month. Eat at 6:00 and Meet at 7:00, Pizza Hut on North Wayne St. Angola, North of the circle and over the tracks on the West side of the road. Group Meeting place for Rides: Meijers parking lot on the east side by the Gas Station Chapter Breakfast Ride: 1st Saturday of each month leaves at 9:00 AM Chapter Dinner Ride: 3rd Saturday of each month leaves at 4:00 PM. August 2016 SUN 1 MON CHAPTER U GATHERING BRAIN KLINE 7 8 14 15 21 22 TUE 2 3 WED 4 THU 5 FRI MICHIGAN RALLY OSCEOLA FAIRGROUNDS SAT 6 BREAKFAST RIDE JAY & HARRIET FANSLER MICHIGAN RALLY OSCEOLA FAIRGROUNDS 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 CHAPTER U ANNUAL HOG ROAST DINNER RIDE LARRY & ALLISON JOANN BASSAGE 24 25 26 27 MARY PAVKA SHARON CRAGER 28 29 AMANDA BOVIALL 30 BILL & JOYCE GILBERT 31 TERESA KNIGHT MARC & ROBBIE NELSON CORY & AMANDA GAEL WINGDING BILLINGS, MONTANA Chapter Gathering: 1st Monday of each month. Eat at 6:00 and Meet at 7:00, Pizza Hut on North Wayne St. Angola, North of the circle and over the tracks on the West side of the road. Group Meeting place for Rides: Meijers parking lot on the east side by the Gas Station Chapter Breakfast Ride: 1st Saturday of each month leaves at 9:00 AM Chapter Dinner Ride: 3rd Saturday of each month leaves at 4:00 PM.