Issue 26 - Cathay Pacific Catering Services


Issue 26 - Cathay Pacific Catering Services
Issue 26 • June 2010
A newsletter for partners and friends of CPCS whom we cherish...
Issue 26 • June 2010
CEO Message
CPCS – Hong Kong New Vision
Organisation Development Project-CPCS Hong Kong
CX 2009 Best Caterer Diamond Award and the 2009 Most Improved Caterer
5 Years Plus Caring Company Award
The Best National Cold Table & Hot Cooking Award
Spring Cocktail Reception 2010
Welcome Back - Shenzhen Airlines
Welcome Kartika Airlines
Making the Impossible POSSIBLE
New Commercial Manager Onboard
New Faces in the Customer Services Department
Bringing Hotel Desserts Onboard
City and Guilds Diploma Certificate Bakery II
Trip with UNICEF to Kenya – Vincci Ngan
Trip with UNICEF to Ethiopia – Kenneth Luk
Business Development in CPCS-Taipei
New Deputy General Manager (CPCS-Taipei)
11 Catering Road East, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong
Telephone : (852) 2116 2288 Fax : (852) 2765 7355 Sita : HKGHMCX
We welcome your comments on our newsletter. Please contact Sarah Au at
Telephone : (852) 2116 2013 Fax : (852) 2765 7355 Email :
2 Food for Thought
A newsletter for partners and friends of CPCS whom we cherish...
CEO Message
Alex Chau, CEO
As the unemployment rate starts to decline, with the lowest
rate in evidence since the fourth quarter of 2008, it is hoped
that 2010 will be a year of recovery and continued growth for
the Hong Kong economy.
their governments must tackle large national debts to restore
market confidence. These events will undoubtedly impact
Asia as public spending and overseas trade in these European
countries will significantly reduce.
Similarly, we are seeing the aviation market continue to
rebound during the first months of 2010, both in cargo and
passenger segments amid improving economic and trade
activity. Airlines globally are undergoing a surprisingly strong
recovery with Asian and Latin American carriers leading the
way. Passenger demand is expected to grow about 5 percent
or more for the year, while cargo demand could see doubledigit percentage growth.
An additional cloud on the horizon, metaphorically speaking, is
the continuing uncertainty for Europe’s air travel industry as a
result of the continuing impact caused by the Icelandic
volcano eruption. Hundreds of flights are threatened with
cancellation and thousands of inbound and outbound
passengers will be disrupted, adding further challenges to
economic recovery. As a catering services provider to the
aviation industry, we are facing those same challenges.
Whilst this is all good news, with overall economic growth
forecast to be around 3.5%, a word of caution must prevail as
this rebound is unlikely to be significant enough to return to
the pre-crisis levels of 2008 just yet and rising fuel costs will
continue to be a dampener on growth.
However, we must all hope for the best whilst preparing for
the worst and whatever the challenge, be it positive or not,
CPCS will always strive to provide the best quality and
services to our valued customers.
Greece's fiscal crisis also creates a degree of uncertainty as
speculators become wary of investing in high risk economies,
with concern also spreading to other euro-zone countries as
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you all, our
customers, sister kitchens, suppliers and staff, for your
continued support to CPCS throughout the year as we look
forward to another successful period in our history together.
F OOD f o r T h o u g h T 3
CPCS – Hong Kong
New Vision
A volatile global economy, emergent food processing
technology and intense competition all demand that what was
an acceptable mode of operation for yesterday will not be
good enough for tomorrow.
Consequently CPCS conducted a series of management
workshops involving the whole management team, to revisit
and develop a new Vision, Mission and Values (VMV) to guide
leadership and operational behaviour in order to prepare for a
new future.
To be the most valued catering services partner in Asia; we
focus on quality and creativity to support our customers in
achieving their ultimate goals.
• S trive for the highest quality and safety standards
throughout the supply chain.
• Research and develop innovative solutions for the mutual
benefit of all business partners.
4 Food for Thought
• Simplify our systems and processes to make it easy for our
• Pursue sustainable business growth to maximise returns on
• Engage and develop our people to excel.
• Develop environmental and corporate social responsibility
• Caring
• Respect
• Excellence
• Adaptability
• Teamwork
• Ethics
To fulfill this direction we need to collaborate effectively with
all our key stakeholders as our strategic objectives flow
directly from our Vision and Mission statements.
A newsletter for partners and friends of CPCS whom we cherish...
Organisation Development Project-CPCS Hong Kong
To provide a high quality and caring service to our customers
and stakeholders, a committed and well-trained team is
critical. Under this premise we have recently launched the
Organisation Development Project; a major initiative to
improve our organisational effectiveness and be more
customer focused.
The programme engages all CPCS staff and the focus will be
to ensure that the organisation is responsive to the
environment it operates in and its internal capacity matches
its strategic mission. The whole workforce will go through
diagnostic work (understanding where we are and where we
wish to get to) and intervention work (identifying action and
people to help move to where we wish to get to). Last but
not least, mobilising the whole company to own the
intervention requires the buy-in of the workforce and people
A corporate champion team was formed as a think-tank to
drive and promote Vision, Mission and Values deployment
across all levels of staff. One of the activities organised by the
champion team was Manager Service Day on 30 April 2010.
All CPCS managers took turns to serve in the staff canteen to
promote CPCS values of ‘Caring’ and ‘Respect’. Activities will
be rolled out each month to inspire all CPCS staff to embrace
the VMV.
Group picture taken on Manager Service Day
Our Management Team shows “Caring & Respect” in the staff canteen
CX 2009 Best Caterer Diamond Award
and the 2009 Most Improved Caterer
Cathay Pacific Airways recently announced the results of their
Caterers Performance Recognition Programme (CPRP) for 2009 and
CPCS is delighted that the quality of our catering services has been
recognised with two prestigious awards.
2009 CPRP Awards
From left: Mr. Charles Grossreider (Manager, Catering
Services - Cathay Pacific Airways), Mrs. Jenny Lam
(General Manager - CPCS), Mr. Michael Pratt
(Manager, Purchasing - Cathay Pacific Airways)
Best Caterer 2009 – Diamond Award
• the caterer achieving the highest overall score
Most Improved Caterer 2009
• the caterer whose score has improved the most year on year
Left : Most Improved Caterer Award 2009
Right : Best Caterer 2009, Diamond Award
A boat trip was arranged on 28 April 2010 for the CX and CPCS teams
to jointly celebrate. The awards were presented by Mr. Charles
Grossreider (Manager, Catering Services - Cathay Pacific Airways) to
Mrs. Jenny Lam (General Manager - CPCS). A commitment to
maintain these high standards was agreed with a series of ‘working
together projects’ implemented to achieve continuous improvement
F OOD f o r T h o u g h T 5
5 Years Plus Caring Company Award
CPCS has once again been nominated by Hong Kong Sheng
Kung Hui Tung Chung Integrated Services and awarded by the
Hong Kong Council of Social Service the “5 Years Plus Caring
Company” Award for the seventh consecutive year.
The award attests to CPCS consistent support for various
community services in Hong Kong, especially in the Tung
Chung community, and also reflects the encouragement we
give to staff to participate in volunteer work for the betterment
of society.
In 2009, CPCS staff was involved in a variety of community
services that included
• helping 30 Tung Chung youths with interview techniques
• distributing 500 lunchboxes to seniors, children and lowincome families
• serving 50 seniors on Mid-Autumn Festival
• organising an Elderly Day to serve more than 100 seniors
We are proud to be a Caring Company and we pledge to
continue giving back to the community whenever we can.
CPCS staff had a great time with over 100 seniors on
Elderly Day
The Best National Cold Table
& Hot Cooking Award
Our Personnel & Training Manager, Kuby Hong(third
from right) represented CPCS to receive the 5 Years
Plus Caring Company Award
In April this year, our Cook 1, Chris Ho was nominated to join the
Hong Kong Culinary National Team in the Food and Hotel Asia
Culinary Challenge (FHACC) held in Singapore. Before heading to
Singapore, she had the opportunity to learn from professional
chefs through 3 months of training; practicing preparation, testing
and meal tasting. The team was required to prepare a threecourse lunch service for 80 guests and a cold table display.
Congratulations to Chris and her teammates, who won silver
medals for The Best National Cold Table Award and The Best
National Hot Cooking Award!
“It was my honour to represent Hong Kong and participate in the
FHACC. Our team members came from different areas of the
food and beverage industry. It provided me with the opportunity
to hone my skills and learn from other participants. I’ll encourage
our cook trainees to join similar competitions to get international
Chris Ho (far right, first row) and her culinary national
6 Food for Thought
Chris Ho joined CPCS in 2006 as a Cook Trainee and in 2008 was
appointed as Cook 1, with responsibility for the Cold Production
Kitchen. During 2007-2009, Chris participated in various culinary
competitions and won different awards including the Merit Award
(team) in the Norwegian Seafood Young Chefs Challenge and
Bronze Award (Western Cuisine-Vegetarian) in the HOFEX Hong
Kong International Culinary Classic.
A newsletter for partners and friends of CPCS whom we cherish...
Spring Cocktail Reception
CPCS celebrated its annual spring cocktail party on the 23rd
February with over 300 guests in attendance, including our
customers, partners and friends from the airport community.
The Year of the Tiger theme extended to the visual and
culinary elements of the event, with traditional Chinese paper
cut silhouettes, rainbow calligraphy and international
Kevin Kwong (Senior
Customer Service Officer –
Malaysia Airlines) and Mrs.
Jenny Lam (General
Manager – CPCS)
From left : Alex Chau (CEO - CPCS), Shogo Matsuura (Station
Manager - All Nippon Airways) and Masahiko Asano (General
Manager-HK & Macau - All Nippon Airways)
savouries. Guests tucked into freshly prepared food including
“Marine Supreme” soup, designer sushi and shucked oysters
that were all greatly appreciated. Guests also received
specially made XO sauce with salmon, hand-made sesame
jujube and peanut pastry as souvenirs.
We appreciate the efforts of all CPCS staff and guests whose
support and participation made the evening truly enjoyable
and memorable.
Welcome Back Shenzhen Airlines
In March, Shenzhen Airlines (ZH) returned
to CPCS for its inflight catering. It is the
second mainland-based carrier to establish
business with CPCS.
Shenzhen Airlines was founded in November 1992 and
entered into service on 17th September 1993, specialising
in air passenger, cargo and mail transportation.
Welcome Kartika Airlines
We are pleased to welcome Kartika Airlines(3Y) as a new
customer and look forward to a long and lasting relationship.
Currently ZH operates two flights daily between Hong
Kong and Jinjiang (Quanzhou, China) with CPCS providing
full catering for its ex-HKG flights.
Kartika Airlines is one of Indonesia’s local airlines and is
headquartered at Jakarta’s Soekarno-Hatta International
Airport. It targets middle to upper class customers. Kartika’s
modern fleet uses Boeing 737 and MD and covers a network
of 7 destinations. CPCS
has been providing catering
services to 3Y on its Hong
Kong to Manado route six
times a month since the
service commenced on the
24th January 2010.
F OOD f o r T h o u g h T 7
Making the Impossible
Leo Chan was educated in Hong Kong and after graduating
from the Hong Kong Baptist University with a major in applied
biology, Leo joined CPCS on our supervisor trainee
programme in 1995.
After completion of the two-year training programme in the
Operations Department, Leo commenced the role of handling
interlines. In 2008, after obtaining a Master’s Degree in
Business Administration from Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, he was appointed to manage the Cathay Pacific
Airways outbound teams and in March 2010 was promoted to
Operations Manager overseeing the entire Operations
Department of around 800 staff.
We understand that CPCS was your first permanent job.
What makes you commit to a company for over 15 years?
“CPCS is a caring company and a big family with lot of
opportunities. I can learn new things and face different
challenges along my career path here. With the ever-changing
airline business environment triggering on-going
improvements in CPCS, I can explore my potential and
continue to improve for the new challenges ahead.”
What is your management style and what is your greatest
achievement in the past?
“I am a frank and open-minded person who respects staff
opinions and encourages staff involvement. On that account, I
maintain good relations with my subordinates, and gaining
their support to facilitate the smooth running of the operations
team is my greatest achievement and my source of job
What will be the challenges in your new role?
“The greatest challenge will be leading a big operations team
to achieve operational efficiency while maintaining quality
service. An unpredictable economic environment and future
expansion will be other challenges along the way and I shall
do my utmost to meet all new challenges and keep the
company on the path of sustainable growth.”
Leo Chan, the new Operations Manager
New Commercial Manager Onboard
CPCS is delighted to announce the appointment of Richie Li
as the new Commercial Manager effective May 2010. Richie
graduated from Les Roches Hotel Management School (Swiss
Hotel Association) Crans-Montana, Switzerland in 1988 and
has a Master's degree in Management from the University of
Hong Kong. Richie is married with two children and leads a
full and contented family life.
He joins us from Hong Kong Disneyland, where he was the
Food and Beverages Manager, and has an extensive F&B and
management background with over twenty years experience
with major international corporations.
Richie’s leadership style is democratic and participative,
welcoming new and creative ideas and always believing that
8 Food for Thought
no problem is insurmountable. He is a team player, results
focused and strongly committed to staff development - all
qualities that fit with the CPCS values and work ethic.
His vision in CPCS is to create a supportive working
environment through teamwork to meet challenges posed by
the internal and external environments, in order to provide
benefits to our customers and achieve
company goals. He is very proud to be
part of the CPCS team and is dedicated
to promote CPCS as the most valued
catering services partner in Asia.
Richie is enthusiastic about
his new role at CPCS!
A newsletter for partners and friends of CPCS whom we cherish...
New Faces
in the Customer Services Department
Airline Account Manager – Kenneth Luk
Joining CPCS in August 2007 as a Supervisor Trainee, Kenneth
was promoted to Airline Account Manager in May 2010.
Having gained a solid background in catering operations,
Kenneth is now looking forward to applying that knowledge
and experience and increasing the satisfaction of our interline
Sarah joins CPCS with her service heart
Customer Services Manager – Sarah Au
In 1988, as a fresh graduate from university, Sarah joined a
telecommunications company as a Customer Service
Executive. Sarah has now been working in the Customer
Service (CS) field for over 20 years, with experience in the
telecommunication, motor, retail and logistics industries. She
gained her first managerial post in 1993 and joined CPCS after
many years with DHL Express.
Sarah has seen the customer service role change from
reactive complaint and enquiry handling to proactive customer
relationship management; from a purely “cost centre”
concept to revenue generated “profit centre” through
up-selling and cross-selling. Customer service staff must now
be more proactive and flexible in dealing with different
customer demands, enhance their problem-solving skills and
develop a customer focus mind-set.
Sarah likes to learn new things and strives for continuous
improvement. She has enrolled in different training courses
throughout the years and completed her Master’s degree in
Business Administration in 2000. Cooking, exercising and
playing with her kids occupies most of her leisure time. Sarah
commits to inject new ideas on managing the CPCS
Customer Service team and to instill a can-do cultural spirit in
our big family.
“An excellent customer service means listening to your
customers intently and having the ability to satisfy customers'
wants as well as needs to the best of your ability. We have to
take ownership of customers’ accounts and show our
appreciation for their business. This is how we will achieve
mutual trust with the customers,” said Kenneth.
As an Airline Account Manager, Kenneth will serve his
customers with enthusiasm and service from the heart.
Kenneth’s customer portfolio includes Singapore Airlines,
Malaysia Airlines, Qatar Airways, EL AL Israel Airlines,
Emirates Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines, Kartika Airlines, Royal
Brunei Airlines, Royal Jordanian Airlines, Turkish Airlines,
Aeroflot Russian Airlines and Metrojet.
Kenneth holds a degree in International Shipping and Transport
Logistics from Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His hobbies
include soccer, basketball and Thai boxing.
Kenneth commits to deliver high quality
services to our customers
F OOD f o r T h o u g h T 9
Bringing Hotel Desserts Onboard
Joining us in January 2010 from the
American Club, CPCS welcomes pastry
chef Henry Kan, who is responsible for
managing the dessert and fruit room and
assisting with our cook-book development,
meal presentations and the creation and
design of new menus.
Born in China, Henry commenced his
baker y career in 1985 and further
developed his skills at the Hong Kong
Hilton Hotel, Hotel Furama, Hong Kong
Hotel, Island Shangri-la Hotel, Aberdeen
Marina Club, Hotel Miramar and the
American Club.
His passion for pastry is demonstrated by
his desire to learn; he joined an overseas
training course in Switzerland to study
pastry and chocolate. His professional skills
as a pastry chef have been recognised
through his bronze award from HOFEX.
Henry loves to invent new desserts. “I use
my heart to create new desserts. I love
simple but tasty desserts. To make a
simple dessert look attractive and tasty is
an art. I like to search for creative ideas
when making desserts and I browse for
cookery news on websites. I love to visit
different restaurants and hotels to try their
buffets and stimulate my ideas for creating
new dishes”.
By joining CPCS, Henry has committed to
bring innovative hotel dessert concepts to
in-flight catering and his primary objective
is to match the quality standards on board
with those achieved in hotel kitchens
through texture, taste and appeal.
Welcome Henry, to the CPCS family!
City and Guilds
Diploma Certificate Bakery II
Henry brings new ideas on pastry to CPCS
CPCS is the first catering sector company in Hong Kong to
enroll its staff in the “SCOPE” programme at City University,
Hong Kong in 2009. Six of our graduate Cook Trainees
attended a bakery training course, successfully completed
both the theoretical and practical examinations and obtained
their diplomas.
The graduate Cook Trainees are:
Mr. Ben Tang (Graduated 2009),
who presently works in bakery section
Ms Beatrice Ho (Graduated 2009),
who presently works in pastry section
Mr. Denis Tsui (Graduated 2007),
who presently works in pastry section
Ms Lau Po Man (Graduated 2010),
who presently works in pastry section
Ms. Catherine Chan (Graduated 2008),
who presently works in bakery section
From left : Ben Tang, Beatrice Ho, Denis Tsui,
Lau Po Man, Catherine Chan, Chris Ho
10 Food for Thought
Ms Chris Ho (Graduated 2008),
who presently works in cold production section
A newsletter for partners and friends of CPCS whom we cherish...
Trip with UNICEF to Kenya –
Vincci Ngan
In March, Vincci joined the Change for Good Field Trip to Kenya with 12 other Cathay Pacific colleagues.
Spending six days in the field and interacting with Kenyan children located around Nairobi and Mombasa,
she was greatly inspired by the volunteer work conducted by UNICEF with local communities and the way it
has helped to change the living standards of children and mothers. “I was exceptionally impressed when I
met street kids who were having a cooking class at the Drop-in Centre. By sharing my experience in CPCS, I
encouraged them to reach for their dreams and be great chefs one day!”
With the assistance provided by UNICEF, the children learn life skills such as carpentry, cooking and dressmaking. Nevertheless, food and water shortages are a constant hardship from the effects of continuous
droughts and Vincci felt an overwhelming urge to provide more assistance. “Let's join hands to end the
poverty and make a brighter future for the underprivileged children!”
Vincci(second from right,
second row) had an
unforgettable trip to Kenya
Trip with UNICEF to Ethiopia –
The Change for Good Field Trip has been providing funding to
UNICEF Ethiopia for a number of years and Kenneth Luk
joined other Cathay Pacific staff on a field trip there. “It is
really a God-given opportunity for me to visit Ethiopia to see
how the money has been spent and the significant impact it
has had on the Ethiopian people” commented Kenneth.
Kenneth enjoyed time with
the kids in Ethiopia
Kenneth Luk
During the field trip, a number of primary and secondary
schools were visited, providing the opportunity to observe
classes in action and to interact with children and teachers on
education, water and hygiene issues.
Kenneth summarised his feelings as follows: “I feel very
privileged to have been able to go to Ethiopia and meet with
children and women who struggle everyday with difficulties
that are almost unimaginable to people in developed
countries. What we saw, what we heard and what we did
there was probably something that I would not have come
across in my life had I not gone to Ethiopia with UNICEF. The
most meaningful part of the trip was learning how they
survive without sufficient resources and this makes me want
to complain less and give more. I hope that I can encourage
my family and my friends to join UNICEF’s mission to make
education a reality for children throughout the world”.
F OOD f o r T h o u g h T 1 1
Business Development
in CPCS-Taipei
At CPCS-Taipei (TPE), the business of institutional catering
services has been long established. After the opening of the
Sky Bakery in the maintenance park of China Airlines last May,
the first ever home-made moon cakes were produced for last
year’s Moon Festival. Last Christmas saw the promotion of
the “Festival Set Meal” and the introduction of a very
traditional Taiwanese dish: “Buddha Jump Over the Wall” (a
double-boiled dish with chicken stock containing more than
nine ingredients) that proved to be extremely popular. On 16
April, home-made shell cake (commonly known as pineapple
cake but in the shape of a sea-shell) and exquisite handmade
chocolates celebrating Mother’s Day, both in gift boxes, were
put on the market. On 15 June 2010, the long-planned
restaurant, China Pacific Gourmet Lounge – Gate 5, was softopened at the Taoyuan station of the Taiwan High Speed Rail,
around a 15-minute drive from the airport.
Shell Cake Gift Box
Buddha Jump Over The Wall
Handmade Chocolate Selections
New Deputy
General Manager
Mr. Tim So, who acted as Operations
Manager, in CPCS-Hong Kong, succeeded Mr.
Henry Lu as Deputy General Manager of
CPCS-TPE with effect from 1st June 2010.
With his expertise and vast experience in
in-flight catering management, CPCS-TPE will
benefit from an efficient and effective
operational performance.
Welcome aboard, Tim.
New Deputy General Manager - CPCS Taipei, Tim So
12 Food for Thought