H oh{ E ow***t*F"*oc rArr o rr
H oh{ E ow***t*F"*oc rArr o rr
The Finsbury pointe H o h{ E o w***t*F"*o c rArr o rr Fall 201r C OMMT'NTIY MANA GE}f ENT Kim Hartman KLH Business Support, Inc. P.O. Box 9419 Cincinnati' O,n'ijjing 513.502"82A7 khaaman@klhbusinesssuppoft . Scott Dieffenderfer, president: g 1 g. ggg. g568 Lea McKinney, Vice president com Bruce Eberenz, Treasurer Linda Cann, Seeretary WA?CH YOUR SPEED! Excess speed continues to be a problem especially at the entrance to Amb_er c""rrl ri,ils:e""bey the posted speed limit of 15 mph. Mary Liporati, &tsmber at Large Beth Dolle, Member at Large Marilyn Rogers, Member at Large Driver* utith tenporary lieens:?g yre not lrentitted'ti fietice on the Finabury pointe corctnunity Board. nteetings are held, the third, Mond,ay of each montlt. If jtou would like to attend p|ea"" tn'"Eommunity Ma.nager ta be ptaced an the agenda. ""i ettreets. Finsbury pointe Homeowners Association lVebsite The community website-is up' Please visit www-finsburypointe.com. your colnltrunity' The Association's ?he site win be used to keep you recora*a 4o".,*urr#'u"i rrr" updated oa on the site for vour refere"*' **;;tt;i'o*"o*rrurs Maauar are ava'abre prease check P;";;;;: mason ) etc' for updates' Ari future N-e*"r"""""-*il ue po*iJ; it" -i*.,rrrJt" t,irrs iirctement weather, utiuty outages, age charges. Th. ;ilI;;?e-the Association copying and post- FUIIFEST 2011 FUr{FEST 2011 DOt{oRs Kings Island, Cincinnati Reds, University of Cin_ einnati, .Sfason Bowl,Apont"" pi""u, nurru & Bust_ gra RlfJump/Fiay, n**,'#l"r*r Gog IF-y_-L Las er Kra ze. Rave, WallzWatl s;;;, ;;Gea rca y:ir"iE*_"]',""ri",'i; The Finsbury pointe Brd Annual Funfest was a great success. A special "thank you'.toJen" C"ui"k;;; for organizing the event. Thanks also to Fay, Sandy, S"" La -' aI of the parents who helped wirh set up and rh;;;;"."-" The Mason Fire Deoartment kicked offthe fun with a tour of one of the cirv's fire trucks #lt;M;;;;b ne ra- Brea d, crlr'eeCl?,.r""i",' p"yr""* *u* represenred, showing the kids rhe inside ,"d Shoe Source, Graeters,_The Cone,-VfiJit ;;;;;;",i" ear. orU* Cufg, Forry_six ""*" Finsbury chitdren enl.oyed Staples, &{cDonalds, u"a fu"ry i6. praying niniarure and ring toss, eompeiing in-a ";;;;#;;Jy sotf il;il ii"*, *oa a variety of face paintings were seen throushouj;il;;;"""*. THANK YOUI LaRosas, Swee rs pr Kroeer, t g. OCTOEER IS FIAE PRE\.ENTION I}IONTII SMOKE DETECTORS T?re Fire Department reconmends snoke detectors in all hallways and bedrooms cf your home. The devices should bear the Underwriters Laboratories seal. Please follow the manufacturer's instaltration instructions and be sure to check the batteries regulariy--once a week is stlggested. FI&E SAFETY AAP Have an escape plan. Be sure to have two different ways out of your home in an energency. Assign someoae to help those that need assistance to get sut of the house. Designate someone to eall g1l. Establish a meeting ptrace for eyelyone to meet once they are out. GET OAT AND STAY OUT trfyou have a fire in your home, once you are out stay out. There are many things that you can do to improve the fire safety iu your home. Piease vieit www"safetyathome.com for a safety checklist. Garbage and Recycle Bins We have received several complaiats from residents regarding the garbage and recycle bins that are being stored outside patio areas in the conmunitv" The Board- hag authorized the confiscation of all receptacleq that are stored outside the pgtios. Please place receptaelee inside your fenced area. CSI cannot provid.e residents w.ith smaller trash or recycle bine. Althsugh the City of Mason does not require recycling within the city limits, it is mandatory in Warreu Couaty. The Count3r mandate supersedes the Cily's ordinance. Therefore, CSI is required to deliver recycle receptacles to all curbside trash pick up eustomers. T.he Finsbury Pointe community is one of those custsmers. The current CSI contract expi.res at the end of 20L2. The Board rp'ili loqk into otb.er trash and recycle companies to see if they offer recycle container options that work better for the comnunitv. Cable and Satellite Dish Installation When instaliing cable or satellite dish ser'.-ice, please remember that there are caramunity guidelines for such ilstallation. Please contact KLH Business Service for informati.on prior to scheduling in installation. Parkiag in Finsbury Pointe Flease be considerate ofyour neighbors and observe ihe parking guidelines for the comnounity. A par&Jng spot dia" graso can be found on the Finsbury Poinie website for your reference. www.finsburypoiate.com Maiatenance Requests lf you have a naintenance request, please submit the request to the comnunity manager by email: khartman@klhbusiness support. com. This provides us with written documentation of your request i-n order to properly submit work orders to the maintenance eolnpany. If you do *ot have email capability, please call 513"502"820?. Please check the Mai*tenance Responsibilities chart (Section 4, page 16) in your Homeowners Manual for responsibility clarification" ffi ffiffiffiffieRffiffiffiffi