2016 Conference Preliminary Program


2016 Conference Preliminary Program
October 22-25, 2016
The 49th Annual KSRA Conference
will be held at Seven Springs
Mountain Resort from Saturday,
October 22 to Tuesday, October
25, 2016. The theme for the 2016
Conference is “Literacy Changes
Scan the QR code to
register online.
In 2016, KSRA returns to Seven
Springs with an exciting line up
of speakers, authors, exhibits,
and special events designed to
change lives through the power
of literacy. How does literacy
change lives? How has literacy
changed your life? Everyday we
see the power of literacy and
how it changes the lives of our
students. Words are powerful! Use
your powers for good!
General Session Speakers
Schedule Highlights
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Two Tours Available
1:00 - 4:30 p.m.
2:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Glades Pike Winery
Opening Conference Sessions
5:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Book and Author Buffet Dinner
Welcome and Greetings
1st General Session Donalyn Miller
Book and Author Winners
8:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Sneak Peak with Exhibitors
Falling Water Tour
The tour includes
extensive walking and
many stairs. Please
arrive 30 minutes before
the tour and expect
to remain on site for 3
hours. Tours are limited.
Glades Pike Winery
Your own personal
“pourguide” will show
you around, answer your
questions, and make
sure your glass is always
(more than) half full.
Tours are limited.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
7:00 - 8:20 a.m.
Author Breakfast
Lindsay Barrett George
8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
2nd General Session
Mary Bigler
9:30 - 10:00 a.m.
Visit with Exhibitors
10:10 - 12:30 p.m. Breakout Sessions and Workshops
12:45-2:00 p.m.
Author Luncheon
Brod Bagert
12:45-2:00 p.m.
KSRA Awards
1:00-2:00 p.m.
Breakout Sessions
2:10-3:10 p.m.
3rd General Session
Elfrieda Hiebert
Donalyn Miller
Voice and Choice: Fostering Reader Ownership
Donalyn Miller has taught 4th, 5th, and 6th
grade language arts and social studies in the Fort
Worth, TX area and was a finalist for 2010 Texas
Elementary Teacher of the Year. In her popular
book, The Book Whisperer, Donalyn reflects on
her journey to become a reading teacher and
describes how she inspires and motivates her
middle school students to read 40 or more books
a year. In her latest book, Reading in the Wild,
Donalyn collects responses from 900 adult readers and uses
this information to teach lifelong reading habits to her students.
Donalyn is the founder of the annual #bookaday event and
co-hosts the monthly Twitter chat, #titletalk. Her articles about
teaching and reading have appeared in publications such as
Education Week Teacher, The Reading Teacher, Educational
Leadership, and The Washington Post.
Mary Bigler
Teaching Reading with Pizzazz!
Mary has been teaching, speaking, entertaining
and inspiring for more than forty years. From
pre-school teacher to college professor, in
classrooms and lecture halls around the world,
Mary has spent her life promoting literacy,
advocating for children and celebrating the
joys of teaching. She is an award-winning
professor in the Department of Teacher
Education at Eastern Michigan University where
she teaches undergraduate and graduate literacy courses. She
is a past president of the Michigan Reading Association and
appears in Who’s Who of American Women. She has served as
an advisor to governmental and educational institutions and to
business and industry. Mary has appeared on numerous television
and radio programs. Partially sponsored by Reading Matters.
Elfrieda “Freddy” Hiebert
Why Reading Volume Matters
Elfrieda “Freddy” Hiebert (Ph.D., University
of Wisconsin) has had a long career as a
literacy educator, first as a teacher’s aide
and teacher of primary-level students in
California and, subsequently, as a teacher
educator and researcher at the Universities
of Kentucky, Colorado-Boulder, Michigan,
and California-Berkeley. Her research, which
addresses how fluency, vocabulary, and
knowledge can be fostered through appropriate texts, has been
published in numerous scholarly journals and books. Through
documents such as Becoming a Nation of Readers (Center for
the Study of Reading, 1985) and Every Child a Reader (Center
for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement, 1999), she
has contributed to making research accessible to educators.
Hiebert’s contributions to research and practice have been
recognized through awards such as the American Educational
Research Association’s Research to Practice Award (2013).
Sponsored by Pearson.
Justin Stygles
“I Hate Reading!” Transactions, Relationships, and
Strategies Prompting Resiliency
Justin Stygles is an intermediate teacher in
Western Maine. He’s taught public schools for
fourteen years, as well as daycares and summer
reading programs. He earned his Masters’ in
Teaching and Learning from the University
of Southern Maine and his Literacy Specialist
Masters’s through the University of Maine.
Justin has presented at the ILA and NCTE
annual conference, written periodically for the
International Literacy Association and various state journals. His
first book, published by Corwin Literacy, dealing with emotional
transaction (shame) and reading, is near release. Justin enjoy’s
running, swimming, logging, and horse racing outside of school
related activities
Maria Walther
“Assess, Decide, and Guide: The Keys to Changing
Readers’ Lives”
As Maria tells her first-grade students, she went
to school for a llloonnnngggg time to learn
as much as she could about teaching young
children. As a result, she earned three degrees
from Northern Illinois University including a
doctorate in elementary education. All the
while, she was busy teaching first grade. In
fact, she has taught first grade since 1986 and
currently teaches in Indian Prairie District 204. Committed to
staying in the classroom, she earned National Board Certification
and has served on numerous curriculum committees with other
dedicated 204 teachers to improve literacy instruction in her
school district. Sponsored by Scholastic.
Vicki Gibson
“Differentiating Instruction and Collaborative Practice”
Vicki Gibson, Ph.D., is a national consultant,
author, speaker, and trainer. She has been
teaching children and adults since 1975.
She was a former public school kindergarten
teacher and learning disability specialist before
opening three of her own schools for children
ages 2–12 years. Dr. Gibson earned three
degrees, including her doctorate, from Texas
A&M University, where she served as a Lecturer
and Adjunct Professor for ten years. Dr. Gibson
is the author of the following programs: We
Can Early Childhood Curriculum; I Can Draw Pre-Writing Program;
Letter, Sounds, and Strokes Phonics Program; and the We Can
Manage the Early Childhood Classroom. These programs are the
core curricula for many Head Start Centers and programs funded
by Early Reading First grants. Her latest book, Differentiated
Instruction: Grouping for Success, provides research-proven
effective methods for teaching and managing small-group
and whole-group instruction at any grade level. Sponsored by
McGraw Hill.
Schedule Highlights
Sunday, October 23, 2016
3:15 - 4:15 p.m.
Breakout Sessions
3:15 - 4:30 p.m.
Authors’ Tea
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Reception with
5:45 - 8:00 p.m.Welcome/Greetings
4th General Session
Justin Stygles
Immediately Following
Evening of Poetry
Sara Holbrook and Michael Salinger
Monday, October 24, 2016
7:00 - 8:20 a.m.
Author Breakfast
Elvira Woodruff
8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
5th General Session
Maria Walther
9:30 - 10:00 a.m.
Visit with Exhibitors
10:10 - 12:30 p.m.
Breakout Sessions and Workshops
12:45 - 2:00 p.m.
Author Luncheon
Jerry Pallotta
2:10 - 3:10 p.m.
6th General Session
Vicki Gibson
3:15 - 5:30 p.m.
Breakout Sessions and Workshops
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Annual Meeting
5:45 - 6:30 p.m.
Presidents’ Reception
6:45 - 9:00 p.m.Banquet
7th General Session
Jewell Parker Rhodes
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
7:00 - 8:20 a.m.
Author Breakfast
Shelley Gill
8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
8th General Session
Cathy Collier
9:45 - 12:00 p.m.
Breakout Sessions and Workshops
12:15 - 2:30 p.m.
9th General Session
Lester Laminack
General Session Speakers
Featured Author Events
Saturday Book and Author Award Buffet
Sunday Author Breakfast:
Lindsay Barrett George
Luck of the Draw
Sunday Author Luncheon:
Brod Bagert
Science Classroom Theater:
A Cross-Curriculum Bonanza
Sunday Authors’ Tea
Lindsay Barrett George,
Peter Catalanotto, David
Biedrzycki, Sneed B.
Collard III, Shelley Gill, Sara
Holbrook, Frank Murphy,
Kelly Starling Lyons, Michael
Salinger, Lisa Schnell, Lisa
and Robert Papp, Julia
Lindsay Barret
Brod Bagert
Round Table Chats with
Authors of Outstanding
Children’s Books
Monday Author Breakfast:
Elvira Woodruff
Why I was Knitting When I
Should Have Been Writing:
A Writer’s Journey Coping
with Change
Monday Author Luncheon:
Jerry Pallotta
The Ocean Was My First
Tuesday Author Breakfast:
Shelley Gill
On the Edge of Change:
What We Should Be
Teaching Kids About
Climate Change
Tuesday Author Luncheon:
Lester Laminack
Elvira Woodruff
Jerry Pallotta
Shelley Gill
Jewell Parker Rhodes
Seventh General Session
Jewell Parker Rhodes has always loved
reading and writing stories. Born in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, she now teaches creative writing
at Arizona State University. She also travels
globally teaching creative writing to middle
grade, high school, and college students, and
helping her ASU students experience and teach
in such global settings as China, Singapore,
and Wales. Jewell Parker Rhodes is the Piper
Endowed Chair and founding artistic director of the Virginia G.
Piper Center for Creative Writing at Arizona State University. She
has won numerous awards for her books for children and adults.
Ninth Ward, her first novel for young readers, was named a Coretta
Scott King Honor Book, a Notable Book for a Global Society, and a
Today Show Al’s Book Club for Kids selection.
Cathy Collier
Standing at the Precipice: The Importance of Vocabulary
As a undergraduate at Longwood College
(now University) in Farmville, Virginia, I earned
my Undergraduate Degree in Special
Education. After several years teaching a K-5
Learning Disabilities Resource Class, I earned my
Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education
from Old Dominion University, in Norfolk,
Virginia. After 2 decades of classroom work, I
earned my Reading Specialist Certificate from
Old Dominion University. I have been in the literacy community
in Virginia for the past 2 decades. I served on the Executive
Board of my local reading council and my state reading council
(Virginia State Reading Association). As the President-Elect of the
Virginia State Reading Association, I was the 2013 VSRA Annual
Conference Chair. I am honored to be a Member of the Board of
Directors of the International Literacy Association.
Lester Laminack
Ninth General Session
Lester L. Laminack is Professor Emeritus from
department of Birth-Kindergarten, Elementary and
Middle Grades Education, at Western Carolina
University in Cullowhee, North Carolina where he
received two awards for excellence in teaching
[the Botner Superior Teaching Award and the
Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award]. Lester
is now a full-time writer and consultant working
with schools throughout the United States. He is an active member
of the National Council of Teachers of English and served three
years as co-editor of the NCTE journal Primary Voices and as editor
of the Children’s Book Review Department of the NCTE journal
Language Arts (2003-2006). He also served as a teaching editor
for the magazine Teaching K-8 and wrote the Parent Connection
column (2000-2002). He is currently a member of the Board of
Directors of Our Children’s Place.
Featured Speakers
Cindy Anderson and Bethany Parmer
Literacy is for Life: Pennsylvania’s Vision to Promote
Literacy for All
Rita Bean
Ways of Thinking and Working as Literacy Leaders:
Cultivating A Coaching Mindset
Cathy Collier
Emergent Writers: From Names to Novels
Interventions for Catching Up and Moving On
Julia Cook
Unlearning Helplessness: Motivating the
Lynne Dorfman and Diane Dougherty
Formative Assessment That Truly Informs Instruction
Lynne Dorfman and Frank Murphy
A Journey with a Mentor Text
Jane Feber
Student Engagement is FUNdamental!
Interactive Lessons to Engage All Students
Meetings of Special Interest
Conference and Meeting Advisory Committee
Sunday, October 23, 2016
10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
Board of Directors
Sunday, October 23, 2016
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
KSRA Council Awards Luncheon
Sponsored by Pearson
(Luncheon Invitation Required)
Sunday, October 23, 2016
12:45 - 2:00 p.m.
Annual Meeting
(All KSRA members invited)
Monday, October 24, 2016
4:30 - 5:30 pm.
Pennsylvania Reading Teacher Educators (PRTE)
Monday, October 24, 2016
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Research Roundtable
Katie Garner
Hacking the Brain’s Affective Domain for Easy
Access to the Hardest Reading & Writing Skills!
I Can’t Write About My Pet Mouse with ONLY Letters and 10 Sight Words
Jerry Johns & Roberta Berglund
Maximizing the Potential of Informal Reading
Inventories (IRIs)
Focus on Fluency: What, Why, and How
Kelly Starling Lyons
Bringing History to Life: An Author’s Journey
Bethann McCain
Supporting the Development of a K-12 Literacy
Lisa and Robert Papp
Reading to Dogs - How a Loyal Listener Can Help
Marcie Craig Post
Literacy and the Challenges of Change
Lisa Schnell
Science-focused Nonfiction Picture Books: Come
Join the Frenzy!
Karen Simmons & Cindy Guinn
Literacy Make-n- Takes: Hands-On- Life Changers
with the BAG LADIES
David Volkman, Executive Deputy Secretary PDE
The Impact of ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act)
on Literacy
Maria Walther
The New Essentials of Literacy Instruction
Exhibitors (at time of print)
Read Naturally
RR Books
Zaner Bloser
Kurtz Bros
Chippy Chipmunk
Kaplan Early Learning Company
Voyager Sopris Learning
National Institute for Professional Practice
Perfection Learning
Mary Ruth Books
Origami Owl Custom Jewelry
Wilson Language Training Corp.
Please be courteous and turn off or silence all cell phones during conference events. The opinions expressed and/or materials distributed
by conference presenters and exhibitors do not necessarily reflect the endorsement or advocacy of the Keystone State Reading
Association. KSRA does not endorse any specific commercial products or services.
Breakout/Workshop Speakers
Julie Ankrum, Aimee Morewood
Changing Young Readers’ Lives Through Informational Text!
Lynne Dorfman, Diane Dougherty
Formative Assessment That Truly Informs Instruction
Julie Ankrum, Jackie Myers
Learn to Analyze Running Records: Change Your Teaching!
Lynne Dorfman, Jan Pizzaro,
Janice Ewing, June Shultz
Write to Change Lives: Publish in Pennsylvania Reads
Craig Ausel, David Paul
Literacy Work Stations: Balancing Time and Energy for
Literacy Success
Elaine Balum
Foundational Skills: Standards Tell Us What - Research Tells Us
Reading for Meaning - Fluently
Cheryl Barnes, Nancy Blaskewizc
The Basics of Dyslexia
Melody Beitzel, Megan Monroe
Reader’s Workshop: Reading Instruction is Fun Again!
Jesse Berg
Mind Mapping Methods Manufacture Meaning and
Lynne Dorfman, June Shultz,
Emily Reed, Aileen Hower
The Keystone to Reading Secondary Book Award
Tricia Ebarvia
“Keeping it Real: Designing Authentic Literacy Experiences
for Deep Understanding”
Sarah Fischer, Michaelah Gehman, Juliana Harris
I’m a reader, too! Teacher Websites that Inspire Lifelong
Colleen Freyvogel, Mary Carney
It’s not a Fairy Tale: Literacy-Rich ECE Classrooms Can Exist!
Jenny Gadd
Text Dependent Analysis (TDA) Essay - What to Do?
Linda Best and Co-presenters
STEM Ambassador Show Case - Literacy Connections; STE(A)
M Leaning Center Projects from Design to Implementation
MG Gainer
Digital Style: Impacts and Interventions for 21st Century
Mark Bigler
Reading and Writing: You Can’t Have One Without the
Maria Genest, Elizabeth Belcastro
Discussing Literacy Instruction with your Student Teacher:
Raising the Bar
Barbara Boroson
Autism Spectrum Disorder Today: Life, Literacy, and the
Pursuit of Content
Eleanor Gensemer, Eric MacDonald
Technology Changes Literacy Learning: Sharing a Few of
Our Favorite Apps & Tools
Barbara Boroson
Living on the Edge: Building Bridges Across the Autism
Jennifer Greene, Molly Wingerd,
Meghan Markle
Integrating Poetry Across the Curriculum
Janelle Bouknight
Weaving Inquiry and Critical Thinking into Historical Fiction
Alice Greiner
Clear, Concise Paragraphs - Guaranteed!
Close Reading Strategies
Nicole Bourque, Cindy Silverthorn,
Heather Thomas, Beth DeStephanis
Living Large with Literacy (with limited time and money)
Elizabeth Harkins, Julie Ankrum
Adapting Complex Texts to Ensure Comprehension for All
Michael Breslin
Writing’s Impact on the Self-Efficacy of Middle School
Natalie Heisey, Constance Nichols
Invigorating Nonfiction: Beyond Weekly Periodicals to
Riveting Texts and Strategies
Rose Cappelli, Glendia Kennedy
The Keystone State Reading Elementary Book Awards:
Changing Lives One Book at a Time
Millie Henning, Cindy Anderson,
Jan Pizarro
Current Issues in Education: Literacy Advocacy Update
Julie Caroleo
Fast Track Students to Fluency in 5 Minutes a Day
So Many Words, So Little Time
Aileen Hower, Virginia Neiderer
Teaching and Technology Strategies to Support Literacy
Learning in ELs
Betsy Cunicelli
Readers and Writers As Innovators
Stephanie Ivory
Fabulous Figurative Language
Kathleen Dailey, Rebecca Leandro
Friends Through a Pen
Brian Kelley
Meaningful Feedback for Adolescents and Teenagers
Kathleen Dailey, Jessica Fuda Daddio
Think deep: Examining Close Reading Using Exemplar Texts
Christopher Keyes
Collaborative Translation: Building upon Literacy Strengths
of Linguistically Diverse Students
Michelle Kimmy
Phonemic Awareness at Play
“Reading and Writing Meet the 4 C’s”
Janelle Konkle, Rachel Howanetz, Serena Jones
Cultivating Young writers: Using Web-Based Resources in
Mary Ellen Lane
TDQ (Text Dependent Questions and TDA(Text Dependent
Karen Lindeman, Megan Bindas
Technology For Young Children: Literacy and the Story
Creator App
Kendal Rautzhan
Developing Empathy Through Children’s Literature
Suzanne Rose
Beyond the Coaching Cycle: Providing Personalized
Professional Development
The Virtual Coach: Technology Tools and Resources for
Literacy Coaching
Charline Rowland
Literacy Changes Families: Creating a School Learning
Tracy Safran
Text Sets in the Secondary ELA Classroom
Caitlin Linsenmann
Grant Tips & Tricks: Finding, Writing, and Getting Grants
Diane Santori, Keri Stumm
Shifting from Giver of Knowledge to Observer of Discussion
Helen Long
Velocity a cutting-edge digital instructional solution for K-5
LANGUAGE! Live proven to yield up to two years growth in
one semester
Beth Scott
Unlocking Textbook Content: Identifying Rhetorical Patterns
to Facilitate Comprehension
Elizabeth Madarang, Nancy Legath
Reading Rigor through Nonfiction…Now!
Dorie Martin-Pitone, Joel Bartolomeo
The Vital Role of Collaborative Conversations in Close
Reading and Text Dependent Analysis
Mary Jo Melvin, Amber Jackson
Creating Brain-Friendly Learning Environments
Lisa Mertz, Officers and Committee Chairs of SVRC
Council Comeback:
What Worked For Us
Malinda Mikesell, Dawn Durham,
Aaron Carmichel
Executive Function: Your Window for Understanding
Cognitive Pathways
Keary Miller
The Power in Data Walls
Deonna Montei, Bridget Smith
Oral Language: Making a Difference in Children’s Lives
Mary Ann O’Neil
Content Literacy Connections to Social Equity through
Barbara Pagan, Karrie Forsyth,
Krista Tiglio
“A Sweet Inspiration”
Valerie Piccine, Rob Buffone
Beyond the Quick Fix: Creating a Sustainable Writing Culture
Susan Jacques Pierson
Combining SIOP with UDL: Best Practices for ESL
Kelly Poniatowski
Are you Divergent?: Teaching the Dystopian Novel in the
Robin Quick, Kayla Hardner
Plickers: Not just for assessment anymore!
Lesley Siegel
Equal Voice: Facilitating Literacy Conversations in Diverse
Dean Smith
Survival Tactics: Revamping Read 180
Robert Snyder
An Inside Look at “What is a Veteran, Anyway?”
Michelle Sobolak, Katrina Bartow Jacobs
Rethinking Literacy Teacher Preparation Using Virtual
Josh Spangler
Leading a Love for LIteracy
Christine Spencer, Michelle Craig,
Sarah Bojalad
Boys’, Girls’, and Family Fun Nights
Harry Stein
2016 Literacy in Grades 4-12 is More than Reading and
Jennifer Toney
Teaching Tall Tale Elements Through Comics
K-3 Writing Workshops: A Genealogical Review of Literature
Maggie Tourtellotte
Read Write Now!
Erin Weber, Samantha Gispanksi
Get Your Students “Write” on Target
Do You Even Emoji? Comprehend Balanced Literacy with a
Michael Williams
Best Books for Boys
Michael Williams, Lynn Morley,
Andy Morrison
Reward Your Reading Program
Cody Young, Braudye Armstrong
Room 2 Bloom
Keystone State Reading Association
49th Annual Conference
October 22-25, 2016
Seven Springs Mountain Resort
Seven Springs, PA 15622
Volunteer Form
Name ______________________________________ Local Council _________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________________
Telephone (H) ____________________
State ________
(C) ____________________
Zip ________________
(F) _______________________
Email ______________________________________________________________________________________
Please place a check only in the times that you are available to volunteer.
Submitting this form before September 30, 2016, will help you get your choice of assignments.
I am willing to volunteer approximately _____ hours in the following areas at the conference:
_____ I will work where you need me
_____ Act 48
_____ Setting up prepared decorations/programs
_____ Hospitality
_____ Chairing a session for authors/featured speakers
_____ Membership table
Registration table
7:00 - 8:00 a.m.
8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. – Noon
Noon – 1:00 p.m.
1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Not all tasks are available in every timeslot
Please return to: Robin Quick
8832 Wattsburg Road, Erie, PA 16509
Email: rlqdr08@gmail.com
KSRA Conference 2016
Literacy Changes Lives
Forty-Ninth Annual Conference
October 22-25, 2016
Seven Springs Moutain Resort
Return this form with payment to:
Kathleen Dailey
5248 Annendale Drive
Erie, PA 16506
Phone: 814.732.2714
Conference Registration Form
Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Last First
Name on Badge
Home Address ___________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone (
) _____________ Work Phone (
)_____________Mobile Phone (
) _____________
Email ____________________________________________________________________________________________
School District or Employer Name__________________________________________________________________
Group Contact Person (If Applicable) _____________________________________________________________
Home Phone (
) ______________ Work Phone (
) _____________ E-mail ___________________________
KSRA Members: Local Council ________________________________ KSRA# ___________ Exp. Date _______
Full-Time Undergraduate Students must complete the following:
College or University Name
Signature of Professor
Conference Registration Directions (Registration fees and options on reverse side)
1. Personal or institutional checks, money orders, signed purchase orders, and Visa and MasterCard
are accepted. A $30.00 fee will be charged for returned checks.
2. To qualify for KSRA member rates, you must be a member when you register. The local council
name, KSRA membership number, and expiration date must be listed, and the expiration date must
be after October 31, 2016. A KSRA membership form can be found at www.ksrapa.org. Groups of 10
or more qualify for the KSRA member rates when all registrations and payments are received at the
same time.
3. Full payment is required with registration.
4. Verification of registration via email will be sent prior to conference if the early registration is
received postmarked by October 1, 2016.
5. Early registration rates apply when registration and payment are postmarked on or before October
1, 2016. All registrations postmarked after October 1, 2016, will be charged the On-Site rate.
6. Refunds may be requested in writing and postmarked on or before September 30, 2016. A 20% fee
will be deducted from registration refunds. Special event and meal fees cannot be refunded.
7. Hotel reservations must be made directly with the hotel. Hotel charges include breakfast and
dinner beginning with dinner on the day of arrival and ending with breakfast on the day of departure
and all applicable taxes and meal gratuities.
8. On Sunday and Monday, those not registered for the hotel may purchase dinner tickets at the
KSRA registration desk until 10 a.m.
9. Check if you require: Vegetarian Meals__________ No Seafood______ Specify
10. Specify aids or services needed during conference: ____________________________________________
11. Mail registration form and payment to: Kathleen Dailey, 5248 Annendale Drive, Erie, PA 16506.
Phone: 814.732.2714; Email: kathleendailey.ksra@gmail.com For email, write “KSRA” in the subject
• Note: To qualify for the KSRA member rate, you must be a member when registration is sent.
• Membership forms are available at ksrapa.org.
Early Registration
Postmarked by
(Includes KSRA 1 year
(Includes KSRA 1 year
Retired KSRA
Full – Saturday to Tuesday
Sunday Only
Monday Only
Tuesday Only
Total Registration Fee
On-Site & Postmarked
After 10/1/2016
(Includes KSRA 1 year
(Includes KSRA 1 year
Retired KSRA
Full – Saturday to Tuesday
Sunday Only
Monday Only
Tuesday Only
Total Registration Fee
Special Event & Meals Registration
Hotel Guest
Not Staying At Hotel
Sunday Author Breakfast - Lindsay Barrett Beorge
Sunday Author Luncheon - Brod Bagert
Authors’ Tea
Monday Author Breakfast - Elvira Woodruff
Monday Author Luncheon - Jerry Pallotta
Tuesday Author Breakfast - Shelley Gill
Tuesday Luncheon - Lester Laminack
Saturday Buffet
Sunday Breakfast
Sunday Dinner - Justin Stygles
Included in Hotel Cost
Monday Breakfast
Monday Banquet - Jewell Parker Rhodes
Tuesday Breakfast
Total Special Events & Meals
Hotel Guest Total: $
Not-Hotel Guest Total: $
Saturday Special Event Tours
Fallingwater Tour - Saturday 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Includes transportation)
Glades Pike Winery Tour - Saturday 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Includes transportation)
Total Conference Registration Fees, Special Event Fees, and Meals $________
Make Check, Money Order, or Purchase Order payable to: KSRA Conference 2016
□ Personal Check Check # _____________________________ □ Institutional Check Name____________________________________
□ Purchase Order # ____________________________________ □ Money Order #_______________________________________________
Credit Card □ MasterCard □ Visa (all information MUST be included)
Card Number ____________-___________-___________-____________
Expiration Date ______/______
Name on Card _______________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________
Forty-Ninth Annual Conference – Literacy Changes Lives
October 22 - 25, 2016
Reservation Information for:
Arrival / Departure Date: October 22 – 25, 2016
All reservations must be made with the hotel on an
individual basis. Please identify yourself as a KSRA conference attendee.
Please reserve your room before the cutoff date by calling Seven Springs Mountain Resort. A deposit of one
night’s lodging per room is required to confirm individual reservations. A full refund will be made on an individual reservation if cancelled fourteen days prior to arrival. After 9/21/16, room reservations cannot be guaranteed.
Reservation Numbers: 800-452-2223, or 814-352-7777, ext. 7009
Room Type:
___Single ___Double
___Triple/Quad Room Rate: per room, per night
Check-in time is 4:00 p.m. – Check-out time is 11:00 a.m.
$220.00 per person
$166.00 per person Roommate __________________________
$155.00 per person Roommates _________________________
These rates include overnight accommodations, dinner, and buffet breakfast daily per person and all applicable taxes and meal gratuities. Please note: Seven Springs is a smoke free facility. All rooms are SMOKE-FREE.
To mail your reservation (one per room), complete this form and send to Seven Springs Mountain Resort,
Reservations Department, 777 Waterwheel Dr., Seven Springs, PA 15622.
To fax, complete this form with credit card information and fax to 814-352-2010.
Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________ State _______________________ Zip _________________
Phone Number (_____) ____________________ E-Mail ___________________________________________________
Arrival Date ___________________ Departure Date ___________________ Total Number in Party _________________
Method of payment: MasterCard___ VISA___ Discover___ American Express ___ Check ___
Money Order____
Credit Card Number ____________________________ Security Number __________ Expiration Date ______________
Signature _______________________________________ Name on card __________________________________________
Kathleen Dailey
2016 Conference Registration
5248 Annendale Drive
Erie, PA 16506
Non-profit organization
U.S. Postage
Harrisburg, PA 18360
Permit No. 592
49TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE October 22-25, 2016
Seven Springs Mountain Resort
This program is tentative.
Visit www.ksrapa.org for
more information or contact
Anna Landers
Conference Chair at
Scan the QR code
with your smartphone
to get updates on
the 49th Annual
KSRA Conference
Volunteers needed. Please contact Robin Quick at rlqdr08@gmail.com