citizen police academy
citizen police academy
July 25, 2014 - Edition #144#150 September 5, 2014 - Edition Daydreaming at Gale Avenue Docks Link to Laconia PD here CITIZEN POLICE ACADEMY Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a police officer? Would you like to find out more about your police department? Why not consider attending the Laconia Police Department’s Citizen Police Academy! The Laconia Police Department will again be hosting an annual Citizen Police Academy in order to afford its citizens the opportunity to experience our department in a fun and unique way. The class will begin on Tuesday, September 16th and run through Tuesday, November 18th. The purpose of the Academy is to increase understanding between the public and the department through education and interaction with police officers. Welcome Attendees will be exposed to many different facets of law enforcement, including operational information, physical interaction, demonstrations, a patrol ride-along and field trip experiences. Look for a new edition of the newsletter each Friday. If you have already signed up to be on our distribution list to receive your newsletter by e-mail, thank you for your interest! If you would like to be added to our e-mail list (or to unsubscribe), please click here. This is a ten week program that will be held at the Laconia Police Department and will meet once a week for three hours. to a weekly email newsletter update devoted to keeping you informed of City of Laconia department news, City projects, useful links, activities and events! As always, we welcome your ideas and comments as to what you would like to see included in future issues. Just give us a call in the City Manager’s office at 527-1270, or contact us by e-mail at We look forward to keeping you up to date on our beautiful City! Applications are located at the Laconia Police Department, 126 New Salem Street, or may be downloaded and printed from our website at Completed applications can be mailed or dropped off at Police Headquarters. For more information please contact either Lieutenant Rich Simmons at 524-5257, Ext. 332 or Sergeant Gary Hubbard at 524-5257, Ext. 504. Laconia Public Library Upcoming Events….. Please join us on Tuesday, September 16th at 3:00 pm in Laconia Rotary Hall for “The Fault in Our Stars”. This movie is for teens in Grades 6 - 12 and is rated PG-13. It is 126 minutes in length. Girl's Night Out: Girls ages 10-13 come join us on Thursday, September 18th from 4:00-5:00 p.m. in the Selig Storytime Room to go wild with great fall color nail polish ! Please come with clean nails without polish on them. We will practice filing and painting our nails in orange, yellow, red and green polish. Please sign up in the Children’s Room or call 524-4775 Ext. 13. Free!! Refreshments will be served! Keeping the public updated and aware of what’s going on in our community and receiving residents’ feedback is an important goal of the City Council. Check each week’s issue of Laconia Links for a schedule of the upcoming week’s meetings. As agendas become available, they will be posted to the City’s website. City Council September 8, 2014, 7:00 pm City Hall, Room 200A Agenda You can also contact any of the City’s departments for more information on a meeting or to obtain a printed copy of the agenda. Meetings are open to the public. You are invited and encouraged to attend and provide input. Planning Board September 9, 2014, 6:30 pm City Hall, Room 200A Agenda Follow this link to the “Calendar” page of the City of Laconia’s website. Click on a specific meeting for more information. Please check the “Calendar” page often for updated info and changes. Become involved in your City and make a difference! Technical Review Comm. I September 10, 2014, 10:00 am City Hall, Room 200A Heritage Commission September 10, 2014, 5:00 pm City Hall, Room 200A Water Commission September 11, 2014, 8:00 am 117 Stark Street, Water Treatment Facility Conf. Rm. LACONIA SCHOOL DISTRICT Ensuring success with every student, every day, in every way Laconia High School Website Huot Career Tech Center Website Elm Street School Website Pleasant Street School Website WEEK AT A GLANCE IN LACONIA 09/08 Project EXTRA! begins VIPSS Meeting 6:30pm @ PSS 09/09 09/10 PSS Walk to School Wednesday @ Opechee Park @ 8:10 am 09/11 09/12 Laconia Middle School Website Woodland Heights School Website LACONIA SCHOOL DISTRICT STAFF GO ON SCAVENGER HUNT OF LACONIA ESS/PSS/ WHS Open House 6-7 pm @ each school VOLUNTEERS RAISE $50,000 FOR NEW ELM STREET SCHOOL PLAYGROUND A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held last week at the Elm Street School for new playground equipment recently installed as the result of a five-year, $50,000 fund drive conducted by the Volunteers in Service to Elm Street School (VISTESS) program. Fundraising efforts included sports ticket raffles, pancake breakfast events, penny/loose change drives, holiday spaghetti dinners and a variety of community outreach activities. VISTESS is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds to provide enrichment programs, field trips and family events for Elm Street School students, parents and staff. Heather Lounsbury, PTO coordinator, said that not only was the equipment purchased by VISTESS but members also did prep work and site work for the project including installation. Bill Caruso and his facility staff helped prepare and install equipment as well. For more information or to make a donation, please contact Kara Stanley, Playground Fund Coordinator at (603) 520-3233 or by e-mail at; or check out Go Fund Me at and Facebook at Elm Street School Alumni and Friends. New Laconia School District staff members participated in a scavenger hunt around Laconia to get to know the area. Local area merchants welcomed these staff members into their businesses to help them become familiar with what they had to offer. This was a great opportunity for the new staff members, some new to the area, to enjoy what Laconia has available. Special thanks to the following merchants for their participation: Laconia Chamber of Commerce, Laconia Police Department, Village Bakery, Bootleggers, MC Cycle, Prescott’s Florist, Laconia City Hall, Belknap Mill, Daubs Shoe Repair, Vintage Café, Bead Divine, Downtown Deli, Laconia Fire Department, Burrito Me, Vintage Row, Bank of New Hampshire, Polished and Proper Barber Parlor, Frates Art Studio, Art Escape, Whittemore’s Florist, The Studio, Laconia Public Library, All My Life Jewelers, Laconia Athletic and Swim Club, Happy Cow Ice Cream, Sunflower Health Foods Store, My Coffee House, Sunday’s Salon and Soda Shoppe. Special thanks also to Michelle Plourde and Karen Switzer of Laconia School District for their technical assistance. CITY OF LACONIA BOARD & COMMISSION VACANCIES The following Boards and Commissions have current vacancies: While some of us grumble about all of the construction as the City continues to improve our streets and infrastructure, our younger generation can’t seem to take their eyes off the work underway! The next recycling collection week begins Monday, September 8th! Laconia Housing Authority (1 position expiring) Personnel Advisory Board (1 position expiring) Heritage Commission (1 alternate position vacant) Board of Assessors (2 alternate positions vacant) Planning Board (1 alternate position vacant) Highway Safety Committee (1 regular position vacant) Zoning Board of Adjustment (3 alternate positions vacant) Library Board of Trustees (1 alternate position vacant) Conservation Commission (1 regular position vacant) Board of Water Commissioners (1 regular position vacant) Trustees of the Trust Fund (1 regular position vacant) Some terms on Boards and Commissions will be expiring at the end of October (as noted above). Current Board and Commission members now holding those positions may request to be reappointed, however, members of the public are also encouraged to apply if they are interested. If you are interested in applying for one of these positions, please contact the City Manager’s office at 527-1270 (or by e-mail at for further information or to request an application. Applicants must be residents of Laconia. Service on more than one Board or Commission is acceptable as long as it is a non-conflicting Board. The deadline for receipt of applications is September 15, 2014. PLEASE HELP SAVE THE SEWER SYSTEM All Laconia households play a vital role in preventing neighborhood sewer system blockages. Please do your part to protect and maintain the City’s significant investment in the sanitary sewer collection system. Click here to find out what is not allowed to be disposed of in the toilet or down the drain, and the proper way to dispose of such items. Questions? Please call Matt Mooney, DPW, at 528-6379, Extension 303. Your assistance is greatly appreciated! LACONIA PARKS & RECREATION YOUTH OPEN GYM TIMES Middle School Open Gym Mondays & Tuesdays 2:30 ~ 4:15 pm Vacation Days 1:00 - 4:15 Free Gather up your friends and let’s play some basketball. This is not structured or a league… it’s just for fun! Elementary Open Gym Wednesdays 3:00 ~ 4:15pm Vacation Days 1:00 - 4:15pm Free Early release 1:00 ~ 4:15pm Come have some fun playing all different types of games and arts and crafts. Parents may drop kids off to play. The last kids to play on the old gym floor!!!! High School Open Gym Thursdays & Fridays 2:15 ~ 4:15pm Vacation Days 1:00 - 4:15 FREE Basketball, basketball, basketball. This is for those who don’t want a structured league, but love to play. New gym floor!!! Join us every Saturday Until Sept. 27, 8-noon City Hall parking lot Thursdays, until September 25, 3:00 -6:00 pm Municipal parking lot, Downtown As we work on improving our roads, you may have noticed significant activity on Union Avenue. Work at that location during this construction season includes water main, natural gas, sewer, road and sidewalk upgrades. The project is planned in two phases, with the second phase currently anticipated as follows: Phase 2–Walker St. to Gilford Ave.: July 7th thru October 10th. During the construction day, traffic will be northbound only; southbound traffic will be detoured (see Phase 2 detour plans). On weekends and evenings Union Avenue will be open to two-way traffic. Please continue to visit the many businesses on Union Avenue and, as always, if you have questions or concerns please call DPW at 528-6379. Thank you for your cooperation! Click here for our Public Works Dept. website Join Cub Scouts Today! NOTICE OF CLEANING AND INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWER MAINS Pack 68 of Laconia will be holding an open house on Saturday, 9/13/14 from 1-3 p.m. Come meet with our Scout Leaders and learn how Scouting can benefit your son! Applications will be available. All boys in 1st-5th grade are eligible to join! The open house will be held at our Scout Hut located in the parking lot behind St. Joseph Church in Laconia. For more information about our pack, visit our website at WOW Fest: WOW Fest will be held on September 27th at Laconia Athletic & Swim Club. Presented by Bank of New Hampshire, it’s a fun-filled event for the whole family featuring two bicycle challenges, 5K and 10K road races, fun walk, and a great lunch provided by The Common Man, Fratello’s, Patrick’s Pub & T-Bones. Please visit for more information and online registration. Hope to see you there! Volunteer Opportunities: Many thanks to the Up With People cast members who volunteered their time on the WOW Trail on Thursday! (See photo below) Would you like to learn more about volunteering opportunities with the WOW Trail? In particular, we are looking for an Art Coordinator who would serve as the point of contact for ongoing mural maintenance, and a Green Space Coordinator who will help manage the various volunteer groups who help us with seasonal trail clean-up efforts and gardening along the trail. Please call us: 520-8952 or e-mail for more information. The Main St. Bridge Construction Website is updated periodically with information on construction progress, detour timing, special alerts and other pertinent information. The image (left) contains a link to a webpage relating to the project. On that page you will find the most current information on the bridge project. Should you have any questions about the construction project or the website please contact Paul Moynihan at Public Works (528-6379, Ext. 301) or Shanna Saunders in the Planning Department (5271264). Please remember to support our downtown merchants during this project! Thank you for your patience! A Medication Collection and Disposal Box is located in the lobby of the Laconia Police Department for your convenience in disposing of old or unused prescription drugs in a safe manner. Open 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk. The collection box is accessible 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week! Questions? Call the Laconia PD at 524-5257 Belknap Mill - Full STEAM Ahead! A reduction in hours for the Belknap Mill to be open to the general public has been announced by the Board of Trustees for the Belknap Mill Society. The Mill will typically be open to the public Wednesday through Saturday from 10:00am to 4:00pm, although hours may vary due to events and private functions. The Belknap Mill will dedicate time to develop its award-winning fourth grade program, My First Day of Work at the Mill, become the sought after space for rentals with its historic charm and renovate its museum space for special events and showings. The Belknap Mill will continue to be open to the general public on Thursdays when Stewart Ramsey holds his sock demonstration, replicating the history of the Mill, as well as continue to work with local artists to showcase their work in the galleries. Beth San Soucie, the Managing Director for the Belknap Mill, says, ‘we are working hard to incorporate STEM education into our mission by putting the ‘A’ in STEM; moving the Mill – full STEAM ahead—all while doing our best to minimize disruptions to the services we provide to the public’. San Soucie will be working closely with the Board of Trustees to further refine and expand the offerings of the oldest, unaltered textile mill in the United States and official meetinghouse of New Hampshire. As the hours of the Belknap Mill will vary, please check the website for a list of events and hours at, call ahead at (603) 524-8813 or email Beth at The Belknap Mill has a permanent exhibit that interprets the history of the textile industry in Laconia, and has changing monthly exhibits focusing on the arts and history, as well as educational programs for all ages. Upon completion of the class you will get a free rice cooker for participating. Tuesdays, 4-6 pm, Sept. 9,16,23,30 & Oct. 7,14 Prescott Farm Environmental Ed. Ctr. 928 White Oaks Rd., Laconia, NH Brenda Carey, 527-5475, Taxi transportation can be reimbursed. EXPLORE A TRUCK DAY Saturday, September 20th 10:00 - 12:00 pm Laconia Public Works Bisson Ave. FREE! Come & enjoy going through your favorite construction & emergency vehicle! Food will be available also! Click here to access the Festival’s website The 13th Laconia Multicultural Festival is Saturday! The 13th Annual Laconia Multicultural Festival takes place rain or shine in downtown Laconia, Rotary Riverside Park and The Historical Belknap Mill on September 6! Activities start at 10 AM and end at 4 PM. Included in the day are free entertainment, food and craft venders--some local and many representing a wide variety of cultures--along with exhibits, children activities, and the traditional parade. The Parade of International Flags, organized by Larry Frates, leads off the day. As a special part of the day Up With People will join in with their flags. Traditionally, many flags are available to be carried. All are invited to find a flag of theirs or another cultural heritage and participate in the parade. It starts in the NH Bank area about 10:15 am and marches around downtown Laconia to Rotary Park. Wah Lum Kung Fu and Tai Chi Academy of Malden, MA are a stunning addition to the day. Both are well known for their professional lion dance, dragon dance, drumming, and kung fu/tai chi performances, as well as the study of Chinese Martial Arts - be sure to see them! The Black Thunder Singers keep the old traditions, bringing powerful drumming, dancing, and singing to the park. Also, this year LMF has its very own cookbook: Tastes of Nations for sale at the LMF tent. It contains over 100 recipes collected from our original immigrants to the most recent ones and also includes stories and pictures of those sharing their recipes. With the construction and other activities in downtown Laconia, continuous shuttle bus service has been arranged from 10 am to 4 pm. Beacon Street East is the central area for the Festival. The shuttle will pick you up and drop you off at various parking lots near the center of Laconia, going to and from Beacon Street East. Parking for the Festival can be found in the following areas: St Joseph's Church parking lot on Church Street, the Laconia Clinic area, and the Water Street lots. The Laconia Multicultural Committee is especially appreciative of our many sponsors. We thank: the Laconia Human Relations Committee; the Penny Pitou-Milo Pike Family Fund; the Well Sense Health Plan; Genesis Behavioral Health; the Bank of NH; the Northway Bank; and Lutheran Social Services! All entertainment is free through our sponsors and the many others whose donations we have received! Raffle tickets are available at the LMF booth. To relax in the park it is helpful to bring your own chair. For more information visit and like us on Facebook. The Laconia Human Relations Committee is joined by Laconia Main Street and the Historical Belknap Mill in hosting the Laconia Multicultural Festival. 10 AM – 4PM SEPT. 6TH 10 A.M. – PARADE OF FLAGS 10:15 – OPENING CEREMONIES IN ROTARY PARK 10:30 – UP WITH PEOPLE 11:00-11:30 BLACK THUNDER SINGERS & DRUMMERS 11:00 - LINDSAY’S PUPPETS (@ HEALTHLINK TENT) 11:30-11:45 - ANKARA ROSE CELTIC BELLY FUSION 11:45-12:15 - BLACK THUNDER SINGERS & DRUMMERS 12:00 – LINDSAY’S PUPPETS (@HEALTHLINK TENT) 12:15 -12:45 – THE O’BRIEN CLAN 12:30 – CONCORD COMMUNITY MUSIC SCHOOL (@HEALTHLINK TENT) 12:45-1:00 – ANKARA ROSE 1:00 – LARRY FRATES MAGIC SHOW (@HEALTHLINK TENT) 1:00-1:30 – THE O’BRIEN CLAN 1:30 – CONCORD COMMUNITY MUSIC SCHOOL (@HEALTHLINK TENT) 1:30-2:15 – THE JACK ZARZATION BAND 2:00 – CARTOON STORY TIME WITH LARRY FRATES (@ HEALTHLINK TENT) 2:15-3:00 – WAH LUM ACADEMY 2:30-3:30 - HOOP DANCE & CIRCUS DEMOS BY ARTSFEST (@ HEALTHLINK TENT) 3:00-3:30 – CZECH & SLOVAK FOLKLORE PERFORMERS 3:30-4:00 – CLOSING CEREMONIES NEW HORIZONS BAND PINWHEELS FOR PEACE CELEBRATION ALL DAY, KUNNAWAY, OUR STROLLING, NATIVE AMERICAN FLUTE PLAYER (Unless otherwise stated, performances take place in Rotary Park) A huge thank you to all our wonderful performers!!! CORNER Don’t forget ! ServiceLink Resource Center (1-866-634-9412 or 528-6945)….it’s the first number to call for senior services. CITY OF LACONIA PHONE DIRECTORY Assessing ................................ 527-1268 Assessor - Jon Duhamel City Clerk .................................. 527-1265 City Clerk - Mary Reynolds City Manager ............................ 527-1270 When Should You Claim Social Security Benefits? City Manager - Scott Myers Code Enforcement.................... 527-1293 Planning & Zoning Dir. - Shanna Saunders Finance .................................... 524-3877 Finance Director - Donna Woodaman Licensing .................................. 528-6331 Licensing Clerk - Katie Gargano Deciding when to start receiving Social Security benefits can be confusing...AARP provides an easy Social Security calculator to help determine how to receive your largest possible monthly benefit. Just click here and start planning for your retirement! Laconia Senior Center is located at 17 Church Street in Laconia. Questions? Call 524-7689 Planning & Comm. Dev. ........... 527-1264 Planning & Zoning Dir. - Shanna Saunders Tax ........................................... 527-1269 Tax Collector - Lindsey Allen Welfare ..................................... 527-1267 Welfare Specialist - Suzi McCormack Welfare Director - Donna Woodaman Fire Dept. (Central Station) ...... 524-6881 Fire Dept. (Weirs Station) ........ 366-2229 Fire Chief - Ken Erickson Library ...................................... 524-4775 Library Director - Randy Brough Parks & Recreation................... 524-5046 Parks & Rec. Director - Kevin Dunleavy Personnel ................................. 524-3877 We hope you have enjoyed this Edition of We welcome your input, comments and suggestions! Feel free to contact us at the City Manager’s office, 527-1270, or by e-mail at Have a great weekend! Scott Myers, City Manager City’s Website: Personnel Administrator - Paula Baumoel Police (Administration) ............. 524-5257 Police (Crime Line) .................. 524-1717 Police Chief - Christopher Adams Public Works (Main Office) ....... 528-6379 Public Works (Transfer Station) 528-5822 Public Works Director - Paul Moynihan Water........................................ 524-0901 Superintendent - Seth Nuttelman City Council Contact Info: Mayor Edward Engler ............... 630-4484 Ava Doyle (Ward 1) .................. 393-6533 David Bownes (Ward 2) ............ 524-4330 Henry Lipman (Ward 3) ............ 528-0191 Brenda Baer (Ward 4) .............. 524-6349 Robert Hamel (Ward 5) ............ 524-6360 Armand Bolduc (Ward 6) .......... 524-2514 E-mail: Visit the City’s website at:
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