Manson Construction Co. - Western Dredging Association
Manson Construction Co. - Western Dredging Association
Manson Construction Co. Since 1905… Frederick Paup, Chairman of the Board & Executive Vice President About Manson Established in 1905, Manson began as a small, family-owned Puget Sound marine pile driving business. Today, Manson thrives as an employee-owned company with a national presence offering a wide range of skills and services. Headquarters remain in Seattle, though we have expanded to include permanent facilities in Northern and Southern California, Louisiana, and Florida. “One foot in the water!” History Manson began in 1905 with a single floating pile driver Early jobs included timber docks that served Puget Sound’s Mosquito Fleet of steam passenger boats Manson Core Values Safety: Creating an Incident and Injury Free culture through training, communication, work planning, hazard recognition, and accountability People: Treating our coworkers, clients, and business partners with respect and honesty Ethics: Practicing the highest standards of conduct at work and in our daily lives Quality: Committing to doing the job right Leadership: Leading with respect, professionalism, integrity, fairness, and accountability Stewardship: Conducting our work in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner Locations Equipment Fleet Manson’s Heavy Marine Equipment Fleet 30 31 21 4 4 32 Derrick and Spud Barges (Up to 1,000 Ton Capacity) Flat Barges ABS and Dump Barges Hydraulic Cutter Suction Dredges Trailing Suction Hopper Dredges Tug and Assist Boats Capabilities Marine Construction Dredging Bridges Wharves and piers Flood protection Rock Placement Mechanical, cutter suction and hopper Maintenance, upland disposal, beach nourishment Offshore Pipeline, outfall Subsea cable Oil and gas platforms Bridges Example Projects: WSDOT, Design-build Evergreen Floating Bridge and Landings, (2011-2015) $586 million WSDOT, Manette Bridge Replacement (2010-2012) $44 million MnDOT, St. Anthony Falls I35W Bridge, (2007-2008) $233 million Caltrans, San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge (20022008) $1.04 billion Wharves, Docks, Piers Example Projects: Port of Long Beach, Wharf Backlands Redevelopment, Phase 1 at Piers D, E, & F (2011-2013) $123 million Port of Long Beach, Wharf Backlands Redevelopment Phase 2 at Pier E (20112013) $55 million Port of Tacoma, WUT Berth Extension (2010-2011) $24 million Port of Los Angeles, TraPac Berths 145-147 (2008-2011) $102 million Storm Protection Example Projects: Bayou Bienvenue Pile Foundation, Sill and Monolith, New Orleans, LA, (2010-2011) $21 million Bush Canal Receiving Structure and Floodwall, LA, (2010-2011) $12.5 million GIWW Bypass Gate Abutment Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, New Orleans, LA (2009-2010) $28 million Lake Cataouatche Levee Construction (2007-2008) $17 million, Avondale, LA MRGO Emergency Levee Construction, New Orleans, LA (2005-2007) $21 million Offshore Structures Example Projects: IGBS Prototype Installation, ExxonMobil, Gulf of Mexico East Cameron Block Platform Installation, Maritech Resources, Gulf of Mexico VR 252 “I” Tri-pod Installation, Castex Offshore, Inc., Gulf of Mexico EI 315 “C” Tri-pod Installation, Tana Exploration, Gulf of Mexico Pipelines and Outfalls Example Projects: Transbay Cable Project (2009-2010) $12 million, San Francisco Bay, CA Calleguas Municipal Water District, Hueneme Outfall Replacement, (2009-2010) $15 million City of Austin, Texas, Water Treatment Plant No. 4, (2011-2012) $61 million City of Mercer Island, WA, Sewer Lake Line and Pump off No. 4 Replacement (2009-2011) $15 million Marinas Example Projects: Alamitos Bay Marina, Long Beach, CA (2011-2012) Elliot Bay Marina (1990-1991) $18 million, Seattle, WA Carillon Point Marina (1988-1989) $2.3 million, Kirkland, WA Sun Road Marina (1986-1987) $2 million, San Diego, CA Ferry Landings Example Projects: South San Francisco Ferry Terminal Gangway and Float, (2010-2011) $10 million South San Francisco Ferry Terminal Pier 9 Layover Floats (2010-2011) $2.3 million Orcas Island Ferry Terminal Dolphin Replacement (2008) $4.4 million, Orcas Island, WA Clinton Ferry Terminal Dock Expansion, (2002-2003) $12 million Cruise Ship Terminals Example Projects: Port of Juneau Cruise Ship Berths, (2015-2017), $53 million, Juneau, AK Freeport Harbour Berths 4 & 9, (2008-2009), $12 million, Freeport, Grand Bahamas Berth IV Cruise Ship Terminal, (2007-2008), $10 million, Ketchikan, AK Navigation Dredging Example Projects: Oakland Inner/Outer Harbor Maintenance dredging, CA (2010-2011) $12 million Jacksonville Port Authority Maintenance Dredging, FL (2009-2011) $ 15 million Galveston Harbor and Channels and Houston Ship Channel Maintenance Dredging, TX (2011-2012) $9 million Ventura Harbor Maintenance Dredging, CA (2009-2011) $7.4 million Environmental Restoration Example Projects: Oakland Harbor Navigational Improvements/Hamilton Wetlands Restoration Project (2006-2010) $165 million contract, Oakland Harbor, CA Lake Mechant Land Bridge Restoration, LA (2008-2009) $32 million Sand Berm Construction, LA, (2010) $15 million Environmental Remediation Example Projects: Thea Foss & Wheeler-Osgood Waterways Remediation, (2003-2005), $58M, Tacoma, WA Middle Harbor Waterway Remediation, (2003-2004), $8M, Tacoma, WA Port Hueneme Confined Aquatic Disposal Facility, (2008-2009), $12M, Ventura County Beach Renourishment Example Projects: Gulf Shores Beach Renourishment, (2012-2013), Orange Beach, AL Port St. Joe – Beach Construction (2008-2009) $21M Siesta Key, FL Beach Renourishment,(2006-2007) $9.3 M Fort Pierce Beach Fill, FL, (2007) $3.4 M Loch Arbour to Deal, NJ, (2015), $38 M International Example Projects: Manzanillo, Mexico, 2012, LNG Channel Widening and Deepening, Boskalis & Dredging International Melones Island, Panama, 2011, Pile Driving, Intercoastal Marine Inc. Grand Bahamas, The Bahamas, 2008-2009, Cargo Berth Construction, Freeport Harbour Company Great Guana Cay, The Bahamas, 2007-2008, Entrance Channel Dredging, Passerine at Abaco Holdings, Ltd Sakhalin Island, Russia, 2006, Dredging and Marine Construction, Exxon Neftegas, Ltd Derricks & Dredges Derricks & Dredges Haakon Maximum Lifting Capacity 400 Tons Derrick 24 Maximum Lifting Capacity 400 Tons Valhalla Maximum Lifting Capacity 350 Tons Njord Maximum Lifting Capacity 200 Tons Derricks & Dredges Hagar Maximum Lifting Capacity 135 Tons Vulcan Maximum Lifting Capacity 140 Tons Viking Maximum Lifting Capacity 150 Tons Valkryie Maximum Lifting Capacity 135 Tons Derricks & Dredges Scandia Maximum Lifting Capacity 135 Tons Southman Maximum Lifting Capacity 100 Tons Andrew Maximum Lifting Capacity 80 Tons Einar Maximum Lifting Capacity 75 Tons Derricks & Dredges Freya Maximum Lifting Capacity 67 Tons Derrick 8 Maximum Lifting Capacity 50 Tons Derrick 6 Maximum Lifting Capacity 50 Tons Derrick 3 Maximum Lifting Capacity 50 Tons Derricks & Dredges Vasa Maximum Lifting Capacity 140 Tons Acadia Maximum lifting capacity 50 tons Hopper Dredges Glenn Edwards 13,000 cubic yards Bayport 5,000 cubic yards Hopper Dredges Newport 4,000 cubic yards Westport 1,800 cubic yards Cutter Suction Dredges H.R. Morris 27” diameter Frank Bechtolt 18” diameter Cutter Suction Dredges Leonard J – 24” Bob Lofgren – 26” Thank you! Gracias! Frederick Paup, Chairman of the Board & Executive Vice President Inquiries:
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