2012 Annual Report
2012 Annual Report
2012 annuAl rEport Make Every drop count Table of Contents 04 SOGHU and its partners 05 Standard flow cycle of funds and products 06 SOGHU: an example of efficiency 08 Scoreboard 10 SOGHU Members 12 SOGHU Committees 14 SOGHU Zones Financial statements 15 Independent auditor’s report 16 Income 17 Changes in net assets 18 Balance sheet 19 Cash flow 20 Notes to financial statements 04 2012 annual report SOGHU and its partners SOGHU, a private non-profit corporation, manages the recovery and reclamation of products in Québec included in provincial regulations. The Members covered by this regulation are defined as Brand Holders or First Importers who market these products in Québec. SOGHU is administered by a Board of Directors composed of Members from different sectors, such as oil manufacturers, filter manufacturers, the petroleum industry, the automobile manufacturing industry, the antifreeze manufacturing industry, the cooperative community, major retailers, a representative of RECYC-QUÉBEC and the Chair of the Awareness Committee. You will notice that SOGHU’s new logo now includes 5 icons. The Collectors pick up the products from the Generators and deliver them to the Processors, who give them a second life. The Collectors and the Processors registered with SOGHU must prove that their activities are in compliance with the existing regulations. They are audited regularly. More than 12,000 Generators (mechanical repair shops or industries) benefit from a collection service throughout the province. Of this number, over 950 are registered as Collection Facilities to allow individuals or low-volume businesses to bring back the listed products, free of charge. We ask those who use this service to respect the schedules and to not leave products on the ground. All GM and Toyota dealers, the Monsieur Muffler and Octo mechanical repair shops and several private mechanical repair shops, as well as several municipalities, are volunteers, directly involved in improving the environment and providing better service to their respective customers. The cost of recovery and reclamation of the hazardous materials for which SOGHU is responsible is low in proportion to the benefits: $0.04/litre for oil, $0.35/filter less than 8 inches in length, $0.85/filter 8 inches and more in length, $0.10/litre of capacity for oil and antifreeze containers, $0.10/litre of mixed antifreeze (50-50) and $0.16/litre of concentrated antifreeze. Given that one litre of oil can contaminate one million litres of water, SOGHU’s motto -“Making every drop count”- is thus easily understood. Standard flow cycle of funds and products MembERs Brand Holders and the First importers or suppliers who fund the system at $0.04 per litre for applicable lubricating oils; $0.10 per litre of antifreeze mix; $0.16 per litre of antifreeze concentrate (antifreeze effective July 1st, 2012); $0.10 per litre for oil and antifreeze containers of 50 litres or less; $0.35 per filter of 8 inches or less (203 mm height); $0.85 for filters of more than 8 inches (203 mm or more); $0.35 cents per sump type filters for automatic transmissions and $0.25 per aerosol container. COLLECTORS PROCESSORS Establishments that give new life to products. Establishments that collect the products from generators and receive subsidies from SOGHU (additional information see page 14). products $ funds GENERATORS Establishments that create used products (garages, vendors, commercial, industrial and municipal sectors, forestry industry, agriculturists, transporters, individuals). COLLECTION FACILITIES Establishments registered with SOGHU to receive from the public, at no cost to them, used oil products governed by the Regulation. 06 2012 annual report SOGHU: an example of efficiency Thanks to the great involvement and the professionalism of each of its partners (Members, Collectors, Processors, Generators, Collection Facilities, users who return products from their own oil changes), SOGHU continues to present exemplary financial results and recovery rates. After reducing the cost of the Environmental Handling Charge on filters by $0.10 in 2012, SOGHU is glad to introduce new reductions in 2013; another $0.05 on filters and $0.01/litre on oil. Remarkably, these reductions are accompanied by maintenance of the recovery rate between 85% and 90%. New Regulation, new products and changes to the former Regulation Since July 1st, 2012, SOGHU manages new products – vehicle and machinery antifreeze and its containers of 50 litres or less, as well as brake cleaner aerosol containers. SOGHU’s advertising thus emphasized the addition of antifreeze to sensitize the Members and Generators as well as the public at large. Following the publication of this Regulation, it was necessary to negotiate and sign a new agreement with RECYC-QUÉBEC in accordance with this Regulation and new agreements with the Members, Collectors and Processors. Manufactured goods containing products covered by SOGHU A study of the percentage of oil consumed in use drew our attention to the large volume of products covered by SOGHU that were included in original equipments manufactured. For oil alone, this volume represented 8.8% of the annual sales. In partnership with the Western provinces and in collaboration with associations of automobiles, light trucks, transportation trucks, heavy farm machinery and construction machinery manufacturers, SOGHU undertook to find a simple and equitable formula to quantify the oil, filters and antifreeze marketed annually. Thanks to the great cooperation of Members and their organizations, this study has been completed and, starting in July 2013, Environmental Handling Charges will be remitted to the associations on these volumes. 1st row >Mr. Laurent Gagnon, Mr. L. Pierre Comtois, Mr. Julian Cininni, Mr. Gilles Goddard, g.m., Mr. Carol Montreuil, chairman, Mr. Michael Paul, Mr. Pierre Yves Larose 2nd row >Mr. Paul Granda, Mr. Claude Bourque, Mr. Jean-François Lacasse, Mr. Paul Lefebvre, Mr. François Gingras, Mr. Luc Lortie, Mr. Robert Huberdeau, v.p., Mr. Marc-André Arsenault, Mr. Raymond Savard, Mr. Guy Bélanger, Mr. Roch Cousineau Missing > Mr. André Buisson The Atlantic provinces harmonize their Regulations with Québec and Western Canada SOGHU worked with New Brunswick for nearly three years on the preparation of a Regulation harmonized with the Québec Regulation. Due to the very open-minded approach of the New Brunswick Government representative, we can declare “mission accomplished”. In the past few months, we learned that Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island, influenced by New Brunswick’s approach, had finally decided to submit a similar Regulation. We are also delighted that, after agreement among the provinces, there is only one Board of Directors to manage the Atlantic provinces. ‘SOGHU Atlantic UOMA’, which will have four distinct branches to respect each province, based on budget and recovery rate. SOGHU will be the manager. The Atlantic program, including the Environmental Handling Charges and recovery, should begin on January 1st, 2014 for the above-mentioned provinces. In collaboration with the provinces, we are already laying the foundations of the system. The Board of Directors and SOGHU’s staff are very proud of all the projects and results of this 8th year of activities. The approach based on exceptional ‘win-win’ partnerships among SOGHU, the Collectors, the Processors, the Generators and the municipalities continues to be relevant and highlights the excellent work of all the partners for the past year. Finally, we wish to recognize and thank RECYCQUÉBEC for its excellent cooperation with SOGHU. In short, we believe that our program represents a module of sustainable development, the balance between business needs and the needs of society. Carol Montreuil Gilles Goddard Chairman General Manager 08 2012 annual report Scoreboard Summary of sales and collections for 2012 Products Sales Oils (litres) 92 126 966 Filters (units) Collectable 67 160 558 1 Collected Collection Rate Objective R-Q 63 408 990 94.4% 75.0% 9 676 239 9 676 239 7 981 002 82.5% 75.0% Filters (kg) 3 620 7372 3 620 737 2 986 399 3 82.5% 75.0% Oil Containers (litres) 38 802 567 36 862 439 35 176 905 95.4% 75.0% Oil Containers (kg) 2 107 945 2 002 548 4 1 910 9825 95.4% 75.0% Antifreeze (litres) 5 321 268 2 325 394 6 735 174 31.6% 25.0%† Antifreeze Containers (litres) 2 691 003 2 556 453 1 504 8957 58.9% 25.0%† 114 043 108 3414 63 776 58.9% 25.0%† Antifreeze Containers (kg) Oils Filters Containers RI In litres % RI In kg % RI Oils % Zone 1 $0.03 31 353 384 49.45% $0.65 1 473 932 49.35% $1.27 708 370 37.07% Zone 2 $0.04 7 023 140 11.08% $0.65 357 849 11.98% $1.70 176 667 9.24% Zone 3 $0.07 9 197 923 14.51% $0.80 510 078 17.08% $1.95 332 819 17.42% Zone 4 $0.07 2 967 587 4.68% $0.82 174 426 5.84% $1.95 176 313 9.23% Zone 5 $0.07 2 904 139 4.58% $0.85 137 889 4.62% $2.25 124 099 6.49% Zone 6 $0.09 2 184 934 3.45% $0.90 137 189 4.59% $2.33 87 164 4.56% Zone 7 $0.07 2 803 254 4.42% $0.90 87 620 2.93% $2.33 126 646 6.63% Zone 8 $0.10 2 685 417 4.24% $0.95 50 271 1.68% $2.55 54 050 2.83% Zone 9 $0.10 995 110 1.57% $0.95 15 141 0.51% $2.55 29 576 1.55% Zone 10 $0.28 382 633 0.60% $1.35 3 954 0.13% $5.25 4 674 0.24% Zone 11** $0.28 400 531 0.63% $1.50 24 067 0.81% $5.25 15 544 0.81% Zone 12 $0.20 510 938 0.81% $0.55 13 984 0.47% $1.20 75 057 3.93% $0.05 63 408 990 100.00% $1.05 2 986 399 100.00% $1.96 1 910 980 100.00% Total * *** zone LEgend Zone 1: Montréal Zone 2: Québec Zone 3: Centre-du-Québec Zone 4: Outaouais - Laurentides Zone 5: Saguenay - Lac-St-Jean Zone 6: Bas-St-Laurent - Gaspésie Zone 7: Abitibi Zone 8: Côte-Nord Zone 9: Nord-du- Québec Zone 10: Iles-de-la-Madeleine Zone 11: Nord du Nord-Québec Basse Côte-Nord Île d’Anticosti Zone 12: Municipal notations LEgend 1 - 72.9% of oils are recyclable 2 - Average weight of filters marketed < 8” = 0.31487 kg and > 8“ = 1.11053 kg 3 - Actual collections X 0.69 (0.69 = Actual weight of crushed filters) 4 - 95% of containers are recyclable 5 - Actual collections X 94.2% following the segregation of containers 6 - 43.7% of antifreeze is recyclable 7 - Actual collections X 3.4% following the segregation of containers Breakdown: On December 31, 2012 Members278 Collectors26 Processors68 Internal Collector 4 Products EHC RI Oils $$ 4 606 348 3 322 954 1 283 394 $0,052/ltr Filters $$ 4 235 300 3 148 627 1 086 673 $0,395/un. $1,05/kg Oil Containers $$ 4 059 194 3 616 517 442 677 $0,103/un. $1,89/kg 0 594 709 (594 709) $0,017/un. $0,30/kg Antifreeze $$ 479 663 146 654 333 010 $0,199/ltr Antifreeze Containers $$ 269 100 129 433 139 667 $0,086/un. 13 649 606 10 958 894 2 218 035 Decontaminations $$ Containers Net Difference Antifreeze Average RI per quantity collected $2,03/kg Collection Facilities Antifreeze % Total kg % RI In litres % Commercial Municipal Total 23 379 36.66% 731 749 37.06% $0.16 391 044 53.19% 171 87 258 5 901 9.25% 182 568 9.25% $0.18 110 164 14.98% 60 52 112 11 166 17.51% 343 984 17.42% $0.23 120 700 16.42% 111 131 242 6 097 9.56% 182 410 9.24% $0.23 35 891 4.88% 24 73 97 4 388 6.88% 128 487 6.51% $0.30 20 525 2.79% 30 20 50 2 980 4.67% 90 144 4.56% $0.34 20 228 2.75% 44 73 117 4 478 7.02% 131 124 6.64% $0.32 9 797 1.33% 18 33 51 1 838 2.88% 55 888 2.83% $0.45 8 072 1.10% 13 17 30 1 054 1.65% 30 630 1.55% $0.45 18 753 2.55% 3 2 5 167 0.26% 4 841 0.25% $0.50 0 0.00% 6 0 6 528 0.83% 16 071 0.81% $0.50 0 0.00% 0 3 3 1 800 2.82% 76 857 3.89% $0.50 0 0.00% 0 0 0 63 776 100.00% 1 974 756 100% $ 0.20 735 174 100.00% 480 491 971 * Note: For zone 10, Les Iles-de-la-Madeleine, a special transportation RI of $0.18 per litre is allowed for used oils carried to the mainland. ** Note: For zone 11, Nord du Nord-Québec Basse Côte-Nord Île d’Anticosti, a special transportation RI of $0.28 per litre is allowed for used oils carried to the mainland. *** Note: Zone 12 is privileged from a particular functioning following a contract with Laurentide re/sources for a specific service to municipalities. † These rates will be applicable in 2015. Note: This information is based on remittances received and RIs paid up to March 25, 2013. These figures can change if additional remittances and incentives are added to this period. 10 2012 annual report SOGHU Members 3M Canada Company 7593180 Canada Inc.T/A Pepco Inc. 7729570 Canada Inc. / Thermo King Montréal 9169-1931 Québec Inc. (VAG Motorsport) 9189-0731 Québec inc. / Envirolin Canada ABB Inc. (Québec) ABB Inc. (Varennes) Acklands-Grainger Inc. ADF Diesel Toronto Ltee. Aerochem Inc. Affinia Canada ULC AGCO Corporation Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd, Division Meadowbank ALFA Services Conseils inc. Altrom Canada Corp. American Grease Stick Co. Amsoil Inc. Antirouille Métropolitain April Super Flo Arctic Cat Sales Inc Armored Autogroup Canada ULC Asalco Inc. Assemblage Camaz inc. Atelier HP Ltée Atelier PV Hydraulique (2004) inc. Atlas Copco Compressors Canada Auto Modena Inc. Auto-Camping Ltd. Autolectra Inc. Auto-Moto Canada Inc. Baldwin Filters Inc. Baldwin Filters Inc. (DBA Hastings Filters) Barjan LLC Barnes Distribution BASF Canada Inc. Beck/Arnley Worldparts, Inc. Benson Group Inc. BestBuy Distributors Ltd. Black Dog Lubricants Ltd. Blue Water (Quebec) LTD Blue Water Agencies LTD Bluewave Energy BMW Canada Inc. Bock Inc. Bosch Rexroth Canada Corporation BP Lubricants USA Inc. Bronswerk Marine Inc. BRP Busch Vacuum Technics Inc. Camions Freightliner Rivière-duLoup Inc. Campbellton Auto Supply Canadian General Filters Limited Canadian Kawasaki Motors, Inc. Canadian Pacific Railway Carquest Canada Ltd Castrol Industrial North America Inc. Centre du Camion J.L. Inc. Centre Hydraulique Hydrep Inc. Chalifour Canada Champion Laboratories, Inc. Chauffage Premier Inc. Chem-Ecol Ltd. Chevron Canada Limited Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. Chrysler Canada Inc. CNH America Ltd. Coastal Blending & Packaging COMAIRCO LTEE Compresseurs Québec Div. InterPower A.K. Corp. Control Chemical (1989) Corporation Contrôle-air Compresseur 2010 Inc. Cool Distribution inc Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd. CPT Canada Power Technology Ltd CRC Canada Inc. Cummins Est du Canada SEC D.A.S. Distributors, Inc. D.D. Distributions Lubrifiants inc. Daimler Trucks North America LLC Denis Gauvin Inc. Distribution M.C. Opéré par 92222850 Québec Inc. Distribution Regitan Distributions J. Pilon enr. Echo Power Equipment (Canada) ECL Services inc. Elso Ltée/Ltd Empack Spraytech inc. Engrenage Provincial Inc. Eni USA R&M Co. Inc. Entrepôt de Montréal 1470 Inc. Entreprises Électriques Nadco Inc. Équipement SMS Inc. Équipements E.M.U. ltée Équipements Labrie Ltée Équipements Lourds Papineau Inc. Evans 2000 Ltd Fastenal Canada, LTD Federated Co-operatives Limited Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd. For-Min Div. DK Spec Inc. FRAM Group (Canada) Inc. Fred Deeley Imports Ltd Fuchs Lubricants Canada Ltd. Fullbore Marketing Ltd G.F. Thompson Company Limited G.K. Industries Ltd. Gamma Sales Inc. Garage Guy Audet Garage R. Nadeau Gates Canada Inc. Gauvin Équipement Inc. GEA WestfaliaSurge, Inc. General Electric Canada Transportation Systems General Motors du Canada Limitée Gilles Cusson Inc. Granby Industries Limited Partnership Grenier Poulin inc. Groupe BMR inc. Hall-Chem MFG Inc. Hangsterfer’s Laboratories Incorporated Henkel Canada Corporation Hewitt Équipement Limitée Home Depot of Canada Inc. Home Hardware Stores Limited Honda Canada Inc. Houghton Canada Inc. HP Autosport Hudson’s Bay Co. Husqvarna Canada Corp. Hydralogie Inc. Hydromec Inc. Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. Importations Thibault Ltée Inter Outaouais Inc. J. Walter Compagnie Ltée Jacques Larochelle Inc. Jaguar Land Rover Canada Jig-A-Loo Canada Inc. John Deere Canada ULC Kaeser Compresseurs Canada inc Kia Canada Inc. Kimpex Inc. Kinecor Inc. King-O-Matic Industries Limited Kleen-Flo Tumbler Industries Limited Krown Corporate Kubota Canada Ltd. La Coop fédérée Laboratoires St-Antoine inc. Le Groupe GLM Inc. Le Groupe Harnois Inc. Le Groupe Pétrolier Olco Inc. Les Compagnies Loblaw Limitées Les Distributions Automont Inc. Les Distributions R.V.I. Ltée Les Entreprises Ethier Hi-Tech Inc. Les Équipements Industriels IBS Inc. Les Industries Gotham inc. Les Industries Spectra/Premium Inc. Les Industries Technika Inc Les Industries Wajax Limitée Les Lubrifiants Sentinel Corp. Les Pétroles R.L. Inc. Les Pétroles Sonic (Coopérative Fédérée de Québec) Les Pièces d’Auto T.D.G. Inc. Les Pièces d’Auto Transbec Inc. Les Pièces d’Auto Transit Inc. Les Pièces de Transmission Unitrans Ltée. Les Services Maintech Lubri-Expert Inc. Lubrifiants et Produits Spécialisés Kenbec Inc. Lubrifiants Petro-Canada inc. Lubrification Québec Inc. Lubri-Lab Inc. Lucas Oil Products M & M Fournels Corp. Ltd MacEWEN PETROLEUM INC. Machinerie R. Gagnon inc. Magnéto Hydraulique et Pneumatique Malmberg Truck Trailer Equipment Ltd Matech BTA Inc. Maxim Transportation Services Inc. Mazda Canada Inc. MCS-Servo Inc. Mechanick Pieces d’Autos (144597 Canada Inc.) Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. MFTA Canada Inc. Milacron Canada, division of Milacron Canada Corp Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada Modern Sales Co-op Montreal 4 Cylindres - Pièces Inc. Motion Industries (Canada) Inc. Motor Coach Industries Limited Motovan Corporation National Energy Equipment Inc. National Pneumatic inc Navistar Canada, Inc. New Flyer Industries Ltd. Nissan Canada Inc. NLS Products Nynas Canada Inc. Oto-Protec Inc. Paccar Parts, A Division of Paccar of Canada, Ltd Para-Performance inc Parker Hannifin Canada Parts Canada Pennzoil-Quaker State Canada Inc. Permatex Canada Pétroles Petro-Canada 6989641 Canada Inc Pétrolière Impériale Philippe Gosselin & Associés Limitée Pièces d’Auto J.L. Ltée Pièces d’Autos Jean Leblanc Pièces d’Autos Ultra Chateauguay inc. Pièces de Camion de la Beauce Inc. Polaris Industries Ltd. Porsche Cars North America Inc. Prévost, une division de Groupe Volvo Canada Inc. PRINOTH LTD Produits Chimiques Magnus Ltée Produits Industriels Kara Inc. Produits Lubri-Delta Inc. Produits Shell Canada Limitée Prolab Technolub Inc. Radiator Specialty Company of Canada Ltd. Recochem Inc. Regional Automotive Warehousing Ltd Réseau C.B. (Div. Canadian Bearings) Ridge Tool Company Robco Inc. Robert Bosch Inc. Rona inc. SC CLS Holdings ULC Sears Canada Inc. Service de Filtres Sefor Inc. Shoreline Lube Distribution Inc. Siemens Transformateurs Canada Inc. Sinto Inc. Société Laurentide Inc. Southwestern Petroleum Canada Ltd. Spécialités Hipertech inc. State Industrial Products STIHL Limited Subaru Canada Inc. Suzuki Canada Inc. Systèmes de Distribution Intégrés LP Div Detroit Diesel Allison Canada East (1995) Target Canada Co. TEC Automotive Industries Inc. Technologies de procédé WARCO Teklub Canada Ltée Teklub Distribution inc. Texas Refinery Corp. of Canada Ltd. The North West Company Inc. The Sherwin-Williams Co. Thermal-Lube Inc. Total Lubrifiants Canada Inc. Toyota Canada Inc. Transformateurs Pioneer Ltée TruServ Canada Inc. UAP Inc. Ultramar Ltée Uni-Sélect Québec inc. Valley Napa Auto Parts Valvoline Canada Limitée Verco International inc. Vermeer Canada Inc Viscosity Oil Company Volkswagen Canada Inc. Volvo Cars of Canada Corp. Volvo Group Canada Inc. Wainbee Limited Wakefield Canada Inc. Wal-Mart Canada Corp. WD-40 Company (Canada) Ltd. Westpier Marine & Industrial Supply inc. Worldpac Canada Inc. Wynn’s Canada Ltd Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd. 12 2012 annual report SOGHU Committees SOGHU’S board of directors Affinia Canada ULC Marc-André Arsenault Association canadienne des constructeurs de véhicules (ACCV) L. Pierre Comtois Beck/Arnley (Division Uni-Select) Raymond Savard Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd Luc Lortie Association canadienne des carburants Carol Montreuil La Coop fédérée François Gingras Lufrifiants Chevron Canada inc. Pierre-Yves Larose Pétrolière Impériale Jean-François Lacasse Produits Shell Canada Limitée Guy Bélanger Recochem inc. Paul Lefebvre Robert Bosch Inc. Roch Cousineau Société Laurentides inc. André Buisson Total Lubrifiants Canada inc. Julian Cininni Valvoline Canada Limitée Michael Paul Wakefield Canada Inc. Robert Huberdeau RECYC-QUÉBEC Claude Bourque Awareness Committee President Laurent Gagnon General Manager Gilles Goddard Legal advisor, Gowling, Lafleur, Henderson s.r.l. Paul Granda legal council Gowling, Lafleur, Henderson s.r.l. SOGHU’s Awareness committee CAA-Québec Paula Landry Campor Environnement inc. Laurent Gagnon Conseil Québecois du Commerce de Détail Françoise Paquet SOGHU’s General Manager Gilles Goddard Front Commun Québecois pour une Gestion écologique des Déchets Karel Ménard Gaudreau Environnement inc. Réal Fortin Ministère du Développement durable de l’Environnement et des Parcs Darijo Bosnjak RECYC-QUÉBEC Claude Bourque Union des Municipalités du Québec Marieke Cloutier EmployEEs AND conSULTANTs Gilles Goddard General Manager Diane Caron Assistant to General Manager Magalie Morrissette, CPA, CMA Controller Carmen Mensher Accounting Manager Kim DeMaisonneuve Administrative Assistant Joël Ouimet Field Inspector Auditors LEHOUX BOIVIN COMPTABLES AGRÉÉS SENC 4255, Blvd. Lapinière, Suite 300, Brossard (Québec) J4Z 0C7 2012 annual report 14 SOGHU Zones zone LEgend Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9 Zone 10 Zone 11 Montréal Québec Central Québec Outaouais – Laurentides Saguenay – Lac-St-Jean Bas-St-Laurent – Gaspésie Abitibi Côte-Nord Nord-du-Québec Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine Nord du Nord-Québec Basse Côte-Nord Île d’Anticosti Subsidy Table ZONE USED OIL ($/litre) USED ANTIFREEZE (45-55) ($/litre) USED OIL AND USED ANTIFREEZE Containers ($/kg) AEROSOL ($/kg) (Starting July 1st, 2012) USED FILTERS ($/kg) (Rate as of February 1st, 2008 and used antifreeze containers starting July 1st, 2012) (As of August 1st, 2006) 1 0.03 0.16 0.65 1.27 3.67 2 0.04 0.18 0.65 1.70 3.67 3 0.07 0.23 0.80 1.95 3.84 4 0.07 0.23 0.82 1.95 3.84 5 0.07 0.30 0.85 2.25 3.87 6 0.09 0.34 0.90 2.33 3.92 7 0.07 0.32 0.90 2.33 3.97 8 0.10 0.45 0.95 2.55 3.97 9 0.10 0.45 0.95 2.55 3.97 101 0.10 0.50 1.35 5.25 4.37 11 (Boundary post to zone as of January 1st, 2012) 0.10 0.50 1.50 5.25 4.37 12 3 Municipal 0.20 0.50 0.55 1.20 0.55 2 1 For zone 10, Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine, a special transportation return incentive of $0.18/litre is allowed for used oils and used ntifreeze (antifreeze starting July 1st, 2012) carried to the mainland. 2F or zone 11, Nord du Nord-Québec Basse Côte-Nord Île d’Anticosti, a special transportation return incentive of $0.28/litre is allowed for used oils and used antifreeze (antifreeze starting July 1st, 2012) not processed in Zone 11/ Zone 11 cities: BlancSablon, Brador, Chevey, Fermont, Harrington Harbourg, Kefaska, La Romaine, La Tabaièere, lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon, Middle Bay, Mutton Bay, Old for Bay, Pakua Shipi, Port Menier (Île d’Anticosti), St‑Augustin, St‑Paul’s River, Tête-à-la‑Baleine. 3 Zone 12 is privileged from a particular functioning following a contract with Laurentide re/sources for a specific service to municipalities. NOTE: For information concerning RI rates for Internal Collectors Processors, please contact SOGHU. Independent Auditor’s Report To the Members of Société de gestion des huiles usagées (SOGHU) We have audited the accompanying financial statements of SOCIÉTÉ DE GESTION DES HUILES USAGÉES (SOGHU), which comprise the balance sheet as at December 31, 2012 and the statements of income, changes in net assets and cash flow for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations, and for such internai control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. These standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence on the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. ln making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion ln our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the SOCIÉTÉ DE GESTION DES HUILES USAGÉES (SOGHU) as at December 31, 2012, and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. Comparative Information Without modifying our opinion, we draw attention to Note 13 of the financial statements, which explains that the SOCIÉTÉ DE GESTION DES HUILES USAGÉES (SOGHU) adopted Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations on January 1st, 2012 with a transition date of January 1st, 2011. These standards were applied retrospectively by management to the comparative information in these financial statements, including the statements of financial position as at December 31, 2011 and January 1st, 2011, and the statements of operations, changes in net assets and cash flow for the year ended December 31, 2011 and related disclosures. We were not mandated to report on the restated comparative information, and as such, it is unaudited. 1 Lehoux Boivin Brossard, April 8, 2013 1 CPA auditer, CA, public accountancy permit No A103967 16 2012 annual report Income FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 2012 $ 2011 $ 13 730 626 8 000 359 881 14 037 089 9 400 322 440 39 676 58 118 14 196 301 25 399 24 270 14 418 598 10 459 291 594 709 50 053 53 170 449 806 296 943 50 562 250 071 56 211 80 800 108 170 26 280 12 476 366 10 330 364 543 870 27 643 48 539 260 725 336 521 8 052 198 609 65 223 6 186 44 735 37 360 11 907 827 145 230 11 184 27 900 239 973 12 075 8 807 445 169 12 921 535 168 979 26 555 30 225 253 381 1 287 12 348 492 775 12 400 602 1 274 766 2 017 996 REVENUES Environmental handling charges Registration and renewal lnterest Support of RECYC-QUÉBEC to the advertising and communications expenses Support of RECYC-QUÉBEC to the container segregation and studies EXPENSES Program Return incentives Process incentives Collection facilities incentives Container segregation Advertising and communications Contribution to RECYC-QUÉBEC Legal fees Salaries, fringe benefits and management & administration contracts Office and general expenses Consulting fees Compliance reviews and audits Depreciation - fixed assets Administration Office and general expenses Legal fees Rent Salaries, fringe benefits and management & administration contracts Professional fees Depreciation - fixed assets EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSES The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financlal statements Changes in net assets FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR Excess {deficiency) of revenue over expenses lnvestment in fixed assets Amount restricted on October 22, 2012 {Note 7) BALANCE, END OF YEAR Unrestricted Reserve fund 2 412 597 1 309 853 9 200 000 – (19 170) (1 000 000) – 1 000 000 19 170 – – – – – 2 703 280 10 200 000 48 867 12 952 147 11 677 381 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements lnvested in fixed assets 2012 $ 2011 $ 64 784 11 677 381 (35 087) 1 274 766 9 659 385 2 017 996 18 rapport 2012 annual annuel report 2012 Balance Sheet At decembER 31, 2012 December 31 2012 $ December 31 2011 $ January 1st 2011 $ (note 13) 715 696 3 957 191 2 675 800 000 5 475 562 9 400 000 48 867 14 924 429 891 001 3 591 215 3 106 1 500 000 5 985 322 7 700 000 64 784 13 750 106 913 511 3 875 819 7 610 800 000 5 596 940 5 900 000 106 838 11 603 778 1 972 282 2 072 725 1 944 393 12 952 147 14 924 429 11 677 381 13 750 106 9 659 385 11 603 778 ASSETS Current assets Cash Accounts receivable (Note 3) Prepaid expenses Current portion of investments lnvestments (Note 4) Fixed assets (Note 5) LIABILITIES Current liabilities Accounts payable (Note 6) NET ASSETS On behalf of the Board, Mr. Carol Montreuil, Director Mr. Robert Huberdeau, Director The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements Cash Flow FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 2012 $ 2011 $ 13 453 947 343 259 (12 953 341) 843 865 14 414 482 288 719 (12 218 057) 2 485 144 (2 500 000) 1 500 000 (19 170) (1 019 170) (3 300 000) 800 000 (7 654) (2 507 654) (175 305) (22 510) 891 001 913 511 715 696 891 001 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash receipts – members Cash receipts – interest and others Cash paid – suppliers and employees INVESTING ACTIVITIES Acquisition of investments Cashing of investments Acquisition of fixed assets Decrease in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents, end of year The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements 20 2012 annual report Notes to financial statements FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 1. STATUTES AND NATURE OF ACTIVITIES The organization is incorporated under Part Ill of Quebec Companies Act. According to the Federal and Provincial lncome Tax Acts, it is a non-profit organization and is therefore exempt from income taxes. According to the terms of a consent agreement with RECYC-QUÉBEC, the company has the mandate to establish and manage a program for recovery and reclamation of used oils and antifreeze, oil or fluid containers and used filters. 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The financial statements were prepared in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations (ASNFPO) and include the following significant accounting policies: Use of estimates The preparation of these financial statements, in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations, requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amount of revenues and expenses during the current period. Actual information could differ from that determined based on these estimates and assumptions. These estimates are reviewed periodically and adjustments are made to income in the year they become known. Return incentives Return incentives expenses are recognized when the lubricating oil and antifreeze and/or containers and filters are collected by a SOGHU registered Collecter. Processing incentives Processing incentives expenses are recognized when the lubricating oil containers are processed by a SOGHU registered Processor. 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Financial instruments Measurement of financial instruments The organization initially measures its financial assets and liabilities at fair value, except for certain non-arm’s length transactions. They are subsequently measured at amortized cost, except for other investments and advances from shareholders, which are measured at cost and investments in quoted shares which are measured at fair value. Changes in fair value are recognized in net income. lmpairment Financial assets measured at cost are tested for impairment when there are indicators of impairment. The amount of the write-down is recognized in net income. The previously recognized impairment loss may be reversed to the extent of the improvement, directly or by adjusting the allowance account, provided it is no greater than the amount that would have been reported at the date of the reversal had the impairment not been recognized previously. The amount of the reversal is recognized in net income. Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash and other highly liquid financial instruments with maturities of three months or less from date of purchase. Term deposits with maturities exceeding three months from date of purchase are not included in cash and cash equivalents. They are considered as an investing activity. Revenue recognition Revenue from environmental handling charges are recognized when the lubricating oil and/or oil containers and oil filters are sold by members, based on their remittance forms, except for revenue from prior years received in the current year following a new registration, because Environmental Handling Charges must be remitted retroactively from seven years, and for additional revenue determined following a compliance review. These Environmental Handling Charges are recognized in the year during which they are determined. 22 18 rapport 2012 annual annuel report 2012 Notes to financial statements FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Fixed assets Fixed assets are accounted for at cost and depreciation on the basis of their useful life using the following method and rates. Computer hardware Computer software Collection equipment Furniture and fixtures 33% 100% 20% 20% Expense allocation The society displayed its expenses by function. Salaries, fringe benefits and management & administration contracts shared by program and administration functions are allocated proportionally to hours spent as follow: Management & administration contracts – manager Salaries, fringe benefits and management & administration contracts ProgramAdministration 70% from 10% to 30% 30% from 70% to 90% Legal fees, which are not specifically allocated to the program or administration are allocated on 20% to legal fees – program and 80% to legal fees – administration. 3. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Accounts receivable Sales taxes receivable Accrued interest receivable 4. INVESTMENTS Term deposits, bearing interest at rate from 2.6% to 4.7%, maturing from February 2013 to October 2017 Current portion of investments 5. FIXED ASSETS Computer hardware Computer software Collection equipment Furniture and fixtures 6. Accounts payable Trade Wage payable Benefits payable Others Cost 21 514 10 470 248 000 50 334 330 318 Accumulated amortization 17 764 – 220 840 42 847 281 451 2012 $ 2011 $ 3 659 878 95 616 201 697 3 957 191 3 367 181 38 959 185 075 3 591 215 2012 $ 2011 $ 10 200 000 800 000 9 400 000 9 200 000 1 500 000 7 700 000 2012 $ 2011 $ Net value 3 750 10 470 27 160 7 487 48 867 Net value 7 074 – 45 440 12 270 64 784 2012 $ 2011 $ 1 845 013 1 164 7 446 118 659 1 972 282 1 813 414 1 734 7 928 249 649 2 072 725 7. RESTRICTED ASSET On October 22, 2012, the Board of Directors internally restricted an increase of the reserve of $1,000,000, for the total amount of $10,200,000, from unrestricted net assets to be held in case of proceedings against the society, program dissolution, unexpected changes in programs or mandate or other unexpected situations. This internally restricted amount is not available for other purposes without approval of the Board of Directors. 24 2012 annual report Notes to financial statements FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 8. COMMITMENTS Agreement The society has a consent agreement with RECYC-QUÉBEC until December 31, 2015, which is renewable annually. The new agreement was approved on October 22, 2012. ln accordance with this agreement, the society must collect Environmental Handling Charges from its members and pay a financial contribution to RECYC-QUÉBEC. Also, the society must obtain compliance reviews for selected firms by SOGHU and has to pay its fees. Management and administration services Under the terms of a management agreement, the society is charged a fee for provision of management services until June 2015. Software and technology services The organization is committed for 2013 and 2014 regarding the execution of software and technology services. Compliance reviews The organization is committed until 2015 regarding the execution of the compliance reviews. The estimated minimum annual payments under this commitment cannot be determined at this time. Rent The society has a lease commitment until November 2014 for the rental of office space. Minimum payments The estimated minimum annual payments required under these agreements are as follows: 2013 2014 2015 Management and administration $ Rent $ 222 220 197 900 91 800 511 920 27 900 25 575 – 53 475 9. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS In the regular course of its business, the society receives Environmental Handling Charges from its members and pays Return lncentives to Collectors and Processors. Some members and one Collecter (without voting right) have representatives who are part of the Board of Directors. These transactions are measured at the exchange amount and are subject to the usual commercial conditions of the society. The principal transactions concluded with members of the Board of Directors of the society during the year are as follows: 2012 $ 2011 $ 3 225 605 200 97 794 3 437 408 200 49 669 709 572 296 943 851 352 336 521 Revenues Environmental handling charges Registration and renewal Support of RECYC-QUÉBEC to expenses Expenses Return incentives Contribution to RECYC-QUÉBEC Finally, the accounts receivable include an amount of $774,755 (2011: $560,985) to be received from companies managed by members of the Board of Directors and the accounts payable include $242,032 (2011: $297,936) to be paid to companies and organizations managed by members of the Board of Directors. 10. EXPENSES ALLOCATION Salaries, fringe benefits and management & administration contracts and legal fees were allocated as follows: Salaries, fringe benefits and management & administration contracts Legal fees Program Administration 2012 $ 2011 $ 2012 $ 2011 $ 50 862 11 184 8 052 26 555 250 071 239 937 198 609 253 381 62 046 34 607 490 044 451 990 26 2012 annual report Notes to financial statements FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 11. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Credit risk ln the regular course of its operations, the society monitors the members that did not produce monthly remittance forms and did not remit Environmental Handling Charges. The society is not exposed to any significant risk with respect to a credit concentration. Market risk The society is exposed to the interest rate risk, which is the risk on which the fair value of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. 12. RECLASSIFIED ACCOUNTS Some accounts in the financial statements of the previous year have been reclassified to conform with disclosure adopted in the current year. 13. IMPACT OF THE CHANGE IN THE BASIS OF ACCOUNTING These financial statements are the first financial statements prepared in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations (ASNFPO). The financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2012 were prepared in accordance with the accounting principles described and the provisions set out in Section 1501, First-time Adoption, of the CICA Handbook – Accounting for first-time adopters of this basis of accounting. The adoption of these standards impacted the net assets at the time of transition, being January 1st, 2011. $ Reconciliation of net assets at January 1st, 2011 Net assets at January 1st, 2011 Accumulated gains directly recorded at changes in net assets Net assets at January 1st, 2011 according to the previous financial statements 9 659 385 76 525 9 735 910 Changes in net assets Write-off of the accumulated gains directly recorded at changes in net assets on investments held for trading (A) (76 525) 9 659 385 Net assets at January 1st, 2011 according to the ASNFPO (A) Investments According to the previous basis of accounting, its investments were recorded at the fair value as financial assests held for trading and accumulated gains were directly presented at changes in net assets. As the organization did not designate its investments as financial assets at the fair value following the first-time adoption of these standards, the organization initially measures its investments at fair value and subsequently measures them at amortized cost. lnvestments were adjusted but there was no impact on the excess of revenue over expenses. $ lnvestments According to previous financial statements Variations at changes in net assets According to ASNFPO 5 976 525 (76 525) 5 900 000 Société de gestion des huiles usagées 1101 Blvd. Brassard, Suite 214, Chambly (Québec) J3L 5R4 Phone: 450 447-9996 | Fax: 450 447-9988 E-mail: soghu@soghu.ca | www.soghu.com Toll free: 1 877 98-SOGHU (1 877 987-6448) Make every drop count!
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