JAPAN COMMISSION ON LARGE DAMS (JCOLD) INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON LARGE DAMS (ICOLD) OVERVIEW 㻮㼘㼕㼒㼅㼈㻃㻧㼄㼐 䊗䠀㻲㼙㼈㼕㼙㼌㼈㼚㻃㼒㼉㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㻭㼄㼓㼄㼑㻃㻦㼒㼐㼐㼌㼖㼖㼌㼒㼑㻃㼒㼑㻃㻯㼄㼕㼊㼈㻃㻧㼄㼐㼖㻃㻋㻭㻦㻲㻯㻧㻌 䊗䠀 㻲㼙㼈㼕㼙㼌㼈㼚㻃㼒㼉㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㻭㼄㼓㼄㼑㻃㻦㼒㼐㼐㼌㼖㼖㼌㼒㼑㻃㼒㼑㻃㻯㼄㼕㼊㼈㻃㻧㼄㼐㼖㻃㻋㻭㻦㻲㻯㻧㻌 1. History In 1931, three years after the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) was established, Japan joined ICOLD as the Japan National Committee on Large Dams. In 1944, Japan withdrew from ICOLD during the World War II, then rejoined in March 1953. On September 13, 1962, the Japan Commission on Large Dams was established, and in January 2012, it became a General Incorporated Association. 2. Operations JCOLD is involved in operations such as surveys, research, international technology exchanges, etc. concerning large dams and related facilities (below, “large dams”), in order to improve the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of large dams and to contribute to the development of the Japanese economy. Responsibilities include: Collection of information, surveying, and research concerning large dams (1) Exchange of technology and guidance concerning large dams (2) Participation in ICOLD, assistance with its activities, and international exchange of technology concerning large dams (3) Introduction of and spreading awareness of the achievements of surveys and research concerning large dams (4) Other activities necessary to achieve the goals of JCOLD In recent years, JCOLD has actively conducted a program of surveys and research on methods of harmonizing dam development with the environment and on ways to mitigate their environmental impacts to achieve the sustainable development of dams. 3. Organization Under the leadership of the Chairman, there is a Planning Committee, Technical Committee, and Administrative Office. These committees undertake work in their respective areas. 㻪㼈㼑㼈㼕㼄㼏 㻰㼈㼈㼗㼌㼑㼊 㻤㼘㼇㼌㼗㼒㼕 㻥㼒㼄㼕㼇㻃㼒㼉㻃㻧㼌㼕㼈㼆㼗㼒㼕㼖 㻰㼄㼑㼄㼊㼌㼑㼊 㻧㼌㼕㼈㼆㼗㼒㼕 㻷㼈㼆㼋㼑㼌㼆㼄㼏 㻦㼒㼐㼐㼌㼗㼗㼈㼈 㻤㼇㼙㼌㼖㼒㼕㻒 㻦㼒㼘㼑㼖㼈㼏㼒㼕 㻦㼋㼄㼌㼕㼐㼄㼑 㻹㼌㼆㼈㻃㻦㼋㼄㼌㼕㼐㼈㼑㻃 㻋㻖㻌 㻤㼇㼐㼌㼑㼌㼖㼗㼕㼄㼗㼌㼙㼈 㻲㼉㼉㼌㼆㼈 㻋㻶㼘㼅㻃㼆㼒㼐㼐㼌㼗㼗㼈㼈㼖㻌 •㻬㼑㼗㼈㼕㼑㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑㼄㼏㻃㻶㼘㼅㻃㻦㼒㼐㼐㼌㼗㼗㼈㼈㻃㻋㼏㼌㼄㼌㼖㼒㼑㻃㼚㼌㼗㼋㻃㻬㻦㻲㻯㻧㻌 •㻧㼄㼐㻃㻦㼒㼑㼆㼕㼈㼗㼈㻃㻩㼕㼒㼖㼗㻃㻧㼄㼐㼄㼊㼈㻃㻷㼈㼖㼗㼌㼑㼊㻃㼄㼑㼇㻃㻵㼈㼖㼈㼄㼕㼆㼋㻃㻶㼘㼅 㻃㻃㻦㼒㼐㼐㼌㼗㼗㼈㼈 •㻲㼙㼈㼕㼖㼈㼄㼖㻃㻧㼄㼐㻃㻳㼕㼒㼍㼈㼆㼗㻃㻷㼈㼆㼋㼑㼒㼏㼒㼊㼜㻃㻦㼒㼒㼓㼈㼕㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑㻃㼄㼑㼇㻃 㻃㻃㻳㼕㼒㼍㼈㼆㼗㻃㻳㼄㼕㼗㼌㼆㼌㼓㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑㻃㻶㼗㼘㼇㼜㻃㻶㼘㼅㻃㻦㼒㼐㼐㼌㼗㼗㼈㼈㻃㻋㻶㼓㼕㼈㼄㼇㼌㼑㼊㻃 㻃㻃㻭㼄㼓㼄㼑䇲㼖㻃㻧㼄㼐㻃㻷㼈㼆㼋㼑㼒㼏㼒㼊㼌㼈㼖㻃㻲㼙㼈㼕㼖㼈㼄㼖㻌 •㻪㼏㼒㼅㼄㼏㻃㻦㼏㼌㼐㼄㼗㼈㻃㻦㼋㼄㼑㼊㼈㻃㼄㼑㼇㻃㻧㼄㼐㼖㻃㻶㼘㼅㻃㻦㼒㼐㼐㼌㼗㼗㼈㼈 •㻧㼄㼐㻃㻨㼄㼕㼗㼋㼔㼘㼄㼎㼈㻃㻵㼈㼆㼒㼕㼇㻃㻧㼄㼗㼄㼅㼄㼖㼈㻃㻵㼈㼑㼈㼚㼄㼏㻃㻶㼘㼅㻃㻦㼒㼐㼐㼌㼗㼗㼈㼈 㻶㼈㼑㼌㼒㼕㻃㻰㼄㼑㼄㼊㼌㼑㼊 㻧㼌㼕㼈㼆㼗㼒㼕㼖 㻧㼌㼕㼈㼆㼗㼒㼕 㻳㼏㼄㼑㼑㼌㼑㼊 㻦㼒㼐㼐㼌㼗㼗㼈㼈 㻋㻶㼘㼅㻃㼆㼒㼐㼐㼌㼗㼗㼈㼈㼖㻌 •㻳㼘㼅㼏㼌㼆㻃㻵㼈㼏㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑㼖㻒㻨㼑㼙㼌㼕㼒㼑㼐㼈㼑㼗 㻃㻃㻶㼘㼅㻃㻦㼒㼐㼐㼌㼗㼗㼈㼈 •㻨㼇㼌㼗㼒㼕㼌㼄㼏㻃㻶㼘㼅㻃㻦㼒㼐㼐㼌㼗㼗㼈㼈 4. Membership The members of JCOLD are incorporated bodies involved in dam construction. They include government bodies concerned with dam construction, electric power companies, survey and research bodies, academic associations, industrial associations, construction consultants, construction companies, and manufacturers (72 members as of January 2012). 㻔 䊘䠀㻤㼆㼗㼌㼙㼌㼗㼌㼈㼖 1. Sub committees The Planning Committee and the Technical Committee have established the following Sub committees to carry out the activities of JCOLD. (1) Sub Committees of the Planning Committee 䝿 Public Relations/Environment Sub Committee (Publicizing water management of river basins, roles of reservoirs, etc.) 䝿 Editorial Sub Committee (Editing the JCOLD Journal: Large Dams) (2) Sub Committees of the Technical Committee 䝿 International Sub Committee (participates in ICOLD Annual Meetings and Congresses, etc.) 䝿 Dam Concrete Frost Damage Testing and Research Sub Committee (Long-term duration) 䝿 Overseas Dam Project Technology Cooperation and Project Participation Study Sub Committee (Spreading Japan’s Dam Technologies Overseas) 䝿 Global Climate Change and Dams Sub Committee 䝿 Dam Earthquake Record Database Renewal Sub Committee 2. Publication and distribution of Journals and PR magazines JCOLD publishes its Journal, Large Dams, four times a year (January, April, July, October), which is distributed to members and subscribers. At ICOLD Congresses held once every three years, JCOLD publishes Current Activities on Dams in Japan in English, which introduces the state of dams and dam technologies in Japan, and distributes it to Congress participants (1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, and 2009). 3. Participation in annual meetings and congresses of ICOLD ICOLD has established 21 technical committees, etc., of which Japan is an active member of 18 committees. JCOLD has established the International Sub Committee under its domestic technical committee and supports and guides its activities. At Congresses, JCOLD submits papers on many challenges (selection of important common international problems) and reports to be presented and discussed at the Congress. Table of ICOLD Technical Committees A. Computational Aspects of Analysis and Design of Dams B. Seismic Aspects of Dam Design C. Hydraulics for Dams D. Concrete Dams E. Embankment Dams F. Engineering Activities with the Planning Process for Water Resources Projects G. Environment *: Committees Japan does not participate in. H. Dam Safety I. Public Safety around Dams J. Sedimentation of Reservoirs K. Integrated Operation of Hydropower Stations and Reservoirs L. Tailings Dams & Waste Lagoons* N. Public Awareness and Education O. World Register of Dams and Documentation 㻕 Q. Dams for Hydroelectric Energy S. On Flood Evaluation and Dam Safety T. Dams and Water Transfers U. Role of Dams in the Dept. and Management of River Basins X. Financial and Advisory* Y. Global Climate Change and Dams, Reservoirs and the Associated Water Resources Z. Capacity Building and Dams* 4. Dam technology lectures and discussion meetings (Held jointly with the Japan Association of Dam & Weir Equipment Engineering) At the meeting, the results of surveys and research by the various JCOLD technical Sub committees, papers presented to the ICOLD Congress, and results of activities by the Japan Association of Dam & Weir Equipment Engineering are reported widely to people concerned with dams. In addition, the lecturers and participants in the Technology Lecture and Discussion Meeting discuss the reports in order to improve the technologies, maintenance, and operation of dams. 㻧㼄㼐㻃㼗㼈㼆㼋㼑㼒㼏㼒㼊㼜㻃㼏㼈㼆㼗㼘㼕㼈㻃㼄㼑㼇 㼖㼗㼘㼇㼜㻃㼐㼈㼈㼗㼌㼑㼊㻃㻋㻕㻓㻔㻕㻌 5. Tours of dams and electric power plants To increase mutual awareness among engineers, including JCOLD members and others concerned with dams, on improving dam and hydroelectric power plant technologies and the construction of dams, JCOLD holds tours of dams and hydroelectric power plants still under construction with the cooperation of various organizations. 㻷㼒㼘㼕㻃㼒㼉㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼖㼌㼗㼈㻃㼒㼉㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㻤㼖㼈㼌㼖㼋㼌㼊㼄㼚㼄㻃㻧㼄㼐㻃㼄㼑㼇 㼗㼋㼈㻃㻷㼖㼘㼊㼄㼕㼘㻃㻧㼄㼐㻃㻋㻕㻓㻔㻓㻌 䊙䠀㻪㼈㼑㼈㼕㼄㼏㻃㻬㼑㼉㼒㼕㼐㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑㻃㼄㼅㼒㼘㼗㻃㻧㼄㼐㼖㻃㼌㼑㻃㻭㼄㼓㼄㼑 1. Changes in dam construction in Japan In Japan, the major purpose of dams was irrigation from ancient times to the end of the feudal period in the mid nineteenth century. The Sayama-ike irrigation pond (Osaka Prefecture), which is considered to be Japan’s oldest dam, was completed in 616, and is recorded in the official historic documents. As Japan was modernized and urbanized after the Meiji Revolution (1867), Japan started to build dams with modern technology, to meet the increased demand for water and electric power. In 1891, the Hongouchi-kobu Dam (Nagasaki Prefecture) was completed as the Japan’s first water supply dam. As for hydropower, the Chitose No.1 Dam (Hokkaido) was first completed in 1910. Later, multi-purpose dams with flood control capacity were constructed, with the first, the Kodo Dam (Yamaguchi Prefecture), completed in 1940. To make more efficient use of water resources and control of flood, comprehensive projects are promoted under the concept of integrated development of river systems. Also, in recent years, redevelopment projects, such as raising the height of dams, excavating reservoirs, and upgrading discharge facilities, are being carried out more and more. 㻖 2. Major dams in Japan and around the world There are many dams over 100 meters high in Japan, though, their reservoir capacities are smaller than those of other dams around the world, reflecting the geographical features of Japan (narrow islands and steep terrain). Ranking of dams by height (2011 ICOLD Document) Japan Worldwide Dam name Type Height (m) Dam name Country Type 1 Kurobe Dam Arch 186 Rogun Tadjikistan Rockfill Height (m) 335 2 Takase Dam Rockfill 176 Bakhtiyari Iran Arch 315 305 3 Tokuyama Dam Rockfill 161 Jinping China Arch 4 Naramata Dam Rockfill 158 Nurek Tadjikistan Earthfill 300 5 Okutadami Dam Gravity 157 Xiaowan China Arch 292 285 6 Sakuma Dam Gravity 156 Grande Dixence Switzerland Gravity 7 Miyagase Dam Gravity 156 Xiluodu China Arch 278 8 Nagawado Dam Arch 155 Inguri Georgia Arch 272 9 Urayama Dam Gravity 155 Manuel Moreno Torres Mexico Earthfill 262 10 Nukui Dam Arch 155 Vajont Italy Arch 262 Ranking of dams by reservoir capacity (2011 ICOLD Document) 1 Japan Reservoir capacity (million m3) 660 Tokuyama Dam Worldwide Kariba Zimbabwe Reservoir capacity (million m3) 180,600 2 Okutadami Dam 601 Bratsk Russia 169,000 3 Tagokura Dam 494 High Aswan Dam Egypt 162,000 4 Miboro Dam 370 Daniel Johnson Canada 141,851 5 Ikehara Dam 338 Guri Venezuela 135,000 Dam name Dam name Country 6 Sakuma Dam 327 Bennett W.A.C. Canada 74,300 7 Kuzuryu Dam 320 Krasnoyarsk Russia 73,300 8 Sameura Dam 316 Lajeado Brazil 64,530 Canada 62,661 Canada 61,715 9 Hitotsuse Dam 261 La Grande-2, Digues CF-01, CF-02 et Prise d’eau 10 Tamagawa Dam 254 Robert-Bourassa 㻱㼄㼕㼄㼐㼄㼗㼄㻃㻧㼄㼐 3. Hydroelectric power plants in Japan (conventional hydropower and pumped storage hydropower) The output of hydroelectric power plants in Japan accounts for about 19% of all electric power sources, and pumped storage hydroelectric power occupies top 10s of the electric power output rankings. Electric power output ranking of hydropower plants (Document of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and 2011 ICOLD Document) Japan (Conventional Hydropower) Electric power Dam name output (MW) Hydroelectric power plant Worldwide Electric power plant Country Electric power output (MW) Dam name 1 Okutadami 560 Okutadami Dam Sanxia China 18,200 Sanxia 2 Tagokura 395 Tagokura Dam Xiluodu China 12,600 Xiluodu Itaipu 3 Sakuma 350 Sakuma Dam Itaipu Brazil 12,600 4 Kurobegawa-Daiyon 335 Kurobe Dam Guri Venezuela 10,000 Guri 5 Arimine Daiichi 265 Arimine Dam Tucurui Brazil 8,370 Tucurui 6 Tedorigawa Daiichi 250 Tedorigawa Dam Sayano-Shushenskaya Russia 6,400 Sayano-Shushenskaya 7 Miboro 215 Miboro Dam Qilinguan China 6,400 Qilinguan 8 Shinojiya 206 Miyanaka Dam Krasnoyarsk Russia 6,000 Krasnoyarsk 9 Hitotsuse 180 Hitotsuse Dam Xiangjiaba China 6,000 Xiangjiaba 10 Shinanogawa 177 Nishiotaki Dam Longtan China 5,400 Longtan Japan (Pumped Storage Hydropower) Hydroelectric power plant 1 Okutataragi 2 Okukiyotsu-Daini 3 Okumino 4 Shintakasegawa 5 Okouchi 6 Okuyoshino 7 Tamahara 8 Matanogawa 9 Shintoyone 10 Imaichi Electric power output (MW) Dam name (upper reservoir/lower reservoir) 㻔㻏㻜㻖㻕 㻔㻏㻙㻓㻓 㻔㻏㻘㻓㻓 㻔㻏㻕㻛㻓 㻔㻏㻕㻛㻓 㻔㻏㻕㻓㻙 㻔㻏㻕㻓㻓 㻔㻏㻕㻓㻓 㻔㻏㻔㻕㻘 㻔㻏㻓㻘㻓 㻮㼘㼕㼒㼊㼄㼚㼄㻃㻧㼄㼐㻒㻷㼄㼗㼄㼕㼄㼊㼌㻃㻧㼄㼐 㻮㼄㼖㼖㼄㻃㻧㼄㼐㻒㻩㼘㼗㼄㼌㻃㻧㼄㼐 㻮㼄㼒㼕㼈㻃㻧㼄㼐㻒㻮㼄㼐㼌㼒㼖㼘㻃㻧㼄㼐 㻷㼄㼎㼄㼖㼈㻃㻧㼄㼐㻒㻱㼄㼑㼄㼎㼘㼕㼄㻃㻧㼄㼐 㻲㼗㼄㻃㻧㼄㼐㻒㻫㼄㼖㼈㻃㻧㼄㼐 㻶㼈㼗㼒㻃㻧㼄㼐㻒㻤㼖㼄㼋㼌㻃㻧㼄㼐 㻷㼄㼐㼄㼋㼄㼕㼄㻃㻧㼄㼐㻒㻩㼘㼍㼌㼚㼄㼕㼄㻃㻧㼄㼐 㻧㼒㼜㼒㻃㻧㼄㼐㻒㻰㼄㼗㼄㼑㼒㼊㼄㼚㼄㻃㻧㼄㼐 㻶㼋㼌㼑㼗㼒㼜㼒㼑㼈㻃㻧㼄㼐㻒㻶㼄㼎㼘㼐㼄㻃㻧㼄㼐 㻮㼘㼕㼌㼜㼄㼐㼄㻃㻧㼄㼐㻒㻬㼐㼄㼌㼆㼋㼌㻃㻧㼄㼐 㻗 㻲㼎㼘㼗㼄㼇㼄㼐㼌㻃㻧㼄㼐 ϫ䠀㻬㼑㼗㼕㼒㼇㼘㼆㼗㼌㼒㼑㻃㼗㼒㻃㻧㼄㼐㻃㻷㼈㼆㼋㼑㼒㼏㼒㼊㼌㼈㼖㻃㼌㼑㻃㻭㼄㼓㼄㼑 䠀㻬㼑㼗㼕㼒㼇㼘㼆㼗㼌㼒㼑㻃㼗㼒㻃㻧㼄㼐㻃㻷㼈㼆㼋㼑㼒㼏㼒㼊㼌㼈㼖㻃㼌㼑㻃㻭㼄㼓㼄㼑 1. Trapezoidal CSG dam The trapezoidal CSG dam developed in Japan is a new type of dam which combines the characteristics of a trapezoidal Dam and the CSG (Cemented Sand and Gravel) construction method. It rationalizes the construction of dams in three ways: “Rationalization of materials: because the dam body materials require less strength, the required performance of the material is low and there are few restrictions on the selection of materials,” “Rationalization of design: The trapezoidal shape improves seismic stability, and so the strength required of the dam body materials is lower,” and “Rationalization of construction: Construction work can be executed rapidly by simplified construction facilities.” 㻳㼕㼒㼗㼈㼆㼗㼌㼒㼑㻃㼆㼒㼑㼆㼕㼈㼗㼈 㻦㻶㻪 㻳㼕㼒㼗㼈㼆㼗㼌㼒㼑㻃㼆㼒㼑㼆㼕㼈㼗㼈 㻶㼗㼕㼘㼆㼗㼘㼕㼄㼏㻃㼆㼒㼑㼆㼕㼈㼗㼈 㻬㼑㼖㼓㼈㼆㼗㼌㼒㼑㻃㼊㼄㼏㼏㼈㼕㼜 㻃㻵㼌㼆㼋㻃㼐㼌㼛㻃㻦㻶㻪 㻶㼈㼈㼓㼄㼊㼈㻃㼆㼒㼑㼗㼕㼒㼏㻃㼆㼒㼑㼆㼕㼈㼗㼈 㻃㻤㼘㼛㼌㼏㼌㼄㼕㼜㻃㼆㼘㼕㼗㼄㼌㼑㻃㼊㼕㼒㼘㼗㼌㼑㼊 㻩㼒㼘㼑㼇㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑㻃㼇㼕㼄㼌㼑㻃㼋㼒㼏㼈 㻦㼘㼕㼗㼄㼌㼑㻃㼊㼕㼒㼘㼗㼌㼑㼊 㻷㼒㼅㼈㼗㼖㼘㻃㻧㼄㼐 2. Electric power production by pumped storage of seawater The Okinawa Yanbaru Seawater Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant in Okinawa Prefecture, which is the world’s first seawater pumped storage hydroelectric power plant and where the Pacific Ocean is the lower reservoir and an artificial upper regulation pond is the upper reservoir, generates pumped storage electric power using seawater. Its penstock, pump turbine, and generator are all installed underground. Its effective drop is 136m, and its maximum flow rate is 26 m3/s. The maximum output of the power plant is 30 MW, and when the upper reservoir is full, it can operate continuously at maximum output for six hours. 㻲㼎㼌㼑㼄㼚㼄㻃㻼㼄㼑㼅㼄㼕㼘㻃㻶㼈㼄㼚㼄㼗㼈㼕㻃㻳㼘㼐㼓㼈㼇 㻶㼗㼒㼕㼄㼊㼈㻃㻳㼒㼚㼈㼕㻃㻳㼏㼄㼑㼗 㻺㼄㼗㼈㼕㼓㼕㼒㼒㼉㻃㼖㼋㼈㼈㼗 䕧㻩㼘㼏㼏㻃㼕㼈㼖㼈㼕㼙㼒㼌㼕㻃㼏㼈㼙㼈㼏㻃㻔㻘㻕㻑㻓㻓㻓 䕧㻯㼒㼚㻃㼕㼈㼖㼈㼕㼙㼒㼌㼕㻃㼏㼈㼙㼈㼏㻃㻔㻖㻕㻑㻓㻓㻓 㻬㼑㼗㼄㼎㼈㻃㼒㼓㼈㼑㼌㼑㼊 㻧㼌㼖㼆㼋㼄㼕㼊㼈㻃㼒㼓㼈㼑㼌㼑㼊㻃 㼆㼒㼑㼑㼈㼆㼗㼌㼑㼊㻃㼗㼘㼑㼑㼈㼏 㻸㼓㼓㼈㼕㻃㼕㼈㼖㼈㼕㼙㼒㼌㼕 㻳㼈㼑㼖㼗㼒㼆㼎 㻨㼏㼈㼆㼗㼕㼌㼆㻃 㼓㼒㼚㼈㼕㻃 㼓㼏㼄㼑㼗 㻨㼏㼈㼆㼗㼕㼌㼆㻃㼓㼒㼚㼈㼕㻃 㼓㼏㼄㼑㼗㻃㼈㼔㼘㼌㼓㼐㼈㼑㼗㻃 㼕㼈㼆㼈㼌㼙㼌㼑㼊㻃㼙㼈㼕㼗㼌㼆㼄㼏㻃 㼖㼋㼄㼉㼗 㻧㼌㼖㼆㼋㼄㼕㼊㼈㻃 㼒㼘㼗㼏㼈㼗 㻧㼌㼖㼆㼋㼄㼕㼊㼈㻃㼆㼋㼄㼑㼑㼈㼏 㻘 3. RCD (Roller Compacted Dam-Concrete) method This method is executed by spreading extremely dry and lean concrete with a small cement content with a bulldozer, then compacting it with a vibrating roller. Level differences are not formed on the placed surface, so it is classified as a planar method, like the expanded layer method. Using machinery such as bulldozers and vibrating rollers permits larger volumes to be placed faster than conventional column block method, thus not only reducing the construction term and cost, but also improving work safety. 㻷㼄㼎㼌㼝㼄㼚㼄㻃㻧㼄㼐 4. Total sediment management In Japan, sediment management based on the concept of integrating the process from the headwaters to the coast of a river basin is applied in order to stably maintain river courses, ensure the functions of dams and other structures, conserve the coast and mitigate impacts on the ecosystem. At dams, sediment control projects and sediment check dams restrict the inflow of sediment into dam reservoirs from the river basin, and the quantity of sediment flowing into reservoirs is lowered by constructing flushing bypass tunnels, discharging sediment from reservoirs by flushing pipelines, etc. 㻶㼈㼇㼌㼐㼈㼑㼗 㼗㼕㼄㼑㼖㼓㼒㼕㼗 㼖㼜㼖㼗㼈㼐 㻰㼒㼘㼑㼗㼄㼌㼑㼒㼘㼖 㼏㼄㼑㼇 㻩㼏㼄㼗㻃㼏㼄㼑㼇 㻵㼌㼙㼈㼕 㼐㼒㼘㼗㼋㻃䇬 㼆㼒㼄㼖㼗 㻰㼒㼑㼌㼗㼒㼕㼌㼑㼊 㼔㼘㼄㼑㼗㼌㼗㼜㻃㼄㼑㼇 㼔㼘㼄㼏㼌㼗㼜㻃㼒㼉 㼖㼈㼇㼌㼐㼈㼑㼗 㻬㼑㼗㼈㼊㼕㼄㼗㼈㼇㻃 㼖㼈㼇㼌㼐㼈㼑㼗㻃㼆㼒㼑㼗㼕㼒㼏 㼆㼒㼑㼖㼌㼇㼈㼕㼌㼑㼊㻃㼗㼋㼈 㼘㼓㼖㼗㼕㼈㼄㼐䇬 㼇㼒㼚㼑㼖㼗㼕㼈㼄㼐㻃㼅㼄㼏㼄㼑㼆㼈 㼒㼉㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼖㼈㼇㼌㼐㼈㼑㼗 㻰㼌㼚㼄㻃㻧㼄㼐㻃㼈㼔㼘㼌㼓㼓㼈㼇㻃 㼚㼌㼗㼋㻃㼄㻃㼖㼈㼇㼌㼐㼈㼑㼗㻃㼉㼏㼘㼖㼋㼌㼑㼊㻃 㼅㼜㼓㼄㼖㼖㻃㼗㼘㼑㼑㼈㼏 㻙 Ϭ2XWOLQHRIWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RPPLVVLRQRQ/DUJH'DPV,&2/' 1. Outline The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) is an international dam-related survey and research body with a tradition and history dating back to its establishment in 1928. To perform its activities, it has established a number of committees to conduct surveys and research on technologies related to the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of dam related structures (including associated hydroelectric power plants). In recent years, ICOLD has, in addition to dam technologies as described above, also been actively tackling environmental problems in response to the needs of the present age. Its achievements have been compiled as a Bulletin and released to the public. As of April 2012, ICOLD has 95 member countries. Its headquarters has been in Paris, France since it was established, it holds an Annual Meeting every year in a city in one of its member countries, and every three years it holds a Congress following the Annual Meeting in the same city. At these Annual Meetings and Congresses, in addition to meetings of the technical committees, symposiums and workshops are held to provide opportunities to discuss various problems which the member countries face. 㻰㼈㼐㼅㼈㼕㻃㼆㼒㼘㼑㼗㼕㼌㼈㼖㻃㻋㻜㻘㻌 Albania, Algeria, America, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, Congo, Costa Rica, Cote D’Ivoire, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominica, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Mali, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe (Alphabetic order) International Commission on Large Dams 61 avenue Kléber - 75116 - Paris - France 61, Tel. + Fax.+ URL䠌 http://www.icold-cigb.net/ p g 2. Activities (1) Technical and special committees are appointed to deal with specific subjects of member countries’ concern. Each committee is expected to make research and submit reports in accordance with terms of reference. (2) Every three years, ICOLD organizes the Congress inviting papers and presentations to discuss major and challenging themes of the times pertaining to large dams and reservoirs and associated civil engineering works. (3) ICOLD publishes bulletins of its activity results including congress papers and minutes, technical committee reports, guidelines in dam engineering and so on. (4) In order to promote advance in dam technology, ICOLD provides opportunities and facilitate communication to exchange and discuss updated information among experts and member countries. 㻶㼈㼙㼈㼑㼗㼜㻐㼑㼌㼑㼗㼋㻃㻤㼑㼑㼘㼄㼏㻃㻰㼈㼈㼗㼌㼑㼊㻃㼌㼑 㻯㼘㼆㼈㼕㼑㼈㻏㻃㻶㼚㼌㼗㼝㼈㼕㼏㼄㼑㼇㻃㻋㻕㻓㻔㻔㻌 㼈 㻷㼒 㼐㼈㼌㼎 㻷㼄 㻷㼒㼕㼄㼑㼒㼐㼒㼑㻃 㻫㼒㼖㼓㼌㼗㼄㼏 㻮㼄㼖㼘㼐㼌㼊㼄㼖㼈㼎㼌㻃㼅㼏㼇㻑 㻮㼄㼐㼌㼜㼄㼆㼋㼒 㻭㻤㻳㻤㻱㻃㻶㻺㻲㻵㻧㻃 㻰㼌㼑㼌㼖㼗㼕㼜㻃㼒㼉㻃㻨㼇㼘㼆㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑㻏㻃 㻦㼘㼏㼗㼘㼕㼈㻏㻃㻶㼓㼒㼕㼗㼖㻏㻃 㻶㼆㼌㼈㼑㼆㼈㻃㼄㼑㼇㻃㻷㼈㼆㼋㼑㼒㼏㼒㼊㼜 㻷㼒㼕㼄㼑㼒㼐㼒㼑㻃㻖㻐㼆㼋㼒㼐㼈 㻷㼒 㻶㼄㼎㼘㼕㼄㼇㼄㼐㼒㼑 㻶㼄㼎㼘㼕㼄㼇㼄㻃㻶㼗㼕㼈㼈㼗 NTT FedEx F dE UFJ Bank UFJ Bank 㻷㻲㻮㻼㻸㻃㻬㻱㻱 㼗 㼕㼈㼈 㻃㻶㼗 㼌㼗㼄 㼖㼋 㼒 㼄㼊 㻤㼗 㻭㻦㻲㻯㻧 㻷㼒㼕㼄㼑㼒㼐㼒㼑㻃㻼㼄㼗㼖㼘㼎㼄㻃㼅㼏㼇㻑㻃㻛㻩 㻶㼘㼅㼚㼄㼜㻃㻪㼌㼑㼝㼄㻃㼏㼌㼑㼈㻏㻃㻷㼒㼕㼄㼑㼒㼐㼒㼑㻃㻶㼗㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑 㻚㻃㼐㼌㼑㼘㼗㼈㼖㻃㼚㼄㼏㼎㻃㼉㼕㼒㼐㻃㻨㼛㼌㼗㻃㻔㻑㻕㻑㻗 㻶㼘㼅㼚㼄㼜㻃㻫㼌㼅㼌㼜㼄㻃㼏㼌㼑㼈㻏㻃㻮㼄㼐㼌㼜㼄㼆㼋㼒㻃㻶㼗㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑 㻚㻃㼐㼌㼑㼘㼗㼈㼖㻃㼚㼄㼏㼎 㻶㼘㼅㼚㼄㼜㻃㻪㼌㼑㼝㼄㻃㼏㼌㼑㼈㻃㻷㼒㼕㼄㼑㼒㼐㼒㼑㻃㻶㼗㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑 㻤㼇㼇㼕㼈㼖㼖㻃㻝㻃㻷㼒㼕㼄㼑㼒㼐㼒㼑㻃㻼㼄㼗㼖㼘㼎㼄㻃㻥㼏㼇㼊㻑㻃㻛㻩㻏㻃㻔㻐㻔㻐㻔㻔 Atago, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0002 Japan Tel. +81-3-3459-0946 Fax. +81-3-3459-0948 E-mail㻃㻝㻃secretariat@jcold.or.jp URL㻃㻝㻃http://www.jcold.or.jp 㻶㼘㼅㼚㼄㼜㻃㻫㼌㼅㼌㼜㼄㻃㼏㼌㼑㼈㻃㻮㼄㼐㼌㼜㼄㼆㼋㼒㻃㻶㼗㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑 㻭㼄㼓㼄㼑㻃㻦㼒㼐㼐㼌㼖㼖㼌㼒㼑㻃㼒㼑㻃㻯㼄㼕㼊㼈㻃㻧㼄㼐㼖 㻰㼌㼝㼘㼋㼒㻃㻥㼄㼑㼎 㻷㼒㼕㼄㼑㼒㼐㼒㼑㻃 To Shimbashi 2012.4 㻚