Preload (mN) - Nano Ontario
Preload (mN) - Nano Ontario
Biomimetic Micro/Nano Structured Surfaces: Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications H. Shahsavan, B. McDonald, Z. Pan, P. Patel and B. Zhao Chemical Engineering and Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada *email: Introduction Characterization Introduction Outstanding interfacial properties of the natural and biological systems have inspired the scientists to mimic these properties in synthetic structures. Adhesive toe pads of gecko and superhydrophobic leaves of lotus plant are the most renowned examples of such systems. Herein, we report our recent progress in fabrication and characterization of synthetic biomimetic structures. Gecko-inspired fibrillar interfaces were fabricated and used to tailor adhesion, friction and wetting. Moreover, the leaves of trembling aspen plant were used for fabrication of synthetic random structures for the same purpose. A micro-indenter machine equipped with motorized stage, bottom view and side view microscopes was used for measurement of adhesion, friction, and wetting. Motorized Both local and global coefficient of friction of a materials decreases through surface patterning. The preload determines the mode of contact and as a result the real contact area between the mating surfaces. We only experienced laid and transient contact for friction test on the rigid pillars. [4] 12 70 (b) Light Source Indenter probe Camera Friction Coefficient (mN) Force Friction of (c) Bottom View PDMS Micro-pillars Contact area Lab View Load Cell (a) Transient Laid Contact FX Conformal (f) Side View (e) Camera (d) Inverted Microscope 4X 1060 50 8 40 630 20 4 10 20 0 2 Fx=1.73Fz+8.2 & R =0.99 70 Friction Force (mN) Fz Stage 60 2 Fx=1.73Fz+8.2 & R =0.99 50 40 30 20 2 Fx=0.80Fz+2.49 & R =0.99 100 0 0 5 10 15 20 Preload (mN) 0 25 2 Fx=0.80Fz+2.49 & R =0.99 5 5 10 10 15 15 2020 25 25 Preload (mN) Preload (mN) As the asperities are remarkably softer and shorter for synthetic leaf, conformal contact is achievable resulting a wide range of friction control ability. [2] (a) Gecko toe pad embroidered naturally by arrays of (b) setae which are terminated by (c) brushes of spatula, ref1; (d) Trembling aspen leaf with (e & f) magnified surface asperities, from ref 2. Fabrication Adhesion Negative Mold (Si-W) PDMS Pillars Positive Mold (SU-8) PDMS Holes Trmbling Aspen Leaf Trembling Aspen Leaf Negative Leaf Pattern Friction Force (mN) 60 60 6 50 50 4 40 40 2 30 30 0 20 20 -2 100 100 -10 200 200 0 Bulged crack line Hexadecane Trans. Oil 70 70 50 50 60 40 40 50 30 40 20 30 30 2 Fx=1.73Fz2+8.2 & R =0.99 Fx=1.73Fz+8.2 & R =0.99 2 Fx=1.73Fz+8.2 & R =0.99 20 10 100 0 20 10 0 0 0 Synthetic Leaf Preload 2 mN 10 Laid-Transient Contact 100 200 300 400 500 600 F-PDMS Flat F-PDMS Pillars 27⁰ 67⁰ 133⁰ 42⁰ 70⁰ 125⁰ 102⁰ 107⁰ 151⁰ Water 60 Friction Force (mN) Friction Force (mN) (a)Thin-film terminated structure from PDMS, Inking is the main fabrication step (150m height and 50m diameter) adopted from ref 3, (b) epoxy micropillars (25m height and 10m diameter) from ref 4, and (c) synthetic leaf from PDMS from ref 2. 60 20 Flat PDMS Friction tests were conducted on the rigid micro-pillars made from epoxy. The results reviled the a remarkable decrease in friction force for different preloads. Thus, surface patterning can be used for decrease in friction force. This is also the case for patterning of soft materials. [4] 70 Synthetic Leaf 30 Contact angle measurement experiments showed: I. Chemical surface modification slightly increases contact angle II. Surfaces patterning increases the contact angle more pronouncedly III. Chemical and topographical modification of the surface dramatically increase the contact angle. This trend observed for different liquids such as water, transmission oil, and hexadecane. [5] Friction Epoxy Pillars 40 Wetting Displacement (m) Film-ended Pillar Conformal Contact Displacement (m) 30010 400 400 20 500 500 30600 600 300 Displacement(m) (m) Displacement Preload 30 mN 50 0 10 10 -4 -600 00 -20 Flat PDMS 0 Crack trapping Positive Mold (SU-8) Circular contact line Friction Force (mN) Fabrication path Negative Mold (Si-W) Introduction of the simple micro-pillars reduces the adhesion force when the test is carried out by a spherical probe. By use of a flat punch the adhesion strength of the fibrillar interfaces increase. The fibrils’ tip shape crucially determines the adhesion behaviour. Thin film-terminated micropillars increase the adhesion force and energy remarkably due to crack trapping mechanism and enhanced compliance. [3] (mN)(mN) Force Force Friction (mN) Force Friction Soft-lithography technique has been utilized to fabricate micro/nanostructures. Negative master mold was micro-holes on Si-wafer, positive master mold was SU-8 micropillars, and the leaf of the trembling aspen was the master mold for synthetic leaves. Doublecasting technique with PDMS intermediate mold was used for pattern transfer to epoxy and also PDMS. Inking technique was utilized to change the tip shape of the micropillars. SAM coating of the PDMS intermediate mold is necessary for double-casting fabrication technique. 60 References 2 Fx=0.80Fz+2.49 & R =0.99 5 0 2 2 10 15 20 Fx=0.80F &RR=0.99 =0.9925 F =0.80F +2.49 & z+2.49 x z Preload (mN) 5 10 15 5 10 15 2020 25 25 Preload (mN) Preload (mN) We thank NSERC for financial supports. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Autumn K, Liang YA, Hsieh ST, Zesch W, Chan WP, Kenny TW, et al., Nature, 2000; 405: 681-685. McDonald B, Patel P, Zhao B, Chem Eng. Process Tech, 2013; 1:1012. Shahsavan H and Zhao B, Soft Matter, 2012; 8: 8281-8284. McDonald B, Shahsavan H, Zhao B, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2013; in press. Shahsavan H, Arunbabu D, Zhao B, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2012; 297: 743760.