tacoma cardiology conference
tacoma cardiology conference
PAYMENT METHOD Check VISA MasterCard AMEX ACCOUNT NUMBER EXP DATE MultiCare’s Department of Continuing Medical Education and Cardiac Study Center, Inc., P.S. TOTAL ENCLOSED $ Present MAILING ADDRESS TACOMA CARDIOLOGY CONFERENCE AUTHORIZED CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE NAME (PLEASE PRINT) Check, made payable to: “MHS CME” Mail or fax payment and registration form to: MultiCare Continuing Medical Education MS 409-B-CME PO Box 5299 Tacoma, WA 98415-0299 Fax number: 253.403.2971 INFORMATION C.I. Shenanigans is located on Tacoma’s historic waterfront at 3017 Ruston Way. For additional conference information call (253) 403-1221 or email lisa.white@multicare.org SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2016 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PLANNING COMMITTEE Daniel Guerra, MD Peter Petrukitas, ARNP Jaime Pugeda, MD Gavind Niamatali, MD Wendy Fitch, CHC, Compliance Mgr Lisa White, MPA, MHS CME MultiCare Health System PO Box 5299 MS: 409-B-CME Tacoma, WA 98415-0299 EVENT CHAIR Tariq Salam, MD, FACC, FHRS Electrophysiology Cardiac Study Center, INC., P.S. C.I. SHENANIGANS BALLROOM 3017 RUSTON WAY TACOMA WASHINGTON Cardiac Study Center, Inc., P.S. and MultiCare Health System’s Department of Continuing Medical Education Present CONFERENCE GOAL: This course is designed to provide primary care TACOMA CARDIOLOGY CONFERENCE physicians and health care provider’s updates on current diagnostic, prevention and treatment recommendations for patients with cardiovascular disease. C.I. SHENANIGANS – TACOMA, WA WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Family Practice Physicians, Internists, Advanced Practice Clinicians, RN’s, Residents and other clinical care providers. Agenda LEARNING OBJECTIVES 730 800 At the end of this activity participants should be able to: • Incorporate new guideline-based treatments in HF to clinical practice. • Review the differences in the standard of care for chronic outpatient management of HFrEF vs HFpEF and update current clinical practice. • Appreciate the growing burden of heart failure on the nation’s healthcare system and well-being • Speak confidently about advance directives. • Begin to plan for your office’s involvement with Honoring Choices: Pacific Northwest. • Conduct an efficient/effective/evolving goals of care conversation with cardiac patients. • List the indications for deactivating AICDs and how that differs from pacemakers. • Describe hospice eligibility for the heart failure patient. • Describe and discuss indications for cardiac stent placement. • Describe and discuss the clinical benefits of stent placement. • Determine how to differentiate between low and high risk patients according to current AHA Cholesterol Guidelines. • Develop a consistent approach for evaluating and treating patients with elevated cholesterol. • Recognize tachyarrhythmias, bradyarrhythmias, heart blocks, inherited cardiac diseases, and old infarcts on elective ECGs and determine what to do about them. • Recognize benign ECGs that mimic significant abnormalities. • Review and discuss indications for valve replacement. • Utilize patient selection criteria to determine which patients are potential candidates for valve replacement. • Differentiate life-threatening from more benign chest pain. • Develop an approach to the patient with chest pain utilizing risk stratification and evidence based algorithms. • Evaluate the risks and benefits of the various diagnostic tests for coronary artery disease. • Differentiate between “normal stress” and burnout. • Identify 3 main symptoms of burnout and recognize how they differ in men and women. • Recognize burnout in colleagues and yourself. • Review burnout’s pathophysiology, complications and four main causes. • Utilize six stress relief tools: 1. Problem vs. Dilemma and your burnout prevention strategy. 2. Ideal Practice Description and the Venn of Happiness. 3. EMR/Documentation Strategy. 4. Schedule HACK. 5. Date night secrets. 6. The Boundary Ritual. • Identify patients who need evaluation for cryptogenic stroke and explain why they need further work up. • Describe and discuss tests available for evaluation of cryptogenic stroke. FACULTY Dike Drummond MD CEO, TheHappyMD.com Daniel Guerra, MD Cardiac Study Center, Inc. P.S. Tony Kim, MD Cardiac Study Center, Inc. P.S. Kurt Kinney, MD Cardiac Study Center, Inc. P.S. Tobias Lee, MD, FACC Cardiac Study Center, Inc. P.S. Michael Mosley, MD Medical Director, Adult Palliative Medicine Services MultiCare Health System Kingson Momah, MD, FACC, FSCAI Cardiac Study Center, Inc. P.S. Vinay Malhotra, MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCCT Cardiac Study Center, Inc. P.S. Gavind Niamatali, MD Hospitalist MultiCare Health System Peter Petrukitas, ARNP Cardiac Study Center, Inc. P.S. Jamie Pugeda, MD, FACC Cardiac Study Center, Inc. P.S. Tariq Salam, MD, FACC, FHRS Cardiac Study Center, Inc. P.S. Devendra Vora, MD, PhD, FACC Cardiac Study Center, Inc. P.S. Space is limited. Register early. TACOMA CARDIOLOGY CONFERENCE FIRST NAME LAST NAME MD DO ARNP PA RN CREDENTIALS – PLEASE CIRCLE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2016 Registration/ Continental Breakfast Welcome and Overview Tariq Salam MD, FACC, FHRS Session 1 “SOB”: Update on the Failing Heart 810 New Heart Failure Therapies: Turning Failure into Success Tony Kim MD 840 Knowing when to say when: Palliative Care for the Cardiac Patient Michael Mosley MD 910 Drive-Thru Valve Replacement:Percutaneous Valve Replacement Kurt Kinney MD • Vinay Malhotra MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCCT 940Break Session 2 950 1020 1050 “CP”: Update on Chest Pain Outpatient Evaluation of Chest Pain Daniel Guerra MD Unblocking Arteries to Prolong Life - Debate Stents saves Lives Kingson Momah MD, FACC, FSCAI Lifestyle and Medical Therapy saves Lives Jaime Pugeda MD, FACC Aggressive cholesterol lowering vs personlized care - New Guideline Debate Aggressive Management: More is Better Devin Vora MD, PhD, FACC Calculated Risk and Management is Better Vinay Malhotra MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCCT Session 3 “Weakness”: Update on Stroke 1120 Management of Cryptogenic Stroke - Why involve a Cardiologist? Gavind Niamitali MD • Tariq Salam MD, FACC, FHRS 1150Lunch Session 4 “Palps”: Update of Arrhythmia 1245 ECGs that PCPs Cannot Miss Peter Petrukitas ARNP 1315 Healing Thyself: Preventing Burnout Dike Drummond MD 1415Break 1425 Order from Disorder: Current Management of Atrial Fibrillation Tariq Salam MD, FACC, FHRS 1455 Cardiology Jeopardy Tobias Lee MD, FACC 1555Evaluation ADDRESS CITY STATEZIP DAYTIME TELEPHONE (include area code) EMAIL ADDRESS REGISTRATION FEE (Includes continental breakfast and lunch. All attendees/guests are required to register and pay fee.) PHYSICIANS Before 1/8/16: $100 After 1/8/16: $130 NON PHYSICIAN Before 1/8/16: $85 After 1/8/16: $115 MEDICAL STUDENTS: $40 Cancellation Policy: An administrative fee of $50.00 will be retained on all refunds for the conference. Refunds are not possible after the course has begun, and notice of cancellation must be submitted in writing to Continuing Medical Education prior to 02/27/16. MultiCare Health system reserves the right to cancel this course at any time. In this event, the full registration fee will be returned to the registrant. Space is limited. ACCREDITATION MultiCare Health System is accredited by the Washington State Medical Association to provide continuing medical education for physicians. MultiCare Health System designates this live activity for a maximum of 6 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s) ™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. This activity meets the criteria for up to 6 hours of Category I CME credit to satisfy the relicensure requirements of the Washington State Medical Quality Assurance Commission. American Academy of Family Physicians Application for CME credit has been filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians. Determination of credit is pending. Faculty Disclosure Faculty and planner disclosure information will be listed in the course syllabi.
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