St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church


St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 10, 2016
Saturday, July 9
Is 6: 1-8/ Ps 93: 1-2, 5/ Mt 10: 24-33
5:00 PM
John Coyle
Thomas Pugliese
Jeffrey Meade
Sunday, July 10
Dt 30: 10-14/ Ps 69: 14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36, 37/ Col 1: 15-20/
Lk 10: 25-37
8:00 AM
Michael Salerno
9:30 AM
Alfredo & Yolanda Virto-Heran
Virgen del Rosario de Chiquinquirá
11:00 AM
Bernard Angst
6:30 PM
Clara Bluttman
Monday, July 11
Is 1: 10-17/ Ps 50: 8-9, 16-17, 21, 23/ Mt 10: 34-11: 1
9:00 AM
Bridget Callahan
Tuesday, July 12
Is 7: 1-9/ Ps 48: 2-8/ Mt 11: 20-24
9:00 AM
Fanny Doca
Wednesday, July 13
Is 20: 5-7, 13-16/ Ps 94: 5-10, 14-15/ Mt 11: 25-27
9:00 AM
Harold Slattery
7:00 PM
Tito Guglielmone
8:00 PM
Thursday, July 14
Is 26: 7-29, 12, 16-19/ Ps 102: 13-21/ Mt 11: 28-30
9:00 AM
Marie Ferrari
Friday, July 15
Is 38: 1-6, 21-22, 7-8/ (Ps) Is 38: 10-12, 16/ Mt 12: 1-8
9:00 AM
Emil Knips
Saturday, July 16
Mi 2: 1-5/ Ps 10: 1-4, 7-8, 14/ Mt 12: 14-21
5:00 PM
Living Members Memnon Family
Paul Mazzaresi
Lena & Jessie Prochilo
Sunday, July 17
Gn 18: 1-10/ Ps 15: 2-5/ Col. 1: 24-28/ Lk 10: 38-42
8:00 AM
Thomas Davey
9:30 AM
Julia & Guillermo Pessagno
Miguel Augusto Alvarado Cortave
Georgina Gomez
11:00 AM
Joseph Brian Kellen
6:30 PM
Alice, Tom, & Tommy Carroll
Ana Bauman
Arleen Ercole
Bill Healy
Catherine Brones
Dorothy Boe
Ellen Rizzo
Eugene Harrison
Giovanni Alvarado
Gloria Ostendorf
James Jones
Jim Monahan
Joan Yavorcik
John Downey
John Enright
John Schwarz
José Lazo
Joseph Ingraffia
Josephine Anne O’Keeffe
Kevin Doherty
Laura Lilley Yavorcik
Lauren Dittrich Bilyeu
Margaret Rizzo
Marge Haggerty
Mary Curnyn
Mary L. Phelan
Mary Meyer
Mick Ennis
Patricia Connelly
Richard Webster
Robert E. Lee
Robert Lilley
Seamus Small
Tito Squeo
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Incl. Online
this week:
July 11 VIRTUS Training
July 14-17 Summer Fair
July 17 The Showcase Singing
Competition, 8 pm
Aug. 15 Assumption of the Virgin Mary
July 14, 15, 16, & 17
Come and join us for
fun-filled weekend of International Food;
a fun
Gambling; Games; Homemade Desserts; 50/50 Raffle;
Rides and Fun Activities for Children.
Once more we are asking for your
support to make our fair a great
success. We are looking for
volunteers and strong people to
help in setting up and cleaning up.
Sign up sheet in Church
or call Rectory.
We are looking for people who
would be willing to donate cakes,
brownies, cookies or anything that
you want to for the dessert table.
To donate, please call Carol Mulé
at 516-897-4921.
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 10, 2016
St. Mary’s Is Now Offering Enrollment in Automatic On-Line
Mass Offerings
Instead of using envelopes and writing weekly
checks, schedule an automatic fund transfer from
designated bank checking or savings account or
automatic credit card charge, on-line.
-Go to
-Click on “Donate”
-Create your on-line account
-Follow instructions to schedule your
recurring weekly or monthly contributions.
4th Annual Summer Reading
and Math Program at
St. Mary of the Isle
Children ages 5-10
Tuesdays &
9a.m.- 10:30 a.m.
during July &
August, 2016
Anyone volunteering in our Summer
Fair or any other Ministry or event at
St. Mary’s must have attended the
training session Protecting God’s
Children for Adults. Dr. Claire Schirtzer
will offer trainings on:
Monday, July 11th, 2016
7 p.m. in the Parish Hall
Come improve your
reading and math skills with
high school student volunteers.
For information or to sign up please call:
Anya Murphy at 516-743-7400 or send an
e-mail to:
and leave your child’s name, age, telephone
number, and e-mail address.
Please register at: (go to
the VIRTUS link) to be able to take the
training. REMEMBER: This is mandated
by the Diocese.
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Décimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
10 de julio de 2016
14, 15, 16, & 17 de Julio
Venga y disfrute de un fin de semana
lleno de diversión: Comida Internacional,
Casino, Juegos, Postres, Juegos Mecánicos,
Rifa 50/50 y actividades divertidas para niños.
Una vez más solicitamos su
colaboración para hacer de nuestra
feria un gran éxito. Se necesitan
voluntarios y personas fuertes para
ayudar en montaje y limpieza.
Hay hojas de inscripción en la Iglesia
o llame a la Rectoría.
Cuarto Programa Anual de Verano de
Lectura y
Matemáticas en
Santa María
Niños de 5-10 años
martes y jueves,
9:00 am a 10:30 am,
julio y agosto, 2016.
Venga y mejore sus
habilidades en lectura y matemáticas con voluntarios
adolescentes de la escuela secundaria.
Para información o inscripción, favor llamar
a Anya Murphy 516-743-7400 o enviar email a y dejar el nombre
y edad de su niño, número de teléfono
y correo electrónico.
Buscamos personas que puedan
donar pasteles, biscochos o
galletas para la mesa de postres.
Favor comunicarse con Carol
Mulé al 516-897-4921.
El entrenamiento de VIRTUS es obligatorio
para todas las personas que participan como
voluntarias en nuestra Feria de Verano, en
algún Ministerio o en cualquier otro evento
en nuestra iglesia. Si usted aún no lo ha
tomado, favor visite la página de internet de
la Diócesis para que se inscriba en una de
las sesiones que ofreceremos el lunes 11 de
julio, a las 7 pm en el Salón Par r oquial.
Las sesiones serán en inglés pero podríamos
facilitar la instrucción en español si usted
nos lo hace saber con anticipación. Favor
contactar a Soledad Rozo o a la oficina de la