Label Printing Desktop Application
Label Printing Desktop Application
® Ca se S t ud y Label Printing Desktop Application For Roxul-Rockwool Technical Insulation India MAnufACT uRin g – L Abe L P R in Tin g A P P LiC ATi On – V b . n e T / C # C l i en t O v e r v i e w A b o ut C lient: An India based joint venture Company The S olut ion: Silver Touch has provided highly is manuf acturing an extensive range of stone wool comprehensive solution; where in the authorized insulation products in the area of Special Economic Zone users can have the application access as per the at the powerful commercial state of India. The planned assigned privileges. The proposed application will capacity of the organization is around 30,000 tons of have two types of users such as Administrator stone wool products per year. The company has various (Master User) and Operator (End User). branches across the globe and preferred suppliers of Operator will be able to print the labels using the products, systems and solutions for improved energy relevant interface where as the Administrato r will efficiency, acoustic perfor mance and fire safety in have the rights to manage the entire application buildings. features and functionalities like creating oth er users (Operators/End users only), Manage master and R e qui r em ent Ov er v ie w & Ch alle n g es Ah ea d : generate reports (Master Listings). The proposed Client wanted Silver Touch to assist in designing and application will not have any interface or integration development of a new & more robust desktop based with any other computerized system like SAP etc. printing application for 3 types of labels using English language, working in a Standalone environment using .Net based technology platfor m over MY SQL ser ver database. The printing labels needs to be printed with advance design objects (Certification Symbols) but without barcodes. SilverTouch Technologies Limited © co pyright 1992-2012 all rights reser ved. Property of SilverTouch Technologies Ltd. Label Printing Desktop Application Pr oj ec t D e s c ri p t ion The main objective of this application was to create desktop based interface which can support to their operators to create and desi gn three different types of labels using English language and without barcode. The operator user will be able to access following three Interfaces for printing the three types of labels as per the three categories of the products (SL/WM/ PS): 1.SL (Slab) Label Printing 2.WM (Wire Mesh) Label Printing 3.PS (Pipe) Label Printing - The operator users will able to print the labels within the size of 4”x6”. - The operator users will able to print the label in Black color. The entire features and functionalities of the application and user ’s roles responsibilities to access the application will be managed by super administrator. O b j ect iv e s The Project Objectives were: 1. Need to create of up to 2 important user roles such as: 1.1. Super admin 1.2. Operators (Staff User) 2. Application accessible functionalities: 2.1. Allow operators to create three different types of labels in only one language (English) platfor m. 2.2. Allow super admin to manage the application features and functionalities. 2 Label Printing Desktop Application A p p r oa c h – O n e Mor e Step Ahead To war ds Su cce ss The Project was divided into 3 different phases: 1. Phase 1: At the initial time of the project we have done analysis on the Prototype for the System Flow, Databa se Design. 2. Phase 2: In the second stage of the project development, we started work to create a desktop based application including all master Modules/Interface and rich User Interface. 3. Phase 3: In the final stage of the development, we have done Setup of testing environment (same as the production environment) using dummy data Tech n o l o g y D ev el o p m e n t e n v i r onm ent Technolog y Spe ci fi ca ti o ns Technolog y & framework 4.0 Da tabase SQL Ser ver 2008 Da tabase Langua ges Opera ting System Windo ws 2007 Web Ser ver iiS 6.0 D ep l o y m e n t e n v iro nm ent Tech n o l o g y Sp e ci fi ca ti o ns Technolog y & framework 4.0 Da tabase SQL Ser ver 2008 (e xpress e dition) Langua ges Opera ting System Windo ws 2007 Web Ser ver iiS 6.0 3 Label Printing Desktop Application Duration 1. Project Man Hours: 245 Man Hours 2. Project Life Cycle: 45 Days Res u l t s A c h i e v e d Application users are now able to create and print different types of labels with accuracy and ver y effectively. This application is now saving their lots of time for preparing labels. b en ef i ts - The int ended benefit of this application is to enable the administrator to manage the entire application features and functionalities within an easy & efficient manner. - The desktop application will provide support to the operators to create the labels within three different types using English l anguage. - Operators will able to create labels without barcode s along with advance design. A ccom p l i s h m e n t 1. Operator can access entire application within their access privileges 2. Rich user interface 3. The objective of these PRODUCT masters is to reduce the input efforts and increase the efficiency of the Operator (End User) in label printing task. 4. During actual proces s of printing labels when Oper ator (End User) will have ITEM CODE as a first input in screen, when item code is selected rest of all predefined input parameters will be auto populated. 4 Label Printing Desktop Application Deliver best products, software solutions and services, on time with quality, and as per customer expectations A b ou t S i l v e rTo u c h SilverTouch, a company established in 1992 is widely accepted for its IT solutions with a huge customer base in more than 20 countries across the world. SilverTouch is actively engaged in Enterprise software development, enterprise content management, document management and IT consulting ser vices such as Business process optimization, process consulting, implementation and customization of ERP. SilverTouch leads brilliantly in new technical developments such as: Mobile Application development ser vices on iPhone, iPad, Blackberr y, Android, J2ME and Windows mobile platfor ms. Even now, SilverTouch helps its global clients for major developments, deployments and managements of their mobility solutions and enterprise application development programs. SilverTouch has alliance with several industr y leaders such as Microsoft, Apple, Cisco, IBM, Oracle, SAP, Java, Dell, VM ware, Symantec, Sonic Wall which provides a competitive edge over other industr y peers and targets to understand and cater to all types of requirements that concer n our clients, thereby, leading to ser ve them precisely to their satisfaction. For more infor mation, please visit m or email ® india Headquarter united Kingdom north America S ilv e r To uc h Te c hno lo gie s L imit e d 2nd f lo o r, S a f f r o n, nr. Pa nc hw a ti C ir cle , A hme da ba d-380 006. Pho ne : +91 - 79 - 2656 31 58 E - m a il : in f o @s ilve r t o u c h . c o m We b : w w w. s ilve r t o u c h . c o m S i l v er Tou c h Tec h n ol og i es u K Li m i t ed e ss ex Tec h n ol og y & i n n ov a t i on C en t r e, u n i t 7 , T h e g ab l es, O n g ar - C M 5 0 gA , u n i t ed K i n g d om P h on e : + 4 4 - ( 0 ) 1 2 7 - 7 3 6 - 4 6 8 9 E- m a i l : i nf o @ si l v e r t o uc ht e ch. c o . uk We b : w w w. si l v e r t o ucht e c h. co . uk S i l v er Tou c h Tec h n ol og i es i n C 4 9 7 R ou t e 2 7 , i s el i n , n J 0 8 8 3 0 u n i t ed S t a t es P h on e : + 1 2 0 1 2 9 9 3 5 2 9 E- m a i l : i nf o @ se m a pho r e - software. c om We b : w w w. se m a pho r e - so f t ware. c om © copy rig ht 1992-2012 all r ight s r e s e r v e d. Pr o pe r ty o f S ilver Tou c h Tec h n ol og i es Lt d . I NDIA • U K • U SA • NE T HE RLAN D S • AUSTRAL IA • F RAN CE • GERMAN Y 5 Thi s st at ement of work is p r o p r i e ta r y o f Si l v e r To u c h Te c h n o l o g i e s L t d . an d co n t ains t r ad e s e cr et s and co nf id e nt ial in f o r mat io n w hich is sol e l y t h e pr oper t y o f SilverTouc h Tec h n o l o g i e s L td . T h i s s ta te m e n t o f w o r k i s in t en d e d f o r int e r nal us e o nly. T he r e f o r e, it s hall n o t b e u s ed , r e p r o d uced, c opi e d, di scl osed a nd tra nsmitted, in w h o l e o r i n p a r t, w i th o u t th e e xp r e ss co n s en t o f S ilv e r To u ch Techn o lo g ie s L t d .
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