Skiing Boarding Racing 12/13 ALPINE PROGRAM GUIDE Welcome to Alpine for another exciting season T ABLE OF CONT ENTS Program Registration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 3 2013 Ski Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Ski & Snowboard Private Lessons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Junior Ski Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 -7 Junior Ski Season Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 8 Adult Ski Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Adult Ski Season Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 10 Adult Ski Race Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Adult Ski Racing Season Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Pros in Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2013 Snowboard Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Junior Snowboard Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Junior Snowboard Season Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Junior Competitive Snowboard Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 - 17 Adult Snowboard Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Adult Snowboard Season Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 18 Adult Snowboard Race Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2013 Racing Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Alpine Racing Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 -23 Alpine Ski Club Racing Flow Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 U8 – 6 and 7 yrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 U10 – 8 and 9 yrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 U12 – 10 and 11 yrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 - 26 U14 – 12 and 13 yrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 - 27 U16 – 14 and 15 yrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 - 29 U18 & U20 – 16 and 17 yrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 - 30 SOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 NSA – National FIS Racing & Academic Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 PROGRAM CONTACTS Alpine Program Manager – Kim Roberts Assistant Program Manager – Chris Salhany Head of Race Programs – Jason Manning Head of Ski Programs – Dave Smith Head of Snowboard Programs – Tyler King Director of Technical Ski Programs – Scott Thayer Director of Snowboard Programs – Darren Larsen Director of Racing Programs – Michael McTaggart 2 Important Registration Notes 1. Program registration begins October 1st. 2. Visit the members section of the Alpine website to register online 3.5HJLVWHUHDUO\²1RYHPEHUWKLVWKHÀQDOGD\IRU Early Bird registration. TIME OPTIONS In order to accommodate the busy lunch period we have structured certain programs with alternate time options, A or B. A 20% administrative fee will be charged to non-members participating in camp programs. HST is not included in program costs and will be charged where applicable. OPTION A Sat: 9:00 am to 11:00 am and 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Lunch 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Sun: 9:00 am to 11:00 am PAYMENT OPTIONS FOR ALPINE PROGRAMS On-line booking is available at alpineskiclub.com in the Members’ VHFWLRQRI WKHZHEVLWHZKHUH\RXZLOOÀQG´SURJUDPUHJLVWUDWLRQµ Follow the simple on screen directions. OPTION B Sat: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Lunch 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Sun: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm NOTE: Credit card payments for on-line registrations are no longer available. All members must set up their member charging privileges prior to registering on-line. Registrations must be logged into our website by November 15th to qualify for the discounted rate. 1RWDOOSURJUDPVKDYHVXIÀFLHQWUHJLVWUDWLRQVWRRIIHUWZRWLPH schedules. Please make sure you choose the schedule for Junior Ski or Snowboard Programs that best works with your family’s other program requirements. Junior League Racing Programs will all have set lunch hours. Please refer to the Program Description for details. Most Adult Programs will have a 2 hour break to accommodate either lunch option. REGISTRATION POLICY We recommend that you review the programs being offered. Program numbers continue to grow each year so we remind you to sign up early. Early registration must be received no later than November 15th, 2012. Registrations received after the November 15th deadline will be subject to full program rates, and processed subject to program availability. Alpine reserves the right WRFDQFHOSURJUDPVZLWKLQVXIÀFLHQWUHJLVWUDWLRQ$OOUHJLVWUDWLRQV DUHSURFHVVHGRQDÀUVWFRPHÀUVWVHUYHEDVLV7RPDLQWDLQDVDIH environment in all programs, a waiting list will be implemented once a program is full. Enrollment is not guaranteed unless we receive registrations prior to November 15th. All programs will be available for on-line registration October 1st. CANCELLATION POLICY If a participant cancels any program, skiing, racing or snowboarding prior to the cancellation deadline an administrative fee of $50.00 per participant will be applied. Cancellation after the deadline will be charged 30% of the cost of the program. The cancellation deadlines are: Christmas Camp: December 23, 2012 New Years Camp: December 27, 2012 8, 9 & 10 Week programs: December 27, 2012 All programs will run if there is a lift operating. Refunds requested after programs have begun (for any reason) must be applied for in writing to the Board for approval. All Participants must have signed the Club waiver sent with the membership dues package. 3 Ski Programs Junior Programs .LGV&OXE6ORSHVLGH²WR\UV )DUP7HFK²WR\UV 7HFK²WR\UV &RPER+RXVH/HDJXH²WR\UV 0L[HG%RDUGV²WR\UV )UHHVNL7UDLQLQJ6TXDG²WR\UV ,QWHUFOXE)UHHVNL6NL7HDP²WR\UV (VFDUSPHQW)UHHVNL²\UV 7RWDOO\7HHQV²\UV Adult Programs %HJLQQHU ,QWHUPHGLDWH $GYDQFHG $GXOW&RPER $GYDQFHG´/DGLHV2QO\µ $GYDQFHG´0HQV2QO\µ ([SHUW´/DGLHV2QO\µ )XQ*ORU\&DOFXWWD+RXVH/HDJXH ,QWHUFOXE²0DVWHUV/HDJXH5DFLQJ$2$ 6DWXUGD\6XQGD\5DFH7UDLQLQJ 6XQGD\2QO\5DFH7UDLQLQJ Register at www.alpineskiclub.com in the ‘Members’ section of the Alpine website. Registration begins October 1st. Early registration deadline is November 15th. Welcome to Alpine for another exciting season SKI & SNOWBOARD PRIVA T E LESSONS Christmas Camp – 5 days December 27th to 31st New Years Camp – 3 days January 2nd to 4th All ages and abilities welcome! Tickets must be purchased in the 6QRZ3URJUDP2IÀFHORFDWHGRQWKHPDLQÁRRURI WKHFOXEKRXVH Ages 3 to 5 – Kids Club Slopeside Kids learn to slide and turn at Square One. adjacent to the cafeteria. Beginners only. Meet at the top of the Magic Carpet. LESSON TIMES Time: 9:30 am to 11:30 am 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 11:30 am, 12:30 pm Cost: 5 days – $136.50, After Nov. 15th: $164.00 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm Cost: 3 days – $82.00, After Nov. 15th: $98.50 BOOKING POLICIES Ages 3 to 5 – Farm Tech /HVVRQWLPHVPD\21/<EHVFKHGXOHGRQWKH For kids who can ski and are able to ride a chairlift with some day required. DVVLVWDQFH7KLVSURJUDPGHYHORSVVNLLQJPRELOLW\ZLWKIXQÀOOHG /HVVRQDVVLJQPHQWLVVXEMHFWWRLQVWUXFWRUDYDLODELOLW\ activities. Meet at the base of the Arrowhead Chair. 3URJUDPVWDIÀQJKDVÀUVWSULRULW\ Cost: 5 days – $206.00, After Nov. 15th: $247.00 /HVVRQVZLOOEHDVVLJQHGRQDÀUVWFRPHÀUVWVHUYHEDVLV Cost: 3 days – $124.00, After Nov. 15th: $149.00 $OO3ULYDWH/HVVRQVPXVWEHYHULÀHGDQGSDLGIRULQSHUVRQDW WKH6QRZ3URJUDP2IÀFHDKRXUSULRUWRWKHSUHDUUDQJHG Ages 6 to 14 – Combo A blend of ski improvement in varying terrain with skill enhancing WLPHRUERRNLQJZLOOEHIRUIHLWHGWRWKHQH[WSHUVRQ activities. Meet at the base of the Arrowhead Chair. COST Cost: 5 days $206.00, After Nov. 15th: $247.00 3ULYDWHSHUKRXU Cost: 3 days $124.00, After Nov. 15th: $149.00 %RRNRI SUHSXUFKDVHGSULYDWHOHVVRQV 6HPL3ULYDWHSHUKRXUSHUSHUVRQ Ages 7 to 18 – Interclub Freeski Camp %RRNRI SUHSXUFKDVHGVHPLSULYDWHOHVVRQV *UDEWKRVHWZLQWLSVDQGKHDGIRUWKHSDUN)UHVKHQXSRQROGWULFNV Cost includes HST. and start to learn new ones! Strongly recommended for anyone participating in the season Freestyle Ski program. Participants will be split based on season program options; League Team or Training Squad. Meet at the base of the Arrowhead Chair. Camps must be registered for separately but descriptions are the Cost: 5 days – $206.00, After Nov. 15th: $247.00 same. All camps run 9:30 am to 11:30 am and 12:30 pm to 2:30 Cost: 3 days – $124.00, After Nov. 15th: $149.00 JUNIOR SKI CAMPS SPXQOHVVRWKHUZLVHVSHFLÀHG 6 March Break Camp March 12th to 16th Ages 3 to 5 – Kids Club Slopeside Kids learn to slide and turn at Square One. Beginners only. Meet at the top of the Magic Carpet. Time: 9:30 am to 11:30 am Cost: $136.50, After Nov. 15th: $163.80 4 Sundays 9:30 am to 11:30 am Session #5: Sun. Jan. 6 to Jan 27 Session #6: Sun. Feb. 3 to Feb. 24 Once you have registered there will be no late fees for additional sessions. Ages 4 to 14 – Kids Unlimited Combo A fun camp environment. Kids must be able to ride the chairlift with some assistance. Meet at the base of the Arrowhead Chair. Cost: $206.00, After Nov. 15th: $247.00 Ages 3 to 5 – Farm Tech )RUVNLHUVZKRZDQWWRLPSURYHWKURXJKIXQÀOOHGVNLOOHQKDQFLQJ games and activities. Participants should be able to ride the chairlift with some assistance. Meet at the base of Arrowhead Chair. Ages 7 to 18 – Interclub Freeski Camp Ratio: 5 to 1. *UDEWKRVHWZLQWLSVDQGKHDGIRUWKHSDUNWRPDNHXVHRI WKH Time Options (Please choose A or B) great features. A great way to end the season! A: Sat. 9:00 am to 11:00 am & 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Cost: $206.00, After Nov. 15th: $247.00 Sun. 9:00 am to 11:00 am B: Sat. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Sun. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Cost: $480.00, After Nov. 15th: $576.00 JUNIOR SKI SEASON PROGRAMS All programs run for 8 weeks from Saturday January 5th to Sunday February 24th. Choose a time option where applicable. Ages 3 to 5 – Kids Club Slopeside For non skiers, Square One only. Meet at the top of Magic Carpet. Note: participants must be toilet trained. Ratio: 3 to 1. Cost: $115.00, After Nov. 15th: $145.00 Sign up for 4 week sessions. Build your own program! You have a choice of the following: 4 Saturdays 9:30 am to 11:30 am Session #1: Sat. Jan. 5 to Jan. 26 Session #2: Sat. Feb. 2 to Feb. 23 Ages 6 to 14 – Tech A program for recreational skiers who want to develop all around skiing skills without racing. Meet at the base of Arrowhead Chair. Ratio: 10 to 1. Time Options (Please choose A or B) A: Sat. 9:00 am to 11:00 am & 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am to 11:00 am B: Sat. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Sun. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Cost: $480.00, After Nov. 15th: $576.00 4 Saturdays 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm Session #3: Sat. Jan. 5 to Jan. 26 Session #4: Sat. Feb. 2 to Feb. 23 7 Welcome to Alpine for another exciting season Ages 6 to 14 – Combo & House League A fun program for strong skiers, offering a balance of ski improvement, bump skiing and race training. Must race in 4 low NH\KRXVHOHDJXHUDFHV0HHWDWWKHEDVHRI 6XPPLW([SUHVV Ratio: 10 to 1. Time Options (Please choose A or B) A: Sat. 9:00 am to 11:00 am & 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am to 11:00 am B: Sat. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Sun. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Cost: $485.00, After Nov. 15th: $581.00 Ages 6 to 14 – Mixed Boards 4 weeks of skiing followed by 4 weeks of snowboarding. Classes will be structured according to technical ability for each session. Meet beside Arrowhead Chair. Ratio: 10 to 1. Time Options (Please choose A or B) A: Sat. 9:00 am to 11:00 am & 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am to 11:00 am B: Sat. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Sun. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Cost: $485.00, After Nov. 15th: $581.00 Time: Sat. 9:00 am to 11:00 am & 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am to 11:00 am Cost: $485.00, After Nov. 15th: $581.00 Ages 7 to 14 – Interclub Freeski Team An introduction to fun and friendly superpipe and slopestyle (jumps & rails) competitions held at clubs across the escarpment. Skills will be developed to navigate the free-style terrain in any superpipe or terrain park. Terrain park features include but are not OLPLWHGWRUDLOVVOLGHER[HVDQGMXPSVRI YDU\LQJVW\OHVDQGVL]HV Christmas Camp is included in the cost of this program. The option of New Years Camp is strongly recommended. Parents are HQFRXUDJHGWRUHJLVWHUFRQÀGHQWVNLHUVRQO\0HHWDWWKHEDVHRI WKH6XPPLW([SUHVV5DWLRWR Sat. & Sun. 9:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm &RVW/HDJXHIHH $IWHU1RYWKOHDJXHIHH Escarpment HP Freestyle Ski Team Provincial level competitions and a comprehensive training program makes the Escarpment High Performance Park and Pipe team some of the best skiers around. This is a 9 weekend program starting Jan. 5th and running until March 3rd. The 5 day Ages 13 & up – Totally Teens Christmas Camp is included as well as the Can Free 3 License fee. A recreational program designed to meet the needs of the teen The Escarpment team brings together top athletes and coaches who wants a change from regular skiing or racing programs. The from each of the Escarpment area clubs to compete on the goal of this program is to improve overall ability through a variety Provincial freestyle ski circuit. For athletes this team allows access of situations; technical abilities will climb by general guided mileage to a variety of different parks, air bags and a super pipe. The ability E\RQHRI RXUWRSSURV0HHWDWWKHEDVHRI 6XPPLW([SUHVV to train in new park environments helps athletes adapt quickly to Sat. only from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm features they are not used to hitting which is a huge asset when it Cost: $160.00, After Nov. 15th: $192.00 LVWLPHWRFRPSHWHDWRXWVLGHFOXEV7RSFHUWLÀHGFRDFKHVZLOOKHOS athletes develop advanced spins and variations, technical jib tricks, Ages 7 to 14 – Freeski Training Squad An introduction to fun and friendly superpipe ski training and switch skiing and jumping skills. Escarpment HP athletes have an slopestyle (jumps & rails). Skills will be developed to navigate the eye on the future and want to compete for coveted RPA points. freestyle terrain in any superpipe or terrain park. Terrain park For more information on the Escarpment team program please IHDWXUHVLQFOXGHEXWDUHQRWOLPLWHGWRUDLOVVOLGHER[HVDQGMXPSV contact Chris Salhany at csalhany@alpineskiclub.com. of varying styles and sizes. Parents are encouraged to register Cost: $1,360.00 After Nov. 15 $1,632.00 Friday Training will be available for these athletes. FRQÀGHQWVNLHUVRQO\0HHWDWWKHEDVHRI 6XPPLW([SUHVV 8 ADULT SKI CAMPS Adult Christmas Camp December 27th to 31st See 8 week program for details. Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced 9:45 am to 11:15 am Cost: $116.00, After Nov. 15th: $140.00 Combo Training 9:45 am to 11:15 am & 12:45 pm to 2:15 pm Cost: $237.00, After Nov. 15th: $284.50 ADULT SKI SEASON PROGRAMS All programs run for 8 weeks from Saturday, January 5th to Sunday, February 24th. All adult programs meet beside the Clubhouse. Beginner This program allows beginners to ski in a controlled environment, GHYHORSLQJWKHFRQÀGHQFHQHHGHGWRDGYDQFH Time Options (Please choose A or B) A: Sat. 9:15 am to 10:45 am B: Sun. 9:15 am to 10:45 am Cost: $160.00 After Nov. 15th: $192.00 Intermediate For skiers looking to improve their ability to ski parallel on steeper terrain. Time Options (Please choose A, B or C) A: Sat. 9:15 am to 10:45 am B: Sun. 9:15 am to 10:45 am C: Sat. 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Cost: $160.00 After Nov. 15th: $192.00 Advanced )LQHWXQH\RXUVNLLQJDQGLPSURYHZLWKH[SHUWJXLGDQFH Time Options (Please choose A or B) A: Sat. 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm B: Sun. 9:15 am to 10:45 am Cost: $206.00, After Nov. 15th: $247.00 Adult Combo This program is for the intermediate to advanced skier looking for a full day of training. This fun oriented program will enhance all aspects of technical skiing through many different tactics. Enjoy video analysis, on-going personal assessment and technical WUDLQLQJDVLWUHODWHVWRUDFHFRXUVHVZLWKPD[LPXPPLOHDJH Sat. 9:15 am to 10:45 am & 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Cost: $340.00, After Nov. 15th: $408.00 Advanced “Ladies Only” Enjoy skiing with a group of skill matched ladies. This is for ladies who are not 100% comfortable skiing fast on all terrain but who enjoy the challenge of learning how. Sun. 9:30 am to 11:00 am Cost: $206.00, After Nov. 15th: $247.00 Advanced “Mens Only” Don’t let the ladies capture all the fun. This program has been GHVLJQHGWRPHHWWKHQHHGVRI H[SHUWPDOHVNLHUV7KLVSURJUDP will be taught by CSIA Level III Instructors who will challenge you and improve your technical knowledge and on-hill performance. Enjoy a variety of tactics including personal video analysis and on going assessments. Sat. 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Cost: $206.00, After Nov. 15th: $247.00 9 Welcome to Alpine for another exciting season Expert “Ladies Only” Are you looking to enjoy the challenge of skiing some steeper and faster terrain? These fun oriented sessions will place an emphasis on all aspects of technical skiing. Enjoy video analysis and personal assessments. This program will be taught by CSIA /HYHO ,,, ,QVWUXFWRUV *XDUDQWHHG WR SXW VRPH H[FLWHPHQW LQWR your season. Sun. 9:30 am to 11:00 am Cost: $206.00, After Nov. 15th: $247.00 ADULT SKI RACE CAMPS Christmas Camp This camp is to help prepare for giant slalom time trials on Challenge. The camp will accommodate all levels of racers. 9:00 am to 11:30 am and 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm 5 days – December 27th to 31st Cost: $305.00, After Nov. 15th: $366.00 3 days – December 28th to 30th Cost: $200.00, After Nov. 15th: $240.00 New Years Camp 9:00 am to 11:30 am and 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm 3 days – January 2nd to 4th Cost: $200.00, After Nov. 15th: $240.00 March Break Camp $WKUHHGD\FDPSWRHQFRXUDJHQHZSDUWLFLSDQWVIRUQH[WVHDVRQ and allow current racers to improve their skills. 9:00 am to 11:30 am and 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm 3 days – March 13th to 15th Cost: $200.00, After Nov. 15th: $240.00 ADULT SKI RACING SEASON PROGRAMS Fun & Glory Calcutta House League – Only This program is designed for all levels of racers to have fun and race for glory on evenly matched teams. Team selections are determined from Adult Time Trials and past year’s races. This program consists of 5 house league races for the 2012 season. Cost: $140.00, After Nov. 15th: $166.00 Interclub–Masters League Racing AOA Masters (travelling team) race program consists of 4 races plus the ÀQDOV:HZHOFRPHDOODJHVDQGDELOLWLHV 5 Saturday Race Only Option. AOA fees are included, as well as ZDUPXSFRXUVHVIRUWKH6DWXUGD\UDFHVSOXVWKHÀQDOV Cost $190.50, After Nov. 15th: $228.60 Saturday and Sunday Race Training )XQDQG*ORU\WR0DVWHUV5DFHUVWDNHDGYDQWDJHRI H[WUDWUDLQLQJ both technical and in gates. Participants will be placed on teams UHÁHFWLYHRI DELOLW\ZLWKSHUVRQDOFRDFKLQJDSULRULW\ Sat. and Sun. 9:00 am to 11:00 am Cost: $325.00, After Nov. 15th: $390.00 Sunday Only Race Training Sun. 9:00 am to 11:00 am Cost: $182.50, After Nov. 15th: $217.00 Support the Alpine Programs Fundraising Dinner & Dance on Saturday, February 9th, 2013 To donate to the auction, contact Kim Roberts at kroberts@alpineskiclub.com 10 HOW TO BECOME A PRO/COACH For information on becoming a ski pro, a snowboard pro or a ski coach please visit www.snowpro.com. This links to the Canadian Ski Instructors Association, C.S.I.A. for skiing, Canadian Association of Snowboard Instructors C.A.S.I. for snowboarding and the Canadian Ski Coaches Federation, C.S.C.F. for race coaching. Register on-line for available courses. For training and course preparation register for one of our Pros in Training programs. PROS IN T RAINING Ages 14 and up – Pros in Training For those interested in developing better technical and teaching skills. Our highest ranked pros will prepare you for the C.A.S.I. or C.S.I.A level 1 course. Sun. 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Cost: $135.00, After Nov. 15th: $160.00 The Snow Programs Assistant program is a volunteer position, as an apprentice, to learn how to become a Snow Pro. You will be DEOHWRIXOÀOO\RXU266'KRXUVRI YROXQWHHUZRUNUHTXLUHPHQW have your annual membership dues refunded if you complete WKHKRXUVVNLZLWK$OSLQH·VFHUWLÀHG/HYHO,,,,QVWUXFWRUVRQ Sunday afternoons, for free, to prepare yourself to successfully WDNH D &6,$ /HYHO FHUWLÀFDWLRQ FRXUVH RU WKH &$6, /HYHO FHUWLÀFDWLRQFRXUVH The fee for the Pro’s-in-Training Program for Snow Programs Assistants is waived. If you are interested in the volunteer program please contact Kim Roberts at: kroberts@alpineskiclub.com. Positions are limited within this program. FUN & GLORY MUST READS Fun & Glory Added Bonus for all skiers and snowboarders! 7KLVVHDVRQZHDUHRIIHULQJDOO)XQ*ORU\SDUWLFLSDQWV the opportunity to race as both a skier and a snowboarder DWQRH[WUDFRVW More Bang for Your Buck! %XQGOH WKH ¶)XQ *ORU\· OHDJXH UDFLQJ ZLWK DQ\ DGXOW program for only $125.00! Enjoy 5 races, fun and camaraderie! Adult Time Trials )RU)XQ*ORU\DQG$260DVWHU/HDJXHZLOOEHMonday, December 31st at 1:00pm. Watch for the Calcutta Apres Ski! Don’t miss this fun aspect of our House League Racing. Complimentary Clinic Join our adult race coaches for a complimentary 1.5 hour race clinic Monday, December 31st, at 10:00 am. Meet at the bell area. 11 Snowboard Programs Junior Programs 0L[HG%RDUGV²WR\UV )UHH5LGLQJ²WR\UV 6QRZERDUG'HYHORSPHQW Team – 7 to 10 yrs ,QWHUFOXE)UHHVW\OH6QRZERDUG7HDP² ,QWHUFOXE5DFH6%;7HDP7UDQLQJ² 3URYLQFLDO$267HDPV² +LJK3HUIRUPDQFH6QRZERDUG7HDPV² 7KXUVGD\)ULGD\7UDLQLQJ² Adult Programs %HJLQQHU ,QWHUPHGLDWH $GYDQFHG %DEHVRQ%RDUGV ,QWURWR&DUYLQJ%RDUGV )UHHVW\OH 0L[HG%RDUGVIRU$GXOWV )XQ*ORU\&DOFXWWD+RXVH/HDJXH 0DVWHUV6QRZERDUG5DFLQJ 6DWXUGD\DQG6XQGD\5DFH7UDLQLQJ 6XQGD\2QO\5DFH7UDLQLQJ Register at www.alpineskiclub.com in the ‘Members’ section of the Alpine website. Registration begins October 1st. Early registration deadline is November 15th. Welcome to Alpine for another exciting season JUNIOR SNOWBOARD CAMPS Camps must be registered for separately but the descriptions are the same. All camps run 9:30 am to 11:30 am and 12:30 pm to SPXQOHVVRWKHUZLVHVSHFLÀHG0HHWRQWKH&OXEKRXVHGHFN Christmas Camp – 5 days December 27th to 31st New Years Camp – 3 days January 2nd to 4th Ages 6 to 14 – Recreational Snowboarding Camps All levels of snowboarding welcome. Ride the pipes, play in the terrain parks. Cost: 5 days – $206.00, After Nov. 15th: $247.00 Cost: 3 days – $124.00, After Nov. 15th: $149.00 Ages 8 & up – Competitive Camps Available for the New Years Camp. Freestyle Team 5DFHDQG6%;7HDP Cost: 5 days – $206.00, After Nov. 15th: $247.00 Cost: 3 days – $124.00, After Nov. 15th: $149.00 March Break Camp March 14th to 18th 9:30 am to 11:30 am & 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm Ages 6 to 14 – Snowboarders Unlimited Take advantage of your March Break. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the best of the season. Cost: $206.00, After Nov. 15th: $247.00 8 to 14 – Interclub Grom Camp Plan to attend this week of freestyle training. Prepare for the 2QWDULR*URP&XSWRWDNHSODFHGXULQJWKHFDPS Cost: $206.00, After Nov. 15th: $247.00 14 JUNIOR SNOWBOARD SEASON PROGRAMS All programs run for 8 weeks from Saturday, January 5th to February 24th unless otherwise stated. Meet on the Clubhouse deck. Ages 6 to 14 – Mixed Boards 4 weeks of skiing followed by 4 weeks of snowboarding. Classes will be structured according to technical ability for each session. Meet beside the Arrowhead Chair, by the Clubhouse deck. Ratio: 10 to 1 Time Options (Please choose A or B) A: Sat. 9:00 am to 11:00 am & 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am to 11:00 am B: Sat. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Sun. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Cost: $485.00, After Nov. 15th: $581.00 Ages 6 to 14 – Free Riding All levels welcome; learn the fundamental skills to being a better rider. Ratio: 10 to 1. Time Options (Please choose A or B) A: Sat. 9:00 am to 11:00 am & 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am to 11:00 am B: Sat. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Sun. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Cost: $485.00, After Nov. 15th: $581.00 JUNIOR COMPETITIVE SNOWBOARD PROGRAMS Ages 8 & up – Grom Interclub Freestyle Snowboard Team This is an introduction to fun and friendly superpipe and slopestyle (jumps and rails) competitions held at clubs across the escarpment. Skills will be developed to navigate the free-style terrain in any superpipe or terrain park. Terrain park features include but are Ages 7 & up QRWOLPLWHGWRUDLOVVOLGHER[HVDQGMXPSVRI YDU\LQJVW\OHVDQG Competitive programs focus on enhancing skill development and sizes. Christmas Camp is included with this program. Parents are WHFKQLFDOH[FHOOHQFH7KH,QWHUFOXE)UHHVW\OH/HDJXHUHTXLUHVHDFK HQFRXUDJHGWRUHJLVWHUFRQÀGHQWULGHUVRQO\5DWLRWR athlete to work hard and attend all events. Due to the competitive Sat. 9:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm requirements of this program, time on snow is critical. For this Sun. 9:30 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm reason we have included the Christmas Camp in the season &RVW/HDJXH)HH programs. This will give the coaches the opportunity to work with &RVWDIWHU1RY/HDJXH)HH the athletes and put them into appropriate teams before the season starts. All competitive snowboard programs will run for 8 weeks Ages 8 & up – Interclub RaceTeam starting Saturday, January 5th and ending with the Snowboard Club $Q LQWURGXFWLRQ WR IXQ IULHQGO\ VQRZERDUG UDFLQJ DQG 6%; Championships on the weekend of February 23rd and 24th. The racing through competitions held at clubs across the escarpment. option of New Years Camp is strongly recommended for these Basic skills will be developed through riding and gate training. athletes and is available at an early registration cost of $124.00. Christmas Camp is included with this program. Parents are If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Tyler HQFRXUDJHGWRUHJLVWHUFRQÀGHQWULGHUVRQO\5DWLRWR Sat. 9:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm King at: relytgnik@hotmail.com. Sun. 9:30 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Ages 7 to 10 – Snowboard Development Team &RVW/HDJXH)HH ([SHULHQFH 6%; ERDUGHUFURVV )UHHVW\OH SLSH WHUUDLQ &RVWDIWHU1RY/HDJXH)HH SDUNDVZHOODV*6UDFLQJJDWHV7KHUHZLOOEHVRPHLQKRXVH FRPSHWLWLRQEXWWKHSULPDU\REMHFWLYHZLOOEHWRH[SRVHWKH\RXQJ Ages 8 & up – SBX Team Training athletes to the various skills required for each discipline. Athletes $Q LQWURGXFWLRQ WR 6%; UDFLQJ $WKOHWHV ZLOO OHDUQ EDVLF VNLOO through riding and gate training. Christmas Camp is included in must be able to ride all lifts, & hills. Ratio: 10 to 1. WKLVSURJUDP3DUHQWVDUHHQFRXUDJHGWRUHJLVWHUFRQÀGHQWULGHUV Sat. 9:00 am to 11:00 am & 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm only. Ratio 10 to 1. Sun. 9:00 am to 11:00 am Sat. 9:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 to 3:00 Cost: $485.00, After Nov. 15th: $581.00 Sun 9:30 am to 12:00pm & 1:00 to 3:00 &RVW/HDJXH)HH &RVW$IWHU1RY/HDJXH)HH 15 Welcome to Alpine for another exciting season Ages 12 & up – Provincial A.O.S. Teams This program will offer a comprehensive training schedule for serious snowboard competitors wishing to compete in the Provincial Snowboard events. The option of pre-season and H[WUDWUDLQLQJFDPSVZLOOEHRIIHUHGWRWKHVHDWKOHWHVEXWDUHQRW included in the program cost. The program cost includes the 5-day Christmas Camp, 3 day New Years Camp and 9 weekends RI WUDLQLQJIURP-DQXDU\WKWR0DUFKWK([WUDWUDLQLQJGD\VZLOO EHDYDLODEOHWKURXJKRXWWKHVHDVRQWKURXJKWKH7KXUVGD\)ULGD\ WUDLQLQJSDFNDJHV&RPSHWLWLRQ)HHVZLOOEHH[WUD Sat. 9:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Sun. 9:30 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Cost: $1,465.00 After Nov. 15th: $1,758.00 Register for Freestyle Team, Race Team or SBX Team. 8 & up Thursday/Friday Training For the competitive rider. Training Begins: Friday, January 11th, 2013 Training Days Individual: $65.00 Package of 4: $220.00 Package of 8: $360.00 Pre-paid packages are good for one participant and are not transferable. Support the Alpine Programs Fundraising Dinner & Dance on Saturday, February 9th, 2013 To donate to the auction, contact Kim Roberts at kroberts@alpineskiclub.com Derek Livingston Canadian National 1/2 Pipe Team Member – Canadian Champion 2012 Currently ranked #5th on the World Snowboard Tour. 2012 highlights include 1st place at the Snow Crown &DQDGLDQ &KDPSLRQVKLSVWK SODFH ÀQLVK DW WKH Monster Energy Shred Show Big Air & 15th at Dew Tour stop in Killington. 16 Ages 14 / 15 & up – High Performance Snowboard Teams For the seasoned competitor who is ready to compete at the FIS )HGHUDWLRQ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO GH 6NL OHYHO :KHQ ´DW KRPHµ WKHVH athletes will train alongside their respective competitive athletes, and will attend AOS events. These athletes will also be travelling to higher level FIS events of their choice. At this level, these athletes will be able to qualify for national championships, and 1RU$P HYHQWV 7KHVH DWKOHWHV DUH H[SHFWHG WR PDQDJH WKHLU own off-season cross training and dry-land. On hill training will start with both holiday season camps and will end just before March Break. Any coaching outside of the regular season training program is not included (such as weekday FIS events, Nationals DQG 7KXUVGD\)ULGD\ WUDLQLQJ DQG FDQ EH SXUFKDVHG WKURXJK the Individual training day packages. All mandatory medical insurance, FIS, AOS licenses and event fees must be paid direct to the organizations. Please visit www.ontariosnowboarders.ca for all registration details: Sat. 9:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Sun. 9:30 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Cost: $1,575.00 After Nov. 15th: $1,890.00 Register for Freestyle Team, Race Team or SBX Team. ADULT SNOWBOARD CAMPS Adult snowboard camps meet beside the Clubhouse. See 8 week program for description. Christmas Camp December 27th to 31st Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Time: 9:45 am to 11:15 am Cost: $116.00, After Nov. 15th: $140.00 ADULT SNOWBOARD SEASON PROGRAMS All programs run for 8 weeks from Saturday, January 5th to Sunday, February 24th. Beginner Learn our new painless technique; individual attention for all participants in a fun and patient environment. Time Options (Please choose A or B) A: Sat. 9:30 am to 11:45 am B: Sun. 9:30 am to 11:45 am Cost: $236.00 (one session), After Nov. 15th: $283.20 Cost: $375.00 (both sessions), After Nov. 15th: $450.00 Intermediate Advanced daily video-taping sessions with individual feedback and analysis, a great way to see yourself improve daily. Time Options (Please choose A or B) A: Sat. 9:30 am to 11:45 am B: Sun. 9:30 am to 11:45 am Cost: $236.00 (one session), After Nov. 15th: $283.20 Cost: $375.00 (both sessions), After Nov. 15th: $450.00 Advanced Riding Learn to master the black diamond runs; get air; ride the pipe; LQWURWRIUHHVW\OHLQWURWRUDFHPDVWHU´VZLWFKµDQG´G\QDPLFµ riding techniques; see yourself on video. Sat. 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Cost: $236.00, After Nov. 15th: $283.20 Race Training Time: 9:30 am to 11:30 am Cost: $133.00, After Nov. 15th: 160.00 17 Welcome to Alpine for another exciting season Babes on Boards – Intermediate & Advanced Riding *HWLQRQWKHDFWLRQ7KLVSURJUDPMXVWNHHSVJHWWLQJELJJHUDQG better every year…Specially designed, fun oriented sessions for IXQ ORYLQJ ZRPHQ HPSKDVLV RQ ´IXQµ LQ DOO DVSHFWV RI ULGLQJ video sessions available. Sat. 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Cost: $236.00, After Nov. 15th: $283.20 Intro to Carving Boards /HDUQKRZWRULGHDFDUYLQJERDUGZLWKSODWHELQGLQJVH[SHULHQFH the ultimate carving sensation; course limited to introductory and novice carving board candidates. Sat. 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Cost: $236.00, After Nov. 15th: $283.20 Freestyle Specially designed sessions for those interested in all aspects of IUHHVW\OHDQGSDUNULGLQJ%RWKDWWKHHQWU\DQGPRUHH[SHUWOHYHOV Sat. 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Cost: $236.00, After Nov. 15th: $283.20 Mixed Boards for Adults Enjoy 4 weeks of skiing followed by 4 weeks of riding. Participants will be put in groups for each session based on their ability level. Sat. 9:30 am to 11:30 am Cost: $236.00, After Nov. 15th: $283.20 Snowboard Packages Create your own group, create your own time, create your own IXQ7U\DFDUYLQJERDUGRUH[SORUHWKHWKULOORI IUHHVW\OH:HZLOO cater to your group. Minimum of 5 participants required. Cost will be established based on group size and pro availability. Please contact Snow Programs Administration to reserve. 18 Our goal is to bring people together through a love of snowboarding. ADULT SNOWBOARD RACE SEASON PROGRAMS FUN & GLORY MUST READS Fun & Glory Calcutta House This program is designed for all levels of racers to have fun and race for glory on evenly matched teams. Team selections are determined from Adult Time Trials and past year’s races. This program consists of 5 house league races for 2013. League Racing Cost: $140.00, After Nov. 15th: $166.00 Fun & Glory Added Bonus for all skiers and snowboarders! 7KLVVHDVRQZHDUHRIIHULQJDOO)XQ*ORU\SDUWLFLSDQWV the opportunity to race as both a skier and a snowboarder DWQRH[WUDFRVW Masters Snowboard Racing The objective of this program is to focus on snowboarding IXQGDPHQWDOVDVWKH\UHODWHWR*6UDFLQJ7KHLQWHQWLVWROD\WKH groundwork for further athlete development and competition during the 2013 winter season. Drills and mileage will be valuable to both the soft-boot and hard-boot racer and advanced free-rider alike. This program will employ video, structured free-riding with lots of mileage and straight forward drills. Sat. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm &RVW%HIRUH1RYWK &RVW$IWHU1RYWK More Bang for Your Buck! %XQGOH WKH ¶)XQ *ORU\· OHDJXH UDFLQJ ZLWK DQ\ DGXOW program for only $125.00! Enjoy 5 races, fun and camaraderie! Saturday and Sunday Race Training )XQDQG*ORU\WR0DVWHUV5DFHUVWDNHDGYDQWDJHRI H[WUDWUDLQLQJ both technical and in gates. Participants will be placed on teams UHÁHFWLYHRI DELOLW\ZLWKSHUVRQDOFRDFKLQJDSULRULW\ Sat. and Sun. 9:00 am to 11:00 am Cost: $325.00, After Nov. 15th: $390.00 Sunday Only Race Training Sun. 9:00 am to 11:00 am Cost: $182.00, After Nov. 15th: $217.00 Adult Time Trials )RU )XQ *ORU\ DQG 0DVWHU /HDJXH ZLOO EH Monday, December 31st at 1:00 pm. Watch for the Calcutta Apres Ski! Don’t miss this fun aspect of our House League Racing. Complimentary Clinic Join our adult race coaches for a complimentary 1.5 hour race clinic Monday, December 31st at 10:00 am. Meet at the bell area. 19 Race Programs Junior Programs 8²DQG\UV 8²DQG\UV 8²DQG\UV 8²DQG\UV 8²DQG\UV 8²DQG\UV 62'7HDP 16$3URJUDPV Register at www.alpineskiclub.com in the ‘Members’ section. Registration begins October 1st. Early registration deadline is November 15th. Welcome to Alpine for another exciting season ALPINE SKI RACING IMPORTANT DATES July 16th to 20th and August 13th to 17th – Active Life Multi Sport Camps The focus of Alpine’s Racing program is on enhancement of August 7th to 18th – Mt. Hood Summer Camp VNLOO GHYHORSPHQW DQG WHFKQLFDO H[FHOOHQFH 7KH /HDJXH WHDPV August 12th to 26th – SOD Team Summer Camp require a commitment from each athlete to work hard and are September 7th – Early Registration for Individual and All encouraged to attend all races, as team results rely on participation. Inclusive Programs Teams will be selected based on age, skiing skills, coaches and September 22nd – Corn Roast Mountain Bike Ride Head Coaches discretion. Please note that there are no formal September 29th – Fall Dryland Testing at The Pretty time trials, therefore participation in Christmas Camp is included River Academy for team placement and is included in the program cost. September 29th – SOD Annual Pig Roast (DUO\5HJLVWUDWLRQDVVXUHVTXDOLW\SURJUDPVSOHDVHUHJLVWHUE\ November 3rd to 18th – SOD November camp – Colorado the date required for your child’s program. The November 15th – Early Registration deadline for standard season program deadline is November 15th. Season Programs 2QOLQHUHJLVWUDWLRQEHJLQV2FWREHUVW November 7th to 16th – Copper Mountain U14, U16, U18 December 7th to14th – SOD Preseason Camp – Quebec DRYLAND TRAINING All athletes are encouraged to participate in a dryland program. We December 14th to 23rd – SOD Early season race camp – Quebec will be arranging meetings throughout the off-season, for dryland December 13th to 22nd – U16 Sun Peaks Camp and team building in Collingwood at Alpine Ski Club. Once these December 15th to 22nd – U12 and U14 Sun Peaks Camp GDWHVDUHFRQÀUPHGZHZLOOOHW\RXNQRZ Don’t forget to visit the Alpine website at www.alpineskiclub.com December 27th to 31st – Christmas Camp for all the latest news in the Racing section and watch for weekly January 2nd to 4th – New Years Camp Race Programs updates on the racing page of the e-News. All Tuesday December 27th 10:00am – Parent Information U8 and U10 race athletes and families are strongly encouraged to register for Wednesday December 28th 10:00am – Parent Information Alpine Ontario’s Raceline newsletter at www.alpineontario.ca. Meeting U12 and up For 2013 the Race ages will be as follows: Saturday January 5th to Sunday March 3rd – 9-week season U8 – for 6 and 7 year olds program runs U10 – for 8 and 9 year olds Saturday March 2nd – Junior Club Championships, U12 – for 10 and 11 year olds, Awards at 7 p.m. U14 – for 12 and 13 year olds Saturday March 9th, 10:00 – Racing Town Hall Meeting U16 – for 14 and 15 year olds, U18 – 16 and 17 year olds, *Ages are as of December 31, 2012. * Helmets are mandatory for all race programs. 22 ALPINE SKI CLUB FLOW CHART FOR RACING Alpine Ski Club works closely with Alpine Canada Alpin and shares the goal that we should strive to ensure that any child entering the alpine ski racing system is provided every opportunity WRH[SHULHQFHWKHQHFHVVDU\EXLOGLQJEORFNVLQRUGHUWRUHDFKWKH desired highest levels of the sport. Alpine Canada has produced DGRFXPHQWWLWOHG´$OSLQH,QWHJUDWLRQ0RGHOµNQRZQDV´$,0µ As AIM is a well known term in the ski racing community, the updated version; Long Term Skier Development guide (LTSD) for Alpine Ski racing will be addressed as AIM2WIN. Although the primary objective of AIM2WIN is to produce greater numbers of ski racers capable of achieving at the highest level, it also provides a platform for clubs and coaches to encourage DQGVXSSRUWSDUWLFLSDQWVDWHYHU\OHYHOWRIXOÀOWKHLUSRWHQWLDODQG maintain a lifelong involvement in the sport of alpine skiing. For PRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKLVGRFXPHQWYLVLWFDQVNLRUJDLPZLQ REGISTRATION POLICY We recommend that you review the programs being offered. Program numbers continue to grow each year so we remind you to sign up early. Early registration must be received no later than September 7th for All Inclusive and Individual Programs and the League registration date remains November 15, 2012. Registrations received after the deadlines will be subject to full program rates, placed on a waiting list and processed subject to program availability. All league season registrations are processed RQ D ÀUVWFRPH ÀUVWVHUYH EDVLV (QUROOPHQW LV QRW JXDUDQWHHG unless we receive registrations prior to the early deadlines. CANCELLATION POLICY If a participant cancels any program, ski, racing or snowboarding prior to the cancellation deadline an administrative fee of $50.00 per participant will be applied. Cancellation after the deadline will be charged 30% of the program cost. All requests for cancellation refunds must be submitted in writing. !'% 6-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16+ 19+ 02/'2!-3 s 5 5 4RAINING 3QUAD s 5 5 %SCARPMENT 3ERIES s 5 ,EAGUE 2ACING s 5 !LL )NCLUSIVE s 5 ,EAGUE 2ACING s 5 !LL )NCLUSIVE s 5 ,EAGUE 2ACING s 5 )NDIVIDUAL 0ROGRAM s 5 )NDIVIDUAL 7EEKEND OR %XTENDED s 3OURTHERN /NTARIO 3KI 4EAM 3/$ s .ATIONAL 3KI !CADEMY .3! s /NTARIO 3KI 4EAM /34 s #ANADIAN 3KI 4EAM #!34 s -ASTERS 2ACING (ELMETS MANDATORY FOR ALL RACE PROGRAMS The cancellation deadlines are: Christmas Camps – December 23rd, 2012 8, 9 & 10 Week Programs – December 27th, 2012 *All programs will run if there is a lift operating. 23 Welcome to Alpine for another exciting season T RAINING SQUAD & ESCARPMENT PROGRAMS U8 & U10 The basic philosophy of this program is that it is a fundamentally fun activity designed to encourage a love of skiing and to begin to develop skills. The program will provide a healthy basis for serious competition as the skier matures. Christmas Camp December 27th to 31st Time: Daily 9:30 to 3:30 including 1 hour lunch All team programs include Christmas Camp New Years Camp January 2nd to 4th Time: Daily 9:30 to 3:30 including 1 hour lunch All team programs include New Years Camp March Break Camp March 11th to 15th Time: Daily 9:30 to 3:30 including 1 hour lunch Open to all racers looking to further their ski racing abilities. Cost: $300.00 After Feb. 15th $360.00 Friday Training Training Begins: January 11th, 2013 Individual: $65.00 Package of 4: $220.00 Package of 8: $360.00 Pre-paid packages are good for one participant and are not transferable. 24 New for 2012-13 – U8 & U10 Sun Peaks Pre-Season Camp December 17th to 21st, 2012 Cost: $800.00 These athletes attending the Sun Peaks Camp must be accompanied E\ D SDUHQW FKDSHURQH 7KH\ DUH UHVSRQVLEOH IRU WKHLU RZQ accommodation and transportation. The cost is for coaching, training and lift tickets only. Please contact Jason Manning by September 30th if you would like to attend at j.manning7290@ gmail.com U8 & U10 – Training Squad – 11 weeks An introduction to racing and race training. Skills will be developed with a focus on fun, mileage and camaraderie. The athletes will be grouped by skill set and age during the Christmas Camp which is included in the cost. New Years Camp is also included in the cost of this program. The races for this age group will be at Alpine. The opportunity to race at certain Escarpment races will be offered at the coach’s discretion. Saturdays: 9:00 to 3:00 p.m. Sundays: 9:30 to 2:30 p.m. 1 hour lunch - 11 to 12 &RVW$2$IHH &RVWDIWHU1RYWK$2$IHH U12 PROGRAMS U12 is for athletes who are 10 and 11 years old. The program promotes the development of the fundamental skills of ski racing both in a team environment and an individual series. We will continue to offer the same format as the past season, which LQFOXGHVDQH[WHQGHGWUDLQLQJFRPSRQHQWLQWKH´$OO,QFOXVLYHµ training package being offered. Athletes hoping to qualify as part of Alpines quota for the Individual Races must be registered in this option. Alpine Canada and the Canadian Ski Coaches Federation feel it is imperative for these athletes to continue to learn and develop the basic fundamental skills so technical emphasis will focus primarily on the Super Slalom radius with good movement and changing WHPSR([SORUDWLRQDQGH[SRVXUHWRVODORPJLDQWVODORPVSHHG and ski cross elements will also occur as well as a higher intensity of competition. All U12 athletes, especially those wishing to compete at the Individual level are invited to attend the Sun Peaks Pre-Season Camp. This resort is known for great early season conditions and caters to the needs of ski racers both on and off hill. All 10 year old athletes attending the Sun Peaks Camp must EH DFFRPSDQLHG E\ D SDUHQW FKDSHURQH 7KH\ DUH UHVSRQVLEOH for their own accommodation and transportation. The cost for coaching, training and lift tickets is $1,100.00 making the total package price $2,600.00, for the All Inclusive Program for 10 year olds. Please contact Jason Manning by September 30th if you would like to attend at j.manning7290@gmail.com. Take this opportunity to train with Alpines Elite athletes and other top athletes from the escarpment! All athletes hoping to race in the Individual Races MUST participate in the Fall Fitness testing. Pre Season Camps The goal of pre-season camps is to rebuild the foundation of our skiing, to instill and develop ski fundamentals through free skiing, drills and drill courses as well as some gate training and video analysis. Dryland education and physical activities are a part of every day, as well as some mental training, goal setting, and ski WXQLQJ'XULQJWKHVFKRRO\HDUDOOUDFHUVDUHH[SHFWHGWRFRPSOHWH their homework assignments while attending camp and time is set aside every afternoon for this purpose. Time management skills are critical to success. We would like to encourage all U12 athletes to take advantage of this opportunity. Sun Peaks Pre – Season Camp December 15th to 22nd, 2012 Cost: $2,500.00 Christmas Camp December 27th to 31st Time: Daily 9:30 to 3:30 including 1 hour lunch All programs include Christmas Camp New Years Camp January 2nd to 4th Time: Daily 9:30 to 3:30 including 1 hour lunch All programs include New Years Camp March Break Camp March 11th to 15th Time: Daily 9:30 to 3:30 including 1 hour lunch Open to all racers looking to further their ski racing abilities. Cost: $300.00 After Feb. 15th $360.00 U12 Weekend League Program – 11 weeks This program provides racing in a team format. Christmas and New Years camps are both included in the program. Team selection will take place during the Christmas Camp, athletes will be grouped according to skill and age. Races begin the second weekend of January. The schedule includes 4 races. 3 races will be in a team format and 1 race will be individually scored. Friday Training is available. Saturdays: 9:00 to 3:30 Sundays: 9:30 to 3:30 p.m. 1 hour lunch - 11 to 12 &RVW$2$IHH &RVWDIWHU1RYWK$2$IHH )XOOGRZQKLOOVXLWVZLWKRXWFRYHUXSDUHDOORZHG $GGLWLRQDO$26FDPSV6ODORP*6DQG6SHHGDUHRIIHUHG throughout the season for an additional cost. 25 Welcome to Alpine for another exciting season U12 All-inclusive Program The all inclusive program for U12 athletes include, all coaching costs, Basic U12 program, Sun Peaks Camp, New Year’s Camp, March Break Camp and all Friday Training. Not included in the cost are race entry fees and travel costs after the Sun Peaks Camp. Cost: $4,000 Registration and deposit must be received by September 7th. Registration received after this date will be subject to a 20% late fee. Technical & Speed event entry fees will be paid to the Club. Individual Races There are some series races that are additional races in which athletes can qualify to race. The races are an additional cost of $35.00 per start. These individual races are a great opportunity for the athletes to test their skills against the region’s top athletes. A good idea for those athletes aspiring to race U14 individual. U14 PROGRAMS U14 is for athletes who are 12 and 13 years old. The program promotes the development of the fundamental skills of ski racing both in a team environment and an individual series. We will continue to offer the same format as the past season, which LQFOXGHVDQH[WHQGHGWUDLQLQJFRPSRQHQWLQWKH´$OO,QFOXVLYHµ training package being offered. Athletes hoping to qualify as part of Alpines quota for the Individual Races must be registered in this option. Alpine Canada and the Canadian Ski Coaches Federation feel it is imperative for these athletes to continue to learn and develop the basic fundamental skills so technical emphasis will focus primarily on the Super Slalom radius with good movement and changing WHPSR([SORUDWLRQDQGH[SRVXUHWRVODORPJLDQWVODORPVSHHG and ski cross elements will also occur as well as a higher intensity 26 of competition. All U14 athletes, especially those wishing to compete at the Individual level are invited to attend the Copper Mountain Fall Camp. This resort is known for great early season conditions and caters to the needs of ski racers both on and off hill. Take this opportunity to train with Alpines Elite athletes and other top athletes from the escarpment! All athletes hoping to race in the Individual Races MUST participate in the fall Fitness testing as outlined by AOA and one of the two fall camps. Pre Season Camps The goal of pre-season camps is to build the foundation of our skiing, to instill and develop ski fundamentals through free skiing, drills and drill courses as well as some gate training and video analysis. Dryland education and physical activities are a part of every day, as well as some mental training, goal setting, and ski WXQLQJ'XULQJWKHVFKRRO\HDUDOOUDFHUVDUHH[SHFWHGWRFRPSOHWH their homework assignments while attending camp and time is set aside every afternoon for this purpose. Time management skills are critical to success. We would like to encourage all U14 to take advantage of this opportunity. Sun Peaks Pre-Season Camp December 15th to 22nd, 2012 Cost: $2,500.00 Copper Mountain Pre-Season Camp November 7th to 16th, 2012 Cost: $2,800.00 Christmas Camp December 27th to 31st Time: Daily 9:30 to 3:30 including 1 hour lunch All programs include Christmas Camp New Years Camp January 2nd to 4th Time: Daily 9:30 to 3:30 including 1 hour lunch All programs include New Years Camp March Break Camp March 11th to 15th Time: Daily 9:30 to 3:30 including 1 hour lunch Open to all racers looking to further their ski racing abilities. Cost: $300.00 After Feb. 15th $360.00 U14 All-Inclusive Program The all-inclusive program for U14 athletes include, all coaching costs, Basic U14 program, Sun Peaks Camp, New Year’s Camp, March Break Camp and all Friday Training. Not included in the cost are race entry fees and travel costs after the Sun Peaks Camp. Cost: $4,400 Registration and deposit must be received by September 7th. Registration received after this date will be subject to a 20% late fee. Technical & Speed event entry fees will be paid to the Club. For more information please contact Jason Manning at j.manning7290@gmail.com. U14 Weekend League Program – 11 weeks This program provides racing in a team format. Christmas and New Years camps are both included in the program. Team selection will take place during the Christmas Camp. Athletes will be grouped according to skill and age. Races begin the second weekend of January. The schedule includes 5 races. 3 races will be in a team format, 1 race will be individually scored and 1 will be a ÀQDOV'U\ODQGRSSRUWXQLWLHVDUHLQFOXGHGLQWKHSURJUDP)ULGD\ Training is available. Qualifying requirements: 1. Time on snow is the most important. Therefore only athletes who have participated in pre-season camps, Fall Fitness Testing September 29th, Camps and Friday Training will have met the requirements for the U14 Individual races. Racers must attend one of the fall camps; Colorado in November or the mid December Camp at Sun Peaks. Saturdays: 9:00 to 3:30 Sundays: 9:30 to 3:30 p.m. 1 hour lunch - 11 to 12 &RVW$2$IHH &RVWDIWHU1RYWK$2$IHH 2. Alpine Ski Club has a club quota for the U14 Individual races. ,QWKHHYHQWWKHUHDUHPRUHDWKOHWHVWKDQVSRWVWKHÀQDOGHFLVLRQ on who will go to the race will be at coach’s discretion. The coach will consider technical acquisition, tactical acquisition and attitude. Only athletes who participate in the U14 All Inclusive Program will be eligible for consideration. All racers have the opportunity to qualify for U14 Provincial Championships, not included in season cost. )XOOGRZQKLOOVXLWVZLWKRXWFRYHUXSDUHDOORZHG $GGLWLRQDO$26FDPSV6ODORP*6DQG6SHHGDUHRIIHUHG throughout the season for an additional cost. Individual Races There are some series races that are additional races in which athletes can qualify to race. The races are an additional cost of $35.00 per start. These individual races are a great opportunity for the athletes to test their skills against the region’s top athletes. A good idea for those athletes aspiring to race U16 individual. Alpine has minimum requirements that must be met. The program is open to anyone who meets the requirements. 27 Welcome to Alpine for another exciting season U16 PROGRAMS U16 athletes are 14 and 15 year olds. The programs will be run with two options. At this age the individual athletes begin their high performance training, through the Individual Program. Training at this level is a minimum 3 day per week season program. Second year U16’s require a 4 day per week on-hill commitment. Fall Camps and Season Camps are a component of this program. The proven elements of every successful ski racer are effective coordination with their academic endeavors, time on snow and physical and mental training. Collingwood has a high concentration of ski racers and the shortest number of days to ski of any place in the world. Consequently, it becomes imperative to spend time away skiing in order to stay competitive with other provinces. Time spent away provides a variety of terrain and an increased number of days on snow. The Mid December camp is the only mandatory camp, the rest are optional however we strongly recommend attending one of the RSWLRQDOFDPSV&RSSHU0RXQWDLQ&RORUDGRLQ1RYHPEHUDQG RU0W+RRGLQ-XO\DQGRU$XJXVW U16 weekend participants; If your son or daughter want to continue to race in the less competitive program where there is a lesser commitment to training and time on snow, this option is designed for them. The goal is to continue to develop strong technical skiing and racing skills. 28 Christmas Camp December 27th to 31st Time: Daily 9:30 to 3:30 including 1 hour lunch All league programs include Christmas Camp New Years Camp January 2nd to 4th Time: Daily 9:30 to 3:30 including 1 hour lunch All league programs include New Years Camp March Break Camp March 11th to 15th Time: Daily 9:30 to 3:30 including 1 hour lunch Open to all racers looking to further their ski racing abilities. Cost: $300.00 After Feb. 15th $360.00 U16 Weekend League Program – 10 weeks 5DFLQJ ZLOO FRQWLQXH LQ PXFK WKH VDPH ZD\ DV WKH H[SHULHQFH in the U14 program. Christmas and New Years camps are both included in the program. Team selection will take place during the Christmas Camp The race schedule begins the second weekend of January. The schedule includes 5 races. 3 races will be in a team format, 1 race will be individually scored and 1 will be a ÀQDOV'U\ODQGRSSRUWXQLWLHVDUHLQFOXGHGLQWKHSURJUDP)ULGD\ training is available. Saturdays: 9:00 to 3:30 Sundays: 9:30 to 3:30 p.m. 1 hour lunch - 11 to 12 &RVW$2$IHH &RVWDIWHU1RYWK$2$IHH U16 Individual Program This program offers the individual athletes high performance training. Training at this level is a minimum 3 day per week, season program. For most second year U16’s it is strongly recommended a 4 day, per week on-hill commitment. The mid December Camp is included in the program cost. This program requires not only an on snow commitment to race training, but DOVRWRDGU\ODQGSURJUDPWKDWZLOOKHOSHQVXUHWKHÀWQHVVOHYHO and strength training required to be successful in ski racing. The athlete should commit to off season dryland training as well as both on and off snow training from November to the end of April. In an effort to provide the best possible environment for RXU8,QGLYLGXDODWKOHWHVZHKDYHMRLQHGIRUFHVZLWK*HRUJLDQ Peaks for the upcoming season. The goal of this program is to produce the most successful U16 athletes on and off the hill in Canada. All U16 Individuals MUST participate in the September 29th Fitness Testing. Please note: The Alpine Ontario South committee has implemented minimum recommendations to race in the individual series. The minimum will be as follows; athletes must participate LQWKH$26IDOOÀWQHVVWHVWLQJDGD\SUHVHDVRQVNLFDPSZKLFK is why December Camp is included in the cost), and a 3-day a week program during the winter ski season. Cost: $7000.00 Registration is required by September 7th. Registration received after this date will be subject to a 20% late fee. Program includes: ,QFOXVLYHFRDFKLQJ)DOO'U\ODQG)LWQHVVWHVWLQJVSULQJDQGIDOO $26VHULHVIHH1DWLRQDOSRLQWVFDUG7HDPXQLIRUP 6XQ3HDNV&DPS U18 AND U20 PROGRAMS U18 athletes are any ski racers who are between the ages of 16-17. Alpine will be offering three program for these athletes, Weekend, ([WHQGHG DQG ,QGLYLGXDO ZLWK RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU WKHP WR UDFH on the SOD Team (formerly the Escarpment Team) programs. These programs cover all time commitments and ability levels. Sun Peaks Pre-Season Camp December 15th to 22nd, 2012 Cost: $2,500.00 Copper Mountain Pre-Season Camp November 7th -16th , 2012 Cost: $2,800.00 Christmas Camp December 27th to 31st Time: Daily 9:30 to 3:30 including 1 hour lunch All league programs include Christmas Camp New Years Camp January 2nd to 4th Time: Daily 9:30 to 3:30 including 1 hour lunch All league programs include New Years Camp March Break Camp March 11th to 15th Time: Daily 9:30 to 3:30 including 1 hour lunch Open to all racers looking to further their ski racing abilities. Cost: $300.00 After Feb. 15th $360.00 29 Welcome to Alpine for another exciting season Thursday/Friday Training Training Begins: January 11th, 2013 Individual: $65.00 Package of 4: $220.00 Package of 8: $360.00 Pre-paid packages are good for one participant and are not transferable. testing is included in the fees. Technical & Speed event entry fees will be an additional cost paid to the Club. U18 Weekend League Program This program provides interclub racing in a fun atmosphere. Athletes will race weekends: A great program designed for the weekend racer who still loves to compete but does not want to participate with a full time commitment. Christmas and New Years camps are both included in the program. The schedule includes 5 races. 3 races will be in a team format, 1 race will be individually VFRUHGDQGZLOOEHDÀQDOV'U\ODQGRSSRUWXQLWLHVDUHLQFOXGHG in the program. Friday training is available. U18 athletes will be placed on teams with the U16 program. U18 Weekend – Extended Program 7KLV ([WHQGHG 3URJUDP LV GHVLJQHG IRU WKH DWKOHWHV ZKR ZDQW to race and train at a higher level of intensity than the Weekend Program currently offers. The program is based on working with a dedicated coach from December to the end of March. In addition to all weekends and Fridays (through the competitive season) the program also includes the mid December Camp, Christmas Camp, March Break Camp and coaching on all race days. Please note that dry-land training and uniforms are not included in this program. AOA fees are included in the cost of the SURJUDP$OSLQH·VÀWQHVVWHVWLQJLVLQFOXGHGLQWKHIHHV7HFKQLFDO & Speed event entry fees will be an additional cost paid to the Club. Saturdays: 9:00 to 3:30 Sundays: 9:30 to 3:30 p.m. 1 hour lunch - 11 to 12 &RVW$2$IHH &RVWDIWHU1RYWK$2$IHH U18 Weekend – Individual Program This program is designed for those athletes who want to continue to race and train with a lesser time commitment. This weekend program is based on 10 weekends including Christmas Camp, and coaching for all the Alpine Ontario series races. 7KH$OSLQH2QWDULRVHULHVLQFOXGHV*66/DQG6*PD\EHD ski cross. Additional Invitational Races will be available to these athletes throughout the season. Training is available on Fridays at a cost of $60.00 per day. The option of the mid December Pre-Season Camp is available to these athletes. Please note that dry-land training and uniforms are not included in this program. $2$IHHVDUHLQFOXGHGLQWKHFRVWRI WKHSURJUDP$OSLQH·VÀWQHVV 30 Cost: $2000.00 Cost after Nov.15th: $2124.00 Sun Peaks Pre-Season Camp December 15th to 22nd, 2012 Cost: $2,500.00 Cost: $5000.00 *Including the Sun Peaks Pre-Season Camp December 15th to 22nd, 2012 SOD PROGRAM The Southern Ontario Team (SOD Team) formerly the (VFDUSPHQW6NL7HDPLVDQRQSURÀWRUJDQL]DWLRQWKDWLVDKLJK level racing program focused on regional and National level FIS racing. The SOD Team tailors and individualizes programs to PHHWWKHQHHGVRI WRGD\·VGLYHUVLÀHGVWXGHQWDWKOHWHV:HSURYLGH DG\QDPLFSURJUDPZLWKSDVVLRQDWHFRDFKHVWKDWPD[LPL]HDWKOHWLF development, focus on the importance of education, and creating DQH[WUHPHO\SRVLWLYHH[SHULHQFHWRDOORZWKHVNLHUWRJURZDVDQ athlete, student and person. ),6UDFHVWDUWVIROORZLQJWKH$,0JXLGHOLQHVGHÀQHGE\$OSLQH Canada (ACA). The program begins August 15th when the student athlete travels WR6ZLW]HUODQGIRUDQZHHNFDPSWKDWLQFOXGHVDSSUR[LPDWHO\ training days on the glaciers in Saas Fe and Zermatt and a 4 day HGXFDWLRQDOH[FXUVLRQLQ(XURSHSDVWWULSVKDYHLQFOXGHG3DULV 5RPHDQG*HQHYD'XULQJWKHWLPHLQ6ZLW]HUODQG16$WHDFKHUV EHJLQGHOLYHULQJÀUVWVHPHVWHUFXUULFXOXPDQGDKHDY\HPSKDVLVLV placed on physical conditioning and injury prevention. After returning from Europe and prior to the competitive season, athletes will continue their on snow training in Quebec, Alberta The athletes on the SOD team will have access to the area’s best and locally in Collingwood. With a heavy emphasis on academics WUDLQLQJYHQXHV$OSLQH&UDLJOHLWK2VOHU*HRUJLDQ3HDNV'HYLOV GXULQJWKLVSHULRGPRVWVWXGHQWVZLOOFRPSOHWHWKHLUÀUVWVHPHVWHU *OHQDQG%OXH0RXQWDLQ7KLVSURJUDPLVHQGRUVHGE\$OSLQH courses prior to Christmas. Ontario as the path to the Ontario Ski team. Program Cost: $13,500.00 Camps: Zermatt Ski Camp – August 12th to 26th Copper Mountain – November 3rd to 18th Quebec – December 7th to 14th For more information contact Jason Manning at j.manning7290@gmail.com NSA NA TIONAL FIS RACING & ACADEMIC PROGRAM From January through March a typical week day (when not travelling for a race series) involves a high intensity on-snow training session from 8:30-noon, lunch, afternoon classes, dryland training, dinner and evening classes until 9:00pm. Many NSA student athletes chose to return to their home school for the second semester. In these cases, the NSA academic staff can liaison with the home school to deliver curriculum until the transition point at the end of the race season. Full-time boarding LVDYDLODEOHDWH[WUDFRVW 7KH16$LVDQRQSURÀWVNLDFDGHP\DQGIXOO\DFFUHGLWHGSULYDWH school located at 200 Oak Street in Collingwood. For more information please visit www.nsa.on.ca or call the NSA at 705444-1617. This program provided by the National Ski Academy in Collingwood is an all-inclusive package that includes camps, race IHHVWUDYHODQGDFFRPPRGDWLRQWUDQVSRUWDWLRQFRDFKLQJÀWQHVV ski suit and private school education. At this commitment level The all-inclusive cost for this program is: $29,900. the student athlete will receive up to 130 days on snow and up to 31 17–242 Arrowhead Road, Blue Mountains, ON L9Y OS1 ;LS -H_ (SWPUL7YVNYHT4HUHNLY2PT9VILY[ZRYVILY[Z'HSWPULZRPJS\IJVT