august 2013


august 2013
AUG\13 ~ 1
Apostolic Witness
he Menistry Department of the Assemblies of The Lord Jesus Christ is
proud to announce as its new director, James Chessor. He has served
as secretary of Menistry for three years under the direction of Kenny
James Chessor was recently installed as pastor of Keystone Apostolic
Church in Charleston, West Virginia. Prior to that, he and his family evangelized for eleven years. He has a deep burden to see every man become who
God designed him to be. His desire is for Menistry to facilitate in empowering
single men, husbands and fathers to reach their fullest potential.
Apostolic Witness
Rick Hilton............................................ 6
Fallon Erickson, Judy Wilson.................. 8
INTERVIEW.................................. 10
Josh Wilson........................................ 16
by George Akers
WOMEN’S ESPRIT..................... 18
Nathan Roberts.................................. 22
Joe Nelson......................................... 23
George Akers, Bob Koonce.................. 24
by Mark Bishop, Evangelist Director
World Missions
M.L. Walls
Missions America
George Akers
M.L. Walls, Shirley Hickman,
Eric Ginder, Paul Moorefield................ 26
James Chessor
Women’s Esprit
Karen Rhinehart
Apostolic Crusaders
Josh Wilson
Nathan Roberts
Evangelist Department
Mark Bishop
Christian Schools Department
Joe Nelson
n this issue, Dr. Joe Nelson presents the winners of
the National Apostolic Christian Schools Department. They are Ashleigh Wickson, from Auburn
Hills Christian School in Auburn Hills, Michigan and
Nicholas Helms from Apostolic Christian Academy in
Maryville, Tennessee. Dr. Nelson’s article is one small
example of the tireless commitment that he, and many
others, have kept for the betterment of our Apostolic
students who sit in classrooms around the world.
Just a glance at the pictures of these students should
make us all proud of what God is doing. Their potential
is only as limited as their dreams and goals and prayers
and steadfastness in the faith. They represent the best of
what educators, parents and kingdom-minded students
desire to display to a sin-sick society. These incredible
students have allowed God full access to their heart,
soul, mind, body and spirit. Their accomplishments are
praiseworthy, and we congratulate them.
Both the TOPS Program and the Patrick Wilson
Scholarship Fund have contributed to furthering the
academic pursuits of Ashleigh and Nicholas. These two
sources, TOPS and the Patrick Wilson Scholarship Fund,
stand for the noblest of ambitions. As we strive to develop and enhance the ministries and departments of our
organization, I can not stress enough how important it
is to support those that support education. In the future,
may we award dozens more scholarships each year as we
continue to grow.
Dr. Nelson points out that there are more than 500
other students that participated at the annual competition
for our National Apostolic Christian Schools Department. When we consider that the parents of many of
these fine students were once Christian school students
Apostolic Witness
themselves, we begin to realize the breadth and depth of
how godly education shapes both the present and future
Church. Thank you, Dr. Nelson, and all of the parents and
educators in the National Apostolic Christian Schools
Now consider the Apostolic students that attend public and private schools around our country and abroad.
Then, add to that the often unsung accomplishments
of many an evangelist or pastor’s wife diligently home
schooling from a church parsonage or the limited space
of a travel trailer. Do not forget the Ugandan orphan who
leaves the city streets to make his way to a well and a
schoolhouse where he will get a bowl of rice and an opportunity to learn that he can grow up to make a difference. Now we see clearly the impact that the Church is
having on the lives of our young. The combined efforts
of parents, teachers, administrators, pastors, evangelists,
missionaries and the students themselves illustrates how
important it is for every Apostolic student to learn reading, writing and arithmetic…and the ways of the Great
Teacher, Christ Jesus.
May we always realize that these are not your kids
or my kids; they are God’s young men and ladies leant to
us for all too short a season. Mom and Dad, as they leave
your home this school year to face new challenges, say a
prayer and make a promise to be the example they need
in the Christian home. Seek windows of opportunity to
communicate and encourage them in their studies this
year. Contribute to the needs of the school they attend.
Pray for school officials and other students that walk the
same halls as our students. May we all join Dr. Nelson’s
commitment to a godly education and to shaping the
Church of both tomorrow and today.
The Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ asserts that the Bible is the inspired Word
of God, and that the fundamental plan of salvation consists of these major doctrinal truths: Belief in the Lord Jesus Christ as the one true God; Repentance from
sins; Baptism by immersion in water in the name of Jesus Christ; Baptism of the
Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues.
SOUTHERN REGIONAL Assistant • Mark McCool
northern REGIONAL assistant • Tim Gill
western regionAL Assistant • Charles Hancock
James Knight
Larry Davidson
Stephen Reed
Nathan Carrell
James Johnson
Edward MacDonald
Francis Farney
Danny St. Clair
Joel Clemons
David Poole
Shannon Scott
Jonathan Vazquez
Lisle Lindsay
Paul Murray
Robert Fries
Curt Green
David Akers
John Robinson
Peter Gray
Billy McCool
Clarence King
Dale Bostic
Ralph Tisdale
M.L. Walls
George Akers
Mark Bishop
Nathan Roberts
Josh Wilson
Karen Rhinehart
James Chessor
Joe Nelson
David Mayo • Raymond Bishop • Steve Wilson • Robert Martin
875 North White Station Road • PO Box 22366 • Memphis, TN 38122
Phone: 901.685.1969 •
Rick Hilton
Robert Martin
Kayla LeBon
Apostolic Witness is the monthly publication and official organ
of the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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by Fallon Erickson and Judy Wilson
enneth Ray Carpenter was born June 10, 1960 to John
and Ruby Carpenter. As a troubled 16-year-old teenager, he was enrolled at Apostolic Christian School in
Knoxville, Tennessee. It was there that Bishop Billy and Betty
McCool and the First Apostolic Church of Knoxville took a
chance on him. February of that school year, he was baptized
in the name of Jesus and received the gift of the Holy Ghost.
His parents held Bishop Billy McCool in high esteem.
On his father’s deathbed, he asked Bishop McCool to finish
rearing his two teenage sons. He didn’t understand at the time
the profound affect his father’s deathbed wish would have
on his future. Many times during his teenage years, Bishop
McCool would correct his teenage behavior — from teaching
him to keep a good haircut to being at school on time. However, the greatest lessons learned were by observing Bishop
McCool’s balanced lifestyle. He would preach fiery Sunday
night sermons but also teach deep Wednesday night Bible
studies. He demonstrated how to be a loving husband, father
and pastor while having the backbone of a crow bar. For years
he witnessed firsthand the balanced life of this anointed man
of God. The traits of his pastor still influence his life today.
Kenneth Carpenter preached his first message at the age
of 17 and shortly thereafter began traveling across the United
States speaking to many churches and youth groups. In 1982,
while preaching as an evangelist at the church he now pastors,
he met the love of his life, Penny Bennett. In June 1984, he
became pastor of First Apostolic Church of Maryville (FAC)
at the age of 23. After his wedding on July 20, 1984, Penny
Carpenter joined him in pastoring.
Apostolic Witness
His greatest treasures are God, family and church. He
and Penny have celebrated 29 years of marriage and 29 years
as pastor of FAC. Ministering alongside them are five multitalented people including son-in-law and daughter, Chad and
Fallon Erickson; son-in-law and daughter, Zach and Lauren
Hammond; and son, Nolan. The Carpenters are very proud to
be called “Nona” and “Popa” by two very special little girls
named Paris Lache’ and Windsor Kate. They are also excited
that another grandbaby is on the way.
Kenneth Carpenter’s heartbeat is souls. He is passionate
about giving to missions. He is involved in outreach 21st century style with “The Apostolic Connection,” a weekly telecast
that airs daily throughout East Tennessee, North Carolina,
Georgia and Virginia and with the church’s webcast ministry.
All services are live webcast and archived on the church’s
website at Another aspect of outreach is Apostolic
Christian Academy and Preschool founded by Kenneth and
Penny Carpenter. This year the school is celebrating its 20th
He was recently elected to serve as the General Superintendent of the ALJC during the 2013 General Ministry
Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas. His compelling burden
is to see prayer networked throughout the organization. He
is ready to work, along with his wife and family, to build on
the foundation of the great superintendents who have served
before him. It is his heartfelt desire to see all churches, regardless of church size, have the tools they need to reap souls
thereby propelling a greater revival and harvest of souls.
AUG\13 ~ 9
The winds of
change blew at General Ministry Conference
last month in Little
Rock, Arkansas with
several capable leaders
being elected to new
positions. Among these
changes, Pastor Kenneth Carpenter of Maryville, Tennessee was elected General
Superintendent of the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ. The
Apostolic Witness sat down for an interview with Former General Superintendent Robert Martin following GMC13. This is
what he had to say.
What is the legacy you leave behind now that your tenure as
General Superintendent is over?
First, allow me to say that I have been extremely blessed
to serve this wonderful organization on a national level for 26
years. I served for 14 years as General Youth President and 12
on the Executive Board, the last six as General Superintendent. I
appreciate the confidence of those who allowed me to serve for
so many years. And I must commend the men I served with on
our Executive Board – Mark McCool, Tim Gill, Charles Hancock and Roger Gray. I couldn’t have asked for a greater group
of men to work with. They have all become such dear friends
who have brought joy to my life. I love these men.
When I was elected as General Superintendent, I preached a
message entitled, “I Will Not Fight My Brother.” It has become
kind of an anthem I suppose. Kind people come up to me all the
time and mention that particular message. It set the tone for my
administration. I have always attempted to be a unifier, not a
divider. Of course when you do so in an organization comprised
of ministers of differing views on certain topics you tend to be
labeled as too liberal by some and too conservative by others. I
just remind myself that Jesus was crucified on the middle cross
and that the middle of the road approach is the best. We should
love, support and encourage everyone, whether we see everything eye to eye or not.
Also, I immediately began to promote an inclusive mindset
rather than an exclusive one. I felt we should do all that was
biblically possible to reach out to ministers and seek their membership. I am thankful that we passed an “innocent party” clause
that allowed fine ministers who, through no fault of their own,
dealt with divorce in their life. As one of our bishops stated, “If
Jesus made an exception, who are we not too?” We also changed
our bylaws to allow ministers to be members of other religious
organizations while being in the ALJC. This served as a tool to
reach others, providing them an open door to return to our organization or join it for the first time. Then we passed legislation
allowing ministers who are legal residents but not yet citizens
Apostolic Witness
(but who are on the path to citizenship) to become members.
As Superintendent, I continuously encouraged our district leaders to develop an inclusive mindset, reaching out and including
ministers rather than separating and pushing away those in our
I pray that my legacy will be seen as one of unity and inclusiveness, and one that focused on seeking the heart of Christ. I
believe that Jesus Christ and Him crucified is the primary message that should still be preached today.
Describe some of your accomplishments as General
There are many things that we set out to do, and I feel succeeded in improving our organization in many ways. I felt we
needed a total improvement of our image in order to be able to
position ourselves as the most desirable of all Apostolic organizations. Everything needed to be done with class, not as an afterthought. We did this by doing many things, including: completely
renovating the Apostolic Witness; acquiring a more modern, high
tech web site; renaming and revamping our primary ministers’
conference as General Ministry Conference; adopting a new
logo; renaming departments (World Missions instead of Foreign
Missions; Missions America instead of Home Missions). Then
we completely renovated our Headquarters building, making it
more inviting and functional. We wanted people to be proud of
what they saw in relation to the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus
I am also very thankful for a conference for young ministers
that we established called “Let’s Talk.” This conference was
unique in that it allowed our young ministers a setting to ask
questions that they might be reluctant to ask in other meetings.
We averaged 100 young preachers every year, and it was a much
anticipated meeting among our young ministers. I feel we were
able to provide great instruction and help guide young ministries
in their early development.
We also added a couple of needed departmental ministries
that are having a profound impact on the ALJC – Menistry and
KidzQuest. With the addition of these ministries, the ALJC
for the first time had ministries that touched every part of our
I am grateful for the hundreds of ministers who joined the
ALJC during my tenure. These ministers include men like J.H.
Osborne, Roland Baker and David Bryan. And recently, due to
our new licensing policy, several wonderful men have become
members of the ALJC again: Rod Pamer, David Johnson and
Terry Lough, to mention a few. There is no greater honor for an
organization than having great men who want to be a part of it. I
am also extremely thankful that former General Superintendent
Don Johnson rejoined us for the last few years of his life.
I have always had a heart for missions and have actively supported missions since I was a teenager. While serving as General
Youth President I established the Apostolic Youth Corps in the
1980s. The AYC was formed to take groups of young people to
visit and work with our missionaries around the world. The AYC
has grown into a very formidable and effective ministry, and I
know General Youth President Josh Wilson will take it to a new
level. Concerning World Missions, during my tenure as General
Superintendent our giving to missions as an organization more
than doubled, and the number of ALJC missionaries more than
doubled. We have also partnered with Bishop John Wayabire in
Uganda and have witnessed one of the most phenomenal revivals
the world has known, with more than 500,000 being baptized in
Jesus’ name in that country! I am very thankful to have served an
organization that has a desire to reach the world with the gospel
of Jesus Christ.
These are a few of the accomplishments that I am thankful
for. I know there are others, but these come to mind.
What improvements have you witnessed in relation the
ALJC’s dealings with other Apostolic organizations?
Since I have been on the Executive Board, we have participated in annual Apostolic Summit meetings in St. Louis, Missouri. The ALJC is a member of the steering committee of all
major Apostolic organizations. We have a strong voice in these
meetings, and I have been privileged to speak at several interorganizational meetings through the Apostolic Summit. I feel the
dialogue we have with other organizations has never been better.
The lines of communication have been open, and we have discussed many of the issues that we all deal with in the Apostolic
I also feel like we have an improved image throughout the
Apostolic ranks. I had the honor of ministering at Because of the
Times in Alexandria, Louisiana a couple of years ago. I have also
preached at several UPCI functions through the years. Furthermore, next year will make three years that I have been honored
to minister at meetings and conferences of the Apostolic Assemblies, the largest Oneness Hispanic organization in the United
I am also thankful that during my tenure the ALJC has been
represented in Baker’s Handbook of Religions for the very first
time, thus serving to increase knowledge of our movement.
Other doors of service opened to me, allowing the ALJC to
gain in stature. I am currently a member of the board of directors
of Urshan Graduate School of Theology, one of only two nonUPCI members. I also serve on the board of Tupelo Children’s
Mansion, a UPCI ministry.
I feel all of these things have improved our image throughout the Apostolic movement, bringing us good will and growth.
After all, when it’s all said and done, we are all a part of the
greater kingdom of God.
Do you have any regrets?
I only regret that I was not able to accomplish more. And I
constantly think of a minister or a minister’s wife somewhere
that we may not have reached and helped during their time of
need. Everyone is important, and everyone should have a voice
that’s heard and a heart that’s ministered to.
What will be your focus in the future? What is your vision?
I want to continue to serve the Lord in any capacity that
I can. For the next two years I have a unique opportunity, for
me at least, to focus on my wife and children more than ever.
Noah, my 10 year old, made the statement at conference, “So
Daddy is just Daddy now.” The offices I want to succeed in more
than all others are those of husband and father. Nothing is more
important than that. Also, we have plans to build a new church
in Baton Rouge very soon. So, I suppose my desire at this point
is to hold and love my family while we build a greater church on
the local level.
Who knows what the Lord plans for our future? Hopefully
at some point I will be able to serve this wonderful organization
again in some way. The ALJC has been good to me. I hope I can
be good to it.
What advice would you give our newly-elected leaders?
Love everyone. Be kind to everyone. Be fair and just. Understand that everyone is not exactly the same and that there
are varying beliefs to some degree. Don’t label people who see
things differently than you do. Be inclusive, not exclusive. We
are all on the same team. And, oh yeah, do not fight your brother.
In our September issue of the Apostolic Witness, we will
sit down for an interview with our Newly-Elected General Superintendent Kenneth Carpenter as he expresses his vision for
the future of The Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ.
AUG\13 ~ 11
Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ
by George Akers
Apostolic Witness
Apostolic Witness
General Ministry
he 61st Annual General Conference of the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ convened in Little
Rock, Arkansas at the Marriott Hotel and Statehouse Convention Center on Monday, June 24. The week
began with the General Superintendent’s Dinner hosting
the organization’s national and district leaders along with
Honorary General Superintendents of past administrations, world missionaries and GMC13 staff. A great spirit
of fellowship and unity permeated the ballroom as the
attendees enjoyed the buffet served by the hotel staff and
entertainment by Kidz Quest Director Nathan Roberts
and Lil Nate.
Tuesday morning brought the annual GMC departmental board meetings along with Missions America’s
second annual Church Growth strategies session. The
topic was “Assimilating Saints.” The instruction was on
how to assimilate a lost sinner to an established saint of
God. That afternoon, the General Business Session convened with national elections as the first order of business.
Our congratulations are extended to all the newly elected
national officials: Kenneth Carpenter, General Superintendent; Mark McCool, Southern Regional Representative and First Assistant Superintendent; Timothy Gill,
Northern Regional Representative and Second Assistant
Superintendent; Charles Hancock, Western Regional
Representative and Third Assistant Superintendent;
Roger Gray, General Secretary/Treasurer; ML Walls,
World Missions Director; George Akers, Missions America Director; Josh Wilson, Apostolic Crusaders President;
Mark Bishop, Evangelist Director; Doctor Joe Nelson,
Christian Schools Director; Karen Rhinehart, Women’s
Esprit Director; and Dorcas Hammond, Women’s Esprit
Vice President.
The Tuesday night service was focused on Missions
America. JH Osborne preached “A Window in the Heart
of God.” Wednesday morning, David Poole preached on
“Heart For Our God,” James Kirk on “Heart For Our
Family” and the Wednesday morning rally speaker was
Paul McGee who preached “Faint Yet Pursuing.”
The Wednesday evening service focus was on the organization as a whole where the entirety of the Assemblies
of the Lord Jesus Christ’s mission was front and center.
The newly-elected officials were recognized and prayed
for. Former General Superintendent Robert Martin gave
the Superintendent’s address. His message was entitled
“After God’s Heart.”
Thursday morning, Missionary Jeremy Lang
preached “Heart For Our Church” tracing the Oneness
Apostolic roots from the day of Pentecost through to the
21st Century Church. Missionary Toufic Azar preached
on “Heart For Our World” and Pastor Mark Johnson
preached the Wednesday morning rally, “My Responsibility to the Next Generation.”
Thursday evening began an hour early with the annual live international radio broadcast for World Missions.
Bishop ML Walls preached on the wonderful doctrine of
the Oneness of God in Christ. His message was “What’s in
a Name?” Thursday evening continued with the focus on
World Missions and Pastor Peter Gray preaching “Truth,
the Heartbeat of God.” If you could sum up GMC13 into
one thought, it would be that we are after God’s heart
individually, in family, in fellowship, in doctrine and in
evangelizing our nation and world.
AUG\13 ~ 13
AUG\13 ~ 13
Apostolic Witness
AUG\13 ~~ 15
by Josh Wilson, General Youth President
want to say thank you
to the ALJC for the opportunity to serve as the
General Youth President of
the Apostolic Crusaders. For
the past several years, I have
been blessed to work with the
previous three General Youth
Presidents. I was the water boy
for Jonathan Vazquez at NYC.
I served under Michael Jadrnicek as the AYC director and
National Youth Secretary and,
mostly recently, with Chad Erickson as his AYC director. If
there is one thing that I have learned from all three of these
great men of God, it is that they served their positions with
honor, dignity and humility. I am going to do my best to lead
with these same principles. Over the past few months leading up to GMC, I had been praying and seeking the Lord for
direction concerning our youth department. The following
paragraphs will describe the vision and direction I feel the
Lord has given me.
Concerning our National Youth Convention, we are going to continue to use NYC to empower and encourage our
students to be a powerful Apostolic force and voice in our
society today. The dates for NYC are November 27-29. The
theme for NYC this year is “Empower.” We want to see the
young people of our organization empowered by the Holy
Ghost to go back to their communities to be a witness for
Jesus Christ and His gospel. The youth board has done an incredible job in selecting our speakers this year. Chad Erickson
will open up the first service, Paul McGee Jr. will be preaching on Thursday morning and Kenny Chessor on Thursday
night. Mark Johnson will be speaking on Friday morning, and
our newly-elected General Superintendent, Kenny Carpenter,
will be closing out our conference preaching the last service.
We are going to change the registration cost this year.
For the first month of online registration, the cost will be five
dollars less than last year making registration only thirty dollars during the initial thirty day registration period. After the
initial thirty days we will increase registration to thirty-five
dollars per person. Ten days before NYC, we will close down
online registration and make registration available to everyone at conference for forty-five dollars. Day passes will be
available to anyone who can only make it for a day or two
and will cost fifteen dollars per day. If you have children ages
Apostolic Witness
5-12 attending NYC this year, registration will be only fifteen dollars per child. Children under the age of four are free.
Please stay connected with us on Facebook at www.facebook.
com/ApostolicCrusaders for all NYC updates. We are also
designing a brand new web page that will be fully functional
by the end of August. The website will also help keep you
updated concerning NYC.
One of the biggest changes you will see in the Apostolic Crusaders over the next two years is the expansion of
our Apostolic Youth Corps. We already have a missions trip
planned to Uganda this December. We have a total of three
international missions planned for 2014. We will go to Haiti
in the summer. The Haiti trip will be our first ever “AYC Extreme Missions” trip. We will be working with the new ALJC
building in Petite Guave and an orphanage in Port-Au-Prince,
as well as ministering to families who are still living in tent
cities because their homes were destroyed in the earthquake
just a few years ago. We will also be going back to Europe in
2014. Our European mission will be taking us back to Poland
for eight days to finish what we started last year. Once we
finish the work in Poland, we will take a three-day journey
to Rome to explore and check out some very important key
historical religious sites. Our other international mission will
take us back to Uganda to work at our Hope Refuge school
that we are building in the village of Kachomo.
Our AYC expansion does not stop there. We are going to
expand our AYC department to include mission weekends in
the USA. We are going to be teaming up with five churches
in different parts of the USA to pass out flyers, promote the
local church and help facilitate a Saturday afternoon block
party. We will be hosting these mission trips in Gilbert, Louisiana; Wilson, North Carolina; Clawson, Michigan; Chattanooga, Tennessee; and in Ft. Worth, Texas. Our goal for these
weekends will be to train our Apostolic Crusaders on how to
get Bible studies and how to teach them. We will be passing
out thousands of flyers and finally praying with guests who
come to the block parties on Saturday afternoon. Please be on
the lookout for more news concerning the expansion of our
Apostolic Youth Corps.
I also have a great burden to promote giving financially
to the work of the Lord. When I served as the youth president
in Indiana, we were the top giving district for the last two
years of my term. We were giving up to $15,000 a year in
our Talents offering. Under the leadership of Chad Erickson
our Apostolic Crusaders annual offering was changed from
the name Talents to Overflow. Overflow will play a huge role
in teaching our students to give to the work of the Lord. Our
national goal for our Overflow offering starting on November
1 is going to be $40,000. We will accomplish this by starting
a new online giving source called
We will officially launch our website at
NYC this year. We want to get everyone in our organization to
give one dollar a month to our Overflow offering. We will also
be taking up a one dollar a night offering at NYC this year. All
the offering given each night will go directly to our Overflow
offering. Our overflow offering will be divided and given to
various ministries throughout the ALJC. We will also ask
each one of our youth presidents to precisely define to their
districts what Overflow is. I will be asking every youth president to have an Overflow offering weekend the third weekend
of October. During this weekend, we will hold Overflow rallies all over the U.S. to take up an offering in each district
to present at NYC. With your prayers, help and support, I
believe we can hit our $40,000 Overflow offering goal. In the
future, we will have a smartphone app that our students can
download for giving. We are praying and planning more ways
to help everyone give to the work of our youth department.
Finally, I have learned in organizational leadership to
surround myself with great leaders. I have asked Kenny Chessor from Chattanooga, Tennessee, to serve as our National
Youth Secretary. Kenny Chessor has been involved in youth
ministry for several years and is a tremendous young leader
in our organization. I have also asked Daniel Taylor, Dan
Mundy and Mark Johnson to serve on our team as regional
field directors. They will be responsible for communicating
with and visiting their regional districts to make sure Kenny
Chessor and I stay in contact with the needs of every district.
Our promotions director is Wes Comer. He is well qualified
and excited about serving with the Apostolic Crusaders.
Through prayer I have felt lead to create three new positions in the youth department. The first one is a camp meeting/ youth retreat coordinator. Devin Akers will serve in this
capacity. His duty is to create a master list of all youth camps
and youth retreats held by each district so we can properly
promote them at a national level. If a district has an online
registration for their camp or retreat, we will put it on our
national youth webpage. I have a tremendous burden to see
every student in our organization attend a summer youth
camp. There is nothing better for our young people to be doing each summer then attending their district youth camp.
Devin Akers will help us promote these events. The next position I have created is a social media director. Social media
plays a great role in communicating with young people today.
Social media can be used as a tool to empower our students
with information about events, Bible verses and quotes from
our leaders all over the US. We want to make sure we utilize
all social media outlets to glorify God and to spread the good
news of Jesus Christ. The final position I have created is a
National Youth Convention Coordinator. I am thankful that
Darren Cooper has agreed to stay on board with us and fill
this position. Daniel Cooper will be coordinating and directing each National Youth Convention.
I am very excited about the next two years. I believe God
has some greatthings in store for the Apostolic Crusaders. I
am honored to serve and ready to mobilize the students of our
organization with the help of the Holy Ghost to change the
world for the cause of Jesus Christ.
AUG\13 ~
~ 17
Apostolic Witness
AUG\13 ~ 19
Women’s Esprit President
Karen Rhinehart
Apostolic Witness
aren Rhinehart was born in Middletown, Ohio to Raymond and Helen Gifford. She
is a third generation Pentecostal. She has been married for 26 years to Pastor Wylie
G. Rhinehart Jr. Together, they have served in pastoral ministry at the Pentecostals of
Dayton since 2008. She has four daughters: Lauren, Whitney, Micaylie and Falyn. Lauren is
married to Cody Updegrave, a licensed ALJC minister. They currently serve as youth pastors
at The Pentecostals of Dayton. Karen wears many hats, but being a wife and mother is the one
she treasures the most.
She has served as a praise singer, song writer, children’s minister, choir director, youth
director and assistant pastor’s wife for many years. She has prepared meals once a month for
the Ronald McDonald House families since 2000. The desire to serve has always been evident.
She has served as the Ohio Women’s Esprit President from 2008-2013. Each year, she was
privileged to host more than 400 ladies from all across Ohio in an annual conference.
In 2008, a new burden was given birth as The Inaugural Princess Within Conference (PWC)
was held in Dayton Ohio. There were 227 young ladies in attendance. The conference has continued to grow for many years. The National Women’s Esprit has hosted two national PWC’s.
In 2011, she was honored to travel to Europe to host the first European PWC.
In October 2011 while visiting a castle in Germany, she heard the Lord speak the words,
“Send Me.” Little did she know, that it would be just a short time before she herself would be
sent. One week after arriving home from Germany, she was arrested for an innocent mishap.
Those two words, send me, echoed over again and again in her mind. The charges have long
since been dropped, but a burden for jail ministry was born. She became a chaplain at the county
jail where she was taken two weeks after the arrest. A few short months later, she became a national chaplain through the ALJC, and the women of Ohio had a “Send Me” conference which
had a live feed into the Ohio Women’s Reformatory. One prisoner that was in the same jail
during her arrest was sent to that prison and watched with tears as Karen, her onetime cellmate,
led the “Send Me” Conference. The officers, lawyers and prisoners were moved by this story.
On September 14, 2013, Karen and her staff will host the first Princess Within Conference
at the Ohio Women’s Reformatory. God spoke to her one night a few indelible words, “Prisoners are princesses, too.” The theme for the upcoming conference will be “You Are A Princess.”
Together, ministers from all over Ohio will converge in Marysville, Ohio expecting miracles,
signs, wonders and for many to receive the precious gift of the Holy Ghost. She has found
favor with the directors of the prison, and they are allowing her to decorate the gym which will
accommodate as many as 600 prisoners.
She is now very honored to serve as the National Women’s Esprit President. Her desire is to
help the precious women of this great organization continue to “drive, though wounded.” This
is a reference to a message preached by Pastor Robert Martin this past year. Her desire is to
encourage every woman to continue to minister even though life, at times, is unfair, a few days
and full of trouble. Her desire is to help every woman pursue and possess a peace that passes
all understanding, which many times is found while ministering to others. Her motto has now
become, “Here am I, send me for such a time as this.”
Women’s Esprit Vice-President
Dorcas Hammond
orcas Bishop Hammond is from Watkinsville, Georgia where she
serves as the pastor’s wife of New Life Apostolic Church. She
attended Jackson College of Ministries in Mississippi before marrying and moving to Georgia. She and Pastor Tim Hammond have been
married for 26 years and have two children: Zach, who is married to Lauren
Carpenter Hammond and Autumn, who is married to Elijah Mayo. They are
all working in ministry full time. Along with the many other hats she wears
as pastor’s wife, she is also the minister of music and Women’s Esprit coordinator for her church. She served as the ALJC Georgia District Women’s
Esprit President for eight years. Serving in her community and helping the
less fortunate are some of her greatest enjoyments. Reading, listening to
music and spending time with her family are her favorite pastimes. Her
passion is teaching and encouraging young people and ladies to have good
relationships with others and most of all with God.
Women’s Esprit Secretary
Dana Green
ana Green is from Yukon, Oklahoma. She currently serves as pastor’s wife and the Oklahoma District Women’s Esprit President
where she is involved in many ministries of their church and the
district. She is married to Bishop Curt Green, who is the ALJC Oklahoma
District Superintendent and the pastor of First Pentecostal Church of Yukon.
Dana graduated from McNeese State University in Lake Charles, Louisiana
and was a paralegal for more than 20 years. She has a range of experience
from campaign manager for a Louisiana Supreme Court Justice to trial
paralegal for a large law firm in Houston, Texas. Additionally, she is also
the president of a private company. Dana is the daughter of the late Charles
Cooper of Pitkin, Louisiana and M. C. “LouAnn” Green of Leesville, Louisiana. Her in-laws, Jerry and Barbara Green, have pastored in Porter, Texas
since 1971. Together with her husband, they are the proud parents of Jared,
Jason and Laurel. With all of her personal accomplishments, Dana’s work
for God and His Kingdom is where her true passion lies.
AUG\13 ~ 21
“ Mom, I g ot
H o ly G h o st
to n i g ht! ”
K idz Q uest at G M C
by Nathan Roberts, KidzQuest Director
hen children receive the Holy Ghost, it’s beautiful. To
watch as the Spirit of God moves inside a little soul
and that child begins to speak in a heavenly language
is beyond anything imaginable. When praying with children
sometimes it is easy to help them pray through and receive what
Jesus has for them.
Many times I’ve been in service praying for a child who
would begin to speak in other tongues so easily only to find out that
they already had the Holy Ghost. Such an experience, I thought,
happened at General Ministry Conference. But I was wrong.
On the first night of conference after games and music from
Lil’ Nate, Reagan Lloyd and Josh Harris, I ministered to the best
of my ability. When the call to pray was given, children began to
gather around the front to pour out their heart and get what they
could from God. One little girl with blond hair about five or six
years old had her eyes closed and hand raised with tears flowing.
She was calling on Jesus. As I walked past her, I laid my hand on
her head to pray for her. She began speaking in tongues. I assumed
since she yielded so easily that she already had the Holy Ghost and
was getting a renewing.
After service while parents were picking up their children,
Alycia Causey came to get her child. Little Madelyn, the girl in
the altar, ran to her mom and grabbed her saying, “Mom, I got the
Holy Ghost tonight!” I stood there with Josh Wilson and looked on
this godly lady’s face as she glanced to us for confirmation. I asked
if Madelyn already had received the Holy Ghost. Her mother said
no. Then, Josh Wilson and I both confirmed that she was speaking
in tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance. Then, as Alycia wept
and hugged her daughter, we all celebrated a little life being added
to the Kingdom.
Another lady approached me at GMC and explained that her
daughter claimed to have received the Holy Ghost at a camp I had
just preached. She explained that she didn’t want to doubt, but
she asked Jesus to show her that her child had actually been
born again. Later that night, they were awakened by the sound
of their little girl laying in her bed speaking in that heavenly
There is a revival, and it’s happening with our children.
If you can win the child, then most of the time you can win
the parents. Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa want to be
involved in what the little ones are doing. Look at little league.
If we get them excited about Jesus and coming to church, the
adults will almost always follow. I praise Jesus for what He’s
doing in KidzQuest.
Apostolic Witness
by Dr. Joe Nelson
ducation, defined by Tyndale Bible Dictionary, is the act or process of
educating or being educated. The original purpose of Jewish education
was to teach children to know and understand their special relationship
with God, to teach them to serve Him and to educate them in holiness. Later,
Jewish education included character development and the history of God’s people particularly through rehearsing his acts of deliverance. National Apostolic
Christian Schools Competition was founded to enhance our children’s abilities
and allow our children to rehearse by competing with other Christian school
The National Apostolic Christian Schools Department is always excited
about competition every year. Not only are there more than 500 students participating in more than 120 events, but also there is an opportunity to award two
students a scholarship to use toward their college education. Each year, Holy
Ghost filled seniors submit a portfolio of their academic accomplishments along
with their duties that they have been involved with in their local church. They
must also submit their plans for furthering their education along with plans for
spiritual growth. After competing all week in numerous events, each of the applicants must go through a formal interview with three ministers or ministers’
wives and demonstrate their ability to communicate not only about their plans
of the future but also about current events.
This year the Christian Schools Department was blessed to award two
scholarships. These two, fine young individuals not only worked hard academically but also showed their love and willingness to work in the Kingdom of
God. This year’s recipients were Ashleigh Wickson, from Auburn Hills Christian School in Auburn Hills, Michigan and Nicholas Helms from Apostolic
Christian Academy in Maryville, Tennessee.
The TOPS program of the ALJC contributed to the Christian Schools Department making financial scholarships possible. This year each of these students was awarded $1500. The Christian Schools Department would like to
take a moment to give a special thank you to all those who contributed to TOPS.
Without your donations, this would not be possible.
The Patrick Wilson Scholarship Fund also contributed an additional $1000
that was divided equally between the two students. The Christian
Schools Department was proud to be able to award Ashley and
Nicholas $2000 each to help with their college education.
Nicholas Helms
Ashleigh Wickson
Dr. Joe Nelson is the director of the National Apostolic
Christian Schools Department.
AUG\13 ~ 23
by George Akers
he Missions America Department released its latest church growth
product, Basic Training For Life. It is a new converts’ course. It contains many things that would help new converts in their daily walk.
Back at the turn of the millennium, a burden was laid upon my heart to
design a course of lessons that would lead a new convert through the essentials
for Apostolic living. As the lessons were laid on my heart, I taught them first to
our home church. Thereafter, it has been a requirement for everyone who has
repented, been baptized in the name of Jesus and filled with the Holy Ghost
to complete the course. We also teach all of our graduating seniors from high
school and all who have transferred from another church to our membership.
This course is laid out in such a way to establish the things one must believe and
embrace and practice to survive as a Christian living in this new millennium.
At the end of each course, we talk to the students about the things that they
have been taught. We explain to them that there should now be one of three
responses. They agree, they disagree or they still have questions about certain
parts of the curriculum. This gives us the opportunity to talk to them if they
still have any questions about Apostolic living. If they are not yet ready for
commitments that require holiness standards, many times they will ask to be
involved in non-leadership roles of the church, such as church cleaning, yard
maintenance or other church work. In time, with nurturing, they will grow to
accept higher commitments to Apostolic living.
At the completion of the course, the students meet with one of the pastoral
staff and a ministry recruitment form is handed to each student with a listing
of every ministry in the church. An example of this form can be found in the
back the Basic Training For Life teacher’s manual. The student is given the
opportunity to look over the form and check everything they would possibly
be interested in. This is a starting point for us to work with assimilating them
into ministry. The student has come to God as a sinner, been taught the home
Bible study course, repented, been baptized in the name of Jesus, filled with
the Holy Ghost and now they have completed ten weeks in Basic Training For
Life which establishes them in the essentials for Apostolic living. It is time to
place them into a place of ministry in the body of Christ.
We have been using this study for 13 years and have found it to be a wonderful blessing incorporating new converts, graduate students and transfers
into ministry with the church. Other churches have used this curriculum and
found it to be a great tool in equipping saints. I hope it will be the same blessing
to you.
Apostolic Witness
“Assimilating Saints” was the topic of this
year’s Church Growth strategies. The Church’s
calling is to be ambassadors for Christ and exercise the ministry of reconciliation to see a sinner
become an established saint of God. We introduced “Basic Training For Life,” a course of essentials for Apostolic living given to new converts.
This can be ordered from the Missions America
Missions America was privileged to kick off
the conference with missions closest to our heart.
The mission is America. Pastor JH Osborne masterfully preached what will be remembered as a
classic from the Song of Solomon, “A Window in
the Heart of God.” It was a powerful reminder to
pursue God with all our heart.
Missions America means that America is the
mission! We would like to take this opportunity to
thank all who faithfully support Missions America
with your prayers and financial support. Your giving has assisted infant church plants to mature
in their first three to five years of existence into
self-supporting works that are now active supporting members of the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus
Christ. The following churches and districts were
recognized at GMC13 as the top givers in the
2013 Resurrection Sunday Offering.
Resurrection Sunday
Offering 2013
Top Giving Districts
First Place: TriState District - $48,261.00
Second Place: Indiana District - $22,725.60
Third Place: Mississippi District - $16,993.00
Top Giving Churches
Category A: Apostolic House of Worship, Marion,
Illinois, Pastor Robert Schierbaum - $5,200.00
Category B: Souls Harbor Apostolic Church,
Walnut, Mississippi, Pastor Jesse Cutrer - $6,300
Category C: Victory Church, Albany, Mississippi,
Pastor Mark Bishop - $3,885.00
Category D: First Apostolic Church, Maryville,
Tennessee Pastor Kenneth Carpenter - $33,180.00
The Prisoner’s
by Bob Koonce, National Chaplain
hey really missed this one!
They really did. We were
wonderfully blessed with beautiful singing, worship, preaching
and fellowship at GMC, but they
missed every bit of it. And do
you know why they missed it?
They are locked up in jails and prisons all across our nation so
they could not have gone to General Ministry Conference had
they wanted to. And that is the very reason that we must keep
good Apostolic literature flowing through jail and prison bars
throughout America. It is not a choice that we make; it’s a commandment given by our Lord. When He said “preach the gospel
to every creature,” He meant just that. Prisoners definitely count
in that number.
There simply are not enough Apostolics around to preach
to almost 2.5 million prisoners, but Prisoner’s Friend does send
literature that doesn’t expire with just one reading or one telling.
One lesson has the potential of affecting thousands. And thou-
sands affect other thousands. And so on. Thank you for helping
us financially with this very costly program. We’ve registered
more than 10,000 students in an Apostolic training program over
the years, and less than 100 students have failed on their first try.
We also send a birthday and a Christmas card to every one of
the 3,000 prisoners in our active base. The following are a few
words from a thankful prisoner.
“I would like to thank you for always remembering my
birthday. You touched my heart this year because I was really
feeling a little down, and along came your card that really lifted
my spirits and made me know and believe that I am blessed
that there are good people in this world that care. I will always
remember how your card made me feel. God is really using you
in a mighty way. I wonder if you are really aware of the joy that
you bring into our lives.” MK
From all of us here and from the 150 certified chaplains
working with Prisoner’s Friend, thank you for standing with us
with your finances and prayers. May God bless you.
AUG\13 ~ 25
by M.L. Walls, World Missions Director
t is with sincere honor that we accepted
the re-election to the position of Director
of the World Missions Department of the
Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are
excited about where the Lord has brought the
Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ and even
more excited about where the Lord will lead
us in the coming years at His tarrying. It has
been a blessing to serve the organization in this capacity, and
we look forward to the coming years at the Lord’s tarrying of
being even more productive in spreading the Apostolic truth
throughout the world.
We are encouraged when we consider the growth in the
number of missionaries that have been appointed and sent out
from the World Missions Department. We are encouraged when
we consider the number of souls that have been baptized in the
name of Jesus Christ and who have received the Holy Spirit in
the past ten years. We are humbled when we consider the honor
we have had during the past ten years to travel to all of the fields
where we have missionaries working the harvest fields. It has
been a tremendous blessing for me to witness natives who have
heard and accepted the plan of salvation submit to being baptized and filled with the Spirit. It continually amazes me when
visiting some foreign field and witnessing the commitment and
efforts of a missionary couple committed to that particular field
doing such a great work for God. I am convinced again and
again that God makes no mistakes in choosing couples that are
working in their field of labor.
We have some tremendously dedicated missionaries who
are fulfilling the commission given to them to go into the entire
world and preach the gospel to every creature. What a tremendous World Missions service on Thursday evening at GMC!
Thank you, Matthew Ball, for sharing such a burden in raising
funds to help in our missionary endeavors around the world.
More than $75,000 was raised in a few minutes that will be a
great blessing in so many places where help is needed. We are
glad to announce the appointment of Brandon and Vanja Covey
to Bulgaria. We are also glad to announce the appointment of
Randy Watts and his wife to the missionary department. They
will once again be involved in teaching at the Apostolic Theological Institute in Aizawl, India this year.
Seven of our missionaries met the World Missions Board
and were all re-appointed to their field of harvest. Thanks to
South American Regional Supervisor Peter Gray for the tremendous message on that final evening of GMC. A grand finale
for a great conference. We left GMC challenged and motivated
to do even more for the Kingdom in reaching our world with
the gospel truth.
Only the Lord knows how much longer it will be before
the harvest is finished and the call goes forth for all laborers to
come from the fields of harvest. It is our prayer that when that
day arrives they will all come forth loaded down with sheaves
gathered from the harvest fields. May we do our very best to
help these dedicated heroes fulfill the burden that rests upon
their heart. This will only be accomplished because of people
like you who share the burden in reaching our world in this
eleventh hour. Your prayers and financial support are so greatly
appreciated. Together, we are making a difference!
by Missionary Shirley Hickman
hat a friend we have in Jesus,” the old
song says. He is always with us in every
place and every situation. God is God whether
we are in the middle of a war zone in Mexico
or in a beautiful hotel room in the peaceful
atmosphere of the USA.
I just ended a small tour of visiting churches
in several states. I want to say thank you to all
the pastors who opened their doors to us. My journey terminated
with General Ministry Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas.
What a great blessing it was to see and visit with so many of
God’s people again.
Apostolic Witness
Apostolic Witness
The work of God continued to progress in Mexico in the
capable hands of two of our pastors while I was away. Rosa
Linda Morales and Inno Luna took were of great help while I
was away. The Lord is raising up some great native leaders in the
Mexican church.
Our first camp meeting and VBS at our main church in
Reynosa went well with about 450 in attendance. Our last service
there was standing room only with much rejoicing among the
people at the great move of God among us. I want to thank you
all for your continued prayers and support for Mexico, our lost
Philippines YOUTH CAMP
by Eric Ginder
was invited and accepted an invitation to speak at Visayas
District, Philippines Youth Camp themed “Impact” in May in
Kabankalan Philippines. I was extremely humbled and honored
for the opportunity to be with Missionary Naimy and the Visayas,
ALJC family.
I had never been out of the United States of America before
and I was very nervous about the journey. Not fearful but an
excited anticipation. As I prepared for the flights and left the
United States of America stopping in Taiwan and finally landing
in Manila, Philippines the intensity of my anticipation increased.
Mark Naimy picked me up at the airport and graciously took
me to a room and allowed me to catch a nap before our next
flight and bus trip to the Visayas compound. I am thankful for
his patience with me as I asked question after question about the
country and things I was experiencing already in a new land for
We took a flight and landed in Bacolod City, Philippines and
stayed overnight. The morning of May 1, we got on buses with
the youth group of Bacolod City and began our journey to the
compound in Kabankalan.
The three-hour bus ride to the compound, though it was old
shoe for those with me, was nothing short of amazing for me. As
I tried to climb in the back with all the youth, they insisted I sit
in the front with the driver. Every time they insisted I sit in the
front there was a giggle out of a few of the elders. I finally asked
about the giggle and was told that the person who sat in the front
had to pay for the bus rental. So you can imagine how thankful I
was when we made a stop on the way and another got in the front
with me and I shared with him the arraignment. He was less than
I am blessed they insisted I sit in the front as I was able to
truly embrace this journey through the Philippine countryside.
City upon city, village upon village and mile upon mile, it was
truly beautiful from my perspective.
We arrived at the compound. There had been much preparation
for our arrival, but some things still needed to be finished. The
workers jumped in and got it all done in time for the evening
bonfire service.
The evening bonfire service was an amazing thing. Roberto
Nino did a wonderful job discussing the importance of the fire
and how it changes us and purifies us. Calling upon the Lord to
ignite a fire in this “Impact” camp meeting, he encouraged the
young people to allow the Lord to work in and through them. They
responded very well.
As I finished speaking and invited the young people to spend
time at the altar, the response was intense. Young people were
weeping before the Lord and seeking God with all their might. The
Lord was doing what He promised us He would do. He poured out
His Spirit!
By the end of the altar service, seven decided to be baptized
in the name of Jesus, and six received the baptism of the Holy
Ghost. Spending time with the pastors and ministers of the
Visayas District was such a blessing to me. They embraced me
and accepted me as if I were one of them. They asked questions
about American difficulties in evangelism, and I asked questions
about their difficulties in evangelism. I gleaned so much from
I then was invited to experience the marketplace and the
way of life in the Philippines. We rode a trike into the city. This
is an experience in itself, and one that I truly enjoyed. Walking
through the marketplace, there was fresh meat hanging and
waiting for us to purchase. Fresh meat, fresh vegetables and
fresh fruits were the order of the day. Nothing compares to
true freshness in food.
We then went to a local store liken to a Wal-Mart, and
I was blessed to hear Christian music playing over the
store speakers. It was refreshing to hear something like that
publically. After three days of fellowship, praise and worship,
AUG\13 ~ 27
AUG\13 ~ 27
Philippines YOUTH CAMP
there were 27 young people filled with the Holy Ghost and
seven baptized in the wonderful name of Jesus. Relationships
were spawned and lives were changed. Many expressed what
a blessing it was for me to come and for that I am thankful.
However, I feel as though I am the one leaving truly blessed.
During this time, I was able to interact with the students of
the Apostolic Bible College of the Philippines. I must confess I
was very impressed by these young students and their desire to
spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and to reach souls. If you want to
make an impact on a foreign mission field and are unsure where
to spend your money, I would honestly suggest you sponsor a
student at the Apostolic Bible College of the Philippines. For a
mere $50 per month, you can sponsor a student in the college
and impact the region in a mighty way. Please consider adding
one student to your missions giving. It is money well invested in
the spreading of the gospel in the Philippines.
We then went to Manila and I was privileged to speak for
Pastor Alan Malunes’ 7th anniversary service. What a wonderful
congregation and working people. Through the praise and
worship service, another three people experienced the infilling
of the Holy Ghost.
Pastor Nino, Pastor Arimas, National Youth President
Alexis Nino and Pastor Malunes made me feel so welcome. The
welcome was as if I were a long lost brother returning from a
long journey. Thank you for your love and your friendship.
As I reflect on this experience, I think on the theme of the
youth camp “Impact.” I could not have given it a better name
myself. For as much as the Lord used me to make an impact in the
Philippines, he used the people of the Visayas District to make
an impact in my life and, ultimately, on New Life Tabernacle of
Macon and the lives we will touch in America.
I wish to thank Mark Naimy for the invitation to speak at the
youth camp. The Philippines will forever be a part of my life.
Eric Ginder pastors New Life Tabernacle of Macon, Illinois.
by Missionary Paul Moorefield
ur recent General
Conference was
held in the city of
Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
It was a wonderful
time of renewal and
fellowship. All of our
ALJC pastors were
able to attend. Fellow missionary, Lowell
Snow, blessed us with the Sunday morning
message. We were also blessed to have Mark
Naimy, missionary to the Philippines, as our
main speaker. He brought Alan Malunes of
Manila, Philippines with him. There were
testimonies of healings and miracles during
this special time.
We are thankful that four of our
churches are in building programs. Mark
Naimy felt it on his heart to give a generous
offering to the work in the village of Kappi
Vakkam, India. This amount just happened
to be enough for this church to complete
their building program.
We are getting many invitations to
visit pastors in different locations who
are interested in joining the ALJC. Our
organization is growing and I am excited
about the future of the work here.
Apostolic Witness
by Mark Bishop, Evangelist Director
retreat |ri’trēt|
verb [intransitive]
(of an army) withdraw from enemy forces as a result of their superior power or after a defeat:
• move back or withdraw, especially so as to remove oneself from a difficult or uncomfortable situation:
he dictionary clearly defines the word retreat as an action of moving backward or backing down from the
enemy. We often use the word retreat as it would be
defined if it were broken into syllables. For example, “re”
means once more, anew or afresh as to reactivate or return to
a previous state; treat means to provide someone with food,
drink or entertainment at one’s own expense; give someone
something as a favor.
These two definitions are total opposites. The need for a
re-treat is to prevent a retreat. In our daily battle, we are faced
with spiritual warfare as Paul described in Ephesians 6:12,
13: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the dark-
ness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye
may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all,
to stand.”
The evangelist wages warfare in different cities, states
and countries constantly without a break. It seems to give life
and a breath of fresh air to the evangelist, their wives and families to unwind for a short time. These days of fun, food and
laughter are much needed time to revive, relax and refuel.
We were able to spend a day of leisure in Little Rock.
The men took a trolley ride through downtown and an extensive tour of the Bill Clinton Presidential Library, including
a meal onsite in the exquisite cafe. We topped it off with a
AUG\13 ~
~ 29
stroll through the River Market and indulged in ice cream and desserts. The
ladies were pampered with manicures
and pedicures, while the children were
sightseeing at a couple of children’s
museums and treated to a pizza party.
The evening was completed with a
delicious meal provided by the First
Pentecostal Church of Little Rock.
The Carters and their staff at FPC were
very gracious. The food was delicious,
and to see what God is doing through
His people is uplifting. To experience
the power of prayer in the FPC sanctuary helps us realize the key to church
growth, revival and evangelism. This
retreat was not about withdrawing
from enemy, but a time well spent
sharping our swords for a greater battle. Abraham Lincoln would have said
it this way: “Give me six hours to chop
down a tree and I will spend the first
four sharpening the axe.”
David and Tammy Walker
We have fields of labor that are white with harvest, and we must approach
them with a sharp sickle. Our evangelist teams are now better equipped and prepared to preach, pray and harvest.
We want to thank Evangelist Director Mark Bishop, Department Secretary
Mark Johnson and their wives and families for their love, care and concern. Our
evangelist retreat this year was a good time of fellowship and relaxation. We enjoyed spending time with the group. It is nice to know we have leaders that love
God and care about our ministry.
The day ended with a great laugh about a story told entitled “I like chocolate.” There is nothing like laughter with friends and people of God. We would like
to thank the Bishops and the Johnsons for a great evangelist retreat.
Jonathan Fortner
We want to say thank you to the Evangelist Department for another great
evangelist retreat this year. We had such a great time of fellowship with everyone.
After a power packed week at GMC, we got to enjoy a relaxing day with friends.
The day started out with men’s breakfast and then a ride around Little Rock
on the trolley. The men went to the Historical Clinton Library while the ladies
went to get pedicures and the children went to the Museum of Discovery. Later
that evening, we were able to go to the First Pentecostal Church of Little Rock
where Pastor Holmes and his staff prepared a gourmet meal for the evangelists and
families. Last but not least, we went back to the hotel lounge where we were able
to kick back and laugh at each other’s stories. It is great to be a part of such great
and godly people and an honor to spend time them. That’s what the Evangelist
retreat does for me and my family. A great big thanks to Mark and Sandra Bishop
and Mark and Tabatha Johnson for their hard work and dedication to us. We love
you and thank God for you!
Apostolic Witness
Gary & Shelia Ashcraft
Jonathan & Kristen Atkins
Jonathan & Lydia Fortner
Terry & Valerie Glaspell
Chris & Lisa Leach
Michael & Tara Maupin
Cody & Destinee Mayo
Wilson & Karla Murphy
David & Tammy Walker
AUG\13 ~ 31
AUG\13 ~ 31
Apostolic Witness