summer fun in pelham - Pelham Public Library


summer fun in pelham - Pelham Public Library
June 2011
The Official Publication of the City of Pelham
M a g a z i n e
Fun in
Find out what great things there are
to do in Pelham this summer Page 4
Philip M. Davis
Pelham honors fallen Officer Philip Davis
with the naming of I-65 stretch Page 6
Calendar of Events page 10
Pelham Provides
Disaster Relief
Community involvement has been key in
supporting those affected by the tornados Page 6
Beautification Awards page 14
Mayor’s Letter
Dear Friends,
I would like to open my letter to you with a
moment of thought and reflection for our fellow
Alabamians who have lost so much from the
tornados at the end of April. Since the magazine
goes to press several days prior to the beginning of each month; we weren’t able to recognize the storm and its effect on so many.
I want to thank all of our residents, who
once again came forward with a tremendous
outpouring of donations to help those affected by the storms. The city, in conjuncMayor Don Murphy
tion with the Salvation Army, has been able
to provide all types of items needed by the victims. Their needs are both immediate and long-term and we will continue our partnership with them to help
those in need. Wal-Mart joined forces with the Pelham Police Department and
the Salvation Army for a very successful food/item drive. The giving heart of
our community truly knows no bounds. Our community was blessed to have
escaped severe damage from these storms.
Per numerous requests from the county and the EMA, our city’s first responders were dispatched to Concord, Cordova, Hackleburg, Shoal Creek and
Tuscaloosa. In many cases the police and fire employees worked together as
well as with responders from Helena, Calera and Alabaster. They performed a
multitude of duties depending on the situation. Jobs included search and rescue, debris removal, road clearing, medical/fire services, working hand in hand
with the National Guard, and providing security and safety patrol for volunteers
and displaced residents. The State Fire Marshall also requested assistance from
the Pelham Fire Department to assist the Tuscaloosa Building Department as
they conduct damage assessments for FEMA. Many other services and needs
are being provided for during this time.
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Clemson Football Coach Dabo Swinney, Mayor Don Murphy
and Clemson Basketball Coach Brad Brownell
The trial of the man accused of killing Officer Philip Davis occurred in May.
The trial was emotional and heart-wrenching as the people who attended relived
the events of the tragic traffic stop in December of 2009. I commend the leadership of our Police Department as they have taken this tragedy and used it to
strengthen their department and move forward as an even more cohesive team.
I would especially like to recognize the hard work of District Attorney Robbie
Owens and his team for the professional, organized way they presented the
facts of this case. Two families have been greatly affected by this tragedy; please
remember both of these mothers and their young children in your thoughts and
prayers. Nothing will bring Philip back, however justice was served and a sense
of closure was achieved.
The month of June signifies the start of summer and is a great time to recognize the accomplishments of another school year. The Pelham High School Class
of 2011 is filled with young men and women who are poised to make a difference
in our community and in the communities where their futures take them. I wish
each of them the best of luck as they continue on their life’s journey.
The Linda Nolen Learning Center Class of 2011 graduation was filled with
hopes, dreams and accomplishments. It was a joy to see each child’s face light
up as they were recognized for their achievements this school year. I wish each
graduate continued success as they continue to learn and grow.
Valley Intermediate School wrapped up their school year by raising $1,114.00
to send a child to the Muscular Dystrophy Camp this summer. The fundraiser
was held as part of the Random Acts of Kindness event at Valley Intermediate
School. I had the opportunity to hear from the recipient of the award, Sinjun; he
was very excited about camp and grateful for the opportunity to attend.
The library is starting their Summer Reading Program for the children. This
year’s theme is “One World, Many Stories.” It starts with a skating party and
ends with a carnival. Head over to the library and get signed up. Our library
offers many programs and classes throughout the summer, and along with
books, games and movies, our library has something for every person in the
family. Our Library Guild’s pancake breakfast fundraiser at Applebee’s Restaurant was a big success and the money raised goes toward the scholarship fund.
We recently awarded the first scholarship to a student at Pelham High School.
This month our city and the Cahaba Valley Elks will celebrate Flag Day on
June 12th, at 3:00 p.m. at the Pelham Civic Complex. This is a great ceremony
to honor our flag, country and service men. Please come join us for this celebration; it is free to the public. I look forward to seeing you there.
Thank you again for the generosity that has been shown over the past month.
May we continue our community’s spirit of giving and continue to make an impact in the lives of others. Please keep our service people in your thoughts and
prayers, and have a safe and happy summer!
ADjAcent to PelhAm
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Don Murphy
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On the Cover: Melvin Fulmer and his grandson Max Johnson
I was sitting in my “praying chair” on the morning of April 27, 2011 just as
I do each morning. There was no power in Beaver Creek Preserve in Pelham
where I live. I pondered the prayers I had just prayed: for my children--for their
safety and for prosperity in all good things; for my mother; for my sister and
her children and my brother and his children; for my friends and their special
needs; for me as I prepared for the work outlined for the day and in every situation I was to be in to bring glory to God; and for those I am at odds with…
Mike Dickens
Place 2
My cell phone rang. “Mom,” my son said. “I’m okay.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
“I didn’t want you to be watching TV and see that my neighborhood has been
destroyed and worry about me.”
“But I am not watching TV,” I exclaimed. “I have no power here.” I started
the Mom panic.
“I am okay. I awoke to sirens and loud, scary winds and I got in the basement before my house was destroyed.”
“I’ve been sitting here praying for you,” I sobbed…
Although my story has a happy ending because my son survived the tornado
in Cahaba Heights, over 255 people lost their lives before the end of the day on
April 27, 2011. We are still reeling from the trauma of the day and its aftermath.
While our city, and most of our county, was spared from the ravages of the
storm, I am proud of our response to reach out to those whose lives have been
devastated by the events of that day. Jennifer Smith, Executive Assistant to the
Pelham Police Department, immediately manned a coordinating effort for our
city to reach out to our hurting neighbors. She helped us know where to bring
our donations and oversaw the dispatch of the donations to affected areas.
Thanks to her and all those who stepped up to the plate to be “hands and feet”
of the Spirit who leads us.
Our giving efforts will need to continue in the months to come, and those
who are hurting will need the support of our “praying chairs” more than ever.
Our community will long grieve the loss of police officer, Philip Davis. Philip
Davis Street will always be a reminder to us to whisper a prayer for his wife,
children, and all of us left grieving. We appreciate that justice was served in the
recent trial that found his killer guilty of murder and sentenced him to death.
May God help us all as we go forward.
Teresa Nichols
Bill Meadows
Place 1
Place 3
Steve Powell
Karyl Rice
Place 4
Place 5
Serving you,
Teresa Nichols, PhD
Would you like to advertise?
If you would like to advertise, please call Luke Camara at 447-2214 or email
Advanced Disposal
Commercial & Residential
(205) 259-3373
Advanced Disposal provides garbage and recycling services for the City of
Pelham. For additional carts or setting up new service please contact Pelham Water Department at 620-6420. For replacement carts or any other
questions please contact Advanced Disposal at 620-6148.
Additional Copies
Extra copies of this and future issues are available at city facilities.
Fun in
This summer, Pelham is the place to be! From the attractions of Oak Mountain
State Park to a quiet nook at the library, and from day camps to community
activities, there are plenty of ways to keep you or your little ones engaged all
summer long.
Our state’s largest park, Oak Mountain State Park, features beaches, hiking, an
EPIC status mountain biking trail, fishing, horseback riding, a wildlife rehabilitation center and so much more. You can enjoy a night out under the stars without
leaving town or you can hit the beach and catch some fish. The park has planned
a whole summer of special events. Fees do apply to enter the park.
The Pelham Branch of the YMCA is again offering day camps. The camps start
off for 5K students all the way through middle school students. The program
features weekly field trips, fun daily activities, and the use of the YMCA facilities
during the day for students. Financial aid is available for those eligible.
The Pelham Public Library is gearing up for their summer reading program.
This year, the theme is “One World, Many Stories.” The library has a lot of great
events lined up and a lot of great prizes to give away including a new bicycle
from Bike Link! Don’t get bored this summer when there is so much to do at the
library! Preregistration begins May 31 and the kick-off party will be held at the
Pelham Civic Complex Ice rink from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. This is a free program.
Interested in learning a new sport? The Pelham Racquet Club and Ballantrae
Golf Club will each have summer lesson programs. Ballantrae has three weeks
of summer lessons for junior golfers starting the week of June 6th. The Pelham
Racquet Club also offers summer lessons for all ages.
If you are looking to cool off this summer, why not learn to ice skate? The
Pelham Civic Complex offers open skating times for a nominal fee or you can
learn to skate through the Skate School. Perhaps you are interested in learning to
play hockey instead. If so, they can help you out there as well.
Websites to Visit
620-1116 • 2698 Pelham Parkway • Pelham, AL 35124
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4 | | June 2011
And what summer would be complete without attending a Vacation Bible
School? Several area churches are hosting this annual rite of summer,
filled with bible stories, crafts, songs, and snacks. Visit each website for
registration information.
First Baptist Church of Pelham
June 6-10, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Lakeview Methodist of Pelham
July 11-15, 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has
come: the old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)
Italian Restaurant
Take Out or Dine In
Oak Mountain State Park
Maggie’s Glen Hike - June 18, 10 a.m. Join Park Naturalist for a 2½mile round trip walk to Maggie’s Glen.
Flag Making & Parade - July 4, 10 a.m. Make flags or other patriotic
crafts then parade through the campground.
Things that Go Bump in the Night - July 9, 7 p.m.
Learn about the creatures that are playing while we are sleeping. There
are so many nocturnal animals in Alabama.
Nature Scavenger Hunt - July 23, 10 a.m.
Treetop Nature Trail: Come look for things in nature on this fun-filled
nature scavenger hunt.
Alabama’s Biodiversity - August 6, 10 a.m. Alabama is one of the
most biodiverse states around. Did you know that the Cahaba River has
more species of fish in it than the entire state of California has? Come
learn how many and other cool facts.
Safe Harbor Church Backyard Bible Club
June 13-17, 6 p.m.
Eli Gold & Walter Caron’s
Nino’s Italian Restaurant. Not valid with any other offer. Exp 7/5/11
Upcoming Events
$100 or more
Nino’s Italian Restaurant. Not valid with any other offer. Exp 7/5/11
“Faith sees a beautiful blossom in a
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City News
City’s Tornado Response
Jennifer Smith, the Executive Assistant for the Pelham Police Department,
watched her television in stunned silence as the tornado that hit Tuscaloosa
was shown. “We watched in horror. We had never seen destruction like this
on live TV,” she said. That afternoon, as she went home to be with her family,
she prepared for the worst but prayed for the best. The next morning after
hearing about the destruction all across the state, she knew that she had to
find a way to help.
“The next day I came into work and sat down with Chief Thomas. I
wanted to find an organization that we could help by collecting donations or
volunteering our time. He and the Mayor agreed, and our focus became how
to best help the victims of the natural disaster,” said Smith. She decided to
work alongside the Salvation Army, an international Christian organization.
The police station immediately became a collection point for the Salvation
Army for all of Shelby County. The Police Department, City Hall, Ballantrae
Golf Club, and the Pelham Civic Complex were soon recruited to become
drop-off points as well, which helped tremendously.
So far, the city has been able to transport three trucks loaded with food,
water, equipment, and baby supplies over to the Salvation Army warehouse.
This would not have been possible without the support of the two local businesses that donated their large trucks for transportation: Process Equipment
and Issis and Son’s.
The Pelham police and city workers also worked with the Pelham Wal-Mart
to collect necessary items by handing out “shopping lists” to customers on
the way into the store and by asking them to buy one or two items to donate
on the way out. Wal-Mart and Radio Active played an integral part in the collection process as well, and a special thank-you goes out to them.
The collection of donations was not the only way Pelham has responded.
“The Police and Fire department have responded to any and all requests from
communities in need,” said Mrs. Smith. “Both the police and fire departments have made multiple trips to Tuscaloosa, Cordova and Hackleburg. Our
first responders have spend hundreds of hours assisting with search and
rescue, debris removal, security patrols, check point operations, passing out
water, and working hand-in-hand with other state and municipal agencies
and even the National Guard,” she said.
All of this support is not going unnoticed by the people they are serving in
the affected areas. “I received a call from a gentleman last week who lives in
Cordova. He told me ‘I know most of your guys are here because I am looking at them.’ He just wanted to say thank you.” Later in the conversation, the
man broke down and started to cry over the overwhelming loss around him,
but also the compassion being shown to him. “For someone who has lost
so much to stop, to find our phone number, and then to call and say thank
you, that really tugs at your heart. It just shows that we can, did, and are still
making a difference,” said Smith.
In closing, Jennifer Smith seemed proud to have been just one amongst
many people focused on serving. “I promise this is not the work of one
person. This is a group effort by not only the City of Pelham employees but
the citizens of Pelham as well.”
Please visit the Pelham Police Department, Fire Station 1, City Hall,
Pelham Civic Complex, Ballantrae Golf Club and the Racquet Club to drop
off needed donations.
Amy Davis, Mary Sue McClurkin, April Weaver, Paula Davis, Cam Ward, Mayor Don Murphy
Philip M. Davis Highway
On a recent Monday night at the regularly scheduled city council meeting,
something out of the ordinary took place. What started as a normal meeting
soon turned into a moment to remember the work of a man who was taken
from us too soon. State Senator Cam Ward along with State Representatives
April Weaver and Mary Sue McClurkin presented Paula Davis, the widow
of slain Pelham Police Officer Philip Davis, with a proclamation signed by
Governor Bentley that renames a section of I-65 that stretches from the Jefferson/Shelby County line to exit 234 as “The Philip M. Davis Highway.”
Speaking on behalf of the state representatives Senator Ward said, “We are
very honored to be here, although we wish that we were here under different
circumstances. We have come to honor a hero.” He continued by adding, “And we do honor him, and we do that tonight on behalf of the Shelby
County Delegation.”
“Thank you for this,” said Mrs. Davis. “It started with the Mayor asking the
state. I really appreciate everyone working on this.” She added through tears,
“Philip will never be forgotten. Thank you so much!”
Mrs. Davis’s family from Ohio attended the presentation as well, and they
publicly thanked the community of Pelham for their support of the Davis
family during this tragedy. “Thank you for being good neighbors,” said Amy
Davis, Philip’s sister-in-law.
Mayor Murphy directed his praise to the response of the community as
well. “From the onset of this tragedy until today, they have helped both Paula
and the Police Department.”
Paula Davis also received comments of praise for her “Christ-like attitude”
during the recent trial of the murder of Officer Davis. City Council President
Mike Dickens said, “I am so in awe of your sweet spirit. Thank you for everything you do.”
Signs will be placed on the interstate marking the newly renamed portion.
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A Run for Their Money
It was not love at first sight for Denise Michard, but she felt compelled to
do it. “It took me a while to fall in love with running,” said Michard. “I began
running five years ago when I turned 40 as a way for me to stay in shape as I
hit my mid-life, but most importantly, it was a way I learned I could help others. I began with Team in Training with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
and I would run marathons to raise funds for the society.” Between 2006
when she began and 2009, Michard ran nine marathons, two half marathons,
an ultra-marathon and several smaller runs.
Denise recently participated in the Umstead 100 (62.5 miles) run, but had
to withdraw after experiencing hypothermia. Even with the occasional setback, she insists it’s worth it. “Hypothermia took nearly 36 hours to recover
from. How I feel after each race depends upon everything from the weather
to my training habits. I have learned that ice baths are the secret to minimal
soreness after a marathon.”
Denise raised nearly $1,500 from various members of the Cahaba Valley
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, and other area Elks clubs. “A large portion of the funds will be donated to Children’s Hospital 4 Tower (the cancer
unit) in honor of Katie Whatley, my coach’s daughter, who is a leukemia survivor. The remainder will be donated to the Elks National Foundation, which
has numerous youth activities that enable the local Elks to build a stronger
community through the youth.”
When she’s not running, Denise volunteers with the Cahaba Valley Elks’
Club, an organization dear to her heart. “I was first introduced to the Elks
through a friend who was cooking meals for them one night a week. I began
cooking for them on a regular basis one year ago. The Cahaba Valley Elks
consists of a group of individuals who love their country, who love their
community and who love to serve others. This group is very active in its
services to the community through youth activities and programs.” Denise
participates in the service projects, maintains the group’s website, writes
the newsletter, and prepares meals for them. She insists the focus is on the
club’s work, not any individual member.
Although ultra-marathons sound exhausting, Denise is quick to defend
Police Chief Tommy Thomas, Mayor Don Murphy and Officer Debbie Warner
their benefits. “I am an endurance runner. I truly enjoy the longer distances.
I like being on the trails and in nature. It gives me time to appreciate God’s
blessings in nature and time to focus on Him,” she explained. “Ultra-marathons are not punishing events if one trains properly for them.” The next
Umstead 100 is scheduled for March 2012, and Denise plans to participate
while raising money for cancer survivors.
Torch Relay
Pelham was perhaps the safest city in Alabama on Friday, May 20th.
More than one hundred law enforcement officers from all parts of the state
gathered together to kick off the annual Alabama Law Enforcement Torch
Run, which coincides with the state of Alabama’s Special Olympics Games
held in Troy. The run started at the Pelham Civic Complex and looped down
to Valley Elementary School where the children lined up to witness the
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police escort of motorcycles, police cruisers from around the state, and the
Pelham Fire Department following behind them all.
One of Pelham’s own officers was recently selected to be a representative
from Alabama to go to the World Games to be held in Greece during the
month of June and July. Officer Debbie Warner said, “I am excited and extremely proud and honored to be selected.” Officer Warner will be running
all over the country with over 90 other police officers to raise awareness of
the game and their impact. “Every day we are going out to raise awareness.” Her course starts in Greece and she will cross over into Istanbul to
end her three week journey.
During the torch relay held in Pelham, Mayor Murphy thanked the gathered officers for their commitment to this worthy cause. “This run does a
lot of good which people don’t always see,” he said.
Pelham Chief of Police Tommy Thomas thanked the gathered crowd for
showing up and he added a thank you on behalf of the city. “It is an honor
and privilege to be the host city.”
Pelham’s long time revenue director Mike Morgan, who himself is a retired
police officer and whose son participates in the annual games, voiced his
support as well. “I know what you do and I love you for it!”
This year the first leg of the torch relay was moved to Pelham due to the
recovery efforts after the April tornadoes. The Alabama Law Enforcement
Torch Run is an annual fundraiser for the Special Olympics. To find out
more information, visit
Library Guild
Pancake Breakfast
The Pelham Library Guild held a pancake breakfast fundraiser Saturday, May 14, 2011, to help raise funds for a scholarship for a Pelham
High School senior. The fundraiser was held at Applebee’s Restaurant in
Pelham. Thanks to Applebee’s for making their restaurant and staff available for this event. Also thanks to Raceway and Foodsmart who donated
Beth Meadows, scholarship winner Kelly Haberstroh and Maurice Mercer
supplies and drinks. The members of the Pelham Library Guild served
breakfast to approximately 100 people raising $738.00.
According to Pelham Library Guild President, Beth Meadows, “Education
is a top priority for the Pelham Library Guild. By awarding a scholarship annually to a Pelham High School student the Guild feels we are showing our
commitment to education in our community.” Pelham Library Guild Board
Member, Maurice Mercer, organized the event. Pelham Mayor Don Murphy,
and Pelham City Council Member Bill Meadows, who are also Pelham
Library Guild members, were on hand to help serve breakfast.
This year the Pelham Library Guild scholarship in the amount of $2,500
was awarded to Kelly Haberstroh. Kelly has been accepted to the University
of Montevallo where she plans to major in social work and counseling. Her
career goal is to work at a nonprofit agency such as Family Connection or
King’s Ranch as a counselor for troubled youth.
Approximately 450 stackable used church/banquet chairs will be sold
in lots of 50 each. They are being sold “as is” and “where is.”
Chairs offered for sale are used and may contain defects not immediately detectable. Bidders may inspect the chairs prior to submitting
bids by contacting the Pelham Civic Complex at (205) 620-6448 during
regular business hours.
Winning bidders are responsible for the removal and loading of
the chairs from the Pelham Civic Complex, 500 Amphitheater Road,
Pelham, Alabama 35124. WE DO NOT SHIP.
Payment in the form of cash or a bank cashier’s check must be
received within 5 business days and chairs must be removed within 10
business days from the date notified of a winning bid.
Sealed bids are due on or before 3 p.m. on June 23, 2011 to the
Tom Seale
Finance Director/City Clerk
Pelham City Hall
PO Box 1419
Pelham, Alabama 35124
“SEALED BID - CHAIRS” must be marked on the outside of the
Questions or inquiries should be directed to Tom Seale, telephone
(205) 620-6404.
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It’s a great day
to be a Panther
by Sarah Banasiewicz
“What will I remember? The friendships that I have created throughout
high school,” said Senior Jennifer Chang who is heading to the University of
Alabama at Birmingham. At Write Night 2011, I read the senior poem “What
Will You Remember?” that abridged our four years here at the place we
devotedly call our “prison on the hill.” As a recent graduate, my mind swirls
with the memories of yesterday: the pep rally with the stomping of our feet in
unison during “Pelham High We Hail,” the lessons taught between the pages
by a teacher’s passion, the harmony of our hands during the commands of the
“Cha-Cha Slide,” and the unification after the storms. Four years have flown by
like a flock of birds, and now we watch them slowly disappear into the sunset.
We take a single breath, then let our feet and heart take us beyond that sunrise.
Senior Casey Nichols, who is attending the University of Alabama, said
“Mrs. Nolen has always told me, ‘Write non-fiction.’ I guess you can look
past the surface of that statement and see that what she really means is
‘Leave your mark,’ and that is what I hope to do.”
Edwin Muthee, Sarah Banasiewicz and Victor Angel
As I travel to Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Georgia, I am leaving home
behind— along with some dear friends. Most seniors attend in-state schools
allowing them the comfort of past classmates in their surroundings. We hold
a new responsibility for all of us, guiding ourselves to our own destiny, our
own independence. “The freedom is what makes college -- college!” said
Senior Edwin Muthee, who is attending the University of Alabama at Birmingham this fall.
On May 26, 2011, we took our final steps as Pelham Panthers. We travel
forward as a legendary Elephant, a traditional Tiger, a courageous Lion, a triumphant Scottie, a powerful Dragon, a victorious Jaguar, or whatever animal
mascots are in our futures. But remember that the Pelham Panther has been
stamped into our hearts, combining sportsmanship, devotion, honesty, and
integrity into our personalities. To Pelham High, the Class of 2011 will always
be loyal and faithful, and appreciative for our everlasting experience.
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June 2011
June 6 City Council Meeting, 7 p.m.
June 12 Flag Day Celebration, 3 p.m.
To honor our country’s flag and celebrate freedom, the City of Pelham
and Cahaba Valley Elks invite the public to this event at the Pelham Civic
Complex. Admission is free. For more information, contact John Gaydon at
205-663-6586, 205-410-4055 or
June 18 Ladies Short Game Clinic, 10-11 a.m.
In conjunction with the PGA, the Ballantrae Golf Professionals are conducting
this complimentary short game clinic. Please contact the Golf Shop at 205620-4653 by Thursday, June 16th to register..
June 20 City Council Meeting, 7 p.m
June 17-19 PHS Girls Basketball Team Fundraiser
Come out to Johnny Ray’s on Hwy. 119 for Father’s Day. The PHS Girls Basketball Team will be working for tips from 5-9 p.m. on Friday and Saturday
night and from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Sunday.
Chamber of Commerce
For more information or to register for an event, visit www.shelbychamber.
org, call the RSVP Line 663-8923, or the Chamber 663-4542.
Senior Center
Needlecraft 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Mah Jongg 12 p.m.-3 p.m.
Crafts 12:30 p.m.-3 p.m.
Exercise 12:30 p.m.-1:15 p.m.
Art 10:30 p.m.-12:30 p.m. $5/month
Cribbage 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Advanced Line Dancing 1-2 p.m.
Beginning Line Dancing 2-3 p.m.
Rummikub 1-3 p.m.
Pelham New Pioneers 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Pelham Judge Joiner “State Court System”, Covered Dish
June 9th-Synithia Williams, Extension Office - “Prostate Cancer”
June 16th-Bingo
June 23rd-Bingo
June 30th-John O’ Malley
“Alabama War Dogs”
Mah Jongg/Rummikub 1 p.m.-3 p.m.
Tai Chi 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Reveille Men’s Coffee Club 10 a.m. Exercise 12:30 p.m.-1:15 p.m.
Games 1 p.m.-3 p.m.
Bridge 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Bookworms June 24, 1:30-2:00 p.m.
Wii Bowling 11 a.m.
Exercise 12:30 p.m.-1:15 p.m.
Rummikub 1:00 p.m.-3 p.m.
June 14 Chamber works, 8:30-10 a.m.
This new member orientation takes place at the Chamber, 1301 County Services Dr., Pelham. No cost. RSVP required by noon, Monday, June 13th.
June 17 Hawaiian Luau Dance, 7-9 p.m.
$4/person. Entertainment by Ray Newman.
June 29 membership Luncheon, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Shelby County Legislative Delegation and TIPs. Pelham Civic Complex, 500
Amphitheater Dr., Pelham. RSVP required by noon, Monday, June 27th.
Investment: Members $17, non-members $20.
m HYour
Work FroWhere
Heart Is!
• Team Training & Support
• No Selling or Inventory
• Unlimited Income Potential
• No Large Investment
10 | | June 2011
Home Handy Man
Rotten Wood Repairs • Decks • Fences • Trim Work
Basement Finish • Painting • Sheet Rock Repairs
Minor Electrical & Plumbing Repairs
Over 25 Years Experience
T.J. Lisenba - 540 -3199
Summer Reading Program
Ice Skating Kick-off Party
It is that time of year again. School’s out, the pool is open, and Summer
Reading is just starting! Join the Pelham Library this summer for the “One
World, Many Stories” Summer Reading Program. We have a lot of great
programs lined up and a lot of great prizes to give away including a new
bicycle from Bike Link! Don’t get bored this summer, there is plenty to do at
the library! Preregistration begins May 31 and the Kick-off party will be held
at the Pelham Civic Complex Ice rink from 1-3 p.m. This is a free program.
Together Time
A storytime designed especially for growing minds. Stories, songs and crafts
make up a lively 45 minute program. A snack is served.
Wednesdays at 9:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. All Ages
June 8: “Animal Talk”
June 15: “Helping Hands”
June 22: “Three Little What?”
June 29: “Trickster Tales”
P.J. Storytime
Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. All Ages
June 9: “Animal Talk”
June 16: “Helping Hands”
June 23: “Three Little What?”
June 30: “Trickster Tales”
Craft Times
Thursdays at 2 p.m. Must Register
June 9: We will be making: Animal Hand Puppets
June 16: We will be making: Panda Mask
June 23: We will be making: Castanets
June 30: We will be making: Uncle Sam Hats
Movie Mondays
Every Monday at 2 p.m. Contact Library for titles.
Special Programs
Each program will start at 10:30 a.m.
June 11: Flat Stanley Party
June 14: Be-At Your Best Drum Show
June 18: Grebel Dance Presents “Dances from around the World”
June 21: Tommy Johns Presents “Wherever You Go, There’s a Story”
June 25: McWane Science Center presents “Science Wonders of the World”
June 28: The Zinghopper’s Show: One World Dance Party
Pelham Brick Brigade
Fridays from 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Library Events
Special Events
Pelham Adult Summer Reading Program
Begins June 1st
Pelham Public Library invites everyone 18 and older to participate in
the 6th annual adult summer reading program starting Wednesday,
June 1st and running through Thursday July 21st. When an adult
checks out 5 or more books or audio books (included are adult fiction,
nonfiction books, magazines, and books on CD; excluded are juvenile
and young adult materials, games, music, or movies) an entry form
may be entered in the program’s drawing. There is no limit to the
number of entries. Exciting prizes donated by local merchants will be
awarded to the lucky winners in late July. Please call the library at 6206418 for more information.
Make a Splash with Teen Summer Reading!
The Teen Sizzling Summer Reading contest starts June 1st! Stop by the
library and enter the contest by checking out 5 teen fiction, non-fiction,
manga, graphic novels, comic books or classics. Teens ages 11-18 can
enter as often as you like. Grand prizes will include a Nook, iPod, and
additional prizes. Drawing will be held July 29th. Please call the library
at 620-6418 for more information. Mario Kart Tournament Saturday,
June 18th 1 p.m.
Mario Kart Tournament
Saturday, June 18th 1 -2:30 p.m.
The Pelham Library Teen Department will host a Mario Kart Tournament
played on the Nintendo Wii system. Open to ages 10-18. One of the
key components to the program remains free pizza! With limited space
slots will fill up quickly, so call the library to reserve your spot in the
tournament. Please call 620-6418 for more information or to register.
Ongoing Events
Page Turners Book Club
Monday, June 20th 6:30 p.m.
The Page Turners Book Club meets at the Pelham Library for about an
hour on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Local Author William Kelly will discuss his book, Dark Passages. The selection for June
is Lake News by Barbara Delinsky. Registration is not required. Please
call 620-6418 for more information.
Image Is Everything!
(but only if you have a great printer)
Proud Printer of Pelham Magazine
Pelham Library’s invites Lego fans to build a different
project at each meeting.
2967 Pelham Parkway • Pelham, Alabama 35124
205-664-3390 • Fax 205-664-3440
Shrimp & Feta Cheese Bake
Serving Authentic Italian
Culture and Cuisine
We are located at
21 Weatherly Club Drive
Alabaster, AL 35007
Our Hours of Operation are
Monday - Saturday 10:30 am - 9:00 pm
Summer is the time of year for entertaining and who doesn’t want to
impress? Here’s an elegant recipe that is sure to make you look like a gourmet chef. Serve this savory entree to your guests and welcome the rush of
1 Small Onion, minced
4 Garlic Cloves, minced
1½ lbs Large Shrimp, peeled & deveined
2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 28 oz. Can Chopped Tomatoes
2/3 Cup Crumbled Feta Cheese
Black Pepper to taste
2 Tbsp Fresh Oregano, chopped (or 2 tsp of dry Oregano)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Heat olive oil in a large oven-proof skillet
over medium heat. Add minced onion and cook for 2 minutes, stirring often. Add garlic and cook for an additional minute. Add tomatoes and their
juice, bring to a boil. Cook until tomato juices thicken, about 5 minutes.
Next, season with pepper to taste. If using dry oregano instead of fresh,
add with tomatoes instead of sprinkling at the finish.
Remove tomato sauce from heat and stir in shrimp. Sprinkle with
feta cheese. Put pan in oven and bake until cheese melts and shrimp are
cooked, about 10 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped oregano and serve hot.
Recipe provided by:
Lynn Roberson
Catering Director, City of Pelham
12 | | June 2011
Father’s Day
$5 Off Green Fees For Dads on
Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19th
(Member Fathers Cart Fee = $10)
30% Off Select Apparel
In the Golf Shop
Monday June 13th through Sunday June 19th
Ballantrae Gift Certificates
also make a Great Gift!
Gift Certificates may be redeemed for
Golf, Merchandise, and Lessons!
Gift Certificates can be purchased online
at or
by phone at 205-620-4653.
AlAbAmA Gold RefineRy
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Alpine Square Shopping Center
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Tires and Accessories
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Still offering great service in a convenient location,
becoming an authorized BMW dealership.
Watch this space for details.
June 7 - August 9
6:45 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Boys and Girls ages 12 and under
1057 Commerce Blvd.
Pelham, AL 35124
Residential Winner
If you would like to nominate a residential or commercial
property for the monthly Beautification Award, please
email Paula Holly at
Type “Beautification Award” in the subject line.
Commercial Winner
John and Lisa Massey
Riverchase Carpet & Flooring
132 Brookshire Lane
2130 Pelham Parkway
Just past the Shelby County Services Building on Highway 35 lies a
beautiful subdivision called Brookshire, which is home to this month’s
residential lawn beautification award winners John and Lisa Massey.
Their driveway is just under a mile down Brookshire Lane, but you
won’t immediately notice their house from the road. It is behind a natural wooded area that gives their residence quite a bit of privacy.
The front entrance is planted with knockout roses and an abundance
of tulips that have just given the neighborhood quite a display of spring
color, predominantly red and white. Lisa quips, “We sure hope the flowers haven’t offended any of our friends who pull for Auburn.”
As you head up the hill through the shady trees, you will be greeted
by a beautiful two-story brick house seated just behind the circular drive.
Its impressive facade and secluded location give it the impression of a
country estate, especially when viewed from the archway that John has
created out of the crape myrtles that flank the front steps to the sidewalk.
“We love to put up Christmas lights. I bent the trees toward each other
and tied them together to make the arch for Christmas and left them that
way for the rest of the year,” John says of his handiwork.
Along the front flower beds, the Masseys have planted a profusion of
flowers. Pink Lady Lenten Roses, Pink Ruffle azaleas, camellias, and sweet
box have all been blooming along with the tulips. There are also two laceleaf Japanese maples providing a delicate spring green to the mix.
The couple discovered Brookshire when they first married in the early nineties, having casually picked up a real estate listing at a grocery
store. They soon bought the property and enlisted a good friend to help
them build the home. Says John, “We just fell in love with this area. It’s
really grown up around us.”
Now with the Publix shopping center close by, as well as easy access
to tennis and horseback riding for the kids, the Brookshire community
seems to be the best of country and city living combined.
This month’s featured business is Riverchase Carpet and Flooring,
located near the intersection of Highway 31 and Valleydale Road in Pelham. The company is dedicated to helping its customers create appealing interiors, so it’s no wonder that the building and grounds make a
positive first impression. President John Wilson explained, “It sets the
tone for our customers to see how well we take care of our place. It
gives them confidence that we’re going to take good care of their place.”
The building itself is an unofficial historical landmark for Pelham. It was
originally built as a gas station in the late 1940s. When it was repurposed
as a retail flooring store in 1995, the property owner could have easily
chosen to raze it and start over. Fortunately, landlord Clyde Pierce and
Riverchase Carpet’s previous president chose to preserve the past and
update it for present use—something many of the business’ customers
would be doing with their own homes. A photo of the original building
hangs proudly on wall by the front door, a testament to its legacy.
Wilson acquired the business in 2006 and has diligently kept up the
appearance of the location. Most recently, Wilson chose to renovate the
entryway to include french doors where the original gas station drive-in
service bays were located. He also had gooseneck style lighting installed
to illuminate the sign as a nod to the original building’s design. As for the upkeep of the property, Wilson takes care of all the landscaping
himself, claiming it keeps him focused on what his customer sees as they
drive up. Currently, his front doors have potted plants with oleander and
gerber daisies, and a small bed at the corner of the building is planted with
colorful marigolds and petunias. “The plants kind of set things off. Just a
little bit of eco-scape here on Highway 31. I strive to keep the yard maintained and picked up. It’s kind of fun, too. It’s part of what I do,” Wilson said.
The company supplies and installs all types of flooring, representing more than 20 brands of carpet, ceramic tile, stone, and hardwood.
Wilson and his team are very proud to have won the award.
Pelham Pride Day Special Thanks
The Beautification Board would like to thank all of the volunteers who gave their time on Pelham Pride Day, along with the following local businesses
for their donations and their support which helped to make Pelham Pride Day a success: RBC Bank, Regions Bank, Ebsco, Simply Ear-Resistible,
Johnny Rays – Huntley Parkway, Superior Bank, Staples, Inc., Donut Joe’s, Texas Roadhouse, Car Care, Oak Mountain Lanes, Chick-fil-A,
Walmart, Myer’s Plants and Pottery, Ballantrae Golf Club, Pelham Civic Center, Pelham Racquet Club, Applebee’s Restaurant, Publix - Huntley
Parkway, Southeastern Food Merchandisers
Plumbing & Heating Inc.
23 1/2 Hours Service
6486 Helena Road • Helena, AL 35080
(205) 685-8778
Summer & Fall Classes Available
Dance Classes & Tumbling for ages 3 and up
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Dance Et Cetera
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Dance Team Classes • Tumbling
Cheernastics • Boys Hip Hop
Hip-Hop • Ballet • Tap • Zumba • Pilates
Aerobics - Coming Soon!
Jennifer Hoff Friedman -Owner/Director
Family Dinners
at Ballantrae Golf Club
Join us in the Fireside Grill TuEsdAy, JunE 21 for
MEXICAn nIGHT from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Reservations are requested. Please call 205-620-4653.
Adults - $12 • Children 7 & under - $5
Cost includes tea, lemonade and coffee!
April 2011 Family night Menu:
Taco Bar & Chicken Fajita Station • Fresh Tortilla Chips with Queso and Salsa
Refried Beans • Spanish Rice • Mexican Macaroni and Cheese
Caramelized Onion Spinach Enchiladas • Ice Cream Bar • Cinnamon Sopapillas
Ask about our free in-home
sleep apnea screening!
•Specializing in CPAP Therapy
•Guaranteed Largest Selection in Alabama
•We Have Machines, Masks and Accessories MAde in AMeriCA
•Free Bottle of CPAP mask Cleaner for every CuSToMer
(205) 358-8723 • 2957 Pelham Parkway • Pelham, AL 35124
1300 Ballantrae Golf Club Drive, Pelham, AL 35124 | 205-620-4653
Mini Storage
truck rental
Need Storage Space?
Call Today!
Junior Tennis Summer CampS
Junior Tennis Summer Camps
are starting up soon with the goal to
provide each player an opportunity
to develop and improve tennis skills
with an emphasis on good training
techniques, motivation and singles
and doubles strategies in a positive
team environment. This year’s camp
will feature certified USPTA pros
Omar Alcaino and Rusty Wilkes, plus
additional UAB players.
There will be three sessions:
Session One - June 13-16
Session Two - June 27-30
Session Three - July 18-21
There will be two divisions:
Under 10 Division (Quick Start) Monday-Thursday from 9-10:30 a.m.
Ages 5-10. Smaller racquets, shorter court and having fun while learning.
Cost is $95 per session.
10 & Up Division Monday-Thursday from 9-11:30 a.m.
Ages 10 and up. All levels, from beginners to more advanced players. Basic
fundamentals, foot work and playing strategies.Cost is $145 per session.
Discounts will apply for multiple sessions and/or multiple siblings in any of
the camps. All participants will receive a Wilson goody bag!
For more information about the camps, contact Omar Alcaino at omar@, (205) 621-3380 or (205) 317-3320 (cell).
FREE Move-In Truck*
First Month Rent FREE*
FREE Moving Boxes*
Climate Control Available*
*Call for Details
(205) 982-4728
100 Metro Parkway, Pelham, AL 35124
2792 Pelham Parkway, Pelham, AL 35124
Pelham Skating
at the
Pelham CiviC ComPlex
Basic Skills Summer Camp Dates
June 20-24 & July 25-29 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Great Game
Trinity Hollis, player for Pelham
10u team, recently had a game
for the record books. She went
4 for 4, a triple followed by three
straight homeruns. She also
pitched three innings striking out
nine batters.
Beginner thru Freestyle 4 Camp
This ice skating camp is designed for skaters,
ages 6 and up, who are beginners through Basic Skills.
We also offer ice skating birthday parties.
16 | | June 2011
ShepherdÕs Promise
Child Care
Our Parents say it best...
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ree clas nd
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xceedin s
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TrafÞc light makes in and out a breeze in heavy trafÞc!
30 years of caring for children makes a difference.
Drop by for a cup of coffee and see for yourself!
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Church Directory
Church of the Highlands - Riverchase
9013 Highway 261 | Sun. Morning Worship: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:15 a.m.
Sr. Pastor: Chris Hodges, 980-5577
Oak Mountain Church of Christ
2054 Oak Mountain State Park Road | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:00 a.m.
Pastor: Robert Hutto, 663-6566
Crosscreek Baptist Church
600 Crosscreek Trail | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:00 a.m.
Pastor: Jay Kieve, 663-4886 |
Oak Mountain Community Church (OMCC)
3135 Oak Mountain State Park Road I Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.
Pastor: Gene Brown, 663-7176 |
Crosslife Church
224 Commerce Parkway | Saturday Worship Gathering: 6:30 p.m.
Pastor: Tommy Conner, 965-3078
Oak Mountain Independent Church
1475 Highway 35 | Sun. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Pastor: George Golden, 663-1927
Crossway Baptist Fellowship
Pelham YMCA
Pastor: Fred Muse, 966-3327 |
Pelham Church of Christ
3405 Pelham Pkwy | Sun. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Pastor: Dick Sztanyo, 663-7735
First Baptist Church - Pelham
2867 Pelham Pwy | Sun. Morning Worship: 8:00, 9:15, 10:45 a.m.
Pastor: Dr. Michael E. Shaw, 663-7492
Pelham Church of God
2100 Highway 52 East | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Pastor: Mitch Underwood, 664-0120
Hope World Outreach Ministry
192 Chandalar Place Dr. | Pastor: Earl V. Gardner
Sun. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m., Wed. Night Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Pelham Church of God of Prophecy
3362 Pelham Pkwy | Sun. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Pastor: Krameon Martin, 620-9598
Korean Presbyterian Church
7814 Helena Rd. | Sun. English Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Pastor: Rev. Steven Son, 982-1990
RiverPoint Church
375 Bearden Road | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Pastor: Bobby Lewis, 621-0112
Lakeview Methodist of Pelham
5154 Highway 11 | Sun. Morning Worship: 8:30 & 10:00 a.m.
Pastor: Steve Strange, 663-3309
Safe Harbor Church
3540 Pelham Pkwy | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Pastor: Luke Camara, 447-2214 |
Lamb of God Charismatic Episcopal
2029 Valleydale Rd | Sun. Worship/Children’s Church: 10:00 a.m.
Pastor: Rev. Glenn E. Davis, 425-0991
Living Hope Baptist Church
419 Philippians Blvd | Sun. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Pastor: Clay Parrish, 664-0491
Life Christian Fellowship
Meets at Shepherd’s Promise (Pelham Pkwy) | Sun. Celebration: 9:00 a.m.
Pastor: Bob Kuehner, 229-2832
Sun View Baptist Church
Meets at Valley Intermediate School | Sun. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Pastor: Mark A. Boyd, 685-9447 |
Life Church
135 Corporate Way | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:00 a.m.
Pastor: Rick Bishop, 663-1937
The Rock Church
3540 Pelham Pkwy (Safe Harbor Church Building) | Sun. Night Worship: 6 p.m.
Pastor: Steve Van Gieson, 383-7545 |
Master’s House Ministries Church on the Rock
135 Corporate Way | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:00 a.m.
Pastor: David Rogers, 620-0720
The Worship Center Christian Church
Meets at Pelham High Auditorium, 2500 Panther Circle
Sun. Morning Worship: 10:15 a.m. | Pastor: Vanable H. Moody, 451-1750
Oak Mountain Baptist Church
1805 Highway 35 | Sun. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Pastor: Dr. Wayne Williams, 663-3045
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WHen you Mention tHis ad
in theMilitary
Please join us in praying for our troops who protect our country’s freedom.
U.S. Army
SPC Kevin Michael Smith, Iraq; PFC Kimberly Seat, Ft. Kit Carson, CO; SPC Michael
Jones, U.S.; CPT James Darden, Ft. Campbell, KY; SPC Christopher G. Evanko, Ft.
Bliss, TX; PFC Tiara Stovall; Ft. Hood, TX; Tre’Christian Stovall, Ft. Lee, VA; CPT Samuel Garrison, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO; CPT Patrick Bell, Iraq; LTC William C. Smith,
Iraq; PFC Millard H. Downey III, Afghanistan; SPC Kevin Turner, Ft. Lewis, WA; PFC
Douglas “Corey” Ray, Iraq; CPL James Wesley Brakefield, Ft. Bliss, TX; PVT Cory
Dean, Kandahar, Afghanistan; PFC Robert Lee Hallman, Afghanistan; SPC Alisha
Gardner, Ft. Sam Houston, TX; PFC Shane Reddish, Fort Bragg N.C.; CW2 Judson
White, Iraq.
U.S. Marine Corp
Sgt Clayton Wells Miller, Pearl City, Hawaii; LCpl Jonathan D. Jarvis, Afghanistan; Cpl
Patrick Powell, Afghanistan; Cpl Amos Elmore, Afghanistan; LCPL Daniel T. Hedrick,
U.S. Navy
LCDR Robert Sawyer, OIC, Groton, CT; PO3 Bradley Jacob Hardin, USS Ronald Reagan;
San Diego, CA; SHSN Sheldon Davis, USS Reuben James, Pearl Harbor, HI; MC3 Andrew
(A.J.) Johnson, Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, Pensacola, FL; HT1 Tomas J. Gonzalez, Kuwait; LCDR Mitchell Finke, USS Bataan; Norfolk, VA
About Snap on Smile
Nosotros HAblAmos El EspAñol
Army National Guard
SPC Clyde Lael Hubbard, Iraq; SGT Michael F. Cason, Mobile, AL
U.S. Air Force
SSgt Jeffrey S. Kisamore, Okinawa, Japan; Sra James S. Owen, Afghanistan; A1C
Alexander D. Hand, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City, OK; Capt Shaun Southall, Travis
AFB, CA; A1C Christopher C. Smith, Vance AFB, OK; SSgt Jeffrey L. Pigue, San
Antonio, TX
Dr. Kim Shannon
If you have a loved one from Pelham serving on active duty, please e-mail their name and where
they are stationed to If your loved one is back home, please send us an
e-mail so we can remove them from our active duty list.
hy with a
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Ellie Marks
6 Holes for $16.00 @ 6 p.m.
Ballantrae is once again offering a great
fast, fun, and friendly experience!
tuesday through Friday after 6:00pm,
Ballantrae Golf Club will offer a 6 hole rate!
Stop by for a quick 6 holes after work!
For only $16 per player which includes cart,
it’s the best deal in Birmingham!
Call the golf shop at 205-620-4653 to book
your 6:00pm tee time.
Please visit our website for a schedule of afternoon golf tournaments.
Offer Ends Tuesday, August 31, 2011.
Ballantrae Golf Club - Fast, Fun and Friendly • 620-4653
City of Pelham
U.S. Postage
3162 Pelham Parkway
Pelham, AL 35124
Mayor Don Murphy
City Clerk Tom Seale
Postal Patron
City Council
Mike Dickens, Pres.
Teresa Nichols
Bill Meadows
Steve Powell
Karyl Rice
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