November 2006 - Clear Lake Shores Civic Club
November 2006 - Clear Lake Shores Civic Club
Clear Lake Shores Islander Clear Lake Shores Civic Club Newsletter November 2006 Annual CLS Thanksgiving Dinner November 11th! Letter from the Prez By Allan Batchelor Let me start by saying I am a summer guy. Flip flops and tank tops. I love summertime. Playing in the water, I love 95 degrees. It makes sipping fresh brewed iced tea in the shade seem like heaven. I’m glad we finally got a cold front. Is it just me or was this summer a tad long? Oh well, now’s the time to get your brand spanking new Civic Club sweat shirt! Grant’s been whining about colors so watch for something other than the dark blue like mine. If you missed the last meeting here’s an update. We have turned our kitchen upgrade in to a class project. Yep. The students from two of San Jacs culinary classes have been out to look the place over. Their project is to come up with new ideas for our kitchen. In turn the Club will vote this month on making a donation to their Culinary Arts scholarship fund in return for their hard work. The school wants to make a PR event out of the presentation and as soon as we pull it together I’ll pass along the info. Jarboe Park is officially opened. That pesky work thing kept me from going but I hear it was pretty cool. Congrats to Vaness and her folks for a job very well done. Looks like a springtime Party in the Park waiting to happen. Speaking of which, anybody interested in a Party on the Patio to break in our new slurpee machine? Let me know. Randy Haynes has a great idea. An Island style poker run. That’s right, clean up your golf carts and get ready to ride. We’re working out the details now and if you want to help call me or Randy. (Gotcha) Our pet liaison, Lezlie Cates, is working on an event to raise pet supplies for the good folks at Bayside Bed and Biscuit. They take care of most of the strays that end up on our little slice of paradise and I think this is a nice way to say thanks. Lezlie, put me down for a 50 lb bag of pet food. The Thanksgiving Dinner is nearly here. Two more weeks. Mark it on your calendar. If your plans have changed and you can, or want to, help out it’s not too late to call Mike Bass or Bryan Hoerner. We are also still looking for a parent to chair the Children’s Christmas Party this year. We have it tentatively scheduled for Saturday, December 9th – you can pick the time. We’ll supply funding, will help to round up volunteers and will promote it for you but we need someone to pull it all together. Please call Susan Adams at 281- 538-7505 or e-mail her at if you can help us out. We managed to get most of the changes to our ByLaws passed at the last meeting. We decided to get a legal interpretation for our last proposed change before we voted on it. The letter from the attorney is inside. This is the change that allows our neighbors in Lazy Bend to join. I’d like to vote on this last item at our November (next week) meeting so plan on coming out. I’ll try, with Lowell’s help, to have our new stereo installed by then. I’ll wrap this up by reminding everyone what Tammi Perkins said about Halloween. When you’re done or if you opt not to participate please turn off your porch light. If your house is elevated consider setting something up downstairs. If not for the kids for the old fat people like me. My knees thank you. See you around the Island! Clear Lake Civic Club Newsletter page 2 Civic Club Officers Important Telephone Numbers President : Allan Batchelor -281-538-8180 Vice President: John Wright - 281-538-6213 Secretary : Susan Adams - 281-538-7505 Treasurer : Arline Laughter - 281-334-7487 Islander Staff Editor: Susan Perez - 281-538-0079 Advertising: Candy Jard - 281-334-4366 Ad Placement: Helle Brown - 281-334-5104 Stewart News: Diana Hoerner Gardening News: Julie Moncur The Islander is a non-profit, non partisan newsletter, written and published by the CLS Civic Club to promote cohesiveness and unity in our community. The purpose of the newsletter is to inform CLS citizens of island news and events, to provide a forum for positive dialogue, and to encourage submission of unbiased letters and articles, under the guidelines of the Civic Club bylaws and policies. Signed articles, announcements, ideas for publication must be submitted to the editor by the 19th of each month by e-mail, telephone or in the Islander box at the City Hall Annex. The Civic Club reserves the right to edit for style, policy and space. Business Ads: Deadline: 15th of each month All Ads must be paid in advance Monthly November 2006 6 months Yearly Business Card - $15 $80 $100 1/4 page $25 $135 $200 1/2 page $35 $195 $300 Full page $65 $350 $600 Classified $5 6 months or more to be included on the ad list Club Memberships: $10.00 per family July 4, 2006 thru July 3, 2007. CLS Police : 281-334-1034 Dispatcher: 281-538-0659 City Hall: 281-334-2799 Municipal Court: 281-334-0697 Mosquito Control: 281-534-2726 CLS Public Works 281-334-1083 WCID #12: 281-334-3331 Reliant Electric: 713-201-7777 Reliant/Entex: 281-534-4569 Centerpoint Energy for gas leak 1-800-752-8036 Verizon: 281-212-5000 Ameri Waste, Inc 281-331-8400 US Representative: Ron Paul - District 14 Washington D.C 202-225-2831 Texas Senator: Mike Jackson - District 11 Austin: 512-463-0111 Pasadena: 713-948-0111 Tx. State Representative: Larry Taylor: District 24 Austin: 512-463-0729 League City: 281-338-0924 Galveston County Emergency Management 281-534-2531 Sheriffs Dept. : 281-534-2531 Depart. Public Safety: 713-957-6192 Dept. of Transportation: 409-948-4000 Local Roads Conditions/Closures: 713-802-5074 American Red Cross: 409-945-7200 Salvation Army: 409-763-1691 National Weather Service: 281-337-5074 Marine Information Recording: 281-337-7895 Girl Scouts 832.253.1101 Phone Numbers for Seniors AARP: 1-800-424-2277 American Society for Aging: 1-800-537-9728 Bay Area United Way: 1-979-282-6000 Social Security: 1-800-772-1213 American Red Cross/ Medical Transportation: 281-282-6039 Web site: Pet Liaison : Lezlie Cates Smith: Weekdays 281-837-4154 Nights & weekends - 281-334-1467 Clear Lake Shores Web Site Clear Lake Civic Club Newsletter Schedule of Events November 02 - Civic Club Pot Luck & Meeting 7PM page 3 November 2006 Civic Club Pot Luck Dinner & Meeting Date: Thursday, Nov. 2nd 03 - Elections Be sure to vote! Time: 7pm 07 - City Council Meeting 7pm 11 - CLS Thanksgiving Dinner - 11 - 3 14 - EDC Meeting 16 - Stewart School Thanksgiving Feast 20– 24 - School Thanksgiving Holiday 21 - City Council Meeting Entrees: S - Z Veggies or Salad: L - R Desserts A - K To be voted on : Allowing Lazy Bend residents to join the Civic Club. Children welcome. 23 & 24 City Offices closed Annual Clear Lake Shores Thanksgiving Dinner Date: Saturday, November 11th Time: 11 am - 3 pm Price: Adults $8.00 Children: $4.00 Desserts: $1.00 Thanksgiving Fare Turkey and Cornbread Dressing Mashed Potatoes Seasoned Green Beans Candied Sweet Potatoes Delectable Cranberry Sauce Roll Clear Lake Civic Club Newsletter page 4 Letter from the Attorney Allan; With respect to your email below, and the questions you posed therein, this is in response to same. First my apologies, I believe I answered your questions posed in my email to you dated 10/4/06 (copy pasted below), but as lawyers have a propensity to do, I probably went into too much detail, which may have caused confusion. So I will try and be briefer in responding to your following questions: 1. "Can non residents join the Civic Club?" As a result of the language of both the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws (see my email below for further explanation) it is my opinion that non residents, presently, can not join the Civic Club. 2. "Is it as simple as amending our By-Laws". Yes, but the Articles of Incorporation should also be amended. The process for amending each is outlined in my email below. If you have any further questions on this, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Bill A. Todd, Jr. Mills Shirley L.L.P. P.O. Box 1943 Galveston, Tx. 77553-1943 (713) 571-4270 (direct line) (409) 763-2879 (fax) e-mail: Prior email: "Dear Allan: November 2006 welfare and community good and general welfare of the community embraced within the City of Clear Lake Shores." (underline added) Also the existing bylaws address the issue, specifically Article III, Section 1, Membership, provides "the membership of the club shall be composed of the inhabitants or property owners of the city of Clear Lake Shores.” (underline added) Although the Articles of Incorporation are not as clear on the issue, the bylaws are. Both the bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation may be amended or revised and adopted at a meeting of the members by a 2/3s vote of the membership present, where notice has been given according to the bylaws setting forth the purpose of the meeting, etc. Assuming the appropriate vote in favor is received, the amended Articles of Incorporation need to be filed with the Secretary of State's office. In addition and in lieu of the above, I previously discussed with you the aspect of Clear Lake Shores Civic Club merely charging an annual fee to nonresidents of Clear Lake Shores in order to allow those nonresidents to utilize the amenities of Clear Lake Shores. This process would probably not require a formal vote of the members, and could be put in effect merely as a result of a vote by the Board of Directors. Upon your receipt and review if you should have any questions or comments or desire further discussion, please do not hesitate to contact me." Grandchildren After having reviewed the documents you provided to me, the following are my comments with respect to the issue of whether Clear Lake Shores Civic Club can allow members to become a part of the Civic Club that are not residents of the City of Clear Lake Shores. Our five-year-old grandson couldn't wait to tell his grandfather about the movie we had watched on television, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." The scenes with the submarine and the giant octopus had kept him wide-eyed. In the middle of the telling, my husband interrupted Mark, "What caused the submarine to sink?" Addressing that issue is the Articles of Incorporation of Clear Lake Shores Civic Club, specifically Article IV, which provides "the purposes for which this corporation is organized are: the promotion of social With a look of incredulity Mark replied, "Grampa, it was the 20,000 leaks!!" Clear Lake Civic Club Newsletter page 5 Stewart News Stewart Elementary Makes the Honor Roll! Stewart Elementary has been chosen by the Texas Business and Education Coalition to receive the honor of being named a Texas Honor Roll School. According to the Coalition, “Schools make the honor roll by meeting demanding comprehensive performance standards for three consecutive years. They show us how good all schools could be, and serve as effective practice for educators in other schools.” On December 4th a team of teachers from Stewart will travel to Austin to receive a plaque from the Coalition commemorating their achievement. An award celebration will be scheduled later at the school. Stewart Elementary and Space Center Intermediate were the only two schools in CCISD to receive this prestigious honor. Watch for Stewart’s name when the 2006 honorees are posted. Stewart’s Principal, Debbie Phillips, has also been notified that Stewart is a finalist being considered for the National Blue Ribbon Schools Award. The U.S. Department of Education awards this honor to public and private K-12 schools that are either academically superior in their states, or that demonstrate dramatic gains in student achievement. Stewart, being one of the top 10 schools in Texas, was nominated by the state for this honor. We are all so proud of Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Rodriguez, the Stewart faculty, and all the students at Stewart for working so hard to make Stewart Elementary the best school in Texas! Fall Carnival I am writing this with one week still to go until our Fall Carnival, but it takes several months of hard work by parent volunteers to organize such an event. So, I would like to take this opportunity to recognize a few of them: Becky Dietz, who was in charge of ticket sales and counting all those quarters; Lisa Foley and Shanna McGinty, who spent hours coordinating and organizing all the games and prizes; Chris Walker and Gail Morris, who took care of the class baskets auction; Nicole Brown, who visited every business in the area for an awesome silent auction; Connie Freiberg, who turned the Science Lab into a Haunted House; Jay McAndrew – Bake Sale Queen; Becca Scoville, who made sure we weren’t in the dark; Tami Perkins, who entertained us and let everyone know November 2006 about it; Amy Lussier, who coordinated the inflatables; Sandra Reinagel, in charge of vendors; and Severin Bohem, who took care of sponsorship. Now did I forget anybody??? Oh yes, our Civic Club’s fearless leader, Allan Batchelor and his lovely better half, Melinda, who revisited their days in Key West, flipping burgers all night. Thank you so much to everyone!!! Upcoming events: PTA Board Meeting……… Taco Cabana Night……… Family Math Night……… First Grade Feast………… School Thanksgiving Feast Thanksgiving Holidays… . Science Night…………… Nutcracker Market……… Tues. Nov 7th Tues., Nov 7th Thur. Nov 9th Tue., Nov 14th Thurs., Nov 16th Mon., Nov. 20th – Fri., Nov. 24th Thur. , Nov 30th Tues., Dec. 5th – Thurs., Dec 7 Diana Hoerner Don’t Forget!!! The First Tuesday of every month is Stewart Night at Taco Cabana (in front of Office Depot) From 4 – 8 You must order and pay at the inside counter, and make sure to write Stewart on your receipt and put it in the fishbowl. You don’t have to have a student at Stewart to help support the school. See you there! Clear Lake Civic Club Newsletter page 6 A Thanksgiving Story By Allan Batchelor We moved aboard our shiny new sailboat in the middle of the summer. Legend Point was as new as our lifestyle and our primary concerns were keeping the A/C running and the margaritas flowing. Concerns of food preparation were nonexistent. The shiny new boat had a stove. It even had an oven! Heck, all the new boats came with them so they must be OK. One morning, prior to a spectacular sunrise at old Redfish came the realization that the trusty microwave lacked a major component to provide us with much needed coffee. Electricity. If we wanted coffee we had to use our shiny new stove. Our shiny new denatured alcohol stove to be precise. With a short stretch of the imagination denatured may be defined as; de; from, away, opposite, un and; nature (d) natural. Unnatural works well here. What else can produce a flame that takes all morning to boil two cups of water? With the flash point of curtains being relatively equal to the boiling point of water it’s pretty much a foot race to the coffee. And the smell! A few month and as many new curtains later we graduated to full-fledged live aboards and were progressing nicely towards cruiser-wannabes. Along with that maturity came the accepted use of our three burner, fully gimbaled hand warmer. By fall we mostly had breakfast down pat and the coffee adventure was but a distant memory. She would start cooking the bacon and I would run up to League City to get coffee and a paper. The bacon went in the microwave and the eggs were usually ready to flip when I got back. Biscuits were still a crapshoot as our mastery of the black arts had not yet extended to the oven section. It was so small that the biscuits would expand upwards to and through the upper rack. Forcing the biscuits back through the rack for purposes of ingestion would never ever be worth the effort. I pray I will never be that hungry. Needless to say we ate a lot of toast. As all new home owners do, we looked forward to our first Thanksgiving in our new floating palace. It was that moment, November 4th, 1984 , that it dawned on us that we needed to hone our cooking abilities in order to meet the upcoming challenge of Thanksgiving. Calling on our collective experience we set to the task of planning a feast for two. When the green beans were under control and the stuffing was scheduled for stove top time we set upon “the bird”. We realized that this would take some planning and with paper and pencil we arrived at the following. WHEN 1hr/lb = 12 lb = 12hr November 2006 IF C2H60 (alcohol) = heat THEN 1lb ≠ 1hr ≠ 12lbs ≠12hr BUT 1hr ≈ 3 oz ≈ 5h 20min /lb ≈12pounds ≈ 64hrs ± 1 Day Now, intentionally having a fire on your boat while you go to work is bad, very bad. Your neighbors will not like you. This means you can only cook when you are home (24hr((day))-9h((work))=15h ((non working)) having an unattended fire on your boat while you sleep or shower is another really, really bad idea. Your next of kin and your ex neighbors will not say good things about you. Posthumously. So, (15h((non-working))-10h-((sleeping, personal hygiene and misc.)) = 5hr so calculating non sleep, non working time to cook your turkey means you need to start cooking the bird on Veterans Day because it will take two weeks to cook a bird that Houdini couldn’t get in our easy bake over from Oz. All you newbies out there feel free to write this down. We needed a plan B. Okay, obviously we needed a smaller bird, but where in the name of Saint Elmo were we going to find a turkey that small. Unnatural thoughts filtered through my mind, causing a shudder. Thoughts from a three mile island DayGlo bi product to a U.S. Navy, turkey like, loaf of pale, compressed mystery meat. On to plan C. Plan C found our still new stove slightly modified. With only a Saturday and a little flesh from my right hand donated to the effort, the middle rack was successfully removed from our oven. While the biscuit issue had apparently been resolved our ability to find a turkey that was about the size of a cordless phone was in doubt. I still maintain that a turkey that small is a pigeon. A squab by any other name…. We were on our way back to the boat with turkey number three, a cute little butterball we could call our own, when disaster struck. While attempting to navigate around the piling at the head of our finger pier, the butterball managed to work his way between me and the piling. Faster than you could say giblet gravy I was voted off the pier. That’s right, a dead, mostly frozen turkey pushed me in the water. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Which brings me to D. Being a live aboard in several local marinas means you are a citizen of the drop dead gorgeous little community of Clear Lake Shores. Yep, the Official Yachting Capitol of Texas. Up front it doesn’t really mean a lot but there is a lot of subliminal good stuff to take advantage of. We all make the most of our relaxation with the big difference being, our land dwelling citizens schedule their event on a regular basis, did you know that for less than Luby’s charges for a Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings you are a short dingy slash bike ride away from a veritable turkey day feast. That’s right, on November 11th for the paltry sum of 8 dollars you can get a real home cooked Thanksgiving Dinner and meet some new neighbors. For more information talk to any civic club member. The best part is you don’t have to stink up your boat. Happy Thanksgiving and See you around the island. Clear Lake Civic Club Newsletter page 7 November 2006 The Party Is Near!! What Party you ask? Our Annual Adult Christmas Party, that’s what! Don’t forget to MARK your CALENDARS for FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8 so you don’t miss out on the fun. The Scholarship Fund is hosting our Annual Adult Christmas Party. Date: Time: Place: Friday, December 8 8:00pm – Midnight Clubhouse Entry Fee Donation: $15.00 Singles $25.00 Couples NOTE: Your entry fee donation is to help us defray costs of our ………… “LIVE BAND”. Contact Susan Perez at for reservations. Wine will be available for a small donation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Setups will be available!!!!!!!!!! Appetizers will be served!!! NEW INFORMATION: DOOR PRIZES!!!!!!!! Clear Lake Civic Club Newsletter page 8 Wanted Pictures for the CLS web page! Anyone who has some to contribute please send them to Karen MCDaniel at City Hall. She will need them in an electronic format. You can send them to: Adult Christmas Party Band If a person or persons would like to make a direct donation for the payment of the Band, the Scholarship Committee would be very appreciative. The Band cost is $300.00. If the Scholarship Committee does not have this expense, we would be able to offer “Any Amount” donations as an entry fee to the Adult Christmas Party. If you or a group of people would like to donate a portion or all of the total cost, please contact Kimmy Johnson at 281-513-3101. The Scholarship Committee Thanks You, and hopes to see everyone at our Adult Christmas Party. November 2006 Welcome New Civic Club Members! Jean Anne and Mike ALLEN Carmel BEVAN Janice and Jim BEVAN Judy BOH Angie and Butch CLOYD Mattie COPELAND Pam and Craig FINK Betty and Ted GUTHRIE Debi and Bruce HARKINS Sue and Gary HODGE Diane and Tom JOHNSON Mary Ann and Tod JOHNSON Liz and Rick LOYNES Krisann and Ted MUSKIEVICZ Mary NASH Eileen PONTON Nancy and Ronnie RICHARDS Glenda and Richard SHERMAN Nancy DANIELS Vicky TOLAR We really appreciate your support! Birth Announcement Paul and Allison are very proud and happy to announce the birth of their precious new son: Levi PrestonGarner Born: October 5, 2006 ! 8:34pm 8 lbs 2oz - 21 inches Grandparents, Kay and Bob Remak will thrilled to tell you all about him, just ask! Big Brother Trevoer and Big Sister Darien love him very much. Hugs and kisses Clear Lake Civic Club Newsletter page 9 Alert: Wine Cork Recall Just kidding. I’m collecting corks! My aim is to make items to be sold at the “Silent Auction” taking place during our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner, Saturday Nov. 11th. This request goes out to all islander wine connoisseurs, wine drinkers, winos: November 2006 Desserts Needed Event: CLS Thanksgiving Dinner Date: Sat. Nov. 11th Time: Between 8 & 10, if possible Call: Susan Perez 281-538-0079 Email: I want your cork! You can drop your corks at my house anytime you’re out cruzin in your buggy. There will be a large storage tub at the gate. All corks greatly appreciated Kay Remak 922 Cedar Rd. 281-334-2148 - questions Hail To The Chief Chief Shelly that is! Chief Paul Shelly will have been with the City of Clear Lake Shores for 15 years as of October 26th. Captain Cranston will have been here for 10 years as of November 25th. A Thanksgiving Greeting from all of us at The Islander Thank you soooo much for your service in our wonderful community! Clear Lake Civic Club Newsletter page 10 What A Ride! The CLS Ladies Luncheon was a great success and if you missed it, well all I can say is that’s too bad! The meal was great and thanks to Roselyn Pierce and our Trolley driver Joe Jordon it was unforgettable! November 2006 Clear Lake Civic Club Newsletter page 11 Clear Lake Shores History The following article is reprinted from the May 1992 ISLANDER. Dear Sir: I thought someone might be interested in a little additional history of Clear Lake Shores. I spent at least part of every summer of my life in Clear Lake Shores from 1928 until 1956. I am now 73 and have been living in San Antonio since 1956. My father, Loran J. Patton, was the contractor who put in the original roads. As I remember, the project was done for the Houston Post. Shell for the roads was hauled by barge from Galveston Bay. I remember one barge overturned as it rounded the bend in the natural channel between the bay and the lake. They tried to recover some of the shell but the cannel was so deep they could not; from that time on the channel was referred to as “Deep Hole”. My father bought a lot for our family’s summer place at the corner of Pine and Juniper. The house was still there when I visited in 1985. He built the original house with local help from a Mr. Lawrence who lived on a farm on the Kemah-League City road. Mosquitoes were so bad that we slept under netting at night until the screens were installed. The original house was a small dressing room and a kitchen surrounded by a screened sleeping porch. The bathroom was out in the yard, and we showered with buckets suspended on a rope. We had a shallow well but obtained drinking water from Kemah. We used kerosene lamps and cooking stove. I was eight years old, and my brother was six that first summer. For many years we moved from Houston to “the Bay” as soon as school was out, as it was so much “cooler”. We loved it. There was no telephone, no radio, and no automobile until Dad arrived home from work in the evening. The only warning we had of a hurricane approaching was some “old timer” saying, “It smells like a storm,” then Dad would show up and we would race to get out before November 2006 Jarboe Bayou covered the entrance bridge. There were only three or four houses in the subdivision at first; in fact, there were only a few houses on the whole of Clear Lake. Dad built a pier on the shallow end of the channel as it neared the lake. We toughened our feet each early summer by walking barefoot to the pier or the “Skippers Place” which sold a few groceries and beer and was across the street from the Club House. The Club House hosted dances and barbecues. We learned to swim in the channel in Kemah, and graduated to swimming in “Deep Hole” which had a community pier. My brother and I salvaged an old rowboat after a hurricane and started exploring Clear Lake, armed with a machete. Later we had a canvas sail made for the boat and learned to sail on the lake, often pulling an overturned boat and wet heavy sails through the mud to shore. As we grew older, the house grew and the subdivision filled. We had a deeper well, an inside bathroom, electricity, but never a telephone. Mr. Platzer put in a boat works on the channel and we bought a motorboat. We formed a sailing club and competed in races at the end of the lake near the old Harris County Park. My brother, Joe, and I often crewed on larger sail boat races in Galveston Bay. I lost my brother and my husband in World War II, but I brought my son down each summer to stay with my parents while I drove into Houston to work each morning through the early fog. During war years a Mr. West had a house near “Deep Hole” and occasionally gave us a pound of real butter from his cows. So many memories! Swinging from the cliff over “Deep Hole” with a bar of Ivory soap to clean up. The armadillo who decided to live in the outhouse. Crabbing from the channel pier. Porpoise who came up under you as you went night swimming. Being careful not to go near “Snake Island” in the far side of “Deep Hole”. Inner tubing to Kemah to get the mail. Take care of the old subdivision for me. It holds many friendly ghosts. Sincerely, Betty Patton Vickers Burke Clear Lake Civic Club Newsletter page 12 Island Recipes By Susan Perez This is a new recipe for me but it looks great! I am going to make it for the CLS Thanksgiving Dinner and we shall see. Of course, anything that comes from the Barefoot Contessa has been real good for me. Pecan Squares Crust: 1 1/4 pounds unsalted butter, room temperature 3/4 cup granulated sugar 3 extra-large eggs 3/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt Topping: 1 pound unsalted butter 1 cup good honey 3 cups light brown sugar, packed 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest 1 teaspoon grated orange zest 1/4 cup heavy cream 2 pounds pecans, coarsely chopped Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. For the crust, beat the butter and granulated sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, until light, approximately 3 minutes. Add the eggs and the vanilla and mix well. Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix the dry ingredients into the batter with the mixer on low speed until just combined. Press the dough evenly into an ungreased 18 by 12 by 1-inch baking sheet, making an edge around the outside. It will be very sticky; sprinkle the dough and your hands lightly with flour. Bake for 15 minutes, until the crust is set but not browned. Allow to cool. For the topping, combine the butter, honey, brown sugar, and zests in a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan. Cook over low heat until the butter is melted, using a wooden spoon to stir. Raise the heat and boil for 3 minutes. Remove from the heat. Stir in the heavy cream and pecans. Pour over the crust, trying not to get the filling between the crust and the pan. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until the filling is set. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate until cold. Cut into bars and serve. November 2006 Hear Ye All College Scholarship Contestants! As part of your requirements for the CLS College Scholarship, you must put in some civic hours. The Christmas Decorating Committee needs some hands at putting up the outside decorations this year. We will be decorating on the 1st Saturday after Thanksgiving and if you will give me a call or email we will give you the times. Susan Perez phone: 281-538-0070 Email: Dedication of Jarboe Park It was a picture perfect day! We all basked in the cool sunshine and gave tribute to the efforts and success of Vaness Hamilton’s vision to add another park to our city. What a feat! I am sure that I speak for all of us here in Clear Lake Shores when I say “Thank you, Vaness” . The park has finished phase one and will go to the next phase which includes a gazebo and swimming pool. I love it here! Clear Lake Civic Club Newsletter page 13 November 2006 YOU CAN BECOME PART OF WRITTEN HISTORY AND BENEFIT FUTURE GENERATIONS Most of you have probably noticed the old woodframe building that has recently been moved to the corner of 6th and Bradford in Kemah and is currently being renovated. This building is the Old Kemah School. In a joint effort of the Kemah Historical Society and the City, this building is being restored and will become a Visitors Center as well as a Museum to house the collection of photos and artifacts the Kemah Historical Society has accumulated. Some of these items go back to Indian times. The Society was founded in 2004 by Tandace Lorae McDill in memory of her late aunt & uncle, Lorae and Jimmie Walker, who owned Jimmy Walker’s Restaurant. This building is significant because it is one of the few original public structures in the community. The earliest photo of the building is dated 1921 but some records show it might have existed as early as 1912. The old school house is a source of fond memories for many local residents who attended the school up until 1949. Syliva Streater, ex-council woman for Kemah, remembers the old school having two classrooms. 1st and 2nd grade in one room and 3rd & 4th in the other. At some point in time the principal, LaVace Stewart, built an addition for 5th & 6th graders. In 1949, the now functioning Steward Elementary was built and the students moved from the two room house to the new facility. This school now services Kemah and Clear Lake Shores elementary students. Ed Linck, President of the Kemah Historical Society, and Nolan Kelly have been working on the project of restoring the school since its inception. They perform work as money becomes available. Without the dedication of these men and several others on the Historical Society and City, this project would not have been possible. Here is where you can help. The Kemah Historical Society is selling brick pavers which will be installed in the outside walkways. These brick pavers will have your name engraved on them and will be inlaid into the pathways. You can also purchase a larger 12x12 tile if you want to put many family names on one tile. For instance, Cynthia Medsger who owns Okie’s Liquor Store bought a tile in memory of her Dad, Capn. Okie. You can purchase a brick for yourself, donate a tile in memory of a loved one who might have attended the old school, or someone living who attended that school or now attends Stewart Elementary. This would be your chance to memorialize yourself or a loved one at the Visitors Center/Museum. If you are interested in purchasing a brick paver for $60 or a tile for $120, please call Roselyn Pierce at 281-334-2973, member of the Kemah Historical Society. N ove m b e r 2 0 0 6 Sun 5 Mon 6 Tue 7 Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Civic Club Pot Luck & Meeting 7pm 3 Be sure to vote! 4 8 9 10 11 CLS Thanksgiving Dinner 11 - 3 City Council Meeting 7pm 12 13 14 EDC Meeting 7pm 15 16 17 18 19 20 school’s out 21 school’s out 22school’s out 23school’s out 24 school’s out 25 City Council Meeting 7pm 26 27 28 City Offices City Offices closed Closed 29 30 Clear Lake Civic Club Newsletter page 15 City (survey, bulkhead repairs, etc.). Councilman Bass also requested that surveys and lease inspection reports be provided for each lease, along with the applicable minimum bid information, any time council is expected to deliberate on putting bids out for lease. Clear Lake Shores City Council Minutes October 3, 2006 1. CALL TO ORDER— Mayor McIntyre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All Council members were present with the exception of Councilman Wright. Staff members present were Chief Shelley and Karen McDaniel. 2. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Economic Development Corporation, Waterfront Compliance Committee, Planning and Zoning Committee, Road and Drainage Committee, Master Park Plan Committee, FM 2094 Annexation Committee, Jarboe Bayou Park Steering Committee, Pool Committee 3. UNSCHEDULED VISITORS a. Craig Ward spoke to Council regarding confusion over the recent waterfront non-compliance notices. He asked that the procedures for approving and protesting any such non compliance issues be more clearly spelled out by Council given the Waterfront Compliance Committee’s role is purely advisory. He also asked Council to hold a joint workshop with the Waterfront Compliance Committee for discussion of this matter. 4. NEW BUSINESS: a. Discussion and possible action regarding Resolution 2006-11, a joint resolution with Galveston County, establishing a Galveston County Emergency Management Organization (Mayor McIntyre) Councilman Carrothers moved to approve Resolution 2006-11, with Councilwoman Hamilton as a second. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY b.Discussion and possible action regarding setting a date for acceptance of sealed bids for three waterfront lots: C-76, C-78, and E-116B (Mayor McIntyre) Brief discussion was held regarding reserve prices for the sealed bids. Per Councilman Bass’ suggestion, the minimum bid was decided to be the Fair Market Value based on the March 26, 2004 appraisal bulkhead lease rate indexed yearly by the CPI plus improvements in the water and any cost incurred by November 2006 TABLED UNTIL SURVEYS ARE COMPLETED 5. CONSENT AGENDA: c. Check register from September 14, 2006 to September 27, 2006 Items f (September 5 minutes) and h (September 19) were removed from the consent agenda for further discussion. Councilman Bass moved to approve the consent agenda, with Councilman Johnson as a second. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY d. e. f. g. h. Financial Activity Summary Minutes for August 15, 2006 regular meeting Minutes for August 22, 2006 special meeting Minutes for August 23, 2006 emergency meeting Minutes for September 5, 2006 regular meeting Councilman Bass moved to approve the minutes as amended per his previously submitted written amendments, with Councilman Johnson as a second. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY i. Minutes for September 12, 2006 workshop meeting j. Minutes for September 19, 2006 regular meeting Councilman Bass moved to approve the minutes as amended per his previously submitted written amendments with Councilman Carrothers as a second. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, except for Councilwoman Hamilton who abstained since she was not at the meeting k. Minutes for September 25, 2006 special meeting 6. ADJOURNMENT—Mayor McIntyre adjourned the meeting at 7:39 p.m.