Oligosaccharides in food matrix and the feasibility in coffee brews
Oligosaccharides in food matrix and the feasibility in coffee brews
Analytics for the discovery of bioactive compounds in agricultural products and by-products Daniela Barile dbarile@ucdavis.edu Assist. Professor Food Science & Technology Residual side streams from the food industry and agriculture Effluents High levels of organic matter Cause environmental problems if released in the environment May still contain Bioactive molecules Potential for re-utilization of streams Oligosaccharides-What are they and what do they do Oligosaccharides: carbohydrates generally consisting of 2-20 monomeric residues Found in: Plants and mammalian milks Origin: Synthesized in vivo Hydrolysis of higher oligosaccharides, polysaccharides Oligosaccharides Functions Immune system activation Antibacterial and antiviral Selective prebiotics Development of nervous system Gut barrier function Decrease hypersensitivity reactions PREBIOTICS Non-digestible oligosaccharides INTENTIONALLY feed SELECTIVELY only beneficial bacteria Guide the microbiota in the right direction Biotherapeutic Oligosaccharides • Accurate analytical characterization • Identification in streams/commodities • Adequate supply • Homogeneity of composition & Isolation technologies GLYCOMICS Lagged behind the other OMICS proteomics and genomics Connection sites Chiral Centers •NO CHROMOPHORE CH2OH •BRANCHING •MULTIPLE LINKAGES OH CH2OH OH O O O OH OH O OH OH •Heterogeneity(compositions) •Numerous isomers for each Isomers oligosaccharide Retention time Analytical platform http://barilelab.ucdavis.edu/ • High Mass Accuracy (2 ppm) • High Mass Resolution • High throughput profile MALDI-TOF MAXIFLEX Bruker Daltonics NANO-LC CHIP QUADRUPOLE TOF Agilent Technologies Oligosaccharides Discovery & Characterization • SEPARATION OF ISOMERS • REPRODUCIBLE RETENTION TIMES • PARTIAL STRUCTURAL ELUCIDATION • ASSEMBLE BIOINFORMATIC LIBRARIES • RAPID IDENTIFICATION IN UNKNOWN SAMPLES Previous Projects (i): Recovery of Oligosaccharides from dairy streams (Cheese Whey) Cheese Whey Permeate milk RENNET 10% 90% CHEESE WHEY FILTRATION Retentate WPC (+$$$) Permeate (no value) Disposal costs (-$) Over 50 BMO Many identical/similar to human milk Large fucosylated oligosaccharides How to validate the predicted biological activities? UCD Milk Processing Lab The UC Davis Milk Processing Lab Membrane filtration Refine oligosaccharides formulation Industry Side Streams Characterization and Q.C. Clinical testing Example of process optimization: Enzymatic Lactose Hydrolysis by ß-galactosidase Y=96.44 – 0.86X12 -0.87X32 For each processing step, we use software to carry on modeling and study the interaction of multiple variables simultaneously. This graphic shows higher hydrolysis rate in the center (red color) which correspond to optimal values of pH and amount of enzyme. Mechanistic study: understanding which sugars are most consumed by the bacteria during in-vitro fermentation 4 Control 1 Bifidobacterium infantis supernatant Bifidobacterium infantis Supernatant (rep) 3 3 2 1 1 Moving forward with new bioactives 2009: characterization of Oligosaccharides in whey 2013: completed the first human trial Pave the way toward efficacy trials in the target population (i.e. infants and children) Evidence-based food functionality Unprecedented level of accuracy and detail Previous Projects (ii): Identification of oligosaccharides in Wine and wine streams Hypothesis Wine contains low molecular weight free oligosaccharides deriving from the degradation of cell wall polysaccharides (modified and/or hydrolyzed either during the maturation of grapes or/and during wine making) Oligosaccharides extraction and analysis (DP 3 -> 15) CONCENTRATE (from 1L to 0,1L) SPE purification C18:remove proanthocyanidins and anthocyans GCC: remove monosaccharides, salts Gas chromatography & Mass Spectrometry Analysis >100 mg/L of oligosaccharides in both red and white wines Previous projects (iii): Oligosaccharides in Hazelnut by-products Identification of fiber-rich materials, potential source of prebiotic oligosaccharides hazelnut skin: by-product of the conventional industrial roasting process Over 100 hazelnuts in each jar! In collaboration with: Enzymatic Treatments to release oligosaccharides • No enzymatic treatments • Pancratin treatments • Pepsin treatments • Vicozyme treatments • Pancreatin, pepsin, Viscozyme treatments Note: all prebiotics carbohydrate are fiber but not all fibers are necessarily prebiotics! Oligosaccharides extraction and purification Prebiotic effect of hazelnut oligosaccharides on Lactobacillus plantarum & Lactobacillus crispatus Montella et al., J. Funct. Foods (2013) 1 (5) 306-315 Over 30g of prebiotic oligosaccharides /kg extract Investigating the Functional Properties of Coffee and Coffee Streams Coffee: From Beans to Brews Coffee: important commodity worldwide Consumed for over 1,000 years Generally prepared from two species (or their blends): Coffea arabica (Arabica), considered as the noblest of all coffee plants (75% of world’s production) Coffea canephora (Robusta), considered to be more acid but more resistant to plagues, (25% of world’s production) Coffee: From Beans to Brews In addition to caffeine, coffee contains hundreds of potentially bioactive components, such as polyphenols, melanoidins, complex carbohydrates, etc Bean Processing: Roasting Changes in chemical composition : Transformation of naturally occurring carbohydrates and polyphenolic constituents into a complex mixture Maillard reaction products Formation of small organic molecules from pyrolysis Oxidation, thermal degradation, hydrolysis, isomerization, polymerization and other complex sugar reactions Coffee: Waste Stream The average consumption in the US is 3.2 cups of coffee per day (for the coffee drinkers) Due to the great demand of coffee and coffee beverages, large amounts of waste streams are generated in the coffee industry Industrial coffee residues are often disposed of inappropriately and represent an environmental concern Important topic that need to be further explored Coffee production: Examples of Waste Streams Coffee Silverskin and spent coffee grounds are coffee residues Coffee Silverskin is obtained during bean roasting Spent coffee grounds derive from instant coffee preparation Polysaccharides in Coffee Beans Arabinogalactan Galactomannans Monomers: Arabinose and Galactose Monomers: Mannose and Galactose Linkage: (1→3)-linked β-galactose substituted at O-6 with arabinose and/or galactose residues Linkage: (1→4)-linked β-mannan chains substituted at O-6 with single galactose residues approximately every 100 residues Structural modifications promoted by roasting are not fully understood Coffee oligosaccharides: in vivo studies Conclusion Coffee residues are rich in polysaccharides, proteins, and minerals Identifying alternatives for use of coffee industrial residues is of great importance due to their potential beneficial activities Only limited characterization of oligosaccharides No bioinformatic libraries available yet The tools to carry on detailed characterization and mechanistic studies of bioactivity are available Thank you! The Peter J. Shields Endowed Chair in Dairy Food Science