booking form 2016 - Camping La Grande Metairie
booking form 2016 - Camping La Grande Metairie
Route des Alignements de Kermario-Kerlescan - BP85 - 56342 Carnac cédex Phone : 00 33 (0)2 97 52 24 01 - e-mail : Carnac, the : To be returned before the : Age : 1- 2345678- SURNAME Adress : Postal code : Phone number : With : SURNAME SURNAME SURNAME SURNAME SURNAME SURNAME SURNAME First Name: Birthday : Town : e-Mail : Birthday : Birthday : Birthday : Birthday : Birthday : Birthday : Birthday : , € B - PITCHES 6 people max. (including a car) : Exact date of arrival (after noon) : / / Exact date of departure (before noon) : / / Your choice of pitch electricity 80/110sqm electricity 110/130sqm electricity >130sqm Premium pitch > 130 sqm Water & drainage connection Caravan Cost of pitch : Motorhome , I have read and agree to the booking conditions and terms of payment printed overleaf. I undertake to abide by the camping regulations. / / / / / / / € C - TREE HOUSE (without electricity, without water) : / / Exact date of arrival (after 2pm) : Exact date of departure (before 11am) : / / Cost of Tree House : , D - SUPPLEMENTS AND OPTIONS : Animals (2 max.) Specific choice pitch of accomodation Extra tent (*) Cloth sheets rental for double bed (*) Cloth sheets rental for simple bed (*/**) Service bed made on arrival for double bed (*/**) Service bed made on arrival for simple bed (*) Towels rental (1 large + 1 small) (*) Linens rental Cleaning service the day of your departure (MH) (*) Free high chair and cot (*) Micro-wave rental (*) Oven rental (*) Fridge rental (*) Safety deposit box, in the reception Extra car Mid-week wifi access (at Central Bar) Week wifi access (in Central Bar) (*)within the limit of available stock (**) including cloth sheets rental (1 per stay) E - BOOKING TOTAL COST IN EUROS € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € , F - DEPOSIT o 25% of the total cost : o or 100% of the price of the stay when € € € the booking is made less than one month before the date of arrival > I enclose a deposit of : Credit card Signature : / / / / / / / Age : First Name: First Name: First Name: First Name: First Name: First Name: First Name: Cost of accomodation : At : On : / Country: I wish to make a booking for the following dates and conditions : A - ACCOMODATION (including a car) : / / Exact date of arrival (after 17pm) : Exact date of departure (before 10am) : / / Confort 24 Prestige 34 Confort 26 Prestige 34 Balnéo Confort 30 Prestige 40 Balnéo Confort 30+ Prestige Keywest Confort 32 (handi) Prestige Family Confort 33 Privilège 26 Confort 33+ Privilège 35 Confort 35 Privilège 40 Premium 32 Gypsy Caravan Premium 35 Fisherman's Lodge Villa 35 Exotic 20 Villa 40 Exotic 35 Tent Size : / o Visa o Eurocard N° Expiry date : Name of the card holder : , Bank transfer o Mastercard Crypto : € édex com com SAS au capital de 152.279 € - RCS Lorient B 869 500 579
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Route des Alignements de Kermario-Kerlescan - BP85
I wish to make a booking for the following dates and conditions :
A - ACCOMODATION (including a car) :
informations and accomodations
Port En Dro
BP 30
56341 CARNAC cédex
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