PDF - Divine Child High School


PDF - Divine Child High School
Summer 2015
Once a
DC Legacy
Investing in
Dear Fellow Alumni,
In October 2014, Divine Child Catholic Schools launched the Investing
in Excellence Capital Campaign. The Campaign is a vital step in ensuring that
Divine Child is able to sustain the academic, athletic, and creative programs
that set our schools apart. We are excited to announce that in just over six
months we have received pledges for over 1/3 of our total campaign goal
of $6,000,000 and a number of donors have already begun to fulfill their
pledges. We are now ready to introduce the Campaign to a much larger
Construction projects have been segmented into three phases. We
were blessed to be able to begin Phase I in April with Elementary School
infrastructure improvements critical to the installation of the proposed
outdoor athletic complex. This work included:
• renovations to the existing Varsity Football locker room, visitor
restrooms, and the concession area
• replacement of the mechanical and electrical systems serving that
In June, we began renovations to the High School Auditorium, including:
• replacement of the stage floor
• new lighting
• new carpeting
• a fresh coat of paint on the floor, walls, and ceiling
• installation of 598 new seats with handicap-accessible spaces
We would like to thank all of our current donors and volunteers for their
tremendous support. We would not be where we are today without their
commitment to Divine Child. Now it is time to turn our attention to raising
funds for the Phase II projects, including the outdoor athletic complex.
Our goal is to have the field and track in place for the 2016-2017 school
year, allowing our Falcons to be truly “at home” for the first time since our
schools' founding and bringing our facilities on par with other Catholic and
public schools in the area. We will need the full and immediate financial
support of the entire Divine Child community, in particular our Alumni, if
we are to succeed.
We often use the phrase, "Once a Falcon, Always a Falcon." Although
we are all Falcons, our experience at Divine Child was uniquely our own. I
ask you to reflect on what impact your Divine Child experience had on your
professional success, your personal growth, and your sense of community.
Divine Child High School has a wonderful tradition passed along by
decades of alumni and as we take the steps forward necessary to continue
this legacy, we must also be an innovative community, making the upgrades
and changes necessary to provide an even better educational experience to
future Falcons. Your support of the Investing in Excellence Capital Campaign
will help ensure that we remain a school that positively impacts the lives of
our students and provides them with opportunities to nurture their unique
spiritual, academic, athletic, social and creative talents.
With kind regards,
Kristin (Szpunar) Hermann ‘89
Director of Advancement
table of contents
Always a
summer 2015
Message - Pastor and Principal
High School News
High School Fine Arts
High School Athletics
Feature Story
Investing in Excellence Capital Campaign
Feature Story
Alumni Profiles
Alumni News
Advancement Office
Alumni Events
Around Campus
September 25-27,
High School News
High School Fine Arts
Alumni Profile
October 2,
Alumni Events
Investing in Excellence Capital Campaign
Become Published!
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For inclusion in the Winter 2016 issue, please submit updates and articles no later than 11/1/15. If sending
photos, please provide original electronic files. Send raw or uncompressed TIF or high resolution JPG as an
attachment. All content submitted becomes Divine Child property and may be edited prior to publication.
from our
Dear Falcons,
The students
of the Divine
School Class
of 2015 have
graduated! At
the celebration
of the Holy
Eucharist and
the Commencement Ceremony, we
thanked God and acknowledged the
gift of our students' lives and their
willingness to open themselves up to
the power of the Holy Spirit working
in and through them. As they move
forward into the next chapter of their
lives, I pray that they will stay close
to the Lord, the giver of life, who
will lead them to truth, goodness and
For those of you who graduated
perhaps a year or two ago, or for those
who graduated decades ago, we must
always take time to reflect on where
we have been and what has been
given to us. Many people sacrificed
their time, talent and treasure so that
the doors of Divine Child Schools
could open. We give thanks to
Msgr. Weier for his vision and for
the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters,
who paved the way for all students
to receive an outstanding education
and form a solid foundation of faith.
Today, the Administrators at Divine
Child Schools have to be vigilant
to keep up with technology and the
sciences, and to faithfully challenge a
culture that does not always promote
the goodness of life or proclaim the
Good News.
I believe that Divine Child
Schools will be around for a long,
long time, despite the changing
“In letting go of what we have, our souls are strengthened,
and we experience the true joy of Christ.” attitudes of our nation, especially with
respect to our Christian foundation,
and the shifting demographics. I
believe we can continue to promote
the Good News of the Lord in our
schools by forming our youth in the
ways of Catholic Christian truth and
understanding. And, you can help
us. St. Paul states, "For to me, to live
is Christ and to die is gain." (Phil
1:21) When we let go of some of the
blessings that we have received, we
die to ourselves so that others may
also have what we have received.
And in letting go of what we have,
our souls are strengthened, and we
experience the true joy of Christ.
We are embarking on an
exciting and challenging campaign,
"Investing in Excellence." We have
The Lord has given each
of you many blessings
through your education
at Divine Child Schools.
I pray that you will be
as generous as you can
possibly be, responding
in gratitude for what you
have received from Him.
already raised almost $2 million,
but we need a significant amount
more to do what we envision.
This summer, we have committed
to renovating our original High
School auditorium. (The new
seats are being manufactured
right now!) The back wing of
the Elementary School, which is
used by both student bodies and
guest athletes, is being gutted and
rebuilt as I write this. We have the
plans to build a state-of-the-art
athletic field/complex. New science
classrooms have been designed and
are awaiting the go-ahead. We just
need you to help make these dreams
a reality.
The Lord has given each of
you many blessings through your
education at Divine Child Schools.
I pray that you will be as generous
as you can possibly be, responding
in gratitude for what you have
received from Him.
Your alma mater is very active
and vibrant! Please stop by and
visit to see all the exciting things
that are happening here at Divine
In Gratitude,
Fr. Jim Bilot
Thank you to the following as we implement Phase 1 of the Capital
• Patrick Murray '84: Murray Commercial Contracting,
General Contractor
• Chad '88 and Dustan Cunningham '91: JM & Sons Plumbing
• Carlo Greco '85: Greco Construction
• Bob Price: Price Electric
• Rob Viau '93: All American Construction
from our
much to reflect
on after my
first year as
Divine Child
High School.
We are blessed
with a truly
talented team
of faculty, staff,
and coaches. Our families value
Catholic parish education and know
that the community we provide
offers the support our students
need to navigate adolescence and
to grow spiritually, academically,
athletically, socially, and creatively.
We work hard to get to know all of
our students and to assure outcomes
of which everyone can be proud.
I recognize that I look back at our
accomplishments during the 20142015 school year through the rosecolored glasses of a principal and an
alumnus, but I don’t apologize for my
pride in how we meet our Mission.
“...We are committed to providing
opportunities that nurture each
student’s academic, creative, social,
athletic and spiritual growth.” Your
alma mater continues to serve and to
celebrate student success.
Spiritually, we are growing every
year. Our motto, Virtus cum Scientia
(Goodness with Knowledge), is
emphasized in all that we do as a
faculty and staff. Without goodness,
knowledge has little value. We push
our students to be good and to do
good first. As a Catholic parish school,
we know that the path to goodness
comes through relationship with
God. We nurture that relationship
with retreats, liturgies, Eucharistic
4 Advancement Office
adoration, religious curricula, and
a challenge to be Gospel driven in
our actions. Our focus on faith in
action is gaining momentum. This
past year our entire student body
served the local Detroit area during
our Pledge: Faith in Action initiative.
Additionally, on a weekly basis a
different student group is out serving
our less fortunate neighbors. For
example, our Spanish Honor Society
is at the Academy of the Americas
in Detroit, continuing their year
long work of mentoring, supporting,
and providing for these financially
disadvantaged students. This year,
Falcons logged over 15,000 hours of
service and touched countless lives.
Academically, it has been a great
year. Graduates of the Class of 2015
were offered nearly $10 million in
higher education scholarships. This
is the largest amount ever offered
to a Divine Child graduating class.
Our diversity of college acceptances
continues to grow: University
of Michigan, Michigan State
University, University of Notre
Dame, Johns Hopkins University,
University of Virginia, St. Louis
University, Kalamazoo College,
American Academy of the Dramatic
Arts, Culinary Institute of America,
College for Creative Studies,
Franciscan University, and Aquinas
College are just a few of the schools
Falcons will be attending in the Fall.
We celebrated students for a perfect
ACT score of 36, a National Merit
Scholarship Award, and the WXYZ
Brightest and Best Award. Our Quiz
Bowl team advanced to its third
straight appearance at Nationals and
our Forensics Team won its fourth
straight State Championship. Finally,
we coined #FalconGrit as the rallying
cry for success at every academic
level. We believe that success begins
with perseverance and hard work,
and this is a consistent message to all
of our students.
Dedicated to Excellence . . .
Spiritually, Academically, Athletically,
Socially, and Creatively
Athletically, our teams continued
to shine. With over 550 students
participating in at least one of our
52 teams, we are proud to continue
to provide students with the
opportunity to build skills, grow in
their sportsmanship, and compete
for championships. We have a great
tradition of success and this year was
no exception. To date: 15 seniors
signed letters of intent to play at
the collegiate level, 5 varsity teams
won Divisional championships,
3 have won Catholic League
championships, 3 have won Regional
championships, and our Pom team
won a State championship. As
members of the Catholic League, we
continue to compete in one of the
most competitive leagues in the state
and our athletes proudly continue
the legacy of Falcon excellence on
the field.
Socially, our students work hard
to continue past traditions while
creating new ones of their own. In
August, freshmen were welcomed
to Divine Child by our fantastic
group of LINK Crew mentors. The
LINK Crew program provides a
comfortable transition for freshmen
in the fall and continues to offer a
network of support throughout the
year. Homecoming continues to be
the featured fall social, beginning
with a week of good-natured student
competition and culminating in
the football game and sophomoresenior dance. During this week,
the Class of 2015 capped off four
years of dominance as Spirit Week
National Honor Society challenged
their fellow students to become aware
of the dangers of distracted driving
and to commit to not doing it. Their
campaign included public service
announcements and an assembly by
national speaker Joel Feldman from
EndDD.org. Finally, the juniors
hosted a successful and safe prom at
the Dearborn Inn.
Creatively, we continue to grow
and strengthen the programs that
encourage students to follow their
creative passions. In October, we
revived the 2013-2014 production of
Lѐs Miserables for a sold out benefit
performance at the Ford Community
and Performing Arts Center. Shortly
thereafter, we performed Pride and
Prejudice as our fall drama. In March,
over 150 students participated in our
production of Fiddler on the Roof as
actors and members of the chorus,
stage crew, costume crew, make-up
crew and pit orchestra. The 2015
Spring Art Show was the biggest
ever, showcasing 780 pieces of art
by more than 250 students who take
advantage of a program that works
hard to nurture the artistic nature of
all our students. Finally, our music
program continues to grow in size and
talent. The marching band boasted
over 80 members this year and will
grow to over 100 next year. Our
symphonic and jazz bands continue
to perform and compete throughout
the year. Finally, our choir program
has grown to over 60 students who
performed multiple times for our
community and, for the second year
in a row, shared the stage with Kenny
Rogers at his Fox Theatre Christmas
"...there is still much work
to be done. As a vibrant,
Catholic school that is over
800 students strong, we are
always looking for ways to
maintain our “Dedication
to Excellence.” We remain
a parish school that serves
our local community, but
we have also grown into
a magnet Catholic school
that attracts students from
48 different zip codes."
There is so much more to
celebrate, but I hope the above gives
you an overview of what was truly a
wonderful and productive year for
Divine Child High School. There
is still much work to be done. As a
vibrant Catholic school that is over
800 students strong, we are always
looking for ways to maintain our
“Dedication to Excellence.” We
remain a parish school that serves
our local community, but we have
also grown into a regional Catholic
school that attracts students from
48 different zip codes. As such, our
need to upgrade and maintain our
level of exceptional service is great.
While I recognize that some of you
may not be in a position to give back
financially, please understand that I
feel a responsibility to our current
and future students to ask. We need
your help to maintain and improve
upon the institution that served
you all. Our Capital Campaign,
“Investing in Excellence” is
your opportunity to do so. Your
participation says that you believe in
the Catholic education you received
and that you want to ensure that
we can continue our work into the
I thank you for thoughtfully
and prayerfully considering a gift
to our Capital Campaign, and I ask
for those same thoughts and prayers
for our continued success. You are
always welcome to call, email, or
stop by for a tour. I would be proud
to show you the Divine Child High
School of today!
Yours in Catholic Education,
Damian L. Hermann ‘89
Archbishop Vigneron Visits High School
Tour guides Kasey Schock and George Sawaya
escort Archbishop Vigneron
In March, we were honored to host Allen H. Vigneron, Archbishop
of Detroit. Archbishop Vigneron went on a tour of the High School,
accompanied by tour guides Kasey Schock '15 and George Sawaya '15. He
visited the Bernardine Franciscan Learning Center, Fine Arts Department,
Chapel, AP Chemistry, Physics, Freshman Biology, Computer Lab and
a Theology classroom. Archbishop Vigneron, along with Fr. Bilot, also
talked to over 50 young men about vocations. The Solemnity of the
Annunciation was celebrated with the entire student body and faculty. The
morning concluded with the Archbishop talking to the seniors, imploring
them to live out their faith and defend their Catholic beliefs, particularly
as they leave Divine Child.
Archbishop Vigneron visits Mr. Grysko '07 and Mr. Zemba's '94 Fine Arts, Mrs. O'Malley's Theology and Mr. Nannini's Science classrooms
Forensics Team Soars to 4th Consecutive State Championship
National Honor Society
Elevate the D
Congratulations to the 8 Seniors and 36 Juniors inducted into the National
Honor Society on April 30, 2015. Membership in Divine Child High School's
National Honor Society is by invitation only. Each year, the faculty nominates
Juniors and Seniors for inclusion in the Society based on a number of criteria,
including a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.7, and demonstrated leadership,
service, and good character.
The National Honor Society at Divine Child High School is dedicated to
serving Divine Child and the larger community. Below is a list of the many
services that our NHS students are involved in:
DC Book Sales
Fall Rake & Run
Vista Maria
Cass Community Services
DC Auction
Freshman Registration
Fall and Spring DC Blood Drive
Fall and Winter DC Open House
Student of the Month Nominations
Teacher of the Month Nominations
Christmas Giving Tree with Student Council
Elevate the D Soup Kitchen in Detroit
Distracted Driving Awareness Week
Battle of the Books with Vicariate Schools
Frosh Slosh Dance for Incoming Freshmen
Christmas Sweater Fundraiser for DC Family in Need
Book Drive for Mott Children's Hospital in Ann Arbor
Stuffed Animal Drive for Pledge: Faith in Action Service Sites
Christmas Caroling at Marywood Nursing Care Center
Tutoring for Elementary & High School Students
National Merit Scholars
The Michigan Interscholastic Forensics Association [MIFA] State Finals
were held at Oakland University in May 2015. Our Divine Child Falcons won
the Class B Forensics State Championship for the fourth consecutive year!
The team qualified for 24 entries. 38 Forensics Falcons competed in all 14
events in public address and oral interpretation. After the preliminary rounds,
21 students advanced to the semi-final round. Then, 14 advanced to the final
round. The cumulative scores of all entries achieved the State Championship
winning total of 527 points.
The individual State Champions awarded 1st place in their events were:
• Marcus Owens, freshman, Prose Interpretation
• Lia Bertucci, junior, Storytelling
• Tai Robinson, sophomore, Oratory
• Shannon Flory, senior, Informative Speaking
6 Once A Falcon
Summer 2015
Head Coach Kathy Tar
This achievement is possible because
of the time and talent of our fabulous
coaches Mrs. Laura Miller, Mrs.
Karen Pritchard, Elisa Noeske '00,
Emily Tar Davisson '04, Patrick Joyce
'07, Bernadette Bacero '08, Cameron
Bonk '10, Tricia Calka ' 11, Jacob Kay
'12, and Kevin Mardirosian '14.
Joshua Hejka '15 advanced to Finalist standing in the National Merit
Scholarship Program and was awarded the Certificate of Merit. Josh was
chosen among 16,000 semifinalists to advance. Congrats Josh!
Divine Child High School also had 4 other seniors selected for the 2015
National Merit Scholarship Program at the "Commended" level. They include
Paula Babula '15, Dane Miller '15,
David Rose '15 and Joseph VanBuhler
'15 (son of Mary Francis (Gallagher)
VanBuhler '87).
In February, the Falcons put
their faith into action prepping pots
of chili at the school and serving to
the homeless at Elevate Detroit's 2nd
and Selden CommuniD BBQ.
Christian Service Award
DCHS student Isabella Cavataio
received the Christian Service Award
for her initiative in organizing a group
of DC students to volunteer with
Miracle League of Michigan. Four
of the students who volunteered with
her celebrated Mass with Archbishop
Vigneron, Bishop Cepeda, and many
other Catholic students from all over
the Archdiocese of Detroit.
Technology and
Robotics Club
Social Studies Dept.
Joshua Hejka, Finalist
and Mr. Hermann, Principal
The Social Studies Department
held its third annual spring voter
registration drive in conjunction with
the League of Women Voters. The
students registered 81 new voters which
was nearly double last year’s total.
Congratulations to the DC
Technology and Robotics Club
which competed in the Square One
Autonomous Innovative Vehicle
Design Challenge. They received first
place for Innovation and Design!
Athletics and Fine Arts Scholarship Signings
Best in Art Show Winner, Frank Bechard '15
This academic year has been one of the busiest and best years ever, with
so many accomplishments in our Fine Arts Department. From the stage to
the stove, our Divine Child students have far exceeded our expectations and
produced some of the best fine and applied art ever. Congratulations to all our
students and faculty for their exceptional work this year!
Our symphonic band and marching band students had a great year of
sharing their musical talents. Highlights included performing at Walt Disney
World in February and marching in Dearborn’s annual Memorial Day Parade. Thank you to Mr. Zemba '94 and Mr. Gryzko '07 for their time and efforts
in putting on this year’s Art Show, which was an awesome display of talent by
our students.
Thanks also to Mrs. Sovine for all the wonderful smells coming down the
halls from our foods room and for hosting Iron Chef and Cupcake Wars for
the students!
Under the direction of Mr. Marino, our school choirs had another
successful year, culminating in an outstanding symphonic and choral concert
on May 4. The choir is growing and sounds wonderful!
Our award-winning theater program, directed by Ms. Noeske '00, staged
a wonderful spring production of Fiddler on the Roof and went on to receive 26
nominations at the Dearborn Area Theater Association (DATA) 30th Annual
PAGE Awards, including Best Play and Best Musical. Congratulations to
Falcons Henry Bierman '16 and Jen Lessnau '16, who received Outstanding
Achievement Awards for their work in the fall production, Pride and Prejudice,
and Will Dunn '15 and Laura Moore '15, who were named 2015 D.A.T.A.
Scholarship Recipients.
September 25, 2015 is Homecoming and alumni are invited to come play
before the game with the alumni band.
In 2016, we are excited to celebrate our band’s 50th year! Alumni, please
keep May 14-15, 2016 open for our 50th anniversary celebration concert with
a commissioned work. Mr. Tallieu is returning to conduct and we are forming
an alumni band!
I am grateful for your continued support of our Fine Arts Department!
In the second half of the semester,
Divine Child signed 14 seniors for Athletic
or Fine Arts Scholarships. Congratulations
to the following:
l to r: Brent Rodden, Jackie White and Courtney Peterson
Mr. Robert Bush
Fine Arts Chairperson
Front Row l to r: Kelsee Kinder, Madeline Barnauskas, Jaycee Forester, Hannah Brefeld, Sasha Wright
Back Row: Angelo Policicchio, Geno Policicchio, Andrew Suchy, Joe Fontana, Jarod Ritchie, William Dunn
Coming Soon!
Fiddler Performers
Band at Walt Disney World
8 Once A Falcon
Summer 2015
Laura Moore '15 with her parents,
Michael '74 and Cristina
The DC Athletic
an official Twitter
account. Follow us:
We look forward to
showcasing all of our
teams and athletic
Madeline Barnauskas
Alma College
Hannah Brefeld
Aquinas College
William Dunn
Oakland University
Musical Theatre
Joe Fontana
College for Creative Studies
Jayci Forster
University of Michigan-Dearborn Volleyball
Kelsee Kinder
Lake Michigan Community College
Courtney Petersen
University of Virginia
Angelo Policicchio
Calumet College of St. Joseph
Geno Policicchio
Rochester College
Jarod Ritchie
The American Academy of Dramatic Arts
Brent Rodden
Siena Heights University
Andrew Suchy
Eastern Michigan University Music Therapy
Jaclyn White
University of Michigan
Sasha Wright
Culinary Institute of America
Organic Culinary Arts
DC Golf Places 4th at State Finals
DC Baseball Wins 16th Consecutive District
Title and Regional Championship
DC Girls and
Boys Track
Girls Track won their Regional
meet and had 10 girls qualify for the
state meet. The boys team advanced
5 to the state meet.
Divine Child captured the Division 2 championship. For the Falcons (2712), it marked the 16th consecutive time the baseball program earned a district
title. The Varsity Baseball team continued its winning streak by toppling South
Lake in the championship game of the Division 2 baseball regional tournament
with an 18-0 victory.
“You’re never able to predict a score like that,” Divine Child coach Tony
DeMare said. “The approach we’re taking is we want to go out and do what
we’re capable of doing, and I’m proud of the kids because it was a very complete
effort. I liked what our pitchers did. They threw strike one for the most part
and worked ahead in the count. Getting leads like we did puts you in a comfort
The Falcons lost to Orchard Lake St. Mary’s in the Division 2 state
quarterfinal game.
George Pohly - MIPrepZone
Girls Basketball wins
Regional Title
Wheelchair Hockey League
The hockey team participated in the annual WCHL (Wheel Chair Hockey
League) in March. The WCHL is Michigan's only adaptive wheelchair floor
hockey league. The purpose is to provide an appropriate means for persons
in wheelchairs to have the opportunity to play in a competitive hockey league
and have the chance to engage in the camaraderie and excitement of the sport.
A strong season for the Divine Child Boys Golf team wrapped up with big
performances at the 2015 Division 2 state finals in East Lansing. Playing at
Michigan State University’s Forest Akers East, the Falcons came away with
a fourth-place finish, out of the 15 total teams that competed in the Division 2
state finals. Divine Child shot a 605 as a team, with a 299 the first day and a
306 in the next day of competition.
The Division 2 team champion for 2015 was Dewitt (594), followed by
second-place finisher Bloomfield Hills Cranbrook-Kingswood (595) and in
third place was Grand Rapids Forest Hills Northern (603).
Leading the way for Divine Child was Trevor Goslin with a score of 144,
as he shot a 69 the first day and 75 the second day. Goslin was followed by
teammate Brett Boes (70-75-145) in second, along with Bayley Brothers (7876-154), Tyler Makowski (82-80-162) and Austin Blackmore (88-80-168).
Overall, both Goslin and Boes came away with individual scores in the top
10 of the Division 2 finals. Goslin was tied for the fourth-best individual score.
Boes finished in a four-way tie for the sixth-best score.
Frank Wladyslewski - Heritage
Photos by Terry Jacoby, MIPrepZone
Girls Basketball won their regional
against Warren Fitzgerald, advancing
to the State Quarter Final against
Detroit Country Day.
DC Cheer Places 3rd
at State Finals
of our eleven wrestlers
received medals at the Catholic
Senior Michael O'Brien placed 3rd
while juniors James Bird and Jake
Kurkowski took 2nd and 3rd place
Softball successfully beat Annapolis
in the District Quarter Final and
River Rouge in the Semi-Final to
advance to the Ditrict Final where
they lost a close game to Melvindale
DC cheer earned a trip to the Division
2 state finals in Grand Rapids as one
of the top four teams in regionals to
Photo by Terry Jacoby, MIPrepZone
Girls Soccer
DC blanks Bishop Foley in 'mustwin' CHSL battle to advance to the
Division 2 Districts.
Photo by Jake Newby, MIPrepZone
10 Once A Falcon
Summer 2015
Photo by Terry Jacoby, MIPrepZone
The Spanish Honor Society Partners
with Academy of the Americas
"...to be of service to the Hispanic community in and around Divine Child..."
Less than two years after inducting its first members
at Divine Child High School, Le Sociedad Honoraria
Hispanica (The Spanish Honor Society) brought its
mission to life in a special way by teaming up with
Academy of the Americas, a bilingual public school
in southwest Detroit. The Society, an international
organization that recognizes students of Spanish and
Portuguese for academic excellence, strives to be of
service to the Hispanic community in and around Divine
Child High School and to promote the Spanish language.
Divine Child students spent this academic year
partnering with Academy of the Americas’ 5th grade
classes, creating activities around quarterly themes such
as “313 in the D” and “Simple Machines.” For “313 in
the D,” which highlighted Detroit products, industries
and sports teams, Divine Child students organized a
taste testing of “made in Detroit” food products including
Vernors, Sanders and Better Made, that was a big hit with
the 5th graders. Academy students also decorated t-shirts
and worked with DC students to create cardboard cars
adorned with Detroit sports images as a tribute to the auto
industry. The smiles and laughter were infectious. When
the cars were finished it was off to the playground for
relay races to find the fastest car, play soccer, read books
or play on the schoolyard equipment. We completed the
day dancing to Motown music and sharing Vernors floats.
For the winter theme – "Simple Machines" – our
students created hands-on activities for machines in each
of three classrooms. Whether it was measuring force
needed to pull a car up an incline plane, screwing screws
into a “Plinko” board or lifting objects with pulleys, the
students all learned and shared. It is worth noting that our
12 Once A Falcon
Summer 2015
May Crowning and Senior Farewell
Dearborn Optimist Club
Divine Child High School honors the Blessed Mother at the annual
May Crowning Liturgy. This celebration is a fitting liturgical way for the
seniors to complete their four years and a meaningful way for the entire
student body to bear witness to our Catholic faith.
students received no instruction on what to create. They
worked together and came up with the idea, brought
in parts and put it together. The first time anyone saw
what was to be presented was two days prior to the visit.
Seeing the teamwork and natural leadership emerge from
our Falcons was inspiring!
The partnership with the Academy of the Americas
has provided invaluable opportunities for our students to
interact with the local Hispanic community whom they
typically only read about in textbooks and on the news,
giving a face and a voice to the Hispanic culture and our
Spanish-speaking neighbors. Our students also came
to understand the financial costs of community service.
Each trip we made to the Academy required fundraising
in our school such as selling tacos or brownie sundaes. The Divine Child students also had the opportunity
to lead the committees in charge of planning each visit.
Whether they organized the bake sale, the craft project
or the food, each committee needed a leader and a
plan. The experiences our students had at the Academy
were also irreplaceable. They loved the student-tostudent interaction and seeing the fruits of all their labor
in action. As one of our students commented, "This is
an experience I will remember all my life." I believe the
Academy students will agree!
The Divine Child Community can be very proud of
our students. The opportunity that the Spanish Honor
Society provides for leadership through service is an
outstanding example of our Falcon Pride.
The Dearborn Optimist Club
awarded three Divine Child juniors
the top three places in their annual
essay contest. These students won
a medal and a cash scholarship: 3rd
place: Ryan Teevens, 2nd place: Val
Vena, 1st place: Brianna Roach.
Scholar Athletes
Congratulations to Dane Miller
'15, Jonathan Lapshan '15, David
Rose '15, and Ryan Barrett '15 (not
pictured), who were named Catholic
High School League 2015 Scholar
Athletes at the CHSL Scholar Athlete
and Teacher Recognition Dinner.
West Point Interns
~Sara Calupina, Spanish Teacher
World Language Department Leader
May Crowning Court, pictured from left to right: Laura Nemes, Olivia Stoops,
Natalie Berry, Moira Finn, Megan Schroeder, and Maureen Butler.
Wynter Nickless and Valentine Vena
for being selected to attend West
Point's prestigious Summer Leaders
Experience. Attendees participate in
academic and leadership activities,
physical fitness training and virtualreality war simulation workshops for
the week.
Legacy Falcons
Celebrating our Valedictorian and Salutatorian
and their Alumni Parents
Many of Divine Child’s 2015
graduating seniors will always have
a special fondness for their alma
mater. But for 2015 Valedictorian
Olivia Stoops and Salutatorian Joe
VanBuhler, you could almost say that
Divine Child is in their blood. Both
Stoops and VanBuhler are “legacies”
– the second generation in their
families to attend and graduate from
Divine Child High School. Both also
attended Divine Child Elementary
School from first through eighth
Olivia and Joe were both
members of the National Honors
Society. Olivia will be attending
University of Michigan in Ann Arbor
as part of the Honors Program for
the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts. Joe will be attending
Wayne State University as a member
of the Irving D. Reid Honors College.
Olivia’s parents, Kevin and
Rosetta (Cimino) Stoops and Joe’s
mom, Mary-Frances (Gallagher)
VanBuhler, were all graduates of
Divine Child High School’s Class
of 1987. When it was time to select
a school for their children, these
parents reflected on their experiences
at Divine Child and realized that
they wanted the next generation of
their families to enjoy the school’s
outstanding academic and religious
preparation, caring teachers, and
strong sense of community, belonging
and tradition.
Divine Child’s Director of
Marketing and Communications,
Karen Kruszka, caught up with these
alumni parents recently to talk about
their special connections to Divine
Front Row: Olivia Stoops and Joseph VanBuhler
Back Row: Kevin Stoops '87, Rosetta (Cimino) Stoops '87,
Mary-Frances (Gallagher) VanBuhler '87 and Brian VanBuhler
14 Once A Falcon
Summer 2015
Are there any moments from your
Divine Child High School days that
particularly stand out?
Mary VanBuhler: I loved writing
and learning a language, and hugely
enjoyed a year spent working on the
school paper. I wish I had continued.
And I loved my first day of language
in college when my instructor spoke
only German and I understood every
Rosetta and Kevin Stoops: The
biggest parts of high school that we
can remember are the activities that
brought students together as a group;
the sense of community, the feeling of
togetherness and the pride of being
associated with a group, club, activity
that represented Divine Child.
Were there any individuals from
Divine Child High School who had a
meaningful impact on you?
Mary VanBuhler: [There were]
many great teachers who must have
had the patience of saints, and whom
you knew truly cared about their
Rosetta and Kevin Stoops: There
are several people that had an impact
on our lives, including several of the
priests, teachers and administrators.
These individuals pushed us to
succeed, gave us advice and helped
guide us down the path we are on
today. They cared for us and prayed
for us and taught us valuable life
lessons. I have seen the same sense
of caring and commitment from the
current staff.
What has it meant for you to be able
to provide an education for your child at the
same school you attended?
Mary VanBuhler: It’s been very
nice, especially since there are a few
of the same teachers still there (God
bless them!). It’s interesting to see the
physical changes to the school while
still seeing the familiar hallways and
cafeteria. I know my own parents
had to make many sacrifices to send
my sisters and me there, but they
believed strongly that a Catholic
education was very important and
ingrained in me that same belief. I
think they were right!
Rosetta and Kevin Stoops: We both
agreed before having children that
we would make the sacrifices needed
to see that our children had the best
education possible, and a major part of
that education included the spiritual
guidance. We could have picked less
expensive schools or more expensive
schools but after weighing out all the
pros and cons, Divine Child stood
high above our other options. There
were teachers and administrators at
the school that we had in our days at
DC, there were people in the school
that we trusted and other graduates
that we had stayed in touch with
sending their children to DC. All
of these factors create a “feeling” of
community that cannot be measured.
This sense of community is one of
the most valuable intangibles that
Divine Child has to offer.
In your opinion, what makes Divine
Child unique?
Mary VanBuhler: Besides excellent
academics and a broad range of sports
and clubs, I like how all students
are encouraged to become part of
some activity outside of academics,
and how a real effort is made to
give everyone an opportunity to feel
included. There is also an atmosphere
that is very welcoming to parents and
their involvement. Most importantly
to me is the way the Catholic faith is
respected and incorporated into so
many aspects of student life, not just
in a limited way but in a practical,
essential way.
Rosetta and Kevin Stoops: The
uniqueness that Divine Child
demonstrates is the sense of
community and tradition. When we
began as freshmen there were many
different grade schools represented
in the freshman class, but we were
all coming together to create a new
group, a new community and become
part of the tradition that is Divine
Child. It did not matter where you
came from, all that mattered is that you
were now part of the DC community.
You can see this sense of community
and tradition in the current staff and
administration when you look at the
sheer number of teachers that have
graduated from DC and returned to
teach at DC. This is also even more
evident when you look at the number
of graduating seniors whose parents
also graduated from Divine Child. In
this year’s Legacy Photo, there were
more than 40 seniors whose parents
are alumni. This represents about 20
percent of the senior class continuing
the tradition and confirming the
saying, “Once a Falcon, Always a
What wisdom or advice would you like
to share with the graduating seniors?
Mary VanBuhler: Looking back I
realize how little I really knew most
of my classmates (keep in mind I
was voted “most shy”). I would just
encourage all of the seniors to always
make an effort to invite the student
who is very quiet or different into
activities, and don’t give up right
away if your effort seems rejected
at first. Doing that can make an
amazing difference in someone’s life!
Also growing up is a long process,
and remember that people can change
over time and through experiencing
life. The person you think you don’t
like in high school will often be a
very different person in ten or twenty
years. Don’t give up on anyone!
Rosetta and Kevin Stoops: The
one piece of advice that I received
a very long time ago is that what
you learn can never be taken away
so learn something every day and
make every day count in the life of
someone else. This is especially true
for the Divine Child community. In
school, the teachers strive to provide
the best possible education for the
students. In the parish, the religious
community comes together to make
a difference in the life of everyone.
When you combine the school and
the church and send the educated
students into the future, their ability
to care and learn is unstoppable and
their potential is limitless.
Olivia Stoops
• National Honors Society
• Student Ambassador
• President of the Latin and
Ancient Greek Club
• Science Olympiad Team
• Two time recipient of the
Knights of Columbus Award
• Monsignors Weier and Kucyk
• WXYZ Brightest and Best
• Four year Varsity Tennis
player, receiving All City
• Earned bronze and silver
award in Girl Scouts
Joseph VanBuhler
• National Honors Society
• Student Council and Link
• Phi Beta Kappa Certificate of
• Winner
Achievement in Greek and
• Wayne
Presidential Scholarship
• Wayne
Scholars Day Award
• Four year Varsity Cross
Country and Track
• Eagle Scout
Investing in
High School Science Wing
Auditorium seating
Divine Child Catholic Schools have been committed to offering an affordable college-prep education to Catholic
families since 1953. Our dedication to Dearborn and the greater metropolitan Detroit area is strong and we are
proud to have maintained a robust enrollment throughout our 60 years of existence. We are asking the entire
Divine Child community to join us in investing in the excellence that Divine Child Catholic Schools represent.
We need the support of all constituents to help ensure that the exceptional educational experience that we provide
will continue well into the future. Your gift to the Investing in Excellence Capital Campaign will enable us to fund
the facility improvements necessary to better serve our current students and position Divine Child Catholic
Schools to remain vibrant and viable for our next 60 years.
Elementary School
Outdoor Activity Complex
Renovation of Four
Existing Classrooms
and Science Lab Addition
598 New Seats
including Wheelchair
Accessible Spaces
New Locker Rooms,
Multi-Function Area
and Science Room
Multi-purpose Synthetic
Playing Surface, 8 lane Track
and Stadium Seating
Visit InvestingInExcellence.org
for Naming Opportunities, High School Auditorium Legacy Seat Program,
and all the latest information about the Capital Campaign.
16 Advancement Office
Class Agent Update
The Lundblad Family
Since she graduated from Divine
Child High School in 1981, Laurie
(Klemczak) Lundblad’s life has taken
many turns, starting at the University
of Michigan’s nursing school, to
graduate and post-graduate school,
single parenthood, health issues of
her children, and a challenging career
as a pediatric nurse practitioner and
clinical psychologist. Eventually this
path led her back to Dearborn and
Divine Child High School. Lundblad
moved back home to the Divine
Child neighborhood in 2012, where
she grew up, and joined the parish.
Her parents, Theresa and Larry
Klemczak, are long-time parishioners
and still live within walking distance
of the church. Fr. Kucyk baptized
Laurie when he was an Associate
Pastor. Laurie enrolled her three
children at Divine Child High School.
Jillian graduated in 2014; Joey and
Jonathan will both graduate in 2016.
Reconnecting with her alma
mater was a good move for Lundblad
and her family. By all accounts, her
kids have flourished at Divine Child.
Jonathan, a member of the state
Jillian'14 as
Team in Training Supporter
18 Once A Falcon
Summer 2015
...and the door just opened
Jonathan '16, Laurie '81, Jillian '14 and Joey '16 Lundblad
champion forensics team and chorus as well as a regular player in many
Theater Department productions, was recently nominated at the Dearborn
Area Theater Association (D.A.T.A.) PAGE Awards for Best Supporting
Actor in a Musical for his role in Fiddler on the Roof.
Joey, a member of Pit Orchestra, Marching Band and Symphonic Band,
has been working successfully with the High School’s innovative Instructional
Support Program for several years to overcome learning obstacles related to
his autism.
Jillian, who was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia at age 6,
is studying at Alma College with the goal of following her mother’s footsteps
into pediatric nursing. Through her involvement with the Leukemia and
Lymphoma Society’s “Team in Training” (TNT) initiative, Jillian has cheered
on multiple teams as they raised money through athletic events all over the
country. As a senior at Divine Child, Jillian returned to TNT as a volunteer
and was an invited speaker at the 2013 Detroit Marathon. She was recently
featured on a TNT postcard as a childhood cancer survivor, inspiring the
following post on her mother’s Facebook page: “Celebrating Life and my love
for Jillian Lundblad. Her joy and enthusiasm for life are infectious!”
"I wanted my children to receive a Catholic education more than anything,"
says Laurie. "I was afraid that Joey's disability would be an insurmountable
barrier for him to receive a Catholic education." The door was initially opened
by Fr. John Riccardo, Pastor at Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) and
Kay Reilly, Principal at OLGC where Joey was able to attend grade school.
The second door was opened for Joey by Fr. Jim Bilot, Pastor at Church of
the Divine Child and Peggy Knuth, Principal at DC. "I just cannot express
how life changing those opportunities have been for him and our family. Most
families don't think twice about all their children being in the same school...I
Thank you to the following Class
Agents for filling the open positions:
did. Catholic schools have not always been able to accommodate kids with
disabilities. Divine Child High School's Instructional Support Program has
been remarkable for my family and many others."
It’s no surprise that Lundblad’s Catholic faith is an important element
of her life, but it’s one that has not been without challenges.
Lundblad maintains a busy professional life as a clinical psychologist
at Building Bridges, a pediatric therapy center, where she provides
psychological and psycho-educational testing and diagnostics, counseling,
and other services for children with developmental delays, autism,
language disorders, and other issues. She also consults with families and
school districts to help create positive educational environments that
allow children to reach their potential. Being the parent of special needs
children has prepared her well for this work. Lundblad recently earned the
qualification of Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), prompting her
to joke: “I will officially have as many letters AFTER my name as there are
IN my name!” (Her official title is Laurie A. Lundblad, PsyD, PPCNPBC, BCBA.)
As a side business, Lundblad operates as an independent skincare sales
consultant for Rodan + Fields. She enjoys the flexibility of this work.
In spite of her numerous professional obligations, Lundblad still finds
time to give back to Divine Child High School as a parent volunteer
supporting her kids’ extracurricular activities. Her ability to efficiently
manage a play, plan an afterglow party, and help with numerous band,
chorus, and forensics activities has earned her the nickname by her children
and parents of “The Drama Mama.” She is also well-known at the parish as
the organizer of the traveling Our Lady of Fatima devotional.
"I loved being a 12 year student at Divine Child. I am proud that I
was one of the first recipients of the Monsignor Weier Award. The high
school prepared me to meet the academic rigor of University of Michigan.
I watched my friends struggle in classes that were review from high school
for me. Along with the guidance of my parents, I think that my years at DC
also prepared me spiritually for the challenges life would bring."
~By Karen Kruszka and Kathryn Koehler
Jack Dempsey
Erin (Nalepa) Gianopoulos
Heather (Hickey) Dobzyniak
Michelle (Popoff) Sings
Theresa Skora
Scott Pangrazzi
John Solimanto
George Sawaya
We are still in need of Class Agents
for: 1967
The Class Agents are Alumni volunteers
serving as liaisons between their
classmates and the DCAA, providing
updates for the alumni database,
assisting with reunion planning, and
sharing news happening both in the
alumni community and at Divine Child.
To view the complete list of Class
Agents, visit the Alumni and Friends
section at www.divinechildhighschool.
If interested in becoming a Class
Agent, please contact Scott Dickey,
Alumni Coordinator, at dickey@
divinechild.org or 313.216.0892.
Divine Child Alumni Association
Current Board Officers
President: Greg Cibor '89
Vice President: Karen (Mulholland) Gessler '89
Treasurer: Mike Vecchioni ’72
Secretary: Katie Zakar '99
Members at Large:
Sara (Grudzinski) Metzger ’94
Matt Moore ’04
Cheryl (Oros) Nelson ’75
Jennifer Topolski ’85
Jonathan '16 as Perchik in
Fiddler on the Roof
Joey'16 performs in the
DC Marching Band
Alumni Coordinator:
Scott Dickey '85
DC Alum Brings Locally Brewed Beer
to Henderson, Nevada
Bad Beat Brewing opened
its doors to the public at their
grand opening on July 11, 2014
as Henderson’s first brewery and
taproom. Bad Beat is a poker-themed
microbrewery that was looking to
add some new flavor to the Southern
Nevada beer scene. Owner and
former poker player Nathan Hall,
brought on Weston Barkley, former
Joseph James Brewing Company
brewer, to help bring his vision to life.
At Bad Beat Brewing, you can
enjoy freshly-brewed pints, while
playing shuffleboard, darts, regular
Nintendo, or catching a game on the
Nathan Hall, Owner, Weston Barkley, Head Brewer
65-inch TV. Trivia Night Thursdays
Mike Dominiak '02, Director of Imbibing Operations
have become an immensely popular
event. Food is not served onsite, but
food trucks are parked outside some days and always for special events.
Along with serving beer in the taproom, Bad Beat Brewing beer is distributed to bars and stores throughout the Las
Vegas valley. Their beers can be found on tap at bars both on and off the Strip, as well as in bottles in stores like Total
Wine, Whole Foods, Sprouts, and even Costco. Most recently, they were chosen to brew a house pilsner for The Pint
and The Martini in Summerlin, Nevada, as well as being on tap at Cashman Field, where Las Vegas’ Minor League
Baseball team, the 51s, play.
Mike Dominiak (Class of '02), is the Director of Imbibing Operations at Bad Beat, meaning along with overseeing
marketing, social media pages, and all graphic design, you can also find him pouring pints behind the bar most nights or
hosting Thursday Trivia Night. Mike’s wife, Beth, draws all the characters found on their bottles and on posters in the
taproom. Mike, with the help of Nathan, hand-sanded, stained, framed and hung the intricate, rustic pallet-wood walls
inside the 55-seat taproom (as seen in the picture), and also built the bar and tables for the brewery. He invites all Divine
Child staff and alumni to stop in and see him if you're in Vegas; he's only about 15 minutes from the Las Vegas Strip!
Check out the website at www.badbeatbrewing.com! Bad Beat Brewing, 7380 Eastgate Rd - Suite 110, Henderson, NV 89011
Congratulation to our New Alumni Association Board
President - Greg Cibor '89
Vice President - Karen (Mulholland) Gessler '89
Treasurer - Mike Vecchioni '72
Secretary - Katie Zakar '99
At-Large Members:
Sara (Grudzinski) Metzger '94
Matt Moore '04
Cheryl Nelson '75
Jennifer Topolski '85
Special thanks to Cheryl (Oros) Nelson '75 for serving as President for the past 8 years and staying on as an
At Large Member! We truly appreciate your service to Divine Child High School and look forward to an
exciting year!
Rusin '05 Steps in
for Gutsy Start in
Rockies Debut
The Rockies called up lefty pitcher Chris Rusin '05 once before for a
doubleheader, but he never took the mound. The rains that fell all day when
he was recalled for an emergency start seemed especially cruel. But the skies
cleared, and Rusin made a strong first impression in purple by yielding one
run and four hits in seven innings of the Rockies' 2-1 loss to the Reds at
Great American Ball Park.
"There was a window, and they said they knew we were going to get the
game in and we were going to be on time," Rusin said. "Just had to get in, get
out as quickly as possible. I was able to do that. It turned out to be a quick
Rusin, 28, made pitches to heart-of-the-order hitters to escape two major
jams. "He has a four-pitch mix going really well, threw to both sides of the
plate and really did everything I asked him to do," said catcher Nick Hundley,
who homered in the fifth for the Rockies' lone run. Rockies manager Walt
Weiss said, "Rusin was outstanding -- good fastball with late movement,
threw his secondary stuff for strikes. He was in control all the way."
Rusin was 3-2 with a 6.29 ERA in seven games, six starts, at Triple-A
Albuquerque, but he was far more effective in his Rockies debut. Rusin had
appeared in 24 games, 20 of them starts, for the Cubs in 2012-14.
"It's a confidence booster for me, because I've been throwing well down
there [in Triple-A], but not like this -- I haven't been able to go past the sixth
inning," Rusin said.
~Thomas Harding, MLB.com
Zahra '77 Re-elected to MI Supreme Court
Congratulations to Courtney
Brewis ’09 who qualified for the
2016 USA Olympic Marathon Trials
to be held in February 2016 in Los
Angeles. She is the first DC Alumni
to achieve such an accomplishment.
Her qualification gives Courtney
an opportunity to run in the 2016
Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro,
Courtney runs over 70 miles a
week. She is pursuing a doctoral in
physical therapy, anticipating getting
her degree in the Spring of 2016.
On January 1, 2015, Justice
Brian K. Zahra '77 was sworn in
to the Michigan Supreme Court
Justice by Chief Justice Robert
Young. He was appointed by
Governor Rick Snyder to the
Michigan Supreme Court on
January 14, 2011. The people of
Michigan subsequently elected
him in November 2012 to a partial
Michigan Court of Appeals Judge Michael
term and then re-elected him in
Talbot '63, Fr. Bilot, 3rd Circuit Court
November 2014 to a full term.
Judge Margaret M. Van Houten '87, and
In naming Zahra, Governor
Michigan Supreme Court Justice Brian
Snyder stated "Brian has a
Zahra '77.
tremendous record. He served for
16 years on the bench, both on the Court of Appeals and in Wayne County.
He's a rule-of-law judge, which was one of our key criteria, and he's recognized
for being one of the hardest working people in the state of Michigan with
respect to the judiciary." Quote: Morning Sun News. January 24, 2011.
Follow us on Twitter
@DivineChildSch and
@DC1958 for more news,
events and articles!
Lindsay Weiss '11 recently
graduated magna cum laude, Phi
Beta Kappa from Albion College,
receiving a degree in sociology and
English - creative writing, with a
concentration in the Gerald R. Ford
Institute for Leadership in Public
Policy and Service. Weiss was one
of just 29 students to graduate with
Albion College Honors, signifying
completion of the College Honors
Program and an original thesis.
Weiss also received the Robert B.
Notestein Award for Outstanding
Scholarship in Anthropology &
Sociology and an Honors Program
Outstanding Thesis award.
Melissa Mack '11 was honored
as the student speaker at Michigan
Technological University’s winter
commencement ceremony. Melissa
graduated magna cum laude, earning
her bachelor’s degree in Biomedical
International minor. While at
Michigan Tech, she was involved
with such organizations as the
Nordic Ski Club and the Copper
Country Cycling Club. She enriched
her Spanish minor by studying
abroad in San Sebastián, Spain and
by participating in La Peña, the oncampus Spanish conversation hour.
Melissa is planning on a career in
automotive safety, and to this end
has interned at the General Motors
Laboratory, where she prepared
crash test dummies for vehicle safety
tests and worked to standardize
international crash test dummy
calibration. She is currently pursuing
her master’s degree in Mechanical
Engineering at Michigan Tech and
will work for General Motors this
summer as a Safety Integration
Starr-Ambrosia Muslim '13
was crowned Miss Sophomore at
Tennessee State University. She is
also the founder of DATAS, which is
an organization that promotes dignity
and self-esteem among young girls.
Hayley Stempien '11 was
honored by the National Association
of Intercollegiate Athletics as one of
the 2014-2015 Daktronics Women's
Basketball Scholar-Athletes. Hayley,
along with five other Madonna
University student-athletes were
among the 255 players honored
The Divine Child Alumni
Association hosted its 13th annual
Scholarship Essay Contest. The
topic for this year was "How have
your years at Divine Child High
School prepared you to serve the
community?" The winners are:
1st $250 Dane Miller
2nd $125 Sean Vichinsky
3rd $125 Annie Nelson
Congratulation Falcons!
22 Once A Falcon
Summer 2015
Ripley '12 (Alma College) and
Monty Wonnacott '12 (Concordia
University) in qualifying for the
Jr. Gold Bowling Tournament, a
national tournament for top youth
bowlers in the United States to be
held in Chicago, IL in July 2015.
Tina and Monty have been bowling
together since their freshman year
at Divine Child and are current
members of the MJMA (Michigan
Junior Masters Association).
Kaye Anne (Pappas) Starosciak
’91 won the Publix Georgia 26.2 mile
marathon with a time of 3:05:01.
Winning a large race in her home
state in tough weather conditions
was special, but this marathon had
a far more important objective for
Starosciak. She ran as a Rally Athlete
to support childhood cancer research
and was able to raise nearly $3,000
for a cause she feels very strongly
about. “For me, this race was about
supporting very brave children
and their families who face cancer
across this country every day,” said
Starosciak. “It’s always nice to win
a race, but I’m much more proud
of my friends and families members
who contributed to the Foundation’s
mission of beating childhood cancer.”
Starosciak also participated in
the Boston Marathon. She is married
to Matt Starosciak ‘91 and has three
Congrats to the Divine Child
High School alumni and faculty who
ran in the 2015 Boston Marathon:
Duncan Miller '09, Aaron Moore '10,
and Lisa (Clinton) Kirsch.
Simoncic '88 - writer of the movie
Small Talk. Steven Simoncic's plays
have received productions, readings
and workshops at The Goodman,
Steppenwolf, Victory Gardens, The
Second City, Pegasus Players, The
Baruch Center for the Performing
Arts, Stageplays Theatre, and The
Soho Theatre in London. Steven's
play, Once Upon a Time in Detroit, was
selected as a semi-finalist for the 2013
Eugene O'Neill Theater Center's
National Playwrights Conference,
and Heat Wave was recently selected
for Steppenwolf Theatre's 2015
Garage Rep season.
On April 24, 2015, Katie
(Dubuc) Elliott '04 and Patrick
Elliott '04 welcomed Joseph Patrick
Elliott, weighing in at 8.7 lbs. He
proudly wears his DC apparel!
4th Year German Club Seniors,
Warren Bieniak, Kayla Bonell,
Andrew Crawford, Joe Fontana,
Brad Lewis and Kyle MacLean,
together with Paul Bonell '83 and
Marco Monea '66, visited the
Swiss Guard Monument in Luzern,
Switzerland in April. The group also
traveled to Germany and Austria.
Herr Young, the current German
teacher, will be sponsoring another
trip to Germany in the Spring of
History was made when Jordan
Oesterle '10 made his National
Hockey League debut with the
Edmonton Oilers on February 21,
Jordan grew up in Dearborn
Heights and played collegiately at
Western Michigan University. He is
the first Divine Child student to play
in the NHL!
Over 60 alumni, including
members of the 1981 Fiddler on the
Roof cast, crew and pit orchestra,
gathered for a reception before this
Spring's Fiddler on the Roof Alumni
Night performance.
Mike Alcala '82 (our original
Tevye) gave some preshow pointers
to Frank Bechard '15 and Tim
Braum '15.
Suzette (Husted) Heathcoat '81,
Jackie Ciarelli '81, Laurie (Klemczak)
Lundblad '81, Bernie McMahon '81.
Congratulations to Natalie
Berry '15! Natalie, who will be
attending Franciscan University of
Steubenville-Ohio, is the recipient
of the 2015 Robert Marcyan
The scholarship,
established in 2014 in memory of
Robert Marcyan '81, is awarded to a
hard-working, spirited, well-rounded
senior on the Divine Child High
School Boys or Girls Golf Team.
Proceeds of the scholarship are
available to offset costs associated
with the recipient's first year of
undergraduate study.
2014 Recipient: Joseph Biscaro
'14 (Wayne State University)
Mike Foye '63, Mike Alcala '82, Colleen
(Corrigan) Dillon '81, Suzette (Husted)
Heathcoat '81, Leo Tallieu.
Congratulations to Casey Baker
'14 on his appointment to the United
States Naval Academy for the Class
of 2019. Casey stopped by the high
school to visit Principal Hermann
and the rest of the Falcons!
24 Once A Falcon
Summer 2015
Congratulations to Brandon
Ebert '14 on his successful
completion of United States Marine
Corps Recruit Training.
Congratulations to the following Seniors and their Divine Child Alumni Parents!
Boes, Brett
Bonell, Kayla
Brewis, Austin
Bustamante, Zachary
Cicala, Darren
Crawford, Andrew
Dolkowski, Troy
Dunn, Mariel
Dunn, William
Fox, Brittany
Gibson, Ryan
Goslin, Trevor
Goslin, Collin
Grden, Kailee
Halt, Alexander
Landwehr, Brendan
Lentz, Julia
Makowski, Tyler
Mayers, Daniel
McCausland, Colin
McKeever III, Paul
Alumni Parents
Mary Bihun Boes ’81,Lawrence Boes '82
Paul Bonell '83
Michael Brewis '78
David Bustamante '87
Stephen Cicala '85
Jennifer Gollon Quicci '87
James Dolkowski '81
Mary Brewis ’79 and Regina Arcuri Dunn '88
Mary Brewis ’79 and Regina Arcuri Dunn '88
Patricia Thomas Fox '86
Susan Forystek Gibson '84
Kellie Conniff Goslin '86
Kellie Conniff Goslin '86
Sharon Malinowski Grden '82
Valerie Thibault Halt-Williams '86
Mary Jane Fitzgerald Landwehr '81
Michael Lentz ’88, Anne Gallagher Lentz '89
Maribeth Birch ’85, and Thomas Makowski '84
Robert Mayers '84
Tammi Tosto ’83 and Cameron McCausland '83
Rose Wojciechowski '87
Micallef, Peter
Mitra, Erik
Moore, Laura
Mulligan, Liam
Myler, Mary Ann
Nelson, Annie
Nizyborski, Ben
Persichetti, Kaylee
Posh, Sarah
Racine, Richard
Seitz, Elys
Springer, Sara
Stoops, Olivia
Szalay, Anna
Totten, David
VanBuhler, Joseph
Vink, Cindy
Vink, Cathy
Walker, Meghan
Zuccaro, Mia
Alumni Parents
Jodi Ann Zahra Micallef '83
Joseph Mitra '78
Michael Moore '74
Ann Gheesling Mulligan '78
Carl Myler ’81, Linda Peters Myler '83
Cheryl Oros Nelson '75
Mark Nizyborski '77
Kathryn Janus-Posh '82
Kelly Zerilli Persichetti '90
James Racine '77
Kevin Seitz '78
Laura Hofner Springer '82
Rosetta Cimino ’87 and Kevin Stoops '87
Michael Szalay '76
Nancy Focht Totten '74
Mary Gallagher VanBuhler '87
Gery Vink '81
Gery Vink '81
Teresa Jansen Walker '78
Lisa Watson Zuccaro '85
from the
Dear Fellow Alumni,
If you followed Divine Child
High School on social media over
the last year you may have noticed
a recurring hashtag in posts, tweets,
and emails - #faithinaction. Taken
from our mission statement, “We
are dedicated to developing youth
who pursue lives of responsibility,
leadership, and faith in action,”
this phrase became the inspiration for many of the
initiatives that took place at Divine Child during the
academic year. Our goal was to build a new culture
of philanthropy within our educational community by
encouraging our Falcons to put their faith into action.
Perhaps the most obvious of these “faith in action”
initiatives was Pledge: Faith in Action, our all-school
student fundraiser focused on Christian service. This
past year our students raised over $142,000 to benefit
programs at Divine Child and then went out as a group
to serve at a variety of community locations. For more
information about Pledge: Faith in Action visit dcpfia.
In addition to our students, the faculty and staff
of Divine Child High School also helped to foster our
culture of philanthropy by sharing their time, talent
and treasure. Whether participating in service projects
or fundraising activities, our faculty and staff served
as enthusiastic role models for our students. In only its
second year, the Faculty and Staff Giving Campaign
raised over $7,600. Proceeds from this campaign will
directly benefit Divine Child students in the form of
need-based scholarships to be awarded by the Faculty
and Staff Scholarship Committee. The success of
this Giving Campaign is a testament to the belief our
faculty and staff have in our educational program and
our students.
In order to provide the next generation of Falcons
with the same level of educational experience that we
were fortunate enough to receive, it is vital that the
Divine Child culture of philanthropy extend to our
alumni as well. As we continue to foster in our current
students a commitment to share their gifts generously
as circumstances and talents allow, we will also
continue to ask you, our alumni, for support multiple
times throughout the year. The percentage of Divine
Child alumni who give back to their alma mater (1%)
is significantly lower than the national average for co26 Once A Falcon
Summer 2015
ed Catholic schools (10.5%). In order for Divine Child
to continue to offer the same exceptional academic,
creative, social, athletic and spiritual programs that we
experienced, this must change. We need your help.
Over the past 18 months we have built a strong
foundation for our Annual Giving Program and growing
this program remains our long-term goal. However,
in the short term our focus will turn to the Investing in
Excellence Capital Campaign. I invite you to learn more
about the Campaign by reviewing pages 16 and 17 and
then visiting InvestingInExcellence.org. Finally, I ask
each of you to consider making a gift to the Campaign.
Your participation in the Falcon culture of philanthropy
is critical to ensuring the continuation of Divine Child’s
tradition of excellence.
With kind regards,
Kristin (Szpunar) Hermann ‘89
Director of Advancement
Homecoming Weekend
Friday, September 25, 2015
Alumni Tailgate at Crestwood 5:30 p.m.
Parade from Divine Child to Crestwood 6:00 p.m.
Game at Crestwood 7:00 p.m.
The State Championship Teams
from 1975 and 1985 will be honored at halftime.
Ways to Give
Save the Date
By Mail
Divine Child High School
Advancement Office
1055 North Silvery Lane
Dearborn, Michigan 48128
Donate Online
Visit: supportdivinechild.org
Include Divine Child in your Estate Plans
• Make a bequest to Divine Child in your will
• Create a charitable gift annuity
• Make a gift of life insurance
• Donate retirement assets
Make a Donation of Stock
Please contact Kristin Hermann to arrange your
stock transfer.
Matching Gifts
Double or triple your gift by having your and/or your
spouse's company match your contribution(s).
For more information, contact Kristin Hermann,
Director of Advancement, at 313.216.0893 or
Auditorium Ribbon
Dust off those instruments!
Alumni Band Welcome Back
Celebrating 50 Years!
Saturday May 14, 2016
•Dinner and DCHS Tour
Sunday, May 15, 2016
• Alumni Band Rehearsal,
DCHS Auditorium, 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. (lunch
• Concert with HS Band,
DCHS Auditorium, 3 p.m.
Mr. Leo Talleau, Guest
Conductor, World Premier
of Commissioned Piece to
Commemorate Celebration
Friday, October 2, 2015
Class of 1975 40th Reunion:
Saturday, August 8, 2015. Please
contact Maria (Tell) Piotrowski @
mariabt117@yahoo.com for more
Class of 1980 35th Reunion:
Saturday, August 8, 2015 at
Conor O’Neill’s in Ann Arbor.
For more information go to: www.
or visit us on Facebook at Divine
Child Class of 1980 35 Year
Reunion. Email Brenda Husinka
at brendahusinka@gmail.com for
more information.
Class of 1985 30th Reunion:
Saturday, September 26, 2015 at
Bahama Breeze/Livonia, 7 p.m.
Sunday, September 27, Mass at
11:30 a.m. at DC Parish with
tour of High School to follow.
Please contact Kelly Campbell,
Class of 1990 25th Reunion:
Saturday, August 29 at The
Inn at St. John's in Plymouth,
MI. Contact Jeanne Micallef at
jjmicallef08@gmail.com or Rita
(Centi) Sherwin at ritasherwin@
25th Annual
Divine Child Catholic Schools
Gala and Auction
March 12, 2016 · The Henry Hotel
Celebrating A Quarter Century of Giving to Our Schools!
Saturday, March 12, 2016
The Henry
Autograph Collection
Fairlane Plaza
300 Town Center Drive
Continuing the Legacy at Divine Child High School
Traveling Falcons
The Divine Child Alumni Association hosted various events on our local college campuses in February and March.
We had an opportunity to socialize at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor at Cottage Inn, at Michigan State in
East Lansing at Pizza House, at Grand Valley State in Allendale at Peppino's, and at Central Michigan University in
Mt. Pleasant at Pisanello's. Thank you to all of the alums who attended! Like us on Facebook so you will know when
we visit your college town!
New this year, the Alumni Association will issue Lifetime Membership cards to the Class of 2015.
The DCAA also hosted a Welcome Back BBQ for our Young Alum
this June. Thanks to all who attended! Like us on Facebook or follow
us on Twitter to make sure you receive notice of all upcoming events!
28 Once A Falcon
Summer 2015
Our incoming Class of 2019 boasts 40 students whose parent(s) is a Divine Child High School alumnus. We
appreciate the confidence these graduates have in Divine Child as we continue our tradition of developing youth who
pursue lives of responsibility, leadership, and faith in action.
Student Alumnus Parent(s)
Jacob Balash
Cheryl Ciarelli Balash ‘87
Molly Boudreau
Chris Boudreau ’88 and Tracey Esper Boudreau ‘88
Lachlan Broekman
Mary Margaret Early ‘86
Maria Bustamante
James Bustamante ‘80
Matthew Cinzori
David Cinzori ’84 and Kimberly Ward Cinzori ‘84
Rebecca Damuth
Ronald Damuth ‘90
Joshua DePaulis
Todd DePaulis ’93 and Becky Owens DePaulis ‘94
Cara Dunn
Regina Arcuri Dunn ‘88
Richard DuRoss
Patrick DuRoss ‘88
Samantha Dye
Anne Fadler Dye ‘85
Cullen Fox
Patricia Thomas Fox ‘86
Colin Garner
Paula Bonell Garner ‘85
Christina Gondek
Michael Gondek ‘95
Madeleine Hermann
Damian Hermann ’89 and Kristin Szpunar Hermann ‘89
Emily Kuczajda
Chris Kuczajda ’85 and Donna Marchetti Kuczajda ‘88
Kristen Kukla
Brian Kukla ‘84
Aeron Latham
Marivi del Rosario Latham ‘82
Sarah McCausland
Sean McCausland ‘86
Liam McKeever
Rose Wojciechowski ‘87
John Metzger
Sara Grudzinski Metzger ‘94
Adeline Meyers
Mark Meyers ‘89
Erik Norwood
Richard Norwood ’86 and Susan Bacigal Norwood ‘87
Erin PigottJames Pigott ‘86
Robert Reynolds
Kathleen Brewis Reynolds ‘80
Elizabeth Rudzinski
Michael Rudzinski ‘89
Ryan Saladin
Karen McGovern Saladin ‘85
Julia Selewski
David Selewski ‘89
Amelia Senatore
Anthony Senatore ‘85
Madison Thomas
Michael Thomas ‘84
Marina Traub
Dina Marie Marchetti Traub ‘87
Alexander Tucker
Joseph Tucker ‘88
Cameron Urbanick
Barbara Sroka Urbanick ‘87
Magdalen VanBuhler
Mary Gallagher VanBuhler ‘87
Garrett Vincent
Jennifer O’Leary Vincent ‘93
Nicole Waldenmeyer
Lisa Abdallah Waldenmeyer ‘87
Elena Welker
Donald Welker ‘76
Abigail Witten
Kimberly Tierney Witten ‘94
Chad Wnuk
Gerlad Wnuk ’84 and Kathleen Corrigan-Wnuk ‘84
Noah Zuccaro
Mary Elizabeth Watson Zuccaro ‘85
Ryan Zurenko
Suzanne Sieczka Zurenko ‘95
Upcoming events for Future Falcons (current 7th and 8th graders):
Discovery Day for 8th graders: Monday, November 2 • Fall Open House: Sunday, November 8, 12:30 – 3 p.m.
Falcon For A Day shadow visits are available most school days beginning Monday, September 14
For admission information or to schedule a Falcon For A Day visit, please contact
Matt Saxer, Director of Admissions, at 313.216.0891 x268, or msaxer@divinechild.org.
Divine Child Elementary School Career Day
Stained Glass Windows
In October 2013, we began the
task of restoring the stained glass
windows in the church. The glass has
been removed, painstakingly packed
and taken to a Wisconsin studio to
be cleaned, re-leaded and repaired
of any cracks or holes. Because
of everyone’s generosity to the
Archdiocesan Changing Lives Together
campaign, we are blessed to have
our beautiful stained glass windows
back to be enjoyed for many years to
come. Thank you for your sacrifice
and commitment to maintain the
beauty of our church.
Fr. Jim Bilot
Where can you get together Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, Mayor
John O’Reilly Jr, MI Supreme Court Justice Brian Zahra, police officers
Corporal Anhut and Officer Burns, firemen Captain Steve Worden and
Brian Keith, Dentist Dr. Gary Hall, semi-pro basketball player Ms. Danielle
Cowart, zoologist Ms. Burnett, family practitioner Doctor Paredes and
priests Fr. Jim Bilot and Fr. John Kopson? At DCES Career day of course.
Thank you to our impressive speakers for your time and attendance. The kids
loved it!
Divine Child High School is a Catholic
high school centered in Gospel values and
Christian tradition. The school is rooted
in a long-standing tradition of excellence
and in an educational partnership with
students, parents and the community. We
are committed to providing opportunities
that nurture each student’s academic,
creative, social and spiritual growth. We
are dedicated to developing youth who
pursue lives of responsibility, leadership
and faith in action.
Divine Child
Alumni Association
Contact us:
1055 N. Silvery Lane
Dearborn, MI 48128
Kristin (Szpunar) Hermann ‘89
Director of Advancement
In Memoriam
The Divine Child community joins in prayerful remembrance of
those who have died. Our deepest sympathy and prayers go out to
the families and friends of:
Daniel Burger '91
Karen (Keating) Burghart '67
Thomas Fitzgerald '84
Michael Fregonara ‘07
Blaise Hebert ‘14
Robert Maher '69
Michael Stagg '80
“Happy are those who have died in the Lord; let them rest from their labors
for their good deeds go with them.” Revelations 14:13
Scott Dickey ‘85
Alumni Relations Coordinator
Karen Vuono Kruszka
Director of Marketing and
313.216.0891 x269
We are constantly striving to keep
our database up-to-date. If you
have a change of address, email
or phone number, please contact:
30 Once A Falcon
Summer 2015
Since 1950, the Church of the Divine Child has been a strong Catholic
presence in Dearborn and today remains one of the largest and most
vibrant Catholic parishes in the Archdiocese of Detroit, serving over 2,200
member families. Together, Divine Child Elementary School, founded in
1953, and Divine Child High School, founded in 1958, have grown to host
one of the largest co-educational Catholic school enrollments in Michigan.
With a heritage spanning 57 years, Divine Child High School has
imparted “goodness with knowledge” to generations of students and
continues to provide a Catholic education emphasizing spiritual, academic,
athletic, social and creative excellence. Over 10,000 alumni have gone
forward to build success on these values. Today, over 800 Divine Child
High School students enjoy the opportunity to study numerous academic
disciplines, compete in 26 sports, and participate in many extracurricular
activities, all built on a strong spiritual foundation.
Contributors: Rev. James Bilot, Mary Blicharz, Denise Brewis, Rick
Brewis '75, Bob Bush, Sara Calupina, Tony DeMare, Lil Dominiak
Paul Egan, Detroit News, Ann Marie Grabarkiewicz, Thomas Harding,
MLB.com, Damian Hermann ’89, Kristin (Szpunar) Hermann ‘89,
Suzette (Husted) Heathcoat '81, Melissa (Sinkevics) Hutchinson '90,
Terry Jacoby, MIPrepZone, Kathryn Koehler, Melissa Knepshield,
Karen Vuono Kruszka, Donna (Marchetti) Kuczajda ‘88, Michael
Martinez, Detroit News, Patricia Montemurri, Detroit Free Press, Jake
Newby, MIPrepZone, Marilyn O’Brien, Emily Owens, Pat Pauline,
J. Patrick Pepper, Dearborn Press & Guide, George Pohly, MIPrepZone
Ann Marie Prevost, Jude Ripley, Mary Sarb, Matt Saxer, Yvonne
Schuck, Sue Suchyta, Times-Herald News, Kathy Tar, Ricardo Thomas,
Detroit News, Derek Van Diest, Edmonton Sun, Frank Wladyslawski,
MI Prep Zone/Heritage, Jack Zelazny.
Once a Falcon magazine is published semi-annually by the Divine Child Alumni
Association for graduates, parents of graduates and friends of Divine Child High
Divine Child High School
Advancement Office
1055 N. Silvery Lane
Dearborn, MI 48128
Remember Divine Child High School in your will.
For more information, contact
Kristin Hermann • 313.216.0893.
Like us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
Visit us on LinkedIn
Follow us on Instagram
Divine Child Alumni Association
and Divine Child High School present the
5th Annual
Divine Child Golf Classic
Friday, August 15, 2015
golf pa
$ 5
Dearborn Country Club
800 North Military Street
Dearborn, MI 48124
The tournament is a 4-person scramble.
Registration opens at 7 a.m. with a shotgun start at 8 a.m.
Cost includes continental breakfast, 18 holes of golf with cart,
beer on the course, buffet lunch and reception in the main ballroom,
ice cream sundae bar, award and prizes.
Divine Child Alumni Association
and Jack Demmer Ford present
23rd Annual FALCON 5K
in memory of Mark Carpenter ‘68
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Tot Trot - 8:15 a.m.
1 Mile Fun Run - 8:45 a.m.
5K - 9:15 a.m.
Registration opens at 7 a.m. in the Divine Child High School Atrium.
We welcome runners and walkers of all ages and abilities.
All are welcome.
Please consider Sponsor Opportunities,
which are vital to the continued success of the tournament.
Proceeds benefit the Divine Child Alumni Association and
Divine Child High School Girls Cross Country team.
Proceeds benefit the Divine Child Alumni Association
and Divine Child High School Scholarship Fund.
Online registration, information and results available at:
For more information, contact Scott Dickey.
dickey@divinechild.org or 313.216.0892
For additional information, call 313.333.9213 or email falcon43@att.net