1956-06-14 The Chatsworth Grapevine
1956-06-14 The Chatsworth Grapevine
~"-,,,,,,,f&,,,,,,~~ The Chatsworth s: 91 q ~ .f 2.. .. Bulk Mail ; Boxholder P .O. or Rural Rot1.tc 4\ Chatsworth, Calif. • U.S. Postage PAID 'if Chatsworth, Ca lif. Pennit NoJS •• {?;~;:~j:~;~::::;::::;;:;::;::::::::: ':f~:: ·.}t?\ ;.: ;:;{.:.:. ; : ;.;.;.;.; ::;.;. 'C:: ••. T h o s e o f our Eleme ntary School who are being pr om oted to Sutter Juni or H i gh are: Janice Belkowski, George Boylan, Billie Breit, Dani e Brown, Gw e n d l e Ca r ter, Guad a l up e C a str o , G era l d i ne C linton, P h y llis Donle y, R o s a lie Duran, R os e Eve re t t , Sharon Finc k, Ra che l F urubott e n, Ga r y Go s s , John H auser, Ro bert H i ll , Robert Huggin s , Ka r e n Hummel , Lin da Jennings, St even K afka , Paul K enned y , Pame la Kenne y, S us an Kenney, Lynn Mac Lean , Judy Mandel, Eddie Moore, Priscilla Morton, Sandra Parnham, Karen Porter, Cecilia Roat cap , Jerry Scheiderich, Edward Schepl e r , Patricia Schrader, Billy Snook, Nancy Steinke, Judy Stol- 1i~·gs;··Chester Talbert, Barba r a Townsend , Joan Wilson and Willa jean Woodman. Today t h is cla ss i s presenting a Fla g Day pr o gram f o r p ar e n t s a n d fr ien d s; our PTA p r e sented each child with a g roup p i c ture of the A -6 cla s s; and ic e cream refres h m ents w ill b e g ive n t h e m tomo r r ow . So-long, kid s , and hi - y a grown - ups . T h o s e of Chatswo rth's Sutter A-9 class are: Rod A d a m , N ick Amod i o, Gary B rig gs , A r t Cap p s, Doug CowIe , Ri c h ar d Dipoma , Haro ld Fairbank, Hank Fladwed, E d Haus e r Larry Hill, Ted Miller , Roger Moon, Leland Pettis, Victor Ramage, David Riley, Dick Steen, Jam es Ya::nmamoto, Bill Young, Elsa Braun, Joan Curtis, Nancy Mandel, Ann Nicassio, Leuise Schep ler, Peggy S lye, D iane Sumner and J udy Wat son . A p r o g r a m is scheduled fo r t h e m tom or row i n t h e school auditoriu m , and parents and friends are i nvit ed. Those of th e Senior Class at Canoga P'ar k Hi gha.r e : John Ahlstrom , (Please tur n to page 3) Page 2 THE CHATSWORTH GRAPEVINE I June 14, 1956 Guests from far and wide 'came Bill Chena rd, .a t t i.r e d i n white coats to pay h om a g e to that age-old inand black t rous er s . T he enti re stitution of maiden joining with wedding ensemble joined the coupman to fo r m the God-honored u n- l e in the remaini ng 2 0' t o the altar i on o f marriage , when, within the rail. The baritone soloist r e n d e rholiness of St . John 's Episcopal ed two selections " 0 P'e r fe ct Love ll Church i n Los Angeles, Leonard l a nd "Ave Mar ia" before the proChena r d, s on o f the late R obert I c e s s i onal, and " T'h .e L o r d P'r ay e r !' Chenard and M r s . P ho ebe Ch e n du ring the exc han g e o f vow s . ard of Chat sworth took unt o him The brid e t s m other was gowned s elf f or hi s b r i de , Miss Be verl y · in r o s e-b eige with matching acc e s Ann Genholt, daught e r of M r . and sorie s and w a s e sc o r te d t o h er Mrs. Ra ym ond Genh olt of Stafplace of h onor b y P h o e b e ' s broth e r ford Springs, Connecticut, in a Walter Brown. The groom's modoub le -ring c e r e m o n y s olemnized the r , gown ed in D ior -bl.ue with [Ia st Saturday, June 9th. mat ching ac cessories , was escortI Th e radiant bride w a s gowned ed by her son, B i ll , a nd seated in t h e traditional white satin, lace with her was L eonard I s godm other l a n d tulle , full - le ngth sleeves, IMrs . J os. Granville. finger-tip veil , c h a pel tra in , a n d A reception by c a t e r e r s from . c a rri e d a whit e or c hid s urround ed P as a d ena for a p p r ox. 2 0 0 gues t s i by white g l a d bl o om s on a white I (of w hi ch a goodl y numb e r w er e B i bl e. She was a vision o f loveli- i from Chats wo rth) wa s h eld in the i nes s as she came down the 7 5 t hu ge recre atio n hall where the 4aisle on the arm of her father, tiered weddin g c a k e w a s fi r s t cut : and was preceded to the fo ot of by the newly-weds and a toast to the c h a n c e l b y her three brides one another f r om the mutual lovmaids, Misses Teresa Ferrero, ing c up. Also among the eastern Kathleen Harrison, Miriam Higguests w e r e Phoebe I s sister, Mrs. genbotham, gowned in coral, yel- Marie Johnson of Springfield, Mass low and mint -green respectively A short honeymoon was had at With m a t chi n g ac cessories, and Hotel Mir am a r i n Santa Monica, t h e m atr on - o f- h o n o r Betty Faille, and toni ght the bridal couple w ith gown e d in a qua , and all carrying the eastern gues t s, le a ve via p lane jla rg e gla d -pet a l bou quets. Little fo r a two- week honeym oon in BevMi s s Joyce Eudy, gowned in pale e rly's home town . Ne xt S aturday p i nk , wa s t h e flower girl , and 4 n i gh t a re ception o f 150 guests year old Je ffre y Chenard was the a waits them , featuring smor gasr ing b e arer . bord and a n orchestra, and a The g r o om was as sisted b y shower of "gree nba c ks " for their hi s b est m an, Clayton Ferrero, home here in Chatsworth . and ushers Walt e r Brown o f Con gr atulations and best wishes Staff o r d Springs, R obert Faille , to Len and B e v- -a c h a r m i n g couple. II I I I ! I I I, I I I I I June 14, 1956 THE CRA T SWORTH GRA PE VINE GRADUATING CLASSES continued from page 1 -- 'P a ge 3 Scout Breakfast The Boy Scouts o f Cha tsw o r t h are b e i n g given a h e l ping hand by v a r ious food con c erns wh en a Breakfast will b e held on Sat u rday June 23rd from 8 :00 'til noon at the parking lot of Shopping Cart Market, who prompted them to d o something for our scouts. A unt Jemima will furnish the pancakes, Oscar Mayer on the sausages , Challenge for all the milk and butter , Folgers on t h e coffee , and either Pictsweet or Cal F a me on the orange jui ce , all prepar e d on the premises by experien ced cooks ; Shopping Cart will furnish all paper sup plie s . Your par t is a 5 0 ¢ d onation and your presence - - - be t h e r e . Nakita Bryan, Bob Gillie, Barbara Carter , Edna Carter, Bill Janess, Judy DeGroot, Richard Kern , M ichael Klass, June Georgeson, Jon Lauritzen, Nan. ette Jetton, James ROB s, Marilyn Kvarford, Don Shaw, Charles Sher idan and Judy Peet. Their graduation is this afternoon and tonight will see an all-night party at Devonshire Downs with all the other West Valley graduates. Graduating from the various c olle g e s a r e : Diana Watts from Pi e r c e; D a l e S mith f rom Occiden t a l; B i ll Garman from Davis; Mi chae l M c Ginni s from S t anford . T h e re a r e man y priva te par t i e s a b ou t to h ono r these stu d en t s )j~* ~$;;;;p~;tIt;**** **** ***)~ * in the i r asc ension in the s ch o ols M r s . Ro bert R oyl e, 52, of 2 1500 of know l e d ge . Cong ratulat ions Devons h i re , w a s laid to rest in to each of you, one and all! ! * * * * *** ** * * * *** ************ * * *~ F u lle r t on J u n e 6 followi n g an illn e s s of many month's duration . M r . and Mrs . E D WA R D R OA CH left on M ay 30th fo r a four-month She lea ves to m ourn he r p assing he r h us band and a s on and tr ip' to England , their former daughter-in -law. O u r praye rs horne , to visit relatives and friends. What a wonderful vacaa re with this family in their hour of sorrow. tion that will be! e&H Chevron Service Complete Lubrication Tire and Battery Service Free Pick-Up & , Delivery D18-3131 21701 Devonshire P~q"tg~ ANNUAL JUNE £LEARAN£E SALE Big Reduction on all Gift Items Gifts For All Occa sion s . . Gift Wrapping Our Specialty! We Ship All Ove r the World Open Every Day in the Week 21032 Devonsh ir e 01 8-4114 Chatsworth THE C HAT SWORTH GR A P E VINE P age 4 Jun e 14 , 19 56 Chatsworth Fiesta ~~co. WERTTI UPI-IOLSTERY COMPLETE HOME FUR NISHlNG SERVICE O VE R 2 SY E A R S CUSTO M U PHO LSTERING Furn iture Decorating • Draperies - Floor Coverings Refinish ing - Repairing OUROWNWORKSHOPS 72 22 HASKELL AVE. STate 6-3731 VAN NUYS, CALIF . Don It f orget Graduati on G ifts c** *** ** ** * ~* * **** *~ SUR P R IS E "FA T H ER" with a GIFT fr o m t h e Chatsworth Dept. Store 21700 Devonshire DI8-3904 We Give S &H Gree n Stamps ~ V '****************************** A w ond e rful picture and w r it eup about the MUEHLENBACH 'S of 22 23 1 De vons h i re i n l a st F ri day 's Evening He .;:o ald. I f y ou 1 " ha ven t seen It , look It up ! ~:(~:(~:<~:( ~r(;::~){C}:<):~:::< >:c:1'):():C ):': ::~):(>'.c):C):(:::(>:<:::c :::c>:( ):C ):~):C):(:::( ~ #1f4tp. . ~~~. 7k ehat~ih (j~ ." , . ,~ , ¥~ Publi shed Weekly by WEST VALLEY LETTERS 10347 Jo rdan Aven ue Chatsworth, Ca lif. DIamond 8-7 643 Edito rs Circulation 1600 Viola Haskell , Advertising L orna ~ " ~:;t~';:'4 June 14, ] 956 THE CHATSWOR TH GRAPEVINE 'Pa g e 5 ...nont ofus li\1tth to himstlf ~ F o r none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to him self. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; a nd whether w e die, we die unto the Lo rd ; whether we live therefore, or die , we are the Lord's . For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CHATSWORTH 10025 DeSoto Avenue. Rev. Charles 'T. Hughes, Pasto r 20'713 Parthenia, Oanoga Park DIamond 8-4996 SUNDAY SERVICES Church School: 9:45-11: 00 a vm , Worship Service: 11 :00-12: 00 a. m. Jr . Church: 11 :00-12 : 00 a.m. Youth Fellowship: 6:30- 7:30 p .m. Evening Worship: 7: 30- 8:30 p .m. SET MEETINGS Choir Rehearsal: 6 : 30 p .m. Wed . Praye r-Bible Study:7:30 p.m. Wed. Circle #1 daytime: 3rd Thursday Circle #2 evening: 2nd Tuesday ( Nursery provided duri ng all serv .) FOUR SQUARg cHURcH: American Legion Building 21340 Devonshire Blvd. Rev. Cad Bums, Pastor 9&M DeSoto Avenue. DI 8-2049 SUNDAY SERVICES COMl\IUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 10051 Topa.nga Canyon Blvd. Dr. Harold ~ Pastor Home Ph. EMpire 3-1326 Office Ph. DI 8-1231 8-76t3 SUNDAY SE R VICES Church Schoo l: 9 : 30- 10:45 a .m. Worship Service: 11:00-12:15 a.m. ( Includes Jr . Church an d Nurser y) J uni or MYF 5: 45-7:45 p .m. Senior MYF 6 :45-9:30 p .m . We sley Fellowship: 7 :00 p.m. Evening Ser vi ce: 7:45- 8 : 30 p.m . SET MEETINGS All Commi s s i ons: 7:30 p.m. 2nd Wednesday 8:30 p.m . 2nd Offi cia.l Board: Wednesday 9: 30 a .m. Tues . Prayer Group : 7:30 p. m. Thurs . Bi ble Study: 7 :30 p .m. Thurs . Choi r Rehearsal: 10: 00 a .m. 2nd WSCS Board: Wednesday 10:00 a.m. 3rd WSCS General: Wednesday Las t Tuesday Men' s Cl ub: Sunday School: 9:45-11: 00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00-12:00 a.m. Junior Church: 11:00-12:00 a.m. Youth Fellowship: 6:30-7:30 p.m. CHATSWORTH LAKE Evening Service: . 7:30-9:00 p.m. COMMUNITY CHURCH SET MEETINGS Sun day Scho ol 9 :45 a.m . Prayer Group: 9 :45 av m , Thurs. Servi ce 11:00 a.m. Worship Mid-Wee k Service: 7:30 p. m. Thurs. Missionary: 9:30 a.m. 1st & Temporary Pastor: Rev . Roy McKaughan 3rd Wed. The difference between listening to a radio sermon and going t o Church i s the same as the difference betwe en calling y ou r girl on the telephone and spending an evening with h e r. - -Christian Herald Page 6 THE CHATSWORTH GRAPEVINE June 14, 1956 Girl Scout Party The Girl Scouts gave their annual party May 28 at which time Sandra Torgison was invested in the traditional candlelighting ceremony, and the following awards given: year pins to Kay Asbury, Elsa Braun, Jeanne Pays erio , Carol Riley, Suzanne Playford, Joanne Straka, Donna Wassmouth; proficiency badges to Karin Cruse, Toni Altomari, Bonnie Baer, Virginia Ruff, Joanne Straka, Sandra Robinson, Jeanne Payseno, Judie Sanderson, Betsy Croman, Judy Werren, Linda Dahl, Ellouise, Marriott, Marita Spotts; fir st clas s rank to Bonnie Baer; curved bar , highest award i n Girl Scouting to .... Virginia Ruff, who also received her Senior Fresh, pin with Sue Smalley and Saundra Stalkup; Carol Riley received her Mariner pin. Choral readings by the Junior High Group were under the direction of Mr s , Adelaide Altomark; games in the International theme COR N E R directed by Mrs. Bessie Braun; a clear, concise report of the preceding Gam of the Mariner Scouts was given by Charleen Janess, whose dream is to become a leader of scouts as her mother; refreshments were ice cream sundaes with thoice of toppings. ******************************* The WILLIAM SINCLAIRS have moved from the former Leslie Johnson horne and moved to their new horne in Santa Susana. The house they vacated is undergoing a repaint job after which the new owners, Ray and Viola Cook and family, will move in. ******************************* ---------------------.-..j PETERSON DAIRY FARM Town & tountry CAFE Specializing in Parties Pasteurized, Homogenized 18¢ MILK ( IN CARTONS) :hi %-27%4 PLUMMER Morrow SboeRepair " Quality and F o r All Occasions Topanga at Devon shire CHATSWORTH DI 8-4756 -CL OSE D MONDAYS 18¢ Craftsmanship Always') Member Nat. Registry of Orthopedic Shoe Servicemen" 10236 Tepanga Chatsworth " & FARRALONE : L4S FURNITURE For all your furniture needs! J11apJe fxJ11odeJtn 21505 Sherman Way CANOGA PARK Open Friday nites~ DI. 8-8595 June 14, 1956 T HE CHATS WOR T H GRA P EVINE HAROLD FAIRBANK, JR ., is again in th e limelight this week. The Rotary Club of C a n oga Park offered the art class at Sutter the opporIt uni ty of cr e ating an insignia for their weekl y I Ibulletin s , and Harold's drawing of "The C ono 19 a n l ! was accepted by t he members . He was ! fe ted and d ine d , along with the Principal of Sutt er, Mr . Benedict, at las t Tuesday's lunchdon . T h a t b oy i s on his way! ! ******************************************* P TA NE W S "MIDOAK S", t h e spaci ous and int e resting ho me of the J . P . Armst ron g s o n La ss en St., C h a ts wort h , wa s the setting f o r t h e J un e t ea , whe n t he 19 55 -5 6 Bo ard mem be rs of th e Ch a t sw orth P ar k PTA h ono red the -new Board and Fa cu lty . The spreading Oaks, the fern and vin e-covered bar r a n c a running through the g rounds, and the rar e and beautiful plants wit h which t he place a bou nds lent unto ld enchant ment! to t h e affai r . M rs. Hube rt L a mb, t h e out go ing President , was prese nte d w ith an autom a tic co ffee m ake r and ele ctric trivet. T h e last BOARD MEETING of the Chatsworth Park PTA was held Monda y, June 4, in the school auditorium. Closing the busines s fo r t h i s semester, t h e Board vo t e d t o purchase Dictionari e s for the schoo l. **************************** **** ~~********** B E A RAK on DeSoto wo n t h e $6 .00 kitt y at Shopp ing Cart last Saturday n igh t ! Lucille ¥/ines Hair Stylin g Pe rson a lized Bea ut y Service Mon. thr u Fri. 9 :00 - 6 : 00 Wed . & Fri. 9 :00 - 8:00 Sat. - By Appo int ment AIR CONDIT IONED 21812 Devonshire DI 7 -8383 j I i P a ge 7 Mrs. HILDA SASS of Hanove r , Ger m a n y, arrived i n N e w Y or k via SS '''Ber lin '' and s ta yed t h e r e one w eek bef o r e planing h er way t o Chatswor Lh, for a pos s i b l e two- year stay wit h he r daught e r a nd husband , Mr . a nd Mrs Sam Arms tron g of 10501 Va r i e l . ******************* A n o th er good thing a bou t telling t h e truth is you don't have to remember what you say ! ):<>:<':'>'0:0:0:<>:<>:0:0:<':<>'0:<>:<>:0:<>:0:<_ Ray's SHELL SERVICE GOODYEAR TIRES and BATTERIES SHELL: Phone Di am ond 8-9 28 1 ~ 1&: 10243 Topanga Canyon Gift Galore f or Grads and Dads ( Wr app e d free o f charge ) FREE!! A $3.50 Rocket Crystal Mounted W ITH E VER Y WAT C H RE PA IR This offer go od fro m J u n e 7 th r o ugh June 21 Chatsworth Pharmacy (Prescr iptions Filled b y Go y o no Carmen) Mon. thN Sat. 9 -8 . Sun . & Hols 10-6 Devonshire & Topanga 01. 8-4267 Pl ent y o f Fr e e P a r ki n g THE CHATSWORTH GRAPEVINE Page 8 June 14, 1956 Just What Dad Orderec ~~ PUFFIN BISCUITS 2 TUBES fATIIER.lPAIi 25 C It ~ " Chick of the Sea TUN A e:vettVTHIN 1'. l - - - -. ""~~ 6 1/2 Oz. Can CHUNK STYLE 3'~ ~ $lA,LaI4d-o# 2 3ge .............. , 3 C ~~?~~•••«««. Morto n's f r oze n MACARONI and CHEESE ...... q.~ DRUMS1 for 8 _l/_2_0_z._ P_k_._ PET MILK ~~L~ t - - -:::=::::;;;;;::;::::::=-- - - - - - -"' d/~ri#U Zj~ --t' SUNSHINE KRISPY £RA£KEBS Calo 29CI ----i 1-- - - -- - -- ------1 DOG FOOD lb. 7 Ga rden Fresh ~ NORTHERN "-'_I Colore d Tiss ue 'b_"_~_ t-- ROMAINE 2 for' 5C LARGE GREEN Cucum be r ~ 7e 650 s he e t r olls NEW WHIT EROSE Potatoes SHOPPING 21360 Devonshire St" Open J?aily From 8:45 A.M . (MEMBERS OF CERTIFIEI CHA1 June 14, 195 6 . P age 9 T HE CHA TSWOR T H GRAPEVINE 1 Lb. ·Pk. 65~ ] CKS U. S. CH OI C E or GOOD BE EF POT ROAST 39~'b. EASTERN lb. Fresh GROUND BEEF 1 lb. CANS 2 Log Cabin SyrUp 30~ qeuwtj HOT DOGS s i lor $ NONE B E TTER Kingan 's Sliced BACON 12 Oz. Bt. :ART MARKET D GROCERS L • ...,.,. OF rsWORTH CALIFORNIA ) DI . 8-2115 Open Sun . ( Incl. Mea t D epr .) 10 A .M ' to f);30 P.M . Pag e 10 THE CHATSWORTH GRAPEVINE Jun e 14, ] 956 Single & Polyphase 21718 Devonshire Chatsworth, Calif. rt0akik~ Cafel I. Open . 6 . 0 0 il o m, -6.00p. m . Dail y i n clu din g Sund a y s ~ 44 .. Sweaters Skirts -. Pants (PIa,") LAUNDR Y Suits - Coats .8 8 ~ Dresses (Pla in) SERVICE Mo t h p r o o fi n g of a ll wo o l en g arm e n t s F r e e during m o nt h o f J u n e J 0 240 To panga Canyo n 01 8-5980 SPECIAL PLATE LUNCHES n ~_--_--------..--..lIli S om e t h in g Ne w E v er y D a y l 0 2 5 0 T op a n ga C an y on June 14, J 956 T H E CHATSWORTH GRA P E VINE Mail Delivery ' P a g e 11 Two Vacat ion Bible Schools The P . O. Department has apThe BAPTIST CHUR C H w ill pr oved the rep lacement of the have their school for ages 4- 15 Rur a l D elivery Service in Chats- ' s t a r t i n g n e xt Mon day, Jun e 18, wo rth with City Mounted Delivery through the 29th , fr om 9: 0 0 t o 12: 0 0 Serv i ce e ffective July 2, 1956, ac - noon, five da y s a week. Thei r theme cording t o P o s t m a s t e r Jennings. i s "The K ing's Adventureland" and T his change i s n e c e s s ary in . besides all the c rafts, game s , etc , , refreshments too! No res e r vati on s o rde r t o k e ep p a c e with the c on t i n u e d growth a nd the gradual I needed - just be on hand M on d a y change f rom t he rural t o an u rban morning a t 10025 DeSoto . commun ity. T he COMMUNIT Y C HURCH a t One full route and one auxili- : 10051 Topanga will start their va,:, ary route will be established at :, cat ion school July 2nd, c ontinuin g the s tart . Delive ry will h e by ! t hr ou gh t h e 13th , f e a t u ring the car, into the s a me type rural ) the m e " C h a m pion s For C hri s t " mail boxes used a t the pre s ent i w i th a ll t he crafts, game s, refre s h . time. Service will b e e x tended ment s t o make thes e s essions a most enjoyable time. t o many streets that are not n ow served by the rural route. The Have your children come to on e rout e s a re n ow being l aid out, and or both of thes e Vacation Bible carrier s will serve the boxes fro Schools. the c urb s ide of the vehicle . M ost ' '*,:C ****""**':C >:<>'''***''''*************** streets will be tr aversed i n one PETERSON tS DAIRY F ARM on dir e c tion on ly . Patr on s will b e Plummer feature a d rive - in se r notifi ed directly when and where vice on their cartoned - p a steur i z ed milk for 18~ -- don' t e ven h a v e to t o place their mail boxes o r relocate them d u e to changed line get out of y our car. For many of travel o f t he route. years milk was sold from t h i s dairy on a wholesale ba sis, and A ll m ail should be address e d t o s tre e t and number o r P o s t Ofha s n ow expa n d e d .t o bottling on fice B ox numbe r as at p re s e n t , the pr emises. w i t h the ex cepti on o f t h e Chat s***,:C****"">:<*****'lc>:c'''''>:<***'',c>:C***':C*** wo rth Lak e Ar ea w h i c h i s s erved T ED and MARY ANN FULLER of b y C h a tsworth Post Offi ce , w h e re 2 0832 D evonshire a r e seriously box n umbe r s will be a s s igned as considering establi s h i n g a Day an addr ess. Nursery here in Chat sworth for The cooperation of all patrons youngsters from 2 to 5 years of is resp ectfully requested i n the age . If you think you m ay be i nmatter of placem ent, pai n t i n g , terested a s a p os sible" client" or and numbering of mail boxe s, and if you think it would be a succ esful notification of all c o r r e s p on d en t s venture , c a ll them at DI 8-38 82. and publisher s o f correct s t r e e t >:c******",,*****'lc*>lc*""*",,***'lc'lc'lc'lc'lc*>:c* and number or box n um be r, i n or "If both sides make you laugh , you der t o facilitate delivery of mail. are broad-minded. " Page 12 THE CRA TSWORTH GRAPEVINE Is my face red - - that was sure some boner I pulled, shows how I keep up on these cowboys and their horses. But I did get the info r m a ti o n from someone who made the same mistake! However, if I'd been up on my toes Ild have known th e difference. Sorry! And what can I sa y after I say I 'm sorr y ? If you do n't know what I'm t a l kin g about, read t h e item 11 BOO BOO II on page 9 in your last issue. . .. . ... . . . For those of you who m is s e d m e last week and wondere d if l id resigned or something, ; the explan ati on is t hat at t h e las t ; minute the" g i rl s" w e re fa c e d with the p r oblem o f p l a cin g a coup : Le of extra a ds, and as it's t hei r ! " b r e a d a nd bu tte r" they had to . fi n d spa c e fo r them - - so no Lake column . But I fo r g a v e them so y ou ' ll have to too. At first I wondered if they were punishing me for that boner I pulled . On the evening of June 5, about i 5:30 p. rn , there was considerable excitement up here in front I of the local grocery store -- a screeching of brakes and everyone running toward the scene. A child had been hit by a speeding motorist. L ittl e four- year-old Sidn ey Hunter was crossing the street and the car hit him in the stomach and threw him up in the air and he landed IS feet away f r om where he was hit. He picked himself up and ran over to the store, but was badly skinned up-his nose, a possible fractured c h e e k (his mother hadn It heard th e results of the X-rays when I tal k ed to her) , skinned-up t o e s , I I I June 14 , 1956 and bruised abdomen. It was believed he might have suffered internal injuries as he complained of his stomach hurting and wouldn't eat for a couple of days, but his mother says he's eating regular now and he looked lively and chipper to me, so we all hope that not h i n g serious develops . . . . . . .. .. ANNA B RIG GS of Inglewood spen t t wo da ys , M a y 29 to the 31 st , wit h LaR o y and Maxine Briggs and ch ild r e n, the n on Sunda y , J u n e 3 , the Brigg s family a tt e nded a 5 0t h w e d d i ng anni ve r s ary p ar ty o f fr i e n d s in Hunting B I L L MARS t on Park h as b e e n nurs ing a badly -bur ned arm, t h e result of fillin g a b utan e tank that fla red up . Mr s . LEE COATES h a s been un der t he Doctor's ca re sin c e Memorial Day w h e n she suffe red a slight stroke Mrs. JUANITA MONTGOMERY has been under the weather with sciatica trouble On the night of June 4, ROCKY GREEN of Rocky's Cesspool Ser vice, had his truck badly 's rn a shed up when a 20-year old lad ran into him at the corner of Topanga Canyon Boulevard and Plummer . Worst of it w a s I his business had to stand still u n t i l i t w as repaired. .. . .. . . . . . ELEANOR and BERNIE SCHMIT Z have been on a w e e k i s vacation to Sequoia . PAT SCHRADER will take part in t he 2: 00 p. rn , s how put on by the L e al i e I s Little Red Dancing School in Canoga Park on Sunday the ] 7th , at the Canoga Park High School (continued on page 13) June 14, 19 56 THE CHATSWORTH GR APEVINE 'Pag e 13 - -- - - - - - _.._- -- CEL SCHA U L celeb ra ted the i r 30th wedding anniver sar y by e ating ! out at Helen e 1 s Ste a k auditorium. She will do a tap dance number w i t h Carol Neely, number 24 on the pr ogram. Hous e on Ven t u ra . Do c a nd Poli Silcox j oin e d Free t o the public CAROL ANN FOSTER celebrated her 12th birthday with a t h em on this happ y o ccasion T he bang-up birthday party on Sunday, J u ne 3 r d , fis hin g Mason s are still w i t h man y gue s t s t o help h er. Since t he kids just l o v e to see their names in print , her e are going strong . O n the th e n am e s o f t h e gu e s t s: L inda L e e , T om my, week-end o f the 2 6t h o f D anny a nd Te r r y Woola r d , Ke lly Mur phy, May the BUD MASON M ike and M a rk S izemo re, Pat , K a t h e r i n e a nd family went to Lake R ichard Enn is , Dawn Desper o, P at S c hrad er , San Feli ciano and Dan K athy a n d Janice Belkows k i , Gar y and R onnie c a ught a J O- i n c h c a t Ric hard, and Butch Ka r r. Hop e I didn It leave fish , the fir st he e v e r a n yone out! ! G ue s s you all kn ow c aught - - a n d was he pr oud! / b y now that our little HAMBU RG STAND is I fin a lly op e n for bu siness, opening on Saturday ,----=:=-=-="'='=::-:-:::::----.' IJ u n e 9. Thanks t o J . B . and his son Johnny j wh o s p e n t long hou r s o f l abor o n it. We r e a l !l y ne e d somet h i n g like that up h e re. Ma y !your busine s s re a ll y flourish . jA REWARD of $10 is offer ed for any i n for m a !t i on leading to the recovery of a TOTEM !PO LE w h i c h was stolen from t h e resid ence o f iI L a u r e l Morris in Box Can yon on May 12. He , w o r k e d for t w o years on it, and it means a Cl osed M ONDAY'S l g r ea.t deal to him. Call DI 8-6372 . 21629 Devonshire jTh e HERB TOWNSENDS celebrated th e i r 14 t h DI8-7855 [w e dd irig anniversary on May 29. CongratulaOpen daily 11: 00-9 : 00 tions ! And on June 1s t, MIKE and CHATSWORTH LAKE HIGHLIGHTS ~~~~ ~3~~y ~g e J ~ _ I ! ~~ .. ~.~~ .. .. .. ~ ~ ~ CLEM RUB your Chatsworth Chevrolet deale . IS NOW CONDUCTING H IS SPRING SALE Schwinn Bicycles Clem Ruhs low overhead means extra savi ng s which he pa sses on to you!! If you've been think ing ab out g etting a new car, be sure to see Clem Ruh first and ask about these t woway savings! New Car s &: Tr u c ks on Budget Terms Used Bicycles B ert S tr a ub IIWhere Friend Meets Friend" D17-1022 7 227 0 w e n s m o '. lt h , C. P. Tricycles Repa irs - All makes Used Car s ~"'~,"","'''''''''''E-4:' .'''''''''''''''''I(-olI(-oolII[-oIIIf-04:'''-'4Y CANOGA CYCLE CENTER 21818 Sherma n Way • DI8-4772 ~ Page 14 THE CHATSWORTH GRAPEVINE Rotary Baseball League All boys up to and including their 17th year and who do not have a letter in Senior Varsity in baseball are eligible! Games will be played at Orcutt and Reseda on Mondays from 5: "00 to 7:00 p. rn , West League will comprise Van Nuys, West Van Nuys, Reseda, and Chatsworth. Shirts and caps will be furnished by the Chatswort Rotary Club; balls, bats, and catcher equipment furnished by the L. A. Playground. This is for all boys who want to play hard ball in the Chatsworth area. Sign up now --we should start playing in two weeks. Call Hank Crowley at DI 8-7353 or Ray Hultman at DI 8-3669 and give size of shirt and cap so they may be ordered. J 'une 14 , 1956 INVITATIONS have been sent out for a Teen-Age Dance June 23 at the Woman's Club. Anyone interested who did not receive an invitation please call DI 8-1683 or DI 8-2563 'to get your name on the list. The dance will be from 8: 00 to II ~ 00 (sharp) and parents must bring and call for those who participate. ****>:<**,:<*,:<**>',c*>:<****':<*>',c***'l<****>'/ TRUDI BERKEMEYER of Santa Susana reached the terrific age of ! six last Saturday and those helping : ' her to celebrate the occasion were . Denise Trassacanda, Wendy Lar~ sen, Trudy Davis, Andi Ward, ' Paula Mates, Paul Staubach, Donny, Denny & Chuck Davidson, Joyce Burkhart, ·J oa n Padgett, Rex and her brother Terry. Hats, ,:<,:<*>',c*>',c,:<,:<>',c*':<>',c>',c,:<>',c':<':<'l<':<>',c>',c':<>:<>',c':<*>',c>:<>',c** balloons, with punch ice cream The four BAPTIST MINISTERS cones, cupcakes, candy and nuts visiting our country from Russia filled up all the hollow spots. visited the ROY ROGERS Ranch PAUL STAUBACH celebrated his last Monday. sixth birthday last Sunday and at .>:<>:<>:<>:<* ,:<>:<>,,c* ,:<>:<* ,:<* * * >,,c* >,,c >,,c >:<>:<>:<* ,:<* >',c>:<,:< >,,c>,p his party they were all engineers Mrs. DOROTHY WATTS of DeSoto of TV Engineer Bill: Michael Street was presented with the Am- Michelon, Darrell Cooper, Dickie erican National Red Cross Aquatic Parchman, Susan Clark, Trudi Scholarship last Friday in all the Be r kern e ye r , Danny Bergen, Rusaplomb of havingpfcrures taken sell Ahlstrom, Tommy Wisely, with Helen Davis making the pre- Aine Reed. Train favors, prizes, sentation and Charleen Janess of . games were in addition to the rethe Mariner Scouts giving her : freshments . What fun! r checks from ·s e v e r a l organizations ' >',c>:<* ':<>l<>',c*,:<>',c>',c***>',c>',c>',c>',c>',c>',c*>:<>',c'l<**':<****,l<; here in Chatsworth to help defray LEWIS BOOKS give special disher expenses in attending the counts to PTA's to stock school Tulequoia Aquafic School in Mira- I libraries - - complete selections monte, near Fresno, from June ; on newest books, particularly for 19 through the 29th. At the com - . elementary and Jr. High. pletion of this course, Mrs. Watts t **>',c*>:<>:<>:<'l<>',c1,<*'l<**'l<>',c1,<1,<*,:<,:<****,:<,:<*>',c* will conduct classes at her pool, The RA Y JOHNSTONS on Lassen dates to be announced. are leaving tomorrow for a fish1,o:<':<>',c* **'l<'l<* >',c>',c>',c >',c*':<*':< 1,<>:< * *>',c,:<>',c*,:<** 1,<* . ing trip to Lake Isabella. June 14, 1956 THE CHAT SWOR TH GR A PEVI N E 'Page 15 CO M M U N IT Y CIjURCH NEWS IN THE WEST VALLEY, IT'S T he f o llow i n g officers have been ele ct e d for in the va r i o u s or gani zation s o f the chur ch to MATERIALS TO SUPPLEME NT YOUR CHILD 'S SCHOOL WOR K s e rve f o r the period June 1, 19 56 , to May 31, 711'1 RESEDA BLVD., RESEDA Mon . a nd Fri. 'til 9, p. m. DI- 3-5634 19 5 7 : J UN IO R M YF: Linda Rogers , P resident ; Flying This Gene Croman, Vice -Presid ent ; Carl WassSummer? m outh, Tre asurer; Donna Wa s s m o u t h , secCall No w ret ary . For Free Infor mati on SENIOR M YF : Carlyn S c hoonhoven , P resiA nd Low est Rate s dent ; G ene Be rnhard, Vi ce P'r e s Ide n t: A n yw here Fre'" Ticket Deli ve ry M a r ian F l emin g, S ecr e t a r y ; P atty M a y b in , No Ob li gat ion ! T re a surer ; Ch eryl Ro g e r s , W o r shi p Chair man ; V i r g in i a Kimble , Outr each Chairman ; J im Woodm a n, Witness C h ai r m a n ; Carol Sm ith C i tizenship a n d P u bli cit y ; Carol Ril ey, DI 4-2260 F ellowship C h ai rman ; with Jim R oe s ch as As st. Counsellor, WOMAN'S SO CIETY O F CHRISTIAN SER V IC E Mdrn s . Fr a nces M a h i e u , Presid ent; K atha ri n e J ohnson, Vic e - Pr e sident; M aria n Crui c k FURN ITURE shank , S e cr e tary; E il e e n J ane ss , Co r r e sp , COMP ANY S e c y ; A ur a l P a u l , T r ea s u r e r ; a nd man y c o n/ ' Feelturi ng Maple" tributing chai r m e n , all of w hom wer e i n stalled a t a spe cial inst allation r i t e y e st e r '('Op en Fr i . n i t e s ) day . MET HODIST MENrs CLUB : J ack O 'Sh e a , •. .. ,. DI 7-4488 2 1828 She rma n Way Presiden t ; Ed Ahlstrom, Vi ce P res ide nt ; (Between C al iforn ia Bank a nd Chas . Janess, Secretary; Gene W ertti , G reen Thumb Nu rser .I , T r e a s u r e r . Their next dinner is scheduled t ..._ . . . . . . .., . " - ,...,, ---,---=-:'._ :. _~-~.~~:,j.?r~~-':~~_:_~::-~~ I' for Tuesday, June 19 at 6: 30 in White Oak ----- :::.:::..~~~-- -_ ._ ._- Hall - - come and join in the fellowship. E" - FR~~ E~GR~;ING -- J SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS : Mrs. 0."1 any ~ Wm . Schepler, President; Durk Haskell, .' WATCH, LIGHTER Vice-President ; Mrs. Marian Hyland , Sec?t OR BRACELET ~ retary ; Mrs. Erm a Snook, Attendance Secpurchased for retary ; Mr s , P earl Wright, Treasurer ; Mrs . FATHER 'S DA Y \ I John Pauly, Sunshine Chairman; Mr s . Mar ~ i ian C ruicks han k, Social Chairman . ! LEWIS' BOOKS c AIRLINE TICKET Delivery Service tt!Lindsay . Tanzey ::~: . r 1 III . I i I I****************************************: Mrs . CESIDIA LA CESA of 29054 Chats . St . has opened her own restaurant in Granada Hills, "Mama Lus i a " at 1754 6 C hatsworth. When you go there to dine and s up , be sure you mention The Grapevine! ! --AtuJich jewelerJ 216 20 S H E r;; M A N CANO G A P A r< K , C ..... w~·. y Ll F O P ~ I A ~ ~ Up to $20 for your old J wat ch or clock in t radel We repair watches, lighte r s , razors, etc . We G ive S £I H Green Stamps Page 1~_ THE CHATSWORTH GRAPEVINE June 14 , 1956 A steak barbecue was held at the FRANK a n d RITA STR ICKLIN E D AHLSTROM 'S on Lassen last "Splurged last F riday night and Sund a y when all the relatives hon t ripped gaily in to the Philharored C. W. O. Arthur T. Alilstrom monic for the musicale "Silk of the U. S. M. C. who will be 1eav- Stockings". ing on the 25th for an overseas ,:< **"..*,:.,:<>:o'..*>',c>:c**>:c*,:<*"..>'.c"',c>:< *':<':< "'.c>:<*>:c* tour oLdut in ,Okinawa. Stillmore news that we can't fit fn! Dimmiek's -! mi. Trading Post Casa de Perros BOARDING KEN NE'LS .JESSE M. SHAW , O. D . OPTOMETRIST W. of Corrigan21619 She rma n Way 6819 Los Ange Ie s A ve. ville,Hwy. 118, Santa RT. 1, SANTA SUS AN A Ca noga Pa rk. Calif. ' Su s ana . FI6-1491 Dia mond 8-1847 FIRESIDE 6-1589 USED FURNIT URE All Metal Kennel. APPLIANCES . :' •• \~" ;:' Co ol, Shady, Sanitary CESSPOOLS SEPTIC TANKS, :o;:oJ r~ PUMPED . • · V E T E R I N A R IA N A VAILABL E POULT R Y EQUIP. '-0 . AT ALL T I ME S Lindsay & W agnlld Inc. L I VE ST O C K ~~~~2~~~---l Ne w Sys tems Insta lled Chemical T oilet R enta ls Feed & L OS E D WE D N E S DA YS ST. 5.65 71 --- - -- - - --- -S Saddlery \5747 Slrathern St, If we don't have it we 22705 Ventura Blvd. know where it is; we Woodland Hills :J.omaH ..lamp d-!-ou1.E. will sell anything for S P E CIA LI ZIN G IN " Everything for D1 7·4057 F AC T O R Y C L O S E O U T S y ou that doesn't eat!! the Horse" LAM P S - LAMP S HADE S F'O C T O F" SA NT A SUSA N A P AS S ~ MerreII' SPIRELLA Figure Stylist GLADIOLI 7014 RJ;:SEDA BLVD . R ESEDA. CALI F . R EWIRI NG REPAIR I NG Va r ious s i zes &: p ri ces 01 3 -7949 REMOU NTING Top pri ce $1. 00 do z . 1 ------1 Mrs. O. Marie Hamlin 10853 Santa Susana Girdles , Corsets & Bras REAL TY Dr 8- 2976 Office DIamond 8-6493 STROUT Plumbing R epairs D ay & Night Heaters DR. LOUIS J . HASELFELD OPTOMETRIST L. H. , MAINER R EPR E S ENTAT I VE 01, 8 -3640 RES . 01 8-5382 Hrs. 9:30-5:30 W. K. (Buck) WASHBURN Evenings by appointme nt Free! 5 - mo. old part 21810 DEVONSHIRE CHATSWORTH. CALIF. DIamond 8-4728 0 1 8 -6222 • Dave SWitchboard Chatsworth 5 & 10 WI LL ANSWER 21704 Devonshire 24 hours a day DI8-3904 DI amond Telephone Serv o Cl ara Crews DI 7-5858 We Give S &H Green Stamps CANOGA GLASS CO. DIamond 8-1084 DIamond 8-73 49 REALTY JEAN SAAL 21622 DEVONSHIRE DIAMOND 8 3 9 2 9 21506 SHERMAN WAY CANOGA PARK cocker puppies. Call Dr 8-6788 C h oic e boy s e n be r r i e s ; reasonabl e ; Dr 8 - 54 5 7 Wanted to r en t : 3 - b e d . h o u s e i n C hatsworth. Dr 8-5634 For rent: IS' vacation trailer- -make your reserve now. Dr 8-730 C lassified rates: 20¢ per line --$l. 20 per in.
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·2 1828 Sherman Way
I Between California Bank and
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