January 2009 - Southeast Warren Community School District


January 2009 - Southeast Warren Community School District
January 2009
Volume IX - Issue VI
PeeWee Wrestling Tourn.
FCCLA Blood Drive
see calendar, page 7 for details
Accelerated Readers.............. 5
Activities & Menu.................. 7
Athletic Director.................... 2
Board Minutes................... 5-8
FFA...................................... 2
Intermediate Schooll............. 4
Jr-Sr High Principal................ 3
Partners in Education............ 2
Primary School...................3,4
The WARREN PRIDE is a monthly
publication of the Southeast
Warren Community School District. Activities listed are subject
to change and may also be accessed via the online calendar at:
To receive or be removed
from newsletter delivery (if
not Boxholder), contact:
LuAnn Ohnemus
Southeast Warren Comm. School
16331 Tyler St.
Liberty Center, IA 50145
Athletic Booster Meeting
January 14, 7:00 pm
at the High School
• Softball/Baseball fields
• Sponsorships
• Youth Basketball Tournaments
• Jr. High concession
• Lacona/Liberty Center
popcorn poppers
• Concession cash boxes
• Spirit posters
FCCLA Blood Drive
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
8:00 -Noon at the High School Gym
Donations made at this blood drive will stay in your community and help local
hospital patients. To be eligible to donate, you must be:
• at least 16 years of age • be in good health
• weigh at least 120 pounds, • eat a good meal prior to donating
Please bring ID such as your Blood Center donor card , driver’s license, or any
photo ID. Appointments can be made by contacting Kim Heim at (641)466-3331.
Angel Tree Student Council
members completed a successful Angel
Tree Project last month. Anonymous
elves from the community, staff, and
student body donated gifts or cash
towards making a merrier Christmas for
local families in need. Student Council
members Cassandra Mosher, Sara Sites,
Allysa Spear, Chrissy Dittmer, Spencer
Williams, Addy Spear, Cody Ripperger
and Jackson Baumgarten wrapped the
gifts on December 17.
Images not available online
Images not available
Senior Citizens’
Luncheon National
Honor Society sponsored
the annual Senior Citizens’
Luncheon on December 10.
A turkey dinner was served
by NHS members, and
entertainment was provided
by the vocal and band
departments. Door prizes
were awarded and everyone
seemed to enjoy the event.
Tech Club News
Southeast Warren has a new Tech Club - open to both junior high and senior
high students. We will be exploring different areas of technology that may interest
the students and be possible career goals. At the end of the year, the high school
students are planning on competing at the IT-Adventures competition sponsored by
Iowa State University.
Calling all community members - if you, or someone you know, are employed
in the technology field and would like to share your expertise with our students, the
Tech Club would love to have you visit. Anyone with experience in programming,
networking, robotics, web design, audio/video editing, or other computer related
fields could have a wealth of knowledge to share. Please contact Sue Ellingson at
sue.ellingson@se-warren.k12.ia.us or 641-466-3331 ext. 224.
Athletic Booster Club Notes
Mr. Jones, Athletic Director
The winter sports season has begun.
Jr. High basketball kicked off their
season November 24th, HS wrestling
opened at Nevada on December 4th,
and the HS basketball teams started
their season by hosting I-35 on December 5th. The number of students participating in winter sports is down when
compared to the fall sports. Currently,
Jr. High basketball has 17 boys and 10
girls. Jr. High wrestling has 11 boys out
this season. The HS basketball teams
are running at 15 boys and 12 girls. HS
wrestling has 14 boys on the mat. The
bowling team has 11 girls and 8 boys
striking it up for Southeast Warren.
The dance team competed at the
State Dance Competition on Saturday,
December 6th earning a division II rating. Coach Dierking and the girls continue fine tune their routines. The team
will be performing during the half-time
of several home games this winter.
The sportsmanship ratings for football have been released. The ratings
range from 1-Outstanding to 5-Unsatisfactory.
SE-Warren Coaches 1.16
Class A Average 1.30
State Average 1.33
SE-Warren Players Class A Average State Average 1.30
SE-Warren Spectators 1.21
Class A Average 1.37
State Average 1.37
Southeast Warren can be proud of our
sportsmanship ratings. As always, there
is room for improvement. We should
continue to strive to make Southeast
Warren #1 in all areas of competition.
If you have not had the opportunity
to view the new athletic scheduler, I
would strongly encourage you to do so.
All you need to do is go to the Southeast
Warren web site (se-warren.k12.ia.us).
Click on Ahletics-Schedule. From this
page you can view all the schedules
that have been completed and ready for
viewing. You have the options of viewing schedules daily, weekly, monthly or
for the entire school year. If interested,
you may sign up for the “Notify Me”
aspect of the program that will update
you by e-mail anytime there is a schedule change.
Southeast Warren Booster Club meeting December 10, 2008
Baseball/softball: The process of taking bids on the tiling is ongoing. Boosters are looking to write a grant through
FEMA to help pay for the tiling and dirt
work that is needed.
boosters are always looking for people
to join. It’s $25 for a membership and
businesses can purchase signs to be
displayed at the baseball/softball fields.
Contact a booster club member for further information.
Pee-wee wrestling tournament: The
Southeast Warren pee-wee wrestling
tournament is scheduled for January
10th. Weigh-ins start at 7:00 AM. A
donation will be made to the Lacona
Fire & Rescue for providing medical
personal throughout the day. NO passes
are accepted. This includes Southeast
Warren Activity passes.
Wrestling room: The ceiling and
walls in the wrestling room have been
repaired. Also new wiring has been installed for the new treadmills and other
Elementary baskets: The booster
club donated items to the Elementary
School for baskets. The baskets were
then raffled off as part of their fundraising during the Milo Small Town Country Christmas.
FFA Report
The Southeast Warren FFA just completed their fruit and
cheese fundraiser. There were almost 45 students participating
in the fundraiser this year. A majority of students sold at least
$300 dollars in fruit and cheese! The money raised in sales
will go towards The National and State FFA Convention in
the future.
Southeast Warren FFA will be taking a break over Christmas
vacation, but shortly after, numerous seniors will be applying
for their State FFA Degree. The returning students will begin preparing for the Annual Banquet, Members Night Out,
Pork Congress, Power Show, Beef Expo, Goat Day, CDE’s and
State Convention being held in Des Moines this year. The FFA
Students would like to thank the community for supporting our
local FFA Chapter.
-Ali Brummer-
Images not available online
Charlotte Weaklend, Principal
The Primary building had an overall
97% attendance rate at November parent-teacher conferences. Thank you to
our parents for demonstrating how important education is to them and providing valuable input to our teachers.
On December 1-2, the preschool
teacher, the preschool teacher associates
and I attended the Creative Curriculum
training sessions at the Johnston Public
Library. Many wonderful ideas were
shared about how to use the state-approved Creative Curriculum in our preschool. Mrs. DeJoode, our preschool
teacher, will be attending follow up
training sessions. The state will be visiting our building on January 22nd for
verification of compliance of our program with the Iowa Quality Preschool
Program Standards. The preschool will
then become part of the routine district
state site visits conducted by state officials every three years.
The Primary building again participated in Milo’s Small Town Country
Christmas. In addition to the traditional
cookie walk, elves’ workshop, local
vendors, and book fair, this year each
classroom’s teacher and homeroom parents organized themed baskets of goodies ranging in value from $50-$200.
We especially would like to recognize
the Scheels Sporting Goods Store in
Jordan Creek Mall who donated a $100
gift certificate, as well as the Indianola
Walmart who donated $50 worth of
cookies for our cookie walk. Thanks to
everyone who donated items for these
events, as well as our many parent volunteers. Congratulations to the winners! Proceeds from the raffle will be
used to purchase games and/or books
for the classrooms, pay entry fees during field trips, and provide special classroom incentive events for the students.
On December 2 was the elementary
winter concert, featuring the old-time
Christmas favorites being sung by our
K-6 students. As always, the crowd
was amazing. The class basket raffle
was set up in the lunchroom, where
Santa gave each child a candy cane on
his/her way out.
The American Red Cross is providing safety lessons for our K-3 grades
this year. The first sessions were held
on November 21st and served as a good
review about fire safety. In December
our Red Cross friends brought Scrubby
Bear and a special light for the children
to see the germs on their hands to demonstrate effective hand washing. Their
January lessons will center on winter
safety, to be followed later in the year
with a session about spring storm safety. These worthwhile lessons are all
provided free of charge and involve the
help of volunteers from the Des Moines
The SEW school board recognized
the Partners in Education organization
at the December board meeting. Presi-
Lacona Intermediate
De Joode -Preschool
Williams – 2nd grade
Teas – 1st grade
Baker – 3rd grade
Lacona Intermediate
Presley - kindergarten
Keenan – 1st grade
Burgin – 2nd grade
Nutting – Title I
Gingerich - reading
Marsh - kindergarten
Young – 3rd grade
dent Melody Kibbe, Vice-President Stacey Coffman, and Secretary-Treasurer
Amy Hartman were present to receive
the honor. Over the years our PIE volunteers have :
• built playgrounds
• provided large and small playground
• updated ground cover for the playgrounds
• expanded classroom libraries
• organized volunteers for school
• provided incentive parties at the Primary building for reading achievement and at the Intermediate building
for character achievement
• put on the annual carnival
• provided special treats for the students
and during various activities throughout the school year and meals for the
teachers during parent-teacher conference evenings
• sponsored educational assemblies
• provided much needed classroom supplies when school budgets were tight
and needs were increasing.
PIE, we salute you!
In From the Cold
Pizza Party
Puzzle & Game Funtime
Reading is Fun
Hunter’s Basket
Family Fun $90.00
Pamper Yourself
Iowa State Cyclones
Southeast Warren
Southeast Warren
Movie Night
Iowa Hawkeyes
Pilgrim Play
Raffle Winner
Ardelle Keeney
Charles Ginter
Heather Gentry
Olivia Harrington
Sharon Knoer
Nancy Wood
Alyssa Dittmer
Terri Ohnemus
Bryant Seuferer
Janie Weeks
Jim Chapman
Jen Kern
Chet Crouse Mrs. Young’s third grade class performed a Pilgrim Play for the first, second, and
third graders on November 26th. The students played some of the real Pilgrims
and Native Americans from the 1620’s. These included John & Francis Billington,
Priscilla Mullins, Miles Standish, Bart & Mary Allerton, Squanto Massasoit, and
William Bradford. The students did a great job of memorizing their parts. Here are
some comments from the students.
Neva said, “I liked being Priscilla and helping the sick people.”
Trinity said, “I didn’t know half of what had happened till we read the play.”
Brandon T.: “I had fun racing with Squanto.”
Alexis: “I had fun doing the play and I learned a lot about the Pilgrims.”
Partners in Education
Partners In Education would like
to thank everyone that was involved
with helping at this year’s Milo Small
Town Country Christmas at the Primary School. A very SPECIAL THANK
YOU to school cooks Joanne Vincent,
Janet Hendrickson, Doris Gillespie,
Trudy Ernst, and Laurie Mason for ordering and making the cookies for the
cookie walk.
The Book Fair during Country
Christmas sold $ 1517.04, which allowed us to get $758.52 worth of books
for the Primary School. Thanks to volunteers Tatya Emmick, Tami Hall, Jill
Peterson, Billie Marsh, Jan Teas, Sherri
Riggan, Bev Schurman, Sara Preston,
and Charolette Weaklend, and all who
purchased books.
Art Club made $ 145.00 with the Elf
Workshop with PIE giving $ 65.00 for
supplies. Thanks to Art Club volunteers
Andrew Kibbe, Paige Amsden, Donna
Clay, Mary Ann Lester, Brandon Clemons, Ashley Clay, Samantha Miller and
Mrs. Morhardt.
Angel Tree Project: 25 angels were
placed on the Primary school tree. Generous community members took them
all off the tree and donated the gifts
designated on the angels.
Vendors: Thanks to our vendors
Linda Todden, Tonya Grief, Morgan
Weeks and Alyssa Dittmer.
Accelerated Reading
December - ask any elementary teacher. The children’s eyes are glued to the
sky looking for snow or the calendar waiting for the first day of winter break. But
at the Southeast Warren Primary Center our children are also looking towards the
calendar to see when the next AR Party will be! The last day to qualify for the party
is the last school day of the year (ha) and the party will be held in early January.
These children have been reading and reading to make sure they are offered a ticket
to the party.
Super Readers
(Three one-point books)
Jordan Ball SR5
TJ Dierking SR5
Dalton Weeks SR4
Beau Coffman
Kindra Dittmer SR1
Lane Dittmer SR13
Megan Donahue
Elise Emmick SR3
Trenton Fisher
Summer Hall SR4
Lauren Hartman SR3 Madison Klages
Bayleih Lewis
Kyle Rae SR2
Ethan Scott
Rylee Youmans
Bryson Ball
Nathan Jimenez
Max Lerch
Tommy Sanford
Caleb VandeLune SR2 Neva Vogel SR2
Rising Readers
(10 points total from .5-point books)
Lela Bales
Kaleb Bauer RR3
Colton Greif
Alex Hommer
Barbie McLarnand
Leonard Peavy RR3
Morgan Pierce
T.J. Wiliams
Reece Agan
Zaddie Beck RR2
Madison Collins
Hailey Darr RR3
Antonio Gavin RR2
Keegan Riggan
Dylan Deemer
Jennifer Mally
Mason Noel
Destiny Lawton
Dustin Backstrom
Brandon Dittmer
Alec Henderson
Dan Dow, Principal
The first semester has come to a close and our students and staff are doing an
outstanding job of staying on task and working hard. I trust everyone is enjoying
the well earned break. When we resume classes on Monday the 5th of January we
need to be ready to go. The Geography Bee is going to be held on Tuesday the 6th
of January followed by the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills later in the month.
Mrs. Ripperger’s Room: The sixth grade science class finished their unit
on cells. The students made some terrific models of cells, which showed the parts
of a plant or animal cell and were very creative. The next unit was acids and bases.
The students used litmus paper, pH paper, and red cabbage juice to test substances
A BIG THANKS to the following
Cookie Walk Volunteers ---- Total
$621.50 -- Barb Ripperger, Becky Sherman, Kathy Taggert, Stacey Askland,
Sharon Thompson, Ann Miller, Linda
Serferer and Children, Roxie Chapman,
Kelly Henderson, Phyllis Vadelune,
Janie Weeks, Lisa Thompson, Kim Dittmer, Lydda Youmans, Paula Baker
Set-up and Clean-up -- Barb Ripperger, Stacey Coffman, Amy Hartman,
Charolette Weakland, Melody Kibbe,
Andrew Kibbe, Pat Preston, Sara Preston,
Raffle Basket Organization --$1,506.00 -- Lori Nutting, Amy Hartman, Stacey Coffman, Mrs. Williams,
Tatya Emmick, Patti Harrington, and
Tami Hall
Point Club Readers
125 Pts - Jordan Ball
50 Points: Summer Hall
Laren Hartman
25 Points:
Kindra Dittmer
Rylee Youmans
Ethan Scott
Trenton Fisher
Megan Donahue
Hailey Darr
Antonio Gavin
Reece Agan
Leonard Peavy
Dylan Alexander
Gracy May
Alec Henderson
Nathan Jimenez
Dustin Backstrom
Tommy Sanford
Brandon Thomas
Bryson Ball
75 Pts - Lane Dittmer
Elise Emmick
T.J. Dierking
Beau Coffman
Kyle Rea
Madison Klages
Bayleih Lewis
Jennifer Mally
Zaddie Beck
Keegan Riggan
Kaleb Bauer
Dalton Weeks
Morgan Pierce
Grant Minton
Brandon Dittmer
Max Lerch
Neva Vogel
Barbie McLarnand
Caleb VandeLune
to determine if they were an acid or a
base. The students enjoyed testing substances such as pickle juice, pop, detergent, mouthwash, apple juice, milk, and
milk of magnesia. The next unit will be
matter-physical and chemical changes.
Next we will move onto atoms and the
Periodic Table.
The fifth grade science class finished
their unit on biomes. The students were
divided into groups and chose a biome
to research. The climate, precipitation,
animals, plants, temperature, and other
interesting facts were put on a poster to
continued, page 5
Mrs. Ripperger, continued
share with the class. The students worked well together. They took the information
gathered and used it to compare and contrast two different biomes. The next unit of
study will be simple machines.
D.A.R.E. is underway for the sixth grade. Warren County Deputy Randy Spur
is the instructor. He comes once a week to our classrooms. The students learn the
DARE Decision Making Model to help them when confronted with choices. They
discuss different situations and the consequences of their actions. This is a fourteen
week course and concludes with graduation.
Southeast Warren Community School District
Regular Board Meeting
November 10, 2008
The Southeast Warren Board of Education met in
regular session November 10, 2008, in the media
center of the Junior/Senior High School building. Board President Paul Mead called the meeting to
order at 5:30 p.m. The following board members
were present: Ron Miller, Jennifer Mihalovich,
Larrie Williams and Marianne Lester. Superintendent/Secondary Principal Delane Galvin, Intermediate Principal Dan Dow, Primary Principal
Charlotte Weaklend, Transportation Director Joel
Mosher and Board Secretary Julie Wilson were
also in attendance, along with members from the
AGENDA: Motion by Jennifer Mihalovich, seconded by Larrie Williams to approve the agenda. Ayes: 5.
THE BOARD SALUTES: Mr. Galvin recognized
Beryl Presley for receiving the Excellence in Education Award on October 16th at Hy-Vee Hall.
Mr. Galvin recognized Jake Larson for his
participation on the Indianola High School Cross
Country team and their 5th place win at State.
Mr. Galvin recognized Mrs. Lynnea Young
and the play cast for their outstanding performance. Mr. Galvin recognized Mrs. Kim Heim and the
FCCLA students for the excellent job on the fall
blood drive.
REPORTS: Transportation Report submitted by Joel Mosher:
We had 18 extra bus trips for the month. Inspection was held on Friday, October 10. We had one
route bus taken out of service and two spares. We had several 30-day repairs and most of these
have been taken care of.
Primary Principal’s Report submitted by Charlotte Weaklend:
Thirty-eight of the forty-two students in this
year’s SEW kindergarten class had experienced
preschool, most of which was here in our own
4-year-old program. That is a total of 90% who
attended preschool, compared with the reported
82% of the total number of kindergartners in the
five school districts in Warren County who attended preschool, according to Warren County
Empowerment Director Deb Schrader. Countywide, the 82% is an increase over last year’s
77% who attended preschool. The governor’s
goal is that 90% of all students in Iowa attend
preschool. We are proud of our strong record
of providing a quality preschool experience for
youngsters living in our district.
Since the beginning of the school year, a total
of $1800 has been contributed to our extra milk
fund. This community-supported fund provides
milk for an afternoon snack for students whose
parents report that paying the cost of $27.00 per
semester would work a hardship on the family. Currently, thirty-two students are receiving that
benefit. That number represents nearly 20%
of our K-3 student body. With the contributions
to date, the entire 08-09 school year’s extra
milk is covered for our thirty-two students, with
a balance of $72 carried forward for the 09-10
school year milk fund. I have personally thanked
each, but would like to publicly thank the following individuals and organizations that made
contributions to the milk fund since school began
this fall:Tiffany Chumbley, John Riley, Bernice
Weeks, John & Irene Swartzendruver, Chet &
Ann Crouse Sharon Spear, Liberty Center United
Methodist Church, Alta Michener, Tom & Raylene
Stoutner, Lacona United Methodist Church, Milo
Lions’ Club, XCEL Breakfast Club of West Des
Moines (Diane Hall, member).
Since October 1st, we have had five new students transfer into our building: one preschooler,
one kindergartner, two first graders, one second
grader, and one third grader.
Comparing the last day of school’s enrollment in
the Primary building to the November 1st enrollment, we have had thirteen students transferring
out and fifteen students transferring in - with
forty-two third graders moving on to the Intermediate building and forty-one new kindergartners.
Our K-3 enrollment in May stood at 155, with our
present enrollment at 153.
We are currently holding character assemblies
in our building once a month, where each month
a different classroom of students, along with Mr.
Babcock, present a rap, a song, or a short skit
emphasizing the month’s theme. Children are re-
warded throughout the month for displaying the
character theme by placing a seasonal shape on
our character tree in the front foyer. So far we
have added fall-colored leaves to represent the
theme of responsibility, jack-o-lanterns to represent respect, and turkeys to represent integrity.
According to the words of a well-liked character
song, demonstrating integrity involves always
telling the truth and doing your best, even when
no one is checking up on you.
Seventy-three grandparents joined their kindergartners for lunch during the week of October
20th – Kindergarten Grandparents’ Week. As of the writing of this report, attendance
numbers for parent-teacher conferences were
not available. The K-3 students participated in a mock election on November 4th in the main foyer. John
McCain garnered 84 of the K-3 students’ votes. Barak Obama receives 62 votes. There was one
write-in vote for “my mom”. Board members are invited to attend our annual Veterans’ Day Program tomorrow morning
at 8:10 a.m. in the multi-purpose room. The attending veterans will be treated to a continental
breakfast in the media center following the K-3
Primary Calendar for November 11th through
December 8th:
November 11th - Veterans’ Day Program
- Iowa Core Curriculum training for administrators & teacher leaders
November 12th - Balanced Leadership Training
for Galvin & Weaklend in a.m.
- Teacher Inservice @ 1:00 p.m. (topics: improving core instruction,intervention ideas, reviewing
our progress)
November 12th - AEA Hearing Screenings for K3 students
November 17th - Family Reading Program fundraiser presentation to students
- PIE mtg. @ Intermediate (organization of cookie walk/book fair to be held in Primary building
during Small Town Country Christmas)
November 24th - PIE mtg. @ Primary (final organizational meeting for Small Town Country
Christmas activities
December 2nd - Elementary Winter Program in
H.S. gymnasium (7:00 p.m.)
December 3rd - Iowa Core Curriculum training
for administrators & teacher leaders
December 5th - Character Assembly – Mrs. Burgin’s class to present character theme concern
for others – “caring” (2:45 p.m. in multi-purpose
December 6th - Small Town Country Christmas
Intermediate Principal’s Report submitted by Dan
1. The Book Fair was held in the library from
Nov. 3-6.
continued, page 6
PAGE 2. Lacona polling booths were in the school on
election day.
3. All new staff and last year’s staff that did not
receive last year’s CORI training completed it
Oct. 31.
4. One 5th grade student left the district Oct. 2
and we added a 5th grade student Oct. 27.
5. Installation of washer and dryer has begun.
6. There has been a problem with furnace motor;
the cause is still being determined.
7. Students did a very nice job with the school
play. Congratulations to Mrs. Young and her students.
8. Mrs. Beard has already amended learning
goals on two students twice. These students
are improving much more rapidly than expected. Congrats to Mrs. Beard and her students.
9. The Lacona Public Library is now located at E.
North St. Apt. #4.
10. We had a good turnout for the parent-teacher
conferences on Monday and Thursday.
11. 4th-6th grade basketball practice has started
in the Lacona building.
Athletic Director’s Report submitted by Chuck
The fall sports seasons have reached their conclusions. The varsity volleyball team’s season
came to an end at the hands of a very good Twin
Cedars team in the opening around of regional
play. Coach Barnhart and Coach Batula were
able to introduce many new skills and approaches to the game. The team and individual growth
was very noticeable as the season progressed. It
is an exciting rebirth of Southeast Warren volleyball. Three of our girls were cited as All-Conference players: Kayli Schurman- 1st team, hitter;
Molly Cleveland- 2nd team, hitter; Sydney Smith2nd team, setter.
Southeast Warren football finished in a tie
for fourth place with Van Meter. The Warhawks
missed out on qualifying for the playoffs due
to head to head competition. The Warhawks
finished 3-3 in district play and 4-5 over-all.
The team showed considerable improvement
throughout the year. With a bulk of the team being underclassmen, the future looks bright for the
Warhawks. All-District honors have not been released at this time.
Thank you to all of our senior athletes who
participated in football and volleyball. Your dedication to the building and success of the programs is deeply appreciated.
Congratulations to Jake Larson, who was a
member of the Indianola Cross Country team
that qualified for the state meet in Fort Dodge.
Junior high basketball and wrestling practices have started. Currently, there are only 10
girls out for basketball plus 3 managers; 13 boys
out for basketball; 13 boys out for wrestling plus
3 girls as managers. Mr. Oliver & Mr. Bauer are
allowing several boys to try both basketball and
wrestling during the first couple of weeks to get a
feel for each and make a final decision later.
Sr. high girls’ basketball practice begins on
November 10th. Sr. high boys’ basketball and
wrestling start practice on November 17th.
A new athletic scheduling program has been
purchased. It is an online program in which the
community will be able to access information from
schedules to bus times to cancellations. Parents
and fans will also be able to sign up for e-mail updates of changes in games. I am hoping to have
it up and running by the first of December. You
can currently access the schedules for Varsity
basketball and wrestling at http://as.rschooltoday.
I would like to thank everyone who has helped
at our volleyball and football games this season.
Your willingness to participate at Southeast Warren events helps create a positive environment
for coaches, players and fans.
Athletic Booster Club Notes
The athletic boosters are waiting to hear from
the school and FEMA about the damages to the
baseball/softball fields before making a decision
on repairs. They have recently had the football
headphones repaired and have started some
initial discussions concerning the crow’s nest in
New officers were elected during the October
meeting. They are Andy Schurman, president;
BJ Hagen, vice-president; Bev Schurman, secretary; and Heather Konrad, treasurer.
Memberships are available at a cost of $25.
The boosters are always looking for new members to become active in their organization.
The next athletic boosters meeting will be November 12th at 7:00 PM in Liberty Center.
CONSENT AGENDA: The following items were
on the consent agenda:
1. Approve October 13, 2008 minutes
2. Approve October 27, 2008 minutes
3. Financial reports
4. Approve second reading of Board Policy
403.5, “Early Retirement Payment”
5. Approve the School Nurse and the Secondary Principal as Level I child abuse investigators
Motion by Ron Miller, seconded by Larrie Williams to approve the items on the consent agenda. Ayes: 5.
SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Mr. Galvin reported on the following items:
1. Certificates were received from Senator
Harkin recognizing the Southeast Warren District for taking advantage of the Iowa Demonstration Construction Grant and the Fire Safety
Grant. The grants were received in 2002 and
used to renovate a classroom and the gymnasium in Lacona and for electrical upgrades, door
closures and emergency and exit lighting at the
Junior/Senior High School.
2. The Jr./Sr. High had a low turn out for ParentTeacher conferences. A time will be set up with
teachers to discuss ways to get more parents to
attend conferences.
3. Administrators and three teachers attended
the second session of Iowa Core Curriculum
4. A meeting had been scheduled for today with
the Department of Education to discuss site visit
deficiencies but the Department of Education
representative did not show up; the meeting will
be rescheduled for a later date.
5. The fall sports have finished. Middle school
sports practice has started, the varsity girls’ basketball started practice tonight and the varsity
boys’ basketball and wrestling practice will start
next week.
6. Auditors will be here next week to perform
the annual audit of the books.
7. The Iowa Association of School Boards Convention will be held November 19-21.
8. The Middle School Dance will be held on November 21st at 7:00 p.m. The Board is welcome
to help chaperone.
9. Students will write letters to veterans tomorrow during Connections.
10.The Teacher Quality Committee met today to
discuss the allocation of Teacher Quality Funds. The portion of the funds to be used for professional development will be divided between the
buildings to be used for building goals, substitutes, registrations or time spent outside of the
contract day as determined by each building.
OATH OF OFFICE: Board Secretary Julie Wilson administered the oath of office to Larrie Williams for Vice President.
DISTRICT BROCHURE: The Board reviewed
the final copy of the district brochure that was
developed by the Warhawk Pride Committee. Mr. Galvin recommended approval of the district
brochure. Motion by Larrie Williams, seconded
by Jennifer Mihalovich to approve the district brochure. Ayes: 5.
Mr. Galvin noted that the next Warhawk Pride
Committee meeting would be held on December
9th at 7:30 p.m. in the High School building.
reviewed the updated five-year expenditure plan
for transportation, facilities and technology. Mr.
Galvin recommended approval of the expenditure plan. Motion by Larrie Williams, seconded
by Ron Miller to approve the five-year expenditure plan as presented. Ayes: 5.
CERTIFIED ENROLLMENT: Julie Wilson reviewed the October 2008 certified enrollment
count. The actual enrollment that determines
funding for the 2009-2010 school year decreased
from 575.6 FTE students to 569.2 FTE students,
a decrease of 6.4 FTE.
continued, page 8
Southeast Warren Menu & Activities
Activities & menus are subject to change. Refer to online information for updates: http://www.se-warren.k12.ia.us
B: Pastry
L: Crispito, corn, fruit, PB
BB (H) Corning, Girls
6:30, Boys 8:00
B: Waffles
L: Popcorn chicken,
mixed veg., fruit, cookie
Bowling @ Nod.Valley
JVBB-G (H) Pville 4:45
BB (H) Pville, Girls 6:30
Boys 8:00
B: Pastry
L: Pizza, fresh veg.,
fresh fruit
JHBB (H) Morm.Trail
Girls 4:00, Boys 5:15
BB (H) Iowa Christian
Academy, Girls 6:30
Boys 8:00
School Board Meeting @
High School. 5:30
B: Pancakes
L: Chicken patty/bun,
french fries, fruit
JHBB v. Cent. Decatur,
4:00, Girls-H Boys-@
Bowling @ Creston 4:00
JHWR @ Winterset 4:15
BB @ I-35, Girls 6:30,
Boys 8:00
B: Pastry
L: Hot dog/bun, peas,
fruit, cookie
JHBB v. Melcher-Dallas
4:00, Girls-(H) Boys-@
BB (H) Wayne, Girls 6:30
Boys 8:00
B: Pastry
L: Pork patty/bun, green
beans, fruit, pudding
JHBB Wayne 4:00,
Girls-@, Boys (H)
WR-JV Tourn. @ Nod.
Valley 4:30
JVBB (H) Melcher Dallas 6:15
B: Eggs/toast
L: Pizza dippers, broccoli, fruit, B&B
B: Eggs/toast
L: Cook’s Choice
ITED/ITBS Testing for
grades 3-11
Athletic Booster Mtg.
7:00 @ H.S.
B: Waffles
L: Chicken tenders,
cheesy potatoes,fruit,B/B
Bowling (H) Lamoni 4:00
JHWR (H) M..St.M 4:15
JVBB-G @ M.St.M 4:45
BB @ M.St.M, Girls 6:30
Boys 8:00
WR (H) @ Melcher v.
MStM/Twin Cedars 6:00
B: Eggs/toast
L: Chili/crackers, pickle,
applesauce, cinn. roll
B: Pancakes
L: chicken nuggets, oven
browns, fruit, B/B
WR @ W.Central Valley
JVBB @ Cent. Decatur
BB @ Cent. Decatur
Girls 6:30, Boys 8:00
B: Eggs/toast
L: Cook’s Choice
Blood Drive @ H.S.
8 a.m.-noon
12:30 Dismissal
Teacher Inservice
B: Muffins
L: Chicken & noodles,
mash.potatoes, fruit, roll
Bowling (H) Lamoni 4pm
WR (H) Chariton/Center ville 6:00
B: Pizza
L: Hamburger/bun,
carrots, fruit, chips
BB @ Bedford, Girls
6:30, Boys 8:00
B: French toast
L: Ravioli, lettuce salad,
fruit, bread
Bowling @ Nod Valley
JHWR @ Carlisle 4:15
WR @ Pville 6:00
JVBB @ Melcher-Dallas
HS Honor Band @
Simpson College
B: Saus. gravy/biscuit
L: Taco, lettuce/
cheese, corn, fruit,B/B
JHBB v. Murray 3:45
G (H), B-@
BB @ E.Union, Girls
6:30, Boys 8:00
Jr. High Winter Formal
Dance, 7:00
B: Muffins
L: Eggs, hash browns,
juice, toast
WR (H) I-35, 6:00
JVBB @ I-35, 6:15
B: Pizza
L: Salis/ steak, mash.
potatoes, fruit, B/B
BB (H) Lenox, Girls
6:30, Boys 8:00
PeeWee Wrestling Tourn. (H)
WR @ Winterset 9 am
HS Honor Band
@ Drake Univ.
WR-V @
Wayne Tourn.
Beford Tourn.
HS Winter
Formal Dance,
WR @ I-35
BB @ Adel-DM,
Girls 4:00, Boys
B: French toast
L: Spaghetti, lettuce
salad, fruit, breadstick
JHWR (H) Cent. Decatur
JVBB (H) Lamoni 6:00
WR @ Nod. Valley 6:00
HS Band @ Central
College Bandfest
B: Saus.gravy/biscuit
L: Mac/cheese, peas,
fruit, PB sandwich
BB @ Mt. Ayr,
Girls 6:30, Boys 8:00
WR @ Colfax
Tourn. 10:00
Youth BB Tourn.
(H) 7:30 am
BB (H) MelcherDallas, Girls
6:15, Boys 7:45
Lunch Account Balance:
It is important that lunch account balances be maintained as a positive amount. Once an account reaches $5.00 the family/
student will be notified that the account is getting low. Negative balances of $10 for an individual account or $20 for a family
account will result in an alternate but approved meal being served to the student until the account balance is positive.
To access your lunch account and/or make deposits online, call the high school or email: sue.ellingson@se-warren.k12.ia.us. You may
deposit any amount into your family/student account.
DAILY LUNCH PRICES: $1.50 (K-6) $1.60 (7-12) $.40 (Reduced) $2.50 (Adult)
DAILY BREAKFAST PRICES: $1.00 (K-12) $.30 (Reduced) $1.25 (Adult)
ter to approve the request to the SBRC for Modified Allowable Growth for open enrollment out in
the amount of $127,992. Ayes: 5.
Board Minutes, continued
PERSONNEL CHANGES: Mr. Galvin recommended approval of the appointments of Nathan Bauer, Head JH Wrestling Coach; Brian
Jimenez, Head HS Wrestling Coach; Nathan
Bauer, Assistant HS Wrestling Coach; Sheldon
Thompson, Co-Head HS Girls’ Basketball Coach
(sharing half of Ron Smith’s co-head coaching
salary); and a change of coaching assignment for
Mike Tierney from Co-Head Golf Coach to Golf
Coach. Motion by Ron Miller, seconded by Larrie
Williams to approve the November 2008 personnel changes as presented. Ayes: 5.
NEGOTIATIONS: Mr. Galvin recommended hiring Mr. Carl Reno to serve as chief negotiator for
both the certified and support staff negotiations. Mr. Reno would request a rate of no more than
half of what an attorney would charge or $60 per
hour, which ever is less, plus mileage. Motion
by Larrie Williams, seconded by Jennifer Mihalovich to approve Mr. Reno as chief negotiator. Ayes: 5.
Ron Miller agreed to serve as the board representative for the certified staff negotiations and
Larrie Williams agreed to serve as the board representative for the support staff negotiations.
approval of the request to the SBRC for Modified
Allowable Growth for open enrollment out in the
amount of $127,992. A total of 24 open enrollment out students were included in the October
2008 certified enrollment count that were not on
the 2007 certified enrollment count. Motion by
Jennifer Mihalovich, seconded by Marianne Les-
DRIVER EDUCATION: The Board reviewed
proposals for a driver education program for the
2008-09 school year from two companies and
the actual 2007-08 driver education costs of having the program in-house. Teen Driver Inc. proposed a fee of $295 per student; Street Smarts
proposed a fee of $325 for 2008-09, $330 for
2009-10, and $335 for 2010-11. Motion by Larrie Williams, seconded by Ron Miller to approve
the proposal from Teen Driver Inc. for the driver
education program for the 2008-09 school year. Ayes: 5.
2008-2009 SCHOOL CALENDAR: Mr. Galvin
related to the Board that the 2008-2009 school
calendar did not have a one hour early dismissal
scheduled prior to Thanksgiving and winter break. As per the certified master contract, school will be
dismissed one hour early prior to those holidays. Mr. Galvin recommended revising the 2008-2009
school calendar to include the early dismissals. Motion by Jennifer Mihalovich, seconded by
Marianne Lester to approve the revision to the
2008-2009 school calendar. Ayes: 5.
403(b) PLAN DOCUMENT: The Board reviewed
the provisions of the proposed 403(b) plan document with the Sate of Iowa Retirement Investor’s
Club. Julie Wilson noted that the State had requested a revision to the plan documents after
the board packets had gone out; the State is
requesting that transfers not be allowed under
the Plan. Julie Wilson recommended approving
the plan document with the revision that transfers
not be accepted under the Plan. Motion by Ron
Miller, seconded by Larrie Williams to approve
the 403(b) Plan Document with the State of Iowa
Retirement Investor’s club with the revision that
transfers not be accepted. Ayes: 5.
BOWLING COACH: Mr. Galvin related that the
Girls’ Athletic Association would now recognize
bowling as an official sport. The Boys’ Athletic
Association will recognize bowling as an official
sport next year. If the District is to continue to
offer bowling as a sport a coaching position will
need to be added to the supplemental pay schedule. Mr. Galvin has discussed adding the bowling
coach position to the supplemental pay schedule
with the Association and a tentative agreement
has been reached to add the position at 2%. Motion by Larrie Williams, seconded by Jennifer
Mihalovich to approve adding the bowling coach
position to the supplemental pay schedule at 2%. Ayes: 5.
BOARD POLICY 604.2: The Board discussed
recommended revisions to Board Policy 604.2,
“Student Health Services”. Motion by Marianne
Lester, seconded by Larrie Williams to table this
item pending further information. Ayes: 5.
BOARD POLICY SECTIONS 405 AND 411: Motion by Larrie Williams, seconded by Marianne
Lester to approve the review and revision of
Board Policy Sections 405, “Certified Personnel
Related Considerations”, and 411, “Non-Certified
Personnel Related Considerations”. Ayes: 5.
President Paul Mead adjourned the meeting at
6:46 p.m.
It is the policy of the Southeast Warren Community School District not to illegally discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, creed, age or marital status in its educational programs or employment practices. If you have questions or grievances related to this policy please contact the Equity Coordinator, 16331
Tyler St., Liberty Center, IA, 50145.
Southeast Warren Community School District
16331 Tyler Street
Liberty Center IA 50145
The Southeast Warren Community School District, in partnership with the community, will promote the habits of
mind and character that will enable our students to become responsible and productive citizens of a global society.