December - Temple Beth Am
December - Temple Beth Am
Temple Beth Am December 2015 Kislev/Tevet 5776 2250 Central Blvd. Jupiter, FL 33458 Published Monthly (561) 747-1109 Vol. 1, Issue No. 187 The more one is involved in Mitzvah and Social Action projects the more he or she realizes that while the needs are endless the resources of money, time and volunteers are scarce. Therefore, we need to understand our objectives and choose carefully organizations and people we help. One approach is to start with a tzdakah project that yields the “most buck for the money” (i.e. the best project would be the one that helps the largest number of people, using the least amount of money and time). TBA’s involvement in the Soup Kitchen at St. George’s is a good example. Every third Monday of the month, we are able to cook, prepare and serve food for over 200 people with a relatively little amount of money and a small group of volunteers. But our Temple is also involved in projects that require the resources of many volunteers to help only a few families. Take Family Promise as an example. When it is our turn to take care of the families, we need about 50 volunteers to help only two or three families. In pure economic terms, it is definitely not a good return for our investment. So, should we stop supporting this project and focus our efforts on more projects like St. George’s? It is a really hard question to answer, and the decision is ultimately yours (if we don’t get enough volunteers we will not be able to continue). But first let me tell you why we adopted Family Promise to begin with. The Jewish sociologist Abraham Maslow argues that all human beings have the same needs. These needs are arranged in a hierarchical order like a pyramid. At the base are the basic physiological needs of food and shelter and at the top are the needs for esteem and self-actualization. The interesting thing, according to Maslow, is that human beings care about the higher needs only after they have already fulfilled the lower ones. When you think about it, this makes sense. A person who worries about his or her next meal is not thinking about the essence of creativity and morality. They focus all their physical and mental energy trying to find food and perhaps shelter for the night. The efficient/economic mitzvah projects normally take care of the lower needs by supplying food, shelter and clothing. We need many of them because they are crucial for survival. Family Promise on the other hand, takes care of the former, but at the same time helps the parents and their children who fell into poverty to fulfill the needs at the top of the hierarchy such as being loved, respected and achieving self-esteem. Anyone who has experienced poverty (either personally or by contact with others) knows very well that the emotional damage, especially for children, is often greater than the physiological one. Family Promise helps with both and this is one of the reasons that the families who are helped by them leave after a few months having their own home, jobs and their dignity in tact. Maimonides taught us 900 years ago that there are eight levels of giving. While he ranked them, I would suggest that in the world we live in we need all of them. B’Shalom, Rabbi Alon Levkovitz THANKSGIVING EVE INTERFAITH SERVICE Temple Beth Am 2 December 2015 FROM THE PRESIDENT Mark Slifkin Thank you and Congratulations: Big thanks to Debby Baker for her years of service to the Board as a Director and Parliamentarian. Congratulations to Jody Minde on her appointment as Par liamentar ian of the Boar d. TBA Board of Directors: Now is your chance to be consider ed to ser ve on the TBA Boar d of Dir ectors. Become involved and help set the future direction of TBA. See Hal Baseman’s article in this Scribe. CHIDUSH ( ִחידוּשׁRenewal): Hal Baseman’s “Words of Reflection” article in the November Scribe on his interpretation of the Ten Commandments of Chidush came to life kicking off the Capital Campaign with the pr esentation of the renderings, the vision and the video fly-through at the meeting on November 10th. Thank you Rabbi Alon, Brian Cohn, Krista Alterman and Mindy Hanken on your vision, per spectives and support. If you missed it, here are the key timing elements: March 2016 – Ground Breaking and the start of the new Social Hall and Sanctuary entrance (work on the Youth Lounge, increased storage and the Preschool Playground will be done before then.) June 2016 – Start of the Sanctuary work which is scheduled for completion by High Holy Days 2016. Summer 2016 – Work will begin on the Lobby, Chapel, and Rabbi’s area. Fall 2016 – After the Thanksgiving Interfaith Service (scheduled to be held at Temple Beth Am) we will start the office update and expansion work. Some Services will be held in the Social Hall. We will have site security personnel for safety and traffic control. Upcoming Event: We still have tickets available to see our own Cantor Jessica and the Joe Scott Trio as they present JEWISH LIFE IN MUSIC, Saturday January 2, 2016 at the Maltz Theatre. Over 100 TBA member s and their families will be there – join us. Tickets are $35 per person. To reserve your seat(s), send check made payable to Temple Beth Am with the names of the people receiving the tickets to Carol Sleeper in the Temple office. Our Board member names are always listed in the Scribe – talk to them anytime about your thoughts, suggestions and ideas – our tag line ALL OF US TOGETHER only works if we have YOUR input! Scribe articles are great and contain interesting tidbits about TBA – enjoy them. B’Shalom and Happy Chanukah, Mark Slifkin Project Chidush infor mation is now on our TBA website and will be routinely updated. Renderings, fly-through video, FAQs etc. are included and you can follow our progress at http:// Contact Mindy Hanken or (561) 747-1109 if you have any questions on Chidush. Temple Beth Am 3 December 2015 Mark Slifkin, President PROJECT CHIDUSH Temple Beth Am kicked off Project Chidush with a cocktail reception on Tuesday, November 10th. Hebrew for renewal, Chidush is the Temple’s complete renovation project, redesigning the synagogue to make more room for congregants while at the same time creating a more intimate worship space. The event featured 3D renderings and a fly-through video showing the ambitious plans for the Temple’s new design. There was plenty of excellent food and wine for over 200 attendees. Rabbi Alon led the champagne toast for the night, and spoke about why it is so important for the Temple to be renovated, and how this will benefit TBA members, guests, staff and the Jupiter community. Rabbi Alon passionately spoke about how the Chidush project will “allow Temple Beth Am to have a more inviting building, where our congregants can feel they are truly a part of, rather than just attendees at, Services and events, where programs can be expanded to be inclusive for all ages, where our staff and volunteers can efficiently provide needed support, where our children can find meaningful, enlightened, and enjoyable education and where we have engagement of the people we need to ensure that Temple Beth Am will meet its vision and serve its Jewish community well into the future.” Brian Cohn and Krista Alterman, member s of var ious Chidush committees, and Chidush Capital Campaign Consultant Mindy Hanken also spoke about the impact the renewal will have on the Temple’s future. The project has many benefactors supporting the renewal and most were there to raise a champagne toast of L'Chaim with the Rabbi and our members. Large posters of the renovation renderings were on easels around the room, and a fly-through video that played during the evening showed attendees a vision of what our future Temple will look like. In addition, there were profiles on all of our benefactors: Leah & Ed Frankel, Cubby Steinhart, Wendy & Barry Cohn, Liz & Brian Cohn, Robin & Jerry Silvers, Dotty & Alec Wisch, and Paula & Mike Deakter. The newly renovated sanctuary will be more intimate, featuring a Bima reconstructed to bring the clergy closer to the congregation, a state-of-the-art audio/visual system with Hearing Assistive Technology and a memorial hallway featuring eight Memorial Boards to remember loved ones. The new social hall will feature an additional 2,000 square feet, totaling 6,000 square feet of usable, elegant space, moveable walls, a new speaker system, video screen and projectors. The reconfigured social hall and sanctuary will be able to house up to 1,200 worshipers during the High Holy Days. I would like to thank everyone who came to the Chidush kick off as well as everyone who has offered their support for the project. I also want to thank everyone who made the event possible including our generous benefactors, kind volunteers, staff, congregants and the Jupiter community. The fly-through video of the renovation can be viewed by going to the Temple’s website, The Chidush tab on the website offers a special message from Rabbi Alon, a detailed explanation of the project, a question and answer section and a report of community usage of the Temple. For more information about Chidush and Temple Beth Am, please contact Mindy Hanken, Capital Campaign Consultant, at 561.747.1109 or by email at Temple Beth Am 4 December 2015 TBA COMMUNITY AT CHIDUSH KICK-OFF Temple Beth Am 5 December 2015 FROM OUR DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION & ACCOUNTING Melanie Goldsobel Wow!! The year is flying by and we've had so many fabulous events including amazing guest speakers and most recently our Chidush Kick-Off event. If you missed the wonder ful event you can keep up to date on our renewal project on the TBA website ( We have so many more great events coming up and I look forward to seeing you all at our Chanukah dinner on December 11th (see page 9 for more details)! I'm also excited to introduce you to our new Communications Manager Elizabeth Howell. Elizabeth will be responsible for all of our advertising, press releases, website updates and anything to do with promoting TBA. She is from Poland, Ohio and has a diverse background in Jewish organizations and most recently worked at the Center for Judaic and Holocaust Studies at Youngstown State University. Please make sure you say hi to her and welcome her to the TBA family. Lastly but so important - we are looking for volunteers to help answer phones and help out in the office on Tuesday's and Thursday's. If you have the time and want to spend a few hours a week helping out TBA and hanging out with great people :) please let me know. Have a wonderful Chanukah and a very happy, healthy & safe New Year! Chidush Renderings Temple Beth Am 6 December 2015 2016 NOMINATING COMMITTEE Hal Baseman, Chair Attention: There is a very important election coming up that will likely affect everything forever. So, are you ready to step up and lead? If yes, then you might be just who we are looking for to be … NOMINATED for the TEMPLE BETH AM BOARD of DIRECTORS Here is what you must be dying to know … What are the qualifications for being a Board Member? You need to be a member in good standing of Temple Beth Am. What are the duties? Attend monthly meetings, come to Services, work on a committee, usher during Services, read announcements from the Bimah on Shabbat, give out B’nei Mitzvah gifts, vote on things like programs, contracts, committees, budgets, support, set strategies, and keep a watchful eye over the Temple. What is the election process? 1. Let us know that you want to be considered to be on the Board of Directors. 2. Attend a ½ hour confidential, Nominating Committee interview. 3. If selected by the Nominating Committee and the Board, be balloted to the Congregation at the Annual Meeting. 4. Get elected, put on your official Board name tag, and start all that leading. If you want to be considered for nomination to the Board, or if you have any questions about the Board qualifications, duties, or nominating process – please give me a call at 561.676.3940, or email me at, or let the office know. Interviews will likely begin after the first of the year and close in January. B’Shalom and thank you. Temple Beth Am 7 December 2015 ADULT EDUCATION Thursday Night Adult Education: Best of Talmud Class taught by Rabbi Alon Levkovitz & Rabbinic Intern Brett Tancer December 3, 10 & 17 at 7:00pm. *LightSaturdays, refreshments @ 6:30pm. 9:00am Thursdays, 12:00noon Dec. 3, 10 & 17 Learn to chant the Bible with Rabbinic Intern Brett Tancer. (Very “basic” Hebrew reading skills needed.) Temple Beth Am Sundays, 10:00am Sundays, 12:00noon Dec. 6 & 13 Dec. 6 & 13 8 December 2015 CHANUKAH Temple Beth Am 9 December 2015 MEN’S CLUB SCRIBBLES Jack Tenenbaum, President After a busy October, the Men's Club had an equally busy November. The Men's Club sponsored its annual Veterans Day Breakfast program on Sunday, November 15. Over 50 people attended this program. Lox, bagels, cream cheese, tomatoes, onions, egg salad, herring salad, who could ask for more, at $10 per person? In addition there were guest speakers: LTC Jonathan Morel provided us with news of the latest efforts in the development of air power to make sure more of our military return as veterans, and in one piece. Our own Mort Siegel provided a historic perspective of Veterans Day and the Jupiter police provided the Color Guard for the opening of the event, and there were videos of patriotic music. A special thanks to our Men's Club kitchen crew. A Men's Club meeting took place on November 11. It was a lively meeting with much discussion! If you missed this meeting, the Men's Club meets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm at the Temple. Join us at our next meeting on December 9, 2015 and get involved. The planning of the Men's Club and Sisterhood jointly sponsored December 25th Traditional Chinese Food and A Movie event for all ages is being finalized. What better way to spend the 25th than with your TBA family and friends? See the flyer on page 13 in the Scribe and RSVP quickly as the event is limited to 100 people. We are done planning for the Men's Club Annual Deli Dinner on January 23, 2016. This event is always sold out. This year there will be music, dancing, entertainment, and of course deli (corned beef, pastrami, brisket, etc. and all that goes with it). See the flyer on page 18 in this issue of the Scribe. In the spring, there will be additional Men's Club sponsored fishing charters, a baseball outing or two to Marlin Park, and perhaps a group ticket purchase to Rodger Dean Stadium in Abacoa. There will also be additional joint events with the Sisterhood, including theater, dining, etc. And the Men's Club and Sisterhood are also assisting in the planning of Mitzvah Day for our congregation with Alissa Frankel, the TBA Education Director. We have a very busy few months ahead. ST. GEORGE’S SOUP KITCHEN & ITEMS NEEDED TO MAKE HOLIDAY GIFT BAGS Our volunteers serve hot, healthy dinners to the needy at St. George's Episcopal Church, normally on the 3rd Monday of every month. However, we will be serving Christmas Eve dinner this month, on Thursday, December 24th (4:45pm-6:45pm) at St. Geor ge’s. We are also collecting items to make holiday gift bags for those in need to distribute at St. George’s on Christmas Eve as we have done in the past. We need to make 225 bags. Most of the people we serve at St. George’s have NOTHING. Kindly donate any sample size toiletries, socks, and/or any small gift items. (We have a donation of toothpaste and toothbrushes.) There is a drop off box in the lobby of the Temple. As a Temple-wide Social Action Project, we will be making up the gift bags during the oneg on Friday, December 18th. We could use everyone’s help that night. A special thanks to our volunteers from Monday, November 16th. 200 meals were served! Lois & Bill Prokocimer, Jerry Weiner, Stacy Reich, Shari, Seth & Liam Rodgers, Richard Remick, John Marzina, Bob Feller, Ralph VanBaalen and Lisa Black. Please help the Soup Kitchen by bringing in boxes of penne pasta or elbow macaroni (no substitutions) one week before we work at the Soup Kitchen. Your contributions will be used to help feed the hungry at St. George’s. If you would like to volunteer, contact Lauren Weinstein at or Eric Weiner at Lauren Weinstein & Eric Weiner Temple Beth Am 10 December 2015 Lois Remick SISTERHOOD SCOOP Thanksgiving 2015 has passed, but your Sisterhood Board continues to give thanks! Thank you to Carole Levine, who led our Nov. 1st theater party to the Wick Theatre to see A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. Thanks to Sally Siegel for arranging our visit to the Norton Museum on Nov. 12th to view the special photo exhibit: Israel Through Photography's Lens. And, thanks to Sharon Rosen, Maril Levy, Cathy Yonkers, Carole Levine, Judy Goldstein, Sue Freedland, and Sharon Bennett for wor king at the Sisterhood Judaica Table during The One School's PTO Holiday Boutique. Join your Sisters at the 5th annual, JCC Celebrating Sisterhood Community Brunch, on Wednesday, Dec. 9th at 10:00am at Temple Israel (1901 N. Flagler Dr ., WPB). Cost is $36 for all Sister hood member s. Register on-line at JCConline/bookfestival or 561-712-5232 (payment goes directly to the JCC). The guest speaker is Jo Ivester, author of The Outskirts of Hope. Invitations were mailed to TBA women in early November, and extra copies of the invitation are at TBA on the bookshelf in the lobby hallway. “What did you do on December 25?” the Judicial Confirmation Committee asked now Associate Supreme Court Justice, Elena Kagan. Justice Kagan replied, “Like all people of the Jewish faith, I went to a movie and then out for Chinese Food!” (a priceless and honest response). So, what are you doing on December 25, 2015? You should be coming to Temple Beth Am’s First Annual, Traditional, Dec. 25th Event for movies and Chinese food, co-sponsored by Sisterhood and Men's Club. Doors open at 3:30pm and adult and children’s movies start at 4:00pm. Attendees who wish to play cards or board games are encouraged to bring them and we will have a game room set aside for these activities. Our Chinese dinner will be served at 5:45pm and you can stay for Friday evening Services at 7:00pm. Because this event will be volunteer-driven, only the first 100 people who send in their reservations and checks will be included. The price per adult is $15 and per child under 12 is $5; the cost per family (parents and children) is $45 max. Please see the event flyer on page 13 in this Scribe and RSVP asap! Do you play Mah Jongg? Look for the flyer on page 24 in the Scribe or in the lobby so you can order your new card for 2016. A huge thanks to Mary-Ann Siegel for handling the or der s and deliver y again for us. This is a fund raiser for Sisterhood that costs you nothing extra – there is no surcharge when you purchase your card(s) from her. Regular card is $8.00 and large card is $9.00. All orders (and checks) must be received by Jan. 22nd. Thank you MaryAnn! Have you been to the Lighthouse Art Center recently? Please join your Sisterhood for a docent-led tour of The Manoogian Family Collection, a private collection of two centuries of American Art. And, watch Tibetan Monks as they create an intricate mandala by arranging colored grains of sand into a beautiful design. The event is Tuesday, January 26th, 2016 at 10:00am, and the cost for non-members of the Center is $10. Lunch will be at the Gallery Grille where attendees will pay individually for their lunch. Carpools can be arranged, and other details are in the event flyer on page 19 in this Scribe and in the TBA Lobby. Please use the flyer and include your check made payable to Sisterhood of TBA to make your reservation. Thank you Sally Siegel for making these arrangements for us. We will end the month of January with our delicious, annual, Paid-Up-Sisterhood Membership Luncheon on Sunday, January 31st at 1:00pm. The cater ing team of TBA member ' s John Marzina and Eric Weiner will be cooking up our fantastic luncheon and they will be helped by TBA’s own Fruit Platter A rtist, Alfredo Montes. This year, the entertainment will be provided by pianist and vocalist, Yoel Hyman, Music Director of Heatwave Music Entertainment. There is no charge for members; a charge of $25 for their women guests. Please see the flyer on page 18 for the Luncheon to make your reservation. The Knitting Club, under the dir ection of Leona Usher, will be meeting on Monday, Dec. 28th at 11:00am. Please contact Leona for further information at 561-694-0290 or and Savta's Storytime readers will be at The One School on Tuesday, Dec. 8th at 9:15am. Contact Shelley Kissil for mor e infor mation: 561-406-3667 or Please join us! To all Sisterhood members and their families, we wish you a Happy and Healthy 2016! Temple Beth Am 11 December 2015 CHANUKAH KID’S SHABBAT - December 4 SHABBAT SERVICE WITH GUEST SPEAKER - December 4 Join us on Friday Night, December 4th during our 7:00pm Shabbat Service where Doug McGetchin will be our guest speaker. Mr. McGetchin is an Associate Professor of History at Florida Atlantic University where he conducts research and teaches about modern Europe, South Asia, and connections between them. Mr. McGetchin will be teaching an Adult Education course at Temple Beth Am in January, Ghandi and Hitler: Non-Violence and Violence in History. SPIRITED SHABBAT - December 18 6:00pm Spirited Shabbat Reception 6:30pm Shabbat Song Session & Learning with our Music Director/Rabbinic Intern, Brett Tancer 7:00pm Shabbat Service with Torah Reading and Birthday Blessings Temple Beth Am 12 December 2015 TBA TRADITIONAL DECEMBER 25TH EVENT Temple Beth Am 13 December 2015 Edie Wolf BOOK CLUB The TBA Book Club is an informal group that meets six times a year on Mondays at 10:30am at the Temple. We usually go out for lunch afterwards. Edie Wolf, the chairperson, will send out email reminders of upcoming dates and the books we will read. If you have not attended the Book Club before but would like to receive email reminders about upcoming meetings, please contact Edie to give her your contact information. Any questions or suggestions may be directed to Edie at or 443-223-9729. We had an interesting discussion and a huge turn-out at Book Club on November 2 when we discussed All the Light We Cannot See. Our next meeting is on MONDAY DECEMBER 7 at 10:30am at the Temple. The book we will discuss is THE PARIS ARCHITECT by Charles Belfoure - In 1942 Paris, gifted architect Lucien Bernard accepts a commission that will bring him a great deal of money - and maybe get him killed. But if he's clever enough, he'll avoid any trouble. All he has to do is design a secret hiding place for a wealthy Jewish man, a space so invisible that even the most determined German officer won't find it. He sorely needs the money, and outwitting the Nazis who have occupied his beloved city is a challenge he can't resist. But when one of his hiding spaces fails horribly, and the problem of where to hide a Jew becomes terribly personal, Lucien can no longer ignore what's at stake. The Paris Architect asks us to consider what we owe each other, and just how far we'll go to make things right. We will have lunch afterwards at The Waterway Cafe, 2300 PGA Blvd, Palm Beach Gardens. Please RSVP ( or 443-223-9729) and let me know whether you plan on coming to the book discussion AND whether you plan to join us for lunch afterwards. COME CRUISE WITH US We asked. You answered. We're going on a cruise. There's still room if you want to join us and sail away with your Temple friends and family for a 3 night cruise to the Bahamas on February 19-22, 2016. The costs are all inclusive. For prices & other information, please contact Amy Vogel at (561) 762-1353. Temple Beth Am 14 December 2015 AIPAC Temple Beth Am 15 December 2015 JANUARY’S THURSDAY NIGHT ADULT EDUCATION How Good People Do Horrible Things Myles Cooley, Ph.D. Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 7:00pm *light refreshments at 6:30pm How well do you really know yourself? You probably think that your behavior is based on a personal set of morals and values and that you will behave logically and consistently according to these beliefs across various situations. Social psychologists think otherwise. They have conducted research to bolster their contention that our behavior is largely a function of situational factors. Simply stated, it is quite likely that we may behave differently in various and changeable group situations. The forces of group dynamics can override our personal belief systems and dramatically alter our "ordinary" behavior so that good people might commit atrocious or heinous acts. Videos of three classic social psychologist experiments will illustrate how easy and likely it is that good people may behave badly under certain circumstances. Explanations for atrocities of the Holocaust and Abu Ghraib will be offered as well as suggestions for resisting these detrimental influences. Gandhi and Hitler: Non-Violence and Violence in History Douglas T. McGetchin, Associate Professor, History, Florida Atlantic University Thursdays, January 14, 21 & 28 at 7:00pm *light refreshments at 6:30pm This course examines the very different approaches of two of the most important figures of the twentieth century, Mohandas K. Gandhi and Adolf Hitler. It explores not only the biographical details of the figures themselves, but their historical contexts, challenges, writings, approaches to problem-solving, leadership, goals, their followers, and opponents. It is natural to see Gandhi and Hitler as polar opposites, one good and one evil, one nonviolent and the other ultraviolent, yet there are uncanny parallels that show them as historical figures interacting with their common times. Both wrote autobiographical memoirs and faced imprisonment in the 1920s. Both were adept at using the media and motivating a mass public, as Hitler’s ability to give speeches and manipulate through propaganda is well known, yet Gandhi too was able to raise sympathy for his cause through skillful handling of the media during his 1930 Salt March, for example, and through extensive writing and editing of periodicals; Gandhi’s collected works run to 98 volumes. A major difference in their public persona was Hitler’s advocating lies, and Gandhi’s strictly adhering to Truth, at least as he understood it. Another parallel is their emphasis on willpower. Hitler saw a speech as a battle of wills between audience and orator. Likewise, Gandhi’s use of fasting and personal vows such as clothing habits and silence were ways of getting others to do what he wanted. Once again, however, there were differences, as Hitler’s method usually included more straightforward browbeating and intimidation, while Gandhi’s was the more subtle guilt trip through moral influence by hunger fasting and pulling on heartstrings. Despite the parallels they shared, the legacy they left reflect the depth of their differences as at his core, Gandhi personified love even of one’s enemies, while Hitler vowed hatred and racial animosity to his bitterly dying day. Temple Beth Am 16 December 2015 Cantor Jessica Temple Beth Am JEWISH LIFE IN MUSIC 17 December 2015 MEN’S CLUB DELI DINNER SISTERHOOD PAID-UP MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON Temple Beth Am 18 December 2015 LIGHTHOUSE ART CENTER Temple Beth Am 19 December 2015 KVELL & TELL Mazel Tov to Debbie & Hal Baseman on the engagement of their son Mark to Samantha Cox. Congratulations to Dr. Michael Borenstein on his recent appointment as Co-Director of Jupiter Medical Center Cutaneous Oncology Program. Mazel Tov to Debbie Schmidt who will have her first art exhibit in Tequesta on Friday night, December 11th. Congratulations to Karni Kissil, PhD on the publication of her two new books WELCOME NEW MEMBERS CONDOLENCES Jeff & Pat Stark from Palm Beach Gardens CONDOLENCES TO: Julie Rosenthal from Tequesta Carol Sleeper & family on the loss of her aunt, Bernice Grader. David & Yvette Diamond from Palm Beach Gardens & their children Ava & Liam May God send comfort to those in mourning. Welcome Back to: Tommy & Karen Taveras from Jupiter & their children Beatrice & Adam Support Temple Beth Am by shopping on Amazon Smile! Do you like to shop Amazon online? Want to support TBA? Go to the link below to learn more about Amazon Smile, a program that allows you to support your favorite organizations by shopping - at no additional cost to you! To support Temple, simply: 1. Go to 2. Search: Reform Temple of Jupiter-Tequesta 3. Select it 4. Shop 5. Support us! Temple Beth Am 20 December 2015 SHABBAT SPEAKER, JANUARY 29, 2016 Temple Beth Am 21 December 2015 HIGH HOLY DAYS PLEDGES Thank you to all who made your High Holy Days Pledge Doris Ackerman Edward & Judith Ackerman Richard & Elaine Ades Richard & Wendi Adler Eric & Krista Alterman William Applestein Ray & Linda Aronson Kevin Kehoe & Beverly Auerbach Michael & Jane Baker John & Cheryl Baldwin Charles Barnett Ronnie Barre Steven & Catherine Barre Hal & Debbie Baseman Jackie Baseman Stanley & Merle Bassin Michael & Audrey Becker Stanley & Diane Belsky Sharon Bennett Gary & Nancy Beren Doug & Nancy Berman Jerry & Hilary Berman Mickey Berman Myrna Berman Scott & Melissa Berman Gwen Berry Roger & Marcia Beutner Philip & Lisa Blatt Jim & Judy Bloom Carol Bodenstein Keith & Lorraine Bolton Trudy Boltuch Andrew & Patrice Boyland Alex Bruner & Roberta Presser Robert Burg Anthony & Jennifer Camerino Steve & Marilyn Carp Carol Carswell Shellie Chiet David & Gladys Chleck Albert & Molly Cohen David Cohen Herbert & Phyllis Cohen Howard & Debra Cohen Lee & Tracy Cohen Paula Cohen Ray & Eda Cohen Barry & Wendy Cohn Brian & Liz Cohn Sandra Cohn Stuart & Kristine Cohn Stephan & Shirley Cole Gary Colton Temple Beth Am June Connors Myles & Korleen Cooley Michael & Loretta Corey Dolores Cowen David & Mindy Cox Nicole Cranney Conrad & Carol Damon Barry Davis Miriam Davis Howard & Sheila Debs Scott & Elisabeth Deitz Stephen & Geryl Deixler Brittany Demers Robert & Kimberly Denenberg Brian & Phyllis Dennis Beverly Diamond Philip & Linda Dolen Sandra Drake Jerry & Enid Draluck Phyllis Dressler Ruth Dubrowin Thomas & Janet Dwork Sanford & Lois Edelstein David & Mary Elias Jeffrey & Karin Elman Joel & Donna Engelhardt Barbara Essinger Ted & Maxine Essinger Leslie Fain Ross & Susan Federgreen Norman & Sondra Feinberg Marv & Judy Feller Robert & Karen Feller Sally Feniger Stuart & Phyllis Fierman Artie & Doris Fink Sandra Fischer Fenimore Fisher Eli & Renee Fishman Jerry & Eileen Forman Dana Foster Maurice & Karen Fox Myron Fox & Estelle Gordon Seymour & Sandra Fox Bruce & Joyce Frank Ed & Leah Frankel George & Nancy Franko Daniel & Susan Freedland Howard & Tracey Freedland Ed & Ellen Freeman David & Davi-Linda Friedman Robert & Pamela Friedman Scott & Jennifer Friedman Cliff & Maxine Gabay Rodolfo Galvan & Vanina Galvan Mays William & Deborah Gans Harmon & Lorrie Garfinkel Joel Gazes & Rise Vogel Edward Katz & Jan Gelberman Ilene Gerber Irwin & Lenore Gerson Jonathan Gilbert & Francine Sachs Herbert & Marjorie Gildenhorn Dave & Jeanette Gilfand Roz Gitlitz & Dena Gitlitz Seymour & Susan Glabman Brian & Kristin Glassman Bert Gold Donald & Rhoda Gold Terry & Arleen Golden Craig & Colleen Goldenfarb Barry & Judy Goldstein Gilbert & Carol Goldstein Gary & Loe Goldwasser Sandy Goldworm Richard & Nina Golub Brian Goodman & Vanessa Perez- Goodman Herb & Helen Gordon Samuel & Mary Gordon Barry & Sandra Goren Kyle & Dyann Gormezano Stephen & Mindy Gottlieb Douglass & Shirley Grangard S. Robert & Rosalie Grass Rabbi Sol & Sue Greenberg Robert Greene Barry Gross & Phan Robinson Helene Gross Irwin & Shirley Hahn David & Jacquelyn Halderman Ralph & Betsy Hallac Lisa Hartford Richard & Patti Hasner Paul & Margot Hauser Norman & Shirley Heifetz Howard & Sally Heims Daniel & Karen Hellerstein Bill & Robin Heston Stephan & Sandra Hilcoff Melvyn & Dorothy Hirsch Elliot & Jan Hochman Robert & Nanci Hochman Herbert & Marjorie Hodess Sharon Holinstat Suzanne Holmes Jonathan & Judy Holzman 22 Suzanne Horowitz Joan Horrow Rachel Hosler & Rosalie Rudees Gary & Terri Isaacs Joseph Isenstein Steven & Cheryl Johnston Allen Kalish PA Anita Kaplan Edith Kaplan Edward & Audrey Kaplan Howard Kaplan Alexander & Sarrie Katz Edward Katz Jeffrey & Kerri Kaufmann Harold & Linda Kay Craig & Melissa Kelley Marian Keselenko Julian & Kay Kien Doris Kiken George & Rachelle Kissil Joel & Lynn Klausner Donald & Josephine Klein Robert & Lisa Kleinfeld Sam & Lisa Koltun Alan Komins & Sharon Rosen Paul & Judy Konigsberg Solomon & Harriette Koved Sidney & Eleanor Kovner Bob & Marilyn Kramer Gary & Tracie Krieger Andrew & Stacy Kushner Robert Kussner Stan & Joyce Label Stanley & Patricia Labovitz George & Brenda Lane Matthew & Susan Lane Joel & Dale Langer Stan & Gail Leeds Corinne Lerner Paul & Lois Lester David & Myrna Leven Ken & Joan Lever Howie & Rhonda Levin Louis & Deirdre Levinson Marsha Levinson Randy & Bari Levitt Rabbi Alon & Gali Levkovitz Charles & Marilyn Levy Carla Lewis Jeff & Veronica Lichtenstein Ilya & Diana Lioznyansky Marvin & Roberta Littky Robert & Celeste London Joel & Carol Lubin December 2015 HIGH HOLY DAYS PLEDGES (cont.) Charles Madanick Allan & Evelyn Maltman Stuart Manoff Helene Margulies Irving & Charlotte Markowitz Jane Meehan Roberta Meissler Perry & Susan Meltzer Tina Meshberg & Toby Meshberg Joseph & Carole Meshil Maurice & Irma Meyer Eve Meyerhoefer Steven Misshula & Estelle Milchman Alan & Evangeline Miller David Miller Harry Miller Jeffrey & Stacy Miller Jody Minde Lew & Jennifer Minsky Leo & Libby Minsky Irwin & Iris Misshula Marcy Morris David & Beth Moss Marshall & Carol Moss Richard & Marcia Moyer Kevin & Melissa Mulvaney Andy & Lori Myers Daniel & Carole Myerson Edward & Lauren Nast Stephen & Nina Nemerofsky Wendy Nemerofsky Alan & Phylis Newman Joseph & Doris Newman Leonard & Beverly Nieder Alice Oberman Marsha Orandle Melvin & Ellen Paikoff Paul Pinkus Andrew & Cheryl Plotkin Michele Polisar Philip & Glennis Politziner Steve & Stacy Politziner Jan Pollitt William & Lois Prokocimer Bruce & Sharon Prolow Jo Pulvermacher Richard & Lois Remick Seth Resnick & Jamie Spritzer Michael & Young Richards Kenneth & Nancy Richter Robert & Marcia Rizika Bradley Roffer & Anna Healy Jon & Rona Rogovin Jeffrey & Traci Rollins Temple Beth Am Ralph & Chris Rolnick Elinor Roosth Mark Roosth Marion Rosencrans Jerry & Myrna Rosenfeld Bret & Rebecca Rosenthal Gary & Eileen Rosenthal Ronald & Judy Rosenthal Zelda Ross Ted & Jane Rowen Mark & Jessi Rubenstein Deborah Rubin Evelyn Rubin Len Rubin & Julie Littky-Rubin Raquel Ruiz Stacey Runfola Richard & Joan Rusden Herb & Eileen Rutstein Emile & Fran Sandler Peter Sandquist Jeff & Martha Satinoff Richard & Diane Savrann Phyllis Schaffer L. Alan & Robin Schafler Ricia Scharf Bernard & Norma Schattner Pauline Scheinfein Ruth Schiffer Dennis & Debbie Schmidt Ron De Manna & Joetta Schneider Allen & Esther Schultz Fay Schwartz Larry & Stephanie Segal Frank Seidman Arthur & Barbara Seltzer Jonathan & Amy Shainman Orin & Jennifer Shakerdge Steven & Lynn Shapiro Wendy Sharpe Janet Shuldiner Robert & Kathi Silk Harvey & Rita Silverman Jerry & Robin Silvers Danny Simon & Leah Yablong Norm & Judy Skurnick Fred & Nancy Slabine Debby Slifkin Mark & Arline Slifkin Edward Gerstein & Tema Smeyne Jo Smith Bob & Nancy Soifer Diane Sosman 23 Israel & Regina Spector Ken & Marcy Sprechman Larry & Alice Spritzer Perez & Harriet Starusta John & Lisa Stauffer Paul & Fredda Steidle Conrad Steinhart Rick & Sheryl Stewart Larry & Elisa Strauss Jeremy Sundack & Hilary Chiet Alan & Rhoda Swartz Charles & Joan Tager Fred & Deanna Talmud Marvin & Randee Tancer Marshall & Laurel Teitelbaum Jacob & C.K. Tenenbaum Noah Thrope Eleanor Titelbaum William & Laurie Toback Michael & Susan Torbin Vivian Treves Craig & Amy Vogel Harriet Vogel David & Lynne Wachsman Michael & Robin Walder Sara Walsh Robert & Sara Ward Lillian Wasserman David & Elayne Weener Joel Weinstein & Gladys Gottlieb Paul & Lauren Weinstein Heather Weisbrod Stuart & Pamela Weisbrod Barry & Lois Weiss Stanley Weiss & Karen Barash Herbert & Penny Wender Alec & Dotty Wisch Linda Wolfe Louis & Marjorie Wolfson Arthur & Glenda Wolpert Joel & Susan Zanville Chester & Toby Zeichner Gary Zentner Morton & Annette Zigelsky Len & Harriet Zysman *As of 11/17/2015 December 2015 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Alissa Frankel, Education Director As we near the mid-point of our year, the HaMakom team would love to hear from you! You will be receiving progress reports from your child’s teacher before the new year. Feel free to reach out to me or your child’s teacher with any questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you for being an active participant in your child’s Jewish learning at Temple Beth Am. Thank you to everyone who came to our first Family Shabbat Experience! We are looking forward to our next one on Friday, January 22nd. Here’s what’s coming up in December: Friday, December 4th – Sunday, December 6th – Sixth Grade Retreat Sunday, December 6th – Camp Day Wear your camp shirt, learn about camp and scholarship opportunities Sunday, December 13th – Maccabiah Games followed by lunch for everyone! There’s no school December 20th – January 3rd due to Winter Break. We resume Tuesday, January 5th! I hope everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable Winter Break! YOUTH GROUP Laura Williams, Youth Director The first week in November, I was fortunate to attend the URJ Biennial 2015 in Orlando. There were multiple sessions each day that helped guide me to new ideas and concepts for our Youth Groups, Religious School, and Temple as a whole. I learned about “green” initiatives, Tikkun Olam and Youth Engagement, and innovative ways to connect our students and technology to Jewish learning. From session to session, there were countless opportunities for me to meet other Jewish and Youth Professionals and learn about their programs, new ideas, and pioneering strategies to keep teens connected to Judaism and their synagogues. The programs with all (over 5,000) attendees proved to be more than just educational, but also inspiring. Hearing the various speakers such as Joe Biden, Michael Douglass, and Rabbi David Saperstein on their relationship and careers in the Reform Movement gave me new insight and purpose as I returned home. I have already been sharing what I have learned with the HaMakom team, and I cannot wait to see what we are able to do with the resources brought back from Biennial! Upcoming Events December 6th – Cochavim “Touching Teva” at The River Center December 8th – Myles Cooley speaking at Shalom Chai to 11th/12th Grade January 16-17th – Shalom Chai Retreat to Orlando TEMPLE-WIDE MITZVAH DAY– JANUARY 24, 2016 Details to follow. Watch your weekly emails and next month’s Scribe. Volunteers Needed! Temple Beth Am 24 December 2015 Temple Beth Am 25 December 2015 14TH ANNUAL PTO NIGHT OUT GALA We invite you to secure a place in helping to make the The One School PTO Night Out Gala a huge success! The 14th Annual Night Out is the PTO’s largest fundraiser of the year and brings together hundreds of individuals connected to our community, Temple and preschool. Your support will help to further the growth and happiness of some beautiful young minds. Live music, luscious libations, tasty temptations, sinful gambling, stupendous shopping and more await this year’s The Great Gatsby guests, sponsors & underwriters. 14th Annual The One School PTO Night Out Gala Sponsorship/Underwriting Opportunities Please indicate your level of support by checking one of the options below. All proceeds go to The One School PTO Host Committee Sponsor $1000 – (Includes 4 tickets to Gala, Name featured on invitation if submitted by 12/15/15, Name featured on event marketing & social media, Special signage at event, Personal thanks) Champagne Committee Sponsor $500 – (Includes 2 tickets to Gala and Name featured on event marketing & social media) General Committee Sponsor $250 – (Includes 1 ticket to Gala and Name featured on event marketing & social media) Gala Favors Underwriting Opportunity $1000 – Limited to 1 organization/family/person (Includes 2 tickets to Gala, Name & logo on gala favors, Name featured on invitation if submitted by 12/15/15, Name featured on event marketing & social media, Personal thanks) Photo Booth Underwriting Opportunity $750 – Limited to 1 organization/family/person (Includes 2 tickets to Gala, Special signage on photo booth, Name featured on invitation if submitted by 12/15/15, Name featured on event marketing & social media, Personal thanks) Live Music Underwriting Opportunity $750 – Limited to 2 organization/2families/people (Includes 2 tickets to Gala, Special signage by live music, Name featured on invitation if submitted by 12/15/15, Name featured on event marketing & social media, Personal thanks) Casino Gaming Underwriting Opportunity $750 - Limited to 10 organization/2families/people (Includes 2 tickets to Gala, Special signage at gaming tables, Name featured on invitation if submitted by 12/15/15, Name featured on event marketing & social media, Personal thanks) ________________ Gala Ticket(s) at $100 each I am unable to attend but please accept my $_____________ gift. Please visit to purchase your event tickets, sponsorships, underwriting opportunities, register your payment information for the silent auction and raffle tickets and bid on silent auction items online prior to the gala and via text & mobile during the event. Thank you for your participation & be sure to bring your phone to the event! *If you prefer to pay via check or cash you can do so at auction closing* Temple Beth AmFor questions 26contact theoneschoolptogala@gmail.comDecember 2015 or more information please TEMPLE BETH AM MISHPACHA/FAMILY CENTER Temple Beth Am 27 December 2015 Kerrie Rhoades, President THE ONE SCHOOL PTO From our families to yours…we wish you a Happy Chanukah!! Our next PTO meeting is on Monday, December 14th at 9:15am in the Chapel off the main lobby of the Temple. We look forward to seeing you there. Thank you, thank you, thank you Amy Russell for chairing a successful Holiday Boutique event last month! Thank you Marci Katz for your help linking par ticipating vendor s to our Facebook page. Thank you, thank you to all of the wonderful parents and teachers who volunteered during our event – whether you baked and/or volunteered your time, we greatly appreciate your time and commitment to our school!! A huge thank you goes to Lindsey Klatzko for overseeing our raffle. We even had some special One School Alumnae volunteers – thank you Ben Levkovitz for your help selling latkes…and thank you Ben Levkovitz & Elle Klatzko for using your accounting skills to close out our r affle & Latke sales – great team work! :) October’s bake sale was another huge success. Thank you Robin Walder, Jamie Spritzer, Samantha Gestal and Chen Abraham, our bake sale chair s, as well as our AWESOME baker s! Our next bake sale is Friday, December 18th from 12:00noon – 3:00pm. Please stop by to see what our talented baker s make next. We hope everyone had a thankful day when we hosted Palm Beach County Community Action Program of Children and Families for our Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon on Monday, November 23rd. Amy Wood wor ked tir elessly to make sure this day was special for everyone, along with Paula Deakter, Dotty Wisch and all of our wonderful volunteers. This is always a wonderful way to start the Thanksgiving holiday. We look forward to continuing to participate with all of the congregants and families to ensure a wonderful year for our children. MAH JONGG CARDS FOR SALE Temple Beth Am 28 December 2015 DECEMBER YAHRZEITS December 1 - December 5 Frances Baseman*: Mother-in-law of Jackie Baseman & Grandmother of Hal Baseman Lynn Katz: Mother of Connie Golber Mina Conway Morello: Mother of Daniel Morello Julius Shuldiner: Father of Marc Shuldiner Stanley Solomont: Father of Edie Wolf Esther Weiner: Mother of Jerry Weiner Bessie Wolk: Mother of Ruth Schiffer Rosalind Epstein: Sister of Melvin Wolfe Ida Lena Seidman: Mother of Frank Seidman Herman Wallman: Father of Lois Prokocimer Leona Wecht: Wife of Bernard Wecht Linda White: Wife of Harvey White & Mother of Jared, Seth & Abby White Sally Grusby*: Mother-in-law of Myrna Abramowitz Julia Landy: Mother of Susan Freedland & Grandmother of Howard Freedland James Keough: Father of Brenda Lane Mollie Littky: Grandmother of Julie Littky-Rubin Ida Frank: Grandmother of Carol Sleeper Herbert Schurowitz: Father of Ronald Shaw December 6 - December 12 Rose Black*: Grandmother of Myrna Abramowitz Doretta Frank: Mother of Helene Margulies Herman Kaytes: Father of Elinor Wapner Rosalind Klausman: Aunt of Carla Lewis Greg Martin: Brother-in-law of Robert & Celeste London & Uncle of Heather Wood Joseph Wenit: Father of Carol Goldstein Abraham Fund*: Grandfather of Sandra Fox Henrietta Schurowitz: Mother of Ronald Shaw Samuel Schwartzman*: Husband of Sonja Schwartzman Lillian Sheinman: Mother of Geryl Deixler Shirley Cutler: Sister of Daniel Freedland & Aunt of Howard Freedland Joyce Goldstein: Daughter of Barry & Judy Goldstein Robert Rosenberg: Father of Melissa Mulvaney Larry Short: Father-in-law of Jody Minde Leonard Sosman: Brother-in-law of Diane Sosman Boris Arenzon: Father of Daniel Arenson Sidney "Sam" Azeez: Father of Michael Azeez Morris Cohen: Uncle of Debbie Carr Elaine Sherman: Mother of Jane Choate Frances Silverberg: Mother of Alan Silverberg Edith Stein*: Mother of Barbara Seltzer Joseph Wapner: Father of Mort Wapner Bernard Barnett: Father of Charles Barnett Julius Meissler: Father-in-law of Bobbie Meissler Dr. Alfred Shapiro: Father of Steven Shapiro Nathan Bernstein: Father of Max Bernstein Reba Kaminsky: Sister-in-law of Lillian Wasserman & Aunt of Sara Ward David Mestelman*: Uncle of Natalie Lango & Mike Deakter and Great-Uncle of Rachel Goldman & Josh Deakter Sarah Miller: Mother of David Miller & Grandmother of Shellie Chiet Ellis Rubin: Brother of Jeanne Tarsches Temple Beth Am * Memorial Plaque December 13 - December 19 Max Schatzer*: Father of Barbara Leaf Ida Schuster: Grandmother of Shari Rodgers Shirley Rubin: Mother of Carol Carswell Marilyn Sirkus: Aunt of Myrna Abramowitz Miriam Beifel: Grandmother of Patrice Boyland Irving Block: Father of Linda Kay Leonard Krieger: Father of Gary Krieger Alexander Nason: Father of Mickey Berman Arnold Nathan: Father of Meryl Goldberg Murray Tishler: Father of Diane Sosman Joseph Kaufman: Father of Harold Kaufman Belle Kroll*: Mother of Evelyn Slotkin Augusta Lazarus: Mother-in-law of Jack Barr Julius Lebrecht: Father of Harriet Zysman Marty Rubin*: Father of Marla Krieger Harry Berman: Father-in-law of Mickey Berman Edward Bernstein: Grandfather of Joel Engelhardt Irving Maltman: Father of Allan Maltman Bernard Rosenfeld: Cousin of Arnie Weinstein Lillian Solomon: Mother of Roz Gitlitz & Grandmother of Dena Gitlitz Florence Federgreen: Mother of Ross Federgreen Louis Black: Father of Marilyn Finkel Lee Bryant: Remembered by Linda Rose Delores Smooke: Mother of Susan Marzina December 20 - December 26 Jack Greenbaum: Father of Rhea Exizian Dorothy Jackson: Grandmother of Branden Gould Gloria Kanfer*: Sister of Irving Markowitz Sam Nass: Father of Joan Tager Louis Zayon*: Father of Herbert Zayon Paul Allen: Father of Judi Rubenstein & Grandfather of Mark Rubenstein Maurice Edelstein: Father of Sanford Edelstein Renee Goldberg: Mother of Steven Goldberg Vincent Manfra*: Father of Glen Manfra Harold Baumholtz: Brother of Allan Baumholtz Benny Frank: Grandfather of Carol Sleeper Abraham Smith: Father of Molly Cohen Shirley Boodson: Grandmother of Andrea Roth Marty Grusby*: Husband of Myrna Abramowitz Rita Kazhdan: Grandmother of Daniel Arenson Samuel Slifkin*: Father of Mark Slifkin & Grandfather of Howard Slifkin Andrew Dzmura: Father of Sally Rosen Ruth Feingold: Mother of Sharon Holinstat & Grandmother of Tammy Webber David Trosty: Brother of Sara Walsh Jacob Weiner: Father of Jerry Weiner Loil Caplan: Cousin of Nina Nemerofsky David Katz: Father of Stuart Katz Carroll L. Moody: Father of Bryan Moody David Olanow*: Father of Wendy Cohn Frank Philmore*: Husband of Erica Philmore Sylvia Silvers*: Mother of Jerry Silvers & Grandmother of Jason Silvers cont. on following page 29 December 2015 DECEMBER YAHRZEITS TBA KNITTING CLUB * Memorial Plaque December 27 - December 31 Morris Cohn*: Father of Barry Cohn & Grandfather of Brian Cohn & Stacey Runfola Al Kutner: Grandfather of Andrea Roth Carole Shaya: Mother of Anthony Shaya Julius Koch: Father of Karen Feller Harold Stavisky: Brother of Norman Stavisky Arthur F. "Jim" Baumann: Father of Andrew Baumann Louis Kaplan*: Father of Judy Bloom Tillie LaBovick: Mother of Nathan LaBovick & Grandmother of Brian LaBovick Cara Becker: Daughter of Eric & Jill Becker & Sister of Gregory & Jacob Becker Cele Blumberg: Mother of Shirley Goldberg Mabel Harris Essinger: Mother of Ted Essinger Saul Hochman: Father of Bob Hochman Mary Kutner: Grandmother of Andrea Roth Frances Rodan*: Grandmother of Bruce Rodan Vivian Schwartz: Mother of Judy Rosenthal Jack Murphy: Uncle of Maureen Cohen Monday, December 28 at 11:00am For more information, contact Leona Usher: 561-694-0290 or lju561@gmail;com DRIVERS NEEDED MAH JONGG CLUB Need a Ride? If you need a ride to or from Friday night Services please contact the Temple office by the Tuesday morning prior and we’ll see if there are any volunteers that can pick you up. Please remember that arrangements must be made at least four days in advance. MAH JONGG CLUB Wednesdays at 12:45pm Cracks, Bams, and Dots! Provide a Ride Oh, my! Transportation is for our senior members who would not otherwise be able to get to Shabbat Services. The rides are free. Volunteer drivers are needed. If you’d like to volunteer to be one of the mensches who provides rides for others and you are coming to Services on Friday nights anyway and have room for an extra person or two in your car, please give the Temple office a call to sign up to be a volunteer. Interested in joining a Mah Jongg Club here at Temple? Call Dotty Wisch at 746-7017 or email, or call Toby Zeichner at 745-0395. Temple Beth Am 30 December 2015 WE GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR DONATIONS Camp Coleman Sydnee Newman-in honor of Brud Tarsches’ birthday Music Fund Randee & Marvin Tancer-in support of Brett Tancer, our Rabbinic Intern Fredda & Paul Steidle-in honor of their daughter Rebecca becoming a Bat Mitzvah and in appreciation to Cantor Jessica and Brett Tancer for all they did for Rebecca Caring Community Lorraine Katz-in memory of Louis Penn Julie Rosenthal-in memory of William I. Rosenthal Clare & Dick Lesser-in honor of Wendy Cohn’s birthday Community Garden Janet Dwork-in memory of Robert Daniel Weiss Annette Zigelsky-in memory of Lillian Buan Flower Fund Ashley & Jon Popiel-in honor of the B’nei Mitzvah of their children Max & Jules Jill & Molly Fried-in honor of their daughter Molly becoming a Bat Mitzvah Debbie & Dan Grogins-in honor of their son Michael becoming a Bar Mitzvah Mary & David Elias-in honor of the baby naming of their grandson, Eitan Solomon Wein Heather & William Strauss-in honor of their daughter Marni becoming a Bat Mitzvah General Fund Larry Diamond-in memory of Sheldon Diamond Carol Willner-in memory of Betty Rosenblatt Beverly Pace-in memory of Abraham Silberstein Ed Gerstein-in memory of Judy Gerstein Doris Ackerman-in memory of Allan Ackerman Karen & Bob Feller-in memory of Daniel Arturo Karen & Bob Feller-wishing a speedy recovery to Amy Russell Rhoda & Alan Swartz-in honor of the marriage of Don & Jo Klein’s granddaughter Rachel Brill & Scott Lipshutz Bradley Morris-in appreciation Bobbie Meissler-in memory of Mildred Meissler & Richard Meissler Joe Meshil-in memory of Samuel Meshil Ruth Ottenheimer-in memory of Walter & Ella Jacobsohn Nathan LaBovick-in memory of Louis LaBovick Ina & Burt Friedman-wishing a speedy recovery to Pamela Friedman High Holy Days Prayer Books Allison Neidoff-in memory of Stewart Hollander Rabbi’s Education & Programming Fund Wendy & Barry Cohn Liz & Brain Cohn Mark Greenberg-in appreciation to Rabbi Alon for doing shiva Stephen Drourr-in memory of Nathaniel Drourr Diane Belsky-in memory of Abraham Feitelberg & Rose Feitelberg Stanley Belsky-in memory of Abraham Belsky & Samuel Belsky Religious School Fund Wendy Sherman-in memory of Mike Rose Social Action Fund Fredda & Paul Steidle-in memory of the mother of Patricia Liebman Wendy & Barry Cohn-for the Food Pantry Liz & Brian Cohn-for the Food Pantry Mortgage Elimination Fund Sue & Dan Freedland-in memory of Alan Pinkwasser Edie Kaplan-in memory of Rose Kanter Edie Kaplan & Family-in memory of Seymour Kaplan Tom Choate-in memory of Elizabeth Choate Marilyn & Nate Finkel-in honor of the birthdays of Allison Ford, Jesse Levier and Ed DeVingo Tamar Maltz-in memory of Rose Silverman Herb Gordon-in memory of his father Morris Gordon Temple Beth Am Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund David Schlisserman-in memory of Philip Schlisserman Maxine & Ted Essinger-in memory of Daniel Arturo Lorraine Garfinkel-in memory of Ephraim Plawsky Allan Maltman-in memory of Esther Maltman Angie & Scott Fischer-in honor of Jacob’s Bar Mitzvah Dolores Cowen-in memory of Claire Cohen Ted Essinger-in memory of Frederick Essinger Sandy & Art Bobrow-in honor of John Wolf’s 75th birthday Fredda & Paul Steidle-in honor of their daughter Rebecca becoming a Bat Mitzvah and in appreciation to Rabbi Alon for all he did for Rebecca Irving Markowitz-in memory of Clara Markowitz & Philip Markowitz Sharon Holinstat-in memory of Abe Chaben Irving Mittenberg-in memory of Benjamin Mittenberg Lorraine Garfinkel-in memory of Thelma Miriam Plawsky Donald Klein-in memory of Abraham Klein Dyann Gormezano-in memory of Rochelle (Shellie) Kronfeld Carol Sherman-in appreciation Donald Kronfeld-in memory of Rochelle (Shellie) Kronfeld Mim Davis-in memory of Ruth Mohl Ken Sprechman-in memory of Melanie Sprechman The One School Beth & Bill Goldman-in memory of Helen Knotts, mother of Beth Goldman & grandmother of Gary Goldman 31 December 2015 DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Addison Basinski Asher Blatt Emma Deakter Lisa Harrisburg Seth Honowitz Gerald Teitelbaum Molly Walsh Alex Weinstein Jack Boyland Marsha Levinson Phil Rosenberg Jacob Seidman Michael Stolowitz Sonnet Jacobs Roni Kissil Ilissa Levine Amy Andersen Janet Erony-Kahan Chloe Greenberg Jose Alvarez Josephine Berenson Edward Fischman Alexis Friedman Jordan Hyman Laurie Cohen Stacy Miller Esther Stillman Jill Becker Jessica Carr Alon Laviv Linda Posner Lori Sabatose Marshall Teitelbaum Linda Tylka Debra Cohen Sara Friedman Judy Pincus Wendy Cohn Gary Colton Tamara Hartman Benjamin Rosenberg Deanna Talmud Keith Bolton Howard Fox Martin Krieger Edward Nast Daniel Nuchovich Iael Nuchovich Lynn Shapiro Betsy Towers Robin Walder Makayla Wood Temple Beth Am 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Julie Ross Noah Weiss Joshua Borenstein Ron Holland Ilana Levinson Judy Skurnick Carol Sleeper Allison Ferrelli Liz Levine Jan Pollitt Sarah Darby Loel Fishman Robert Greene Lisa Kleinfeld Susan Lane Steven Leibovich Samuel Chiet Clare Dana Max Popiel Max Bernstein Donald Klein David Randell Lance Rose Rosalinda Rose Bernie Stein Clay Damon Brie Goldsobel Genna Goldsobel Shirley Grangard Gary Krieger Joshua Talero Bradley Andersen Dan Baxter Laura Friedman Michael Lerner Geoffrey Moody Norm Skurnick Jason Weisser Alec Wisch Jennifer Boss Jeffrey Dreier Elvira Drourr Teddy Dwork Nicole Isdaner Ashley Amsden Doris Kiken Frank Mahramus Allan Maltman Bruce Pascal Shane Rosenberg Elaine Kaufman Michael Azeez Jack Pincus Eileen Turenne 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 26 26 26 32 Karin Elman Robin Jordan Christina Esplen Brandon Leibovich Zahava Misshula Margo Posner Sheila Teitelbaum Jodie Wagner Alexandra DelPrete Zachary Thomas David Foster Rose Lynch Ron Wolf Marley Levine Daphne Rogers Chet Zeichner 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES David & Yvette Diamond Dan & Marcy Isdaner Cary & Liz Levine Herb & Rose Kester Randy & Bari Levitt Forrest & Carol Sleeper Herb & Penny Wender David & Bunny Berenson Lee & Melissa Cohen Stephen & Jennifer Burjan Daniel & Irene Arenson Hal & Debbie Baseman Wayne & Linda Posner Bradley Roffer & Anna Healy Howie & Rhonda Levin Andy & Lori Myers Dan & Jen Boss Frank & Carol Mahramus Howard & Emily Bromberg Nate & Marilyn Finkel Lou & Marge Wolfson Harold & Linda Kay Stephen & Nina Nemerofsky Rich & Lois Remick Hal & Mary-Ann Siegel Joey & Lauren Abrin 2 3 4 5 5 5 10 11 11 14 15 17 18 18 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 26 27 29 December 2015 December 2015 Calendar subject to change. Check our website at for updates. Sun Mon Tue 29 30 1 Wed 2 NO Religious School 5:00 Religious School 12:45 Mah Jongg Thu Fri Sat 3 4 5 9:30 Tot Along Yoga 7:00 Choir 6:30 Shalom Chai 12:00 Lunch & Learn 7:00 Adult Ed: Best of Talmud w/Rabbi & Brett 6 1st Night of Chanukah 6th gr. Retreat 7 Chanukah 10:30 Book Club 9:30 Rel. School 8 Chanukah 5:00 Rel. School 6:30 Shalom Chai 10:00 Bib. Hebrew 1:00 Cochavim prog Light Last Chanukah Candle 12:45 Mah Jongg 7:00 Choir 14 Last Day of Chanukah 9:30 Rel. School & Maccabbee games followed by lunch 9:15 The One School PTO meeting 11:00 Adult Biblical Hebrew 11:00 NO Knitting Club 15 5:00 Religious School 6:30 Shalom Chai 7:00 Board Meeting 12:00 Adult Trope Class 20 Chanukah 10:00 JCC/ Sisterhood Brunch & Speaker 6:30 Men’s Club Meeting 12:00 Trope Class 13 9 16 12:45 Mah Jongg 5-8 TOS Parent Conferences 6:00 AIPAC Meeting 10 Chanukah 9:30 Tot Along Yoga 12:00 Lunch & Learn 7:00 Adult Ed: Best of Talmud w/Rabbi & Brett 17 9:30 Tot Along Yoga 21 TOS closed NO St. Geor ge’s Soup Kitchen See Dec. 24th 22 TOS closed 23 TOS closed NO Religious School or Shalom Chai 6th gr. retreat (Lake Worth) 5:00 6th gr. retreat 5:30 Kid’s Shabbat 7:00 Shabbat Service with guest speaker Professor Doug McGetchin 11 Chanukah 12 Chanukah 9:00 TOS Chanukah Shabbat Celebration 9:15 Toddler Enrich. Program 5:30 Shabbat Service 6:30 Chanukah Dinner & Celebration 18 9:15 Toddler 19 Enrich. Program 12:00 Bake Sale 12:00 Lunch & Learn 6:00 Spirited Shabbat Recept. 7:00 Adult Ed: Best of Talmud w/Rabbi & Brett 6:30 Song Session 7:00 Choir NO Religious School or Adult Education 9:15 Toddler Enrichment Prog. 7:00 Service/ Torah /B’day bless. S/A project at oneg 24 TOS closed 2:00 Office closes early 4:45 St. George’s Soup Kitchen 25 TOS closed Christmas Day The One School & Office closed 26 Winter Kallah in Orlando 4:00 Sisterhood & Men’s Club Dec. 25th Event 7:00 Shabbat Service 27 28 TOS closed 29 TOS closed 30 TOS closed NO Religious School or Adult Education TOS Intersession TOS Intersession TOS Intersession 11:00 Knitting Club Winter Kallah in Orlando Winter Kallah in Orlando Winter Kallah in Orlando NO Religious School or Shalom Chai Temple Beth Am Winter Kallah in Orlando 33 31 TOS closed New Year’s Eve TOS Intersession closes at 2:00 1 TOS closed New Year’s Day The One School & Office closed 2:00 Office closes early 7:00 Shabbat Service 2 8:00 Jewish Life in Music at Maltz featuring Cantor Jessica with the Joe Scott Trio December 2015 Temple Beth Am 34 December 2015 Temple Beth Am 35 December 2015 NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA PERMIT # 1978 Temple Beth Am 2250 Central Blvd. Jupiter, FL 33458 Current resident or The staff at Temple Beth Am wishes you a happy holiday season. TEMPLE BETH AM 2250 CENTRAL BLVD JUPITER, FL 33458 561-747-1109 - FAX 561-222-2781 TEMPLE OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm WEB SITE: E-MAIL: THE ONE SCHOOL BLOG: Rabbi: Alon Levkovitz Cantor: Jessica Turnoff Ferrari Rabbinic Intern: Brett Tancer Director of Engagement, Programming & Membership: Carol Sleeper Director of Administration & Accounting: Melanie Goldsobel Early Childhood Director: Paula Deakter Education Director: Alissa Frankel Jewish Life Activities Director: Danna Cohen Youth Director: Laura Williams Communications Manager: Elizabeth Howell Facilities Supervisor Shawn Berry Executive Administrative Assistant & Scribe Editor: Margot Hauser Assistant Scribe Editor: Debbie Baseman Early Childhood Administrator: Sherrie Kesselman Bookkeeper: Robbin Briley EXECUTIVE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President: Vice President: Vice President: VP, Education: Treasurer: Secretary: Mark Slifkin Brian Cohn Bruce Cohen Catherine Drourr Carol Carswell Mary Elias BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Gwen Berry Bob Hochman Cubby Steinhart Leah Frankel Steven Misshula Leona Usher MEN’S CLUB REPRESENTATIVE: SISTERHOOD REPRESENTATIVE: PARLIAMENTARIAN: PAST PRESIDENTS: Jeanne Tarsches John Alexander Brud Tarsches Stephen Lewis Beth Eisenman Len Green Arnie Weinstein Bob Miller Myrna Abramowitz Jody Minde Hal Baseman (2 terms) Jackie Halderman Harvey Silverman Ellen Vargas Jack Tenenbaum Maril Levy Jody Minde Alvin Schlossberg Michael Deakter (2 terms) Jerry Silvers Tom Ross Bruce Cohen Capital Campaign Consultant: Mindy Hanken Temple Beth Am 36 December 2015
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Temple Beth Am 2250 Central Blvd. Jupiter, FL 33458 (561) 747-1109
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