Payroll Manager Guide


Payroll Manager Guide
Payroll Manager Guide
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 Copyright Information
This manual is intended for information purposes only. CompuPay makes no warranties,
expressed or implied, regarding its contents.
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice. This manual and the software
described in this manual are furnished under a license agreement. It is against the law to
copy the software or this manual on any medium except as specifically allowed in the
license or nondisclosure agreement. No part of this manual may be reproduced or
retransmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including
photocopying, recording, or information recording and retrieval systems, for any other
purpose other than the licensee’s personal use pursuant to the license agreement, without
the express written permission of CompuPay.
Sage, the Sage logos, and the Sage product and service names mentioned herein are
registered trademarks and trademarks of Sage Software, Inc., or its affiliated entities.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS
Registration and Logon .............................................................................................................2
Employee Maintenance ..............................................................................................................7
Company Center .......................................................................................................................42
Payroll Center ...........................................................................................................................58
HR Management Center ...........................................................................................................88
GL Management........................................................................................................................96
Sage HRMS Management ........................................................................................................97
Report Center..........................................................................................................................118
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 1
Registration and Logon
Users must register with Sage 50 Managed Payroll before access can be granted to
the system. After logging on for the first time, registrations can be created to allow
Sage 50 Managed Payroll access to other employees. This happens in the HR
Management Center.
1. Go to https://Sage
2. Click the New User Registration link.
3. Using the .pdf registration letter (Payroll Managers received during account
setup), enter the Company Code and Passcode from the Self Registration
Instructions, then the last four digits of the user’s Social Security Number.
4. Click the Submit button.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 2
Registration, (contd.)
1. Enter First Name and Last Name 2. Create a Username
3. Create a Password—
Requirements at the bottom of this page. 4. Answer seven security questions There are 20 questions from which to choose. Note: The answers are case sensitive and will be required during the multifactor authentication process. 5. Click the Submit button when finished.
6. A message displays indicating the registration was successful. Click the go to
the Logon page link.
7. Enter the username and password and click the Logon button.
 Passwords should be minimum of 8 characters long
 Passwords should include at least one alpha and
numeric character
 Passwords should include at least one of the required
 Passwords should include alpha, numeric, and defined
special characters only
 The following special characters are allowed: !@#$%^*()
 Passwords should not include 2 identical adjacent
 Password and user logon should not be the same
 The most recent three passwords cannot be used again
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 3
1. Logon to https://Sage
2. Enter the username and password, and then click the Logon button. This directs
users to the Home Page.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 4
Multifactor Authentication
Each registered user will be required to complete the Computer Registration as seen
Note: After initial logon, the system automatically redirects to the Computer
Registration screen. Three of the seven challenge questions answered during the
New Registration process needs to be answered correctly. (Remember, they are
case sensitive.) If the questions are not answered correctly, a fourth failed attempt
locks the account.
CompuPay does not have the ability to access the answers provided by users during
the New User Registration process. If the account becomes locked or the challenge
questions cannot be answered, the user needs to reregister as a new user and
provide the appropriate information to create a new logon. Payroll Managers need to
contact a CompuPay Payroll Support Specialist to obtain a New User Registration
Employees can request new registration letters from the Payroll Manager. The
existing user needs to be deleted on the User Management screen. That user then
appears on the Bulk Registration screen, and the steps for setting up a new user are
After answering the three challenge questions, a secure cookie is placed on that
computer. This cookie contains a randomly generated unique number used as an
identifier. When accessing Sage 50 Managed Payroll from that computer, the
browser sends CompuPay this cookie and lets us know it is a registered computer.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 5
Multifactor Authentication, (contd.)
A cookie is a piece of information sent by a web server (such as Sage 50 Managed
Payroll) to the computer’s browser. Cookies may include information such as a
registration ID, user preferences, and so on. The browser saves this cookie and
sends it back to Sage 50 Managed Payroll each time the system is accessed.
Note: Sage 50 Managed Payroll uses the secure cookie to identify registered
computers. If they are deleted, Sage 50 Managed Payroll detects the computer is not
authorized and requires that three randomly selected challenge questions be
answered again.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 6
Employee Maintenance
Create New Employee
The Create New Employee screen is found in the HR Management Center (Page 84)
and allows basic employee demographic, status, pay, and tax information to be
added for new employees. All other information such as recurring deductions, fringe
benefits, direct deposits, and accruals must be entered in the Employee Center
(Page 9).
While the Birth Date is not required, it must be entered for new hire reporting and 401(k) catch‐up allowances. Note: Calendar icons may be selected to access a calendar menu. Months may be changed by using the right and left arrows. To access a larger calendar menu, click on the month. Required Fields
Employee ID—This automatically populates to the next highest number. This field
can be changed during the Create New Employee process.
Last Name—There are 40 characters available. This field should reflect the
employee’s legal name that is to appear on the W-2.
First Name—There are 40 characters available. This field should reflect the
employee’s legal name that is to appear on the W-2.
City—For mailing address.
State—The drop-down includes all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
SSN--This field should be formatted 111-11-1111.
Status—The drop-down includes A, L, or T. (Active, Leave, Terminated)
Cost Centers—Cost Centers have five levels available and are custom to the
company setup. Examples of Cost Center levels are Department and Location.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 7
Create New Employee, (contd.)
Required Fields
Pay Frequency
This is how often the employee will be paid and taxed.
Note: While Pay Rate Information is not required, this information has to be created
in the Pay Rate screen if it is not done during the Create New Employee process.
Salaried Employee Pay Information: Enter Default Hours, Salary (this is a pay period
salary), Pay Frequency, and Auto Pay selection can be entered. Click the Calculate
Rate button to populate a Base Rate for salaried employees.
Hourly Employee Pay Information: Enter the Base Rate (hourly/unit rate of pay) and
the Pay Frequency chosen. Multiple rates of pay for hourly employees can be
created in the Pay Rate screen.
Federal Income Tax—The drop-down includes tax forms such as W-2 and 1099.
Status—Federal Tax Filing Status.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 8
Create New Employee, (contd.)
Override Tax Calc
In order for the system to disregard pay frequency and W-4 filing status, the Override
Tax Calc drop-down must be set to Yes. The Additional Amount and Percentage
fields are then renamed to indicate Flat. This can be done for Federal and State
Income Tax Withholding. Leaving both fields blank exempts the employee from
specific tax withholding.
State—State Income Tax Field. Custom to the company setup.
Status—State Tax Filing Status. Once the State Income Tax field is populated, the
screen will refresh with the applicable Status drop-down and Notes.
Additional Amount
Additional Percentage
Unemployment State and Work State—Once the State Income Tax field is
populated, the screen refreshes, and the Unemployment and Work State populates.
This can be changed if the employee is filing state taxes in the state lived in.
Employee Group—Can be created in the HR Management Center. It defaults to All
Employees. If using employee groups, this must be assigned during the Create New
Employee process.
Note: Be sure to save all changes. The Save button is located at the bottom, lefthand corner of the active screen throughout Sage 50 Managed Payroll.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 9
Social Security Number Validation
After you enter the social security number for W-2 employees, the number is
evaluated based on the following three factors. This occurs on the Create New
Employee and Demographics screens.
1. The prefix (first three numbers) falls within the ranges established by the Social
Security Administration
2. The numbers do not follow a sequence (for example: 111-11-1111, 123-45-6789)
3. Other employee records with the same social security number do not exist under
the same federal ID number within the payroll system
4. Invalid SSN format
Prefix does not follow Social Security Administration ranges
Numbers do follow a sequence
Duplicate SSN
Invalid SSN Format
For 1099 workers, when form 1099M is selected from the drop-down, the ID type
fields of SSN and EIN become active. The worker’s identification number would then
be entered and the appropriate radio button selected (SSN or EIN). Whether entering
an SSN or an EIN, the format is the same: xxx-xx-xxxx.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 10
Employee Center
The Employee Center
allows for viewing and
updating employee
master records
including fields such
as address, phone,
withholding status, rate
of pay, deductions,
and time-off balances.
Filtering and Selecting Employees
The top of the Employee Center has four fields that allow for filtering, sorting,
searching, and selecting employees.
Status—Filter employees based on employee status (All, Active, Leave of Absence,
Terminated, and so on).
Search/Sort By—Change how employees are sorted in the Employee drop-down
Search—Search for employees by last name or ID (depending on settings in
Search/Sort By field). The Search button must be clicked in order to utilize this
filtering feature. In order to bring back the entire Employee drop-down, the Search
field must be cleared and the Search button clicked again.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 11
Employee Center, (contd.)
Employee—A drop-down list of all employees (according to the Status selected).
This allows for moving through employee records while remaining on the current
page in the Employee Center.
Employee Summary
Most of the basic employee information is displayed in the Employee Summary. This
screen is informational only and cannot be updated. It is impacted through changes
made throughout the Employee Center.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 12
Use this screen to change name, address, social security number, date of birth, and
contact information. Note: Throughout Sage 50 Managed Payroll the Save button in
the bottom left-hand corner must be clicked, or the database will not be updated with
the changes.
Salary and Rates
The Salary and Rates screen is a quick way to see how much an employee is
earning per hour, pay period, and/or year. This screen also displays the employee’s
pay frequency and whether he or she has Auto Pay assigned. The Salary and Rates
screen is informational and cannot be updated. It is impacted through changes
made throughout the Employee Center.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 13
Status / Department
The Status / Department screen displays employment status, department, job title,
supervisor name, and other HR-related information. Note: To terminate an
employee, the status must be changed to Terminated in the Status drop-down field
and a Term Date entered.
Highlighted fields in text below require setup by a CompuPay Payroll Support
Status—The drop-down includes A, L, or T. Status subgroups may be created in the
Company Center under Company Information.
Hire Date—This defaults to the date entered when the person was created as a new
Type—Examples would include RFT and RPT. The employee types may be set up
in the Company Center under Company Information.
Pay Group—Used to group like employees together for payroll entry. Payroll groups
are used to determine which employees are paid or placed in batches when applied
to the payroll calendar.
Department—This drop-down menu is custom to the company setup.
Location—This drop-down menu is custom to the company setup.
Term Date—When terminating an employee, the Status needs to be changed to
Terminated and a termination date entered.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 14
Status / Department, (contd.)
Term Reason—This is a user-defined drop-down. The termination reasons may be
created in the Company Center under Company Information.
Rehire Date—When changing a terminated employee back to active, a Rehire Date
must be entered.
Adjusted Seniority—If tracking employee seniority, this field needs to be used to
reflect the correct seniority information.
Title—User-defined and open-ended field.
Position Code—Each position has a unique ID and description. These are custom
to the company setup.
Supervisor—Each supervisor position has a unique ID and description. These are
custom to the company setup.
EEO Class—This drop-down contains standard EEO Classification codes.
Workers Comp—This drop-down contains codes that are custom to the company
Officer—For reporting purposes only. This is an additional filter field.
OT Exempt—For reporting purposes only. This is an additional filter field. This will
not block overtime entry in live payroll for employees who have this field flagged.
Tipped Category—This drop-down contains three choices: Not Tipped, Indirectly
Tipped, and Directly Tipped.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 15
Pay History
The Pay History screen displays all paycheck history for the current year. Check
history from prior years can be viewed by using the drop-down list. Click the view
button in the Check Detail column to view the Earnings Statement. The Earnings
Statement can be printed by clicking the printer icon on the .pdf’s toolbar.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 16
The Deductions screen allows the assignment of recurring deductions from an
employee’s paycheck. This would include benefit deductions, garnishments, and
targeted deductions (in other words, employee loans, housing deductions, and
To add a deduction to an employee’s master record, click the Add Deduction button
as shown above.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 17
Deductions, (contd.)
The screen shown here appears, so that you may add the appropriate deduction
Note: The following highlighted text indicates fields that require setup by a
CompuPay Payroll Support Specialist.
Deduction—This field allows any deduction code to be assigned to an employee as
a recurring deduction.
Rate/Amount—Enter the rate or amount according to the deduction and calculation
Calculation Code—A calculation code for the deduction can be selected from the
drop-down menu, such as % or Flat Dollar Amount.
Frequency—The Frequency defaults to Every Pay Period. An alternate frequency
can be assigned by using the drop-down menu.
Start Date—The Start Date defaults to the date the deduction is added to the
employee record. This field can be used to override the default and set it for a future
End Date—The End Date defaults to 12/31/2100 (the system’s open-ended date).
This field can be used to override the default and set it for the deduction’s known end
Last Taken—This field displays the last date this deduction was withheld from the
employee. If this is a new deduction, this field is blank. A last taken date can be
entered if known but is optional.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 18
Deductions, (contd.)
Minimum—This field sets a minimum amount to be deducted from an employee’s
check to be set. For example, if a garnishment order requires that 10% of the
employee’s pay be withheld with a minimum withholding amount of $100, that
minimum can be set using the Minimum field.
Maximum—This field sets a maximum amount to be deducted from the employee’s
check to be set. For example, if an employee must pay $250 per pay period never to
exceed 25% of the disposable income, 25% could be entered in the Rate field and
$250 in the Maximum field—the employee will then be garnished 25% of the
disposable income, never to exceed the required $250 set by the garnishing agency.
YTD Max—The YTD Max field sets a maximum annual amount that can be deducted
to be set.
Goal—The Goal field is where a cumulative total amount to be deducted from an
employee’s pay is entered. This is useful for loan deductions and works in
conjunction with the Paid field. Once the Goal amount is reached, the deduction
automatically stops.
Paid—The Paid field tracks how much has been deducted for a deduction with an
amount in the Goal field. The deduction stops automatically once the paid amount
equals the goal amount.
Agency—The Agency drop-down menu assigns an agency to which the amount
deducted is paid for the employee’s deduction. Some of the more common agencies
are garnishing agencies and benefits administrators. Agencies are set up in the
Company Center under Company Information.
Misc Info—This prints text directly on agency check stubs. This field is typically used
to add a case number to garnishment checks.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 19
Fringe Benefits
The Fringe Benefits screen is almost identical in function to the Deduction screen,
but it allows recurring earnings such as Housing Allowances, Group Term Life,
Personal Use of Company Car, and % Shareholder Contributions to be added to an
employee’s record.
To add a Fringe Benefit to an employee, click the Add Fringe button as shown
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 20
Fringe Benefits, (contd.)
Note: Those items highlighted in text below require setup by a CompuPay Payroll
Support Specialist.
Earning Code—Any earning can be added to an employee record as a recurring
Calc Code—Select the calculation code for the earning, such as % or Flat Dollar
Rate/Amount—Enter the rate or amount according to the earning and calculation
Units—When calculating Group Term Life benefits, enter the coverage amount (in
whole numbers) of the policy here.
Rate Code—Rate code to be used when calculating this Fringe Benefit amount.
Frequency—The Frequency defaults to Every Pay Period. This field can be used to
override the default by using the drop-down menu.
Start Date—The Start Date defaults to the date the earning is being assigned to the
employee. This field can be used to override the default and set it for a future date.
End Date—The End Date defaults to 12/31/2100 (the system’s open-ended date).
This field can be used to override the default and set it for the earning’s known end
Last Taken—This field displays the last date the earning was paid to the employee.
If a new earning is being set up, this field is blank. The last taken date may be
entered if known but is optional.
Goal—The Goal field is where a cumulative total amount to be paid to an employee
is entered. This is useful for large earnings that are paid over time rather than as a
lump sum. Once the Goal amount is reached, the earning automatically stops.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 21
Fringe Benefits, (contd.)
Paid—The Paid field works in tandem with the goal field and tracks how much has
been paid. The earning stops automatically once the paid amount equals the goal
Agency—The Agency drop-down menu allows an agency to be selected to which
the amount earned will be paid. This is commonly used for 401(k) Matching
contributions that need to be added to the 401(k) administrator’s agency check.
Agencies are set up in the Company Center under Company Information.
Misc Info—This prints text directly on agency check stubs.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 22
Additional Info
This is an area where miscellaneous information is housed. It includes Gender,
Ethnicity, Marital Status, Tax Form, Badge Number, and a Retirement Plan checkbox
among other things.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 23
The Taxes screen is used to view and update an employee’s tax information. Click
on the Tax Code to access the Employee Taxes detail screen.
The employee’s Work State can be changed by using the drop-down on the Taxes
The Employee Taxes detail screen allows the employee’s tax setup to be updated.
Note: Because of the sensitive nature of taxes, please consult a CompuPay Payroll
Support Specialist before adding a tax code or impacting any changes involving the
Effective Date or End Date.
The intended use of these fields applies most often to State Tax setup (for example,
changing an employee’s filing state from one to another). The Primary Tax checkbox
and Reciprocity fields are for state taxes only.
The employee’s Federal Income Tax Withholding can also be modified using the W-4
Form link under the Employee Center.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 24
Taxes, (contd.)
After clicking through to see more detail for a specific tax, you see the screen shown
The End Date can be used to expire one state’s income tax withholding. The user
would then add the new state tax code with an effective date entered as the day after
the previous state code ends.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 25
Income Tax Override Entry
In order for the system to disregard pay frequency and W-4 filing status, the Override
Tax Calc drop-down must be set to Yes. The Additional Amount and Percentage
fields are then renamed to indicate Flat. This can be done for Federal and State
Income Tax Withholding. Leaving both fields blank exempts the employee from
specific tax withholding. This also causes the employee’s W-4 Form screen to
show EXEMPT in line 7.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 26
Direct Deposit
In this area one or multiple direct deposit accounts can be set up by clicking the Add
Account button as shown above.
The employee name field on the check graphic is prepopulated. The ABA Routing
# and Bank Account # needs to be entered.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 27
Direct Deposit, (contd.)
Other fields appearing on the Direct Deposit screen include:
Account Type—Select Checking or Savings.
Amount—Enter the amount to be deposited into this account. This is either a flat
amount or percentage. If assigning an account an Amount Code of Net, this should
be left 0.00.
Amount Code—Select Flat for a flat dollar amount.
Select % if the amount is a percentage.
Select Net if the entire net amount is to be deposited into the account. There is only
one net account.
Effective Date—This defaults to the date of the next scheduled paycheck. The
prenote is sent when the next payroll is processed. The prenote takes ten banking
days, and anything processed after the account information has been verified
receives direct deposit.
Priority—The priority can be set to one or higher. Please note that the direct deposit
accounts are funded in the order of the priority entered into this field. The Net
account (primary account) defaults to 99 and is the last account funded.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 28
Online W-2
This is where both Payroll Managers and employees with self-service access can
view/print W-2 forms.
W-2 forms for an employee processed through the Sage 50 Managed Payroll system
and Instructions are posted to this page and can be viewed in .pdf by clicking a Click
Here link. The documents open in an Adobe viewer and can be printed or saved as
a .pdf file.
A table contains all years CompuPay issued W-2s for an employee.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 29
Online W-2, (contd.)
Note: The Online W-2 is
considered an original
copy and does not state
duplicate on the form.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 30
W-4 Form
This online form can be used to make changes to employee federal withholding
Please note that the form is not valid until it is printed and signed by the employee.
Click the printer icon at the top of the page to print the screen to the default printer.
As the exemption fields are entered, lines H and 5 are automatically updated. When
the new W-4 is saved, the FITW row in the table on the Taxes screen is also
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 31
Time Off Balance
View, update, or calculate accrued time off balances. Accrual codes are created by
a CompuPay Payroll Support Specialist.
To add an accrual to an employee, click on the Add Code button shown above. The
start date defaults to the current date but can be edited. The End Date defaults to an
open-ended date. Click on the time off code to view the accrual detail. Employee
balances can also be edited on this screen.
Type—This drop‐down contains codes that are custom to the company setup. Start Date—This field defaults to the current date when adding the accrual but can be edited. End Date—The End Date defaults to 12/31/2100 (the system’s open‐
ended date). Use this field to override the default and set it for the earning’s known end date. Last Accrue—This field defaults to the last date time was accrued. Total—This displays the current total hour and dollar amount accrued. Used—This displays the current total hour and dollar amount used. Available—This displays the current total hour and dollar amount available. © CompuPay Inc. 2012 32
Adj LOS Date—Use this field when basing an employee’s accrual rate on a date
other than his hire date.
Override Rate—With this box checked, the amount entered in the corresponding
rate box overrides the accrual rate defined on the company level. The rate amount
entered here is used regardless of the employee’s length of service.
Override Hours—With this box checked, the amount entered in the corresponding
hours box is used as the amount of hours the employee accrues each time the
accrual is triggered. The number of hours entered here is used regardless of the
employee’s length of service.
Override Amount—With this box checked, the amount entered in the corresponding
amount box is used as the flat dollar amount the employee accrues each time a
dollar accrual is triggered.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 33
Pay Rate
Maintain and update base rates, multiple rates of pay, default hours, pay frequency,
and autopay assignments on this screen. This would include salary and hourly
To add a new rate of pay for an employee, click the Add Pay Rate button.
Note: This is also where multiple
rates of pay are set up for hourly
Click on the Rate Code and change the End Date to 12/31/2100 unless the intention is to expire the rate of pay. Rate Code—Select the rate code. These are created in the Company Center under
Company Information.
Start Date—Enter the effective date of the new rate.
End Date—Enter an end date for the rate if necessary.
Rate—Enter the new hourly rate (if hourly).
Salary—This is a pay period salary field used only for salaried employees. Enter the
new per pay period salary amount. Click the Calculate Rate button to have the
system determine the equivalent hourly rate.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 34
Employee HR Center
This series of screens is intended to provide Sage 50 Managed Payroll users with
another level of detail that can be applied to employee records. Aside from the Labor
Allocation screen, these HR screens have no impact on payroll, but users can run
reports pulling the data from each of the screens. The Custom Fields, Skills,
Reviews, and Events must first be set up in the Company Center under Company
Custom Fields
The Custom Fields screen gives users the ability to store additional information in
Sage 50 Managed Payroll. This is user defined and is reflected in each employee’s
Custom Fields screen. These fields can be defined in the Company Center under
Company HR.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 35
Use this screen to house Employee Skills.
1. Click the Add Skill button.
2. Select the Skill from the drop-down (created in the Company Center under
Company HR).
3. Enter a description, date, proficiency level, and notes if necessary.
4. Click Save.
A table is then generated and updated each time a skill is added. A skill can be
viewed and edited by clicking on a Skill.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 36
The Reviews screen is used to house employee performance information and enter
reviewer and employee comments.
The Review Date, Raise Effective date, Rating (created in the Company Center
under Company HR), Reviewer, Next Review date, New Pay Rate, Raise Amount,
and any notes can be entered here.
A table is then generated and updated each time a review is added. A review can be
viewed and edited by clicking on the Review Date.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 37
Emergency Contacts
Enter emergency contact information into this screen including name, address,
contact information, and relationship to the employee.
A table is then generated and updated each time a contact is added. A contact can
be viewed and edited by clicking on the contact name.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 38
House employee education information on this screen.
A table is generated and updated each time any education information is added.
Education information can be viewed and edited by clicking on the Years.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 39
Labor Allocation
The labor allocation screen is how the system is informed to allocate employee
wages during payroll. For example, an employee can be set up so that 25% of all
earnings is allocated to Location 100-Miramar, while 75% is allocated to Location
200-Cleveland. In this scenario the employee’s wages would be divided according to
the above percentages on the Labor Allocation report. Note: Unless blocked on an
employee’s Overrides tab on the Pay Entry Details screen, any labor allocations
assigned here calculate and are recorded during payroll.
Start Date—This date defaults to the current date.
End Date—This field defaults to the open-ended date of 12/31/2100.
Job Code—This drop-down is user defined in the Company Center under Company
Percentage—This is the percentage of the employee’s wages to be assigned to the
Job Code, Department, or Location.
Department—If applicable, select the Department to which the percentage of wages
will be charged.
Location—If applicable, select the Location to which the percentage of wages will be
As Labor Allocations are added, a table is generated and updated. To view and edit
the allocation, click on the Labor Allocation number.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 40
To add an event to an employee, click Add Event.
The drop-down is user-defined and can be created in the Company Center under
Company HR.
A table is then generated and updated each time an event is added. Events can be
viewed and edited by clicking on the Event.
Note: The Description and Notes fields can only contain alphanumeric characters.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 41
Company Center
The Company Center allows part of the company level setup to be viewed and
Payroll Calendar
The Payroll Calendar is used to view pay periods, check dates, and processing days.
Check dates are adjusted for holidays and weekends.
Payroll is due by 3 p.m. ET on the assigned processing day. A processing deadline
message appears for the selected check date in the Payroll Center.
The current date is highlighted in gray on the calendar. Use the month Navigation
links on either side of the month to change the month being viewed. The legend is
found at the bottom of the page explaining the calendar symbols.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 42
View the company address, telephone, EIN, and contact information.
How Sage 50 Managed Payroll displays the company name can be edited in the
Sage 50 Managed Payroll Company Name field.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 43
Message Center
The Sage 50 Managed Payroll application allows for your personal messages in the
system. You may key your personal message and include Start Date and Stop Date
for its appearance on the home page of the payroll application. From the drop-down
box, you may choose which group of employees should see your message.
The Message Center link under Company allows messages to be listed in a
Message Center on the left-hand side of Sage 50 Managed Payroll and on the
Payroll Calendar. It also allows an alert to be created.
Topic (Required)—The topic is the nature of the message and appears on the
Payroll Calendar if the Show on Calendar box is checked.
Message (Required)—The message is the actual text that appears in the Message
Center or on the Alert pop-up.
Start Date (Required)—This is the date the message is intended to begin posting in
Sage 50 Managed Payroll (Message Center, Alert, and Calendar).
End Date - This is the date the message is intended to stop being posted.
Employee Group (Required)—If Employee Groups have been set up in the master
account, messages can be assigned so only employees in specific groups see them.
This field defaults to All Employees.
Alert—An alert shows a warning pop-up when signing into Sage 50 Managed
Show on Calendar—A sticky note appears on the Payroll Calendar with the
message topic displayed.
As messages are added, a table is created and updated. Messages can be edited
and deleted by clicking the appropriate link in the Action column.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 44
Company Earnings
The Company Earnings link is where limited earning codes can be added and edited.
Company-level earning codes may be set up as recurring earnings on the Fringe
Benefits screen in the Employee Center. They may also be used in Pay Entry and
Pay Entry Details when entering payroll.
From this screen, you can add a new Earning Code, or you can choose to edit an
existing code that already appears in the account. After choosing to edit one of the
existing Earning Codes in the listing, you have the opportunity to specify details for
the Earning Code.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 45
Company Earnings, (contd.)
Fill in as many fields as needed. The Earning Code is the only required field, but the
Earning Type defaults to Normal if not addressed.
Earning Type (Not Required; defaults to Normal)—Choose an Earning Type from
the drop-down. Normal, Memo, MemoERMatch, OT, and Reg.
Earning Code (Required)—Enter code (COMM).
Description—Enter a description for the earning code (COMMISSION).
Short Description—Further explanation of the code can be entered in this field.
Calculation Code—The Calculation code drop-down includes all calculation choices
custom to the company setup. These mirrors those found in the Deductions and
Fringe Benefits screens.
Rate Code—A specific rate code can be designated to apply to this earning code
(the default is always the Base Rate found in the employee’s Pay Rate screen).
For Memo Earnings a Chk Stub? drop-down appears. Make the appropriate
selection indicating whether the earning should be printed on the check stub.
Rate—A specific rate can be designated to apply to all employees who are paid
hours with this earning code.
Add to Rate—An additional amount can be designated to be added to all
employee’s rates when this earning code is used (for example: A night shift pay
code that adds $.50 per hour to the employee’s rate of pay for each hour worked).
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 46
Company Earnings, (contd.)
Rate Multiplier—Used most often with overtime and double-time rates, the client
can enter a rate multiplier, such as 1.5 or 2.0, in this field. The system multiplies the
amount in this field times the employee’s base rate (or the rate code you selected on
this screen) times the number of hours entered with this earning code.
Maximum—Defines the maximum amount the employee can earn on this earning
code on a given paycheck. If it is more than the maximum amount, the maximum
amount is paid.
Annual Maximum—Defines the maximum amount that an employee may earn on
this earning code within a calendar year. Once the year-to-date amount of the
earning for any given employee reaches this amount, it stops for the current calendar
year and starts again January 1 of the following year.
Agency—If an agency check is to be produced based on the amount of earnings
calculated during payroll, select the agency from the drop-down here.
Match Deduction—Often used with noncash earnings or certain fringe benefits.
Earnings posted in this code can be calculated in the employee’s gross wages for tax
purposes and then deducted from the employee’s check using a mirrored deduction
code. These codes can be assigned in Fringe Benefits and Deductions as recurring,
or they can be entered during Pay Entry.
Reduce AutoPay?—This box should be checked when hours paid in the earning
field should reduce a salaried employee’s autopaid default hours (for example: 8
hours vacation reduces a biweekly salaried employee’s autopaid default hours from
80 to 72).
Worked?—Check this box if hours or pay entered in this field are hours worked
(defaults to checked).
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 47
Company Deductions
The Company Deductions link is where limited deduction codes can be added and
Company-level deduction codes may be set up as recurring deductions on the
Deductions screen in the Employee Center. They may also be used in Pay Entry
and Pay Entry Details when entering payroll.
To add a Company Deduction Code, click on the Add Deduction Code button.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 48
Company Deductions, (contd.)
Fill in as many fields as needed. The Deduction Code is the only required field, but
the Deduction Type defaults to Normal if not addressed.
Deduction Type (Not required; defaults to Normal)—Normal, Add to Net
(reimbursement and is not taxed), and Memo (does not reduce net).
Deduction Code (Required)—Enter code (ADV).
Description - Enter a description for the deduction code (ADVANCE).
Short Description—Further explanation of the code can be entered in this field.
Agency—If an agency check is to be produced based on the amount of deductions
calculated during payroll, select the agency from the drop-down here.
Rate/Amount—The default rate or amount of the deduction. Rates may be
overridden at the employee level.
Annual Maximum—An annual maximum amount to be deducted from an employee
for this code.
Frequency—Select one of the available frequencies from this drop-down to indicate
how often the deduction is to be taken.
Calc Code—The Calculation code drop-down includes all calculation choices
custom to the company setup. These mirrors those found in the Deductions and
Fringe Benefits screens.
Minimum—A minimum amount to be withheld on a per employee basis for this
deduction code.
Maximum—A maximum amount to be withheld per pay period that can be paid to
this deduction code.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 49
Company Deductions, (contd.)
Auto Drop—Check this box if the deduction is NOT to be withheld for employees
that do not have enough net to cover the entire deduction.
Partial Drop—Check this box if as much of the deduction is to be withheld as
possible up to the available net amount (for example: If the employee’s net is $50,
and the deduction amount set up on the employee level is $75, when this box is
checked, the system collects $50 of the $75 and allows the employee to net $0).
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 50
Company HR
The Company HR Center is where Skill, Event, and Review drop-downs are created.
This is also the area where the ten custom Sage 50 Managed Payroll fields can be
created and managed.
To add to the Company HR Center, click on the desired area.
When assigning a skill to an employee’s record, a skill from the drop-down menu is
required. Those skills are user-defined and created on this screen.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 51
Skills, (contd.)
Simply create a Skill ID and Skill Description. As skills are added, a table is created
and updated. These skills are available in the Skill drop-down menu in the Employee
HR Center.
When assigning an event to an employee’s record, an event from the drop-down
menu is required. Those events are user-defined and created on this screen.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 52
This is a user-defined field. The Review ID and Description can be used any way the
company needs.
As Reviews are added, a table is created and updated. These reviews are available
in the Review drop-down menu in the Employee HR Center.
This is a user-defined field. The Review ID and Description can be used any way the
company needs.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 53
Positions, (contd.)
By clicking the Add Position button, the user can create a user-defined Company
Position. In the screen above, you can see that user-defined positions have been
listed in a table.
Manage Custom Fields
The Custom Fields screen allows for user-defined fields in the Employee HR Center.
There are five Field Names and Five Checkboxes.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 54
Manage Custom Fields, (contd.)
The fields are then accessible for each employee in the Employee HR Center as
shown in the following example:
Company Information
The Company Information screen is the final area of the Company HR Center that
allows for customizing fields used in other areas of the application.
There are three key categories provided on this screen:
1. Company Setup
2. Employee Setup
3. Employee HR Setup
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 55
Company Information, (contd.)
Each of the sections of these sections should be completed upon account setup in
order to have information needed in drop-down boxes available in Company and
Employee management areas of the application. Based on our previous steps in
adding fields to the application, you will be able to make edits. We encourage you to
peruse each of these areas and contact your CompuPay Payroll Support Specialist
should you need assistance with adding or editing fields.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 56
View Documents
Electronic files can be added to Sage 50 Managed Payroll for access at any time.
These files can be viewed by all users and employees accessing the system.
Document Name—Name the document. Document Description—Give a description of the document. Document Type—Identify the file type (DOC, Excel, and PDF). Upload—Locate the document on the computer for upload. Note: The more documents that are housed in Sage 50 Managed Payroll, the slower
the system begins to work.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 57
Payroll Center
Updating Employee Master Information
Before starting payroll, all employee information should be updated in the Employee
and Employee HR Centers.
Payroll Processing
1. Click on the Payroll Center.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 58
Payroll Processing, (contd.)
2. Verify the check date. If the check date displayed is not the current check date,
click the Change button and select or create the correct date.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 59
Payroll Processing, (contd.)
Add Check Date
Click the Add Check Date button. Using the calendar menus on the side of each
date field, select the Check Date, Period Begin Date, and Period End Date.
Note: The default is the next check date possible with a processing deadline of
“today’s” date at 3 p.m. ET. A message is at the bottom.
Name the batch (no spaces) and give it a description. Click the Save button.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 60
Payroll Processing, (contd.)
The new check date appears in the Check Date List and then selects the correct
check date. The Payroll Center loads with a Processing Deadline message at the
bottom of the screen.
Note: A payroll cannot be processed after the deadline has passed. If this occurs,
please contact a CompuPay Payroll Support Specialist.
Click the green Start Payroll button.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 61
Payroll Processing, (contd.)
Employee Validation
Employee Validation is a process that verifies that employees have the needed
information and are properly set up in the Sage 50 Managed Payroll system.
Under certain circumstances employee information could be missing or invalid.
These employees appear in the Start Payroll screen with a message indicating they
will be excluded from payroll. The list of employees with errors can be sorted by
Employee ID, Employee Name, or Code. To print the error list, click the Print Error
List link to the right of the screen.
Employees listed may be ignored but are excluded from the payroll batch. After the
payroll is started, employees can only be added after correcting listed error(s). The
employee must then be manually added to the batch.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 62
Payroll Processing, (contd.)
3. Verify the accuracy of the Period Begin, Period End, Payroll Batch, and Check
4. Click the Batch Code to enter any batch override information.
5. Click the Auto Posting button to impact any one-time global payments for specific
Note: If this is intended to be a one-time occurrence, the AutoPost needs to be
deleted the next payroll. This function writes a recurring AutoPost to the backside for
future payrolls.
6. Once the overrides are complete, click the Start Payroll Now button.
7. Click Time Import if this is part of the company’s payroll process. Click on the
Import link in the Action column for the payroll batch. Browse for the time file,
select it, and click the Import File button. Please contact a Client Application
Support Specialist for additional documentation regarding the Time Import
Specifications and Process.
Note: If any errors appear once the time file has been chosen and the import process has begun, no information from the time file will be imported into the payroll batch. All errors must be addressed in the timeclock and a new time file must be created. The import process would then be repeated. A message displays when the data has been successfully imported into the batch. 8. Click the Pay Entry button once the payroll has been started. For imported time
files, click the Pay Entry button to make edits.
9. Click the Edit link to open the Pay Entry screen.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 63
Payroll Processing, (contd.)
To add an additional batch to a payroll period, click on the New Batch button. The
batch then needs to be named and described. When the batch is edited, employees
will need to be added. Click the Add Emp to Batch button on the Pay Entry screen
and select needed employees.
Pay Entry
Pay Entry is the basic pay entry screen. Earnings and deductions are limited to
those on this screen. Hours/amounts cannot be entered for an earning or deduction
not listed here. For additional deductions and earnings not listed on the Pay Entry
screen, the Pay Entry Detail screen for each employee must be used. The Pay Entry
screen is created in the Payroll Center under Payroll Views.
1. Enter hours and salary information.
a. If salaried employees are set up for autopay, a check mark displays in the
Auto Pay column if it has been included on the Payroll View.
2. Enter hours or amounts in the applicable deductions/earnings columns.
a. Sick/Vacation Code for salaried employees with default hours set:
Entering hours for sick/vacation automatically subtracts the hours listed
out of salary and allocates sick/vacation on the employee’s check stub.
The total hours equals the default hours set for this employee but are
allocated between salary and the selected sick or vacation codes.
3. Uncheck the AutoPay box to stop a salaried employee from receiving the default
pay period salary.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 64
Pay Entry, (contd.)
4. Click the Save button to save entries before navigating away from the Pay
Entry screen any time changes have been made.
5. Click the Add Emp to Batch button when an employee who needs to be paid is
not found on the Pay Entry screen.
6. Click the Add link to add an additional check to an employee through the pay
entry screen. Please note that all recurring deductions/earnings are applied to
additional checks. These recurring items can be overridden in Pay Entry Details.
7. Click the Trash Can icon to delete a check from an employee.
8. To move through the pages of Pay Entry, click the navigation menu below the
Note: Any employees with earnings not listed on the pay entry grid will not be seen
unless looking at their detail screen, Batch Total Summary screen, or Pre Process
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 65
Filtering Data in Pay Entry
Column headings displayed on the Pay Entry Screen (set up in Payroll under Payroll
Views) with a text field below the heading can be used as filtering fields. Enter the
filter information in the text box, double-click on the filter icon (funnel), and select the
appropriate filter option.
When a selection has been made, the screen refreshes and only includes the filtered
To bring back the entire Pay Entry grid, double-click on the funnel and select No
Filter. The screen refreshes and the default Pay Entry screen loads.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 66
Pay Entry Details
Unlike Pay Entry, Pay Entry Details is not limited to the earnings and deductions on
the screen. Pay Entry Details allows any earning, deduction, or tax available in the
company database to be added to an employee’s check. Also, in Pay Entry Details,
the taxes, recurring earnings and deductions, and direct deposits can be overridden.
Anything done on an employee’s Pay Entry Details page is a one-time edit, and all
defaults are reinstated with the next payroll.
Note: This screen can be accessed by clicking the employee name or ID in Pay
Note: All changes made in Pay Entry must be saved prior to accessing the Pay Entry
Detail screen in order to keep changes and prevent them from being deleted.
Once in the Payroll Entry Details screen there are three tabs to choose from:
Earning-Deduction Codes, Overrides, and Employee.
Note: Although these tabs appear to be housed on one screen, information must be
saved by clicking the Save button before moving to any of these tabs or changes will
be lost.
Available employees can be filtered by using the Status, Pay Group, Employee
Types, Department, and/or Location drop-downs.
Adding Additional Checks for an Employee
Clicking on the New Check tab in Pay Entry Details allows the creation of additional
checks for an employee. A new check has its own Earning/Deduction Codes tab and
Overrides tab. This issues a separate check during the same payroll period. There
is a line for each employee for each check displayed on the Pay Entry grid once
additional checks have been created.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 67
Pay Entry Details, (contd.)
Earning/Deduction Codes tab
The Earning/Deduction Codes tab allows amounts and hours to be entered for any
earning or deduction that is set up on the company level. This screen is also used to
manually assign job codes, distribute wages, and override rates of pay.
Click the drop-down box in the code column to select the necessary earning or
deduction (D=deduction, E=earning).
Code—A drop-down list of available deduction and earning codes.
Hours Field
Amount Field
Rate—Pay rate override field. If the Rate field is left blank, Sage 50 Managed
Payroll uses the employee’s Base Rate of pay.
Rate Code—Rate Code override field. If multiple rates of pay are available for an
employee, all of these are available in this drop-down. If the Rate Code field is left
blank, Sage 50 Managed Payroll uses the employee’s Base Rate of pay.
Department—Drop-down list of Department codes. If the Department field is left
blank, Sage 50 Managed Payroll assigns the earnings to the home department in the
employee’s master record.
Location—Drop-down list of Location codes. If the Location field is left blank, Sage
50 Managed Payroll assigns the earnings to the home location in the employee’s
master record.
Job Code—Drop-down list for assigning job codes to earnings.
WCC—Drop-down list to override Workers Comp Codes.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 68
Overrides tab
Note: Changes made on the overrides screen are applied to that check only. These are one‐time changes and will not affect future payrolls. The Save button must be clicked before navigating away from the page in order to impact any overrides. Check Type—Settings can be set based on check type. For example, if commission
checks are commonly cut separately for employees and recurring deductions,
earnings, and direct deposits need to be blocked, and/or the FITW percentage needs
to be changed, a Check Type can be created that would automatically apply those
settings to the check. This is reflected as Pay Type on the employee Pay History
Override FITW%—Entering a percentage in this field forces the system to disregard
the W-4 calculation and instead use the percentage entered in this field.
Override SITW%—Entering a percentage in this field forces the system to disregard
the State Withholding calculation and instead use the percentage entered in this
Blocked Earnings—Block any earnings not to be applied to this check. This can be
a scrolling list of codes.
Blocked Deductions—Block any deductions not to be applied to this check. This
can be a scrolling list of codes.
Blocked Direct Deposit—Block direct deposit for some or all direct deposit
Check Stub Memo—Enter a memo to print on the check stub. When the checkbox
is marked, a text screen opens.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 69
Employee Data tab
The Employee tab lists basic employee static data set up in the Employee Center.
Balance Payroll Batches
There are two ways to balance payroll prior to approving the batch.
1. Batch Totals: Entering control hours and/or amounts (balance sheet
hours/amounts) and comparing them to actual hours and amounts entered in Pay
2. Pre Process Register: Reviewing check details and department and report totals.
Steps to using Batch Totals
1. On the Pay Entry screen, click the Batch Totals/Approval button to be directed to
the Payroll Approval screen.
2. On the Payroll Approval screen click the Batch Totals button to be directed to the
Batch Total Summary screen.
3. On the Batch Total Summary screen control hours and/or amounts can be
entered and compared to the actual hours/amounts keyed in Pay Entry (no
calculations are done here).
a. If there is a discrepancy click Return to Approval Page, then click the Pay
Entry button to make any corrections.
b. If the totals balance, click the Approve Batch button as shown on the next
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 70
Steps to Using Batch Totals, (contd.)
Additional information can be accessed by clicking on the Code in the Summary
Details screen.
AutoPay-Salary Code
Reg Code
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 71
Steps to using the Pre-Process Register
1. On the Payroll Approval page click the Pre-Process button. This initiates the
generation of the Pre Process Register behind the firewall. Once the report has
been generated, the screen refreshes with the following message: “Your register
can be accessed via the Report Center – Preprocess Reports menu link.”
2. On the Pay Entry screen click the Pre-Process button. Access the Report Center
by clicking the Menu button in the top left-hand corner.
3. Click on the Reports Center and the Pre Process Register menu.
4. The Pre Process Register can be found in the table.
When the view link appears, click it to view a .pdf copy of the Pre Process Register.
5. Use the toolbar on the .pdf document to print or save the final version of the
Note: Closing a report after it has been viewed removes the report from the Report
Center, and it will need to be generated again.
6. Once the totals are balanced, go to the Payroll Center.
7. Go back into Pay Entry if changes need to be made.
8. If no changes are necessary, click the Approve button to finish the payroll (Page
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 72
Pre Process Report
The Pre Process Register includes:
1. Basic employee information on the left-hand side of the report
a. Name
b. ID
c. Pay Period Salary amount or Base Rate
d. How much, if any, is to be deposited in a direct deposit account
2. Earnings Information
a. Total Hours for each earning code
b. Rate hours are to be calculated
c. Total calculated gross amount
d. Total hours worked and total gross amount
3. Tax Information
a. Taxable wages for each withholding type
b. Total amount for each withholding type
c. Total taxes withheld
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 73
Pre-Process Report, (contd.)
4. Deduction Information
a. Deduction codes with deduction amount
b. Total deductions taken
5. Check Type, Batch code, and Net check amount found to the right of the
6. Report Totals on the last page
Approve and Submit Payroll
The batch must be approved before it can be submitted for processing.
1. Click the Approve button.
2. Click the Batch Totals button to approve the batch and be directed to the Batch
Total Summary screen.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 74
Approve and Submit Payroll, (contd.)
Note: CompuPay recommends verifying all Pay Entry on the Pre Process Register
before approving a batch. If a batch is approved and edits have to be made after
approval, the batch needs to be reopened by deselecting the checkbox next to Batch
Totals and clicking on Pay Entry.
3. Click the Approve Batch button to approve the batch and return to the Payroll
Approval screen.
4. Click the Submit button to be directed to the Submit Payroll screen.
Payrolls must be verified using the Batch Totals and Pre Process Register before being submitted. CompuPay recommends printing and/or saving a final copy of the Pre Process Register. © CompuPay Inc. 2012 75
Approve and Submit Payroll, (contd.)
ACH Credit Limit
Available credit limits are established and maintained by CompuPay’s Credit
Department. This change allows us to help protect companies from unauthorized or
duplicate payrolls as well as implement a variety of internal controls required by
CompuPay's funding and credit terms as noted in the Client Services Agreement.
The Automated Clearing House (ACH) limit was established based on total ACH
activity for the organization during the past 12 months. ACH activity includes direct
deposit and One Pay® checks (if applicable).
Effective immediately, when payroll is processed, the user is notified if the payroll
has exceeded preset limits that have been established based on payroll processing
The user may submit a one-time change request.
Once the request has been submitted, it will be reviewed internally and responded to
within two (2) business hours. If there is anything that would preclude the payroll
from being processed, the Point of Contact is contacted by a CompuPay Payroll
Support Specialist. Please note that increases to preset limits involve a credit review
of the company and may result in requesting a wire transfer of funds to process
payroll through direct deposit or One Pay® services.
The limits we are imposing for direct deposit and One Pay® services help provide
further protection and security for our clients.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 76
ACH Credit Limit, (contd.)
When computing if a payroll is over the established credit limit, the system compares
the Current ACH Available amount to the This Payroll ACH Total amount. If there is
not enough available ACH credit, one of three different messages, depending on the
scenario, appears to instruct the user on how to submit a credit request for
consideration of a credit increase.
Scenario 1: Payroll Exceeds ACH Credit Limit
This message appears in the event that a payroll has exceeded the available credit
for the current payroll. Payroll cannot be submitted for processing. The user must
either cancel submitting the payroll and reduce the ACH amount or click the Please
click here to submit your payroll subject to CompuPay credit review link to be
directed to the Credit Approval Request page.
Scenario 2: Payroll with No Established ACH Limits
This message appears in the event a payroll has exceeded the available credit for
the current payroll. Payroll cannot be submitted for processing. The user must
either cancel submitting the payroll and reduce the ACH amount or click the Please
click here to submit your payroll subject to CompuPay credit review link to be
directed to the Credit Approval Request page.
Scenario 3: Payrolls Exceeding ACH Credit Limits by 10% or less
This message appears in the event a payroll has exceeded the credit limit by less
then 10% of the established ACH credit limit. This message instructs the user to
contact a CompuPay Payroll Support Specialist to request a credit increase if the
preset ACH limit may be exceeded in future payrolls. Payroll may still be permitted
for processing without requiring a credit approval request.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 77
Credit Approval Request Page
When Please click here to submit your payroll subject to CompuPay credit review is
selected, the system is directed to the Credit Approval Request page. This page
allows clients to select an Overage Reason from the drop down. After selecting one
of the options listed, click the Submit button to make the request.
Overage Reasons in more detail:
Ran An Extra Payroll During Period—Choose this option if an additional payroll
outside of your normally scheduled payrolls was run.
Added Direct Deposit Employees—Choose this option if there is an increase to the
number of employees utilizing direct deposit.
Added One Pay® Employees—Choose this option if additional employees were
hired and CompuPay's One Pay® service is used.
Salary Increase—Choose this option if there are recent salary increases for
Bonus—Choose this option if there was a larger than normal ACH amount due to
bonus amounts.
Commission—Choose this option if there was a larger than normal ACH amount
due to commission amounts.
Once the request has been submitted, the screen refreshes with a message indicating that the request was sent successfully. © CompuPay Inc. 2012 78
Approve and Submit Payroll, (contd.)
Company ACH Limit is the current ACH Limit established by CompuPay’s Credit
The Current ACH Available is computed by looking at the ACH activity for the look
back period and determining the amount of credit available for the current payroll.
The look back period is based on check date. Currently the look back is set to 0
days, meaning only the current payroll is being considered.
This Payroll ACH Total indicates the total direct deposit and any One Pay® net
check values (if applicable) submitted on the current payroll.
Note: Once an ACH Limit
has been set, clicking the
Submit button once
causes a message to
display, “Once submitted,
payroll cannot be edited.
To make changes, please
contact your customer
service representative.”
Note: The starting check
number can be changed
before clicking the Submit
button the final time.
5. Click the Submit button to send the payroll to Compupay after verifying the
information on the screen is correct.
Note: The existing ACH Credit Limit can be viewed under the Company Center on
the Demographics page.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 79
Approve and Submit Payroll, (contd.)
6. Once the payroll has been submitted, the Payroll Center loads as indicated
This verifies the payroll has been sent for processing. Once processing is complete
the Payroll Reports are available to request, the checks and vouchers to print, and
the Pay History updated.
Pending ACH Credit Limit Increase Approval
While waiting for the Credit Limit Increase Request to be approved, manual checks
(in the pending payroll) cannot be saved, and the Payroll Center is disabled. If the
Payroll Center is accessed during a pending approval period, the below message is
displayed in the Payroll Center. Manual checks can only be saved for check dates
that are NOT pending a credit decision.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 80
Payroll Views
This is where the Pay Entry screens are designed. When entering payroll
information, different payroll views can be used. The view with an asterisk next to it
in the table is the default view and opens when entering Pay Entry. The view can be
changed on the Pay Entry screen by using the drop-down. All views created here
appears in the drop-down menu.
To add a new Payroll View click on the New View button.
Employee Info Tab
Recommended Employee Information fields are Salary, Base Rate, and Auto Pay. This allows for quicker wage modifications during pay entry. This is where columns on the Pay Entry screen are created that contain employee
information. To add a column, click inside the radio button of the desired field and
click the Add new column button. As columns are added, they populate in the bar
beneath the label New Payroll View. All views include Employee ID and Name as
default columns.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 81
Earning/Deduction Codes Tab
This is where columns on the Pay Entry screen are created that contain earning and
deduction information. To add a column, choose an earning or deduction code from
the drop-down menu. Then click inside the radio button to denote either hours or
amount to be entered in the field and click Add new column button. As columns are
added they populate in the template bar beneath the label New Payroll View.
Note: Choosing the Earning/Deduction Code fields for Salary Amount and Hours is
Be sure to name and describe the Payroll View to make choosing during Pay Entry
easier. To set a view as the default, flag the Default View box. Click the Save View
button, and it is saved in the Payroll Views table.
To edit a view, click on the view name and make changes. Be sure to click the Save
View button when any changes have been made. Once selections have been made,
columns can be moved by clicking and dragging them to the desired location on the
template bar.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 82
Payroll Settings
This is where payroll limits are placed on different access roles for Sage 50 Managed
Payroll. Employees that have access to Pay Entry can be limited in their ability to
impact payroll.
Enable Freeze in Payroll Grid?—For companies with larger employee counts, this
allows for quicker loading of payroll grids.
Maximum amount allowed to be entered in payroll—This is the maximum amount
that can be entered for any one employee.
Maximum number of hours to be entered in payroll—This is the maximum
number of hours that can be entered for any one employee.
Number of rows displayed in payroll grid—This is how many pay records
(employees) are displayed on the Pay Entry screen. The maximum is 50 rows.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 83
Check Calculator
Use this menu to calculate checks outside the payroll cycle. The check calculator
allows calculations for any employee and enables inquiries and check writing/printing
1. Click on the Check Calculator menu and then select the employee from the dropdown.
Note: The tax calculation can be overridden if needed by using the Tax Frequency
drop-down and/or the Override FITW % and SITW % fields. There is also the
availability for both Gross to Net and Net to Gross calculations.
2. The check date for posting the employee taxes and YTD information can be
selected by using the Selected Check Date drop-down menu (all future check
dates appear here).
3. The Printed Check Date is the date that prints on the face of the check and can
be edited by clicking on the calendar.
4. Automatic Pays (Fringe Benefits), Deductions, and Direct Deposits can be
blocked using the checkboxes next to the description. Checking the Pay Hours
box calculates a salary for employees with default hours and base rates set up in
their Pay Rate screen.
5. Using the Code drop-down list, enter any earnings and/or deductions that need
to be calculated for the check.
6. Enter hours, amount, and/or rate to be calculated for the employee. If no rate is
entered, the calculations are done based on Hours X Base Rate.
7. If using a department other than the home department assigned in the Employee
Center, use the drop-down menu to make the selection.
8. If these wages are to be assigned to a specific JobCode use the drop-down
menu to make the selection.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 84
Check Calculator, (contd.)
Note: If this is a manual check or a check to be printed onsite, a check number will
have to be entered. The employee’s taxes and YTD information post with the
Selected Check Date (top of the screen). If the check number is left as “0”,
CompuPay records the check as a live check with the Selected Check Date payroll.
9. Enter a check number and click the Calculate! button once all
earnings/deductions have been entered.
10. The bottom of the screen displays the check calculations.
11. If this is an inquiry only, navigate away from the page without saving the
12. In order for CompuPay to record YTD information for the employee, click the
Save button.
Note: The Print Check button becomes active after the calculation has been saved.
The check must be printed or saved to the local drive immediately. The Print Check
button becomes inactive after navigating away from the screen or clicking elsewhere
on the calculator screen.
13. Click the Print Statement button for a printed nonnegotiable check stub.
14. To print a check onsite, choose the Check Stock type from the drop-down menu
and click the Print Check button once the calculation has been saved.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 85
PayCheck Attributes (Pay/Check Types)
The PayCheck Attributes link under Payroll allows for the customization of payroll
checks on a per-payroll basis. You may add, change, or delete payroll attributes at
any time.
To add a check attribute, click the Add Check Attribute button. Any existing attribute
can be edited by clicking on the Pay Type code.
Note: PayCheck Attributes house the Pay Types, which are applied during the Start
Payroll process or in the overrides tab for individual employees.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 86
PayCheck Attributes, (contd.)
Override FITW%—Entering a percentage in this field forces the system to disregard
the W-4 calculation and instead use the percentage entered in this field when
processed with this check type.
Override SITW%—Entering a percentage in this field forces the system to disregard
the State Withholding calculation and instead use the percentage entered in this field
when processed with this check type.
Tax Frequency—Adjust the tax frequency on all checks processed with this check
Special Payment Flag—Indicate that checks issued with this pay type are
considered “special payments.” This applies supplemental federal and state income
tax rates, if applicable, to all checks with this check type.
Block Labor Allocations—Block any default labor allocations or fixed distributions
set up in the Employee HR Center for all checks with this check type.
Block Direct Deposits—Block all direct deposit funding on all checks processed
with this check type.
Blocked Earnings—Block selected or all earnings on all checks processed with this
check type. This can be a scrolling list of codes.
Blocked Deductions—Block selected or all deductions on all checks processed with
this check type. This can be a scrolling list of codes.
Check Stub Memo—Include a memo on the pay stubs of all checks processed with
this check type.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 87
HR Management Center
The HR Management Center is available to those assigned with Payroll Manager
rights. Unless otherwise requested, these rights are given to the primary contact in
the company.
The Payroll Manager uses the HR Management Center to add new employees to the
system and control employee access to Sage 50 Managed Payroll.
Bulk User Registration
Registering employees with this screen is the first step in giving employees Sage 50
Managed Payroll access. The Bulk User Registration screen allows multiple
employees to be registered at once. To Register Employees:
1. Select the appropriate role from the Role drop-down list. Available employees
can be filtered by using the Status, Pay Group, Employee Types, Department,
and/or Location drop-downs.
a. Employee: The Employee role only allows employees access to their
b. Payroll Manager: The Payroll Manager role gives employees view/update
access to all employees as well as the ability to enter and submit payroll.
c. Custom Roles: Any custom Sage 50 Managed Payroll roles that have been
created will also be available from the drop-down list.
2. Click the Select checkbox next to the employees being registered (by role).
3. Click the Save button.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 88
View Registration
The View Registration screen is the second step in giving employees access to Sage
50 Managed Payroll. A .pdf document with instructions on how to register with the
system is generated after the employees are registered in the Bulk User Registration
To print out the registration form:
1. Click the checkbox next to the employee’s name (or click the Select All button).
2. After the screen refreshes, click the Generate PDF button.
3. Print or email the registration to the employee.
Below is an example of the .pdf Self Registration letter.
Note: The username, password, and answers to challenge questions are casesensitive. Please make sure the employees remember not only what they entered
but how they entered those items.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 89
User Management
The User Management screen allows the Payroll Manager to change employee
roles, enable and disable users, and force a Password Change for an employee.
Click the Update User button after a change is made.
Registered Users
The Registered Users screen lists each employee who has successfully registered in
Sage 50 Managed Payroll. The screen displays each user’s role, user name, and
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 90
Employee Groups
Create Employee Groups if the organization has separate companies or if access to
specific sets of employees is being granted to managers.
Do the following to create an Employee Group.
Click Add Group.
Enter a Group Name and Description.
Click the Save button.
In the Employee Groups table, click Members to add employees to the group.
Click the checkbox next to the employees to be included in the group.
Click the Save button.
Click Managers to choose the group managers.
Click the checkbox next to the group managers.
Click the Save button.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 91
Create New Employee
The Create New Employee screen is found in the HR Management Center and
allows basic employee demographic, status, pay, and tax information to be added for
new employees. All other information such as recurring deductions, fringe benefits,
direct deposits, and accruals must be entered in the Employee Center.
While the Birth Date is
not required, it must be
entered for New Hire
reporting and 401(k)
catch-up allowances.
Note: Calendar
icons may be
selected to access a
calendar menu.
Months may be
changed by using
the right and left
arrows. To access a
larger calendar
menu click on the
Required Fields
Employee ID—This automatically populates to the next highest number. This field
can be changed during the Create New Employee process.
Last Name—There are 40 characters available. This field should reflect the
employee’s legal name that is to appear on the W-2.
First Name—There are 40 characters available. This field should reflect the
employee’s legal name that is to appear on the W-2.
City—Mailing address.
State—The drop-down includes all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
SSN—This field should be formatted 111-11-1111.
Status—The drop-down includes A, L, or T.
Cost Centers—Cost Centers have five levels available and are custom to the
company setup. Examples of Cost Center levels are Department and Location.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 92
Create New Employee, (contd.)
Required Fields
Pay Frequency—This is how often the employee is paid and taxed.
Note: While Pay Rate Information is not required, this information has to be created
in the Pay Rate screen if it is not done during the Create New Employee process.
Salaried Employee Pay Information: Enter Default Hours, Salary (this is a pay period
salary), Pay Frequency, and Auto Pay selection can be entered. Click the Calculate
Rate button to populate a Base Rate for salaried employees.
Hourly Employee Pay Information: Enter the Base Rate (hourly/unit rate of pay) and
the Pay Frequency chosen. Multiple rates of pay for hourly employees can be
created in the Pay Rate screen.
Federal Income Tax—The drop-down includes tax forms such as W-2 and 1099.
Status - Federal Tax Filing Status.
Override Tax Calc—In order for the system to disregard pay frequency and W-4
filing status, the Override Tax Calc drop-down must be set to Yes. The Additional
Amount and Percentage fields are renamed to indicate Flat. This can be done for
Federal and State Income Tax Withholding. Leaving both fields blank exempts the
employee from specific tax withholding.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 93
Create New Employee, (contd.)
State—State Income Tax Field. Custom to the company setup.
Status—State Tax Filing Status. Once the State Income Tax field is populated the
screen refreshes with the applicable Status drop-down and Notes.
Additional Amount
Additional Percentage
Unemployment State/Work State—Once the State Income Tax field is populated,
the screen refreshes and the Unemployment and Work State populates. This can be
changed if the employee is filing state taxes in the state lived in.
Employee Group—Can be created in the HR Management Center. It defaults to All
Employees. If using employee groups, this must be assigned during the Create New
Employee process.
Note: Be sure to saves all changes. The Save button is located at the bottom, lefthand corner of the active screen throughout Sage 50 Managed Payroll.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 94
Payroll Alerts
The Payroll Alerts screen is found in the HR Management Center and allows two
email alerts to be set up to one or more email accounts.
Email addresses can be entered into the Subscribers box for the two different types
of alert. Multiple email addresses can be used and must be separated by a
semicolon (;) with no space between addresses.
Payroll Processed
A separate email notification is sent for each payroll submitted and processed.
Payroll Reminder
Payroll Reminders are designed to work with the scheduled check dates that are
automatically created by Sage 50 Managed Payroll. Manually added check dates
from the Payroll Center do not receive a reminder email. Payroll Reminders are
scheduled to send emails every morning at approximately 1 a.m. ET the day before
the scheduled processing date. The processing date can be found in the check date
schedule in the Payroll Center by clicking the Add Check button or on the Payroll
Calendar in the Company Center.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 95
GL Management
The GL Management screens are provided to work hand in hand with the Sage 50
WebSync feature. A separate training guide is available to assist you with this
section of the product.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 96
Sage HRMS Management
Security must be set up to access the Payroll Sync process.
1. Open Sage HRMS Suite and log on as MASTER.
2. From the Activity Center, select System > Rules > Group Security. The Security
Groups dialog box opens.
3. Select the security group that contains the users who can be synchronizing data
with Sage 50 Managed Payroll.
4. Click More… to open the Security Group page.
5. From the Employer column, select the company to sync to CompuPay
PayrollOnline/Sage 50 Managed Payroll.
6. From the Product column, select HR.
7. From the Activity column, select Process.
8. From the Task column, select Modify, set CompuPay Sync (Sage Payroll Service
Sync) to Yes, and click OK.
9. Click OK and close the Security Groups dialog box.
Passport Account
A Passport account must be established before the Sync can be enabled or used. If
the user does not already have a Passport account, the account can be created by
going to:
Installed/Used Products
Sage HRMS Management is activated by a CompuPay Payroll Support Specialist.
In order to properly initiate the Sage HRMS Sync, the following questions must be
1. What is the Passport Account (typically an email address)?
2. Is Sage HRMS Workforce Connections (AWC) being used?
3. Is Sage HRMS Attendance being used and synced to the Sage 50 Managed
Payroll system?
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 97
Sage HRMS Management
The Sage HRMS Management can be accessed through the Centers menu. This
may or may not be available depending on the company setup.
Company Benefits
Company Benefits is found in the Sage HRMS Management Center. This area
allows benefit codes in Sage HRMS to be mapped to deduction (and sometimes
earning) codes in Sage 50 Managed Payroll. Once the first sync has been run, the
existing Sage HRMS codes are ready to map in Sage 50 Managed Payroll.
Subsequent syncs bring in any new benefits and inactivate any that have been
deleted in Sage HRMS (although deleting codes in Sage HRMS is never
recommended). Click on the Benefit code to access the benefits mapping screen.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 98
Benefit Mapping
The Employee area of the screen is used for mapping employees’ earnings (Fringe
Benefits) and/or deductions to the selected Sage HRMS benefit code.
Select the Deduction Code that corresponds to the benefit: This designates
employee 401(k) deductions and is used during payroll. When the employee
information is synced from Sage HRMS to Sage 50 Managed Payroll for the first
time, any employees enrolled in a benefit plan of 401($) in Sage HRMS will have a
corresponding deduction in Sage 50 Managed Payroll.
Note: Sage HRMS is the system of record. If a change is made to deduction
amounts in the employee’s deduction screen in Sage 50 Managed Payroll, the
changes are overridden during the next sync unless the changes are also made in
Sage HRMS prior to the next sync. Making changes to Sage HRMS fields in Sage
50 Managed Payroll is not recommended.
Select the appropriate Calc Code to be assigned when deductions are created
in Sage 50 Managed Payroll: When deductions are received from Sage HRMS,
they must be designated as either a flat amount or a percentage amount.
Select the Earning Code that corresponds to this benefit: There are very few
instances in which an Earning Code must be designated. One example is for Group
Term Life insurance (GTL). GTL is a fringe benefit that is added to gross, taxed, and
then removed from net. In scenarios such as this, an earning code must be selected
Depending on the benefit type it is possible to have only a deduction code (with a
corresponding calc code), only an earning code, or both.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 99
Benefit Mapping, (contd.)
This area of the screen is used for mapping the employer component (if applicable)
to the selected Sage HRMS benefit code.
Select the Memo Earning Code (if applicable): The employer portion of company
benefits is tracked in Sage 50 Managed Payroll as a memo earning code, such as a
401(k) match. The Memo Earning Code drop-down includes only earning codes that
are designated as memo earning types. This is an optional field for the benefit set
up. When it is blank, this means there is no employer component for this benefit
code. Upon selection of a Memo Earning Code, the Percent Type and Match Limit
fields become active.
Select the Percent Type: There are two methods for calculating the employer
percentage: % of Adj Gross and % Deduction.
% of Adj Gross—If the 401(k) match is a % of an employee’s gross wages (3% of
an employee’s wages), this option would be selected. The appropriate Code Group
to the right must then be selected [typically “401(k) Eligible Earnings” or something
similar]. The Code Group must be set up by a CompuPay Payroll Support Specialist
in order to see it in the Code Group drop-down. The Code Group must contain all
earning codes that apply to 401(k) calculations (typically fringe benefits and memo
codes are not included). During the sync process, the match percent is posted to the
Rate field on the employee Fringe Benefits screen.
% Deduction—If the 401(k) match is a % of an employee’s deduction (50% of the
deduction), this option is selected. The appropriate Deduction Code to the right must
then be selected (typically “401K” or something similar). During the sync process, the
matching percentage is posted to the Rate field on the employee Fringe Benefits
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 100
Employer Match Limit
The Match Limit section of the Company Benefit Mapping screen is used only if you
have a limit on employer match benefit codes. For example, on a 401(k) match, you
may match 50% of the first 6% of the employee's contribution. Note: Limit
information does not sync over from Sage HRMS.
Select the Match Limit type (if applicable)
None—There is no match limit.
Fixed - If this option is selected, the limit dollar amount must be entered in the
Amount field.
% of Adj Gross—If this option is selected, the Amount field changes to “Percent.”
Enter the maximum percent of the employer match. A Code Group must be selected
to designate which earning codes should be considered when calculating the limit
defined in the Percent field (typically this is the same code group that was selected if
% of Adj Gross was selected in the Percent Type section of the screen–401(k)
Eligible Earnings” or similar.)
When all settings have been selected, click the Save button.
If a benefit code employer match needs to be deactivated, go to the Memo Earning
Code drop-down and select the blank option at the top of the list.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 101
Company Absence Codes
The Company Absence Code Mappings section only applies to Sage HRMS
Attendance users.
Company Benefits is found in the Sage HRMS Management Center. The Company
Absence Code mapping screen was designed to link earning codes in Sage 50
Managed Payroll to absence reason codes set up within Sage HRMS Attendance.
Absence reasons track items such as leave of absence, jury duty, vacation, and so
The first three columns (Earning Code, Description, and Type) reflect what is
currently set up in Sage 50 Managed Payroll. The Reason Codes column lists all of
the active absence reason codes in Sage HRMS Attendance. Multiple earning
codes can be mapped to the same reason code. There may also be earning codes
with no corresponding reason code.
When a reason code might be mapped to multiple earning codes
If there is an earning code for salaried vacation and a separate earning code for
hourly vacation, both can be mapped to a reason code of “Vacation.”
Click Save to map changes.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 102
Sage HRMS Sync Maintenance
Sage HRMS Sync Maintenance is found in the Sage HRMS Management Center.
This area defines the information to be passed from Sage HRMS to Sage 50
Managed Payroll.
After the initial sync of code tables is run by the Advanced Services department, the
CompuPay team maps all benefit and/or absence reason codes to deductions and
earnings in Sage 50 Managed Payroll.
Each client can choose whether or not to include Organization Levels (Sage HRMS:
Level 1, Level 2, and so on / Sage 50 Managed Payroll: Cost Center 1, Cost Center
2, and so on) in subsequent syncs. If the levels are not synchronized, both systems
are maintained separately.
When Sage 50 Managed Payroll finds an employee labeled Salaried in Employee
Payroll Rates, the system records the employee’s Paid Salary (Pay Period Salary)
and indicates an AutoPay status of Salary.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 103
Sage HRMS Sync Maintenance, (contd.)
If an employee is labeled Hourly, the system records the Base Rate (Unit Pay Rate)
and leaves the AutoPay status blank.
If the intention is to automatically pay an hourly employee the Default Hours (Hours /
Units) recorded when starting payroll, the Advance Services team must check the
Auto Pay Hourly Wages box on the Sage HRMS Maintenance screen.
Terminated Employees
Note: Employees should not be terminated in Sage HRMS until they have received
their final paycheck in Sage 50 Managed Payroll. If an employee is terminated prior
to the final check date, please contact a CompuPay Payroll Support Specialist, as
this will have an impact on the Deductions and Fringe Benefits housed in Sage 50
Managed Payroll and any future payrolls for the employee.
Once an employee has been terminated in Sage HRMS, address changes must be
made on the Demographics screen in Sage 50 Managed Payroll in order for the W-2
to print correctly at Year End. To access the terminated records, the Status needs to
be set to Terminated or All in the Employee Filter at the top of the Demographics
screen. Terminated employees then appear in the Employee Drop-down.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 104
New Employee Payroll Data
While the Record New Hire action is performed in Sage HRMS, there are a number
of payroll related fields that must be addressed after the syncing if the new
employees are to receive pay.
Note: If the company has Deductions that cannot be entered in Sage HRMS, those
payroll specific deductions (Garnishments, Child Support, targeted deductions) must
be entered directly into Sage 50 Managed Payroll. Recurring earnings can be set up
in the Fringe Benefits area.
Required in Sage 50 Managed
Payroll for payroll processing
Additional screens that may be
pertinent to the payroll process
Additional Info
New employees must have the Marital Status and Tax Form fields completed for
payroll processing as shown in the fields on the following screen.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 105
New Employee Payroll Data, (contd.)
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 106
New employees are missing all tax information. This must be addressed before the
employees can receive pay through the Sage 50 Managed Payroll system.
Select a Tax from the Tax Type drop-down menu (Federal, State, or Local). Once
the tax has been assigned, the Tax Code drop-down customizes to the appropriate
level. For each Tax Code needed, the Effective Date automatically populates as
today’s date. This field can be future dated to the hire date but cannot have a date in
the past. Address all needed fields.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 107
Incomplete Payroll Data Impact
Check Calculator
When an employee is missing tax information (Tax Codes, Marital Status, and Tax
Form), the Check Calculator does not calculate anything for that employee. The
error shows as Need a valid Tax Form. This is to serve as a reminder that the
employee has yet to be set up for tax withholding.
Start Payroll
When starting a payroll, employees who are missing tax information are listed at the
bottom of the Start Payroll screen with the same Need valid Tax Form error. If the
employees are to be paid, their tax screen must be addressed prior to clicking the
Start Payroll Now button.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 108
Field Translation
During the sync process, information is exchanged between Sage HRMS and Sage 50 Managed
Payroll. This chart describes the fields in Sage HRMS that correspond to the fields in Sage 50
Managed Payroll and outlines the behavior that occurs during the sync process. This data flows
only from Sage HRMS to Sage 50 Managed Payroll.
ID Number
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Home Phone
Social Security
Employee ID
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Home Phone
Sage 50
Managed Payroll
Employee Status
Hire Date
Hire Date
Rehire Date
ReHire Date
Termination Date
Term Date
Email Address
Additional Info
Pay Type
Base Auto Pay
Pay Rate
Date of Birth
Job Title
(Job Code
Birth Date
Sage HRMS Field
Pay Effective Date
Sage 50 Managed
Patyroll Field
Start Date of New
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 109
Pay Rate
Salaried employees:
Base Auto Pay = “Salary”
If there is a change in pay rate
(see below) and the Pay
Effective Date is not updated,
Sage 50 Managed Payroll
updates the existing Base
Rate. If there is a change in
Unit Pay Rate
Pay Period Salary
Rate or Salary
Pay Rate
Seasonal Worker
Pay Frequency
Default Hours
Pay Frequency
Pay Rate
CC1/CC2/CC3/CC4 Status/Departme
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 110
pay rate and we receive a new
Pay Effective Date, a new
Base Rate is added to the
employee’s rate screen. Also,
the start date of the new pay
rate is populated with this
date, and the previous rate
has an end date of one day
Adds or updates the existing
base rate. For salaried
employees the amount is
placed into the salary field; the
rate of pay is calculated based
on the hours worked (Hours
received from Sage HRMS,
which are posted to the
Default Hours field).
Check box
Pay Rate
Only applies when the
Synchronize Organization
Levels box is checked in Sage
HRMS Sync Maintenance.
Sage HRMS Sync Message Log
Employee Change Listing Report
The Employee Change Listing Report can be found under either the Payroll or HR
reports in the Report Center.
1. Click on the Reports Center.
2. Choose the type of report to be run (such as Payroll, Tax, HR, and so on) and
click on the corresponding Report Menu.
3. Click the Request Report button.
4. Select the needed report from the Select Report drop-down list.
5. Choose the Format from the drop-down (PDF, Excel, Word, Text).
6. The Filter By link allows a different sort order or date range to be chosen if
7. Click the Request Reports button to generate the selected report.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 111
Sage HRMS Sync Message Log, (contd.)
The changes made in the Sage 50 Managed Payroll system are noted on the
Employee Change Listing report. The change indicates the field changed, the old
and new data, how the change was made (Sage HRMS Sync or Sage 50 Managed
Payroll), and a date and time stamp.
Example above shows:
1. Employee added through the Record New Hire action in Sage HRMS and
synced to Sage 50 Managed Payroll.
2. Employee change in Sage HRMS and synced to Sage 50 Managed Payroll.
3. Employee change in Sage 50 Managed Payroll.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 112
Information Flow
Information flows from Sage HRMS to Sage 50 Managed Payroll, Sage 50 Managed
Payroll to Sage HRMS, or both, depending on Sage HRMS products installed and
the use of Sage HRMS Workforce Connections. This section depicts how the
information flows between the software applications.
Company Benefit Codes
Org Levels (CC1 – CC5)
Employees (if not in initial setup mode which only transfers codes)1
Paychecks (if integrated with WC – Employee Self Service)
W-4 (if integrated with WC – Employee Self-Service)
Company Benefit Codes
Org Levels (CC1 – CC5)
Attendance Codes
Absence Reason Codes
Employees (if not in initial setup mode which only transfers codes)2
Absence Transactions (if not in set up mode)
Paychecks (if integrated with WC – Employee Self Service)
W-4 (if integrated with WC – Employee Self-Service)
This includes employee benefit information.
This includes employee attendance and benefit information.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 113
Incoming Data Rules
The following table illustrates how the synchronized information is processed in Sage
50 Managed Payroll.* The Sage HRMS Sync information only includes active
records found within Sage HRMS. The absence of a record is listed below as Does
Not Exist in the Sage HRMS column.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 114
Incoming Data Rules, (contd.)
Employee Records
Comparison of Data
Does Not Exist
Does Not Exist
Level in
What Payroll Does With It
Updates the employee information
Adds the employee
Terminates the Employee
Benefit Records
Comparison of Data
Does Not Exist
Does Not Exist
Level in
Does Not Exist
Does Not Exist
What Payroll Does With It
If changes, updates the information in company
Adds record to company
Inactivates record in company (Description: DO NOT USE
is applied)
If changes, updates the employee information
Adds the information to employee
No Change is Made
Absence Reason Codes (only applicable for Sage HRMS Attendance users)
Comparison of Data
Does Not Exist
Does Not Exist
Level in
What Payroll Does With It
If changes, updates the information in company
Adds record to company
Inactivates record in company (Description: DO NOT USE
is applied)
Attendance Records (only applicable for Sage HRMS Attendance users)
Comparison of Data
Does Not Exist
Does Not Exist
Level in
Does Not Exist
Does Not Exist
What Payroll Does With It
If changes, updates the information in company
Adds record to company
Inactivates record in company (Description: DO NOT USE
is applied)
If changes, updates the employee’s balance
Adds the accrual plan and balance to the employee
Inactivates accrual plan in the employee
Organization Levels (only applicable if the Synchronize Organization Levels option is selected in
Sage HRMS Sync Maintenance)
Comparison of Data
Level in
Does Not Exist
Does Not Exist
What Payroll Does With It
If changes, updates the information in company
Adds record to company
Inactivates record in company (Description: DO NOT USE
is applied)
*These tables only describe the flow of data from Sage HRMS to Sage 50 Managed Payroll. Sage HRMS users who
utilize Sage HRMS Workforce Connections receive information from Sage 50 Managed Payroll to Sage HRMS.
Information that flows from Sage 50 Managed Payroll to Sage HRMS is always processed as an update. There is no
scenario in which data would not already exist in Sage HRMS.
© CompuPay Inc. 2012 115
Outgoing Data Rules
The tables below describe the information that will be transmitted from Sage 50
Managed Payroll to Sage HRMS.
Employee W-4 Information (only applicable for Sage HRMS AWC users)
Payroll Field
Sage HRMS Field
Additional Information
Paycheck Information (only applicable for Abra AWC users)
Payroll Field
Sage HRMS Field
Additional Information
Check Header Id No
This is the check or voucher number
Void Indicator
This indicates that this was a void transaction
Pay Agency Address1
Cinfo = Company
Pay Agency Address2
Pay Agency City
Pay Agency State
Pay Agency Postal Code
First Name
Einfo - Employee
Last Name
Middle Name
Social Security Number
Period Start Date
EpayHist = Check History; period begin date
Period End Date
Period end date
Check Payment Date
Check date
Net Pay
Net pay
Sum of EPayHist
YTD Earnings
Total YTD earnings
Sum of EPayHist
YTD Deductions
Total YTD deductions
Sum of EPayHist Net
YTD Net Pay
Total YTD net pay
Bank Routing Number1
EDirDep = employee direct deposit
Bank Account Number1
Payment Amount1
Bank Routing Number2
Bank Account Number2
Payment Amount2
Bank Routing Number3
Bank Account Number3
Bank Routing Number4
Bank Account Number4
Payment Amount4
Bank Routing Number5
Bank Account Number5
If there are more than five direct deposits accounts
setup on the employee, this is a sum five through the
Payment Amount5
last direct deposit account.
Hours Worked
Total hours for the pay period
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Outgoing Data Rules, (contd.)
Paycheck Information (only applicable for Sage HRMS AWC users) (continued)
Payroll Field
Sage HRMS Field
Additional Information
Sum of
Current Earnings
Total earnings for the pay period
Sum of
Current Deductions
Total deductions for the pay period
Sum of
Current Taxes
Total taxes for the pay period
Code Desc
Deduction code description
Employee pay rate for each hours-based earning
Pay Rate
Quantity Hours
Hours for each earning code
Amount for each earning code
Sum of
YTD Amount
Total YTD amount for each earning/deduction code
Absence Transactions
(only applicable for Abra Attendance users)
Payroll Field
Sage HRMS Field
Additional Information
Check Date
Charge Date
Hours Taken
Hours paid, by earning code
Earning Code
Absence Reason Code
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Report Center
The Report Center is where reports can be printed and viewed. These reports
address all payroll and HR-related information housed in Sage 50 Managed Payroll.
The sort order and date range of each report can be modified, but they are otherwise
predefined. There are specialized menus within the Report Center such as Custom
Reports, GL, and Report Writer, which allow certain information to be exported.
Report Menus
Payroll—Houses the reports that would normally arrive with the payroll package.
Examples of Payroll reports are the Payroll Register, Check Register, Labor
Allocation Report, and Payroll Summary Reports.
Pre Process Register—Access to Pre Process Registers used when verifying
payroll entries before submission.
Tax—These reports help with reviewing the integrity of the company’s taxes.
Examples are the FICA Variance Report, State SUI, and Tax Liability Variance
Tax Returns—Houses quarterly and annual tax returns.
HR—Reports based on the HR fields housed in Sage 50 Managed Payroll.
Examples include the 401K Report, Accrual History, and Employee Profile reports.
GL—Export files for importing payroll data into accounting software.
Checks—Print paychecks from previous payrolls. Use of this screen is typically
restricted to Print Back clients.
Custom Reports—Custom reports that have been created by CompuPay’s
Professional Services.
Report Writer—An Ad Hoc reporting tool that pulls data from any field that does not
reference calculated information from the payroll tables. For example, a report can
be created that reflects each employee’s date of birth, but one could not be created
that lists the wages each employee earned over the past quarter.
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Standard Reports
1. Click on the Reports Center.
2. Choose the type of report to be run (for example: Payroll, Tax, HR, and so on)
and click on the corresponding Report Menu.
3. Click the Request Report button.
4. Select the needed report from the Select Report drop-down list.
5. Choose the Format from the drop-down (PDF, Excel, Word, Text).
6. The Filter By link allows a different sort order, date range, and other criteria to be
chosen if necessary.
7. Click the Request Report button to generate the selected report.
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Standard Reports, (contd.)
8. The report status shows as pending, and the View column is empty in the View
Payroll Reports screen until it is ready to view.
9. When the View link appears, click it to open the report.
Print or save the report using the .pdf toolbar.
Note: The report is removed from the Report Center after the PDF document has
been viewed.
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Checks (Onsite Check Printing)
The Check screen is housed in the Report Center.
It displays the Last Processed Date. The Last Current Check Date can be chosen
(default) or a Date Range. When a Date Range is entered, the Update View button
must be clicked.
The Detail Section allows specific employees to be chosen for check printing.
There is a Summary in the bottom right-hand corner of the selections.
Note: Check numbers can be changed on an individual check by clicking on the Edit
link. The number is changed and updated. This updates both the Check Register
report and the employee Pay History screen.
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Printing Options
There are three options for on-site check printing.
Print Checks Only (Checks are negotiable)—The option is available to print a
signature on the check. If no signature has been set up for the account, it displays
the message as shown above.
Print Deposit Advices Only—Only selects vouchers for print.
Print Non-Negotiable Checks—Prints a nonnegotiable copy of the checks
(statement) for record-keeping purposes.
Check Stock Selections
Once the print options, employees, and Check Stock have been chosen, the Submit
Report then allows for opening or saving a .pdf version of the checks for printing.
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Printing Options, (contd.)
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General Ledger
The General Ledger is accessed through the Sage 50 Accounting software utilizing
the WebSync Wizard.
The Sage 50 Managed Payroll service is the only outsourced payroll solution that
provides WebSync integration with the Sage 50 Accounting product.
A separate training guide is available to explain the sync process.
Custom Reports
This is where custom reports created by CompuPay Professional Services are
Report Writer
1. Click on the Reports Center.
2. Choose Report Writer.
Note: Any AdHocReports created are saved and listed here. Click Run to generate
the report.
3. Click the New AdHocReport button.
4. Name the report in the Report Name Field (required).
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Report Writer, (contd.)
5. Select the tables and fields to include on the report. Click the + to expand the
table and see the available fields.
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Report Writer, (contd.)
6. Highlight the field and click the blue right arrow to move the field onto the report
or drag and drop the field into the appropriate report area. Click the blue left arrow to
remove fields. Drag and drop the fields to reorder or highlight and use the blue up
and down arrows to the left. Fields can be deleted by highlighting and clicking the
trashcan icon.
Columns to display—These are the fields to be included on the report. Sort By—This is how the report is going to be sorted or ordered. Choose the field and then ascending or descending from the drop‐down. Filter—Add filters to widen or restrict the report results. The Operator =, >=, <=, <> (not equal to), Like, or Unlike is chosen from the drop‐down and the field value populated. 7. Click the Save button once all fields have been added.
8. Click the Save & Run button to view the report.
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Report Writer, (contd.)
9. There are two options for exporting the report, Excel and Word. Depending on
the chosen option, the report opens in that program.
Report Writer has two special operators for use in the Filter area: Like and Not Like.
These two options can be used with the wildcard character (%) to instruct Sage 50
Managed Payroll to search the column for strings that include/exclude the value.
Note: The Like/Not Like feature cannot be used on date fields.
The wildcard would be placed before and after the value in the Operator Value field.
Starts With
The wildcard would be placed after the value in the Operator Value field.
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Report Writer, (contd.)
10. Click the Edit Report button if changes need to be made to the report.
11. Click the Report List button to get back to the AdHocReports screen.
12. The newly created report is saved here.
If a report contains more than 500 rows, it needs to be exported as a comma
delimited report and opened in Excel. The option to Open or Save is given after
clicking on the Click here to export all rows for this report in a comma separated
format link.
Note: The maximum number of rows allowed on a report is 25,000.
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