Pitesti, Romania
Pitesti, Romania
MINISTRY OF ECONOMY, TRADE and BUSSINESS ENVIRONMENT RAAN – State Company for Nuclear Activities Pitesti, Romania Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 1 RAAN – State Company for Nuclear Activities Institute for Nuclear Research, Pitesti INR Looking to the Future Ilie TURCU, Constantin PAUNOIU, Marin CIOCANESCU Institute for Nuclear Research – INR, Romania Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 2 Nuclear Power Programme Cernavoda Candu unit 1 – commercial operation 1996 Cernavoda Candu unit 2 – commercial operation 2007 Cernavoda Candu unit 3 and 4 – under development Spent fuel and radioactive waste safe repositories Long term options: Advanced nuclear power reactors and fuel cycles; GEN IV Second NPP – to be decided Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 3 INR Mission Scientific and technical national support for Cernavoda unit 1 and unit 2 safe operation during plant lifetime. Contribution to the international R&D effort to develop advanced NPP and Generation IV nuclear power reactors. Education, training and knowledge management. R&D infrastructure operation, maintenance and upgrading. International Cooperation Provide specific nuclear services, products and equipment for NPP Support for non-power nuclear energy application (radioisotopes) Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 4 Scientific and technical support throughout its life Maintain and develop capabilities (R&D and expertise) to solve operational and licensing issues during plant lifetime. Help ensure sustainability of NPP (nuclear safety, waste management) and lifetime extension. International obligations: - Convention on Nuclear Safety (art. 11.2) IAEA INSAG 16, Maintaining Knowledge, Training and Infrastructure for Research and Development in Nuclear Safety - EU Council Directive 71/2009 (art. 6.5, art. 7) Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 5 Scientific and technical support Technical areas, safety related - - Reactor physics Thermalhydraulics Nuclear fuel Fuel channel Materials Equipments and components Spent fuel and waste management behavior during transient/abnormal/accident conditions Accident analysis (deterministic and probabilistic) Technical basis, standards, regulations Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 6 Scientific and technical support National Framework - Regular R&D programs Cernavoda NPP R&D Agreement Technical assistance for COG R&D AECL R&D Agreement COG R&D programs Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 7 Research and Development Regular Programs Nuclear Power Nuclear Safety Fuel Channel Nuclear Fuel Fuel Handling Radwaste Management Radioprotection Steam Generator Systems & Equipment Chemistry of Circuits Instrumentation & Control Ageing, PLIM Other Programs TRIGA Reactor Radioisotopes Applications of Nuclear Techniques Heavy Water Support for International Cooperation Advanced reactors and fuel cycles Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 8 Scientific and technical support Nuclear Safety Reactor Physics Analysis Reactor Physics Computer Methods and Codes Development Development of experimental methods for reactor physics Thermo-hydraulic Analysis Plant behavior during severe accident conditions Nuclear Safety Analysis for NPP PSA for Cernavoda NPP, research reactors Safety Assessment for Radioactive Wastes Repositories 9 Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA Scientific and technical support Fuel Channel Program DHC and fracture Irradiation behavior and deformation Corrosion and hydrogen pick-up Methods and equipment for measurement of hydrogen content in P/T material Methods and equipment for post-irradiation examination of pressure tubes Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 10 Scientific and technical support Nuclear Fuel Program Development and validation of computer codes describing fuel behavior in normal operating conditions Design of SEU / RU advanced fuel bundle Manufacturing technologies for advanced fuel bundle TRIGA irradiation tests and out-of-pile tests Fuel behaviour during accident conditions (LOCA and RIA) Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 11 Scientific and technical support Fuel Handling Program Qualification of Fuelling Machine (F/M) head testing facility Computer system for F/M head testing Software for checking NPP fuel handling programs Technologies for testing of F/M head Technical assistance for operation and maintenance of Cernavoda NPP fuel handling system Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 12 Scientific and technical support Radioactive Waste Management Program Technologies for treatment of liquid and gaseous wastes generated by Cernavoda NPP Characterization of site foreseen for LLW / ILW disposal Safety assessment of LLW / ILW final repository Technologies for treatment and conditioning of INR hot cell radwastes Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 13 Scientific and technical support Chemistry of Cernavoda NPP Circuits Corrosion of PHTS structural materials in normal and abnormal operating conditions Decontamination techniques Water chemistry and transport of corrosion products Corrosion of structural materials from secondary circuit Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 14 Scientific and technical support Systems and Equipment Program Contributions to the development and implementation of a Plant Life Management Program for Cernavoda NPP Improved design and manufacturing of Failed Fuel Location System Computerized data acquisition systems for surveillance of Cernavoda NPP reactor core components Design and manufacturing of a new Gross Activity Monitor for surveillance of reactor activity in Cernavoda NPP Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 15 Scientific and technical support Instrumentation and Control Integrated radiation monitoring system Fixed area monitors Radiation detectors Ageing mechanisms Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 16 Scientific and technical support Canadian Co-operation Collaboration with AECL - CANADA, started in 1999 under the Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in the research and development of nuclear energy and technology between Romania and Canada, is foreseeing joint research activities in the fields of: – CANDU nuclear fuel; – Nuclear safety; – Nuclear Power Plant life management Projects with AECL – – – Power cycling condition for Candu fuel in C9 capsule of TRIGA reactor; Fatigue test for Zircaloy - 4 sheaths; Transfer, implementation and validation of computer codes for nuclear safety analysis and design. COG Projects – – Cernavoda technical assistance for COG R&D programs (Fuel channel, Plant chemistry, Safety and licensing, Radioprotection, Computer programs; Developing Irradiated Testing Facilities at ICN Pitesti ; to develop the capability to test irradiated material in the hot cells at ICN Pitesti. Types of tests to be develop cover DHC testing and associated with material (PT) surveillance. Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 17 Scientific and Technical Support Technical Assistance for COG R&D Programs A number of 336 COG documents were analyzed by the ICN Technical Team during the 2008 – 2010 under five COG R&D Programs: Fuel Channels (5) Safety & Licensing (4) Health, Safety and Environment (7) Chemistry, Materials & Components (8) Industry Standard Toolset (17) COG R&D contract: Developing Irradiated Testing Facilities at ICN Pitesti Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 18 Contribution to advanced reactors and fuel cycles Generation IV nuclear power reactors LFR: Lead fast reactors Participation in ELSY, LEADER, ADRIANA Involvement in ALFRED Governmental approval (February 2011) for: proposal to host ALFRED INR to represent Romania in the future consortium Reporting to Prime Minister the status every 6 months Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 19 Generation IV nuclear power reactors LEADER: Lead-cooled European Advanced DEmonstration Reactor Objectives: - to design a scaled demonstrator fully representative of the industrial size reactor - to evaluate safety aspects and perform a preliminary safety analysis - to minimise the cost of the demonstrator to define the main suitable - to use components/technologies already available in the short term to be able to proceed in the near future to a detailed design followed by the construction phase INR participation: 40 person*months: WP2 (Core Design); WP4 (instrumentation and Control); WP1 (Reference Design Objectives and Specification) Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 20 Generation IV nuclear power reactors Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 21 Education, training and knowledge management INR Staff Breakdown by qualification 45% 40% 35% 200 30% mar.07 180 25% 160 20% 140 Nov-07 120 15% 100 Mar-07 10% Nov-07 5% 80 60 40 0% Nuclear Scientists/Engineers Technical staff 20 Administration and Services 0 Researchers Nuclear Scientists/Engineers 237 244 Researchers Technical staff 296 277 Administration and Services 125 Total 658 PhD PhD students MSc students 117 185 PhD 31 33 137 PhD students 27 28 658 MSc students 51 37 Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 22 Education, training and knowledge management Estimated for next 10 years Total number of Approximate age span of nuclear experts in Need for new (to replace nuclear 2010 the retired experts + for experts/researc new nuclear projects) hers* in 2010 within: Below 35: Between 35-45: 49 (18%) 59 (21%) 276 Between Above 55 1 year 5 years 45-55 100 (36%) 10 years 68 (25%) 22+10 29+100 38+100 Need for abour 300 more experts during the next 10 years Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 23 Education, training and knowledge management University cooperation and training - Pitesti University - Bucharest Politechnical University - Students diploma disertations Masters PHD Students fellowships - Hosting IAEA fellowships - IAEA Knowledge Management projects - Implementation of INR Knowledge management strategy Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 24 R&D infrastructure operation, maintenance and upgrading Main R&D Facilities at INR Large Irradiation Facility: 14 MW TRIGA Steady State Reactor and Pulse Reactor, Irradiation devices Hot Cells Out-of-Pile High Pressure Loops Laboratories for Testing / Investigation of Materials Radioactive Waste Treatment / Conditioning Facility Fuelling Machine (F/M) Heads Testing Rig Workshop s for manufacturing of irradiation devices and fuel element instrumentation Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 25 R&D infrastructure operation, maintenance and upgrading TRIGA Reactor Program Upgrading and extending existing infrastructure Irradiation devices Laboratory equipments Radioactive waste management station Education and training center facilities Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 26 International Cooperation R&D Agreements and technical cooperation AECL - Canada CEA – France ITU- Germany KAERI- Korea IRSN-France JSI – Slovenia SCK-CEN – Belgie Ansaldo Nucleare- Italy, ENEA-Italy LANL – Los Alamos National Laboratory ORNL- Oak Ridge National Laboratory ANL- Argonne National Laboratory BNL – Brookhaven National Laboratory SNL - Sandia National Laboratory IAEA, EU, CANDU Owners Group, US DOE Expected: NEA/OECD Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 27 International Cooperation EU R&D Framework Programs FP5 EURATOM: PHEBEN 2, Validating Severe Accident Codes Against Phebus FP for Plant Applications - integral codes for LWR and guidelines for optimum code use for the various applications (2002 – 2005) FP6EURATOM: SARNET, NoE in Nuclear Reactors Severe Accidents COWAM2, Community waste management: Improving the governance of nuclear waste management and disposal in Europe HOTLAB: European Hot Laboratories Research Capacities and Needs - to set up a hot laboratories network in support of the nuclear energy safety optimization and long-term management of radioactive waste NULIFE, NOE on Nuclear Plant Life Prediction - framework for continuing professional development of its personnel via targeted internal training, exchange of best practices and where appropriate mobility/exchanges CIP, COWAM in Practice - to assist local communities directly with their engagement on their particular siting programmes - and to capture the learning from that experience and to prepare EU-level guidance for the implementation and improvement of inclusive radioactive waste management approaches MTR+I3, Materials Testing Reactors Innovations – strengthening the European experimental potential in materials and nuclear fuel testing ELSY, Generation IV Reactors- European Lead System – to develop a lead-cooled fast reactor concept Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 28 International Cooperation EU R&D Framework Programs FP7 EURATOM participation: CARBOWASTE, Waste management, Graphite LEADER, Generation IV Reactors- European Lead System – to develop a leadcooled fast reactor concept SARNET-II, NoE in Nuclear Reactors Severe Accidents ADRIANA, Infrastructure for Generation 4 reactors STYLE, Materials Investigations for NPP (non-pressure vessels components) MATTER, Advanced materials for generation 4 During the period 2003-2010: 15 EU FP projects FP7 EURATOM Call 2011: partner in 4 proposals Expected an enhanced involvement for remaining FP7 and future FP8 29 Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA International Cooperation EU research area SNETP IGD-TP EERA APSA (JRC IE Petten) Expected: ENEN ETSON 30 Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA International Cooperation IAEA Regular Projects with INR as the main recipient: Development and testing of locally made fuel elements Building Nuclear Safety capabilities Development of the Cernavoda Probabilistic Safety Evaluation Studies Plant commissioning requirements and training Radiological protection Licensing of test facilities for CANDU 600 fuelling machine Full conversion of TRIGA 14-Mw Core from HEU to LEU Regional projects Training courses, scientific visits, expert missions, etc. Ex: RER/9/076 Strengthening Safety and Reliability of Nuclear Fuel and Materials in Nuclear Power Plants: Upgrading the Hot Cells at INR Pitesti and development of the CANDU spent fuel examination technologies. Others co-operation forms: Research contracts INR contribution to the IAEA activities (development of standards, experts) 31 Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH Pitesti, ROMANIA 1, Campului Street 115400 Mioveni, Arges POB 78, Pitesti ROMANIA Tel: (+40) 248 213400 Fax: (+40) 248 262449 email: office@nuclear.ro Web: http://www.nuclear.ro Nuclear 2011, May 25-27, Pitesti ROMANIA 32
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