Durham College partners with Ajax firm to wash away graffiti


Durham College partners with Ajax firm to wash away graffiti
Durham College partners with Ajax firm to wash away graffiti
College to prepare
nies are able to have extensive and technologically advanced studies done at a reduced
Founder and president of Hotwash Inc., Ed
Gledhill, is grateful for the opportunities the
partnership will provide.
"The resources at Durham College's disposnewsroom@durhamregion.com
al are invaluable
to a business of
Durham College will help
our type," Mr.
develop and market an innovative product
in a statement.
for Ajax-based graffiti removal company
Hotwash Inc.
The local company's Gelled Green Graffiti
program and
wonderRemover is an environmentally responsible
ful staff runsolution used to restore vandalized surfaces
g t h e departto their previous condition, minimizing the a
need for replacement.
Tl*t A
ment, we would
have been greatThe partnership is the newest for Durham College's office of research services
ly hampered in
and innovation. Since the office's creation in
our efforts to
take this prodearly 2010, students and faculty have worked
uct to market. It
to develop and market a host of inventive
products for various companies.
is a great feeling
knowing that the
"We value being able to focus on providing disposal are
resources are out
safe, green products to industrial customers. invaluable to a
there and othThis collaboration is focused on both enviers are genuinely
ronmentally and financially responsible and business of our
concerned and
effective business solutions," director Debbie type. Ed Gledhill of
driven to help
McKee Demczyk said in a statement.
Hotwash Inc.
develop a greenPartnerships such as these offer one-of-aer future."
kind opportunities for both the college and
T h e
partnered businesses. Students and faculty
are able to gain crucial industry experience Ajax-based business's Gelled Green Graffiti
in research and development, while compa- Remover was developed with the help of fel-
The Durham College initiative will take two
low Ajax-based company Bri-Jess Industries.
After employees from Hotwash Inc. were months to complete and is being headed by
injured while using existing graffiti remov- professor Maureen Calhoun from the school
al products, the company worked with its of science and engineering technology.
chemical supplier, Bri-Jess industries, to
develop the new environmentally friendly
Tara Hatherly is a Durham College journalism student
on placement with the News Advertiser.
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Durham College partners with
Ajax business to wash away graffiti
College to
environmentally safe
for market
DURHAM — Durham College will help develop and
market an innovative product for Ajax-based graffiti removal company Hotwash Inc.
The local company's Gelled Green Graffiti Remover is an environmentally responsible solution used
to restore vandalized surfaces to their previous
condition, minimizing the need for replacement.
The partnership is the newest for Durham College's office of research services and innovation.
Since the office's creation in early 2010, students
and faculty have worked to develop and market a
host of inventive products for various companies.
"The office of research services and innovation
is pleased to welcome Hotwash Inc. as its newest partner in this intriguing and exciting research
project," director Debbie McKee Demczyk said in
a statement. "We value being able to focus on providing safe, green products to industrial customers. This collaboration is focused on both environmentally and financially responsible and effective
business solutions."
Partnerships such as these offer one-of-a-kind
opportunities for both the college and partnered
businesses. Students and faculty are able to gain
crucial industry experience in research and development, while companies are able to have extensive and technologically advanced studies done at
a reduced cost.
Founder and president of Hotwash Inc., Ed Gledhill, is grateful for the opportunities the partnership will provide.
"The resources at Durham College's disposal are
invaluable to a business of our type," Mr. Gledhill
said in a statement. "Without the program and the
wonderful staff running the department, we would
have been greatly hampered in our efforts to take
this product to market. It is a great feeling knowing that the resources are out there and others are
genuinely concerned and driven to help develop a
greener future."
The Ajax-based business's Gelled Green Graffiti Remover was developed with the help of fellow
Ajax-based company Bri-Jess Industries.
After employees from Hotwash Inc. were injured
while using existing graffiti removal products, the
company worked with its chemical supplier, BriJess industries, to develop the new environmental-
ly friendly product.
The Durham College initiative will take
two months to complete and is being
headed by professor Maureen Calhoun
from the school of science ,and engineering technology. Two students from the
college's chemical engineering technology program will collaborate on the study
to test the product's effectiveness and
ensure it is both environmentally and user
. Durham College is able to complete
advanced research initiatives such as
these thanks to the school's membership
with Colleges Ontario Network for Indus-
W W The resources at
Durham College's disposal are
invaluable to a business of our type.
Ed Gledhill
try Innovation. CONII provides funding to
member schools from Ontario's Ministry
of Research and Innovation.
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