Urbino and dukes` Courts


Urbino and dukes` Courts
cycle tour
cycle tour
Starting and finishing point:
Urbino, piazza Mercatale
420 (start), 550 (max)
Recommended bicycles:
Racing or Mountain bike
Total length:
km. 74,7
Estimated time:
3:30 h / 4 h
Total ascent/descent:
m. 822
Level of difficulty:
Type of road:
Intended for:
amateur cyclists
and dukes'
How to reach Urbino:
From the Coast: Autostrada A14, Pesaro Exit •
follow road signs for Urbino (S.P 423)
From Inland: S.S. 73 bis, follow road signs for Urbino
History and nature are the themes of this
itinerary, a trip through the heart of Montefeltro. The route is quite undulating and
does not have any particularly difficult
climbs (max. alt. 550 m). The hilly sections
are separated by long stretches of flat road.
Cover: Urbino, view of the Ducal Palace
with its characteristic towers
1. Urbino. Courtyard of Palazzo Ducale
2. Sant’Angelo in Vado. The hamlet
and its overlooking civic Tower
3. Raffaello Sanzio, Portrait
of a Gentlewoman, Galleria Nazionale
delle Marche, Urbino
Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino
tourist information
Urbino W 420 R 35
Standing on two hills, Urbino is the ancient capital of the Montefeltro
dukedom. The city is one of the most important art centres in the
world and has been recognised by UNESCO as being a world heritage
site. Its ancient origins date back to the III Century B.C. when Urvinum
Mataurense received the title of Roman municipality. During its
century-long history, Urbino enjoyed a period of maximum splendour
during the Renaissance period under the “enlightened” rule of Duca
Federico da Montefeltro, of which palazzo Ducale (ducal palace) is the
symbolic monument. Palazzo Ducale currently houses works of art
including the “Flagellation” and the “Madonna di Senigallia” by Piero
della Francesca and “The Portrait of a Lady” by Raphael (Raffaello
Sanzio). Places to visit: The Oratory of San Giovanni to admire the
frescoes by the Salimbeni brothers, the birthplace of Raphael, the
monastery of Santa Chiara and the “Duomo”. A visit to the Albornoz
fortress (Fortezza Albornoz) is highly recommended, and from where
there is a beautiful panorama over the city and valleys beneath. Urbino
is quite a lively place, thanks also to the presence of numerous
students attending the city's prestigious and ancient University.
Information: I.A.T. - Tourist Office, tel. 0722 2613.
Piandimeleto W 319 R 56
The town is situated on the upland plain of the Upper Foglia Valley
(Alta Valle del Foglia). Immersed in lush greenery, it is a haven for
nature loving tourists and day-trippers. A characteristic feature of
Piandimeleto is the “Castello dei Conti Oliva” located in the medieval
heart of the old centre and dating back to the XV Century. Another
place worth visiting is the parish church of San Biagio where there are
two gothic tombstones and a fresco dated 1576. The mushroom
festival and fair is held every year in San Sisto. Information: Town Hall,
tel. 0722 721121; Town museums, tel. 0722 721528.
m. 600
Sant’Angelo in Vado
Sant'Angelo in Vado W 355 R 63
A town in the Upper Metaurus Valley built on the ruins of the ancient
Roman Tiphernum Mataurense. Sant'Angelo in Vado is the birthplace of
the brothers Taddeo and Federico Zuccari, famous painters who were
active in XVI Century Rome. The town's numerous monuments include:
the fourteenth century Palazzo della Ragione overlooked by the Torre
Civica from the same period, Palazzo Grifoni, the Cathedral dedicated
to San Michele Arcangelo (St. Michael the Archangel), the town's
patron saint, and the church of San Francesco. The area is also truffle
country and each year hosts the important “Marche White Truffle
National Show”. Information: Tourist Office, tel. 0722 88455.
Cascata del Sasso W 359 R 63
In the area of the industrial estate of Sant'Angelo in Vado, the
Metaurus River falls naturally to form the Cascata del Sasso, one of the
ten largest natural falls in Italy, 60 metres wide and dropping a
distance of 15 metres. The rather abrupt change in level that produces
this spectacular scenario is the result of heterogeneous rock
formations along the course of the river. Along this stretch, in
particular, the Metaurus crosses, in this order, the Schlier, Biscario and
Scaglia Cinerea formations. A convenient parking area with services for
campers is located opposite the waterfall.
W = altitude above sea level in meters
R = distance from Pesaro in kilometres
70,0 74,7
cycle tour
Tour, starting point
Other tours
Dual carriageway, exit
Main roads
Secondary roads
Places of natural interest
Uphill stretch
Scale 1:110000
The start point is piazzale Mercatale in Urbino (car and bus park). The piazzale is located under Palazzo Ducale and has a telephone,
bar and fountain. The car park gets rather full during winter months.
km. 0
Zero the milometer under the arch in via Mazzini [W 420]. At the stop sign, turn right towards Arezzo. Continue along the main road
(S.S. 73 bis) following the signs for Urbania.
km. 12,2
Start the descent towards Urbania. Take care on the bends!
km. 14,9
Urbania is at the bottom of the hill [W 280]. 500 m. further on, continue to the right towards S.Angelo in Vado
and at the next roundabout keep on the road to S.Angelo in Vado.
km. 16,3
At the crossroads, go straight-on in the direction of S.Angelo in Vado. Follow the signs for S.Angelo in Vado for a few kilometres.
km. 23,5
At the set of traffic lights, go straight-on. On the left the industrial zone and the Cascata del Sasso.
km. 24,3
Sant’Angelo in Vado [W 355]. After 200 m, turn right at the junction towards Piandimeleto. The road starts to climb.
km. 28,6
At the junction, continue straight-on towards Piandimeleto [W 550]. After approximately 2 km of more or less level road,
continue downhill towards Piandimeleto.
km. 34,4
Piandimeleto is at the bottom of the hill [W 319], 100 m further on follow the signs for Mercatale (from hereon, the route continues
straight along the Valle del Foglia to Km 60).
km. 34,7
At the stop sign, follow the directions to Mercatale. 500 m. further on, follow the signs for Lunano.
km. 36,5
Lunano [W 297], 200 m. further on, follow the signs for Mercatale.
km. 36,9
At the junction, follow the signs for Lunano. After 500 m, continue following the signs for Lunano.
km. 37,7
Follow the signs for Pesaro. For the next few km, continue towards Pesaro - Urbino.
km. 44,7
Mercatale. At the next junction, and for the next few km, follow the signs for Pesaro.
km. 54,3
Follow the signs for Casinina. Continue towards Casinina for the next few km.
km. 55,9
Start of Casinina [W 135]. Follow the signs for Pesaro for the next few km.
km. 57,9
Start of a fast stretch of main road. Follow the signs for Pesaro.
km. 60,3
At the junction, follow the signs for Urbino. Continue following the signs for Urbino for the next few km.
After 1.3 Km, the road starts to climb towards Urbino.
km. 63,6
Villa Schieti. Follow the signs for Urbino for the next few km.
km. 68,8
Gadana [W 378].
km. 70,9
Start of Urbino.
km. 72
Follow the signs for Pesaro, Fano, Roma.. Follow this same direction at the next roundabout.
km. 73,5
At the roundabout, follow the signs for Arezzo.
km. 74.7
Arrival in Piazza Mercatale.
place of historical interest
place of naturalistic interest
crossroads can be misleading
traffic can make this stretch dangerous
W = altitude above sea level in meters